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16221040 No.16221040 [Reply] [Original]


>New Player Guide/FAQ:


Previous Thread:

Questions, stories, art, and character or pet sheets are always welcome. Hope your adventure is going well.

>> No.16221293

Are there actually any good bows out there? I used one for a long time then realized the damage was pretty bad after a while. Switched to a unique repeating crossbow and the damage is way better.

>> No.16221319

How do you call hunting down a adventurer for the better part of a year because a oracle scroll said he had the mechanical lure and thus he had to die for the glory of Ehekatl (and laziness because screw buying actual bait) and when you finally track him down after a Benny Hill-esque chase along the entirety of North Tyris and kill him in a duel turns out he doesn't have it anymore?

>> No.16221339

Hard Target

>> No.16221387

Is this a bug of some sort? When I identify all my items, it treats any miracle and above item as a normal item, so I only have to pay for the cost of a normal identify for that item rather than have to pay for an investigation to ID it.

>> No.16221399

Also, why is my little girl so retarded? Why is she quaffing potions I gave her when there's absolutely no hostilities going on?

>> No.16221407

As far as static artifacts go, you don't really have many options as a bow or crossbow user. Since you're asking for bows, Rainbow, Heltiarre, and Dokuro-Mikaduki should be looked at. If none of those appeal to you, you may want to consider trying to aim for a living bow, using a material kit, and leveling it with things you think make for a good bow.

Makes me wonder if it's one of those no drop precious items or if adventurers trade or get rid of things when their inventory is full. Did you check his inventory before you dueled him to see if he has it? Maybe you need to pickpocket it.

>> No.16221416

Checked the inventory first, didn't have it, killed him out of spite anyway.

>> No.16221493

So I gave an NPC a rotted version of the food they wanted for a quest. He then died from food poisoning. What the hell? Are they that weak? Also, is he dead permanently?

>> No.16221516

When you give a pet something consumable they think that you want them to consume it. You can give them a stack all at once and they'll only consume one item of the stack and just hang on to the rest. It goes without saying but pet AI has and is still being worked on. Custom at least made the pet AI better at combat. You certainly can give the pet consumables to hold onto just expect her to take from the pile as payment for you treating her like a mule. A better solution is to just drop stuff you don't need at home or use the 4th dimensional pocket spell or that one mirror object that acts like the spell.

>> No.16221523

I don't care to treat her like a pack mule and she can't carry all that much extra anyway. I want her to use them in a fight if she's getting fucked so she doesn't die, desu.

>> No.16221578

I noticed that when I tell him to identify all of my stuff that there are random items he can't seem to identify without investigating. Doesn't even need to be godly or precious as I've seen even miracle things not identified with the identify all option.

It's either a bug or wizard guy is merely using scrolls to identify your stuff and he runs out of the regular identify scrolls. For him to tap into the greater identify scrolls you need to pay him to "investigate". A third option is Yacatect appeared before all the wizards instructing them on how better to fleece their customers.

>> No.16221621

What you want I don't think is possible at the moment. Maybe you can put that as a suggestion on Anna's blog or forum post on the wiki since she's the creator of Elona Custom and has been tweaking pet AI. Right now you'll need to either hand her potions one at a time when they need it, use alchemy rain, or cast healing rain to heal pets.

>> No.16221634

NPCs eventually respawn. It may take awhile though.

>> No.16221643

i suspect that individual items have individual identify thresholds, possibly based on the power of the item's enchants
you don't notice it with id scrolls since they have a fixed power, but with the spell it's pretty evident
mine gets like 95% of miracle and 50% of godly, and when the godly is id'd the enchantments are usually trash

>> No.16221676

Or just throw the potions at her. That's what I normally do.

>> No.16221944

you can avoid that by walking/escaping out of the map before the NPC finishes to eat and re-enter

>> No.16222050

playing Elona for the first time here
>inb4 read the controls page
Does Dark Souls get their boss names from here?
"Moaning Sinner", "Guardian of Virtue" I get these are just words stuck together, which sometimes results in funny names, but sometimes they feel very Dark Souls like

>> No.16222247

Phew! This 15 instruction limit for the Custom AI is becoming a pain to deal with, especially when resistances and buffs come in to play (fucking Grass Dancers get out reeeeeeee).
I wouldn't mind having another 15 instructions to work with but i can see how that would become slightly OP (or underused) pretty fast.

So, if the creator of Custom ever reads this, i'd like to propose a slightly different system for the AI, assuming the original maker or whoever decides to collaborate or continue the project can work it out in the game.

1: the variety of instructions is much more expanded, still simple to understand but similar in power to a almost full fledged scripting language.
2: much more space for instructions, even infinite if possible
3: the amounts of lines of code a pet can read every [TIME] is equal to a fraction of the learning stat (so a long program will take the pet much more time to parse than a simple "go there, hit stuff, repeat")
4: the [TIME] could be either every turn (would need pets with high speed a fuckton of LER to properly execute) or every action (that would make SPD too strong in the calculation) or some combination of the two (SPD/10?)

Dunno, just throwing it out there.

>> No.16222311

How come nobody ever votes for the player when werewolf attacks and assassinations only happen when they're in town? Somebody's bound to get suspicious sooner or later.

>> No.16222746


How do you call hunting down a adventurer for the better part of a year because a oracle scroll said he had the mechanical lure and thus he had to die for the glory of Ehekatl (and laziness because screw buying actual bait) and when you finally track him down after a Benny Hill-esque chase along the entirety of North Tyris and kill him in a duel turns out he doesn't have it anymore?
And then you go to your house and realize you had one all along?

>> No.16223223

Give her first aid kits
Pets only use them at low health, build them with whisky, a washing, and a healthy leaf.

I typically spam healing rain and throw soma/jure potions at pets.

>> No.16223583
File: 233 KB, 1284x773, Derphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on with the prostitutes in Derphy? I was looking for a vendor to invest in to raise charisma but ran into a prostitute and was shocked at the price of her services. I went around and saw that it's not just her charging around 46k for a fling but the rest of them charge that as well. I could of sworn prostitute prices were only in the hundreds several game versions back.

These prostitutes are really cheeky. There's adventurers out there keeping the world safe clearing dungeons not making nearly as much as these prostitutes. She really expects that if she spreads her legs for one night to be set for life? My character's mother Yuki always told me to stay away from Derphy women. Thanks mama Yuki.

>> No.16223642

I'm not gonna lie, I myself am a prostitute, a VERY expensive one in fact. I invest a lot in all the shops, then I get the money back by "investing" my body.
I remember this one time where I got 100k from a single shopkeeper in Larna. She was insane for more than one day and I was considered a criminal.

>> No.16223859

Where do you guys find fanart? Do I have to look it up on pixiv in Japanese or something?

>> No.16224388
File: 243 KB, 947x644, 60171852_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixiv tags for the game are just "Elona" and "elona".

>> No.16224526
File: 266 KB, 622x414, Capture6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I be looking for in my gear as a new character? Is a 6dv, 1pv, 3 perception gain worth losing fire resist#? Is it cheaper/easier to get certain things from particular types of gear? What's the relative value between dv, pv, resist, stats, etc...?

>> No.16224604

In customizing AI, whats a good default command that most AI will follow so I dont get that "doesnt know what to do" message?
I feel like I'm missing something. Yeah I read the guide.

>> No.16225195

how the FUCK do I use an altar?

>> No.16225526

For armor, you want PV, DV, immunities and resists on all your gear although I would say resists and immunities(stuff that negates stuff or allows you to see things that are invisible) are more important to have. Attribute bonuses and enchants that improve your skill are nice to have but not necessarily important. Depending on what your character is, enchants that increase your chance for extra melee/range attack or enhances spells are just as important and noteworthy to have as resists and immunities. The maintain stuff is nice but not necessarily important to have.

Definitely be the lookout for the above and take advantage of the blacksmith when you find something worth upgrading. You can get +2 to PV and DV each time you upgrade your armor piece through the blacksmith. Since the max upgrade is +10 that's a nice +20 to both PV and DV on top of whatever the armor piece was giving. Also pay attention to the material of the armor piece as certain material pieces guarantee certain things on armor. For instance, armor pieces made out of glass give bonuses to speed which is very hard to raise for players starting out and may be a material type to look out for. Here's the wiki page for more info on material type.


I wouldn't sweat the gear differences of the two you're comparing at the moment. Both pieces don't seem really notable so wear whatever you want as you won't see a drastic improvement to your survival. When stuff improves your PV and DV by 10 or more points and the resists are at #### or better then you can start worrying about comparing gear.

Hit spacebar. Might want to take a look at the controls page on the wiki.


>> No.16225550


At the penultimate position, for a melee pet, (if, target, distance > 1, move forward.)

At the very bottom, put (if, target, distance = 1, attack melee )

>> No.16225784


He's likely referring to the minor intrinsic bonus that metal objects give to resistance; early game, the minor resistance bonuses really need to be stacked up (like say, wearing a full outfit of the same material) to really matter, and a minor stat increase is significantly more important as it makes up a larger percentage of your stat total wheres your BST is can be as low as single digits. I would probably swap out for the perl gear, as the higher stats indicate that this particular piece of gear is probably of a higher quality rating than what you were wearing before. One thing to keep in mind however is what your dominant armor class (light, medium, heavy) is and how your equipment effects that class: my character is best served wearing medium armor, but whenever he equips either both his ranged weapon or the Axe of Destruction, it puts him into the heavy class, forcing me to leave one or the other unequipped if I want to make the most of my defensive capabilities.

Above all, traits that make you immune to certain status effects (blind, poisons, ect.) are the most desirable, followed by pure magic resistance and elemental resistances after that. By default, the basic breastplate (not the "breast plate" with a space between it) grants immunity to fear, which allows you to fight the otherwise annoying ghost-type monsters effectively early game where not being able to attack could lead to a death sentence, or at least a reason to retreat.

>> No.16227365

Wizards of Elea are currently my biggest foe, they kill me in two hits from full health. I have a -# magic resit mutation and have had no luck finding a potion of cure mutation, so that might be part of it. I think it's nerve bolt or chaos bolt, but I haven't seen much gear with those resists, none of it usable because of negative enchants. I've only run into one invisible enemy so I'm not too concerned with them yet, but I'll hold on to anything that gives that. I'm a gunner so fearful/confusing/paralyzing touch isn't an issue for me, but my little girl could use poison immunity.

Speaking of gunning, is there any way to prevent my ranged attack from targeting friendly and neutral npcs? In melee I displace instead of attacking, but it's a pain to manually check my target any time a cat or little girl is on screen to make sure I'm shooting only things that are a threat.

>> No.16227418

press *, move the highlighted square over your intended target and press enter, now you are targeting that entity

>> No.16228375

I know, it's a pain in the ass. Is there a setting that will stop the game from automatically targeting npcs which are not hostile?

>> No.16228378


>> No.16228638

should I be eating herbs or using them in food?

Also I have a lot of curarias but it won't let me herb-in them?

>> No.16228658

Herbs are OP for stats training , just eat them.

>> No.16228663

herb in the rare herbs, you'll have a big surplus of curariaa and especially stomafilias, so eat those freely

>> No.16228805

A bit of an odd question , what do you guys value more roleplay or optimal play ? Ex. 4-dimensional pocket is extremely usefull but i wont use it since my character isnt a mage.

>> No.16229283

Not exactly, I'm trying to figure out the gear metagame.

For example in Diablo 2 a glove was considered good if it had class relevant stats and either +all skills (for casters) or +attack speed (for attackers) and at least one of resistance, cast speed, accuracy, or +damage. Lifesteal or cast on hit of slow, weakness, decrepify, amplify damage, life leech, lower resist (rabid werewolf druid set only) or any aoe damage spell (especially ice ones) made it god-tier gear.

For armor you wanted something with as much armor and resist as possible, stats appreciated. If it also gave a useful aura, physical resist, or +max resist (only duriel's shell iirc) it was very very good.

Thanks. How do resistances scale? Is more always better, is there a hard max or does ROI decay exponentially? How much resist should I have by level 15? 30? Will I find better gear dungeon diving, investing in blacksmiths or trading with npc heroes?

I found something called scalework sage, desc implied it was an herb but I couldn't eat it and found no info on the wiki. Was that a rare herb?

>> No.16229313

Scalework, glasswork, etc items are furniture.
Herbs are another thing, curaria, morgia, stomafilia, alraune, etc, those you can eat.

Also bad, good, great, miracle and godly equipment refer to how many modifiers it has and how strong. They can be negative though.

>> No.16230118

Made a new/test character to quickly verify whether I imagined the prostitutes only costing hundreds of gold in the past. Seems the new character only had to pay 400 gold. Guess there's some formula at play and the amount you have to pay might scale.

Deleted the test character and have come to the conclusion that Mama Yuki wasn't kidding about gold digging whores in Derphy. She'd probably throw me through a couple of walls and beat me to a bloody goo if I decided to raise will, constitution, and charisma by soliciting prostitutes. Get a firm lecture on how I should raise those attributes through wholesome means and not to bring shame to the Kai household.

I don't value one over the other although I guess I can say I'm building my character to be optimal however my pets tend to be built with roleplaying in mind.

This game seems to reward players a lot for getting good at a variety of skills and I've tapped into that with my character. My pets on the other hand come into existence through role playing and tend to be more specialized to fit the idea imagined. Like my character is a master martial artist and the thought that most master martial artists take on students came to mind. So that eventually lead to me creating a my martial artist student/pet which focuses exclusively on that.

Need two different piles of curarias in order to use curarias as a base. I tend to split the single stack in half by dropping half to the ground and blessing the other half in my inventory. Pick up the curarias on the ground which will lead me to having 2 different curaria piles. There's other ways to separate the stack and make two different piles though that other anons have mentioned in threads past.

I'm not sure if there is a cap to resists as I certainly haven't hit it yet but I know for sure that resists go beyond superb#####+. Above that level it's best to use the object of heart item and track resist by class level. It's also worthwhile to stack certain resists as much as possible too. Stack enough resists in sound and you eventually become dim immune, mind and you become immune to insanity and can face tank yith creatures, and stacking as much fire/magic resistance is important if you want to cast meteor and not kill yourself. Depending on how powerful the source is, you may need to keep stacking resists. I suspect stronger monsters in the void may one day overcome my dim and insanity immunity so I might need to stack more of those resists as well.

Your goal should be to get at least superb#####+ in everything as soon as possible. However, when you get that boils a bit down to RNG and what your character can do. For instance, it's much easier to prop your resists up if you can cast spells.

Trading with adventurers and having luck in finding good gear through dungeon diving certainly helps. There's other things you can do as well.

When I started playing as my martial artist/hybrid my first god I went with was Itzpalt. Not because I wanted to work on the casting side of my character but because if you worship him you get bonuses to your fire, cold, and lightning resist. The amount of that bonus is dictated by how much favor you have with Itzpalt so the more rods you bring to him the more those resists will be boosted. So I made sure to collect all the rods I found in dungeons, bought all the rods I found off of vendors, and would sometimes craft rods through carpentry to give to Itzpalt. It's completely possible to have superb#####+ resist through Itzpalt's bonus despite having nothing equipped if you garner enough favor with him. One of Itzpalt's god rewards is a staff that gives good resistances as well. If you're a wizard go ahead and equip the staff in one of your hand slots and if you're a warrior like character just equip it in the shoot slot.


As you can imagine, the problems with fire, cold, and lightning hounds, as well as certain wizard like enemies, that newer players tend to face didn't really affect me much.

There's also static artifacts you should aim for that will grant you some resistance. Some of these artifacts you get by simply going through the story such as the Palmia Pride, Ring of Steel Dragon, War Suit, etc




There's also other static artifacts you can track down to help your resists such as the Gloves of Vesda


If you can cast spells casting the resistance spell/attribution shield is great because it gives you resistances in everything except pure magic. The amount of resistance you get and how long the spell lasts is based on its level so make sure you level it.

Lastly, don't forget you can craft gear using tailoring. Put the materials you've gathered from resource nodes in dungeons and from scrolls to use.

>> No.16230126

I keep a character theme in mind, if I make a ranger I stick to bows/guns, if I make a warrior I try my best to stick to melee, but if there's something overtly useful to gameplay to make it not a chore i'll gladly use it.

Just fluff it like you have one of those artifact mirrors that doesn't run out.

>> No.16230335
File: 908 KB, 1024x768, 31224556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shena!!!!! What the hell did you get me involved in?!!! Also why do I feel like I'm the useless sidekick while the little girl is the main character that can kick ass.

>> No.16230416

Just wait until you get a nice party. There is one bitch in mine that just teleports around killing everything and stealing my AP. Then there's the vampire gunner who managed to decapitate almost all bosses.
Be careful, Anon. Pets are demons.

>> No.16231386

This doesn't change. I've kept my little girl all the way from the very beginning and turned her into a Valkyrie. She fucks shit up.

>> No.16231735
File: 518 KB, 1275x763, elona5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the note of little girls, is there a way to tell what their health is? I haven't noticed any way to, and it would be nice to be able to tell a bit maybe. Other than the "is badly hurt!" and such log messages which I may sometimes miss due to trying to speed my way through combat a bit.

My biggest problem is her dying, as my character is a big ranged type and she has been dying more as I've been trying to tackle more difficult dungeons(and also because I found an awesome artifact that she needs weapon training in, and she can't hit very well with it right now) and because she usually ends up taking a lot of the hits. It's kind of been destroying my relationship with her a bit. I had over 150 with her before, but it's been whittling down over time to a mere 75 now.

I also read on the wiki that there's a resurrection spell or something which I can use to rez her which will spare me the affinity cost. This would be useful to have, and I'd definitely be willing to train it, but I have no idea where I might get it.

Also, what do you think of my current mutations? In some ways good, in others bad, I guess. I've considered using the potion of cure mutation I found recently, but I feel it's not really that bad, it kind of comes out neutral at worst in my opinion. Thinking maybe it'd just be a better idea to save it in case I get a really crippling mutation at some point, like one anon had mentioned earlier.

>> No.16231748

Also, how do I teach my allies spells? I remember seeing/hearing about it somewhere, but it evades me.

>> No.16231750

Use a stethoscope on her to create a visible health bar on her sprite

Resurrection spell randomly comes from blessed wonder scrolls or dreams

Drink potions of evolution to get only positive mutations. Best to get rid off all your bad mutations first though.

>> No.16231768


>> No.16232066

If you don't have a stethoscope (and even if you do, since it's more accurate), you can check your teammates' health with the "Directive" menu.

Sthetoscope is more convenient, though, and it can show if they are hungry in Elona+.

>> No.16232707

Is there a lint to the number of mutations I can have? I keep getting horrible shit in my sleep. Does the quality of bed affect this?

>> No.16232919

I can't say for sure as I'm a new-ish player, but I'm >>16231735 and as you can probably see, I have a mix of good and bad. I've by and large used the beds in inns in whatever town I happen to be close to, with rare exceptions of using a sleeping bag in a dungeon if I need to. As far as I know, the beds in inns are typically of average quality or something.

I checked the wiki article on mutations and it didn't say anything, meaning they either don't think it does or they don't know it does, if it does. It could swing either way, if in fact it does play a role, it would be very hard to notice or quantify it since you could pretty much simply attribute any result to some measure of luck.

>> No.16233268

Bed quality matters not. Just try to get a fairy hat ( good DV , protects against mutations ) until you can just erase all your mutation and get only good ones with blessed evolution potions

>> No.16233365

How do you catch low-level monsters? I can't even monitor their health because my single hit deals some 20 times their health, and all my pets now dispatch them immediately as well.

>> No.16233373

knockout feat

>> No.16233400

So how does Artifact fusion works exactly. There's a X cap determined by item rank and you can keep piling bonuses until you hit that cap. Did i get that right ?

>> No.16233410

Try to throw dyes to poison them. How I caught my fox brother with a monster ball.

>> No.16233598

Yep. One of the girls in the workshop will tell you the fusion value of an equipment.

>> No.16233605
File: 79 KB, 498x498, 1481251732565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to see how far I could go without save scumming.
Already invested in multiple general goods and still havent encountered a bbq set. Going fucking mad.

>> No.16233634

Question, if the final god rewards (the one that give massive maluses to some skills) serve to make so training those skills is easier (due to counting as if they were many levels lower and thus needing less XP), would it be a good idea to equip them before eating raw equipment or other stat raising food? Same for cursed potions of restore body/spirit?

>> No.16233912

could always tp everyone out at a party time and steal a set from there

>> No.16234345
File: 120 KB, 587x382, sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the "prevents you from teleporting" affect the spells and abilities or only the involuntary teleportation?

>> No.16234358

Turns out it does.
Well, i rely on teleport to survive bad things coming at me very quickly, so i'll give it to a pet that doesn't need teleporting

>> No.16234771

Scrolls of return will still function normally if anyone was wondering

>> No.16234915

Where can I find a pot for fusion?

>> No.16234936


>> No.16234956

What level? Puppy Cave?

>> No.16234974

Every one of them can spawn it.
Also from general vendors or the embassy. Don't really know, got mine from puppy cave

>> No.16235242
File: 754 KB, 799x602, IS HE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he the werewolf?

>> No.16235264

Better talk to him. For all you know that could just be his alias he took on as an adventurer.

>> No.16235922

Thinking of getting a shift core so which should I get? Also when you go to change your looks when you transform how does it work? Do the cores stack?

>> No.16236202

An alternative use is to use rods of teleportation on very tough enemies instead of yourself(or casting the spell if you have it). I would mostly restrict this to dungeons(not hunting, etc.)because once they're engaged, they will come back for you. It's basically a measure of both buying time and luck as to how much time, depending on how far away they teleport. It can help if something scary is up on you, beating your ass, though.

>> No.16236240
File: 716 KB, 1285x1542, aura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the omega shift core since it gives a boost to a lot of attributes. People in the comment section of the shift core wiki page seem to like the alpha and gamma cores. No idea if they stack since I only have an omega shift core and won't get another core until I start work on the littler girl I have.

Each time you transform you get the same appearance box found when you create your character for the first time. So if you want to change how your transformation looks you can do so anytime you use the core.

Since the box kept coming up to encourage a change in appearance for the transformation I decided to make a copy of my PCC and to give myself a simple blue aura. All I had to do then was just select that PCC with the aura. Should serve as an additional visual cue for when I'm in shift core mode and when the duration runs out. I may or may not work a bit more on the aura later but for now it serves its purpose.

>> No.16236255
File: 34 KB, 260x755, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose the omega shift core since it boosts all stats and inate magic resistance by a bit at the cost of some hp each turn.

When you transform it pulls up the character creation menu for you to design your form.

Cores don't stack, but you can swap into a different form before one runs out. That let's chain the buffs technically.

From what I have read other players prefer the core that gives you the magic reflection buff, which I THINK is gamma?

>> No.16236262
File: 37 KB, 260x755, file-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a werewolf named the werewolf in my game. There was a bug so that he couldn't actually transform when accused or attacked, but he had the disguise kit of a werewolf on drop and no more murders happened

>> No.16236299

Saw same thing in Verdis. After he was executed the werewolf attacks stopped.

>> No.16236328

Is finding/killing the werewolf worth it? How tough is he, about what level(arguably)would you want to be to fight one? What are the rewards? Is there a difference in the rewards between him getting lynched and killed by the player? Are there any detriments to allowing him to continue going on his rampage?

I've also seen the murderers around as well. Are they similar of sorts? How would they work?

>> No.16236730


Aside from what the wiki may say, I think the only real reward is just not having to deal with NPCs such as vendors needing to respawn before you can interact with them again. The werewolf thing is an ongoing thing being developed and seems to be pretty buggy at the moment. It's nice to see some progress in its development though like how the voting system was reengineered for it. Voting was going to be a useless thing because the server to vote for other player aliases was brought down but it instead got retooled to do the werewolf thing instead.

Murders in town are probably due to an NPC carrying around an item that is doomed. You have a chance of being killed by an unseen hand when you carry heavily cursed items like that.

>> No.16237049

Why is Elona trending on twitter right now?

>> No.16237109

There's barely any tweets tweets about Elona in December, so maybe it's because of the Mogura Games articles?

Though I don't see One Way Hero trending.

>> No.16237127
File: 36 KB, 756x524, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Japanese are just as puzzled.

>> No.16237771

gonna be fun when people start looking that up on search engines

>> No.16237776

Imagine the western reaction when you have a little girl as a pet, you can marry her and fug her too

>> No.16237805

look up images for elona search

>> No.16237838
File: 270 KB, 1024x768, Sports.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, remember that time we all played soccer together?

>> No.16237857

Good times. Wait what?

And yeah, there are a lot of posts in twitter about elona. I wonder if we'll get some new players here.

>> No.16238195

>Harvest quest
>Good job you get extra for working over the requested
Apparently people dont mind if you burn down half their cultivation , probably the farm will never be able to produce something again. It's nice to be focused so hard only on the present

>> No.16238595

Would it be smart on a new character to dump my first level up points into perfomer (atleast until i can play reliably without getting stonned) so i can just dual-job farming and performing

>> No.16238628

yes, performing is one of the worst things to level early on
at 30 you get a special action and it become easy

>> No.16238687

>extermination quest
>Good job you secured the area even though you summoned even worse abominations afterwards to train the spell that was sitting at 400%

>> No.16238697

>Party time quest
>Kill everyone and summon a bunch of spirits
>People had one HELL of a time

>> No.16238700

Spirits deserve fun too

>> No.16238701

>kill them with nether spells
>they have a hell of a time literally

>> No.16238800

just steal a performer book from a shelter and powerlevel it through reading in noyel

>> No.16238884
File: 229 KB, 832x751, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like my <Mad scientist> (male) had a baby boy while I was away!

>> No.16239399
File: 268 KB, 1284x771, feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded of an anon that edited his background images in the past. It's definitely easier than I expected. The window seems to resize to whatever picture you choose as long as the size is still reasonable. Also, Yacatect 222 people visited your shop and you didn't sell anything? Meanwhile slash ogre Nia is making me a nice fortune. I hope your shop ran out of goods to sell or I'm going to need to have a talk with you. You're supposed to the goddess of wealth. Able to sell rocks to the miners in Vernis.

>> No.16239485

Kai really enjoys his dark elvs i see

>> No.16240108

Who doesn't?

>> No.16240165
File: 158 KB, 409x317, Capture7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the best gear I have found. Any way to get rid of that bloodsucking?

>> No.16240226

Nope, sadly. According to an anon in the last thread, at least. You're stuck with it. Aliens aren't that bad though, to be honest, just carry a poison around and drink it if you get infested. Really the best thing there is the mutation resistance, I guess. Arguably, mostly because it's an option to protect you against negative mutations until you can start acquiring potions of evolution to rack up bonuses from positive mutations only. Otherwise, you may end up needing several potions of cure mutation before you start that process, lest you get yourself stuck with several negative mutations.

>> No.16240365

I actually find bloodsucking to be a really good trait, since it gives you a steady steam of damage. Unless you tend to get bloodied badly in fights, it supercharges your healing skill leveling, and as a result your constitution.

>> No.16240380

my previous helmet has cold resist # and 2/3 armor, and nerve and nether bolts from elean wizards are my most dangerous foe rn

this is true, but it is annoying as all hell, interrupts cooking, eating, reading etc...

>> No.16240592

I'm trying to train my shit by reading the loads of spellbooks I have sitting around in my house by now, but every time I try it seems to overcast or something and I die. What do?

>> No.16240616

You shouldn't read books in your house. There is a chance that it might summon some monsters to fuck you up and for the magic reaction, just rest if you see that your mana is at zero.
Also try reading low level spellbooks, like identify, hero, feather, magic arrow and such. They are much easier to read.

>> No.16240627

Okay so I think I understand it a bit. It's kind of an annoying thing since my mana is kind of low, and I have no way to tell how much these spells take up, but it seems overcasting eats your health if you don't have enough mana to cast the spell normally or something. So when I use a spellbook for a spell that takes up way more mana then I have, and it fails, I die because of overcast. It seems especially pronounced if reading the book also drains my mana at the same time, which has happened as well.

>> No.16240647

I don't see anything about this but my pet drank from a fountain with the message something sweet splashed onto them and now their health bar is red instead of green

I can't really tell but I think they're taking more damage, did it?

>> No.16240649

Yeah, I'd read a bit about this in an earlier thread, it's best to go into the wild(random square)and go to the corner in case that happens in case it summons monsters so you can instantly escape.

Like I said, though, my problem is that it's a bit difficult to tell which spells are lower-ish mana cost that I can handle without putting myself at risk from overcast, since it's my first time playing the game.

On the plus side, recently I slept and got resurrection. Now I just train healer for a while, and I should be much better off with my little girl.

>> No.16240654

They're probably poisoned, wells will do that sometimes.

>> No.16240680

How is Saya doing? She stronger than you yet?

>> No.16240685

Arrows and eyes spellbooks are pretty easy to read I think. Some buffs such as concentration, holy shield, hero, feather are good too since they will benefit you a lot in the long run.
I wish I could give you some more advice, but I'm not that much of a knowledgeable guy.

>> No.16240707

Blue health bar means they're hungry and will eat food you give them.
Red means they're not hungry and thus won't eat.

The drink from the fountain was enough to take them over the hunger breakpoint.

>> No.16241000
File: 969 KB, 1284x770, Saya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about adding a light elf pet eventually as well to complete the yin yang. Want to play around with a ranged pet. May or may not go with Lankata.


Aside from coming with a good bow she also knows healing rain. Speaking of healing rain, I might consider the pet Wrang-Wrang.


Another low level pet, besides the defender, some people might be interested in due to healing rain and the potential to tweak how often it's cast with Custom.

Her attributes are better than mine but I'm still stronger. Although a couple of buffs on my end and I'll match or best her in that regards. She has around 1000 in martial arts and around 700 in tactics I think. About 90% of that has come from AP to bonus points. That gravy train is going to run out eventually though. It takes a considerable amount of bonus points to raise stuff past 1000 and you'll need to add grind to the mix in order to really get anywhere.

I normally get my AP in the void and likewise you could take your pet there to get AP. However, due to Saya's lack of good armor with resists the monsters in there would eat her alive despite her doing good damage to them. My next wish batch will focus on more levels for myself and some on gain attribute scrolls to construct her a nice resist set through artifact fusion.

Instead of the void, Saya has done very well for herself in gaining AP through helping me collect platinum from Panic and Challenge quests. In fact, I just use dimensional fishing and have her kill the monsters that pop up. She also has gained quite a number of levels through those quests too.

Since I don't have as many skills I'm actively leveling I'm actually earning a whole lot more platinum than I'm spending. I can make around 300 platinum every 3 in game days by just doing all and only the challenge/panic quest from all the towns in Irva, South Tyris, and North Tyris. This I do all while farming my wonder scrolls, looking for wish spellbooks, and buying out magic vendor inventories to dump in my shop. I spent at least 1000 platinum attending the magic school to level up all my spells from 400 potential to less than 200. Even then I still have thousands of platinum and I'm just waiting for my spell potentials to cap out again before attending another expensive class session.

>> No.16241153

My bad. Wrang-wrang doesn't use healing rain. Might make for an interesting fighter mage like pet though.

>> No.16241721

As other anons said, red health means your pet is fed. Any one piece of food/sustenance (so long as it doesn't make them vomit) will keep your pet fed for a while, which means water from a well, too.

Sweet liquid is a sleeping drug, if I recall. Wells can be pretty dangerous to drink from, and can even kill your pet with no saving throw.

>> No.16241804

I recently found an older sister's diary. She really gives the "onii-chan muite" feel with all her dialogue and shit. She doesn't actually get mad if I don't pay attention to her, does she? It's just flavoring?

>> No.16241845

It's just flavoring but you should still shower your older sister with love. Even if they're a raging alcoholic and can be undependable at times.

>> No.16241879

How do I do that, though? The only way I can seem to interact with her is by talking to her, to which the normal response is "...?" or some measure of asking if I needed something.

>> No.16241928


Evochat. That, and literally showering her with gifts.

>> No.16241974

Evochat is a talk option you get once your pet is friend or above. Make her happy using evochat thus increasing how fast her gauge for a gauge attack increases. Give her gems and feed her. They usually need and like that.

Using the special action rub to pat them on the head makes them happy. You can give them a big hug using squeeze. They'll say different things depending on your relationship level with them.

If you want your pet to say other things than ... you can always create a talk file. More info on that might be found on the wiki but you can muddle your way through making one by running the sample file, located in the talk folder of the user folder, through google translate and mimicing what you see there.

>> No.16242018
File: 588 KB, 545x567, unsure marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does meter work? I can't find any info on the wiki.

Also what level do I need a vendor to be to sell me a food machine?

>> No.16242039

Meter? like the yellow bar underneath the HP bar? You fill it by attacking enemies but decreases if you're not attacking anyone. So it's easy to fill if you have a lot of enemies around or find a tanky enemy. You fill the bar to 100%, then you go to gauge release under special actions(you can hotkey this), and then your next attack will be gauge attack. Certain special actions have special gauge attacks but the most common gauge attack is a gauge attack based on your weapon, fist, or a gauge attack if you cast a spell. (All spells have the same gauge attack). More info on the special action page of the wiki. Scroll down to special actions invoked by weapon skill.


No idea about the food machine.

>> No.16242048

If you really want to show your Older Sister that you care for her, make sure to stand over a bed while you are sleepy and use squeeze on her.

>> No.16242079
File: 274 KB, 900x500, 43214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's forbidden love anon!

>> No.16242132

It fills up when you attack enemies and take damage, but it seems that it'll never fill on its own if self-damage is your only source. I think there's also some actions that can build it up.

>> No.16242970

How do I give a gift, exactly? Specifically, to my older sister. Placing an item in their inventory doesn't seem to do anything, and I can't find an option anywhere.

>> No.16243143
File: 1014 KB, 1595x1198, Ice_Keep_Preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings boys and girls, yeeks and performaids, from the creator of Melugas Airfield and Propman's CNPC pack comes a breakthrough in custom content and my early holiday gift to you: Ice Keep - the first full-length custom dungeon to have likely graced Elona!


>Five forbidding floors including frosty fiends and penguin cuisine, princesses and primordial beasts, and festive cheer and chilling fear, topped with heated action to keep your veins from freezing. Witness the thrill of broken potions as you bathe yourself in the cleansing cool of ice, and don't fall into the water! Are you a bad enough dude to save Christma- er, the Festival of Jure? Find out today! (Recommended levels 14+, though you're generally good to go if you can beat Fire Tower.)

>Development notes:

Whew, where to begin. Elaborating on what I learned developing Ol'moran and the customized level of Lesimas that linked to it, I experimented further to see the effects of replacing dungeon floors with maps from different things, such as those generated by the map editor, which I imported to the game via temporarily replacing the storage map to convert them into s2 files to be renamed into something that matches the levels of Lesimas to replace. This causes some quirks; for instance, pets won't manually pick up gems to sell on the special levels generated using, and monsters don't spawn naturally, telling me that these particular properties are connected to the map_x_y files which I have as of yet been unable to decipher - something else that seems to be determined by this file is whether a map is considered "indoors" or "outdoors". Attempts at inserting showroom floors proved fruitless as showrooms occupy variables "35_101", whose map files do not seem to be stored in character saves nor the tmp folder, and I can't find where they might possibly be located for the life of me; I'm sure there's someway to locate them, but until that happens I'm limited to making encounters using the default NPCs, a bit able to slightly modify them in a process I will detail below.

Some monsters in Ice Keep had their levels modified. For one of the bosses, I had to lower not only their levels but also their attributes to keep them from mincing people of the intended bracket, which involved lots of potions of descent to delevel them, followed by sickening them with unholy water and then knocking down their attributes to the desired level via cursed potions of reduced attribute, which stack against sickened targets. For those I leveled up, I threw them blessed potions of descent for the opposite effect, blessed potions of restore attribute/spirit further strengthen them, and varying amounts of hermes blood to speed them - this is most notable on the other boss, who is otherwise a pitiably weak NPC that is not encountered during normal play. I could theoretically use this method to level all encounters in future dungeons to a specific point, but it would be quite time consuming, and I have found is prone to overflowing for unknown reasons if used improperly. Blessed potions of descent appear to increase the attributes of a neutral/hostile monster in proportion to what their indicated stats would be for that level a-la Panic! quests, but sadly not their skills.

The mdatan file controls the name of a specific area, and it's actually an unencrypted plain-text file that can be edited to whatever you like: for instance, if you didn't like the names that your maid kept generating for your house, using the console to find which map file it tied to and then editing the mdatan file with the corresponding _x_y values would change it to whatever words you entered into the file. No word on text limit as of now, but if it's too long it won't display properly next to the minimap.

Floors 1 and 3 were ripped from a random level 12 dungeon and one of the randomized floors of the mountain pass, which permits normal dungeon behavior. You could potentially link a forest floor with a cavern floor with a tower floor with a floor of the fire tower if you so wished using this method. Monsters were spawned via diary spam, which was rather tedious to put things lightly and spent me the better half of a day.

One thing the readme doesn't specify, if you for some reason want to remove the dungeon: pressing backspace while going downstairs will prompt a regeneration of the particular level you're entering, which will overwrite the dungeon file with a randomized floor.

And as always, a space to contain my other works, for those who have missed them before:

>CNPC Pack 1.2 (Req. 1.62 or higher) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/kd6dym5txs445bo
>Blades Inc. (Level 40 Adventure) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/u31fi1a1i0bhmzd
>Melugas Airfield (Level 120 Adventure) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/avghxk81eo9bge9
>Ol-moran (City showcase w/ an optional replacement floor for Lesimas) - https://www.mediafire.com/?i18wzpqaoisce6q

>> No.16243154 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1222x565, Caucus_Belli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Kai, "Rebirth of the Chosen One"

Doth my eyes deceive me? It appears thou hath not slain every deity after all! While your mercy is somewhat commendable in face of your stated goal, Warrior Kai, your godslaying antics hath caus-ith irreparable damage to thy stability of Irva (not to mention ruined thy business of Ol-dran - nobody wants to come here after thost has turned Karavika into a Norland breakfast) and it hath been agreed among thy lesser gods that thou must be stop-ithed before all hope against keeping thee wicked God of Chaos sealed is extinguished!

>Every remaining holy warrior in the world whom still is of faith hath gather'd in an effort to rescueth thine Goddess of Wealth from your- 'r, less than adequate retail store whom thine hath hath heard rum'rs of violating civiliz'd building code on multiple accounts, 'mongst other things running far over capacity for its rat'd size, and furthermore lacking an adequate amount of exits in the case of a fireth 'r similar emergency - lawyers and inspectors shalt beest likewise hath sent to 'longside our crusading forces to verify these statements.

>Many renown'd entrepreneurs who is't oweth much to Her hath devoted their full pool of resources to fund this most sacred duty of ours, and we remaineth back'd by the most wondrous machin'ry yond wage can buyeth - forsooth, for every flesh and blood soldi'r to our causeth, several more art being f'orged of thy holy gold whom numerous adventurers did dump onto the world's economy, nay doubteth weakening t' and allowing thee to reduceth our goddess into a damsel! Rebirth of the Chosen One, you hath made thy most powerful enemy! Steel thy fists!

>Signed, The Order of Platinum Hoarders

Stay tuned for Latest Madman's latest adventure module; The Order of Platinum Hoarders - Act I: The Golden Horde! (Recommenced for players level 2500+!) As soon as I figure out where those darned showroom files are located so I can link them into a proper dungeon, that is. Deus Vult!

>> No.16243166
File: 157 KB, 1222x565, Caucus_Belli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Rebirth of the Chosen One "Kai";

>Doth my eyes deceive me? It appears thou hath not slain every deity after all! While your mercy is somewhat commendable in face of your stated goal, Warrior >Your godslaying antics hath caus-ith irreparable damage to thy stability of Irva (not to mention ruined thy business of Ol-dran - nobody wants to come here after thost has turned Karavika into a Norland breakfast) and it hath been agreed among thy lesser gods that thou must be stop-ithed before all hope against keeping thee wicked God of Chaos sealed is extinguished!

>Every remaining holy warrior in the world whom still is of faith hath gather'd in an effort to rescueth thine Goddess of Wealth from your- 'r, less than adequate retail store whom thine hath hath heard rum'rs of violating civiliz'd building code on multiple accounts, 'mongst other things running far over capacity for its rat'd size, and furthermore lacking an adequate amount of exits in the case of a fireth 'r similar emergency - lawyers and inspectors shalt beest likewise hath sent to 'longside our crusading forces to verify these statements.

>Many renown'd entrepreneurs who is't oweth much to Her hath devoted their full pool of resources to fund this most sacred duty of ours, and we remaineth back'd by the most wondrous machin'ry yond wage can buyeth - forsooth, for every flesh and blood soldi'r to our causeth, several more art being f'orged of thy holy gold whom numerous adventurers did dump onto the world's economy, nay doubteth weakening t' and allowing thee to reduceth our goddess into a damsel! Rebirth of the Chosen One, you hath made thy most powerful enemy! Steel thy fists!

>Signed, The Order of the Platinum Hoarders

Stay tuned for Latest Madman's next adventure module; The Order of the Platinum Hoarders - Act I: The Golden Horde (Recommenced for players level 2500+)! As soon as I figure out where those darned showroom files are located so I can link them into a proper dungeon, that is. Deus Vult!

>> No.16243169

Oh, I found a good way to get your companions to like you more.

Just run around in a low level dungeon and let them beat the shit out of everything. That boosted her relationship with me by around 50 in 5-10 minutes.

>> No.16243174

Dis gonna be gud

>> No.16243747

only actual gift items. use it from your inventory

>> No.16243963

How many figurines should I have before building a museum? Will the deck inform me if I try to put a duplicate card into it?

>> No.16244012

using the ghibli music pack, and i've noticed for awhile now that when the audio cuts off suddenly (like for map changes) there's this little burst of static
does anyone else get that, or did i fuck up somewhere, and is there a way to get rid of it without sticking to stock music?

just start it whenever, you break even super early on
deck won't tell you if you're putting in a dupe though, but by the time it's really relevant the museum is just a shitty novelty either way (you'll get way more money out of everything else you do)

>> No.16244436

I dont understand how the custom music is supposed to work in El+. The wiki says that the order is the only thing that matters , but putting 3 songs doesnt change the music in vernis or even renaming them.

>> No.16245287
File: 256 KB, 699x512, Capture9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good creatures to put on a ranch for money and dna? So far I've caught kobold, yeek, chicken, rabbit, floating eye, public performer, hermit crab, and snail.

Also, these doors I conjured with a rod, can I make them go away? Will they go away when I upgrade my house?

>> No.16245430

Thanks for your hard work. I look forward to doing these new dungeons and checking out your work. Definitely on my to do list.

I'm definitely looking forward to this. I will rise to the challenge set forth by these Platinum Hoarders. Lets see if they have the resolve to take back Yacatect's glasses which I have had in my possession for quite some time now. Must be hard for the goddess not being able to see well as she pours through her books and calculates financial numbers.

>> No.16245499

I personally don't use ranches since I'd rather use NPC slots for shops however if you want to use ranches I would take a look at food that raises attributes and possibly gives resists. Scroll down to the Elona+ corpses with special effects section of the wiki. Try to ranch those creatures and pick creatures with a decent breed power. Do not ranch little sisters. They are better left alive and turned in for rewards.


For your doors, close them by holding shift and pressing c on your keyboard. Then bash the doors until they're destroyed by hitting b on your keyboard.

>> No.16246414
File: 273 KB, 1283x776, negate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yacatect is starting to step it up in getting good things for me at my shop. Haven't seen so many negates shoved onto one piece of gear before. Good job Yacatect.

>> No.16246481


Buy a new house my nigga like damn wtf are you doing with that shitty ass cave still?

>> No.16246899

has the game changed at all? I played this a good number of years ago and stopped liking this brand of roguelike because of it.

I never liked the lose items on death, would rather have a save function and just die/reload opposed to potentially losing important items.

>> No.16246986
File: 260 KB, 632x410, Capture10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I give equip Dal-i-thalion on my little girl can't hit anything, but there's nothing on the item that mentions it hurts accuracy or 2 handed skill. Is there something implicitly bad for accuracy on it's stats?

I had to choose house or museum

>> No.16246989

how the fuck did that get attached?

>> No.16247054

There is a mob called hard gay. If I'm not mistaken they are a humanoid that for whatever reason explodes.

>> No.16247137
File: 306 KB, 690x424, elona6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how, with this new Godly bolt I found, I can turn rape mode on and off at will. It's pretty great. I can deal with the almost 10 weight.

>> No.16247314

No it hasn't changed in regards to death penalties. I don't understand what you mean by this brand of roguelike though. Most roguelikes if you die you're completely dead. Can't load your save file anymore and have to make a whole new character. That is far worse than just losing a couple of items. Elona is much easier to get into because the default difficulty doesn't have permadeath.Due to that, I wouldn't even classify Elona as a roguelike if you play without permadeath. Some /rlg/ people will even go so far as to say the permadeath system in Elona is actually more lenient than other roguelikes because you don't face permadeath if you die doing job board requests. According to them Elona is more of a roguelite than a roguelike due to how it handles death and the other features of the game.

Semantics aside, I enjoy Elona very much regardless of its designation although I understand the game isn't for everyone.

>> No.16247332

Sounds like you just want to play a normal RPG.

>> No.16248928
File: 59 KB, 512x327, Katl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After sifting through the decrepit annals of Japanese Elona sites, I've come across a cache of reference directly from Noa regarding the difference between Elona's game mechanics and the lore of the setting. I have attempted to translate it as well as I could, leaving the machine translations where I couldn't as well as a question mark.


>[This stuff is part of the game mechanics but not strictly canon in relation to Elona's Story:]
>The deads' resurrection in three days and swift recostruction of a city after total annihilation.
>Males being oviparous [male creatures producing eggs in ranches].
>Definition of ether disease (The development rate of the cancer degree and the dramatic progress are rare originally.)?
>The people who don't take refuge from an ether wind.
>That time of the ether wind is always strict with a multiple moon of 3 (The threat is much less than one during a game in the Seirre Terre region for an ethereal wind.)
>Influence of god [presumably summoning gods directly, especially in a city or other civilized place], the ability to hear signals without equipment [when you join a god, they tell you about a reward, or quips heard from extended playtime], and potions of descent.
>Monsters which doesn't actually exist in-story (Hard Gays, Cthulu).
>The propagation ratio of monsters. (Actually much less common than the game would have you believe.)
>The rarity of water in Tyris. (It's of a low degree of purity, but but drinking water is abundant.)
>The water quality of the well. [The fact it's full of potions and not water.]
>Existence of "Cat's Cradle" quest, and by extension atomic bombs in Tyris.
>Ralphiel accepting animal wives and husbands (for his range corrects and being quite wide, fact)
>Crustal alteration [Sudden Diastrophisms] and occurrence of NEFIA. (Crustal alteration neither happens nor generates NEFIA actually. Enough numerical NEFIA exists from antiquity already).
>That murder is legal.
>The movement destination which is at the time of long-distance change failure of return?
>That long-distance teleportation when a companion is here by request [clients of escort quests], is illegal.
>Provision of payment to an adventurer. (There are no salary systems to a general adventurer person basically. Aid money to explore NEFIA sent by Palmia as a sponsor (Or employed.) is possible- Oh, there is a salary for an adventurer.)
>The landholding by which it's for a title deed and mechanism of management?
>Make, mechanism of entering permission of shoes?
>The outward appearance and the name of the Cyber Dome. (There are automatic doors, a cyber dome and the equipment? The name is doing the appearance like the remains older than one during a game, and will be also something different).
>Bessel's [AKA: Whom Dwell in the Vanity] possession of Ragnarok. (An ordinary sword is being carried around primarily.)

Some other trivia:
-Rorans are in fact human, and the majority of them live in Mayroon. They also might come from the dream world a-la Shy Guys: they're said to be most commonly encountered in the Great Glacier region as well as parts of Greater Tyris.
-Ehekatl was born in the 5th era as a frail, deformed male cat, and ascended as a god of cats before the death of other gods merged with him to create the current entity that is known as the Goddess of Luck. She is probably not actually 999999 years old.
-Kumiromi was the lover of Ehekatl (no word on whether this was before or after Ehekatl became the Goddess of Luck) and together they created a sanctuary somewhere during the Second Holy War. There are cults of Kumiromi that believe he is a goddess.
-Yacatect ("YAKATEKUTO") is an actual goddess drafted up by Noa, but she only appears as an unused name in the original Elona. Virtually nothing is really known about her in-story.
-Return and Teleportation in general is governed by a minor Goddess who as of now is unnamed.
-The voice you hear from scrolls of Oracle are actually your patron god reading the .Art log out loud.

>> No.16248962
File: 40 KB, 560x432, 1459728831298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The voice you hear from scrolls of Oracle are actually your patron god reading the .Art log out loud

>> No.16249189

>The people who don't take refuge from an ether wind.

I kinda liked the idea that it occurred so often that a majority of people stopped caring.

The buying price of Potion of Cure Corruption keeps going up each time Etherwind hits, I thought it was because more people were getting infected by being outside

>> No.16249194

>Yacatect ("YAKATEKUTO") is an actual goddess drafted up by Noa, but she only appears as an unused name in the original Elona. Virtually nothing is really known about her in-story.

This is actually quite interesting in regard to Elin. Assuming that it takes place in Elona's universe, it can serve as way to incorporate Yaccy without having to make parts of E+ canon.

>The voice you hear from scrolls of Oracle are actually your patron god reading the .Art log out loud.

Since this works when you'er godless, does that mean Eyth actually does exist?

>> No.16249350

What level of gardening should I start planting gem, magic and unknown seeds?

Eyth should look like Lawrence from Office Space and give rewards related to junk food.

>> No.16249454

Considering the Cyber Dome shops, junk food seems more of a Mani thing
>convert to Eyth
>stay with it for 5 in game years
>go at the Truce Ground
>no flashy stuff, no beam of light, nothing
>just a item, sitting in a corner by itself
>you pick it up

The <Fedora> (1d4) (a Euphoric Hat when unidentified)
It's made of cloth
It can be wielded as a weapon (1d4 Pierce 100%)
It grants you resistance to magic. [#####+]
It grants you resistance to nether. [#####+]
It deals massive damage to gods. [#####+]

>> No.16249499 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 233x320, AVGN+s+face+when+LJN+_136c849b26f0c173aa0d3eaa7246aa83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pile of skill books disappeared when I built a new house

>> No.16249596

It decreases your charisma [#####+]

>> No.16249652

Kek, that too

>> No.16249788
File: 3.78 MB, 5000x1666, Eyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing this. Found the idea of a lesser goddess of teleportation interesting. Visited the site myself and found some more god related stuff that intrigued me.

Jua and Odina are healing gods. Was always wondering why and who the healing spells were named after and I'm still wondering why no healing spell of Jure. Perhaps it's because she's still considered the new guy/girl as far as appointed deities are concerned. We have the prayer of Jure at least. If I'm reading what is said on the site right, the god pantheon is finite and there are only so many seats to fill. Gods can be demoted or killed off and once that happens that seat(s) must be filled up. Something somewhere becomes a god and fills a seat like in the case of Ehekatl. In light of me killing all the gods with my character Kai, I'm kind of worried about all those vacant seats and who is going to fill them. I admit, I kind of laughed at the thought of Noel the bomber or Shena all of a sudden becoming a deity.

A piece of artwork seems to depict Eyth. I've circled him in the picture.

>> No.16249898

Seems odd that there would be multiple healing gods, considering that you mention there's a finite amount of positions, I'd have thought the portfolios would be more spread out.

Also, isn't that artwork fan-made? Even though I believe he's the guy doing official art for Elin, I'm not sure if that and the female one is official.

>> No.16249927

I can't find them on the wiki, some names seem to be wrong

>> No.16249973
File: 73 KB, 480x640, Jure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the plus side, if you made Jure your goddess and killed her, there's no canon conflict - Jure is set to revive in a few decades and has actually died at least once before around the 5th era shortly (by god standards, at least) after ascending, only to resurrect in the sixth. That means that both herself and Eyth remain constants.

>> No.16250002

From what I'm gathering there seems to be three levels of gods. Lesser, normal, and elder. The gods exist to oversee their portfolios and to help maintain the balance of all things. As each god worked their job, certain alliances and agendas were formed and this eventually lead to the god war Itzpalt seems to go on about.

The site makes mention of three sisters of cure. I wonder if they're lesser goddesses or if they actually perished in the god war and their portfolios eventually went to the newly appointed healing god Jure. The site seems to definitely say that if one god gets promoted one god definitely gets demoted but I'm not exactly sure just how many seats exist and if the seat count has changed after the god war. On matter of seat count and who gets in, I'm guessing that's where the elder gods come in, whoever those beings are.

As far as the art is concerned, no idea if that is officially what Eyth looks like but I originally found that picture on pixiv under the name of noacat which made me wonder if that was the creator of Elona. No idea if that's the case but regardless, I thought it neat that someone depicted Eyth.

>> No.16250083
File: 64 KB, 444x504, asdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was i using a sleeping bag all this time again?

>> No.16250092

The picture might be concept art or the Japanese person trying to translate names into English had an interesting time. I can identify almost everyone but I suppose its possible some characters were removed or had names altered.

Azur Assizzle is a refrence to Issizzle the dark abomination





There are two undead bosses depicted on each side of the picture.

Sebris is Sevilis. An important NPC only referenced in the cutscenes of the main story. If you're playing in English you need Elona Custom for it.

>> No.16250155

There's so much interesting lore of about Elona's world and pantheon that we never get to see. No idea there was such a thing as Elder Gods. In fact, the only outside lore I'm aware of is the relationship between Mani and Lulwy and the fact that Jure is Jesus like >>16249973 said.

Also to note, the machine-translated page on the "Gods and Incarnations" page translates Jure as Jua. Where did you find that tidbit about the three healing sisters?

>> No.16250183

Found the three sisters of cure here.


>> No.16250261


Aren't Jua and Jure the same ?

Jua sounds like a japanese trying to pronounce Jure

>> No.16250272

Links to the website don't seem to work properly, it takes me to what seems to be the homepage, as >>16248928 posted. Hence why I specified "Gods and Incarnations"

>> No.16250274
File: 33 KB, 512x384, Ultra_mega_chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about preys. What makes a pet good or bad? Is a young lady good? If I train and equip my chicken properly can he become a walking death dealer?

>> No.16250283


>> No.16250290

That sounds possible however what I don't understand is why the game itself wouldn't just call the heal of Jua the heal of Jure instead. Jure seems to be used everywhere else as well in the game.

The story transmitted in twelve periods in the menu sidebar.

>> No.16250315

That particular page mentions someone called Ellis. That's probably the 3rd sister, not Jua.

>> No.16250321

Ellis, Odina, and Jua are the three I took out of it.

>> No.16250342

Names also map to the spells cure of Eris/Ellis and the cure of Jua. Odina if I'm correct maps to a healing potion bearing her name.

>> No.16250392

So I think we can establish that there are/were 3 healing gods: Jure/Jua, Ellis and Odina. From what I can tell from the butchered translation, Odina died protecting Irva from a meteor swarm(?) and Ellis committed suicide. Now it seems possible that Jure was promoted to her sister's position as a god of healing, though I'm probably reading the text wrong.

>> No.16250405

My only question now is the identity of Jua. Is Jua Jure? The spells go Eris and Jua however there are potions of Odina, Eris, and Jure. That might indicate that Jua is really Jure. Although I'm having fun entertaining the idea that if Jua is a different person than Jure, that something happened to Jua to free up that seat for Jure to enter the picture.

>> No.16250438

Personally I think Jua is a mistranslation of Jure. However, one benefit to the absurdly obscure lore is that it's easy to create headcanon and make things up if you want. So if you want Jua to be real, why not? There's nothing directly in-game saying otherwise.

One thing you could say is that Jua is Jure's real name. If you go by E+ canon, when people become gods they take the name of the deity you replace. So you could argue the Jure is the name Jua took on when she became a god, and that Eris and/or Odina were known as Jure during their tenure.

>> No.16250461

I was going to write something about a random bard getting promoted after the last god responsible for performing got killed and then he gets killed too because a cat didn't like his performance but there are no gods raising performing so no dice.

>> No.16250480


The closest to a god of performing is Karavika:

>Karavika of Song and Dance:
>A dancing, singing, and playing demigoddess. A spirit bird, praised by Yacatect of Wealth for her musical sense and ability, given power to become a god. Enters a trance-like state whenever she sings. The servant Geese were made in her image. Doesn't yet know how to sign her name in autographs.

Card description, courtesy of a previous anon who happened to translate that card on a whim.

>> No.16250531

Yeah this lore stuff is pretty complicated but I agree that its fun to look at and you make some good points about the god naming thing.

I'm currently entertained with the race section under worldview of the menu. Apparently the appearance of some of the Elona races maps to races in this world. Like the Zannan have a German appearance according to that site.

>> No.16250675

I just noticed that one of the major differences between vanilla Elona and E+'s lore is the way they handle divinity. Karavika's description as >>16250480 provides as well as others such as the Element Dragon imply that E+ gods are simply given power, while vanilla states that there are finite positions, and each new god replaces another.

What I find more interesting is that it elaborates a bit on the rest of the world, which is never touched upon in both Elona and E+. Cyronia seems to be based on land-trade similar to that of the silk road. The Continent of Kardia is based on renaissance Italy, with a heavy emphasis on art and merchants. They even have a Venetian city. The rest of the countries, including Karune, are simple farming and/or maritime lands.

>> No.16250718

Any pet can be made to become very powerful. My pet is an Elea warrior I bought off the slavemaster in Derphy.


and I raised her to become the pic in my post. >>16241000

The main difference between pets are perhaps bitflags and ease of training. With Elona Custom and to a lesser degree Leold, you can teach your pet certain spells and special actions they don't normally come with.

Lower level pets are generally easier to train since their trainer costs are low and their INI score is low making it easier to farm AP for them. Bitflag pets, such as bells with the metal bit that reduces physical damage, tend to be harder to train so you need to have a character that's pretty strong with a lot of resources to support them and make them shine.

I've seen people raise snails and putits into death machines so a chicken is fine if you're committed to training one.

>> No.16250795
File: 43 KB, 260x755, file-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice find anon. This is really interesting!

maybe Eyth is like the god of Atheism from that one game. The more devoted his worshippers are the closer he comes to not existing, so he chooses to hide himself.

fan made or not this is amazing art. I guess I need to finally make a pixiv account. Are there any other sites with elona fan art besides pixiv?


Where do you guys find all this lore? Is it just sprinkled about in game or is there an english source? Or just Japanese sources?

>> No.16250831

A lot of sites pull from pixiv but I think this site has a nice collection of Elona fan art from Harusame(Rueken). A lot of Elona artwork posted on these threads come from him.


>> No.16250848

>god of Atheism

>> No.16250864

>Magic is just tecnology we cant understand yet

>> No.16250876

let me write it better

god of the belief that gods dont exist

>> No.16250891

>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Try again

>> No.16250907
File: 3.43 MB, 1260x2340, 41704130_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mani you really need to fix your relationship with Lulwy.

>> No.16250971

i believe there is no pie in the oven

i don't believe there is a pie the oven

>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

doesn't make "god of atheism" less of a non-sense

>> No.16250996

>doesn't make "god of atheism" less of a non-sense
I'm a God for people who dont believe that i exist . Even if people dont believe in my existance or my powers i still exist
Cogito ergo sum . I think , therefore i'm

>> No.16251237

hate normal rpgs, I dont like that I dont get to make my character in most of them, that they have limited items, there is no random chance for something good. Its what I like about rouge likes, or at least most rougelikes and action rpgs.

honestly, there have been quite a few times I died in the game and I just decided the items I lost fucked me so hard that I may as well reset. you want to go with a fairer system for roguelikes, dungeons of dredmor. you don't play with permadeath if you don't want to, but it also never completely fucks you like elona can.

You also have that either wind or whatever it was called, that is a pain in the dick to avoid because the only way to avoid it that I found was wait for it to start and then when im safe time actually goes fast, those mutations have fucked me more then death has.

but that's not what im talking about, when I last played the game apparently there was a massive amount of planning for content that was not implemented yet, but the beginnings of it where in game, has it made any progress on that end?

>> No.16251378

You're being vague anon. What content are you wondering about because you might be better off just reading the pages of change logs on the wiki.

>> No.16251420
File: 130 KB, 600x600, 1478563491417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't mean to start anything. Just remembering something I heard in the rlg forever ago. Might have simply been a theoretical than something in an actual rogue like.

Either way, considering the the apparent division of gods, I have to wonder if Eyth is actually an Elder god.

Every player starts with Eyth as their deity, so that has to mean something. Maybe Eyth and the elder gods are more like GOD gods instead of physical gods?

They hold immense power, but you rarely directly see their actions. Instead either doing small things, like blessing water bottles, or holding the general fabric of existence together.

But this is all theory. Just interesting to think about.

>> No.16251631
File: 296 KB, 805x1200, 1466888935028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't participate in that conversation but I just want Eyth to leave his room so I can finally kill the one that got away. Well, the one that never left his room I guess.

I wonder how Kumiromi feels in this picture. When I look into his eyes I can't help but think he's internally screaming, "I can't believe this used to be a guy!"

>> No.16251666

What happens when you kill all of the Gods anon? Is it just something to do with no real reward?

>> No.16251718

No real reward aside from the fact of knowing that I started out the game getting bullied by putits and things could just glance at me and I'd die. Now I'm bullying gods and making them cry. Like I did when I took Yacatect's glasses away and beat her up until I she gave me her favorite coin. Now I want to bully Eyth. It's a nice feeling looking back and appreciating how far you've come.

I like Yacatect and bully her so hopefully oneechan notices me. Don't tell anyone though

>> No.16251732
File: 66 KB, 968x1068, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I did when I took Yacatect's glasses away and beat her up until I she gave me her favorite coin

Does this kind of stuff turn you on or something anon?

>> No.16251762


I do wonder why Karavika had Yacatect's glasses. Maybe she's bullying Yacatect as well.

>> No.16251882

It says here >>16250480 that Yacatect brought her up to demigod status in the first place since she loved her music. So those glasses were probably a gift.

And if on the very rare off chance my quack theory is right about Eyth, I don't think he is going to bother showing his face to a mortal. Or maybe he physically can't and has no physical form to begin with.

I know that the lore discussion has died down already, but I have to point out these two things
Maybe only the Elder and Normal positions for the gods are finite?

It seems that normal gods must have their seats filled, but at the same time can die and be replaced by demi gods or mortal beings.

Demigods on the other hand, have no limit to their numbers and are simply uplifted by a god and given some power.

Elder gods are a bit more mysterious since I don't know if any of THE gods in elona we see count as this. They might be etheral eternal entities which no man or god can comprehend, or maybe they are just your average joe gods that have been around the block a little longer than others.

Now that my random theories are out of the way...
Are there anymore picks following Kai's escapades like this? I love looking at all elona fan works, but I feel I have been looking in all the wrong places.

I didn't even know anyone did elona art besides harusame and Kai's Saya art.

>> No.16251941
File: 1.56 MB, 2999x1614, jaypeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So some people play the game as a God but there's no option to play that race? Is it a specific client I need to do that or is it something that's unlocked?

Have a CYOA for your troubles

>> No.16251986

At one point I saw a map that was something like 3-4 times bigger than what the game was, and it was supposedly planned content.

Really, im just wondering what has changed/been added to the game after i want to say 6-7 years if anything.

>> No.16251992 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 850x602, 431413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kai's Saya art.

I think you might be giving me too much credit.My pet Saya is based on a character called Muramasa from the Nitro+ VN Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. Only credit I give myself is muddling through gimp to edit pictures of her so they work in the game and don't crash it.

Apparently she's now in a fighting game and I really should teach my pet blade string eventually if I'm truly going to copy her.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QnSz1p3PHdo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.16251999
File: 196 KB, 850x602, 431413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kai's Saya art.

I think you might be giving me too much credit.My pet Saya is based on a character called Muramasa from the Nitro+ VN Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. Only credit I give myself is muddling through gimp to edit pictures of her so they work in the game and don't crash it.

Apparently she's now in a fighting game and I really should teach my pet blade string eventually if I'm truly going to copy her.

>> No.16252026

You really will need to go and page through the changelogs if you want to know everything that has changed then. Or you could just say fuck it and play the game and see for yourself. Highlights include 2 new continents to explore, platinum to restore potential capped at 10, new monsters to kill you, and much much more that I don't want to flood the thread with.

>> No.16252041

God is an option if you have extra race enabled. You'll need to go into your config.txt file and change extra races to 1 to unlock them. You'll be fine if you're just playing as one for roleplaying reasons but don't think you're any better than the default races. Power always has a cost and the extra races do have cons to playing them.

>> No.16252168

Oh, well then I guess I've only ever seen harusames art up until this point then.

By chance did you make the Yacatect image with your greentext underneath from earlier in the thread?

>> No.16252181

The text underneath it is what I actually said about Yacatect many threads back. The picture I'm guessing was made by the person who made that post.

>> No.16252472

Ok, is this canon? Because if so it answers my elder god question.

Izpalt is the last elder god trapped in normal god form, and seeks to reduce the world to its base elements to allow him to ascend back to elder god hood and his "true" form.

Still no clue what's up with Eyth though. Maybe Elin will answer that.

>> No.16253118

Can you play this game without a number pad (only arrow keys as movement) or are diagonals pretty important?

>> No.16253232

It's easier with a numpad to do diagonals but the game works just fine with arrow keys. To do diagonals with the arrow keys you'll have to hit and hold two arrow keys.

>> No.16254631 [DELETED] 

>it seems that it'll never fill on its own if self-damage is your only source.
As of .48>>16253232
or so, I was able to spam throw my bed at myself and get to 100% within a few dozen turns. Not sure if that's been changed.

>> No.16254634

>it seems that it'll never fill on its own if self-damage is your only source.
As of .48 or so, I was able to spam throw my bed at myself and get to 100% within a few dozen turns. Not sure if that's been changed.

>> No.16254661

Anyone have any idea how I put my less-valuable items "in the back" of my shop, as the book describes it? I'm assuming it means the safe, but I dunno how to actually place items in it.

>> No.16254881

I always thought that meant in the back squares. But I don't think it works anyway.

>> No.16254904

What doesn't, that part of the shop? Where you place the "less valuable" items?

>> No.16254923

Yeah, I think even if you put bad items there nothing will change. But who knows, it might work and I never noticed it.

>> No.16255135

I see. Maybe it's a work in progress or something?

>> No.16255316
File: 453 KB, 1272x756, elona7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, is the world really this big? That's pretty fuckin' cool. I was under the assumption it was only north and south Tyris. It's a hell of a lot bigger than I was expecting.

>> No.16255340

You should stop paying attention to the map and focus on your older sister!

>> No.16255950
File: 126 KB, 616x417, insert std joke here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16255975

The book specifically says it's the safe. He's just referring to how if you have stuff to sell it will be on the shop floor while stuff for you to look at and determine if you want to sell it will be in the safe. If you want to sell the items in the safe you have to remove them from the safe and put them on the shop floor.

>> No.16255982

Fug i didn't screenshot it.
Got to the arena, fought a {Terrorism Squirrel} and it dropped 911 gold

>> No.16256044

How do i reset the home icon on the map to default? I have this ugly white square and i don't want it

>> No.16256110

When the box asks you for number put zero in

>> No.16256447
File: 172 KB, 600x400, 43112148_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story time:

>Once upon a time in the 5th era, the heavens had decided that with all the many farms across Irva, a god was needed in order to watch over them to keep the peoples who relied on them fed. Thus, Kumiromi ascended to the position of the God of Harvest, and for his first task planted a tree; these roots spread across the earth, and the tree grew mighty.

>Though his was a place of harmony and peace, the world as a whole threatened to descend into a time of strife as the gods mistrusted each other. Among these gods was the Shinou the Cat King, whose lineage spanned seven generations and represented the ideal of good luck, seeking out a heir. The other gods envied him, and his still pregnant consort was posioned so as to disrupt their line. As a result, she gave birth but to a single indivdual, a cat known as Ehe. Ehe was born deformed and sickly; worst of all, she was black - an omen of bad luck and evil. Shortly after, her mother succumbed to the posion and passed away, the Cat King powerless in spite of his status to save her.

>Ehe was dubbed "Ehe of Doom", and disowned by her father. Cast away, she barely managed to cling to life in light of her deformities, and the peoples spurned her: children fled when she attempted to play with them, and settlements cleared away out of instinct. She was seen as a sign of bad luck and disliked for her hideousness.

>Tired and dejected, Ehe went up to the great tree of Kumiromi and wept, her small dark figure an ugly contrast with its grandioseness. A fair boy with gentle features noticed the sad kitten and approched her, quitely observing the peculiar creature without sound. Ehe soon noticed his presence, surprised that somebody wasn't trying to run away from her. She attempted to flee, afraid that she would do something to offend him like she did everyone else, but this boy held onto her tightly, petting her head with a gentle, caring embrace. She expected him to shift at any moment, to express disdain like the others did before, but he merely smiled, not minding her at all.

>Weary, Ehe dozed off into a deep sleep. When she woke, the boy had already left. The tree became Ehe's favorite place, one she visited many times to play with the boy. The power of the tree and the boy's love affected her, and the ugly cat transformed into a pretty girl. Yet the serenity was eventually shattered, as the conflict between the gods had finally reached the area, and the surrounding forest burned in the collateral damage.

>Ehe feared it was her inherent misfortune that had caused this. Yet the great tree remained unharmed, and the boy told her that it was in fact her power of luck that kept it defended from the quarrels of outside. He finally informed her of his identity, Kumiromi of Harvest - the caretaker of the tree. He dubbed her "Ehekatl of Luck", and embraced her tenderly. The two would be wed as the first divine couple of Irva.

>Though the fate of the Cat King was lost to time, Ehekatl eventually rose to take his place among the pantheon of gods after the period of strife had ended. She joined hands with Kumiromi, and they ascended into Heaven.

>> No.16256459

It gave my heart a boner anon , good job

>> No.16256467
File: 223 KB, 667x1000, Lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Taken from http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Felonagather.wiki.fc2.com%2F&wb_lp=JAEN&reload=1 and revised into something readable. Notably, there is no mention that Ehekatl was a dude at any time. Just that she took her father's place as the deity of luck.

>> No.16256511

Thanks for the translation. The reason there wasn't a mention that Ehekatl was a dude in the past is probably because it was something Ano (who whoever writes the plot of E+) came up with. As Ehecatl and Itzpapalotl (the gods that Ehekatl and Itzpalt take their names from) were a male wind and a female agricultural Aztec gods respectively.

>> No.16256519

Oh wow, there is more to the story than I thought.

>> No.16256532

Someone in the past posted a picture dealing with the main story where Sinaha made mention that Ehekatl used to be a guy.

>> No.16256629

Thanks for the translation anon!

Man, I'm loving all the lore in this thread. Really interesting stuff.

Any clue where that picture might be found? I'd love to take a look at it.

>> No.16256700

Decided to dive into the site people have been finding this lore.

Turns out there is a god of wishes, who is mysterious and whose influence is strong enough to summon the other gods.

>A mysterious god with the ability which is to the extent gods are summoned.
If I'm a goddess from language, it seems, but a appearance isn't known as you, and it's wrapped mysteriously.

>> No.16256711
File: 664 KB, 811x633, 1476004358329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to go to warosu to fetch the picture but the anon was jokingly saying he was dropping the game cause of said picture. At least I hope he was joking. I made a comment that I wasn't that far in the story yet with Kai and wondered who mixed forbidden meat into Ehekatl's meow mix. Would of wished for more context of when this picture shows up but since I can read Japanese as long as I have a Kanji dictionary at my side, it does indeed say,

Hmph...about that, did you know Ehekatl was a male god in the beginning nyaa?

>> No.16256942
File: 143 KB, 1284x772, Sleepsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded that I need to pick up a sleep sheep for Saya. Has anyone ever got their pet to *love* status without sleep sharing? On my previous character I only got one pet to *love* and it was only through sleep sharing.

Also, Jure...you may want to stop spying on me now. I'm about to do something you might not want to see. Or you could always stay there if you're a latent cuck. Makes no difference to me.

>> No.16256953

I got it with my little girl just by killing stuff if I remember correctly. Though sleeping together is quicker and more fun.

>> No.16257032


It could be that she meant is that Ehekatl's position was a male god's (Shinou) until she took it over, and that her altering from an ugly cat into her present form was a byproduct of her absorbing her father's aspect of luck. Not that she was literally a male that genderswapped.

>> No.16257060

Oh, ok I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that someone had made an infographic or something with some of the main story elements. My bad.

>> No.16257075

It reduces your relationship, though.

>> No.16257085

Does a scroll/rod of alchemy preserve the quality of an item? If I use it on godly composite mail will I get a new godly armor?

>> No.16257272

Do melee weapons damage or hit bonuses apply to ranged attacks? Will an arrow equipped on a warrior affect melee damage or hit rate?

>> No.16257405

I think you can't use it on godly items. (Nothing happens).

>> No.16257408
File: 935 KB, 1200x862, 54525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the pic I posted that another anon originally posted is interesting and I wish I knew the context of it. I do have this tidbit to share that others may be interested in.

On the site we've been looking at, under Worldview in the menu. If you expand The Race section the drop down menu will show Creature. If you click that there is an interesting entry about gods and in it lists the minimum conditions to be a god.

It says that the gods can change their appearance freely and the entry above it might be saying that they are not restricted to gender. So what I'm thinking is that the gods can change their genders, if they choose to even have one in the first place, however I'm guessing some of them have a gender that they're most comfortable with.

It's possible Ehekatl could of in the distant past chosen to be male for whatever reason but seems more comfortable as a female. Could explain all this gender swapping fanart lying around and that cult of Kumiromi mentioned earlier in this thread that believes or really wants Kumiromi to be female.

>> No.16257543

As far as I'm aware no. The only piece of equipment that I know of that can benefit both melee and range are tonfas and claws since they fall under a very weird category of equipment.

>> No.16259944

Those announcements that appear in the log "anon has discovered item in dungeon" , is this from actual players or just flavor ?
Also at which point after i established a magic shop can i just recycle items from magic vendors ( i mean how much negotiation i need to do the trick both for me and my merchant ). Mama Yacatect must be proud of me , i'm finally making good income

>> No.16260020

It's not from other players (there is currently no online functionality at all), but it means that the item was generated in that NPC's inventory, and they may still have it by the time you catch them in an area where they can actually spawn.

>> No.16260025

Those announcements are from the NPC adventurers found throughout the world, as the player chat server has been dead for a while now. You could track them down and trade/kill for artifacts if you want, especially if they find a precious one like Zantetsu.

>> No.16260347
File: 685 KB, 1296x807, elona8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are shops supposed to give this fucking low returns? I know my shopkeep has shit negotiation but this is seriously ridiculous. I'm putting decent things in there and getting fuck all. I won't even come close to meeting the 5000gp monthly cost.

>> No.16260363

>10 charisma and no negotiation
I bet his customers think they are doing him a favor paying so much.

>> No.16260391

Do i need to identify stuff before i put it in my shop ?

>> No.16260425

So the charisma and negotiation basically defines precisely how much they can make, totally? Can they improve at negotiation the longer they're at the shop? I'm skipping my bills so I can get into the thieves' guild and get those fags with high charisma and negotiation, but it's gonna take a few more months.

>> No.16260427

you cant improve a skill you dont have

>> No.16260491

Oh, I sorta get it. Like how all my fucking plants died when I planted seeds at my farm and didn't realize I didn't even have the gardening skill?

>> No.16260496

planting anything under 41 gardening level is asking for everything to die

>> No.16260520

As a player you can learn skills from trainers, so grab Gardening 1 (50%) and work from there.

But if you want a shopkeeper pet, you'll have to transfer Negotiation to it surgically if it doesn't come with it.

>> No.16260532

"surgically"? Like, with gene engineering or something? Haven't dipped my hand into that yet, so I dunno how that works.

Regardless I used a scroll of ally and got a robber. Selling shit for a hell of a lot more now.

>> No.16260551

You should try getting into gene engineering pretty soon. It helps a lot if you want some new pets or add skills to an old one.

>> No.16261109

Yacatect + Anatomy and you can literaly just live your life off enemy body parts.
I currently have gardening at 41 , weight lifting at 13 and i get most of my money from my magic shop. What good skill should i get next ?

>> No.16261116

Did you get travelling and swimming? Those are pretty good.

>> No.16261157

Thanks for the tip. i guess ill take swimming first since in my game it seems it's always raining

>> No.16262779

thanks, honestly all I needed to know.

>> No.16262884

I started a new character for the latest patch, and the first unique I tripped over was the <Mad Scientist>. I never tried really making use of him before, and remembered he was apparently meant to be a magic user without actually having any spells.

I tried giving him a magic rod instead, and good god, he's just blasting everything with it non-stop, and constantly replenishing the rod's charges. I had no idea in all my playtime he could be this useful early on.

>> No.16262892

I didn't even know pets could use rods.

>> No.16263031


Seems like as soon as I put a leash on him, he stopped using them, but started casting with rods the moment I took it back off.

>> No.16263152
File: 1.72 MB, 1285x2313, lingerie shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Saya, after spending all night creating about 99 panties I am proud to say that one of them is the strongest panty I have ever created!

You may feel something when you put this on but try not to pay attention to that. With this panty you'll eventually be able to resist the elements and people will lose their minds when they see you sporting this sexy panty.

Saya: What's this made out of? It feels weird...

It's made out of cloth, bear tails, and human genes.

Saya: Are you telling me this was made from your seme-

It's made with love!

Also, Yacatect I have an exciting idea!

Yacatect: I've learned to hit the bottle whenever I hear you say exciting idea.

I have 98 panties so I was thinking of temporarily making this shop into a lingerie store!

Yacatect: No I...

I completely agree. There is no way this can be a bad idea. I trust completely in your skills to sell these panties. Feel free to keep any pair of panties that strike your fancy. Well I'm off!

Some time later. So it appears Yacatect has sold 5 panties for 111,992 gold. So she managed to convince people that the panties in the shop are worth about 22k gold each. So if she manages to sell the entire panty inventory she'll make me around 2 million gold. Oughta girl Yacatect. Truly you are the goddess of wealth. Now what to do with the inevitable exchange of panties. Welp, I guess I'll just put those used panties on the store floor. Someone will definitely buy them. Ah business in Elona.

>> No.16263537

I can get around the heavy armor casting penalty if I get a bunch of scrolls of flying and use it on my equipment, right?

>> No.16263558


>> No.16264042

I have no claims about panties being alive , thus trying to suck blood from a female adventurer. It's pretty efficent
But i wonder how a male would feel

>> No.16264486

Can i kill people in town , or does it cost me anything beside karma ?

>> No.16264659

The male would use the panties on his head and draw nose from his blood. Anything else is too dangerous.

But we are talking about elona.

>> No.16264662
File: 11 KB, 307x462, 1461792936509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the secret experience of kumiromi work? I'm lvl24 and it gave only one feat and was consumed when I used it. Do I need a new one every 10 levels or will it start counting my levels now and give me feats at 34, 44 etc...?

>> No.16264730

I think the only ones you can't kill are the named NPCs. So citizens, guards and shopkeepers are a nono. Children, beggars and bards are okay.

You can get a kumi feat at level 10, 20, 30 etc, however, I think it's better for you to use them after you stop gaining feats naturally.

>> No.16264829

Why? Does gaining a feat from seok put off my next natural feat? I still don't get exactly how it works. If I had two would I get two feats or can I not use the next one until lvl34?

>> No.16264889

I think you can only gain a certain number of feats until level 50-60 and kumi counts towards that, so it's better to use them after you stop getting them throught levels.
And no, if you had two kumis you would still get two feats, but if you had a third one it wouldn't work.

>> No.16264978

I'm pretty sure miromi doesn't count for the level up feats. I cheesed for early miromis, and I was still able to pick a feat every 5 levels.

>> No.16265166

Really? I remember seeing some time ago that it counted. This requires some testing!

>> No.16265501

I hard terminated after using it last night and getting unexpected results so I think I still have it. I'll use it right before I hit lvl25 and see if I get one from leveling

>> No.16265502
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I don't get it. I've not played much Elona before, hell, I'm not even using Elona+ C, I don't even know what that entails. Just normal Elona+.

Why does it take so fucking long to level Performer? I've got 200% potential in it, I've got 30 charisma currently and I have a bunch of +perform stuff on, but it still levels at a fucking crawl. What should I do? I just want to be able to finally finish those party time quests.

>> No.16265520

Get some pets and use ensamble

>> No.16265542


I can't even use that yet. I'm not even at 25 performer and it's still this slow. I've been at it for like 2 days and I don't know why it's just crawling along so slowly. That's also with reading a blessed art of the performer each time before sleeping.

>> No.16265587

Performing is a thing from hell.

>> No.16265602

This is partially why I'm making collections of items for boosting skills, so I don't have to deal with this kind of stuff so hard. Uh, it should help a lot, right?

>> No.16265605

Take off the +performer gear. Skill modifying gear makes the skill effectively that level for everything, including the xp cost to level the skill.

Google or mook is fucking up the recaptcha on purpose to get us to do them multiple times.

>> No.16265701


Oh, that makes sense then.

>> No.16265754
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>love the vidyarpg music pack
>get auditory whiplash with the loud static noise whenever you change map

I was enjoying it so much until it started giving me headaches.

>> No.16265945

Are you unironically(and not via cheating)level 4472? If so, how in the fuck? How god damn long have you been playing this game?

>> No.16265970

Kai is a magical fairy of grinding and herbs.

>> No.16265977

It's what happens when you find the optimal grinding patterns and have the patience to just repeat them for hours every day.

>> No.16266155
File: 36 KB, 334x400, 1477623597356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm someone who haven't played a lot of Elona, but I've played a bunch of Roguelikes previously. But never been good at them.

What's a good sequence at the beginning to get into the muscle memory? Despite all the guides and pastas I read, I can never get a good start off, and then it just slogs down from there. I usually play either Juere or Yerles and start as a farmer because of early gardening and all that jazz. But then I'm usually fucked in combat, so I have to hope to christ that my little girl doesn't die or they have any casters or I'm fucked.

What do you do when you start a new character? What's your usual steps?

>> No.16266179

I pick my class, little girl, some equipment and head of to the wilderness until I'm level 5 or 6. Then I start doing some easy delivery quests for gold and platinum.
After I get the skills I want I focus my money on equipments and try to hoard some fire resist for the dungeons.
I try to beat Zeome around level 30. Not sure if it's good, but I do it anyway.

>> No.16266575

I'm also new and I found gambling to be very good. With the lucky day buff I won a cure corruption potion for every ~4 single chip bets or so. I blew alot of chips on 5 and 20 bets trying for a potion of potential, but the house kept getting 21 on the first round. I got a bunch of crumby gear, but a few miracle and godly pieces. A heavy armor 4/52 for my little girl (who was wearing 7/7 at that point), and something else that I traded for a cape with resist fire #, ice # and magic ### about 5/6 armor and -### control magic, but I rarely cast aoe spells.

I plan on taking some cc potions to Pael's mom tonight to rack up more luck, sleeping in the king's bed and keeping a shed full of blessed food next to Palmia so I can stack as much luck as possible for next time. Potions of cc can also be traded for pretty much anything an adventurer has.

>> No.16266597
File: 141 KB, 480x616, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like summon spirit parties got nerfed in 1.63. now summoned creatures no longer generate points at all. this makes me a sad panda.

>> No.16266634
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Hahaha seriosly ?

>> No.16266679

Start as a Yerles Warrior with little girl pet.
You'll be able to kill things and can easily get into farming and change classes later on after you get survivability. The perk and combat skills will help. The farmer perk won't be helpful early on. The extra skillpoints will also help.

No real point to being a farmer so early on except for roleplay points. Do enough simple quests, like delivery and such, and you can just buy the farming skill. I didn't get into farming until later in the game, but it quickly became one of my highest skills. Especially with herbfarms.

>> No.16266774
File: 2.11 MB, 1591x2400, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No cheating. This character is my third character. I started playing Elona before Elona+ existed. I've been popping in and out of Elona ever since but unlike other people that like to remake their characters I'm one of those players that just stays with a character for a very long time. Second character was created when I found out about Elona+. My current character was created after wanting to experiment with a Martial Arts character because up to that point nobody had made a martial arts characters that actually got pretty far. I also wanted to experience the new rules and features of the game from the outset. In the past, it actually was far easier to level up your character compared to now so I had fun trying to find a new way to reach the levels of power as my previous character with my current character. I knew exactly what I was doing when I started out with my third character so I was able to get a lot done in a short amount of time. Kept pictures of my character as I wanted to compare this character's progress to my previous one.

I'm a bit surprised looking at the picture I took of him back then because it shows that I spent at least 40 minutes in character creation. I'm guessing I spent a lot of time trying to find and edit portrait/sprite for my character. At any rate, made a Eulderna Predator. Renamed the class though as I had every intention to break my previous character's records and was the name of a manga I was reading at the time.

Two hours in I was well into doing job board quests and picking up new skills with the platinum I had earned such as mining and weight lifting. I remember mining out all of the walls in my house to raise constitution. By hour 13 I had mostly solved my potential problems, got a void license, and was on my way to kill Zeome. Instead of leaving that that cave and getting a better home, I spent my gold on just investing in magic vendors. Why do I need a home if all I would use it for in the beginning was stocking it full of magic vendors? I already had all these magic vendors in the towns waiting to be invested in.

So I invested in the magic vendors all the while farming scrolls of gain material. Either I was going to stockpile potions of potential from the potions that would eventually appear on these vendors or I would make them myself through alchemy. In the end I made my own and eventually was able to start buying them from the vendors. Used the wiki guide to collect hidden small medals in towns and places to get access to the void. Hour 34 I had made my first 2000 AP in the void and had enough gold to buy a palace. I also was popping out herb farms. I didn't choose my little sister rewards until I got my first statue of Kumiromi so I managed to get a handful of them right off the bat at that point. A handful was all I needed to get the farms started as all I did was accelerate time quickly to reset the statue cooldowns.

I built my house in the north where it snowed so all I would do is walk around on the map until it snowed then quickly get to the shelter installed in my home. Hop on a snail inside the shelter and watch days fly by in seconds. As I got more statues through turning in more little sisters it just got easier to stockpile herb seeds. At hour 100 I was doing more of the same with raising attributes through eating herbed in herbs and grinding and was getting good levels in the void and doing panic job board quests. I had amassed 13k in AP at the time. Spent it on speed and possibly my Martial Arts skill at the time. Hour 209, but even earlier, everything is scaling and I was farming wonder scrolls and spellbooks of wish on a mass scale. Up to 591 hours clocked in for this character. I've defeated the demigods, defeated the gods and made 2 of them my pet. One is working in my shop. Current goal is to see how far I can get in the void. Seriously, the things down there keep scaling and I'm sure even the gods don't want to tread the places I go to to do my killing and grinding.

>> No.16266807

No matter how many times I see you talk about it, I will always be surprised at how quickly you can do stuff.

>> No.16266908


I don't get it, how you do it so fucking efficiently. Like, I've slaved across 4 days on one character, playing shifts of like 18 hours straight and I'm not even level 25 yet. Most of my attributes are at bad potential and I've no clue what I'm doing.

>> No.16267240
File: 397 KB, 1295x802, tickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works. It's just you can't use alchemy rain and love potions to do it anymore because of the changes to alchemy rain.

I'm able to generate points from spirits by performing. Have around 1100 in performing and that can impress spirits created from a lv 800 or so summon spirit spell. Grinded performing by dumping bonus points and playing in front of spirits. I actually level up my summon spirit spell, performing skill, and meteor spell in one session. Since I can't seem to gain performer skill gains from the same spirit audience, I pretty much summon spirits, do my performance, meteor them all, and then summon another batch of spirits to train performer on.

I really should of walled up the spirits in the picture as I want to destroy the spirit that killed some of the named NPCs near the end of the party. Despite the lower score, I still managed to get 10k in tickets from one party. Looking to raise performer even more since while I can impress the majority of spirits, I still need to throw love potions at the handful of spirits that are harsher critics. Throwing love potions one at a time at spirits does work however the amount of love potions you'll need makes it not feasible. So performing seems the way to go now.

Around that level you might be better off just leveling from grinding skills or spells. Skill/spell exp kinda feeds level up exp. Grinding out spell levels especially will make leveling easy around that level.

Killing dungeon monsters initially will give ok level exp however eventually only the dungeon boss will give ok level exp. Due to that, I view dungeons as a really poor way to grind out skill and level exp. The void and later on awakened dungeons are much better for leveling up characters and grinding out skills. Dungeons however are great places to get gold, small medals, platinum, and materials from resource nodes. Challenge and Panic job board quests are even better than dungeons in gaining level exp. However, those job board requests don't show up until you reach a certain amount of fame. You can gain fame by completing job board quests and dungeons though.

If you have bad or hopeless potential in your attributes your gains in attributes have stalled for the most part. Having your attribute potentials fall off a cliff happens to everyone but the faster you can rebound from hopeless to superb the better off you'll be.

Attribute potential can be restored through potions of potential and blessing them. Blessed potions of potential restore all attribute potential. About 9-13 potions can take someone from hopeless to superb. You can find these potions on invested magic vendors so use the gold you get from job board requests and dungeons to invest in these vendors. You can also make your own using the alchemy skill and the alchemy kit tool. You need to have enough alchemy skill to make potential potions so train it by making healing potions or dumping bonus points into it. Sell off your healing potions to get some gold for your troubles. Gain material scrolls from magic vendors and from resource nodes in dungeons should provide you with the materials needed to craft. Make sure you're taking advantage of all the magic vendors in the world too when you hunt potions of potential and gain material scrolls. Only visiting the magic vendor in Vernis for instance is not enough.

A pet with a cooking skill making breakfast can also restore attribute potential. The higher the pet's cooking skill, the more potential will be restored if you eat their breakfast. For skill potential platinum from dungeons and job board quests should be sufficient. You can use small medals from dungeon bosses to buy growth scrolls, which you bless, to raise the potential of all your skills however you might be better served saving your medals for hermes blood to get more speed early on. Later on challenge and panic job board quests can net you anywhere from 3-10 platinum coins each job board quest. Again, don't just do job board quests form one town. Do job quests in all towns. Yacatect also has a gemstone that you can use once a month for 10 platinum coins.

Minor protip: Holding shift while pressing a moving key makes you run/move fast.

>> No.16267389

Is there a way to set the music back to default in your home or do i need the CD? which one if i do

>> No.16267519
File: 680 KB, 1286x796, growthdisturptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found I had this. I recall cursed items that had growth disruption used to be fairly valuable in previous versions, since you could just continue to grind your skills out while more or less retaining the same character level. Is that still the case in the latest versions?


I believe you will probably need a CD of the old music, I get the feeling it was one of the mid-teen CD's for default home music.

>> No.16267526


What would you say is a good, solid way to make money in the beginning? It always takes me so very long to get going on the goyim shit.

>> No.16267540

It's mainly used by people that don't want to level high enough that they begin to experience death penalties. Aside from that, you benefit more from leveling because you'll need the extra HP and MP to fight stronger monsters. At least with the weapon skills, you need to keep fighting stronger and stronger monsters with higher evasion to level those skills. If your gains have slowed down first check potential and if that's not a problem then most likely the enemies you're fighting are too weak and you need to move on to stronger enemies to train the skills.

>> No.16267547

I'm not certain but I think it's used to prevent you from leveling so that you can boost your learning for additionnal skill point per level.

>> No.16267619

I mostly made my gold in the beginning from doing short distance escort job board quests. Once I got enough gold to buy armor pieces I added hunting quests into the mix. After I got enough platinum for gardening, anatomy, cooking, and weight lifting I started doing harvest quests to get gold and seeds. I planted the seeds I got from harvest quests in the cave knowing full well 90% of them would die out. Still some would live and that would raise my gardening skill when I went to harvest. I would then cook the vegetables and fruits to train the skill. Didn't make a lot of money from my cooked goods initially but as my gardening and cooking skills raised more plants survived and I was able to cook better meals. The better meals made me more gold. Eventually started doing dungeons and got some gold from that while I waited for job board quests to refresh.

While I didn't do this, another clever way to make gold in the beginning is through cargo running. The idea is simple. Buy cargo from one city and sell the cargo somewhere very far from where you initially bought your cargo. So what people would do is buy a cheap home near Port Kapul for instance, buy cargo in Port Kapul, travel to Noyel, sell their cargo there, use a return scroll or spell, and repeat the process for a good bit of gold.

Eventually you make enough gold to afford properties such as farms and shops. Again, I would plant the seeds I got from harvest time quests at my farms however farms allow you to make fertilizer. So using fertilizer on the plants I got + bonuses on them and made meals with + bonuses. Some of these meals sold for 5k gold or more to any vendor. All the junk I found in dungeons would go straight to my shop properties to sell off. As you climb dungeon danger levels the gold dropped from the dungeon bosses increases somewhere in the 300-550 range of dungeon danger level bosses start dropping 999,999 gold.

>> No.16267861

I know there's a way to do a printout of a piece of equipment I have in notepad or something. Anyone know how to do it? could have sworn I'd done it before

>> No.16268290
File: 288 KB, 800x480, 43657124_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Utima be nice and just give me his gun? I tried pickpockting him and he just instagibbed me. I even bought a nuke from that one girl. After an honorable suicide I went back into the fortress and was satisfied at the damage around me but to my horror I saw that he was still alive. He one shotted me across the way with his gun. If a guy can survive a nuke I'm scared of the firepower I need to bring. I'm only level 5 and I know the sign outside says lv 666 dungeon beware but there's no way they expect me to actually be that level to beat him right?

>> No.16268298

>I'm only level 5
Well there's your problem
Stop being a moron and go back to fight him after you have some levels under your belt

It's an easy fight, if you ask me. You just need to be the proper level, like maybe 40 or something

>> No.16268311

Are there any easy tricks I can do to beat him? I want his gun so bad. Would I be able to hire a bunch of goons to give me enough time to pickpocket him and not instagib me?

>> No.16268316

Use a rod of wish to summon a deity and have them fight Utima for you.

Beyond that, nope. Your pickpocket skill probably isn't high enough to take it anyway, and any slaves you buy or adventurers you could afford won't be enough to distract him before he just kills you all.

You're trying to take on a boss that's way too highlevel for just starting the darn game, you aren't being logical.

You can get his gun later on, for now make due with whatever you can get from the cyberdome.

>> No.16268321

Oh, by the way I forgot to mention that the Rail Gun is a precious item and you physically can't pickpocket it no matter how many times you try or how high your skill is. You NEED to kill her (I also forgot that Utima is a she).

>> No.16268347
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I guess I have no choice. Bought some slaves but we were vaporized by some circular electricity. Dam I really wasted a lot of gold on this despite going about this the wrong way it seems.

>> No.16268671
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Meanwhile, in a distant land...

>> No.16268681
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>> No.16268688
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>> No.16268706

Whenever I try to put a custom portrait sheet from the pastebin all the NPC portraits get scrambled (for example guards becoming old ladies etc) despite being in the theorically correct order. Is there a way to fix that?

>> No.16268807

Where do you get a hold of a good cooking device? I've never seen one being sold anywhere, despite having 100+ influence at all the furniture stores and general stores.

>> No.16268892

I've seen cooking devices on the vendors in the embassy. Not the ones that sell deeds but the other two. A lot of people like to pickpocket the bbq set at party time quests. If you didn't know you can use the stoves and other cooking devices in NPC homes and shops to cook stuff. Just go over them and use them.

>> No.16268907
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>> No.16269067

today Kai killed something new , my motivation

>> No.16269101

That's sad to hear. What exactly demotivated you? I had the opposite reaction. I'm inspired to take a crack at going further this time around with my character. I don't intend on competing with anyone or trying to reach some sort of benchmark. I'm happy for my own successes and meeting my own goals.

>> No.16269118

One of my personal goals when i play a game is trying to be as efficent as possible. I thought i archieved that but Kai character growth is something groundbreaking to analyze.

>> No.16269141
File: 89 KB, 925x837, 1478626546474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you actually win the Party Time! quests? I read that generally around 25 performer you start getting a shot at actually clearing the quest, if you try to stack up on +perform and glass gear so you have more turns to work with. But I still can't get above like, 70 - 80 points and the quests want me to do 160+ - 190+ points currently.

How the fuck am I supposed to do this?

>> No.16269163

get to 30 peformance and you get a special action that performs without an instrument but uses your + your pet performance to get a further bonus. Alternative way is to learn sexy dance , which rolls your charisma instead of your performing skill if you happen to have you charisma higher. I also think you can pull it off with preaching action which should roll your will , but i never tested that

>> No.16269295


Well, you can learn and use his tricks along with your own tricks to maybe become better, anon. I believe in you, you're astonishing in your growth.

>> No.16269360

How high must a pet's breeding power be to produce an offspring at all? My silver cat has 46, and it's been months without any litter.

>> No.16269422

What level should your shopkeepers be for reasonable potential pot gain early? I'm thinking of playing again, but last time I only managed to get to level 25 or so, and I remember shovelling every bit of gold I made into my shopkeepers, but reaching shop rank 150 for just one guy took forever.

>> No.16269665

It's really scary how he plays this game. I'm 200 hours in and have the same stats as him at 30 hours.

>> No.16269688
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All this has given me a very strange motivation. I want to make a character capable of killing Kai.

It would probably take literal years since I have not touched the herbs besides ones I find, and this is all noncanon besides, but it seems like the logical next step for someone living in Irva. Kai killing gods like it is a game when the literally world ending god of chaos is what they are holding back.

Is there any way to make a Kai cnpc that would have his stats and spells? This just seems like it would be a fun goal for my current rp character. The no magic, sword fighter trying to take down a GOD....... slayer

>> No.16269738

Isn't it possible to export your character and pets for an arena team for other people to fight? There's something that looks like it does that in the export menu (F8) though I'm not sure how it works.

>> No.16269761

I'm trying to recharge a blessed spellbook of knowledge using fill charge, but it keeps failing, and it worked fine on the non-blessed version of the book. Can blessed spellbooks not be refilled, or something? Or is my Magic Device skill not high enough maybe?

>> No.16269780
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That would be perfect actually. I'm not sure how it works, and it would require Kai to upload it, but that would be the best possible solution to put my party against Kai's.

Even though the ai is obviously dumber than a human player.

>> No.16269847

Why won't any of my pets cook for me in the morning? All of them have the skill, I'm married to one of them and none of them cooks for me in the mornings when going to bed at 9.

>> No.16270045

do they have pleasant sleep blankets?

>> No.16270257


No. I've not even seen that they would require it literally anywhere and I'm a pleb who plays with a wiki and a pasta up at all times.

>> No.16270308

My little girl cooks for me, and I didn't give her a pleasant sleep blanket.

Maybe there is a conflict since all your pets are trying to cook?

>> No.16270359


Even when I only had one pet with cooking, they still wouldn't cook for me.

>> No.16270375

Are you waking up at the proper time? Pets will only cook breakfast if you wake up at dawn or early morning. There should be a specific sweet spot you should sleep to maximise your chance, though I can't remember.

>> No.16270383


Yeah, you should be going to bed at 9PM and they should cook food between 4AM and 9AM, apparently. But that has never happened for me, and I've had cooking on my little girl since the second hour and I'm 30+ hours into the game now. My attribute potentials are abhorrent.

>> No.16270462

Are you absolutely sure you have cooking on your little girl? Might sound silly, but it's worth a check. I do mistakes like this all the time.

>> No.16270494


Yep. Sacrificed a putit to check, and she has it. Although it's really, really low for some reason, considering I got it for her at hour 2 as said.. How does one even train cooking on a pet?

>> No.16270660
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>it brings an end.

Uh.. What does that mean?

>> No.16270668

It has a chance of triggering a special event when you hit things with it.

>> No.16270671

Causes the ragnarok. I hope you're ready to shoot some dragons down and tons fire.

>> No.16270701
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This >>16270671
When you use it there is a chance you will invoke ragnarok, summoning a crapton of high level dragons and causing an ether wind outbreak.

>> No.16270704


This was found in a fairly low level treasure map chest. Jesus christ, game. Calm your shit.

>> No.16270718

potions of descent , lower levels increase breading power or so the wiki says

>> No.16270933

Just started playing and have 2 questions.
1. I cleaned my home and have a lot of stones and other heavy stuff in inventory. Where to store all these things? Just drop them on a tile? That doesnt look nice...
2. How to open the damn chest which has been given to me during tutorial? I dont have lockpicks anymore.

>> No.16270966

The chest from the tutorial is way more difficult then typical chests, don't bother trying to open in until your lockpicking skill is higher.

>> No.16271089
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>kai will never stream/make a video of how he does it

>> No.16271108

Your first true mission at the beginning is to kill Lomias and let his corps rot.

>> No.16271284

All we can do is keep moving on. I wonder how long it will take or me to start killing gods.

>> No.16271342
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You know I thought being able to kill fire drakes at hour 40 was an accomplishment.

>> No.16271474


As an update to this. After I used Squeeze to trigger the shared sleep thing with my wife, she now cooks breakfast randomly. Odd trigger, haven't seen that mentioned anywhere.

>> No.16271504

I just got my first shop, and while it is selling stuff, it seems a bit random. Is there anything in particular I should put in stores, or just anything until the rank goes up?

>> No.16271648

This is great. Although I have no idea how to pronounce Usvsyrvy's name I'm greatly entertained by the NPC. I look forward to seeing what happens to the order.

Never really thought of the consequences for the Kai clan becoming godslayers and knocking all of the gods down a peg so I'm looking forward to how all of this plays out. I will speak of motivations though.

Back in vanilla Elona I visited the official site's forum and remember reading what someone said about the void. I have no idea what the thread was called and if it even still exists. I also have no idea if its canon but I did find it interesting.

Basically explained how the dungeons of the world don't just materialize out of thin air but erupt from the ground as if something is pushing them up. Countless dungeons erupt from the ground full of monsters that terrorize the citizens of Irva. So in some nations, adventurers are called to clean out these dungeons however some adventurers who are veterans and have cleared out multiple dungeons come down with a sickness called Nefian psychosis that currently has no cure.


Through years of researching the dungeons and talking with the adventurers eventually sages managed to pinpoint the possible origin of these dungeons and for that matter, the various monsters that seemingly emerged from the ground. This place they called the void. Many veteran adventurers venture into the void each year and many don't return and the ones that do are always changed. Sages to this day still don't know what exactly what the void is and what it contains however all sorts of rumors and speculation exist.

That was kind of what the thread creator said about the void. I ended up mixing that lore with my headcannon of my character's father. He eventually became a veteran adventurer and had heard all sorts of tales of the void from other adventurers. Some adventurers said it was the source of all the evils in the land. Others said the void contained the secrets of the gods, some believed the secrets of immortality lie down there, others believed the void was the hub of where dead souls go and whatever afterlife exists is somewhere down there. Of course many believed untold treasures lie deep in the void.

My character's father set out to plumb the depths of the void out of duty to stem the tide of monsters infesting the land. Time after time he plunged deeper into the void with his allies and would return with stories of what they had seen in the void. Eventually other adventurers would call him the chosen one as they believed his crew might be able to finally crack the secrets of the void. As my character's father delved further and further into the void and managed to survive his strength became inhuman however the things he saw down there started to take its toll on him. After nonstop fighting of creatures of utter chaos such as the Yith and other nasties he started questioning the nature of existence. Could it be that the world above the void, an orderly world, be a fluke and the true nature of existence is chaos? How can order continue to exist in the face of this encroaching chaos? If everything from the void violently spewed forth would the world above survive? Surely the gods are aware of this danger so why aren't they doing anything?

He entreated the gods to do something about the encroaching chaos but it seemed many of them were caught up in their own agendas and goals to care about the people. Angered that the gods seem to have forgotten who made them gods in the first place he challenged them and after extracting their symbols of power from them(inner god weapons), found that they were not the unapproachable beings people thought they were. These beings called gods, while holding mysterious powers, didn't hold boundless power. They were just powerful creatures with their own personalities and quirks.

From that day on my father lusted for power that could stand up to anything such as the encroaching chaos and that eventually became the directive of the Kai household. My father eventually started showing signs of Nefian psychosis. Perhaps it was this that lead to the hubris of challenging a god or perhaps it's the Eulderna blood running true. At any rate, my character's father retired and the mantle of chosen one passed onto my current character with the continuing goal of exploring the void and attaining power.

As I said before, didn't really think of the consequences of bringing down the gods but now that I think about it, I could see how the world wouldn't exactly see what the Kai household is doing as "good". The household might be unknowingly paving the way for the god of chaos to emerge but then again, wouldn't mind doing it if they see it as a chance to remove the root of the world woes. The ego behind that thinking that one man can stand up against such a being is absurd but hey, Euldernas are proud.

>> No.16271783

Like many things, the more you do something the better you'll become at it. Give it time. If you play the game long enough you'll get into your own groove, know what works for you, and if you start a new character, will probably be able to achieve all the things your previous character did in a much shorter amount of time.

While I think you're referring to getting things done quick as what you mean by efficient, I assure you I'm not even playing as efficiently as I can. There are other players out there that can do things much better and faster than even I.

Take this guy for example, he did a speedrun where he completed North Tyris in about one hour at a mere level 6. He actually thinks it might be possible to beat it in 40 minutes.


150 or more is a good shop rank to aim for to have them start appearing. You might want to focus on ways to make gold. I explained some methods here >>16267619 but by no means is this the only methods of making gold. Earlier in the thread someone said he was making gold worshiping Yacatect and selling monster body parts due to the increase drop of them through Yacatect worship.

It would be a very boring lets play to be honest . There is a lot of things I repeat doing and a whole lot of grinding. I don't have the willpower to make a new character and put myself through another round of beginning game grind. I'm happy to answer any questions though in what I do. Having said that, there are plenty of Japanese lets players doing Elona and one English speaker lets player, Zergem, on youtube that has a lets play. While I wouldn't consider Zergem to be a powergamer I did find his play entertaining and I suppose some new players can learn something from his lets play.

>> No.16271805

Say Kai, after getting to Lost Irva what did you do?Is it just Herbs, music tickets and artifact fusion until you're strong enough to take the world?

>> No.16271924

Man, this is much more detailed than my RP characters story. For Doctor Insanity I just justified not using magic other than items as a response to the supposed superiority of casters.

Casters read a few books and believe they are gods, the god of magic wants to disassemble the world, and then the mages guild stole all the research I had gathered on lost tomes that was to be payment for learning how to protect others from my fire breath. All because I had been seen with the "barbaric" fighters guild. (I goofed and finished the fighters guild quest as I was one translated book away from gaining access to the mages guild for control magic).

That was the final straw. So my character proceeded to disguise himself, break into the mages guild, learn the secrets anyway, then nuke the entire place with Mani's Satellite cannon, and then teleport rod like a mad man until I could Return using a scroll.

Now he is just traveling around trying to do heroic things to prove a guy with a sword can be just as good as any mage.

But anyways, Kai would you possibly mind exporting your team for us like >>16269738

I'd love to have a goal of trying to take on the godslayer, even if it is just a friendly arena match.

>> No.16272183
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As I understand it, F8 allows you to upload your pet but not your character. You would take the uploaded pet file and vs said pet with a pet of your own in the pet arena. I'm not sure if that's what you had in mind for killing a godslayer though.

I will attest that my student, Saya, does have the power to bring down a god and passes the godslayer requirement as it pertains to strength. Unfortunately her resists are not so good at the moment and I'd like to build that up if I were to upload her. My only concern about such a pet upload is that my pet uses a custom PCC. I guess the game will just use the default Elea PCC in the worst case scenario if someone chooses to vs the pet in the pet arena though.

I spent a lot of time in South Tyris before I stepped foot in Lost Irva. However, there are now enough incentives to enter Lost Irva as soon as you're able to.

First thing I would do is research the items you can get in Lost Irva.

Warrior based characters will especially like the rewards for doing the Lost Irva main story.


There are also side quests that give good rewards for wizards and warriors. Some notable ones are:


Killing some of the named NPCs will also drop stuff of note too.


I aimed at getting these items so I did parts of the main story and some side quests. After that I made plans to unlock artifact fusion. Once that was unlocked I made plans to take on the demigods such as Amurdad, Karavika, etc. Killing them would yield very good items with nice passive effects. All items can be found here just above the comment section.


You can also make them your pets if you're strong enough to astral pen them and doing so can grant you some neat. The N97 Cannon and the Rainbow come to mind but there are more.


The demigods are the stepping stone to eventually taking on the gods themselves so I spent a considerable amount of time prepping myself for the fight doing what you mentioned. Farmed herbs, music tickets, and dabbled with artifact fusion for resists. More importantly though I was farming wonder scrolls and grinding out skills and AP in the void. The wonder scrolls would give me stock in spirits, meteor, and wish. I would use the spell wish to get descent potions and attribute scrolls for artifact fusion. I would bless the descent potions for gaining levels and bonus points and convert AP into bonus points as well. Between grind and bonus points I was able to get my skills to where they needed to be.

I more or less do the same thing now although I'm keeping my eyes out more for spellbooks of wish and rods. Anyhow, my current grind session is actually just traveling the world, North Tyris, South Tyris, and Lost Irva, stocking up on wonder scrolls, spellbooks of wish, doing only challenge/panic job board quests, and buying up everything else from magic vendors to put in my shop. All that junk might hopefully get converted in my shop to something I actually want. Like spellbooks of wish, rods of wishing, etc. All the platinum I earn I can dump into skill potential or can use them to attend magic classes. I can also duck into the void if I want to train melee skills.

I make a nice circular track hitting all the towns in North Tyris, Lost Irva, South Tyris, and back to North Tyris scooping up stuff from magic vendors. The beauty of making this circular trek is that by the time I reach my house in North Tyris again(I begin and end at my house) all of the magic vendors have either restocked their wares or will very soon. It also helps refresh Kumiromi statue cooldowns and the time passed allows your crops to grow. So pretty much when i get back to my house I can make another wonder scroll, wish spellbook, etc run if I want to.

I currently have 3k+ in platinum, 6 spellbooks of wish, over 2k in wonder scrolls and what is not shown is 7 rods of wishing. Each spellbook of wish gives me enough wish stock for about 25 or more wishes. So I have at least 150 or so wishes in storage. I can convert that into levels or I will probably use some for attribute scrolls. I intend to keep farming for a little bit longer before using them. Wonder scrolls can grant me more wish stock and should help replenish summon spirit and meteor stock.

>> No.16272347
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Ah you're right, that isn't really what I wanted to do. Though I have no doubt that Saya is a godslayer in her own right.

I guess I could ask the anon who makes the cnpcs and custom maps if it would be possible to make a cnpc Kai and how a newb as myself could go about it.

Unless you have a problem with that of course. It's your character after all.

Until then I guess I will content myself with seeing where this Platinum Crusader plot is going.

>> No.16272816

It has hard rained for a week now in my game after an etherwind storm lasting several days. Should I be concerned? Is the world ending and who should I pray to? I can't seem to move around on the map without stumbling around like some drunk.

>> No.16272955

>It would be a very boring lets play to be honest

Oh, you mistake me. It would be less of a let's play and more to deconstruct what it is that you do,to be so fucking efficient.

>> No.16273028

does anyone have the score for the main menu theme? it sounds so great, I wanna play it on my piano

>> No.16273060

speedrun with heir feels a tad ridiculous

>> No.16273141

Are you the dude from 2 weeks ago ?

>> No.16273180

dude from 2 weeks ago? dunno who that is, I only got Elona a week ago

>> No.16273183
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>finally get ensemble
>time to fuck these fucking party time quests up and get rich, so many of them missed over the many hours played
>you don't even get money from the quest giver
>just one platinum coin

>> No.16273186
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There are probably some errors

>> No.16273189
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>> No.16273192
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>> No.16273197

Thanks anon. I'm still a beginner, so this will be good practice for some of the harder songs.

>> No.16273198

Does anyone know if its possible to wish for a Mysterious Diary? I have a relatively new character, and most of the other wish related options don't particularly appeal at present.
(ie. The boots from the yeek quest serve well enough to be a seven league boots substitute.) I want to try for a fox brother as soon as possible.


I don't know if this is too late, but I do recall it being possible, if not to steal its gun, to steal its ammo, leaving it unable to fire the weapon in the first place.

>> No.16273202

This is harder than it looks if you have small to normal hands and want to play legato without relying on the pedal all the time (which you shouldn't).

>> No.16273283

But I will rely on the pedal, who wouldn't? Is it normal not to?

>> No.16273289

You get money for performing though, just not from the quest itself.

Also you can get music tickets at the end of the quest and stuff will be thrown at you for you to pick as you perform.
If you're using custom then enable the tweak where you automatically pick every item dropped during Party Time quests

>> No.16273408

Pedals make the piano produce a different sound.
Its easier to hear the difference with the una corda: the hammer strike only 2 strings which of course makes the piano sound quieter but it also change the "texture" of the sound.
You shouldn't automatically put the una corda down each time you see a PP. Often you will want the una corda to create a wider range of volume which has more impact (aka quieter). And sometimes you will want to use the una corda to create different textures (ex: you have the same part that repeat and you don't want it to sound the same cuz thats boring, or parts that "talk" with each other, or if the spirit of the music change "joyful" to "sorrow" or "whatever" [not saying una corda = sad]).

The same thing goes for the sustain pedal, "finger legato + pedal" will be different from "pedal legato". Aside from that, if you are able to play the music legato without pedal, adding it later will not be a problem (the opposite isn't true). Being able to play legato without the sustain pedal also gives you more control over the phrasing. And sometimes your hand is just not large enough and you have to use the pedal and thats fine (might also be due to poor choice of fingers take time with this).

Use pedals thoughtfully, working without sustain has no down side, if you have a teacher listen to him.

>> No.16273419
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>get two miracle weapons in the same dungeon
>dual wield them
>realize my character is now fighting enemies with a whip in one hand and a pair of panties in the other

>> No.16273424

Panties are a thrown weapon you dolt! Put them in the appropriate slot at once! Then you can dual wield whips and shoot panties from... Somewhere i guess?

>> No.16273433


Are there any big penalties using throwing weapons in the melee slot? I vaguely recall something about guns using the blunt skill when used for melee, but other than that, its a mystery.

>> No.16273446

An interesting thing I noted, when there are invisible enemies around, my Older Sister will try to shoot them. Apparently she can directly target them even when they're invisible. Not so much with the Little Sister I've noted, but maybe that's just because she won't use ranged weapons.

>> No.16273489


Well, that's where I keep my Gemini. So, I guess I'll just put these elsewhere for now, then?

>> No.16273527

Whoa, I went into that crypt to the northwest of Vernis and ran into this Ississzle faggot, who brought me to 1hp in 2 hits. Level 25 my arse, I'm level 30, damn it. I proceeded to teleport the fuck away and got lucky and teleported near-ish the stairs. Only to fall down the stairs and die because I was overweight. Fug. :D

With that said, I'm wondering if I could take him if I stacked some darkness resists, maybe. Since the spell he was using appeared to be darkness bolt.

>> No.16273530

Correction: Northeast of Vernis.

>> No.16273532

Just like the tower of fire, once you build up some resistances you should be fine.

>> No.16273555

Do you have a up to date spreadsheet for cargo?

>> No.16273561

New to Elona here.

Is there another link for the ghibli music pack? the link in pastebin is not working.

Also, does anyone else encounter the bug where mp3 file won't play in Elona+? Changing to midi works fine.

>> No.16273565
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Ok, I now have a ranch and a fairy I captured from a mysterious diary, and I have a couple of questions.

How long does it take a fairy to produce offspring? Their breed power isn't that bad from the looks of the wiki breeding chart.

Does each fairy on my ranch count towards my total number of pets? Or is it only the breeder that counts.

Is there a limit to how much innate magic resistance you can get from eating fairy corpses? Because that is the main reason I have been planning this slaughter farm.

>> No.16273572

Would a magaqua be useful in the fire tower? How prevalent is lightning damage in there?

>> No.16273637

Being always wet will decrease the fire damage you take, so yes it will be pretty helpful. Also, as long as you don't use fire you should be fine with everything else.

>> No.16273644

I'm wondering, why is it that JRPGs always do this? Rather than having a specific weakness and once you fulfill it, the boss is easy, why not just make him generally tough and somewhat damaging, making the fight more fun and making you think of what the best move to do next is? It's kind of more fun that way. It's also annoying to be prone to high death potential the first time you fight these kinds of bosses.

>> No.16273653

Alright. I was just wondering since I know lightning will screw me over since being wet will increase lightning damage taken.

>> No.16273674

A couple of bosses in elona are like that, to me at least.

I don't remember the minotaur king or the boss that holds the kings stone having an elemental gimick.

The former just hits like a truck and the latter has an army of chess pieces and a timestop weapon.

>> No.16273678

Oh, I somehow read that wrong. I thought you were talking about how useful lightning damage is on there.

But anyway, monsters there are mostly fire based, so having a bit of fire res and being wet should be enough.

>> No.16273681

Only the breeder counts
Also you can give her potions of descent to lower it's level and get a higher breed power (though at level 1 it will reach the specific NPC maximum)

>> No.16273711

A-anyone? I played Elona for a few days without bgm only to realise the mp3 is not working. Changing to midi file does make the bgm play, but if that's the case I prefer to play without any BGM.

>> No.16273720

Well that's good to know.

It also turns out that I just wasn't looking hard enough for my last question. According to the wiki at least each corpse can increase innate resistance by 50 but cannot exceed Normal (200).

>> No.16273811
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>some npc has monster-spawning curse item on
>some putit and something spawns
>rogue wizard pet fires away a fire bolt
>ground is lit on fire
>it spreads everywhere
>people keep dying to fire
>-karma as far as the eye can see
>Vernis burns to the ground because of a fucking putit

>> No.16273819

Alright guys, I fixed it. The main point is to have Elona in the same drive as where you installed your audio codec (probably ffdshow).

Just leaving the solution here such that anyone with the same problem can fix this.

>> No.16273833

You're lucky it didn't catch the resident edgelord's attention

>> No.16273838
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Pretty sure it would have, if I did stick around.

>> No.16273864


>Adventurers often get Nefian Psychosis
>Prostitute's price raise with levels
I think i may have found a correlation between the two.
The higher the level, the more shit the adventurer has seen, then freakier stuff the ho has to do to satisfy the adventurer, the higher the price.
>You want me to do WHAT with the potions of cure corruption? Ok i guess, at least it isn't the thing with the scrolls of growth.

>> No.16273893
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What is her breed power? Higher is obviously better.

Though it feels like it's completely random. I let my mad scientist, whose power was 30, sit there for a while, and while nothing happened at first, he soon brought me two shades in the span of a few weeks. And now my silver cat had been sitting in the ranch for god knows how long with its power of 46 and nothing ever happens, it's still just the same two shades walking in the pen.

>> No.16273897

You are guaranteed a spawn in the first three months or so, then is all up to the breed power

>> No.16273997
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This might be a dumb question, but how do I tell what will and what won't sell if I put it in my shop? Can the register and strongbox themselves be sold?

>> No.16274035

Not sure how to check in game, but if the wiki entry is correct on how to calculate breed power then she should have about 109 breed power.

I don't know how good that is though in practical terms.

>> No.16274049
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>go down stairs
>accidentally press s
>it's HOUND MANIA RUN WILD BROTHA with poison dogs
>currently wielding Ivy Spine that gives -### poison resistance

>> No.16274053

It tells you the pet's breeding power when you try to assign it as the breeder.

>> No.16274060

Wait until you find one of those stupid rooms filled with bomb rocks. It's painful to see the world explode.

>> No.16274070
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>get fox brother after shameless savescumming with mysterious diary
>have to gene splice magic control onto him somehow
>dogs apparently have magic control
>catch a sheepdog from low level dungeon and get to splicing
>fox brother gains Magic Control!
>fox brother grows a new leg!

I don't know whether just think of him being some kind of -taur now or whether the poor boy's dealing with some excessive endowments now.

I can fix this at least now, right?

This is why I always carry minor teleport scrolls, or failing that, a rod of teleport to zap myself the hell out of such rooms.

>> No.16274076

>This is why I always carry minor teleport scrolls, or failing that, a rod of teleport to zap myself the hell out of such rooms.

Oh, I do that exact same thing. But that accidental S-press caused me to instantly die from full health because of minus resistances to poison.

>> No.16274090

looking for more custom npc's. Anybody got a link?

Somebody made white caller robots for enemies and I found some disgaea stuff and those 2hu pastry things but I can't find anything else.

>> No.16274230

Why does this game love to eat my god damn identify scrolls and rods whenever I die. I've probably lost around a hundred identify charges so far due to that shit. What a waste.

>> No.16274256

Y'all niggas need a ranged weapon with explosive ammo, it does wonders on absurdly large groups of enemies.

>> No.16274356

What do you tend to do on a Lucky Day? I always freeze up and then it's over before I even realize. I want to know what to actually utilize it on.

>> No.16274391

How does xp from manufacturing work? Does building higher level things give more xp?

I'm wondering if it's feasible to keep a shop stocked with all the rods I need to make to level carpentry (and find dungeoneering) and turn a profit...

>> No.16274394
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This fight is just straight up annoying to deal with. Cacy regens hp so fast, and just bolts away from you with perma-speed. I mean christ, just let me do this quest already.

>> No.16274395

head to the casino

>> No.16274416

Gambling. It's much easier to get potions of cure corruption on a lucky day. If you win 4x in a row on a lucky day you're very likely to get one(but you need to win at least 4 times or there's no chance of getting one). Each one will cure 2 symptoms of Ether disease, a blessed will cure 3, a cursed will worsen your Ether disease, so make sure you identify them before you drink them. Check your feats and traits page for info about any Ether disease effects you might have. Oh, and the Casinos don't use normal money to gamble, they use casino chips, which you get from certain resource caches in dungeons.

Keep in mind you only need to bet 1 chip and win x4 in a row to get the potions. You don't need to go for more, but your likelihood of getting nice gear increases the more you bet. If you need the potions, though, definitely stick with betting 1 chip per turn. Towns usually have gambling tables in the inns, and Palmia has a dedicated casino. Look for anything that reminds you of gambling on the ground - slot machines, roulette, poker, blackjack, etc. - and use it. Oh, and you can only play blackjack. I don't think there are any other types of gambling. If you use a slot machine, it brings up the interface for playing blackjack.

>> No.16274439

Addendum: If you have high dex, you can cheat in casinos, if you wish. A successful cheat replaces your most recent top card with another one. Keep in mind that if the dealer finds out, the current Blackjack game will end and you will lose karma, so be careful. If you hit -30 karma, you're considered a criminal and the guards will attack you on sight and likely subdue/arrest you at low levels, so be careful about that. Then you get to spend happy fun time in jail until your karma regenerates, and all the while your stats take hits. Stats are much more difficult to replace, and taking hits to them sucks, so avoid that if you can.

However, if you have high dex and reasonably high karma, there's good reason to cheat if you're on 3 wins and over 21.

>> No.16274513
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I dug up a picture of some of the things I was doing around the 30 hour mark that I posted threads past. Top upper left corner is me burning through my stacks of herbed in curarias quickly in the puppy caves by having a hungry ghost nibble on me. Since hungry ghosts make you hungry my eat intervals are shortened greatly. The more hosts on you the faster the eat intervals as well. The hungry ghost trick works really well as long as your speed isn't too high. If your speed is too high it will feel life forever until the ghost attacks you next. Luckily, there's a fix for that. How I fixed that was getting a snail, a very slow creature, gene engineering it levels, using the directive special action to make it not attack things, and mounting the snail to reduce my speed.

Top right is me mass mining dungeons with the special action Houzanha to raise constitution. Middle left picture shows just how ridiculous attending magic classes can be in raising the magic attribute as well as other attributes. Middle right shows how bulk investing is good for raising charisma. Training magic capacity is a good way to raise will but one needs to be careful while doing that. It becomes a whole lot easier to train once you have a decent amount of HP. It's also helps a whole lot if you have a high level Cure of Jua. Currently my Cure of Jua is so powerful that I heal significantly more damage than I take when I overcast.

While I don't have a frame of reference to exactly make sense of the numbers, I have been using this google doc as reference to help remind me what skills tie to what attributes and to give me hints on what is important in leveling skills. For instance, the weapon skills require people to hunt down enemies with greater and greater evasion skill to train it.


A combo of herbs and skill grind is the best way to raise attributes.

>> No.16274629

No, sorry.

>> No.16274702

Is there any effective way to increase stamina? Feels like it runs out instantly whenever I try to do something, and half the time that's fishing - and the fish has time to spoil before I can reach the storage that's just 2 squares away.

>> No.16274712

kuminori as god increases stamina regen , increasing constitution and will raises max stamina , running feats grant 8 point each

>> No.16274734
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So, uh. I accidentally died, it dropped my cooler box and then earthquake happened so I lost it.

I don't suppose there's any chance of getting it back, is there?

>> No.16274744

You can get it through the little sister quest.

>> No.16274745

Interesting question. According to the google doc I posted earlier, >>16274513, it seems you get more exp from crafting things that use more materials. As for rods and turning a nice profit. I currently have a shop specializing in magic goods where I sell spellbooks, rods, and scrolls. I make a decent amount of money from it but what I'm really using the shop for is to convert dungeon and vendor trash into something I actually want. When someone goes to buy your rods they will either buy it using gold or they will trade a rod they have for the rod in your shop. Hopefully the rod they trade in is a good rod. I've managed to get some rods of wishing through my shop and spellbooks of wish.

>> No.16274776

Carry an ice box or a cooking item for fish and corpses. The vast majority of the time you will not be able to reach your home or one of the towns with food processors before everything rots.

>> No.16274831


Much like >>16274734 , I lost my box a long time ago. I guess I'm doing what >>16274744 said, then.

>> No.16274853

i believe that only works if he had it identified

>> No.16275186

What's a 'little ball'? A purple monster ball, but doesn't have the effect that a monster ball has, nor is it mentioned anywhere on the wiki.

>> No.16275196

It's a ball specifically designed to capture a little sister.

>> No.16275385


>played for 12 hours straight today
>got 60 hours on this character
>most attributes aren't even close to even 50 yet

Kai is the best motivator, and the biggest ballcrusher. How is that even possible.

>> No.16275448
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Etherwinds are fun.

>> No.16275842
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All done. Elona+ 1.64: Kumiromi Approved Update

That will teach that mountain of muscle Opatos who the real earth god is.

>> No.16275957



>> No.16276069
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Kumkromi you fool! You have doomed us all by providing Kai with a balanced diet of herbs!

>> No.16276075
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Kumiromi, kill urself my man. I saw your so called update.


So you learned a couple of new abilities to garden people to death and managed to rustle a few trees jimmies to move them slowing into action. Ur still a scrawny nerd. Get rekt kid.

>> No.16276096

Oh cool, some garden skills. Funny how I stopped worshipping him today.

>> No.16276554

So I'm level 20 in magic device and I don't see draw charge or fill charge on my action menu. Is there something else I need to do?

>> No.16276666


I'm the dude from two weeks ago, just got around to practicing it now. It is a bit harder than I thought it would be, and I do agree that you shouldn't rely on the sustain too much as a beginner, but I think for this song it's almost necessary to use it liberally.

Sounds great so far though, will let you know if I find any errors. I'm playing it with a few minor changes just for personal preference for now, but the sheet music is pretty true to the theme.

>> No.16276681

Level up. Every time you get the necessary skill requirements for a special action you always have to level up to get the new special action.

>> No.16276968
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Is it a bug with throwing stuff, or is it just how it works? Everytime I see a bell, I toss something at it and I kill it almost every time on the first throw of anything. As if throwing ignores DV/PV and just does 'true' damage so to speak.

Is it like that, or is it bugged? Because killing bells is done so easily like this, it feels bugged.

>> No.16276997

Throwing stuff doesnt check for evasion only if you hit the cell or not.

>> No.16277004


Oh, so that's why it's so effective then.

>> No.16277025

Tell me about shop keeping, how fast does stuff sell starting out? Do I need to manually place items on the floor like a museum or can I just dump things I want to get rid of into an inventory box inside?

Also, I can't seem to grow food and gems and herbs fast enough on one farm's tilled tiles alone. I have lvl78 gardening. Should I buy a second farm or start planting on grass tiles?

>> No.16277036


It's like a museum. And honestly, my shop's only at rank 45 or something and I'm having trouble keeping up with how quickly it sells out. I got a Juere Infantry-man standing as shop-keeper and he's doing work like an absolute madman.

Although I think you can place everything in one tile if need be, I'm not sure though.

And get another farm.

>> No.16277149
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glad i checked his pockets before murdering that bard

>> No.16277157

>Has a rod of wishing
>Didnt wish for you to die while you killed him
he deserved it

>> No.16277164

people usually have multiple farms , since you cant place farm tiles without map editing. If you get to 212 gardening you can reliable enough grow seeds on normal tiles , but the chance to wither will still be higher than farm tiles.

>> No.16277203

Fug, is elona Custom updated yet for 1.6.3?

>> No.16277328

All this talk on how to make gold and nobody has mentioned prostitution. It's like you people have standards and like your karma. You make a lot of gold and people are friendly towards you afterwards.

>> No.16277333

used prostitution thrice , made 1k gold and consumed all my stamina.
did 1 harvest job got 3.5 k gold + 5 k from selling items i found.
in my math 8.5 k > 1k

>> No.16277357

You're not prostituting hard enough and you need to pick the right clients. Not just any person will do. You need to sleep with people that actually have a lot of gold.

>> No.16277362

Sorry i'm not a gold digging whore for profession so i dont know the nuances of the work. Teach me your ways senpai

>> No.16277376

Adventurers, bards, and especially merchants are good marks. Have more gold than normal people and are useful to have on your goodside. Adventurers can protect you from wannabe pimps and tend to be good sugar daddies. I can hire them on for protection or trade easily with them. Merchants have a lot of gold because it passes through their hands the most. I admire bards because they suck up gold from strangers like I suck dick.

>> No.16277381

Thanks for the lesson. I hope one day i could be a great whore like you!

>> No.16277393

If i invest into a merchant does he give me more gold in prostituion later ?

>> No.16277404

Not investment, as the money just goes straight into boosting their shop level. However, gold you pay them when buying items does go into the same pool used for paying you back, whether its paying you when you sell items to them, or whore yourself at them.

So basically:
>Make big purchase
>Ply merchant with alcohol
>Slut all the gold you just spent on said purchase back from them

And again, this doesn't work for any gold you spend outside of buying and selling. eg. Investing, upgrading equipment, refilling ammo, identifying items etc.

>> No.16277405

The more gold they have the more they're willing to pay. You of course need to bring your A game and have done up your charisma to make them pay more for you of course. The way I see it their money is really my money.

>> No.16277417

As a professional gold digger I'll tell you that the person who has the most gold in all of Elona is that one librarian in the mage guild that reserves spellbooks for people.

>> No.16277459


Do you just throw the alcohol at them? Won't they get aggro'd?

>> No.16277466

You can (i)nteract with them, just like your pets, and give them alcohol through there. Keep in mind they only accept booze that is identified and uncursed.

>> No.16277471


They've never accepted anything I've given them. Huh. Odd.

>> No.16277480

As I mentioned, are you sure the booze is fully identified and uncursed?

>> No.16277530
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gold you make for prostituing yourself is charisma x10
that is is the npc has that much gold

>> No.16277532


What's your opinion on mining out forest dungeons and their wood tiles, seeing they give acorns and possibly four leaf clovers now? I'm a ways from having enough cooking skill to mix herb food, and mining out forest dungeons seems to be good for leveling both mining and cooking, since the fairly common acorns can be cooked.

>> No.16277537

meant x100

>> No.16277752

For anyone interested, I've spent the past while mining out a single level of a forest dungeon, and got around 100 acorns for cooking, 13 gold acorns to sell (for over 5000 gold at only 30 negotiation) and a single four leaf clover to raise luck. Not the worst haul I guess

>> No.16277842

There's usually way more clovers than that, even on a small map.

>> No.16277956

Uh, silly question but I'm not seeing any answer to it anywhere.

If I want to bind to use Dig on hotkey 1, how would I go about and do that?

>> No.16278064

ahk script

>> No.16278075

Tried to use it for auto-digging in the 4 cardinal directions but no success

>> No.16278200

Some suggestion for the museum? What stuff should i put and what cards/figurines do pretty much nothing?

>> No.16278218

figurines > cards
<name> figurine > figurine
Any copy after the first one gives around 1 / 3 of the increase in score and between 1-5 copies is the max

>> No.16278230

I meant, do putting a card of, dunno, blood golem does increase the rank by how much? And a grand leech?

>> No.16278251

Anything with a <name> should increase the rank a lot , and all the named ones have the same increase. Atleast that was my impression

>> No.16278402

Is there any way to protect against items shattering from ice attack other than cold proof blankets?

You can fire proof and acid proof items, but on the very rare occasion the blanket doesn't work I have no idea how to protect my good equipment from cold.

>> No.16278411

Resist cold at Superb+

>> No.16278438

Do the god pets at the dojo count towards the limit of god pets?

>> No.16278514

Wew! Almost at the end of my first objective, getting all the god rewards.
Then it's time for the grueling phase of getting all god pets out of the dojo, Leveling them all up to level 80 or so, equipping them with good stuff, teaching them spells, setting up a shop for the little girl, FINALLY smashing Zeome's face in and roll down to south Tyris to get... Whatever i can get there.

>> No.16278625

>leave a ton of shit in a dungeon I just cleared to haul some of it to my shop
>a sudden diastrophism hits the continent
erry time

>> No.16278635

Atleast elona has weightlifting , freezer , cooler boxes etc.
Any normal rpg i had to make 3-4 travels to hoard all the loot

>> No.16278671


Remember your pets have inventories too: if you can't carry it all by yourself, hand some of it to them!

>> No.16278880

Is there any lore information about half-breeds? Do they even exist in elona universe?

>> No.16278883
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Yeah, that never happened to me. Nope. Never. I didn't lose my Cooler Box on 3 separate characters in that exact fashion, no-siree.

>> No.16278898

Damn son, three?

>> No.16278949
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I die a lot because I'm not that experienced, and I consider the Cooler Box pretty much essential if you want to do super lure fishing and selling later on. I'm just a very unlucky person.

Just this year, I've had my kitchen catch fire which wasn't covered by my insurance, my car got bumped into no less than 4 times, had to go to court because of the previously mentioned kitchen fire because they were pushing charges on fraud and arson - got freed of those at least, lost a phone down a drain and just in-general stuff like this in gaming.

Life can be kind of rough sometimes. Which is why I don't mind losing cooler boxes. Gives me a reason to try out new starts on characters, I suppose.

>> No.16279004

Damn son, you had it rough. I hope you get lots of good RNG this coming year.

>> No.16279103
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Character hd sheet for 1.64
Dont know if i messed up since it's first time fiddling with it but have it nonetheless

>> No.16279126
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If you're going to go the bobblehead route, here is a rare Yaca.

>> No.16279133

I have a different strategy for my cooler box. I have a shop dedicated for food items near my farm and I throw everything I harvest in there except for a bit. I cook that, then throw those in the box, and take out some more, and repeat. In the end, I leave a little around for me and my allies to eat. Due to how long it takes my character to cook due to needing to rest(and presumably also because of my semi-low constitution), much of the food will otherwise rot. For the moment, the profit margin isn't anything too amazing, but when I get more farms up it should get much better. I have a pretty good excess of seeds for the moment(and I'm not serving Kumiromi)so this should work well for a while, probably. The downsides are that I don't get to carry some kinds of foods with me without having them go bad, but this is a lot safer. I can still eat some other dishes when I'm around home.

Anyway, anybody know how why I keep getting pickpocketed? It doesn't give me the popup message that it normally does, and it's peanuts compared to how much it is when the popup message type comes. But it's pretty consistent, constantly pilfering tiny amounts of money from my wallet. The only people who I'd think would be able to do this would be my allies...

>> No.16279140

It might be enemies, some of them can steal some money from you.

>> No.16279141
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Forgot pic.

>> No.16279152
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It can't be. It happens when nobody else is around. Unless they're invisible, or it's some sort of bug, the only thing I could imagine would that my allies are doing it somehow.

>> No.16279156

Enemy can pickpoket , some people in derphy take your money . Also is may be a bug but i lost money costantly while in Lumi , even though i had nothing cursed on my person

>> No.16279179

can someone explain to me what my kitchen knife's "1d14" means?

>> No.16279194

1 dice that has 14 faces. Your damage can be 1 trough 14. If you had 2d14 that means you had 2 dices and the damage would have been between 2 ( 2 dices with 1 ) and 28 ( 2 dices with 14 )

>> No.16279199

Is there a way to set it so I can use a tamer's whip and they will not eat corpses on the ground or drink from wells, but will still pick up money and ore? I want them to use it for training, but I don't want them to eat corpses every time they show up.

I know I should probably feed them better, but it's a hassle to do so much, and difficult to find food that they will eat that won't spoil.

>> No.16279214


That's a side effect of cursed equipment. Check your gear to see if it's cursed or doomed.
