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1621841 No.1621841 [Reply] [Original]

What's it like to have a dakimakura?

>> No.1621851

so ronery ;_;

>> No.1621854

Feels good man.

>> No.1621855

It's like a giant pillow only that there's a picture on it.

>> No.1621860

I recommend it, even if only as delusional training about learning how to sleep with someone.

It's surprisingly difficult to sleep without rolling over it, squashing, so and so forth it. Took me a month or so to really get comfortable with it.

I mean, I'll never use these skills, but hey, can't hurt. And it gives me someone to discuss my bedtime reading with.

>> No.1621861


I'm going to get a dakimakura of myself, just to be edgy.

>> No.1621866

My girlfriend won't let me have one. ;_;

>> No.1621870 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 1226885319822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up with your love in your arms is an awesome feeling.

>> No.1621873

Hey, wait a second...

>> No.1621881

so ronery ;_;

>> No.1621885

Do you listen to this while you're holding it?

>> No.1621889

I have Sae, but it seems like Hidamari Sketch makes up a giant fraction of the market. Clearly superior.

>> No.1621908

How good is the image? If it's Sae, I might consider finally getting one

>> No.1621913



>> No.1621918
File: 114 KB, 234x700, 1226886034849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sae is love; you have surprisingly good taste.

>> No.1621924

Quiet, you... Don't tell them.

>> No.1621928
File: 124 KB, 234x700, 1226886206378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1621938

I was considering getting Sae, but Yuno is true loev

>> No.1621942

offtopic: what's the OP's sauce?

>> No.1622048

Oh, that's a really good image.
Alright, it's decided. I'll get one to endure the lonely nights in a new country if I get that scholarship in Canada. But only because it's Sae.

>> No.1622064

Whereabouts in Canada?

>> No.1622069

Where's the best place to get one of these?

>> No.1622078

Don't come to Quebec, it sucks.

>> No.1622102


>> No.1622109

Come to Ottawa ~

>> No.1622120


>> No.1622125

Fuck you, it's awesome, it has poutine and the weed is good.

>> No.1622138

Yeah, that was the image that sold me, too. I am also Canadian, though I seriously doubt you'll be coming to Newfoundland.

Colombia and I have the same taste. I'm so touched.

>> No.1622145


>> No.1622151

I've considered buying one, but the truth is that I'm actually a bit afraid to. If I had one, I would almost certainly start talking to it, and I fear this would be the only trigger needed for my descent into madness. I just can't shake the image of myself sitting across the table from it, my glazen eyes staring off into nothing as I murmur incoherent words of love.

>> No.1622158

Fuck yes, Newfoundland.

>> No.1622171

Montreal here.

>> No.1622177

Nowhere else you can find 84 bars within a 200m radius circle. Damn skippy.

>> No.1622180

I'm shocked that someone else here has been to Newfoundland, but is the entire board Canadian? Jeez.

>> No.1622204

Alberta here

Anyway, I can't manage to find a dakimakura with my perfect waifu on it. Maybe I'll just buy the pillow itself and use my imagination.

>> No.1622208
File: 29 KB, 702x396, 1226889127035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's either Montreal, Waterloo in Ontario or Calgary in Alberta. And I'm not too keen in the whole Quebec thing, mostly because the concept of French everywhere scares me shitless. How bad is it anyway, enough to wander the streets knowing only english and worthless spanish?

Posting some Sae because I feel guilty of hijacking threads...

>> No.1622243

Montreal is easily the best city in Canada. You can get by with only a little bit of French, as most people are bilingual.

>> No.1622301

Nobody from BC?

>> No.1622310

Ottawa is great, though a lot of my friends have moved to Montreal. Ottawa itself is fine though because it's a nice-ish city to live in, 1 million people is a decent population size, it's a short bus ride away from Montreal or Toronto if you're bored.

>> No.1622343

I don't see these anywhere.

>> No.1622350

I think they're categorize under 'anime toy'

>> No.1622354

I think they're categorized under 'anime toy'

>> No.1622355

It must be horrendously terrifying event for american mixbred trash to encounter actual culture for once.

Also, you're going to Canada to furtherly suck on Dan Kims cock?

>> No.1622361

What's it like to BE a dakimakura?

>> No.1622367

What does a dakimakura have over a teddy bear? Teddy bears are just as good for hugging, have emotional impact in memories of childhood, and compliment several fetishes very well. Not to mention the price, with the dollar deflating as it is.

So why have a dakimakura over Snuggles?

>> No.1622380

Because Snuggles isn't a moe loli. Snuggles is a bear. Bears don't stutter and bake you cookies. Bears fucking maul you.

>> No.1622403

It depends on how big the teddy bear is. A dakimakura is pretty big so it's easier to give it a full body hug (adding the rolling around). You can't do that with a tiny bear. Also, it's the fabric. Teddy bears are usually pretty fluffy which makes them very... for a lack of better words, warm. A dakimakura is much cooler so it's quite refreshing to embrace it on a hot night.

It'd be much better to fully embrace a glass table on a hot night, but that's much to heavy. There's no rolling either.

>> No.1622412

Sup meru.

>> No.1622441

>rolling over it, squashing, so and so forth it.

You mean my waifu wouldn't like me doing that?

>> No.1622444

big words from imigrating wog.

>> No.1622465

Sup meru.

>> No.1622488

i can't afford a woman, i can't afford 100 dollars for one of these
damn it ;_;

>> No.1622493

Buy a teddy bear then.

>> No.1622518

i've got, from way back when
also a snuggle, btw
it doesn't help

>> No.1622535

Get a different animal then. I have a cow and it's horribly cute. It's much too small for hugging though so I just sit it beside my pillow.

>> No.1622687

isn't that Hinako from Sister Princess?

>> No.1622906

Am I the only one who noticed the ghost penis?

>> No.1622917

I thought it was a shadow, but now that you've said that I see it.

>> No.1622922

Hey, that doesn't look like Misaki, you adulterer.

>> No.1622936

What the fuck? Who would have thought that there would be other Newfoundlander's on /jp/? That's kinda neat.

>> No.1622964

Like a bag of sand filled with millions of dust mite corpses.

>> No.1622969

It's like I'm really on dannychoo!
