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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16206564 No.16206564 [Reply] [Original]

Why are manga magazines like this?

>> No.16206565

Because they're for horny kids and teenagers.

>> No.16206566


>> No.16206567

Becasue you are reading shitty magazines

>> No.16206568

Porn magazines are better.

>> No.16206569

Who is she, lads?

>> No.16206570

So as to not completely ruin the libidos of men with 2D harlots.

>> No.16206571

I may start to read young magazine

>> No.16206572
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Some are, some aren't.
週刊ヤングマガジン is for young men, so there is imagery certain imagery which comes with the territory.

>> No.16206573


>> No.16206574

It's pretty much just weekly seinen magazines aimed at younger audience.

>> No.16206575

>148cm × Icup
I didn't intend to fall in love today.

>> No.16206576


>> No.16206577

idols and VA are 2.5d

>> No.16206578

>manga magazine
Nuh-uh, not today anon.

>> No.16206579

>/a/ love 3DPD garbage now

Better purge some more general instead of the normalfags ruining this board.

>> No.16206580

Kill yourself with your 2.5D meme.

>> No.16206581

>I hate titties

>> No.16206582

Kill yourself with your 3DPD meme.

>> No.16206583

Take your cancer to faceshit.

>> No.16206584

No, fuck off.

>> No.16206585

that is what we all are.

>> No.16206586

She has the same birthday as me

So why dont I look like that already?

>> No.16206587

>everyone I interact with is just like me
>they all hold my opinions too, until they say otherwise and demonstrate they're retarded, and have the same politics as well
Sure thing, kid.

>> No.16206588

Unlike westerns like /co/ or /v/ sjw faggots, nips know their audience and what they like.

>> No.16206589 [DELETED] 

Both stem from the same basic problem of self-moderation being dead

>> No.16206590

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.16206591
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I read for the artwork and storylines

>> No.16206592

Some people are just born ugly anon.

>> No.16206602

Nips are also really sexist though

>> No.16206616

h-hello /jap/

>> No.16206621

Tits are literally entry babby tier.

>> No.16206660


>> No.16206676

Suddenly I feel more weeb

>> No.16206690

I suddenly feel even more autistic

>> No.16206694 [DELETED] 

Thanks for using /jp/ as your garbage bin, mods.

>> No.16206695
File: 149 KB, 499x364, 1381098346939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the mongoloid who made this thread, asking an idiotic question like that, because he can't even use his brain for half a minute, and those replies below.
Jesus Christ, we even got some greenies!
Jannie, send this thread back to /a/

>> No.16206717 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 883x263, Lona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having this much of a superiority complex while posting on /jp/

>> No.16206744

Because japanese otaku aren't retarded spouting 3DPD all the time
Not to mention they want to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible so they will sell.

>> No.16206769 [DELETED] 

its more /jp/ related than it is /a/

>> No.16206784 [DELETED] 

/a/ - anime and manga
/jp/ - everything japanese that isn't anime and manga
>Why are manga magazines like this?


>> No.16206849 [DELETED] 

This thread should have been instantly deleted, not moved.
Mods are fucking retards.

>> No.16206875

>Faggot OP fell for the "trutakus hate 3DPD" meme they peddle on /a/

>> No.16206996 [DELETED] 

Young boys actually try to learn about women and sex through manga stories so the magazines took it upon themselves to try to actually help them but at the same time sell sex.

Sex in Japan and parental leadership is at an all time low for both teaching to children and setting examples for communication.

People are optimistic about japanese males becoming more aggressive or taking on a better role of the tradtional male since japan is becoming more right wing again, more nationalist.

The problem is this is coming forward because feminism in Japan started to blossom.

In the end thsee manga magazines are trying to teach boys to be men inside and outside the bedroom. They don't have strong father figures this generation.

>> No.16207048


If you like 3DPD, you will eventually likely become fully a normalfag, the meme has a reason to exist, if you stay a virgin you can keep enjoying these hobbies forever, if you decide to ruin your life and fuck a 3DPD then you can't. Though I'll admit liking Japanese women is at least slightly less normalfaggish behaviour, though you should still stick to 2D entirely or mostly.

>> No.16207053 [DELETED] 

>They don't have strong father figures this generation.
Unlike your father, who beat up you and your younger brother.
I told you to stop posting on this site, Sean.
You should listen to my advice or else.

>> No.16208937

wrong my friend

the meme originally came about as an inside joke - an excuse for the lack of inter-personal relationships, as well as a self-praise joke, that otakus are such enlightened people they don't care for fleshy desires
they were even referenced/mocked occasionally in manga, e.g, genshiken and sundome. read them to see how even the instigators felt about the joke

but for 4chan, in 2009-2010, kids, thinking they had discovered a new school of philosophy, enthusiastically internalised that bullshit, as well as took the waifu trend to a new level
the result is nonsense, like what you just wrote, being paraded around seriously

you and your /a/ ilks are acting like clowns, but don't even realise it

>> No.16208974

and now that you mentioned it

these works that touched upon 3dpd, even nhk for example
/a/ kept namedropping them to boast of their taste
all while spewing bullshit about waifuism
it was one of the funny and depressing memories that i have of that board

funny because they couldn't connect the dots to see how they were such walking contradictions

depressing because i realised i wasted years with those braindead teenage consumers

>> No.16208999

Where the hell do you get really really old Manga in Tokyo.

I tried the book off in Akihabara but couldn't find what I wanted.

>> No.16209883

>square enix in japan.

>> No.16209892

This is a stupid question, op. do you not like tits or something????

>> No.16210002

This. Also, normalfags just meant non-otaku, and was also used humorously. People who take this stuff seriously as a political, rather than aesthetic trend are totally disconnected from the older culture. And are thus normalfags.

>> No.16212084

From what manga is the character on the top right corner?

>> No.16212297
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>> No.16214216

I thought it was Solid Snake from the thumbnail.

>> No.16216877

Can you rotate this on the Y-axis?

>> No.16226426


>> No.16226527

why does something sold for teenage boys and young men have things that they like?

>> No.16228792


Are you stupid or something?

>> No.16231212

I went to Mandrake in Akihabara.

Didn't have what I wanted.

>> No.16231898

Jun Amaki, award-winning gravure idol

>> No.16231906

>live in japan
>go to 711 daily
>walk by these
>forced to masturbate when i get home

I like consistency.

>> No.16232088


>> No.16232453

Best supporting actress in a drama series.

>> No.16232671
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>> No.16232819

Because the NEET otaku loves idols too.

>> No.16232823

go back to /a/, you aren't welcome here

>> No.16239105

Go to more mandarake.
The one in Shibuya is better for this.

>> No.16240992

Huh thanks.

>> No.16241317

Why do they have scantily clad women on their covers? Better question: Why do people find things weird just because the Japanese do it?

>> No.16241966

I went today and they had volumes 4,5,6 of what I wanted.

Bought that but still.

Also holy fuck that layout is so fucked.

Why do they have the Fujoshi shit right at the entrance.

And having to go down 2 flights of stairs like that was so god damn weird.

>> No.16242020

wonder how much is shopped because you call tell they slopped up her titties.

>> No.16247129

>Why do people find things weird just because the Japanese do it?
Lol japan so fahny xdDDDD

>> No.16252889

I was surprised by how much porn there is in every store.

>> No.16253727

Whom are thou quoting?

>> No.16258081


>> No.16267993 [DELETED] 


>> No.16277104

Can anyone else comment on this?

>> No.16277585

The Mandarake stores in Nakano Broadway are probably the best for really old stuff.

>> No.16281827

Alright I'll have to head out there sometime.

