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File: 2.77 MB, 2157x2551, Baby Cuddling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16174164 No.16174164 [Reply] [Original]

Shhhh...The baby is sleeping.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.16174171
File: 169 KB, 566x800, 今も恋しよ 団三郎さんヨ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for singing to Tanuki through the night.

>> No.16174172

First for Kobolds being very, very cute!

>> No.16174189

I still want to introduce a flirty Wight Ojou-sama to the world of commoner food and watch her adorably flustered reactions!

>> No.16174193
File: 777 KB, 992x1403, 849686532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you have to go and make her mad?

>> No.16174194


>no hands
>drops egg
>all the tears

>> No.16174198

>"D-Do you really just take it in your hand like that a-and... bite?"
>"... May I?"

>> No.16174200

They'd be gentle, and those eggs would likely be tough.

>> No.16174208

I want to stroke that egg.

>> No.16174211

I'll make up for it by apologising and kissing her cheek.

>> No.16174214
File: 211 KB, 800x600, 1405956691232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting on my pic of loving Dragon egg care.

>> No.16174228


>> No.16174232

>chaos girls
>wonderland tea
>Diamond Trumparts
What's with KC's sudden bestiality fetish
I don't like it

>> No.16174234

I don't mind it with Wonderland since it's just a temporary thing.
The Cthulhu girls can fuck off though.

>> No.16174238

What did he steal?

>> No.16174242

Her heart

>> No.16174245

>Order a burger for her
>"You don't need knives or forks for this?"

>> No.16174246

KC has always been a huge pervert. It's just that the profiles usually don't reveal it so openly.

>> No.16174250
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x1024, Reverse image search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /ss/ allowed here?

>> No.16174252

I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand I think it's hot but on the other I'm not sure I care to interact with it with anything other than a computer screen infront of me. Not sure I want turn into a wolf to give the waifu the knot, y'know? Though, it feels like one of those inhibitions that will just get eroded away by mamono mana

>> No.16174260

Not a fan of the girl sitting on the scorpion look. Couldn't make the scorpion maller? Make the girl more integrated?

>> No.16174267

I'm fine with it
I just don't like shit like Mindflayer or Atlach that expect you to live your entire life as an animal

>> No.16174274
File: 187 KB, 1191x2805, screees externally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Wendigo.

Shog husbands are less normal than they appear as well. Pic-related.

>> No.16174286

I found out that I had told people on the internet that I wanted to breed her.
I don't know what to do now.

>> No.16174287

I don't have any issues at all with Shog, since they explicitly cannot transform their husbands to the extent that their masters can.
And yeah, Wendigo is pretty awful too. Mindflayers are bearable because while they prefer going out with you in squid form, they're fine with both in intimate situations. Meanwhile Atlach-Nacha will get legitimately abusive if you try to turn back, since her whole gimmick is being mean lolidom as fuck to humans but turning somewhat submissive once you've turned into a giant spider

>> No.16174290

You cuddle her, give her all you attention and tender love until you are married. Then you can preform sex for the sake of pro creation.

Dragons aren't toys for fuck. Dragons are for laifu.

>> No.16174292

Is that the scorpion equivalent of a hoverhand? Look at that claw.

>> No.16174309

She might just be

>> No.16174312

Too cute! She's too cute!

>> No.16174317

>Introduce her to cup ramen
>Puts in water
>She then realized the kettle isn't plugged in
>Starts pouting

>> No.16174319

There seems to be a lot of bestiality/"bestiality" on girls in MGE, but are there any cases of girls doing that sort of thing to the guys? Pharaoh worries me a bit in that respect.

>> No.16174321

>Diamond Trumparts
Did I miss something about them

>> No.16174324

>expect you to live your entire life as an animal
Only if you're one of those nerds who applies an arbitrary definition of what you "really REALLY" are. You can change back at will with no cost.

>> No.16174326

They are ridiculously depraved, and among other things enjoy having their husbands turn into animals before they fuck sometimes.

>> No.16174331

Trumparts comes in 4 flavors. The Diamonds are the kinkiest and will not hesitate to experiment when having sex. Some of that involve potions that turn you into a literal animal.

>> No.16174333

Only for Mindflayer, who only prefers that form when going out in public, if you try to turn back on an Atlach-Nacha she will lolidom you until you break and turn back.

>> No.16174337

KC getting this explicit about how weird sex in MGE gets is making me re-evaluate my like for Krakens and Scyllas.

>> No.16174338

>if you try to turn back on an Atlach-Nacha
Oh, well I don't really care about chaos spider. Too flat and not eldritch enough.

>> No.16174339

So cute I might die.
It'd be fun to see her like that because of how flirty she usually is.

>> No.16174342

I for one am incredibly pleased to learn that the shitty eldritch loli spider is actually shitty.
Now I can lord my superior taste in eldritch girls over them.

>> No.16174343

Ah, I guess I missed that bit.
Clubs still a best.

>> No.16174345

Incubi have flexible orifices, don't worry.

>> No.16174347

Oh, has her profile been summarized? I didn't even notice.

>> No.16174351

It hasn't.

>> No.16174356

That was just the extra I think

>> No.16174357

Wait, then how do you know she had you turn into a spider permanently?

>> No.16174358

Considering KC supported and provided illustrations for a collection of stories where, among other things, a loli Witch summons a tentacle monster to roughly violate both of your asses while you fuck and shower you in magic cum, you probably should if you're wary of that sort of thing.

>> No.16174359

It's mostly limited to wonderland and chaos girls, don't forget there's over 200 girls now so he has more room to throw wild shit out there once in a while.

>> No.16174364

It's not permanent in that you can turn back freely, but if you do it just sends her right into femdom mode until you break and turn back to escape it.

>> No.16174369

True, but it does feel like the girls and the lewd have been getting more "out there" recently. Hell, the majority of the new girls in MGE 2 are pretty damn weird in some way. I don't necessarily dislike it, but it's a pretty stark contrast to the mostly very normal girls of MGE 1.

>> No.16174375

>Eggs-in-paladin-Butt guy's new waifu

Man considering how /d/ KC is turning I have to wonder if he'll canonize 'that' in some way. I men he made his stance clear but that was a long time ago and I'm a little worried his answer this time would be different. I mean if you asked him a few years ago if he'd consider canonizing bestiality I doubt he'd have said yes.

>> No.16174380

All of this while she is pouting too.

>> No.16174384

I wouldn't say so. Dragon Zombie, Griffon, Otohime, White Horn, Ochimusha, Ice Queen and the dumb turtle are all on par with what he was doing before.

It's a small minority of weird stuff seeming more than it is.

>> No.16174387

Maybe because it all cameo out at once.

>> No.16174389

>I mean if you asked him a few years ago if he'd consider canonizing bestiality I doubt he'd have said yes.
He already did a few years ago, wonderland stuff is nothing new. It's not permanent but neither is the chaos stuff.

>> No.16174391

It's already semi canon in that KC said it's possible within the setting but only as a result of potions or whatever, and he won't write about it as part of the official material because it's just not his kind of thing.

>> No.16174392


diamonds. truly the hardest metal known to man



>> No.16174398

Griffon's idea of punishment sex and Ice Queen actually keeping an icy personality even after getting married are kind of strange in their own way for MGE.

>> No.16174399

First I knew of it was the tea. How long ago was that written about? And besides it looks like it might have been a mistranslation now that it says
>“Tea that causes men who drink it to go mad with lust like a dog, and attack and ravish monster girls.”
And not
>“Tea that causes men who drink it to turn into a dog, and attack and ravish monster girls.”

>> No.16174405

It wasn't a mistranslation, it's just that nobody wanted to believe that it wasn't so they tried to interpret it in the most harmless way possible.
Trumpart confirms outright that no, you literally do turn into a dog.

>> No.16174406

>Trumpart confirms outright that no, you literally do turn into a dog.
Sauce or you're full of shit.

>> No.16174410

>It wasn't a mistranslation
Got any proof to this? It's also likely that it WAS a mistranslated and KC has just deviated over the years.

Anon, I...

>> No.16174415

>It's also likely that it WAS a mistranslated and KC has just deviated over the years.
SERIOUSLY grasping at straws there buddy.

>> No.16174423

I don't know what my possible motive could be considering we're at the same point regardless thanks to Trumpart.

I'm just pointing out that his /d/escent might not stop. The more I think about KC the more it seems like he's an omnophiliac.

>> No.16174424

So what happens when a monster girl drinks the tea?

>> No.16174433

Or just them turning into furry-tier. Don't know what is worse.

>> No.16174435

Probably nothing. It's like raging mushroom, it has a specific effect on men, but on monstergirls it just makes them horny. I imagine that there's a lot like that. Or at least I want to hope nothing.

At least with horse pussy it would make no difference.

>> No.16174438

There was a Dormouse having sex with her husband inside a giant teapot in that KC Wonderland doujin. Probably acts like an aphrodisiac.

But this is Wonderland we're talking about so I don't know.

>> No.16174439
File: 1.85 MB, 1280x720, [Doki] Seto no Hanayome - 21 (1280x720 h264 BD FLAC) [8F2E8836].mkv_snapshot_13.18_[2016.11.28_19.23.37].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mermaid surrenders to you and tells you to do as you please.
What do?

>> No.16174441

Trumpart hasn't been officially translated. Stop stirring shit based on speed TLs.

>> No.16174442

I don't particularly care for the turn his writing has taken. That being said, maybe there was only so far he could go before things got stale.

Just more editing for the headcanon I suppose.

>> No.16174445

Well, it's not like ALL of their tea turns you into an animal. Just special kinds.

>> No.16174447

>At least with horse pussy it would make no difference.
What, that entire human half being gone wouldn't make a difference?

>> No.16174450

Tie her to my longship and go raiding

>> No.16174455

Reminder not to drink random things there. You'll never know what will happen.

>> No.16174464

MGE should've stayed maximum vanilla.

>> No.16174467

Anyone else wish this thread talked about stuff other than MGE more often?

>> No.16174469

Nah. I think MGE has a pretty good balance between vanilla and /d/ right now.

>> No.16174471

Like what?

>> No.16174473

Not really.

>> No.16174475

We talk about other manga when it's relevant. What else is there, EMG and it's kawaii kobolds(male)?

>> No.16174477

Like what? There aren't really all that many other japanese monster girl settings with any amount of content worth discussing, and the western ones are all festering hives of autism and vore.

>> No.16174478
File: 789 KB, 1114x1600, 1470750789871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other series like this I guess.

>> No.16174480

We talk about longneck-chan x3.

>> No.16174482

You can talk about it. Don't know how intersted pepole are however.

>> No.16174485

What's the third one?

>> No.16174486

There's really not all that to discuss with doujins and minor manga. There are some monstergirl related anime coming up, so we could talk about those.

>> No.16174488

One strenght of MGE is how soft it is compared to other monster girl settings
I can understand that you find that girls with extreme fetishes tarnish it as a whole but they don't directly impact how great life with your waifu would be
The foundations of the setting are so vanilla and hugboxy that there is really nothing to worry about except that when you will have gentle lotus position sex with your waifu there will probably be a dude having some messed up sex with his waifu somewhere on the same planet as you where you can't see or hear them

>> No.16174491

The one with the school teacher MC. That had a rokurokubi didn't it?

>> No.16174496

Are you thinking of Demi-chan?
That does not have a rokurokubi.

>> No.16174501

MGE isa hugbox. But the problem with hugboxes is that if you think to hard about them, they fall apart.
The only reson MGE can still work as a hugbox is due to >Mamanomana and KC just saying "Yeah, you'll be happy and everything will be the way you want it to be".

>> No.16174504
File: 213 KB, 725x749, mornings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Huh. I could have sworn there was 3. Pic related, the one with the spider girl that gets posted some times, and teacher-mc. Is there a third or am I just making shit up?

>> No.16174506
File: 163 KB, 987x1379, CyOjtmdUUAEFrcO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about imps?

>> No.16174509

Is having some more strange and fetishy girls really that bad when they're both the minority, and rare in-universe?

>> No.16174511

MGE is great because no matter how lewd it gets it always remains happy and vanilla.

>> No.16174512

They're not really that much of a minority. But they're also not that extreme that I see how they'd actually bother anybody.

>> No.16174514

this show was good
too bad japan has shit taste as always

>> No.16174518

This, weird monster girl fetish sex and vanilla aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.16174519

Imps with fat tails are for swinging around like Bowser in Mario64

I agree with you, the only counterargument I see is that those girls can still rape you, cue the hate for Matangos and their drug spores

>> No.16174526

They're all squirreled away in Wonderland, which is pretty much the "here be weird shit" land.
Basically, if you go there, you know what you signed up for.

>> No.16174530

Way I see it is the in-verse aspect doesn't really matter. No matter how rare a Suit of horsecock trumpart is, she'll attract those people to the thread.

>> No.16174535
File: 560 KB, 1129x1600, img000003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've gone insane it seems.

Now why don't we talk about this cat.

>> No.16174536

How often have we had people circlejerking about bestiality or furries in this thread? Get over yourself.

>> No.16174544

Who rammed a cock up your ass?

>> No.16174554

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16174557

That is one cute cat, why are thin girls so great?

>> No.16174559

Jeeze anon, so tun~

>> No.16174560
File: 964 KB, 1500x723, 7 sin lilims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about demon princesses
wouldn't you want to help one expand her realm?

>> No.16174562

They awaken protective instincts.

>> No.16174565


>> No.16174568

If that is true then thin lolis are the absolute best

>> No.16174573

How do those glasses even work? Her ears are on the top of her head.

>> No.16174575


>> No.16174577

Not this shit again. Only two of those are actually canon and the rest are either memes or one off story characters.

>> No.16174579

That sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.16174584

I'm pretty sure Selene is in 2 stories.

>> No.16174586

It's not bad at all. As long as he doesn't start making futas, which he won't since he doesn't like it, I'm all for him experimenting with a few different girls here and there.

He's in the 200+ range now and there's only so many times handholding sex in the missionary position or cowgirl can be done without a bit of variation here and there. Even Automaton was a nice change since they have milking devices rather than vaginas.

>> No.16174587

It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.16174591

It's not like the more vanilla girls don't have variation, any girl will use as much of her body as possible to get you off, and then there's all the produce, potions, magical sex toys, demonic energy manipulation...
Not that I dislike these new, "weirder" ones at all.

>> No.16174592

Also, where is the Queen of Hearts in that image? She's actually a canon Lilim.

>> No.16174593

I don't particularly care for Lilims but I love other types of Queens and Princesses

Apophis is best Queen

You ruined her for me, I hope you fall off a centaur and die

>> No.16174597

>You'll never have a vampire onee-san whose teeth get itchy, making her want to nibble you

>> No.16174599

Why would I be on a Centaur on the first place?

>> No.16174601

No clue, I wasn't the one who made the image
what would she replace?

>> No.16174603

There's a problem in that we have no idea what she looks like and have never seen an extended amount of her personality.

>> No.16174608

Is it really that much of a problem to let her nib-nib?

>> No.16174610

Man, I always love everything about harpies. Precisely the reason why I become a drawfag.

>> No.16174612

One of the meme ones, obviously.

A fair point, KC needs to expand on her a bit. But we can safely guess she'll be highly eccentric as the queen of Wonderland and if she's anything like the original Queen of Hearts she'll be prone to anger.
I'd guess wrath for this.

>> No.16174616

Not a problem at all.

>> No.16174633

She is getting her teeth brushed whether she likes it or not
I am NOT getting bitten by itchy teeth

Are you out of your mind? The itch will move to your bite wound and then you'll be the one asking her to bite you

>> No.16174640

That's not how it works. It's like teething. You just wanna gnaw on something. Don't you ever wanna gnaw things?

>> No.16174643

You belong on a centaur because centaurs are shit and so are you
Why would you ruin such a cute cat for everyone? I bet you're one of those creepy guys who are obsessed with wolfus

>> No.16174644

True, Selene and Victoria aren't meme lilims like Lani, CRUSHER or that Kawaiipenis thing.

But those two are just story characters, we've had lilim characters before and no one felt the need to make them "canon", so why now? Why can't they just be part of their author's own works?

>> No.16174646

There is literally nothing wrong with wolfus.
t. not even an awoofag

>> No.16174650

I'd trust a canine girl like an Anubis or a Hellhound to gnaw on me but not a Vampire, she's bound to go overboard and suck my blood

>> No.16174653

>I bet you're one of those creepy guys who are obsessed with wolfus

I actually am, too. Not the submissive boring ones, but the huge wolfus. They're fun.
That was an awesome guess on your part, so I hope you enjoy those impossible glasses even more!

>> No.16174657

Letting a vampire gnaw on you is like letting a cat gnaw on you. Their fangs are sharp but if you stick your fingers between their molars they pull funny faces and can't bite down.

>> No.16174658

I never considered the word "canon" whenever I mention shit

I just like to celebrate variety when it comes to lilims. canon has nothing to do with that

>> No.16174671

They are vastly inferior to cats if you ask me

Huge wolfus are the worst, if you told me you like them muscled as well I'd probably puke
And no I can no longer view that cat the same way, it's like when you find a cute cat on the street and it acts very friendly but then you notice it has a collar on

>> No.16174672

What's with the singing man?
They know any tricks?

>> No.16174673

I'm confused as to why the thread doesn't count Palamina. I know Abaggijawah is an old writefag, but she's got the most development out of the current writefag lilims. Still, I'm just glad he's alive again. Now all I need is Parkedbuggy to revive.

>> No.16174676

She's not a Wyvern, anon.

>> No.16174677

I'm not trolling, I honestly would like a huge slightly muscled Wolfu. Be honest, I can't have ruined her that hard for you, that's just silly.

>> No.16174678
File: 635 KB, 1143x1714, 55020979_p13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this offend you?

>> No.16174682

Speaking of MIA writefags, I'm wondering where Lanternon is. He hasn't updated since early October. He can't just leave us hanging when we're about to have all the loose ends explained.

>> No.16174683

The only cats I really like are Sphinxes.
They're the only ones that don't bullshit around.

>> No.16174685

Huh. So that's what's under those weird arm armor pieces.

Also that wolfu arouses me.

>> No.16174686

Speaking of Selene, where is Beast?

>> No.16174687

OK I might have overreacted but now I'm more focused on how those glasses work than on how cute she is

Absolutely disgusting, delete this.

>> No.16174690

My Orange County Lilim doesn't even have a realm, she's practically a stinky hobo.

>> No.16174693

It arouses me, personally.

>> No.16174696

Don't ask me, I've been gone for a while, last time I was around some dude nagged him to stop posting that salamander with the flag.

>> No.16174697

I'm offended that he's offended.

>> No.16174701

Alp get out

>> No.16174703

No I just got in and it's cold.

>> No.16174710

It is not OK to joke about this, people stealing unfertilized Wyvern eggs is a serious issue can you imagine how ashamed a Wyvern must be when she sees a man running around with her egg?

>Getting aroused by a muscled wolfu
Be careful guys, you might end up getting abused by her and end up like those hentai girls who do the double peace sign

>> No.16174714
File: 95 KB, 167x288, Egg Thief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16174715

>Not wanting to be thrown around by a big muscley wolfu and fucked in embarrassing positions
>Not wanting post coitus snuggles that has her curled around you protectively, and torn between wanting to cuddle you and lie on you while not wanting to crush you with her weight.

>> No.16174730

Is it possible to get a Demon wife and not have her be dominant?
I know that KC said that they are all extremist.

>> No.16174735

You could trick her in the contract. That's how you deal with demons, you know. Trickery.
Unless you're Doomguy.

>> No.16174737

Of course. Radical =/= dom

Or you just hash out the terms honestly..

>> No.16174738

It's KC land, so you can have what you want. I'm not sure why you'd even want a submissive Demon, but you can if you feel the need.

>> No.16174742

KC said that you can turn one into a fucktoy if you want.
>At a glance, it looks as if the demon has total domination over her man, but in actuality, the situation is a bit different. The demon herself is also bound by the power of the pact, and can never go against it. In other words, it means the man can also use the demon's body for the enjoyment of pleasure whenever he wants and in any way he pleases. If a man demands sex, she must accept everything.

>> No.16174747

Of course it's possible, every species can come with all kinds of personalities unless it's specifically said they are always of one type (e.g Ice Queen are kuuderes)

Also extremists means they actively corrupt land and women, it doesn't have much to do with personalities

>> No.16174762

My lilim lives in a comfy house.

>> No.16174764

Mine wanders the world and stays in cheap motel rooms with sleazy dirtbags.

>> No.16174783

Jesus, doesn't your lilim have some dignity?

>> No.16174785

Not much, she originated in my mind after all.

>> No.16174792

The egg thief must be captured and thrown in jail
May the Dragon Queen breath the fire of judgement upon him

Post coitus does sound good but I'm sure no one could survive the sex without passing out and/or mindbreaking

>> No.16174796

You know that feeling you get when you hit an egg-thief juuuust right and manage to ram them off a cliff?

>> No.16174844

That reminded of that one egg thief who thought he could steal from a CC red dragon, the poor thing ate a fireball in the back and was sent flying off a cliff

>> No.16174882
File: 80 KB, 1183x686, 1466498054830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target acquired.

>> No.16174900

is that manga any good or is it just your of the mill fantasy story and characters ?

>> No.16174919

Good at first. Kind of getting meh. I dropped it, there's probably around 5 or so chapters out now that I stopped reading.

>> No.16174924

Hunting elves for sports is how real men spend their afternoons

>> No.16174933

Don't take the bait

>> No.16174934

What bait? Are you saying there's other Elves lying in ambush?

>> No.16174937

>I will get you next time, Sonic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxeSNmd55Yc

>> No.16174944

Shh. They can hear the increased heartrate of a man from a mile away

>> No.16174957

This is the ideal scenario. I want to feel safe in her embrace!

>tfw same height as her

>> No.16174958

I've got a baaad feeling about this, sarge.

>> No.16174969

I've been wondering something for a while now. Aren't those bird calls a little... too perfect?

>> No.16174972

You hear that? It's quiet. TOO quiet.

>> No.16174977

Just relax Anon. Elves can't rape men.

>> No.16174983

Tell that to Peterssen's popped cherry.

>> No.16174986

Get down anon and don't move an inch. They can't see you, if you don't move.

These aren't your normal elves. The mountains have mad them harsh. Are you familiar with the viking blood eagle?

>> No.16174990

Same height is good too but her being taller than you is leagues better
I don't care if you're 7" tall, your wolfu has to be 2" taller than you and there is no arguing that

>> No.16175001

The type of elf doesn't matter, buddy. They won't be able to get me no matter what.

>> No.16175002

>viking blood eagle
Shit son, you're just trying to ruffle my feathers.

>> No.16175008

God, yes. Made a few attempts in the past, but nothing seems to stick.

>> No.16175009

Yeah? Well you don't want to know what a cum eagle is. No man should be put through that kind of torture. Every man they find who'd been cum eagled was dead inside. Mumbling in the night strange elven names, only to vanish come morning.

>> No.16175015

You're obviously lying. There is no way an elf can do that to a guy, even if it's a mountain one.

>> No.16175019

Am I? Have a look for yourself, climb the mountain and delve into their frozen white forests. You'll know the tree they bound him to. The stains are still there. You'll have to go alone though.

>> No.16175023
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x2500, SWATnubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an Elf among us. Pants down, time for penis inspection.

>> No.16175029

>penis inspection.
That's exactly what an elf would say.

>> No.16175032

The Thing with a Shoggoth or Predator with a Gremlin when?

>> No.16175033

Damned tomboy elves
I should have noticed her when she blushed after seeing me pee in the snow
Also the fact that she always wore a beanie

>> No.16175037

>Taking all our dicks out while Elves are near by
That's a good way to get raped.
But now that its already done what do we do with her?

>> No.16175040

Fulton her back to base for research.

>> No.16175042

SWATnubis must cope with a lot of stress.

>> No.16175043

I'd say we let Anon decide, these two seemed awfully close so he might be the one who's the most angry about the situation

>> No.16175045

Whatever you do, put a gag in her mouth and never take it out. A Mountain elf's cries of ecstasy will catch the attention of every elf within fifteen klicks.

>> No.16175046

Her job mostly deals with unruly Undead who try to escape the Underworld.

>> No.16175060

Sounds like that Reaper TV show from a few years back.

>> No.16175061

We treat her like a sex slave and rape her over and over again.

>> No.16175063

That seems reasonable.
I sure know if an elf was trying to look at my junk without my consent I'd be angry about it.
Why would she be crying in ecstasy any time soon?
Anon no, that's exactly what she wants, and you heard the other guy.

>> No.16175066

It's just e lust taking over. I'm sure the sweet smell of sex wouldn't attract the other ones, right? Sbe is giving me that look.

>> No.16175069

No! You have to resist!

>> No.16175071

Stand down soldier.

>> No.16175072

>Penis inspection day would be a real thing with monster girls

>> No.16175073

>Fulton recovery

I can see some of the smarter Harpies using this to trap men and snag them while they're helpless mid air.

>> No.16175076
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1450682835810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, we need to research the warp upgrade fast!

>> No.16175083

But Anon, look at that lewd, inviting smile. It's like she is challenging me.

It can't, it's too hard.

>> No.16175085

This is where I'd post Kamille getting slapped silly but I realize I don't have anything like that saved.

>> No.16175086

Snow elves are fearsome and it's not only their beauty that is statuesque. I once caught one in the act of hunting completely by accident. She was completely camouflaged with the snow and I only saw her by chance through my binoculars, spying her stiff, pale pink nipples, one poking out of the snow she had dashed over her to hide her bow. She was lying, frozen in the snow with her bow drawn and her eyes closed.

And I shit you not I watched her stay like that for so long I thought she was dead and literally frozen. I'm talking hours. And then this HUGE demon owl flies past- and those things are as silent as death itself - and in this burst of snow an arrow flies out and smacks right into the head of this owl.

Then the elf gets up like it was nothing, brushes the snow off her tits and bundles up the owl in ropes and hauls it back into the mountain passes, completely naked. And I swear, I fucking swear she looked right at me and smirked

>> No.16175099

So I can have my way with the elf? Thanks.

>> No.16175116

I want to take all this discussion and try turning it into a story.
Give me a setting. Do I do the snow, or do I do jungle?

>> No.16175117

I want a dark elf wife

>> No.16175120


>> No.16175121
File: 206 KB, 691x1024, Mistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try hitting some of their clubs then.

>> No.16175128


Implying I have the confidence

>> No.16175132

Wear a mask, would you kindly.

>> No.16175133

Snowy setting seems nice.

But damn, someone would have to knock me out in order to resist a lewd elf looking at me with THAT smile and all that comfy body warmth.

>> No.16175138

Model it after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_War

>You'll never look in the same spot in hopes of spotting the same elf hunting, smitten
>You'll never spot her some days later, just as naked only this time, bowless
>You'll never watch heart POUNDING in your chest as she turns towards you and drops down into the snow, spreading her legs and tracing a line down her chest with her fingers before taking her hand lower

>> No.16175145

>winter war
So countless waves of peasants in their summer clothes getting raped in the harshest winter of the century?

>> No.16175150

I don't like mask stuff 2bh

>> No.16175152

We all wear masks, anon.

>> No.16175155


>> No.16175157

Yeah, and the hardy now elves than can survive it.

>> No.16175158
File: 247 KB, 622x880, 1401870689316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan, I'm cold! Can you warm me up by telling me about how Snow Elves shelter from the elements?

>> No.16175163

Isn't it? But it gets even deeper. Did you know you can't see past all of your own masks?

>> No.16175166
File: 409 KB, 1067x720, 1392223637428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling me to write a story based off of my own country's history
Stalker-kun pls.

>> No.16175168


>> No.16175169

You shouldn't post deep things in the morning.

>> No.16175170

Oh. A meaningless promise. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.16175177

But why do we wear the masks

>> No.16175178

Is this how dark elfs woo human boys?

>> No.16175182

Hey I didn't promise anything.
To make people think we have something to hide.

>> No.16175185

Mankind merely adopted the snow. The Snow Eves were born in it, molded by it. They live in harmony with the biting ice.

I expect lots of patriotism.

>> No.16175186

More like penis testing day

>> No.16175189

December 6th is our independence day. I'll see what happens by then.

>> No.16175190

>White Snow elfs killing red snow elfs


>> No.16175191

So, who inspect the penises? Hakutakus?

>> No.16175194

>To make people think we have something to hide.
A lotta secrecy for an unpaid anon

>> No.16175195

>Red snow elfs
Those aren't snow eles anon

>> No.16175196

It's just a snowball war. Don't worry about it.

>> No.16175199

Perhaps they are wondering why you would bother to get to know a Monster before asking her for sex.

>> No.16175200

It was a civil war anon

>> No.16175203

That was a different war.

>> No.16175204

And I was referring to it.

>> No.16175207

>The Winter War (Finnish: Talvisota, Swedish: Vinterkriget, Russian: Зи́мняя война́, tr. Zimnyaya voyna)[26] was a military conflict between the Soviet Union and Finland in 1939–1940. It began with the Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939 (three months after the outbreak of World War II), and ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty on 13 March 1940.

Doesn't sound very civil
>And I was referring to it.
Oh. Well way to be confusing.

>> No.16175210
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Meanwhile, anons were marching to the Zipangese prison camp.


>> No.16175212

It makes the sex better and more meaningful, duh.

But nameless monster rape can be fun in its own way, too.

>> No.16175216

But anons are pure and wouldn't do anything wrong. Why are they going to prison?

>> No.16175217

Accessory to improper man and lady behavior. All of them.

>> No.16175219

That's not a crime.

>> No.16175220

Yes it is, the guard in Fable said so.

>> No.16175222
File: 3.23 MB, 2000x2053, why_dont_we_go_over_these_reports.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>check the last thread to see what I missed
>see pic related, and think 'oh, new Anubis art, cool!'
>realize that it was a drawing by Latenight in response to my description of my waifu

Latenight is a God, I am so happy right now.

>> No.16175223

>Well way to be confusing.

I guess. I did specify whites vs reds though(which is more of a civil war term).

>> No.16175224

You're a good guy, with a good waifu, and good luck for getting her drawn.

Fuck, green eyes and brown skin is the best. THE BEST.

>> No.16175226

But nobody knows about the Finnish civil war, anon. As far as Americans know "reds" always refers to the Soviets.

>> No.16175227

>Whites pure white snow elves
>Reds shitty soviet humies

>> No.16175236

Pretty jelly he drew exactly your waifu, but you dessrve it for your good taste and cute waifu.

>> No.16175237

Also used in the russian civil war

>> No.16175238


>> No.16175239
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>> No.16175244

Why is that tiny snake beating that giant newt over the head with the bottom half of a fish?

>> No.16175245

That's its tail, Anon.

>> No.16175247

It's an abstract monster girl.

>> No.16175251
File: 190 KB, 764x1025, fever-sea-artist-Shyvana-League-of-Legends-3103686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best ways to make a dragon girl smile?

>> No.16175256

Jump at her and give the lady a big hug.

>> No.16175257

Oh yeah, now I see.

Poor giant newt.

>> No.16175258

Tell her you're pregnant.

>> No.16175264


>> No.16175267

What happened to my imouto?

>> No.16175270

Acuse case of japanese truck.

>> No.16175273

I bet that my waifu could save me from a japanese truck and a japanese cold.

>> No.16175282

Compliment her.
Dragons are sluts for compliments

This only works the first time, after that not even a Wurm would believe you

>> No.16175283

I think I'm suffering from a Japanese cold right now.
What I wouldn't give to have an anubis stroking my head with her soft paws.

>> No.16175284

>after that not even a Wurm would believe you
I dunno anon.

>> No.16175285

10/10 would let peg.

>> No.16175289

Her schedule would be full of "Take care of Anon."

>> No.16175308
File: 576 KB, 1282x1828, 1410883951980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I expect lots of patriotism
Question: do I have to use authentic Elfgolian names?

>> No.16175310

monster girls are /d/. As is /gfd/. That place can be tamer than you think

>> No.16175311

But can she herself survive a Japanese truck?

Don't underestimate Wurms, she has faith in you but she can also tell when you're lying

>> No.16175318

Yeah. And after we survive I'm getting her pregnant.

>> No.16175321

>monster girls are /d/
They're already in /e/, and they could be in /h/ if mods wanted to.

>As is /gfd/
Which is retarded.

>That place can be tamer than you think
Yeah, as long as the thread isn't filled with shit that you especified you don't want in your thread, which some don't care about.

>> No.16175322

Thinking of this sort of thing isn't good for my heart.

>7:00 - Make Anon breakfast in bed
>7:30 - Change Anon's hot water bottle, over the covers massage
>8:15 - Stroking and petting Anon's head
>8:30 - Hot lemon and honey herbal tea
>8:50 - Rest Anon's head on lap, more stroking and petting

It'd be the ultimate healing experience.

>> No.16175324

It would make me pretty hard.

>> No.16175328

Alrighty then.

>> No.16175330

Anubutts are really pure. I bet she would try to hide her schedule from you because it's so embarrassing.

Remember to give her lots of cuddles and I love you's when you get better.

>> No.16175331

Oh I agree. I wish she was taller. She's certainly stronger at least.

>> No.16175337
File: 680 KB, 620x877, VEsF8ot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are wurms really THAT dense?

>> No.16175338

What kind of native cuisine do they eat over there in elfgolia?

>> No.16175340

Only in threadcanon

>> No.16175341

They are cute!

>> No.16175343

>lying to a Wurm

It's like you want your pelvis shattered

>> No.16175344

Oh boy, are you really writting this piece?

>> No.16175346

Blood sausage with mashed potatoes and huckleberry jam is the forte of my town.

>> No.16175349

Well yeah. I've been in the mood for operator shit since I got to rappel for the first time in years.

>> No.16175351

They are just simple minded.

>> No.16175352

Yo Wurm so dense she got her own moons.

>> No.16175357

Wow. I can imagine that being a pretty potent mix of flavors. I've had black pudding before but it's not something I tasted and thought "Man this would go well with some jam"

>> No.16175358

Speaking of density, I remembered greentexts of succubi encountering a harem MC and got frustrated.

>> No.16175360

Aw shit, is that a compliment? It's a really good one.

>> No.16175362

Dense anons are best, it's fun to read monstergirls trying so hard.

>> No.16175365

I suppose it's an acquired taste, I remember loathing everything about it as a kid, but now I can down a ton of it.
Also every Thursday is pea soup and pancakes day, be it in school or in the army.

>> No.16175368

Id be willing to bet that theres some new info in the wonderland bit of encyclopedia 2

>> No.16175370

They just don't care about anything other than sex and their husband
As far as other topic matters go they wouldn't bother, so if you asked one to solve a puzzle she'd just rape you thus why they always score 0 on the IQ test for never answering the questions

>> No.16175393

What kind of pancake?
>You'll never have a snow elf cook up some pea soup in a cozy cottage cluttered with furs, trophies, weapons and other bits of clutter
>You'll never snuggle her on a rug before the firepace.

>> No.16175395

Not nearly as people think.
This guy has it right. They're the type of girl with a one track mind, if they want something they're going to go for it and ignore everything else regardless of the consistences.

They're also more likely to rape the ice cream truck driver than be interested in what he's selling.

>> No.16175396

I dunno, just pancake. I never paid much attention to it, the important thing was covering it with strawberry jam until you couldn't see the pancake and then putting sugar on the jam until you can't see the jam.

>> No.16175402

Do you eat this stuff separately or at the same time?

>> No.16175412

Well a normal person would eat the pea soup first and the pancakes after, but it's not like there's a law that says you have to eat the main course before the dessert.

>> No.16175422

>You will never make a Satyros give up on you by asking her if she is Buddhist since she bought you a drink for her karma

>> No.16175423

I dunno, pancakes are pretty amazing. Maybe you dipped them into the soup or something. I mean, I recently discovered pancake, greek yogurt and sausages taste pretty nice rolled up together.

>> No.16175426

I would only pretend to be dense around MGs I don't like. Hopefully they get the hint and don't take it as a challenge.

>> No.16175429

This is how you get raped, and your penis won't be dense when it cums straight into her womb

>> No.16175431

Then you will get raped. Everybody knows dense guys have some kind of superior power that helps them avoid getting killed or raped.

You're a fake one so you don't have it.

>> No.16175437

According to KC, Raiju and Kamaitachi's fluffy "socks" are actually fur.

>> No.16175444

Fuck. I guess it's in my best interest to just confront them then.

>> No.16175447


>> No.16175451
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>> No.16175464

Cute daughteru.

>> No.16175465
File: 98 KB, 620x877, ErBwuwC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all dragon related races like leashes as gifts?

>> No.16175470

Kraken Onee-sans that violate you and you can't tell mom because she's blackmailed you with "incriminating evidence"

>> No.16175472

Did you ever think the leash is not for her?

>> No.16175474

They think they're for something else. Like wrist band.

>> No.16175475
File: 288 KB, 977x1600, 1460448044526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power, overwhelming.

>> No.16175478

It shows that she possesses you.
I still prefer necklaces though.

>> No.16175479

Kuddlefish wouldn't be so tentacruel.

>> No.16175481

I cry and ask her why she hates me when I only want to love her.

>> No.16175482

>he doesn't think a Kraken would rub his crotch with a tentacle while at the dinner table.

>> No.16175484

That's cool to know.

>> No.16175489

Morning, thread! Have a shibby-hibby. A sheero-heebi. Shirohebi.

I tried to make this one more lovey-dovey. It was kind of difficult, though, since snakes scare the crap out of me.

>> No.16175495

Snakes aren't scary, silly writefag. Snakes are more scared of you than you are of them.

>> No.16175502

Just like spiders, right? You won't fool me.

>> No.16175504

Yes, I do. Saw one on the snow the other day when it was warm and the snows were melting. It was pureddy.

>> No.16175508

Today was a good day.

>> No.16175519

Fluffy tingly Raiju tabi footjobs!

>> No.16175529

I want to rub a bunch of balloons in a Raiju.

>> No.16175534

On a Raiju. Not in her.

>> No.16175562

So are there 3 Kamaitachis in the profile due to how a legend of them goes?
One knocks the victim down, one cuts them, and the last applies medicine so there's no wound.
>Biggest one of the 3 knocks down
>One with the jar applies the meds
I wouldn't know about what the medicine and cutting would be in MGE though, since I don't have the book.

>> No.16175565

Exactly as you said. I think the 3 of them are inseparable too.

>> No.16175575

I'm just going to leave this here to show that I'm actually doing something. The basic premise is that a bunch of conscripts doing their military service and giving no shits about it end up getting stuck in the middle of the Great Elven Invasion of 2017. It won't end up being very long so don't worry about it never getting finished.


>> No.16175577

The medicine and cutting are lifted word for word from the original. There's just added sex while they cut you and heal you.

>> No.16175601

That's it. I've had enough of you anons lewding elves. Your day will come.

>> No.16175604
File: 1.43 MB, 1446x2046, 1391667205780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloede d'hoine.

>> No.16175619

An Anon made the ultimate sacrifice and scanned the whole book for us, you can check it on sadpanda

If elves are for lewding then what are they good for? Being nature hippies?

>> No.16175621

>nature hippies

Hey! That isn't bad thing! It's a nice and relaxing like style to live with an Elf wife.

>> No.16175628

I don't speak baguette.

>> No.16175631
File: 744 KB, 1023x768, 1392006556828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? You want to stick what in my where?

>> No.16175633

there are different types of elves you fucking racist

>> No.16175635

Lewd is not bad as long as they're tender loved and not used as meme rapebait.

>> No.16175641


>> No.16175644

I love chocolate dark elves personally.


Aslong as they're only lewded for the purpose of procreation.

>> No.16175662

My dick in your mouth, you knife-eared piece of shit. At least that way you will shut the fuck up about trees. Cunt.

>> No.16175666
File: 438 KB, 2286x2286, 3ee5f47b06d2e34b79c9bc75e2056ff23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16175675

More like they will come, if you know what I mean.

>> No.16175693


>> No.16175696
File: 840 KB, 858x1200, 9c25e09c4317c33656218facd44c4f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are your wives now.

>> No.16175702

Slight problem, I already have a demon waifu.

>> No.16175706
File: 3.93 MB, 577x418, 1461282044808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some ways yes.
>tfw the anon that was writing a Demon Christmas /ss/ story never fell through on it

Also, how are the monstergirl species with black sclera capable of also being super cute?

>> No.16175709

It has always been

>> No.16175710

i will take the right beauty for purposes of procreation

>> No.16175711

I wish I was as lucky as you are, because my Automaton was the bees knees despite the concentrated amounts of autism I had in her description. Also:
>Still no new KC girl

>> No.16175714

Caedmill elaine

>> No.16175716
File: 83 KB, 956x720, 1422828558730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Va fael!

>> No.16175717

Too bad for her

They're a package.

>> No.16175719

>You will never have kinky switch sex with a clingy snek
Why live?

>> No.16175720

>The back of the truck was filled with all the usual shit
Is it just me or is this a little too coloquial for a narrator? Unless I'm a retard and it's a character narrating.

>> No.16175723


>> No.16175725

There's no character narrating, but I'm kind of trying to drive home the point of "nobody wants to be here, nobody wants to do this".

>> No.16175728

Yeah, I can see that. Another bit of nitpicking
>Aarnio, the fat one, and Fagerström, the one with the glasses,
Is giving the nerd the badass name deliberate?

>> No.16175730

I picked the name because Conan O'Brien found it funny, I don't see anything badass about it.

>> No.16175734

I dunno, maybe it's just my foreign sensibilities talking but it sounds pretty strong. Either way, strong start, good stuff.

>> No.16175735

>sounds pretty strong
It's Swedish. Swedish is lame. Always.

>> No.16175740


But you deserve a chocolate Anubi with green eyes and yuuuuuuuge paws.

>> No.16175741

I also have a waifu. Where should I put them?

>> No.16175743

>Yandere Shirohebi rewrite
Hell yeah motherfucker.

>> No.16175744

I think these two can share sleeping bag under the bed.

>> No.16175745

Idunno dude. If your "o" has a slash through it that's pretty cool.

>> No.16175747

>he chose a thicc Anubis

See. I'm undecided on this. Should my waifu be thicc or fit? I can't decide since I love both equally. Help anons!

>> No.16175750

You crazy foreigners.

>> No.16175756

Would you prefer to carry her, or have her carry you?

>> No.16175757

Yeah, that might work. As long as they don't climb up to cuddle me then my waifu would be fine too.

>> No.16175758

One at each side of you

>> No.16175760

They're both good.

>> No.16175763

But what about my wife?

>> No.16175764

Over you?

>> No.16175766

She'll be on top of you.

>> No.16175769

I don't think she would accept two horny girls dry humping me at night.

>> No.16175772

So put chastity belts on them.

>> No.16175773

The only way I'd marry those girls is if I was as stupid as a cupcake

>> No.16175775

Marrying two hot girls is stupid?

>> No.16175780

What a simple solution.

>> No.16175787

I'l take the elf, some one else can take the dog

>> No.16175788

Do you have a cutesy nickname for your waifu anon?
What is it?

>> No.16175791

Left one is a disgusting half-breed jackal girl, the right one is a slutty elf
Neither of them would make good wives

>> No.16175793

Those are just assumptions, anon.

>> No.16175803

Her carry me. But think of the thicc thighs! And face sitting!

>> No.16175805

Ass blaster

Just kidding. It's actually just generic Sweety. Please don't judge me on my blandness

>> No.16175806

Go strongfat then

>> No.16175807

I don't do nicknames.

>> No.16175808

More or less. I call my waifu Emimi when I want to act cute for her.

>> No.16175809


>> No.16175811

How would you nickname an Automaton?

>> No.16175812

As dumb as it sounds, her nickname is "waifu"
I mostly call her by her actual name though

>> No.16175818

Something like 518008.

>> No.16175819


>> No.16175822

Do Automatons get offended when you call them toasters ?

>> No.16175823

I usually use her actual name, but I enjoy "my queen" or "goddess" if I'm trying to get her flustered

>> No.16175824


>> No.16175825


>> No.16175826

I want to bully an Automaton.

>> No.16175827

But Automatons are squishy!

>> No.16175831

Then is it true that elves dress very lewdly but are pure? I thought that was a joke

As for the left one she has to be a jackal girl, Ok maybe I went too far by calling her a disgusting half-breed

>> No.16175834

>green eyes
Damn, didnt notice that last time around. Great taste.

>> No.16175835

Let her browse /g/. Especially technology gore threads

>> No.16175836

That's probably not a good idea. Who knows what she could do?

>> No.16175842

Is that a shop? That looks like a shop.

>> No.16175843

Only their torsos are.

>> No.16175844

There are many memeoutos.

>> No.16175845

My knight

>> No.16175846


Related note, would gremlins be able to take human women and turn them into cyborgs?

>> No.16175847

That's how you get her to smother you with either her titties or plump butt.
Either that or you get her to lick you all over.
There are also their heads.

>> No.16175852
File: 105 KB, 800x1159, 3c45b35a843ddc68655c443c66c0b7a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dress normal.

>> No.16175853 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 1024x577, 1480354904740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you?

>> No.16175854

Oral slave.

>> No.16175855
File: 388 KB, 720x960, 55e648266b3cf63dafc6cd5158147243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame this guy stopped drawing.

>> No.16175856

What am I looking at?

>> No.16175858

What's even the appeal? Monster girls still have normal human vaginas.

>> No.16175861
File: 547 KB, 904x922, amusing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tail pussy?

>> No.16175862


>> No.16175864

>implying I don't already have things written involving her
At this rate calling her a meme will be a meme.

>> No.16175866

Maybe once in a blue moon.

>> No.16175868

Can you post more?

>> No.16175872

It would be nice. I don't think the women would like it, however.

>> No.16175873

Mge elves are more rapey themselves than they are rapebait.

>> No.16175877 [DELETED] 

How do Automatons respond to headpats?

>> No.16175879

That would be dark elves. Normal elves are just very lewd but not rapey.

>> No.16175880
File: 292 KB, 800x608, 1479255506888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Summer be done? Will it involve disgruntled anon being on fire while surrounded by hellhounds and salamanders?

>> No.16175882 [DELETED] 

They pat you back and say thanks.

>> No.16175883 [DELETED] 

With extreme prejudice.

>> No.16175884

That is one lewdly dressed elf

>> No.16175889

No anon, it's your lewd mind, that's all.

>> No.16175893

The profile says they can end up attacking men when they start to turn and get all aroused. Though it says they often tempt men and get attacked, so I suppose it's both

>> No.16175897

fuck summer so damn much would rather wrestle in a royal rumble with dire ushi onis and minotaurs drugged on manticore poison

>> No.16175906
File: 254 KB, 622x880, 1401870265421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16175914

I've never ever seen an elf dress conservatively

Summer is the worst season by far
I'd hire a Yuki-Onna maid so to make it more bearable if I could

>> No.16175918

Better yet, an Ice Queen. There was one that went to the beach for a swimsuit photoshoot and ended up freezing the whole place.

>> No.16175920

jpeg formatted images and text comments on an imageboard

>> No.16175922

Thank you Captain Obvious, Hero of the Modern Age!

>> No.16175926

Yuki onna maids.
One who insists on sleeping with you to make sure you sleep comfortably in the heat.
One who always goes tge extra mile to make your favorite flavor of ice cream from scratch if you want any.
One who is totally not a frost Wurm.

>> No.16175927

>frost Wurm
C is for Chilly!

>> No.16175929

I don't think Gremlins care about things like "consent" or "ethical practices" or "the laws of nature".

I mean what do you do when there's a perfectly good half dead Paladin lying around. Just pump her full of mana and give her robot limbs.

>> No.16175930

>I've never ever seen an elf dress conservatively
You didn't bother to look that much then

>> No.16175932
File: 718 KB, 2048x2032, 1437923987773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16175937

>"Before you rape Anon you will need to take a DOOMP"
>"....I don't think he's into that"
>"A...DOOMP? A digital-optical output mounted proxy?"

>> No.16175938

>"H is for hot chocolate!"
>Your frost Wurm maid gives you a mug of hot chocolate, bellowing steam on this cold winter day
>Your Yuki maids glare icicles at the Wurm, while a Wendigo stares at your mug through a window while drooling

>> No.16175940

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

>> No.16175941

Do you really think that Paladin is going to be happy with her new metal limbs, robovagina and newly found desire to assault men?

>> No.16175944

Anon my man, that's the Only Thing I Know For Certain.

>> No.16175945

Considering how little Ice Queen care about life I'm sure you could actually have one become your maid without even marrying her

Frost Wurms sound like terrifying creatures
>Cares about nothing but sex
>Violent rapist
>Makes everything around her freeze

I'd take a regular Wurm, thank you.

>> No.16175947

Shamefur dispray.

>> No.16175948

They won't care if she's happy.

But really she'd probably be ashamed of her new body and consider themselves a monster. And then the Gremlin goes off to teach the toaster how to feel love.

>> No.16175952
File: 386 KB, 815x553, 1463028207198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A view to a kill.

>> No.16175954

Why are crazy snakes best snakes?

>> No.16175956

They'd be more like Glacial Agnaktor.
Imagine a bunch of little ones pop up out of the ice around you, pinning you down, as a full grown one comes up to claim you.

>> No.16175957

1200000% loyalty and the thrill of possible death.

>> No.16175959

Imagine the moves she can pull with her tongue. Sex with monster is the best.

>> No.16175961
File: 681 KB, 1306x1849, __shirohebi_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_maruku52__f6ec40455d5b29fbb06d0ebd68e1e109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all sneks have some degree of crazy in them. They do have a reputation of being clingy after all.

>> No.16175964

While Shirohebi are perfect yanderes, I'd like to see more material of Apophis' and Basilisks acting yandere.

>> No.16175967

>have waifu
>have no money to commission art of her
>have no talent to draw her myself
>can't even write up a good story about her
>come to this thread and see people like Gazerfag and Miafag who have disposable enough incomes to commission art of their waifus
>see awesome drawfags create art for free of other people's waifus
I'm past the point of jealousy and into the pits of despair now.

>> No.16175971
File: 112 KB, 626x908, 1446200890093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody move. I've got a Dark Matter detonator.

>> No.16175972

Na, aesthetically speking human pussy is superior

>> No.16175976

>Gremlin gets killed by a paladin she turned into a monster

>> No.16175979

dance to see what happens

>> No.16175980

I was thinking the same thing. She'd act as if her schedule hadn't changed at all. But when she gets up to get something for you, she leaves her planner on the bedside table. You open it up, and see that she's already planned out the entire week for looking after you.

>Remember to give her lots of cuddles and I love you's when you get better.
I'd be hesitant to cuddle her until I know for sure the illness has passed, but I'd never let her leave the room without telling her I love her.

>> No.16175981
File: 405 KB, 973x1271, as happy as her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day your waifu will be drawn, Anon. But for now, why not tell me about her?

>> No.16175982

Oogly boogly boogly!

>> No.16175983

Okay, okay. I'll give 35,000 for the Dire Bear girl, no more than that.

>> No.16175985

It would be similar to a yandere Medusa. Instead of turning a girl who dares to talk to her husband into stone, it would be instant corruption.

>> No.16175986

Do what gazerfag and dragonfag do and beg on /a/

>> No.16175989

>Paladin goes on a revenge quest against the Gremlin who made her the monster she is while battling her other creations

>> No.16175991

>>have no money to commission art of her
Better than having the money but no means to transfer dosh to drawfags

>> No.16175992

What monstergirl species is she supposed to be? She clearly looks like an Undead type.

>> No.16175994

>You fool! I am the movement of your loins, the fire of your heart! You would be nothing without me!

>> No.16175997

Wurmlings are my ultimate weakness
I am going to triple cart so bad

Basilisk already have the yandere eyes, also their whole thing about you being the only man they will ever see in their life is extremely prone to make them go full yandere

>Be on a date with a Basilisk
>A lewdly dressed Succubus walks by
>You can't help but stare at her bare legs
>Basilisk waifu suddenly stops walking
>"Anon... Where were you looking at?"
>Anon was reported missing a few days later

>> No.16176001

Why am I picturing a former paladin doing an altered UBW chant now?

>> No.16176002

Describe her to me as if you were describing what you want drawn to an artist.
Describe her, her pose, and what she's wearing, as well as your preferred artist.

>> No.16176004

I've talked about her a lot in past threads. She's a Hellhound who loves punk rock, whisky, and cuddling while reading. We met at a show at the bar she works as a bouncer at. I got into a fight with some asshole and she threw me into her "office" which is just the employee's bathroom and proceeded to 'consummate our relationship'.

>> No.16176005

Because it's awesome? Although I was trying to have the Gremlin quote Thulsa Doom.

>> No.16176007

Because that's damn cool.

>> No.16176011

Wurmlings are the best.
Imagine them instead of cats.

>Wurmling plays her horn to heal you
>Plays it so badly it damages the monster

>Wurmling throws boomerang
>It one shots the monster via decapitation

>> No.16176014
File: 271 KB, 1323x1369, 1480208623704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my very own shortstack Gremlin.

>> No.16176015 [DELETED] 

>card girl turns husbando into a dog

fucking hot

>> No.16176017

That scared the living daylights out of me.

>> No.16176018

Oh right, I saw you mentioning her. Does the big lady have a name? Sorry if you posted it before and I can't remember.

>> No.16176022

well, at least you only live twice

>> No.16176024 [DELETED] 

Go away faggot

>> No.16176025

First read this >>16176004
And I would love to see her laying in our bed wearing nothing but her panties and my favorite green NOFX shirt. She also has a bobcut with blue tips all around her head. She had longer hair but a fight with a manticore took care of that.
And I don't even care if crayon anon draws it, I just want to see my punk loving Hellhound at least once in my life.

>> No.16176026 [DELETED] 

Please leave

>> No.16176028

Sarah, kind of bland, I know, but it's a good name for a good waifu and soon to be mother.

>> No.16176029 [DELETED] 

Little late to the party. Wonderland Tea already does that.
I kind of like the idea of it. Though mainly because it would add another level of enjoyment to being pet by my waifu.

>> No.16176030 [DELETED] 


what if part way through she downs a body swap potion

>> No.16176031

Anon please, you make the sky fall with your jokes.

>> No.16176035

>an absolute lack of French spider girls

What is this heresy

>> No.16176036 [DELETED] 

The last thing we need is bestialityfags here

>> No.16176038
File: 426 KB, 1378x1378, 1457554926952-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because German spider girls are the new hotness.

>> No.16176039

It's not really bland, it's cute. There is another guy that talks about his Hellhound waifu here so I was wondering if it was you.
So, what do you enjoy doing with your hellhound? Or is she too busy at work to play with you?

>> No.16176042 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 600x600, c5317034ffb3486ac06b05cfc0fc2c7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried not handing out free (You)s

>> No.16176043

Anon have you been watching James and the Giant Peach?

>> No.16176044

James and the giant peach?

>> No.16176048

Is that James and the Giant Peach?

>> No.16176051

There are frogs though

>> No.16176055

The Yuki maids need to be useful, have the scare away the pesky Wendigos with a broom

>> No.16176056

Or cook stretchy meat and use them to lure the Wendigos away.

>> No.16176057

I'd love to go on epic quests with 2 wurmling companion
I'd farm so hard to get them the cutest, most protective armors and best weapons

Remember that Gremlins have serious body image issues, she'd think that she looks horrible, that her breasts are too big for her size and that her ass is too fat
How are you going to help with her confidence?

>> No.16176064

No she mostly works weekends. Unless there's a show on a weekday. We mostly go for walks around town, while checking out some record and book stores. If we see something we really want, we'll usually get it. Other than that we hang out with our friends and when it's just the two of us I'll throw on something acoustic and we'll cuddle and read. She loves Patti Smith, while I've been going through NOFX and the Hepatitis Bathtub.

>> No.16176066

>Wendigo floating and following the cooked meat scent like an old Looney Tunes character

>> No.16176072

You can never miss a spider girl from Paris though.


>> No.16176081
File: 183 KB, 700x575, 1435754345343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For god's sake Anon! Tap out!

>> No.16176085

Can you find me a picture of that shirt?
Also, a pic of the specific kind of bobcut would help. Preferably with some editing done (even if it's in MS Paint) to illustrate how the blue tips would look.

The more detail you go into, the better.

>> No.16176086

Remember 4u and itcs cat island and mini games?
Imagine it full of Wurms.

>> No.16176089

They use the hose instead of brooms.

>> No.16176090

Its been almost 12 hours but I'm still not letting you get away with this.

>> No.16176091

Not until I get that ass on my face!

>> No.16176095
File: 655 KB, 800x800, 1449022121694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I remember you saying that she liked to read. Looks like even though you two met at a rough situation both of you are very cuddly and pacific.
I would like to see all the hellhound waifus interact with each other and talk about their husbands. It would be quite interesting to see.

>> No.16176097

Is he a newfag? Is pretending to be a newfag now a part of the meme? Am I a newfag? So many questions.

>> No.16176101
File: 297 KB, 938x800, 1467925716333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrestling Monster Girls has its perks.

>> No.16176109 [DELETED] 


>> No.16176114

Never, I'd rather pass out than tap out!

This would be the dream
>Wurmlings fishing
>Wurmlings cook
>Wurmlings adventurers
I'd spend all day with them

>> No.16176125

Here's the shirt:
Here's how her hair looks (just replace the green with blue):

We both have our tempers, we just direct them at others and never at each other. She likes to joke that "only I get to see her smile", but then I tell her that everyone sees her smile when I kiss her in public. To which she gets a little flustered about it.

>> No.16176126

I'm trying but I'm not even wrestling, she just came up out of nowhere and grappled me

>> No.16176128
File: 53 KB, 174x220, 1400535851674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thicc CC musclegirl Demon forcing a tittie to your mouth while pinning you down and giving you a handy
>all after signing a marriage contract without thinking

>> No.16176129

>Wurmling adventure where they fight against other monsters in a rock-paper-scissors match
Gotta grind for those cute armors. And again when they grow too big and need newer ones.

I'd bet they'd be better at collecting ores and shards than cats too.

>> No.16176131

That means she likes you!

>> No.16176133

They just explode the mining spots. Why use a pickaxe when you can use your body?

>> No.16176146

They punch it, making the ores fly everywhere like in DD when you use exploding barrels or fire spells.

Best way to farm ancient shards is with your Wurmlings. They come in many flavors and elements.

>> No.16176163
File: 593 KB, 2480x3507, 1448031804861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have art of Kek-chan yet? No? Just checking.

>> No.16176168

Give me muscle dragons!

>> No.16176169
File: 712 KB, 600x840, 1467144344144-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more frog girls. They're severely underrated.

>> No.16176173

>Anon dreamed of becoming a MWE superstar his whole life
>Wrestles for free in backyards for over a decade
>Finally gets the opportunity to get a contract with the MWE
>He has to beat another man at a ladder match with the contract hanging above the ring
>He gives it all and grabs it, signing it without even reading
>His dream finally came true
>The Tanuki manager comes out to congratulate him
>She also books him in a match with the current champion a thicc CC musclegirl Demon
>He gets sexually bullied the whole match
>Taps out to a 69 paizuri
>After the match she tells him to read the contract
>It's actually a marriage contract

My life can't be complete without wurmlings
How am I supposed to beat Savage Deviljhos without my wurmlings clutching a trap at the best possible time?

>> No.16176176
File: 108 KB, 1119x813, 134574357682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a frog kiss!

>> No.16176179
File: 55 KB, 204x184, IMG_0218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.16176188

There's the Mucus Toad extra art in MGE2 where she's giving a tonguejob. Is that one translated?

>> No.16176191

Use your Khepri glaive and let your Wurmlings draw aggro.
Make sure you raised her properly, or else your Khepri will be completely inefficient.

>> No.16176194

How long have you been doing this now?

>> No.16176198

Did you know that he is dead and it's actually his spirit?

>> No.16176203

How long has the Sun risen from the east and set in the west? How long has the sky been blue and the grass green?

>> No.16176215

Since I gave that dragon scout tree fiddy, I reckon.

>> No.16176220

Was that Dragon scout an eight-storey crustacean from the late Paleozoic era?

>> No.16176227

>no Loch Ness-chan who will do 'anything' for tree fiddy
Is it bad that I kinda want this?

>> No.16176233

I don't remember. I do remember a bunch of tracks leading back to a lake.
Probably just some Ryu though.

>> No.16176235


Holsts are good, yo!

>> No.16176237

Yes. Don't imagine Nessy like some whore who will do whatever for money.

>> No.16176243
File: 125 KB, 600x450, cf1290af88e3b43a5dee9ad0c8cbb9cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is the comfiest season!

>> No.16176244

But anon she won't do it for anyone but me. Because I would take responsibility and be a good husbando for her.

>> No.16176246

>"hey onii-san, want to eat my ass? Only $3.50!"

>> No.16176248
File: 181 KB, 1636x1157, 1467777884952-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also the best season to get a tan in too.

>> No.16176250

I want to be the personal heater of a dragon even though she can use her fire for warmth.

>> No.16176251

Friendly reminder to make extra special sure that you're actually sending your daughterus to a real pediatrician, not a pedoatrician!

>> No.16176253

You know, a Kelpie is said to have inspired the Loch Ness story. And they are shapeshifters

>Finally meet <your favorite MG here>
>Making beautiful sweet love to her
>Suddenly she starts changing
>It's the god damn Loch Ness Monstah again!

>> No.16176258

It's for a good cause.

>> No.16176259

I want to play in that snow.

>> No.16176269

Make sure not to send your daughterus to he sabbat either. Raise them yourself.

>> No.16176272
File: 622 KB, 1061x1061, 1473647404871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not feeling the buzz.

>> No.16176275

I feel like the Sabbath would be the only ones perverted enough to employ people known as "pedoatricians".

>> No.16176278

>find your MG waifu
>it's your first anniversary since being married
>you even got a babysitter to look after your four month old baby for the night
>take her to her favorite broadway play and after take her to her favorite restaurant
>it's high class but for your waifu you will do anything
>at the end of the night you pay your bill and you're about to leave
>and then your waifu leans in and asks you
>"Honey can I get tree fiddy to give to the waitress?"
>then it hits you like a brick to the forehead
>you couldn't have a wedding in a church because she was too tall
>you had to have a special wing in the hospital for you and your waifu when your child was born
>the insane water bills every single month
>you shout with all your rage

>> No.16176280 [DELETED] 

Promise me you won't fry my laptop with all that static electricity and you'll get a headpat.

>> No.16176281 [DELETED] 

>No headpats

>> No.16176285

Hey guys remember when KC used to release profiles?

>> No.16176286

Yeah, I 'member!

>> No.16176292

Fucking blueballer supreme is what KC is.

>> No.16176298

She's getting crafty.

>> No.16176300

I want to rub my dick on her underboob in her swimsuit.

>> No.16176302

I want a Demon mom.

>> No.16176305 [DELETED] 

This. That meme is shit and it ruins any potential raijus have.

>> No.16176306

>he thinks KC isn't actually dead

>> No.16176307
File: 382 KB, 640x500, a15abefc19436181375c20f50276c2d5f5c9882e2e5f474117fe408e47ce7449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frog seduction tactics

>> No.16176308

There are dragon Girl Scouts at my door selling cookies! What should I do?

>> No.16176309

Is he even alive? Maybe he died at his computer, his final half finished girl lewdly smiling at his corpse.

>> No.16176312

He's been retweeting art a lot.

>> No.16176313

Have my daughteru join them.

>> No.16176315

Whip out your junk and wave it at them!

>> No.16176317

I'll have you know you just ruined my fantasy.

>> No.16176318 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure it's this one guy trying to force it by commissioning a bunch of those pictures.

>> No.16176324

Buy those nutter butter ripoffs and some thinmints.

>> No.16176325

Woah, shit, that's not a good site.

But yeah, I would pity fuck a Raiju, poor girl needs some attention down there. But no noogies this time.

>> No.16176331

Ask if they're made from real girl scouts

>> No.16176345

>able to look me dead in the eye at my full height
Although tiny monsters have their appeal, so does this.

>> No.16176349

What if they decide to take it home? Along with the rest of you, of course.

>> No.16176366 [DELETED] 

It is, he admitted it on the TFT discord. He's trying to force the meme that they charge through headpats instead of schlicking.

>> No.16176367

Nice, thanks.
Also, do you have any preference for the panties your hellhound is wearing?

>> No.16176371

>Actually spending money to force your meme
It's still better than Nerdhound at least, if only because no one gives a fuck about Raijus. It's hard to ruin such a bland and forgettable monster.

>> No.16176373

I wish Latenight drew my waifu.
She's a wolfu with a pony tail and cut up jeans.

>> No.16176374 [DELETED] 

I must admit, headpats are better than schlicking.

>> No.16176375 [DELETED] 

Why? That's retarded. Charging up through masturbating is hot, this is just silly.

>> No.16176378

>we just direct them at others and never at each other
You should have some rough sex where both of you unleash everything that you've been holding. And you get to see her "private" smile too after play time.

>> No.16176381 [DELETED] 

Hi, Ace.

>> No.16176383 [DELETED] 

...no? Schlicking is sexy, headpats are a childish meme.

>> No.16176397 [DELETED] 

What if I want to headpat her cunny

>> No.16176398 [DELETED] 

Well there's your problem.

>> No.16176399

Black lace thong with a red pentagram on the front.

We do sometimes when we're both pent up after a bad day at work.

>> No.16176400 [DELETED] 

That makes no sense.
Who the fuck uses that word?

>> No.16176403

Original hellhound is shit though
>they are dark and edgy, wear skulls and stuff. And they also never ever ever ever give up and can't be defeated

>> No.16176405 [DELETED] 

The same people who use the word 'fuccboi'.

>> No.16176406 [DELETED] 

You don't headpat your Raiju's cunny and call her pet names?

Jesus this sounds stupid. A raiju is probably going to try to kill me again.

>> No.16176413


>> No.16176423 [SPOILER] 
File: 461 KB, 1000x660, 1480366216997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say non-edgy Hellhound?

>> No.16176426

Looks like a personal complain more than anything

So yeah, cry more.

>> No.16176430

Yeah, but everything latenight does is cute and non-edgy.

>> No.16176438

>you'll never take your heckpups to the park and give them ice cream as a reward for their good grades
Well, time to revise the good ol' suicide note.

>> No.16176440 [SPOILER] 
File: 540 KB, 1000x1000, 1480366468589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Then how about this one?

>> No.16176441

I can't wait for Latenight to make an edgy picture. Except it'll be so ludicrously, 200% edgy it won't be able to be taken seriously. And it'll be drawn with inverted colours, white-on-black.

>> No.16176443

I don't think that's possible.

>> No.16176447

Cute and non-edgy.

>> No.16176449

Pawprint pajamas just cause she's a dog?
That's just racist.

>> No.16176450

First time I saw that hellwan of naps pic, I thought it's a shop of Orin. Not sure why.

>> No.16176452

What a faggot.

>> No.16176453

It's a shop of Sakuya I think.

It's called fashion and clearly you don't have a sense of it. what kind of pijamas would a little Dragdrag wear? One with gold coins?

>> No.16176456
File: 830 KB, 800x1120, hellcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it happens.

>> No.16176458

Just wait and see. He'll draw a character who's whole schtick is being really emo all the time. Like an Angst Fairy, who draws stick-pictures of her cutting her own wrists, and listens to the Shadow the Hedgehog OST.
Even when she's included in otherwise normal drawings with other characters, the area of paper immediately around her will be chalked in black, and she'll be illustrated in white to make her look really dark and perpetually in shadow.

>> No.16176460
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1462075750143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Sakuya.

>> No.16176463

It would still look really cute. Like the type where she doesn't want to recieve hugs but you can't help but give.

>> No.16176478

She sounds awfully cute. What's her name?

>> No.16176483

I dunno man. We already have vampires, horrid blood insects, ghouls, and hellhounds. The real creatures of blood and night are accounted for.
What you're talking about sounds like a bad case of chuunibyou that some Phantom, Dhampir, or Lilim would engage in.

>> No.16176486
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1463700807295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhound pissed in your coffee or something?

>> No.16176490

Short hair Hellwans are my favourite!

>> No.16176499

I won't say here.
Because reasons.

>> No.16176502

>tfw no one talking about Rob Schneider salamander

>> No.16176503

Speak now or forever be in regret.

>> No.16176504

You just don't want Anon truenaming her to troll you when the time comes.
I understand.

>> No.16176506

I don't like staplers.

>> No.16176507

I got the feeling dragon girls by themselves are warm already with all the fire on her gut

>> No.16176508

Saaya I bet

>> No.16176511

Asuna, right?

You faggot.

>> No.16176517

I know that and my Dragon waifu knows that. Doesn't stop her from prettending to be cold though. she knows my weakspots.

>> No.16176520

The mystery of anon's waifu.

>> No.16176525

Tell us. Nobody will make fun of you. It looks like people here take waifus seriously.

>> No.16176528

Betting it's your OC and you just haven't thought of one.
That's ok.

>> No.16176543

Where do onii-chans learn how to properly love their imoutos?

>> No.16176545

somebody fucking translate dark mage

>> No.16176547

I don't waifu my own OCs.

>> No.16176550

Fine, it's what >>16176508 said.

>> No.16176562

Once upon a time there was a little mage that liked dark magic. She was jealous of the girls with big boobs and wonderful bodies, so she decided to work hard in order to become one.
She found out a group called Sabbath; their members were old hags in the body of little girls. That's when she had the wonderful idea of learning their magic and use them in reverse on herself.

The tricks worked and she became a woman with a bountiful body, filled with dark magic. She learned the pleasures of being a mature woman and decided to spread her knowledge to the world.
Hundreds of little monsters, jealous of how their mothers looked, decided to seek for the kind Dark Mage's help so they could drown their childhood friends in a sea of big breasts. This is how the Onee-bath was born.

I can translate more if you want.

>> No.16176565

Dude, your waifu's name is Saaya. Cute.

>> No.16176573

I haven't actually seen the Dark Mage yet. Somebody be so kind to post it. People say she looks onee San so I want to see if they're right.

>> No.16176575

Tell me anons. Does your waifu prefer to wear her traditional clothes? Do you prefer her to wear them? Or do you and her prefer casual clothing? Or maybe something different.

>> No.16176584

I prefer something casual and nice. She likes to wear sports clothes most of the time because they are light and comfy.

>> No.16176585

She sounds like she could be sporty. Is she? And do tell who she is.

>> No.16176589

You called your waifu like mine?

>> No.16176591

If that was true snakes would cry a lot more instead of slithering away whenever we meet.

>> No.16176592

She likes nightgowns. I'm too lazy to iron but luckily she has undead servants.

>> No.16176593

Indeed, she is a very sporty Dragon. What do you want to know about her?

>> No.16176598

anon dont do this

>> No.16176606

What sports does she enjoy? I like dragons myself aswell.

>> No.16176611

Oh. She's definetly ara ara~

>> No.16176613

One of these days I'll get the gumption to put that Ushi into the Winter image.


Probably not, procrastination is my waifu.

>> No.16176624

Her traditional outfit is a bit too fancy to wear around all the time, so she wears casual stuff mostly. She still insists o wearing her hat as it's traditional

>> No.16176627

Most things that have to do with competition really. She really likes mountain climbing and sky diving though. Those are her favorites.
Surprisingly, she does enjoy chess a little bit.

>> No.16176629

Why didn't you want to say it, because of the Saayafag?

>> No.16176631

But Winter has a Wendigo instead.

Wiuld Summer have another Ushi? Or a Wurm?

>> No.16176634

Because we're talking about it too much.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.16176636
File: 251 KB, 1000x730, I&#039;ll run out of music related images pretty fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all heard the legend of MGC Musician Anon right?

Why he used to regular the good ole MGC Bar before...well you know.

Some say he was the luckiest unlucky man in the whole city, which would probably explain what happened to him.

>> No.16176639
File: 691 KB, 1364x1256, Kasenzou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She changes clothing more often than moods, although it tends towards traditional and masculine.
But the best part of falling head over heels for a shapeshifter is that their wardrobe isn't limited to worn clothing.

>> No.16176641

No, Ushi should be in every image, always prepared to strike.

Maybe in Summer she could be leaping toward Anon wearing a sling bikini or something since it would be the final season Latenight may or may not make.

>> No.16176643
File: 489 KB, 595x842, fd6bc1527b2a67486d6b1f41d4496fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a raiju to force me to breed her until she is pregnant with triplets

then i will headpat those fluffballs and the mother

>> No.16176644

But that's why we're here anon, to talk

>> No.16176645

Is that a Zelda reference?

>> No.16176646
File: 150 KB, 1324x685, Violinon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard of various musician Anons. I'm one of them!

>> No.16176647

>waifuing ZUN's wife

>> No.16176650

Welcome to the Streisand effect faggot

>> No.16176651

Isnt it aya?

>> No.16176654

He has the 3D version and kids.
I'll take the fantasy version.

>> No.16176658

Mammyzoo has replaced her for quite some time now.

>> No.16176661

Anyone got the pic of the anubis getting her ears played with?

>> No.16176676

I always thought it was that Yukari is his wife's avatar from when she was helping him with coding, Aya is ZUN's waifu/avatar, and Mamizou has taken center stage as a main character as a caricature of his married wife.

>> No.16176680

Yukari is for lazy plot exposition, Mami is a stand-in for ZUN's IRL wife, and Aya sleeps around for attention/favors.

>> No.16176686
File: 390 KB, 853x1180, 1455214298396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.16176695

No, no, I mean MGC Music Anon.

You know, the one who eventually turned to a life of crime after his multiple bouts of bad luck?

Uses music for crime and what not?

>> No.16176704

People shouldn't use music for evil. They are for unifying hearts and shit like that.

>> No.16176724

This one was blurry so I tried a slightly different thing to clean it.

>> No.16176726

You can use anything for good and evil.

Like Science. Damn Gremlins and Sabbath alchemists / magicians.

>> No.16176736

Oh cool, wasn't expecting you to be here. But I guess you're always watching.

I won't let them. Just wait until the portal opens and I go to MGE.

>> No.16176746 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 232x263, 1480371420502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16176750

I've got my eye on you.

>> No.16176752

What the hell is that kid doing with Najka.

>> No.16176753

I want to go to a Ryugujo and eat all their sushi!

>> No.16176765
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1237841310123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already own the Draculina one and the double-clitted alien one. Would use that if bored enough.

>> No.16176777

Cancer has the same problem, making her look rather silly. Slapping a girl on a creature is just plain lazy and looks bad, centaurs being the only exception.

>> No.16176783

That's the one. Thanks.

>> No.16176789

>posting unspoilerd lewdity like this

Enjoy the ban

>> No.16176794

This is so unfair. How does the anubutt give ear scratches in return?

>> No.16176810

What would have been the alternative? He couldn't really have done much else.
Also she's a walking reference to the MGQ Crab Girl who had a similar kind of body.

>> No.16176816

>Cold and rainy
>Left my work laptop halfway across the state because I'm a dofus.

I need a monster girl to cuddle.

>> No.16176818

This is where mofu is here to save the day. But you sound like the anon who needs a nice warm dragon to keep you safe in her grasp!

>> No.16176827

Either of those would be lovely.
As would a lich who could teleport my laptop back so I don't have to grab it Wednesday.

>> No.16176832

Yeah well I need a beer to drink to drown out that I still lurk this place, so I guess we're both out of luck.

>> No.16176833

You're gonna get a Mofu Lich Dragon

>> No.16176837
File: 36 KB, 400x283, 1480354918310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you leave humanity behind if it means being with your monster girl?

>> No.16176840

It's like heaven in a dragon grasp. You forget everything and live in the moment with her. She tells you everything wil be alright.

>> No.16176841

Walk outside wearing a free hugs sign until it happens

>> No.16176851

Cant I visit back home every once in a while?

>> No.16176857

Yeah, I guess.
Still can't feel my feet.

I'm more than OK with that.
Does she have mofu poking between her scales?

It would be good, although I'm a bit of a work-a-holic so she'll need to distract me.

The ancient ritual of yeti summoning?

>> No.16176862

Define "leave humanity behind".

>> No.16176867
File: 121 KB, 666x568, 1447208489742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.16176868

A better integration for starters. Again right now cancer is litteraly half a girl glued to an entire crab, even the crabs eyes are on it. Better mix and match the crab part with the girl and you can go a long way.

The alternative route would be to make a bipedal crabgirl, which might or might not turn out cosplay tier. Though I do feel the current design can work if done better. Unfortunately I'm not artist and it's hard for me to imagine how it could be done right. Right now I just see something that looks really off.

>> No.16176872

you become your own waifu

>> No.16176875

Yep, and if you are really sweet with her the mofu grows a bit and she becomes almost full fluff.

>> No.16176876

>anon is never seen the next day
>presumably carried off to the Yeti Kingdom where he has become the kingdoms only living daki.

>> No.16176877


As in you become a "monster" alongside your monster girl

>> No.16176885

Is her name Priscilla?

>> No.16176886
File: 1.04 MB, 985x903, __watanabe_original_drawn_by_tagane__85daef5ec7ba283d08ecf464bdbb42d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always pic related, although it doesn't quite fit the tone of MGE.

>> No.16176891

But then I won't be able to hold her.

Define "become a "monster" alongside your monster girl".

>> No.16176892

Too much crab, not enough girl.
I would be happy with cosplay-tier for this one.

>> No.16176896

I'd destroy humanity to have that so probably?

>> No.16176897

Good thing my waifu is cosplay-tier.

>> No.16176901

>MFW I can't get off to Goobis if she isn't tall, or has a Jackal head on a human body
What the fuck, is this what it feels like to have questionable standards/die?

>> No.16176903

It can be.

>> No.16176904

By itself, that design is actually pretty good.

>> No.16176908

Pretty horrifying.

>> No.16176911

>centaurs being the only exception.
no they're shit to

>> No.16176916

Priscilla is a good name for mofu dragons.

>> No.16176919

I agree that it's very cool on the axis of "friendly space alien"
Doesn't get the boner going.

>> No.16176922

Pretty cute.
To fit in with more mainline monstergirl aesthetics though, toning down some of the crab-like features a bit would probably be recommended. Not too much, but just enough.

>> No.16176925

Then you're getting a mofu dragon named Priscilla. I hope you like fluffy tail.

>> No.16176931

>if she isn't tall
That's okay, tall girls are lovely. And since Latenight drew that pic, there's a couple of tall anubis pictures out there.
>or has a Jackal head on a human body
I'm not even angry or disgusted. I just want to know how and why.

>> No.16176932

Remember to take the whole girl and not just the tail though.

>> No.16176935

Don't worry. Anubutts have lots of weaknesses like that, but Anubisfags universally have lots of weaknesses that can be exploited to devastating effect by clever anubi, too.

>> No.16176939

Well, that's what e621 is for.

>> No.16176947

Do you need her to have a hard and dominating voice? You weird slut?

>> No.16176949

>How does the anubutt give ear scratches in return?
>Never would have thought much of such a thing
>Get a GF for a short time
>She makes a habit of scratching behind my ears
The thought of an Anubis doing such a thing is absurdly wonderful to me.

>Anubisfags universally have lots of weaknesses that can be exploited to devastating effect by clever anubi, too.
Granted an Anubis doing lots of things is absurdly wonderful to me, so...

>> No.16176952

That design is impressive, but not fitting for MGE. If toned down it could work nicely though.

>> No.16176956

I don't think that I've ever seen a female Anubis with the jackal head. It's always the male form.

And now I desperately want an Anubis with a close-fitting metal jackal mask that folds over like in Stargate or the Lost in Space movie.

>> No.16176959

I love fluffy tail.

>> No.16176967

>I don't think that I've ever seen a female Anubis with the jackal head.
You must not have been looking very hard then.

Which is good.

>> No.16176974

Clearly, what we need is a version of those images with the centaur putting on a horse head mask.
Except with an anubis putting on an Anubis/jackal head mask.

>> No.16176978
File: 614 KB, 1117x609, #Late Weather Cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck winter

>> No.16176979
File: 410 KB, 818x1000, bbbc7c8abe61dd96dee3d99aad73298c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MG-part-accommodating armor is great.
It's a shame it's so astoundingly rare.

>> No.16176980

I just imagined an Anubis doing that while thinking "I'm doing this for him" over and over again.

>> No.16176981

Fuck Yes Winter.

>> No.16176987

But winter is comfy!

summer a shit

>> No.16176988
File: 351 KB, 933x1000, space-anubis_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People would have to make specific requests for such, and most people tend to ask for...less, clothing-wise.

>> No.16176995

>I'm not even angry or disgusted. I just want to know how and why.
It's very simple, you just give her the normal human physique, but keep her head as a Jackal's. She doesn't even need to have the paws in that state. As for the "Why", call me a purist.

Full body furfaggotry is a turn-off, though. I want her body to glisten like well lubricated, musky and smoky smoky Nile goodness. Not some fucking shag carpet.


>> No.16176997 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 1117x609, 1480374685257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna go ahead an leave this edit here

>> No.16177004
File: 378 KB, 1117x609, VAMPMILK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having fun with this.

>> No.16177006

Just June.

>> No.16177009

It's a pretty great feeling. Knew a girl in my highschool who loved to play with my hair, and I went stupid with how nice it felt every time.
If an anubis did anything like that to me, I'd be reduced to the mental level of a dumb, extremely happy puppy for her.

>> No.16177011

May I know why? Couldn't resist.

>> No.16177014

Are those her tits or.....

>> No.16177018

Well, okay. Would you be turned on if she started licking your chest?

>> No.16177021

You know how, when a tick sucks up a lot of blood, it swells up like a balloon?

>> No.16177023

no anon those are my tits.

>> No.16177026
File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, 666d86ec950151a1e1c994f345c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are her tits.

>> No.16177029

Tittypire gone too far.

>> No.16177030

Not really, the only advantage a muzzle has over a human's face is that there's less of a gag reflex involved because of WOO WOO bonejobs. What I really want is a Goobis with a voice like oiled leather to tell me how worthless I am while her tail swishes back and forth

>> No.16177041

Okay, so I guess this is more a fetish on an intellectual level than a "this directly makes my peepee feel good" level.

>> No.16177047


>> No.16177048

Take it to FA already.

>> No.16177051


>> No.16177052

Okay, one of you guys has to go up there and give the Ice Queen Cunnilingus.

>> No.16177054

Yes. I don't want to dick a furry Anubis, I want to be put down by one. But an Anubis wearing a Stargate-tier helmet works just as well so long as she's tsundere as fuck. We're talking so motherfucking tsundere that admitting her love will result in nosebleed bottle rocket action

>> No.16177060

There was one Anon who tried to lick her butt and got stuck permanently. His sacrifice will not be forgotten.

>> No.16177066

I guess it must just be that imagery of the Anubis head you like, then. An actual anubis monstergirl sporting that imagery looks closer to the actual Anubis, and therefore more godlike, dominant and imposing.
Seeing one wear a helmet like that would be pretty fantastic, I gotta admit. Needs to have the angry, judging red eyes too.

>> No.16177068

Yeah, my ex- liked to play with my hair too...didn't much care for that honestly.

But behind the ears? Dear God that felt nice.

>> No.16177076

I'm OK with this.

>> No.16177086

So Summer is him on fire, with Salamanders and Hellhounds around him, and an Ushi trying to put the fire out?

>> No.16177088


>> No.16177121

Somehow that feels unrealistic.

>> No.16177125

All on the beach while everyone wears swimsuits too. Maybe add some aquatic MGs looking at the whole spectacle.

>> No.16177131

I'm going to romance Ubbo-Sathla and NOTHING, NOT EVEN HARBLADOR, WILL STOP ME!

>> No.16177138

People don't talk about it much, but I'm getting much enjoyment of Oka getting mega cucked by Kuromine

>> No.16177143
File: 429 KB, 597x933, the art of the cuddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go to Yeti Tower and learn cuddling from the master herself

>> No.16177150

>Enjoying somebody getting NTR'd
And people say that I should die or that I have shit taste.

>> No.16177156

>Granted an Anubis doing lots of things is absurdly wonderful to me, so...
But these weaknesses are things an anubis can use to completely disable and exert dominance over an Anubisfag. There's plenty to list, such as:

Lightly tracing her claws over an Anubisfag's scalp
Pressing the pawpad on her forefinger against Anubisfag's mouth
Nuzzling Anufag's neck and jaw
Eye contact when giving an order (The Anubisfag will feel a surge of intense arousal at being ordered by his anubis, and will be compelled to obey her every command)
Scraping her fangs against Anufag's shoulder, neck and/or throat
Nibbling an Anufag's ears
Sitting on an Anufag and flicking her tail over his exposed body
Just sitting on an Anufag
Getting an Anufag to kiss and/or massage her feet

Against these techniques employed by an anubis, an Anubisfag is utterly helpless. There is zero defence against them.

>> No.16177161


>> No.16177167

Jitsu Wa. Okada is the glasses kid.

>> No.16177174

To be fair anon, any decently attractive girl with a pulse doing those things to me would cripple me. And a pulse isn't even mandatory with monsters. Though undead lose the big one:
Holding you to her chest to listen to her heart.

>> No.16177175

>Oka getting mega cucked by Kuromine
Huh? What happened? Is this something more than the usual "the girl I love is completely head-over-heels for another guy, and I've had to accept her openly stating I don't have a chance"?

>Nuzzling Anufag's neck and jaw
>Scraping her fangs against Anufag's shoulder, neck and/or throat
>Nibbling an Anufag's ears
Y-Yes please...

>> No.16177177

Do not kill the Anubisfags.

>> No.16177188

>hand isn't edited to resemble a fluffy paw

>> No.16177190
File: 2.45 MB, 1424x2040, 1442785329465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your onee-san now.

>> No.16177196

I ordered a Titania.

>> No.16177198

Good but she needs to be both thicker and softer.

>> No.16177200

There was no good paw reference to copy and I can't draw

>> No.16177204
File: 769 KB, 1600x1600, Nure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does not!Japan have the best girls?

>> No.16177205

Sure. I hope she gets along with my waifu.

>> No.16177209

Will Trump make MGs real?

>> No.16177210

She can be your Titania tonight

>> No.16177215
File: 904 KB, 1000x914, 1449614956631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but our thick onee-san is being used already.

>> No.16177216

But why does she have to sleep in the same bed as me?
And why do we have to be naked?

>> No.16177219

Look at that zombie and how stinky she is. There's green all around her!

>> No.16177221
File: 92 KB, 600x847, 1462773652577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my onee have such a smug look on her face?

>> No.16177223

Make her a busty 7ft. Demon and give her fluffy sex hair and the ability to lactate. Then we have a deal.

>> No.16177226

Because once you sign the contract, it's all ogre.

>> No.16177227

So what MG other than Apsara is best at dancing?
I left my heart and my head on the dance floor.

>> No.16177229

There are always loopholes.

>> No.16177235

I'd exploit her loophole

>> No.16177242

I realize the dumb joke being made here, but all the same it makes me think.

Does magic have a smell?

>> No.16177243

Yes but all brown girls will be on the other side of the wall, no Anubi for anyone

>> No.16177247

brb MGxico

>> No.16177256 [DELETED] 


Who are you quoting?

>> No.16177258

Otohime. Don't ask how.

>> No.16177259

/a/ please go.

>> No.16177260

Im going to molest her thighs while she sleeps

>> No.16177262
File: 198 KB, 1104x1316, WOOPS CAN&#039;T SHOW THESE ON A BLUE BOARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All according to keikaku

>> No.16177266


>> No.16177271
File: 211 KB, 803x789, 1457998087623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to uncensored?

>> No.16177276

I want to be a shota so I can enjoy it better

>> No.16177285

We're talking about the most dangerous Anubisfags here. They can resist the allure of even a lilim, and could, if left unchecked, cause mass Anubification to the world.
These are emergency techniques to be performed by an anubis in order to prevent such an event.

Don't forget the breathy whispering into your ears, too.
And leaving you in complete darkness at random, so that all you can in the pitch blackness are her luminous, red lupine eyes.

Who said anything about killing them?

>> No.16177291

>And leaving you in complete darkness at random, so that all you can in the pitch blackness are her luminous, red lupine eyes.
Anon, pls, no.

I can't take any more.

>> No.16177295


>> No.16177298
File: 106 KB, 447x501, En Garde!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this Kiki with you!

>> No.16177302

Not enough dubious intent.

>> No.16177308

No offense but I'd feel safer in the arms of an amazon

>> No.16177311

I'm pretty sure that if you have an Anubis do all of that to an Anubisfag he has a heart attack.

>> No.16177313

Are there any good amazon stories?

>> No.16177314

I want to go to MGC Maid Central and spill my iced coffee all over me just to see the reactions I'd get from the single maids.

>> No.16177318

I can tell you one.

>> No.16177319
File: 86 KB, 1000x1200, 26859469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does your waifu feel about your current job, Anon?
No job? What about your education/courses?
You are doing something with your life, right Anon?

>> No.16177322


>> No.16177324

My Hellhound waifu doesn't mind my job as a groundskeeper. Mostly because I get home early enough that we can cuddle before she goes to her job as a bouncer.

>> No.16177325

All the ones I can think of off the top of my head aren't even MGE

>> No.16177326

Going to become a teacher. I would like to think she was happy about that.

>> No.16177327

My waifu is fine with everything. She just tells me to be careful with Liches and Gremlins at work.

She is excited to see my drawings of her too.

>> No.16177328

>You are doing something with your life, right Anon?
Waiting to die is doing something, right?

>> No.16177334

I wanna cuddle Deruella!

>> No.16177336
File: 1008 KB, 500x241, m3umpvJpic1qzqnxxo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waifu will marry you and be the best wife you could ever ask for.
But you have to bring a human sacrifice for her family first.

>> No.16177337
File: 451 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to get tricked into sex
>Wanting to not be old enough to enjoy/understand it
>Not being able to satisfy your sister with your shota penis
No. Comparable ages, or at most her a few years older. I want both of us to have lewd thoughts that we suppress, getting more and more awkward. And then that one little mishap comes along, she's fallen on top of me, shirt flipped up, a nice handful of her chest for me. And then we both just stare, blushing profusely. We both have the same thought, we both know it's wrong, but we don't care; any more tension and one of us is going to snap. We lock ourselves in my room, and for the entire weekend we just give in. We do every dirty thing imaginable, explore every inch of each other's bodies, and just let the stress flow away as we fuck each other senseless. By the end of the weekend my pelvis is sore, she's been filled with so much cum you can hear it sloshing in her belly, and the reek of sex has been burned into the room. After that, we look for excuses to sneak off together, teasing each other about how we can only get off with our sibling, but that just gets each of us hornier. Eventually, we go off the grid and find a nice quiet house in the woods. Nobody to stop us fucking each other silly, and we can raise our daughter in peace.

>> No.16177341


Don't say I don't give you people anything but shitposts, because all's fair in love and oneesans.

>> No.16177349

I would rather bring a shotgun and some improvised explosives first.

I might hate every single person I've met, but I'm not going to preform a human sacrifice for some monsters.

>> No.16177355

No thanks. She doesn't need to be the best, all that I need is for her to be there.

>> No.16177356

What about a single human sacrifice so fifty anons get their dream waifu?

>> No.16177359
File: 612 KB, 750x1000, 1479124656937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big blueberry boobies
Good man, anon.

>> No.16177361
File: 202 KB, 467x848, the white rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking to the right, looking to the left,
>Which way will you go
>O child, lost as you are in life?

>Will you go back? Will you move on?
>Which way will you go
>O child, lost as you are in life?

>If in your eyes I see
>You know naught of “happiness”,

>Then what would I do but
>Wish that happiness of you?

>Now then, right or left?
>Coming this far, you have only one of two paths.
>If you would return, look to the right.
>If you wish to go back and resign yourself to that life, I will not stop you.
>Surely a fate awaits you, unchanged from all you’ve lived before now.


>If you would move on, look to the left.
>If you see hope in the next life, you could be freed from whatever your suffering.
>Surely then you would know a life completely different from yours now.

>So, which way?
> …I only wish for your “happiness”.

>> No.16177363

How can something as stupid a wurm be so sexy?

>> No.16177364

The answer is still no.

>> No.16177365


>> No.16177366

I don't work, my waifu does. I do all the house chores and the homemaker type stuff though, so she doesn't have to worry about anything except relaxing with me and our daughteru when she gets home after a long day.

>> No.16177371

I want that trickster rabbit.

>> No.16177378

You know, I just want to come home to a shortstack holst whose got some homemade chili for dinner and a fresh, cherry pie for desert.

>> No.16177379

Your waifu sounds nice. What species is she and what does she do?

>> No.16177385

Is that big girthy tail of hers.

>> No.16177388

Probably mad that I keep going to work when I could just stay home.
She'd quiet down to minor grumbles when the need for post work cuddling ensues.

>> No.16177397

For a man like me in a shitty job he resents but with a lot of talent for traditional housewifery and cooking, that sounds dreamy.

>> No.16177403

She's a Kobold!

She's a personal lab assistant to/student of a Magicologist Lich, so she gets to do all sorts of crazy lab experiments and learn all sorts of cool science-y stuff. My waifu is very smart loves to learn even though she never went to a regular school, so when her boss offered to take her on as an apprentice after her last one unexpectedly joined the ranks of the undead army she accepted the empty position immediately. The hours are sometimes very long, but her and her boss are very good friends and she loves the actual work parts too, so she's quite happy with her employment.

>> No.16177410

It would be nice.
I'd just enjoy sitting her in my lap at the end of the day and hugging her.

>> No.16177431
File: 189 KB, 800x800, d264f250dea9e5d1206052e46016aee7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like your elves?

>> No.16177436

That sounds nice anon. Just hope she doesn't end up a permanent assistant to her Lich boss.

>> No.16177439

According to KC Otohime and Pharaoh. While not on the Pharaoh's profile KC's other information on her talks about how alluring her dances are.

I guess it would make sense if the Not!China girls are good at dancing too; since they are all about that swift body movements.

>> No.16177442

Soft and Meaty

>> No.16177447

Of course not anon. As much as she loves her work, she loves being at home with me and our daughteru infinitely more.

>> No.16177449

I've been unemployed for almost a year, had to go back to my parent's place because I couldn't even afford my meals.
My job applications are all unanswered or they always hire someone more experienced than me. I can't believe I would fall this hard after being the number 2 graduate at my college promotion

>> No.16177457

On top and in charge

>> No.16177461
File: 538 KB, 1118x1196, 1455079042699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they just do.

>> No.16177468

It's okay anon. Someone will hire you.

>> No.16177471

she knows her job is a lot more fun than my current job
and she wants me to pursue what i wanna do by encouraging anatomy study

>> No.16177473

Spoiled, bossy, and in control. But her collar comes on as soon as she enters our house.

>> No.16177476
File: 75 KB, 1024x576, 1468390246538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this Elf.

>> No.16177481

Two literal dancing queens. Nice.

>> No.16177488

You. I like you.

>> No.16177494

Those girls deserved better, especially the redhead.

>> No.16177496
File: 908 KB, 1000x1414, 46269783_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>16177442

>> No.16177497

But you still fapped to the "cling to me or fall" scene with the priestess, didn't you?

>> No.16177502

Going crazy for the dick.

>> No.16177503
File: 459 KB, 500x375, If only you were a MG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to waifu a super villain MG!

I want to be enchanted by the Siren's songs so we can commit crimes together and the MGC Police / Super Heroes can't arrest me do to plausible deniability!

I want to break my Siren Villain out of jail without getting caught and do it all again!

I want to bang her while she sings a song of vigor so I never tire!

I want to have a lovely duet in adjacent Asylum cells after I'm eventually caught by Superwurm / Batwoman whom finally pieced it all together!

I want to send flowers to her in prison saying she's my puddin!

I want everything to be like the Mad Hatter without the sad end mixed with the Music Meister! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r48DX9qGkWg

>> No.16177505
File: 824 KB, 1000x1502, 4ae9543ca4a05305573ff1b9bf1b8b66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man gets it
>Taking the collar off in public
No, anon. You make her have to try and hide it. 24-7 collar unless you say so. Reminds her that no matter how high and mighty she tries to set herself up as, underneath it all she's a slut for cock.

>> No.16177509

I fapped to the entire series. No regrets.

>> No.16177510


>> No.16177516

I really want to mating press that elf.

>> No.16177518

Alright. Schlicked then?

>> No.16177521


That series is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.16177523

>We will never have an animated fall of lescatie
>Hentai just like that but with genders reversed
It hurts

>> No.16177525

look at this elf defense force fag

>> No.16177536

But I hate Elves. The only reason I want to fuck a Dark Elf is because they bring out a primal lust I don't know I had before.

I just don't like bad ends.

>> No.16177538
File: 2.61 MB, 1888x2720, Sub Tongue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub draws the best foxs

>> No.16177539

At this point all the hurt just blurs together into an unceasing scream of torment.
So much hurts, so much is never realized.

>> No.16177546
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1201, cf85ab1208fe624579e36cac5746095a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's stopping you, anon? She's waiting for it.

>> No.16177550

>Be ranger who lives in Lescate.
>Well 'in' may be an overstatement, really you just live in the woods and trade furs and meat for other things.
>Namely those things that are not meat or furs.
>Spend months deep in the woods before finally deciding to trade what you have for a new set of tools and some beer.
>After more than days travel, you reach the city.
>You are in the city for less than an hour, your furs unloaded to a tanuki outside once you saw the...things... going on inside.

Lescate, not even once.

>> No.16177551

Oh, I see.
Then on this one single point of taste we could not possibly be more different.
At this stage I think I've read most every BDSM, guro, slavery, etc. story out there. Not just the moonrune ones. Bad end best end.

>> No.16177552

I want to deepthroat that tongue while we make out

>> No.16177554
File: 254 KB, 1280x1823, Kamaitachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could deal with a trio of busty sex haired Kamaitachi about now.

>> No.16177557

Impregnate the soft elves!
Do it to all the soft elves!

>> No.16177560

But she's not real.

Now stop posting Dark Elves.

>> No.16177565

Watch out guys it's the fun police!

>> No.16177569
File: 254 KB, 800x1129, CuF4x0VUIAAnGJ7_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defiant and prattling about how elf-kind will never lose, followed by instant capitulation and heart pupils.

>> No.16177570

Elves are too lewd for this thread, stop right now!

>> No.16177571

Probably just Chinese.

>> No.16177574

Sub does draw the best foxes. They are way too delicious.

Thank god I don't like them though.

>> No.16177579

I actually once wanted to write a story about a person who moves away from lescatie for some business while it falls and then coming back and having to deal with the new city

>> No.16177586

I imagine he would be fine if he acted like a jerk when around monster girls.

>> No.16177589

I'm pretty sure that's batta or jaco.
Sub is pretty good for a western commission artist though.

>> No.16177595

>Grumpy former adventurer now has to deal with his city turned into a more cheerful, sexopolus.

Would be fun.

>> No.16177602

Not for me.

I would want peace and quiet, couldn't have that if everyone is fucking 24/7.

>> No.16177609

Half the fun would be grumpy and shoo-ing out the loli spiders that get in along with their busty oneesan who is wearing lingerie

>> No.16177613
File: 403 KB, 728x1035, 58637385_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmm yes.

>> No.16177615

Getting rid of monsters would be so annoying. Every day there would be a different monster pulling your pants.

>> No.16177617

>Spider girls trying to sneak into my home
Gonna hit them with a broom until they leave.

>> No.16177624

I want to dom a pear-shaped loli hellhound.

>> No.16177633

Thats half the fun of it, like finding some where kittens hiding in you laundry basket.

Just be sure you are ready when the dire arachne oneesan shows up.

>> No.16177634


>> No.16177637

I like yumano yuuki. I need maximum smug and maximum spats.

Honorable mention to badhand, though

>> No.16177638

Are you kidding?
>come home to blackened, red-skied nightmare fortress
>the royal family has disappeared except for the cripple daughter who is now the living heart of a giant tentacle monster
>you just happen to walk in on the 8th Full Moon Fuckfest that year
>if you're really lucky you don't get pulled into the gutter full of rutting rat girls before you can even talk to someone
>the sanguine clouds overhead occasionally condense into red beams of fel energy, accompanied by frenzied yells and moans from the region of the city struck
>the market is now full of pulsing and dripping fruit in hazy air
>guards in their skimpy armor made of heart gilding eye-rape you with unrestrained lust

You wouldn't "deal" with it. You'd run to the nearest order foothold.

>> No.16177639

Anon monsters don't make that much noise when they fuck. Im sure it'd be easy to ignore. Or to get home thats enchanted to have noise blocking walls.

>> No.16177643

>dire arachne oneesan
I'm going to need two brooms for this.

>> No.16177647

>Anon, clad in naught but a towel chases the dire arachne oneesan out with a broom in each hand.
>Those girls watching feel fear, but also the urge to bear his children.

>> No.16177648

I'm going to bait those kittens with fish, punish them for misbehaving and having them give back my laundry.

>> No.16177649

I don't believe you at all.

>> No.16177654

Man, monster girl dominated societies would suck.

>> No.16177658

>A bunch of sulky werekittens sitting outside anons house, disappointed at their lack of fish and boyfriend.

>> No.16177661

badhand is just cheating
The other artists aren't willing to write comics where loli foxgirls compete in anal tug-of-war with a double dildo to see who gets the dick that night.

>> No.16177667

At most I'm giving them some milk.

Not my "milk" you dirty monsters!

>> No.16177668 [SPOILER] 
File: 872 KB, 800x1410, 1480385129945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, no more elves.
Have a horny Dragon pup instead.

>> No.16177670

Just watch out my good anon, they may all start hugging your legs at being given dairy.

It'll help them get strong bones!
And full breasts!

>> No.16177673

Only some of them. Lescate is still described as having actual things that aren't sex going on, and in fact is thriving in alot of ways. Then you have places like not japan that are pretty tame all things considered.

>> No.16177674

Do vegan monsters drink almond semen?

>> No.16177675

only if its activated

>> No.16177678
File: 266 KB, 811x644, 1476413384475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Maybe then they will get boyfriends and stop bothering me. I definitely don't want a bunch of big fat cat tats at my door every morining.

>> No.16177685

>you will never tell your Arachne daughteru ghost stories about the crazed 'broom man'

>> No.16177686

It was an oppressive theocracy that demonized anything remotely monstrous. Even if you are in the camp that thinks 24/7 fuck isn't so hot, having a leader and government that will trade with a third of the planet and modernize itself will only be good for the economy.

>> No.16177692

They say you can still hear him shouting "Get out!" on lonely nights.

But what about Fat Feline Fannies?

>> No.16177694

>Literal Jorougumo
How about NO, you waifu killing harlot.

>> No.16177700
File: 160 KB, 491x991, 1479348835586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pear shaped Dragons are the best next to milky busty titcow Dragons.

>> No.16177708
File: 630 KB, 774x1000, 1466517426867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Dragons are cute.

>> No.16177711
File: 2.16 MB, 1612x2357, Sub flooof snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub needs to draw the Floof Snake again

>> No.16177712

No, no cats in my residence.

Dogs can stay away too.

>> No.16177714
File: 119 KB, 955x1199, Cx-t3HWUAAEoRvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. But those little ones can be tenacious. And no Dragon is all that fond of sharing.

>> No.16177716

What about that shortstack lamia who used to be a barmaid at a tavern you frequented?

>> No.16177718

I need more Kukulkan/Quetzacoatl

>> No.16177721

Shoo away too. Lamias are okay to befriend, but I know they get a little bit too clingy.

Look, the only thing I'm settling with is a Dragon and I'm 100% sure there isn't one around. Now, if those monster girls would please go away.

>> No.16177724
File: 131 KB, 901x895, 1477587927400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which monster girl would most likely match this music when the boss battle starts?


I mean you would fight the evil MG in a boss battle right?

>> No.16177725
File: 2.32 MB, 3508x4961, quetz hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16177729

Probably something like a Dark Valkyrie.

>> No.16177730

On contrare, there is one.

Good news, she's tall, muscles, and busty.

Bad news, she's a super himedere, sporting more than a few scars, and a drunkard.

>> No.16177736


>> No.16177738

As long as she doesn't flirt with me then there is no problem. All I have to do is stay away. Please do not tell me she cries when drunk.

>> No.16177744
File: 552 KB, 876x1236, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you younger than your waifu?

>> No.16177745

How would I be able to scare away a spider cow?

>> No.16177748

She's the sad, cuddly drunk.

>> No.16177751

Let her catch you jerking off, I hear that scares them.

>> No.16177752

Yes she's four years older than me and hates when I tease her about it.

>> No.16177754

By about a millennium, yeah.

>> No.16177758

Wave a rolled up newspaper at one

>> No.16177759

Look. It's not really flirting it's just comforting in my arms and goddamn I would be sure to geta good sniff on her smell. and a nice look on her body. I wouldn't flirt though, I swear.

>> No.16177764

I'm actually older than my waifu because of a few months, but everyone think she's at least two years older than me.
It stills makes her extra mad when I refer to myself as onii-chan in front of her.

>> No.16177765

Two words:
Git Gud

>> No.16177775

Yes, shes a Christmas cake dragon, I mean it to the extreme. Shes at least 100, but thats okay! I like older women. So you can tell how good that's going to go in 2017.

I am not going to be able to walk, I have no regrets

>> No.16177777
File: 20 KB, 350x370, 1459816207883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16177779

What a waste of digits.

>> No.16177794

Ultimate CC Dragon is 250 years old.

>> No.16177802

You're right, I should've posted a futa image from .less' archives.

>> No.16177812

Go away Bollocks.

>> No.16177816

Not my fault he hates on powerful thighs.

>> No.16177828

>live in a monster city
>get unbearable aroused thanks to mamono mana and sexy monsters
>can't really relive yourself without monsters everywhere taking it as an open invitation
>meet a succubus who says she's willing to help you take care of that no strings attached
>"Just remember, you can't cum inside. I'd probably get addicted to that and make you my husband"
>decide why the hell not
>things are going pretty good, getting close and tell her that
>her legs wrap themselves all the way around your torso, completely locking you in place
>"Come on anon, shouldn't you pull out? You don't want me getting the wrong idea do you?"
>panic and struggle but its no use, empty everything you have inside her
>"Oh anon, if you wanted to be my husband you could have just asked"

>> No.16177838

>Pear shaped Dragons are the best
Fight me you f-

>next to milky busty titcow Dragons.
Nevermind, we can be friends.

>> No.16177846
File: 117 KB, 600x706, 1455168701829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my dragons with abs

>> No.16177847

>That size
>That low resolution
Everything about this is terrible.

>> No.16177849

>Succubus with thick powerful thighs
>Considering me worth seducing like that.
Yeah, I'm okay with this.

>> No.16177851

10/10 would continue to fill her up until she has triplets.

>> No.16177854
File: 262 KB, 855x1117, 1480207501132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.16177858

I want to have a hobgoblin watch the movie that shares the name of her species.
The MST3K version.

>> No.16177859

Can we just agree that all dragons are good?

>> No.16177861

Better than making a Troll watch a movie with her namesake. One has Sonny Bono, the other has a Norwegian who hasn't bathed.

>> No.16177866

I dunno Hobgoblin is utter garbage that would make me want to kill myself if I watched it for real.

>> No.16177868
File: 232 KB, 925x748, 1479327727037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm milk is superior to cold, moldy shit.

>> No.16177875
File: 229 KB, 1224x1632, 1477392644483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undead milk is cool and sweet you dillhole.

>> No.16177879

>he doesn't like cold, moldy shit

>> No.16177880

Why not have doube paizuri from both?

>> No.16177886
File: 850 KB, 477x999, 1468785397983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my dragons with pudge

>> No.16177887

You don't get it man. The first Troll movie literally had some fat, hairy Bilbo Baggins looking motherfucker turning people into plant pods with a magical fucking Gom Jabbar, with their 'forest sprite' self emerging out of it like a beautiful 1980s puppet out of its chrysalis.

Troll 2 had the infamous OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD scene in it.

Troll Hunter is probably the only good one, and like I said it's in Norwegian and the guy hasn't bathed in some time.

>> No.16177890

There is literally no way the Sasha part could ever be animated.

>> No.16177892

Never saw the first one.
Or heard of it.

Pudge dragons are best dragons.
Along with oppai lolis and muscle dragons.

>> No.16177896

Pudgy Dragons are the strongest of all. This is a confirmed fact.

>> No.16177897

God Liches are cute.

>> No.16177901


There. My shitposting quota's been filled.

>> No.16177904

>Liches are Barbs and Subs favorite Undead MGE girls
Bless them.

>> No.16177938

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember to watch out for Ushi's hiding in snow drifts.

With the leaf piles gone and winter soon to be upon us, they'll be changing their ambush tactics.

>> No.16177942

Fuck off.

>> No.16177951

Just imagine it man.
>After you cum inside you realize that you're going to be stuck with this lewd succubus for the rest of your life.
>She's chuckling lewdly and saying something about you being so easy to fool.
>You're still hard though. Hard not to be inside a Succubus' pussy.
>Grab her shoulders and shove her down, her thick thighs still wrapped around your waist.
>She yelps as she slams against the mattress.
>Before she can say anything your lips crash against hers and shut her up.
>Start thrusting your hips as hard as you can and feel her moan.
>After a while you gush inside her again and again and again, but instead of stopping you keep thrusting.
>She's starting to panic now, trying to push you away.
>You wrap your arms around her in a bear hug, squishing her breasts against your chest and putting your head right next to hers.
>"Anon wait! This is too much! Anon I'm gonna get pregnant!"
>Those words just make you harder.
>You can feel your dick kissing her hungry womb, with a powerful thrust you hilt yourself and let loose.
>You vaguely register the succubus screaming in pleasure as you pour your cum inside her once more.
>As you pull back you see her looking up at you with hearts in her eyes, panting hard.
>Her legs are still wrapped firmly around your waist.
>You kiss her gently and softly mating press her until you both pass out.
>Wake up alone in bed.
>As you get up you see the succubus open the door, almost shyly and bring you a tray with pancakes and sausage while wearing a naked apron.
>Next to them is a scroll that you recognize as a lich made pregnancy test.
>It reads "Congratulations on your quadruplets!"

>> No.16177953

Sound like someone has sand in their vagina.

>> No.16177961

Wunderbar! I can't wait for our five year anniversary when I take some raging mushrooms and recreate the night we met.

>> No.16177963

>With the leaf piles gone and winter soon to be upon us, they'll be changing their ambush tactics.
>tfw summer coming here instead

They can't catch me if everyone's dying of heat stroke

>> No.16177966

Won't that everyone include you as well?
Besides, summer means they can be almost naked so that their spider tits distract you.

>> No.16177971
File: 690 KB, 2621x2277, 1479843120119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi are so breedable despite their simple appearances.

>> No.16177978

>Won't that everyone include you as well?

Yes. I'm banking on a heavily tanned lich in a swimsuit passing by.

>> No.16177979

In our world.
In anoher, a succubus would ride you while commenting that the scene in the manga was better.

>> No.16177981

>Ushi's hiding in snow drifts.
Wait, what? When did they get cold resistance? Cold was the one thing actually good at keeping ushis at bay, but now this?

>> No.16177990

With succubi it's more about their essence than appearance, I think. Making them blueberry with black sclera totally helps with the plain appearance thing though.

>> No.16177991
File: 683 KB, 1057x711, 150cc_injections_of_ seminal_fluid_ASAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a doctor.

>> No.16177992

>When did they get cold resistance?
They spent their time sticking themselves in an industrial freezer to prepare for this winter, and had a DO IT FOR HIM poster within the freezer for motivation.

>> No.16177994

Would she have a sun hat, a string bikini, and a bored look?

I think they've always had it, they live in mountains and caves if I remember correctly

>> No.16177997

>string bikini
>Not a one-piece

>> No.16178003

One-string-piece bikini.

>> No.16178002

I can see a string bikini working well for a lich, actually. Especially if it's far from conservative but she just wears it like anything else, not posing, showing off or anything else but letting your eyes draw themselves to her body while she takes notes.

How does a lich tan though?

>> No.16178006

I don't think you'll have to wait five years for that anon. She's gonna need a lot of nutrition to support a quadruple pregnancy. Once she starts getting close to giving birth she's gonna be sucking your dick a lot.
And afterwards her breasts will be at least two cup sizes bigger and her hips will get wider too.

The more exotic looking succubi are even more breedable though. A succubus with black sclera, purple skin and glowing pink eyes is intense boner fuel.

>> No.16178008

Full sling or buttplug with exposed back?

>> No.16178026
File: 337 KB, 600x803, CEO the anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a slightly different take on the perfect succubus.

>> No.16178035


>> No.16178043
File: 894 KB, 920x1185, 1462773866117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's the boss in public
>She bullies you in public
>When you get home the collar comes back on and you get to bully her all you want and she's completely submissive

>> No.16178056

That's an imp

>> No.16178060

These types of girl are the best.

>> No.16178063

Whatever her character class, she's wonderful.

>> No.16178071

The baddest imp an adventurer could face. All the more so because she'd probably hate them.

>> No.16178073
File: 195 KB, 850x599, follow follow follow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16178075

>Making them blueberry with black sclera totally helps with the plain appearance thing though.
Demons and Devils already control that schtick, unless of course Arch-Succubi have black sclera or not.

>> No.16178080
File: 105 KB, 700x990, 1442011762525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hottest imp around

>> No.16178084
File: 323 KB, 1353x1920, 1421403583936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it come with a slutty, minimalist wardrobe to allow for around-the-cock groping access?

>> No.16178085

Predatory Harpies have a different song.


>> No.16178087

Never forget one doesn't have to be married to the MGE, it's easy to imagine them looking as I described in another setting.

>> No.16178093

Those Harpies have a lot of meat on them. Are they Jubjubs that wandered out of Wonderland by chance?

>> No.16178095

>get a ocarina for the heck of it
>Start playing a tune once you get good enough to play it proficiently
>Really get into it for a couple of minutes before stopping.
>When you turn around you notice a dozen or so harpies behind you, wanting an encore

>> No.16178097

So if you played the Bremen march would that turn baby harpies into full grown adults in an instant?

>> No.16178102
File: 234 KB, 569x770, 1429458167251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm concerned Pied Piper Anon is in more trouble than he realizes.

>> No.16178112
File: 239 KB, 424x600, 1425422680711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like this picture more if those rodents weren't so ugly.

>> No.16178122

You too? My brother!

>> No.16178172
File: 71 KB, 841x595, 1479833440839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ah, Anon, you're a natural with your hands."
>"Does it really feel that good? I can't wait to try it."
>"I-Is Anon gonna do that with all of us? I'm a l-little nervous."

>> No.16178177

Damn rats.

>> No.16178181

Anon stop this I can't have a boner right now

>> No.16178191

I bet the shy one is a freak in bed if you get her to open up.

>> No.16178192
File: 1.30 MB, 810x1117, 1479255591362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, anon. here, have some hot chocolate, made with special milk

>> No.16178197

You know, I've never been turned on by anything posted here. I don't know how dudes like you do it. Do you get hard from lingerie adds too?

>> No.16178206

Brown Holsts are best Holsts.

>> No.16178209

You just need a modicum of imagination and a healthy diet of hentai.
Being a lonely virgin desperate for any woman's tough helps, too.

>> No.16178210

Anon, I think you might be gay...

>> No.16178212

Either you're trolling or do not have a libido.
I can't even say "you don't have an imagination" because the threads are full of hot images.

>> No.16178226

I fap at least 4 times a day and I have a healthy imagination and it's nice to imagine milking a holst, but all the same my dick isn't about to react to anything posted on a blue board asides from some well written lewds.

>> No.16178234

>I fap at least 4 times a day
Maybe THAT has something to do with it.

>> No.16178255
File: 35 KB, 665x510, 1477005653238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mofu is one hell of a drug

>> No.16178258

Well sure, if I abstained until my balls were blue I'm sure a breeze would set me off.

>> No.16178265
File: 3.67 MB, 3812x2470, Sub Pixiv 020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed it is

>> No.16178266
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1621, 24446666688888888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totallynotOpium is better.

>> No.16178278
File: 751 KB, 800x1162, 1457287519338-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your Dragon for tonight.

>> No.16178282
File: 505 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound_BBQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna press my face right into a Hellhound's cleavage mofu and take a big, deep whiff of it.

I bet they smell like cinnamon

>> No.16178286

I go an average of three times a day and exceed eight when I'm really bored.
And I still find sexy ideas can get me going.
Or at least my heartboner and comfortboner.

>> No.16178288

Oh boy, is there a backgroundless edit for the Automaton scan?

>> No.16178293

The heartboner never goes flaccid.

There has to be a better way to say that.

>> No.16178296
File: 2.07 MB, 1240x1754, 1463447674436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no abs
Why even live

>> No.16178298
File: 176 KB, 611x721, mofu balls swarm and huddle around heat sources to keep warm in the night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful when handling mofu
side effects range from but not limited to:
-comfy sleeps
-stress relief
-warm cuddles

>> No.16178300

I want to fuck a tall Hellhound in the lotus position.

>> No.16178302

t. monmusu cardiologist

>> No.16178308
File: 369 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best way to fuck a Hellhound, really.
>All her limbs wrapped completely around you
>The fur on her arms and legs keeping you warm
>Your face pressed into her cleavage mofu
>She whispers all kinds of lewd things into your ear as she bounces up and down slowly on your dick

>> No.16178316

>And I still find sexy ideas can get me going.
Like what?
>Or at least my heartboner and comfortboner.
This is what I get from the thread too. And neat little ideas which are fun to explore.

>> No.16178327
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, loen - assuming direct control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when she's really getting into it, she can easily push you down for some rough cowgirl loving
she'll enjoy all the cute faces you make when she's jackhammering on your pelvis and holy you tight after she leaves you a drooling, twitching mess

>> No.16178334

You have a point actually. It doesn't tend to be these threads that finally get me. It's always something off exhentai, or firing up a skyrim mod, or playing a doujin hentai game.

Especially since these threads require a lot of filtering of "I want to [X] a [Top 10 most common monster girl]" with minor worldbuilding every few pages.

>> No.16178339

Filtering is for fags

>> No.16178341

>Why even live
To show a dragon the joys of getting /fit/.

And to help her the joys of sweaty post-lifting sex.

>> No.16178345

>Filters things
Dork spotted.

>> No.16178349

What best about that would be her leaning in for the post sex cuddles while you're still balls deep in her.

>> No.16178350
File: 770 KB, 800x1000, 1bcb95f493c2e2028bbfd80a8eeb4aef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly why I love Hellhounds. They're the only wan for me.

>> No.16178354

Yeah for me what gets me off is always external. There is cross over of course, MG doujins are top tier. And Maybe, just MAYBE I'll see something here that gets the ball rolling. But then I open up a r34 tab or a HF tab.

>> No.16178356

Not him, but you could filter half the entire thread and still get the same quality of discussion

>> No.16178371

I want a Hellhound to use me as a teddy bear during naptime at preschool!
I want her to grow up into a delinquent and meet her again years later in high school.
I want her to make me her underling to protect me from bullies and to introduce me to her gang of delinquent monstergirls!
I want to end up dating her!

>> No.16178375

What're you going to do about it, bully him?

>> No.16178446
File: 1.17 MB, 1108x1012, 1411890715445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk like an Egyptian!

>> No.16178455

Sphinxes are for answering their riddles wrong and getting raped by.

>> No.16178458
File: 47 KB, 821x1021, 1458069081633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dire hellhound delinquent girlfriend
>You and her walk into school one day, hand in hand
>She announces to all the students that you're her boyfriend
>And if anybody messes with you, they'll get to feel her wrath

>> No.16178473

Don't forget that her gang starts teasingly referring to you as "Aniki" because you're they're Anego's boyfriend.
Her gang would probably be total bros. I'd help them get boyfriends.

>> No.16178478

God my brain's frazzled.

>> No.16178485

I want to fulfill a Sphinx's sexual fantasies by dressing up as Jim Carrey's Riddler.


>> No.16178492
File: 774 KB, 1500x3000, 1452066766257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sailor-uniformed hooligan has found the challenge arousing and now finds you irresistible.

>> No.16178495

So which monster best represents 'Roundabout'?

>> No.16178501
File: 371 KB, 2048x1556, OniTengu - comfiest cuddles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a hellhound to go through that isn't keen on sharing in any way shape or form

>> No.16178503

Sphinx posing impossible 1960's Riddler riddles?

>> No.16178527

Cheshire Cat facesitting https://twitter.com/jakusanseimk2/status/803249127211401216

>> No.16178534

>"But the 'P' is obviously for 'Pharaoh'"
>"It's for 'puss-'"
>"Yes, and where there's a Pharaoh there's sand. And a castle. A sandcastle.
And then she just sits there dumbstruck while you get in your Dickmobile with the phallic flame rocketing out the back and jet for the coast.

>> No.16178536

>no view from the back
Cheshire facesitting is still damn fine though.

>> No.16178539

Na-na-na-na-na-na DICKMAAN! DICKMAAN!

>> No.16178542

Quick update on releases: Confirmed with Exet that KC is sick and has the dreaded Japanese cold (just the seasonal flu). He'll update his site/Enty when he recovers.

>> No.16178550


>> No.16178555
File: 396 KB, 600x800, 1446024664734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll be fine.

>> No.16178556

Thanks for the info. Hope it's not too bad.

>> No.16178562

When you are going to move to the new wiki? Getting really tired of wikia admins shit

>> No.16178563

Thanks for keeping us informed, KC isn't the best at communicating

He'll be fine, he survived the Japanese cold once he'll survive it again

>> No.16178565


>> No.16178566


Hinezumi throwing a high kick a little further back is his history.
How are you supposed to fight these things seriously? I'd be wanting to get a lick in.

>> No.16178568

She's gonna get powerbombed through a table by a very angry dire Hellhound.

>> No.16178574

>I'd be wanting to get a lick in.
This is how you fight monster girls. You bring them to their knees (where necessary) and then pound them until they submit.

>> No.16178576
File: 1022 KB, 500x1500, 1412060557283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFXV may suck, but there's plenty of eye-candy in it for horny losers like Gazer!

>> No.16178577

The new wiki at mgewiki.com is up for good and available to all for editing.
Feel free to make changes and upload images now.

>> No.16178578

>has the dreaded Japanese cold (just the seasonal flu
Jesus fuck.

>> No.16178588

Damnit Chun-li mice.

They're not the first monstergirl I think of, but every mention of their "courtship" and I'm cock in hand with the thought of dominating one.

>> No.16178599

>japanese guy at work gets sick
>he's out for two weeks

me: are you fucking serious right now . png

>> No.16178602
File: 78 KB, 622x1200, CvmXY6xVIAAy9N2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did KC redraw the Werewolf and Werecat for the stateside MGE release?

>> No.16178607

How would you tell an Hinezumi that she isn't wearing any panties after she challenged you to a fight?
She might cry if you're not subtle about it

I also posted that picture when he released it

>> No.16178611

Not wearing panties is normal in old China and Japan, and by extension Mist Continent and Zipangu.

I wouldn't be surprised if none of them are wearing panties.

She'd probably think you were some underclothing fetishist and then offhandedly explain it's for mobility purposes.

And then once she leg locked your head you would punish her hubris.

>> No.16178614

So it's official or not?
>tfw already got few warnings from wikia admins

>> No.16178615

Yes, it was official the day it went up. That is the site we will (eventually) be moved to full time.
Main wikia will probably be turned into a RP and fanfiction containment zone so the undesirables don't leak out.

>> No.16178625

So you bait her into leglocking your head and then it's the race between you passing out from the pressure and her cumming from your tonguework

>None of the Mist Continent and Zipangu girls wear panties
Classes with a Hakutaku teachmer must be a wild ride then, I'd spend the whole time hoping she drops her chalk

>> No.16178632

You wouldn't be that thirsty.

Your Youko classmate would make sure you didn't have distracting urges.

>> No.16178640

Roundabout seems to be about travelling to me. So something with a large migration pattern so a harpy. It's also about love, so a bird that forms a strong partnership. But not quite a Black Harpy, or a raptor harpy.

Roundabout is about a troupe of roaming Gandharva who play music to locals wherever they fly, and they stay in town for a bit where they play with the humans and one falls in love with a boy she finds there. They spend time together but she's torn between her man and her family. In the end she leaves and vow to return once the boy is old enough to travel with her. Ten years pass with her thinking of him and when they meet again he's 24.

>> No.16178649

I do NOT want to be molested by mofu
What if she rubs my crotch with her tail while I'm trying my hardest to learn? My future would be ruined

>> No.16178656

Look at you trying to be studious. How cute.
Just aim for a "Mister Degree" and become the trophy to a great fox.

>> No.16178663

But anon, she'd tutor you to make sure you pass alongside her. She'd even let you come over to her house to study like the generous Ojou-sama she is.
Though you'd better be ready for her to sit you down on her couch and give you a paizuri/blowjob combo as a reward for a good night's studies.

>> No.16178674
File: 667 KB, 1000x1200, 1467674275948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yee-haw! Dance for me tender-foot! Hyuk-hyuk!

>> No.16178681

But then she is going to abuse me so she grows more tail
And the more tails she gets the more she will abuse me

If I ask the teacher for help will I be able to get out of this terrible relationship?

>> No.16178687

The only useful advice Hakutaku give is how to seduce monsters, Anon.

If you don't keep quiet you could get punished.

>> No.16178696

But anon, can't you see that she gets more tails the more she has sex with you? Your spirit energy is accelerating her maturation and her love for you.
What will you do if she sweeps you up in her tails, and tells you "I love you" with the sweetest look on her face?

>> No.16178703
File: 2.05 MB, 1591x1921, one tail is the only chance of escape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying with foxes is hard.

>> No.16178709

Those guns aren't even loaded.

They're not even real guns.

>> No.16178716

You dare question the Freedom Bird? I bet you're a Communist invader sent by the Red Grizzlies!

>> No.16178723

>Freedom Bird
>Red Grizzlies
Both of those names sound fucking retarded.

It's too late for this shit.

>> No.16178728

>fucking retarded
I would expect nothing less from a highly intelligent double-agent. Your IQ will have dropped several points by the time the Freedom Bird is done sticking your pickle-pee in her pump-a-rump.

>> No.16178733

Wouldn't double agent mean that I work for "Freedom Bird" though?

>> No.16178738

Shut up Ocelot.

>> No.16178743

But Ocelot was a triple agent.

>> No.16178752

Don't sully pickle-pee with your crappy balding eagle

>> No.16178762

No, EVA was a triple agent. Ocelot I think was fucking people over even more.
>works for GRU
>but actually for Volgin
>but actually for the CIA
>but actually for the GRU anyway
>but actually for himself

>> No.16178769

Is not your birb?

>> No.16178770


>> No.16178773

Iron Man 2 reference, nevermind me.

>> No.16178781
File: 199 KB, 1200x915, 5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Payment request right now

It's happening

I'm in a new house, room for a Miia shrine, room for all of my dakis in bed at once, and a fig on the way.

Life is good

>> No.16178783

>2017 happens
>anon discovered in a pit of lusty Lamias

>> No.16178787

>Kitsune having slumber parties where they get together and groom each others' tails
Adorable, but also a little lewd.

>> No.16178791

Anon what will you do when ALL your daikis come to life?

>> No.16178794

Struggle to treat them all the same and hate myself if I ever start liking one more then the others.

Then get extremely depressed probably

>> No.16178800

You won't have time for depression with all the sex, broken ribs and food poisonings.

>> No.16178813

that pxiv is just full of cuties

>> No.16178835
File: 753 KB, 1200x1125, walkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being treated like the lovely pets they are.

>> No.16178854

>Broken ribs
Snapped neck.

>> No.16178861

She's a snake, not Superman.

>> No.16178871

It is absolutely forbidden to put foxes in latex
Who is going to groom their sweaty mofu afterwards?

>> No.16178876

Just hold them down in the bath until they're clean and them molest their unresisting tail.

>> No.16178885

Somebody put this madman in a cage!

>> No.16178886
File: 230 KB, 804x389, domestic abuse (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only superman can snap necks
Has Miia ever done anything nice for Darling without immediately breaking his bones, dislocating something or choking him?

>> No.16178902

Remember anon, domestic violence is comedic.

>> No.16178906

But only when the man is being abused.

>> No.16178909

>Ahahaha and then he got severe whiplash because she wrapped her tail around his throat and yanked him bodily towards her.
>But its okay because then he says something nice to her and she blushes and its cute
>It's just a gag manga d00d

>> No.16178912

Either way is fine really, you just need to call them a baka. Laugh track optional.

>> No.16178927

>Anon's kiki cooked the food wrong
>"Moou~ Baka!"
>Anon pouts while he shoves kiki's face in the undercooked food before slamming it into the table hard enough to open her forehead
>Laugh track plays

>> No.16178939



>> No.16178940
File: 444 KB, 629x807, reiko__the_ryu_monster_girl_encyclopedia_by_gabrilux-d9ypdhv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need rain.
Im going to tackle a ryu and cause some floods

>> No.16178942

Chibi kiki with a bandaid on her forehead and q_q eyes

>> No.16178948

>abusing Kikis
I wonder who could tekeli-li behind this post.

>> No.16178961

Man I don't even really care for Kikis but that's just mean.

>> No.16178964

But domestic abuse is funny!

>> No.16178975

T-That's bullying!

Just pray to their shrine, there's no need to assault the weather wurms!

>> No.16179015

If you really want a flood then go act flirty with a Ryu and make her think you like her, then go ask out one of her Shirohebi priestess
You'll probably ruin a few thousand houses and cost the country millions in water damage but hey at least you got your rain!

>> No.16179018

Rain requires fugs.
If she's not getting any, you're not getting your rain.

>> No.16179043

But I thought the weather was based on her emotions
Did I get memed by threadcanon?

>> No.16179045

Just hope that the Shirohebi doesn't have an eye for you. I think she'll understand though.

>> No.16179050

You did.
>From time to time, they perform a “ritual of rain-calling” when requested by humans. However, in order for them to control weather, they need a vast amount of demonic energy, especially in instances where they need to control the weather for several days in a row.
Basically controlling the weather takes a concentrated effort powered by fucking hubby.

There isn't a word in the profile about it being linked to emotional state.

>> No.16179080

>Anon asks out a Shirohebi just to mess with the Ryu
>The Shirohebi goes yandere for him and forces him to take responsibility

Poor Anon is getting SNAKED, he deserved it though

I haven't read her profile since release, I can't believe I forgot about that
I even read that one story about the whole ritual

>> No.16179087

Ryona is pretty hot honestly

>> No.16179099
File: 584 KB, 707x1425, 1454972893171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice to have a Lich there on standby in case he doesn't make it.

>> No.16179101

Waifu physical abuse is only OK with Slimes
Or if it's for lewds

>> No.16179105

>physically abusing a slime waifu

>> No.16179161
File: 104 KB, 319x600, Ogre_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally, objectively, canonically wrong.

>> No.16179169
File: 568 KB, 741x1222, 73bf3c11ebc4799a67e2f30c9d212b55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's another girl who wants you to beat her up.

>> No.16179175

It's not abuse if it's a fight
Would you really punch your Ogre waifu out of nowhere? She'd rape you in a submission hold until you either broke or came

>> No.16179181

>She'd rape you in a submission hold
She won't do shit once you assert dominance.

>> No.16179183

>A mashositic lizard girl
God damn, that sounds good.

>> No.16179193
File: 381 KB, 1280x905, ryona bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are MGs just asking for it.
Head slamming a Kiki doesn't found very nice, but maybe the odd gut punch on a fire rat.
Or forcing her legs a little too wide when she's stretching, or widening her butt without her permission, or pulling her tail and yanking her tits.
These are things you just have to do with one of these bitches who can't even win a fight against you. Especially if you fought dirty in the first place.

>> No.16179213

>Implying you could assert dominance
Sure, hope you don't go bankrupt buying all those raging mushrooms

>Anon beats a proud Lizardman in a fight
>She goes full female lizard mode
>Begs him for cum
>He just hits her every time she gets close
>His hits remind her how strong he is and cause her to get even more aroused
>A few hours of this and she is literally cuming every time he hurts her

>> No.16179234

>not being AT LEAST 230 lbs 10% body fat

>> No.16179236

It worked. It rained a lot during the night and it wasn't expected.

Thanks for attacking the Ryus, Anon.

>> No.16179240

And THAT'S why lizard girls are the best.
Just think of the things you can do to her in the bedroom... or outside too. Just slap her REALLY hard on the ass when she's doing something else and she cums.

>> No.16179254

Damn right those fiery mice deserve it, I'd rape one in the ass with her own tail and force her to lick it clean afterwards
I'd also pull on her ears really hard while irrumating her
Hell, I might even straight up kick her bulging stomach after creampiying because she doesn't deserve my seed

>> No.16179278

>Stepping on a Lizard after she came and her legs gave up
>Pulling on her tail really hard, wondering if it will pop off just like a normal lizard's
>Shoving a finger in her ass and call her degrading names

Good morning, boner.

>> No.16179298

Are you one of the guys who want to get /fit/ with their waifus?
An Ogre wouldn't let you lift all that much, you'd spend the whole time at the gym "spotting" for her
Be careful when she goes to squat heavy weights, she might break you in half

You could always get /fit/ before marrying her and then have healthy workouts together, that is unless you want her to "spot" you

>> No.16179330

>Ogre sees an Anon trying to squat with shit form
>Goes in and teaches him
>A new couple is born

That sounds nice

>> No.16179343

I want to humiliate in front of all her lizard friends by ripping off her dress and showing then how wet she gets when I slap her titties

Don't forget to make her say the most embarrassing things like how good she feels or what she wants you to do to her

>> No.16179355

More like she'd tell him that cute boys like him should just stick to cardio
Then she'd force him to the ground and literally squat on his dick

>> No.16179368

>She still get's off on you humiliating her in front of her friends.
>You always call her by degrading names
>You give her a collar that says “Anon’s lizard”
>If you told her to she would walk through the entire town naked but said collar.
>She begs for you to give her your cum since you are so much stronger than her.
>You still love her and cuddle her at night.

>> No.16179384

>if she's very, very good she gets a lick a little of your cum after you've played around with a better girl
>eventually gets to be fucked, but only in the ass because you wouldn't want such weak children
>make her wear assless harness panties with an uncomfortable dildo in her crotch so it feels better for you

>> No.16179407

Getting my tax returns today, hope I won't get raided by Coons or Dragons.
>a Wurmling using her quantum computing powers to enter my bank account and lounge on my money

>> No.16179410

Everyone starts somewhere. Also sex in the middle of the gym would be acceptable in MGC.

I remembered struggling with squatting an empty bar

>> No.16179417
File: 215 KB, 1151x1470, 1473402901226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having trouble bench pressing 60kg. Anything before that was too long ago.

>> No.16179438

The gym at MGC would be very weird
I bet Goblins break the machines on a weekly basis and whenever a Dragon wants to lift she takes literally all the weights + she doesn't put them back
The sauna would be mixed and smell like sex 24/7

I think you'd be better off buying your own equipment

>> No.16179450
File: 11 KB, 184x159, Frothing Frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+ she doesn't put them back

>> No.16179463

You reminded of all the slimy species who would leave all kind of sticky and slippery liquids every
>That one frog girl who comes here just to lift dumbells with her tongue
>There is always a confused Slime who wonder why the bar just sinks into her

>> No.16179466

I need source for science

>> No.16179468

>Slime lifting babby tier weights not because she's building muscle, but training her surface tension.

>> No.16179478

That's pretty creative.

>> No.16179491
File: 505 KB, 1200x1600, 1463904121748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unagi Joros strategically placing her slime into the floors so unwary Anons will slip straight into the shower stall where she's at

>Dragons doing a dumbell press with 200kg dumbells

>> No.16179516

Damn eel whore, can't she let a man lift in peace?
I bet she even forces whoever slipped into her stall to take responsibility

>> No.16179520

that's incredibly dangerous. She better have a good method for catching anon. If she tries to catch him with her slippery arm and she's too slippery, he's gonna crack his head open on the tiles.

>> No.16179527
File: 570 KB, 615x1200, 1464901959565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this gym come with a swimming pool? I usually go for a 1 km swim after lifting.

>> No.16179557

Their lewd parts aren't slippery he'd be safe between her breasts, that's also why it's a bad idea to try to touch an eel you'd slip and end up molesting her breasts if not her ass or pussy
Maybe if he has too much velocity they'd collide hard and end up in a ridiculous lewd position like those ecchi anime MC always manage to do

Of course! How else are the aquatic species going to do their cardio?
Be wary of tentacles though, you wouldn't want a Kraken to rape you underwater and then act as if she saved you from drowning and claim that you owe her

>> No.16179558

>cuddle her at night

Why can't I just humiliate a monster girl and not cuddle her?
Can you imagine her crying, begging for just a sweet moment of love and you bashfully decline, saying that you would never cuddle with a piece of trash like her. Then she starts crying a bit with soulless eyes, saying "O-oh yeah, I'm only your s-slut... I don't deserve your love..."

Geez, these monsters sure love cuddles.

>> No.16179560

Those tentacles will have to catch me first!

>> No.16179573

I don't really go to gyms, but that would probably change if there were Dragons to bench press me.

>> No.16179577

You two are horrible people, defeated are for humiliating AND love, you can't just have the humiliation part

Also you are legally obligated to creampie her at least twice a week, otherwise the Grand Order of Elder Lizards will come for you

>> No.16179581

Like I'm really going to be scared of a bunch of scarred-up old grannies.

>> No.16179588

>This is the workout music playing in the pool room when you join.
>Have fun <3

>> No.16179593

You better have a flawless butterfly stroke because those tentacles are damn quick

You do realize she'd have to grab you by the thigh and armpit to bench press you?
What if her big meaty claw slips and she grabs you by the crotch instead? Wouldn't you have to move out of town because of how shameful that's be? Might have to change your name as well

>> No.16179600

Challenge accepted.

>> No.16179601

Sure, I'll creampie her a lot and she'll be left a shivering mess on the floor. If I see any cumstains I'm making that bitch clean it up with her tong while I shove her tail in her own ass.
Also I would never fuck her in bed. Cleaning would be too much of a hassle.

>> No.16179615

I'm sure she would handle me very carefully, I would tell her to be gentle because it's my first time after all.
But if something really shamefull happens I guess I'll just have to take her middle name then.

>> No.16179620

Boy, I hope you're into wrestling and breathplay or really can swim as fast as you think.
Because who knows what might happen if you get a Kraken worked up into a ship sinking roleplay.

>> No.16179624

You humiliate them and tease them but once the day and the sex is over you cuddle them. Just let them know that you love them.

And that's how Anon was trapped in a dungeon for a few and used as a sex slave until he learns what he has done wrong. He's a sex slave to his lizard girl wife.

>> No.16179631

>Losing to normal lizard pussy
Yeah right.

>> No.16179647

Motherfucker they call me the Sub-Mariner for a reason!

>> No.16179653

Because you let the aquatic girls be on top?

>> No.16179657


>> No.16179661
File: 75 KB, 400x601, Namor snusnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because I rock a speedo and all the bitches love me!

>> No.16179668

That is good enough, cuming inside is all she asks you for
She'll eventually get pregnant and give birth to your children and then you'll have to treat her with respect in front of the daughterus
You could always force her to wear a vibrating dildo while she trains your daughters but that would be mean

Cuddles aren't mandatory but they are appreciated
You simply need to honestly love her and she'll be happy no matter how badly you treat her (you still need to creampie her though)

>> No.16179674

>Anon is forced to marry a /fit/ Dragon after she accidentally grabbed his crotch in front of dozens of people

Sounds like the kind of drama stories that the news would broadcast at prime time

>> No.16179680

So is it alright if I practice humiliating, bone-crunching ryona on my fire rat as long as I give her pups and the reassurance that pain is just how I express my love?

>> No.16179683

>You could always force her to wear a vibrating dildo while she trains your daughters but that would be mean
Anon, Stop. I can only get so hard.

>> No.16179684

>She gets pregnant
FUCK I didn't think that.

Guess I would have to cuddle her and have her sit on the sofa all day while I do house work. Gotta make sure she eats the best food ever existed in order to have lots of energy and give birth to our lovely daughter.
I would want to feel the baby so bad, I would keep asking to feel her belly all the yime and would resist giving her a big hug when I felt what our love did.
Gonna take those lizards on a bunch of training trils, gonna give the daughteru an upsie and the waifu a nuzzle.

>> No.16179690

Pregnant moster girls are the best. They are just perfect for cuddles.

>> No.16179721

Man, I would get over cuddly when she haves the egg.
Imagine going to sleep with your waifu with the egg on the middle and then looking deep into her eyes and saying I love you.
Fuck, I know I would probably kick and step on her head while demanding her to lick my cum from the floor, but I would do my best to make sure she and our daughteru are the two happiest lizards in the world.

>> No.16179724

I was talking about defeated lizards but that works on fire mice as well
She'll probably train in secret to challenge you to a fight again but if you keep defeating her you can go on abusing her

Anon no! Let her have some dignity at least in front of the children
You wouldn't cumflate her right before practice time right? Your daughters would ask why is her belly so big and what is sticky white liquid leaking out if her

>> No.16179737

>married bitter rivals
>keep doing small things to sabotage her training and make her self-conscious about her sexual prowess so that she's always training her core and pelvic muscles
>she gives up in despair after getting pregnant
> That's when I let her win.

>> No.16179747

It's her fault for letting her hand slip. I wonder how many daughterus she would want.

>> No.16179767

>Treating a monster girl like absolute garbage up until she gets pregnant then making her the happiest mother ever
Patrician taste.

She'd tell you none because she doesn't want her perfect abs ruined but in reality she wants 4

>> No.16179772
File: 416 KB, 1012x1550, 1449402466098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have five minutes to impress the Countess and convince her to fund your kooky idea.

>> No.16179775

I whip out my dick and begin masturbating without breaking eye contact.

>> No.16179776

>Smiles and screams, I bring both.
>Martial art is worth the pain.

>> No.16179784

How people like you get past the screening process is beyond me.
Unless she has given the guards specific instructions to let slutboys like you in.

>> No.16179792

>She would say none
Ouch. I would be pretty fucking dead by that point. Well we did get married by accident, so maybe divorcing is the best option.

>> No.16179806

Sure. Not only I would remove a coin from behind her ear I would also remove one of my fingers in front of her and then put it back.

>> No.16179809

She's not a Wight Wurm.

>> No.16179814

I tell her that 100% of the people who tasted my recipe said it was the best thing they ever tasted
I mean I only let that one Ghoul taste it but she REALLY enjoyed it

That's because this Wight is being cheap and hired Skeletons guards, everyone knows Skeletons can't even keep themselves together how are they going to protect a while castle?

>> No.16179817

Can I have my grant in cash?

>> No.16179823

I never knew we had this many entrepreneurs in these threads.

>> No.16179833

She's just ashamed about the whole situation, how can she keep face if she admits her true feelings? You'd probably think she grabbed you on purpose if she did and she ABSOLUTELY did NOT do it on purpose
If you were the first to confess she wouldn't have to keep her feelings hidden

And don't you dare talk about divorce, you'll get her depressed

>> No.16179840

But I don't have a kooky idea

>> No.16179848


>> No.16179849

Did anyone give out the name of this doujin?

>> No.16179853
File: 625 KB, 1006x1440, img000028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get all the Tanuki drunk and stimulate the economy.

>> No.16179854

Then you'll be thrown into the crypts where the single Ghouls un-live.

>> No.16179858

What a sticky situation.

>> No.16179860

Well, she can't even show her feelings to me, that mean she doesn't trust nor loves me.
I think this marriage was a mistake, just like her grabbing my crotch. Gotta apologize to the big fit dragon be on my way.

>> No.16179862

I want to start a cuddle cafe where people can order hot tea and nap with the maid uniform Yetis for a few hours

>> No.16179866

W-Wait! U-um how about I start up a charity where I get a ghoul chef to help me cook soup on the weekends for all the less fortunate like the zombies and hobovamps living in poor neighborhoods?

>> No.16179873

But that works on all monsters. It's just more effective against dragons and one hit kills in wurms.

>> No.16179875

I want to start a BBQ joint in Wendigo territories!

>> No.16179880

The Undead don't need soup.

>> No.16179886

Stop it.
You are going to cause her to burst in tears and admit how much she loves you, she is going to enumerate all the times she stared at you at the gym, how many times she masturbated thinking of you and how many times she rejected other men because she was waiting for you to ask her out
You wouldn't want to trample on her honor like this, right?

>> No.16179889

monster boobie

>> No.16179890

Wrong. The undead don't need to eat. But for all the single undeads out there that bowl of soup will be a tasty, small ray of warmth and hope. And I, a cute boy will serve it to them.

It will improve morale in the otherwise gloomy slums, and will encourage girls to make their lives better and find their own hubandos.

>> No.16179894
File: 270 KB, 900x900, 1449573627526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or it will inspire them to rape you.

>> No.16179899

Then the first time it happens I guess I get a waifu. And if it happens again I shut down the program.

>> No.16179902

How are you going to deal with your workers marrying your clients?
You're bound to run out of both

>Anon then made it to the fortune 500 in less than a year
Don't hire male workers though, the Wendigos would make them go crazy

>> No.16179908

Does becoming a tanuki's husband make your testicles grow to the size of baloons?

>> No.16179923

monster butts

No, instead of big balls they have big breasts so they wouldn't do anything to your testicles
And before you try to argue this, have you ever seen a Tanuki with small tits? I don't think so.

>> No.16179924

I'll hire seasonal cuddlers, Yukionna in the summer to cool people down, and White Horns along with Yetis in the winter for people to warm up

>> No.16179929

I heard that dragon tears are really precious, but her feelings are even more.
After all those confessions I'm going to get her into a very warm and gentle hug, whispering in her ears how much I love her, how I only started going to the gym because of her and how happy I was when we got married.
I'm not going to trample on her honor, I'm going to love it just like I love every single part of her. I just needed to hear the special words.

We are going to have 10 daughterus

>> No.16179938

So you're going to run a glorified dating agency for cuddlesluts
A man gotta pay his bills, I don't blame you

>> No.16179940

You're going to become so big, people from all around the world are going to visit.

>> No.16179960

Whip out my dick. She will be amaze on how small it is.

>> No.16179966

I still refuse to believe small dick are a thing.

>> No.16179967

But will she laugh at you?

>> No.16179968

After making her say all of this you better be the husband she dreamed of her whole life

That's a great start

>> No.16179992

I will do my best to be the best husband there ever was, even if that means working so hard I collapse and nearly die.

>> No.16180005

>Dragon wife
Pick one

She wouldn't let her precious husband work when he could be spending time with her instead
You'll have plenty of horn, tail and wing rubbing to do though, she can do it herself but she much prefers when it's you

>> No.16180018

But what about cooking, cleaning and stuff like that? I'm to put a kiki to shame with my skills just so she can be happy.

>> No.16180023

She's too amazed to laugh.

There's big, above average, average, below average and then there is mine.

>> No.16180025

Would you want her to call a lich to make it bigger?

>> No.16180037

As long as you stay at home it's fine
Let her cook once in a while, she'd be very happy to see you enjoy some meat she cooked with her fire breath

>> No.16180048

Is there a catch?

>> No.16180055

Oh, of course.

Also, that's pretty lewd, isn't? Food cooked by fire breath is like an indirect kiss, but I guess doing it with my dear wife while also tasting her delicious charcoal would be great.

>> No.16180056

Yes. The catch is you have to find your waifu first.

>> No.16180058

You accept to become her experiment subject, first test would be how much of your new big dick does it take to break her hymen

>> No.16180076

Dragons are sluts for indirect kisses
Scratch that, all monster girls are sluts for indirect kisses

>> No.16180089
File: 535 KB, 692x692, 1460524204464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But reptile types especially so.

>> No.16180092

What a coincidence, I'm a slut for them too.

I like to think about my waifu using indirect kisses as a way to mark me without me noticing. Before we are in an official relationship that is. Then she just uses the typical and the shing way.

>> No.16180096

Sharing the bottle with your salamander after a day of workout is overly lewd and may make her overheat.

>> No.16180100

Making your Salamander hot and bothered during those long, cold and dark winter months is for the greater good.

>> No.16180111

Please don't rile up your Salamander otherwise she might challenge you to a duel where the loser has to kiss the winner

>> No.16180113

Wait a minute...

>> No.16180123

You have to make her flames burn extra strong along with her feelings.
You know, for the greater good.

>> No.16180136

I just wanna kiss my dragon wife on the neck

IShe's too tall to kiss her on the lips

>> No.16180138

Good thing my dragon waifu is small compared to the other dragons, so she is just my size.

>> No.16180139

Be careful then, if you accidentally indirectly kiss her she will want to go all the way

This is how you get her to have a huge shonen power boost
Her hair would turn to flame and her pupils would show the fire inside of her

No one has ever managed to defeat a Salamander in that state

>> No.16180146

>She won't even duck her head for a kiss
What a mean waifu.

>> No.16180151

I always make sure to forget my water bottle just so my waifu can indirectly kiss me.

Also the only way to beat a Salamander like that is to make her over heat. Praise her a lot and engage in a fiery battle.

>> No.16180152

Take the hint and climb the waifu for that kiss.

>> No.16180153

I want a Dragon wife so tall that I can only manage to kiss her abs
I'd also lick them

>> No.16180162

If my dragonfu had some fluff and were bigger I would hum SotC music while climbing her.

>> No.16180169

She's just self conscious she'll look too goofy if she bends over and lets her husband kiss her. I mean, she's a Dragon! She's supposed to be scary and intimidating? If her friends and coworkers saw her being all lovely dovey with a boy, what would they think?

>> No.16180170

Or Dragons Dogma too, since she stole my heart <3

>> No.16180174

That she must have one hell of a husband.

That's a big bitch!

>> No.16180176

>If her friends and coworkers saw her being all lovely dovey with a boy, what would they think?
If they were single MGs? Contempt and envy.

>> No.16180177
File: 296 KB, 700x897, 1447356799657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did Pally & Yeti become outlaws?

>> No.16180179

Wow, not even my waifu, but isn't that kind of rude?

>> No.16180197

It's just a line from a movie.

>> No.16180201

I'll have you call her "Big girl" thank you.

>> No.16180210

Even so, it's still a little bit rude.

>> No.16180212

I don't know, but that elf? police officer looks cute from the back when she's mad.

>> No.16180213

Beheadings in the name of Allahu.

>> No.16180251

This but with lamia.

>> No.16180262


>> No.16180277

What's with this sudden spike in faggotry?

>> No.16180283

You came in, man.

>> No.16180284

What's with this stick up your ass?

>> No.16180298
File: 129 KB, 654x1000, 1423778082198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, wanna sell your soul? You can get a lot for it!

>> No.16180304

Oh, my bad, I forgot we're meant to let newfags drag this place down to the same level of discussion as facebook conversations and emoticons.

>> No.16180308

Doesn't losing your soul lead to alping?

>> No.16180309
File: 806 KB, 732x720, 1438852902863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16180315

Hell no! It just means you can't be a pirate anymore.

>> No.16180323

Why is she so red? Is it related to that "red oni, blue oni" thing?

>> No.16180325

No, that's also how you get raped. You need to find a strong monster girl to stand up for and protect you. And cuddle late into the night.

>> No.16180328

I'd like to talk to your onee-san manager thanks.

>> No.16180329

>Unironically posting smug anime girl
I'll give you the benefit of doubt and say that you are baiting.

>> No.16180330

That seems a bit odd, but I'm not going to question it.

>> No.16180331
File: 613 KB, 817x1920, 1480340989607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Samuel L Jackson say he was going to South Africa if Trump becomes President? So you'd have to go to the Cape if you wanted to meet his mulatto Lamia spawn.

>> No.16180333

It's perfectly reasonable. See, to be a pirate you have to have romance in your soul.

>> No.16180334

>Wanting 3DPD monstergirls

>> No.16180342

Devils should be red.
Dass rayciss.

>> No.16180345

Being pissed off naval officers that didn't get paid for fighting in a war counts as romance?

>> No.16180350

No, hearing the call of the jolly roger counts.

>> No.16180356

>Dass rayciss.
Look squirt, if you really want my soul THAT bad, come back in ten years when you're 7' and hourglass.

>> No.16180397
File: 217 KB, 820x1137, 1443547708753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon Ymous I've come to bargain!

>> No.16180404

You're not the one who bargains, I'm the one who bargains.

>> No.16180411

What for? All thats left is an old man. Who knew demons aged so slowly.

>> No.16180413

Sinful demon! Get away from me! SHE'LL MAKE ME DO SINFUL THINGS!

>> No.16180423

>Red skin
>Black lipstick
Ever since that one anon pointed out how great it looks I developed a fetish for this

Also she can take my soul in exchange of letting me impregnate her

>> No.16180427

You're out of your league lady, I don't make compromises.

>> No.16180429

What does she want? I'm not going to buy her cookies no matter how many times she knocks.

>> No.16180446

>it's been 48 hours since I last heard from the artist I'm commissioning
>all the sketches are done, they were just going to do the inking and coloring
>Most times they respond within 12 hours
Is this normal? It's too soon to panic, right?

>> No.16180458

Pally is a kind soul, Yeti is the evil doer on the wanted poster

>> No.16180461

I vertigo from height derived through psychological factors or physiological? I always thought it was a constant refocusing of your eyes that made you sick, but I'm reading abstracts that imply that it's due to miss-matching intersensory information.

To be clear I'm not referring to acrophobia.

>> No.16180463

Artists can be busy too. Also, inking and colouring will take quite a lot of time and effort. It's not unheard of to make a start on it, then leave the picture for some time to come back to it with a refreshed mind.

>> No.16180473

I see. I guess I got spoiled by the first two artists I commissioned who both worked and replied really fast.

>> No.16180475

Did a harpy rape you in mid-air?

>> No.16180484
File: 94 KB, 526x1000, Studynubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I remember reading, I'd be more inclined to think that it's physiological. It's not a condition in itself. Fairly certain it's caused by discrepancies in what your brain is being told by the parts of your inner ear that deal with balance, and what other spatial sensory information is being fed into your brain.
Plus, people can end up experiencing it without being at height, if they have certain conditions. With that in mind, I'd definitely label it as physiological.

>> No.16180495

Smart Anubis is a cute!

>> No.16180497

So if a character who routinely scales down a cliff on a daily basis remarks on how he thought he would have gotten used to it, that won't be an unrealistic thing? I mean if it were psychological you might grow used to it, but if its physiological there's not much you can do right?

>> No.16180507
File: 702 KB, 894x1190, 1475204427305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a lilim wife

>> No.16180519

Nereids are lewd!

By the way does this drawfag browse this thread? looking at his twitter handle I'd be surprised if he didn't

>> No.16180521
File: 277 KB, 460x703, MAMONO-MANA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16180526

You should create one.

On another note, I want to break Illassa.

>> No.16180538

I want to buy new pajamas for my Kobold daughteru! She's getting a brand new white plastic sleeping suit since her last one is several years old and getting too small for her. I bet she'll look really cute in the tight, thickly padded full-body plastic pajamas, like a shiny, squishy snow-Kobold! She'll be all warm and happy at night when she wears it too, which is perfect because winter will be here soon and she gets cold quite easily.

>> No.16180541


Considering the things that must be going in her mind you'll probably never catch her by surprise, let alone break her. On the contrary, she'll probably end up getting pissed and domming you into domming her purely because she had things ten times worse in mind.

>> No.16180543

The actual symptom of vertigo which I'm describing might differ a bit from the "sensation of vertigo", as in the feeling of unease and disorientation people might feel at height.

I wouldn't call it unrealistic to say that your character could at least get used to it and cope with it, so long as it wasn't actually a straight up medical condition causing debilitating vertigo. He could learn mental and physical techniques to help mitigate the sensations, and he'd also just plain get used to it.

>> No.16180549

Sure, that is acceptable too. As long as I get to physically hurt her and do some other shady stuff I'm fine.

>> No.16180553

>He could learn mental and physical techniques to help mitigate the sensations, and he'd also just plain get used to it.
Aw I was kind of hoping that wouldn't be the case. Oh well, thanks for the info anon.

>> No.16180562

I want to fight Selene

>> No.16180570

No more fucking Lilims.

>> No.16180575

>He wouldn't fuck the lilims

>> No.16180576

/mgt/, how many daughterus do you want to have with your waifu?

>> No.16180577

>Wanting to fight a lilim.
Better bring a gun to that fight

>> No.16180579

Poor Ricky. He's only going to be used as a fuck toy.

>> No.16180580

I just want to hold Illassa's horns and bash her head into a wall while I'm fucking her from behind. I want to spit or her face and stomp her head while calling her degerate.

Weird how I'm feeling more dom these days. I wonder what happened to my sub part.

>> No.16180591

Wonder if they can break people with their mere presence.

>> No.16180593

I don't know. I have one already planned out.

>> No.16180595

>I wonder what happened to my sub part.

It's gathering up power.

>> No.16180596
File: 203 KB, 1680x1050, upVmFjb7MLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.16180598

>Weird how I'm feeling more dom these days. I wonder what happened to my sub part.
As a switch, my preferences between sub and dom oscillate every now and then. More dom than sub usually, but it's definitely noticeable.

Also, it's very rude to bash girls heads against walls, even if they're Lilims.

>> No.16180602

We have just one! Just one and no more.

>> No.16180603

What are you trying to achieve with your character?

>> No.16180604

It made my dick hard.

>> No.16180606


>> No.16180607

In what sense?

>> No.16180611


>> No.16180620

Be still, thy beating heart

>> No.16180623

Still, I used to be more of a sub, but now I just want to do so many things with a monsters' body.

I think it's fine if it's a lilim, they are very durable.
I would definitely stomp and kick her a lot. Maybe get her in missionary and punch her face a bit.

>> No.16180629

I think your heart was still. For 9 hours, judging by your reply.

>> No.16180630

From you saying "I was kind of hoping that wouldn't be the case" it sounds like you'd rather your character not be able to adapt to vertigo while scaling a cliff on a daily basis.
There must be a reason for it.

>> No.16180633

We're going to have 3 pups! Not for a while, though.

>> No.16180635

As long as that's her thing anon and you're not maliciously abusing her.

As long as you're not memeing her either.

>> No.16180639

It's all for the sake of pleasure.

>> No.16180644

Oh, no real reason. Just to establish that he still has vertigo and to establish that he descends the cliff regularly. It's a musing of the character's I chose to begin the story with, while he catches a breather somewhere down the face of the cliff.

It's not overly significant, and it doesn't come into play in the story due to the dude spending most of it on the sea bed.

>> No.16180643

It's only ok if it's her pleasure too, not just yours.

>> No.16180650

We're still debating about how many daughterus we want. I want two, maybe three, but she wants at least nine.

>> No.16180653

She is a masoquist, so yeah. I would love to "torture" her.

>> No.16180657

>she wants at least nine.
Good god. Who is she? What is her reasoning behind wanting nine?

>> No.16180658

Well, I don't see any problems with indulging a masochist in her dirtiest fantasies.

>> No.16180665

Is that like a soliloquist? Does she mumble about all the things she wants you to do to her?

>> No.16180667

>Who is she?
A hellhound from a big family, so she wants her daughterus to be the same way.

>> No.16180669

>masochist girl urging you to do more and more perverted things to her while you're having sex
I need it.

>> No.16180671

Oh gosh. Nine little Hellpups seems like more than a few handfuls.

>> No.16180673

Demonstrating a significant trait or summing up the personality of a protagonist by opening the story is pretty solid.
If you want to do it, I'd say do it anyway. It might not be 100% realistic, but nobody's going to point it out or call it immersion breaking. And people are all pretty different. Could be he's just a person who doesn't get used to it as well as others. Maybe he has trouble adapting to things.

>> No.16180674

That would be nice, though I would probably shut her up by shoving my dick really deep inside her throat.

>> No.16180675

Sauce or artist?

>> No.16180679

>custon maid
Dude, it's current year. Everyone fapping in honey select now

>> No.16180684

>researched how to install that
>convoluted as fuck
>requires unlocking stuff in game
Not worth nearly that much time.

>> No.16180697

I don't know if I'm being lazy about this, but I kept the intro and just threw in "Though, perhaps in your own way you have learned to cope with it or at least mitigate its severity somewhat. Thinking back, it’s nowhere near as bad now as it once was."

At least now no one will sit back and think "If he climbs this every day, how is it that it still gives him vertigo?"

>> No.16180707 [SPOILER] 
File: 880 KB, 1367x1390, 1480438424156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still love your fellow companion if she got corrupted ?

>> No.16180708
File: 43 KB, 300x356, 1480365274121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big beefy bovines are best

>> No.16180717

The paws leave a lot to be desired.

>> No.16180720

>the way her armor alters between her human and monstergirl form
Good shit Barb.
Also, phenomenal work on those monstergirls you drew on /v/ yesterday.

>> No.16180725

I'm pretty sure you can unlock stuff with patches. Aside from that it's vastly superior in everything to custom maid

>> No.16180735

I want to slap a Baphomet's chest and watch her tiny titties jiggle!

>> No.16180738
File: 104 KB, 600x980, 1479838197074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the squire to a corrupted Paladin-chan!
I want to hold her tight when she goes quiet at night thinking about her past!
I want to tell her that I will still follow her no matter what because that's the oath I took!
I want to be her first when she can't hold back any longer on that first full moon!
I want to hold her tighter when she wakes up in the morning and realizes what she did!
I want to tell her that it doesn't matter and I enjoyed every minute of it!
I want her to start crying when I tell her I'll make an honest woman and mother out of her!

>> No.16180739

Funding an Eros church to be built in the undead kingdom would be a good idea because it could play off the angle that love can conquer even death

>> No.16180740

What monstergirl is she supposed to be anyways?

>> No.16180742

Do you and your waifu have any Christmas plans anon?

>> No.16180743

>Beating monster girls in single combat by the dozen.

>Leaving them blue-beaned and and in pain when they think you're about to rape them.

Try and make me take responsibility.

>> No.16180748

>they all find each other somehow and team up
>you can defeat them alone, but definitely not all at once
Don't be an asshole to the defeated monstergirls, man.

>> No.16180750
File: 505 KB, 805x1200, Buffalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo, but this buffalo isn't you average buffalo and doesn't buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

>> No.16180752

Until you get beaten, raped and husbando'd

>> No.16180754

Lots of cuddles on the couch in front of the fire, and walks through the forest near my house.

>> No.16180755

I'll make myself scarce once they start fighting each other trying to see who should go first.

This is why monster armies never last long.

>> No.16180756
File: 228 KB, 750x1000, Dragon 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Waifu is planning on going full cuddle bug with me with a bunch of kisses. She even got the mistletoe ready.

>> No.16180759

I want to touch that cow, then for her to touch me non-consensualy

>> No.16180760

>This is why monster armies never last long
They don't need to.

Also yes, there's a part of the monster army taht is actually professional, it's just that they never use that one to invade anything I think, they're defensive troops.

>> No.16180762

Christmas is our anniversary, so we have lots of things planned. There should be an illustration of said plans coming soon, and maybe a story too if I can get my shit together.

>> No.16180768


>> No.16180773

Bovine* and everything else still stands

>> No.16180776

Those are some thick thighs.

Gonna milk the buffalo when I'm better.

>> No.16180783

Pretty good, would fuck
I'd say her legs are too long for a loli but that might just be me

Would you be satisfied if they only jiggled for a split second?

Female companions are for corrupting and nothing else
In fact I'd probably be the one sneaking monster products in our rations so she corrupts

>> No.16180787
File: 319 KB, 654x892, 1475940987912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten some stuff from drawfag before.
He draws some nice thicc.

>> No.16180791

>Would you be satisfied if they only jiggled for a split second?
Maybe not that short, I'd have to force-feed her a softness potion to make her jiggle a little bit more. Not a lot more, just enough to where I can appreciate the jiggling and she gets embarrassed.

>> No.16180794

Yeah, I wasn't expecting those thighs to be thicc, but damn they are delicious.

>> No.16180798

What is your and your waifu's favorite sleeping position? You DO sleep together, right?

>> No.16180799

Thick Tamamo is best tamamo

>> No.16180809

I like when she's resting on me, maybe on top of my body or just my arms around her and her head resting on my chest.
She really likes to spoon me and use her wings as blankets.

>> No.16180810

As many as she wants, this is the only right answer

No, although I should start making some especially since our monthly date sucked this month

We sleep on sides and switch between spooning and facing each other
On rare occasions she sleeps on top of me

>You DO sleep together, right?
Of course, who wouldn't sleep with his waifu?

>> No.16180811

Shame that it looks like the artist forgot to the Dragons wings,

>> No.16180812

Spooning, with me as little spoon

>> No.16180814

Can you and gazerfag not go there anymore please?

>> No.16180817

Of course we sleep together! Usually on our sides facing each other, so we can hold hands and nuzzle, but she enjoys being big spoon from time to time.

>> No.16180819

Big spoon little spoon accompanied with being engulfed in her wings. I'm the little spoon of course.

>> No.16180845

On our sides, Facing one another with our arms around each other, my head boob level and one thick thigh resting on my hip

>> No.16180847

Of course we sleep together anon! Usually me, my waifu and our daughteru all sleep in the same bed. Our daughteru likes to sleep on her back with me and her mother cuddled up on either side of her, she feels very safe and comfortable that way. Sometimes we do triple spooning though, I spoon my waifu and she spoons our daughteru. That usually happens when my waifu is sad or out of sorts and needs comfort on both sides.

Other times our daughteru will sleep in her cage for whatever reason, be it by choice or by punishment. Those times my waifu and I will lay on our sides and face each other with our legs intertwined really tightly. Usually we can only intertwine our feet when our daughteru is between us, our duahgteru doesn't like it when her legs are squeezed between ours too tightly. There are also some very rare times when my waifu needs to stay overnight at work, when my daughteru and I sleep wih just us she likes to be spooned so I can comfortably rub her belly all night long.

>> No.16180854

The poor girl will cry if you do this
She created that potion to make spanking more fun, not for you to make her breasts jiggle
She spent her whole life believing that jiggly breasts are dumb and that you should love them small and firm, she won't be able to understand why you love to watch hers jiggle

>> No.16180856
File: 65 KB, 636x477, pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are? This is the only pool that is acceptable to MGs.

>> No.16180857

>Cute, short replies
>Here let me write two paragraphs no one cares about.

>> No.16180862

I can make her ass jiggle too if she wants, it's not like the potion will only work on her loli tits. Baphomets are supposed to have the softest flattest tits in the universe it'd be weird if they didn't jiggle.

>> No.16180871

That's not a very nice thing to say, anon. Besides, it's hard to just have one favorite sleeping position when there are so many that sound so comfy.

>> No.16180883

Soft baphomets are the best!

>> No.16180884

I care, posts that go into more detail past the usual boring one sentence stuff are good.

>> No.16180894

This guy gets it. Soft chested Baphomets would be perfect for breast bondage no matter how flat they are. I bet you could even make a soft chested Baphomet cum just by groping her flat little tits and pinching her nipples.

>> No.16180900

>Also, phenomenal work on those monstergirls you drew on /v/ yesterday.
Do you have a link to those pics?

>> No.16180916

Makes me wish my Pixie Pie Gundam request was good enough.

>> No.16180918

I don't get it.

>> No.16180922

Mandragora is a kinky girl.

>> No.16180923

You don't go there for some recordings with your waifu?

>> No.16180929

I still don't get it anon. Why would I want to record my waifu swimming?

>> No.16180930

Why have people been asking so many questions about waifus lately?

>> No.16180931

I want to feel the light squeeze of a dragons tail wrapped around my leg!

>> No.16180935

He done a bunch of stuff for us a while back. No idea of he still lurks here but chances are he does.

>> No.16180938

That's a very lewd gesture, why would a dragon be doing that?

>> No.16180943

I want to feel a dragon pulling me closer to her with her tail around my waist.

>> No.16180944

I ask one every now and then just out of curiosity.

>> No.16180947

Chubby dragons are for for cuddling and giving snacks while they act haughty.

>> No.16180948

How does she eat if she's muzzled all the time?

>> No.16180949

Corruption is so good, the heart pupils are just wonderful.

>> No.16180950

She photosynthesizes.

>> No.16180953

To get your attention.

>> No.16180954

Guys, what happened to Snib? I miss Snib.

>> No.16180956

but why would they need that?

>> No.16180957

Spoil the dragon!

>> No.16180958

He's doing a commission right now I think. He's not dead at least.

>> No.16180959

They're still haughty and dominant right?

>> No.16180960

Because they want more of the blanket you're snuggling on the couch with. She's a big girl after all. Big girls need big blankets.

>> No.16180963

I don't know, I'm not very big.

>> No.16180964


Yep, still haughty and dominant, even if they look like they've got more chub than muscle.

>> No.16180966



>> No.16180967
File: 160 KB, 1280x960, 1453634379980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some damn stupid names.

>> No.16180980

>it's just that they never use that one to invade anything I think, they're defensive troops

They don't even need them for invading, seeing as a lilim alone turned Lescatie into what it currently is despite being one of the most powerful countries in The Order

>> No.16180983

What does Japanese porn stars have to do with swimming pools?

>> No.16180984

I don't know anon, I just wanted to point out how Elfgolian names are stupid.

>> No.16181000

What do Kikis do that isn't cleaning or sex with Mastah? That seems like all they're good for.

>> No.16181002

English ASMR roleplays fucking suck. Especially the monster ones. Even if the voice isn't too bad, even if the script isn't too cringey, they all fucking suck because they aren't from a perspective where the dude is willing. The premise is always with the dude struggling.

>> No.16181006
File: 2.02 MB, 2200x1375, 1464785097706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ears, boy.

>> No.16181008

Stop making fun of my ears!

>> No.16181012

But they're round. Monster find that exotic.

>> No.16181016

You say that like it's a bad thing.

There's a few out there where the guy struggles at first and gives into a vampire though.

>> No.16181018

All of this guy's crap is cringingly hilarious.

>> No.16181019

Mine are just barely pointed though, people have always made fun of me for it. They also stick out more than a normal person's.

>> No.16181020

Watch TV.

>> No.16181026

This guy might be an Ay-El-Pee.

>> No.16181027

Watching TV encourages laziness, Kikis shouldn't be allowed to watch TV.

>> No.16181028

>break Illassa
I hear she does anal. Try breaking her through her butt.

>> No.16181033

It is a bad thing.
>"Oooh stop struggling"
Bitch I'm not.
>"Why do you still not like this?"
I do.
>"Oh I can't let you escape,"
I'm here voluntarily
>"Stop struggling or I'll stop using my magic, and my bites will become painful"
I wouldn't even mind that.

It's like, so close and yet so far at the same time.

>> No.16181037

I'm not. I just had my ears folded in half and my hands over them for a portion of the time I was in my mother's womb so they came out a little weird. Not wierd enough to immediately notice, but weird enough for people to tease me about.

>> No.16181041

Shit, meant to reply to >>16180966

>> No.16181044

Live long and prosper, duderino.

>> No.16181048

Your tail, girl.

>> No.16181051


So, manga/LN protagonist syndrome, sounds about right. Shit just makes me frustrated, I'm with you.

>> No.16181060
File: 506 KB, 1496x1923, working hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16181061

Me: Do my best to forget how alone I am
Waifu: Do her best to cope with not being real.

>> No.16181062

Sounds good. Mind as well call her shitty degenerate for liking such disgusting things and a slut for getting pleasure from getting her ass ravaged and smacked.

>> No.16181066

Oh god those buff arms.

>> No.16181068

What? Explain why you would say this.

>> No.16181072
File: 1.21 MB, 1057x1500, __cheshire_cat_dormouse_jabberwock_and_march_hare_alice_in_wonderland_and_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__c0ce207493218b5b1cf51668d7f32ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a white Jabberwock?

>> No.16181075

Only if she was an incredibly masochistic loli.

>> No.16181077

Your waifu is having an existential crisis?

>> No.16181079

That's one way to get me to go to the gym.
I'd rather a brown cheshire.

>> No.16181085

Newfags who don't know squat about shit, and think this thread is nothing but waifuposting. Ironically, it veers more and more towards nothing but waifuposting because of them.

>> No.16181092

What is this thread 'supposed' to be then, O oldfag anon?

>> No.16181094
File: 129 KB, 1024x743, 1461445245174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I'm too hooked on fluffy pink tittymonsters.

>> No.16181095

Of course. Especially if she's wearing those set of clothes.

I would hope she is ready for starting a family because that's what she's getting.

>> No.16181097

He's still alive. I know he's doing at least one commission at the moment, and it looks great so far.

>> No.16181099
File: 3.45 MB, 2149x3035, 1451299615648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your empire is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

>> No.16181098

Jubjubs are truly frightening.

>> No.16181103

Shut up old lady, these are my legos! Go get your own.

>> No.16181107

>old lady
That's Old Lady Mildred to you.

>> No.16181108


Get out.

>> No.16181116

I bet this poster is an Anubis.

>> No.16181120
File: 669 KB, 2016x1915, 1476505402649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never stop drawing musclegirls Latenight.
And if Snibs around, I hope he draws even more musclegirls than usual.

>> No.16181121

While waiting for my sharp cornered 2ds to charge so I can get back to genociding Zinogre for plates, how about some MGK?

You're Jimmy, the only straight man in kindergarten.
Do you and Yeti break Ophy out of the ice block she is stuck in with rocks?
Do you snuggle under Anubis's blanket with her and get warm while looking at a lego catalog together?
Do you get Wurm to share her fudgesicle?
Do you roll Albino Lamia's blanket filled plastic bubble to the slide and roll it down said slide?
Do you wake Junko and tell her newspaper blankets are frozen?
Do you yell at that creepy Ice Queen who hangs out around the fence to go away since your hands are turning blue and you're nuts are seconds away from frostbite?
Do you tell Timmy that Dark Elf and P'ork are lying to him about how giving them his lunchmoney stolen is okay?
Do you make a snow family with Yuki in a totally platonic fashion?
Do you warm up next to 2nd grader Salamander and Hellpup as they puff a cigar they managed to obtain?
Do you ask 6th grade Wock why she's preparing for St. Patrick's in December?
Do you and 6th grade Lilim hang out with the 6th grade Whitehorn?
Do you eat a bunch of butterfingers with crybaby Wyvern?
Or do you just pretend to be sick, stay at home, eat leftover pizze, and play Diablo 2 with your Dhampir cousin, with you as a Smite Paladin and her as a WerebearDruid?

>> No.16181123

You'll treat the Bricks of the Kingdom with respect, slave.

>> No.16181133
File: 380 KB, 800x717, 1449984191984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not scary. They just like giving warm fluffy hugs.

>> No.16181134

Got to help Ophy, otherwise she'll be forgotten, only to awaken a thousand years later and become a delivery girl.
Slavery was abolished!

>> No.16181136

MonHun on the 2DS?
I tried that once. Once.
How the fuck do you cope with that?

>> No.16181139

>Do you ask 6th grade Wock why she's preparing for St. Patrick's in December?
I have to know.

>> No.16181140

Take Junko to Hellhound and Salamander to get herself warm. I don't want to see her falling into despair.
After the quest, mind as well get some NEW pizza at you now where with you know who.

>> No.16181141

I don't know anon, they're still pretty scary.

>> No.16181142

>Ophy's dog waited for her to the point of petrifying

>> No.16181145

I have big hands and am used to it after a week.
The sharp corners and lack of proper grim on the joystick still get to me though.

>> No.16181146


>> No.16181149

>you know who
That 4th grade Gazer with the glasses?

>> No.16181154

You don't even have a second analog stick. Why subject yourself to torture like that?

>> No.16181155

She still thinks it's early in the year since she is terrible with time.

>> No.16181159

I use the touch screen's pad for camera action. It works.

>> No.16181161

Wow, this thing really is the definition of beating a dead horse.

>> No.16181164


>> No.16181166

Hey, you. Yeah, you. Shut up. We got a good thing going here, so fogedaboudid.

>> No.16181170
File: 461 KB, 588x1000, 145378544534534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16181171

No, with the Dragon. Again. Gazer is cool though, she can come eat some pizza with us.

>> No.16181173

MGK. It's a low effort CYOA with no A.
Lost all interest and novelty at this point at this point, too.

It's like it's just the one person posting it for the sake of posting it.

>> No.16181175

>beating a dead horse
But we're nowhere near your mother anon.

>> No.16181176

Cool opinion you've told me, bro.

>> No.16181177

And I like it. Others seem to like it. You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir!

>> No.16181182

>Talking about dragon with Dragon MILF
>Pic of stacy's mom at the same second

I think it's a sign that I'm getting all the Dragon pussy.

>> No.16181185

You don't need to get defensive or feel offended. I'm not attacking anyone. Just saying, it is what it is. And it's played out, posted habitually, and doesn't offer anything interesting.>>16181176

>> No.16181190

Too bad

>> No.16181196

Stacy must get mad at her mom for stealing all her boyfriends with her thick Dragon hips.

>> No.16181198

And you felt the need to say it instead of just keeping your thoughts to youurself, why?

>> No.16181204

Yeah, that's nice, but I still like it.

>> No.16181206

Then Stacy needs to get her own, ultra thick thighs!

>> No.16181208

Why wouldn't I say it?

>> No.16181212

I don't know if I would resist it either. Too delicious.

>> No.16181215
File: 985 KB, 1870x1788, 1455465110249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because complaining about things you don't like is not up to our high posting standards.

>> No.16181214

You and others complaining constantly is overdone, done habitually,and doesn't offer anything either.

>> No.16181219

Because saying it is meaningless? Like, 100% so?

>> No.16181220

She'll eat lots of cake! And workout so it fills out just her hips!

>> No.16181222
File: 1.38 MB, 3000x4000, HqDgwr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more pictures of monsters getting married.

>> No.16181223


>> No.16181227

I wonder if I should doodle a Hakutaku in the fiture.
Though the outfit they have is ridiculous.

>> No.16181229

Stupid Smartcow. You don't know everything!

>> No.16181230
File: 222 KB, 500x700, 1466090541610-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we do.

>> No.16181232

She knows your browser history.

>> No.16181235

Do it for her tail.

And where is that Kraken?

>> No.16181236
File: 327 KB, 856x1108, 1447005776472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur! Bonus points for pregnant bellies. N-not that it's a fetish or anything.

>> No.16181239

Manticores are for leaving at the altar!

>> No.16181248

Dragon bakery is currently being raided by Tannuki health inspectors looking for any excuse they can to shut her down and rule the baked goods market in her absence.

>> No.16181252

I'm so glad she's likely going to appear in the anime.

>> No.16181253

Weather and humidity has been hell on my paper.
The one I did for the Leazas sraw weekend was barely good enough to draw on. It might take a good while.

>> No.16181256

I see no way that can go wrong!

>> No.16181257
File: 183 KB, 800x719, 1446606260675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16181262

Errots everywhere.

>> No.16181268

I bet it'll go to her tail, and she'll have a big fat tail too big for her body.

>> No.16181269
File: 918 KB, 2467x2152, I know, let&#039;s play SOTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then you pull out your "sword" to see where her weak spot is and stab there right?

>> No.16181271

All I need to do is shut the Tanukis down, right? Anything for them.

>> No.16181276

W-what's SOTC?

>> No.16181280

Waifus are bad. Waifu posting is habitual, overdone, and is no longer interesting. You know, despite this being /jp/, the board of waifufags galore.

t. someone who thinks their opinion matters and thinks they have to voice it.

>> No.16181282

That's too big a Dragon.

>> No.16181283

So this is the evil that men do.

>> No.16181286

Hmmmm, maybe she can tone down the workouts.

Then it may settle in the right spots.

>> No.16181287

Get help from Lich. She found a way to make gold out of dirt. You can use that as a threat tp ruin the value of gold, making all the Tannuki's wealth worthless.

>> No.16181292
File: 217 KB, 1253x909, damn you, latenight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lewding the dragon waifu that suddenly got huge. She's just for kissies.

I love it so much when you draw dragons and a (you)

Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.16181303


We need a Wurm Uncle Sam poster in the future. I hope Latenight can do it, for he is the hero we want and deserve.

>> No.16181304
File: 100 KB, 1024x724, 1460350200612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree

>> No.16181313

I would have said the exact same thing if you asked me over a year ago, but then I met my waifu

Maybe you'll meet yours soon

>> No.16181325

I'd kiss her biceps

>> No.16181327
File: 1.58 MB, 2400x3000, eb011a6ecd8ef20174a10eb1a3369d53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we?

>> No.16181329
File: 1.61 MB, 2478x3456, 1407736073912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadow of the Colossus
Forget the Dragon then, gimme dat loyal Centaur booty.

>> No.16181330

Yes we do. I wouldn't mind seeing turtle girl in a traditional Japanese wedding dress.

>> No.16181334

I'll go with the Anubis since she sounds super cute and comfy.

>> No.16181335
File: 861 KB, 1373x1052, 58946175_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your mofu wisely, Anon.

>> No.16181341

>ever wanting horse pussy
The beastiality thread is in >>/trash/

>> No.16181344

Either middle because she looks dere plus big tits or delicious brown.

I'll probably go with delicious brown.

>> No.16181346

>Wanting the friendzoned centaur
>Not any of the 16 cutie colossus

>> No.16181347
File: 429 KB, 875x1148, 1480293799935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a waifu anon.

>> No.16181348

Yes thank you anon

>> No.16181352
File: 161 KB, 895x893, 1477538870307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would some Automatons have Biomechanical/Mechanical Animal ears in place of the horns present on the profile Automaton?

The pink one.

>> No.16181366

>I'll probably go with delicious brown.
Superior taste.

>> No.16181376

Giant mossy stone waifu does sound nice. Would she have fleshy parts of just all stone? Imagine the view from her head.

>> No.16181379

Of course she has fleshy parts, what do you think her weak spots are?

>> No.16181382

There's always room for one or two more.

>> No.16181383

Not him but Giantess' hold no appeal to me.

>> No.16181384

Left, easy choice.

>> No.16181389
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, u5hmXRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayadere is best

>> No.16181392

This one was relatively easy to clean and came out well.

>> No.16181398

But anon, having more than one waifu will destroy your laifu.
That's what some cute anime girl told me. And they never lie.

>> No.16181406

>And they never lie
They lie all the time. Like when they tell me they're real. Or that they love me.

>> No.16181407

>Automatons have a weird thing on their forehead
>Mindflayers have a very similar thing
>Automatons come from lost ancient civilizations
>Mindflayers come the deep sea where the Old Ones rest

There has to be a connection somewhere

>> No.16181410

It's only a lie temporarily. Things will change once we harness the powers of meme magic like /pol/ and /tv/ have done.

>> No.16181417

Be that as it may, right now, they're still fucking liars

>> No.16181421

Red Tsundere dragons are best!

>> No.16181423


>> No.16181425
File: 330 KB, 771x734, 1441266096600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give rabu a chancu!

>> No.16181428

Brown all the way. I'd also take the right one if I get one extra.

>> No.16181431

Maybe that jewel on the Automatons head crest is like a sensor or camera of some sort, and the horns might be antennae a la a Gundams V-fin.

>> No.16181433


>> No.16181436

That's why you fuck your daughteru too, then you get two sex and still retain your laifu.

>> No.16181439

Do all daughterus start out this small?

>> No.16181440

Don't dick the daughteru.

>> No.16181445

Depends on the species. Technically they all start out only as big as two cells fused together.

>> No.16181447

I don't dick the daughteru, I was just pointing out a loophole since daughterus can't be waifus.

>> No.16181455

>daughterus can't be waifus
But that's also wrong.

>> No.16181456

>Cute anime girls HATE him
>Check out how this Anon managed to fuck TWO (2) hot chicks while having only one waifu and retaining his laifu

>> No.16181457

That's not a loophole.
You don't fuck anyone aside from the waifu.

>> No.16181461

But I'm not KDF.

>> No.16181465

How many people here besides KDF would actually fuck their monstergirl daughteru?

Quicksilver, you don't count either.

>> No.16181467


>> No.16181472

I...would try not to. But I am a weak man.

>> No.16181474


>> No.16181477
File: 331 KB, 1280x905, 1477797179666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she had a thick pear shaped body and daddy issues I would.

>> No.16181478

If monstergirls are as lewd as people say they are I'd probably end up doing so, yeah.

>> No.16181479

Yeah it really depends on a lot of factors.
She also has to be old enough. I'm not fucking a 7 year old.

>> No.16181480

She would have to be the one seducing or teaming with her mother to "rape" me. Any other way I wouldn't want it.

>> No.16181485

How old would she have to be before you'd fuck her then?

>> No.16181486

Their faces, man.

>> No.16181488

18, now FBI please go.

>> No.16181489

Mid to late teens.

>> No.16181491

Poor Familiar-chan.

>> No.16181493

It'd be weird to fuck her if she's pre-teen because she'd always be my pure little daughteru.
Once she hits her teens, the lewdness might become more acceptable.

>> No.16181495

They just can't summon a human from nowhere.

>> No.16181496

Old enough for a sexual relationship. So like 5, as far as monstergirls go.

>> No.16181499


But again, I'll only do it if she really wants to stay with me.

>> No.16181509

I always thought this place was vehemently anti-daughter dicking based on the reaction to KDF. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.16181519

Hold on a minute.
>cat-witch & ghost summon familiar
>enlist familiar as aid in their plan
>humanboy mage-in-training summons a familiar
>familiar arrives, who then acts as a trojan girl and gets the former two in

Damn monsters are making magic even riskier.

>> No.16181523
File: 352 KB, 750x600, 1478833521187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye...aye you kid with the blank and green face.

You want to know why MGC doesn't have Federal Prisons for MGs or human boys but still has the MGC Asylum right?

>> No.16181526

I'm against if it just for the sake of sex. If she's gonna stay with you forever I don't see the problem.

>> No.16181527

My perception is that people don't like KDF because he's around a lot and he's weird even for a daughteru fucker.

>> No.16181531

Not really.

>> No.16181533

>A few degenerates post within 5 minutes
>Somehow means it's okay now

>> No.16181534

I don't think my Insight is high enough for this, lady.

>> No.16181535

I wouldn't but I'm not adamant about it
Maybe I'd do it in the right conditions

I was about to say you're wrong but then I remembered that slimes can have sex at age 0
5 might be a good number for a small majority of species but overall it would range between 6 and 10

>> No.16181540


>> No.16181555

Oh, well then maybe another time cousin.

>> No.16181557

Oh hey, thanks.
That was the one that I mentioned liking the original. It has a nice comfy feeling to it.

>> No.16181571

Ahh fuck it what's the worst I could learn?

>> No.16181609

Would you read a doujin about your waifu if it was done by Distance, who did works like HHH and Lacross Club?

>> No.16181613

I wouldn't read doujins about my waifu, it'd feel wrong.

>> No.16181614

I don't know what any of those are.

>> No.16181633

>doujin about your waifu
You take me for a cuck?

>> No.16181662

Mate there's a good reason the "protag" of those doujins is a nameless faceless utterly plain man.
So it can be 「YOU」.

I'm not talking about group shit or anything like that. Vanilla doujins do exist.

>> No.16181665

The only place I can self insert is my own fantasies.

>> No.16181668

So why are you asking? You're not planning to turn our waifus into fetish fodder, are you?

>> No.16181669
File: 263 KB, 1280x1920, Dragon Zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If vanilla Dragons can become Undead, what does that mean for the various subspecies?

>> No.16181675

>Undead Ryu
>Acid rain

>> No.16181677

>doujins of my waifu

I'd probably cry.

>> No.16181679

I'm not him.
I'm just saying doujins are not universally shit.

>> No.16181684

>Ryu finally gets back at all those bullys who called her old and fat

>> No.16181685


>training with waifu
>she actually breaks my sword
>with her mouth
>seriously, it's between her teeth

I'll use a mace next time

>> No.16181687
File: 1.07 MB, 818x1157, Alp&#039;s hopes and dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you with Alp's waifu. Do with her what you will.

>> No.16181714

She looks beautiful. But she is for him. Nobody can change that.

>> No.16181727

>3rd Chapter of Lacross Club 2 Years Later still not translated
>No amazon and shortstack sister combo
>No Lacross Club hentai announcement yet

Why must you hurt me so?

>> No.16181730

Alp's dragon gives acid blowjobs. She is also friends with my waifu.

>> No.16181745

>Undead Wurm

What will be on her mind aside her husband and cookies?

>> No.16181762

>The corruption breath the regular Dragon Zombie has is now in rain form


>> No.16181765

Because we must suffer enough before the universe throws us a bone.

The girls in it are perfect for mgs though.
Shit, one is lewder than most monsters.

>> No.16181771

I don't think an Undead Ryu would have something THAT extreme.

>> No.16181772

Undead too, but think about it.
Otohime is a slut.
Most wyverns are born and raised with their knights.
Wurms are rapists.
Ryus are worshipped.

>> No.16181784

>Acid rain

Pray she doesn't make it rain dark matter or undead wurms

>> No.16181788
File: 368 KB, 1400x1041, zf0sfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otohime is a slut.
>Most wyverns are born and raised with their knights.
Some unlucky CC may never grow up with a Dragoon of her own.
That thought gives me an idea for an /ss/ scenario, provided I feel motivated.
>Wurms are rapists.
Also retards.
>Ryus are worshipped.
I suppose an Undead Ryu can exist provided she died before the new Demon Lord came into power.

>> No.16181793

The other dragon species aren't so proud as to die virgins
This anon sums up pretty well >>16181772 although calling Otohime a slut was mean

>> No.16181794

>Otohime is a slut
Not true

>> No.16181800

>also retards

You say sorry and take that back!

>> No.16181801

Sorry for calling the big sugar mommy a slut. She is fine too.

>> No.16181810

Just like MGK then.

>> No.16181815

Thank you, it means a lot
May you get blessed with a fine sugar mommy of your own

>> No.16181824

Nah, I'm pretty fine with my dragon.
But calling otohime a slut was a slip of tongue, she is great and should never be called that. She is also beautiful and magnificent, but due to her constant work it's hard for her to get a boy. Otohimes are the princesses of the sea.

>> No.16181829

Only unlike your opinion people actually care about MGK. No go back to your pumpkin spice no fat decaff and clean out your fedora.

>> No.16181831

>Rain that corrupts
Is this the work of an enemy stand?

>> No.16181834

And all princesses are sluts.

>> No.16181835

Do Dullahans like Psychology, Latin or Russian?

>> No.16181837

You seem to care. After all, you're replying, and taking it personally to the point where you feel the need to throw out insults like that.
Maybe you feel I'm right, but you don't want to admit it, which is why you're getting like that.

>> No.16181838

Do you know wht that soynds like? My oc lilim.

>> No.16181839

As long as it has nothing to do with gold and has copious amounts of alcohol and heroine

>> No.16181841

You are a slut

>> No.16181843

Oh my fuck I had a stroke. Guess I shouldn't talk about my oc after all.

>> No.16181845

So why did the people summarizing the profiles just give up?

>> No.16181846

I'm humoring you out of pity.
You're like a hamster or rabbit. A retarded one.

>> No.16181848

Because we wanted Dark Mage and he was a Sabbat

>> No.16181852

>tfw no STAND waifu

>> No.16181856

Truer words have never been spoken, amen.

You and your waifu should visit Ryugujo once in a while, once you get used to it being underwater it's the greatest place to enjoy yourself in

It was just 2 people
The first one (Gremlinfag) is having some health issue and just wanted to do Gremlin's profile
The other one also had some issues but I forgot what he said

>> No.16181859

Get a Ghost to pose behind you
Bonus points if she has a rapier and you call her Silver Chariot.

>> No.16181863

Ryugujo is shit and Otohime's are whores that fuck several different men in one night every night.

>> No.16181869

They also make them suport any kids they have.

>> No.16181875

Tis treason then?

Please tell me there's one of the scream

>> No.16181879

Why do you keep lying?

>> No.16181885

Well the Russians don't have any gold, and they drink a lot. And psychologists don't get gold and deal with drug addicts and alcoholics, do these count?

>> No.16181887

He's not lying.

>> No.16181889

I guess.

>> No.16181890

Yes he is.

>> No.16181891

Anyone have a collection of the translations being posted in the threads? I've missed several and couldn't save them.

>> No.16181892

>Silver Chariot.
No way Jose, Za Warudo and Killer Queen are where it's at!

>> No.16181898

They have a constant desire to be amused and entertained and don't like men that bore them.
You seriously think they won't be sluts and will get a husband?

>> No.16181899

You're stooping to my level. Except I'm not calling you retarded, so I'd say you're doing worse.
If you think that of me, why waste time replying, unless you're letting your emotions get the best of you?

>> No.16181903


>> No.16181907

Then you are naive.

>> No.16181909

And you just think bad of people you don't like

>> No.16181910

>GOT corrupted
Are you sure she wasnt just polymorphed? That armour is pretty monster-y in the first place.

>> No.16181914

>Ryugujo is shit
I guess you don't like fun then, that place is heaven under sea

>Otohime's are whores that fuck several different men in one night every night.
Absolutely not, sure they are easy-going and fairly accessible for a dragon but they would never do this kind of things
As soon as she finds a man worthy of being her husband she will devote herself to him

No monster girl would ever get bored of her husband, you're thinking of human girls

>> No.16181921

Monster girls =/= 3D trash

>> No.16181922

>you're thinking of 3D human girls

>> No.16181923

>As soon as she finds a man worthy of being her husband she will devote herself to him
So she whores herself out until she finds a man that entertains her. That's not helping your case, anon.

>> No.16181927

But it's better down where it's wetter.

Take it from me.

>> No.16181928


Also all those profiles have been bombs so far, I hope the rest will be as good

>> No.16181931

I'm not saying she'd NTR you, god no. We both know that's not how MGs work.
I'm saying she wouldn't marry anyone to begin with. Why would she when she craves entertainment and the ryugujo has fresh faces daily?

>> No.16181939

Hey i am only a slut for dragons! Ryus, wocks, wyverns,otohimes and dragons, undead or not.

I really like dragons anon.

>> No.16181951

2D human waifus are good too

She is not a Unicorn, she won't stay a virgin just because and deprive herself of all the fun until she finds a worthy man
That would be like asking a Wurm to never rape, that's plain cruel

Also she'd find a man pretty quick unless no one is willing to marry her, her standards can be summed up to "he must have cute reactions to what I do"

She'd get the most fun sticking to one man though, it's even written on her profile
If one ever remained single it'd be because no men were willing to marry her, not out of choice

>> No.16181960

>Also she'd find a man pretty quick unless no one is willing to marry her,
Which would be any man with a semblance of self respect.

Nobody wants to marry a whore.

>> No.16181974
File: 666 KB, 1500x1353, 1479964595142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower body is equipped with a milking mechanism, presumably installed after modification by monsters but I'm not sure, but there isn't anything like a hole in their lower body. However, you can thrust in there and the soft, elastic material will yield. Basically, think of how Ittan-Momen pussy works, they're the same deal.
You're still technically penetrating to deep enough into the material as if it was a genuine pussy right?

>> No.16181987

I've tried hard to fight my urges but I've got to admit it too, I'm a slut for dragons
It doesn't matter her subspecies I'd still do everything she asked me and beg her to let me have sex with her

That's a given, you could even argue that it would go much deeper than a genuine pussy

>> No.16181988 [DELETED] 

>all this used goods shit

Stop. All girls are pure and don't have sex until they've found the right man and married him.

>> No.16182006

My Kiki would probably push more towards my dreams and having me more actively try and do what I want.
However even without that she wouldnt be dissapointed in me, i'm not doing too badly.

>> No.16182025
File: 88 KB, 640x1129, 1428906348542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /humanwaifu/ here?

Don't be shy, anons, if you have one you're automatically superior to the rest of people here.

>> No.16182037

My kiki would be getting herself fit for master with plenty of muscle!

She's doing it because she is going to be moving furniture, totally not because there's a jinko whose been showing interest in master.

>> No.16182042 [DELETED] 

Uh-huh, yep, and I have a six-figure salary and use $100 bills to light my imported cuban cigars.

Nothing is perfect, Anon.

>> No.16182044

Boy, if I had a Kiki they would have an absolute field day with me. I mean I'm doing pretty well but god damn I am the most disorganized person ever.

>> No.16182046 [DELETED] 

Yes, that's a touchy subject that shouldn't be brought up

I think the best way to put it is:

Do you want to get raped by plenty of species before marrying your waifu?
You have plenty of proof that monster girls rape and release men

Do you want to marry your waifu directly and never experience other species?
Nothing says she absolutely cannot be a pure virgin, you could even come up with a backstory as to why she is a virgin despite her years long urges

>> No.16182048

Not me. I like my monster.

>> No.16182059
File: 131 KB, 900x750, 1463774610067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put that away! I don't want to call the electric company again!

>> No.16182063 [DELETED] 

I would like to be a virgin when meeting with my waifu. I actually can't see myself being with other girls other than her.

I'm actually addicted.

>> No.16182073
File: 270 KB, 1697x721, I am a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to Oh oh oh oh oh explode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a No Waifu kind of guy.

The war never changed, only the combatants.

>> No.16182083 [DELETED] 

Some people take the purityfag stuff a little too far sometimes, it's true.

If a girl's had partners before, it's fine as long as that number isn't stupidly high. Like, just a couple.
But more important is the reason for not sticking with those partners. If it's a good reason, like an unforseen incompatibility between her and an individual, who gives a shit?

>> No.16182084

Paladin-chan this is just getting sad.

>> No.16182085

Be careful when putting raijus near eletric showers.

>> No.16182091

For the odd chance that you are really that dense.

That pool is pretty well-known in the Japanese Jav industry, lots of porn scences have been shot there and its pretty much a porn icon now.

In other news, would the porn business in MGC be similar to the slightly shady Jav business in Japan?

>> No.16182104

At least paladin-chan isn't like sorceress-chan who locked herself away in a tower and eats nothing but cakes and ice cream.

>> No.16182107

>If she had a thick pear shaped body and daddy issues I would.
I'm not into daughteru dicking, but at that point it would require willpower to resist her advances. If it was a "single man adopts a monstergirl" -situlation though, reason would go out of the window.

>> No.16182121 [DELETED] 

Human waifus are decent but aside for making boys they don't do anything monsters can do better

And don't forget that human women are for corrupting, all hail the Overlord

I like to believe that most if not all monster girls would be able to feel that I'm already in love and wouldn't rape me
Don't they do this for married human couples already, what's the difference if I didn't yet meet her?

>> No.16182123

Adopted Daughteru dicking is best daughteru dicking.

>> No.16182127

I'll help out Ophy and Junko and get Salamander and Hellpup to make a fire where everyone can warm up! We'll even help Albino Lamia warm up!

The fire totally won't go out of control and burn down the shed!

>> No.16182129


>> No.16182137

I want a human waifu who willingly and consensual monsterizes

>> No.16182139 [DELETED] 

>Wanting to corrupt perfection

>> No.16182141

Can a human girl wrap you in wings? Can she protect you? Can she gives you nice warm scaly cuddles? No? That's why monsters >>>>>>> humans

>> No.16182145 [DELETED] 

But humans girls are inferior.

>> No.16182148 [DELETED] 

No they aren't.

>> No.16182149 [DELETED] 

No because like a lot of anons I want to keep my virginity for my waifu.

Because then she becomes used goods. Other men have fucked her. She's loved other men.

>> No.16182151

>Wanting to be protected
>Not wanting to be the protector.

>> No.16182152 [DELETED] 

>Some people take the purityfag stuff a little too far sometimes, it's true.

>> No.16182156

>Adoptive Daughteru gets pregnant
>Starts implementing her breast milk into your food as often as she can

>> No.16182158

Hey. Some of us lack the strength or courage to be the protector.

>> No.16182161

Would be even better if she was an oppai loli

>> No.16182165

Except Sorceress-chan is actually cute and doesn't resort to anonymous posting on message boards to make it seem like anyone likes her.
She just shitposts about husbandos.

>> No.16182170 [DELETED] 

They're not as strong as an Oni or a Dragon. Or as magical as a Lich or Kitsune. Or as beautiful as a Succubus or Pharaoh. Or s good with cuddling as a Yeti or Lamia. Or as good at loving as any of them.

>> No.16182171

Then get good.

>> No.16182176 [DELETED] 

You know turning into a monster doesn't have to be corruption right? What if my strong knightfu wants to be even better and becomes a amazon?

>> No.16182177 [DELETED] 

They're balanced

>> No.16182181 [DELETED] 

Yeah, below average in everything is balanced.

>> No.16182182
File: 830 KB, 2480x3859, Baby Doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be able to handle a Baphomet with Baby Doll's backstory?


>> No.16182183

>NTR with MGs
Fuck off. Not even I'm that low.

>> No.16182189 [DELETED] 

>Because then she becomes used goods. Other men have fucked her. She's loved other men.
And had that love end. So when she falls in love with you and it sticks, you know it's something particularly special.
You seem pretty help up over this "used goods" thing, and it's especially weird for a monstergirl thread.
Lots of monstergirls rape. It's what they do.

>> No.16182192 [DELETED] 

There's no love involved in rape.

>> No.16182199 [DELETED] 

She's left men before. What makes you think she won't leave again?

Love isn't a damn vending machine you can dispense anytime somebody comes up to you. It has to be special. True monster girls rape. But monster girls usually marry who they rape. Not just rape a guy and toss him. Stop pushing your used goods fetish. Do you seriously like the idea of a woman who's had former lovers telling you that she loves you? How do you know she means it? And how do you know she won't be thinking of her former lovers while with you? How do you know she won't compare them to you?

It's either bait or just a shitty fetish.

>> No.16182220 [DELETED] 

>It's either bait or just a shitty fetish
It's called fags who like to turn everything into 3DPD

>> No.16182228 [DELETED] 

>She's left men before. What makes you think she won't leave again?
Because she had reasons to leave that man and won't have those reasons with you?
Wait are you talking about a girl who slept around or one that had failed relationships before. Because asking to get the whole relationship thing perfect on the first try is kind of a pipe dream at best

>> No.16182230 [DELETED] 


>> No.16182240 [DELETED] 

>Because asking to get the whole relationship thing perfect on the first try is kind of a pipe dream at best
Anon you realise we're in /jp/, in a thread about 2D monsters whose main purpose is to fill your favorite fantasy, right?

There's literally no reason to make monstergirls close to 3D unless you have a fetish for it.

>> No.16182242 [DELETED] 

What kind of logic is that? She's with you so she won't leave you? But you know she's done it before so that's retarded. You didn't even address any of my other points. And there is no difference between a sleep around whore and a used goods whore.

Take you and your shitty fetish for used goods out of the thread you faggot. Your last (You)

>> No.16182243

They could be found in Echidna cults. Their greatest desire is to turn into a Lamia.

>> No.16182245 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 512x512, CleanCleanClean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16182248

I want to happen upon a pack of oppai loli werewolves with muscles

>> No.16182251

She better hurry up and clean or I'll get the roomba out against to do a better job.

>> No.16182255

>What makes you think she won't leave again?
You didn't read what I said. "So when she falls in love with you and it sticks, you know it's something particularly special."
She's left a partner before out of incompatibility or an inability to be together with that person. So, don't be incompatible or unable to be with her.

>Love isn't a damn vending machine you can dispense anytime somebody comes up to you. It has to be special.
Which is why I also said "it's fine as long as that number isn't stupidly high. Like, just a couple." Again, please read what you're replying to. If she's left, say, three people in her lifetime, then there's cause for concern. Two is pretty bad luck. One could happen for any number of good reasons.

>But monster girls usually marry who they rape. Not just rape a guy and toss him.
I assume you refer purely to the MGE here. Just don't let it skew your perception of monstergirls entirely to an unrealistic degree. It might sour how you appreciate other monstergirl works.

>Stop pushing your used goods fetish
>It's either bait or just a shitty fetish.
It's not a fetish. As>>16182228 says, a failed relationship can be a fact of life.

>Do you seriously like the idea of a woman who's had former lovers telling you that she loves you?
Depends on if she means it or not.

>How do you know she means it?
If I trust her enough to be in a relationship with me, I'd trust her to not lie to me. And by being someone worthy of that love.

>And how do you know she won't be thinking of her former lovers while with you?
Do you mean all the time, or just infrequently? Also, are we talking about her just having had sex with another person, or a whole relationship? Because your use of "lovers" implies the former. I'm talking about relationships, and I don't want a miscommunication to cause an issue here.
Either way, I can't police her thoughts. But if she thinks of me as a good partner, one who she can be happy with for life, why would I want to?

>How do you know she won't compare them to you?
Again, same as above. And be more compatible than them.

>> No.16182258

You're gonna get husbando'd.

>> No.16182263

/ss/ Wyvern? Sign me up.

>> No.16182268 [DELETED] 

Oh, whoops, didn't see the posts getting deleted.
Ah well. Sad that the moderation doesn't trust us to discuss this maturely. Then again, looks like maturity wasn't exactly present to start with.

>> No.16182272

>unrealistic degree
Not even him but do you realise we're talking about fictional things, right?

>> No.16182273

I'm fine with that.
Gonna scratch behind their ears, give them belly rubs, and fondle those tits of theirs

>> No.16182276

No anon! Don't!. They are far to dangerous for normal men.

>> No.16182282

Dangerous how?

One can simply pick them up if they're being troublesome.

Not to mention that their large chests provide a big weak point.

>> No.16182284
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x3070, mofu_idle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there more MG idols?

>> No.16182285

I want to make friends with a pack of young Werewolves.

>> No.16182296

Because the male idols are more popular.

>> No.16182298

That could be nice as well, whose the alpha though?
You'd be taller than them and, presumably, stronger.

>> No.16182300
File: 581 KB, 768x768, 1413747768506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than pic related what other waifu would help with the family income? Assuming you want a strong working waifu that isn

>> No.16182302

He's a retarded cuck, anon. Don't bother.

>> No.16182304
File: 312 KB, 710x944, Siren_extra_art_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are sirens

>> No.16182306

There were discussions about how being a male idol in the world of monster girls is a bad idea.

MG idols? There might be some Sirens who go that path. Vanilla Lamias also have great voices.

>> No.16182307

A single one is not a problem. But a pack of them? You can't defeat them.
How can you defeat them all before they overwhelm you and take turns giving you a tit-job?

>> No.16182312

We already discussed it.

There would be tons of male idol groups oriented to older monstergirls and monstergirl idol groups oriented to younger monstergirls.

>> No.16182315

It's an acceptable form of DD.
>MGC child services somehow convinces you to adopt
>they bring you a wide-hipped loli succubus with the blue skin, black schlera and yellow eyes combo

>> No.16182316

Well, it depends on when I became their friends.

If I was the same age as them, it would most likely be a brawl to see who's the strongest. I don't quite know how it would work if I was older than them.

>> No.16182317

>Be an idol for CC monster girls

Not sure if want

>> No.16182322

At least when it comes to writing, fiction is never harmed by using realism as a foundation.
Believability is at the heart of fiction, after all. And nothing is more believable than reality. Not to say you should make your fiction as shitty as reality. Otherwise what would be the point? But I think you understand what I'm saying, regarding its use.
Monstergirls can be monstergirls, but they're also sapient, most of them with minds similar enough to be practically indistinguishable from human. For those monstergirls that integrate into society, you can expect that these sorts of imperfections would arise.

I mean, you can use any one of MGE's tools to smooth out those imperfections, but the fact is that they're kind of contrivances. Easy ways to solve a problem that get rid of actual development of a person or character.

>> No.16182324

I was more talking about +18 yo monstergirls but yeah probably most of them would be CC's

>> No.16182325

Easy, you have to focus them down one by one.
Attacking the group as one will only lead to your downfall as they overwhelm you.

Only once all of them are laying on the ground, panting, can you make your move.

Easy, you beat them handidly and get elected alpha for life.

>> No.16182331

As long as she doesn't wear spats and wiggle her hips in my lap, we should be good.

>> No.16182348

That seems a bit unfair.

>> No.16182349

Reminder that MGs use sex for food, and only marry men they like.

>"How many partners did you have before me?"
>"How many loaves of bread have you eaten in your life?"

If you are so worried about used goods, marry a unicorn.

>> No.16182350

It's also the easiest way to become the alpha of the pack.

Also gives you years to prepare for one trying to challenge you later.

>> No.16182351

>Reminder that MGs use sex for food
Fucking retard

>> No.16182352

All high-ranking ones. Dragons with gold, wights, vampire or lilims with influence, ryus being dogs etc

>> No.16182354

Piss off to >>>/d/ and stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.16182355

Scratch that. Sirens are natural idols. Their songs also attract MGs too.

>> No.16182356

This. I know 3D is shit, but actually having a girl think somewhat like, well, a real girl, and making their powers have real implications beyond 'you become hornier' is way more enjoyable to write that normal.

>> No.16182357
File: 156 KB, 840x1200, 1469350592389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wyvern dies without ever finding a Dragoon of her own
>Resurrects soon after, and finds that not only does she have a feeling of intense lust and longing, her breasts are larger and her once muscular body is soft and squishy
>Mindlessly wanders towards a human village located underneath the Dragoon training grounds
>Sobbing up a storm all the while
>Stops sobbing when she lays her eyes on a curious boy
>Without any hesitation she gently holds him in her claws and gives him a deep kiss
>Engages in a session of gentle snusnu where she loses her virginity and sates her lust while making sweet love to her newfound Dragoon, the shota
Sounds neat.

>> No.16182359

I'd rather be an inspirational speaker. Do panels, y'know? Help them find boyfriends.

>> No.16182362

Who is the dog God btw? Cats have Bastet so dogs probably have one too

>> No.16182366

Most are already covered by >>16182352

However if you want a comfy lifestyle in the countryside, there's the farm option

>Holst milk
>Weresheep wool clothes
>Alraune nectar

>> No.16182372

Just found some type of dating place where you pair humans and monstergirls.

>> No.16182390

I wanna be the cool sensei who puts his feet on the desk and doesn't make a $90 textbook required reading.

>> No.16182407

She'd sit in your lap wearing nothing but severely fabric-deprived pink panties, or wearing just plain nothing.

>> No.16182413

Why not no panties but one of my T-shirts thats too big for her?

>> No.16182431

That's true though. All mgs, expect unicorn and 20~ others, have casual sex for fun or quick energy snack all the time

>> No.16182432
File: 402 KB, 850x1129, battlekiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us discuss Battle-Kiki tactics. In what kind of context does the Kiki of war fare best? Surely they might be masters of hand to broom combat, but their merciless tactics work better in different situations such as mansion halls.

>> No.16182437

Yes anon, you want a monstergirl who has sucked more dicks than years you have. We get it.

>> No.16182443

Oppai Loli and muscle is one of the few combinations I can think of that genuinely wouldn't look good together

>> No.16182449

I want to flip the skirt of my kombat kiki!

>> No.16182451

All the more for me

>> No.16182456

Some kikis are skilled in the art of throwing cloths. Truly a lethal weapon. Some anons even rumour of highly skilled alchemist Kiki warriors who brand the deadly disinfectant spray.

>> No.16182467
File: 1.20 MB, 1488x1286, 1478392508527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd take every measure possible to keep her Mastah in view.

>> No.16182468

I want to woo a Tanuki by pretending to be a wealthy stockbroker, then confess to her that I lied and I'm actually broke and unemployed only to have her leglock me and whisper in my ear that she knew from the beginning.

>> No.16182473
File: 79 KB, 633x1000, Battle Kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is highly unprofessional anon! It might even result in your Kiki giving a formal complaint to you and request having her skirt removed entirely!

Kiki's who have mastered the disinfectant spray are truly on a path of war. But have you heard the whispers of the Kiki's who employ their most precious, yet deadliest part of their bodies?
People call them Taildusters.

>> No.16182475

They work well in espionage, sabotage, ad assassination. All to keep mastah safe and pure.

>> No.16182492
File: 1.05 MB, 1194x1579, 1478478415410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piano Wire drawn across hallways at neck height.

Turning off the fuses to certain rooms she knows like the back of her hand, even in pitch blackness.

Dumping enemies down the laundry shoot to be "cleaned" later.

Throwing Kitchen Knives.

The "Sam Fisher".

Poison hors d'oeuvres laced with tranquilizers.

>> No.16182503

>request having her skirt removed entirely!

I wanted her to punish me, but that works too.

>> No.16182511

I don't know why. But those legs are really doing it for me.

>> No.16182513

What's in the box?

>> No.16182514

I dig Barbs portrayal of how a Kikis legs look.

>> No.16182517

It's a mystery.

>> No.16182523

There's a perfume made by Gandharvas that keep women pure by making normal men lose interest in her unless it's a man she really likes.

Does this work for males too?

>> No.16182527
File: 1.23 MB, 1529x997, 1478483499034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her suggestion box. As student council president, it's her job to listen to everyone and find ways to make the school better.

Though I'm sure more than one idiot has slipped a dick pic into it.

>> No.16182533

Oh, I'd put a suggestion in her box.

>> No.16182546
File: 51 KB, 594x1200, CyWhYX1XgAQSUDi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require more tacticute monster girls.

>> No.16182551

Like what?

>> No.16182558
File: 194 KB, 511x795, tumblr_inline_ocdk46l36j1rvn70x_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Sub draw that very recently?

>> No.16182565
File: 36 KB, 1000x1000, Cricket salamander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more monsters doing sports.

>> No.16182576

This image is fucking trash.

>> No.16182587

I'm not that much of a sportsman, but only weenies like cricket.

>> No.16182588
File: 396 KB, 700x900, 26109072_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ugh, did somebody really put another dick picture in the box?"
>"I mean who would do that?"
>"I would really like to know, so they can be punished accordingly!"
>"I'm just going to take this picture and put it in my pocket. As evidence. Yeah."
>"H-How dare somebody do something so childish!"

>> No.16182589
File: 529 KB, 800x1200, Ji0DpiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sensitive are fox tails?

Can i rub them without consequence?

>> No.16182594

She looks like Litchi from Blazblue

>> No.16182596

Yeah it's fairly new, if I remember correctly.

>> No.16182600

>put a slip in the Anubis class president's suggestion box
>it's just your phone number with a note asking her to prom

>> No.16182602

A baby.
This suggestion will be delivered to her box via my penis.

>> No.16182608

Still better than the original with its fucked up face.

>> No.16182609

You fool! Rubbing up on fox tails is a marriage proposal!
Just how many foxes have you molested?

>> No.16182610

Those god damn exclamation marks piss me off.

>> No.16182616

>TFW no blue-scaled Lizardmen and Salamanders who use Macuahuitls and other Meso-American weaponry while worshiping Quetzacoatl, Huitzipochtli, or Chaac if we're going Mayan
Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.16182622

None! i had never touched my waifu tails, i was just wondering how fluffy they feel and if its important to poke....

>> No.16182627

! . !

>> No.16182634


>> No.16182638

Who even made this?

>> No.16182644
File: 679 KB, 944x1280, 1422184510236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'W-Well? How do I look?'
>'Don't get the wrong idea or anything. I'm doing this because I have to!'
>'Of course I do! You're the new kid at school. As the president, it' my job to help you fit in.'
>'I mean, why else would you leave that note unless you were desperate to fit in?'
>'Y-You should be thankful, you know! Do you know how many guys would kill to be going to prom with the president?'
>Ooh! They're doing the slow dance now!'
>'Why are you being so awkward?! It's a slow dance. You need to hold me closer! And put your hands on my hips, like this.'

>> No.16182646

As if a succubus would wear that much clothing while trying to get someone to dick her.

>> No.16182651

>that face


>> No.16182652

Because sometimes More is less.

>> No.16182660
File: 124 KB, 600x731, 1478006563824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sporty oppai Salamanders!

>> No.16182661


>> No.16182666

Oh, right. 4chan hates unicode.


>> No.16182672

What do you do if an Anubis has that pattern on her stomach while looking at you?

>> No.16182674

So Anons, what's more interesting to you:

A woman adjusting to life as a monster?
A monster adjusting to living with humans?

>> No.16182680

>The exclamation points on an Anubis change to hearts when she goes into heat.
I know this isn't real but in my headcannon it is.

>> No.16182683

What about A woman adjusting to life as a monster and adjusting her new instincts and urges to life with humans because she didn't want to move out despite being the only monster for the time being

>> No.16182686

A feral monster/animal adjusting to being basically human.
KDF's story got me thinking, that bastard.

>> No.16182695

The first one. Just by their own existence, monsters have to co-exist with humans in some capacity. Now, if it was Middle Ages sort of MGE monsters adjusting to modern humanity, that might be intresting. Though even then, helping a girl learn to live as a monster is always top. Shame more people don't try to do it.

>> No.16182702

I really like both, but haven't seen much of the former.

>> No.16182703

Posted it like 2 days ago or so, he seems to be picking up activity since this month.

>> No.16182714 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 176x167, 1480467781091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here we see the most important part of the centipede

>> No.16182716

Paint over it in white.

Heck, I outright encourage it as canon. The idea of the runes being symbols with a "default" state individual to each anubis, and/or which alter in shape depending on her mental state, has endless potential.
Just watch out for when an anubis goes !!!.!!!
That means something big and scary is about to go down.

>> No.16182717

I was about to say actually, one of my all time favorite fetishes is freshly turned monsters being taught how to use their new monster body. Like a succubus guiding a lesser succubus in raping her crush, and the two of them figuring out the guys fetishes and how to play into them.

>> No.16182718

The perfect part for spanking.

>> No.16182728

Gotta lick that navel. Going to lick that navel covered in sake.

>> No.16182757

>older experienced succubi guiding her in milking you
>she's still a tad shy and very sensitive but is catching on insanely quick
>knowing full well that this is going to become a kind of regular routine
>debating whether to give her pointers to make it better or to keep your mouth shut so she doesn't become irresistibly lewd

>> No.16182758
File: 1.38 MB, 2273x2319, pat the raiju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh headpat

>> No.16182769 [DELETED] 

I dont want to pat theraiju though, its degrading them

>> No.16182770 [DELETED] 

Thanks for perpetuating your dumb meme, Ace.

>> No.16182775

The best way to spoil monster girls.

>> No.16182776 [DELETED] 

Raijus are evil, but even them don't deserve this kind of treatment.

>> No.16182783

I guess this is the new nerdhound cancer.
At least hellhounds have reedeming factors to bounce back with. Raijus have just been ruined by this shit.

>> No.16182790
File: 1.68 MB, 320x180, a80de6b100beac0f03a631a793f0fb30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16182793 [DELETED] 

>One man is still continuing his quest to ruin a perfectly good girl
I'm starting to think he hates raiju, this is meme forcing on levels above anything the angry hellhound guy ever did.

>> No.16182794

Thicc Nerdjus being bullied by headpats.

>> No.16182799

Who drew this?

>> No.16182801

>tfw someone remembers Kiki's have feathers that are not just for show

>> No.16182802

I thought it was a cute idea to draw.
Are raijus not for head patting?

>> No.16182803

We just need some decent writefags to do some stories about them. The guy spamming these also doesn't seem to get that forcing shit just turns anons on you. Look how well nerdhound was recieved, people got fed up with that shit when he kept ramming it down the thread's throat.

>> No.16182804

Throw in a maid costume too. Hell, throw in five. And give her a MAGA hat. And a spork while we're at it.
How many ways can YOU think of to ruin raijus and throw their potential in the garbage? Phone in with your suggestions now!

>> No.16182805

Why not both?

They are always for head patting.

>> No.16182813
File: 248 KB, 724x1001, I like to think she&#039;s kneeling down and her fluff is covering her legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone here not accept the love of White Horn?

She's literally everything a man could ask for.

I mean fuck she probably enjoys staying inside to play co-op vidya from time to time too.

You literally can't find a more perfect girl in MGE.

>> No.16182814 [DELETED] 

Your art is lovely.

>> No.16182815

No the best way to spoil a monster girl is to fill her womb

>> No.16182816

Mix them with Cheshires.

>> No.16182820

She'd be absolutely perfect if not for horsepussy

>> No.16182821 [DELETED] 

>I thought it was a cute idea to draw.
It's been drawn about 50 times already.

>Are raijus not for head patting?
No, it's fucking babyish. You've taken a girl who rubs herself off and gets electrical power from it to some retarded moeblob.

>> No.16182825 [DELETED] 

Not really. Raijus are getting headpatted to hell now. So much that they can't even remember how it feels to have a good dick inside of them.

Sure, I agree that it's cute and looks nice, but drawing a meme isn't really helping.

>> No.16182827

What not all three?
Head pats, tail strokes, and womb filling?

>> No.16182828

But she's not a horse pussy...

>> No.16182833 [DELETED] 

Well one man certianly thinks so, and most of the raijus recent art has been only head pats, so, you can kinda understand some anons frustration with it

>> No.16182835

So if i want to spoil my waifu, i have to heavily impregnate her?

what logic is that

>> No.16182838

I want a Dairy White Horn to make me hot chocolate using her own milk.

>> No.16182839

This is probably the most correct statement I've heard anyone say in this thread.

>> No.16182844

Because spoiling = giving her as many daughterus as she wants.
It's just simple math anon.

>> No.16182845

For monsters getting a wombshot doesn't actually mean pregnancy to often. They absorb that super quick. They just love the taste and sensation of their husband

>> No.16182848 [DELETED] 

>You didn't stick perfectly to my headcanon or the written word of the encyclopedia
How new are you? People have done whatever the fuck they want with the girls forever. I get that the idea's been drawn a lot, but get the goddamn pole out of your ass.

>> No.16182850 [DELETED] 

So it's less about headpats and more about the fact that there's a lack of variety for raiju art?

>> No.16182851 [DELETED] 

At least Raijus are boring and forgettable. I think headpats are stupid and childish, but it isn't like he's mass producing images of one of the better monsters having meme things done to them.
Plus he's doing it with his own money, so it's his choice I guess. Quite why he needs to spend tons of cash on the same picture over and over is beyond me, but that's a level of crazy I don't want to get into.

>> No.16182852 [DELETED] 

Some guy has been forcing the raiju headpatting meme for ages. One Anon has seen him on the TFT Discord, I've seen some person say he's a /monster/ poster, but he's a furfag with an FA account, so he's some asshole with shit taste trying to ruin them however you look at it.
And headpats are a shit meme to start with.

Your drawing skills are good. It's not your fault, because you didn't know, but you kind of applied them to creating trash. If you want, give raijus a break, and draw them in a badass context. I mean, they're wolf/weasel girls who can absorb, discharge, and control one of the most violent, flashy, and explosive forces of nature that exist. They deserve better.

>> No.16182854

An extremely busty White Horn would be great.

>> No.16182858

That's just the first choice I said, Anon. A woman adjusting to being a monster.

>helping a girl learn to live as a monster is always top
"Why is this better than helping a monster fit in to human society?" is essentially the crux of my question.

The idea is the difference between a girl-turned-Wurm getting used to her monstrous strength, and a natural Wurm asking why she should go around the building to get in when knocking down the wall is faster.

Personally, I find both can be pretty endearing in different ways, but I prefer it when they act completely inhuman like it's no big deal.
Like a Lich that handwaves a razed village because "death isn't a big deal. I can just raise them later."
Or a Dragon that can't understand when a person struggles because they have never known what it's like to be weak.
Y'know, the kind of thing that would make a normal person look at them in confusion and think "This is a monster", which is why it's difficult for them to adjust in the first place.

>> No.16182859 [DELETED] 

It's both.

>> No.16182862 [DELETED] 

Stuff that shows what other members of Raiju monstergirl species look like would also be nice.

>> No.16182863 [DELETED] 

95% of everything that gets posted concerning Raijus is just the beaten horse that is headpats. There's not even anywhere to go with it, it's just "headpats xD."

>> No.16182864 [DELETED] 

That and massive over saturation. You can tell he REALLY wants to make it threadcanon by now, making it similar to Nerdhound.

>> No.16182866

>old dark priestess guiding new initiate in cock worship

>> No.16182870

She'll have to out-cuddle a Yeti to win my love at CUDDLEMANIA 33 and cuddle 29 pieces of trash over the top rope

>> No.16182874

Dark Priests are gutter trash that fuck old men for free.

>> No.16182875 [DELETED] 

Basically this.

There's nothing wrong with the occasional cute image, but when one faggot tries to force his stupid as fuck fetish as a norm for that girl then there's a problem. Raijus are cool and have lots of potential, but instead we just get a dumb "squee! patting teh headz!" meme.

>> No.16182876 [DELETED] 

Okay I get it now, it's understandable.
I still love headpats.

>> No.16182880

Careful with that euphoria

>> No.16182881

I guess my preference of the two scenarios is just personal writing choice and tastes. Helping a girl adapt to modern times lends itself to more comedic writing and is a bit easier to pull off IMO. Helping a girl adapt to being a monster is trickier to write and can be a lot more intimate depending on the relationships you establish.

But like I said, that's just my personal taste in it. I like both ideas.

>> No.16182882

I'd probably have a couple minutes if a dark priest was looking for donations.

>> No.16182890

I for one have never cared for yetis. Any MG can cuddle.

>> No.16182895

Fallen God is trash.

Eros is the only god that isn't absolute shit in MGE.

>> No.16182897 [DELETED] 

>And headpats are a shit meme to start with.
This. You're treating a woman like a child or a pet, it's retarded. It gets even dumber when these are meant to be monsters with superpowers.

>> No.16182903
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x1234, tumblr_ohfg97OFlT1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute weasel

>> No.16182907

So much this. Lanternon's first story did a good job in showing how idiotic the entire Fallen God thing really is. Sure, it sounds ideal to succubi, but anyone who wants to do anything other than fuck constantly forever is shit out of luck.

>> No.16182915

>but anyone who wants to do anything other than fuck constantly forever is shit out of luck.
This can be said for everything else in MGE though.

>> No.16182916

>posting it more out of spite
Because that always makes anon side with you.

>> No.16182917 [DELETED] 

>Drawn 50 times already
Shit I didn't even know that much Raiju art existed. I have maybe 19 pieces of Raiju art saved.
9 of those are of headpatting.

>> No.16182920

I can at least appreciate these images for the Raiju titties.

>> No.16182924

Blatantly false.

>> No.16182928

>We just need some decent writefags to do some stories about them
I guess I could write something-
>decent writefag
Oh, never mind. Would you settle for average?

>> No.16182929
File: 547 KB, 950x1024, 1462830173631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the same anon, I actually didn't even notice the conversation regarding Raijus and headpatting until after I posted it. I just saved it a few minutes ago, thought it was cute, so I posted it.

I don't really care either way about headpatting. I just wish there was more Raiju art in general.

>> No.16182932

Someone explain the whole onee-san thing to me. Of all the things I see in these threads, it's probably the one thing I don't understand at least in theory.
I don't get why you'd want a sister figure in lieu of a wife.

Yes, I am the eldest child in my family.

>> No.16182935

too bad some anon thinks it should only be headpats

>> No.16182936

Blatantly true.

Unless you feel like constantly wandering the lands, never settling down and kicking the shit out of every monster girl you find then you'll eventually be forced to be a mindless cumpump.

>> No.16182937 [DELETED] 


I do too. But I want to see a Raiju as Static Shock, complete with best friend who has a racist dad.

>> No.16182940

someone hasn't read the Q&A

>> No.16182943


>> No.16182944 [DELETED] 

Wait, was Gear's dad racist?

Shit, I've forgotten something about that show. That means I need to watch every single episode of it again.

>> No.16182946
File: 1.58 MB, 2480x3508, 915_yeti_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a blizzard only 3 monsters can save me, given the choice I'll take the girl who instantly warms my body and serves me hot cocoa over the reindeer and the snow lady

>> No.16182947
File: 642 KB, 910x1282, HP6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16182949
File: 133 KB, 485x721, bzHU01u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there should be headpatting art of Hellhounds and Anubutts. They deserve a little pampering. Who wouldn't want to see a flustered Hellhound who's having her ears scratched just the way she likes?

>> No.16182950 [DELETED] 

>Raiju dates a cute little alchemist boy
>Whose dad is a retired Order paladin

>> No.16182953

Come on now, it has to be more than that.

>> No.16182956 [DELETED] 


He wasn't super overt about it, he was just kind of cold and set in his ways, I think?

>> No.16182958

People who don't have older sisters thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Add in the intimacy aspect that comes with sibling relationship, where secrets don't really exist and you don't really give a damn either way if they do, and make that sibling a hot girl who likes to smother you in her tits when you're a developing child.
Viola. Onee-san fetish.

>> No.16182962

I don't know about writing, I had a idea due to this headpat suff
>human couple with find kid raiju
>raiju shocks woman when she pats her head
the rest is just the man having sex with the transforming raiju and adopting the kid

>> No.16182964

My dick likes it and I've learned not to fight it.

>> No.16182965
File: 763 KB, 1280x1182, Sub Hellound Sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont even joke about that

>> No.16182970

It's either that or morons who think having a sister is anything other than a pain in the ass.

>> No.16182972


It's actually a fetish I gained because I really liked a character. That's probably how I got a lot of my kinks, honestly.

>> No.16182976 [DELETED] 

Hell no. Even if it's not a raiju, it's still crap for the reasons >>16182897 said. Hellhounds have had enough of that shit with the nerdhound stuff, god forbid anubi get dragged through the shit too.

>> No.16182978
File: 2.84 MB, 2112x3280, 1472361400278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whatever reason I can see Raiju being absolute freaks in bed. I always saw them as being those kind of crazy, fun, party girls.

I bet they're really flexible too.

Don't tell me you wouldn't wanna scratch those big fluffy ears.

>> No.16182985

>Add in the intimacy aspect that comes with sibling relationship, where secrets don't really exist
I'd love to know where these miracle sisters come from.

And if you say "it's fantasy bro" well then why not just wife?

>> No.16182989

I'd love to pamper a big, muscled jinko.
Ear scratching.
Hair Brushing.

It would be great.

>> No.16182993

Reminder that if you don't want to be physically or mentally altered by monster tricks and DE that you should become the most hateful and bitter person you can be.

Anger trumps all.

>> No.16182994
File: 927 KB, 1429x1910, HP8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16182998

only after intense sex

>> No.16183000 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 800x1000, 1453761181484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I don't think ear scratches would be unrealistic, no different from massages really.

>> No.16183004

You aren't really creating a positive impression here.

>> No.16183009

That's probably his goal.

>> No.16183011

>We just need some decent writefags to do some stories about them.

Move aside bitches, best writefag coming through.



>> No.16183013

I dunno, I'm not really an onee-san guy. I'm speculating here.

>> No.16183023
File: 692 KB, 1001x938, db6b5dcd93d83b25b1d26a3d1c7a8131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pats!

>> No.16183027
File: 452 KB, 750x1000, 1443035254473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a taboo. You tell people 'Don't do this,' there's always going to be those people who ignore that and do it anyway. And there's a certain element of excitement in breaking that taboo. You both know you shouldn't do it, and you'd probably catch hell for it if anyone found out, but your desires overpower those thoughts.

>> No.16183029

Raijus for sex are great. Imagine how wild she gets when she climbs on your lightning rod.

>> No.16183030

Judging by the size of the oppai, that guy must be on a ladder

>> No.16183031 [DELETED] 

We've got a picture of an anubis getting one better, though. There's that one where a guy has his fingers in her ear fluff, and she's going stupid from how good it feels.

>> No.16183037

>when she climbs on your lightning rod.
Explain further.

>> No.16183039

I suppose I can't speak for everyone, but I like it mostly for the dominate yet affectionate older and taller female.

>> No.16183042

So it's more of an archetype than an actual sister figure?

>> No.16183048

Yeah I suppose.

>> No.16183049

Sometimes it's the archetype, sometimes it's literal.

>> No.16183053

>all these stupid headpat pictures
>none where she's cumming and discharging lightning everywhere

For fucks sake.

>> No.16183054
File: 275 KB, 964x1400, 1469393986389-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I just want a Demon Onee-san who loves to gently dom me.

>> No.16183055
File: 279 KB, 561x520, 1478512797086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It probably varies. But yeah, I'm with him, I prefer women older than me on premise.

>> No.16183057 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, 1455682198703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, do you have that one on hand at all? I thought I had it, but apparently don't.

>> No.16183058

Think about a Raiju that spent her whole day masturbating while thinking about you. Now think about her ready to slam down herself on your dick with enough energy to power the sun.

>> No.16183065

The whole energy-funnel thing is also one of the reasons I love Inari.

>> No.16183072 [DELETED] 


>> No.16183074
File: 613 KB, 717x1000, 1480466927997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demons > Angels.

>> No.16183077

I dunno.
I'd do Stocking in a heart-beat.

>> No.16183080
File: 344 KB, 1037x1100, soldier beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk insect girls

>> No.16183082

Kneesocks > Scanty

>> No.16183084


I know everyone likes Kneesocks, but Scanty has always been the one for me. I love how expressive she is.

>> No.16183087

But Stocking isn't an Angel, silly anon.


>> No.16183091
File: 135 KB, 1068x849, 1466197482064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like insect girls.

>> No.16183092

I like kneesocks because I like kneesocks. Like the article of clothing

>> No.16183093

Best insect girl is Mantis, Soldier beetle is a very close second.

>> No.16183096

She is in my heart.
A foul mouthed, always hungry, little angel.

>> No.16183100

But that doesn't work like that.

It's a fact that she isn't an Angel. You can't just deny that.

>> No.16183102

With the power of love, anything is possible!

>> No.16183104

I still love how clingy the get about sweet things.

>> No.16183106

Incest is bestcest, not much else to say really.

>> No.16183110

Power of love can't overcome a fact you dingbat.

Stocking is a Demon, accept that.

>> No.16183114

Its my job to fill her dark soul with light!

>> No.16183117

Beetle is fucking CUTE
Why does she have almost no fan art

>> No.16183123

Dante pls go

>> No.16183125

Gonna give her fruit slices!

>> No.16183126

lots of holsts and minos for milk, weresheep for lots of soft wool, and maybe some barometz for cotton

>> No.16183130

Same reason why Kakuen has such little art.

They too busy making a new image of a Memehound.

>> No.16183134
File: 474 KB, 1104x1619, 1479925413388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16183138
File: 335 KB, 850x760, melon slice beetle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuase Mantis and honeybees are what the thread gives a shit about

>> No.16183145

I want to feed her fruits and rub her tummy

>> No.16183148


I can't help that I find Mantis' so damn cute.

>> No.16183158
File: 2.43 MB, 424x240, I want to be the Evil version of Brief that tags along with them.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I actually wanted to do tonight before sleeping was try to make Anon's sad by talking about a Phantom Pain with MGs and how sad it ended up being.

But since you posted PSG I'll take the easy way out and post this gif.


>> No.16183159

What happens if I put a Lich, a Mantis and an Automaton together?

>> No.16183161

Seems hard to draw anything with them thanks to that giant trunk on them

>> No.16183163
File: 416 KB, 900x960, 1436585808444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't apologize,anon.

>> No.16183178

>the evil version of brief
So banana-hammock?

>> No.16183184

God I would kill for that.

>> No.16183189

I wish there was a back shot for reference
The design is complex,to me at leas

>> No.16183197

Anon got attacked by a bug.

>> No.16183198
File: 158 KB, 864x864, beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, eventually, we will get art.

>> No.16183199

Boxer sounds better.

>> No.16183202
File: 363 KB, 1133x1105, 1429307546896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all the stuff with the Demon Sisters is to be the complete opposite of the Anarchy sisters, and they treated Brief like total shit. Would Evil Brief just have the girls throwing themselves at him? Because I'd totally be okay with them doing that.

>> No.16183203

Why is she steaming?
is she brimming with anticipation at winning the Anon-bowl?

>> No.16183207


All threadcanon is trash

>> No.16183212

Nothing, as you have none of them.

>> No.16183214


>> No.16183215

It's kinda hard to see, but at the bottom of the image Anon is holding her hands.

>> No.16183220


>> No.16183221

>Would Evil Brief just have the girls throwing themselves at him?
I don't think they'd do that exactly, but they would certainly drop a lot of hints until they get fed up.

>> No.16183223

Lich and Mantis in a super large automaton.

>> No.16183228


>> No.16183233
File: 152 KB, 720x420, Sisters only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demon sisters are dykes.

>> No.16183235


>> No.16183239

Is Loen alive?
Also, is DeviantArt the most reliable way to contact him, or does her prefer being contacted some other way?

>> No.16183249

You're a dyke.

>> No.16183256

I'll be macho man randy savage to your hulk hogan. Tag me in.

>> No.16183265 [DELETED] 

Is headpat a trigger word I need to avoid in this safe space now?

>> No.16183267

To be fair, he isn't wrong. Their one implied lewd act in the series was going to town on each other with desert toppings involved. Though girls who are willing to play with each other isn't a bad thing if you can get them to let you join in. Just imagine having two smoking hot demons with incestuous tendencies sharing you and each other.

>> No.16183268
File: 583 KB, 2610x1702, 1452537012614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think many folks care about Honeybees.

>> No.16183269

For me it's exactly the opposite.
To know what it's like to be a girl with claws and monster mojo, you need only ask a girl what she would do in that scenario.
It's painfully simple to figure that out, since anyone can imagine themselves with superpowers. I can't imagine it as anything but a comedy slice-of-life series. Unless of course the city she lived in was heavily anti-monster, forcing her to run away and fend for herself or something.

On the other hand, imagining what an honest and true monster would do is not at all comedic in any form.
Like I said before, a Lich handwaving mass murder is hardly funny.
To write a monster is to try and think like something that isn't human.
You need to basically throw away all the morals and ethics you've been conditioned with all your life to think in the shoes of something you've never met.

As far as intimacy goes, a human getting along with a monster is bound to have more conflicts then a human getting along with a human-turned-monster.
Unless the "human" here was never all that sane to begin with.
But which one is "more intimate" is purely based on the individual characters and their choices.

At this point, the thread has mostly answered in favor of the former, which admittedly surprised me.
So now I'm trying to ascertain why people think it's a more interesting concept.
If I were to write a story about monster girls, I'd like to know why people think humans are the more interesting ones.

>> No.16183271

I want to become a Giant Ant's husband and take care of all her sexual needs when she comes from work all tired and sweaty

Bugs need more queens, I'm surprised we still don't have an ant/bee queen they were hinted at so long ago

>> No.16183276

I do.
The bumble bee girls especially.
Laid back.

Whats not to like?

>> No.16183279

No thanks, yuri is a shit fetish.

>> No.16183287

The fuzzy buzzing daughterus that fill up your shirt and keep you extra warm all day until mommy gets back.

>> No.16183291

>Their one implied lewd act in the series was going to town on each other with desert toppings involved
Damn, good taste. Literally.

>> No.16183298

That would be lovely, especially during winter.
>You'll never cuddle on a cold winter morning with a bunch of bumble bee daughterus in sweaters.

>> No.16183301
File: 218 KB, 1314x584, honeybee honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a lot of potential.

>> No.16183304 [DELETED] 

>still upset that nobody wants Raiju headpat spam

>> No.16183308

>re read profile
>she'll occsinally just shove her face into your dick
Man did i miss her or something because that is right up my ally.

>> No.16183312

Be careful that they don't cook you alive, anon.

>> No.16183316

Demonic Energy, anon.

>> No.16183318

i'm bummed that the physical release of MGE didn't use the new Honeybee art KC did
she looks so cute

>> No.16183322

I got the feeling Raijus are the kind of MG that wouldnt let you get up from the bed until they are done with your pelvis and their mind overloaded from so much sex

Do they have litters or single daugherus?

>> No.16183323 [DELETED] 

Nah, just want to tease that one guy who thinks an intimate act with a willing participant is demeaning to them when they have the free will to refuse.

>> No.16183335 [DELETED] 

>one guy

>> No.16183346 [DELETED] 

Okay, I'll make fun of you as well.

>> No.16183349

>Anon wearing a really huge sweater
>Couple of fluffy daughterus climb inside for warmth and snuggles
>Waifu gets back and sees Anon looking really fat with a bloated sweater
>Daughterus suddenly poke out with dopey smiles
>Waifu tries to climb in with them

>> No.16183350
File: 3.15 MB, 2000x2000, 1438308977615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16183351

I think KC should have redone the spider and centaur along with harpy and lamia. Snake horse bird and spider are kind of the staple monster girls, but they all were early enough that the art for them is plane bad.

>> No.16183355

Worst blueblaze

>> No.16183357

Worst girl.

>> No.16183360 [DELETED] 

He's free to spend his own money how he wishes desu. If you want to see Raijus in other situations you're free to commission people too you know.

>> No.16183375

The basic arachne doesn't look too bad IMO. A bit dated as far as the art looks, but not bad. If there's a girl who needs an update, it's Echidna. She's a plain snake other than the skin tone, and her overall appearance is boring.

>> No.16183384

>and her overall appearance is boring.
Fits the character then.

>> No.16183385
File: 118 KB, 850x1062, BulletHellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your litchi raise you bullet

>> No.16183388 [DELETED] 

>He's free to spend his own money how he wishes desu
And we're free to shit on him for it.

>> No.16183391

best monster girl with the opposite personality the species norm?

>> No.16183393

She's supposed to be the 'Mother of all Monsters'. You should be piling all the hentai mom tropes into a single, well-endowed snake and giving her a unique design to reflect being able to give birth to any monster. Instead we just have a snake with an impregnation fetish.

>> No.16183395

Umi osho

>> No.16183400

>Bullet as a beast girl
Never fails to be funny.

Would sweep her off her feet and take her out for a nice date.

>> No.16183401

>giving her a unique design to reflect being able to give birth to any monster.
I've thought about this, and I've come to one conclusion: She needs HIPS. FOR. DAYS. Large breasts too, but that's more important.

>> No.16183405

Speak english you fag.

>> No.16183414

So kind of a weird question but I'm super curious
Let's say some dude, like an order fanatic or something, was just so against monsters that he cut off his own junk. Is there any way monsters can get around that or is that just game over

>> No.16183425

On a scale of 1 to game over


>> No.16183426 [DELETED] 

>intimate act
Anon, I know you're salty over this but thats just silly.

>> No.16183429

>Is there any way monsters can get around that


>> No.16183430

Assuming he doesn't bleed out from that, he lives in a world of magic. I'm sure that someone would have a spell to re-attach it or grow him a new one. And if he does die, the local Lich just sews it back on and re-animates him. Worst case scenario, he's just jump-started his transformation into an Alp.

>> No.16183442 [DELETED] 

>one guy doesn't like my thing
So the headpat raiju spammer is probably commercial. It fits together: the constant repetition, the "its one guy" accusations, the arrogant attitude...

>> No.16183447


This one was a bit weird to do.

>> No.16183455

This remains the best picture Less has drawn.
I wish he drew more Bullet Hellhound.

>> No.16183464

But Bullet Hellhound is fucking retarded.

Not to mention Hellhound needs to be put on the back burner.

>> No.16183466

Shortstack weresheep twin sisters.

>> No.16183470 [DELETED] 
File: 455 KB, 800x1094, 59924954_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another just to spite you.

>> No.16183472 [DELETED] 

Not him, but when's the last time you headpatted a random stranger?
It's intimate because you can only do it with someone close to you.
That's literally the definition of "intimate".

>> No.16183483 [DELETED] 

>Hellhound needs to be put on the back burner.
True. She's overused, and it's a shame because very little of the stuff we're saturated with is any good. I'd still take the Hellhound material over this faggot >>16183470 if I had to choose, but I hope the thread learns to like a new girl soon.

>> No.16183488 [DELETED] 

>but I hope the thread learns to like a new girl soon.
Im crossing my fingers this is exactly what happens when dark mage profile comes out

>> No.16183489 [DELETED] 

They're both shit you turbofaggot.

>> No.16183490
File: 333 KB, 750x817, 1474165159942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff.
That's a lot of fluff and thicc.

>> No.16183493

Have the lambs stopped squealing, Clarice?

>> No.16183495 [DELETED] 

You're a pretty big cunt.

>> No.16183497 [DELETED] 

God, I hope not.

>> No.16183500 [DELETED] 

When have you headpatted an actual person? I can't imagine it earns you more than a blank stare, real couples don't do that sort of thing because its stupid and kiddy.

>> No.16183501

Which girls are best for bodyguard who is also sometimes lewd? I can think of solider beetle, mantis, jinko, and ochimasu.

>> No.16183504

And one would take each side of you at night to keep you comfy.

The best at cuddles.

Only because I'm not making her squeal.

>> No.16183507 [DELETED] 

He is a faggot, notice how the tards who try and force memes always get arrogant and double down on their bullshit when they're found out?

>> No.16183508
File: 3.99 MB, 2788x3464, OK WHO WANTS TO (_______).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, what did you guys want?

>> No.16183511

Inspiration for my story.

>> No.16183512 [DELETED] 

>Complaining about arrogance
>in /mgt/
You're still right though.

>> No.16183513

I feel like that would depend on context. I mean, situationally a shog or blue oni could make good bodyguards too but you wouldn't normally think of them as such.

>> No.16183515

I want....a shrubbery.

>> No.16183516

A painless death.

>> No.16183517

More Lilim stuff from Losenis and Beast.

>> No.16183519

More art of my waifu

>> No.16183520
File: 153 KB, 800x614, 1476665605368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16183521

A wife

>> No.16183523

You to fuck off.

>> No.16183526

I've been inspired, and shall kick out a story now.

>> No.16183530

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that shortstack/lolis make the best little spoons.

>> No.16183532 [DELETED] 

Not him, but what I find ironic is all the /monster/ bullshit like raiju headpats and "memecats" backfiltering here when that place was originally made from people who didn't want to be here and left. It's plain strange.

>> No.16183534
File: 105 KB, 500x400, NotAHeadpatImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning exercises with a Raiju!

>> No.16183536 [DELETED] 

"When have you held hands with an actual person? I can't imagine it earns you more than a blank stare, real couples don't do that sort of thing because its stupid and kiddy."

Doing stupid kiddy things together is completely fucking normal. You know there are people that do the baby-talking thing, right?
The only thing that's important is that it's an intimate act between each other. People have done weirder shit together.
Stop getting butthurt about what some couples like to do just because you can't figure it out.
There is no official rulebook for being a couple.

>> No.16183539

Raiju's and Thunderbirds belong in the trash.

>> No.16183541 [DELETED] 

And now that guy is upset that the whole Raiju headpat thing never took off.

>> No.16183547

Raijus are for petting.
Heavy petting.

>> No.16183548
File: 208 KB, 952x589, 1477186789486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We believe in you, anon.

>> No.16183552 [DELETED] 

Don't be an idiot, no one headpats in reality and you trying to make it sound as normal as handholding just makes you sound like a complete shut in.

>> No.16183558 [DELETED] 

Really? You're comparing it to holding hands?
I know it's a big joke to make that a lewd forbidden act, but if you're really comparing the two, then you're kind of completely out of touch with the world in general.

>> No.16183563 [DELETED] 

only degenerates hate headpats.

>> No.16183566

I'd help stretch her out

>> No.16183573 [DELETED] 

Where do you think you are?

>> No.16183579 [DELETED] 

Not him, but isn't running your fingers through someone's hair basically just that?

>> No.16183591 [DELETED] 

take your medicine.

>> No.16183592 [DELETED] 

You aren't literally patting their head like a dog, are you?

>> No.16183595 [DELETED] 

only radfems would get this butthurt. who cares about your whiteknighting, make conte

>> No.16183597 [DELETED] 

There was nothing wrong with what he was saying, especially after that one faggot spammed headpat raijus after his post.

>> No.16183598 [DELETED] 

What does that mean? Like tapping the top of their head?

>> No.16183603

>daddy issues
Maybe you should try not being a shit father?

>> No.16183605 [DELETED] 

>This sudden stream of people rushing to defend headpatting hours after the original conversation

Well, that's not suspicious in the slightest.

>> No.16183607 [DELETED] 

You couldn't be more salty if you tried.

>> No.16183609 [DELETED] 

You completely tunnel-visioned on that first part and conveniently ignored the rest.
They are both intimate acts.
Couples do intimate things.
That was my only point.
How many couples do it is irrelevant.
I can easily imagine waking up to a Raiju with ridiculous static-fueled bedhead, and patting it down every morning becomes a tradition.

>> No.16183613 [DELETED] 

Who are you even talking about?

>> No.16183615 [DELETED] 

instead of complaining he should get a counter comission or atleast make content. Shit like this cancerous tumblr tier complaining.

technically I'm not the faggot that went fullblown muh objectivizing bullshit on a cartoon woman.

take your meds, she aint real. make content or fuck off back to whatever tumblr blog you came from.

>> No.16183616
File: 803 KB, 830x1200, Demon-red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more demons around

>> No.16183619 [DELETED] 

Its still the retard trying to force his meme and ridicule anyone who doesn't praise it. Nerdhound guy did the same thing when he noticed the thread wasn't going with it.

>> No.16183627

They press all my buttons for some reason. The whole actively working to make you more perverted angle really gets me.

>> No.16183628 [DELETED] 

Why do you hate headpats? and on a Raiju no less? I mean it's a good way to build static electricity. Also headpats are nice

>> No.16183629 [DELETED] 

>technically I'm not the faggot that went fullblown muh objectivizing bullshit on a cartoon woman.
Only I wasn't saying that at all, I was saying the act itself looked fucking stupid. I get the feeling you aren't normally from around here with these dumbass arguments, and are probably the faggot responsible for this spam.

>> No.16183640

No, we don't.

Demons are bad and ruin wholesome environments

>> No.16183642 [DELETED] 

>>I thought it was a cute idea to draw.
>It's been drawn about 50 times already.

so hellhounds are trash now because they are drawn as Doms?
or cheshires are filth because they are smug?

>Raijus have just been ruined by this shit.
they went from bitchy chronic masturbators to a neon colored weasel that you charge via static from your endearing headpats

>So it's less about headpats and more about the fact that there's a lack of variety for raiju art?
honestly, raijus were a forgotten girl for the longest time. then an anon got interested and started commisioning pictures

>Raijus in other situations you're free to commission people too you know.

this desu.
quit whining and either don't look at them, commision art yourself, or embrace the headpats

>> No.16183650 [DELETED] 

you ignored this dumb post.

>And headpats are a shit meme to start with.
This. You're treating a woman like a child or a pet, it's retarded.

it reeks of tumblr and if your going to defend it then you should fuck off to another site.

>> No.16183651

>Can a human girl wrap you in wings?
Sure she can
>Can she protect you?
She can do this too, I once saw her so mad she turned into fog and took out an entire group of soldiers.
> Can she gives you nice warm scaly cuddles? No?
But scales are lame. And let me ask you this. Does a monster have such pretty pale blue eyes? Do monsters make you feel loved by nibbling your neck? Will a monster ever tell you how precious your blood is to them?

I think not.
Human waifu>monsters.

>> No.16183658

I don't think that's a human.

>> No.16183663

What are you talking about?

>> No.16183664 [DELETED] 

>so hellhounds are trash now because they are drawn as Doms?
>or cheshires are filth because they are smug?

>actual traits the monstergirls generally have versus an act another individual pushes on a monstergirl relentlessly

>> No.16183668

Anon i have some bad news

>> No.16183671 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 500x313, 555_laugh_at_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>headpatting reeks of tumblr

>> No.16183672
File: 22 KB, 235x255, baa1de21e041e0f53c95d508db84bc18db10589cbcc85f25a38d27bce55a11af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey let's all calm down and have a good conversation about something nice.
>What are y'all listening to?
>Thinking of?

I'm listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsnELWjsCsA
While drinking some red stag and coke, and I'm gonna finish up KOTOR tonight before I go to sleep.

>> No.16183673

>having a monster waifu and not knowing shes a monster
I didn't know how much I wanted this

>> No.16183676 [DELETED] 

This needs to be done with a member of the smug squad. My vote goes to Gremlin.

>> No.16183677

What is it? Did you find out your human was a monster? That would be horrible. My condolences, man.

>> No.16183680

Playing some spessmens. Might get a snack in a few.

>> No.16183681 [DELETED] 

Anti headpat posters are angry faggots. Infact that faggot that accused the guy paying for these comissions had to be a degenerate to look up shit in FA to begin with. Theres a bunch of muh radfem faggots from mgu trying to astroturf this place for pussy points.

>> No.16183686

>picture for alcoholic ants

>> No.16183688 [DELETED] 

>radfem faggots from mgu trying to astroturf this place for pussy points
What, seriously?

>> No.16183691
File: 491 KB, 1000x1000, 1465234924149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16183694

Cooking some chicken while nursing a particularly bad migraine. The kind that feels like someone just drove an ice pick into your temple.

>> No.16183695 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 640x370, 1420569108864-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think just pulling the furfag card was his way of trying to get the raiju headpats dude hated. I know about the MGU shit too.

How does fucking patting a MG's head trigger someone, I don't have enough but here's a good start

MGU and a few other hubs that don't originate from image boards seem to be massive hubs of furfaggotry and radfems in the making.

>> No.16183697 [DELETED] 

>Theres a bunch of muh radfem faggots from mgu trying to astroturf this place for pussy points.
That's a broad generalization if I ever heard one.

>> No.16183699 [DELETED] 

Wow Anon, these reaction images sure are gonna help convince people and win them over to your cause!

>> No.16183701 [DELETED] 

>Theres a bunch of muh radfem faggots from mgu trying to astroturf this place for pussy points.

You really aren't a regular poster here typing that gibberish. What the fuck is a "radfem" and how are we this for being tired of your meme pushing? You're probably that /monster/ faggot just here for trouble.

>> No.16183705

>Dat stomach
>Dem legs
Perfect face sitting material right there.

>> No.16183710 [DELETED] 

you should see mgu, they host links to sofurry groups.

its not broad you can check the monstergirl unlimited page and check for furfag links. you will be disgusted,

stop defending them retard. go back to tumblr if you are asshurt about this site shitting on feminists.

>> No.16183712

>you will never move to not japan
>you will never meet a incredibly sexy older lady who seems to be into you and helps you move in
>she will never put the moves on you and eventually end up bedding you
>you will never wonder how you got into a relationship with a girl who is clearly out of your league
>you will never come home one day and see her five fluffy fox tails

>> No.16183715 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 970x795, 1454708985981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you think I care about PR

>what the fuck is X
I've seen this before, is there something you want to share with us anon?

>> No.16183717 [DELETED] 

Why is some shitposter talking about feminism and radfems? Are they seriously trying to use it to defend the bunch of raiju headpat pictures?

>> No.16183723
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1475, tumblr_oh7sriihMS1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Tabi No Tochuu, not drinking or eating anything (though gonna throw a pork chop in the oven shortly), just finished playing some ARMA 3, waiting for CoD Infinite Warfare to install.

Thinking of how frustrating ARMA is to play but I still love it anyways.

Time for Oni.

>> No.16183726

drinking tea while playing street fighter and thinking of salamanders

>> No.16183728
File: 669 KB, 1142x1329, 1476996408686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time for Oni.

>> No.16183729 [DELETED] 

I'm a Gundamfaggot, and I can tell that guy's not a regular here.

>> No.16183731

Great blog anon, it's like I'm really back on /ksg/.

>> No.16183733 [DELETED] 

The /monster/ tard responsible for them is going all out for some reason.

>> No.16183735 [DELETED] 

>Headpats are a crime.

This is a sad state of affairs, especially when someone made the claim that headpats are bad for monstergirls because it makes them look too "cute."

>> No.16183736
File: 564 KB, 719x1025, tumblr_o6x6p8RugM1unm603o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an extreme thirst

>> No.16183737
File: 96 KB, 800x900, 1483426743243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onis enjoy the occasional drink.

>> No.16183738 [DELETED] 

From what I see, the anti-headpat guy brought up a furry website and Tumblr, and seems to be arguing against objectifying women with headpats, so now people are shitting on him for it.

>> No.16183739 [DELETED] 

I don't think he is, but he does have a point that faggotry is forming in hubs like MGU and that can indirectly influence us here.

Consider the following:

MGU is starting to link directly to furfag sites and groups. Furfags are assmad about MGs being more accepted than their sparkledogs. This upraor draws attention to the non-image board sites from those who either hear about it or know about MGs and don't post. that leads to them POSSIBLY coming here since 4chan isn't all that off the beaten path anymore.

Also considering the MGE wiki does keep in contact with KC there might be a chance, albeit a small one that in the event MGEwiki gets pozzed it could affect future MGE entries and possibly lead to retcons of older ones.

But hey pay me no heed, ignoring problems hasn't worked in the past for other places, butit'll surely work this time right?

>> No.16183740

No! This is not /v/!

>> No.16183746 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure I believe you anon. The only time I've seen anything vaguely feminist here is people knee-jerking to the notion that women don't work and that is probably down to a misunderstanding morethan anything

>> No.16183747

I want to molest a brown Minotaur.

How would someone go about this without getting a fist to the face?

>> No.16183751 [DELETED] 

Your samefagging is painfully obvious.

>> No.16183753
File: 471 KB, 1200x804, 1474858060935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well boy I have this fine tapestry, I'm sure it'll help you. But help isn't free or cheap

>> No.16183754 [DELETED] 

Christ, where's the moderation when the thread actually needs it?

I didn't say anything about them being a crime. But after this, I hope we can go a thread or two without it even being brought up.

>> No.16183756

You run real fucking fast after molesting them.

>> No.16183757 [DELETED] 

your shit taste is painfully obvious

>> No.16183762 [DELETED] 


most people freak out about /monster/ more than places like tumblr or mgu.

Its some dumb retarded proxy war and the other sides are preying on the two straight fanbases over the retarded ones like mgu or the subreddit pushing futa.

>> No.16183764 [DELETED] 

>where's the moderation when the thread actually needs it?
This isn't shitposting. This doesn't require mod intervention. This is just a faggot.

Shit like Snoop-anon required mod intervention.

>> No.16183766 [DELETED] 

Okay, right. Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.16183767 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 1169x826, 1480480564631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to molest a brown Minotaur.
Really? cause I want one (or a herd) to molest me

>> No.16183770

Pfff, pussy. The answer is lassos. The answer is always lassos.

>> No.16183772 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. I was making a rather obvious observation to some shit I'd rather not be a part of.
Or are you making the classic, "He said something unfavorable he must be the same guy" argument?
That really doesn't earn you any favor, bub.

>> No.16183774

When did we go back to /a/?

>> No.16183777
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x700, 1465158366810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could stop arguing about trivial things like headpatting and could just all enjoy our favorite monster girls in peace.

>> No.16183778 [DELETED] 

All this argument and not one person brought up that Raijus would love headpatting because it would build up static electricity and gets them off.

>> No.16183779 [DELETED] 

I only mentioned FA because someone linked to the guy's profile in the last thread, and I haven't said shit about "objectifying women". Pretty sure only the defending side were talking using that phrase.

>> No.16183780

>she blackmails you into not telling anyone
>you wouldnt have told anyways

>> No.16183782

How much would it cost?

But what should I do in the event that she follows me home?

>> No.16183784

I suspect that this bout of shitposting is related to the purge going on on /a/.
Not entirely sure how but I feel that there's a correlation.

>> No.16183788 [DELETED] 

>I didn't read the raiju profile, but maybe if I try hard enough I can force my headpatting meme

>> No.16183789
File: 154 KB, 1024x1304, 1431326922161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hog-tie the Minotaur, then you can molest her heavy breasts as much as you like.

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.16183790 [DELETED] 

>You'll never be given training from Gelgoog-chan to help you get /fit/.
>You'll never meet all her other Zeon Automaton sisters.
God fucking damn it.

>> No.16183792 [DELETED] 

Ace is just shitposting now, stop replying.

>> No.16183796 [DELETED] 

Mindgames, you wasted your time on headpatting instead of being mad at furries or homos.

>> No.16183797 [DELETED] 

It's an affectionate gesture you donut. Do you not understand affection? What the fuck is wrong with ruffling a girl's hair affectionately?

>> No.16183799 [DELETED] 

oh yeah I forgot about the subreddit pushing fucking futashit.

Considering 4chan has prime examples of where ignoring a problem has lead to boards going to shit.

I honestly find it funny the faggot freaking out over headpats forgets raiju love it since it builds up static electricity. shows how much he knows about MGs

>> No.16183800

Do you think monsters have ways of increasing penis size that aren't incubization?

>> No.16183801 [DELETED] 

It's a meme at this point. And thanks to a select few individuals, it's been driven into the ground, and associated with this dumb mess of a shitstorm.

>> No.16183803 [DELETED] 

Well yeah, I really only scanned over the argument.
It's really hard not to when it takes up the whole damn thread.
But the biggest argument you had was that headpats were "demeaning".
It reminded me of some hilarious shit I saw on Twitter once, so I just rolled with it.

>> No.16183806 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 550x714, RX-78GP02A_-_Gundam_(Physalis)_-_MS_Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never help your waifu enact operation stardust

everything is technically a meme. considering a memetic is an idea shared by a group of people

>> No.16183808 [DELETED] 

You're confusing me for a few other anons/replies. I just talked about how oversaturated it was. Read the posts.

>> No.16183813

>Know of two Anubis doujins
>One is by a favorite artist, but unscanned and all but impossible to find
>The other she's a massive turbo-slut
>Furry comic with a MILF-Anubis and Male!Apophis
I think I'd rather there was nothing, thanks.

That or something by Homunculus.

>> No.16183821 [DELETED] 

He's only on 4chan right now to shit the thread up stop replying.

>> No.16183823 [DELETED] 

So I haven't really been paying attention but we don't like headpats now?

How else am I supposed to hear my Shog chirp "Tekeli-li!"?

>> No.16183828

God I wish I was sitting in my Hellhound waifu's lap getting my hair stroked right now.
I could use the comfort.

>> No.16183830 [DELETED] 

Right, but do you actually have anything you can link to prove you're not making up conspiracy theories?
I'm talking about this in particular
>MGU is starting to link directly to furfag sites and groups. Furfags are assmad about MGs being more accepted than their sparkledogs. This upraor draws attention to the non-image board sites from those who either hear about it or know about MGs and don't post. that leads to them POSSIBLY coming here since 4chan isn't all that off the beaten path anymore.

Anyway, KC's been pretty adamant about not letting the west dictate or influence anything he makes.

>> No.16183834 [DELETED] 

Fair 'nuff. Though you overestimate how much I care about this argument.
You're arguing over headpatting, Anon.
The argument was doomed to be retarded the moment it started.

>> No.16183835 [DELETED] 

That feel when she insists that, every time you come home, you have to shout "Honey Bun, I have now returned!'

>> No.16183839 [DELETED] 

It's just someone being autistic about it. "Muh oversaturation" and "it's a meme" garbage.
/a/'s deleting monstergirl threads. That might have something to do with it, but I doubt that's the cause.

>> No.16183845 [DELETED] 

Some guy has spent months commissioning nothing but raiju headpat pictures to try and force it as a meme.
He got found out, and now people are crawling out of the woodwork, saying that anyone who dislikes it is a "radfem"

>> No.16183846 [DELETED] 

>Fair 'nuff. Though you overestimate how much I care about this argument.

You cared enough to shitpost for an hour straight.

>> No.16183847 [DELETED] 

>How else am I supposed to hear my Shog chirp "Tekeli-li!"?
Try throwing some fire on it.

>> No.16183849 [DELETED] 

No. Bad anon. No burning other people's waifus.

>> No.16183850 [DELETED] 

Do not set the shog on fire

>> No.16183852
File: 2.47 MB, 3000x2595, she asks you if its sweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I guess we'll just have to guess what the back looks like.

>> No.16183854 [DELETED] 

Well firstly I agree with the oversaturation. But I think that's headpats are cute so I don't care. And secondly, he's no different to the anons who complained about how "bullying" was oversaturated and a meme some years back.

We didn't care then, why care now?

>Some guy has spent months commissioning nothing but raiju headpat pictures to try and force it as a meme.
But headpats are already a meme. And what's wrong with him commissioning something he likes?

Angry kiki

>> No.16183856 [DELETED] 

Abominations deserve to be purged.

>> No.16183858

I want to headpat a soldier beetle and tell her she's doing a good job!

>> No.16183859 [DELETED] 


>> No.16183860 [DELETED] 

They're stupid imo, but no one is getting mad over the idea.

The faggot who commisioned a ton of raiju headpat images, pushed them as the "official" way she should be and then came here personally to fuck with the thread is the guy we're pissed at.

>> No.16183861

Damn that's cute.

>> No.16183864

My fucking heart.

>> No.16183866

This song pretty much sums up my feelings for this pic:

>> No.16183867 [DELETED] 

Oh, you're still on about that?
I know, you must be Hitler.
Because all bad people are actually just one guy, right?
Didn't you shoot yourself, Hitler? How did you escape?

>> No.16183869

>Munch munch munch

>> No.16183870

I'm willing to bet that the "chitin" around her neck, upper arms, and hips is actually removable armor.

>> No.16183876 [DELETED] 

Take your meds.

>> No.16183880

Gonna do it.

>> No.16183881
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>> No.16183882

I wish KC would explain which parts are attached or not for some of the MGs.

>> No.16183884 [DELETED] 

Aaaaand that's Godwin's Law, ladies and gentlemen. Pack it up, move along, argument over.

>> No.16183888

Snakes are bad.

>> No.16183907
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Good night guys.

>> No.16183910
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What about dragons?

>> No.16183912

I hate you

>> No.16183914
File: 127 KB, 648x700, Kyuubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to show a Kitsune how 9 tailed foxes as portrayed in media

>> No.16183922

Early Smith was adorable.

>> No.16183925

Dragons are jerks who deserve a stern lecturing from a farm boy who is sick of her terrorizing his village.

>> No.16183926

Slow day for Monster Girls News Network.

>> No.16183927

Does anyone remember when we were ousted from /a/
Just remembered it happened at all

>> No.16183932

All smith is adorable. She's a girl who doesn't deserve her shit manga.

I'd read the adventures of Smith who is Probably not a monster, going about her daily official life as a CC office lady helping other girls hook up.

>> No.16183934

Where did the wolfgirl touch you anon?

>> No.16183935

Smith has always been adorable.

I want to marry Smith.

>> No.16183936

I still remember.

And now it looks like it could be happening again for MomMusu.

>> No.16183939

>I'd read the adventures of Smith who is Probably not a monster, going about her daily official life as a CC office lady helping other girls hook up.

I would read the shit outta that. Would it end with all the girls she helped find husbands helping her find her true love?

>> No.16183943
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>You will never be femdom'd by Smith
What a sad reality this one is.

Lala is best MonMusu anyways.

>> No.16183945

I don't hate wolfus, anon.

>> No.16183948

It would have a short run but honestly I'd be okay with that ending.

>> No.16183956

She's so chuuni it's cute!


>> No.16183958

>You'll never dick the cute Chuuni.
>Her body will never enthusiastically help you facefuck her protesting head.
>You'll never get ridden by her body while her head blushes and look on.
Dullahans are lewd.

>> No.16183959

Not a fan of femdom.

Lala is fantastic though, good taste.

>> No.16183960 [DELETED] 
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Have I got the perfect pic for that headpat hating anon.

>> No.16183980

I want a buff lamia to coil me up and rub her abs all over my face

>> No.16183986
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Can Wendigos attain a Yetis tan?

>> No.16183988

Probably not

>> No.16184002

i dont see why not
do you think MGs would use tanning beds?

>> No.16184012

Their cloaks, anon. Who knows what manner of madness could transpire is she took it off entirely for long enough to get a tan?

>> No.16184023 [DELETED] 

>thread went from 2140 something down to 2050
Jesus was it really that long?

>> No.16184026
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Hey guys I'm gonna just leave this here while I get some drinks.

>> No.16184034

Oh cool, bar snacks!

>> No.16184037

No take them away. I don't want them suddenly turning mature.

>> No.16184040

Does that mean you have to be friends with him?

>> No.16184045
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What ever do you mean Anon?

>> No.16184046

Gonna cover them in paint and throw them at people

>> No.16184050

No thanks.

>> No.16184052 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16184055 [DELETED] 

No clue what you were referring to. I had one of mine deleted, but I'm not sure if it was in regards to what was going on.

>> No.16184056
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Careful they don't try to have a nibble of you.

>> No.16184059

I see she has developed the Apophis's fashion sense of crazy boob clamps.

>> No.16184063

>That manticore will never milk you dry with her Tailpussy while smugly looking down at you with those eyes and that grin as your face twists into an ahegao.
>She'll never make you into her personal cum fountain and take responsibility when she gets pregnant.
>She'll never send your daughteru to her sister's house every weekend so she can spend the whole time raping you.
God damn it.

>> No.16184067

Literally where? That tailpussy's just big enough to wrap around your body and milk your dick dry.

>> No.16184070

Fuck off, that thing's big enough for her to hide herself inside of.

>> No.16184071

Manticores aren't scary at all.

>> No.16184076

Apophis/Manticore chimeras would be semen demons on a whole new level.
They'd be able to modify what their venom does.

>> No.16184077

Seem's like Seven Seas made a mistake in translation!

>Original Printing
>Prolonged exposure to the color red causes a holstaur to become violent for a time, as if she just remembered she was a monster, leading her to attack much in the same manner of the original minotaur. But while a minotaur will satisfy her hunger with any convinient man, when a holstaur is so aroused, she maintains her instinct to seek her husband.

>Errata on their Website
>Pg. 81 - Holstaur (First, Second Printing)
Another trait the holstaur shares with the minotaur is its arousal by the color red. Prolonged exposure to the color causes a holstaur to become violent for a time, as if she just remembered she was a monster, leading her to attack much in the manner of the original minotaur, who is also impassioned by extended exposure to the color red. However, when a holstaur is so aroused, she maintains her instinct to seek her husband. It is said that if a holstaur with a husband becomes aroused by something red, she will charge across any distance in order to find him.


>> No.16184078

This is what happens when those things get doused with water or are put in close proximity to lewdness.

>> No.16184080

And I want it to pick me up by the crotch and milk me dry.

>> No.16184081

>T-There's no way that thing is real! It's huge!

>> No.16184086

What's the mistake?

>And I want it to pick me up by the crotch and milk me dry.
That isn't milking anything short of a /d/ tier torso sized cock

>> No.16184088

>But while a minotaur will satisfy her hunger with any convinient man
Minotaurs confirmed 3DPD whores.

>> No.16184091

>Seem's like Seven Seas made a mistake in translation
Well yeah, they made quite a few.
Not really surprised.

>> No.16184096

>You'll never be an anon struggling to make rent in MGC
>You'll never end up agreeing to a porn shoot, but only the one.
>You'll never be told you're working with a Manticore and think to yourself "Okay, I can handle this."
>You'll never start to get suspicious when they start filming before your "co-star" even walks into the room.
>She'll never sashay in wearing fishnets and Fuck me Boots.
>You'll never catch a glimpse of her titanic tail and start to freak out.
>You'll never see the grins of the camera crew and realize that this was their intention the whole time.
>You'll never get raped on camera for hours until you're an ahegaoing wreck.
>You'll never vaguely register the Manticore fistbumping one of the camera workers and saying something about "drunk on tailpussy".
>You'll never be sent home with a great sum of money.
>You'll never come back the next day for another shoot because you've become addicted to being raped.
>You'll never spend your days being fucked senseless by all sorts of monstergirls.
Gotta be careful what offers you take up in MGC man.

>> No.16184103

You realize it can squeeze down and mold to your dick right? And the suction is nothing to mock.

>> No.16184109

>Not going back and demanding that Manticore take responsibility.

>> No.16184117

Yeah I'm sure. The whole throwing a pin down the abyss analogy doesn't work because the yawning more can squeeze down and mold to your dick.

Do you even want her to squeeze your dick? A tail pussy THAT BIG has so much muscle. She'd HAVE to be completely loose because I bet she has the strength to suck rebar out of concrete. If she tried to tighten around your cock, she'd snap it off.

>> No.16184118

Monster magic, anon. That tail could suck blood out of a stone, and it would still make your dick feel incredible.

>> No.16184127

>If she tried to tighten around your cock, she'd snap it off.

Yes! Punish me! I've been a naughty Anon!

>> No.16184132

Yeah, no I want my cock nowhere near an organic industrial car compactor.

But judging by this anon >>16184127, she'll find no shortage of suitors.

>> No.16184138


>Prolonged exposure to the color red causes a holstaur to become violent for a time, as if she just remembered she was a monster, leading her to attack much in the same manner of the original minotaur. But while a minotaur will satisfy her hunger with any convinient man, when a holstaur is so aroused, she maintains her instinct to seek her husband.

>leading her to attack much in the manner of the original minotaur, who is also impassioned by extended exposure to the color red. However, when a holstaur is so aroused, she maintains her instinct to seek her husband. It is said that if a holstaur with a husband becomes aroused by something red, she will charge across any distance in order to find him.

It was changed to make Minotaurs not be the only monsters who cheat on their husbands like the old text suggested.

It also seems Seven Seas is fucking up with the wording. Cause I think the word "However" was meant to talk about the married Holstaurs compared to regular unmarried Holstaurs; and not a comparison to the Minotaur. Cause here is the MGR Translation

>in the case of those that already have a husband, if they see something red and enter a state of arousal, it is said they'll charge off at full speed heading towards their husband no matter how far away he may be.

>> No.16184141

The wording is still a bit awkward though. Better, but awkward.

>> No.16184147

Forgot to add this bit in the MGR Translation was cut off when copying the text

>Also, just like the minotaur, they will become aroused if they continue to see red. Once aroused they will turn violent, as though they are remembering their true nature as a monster, and they will attack human men just like the parent species "minotaur". In the same way as a minotaur, even in this enraged state, the monster's instinctive desire for her husband remains strong, in the case of those that already have a husband, if they see something red and enter a state of arousal, it is said they'll charge off at full speed heading towards their husband no matter how far away he may be.

>> No.16184154

>Minotaurs not be the only monsters who cheat on their husbands like the old text suggested.
Are you sure it's not just the case that it's assumed the minotaur is single and has no husband?

Either way, I had no idea about this. I hope minotaur are treated like lepers.

>> No.16184159

Same, girls like Matango might be shit but at least they don't cheat on their husbands.

>> No.16184161

Who do you think would be recording with you the most?
Once you start wearing down she'll even shoot one last film with you. Her most hardcore one yet. Her impregnation. It ends with her marrying you.

>> No.16184164

How would you help your Vampire sister navigate the dangerous nocturnal world?

>> No.16184165

Now that I think about it, I'd accept a mino waifu if she blinded herself.

>> No.16184169

desu it should be mandatory for every Minotaur to be blinded.

>> No.16184177

>No blind Mino warrior waifu with daredevil tier hearing.
It helps that a giant axe isn't exactly a precision weapon.
>You'll never turn her muscled, amazonian body into jelly with some light whispers.

>> No.16184181

>Daredevil Minotaur
I'd make her wear the red costume and she's feel hot and bothered but wouldn't know why!

>> No.16184182

>You will never be The Punisher to a monster girl's Daredevil.

>> No.16184186

What about blue-colored glasses or lenses?

>> No.16184190

Better yet, they should be tossed into the trash where they belong.

Brown muscular Holsts are better.

>> No.16184191

I Frank, therefore I am.

>> No.16184195

>First EMG
>Now MGE
Why do Japs hate Minotaurs so much?

>> No.16184198

I'm not actually overly familiar with punisher or daredevil for that matter. I just saw the shitty movie.

Minotaurs are better. Better horns, better muscles. Bigger. Better milk

>Her war armor is painted red
>She thinks she's so great because all the other minotaur run away from here on sight.

>> No.16184200

>"I'm here to bring you in you monster!"
>There's irony in your words. A literal monster calling me such. We're on the same side you and I.
>"You kill people wholesale! You don't get to be the judge of that!"
>I kill criminals. Fiends. You put them in jail where they can escape and hurt people again. You hide your problems. I remove them.
>"That's not your call to make!"
>And I suppose you're going to stop me? I'll clue you in right now that you can't.
>"Why? Why are you doing this? You have no reason!"
>...And you've never felt your little brother's life fading out of his body with your sister's blood on your hands. Criminals are rabid animals, and animals get put down.
The dynamic between monstergirl superheroines and a street level anon Punisher would be an odd one to see. Odd but fun.

>> No.16184203

If you're too embarrassed to read comics, go watch the Daredevil Netflix series. Great stuff, Punisher appears in Season 2.

>> No.16184206

They have shit taste. Times like this I love that we can ignore whatever we want from the setting.

>> No.16184208

Jon Bernthal stole Season 2.

>> No.16184212

You're both obviously new here, so let me give you a brief crash-course on the MGE:

There is no NTR.
There is no cucking.
There is no cheating.

Minos with husbands cling to him basically 24/7. It's obviously a dated profile in need of an update, but as old as it is, it still only implies she fucks husbando every waking moment.
To quote KC:
>“Having love for one's partner” is one of the standard settings, and even if the main text doesn't emphasize it, the issue is settled!

>> No.16184213

Alright, so Minotaurs should be locked up in milking factories and miked until they drop dead.

>> No.16184218

I would pay so much money to see this.

>> No.16184223

Is it wrong to intentionally raise an MG with an Electra complex?

>> No.16184225

>There is no NTR.
>There is no cucking.
>There is no cheating.
Minotaurs seem to disagree with you.

>> No.16184231


>> No.16184233

>If you're too embarrassed to read comics
No I just don't know where to find them online. Also
>Reading left to right

>> No.16184235


>> No.16184237

What the fuck! This didn't fixed anything, why is this STILL portraying minotaurs as bitches and whores?

>> No.16184241
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He's getting his show. Dis gun be gud.

>> No.16184242

You're obviously only arguing for the sake of arguing.
If even KC agrees with me, you have no leg to stand on, bro.

>> No.16184244

I really hope Barracuda makes an appearance.

>> No.16184246

Because Seven Seas hates muscle cow girls.

No, Slimes, Dark Elves, and Dhampires have a specialty for this.

>> No.16184250

And now I'm reminded of how much I want a big, bad Barracuda girl.

>> No.16184251

Because Minotaurs ARE bitches and whores.

Adachi was right.

>> No.16184260

Barracuda girls would be scary.

>> No.16184262

>If even KC agrees with me, you have no leg to stand on, bro.
KC wrote minotaur.

>> No.16184264

Her teeth would spell out "Fuck me".

>> No.16184268

Yes, and you obviously haven't read it.

>> No.16184272

I won't fuck a criminal like her!

>> No.16184274

That's okay boy she'd fuck you.

>> No.16184278

That's not happening either.

>> No.16184280
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Ignore them, anon. If they're willing to take a poorly-done translation over the actual author, they're not worth the effort of arguing with.

>> No.16184281

She's a big girl with muscles in places I don't even have. I doubt your consent is necessary.

>> No.16184284

I have bullets.

I win.

>> No.16184289

We all know that, but what I really want to know is why these retards at SS keep making this dumb mistake. Are they stupid or are they pushing the "diversity" agenda? This is your fault, america.

>> No.16184292

As if bullets can beat her.

>> No.16184293

Sorry anons, but Minotaurs are absolute gutter trash.

>> No.16184298

But they can.

>> No.16184303

Normally I'd argue that monstergirls can't be immune to everything, but we're talking about a monstergirl version of Barracuda.
The actual one was absurdly hard to put down and even then he didn't stay that way. A monstergirl one would probably be even tougher.

>> No.16184314

I'm starting to get the feeling you don't know what we're talking about.
This guy does though.

>> No.16184319

Good to see them fix it
The sentence is still awkward as hell but it doesn't imply anything bad now a

>> No.16184326
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>...an' then she cut out 'er 'eart and hid it away in a box
>The Wet Girl's Box

>> No.16184329

I'm just desperately trying to cling to the idea of bullets being able to harm her because I am terrified of fighting a monster girl version of Barracuda.

>> No.16184334

When you are a professional pirate~
Don't fight here then, just lick that pussy. It's important for cellmates to get along.

>> No.16184341

I refuse to do so.

Even if I might not be able to really harm her I would still fight.

>> No.16184342


Yeah I just chalked this off to them being careless. KC only has a few rules he really enforces, but they are absolute, and no cheating is one of them.

>> No.16184351

For some reason I'm in the mood for some seafood.
If you know what I'm saying.

>> No.16184352

Just try imagine his smile on a girl with shark-teeth.

>> No.16184356

Anon, that's a really good way to get your face raped after she beats you down. Might as well give in and let her so she doesn't decide to share you with some of the other inmates.

>> No.16184375

I don't really see what kind of point that serves.

Sorry anon, but that's not happening.

>> No.16184385

>I don't really see what kind of point that serves.
To demoralize your fighting spirit.

>> No.16184391

If anything that just makes me want to fight more.

>> No.16184393

You're hankering for a pankering.

>> No.16184399
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>being a man in MG prison

There's no way that can end poorly.

>> No.16184405

Well so is she.

>> No.16184420

Do you think that lamias name their child when they lay their eggs or after they hatch?
This is important, I need an answer

>> No.16184433

>There are people that think that NTR would exist in MGE in this thread
How far we have fallen.

>> No.16184434

>MGE minotaurs are NTRing whores just like in EMG
Really makes you think

>> No.16184439

It's not a good thing to imagine for the slut in me.
>Get cornered in the laundry room by a gang of Cheshires and be shoved to the ground.
>To your horror, you hear the sound of their uniform pants unzipping and hitting the floor
>Your virginity is lost as they rape you for hours.
>You become a commodity after that day, chained up in a bathroom during yard time and sold as a prostitute to various inmates.
>Eventually you hear a commotion outside the door when one of the guards finds out.
>You hope in your heart that this means you'll be freed.
>To your horror, the guard enters your stall without her pants and mounts you.
>Now the guards know and they pay to rape you.
>You cry yourself to sleep the night after the Tanuki Warden pays the impromptu brothel a visit.
>You know in your heart that you'll never get out, no matter what your tiny circle of friends say.

>> No.16184442

I think that it would be like humans. We tend to decide the name when the mother is pregnant. So lamias would have decided the name once they have the egg.
Why did you need to know this again?

>> No.16184444

Stop pushing this shit.
The best thing about MGE is you can ignore the bullshit you don't like and I choose to ignore KC's bad early writing.

>> No.16184446

People would much rather shitpost than think.

>> No.16184448

You can't ignore the truth.

>> No.16184453

If you play nice I'm sure you could live fairly comfortably. You are a commodity, to be carefully guarded and dispensed.

>> No.16184455

Fuck you, I'm gonna mating press a Minotaur so hard that she'll only be able to imagine me when she gets horny. Get good fucker.

>> No.16184462

Have fun crying your eyes out when you see your whore of a wife fucking some schmuck in your bed because she saw a fucking color.

>> No.16184465
File: 145 KB, 290x1006, not naked mole rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this dirty pervert, she's fully clothed!

>> No.16184467

>I choose to ignore KC's bad early writing.
Like what? I do agree on ignoring what you don't like. Hell, KC even told people to do just that.
But I’m curious, what part of KC erly writing do you ignore? Considering that most of the current lore is built on the old.

Now you’re just baiting. And not even doing it well.

>> No.16184468

Minos are pretty shit anyway desu. Nothing of value was lost

>> No.16184476

Just the things that I don't like. I also choose to ignore the existence of the Siths and Matangos.

>> No.16184484

Remember how I said that I didn't think that we were getting swarmed with refugees from the shitty /a/ threads? I take it back.

>> No.16184489

Mole rat? Her?

>> No.16184494

Don't forget where you came from.

>> No.16184495

>Go out to see a movie today
>Drop by the book store
>Pick up newest Hero Academia, first volume of Sister Devil, and also the first two Monster Musume I <3 Monster Girls fanbooks
I didn't know there was a manga by Thomas in here! Discussing MG eating habits at that. Funny and informative.

>> No.16184502

But that was in the past.

>> No.16184506

That doesn't matter. What does matter is that place was shit.

>> No.16184514

I want to be gang titfucked by a sorority of busty /fit/ monstergirls.

I want to be their boytoy.

>> No.16184515

Things were cuter on /a/. Greentexts were more abundant too.

>> No.16184521

Well that's not going to happen because you're a dropout!

>> No.16184523

So earlier today I saw a trailer for this new King Arthur movie. Swear I briefly saw a pretty busty looking Dryad in it.

Not that I imagine she'd be anything more than a passing "Oh lookie, magical creatures!" thing in the movie... or that anyone here cares about Dryads.

>> No.16184530

Ah, the great outdoors!

>> No.16184534

That was back in our day anon. I peered in to one of the more recent threads about a month back and they were accepting of futa.
New /a/ Monstergirl threads are shit.

I'm actually one class away from graduating, so eat it.
I'd just move in with them after graduating for a comfy life as their shared boyfriend/sextoy.

>> No.16184539

Dropping out when you're one class away from that degree, all just because you couldn't focus on anything but pussy.
Truly tragic.

>> No.16184543

He doesn't mean that kind of dryad. It was a bitch sticking out of a tree covered in bark and dirt.

>> No.16184544

Jokes on you, that last class is an elective.

>> No.16184547

>That was back in our day anon.
Yeah that's what I meant. Not now of course, anyone left in /a/ is either a newfag or refuse.

>> No.16184549

I know what I like, anon.
Well good luck at McDonalds.

>> No.16184561


>> No.16184567

I know what you mean though. Greentext was more accepted as a way for people like me who were bad at writing to get out content.
Then along came shitposter-kun and his merry band of metaposters and idiots to enforce the "posting standards".

>> No.16184568
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I'm making a joke about how your fancy college degree will land you a job flipping burgers.
Don't think too much about it.

>> No.16184571

Dude my degree isn't fancy.
I'm getting an associates from a community college so I can go into teaching.

>> No.16184575
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>fresh new teacher
Beware! The delinquents might eat you up!

>> No.16184576

Should I post a rolling game so we can put this thread out of it's misery, or should I wait until next thread to post it?

>> No.16184584

I don't like rolling games, they take too much effort from me, the audience.

>> No.16184586

Are you sure? Wouldn't they think of her name while she is pregnant and then finally decide on one once the egg hatches?

I suddenly thought about this and couldn't come to an answer and that was eating my soul especially when imagining all the cute scenes of a lamia taking care of her egg/newborn

>> No.16184593

This one has premades and you roll to see what species they are and which of them wants your dick.

>> No.16184595

Okay, shoot.

>> No.16184601

The thread isn't in the best shape right now. So go for it, might make it better or just get us away from this topic.

>> No.16184604

It's like she KNOWS men are aroused by girls in conservative outfits
Somebody should rape her, she is asking for it

It's all fun and games until one gets pregnant, then they all get jealous and feed you fertility drugs so sthey can get pregnant as well
By the end of the semester you'll be taking care of a bunch of tall fit girls pregnant with your children
Are you sure this is the kind of life you want?

>> No.16184612

I might be on acase by case basis. Some decide long before when they are just still eggs. Others think of a few names and decide when it's hatched.

But yes, It’s a really cute immie that a lamia is holding her egg and thinking of different names with you.

>> No.16184617

>Are you sure this is the kind of life you want?

>> No.16184631

Makes sense, I guess the most simple answer is the right one as usual

>But yes, It’s a really cute immie that a lamia is holding her egg and thinking of different names with you.
Stop it, my heart won't be able to handle much more

>> No.16184644

how can you love someone with a tentacle on their butt

>> No.16184645

Tails are awesome though.

>> No.16184651

Then enjoy your life of sexually pleasing girls who could break you in half at a whim
They'd never so it though, they love you too much

One might accidentally break your pelvis while trying to get pregnant but that's OK

>> No.16184654

Alright, let's do this.

Anon, your luck is finally turning around. No longer will you be a miserable urchin wandering the streets of MGC for an Echinda Ojou-sama found you and took pity on you and now you've been adopted. Of course since your new mother is an Echidna, you have a lot of new sisters. Ten in fact. Some of them are rather attracted to you as well.
Difficulties: (Choose)
Option 1: Low risk (3 of them want the dick)
Option 2: Medium risk (6 of them want the dick)
Option 3: Large risk (All of them want the dick.)

Once you've got that, it's time to roll for your new sisters, use this ten times: monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/special:randomincategory/Mamono
Then use https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or https://www.random.org/ to roll a d10 to determine which ones want your dick (if playing large risk, roll once to determine which one wants the dick the most.)

1. Five years younger than you. Oppai Loli with a cutesy genki personality and a love of frilly dresses. Can and will annihilate everyone in a game of Risk. Favors Doggystyle.
2. Four years younger than you. Pettanko with a somewhat aloof personality. Secretly thinks you're kinda cool. Favors the missionary position.
3. Three years younger than you. Curvy and gentle. Loves cheesy romance movies. Secretly the best at telling dirty jokes. Favors the Cowgirl position.
4. Two years younger than you. Slender with a competitive personality. An expert Ballerina. Also joins flashmobs from time to time. Favors Oral
5. Same age as you. Bro tier girl with an average body. Will stick by you no matter what. Loves video games. Down for just about any position.
6. Two years older than you. /fit/ body type. A total jock who will constantly try to get you to jog with her. Plays soccer on her downtime. Favors the Amazon position.
7. Three years older than you. Short and flat with a complex about it. Secretly wants someone to comfort her. Loves Gothic Lolita dresses. Favors the lotus position.
8. Four years older than you. Hourglass shaped and a total tease. The coolest Onee-san ever who will definitely take you drinking. Has a bellydancing hobby. Favors 69
9. Five years older than you. A chubby NEET who rarely ever leaves her room. Absolutely adores human created media and Mecha. Builds plastic models on her downtime. Favors Reverse Cowgirl.
10. Six years older than you. Inherited her mother's big tits but is the strict leader of your siblings. Believes that the older sister needs to set an example. The biggest pervert of the lot. Favors Paizuri.

>> No.16184661

He who dares wins. I'm going for option three. And they are:
1. Zombie
2. Goblin
3. Dark Elf
4. Parasite Slime
5. Unagi Joro
6. Another Goblin
7. Mantis
8. Khepri
9. Dark Angel
10. Alraune

And the winner is: Dark Elf.
>Three years younger than you. Curvy and gentle. Loves cheesy romance movies. Secretly the best at telling dirty jokes. Favors the Cowgirl position.
Dirty-talking Dark Elf who likes cheesy romance movies?

>> No.16184682


Medusa nee-san with a bellydancing hobby, I choose you.

>> No.16184693

1.Arch Imp
4.Dark Priest
5.Living Armor
10.Dark Elf

>Dark priest want my dick the most
>Three years older than you. Short and flat with a complex about it. Secretly wants someone to comfort her. Loves Gothic Lolita dresses. Favors the lotus position.
I like her. I would prefer it if she had large breasts. But I can't complain. Dark Priest is the best.

>> No.16184717

Large risk
Black Harpy
Cait Sith
Roll: 7

Aside from the last they all fit really well
I'm absolutely down with a Gothic Lolita black Harpy although that bro-tier Shoggoth and /fit/ Jinko nee-san were my first choices

>> No.16184718

Ozone is the typical descriptor in fantasy. It's that 'clean smell' you get after a thunderstorm, like sparks. Demonic Energy almost certainly smells of sex, however.

>> No.16184731
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Is this acceptable?

>> No.16184737

Very yes.

>> No.16184740

She doesn't seem to think so.

>> No.16184743

>Bro-tier Unagi-Joro
>Cool belly dancer Khepri onee-san
If you won't be taking them then I will

>Dark elf with shit taste wins
Why must worst girl always win?

>> No.16184744

She'll adapt.
A flying snek has to look goofy as hell though.

>> No.16184750
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Don't call her that, she'll just take her frustrations out on me.
Flying snek you say?

>> No.16184759

>He doesn't Quetzalcoatl
Anon please, you should be eagerly awaiting the arrival of the glorious flying snake with all of us

>> No.16184762

KC seriously needs to make a Quetzalcoatl girl at some point.

Hey, Quetzal has wings for that flying aesthetic. Reimu doesn't.

>> No.16184766

Its just too weird seeing her as a lamia for some reason.

>> No.16184778

>Dark elf angrily giving a blowjob to her onii-chan because someone insulted her on the net
She slightly redeemed herself, I'd still take the dancing parasite Slime over her though

That's kinda racist, why is it OK for Ryus to fly without wings but not snakes? #EqualityForReptiles

>> No.16184816

Hey, being cold-blooded ought to help with that whole "not enough money to eat regularly" thing.

>> No.16184846

If you got yourself a Dragon Zombie would you try to maintain her pride of old or would you abuse her by making her wear perverted clothes and having humiliating sex with her?

My mind is telling me to respect her for the proud dragon she once was but my dick is begging me to make her wear a maid outfit and pound her over the balcony where everyone can see

>> No.16184900

I would keep her somewhat proud but constantly humiliate her. Fuck her on a balcony for everyone to see, make her wear revealing/humiliating clothes, make her beg, etc. But otherwise I would have her retain some pride of being a dragon.

>> No.16184904

I'd cuddlefuck her in the privacy of our bedroom and make her feel loved.

>> No.16184915

1. Hellhound
2. Kraken
3. Phantom
4. Dark Priest
5. Ren Xiongmao
6. Dryad
7. Baphomet
8. Gandharva
9. Dark Valkyrie
10. Mantis

We'll get along but i'll most probably hang out the most with my mantis onee-san.

>> No.16184933

>you will never religiously go everyday to the grave of a ancient dragon hoping for a Dragon Zombie popup
>your efforts will never be rewarded

>> No.16184936

So you'd take care of her hoard, live in a nice place, do the cleaning yourself, etc...?
She wouldn't show it but I'm sure deep inside she'd appreciate it

Considering how soft they are you'd probably get addicted to cuddling her

>> No.16184949

>Perverted Mantis onee-san with big breasts and a fetish for paizuri
>She barely says anything but when she does everyone listens to her
>Whenever your sisters fight over you she saves you and let you stay in her room
10/10, you better give her the best present every year at her birthday to show your sisters who is your favorite

>> No.16184958
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>All the Latenight girls are veritable giants
>Beetle is short


>> No.16184970

What she lacks in height she makes up for in girth. Total volume of Latenight girls remains unchanged.

>> No.16184996

I don't really care about her pride. Wether she has it or not, I would shower her in love all the time and make sure that she feels alove again.

>> No.16185023

>Her would was in limbo for hundreds of years
>She felt it wasn't her time yet but only loneliness awaited her back on the realm of the living
>She spent most of her days watching over her grave in hopes of something she couldn't put her finger on
>A man starts to pray at her grave
>He is probably just a selfish human who wants a dragonic blessing
>A month pass, the man hasn't missed a single day of prayer
>Maybe he wants more than a blessing , but what could it be?
>Winter comes, he still prays daily despite the cold, the rain and the snow
>She wants to reward him but doesn't know how to do so
>He now started to bring tributes with him everyday
>Flowers, gems, gold, etc...
> February 14th, today's offering is unlike anything he has brought before
>She observes it attentively trying to decifer what it is
>Memories are pounding at the back of her mind
>She remembers the days when she was a child and attended a mixed school
>It was February 14 that day too, the humans in her class were practicing a strange tradition
>The boys gave chocolates to the girls to show their love
>One of the box she clearly remembers was a red heart shaped one that was given to the girl sitting next to her
>She takes another look at the praying man's tribute
>It is red and heart shaped
>In an instant her soul leaves limbo and rushed back to her body
>The two of them married on that day

>> No.16185038
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>> No.16185044
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Can we talk about working out again?

>> No.16185045
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>> No.16185050

What kind of monster girl would Marisa and Sanae be?

Dark Mage Marisa when?

>> No.16185059

What are we, /fit/?

>> No.16185062

Needs more muscle.

>> No.16185065

No but we're 'mirin'.

>> No.16185066

That enough for ya?

>> No.16185067

Alright, that's perfectly fine.
Jinkos are best.

>> No.16185073

Dark Mage obviously

>> No.16185076

That would be the perfect amount.
We need a manticore with muscles like that.

>> No.16185080

Jesus Christ gimme dat!

>> No.16185105

Was there ever a writefaggotry that gave you a good cry? Cos now I really feel compelled to read some.

>> No.16185107

I wonder if Dragons and the stronger (physically) MGs have their own area with super heavy weights like 200kg plates or 150kg dumbbells. Bars would be specially made to withstand that weight too.

Otherwise they would just hog all the weights and leave none for everyone else.

>> No.16185111

Not really. Last time I got sad enough to shed tears was when I watched A Goofy Movie

>> No.16185113

I imagine they'd have specially made, "Super Heavy" equipment at the gym for stronger species.

Why you could look there and see all the girls Including a Ryu working out on them.

>> No.16185116

>Ryu in a tank-top doing reps with massive weights
I never knew weather could be this sexy!

>> No.16185125

She'd probably be embarrassed of being so muscular.

Thats why she wears the robes, so you can't see her six pack.

>> No.16185128

This means Wurms should have sixpacks too, and Wyverns would have backs and breasts of iron to be able to fly.

>> No.16185131

>Dark Mage Marisa



>> No.16185147

I'm a slut for aquatic girls, I would die to have sex with every single species who are related to water
But if I had to choose and only one I'd pick Flow Kelp without a doubt

She is to me both best aquatic girl and best plant girl

>> No.16185166

I wonder if there are male only gyms.
And then there are alps how goes there with hidden cameras.

>> No.16185167

>tuck tail in pants
>have huge bulge

>> No.16185176

Alps are very sneaky. You must never let our gaurd down or they'll find out.

>> No.16185182

Too bad they'd stick out like a sore thumb.
Y'know, since any and all monster parts (including horns) would be a dead giveaway.

>> No.16185183

Yeah. For all you know you could be talking to one right now and not be able to tell the diddly-ifference.

>> No.16185184

She'd even overeat to get a bit of chub hiding her abs but it would just end up getting her bigger muscles

Wyverns definitely frequent the gym, they gotta keep a tight 6 pack and a well toned body to be able to carry their husband while flying

Wurms just come to rape the men in the sauna, they'd be banned from all gyms if they didn't overpay their subscription

>> No.16185190

In the first Alp story I read they could hide all that shit pretty well.

>> No.16185191

Where are her wings?

>> No.16185193

>Wurms just come to rape the men in the sauna
Please don't have sex in the sauna, you'll die.

>> No.16185205

That's right. We can't trust anyone, But I know that I cantrust you anon. I mean, why would alps ever come here? We're safe here.

>> No.16185206

Large risk
1. Merrow
2. Jinko
3. Dark Priest
4. Amazoness
5. Holst
6. Nightmare
7. Familiar
8. Dark Angel
9. Dark Valk
10. Parasite Slime/ Carrier

>Merrow wins
Time to drown.

>> No.16185211

Yeah man, totally. S-so how 'bout that Halo, huh?

>> No.16185228

>Dragons hoarding weights

Gotta get them muscles.

>> No.16185236

You die if you are weak.

>He doesn't have sex with lava golems inside a volcano

>> No.16185243

Its 48 degrees in texas, where the hell is my dragon to cuddle? Everything here is wet and cold i just need some warm cuddles man.

>> No.16185246

The snows are melting again here. Where da winter at, yo?
I bet all the fucking Yuki-Onna are just girls with mushi infections.

>> No.16185249

It's nice to be at 25°C again here. Last weeks were at 40.

>> No.16185250

current temp 6F
It's plenty cold here.

>> No.16185259

Soon. I just know it'll be soon. Never lose hope.

>> No.16185261

Large risk it is.
1. Akaname
2. Beelzebub
3. Nightmare
4. Dormouse
5. Jiangshi
6. Werecat
7. Ryu
8. Red Oni
9. Angel
10. Mantis
>flat onee-san ryu wants the dick the most
I'd love to spoil her and make her realise she doesn't need big breasts to be good looking. All the sisters are wonderful though

>> No.16185264

It's 2c/38f here, I want an emergency Yeti.

>> No.16185268

I don't understand.
People go out in T-shirts once the melt gets that warm and you want cuddles?
Cuddles are for people bothering to survive at -40

>> No.16185269

It's the same here in Canada. I just want a Hellhound to keep me warm.

It hasn't snowed yet at least.

>> No.16185305

You have to remember to people like us living in warmer climates we're used to living at 90-100F through most of the year. So when it gets to 40/30 we freeze.

The dragon is going to call me a baby because i cant stand the cold wont she?

>> No.16185308

>where everyone can see
>I would keep her somewhat proud but constantly humiliate her.
>Fuck her on a balcony for everyone to see

Explain this thought process to me.

>> No.16185313

Dragons are cold blooded anon.
They'll feel it twice as worse.

>> No.16185318

>cold blooded
>but produce quantifiable amounts of fire
No anon, no.

>> No.16185324

UN-quantifiable, dagnabbit!

>> No.16185326

>Dragons can produce fire but prefers to cuddle with their husband

It sounds really cute.

>> No.16185335

Dragon breeds are all warm blooded, and actually very warm. But they pretend to be cold blooded because they're jealous of reptile girls and really wanna cuddle their husbands like that.

>> No.16185341

It's what I like to think. Makes them really adorable, especially when you confront them about it.

>> No.16185348

They are reptiles.
A reptile getting the ability to spit fire would not suddenly make it not an ectotherm.

>> No.16185349

>This here is the Dragon
>Breathes fire...now and then
>Mostly at people who poke it, little girl
>Its inside is an inferno
>But its skin is so cold it BURNS!
>Speaks seventeen languages badly
>And wants to ask you out
>Creatures of night, brought to light!

>> No.16185361

It's not a stretch, there are partially endothermic reptiles out there.
