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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16170418 No.16170418 [Reply] [Original]

Has otaku culture as a whole become better or worse than it was 10 years ago?

>> No.16170533


is true theres no season 3 because the shitty author is just too lazy to write another book?

>> No.16170542

If you have nothing of your own to say, don't make a thread.

>> No.16170625

shoo, back to your babymetal general.

>> No.16170725
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How can anyone here (or anywhere of the planet) answer to your question?
You do know that ''otaku culture as a whole'' means talking about train crazies, audio gear maniacs, idol and voice actors fans, computer freaks and a lot of other stuff, right?
Hell, we probably can't even properly talk about Touhou Project otaku here.

>> No.16171161
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1989 - T.M. kills a bunch of little girls and profanates their corpses. Inside his windowless room, thousands of tokusatsu and horror movies are found by the police, a video of him fondling one of the victim's corpses is recorded over one of these tapes. The progress of ptaku culture is set back by 30 years.

2002 - On Money no Tora, an otaku faggot asks for money to create his own production line of dakimakuras. He then proceeds to fuck one. The program is seen by milions across Japan, otaku culture is shamed beyond repair. Also, he doesn't get the money.

2006 - The Melancholynof Haruhi Suzumiya ushers in the biggest flood of self-important niwakas ever seen, enabled by cancerous platforms like Nicovideo. Furthermore, this kicks off the worthless career of A.H., notorious seiyuu.

2013 - The witch A.H. is vanquished and forced into hiding, otaku culture makes its first timid steps toward a better future

You be the judge, OP

>> No.16171406
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>> No.16171524
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That's one of my oldest pics anon. Saved from here back in October of '05, though I modified it into a gif.

>> No.16171696

Idolshit, isekai, LN plague more severe than ever, CancerColle...

Decidedly worse.

>> No.16171994
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I miss the edginess.

Stories across were weird and interesting. Artists were more exploratory. I remember guro or rape being way more common than nowadays.

Everything is just too efficient now. If you want a certain experience you can get it very quickly and easily thanks to the internet.
As a side effect this made the world feel smaller. No need for hunting those rare ideas that popped out of nowhere.

It's like the difference between walking into those exotic asian flea markets and shopping in walmart. Everything is so clean and safe now.

>> No.16172017 [DELETED] 
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It's become more accepted in society.
All the kids that felt afraid to admit they like anime found other hidden normies that like it too.

Most of the time you can bring it up in casual conversation about what shows in each season are going well.

The Japanese tend to look down upon it still if they find out anime is your main reason for getting into Japanese culture and if you admit that you don't regularly enjoy anime they tend to be impressed or happy about it.

As a whole social media has projected otaku media to become more easily accessed and being able to find others eho have your very specfic otaku specialty, but anything outside of anime, counsule video games, and j-pop is seen as negative and deviant by normies.

I hate to say it, but it's gotten better in the aspect of being normalized socially and in the capitalist market.

When I hear normies talking about certain animes or aspects of Japan or movies from Japan while never gripping the meaning the producers or creators intended them to walk away with or making a big deal about something I've known about for years while every one else gets exhaberated over my stomach turns knowing they've stolen the only thing that I could emerce myself in with a small comminity like /jp/ that analyzes or commits to the subjects with passion properly.

>> No.16172071

Remember the good ol days when you'd go looking to fap, and wouldn't know what content the doujin you found would have, since there were no tags to filter out?
If I don't want to see it, I can filter out guro, rape, ryona, snuff, whatever I want.
Used to be, one would have to put up with seeing this sort of thing. Not so much today.

>> No.16172125

>I miss inconvenience
nostalgia is a disease

>> No.16172150
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True. It's so easy to find anything now. But at the same time it creates some sort of bubble.

I sort my images and manga by year. When I go back to the 00's I see that there was so much more variety to the media I consumed. The world seemed to vast.

Nowadays I get updates directly to twitter from the artists themselves. Everything is properly tagged and archived.

Nowadays I feel like I have already seen everything that games/vn/manga has to offer. I know it's not true, but I don't have any reason to step out of my comfy bubble either. Everything is delivered straight to my plate.

This is also why Iiked imageboards. You never knew what threads there will be tomorrow. And every thread could end up creating OC or derailing into something new.
Now everything is just generals with pasta dumps.

Randomness gave it spice and intrigue to the internet and the otaku culture. I'm not going to deny how easy and awesome is to get media nowadays, but what is the point if you know the end of the story before you buy it?

>> No.16172388

That is a very nice gif. Well done.

>> No.16172395


>> No.16172573 [DELETED] 
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Can you not handle this level of irony?
In all seriousness yes anime is easily obtained, but when it comes to Japanese movies we are still some 45 years behind.

Even sites like YesAsia, CD japan, or torrent sites like Asia torrents have probably translated 10% of what is produced between 1970 - 2106.

Some of the most popular retro movies in Japan still have no translations across the board. Dvds with no subs are now avalible in North America readily fast on region 0.

Ive gotten involved on social media with a small, very small, handful of individuals importing japanese vhs and laser disc from japan, Taiwan, and hong kong just to get a hard copy source of the films that will lead us eventually to buying the distribution rites for north American region just to produce the home format for fans. Sit on the rites for a few years until finding the right company to produce the dvds/blu-rays and translate them. Some of the guys even end up leaking the films to torrent sites themselves just to get the name or interest of the movie out there which leads to sales.

Japanese vintage retro classic movies have become an untapped market ever since adv films, Asia crush, and or Tokyo shock has drasticly scaled back their operations.

As far as recent modern japanese movis go we get the splatter punk movies and really horror comedy ones coming through with a maybe 15 occasional poetic meaningful japanese movies made within the last 3 years from the U.k to america.

Criterion Collection does well with japanese cinema but just like YesAsia and CD Japan their staffing is limiter and only take the few to none international critical aclaimed movies.

Look for me in the next 5 years in the market. I'll probably do limited production on an almost dead system that are known as dvds for 70s and 80s Japanese movies or east asian fantasy in general.

>> No.16172615 [DELETED] 

Sean Shannon, stop fucking replying and get hell out of here, you goddamn redneck.

>> No.16172822

It's become worse and it's literally your fault.

>> No.16172866
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>nostalgia is a disease

I am so sick of the 90's and 00's nostalgia. It used to be a fun occasional thing to talk about, but now you have these washed up 27 year olds trying to relive their high school years on vanilla WoW servers and shit. Then they go on 4chan and start a thread with a sad pepe pic saying "Where did the magic go, all my friends grew up, ect..". Every week I see these kind of posts on various boards.

The truth is, when you're old, you just have to make your own happiness some how, and let your hobbies move on to someone else.

>> No.16172871

Nostalgia is a good basis for new escapades, but it shouldn't rule your life at all. If it does, it's just depression, not nostalgia.

>> No.16172885

Oh yeah, I'm a nostalgic person and prefer living somewhere between 1994-2007, but there's just this bleak undertone to reminiscence that people feel. It's understandable, but frustrating somehow.

>> No.16172944

It's become normie shit.

>> No.16172975
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The girls are cuter now, so that's all that really matters.

>> No.16173013

As someone with this viewpoint, how are you reacting to the change?

>> No.16173413

Wasn't it because the VA was a literal slut?

>> No.16173667
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no that's just method acting

>> No.16173739

The main reason I think having nostalgia blinders on is bad is because it gives you this very unnecessary, catastrophic view that there is no good content being made anymore. I would argue that good content is NOT AS common as it was, hell, 10 years ago, but it still exists. You just need to dig for it harder or, like you said, move onto some other niche thing you enjoy.

>> No.16173806


>> No.16173975


I mean, Tanigawa IS a lazy piece of shit and hasn't written anything in forever, but that's beside the point.

There's enough material from the published novels that they could do a full third season, as long as 21-23 episodes or so.
Kyoani would rather do other projects I guess. Or the seiyuu thing really IS that big of a deal.

Either way, I'd just like a proper conclusion already FFS. The last set of novels, the double volumes 10 and 11, would have been a perfect place to end it. But no, shit had to be dragged out again.

>> No.16174023


>> No.16174199

It's a lost cause. When the three rival girls appear, you know the shit have been dragged on to oblivion even the author doesn't know how to end it anymore.
Except for 'Woop, Haruhi (or whomever the god is) woke up, everybody is dead.'

>> No.16174955


I disagree. There were hints in the last few books hinting at the end, or at least the direction the author was taking - kyon and haruhi would become romantically involved, a marriage perhaps, other parties would continue to observe and 'safeguard' her. Basically the series is about a group of high school friends that go on to become working adults but still hang out with each other, exaggerated to a fantasy level.

I'm certain that tanigawa has mostly had a specific end in mind, but is still indecisive on how he will deliver it. We all have seen/read long-running series whose ends are criticised by fans as "lacklustre" or "anti-climax" or whatever. That is tanigawa's problem.

Haruhi, more or less a cultural symbol at this point, turnt out to be a bigger success than he had expected. So now he is anxious about how to wrap it up so years later he won't regret "oh i should have done this"

>> No.16175007

We get this inconvenience now with fanart as Japanese fanartists have moved to Twitter and are posting their beautiful art with zero tags and among a hundred of images of photos they took of their food every day, all with a horrible browsing format. Browsing Twitter for art is like an adventure in a deep cave looking for crystals, you're going to find a massive amount of irrelevant shit in your search for good art, and some great art may be completely overlooked by everyone and lost to history as it is drowned under the thousands of garbage.

>> No.16175017

About why there is no further anime adaptation,

How many anime series do you know that go on to 3rd, 4th season, in additions to movies/ovas/spinoffs (that yuki series)? Not a lot.

Unlike manga and lns, anime is costly to be produced, so studios approach them with a business mindset.
Doing 3 - 4 seasons is risky. Fans are not around forever, and new viewers are sceptical/feel discouraged to dig up old stuff to understand the story from the beginning.

For a series that haven't an end yet like haruhi, you give viewers a 3rd season, then what? Make them wait 5 more years for the finale?

More haruhi anime is still possible, depending on whether tanigawa would conclude the series soon.

>> No.16175047

Anime may have become somewhat acceptable in the US but as a true hobby it is still far from normal. All the normies that talk about anime are usually just speaking about a handful of series that are popular in the west rather than shows they watched out of a vested interest in the medium. So while it's definitely more mainstream than it used to be it's still quite rare to find people who are actively passionate about it on an otaku level. Personally I don't think the medium has gone too far downhill quality wise either, there's certainly a lot of bad stuff being made but there's also a much higher total number of shows being produced per season. Overall I'd say we still get quite a few good series each year.

I mean it's not like the US really has an otaku culture outside of certain websites in the first place though, and I wouldn't really know how much things have changed in Japan as I don't live there. So judging how much it's changed and whether it's better or worse is difficult.

>> No.16175201

At least some of the ones on twitter post an image dump to their pixiv account once a month.

The artists that exclusively use twitter I just avoid completely now. It's just not worth the effort to try keeping up and reading through all the unrelated shit they post.

>> No.16175265

Its filled with fucking nu-weebs who threat anime like some kind of tv show.

>> No.16175320

while i understand his feelings, if what you posted actually end up being how he feels instead of just laziness, i think its a mistake. it was important to strike while the iron was hot, not now that only embers remain.
i like the sasaki arc, and if done correctly i think it could have been a great final arc, but now it has gone too long. both in terms of novels and in terms of time between novels.
I'd also have liked to see more exploration of koizumi and mikuru.

i still have a little bit of hope however.

>> No.16175364

oh i'm definitely with you on how it is a mistake, for an author to unnecessarily delay their work, not just in the case of haruhi but any series - glass mask, nana, what have you

so they take their sweet time to perfect their "magnum opus", but leave their fans hanging for years, rather egoistic imo

>> No.16175713
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was nicovideo really a mistake?

>> No.16175736

I remember when /jp/ liked Aya's antics..

>> No.16175917
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Her seiyu was a literal whore who gave out sex for money.

>> No.16176012
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>> No.16177825

>now you have these washed up 27 year olds
who are you and how did you plant a camera in my office
>trying to relive their high school years
god no, high school was abject misery for most of us

>> No.16181833

for me it was university, high school was paradise in contrast

>> No.16184673

>EOPs thinking they can interact with this "otaku culture".

>> No.16184844

I think better, there's a lot more opportunities to see way more otaku stuff, especially the less popular things.

Streaming services as well have been an improvement, having to go down to blockbuster to rent the 3 anime they have there wasn't the funnest experience in my life. Now my town has a small manga store, things are getting better, at least here.

>> No.16184938

Anime are television shows. However, all five television shows I've watched in my life were anime.

>> No.16188003


Some are movies, OVAs, or ONAs.

>> No.16190070

I'm looking at it differently. Whenever a story is being dragged on (either manga/novel/anime), there's a high probability that the author was being told to go longer by his editor. Make a filler, make a detour, anything to keep this cash cow going. That's why there are alot of shit that ends abruptly and felt rushed because the author basically have no idea how to end his piece anymore. I think that's what happened to Haruhi, but Tanigawa just refused to end it.

>> No.16190821
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>> No.16191283

We are living in a post Pandora's box internet. If you seek information, there is nothing stopping you from finding it. Finding media then may have been a harder dig and will show that you have a more passionate interest. Today, everything is shoved in your face and if you been here you have an understanding of a lot of media just by second hand contact.

>> No.16192166

I think this is what thd other poster was saying. It's so easy to access anime now that you can find it while searching for something unrelated. This leads to an influx of casual viewers who thnk they're experts because they've seen five battle shounen. One of the nice things of not having everything readily available is that searching requires love and dedication to the hobby. So when you see another anime fan, you're sure that they are as devoted to the hobby as you are. Nowadays you can't really tell who is passionate about it and who just casually watches. And with more and more casual viewers entering the scene, I think tensions between the hardcore and casual viewers intensify due to the former constantly having to deal with nonstop sillyness and naivety of the latter. So while anime becoming mainstream might be good for business, it might be frustrating for hardcore fans. This is what I see in the States, anyway.

The quality of anime itself has probably declined somewhat over the years. We get plenty of anime that serve as cheap entertainment, but truly good shows are quite rare now.

>> No.16192220

>The quality of anime itself has probably declined somewhat over the years. We get plenty of anime that serve as cheap entertainment, but truly good shows are quite rare now.

This seems to be very debatable.

I'm a huge fag for cel animation, but I've seen the argument that the 80s/90s weren't a "golden age" of anime because of how many mass produced, shitty OVA's were put out in that time. For every Macross there's 20 shitty series no one even remembers.

Count the number of crap series now and compare it to the number from 10, 20 years ago, it's probably not all that different.

>> No.16192534

The thing is that many of the non-shitty shows years back were amazing, whereas now, most non-shitty shows are good. I do think the ratio of bad to not bad anime hasn't changed much. Most anime is shit, no matter what time period you're in. But the ratio of exceptional to not exceptional is what I say is declining.

>> No.16192553

I wish I could argue against that, but I've watched literally 2 recent series in the last 2-3 years.

Not to de-rail the thread or anything, but is there anything recent-ish that's a "must watch" ?

>> No.16192561

Now that I can access anything at any time my desire to hoard things has gone away. I used to meticulously save things and build collections and discovered a lot of new stuff doing so. Now I just sit around staring at the wall all day.

I can identify with that, not about anime per se, but about it being harder to find a certain kind of fan. Most of the stuff I enjoy I enjoyed because it was a social experience (which makes me a normie bandwagoning faggot, etc). As soon as my like for fans of a thing goes into a tailspin my like for the actual thing itself soon follows.

>> No.16192575

Eh, there still reasons to hoard some stuff.

One of the worst feelings is when you have the page of a little-known pixiv artist ready to be ripped and archived, but they delete everything a few days before you get around to actually doing it. Then it turns out that no one else knew about them so their work is lost forever. No galley dumps on panda, and nothing on danbooru.

There's a few doujins that I can't find anywhere online because the website they were hosted on shut down years ago and there's no reuploads anywhere.

what.cd shut down a while ago and a lot of stuff on there wasn't available anywhere else, or at the scale or searchability that what.cd had..

>> No.16192621
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>Overall I'd say we still get quite a few good series each year

>> No.16192748

Keijo or something like that seems like it's worth it. I haven't watched it myself but it's a parody of shounen manga, based around girls competing to knock each other of platforms with their butts. http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3391308 it seems pretty ridiculous enough to get into.

I haven't really enjoyed anything myself since Dog Days. All I watch are Gdgd Fairies/Tesagure like anime talk show shorts and other few minutes long anime. The most recent must-watch things are like 2010-2011 era anime to me. Chuunibyou S1 and Sekai Seifuku were probably the last full half hour animes I watched in full. Well there's also the Jojo series, which is like required anime fan watching due to constant references and parodies even in Touhou, but there's probably nothing if you've read the manga.

I don't think a lot of old shows were amazing, but I do think a lot of them were better paced and generally more interesting. Even shitty ovas that got pumped out in 80-90s were interesting. Nowadays if a shitty ova gets pumped out, it's probably just semi-porn.

>> No.16192765
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>I haven't really enjoyed anything myself since Dog Days.
My nigga.

>> No.16192769

in before entire thread is deleted thanks to /a/

>> No.16192781

Not too big into OTT ecchi stuff, I was hoping for something, umm, "influential" I guess? Something that had made a big impact or was important to anime as a whole.

The last thing I watched was Majimoji Rurumo, but that was during summer 2014 I think.

I did also watch Onee-chan ga Kita because it was too adorable to pass up - but it was just a series of shorts.

>> No.16192814

I don't especially like her though. I don't know why she's so popular but it results in her getting too much sentiment.

>> No.16192841


Just kiddin'.

I don't think anything's had an impact on anime lately besides Idolmaster bringing the endless wave of idol anime.

>> No.16192878

over the top

A little fan service is okay, but any more than that and I just don't bother watching it. The only exceptions so far have been anime that also had a strong/captivating story.

>I don't think anything's had an impact on anime lately besides Idolmaster bringing the endless wave of idol anime.

That's a shame.
You've also just reminded me that Madoka was in 2011, it feels like it was only a couple of years ago.

>> No.16192939

This is just my taste obviously but some of the series I would recommend

Hana to Alice Satsujin Jiken
Lupin III (2015)
Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou
Ping Pong The Animation

>> No.16193089

I don't think Keijo is over the top ecchi, but just over the top action with a silly theme. But then I haven't watched it. They could spend the rest of the time giving each other baths for all I know.

You should watch Tesagure and then everything else the creator worked on though. They're pretty much otaku meta discussion series.

I heard Knights of Sidonia was a good series but it's still on my backlog.

>it feels like it was only a couple of years ago.
Because the movies only came out a couple years ago.

Which reminds me, when the fuck is the last Eva movie?

>> No.16193237

There's no denying that such practices exist, commonly even. But to me Haruhi doesn't seem like that kind of series. I can construct a sense of coherence from the story, even though it may not be apparent because of the books being published far apart.

To expand further on what I said before on how Haruhi is romanticisation of the high school life - the characters in Haruhi are built upon Tanigawa's acquaintances. More precisely, the girls were modelled after those he had crushes on. I remember there was an interview where he explicitly said Yuki was based on a bookish upperclassman.

>> No.16193273


In the last few books we got Sasaki. In the story she was implied to be Haruhi's 'prototype', prompting further speculation on how Kyon was the real 'god', but this is besides the point. Interpretation of Sasaki's introduction - in middle school Tanigawa liked this one girl, and when he went to high school he liked another of similar personalities. Hard to imagine this was a decision influenced by editors for the sake of prolonging serialization.

This is what I like about Haruhi. I think it is one of the better series to highlight the highschool rom-com/pseudo-harem, or whatever you like to call it, trend of the 2000s. Tanigawa wrote about his supposedly unrealized romance, in an elegant way. He didn't succumb to 'in my story the world revolves around me and all the girls suck my dick'. No, he was at least dignified, and portrayed the protagonist as a humble observer.

>> No.16193832
File: 378 KB, 500x706, millhiore_a_cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, real talk Millhi is my favorite but that Yuki art is pretty otc.

Here's a cute for you, hopefully more to your liking.

>> No.16194315


You probably don't even watch modern anime like a lot of these other people saying there aren't any exceptional shows any more. 10 years ago people were saying the same shit and yet quite a lot of anime otaku look back on the mid 2000s as a great time for the medium.

>> No.16194328
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It did have the best anime ever made.

>> No.16194341

>results in her getting too much sentiment.
The fuck? That should have said "results in her getting too much screen time"

I've been trying to think about it but it really feels like people still obsess, though to a lesser degree, over stuff from the early 2000s. I can't really think of much recent influential material, manga, anime, visual novel, or video game wise that's otaku oriented. It's probably why touhou is still popular.

Everything seems fetishistic nowadays, but bodyparts oriented instead of outfit oriented, so that now instead of girls with maid dresses and glasses and cat ear hats and randoseru, it's about girls with machines for legs and horses for butts and exaggerated body parts. There's also way too much of an obsession with certain things like yuri and succubi.

>> No.16194352

>10 years ago people were saying the same shit
That's because 2006/7 were the biggest girls-go-to-school moeshit seasons.

>yet quite a lot of anime otaku look back on the mid 2000s as a great time for the medium.
It's probably more like 2000-2004, where a lot of good&influential shows did come out.

>> No.16194376

I need to read it again, but Hiroki Azuma claimed "Otaku: Japan's Database Animals" that one of the primary obsessions of otaku was to analyze works and characters basically as the sum of their parts. I haven't read enough other material on otaku culture to judge whether what he says matches up, but it was pretty depressing.

>Azuma examines what is left in place of the absent grand narratives and the effects of this absence on human behavior. The book proposes a model of the “database animal” as anew type of consumer in the postmodern information era, arguing hat, rather than reading the stories in a “human” mode of consumption that longs for the existence of and searches for deeper meaning, the cravings of “animalized” otaku are satiated by classifying the characters from such stories according to their traits and anonymously creating databases that catalog, store, and display the results. In turn,the database provides a space where users can search for the traits they desire and find new characters and stories that might appeal to them.

Otaku culture was a mistake.

>> No.16194393

I don't see the problem with this.

>> No.16194397

Fuck, that hits hard

>> No.16194417

That basically says "otaku act like nerds"

>> No.16194434


If you really think that 06/07 was largely moeshit you probably haven't seen much anime from that time period either

Sampling of well known shows from 06/07:
Death Note
Code Geass
NHK ni Youkosou
Ouran High School Host Club
Gurren Lagann
Black Lagoon
Nodame Cantabile

>> No.16194486

Only 3 good shows in that whole list.

>> No.16194523


I don't like each and every one of those shows but they're all generally fondly remembered and many of them are very influential. Whether or not they're good is irrelevant though, none of them are "girls-going-to-school moeshit" which shows that you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16194558

Just because there are non moeshit shows doesn't mean there wasn't a flood of moeshit.

>> No.16195327

Explain how this infers negativity or why it is a mistake, instead of spouting some vapid /a/ meme?

>> No.16195420


Can you name 5 moeshit "cute girls go to school and do nothing" shows out of the over 150 series released between the two years?

Can you even list three?

>> No.16195530

I can, and if I did, you woudl go on about how they aren't moeshit.

>> No.16195537

That's actually really cool. Like a chronological exploration of Japanese net culture seen through the lens of a non-Japanese imageboard. Sounds like something you'd find in a Gibson novel.

Would you care to upload it?

>> No.16195547

>Would you care to upload it?
Not that anon, but if it's anything like my collection it's far too big to upload.

>> No.16195550

"roughly the same"?

>> No.16195558

I think Studio Trigger has produced the most original anime in the past 3 years. I thoroughly enjoyed Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco and Little Witch Academia.

There's something refreshingly self-aware about their works. Not pointlessly referential, but being conscious of the usual ideas in the industry and using them to great effect.

>> No.16195566

>Kill la Kill
Marathoned it a few months after it finished airing. It was really addictive.

>Space Patrol Luluco and Little Witch Academia
I've seen a bunch of stuff on 4chan about SPL & LWA, I guess I'll watch them then. they both look really good.

>> No.16195662


Nice cop-out, run out of ideas after Lucky Star and Manabi Straight?

>> No.16195742

Otaku/Doujin culture will end by 5 years. Just wait until ZUN sell 2hu to the anime industry, that will be our fall of constantinople.

>> No.16195857

>Otaku/Doujin culture will end by 5 years.
Olympics right?

Add Wideface Girls and fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.16195910

besides the fact that they have some of the best talent of the current industry in their staff

>> No.16196595

We do though. I wouldn't say quite a few-it's more lile just a few-but you'd be a fool to say we get no good shows at all anymore.

These are hardly must-watch shows, friend. They are entertaining, but not anime that everyone needs to watch.

>There's also way too much of an obsession with certain things like yuri
I disagree. Yuri is severely lacking in anime. The only recent anime that ventures into the genre is Sakura Trick and Yuru Yuri to some extent. Some shows about cute girls doing cute things may hint at it, but they are far from yuri. There re very few anime that focus explicitly on female-female relationships. Male-male relationships, on the other hand, are all the rage currently. We've been multiple such shows for a few seasons now.

As I understand this, the author is saying otaku like to categorize things for easy and efficient searching. This is not bad at all. I do agree that most otaku just look for superficial traits, rather than attempting to find a deeper message the show is trying to convey, which I think is reflected in the overwhelming amount of anime that caters to these "animalized otaku."

Looking at the anime released in the past two years, I'd say Ping Pong and Flying Witch must be watched. Ping Pong is classified as a sports anime, but it really is more about the characters. It develops strong and moving relationships on a level you just don't see in anime. It has a terrific soundtrack as well.

Flying Witch is an example of how to do slice of life well. It is comparable to Aria in its world building and ability to soothe.

Some honorable mentions are Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, which has excellent storytelling, and may pave the way for more rakugo anime in the future, and Shirobako, which shows what goes into making an anime and even includes famous people and events, making it serve as a small history lesson. Shirobako makes me feel bad when I say an anime is shit because it does a very good job at showing how difficult making one is.

>> No.16196611

>Yuri is severely lacking in anime.
Yeah and so are lolis. Don't be a yuri purist outside of /u/. There's way, way too much yuri in anime now.

>Male-male relationships, on the other hand, are all the rage currently
There's about as much of that are there is yuri. You've just been normalized to girls groping each other and pining over other girls.

>> No.16196627

What the fuck kind of response do you expect to get with a cynicism-bait question like that?

>> No.16196693

it was this

that's why they made a "season 3" set in an alternate universe without haruhi

there's enough content in the LNs for at least two more seasons

>> No.16196708

maybe it did have haruhi in it
I wonder why the hell they made Nagato Yuki-chan instead of Season 3

>> No.16197081

just in case you didn't reply to yourself

the hirano scandal was a small non-decisive factor in the hiatus of the anime, the main reason lies in the nature of the novels (being published in trickles)

but hey, by all means continue to spread misinformation, rechew that "it's the va's fault, enough material for seasons, etc" garbage
believe in what you want to believe

>> No.16197457

Daisuke Ono is the only cute one out of all of them.

You have to admit he's got range. He breaks out of his role stereotype of voicing baritone bishonen characters into the very picture of gritty 80s shonen character who wouldn't look out of place in a Miyashita Akira manga.

>> No.16197950


Wow you managed three whole SoL moe shows out of well over 150 total series those two years good job you really proved your point.

How about you fuck off off to /a/ with all the other people who like to pretend they know anything about anime.

>> No.16197977


This is totally false, light yuri subtext is not the same thing as yuri, or at least it's not comparable to the relatively more common actual BL series that get released. You can especially see this in manga, there's currently only a single yuri based magazine being published (Yuri Hime) and from what I've read even it's become really watered down with purely subtextual series lately

>> No.16198773

Can you please list the anime that you consider yuri? I'm curious as to whether I missed something because I honestly cannot name a yuri anime except the ones I listed that aired recently. There are anime in which girls grope each other and pin over themselves, but they're mainly for comedic purposes or fanservice, not to develop a serious romance between the two girls..

>> No.16198904

Remove all gay shit.

>> No.16198994


I'm not that person and I agree with you that there's not much yuri but there have been a few this year. Rather, there are shows with yuri themes that are central to the plot at least. This season has Flip Flappers, this spring we had Pandora in the Crimson Shell, and I didn't watch it but I think Amanchu from this summer is fairly blatantly yuri themed as well. There's also a few shows where yuri isn't part of the main plot but there are side characters who are lesbian/bi for more than just jokey/fanservicey reasons, like Watashi ga Motete Dosunda (this season) and Tanaka-Kun wa Kyou Mou Nedaraku (Summer).

On another note, I don't know if you know this but next year we're getting two actual yuri series from Yuri Hime adapted (Citrus and NTR)

>> No.16198998


Tanaka Kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge* my bad

>> No.16199079

What about that yurikuma show, wasn't that recent?

>> No.16199095

I don't think Flip Flappers has any yuri in it at all, just friendship. Amanchu was also just friendship. I didn't get any yuri undertones from that anime. Remind me who wasn't straight in Tanaka-kun. Reviewing the characters, are you talking about Echizen (the tall blonde girl)? If so, I'd call that an affection towards cute things.

Pandora did have yuri, didn't it. That also reminds me that yuri was a main component in Cross Ange. Too bad both shows are shit. Ah, and how could I forget Yuri Kuma Arashi. I guess there have been more yuri-centered shows than I thought, but I still think the genre is under-represented, especially considering the amount of shounen-ai.

That's good new about the two adaptations. Hopefully it's a sign of more to come.

>> No.16199143

There was also that show about the weapons. I have no idea what it was called, but it was some show about ecchi and lesbians and weapons. Valkyrie drive?

>> No.16199148

What shows are about literally gay guys and not "subtext", as you put it?

>> No.16199234
File: 828 KB, 1068x598, Flip Flappers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah that was last year, I thought about it but idk if a year ago counts as recent or not.


Flip flappers most definitely is more than just friendship and it isn't really that subtle. I mean they don't kiss or anything (so far) but the director even said on twitter that the yuri themes were intentional.

>> No.16199291
File: 35 KB, 609x239, Flip Flappers director.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The person that asked him's account is private now but the question was something like "Are the yuri themes between Papika and Kokona intentional?" and this was his response.


Super Lovers, Kono Danshi Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu, and a movie called Doukyuusei and that's only counting the ones that are explicitly BL. Tthere are 0 shows this year that are explicitly GL, even Pandora in the Crimson Shell doesn't have them kiss or specifically state that they're in a romantic relationship despite their transformation thing literally involving one touching the other's robo vagina. I think the only show with an actual lesbian kiss this year is Watashi ga Motete Dosunda and there's a very low chance that it'll actually have a yuri ending (though it's possible given the subject of the show).

>> No.16199309

So girls can kiss without it being lesbian kissing? Vivid strike isn't yuri? Those shows you named have explicit kissing, sex, and declaration of being in a relationship between males?

>> No.16199348

Love Stage
Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto desu
Dramatical Murder
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Super Lovers
Kono Danshi, Sekka ni Nayandemasu
Yuuri on Ice. The two main characters aren't explicitely gay, but they might as well be. Their relationship and behavior towards each other is clearly intended to play on that fantasy.

I know I'm forgetting more. Like that one about the manga writer and a friend he met after a long time.

Oh. I need to watch it more carefully then. I'll keep an eye out for that.

>> No.16199372

Shounen-ai and shoujo-ai does not need to have kissing or sex. They are about same sex relationships, which the shows he listed are about.

>> No.16199403


Explicit as in clearly stated not explicit as in sexual. And yes the BL in all three of those is explicitly stated. Also I'm not watching Vivid Strike so I don't know if it's yuri or not.

>> No.16199616

>It's probably more like 2000-2004, where a lot of good&influential shows did come out.

Yeah, because endless glut of terrible VN adaptations were good and influential right?

>> No.16199839 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 820x3900, meaning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't infer negativity, but I'm pretty negative about it. The vapid /a/ meme isn't quite as pointless as it looks in this context since it comes from the Miyazaki interview where he complains about how otaku only look at fiction and not at people, and that the work they produce suffers from it.

The problem is as >>16196595 points out: you can throw together the correct mix of superficial traits and come up with something that will sell, and therefore that kind of them rapidly fills the market. The best execution of the formula wins, rather than anything which tries to search for something higher.* Arguably the rest of us non-otaku who still buy into the whole "meaning" thing could establish a parallel market, but then we wouldn't be able to ride off the endless disposable income of otaku, and producing "non-otaku" media in an "otaku" medium (anime, light novel, visual novel, etc) is a one-way road to financial ruin.

* I think one of the points made is that otaku culture is a response to the idea that there is nothing "higher" out there, so you should just sit down and cry at predictable nakige, fall in love with formulaic moege, and feel heartwarmed at vaguely lesbian schoolgirls kyaa-kyaa-ufufuing at each other.

>To sum up the twentieth century, we might say it was characterized already by the loss of a transcendental grand narrative, as is well known—but one had to believe in the semblance of a grand narrative, and furthermore, the semblance that life is meaningful. To put it another way, the twentieth century was partially postmodern. Today the paradox that “life has no meaning; but because life has no meaning, we live” has lost its importance.

>According to Okada Toshio’s Introduction to Otaku Studies, to which we have already referred several times, otaku harbor a sense of distance best expressed in the following quip: “as they know they are being tricked, they can be truly emotionally moved.” This has become a pillar of otaku sensibility.

>> No.16199844
File: 2.08 MB, 820x3900, meaning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That quote isn't necessarily negative about it, but I am. The vapid /a/ meme isn't quite as pointless as it looks in this context since it comes from the Miyazaki interview where he complains about how otaku only look at fiction and not at people, and that the work they produce suffers from it.

The problem is as >>16196595 points out: you can throw together the correct mix of superficial traits and come up with something that will sell, and therefore that kind of stuff rapidly fills the market. The best execution of the formula wins, rather than works which try to search for something higher.* Arguably the rest of us non-otaku who still buy into the whole "meaning" thing could establish a parallel market, but then we wouldn't be able to ride off the endless disposable income of otaku, and producing "non-otaku" media in an "otaku" medium (anime, light novel, visual novel, etc) is a one-way road to financial ruin.

*I think one of the points Azuma elaborates on is that otaku culture is a response to the idea that there is nothing "higher" out there, so you should just sit down and cry at predictable nakige, fall in love with formulaic moege, and feel heartwarmed at vaguely lesbian schoolgirls kyaa-kyaa-ufufuing at each other.

>To sum up the twentieth century, we might say it was characterized already by the loss of a transcendental grand narrative, as is well known—but one had to believe in the semblance of a grand narrative, and furthermore, the semblance that life is meaningful. To put it another way, the twentieth century was partially postmodern. Today the paradox that “life has no meaning; but because life has no meaning, we live” has lost its importance.

>According to Okada Toshio’s Introduction to Otaku Studies, to which we have already referred several times, otaku harbor a sense of distance best expressed in the following quip: “as they know they are being tricked, they can be truly emotionally moved.” This has become a pillar of otaku sensibility.

>> No.16199851

shounen ai and shoujo ai aren't real terms stop using them

>> No.16199935

Isn't that basically just complaining that people stick to certain genres?

>> No.16199946


All media uses mixes of traits from previous media, that's just how human art works. Saying otaku don't appreciate meaning simply because many of them like categorizing these traits is absolutely ridiculous. It's just people talking down on other people for being passionate about something they don't personally like.

Studios do create things with their target demographics in mind but that's just as true for films and any other medium that has a strong business aspect to it. In fact I'd say that makes anime better off as targeting passionate fans is most definitely more productive for series quality than targeting the largest amount of demographics you can at the same time, just look at hollywood.

There are certainly very stereotypical anime that don't break new ground, quite a lot of them even. But that's true for literally every art medium with a relatively large output.

>> No.16199971

It always kinda pissed me off that people shit on animu otaku so much.
I mean, the entire industry only exists because these people fanatically care about it and enjoy it, then a bunch of people start talking about how they're ruining the industry because you don't like muh artistic vision.

I mean, the only real argument that you can make about them is that they discourage innovation in the industry, but I don't think even that has much basis to it.
The industry finds something good, then they all head in a general direction slowly perfecting it, then another good thing comes and they start to perfect that instead.
That's why we have this whole dot for a nose instead of an L shape art style, someone did that art style and slowly the industry started to do it as a whole and perfect it.

Most shows are what would be considered standard, and some complain that they don't have any innovation or whatever. But that's not the point of them, they're trying to perfect the current thing, not make a whole new one.
Also they usually do innovate in smaller areas, it's just not a piece of "art" so it doesn't shove it in your face.

tldr otaku are just a scapegoat for self proclaimed visionaries

>> No.16200028


>> No.16201443


>I think the only show with an actual lesbian kiss this year is Watashi ga Motete Dosunda
So a fujo show end up being a yuri show?

>> No.16201507

yuri shit is also fujo shit for gay fujos.

>> No.16201742 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.66 MB, 244x300, 1480793748669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the degradation of real young women, I believe it's gotten more crowded, interpret that the way you wish. Personally, I think it's gotten a bit better, although I wasn't really in this culture 10 years ago, more like 5, so I don't know if that means anything. Regardless, my point stays that the degradation of real 3D women is the cause of the otaku culture getting popular. I mean, who doesn't want a perfect waifu? Anime gives that to people. You can have the perfect girl in your eyes.. And most anime girls don't shit unlike real girls. But you don't hafta believe me.

>> No.16202775


It's really more of reverse harem comedy rather than a real fujoshi show. Like, on a literal level it is about a fujoshi and fujoshi otaku culture but the actual amount of implied BL is pretty low since at least at this point it's clear that all the boys are only into the MC. Then there's another fujoshi girl who is also into the MC (and is basically winning at this point though I'm sure they'll just stay close friends unfortunately).

>> No.16204983

Which artists do you follow?

>> No.16205026

Uh, the highest number of VN adaptations came out in 2004-2010. 2003 was the beginning of the trend, with almost no VN adaptations coming out in 2000-2002.

>> No.16205318

Anime otaku will eat whatever shit the cash-grabbing companies throw at them. Just look at A1's works and tell me they're trying to perfect anything other than milking tropes

>> No.16205375

it's quite the reverse - studios will produce whichever garbage that, according to their research and experience, can capture the market. The fact that you think such works are "beneath your taste" doesn't mean the bulk of others agree.

It's funny how the likes of /a/ have been spouting this for years even though they're the most marginal customers - consume pirated versions, scarcely purchase bds/merchandise.

>> No.16205416

Now that I know this info, I might actually give this series a try.

>> No.16206092 [DELETED] 

>vanilla WoW servers
We're not playing vanilla WoW becuase of nostalgia, we're playing it because it's a good game.

>> No.16206112 [DELETED] 

>we're playing it because it's a good game.
Kids really believe that shit nowadays.

>> No.16206124 [DELETED] 

It is a good game.

>> No.16207078

2006 - Haruhi Suzumiya fans
2016 - Most /jp/sies can name at least a dozen touhous, no haruhi threads

I'm gonna say 2016 is a fuck of a lot better

>> No.16207089

>Personally, I think it's gotten a bit better, although I wasn't really in this culture 10 years ago, more like 5

>more like 5

NIGGA do we seriously have people here who haven't been DONE WITH watching anime for at least 6 years? jesus fucking christ. At least most posters here know what touhou is but jesus christ. or are these the children who belong in /a/ still?

>> No.16207097 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16208119 [DELETED] 


Whorecraft is not /jp/ related, it also was a shit game designed for adults in their 20's to play while being on welfare, if you were in highschool you could have raided half the content at best playing 7 hours a day, whorecraft was a shit, now fuck off.

>> No.16208143 [DELETED] 
File: 907 KB, 1020x1600, tigole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll also admit, I'm on welfare, I had a brain injury, the insurance scammed me and never payed me for it. I still never would have invented a game that 99% of the player base can't experience, Tigole was massive welfare jew who designed a game only people on welfare could play. My only fear of whorecraft is that more anime start being influenced by it, which would kill the hobby for me completely.

>> No.16208175 [DELETED] 

Since when have any anime ever been influenced by WoW?

>> No.16208183 [DELETED] 

>Whorecraft is not /jp/ related
I wasn't the one who brought it up
>it also was a shit game designed for adults in their 20's to play while being on welfare, if you were in highschool you could have raided half the content at best playing 7 hours a day, whorecraft was a shit, now fuck off.
I thought this board was pro Neet? I hope you aren't a wagecuck. I understand if you need to work, but hopefully you haven't internalized the ideology of work.

>> No.16208201 [DELETED] 


Lots of them, I don't want to mention them for fear whorecraft players are introduced into this hobby.

>> No.16208203 [DELETED] 

LoL this is ridiculous.

>> No.16208217 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 871x528, mako kills ryuko, panty & stocking christmas ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine, I'll mention one. Kill La Kill, the clothing seems blatantly based off whorecraft gear, even using the word "Regalia" which WoW first seem to have used for special fantasy armor sets that get repeatedly upgraded.

>> No.16208229 [DELETED] 

That seems pretty far fetched to me. Which WoW gear looks like Kill la Kill outfits?

>> No.16208249 [DELETED] 
File: 899 KB, 614x1006, ryuko and shadow, kill la kill, sonic the hedgehog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was also blatantly based off Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Which is pretty hard to deny that they didn't take inspiration from Sanic. Even fucking Scryed was blatantly based on Sanic.

>> No.16208291 [DELETED] 

That seems more likely. Can't see it being based on WoW though.

>> No.16208320 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 256x360, 2ee8b920fc737b817ed806bf5a6283769f2d07b8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /jp/ playing Tree of Savior on the japanese server?

>> No.16208352

>Tree of Savior
Literally a dead game. Unfortunate, because it had potential.

>> No.16208360

>>16208352 see >>16208353
I got confused because this thread was talking about Wow and shit now.

>> No.16208386 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 952x1224, Nice try Trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be common knowledge on /jp/ that KLK was ripped off of Ace wo Nerae

>> No.16208473 [DELETED] 

It should be common knowledge that all anime is derivative.

>> No.16208524 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1280x714, Watamote Muri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like it a lot but I'm a lesbian so the yuri stuff involved makes me a bit biased probably. Still I feel like it's funny and pretty easy to watch, the characters are above average for a reverse harem show, the MC is really cute, and there are some fun references. I wouldn't call it like a super great show but it's worth watching if you don't absolutely hate fujoshis/gay stuff.


It should be common knowledge that all art is derivative

>> No.16209187
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>> No.16209271

be the change you want to see in this thread

>> No.16209723

>too big to upload
No such thing on the internet. Especially today, if there's I've thing that's better now than before it's the vastly increased capacities and throughputs that can avail of.

>> No.16209740


>> No.16209756

Sure some of the new troops and some of the story's are worse. I've had it up to here with magical high school battle harems every season (Thankfully we appear to be done with that)

But I think the fact that there are more fans now is a good thing. More fans == More money == More stuff = Hopefully more good stuff? I mean look at how many VNs get translated now as opposed to 10 years ago?

We have dubs airing of shows that aren't even done their broadcast run, and while dubs may or may not be terrible, These sorts of things are good and would have been impossible 12 years ago.

>> No.16209841

Are you a dense motherfucker? Yes you are.

>> No.16209846
File: 21 KB, 640x480, [LRE]Urusei Yatsura - 079 [0D4CA5F3].mkv_snapshot_06.34_[2016.08.27_03.42.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh holy shit I remember this picture. Now it's all coming back to me

>> No.16209863


Was the Jigen side story okay? I thought Lupin III 2015 was good, but the Mine Fujiko one was horrible

>> No.16211662 [DELETED] 

KLK was the inofficial Sonic Adventure 2 sequel.

>> No.16218043

The western scene has almost died. No subs, no uploads, no interest. I don't like how people translating things for steam are trying to normalize VNs and doujin games either.

It feels like there's a lack of popular, well know by everyone characters anymore. I can't even think of any modern VNs whose characters are well known like there used to be.

>> No.16218101
File: 868 KB, 500x500, 1476370791366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new hotness

>> No.16218118

ironically who

>> No.16218161

>I don't like how people translating things for steam are trying to normalize VNs and doujin games either.
You mean like how 90+% of new games on steam are either VNs or kusoge with a heavy anime style?
Since joining steam 7-8 years ago I've noticed a seemingly huge increase in ridiculous profiles plastered with 'otaku culture', maybe I'm just more aware of it now?

unironically who

>> No.16218176

bellringer angel from cygames universe

>> No.16218207

>2002 - On Money no Tora, an otaku faggot asks for money to create his own production line of dakimakuras. He then proceeds to fuck one. The program is seen by milions across Japan, otaku culture is shamed beyond repair. Also, he doesn't get the money.

Where can I watch this?

>> No.16218217

I am 100% positive if you google that image in the post you'll find youtube videos.

>> No.16218357

This is the inevitable result of internet information channels getting more efficient. Does not apply only to 2D culture, or that there are more 'poseurs', if this is what you're hinting at.

10 years ago, a teen's enthusiasm could only go so far if their only exposure to the culture is a sole dinky hobby shop that sold sailor moons and pokemons in their town, and a bare-bone website.

>> No.16219560


>> No.16224711

How do I learn to hear fast? That nerd speaks entirely too quickly.

>> No.16224922

does anybody have a video of this?

>> No.16224927

ignore this pkls sry

>> No.16225005

Here's the non-sped up version, sorry

>> No.16228122 [DELETED] 

underrated post

>> No.16229362
File: 49 KB, 480x640, R3DTutQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16236835


>> No.16238139

Your Name and GuP were both great. Probably beat out all the Western movies of recent years. Animated movies are really getting mainstream now, Conan and Your Name are both showing in the cinema near my place now. Even yugioh got a few screening recently. Years ago they would only show Ghibli or Doraemon. Otaku culture is gaining more acceptance, a good thing imo.

>> No.16238225
File: 1.63 MB, 1600x900, di_41_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotten a lot easier for any company to just hire a dozen artists and have them whip up some cheap overdesigned archetypes. Now the markets are drowning in bad generic shit and mobage garbage. Every new game and every second anime looks and sounds like the same target-demographic product ad.

>> No.16238719
File: 34 KB, 500x333, c0049004_2483473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16239468

I agree
Everything has turned into fucking moe shit and cute girls every fucking 5 seconds

>> No.16239588

>Years ago they would only show Ghibli or Doraemon
The most recent one in cinemas here was the first pokemon movie. I'm 23 and pretty sure I was five or six at the time so like 1999ish

>> No.16239668

>she fucked her entire band
>leaked the images online
>kyoani is probably still making a big deal about it

>> No.16239679

My college life is going pretty good
more people in college talk to me than people in highschool did
except girls still don't

>> No.16239709

Can someone point which one is which to me? i only recognize the guy who did Kyon and the haruhi VA.

>> No.16239711


>> No.16239917

Animes. gb2 >>16234077 if you have a problem.

>> No.16239933

except the bassist

>> No.16239943

damn i feel bad for the bassist now

>> No.16240000

My problem is with pluralising Japanese words by adding an s. Saying animes is the same as saying foots or fishs

>> No.16240060

In English, you use English pluralization. Nobody flips a shit when people use the word キャラクタ instead of キャラクタズ for a plural just because that's how it's done in English.

Also, only weeblords of the highest degree pluralize ninja as ninja.

>> No.16240082

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.16240139

>Nobody flips a shit when people use the word キャラクタ instead of キャラクタズ
Exactly. It would be bizarre to use キャラクタズ ever for the same reason. Thats not how the other language works

>> No.16240563


There's really not that much of a difference unless you compare to like pre-2000 anime which had a ton of it's own quality problems that aren't as much of an issue nowadays. Anime has always had good series and bad series being produced, that hasn't changed. It's just that there's more total shows being made per season now which makes it feel like it's gotten worse since that obviously leads to a higher amount of generic stuff.

If you have 10 series being released per season and 50% are trash that's 5 trash series, if you have 40 series being released and 50% are trash that's 20 trash series per season which makes it feel like things are worse when really they're the same (or better since there's more content being produced).

>> No.16240657

There's nothing wrong with saying 'fishes' either.

>> No.16240662

In that specific form, I'm not buying it. If you have 10 series per season, and 50% are trash, then you have five good series to pay attention to, along with a history of a couple decades. Fast forward a few decades and you have 20 good series per season and even more decades of past shows.

From that standpoint alone, it should be easier today to have selective taste and only find series you like, whereas back in the day you might have exhausted "good" shows and have nothing new to watch but "bad" shows. So people today should (from that standpoint alone) be more content with anime than they were in previous years. This does not appear to be the case.

I think your statements are probably correct, but you're missing something about peoples' tastes becoming more specialized due to wider selection, or perhaps people becoming less willing to sit through bad shows, or perhaps the industry's changing focus taking place over more dimensions than "good-bad". Perhaps it's also due to expanding audience: people today watch anime and think it's garbage whereas in past years they wouldn't even bother watching, and thus not give their opinions.

>> No.16241014


Yeah I'm sure there's more to it than just what I said, and it was just a hypothetical. I do think people focus on the bad stuff more than the good stuff though, when they see a ton of rehashed crap every season they then think "oh anime is so bad now" even if there's only that much bad stuff because the total amount made is so high now.

>> No.16241049

What's wrong with A.H.? Sorry, I must have missed out on some massive shitstorm involving her

>> No.16241590

Except it isnt an english word, its literally just アニメ

>> No.16243160

I had mostly video games in mind, not anime.

>> No.16246943

Don't, he got the better deal.

>> No.16247592
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Nothing inherently. She was a slut and did slutty stuff and generated a lot of controversy but she's still a good seiyuu. I don't really know why any mention of her name still gets so many responses anymore. Might just be nostalgia for the days when a noticeable number of people around here even kept up with such things at all.

>> No.16247677

I understand /a/ is a cesspit and you can't discuss things there, but when you visit /jp/ you're supposed to leave your "culture" there.
That, or head back to your general that's now on /jp/ because fuck /jp/, right mods?

>> No.16247740

Fuck off dude. This is probably one of the few threads here isn't a general or gelbooru comment-esque Touhou thread.

>> No.16247772

Literally one of the few threads that I give a fuck about on 4chan, please be gentle

>> No.16248681

>Since joining steam 7-8 years ago I've noticed a seemingly huge increase in ridiculous profiles plastered with 'otaku culture', maybe I'm just more aware of it now?

90% of the people who do that are "LEL SO ~~IRONIC~~ I'm such a nerd XD" normalfags who use Reddit and MAL and aren't actual otaku

>> No.16248712

>90% of the people who do that are "LEL SO ~~IRONIC~~ I'm such a nerd XD" normalfags who use Reddit and MAL and aren't actual otaku

I guess so.

>> No.16249005

What are the ATTRIBUTES (not accidentals) of otaku?

>> No.16257425
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>> No.16257457

she's fast!

>> No.16257590

you know studios don't pick what they adapt right?

>> No.16257698

by 'studios' i meant to include producers/sponsors, not only addressing the animation units

was thinking of how some studios are not only contractors but also affiliated with/subsidiaries production firms, so used the wrong term there

>> No.16257790

>when they see a ton of rehashed crap every season they then think "oh anime is so bad now" even if there's only that much bad stuff because the total amount made is so high now.

things are mostly rehashed over and over again to point towards a certain audience because they know they can get money from that audience.
Basic story writing is also reused to attract newcomers to the scene
there's so much being produced that it's hard to sift through and find the good shit

>> No.16257799

>I don't really know why any mention of her name

>haruhi suzumiya thread picture

>> No.16257828

Agreed. Have you tried watching seasonal shows in the 90's and even 80's? Unless you have a certain affinity towards toy commercial super robots and shounen, you would've just written anime off as that. The current bogeyman right now is just dem damn moe girls and then in the next few years it'll be dem damn faggy dudes.

>> No.16261798

90's felt more like mahou shoujo and rpg style fantasy.

>> No.16269048

I didn't mean in this thread specifically. In general, any mention of her seems to garner a bunch of replies about her personal life. I guess it's the kind of attention she wanted.

>> No.16270579

To be otaku is to like robots. Otaku are nerds and nerds are founded on sci fi and fantasy. Robots are not a boogeyman.

90s and 80s had a larger mix of things. Just like with video games, a lot of anime genres became dead genres in modern times, which is part of the problem of things feeling so samey.

>> No.16271989

>a larger mix of things
>a lot of anime genres became dead genres
such as?

>> No.16272504


Cute girls fighting things in a group. (in fact, most cute girls don't do much of anything at all, which is why people hate on "moe" anime).
-as a subset of the above, magical girls fighting things in a group seems to have declined outside Precure too. Mahou Shoujo seems to have shifted to otaku oriented ones intended for adult males mostly with lots of fighting between magical girls themselves and ones where girl get some cute thing and do cute stuff with them. I can't really think of any "solo"(by which I mean like CCS) type magical girls recently either.

The RPG style fantasy >>16261798 mentioned is basically gone and replaced by all those shows where a protagonist travels to a fantasy world/goes inside an MMORPG for real. Those tend to be either really meta-otaku or grimderp type series rather than silly people going on silly adventures. Take say, Outlaw Star. Has anything similar to that come out recently?

To be hypocritical and cite a recent example, shows like Noragami were someone is a normal student until something takes them into a fully abnormal world, instead of someone is a normal student and they have marginally weird things happen, like, say Melancholy of Haruhi.

Harems as harems are sort of dead. Lots of shows would be described as "harems" just like lots would be described as "moe," because the moment a character has more than 2 girls interested, it's a "harem." But what I mean are shows where a guy has a bunch of girls (possibly living with him) and also does stuff, but focuses also on the girls affection for him, vs just being some guy who does stuff and bunch of girls happen to also be trying to fuck him. Examples are like Tenchi Muyo, Vandread, Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka.
-There are lots of ecchi shows with harems though, but they focus more around the ecchi than the girls fighting over a guy and then fighting other stuff.

I want to say anime-like anime is dead, that is stuff born out of pure otaku essence, but there's a few following the monstergirl fad, like Muromi. There's also still meta stuff like I mentioned above with all those go-to-anime-world type shows.

There's lack of gritty ova type anime (The last I can think of being Strait Jacket), but that's possibly because they're more inclined to make them into at least 12 episode series or a general lack of them. Similarly, I can't think of much action anime, like Black Lagoon. There's action, but... not much about adults doing stuff, I guess? There's probably something if I look around. Stuff like most cyberpunk things and the cute girls fighting stuff I mentioned earlier.(for which I'll use Bubblegum Crisis as an example.)

Mecha, space, and futuristic anime in general has died down. There are still lots of robots because it's a wide genre, but certain things, mostly of the wildly super robot type and ultra realistic type aren't as common. Mostly just Gundam and Macross type shows. Besides those and Sidonia, what has even taken place involving space travel lately?

A lot of the problem is the "nerd" has been taken out of nerd culture and mostly replaced by (only) selling cute girls and cute guys to certain audiences. Same with video games being reduced to e-sports bullshit and mobile games. Comedy anime seems largely limited to shitty 4koma-esque adaptations about girls too. A lot of the things that drew me both into games and anime aren't there anymore.

Also while I've been trying to recall anime from that period, I remembered "dem damn faggy dudes" was already the problem before "dem damn moe girls" back in the mid 90s.

>> No.16272517

How old are you?

>> No.16272537

>A lot of the problem is the "nerd" has been taken out of nerd culture and mostly replaced by (only) selling cute girls and cute guys to certain audiences
Actually, no.
It is more about selling hobbies and activity nowadays. Nowadays doing a SoL about nothing doesnt work anymore, there is always a hobby or some sort of activity attached to it.
Some recently
GuP - tanks
Stella/New Game - making games
Long Bike/Kamakura - road biking
Bakuon - motor bikes
Yama no susume - hikinh

These kind of animes really appeal to hobbyist and are good for product placement marketing

>> No.16272569

And because I was being biased, "shounen"(guys beating each other up) type shows seem to have died down too. I mean there's still plenty of kids anime but what are major newish ones besides Toriko and JJBA being reanimated?

As mentioned, magical girls for kids seems to be in decline, along with robots, Yu-gi-oh clones, pokemon clones(Youkai Watch notwithstanding), and related types of shows about fad toys. The existent 'mon shows are probably keeping the genre healthy though.

Thinking about kids and fantasy, I can't think of any "shoujo"(fantasy) type shows that used to be popular. There are fujoshi shows and otome game shows, but for younger or just non-otaku females I can't think of anything. There's cutesy anime for little girls but I can't picture anything tweens would like. Maybe they're not into anime anymore or maybe they're into the remaining robot anime nowadays because of that shift to cute girly boys in mechs that happened in the 90s I mentioned before.

>> No.16272591

genres come and go out of fashion and come back eventually.
you are retarded.

>> No.16272696
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I'm not an OG otaku, nor a newbie anime fan. Just one of those, probably cancerous types that got heavily into it in the 90s because it was so hardcore and bloody and cyberpunk and stuff western cartoons lacked. You know typical Ninja Scroll, Zeiram type stuff. Although I'm old enough to have seen kids stuff like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures_of_the_Little_Koala https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noozles and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mysterious_Cities_of_Gold when they were broadcast in America, as well as the older airing of Dragonball that was super censored.

Actually I didn't get super into anime until the late 90sish and then again in the mid 2000s, even though I watched it up until then. I was more a video game player so I guess my tastes are more along those anime resembling video games and such. I'm not sure what happened in the 2000s, maybe access just became a lot easier. Because of this though, there's a gap in space between about the time of Excel Saga and the time of Lyrical Nanoha where I didn't watch most of the stuff that came out around then, which internet culture seemed to be largely nostalgic about. The biggest stuff, yeah, but there are like dozens of shows I didn't watch. (e.g. digi charat, hand maid may, mahoromatic, love hina, full metal panic) that seemed popular and that I've been meaning to go back and watch someday.

I guess there was a border of liking anime as a nerd and (anime)otaku culture that I hadn't breached yet.

I mean yeah hobby geeks are a thing, but I mean fantasy, D&D, Sci fi loving nerds. I don't think vehicles is a traditional nerd hobby as such, even though I love sci fi vehicles. Guns/weapons and military, yeah. Trains yeah. But going hiking and biking doesn't sound very nerdy unless it's about like camping/outdoorsman geeks. It's kind of like saying making an anime about beer to appeal to beer brewing hobbyists is nerd oriented, even if there are nerds who probably try to make old school mead and pirate-style drinks or something. There are hobbies nerds have and hobbies non-nerds have. (But I'm just trying to clarify what I meant by nerds, I don't really disagree with your pov.)

Your point is they sell other stuff besides moe characters, and I get it, but I'd argue they're still depending on it(moe characters) to attract people other than niche they're after. I mean GuP could be an actual war series instead of schoolgirl in tanks. Kancolle could be literally about boats. It's hard to explain, but like how FPS attract people who like shooting things and socializing instead of people who like playing video games, using cute characters attracts people who want to moe over cute characters instead of caring about the subject matter, and that's pretty much the intention: appealing to not-really-nerds. ("not-really" because you could argue anyone who likes anime is a nerd, which I guess is why terms like "secondary" exist to describe them, since normalfag doesn't always work)

>A lot of genres are dead nowadays.
>What genres?
>Here is a list of some genres that are dead nowadays.
>Genres die all the time, and besides they'll come back later. You are retarded.
Pic related

>> No.16273330

I think there's allot of shounen still around. Take boku no hero academia. The seven deadly sins.

As for mecha I'll agree it's rare now days but there's still stuff like knights of Sidonia and Cross Ange. Active Raid was a really fun mecha show that nobody watched!! BBK from this season could be considered a mecha show.

As for magical girl stuff Matoi the Sacred Slayer is the first magical girl show I've seen and it made me understand why this was a thing several years back.

There's also flip flappers and magical girl raising project. and Yuki Yuna is a hero is getting a new season

>> No.16273494
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>> No.16273514

i want to put it in

>> No.16273580

How many of those magical girl shows are aimed at kids though?

>> No.16273923

Shugo Chara

Precure is pretty much the gundam of mahou shoujo with a new iteration every year.

>> No.16274461

Precure was already mentioned in one of my posts. I thought I implied Jewelpet too but I think I deleted the actual line about it before posting. Shugo Chara was how long ago now? Being from the Rozen Maiden people I had suspicions about its actual target audience, but I count it too, however it's not recent and ended already. And being the Gundam of magical girls just means it's nearly the only one still existing except the odd series. Basically what I said about Gundam and Macross being the only regular sew series getting mecha anime. Precure also tries to appeal to otaku male types too sometimes, but I won't fault it for being a half kids show. There are more mature and more child aimed Gundams too.

However just two shows, one of them a long time running series, is not good enough.

>> No.16274751

Do not forget twitter does compress the quality of the art and some Japanese do not get to have their files in PNG not JPEG. PNG keeps almost vector like quality.

>> No.16274771

10:34 is when he rapes Daki

>> No.16274798

>Normies that watch a handful of the popular series
We call them bandwagon casuals because they do not care all that much about a series they just care about looking the part and not knowing much about it.

I had a friend like that who pretended to be completely into anime. But only would mention shows and nothing much about the plot. It makes me wonder if they even watched it at all.

>> No.16274893

>Nowadays I feel like I have already seen everything that games/vn/manga has to offer. I know it's not true, but I don't have any reason to step out of my comfy bubble either. Everything is delivered straight to my plate.

More like you have never given yourself a break from the whole otaku medium and instead you went so far in by looking otaku stuff daily you burned yourself out. Sometimes breaks are needed in life to prevent burnout.

>> No.16275011

>One of the nice things of not having everything readily available is that searching requires love and dedication to the hobby.

Its not that hard, i just use MAL to search up recommendations, or other sites for suggestions on good anime. I read the synopsis and if it seems interesting i watch it. Even for the current shows that are airing all i really do is look on anichart and put it on my MAL and wait for the news on when it will air and that is it. Casuals need to stop being lazy and just watch more anime.

>The quality of anime itself has probably declined somewhat over the years. We get plenty of anime that serve as cheap entertainment, but truly good shows are quite rare now.

Well you and the other nostalgic posters have to remember Japan is coming out of a recession much like west is. That is the reason why you for the last 8 or so years you have seen a few good shows and not as many jampacked unique shows as there was during that time.

It was because Japan was playing it safe with their anime and manga adaptations. And why you hear about the harsh realities of the animators salary. But right now Japan looks slowly coming back like the West is and next year looks a lot more packed and there is more variety than in years past. Even if it is not as huge as 10 years ago i would say to give it time and you will see it again.

History repeats itself a lot.

>> No.16275055

Stop being a smug nostalgia fag. There was a good amount of shows this year as well as last. Every year has a few good shows here and there.

>> No.16275061


the word you're looking for is "posers"

>> No.16275107


As far as TV anime goes

Total TV anime series in 1986: 34
Total TV anime series in 1996: 55
Total TV anime series in 2016: 258

Cyberpunk: 2016 has both Dimension W, Under the Dog, and Pandora in the Crimson Shel. 1986 has none.

Group Magical Girl Shows (made for children): For 2016, Precure still counts even if you point it out ahead of time, and the new Sailor moon released this year as well. 1986 didn't have any, 1996 only had Sailor Moon and Wedding Peach
Single magical girl shows: This actually really is a fairly dead genre as the group magical girl shows evolved from this.

RPG Fantasy: Being MMO isekai doesn't magically keep a fantasy show from being fantasy, the genre even has "RPG" in the name for gods sake it was always based on video games even if not as directly. But I'll humor you and give you some non-isekai fantasy released in 2016: Akagami no Shirayukihime, Magi: Sinbad no Bouken, Alderamin on the Sky, Tales of Zesteria, Mahou Tsukai no Yome, Utawarerumono: The False Faces, the new Berserk anime, Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage and again this isn't counting the numerous isekai shows. The fantasy genre is booming currently, if you actually watched modern anime you'd know that. Your examples don't even make sense by the way, Noragami isn't even close to an RPG fantasy and Outlaw Star is a science fiction show.

Harem: Let me start by saying that harem shows weren't really common in the 80s or 90s either, the 2000s is when they were really popular. This is because most of the traditional harem shows where the focus is mostly put on romance with the mc having many potential girls are VN adaptations, and nowadays those aren't very common with light novels being so popular to adapt instead. This year has been especially dead for harem shows but last year we had a couple. We did have Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? this year though so that's one.

Anime-like anime: You proved yourself wrong in your own description? You can't say there's no anime like anime and then immediately say "oh but there is"

Gritty OVA type anime: OVAs are mostly gone in modern days but that has nothing to do with genre, as for gritty action shows: Drifters, Dimension W, Gangsta was either this winter or last fall I forget, and Ajin. Under the Dog which I mentioned earlier actually IS a gritty OVA.

Mecha/space/futuristic (so sci fi basically): Again you list a genre with current examples and then immediately say that those examples "don't count" for some inexplicable reason. It's true though that compared to the 90s there's less sci fi, but just because a genre is less common doesn't mean it's not there.

The primary thing you don't seem to understand is that you're comparing the content of entire decades vs just a few years when you talk about "modern anime", if you look at any particular year of those decades and compare it to the current year you'd see that we actually have way more variety in total. Genres come and go in popularity, that was just as true in the past. The difference is that today with so many shows being made there's usually still a few examples of most genres even if they're not currently popular. You're just blinded thinking about "the good old days" while unwilling to actually explore the modern landscape of the medium.


Gonna keep this one quick:
Yes there are plenty of shounen shows
Mecha shows this year other than gundam and macross (we do have both this year btw): Kuromukuro, Heavy Object, Schwarzesmarken.
Still plenty of kids shows every season, including ones about toys, you just don't hear about them because many don't get translated since not many people want to watch them
There's still shoujo fantasy, Akagami no Shirayuki was great, again lots of kids shows you don't ever see translated there are still little girl shows besides precure.

Basically you're stuck in the past and yes you have obvious traits of the type of person who only likes the anime styles that were popular when they got into the hobby.

>> No.16275191


Nevermind about Netoge no Onna I thought about it and although there's definitely stuff between the mc and each of the girls it's very much based around the main girl (with them being game-married and all), so it doesn't really count. So I guess I can't really think of any regular harem series this year (this year was relatively light on romance shows in general too though). There's still been plenty if you expand the window to the last few years.

>> No.16275311

>kyoani is probably still making a big deal about it
The truth is she did nothing wrong. If she would have something with only one of the guys you could call her a dirty slut but when she let everyone (except the bassist) enjoyed her it's a pure benefaction. What a kind person. And kyoani is being shit for a long time anyway.

>> No.16275389

I don't completely agree with the other guy's analysis (I think that genres have both appeared and disappeared), but I think you should consider OVAs. Most of the works I know of which had a release of some sort in 1986 (MD Geist, L-Gaim, Roots Search, Guyver, Megazone 23, Violence Jack) are OVAs, and lots of them fall very nicely into his "Gritty SF" category.

>> No.16275549


Fair enough, and it's certainly true that those sorts of things are no longer in vogue. Still, we do get gritty seinen nowadays just not as OVAs most of the time.

>> No.16275675

Does /a/ still hate KyoAni? I remember them really, really hating them for some unknown reason.

>> No.16275745

It's not like you need to go to /ei to find out about it.

>> No.16275869
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Otaku culture is a vicarious escape for repressed Japanese people from their conformist, painfully gender-divided society. What proportion of people at Comiket or Akiba really look that happy to you? This is not a culture, it is a reflection of one that does not serve its participants.

>> No.16275956

shit culture is still culture faglord

>> No.16276349
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>Basically you're stuck in the past and yes you have obvious traits of the type of person who only likes the anime styles that were popular when they got into the hobby.
oi oi boya you say all dis cheap factory shitu animey is my oldtaipu illusion? it like japen see china factory but not wana tokyo eco sistemu be shittu and make very very sterile animey insteadu. with a sterile picture sterile sutori ando sterile charakuta. what old jiji have told about teh industrial toolu? japen better take thisu shittu seriusu ageinu if they want me to daunrodo newtaipu episodu desu

>> No.16276488

oppression, byproduct culture, etc.
Sorry, but this is a dilettante belief based on hearsay and stereotypes from the industrial 80s Japan.
Ever spent time with young adult japs (18-26)? I have, for a while, and frankly they're not from European ones. Otaku cultur used to have that exotic image, but today it's just another subculture in line with goth/punk/lgbt/hipster/geek culture a la the big bang theory.
Recently, I read an article that said Japan has one of the biggest non-corporate industries (culinary, tailoring, leather-crafting, textiles), only behind laissez faire France and Italy.
Whenever someone in a irl conversation talks about conformist and oppressive Japan I can't help but roll my eyes because they are just repeating dated info from decades old texts and literature.

>> No.16276647

That is the word I am looking for. Fakes/posers/tryhards those people make me mad. That is also the problem with the anime community for the most part. Is that they really need to see more than just Black Butler, Sword Art Online or even Attack on Titan which to me is overrated anyways.

Because you can tell with the reviews on all those animes are usually from people that do not watch much and think of mediocre anime as the greatest and classic that is along the path of DBZ and even Evangelion which is sad in my opinion.

MAL I do like for suggestions but not the reviews they always need to be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.16276661

I have a Japanese friend in Tokyo I speak to every now and then and he even admits Otaku had a bad image in the past but really it is accepted as a normal thing now a days and they are more open about it.

>> No.16276662

>just repeating dated info from decades old texts and literature.
You know, no one's made a thread about that 1994 report/article/study talking about sexuality in Japan in months.You know, that one that talks about mothers jacking off their sons.

>> No.16276832

the trolls probably feel awkward doing it because it's getting to a point where those articles are older than the posters themselves

>> No.16277384

>Ever spent time with young adult japs
Yes. The otaku types are repressed drones, though admittedly its half self-inflicted.

>> No.16277435

Seriously what person here seriously wishes they were born as a male in Japan? Maybe it's ok if you're a ikemen yarichin but otherwise?

>> No.16277493

To me it seems like Japan would be a fun place to travel or live at later in life and knowing Japanese. Even maybe to retire at. But to be born there and grow up just seems like hell honestly.

Maybe i do not know much about Japan but it does seem like a stresful culture for men.

>> No.16277635

My gripe with the Otaku Culture is the Japanese hivemindset itself.

Unlike the west, they can smell manipulation from a distance and are vocal about media dumbing down their intelligence. And when they are vocal about it by not supporting the medium, the media saw that and try to adjust it so people can finally accept it by doing good stuff. Japan keeps on falling into the sweet trap all the time. And it will not change for years or even decades to come.

This is why general audience did not see Anime as a refined art medium like movies despite they have a lot of potential for it

>> No.16278160

> Japan keeps on falling into the sweet trap all the time

Is it an argument about media over pandering to vocal niche groups instead of the more content groups??

>> No.16278559


>> No.16278749
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True, not everything is bad these days.

I think there has been a slow revival these past two years/year and-a-half, a sort of the empire strikes back of hardcore fans, to produce, enjoy and discuss more meaty and interesting media and topics because it's clear we've been heading in the wrong direction and appealing to the wrong crowd. The thing with casuals is that there is lots of them which means lots of money to be made, so you get something like the Wii that sells well or FMA but a few years in and nobody in that crowd gives a hoot anymore.

Personally, I forced myself to dig deeper and go into more obscure niches to avoid all the casualfest at the top. Good thing about casuals is that they only scratch the surface. Sentai, mecha, old OVAs, obscure PSX/Saturn games, dolls, old-school jap idols etc but also produce some of the stuff I'd like to see by learning to draw and program. I'm enjoy myself but it's worth noting the majority of the stuff I enjoy didn't come out in the last five years.

I hope this is like Anon >>16195742 is predicting though, this "us nerds" that permeates the mass market needs to crash and burn for there to be a true revival.

>> No.16279264

Anyone living in the third world.

>> No.16279727

Guess he wants to talk about the state of anime and LNs in general or something.

No no what are you saying now? Narou Isekai is literally saving animu and LN industry single-handedly. Hell its even going to save the VN industry soon just look! https://vndb.org/v16802

You should be happy right now /a/. They finally mastered the formula that didn't quite work with battle harems, especially with the so called child reincarnation. Now you have stuff like the MC having sex with multiple heroines and in cases where the author cares, he goes in deeper and has the protagonist making families/polygamy/ children, grandchildren and then further depicting their stories+mixing up some worldbuilding etc.

But no really I just wish they made much more senki isekai or something, they always seem to work better in the LN format somehow, much much better. fuck me if I'll read another 戦記モノafter senmono

>> No.16280095

I don't think genre is the right word. Most genres don't go completely extinct. Rather, specific implementations (styles) are what die out. Basically, genres evolve. That is, they focus on and emphasize different things. For example, you say anime in which magical girls fight together against other things has declined, but I'd say not really. There are still quite a lot of them, but they have just changed so that they fight amongst themselves. There are also still some shows that follow the old style that you're talking about, such as Flip Flappers, Yuuki Yuuna, and Gen`ei o Kakeru Taiyou (and possibly Vivid Strike and Prism Ilya, but I didn't watch those). Solo magical girl anime do seem to be dying out, though.

Similarly, I can't think of much action anime, like Black Lagoon. There's action, but... not much about adults doing stuff
Are you talking about specifically Black Lagoon type action anime, or general adult-themed action anime? If it's the latter, then there are still plenty of those: Gangsta, Berserk, Hellsing, Drifters, Joker Game, and Psycho Pass. Bubblegum Crisis type shows are indeed rare. I think the best we get nowadays is an arc in Detective conan.

To repeat, I think that most genres don't die out, but change style. As >>16272537 implies, genres change according to what fans will buy. This is what ultimately decides which styles live on and which die out, which is unfortunate, because many good styles are deemed failures due to their inability to generate money. Most recent anime play it safe, whereas many old anime, particularly OVAs, were not afraid of experimenting. I feel like OVAs today are just extra episodes of seasonal anime, and not original works. Today, if a studio wants to to try something unique, then they just make an episode for Anime Mirai (or Anime Tamago, whatever), or a 3 minute show.

I also feel like most anime now is created with money as a priority, whereas old anime was created with the fans as a priority. That's probably bullshit, but what I'm trying to say is that I get the impression that most modern anime is created by businessmen for profit, wheras with many old anime, I get the impression that they were created by otaku for other otaku.

> A lot of the things that drew me both into games and anime aren't there anymore.
This will probably be a perpetual thing. People who got into anime in year X will feel like anime 20 years later isn't as good because it no longer incorporates a certain component.

>> No.16280151

>Well you and the other nostalgic posters have to remember Japan is coming out of a recession much like west is. That is the reason why you for the last 8 or so years you have seen a few good shows and not as many jampacked unique shows as there was during that time.
I don't know about this. The economic collapse of Japan started in 1991, the effects of which Japan is trying to overcome. That means anime in the 90s and early to mid 2000s should have been just as (perhaps even more) conservative as the more recent stuff.

>> No.16280489
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Saved this thread for posteriority.

Anyway, you guys are forgotting something: the amount of adapted anime from manga, LN, VN, books, etc. Every fucking season has a lot of 12-chapters anime with no ending made just to promote the original content. Nothing personal against it, really, but how many Original Anime we have in the last years?
>inb4 every season you filfhy casual go die

Ok, ok, maybe 10/15% of the whole productions for the season, but very few of them are influential/really original/break ground. God, I can see only Kill la Kill in the recent years...
Thanks for the good thread! Love you, anons!

tl;dr: Lack of original anime is shit

>> No.16280805
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>People who got into anime in year X will feel like anime 20 years later isn't as good because it no longer incorporates a certain component.
It's not fully a style thing. It's the general loss of "this is things nerds like" and having it replaced by "these are things non-nerds like". The so-called casualization of games, I feel like anime has undergone that too, in a way.

Although I don't feel it's no longer being made by otaku, if anything it was originally made by people wanting to make money and now is largely made by otaku. The problem is these otaku have gone from being the weird shameless otaku who'd make an anime about some dude that had a harem of twintail catgirl robot maids fawning over him to total porn-focused weirdos who'd make an anime that exists purely because they wanted to make an anime about armpit fetish.* Like they're only obsessed with porn and moe and otaku meta culture like jacking themselves off over how totally awesome flat chests are and being neet is. As someone above said, "Us nerds, huh?" types. But they aren't all posers either, some of them are seriously just porn and moe obsessed otaku fucks. These guys are the ones making anime, instead of the guys obsessed over kids shows that were meant to sell toys and nerdy stuff, and it sort of makes it lack substance because their ideas sort of lack substance. Their idea of an anime is just 5 girls making out while naked. This is the same thing people have been even making fun of in meta anime for years, these degenerate moe obsessed types, but they're the ones making anime now. In summary, I think it's more like businessmen making anime for profit -> nerds making anime for other nerds -> doujin fans(as in secondary porn consumers) making anime for other doujin fans. Even Touhou is sort of like this, spawning so many people who make doujin works of doujin works instead of based on non amateur things or original concepts.

I don't think it's all porn, of course, but I do think my lack of interest lately is a matter of "This hamburger no longer has beef patties and two buns, but instead a sausage and one bun" instead of just "this hamburger has mustard and ketchup instead of mayo or barbecue sauce". Or to use games as an example, I feel that they're mostly no longer actually "games", not just that the genres I like aren't popular anymore. They're like, stories with minigames tacked on. Anime is like... a bunch of characters with some animation tacked on. It might be due to the extreme amount of LN adaptations, given LNs typically have plots like something you'd see on a pulp novel or something like "Aliens stole my virginity!"
It's also partially that they rarely last long enough to even get a good feel. They'll be like 12 episodes where half of each episode is wasted on nothing instead of being at least 26 episodes. (most of which were still wasted on nothing, but at least gave the series enough time to stick in your mind). Games have this same play-'em-and-move-on mentality nowadays too. It's an "MTV no longer plays music" kind of situation, and really, I think "things just change, not grow worse, and you don't like them because nostalgia" is a kind of fallacy.

*While the former maid anime is still made of fetishes, the latter would literally be girls licking each others armpits every chance they got for some vague reason. A story with characters in fetish outfits vs a story about softcore fetish porn. Even so, the former is still on the path to where it is now. Additionally, I call the old ones "shameless" because newer otaku seem to be paradoxically obsessed with purity and virginity while at the same time wanting girls to dyke out or get molested all the time, whereas with the older ones the girls would just want to fuck and possibly had fucked before, and that wasn't as big a deal. Characters could also walk around in fetish outfits and nothing would be that strange, whereas if they did it now, it would be almost certainly just a fetish thing meant to provoke a reaction from MC or something.

>> No.16281783


every season you filthy casual go die

No really we still get plenty of original shows, this season 15/46 shows are original (that's just under a third). Adaptations have always been more common since they're safer investments.

There have been plenty of original ground breaking shows too, if all you can think of is kill la kill you probably really are a casual.

>> No.16281821


You have no idea what you're talking about, your claims are absurd and I can't honestly believe you even watch modern anime if you think that fetish shows like that are particularly common.

I don't even what to say about the rest of your post, it's so ungrounded and arbitrary that I don't even know where to begin. Yes there are still ecchi shows nowadays. No they really aren't that common. No they aren't somehow worse than old ecchi shows just because of some arbitrary distinction of what is "shameless" or not.

>> No.16281845

I thought Yuko Goto was dead. She looks pretty close now...

>> No.16281864

Regarding anime for otakus. It seems that it's now shortened to one kind of people. The moe/fetish kind. Back then there used to have variety of otakus. Like SF or Military or Mecha.

Heck, real mecha otakus are dying because there's so little core show made for them. And it's a shame because mecha shows tend to have a meatier content in story and characters. If compared to moe/fetish kind of pandering show, that show, no matter how deep and complex they try to make, still ends up as trashy and low class because of the moe/fetish centric.

>> No.16281978


"SF, Military, and Mecha" is basically only one type of otaku too as all of those aspects are included in most mecha anime. And there are still plenty of mecha anime they're just not as popular as they used to be. And no "moe/fetish" is not the only kind of anime made any more, or even the majority. If you had to pick the worst part of current anime it'd be how many Light Novel adaptations that never get proper endings there are, but at least light novels are more appropriate for adaptation than most VNs are.

As someone who actively watches anime from all time periods and also keeps up with seasonal anime I can tell you that you're full of shit and you should stop complaining about problems that don't even exist. Not that there aren't other problems with anime nowadays it's just that despite that the medium is still plenty strong. In fact I'd say it's on an upward trend at the moment, this year was pretty good all said.

>> No.16281997 [DELETED] 

I don't like real nerds and that crap.

>> No.16281999

I wonder what will happen to the fandom (over in the west, anyway) when net neutrality is eventually vanquished by a Republican SOPA 4.0 and most American creators have to deal with god-awful traffic throttling.

>> No.16282041

I mostly stopped like 4 years ago. Then I went into my manga phase. These days I'm mostly playing h-rpgmaker games.

>> No.16282048

I started watching anime again after getting up to speed on Japanese.

The notion that you should grow out of hobbies is dumb.

>> No.16282073

TPP is getting scrapped so Japan will have none of this shit, in case you have been sleeping hard these last months

>> No.16282088

Then entertain me this. Why didn't I hear more of this?

Be it moe/fetish pandering, bad LN adaptation, Isekai theme and from Zero style story, why all of that is trashy? Don't give me examples of shows that has some depth on those genre, because in the end, they're just a template for you to live on a fantasy. And that is trashy media.

If there are an exemption to the norm, what is it? Why I never heard of it. Which brings me back to the problem of Otakus in general. They keep on falling to the sweet trap all the time and there are no vocal people who say they're tired of those shit. Now tell me. What are the exemption to it? Where's my ultra-violence shit of the 80's? Where's all the good written characters where their quirks are not their only character? Where is it?

I just want answer to why I stopped watching anime in the first place

>> No.16282112

>Eh, there still reasons to hoard some stuff.
Same goes for a lot of shows and whatnot. A lot of lesser-known scanlation groups use dropbox public folders to upload, and those are being killed in March. Torrents also suffer from nasty link rot.

I'm thinking of buying a large tower with several disks that I can use as an FTP server. I used to use external drives but files kept getting corrupted.

All the kids are saying that cloud computing is the hot shit though. Perhaps they are right.

>> No.16282117

>Where's my ultra-violence shit of the 80's?
women complained

>> No.16282175

This is a criticism that has been, since the 15th century, leveled at anyone who is content to focus on the minutiae of collectibles and facts rather than searching or constructing big narratives.

>he New Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and Modern of the Canting Crew of c.1698 defines an antiquary as "A curious critic in old Coins, Stones and Inscriptions, in Worm-eaten Records and ancient Manuscripts, also one that affects and blindly dotes, on Relics, Ruins, old Customs Phrases and Fashions".

I wouldn't automatically assume that the argument that there is no real grand meaning or great overarching narrative in the world is false. For many people there really isn't anything great out there, or what posits itself as great or something that will be great again is so transparently false or corrupt that investing oneself in those ideas or institutions is like throwing your money down a sewer. Why waste your life giving yourself to a god, to the state, to a culture or an idea when otaku interests promise a guaranteed return on the time you invest?

>Harems as harems are sort of dead.
Maybe there is a god

>> No.16282203



>> No.16282210

I have been taking it a bit too easy this 2016 but that's just one link of the supply chain.

I'm glad TPP is dead but one of the few things Obongo did good was kick the shit out of Comcast/AT&T by enforcing the fuck out of net neutrality laws. Corpo-Repubs have always wanted to kill net neutrality and now they have their chance.

What's the point of Japan putting out great anime if I have to ration out my great new bandwidth cap and wait several days for shit to download because everything that isn't partnered with my ISP gets throttled to fuck and back?

I'm not saying this is going to kill the fandom but I do think that without net neutrality what's left of independent fan communities will be slowly squeezed out as the telecom corps create their walled gardens and make it harder and harder to reach an audience.

>> No.16282386


You didn't hear about it because you're either inept and don't know how to find things on the internet without people spoonfeeding it to you or you're willfully ignorant preferring to live in your fantasies of the past while complaining endlessly about a medium you don't even watch any more.

There are still bloody and violent shows, there's even a few this season but of course you wouldn't know that. "80s ultra-violence" as it was in the 80's isn't around as much but that's because it's not the 80s any more, most of it was garbage that only existed for shock value anyways.


Please take your shitposting back to /v/

>> No.16282438

just to be clear, your complaint isn't that otaku are male and prefer girls being girlish to 'hunks' beating the shit out of each other, is it

if it's not, I'll delete my post if you so desire

>> No.16282796


Huh? Did you respond to the wrong post? I don't really understand where you got that from.

Just in case you're one of the two people I called shitposters:

If you're the one who blamed women complaining for ultraviolence going out of style my complaint is that arbitrarily blaming women for anything you don't like is /v/ shit.

If you're the DBZ person then it's because you're posting like a 12 year old on facebook, I don't care if it's ironic or not keep it out of /jp/

>> No.16282846

>most of it was garbage that only existed for shock value anyways
So, like Madoka. Except back then they had the guts to kill people on screen and let them stay dead, and show their guts.

>> No.16282851

To be truthful, women (in the sense of mothers) are probably the reason violence in anime was toned down, censored all the time on TV, and you can't even show panty shots most of the time anymore.

>> No.16282894

Here's a theory that probably can't be proven:

The reason for the stagnation is the internet. Nowadays, when you make something outside the bounds of normal taste, you run the risk of being the subject of steady raids, not just from four or five people who coordinate in person or via mail, but the entire western world, depending on the reach of the outrage. Studios can't take that kind of risk.

The internet allows 99th percentile busybodies to meet each other and work together efficiently.

>> No.16282911

Japan airs all sorts of absurd shit from naked schoolgirls to asscrack thongs to swimsuited girls rubbing their vulvas against each other.

Some of this theorizing feels like it comes from the fucking moon.

>> No.16282983

Japan doesn't give a fuck about what the west thinks. Until 2020 anyway.

>> No.16283013 [DELETED] 

Why aren't anime the same as they were 20 years ago?
Why aren't Hollywood movies the same as they were 20 years ago?
Why aren't books the same as they were 20 years ago?

Because collective mindset and preferences evolve over time, and these mediums change to reflect this.
The individuals that protest against such natural occurrences, are the types that stagnate in personal growth and experience. Consciously or subconsciously, they wish others were stuck in time like them.

These individuals, they are losers.

>> No.16283054

Entropy is all-powerful, sure, but just because something's strong doesn't mean you have to worship it.

>> No.16283610

Evolution =/= Better

It sacrifices something for the benefit of something. Anime isn't what it is now because of economical reasons. It's expensive to make one. And the value they got back isn't great. Which is why they pander it to the lowest denominator of Otakus and hike up the price because they're gullible pieces of shit who worships girls with no personality and only quirks and sex appeal. And are also apathetic to quality of what they watch because they prefer to stay stupid and doesn't evolve.

>> No.16283650

They have their own busybodies and autists. Remember Kannagi?

>> No.16283658
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I think the internet has something to do with the changing landscape but as a tool to spread knowledge rapidly and to a vast mass of people not as a tool to detract niches.

What happened was the internet allowed a lot of people to get easy access to otaku media and nerd communities, thus the user base grew rapidly. First in the late 90s-early 2000s with the advent of 56k and ADSL people from first world countries (where as before the internet was reserved to a lucky few and universities) then later in the 2010s with the advent of smartphones and mobile data the huge masses of second and third world countries. The latter is still growing today, for every American or European there are two or three Indians and Chinese on the internet now.

Related wiki entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September

What I'm trying to say is that because the user base grew exponentially the money you could make from niche interests also grew accordingly, and because the vast majority of people are not as devoted (or autistic in our slang) as the original user base it's obvious the content producers will shift towards appealing to the mass market.

This definitely happened in Japan, the market they could appeal to went from being their own country + France/Germany and to a lesser degree USA to literally half the planet thanks to more people having knowledge of anime & manga.

tl;dr always follow the money

Sure things change.
Japan was in an economic bubble at the time, they were riding high, literally on top of the world in terms of technology advances, infrastructure and media production. Watch any video from the late 80s/early 90s Japan and it's clear.

But the bubble popped and the lost generation ensued, away went the big budgets for OVA and film productions. People weren't so edgy anymore, they peered inwards more (NGE is a good example). It's obvious, they wouldn't be making the same type of media again.

And really, we don't need to go back to making what was being made 20 years ago. We need to move forward in making (and appreciating) good things today because there are good things today.

>> No.16283800 [DELETED] 

Hi loser. Nice criticism there. No different from the endless rants I saw on /a/ 8 years ago. And you all miss the underlying issue.
Last week I checked the movie list on imdb, and picked 4. Yesterday I checked anichart for 2015-2016, and picked 1 series and 2 movies. That's about 10% pick rate. But I don't care, I torrent them all. Meanwhile, I pay for my books and journals, and I get exactly what I want.
Your drivel. Not philosophically sophisticated enough, not intellectually challenging enough, yak yak yak. What warrants you to complain? The scene is not meant to be your playground. It shouldn't. How much have you paid for your cumulative consumption? At least 25% of it, even?
This is why you're a loser. Non-productive, non-contributing. Just a backseat driver bitch.

>> No.16283808

Can EOPs in any way meaningfully engage with otaku culture?

>> No.16283857 [DELETED] 



>> No.16284811


If you think Madoka is on the level of something like Genocyber when it comes to shock value for it's own sake then you're very misguided. I'm not even gonna argue about whether Madoka is good or not (though I think it is) but putting them both on the same level and saying Madoka is just shock value in the same was as 80s ultraviolence is dumb as hell.

We do still have shows where characters die and where there's plenty of blood like I've said.

Wasn't another guy literally just complaining that ecchi shows have gone too far and become too "shameless"? And now you're claiming that you can't even show panty shots. You're both incorrect but it just shows how wrong you are that you can have complete opposite claims about the state of ecchi anime.

Ultraviolence/gore stuff was popular in the US during the 80s too, it was just a media trend based on many many different factors, claiming women are the primary reason it fell out of style is stupid.

>> No.16284929

Yes. I've seen entirely western doujin comics. Westerners can be otaku, nothing prevents them from being that. They're sometimes called hobbyists or ``indie''.

>> No.16285078

>But the bubble popped and the lost generation ensued, away went the big budgets for OVA and film productions. People weren't so edgy anymore, they peered inwards more (NGE is a good example). It's obvious, they wouldn't be making the same type of media again.
Really? Budgets have shrunk but the industry has gone through spasms of avant-garde anime saturation.

The only thing I can really see declining after the bubble are original anime as studios seek pre-existing audiences

>> No.16285639

>Wasn't another guy literally just complaining that ecchi shows have gone too far and become too "shameless"?
No, shows you didn't even read it. I said older otaku were shameless with fetish outfits and panty shots even on characters who weren't even doing anything, just casually wearing shit that looks like lingerie. New ones are prudes who need pure virgin nuns, but they also need those pure virgin nuns to be engaging in perverted acts all the time.

>> No.16285839

I own Genocyber on DVD and it has a better plot than Madoka. Madoka didn't really bring anything new or different, it's only premise was being a dark magical girl show. Which was pointless in itself when darker ones already existed.

>> No.16285993
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>If you're the one who blamed women complaining for ultraviolence going out of style my complaint is that arbitrarily blaming women for anything you don't like is /v/ shit.
So why did old shonen battle stuff like HnK and DBZ used to have lots of blood and now there is none?

>> No.16286084


First of all stop samefagging

I did read your post it's just that your writing is really bad and it's hard to understand what you're saying half the time while you ramble. Is English your second language?
Your point makes even less sense now after your "clarification" by the way. Girls still wear questionable outfits all the time in anime even in non-ecchi shows. Even if they didn't is the loss of random fanservice in shows not centered around fanservice really such a big deal? Serious shows don't need half naked girls shoehorned in, in fact sometimes it makes it harder to take a show seriously when the characters are inexplicably wearing fetish outfits.

You can say one is better than the other but since I know all you care about is whether a show looks like ones you grew up with I'm not gonna bother arguing against it.

Is that image supposed to prove something? Just because DBZ did something different doesn't change the rest of the medium, it's not as if the scene on the right was particularly bloody anyways it practically looks like random weird red lighting. HxH got remade a few years ago and it had plenty of blood.

>> No.16286103

>Everyone I disagree with is one person
What's with /a/ and that mentality?

>> No.16286151
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Lines defining the hair and deep shadows were the biggest losses of anime.

>> No.16286204

And big, thick hair.

>> No.16286212


I'm not from /a/, and even if they're not all the same person that just means there are three times as many ignorant people stuck in the past in this thread.

>> No.16286262

That was just 80s hair styles.

Yes, yes, you're the only one in the world with the objective truth and everyone else is wrong. you may now go to bed.

>> No.16286410
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Aren't you the one who's being ignorant lel?

>> No.16286417


If someone said "I don't like new anime much I prefer old 80s stuff" that's perfectly acceptable but when they try to reason their taste with claims about modern anime that just aren't true on a factual level then they're just showing their ignorance and complaining for no reason. There's still anime with blood, there's still anime with sexy outfits, there's still anime without fetish stuff. Those are facts, not opinions. It doesn't matter how many people claim those things they'll still be ignorant.

>> No.16286422


Those things don't exist any more*

>> No.16286512
File: 35 KB, 1018x384, DBZ_vs_Kai_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all that was my first post in the thread, why are you so paranoid and hostile? Second of all I posted that scene because I read through the thread and noticed no one really touched on the change from cel animation to digital and how it affected the medium. Third of all if you're really going to try to claim that Jump adaptations haven't completely toned down all violence then you are the ignorant one. Even fucking Kai which was just a "remastering" of Z cut out 90% of the blood so your argument of "Just because DBZ did something different doesn't change the rest of the medium" goes completely out the window when now they are retroactively censoring these same shows. You didn't offer even one reason why these changes might have occurred over time, you just went off on a butthurt tirade trying to paint anyone who has any qualms with modern anime as a nostalgiafag. Basically, you know nothing and have nothing to offer other than non sequitur strawmans. Fuck off.

>> No.16286582


Woah dude, I'm sorry I mistook you for the other guy but you were arguing in a similar way, my apologies.

Whether they censored DBZ Kai really doesn't relate to whether there still is blood in anime though, again like I said HxH was remade and it has plenty of blood. I didn't offer a reason for "anime not having blood any more" because anime does still have blood, regardless of what the makers of DBZ Kai decided to do.

>> No.16286715
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It wasn't even an argument, I was just asking what you thought of it. Not everyone is trying to attack you dude. And check my post again, I'm not referring to all anime, I said shonen battle series or specifically Jump manga adaptations. Those have been toned down for the most part, I'll admit I haven't seen HxH though. Like someone else said earlier in the thread, ultraviolent OVA style anime seem to have gone the way of the dodo as well. I haven't seen anything from this decade that was even similar to something like Urotsukidoji.

>> No.16286958


Ah ok, sorry I was just already arguing with the one guy and mistook you for him initially is why I started off so hostile. I think that there are TV regulations nowadays probably that do end up causing some shows to censor, but only sometimes (maybe only certain channels?). Like Parasyte wasn't censored despite being really gory yet jojo gets it's relatively small amount of gore colored in black when it airs on TV (thankfully the BDs are uncensored though). Could be time slot, intended audience, or only specific shows that get unlucky I'm not sure.

As far as why stuff like Urotsukidoji doesn't get made I agree with the person who was saying it's a result of the decline of OVAs, stuff like that can't really air on TV so it's hard to make when there's not as much of a market for the OVA format. Thought maybe if Japan ever starts airing shows online we could start to see more of them again, sort of like what's happening with Netflix/Hulu/whatever original shows in the west.

You should watch HxH, it's pretty good (in my opinion) and more bloody/seinen-esque than most long running shounen stuff, though it sort of starts innocent and ramps up over time.

>> No.16287228

>There's still anime with blood
Yet they are tame in nature. It feels like they just show blood for the sake of showing blood. Back then, being violent carries a lot of weight. A weight of class.

>there's still anime with sexy outfits
That one is still the same no matter what time it is

>there's still anime without fetish stuff
And yet they are always off the radar. Back then, famous anime doesn't need to depend of those to be on the radar.

>Those are facts, not opinions
Nothing in this world is facts. It's just a matter of perspective.

>> No.16287414

1 of something existing doesn't mean the genre isn't in a state of ruin.

If I released a Myst clone next year, would you say the Myst clone genre is healthy?

>> No.16287486
File: 808 KB, 1280x720, 7years old killing loli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of blood still.

>> No.16287495

>violence is class

>> No.16287715


Fuck you Aya Hirano is a lovely lady!

>> No.16289184

>There's still anime with blood, there's still anime with sexy outfits, there's still anime without fetish stuff.
This is perfectly true, but I think the main complaint is that the degree of everything has decreased. Older shows were more in your face and had little restraint. Today's anime is subdued in comparison.

>> No.16289202
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, [2014-11-30 22꞉04] 1130(いいみぞおち) [47341699].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks a little like Akarin and I want more art of her being bullied.

>> No.16289240

Her head didn't fall off, or get sliced so you could see a cross section of her eyes and brain, or anything. Weak.

>> No.16289401


I can think of at least 3 anime series this year that had large amounts of blood in them: Kotetsujou no Kabaneri, Re: Zero, and Magical Girl Raising Project (>>16287486). There's plenty more with occasional blood too.

Back in the 80s and 90s you weren't likely to find more than a couple really bloody and violent shows a year anyways as so little was made compared to now. It's true that there are less shows like that proportionally but because the total amount has gone up so much they still exist in amounts not too far off from what they used to be.

It's true these shows don't have the same artstyle and tone (the tone varies a lot though nowadays, moreso than in 80s OVAs in my experience), but they're still quite violent and bloody even without having the advantage of being OVAs where they can go as far as they want.

This is sort of an aside but most of the changes people are talking about happened around the turn of the century anyways, and something that happened over 15 years ago can hardly be called "modern" any more in the context of media. That's just semantics though.

>> No.16289711

You know, besides this thread being about differences between 2016 and 2006, this particular point of discussion was based on that exact concept of porportions. Someone was saying different decades felt like they were swamped with certain things.

The whole original point I was saying was when there were less anime, there were one or 2 of each genre at a time and it felt like a nice mix. With lots of anime nowadays, and only a tiny proportion of lots of dying/dead genres, it feels like any rare remaining imitations of those old anime are just drops of pure water in an ocean of piss. Or to put it a different way, being swamped with like 5 of a type of anime a year with 2 you like, vs 20 of a type per year with 2 you like.

>It's true that there are less shows like that proportionally
Also this is what dying/dead means, hence I ask what I asked in >>16287414 again.

Also "give up on the past and learn to like moeyuri and otaku culture referencing metaanime" is such a lame reply. You could say the same if anime became 80% about literal yaoi and fat fetish or 70% realistic historical dramas and period pieces.

>> No.16289810


You're not forced to watch every show so proportions really don't matter outside of just letting you describe trends in the industry. Whether there's 100 total shows a season or 10 shows a season, 5 shows of a particular genre is still 5 shows, it's pointless to complain about there being more shows of genres you don't like proportionally when there's no reason for you to even watch them. If a genre was "dead" it'd be reaching a point where it no longer exists, not just consistently having proportionally small amounts of content. If the 1980s had three times as many shows but the same amount of violent anime would you say that there was none of it in the 80s too?

I never said to "learn to like x genre" I have no idea where you even got that. I just think you're being blinded by nostalgia when you say stuff that's just straight incorrect about what sorts of shows are made today.

>> No.16290100

Magical Girl Raising project

>> No.16290331

Anon, violence isn't all about depiction, the context matter too. Sure the depiction of super soldier, cyborg, robot and alien ripping each other to shreds might be more violence or so but they feel futuristic and sci fi.

There is nothing like little single digit girls killing one another, dead pregnant girl, dead old aunty and a little boy getting rammed by a truck. I am surprised they are even showing this on a TV and not as an OVA. I thought they would never show something like this anymore after Nevada-tan fiasco.

>> No.16290401
File: 2.86 MB, 853x480, 1482127364354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16290474

>Nothing in this world is facts. It's just a matter of perspective.

>> No.16290769

Is this a comedy anime?

>> No.16290844

>Action, Drama, Magic

Unintentionally, maybe. The girl with white hair has inhuman grip strength, the other three girls are bullies.

>> No.16290912

Is that from that new Nanoha series with no Nanoha? The white haired girl looks vaguely like the design. The rest of the girls don't even look from the same series though. It's like a Nanoha character invaded a different anime and decided to make some new friends.

>> No.16290950

Yeah, it's ViVid Strike.

>> No.16291511
File: 502 KB, 1149x1080, 1352158827778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16291516

which Chinese bebop record is this?

>> No.16292499

Outta my way, bully fucking shits.

>> No.16294206

I miss Haruhi so much. It's half a decade already. Give me some closure Tanigawa!

>> No.16298916 [DELETED] 

new thread?

>> No.16298994

fuck off

>> No.16302916
File: 29 KB, 641x481, 1476553014315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16302916,1 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't Japanese laws or standards and practices or whatever about the depiction of blood and guts in media become stricter over the last decade few decades?
Because that would explain what the DBZ guy is talking about.
