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File: 224 KB, 840x525, ElonaTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16146061 No.16146061 [Reply] [Original]


>New Player Guide/FAQ:


Previous Thread:

Questions welcome. Feel free to post characters and pets.

>> No.16146385
File: 221 KB, 827x746, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16146403

That kind of room will follow you to higher levels. I hope you have bubble storm ready.

>> No.16146405
File: 278 KB, 791x595, ss (2016-11-22 at 08.58.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started playing this game.

its aight.

when do i get to do things that aren't hold F

>> No.16146596

Whenever you want. Can always start your own shop, create a farm, work on your home, craft things, pick up other skills, etc.

>> No.16146608

I would of just noped right out of that dungeon if I saw that. Just head back up stairs, make my way out of the dungeon, and find another dungeon on the world map to do.

>> No.16146681

I just had 2 wishes failing, and I have a hunch why.
Please don't tell me that if I play in Japanese, I have to write in the Japanese item name. I've been putting "miromi" and "happy bed" in as usual and my wishes gave nothing.

>> No.16146700


yes its got be in japanese

>> No.16147032
File: 310 KB, 653x432, crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I hoped it would be a good deal.

>> No.16147256

Maybe he's not in the market for moon gates. He seems to be in the market for beds though.

>> No.16147370

Hello darkness my old friend

>> No.16148679

>immune to blind
>immune to bad weather
>you still start every ambush in stormy weather blinded

>> No.16148765

I got bloodsucking, magic eyes, fire breath, knockout, luck and mana feats.

What's worth taking? Should I just get bonus health?

>> No.16149192

Gravity feat if you're playing on 1.63
great magic damage without being a mage
but you will still need 80 and 100 cons to get the "spell" version

>> No.16149251

lol weeb

>> No.16150103
File: 50 KB, 592x78, I'm really bad at it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the glass spear is better right? I think it has a better chance of rolling a higher number but I've always been bad at math and statistical things.
Also is doing random quests on the board most of the time the wrong way to play this game?

>> No.16150167

But anon, with the steel spear both the die and the plus number is larger.
And it even gives bonus for AC. Steel is much better.

>> No.16150241

Think of it like this. Imagine you have a 4-sided die. You then roll it 3 times, and add 2 to the final result.

x + y + z + 2 = damage.

The first number is the number of times you roll the die. The second is the number of sides on the die(3, 4, 6, 8, etc. etc.) So 2d12 is rolling a 12-sided die 2 times.

I don't know what the other numbers coming after it are, though, because I don't play this game. But, this is normal D&D shit. Used in games, sometimes, too.


Steel spear: min. damage 5, max damage 14
Glass spear: min. damage 3, max damage 9.

>> No.16150476

Is there any multiplayer mod for Elona ?

>> No.16150507

As far as I know all multiplayer functionality had been stripped from it.

>> No.16150522

No and I'm glad. You don't want other players rolling in killing everyone in town including you by setting off nukes and casting spells that can reduce an entire map to rubble by just one cast.

>> No.16150587

/tg/ traveller here.

XdY+Z Is read the following, X is number of dice, y is the number of sides on that dice and Z is bonus after all the dice are rolled.

so you've got three (3), four sided dice (d4's) with a plus two bonus to the total roll (+2).

so you roll a range from 1-4, three times, then add +2 to the total of that, giving you a final number anywhere between 5 and 14.

If you had a line that read 4d14-3 you'd roll four fourteen sided dice and then subtract 3 from the final result, giving you a number between 1 and 53.

>> No.16151076

not-elona just got updated

what are your thoughts on noa's next game

>> No.16152564

If all the dice stuff confuses you, you can boil it down to something more simple.

Minimum damage = number left of d
Maximum damage = left number x right number

Add any +x afterwards.

Smaller left number means more random damage, bigger left number means more constant damage.

>> No.16153049

Anywhere I can download old versions of elona+?!

>> No.16153345

Animations makes the game slow. How is that gonna work with elona style grind ?
3d gonna make it infinitly harder to modify to your taste
console ui

I'm looking forward to try it but i don't think we should expect the "elona feel". Also the game being quite young it will feel really shallow.

>> No.16154035

Can you make your pet pick up items again after using tamer's whip on it?

>> No.16154103

Just use the whip again.
And don't test it in your home or storage house, they won't rob your place. Go to a town or random wilderness to check if it works. Also they never pick up stacked items, so drop a single one and don't step on it.

>> No.16154383

Yeah, thanks, I just noticed that it started picking up stuff in a dungeon again.

>> No.16154438

How do i destroy a ranch? Thinking about removing them all and go full herb gardens to level up attributes (plus frees a bunch of spots for pets).

Also, can i have pets use scrolls of enchant weapon/armor? Tried once but it said "nothing happens"

>> No.16154446

(g)rab it on the world map.

And you can just take the pet's weapon and enchant it yourself then give it back.

>> No.16154471

Still that's a bunch of extra micro (and a pain if engagement stuff is involved)
Also, did anyone figure out a way to make a macro for digging? Tried autohotkey but it didn't work as i wanted.

>> No.16154519

Just what am I looking for on <Miracle> amulets? Just a shitton of resists?
And is it even worth rerolling (through <Beggar's Pendant> dupes) if I already have a <Twin Edge>?

>> No.16154545

Resists are great since they reduce elemental damage, if you can stack them all to Superb+ then you can survive easier, especially magical attacks since they don't miss.
PV will reduce physical damage and DV will help you dodge attacks.
If you're going dual wield melee then the Twin Edge is great, the Begger's Pendant has better all-around utility

>> No.16154546

Immunities will get important pretty early in the game, particularly blindness.
Skill bonuses are useful too and seem to stack.

Also +speed is worth more than pretty much any other attribute bonus. Of course as you said, resist is also needed.

>> No.16154611

another question - are grenades/stones/shuriken ever useful? or is rerolling shena's panty a waste of time

>> No.16154637

Shurikens inflict bleeding.
Very few things have immunity to it, or even resistances for that matter.
Is a decent DoT option
Grenades are a mixed bag, useful if none of your pets will ever go in melee (or go in melee and have Superb+ sound resistance), less useful otherwise.
Stones are very meh, the only good thing is the will bonus (and thus, as food due to cursed scrolls of inferior material to change them into raw)

>> No.16154780
File: 265 KB, 798x598, ss (2016-11-24 at 11.27.45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly i have no good grenades or laser pistols

>> No.16155583

how much does eating stat gear train the stat? is it just 1xp per stat on the equip, or is it actually worth getting and eating all the luck equips and shoes i can find?

>> No.16156070
File: 499 KB, 1133x620, cant fire whats wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beginner, just why can't I shoot ? I have bow and arrow equipped it keeps telling me I need to equip a firing weapon. Also can't kill it with just sword somehow, probably because this char is a wizard.

>> No.16156079

You need to put it into the "shoot" category

>> No.16156090 [DELETED] 


>> No.16156253


bow cross bow guns etc go in the shoot slot

putting it in the hand slot makes you melee with it

>> No.16156900
File: 1.64 MB, 1286x1546, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capped tactics. Only thing rough was just keeping potential high enough to gain points near the end and being patient but no curve balls at least. Had to use gauge attacks past 800 or so tactics to gain anything but it works all the way to cap.

I capped casting through spamming oracle. I've capped martial arts by hunting down harder and harder enemies in the void treating enemies that can regen or heal themselves as jackpots since I could wail on them for a very long time to raise that skill. You'll need to get to around void lv 600 to cap that skill and possibly other weapon skills though. Tactics is slow to gain points in and I ended up training two weapon skills in the time I took to cap it. Eye of Mind is easy to cap, even easier than the weapon skills and tactics, and the only reason why I haven't capped it is because I needed to funnel my platinum to other skills. Just have to get a crit to raise that skill. Not sure if enemy difficulty matters for it or not but it rises well on the stuff I'm currently fighting in the void.

To get skills really high you really need to come to the void. Normal dungeons just don't cut it. Aside from gaining void access I'd heavily recommend getting the Sasumata and Mechanical Binder. The Sasumata will make leveling polearm, tactics, two hand, and eye of mind so much more easier. For leveling other weapon skills such as long swords, martial arts, etc, the Mechanical Binder is the next best thing since it destroys your damage multiplier by reducing tactics. If you can just wail on something forever since you barely do any damage then leveling the melee stuff becomes easier.

I'm currently indifferent to Elin however I'm hoping the end product ends up being a game I can enjoy. I've watched past videos and for me it just seems to mainly showcase the art style of the game. I find the style charming personally but modding looks may become a pain as others have pointed out. Suppose that might not be as much of a problem for me if there's a lot of room for customization but who knows if that will happen.

The video you shared seems to show the player in an inn with at least I presume is the inn keeper getting angry with her for kicking her snail partner. She seems to be going around trying to look or examine something with the person dancing but getting blocked. During that time she gets a quest. Then afterwards she seems to be raising relationship with people by feeding them stuff that was on the table.

Near the end you see her run off to the east part of the inn and I found it kinda funny that some adventurers trying to claim the bed from someone got kicked back to the ground by the guy on the bed while some girl on a horse screams brother! to the mirror.

UI shows statuses at the bottom left along with the HP bar and the Moral bar(What's this? Also no MP bar?). Below that is portrait, gold amount and two other symbols with amounts I have no idea bout. To the right of that is misc inn chatter/log. Top right is the clock and below that appears to be quest tracking.

The most interesting part of the video is near the end where you get a very brief glimpse of the character sheet, inventory, and journal. Thank goodness for the pause button. Character sheet reads as follows:

The peerless beat (Something like that anyways. At any rate, maybe those crazy titles you get to roll for might be in Elin.)

Mantiken (Name)
Home: Homeless (Poor girl but yeah a home system might be in Elin)
Present Location: Inn
Age: 28
Race: Cat
Occupation: No occupation (Starting to understand why you''re homeless Mantiken. Jokes aside, what goes here? Does a class like warrior go here or are these more like trade professions like carpenter, etc. Also interesting that you might not even start with a class?)
Ht: 213 cm
Wt: 69 kg
Fame: 100
Behavior Power(?): 20 (What's this?)
Religious Faith: Eyth
Karma: 100
Meshera: 0 (Uh-oh...)
Money(Oren): 450
Skill: Charm 12 Mining 8 Intuition/Sense 7 (What's the deal here? Are there only a handful of skills in the game? Is it just reporting your highest level skills in the game on this line here?)
Special: Anti poison 1 Bind 1
Attributes seem to be similar to Elona's along with a potential system. Rest of the stuff on the sheet may be misc info
Attributes seem to be similar to Elona's along with a potential system
Inventory appears to show items along with info on how you got said item. Don't know why the item that is being shown though lists mining 8 physical strength 11 and dexterity 7

Journal seems to show options for getting quest details, faction details(guilds or something else?) adventure tracking info, map, general info about the world and ecology.

I'm mainly left wondering how skills and classes work in the game. Also wondering how combat works. Guess we'll have to wait for future videos or input from Noa.

>> No.16156919

Is that Kadokura Kou from BS?

>> No.16156943


>> No.16157076

pls respond!

I get an error using 1.63.

>> No.16157119

Not sure if there is anywhere official you can download older versions of the game. Probably need to find someone with an older version of the game that is willing upload the game somewhere for you to download.

What kind of error are you getting anyways? If you're trying to use any sort of mods like Custom or maybe even certain sprite sheets it might not work or give errors. It's best to just download 1.63 and play without adding anything to it unless you know for sure it's compatible with it.

>> No.16157193

Well the error was in Japanese but I found a link for 1.62 so I'm playing that now.

>> No.16157402
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x1200, Ol-Moran_The_Golden_City.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Thanksgiving for those of you in the US at the moment folks, here's something from your local dungeon maker to you:


It's my latest project and perhaps one of the more ambitious ones: a fully populated city map I've been working on since October. Using tricks I learned from Melugas Airfield, I've been able to work around the default NPC cap in order to further flesh out the denizens, though I can't help but feel that sections of it are still a bit thin in population (this is because of the hard limit on neutral (non-talkative) NPCs I cannot work around at the moment; those that spawn in the initial map generation eat into the object limit, while those that spawn afterward are restricted to what comes out of a mysterious diary, so there are far less mercenaries and travelers that equivalent cities like Ol-dran). Had to modify the roadways a bit to keep the citizens from excessively jay-walking in front of the imaginary traffic (made me wish this game had a zoning system like Dwarf Fortress), but I think that improved the aesthetics in the end. For this map, I've used the hidden editor in order to access otherwise off-limit tiles and place neutral NPCs that would be impossible to via diary. I meant to go further and edit the shopkeepers to have functional stores, but I have no adequate memory editor for the job and attempting to update Elonsnack to go beyond the initial 66 entities causes a strange error whenever I mess with the cdata file at all: even just saving it. One thing I found is that it's technically possible to have a party member who is also a shop keeper, and even buy and sell things from them! The only issue is that their money reserves are whatever they start with, have scrounged from the ground, and haven't spent on potential training, so using them to get rid of vendor trash is less than optimal for extended treks, and they tend to drain their gold when staying in cities for extended periods of time.

>> No.16157409
File: 371 KB, 800x602, Eulderna_Research_Camp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's more, for those willing to delve into technical nitty-gritty, I've included experimental files to modify a specific map into existence - a map that's intractable outside of showroom limitations, complete with a brief experiment in action: whether it's possible to transfer soul spindles without gene inheritance, and if soul spindles will work in such circumstances, especially against targets with a less than "Soul Mate" relation. In layman's terms, it's a free pet (the answer to the above is "yes"). Having to edit it entirely using in-game means, I used Houzanha to mix up the tiles a bit, and a Flower Coral to add in the lake, sculpting the map into a small mining town via digging and wall conjuring. As before, entities were spawn using excessive mysterious diaries.

And for those who wish to see my other works:

>CNPC Pack 1.2 (Req. 1.62 or higher) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/kd6dym5txs445bo
>Blades Inc. (Level 40 Adventure) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/u31fi1a1i0bhmzd
>Melugas Airfield (Level 120 Adventure) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/avghxk81eo9bge9

Have a good night, everybody!

>> No.16157593

fuck me

flying scrolls dont stack?

how the fuck can i wear unique artifacts on my fairy then?

>> No.16157665

They do. Don't forget to bless them for max efficiency.

>> No.16157678

i did

does it reduce by percentage?
if so then im gonna need a lot of scrolls to cut it down below 0.9 stones

>> No.16157696

Yeah, blessed scrolls reduce weight by 22%.

>> No.16158979

Also dont forget that crit damage on weapon is related on their weight , thus is you use something beside dualwield , martial arts or magic you wont get the maximum benefit

>> No.16159001

>whether it's possible to transfer soul spindles without gene inheritance, and if soul spindles will work in such circumstances, especially against targets with a less than "Soul Mate" relation. In layman's terms, it's a free pet (the answer to the above is "yes").
Explain, i can't understand soul spindles

>> No.16159712

my understanding is that having the spindle on the custom map lets you use the spindled pet, even though you didn't inherit it through gene

>> No.16160584

Is there a reason why the girls at the mansion of younger sister are badmouthing me?

>> No.16160591

>younger sister
You're living the dream and you dare complain ?

>> No.16160597

Having a bunch of little girls screaming "monster" and "i hate you" at me isn't exactly my dream.
Maybe is the treasure of the wicked?

>> No.16160727


If you have negative karma, the Little Sister there will dislike you for being evil.


A soul spindle is an object made by high-level tailoring that allows you to transfer a pet from one save game to the next. Normally, it works by obtaining the spindle, using it on the desired pet as the original pet owner (pet must be soulmate or higher, but only when the spindle is originally used), being inherited through genes, and the gene user nabbing the spindle once they collect a claim and moving into a saved showroom containing the ally the spindle was originally used on to bring them out.

What this map does is skip the gene part and have you use the spindle on a character with lower than average relationship (100 as opposed to the 200+ of soulmate), basically allowing a character with zero relation to the pet's original owner to claim them.

>> No.16160735

Wait does it means i have to create a showroom if i want to inherit the pet?

>> No.16160805
File: 265 KB, 800x601, Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, that bit of information is only relevant if you were using a fresh soul spindle yourself to inherit a pet: The "Showroom" is Ol-moran itself. Merely go to Ol-moran via a moongate/rune/the showroom building after claiming the spindle and move to this section of the map to find the recruitable ally and use the spindle on her.

>> No.16160819

So if i do it "normally" (ie: have pet, use spindle, make gene, start as gene, get spindle from chest) do i just need to use the spindle and the pet appears?

>> No.16160891

It's alive.

Rerolling (again) on a cold morning with a cup of hot choco to complete that cozy gaming feeling.

I just want to say I missed you guys.

>> No.16160993


Well, no. You still need to visit a showroom map containing the pet as per standard, and this can be accomplished by pressing "F6", exporting the current map you're on which also contains the desired pet (it saves party members onto the map), renaming the resulting file in your "user" folder to have the .pum extension, and then visiting the resulting showroom as per standard.

>> No.16161139
File: 631 KB, 1276x770, moongate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to get Moongates working in this version? Wiki says that it's only working properly in Japanese, but even there it's broken for me.

>> No.16161302

No. Not only do the house versions listed in the temp.pum not work in the newer versions of Elona+, but there is no server, for western players anyways, to connect to possibly pull down a file with a list of houses that do work.

It's also possible Ano is in the process of scrapping the feature all together. Who knows if he has something to replace it or not. At any rate, I turned off the network features in options because there isn't a server anymore for western players. Won't have to worry about accidentally crashing your game if for some reason you were click happy on a moongate.

>> No.16161459

Should be noted that while you can't access the houses made by Japanese players from moongates you can still might be able to visit houses by other people. It might be possible to hit F8 to save your home and you can make the file saved into a .pum file. You can then visit a copy of your house in the show house and if someone else has the file they can visit your house as well through their show house. So if anyone wants to upload their house they're free to do so. Hopefully pastebin guy will then update the mods pastebin and we can have a list of player houses to visit. Assuming that works of course but I was at least able to make a pum file of my own home and visit it through the show house.

>> No.16161612

Are the Gods in Elona canonically evil?

>> No.16161753

Depends on how you view their goals. Mani wants to turn everyone into a robot or android so if you're not down with that then you see him as evil. Itzpalt wants to reduce everything down to their base elements so most people would see him as evil. Lulwy might be considered evil due to her apathy towards stopping the Etherwind. Since she governs the winds people have begged her to do something about the Etherwind and the corruption they're facing but she doesn't do anything about it or even explain why she doesn't do anything. Instead, she's still butthurt about her failed romance with Mani.

The rest of the gods don't seem to have any crazy goals for the people of Elona. They just represent various aspects of common activities enjoyed by people. Farming, commerce, strength, luck, and healing. All of the gods have quirks though. Even the ones not out to destroy or drastically change the people of the world.

>> No.16161856

>Mani wants to turn everyone into a robot or android
>Lulwy might be considered evil due to her apathy towards stopping the Etherwind
People should just workship Main instead. If everyone is a robot , no one else will catch etherwind corruption again.
Also it's sad there's no direct god of death , beside Kumiromi

>> No.16161929

I'd say Itzpalt is as close to death as you can get. He wants the complete destruction of all life if he wants to reduce everything down to base elements.

>> No.16161943

I dont care about death's destructive aspect. I care about the meaning of taking a life away , you can say it's philosophical

>> No.16161970

I don't see Kumiromi at all being close to death. His sickle is used to tend to his farms not people or anything like it. He's a pretty shy kid that cares mainly about gardens, farms, and to a very limited degree wild life. In that regards he's more closer to the life side of the spectrum due to cultivation than the death side of the spectrum.

>> No.16162206



You're forgetting Tezcatlipoca, who is faintly implied to be the PC of ADOM after slaying Andor Drakon and ascending, having opened up a rift in the lowest part of what is known as the Cradle of Chaos to corrupt Irva, presumably successfully conquering Ancardia and wishing to extend its influence.

He also functions as something like a Boogeyman to the other gods; even if Itzpalt has nominally more power than his peers by virtue of having /other/ gods (the various Element Dragons you randomly encounter in endgame dungeons as well as Sophia) under his rule, their strength still pales into comparison to the Chaos God, and without his counterparts he would find himself quickly overwhelmed.

>> No.16162254

Only god I can think of that might care about the meaning of taking a life away is Jure. Don't let her kind words, gentle face, and horrible cooking fool you though. She has moments where she stops caring about life. Have you tried to talk sense to her when she was having a tsundere meltdown? She will chase you down with a blade or the blade she called "Kindness" to kill you.

I personally nominate Ehekatl as an unintentional death kitty. When she starts crying and meowing things start dying. gods go out of their way to make sure they don't upset her too much.

>> No.16162417


That's not true, Yacatect doesn't condone the wanton slaughter of sentients ("Ah, what a waste") as it means less potential followers/customers, which hurts the global economy, which ultimately damages her. Of course, given that one of her guaranteed followers is the slaver in Melkawn, she might not really care about non-worshiper's actual well-being per se, so long as they're generating currency transactions through some form, be it themselves or being sold.

Oddly, the Japanese community doesn't seem to acknowledge her much; she has less art than even Eyth of Infidel. Makes me wonder if she'll show up in Noa's new game, being a non-Vanilla edition. But then again, so was Meshera and judging from the character sheet it's going to end up being a secondary source of corruption alongside/possibly replacing ether.

>> No.16162490

>Yacatect, why aren't you doing anything about those adventurers? A year ago my favorite baker sold salads that were a mere 100 gold. Now my baker is selling salads for 5000 gold which I can't afford. He says adventurers said they were super healthy and +5, whatever that means, so he needs to sell it for a lot of gold to make a profit on it. I tried asking for a regular salad however even those prices have gone up. The town mayor has indicated that adventurers are causing widespread inflation by dumping the gold, which for some reason appears magically on dead monster corpses, into our town gold supply. Not only that Yacatect, but your very being is further complicating the inflation problem because these adventurers seem to get more gold each day to flood our monetary system. Soon my family and other families are going to starve because we can't afford food. If you truly are benevolent god Yacatect please kill those adventurers.

~t.concerned Vernis citizen

>> No.16162539

Dear concerned citizen,
You should have told Onee-chan earlier that you had money problems. Here is this month's pocket money, don't spend it in one place. If you want more you'll have to work for it. Have you considered becoming a bard or evangelist?

t. Yacatect

>> No.16162564

>Have you considered becoming a bard or evangelist?

>Guys Yacatect is bullying me! She wants to see me get stoned to death like the rest of those subhuman bards.

t.scared and triggered Vernis citizen

>> No.16162593

Is that a face on that snail's back?

>> No.16162606

The pattern definitely looks like one.

>> No.16162687

Normal elona has that too. I always wondered why that was.

>> No.16164014

Considering that you can make a gene with a android? Etherwind fuckery is still very much present.

>she has less art than even Eyth of Infidel
Post art pl0x.

>> No.16164246

Could i get myself a good shopkeeper pet even without the gene engineering ?

>> No.16164339

Go to the slave trader in Derphy and find one of the pets that is recommended in the wiki for shops. Should come with the skills needed.

>> No.16164518

I noticed that i can't open bookshelves anymore in my home. It says it must be used in the shop and in the shop it act just like the safe.
Did i miss something in the patch note ?

>> No.16164775
File: 639 KB, 1606x604, lbookshelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't got around to working on my home but I tested a large bookshelf I had in storage and it seems to be working as a bookshelf. Managed to store my oracle spellbooks I bought from the mage guild and retrieve them as well from the bookshelf.

>> No.16164778

Oh and I'm playing version E+1.63

>> No.16164892

There's nothing on the wiki so does anyone know how much damage bonus you get from using Two hand heavy weapons in elona + ?

>> No.16164893

Does the latest Elona+ Custom (1.62.2) work with E+ v1.63?

The stable version in the pastebin seems not to be available anymore.

>> No.16166032

Google it, I found 1.62 somewhere a few days ago.

>> No.16166111

I just killed a <mad scientist> and he asked to join me. Does this happen often or i'm just lucky ?

>> No.16166113

Happens with some enemies

>> No.16166145

A few enemies have 100% chance IIRC

>> No.16166157

It's a certain select group of enemies that once defeated ask to join you, quite rare.

>> No.16166237

Now I feel retarded for not thinking about getting the v1.62 instead. Thanks, nonetheless.

>> No.16166514
File: 267 KB, 1285x776, damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should of been using uncontrollable more. Didn't know it was practically rampages older brother. While the wiki says rampage puts fury on you and your pets, uncontrollable just puts on fury on you however it ups strength and speed considerably. I got 518 point increase in both strength and speed myself but it seems the buff is percentage based according to the wiki. The uncontrollable thing hasn't let me hit all adjacent enemies though like swarm despite what the wiki says. Regardless, it's a nice way to amp damage. That poor zombie in the void got hit in the face with one of my punches that did about 683k damage. I had possibly 7 more punches to go on him for about 4.7 million damage. Wonder what the damage could of been if I changed my fist element to fire and stacked other buffs. Wonder if I can reach the 1 billion damage mark with martial arts.

>> No.16166522

Can you avoid the initial confusion state or there's no way ?

>> No.16166536

No but the buff lasts long enough that confusion eventually goes away and you're left with just benefits.

>> No.16166538

I guess I'll give this game a try. Should I play vanilla, or are any mods worth trying? Any other tips for a beginner?

>> No.16166561

I know about that , i just dislike the idea of losing control even if it's for a few turns

>> No.16166562

Plenty of tips in the pastebin. Try not to die, but it's almost impossible to fuck up your character since you can just grind whatever skills/attribs you want to use no matter what you start with.

ElonaPlus is technically a modified version of Elona, but no one ever plays vanilla Elona anymore so it's considered the base now.
ElonaPlus also has a Custom mod which adds a ton of translated text which is missing from base ElonaPlus. It's not updated to the last version, though. Either you'll have to google and hunt down ElonaPlus 1.62 so you can use the Custom mod, or play 1.63 and read the missing story events on the wiki: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Story

>> No.16166589

Do Custom game saves work on regular ElonaPlus and vice versa?

>> No.16166603

I think so, but you cannot downgrade from 1.63 to 1.62 Custom. (you can upgrade from 1.62 to 1.63, though)

>> No.16166607

Also if you start having problems like random crashes followed by a moonrunes message , just remove the elona custom parts , that should fix the problem

>> No.16166608

I remember using uncontroll again and it came out as swarm, but then I tried it again and I used shadow step.

I could've pressed another key, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

>> No.16166631

Would it be viable to play 1.62, play it's story, then upgrade and play 1.63 or something? Any complications with that? The whole thing seems a bit convoluted... I've never played a game that had story changes between versions.

>> No.16166659

>story changes between versions.
It doesn't. The story in 1.62 and 1.63 is the same.
But the game is originally Japanese, and the developers aren't really keen on keeping the English localization up to date. So if you play ElonaPlus, 1.62 or 1.63, most of the story will be missing. ElonaPlus Custom restores and translates these cutscenes, and also translates a bunch of other content which have missing translation.

Custom hasn't been updated to 1.63, but it's a relatively small update from 1.62, so you aren't missing too many features if you just play 1.62 with Custom. There were a couple of new feats and special abilities added and a few extra levels to a late game dungeon, that's all.

>> No.16166718

Allright, I get it. Thanks for the clarifications.

>> No.16166872

Thanks for the heads up on that. Wonder if that's a bug. I used uncontrollable once to buff Kai and then pressed it again and swarm came out. You using a special action such as shadow step after uncontrollable is pretty clever. At least I think it is, since it kinda negates the wandering aspect of confusion and you just keep on attacking.

>> No.16166947


You can always quaff a potion of minor healing, and as stated before, shadow step negates the random movements, though it always has a chance of failing and entering a "You shake your head" state. Normally, I use gauge release in combination with Shadow Step and uncontrol to land a heavy blow on the target - once the dimness kicks in (running a sword+shield combo), the rest of the shadow step blows are significantly more likely to connect.

>> No.16167000

Just what does a training machine do? It doesn't seem to touch stats (or I'm getting fuck-all for xp), doesn't take stamina, but like skillbooks I can only use them in bad weather.

For the record, I'm trying to grind whatever it is this is used for using that Lulwy statue in Lumiest setup.

>> No.16167005

Strength potential

>> No.16167036

>I can only use them in bad weather.
Isn't it just once per 24 hours, regardless of weather?

>> No.16167216

It does touch stats. All of the basic ones get trained up a little. Even more effective with the dumbbell of Opatos and Yacatect's glasses to track progress. The amount gained is very low without the dumbell but after you have that the gains are ok until you get to a certain point where it slows down a lot.

Can use it anytime in bad weather.

>> No.16167231

Is it true that MA surpasses everything else in terms of damage ? The wiki says so , but god knows when it was last edited.

>> No.16167418

Assuming a non mutant, I don't think any of the other weapon skills can match MA's damage output from what I've seen but I'll recant that if I see someone doing more than 2.4 million damage in one turn to high level void enemies. I have attribute running to get that damage though but it's the only the buff I have running for it. None of the other weapon skills can take advantage of that buff since it only works on unarmed attacks.

Only thing that I thought that might come close to that damage is meteor but I even wonder about that now. My current meteor level on Kai is 837 and it does about 400k damage to the enemies I'm fighting in the void. If I'm correct in projecting out that at around lv 1600 of meteor that I'll be doing twice the amount of damage than I did at at around lv 800 then that's 800k of damage. Not sure how the damage scaling really works but if the above is correct that's not close to what I'm doing with MA. Having said that, meteor is still very powerful in its own way since it hits everything on the map all at once unlike MA where you have to travel to each target.

Having said all of this, I don't view the other weapon skills or spells as bad. They all do respectable damage and have their advantages. For instance, a two hand build is not nearly as gear reliant as dual wield or MA to put out respectable damage. Firearm and bow users don't need to put themselves in harms way. Dual wield can probably play around with time stop crazyness as they get more chances for it procing it and can get it on their weapons. While time stop can be used to pile on the damage it can also be used to heal, buff, and position yourself. Also, MA certainly isn't a skill I'd recommend everyone to drop what they're doing and work on. Unarmed damage starts off very weak compared to weapon skills and if the word grind causes you to twitch even just a little then it's not for you. It takes a long time before the skill starts to shine.

>> No.16167891

So what do you do once you get to level 40-50? It's just the same over and over again with increasing numbers.

>> No.16168063

Is it possible to mod the game so that higher weightlifting skills also grants you more inventory space? That would be very convenient for hoarders like me, I constantly find myself running out of inventory space and then have to dump it in one of my dozens of storage houses.

>> No.16168105

I don't know, might be hardcoded. But are you using 4 dimensional pocket spell? When maxed out it can give you 300 more slots for storing items.

Use it for things that you don't need every few minutes but you keep hauling with you, like change gear, things you only ever use in towns or dungeons, etc.

>> No.16168140

It's certainly possible, but it'd mean converting a static structure into a dynamic structure.
Depending on how Elona is programmed, that could be anywhere from ten minutes of work to a month-long bug-ridden nightmare.

>> No.16168255

>It's just the same over and over again with increasing numbers.

Kind of how I see all games these days. I used to be a storyfag but once you've played a lot of games, read a number of books, and watched a lot of films you find so many popular themes and tropes recycled that hardly anything is surprising and you settle for the fact that you're never going to have that same wow feeling you had when you first experienced that particular story theme or trope. There are certain story themes and tropes I enjoy despite it being old hat so I still enjoy the various media but with games in particular I've now placed more of an importance on gameplay as that entertains me more than a game's story these days.

Even gameplay can become old but I usually create goals for myself while I wait for new content and that keeps me entertained. In Elona I'm trying to see to it that my character is the strongest thing in existance and there is no monster stronger than him. You start out really weak in Elona so I find it kinda cool how you progress in power. At first I was content with just killing chaos fort bosses but then I learned about the gods and made it my goal to challenge them and kill them. After I killed them I found out that they're not even the strongest and there was probably things lurking in the void even stronger than them. So I've set my goals to conquering that place with Kai. Looking into working on this character's house and making it into something amazing this time around fitting for a godslayer.

Having said that, if I get bored or busy I'll just take a break from Elona and come back to it at another time.

>> No.16168404

Any clue if the uncontrollable buff can be stacked with the final shift buff off an omega shift core?

Say if you have uncontrollable up, then use the shift core, would the stat increase from final shift be based off your normal stats or would it be based off your buffed stats? If not can you shift THEN activate uncontrollable?

Do the 2 buffs cancel each other out?

>> No.16169092

The omega shift core at least stacks. Don't have any other shift core to test. You can do the buffs in either order but I found that my strength attribute was better when I first did uncontrollable then used the shift core. The ideal way str 1883->2886 and the other way(shift core then uncontrollable) str 1883->2782. As a side note, I also cast hero on Kai and that apparently stacks too. Total strength came out to be 3300.

>> No.16170576

What cures silence?
Wiki doesn't even have it listed as a status effect.

>> No.16170602

If I recall it's a hex and not a status effect, so you need whatever you cure those with (and not the spell of course since you can't cast it).

>> No.16170603
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Nice. Seems like a nice way to boost yourself for a few heavy hits, though it requires a good bit of set up.

Is the speed boost from both similar?

>> No.16171139

Thta's lewd , poor black angel

>> No.16171309

Can anyone fix the pastebin and/or provide a link to Elona+ 1.61? Says file not found on the site, and the dropbox link file says it's version 1.63, not 1.61.

>> No.16171723

>bats can spam confusion (and brainwash) on you with every single one of their attacks, even if you cure it it's automatically back by your next turn
>monster eats your food from your inventory, including herbs that you've been gathering, no counter against it
It's been a while since I ragequit a game, but I'm so fucking done with this. Way too much bullshit going on.

>> No.16171731

And of course same thing with other disabling status attacks. It's fine if they used it once in a while, but NOOOOOOOO. Must fucking silence on every single autoattack, what's the point of even having dispels if they reapply by your next turn.

>> No.16171835

The cooking page says that cooking fruit and vegetables improves the skill gain , but does the same thing applies to cooking corpses that improve resistances ?

>> No.16171888

Also, food grants stat exp not skill exp.

>> No.16171954

thanks. you're right i was just thinking about little sisters so i got stats and skills confused.

>> No.16172101

>dear diary, today the creepy fuck by the cemetery had the brilliant idea to ruin the party by summoning every natural disaster this side of Irva, luckily i escaped alive, less luckily, the bastard didn't die in the chaos, i'm angry, i'll go kill some bard to calm down

>> No.16172119
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So I'm about to use 9 Blessed Flying Scrolls on my Mighty Arms because my character uses Light Armor.

Is this a stupid idea? The only thing that gives me pause is that crit damage on weapons depends on weapon weight, and super late game it might make sense to use an extremely heavy weapon.
I'm level 98 and Light Armor is my highest armor skill and I like having no penalties to cast chance because I use a lot of magic.

I guess the only other choice is using them on the Housenka

>> No.16172133

If you use a lot of magic , just go full wizard and light armor , since magic cant crit anyway.

>> No.16172145

Haha better put your shit in a freezer and cast holy veil to prevent hexes.
Another method is to be cool and kill it before it can do anything.

>> No.16172166

Switch to warmage, 97% cast chance in medium armor.

>> No.16172389

Uncontrollable is a stronger buff in regards to boosting strength and speed however the omega shift core boosts all the basic attributes including speed by 20%+5. With both the buffs running and speed buff cast my speed went from 2416(kokou and equipment boosts pushing past 2000) to 3835. Difference of 1,419. Pretty good. Tried stacking rampage and uncontrollable on Kai and that doesn't work. Understandable why though but I thought I might as well give it a shot.


Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. There are a couple of things you could of done to help overcome those troublesome events that you or others reading can do. First, there are gear that prevents confusion in 99% of instances. You need to find some random miracle or higher gear of some sort that says it negates the effect of confusion. A static artifact, one you're guaranteed to get if you beat a certain boss/NPC or meet a condition, that I know that has it is the gloves of Vesda. Before you get equipment that can negate confusion you may want to take note of which enemies can confuse and kill them first before others.

Monsters that love to eat out of your pack has taught me to store my herbs on either a pet which I can send back to town at a moments notice or to store them in 4d space by using the spell 4-dimensional pocket. The spell acts like a secondary inventory which makes it one of the best and useful spells to have. Another thing I used to do when I encountered creatures that used to steal from my pack is to just drop said herbs or food on the ground, kill the creatures, and come back and retrieve the food.

Silence is a pretty nasty if you're a caster. Holy veil certainly can help if you level it up and should deal nicely with normal dungeon monsters that cast it. For people doing the void, it's really hard to keep pace with the strength of the hexes down there so I've had to deal with it by picking up other methods to heal and attack. Part of the reason why I went martial arts/casting hybrid is for this reason.

Anyhow, keep in mind that there are things that work through silence like special actions,potions, rods, scrolls, etc. I went with Jure as a goddess of worship since her special action prayer of Jure heals HP and cures stuff using stamina. The prayer is nice because it works through silence.

As for brainwash, I have to admit that that's something I don't entirely understand the mechanics of. I've gone through normal dungeons with monsters that love to spam that and none of them were able to affect me however against certain enemies in the void that can brainwash I'm left completely naked. I'm not sure if there is a resist associated with brainwash immunity or if it's based off how high a character's attribute is vs the monster's special action strength. I had heard that it might be mind resist that resists it but I have enough mind resist to be completely immune to insanity yet I still can get brainwashed. Leads me to believe that if it is a resist associated with it it's not mind. Only advice I can give on brainwash enemies is kill them first and kill them fast assuming there isn't another more dangerous creature around.

>> No.16172403

Looking at the wiki, the guide seems to recommend making a throwaway character to learn what the fuck you're doing before you play seriously so you know what the fuck you're doing. Given this, would the Overdose game mode be a good idea? x20 exp rate would probably make things pretty easy and allow me to get a decent handle on how shit works without getting rekt easily just because I dunno what the fuck I'm doing, before I know enough to play the game seriously.

>> No.16172449

Thanks. Any other nasty surprises I should prepare for, besides monsters eating my food?
Particularly things that mess with my inventory. I have fire and cold blankets already.
I'd hate to go home only to notice that I'm missing some precious items.

>> No.16172507

I'm having a lot of problems trying to play this. My character is moving up-right constantly, and nothing I do seems to stop him from doing this other than trying to move in another direction. I can't access the menus, ZXC don't do anything when I press them. When I press escape to access the options menu, it won't respond for anywhere from a few to 10 seconds and I have to spam up/down. And the game is running absurdly fast. I don't know how fast this game is supposed to run normally, but when I move I can cross a horizontal length of screen in less than 2 seconds at max resolution. That seems way too fast. Restarting the game doesn't fix any of this.

Shit's all sorts of fucked up. I'm running 1.62+ Custom.

>> No.16172533

I had this problem once or twice actually. Seems like turning your computer off and on works fine, but I don't know a better solution.

>> No.16172538

I remember acid being an annoyance for me and while most static artifacts already come with being immune to acid there are potions you can get from invested magic vendors that you can apply to weapons and armor to make them acidproof. Can also sometimes find these potions on the dungeon floor. Alien pregnancies can be gotten rid of by drinking potions dye, poison, sulfur, and possibly other dangerous things. There is an enemy later on that illustrates how deadly poison can be called the black hornet. Luckily, you can become completely immune to poison if you luck out and find equipment with the enchant that prevents poison. If you don't have said gear be careful vsing those creatures. They tend to swarm so be careful of that. If possible, try to pull them one at a time. On fire blankets and cold blankets, I think once you have enough fire resist and cold resistance you don't really need blankets anymore or at the very least, you don't need to find replacements as often since you don't use as many charges. I haven't had to buy a blanket for my character for a long time however my pet with barely any resists goes through blankets like crazy. If you manage to lose a precious item somehow the little sister quest is always there to retrieve a copy of it.

Lastly, for all other crazyness you might encounter, get very familiar with the scroll of escape. This scroll is an absolute lifesaver and I've used it quite a number of times to escape from certain death for Kai. The escape scroll works like the a return scroll, sends you back home, however the countdown for when it goes off is much shorter. You can stock up on them from visiting your local magic vendor or sometimes find them off of dungeon bosses. If anytime you run into a situation where you're not sure you're going to make it pop the scroll, restore yourself in your home, and maybe come back to said dungeon when you're more prepared to handle whatever bad situation caused you to pop the scroll.

>> No.16172547

My first character was actually in overdose too.
I would say it's fine as long as you don't get used to how fast you grow. I remember defeating Zeome in overdose and then creating a new character in advanced to play seriously.

>> No.16172564

Correction on the escape scroll. It sends you back to the world map. Had a bit of mind slip there but yeah it it's the scroll you use for oh shit moments.

>> No.16172656

Allright, I'll try that at some point, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.16172677

Do you have a joystick or gamepad connected?

>> No.16172714

I do not. At least, not plugged in at the moment, I checked. It hasn't been plugged in since the last time I restarted, also.

One thing I can say, though, is that I have a mech keyboard that has fucked up circuits. I only use this keyboard for Osu! because it's fairly stable as long as I'm not mashing the fuck out of it like I might in some other kinds of rhythm games. However, it does occasionally go full retard and spam the same keys over and over again like repeating CRL+ and scroll lock and other things from time to time. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not. I keep it unplugged when I'm not actively using it.

Also half the keyboard's keys don't work, period, but I don't think that really matters here. Short story is it's fucked.

>> No.16172738

When that thing happened to me my character was constantly searching and the menus went really fast. The transaction between maps were kinda laggy too. Was any of this happening with you.
Closing and opening the game again didn't work either.

>> No.16172775

Not that I can tell, but I don't know for sure? I'm completely new to the game. But I didn't notice anything like that, at least.

When creating my character, it would have the same problem of menus getting stuck and not being able to press enter to proceed through to the next part of character creation for a while. Then it would hang sometimes.

>> No.16172784

Oh, if by constantly searching you mean things like "You see a Pickaxe" and other such things popping up in the system box, then yes, it was doing that constantly.

>> No.16172807

Yeah, it might be the same problem that I was having. Too bad the only solution I know is restarting the pc.

>> No.16172825

It's allright, I'll just restart my computer the next time I want to play. At least I know how to fix it now, thanks.

>> No.16173262

Is it worth it to keep buffing Speed during Party Time?

>> No.16173268


>> No.16173819

What's the best base food for herb in ?

>> No.16173843


>> No.16173865

And do the same herbs bonuses stacks ? (like morgia as a base and in rare herb)
Thanks for the fast answer by the way

>> No.16173875

For herb in Curaria as a base is the best if you want good attribute growth across the board. If you use other herbs you can get really good growth in two attributes at the expense of others. Like Morgia is great for strength and constitution. I personally only go with Curaria as a base since there's a lot of attributes I value.

If you're interested in the technical you can always check the food technical page on the wiki.


>> No.16174009

They stack, but the rare herb bonus is less than the herb-in bonus.
Best practice is to herb-in your curarias since they already give decent stat exp and you get giant piles of them.

>> No.16174224
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I ended up using the flying scrolls on both Mighty Arms AND Housenka, medium armor weight, and then switched to warmage.

With extra melee attacks, proximity assist, decapitation, fire damage, hero proc, that high damage output, and all the extra goodies, I think its a good fit. 2% less casting chance for now doesn't seem so bad. I still melee a lot even with heavy magic use.

Once I get more flying scrolls though I will change to wizard, that mana reduction seems nice. Eventually I will go back to light armor.

>> No.16175690

If I ever get to low mana usually I just spam some magic eyes to get them back. Haven't had mana problems since I picked up that feat, so I still prefer the warmage bonus instead of 10% more mana.

>> No.16176893

There is some weird stuff going on in 1.62

craft bookshelf act like a safe (for the shop)
large bookshelf you can open in your home but there is only a "take" page and its empty (i believe you can open outside your house too)
old bookshelf works just like expected

picked up a fruit in a harvest quest and ended up with 29 apples worth 200+ stones

game randomly saves when harvesting up unknown seeds (like your are harvesting an artifact but its not)

>> No.16177069
File: 96 KB, 840x700, 1476745679393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm playing a gunner and I noticed my damage is so shit compared to my little girl. It's like she's the player and I'm the pet, she's killing and tanking everything that matters.

Melee > range?

>> No.16177072

with equal stats, yes.

But gunners get more attacks off and typically level much faster

>> No.16177165

At long range most weapons have shit damage modifier too. http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Ranged_Weapons

Even if melee is better you shouldn't feel bad because im pretty sure you can clear everything solo with ranged weapons.

Hell i'm doing a throwing char and it's probably even worse than guns.

>> No.16177766
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Even after capping tactics and having good strength I'm still impressed at how bad shining wave has scaled. It was so good when we first got it but now it's just bad. Let this be a lesson to melee people not to overly rely on shining wave. Train your skills as you'll be better off in the long run.

Most important skills to a gunner are marksman(main source for damage multiplier) firearm(accuracy and helps slightly with damage multiplier) and eye of mind(crit chance). Upping damage for a gunner will revolve around those skills. Main attributes to focus on for a gunner are dexterity for accuracy and perception for bonus ranged damage and crit chance.

To increase your damage output in combat play around with special ammo such as rapid(3 shots each time you shoot), magical(adds a random damage element to your attacks), time stop, piercing, and explosive. You'll need to keep an eye out for ammo you find that may have these special ammos. You can refill said special ammo by visiting your blacksmith. Another thing you can do is just carry around lots of bullets with special ammo so you can swap out spent special ammo for more special ammo.

Also look into the special action zero shoot which is an attack that always crits but you're put in melee range. Might be ideal for a shotgun but works just fine with any other range weapon. Get the feat for dimensional move, if you use magic you can skip this as short teleport is what it mimics, so you can kite enemies or have your pet(s) tank the creature.

>> No.16178778

Is it possible to separate items in two stacks ?

I need stacks of curaria for herb in.

>> No.16178846

Either bless one stack and leave another stack unblessed or identify one stack and leave another unidentified. That will separate the piles for herb in.

>> No.16178851

Do the above. Remember to drop a portion of the single stack to separate the piles.

>> No.16178874

So it's not possible to separate them. I blessed all my herbs so I guess I'll need to wait for my next batch.

>> No.16178970

You can still identify half of it. Or drop half, make the rest in your inventory no-drop, pick up the other stack.

>> No.16178993

Oh thanks, it worked, I dropped half of the stack on the floor then put the other half no drop then picked up what was on the floor and now i have two stacks of blessed curraria.

>> No.16182099

Should i do all the bosses in north tyris before finishing the act 1 or can i still do them later ?

>> No.16182157

You can do them later if you want. You can go between north tyris and south tyris whenever you want.

>> No.16182224

Is this at all similar to ib?

>> No.16182283


>> No.16182332

Is it alright to release worshipers being hung at festivals?

>> No.16182345

Why? They're heretics. If you release them you might as well go all the way and release the poor fire giant.

>> No.16182396

How're they heretics? Aren't the other Gods apart of the same pantheon or something? And isn't the Fire Giant legitimately evil or was he an okay ruler or is it not said?

>> No.16182469

Noyel celebrates the festival of Jure. Not the festival of Kumiromi, Lulwy, Mani, or whatever controversial lesser god exists. If you're not part of the one true god Jure then you're a heretic!

t.Jure inquisitor

>> No.16182502
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Jure is best goddess. What other goddess has their likeness imprinted on body pillows for the masses to enjoy.

>> No.16182778
File: 281 KB, 1285x772, wishshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright let's see how my slash ogre is doing. Hopefully she's done a good job selling all the spellbooks I bought off of magic vendors to resell or trade for other spellbooks in my shop. Lets take a look in the safe.

>blessed spellbook of wish

Good job Nia! What do you want? A bonus to your pay? A week vacation to the spa in Larna? Want me to rub your horn?

So not only does the magic shop generate rods of wish but spellbooks of wish too. Certainly one of the best shops to have around. That one spellbook of wish I can convert into about 30-40 wishes.

>> No.16182788

Novice player here. After playing and rerolling countless times, I've finally decided to stick with a playstyle - utility mage. I bring tactical nukes, buffs, debuffs, heals and other stuff while my party members deal the damage (and they do it well)

My current character is at level 30, and I'm quite undecided on my feats. I started with Natural Leader + Runner (for stamina to spam Cheer, I have it maxed as of the moment) and Exorcist (which saved me the frustration from earlier playthroughs)

I have several feat points available, and also wished for a secret of Kumiromi and am now - as mentioned, undecided on what other feats to get.

>> No.16182871
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Here, have that image in a slightly larger resolution.

>> No.16182892

Can't go wrong with the ascetic line of feats(Ex:Apprentice Ascetic), agile line of feats, and magical line of feats(Ex: magical gene). Ascetic line will improve your life attribute which is important for the calculation of HP and additional HP on level up. Ditto for magical gene except that governs mana. Agile helps speed and speed is always useful. All of this helps your character survive as the dead can't really help the team out.

>> No.16182939

>Magical Gene - You gain MP by using gene manipulation

My god, I was under the impression that this feat gives you mp (not max mana) when you use the gene manipulation skill, so I never looked at it. Never thought it was Ascetic's counterpart.

>> No.16183109
File: 285 KB, 1285x770, ridecleric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to create a mech for my character to ride and 1.63 seems to remind me to do that eventually. 1.63 introduces some interesting new rides. The most interesting to me was the ride cleric which looks extremely like the magitech armor from Final Fantasy VI. It even shoots crystal spear which I guess is supposed to mimic how the magitech armor attacked. Other rides/creatures I encountered was the konigs katze which is a huge tank, and a creature/ride that looks like it was lifted from the zoids anime. A new bike, large bike, was introduced which can be evolved into a green bike called the machine storm

>> No.16184184


haha no way, guns are always the strongest

>> No.16184880

On a raw damage basis? Martial arts.
Guns have two very nice advantages though: range and special ammo.
Need elemental damage? Magic ammo
Too much PV on the target? Piercing ammo
Lots of enemies grouped together? Explosive ammo
General use? Rapid
Screen clearing? Burst
Shit's going down? Timestop

>> No.16187324
File: 340 KB, 798x600, Death_of_Lityou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Against a single foe, burst plus extra attacks opens up the possibility to fire around 20 shots a turn; I had an unfortunate case of staring down such an enemy myself, and they shot out my mount from under me! Poor Lityou. Perma-pet death is on, so goodbye mount that can move at 310 speed. I lost Kaneda Bike and two cubs a similar way.

>> No.16187470

Is there any difference between Elona and Elona+, other than the extra region?

>> No.16187777

More skills, more enemies, more story

>> No.16188081

Restarted computer, game works now, awesome, kthx.

By the way, does anyone know how the fug I can learn identifying magic? Having to hold onto items for so long, or having to pay the fee which is fucking exorbitant at the start of the game. On that note, will items fully identify if i hold onto them for long enough? Or is it only up to a certain point?

>> No.16188156

Does age affect anything or is it here for immersion? Can it be changed or is it always determined by rolls?

>> No.16188278

Age, height and weight have no impact in the game.

>> No.16188283

You can change it with certain blessed and cursed potions. Potions of Speed and Slow can make you younger and older, for instance. You also can keep rerolling it at character creation.

It doesn't affect anything in-game as far as I know. You can drink booze and whore yourself out as a 6 years old fairy, no problem.

>> No.16188927

There are spellbooks of identify you can find off of magic vendors, job board quest rewards, dungeon floors, etc. The skill sense quality can completely identify an item in your inventory automatically given time however it takes quite a long time at very low levels of the skill.

>> No.16189866

Note that the sense quality skill only works for equipment, not for scrolls, food, spellbooks or potions

>> No.16190663

What is a good rule of thumb to decide whether or not a dungeon is too hard based on it's level?

>> No.16191149

Is it worth it to use the extra races? Is it cheating to use it even?

>> No.16191821

None. Even in the level 1 dungeon you could find that 1 enemy that just screws you over. Man i started seeing big daddies in level 2 dungeons , when is way too early to try and kill one.

>> No.16192197

And Elona Custom?

>> No.16192200

more translations , some improvements to pet AI

>> No.16192208

So I should download Custom?

sorry for being annoying but stuff like this really bothers me.

>> No.16192218

The smart answer would be yes
My personal experience though is that custom caused my game to crash quite often
Anyway if you want to play custom you should play elona+ 1.62 since custom 1.63 is not out yet

>> No.16192225

>You MUST run Elona+ (and Custom) through Windows 7 Compatibility Mode and as an Administrator, for optimal performance.
Does this game keep saves in system32?

>> No.16192227


>> No.16192236

Eh, no, afaik.

>> No.16192433

My food shop won't sell any of my carrots, potatoes or melons...

>> No.16192442

your shopkeeper sucks , fire them
( the number of customers is affected by your shopkeeper charisma , and the sell chance is affected by negotiation . Also the shop rank increases both )

>> No.16192467

She has like 100 neg and 50 cha. All the other fruit legumes and whatever sell fine.
Just carrots potatoes and melons won't go away.

>> No.16192478

try to cook them , or else just shove them in the farm and let them rot if nothing else works

>> No.16192778
File: 423 KB, 1283x772, thanksyacatect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While Nia is enjoying her vacation to Larna lets check up on Yacatect and see how she's doing in my general shop. Let's check the safe, maybe there will be an amazing magical item waiting for me!

>An amazing talisman of sex that breaks your mind


T-thanks Yacatect. Keep up the good work...

>> No.16192788

>It grants you bonus 0
it's the most funny and infuriating thing for me

>> No.16192896
File: 938 KB, 524x800, Yacatect_of_Wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That "Shop"
>Worthy of the Goddess of Wealth

Absolutely unprofitable!

>> No.16192904

It was rhetorical. A game should not require administrative rights, except during installation to write to c:\program files, install dependencies like directx or .NET redistributables or create a registry directory. It must be doing something stupid like writing a log file to c:\

>> No.16193136

Finding the performer skill at high levels very hard to raise through traditional methods such as performing at party time quests. Even the x90 party time quests for my character Kai doesn't really level it. Instead, I get my gains now from bonus points and performing in front of a crowd of leveled spirits from the summon spirits spell. I've been pretty much summoning spirits, performing in front of them, meteoring all of them, and then summoning another batch of spirits to play in front of as it seems I can't get gains off of the same crowd. As a side note, around 1000 perform seems to be the number to aim for if you want to impress spirits at party time quests.

At the beginning of the game I did job board quests instead of dungeon crawling since the reward to time ratio was much better. It wasn't until much later that I started doing dungeons however even then I was very conservative in what dungeons I did. I mostly did dungeons that were my level or lower. Mid game, around the time I got to South Tyris, I wouldn't do dungeons more than twice my character's level. At my current point I don't really have to care what the dungeon level is but I'm keeping it low in relation to my character's level so my pets can train there. I mainly see dungeons as treasure troves for gold, small medals, platinum, and resource spots. I don't use them to level up or gain skill. For leveling up and gaining skill I go to the void.

I view the vast majority of the extra race as much weaker than the default classes. Only a handful of them I view as viable such catgod, machinegod, and undeadgod. Some players may think they're getting a wonderful edge by playing as such an extra race but there is a cost to playing as them which diminishes that edge.

A lot of the extra races are missing a lot of equipment slots which can lead to survival problems as they can't equip enough armor pieces to get good resists in everything and will be lacking a source of PV and DV. The worst problem with some of the extra races, especially the god ones, is the fact that your INI score will be through the roof and that will affect how easy it is to get AP(a very valuable resource for gaining speed, leveling skills, and gaining other abilities). While missing equipment slots can be fixed later on at the cost of max HP, you're permanently stuck with that high INI score.

I personally wouldn't use an extra race as a new player since they can introduce the problems above and make the game harder than it should be. If you're a vet looking to roleplay something different by all means go for it but know what you're signing up for.

>> No.16193158

I agree with you. I really should work on creating a more befitting shop instead of some hole in the wall and it's on my to do list. I'm just not there yet.

>> No.16193223


It should be noted that the normally non-playable Human races, Roran, Zanan, Norland, and Mazin, all contain the default slots as well as a manageable AP score, but lack any of the feats that make the default humans attractive, such as extra skill points of Yerles or Juere's reduced hunger. All of them but the Roran start with tactics which might make them better early game melee characters, but in many cases Eulderna beats them out when it comes to late game viability as there really isn't anything the extra humans can do that can't also be done by the base four. Pick Zanan or Norland if Yerles isn't generic enough for you. Rorans make above-average pianists and are generally good for those who like being charismatic but don't want the limitations of the fairy, while Mazin have good potential towards being war mages, possessing acceptable strength on top of a good magical base.

>> No.16193494

Does anyone know if the Elona main theme has any available sheet music for piano?

>> No.16193675

Shouldn't boosts depend on turn rather than action ?

>> No.16194205

As the player or monster gains a lot of speed they can take more actions per turn. If buffs and hexes were by turn you would find monsters applying hexes and buffs that seemingly never ends if you run into a monster that has a lot of speed.

>> No.16194648

so how does weapon xp work? I'm trying to grind polearm and tactics using sasumata but it's a tiny fraction of a level every time i get xp, and maybe one in six hits grants xp

>> No.16194893

That's sounds right. Get used to those fractions as that's the norm at high levels. The sasumata does make grinding easier as it allows you to hit an enemy forever. You save a lot of time and are more efficient by not having to travel and seek out enemies. You can see for yourself by comparing how much you make at x time with the sasumata vs without it.

>> No.16195356

you mean this one

or this one ? (music at the start, don't mind the guy talking i just couldn't find another vid)

>> No.16196416

"Before its too late" (?d) anon

Right now I'm watching this pet arena match that's lasted long enough to put me under the "Starving!" state with only 1 hp remaining, as the match finally nears the climax. Once I spawn back in town on autosave, will I at least have one more turn left to eat, or is this just the shittiest lot I could have ever drawn?

>> No.16196455

Yes, you can still eat but you might still be at Starving! level so eat lots of stuff and drink healing potions/cast your most powerful healing till you can reach the bartender

>> No.16196544
File: 36 KB, 931x110, saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, cut It a bit too close there.

>> No.16196548

Are you a lolicon?

>> No.16196559

I think he is. If he hadn't cropped the image so tightly, I bet we'd see the Sick status.

>> No.16196570


>> No.16196906

How much i should worry about dieing in my first playtrought if i am just playing to fuck around?

>> No.16196916

I would say just a bit. Even if you're fucking around, you should still try not to die too much.

>> No.16197524

Almost done transcribing this for piano:


I'll upload a version tomorrow when i can proof read with a keyboard under the hands.

>> No.16198204

per minute the xp is better i suppose, but when i fight things properly i seem to get much better xp per hit
this is at around 35 polearm 60 tactics
does it have something to do with mob level?

>> No.16198632

Is there any difference at all between PC genders in Elona? The wiki says that female's blush, but I'm pretty sure both genders of PC blush when Stethoscope'd.

Just wondering.

>> No.16198682

Not the anon you're asking however I'll provide my input on this. It's not so much enemy level as it is enemy evasion that determines whether you''ll get skill exp in the first place. Higher level monsters tend to have higher evasion which is why you seek them out though. It's completely possible to eventually gain enough weapon skill that the enemies you usually fight no longer give weapon skill exp and you'll need to find enemies with higher evasion.

As for how much exp you actually get, there's a bit of RNG in that regard. The polearm skill on my character Kai is in the 1000 range and I either get .001 exp to ~.010 exp when I hit enemies with or without the Sasumata. Around .010 exp seems to be the max I can get around my skill level for each normal attack I do. The results have been similar for me when I went to cap Martial Arts and I experienced the same exp range when I went from void floors 500 to 600. Naturally I was trying to maximize how much exp I got by finding a monster with enough evasion however I was struggling just finding anything that would allow me keep getting exp. At floor 600 I was able to get my Martial Arts to around 1900 but no further. Instead of rush diving for the final points I just used bonus points to finish it off.

I'm not entirely sure how much xp you get for your skills at your level since I wasn't exactly tracking my skills around that level. Having said that, you probably don't need to use the Sasumata as you can probably find monsters that are decently durable. However, once you get stronger you'll eventually want to start using the Sasumata because things will start dying too quick for you to train your skills well.

This google doc sheet from the wiki sheds some light on how exp is gained for skills however I'm not sure what to make of the exp numbers since they don't translate to what I'm seeing. Nevertheless, the clues they give on what is happening in the background seem to be correct for the skills I've been looking at raising.


>> No.16198714

Not really as far as anything significant goes. Probably only some cosmetic differences and other very minor stuff for roleplaying.

>> No.16198758

What kind of clothes/armor should a barehanded predator (Monk) wear? i still dont know where it says armor qualifies as cloth/light/heavy etc

>> No.16198771

learning gives you a chance for x5 xp earned

>> No.16198778

That's kind of scary then. His learning skill isn't low and yet he's still reporting those fractions.

>> No.16198970


I meant the second song, and thanks man, that'd be fantastic. I've had the song stuck in my mind for a while and I've been itching to play it.

>> No.16198990
File: 2.51 MB, 1285x2309, equip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armor will tell you how much it weighs in s. What you should be paying attention to is equip weight which is the total amount of weight from all the gear you have equipped. You can find your equip weight on your character sheet or equipment sheet. I've highlighted it in red in my picture. There are three categories of equip weight: light, medium, and heavy. Each equip weight also corresponds to their respective armor skill such as light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor. The ranges for equip weight are less than 15s(Light) between 15s-35s(Medium) over 35s (Heavy).

Having said that, a monk can wear any armor category he/she wishes(light, medium, or heavy) however if you're a monk that dabbles in magic then I recommend you don't go above medium. Equipment you should be looking for should have decent PV/DV, resists, immunities, and the enchant that increases your chance for an extra attack. Even though all endgame monks/martial artists should go barehanded it's often very useful and encouraged that you pick up some tonfas. Since martial arts damage is really weak at the beginning of the game tonfas can provide extra damage along with some other nifty stuff. Once you're far enough in martial arts you can eventually get rid of the tonfas. Look into getting the shield tonfa first and then eventually getting the smash tonfa.

The pic I have shows the gear I'm currently using as a martial artist wizard hybrid. I have 2x magic damage multiplier and have been stacking extra attack chance as best I can. All of my gear except a few pieces are static artifacts so one can eventually get the same pieces I have. I wanted to get the twin edge static artifact for more extra attack chance however RNG has not been kind to me in regards to having that drop for me. Instead, I made a necklace through tailoring that has the extra attack chance. So I heavily suggest picking up tailoring and possibly making armor pieces if you have material to burn and need to patch up holes in your character's resists or need certain enchants. Also very useful for gearing your pets.

>> No.16199004

Oh i honestly trough predator had to be armorless/cloth, i guess i will collect some light armor along the way, i am the kind of person that prefers speed and evasion over defense

i will copy that post and paste it on a notepad for future reference for me, thanks a bunch

>> No.16199196


Pretty sure there's basically nothing. Only thing I could find was the Stethoscope thing, and you can prove that wrong ten minutes into the game, as it doesn't apply to PC's.

>> No.16201122

Can anybody direct me to a guide on how does custom pet AI work exactly? Couldn't find anything on the wiki.

>> No.16201693

how are living weapons minmaxed, enchant-wise? i savescummed/lucked my way into a bunch (longsword, lightsaber, crossbow, panty, scimitar, and skull bow), but i have nfc how damage works lategame - do damage dice on weapons not matter with high skills, or are 2d5+0 resist sticks only for people who don't actually attack with them (ie mages)?

thanks a ton man

>> No.16201759

dice damage matters

your combat skill multiply the basic dice damage of your weapon

elemental dmg on weapon is weaker if the dice is weak
2d4 dagger of fire ##### will do less (fire) damage than 2d30 hammer of fire #
tested this in 1.55

for living weapons i believe you have to enchant it to max (artifact fusion) before you level it

>> No.16201854

in other words i'm better off using a living longsword that i can use material kits on, and lightsabers are just "convenient" ways of getting living weapons for resists?

>> No.16201873

>dice damage matters
To some extent, but you can get a bunch of other sources of damage. Tonfas, claws, hand slot items, etc can add flat amounts of damage, and the best etherwind mutation adds a metric shitton. All those get multiplied the same way, and can easily outstrip the dice on a lower-dice weapon.

Pierce % also really matters: Lightsabers are, if you don't mind using a material kit or the extra etherwinding, very good lategame when enemy PV starts becoming big.

>> No.16201885


>> No.16201918

isn't that a big drop in damage compared to a second attacking weapon?

as for material kits, that would be just to get rid of ether, rather than doing extra damage, right?

>> No.16202096
File: 452 KB, 2487x3510, page1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transcript of elona login theme. Done by ear so tell me if you find errors.

Few notes:

measure 26: G median is to be taken right hand, i just couldn't write it any other way
m41: twice same chord, not a mistake just have to color the right notes
m44-45: same thing but here im not sure of the chord
m46-50: that shit is to high for me to hear. i put notes, it sounds fine, not sure those are the right ones tho
left hand is awesome


>> No.16202098
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>> No.16202103
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>> No.16202216
File: 98 KB, 625x445, 284f1baa2aaef548a63d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I just spent the last 3 hours reading about Elona and found it all fascinating. Why isn't this more popular than 2hu?

>> No.16202221

No seriously, 2hu is the mlp of japan

>> No.16202271

So is North Tyris being a land of jaded degenerates just a logical explanation for the way the AI acts or was it all intentional?

>> No.16202276

Etherwind mang. A bunch of people got the "desire for violence" disease

>> No.16202329

>13th step ghosts can spawn with a 1/130 chance every time the player goes up 66 dungeon staircases on certain days.


>> No.16202334

Had to fight one once, nothing special. The staircase was a nice chunk of cash

>> No.16202346

Didn't even know those things existed. Good thing I'm not that deep into the void.

>> No.16202351

I found it in a normal dungeon

>> No.16202360

You might be hanging out in Vernis and Derphy too much. Yowyn is more laid back. Larna is also peaceful. The rest of the cities have at least one weirdo in them but at least some of them aren't mean. I mean Mia is just trying to make her way in the world despite her tru-bulls.

>> No.16202383


This looks amazing man, thank you so much. I won't have time to play through it until next week, but I'll definitely let you know if I find anything then.

For now, the only thing I see is on measure 41, the second D minor chord should go ADF instead of repeating the previous DFA. Other than that, from a cursory look through/listen I think it's pretty solid.

>> No.16202423


Fuck I didn't see you pointed that out already. I'll double check the other few points next week.

>> No.16202652

Who is Lomias ? He seems fishy to me and I just can't help but kill him every time I see him.

>> No.16202727
File: 113 KB, 832x846, 36471851_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the traveling companion of Larnierre. The pair later meets other notable NPCs and they sort of become an adventuring group outside of your own. Their story is mainly told through cutscenes which you have access to if you have Custom added to your Elona+ game. Unforutnately, Elona Custom isn't out for Elona+ 1.63 yet but hopefully later this month it will become available since the creator of Custom has been on vacation. Once Custom releases for 1.63 you can watch any cutscene you missed through a play back disk purchased at the cyber dome.

Don't worry, you're not alone in thinking he's fishy. I mean he did feed you a beggar's corpse afterall in the tutorial. Here have a picture of creepy Lomias a bit surprised that you really ate that corpse.

>> No.16202828

Oh? Got another one. I guess those things aren't rare at all.

>> No.16202838

I think you are right for 41.I'll post correction after i get more feedback on other parts.

One thing i forgot to mention is the rythm in the 3 first system that will probably need attention.

>> No.16203593

Lomias is a piece of shit. I nuked his ass on my second playthrough.

If you kill him you get a plot device that lets you know even more of what a piece of shit he is.

>> No.16203611

>invades a poor beggar's cave
>kills beggar
>feeds beggar's corpse to a shipwreck survivor they just found and doesn't even know where they are
>then makes the hero kill the beggar's pet putit
>"Ok you can have this crimescene of a cave as your new home :^)"
He's kinda a dick

>> No.16203626
File: 67 KB, 682x338, Jure about to kill you with Kindness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to give a weapon to my ally but it's asking or a hand to give, either 1(2) or 2(2). I don't see what these mean on the wiki so does anyone here know? Have this fresh Jure fanart as thanks

>> No.16203633

Whether you use one handed or two handed.

>> No.16203802

Pretty sure it just means which hand slot it'll be equipped in. Dogs have only one hand slot for a weapon, for example, but if you give your little girl two weapons and pick 1(2) both times, she will only equip one of them.

>> No.16204054

It's asking if you want your pet to put it in hand 1(of 2) or hand 2(of 2).

>> No.16204320
File: 803 KB, 1280x768, elona1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway to fix this neat bow I found? I uncursed my shit but it didn't do anything, fug. Waste of money.

Also I don't know what half of those things do desu. What's Nether Breath and stat maintaining do?

>> No.16204336

Bow looks like it's still cursed or rather, it has a very bad curse on it since it's doomed rated. There's curse and then the next level of curse is doomed. There isn't a way to remove bad stuff off of equipment anymore as far as I'm aware so that weakness to fire isn't coming off.

There are enemies in the game that can drain your stats when they attack you. The maintain stuff is there to prevent that from happening. Nether breath is an invoke that has a chance of coming out and doing additional damage on top of the regular damage the bow does.

I wouldn't worry too much about fixing that bow honestly. I'd just ditch it due to that weakness to fire and the gold you'll need to uncurse it. There's better stuff out there to find.

>> No.16204386

I think if an item is spawned cursed or doomed, the negative attributes will remain regardless if you bless it or not.

>> No.16204402

The negative attribute is there to stay.
You can remove Doomed (basically Cursed Harder) with blessed remove curse items. The NPC, alas, isn't quite enough to undoom it. You could also use blessed water to Bless it, which would override Doomed.

Nether Breath is a AoE attack that deals nether damage, meaning it heals you for part of the damage it deals. Invokes don't always activate though, it's a chance per attack.

"Maintains Thing" means it prevents temporary stat damage of that type, such as from ghost type enemies.

If it didn't have that huge fire resist malus, that'd be a pretty solid early-game bow. As is, it's still worth using once you unDoom it but you'd need to remember to unequip it when fighting anything with fire attacks.

>> No.16204793

Yeah, I ended up deciding to use it anyway, because the stats are just too nice compared to my old bow and I haven't found anything else decent, despite the resistance detriment. It works pretty well, although unfortunately my shoujo has a tendency to get caught in the crossfire when Nether Breath activates.

Is there a way to place items in chests or something? I've been laying out a bunch of items on the ground in my home, but apparently I've reached some sort of limit, as it says I can't drop anything more. Which is kind of a nuisance because I'm a huge pack rat and I love keeping and throwing anything and everything that might be useful in my house and come back for it later if I need it in these kinds of games.

>> No.16204797

Also, I found out why it didn't uncurse the item when I went to an NPC to uncurse it. Apparently it only works on items that are currently equipped, which is kind of silly.

>> No.16204799

If you use magic there's a spell that grants up to 300 spaces , or there's an item that can be used a set amount of times that grants you extra spaces. Both are called 4 dimension. Also you can dump items in the mine dungeon / bandit dungeon in the first town , since those dungeons are set and do not change.

>> No.16205065
File: 178 KB, 670x880, 39791279_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cut me good sir. I'll have you know that I'm an upstanding person. Just look at me. If you think different you're just racist against Elea like that beggar was.

>> No.16205879

buy deeds of storage house
when you get a sweet palace it has space for 400 things, and every extra floor you add (buy stairs from the festival of jure vendor in month 12) is a new 400
just keep in mind that by the time you have storage space for all your junk you'll consider most of it to be junk

>> No.16206197

Do blankets not actually protect stuff from elements? Just had my inventory destroyed, even though my blanket still had charges.

>> No.16206200

So, what's the best way to get scrolls of attribute? Should I just go crazy investing on all magic shops?

>> No.16206998

Magic shops don't carry scrolls of gain attribute or I certainly don't remember getting any despite most of my magic shops being shop levels being between 5000 - 20,000. You might be able to find a scroll on the ground in some dungeon however the scroll is exceedingly rare. The best way to get them is through wishing for them.

>> No.16207045

Oh boy, I guess it's time for me to farm wishes then.
Maybe selling scrolls at the shop would work too, just like Wishing books and rods.

>> No.16207138 [DELETED] 

Haven't tested scrolls yet on my magic shops but that's definitely something to look at. I'm coming around to the idea that you might as well buy the entire inventory of the magic vendors you come across, extract the stuff you like, and dump the rest into your own lottery machine(shop). Aside from the things I know you have a chance at getting such as spellbooks and rods of wish, it might be possible to get scrolls of gain attribute, scrolls of wonder, descent potions, potions of evolution, flying scrolls, speed uppers, and possibly other things.

Aside from investing in shops, this might be the next best thing for a gold dump as the amount of gold you get later on is staggering and I personally wanted another worthy source to deplete my gold. Only problem is inventory space when you buy out all those vendors.

>> No.16207147

Haven't tested scrolls yet on my magic shop but that's definitely something to look at. I'm coming around to the idea that you might as well buy the entire inventory of the magic vendors you come across, extract the stuff you like, and dump the rest into your own lottery machine(shop). Aside from the things I know you have a chance at getting such as spellbooks and rods of wish, it might be possible to get scrolls of gain attribute, scrolls of wonder, descent potions, potions of evolution, flying scrolls, speed uppers, and possibly other things.

Aside from investing in shops, this might be the next best thing for a gold dump as the amount of gold you get later on is staggering and I personally wanted another worthy source to deplete my gold. Only problem is inventory space when you buy out all those vendors.

>> No.16207161

Yesterday, while wandering around in town, I ran into a cat and a dialogue box came up. Thinking I'd accidentally opened one myself somehow, I closed it with escape. Then I looked at the info log and realized it was the wish thing you guys've been talking about.

Who/where/when/how do these occur? And what are some things I can wish for?

An obvious one would be gold or platinum, but that would be too easy. Surely there's better stuff I can get.

>> No.16207181

Oh damn, your pet probably drank from a well and got a wish. They are pretty rare and you can get some unique stuff from them. Here is the article on the wiki explaining some things about them.


>> No.16207209

Yeah, I've seen some wonders in mine. I guess it's time to start investing more on my shop.

Also, are there any monsters high level monsters that come with the skills necessary or should I just gene engeneer?

>> No.16207239

Don't think I've ever run into a cat that gives wishes but considering it's Elona and updates keep rolling out I'll keep an open mind on what's possible or not. Wishes can come from drinking from a well. Either you or the pet can trigger the wish dialog box from drinking from the well. Aside from that, casting wish from the spell or using a rod of wish are other sources.

Don't use wishes for platinum or gold. They're too common. Some people wish for seven league boots to help them with escort quests and to travel around the map quickly. Happy bed is a good wish if you want a quality bed and care about potentials. Miromi is one of the most popular wishes because it gives you a secret experience of Kumiromi and using that item gives you another feat. Scrolls of gain attribute of course is another good wish. If you have a lot of wishes at your disposal wishing for potions of decent is my favorite wish because if you bless a potion of descent you get a free level.

Anyhow, the wiki has some decent suggestions for wish.


>> No.16207249

did you have fire and cold proof blankets ?

>> No.16207272

Both, and the fire blanket still had charges left when the spell finished going through my inventory.

>> No.16207289

Some of the monsters at the slavemaster in Derphy come with the skills needed to be a decent shop keeper. What's nice is that if you use the table that comes with the shop you can restore the shop keepers negotiation and charisma potentials since that skill and attribute will get trained as the shop keeper does her thing.

The shop wiki page has some suggestions for what to use as a shop keeper.


Due to the fact that you can easily maintain a shop keeper's potential, given enough time, any pet with negotiation and charisma can be a good shop keeper so you're fine if you want to pluck any monster from a dungeon and have them tend to your shop.

I have a slash ogre tending my magic shop. It's nice that she already came with negotiation and a decent charisma score but as you said, you can gene engineer the skill if you need to.

>> No.16207299

Yeah, I got one of those dumb fairies that had 200 charisma and threw him in there. Thing is, he doesn't have negotiation and my engineer is too low.

>> No.16207619

Finally got my first two dead eyes!
Now to get another 13.

Also to: dismantle the ranches, get the remaining god pets, engineer skills into them, level them up, equip them up to snuff and then go door kicking

>> No.16207654


If I have a god pet and get rid of it, can I get it again later?

>> No.16207686

I've heard from other people that you can just go through the god reward cycle again and pick up the god pet again. Don't know if that's true or not but you can always just leave your pet at the dojo if you need to free up some pet space. Can leave pets at the dojo and pick them up at anytime you wish.

>> No.16207699

Gotcha. Well, I'll see if I can get them again and report back.

>> No.16208003
File: 183 KB, 1862x1920, 2p5zXvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elona newfig here :^)

how do i play this without dying? i died in the mines in one hit to an acid pudit, who also killed my little girl in one hit, losing all my cargo rations and half my gold so now im starving.

rezed my loli then tried wandering on the road because the tutorial said easy monsters attack on roads and i need xp, and we got ambushed and killed by a... pig.

now I have like 110 gold and it's 130 to revive her and there is nothing I can do. the quest board all has fetch quests for junk items that aren't around Vernis or plants that I assume require gardening, everything but red and white pudits kill me instantly, my ranged attacks are ok but miss most of the time and all the loot i've found sells for 1gp.

what the FUCK am i supposed to in this game? playing as a yerles gunner bc the pastebin said it was good for beginners.

>> No.16208034

immediately after posting this I found a valuable gold bar which apparently gives 6500 gold

but still even a green $ hunting quest got me killed in one hit by a zombie and now i know i'm going to lose all this cash as soon as the next rabbit or squirrel decided to nip me pls help

>> No.16208040

nvm this is how much money the vendor has, no idea where that gold bar went, guess I'll just starve to death

>> No.16208054

try to avoid fighting for a little while and piggyback your little girl while she one shots everything. if you see a new monster (like say a zombie) you can press "l" (as in like) to scroll your targeting over it. it will kind of gauge how strong the monster is so a putit would be "You can beat it with your eyes closed and hands tied" and a zombie would be "You will be absolutely minced"

kind of use that as a guideline before you rush into battle and learn when you need to escape and when you can take on the monster you're faced with.

also I recommend learning gardening in yowyn (southwest of palmia across the river) as soon as possible and spam harvest time quests to work your stats up in the beginning. you also get some gold and seeds from them. the seeds will be extremely useful later.

good luck anon!!

>> No.16208115

Death is going to be a constant until you have enough experience with the game so no shame there. Everyone splats their characters tons while learning.

You might want to consider redoing your game. Yerles Gunner is fine for a beginner. This time head to Vernis and choose little girl as a pet since she's arguably the strongest of the pets you can pick in that list and should be a good tank. First goal a person starting out should focus on is getting gold.

Don't do any of the NPC quests yet like that mines quest. Don't do any dungeons and don't do the puppy caves yet. Instead, do the escort quests on the job board. Pretty much anything that has you escorting an NPC to another town. Focus on those job board quests but make absolutely sure that the escort quests you accept are short distance trips from where you are. So if you're in Vernis accept only escort quests that send you to Yowyn and Derphy, maybe Palmia or Port Kapul, but definitely not Lumiest or Noyel. Familiarize yourself with the locations of the game by going to the wiki and clicking the picture of the world map on that page.


If your little girl is alive and with you then consider doing hunting quests. Be very careful and let the little girl tank and kill things while you kill things at a distance. Use the gold you get from hunting and escort quests to buy yourself food from the inn or baker and to purchase equipment from the blacksmith. Get things that will up your PV/DV and speed if you can.

Once you have some gear, gold, some levels from doing hunting quests, and some food in your inventory you can then attempt to do very low level dungeons, your level or below, and can try your hand at some NPC quests. Use your platinum coin to buy skills you don't have from the trainer in town or to train your skill potentials.

After that you're pretty much free to do what you want in making your character stronger however if you still need help feel free to ask the thread.

Additonal tips: If you run out of job board quests you can do in Vernis just head to another town and check their job board. Consult the map linked above. Also familiarize yourself with the controls of the game. You'll have a much easier time with the game if you know what you can do.


>> No.16208123

I just raided teh bandit hideout and got some money and two coins, I will try heading to yowyn as soon as it stops raining

>> No.16208525


Adding on to what this anon said, drink from the fountains in the towns as much as possible (I think you can just press enter or q while standing on top of them) until you get a dialogue box telling you to enter a wish. If you type in 'seven league boots' you'll get an equip for your legs that lets you travel super fast in the world map and take care of those escort quests like cake. Really easy way to make some good early game money and find decent equips to start dungeon diving.

>> No.16208585

adding on here, dont do the "beauty and the beast" type quests off the bat or you'll get karma raped

>> No.16208708

> + Elona+ (Stable: 1.61)
> + Website (1.61): http://www1.axfc.net/u/3706136.zip

This link is broken. Dropbox is ok though. Starting for the first time, what's a good class\race to pick?

>> No.16208781

slimes are some serious shit early on, but they lack a ranged attack, so you can stand behind a putit while wearing some cheap heavy armor and pepper them with arrows until they die.

>> No.16208798

This. You can also rely on your pet if something goes wrong, but they will probably get fucked up and may die due to the acid pools the slimes spawn.

>> No.16208846
File: 364 KB, 1293x804, karmaindeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I should pat myself on the back for the special kind of luck needed to craft such a horrible item. I don't know what's worse, the associated red text bad stuff or the blue text informing me that the amulet could of helped my dexterity but it's so horribly made that I must be informed that my dexterity will not be increasing. I will never make fun my pet's crafted items again. Karma indeed.

>> No.16208855
File: 672 KB, 1282x795, WHELP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well...this is going well. How hard is it to get another little girl pet?

>> No.16208865

Go to the bar. One of the NPCs can resurrect your pet for gold.

>> No.16208919

that did it, thanks

>> No.16208997

Whatever you pick, don't go in the mines like I did. You can enter forests by pressing enter while standing on them in the overworld. Your little girl is stronger than you at first. Feed her often by giving her food items. Take it back if she doesn't eat right away, party member AI is too dumb to check inventory for food. Keeps her from eating herbs on the ground, which you want to keep for cooking later. Also the thieves den in Vernis is on the top right of the town, you get a quest to clear it from Shena at the bar.

>cannot contact recaptcha. check connection and try again.
goddammit mook let me post

>> No.16209008
File: 134 KB, 415x271, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to unfuck this sword I get in my adventure salary box?

>> No.16209017
File: 214 KB, 626x298, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what's up with this? Does something funny happen with junk loot on September 1? This stuff was 1g a few days ago.

>> No.16209025


Once you identify things, they sell for a lot more money.

>> No.16209054
File: 965 KB, 1280x768, elona3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to sleep and had one of those "attacked by a monster" dreams. The result, this time, was that my brain was mechanized, though. Did that faggot of a God you guys were talking about earlier in the thread have anything to do with this? What exactly are the implications of this happening here? Will it effect my character's stats or other shit?

>> No.16209061

Brain becomes mechanized is +int

skin becomes pale is -con I think?

>> No.16209081

it's a mutation, you can check it by pressing c and flipping a few pages

>> No.16209089
File: 6 KB, 387x320, we just dont know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wiki provides alot of information without the context to actually apply it. How do I garden? I have the skill, now what?

>> No.16209090

Huh. What's making me mutate, though? Is it just luck or is there a trigger for it? It seems like it's been happening a lot recently, like when I drank that one well dry.

>> No.16209121
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If you want another little girl, you can either go to the slave master or try >>16157402's convoluted process to get a pre-evolved one earlier on. They're one of the better early-game pets as with enough money to keep their potentials up, they continue to scale well into mid and early late game.

So long as permanent pet death isn't enabled, you can revive your pets. Perma pet death is reserved for inferno mode when you want to play with traditional RL Fun!

>> No.16209127
File: 87 KB, 208x246, 101001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't level up gardening doing harvest time quests because a nightmare cursed my amulet and now I teleport all over while trying to pick vegetables

>> No.16209152

Yeah, been trying to do that, after discovering all dungeons 2hard. But now I've run out of food. What's the best source if you're broke?

>> No.16209181

You need seeds and a deed for a farm.

Once you have the farm use[t] the seeds in the plowed soil and check up on them every so often. Once they're a bush, you can [g]rab them to harvest your crops. You can get seeds and increase your gardening skills with harvest time missions.

>> No.16209195

Make sure you click the underlined words in the wiki to take you to other pages that explain stuff. Like in the gardening skill page if you click farm it will tell you how to farm.

The gist of it is that you get seeds, like from harvest time quests, buy a farm deed from the embassy, build your farm, and plant your seeds. The gardening skill will play a role in whether or not you get plants that you can eventually harvest.

If you have enough gold, you can get it uncursed by talking to a healer NPC located in some towns. The city of Palmia definitely has a healer.

>> No.16209230

go into the woods and find
>a fucking leaf
or [edible plant] to eat. Don't eat lemons raw, they make you puke apparently. Finish the thieves den mission and you get 1600g, lasted me long enough to get an escort quest from Yowyn to Vernis. I found my armor suck big time and my girl can do green hunting missions on her own I help a little with shooting.

Remember the Etherwind! November 1st you should be waiting in town next to the innkeeper waiting for it to hit. Do not try to wait it out at your house you will starve to death multiple times, use the safehouse in the inn. The innkeeper said there's free food and time passes many times faster in there, a few Rs and it was over. Any month divisible by 3 I think the wind can show up at the first few days of the month.

>> No.16209244

Bash fruit trees for easy food. Or eat food off of the ground (You can do this even if it's not yours).

>> No.16209254

One of the things that can happen to you when you drink from a well is mutate. Your character is also constantly mutating because you were caught up in that ether wind storm at the beginning of the game. So whenever you sleep, there's a chance you can mutate. Mutations can be good or bad. If you want to get rid of your mutations you can find potions of cure mutation on magic vendors, especially on invested ones, and drink those. However, if you drink those potions you have a chance of getting rid of good and bad mutations. It doesn't discriminate. Later on you can find equipment that can help prevent mutations from happening.

Mutations should not be confused for corruption though. Ether corruption, sometimes known as Ether disease, can only be cured by potions of cure corruption.

>> No.16209287

can I make an offering using a cursed item?

>> No.16209291


>> No.16209329

what is hit bonus? accuracy modifier? 1 hit bonus = 1% chance to hit?

>> No.16209369


>> No.16209414

found a rod of identify and used all it's charges, can it be recharged?

>> No.16209543

Special actions draw charge and fill charge allows you to draw charges from one item and put the charges in another item to recharge it. You need to have the magic device skill at 16 and level up to get those special actions. Scrolls of recharge can also work.

>> No.16209989
File: 534 KB, 1280x768, elona4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, got a wish and didn't waste it this time. Hello boots.

But still, what the hell, man. My character is male, how even does he into pregnancy?

>> No.16210017

Xenomorphs don't really care what sex carries their child.

>> No.16210040

Yeah, I'm now noticing that they're spawning around me every once in a while. They go down pretty easy and don't really seem like much of a threat, but I don't know what they could do if they had the time to attack me, either. How 2 get rid of?

>> No.16210048

drink bleach

>> No.16210095

The latest (stable, from my weeks of playing) version right now is 1.63. Don't remember how I discovered it, but try a search engine.

>> No.16210190

I'll have you know that you're not really pregnant, there's just parasites living in your stomach and popping out of it.

>>16210048 is also right, drink poison or dye or some bad food to vomit the parasite out

Are you kiddos even looking on the wiki first?

>> No.16210348
File: 163 KB, 827x746, gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do moon gates not work currently? I get this when I try to enter one, and selecting one of the destinations crashed the game with an invalid map error.

>> No.16210352

there're no servers for western players to connect too. Multiplayer is being cut out from the game

>> No.16210388

Turn off network features in options so you won't get any network related errors like that. The server to update the house list is gone. Don't think Ano had any plans to expand on moongates. Instead, he's been focusing on the story of Elona+ and is slowly putting in the framework for his town authority and town expansion system. Also see >>16161459

>> No.16210497

Give it to a adventurer.
Or use it to passively train healing and get stuff to fight (add a "of silence" equipment to avoid the teleporting)

>> No.16212688

thinking about it this would probably be a decent way of killing adventurers without getting hostility
steal their amulet, trade em this one for some random junk, walk away and go pot of fusion some herb ins or something

>> No.16212699
File: 462 KB, 812x634, Gain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought it was nice to report this back in. Looks like you can really get those through selling some scrolls.

Right now I'm mass producing identify to see if I get more results. Hopefully well see some relly good things.

>> No.16212921

Is it possible to drop the books required by the Mage guild test without starting the quest ? Example , i enter the fighter guild for easy start and stay with them until i get all the books required for mage guild ?

>> No.16213104

Yeah, you can find them anytime.

>> No.16213211

Definitely some good uses for it. For now I'm going to seal it away in my storage house along with that sex amulet of mindbreak but may bring it out one day for training healing or getting some good loot off of adventurers. Speaking of adventurers, I'm reminded that there are perks to playing nice with them.


I'm particularly interested in that five horned helmet. Suppose a new year gift can be tacked on to stuff to wish for as well if the adventurers won't gift you what you want.

Neat. Thanks for the heads up on that.

>> No.16214296

I just read a scroll of inferior material and it wouldn't let me use it on anything but the first 15 items in my inventory, all but one was stuff I had equipped. Is it because I was overloaded? Why was I able to choose from whatever I wanted before?

>> No.16214620

how do I put food in the cooler box?

>> No.16214631

the answer is tab

>> No.16214691

Dam son, you actually take the time to drop your shit on the stands one by one? I just dump all my goods on the front step and leave my bitch thief to deal with everything.

>> No.16214766

One of my skill books is cursed! I tried the priest in Verdis but it appears she only removes curses from my equipped items. Can I salvage this book?

>> No.16214782

mix the book with a blessed potion of water

>> No.16215297

how do I learn new spells besides wizard dream?

>> No.16215305

find spellbooks
identify spellbooks
read spellbooks

>> No.16215469

>tfw not enough yelling madmen to convert all my stat boosting gear into raw so I can eat it
I've scoured all the dungeons that aren't fatal, how long does it take for the deposits to respawn? Can I get madmen any other way?

>> No.16215487

An ally with Detection will have them at times.

>> No.16216317

God damn it, I got my first instance of ether disease. Potion obsession. I can't carry any potions around without my faggot drinking one every 100 turns, which more or less destroys my potion inventory. Are there any reliable ways to get a potion of cure corruption?

>> No.16216324

wait a lucky day , go into the capital , casino play atleast 4 chips away.

>> No.16216384

At once, or in total?

>> No.16216387

at once , atleast 4 of them

>> No.16216550

I believe that seven wins in a row gives ypu a cure corruption, so if you get lucky you can get it with one chip.

>> No.16216560

I like to keep everything nice and tiddy.
If I drop a yacatect statue and some decorations they won't sell, right?

>> No.16216599

What's the deal with the high difficulty escort quests? They often die by themselves while on the world map for no reason due to poison, and I don't know if I can actually do anything about it. It's killing my karma for no reason.

>> No.16216632

Poison is a pretty good reason for death. In order to do the really difficult escort quests you need a lot of speed and/or stuff that gives you improved travel progress. If you're not quick enough to get your client to the place they need to go you're better off not doing those really hard escort quests. Branch out and make gold from other job board requests, doing dungeons, cargo running, etc.

>> No.16216655

Win 4 or 5 times in a row betting one chip. According to the wiki comment section for blackjack, winning 4 times in a row gives you a 60% chance of getting the potion of cure corruption while winning 5 times in a row is like 90%.

>> No.16216805

they're on a short timer and will die if you don't travel fast enough
remember to check how long you have before taking these quests, and that days doesn't mean 24 hour periods, so taking escort quests at 11pm is a recipe for disaster

>> No.16216816

I remeber taking escort quests at the beginning of etherwind months and watching the days go by in the shelter. Those were nightmares for my karma.

>> No.16216886

on the upside that would've been a good time to nuke palmia

>> No.16217820

Which kind of shop sells lockpicks? How many levels of investment does it take for them to become reliably available?

>> No.16217840

Noyel, the vendor next to the fire giant, invest in him and he'll sell a lot.

>> No.16217863

How safe is the road to Noyel for a lvl8 gunner who takes about 1/5 of his hp from a goblin shaman fire bolt?

>> No.16217875

Anyone beside a fairy gets fried in the beginning by magic , since only her has super resistance. If you have 100+ speed you can evade the bandits ambush , if you do not try to travel with less cargo since more cargo means more rogue attacks

>> No.16217887

cargo doesn't influence chances of rogue attacks

>> No.16217898

>Rogue bosses are random encounters on the world map. They are seen as neither negative or positive encounters by the game, so Luck will not decrease their appearance. How often they appear is influenced solely by how much cargo you are carrying, as well as your fame.
Elona Wiki

>> No.16218114

Will food stored in a cooler be identified passively? Right now it takes so long to identify fruit and meat (raw or cooked) that they rot. It looks like blessed/cursed/identified /unidentified items of the same type don't stack. Eg I pick 4 lemons, make puddings, and I get stacks of 2/1/1, and the cooler only holds 4 stacks. It's hard to feed myself and a pet on food that will improve stats, I've mostly been eating travel rations and I feel kinda wimpy for my level.

>> No.16218172

Tests have been run. Cargo, unless it's slowing you down, does not impact rogue encounter chance.

>> No.16218235

Another thing about food. When the wiki mentions corpses giving permanent magic resistance, do I need to eat them raw or are cooked as good/better?

>> No.16218253

The resistances are the same I think, but it's always nice to cook all of your stuff.

>> No.16218263

I'm pretty sure sense quality only works on equipment but I'm a noob so I might be wrong

As far as I've experienced I've always had to identify my food and shit with scrolls/rods or the wizard

>> No.16218282

Yeah, I believe you can only identify equipments with time. Other items won't be identified.

Also, even if it could, it would need to be in your inventory, not in a container.

>> No.16218377

Oh, I guess the times I've seen it was from visiting the magic tutor and identifying all. What about food I grow myself? Will this be cursed/blessed sometimes?

>> No.16218389

Yep. Country grown vegetables can be cursed or blessed. It's always nice to identify everything first before putting it in your mouth.

There is also something I noticed but I need to test it. It seems like pets don't eat cursed food of the ground, so you can know if it's safe or not before looking at it. I still need to test this though.

>> No.16218458

Chug some acid

>> No.16218582

I'm pretty sure cooking enhances the stat modifiers to food; I don't know if it does the same for resistances, but I really doubt that using mid/high level cooking skill on rare/semi-rare corpses would hurt.

>> No.16218615

>Chug some acid
Or liquor, drink a few bottles and you'll puke all the aliens out

>> No.16219027

4 0 0



I never knew Elona threads could do numbers like this. I actually don't play much/at all anymore, anyone else in the same boat? How can I get back in?

>> No.16219048

The will to play comes and goes most of the time. Recently I wasn't really into playing it all that much, but now I'm griding pretty hard.

>> No.16219089


Just recently came back to the game after stopping 5-6 month ago. It's quite a bother to remember all the stuff I had with my previous playthrough so I started anew, and the memories of my previous games come rushing back. Like those mobs that cast Super Gravity. Seriously fuck those guys.

>> No.16219491

what do kouko and zin-ba feats do?

>> No.16219539

Kouko is a feat that raises your speed a lot if you don't have any pets out. zin-ba is a new feat for riders that helps reduce the accuracy penalty of using weapons while riding including heavy weapons weighing 4s or more.

>> No.16219652

I did what the wiki said with one of my.wishes and got seven league boots.

I have been doing lots of other quests, hunting, birthday and acquire(I want it!)quests mostly, often using items I've brought back from dungeons to trade for items I need for the latter two. With the boots I can definitely get to where I need to go quick enough, usually. The problem is them sometimes dying. Do they automatically die via poison if the time elapses? Is the (6d) displayed when accepting the quest from the board the indication of the time you have to complete it?

Also, I'm the same guy who was complaining about the potion-quaffing Ether disease symptom. I have 37 dex, how viable is cheating at Blackjack? 37 is certainly a lot, but I have no idea how much you'd need in order to reliably cheat, nor do I know what the consequences are if they catch you. Probably throw you out? I would hope not permanently, at least...

>> No.16219699

Yep. Days displayed is the time they have left, (6d being 6 days). There is nothing you can do to save them other then completing the quest.

Also, I think it's better to not cheat at blackjack, you might need to cheat multiple times in order to get the card that you want. If you get caught you lose the chips you betted and some karma. You can try again anytime you want though.

>> No.16219729
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1471813178219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I cheated and won the potion, but it was cursed. Fuck.

>> No.16219763

Cheaters don't win! Neva eva!

>> No.16219970

Could override the curse by blessing the potion. You will need a bottle of water and will have to bless it by dropping the bottle of water on the altar of the god you worship. Can find that altar at the Truce Grounds. There are multiple ways to get a bottle of water from making it from the pot for fusion to finding them in dungeons. One of the most straight forward ways of getting a bottle of water is to spend 3 small medals at Miral and Garrok's workshop. Small medals can be found on the corpse of dungeon bosses and off of silver bells. Once you have blessed water you just mix with your potion of corruption and that should make it blessed instead of cursed.

>> No.16220035

He can't carry water reliably though.

>> No.16220058

He should have his pet carry it for him then. If his character's potion addiction acts up let the little girl bully him.

>> No.16220142

I'm fucking ass at this game, but I do have the wing snail shitting out shades at a ranch
how the fuck do I know if any of these are good?

>> No.16220175

What do you mean? If you're going to eat them, shades are good for will, you need to kill them and gather their corpse. Identify the bodies and then cook them.

>> No.16220191

Are the shades that imitate strong creatures not good pets?

>> No.16220213

Well any creature can become a good strong pet. I don't think there is any way to tell what the shade is imitating, or what it's capable of, unless you bring it out and see how it acts in battle. Shades are wildcards in the monster lineup. If you're running Elona Custom, maybe go into the AI of the pet and see what special actions it has.

>> No.16220231

I see, I'll keep that in mind.
this seems to be the only thing the snail is good for anyways, might as well gamble on shades

>> No.16220383
File: 296 KB, 704x401, Capture5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all of these by level 11 and I have no idea when I will be able to dive into a dungeon where I can find human or troll genes I need to brew a potion to fix them.

>> No.16220442

Potions of cure mutation are carried by magic vendors. Especially ones which are invested.
