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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1614844 No.1614844 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1614848

That game never gets old. I lost count how many times I masturbated to it.

>> No.1614861

I feel sad for not even knowing the name of this.

>> No.1614863

This game! This game!
This game is?

>> No.1614885

Isn't a new game by the same guys in progress, how along is that?

>> No.1614886

Toads in the sunshine BATTLE

>> No.1614905

Who cares, it's not loli.

>> No.1615311

Indeed, indeed. I love LOVE making that girl have an orgasm. And that looks she has when she sucks your dick? PRICELESS.

>> No.1615320

Hizashi no naka real or something like that

>> No.1615332

It's amazing how reposts like this that are done every day aren't deleted but /jp/'s resident faggot of a janitor deletes every thread I post in.

Fingers crossed for this one.

>> No.1615342


>> No.1615348


Not that I would ever defend shitty reposts, but threads that you post in tend to be far more detrimental to the board. Particularly your obsession with women and woman spotting. I remember when I could go at least a whole month on /jp/ without ever seeing the abhorrent term "femanon", now I'm lucky if I get an hour's respite between such unwelcome sightings. Most of that is on you.

>> No.1615358

Thinking back on it, I don't think I've ever seen you post anything that could actually be considered /jp/ content. At least reposts have some relevance.

>> No.1615361

How is it mostly down to me that people use the term 'femanon'? It's just a contraction anyway.

>> No.1615365
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>> No.1615369

in b4 404

>> No.1615376

I hope so much the janitor gets you permabanned. I used to like you athens.

>> No.1615382

Why don't you like me anymore? I get the impression I've pissed a lot of you off over the past 2 weeks.

>> No.1615407


I love the DEADPAN LOLI. I heard that her game is coming out next Comiket.


Don't you only post in off topic threads? Just be more subtle about it; it's not like /jp/ has it's own mods/janitors. If something gets deleted then it was probably report spammed.

>> No.1615418

Not really, I'll start an on topic thread a bit later.

>> No.1615423

It probably has a lot to do with the fact that even with all your chattering about moderation, you seem to have trouble exercising it yourself. In the future, you should try to cut down the threads you derail to just one per week.

>> No.1615431

I haven't derailed any threads in the past week.

>> No.1615458

Your trolling used to be amusing since it was isolated to non /jp/ threads that other people made and you'd only appear occasionally making it a fun and exciting time to be had. But now you're always there, you've gotten the habit of derailing perfectly fine threads or making your own shitty ones. You never fucking stop posting anymore, like you've turned hyperactive. You've gone from entertaining to boring and repetitive.

>> No.1615466

Ok, I'll do my best to contain myself.

>> No.1615506


>How is it mostly down to me that people use the term 'femanon'? It's just a contraction anyway.

Cause and effect. You go around accusing people of being women or (for the sake of argument) spotting real ones. On top of your constant ranting on the topic of females this riles up the (again only for the sake of argument) real and fake girls, encouraging their prolificacy and giving people more reason to resort to shitty "lolz hi guys i'm a gurl ^_^;;;;;;;" trolling. I remember months ago when you didn't post quite so much here and the only long-term faux female we had was the Remilia tripfag, and even he rarely made an issue of his supposed vagina except when spurred on by the likes of you. I've lost count of how many we have now.

Without excusing the other unrelated deterioration of the board, I don't think it's a stretch to say you're single-handedly ruining /jp/. Your combination of persistence and a knack for irritating the right people is a perfect recipe for disaster thanks to the theme of your shtick. I have nothing against you other than the fact that you're a profoundly negative influence on the quality of the board. I just wish you would choose a different vein of trolling, one that wouldn't be so ultimately destructive.

>> No.1615517

No, not at all.

That's why this thread is no longer about Hizashi and about you being a complete faggot.

>> No.1615514

>next Comiket
I can't fucking wait!

>> No.1615540

Then blame the 'femanons', not me.

>> No.1615562

It's about their increasing number (both real and fake) that post to annoy you, and others like you.

You bring about feminist behaviour and whatever else any femanon/troll feels like doing to show that they are femalt

If you'd just shut your fucking mouth once in a while instead of posting shit about hating someone you suspect is a female, things would be just gravy.

But you can't do that and feel the need to inject each thread with your own brand of shitposting when you suspect a female poster and bring about a downward spiral in which /jp/ is sliding down quite rapidly.

>> No.1615564


>> No.1615566


If you'd just shut up about pointing out females and whatever else you do, most (not all, since we'll always get trolls) wouldn't even bother presenting themselves, because there'd be nobody to piss off anymore.

>> No.1615570


You create them. Whether it's out of thin air or simply riling them up, you are the impetus behind their existences as 'femanons.' Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. You actively seek out debate with females, spot them, insult them... without you, there is no one parading around here claiming to be one save the occasional brief antics of a bored troll.

You are at fault. It doesn't excuse them, but you give them a reason for being. You are the catalyst. Stop. Some of the damage you've done is permanent, don't add to it.

>> No.1615572
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/jp/ IS sliding down rapidly with whiney bitches like you and me.

Shut up and enjoy the ride.

>> No.1615581

That too.

If athens would just shut the fuck up every so often, it'd be one less thing to bitch about.

>> No.1615583

Look, if I'm being deadly serious here. I don't really care about females revealing their gender. So long as they aren't whores and shitposters, who cares? I've stopped pointing them out long ago anyway.

>> No.1615589

>I haven't derailed any threads in the past week.

>> No.1615595

Everything you do is an abomination to everything that is good in this world.

The little bit that's good in this world dies just because you post.

>> No.1615599

Ha ha trip fags in an anon board.

>> No.1615614

It doesn't matter about what has been done in the past. You've brought about a constant wave of shit since.

And you were still calling out femanons around 6-8 weeks ago, that is not a long time. In fact, I remember you saying something like "hurr, I can spot women because they use non-fluency features such as errr, ummm etc. in their written posts".

>> No.1615615


Every time a poster declares they have a vagina, it's another nail in the coffin. You are creating /r9k/ on /jp/. You're tilting at windmills and giving people reason to erect them. Soon /jp/ will look like the Netherlands with windmills and dykes everywhere.

PS: Posting that you have a vagina IS shitposting, therefore the only way for a girl to not be shitposting is to do it anonymously without ever calling attention to her gender. Which is what, when you're not around, most of them do!

>> No.1615616

You're a dumbass. Plain and simple.

>> No.1615622

They do actually do that though.

Yeh but they're just like us except female, so who cares?

>> No.1615624


>I've stopped pointing them out long ago anyway.

Yeah, a couple of long, long hours ago. You've done it today and yesterday, stop being so full of shit.

>> No.1615631

Oh god Kinuka…

This game is, just…man, the author deserves some kind of international award or something.
I mean, I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with eroge girls multiple times, heck that’s the whole reason I play these games, but Hizashi was a unique experience, not the normal falling in love process but rather this...unstoppable raw passion where the two of us look into each other’s eyes and know that—regardless of any conceivable consequences—neither our own willpower nor any other force in the universe is going to stop us from fucking our brains out.

>> No.1615629

I never did it yesterday, find where I did on the archive if I did. I haven't done it for ages.

>> No.1615634


Let me put it this way, then. If you were convinced there were absolutely no females here, you wouldn't post here. Thus female posters attract the likes of you, making them one of the worst possible plagues to befall a board.

Find a new raison d'être. Your shtick was old and tired months ago anyway. Surely you can find a new angle that will spice things up AND stop antagonizing, and thus attracting and encouraging, women and normalfags.

>> No.1615638

That's beside the point. You don't have to point it out either. Nobody gives a fuck about minor things non-fluency features other than cockbags like you. Maybe if it's complete and uttterly incomprehensible, but adding certain words in moderation isn't something worth pointing out.

The fact that you're still here brings trolls and femanons out, who post just to piss you off. It doesn't matter if you've changed, you're still a threadshitter, through and through.

Your precense ruins threads (this one being a perfect example) and it's really grating.

>> No.1615639

My dear anonymous, I haven't pointed out any women. I simply said women can't be ronery.

>> No.1615641

That's beside the point. You don't have to point it out either. Nobody gives a fuck about minor things non-fluency features other than cockbags like you. Maybe if it's complete and uttterly incomprehensible, but adding certain words in moderation isn't something worth pointing out.

The fact that you're still here brings trolls and femanons out, who post just to piss you off. It doesn't matter if you've changed, you're still a threadshitter, through and through.

Your presence ruins threads (this one being a perfect example) and it's really grating.

>> No.1615644

That's bullshit.

You've called me a woman before.

>> No.1615647

>I haven't derailed any threads in the past week.

>> No.1615650

you had that one comming, though.

>> No.1615657


>> No.1615660


Since my appeal to humanity seems to have failed and now you're just responding with what basically amounts to non sequiturs anyway, I'll attempt to appeal to your pride as a troll: While your propensity for single-handed board destruction speaks to your potential, women are a crutch. It's playing on easy mode to an extent only slightly above actually pretending to be one yourself. You need to force them to trade Shaq away and prove you can carry the team by yourself, Kobe. It's the only way to go down in history as one of the great ones and not just a sidekick and rapist.

>> No.1615669
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>>I haven't pointed out any women
Sure you haven't

>> No.1615671

I'm a troll and I'm not here because of athens (alone).

>> No.1615797

you're a troll and you're not here because of athens

>> No.1615956

This is a beautiful post.

>> No.1616035

My favorite thing about lolis is their pure, unblemished pussies. Hers is truly delectable... I could eat her out all day.

>> No.1616069
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>> No.1616072


But Santa is a pedophile.

o shi

>> No.1616084

I just played through Hizashi with the new uncensor patch yesterday. Holy shit, it was like my first play through all over again.

>> No.1616091


>> No.1616101
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>> No.1616107

there is no patch

i demand proof

>> No.1616108

where are the saved files stored in this game

>> No.1616145

Do you really need save files when you can already watch all of the scenes with the movie viewer?

>> No.1616162

C:\Users\games\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\7EG57FU2\localhost

probably C:\documents and settings\application data\roaming\ and the rest the same as above

>> No.1616174

\games\ is the acccount name, and the XP one should have that, too: \documents and settings\<account name>\application data\...

>> No.1616180

\games\ is the account name, and the XP one should have that, too: \documents and settings\<account name>\application data\...

>> No.1616190

just search your computer for whatever the save file is called if you can't find it

>> No.1616201

That is the greatest title.

>> No.1616212

It doesn't seem to be loading in Macromedia Flash player 7 anymore


>> No.1616221

update flash

>> No.1616228

i wish you could run this game in full screen mode
is there some sort of flash hack you can do?

im sick of the tiny display

>> No.1616231

It automatically runs in full screen for me...

>> No.1616235

It has a fullscreen button....

>> No.1616239

how about full screen on a widescreen display rotated?

>> No.1616251

not working?
