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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1615512 No.1615512 [Reply] [Original]

So, how much of /jp/ genuinely believe that 2d > 3d and if so, explain your reasoning in a civil and calm manner.

>> No.1615521


>> No.1615522

let's see.

2d can be boring and shitty
3d is usually painful and shitty

>> No.1615524

2d = perfection.

nothing is better.

however, 2d doesn't exist, so its not like we have a choice when asked 3d vrs 2d

>> No.1615525

I like 2D. I do not under any circumstances like 3D, not to the tiniest extent. Thus 2D > 3D.

I know this sucks for the purposes of your little debate thread, but I don't exist to amuse you.

>> No.1615526

> civil and calm manner
what fun is that

>> No.1615533

Personally I've just given up on 3d women, so instead of delving into escapism I just kind of stay there these days, it's less painful than the real world.

>> No.1615535

2d you can get rejected rape the person and have no bad consequences.

3d is not so, also pig disgusting.

>> No.1615536

If 2D were real, it'd be awesome.

But it isn't, so it'd be stupid to genuinely believe that 2D is superior.

It'd be great finding the perfect 3D, but that is nearly a fruitless endeavour.

>> No.1615551

Same. I've given up also, might as well make the best of what I have which is basically nothing.

>> No.1615569

There's not much to explain really. I just find that 2D is far more attractive and I've pretty much always felt this way.

I've never had any desire to look for a girlfriend because I don't see any benefit outside of sexual gratification.

>> No.1615573

2d is just too idealistic for me to be comfortable with. Sure, it's fun to fantasize, but I think in reality I'd have a tough time feeling and acting normal around a 'real 2d' girl.

Doesn't matter though, doesn't exist ;_;

>> No.1615576

It's nice having the comfort of another person.

That said, I don't have a girlfriend, nor can be bothered to look for one. Crazy bitches are all the same, unfortunately.

2D isn't like that. 2D is always good.

>> No.1615577

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

Why is anyone posting in this thread seriously?

>> No.1615579

i think whose eyes are those eyes is a pretty cool phrase, eh whose eyes are those eyes and doesn't whose eyes are those eyes
3d is all full of bitches, I need only seira-tan

>> No.1615586

I can't really explain why I like something, it's the same thing with preferring certain foods or music, I like my women in an animu style.

>> No.1615587

Because escapism has it's merits

>> No.1615588

i knew this would come up in this thread

>> No.1615607


>> No.1615626

I haven't really thought about looking for a girlfriend since all the girls I've met have always been busy sucking someone else's cock.

If a nice girl was interested in having a relationship with me it'd require for her to make the first move since I can't get myself together.

2D is so much easier because there isn't really anything to question.
I'd really like to have a girlfriend, I guess, but she'll have to be pretty much perfect in a lot of ways, so I can't help thinking about why she'd come looking for me.

>> No.1615642

Posting in an athens thread.

>> No.1615652

2D is perfection. 3D is full of gross physical flaws.

>> No.1615658

For god sake athens, take your bitching to /r9k/ it's your fucking fault for no adapting to society.

You can't break the rules or challenge the game.

You can bend the rules and exploit loopholes.

>> No.1615661

2D is better for fapping.

I have no interest or chance of obtaining a 3D girlfriend and looking at images of make-up covered whores is not much of a turn on.

>> No.1615665

2D porn looks more nice than 3D porn, even when I'm not in the mood to use it.

>> No.1615675

sageru works in the e-mail field

>> No.1615689

O athens thank you for making this thread, you are curing the cancer killing /jp/ single handedly, we need to bring back misogyny and ronery threads, fuck these normal fags...

>> No.1615691

Seeing as how ideals are always better than their realistic counterpart, it's pretty hard to argue against 2D being greater than 3D. By design, 2D is perfection incarnate.

Compare the idealistic Utopian society to the society we live in now.

>> No.1615696

3D would question my interests.

You'd never get that from 2D, they'd just be mindless, yet loving, devoted robots.

That's what I want.

Why did you even need to ask?

Oh wait
>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1615702

>>1615577 speaks the truth
also, >>1615524 this is an anonymous board, we don't care about who posts the stuff.

>> No.1615706

thx, bro.

>> No.1615713

did you mix something up there?

>> No.1615715

I try to convince myself that I have no interest in 3D. I keep telling myself that I don't go out and find a girlfriend because I don't want one - that 2D is all I could ever need. But once in a blue moon I find some 3D girl that pushes all of the right buttons and I become instantly enamored with her and all sorts of happy fantasies start playing out in my head and my heart races and all that stuff. But without fail, within 10 seconds I discover she has a boyfriend and I'm suddenly snapped back to reality. And then I remember why I try to shun 3D: it only leads to heart break. And I go through a short period which combines sorrow over my brief unrequited love, and anger at myself for getting so hung up over some worthless 3D girl. But then I get over it, tell myself it won't happen again, and try to reaffirm my claim that I have interest only in 2D.

>> No.1615716


>> No.1615733


I'm sorry. Being here always reminds me how lucky I am to truly and naturally feel no loneliness and have no desire for anything 3D. 2D for me is not a replacement for something real that I cannot have, it's just what I like. I need no replacement for something I never desired in the first place.

>> No.1615759

As said earlier, 2D is perfection. With drawings and animation you can create a girl with both a better body and persnality than any real person. I am very asocial so mostly hate being together with real people too.
Also, as opposed to 2D, real children are disgusting in every single way.

>> No.1615777

3D isn't that interesting either.

I like hanging out with people and everything, but it just bores me.

I prefer the lonely comfort of 2D more.

I don't know why.

>> No.1615786

>I like hanging out with people
>it just bores me.
you can't have it both ways

>> No.1615794

Feel like dumping some loli now. Look for the thread in /b/ in a few minutes.

>> No.1615807

Post it here!

>> No.1615810

I can. I like being with people...but it isn't exciting or fulfilling like it is being alone...

That doesn't sound right at all.

>> No.1615811

Maybe he enjoys company for a short time, but then he grows bored quickly, before everyone else does, before it's polite to leave.

>> No.1615819


>> No.1615820


>> No.1615823


No, it doesn't.

I used to like playing video games and arguing with my friends when I had them, but I'm at my happiest when I'm alone. Is it like that?

>> No.1615830



>> No.1615837


>> No.1615836

This sounds about lie how I feel when I'm in a group.
I never really say anything unless I'm asked.

It's the same when I'm alone and somebody else comes into the room. It happens often since I live in a dorm with a shared kitchen, so I just give the usual "goodmorning/day/evening", and that's it. But I answer if someone asks me.

>> No.1615840

I see women as sexual objects. While the very rare 3D woman may be appealing, the idea of living with her and supporting her and all that is not.

But then, I'm all fucked up. I prefer to be alone and never feel the need for companionship that many of you seem to. (not ronery)

Also loli. 3D loli are no good.

>> No.1615841

Wow... Am I the only person here that actually likes real girls? I always thought you guys were largely joking about the 2D > 3D thing.

>> No.1615847

I like both

>> No.1615859

athens started a good thread. I'm shocked.

>> No.1615860

It's possible to like both, but when comparing them, 2D beats 3D and that's what this thread is about. Comparing.

>> No.1615864

This thread is good and you should feel good.

>> No.1615866

You can't have a 360 and a PS3 at the same time!

>> No.1615882
File: 5 KB, 123x135, 1226794884062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot your pic

>> No.1615883


It's not a joke or a meme. You're the freak here, bro.

Sadly I fear the majority are simply taking refuge in escapism, whereas my antipathy for 3D is as pure and true as my love for 2D. I miss the old fellowship of alone-but-not-ronery Anons from the old nightshift /a/ ronery threads.

>> No.1615889
File: 11 KB, 320x341, 1226794952169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do not know about that, Timothy.

>> No.1615905


Well I mean I'm married, but I still enjoy 2D stuff. Before I got married I'd probably say that 2D>3D but now I love my wife more than anything. It still doesn't dampen my enjoyment of 2D any, though.

>> No.1615907

>>Am I the only person here that actually likes real girls?
You're not alone.

3D Athens sucks.

>> No.1615915

[x] I have no emotional or physical need for real women.

>> No.1615941

>athens !SysNpnp3nU
>54 posts
Oh /jp/.

>> No.1615951

Still dont get why nerdy girls sleep around so much.


>> No.1615955

the only shitposts in this thread are the ones sageing for athens.

>> No.1615967

this is a stupid thing to say on /jp/ but what the heck, this is an athens thread.
i don't think anyone that had a good 3d sexual experience can relinquish 3d completely regardless of what they fap to.
you will always want moar. intimacy is awesome.

tl;dr: lol /jp/ is full of deluded virgins

>> No.1615984

Jesus fuck, no.

If anything, I'd really like her not being nerdy.
Intelligent and knowledgeable, yes. Nerdy and geekish, no.

>> No.1615989

I have yet to see a 3d girl possess the beauty, the charm, the sweetness, the perfection, that is commonplace in 2d girls. If one really exists, I'd likely need to search for her for a long time. Though a 3d girl would be superior to a 2d girl of equal beauty, the unlikeliness that I'd find one, and the fact that 2d will always be here right in front of me, makes the search for an attractive 3d girl seem like something I wouldn't wish to put effort into.

>> No.1615995

Hello samefaggot, I would call you athens but at least he seems to use caps properly. Now STFU.

>> No.1615997
File: 12 KB, 230x239, 1226795928150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ is full of deluded virgins

Brilliant late-game point you scored there, Captain!

>> No.1616000
File: 45 KB, 233x630, 1226796004008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D pillow Athens would be awesome. I'd hug him and we'd make cookie together while surfing /jp/.

>> No.1616001

Let's look at nerdy girls for a minute:

Animu Fans = Sleep around at cons.

Gamers = Sleep with their guild-leaders.

Not really an attractive proposition.

>> No.1616006

Aw, thanks!

>> No.1616003

If you can't fantasize up a superior female to most real women then you fail hard.

>> No.1616005

You want her to have lots of friends?
I wouldn't. I don't want to have to hang around with 10 extra people for the rest of my life.

>> No.1616007
File: 131 KB, 370x448, 1226796135002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Animu Fans = Sleep around at cons.

>> No.1616009


>> No.1616013

>Gamers = Sleep with their guild-leaders.
There are also single-player-onry gamers. Like me (not female, before you politely ask follow-up questions).

>> No.1616024

That wasn't really what I was saying.
And being nerdy doesn't just lock you to either anime or games. You can be nerdy with every goddamn thing if you want to.

Horses is the worst interest. Mother of FUCK. If I ever get a girlfriend and she hides her knowledge about horses from me 'till the day our daughter wants a horse, I'm going to go to jail for a long time.

>> No.1616026
File: 387 KB, 1536x2048, 1226796466778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, even moot agrees.

>> No.1616028

For all the above mentioned reasons, 2d>3d.
Also, I have yet to see a convincing argument in favor of 3D.

>> No.1616031

I'd love a girl with some measure of equestrian skill. I can ride a horse by the way.

>> No.1616036

this shit works in the email field?

>> No.1616037

nah, not really, now that I think of it.
If she had 1 or 2 friends like me, it'd be alright, I think.

We could have enough people around just being the two of us.

>> No.1616040

Too bad girls only play games for attention, meaning they'd never play a games that don't involve other people who can give them attention.

>> No.1616041

I never understood this thing. Did you all skip puberty and go straight to nerd-dom or something?

>> No.1616044

You can ride my ;) horse ;)

>> No.1616045

What is this puberty you speak of, and what does it have to do with us ?

>> No.1616046


>> No.1616047


All I remember about puberty is Final Fantasy 6 and jacking off to Sailor Moon. So no, I didn't skip it.

>> No.1616055

Horse-riding is pretty awesome. If a girl could effectively use archery while riding as well, she'd be an inch away from perfection.
