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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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161436 No.161436 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.161441

No girls on the internet, sorry.

>> No.161454

When talking to men, girls mention how they want someone who is "nice" and "funny" and "intelligent".

When talking to their female friends however, they show off their college fratboy football jock boyfriends and the subsequent wife-bashing bruises they received from them.

Women are stupid.

>> No.161489

yeah they just want to be dominated. they are too lazy to run the show, they want us to do all the work (example being wives sitting around while the man works). they basically think of themselves as special princesses who need to be constantly: entertained, emotionally supported, given gifts to, treated special... this is why i don't date.. because the girls worth dating are like this.. the ugly girls are better, but they reek of desperation and fail.

>> No.161496

We're discussing penises. Would you like to join?

>> No.161503

>yeah they just want to be dominated.
To inflict bruises on a woman's face while saying "I love you" is to show affection.
^ (non)Logic of a woman.

>they are too lazy to run the show, they want us to do all the work (example being wives sitting around while the man works). they basically think of themselves as special princesses who need to be constantly: entertained, emotionally supported, given gifts to, treated special...
Princess syndrome from the old days (you deserve to get whatever you want) combined with hypocritical feminism of the current days.

One day, I'd really like to see a woman open a door for a middle-aged white $100,000 salary businessman.

>this is why i don't date.. because the girls worth dating are like this..
The best time to date (and marry) a girl is before she is taken by a girl-bashing football jock girlfriend AND before she is brainwashed by the feminism movement.

If either or both takes her before you can, then all hope is lost with her. Enjoy being her friend's shoulder to cry on.

>> No.161515

In some countries the women have to work, milling grain and raising the villages kid's and stuff, or lving in the jungle they got to makes the huts while we menfolk go hunt for bushmeat. Princess syndrome is cultural if you ask me.

>> No.161517
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>> No.161527

Protip: All of you are doing it wrong.
The quickest way to a woman's heart is through emotional distance, random manic periods of hyper-attention and being "the man", which means 95% of /jp/ are not up for the job I guess.
But continue to complain about the "friend zone". I've fucked a few "friends" in my time.

>> No.161533

>In some countries the women have to work, milling grain and raising the villages kid's and stuff, or lving in the jungle they got to makes the huts while we menfolk go hunt for bushmeat.
Well the type of people you are talking about in this case are expendable N.I.G.G.E.R.S.

That's a whole different issue entirely, suffice to say that they need to be nuked for their own sake.

>Princess syndrome is cultural if you ask me.
GWB needs to declare a war on princess syndromes so that woman can finally know their place.

>> No.161534

Your hands don't count, fuckstick.

>> No.161538

A lot of women don't understand the importance of constant sex in a relationship, acting as if things like emotional support, conversation etc. are more important. Sex is the first and foremost mechanic of validation for men - because we know it's the only part of a relationship you wouldn't do with any random guy who was willing to listen to your worries. It's the only thing you can do that shows commitment.

>> No.161551

>The quickest way to a woman's heart is through emotional distance, random manic periods of hyper-attention and being "the man", which means 95% of /jp/ are not up for the job I guess.
Too much effort.

Personally, as a man of logic and reason, your method of attracting girls is far beyond my capability. You're saying I need to ignore her and pay attention to her at the same time, and I need to show my feminime side AND my masculine manly side.

Fuck that man, I'll just fuck my right hand.

That's why women rarely are in a position of power of significance: THEY'RE FUCKING IRRATIONAL.

>But continue to complain about the "friend zone". I've fucked a few "friends" in my time.
Proof or GTFO.

>> No.161554


>> No.161563

>A lot of women don't understand the importance of constant sex in a relationship, acting as if things like emotional support, conversation etc. are more important.

There was a study that showed that while women are community-minded and like to discuss the problems with each other, that is unproductive because more time spent bitching about issues is less time spent on ACTIONS that can solve the problem at hand.

Men might not say much more than "DUR HUR" but at least they get up and take action to make things right.

Women, in comparison, sit around and talk the talk but not walk the walk.

>> No.161566

Then go masturbate. I'll keep the pussy to myself.
Cmon, ISM. Don't think of it as a chore. It's like one of your VIDYA GAEMS. You need to squash some goombas before you finally get to fuck Kooper in the eye socket.
Also, proof is not needed. In 15 mintues after I have a shower I'll be getting my ass licked, but that's no matter of any importance to you, nor do I feel it necessary to provide any proof.
Also, sage for ISM.

>> No.161572

>because we know it's the only part of a relationship you wouldn't do with any random guy
This made me lol.

>> No.161573

Forgot my sage

>> No.161589

I'm not bawwing. It's about conducting a cost/benefit analysis.

My conclusions: Too much time and effort in acquiring a girl which I'm only going to use her for her vagina. I'd also have to listen to whatever things come out of that mouth of hers.

I'm betting off on 4chon's porn imageboards with my trusty right hand.

Protip: .jpgs don't whine or bitch or demand money to fund her new $1,000 shoes.

>Then go masturbate. I'll keep the pussy to myself.
Join me in front of the computer. The anonymous legion of right hands.

>Cmon, ISM. Don't think of it as a chore. It's like one of your VIDYA GAEMS. You need to squash some goombas before you finally get to fuck Kooper in the eye socket.
I don't understand. You mean I have to fuck fat fucks before I can get myself a Sora Aoi?

>> No.161603

ITT: People who've never had a girlfriend because they're too busy fapping to animu to have the balls to ask a real girl out

>> No.161611

>ITT: People who've never had a girlfriend because they're too busy fapping to animu to have the balls to ask a real girl out

-5/10 for unoriginality. Can't you come up with anything better?

>> No.161614

"too busy to have balls"? Your insults don't even make sense.

>> No.161617

ITT ISM is talking to himself.

>> No.161626

Women just aren't worth the fucking trouble anymore. On one hand the new age feminism with its ridiculous one-sided demands makes women more of a hassle than they used to be, and on the other hand the flood of freely available high quality porn makes women less advantageous to have. It's no wonder the feminists hate porn so much - giving men what they want, free of the bullshit, makes their extortion less workable.

It's no wonder the birth rates are crashing in all the wealthy nations.

>> No.161641

PROTIP: ISM always claimed to be homosexual on old /n/. He knows shit all about relationships with women since he is a failure.

>> No.161645

>ITT ISM is talking to himself.
ITT a modified form of "NO U"

>Women just aren't worth the fucking trouble anymore.

>On one hand the new age feminism with its ridiculous one-sided demands makes women more of a hassle than they used to be,

>and on the other hand the flood of freely available high quality porn makes women less advantageous to have.
The irony is that this is supposedly the sexual liberation (from oppression) feminists of the past wanted to have. Oh how the tables have turned!

>It's no wonder the feminists hate porn so much - giving men what they want, free of the bullshit, makes their extortion less workable.

>> No.161650

>PROTIP: ISM always claimed to be homosexual on old /n/. He knows shit all about relationships with women since he is a failure.

Ah the resident woman-defender. The knight in shining armor.

Why don't you refute what has already been said in this thread?

Or is the TRUTH too hard for you to handle?

The stupidity of women is well acknowledged by everyone except women.

>> No.161686



>> No.161690


Reported for derailing thread.

>> No.161717

Your coming to /jp/ was the derailment and do enjoy it when the proxy you are using is banned.

PROTIP: Queers know shit all about women.

>> No.161929

>Your coming to /jp/ was the derailment and do enjoy it when the proxy you are using is banned.

Wrong. Your over-the-top "TRIPFAGS ARE FAGGOTS!" responses was the derailment, not to mention the flood of sages from the sage-fags.

>PROTIP: Queers know shit all about women.

1) Queers aren't interested in women
2) Even still, women are attracted to queers non-sexually.

You have yet to impart your knowledge of women, you piece of shit.

>> No.161941


>> No.161948


Women are stupid.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.161963


>> No.161967

Men are taught from grade-school to treat women as sluts, whores and servants. Is it any wonder if women go a bit beyond reason when they fight back?

>> No.161971


Then I win the debate.

>> No.161982

>Yeah sure whatever

Man you /jp/-fags are pathetic pieces of waste.

Back in the olds of /n/, the average post is at least 2 sentences long and there was some hint of intelligence among the racism and trolling.

But no. Moot, the money-hungry fag that he is decides to instate /jp/ filled with boring Touhou shit.

>> No.161985

Whatever makes you feel good.

>> No.161993

>Whatever makes you feel good.

My victory in this debate is what makes me feel good.

>> No.162011

Women = Stupid.

>> No.162026

>>161971 Then I win
Congratulations, inform the special olympics so you can get a trophy.

>> No.162024

You are dumb and I'm deleting this thread because of you.
