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1614929 No.1614929 [Reply] [Original]

Japan is Asia's Germany

>> No.1614930


>> No.1614931

Remember when Germany used to be cool?

>> No.1614933
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>> No.1614932



>> No.1614935

they tried to be. And then they decided to mess with the U.S of A. Hilarity ensued.

>> No.1614936


will be

>> No.1614941

still is actually. both germany and japan benifited greatly from american occupation as it helped them focus their economy and become a financial giant in their respective regions.

Still, sage for stupid topic

>> No.1614943

Is that past tense of "is", or German "wut"?

>> No.1614946

Did we just jumped back 60 years in time or it's my imagination?

>> No.1614947

They were already financial giants.

>> No.1614968

point still stands. Germany and Japan have a lot of similarities, in both Pre WWII, During WWII, and After WWII.

Russia and China enjoy a similar dichotomy.

>> No.1614971

Reported as usual.

>> No.1614979

Beat that: Korea is Asia's Poland

>> No.1614986

Japan<3Germany because Germany was the only country to ever take them seriously etc.

>> No.1614992

True, I think that has a lot to do with the Prussian influence on Meiji Japan.

>> No.1615011

Taiwan is Asia's Luxembourg

>> No.1615015

Japanese literally took the old germany, and recreated itself. It's not that they were similar, it's just that of all the countries they saw, the team decided that german would be a good choice to copy.

They almost chose Britain, but the Queen was too busy at the time to bother with random orientals, that pissed off the japs and left, but not before researching british shipbuilding.

I would have made a lot of sense if they copied britain, because they were both island nations with a strong monarch as the head.

>> No.1615016

I always wondered why Civ. never put hitler as one of the leader for Germany in the game. Will people really get mad about having him in a game or is he not significant enough compare to other famous German leaders.

>> No.1615032


Well they wouldn't be able to even sell the game in Germany if they put him in. There's also the fact that Hitler was an overall shitty leader compared to Bismarck, and wrecked the country.

Although Chairman Mao is in the game and he wrecked his country too.

>> No.1615034

Hitler put Germany in the failboat after only 12 years of leadership. Hell, even Kaiser Bill did better than that.

>> No.1615040

>both island nations with a strong monarch as the head.

You're kidding, right?

>> No.1615057

Hitler was, admittedly, one of the greatest men who ever lived. He can't equal Napoleon of course because Napoleon is the greatest European in the histories. But Hitler was still a great man, whatever anyone wants to say.

>> No.1615087
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>>one of the greatest men who ever lived
OMG Dick shitting nipples!! You've got to be kidding.

>> No.1615099

Hitler was a great demagogue. Unfortunately, he thought he was great at a number of other things at which he wasn't, to the detriment of mankind.

>> No.1615113


You're trying too hard there, Athens.

>> No.1615120


Wasn't just a great demagogue, he was a great leader. You simply can't deny that, the man was a visionary. Read Mein Kampf, read what he says about things like national symbolism, how important *symbols* are to a state, it's a really interesting little aside, would make a brilliant essay.

>> No.1615142

This only applies to the beginnings of Hitler's rise to / taking of power. His later war years are not brilliant at all.

>> No.1615145


>> No.1615165

What do you mean? The collapse on the Eastern Front?


>> No.1615175

I don't think the concept of secular mythology and its importance to nationalism was anything groundbreaking in the 1920s. If anything, Hitler's greatest accomplishment and his most enduring contribution to modern Western society--if it can be called that--was his approach to mass political mobilization.

Well, that and the Volkswagen.

>> No.1615176

hey i'm going to invade russia and delcare war on america while in another war with the uk. how could i lose?

>> No.1615217
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See pic.

>> No.1615219

lol amirite?

>> No.1615238

>anything groundbreaking in the 1920s

Actually it was, remember that Mussolini had never achieved real ideological change. He was just considered a very nationalist politician, never really managed to impose his ideology on the state. Hitler did achieve this.

Great men are tragic figures.

>> No.1615256

Military defeat is one thing, but the collapse of the state and the various apparently devastatingly poor military decisions is what I meant as not being brilliant.

>> No.1615268

As I said, after the Ardennes Offensive he became too arrogant, like Napoleon's advance into Spain and Russia. But I don't like people who say ridiculous things like 'mein kampf is really poorly written', it isn't really poorly written at all. It's very visionary in it's approach and I sympathize with his view of democracy being weak and decadent. Though his dislike of kikes was a bit too extreme, the reason kikes are successful is because they are intelligent (see: Ashkenazi Intelligence).

>> No.1615277

I'd prefer to label someone as brilliant for consistent reasons though. The downfall was severe enough to count as a 'counter' to his 'former brilliance' as opposed to just a 'mistake.'

>> No.1615288

I'll never forgive Hitler for failing to exterminate the Jews once and for all. It's probably the last shot we'll have at it now that they're under the eternal protection of America, unless some rogue state or terrorist manages to get their hands on some nukes and wipe Israel off the map. I'm rooting for you Iran, but you really need to get your fucking act together.

>> No.1615298

So Napoleon wasn't great in your eyes either?
