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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1612455 No.1612455 [Reply] [Original]

dont ask me why i have wow and steam installed

>> No.1612458
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/jp/ - video games

>> No.1612465


>> No.1612772
File: 148 KB, 1586x695, 1226737377356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope no one find out I play these games.

>> No.1612776

You don't even have any loli games there. I wouldn't be worried about much.

>> No.1612786


Yeah, if I had Football Manager 2009 I'd be pretty embarrassed too.

>> No.1612789

Whoa, someone else who plays Maribato!?
Or are you the guy who asked about Marimite fightan games the other day?

>> No.1612791

He's new to /jp/, just let him be.

>> No.1612796

maribato is the best fightan

>> No.1612829

I don't think I'll ever uninstall steam. For some reason my embracing of the Japanese culture hasn't clouded my knowledge of quality video games.

>> No.1612837


I die a little inside whenever I see someone who thinks an FPS game can be good. If I don't get out of America soon I'm going to be some kind of inside-out zombie.

>> No.1612852

What's wrong with FPS games?

I still fucking love Half Life 2. One of my favorite games ever. And I love Touhou shooting games and Tsukihime and Clannad too.

>> No.1612856


>> No.1612859

Steam isn't restricted to FPS games.

>> No.1612861

Please don't tell me /jp/ hates Half Life because it's... 3D...

>> No.1612865

Doesn't change the fact that it's western shit.

>> No.1612869

Even if Japan made it, it still would be shit.

>> No.1612871


No, it just interferes with weeaboo tastes. You've got the half that like their clickan, and those that don't and whine about it.

>> No.1612872

You think so because that is what you've grown up on. You see it old and repetitive. Don't you know that Japs can find their culture old and repetitive?

>> No.1612874


No. Not me, anyway. I don't judge video games on criteria like that. I mean, I hate all 3D fighters, but that's because every fighter that's 3D is shit. If they ever made one that wasn't shit, I wouldn't hate it just because it's 3D. Like I don't hate Virtua Fighter.

I hate FPS games because they're innately shit. Only ones I'd play are like the Star Wars ones because those are all lightsaber/force duel games with a couple of guns thrown in for the faggots. I guess something like Battlefield is okay too since you can just fly planes and shit all the time.

>> No.1612875

Nothing pisses me off more than seeing you stupid whiteasses trying to talk like 2ch users. Shut the fuuu.... fuuuu.... fuuuu fuuuuuuu ふぅぅうぅうぅぅうぅぅぅう wwwwwwww(・∀・)吹いたああぁぁあwwww ○| ̄|_

>> No.1612876
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>> No.1612893

You are not explaining WHY they are shit. Sure you like Star Wars and swords but that doesn't make something worse because it is not your preference. I hate overstylized action in anime, doesn't mean I knock it down because of that.

>> No.1612900

I am not a troll, I like to look at things from all sides. That may mean I don't truly have an opinion in most things, but I believe I have a true understanding of what I am studying.

>> No.1612902
File: 409 KB, 1280x1018, 1226740303861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotta admit, that's basically all the games I have installed.

There's a couple that I don't have shortcuts for, either because I'm too lazy, or the installer didn't create a shortcut, or because I deleted the game to make room for more, but this is easier than a directory listing because my games are spread out across my harddrives and they'd be a bitch to find.

>> No.1612904


It's shit because the whole fucking base concept is shit. It's fine if you think that "Oh look I'm aiming this is fucking awesome I love a game based on pointing at the right spot especially if there's explosions too" is a wonderful thing to design a game around, but you'd have better luck getting me to enjoy a house painting simulator.

All the extra hate can mostly be blamed on the really loud ADHD preteens with defective taste that are bouncing around the internet proclaiming how various things "pwn." And the fact that shit like Halo always gets good reviews and awards and shit somehow, seriously what the fuck.

>> No.1612917
File: 404 KB, 800x600, 1226740715713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, comparing something like Halo to something like The Sims just isn't fair.

>> No.1612916

My one big eroge folder is categorized by letter and some games are installed everywhere and nowhere.

>> No.1612920

I'm not that guy, and I actually think Half-Life is all right, but I generally hate FPSs because they're just pointing and clicking. It's almost the most simplistic type of game you could think of for PC controls. The graphics and "physics" get better and make everything look prettier, but in the majority of them you're still just pointing and clicking.

The only games in the genre I can appreciate are those that do something more than that simple mechanic. TF2 is a good example, since the classes play so differently and you have to work as a team instead of just getting more kills.

>> No.1612922

Even Americans who don't like Japan think that Steam is shit.

>> No.1612924

I only like Halo because of Marathon.

>> No.1612929

Housepainting Simulator: One of the most popular games in history.

>> No.1612932

I've liked a couple of FPS games in the past (don't have any installed atm). System Shock, Thief and Deus Ex were probably the main ones.

I'm not very good at shootan games in general, though.

>> No.1612937


I don't like the Sims either, but it fills a niche and is the best at what it does. What niche does Halo fill other than "FPS game that's worse than every other FPS game but niggers like it because it's on Xbox with Madden and computers are like hard and shit"?

>> No.1612935


>> No.1612939

>Deus Ex

Reinstalling, thanks a lot.

>> No.1612944

Half-Life was pretty cool, I liked seeing scientists getting executed.

>> No.1612945

I'm not sure exactly what you're saying about Silhouette, but I found it to be a pretty decent game - it's just a little dated now.

>> No.1612952

I was saying, "Hurray, someone else on /jp/ has actually played it."

>> No.1612953

Sounds like you hate the fans more than the actual genre. Understand that the companies have to appeal to those people. And if they make great sales THEY DID THEIR JOB CORRECTLY. The genre still has potential. If you dim down the graphics a little and add more sprites than actual full blown effects I'm guessing that you could use that memory for things that will improve gameplay. I have played games a long time and I actually thought that developers would get satisfied with the graphics and work only on gameplay. I was wrong, I guess I am still dreaming of games like that... I know that a lot of J-Games work on that stuff, but it would be best if they worked on giving me more things to do. I still love a lot of Japanese games. Please stop trying to argue with me and read what I typed.

>> No.1612958

Fuck, now I have to reinstall that.

>> No.1612963
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I think it's just one of those things /jp/ doesn't talk about, except in passing.

>> No.1612964

Now you just reminded me I still need to finish System Shock 1.

>> No.1612970

I also hate FPS because of developers. Did anyone like Metroid: The First Person Shooter or Fallout: The First Person Shooter? If they just stayed on their side of the line, I would be happy.

>> No.1612980


I hate both. See, I hate the games themselves in as much as I can't stand playing them because I don't find them fun at all. But I also just don't enjoy Touhou or most of that other variety of shootan games either, and yet I don't have the same antipathy for them. While everyone who frequents /jp/ knows fans of Touhou can be really fucking annoying too, it's not in the same way. Most people who like those sorts of games, I've found, tend to be rather "cultured" as far as video games go. They know their history and have pretty good taste. Whereas the FPS kids are just running around yelling "FUCK YEAH EXPLOSIONS I PWNED YOU FAGGOT ACKNOWLEDGE MY SUPERIOR MOUSE POINTING SKILLS OR YOUR MOTHER IS A WHORE WHAT THE FUCK IS STARCRAFT SOME KIND OF NERD GAME FOR NERDS?" and that is really grating.

But yeah, my active disdain for games I don't like is often related to the fanbase. FPS and MMORPGs are the two genres I absolutely hate as a rule, and they happen to have the most intolerable fanbases. But I don't hate something like Barbie Horse Adventures as much because no one's really being a faggot over it.

>> No.1612986

There's plenty of fantastic games I'd probably dislike if I went by the fanbase like that. Fate/stay Night, for example.

>> No.1612988
File: 144 KB, 1076x896, 1226742053996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more installed in random places as well.

>> No.1612990

>>Fate/stay Night
>>fantastic games

>> No.1612994


I try to avoid it when it's unfair, but with shit I hate to begin with... why bother? If I hated Tsukihime, /jp/ would probably make me hate it more. But I like it, so /jp/ just makes me hate /jp/.

>> No.1613006

That's exactly how my brother is. I agree that the fans are horrid, that's why I mute them. And I understand why you would think that FPS games are terrible. (I usually play RTS games) I guess I'm just sitting here... wishing that I can be satisfied... but never giving up hope. Still, it has plenty of potential.

>> No.1613017


I agree with you. Although FPS doesn't hold much potential for me personally without getting away from the core concept, like with the Star Wars ones, I feel that way about games in general.

>> No.1613020

you know whats funny?

fags say every Final Fantasy is a remake of another one when every single one of them are completely different game.

and then there are people saying every fps are different.

>> No.1613023

Final Fantasy games all use roughly the same engine and gameplay mechanics, as well as having similar storytelling styles.
FPSs all use roughly the same engine and gameplay mechanics, as well as having similar storytelling styles.
I'm not sure what you're saying at all here.

>> No.1613029

In terms of story you easily offended idiot.
(except for WWII games)

>> No.1613034

>Final Fantasy games all use roughly the same engine >and gameplay mechanics, as well as having similar >storytelling styles.

this is so wrong in many levels

>> No.1613048


>Final Fantasy games all use roughly the same engine and gameplay mechanics, as well as having similar storytelling styles.

Except only FFI-III and the FFIV-IX shared any form of system.
FFI-III are basic RPGs, FFIV-IX are each revolutions of the ATB system.
FFX uses a complete rehaul of the basic RPG system. FFXI is a MMORPG. FFXII is the most dramatic rehaul, combining ATB with MMORPG elements.
Each one is different, but they can't be considered "the same". The closest to "the same" would have to be FFVI and FFVII, which are each considered the goddamn best by most people.

Storytelling, the only similarities is that it's character-centric... Except in FFXII. In FFXII it has a political story. Most people hated the change. Douches.

>FPSs all use roughly the same engine and gameplay mechanics, as well as having similar storytelling styles.

Well this is true for the most part, but there HAVE been reinventions. Goldeneye and Half-Life, to name two.

>> No.1613052

I just think that, for the most part, the Final Fantasy games have more in common with each other than, say, System Shock 1 and Gears of War have in common with each other.

>> No.1613057

how is Half-Life different from every other FPS out there

>> No.1613071


Motherfucking physics.

>> No.1613081

Have you never played it? I mean, now there isn't much different about it because it's fucking old, but at the time it was revolutionary.

>> No.1613084


At the time it was made it was a massive step forward in nearly every area concievable (story, gameplay, AI, physics etc), thus cementing its place in gaming history.

>> No.1613103

So, in other words, it was hyped like mad during it's release, and now that we look back, it's obvious it wasn't anything special.

>> No.1613108

What? The exact opposite.

>> No.1613111

Uh, no. It wasn't overhyped, and because everything it did was absolutely amazing for the year it was released, it was something extraordinarily special. It got numerous awards for a reason.

>> No.1613122

This エロゲー intrigues me.

>> No.1613128

You're not actually indicating anything specific.

>> No.1613141

Guys, you just need to settle down and realize, all the games of the same genre are going to be the same.

Half-Life and Halo? The same.
Planescape: Torment and Diablo? The same.
World Championship Poker and Chessmaster 2000? The same.
Starcraft and Civ3? The same.

The list goes on, people.

>> No.1613148

Planescape: Torment is an adventure/RPG while Diablo is a roguelike.
Starcraft is an RTS while Civ 3 is a TTS

>> No.1613150

Don't compare that junk to my Civ3!

>> No.1613155


This post makes rage a little. Well done.

>> No.1613158


>Half-Life and Halo?

Came a generation apart from each other. Of course Halo would take after Half-Life.

>Planescape: Torment and Diablo? The same.

Never played Planescape I see. Ever.

>World Championship Poker and Chessmaster 2000? The same.

Now that's just SILLY.

>Starcraft and Civ3? The same.

>> No.1613157

I mean TBS.

>> No.1613160


>> No.1613162

Dear god I got replies. Come on people you should have seen through it after the first line.

Roguelike? I'd call it an action/adventure.

What, Starcraft is a good game too.

>> No.1613163
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1226746039101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And now you're just WRONG.

>> No.1613164

Nah, Half-life and Halo actually are the same game.

>> No.1613165

Are you trying to troll me back? Because if so, it's not working, you're just looking stupid.

>> No.1613166

Man, no wonder /v/ gets trolled so much. You people are fucking easy.

>> No.1613167

That's why I said AFTER the first line.

>> No.1613168

Honestly, I almost feel back for causing this much of a shitstorm.

>> No.1613169

I thought this was an obvious sarcastic post to illustrate a point. Why are you people responding to him like he's being serious or trolling?

>> No.1613170

Honestly, I almost feel bad for causing this much of a shitstorm.

>> No.1613173
File: 11 KB, 800x563, 1226746215395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like /jp/ isn't just as easy.


>> No.1613176

I wanted to add, "And I thought /jp/ was easy." to my post. Because seriously, this was just sad. It kind of took me by surprise actually. I thought his post was pretty clearly a joke, it didn't even look like he was trying to troll to me.

>> No.1613184


This makes me angry.

>> No.1613192


Yes, it clearly was a joke. The fact that there are people who spout such nonsense and actually believe it, however, is not. Thus, I raged a little in rememberance of past encounters.

>> No.1613187

I really wasn't. It was supposed to be a joke and I figured I'd get replies of "I lol'd." and "I see what you did there." But instead... apparently a 10/10.

>> No.1613196


The best trolls don't even think they're trolling.

>> No.1613200

Seriously, I was giggling like a little schoolgirl over this. I should try this again sometime.

>> No.1613208

Let's have some fun with this. Let's see if /v/ takes it the same way /jp/ did.


>> No.1613213

Figured. You failed, /jp/. Even /v/ caught it before you.

>> No.1613219

When you say "After the first line," it means "After you read the first line."

>> No.1613220

>Even /v/

>> No.1613224

Why did this thread stop being about eroge?

>> No.1613226


So yeah >>1613173/>>1613176 are right /jp/ is easy.

>> No.1613238


We can all agree that /jp/ failed, but that's hardly a fair comparison. First of all, you're trolling video games on /v/. That's.... that's every post on /v/. And you started a thread for it. You have to slip it in organically in the middle of an appropriate thread on a different board like /a/ or something. I think in general all these things work better away from their respective home boards.

>> No.1613257


Flutter of Birds and Flutter of Birds II are the SAME GAME.

>> No.1613267

tl;dr weeaboos have retarded views on vidya

>> No.1613323

>>1613267tl;dr Americans play any piece of shit that lets them shoot people
