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File: 37 KB, 364x569, 1208494939405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1609303 No.1609303 [Reply] [Original]


Working link.

I created a thread about this a while back, and the best you could give me was Resonance, which is great if you like Capri Sun.

I have True Remembrance, but do you recommend anything else in here?

>> No.1609321

Huh? I don't get it. What's this about capri sun? I thought this was about female protagonists? What?

>> No.1609380

Obviously you haven't played the game, so you're just making a stupid "HUR DUR I REVEALED WHAT'S IN THE SPOILERS" post.

>> No.1610759

Stupid image.

>> No.1610772

What's going on in this thread guys?

>> No.1610801
File: 80 KB, 421x587, Freddie Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one man fights for freedom.

>> No.1610808
File: 139 KB, 800x600, 0326094101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel by FlyingShine

It has some weak parts the art, especially the designs of some things but I really fucking liked it. It's also the only VN that simultaneously brought me to the point of tears, rage and despair.

>> No.1610849

Best games with female protagonists:

Gun-Katana (it's far more VN than shitty FPS, so don't worry about the latter)
Sono Hanabira etc.
Souten no Celenari (yes, a lot of people say it's shit; but it's not)
Saphizumu no Gensou
And, of course, the upcoming Shikkoku no Sharnoth
There's also Under the Moon, but ehhh, it's pretty ordinary.

I find it very hard to believe that the best visual novel with a female protagonist /jp/ could recommend was some obscure doujin freeware game.

>> No.1610851

Best games with female protagonists:

Gun-Katana (it's far more VN than shitty FPS, so don't worry about the latter)
Sono Hanabira etc.
Souten no Celenari (yes, a lot of people say it's shit; but it's not)
Sapphism no Gensou
And, of course, the upcoming Shikkoku no Sharnoth
There's also Under the Moon, but ehhh, it's pretty ordinary.

I find it very hard to believe that the best visual novel with a female protagonist /jp/ could recommend was some obscure doujin freeware game.

>> No.1610855

>Souten no Celenari (yes, a lot of people say it's shit; but it's not)

really? I was under the impression that people who played it loved it. Was thinking about playing it, but I might change idea, why is it shit?

>> No.1610863

I heard a lot of people dislike Gun Katana? I like most other Black-Cyc games, and it seems epic, but I've heard so many derogatory things in regards to it.

EXTRAVAGANZA is fucking great though. A translation would be awesome.

>> No.1610868

It's not shit at all. /jp/ is just tsundere when it comes to everything.

>> No.1610869

Eh, I can live with that, after that one guy with bad art.

>> No.1610884

Gun-Katana's not as good as Black Cyc's other titles - the main weakness, though, is the totally unnecessary gameplay. There's a number of shitty FPS sections that you have to go through - they're pretty easy, though, so you can clear through them quite quickly. Otherwise, there's also the fact that there's very little ero compared to Black Cyc's other titles (though I think that's a bit of a plus when it comes to Black Cyc, sometimes)

>> No.1610897

There's part of the story I disliked, but could have liked more if the art for it wasn't so horrible to look at. Though, the story would have only benefited if they had scrapped that part completely.

>> No.1610898

Noel is written by the same woman who is currently writing Toradora, should help hype it since /a/ seems to be crazy about it recently.
Also Flyingshine did Cross Channel and Swan Song, even if the writers are different it should show that they at least have good taste.

>> No.1610920


>> No.1610923

I really disliked the H-scenes in Gut-Katana for some reason.

>> No.1610925

Where can I get this 'Noel' thing? A cursory search of HF didn't turn up anything, nor did Googling it.

>> No.1610944

I didn't really like the H scenes in any of [Black/White] Cyc's titles. It seems that if the H scenes aren't full of tentacle rape the writer's don't really know what to do.

>> No.1610951

Search harder: google site:hongfire.com noel

>> No.1610952

I thought the ero was supposed to be crazy in Gun Katana? GSS was pretty tame for Black Cyc, so I'm curious how Gun Katana could have even less.

Also: Boss fights against the non-humans. Do they exist?

>> No.1610955

None of those have seeds though, probably. I got it off Share.

>> No.1610958

There's something quite beautiful in the traditional dichotomy between men and women, don't you think? However much I loathe them for never being able to ronery, I can never bring myself to 'hate' women or anything.

>> No.1610967
File: 184 KB, 800x600, m-moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shojokyu to be the little girl.

>> No.1610978

God damn, the post would have to be '[FlyingShine]'. Torrent's dead, though. Could someone Megaupload it? It looks to be just small enough to fit in a single megaupload.

>> No.1610981
File: 74 KB, 800x600, seething with puritanical disdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never did find out if the nun has H-scenes or not. Personally, I hope not. I'm actually afraid to finish the game because I worry about it since it would completely ruin my image of her and the story.

>> No.1610982

So much netorare and sin in that game. I loved it.

>> No.1610993

Hey, why not. Don't expect to see it today though, my upload it pretty slow.

>> No.1610990

She does.

>> No.1611003

Hey, thanks. Yeah, that's fine, just post it to /jp/ when it's done.

>> No.1611040
File: 23 KB, 300x180, mushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, Extravaganza... I kept forgetting what paths I had already taken and kept getting "LOL RENGO DIED" over and over, and never got past the first part.

Maybe I should give it another shot, for that one really moe character. pic related

>> No.1611072

True Remembrance doesn't have a female protagonist.

>> No.1611076


You play as La. For a few scenes. She even describes everything. Like this.

>> No.1611095

That is not a protagonist!

>> No.1611109 [SPOILER] 
File: 285 KB, 435x322, DAMN YOU RENGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good end.

>> No.1611160
File: 118 KB, 1000x625, 804641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this in every female protagonist thread till the PC version is released.

>> No.1611204
File: 217 KB, 400x400, 1327790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame Akaiito isn't getting one.

>> No.1611253

Ugh, don't remind me. I haven't gotten around to playing that yet. Even though I own it.

Those girls manage to elongate any scene they're in by about ten minutes.

>> No.1613137

How come nobody translates Black Cyc VNs? And very few Nitroplus.

>> No.1613144

Because nobody translates much of anything.

>> No.1613304
File: 83 KB, 800x600, ばけもの.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filename: (つ旧作)(18禁ゲーム)[マニュ無] [040924] [FlyingShine] Noel (Disc1 mdf+mds +Disc2 bin rr3%)(15765).rar
Filesize: 855.88 MB

>> No.1613307

Why is Rider crying blood?

>> No.1613321

Because nobody likes tall girls.

>> No.1613325

Ooh, thank you. I've been after this game for a little while.

>> No.1613349


>> No.1613690

Every Sono Hanabira game

>> No.1614039
File: 136 KB, 800x600, 14455759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The protagonist is a classy whore planning to murder some magistrate. Also has incest, her brother is blind kinda crazy and in love with her.

Never finished it, a lot of the sex made me feel very uncomfortable. Now I know it really sucks to be a prostitute.

>> No.1614335


I've had this in my favorites for a while, just because someone linked it. I hope we're almost finished.

>> No.1614358

But the mentioned companies make VNs that are well worth translating before stuff like...uh, Shuffle, I guess.

>> No.1614719

Shuffle isn't being translated.

>> No.1614738


Chou no Yume? Gonna need to find HCGs of this.

>> No.1616095

Try Share?
