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159061 No.159061 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, so I just finished the Arc route on Tsukihime. This is my very first VN ever.

I absolutely loved it. I didn't BAWWWWW, but it still left a deep impression on me, and now I love Arc totally. Also, the h-scenes were hot and very awesome.

So which route should I try now? Also, are the bad endings worth watching?

>> No.159072

arc's arc was the worst one in tsukihime. you have better things to come.

kohaku - ciel - hisui - akiha

>> No.159080

the bad ends are fun

>> No.159086

All the bad endings. You'll shit brix. Each girl has her good points, really. I'd suggest going Akiha or Hisui. (Hisui unlocks Kohaku's route.)

The hierarchy goes something like

Kohaku > Hisui > Akiha > Arcueid > Ciel

Most disagree about the first 3, but generally Arc and Ciel are bottom of the list...so you've got nowhere to go but up. And right now you're saying "yeah fucking right, Arc win"

..you'll see good sir, you shall see...

>> No.159104


I personally go for every single possibility. Why waste parts of the story? Even if they are bad ends, I like seeing those possibilities as well. In the end, whatever you want is entirely up to you.

Personally, I love the bad ends. Awesome stuff.

>> No.159105

The order that it's recommended that the player goes in is: Acrueid, Ciel, Akiha, Hisui then finally Kohaku.

I tend to agree with this.

Also, I happen to like Ciel.
I know most don't like her, but I do.

>> No.159119

>h-scenes were hot and very awesome


>> No.159120

Complete Arc and Ciel first then go on to the dark side of the moon paths, then you'll shit brix.

>> No.159129

Actually Akiha is dead last on my list, followed by Arc. I actually found Ciel a somewhat good character so she ranks 3rd from the last. My high 4 in order of 1st-4th are Hisui, Akira, Satsuki, and Kohaku.

>> No.159136

guyz lettuce grain out an official wp 'n smeer blood mark 2 mek it awsome

>> No.159143

I'd recommend Ciel, Akiha, Hisui and then Kohaku.

>> No.159146

I finished arc and ciel routes and was like "well this is some pretty fucked up shit right here."

Then I got to the far moon side stories and half a week just disappeared.

>> No.159152

I suggest doing Akiha's route last for best results.

>> No.159160

I'd go a far side(Akiha or Hisui) route next just because there's so much redundancy in Arc and Ciel's routes.

As long as you do Kohaku last the order isn't too important, though.

>> No.159163

My favs:
Hisui true
Ciel good
Kohaku good

>> No.159174

Where's mah Sacchin ending!?

>> No.159176

Ok, I'll go on to Ciel next even though she's my least favorite character so far.

Even if you everyone thinks Arc route sucks I love her as a character and think she's the most beautiful. I'll try to go in order though, and leave the maids for last since other than Arc I like them just as much.

>> No.159180



>> No.159188


If you dont like ciel then do her last... though I LOVE her good ending. just plain win.

go with the hisui route, it's sooo much winnn.

>> No.159193

Oh and does anyone have the ending reactions pic? I wanna see if I had the same reaction.

>> No.159187

Kohaku has no good end, only true. Ya, Hisui's ending was the best written and most touching, though also the saddest.

>> No.159200

Actually Kohaku's only ending is good.

>> No.159202

All the routes are good, honestly.

Except for Ciel Good and Akiha normal, which will make you feel like complete shit.

>> No.159204


I was thinking of akiha with the "call akiha's name or kohaku's name" scene

>> No.159209


WHAT?? Ciel good is awessssommeee. The way ciel and arc act toward each other at the end is so worth it.

>> No.159211
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>> No.159213
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play them in the standard order.

>> No.159222


"standard" order is for people who have no opinion of their own. Play whoever you want to see more of/know more about...

>> No.159227


Save Kohaku for last, since most of the endings result in someone getting shafted, Kohaku's will make you feel good.

>> No.159231

Standard order is the best order for understanding the overall story.

>> No.159233

True, order has no value. Just play the routes for who you like the most first, or else you may get discouraged to continue from not liking the route.

>> No.159246

Just because it's the happy ending doesn't mean you should play it last.

>> No.159248

Best to leave the game with a good feeling than say...one of Akiha's endings. Both are BAW worthy.

>> No.159250


Hmm you do have a point there. Ok, since I hate Ciel and since her and arc's routes probably converge a lot, I shall skip her, but then I'll stay in order, Akiha, Hisui, Kohaku. I have no idea how those will turn out.

I saw the anime, but it was a long time ago and I don't really remember if they went into their stories a lot or if it was mostly Arc's route.

>> No.159255

>I saw the anime, but it was a long time ago

It must've been a real long time ago, because it never existed.

(it was just Arc's route, iirc)

>> No.159258

They pretty much ignored their routes entirely.

>> No.159261

>the anime

>> No.159263

But it's spoilerriffic for other routes and will leave you with a ton of unanswered crap because you were supposed to have read the other routes first though.

>> No.159264

Akiha irrationally pisses me off, so I skipped her entirely.

But, yeah, I played in the standard order otherwise. If I'd ended on Hisui True or even Hisui Good, it just would've been to...



>> No.159267

But there is no overall story. Each route has a different experience and out come, the closest thing would be background of characters which don't matter much if you learn before a route or not.

>> No.159272

don't, while it's not my favorite route, you should still do ciels before the dark sides route - it may suprise you.

>> No.159273

Played Ciel's route then quit, she's the only character I care about in all of the Tsukihime universe, so meh.

>> No.159276

lesbian detected.

>> No.159284
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Kohaku and Hisui were pretty awesome, but the Magical Girl of choice for me would be Arc. I'm also a Seibai fan so I guess it's a Blonde thing.

>> No.159286

Hmm mixed messages. I'll just make up my own mind later.

I'm guessing you guys don't like the anime too much lol, I must've seen it like 3 years ago or something.

>> No.159295


I'm not sure why I love Arc so much, since I really don't like blondes that much at all. But there's just something about her, maybe it's her hairstyle, or her eyes, or clothes...or those boobs.

>> No.159297

>the anime
stop making things up.

>> No.159300



>> No.159301

I thought so too at first, then I played all the other routes.

>> No.159305

K, guys thanks for all your input. I'm off to sleep and hopefully dream of Arc.

>> No.159313

on its own the anime was mediocre at best - compare to the game tho its tantamount to heresy.

>> No.159318

Dream of eating curry out of Ciel's ass. At least thats what eye do. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.159322

I saw it before I even knew about the VN and hated it. Too many plot holes, unfulfilling fights, and characters that they ignored way too much.

>> No.159334
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Agreed I played them like this:

Arc>Ciel(Just to finish up the Near Side Stories) .Hisui(Best ever, Manly tears at True).Akiha(I admit, I cried at the love scene).Kohaku(Words not needed).

I enjoyed this game but no Yumizuka Route was kinda lame.

Still if you think about it Hisui is kinda a doomlady, Either 2 die or one attempt at suicide.

>> No.159338

It needed twice as many episodes and about 5 times the animation budget.

>> No.159359

Kohaku's suicide was sad, I actually enjoyed Akiha's death. Akiha is nothing but a possessive bitch as will be seen on Kohaku's route, the only reason people tell you to play Kohaku's before Akiha's is so Akiha isn't hated.

>> No.159366

>>Kohaku's suicide was sad, I actually enjoyed Akiha's death. Akiha is nothing but a possessive bitch as will be seen on Kohaku's route, the only reason people tell you NOT to play Kohaku's before Akiha's is so Akiha isn't hated.

Sorry, I forgot to put not in there.

>> No.159388

i wanted to save the incest for last since it's suppose to be WINCEST but Kohaku still won out

>> No.159403

Sorry, it's because of all the women in Tsukihime it's because she had the greatest reason to love Shiki and kept that flame alive for 8 long years.

>> No.159439


I can understand this. In fact it is a very good point.

>> No.159448

Akiha's reason: saved her life
Ciel's reason: ... I'm actually still not sure what.
Arc's reason: Shiki was the first person to really treat her like a person, and saved her from the 800 year monotony of her life.
Hisui's reason: She and Shiki played together as children.
Kohaku's reason: Shiki rescues her from her keikkaku.

>> No.159455
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>> No.159456

Gave Ciel something to live for?

>> No.159483

I think Hisui's had more to do with the fact that Shiki was in the same situation as her, and that they helped each other to get out of their depression by being together.(Right after Shiki's family was killed and before he started to play with others.)

>> No.159484

it's hard to understand where the initial attraction came from though (likely the Shiki gland). Especially in some of the other routes where he barely pays attention to her and she still seems to have the hots for him.

>> No.159488

It's not so much that she has the hots for him as much as it is she's trying to get close to him because she thinks he's going to Roa all over the place.

>> No.159503

i like to think it's because she thinks a lot of the fact that they both wear glasses for reasons other than bad eyesight.

another thing i've been wondering is what the story is as of Melty Blood: has Shiki had canon sex with one or more of the female cast by the events of Melty Blood?

>> No.159511

There is no canon, only possibilities.

>> No.159515

I always got the impression that it was either a follow-up of.
1. Arc's path
2. Sacchin's path
3. Some path where the near side events happened but Shiki didn't end up hooking up with anyone

>> No.159535
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I'm going to keep posting this 'til it's canon.

>> No.159538

It IS canon.


Multiverse, fuck yeah.

>> No.159542

...oh yeah.


>> No.159551

Recommended route order is Arcueid, Ciel, Akiha, Hisui and finally Kohaku.

In terms of personal preference, they rank so: Kohaku > Arcueid > Hisui > Ciel > Akiha.

>> No.160893

Making you feel like shit != Badly done ending.

It was one of the best. Ciel's good in comparison is laughable. And not in the good way.

>> No.160957

Didnt Nasu say in some interview that it Melty Blood follows Sacchin's True End?

>> No.160993

Something like that, yes.

>> No.160994

What the hell is Sacchin's True end.


>> No.161002

Bad ends in Tsukihime are so awesome,in F/SN they are only the BLARGH IM DEAD type

>> No.161005
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>> No.161009

Who the hell is Sacchin anyways?

>> No.161008
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>> No.161037


Cancer killing /jp/, etc.

>> No.161051

fuck, I gotta do ciels route now, can someone post a walkthrough or something, I really dont feel like wasting time with bad ends.

>> No.161055


There's one included in the English patch.

>> No.161059

Excellent. Thank you.

>> No.161063

Lol no there isn't idort!

>> No.161070


There is, my facepalm.jpg friend.

>> No.161078

Where is it?

>> No.161091

You forgot to select to install the walkthrough. If you did install it, its in the folder labeld "Extras".

>> No.161140

The only stupid bad end was on Hisui's route.

If you don' t build enough relation with her, BLARGIMDED.

That was the only one in fact.

>> No.161156

On an unrelated note:

Where the fuck is my Tsukihime pro-remake, Type-Moon? It's Fate Stay Night here, Fate Stay Night there, KnK.

But for Tsukihime, it's as if it never existed!

And god knows that a Tsukihime remake would sell like hotcakes.

Or ever, let's be daring... TSUKIHIME 2!!

>> No.161225
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I really liked Akiha's route. I went into it thinking that the incest would be tremendously creepy, but it was handled remarkably. I thought it was very sweet at parts.

Akiha true end is probably my favorite, although Kohaku isn't far behind.

>> No.161236

I've never thought about doing Hisui's route without getting her to like me. Is this bad end entertaining?

>> No.161259

It's useless, but I thought that the dead flag was pretty much useless... It's like if they HAD to fill a quota.

>> No.161276
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>> No.161319

that happens on all the routes though, I had to redo Arc's and Ciel's because I didn't build up enough points.

>> No.161322

For some reason i didnt feel like Akiha's route was incest. I guess a big part is she didnt act like a sister most of the times.

>> No.161326

>>"So, I guess you don't want to do it with your brother after all"

Shiki, you smooth-talker.

>> No.161329

I'm going to love it when Type-Moon stops milking the F/SN cow.

>> No.161334

>>I'm going to love it when Type-Moon stops milking the F/SN cow.
Keep dreaming.

>> No.161352

They'll stop around the same time Message releases the UBW installer. read: Summer of 2035

>> No.161377
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>> No.161385
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>> No.161390
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>> No.161396
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>> No.161409
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MOE!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to shout it out loud.

>> No.161417
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Mo Eh?

>> No.161424

fuck yeah.

>> No.161439
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I like the calligraphy on this one.

>> No.161558
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>> No.161596

OP you didn't like totally love Arc before?

>> No.161610

Everybody loves Arc during Arc Route.

>> No.161631


Yeah :p

Far Side > Near Side

>> No.161649

I liked Arcueid Good, Ciel Goood, Akiha True, Hisui Good. Kohaku is last on my list in ranking but I still liked it. I actually hated Akiha True until I finished the follow up story in Kagetsu Tohya; now I like it.

>> No.161667

Kohaku route is the best ("You don't have to smile anymore" ;_; ), then Akiha True, Arcueid Good is kinda lame (fairy tale/deus ex machina ending) but I still love it.

>> No.161714

Hisui True is good for the BAAAWWWWW

>> No.161750


What's the sauce on this? Adorable Akiha is adorable.

>> No.161776

I played the arc route, then I peeked at the pdf chart so I could go and play all the side routes and bad ends that I missed. In the process I glaced at some of the other routes and now I feel kind of jaded about playing any of them.

tldr, don't read the chart until you're basically done with the game.

>> No.161850

Ciel's Good End is the best one. The only thing better than a harem ending is a Terri Schiavo harem ending.

>> No.162542

I liked the scene right after the choice you make for the good Ciel ending. The actual ending was shit though.

>> No.163873
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>What's the sauce on this? Adorable Akiha is adorable.

Oddly enough, it's from "Akiha Maniacs."

You should be able to find it on /rs/ without much trouble. It's pretty good!

>> No.163928
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Kohaku's was awersome.
