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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16066328 No.16066328 [Reply] [Original]

Is Touhou any good?

>> No.16066345


>> No.16066624


>> No.16066646


>> No.16066648

I don't know.

>> No.16066654

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.16066656

Is Touhou any good?

>> No.16066657


>> No.16066658


>> No.16066665


>> No.16066676

Its the best game you should never play

>> No.16066924


>> No.16066989

Why not try it and decide for yourself?

>> No.16067078
File: 409 KB, 800x1932, touhou (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is the best game series I've ever played. Nearly every single game is stripped free of things that feel pointless in 'normal' games. You might not like stg though. I really like stg.

I would recommend not starting with EoSD, there have been a lot of changes play PCB or MoF instead. The Border system is very newbie-friendly. MoF is just easy for a newer player, though the patterns are a little more difficult imo. Read the wiki for things you don't understand.

>> No.16067904

Its art is amazing

The thing is in the art. ZUN nailed it

>> No.16068168
File: 62 KB, 240x240, 1450858390042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you mean by touhou.

Official games
Fan games
Official music
Fan music
Official art
Fan art
Official printworks
Fan printworks

You can consider all of these good or bad in any combination. Altho I'd say Touhou is pretty good overall.

>> No.16068698

Official art is perfect

>> No.16068775

Are there any other series where the fanbase is so directly involved in the series? Touhou is almost more like a source code for the fans, and less of a solid, firm object. Of course ZUN and the games are the origin, but so much of the series as it exists today is fanmade. It's like a living, breathing entity, and that is likely what made it so successful, at least popularity wise. Touhou is probably the "true meme". It is an idea, a message, that originates in a simple object but soon far outgrows it's source. Nothing else can even compare. And it's not a meme in a bad sense, rather in the technical sense that it operates almost exactly like a meme did before all memes were forced.

>> No.16068788

I disagree, EoSD is the only game free of pointless things like UFO mechanics or the border system which spoils the player.

>> No.16068803

Almost as good as the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.16068831

What about Mountain of Faith?

>> No.16068837


>> No.16068926

What is Iku doing?

>> No.16068938

Play it and find out for yourself.

>> No.16068961

the small horses (maybe)

>> No.16069043
File: 187 KB, 1056x756, Touhou.full.441073[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought of it like this also. So many touhou fans don't even play the games. And when ZUN stops making touhou games the fanbase wont be affected that much cause of how much it grew.

Another thing that is crazy is different peoples interpretations. Some see Remelia as being a bratty child while others see her as being a stuck up noble woman. Or with Reimu being emotionless or not.

The story and characters are their but still can be greatly expanded upon.

>> No.16071005

EoSD and PCB work on my computer, but MoF doesn't, it crashes before getting to the title screen.

>> No.16071327

>So many touhou fans don't even play the games.
Then they are not fans.

>> No.16071447

What if they are incapable of playing the games, since the games don't run?

>> No.16071477

I recommend to install gentoo.

>> No.16071490

I don't use GNU.

>> No.16071749

It's kind of like the Christianity and the Bible. So many fanworks!

>> No.16072293
File: 177 KB, 450x637, 1349656544833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the music and the hentai is good.

>> No.16072590
File: 241 KB, 911x862, 1416035690656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find their are different types of fans but the ones who played the games are top tier.

You have to do a bit more then like the music and hentai. You have to know the characters and read some works or beat one game on normal.

>> No.16072705
File: 40 KB, 512x384, 8ca84947472ef64315af8f0e0f800b89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for the hentai

>> No.16072722
File: 347 KB, 1300x393, flantrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan hunting lesser touhous

>> No.16072997

No it sucks only the porn is good.

>> No.16073028

Are there some good and text-heavy touhou rpgs? I know Japanese, btw.

>> No.16073054

Heres a list of spinoff games http://www.moriyashrine.org/spinoff-games.html

>> No.16073079

Tetris is the best game ever going by your logic.

>> No.16073223

only good for porn, games and everything else kinda sucks

>> No.16075567

>Doesn't allow fangames
>Fanworks are 95℅ Admiral self insert fantasy jerking
>Has no consistent design
>A cash cow

Sure many artists jumped to that. Because they have no creative ideas and expressions to begin with. Those with creativity still stays.

>> No.16075576

Creativity is not constrained to any particular thing.

>> No.16075616

you sound like you got buttblasted on easy mode in the first danmaku game you started

>> No.16077793

>Tetris is the best game ever going by your logic.
Assuming you haven't already see:
You should

And not him, but I don't really get what you're getting at. Touhou is an excellent game series, and even more so a prolific culture, because of what it excludes, not includes. Maybe try not taking things to extremes when people express an opinion.

>> No.16077856

Tetris is a fantastic game. Tetris was so great that people actually got addicted to it. I'll play that shit for hours. If you dislike Tetris there might actually be something wrong with you. It's an interesting parallel because there's a definite Touhou effect - I'll see the bullet patterns behind my eyes for days after playing it heavily. It's a bit more pronounced with CAVE's shooters because their bullets flash.

But Tetris is not Touhou, and Tetris does not, and will never, have cute girls with fun personalities, or interesting side stories on the level of Curiosities of Lotus Asia. There is no Tetris world, or Tetris worldview, and Touhou trumps Tetris because of that fact, in my opinion. And bringing in other stg once again, particularly ones by CAVE, the DoDonPachi world is not as pronounced as the Touhou world, if that makes sense. Same deal with Gradius, etc. Even RPG's like Final Fantasy have a relatively limited/closed world (which is weird because that means there are not many roles to play), one that is not as conducive to fanworks.

Touhou exemplifies otaku culture in that there is a unique "Touhou worldview". Due to the minimal characterization and setting of the games providing a base for these wonderful characters, along with ZUN's elaborate though unobtrusive worldbuilding skills, Gensokyo is extremely open to fanworks that interpret the "Touhou worldview" to their liking. And, since otaku culture revolves around fanworks, this makes Touhou perfect for consumption by otaku.

>> No.16078029


something sadly not present in kancolle fanworks

>> No.16085302

well who doesn't. I remenber losing to rumia on easy

>> No.16089823
File: 28 KB, 720x675, 12670058_10156405097825251_8586549819110063216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not playing EoSD

>> No.16095477

Yes, It is very unique from other games out there.

If you are new I'd suggest EoSD, PCB, or IN to get started as, they all have very straight forward game play and are easy to pick up on.

>> No.16095496

Sadly you are correct. I bet the games community would explode if ZUN just released his games in bundle packs on Steam. But "muh xenopohiba stops me from reaching a very high demand market". ZUN is a fucking moron btw.

No, they just come to /jp/ to shit post and jack-off to 2hus rather than provide any content of substance.

>> No.16095566

To be fair, I still consider myself a light fan and it's been years since I've played a game, let alone beat one. It's a good, but myopic barometer for judging dedication or weeding out "secondaries", especially with a franchise as large and spanning as Touhou, where there's about ten mainline games that are regularly played, dozens of fan games, remixes upon remixes, as well as original music, videos, and of course, porn. It's not like KanColle or IM@S, where there's one official source for everything commercially possible and you'd be hard pressed to find sanctioned fan games of large notoriety, or Vocaloid, where you don't have to download the software and be a producer to claim that you like Vocaloid in general or certain characters.

Then again, I kinda stopped following Touhou after UFO, so all these weird new girls with sillier hats making me go wut is kinda proof that I'm far from emblematic of the "true" Touhou fan.

I seriously doubt it. Touhou is kinda a relic of its time in the spotlight and chances are, anybody who would even be interested in the games has already heard of it by now. If this were six years ago, you might have a point. But the fact that other representative Danmaku games (ie: Cave shumps) have gotten localized plus the fandom culture shifting has kinda made bringing it over a moot point.

>> No.16095700
File: 60 KB, 452x414, 1478079455947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that other representative Danmaku games
You mean those games that has been selling in thousands? Yeah.

>> No.16096349
File: 52 KB, 630x490, 1426327832582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this thread?

>> No.16096438

Touhou would sell huge if it went on Steam.

I personally prefer Cave shooters to touhou when it comes to mechanics, but I believe that the games coming to steam would be MASSIVELY popular. He wouldn't even have to localize it, there are a bunch of non-localized games on steam already (eg. Romance of the Three Kingdoms).

Also, maybe a bit off topic, but:

>fandom culture shifting

I hear this a lot but I don't get many answers. Where is it shifting to?

>> No.16105805


>> No.16109158


Thread theme cause song is great and why not.


Since i discovered Touhou (not much ago to be honest) i feel something like that about the fanbase. I quite like the stories and doujins, also I enjoy music so much.

I actually love the effort that some people put on it for do everything; since an MMD to an animation. I think you might like it, also read the mangas, they are nice.

>> No.16119393


>> No.16124366

Man I wanna play tetris now.
Is there a non shit version for win7? I remember having played one some time ago

>> No.16125365

There are a couple okay Adobe Flash versions.
