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15976373 No.15976373 [Reply] [Original]

[New to the game? Read First, Ask Later]


>New Player Guide/FAQ:


>For videos of the Elona spin-off Noa is developing:

E+C1.62.2 is out, be sure to check it out on the wiki. Lots of new features.

A full day? Who were you expecting would make it, if not you?

>> No.15976387

Tell me about golden knight. Why is she the fucking strong?

>> No.15976469

Her patron is the mountain of muscle god Opatos. He probably worked her into the ground as I'm sure the god of strength doesn't tolerate weaklings.

>> No.15976546
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>Hit the last 10 floors of Lesimas
>Stronger monsters so better monster parts
>Get lots of expensive parts
>Finally start replacing cats with liches and skeletons

>> No.15976631
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Zeome was much easier than I thought he would be. I chugged all my buffing potions but he never even touched me.

>> No.15977165

I read the pastebins and the wiki but nothing says how long it takes for something to breed in a ranch
How long does something take to breed in a ranch?

>> No.15977308

I'm not sure anyone has a good time estimate for breeding mainly because certain creatures have different breeding powers. For instance, a chicken will have more breed power than a green dragon. The wiki says you can expect your first offspring within 15-30 in game days regardless of breed power but after that a formula is calculated off of breed power. What that formula is is anyone's guess but certain creatures will fill up the ranch much faster than others which may take forever. The best thing you can do is just stock your ranches with creatures with high breed power, the bigger the number the better, and check on your ranch every couple of in game days.


>> No.15977543

Why there are no changelogs for Elona Custom

Also, what are some good pets to stick in a ranch before finishing Zeome?

>> No.15977748

Anything that gives stat potential will do, or Mandrake/Putits/etc for fusion recipes.

>> No.15977786

So the list should be:
Beetle for STR
Lame horse for CON (or should use a troll for CON+healing?)
Ghost for WIL
Imp for MAG (seems to have more breed power than a mandrake
Putit for CHA
Quantum creature for SPD (higher breed power than quicklings)

Is this correct?

>> No.15977789

I want to play Elona but the font is so small it hurts my eyes

>> No.15977803

I don't think quantum creatures breed more quantum creatures. From what I've read, they breed other random monsters instead.

>> No.15977807

Welp, i guess i'll music ticket my way to speed then

>> No.15977815

>Why there are no changelogs for Elona Custom



>> No.15977819

You can change it to anything you like in the config file.

>> No.15977838

When do my shopkeeper restock their goods?

>> No.15978010

Every 3 days

>> No.15978527

What do I do after beating Zeome? Most things in South Tyris seem way too dangerous for a Lv 27 character and it looks like dungeons are generating with much higher DLs now.

>> No.15978536


>> No.15978547

Why does the custom AI delete itself when i put a pet in the dojo?

>> No.15978635

That's a well-known technical limitation. Sorry.

>> No.15978669

I know that the maker of Elona custom posts here, how difficult would be to do the following
>identify a player's pets when it's in the roster
>write a cleartext file indicating some of it's characteristics (name, species, ID, something to recognize it from everything else) and it's routine
>have such pet read the various cleartext files till he finds his when he's put into the roster

Would not work if someone has multiple of the same pet with different AIs but would work for those with either lots of the same pet with the same AI or many pets different from each other.

A somewhat decent workaround before a definitive solution is found (and a massive QoL improvement)

>> No.15978697

Was I not supposed to beat Zeome so early?

>> No.15978775

I think I beated him at 30 or something. Just play around in south Tyris for a bit and see what you can do.
I reached Lost Irva at level 60 I think, but you can probably get there earlier.

>> No.15979066

If i want to teach my little girl "cheer" is ok to use
>ally buff =! hero/speed cheer

>> No.15979136
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Perfect sense, yeah. You could also do something like, if ally buff = whatever buffs you want to make sure you have up, then cheer. This way, you can have active control of when and how your pet uses their buffs/spells etc.

Just a bit of shitposting/laughing at your plight, don't worry about it. In general, I'd suggest buying potions of potential-- bless them first-- and then eating some herbs. You'll also want to grind the void for levels and shit. Trade your AP and whatnot for skill levels. Honestly, at your point, I had pets that were much stronger than a non-trivial number of the monsters in both the void and South Tyris, making it a cakewalk. Since you're using Necromancy, though...you're now more reliant on yourself and what you can scavenge for zombies.

Still tho
>noobs getting rekt in South Tyris

>> No.15979144

Problem is that she isn't even trying to use the ability

I've put it fairly low (just above the "move toward me" instruction) so that she can practice in the city while i better think on where to put the instruction but she won't even try to use it.

>> No.15979169

Take a screenshot of the AI; anyway, let me give you some general tips. Buffs go to the top; for melees without shadow step this is only slightly less important than for mages/archers, but it's still The Rule. Buffs at the top, in descending order of importance. If she's not at like >~50% of learning, you will very rarely see the skill activated, so don't worry. If you want to train her "quickly", take her to the puppy cave and just kill some time. You might want to occasionally throw speed potions at her though, if she's quite slow shit will get brutal. You'll also waste 90% of your time and effort there.

>> No.15979180
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I'm in the city now, doing quest an' shit so only the last two instructions should apply (well, unless a alien decides to pop up but it's rare)

>> No.15979183

also she keeps moving around me even if i put distance>1 (so if the distance is exactly 1 ie: next to me, she shouldn't move at all)

>> No.15979196

>but it's still The Rule

The Rule according to me, and my experience.

>You might want to occasionally throw speed potions at her though, if she's quite slow shit will get brutal. You'll also waste 90% of your time and effort there.

Speed determines the number of actions you can take in a turn, so while you're down there for a real life hour, you'll be thinking that she's making great progress. But when you check back after an hour of effort, you'll find her percentage only moved up like 5-10%.

>Shadow step above cheer/buffs in general

I see two obvious problems. The first is obvious, but--this is just me guessing how the shit works under the hood based on experience--: it is my belief that each time your pet targets an enemy, it runs through the routine top to bottom. Each and every time. So, if she's shadow stepping and attacking, before she makes any attempt to cheer, it's likely she'll never try to buff your group because the instructions are working fine as-is.

Not sure about why you want this, desu. With a leash she'd automatically come to you and stay near you.

>> No.15979208

I'm training her during my stays in town though.
I'll move the buff after it's learned.

Since i'm in town she isn't attacking shit but still doesn't do stuff.
Just moved it at the top (well, under the 30% hp instruction) but still nada

>> No.15979213

>I'm training her during my stays in town though.
>I'll move the buff after it's learned.

That's the issue: she'll never learn it. It needs to be the very first thing she tries in combat, then she moves on to things that work.

>Since i'm in town she isn't attacking shit but still doesn't do stuff.

Why are you training her in town instead of dungeons/the void/puppy cave where she'll automatically try to kill everything?

>Just moved it at the top (well, under the 30% hp instruction) but still nada

Give it a lot of time.

>> No.15979221

>Why are you training her in town
Party Time a go-go, gotta raise that CHA and gotta make loads of cash

>> No.15979229

aaaand now it werks, looks like i just had to wait

>> No.15979234
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She's not going to try cheer in a party time, tho...? Even if you attack everyone all the time, that's much less efficient than just doing it "normally".

Here's my AI, for reference. All three are Melees.

>> No.15979243

>those stats
Opatos almighty!

Where do you get Harvest Mana? Is that Itzpalt ability?

>> No.15979253

>Where do you get Harvest Mana?

IIRC, the AP trainer in South Tyris. I don't actually recall because this was taken at least 5-6 months ago, and I only briefly fired up Elona again two or so weeks ago.

>Is that Itzpalt ability?

Yes, technically. That's not where I got it from.

>those stats

Nah. I saw a guy with a level 100 pet with stats well into the hundreds.

>> No.15979266

Seems that heal critical and harvest mana come from "tactical heal" AP bonus

>> No.15979282

Also, why is Tiamat using Attribute if she has no Martial Arts skill?

>> No.15979293

Yes they did. Thanks for reminding me. By the by, I took the heal package because I didn't want to spend any time teaching personal healing. The conditions necessary for it to be something you can just train on-the-fly become incresingly difficult to achieve as your pet increases in strength (<70% HP, for example). With that said, only healing rain; harvest mana & regeneration can be argued to be worth a damn. If you want them to have personal healing, teach them the actual healing spells like cure of Eris or the other one I forgot what it's called.

She does. Look again, below Weapon Proficiency.

>> No.15979718

Eventually you can increase speed by dungeoning.

Small medals are a usual reward for beating dungeon boss, you may get up to 4 from a single run. Also, platina bells drop them sometimes, and random safes/chests may contain them, too. 60 medals = 1 Hermes Blood which, when blessed, gives +8 SPD. That is 7.5 medals per 1 point of SPD.
Also at higher level dungeons speed upper potions drop once in a while. They even appear at low-level dungeons sometimes, but I guess the droprate goes up with dungeon level..

run dongeons. Avoid ones that are dangeoruous. Visit South Tyris to reset the map, make a circle and clear all easy dungeons on the way, back to NT and repeat. You will get lots of money, gear, medals, some PC and other stuff.

>> No.15980023

Whenever I see really strong players they seem to always be using melee attacks or spells. How are ranged attack characters? Is there any specific weapon type that's better than the others?

>> No.15980109

It depends on what you want.
Bows have decent die, but don't expect high numbers.
XBows are great as a backup or standby when your MP is empty.
Pistols really depend on RNG giving high rolls.
Machine guns are a good staple like the XBow, shotguns moreso if you want crits.
Snipers need pet support to really shine and trigger headshots.

>> No.15980214

Boulders/Throwing/Stones got a fairly good buff recently.


>It enchances your throwing rock.
Staves may come with this attribute. Equipping multiple of these will have no additional effect.

>Each of the distance multipliers gets +05 to it, and when attacking, the pierce will increase to 70%.

Base: 09-10-05-02; 14-15-10-7.

Laser pistols have: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-02, but fairly poor dice. With rocks, you typically get shit like 1d40 or 1d100+ etc. Though they're heavy. Now you do up to 50% more base damage, at the right distance. (2 cells away.)

>When an attack affected by this attribute lands, it will have a dull sound effect.

>Stones were weak, had no additional effects, and you had to go through a lot of trouble just to change their material, so this is a buff just for it.
The drawback is that the attribute appears only on melee weapons. This does not affect the power of rocks thrown at a poor performer.

>As for why staves, one explanation is that you can use the long staff as a bat, the whip as a slingshot, or the staff as a slingstaff/lacrosse stick to fling rocks at enemies.

>It should be fairly reasonable, because in real-life history, slings were a rather formidable weapon capable of inflicting lethal injuries against armored opponents, and had a longer effective distance than bows. It is not a joke weapon.

>Feel free to use it to roleplay a shepherd, or change the sprite and roleplay some ball sport.

This is all putting aside the new throwing special attacks.

>> No.15980233

>This is all putting aside the new throwing special attacks.

Was mistaken. Don't think there are any new ones.

>> No.15980259
File: 126 KB, 575x417, Melugas_Airfield_Preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great news everyone: Melugas Airfield is complete, and in order to ease balance a bit, I divided it into four different difficulty tiers: each version of the map is adjusted to be easier or harder depending on how tough your character is:

-Lunatic mode, for those who are capable of fighting basic god-type enemies like the South Tyris Chaos Forts and Atlas/Five Head Gods.
-Hard mode, for those who have cleared part 2 of the story with confidence.
-Normal mode, for those who think they can get through part 2 or got through part 2 by the skin of their teeth.
-Easy mode, because you can't have a normal mode without one! (For those who still want to experience the dungeon but can't challenge more than a single level 100 monster at a time.)

My own recommendations are to bring plentiful electric resistance, some way to see invisible monsters, and to not play in the rain!


And I also updated my cNPC pack to make use of new 1.62 abilities:


>> No.15980267
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And for those on the lower end of the scale, Blades Inc. - a level 30 adventure for level 30ish+ adventures: if you can get through part 1 of the story, this dungeon is just for you with a choke full of equivalent level monsters to grind, many of which drop jewelry, for the enterprising follower of Yacatect.


>> No.15980306

Good OC. I might have asked you this before, but have you posted it to the uploader?

>> No.15980346


Now that you've suggested it, I've uploaded Blades_Inc., though at the moment there will be a significantly delay before I upload the variations of Melugas Airfield. Will likely just upload Hard and Lunatic mode as well as maybe Normal if I have nothing better to send by the time the cooldown wears off; easy mode was mostly made as an afterthought.

>> No.15981433
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My advancing/prior character was a gunner/mage. Having played a melee and range character I feel I had an easier time early game with a ranged character. That's probably because I didn't have to put my self in harm's way. While I was able to wield spells and shoot enemies right at the start of the game I would say my guns did a lot more damage at the time. However, as my spells leveled I eventually made magic my main damage source as my spells were doing more damage than my guns. I still used my guns when magic wasn't available for use or it was dangerous to use though. I managed to finish off Lulwy with my gun when I ran low on MP for instance. In the end my firearm and marksman were in the skill level 500-1000 range.

While I'm now doing an Inferno run with a martial arts/mage character and have shelved my prior character, I kinda feel there's untapped potential I could of tapped into with the gunner side of my prior character. For instance, I never optimized the gear for my gunner and never took advantage of multiple pages of bullets for special ammo. I'm left wondering what kind of damage would be possible for a gunner that stacked enough enchants of increased chance of ranged attacks and then took advantage of time stop or rapid ammo. While I'm looking forward to eventually making a ranged pet for my current character to test, unfortunately pets aren't smart enough to work with special ammo I think.

If my Inferno character should die, I can always restore my prior character from backup to test special ammo and multi attacks but I'd rather see someone else with a gunner character come forward and comment on their findings. I have no intention of dying with my Inferno character and he's going strong so far. Only major things my current character hasn't matched in regards to my prior character is spell levels and life and mana attributes. My prior character's spell levels were in the 1000 range while my current character's highest spell is in the 800 range with a bunch still in the 300-500 range. I can blame the spell nerf for that.

At any rate, speaking for gunners at least, their damage is alright and might be better than what I've seen in the past due to the above. Given the fact that they can do it all at range and can kite with short teleport or a similar ability if they have enough room to work with, they should do well in most situations.

As for ranged weapons, I'm partial to guns which I guess shouldn't be surprising at this point. My main reason for this though is because out of all the ranged weapons guns have the most ranged static artifact weapons to choose from.

This is awesome. I like the idea of custom made dungeons/content and it looks like it has a lot of potential. I may give this a whirl eventually when I'm not as busy. While I'm pretty sure I'm a bit out of the range of this content I at least want to see what this looks like and what can be accomplished. Are you able to create your own story arcs through this? Maybe one day I can get my wish as a godslayer to destroy the god that got away, Eyth, through custom content if Ano doesn't give me the chance to. Although now that I think about it, I think I heard somewhere that Itzpalt was a demoted elder god or something like that. If that's the case, there's a whole list of new gods I'd be excited about destroying.

>> No.15981764

Why is the music for the Panic mission so upbeat?
It's supposed to be a "oh shit monsters are invading the city" moment not "happy go lucky shonen j-pop".
It's so dissonant i can't stop laughing oh my god

>> No.15981795

Maybe the music isn't for you. Maybe it's for the monster which is incredibly happy that it wandered into a city full of people that it can eat.

>> No.15981814

But is the same in the arena!

>> No.15981834

If i'm investing into shops to diminish the amount of money i carry is considered tax evasion?

>> No.15981963
File: 736 KB, 798x601, The_Norlander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lucky for you, when I'm not tempting fate sticking my head into my own creations I'm a gunner! Well actually, a warrior who later figured out that guns were far preferable to hitting things with a mace who should probably be switching classes soon, but as for how I currently roll, using <the arbalist> alongside a sniper rifle and magic ammunition allows me to fight monsters up to approximately level 100 provided I play smart: for long battles, extra ammunition or special ammo crates are absolutely a must unless you want things to be reduced to a slog, and for riflemen either a good pet, a mount, or high speed is preferred to keep yourself in optimal range.

If a target is incapacitated and you only have one target, burst fire plus extra shots allows you to shoot as much as 40 (though you would have to be absurdly lucky for that to occur) bullets at once, turning anything of a comparable CR into swiss cheese. Haven't experimented with time-stop ammo, but I would assume that my above statement would be especially effective using a time stopper beforehand. Rapid ammo is significantly less useful as a standard for a rifle than it is to a machine gun due to rifles' inherent hit penalty coupled with the damage reduction rapid fire causes, but is viable against low HP targets for activating decapitation.

Now, onto describing the mechanics of custom dungeons! And to tell you the truth, it's a very tricky, ill-documented, imprecise science at the moment that has been the result of much trial and error on my part. Answering your question:

Can't do cutscenes or scripted dialogue; the closest thing to that is giving cNPCs specific lines (normal NPCs will not retain their tone files in showroom maps), which they will spout in random sequences upon interaction like a citizen. However, I do write out stories and backgrounds for each quest included in the readme: with more trickery, I could make convincing screenshots of character dialogue to include into my download as feelies. Been wanting to write an extended Cog sub arc with increasing mission difficulties, though at the moment I'm not on the mark in having to pull it off.

The reason I call all my set pieces "microdungeons" is because it is currently impossible to create pieces larger than singular maps. For Blades Inc., I got all the monsters to spawn through a convulsed process involving a mind numbing amount of mysterious diaries, meticulous manual leveling in order to get monsters of the proper bracket to appear, and fox brother genocide among other things so that, followed by use of the internal command "108fix" to get all the monsters hostile before saving the map. This is required, as hostile monsters can't be shifted around into their ideal starting positions using the board, and are all around harder to work with than their civilized counterparts. A trick towards turning monsters into a permanent part of a map is to throw a potion of mutation at an already hostile enemy; whenever the map is soft-reset (i.e. the Cyberdome) to respawn any dead NPCs, monsters that were made permanent through the above method will respawn as well; the obvious drawback being that there is now way to control what this random, permanent hostile monster will be. The bomb rock and cockatrice encountered in Melugas airfield are examples of this, but there is no way to show this in the showroom map as the map always resets upon leaving anyway.

Melugas Airfield is actually based on a discarded ranch which uses a combination of mysterious diary-spawned neutral monsters as well as monsters that are considered released pets in the particular save it was constructed: this allows precise control in what a particular monster is like in regards to equipment, level, and mixed with other forms of editing even allows changes in attributes and abilities to almost the same degree as cNPCs, for instance arming many of the encounters with burst and rapid ammo, or upping the level of the present Yerles Infantry to 40. The caveat of discarded ranches is that they are of set dimensions, but for control of NPC behavior they cannot be beaten.

Showroom dungeons give experience and allow randomized loot to drop normally, but disable the dropping of cards and figurines as well as inventory items, which is why bells don't drop gold/medals upon destruction.

More on cNPCs: they cannot change forms like a metamorph, nor can they go into hyper mode a-la the gods. This has been a major hindrance as some of my monster concepts require something like this to function.

And between you and me, if you read into the god's war of chaos, there is possibly yet another god you are not accounting for. Possibly http://ancardia.wikia.com/wiki/Andor_Drakon.. Of course, I think by the time you get to him you'll be facing http://ancardia.wikia.com/wiki/Ordinary_chaos_god_ending, or the fellow who beat him.

If you want a more challenging encounter with Yacatect...I might make something.

>> No.15982058

What the fuck is Whom Dwell In Vanity made of?

I've summoned shit on top of him via summon monsters, he survived not one but THREE Ragnarock summons!

Is there a way to curse everything a NPC has so that the mysterious hand takes effect?

>> No.15982226


As indicated in a past thread, it's possible for the mysterious hand to take effect and off him, but there is no really reliable way to curse NPCs at the point in the game where you can't kill him yourself: Cultists of Fire have a low chance of inflicting curse as well as Pumpkins and Ancient Coffins, but the chances of summoning one of these, let alone expecting them to survive against him long enough to curse something, are shaky at best. You can attempt to nap the above coffin as a pet (they are guaranteed to spawn in the Pyramid) and try your luck that way, but you might be going through a whole lot of coffins to curse him enough.

>> No.15982259

Other options?

>> No.15982430

If you're lucky enough to get the Werewolf event in Vernis, you can vote for him until he gets enough to die. Just avoid being in Vernis at midday and it should be fine. Trouble is, it's another random event :/

>> No.15982721

Yeah, I feel ya, had the same issue with most of the score for this game being so off-putting imo, especially the dungeon themes.
So I just swap the default music out for ones more suitable to my taste by rewriting the user musiclist, then adding in my custom music to the music folder.

Right now, this is my theme for Arena/
Panic quests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GcX-HDyUwk Its much more fitting considering how much I used to run around like a headless chicken during rumbles early game.

>> No.15982729

I'm not off put in the slightest, in fact i'm having a ball when i'm not laughing my ass off.

Is like those "while i'm playing unfitting music" videos on youtube

>> No.15982843

How do you get that much Life/mana? Doing mad scientist's quest is good for increasing them, but that's only +3 stat for 10 sisters, That is roughly 13000 sisters you should have saved, or is there any other reliable way?

Another question, does base speed stop increasing at 2000? Do you still get full benefits from buffs like Speed spell?

And one more thing. Do you think martial/gunners outclass casters in a very late-game? Because there is no way to bypass raw magic resistance, unlike the 'ignores armor' attribute of weapons, and monsters seem to get more and more resists at higher levels.

Anyway, good job with this char, looks really strong.

>> No.15983219

<Danger Swimwear> or <War Suit>?

>> No.15983379

Does Ensemble work with necromancy?

>> No.15983545

>while i'm playing unfitting music

Wow, that's something I haven't seen in freaken ages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=486PwCDokPw

Yeah, Vernis is pretty much just "woob, woob, woob, woob"lol. But how a lot of the music doesn't really feel like it conveys the right sense of urgency or severity in certain situations sort of irritates me. Like, while being bled out by a vorpal bunny there's a man-eating plant with a earth-shattering titan not too many tiles away, and off in the opposite direction is a room full of space warping eldritch monstrosities, but that's all occurring within an atmosphere that feels like you're just playing hide and go seek with cute fairies...
But on another level I can see how there would be some humorous appeal regarding the absurdity aspect, like a sketch straight outta Monty Python or something.

>> No.15983548

Pretty sure no.

I'd, personally, go for the Swimwear. This is mostly because I have access to Attribution Shield and thus the value of the resistances drops precipitously. As well, since my character is ranged/magic, I mostly rely on DV for defense. YMMV, doe.

>> No.15984086

That's pretty impressive finding out how to do what you did. Considering that most quests in the game are initiated by talking with an NPC, I wonder if you could create a custom NPC(s), have people download it, and when they talk to it it in the game it can drop hints of a custom dungeon you can do or provide a story about a custom dungeon which ties the custom NPC to it. That might mirror what is normally found in the game and perhaps it's a win win for the player. They get to download a cute/cool NPC that they could make a pet and they get to do a neat dungeon that they download along with the custom NPC. Probably would have to bundle it as a package and have a readme to explain the quest chain. That kinda sounds like that's a possibility form what you're saying. At any rate, maybe you should make a guide for how you managed to create your own micro dungeons? Maybe that could inspire others to also create custom dungeons, NPCs, and stories for the game. Interesting note about the god too. I look forward to seeing your other works if you choose to create them.

Exchanging music tickets to the NPC Stoke becomes the main way to get hero cheese and magic fruit later on. I typically can get around 15k to 25k music tickets for each party job board quest I do. You'll need to have your summon spirit spell up to around level 600 though to start farming tickets at a decent rate though. However, once it is that high all you do is kill off all the NPCs in the party except for the named ones like Shena, Loyter, etc. You keep the named NPCs because they act as a multiplier to your end score. In place of all the dead NPCs you kill you will then cast summon spirit replacing the dead with high level spirits.

The high level spirits will help you generate a higher score along with the named NPCs acting as a multiplier. To impress the spirits I just do alchemy rain with a love potion to snag almost all of them in one go. So after you've impressed the named NPCs and spirits you just wait for the party to end and you should get a high score leading to lots of music tickets. In the past, cap for effective life and mana was 2000 but due to a bug the effective cap is now 1000. You won't get any change to HP or MP if you go over 1000. So I'm shooting for 1000 on my Inferno character. Summon spirit stock can be gained from wonder scrolls found on magic vendors. I draw from all of the magic vendors in the game to get those scrolls as you'll need a lot to increase your chance of getting rare spell stock. 8 in my house and all the magic vendors in Irva, South Tyris, and North Tyris.

Speed is soft capped at 2000. No natural ways of increasing it beyond that point without buffs, swimming, kokou, and gear. Having more than 2000 speed isn't exactly required though as creature that have speed significantly over 2000 are almost non existent. For instance the gods, Itzpalt, Lulwy, etc, have 2000 speed but I think possibly only Lulwy went over 2000 speed due to a buff. Have met a few creatures that have 2000 speed in the void but the vast majority don't have 2000 speed yet. Don't think I'll see any creatures go significantly over 2000.

As of right now, my current projections for martial arts damage is that it trumps all spell damage except for meteor. My martial arts damage currently does more damage against one creature than meteor but as I continue to level up meteor I may see it eventually tie my martial arts in damage. Still, the fact that meteor does damage to everything on the screen puts it in it's own league of damage.

Even though I'm killing things in the void with tons of fire resist that hasn't slowed down meteor much because its damage formula must be absolutely crazy. I can't really comment too much on guns because admittedly I haven't played an optimized gunner so I'm withholding my opinion on that until I can see what kind of numbers a really good gunner can generate. As for the scaling of resists in the void. I'm not sure if it scales to infinity or if there is a cap to it. Everything I've said above though is in regards to what I've seen in getting to at least floor 600 of the void.

>> No.15984454
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>Go into a Chaos Fort to stress test my Lich army
>Kill the boss without getting hit
>Go into another one
>Kill the boss without getting hit
>Go into another one
>Kill the boss
>Only get hit because the boss is obscenely fast and got in melee before I had vision

>> No.15987143

Just got a evolution hearth, should i use it on my little girl or go find something else first?

>> No.15987349

I remember reading something here a long time ago about breaking performing completely with the help of summon spirit and love potions. How does that work?

>> No.15987358

Summon Spirit summons a bunch of lv1 neutral spirit creatures
The lower the level, the easier is to impress a character during a Party Time quest (and thus gaining the points)
Alchemical Rain+Love potion=a decent amount of impress to everyone on screen

Kill everyone that is not a named character, spam summon spirits, alchemical rain the love potion and BAM!

>> No.15987362

Thank you very much

>> No.15988318

There's no particular reason to wait unless you want a witch instead of a valkyrie.

>> No.15988915

I've got an asura ranch to try and gene engineer hand slots onto pets, but they're not able to recieve hand slots. Is there any reason why?

>> No.15989080

In my experience, it gets increasingly hard to add more slots of a specific kind when you have a couple already. For instance, it's easy to add a ring slot if you don't have any however if you already have two it becomes harder to add the third and even more so if you have three. Also the wiki says:

>Gene recipient, however, can't get more body parts a particular type than a donor has; for example, if both the recipient and the donor have two ring slots, then the recipient will gain no new ring slots.

The asura has 4 hand slots according to the wiki so you're not going to be able to get more than 4 on a pet through gene engineering an asura to it.

The asura seems to be able to donate a neck or four hands however there's a lot of RNG involved in whether you'll get the additional hand you want. All you can do is keep trying and hope.

>> No.15989146

Is Drench still viable for necromancy if my Control Magic is too high for Bubble Ball to hit my zombies?

>> No.15989197

And another necromancy question, how do I get my Dead-Eyes to use its breath more often?

>> No.15989261

Did a bit more testing, it seems that the asuras do not add more than one hand total, no matter how many I fuse.

>> No.15989322
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>impregnating Jure

>> No.15989351
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>Play music at local tavern to signify the glorious moment of our goddess coming to visit
>She throws a rock and insults our performance

>> No.15989462

>how do I get my Dead-Eyes to use its breath more often?

Put more of them in the field.

Tbh, was drench ever really viable? The speed bonus can't be that high, surely.

>> No.15989537


You can always use the Wheel of Fortune obtained from Ehekatl in order to cancel out Control Magic.

>> No.15989912

How come the bigger my house is the less motivated I am to try designing it?

Oh and by the way, is it possible to get summon spirit as spellbook? I've only got it from wonder scrolls and dreams.

>> No.15989969

Almost done translating Yacatect's default speech files (can't reach the files translating her speech when she hands you the Aureate Constricter even though it's literally on the wiki) with one small caveat:

Is there a less awkward way to translate "なに呑気に寝とるん?"?

I got "Worth it? Was your recklessness worth it!?" out of it, but mind you my Nipponese is rusted after four years of disuse and another possible translation is "Was this worth dying for?".

I will likewise get to updating her extended tone file and fix both the spelling errors in it as well as add all the excerpts from the newly translated defaults.

>> No.15990201

Meant as in
>i have this super rare thing, should i use it immediately on the little girl or get a better pet first and use it on that?

>> No.15990207

>Oh and by the way, is it possible to get summon spirit as spellbook?
Not that i know of

>> No.15990415

They're not super rare. Evolution hearts drop from any level 30+ monster.

>> No.15990432

At a very very very low rate

>> No.15990614

The only reason they're rare to you is that you're low level/low stats and/or don't have the cash for souvenir shops. Even then, evolution often just isn't particularly valuable.

>> No.15991438

Can someone please spoonfeed me on what slots to go on my 27 slot mutant? I have 16 hands, including the starting one at level 12.

I would think that at least one slot for boots or ring could be super useful just for the utility, maybe a helm slot too.

But I don't know if that's gimping myself or what, and I don't wanna fuck this up.

I already asked the same question like a month ago, but it seems like nobody else made one so they don't know. So I'm trying again.

>> No.15991854

You could go all the way up to 20, if you wanted. Then you could use all the other slots for the other things like hats and clothes. Or you could just be a 27-handed being, with no torso, neck, head, legs, or even arms to speak of.

>> No.15991926

Is it viable to make storage roads for escort jobs?

>> No.15992166

I'm not really sure you can fuck it up in the long run. Or at the very least, you can't fuck it up to the point where you can't grind yourself out of the problem.

PV/DV, speed, and resists are probably what you should worry about. All of that is much easier to get on non hand slots such as rings, torso, etc. Mainly by searching out static artifact armor pieces. Offense wise, 16 hands should ensure a lot of attacks but if you want to take it to 27 hands you can do so. You'll initially gimp your PV/DV and resists if you do so but you have options to recover in those departments. It's just you'll have to grind a lot more to recover in those departments.

You can grind out living lightsabers or some other weapon by making them and cram resists on them or you can use artifact fusion, assuming you're going to grind attribute scrolls, to put resists on your stuff. There might be a Nefia core for speed so you could also use artifact fusion to maybe put speed on things if you're not a mutant that uses a mount. Spells, specifically buffs, can also help with resists, speed, and PV/DV however you'll need to grind them out to make them last a decent amount of time.

So go with what you're comfortable with in slots. No matter what you do it seems you'll be spending a lot of time optimizing your mutant.

>> No.15992810
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>> No.15992964

I always thought of it as something like "Why are you slacking off?"

>> No.15993022


That is another possible translation, but I don't really think it fits given the context of her mincing you while in hyper mode.

>> No.15993087

Sounds more like "What are you getting ahead of yourself for?" or "Don't get too cocky" to me.

>> No.15993866
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New minor micro-dungeon coming out soon, with attempts at experimenting with temporary map change alongside the more traditional showroom method.

In addition, Melugas Airfield Hard Mode is now available to visit freely via moon gate! Simply look for it on the list!

>> No.15995099
File: 118 KB, 588x391, the what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kai! Stop leaving your mess all over the place! It ended up in my inventory for fuck's sake!

t. Lich Wizard that is far too old for this shit

>> No.15996130

So, finished with Kumiromi, now on with Mani.

How viable it is to go all-final-god-reward equipment?

>> No.15996679

I don't think any offer armor or hats...

>> No.15996874
File: 1.04 MB, 1597x1200, storagegear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a line of storage houses from one town, or your home, to another so you can avoid random encounters? People in the past used such a trick to make cargo runs easier but I guess you could do something similar for escort quests. Don't see why it wouldn't work but the question is is it worth the investment? I'm leaning towards no mainly because there are other worthwhile ventures that pay more once you're stronger. Also, eventually random encounters on the world map will not be threatening.

S-sorry. I'll try to work on cleaning after myself some more. Too bad I didn't leave behind something decent at least for you or others to pick up like in my pic. Makes me wish that house visiting actually was fleshed out more. I wouldn't mind leaving a gift for my visitors to pick up. I'd at least provide cookies and milk in the guest room for people to have.

>> No.15996883


>The Spear of Destiny

>> No.15997661

i am overproducing food with farms. thereis a LOT of FOODs and my pets cannot eat allof this. what can i do? selling?

>> No.15997689

Damn right you can sell it.

First, cook your ass off. Might as well get your cooking skill up with it.
Second, open up an actual shop to sell it in. It's ridiculously profitable.

>> No.15999985

Can someone tell me how to make a good living weapon? I know you can pick what kind of things to put on it and if you level it up too much it starts dealing damage to you, but you can prevent it in some sort of way, but that's about it.

>> No.16000068

The alchemy rain/love pot trick has been fixed in the last update, but i guess summon spirit might still be useful. Though that means many more levels of performer will be needed.

>> No.16000070

Depends heavily on what you want or need.

You could go full +attributes and then (if possible) raw-ify it for large attribute gains
You could turn it into a resist-stick (resistance all day erryday)
Or slap some extra elemental damage to make sure whatever is in the wrong end of it really feels it
Or increase the enchantment level by 2 but why would you do that?

>> No.16000207

I make around 100k per sale at my shop with some very basic farming, go nuts, absolutely find a BBQ somewhere.

>> No.16000279 [DELETED] 



>> No.16002431

So a food store is more profitable than sellin equipment?

>> No.16002574

If you have as much food as you say you do, yes. Equipment can be too, just depends on what you end up with more of. Food does seem to sell for a lot and very easily though with a high enough cooking skill.

>> No.16002945

i got trouble with inventory. how to expand character inventory slots?

>> No.16002979


Well, they do, but the only pieces of armor that aren't completely useless are Opatos' (slows down your speed to a crawl making time past faster), Ehekatl's (disables Control Magic) and maybe Yacatect's (disables Investing, but gives a disproportionate amount of PV and boosts strength.) You get them by summoning them upon having 7500+ faith and talking to them; as you can see, most of them effectively disable certain skills or stats in return for increasing your PV.

>> No.16002987

You can't. Need to control hoarding tendencies instead. Only bring what you need and leave stuff you don't at home, in your storage properties, or 4d pocket.

>> No.16003009


You sort of can, by carrying a 4d pocket mirror and making it lighter with floating scrolls, but it takes charges and stamina to operate it, making it more of a storage for stuff you want but don't immediately need. You can also have "cargo mule" pets whose only purpose is to call while in a safe space and store them with items and then recall them.

Remember: most low quality weapons aren't worth hauling around, as they're literally worth less than foodstuffs.

>> No.16003667

>as you can see, most of them effectively disable certain skills or stats in return for increasing your PV
And that makes grinding those skills all the faster

>> No.16004435

Is there a monster girl sprite sheet for 1.62? The pastebin only lists it for 1.61, the old thread fell off the archive.

>> No.16005207

Let me add my 5 cents: Fetter of Earth from Opatos is an amazinf item for mid-late game. Speed reduction is great for extra sleeping and scrolling time on the world map. It's a really great item with many uses.

I didn't find much use for other last god's rewards except for gicing them to pets who don't use skills these items reduce.

>> No.16006309

I'm thinking about playing this again.

How useful is that exterminate breath special action? I think I wanna play a dragon knight or something like that this go around instead of relying constantly on magic like I did the last three times.

>> No.16006444

You'll need to pick up the fire breath feat to eventually get exterminate breath as well as other breath attacks. Fire breath, which scales off of constitution, is decent early on but falls off pretty bad later on. Same with variable breath which you get later. Variable breath is based on your highest resist I think and scales off of dexterity. Extermination breath can hit a lot of enemies and does decent damage however I think you need to build gauge to actually use it. Due to this you won't be spamming it. MP breath is probably the strongest breath in the game but you'll exchange a significant amount of MP, 50% or around that mark, to use it. If you have a ton of MP the damage from that can be frighteningly powerful since it's like a mini mana burst.

>> No.16006466

Oh, MP breath ignores resistance too.

Sounds really useful, we'll see how this goes then.

>> No.16007553

Can I have a house in both North & South Tyris as well as Irva? Or am I limited to one house only?

>> No.16007893

>over ray
>Uses the magical power of your allies. Requires 50% gauge skill to activate.

Does that means i can get lot of high mana pets and one shot bosses with a Super Sentai Friendship Beam?

>> No.16007933

Maybe but gauge isn't easy to get unless you're actually going against something that has a lot of HP to begin with.

>> No.16009478

One house only.

You may get a mansion for 2m gold in South Tyris.
You may also move your house to ST by removal deed. Not if it made much sense, NT has more useful places.

>> No.16010155

I read that in the changelogs too about the alchemy rain and love potion thing being nerfed in regards to causing impress to increase for 1.62. However, I'm playing 1.62 right now and I'm still able to get the star above everyone's head in party time job board quests with alchemy rain and a love potion. Makes me wonder if the interpretation or translation of the the patch notes is off.

>> No.16010225

Furthermore, testing on NPCs does still show an increase in impress. Was able to spam it and increase an NPCs impress points by at least 10.

>> No.16010485

That actually got fixed? I used to avoid Alchemy Rain because using it to heal my pets would just piss them off because I hit them with a potion.

>> No.16010813
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Alright, this is interesting. So I translated the patch notes myself and found the translation on the wiki isn't wrong so that prompted me to dig deeper into what was going on. I'm able to still get a decent amount of tickets on my character Kai. 15k in my pic but I can get more if I luck out with more named NPCs in the party time quests. I found that the reason why I'm still able to get impress with NPCs through alchemy rain is because I have Lulwy's candle. Without that candle I found that the patch notes is correct. You can't get impress off of NPCs through alchemy rain with love potions thus nixing getting a star over the heads of NPCs at party time quests.

The patch notes only apply to alchemy rain with love potions. You can still throw love potions normally at high level spirits and still impress them for party time points. The process of throwing potions at each spirit though will take a whole lot more time and a whole lot more love potions though but it's still doable. The better solution though is to get strong enough that you'll be able to kill Arasiel and get Lulwy's candle. With that you'll be able to use alchemy rain and love potions on the spirits. At any rate, farming for hero cheese and magic fruit is definitely growing to be more of a late game thing.

Wasn't aware that alchemy rain with healing potions caused pets to become hostile. I tried using alchemy rain with a potion of Jure and my pet was healed and didn't become hostile. Might be a current thing like you're suggesting. My reason for not using alchemy rain and healing potions is because I used the spell healing rain instead and alchemy rain + healing potion had a tendency of healing enemies nearby as well.

>> No.16018223

ded gen

>> No.16018970

Ok, if a person makes a character and doesn't farm how long would it take to get to the point where you can see the entire story thus far?

Would it make things even worse if I substitute magic with potions and scrolls/rods?

>> No.16019278

In my third character it took around 100 hours and I only grinded a bit. I'm pretty bad at managing what to do so you can probably go faster than me.
The only magic I used were the buffs too, so I'm pretty sure you're good.

>> No.16021524
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How are you gonna spend your Halloween, elona general? N-not like I care or anything, because that would be dumb! Stupid!

>> No.16021537
File: 5 KB, 58x82, 6a9f3c301f392f0b6039160022aa5f68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I deal with these fuckers, they're pissing me off way too much.

>> No.16021568


Attack its weak point for massive damage.

Serious talk, holy rain, then hitting them with a potion of mutation, or silence if you think you can otherwise mow it down quickly.

>> No.16021894

At home. Prolly gonna buy some candy on the 28th-29th. You?

>> No.16021922

Drink little girl's vomit. I'm a neet so I'll always be home security anyways.

Dead inside.

If you use bell(s), clearing the first stage of the game is a cake walk. Don't even need magic, maybe scrolls for utility such as return, escape, or teleport.

Inventory management is a pain, if only you could hack the maximum capacity for items.

>How viable it is to go all-final-god-reward equipment?
I always assumed that everyone completes all of the gods' favors at least once.

>> No.16021960
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Less and less kids are actually trick or treating in my neighborhood from what I've seen and the neighbors have reported so more candy for me I guess while I play Elona. Figure people just have grown out of it. Instead, they're probably doing what I'll do after 9 or so which is head out to my friends and chill for a bit.

At least the kids that tricked or treated in the past were cool unlike the trick or treat hellions in Elona.

They're definitely kill on sight for me. They were somewhat annoying in normal dungeons but in the void I found them to be incredibly dangerous. I mainly disposed of them first and AOEed the inevitable crowd while other times just popped an escape scroll and came back after I healed up and was better prepared.

Haven't tested it myself yet but maybe the prevent teleportation enchant can help out against these guys. I picked up some shoes from an invested blacksmith vendor recently, not blackmarket actually, that had that enchant. Haven't ran into those crabs recently though to test unfortunately.

Void seems to reset its creature types at a certain level. Instead of dealing with scaled up five head gods I'm back to dealing with super scaled up kobolds. Back to invested blacksmiths, my blacksmiths in various towns are around shop level 1000-3000 and I've seen multiple pages of normal gear sprinkled with miracle gear thrown in. I've even seen seven league boots being sold by them.

>> No.16023695
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>Kai's weakness is giant crabs

Go figure.

>> No.16025282

Giant ENEMY crabs

>> No.16026513
File: 707 KB, 1004x625, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and the performaids. Specifically Pinchief because she'll keep summoning the rest of them until she's killed. First time I met them in a normal dungeon they were slightly more troublesome than other creatures but in the void that all changes because they have enough HP to survive long enough to use all of their abilities. I have to kill Pinchief as soon as I see her or I run the risk of being overwhelmed by a horde of sucubus maids eager to dismantle my defenses and kill me.

It's very hard keeping holy veil viable in the void because the hex strength of the monsters in there are so powerful and keep scaling. Often times hexes go right through and I'm left to using vanquish hex or holy light to remove stuff. At least, until I get silenced. When Pinchief summons the other performaids each of them have special abilities that dismantle me. One silences me negating my spells, one brainwashes me which removes my gear and with it my resists and immunities, that same one also provokes me causing my PV/DV to go down, another slows me down, and another inflicts insanity so confusion and dim are a possibility. The performaids can also boost each other and one of them likes to spam shadowstep.

I mainly deal with them by punching holes in them before I'm overwhelmed but I'm not beyond making a hasty retreat if I have to. Part of the reason why I'm settling for Jure as my final deity of choice is for those situations where I can't really cast spells to heal. Jure at least gives me a heal that is tied to stamina and faith.

So performaids and crabs are the bane of my existence or worse, performaids with crabs.

>> No.16027159
File: 2 KB, 48x96, performaidcrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or how about something even worse? Performaid Crabs!

>> No.16027960

Do you guys usually try to learn all skills early on or no?

Id like to try my hand at a magic gunner but im not sure whats the best way to go about making one

>> No.16028602

I started playing elona and got my ass costantly kicked as a golem / claymore. I was thinking about trying elona+ since it has gunner and that excites my RP side better. How many chances are there i get fucked even harder ? Should i be bothered if i die costantly or it's just the norm ?

>> No.16028774
File: 11 KB, 152x211, 542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys how do I fix this?

>> No.16028923

Fuck you do there?

>> No.16029006

Just be a little careful and you should do fine. It's normal to die in the beginning, so maybe you should create a test character just to get used to the game.

>> No.16029347

T-the crabs are evolving! Surely this is what the gods fear.

>> No.16029436

Learning all the skills is a nice early goal to have.As for playing a magic gunner, you might want to consider an Elea, Eulderna, or maybe even Yerles. Their starting skills should set you up in fulfilling the skills you need as a magic user or gunner and their attribute spread can allow you to do guns and magic well since you'll want magic and dex to be at decent levels. Most important skills at the beginning will be firearms which mainly determines accuracy, marksman which helps your damage multiplier you see after the dice for damage, and eye of mind which helps your chances for scoring a critical. Put your level up points in marksman for the most part but if you're missing more than you like put some into firearm.

You might want your first god to be Mani so you can get the Winchester as a god reward. It's a decent gun that will help you out in the beginning of the game. After learning all of the skills, set about joining the magic guild. The guild will let you reserve spell books allowing you to always have stock for the spells you want to cast. Once you join the guild start training the magic spells you think will be useful. Raise literacy and the casting skill through level up bonus points if you need to.

>> No.16029514

I'm new at this and i wanna have a little input before i start. My plan is to play as a Gunner Fairy in Elona+ since it has high evasion + god speed. I read the wiki etc so i have just one final doubt. Is it viable endgame or i will just get screwed because of the weight limit ? I know about scrolls of material so in theory i would be able to equip anything i want , but i dont know how changing materials affects end game equip , does it make me lose on dps or else ?

>> No.16029540

I'm fairly sure Rubynus material (Which improves hit chance greatly) is fairly heavy, so you'll need feather scrolls eventually if you want to commit fully to the gun. Speed is important in Elona, but you don't need to funnel to a race to secure it since you can improve a character with time and grind. If you're worried take a race with more modest perks. Even Lich gets decent Perception.

>> No.16029556

guess ill go with human or wild then, thanks for the info

>> No.16029686

That's pretty normal. Elona is the kind of game where you should expect your first character to just be experimental and should be thrown away for a second character. You'll do a lot better the second time as long as you learn how to feed yourself, avoid the Etherwind and don't do things that killed you the first time.

>> No.16030937

Im new to the game, and Im sifting through the wiki, but, I was hoping someone could give me a simple run down on how I can tell if equipment is good/better than what I have currently equiped. I dont quite understand the whole "1d+whatever" stuff. That, and is vanilla Elona what I should stick with, or are there any must have mods? Aside from something like Elona+ but I again, dont know if that is any good.

>> No.16030940

As an extension of my question, what are the stats that are absolutely necessary?

>> No.16031005

Think most of the people in this Elona thread and prior threads play Elona+. Specifically, Elona+ with Elona Custom installed for better translations, better pet AI, and other features.

I personally judge equipment based on resists offered, immunities offered, other perks, and lastly PV/DV. In that order of importance with resists being the most important.

Resists are very important against any enemy that casts spells. Without resists reducing damage some enemy spell casters might one shot you. Immunities are very important because things like blind, confused, etc can make you lose control of your character and in that time monsters can kill you. Other perks can be useful such as speed and other attribute boosts. PV refers to protection value and DV refers to defense/dodge value and PV refers to protection value. Both offer some mitigation to physical damage with that either evading an enemies attack all together or reducing damage. Ideally you want all of your armor pieces to have all of the above but that probably won't happen. Instead, it's up to you to discern and cobble up something that can offer up all the resists, immunities, perks, and PV/DV. II'd also look into static artifacts and god rewards for equipment as they usually have all the aforementioned.

Weapons are easier to discern. Weapons with big dice and lots of perks are ideal such as stuff that increases resists, attributes, or invokes various elemental damage types. Weapon damage is in dice. So a weapon that says 1d5 means 1 die with 5 sides. When you attack, the die is thrown and you get your damage with whatever the result is. Another example would be like 2d16+30 x2.1. That means two dice with each die having 16 sides is thrown, add 30 to the results, and then multiply it by 2.1.

>> No.16031042

Great, I have downloaded Elona+ with Custom.

>Damage multiplier
So, essentially, the higher/more numbers there are, the better? Or are there negatively affecting numbers?

>> No.16031045

All the stats are important but I guess some classes may find some stats more important than others. For instance a wizard probably wants to have a high magic score however a wizard can still benefit from having high strength score because strength helps in calculating HP.

>> No.16031053

Ah, okay, so primary stats relating to my class should probably be priority, but all of them should be dumped in?

>> No.16031062

Yes, higher numbers or more of them is a nice general guideline but yes there probably are some considerations to keep in mind. For instance, a weapon might have some bad enchants on it or features. Like even if you're wielding a sword that is 2d5 and you find a sword that is 1d20 you probably don't want to equip it if it has an enchant that causes you to randomly teleport, has big hit penalties, etc. Also keep in mind that you have weapon skills to consider. So if you've been training in long swords for a long time you might not do as well with a polearm you find unless you train the polearm skill.

>> No.16031067

Okay, got that down.

>> No.16031074

Yes, that's the gist of it.

>> No.16031077

Great, thanks anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.16032354

How does speed affect performing in elona+ ?
Do i perform longer because of higher speed and thus get more rewards ? Do i consume more stamina ? Or it wont affect anything

>> No.16032425

More speed=less time spent performing for the same performance "ticks"

>> No.16032594

What are some things to do/prepare before defeating Zeome?

Ranches for stats sure, but also what?

>> No.16032843

blaze through zeome by training up a bell and then regret investing your time in the late-game dead weight

>> No.16032871

I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to rush to zeome since afterwards you can do the quest for kumiromi statues, and the earlier you have those the better.

>> No.16032980

What can i do with moongates? When do they stop being horrible deathtraps filled with horrible self replicating monstrosities attached to a sandbag so that they can keep spawning forever?

>> No.16033295

Question, in elona+/custom Mani's first reward should be the Energy Matrix, right?

>> No.16033384

Which difficulty do you people play on?? Natural is just adventure without savescum right?

>> No.16033420

I play advance because it's the first setting I started on. I would never move up to Natural because I savescum. Idgaf.

>> No.16033715

Use them as inspiration to design your home. Some of their designs are pretty neat. Think maybe around South Tyris the vast majority of moongates didn't challenge me but maybe I lucked out in the list of housing I got. In fact, the majority of them didn't have things in them that were hostile to me. Oh, and some the houses allow you to summon custom NPCs into your game through using the summoning crystal on their property. There are some neat ones out there.

Think the first reward is the android. Second is the gemstone.

I put in a lot of hours into Advancing mode which is the difficulty I started on. It's also the game's default mode and I would say normal difficulty. I now play on Inferno. Glad I originally played Advancing as that prepared me better for Inferno.

>> No.16035053

I lost a big save when I first played and from there I just said fuck it and was forced to restart. Chose overdose mode and to make early game platinum hell more tolerable and never looked back. Makes this game a lot less grindy which gives me guilty pleasure when you get to level your stats so fast even when you've got hopeless potential ahaha.

>> No.16035284

I don't have a lot of time to spend on the game, so I play in short bursts with Overdose. This has actually led to a bit of a problem where my stats grow faster than I can produce food to raise potentials so I end up basically playing normal mode with slightly higher stats early game.

>> No.16036119

Is there a list for skills and monsters when it comes to gene engineering? I'm trying to give my pets all the skills and i don't have any scrolls of gain attribute, plus i've exhausted the slave trader option and i don't want them to get extra legs with horses.

>> No.16036138

Does the thief suprise attack skill work with ranged rolls ? Is it viable to start as a thief and go for guns / bows later ?

>> No.16036179

Don't see why surprise attack wouldn't work with a ranged weapon. You can pick up any skill later and become good with it if you're willing to grind.

>> No.16036234

is investing in poison a good idea? how much damage percentage is the poison status anyway

>> No.16036279

It starts off weak but if you can stack poison on the opponent it can be alright if the monster isn't resistant to poison. Think there is karma penalties if you attack NPCs with a poisoned weapon though.

>> No.16036947
File: 515 KB, 1285x795, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this error with freezing, but I don't know why.
Maybe I installed a few files wrong or something?

Currently using E+ 1.61 with custom for the same along with some replacers.

>> No.16038254

those "some replacers" are what's causing your problem, chances are.

9 times out of 10 that error is because you're using some kind of mod file bmp that's not saved with the correct settings.
Try to pay attention to when this crash happens - then think about what file or asset it could be trying to load at those points. Alternatively you can try to remove half the mods you're using, keep playing and see if it happens again, then remove / add mods as needed to narrow down the file.

Also make sure you're running in Win7 compatibility mode and also As Administrator because that causes random issues if you are in Win10 and aren't doing that.

>> No.16038286

hi gonna download this, what is elona+ custom?

>> No.16038300

It's a patch for Elona+ that adds more English translations, flavortext, and a few quality of life changes (being able to feed pet directly through a hotkey, being able to leave certain quests once you completed them without waiting for time limit, etc. etc.).

>> No.16038317

AND what is personally my favorite function: customizable pet AI

You can modify how they act and even teach them new skills and spells.

Only 2 problems with it: 1, if they leave your pet list (in the dojo or discarded ranch) then all the custom AI and the learned abilities are removed, 2 only 15 instructions max

>> No.16038336

How do I center the sprite on a 48x48 image? I'm trying to put in a custom sprite for my pet

>> No.16038386

I centered it and tried changing the shape but the sprite was larger than my character then the game crashed when I pressed "z"
Is the guide in the wiki outdated?

>> No.16038405

If i want to got for martial arts should i start with two hands or dual wielding ? Reason suggest it should be dual wield , but when i remove equip on both hands only a single hit / damage multiplier is visible.

>> No.16038411

I think it might be Elona Custom. I deleted the files for that in 1.62 after upgrading to that version and I haven't had a crash yet.

I'll add some things back in and see what happens.

>> No.16038418

what is bloodyshade then?

>> No.16038461

I do not know

>> No.16038478

Martial Arts is its own skill. It only uses bare hands, tonfas, or claws. If you equip something else in your hand slots you're probably training something else.

>> No.16038674

You missed the point of my question. When you use a weapon in 1 hand with 4s> weight and nothing else you get bonus hit from two hands skill. If you use 2 weapons and the 2nd one is 3s< you get reduced penaly to hit with dual wield. If MA counts as its own weapon class , does TH or DW grant it hit bonus ?

>> No.16038692

Save it as .bmp. Do it again.

>> No.16038696

No. That's the point; it doesn't interact with them at all.

>> No.16038705

Okay thanks for the clarification

>> No.16038714

It was already a bmp

>> No.16038799

Maybe the background is not transparent or something. Do you mind posting it here so I can take a look?

>> No.16038824
File: 1 KB, 48x49, Pic_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to change it to a png but you probably know that, I just like being sure

>> No.16038891

It's working fine here. Not sure what the problem was.

>> No.16040379

Does anyone have a working link to the Studio Ghibli music pack? The link in the mods pastebin is broken, the file was removed.

>> No.16040402

i got deal with my a lot of foods. It's just a taming emergency bell with 1600 speed. he eats tons of dishes.

>> No.16040425
File: 1.84 MB, 1282x1539, fishforthecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I have enough fish to clear Ehekatl's god rewards in one go. Have at least three more pages of fish that's not shown. Valm may not be happy that its fishing industry is destroyed but Ehekatl seems pleased. Although she won't be happy for too long as I plan to hop to and stay with Jure. My only concern is if I'll find a noticeable difference in the amount of spellbooks of wish found when I switch.

>> No.16040700

Guess you gotta build a army of stray cats, march them to Eirel and turn them all in to the doge.

Protip, festival of Jure has quite a bit

>> No.16040810

These threads are always comfy and warms my heart when I post/lurk here. By far the best time I have on 4chan is when I view Elona threads.

>> No.16041312

Yo, I can't be the only one that sees this question in every thread. Also I'm pretty sure an update was posted 2-3 threads ago.

>> No.16042787

Thanks for reminding me about that quest. I still have a long ways to go in farming music tickets for life and mana before working on luck but this will let me work on it in the mean time.

As a side note, I went to the wiki page on luck and a person is reporting that luck may affect big daddy spawns and named NPCs showing up at party time quests. If that's true this makes parting with Ehekatl more painful but I have to switch to Jure so the void doesn't stress me as much.

>> No.16043009

Since performance is nerfed in elona+ , what's the fastest way to farm platinum ?

>> No.16043033

Out on a limb on this one:
>multiple statues of Opatos
>speedrun dungeons
>once dungeons are finished use statue

>> No.16043190

This, >>16043033, should work very well.
Dungeon bosses, from high level dungeons at least, can drop up to 5 platinum so if you can speedrun dungeons you can collect quite a bit of platinum from dungeon bosses and the occasional bell you run into.

Challenge job board quests at the x50 rank or higher can give you 10 platinum pretty regularly. Panic job board quests can also give a decent amount of platinum. Both challenge and panic job board quests need a certain amount of fame before they start showing up on the boards. Panic and Challenge quests are great exp early on too. If you want to farm Challenge and Panic quests though I highly suggest you learn dimensional fishing. Instead of searching out the boss type creatures you can just summon them to you and kill them saving you quite a bit of time.

Although there may be other things to use your little sister quest rewards for, the idea has occurred to me that it's possible to receive multiple copies of Yactect's gemstone. So if you get like 10 of those gemstones from the little sister quest you'd have 100 platinum coins waiting for you each in game month.

>> No.16043305

Is it possible to use custom elona with the japanese version of the game ?

I find gardening / performer board quests to be the fastest. It takes secondes to do them.

>> No.16043368

I don't understand. Can't you just leave the language in Japanese then?

>> No.16043457

Now that you say it like that...its the same build i don't know where i had my head.

>> No.16044270

>Is it possible to use custom elona with the japanese version of the game ?

I think it can be installed, but idk if it's compatible.

Backup your entire file: Like go to the E+1.62 folder, click it, then just CTRL + C, then CTRL+ V it somewhere else. Then install custom to the original file and report back.

>> No.16044685


At least they're probably happier than Lulwy, who you shot. In the head.

>> No.16045018

Would it be a good idea to start with lower stats just to make AP gain easier? It's not like it's hard to make up the stats early on.

>> No.16045038

You're probably better off just dealing with the root problem. If you're having a difficult time getting AP the game is giving you a friendly reminder to stop bullying weaklings and to move on to stronger creatures that can actually challenge you. Either increase your dungeon levels, awaken dungeons, or go to the void.

>> No.16045048

I ended up at a point in an old file where everything with AP hit too hard and I didn't hit hard enough.

>> No.16045073

Sounds like a skill or spell level problem. What was your character?

>> No.16045097
File: 298 KB, 660x724, ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was an old character I used long ago. I wanted to use spells as little as possible. It gets really hard to advance after a certain point though, the void is painful.

>> No.16045158

Oh geez. Your character is a lot stronger than I thought. Hopefully someone who's either at your level or further along can help you out.

>> No.16045605

Any tips for a beginner? I played Elona a long time ago but didn't really get past level ~35 and now I'm trying again.

>> No.16045731

First of all, I strongly recommend you to play elona custom. It adds some nice features, the most notable of which is pet custom AI.

Unless you start with high speed, get Riding and buy a horse asap. It makes early game much easier.

>> No.16045742

I tried to play Elona Custom, but installing the latest build on top of the latest Elona+ version results in lots of freezing (same errors as in >>16036947), so I just started a game on E+.

Do you recommend playing while referencing the wiki or just trying to figure everything out independently? I made an Elea Priest and got to level 8 but I feel like I'm mostly being carried by my little girl.

>> No.16045743

But why would you want AP at this point?
Extra bonus points are nice, but it's much easier and faster to buy scrolls of growth for small medals.

>> No.16045761

Wiki is useful, as pretty much nothing is explained in the game. I used it a lot before, and even after like 600 hours in game I check it once in a while.

Without it you may miss many important things. Though there isn't much permanent damage you may cause to your playthrough.

No idea why custom won't load properly.

>> No.16046823
File: 282 KB, 800x601, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16046828

Something went horribly wrong here.

>> No.16046832

>record scratch freeze frame
>So, you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation

>> No.16046862
File: 316 KB, 801x597, stay out of overleveled dungeons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically, shadow rush is really something

>> No.16046876

New player here. What pets would you recommend to use early/late game? Im going to roll a caster.

>> No.16046887

>Roll almost all the classes to get a feel for the game
>Suck at everything , die from performing , die from stealing , die from casting , die from dungeon diving
>Finally decide to start my RP character , who cares if i have to die 200 times to make her work
>Everything goes smooth as silk , first time i ever beat a dungeon and my first death is self inflicted acid drinking
This must be magic

>> No.16046890

little girl

>> No.16046931

The crab-like creature draws other monsters from the floor. Including you and your pets.

It's devastating in the void

Almost any god pet is rather strong if you get it in early-mid game. I like Exile due to multicast ability,

You may roll good pets from slave trader in Derphy. Avoid ones with AoE attacks as they will kill you. Starter girl is aso okay. With pet training options from e+ you can make low-level pets scale well into late-game.

This reminds me my early attempts to play elona as a fairy pianist.
Aside of being stoned by the audience and squashed by my instrument, I ended up with lots of terrible diseases, no money, no items. Also, my home was invaded by monsters due to unsuccessfull reading attempts, so I kept dying there, too.

I restarted the game with a tourist snail. I thought "let's make it even worse", but actually it went well. I learned to avoid fights, to escape from skirmishes, to teleport around cleaners and other stuff. It was long before e+, so early game was much harder than it is now.

>> No.16047164

I made my mutant a couple of months ago and I'll weigh in. Went with 20 hands, head, 2 bodies, feet, arm and 2 rings. Multiple bodies because they give the most protection, multiple rings for speed rings to offset the ginormous speed penalty. So far, I don't feel it was worth it going with that many hands because even if you have the ludicrous amount of dual wield to make them all hit consistently, damage falls off HARD after like the 4th hand. 5-20 do absolutely negligible damage even with elemental damage added from living weapons. You can somewhat circumvent this using grenades since invokes do full damage through the penalty of multiple hands and further if you can somehow farm enough heavenly jewels to throw shadow bolt enchants on all of them. But that much grinding will probably drive you insane before you get halfway.

>> No.16047294

Patch 1.51
>Mutants will no longer generate limbs past 20.
Could be only for monsters but i doubt it.

>> No.16047627

Could use meteor while you're in that Rage state. Would do lots of damage. Also, teleport scrolls are a thing--they're also useful.

>> No.16047680
File: 2.49 MB, 1284x1521, petvsvoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attributes look pretty good. Keep doing what you're doing there. From the looks of it you're a two hander warrior wielding the Piledriver. Depending on where you are in the void, the damage multiplier you have is either enough or too little. From the sounds of it it's too little. Since you're not really using magic much I'm guessing you get most of your healing from Jure's prayer and potions.

Although I'm not sure if you still play that character this is a checklist I'd do to take that character further.

1) Improve your equipment. Specifically the gear you want is stuff that increases your chance for an extra attack. Even though you're a two hand wielder you can reasonably do 4 attacks each turn rather consistently if you have enough extra attack chance stacked. That should help increase your damage output. Make sure all your gear is blessed and brought to +10. You want all the extra damage and PV/DV you can get.

2) Similar to 1 but deeper levels of the void require you to get very familiar with artifact fusion. You want to shove as much resists on your gear using artifact fusion. Get all your resists to at least Superb#####+. From there focus on raising sound, mind, and magic resist. It's possible to get enough resistance to become immune to dim(sound) and insanity(mind). Magic resistance will help reduce spell damage across the board.

3) Become very familiar with special attacks and gauge attacks. As a warrior shadow step should be hot keyed so you can stick to ranged enemies and kill kiters. If you're using Jure's prayer as a main source of healing I'd look into the vampiric ability feat that gives you the special action to suck blood. By draining your enemies of blood you can restore stamina points which you need for Jure's prayer. Charge attack might not be useful for a dual wielder but may find some use for a two hand wielder because of your massive damage multiplier. Use it to end fights against enemies that love to regenerate or spam heal. Gauge attacks are useful to spike damage and sometimes applies a debuff to an enemy. I think polearms do extra damage and stuns an enemy. Carry the Grandel as a side arm and use it's remote blow special to attack enemies at range with the full strength of your damage multipliers.

4) Consider killing the demigods. Of particular note for you are Sinaha, Amurdad, Karavika,and Urcaguary. You want the mug of Ehekatl so you can drink from any fountain and only experience the good stuff and none of the bad. Drink from any fountain you see and when you get a wish use it on scrolls of gain attribute for artifact fusion. The scissors of Kumiromi are used for your herb farms. The glasses of Yacatect are used to precisely measure your gains to attributes. The dumbell of Opatos allows you to get 10x the amount of exp when using a training machine. So it's possible to purchase a training machine and to go to Noyel where it snows and just spam use the training machine to train attributes for a bit all the while eating your herbs when you get hungry. Yactect's glasses can keep track of your progress.

5) Grind magic device to maybe get more out of healing potions and grind out your tactics and polearm skills in the void. Use the skill tracker to see what enemies are giving you exp towards your skills. If your skill isn't increasing make sure your potential for it is high enough. If potential isn't the problem keep going deeper into the void until you find a creatures that increase your skill. Stay on that floor or range of floors.Polearm skill will increase your hit with polearms but will also give a slight boost to your damage multiplier. Tactics boosts your damage multiplier best though. Enemies with a lot of HP that you don't kill fast is actually a boon for training. Enemies in the void that can heal themselves is the ultimate punching bag and can be used to train your skills to very high levels.

6) Consider training up and using pets. Even though your character won't be using healing spells you might want a pet that can use healing rain on you or something for healing. Pets also double as weapons in my eyes. I see my pet Saya as a weapon which orbits around me doing 2d72+376 x71.4 damage a turn. I'm training her and going to train other pets to help me out in the void. Even though her attributes and damage are good she's not exactly void ready just yet. She has lousy armor and resists so I have to take my own advice and work on her gear and use artifact fusion on it.

Having said all that, the void is best place to train skills and get AP precisely because the enemies are tough and don't go down so easily. In fact, I don't see anybody capping any skills or progressing beyond a certain point in weapon skill without going to the void or a very high level awakened dungeon. So even though the void is a scary place, sooner or later, anyone that's interested in actually doing the optional bosses and content needs to come down here.

>> No.16048306
File: 294 KB, 796x596, equipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This character is old. 1.49 old. My equipment, I'm not sure if it's okay or not. I stacked enough extra attack to do 1-4 attacks, but it still feels kinda weak. Tactics is at 450. I was mostly asking about the AP thing because it seemed interesting if I started a new file.

>> No.16049035

Doing around 50k damage on void floor 200 or so isn't bad in my book. My pet Saya does 70k damage on things on floor 600 and while the damage is good enough for her to farm AP she's very hard to keep alive due to lack of resists. I suppose you can grind out tactics, polearm, and two hand to increase your damage multiplier and do more damage.

In comparison, the grass isn't exactly any greener on the magic side of things. At around lv 1000 of magic storm you'll be doing around 100k damage in the void. I suppose at lv 500 of magic storm you're doing 50k or possibly less due to the somewhat recent magic nerf.

Equipment is similar to mine except for the head, neck, shoot, and arm slots. I'm a martial artist/mage hybrid so I have nothing in my hand slots. I want the twin edge but I haven't found one yet so I have to settle for the unknown shell. Only thing probably really different is resists through artifact fusion. My only real concern for that character is your healing options. Seems really rough to depend largely on Jure's prayer for healing. SP is a much more limited resource than MP and I'm not sure how much healing potions keeps up with the amount of ouch the void doles out.

As for AP, I agree with the other anons that have commented about it. I'm not sure a few more bonus point exchanges will equate to a night and day difference in power. The main problem with AP generation is the more AP you turn in the harder it is to get more. In the end, I'm not really sure much has been solved or made better. You still need to face down harder and harder creatures to get AP and you also may be a bit behind in where your attributes should of been if you choose to sacrifice attributes for INI score.

>> No.16049050
File: 175 KB, 793x593, realdamage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, that damage is purely because of the chosen feats you can get with AP. I had triple damage and evasion, so I have to be near dead if I want to actually scratch anything. Another issue is that as skill levels get higher, it's harder to get experience for that stuff. I remember Tactics capped at 791 not counting when you get really lucky. Using AP for that seems helpful.

>> No.16049053

>I'm not sure a few more bonus point exchanges will equate to a night and day difference in power

Meant to say easy/easier bonus point exchanges. I feel weird about saying the quoted because bonus points is awesome but the crux of the matter is that I think it's better to address the main problem like other anon said than be happy with temporary ease at getting bonus points.

>> No.16049144

>death maneki

bane of my existence

>> No.16049170

Ah I see. Looking at your skills your Polearm, Two Hand, and Eye of mind skills are lagging behind. Especially Polearm. Polearm and Eye of Mind are relatively easy to grind out. Find a tough enemy that takes a lot of hits to bring down and just run into them. Two Hand and Tactics are not easy for the reason you're hinting at. Still, the polearm skill will boost your damage multiplier a bit. Do not underestimate the damage multiplier gained from leveling up the weapon skill. It really does help. Criticals should become your bread and butter so level Eye of Mind. I can't really stress how important it is for melee characters to crit for damage.

For that character I would of focused on getting Tactics to 500 and then focused on Polearm and Eye of Mind. Get those to 500 and use bonus points on Two Hand. Tactics can be leveled through grind beyond 800 but it's very rough. I can guarantee gains through doing gauge attacks but that means it takes quite a bit of time to level up tactics. I suspect Two Hands can be grinded out the same way.

I have a Martial Arts/Mage hybrid character. I capped Martial Arts mainly by grind. Finding a tough enemy that can heal or regenerate, such as a cloud dragon or ouroboros, and wailing on him is ideal. If he got close to death I'd let him heal up and continue grinding off of him. I'd also give him time to recover MP if needed. I think I finished up Martial Arts using bonus points but that was like when I was at 1900 or so in skill though. The main problem will be keeping potential high though because at very high levels you don't get any exp unless you're at x level of potential.

Tactics I leveled up using gauge attacks but I've supplemented it with bonus points mainly from levels. So in conclusion, I would of focused more on leveling Polearm and Eye of mind more. Two Hand and Tactics can be brought up but it's going to be slow going no matter what you do.

>> No.16049246

Thanks, I mostly wanted to know if it would be worth it to play the mutant, or just my normal mage character, and I do prefer ranged to melee, so I'll just stick with that.

>> No.16049376

>I would of
Forgive me anon. I'm a bit tired. I know one of you anons got really angry with someone for not using would have instead.

>> No.16049382

The reason my Polearm lagged was because I used swords most of the time. My Longsword skill is at 214. I switched because most swords you get are garbage later on. 8d6+10 or 3d14+20 doesn't have the same impact as 1d150, even if the second is inconsistent.

Speaking of that, weapon skills and Two Hand seem to grow slower than Tactics, which is probably why those fell behind. I'm thinking if I ever make a second character, I'd like to try again. But maybe I'll focus on Learning too since I hear that helps with skill point gain a bit.

>> No.16049400

I figured weapon type changing was the case. Still, your previous character was pretty impressive and you seem to have gotten far. Good luck with your endeavors.

>> No.16049444


Now that I think about it "it prevents you from teleporting" looks like a good step towards dealing with the giant enemy crabs.

>> No.16050138
File: 1.66 MB, 2108x1608, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the skill tracker and how does it works?

Also, i'm 16, do i have potential?
/fit/ memes aside, any suggestion?

>> No.16050234
File: 164 KB, 678x400, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the equipment

>> No.16050585

Looks like you are trying to level all your damage spells evenly. You'd progress faster if you chose a set of 3-4 and stuck to them.
Dont let buffs fall behind.

Magic gives resist to all the other resists (at a lower rate) so its more valuable and yours is very low.
Don't neglect poison resist its not only DoTs. Lost a char to that.

Your gear is barely enchanted ???
Medium armor is generally more beneficial to casters than light because of the special action.

Track stuff with * key on the numpad

>> No.16050622

Still have to beat Zeome and i'm not really sure what spells to level. I guess Magic Dart and Crystal Spear are good because magic resist is rare.

Haven't had much luck in finding resistances.

>> No.16050985

>magic resist is rare.

Only for early game, after a while most monsters default at Normal resist. You at least need to keep every element at a decent level if you plan on casting.

>> No.16051156

K. But still have to beat Zeome, just caught a Imp for ranching (along with other monsters).

And still haven't had much luck in finding resist gear, most of it is just one or two #s and comes at a extremely shitty PD/DV value

>> No.16051165

You should be able to beat Zeome already.
Give it a try.

>> No.16051253

Your Chaos resist alone could carry you to Zeome, don't know about the pets.

>> No.16051358

I'll look into that.
Hope i can get to a decent level of artifact fusion before things start resist-fucking me left and right

Also, i thought Mana Burst was a nuke, i was wrong, MP Breath is straight up "immafiringmahlazor" tier while still leaving me enough MP to do stuff

>> No.16051612

Can you get the NPCs like the mad scientist if you don't recruit them the first time you beat them ?

>> No.16051671

Those special NPCs will show up again eventually if you killed them and haven't recruited them. I missed out in recruiting the fallen angel chick the first time because my party was full at the time but I encountered her later in the game in a random dungeon and was able to recruit her then.

>> No.16052125

What does a -9 mean when it's right by the name of a weapon? I don't see it on the wiki, I think it means it takes 9 off from the damage?

>> No.16052165

Rolls the dice then remove 9, this is before multipliers so its big deal.
Happens when hitting mobs which are acid (or standing in acid puddles).
To repair the weapon you need to enchant it at a weapon shopkeeper / scrolls / cheap pot fusion recipe.
You can avoid that by killing stuff at range or using acidproof potion on your gear.

>> No.16052562
File: 1.83 MB, 1285x2376, charstat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my top picture upper left corner highlighted in red is the skill tracker. I mainly pay attention to the decimals. If it's raising it means I've found enemies for my melee skills that I can level off of. If it's not raising then either the enemies are too weak or I have potential problem.

Spells can be added to the skill tracker if you use Elona Custom. You need to turn on the feature though and you track the spells by opening up your character sheet, not your spell sheet, and going to where your spells are listed. Other anon has you covered in what key you need to press to track. For spells, if your spells aren't increasing in level it's almost always potential related. I personally only start training my spells once they're at 400 potential and stop training them when they reach 200 or below. I then will wait for their potentials to recover until I start training again.

I saw a new feature, well new to me anyhow, under Elona Custom for an option to turn on permadeath for pets in Inferno. A very cold shiver went down my spine when I saw that. I'm not sure I'm hardcore enough for that. I don't trust the pet AI at all to do the right thing all the time to survive. I'm impressed with anyone who runs with that on.

Your character looks pretty good so far. My only real critique is what another anon has said about focusing on a handful of spells. The spells I have highlighted in blue are the spells I actively level up. All the rest I level up through the magic school or use in the field. I'm going to have to make more use of the magic school to level up my buffs though. It's falling behind mainly because I've been focusing my time on leveling my melee skills.

Used the object of heart item to show my resist levels in better detail. I need to increase my darkness resist to class 5 after I replaced a staff that had darkness resist for the godbreaker. The bottom right picture isn't my resists but the typical resist package of a monster in lv 600 of the void. There's some variance in resists with fire type creatures for instance having a bit more in fire and a bit less in cold.

It's a good thing to vary up your spell elements because you'll meet enemies that you can take advantage of elemental weaknesses. The zombie queen for instance would be a horrible creature to use magic type spells on and if you have the luck to run into one in a panic quest, challenge quest, or the void she's incredibly durable. That's where fire comes in.


Magic type would have to be used against cubes. http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Cube and Ice is usually a safe bet against anything fire related. Thunder spells work better against enemies that are wet so if you're ever on that map that has its floor entirely filled with water then you'll do extra damage to all the monsters on that map.

One of the newer undead creatures has superb resistance against all spells. http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Unitdead-joker
In this case, the elemental spells, can actually do more damage than pure magic because element scar can reduce his resistances. There isn't a debuff that can reduce a monsters resistances to magic.

Overall, I think your character is coming along well. I guess other advice I can give is try to get all the "it enhances your spells" equipment you can find. Max enchant strength for that is 1500 so aim for your equipment pieces to add up to that number. The enhances your spell equipment can eventually give you a x2 damage multiplier to your spell damage as well as make certain spells stronger.

Once you get to South Tyris get in contact with the NPC Leold and begin collecting AP. You'll want AP to increase your speed through Leold and also to buy traits and bonus points.

To clarify my stance on AP to bonus points, I think it's a great thing and is one of the best ways to improve your skills and now spells. I know I definitely used quite a bit of AP to up my skills. Generally lower INI characters do have it easier in making AP however I wouldn't want to play a character weaker than the default races just for a slight boost in AP gain. Think that's going too far. I'd rather learn how to kill tougher and tougher monsters which is the key to long term AP generation.

>> No.16052670

Oh, one more thing of note. I forgot to highlight the oracle spell. I used this spell so much that I capped it. I didn't use the spell because I wanted to always know artifact spawn but because it's very spam friendly. If you hotkey the spell you can just hold down the spell to level it. Now what's great about that is is that when you spam oracle you're training your casting skill very fast. Casting is tied to the magic attribute as well so that levels as well.

I managed to cap my casting skill by just spamming oracle. I also got my magic attribute to a very high level through doing that as well. As long as you reserve oracle spellbooks at your mage guild and keep casting potential and magic potential high, you should be able to gain well in casting and the magic attribute. You also have the added perk of training memorization and learning by reading all those oracle spellbooks for stock.

>> No.16052685

So I'm curious, what would be the best class related perk for a physical character? Extra crit chance, piercing attacks and an extra hit all sound good.

>> No.16053179

Don't think you'll be getting a consensus anytime soon. They're all pretty good as you've pointed out and success in the game probably boils down to other factors instead of class feats. Guess that's a good thing though. Means a variety of classes are played.

>> No.16053187

I just went with the extra attack. It might not be the exact same as absolute piercing but I can get 100% pierce with the right weapon.

>> No.16053423

>elona spin-off
When is it going to be released? 1 years? 5 years? I'll be a skeleton before it comes out.

>> No.16053482

No release date has been announced. Not even early access is has been officially dated. Most likely the game is still in the alpha stages. You won't be a skeleton by the time it comes out. You'll just be a dust pile.

>> No.16053539

Is it possible to get cut damage on weapons that aren't Shurikens? I want to try making my enemies bleed to death with chestnuts and attacks.

>> No.16053680

Get the shield of thorn, Ivy Spine(whip) or any axe(gauge attacks cause bleed), and load up on your chestnuts.

>> No.16053885

I'm mostly curious if it's possible to get it outside of specific scenarios. I thought it'd be neat to put it on any old weapon.

>> No.16053927


>> No.16053936

So it's not possible with a living weapon then? That kinda sucks.

>> No.16053972
File: 74 KB, 480x240, uploader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in the graphic folder, is it for an incoming feature ?

>> No.16054159

If by bleed you mean have the weapon cut your own character and suck his or her blood then sure, a living weapon does that. :^)

>> No.16054184

As far as AP goes i was eyeing Barrier and either Charm (for dimming targets) or Obstinate (more defense if HP is low
However since i'm going full magic i should never get into melee range and my HP will be sub-par so i might stick with Barrier only

For abilities i guess Metal Guard might be good as a panic button or i could just pump stuff into extra speed/points

>> No.16055620

I have Barrier and Charm on Kai. For charm, I found that if I couldn't one shot enemies, which is true the vast majority of the time in the Void, almost everything was able to get in melee range that had to be that distance to attack. So Charm is useful in the Void or an awakened dungeon. Whether or not it's useful in a normal dungeon depends on how strong your character is compared to the monsters in the dungeon since enemies don't really scale and aren't boosted. Except for the boss. You might get some use out of Charm against bosses. Obstinate is good as it can buy you some time to patch yourself up. So either going Barrier and Charm or Barrier and Obstinate are good choices.

Barrier is good but I put off buying it until later instead of rushing out to get it when I could. I waited until I felt I had MP to burn. Haven't touched any of the of the other abilities Leold offers. Only made use of traits, speed, and bonus points. Not to say that the abilities are bad, it's just I'm not really familiar with them so I can't really comment on them. So if anyone has any good experiences with them let me and everyone else know.

>> No.16055762

Hmm, looking at Leold's ability list now I could of sworn he offered more than what I'm seeing. Oh well. Well out of the list only Metal Guard and Charge Attack interests me.

>> No.16056044
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x768, new start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New char. Im quite pleased with the alias and background I just need to work on the sprite and full body sprite.
Starting class is tourist renamed.
Planning on using magic device with maybe a bit of necromancy if its not sufficient.
Its inferno so im gonna play with the defender. I have the perma death for pets on but will probably turn it off if i can't manage.

>> No.16056054

Good luck on your new quest.

I plan on making a new character once I beat the inner gods, but that will take a while.

>> No.16056057

I think he has more stuff for pets than for the player

>> No.16056059

How do you mod that background in the game ? i bet i need custom but what else ?

>> No.16056125
File: 635 KB, 1262x646, sodijemrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need to modify your ie_sheet.bmp file.

And then you need to edit interface.bmp like pic.

>> No.16056129

Thank you very much

>> No.16058688

>Install custom PCC
>The head is actually off a little bit so you either get floating hair or a double giant head

>> No.16059424

Since both the portrait you created and the gear you're wearing affect your appearance is there a way to avoid one or the other to show up beside going around only in pantsu in your portrait ?

>> No.16059576

Use a dresser on your char, there is one in the king's bedroom in palmia.
If that doesn't answer your question rephrase your question (i think you mean body sprite instead of portrait).

>> No.16059584

that's exactly the answer i needed , thanks

>> No.16059618

I stopped playing at 1.56 and wanted to come back, what the hell is bloodyshade in the pastebin? The link doesn't even open.

>> No.16060104
File: 300 KB, 796x596, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inheritence is a lot better than I remember it being.

>> No.16060118

Seems like just an optional place to download the game although it doesn't work for me either.

>> No.16060181

I've that bug where the top most line is hidden in fullscreen. Usually i can see at least some of it but now it completly hidden.
How do i fix that ?
I've also tried windowed 1920x1080 but it doesnt seem to allow 1080 in height and top is still hidden anyway.

Both pastebins work for me.

>> No.16060338

Damn it, the new Elona game looks and sounds so damn beautiful (due to not only the graphics, but the real-time play which makes the world feel more alive) that it makes the current Elona feel shabby and cheap. Darn it. Never wanted a game so bad.

>> No.16060410

I came away different. Game seems like a very stripped down on the rails jrpg. I'll be pretty pissed too if you just level a cookie cutter class with a few "survival" related skills.

>> No.16060563

>real time play
>stuff only moves when you do

>> No.16060618

Classic Elona will never die

>> No.16060654

What are the general skills that every characters should get as fast as possible ? I'm aware of weight lifting and sense quality but what else ? I'm playing a gunner if that makes any difference

>> No.16060682

Marksman if you don't have it, Detection/Lockpicking for dungeons, pickpocket to find godly gear sooner, crafting skills for materials, Greater Evasion/Eye of Mind so they aren't shit near mid to late game.

>> No.16061012

Cooking and anatomy. Not only can you make money off of the stuff you cook but you won't have to worry about starving in a dungeon ever again if your anatomy, for increasing corpse drops for cooking, and cooking skill is high enough. The whole dungeon is your kitchen!

>> No.16062914

Just like that one manga.
What was it called again?

>> No.16062941

Dungeon Meshi

>> No.16062952

What exactly is evo chat? I see it can give pets 100000 gold but don't know what the other options are for.

I tried finding it on the wiki, but had no luck.

>> No.16063037

How does the "customize AI" option work in elonapluscustom? I'd like to make my little girl shoot things with a bow but also melee things that come too close, yet I keep getting "the little girl doesn't know how to respond to your instructions!" when there's no monsters around, and she doesn't move at all!

>> No.16063039

Use these:

Already has.

It was the private server of a wiki anon named bloodyshade; it rehosted older versions of Elona Custom, and, I believe, Elona/+ as well..

>> No.16063059


>> No.16063064

thanks for the pcc

>> No.16063087

somehow the instructions there aren't very helpful, what that page needs would be a "default" configuration that allows the pet to perform basic actions like attacking, following you etc. without getting the error message...

>> No.16063101

>what that page needs would be a "default" configuration that allows the pet to perform basic actions like attacking

That's what you're setting. If you want a melee pet to always attack:

If, distance > 1, move forward or shadow step if you have it. Then if, distance = 1, attack.

Put that at the very bottom.

>> No.16063137

First i install ElonaPlus1.60fix
Then Elona Custom 1.62.2 correct?

The graphics pack go into user content or the normal game folders? i know the custom music is at the user content

>> No.16063177
File: 21 KB, 584x247, ElonaFiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.16063220

Download Elona+ 1.62 from the wiki, generally the + and custom version must have the same number. To patch stuff just drag and drop to the + folder.

>> No.16063893

Piercing attack ( claymore ) vs extra attack ( warrior )
which one is better ? I'm going to roll for extra attack on my gear anyway so extra piercing as default should be more beneficial no ? i know is just a 5% but i like to min max everything

>> No.16064560

Hey, does anyone have the tone file that the anon made for Yacatect and posted in a thread a while back?

>> No.16065137

Extra attack still.

>> No.16065169
File: 1.59 MB, 1285x1632, evochat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evochat is mainly roleplaying fluff however there are some game related benefits in using it. One as you pointed out, is the ability to give a nice bit of gold to your pet. Useful for pets as they use gold to pay their trainer fees to increase their attribute and skill potentials.

The other use of evochat is the concept that a happy pet is a stronger pet. In this case, your goal with evochat is to increase the pet's happiness, represented by hearts, as high as possible. The happier your pet the faster it fills its gauge for gauge related special attacks. You can increase happiness by giving your pet gold in evochat or by being kind to your pet. As far as I can tell on my pet, embarrassing your pet doesn't help in increasing happiness but it doesn't detract from it either.

At any rate, I occasionally make use of evochat and fill up my pet's happiness to take advantage of that gauge boost. That combined with the boost of the taktstock item allows me to have her spam gauge attacks. It also allows me to regularly get to level 2 gauge attacks which takes advantage of time stop.

Either class feat is fine although I should point out that the warrior's extra attack boost seems to only affect the chance of the first extra attack. Further extra attacks don't seem to take advantage of the warrior feat. There also seems to be two pierce attacks in the game, regular pierce and absolute/full pierce. Regular pierce can be found on certain weapons and the martial arts skill affords them up to 50% pierce when using tonfas, claws, or their fists.

Haven't played a claymore before but from what I've read it seems their pierce is the absolute kind. The difference between regular pierce and absolute/full pierce mainly revolves around the fact that absolute pierce can put a PV penalty on the target for the next attack. Both are used to get past damage reduction/PV.

Absolute/full pierce can also be gained from farming jewel tears and taking advantage of artifact fusion. It will take awhile but it can be done. So regardless of what you go. There's a way to get whatever you missed out on.

>> No.16065204

I don't understand what the change to additional attacks from 1.62 is about.

>> No.16065352


>> No.16065781
File: 10 KB, 48x72, Alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here you go: updated to fix spelling errors as well as include additional lines of dialogue pulled from her translated NPC text.

Also including translated NPCData files for the externalize file of Elona+ Custom: insert these there to translate Yacatect's default speech as an NPC.


>> No.16065846

Ah, alright. I'm doing an rp run right now so that works for me. What exactly triggers being able to use evo chat? I've only had it come up for 2 of my pets once.

Thanks anon!

>> No.16065908

Good question. Curious about it myself so I went to the changelogs and it says:

>If a pet is at Friend status or above, the player has Action points remaining, and Happiness is not at max, then the [evochat] option will appear in the conversation window.

>> No.16066869

Have you ever considered collaborating with annabanana for the translations?

>> No.16066981

>you will never play Elona for the first time
Hesitating on picking this game up again, what do you guys do to make Elona feel fresh again?

>> No.16066985

Change all the enemy sprites , enjoy getting bashed early on because you dont recognize a big daddy from a rat

>> No.16067264

Gravity Accel seems really strong. Doesn't seem like it would be hard to maintain enough stacks of gravity for a constant 300 speed boost.

>> No.16067467

It does seem a little crazy. Negating nearly all affects of gravity as well as giving bonuses to your entire party, including said speed. The only downside I could see is it being expensive for SP, which doesn't matter if you can teach it to pets via Custom.

>> No.16067469

I guess I should have dug through the change logs first. Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.16067611

Is there a list of what exactly each line in a custom tone file is for? Making my first tone files for my pets, and I have been looking at tone files like the one posted in this thread, but I am not sure about some of the tags like %txtkizuna and %txtnade.

>> No.16067729

Where can i find a juice mixer?

>> No.16067838

Aside from randomly? Check quests. Sometimes someone asks for an item from someone else, so I take the request, trade the guy, but never give it to the guy that wants it.

>> No.16067871


>> No.16068046

%txtKizuna,JP //味方が魂のシンクロ技能を発動した時のセリフ
Spoken when an ally uses Synchro hearts.

%txtNade,JP //魂の友以上の友好度でPCから愛撫の手を受けた時のセリフ
Spoken if at Soul Mate impress or above and receives Rubbing from the player.

I'll do the rest of the file later.

>> No.16068512

>Download a bunch of sprites
>Find out someone actually made a sprite for Olympia from EO 3 both her "human" and roid form
I dont know who you're but i'm eternally in your debt anon , may Ehekatl bless you

>> No.16069321

>who you're

I never knew you could do that. It makes perfect sense why you could, but I never...

Sounds weird to say, and to read, but since you're is a contraction of 'you' and 'are'...

>> No.16069455
File: 325 KB, 840x525, 3b17f85ece0f6ccf918e24d6f62b4db9faebf4a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much appreciated! I'm a bit surprised I didn't find any other descriptions anywhere. Not all the tags are super obvious.

>> No.16069537


Did the comments as well as changed Fawn On to Bewitched, and fixed the triplicated %txtCharge,EN into %txtChargeA,EN and %txtChargeS,EN. Did not touch nor bump-bump the example speech. Let me know if the extra line of comments breaks the formatting or something, thanks. I'll send a copy of this and the changelogs to Ano later.

>> No.16069547

you should give it and steal it back

>> No.16072085

Can you steal worn cursed items with the pickpocket skill? In my game, a NPC in Yowyn seems to be wearing something with aggravate monster, and my level 15 snail tourist is very scared when suddenly level 33 euryales appear out of thin air!

>> No.16072151

I think if you give them a potion of curse removal they should drink it
