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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 380x403, lonely_in_japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1604417 No.1604417 [Reply] [Original]


what should we do in Japan?

I've always wanted to try a mixed onsen.

>> No.1604424

I'd go if I had the money.

>> No.1604440

I've always wanted to try a having enough money to go to japan but i probably woudnt go , I'd buy a huge LCD TV or something that i'm going to use for a prolonged time instead of wasting my money of a one week/month trip.

>> No.1604433

I'll try to get married if I can.

>> No.1604434

I'm a recluse, farthest I'll go is the edge of my property.

>> No.1604435

>mixed onsen.

Such a thing doesn't exist I don't think.

>> No.1604445
File: 78 KB, 402x610, 1226610217426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1604457


Sure they do. Just not big public ones (as far as I know). Plenty of small inns have mixed bathing because they cater to families and couples.

>> No.1604455

We'll invade Takeshima and kill any Coreans we meet!

>> No.1604465

I've been to Japan 3 times

and I don't even own a TV

>> No.1604462

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>> No.1604470

I'd love to go but I'm a broke college student and I can't exactly walk on water.

Jealous sage.

>> No.1604472

Do these mixed onsens have families?

What about elementary school field trips?

>> No.1604483

Live your life as you want, i want to see my Animu and porn on a HUGE ass LCD in HD.

>> No.1604485

I've never been to Japan, and I don't have a TV.

Mostly because I wouldn't really use it for anything apart from watching anime and playing games.

>> No.1604499

Crazy shut-in, no income, not crazy enough to want to meet any of you people. Yeah.

>> No.1604519

I have a 24" monitor that does 1920x1200, equal or higher than any HDTV

24 inches is fine for me, I just lay down in bed and watch whatever I want.

I can also plug my consoles into it. Shit rox.

>> No.1604533

I was thinking more on the lines of 50"-82".
I also hate wide screen on PCs. I'm used to 4:3

>> No.1604523

I'm not sure if I would want to meet most of you in real life.

>> No.1604540

Let's do it guys. We can all go to Roppongi and get drunk and go clubbing. I'm gonna buy some new collared shirts just for the occasion!

>> No.1604612


Yes they do, mostly north. Tochigi and Gunma are full of them.

But they're not worth the effort. The only women that go into the mixed baths have an average age of 80 or something.

>> No.1604614


But /jp/ can't handle these normalfag like festivities...

>> No.1604628


ROFL. Roppongi.

>> No.1604695

Madarame, is that you?

>> No.1604708

Maybe you live in a huge place/have friends but I certainly don't

I can place my 24" at one side of my place, sit at the other (lol i rent a single room in a house that consists of 10 bedrooms, a kitchen, shower and 2 toilets) and still comfortably read subs

>> No.1604738
File: 376 KB, 489x415, 1226613291530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do they sell the live fish sushi?

>> No.1604743

OP is Japanese Korean.

>> No.1604745

I'd go nuts.

I have my own shower+toilet, but even the shared kitchen is a bother. I'm going to apply for a room with its own kitchen because it's just so much more awesome.

>> No.1604754

I love that this picture is made funny all over again with this caption.

>> No.1604752


This is a no brainer.

>> No.1604760

Hakkaidou, especially Wakkanai.

>> No.1604774

I can barely afford this


>> No.1604777
File: 290 KB, 1216x912, 1226613669359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can go to akiba

>> No.1604784

fuck that shit.
who wants to go to vegas and get smashed?
also animu.

>> No.1604794

Wait, KONAMI!?

>> No.1604795

my rent is something like £200, with the current rates, I think.

The cheapest dorm apartment in Copenhagen.
£240/month for a room with its own kitchen.

I get money from the government (~£350 each month after taxes).

>> No.1604821

Well I pay double what you do

I'd live where you live, but I'd have a hard time making it to class.

>> No.1604826

>£240/month for a room with its own kitchen.
What? Starting from about 140 GBP here. ~15 m², kitchen, shower. All-inclusive. In a city mostly consisting of students, though.

>> No.1604827

....are you.... Me?

>> No.1604835

Yep, Konami make videos of deliciously underage girls posing in their underwear AND metal gear motherfucking solid

>> No.1604864
File: 19 KB, 431x613, 1226614383274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, Copenhagen is pretty much the most expensive place to live.

I've got 17m² total. Pic related, although the proportions are a bit off, I think.

>> No.1604886

£140/month for a one bedroom flat with kitchen and bathroom? Which city?

I've only ever lived in London and manchester, I pay £100/week at the moment and have to share a kitchen and bathroom

>> No.1604892


New York is worse. Smaller than that, $1400-1700ish. That's not even getting into Manhattan. Thank god for rent control and my mother living here for fucking ever, but $600 for this shithole is still pretty fucking bad.

>> No.1604893
File: 17 KB, 214x213, 1226614789154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pay £100/week at the moment and have to share a kitchen and bathroom


>> No.1604905

of course, when I said Copenhagen was the most expensive place to live, I meant that it's the most expensive city in Denmark.

It's a real country with real people.

>> No.1604908


>It's a real country with real people.

I'll need to see proof.

>> No.1604912

I don't pay anything and can get food and water for fucking free- Why? Because I'm a ranger.

>> No.1604915

Not GB.

They seem to have increased the price, since last time I checked anyway. About 160 now.

>> No.1604923

Yeah really, next they'll be trying to tell us Canada is real.

>> No.1604946


believe it

>> No.1604953


Wikipedia? Is that the best you can do? Fie on you and fie on your hoax country.

>> No.1604974

If that's what I think it is (sashimi served with the still-twitching and gaping fish as a garnish) I've eaten it on two occasions at some remote restaurant in Hakone.

>> No.1604976


I know.. they really romanticize it, but I don't think it's completely off.

I have to go to bed because I have a test tomorrow.

>> No.1605005


I'm pretty sure that's Sweden. You can't fool me just by switching some names around.
