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15981565 No.15981565 [Reply] [Original]

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq
Old Thread: >>15867044

>> No.15981872

How often does Volks USA restock items? Most of their long length wigs are out of stock, along with almost all their DDS shoes and underwear.

>> No.15981922

AWW thats a cute doll. The thing that puts me off buyiing dolls is that you can see the joints unlike figurines

>> No.15982705
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Pose them nicely and buy flattering clothes that distract from or cleverly cover up joints.
Then there is next level shit like silicone parts which allows a big portion of the body to be seamless.

Hardly any statue or figurine can compare to the interaction that is possible with dolls.

>> No.15983162
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Man, lately this thread's been deader than my sexlife.

>> No.15983293

because /toy/ is that way

>> No.15983658

Where do they sell the seamless bodies

>> No.15984167


>> No.15984660

They won't be restocking anymore IIRC because they're closing down. Their franchise contract with the real VOLKS was terminated last month.

>> No.15984671
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>franchise contract with the real VOLKS was terminated last month

>Gets new one-off models in for November.

pick one

>> No.15984672

I recently purchased a yawajiri seamless thigh part from Rajikaru, the maker of peach pie, and I gotta say it was a huge disappointment. It felt great, looked great, until you connected it to the DD calves. It didn't really fit well and it gave her this weird horse leg effect.

Really? Where did you see that news? That's a damn shame. So I guess we're stuck with using volks International then.

>> No.15984686

Are they not the same company?

>> No.15984694

No, they're a franchise. Run by Americans, using the Volks name.

>> No.15984698

Really because when I went there the manager was a japanese guy from Volks International.

>> No.15984708

Smells like bullshit.

VolksUSA is run by Hideyuki Shigeta's son, Hideyoshi Shigeta

>> No.15985066
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My first moment of ham hands.
For the most part when removing heads I have pinched at the base of the neck. But when I was changing Strawberry's shirt I pulled off her head. And too much came off.
That said the damage was very small and I have the stuff to repair and fill the crack. That said be careful with your girls everyone they can be a bit delicate.

>> No.15985090

I'm surprised it took you this long.

>> No.15985117

Post your girls.

>> No.15985121

I don't have any pictures that I haven't posted in previous threads.

>> No.15985128

So? Re posts are cool

>> No.15985156
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>Re posts are cool
I disagree, but I'll post the last picture I took of Aya to satisfy you.

>> No.15985184

Man those red eyes are enchanting. She is kinda great.

>> No.15985187

>It didn't really fit well and it gave her this weird horse leg effect.
I've been considering getting one for a while but this doesn't sound good. Could you perhaps post a picture?

>> No.15985221
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Oh I forgot with all that's been going on Waffles did get a darker Skirt. I think it's an improvement.

>> No.15985452

it's much better than the shower curtain she wore before.

>> No.15985576
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I thought she was cute. Not exactly fashionable. But cute.


I'll repost my cat since you guys seem to like her. Enjoy some yellow grainy puss.

>> No.15985590 [DELETED] 

I don't agree it looked as bad myself but the darker skirt is better.
Also this is my favourite photo you have posted I totally saved it when you first posted it.

>> No.15985595

I didn't think the old skirt was that bad myself but the darker skirt is an improvement.
Also this is my favourite photo you have posted I totally saved it when you first posted it.

>> No.15985643


That's cool, but I have to ask, do you like it because of Furburger or Kan-chan?

>> No.15985661

The thing I like most is Kan-chan she has casual clothes and her pose looks really natural and chill. And then cats just make everything better.

>> No.15985680
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Haha thanks. I'm not very good at posing but hey even a broken clock is right twice a day huh.

>> No.15985700
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Indeed. Also I love dolls in hoodies it always makes me happy.

>> No.15985797

i'd be scared to sleep in the same room as that doll

>> No.15985814
File: 89 KB, 1200x800, CoroOcFVUAADMKn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being afraid of a cute little kitty cat

u wot m9

scared of being kneaded or suckled on huh what a homo

Something like this though is what you need to be afraid of. Look at those teeth.

>> No.15985828

The idea of needing to paint on the face details on the heal of the doll myself scares the hell out of me. Is that what most of you guys have done, or did you buy heads that were already painted?

>> No.15985847

Most of us are no-skill losers who buy prepainted heads, or commission a faceup artist to paint a head for us. We do have a few people who paint their own dollies, though.

>> No.15985875 [SPOILER] 
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Some of us are artistically talented and do it ourselves. Others like me are hamfisted lummoxes whose only talents lie in destruction and get other people to paint them.

I would never be able to produce a self-made faceup of an acceptable quality. I've never held a brush not in anger in my life. Two of mine are manufacturer default faceups, two were bought from a retail faceup seller, and one will be bought as a blank and sent away to be painted.

>> No.15985887

Whereabouts would you buy pre-painted ones? I'm wanting to get a DDS, but the standard Mayu uses a DDH-03 head, while I want to get either a 06 or 07.

On a different note, it's kind of odd that it's cheaper to buy a full base body and a separate bust piece than it is to buy all the parts individually.

>> No.15985935

Best place to look for cute pre-painteds is usually Yahoo Japan Auctions. They often go for a lot of money though, and you'll have to use a proxy service to bid for you.

You can find heads on Mandarake, but you'd want to stalk it every day because the nice ones get sold pretty quickly. I got my first girl's head from there, actually.

>> No.15986184

It sounds like that would probably be more expensive than getting a commission done, especially since I don't live in the US. I didn't think about the face part being this complicated.

>> No.15986222

Commissioning an artist whose style you like can definitely be better for your wallet. Unfortunately, I get too much anxiety about talking to them, so it hasn't been an option for me.

Where do you live? Anons might happen to know of a good artist in your country.

>> No.15986225

Well I got rid of it pretty much within the week that it arrived so unfortunately I don't have any to offer you. If she's got her legs bent she looks fine, but don't expect her to be able to stand, even with support.

>> No.15986244

>Where do you live?
I spent a while checking the Dollfie Dreams forums' painting section, and while there do seem to be some talented artists there, the quality seems a bit inconsistent, which is worrying.
This one seemed like a decent option, but being UK based that does mean more expenses if I went with them.

>> No.15986309

I think Freya is pretty well-regarded by at least one person here. Her stuff looks kind of gritty to me, though.

>> No.15986962
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You sure you attached the parts properly? I'm not in any way doubting your competence, but there are a lot of people who are paranoid about breaking off something and then they end up not slotting things up properly or pushing in hard enough to avoid accidental hamfisting.
I might just take your word for it and not do any further research to save my wallet, since I also wanted to get one down the line. Can't in good conscience drop that kind of money knowing I will never be 100% happy with it.

>> No.15986995
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Since the vinyl is prone to staining and some individual parts can break off pretty easily people usually buy just the necessary replacement part, so being the greedy bastards they are, Volks is trying to squeeze out all the money they can if they're already doing us the great favor of selling spare parts.

If you take into account the waiting times and the three way shipping costs that get stacked on top of the commission fee then it usually pays off just to get a pre-made custom face-up if you don't have a very specific look/character in mind. If you avoid the overrated artists on Y!J you can get a very nice head for around 13000 Yen including the proxy fees and shipping costs. You'll need a bit more luck on Mandarake, but it's also doable, especially if you're still trying get a feel for DDs and want to pay as little as possible the first time around.

>> No.15987552

Freya doesnt listen to critique if you end up asking for tweaks. Wont make that mistake ever again...

>> No.15987657


Show us what she made you

>> No.15987935

Oh geez, I completely forgot you're supposed to pinch the neck, I always just pop it off. I'll have to be careful, I don't wanna deal with the peg coming out

>> No.15988080
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I'm not too familiar with BJDs, but I recently came across this page. Very cute. But what's up with the pricing on this one? Is it an error or priceholder?

>> No.15988324

Chinese sites occasionally do that shit when stuff is sold out

>> No.15988419

I see, thank you. I'm glad that wasn't the original price of the doll.

>> No.15988625 [DELETED] 
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Anyone pre order any of the idolmaster girls or outfits? I ordered the Anastasia outfit because it's super cute.

>> No.15988631
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Anyone pre order any of the idolmaster girls or outfits? I ordered the Anastasia outfit because it's super cute.

>> No.15989042

I ordered Anastasia + the casual outfit and Iori + the twinkle outfit. Not sure why I added the extra outfit for Iori though since I never keep my girls as the character they're supposed to represent.

>> No.15989064

I've only ever bought prepainted heads or commissioned artists to do the painting for me. I'd be nervous just painting a wall so trying my hand at a faceup isn't going to happen soon

>> No.15989337


Doll cats are fine. Real cats are the real scary. When they get old, sick, and die you feel terrible and the fear of that pain makes you want to not have more real cats.

For piece of mind you actually spray a flat/matte clearcoat on the head before you actually use the paints. This protects the head from staining so that when you do fuck up it's easier to redo and you didn't just ruin a $50+ head. Though I'm sure you can fuck it up if you're bad enough.

>> No.15989457

Gonna order the casual outfit, still deciding on Anastasia & Yayoi. Depends on money situation by the end of the preorder period desu

>> No.15991007

sounds like a cunt.

>> No.15991016

After about two months my first girl and all other accessories are finally here. While the spending regret for the head has way passed, a few things are slightly disappointing. The mmd body is cute, but doesn't seem as fulfilling as the standard might be, both in size and in available goods. I kind of want to try the dds. Also, the look her face gives off in person seems a bit different compared to the sales pictures. I can't get a good idea of what style of clothes fit the look. In a lot of the pictures posted it seems like the clothes and the look of the girl just work together. Any suggestions on how to figure it out without spending tons on outfits, or is it really just trial and error? Sorry for blog

>> No.15991291

What sort of new doll company would you be interested in? Dolls are my passion and I'm considering starting up a little side business for vinyl dolls. Is that a dumb idea? What size would you like to see? I've been thinking an adult proportioned MSD sized doll could be cute, like a minifee, maybe with an internal head mechanism to move the eyes like a Pullip and heads that are realistic and anime styled that both fit on the body.

>> No.15991449
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So sad that Iori and Yayoi won out over Anzu for DDpf preorder. My heart belongs to Anzu, she is the most perfect girl, why won't Volks recognize this?

>> No.15991870
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Post pictures. It's difficult to give advice on styling and dressing a doll without seeing it first. I'm sure you just blew your expectations way up high and are just dealing with the low of actually finally having it in hand. You'll either get over it or decide that you're sticking to wishful thinking. Sometimes planning is way more satisfying than actually having/doing it.

That's why it's advisable to never blow shit tons of money for something you just got into. You should have hunted for a used MDD body and a head in the reasonable price range (which wouldn't have amounted to more than 350dollariedoos total for a fully equipped and dressed doll).
Not blaming you or anything. No reason for you to feel guilty or bad either. But if you're deeply dissatisfies, I'd advise again throwing even more money at it. Maybe bury her in a closet for several months and after that time you might have a fresh outlook on her.

>> No.15991992 [DELETED] 

>cinderella shit

Gas yourself right fucking now.

>> No.15993493
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Well I like the outfit but I am not feeling that head at all. I won't be buying this girl ever.

>> No.15993520

Looks just like regular Mirai cosplaying.

>> No.15993531

it isn't?

>> No.15993546

No its just supposed be Miho, not Mirai cosplaying Miho. The head sculpt and makeup are virtually the same between the two characters. Overall, very little work put into this collaboration.

>> No.15993549

Sorry meant for >>15993531

>> No.15993644

There's always a chance in the future Anon. Also you could make your own if you felt inclined to do so. You would just need a DDP body and a custom head.

>> No.15993818

Miho's head is literally just Mirai's head sculpt with a new faceup. They made it super easy to tell by taking the exact same photograph twice. >>>/toy/5971202

>> No.15993874

Wow phoning it in there choo.

>> No.15993913

Is there a good way to stiffen the connection between the head and neck of a MMD body? mines seems like its too loose

>> No.15994074

You probably didn't push it in all the way

>> No.15994123

I'm not a dollbro but that's a really really nice doll.

>> No.15994288

It's just ridiculous at this point. I have to admit that I've bought a smart doll but I won't be throwing more money at Choo before he steps up his game.

>> No.15994902


>> No.15995066

Not that anon, but all my interactions with Freya were friendly ones and so far she's done a pretty good job on modding the head I sent her, can't speak about her paint ability yet though, but her stuff looks promising. She was also pretty patient with me at first since I was really indecisive.

>> No.15995074

As far as I could tell, I had attached it to the best of my ability. The frame for the knee was inserted as the original DD frame was, and from there you just insert the metal thigh rods into the holes in the knees and push up until it's completely in. It's nice looking in photos and it feels really nice to hold, the hip joints feel sturdy enough when moving the legs around at the thigh, but that's all I can say for what I was pleased with.

>> No.15995104
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Can we get a recap of the best places in Japan to visit for doll related activities? I know there were a few anons talking about it two threads or so ago, but it would be nice to have that info in condensed form.

>> No.15995119

I did Anastasia and her casual outfit. Can't wait.

>> No.15995711
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Most of the places listed were obvious. Volks has stores throughout Japan and Azone has shops in Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya/Shonan. FWIW other than the consignments that make up a minority of their stock everything in their stores you can get online.

If you want handmade stuff, or won't be in Japan during an event like Dollpa, head to Dolk. They have stores in Akihabara, Den den town, and Nagoya.

I'll try to update the dollfaq later today.

>> No.15996540

Her paintjob for your head is still in progress, then? Let us know how it turns out.

>> No.15997547
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Info placed atop the dollfaq

>> No.15997764
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Sweet! Thanks, anon!

Will do. I'm pretty excited.

>> No.16001781

Volks USA has been a fucking mess for the last few years. I used to know the old staff (Kayo's staff, if anybody knows who I'm talking about) and was privy to a decent amount of the shitshow that went down.

I pretty much gave up on them once the showroom closed. Dolls themselves aside, there's better stuff out there for a lot less money.

>> No.16002009
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Thanks anon. I guess I'm not so much disappointed in having her, but rather disappointed in myself for really underestimating the work required in this whole process. You're right though, I should have done things much differently in terms of cost. Really, I never meant to spend so much on the head, it was kind of an accident. What's done is done though.

Anyhow, here she is. Posing is another thing I grossly underestimated. I have zero sense of natural body moment

>> No.16002262

Awwww she is pretty cute anon. I like her a lot.

>> No.16002290
File: 361 KB, 667x1000, DSCF2046-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel with the sticker shock.

For posing, my favorite thing is to look at Asian fashion blogs and magazines and the like. They're good inspiration and the poses in them tend to appeal to our kind.

Some dolls can just be really hard to pose and photograph well, too. I've got this one on my desk right now and she's really cute IRL, but even with a background in photography I can never seem to capture it.

>> No.16002291

anon i think her shirt might be on backwards
she is very cute though

>> No.16002822

I feel like she might look really nice in puff sleeve blouses and knee length skirts in warm tones, maybe a mori girl style. Her face has a very young look, but with a soft maturity, too. You should get her a bunny.

>> No.16002924

Her face looks quite nice with those eyes and that hair. Get her a nice outfit and you'll have a pretty cute doll.

What this guy said, though.

>> No.16002948

Weren't all the staff fired or something?

>> No.16002953

I mean I heard that the staff now don't even care about dolls any more. Kind of disheartening to know that someone selling you stuff for your daughters doesnt even care.

>> No.16002969

Awww, shes great. However, did you set either her chest or shoulders correctly? Look a bit misaligned.

>> No.16002982

>privy to a decent amount of the shitshow that went down
What was the shitshow?

>> No.16003057

From what I heard that the old staff reluctantly were a front for a stupid money laundering scheme.

>> No.16003425

Ok, I'll tell a condensed story as I heard it. I got snippets from Kayo, the Japanese manager, and a more thorough story from a friend who was one of the American fulltime staff.

Basically, Volks was started by this old dude who wanted to make airplanes and anime lewds. Dude had a daughter, and she liked dolls, so they got into the doll biz. Said daughter grew up into the head of the doll department, and became the most gigantic psycho spoiled bitch you've ever heard of in your life.

So Kayo-san comes in. She never signed up for an overseas position at all, but Volks shoved her into running VUSA, and she ended up loving her staff and living in America. Awesome lady, by the way, like an anime Christmas Cake come to life. If I'd been single when I knew her I would've totally come on to her.

Anyway, Kayo gets frustrated with the way V JP treats V USA. Head of the doll division is a cunt and aint having none of that shit. Tensions grow.

Eventually, head of doll div pushes VUSA into appearing at some shitty baby doll convention where nobody gives a fuck about BJDs/DDs, and they do terribly. Head blames Kayo. Kayo breaks out of her spineless Japanese shell and tells her to fuck off and that the situation is bullshit. Head fucking flips her shit, screams Kayo out to the point where Kayo's actually crying on the con floor. Swears Kayo's career is over.

I first heard this story in late '12 or mid'13'. Friend it came from said the whole staff had agreed to quit if they fucked Kayo over.

Guess what? Less than a year later, they did exactly that, fired Kayo, and the whole staff quit, IIRC aside from one part-timer.

>> No.16003510

Man, that's fucked. Rich business people suck.

>> No.16003555
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DDPs look absolutely perfect for a middle school imouto doll. I'm glad Volks is making them.

>> No.16003584

I dunno. I like the idea in theory, but I'm worried that it'll be like how Apple is fucking itself over with too many models. One of the few benefits left to owning Volks' stuff is that they're the "industry standard," and the more bodies they release, the less that holds true.

I'm predicting a good bit of rage from DDP buyers when there's no aftermarket for outfits etc.

>> No.16003603

Volkas Japan don't ship overseas though, do they?

>> No.16003605

I've been meaning to learn sewing for a long time, anyway.

>> No.16003613

This is exactly why I decided not to get Iori. There aren't any clothes for them outside of the IM@S sets yet.

>> No.16003687

corporate bullying? geeze this is like straight out of my japanese animes.

also kinda confirms some suspicions I've had with their direction.

>> No.16003749
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Reports are Azone/Obitsu/Parabox 48/50cm clothing will fit a DDP body.

It makes sense as both models are close in size so if you don't mind being a filthy pleb and using non-Volks genuine clothing you already have a large wardrobe to choose from.

>> No.16003756

They do and it's sometimes cheaper.

>> No.16003773

So Volks Japan is run by a bully, and Volks USA is run by some replacement crew of people who dont even like dolls.

Where am I expected to buy new dolls without feeling like I am purchasing from scum?

>> No.16003785

Azone and obitsu?

>> No.16003813
File: 19 KB, 635x421, how did they sort this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn, it's a good thing I found that out before I ordered all the parts I'd picked out. With any luck Volks JP will be cheaper.

I don't believe I've ever seen any site with a country selection like this though.

>> No.16003840

>Japan doesn't care about the American market
In other news, the sky is blue.

>> No.16003858

you buy the product, not the people.

assholes are everywhere in life, but even they treat things professionally 90% of the time.

>> No.16003884

Volks JP has one wig type I want, and some nicer shoes, but not the head I want, and no DDS bras or black thighhighs in stock at all.
Volks USA has the head I want and a panty/bra set in stock, but no long wigs of any colours at all, and barely any shoes.

Do I have no choice but to order different parts from both and eat the shipping costs?

>> No.16003904

if you're not getting a fullset doll then having to source things from more than one vendor is not unusual

>> No.16003976


I'm a califag, so I get dinged hardcore with taxes.
I order from jp. Even after EMS it's still cheaper.

It's cool to be able to pick shit up same day though. But their office is depressingly plain.

>> No.16004004

She reminds me a bit of Oshino Shinobu. I want to see her in a white sun dress.

I dunno, I've met their staff at a con and at seems like at least one of them likes and focuses on dolls.

>> No.16004012
File: 319 KB, 480x640, 058b927a3531bfa9b05bb1c6d5748dd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doll is cute as all heck. After the downright desolate way you were writing about it I was worried it'd be some unsalvageable monstrosity.
For the bear hoodie set I would suggest a tomboyish or short wig in a warm brown tone though (darker than the hoodie's color and maybe brown or green eyes with it), and definitely leave the hoodie on for that, because just the top appears lacking. Volks is great at making sets that look cute together, but seem awfully cheap when split into indiviudal parts.

For your general dissatisfaction with the size etc. I'm sure it'll pass when you get your smol girl to a point where you like (mostly) everything about her. But who's to say you can't get her a big sister down the line, just don't jump the train before giving her a proper chance. You'll hardly be able to find something cuter than an MDD.

If you're unsure about creating an outfit from parts yourself, then look through the tenshi-no-koromo search here: http://myfigurecollection.net/search.php?type_strict=1&type_id=34681
either for inspiration or to see what the sets looks like on dolls and if you could imagine your girl in one of them.
As already mentioned above, eye and hair color/style can make a huuuuge difference in how everything fits together. Same goes for shoes.

And about taking pictures and posing. You'll get better with time and practice. Look through popular/pretty pictures of other people's dolls. Real human poses are often not of too much use as references, especially for smaller/kid dolls. With dolls you have to emulate natural poses. ANGLES, framing and light are everything. But nobody is asking you to go pro overnight. That's just something to work on over time.

And in addition, which I also can't stress enough. It's important that you interact with it, not see it as only a burden to dress and style to perfection. The more character you give her the more you can live with eventual flaws. Get her props, something she can hold or sit on. Make it interesting to look at for yourself.

>> No.16004278

>I dunno, I've met their staff at a con and at seems like at least one of them likes and focuses on dolls.
I'm calling bullshit on the story too. Sounds like something your typical hambeast on tumblr conjures up.

>> No.16004416

Well, turns out Volks USA doesn't even ship outside of the Americas anyway, so they're out. That's a shame, since the USA site is far better designed than the JP site.

>> No.16004766

>nice blog

>> No.16004944
File: 227 KB, 450x679, 1607153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I think she's adorable. Have you considered getting cute clothes for her? It's often worth it to get something relatively pricey, but very nice rather than cheaper clothes that don't look as good. I think she would look adorable in any sort of lolita dress - see the attached picture.

>> No.16005130

You're conflating the story and other anons' comments. I never said anything about the new staff, just how the old staff all ended up quitting, and earlier that VUSA were a mess as a company. Not sure where people got the "the new staff don't care about dolls" thing.

The real issue is that VJP doesn't care about VUSA and are letting it slowly slip away.

>> No.16006082
File: 1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an MDD today. I'm ashamed of spending so much money but I hope her cute face will make it better...

>> No.16006475

Is that her? She looks like she'd be worth any price.

>> No.16007387
File: 468 KB, 1000x1701, 2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for all the kind words and suggestions anons. Kind of embarrassing, but also thanks for pointing our her shirt.

Thanks for the advice. What kind of doll is that? She's not a Crobi, is she? I like her eyes.

>mori girl style
That seems like it could be really cute. I was already looking at getting her a nice blouse and a skirt, I will consider the puffy sleeves variety (and a bunny).

I think it was the shoulders, especially the right one. It seems to come a little loose after just playing with it for a bit.

Good idea. I now want to see her in a white sun dress too.

Yes, I am trying to figure out what kinds of cute clothes would suit her. The girl and that dress in your picture are very cute. I didn't really consider a lolita dress until now, but I will see what I can find. Thanks anon

I was also thinking a school uniform outfit might be a nice idea. Something like the Volks High School Girl set with the hoodie or cardigan, if only it was for mdd.

>> No.16007431
File: 427 KB, 1000x1533, 2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I guess I was a bit over-dramatic. I definitely see what you mean about the bear hoodie set. It looked too cute in the pictures, but it doesn't seem to work that well with the long blond hair and blue eyes. Darker and shorter hair would definitely be better. However it is better on rather than off.

As for size, I will stick with the mdd. I feel like I am still sort of missing out on being able to buy from a larger selection of goods, but I'll look forward to that maybe down the line like you say.

>It's important that you interact with it, not see it as only a burden to dress and style to perfection.
I think I lost sight of this a bit in worrying about her not being perfect. I haven't even named her or anything yet. I did spend a good amount of time with her today though, and I started to enjoy just messing around with her. One day I would like to set something up like in your picture. I think that's a great idea.

Thanks for all the feedback and advice.

>> No.16007436

>Thanks for the advice. What kind of doll is that? She's not a Crobi, is she? I like her eyes.

She's a Leeke, I think the sculpt is called "Mabel." The eyes might be crobi though, I've had them so long that I don't remember.

>> No.16007475
File: 485 KB, 550x2438, 222(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something like the Volks High School Girl set with the hoodie or cardigan, if only it was for mdd.

Maybe something like this? http://www.tatabjd.com/en/goods.php?id=2941

The pics are on a DD but they they make it in MSD/MDD size as well. Unfortunately they're on some kind of long break right now, but the site claims they'll be back next month.

>> No.16008272

Man she is really great. As for her name. Well sometimes it's easy other times it's hard and other other times other people name her. but you will know it when you hear it.

>> No.16012985
File: 73 KB, 601x900, CvbX-5yUAAEq4jg.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neglected thread, post tiddy.

>> No.16014492

Hay I know this thread can be grumpy and slow at times. But seeing as I have been spending a lot of time in the 30k and 40k generals I have to say this.

You people are kinda great here... also I still have not opened Snow Miku.

>> No.16014568

post pics when yo do

>> No.16015366
File: 993 KB, 533x797, Untitledghghgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, at least you're brave enough to post pictures of your girl, even at a stage where you're not satisfied with it. I take pictures and set up elaborate photo sessions, even got/made some props and a whole room for mine but those pictures will never see the light of day since I'm 1000% shy and insecure about everything and only see the imperfections.
So as you can see I might be giving somewhat good advice, but fail at taking it myself.

Same goes for sticking to one doll for (at least) a while. I started off with DDdy Miko but (as polar opposite to you) was a bit stunted by the enormous size all-round. So I immediately turned to MDD and the snowball kept rolling until I ended up with 7 DDs and 3 floating heads within 7 months. I was lucky to be able to hunt them down for super cheap though. Haven't spent more than 300 USD on a single doll. Mirai being the most expensive, some even under 200USD (and in practically unused condition). Sad part is, I don't even have names for most of them either...
Then there was an unfortunate series of clothing articles which were really disappointing and didn't fit together or on the dolls at all. Now I'm mostly sticking to (Volks) sets that specifically state that they're made for the size I need.

So yeah, you're likely to go through some bad downs along the ups. But it's all worth it once you experience the feeling of everything, from outfit to wig, coming together in tasteful harmony and you know you've done the character justice. I've also found it's way more fun when you dress them weather appropriate. I find it super hard looking at one of them in a summer dress if it's around 8°C outside.

>> No.16015400
File: 51 KB, 570x440, il_570xN.552046575_5utf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there aren't that many different posters to accumulate a lot of hate that usually circulates around here. It's also great that it offers enough freedom to make blog-length posts and get into detail etc.
You should join us more often. Share your hopes and aspirations for Snow Miku

No price is too high for an adorable MDD. Definitely post pictures once you get her. Or if you have more from the previous owner.

>> No.16015415

The /jp/ threads may be slower but at least it's not like the /toy/ thread where there's lots of bitching and internet drama. Both have their purposes and if you want to see something about the BJD community at large (again, usually drama) they're an okay source for that. Here the outer community discussion usually veers towards the Japanese doll enthusiasts who, from what I've seen on twitter, aren't as prone to drama.

>> No.16015454

>Well, at least you're brave enough to post pictures of your girl, even at a stage where you're not satisfied with it. I take pictures and set up elaborate photo sessions, even got/made some props and a whole room for mine but those pictures will never see the light of day since I'm 1000% shy and insecure about everything and only see the imperfections.

You need to stop thinking like that. And people should really drop the mentality that unless it's perfect, it's shit. Don't be afraid of feedback, people will be dicks but people can also be constructive. Learn to filter out the negative and learn to take criticism.

>> No.16015718

Wow that puts us in an almost tie with my 9 girls and your possible 10 if the heads get body's. I am definitely have to make sure my girls a named even if food is a dumb nameing pattern.
I am also eager to post my girls I am just too happy with them but i have few perfect pics.
Also I also have so much clothes but man makeing matching outfits is hard more so when I get emotionally attached to certain clothes like Cherrys pink hoodie. Now that winters coming hoodies makes more sense.

I really need to pull her out and let her become whatever she will become be it Snow Miku or Blueberry but her staying in a box helps no one.

/toy/ is just so detached from what like. Be it the other doll types and brands or the endless recast debates. It just has so little content for me. Here on the other side is just all interesting content despite the slow speed.


I think I need to take that one image with the heart hands i have wanted to do, get some Halloween images done with Cookie as this is the time of year for her grumpy lil witch self. And get Snow Miku out and dressed.

>> No.16016087

>all interesting content despite the slow speed.
It's better this way. "Comfy" is how I'd describe it.

>> No.16016310


oh god, i've only kept up with /jp/ doll thread until recently and decided to check on how /toy/'s was.
nothing but incessant skanks with sticks up their vaginas finding everything little thing to bitch about. i cosplay, and it was like /cgl/ all over again for the short time i visited it. glad to be back here despite how slow it is.

>> No.16016553

not them but I got discouraged from posting pictures because I only got feedback from fashion-kun.

>> No.16016579

Amen. It's kinda sad how quickly communities go to shit when dominated by anonymous females.

>> No.16016700

Don't let that discourage you. people come and go but most are just curious. Even though you're pleasing noone but yourself it's still good to share.

>> No.16016882

I love everyone's girls there all cute!

>> No.16017424
File: 121 KB, 668x1000, DSC_5194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I hate that the /toy/ thread so often just gets used as a dumping ground for DoA drama or whatever. It's as bad as /cgl/ and lolitas.

Unlike >>16015718 I'm a resinfag so their thread has more dolls that are up my alley, but I was on /jp/ long before I got into dolls and the anons in this thread have way more in common with me.

>> No.16017541
File: 384 KB, 1184x1776, tumblr_oflai81mJ01skl0jgo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to know I'm not the only one who found /toy/'s thread grating and intolerable.


We should make an effort to change the /toy/=resin /jp/=vinyl status quo and you can do that by posting more resin around here.

I kind of wish OL-chan's owner would show up here, then I'd have no reason to ever go back to /toy/ besides occasionally ctrl+f'ing my name to see if I've caused any butthurt.

>> No.16018018

I'm a weeb gaylord so I fit in here more than the /toy/ thread, but this is actually the only thread I come to /jp/ for.

>I kind of wish OL-chan's owner would show up here
I thought they do post here sometimes, just not with OL pics. I might've confused them with somebody else, though.

>> No.16018205
File: 1.33 MB, 1629x3000, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got new dress today

>> No.16018236
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>> No.16018246


Is that a DDdy?

>> No.16018257

Smart Doll with extra large tats

>> No.16018474
File: 430 KB, 1000x1150, IMG_3548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute pattern. Suits the fall palette and I always appreciate that. Goes well with her hair and compliments her eyes. Well done on the lightning as well, looks like a soft sunset.
While the bust could be a tad smaller for this type of dress, in this case I don't even mind that it's prominent like that. The nip nops peeking through made gave me a hearty chuckle.
8.5/10 - better than most bribed game reviews.

>> No.16018671
File: 249 KB, 640x480, 7e739bbb4b8da4077fcfa9d5c079e958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, this hobby is (supposed to be) a retreat from expectations and stress for me. I have no problem with critique in most aspects of life. I used to be an active artist online with ~ 10k followers and after a while the pressure of satisfying that many wishes and making everybody happy (caused by before mentioned insecurity) killed every bit of joy I got out of drawing. And I guess I'm unreasonably afraid that once I start sharing, it might make me revert to this pattern, just on a way smaller scale. I need to get over myself, I know. But It's still a prominent fear.

While I agree that we have a more chill and friendly approach to the hobby here, we should try to steer clear of all unnecessary insults as that's just a recipe for conflict which doesn't make us look much better. Lets rather focus on our strengths than others weaknesses, let them do their own thing. Peace, love etc.

I've only recently decided to participate in threads instead of just lurkin', I hope you give it another shot sometime.

>> No.16018811
File: 217 KB, 933x1400, p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, defo 10 in the future... there's the DDP body, then a tan one once they're out. Also still waiting on DDS boy body. Then if they, god forbid, release the new inner frame for all sizes... this hell ride just started.
It's a bit frustrating, you can pose and dress them all you want... but to capture that properly, framing and light setup is of highest importance. My mom's a professional photographer, the way she does it makes it look effortless but there's a science behind it, tons of experience/practice as well as theoretical knowledge.
I feel guilty about the nameless ones. One of my MDDs is Maron, another is Maou (super creative, huh?). The DDS is Bunny and that's it. At least you have a theme, I find that adorable.

Miku is patient. If you're not ready to take her out, don't force it. Waiting for the right moment is better than doing something against your own will. I think Blueberry sounds cute, but the fruit's color is maybe a bit intense for Snow Miku's palette. how about Blue Moon? As in ice cream? That may be close in tone and it's still food related.

Aw yes, Halloween photoshoot! Definitely share that if you get around to it!
I wanted so badly to buy some new neato decorations for that purpose. I've already constructed a whole set in my mind but then I remembered that I can't clog up my storage even further.

>> No.16018847

>the pressure of making everybody happy killed every bit of joy

Stop thinking that since you're on the receiving end of comments you're required to comply.

>> No.16019388

I have the one Resin head and I won't lie I can't get behind a Resin body I love vinyl a lot. Still I am glad you are happy to each there own for sure. No reason there is not enough room for both types in the world.

I keep checking out on Choo's stuff and then I see this and I am like. Maybe they are pretty cool after all. Not the biggest fan of the bust size but to each there own. I think she is looking sharp.

This is some weapons grade cute right here.

Also I have seen artists go from I draw what I enjoy to I draw what gets me page views and the art suffers often. If are creative do what makes you happy first I think and when that shines others will like it too.

If the DDP is very Obitsu 50 I will replace Cookies body with that and sell the Obitsu 50 at a huge discount because the neck has been permanently modified for use with DD heads. Pumpkin will keep the other Obitsu 50 body because it mounts a Resin head so easily.

As for Miku I just don't know I should just bury her in the closet. That what I did with Cookies when she was a loose head also I had much hate for her also. Now she is my beloved Grumpy Witch and I love her lots. She will be photographed soon!

>> No.16019451

>I keep checking out on Choo's stuff and then I see this and I am like. Maybe they are pretty cool after all.
It's still the same old crappy sculpt. You have one to look at in person, so you know it's not that great.

>> No.16019498
File: 887 KB, 2036x3264, IMG_4227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh with the right angle or in my case with glasses it adds much needed depth and yes it's a cheat and yes when the glasses are off I am struck by how flat her face looks. And yes i can't see my self ever buying another one but still a Choo doll can shine in the right hands.

>> No.16019539

>but still a Choo doll can shine in the right hands.
Of course, somebody who's good at doll photography can make a nice photo of a chooslut. Doesn't mean the doll itself deserves praise from you.

>> No.16019564

But I love her so I must praise. And >>16018205
Also looks good so more praise must come! All praise and head pats!

>> No.16019573

try to be consistent

>> No.16019601

Hah have you not seen how I dress my food stuffs! Consistency is not possible!

>> No.16019840

>I am struck by how flat her face looks
This is what I can't get over. Having owned stock and custom DD heads, Smartdoll just looks so ... plastic.

>> No.16019906

I don't suppose anyone can tell me where to get this small birb? (sorry, this is not quite on topic)

>> No.16019965
File: 30 KB, 350x350, 746487[5].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know about that birb specifically, but I think you could find similar 1/12 scale ones meant for miniature displays and such. They don't seem to be as smooth, though.

>> No.16020881
File: 96 KB, 668x1000, DSC_5161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can definitely see why people would prefer vinyl. They're light, the joints tend to be less obvious, and they're much better at holding most poses than resin bodies, especially since you can use flexible stands.

On the other hand, I like that resin dolls pose more naturally, even if they need help to stay that way, and the well designed ones can stand unsupported much better than vinyl can. There's also waaaaay more selection in resin bodies.

More than anything, though, it's the less tangible stuff that gets me. The weight and feel of resin just feel more worth their cost than vinyl does, and I really like the individuality and exclusivity of resin dolls - even the rarest DDs were made in the dozens or hundreds, while my Volks SD is one of about half a dozen in the world and almost certainly the only one in North America. (IIRC Volks USA said she was the only one they ever got.) It feels pretty cool owning something this special.

>> No.16020909
File: 500 KB, 691x922, 1452658169534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I can definitely see why people would prefer vinyl.
>the joints tend to be less obvious
I don't understand.

>> No.16020966
File: 652 KB, 868x1000, DSCF2052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

String holes and joints that separate/expand when bent.

>> No.16020987

But why would you want the joints to be less obvious? They're a charm point.

>> No.16021083

I don't mind them myself, but a lot of people do, especially DD owners from what I've seen.

Also, there's a more practical function to DD joints, clothes get stuck in BJD joints all the time. Several of my resin girls can't wear pantsu because they get stuck in the thigh joints and prevent the doll from sitting upright or locking into the standing position.

>> No.16021233
File: 348 KB, 1440x2160, DSCF4450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they all that exclusive though? I have a SD16 Ryo (no, not OL-chan) but I have no idea how many were actually made. I do agree that resin dolls have more tangibility but I still prefer the anime cuteness of DDs.

>> No.16021253

It's nice to see a bit more activity in the thread. As soon as Freya sends my girl over I'll be posting some photos of her as well. I don't have a body for her yet but she can borrow Sasara's for now. Who's actually been kind of neglected as of late...

>> No.16021348

How hard would it be to make inset eyes?

>> No.16021360

Some are, some aren't. Volks lottery dolls tend to be made in decent numbers, at least a couple hundred, and often don't sell out. Pre-order dolls, on the other hand, can run the gamut - some are made in huge numbers (especially DDs or other character dolls) but some only get a few orders, like my special edition Yori. Obviously there's also FCS, which in theory lets you have an absolutely one of a kind in the world doll if you want, too.

Outside of Volks it's a mixed bag, but most of the higher end companies make dolls to order, so they can be pretty limited too. A given sculpt from Iplehouse or Fairyland or whoever might only have a few takers since they're so expensive, and then it gets broken down even more by all the options some of these companies offer. (Iple for example offers several skin colors and several faceups for every sculpt, and then limited/pre-order versions that come with unique faceups and costumes on top of that.)

>> No.16021642

I do really like some of the Iple sculpts but my main concern is that I'd have to invest in a new wardrobe. Most SD16 outfits will also fit (albeit a bit loosely sometimes) DDL/DDdy which makes it much easier for me. Maybe I'll just look into getting a new SD16 instead next time they're available through FCS.

>> No.16021680
File: 123 KB, 665x1000, 6777656155_98b213a718_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the Iples are really nice, but damn are they huge, and heavy too. The girl I used to live with had a couple of their guys, pic related. I think the girl on the right is about SD16 size for comparison. There's waaaaay less clothing selection out there in general for them, too.

I'd love an SD16 myself. Never seem to have the cash on hand when one I really like comes up, though, and that happens pretty rarely because I only like 10% or so of Volks' sculpts.

>> No.16021731

For most intents and purposes your doll is as anime as it's head and face-up. You could go full resin body with a DD or anime-ish Obitsu and you'd have the same effect.

Also resin or vinyl has a lot of
to it. Some people prefer the softer bodies of Vinyl and the way it feels to touch. Others might prefer the heft of resin, but it's much less like skin and more like plastic, though the skinlike qualities of vinyl are likewise debatable.

>> No.16021781

Ugh, that Chloe.

>I only like 10% or so of Volks' sculpts.
I'm with you on that when it comes to their resin girls. Maybe they would look better with a new faceup but I have a really hard time imagining how they would look before seeing the final result and I'm not about to fork out that much without being absolutely sure I'd love it.
DDs have a different problem with many of them looking too similar.

>You could go full resin body with a DD or anime-ish Obitsu
You could but I imagine getting a good color match would be quite hard?

>> No.16021824

Yeah, faceups make a HUGE difference. Compare my special edition Yori in >>16020881 to a default one and it's like a totally different doll.

(On a side note, I just discovered that there's actually another like mine in the country. Not sure how the owner got her, though, since Volks USA said mine was the only one to come through them.)

Also, Volks's photos are total steaming garbage when it comes to representing dolls accurately. I never ever would have bought an SD had I not seen them in person at the old LA store and gradually got a feel for what the dolls in their photos would actually look like in real life.

>> No.16022194
File: 1.17 MB, 2305x3678, IMG_5464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah Resin is cool and I appreciate what makes it different. And the rarity factor is interesting. It took me forever to track down buy and get a faceup for Pumpkin and that also drove me away from the life of resin.

I like those glasses and that wig. How striking!

Here is Pumpkin with a box of tasty Timbits! Also is the image a bit dark? Yah I will be buying new lights for it.

>> No.16022219
File: 1.19 MB, 2218x3795, IMG_5465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why. I got the multi coloured leds because of the ir controller and because colour change could be fun. Problem is I NEVER use the different colours and the three coloured leds produce the "white" and what they use for the blue LED is far to reactive to everything. Faceups and eyes glow. Squid girl trade figures glow orange. And my half my Miku Figma glows green.

The lights have to go so I am in the market for new lights. Any ideas? What do you guys use? Inquiring minds want to know!!

>> No.16022302

Cute, what sculpt?

The lights are for photography, right? What kind of budget are you looking at, and what camera are you using? I might be able to make some suggestions.

>> No.16022323

I"m pretty sure its a gachapon or Rement or something of the sort. Looks really familiar.

>> No.16022360

It's a SQLab Navi. As for the lights not super really more just for cabinet lighting. As for the camera it's a iPhone 7+ I mean I own a 70D and hay light is not a problem when I use that but hay you know how it is. Lazy and all.

>> No.16022411

>that luigi

>> No.16022809


Where did you get those clothes from? Were they tailored for that body or did you find something else that fits?

>> No.16023116


It's weird because I own several Volks resins and other resins, several FL. I've never thought that resin felt more exclusive. I mean special edition Yori is still a Yori. Even FCS has a finite amount of options, eventually someone will have ordered the same doll.... Of course I have been to Volks stores in 3 different countries, probably close to 10 stores in all and I have seen lots of duplicates and people with the same doll. Even my limited ones. DDs are different, you can't just buy or FCS one, you have to win the lottery and the aftermarket resale on them is WAY higher so they feel more 'exclusive' to me, anyway.

I also prefer the substance of the new-gen DD bodies to resin. I love being able to pick up my DDs by the torso and they hold position, like they're really solid. They don't flop or buck or kick. That said my resin to vinyl ratio right now is 8:4... I think.

>> No.16023205
File: 115 KB, 1024x683, hongkongi0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16023342

This is cute.

This is terrifying.

>> No.16023480

It's the Volks Magical Happy Skirt Dress that released this past Nov. still instock even on the Volks JP site. I think another anon has the same outfit on a MDD.

Indeed I was quite shocked when I turned on the lights.

>> No.16023648

>timbit box
truly a canuck

>> No.16024265
File: 69 KB, 538x600, 4cd217e58126a6406e77dabed8ab783e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may not be the same, but pic related is gashapon Parakeet.

>> No.16024271
File: 38 KB, 564x533, 5dc979416a16f3e546e73567b3f5f842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these ones are Kitan Club Sparrow gashapon

>> No.16024420

Does Volks JP regularly restock the heads? They're out of DDH-06 heads and it just says "out of stock" rather than the "to be restocked" I've seen on other items.

>> No.16024831

thank you friends

>> No.16025077
File: 41 KB, 450x673, F8YYEvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's any reason for you to be worried, they will definitely restock sooner or later. No recent news of any heads going out of production. It just may take some more time than usual since they kinda got their hands full keeping up with the dozens of new announcements.

>> No.16025148
File: 554 KB, 650x930, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind some resin in here to mix things up, as long as we keep the drama part at the door.
Can't contribute much though, my 3 resins are Luts Kid (Zuzu) Delfs (one is pic related) and one yoSD can't remember where from, and I haven't done anything with them in almost a year.

>> No.16025648

I think Volks USA had it in-stock when I checked like a day ago. Could be mistaken. I also believe I found a 06 on suruga-ya if that's to your bag.

I might have cleaned out a lot of their obitsu heads though.

>> No.16025736

Has a anyone heard from the dude that ordered the Tan DD head that we established was a photoshop of a head.

>> No.16025777

>you can't just buy or FCS one
They sell bodies and blank heads, it's a lot like FCS really

>> No.16025782

Yeah, you've got a solid point about the resale value of DDs and stuff, and there's something to be said for their one-time-only nature. The most desirable and valuable doll in my collection is probably a DD, too. (Beato.)

I still just can't get as excited about DDs as I do about BJDs, though. It's funny, I started with DDs and hated resin at first, thought they were creepy dolls for weird fujos, but eventually I totally flipped around to that side.

One thing I can say that might make sense to some people - when I order a DD or "Production" SD from Volks, pre-order or lottery, it gets made as part of a huge batch of dolls, hundreds or thousands of them, all anonymous and identical. It gets shipped to Volks USA in a whole crate with dozens of others just like it, and doesn't become mine until they slap the label on the shipping box. On the other hand, with an FCS doll or especially a doll from pretty much any other high-end company, that exact individual doll is mine from the moment they start pouring the resin. There's something cool about that.

One other major thing that I think skews me, too - I'm scared of DDs. Not creeped out or anything like that, it's just that every time I consider doing anything with them, I have to be scared that an outfit will stain and ruin them, that a spec of dust will land on them and never come out, that I'll crack a joint and have to replace it, or that heat and UV will damage it. Everything is a struggle with them, too, changing eyes or clothes requires popping things apart that always seem to require a scary amount of force. It's made even worse by the knowledge that the fragile thing I'm so scared of ruining might be worth $2000 or more, too. I'm afraid to take my DDs out of their bags unless I've got a spotless white cloth to put them down on, and scrub my hands like a surgeon before touching them.

On the other hand, I feel pretty safe with my BJDs. I know that if they get a stain, I can get it out with minimal trouble. I can pop their headcap right off to work on eyes, hands and feet are a simple twist. They're so flexible that I can dress them without worrying about torquing a joint the wrong way and snapping it. I'm not scared to let them sit on my desk all the time, and I can handle them with normally clean hands instead of surgically sterile ones. That makes them much more rewarding to own.

>> No.16025950

Oh man, I'm rambling way to long and ran out of space.

The last thing that does it for me, I think, is that DDs are pretty much all sculpted by the same thing and adhere to a common style. There are only two 60cm bodies, a few smaller options, and no larger ones. They pretty much all run the same eyes and wigs. That's not to say their sculpts are bad - I still get a bit of a flutter in my chest every time I see how damn cute my DDs are - but they're all a little bit too similar. I think the market agrees too, and that's why the few DDs that break from the pattern, like Sasara with her little round mouth, Tamaki with the cat smile, Kanu with her tan skin, are so insanely valuable.

BJDs, because they come from so many different companies and sources, are naturally much more varied. There are dozens of different designers and companies, making dolls in all different sizes and price ranges, and they're not bound to the same rules as Volks. That makes them interesting, and sometimes they even innovate in ways that blow Volks out of the water - look at Fairyland's bodies, for example, which are a radical technical tour de force compared to an SD.

I doubt many people here also collect knives, but if anybody gets this analogy, Volks is Benchmade and DDs are the Griptilian line. Excellent products, but there's so much more out there to collect and discover.

>> No.16026033

>I'm afraid to take my DDs out of their bags unless I've got a spotless white cloth to put them down on, and scrub my hands like a surgeon before touching them.
I've heard this from other people too and I get where it's coming from but the way I feel is that unless I'm handling the head then I'm not too worried, everything else can be fairly easily treated (even thought it might take some time) or even replaced if it comes to that. I've never stained a DD with color transfer from my hands but I have heard the stories and my girls are always hanging around in the house somewhere, I've even had one of them wear a nearly all black outfit for a month with just minor staining as a result, the upside of seeing them every day when I get back from work vastly outweighs the downside of having to stain treat them once in a blue moon.

I do want to get a few more resin girls but I also want to get custom faceups for some of my current DDs, I should probably finish what I've started before taking on more.

>> No.16028365

>posts usually last 20 days
>almost 200 posts in 10 days

Why the sudden growth in activity? Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.16028769

The /toy/ thread's been way slower than usual at the same time, I think everybody's over here.

>> No.16028897

I started seriously considering getting a doll and my new posts in the thread sparked all this discussion. You're welcome.

>> No.16029174

I've been coming in here on and off for a few months, but after saving money I'm only finally getting around to getting important things like a head and eyes where I had a body before.

I actually bought like 5 heads for paint practice/experimentation. For me a doll is just as much about DIY and customization as it is about ownership and photography if not more so.

>> No.16030856
File: 376 KB, 424x1000, miku-and-her-prey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost Halloween. Are you expecting tricks or treats?

>> No.16030969
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kohaku is dressed as worst girl for Halloween until I finish painting Reimu.

>> No.16032032

Ahhhhh there so cute!!

>> No.16032097

>payment for 'services'

>> No.16033819

How to stop giving shit what somebody thinks?
I feel like if I was to pick up a hobby like this I would always feel like I'm being judged, which makes me unable to enjoy many things..

>> No.16033905
File: 404 KB, 2048x1365, 28066061366_0f8e67eac9_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a CBT trick I use is to treat shit flung in your direction like pop-up adds, If someone says something nasty, tell yourself "this is useless information" and/or imagine yourself closing an add with their words in it.
Now actually accepting yourself and nurturing confidence is a different deal and isn't so simple. I wish I'd solidify the "ayy life is but a dream" mindset completely but urges to be """""normal""""" are still too strong.

>> No.16034169

this is p good advice, also hnng I've been trying to get rid of all my MSD-sized stuff since I only have SD-sized dolls now but DDP body has potential and you guys keep posting the cutest cutest MDDs, I semi want one

>> No.16034458

Very cute. Can you post more of her in that outfit? I was considering buying it.

>> No.16034518

MDDs make the cutest daughterus and I am biased towards them because I like smaller dolls, Volks needs to hurry up and release DDP ;_;
sorry, that's someone else's from flickr, I wish my photos were this good

>> No.16034587
File: 85 KB, 693x1039, Cvqe4xzXYAAGLXW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well your goal is self confidence. Knowing that what you're doing is just fine and it's the others who are at fault for judging you.

That is only so long as you don't go out of your way to be obnoxious such as wearing your fursuit to do your grocery shopping, etc, though. Then you'll be judged no matter what (and rightfully so).

So keep your hobby amongst yourself and like-minded people who share your enthusiasm. Finding and keeping relevant company is important... you're never going to be friends with football players if you're playing with dolls, so keep that in mind. For example my three best friends are a brony, a LoL addict and a furry and then all four of us are anime weebs on top of that. We're all weirdos. But we all share and enjoy our weirdness together and it helps all of us be more confident in ourselves.

>> No.16034848

I've been posting a lot more than usual too. I'd kind of been neglecting my dolls for a while and just got enthusiastic about the hobby again.

I'm the same way and I just keep it low key. Only a few friends know about my dolls, and I keep mine packed up when I know people are coming over or whatever.

>> No.16034997
File: 145 KB, 1200x900, 20161022_090618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>packing them up when people come over

Bro you're doing it wrong. The dolls should be the gate keepers. Have them at the front door and if whoever comes in doesn't like them you can safely disregard that person immediately as they are of no value to you.

>> No.16035429

I did for a while but I got sick of too many questions and weird reactions, and sometimes people from work invite themselves over.

I have other reasons too, though. Not much display space, I live in an earthquake-prone area, my room is always dusty because it opens right out into a yard, and I share a house with smokers.

>> No.16035631

I see I am not the only one with framed art of there girls on the wall.

Fuck em. My girls are loud and proud!

>> No.16035694
File: 20 KB, 289x758, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have quite a bit of art of my characters. Mostly porn/nudes though. I cannot draw myself, I have an enabler that I pay to make it for me.

>sharing a house with smokers

Jesus fuck okay you are right I would be keeping my shit in a hermetically sealed container if that were the case. Tobacco smells make me physically ill and smokers always smell so bad themselves regardless of how many minutes it's been since their last one.

>> No.16037402
File: 354 KB, 933x1400, 1355789386906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link to uncensored please

>> No.16037451
File: 57 KB, 600x800, Cq3eJLmUIAAmiNa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just scored a cheap DDS boy body! I'm so glad I didn't have to waste all that money on Len full set to get it. On man, I can breath easy. I'm also waiting on a DDH-07 with more masculine face-up atm. Now I have to wait and hope it'll fit together alright.

>> No.16037911

Different coloured skin tones. That mostly fit with the DD types. The market wouldn't be huge but you'd be able to sell them for more. I'd Imagine it'd be a good place to start before producing your own full doll.

>> No.16038239
File: 805 KB, 2048x1365, 29983020701_bf4809af8f_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I mean it's nice that the first thing a lot of people are doing to him is making him a girl but it's also nice to see that tasty boychest on display sometimes.


There's nothing really impressive under that anime tiddy label. Hime is not the most gifted in that department.

>> No.16038252
File: 261 KB, 524x587, 86757645edgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There's nothing really impressive under that anime tiddy label.

I don't care. I still want the uncensored version. Link please

>> No.16038296

>make him a girl
Really? What's the point? Do they just want the limited head? He's practically designed for lewd crossdressing.

Or maybe just keeping dressed as Len, but why would you do that?

>> No.16038841



Here's all my characters including Makoto who don't real yet. Waiting on Parabox to release their 40cm boy body and then he'll be a goer.


I, surprisingly, have seen no "Len crossdressing" since his release. Plenty of cases where his head has been used on a girl body, but no cases of a boy crossdressing, which is rather disappointing.

All the SS-bust clothing made for Miku would fit him perfectly, so it is strange that I've not seen any yet. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.

Does anyone here own a Len of their own? I've been browsing Flickr for my boychest needs up to this point, would be nice if one of you guys could quench my(our) thirst for a crossdressing Len.

>> No.16038993


>Here's all my characters

So you drew these? Pretty good really. I like the girl with the teddy bear best. You have anymore of her?

>> No.16039063
File: 153 KB, 851x1200, 20160227_1907542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you drew these?

No. I have a supplier.


>> No.16039362

Where's all these Len on girl bodies? someone in the last thread mentioned wanting to put his head on a DDdy and that's just what I wanna see, where's it at

>> No.16039487

When that boy body becomes a thing you should totally take pics of both red/green eyed characters switching clothes. It'd be cute.

>> No.16040061 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 470x754, 1477805923676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm currently looking for matching MSD-sized boys and girls clothing. School uniforms and such. It's good fun. But I have so much more planned. The boy is the youngest of five, all girls except him. And the oldest has a thirst.

>> No.16040140
File: 81 KB, 500x670, tumblr_odwkvp3DQb1rug8beo5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one, not DDdy but it's the best one I've seen so far.

>> No.16040382

As great as this is, I can't help but feel the heavy eyeshadow and mascara look would be suited for the guy-trying-to-pass-as-a-girl vibe. Realistically though, all the DD heads seem pretty androgynous (so long as your definition of androgynous is "Dude (looks like a lady)" and not "It's Pat" from Saturday Night Live).

>> No.16040523 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, this is so right up my ally.
I'm excited anon. Like some /ss/ shit right?
Are you a grill?

>> No.16040534
File: 165 KB, 400x600, 20110517045128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for that link. That set seems pretty nice. The only thing I am not sold on is the tie, but I think I can easily find something a little simpler to replace it with. What color option do you think would match her best?

I also found http://www.bluefairyint.com/shop/step1.php?number=712 and http://www.bluefairyint.com/shop/step1.php?number=974

They seem like they will fit fine. I like the navy/gray colors in the last option, but I also like the comfy long sleeve clothes in the first link and in http://www.tatabjd.com/en/goods.php?id=2941..

What do you prefer or think would match her best? I'm still not sure I should be totally pushing toward a uniform style instead of something cuter, but what comes in these sets does not seem like a bad deal. Feedback from anyone is very appreciated.

You should try to throw caution into the wind and post some of your pictures anon. It sounds like you put a lot of hard work and effort into them, and I bet they are really nice.

>> No.16040945 [DELETED] 
File: 920 KB, 2326x3000, page1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on I have 4 pages of comic...stuff.
With Cookie! Maple! Cherry! Strawberry! Waffles! and Snow Miku's spirit in a skellyman!

>> No.16040950 [DELETED] 
File: 721 KB, 2326x3000, page2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there is no Text because i am attempting more visual storytelling.

>> No.16040955 [DELETED] 
File: 744 KB, 2326x3000, page3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite page and i had the most fun with it.

>> No.16040956 [DELETED] 
File: 814 KB, 2326x3000, page4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats all i hope it came out ok. Now i will be spending some time working on my new 30k army!

>> No.16040961 [DELETED] 

Also see i forgot to crop a part. well fuck

>> No.16040983
File: 920 KB, 2326x3000, page1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I have taken my Halloween photos and I? have made a comic. It has Cookie, Maple, Cherry, Strawberry, Waffles, and Snow Miku's Ghost given form!!!

>> No.16040988
File: 721 KB, 2326x3000, page2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no text I am trying a more visual storytelling kinda thing.

>> No.16040992
File: 733 KB, 2326x3000, page3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite page both in how it looks and making it!

>> No.16040993
File: 814 KB, 2326x3000, page4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is it. I hope it came out good.

>> No.16041520

404 light not found

>> No.16041551

It's um... mood lighting! Yes very spooky

>> No.16041642

>Putting up the Christmas tree before the day after thanksgiving
This is why the Christmas season gets so fucking long.

>> No.16043095

I understand everything but the last panel. Why is the skeleton humping the tree?

Also, props for all that work.

maybe apply a little lightroom?

>> No.16043312
File: 696 KB, 1366x2048, 29618572410_5da52508cd_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not the person you're talking to but thanks for linking this, I've been looking for matching boys and girls uniforms. I just need to find the sizes of the bodies of the models used there to make sure they'll fit mine.


>> No.16043559
File: 240 KB, 480x640, 2dabac89fb093338aff3f1e091652d29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really sweet. When she just walked by with the huge murder knife, I got worried the revenge would end with a body count.
Hope you make more soon, I'd love to see more adventures!

I really like Blue Fairy stuff, it looks so serene and soft....
Here are a few suggestions for Volks sets, If you're up for the long hunt.
- Personally, I find this one really adorable. Maybe because it's fall rn and I just automatically gravitate toward the season appropriate look:
(There was one on Mandy, so if you like it, you could track the term オータムセーラーワンピースセット https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1031788107))
- Here's another cute one:
(For tracking/search ガーリーチェックワンピセット・ミニ https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1048674288))
- And here's a classic:
(紺ブレザー制服セット https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1047425053))

Will try to get my head shit together and post some pics, don't feel like showing older stuff, so I'll try to take some new ones.

There have been awful few decent Len pics overall. I tried my best moon roon to find some side to side comparison with the DDS girl body and came up with nothing, but maybe I looked in the wrong places. Pic related is one of the few actual xdress pictures... or him wearing anything other than the default set.

>> No.16043594
File: 361 KB, 1024x576, 20161029230825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, right after posting this I actually found a semi useful comparison.

>> No.16043598
File: 337 KB, 1024x576, 20161029232726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16043606
File: 667 KB, 1639x2048, 30006898982_d0dcb0c3bf_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that really a Len head? It just looks so utterly disappointing without those gorgeous blue eyes he comes with. Those the best parts of both his and his sisters fullsets and most of the reason why I want the two so badly despite the scaler prices.

>> No.16043609
File: 96 KB, 800x1200, 1342356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one

>> No.16043624
File: 212 KB, 1200x952, a2601bcdgw1f79raxzzvnj20xc0qg444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, those eyes are for the regular resin BJD style. They manage to ruin the best DD face-ups out there, let alone a default Volks one... and the color isn't flattering either.
I was hoping they'd make a more boyish Len head, not AS easily to turn into a girl, but oh well.

>> No.16043660


Is it just the light playing tricks or did Volks put a little tic tac down there for him? Such a shame that he still looks like a eunuch. Would have liked to see an impressive package to stuff into some cute panties, such as in >>16043624

Someone 3D-print a sock for him to stuff in his jocks I feel so sorry for him looking like that.

>> No.16044249

Thanks everyone. I well have to fix lighting probably get more props and work on getting the storytelling. I feel it falls apart a little in the end there.

He is a very floppy skeleton. He is supposed to be generally fucking it up.

I originally was going to have the skeleton fuckin up the tree and Maple and Cherry. Then I was going to have them cowering in fear. Then I just cut them because the image got too cluttered.

>> No.16044359

What's the thiccest doll you have seen? post pics if you have any

>> No.16044369


>> No.16045659
File: 128 KB, 540x720, tumblr_ofw7r5UYj11vc0jzco3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr's blocking system is weird. If someone's blocked you, you can still access their blog and browse and download images. You just can't reblog or like a post or follow the page. It also doesn't tell you you've been blocked, it makes up non-aggressive wishy-washy excuses for it not doing those things. Which is so typically tumblr that it is painful to watch. Even the blocking system, which is meant to protect users, has had so many teeth pulled out of it by the chronically offended that it has been rendered utterly ineffective.

But I can still steal photos so that's exactly what I'll do.

>> No.16045661
File: 333 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ofw7r5UYj11vc0jzco4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16045666
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>> No.16045670
File: 384 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ofw7r5UYj11vc0jzco2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also: These two are fucking adorable.

>> No.16045774


They are looking quite cute indeed.

>> No.16045824
File: 393 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_oe0esbhQ4i1vc0jzco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post cannot be reblogged

>> No.16046459

Awww she has all the candy!

>> No.16047122
File: 165 KB, 500x750, 2557647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween!

>> No.16048452
File: 314 KB, 1280x1440, CwG0VKnUAAAKZ-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to not be so self conscious about your hobbies. https://twitter.com/IoryHamon/status/793113383910281216

>> No.16048545
File: 164 KB, 1199x743, CsNdJBBVIAAxnps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16048551
File: 148 KB, 1199x743, CsNdJAzUEAAWACd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16048683
File: 806 KB, 1536x2048, 1477959995901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That fat mole in the top right window has the most punchable face I've ever seen.

Fat people have no right to any opinion on other's lives whatsoever.

>> No.16048771

Of course they showcase the worst part of the hobby to the japanese normies.

>> No.16048842

gotta go for that shock value, which footage of people taking pictures of their dolls and going to exhibitions and shit won't provide

>> No.16048938
File: 1.22 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh that's TV. Got to get them views.

Older unrelated image to get more girls posted in the thread.

>> No.16049049
File: 236 KB, 1051x1500, come to think of it, can the sandle strap even go between the toes?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he saying, though?

>> No.16049875
File: 26 KB, 700x439, 125151636136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So umm, absolute newfag to this, interested in perhaps buying some dolls like these.

Where can i purchase one? And how big are these dolls, like, Barbie doll size or? Also are they pricy? Cause i dont live in the states so im probably gonna get murdered on the shipping prices.

>> No.16049889

Very cute! Screw Christmas, Halloween should be every day of the year!

>> No.16049969

>That fat mole in the top right window has the most punchable face I've ever seen.
>Fat people have no right to any opinion on other's lives whatsoever.

and it's a transvestite.

>> No.16049978
File: 331 KB, 2048x1536, CwH0E5rUkAAPUEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you follow each other on twitter

I love this hobby.

>> No.16050004

How should I find doll owners to follow on twitter? I've never really used it before.

>> No.16050029

What scale is that doll?

>> No.16050078
File: 53 KB, 500x700, 13bf92fd432157cf4f3f3e4c01c2637d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to check the OP - tinyurl com dollfaq for info and links.
My compulsion to help overrides the don't-spoon-feed-rule.

To summarize:
Super expensive hobby (~300 - 1000 bucks), nothing for casuals. Most of the dolls you see here are big (1/3 scale - Dollfie Dream, Smart Doll, Azone). There are smaller, cheaper options (1/6 scale - Pure Neemo etc. ) which tend to be a gateway.
If you're daring/poor and want a hunt, try Mandarake, especially if you're from a country with rape customs/taxes.

Do extensive research and feel free to come back for further advice if you're still interested at that point.

>> No.16050087

I see, thanks.

Im not really interested in full sized dolls, something around Barbie size would suffice. For how much do those go generally? And is there any particular seller you would recommend?

>> No.16050088
File: 60 KB, 440x660, 6c9e570cgw1f6ajrcsy7jj20zk1hcajx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big enough to fill your hollow heart and the pointlessness of life.

>> No.16050107
File: 89 KB, 640x960, 10209969a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend Pure Neemo then. They're between 21 to 28 cm tall. Downside is that you can't change their hair and eyes.
You can pre-order the new sets from sites like amiami, hobbysearch etc.
Mandarake has older releases, both used and unopened at affordable prices.
Here are most releases (sort by release date, descending to see the new ones first):

>> No.16050133
File: 236 KB, 480x640, yurii1463732525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the cheapest, unused, new releases I could find:

>> No.16050141

Thanks again, will check it out.

>> No.16050163

Thanks, one more question id have is how long did you guys wait in general for these dolls to arrive?

>> No.16050258
File: 230 KB, 1046x700, y4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, depends on the shipping option. I always go for registered SAL because it's cheaper, has a tracking number and often gets overlooked by customs. Takes anywhere between two to four weeks.
EMS takes a week or so at most but it's usually more expensive and was so far always held up by customs.

>> No.16050286

>My compulsion to help overrides the don't-spoon-feed-rule.
may your dolls burn

>> No.16050311

Pardon the newness, but what is SAL?
I see it on a few dolls on Mandarake, i think im going to be buying from that site.

>> No.16050319

>may your dolls burn
Why go easy on him? Just wish stains on him.

>> No.16050327
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x684, CnKoWsLUEAAfbP_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surface Air Lifted.
During checkout you can select that option for most items, even if you don't see an estimate for all the shipping options in the description.

(For bigger/more expensive items Mandarake may automatically change to EMS or SAL postal parcel shipping because of size limits.)

>> No.16050338

I see, so you pay extra for SAL?
A set amount or based on the shopping cart content?

Think imma get myself 2 Pure Neemo dolls, still deciding on which one, so many choices...

>> No.16050363

we should just delete the faq
it's useless

>> No.16050366 [DELETED] 

Was going to suggest that myself.

>> No.16050408

or maybe you should tone down your rampaging autism and let another person who seems interested get informed

>> No.16050411
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Here's the full instruction on how to order from Mandarake:

Basically, make your order. Then you'll receive an order confirmation within 3 days which will contain the payment link as well as the shipping cost.
For two PureNeemo dolls the registered SAL shipping will be around 1200 YEN

I don't see why it's bad to help out when somebody's asking for politely enough and isn't an obvious troll. I thought we were supposed to be better than the /toy/ doll general in these matters.
Besides, there's nothing else interesting happening here at the moment and it gives me a chance to post pretty pictures.

>> No.16050420

Thanks for your patience anon, hoping to get them soon.

>> No.16050432

>or maybe you should tone down your rampaging autism
>on /jp/
yeah no

>get informed
the faqs supposed to do that but noooo, let's fucking ignore it

>> No.16050448

go eat some tendies, autismo

>> No.16050709

Someone asks for help. People help thread comes alive.
Your response "nooo stop shut up we have a FAQ"
What the hell do you want? A dead thread? Plus why would we want to shit on some new that might talk about and post new girls! If you are going to be a turd then fuck off.

>> No.16050756

no you fuck off
a thread that repeats the same questions asked and answered a million times every damn time might as well be dead

>> No.16050772
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I hope I'm not late with this, forgot to mention this important bit earlier. If you want combined shipping for more items, you should be careful the items are all form the same store (i.e. Complex, Nakano, Shibuya, etc.). I'm sure you already noticed they're listed separately in the shopping cart if they're from different shops, but just thought I should make sure you're aware of that.

Also, hope you post which ones you settled on or share pictures of them once you receive them. Ignore the fuss some people decided to make, we're usually a much friendlier bunch. I'll blame it on the post-Halloween crash.

>> No.16050834
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I'm a bit disappointed with this reaction. I mean, obviously you're free to get as upset about stuff as you like.
It might get tedious to read similar questions, but getting into any hobby, especially one as expensive as this, isn't always that easy and it's nice to have someone there to point you in the right direction. I know I'd have appreciated it back then, and would have actually dared to asked questions and joined discussions much sooner if it wasn't for ill-disposed responses such as these.

I also hope all of us find a way to be less aggressive towards each other someday.

>> No.16051021

Holy shit that lil witch is so cute!!!!!!!

This is cute too

But over all people here tend to lean a little more friendly I hope the new person sticks around maybe gets something to show us.

>> No.16051095

then we go back to the question of what the hell the faq is even for then?

there's your info, and you're not using it
you're just spineless faggots that want to be coddled into making a fucking decision

>> No.16051168

As a relatively new person to this thread, I made sure to read the FAQ before asking questions since it was pretty obvious that that's why it was there. And then I started asking questions it didn't cover instead.
There's no excuse for someone to show up, not read the FAQ, and then start asking questions that are already answered in the FAQ. I can totally understand the reaction from >>16051095 .

>> No.16051222

US people get murdered by shipping prices anyway

I'm also a newfag and just bought two obitsu bodies and some heads for them from hlj.com (are obitsu dolls okay for this thread?)

>> No.16051240

Somebody not reading the FAQ or googling some basic questions themselves is definitely dumb, but people throwing fits is a lot more annoying.

>(are obitsu dolls okay for this thread?)
Of course. Post any weeb doll you want.

>> No.16051266

Ok, good to know. The thread over at /toy/ care about that true BJD distinction (...they talk about drama a lot which scared me over here)

Is there anyone who prefers making doll clothes over buying them? I think I'm gonna do that for basic T shirts etc because I'm cheap and learning to sew seems useful.

>> No.16051268

>Somebody not reading the FAQ or googling some basic questions themselves is definitely dumb, but people throwing fits is a lot more annoying.

and that's why we point those dumb people to the FAQ and leave it at that
they still get to learn without giving other people a reason to throw a fit

>> No.16051363
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Alright then. I will gladly be the spineless faggot if that means I managed to help someone get to a doll they like in 5-6 short replies. It's always great when someone reads the faqs before posting questions, but I also understand that not everybody's up to reading though all of it or even notices the links in the OP if it's their first time in one of these threads.
Nobody here made any decision for that person either, other than to suggest a line in the scale they preferred.

It's commendable and appreciated that you did your research, it certainly made it easier for you to join the discussion. But I don't think it's necessary to immediately dismiss people who didn't take that initiative or randomly stumbled into this thread and just got curious.

Doors are open for all dolls... or should be.
Are you gonna do the face-ups yourself? Rooted hair or tiny wigs (assuming they're 1/6 scale)?

>> No.16051377
File: 47 KB, 533x800, FIG-DOL-9295_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doll is cute as heck. If I hadn't missed the pre-order period I probably would have gotten it.

>> No.16051386

this thread is creepy af

>> No.16051399

The banner contest was a mistake.

>> No.16051401

Its way better than the threads about neckbeards sitting around drooling and fapping over underaged idols.

>> No.16051405
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Depends on the scale. It's easier to make clothes for the bigger ones. I gave it several shots with varying results.
A few sorta useful tips: Use lace and frill to cover up any uneven stitching, as well as thin materials with small yet non-aggressive patterns. Tights and thigh-highs make everything better. Textile glue can save a life.

There was this one link circulating that contained a lot of J doll magazine scans with sewing patterns, but I can't find it right now. Maybe another anon will post it.

>> No.16051423
File: 240 KB, 450x600, Lovett1393332498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still some places that have her:
- 1999.co.jp/eng/10419927
- hlj.com/product/AZNOD511KAQ
- otakumode.com/shop/57f754eaa2df33a54a757417/Happiness-Clover-Kureha-Autumn-Quartet

>> No.16051569

I'll probably do the face-ups myself. Art was one of my hobbies before I burnt out but I'll gladly draw an anime face on a plastic head.
And yes, the Obitsus I got are 1/6 scale. I prefer tiny wigs, rooted hair looks very complicated.

>> No.16051675

I checked out this thread to find how cool this place is just to learn that all the previous threads are way off the 4chan archive now. Oh well. (I dislike browsing on 3rd party archives.)

>> No.16051678
File: 288 KB, 640x480, 20141226_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to be using Mr. super clear? I hear that's the best sealer, but here it's super expensive to import and my country has some really weird limitations, stuff in spray cans can't be delivered by air for example. So I'm wondering if I could use Revell matte spray (the only option I can buy in stores) for sealing or if would somehow fuck up everything.

Also, there are pre-rooted option heads too, pic related are from Azone.

>> No.16051740
File: 78 KB, 500x333, 6450921067_d20befc59e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be part of it from now on. We just got fired up recently. Threads used to move much slower than this

>> No.16051858
File: 727 KB, 810x1620, ContactSheet-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a relatively new person to this thread, I made sure to read the FAQ before asking questions since it was pretty obvious that that's why it was there

FAQ owner here. I'll admit it's not the best out there but gets most people started on which dolls are what. Since you've freshly gone through it I wonder if you have any suggestions on improving it. (request applies to anyone I guess)

As for the bitching about the FAQ, not a lot of effort went into it and it shows. It was suggested to me and I fell for it. As the perpetual threadstarter at the time I created the doc and a couple people from IRC slapped it together. Turns out beyond the barebones, people have a higher preference to provide fresh information on tap than constantly update a document. As a result questions are sure to follow. Since these threads move slow I really don't see an issue with it.

>> No.16051886

Hm, I just like the idea of wigs more since I can change them.

I actually did several days of research about sealers and things dived into looking at polymers and chemical compositions. Since I live in the UK, MSC isn't widely available here either but there's an online shop that sells it for £6 (UV version for £10) I think, not including postage.

I never actually wrote much of my research down but I should share what I remember. It's really frustrating because most articles I read aimed at people who use sealers for dolls only say they're toxic and some are 'harsher' than others, and some can make certain plastics melt. You know what, I'm rambling so I'll greentext.
>Disclaimer: I'm no scientist and most of my shit comes from Wikipedia articles and the MSDS sheets of products (never found one for Mr Hobby or Mr Super Clear, they either didn't publish the sheets or none made). I looked at some Krylon sprays, Plastikote sprays, Tamiya sprays, and some other brands.
They're all pretty similar, they contain a bunch of chemicals I guessed could be split into two categories:
>Propellants. These are made of different solvents. Manufacturers use propellants instead of pressuring the can to dangerous levels. The solvents are toxic and corrosive but are supposed to evaporate in the air as the product is sprayed onto a surface.
>The coating. Seems to be a ‘safe’ compound such as amorphous silica.
Obvious sealant isn't intended to ruin the surface it's sprayed on so I can only guess that people who have bad results with a brand probably didn't use it during good weather conditions or sprayed it too closely or too much, resulting in enough of the solvent getting on the plastic to melt it.
If you can find out what plastic your doll is made from you can find out what is a solvent of it (i.e, what chemical compound specifically dissolves PVC, i.e, polyvinyl chloride).
Since there's no material safety data sheet for MSC, I don't know what it's made of exactly but I don't think it's wildly different from other brands. Still, I'll probably end up buying it anyway due to the brand name.

>> No.16051903

Oops, I forgot to add: I think the ban on delivering aerosols by air is a worldwide thing, they're flammable and pressurised so it makes sense they can't fly it into high altitudes. Try gently warming up the can by putting it in warm water for 10 minutes before you spray, I read that can improve results.

>> No.16051989

whichc smart dollfie is this one? it

>> No.16052041

looks like a custom mirai, or maybe the prototype that choo just put out recently

>> No.16052082
File: 1006 KB, 2477x1982, 27266441935_29b0f59a30_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should make something more visual.
Like categories which are made of banners of sort (containing picture, line, size/scale, material, maker) which take you to further info on that particular line. Similar to how it already is in point c. "Types, Sizes and Scales".
People tend to be lazy and overwhelmed when they're hit with too much text all at once. And they search for dolls they saw in pictures and have no clue what they're called or what each name/brand means, at least not complete newbies. I'd also move the physical shop info somewhere lower, since I doubt most thread visitors are able to shop in person.
If I wasn't so swamped with work, I'd do this myself. Maybe after/during Christmas if I get off.
Overall I think you did a great job considering that you probably did it all on your own. Especially the tables of the various shops at the bottom! You definitely did a huge amount of work.

Whoa, that's pretty extensive research you did there. Really neat. I hope you don't mind if I save it for later so it's available if we ever add it to the FAQ.
Since most face-up artists use MSC, I don't think that it'd react badly with any commonly used doll materials, from vinyl to resin. Thanks also for the additional tip for warming up the can.
I'm particularly interested in working with vinyl. I wish there were decals for DD/big heads, just the eyebrows and eyeliner, like there is for obitsu and azone, maybe it would be possible to that DIY, but that would be almost as much work as painting directly on the head. But that would make it easier for the indecisive, to at least have the option to cover up a botched up job if nothing else.
£10 is super cheap, depending on the shipping costs. I tried ebay, but the only ones that deliver to my country are 12-16USD + 22USD for shipping, and that's for some semi-shiny variant without the UV protection, the regular Japanese hobby shops don't sell them anymore as far as I can see. Amazon doesn't ship here either. Pretty sad situation altogether.

>> No.16052116
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>Overall I think you did a great job considering that you probably did it all on your own

Quite the opposite actually. I've authored close to none of it minus the verbose scatter of text about where to buy things in Japan at the top. I've been wanting to make the doc more useful but needed feedback for direction and:

> If I wasn't so swamped with work,

^^ pretty much this.

>> No.16052187

Thanks, and yeah go ahead and save it since the knowledge is there to share :D Actually there might be something I wrote up on Google Docs and if I find it I'll post it.
Maybe MSC uses higher quality compounds or a higher coating-to-propellant ratio to get good coverage, I wish I knew what was in it. Yeah, I think I'll be working with vinyl too since I got the soft obitsu bodies and heads.

Those shipping prices suck, I know they need to make a profit but damn. A sealer's a sealer, they can't be wildly different, as long as Revell isn't a crap brand I reckon you're good.

>> No.16052272
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Even still. It didn't put itself together and the Japan buying guide is very useful since there've been several people in the past months who wanted to know just that. It just might fit better in the Buying Dolls sub section.
Sometime, somehow, we'll boost that faqer up. Big dreams and all that, we'll be the talk of the town among all the doll communities once it's done.

Hope you get ahold of that doc, although your posts did contain enough to be of great help as they are, thanks again for taking the time to share what you found out.

There's always the option of acquiring a cheap-o used head and testing it out. Some dirt cheap junk heads do tend to pop up on Mandy every now and then, so it wouldn't be too much of a waste. But then the other materials required for a proper faceup just pile up in cost and it stops being worth it unless you really get into it. If only there was a way for everything just to materialize the second inspiration hits. Planning ahead tends to kill the erratic artist's will.

>> No.16052534
File: 435 KB, 1000x667, I03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It just might fit better in the Buying Dolls sub
Yeah, it's only there because it was requested and I didn't want to the requester to hunt for it. I was going to give it some time before moving it to it's proper section.

I appreciate the feedback btw, thanks.

>> No.16053239

>Since you've freshly gone through it I wonder if you have any suggestions on improving it.
Well, I think the main thing it lacks is specific bits of information that would be helpful, like the difference between DDS / DD3 / DDDy models (and DDP will get added to that soon), or the differences between normal and metallic eyes.
Another important thing is face ups, since the FAQ didn't teach me that dollfie heads are blank and you'll need to either paint it yourself, pay someone to paint it, or buy a pre-painted head. That's a pretty important consideration, though I guess the standard models avoid it.
It also lists Volks USA and Volks International together in the shop chart at the bottom, but Volks USA doesn't ship outside the Americas which I didn't find out until after I'd picked out everything on their store and couldn't select other countries for shipping. But that's a more personal peeve.

Overall I'd say it works pretty well as an introduction, so I guess where it was lacking was in more specific info for people who were seriously considering taking the plunge.

>> No.16053374

Whoever makes these threads, could you start using /toy/'s links to the FAQs? They lead to the same places.
>/toy/ - bjd.buyfags.moe
>/jp/ - dollfaq.buyfags.moe

Maybe it should also be noted that Volks USA's prices are shittier than Volks International's, even if you live in the US. That's with shipping included.

>> No.16053389

Can any bjd be posted in this thread or are there ones that aren't ok?

>> No.16053514
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we are not very selective

>> No.16053826
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>> No.16053912

I want them to make older characters too like Minmay and Sharon Apple
Probably won't happen

>> No.16053920

Also they probably would make their faces completely different

>> No.16054177

So imma buy one of these and rub my dick all over its face, which ones do you recommend with the smoothest face?

>> No.16054224

Dear god no.

>> No.16054361

Does anyone else feel that lately every sculpt has had similar features? Longer, thinner noses, thinner lips...

Freya will be shipping out my new girl soon. She's sent me pictures of the paint job like two steps before completing it, just a few touch ups left and the sealant. I'm completely floored and the modding was really well done. I'll post pictures soon, whenever she gets here!

>> No.16054416

the outfit looks weirdly cheap

>> No.16054436

Yes that's one of the things that drove me to buy Pumpkin. She is the complete opposite with larger lips and nose.

>> No.16054793
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>main thing it lacks is specific bits of information that would be helpful, like the difference between DDS / DD3 / DDDy models

Noted. Keep in mind this was put together in 2013. The only bodies in existence were DD2 and MDD. DDS was still scarce and distribution of DD3s were held up by all the Saber preorders. Also, Azone didn't have AZO2 and Mirai was just a design on a pillow case. The faq is obviously stale hence the interest in revamping.

> Overall I'd say it works pretty well as an introduction

This really was the main goal. Threads at the time mostly consisted of stuff lifted from Japanese boards and blogs, so the top questions were always "What doll is that" and "Where can I get that/where can i get one like that/how much is that/how big is that/what are the main differences" It was never intended to be a builder's guide or a customizer's guide. It was intended to lay down a groundwork of sorts for those who lacked the knowledgebase.

> It also lists Volks USA and Volks International together in the shop chart at the bottom, but Volks USA doesn't ship outside the Americas which I didn't find out until after I'd picked out everything on their store and couldn't select other countries for shipping

I'll make the distinction but won't cross the line that takes the faq into handholding territory. Whenever I shop from a foreign website I check their shipping options before loading a cart.

>Maybe it should also be noted that Volks USA's prices are shittier than Volks International's, even if you live in the US. That's with shipping included.
Notable. Not the first time this was brought up.

>> No.16055588
File: 1.17 MB, 849x649, sameface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volks is so afraid of trying to infuse at least a little bit of character into their sculpts. It's fine if they keep some dolls/characters with a neutral expression but this is bordering on lobotomy look. Anime faces aren't the best to work with, admittedly, it's still a shame they've basically gone the Choo route with most of their recent releases. An almost identical mold with slightly different eyebrow and eyeliner color. Voids the need to buy any of them really, at least for me.

>> No.16056237

Does anyone have recommendations for where to get 1/6 doll clothes?

>> No.16056831

I kinda like her but I do agree that many of the recent molds are much too similar. The im@s dolls are particularly samefacey. Last mold I really liked was Sheryl. Maybe Takane too. That said, a new faceup could really bring this one to life.

>> No.16058764
File: 282 KB, 1152x2048, タイツの日.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yesterday was tights day on Twitter

>> No.16058791

Every day is tights day in my house.

>> No.16058982
File: 553 KB, 3000x2000, rah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose RAH counts as dolls.

Sun is setting on this thread anyway

>> No.16059886

Parabox has some cute stuff for 1/6. I got a cute school uniform there when I bought my Obitsu.

>> No.16061248

After taking forever at customs, my Rin finally came, but my Len hasn't even shipped yet according to the website. Just says Order Processed. Anyone else on the same boat?

>> No.16061257

several folks on the DD forums say their order was never marked as shipped, but some of them had the twins just show up in the post one day unannounced in the past couple of days

>> No.16061264


Huh alright, hope that's the case for me and he shows up tomorrow or so. She's gonna feel a bit alone for awhile.

>> No.16062378

Just got a notice for my Len today being shipped.

>> No.16064444

