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15973720 No.15973720 [Reply] [Original]

Mahjong is home for some bullshit (also can you find the proble witht his image?)

General information

>> No.15973748
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No chun
Only 12 tiles
Calling kokushi musou "rising sun" instead of it's accepted English name "thirteen orphans"

Also, one night of non-stop bullshit destroyed two weeks worth of gains. I am beyond mad.

I'm still having fun

>> No.15974271


>> No.15974523

>just finished akgi anime
where should I start the manga now?

>> No.15974600

since the beginning. Anime skips a bit in the second arc.

>> No.15974611

The Washizu arc started almost 20 years ago, but it still hasn't come to an end. Wait a few more years.

>> No.15974637


>> No.15974751

aren't they sleep deprived by now?

>> No.15975096


>> No.15975781

What happened to osamuko?

>> No.15975926
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>> No.15976065
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Sometimes, games are so much fun that I don't even mind ending last, because everyone played their best and dared to try.

Sometimes, you just end up with 3 faggots who think mahjong is about getting the fastest 1 han hand.

>> No.15976108

Owner killed himself

>> No.15976580

A lot of retards use the wrong names for things, like calling thirteen orphans "kokushi musou" and saying shit like pin.
I play mahjong in English.

>> No.15976658

any interesting mahjong leagues to follow or rewatch? Sometimes its important to sway away from e-sport young'ns

>> No.15976665

Do you also shout "Mahjong!" whenever you win a hand, and proceed to clap, once per han?

>> No.15976685

No, that's not how you play competitive mahjong.

>> No.15977041
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>Not knowing when to quit

>> No.15977375
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Took me 166 games to get back up this time around.

>> No.15977964
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Tilting hard.

>> No.15978057
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Well, that was an interesting game, even if t seemed decided at the start.

>> No.15979883


>> No.15980783
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The mahjong gods are cruel, I'll probably never have a game that perfect for a long time. Feels even better after the huge 4th streak I've been on. And the neat 1-1-1-1 feels nice in a way too.

>> No.15980907

>Get two consecutive 1st places vs much higher ranked players


>> No.15981048
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>> No.15981451
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That is indeed a dish of utter cruelty

>> No.15983840

I find myself getting more and more superstitious about this game. For example, I never play on fridays since I tend to lose more hands. I also take the last I won with from my set and hold it for good luck.

Anybody else dabble in the voodoo shit?

>> No.15984243
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>S1, on first place with a decent lead
>get a dama tenpai for iipeikou dora 2
>Leader drops my winning tile
>Lose connection that very instant
>Come back to me in 4th place after having dealt to a dealer mangan
>Just in time to see the game end

I was doing so well in the last couple of games, and then shit like this happens.

>> No.15984253

Shit like this made me drop my isp

>> No.15984969

>not having auto win on
It's really handy, especially if that happens often.

>> No.15985438
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>tfw someone else's win improves your standing

>> No.15985746

I did have it on. Doesn't work if you disconnect. I even proceeded to draw the winning tile twice after disconnecting, but it didn't help.

>> No.15985977
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>> No.15987332
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>> No.15987830

trying to get into Ten now and I feel like even though I lucked my way through Akagi with very basic mahjong (what's Ron, what's Pon, what's a Dora, what's Riichi, what's Kan), I don't think it will be enough to enjoy Ten. I read the pastebin link but it's not enough. Is there some youtube link to a proper long guide with actual play to understand better.

Like what is Dora supposed to mean actually?

>Dora do not count towards doubles for a hand to be allowed to win - they do not count as Yaku.

What is this shit supposed to mean? Things like this I am not getting.

Let's say you built your winning hand faster than anyone, a basic hand you just won from Tsumo without any Yaku and you had 1 Dora in your hand (4-5-6 pin with 4pin being the Dora).

What does the Dora do?

And what does it do if you won it from Riichi?

Another thing - in Akagi, whenever he was calling Pon, either they never show it or I didn't see it - but he never really takes the discarded tile by the opponent? Are you supposed to just remember that? Same with Chi

>> No.15987839

just play and learn the fucking game

>> No.15987914

There's plenty of comprehensive YouTube videos that can walk you through the basics, but I'll answer some questions:

The most basic way of explaining riichi mahjong is that you need a complete valid hand (usually 4 sets and a pair) and at least one multiplier (aka yaku).

Yaku have values that are counted as "han". The amount of "han" your winning hand has, the higher its point value.

A Dora tile is a bonus tile that adds an extra han to your hand value, but does not count as a yaku. So even if you have four dora tiles in your hand, but no yaku, you cannot win.

When you pon/chi/kan, you take the tile from the player you claimed it from and turn it sideways next to your own exposed tiles. Akagi did not show players taking the tiles, but you always do.

Riichi is a special yaku worth 1han. You can declare riichi if your hand is fully concealed and one tile away from completion (aka tenpai). When you declare riichi, you bet 1000 points (that stick) and lock your hand. You then proceed to draw tiles until you draw your winning tile(s) or someone discards it. If you win, you will also have access to an additional dora located under the normal dora indicator called the ura dora.

It's too much to go over in post form, look up guides and utilize the resources in the pastebin.

>> No.15988547

An extra bit of important information is that menzen tsumo is a yaku by itself, so as long as you don't open your hand, you will always be able to win on a tile you drew yourself.

Certain yaku are not permitted on open hands, and tsumo is one of them. If you open your hand, even if you draw your winning tile, you will not get a yaku out of it.

>> No.15989353
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>> No.15989425

Nice haneman, Fatalize.

>> No.15989471 [DELETED] 


Thanks, I thought so too.

>> No.15989603
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>> No.15989790

So then knowing you have chi'd on 3 times for example 3-4-5 Pin, 1-2-3 Sou and the 4-5-6 Man and what you have in your hand is 6-7-8 Man and a wait on a red dragon to make the pair, then you cannot possibly win, right? What could you knowing your open hand is those 3 Chi?

I learned now after playing for some hours that opening your hand isn't quite the best, but assuming you do decide to go for 3 random Chis like mine, what would you wait for or rather what would you need to be able to call Tsumo/Ron and win?

>> No.15989813

You're asking an impossible question really, since we don't know the details.

Here's solid beginner advice: learn your yaku. You don't need to know all of them, but there are some bread N butter ones that you should memorize and have a general idea of their worth.

So, to answer your question: you look at your starting lineup and decide what yaku to pursue. Everything else after that depends on game conditions.

I realise this is vague shit, but learning how to build your hand is the first step. Then you can worry about other principles.

You don't sound like you're from the LA area, which is a shame since there's a monthly meetup to learn how to play.

>> No.15989842

I see. Thanks, will do. I'm from Europe

>> No.15989850

This might be a bit confusing, but your best strategy in this case would be to maintain your ready status (tenpai) until the round ends. You could get some points from the penalty that occurs when a round ends in a draw. All players that weren't in tenpai will pay a penalty to the players with ready hands.

Mind you, a yaku isn't required in this case. This rule ONLY takes into consideration whether or not you've met the valid hand requirements. So your hand could potentially be worth 3000 (you're the only one in tenpai), 1500 (you and one other), 1000(3 players in tenpai) or 0 (everyone in tenpai)

Of course if someone else wins, you get jack

>> No.15989859

Those random chii's basically disqualify you from winning in most cases because you have no yaku and even if a tile that would technically complete your hand is dealt/drawn, because you have no yaku, you cannot declare a win. You can still get points at the end of the round for being in Tenpai though, and its a common practice to call on needed tiles towards the end of the round if it seems safe enough to do so even if it would put you in a state of having no yaku.

There are some cases where you can win with that hand, however, and that's basically by getting yaku based on pure luck, like drawing the exact tile you need on the last draw or having the exact tile you need dealt at the last discard. These are both like, sub-1% of ever occurring however, so you should never bank on this kind of stuff unless you know precisely what you're doing and you have no other choice. Even if you did win with that hand despite the odds, unless you have a fuckton of dora in your hand, it's going to be a dirt cheap hand, and generally the point value of the hand is really not worth how difficult it is to attain.

I have to second the above post though, learning your yaku will definitely help in all aspects of the game and also help you decide when/when not to call. Some yaku are pretty notorious for being commonly open, like tanyao and yakuhai, so if you're going for open hands, 90% of the time it's going to be based around those yaku. Others require a closed hand and some are worth more closed, and as a general rule of thumb, most of the time a closed hand (especially riichi'd) is going to be worth more than if it were open.

I'd recommend not calling on tiles unless you know with absolute certainty what yaku you're going for, otherwise, you're going to end up in most cases in a yakuless tenpai with almost no-ability to win, a cheap hand if you do win, and restricted defense because of the amount of tiles in your hand.

>> No.15990030
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Well, if you understand that much, then you have the basic jist of it. That's enough to go ahead against human opponents.

Sure, you'll lose plenty enough at this early stage; but don't let that get to you. Eventually, you'll learn more and more about this game.

>> No.15990285
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im sorry guys

>> No.15990401
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>> No.15990445

What the fuck

>> No.15991106

Thank you very much, anons. I have skipped for about 7 years now Akagi because I was afraid of the mahjong theme and I remember getting once into it was a pain in the ass. But now that I'm done with it and the anime wasn't difficult at all to grasp, because it's mainly centered at the psychological aspect (discarding advantages, taking a gamble to win crazy hands instead of going for cheap hands being the main theme and what characterizes Akagi, at least partly), I'm very much into reading Ten and past the 10 first chapters I find it quite hard, so I said fuck it - today is the day I will finally do it, even if takes a week to understand.

I will just learn the yakus by heart or the most common ones (some are pretty obvious combinations anyway, like Ten's Chuuren Poutou, even though I doubt it's common)

>> No.15991210

>jews claim yet another thing is their own

literally the Koreans of the middle east

>> No.15991234

The Koreans have pretty massive self-esteem issues, seeing as they're the unironic niggers of East Asia without SEA and arguably even with SEA (since those guys developed their own culture and had a bunch of pretty stronk kingdoms for a while).

>> No.15991244

Korean society is basically Zerg. Kids are forced with 16 hour school days, and when they graduate, they get conscription in the Korean military, which is a shithole.

They're all drones, even worse than North Koreans, and they have every social issue you can name. Also, they're cripplecocks. There's a reason why nobody visits South Korea.

>> No.15991370
File: 96 KB, 922x654, is this what I should be doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this balsy or just dumb?
I'm back

>> No.15991377

it's fine against AI

>> No.15991406

It's a dead wait, so I'd put it under "dumb". This is especially true since you recently discarded 1pin which would have given you a decent ryanmen wait (4/7pin) tenpai

>> No.15991421

Oh wait, you won off of that. My bad. Still, the better wait should be prioritized if the hand value doesn't change

>> No.15991436

You literally can't win because all the chuns are visible though, unless you just won off that? A hell wait on a word tile is a good baiting tactic because nobody is going to keep those and the only two waits that can be possible for a word tile with three (incluing the one in your hand) visible tiles is a hell wait or kokushi musou.

>> No.15991492

he won

>> No.15991532
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am I Akagi yet?

>> No.15991654

unrelated. but does anyone know how to run games that require directx8 or below? i cant run d3dwindower on this game 野性の闘牌 鰻


>> No.15991765
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the absolute madman, I'm actually doin it, wish me luck


>> No.15991777
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>> No.15991825


>> No.15992081

nothing is sacred anymore

>> No.15992528
File: 30 KB, 1002x602, can i into ten now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean I can start reading Ten?

>> No.15992629

Go ahead, any confusion can be resolved with a trip to the mahjong lexicon on osamuko

>> No.15992691

Too bad it's dead.

>> No.15993043
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The jews won't even let me have my fucking chinese tile game.

>> No.15994131

Can someone analyze my game? I read dynaman's book but I'm still struggling to complete hands. Am I betaoring too much or not making enough calls? Does my tile efficiency still need work or should I just keep less safety tiles in hand?


>> No.15994158
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After a year that started in the low 1200s, I finally managed to make my way back to 1500 ish and just broke my own barrier and ranked up.

I love this game sometimes

>> No.15994219


East 1

Dealt in to a different hand with a suji tile instead of throwing the safe tile you still had (7-pin) I also assume you realized a turn late that the 8-sou and 8-pin were called from his discards, so they were safe tiles

East 2

You probably should have gotten rid of the west pair when you drew the 3 man. The timing you chose to get rid of them was quite odd.

East 3

If you'd have chi'd the dora, you not only would have had a more valuable hand, but a better wait for tsumo and for ron due to it being safe against the riichi.

3rd South 1

Throwing the 9 pin was unsafe and set your hand back incase you wanted to attack. The 3 pin was a safe tile.

Your offense seemed passable for as much as saw, but your defense was pretty bad.

>> No.15994227

That guy next to you really went full pon palace.

>> No.15994250

e1: difficult situation with multiple tenpais. full betaori was certainly the way to go. Discarding 7maan and dealing in could have been avoided had you fully commited to folding, but you pursued a half-assed "I'll try to carefully advance my hand" attitude that got you in that mess. Believe me, I've been there. Your hand value wasn't worth the risk.

e2: you drew 3m giving you 344m which you broke into 34m. since you had a pair of guest winds and another much more useful pair, you should have kept the 4m and broken up your west wind pair. 344m can become a set if you draw 245m (potentially 10 tiles) west only will be useful if you draw another one of the remaining two. you also open the possibility of tanyao.

Discarding 7m instead of 9m was also a mistake. a 9m on its own will only be useful if you draw two more. at least with 7m, you have more options. I understand you might have figured that you'll toss both anyway, so start with the riskier tile, a good idea, but in the early draws of a round, prioritize the tiles that give you the highest chance of becoming full melds.

use this to practice tile efficiency on your phone when you're not busy. it's helped me tremendously.

>> No.15994377
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Would you riichi?

>> No.15994390

Even if it isn't smart, I probably would because of the 3 man that just came out. I have a habit of betting with that kind of situation that someone both has the tile in question, and will think it's their safest option.

>> No.15994411

I'd deal the 8m but keep it dama. If you draw a 7s you might be able to incorporate it into your hand by discarding 5-8p or 3m.

>> No.15994712 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15994716


>> No.15994723
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This poor guy. I bet he thought the ton would be completely safe against that scary looking dealer mangan.

>> No.15994726
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And he was right.

>> No.15994728

That discard pile is literally textbook kokushi mosou.

>> No.15994733

He probably tunnel visioned on the dealer after he started making dangerous looking calls.

>> No.15994771

Does tenhou have double yakuman or not again
I mean he can be glad it wasn't the 13-ended version.

>> No.15994775

Tenhou doesn't have double yakuman, sadly.

>> No.15994791

I got hit with junsei chuuren in a real life match once.

>> No.15995004
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That is some fucking bullshit you had there.

>> No.15995007

It wasn't though. Like if we actually look at south's discard pile
Why did they get rid of tsumogiri anyway

>> No.15995020

Makes it too easy. You can still tell tsumogiri, you just have to pay attention to the actual discard.

>> No.15995022

Does it actually work that way? I know for a fact that the discards are randomly chosen if you don't tsumogiri.

>> No.15995024


>> No.15995028

I mean you can't tell which tile it was, but you can at least tell it was tedashi. Watch the hands next time you play one.

>> No.15995041


>> No.15995398

3 SW visible
3 nw visible
3 1sou visible
3 1man visible
3 1pin visible
3 9sou visible
3 hatsu visible
4 ew visible

That discard pile tells me chanta/Jun way more than a massively unlikely kokushi

>> No.15996675
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and I am back

I think I understand the magical sand now

>> No.15996693

>isn't rinshan kaihou

>> No.15996696

then it's time to move to tenhou

>> No.15996776
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I barely scrapped by this game, but I do like to take risks

>> No.15996789

I would have been an absolute KANman

>> No.15996800
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>> No.15996807

>tfw got choked out of tsuuiisou once because of suukantsu

>> No.15997556
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>East 1
>Riichi with a pinfu, potential iipeikou, dora ichi with a great sanmen machi
>Shimocha oikakes with a shitty kanchan, I happen to deal into the ippatsu with his only winning tile left for Haneman

>East 2
>Possible comeback Ikkitsukan with all outs available gets destroyed because the Shimocha deals into a double ron, the round wind shifts because of this and I lose the repeat round to try and comeback

>East 3
>Comeback open chinitsu haneman with ryanmen machi ruined because Toimen ippatsumos with a haneman

>East 4
>Potential comeback closed sanshoku chanta iipeikou dora dora baiman ruined because Kamicha ippatsumos with a mangan

I'm about done with SegaNET. Ippatsu every round, open Kan becoming Dora 4 every other round, this shit is wholly ridiculous. At least when I lose in Tenhou it feels like I was generally bested by people who had better play overall; in SegaNET its either fucktards who call on literally every single tile to build the fastest, cheapest gomi hand possible every round or people who Riichi every time with awful waits because they can get away and win faster regardless because they've been blessed with the luck of fucking God himself and hit 2+ ura every time.

I want to fucking die, this shit infuriates me.

>> No.15997798
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>just learned the LA jansou has been expanded with new autotables

I cannot wait to slap those tiles

>> No.15998284



>> No.15998596

What? I swear I've seen a replay where someone got a triple yakuman even.

>> No.15998654

Multiple yakuman stack together, but yakuman are never worth double. Suuankou tanki, 13-sided kokushi, 9-sided chuuren and daisuushii are all worth one yakuman only.

>> No.15998751

The 9 and 13 sided versions are like their own reward anyway, they're almost undefendable.

>> No.15999503

I got daisuushi in tenhou once, kind of bullshit that it's worth the same as the small one.

Then again, if you can't get 1st after a yakuman, you were never meant to win

>> No.15999994

I still have a replay where Corak and I bumped into each other in L0 back when we were still in joukyuu. He secured second place with a kokushi because I had the flow back then. I'll link it when I get home.

>> No.16000109
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Guises, I think I accidentally broke my tenhou.
What the fuck did I get myself into? How do I go back to the main page to find game and shit?

>> No.16000157

ah nothing nicer than getting revenge on a cunt who's ron'd you. Where do you guys play multiplayer? Is Tenhou the best option?

>> No.16000195

It looks like you wandered into a tournament lobby. Try putting /lobby 0000 in the text box.

>> No.16000201

Yes, almost all the western players play on tenhou. Except for maybe a few on still JRM or ron2.

>> No.16000240

I remember seeing a guy get shousuushii via rinshan kaihou and he still didn't get first place

>> No.16000267
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You're a lifesaver, anon.

>> No.16000815


>> No.16000967
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>> No.16002500

>Had to cancel for some bullshit social obligation

Kill me

>> No.16002905
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I hate mahjong.

>> No.16003224


clearly you need better priorities

what could possibly be more important than chinese tile matching games

>> No.16006866
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we got some things going on here
>starting off with BEER brand beer

>> No.16007001

good fucking catch

>> No.16007121

>can we talk about the faucet dildo

>> No.16007204

Yeah I didn't even realize what the fuck

>> No.16007785
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>first place during south 4
>safe from anything short of getting ronned by a baiman by 2nd place
>CLOSED daisangen

>> No.16007793
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>> No.16007803
File: 1.05 MB, 224x400, destroyed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closed daisangen is like when you mug someone and you think he's weak but he's actually the main antagonist of a fighting shonen and you're just fodder to make him look good

>> No.16007913

There's no way to win in mahjong. Even if you come in first you still lose.

>> No.16008340
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What is that pink thing?

>> No.16008351

Looks like one of those double dildoes lesbians use

>> No.16008501
File: 393 KB, 733x627, d11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost cried when I got nothing out of this.

>> No.16008528


>> No.16008532

>Dora 11
Jesus fucking Christ fuck off Kuro

>> No.16008826


>> No.16010153
File: 368 KB, 724x616, whyisthisallowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel violated.

>> No.16010299
File: 74 KB, 306x228, 1457885651465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still has points
Call me when your legs are dangling off the edge for rounds at a time

>> No.16010625
File: 932 KB, 1334x750, IMG_2777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone play sega's mj for mobile?


>> No.16010659

Haha a similar thing happened to me like a year ago:
First round, some guy declares riichi after like 3 discards. I discard whatever I feel safe-ish and walk right into the guy's hand consisting of a massive pile of dora. 32000. Instant death. Game lasted like 2 minutes. Welp...

>> No.16011125
File: 32 KB, 300x326, 1340349597014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got nothing out of this
And that will not be the last time. Shit like that happens often enough.

>> No.16011139

>muh tenpai

>> No.16011141

Man I don't even remember half the people from Achishit

>> No.16011554

It's basically the same as the desktop client except mobile. I play it all the time, though since I cracked my phone it's been discarding tiles randomly whenever my screen makes contact with the sun and its fucking infuriating.

>> No.16012133
File: 354 KB, 620x349, IMG_2790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me deflect that for you

>> No.16012299

Get out of /jp/.

Actually, just leave the site.

>> No.16012574

She was a nobody from the start.
The only good things that come out of ashitga are Toki and wifi lesbian.
And of coz, the porn.

>> No.16012851

Yo that pastebin link is down, anybody got a backup?

>> No.16012869

Works for me, but here's the copy/paste of it.

>New to riichi
Read this before playing

Or just play this over and over again.

>Playing on PC
Gamedesign Flash game. See above.
4Winds. Also capable of using other mahjong rules.
Saikyo no Mahjong 3D.
Touhou Unreal Mahjong. Latest version is 4N.

Tenhou. Most regularly played. No-frills, but competitive.
tenhou.net/0/?L7447 (change to L0 for regular lobby)
SEGA Net Mahjong MJ. Relatively popular. Also available on smartphone.
Other titles: ron2, Maru-Jan, JRM, etc.

>Playing on Android
SEGA Net Mahjong MJ. See above.
Mahjong Tengokuhai ( 麻雀 天極牌 ). Good singleplayer mode, can also play multiplayer.
Kindai Mahjong All-Stars ( 近代麻雀オールスターズ 闘牌伝 ). Unlock characters from Kindai Mahjong series and play them.
Mahjong and Friends Japan. Singleplayer for plebs.

Akagi series. Mahjong for gentlemen with sharp nose. Also includes Ten, Hero, and Washizu.
Saki series. Mahjong for lesbian. Also includes Side-A: Achiga and Shinohayu.
Others: Tetsuya, Mudazumo, and other titles from Kindai Mahjong.

Akagi, Kaiji, Saki, etc. Basically same as above.

>Live Action
Janki/Shin Janki.

>Further reading
http://arcturus.su/tenhou/ and http://arcturus.su/wiki/

>> No.16013474
File: 147 KB, 1910x1062, mahjooong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to read Osamuko? All I see is pic related

>> No.16014081

No. Maybe you should click every link on the page until you find out why. It only took me a few seconds.

>> No.16014687

No. See >>15976108

>> No.16014779

This is what mahjong does to people.

>> No.16015041

>get ron'd
>Audibly beg the screen to stop as the yaku list keeps growing

>> No.16015359
File: 27 KB, 600x733, 1396567933035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see a source for that claim.

>> No.16015368
File: 332 KB, 637x720, 1457309696296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>East round, have over 20k points
>Get ron'd
>"whatever, it's probably a small hand"
>Before the yaku even start listing see the END button on the bottom

>> No.16015390

look on their discord

>> No.16015416

Oh my god JC, a ron!

>> No.16015654
File: 2.99 MB, 628x402, hhhhaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16015693

I used the way machine to view a month old version of the site. Nothing new obviously but you can read the articles and access the glossary

>> No.16017123
File: 966 KB, 1026x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16017302
File: 382 KB, 727x620, CUMBACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet comeback from 16k ron'ed.
The mahjong god was truly testing my faith.
Won all 3 with yolo kanchan wait. How likely was that

>> No.16018306
File: 587 KB, 1040x1612, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you want to cry, doesn't it?

>> No.16018404

Wait, osamu actually killed himself? I thought people were just memeing.

>> No.16018518

someone is still posting in his twitter

>> No.16018548

Dug through their discord and this is apparently what happened:
>Some people were getting angry at this not being a proper "mahjong" channel. Osamu wanted a definite solution to all the drama, so he asked me for admin rights and I gave admin to him. He tried to block everyone from using the channel. I took his admin away and tried to restore the channel but I suck at Discord. I assigned new and better admins. Hopefully gets solved.

So I guess he just rage quit the internet.

>> No.16019575


Stay outta ippan, clown.

>> No.16019581


>> No.16023159

Player deals in. You drop a place. Yea, that's joukyuu.

>> No.16023172
File: 56 KB, 574x528, 1340056990983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains everything.

>> No.16023269
File: 938 KB, 911x776, Greed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This level of greed does not pay.

>> No.16023307

What would that have been worth? 2 from riichi, menzen ippatsu, dora. A mangan? As opposed to the 4 han single wait on 5m?

>> No.16024539

Should've waited on chun

>> No.16024569

Yeah. With riichi it's a guaranteed mangan (tanyao, pinfu, riichi, akadora, dora), if you win on the 3m or get any ura it's haneman. If you don't riichi it might not even be mangan.

It's a good wait regardless.

>> No.16024580

I can get the first 3 but daisuushii not being worth double is the biggest fucking bullshit.

>> No.16024647


>> No.16024688


>> No.16024713

>If you don't riichi it might not even be mangan.
Dealer 4 han 30 fu is 11600 and dealer mangan is 12000. That's only a 400 point difference.

>> No.16024718

I guess that's true.

>> No.16024753

>start out with 7 pinzu
>closed chinitsu tenpai by turn 7

>> No.16024843

3:0 again.

>> No.16024867

>starting hand is iishanten for a mangan
Awesome, this will really turn th-
>Simocha declares abortive draw


>> No.16024963

You don't know frustration until you get a starting hand in iishanten and end up never getting tenpai all the way until a draw.

>> No.16024969

You don't know frustration until kyuushuu kyuuhai after your double riichi

>> No.16025085

You don't know frustration until your potential sanbaiman gets cancelled by a suura riichi

>> No.16025094

Reminds me of that picture of a guy with a double riichi hand, but to call the riichi he'd have to drop a tile that would trigger a reset because of 4 of the same wind tiles.

>> No.16025300
File: 181 KB, 574x250, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close, but alas someone dealt in.

>> No.16025313
File: 39 KB, 632x82, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I'm painfully aware that this would've been kokushi tenpai (might've even been a kokushi win, I'd have to check)

Considering this was my starting hand though, I didn't expect it to turn into kokushi.

>> No.16025345


>> No.16025360

>Riichi pinfu tsumo is 3han but worth only 2700
Is it better to just go dama in this case or is it still worth riiching despite the risks for such a low scoring hand?

>> No.16025366


>> No.16025637

It's one of the things that really bother me about Mahjong's scoring system, but in that case, getting only 1 ura would double your hand's score.

3 han 20 fu = 2600
4 han 20 fu = 5200

Honestly, fu is just retarded.

>> No.16025652

It can't be helped. I've thrown away a suuanko and tsuuiisou.

>> No.16026119
File: 707 KB, 1310x992, Screenshot_20161027_052140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for some tanoshii?

>> No.16026548


>> No.16026600
File: 185 KB, 1186x667, 1363197512903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, this actress's mahjong isn't near that of the real deal.

>> No.16026797
File: 383 KB, 746x626, Yakuman 28 - Chuuren poutou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About time I got one of these.

>> No.16027745

That's my first time seeing one of those, neat. Can you get an open chuuren poutou?

>> No.16027879


>> No.16030446
File: 394 KB, 739x623, Open chuuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried. This one didn't pan out.

>> No.16030944

>play well and stay ahead the whole match
>bullshit hands start happening S3/S4
>get placed second
FUCK. This happened way too often recently.

>> No.16031460

You can't open Chuuren my man, otherwise it'd be one of the easiest yakuman ever
I mean you CAN open it, it's just not a yakuman anymore even if it's still massive.

>> No.16031812

When leading, use cheap hands to shove the game ahead. Prevent those big hands from even happening.

>> No.16032394

I know that feel bro

>> No.16032399

>I'm in the lead, time for a cheap open tanyao
>Other players somehow manage faster mangans

>> No.16032621
File: 730 KB, 1022x724, stillingame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16032702
File: 208 KB, 737x631, With_all_the_force_of_a_great_tile-phoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I see a Daisuushii (L0000 game).

>> No.16032717
File: 233 KB, 736x630, winderful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And looking at the replay, that guy had all four wind pairs right off the bat. WTF.

>> No.16032862


Pretty good puns.

I was going to give toimen shit for tossing out east after he already called south and and west, but I probably would have done the same.

>> No.16036362


>> No.16036522
File: 1.20 MB, 965x709, 1452412109967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste.

>> No.16036676

>tfw when you're suddenly facing 3 mahjong gods as a lowly 2-dan, and they score a shousuushii in the first few rounds.

>> No.16038376

Clearly, you were doing it wrong

>> No.16040592
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 1336160036737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October is ending. Post your month:

18+17+12+17 = 64戦

>mfw, four 4th's this weekend

Shit way to close the month

>> No.16040606
File: 254 KB, 555x560, 1470993205773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

37+42+41+21 = 141
It's at this moment that I realise I might be getting addicted.

>2 days ago
>50 points to 3-dan
>190 points to go

>> No.16040746

Jesus, you guys are bad.

>> No.16040751

I actually found the mahjong arc in Kaiji to be very helpful, after each chapter, there is a page discussing rules and what happened and whatnot. Wish I had read this before Akagi

>> No.16040756
File: 108 KB, 290x290, 1468937105877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be like that, anon.

>> No.16040758

I haven't played mahjong in more than two years but back then I got to 5 dan with ease.

>> No.16040918
File: 302 KB, 1915x1080, 1336979517443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bully?

>> No.16041054
File: 3 KB, 238x46, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have been worse, I suppose, but I still haven't regained the R and ranks I lost.

>> No.16042382

It was even better a week ago before I tilted and went on a losing streak.

>> No.16043120
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these Naki no Ryuu references recently? First Osomatsu, then 3-gatsu no Lion, and now this.

Hisa actress where tho

>> No.16043360


>> No.16043374


>> No.16043400
File: 1.19 MB, 1895x935, saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When did sangatsu reference naki no ryuu? They recently announced a new series for it, so it's fresh in people's minds

>> No.16043491

this again

>> No.16043507
File: 66 KB, 183x222, 1459188823297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16043907
File: 433 B, 95x15, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have traded 3 of the 2nd places for 1st.

>> No.16044457

1-1-1-4. My last game had a hand where I just randomly cut a tile and dealt into a closed wait ippatsu for a dealer mangan. Fun times.

>> No.16044765
File: 11 KB, 149x60, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably wont play tomorrow, but all in all, aside from a few bad calls, I'm happy with my progress.

I've managed to rank up and have worked my R back up to where it was before the megatilt (almost!)

>> No.16044802 [DELETED] 


>> No.16044817
File: 11 KB, 238x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your stats?

>> No.16044855
File: 860 KB, 969x702, 1472020865811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My prayers were answered. Thank you God.

>> No.16045296
File: 264 KB, 480x480, 14358622_350096888654920_3356200436789148388_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too terrible, senpai.

>> No.16046272

3-gatsu puked some next level referencing in that episode.
Remember when the fat kid changed drawing styles? He turned into a Noujou Junichi character. People thought it was a general reference to Gekka no Kishi (his long running shougi manga), but the specific pose he made was clearly Ryuu.
And then at the end of the episode, it turned out that they got Noujou himself to draw the end card.

>> No.16046346
File: 9 KB, 250x390, 1452648719625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16046552

If the dealer calls riichi, and it's still within the first 5 discards, do you push your hand if you're in tenpai or fold? What if you only have 1 safe tile?

>> No.16046788
File: 4 KB, 183x185, spooky_skeletons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep telling myself it's not real.

>> No.16046795

Push probably. Early riichi typically has weak waits or aren't that powerful.

This can certainly blow up in your face, but in general go for it.

>> No.16046806

Depends on the points and what round it is and how good your hand is, obviously, but being in tenpai already and only having one safe tile are reasons to push.

>> No.16046819

how do i play these weird chinese dominos

>> No.16046827

Use the op's pastebin resources to learn.

Have fun getting SUFFERING

>> No.16047026
File: 154 KB, 430x430, 1346573563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk away and never look back. There is only suffering here.

>> No.16047484
File: 147 KB, 358x398, 1426860063577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the guides etc, getting ronned hard by ai. Any tips?

>> No.16047506

>Any tips?

Pull the trigger.

>> No.16047515

Tile efficiency and defense. Read the justanotherjapanesemahjongblog guides.

>> No.16047952

Know your yaku and when to fold

>> No.16048610

It's okay. This is a no-bully zone. No one will laugh at you.

>> No.16048615


>> No.16050055

>Read making no ryuu
>It's actually pretty bad

I'm fine with edge Lord MCs, but Jesus Christ every page is essentially "ugly and flabbergasted yakuza deals into weird wait"

>> No.16050884

I'm convinced that my health gets worse the better I get at mahjong. Is this how it ends?

>> No.16050980
File: 750 KB, 826x1357, Naki no Ryuu Chapter 9.rar-ryu02-025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16051484
File: 1015 KB, 1274x714, Demon_Saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw 2 rinshans today
I want the lesbians to leave.

>> No.16051963
File: 25 KB, 347x387, 1325371622044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is retarded luck. And I'm glad I was the one getting it.


>> No.16052493


Were they even trying?

>> No.16052777

Do you like life?

Don't play Crazy Weeaboo Dominoes.

>> No.16054659
File: 462 KB, 494x480, gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>riichi on a 1-4 pinzu wait early in the round
>The fucking tiles are apparently in hiding since no one is discarding and the tsumo isn't happening
>Toimen riichi's on a tanki hell wait on the dora tile



>> No.16054978
File: 114 KB, 500x680, 1468283884225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of bullshit makes me question why I am torturing myself with this chinese dominoes everyday.

>> No.16055121

It's just proof that Mahjong exists only to cause suffering.

>> No.16055883
File: 225 KB, 384x383, 1429358823705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been playing the flash game alot, but im scared to go against people

hold me

>> No.16056322
File: 384 KB, 728x598, mite mite teru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uradora are so retarded sometimes.

>> No.16058010

I used to play nothing but the flash game but playing against people is simply a lot more fun. I also learnt a lot more in my first few tenhou games than I did in dozens against AI.

>> No.16058506

The first game against other people is always scary, but after that, there's no going back to AI. It's just not as good as playing against human beings.

>> No.16058524

Another thing for me is that losing to AI felt way more insulting, losing to some dude that's likely to be better than me can even feel nice sometimes when it's a good match.

>> No.16058543

I hate AI because they can win at any time. What if they randomly set up their hand to be a dealer baiman without manually drawing it because they're in last? What if they shuffle the wall so you deal into their daisangen suuankou tanki after you call riichi? I always half ass playing against AI because they can pull bullshit at any time, there's no point in playing seriously. There's no tension.

>> No.16058678

one of the ai keep going god mode and the other 2 are shit

>> No.16059484

>get a daisangen
>...vs bots

Welp, there goes luck for the day

>> No.16060652
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1475214107541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I never get it when I actually need it

>> No.16061538

It doesn't take luck to score yakuman against bots. So you're fine.

>> No.16061543

Faced with that riichi, that 4-dan was retarded. Then again with three calls like that, he was fucked anyways.

>> No.16062871
File: 727 KB, 1279x1817, news_xlarge_saki_poster_20161104_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16062951
File: 62 KB, 128x242, tfw hetero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so done with this bullshit mahjong.

>> No.16063044
File: 416 KB, 480x270, 1428117834656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not OK with this.

>> No.16063068

They're making a live action naked mahjong series?

>> No.16063094

Muh cat.
Why did they have to ruin her.

>> No.16063487

Yes. The actress will also be getting breast transplant along the way to stay true to its series.

>> No.16063536
File: 81 KB, 409x406, 1453144322211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching your 1-shanten kokushi musou die as the last of one of the honour tiles gets dealt is the worst fucking thing.

>> No.16064197


Another one. Kamicha got really lucky in the end.

>> No.16064315
File: 46 KB, 720x480, 1245657467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mahjong god shall strike you down one of these days for this bullshit luck.

>> No.16066313

To earn favor with the Mahjong Demons you must stick a potato into your ass.

>> No.16070096

>dama tenpai for Chinitsu ryanpeikoi
>Pretty much a sanbaiman if anyone deals in
>Other player riichi, all eyes on him

....round ends

This game breaks my heart sometimes...

>> No.16070138

I feel like the hottest shit when I have a dama hand and someone else calls riichi, all the while I'm thinking "They'll definitely fold against him and deal in to me in the process".

Only it ends up with people dealing into the riichi anyway. Fucking cunts don't care about dealing in as long as it's not me.

>> No.16070154


>> No.16072018
File: 79 KB, 480x270, 1337442615566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already paying for it.

>> No.16072025

You had too much fun Anon, clearly you need some suffering or it's not mahjong anymore.

>> No.16072789

tenhou down for anyone else? says 0 people online

>> No.16072810

Just you. Seems fine on my side.

>> No.16073414

first osamuko now tenhou, is mahjong dead?

>> No.16074545
File: 511 KB, 1280x768, 天鳳__Windows版_2016-11-06_213337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this.

>> No.16074999

It looks like you passed up a ron on that 1sou. If you did, you deserve everything you got.

>> No.16075054

Nah, I had just gotten into tenpai.

>> No.16075434
File: 14 KB, 634x474, evans-shogi-move.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, my question doesn't really concern mahjong at all. But I think there's a good chance of there being some overlap in players, so I'll ask here before making a new thread. Hope you guys don't mind too much.

How should I go about learning Shogi? Online resources are pretty scarce at least when it comes to English information. I know the absolute basics, but I'm interested in learning about openings, general study and such. There's a few videos on Youtube about some openings that vary wildly in quality (sound & general production), most of which seem pretty bad in that front I guess I should just soldier through the bad audio quality and take the information in with open arms. But if you guys have any websites or even books to suggest I'd be extremely delighted.

Thank you, and sorry about invading your thread.

>> No.16075503

ewww riichi is the most disgusting type of mahjong

>> No.16075538


>> No.16075543


>> No.16075658
File: 904 KB, 937x599, akagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why he needed those?

>> No.16075678

He didn't. It was just an excuse to get his blood injected back in, while keeping it a secret from everyone.

>> No.16076644

MCR please leave

>> No.16076684
File: 24 KB, 480x360, images.duckduckgo.com(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good.
I looked into shogi slightly after being accosted by a guy by a river while playing yakuza5 (also good for mahjong fyi) if you can get your hands on that one, you'll be able to play with an English system. The pieces will still be original however.

I don't know how much information you'll get out of this group sadly, but keep at it. It's an uphill battle to get into Japanese traditional games as a westerner, but if this happy bunch is any indication, it can be done.

>> No.16076893

>How should I go about learning Shogi?
You can thank based Gamedesign


I only beat level 7 once, and can't even scratch level 8. I feel so noob.

>> No.16077195
File: 32 KB, 716x403, 1452653742522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16077338
File: 164 KB, 1280x960, 1463261686540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16079735
File: 231 KB, 1440x810, 20150526yoshihara004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should learn to play Go instead.

>> No.16079771

Go is just placing circles strategically to fill the board yeah? Seems way easier to learn than Shogi with it's bullshit moves this AI is pulling. Pieces jumping from across the board somehow while I'm just playing it like a game of chess. Won two or three games though so I'm somewhat cool with it.

>> No.16079934

My expert opinion after playing for a couple of hours is, Shogi is a more aggressive game where there are more options to trap the opposing king (especially with dropping pieces) rather than wear down the opponents forces.

>> No.16079971

But I already know Go on a pretty good level. I'm still learning Joseki, but my Life & Death knowledge is pretty solid.

>> No.16080469
File: 626 KB, 1026x726, 1-minute game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, that was quick.

>> No.16080484
File: 43 KB, 948x716, 923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what she said

>> No.16080728

Toumei should have played around it. What a shitter.

>> No.16080842

anyone up for a game? http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447

>> No.16080854


>> No.16080868


>> No.16081511

Koizumi would be pleased

>> No.16085465

Are there any html5 versions of this?

I don't have flash and want to teach a friend.

>> No.16085564

Tenhou has an html5 version.

>> No.16085632

Shit, this is pretty awful. Guess it was designed for phones or tablets or something.

>> No.16086157

There's .exe versions too, and some Android apps

>> No.16086940

What are the best Android apps for mahjong by the way?

>> No.16087084

There's a few that look alright but I found one that lets you play locally through wifi and such. There used to be a guy asking to have a 1v1 with a pal so this would work fine. Haven't given it a good look ever though so it might be trash.

>> No.16087982
File: 32 KB, 640x400, 1473249319053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best weeb mahjong games? I want to look at cute anime girls while I learn how to play.

>> No.16087990

I like virtual tenhoG on android

>> No.16088017

There has to be some strip mahjong game out there.

>> No.16088018
File: 32 KB, 500x575, 1473635966134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there are loads for all 90's Japanese PCs. I don't know specifically of any good ones, though.

>> No.16088090

Get some friends together and give it a shot.

What? Don't you know three hot bitches ready to take it of at the sound of RON?

>> No.16088097

Googling strip mahjong gave me a movie. This is a good thing right?

>> No.16088348

The Saki PSP games are pretty fun. Just remember to turn off their superpowers in free play if you actually want to learn anything.

>> No.16088385
File: 306 KB, 1077x794, Anex86_-_Emulator_2016-11-07_112041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Animahjong.

>> No.16089875

There's an official EVA strip mahjong.
No I don't have a link, I fucking wish I did. It's on wikipedia though so it must be true.

>> No.16091526

What game is that from?
