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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 448x336, 7679__448x_rorimiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1600186 No.1600186 [Reply] [Original]

By god, this is far too adorable. At first I thought the japanese were so fixated on her because of Miku+them being a huge bunch of Pedobears..


>> No.1600190

Too bad flash doesn't work on this computer. I've always wanted to see one of her videos.

>> No.1600193

3d pig disgusting

>> No.1600196

Nothing disgusting about lolis.

>> No.1600204

I wonder if her mother knows we all want to have sex with her daughter.

>> No.1600207

Someone should tell her. It looks like she's responding to most of the comments.

>> No.1600208

I don't. I find her too adorable.

>> No.1600209

Who do you think made her do this?

>> No.1600212

are you running BeOS or text mode linux?

>> No.1600216

Unfortunately post of /jp/ thinks she's annoying and not at all cute, and that's before the whole 3D pig disgusting problem.

>> No.1600236

Running Yellow Dog on my PS3. Adobe doesn't support the PPC architecture and gnash can't play 90% of the shit out there so I just keep it off.

>> No.1600231

What kind of mother avidly lets her daughter dress up as Miku and parade around while singing songs that would embarrass most?

Boy, I sure hope they live around here...

>> No.1600238

If you consider it unfortunate, why do you sage? Contradiction.

>> No.1600242


She probably gets off to it.

>> No.1600247

I don't like her for some reason.

>> No.1600249

What's so adorable about it? Looks like the typical goofing around that girls of a certain age do.

>> No.1600251

>What kind of mother forces her daughter dress up as Miku and parade around while singing songs that would embarrass most?
the insane weeaboo kind

her mother is probably only 15 years older than her

>> No.1600252

A post is sentient, communicating and referring to itself? How quaint.

>> No.1600255

Polite sage/force of habit (from 2ch)

>> No.1600262

Apparently she's living in or near Houston - at the least it's definitely Texas.

>> No.1600267

No, she's 37 years older then her

>> No.1600278


Good work Anon. Continuing tracking her down so the rape squad can move in!

Seriously though, how could you not like Maxine? A cute loli who dresses up like Miku Hatsune? Quit being faggots who whine about her not getting the lyrics perfect or not being hardcore otaku enough for you and realize it's an actual loli that wants to cosplay for a group most people find disgusting (that means you otaku).

>> No.1600274

Clicking that video reminded of that Chen cosplayer from Pooshlmer doing the deculture dance.
Thanks for the nightmares.

>> No.1600277
File: 120 KB, 600x800, 1226540813287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Well that's no good. How am I supposed to teach her the wonders of male Vocaloid users?

>> No.1600285

Hey /jp/ post some pedo comments

>> No.1600281

Maybe you should unmute your speakers/headset

>> No.1600301

She's a Grumpy Obaa-san, then.

>> No.1600310

'tis easy. Her mother's youtube channel has videos of Oni-Con (some with an even younger Maxine singing) which is in Houston, Texas.

This isn't even tracking down and I'm not even trying. Hell, I won't even try. This is something by far too pure and innocent to be corrupted, even for me.

>> No.1600309

Making stupid comments like that is really /b/'s territory.

>> No.1600325


Or the fact that it's mentioned that she lives near Texas right on her profile at the moment.

Anyway, if you won't do it, I will!

>> No.1600330
File: 47 KB, 450x600, 1226541349159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to sit down and talk about Vocaloid with her... ;_;

>> No.1600336

I feel really creepy looking at picture.

Sort of like I've crossed some line and can't return to the way I was before ;_;

>> No.1600338

Leave her alone. I normally abide by the ruleset that the purer something is, the more fun is to corrupt it but this is... hell, I don't even know why.

I sure as hell do not fap to videos of her or thinking 'bout her, she's just too cute. Like some sort of little sister (if the whole concept of imouto moe would be removed from you pedobears, that is. Else that'd be even more of a reason for you guys to rape her).

>> No.1600339

She looks creepy here.

>> No.1600343

Huge hair is hueg.
So moe. ;_;

>> No.1600344

Her mom has fucked her up for the rest of her life. This is not cool.

>> No.1600354


I totally agree. If I would be her childhood-friend, I would try my best to protect her instead of becoming her girlfriend/getting laid with her.

>> No.1600350

Yes, it is.

>> No.1600352

Reminds me of Sadako, but combined with Miku... eerie.

>> No.1600360


Where are you getting these pics?


I'm afraid not good sir. I'm currently using my e-detective skills to scour the Internet for any leads on this "velveetah" and Maxine (and I'm sure there are plenty).

>> No.1600362

I love both, Sadako and Miku.

>> No.1600370
File: 38 KB, 450x600, 1226541834891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can be my number one princess of the world, and nobody will tell her otherwise.

>> No.1600377

I want her as my little sister and not in a sexual way.

>> No.1600378

If she were 3-4 years older I would totally jack off to her.

>> No.1600381

She looks like Ellen Fleiss.

>> No.1600384

You do realise this girl has had sex with many men don't you? Cosplayers are the WORST.

>> No.1600386
File: 40 KB, 450x600, 1226542002217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that other anon said, it's not hard. You just google 'velveetaah', 'maxine', and 'miku', and you got it.

I'd like to find a young girl that's into Miku. Not to do anything questionable, just to see what a girl her age thinks about Vocaloid and stuff.

>> No.1600394
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1226542084058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up , you fucking bastard!

>> No.1600397

Why can't I be one of those men?

>> No.1600403


Just post a link wiseguy. Searching "velveetah maxine miku" on Google got me a myspace blog of a fat, bald man named David.

>> No.1600413

Best thread on /jp/, thanks OP.

>> No.1600414

She's not nearly as hot without the wig.

Although the Alice costume is pretty good, because... it's fucking Alice.

>> No.1600417

I'm glad that otakus and lolicons don't fly to the US because they're so afraid of the world outside of japan

I'm also glad that they don't know any english

Else we'd soon have a headline of "Young Girl raped and killed by japanese tourist"..

>> No.1600428



>> No.1600423

>"velveetah maxine miku" on Google got me a myspace blog of a fat, bald man named David.
I lold so hard.

>> No.1600424

I learned that her last name is Ortner.

So we've got Maxine Ortner from Houston, Texas. Too fucking easy.


Didn't her mother teach her not to give out her last name?

>> No.1600425


Her mom's Photobucket. Not much in there, but it's more than I'd actually expect to find.


>> No.1600434

I really don't think they would do anything besides fap to her. It's much more likely that (god forbid) an American would do that. Just look at the crime rate statistics.

>> No.1600435

You make it sound they aren't geeks and pedos outside of Japan.

>> No.1600439

A 10 year-old girl didn't write that shit.

>> No.1600443

This thread just got CREEPY.

>> No.1600461

she really doesnt seem that cute...

>> No.1600453

Brilliant, I'm going to America at the end of the month. I just hope none of you guys work up the nerve before that.

>> No.1600454

There are, but they're - hopefully - less terrible then the things I've witnessed back in Japan..

>> No.1600459

There is seriously something wrong about her mother.
10/10 that she is a pedo.

>> No.1600460

It got creepy when it started.

>> No.1600468


After 5 years I've finally managed to make a thread that I regret making. :/

>> No.1600470

There are far more depraved people outside of Japan however they lack talent to make money out of it.

>> No.1600476


Scratch that last post guys. She lives in Montogomery County in a town called Porter. She goes to Porter Elementary.

10 year old Maxine Ortner who goes to Porter Elementary in Montgomery.

>> No.1600477

You create a thread about an underage girl on 4chan, what the hell do you THINK is going to happen?

>> No.1600482


>> No.1600485

It's pretty obvious that her mom wants her to get fucked by an adult.

>> No.1600489
File: 41 KB, 340x264, 1226543127466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1600487

can somebody shoop some nudes?

>> No.1600500

What are the name her of parents?

>> No.1600495

Well the last time I made a thread 'bout an underage girl was Nevada-tan back in the day..

and that one went without any sexual interest in her by anybody.

>> No.1600503

>I'm glad that otakus and lolicons don't fly to the US because they're so afraid of the world outside of japan

You are discounting the large amount of otakus and lolicons that LIVE in the US.

>> No.1600513


Her mother's name is Becky Ortner. As for the father, I think there's a more complex situation there.

>> No.1600519

Does she write any of the comments on youtube? Or is that just her mom?

>> No.1600524

Somehow that piece of information is not exactly hard to see coming.

>> No.1600534

Wait, I lied again. The father's name is Tom Ortner, though he doesn't appear to have as much of a relationship with his daughter.

Tom + Becky Ortner, father and mother of Maxine Ortner in Porter in Montgomery County, Texas who goes to Porter Elementary.

>> No.1600546

>though he doesn't appear to have as much of a relationship with his daughter.
I think that her mother is single.

>> No.1600553


I've been to Texas though, and I wouldn't want to go back.

>> No.1600549

At least it looks like that.

>> No.1600550

Some birthdates will be helpful...

>> No.1600572

This thread is going to get us another sticky.

Not that I don't like it.

>> No.1600578
File: 25 KB, 804x163, 1226544062139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is him, if anyone has an account please post his address.

>> No.1600580

You can take the /jp/ out of the pedophile, but you can't take the pedophile out of the /jp/.

>> No.1600586


No public records come up about Tom, but here's some snippets from Becky's:

She has the following additional relatives:

Thomas Ortner
Tom Ortner
Rebecca Ortner
Douglas Ortner

She also apparently used to live in Humble, TX. Anything else would require me to pay.

>> No.1600593

He's 24? How old was the mother?

>> No.1600602

Well, at least that's a definite match.

>> No.1600598

But no one is bothering moot about it.

>> No.1600600

I am going to wait near her school to try and take pictures of her, I will post them on /jp/ if I am successful.

>> No.1600603
File: 65 KB, 750x540, 1226544392881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be it.

>> No.1600605

........('(..­.´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.....­..­...''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1600608

If you live near her, actually go up to her waving a leek or something and ask her to cosplay Miku for you. She's probably an attention whore at this point and won't say no.

>> No.1600620

         , ',-,,,,,   ,,,--=''''7
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>> No.1600614

Good luck, comrade.

>> No.1600616

Dont do it, what if something happens to you faggot ?

>> No.1600617


She might live with her mom instead of her dad. Search that instead.

>> No.1600621

>If you live near her, actually go up to her waving a leek or something and if she wants to touch your leek.

>> No.1600623
File: 782 KB, 2048x2048, 1226544564482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread on /jp/.

>> No.1600625

(281) 354-3552

What brave Internet hero is going to call her and record?

>> No.1600626


>> No.1600633

........('(..­.´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.....­..­...''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1600637

wtf is wrong with you faggots. this is what /b/ does and we're supposed to be better than /b/.

>> No.1600640
File: 92 KB, 954x488, 1226544766393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly doubt they drive 4 miles everyday to bring their child to a shitty public elementary school.

>> No.1600656

It's an expression of love. Just bare with it.

>> No.1600657

>all lowercase

I think you came from /b/. Not that I disagree with you. You're really going into undesirable territory /jp/, stop.

>> No.1600658


I called and little girl answered is this for serious!? I hung up because I was too nervous.

>> No.1600651


We're not doing this for "lulz". We're doing this for loli!

>> No.1600653

4 miles isn't bad for a elementary school in such a suburban part of Texas. My elementary school was at least 2-3 miles away and I wasn't even living near where they drew the school lines.

>> No.1600654


>> No.1600660

God speed, brave sir!

>> No.1600662


As I said, that's probably the father's address, and not where Maxine lives with her mom.

It's not feasible that she lives 4 miles away from her school, but it is that her dad lives 4 miles away. Look up the mom's address!

>> No.1600664

If one of you idiots is actually going to do it, post your name first so we can send you letters in prison.

>> No.1600671

The age is off by 20 years, and white pages is known for being absolute shit.

>> No.1600666

This didn't happen.

>> No.1600667

Why not? 4 miles is within driving distance. Hell, 4 miles is within walking distance. In my day, we had to walk 7 miles to a shitty elementary school. In the pouring rain and snow. And it was uphill both ways.

>> No.1600669

>We're not doing this for "lulz". We're doing this for loli!

It's like Bizarro non-shitty /b/!

>> No.1600674


You should've recorded it or we're all just going to think you're a troll.

(281) 354-3552
(281) 354-3552
(281) 354-3552
(281) 354-3552

Go for it already, you brave lolicon otaku warriors. Confirm that we have the right address!

>> No.1600677

My middle school was thirty minutes away from my house. Is that more than four miles?

>> No.1600679

Stop being /b/

>> No.1600681

Alright, was the number real or not? because I'm ready to call and record.

>> No.1600683

People, don't go too far. You don't want to disturb her mom and take her videos off of youtube and nicovideo. Don't ruin it for everyone else.

Observe from a distance only.

>> No.1600687

>4 miles is within driving distance.

Maybe if you live in a third world country.... or in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.1600688


Call it and find out. Ask for Maxine Ortner, saying you're from a company that tests toy products. If you get it wrong, say it's the wrong number, apologize, and hang up. No harm done.

>> No.1600695

This is a joke guys...right ?

>> No.1600692

Maybe you're a telemarketer?

>> No.1600694

Love does not work over a distance....

>> No.1600701

>Porter, Texas.

>> No.1600699

Stop being /b/ and leave her alone, you creepy bastards

>> No.1600707


>> No.1600710

Leave Maxine alone,
She shall not be corrupted.
Do not fap or rape.

>> No.1600712

People, don't go too far. You don't want to disturb her mom and take her videos off of youtube and nicovideo. Don't ruin it for everyone else.

Observe from a distance only.

>> No.1600713

OP, delete the thread before somebody gets hurt.
