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15992512 No.15992512 [Reply] [Original]

Sinobuz hype edition



>> No.15992524



All the new Sinobuz info for those curious

What features are you most excited to try out?

>> No.15992580
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2nd for Rasis IV

>> No.15992607

Is it true that Chile has a pendual cab on a custom server?
More places should have n-1 on arcades

>> No.15992631


>you will never earn and wear a Kaiden hat

Just shut it all down now.

>> No.15992658

I wonder what was in that drink...

>> No.15992791


>> No.15992793

>DUDES lmao
>no GOLI thighs
burn it all down

>> No.15992864

wish I could understand any of this :T

>> No.15992890

kinda my thoughts too

I hope next year they release another girly style with qt girls and lots of happy hardcore

those are my favorites

>> No.15992933
File: 547 B, 30x12, emot-iidx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I crazy, or is the normal gauge in arcade IIDX more forgiving than in LR2? I got to play on a cab for the first time ever this weekend, and I ended up clearing a ton of songs that I was having trouble with on my home setup, which is just LR2 and a USKOC. I can't figure out if the LR2 gauge is actually harder or if it's just because my controller kinda sucks.

>> No.15992942

so i really got into reflec beat, but i have no money to spend on songs. is there an ipa file i could get with all the latest songs somewhere? (other than sows)

>> No.15992956
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>other than sows

>> No.15992982

Your controller sucks.

>> No.15992987

I tried LR2 and the gauge does seem a lot harder than iidx

>> No.15992997

I guess I'll find out when I can finally get AC data

Definitely can't afford an ASC till after I graduate though...

>> No.15993014
File: 492 KB, 215x194, Dancing puppet skeleteon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since Sinobuz is going to start next week, what is your favorite song that came out of copula?

dynamite is a pretty good one

>> No.15993020

Starlight Dancehall

>> No.15993024


That was my first impression when I switched to AC data as well.

>> No.15993092


I want this really badly too, a candy theme or something, the last thing we've had close to it was empress and that was almost 10 years ago

>> No.15993109

I feel like either my hands tense up way too much, or I have really shitty hand positions, since I can't play iidx for too long before my turntable hand's wrist starts getting this sharp tingly sensation. Anybody else have this problem?

>> No.15993118

For people who are using a USKOC, what adapter are you using? I need one that isn't shit so I can put off buying an ASC

>> No.15993120

Candy theme would be awesome

I just really like cute things more than most other things

Are you wrist scratching? If so stop that

Regardless you should always stretch before playing. CTS is scary stuff and you don't want it.

>> No.15993136

Yes please, candy and lollipops and general pastel colors with desserts everywhere

Sugar overdose is one of my favorite themes for anything ever

>> No.15993138

I mainly use my pinky for scratches.

Any kind of exercises you'd suggest?

I have issues with awkward hand positions and tensing up a lot due to my OCD, so I'm not sure how much of the tingling is stemming from that;

I also get this sharp tingling sometimes when I stretch my arms while holding normal game controllers, although I think that might be because I usually compress my arms near my chest while playing.

>> No.15993171


>> No.15993207

Thanks, this seems pretty helpful

>> No.15993651
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>> No.15993662

My man getting more sweet tunes in IIDX


>> No.15993723

So I have a USKOC that I'd like to use with LR2/ACData, are there any reliable or low latency PS2->USB converter boards or should I just go whole hog and get an arcin/usbemani and mod the thing

>> No.15993744 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 924x859, testv3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your photoshop skills disappoint me, anon.

>> No.15993772

I'm using the Joybox 5, works fine, maybe a slight bit laggy but if you have AC data you can adjust offset and it'll be a ok

>> No.15993790
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your photoshop skills disappoint me, anon.

>> No.15994020
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my first aaa!!

fUCK timing is hard

>> No.15994149


DJ Yoshitaka is watching you play. Better not to disappoint him.

>> No.15994154

Great job, anon!

>> No.15994290
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>> No.15994295


>> No.15994311

Well done man. If it's anything like how I feel, it's like a huge weight is off your shoulders now.

>> No.15994406
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*paint skills

seconding joyboxes

hmm where have i seen this image before...

>> No.15994540
File: 150 KB, 1527x785, cheating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried.

>> No.15994598

It seems like only yesterday that we were all sitting here waiting for Pendual to drop.
Time really flies when IIDX is relentlessly fucking you in the ass.

>> No.15994637

Yes, you could say IIDX is quite #The_Relentless when it comes to fucking you in the ass

>> No.15994971

nice! tfw 8dan now and havn't got even one AAA

>> No.15994977

What is the deal with this Sinobuz?

>> No.15995003
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am i completely retarded or is LR2 really intimidating to set up

i have the lr2hd torrent and the bms of fighters 2013 pack, all the songs are in .zip format, does the game use them like that? do i need this GLAssist thing i keep reading about? what about HF pApploc.exe? when should i run that? what does it do? where do i put the songs? how is this harder than setting up ac data?

>> No.15995136

Game uses songs in folder format, not .zip. You'll have to unzip them, I think. Thankfully most modern zipping programs can unzip many files at a time.
Glassist is needed only for the BMS songs, I think.
Never used HF pApploc.
The songs can be in any directory. FOr example, you can have the songs in a folder in your LR2 folder called songs. Then you add it through LR2's setup.
All the information about setup, including adding songs, (except perhaps glassist) can be found here:

>> No.15995142

i think the papploc thing is for changing the locale?

>> No.15995145

Don't use any applocale programs.

Just change the locale of your entire system, it's much easier.

Besides, everything stays in English, so it's not really an issue.

>> No.15995147

Can't you, just, you know, change the locale?

>> No.15995178

Also, you say you have the LR2hd torrent, does it include LR2 or just the hd executables?

>> No.15995319
File: 52 KB, 492x383, 2324215241e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it says it's supposed to do, it was recommended in the torrent description

the one from sows it should be relatively complete, there's LR2.exe, LR2HD.exe and some other stuff

and then like how exactly do i extract these folders (the bms) it looks like they're organized into smaller folders with a few songs each (song folders are the ones containing shitloads of keysounds right?) is it ok to have them in the folders with a few songs each (submission teams I think? for the BOF events) or should I somehow get the songs all into one folder

>> No.15995747

Is there a difference between the super joybox 3 pro and the super joybox 5 pro for USKOC on LR2 and AC data?

>> No.15995830

one has a 3 and the other has a 5

>> No.15995868

So they both work equally well with the USKOC?

>> No.15995880

i was shitposting but you put up with it so nicely that i googled them both

looks like they work exactly the same but the joybox 5 has four controller ports vs just one

so if you plan on playing like

emulated thrill kill on your pc then go for the 5 but otherwise you don't need it

>> No.15996002

IIDX crossover when?


>> No.15996141

I need to look more at this site, also:


HueBR? kek.

>> No.15996153

>21 Spada

>22 Pendual

>23 Copula


>25 ?
Probably cute too.

>> No.15996156

On the FM I think.

>> No.15996158

Check yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKut_Yop_OE

>> No.15996233


Good Taste

>> No.15996249

yeah they should both work

I have the 5 because I use it for playing stepmania with friends too, and I have two playstation pads

>> No.15996253

Copula's pretty aesthetically neutral tbqh

I'd call it more "sleek" than cutesy

>> No.15996273

it's called iidx naruto

>> No.15996308

new iidx better have in game currency called sinobux

>> No.15996607

too bad it's just bux now

>> No.15996695
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I meant the art.

>> No.15996748

Wish I could get 1000bux IRL from a silver tran medal

>> No.15996845

The PCB replacement finally came in! I want to believe it took so long because they wrote "Aistin, Texas" on the address.

>> No.15996848

I'll update tonight if and/or when I get it working.

>> No.15996887

I think you mean IIDX Cinnabutts.

>> No.15996920

Both are better names than Sinobuz

>> No.15996940


how can you be 8dan and be so bad at timing
i've gotten AAA on 10s and i still can't pass it
im fucking mad

also WHy does 4chan keep saying this is spam

>> No.15996967


But there's cute art even in Spada, pendual and copula aren't "cute" in their aesthetic presentation.

>> No.15997058




>> No.15997064

I'll probably end up referring to it as this verbally. That or shinobu.

>> No.15997306


Why don't you kill yourself so, sir.

It'd be easier to time if the notes had anything to do with the music, but they don't.

Which technically makes the game not a rhythm game. Just glorified wack-a-mole. Mash buttons while listening to music.

>> No.15997312
File: 106 KB, 720x960, sdvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About fucking time

>> No.15997317
File: 4 KB, 193x101, your post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It'd be easier to time if the notes had anything to do with the music, but they don't.

>> No.15997354


What's that top graph supposed to mean?

>> No.15997366

New difficulty scale and showing what the old levels are in comparison to the new ones.

>> No.15997371
File: 15 KB, 640x667, bigtoot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank fucking god

>> No.15997378


Thank fucking god.

15s could easily be 3 or 4 separate levels.

I wonder if any of the 30something 15s I've cleared will be 18s.

>> No.15997409


Does this mean there will be difficulty overlap at 14s, 16s, and 18s? What is that dotted line supposed to be?

>> No.15997457


are you retarded it just means they're separating the current difficulties (top line) into the new difficulties (bottom line) that they're connected to

>> No.15997510


You clearly aren't getting what I'm saying. Don't even know why I asked a question I already knew the answer to. That chart is very clear.

Just wasting bandwidth at this point.

>> No.15997587

I don't even play sdvx and this news makes me happy

>> No.15997588
File: 1.94 MB, 357x210, 1467846553385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SDVX gets a new rating system before Jubeat and fucking IIDX

>> No.15997626


We're close. We're close to a unified 20 scale across all Bemani games. I can feel it.

>tfw new play levels will be

16s IIDX
17s SDVX
17s Pop'n
18s DDR (peak)
~13/14s DM
Never played Jubeat, but fuck it, 19s Jubeat.

Now I just need to get my hands on MUSECA.

>> No.15997627


Who cares?

Just kidding I like the game. They really need a better rating for it since any song that isnt braindead easy is labeled 10 and many 10s are still easy anyway

>> No.15997632

sdvx is even more broken than iidx

at least iidx feels like a meaningful progression through numbers and gets hard fast

>> No.15997663
File: 33 KB, 1020x426, 1470125674090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright alright calm down just take it already

>> No.15997712

Please go back to your containment board

>> No.15997718


You clearly don't even like rhythm games, why are you even here?

Oh wait, I know exactly which anon you are, it's you that needs to go back to the containment board.

>> No.15997788

I really want this. This will give people who do not play the other games a sense of how difficult a certain chart may be even with zero exposure. A person who plays 19s on IIDX would understand how fucking nuts 19s are on DDR even if they've never touched the game (no matter how unlikely that may be).

>> No.15997803

Actually I'm a new poster to this thread. I saw your cancerous post and told you to get out of my board.

>> No.15997917

This is absolutely adorable
This guy has a channel where he uploads videos of him playing IIDX at the arcade, but he frequently uses modifiers like 5 key and autoscratch, and in this video he even failed a song and still uploaded it


>> No.15997957


Aww. I want to unironically say something positive but I don't know much beyond "Good job" or "nice play" or "good luck".

Also don't know how to not make it seem sarcastic.

>> No.15998041

So, DOA DAO, guy, if you're around, I'm starting to think that fucking Nip screwed us. By which I mean, instead of using his regular shipping methods, he used some bargain basement 6-8 business weeks type shit.

This is your first order from him, shipping from China as I do recall you bought your FP7 from the storehouse.

However, I've ordered from him several times and even from China I'd have had my shit long ago.

If this is true, it makes him a cheap piece of shit. I'll think long and hard before giving him my business in the future.

>> No.15998048

A unified 20 scale wouldn't really work for stuff like Jubeat, but it'd be nice to see overall so that we can easily understand the differences between games.

>> No.15998058

im excited for you!

>> No.15998078

It's better, but it could still be improved. 15s should cover at least 1 or 2 more levels. Depends on the person obviously, but everything below 10 is still throwaway that most people get past in a week tops.

>> No.15998086

i always feel sad seeing people who are stuck on lower levels(before the game gets 'hard') of rhythm games. i like to help and see people improve but stuff like this just makes me a little sad but i hope they still enjoy their time with the game.

>> No.15998092

Levels 1-10 could honestly be compressed down to 1-7 at least, but the reason why they keep it expanded like that is to hook new players into the game.

If you start playing the game and after a month (with an "evenly" distributed difficulty scale) you're still stuck on level 5/20, you'd get discouraged.

With the current system you can probably get to level 10 within a month as a brand new player and the sense of ranking up/getting better keeps you interested in the game.

You'll note that this is also true of most other games that have skill rankings or levels - lower levels/rankings in RPGs or online FPS games or whatever tend to be easy to blaze through and higher ones take much more grinding once you're already heavily invested into the game.

>> No.15998102


Wew, I am legit mentally deficient. Didn't see he already got it.

Though I worry that there aren't updates by now. That replacement shouldn't have taken this long.

I fear something went wrong and he fell into crushing despair and did himself in.

>> No.15998108

So I've only been playing DDR for roughly a year now, so I'm curious about a it of its history. How big was the shitstorm when Valkyrie Dimension's Challenge chart came out as the first 19? I can only imagine every player freaking the fuck out about how much of a jump it is from an 18 to a 19.

>> No.15998121

it really wasn't that drastic we had several 18s for years before that, equally gimmicky

>> No.15998127

That's surprising actually. I'm able to pass most of the 18's with fairly decent scores (except for IX, fuck that song) and the first time I tried a 19 I shit the bed hard. Like, it is fucking nuts to me how much stupid is in all the songs.

>> No.15998133

>Dead End Groove radar special

>> No.15998180

Yeah. Try comparing far east nightbird with air raid.

>You can print out your results via the generator
Might be cool

>> No.15998189

Someone said there will be 80 level 18s, 15 level 19s and a 20. (The 20 is probably Lachryma GRV)

This means some of the easier old 16s are in the same tier as the hardest old 15s.

>> No.15998192
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 14671180_10207279517495056_1530553189228214787_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can now buy a track and play it in game

About time indeed.

>> No.15998372
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Oh, I went to a concert right after it came in. I just got back and figured everything out and set it up. It works perfectly now.

>> No.15998446


>> No.15998467

It feels fucking great. I actually like the default pressure (though I can see how they might eventually stick). So much better than my JKOC.

>> No.15998521


Nice tv

>> No.15998547

Thanks. I've had it as long as I can remember but now it only gets used for Bemani games.

>> No.15998569

Now it makes sense why they've been releasing so many songs with two 15 charts

>> No.15998776

"ITG" footshufflers cried because they couldn't footshuffle.
Casuals were creaming themselves despite not being able to even touch it.
Actually good players thought it's not PFCable (it probably is for the best players nowadays, would just require a shitton of practice and grinding) and therefore didn't take it seriously.
Pump players have been dealing with such charts since 2006. Case in point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI_WYBqvFcQ

>> No.15998830

itg players also can't do crossovers to save their lives and get so buttmad when you bring it up

>> No.15999059


Not going to get mad. Simply going to inform you that you are dreadfully wrong.

>> No.15999091
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>playing a game for ostriches in 2016

>> No.15999117


Fuck you. I don't want to ruin another thread shitting Konami's adorable attempt at playing catchup.

>> No.15999123
File: 135 KB, 282x279, 627e28b37855e920c3356491f8b47c22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck you. I don't want to ruin another thread spewing my autistic opinions from 10 years ago because I am literally Kyle Ward IRL

>> No.15999160


I can't begin to comprehend the psychosis involved with blindly defending games made by a horrible company who's executives wake up in the morning thinking of new and creative ways to hate you.

Konami would kill your whole family for a single yen. Yet you shit on ITG and its creators because the players went a stupid direction with custom songs after the game was wrongly sued into oblivion by Konami.

I can't understand it. It's like a mutated blend between Beaten Wife and Stockholm syndrome.

You have my sincerest pitty.

>> No.15999179
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>It's another DDR vs ITG episode

>> No.15999182

IIDX has had two difficulty revisions.

>> No.15999194

More than 2 actually

The very first IIDX versions had 1-5
It then changed to 1-7
then 1-7+
then 1-8
then 1-8+
And finally the 1-12 we still have today.

>> No.15999262


Sorry, Honkers. I'll stop.

>> No.15999299

is this pasta

>> No.15999305

that's our resident pasta machine actually

just ask him about ddr a (he hasn't played it but he'll tell you how much it sucks)

>> No.15999322
File: 84 KB, 364x205, IMG_1253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw pop'n cabs showed up in Bangkok and I'm halfway across the world from it

>> No.15999330


>> No.15999523
File: 40 KB, 605x576, 14720380_1210327415707056_4178775710024308349_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daiuchuu stage GRV is a 18

>> No.15999539
File: 63 KB, 150x180, 1465570372625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no new pop'n cabs in america other than tokyo attack and maybe some other private collections and we'll probably never get any on official e-amuse

>> No.15999585


>Black or White an 18

Song's piss easy. One of the first 10 15s I cleared.

>> No.15999942

>Daiuchuu stage GRV at the same level of Black or White?
>Can clear Black or White? without too much effort
>Still lose at EXH Daiuchuu stage 95% of the time

>> No.15999975

Daiuchuu EXH should be a 20.

>> No.16000079


>mfw I would have AAA'd Daichuu Stage the first time I played it but I fucked up the lasers.

>> No.16000273

I'm happy for you DOA DAO.

>> No.16000480

>it's cold hand season again
time to quit playing rhythm games and get rusty
please kill me

>> No.16000507

No more unlock bullshit?

>> No.16000577

Probably still there

>tfw got rekt by Neo Gravity EXH but I sightread cleared End to End

>> No.16000582

Holy shit, Chunithm air looks really hard.

>> No.16000607

Is there a video of someone actually playing this? I can't imagine what it's supposed to look like being played.

>> No.16000613

10s on google:

>> No.16000649
File: 800 KB, 768x611, chrome_2016-10-21_13-22-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found the guy from the last thread

>> No.16000739


Looks like he didn't stop. Took his autism storm to random IIDX videos on Youtube. Sad, really.

>> No.16000831

>wrongly sued
It was a literal ripoff. They deserved to be sued.

>> No.16000833

I'll take cold hands over sweaty hands anytime.

>> No.16000848

Jesus fucking Christ when is Copula going up on sows

>> No.16000878

Tfw never got an AAA

>> No.16000943

>plus ranks

>> No.16001071

DDR A has plus and minus ranks though

>> No.16001213

In like 3 or 4 weeks.

>> No.16001219

And Activision had already kept them from bringing Guitar Freaks over because Activision had a US guitar controller patent first.

>> No.16001223

Do you need resistors for (600p/r) encoders hooked up to an arduino?

>> No.16001232

And Activision killed Scratch.

>> No.16001233

I've already passed another (old) 6 since getting it working. I think I'm gonna be able to improve a lot more now, though a lot of that has to do with my pattern recognition constantly improving but my fingers (and the DAO keys compared to the JKOC) are feeling a lot more responsive than they used to.

>> No.16001241

That's kinda fucked.

>> No.16001266

Nah, I would never use bait that stale. Osu can get sub 1 frame timing but the pepstapo would never allow it on Ranked.

A moment of silence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn809akm8LU

>> No.16001294


just go play like a 2 or 3 or something

>> No.16001313

At least that art direction never made it onto the market.

>> No.16001442
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>You don't like SDVX?

>> No.16001460


>> No.16001472

I'm curious now, what's the problem with osu and timing? I thought the only problem with it was the score system.

>> No.16001530

why should it make you sad? everyone starts somewhere.

I started playing 2 months ago and I'm just starting to clear 7s now. It's not sad; it's exciting even though making progress is a lot of work :D

>> No.16001550

The timing is left to the map maker.
This is bad, because then you have practically no chance of learning good timing; depending on the song, you might get all 300s or shit-all. It also encourages the map makers to hike up the difficulty by changing the difficulty to super tight, or to make the difficulty lower by making the timing super lenient. Either way, I think it brings an unnecessary variable to the game.
But then again, you could say that any timing besides 1 ms windows is TOTALLY NOT HARD CORE AND PROOF OF SHIT GAME!!!1! like that osufag before.

>> No.16001552

Try being one of those guys. It really sucks.

>> No.16001571

Same. I gave his video a like.
He really shouldn't have failed that song unless it was a sightread at his skill level.

>> No.16001631

It's only 13ms. Quit being a baby.

>> No.16001881

can confirm, shitty as fuck and filled with neckbeards tho, fuck that place

>> No.16001890

i just meanpeople stunted on the lower levels.new players are cool!

>> No.16002242


DDR was not legally supposed to even exist in the US. Konami had no jurisdiction to enforce their patent.

>> No.16002427


It's 16ms i think

>> No.16002608



>> No.16002612


Thank that girl whose creepy dad (who probably is reading this thread) forced her to become a rhythm games player and posted pictures of PW machines on twitter and told japanese people who asked where it was, where it was

>> No.16002617


I bet you can't even clear gambol another.

>> No.16002631

So I just got done playing a set of some Pendual, and at the end, I saw some wacky cut scene with my customized Q-pro character. There was an alter type thing, some rumbling, and some dialog I couldn't really read.

I've never seen this shit before, and I have played countless sessions.

What the fuck happened and why?

>> No.16002644


That's been happening since before tricoro, where have you been?

>> No.16002667

your psun op changed the event most likely

>> No.16002708


I'm telling you I've never seen it before and have been playing data for 6 months.


What do you mean? Could there have been a minimum something or other I just hit?

>> No.16002713

the -operator- who you got your pcbid from

they can change the post-game events so they probably did

>> No.16002714
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>> No.16002718


Oh. Neat. So I take it you can just set it to nothing.

Hope I don't have to sit through that every time though.

>> No.16002793

Kind of a weird question but can someone make a vid of a kshoot track for me? Curious what the extra track in pulsevar.KSM april fools pack is like but I don't have a computer on me with windows on it. It's in the 5h folder.

>> No.16002857

Just remember, if you're ever feeling down, you're better than Darude at IIDX.

>> No.16004077
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So, the LR2 download link in the main site is down

does anybody have a working mirror?

>> No.16004112

use web archive

>> No.16004121

That worked. Thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.16004925
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Grace is sad

I wonder how she'll look like in SDVX IV

>> No.16005091

Don't tell sows this, but Cindy truly disgusts me. Her awkward character design, her abhorrent animated movements, the way she grossly falls over when she loses.

I doubt I'll ever play a song featuring that vile beast ever again.

>> No.16005226
File: 123 KB, 1008x827, zzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody give me a hand with GLAssist?

I'm trying to create a custom folder, but the newest version UI is different from the one in the LR2's reddit tutorial. Where the fuck is the button I'm supposed to press here?


>> No.16005399


>> No.16005404

I'm telling

>> No.16005436

>sinobuz has 7 bgms
my dick

>> No.16005497

One for each day!

>tfw more than half the daily bonuses are useless because lolnopaseli

>> No.16005503

whats the name/chart of that pump it up song that's 100% freeze arrows and you can play it by sitting on the pads

>> No.16005546


>> No.16005569


How does this even work? Does the game only recognize if the key's held down instead of pressed at the correct time? What other songs can be passed this way?

>> No.16005583

>Does the game only recognize if the key's held down instead of pressed at the correct time?


>> No.16005587

Yeah, in PIU you just have to keep your foot on the pad for hold notes, and you can even press on a hold note in the middle of it in case you missed it (though that means each tick you aren't pressing a hold note on counts as a miss).

>> No.16005589


There's one song on Exceed 2 where the whole song has a middle freeze so you can just sit down and do the rest with your hands.

Forget the name though.

>> No.16005593

Question to DDR/ITG players:

Have you guys noticed that your ability in the arcade improves if you play StepMania before you play out on some pads? When I went today I played for about 30 minutes before actually going to my local arcade and I was having a way easier time reading and passing songs than normal. Thoughts?

>> No.16005598

playing stepmania/watching videos of charts does help with reading and timing, yes

especially if you're trying to play something like EGOISM 440 or Pluto or Fascination ELM

>> No.16005599

I think that's called a warm up.

>> No.16005623

Ahhhh I just went back and watched the stream and it makes me so happy that IIDX is getting public attention in the west

>> No.16005628

Holy shit.

>> No.16005630


What stream?

>> No.16005671

you mean you actually missed Darude playing IIDX?

4chan won't let me link the vod from Twitch but go to Superplay's channel and watch yesterday's video

>> No.16005747

The problem is: Konami doesn't want to cash with his attention. ;_;

>> No.16005781

Hitsounds were a mistake

>> No.16005787

But anon she will not be in sdvx 4

>> No.16005797

wew did chunithm air rip off beatstream's interface?

saved my money desu

>> No.16005800

Why does Konami put in literally zero effort to bring Bemani games to the West? The whole series is even completely absent from Konami's English website. It's so sad.

>> No.16005805

Arcades are dead in the west and people will just call them guitar hero ripoffs
Westerners who wanted to play it already knew how to

>> No.16005813

Konami still thinks their games are too hard for howaito piggu.

>> No.16005817
File: 22 KB, 229x316, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was at a con with an sdvx cab and someone called it weeaboo guitar hero

at the same event someone walked up to beatmania the final and said "it's like a shitty guitar hero ripoff"

>> No.16005859

They're doing crazy edition/bms stuff in about 90 minutes if you want to catch it

>> No.16005915

Welp just ordered myself a super joybox 3 off of ebay; hoping I can get it working with my USKOC on LR2/AC data

>> No.16005920

I was thinking of doing something like that as well. I'm hoping any input lag can be mitigated by simply tuning the timing delay on LR2.

>> No.16005927


I've been getting differing opinions on it: earlier in this thread people were saying AC data timing could be adjusted to compensate, but over on sows people are saying that while you can adjust lr2 timing for a reasonable experience, it doesn't work so well with ac data.

The adapter was $10, so hey if this lets me avoid buying a dao to play ac data (when I get ahold of it), fantastic! If not, hey at least I can use it with BMS.

>> No.16006067

Because nips don't know how to market in the west. Like people already said that nobody know that Konami "invented" the rhythm games genre but they could still make a fanbase if they want (bringing INFINITAS to Steam and putting more music would be a great move for example) but, well, it's not like there is a exchange of information about business opportunities between western and eastern developers (that's why it's almost impossible a game made by a small company there make success here and vice versa).

Anyway, there's simply not a incentive $ for them to invest here. At least you guys are lucky for having Round 1.

>> No.16006086


I agree there's no point in localizing games, there's no money to be made from it, rhythm games are extremely niche.

And besides, i'm sure if they did bring more games to the west people [already in the community] wouldn't like it. Sure you'd like to think you would embrace it, but people are contrarian elitist fucks. How many times do you see people complaining "look at these fucking normies hogging my DDRA machine being stupid" instead of "hey more people can be introduced to cool rhythm games now!"

>> No.16006100

My dude I'd much rather have to deal with normies occasionally than to not have a single IIDX cab within 400 miles of me

>> No.16006440
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the issue isnt delay but consistency. you can easily fine tune delay to accomodate but the issue with the adapters is often that it doesnt delay the exact same way with every input. but yeah its trivial to adjust timing in lr2 and ac data

>> No.16006441

What is the most fun Max song and why is it MAX.(period)?

>> No.16006447


>> No.16006467

Well that was cancerous.

>> No.16006474

it's legend of max but thanks for trying

>> No.16006478

this desu

>> No.16006484

If it existed it would be Fascination MAXX long

>> No.16006487

It's MAX 300 super max me remix, though.

>> No.16006491

Ben Fischbien

>> No.16006511

Actually it's Max don't have sex with your ex desu senpai

>> No.16006530

>not Maxx Unlimited
Plebs, all of you.

>> No.16006550


Max Burning

>> No.16006568

What are some songs around the 6-7 range that'll help me not suck at scratching

>> No.16006578

for reference I can barely clear this because of the scratches


>> No.16006580

you mean Max Forever

>> No.16006581

Naughty Girl @ Queen's Palace
Black by X-Crossfade
Red by Full Metal Jacket
Watch Out Pt.2
Shakunetsu Beach Side Bunny
Shakunetsu Pt.2 Long Train Running
Checking You Out

>> No.16006587


hope most of those are Happy Sky and onwards because I'm still on LR2 and can't get earlier charts than that :/

>> No.16006594

i think every single one of them is, except Checking You Out which is 4th style

>> No.16006713


Dance Vibrations S14

>> No.16006786


beatmania 3 the final is the best beatmania ever made!

>> No.16006790

it's really good i wish it were more widely available i only get to play it once in a while

>> No.16006957

This gentleman understands.

>> No.16007080


DeltaMAX is best max, though.

>> No.16007293

>tfw you only have styles 8 and earlier

>> No.16007301
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I cleared my first 7 last weekend and today I cleared about four more 7s!!! I feel like something's finally clicking for me :D

wait you wanna trade because I literally can't get pre-Happy Sky BMS files anywhere

no one's even seeding them on sows so I'm SOL

>> No.16007352


>wanting all those shit charts

>> No.16007501

I just want variety fampai

plus playing older 6s and 7s is usually more challenging in a good way

>> No.16007659

how to use the lanecover in LR2? nothing happens when i hold start and use turntable

>> No.16007688
File: 34 KB, 1126x629, 14612540_10211316563618193_7548505023411217362_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind i figured it out

it sucks that lr2 doesn't consider a full combo with any poors to be a full combo, maybe i like to freestyle a bit

i am this anon
i finally got it working by directing it to a folder with different songs, i think it was crashing on startup because some of the song names were garbled

>> No.16007694

Who are some good DP players to follow these days?

>> No.16007729

Try burning heat [a]

Great song, tough for a 7 if you're not used to 12ths

>> No.16007814

I'm talking CS. I could care less about BMS unless I'm playing original BMS songs.

>> No.16007888

So you want to trade?

>> No.16008002



You're welcome.

>> No.16008103

what the fuck is wrong with lr2s hard gauge? it drains nearly instantly, faster than iidx ex hard

is there something wrong with the bmses of these old bm 5k charts im playing?

>> No.16008125

There's a BM1Final batch which I acquired that has all songs start to get off sync because they weren't adjusted for fractional BPM values, which BMS doesn't support.

>> No.16008130

i don't really notice that though, the timing feels okay, i was more asking about the gauge

i literally missed like 5 notes on hard gauge and failed instantly

>> No.16008250
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>> No.16008293

I know, right? That BT-B looks really fucked.

>> No.16008506

So nobody here really plays the BMS of Fighters stuff? Or at least talks about it?

Out of what little I can play I think my overall feeling is that there general quality is better than years past; but at the same time, there's no songs which either really floored me or made me want to kill myself.

Yeah, the sim programs I've used don't really handle Hard gauge well at all. If I remember right, and it's been years since I've tried it so don't quote me on it, there might be something about how LR2 handles 5key stuff or charts with fewer notes in terms of gauge loss and recovery too.

By the way, I hope that BMShare link posted earlier ends up in the sticky. I had to do some unsavory legwork to dig it up, I'd rather not have to do that again.

>> No.16008512

*the general quality, was my intended writing.

>> No.16009695

another wr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWqCePn5KeM
other one's more impressive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ_nGcUXIRo

>> No.16009868

I've literally been saying that lr2's gauges are just harder in general

>> No.16010077

It's not good to talk into your monitor.

>> No.16010298

as in like I made that post up there >>15992933 and I've been complaining to IRL bemani friends too

some of us have friends anon

>> No.16010410
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>It's yet another "play SDVX or go fuck yourself" *insert bemani game* update episode
I'm so sick of how much they shill this fucking game.

>> No.16010932


Yeah the amount of people saying how much they love sdvx is really explains the recent shit quality of threads

>> No.16010941

sdvx isn't that good

>> No.16010990

I blame brain power.

>> No.16011002

I blame the whole game.

>> No.16011030

I blame (You)

>> No.16011085

2 more days boyz!


>> No.16011094

I blame IIDX not having fun music (only a dozen/game).

>> No.16011103

I blame SDVX not having good music (mostly indie shit like touhou and vocaloid)

>> No.16011121

there is literally nothing wrong with indie shit

>> No.16011132

Of course not, unless its actually shit. In this case it is (mostly).

>> No.16011145

But aside from 2hu and vld ALL sdvx music are good.

It's like you don't like BlackY.

>> No.16011202

>STARLiGHT Album Launch Ryu Remix Contest
>nothing wrong

>> No.16011437

i blame konmai for not having quality control on WHO gets to submit 2hu songs to sdvx desu
2hu music sound like shit when remixed into edm (what doesn't really?) and heavier genres and sdvx is largely about these so the whole thing is doomed to fail from the start

i always wanted to play TSAR BOMBA in 2diks

>> No.16011441

Maybe. ;^)

>> No.16011446

I thought I'd like 2hu eurobeat but I hate the stuff I downloaded during freeleach.

>> No.16011474

>original 2hu stuff from the games are actually catchy and fun
>they insist in makin and using shitty remixes

I,don't get it.

>> No.16011500


>> No.16011504

>original bemani songs are catchy and fun
>they keep insisting on making shitty remix contests


>> No.16011541

I agree with both.

>> No.16011754


>> No.16011827


people like you are why bemani music got bad

>> No.16011831

SDVX was a mistake.

>> No.16011833

The kors k remix had lots of good stuff.

i.e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7_EyFY47rw

>> No.16011852

That setsugekka remix is fun though

>> No.16011867

Where do I even find kshoot mania skins? All I can find are the SDVX skins that don't work on 1.5, or skins that are locked behind a facebook group.

In other words, does anyone have kshoot mania 1.5 or skins that work in 1.6?

>> No.16011878

> All I can find are the SDVX skins that don't work on 1.5,
I meant don't work on 1.6, and I can't find any downloads of 1.5 anywhere

>> No.16011892

ksm 1.5 is in a torrent on sows

>> No.16011898

Do you happen to have an invite for sows?

>> No.16011899

So I'm watching videos of people just pressing the keys on IIDX controllers because I love how they sound so much

and I'm realizing I might actually be autistic

what do I do now

>> No.16011900


>> No.16011908

Have you tried listening to good pop'n players press the buttons.


>> No.16011913

this is extremely enjoyable thank you

>> No.16012007

Only white people do that.

>> No.16012032

So when does the difference between Honeywells and Omrons become really important? I'm on high 7s/low 8s right now and want to know if I can put off buying Omrons.

>> No.16012056

Bought Empress for $125 today. Did I make a mistake?

>> No.16012059

The main difference is the feel and the lifetime of the switches. The honeywells are light and rated for way fewer presses before they start to fall apart. They didn't even last me a year.

I personally like heavier switches with lighter springs, but it varies from person to person.

>> No.16012064

unless you are a completionist collector, yes

>> No.16012071

I am so I guess it's okay. I'm kinda obsessive with that shit and considering getting into 5key Beatmania when I finish IIDX.

>> No.16012077
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>not just getting ESR and freemcboot and downloading an ISO

>> No.16012081

>The main difference is the feel and the lifetime of the switches. The honeywells are light and rated for way fewer presses before they start to fall apart. They didn't even last me a year.
I see. I just got my FP7 a week ago so I guess I can put off buying omrons for a while.

>> No.16012089

>when I finish IIDX
I've been playing for over 10 years and I haven't finished FCing all 10s, AAAing all 11s, AA HCing all 12s.

>> No.16012172

Oh, I didn't mean that. I meant collecting. I'll always be cycling through all the Bemani games with IIDX being the main.

>> No.16012177

But collecting...

>> No.16012325

>152~153 BPM


>> No.16012528


This was the one I was thinking of. The other one demonstrates my point but this is it.

All I could remember from the song was "Saturday night"

>> No.16012534


>being racist


>> No.16012570

>AC unlock systems

Why is this shit allowed? It serves literally no purpose.

The people who this is "compelling" to play the game were already slaves to it long ago. They were going to waste the same amount of money on the game regardless.

And not a single person has casually played a round or two of any of these games then stuck to it forever because a certain song (that they wouldn't even be aware of in the first place) takes 30,000 hours of gameplay to unlock.

>> No.16012603

That song debuted in the Prex3 or The Premiere 3 can't remember, back then no one had an freaking idea how to pass this song without help, people started using chairs but most arcade places won't allow you to do it, I remember when I first saw someone do it the arcade owner freaked out, those were the times when if an arrow panel broke you had to deal with it because is not going to be replaced in months.

>> No.16012608

this has been bugging me for a while

what the FUCK is a Prex

>> No.16012623

Premiere + Extra

>> No.16012648


Wait, are you talking about Join the Party or that 5 freeze arrow song?

I can't imagine anyone not being able to figure out how to do it. Right foot on Middle and Down-Right, left foot on Down-Left, crouch down and hold Up-Left and Up-Right with your hands.

Hold that position for 2 minutes and there you go.

Join the Party though, just take off one shoe and use the lower friction on your sock to swivel around as necessary.

>> No.16012707

Older arcades had really harsh judges and tight timings especially the Extra with Stage Break On and you have 90% of the people who try this song failing, it wasn't until the Exceed 2 when the game became relative easy to play, also back then Combo didn't really added to the final score like it does now.

You can try the Extra's tight timing by selecting the "XJ" judgment in Fiesta2/Prime arcades, really hard almost impossible to get an all perfect game, those tight timing won't work on modern version the songs are just way to hard not to mention monitor delay 9ms to displayu at best and Vsync another 16ms at 60FPS.

>> No.16012908

So the modded headphone jack for IIDX got removed because management threw a shitfit according to one of the kaidens back in Bangkok.

Sound business decision again.

>> No.16012914

if it makes you feel any better, it's still probably on-par with the american experience at round 1s. we don't have iidx headphone jacks and if parts are broken you can expect to wait months for a fix, if it ever comes

>> No.16013036


>if it makes you feel any better, everywhere is shit, there's not a good place or thing on earth

That'll cheer him up.

>> No.16013056

This leaves only Paranoia Hades, DEGRS, IX and OTP ESP as 18s that haven't been PFCd yet.

>> No.16013119


Must suck to be Japanese. You invent all these wacky things that are hard as fuck and then "filthy gaijin" come in and take away the crown of being the best at them.

At least they'll always have their extremely autistic IIDX.

>> No.16013142

To be fair Chris and other western players suck at prolonged crossover streams and would have a lot of trouble PFCing charts like Mei, Pluto Relinquish or Possession unlike the best asian players like Brosoni and Fefemz.

>> No.16013151

nothing personal anon but i'm screencapping this for when chris inevitably pfcs one of those songs

>> No.16013153
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iidx is the worst

>> No.16013155
File: 15 KB, 246x344, a3fbbd1cc7abee359a97700a74760dcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iidx is the best actually

>> No.16013186

But where is Osu?

>> No.16013189

far below Reflec, next to Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe and Dancing With The Stars

>> No.16013415

but where does parappa the rapper fall into this

>> No.16013444

approximately between ddr solo and drummania

>> No.16013472
File: 58 KB, 256x256, SEXY_PLANET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are old DDR mixes filled with so many legitimately awful charts? I'm talking garbage like Paranoia KCET, Paranoia MAX, La Senorita Virtual and this piece of shit. At least with the original Paranoia and Trip Machine you can dodge the bullshit with some clever ghost steps, but here you have to either spin around like a retard or doublestep the shit out of everything. Artificial difficulty at its finest.

>> No.16013484

Download the latest version of K-Shoot, it doesn't block converts or skins anymore. Also just send a request to join the fb group, you should get accepted.

>> No.16013515 [DELETED] 


>> No.16013560


Nothing wrong with double stepping if you can do it accurately. Why do people treat it like it's cheating?

>> No.16013565

they're not awful you're just fucking garbage and can't handle double stepping lmao

here's an idea: keep those charts at the same note density but lay out all the patterns so there's no double stepping or crossovers, they're now laughably easy and can be done in your sleep

>> No.16013603

sup osu dude

Except we beat then in IIDX for a long time, too. If we had more arcades, there'd be more people playing bms and carrying that to the game.

>> No.16013611

It's not cheating, it's bullshit when the chart forces you to doublestep on its top speed.
I'm perfectly fine with crossovers, laterals, and even halfspins (I had a blast with Brilliant 2U Orchestra Groove CSP until the crap ending). But full spins are way over the line when the chart's rethoric forces them on you. I'm a low level player who doesn't venture past old 8 / new 12 and can't stream faster than 400 steps per minute, hitting me with doublesteps this fast is terrible difficulty balancing.

>> No.16013619

>I'm a low level player who doesn't venture past old 8 / new 12


when did you start playing

that's unfathomable even the worst players i know can clear 14s

>> No.16013653

Five months ago. I'm playing nobar on dirt cheap home setup with custom stepmania theme and maximum lifebar difficulty (four misses from full HP = out).

>> No.16013657

>maximum lifebar difficulty (four misses from full HP = out)
that's retarded, why?

and if you're playing without a bar double stepping is a bit harder, but you're probably also doing something wrong. you gotta lower your center of gravity to play no bar, and keep your feet relatively flat so you don't lose balance.

>> No.16013658


How the fuck is what I said anything like the nonsensical points the Osu dude made?

AC unlock systems are shit. I'm paying god damn money, you should present unto me the whole game in its entirety.

>> No.16013661

Top of the list by itself. THE most hardcore rhythm game.

>> No.16013697

>that's retarded, why?
Because missing steps at all is retarded, period. I usually restart a chart if I get any, unless I'm playing the hardest 8s which I'd never be able to FC nobar anyway.
Merely having the bar would probably let me do 13s at this point, but everything in my house is either too short, too tall or too unstable to use as one. I'd rather save money for an actual good hard pad setup. The best I can do right now is leaning against a wardrobe to the side, which is how I stabilize myself on fast jacks.
As a minor piece of detail why I suck so bad, I was wheelchair bound for most of my life and stepmania is my first regular physical exercise. As embarrassing at it is to say, it actually took me a few days just to pass my first new scale 5.

>> No.16013707

hey back off buddy make your own list

parappa is gr8 though it just has limited replay value

if parappa was a longstanding series with hundreds of songs it would be one of my most played

>> No.16013733

>Because missing steps at all is retarded, period
nah holding yourself to a standard of perfection when you can't even play at a basic level yet is retarded, get good and pass a 15 or something before you start seriously striving for FCs

i'm sorry to hear about the wheelchair thing that is a pretty damn good excuse

>> No.16013745
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t.entitled gaijin


>> No.16013781

Thanks for proving my point.
Almost all double steps can be avoided by starting with the right foot or footswitching, unless they're the song's main gimmick. It doesn't matter how fast the chart is if they're all like this >>16013565
Sounds like you just don't like foot games.

>> No.16013783

what a garbage fucking article, people like this are killing videogames

>> No.16013787

No need to be sorry, I'm mostly healthy now and Stepmania helps me get to passable levels of fitness.
I for one don't understand the mentality of these threads where you're supposed to just rush difficulty levels without caring about quality of your passes. Getting misses at all means you failed to fit within the set rethortic and will most likely botch harder charts even more. Grinding the easier stuff until you're very consistent at FCing them has a lot of merit by pushing your consistent speed and stamina little by little.
Plus misses look just plain ugly on result screen. I'd rather 800k FC than 900k with 1 miss.

>> No.16013790

>Except we beat then in IIDX for a long time, too.
When was this ever true.

>hitting me with doublesteps this fast is terrible difficulty balancing
I've encountered players like you. They have bad technique and can't manage which foot they place their weight on. What speed mods and scroll rate do you use. If it's anything like the other people I've seen complain about this, your speed mods are already so high that you never learned to read and plan your movements properly.

Or maybe your lack of balance is related to the whole wheelchair thing.

>> No.16013794
File: 59 KB, 408x439, 1477006221787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I for one don't understand the mentality of these threads where you're supposed to just rush difficulty levels without caring about quality of your passes. Getting misses at all means you failed to fit within the set rethortic and will most likely botch harder charts even more. Grinding the easier stuff until you're very consistent at FCing them has a lot of merit by pushing your consistent speed and stamina little by little.
>Plus misses look just plain ugly on result screen. I'd rather 800k FC than 900k with 1 miss.

ok what the fuck is wrong with you

it's time to mentally start over with rhythm games

>> No.16013801

You don't have to mash out a shitty quality pass all the time, but FC is probably too high of a standard. I'd personally move up and be satisfied with As or AAs.

>> No.16013823

I remembered feeling a lot more satisfied after clearing my first SDVX 15 then getting a UC in a 12

>> No.16013842

like >>16013801 says there is an enormous valley of possibilities between "C+ clear on a song out of your skill level because you mashed" and "A+/AA/85-95%"

>> No.16013843

Getting good requires getting out of your comfort zone. If you're only playing charts you can fc or almost fc you'll forever be shit at rhythm games

>> No.16013845

Did you even read the page?
>Yes, climbing Mount Everest is less satisfying when everyone can teleport straight to the top. But a good video game is one in which the ascent itself is a pleasure, and not just the final view.
If a game is shitty you shouldn't be playing it in the first place, but difficulty LEVELS shouldn't be locked. If retards want to ruin things for themselves, let them. More money in the dev's pockets.

>people who buy games are killing games
Who's worse: the guy who can't control himself or the guy who won't?

There's no merit in turning games into jobs, and they're obviously having more fun than you since every single one of them is laughing at you and your "bullshit" double steps.
>the result screen is more important than the actual game
This is you.

>> No.16013888

> westerners suck at songs like Possession
>Chris MFC'd it last week
Okay. Even if you mean the challsngdw chart, it isn't that much more difficult. Chris will destroy FEFEMZ and Brosoni at the next KAC. Mark my words.

>> No.16013889

Last reply I'm making because you're all fucking retards. Fast doublesteps are gay, missing any note on the chart is gay, and so are all of you.
But thanks to >>16013790 for pointing the weight placement out. I've been unaware of this issue, but thinking back this is how I botch a lot of harder charts after getting tired out halfway through - leaning on the wrong foot at the worst possible time.

>> No.16013919

Bye, crippled gay retard

>> No.16013934


That's cheating. (I'm kidding, I like the remixes, except 2hu.)

>> No.16013945
File: 37 KB, 500x461, top-5-strongest-anime-characters-of-all-time-breckfast-2505861_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have tips for developing stamina in ddr?

im thinking of just starting to do cardio on my own. i feel like i could definitely pass an 18 at this point if i wasnt getting tired half way throgh since i can read them fine. i started playing like 4 months ago, so i may just be rushing myself but its super frustrating that i get gassed partway into a song after even a long rest.

is there some technique i may be missing? should i just stop being a shitty unathletic twink? please send help.

>> No.16013950

Stamina is hard
Timing is easy
I seriously recommend at least passing 15/16 before you worry about FC'ing anything. Nobody cares if you can PFC a 12, but most are impressed if you can even pass a 17 with a decent score. If you cant understand this then I suggest you re-cripple yourself.

>> No.16013962

To trigger the autists/everybody because it's fun.

>> No.16013968

>Why is this shit allowed?

Nips like it.

>> No.16013971

where is vib-ribbon
that game was the shit

>> No.16013980

Meant for

Check out the clear difficulty list on ddr community and play the songs with the stamina modifier over and over again like Houkago Stride, Nephilim Delta, Max.(period), etc. That is my go to set when I wanna work on stamina. Also make sure you are flat stepping and using your heels/toes for arrows. Saves so much energy.

>> No.16013985

never played it

>> No.16013992

This list makes me want to vomit.

>> No.16013994

Nips have shit taste in everything from music to anime.

>> No.16014017

Why you play their games, hear their music and watch their anime then?

>> No.16014019

triggered reflec meme player spotted

or you're just tasteless

>> No.16014024

the fucking stupid lr2 gauge is really making me not want to play it at all

even the normal gauge doesn't work right, it drains way too fast

is there any way i can edit it to be more like real iidx?

>> No.16014026


Motherfucker, this does not apply to rhythm games.

Getting further into a games and unlocking new areas/weapons/etc. is a far cry from not being able to play every song on a game where you just play songs.

Especially egregious is when unlocking these songs are a literal fucking nightmare.

>> No.16014035

>you have to dream about sex with Taka to unlock songs

>> No.16014049

No, it's just that SDVX = IIDX > DDR > PoP'n > MUSECA > Jubeat.

Nobody cares about the rest. (also, Osu! is a casual game, therefore it should be on another list)

>> No.16014059


One man's nightmare is another man's wet dream.

>> No.16014069
File: 768 KB, 600x313, 1464753278686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sdvx is the best or tied for the best bemani game
>jubeat is good

goddamn kids
get out of my hobby

osu isn't even ON the list it's a comprehensive list of bemani games

>> No.16014074

>iidx anywhere near the top
You've missed the forest.

>> No.16014077

In The Division (hur dur, ubishit) you have access to all missions and side missons the moment you enter an area. Want to play a lv20 misson being a lv7? No problem.

Anyway, it's a solid point, if you play sims on PC (LR2, Stepmania, Kshoot, even Osu!) you have access to a song the moment you download it, why arcade have to be autistic? It's even worst that you are OBLIGATED to play ANOTHER game, to play a song in the game you want.

>> No.16014086

itt people who want to kill bemani

>> No.16014090

So I just installed my AC set in my SVSE5 and these fucks are neigh unplayable.

>Too sensitive
>Turn down sensitivity like 5%
>Doesn't feel quite right
>Give up forever

Starting to think this was a waste of money. I wish I could play SDVX in the wild so I have something to compare it against.
Then again, I might just be bad at the game, I haven't played in a month.

>> No.16014092


Why not? Fuck games. Worse than Hitler company.

>> No.16014093

>it's a comprehensive list of bemani games
>I never heard about DanEvo and TomTom

O-Ok. This list is still shit though. Also,

>get out of my hobby
I'll not. Fight me.

>> No.16014106

>in Pump it Up you can unlock all songs with a code
>nobody complains about it
>just because I want something like this I want to kill Bemani

>> No.16014122

you realize that's only a thing because their usb/profile system is absolute trash, doesn't work, and wouldn't be usable by the third worlders who actually PLAY piu anyways because they don't have reliable internet?

>> No.16014149

>they think joker codes are exceptions
itt niggas that NEVER been to a arcade once in they life

>> No.16014161

>MAX 300 was originally supposed to be a 400 BPM song, but was too difficult.
How times have changed.

>> No.16014163

>>Too sensitive
>>Turn down sensitivity like 5%
Then turn it down even more? This gives the impression you haven't really done anything before giving up.

Also, as far as making it arcade accurate goes, you want it fairly high. I haven't tried a cab, but from what I've seen in videos and what people have said, the cab sensitivity is high enough to where you miss slams if you move the knobs too much. Look at some hand cam videos where they change hi-speed mid-song. This is a decent example:

>> No.16014201


I can even really see how much he turned the knob. Looks like 2.2x with a quarter turn or less.

>> No.16014272

>MVA (that L.E.D. speedcore song in pop'n 19) was originally a 540 bpm song
>The Deep Striker [a] was a 12 in its location test. That chart is now its black another in 15cs.

>> No.16014298


That must mean Naoki had to almost completely redo the song. 400 to 3000 would fuck ever4ything up musically. Can't just dial it down like you could from 400 to 200.

>> No.16014307

How stiff are the AC knobs?
I'm in the middle of revising my diy knob assembly, and could use some help in gauging how much I need to dampen the rotation.
If you rotate them with full force (think like spinning a spinning top), do the knobs keep on rotating after you let go? Do they rotate e.g. for half a turn? full turn? 20 turns?

>> No.16014309
File: 133 KB, 600x839, 1461146449151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jubeat is probably the most normie friendly bemani so maybe that's why it's hated here.

>> No.16014315

But I do go to an arcade. The only game it has in it is PIU though [there other in my city with Taiko but it's more expansive].

>> No.16014326

I'm a mix of the two, what I am?

>> No.16014340

it also fucking sucks compared to any game with scrolling note lanes

>> No.16014386

To each their own I think.

Reminder that Umaru is in some bemani now


>> No.16014393


>> No.16014400

Makes the game impossible to sightread, makes hold notes total shit, jacks are impossible, etc

>> No.16014409

So, totally personal reasons then? Because I don't have any problem with them.

>> No.16014410

What year is this?
Why do you fags wait until limit before posting?

>> No.16014422

After you git gud (not like it's hard for Jubeat) to some degree you'll get at least an S even in 10s.

Provided said song isn't Dopamin or something

>> No.16014437

Because 300 posts limit is stupid. Should be AT LEAST 600.

>> No.16014448
File: 413 KB, 452x452, Growth_Memories_ADV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to cosplay as Maxima
>nowhere near muscular enough


>> No.16014483


Are all the whatchamacallits song specific? Cause that's great. Seeing her smug face after every note smiling at you.

>> No.16014533

No. It's a marker/background you can use for any song.

My scores do take a hit when using her though

>> No.16014575

If Umaru isn't your thing, there's this


>> No.16014657

>Destroy FEFEMZ

Made me laugh.


>> No.16014787

>chris is good in a hard game
>fefemz is good in an easy game
>fefemz is better than chris

>> No.16014809


Stops moving immediately when you stop turning it.

And I do believe they are confirmed pieces of shit. They have what feels like the equivalent of mouse acceleration. You can turn them so slowly they don't even register. Aren't these supposed to be like 600ppr? Even the 50ppr copals didn't do this.

Have to turn the sensitivity up so high you can do a slam with like 5 degrees of spin, then when there's a laser that slowly moves across the lane you have to keep turning it pretty fast because the not registering thing, and because the sensitivity is so high it's easy to fuck up the lasers entirely.

These knobs blow.

>> No.16014816

Says so while getting owned for another year in a row.

>> No.16014837

get AC data

but yeah dude I feel ya I was at 88% and I missed a 3-note chord at the end (thought the song was over) and that dropped me down to 76% and I failed the song

LR2 gauges are fucked

>> No.16014851
File: 6 KB, 228x616, 3y3s more like whys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I do this in time?

These 3 measures drop me down to 2% every single time

>> No.16014878

but max300

>> No.16014901

Listen to the track and go with the music
It's a semi weird rhythm but once you get it down is easy

>> No.16014909

4th = One/Two/Three/Four
8th = And
16th = e/a
Omitted = []
So a full measure would be
> 1-e-&-a-2-e-&-a-3-e-&-a-4-e-&-a
Each white thin white line is a 4th obviously, half that an 8th, half that a 16th. The pattern you are looking at would go.

Measure 49:
Measure 50:
Same as above
Measure 51:

Best way to practice this is to say each part out loud, and only tap out the precise pattern, which means only omitting that which I put in the brackets for your taps.

Sorry if this is confusing, it can be hard to grasp at first if you have zero music training.

>> No.16014912

The first two measures are easy enough; just roll your hands inwards, the rhythm is easy to figure out if you listen to the parts before.
As for the third one, you just gotta go fast.

>> No.16014933

>implying Chris and even fucking Dr.D haven't beaten out FEFEMZ in every round of IDOLA so far

>> No.16014969

Are you playing ksm or ac data?

>> No.16014985

>If we had more arcades, there'd be more people playing bms and carrying that to the game.

People had this same kind of logic with street fighter and japs still dominate the no-arcade version

>> No.16014987


Data. I don't know what to do anymore, it's just so wildly different.

>> No.16015035

>bms : iidx :: mugen : sf
Be glad your mom was pro choice.

>> No.16015051

>They have what feels like the equivalent of mouse acceleration
How does it act on the desktop? My copals do the same thing in-game, but they have no deadzone on the desktop.

Also make sure you don't have 'Enable Pointer Precision' turned on, just in case.

>> No.16015052

>Except we beat then in IIDX for a long time, too.

says the guy who is this delusional
Be glad your mom only consumed vast amounts of alcohol during her shitty choice to have you

>> No.16015150

By next spring I'll finally be big enough to pull it off. I literally can't wait

>> No.16015173

Bring a shit ton of condoms if you end up going to a con. Con girls are ridiculously easy, especially for muscular dudes in revealing cosplay. It is easier than taking candy from a baby.

>> No.16015282

>Makes the game impossible to sightread

I think you're just bad

>> No.16015302

>Internet at home is fucking up for somet reason
>can only fix it on weekend
>stuck at 415 dellar until then

Go fuck yourself

>> No.16015544

For western players in general I'd agree with this, but Chris in particular seems to do fine with crossover streams

But until I see him get AAA on PRevo Challenge I'm going to continue to assume that FEFEMZ is much better at them.

>> No.16015580
File: 40 KB, 630x409, 1475718597540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reached 425 dellar this morning

>> No.16015586


What CS version is that? I can hear he's using a Blueshark, but I've long since not cared about CS DDR.

I ask because I noticed the color of the combo changes when you get a perfect and a great, like in ITG with blue and gold fonts.

I sited this as one of many superiorities ITG still has and am wondering when they stole the idea and implemented it.

>> No.16015615

>a can bench 100
>b can bench 200
>until I see b bench 9001 I'm going to continue to assume that a is much better

>> No.16015635

Except in this case FEFEMZ would be b and Chris would be a. We're talking about technical crossover streams in particular. I've yet to see evidence that Chris is better than FEFEMZ at crossover streams.

>> No.16015647


Nevermind. Apparently that's X3. Which makes that an actual machine. Pads didn't sound right to me though.

>> No.16015651

>tfw not enough dellar to ban horo yet
I think I'll need at least another 2 years.

>> No.16015665


>you can buy 233.5GB of upload with 9999.9 dellar

Even with enough upload for and bonus to be pointless, I couldn't bring myself to waste it on something I'm not even sure would have a tangible effect.

>> No.16015668

I just want to know what it does.

I really have no idea what happens when someone clicks it.

>> No.16015671

I think it just posts a message in IRC.

>> No.16015985

i have it but i can't play these fun old beatmania 5key charts or likable bms songs (halcyon, bbkkbkk, freedom dive) in pendual

>> No.16016000

I usually end up doing it with my two middle fingers hitting the first chord (1+7) and my two pointer fingers hitting the second chord (3+5)

If you can't figure it out from there IDK what to tell you

is it the rhythm that you aren't getting? it's really fast, like dundun dundun dundun dundun dun dun

>> No.16016016
File: 28 KB, 500x300, 1466472184474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it adds your name to a list of horo-banners

spare me 110 dellar so i can get power user back :3

>> No.16016146

I might try that since trying to do it with 1048 has been miserable. Considering also just doing the following runs with both index fingers. I hate to say 'fuck fingering' like that but this song is killing my soul.

Also nice trips.

>> No.16016154

>Horo unbanned
So, who's been saving their dellar?

>> No.16016155

have you cleared the ending measures yet? that's the hardest part for me. i still can't get it consistently and I've scored A clears on several 9s.

>> No.16016170

what the fuck is this a joke

>> No.16016188

Still can't get the scratches down, but I completely understand how to do it and it's just a matter of practicing a bit more

>> No.16016234

FEFEMZ will pull PARANOiA Revolution out for SP and DP and win because he's literally the only person who has bothered to grind out the challenge charts enough to use it as an instawin trump card, kind of like Dolce with BSB in the first few KACs.

>> No.16016359

Figure out who has the most dellar among us, and we should all transfer it to them

>> No.16016485

Is it against the rules to invite someone from 4chan to sows? Just got invite privileges and I want to help people here out, but I'm not sure if that constitutes "asking in public" or something

>> No.16016517

Don't see why it would be. You're just advised to use caution when inviting randoms, that's all.

>> No.16016527

I'd second what the other guy said, maybe ask them for examples of their ratio from other trackers over email before inviting.

>> No.16016787
File: 168 KB, 900x1200, Cvkx1EUVIAA97jV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cinnabon soon

>> No.16016869

I haven't played in about a year. Where do I bind 'Insert Card'? I can't remember the name of it in config.bat. My keyboard does not have a numpad.

>> No.16016871

change the settings to "use top row" and press backspace.

>> No.16016873

if you don't have a numpad, you choose the tick in the card settings panel to use the keyboard number keys, at which point you press backspace to load card0.txt

it isn't with the rest of the keybinds, just like the turntable (if your controller is analog)

>> No.16016883
File: 25 KB, 615x75, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now getting this error upon starting up the game - this wasn't happening yesterday when I tried playing. All of the checks work when I use gamestart.bat. Pressing backspace does nothing, even though I have checked use top row.

>> No.16016884

Please do not post screenshots of pirated data on /jp/.

For technical support use the sows thread on data.

>> No.16016888
File: 853 KB, 1000x600, 1454257765154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16016898
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 14520612_1101214786594101_5699392082437296349_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no don't do that what the fuck

>> No.16016900

Sorry, I figured cropping it like that would be enough. I figure noone can connect at present anyway.

>> No.16016905

Nice XTREME 300 trips

>> No.16016910

works for me at the moment

>> No.16016931

I am "Michael Hardcore"

This sounds far more like a porn star name

>> No.16016944

>tfw you'll never be shakunetsu leggendaria

>> No.16017005

i am

>> No.16017015


Maximizer Voltex.

>> No.16017016

Attempting to access the card management portal gives me an error. Also, would anyone know how to fix an issue where upon turning my turntable, it inputs it as a +, then a - ? I'm also having an issue where pressing button 7 inputs both a turntable input and the button 7 input.

>> No.16017022

Voltenizer Gold

>> No.16017030

somebody get beach-side twerk

>> No.16017340

DJ mitsuru
very nice

>> No.16017342

feelerino when can't play 2cocks innabutts today since u might have carpal tunnel

>> No.16017402

DJ 3y3s
This pleases me

>> No.16017413

your coolest lr2hd skins please

>> No.16017415

spada theme is nice it's in the torrent on sows

>> No.16017469

Endless cirulation self evolution
Gay name but pretty cool skin

>> No.16017470

does virgoo restock fairly quickly?

>> No.16017475

i have that
im using that currently, are there any other hd skins out there? i also know there are some 1920x1080 ones

>> No.16017494

>Micheal Burning!!

Max Burning try to sing ver?

>> No.16017584

no idea, but they -do- restock seeing as i bought one of the first batch of PortableDXs and they have them available again after being out of stock for a while

>> No.16017811

The pain of living in Australia:

>go to arcade about 10km away
>has a bootleg ITG machine
>choose a 2hu song because random song packs
>it crashes ("Stepmania has encountered an error")
>after reboot, machine won't boot back up. Staff said they'll have to get a technician in
>1 week later, the machine is gone

and that is how I destroyed the second-last ITG machine in Australia.

>> No.16017853

Also, most of the DDR machines here are really old, I think nearly all of them in Victoria are DDR Extremes. They all have bad panel sensitivity so how can I bracket stomp when it barely detects my feet?

>> No.16017879


Thanks, Touhou!

I used to purposefully stomp as hard as I could on the panels of the DDR machine at my local theatre because it was poorly maintained anyway. Why not try to send it on home.

Got kicked out a few times.

>> No.16018760

Nana Slake

I like it, might actually use this for something.

>> No.16018802

So, who is Horo exactly, and does everyone want to ban him?

>> No.16018829
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, horo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaks the rules
>gets banned
>admits to breaking the rules and publishes this
>"it's everyones fault but my own!!!!!"

on top of that he's a colossal faggot in the bemani and twitch community

>> No.16018987

By lurking the forums there I assumed 90% of the people there came from 4chan or reddit considering it's non stop memeing and ebonics

>> No.16019019

Do you guys stand whilst playing or sit?

>> No.16019029
File: 302 KB, 1600x1600, 1472781946642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horo did nothing wrong

>goddamnit osu

>> No.16019057


Sit. I'm quite obese so I couldn't even stand even if I wanted to. Also why I don't intend to go to Round1 or GGP.

One day, though. One day.

>> No.16019099

Sitting on my chair playing CS with the controller sitting on my thighs

>> No.16019131
File: 49 KB, 960x540, 14702341_10153953014798144_290869869179171296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if Jubeat isn't enough of a meme game

>> No.16019248
File: 19 KB, 213x300, IMG_0931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So any way to get green number in LR2?

>> No.16019251

I did that with my JKOC until I started putting it on a stack of containers and then I replaced that with a TV tray and my JKOC with my finally working DAO.

>> No.16019272


Why is this song only 40 seconds long? Is this normal in jubeat?


>> No.16019285

No. It's ridiculously short for any bemani.

Great for grinding policy break though

>> No.16019320

Why not just buy it.

>> No.16019583

What is this?

>> No.16019584

For CS i have my USKOC on a keyboard stand, so I have to stand to play. It's annoying since I have to keep a foot on one of the supports to keep it from wobbling too much, even though I weighed down the other side with some boxes.

For AC data I just put it on my desk and sit down to play.

>> No.16019609
File: 1009 KB, 845x634, 0925016baea2b7afe0f44c5fd179e66e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? it's a sinobuz upgrade kit

what else would it be

>> No.16019629

>Red Sky


>> No.16019712


>> No.16019738

I just adjust the shit on my desk and pit my monitors at the right height for what ever game I'm playing
I measured my setup and it's about the same height as an iidx machine without the bass platform so that's kinda nice

>> No.16019756

i'm picturing 22dunk as a sample-heavy happy hardcore song

it's a good picture

>> No.16019766

how can I expect to buy that machine when even if I email them they won't give me details on what they had done with it

>> No.16019769

I've never seen one. Can you post more photos?

>> No.16019777

not my picture, someone posted it in the sinobuz thread on the forums

it's not that confusing really, the thing on the right is the new marquee, then from foreground to background there's
>some instructional shit for operators
>the instruction card that goes on the control panel
>the new pops for the sides of the cab

possibly a dvd in there underneath it all, or sinobuz is gonna be an online update

>> No.16019803

>possibly a dvd in there underneath it all

I understand. I thought those kits come with a HD with IIDX already installed and configured.

>> No.16019810

i'm honestly not sure that'd make sense too

>> No.16019873

If this doesn't get into pop'n I'm gonna be really sad

>> No.16019923

The only good arcade in New Zealand shut down. We lost 2 taiko machines, drummania, guitarfreaks, IIDX and 3 jubeat machines. I have no idea what happened to them, I heard they moved down the country. Are you in Brisbane? When I was there last there was an IIDX machine, Resort Anthem I think, in the city.

>> No.16019939

Rage against the final

>> No.16020020

So I've cleared and A'd some 13s on SDVX and was wondering how to get over this huge wall that has been presented to me. Are there any good charts to practice dialwork on since I really feel that I'm lacking in that department.

>> No.16020051
File: 704 KB, 720x404, SDVX difficulty curve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

月に叢雲華に風 is a great song for knob practice.

>> No.16020085

Also, some mid level 14s require you to hold both FXs with one hand while turning a knob. Better get used to that because it's here to stay.

>> No.16020101

I'm struggling with double dialwork right now, I have a decent hand span so I should be able to turn whilst I hold with one hand but its what I hated the most about Lachryma.

>> No.16020241

The good old Attack on Dwarf is good for knobs only play.
I also really liked Lemures Prelude for knobs + fx buttons fuckery, really messed me up when I first tried it.

>> No.16020268


>I thought those kits come with a HD with IIDX already installed and configured.

They used to up until Lincle or Tricoro. You'd get all that marquee shit and a hard drive with a USB drive. You swap out the hard drives, plug in the new USB drive, which was the "dongle" that acted like the encryption key for the hard drive, and you'd be good to go.

Nowadays it's done with an update over the internet. They do still send out a disc in case you want to upgrade that way for various reasons.

>> No.16020287

They probably rented the machine from someone, should have asked to the staff instead of emailing like an autismal.

>> No.16020359

Finally cleared 3kyu today. Not quite able to make it through 2kyu. What's everyone else's progress?

>> No.16020367

6th dan, gotta begin the safari grind

shitting may way through 9's, I can fail a lot more than I can pass

Then I'll go to 10's and pass the Safari.

>> No.16020402


On a hiatus till next summer. The de-rusting will make me want to kill myself that's for sure.

>> No.16020403

4th dan. Been playing on a controller for like a week now.

>> No.16020473

Are the newer ranks any different than the pre-12th style ones?

>> No.16020576

>tfw the only game I have fun playing isn't even on the list
Probably a good thing

>> No.16020584

I think there's a new rank between 10th dan and kaiden now.

Can't think of anything else, it just goes down to 7th? kyu.

>> No.16020585

it's only a bemani list jesus how many times will i have to explain that

do kids these days really not know about those games

now that i think about it i actually forgot mambo a go go, it's below pop'n stage

>> No.16020591

I mean, I don't know the publisher of every game. Most of those I haven't even played.

>> No.16020616

Yep, that's what I figured. That and I guess chuu.

>> No.16020624

sinobuz when reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.16020643

Alright, made it through 2kyu on my second try.

>> No.16020663


new osu stream

>> No.16020671


>> No.16020679

Why not just stream on Sows?

>> No.16020686

i don't think a japanese arcade can stream on sows dude

>> No.16020690

Cause he said so

>> No.16020703

>tfw no slake remix contest for sdvx

>> No.16020712
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not that I have problems with clearing it

>> No.16020720
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>> No.16020722

The IIDX community would riot if Konami nerfed their meme dan.

>> No.16020723

Were you expecting something different?

>> No.16020729
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>time free isn't locked by paseli

>> No.16020738

that's real fuckin neato

how much time do you get for one credit

>> No.16020739

Wtf konmai made a good game design decision

>> No.16020741
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>> No.16020754

4 minutes so not that much.

But you can literally restart the song by pressing VEFX+Effect during the result screen. If you used random it gives you a new one.

>> No.16020774
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>> No.16020796

The other meme dan is also not changed

1.Make Me Your Own SPA 10
2.Quickening SPA 10
4.gigadelic SPH 12

>> No.16020812

Guess i can't argue with that

>> No.16020815

Did based LED -G deliver again?

>> No.16020817
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More leggendarias

>> No.16020869

Osu is in Japanese arcades? ;^)

>> No.16020952


>> No.16020964

Huh I never heard the full story until now; that's interesting

To be fair it was kinda shitty to send a spy on him like that. Was there any prior reason for doing that, or was it just out of the blue?

>> No.16020975

Same, that was a good read. I'm under the impression he was rumored to be doing shit like that so they sent a spy to confirm.

>> No.16020985

I'm new to 2dx also but I'm too stubborn to try any of the kyu courses because they seem like baby training wheels to me

So instead I just keep trying and failing 1st dan because I can't do the end of Gold Rush

soon though

>> No.16021107

I have the same issue as you except Im not new. I just play premium free.

>> No.16021132
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>> No.16021164

>ugly men on my AAA screen

>> No.16021168

well here is a 1 hour 30 minute video on sinobuz


>> No.16021220
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i did the same bit just ended up getting gold rush one day. i was one dan rank a week until 7th dan stumped me but i trumped it eventually

8th seems like itll take way longer

>> No.16021239

>one dan rank a week

holy what how much did you play

>> No.16021262

i played like 6 hours or so ac each weekend and would practice at home but on keyboard. those early dan ranks are just about learning the controls really basically so theres not too much thats super difficult. naughty girl was my only significant roadblock but i got through it and its not even in 6th in sinobuz

>> No.16021313

How long was that 6th-7th dan gap?

>> No.16021368

Holy shit, this is massive.

>> No.16021467

Welp, just plopped 10 gb on my upload with dellar; I haven't been able to actually upload anything since I'm at college and don't wanna risk pissing off the isp people, but I managed to reach power user!

Now to wait until thanksgiving break, grab Copula while I'm at home, and then my life will be complete, because I have such little ambition that obtaining a HDD rip is the only thing I currently desire in life.

That and a Dao, since otherwise I'll be using a lagtastic USKOC. It's not that I can't afford a Dao, it's just I'm still hesitant about dropping so much money to play a single game (granted it has been one of my most consistently played games for over a year now).

I feel like older styles on a ESR PS2 and a handful of songs in a buggy LR2 install aren't enough to justify the investment. but Copula will probably make it worth it..

>> No.16021536

Fuck dude we're in basically the exact same situation

The only problem is my Thanksgiving break doesn't start until the 23rd so I'll still be in school during freeleech

Can anyone tell me how to set up a seedbox before then?

>> No.16021597

Literally just buy one, and you're done. Most places come already setup with rtorrent/rutorrent and all of the necessary plugins. Learn how to SSH and FTP and that's literally all you need to know.

>> No.16021606

learn how to *what*?

also, will sows automatically 'detect' it if I start using a new client then? and will I have to stop seeding everything I've got running now on utorrent?

>> No.16021624

Google SSH and FTP. Whatever seedbox provider you select should also have documentation on both of those things anyway.

As for sows detecting your torrents, you must stop seeding any torrent you plan on putting on your seedbox. This goes for any private tracker. If you seed the same torrent from multiple locations you will be banned. This falls under ratio manipulation. If you want to continue seeding your current torrents you'll have to first upload them to your seedbox, add the torrent to rtorrent, re-check the file, then continue seeding the torrent on the seedbox.

>> No.16021627
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R1 SSM. I didn't expect it to actually be up. It was neat to see everyone starting fresh today.

>> No.16021633

its tough, but its just a matter of playing a lot and being able to tank safari. when i passed i had 0 safari experience and went from 100 to 5 ish on my first try.

>> No.16021698

what will be the meme song(s) of sinobuz?

>> No.16021723

New charts incoming

Magical SPA 10

Believe in you SPA 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du_5oAEea-A

Rotterdam Shogun SPH 9

Sumer SPA 10

>> No.16021814


>Bs on 10s

Yeah i'll wait for someone who can actually play the game to upload videos.

>> No.16021829

don't be fucking rude

>> No.16021862


Hey if you want to listen incorrect timing and keysound for 60% of the song be my guest.

Besides, the guy who streamed earlier played some of those songs with much better scores.

Summer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1949&v=DbYngAYk60c

Rotterdam Shogun - https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?t=3452&v=DbYngAYk60c

There's plenty more too

>> No.16021878

Someone was nice enough to share a few new songs from a game that most of us won't have access to for a long time, if ever, and you're insulting him for not playing those songs well enough. As if somehow it's everyone's responsibility to be born kaiden or something.

C'mon dude

>> No.16021892

People don't deserve unconditional praise for everything they do.

He made no insults. He said he's not interested in watching videos of bad players.

>> No.16021913


I'm not insulting him, I have absolutely no issues with newer players, I'm glad they are enjoying Sinobuz.
I also linked someone who was "nice enough to share a few new songs"

However, the entire point of watching gameplay videos on Youtube is to hear the song timed correctly, mostly because it's also the first time I've heard the music myself.

>> No.16021959

>the entire point of watching gameplay videos on Youtube is to hear the song timed correctly
If I'm crawling youtube for songs at this time I'm only interested in hearing the songs tbqfh

>> No.16021965


All of the songs in iidx are just in iidx except for like summer and sweet clapper, you won't find just the songs

>> No.16021979
File: 12 KB, 582x215, 7048_10206941568882894_3053079681503846615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't insult him

>I'll wait for someone who can actually play the game to upload videos


just do me a favor and try to be less of a mean person in the future. Will make you more friends in life.

>> No.16021993

It's no use arguing with people like him

>> No.16022037

Who is the dolce of dp?

>> No.16022070

it's me

>> No.16022084


>> No.16022122

