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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 600x600, icon-futaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15992845 No.15992845 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard some people say that the Japanese people on 2chan are worse human beings than those on /b/. I've spent a little time on 2chan using the English translator (pleb I know) and despite the garbage translation it seems like they're more composed and orderly like what you would expect japanese people to be. I find it hard to believe that the 2chan community could be as extreme as /b/ in its hey day.

>> No.15993006
File: 177 KB, 684x1000, 1422298092585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only go to 虹裏 may, but they never strike me as particularly fucked up. The community reminds me of /a/ and /jp/ except with more room to go off topic. A lot of the users unironically like little 3D girls, so take that for what you will.

>> No.15993007

They made yukkuri torture and those marisa mutants. They're pretty weird.

They also used to spam boards with pictures of shit for days for reasons unknown to me.

>> No.15993621

When I was in Japan I did an AMA on their /b/ forum as an American student, and they were incredibly kind to me. A few shitposted, but it seemed very good natured ("what's the best way to jerk off in America?").

I can't know if they were snickering behind their screens, but I saw little to suggest it. Maybe speaking Japanese helps.

One guy told me about trends in JAV videos which was enlightening.

>> No.15993783
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1692, 1457018465101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I at least like that they're able to be so original and creative in the content they make.

Compared to 4chan, it seems like trying to make OC is almost always met with obnoxious responses and fears of being lumped with Reddit or some other boogeyman nonsense.

As for image spam, who knows, maybe you just go with the flow.

>> No.15994000


At least on 4chan you can have a good conversation while on 2chan it's everything about memes, shitpost and troll threads. Think about /b/ being a whole website instead of a single board.

Also, this fucking thing: キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!

>> No.15994009

Do you mean 2channel or 2ch? Because 2ch is much more comparable to our userbase despite being a text board.

>> No.15994026

For some reason the Eiki in that sea of Hinas made me laugh.

>> No.15994084

I fucking hate futaba's catalogue, can it get any smaller?

Anyways, it's more random in a sense that it quickly stirs into random shit that is only vaguely related to the topic. If such a topic even exists, it's kind of like /jp/ and /b/ but it depends on the board maybe. It feels a lot more like an image board in the truest sense.

>> No.15994090


4chan in it's early days was very prone to image floods too, I remember seeing nothing but Happy Negro photoshops for two days straight. Died off the more diverse and fractured the general userbase of most boards got.

>> No.15994691

Isn't キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! just a blank reply?

>> No.15994736
File: 637 KB, 500x500, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the kind of thing I can get behind, but would be quelled pretty quickly with the fearsome ban hammer.

>> No.15994761

>The Highest Judge of Paradise, Eiki Shiki

>> No.15994818
File: 504 KB, 610x720, 1387738259495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2chanon here
I don't think we're as fucked up as /b/. Crazy people are now being crazy more on twitter and youtube. 2chan is kind of happy little otaku tree on this vast interweb.

>> No.15995328

Is this bait?

>> No.15995680

I like old /jp/ because they are like nijiura. Neo /jp/ with idol generals was a mistake.

>> No.15995737

futaba is mostly laid back, in a good way. People aren't vitriolic, except maybe to samefags and afi. It's a proper imageboard not like here with all the fucking generals.
2ch is a bit more like serious

>> No.15995844


Are you comparing with 2ch or Futaba?
2ch and Futaba are completely different site, it's like saying 4chan and reddit are a same website.
Please don't mix it up.

>> No.15995914

As people pointed out, 2ch and 2channel aren't the same thing. 2ch is way bigger and has more boards. You'll find lots of /pol/tier posts on 2ch as well as good discussions. 2channl isn't nearly as influential and big.

>> No.15995926

It's a very known fact that filthy gaijin have no imageboard manners.
Besides, 4chan is barely even comparable anymore. This place is more akin to a giant image-augmented chatroom than an imageboard.

>> No.15995974

The biggest Japanese meme machine is Nico Nico Douga anyway.

>> No.15995997

OP's image clearly says futaba channel and both those posts you quotes are about futaba channel. Where's the ambiguity?

>> No.15996001

I meant images of literal feces by the way

>> No.15996013

Literal shitposting was a thing on 4chan too. Popular way of sabotaging threads. Dunno if they use it in the same way.

>> No.15996079

4chan by a mile.
2chan has needed far fewer regulations than 4chan, mostly because 2chan of course has a much smaller population. But also because western trolls and posters are just different. They're more disrespectful, they reply to things that trigger them (like obvious troll posts) too often, and if they find a bug in the code, they're bound to exploit it.

Of course, 2chan's smaller population is also both a blessing and a curse, since some boards are just incredibly dead and boring. Far moreso than any of 4chan's deadest boards.

Source: Have been browsing 2chan since around 03~04 and 4chan since 04~05

>> No.15996096

recently, a lot of communities using /livejupiter/'s meme (2ch.net)
and many children watching autistic people on the youtube
nico nico cultures are gone tho

>> No.15996206

nankasu are a bunch of faggot children

>> No.15996558

I wanted to shitpost there but apparently gaijins are banned and VPN doesn't works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.15996692

Click on 設定 to change settings.

>> No.15997089

Midsummer's series and Cookie is what killed Nicovideo culture. It's not creative and flashy like the old times.

>> No.15998486
File: 320 KB, 889x903, futabaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of when I and maybe 1 or 2 other faggots flooded /b/ with dumb battletoad meme game titles all in one thread in it killed the whole board.

Futaba kind of reminds me of that time of 4chan. It's more laid back, the rules are more relaxed but there is still actual discussion going on without a constant stream of shitposting like we get here. People actually post OC even if it's not that great. But someone dedicated can still fuck everything up if they so choose, like GNAA or Soviet Russia used to.

>> No.15998716

futaba is garbage. Most of the boards are dead and boring. It only appears interesting when you first go there because it's different from 4chan. But in the end, the only board worth visiting is their main /b/ and it's full of same boring daily reposts.

>> No.15998833

Given "not boring" invariably means "not wall to wall worthless posts" here, it sounds great. Unfortunately, I know it's not great and I also wonder why the anime livewatch board was removed. I liked that board.

>> No.15999902

And you still use spoilers like a homo.

>> No.15999909

Yeah I know but I don't use cookies, it's the standard size that is annoying to me.

>> No.16000197

Shut up faggot idol are an essential part of otaku culture

>> No.16001167

Consumerism culture and otaku culture are mutually exclusive

>> No.16001333

I remember seeing a pepe Hina. Which one of you did this?

>> No.16001343

Otaku culture IS consumerism culture, fool.

>> No.16001461

I call bullshit.

>> No.16001466

Why not go there then? We really won't miss you.

>> No.16001888

No, true otaku culture is the culture of philosophers.

>> No.16001910

isn't 2ch just the japanese reddit? fuck that

>> No.16001953

Namedrop some more, I don't think you've got that "epik oldfagz" status nailed down just yet.

>> No.16009048


2chan, not 2ch.

>> No.16009265

>anonymity option

>> No.16009563

>japanese reddit
what does that even mean, please go into great detail and don't use buzzwords

>> No.16010179

If someone calls Futaba "2chan" chances are they're lying about actually knowing that website.

Anyway, to answer your question, 4chan is worse by far. Futaba is smaller and mostly grown up otaku.

>> No.16010226

I really fucking hate that by finding out about 4chan they decided to imitate us and start ``greentexting''.

At least 2ch is still faithful to quotes.

>> No.16010325

How do you post there? I want to post on futaba, but no proxies seem to work.

Do you live in japan?

>> No.16010338


At least they don't do this shit though.

>> No.16010342


>> No.16010478

Hello crossboarder.

He's obviously lying if he still calls Futaba "2chan".

>> No.16010522
File: 124 KB, 509x382, more self-awareness than you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello crossboarder.

Fuck off, /g/. That shit doesn't belong in here and never will no matter how hard you force it.

>> No.16010537

It's not a /g/ ”めめ” though.

>> No.16013442

I only browse the download board on 2ch. I miss the days when all new stuff was on Share and you had hashes for new stuff posted every day. Perfect Dark is crap in terms of new content.

>> No.16021085

>he doesn't make his own cookies

Nazi Germany had far fewer regulations, too.

Because you took the bait. They had generals since day 1.

>> No.16024394
File: 196 KB, 869x958, russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you took the bait
Are you legally retarded?

>> No.16024701

It's weird how the japs don't use reaction pictures

I had to explain what they are and how to use them to my Japanese friend

>> No.16024721

4chan has absolutely exploded in Alexa rankings over the past year. Most of this traffic is from /pol/, a four year old board that is on track to catch up to /a/ in sheer posts.

>> No.16024912

/v/ and /a/ were weird among 4chan to use them to the extent they do. Using pictures to portray responses or emotions is something they do but the "smug anime girl" thing is definitely a /v/ & /a/ & /vg/ thing.

>> No.16024924

They don't do it on imgboard yet they use fucking stickers everywhere when using IMs could it be Line or in apps like Lobi.

Something we do way less here.

>> No.16029956

New stuff gets posted to share all the time. Just use triggers and the right clusters to find them. It's not as convenient, but that's how people would find all the hashes they posted in the first place.

>> No.16030203

It's election year. Not surprised.

>> No.16030486

>One guy told me about trends in JAV videos which was enlightening.
Please tell me more, I'm very interested in this subject academically

>> No.16030533

It's not really weird, reaction images are /v/ tier garbage that somehow picked up amongst underage retards like you.

>> No.16031630

It depends on the boards and threads you go. Of course there are also /b/ tier garbage threads, and many aspies as well.

>> No.16031682

But they do use reaction images just not as much. also futaba user-base is older than 4chan this could be the reason too, we talk about 2chan but most users are in nijiura boards.

I think they are a lot more knowledgeable about their hobbies than the average 4chan user might be but as OP says, users in /b/ have done bizarre things. Also, being a worse human being ? What standard are you using here?

>> No.16031754
File: 13 KB, 228x235, 1477506041705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16031834
File: 46 KB, 307x376, 1469382132583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazi Germany had far fewer regulations, too.
What kind of comparison is this?

>> No.16031883
File: 165 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-10-28-20-20-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something we do way less here.
Unless you actually use line.

>> No.16032030

did you two fuck???

>> No.16032500

Here your reply.
What do people have to gain by pretendbragging on /jp/ of all fucking boards? How sad do you have to be?
