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1599198 No.1599198 [Reply] [Original]

5th War Servants versus 4th War Servants, against their own respective class, who would win? To make things simple, there is no need to consider Saber and Kojiro.

>> No.1599234

Archer beats Gilgamesh. This one is obvious.

>> No.1599252

4th war Gil, has the 3 best overall stats, behind the Besrerkers and tying with Proper Saber.

He would OUTPUNCH most others, and he is not tainted by the 'mud' of the grail, which gave him a human body.

So, not obvious.

The only one I'd give for sure is Bluebeard beating Medea and CuChulain beating Dharmuid, due to superior firepower.

The rest have far too varied abilities to even predict the outcome.

>> No.1599260

Archer: Gil if he pulls out Ea and Enkidu, if not Emiya.
Lancer: lol kinda obvious here
Rider: Iskander if close combat fight, Medusa if NP fight.
Caster: Whoever has the larger amount of mana source wins I guess.
Berserker: Herakles
Assassin: Hassan

>> No.1599254

With who as masters?

>> No.1599262

Their respective ones?

>> No.1599267

Gil drops one of his magical nukes.

>> No.1599270

He has no nukes, just a nuclear powered spaceship.

>> No.1599279

Actually Medusa might also win in close combat fight, if she releases her eyes and uses her superhuman strength skill.

>> No.1599305

>Lancer: lol kinda obvious here

>> No.1599306

Iskander would destory Medusa. He's the motherfucking King of Conquerers. Even Gilgamesh respected him. Medusa gets her ass kicked in pretty much every scenario anyway.

>> No.1599322

Titles mean nothing, Berserker gets owned in most cases too.

Medea with eyes out and a strong NP means trouble for Iskander, whose magic is mediocre.

Gae Bolg.
Dharmuind can't really defend against it nor match it.
They are equal in normal battle, and Dharmuind could win it due to his weapons' abilities , but once Gae Bolg activates, it's over.

>> No.1599326

Berserker: Heracles unless Lancelot somehow regains use of Arondight
Caster: Bluebeard. Cheap-ass NP
Assassin: No clue
Archer: Emiya, unless Gil stops jobbing.
Lancer: Cu Chulainn. Gae Bolg is fucking broken
Rider: Iskander. Superior NPs. Overall manliness.

>> No.1599331
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Iskander has an army of lesser Servants. That includes Archers. Flying on her Pegasus won't do shit.

>> No.1599339

LIES! Medusa wouldn't lose, she's too hot to lose...

>> No.1599336

Unless he fucking HITS him?

>> No.1599343

Iskander is a pimp. He owns bitches.

>> No.1599341


Actually Medusa's NP is superior... Iskandar's strongest NP is an army, while Medusa's is Anti-Army. Kinda like paper vs scissors here.

>> No.1599346

He's couldn't own Saber...

>> No.1599350

Medusa only got her ass kicked in the first two routes because of a shitty Master, and she didn't used superhuman strength or her fucking eyes. She owned TA and Archer when she used them in HF.

>> No.1599356

* Via Expugnatio: Distant Trampling Domination

Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
A trampling style using the Noble Phantasm, Gordius Wheel, Wheel of Heaven's Authority. Two damage rolls, from the hooves of the divine bulls and wheels of chariot are made. In addition to the physical damage from both attacks, there are also lightning (the manifestation of Zeus) effects, and should the target fail its STR check, additional damage will be dealt. Its damage can be seen only viewing the fact that, with one blow, was capable of damage Berserker at a level that he had to run away, still severely damaged, even with him escaping the complete attack by luck.

Same rank as Bellerophon.

>> No.1599386

Gae Bolg sucks

>> No.1599399

I'm sure Medusa's eyes could fuck over Iskander's entire army not to mention she isn't exactly slow, I'm talking about her with Sakura as a master not that shit ass Shinji.

>> No.1599410

>who would win?
One of the two parties.

>> No.1599424

What? It's fucking hax, that's what it is.

>> No.1599439

>Q. If Cu Chulainn and Diarmuid, both of the same Lancer class, fought each other, who would win? Cu Chulainn, when he first was introduced, was being pushed back by Saber, but in Fate/Zero, Diarmuid was the one who was doing the pushing right? Which would mean that Diarmuid is stronger?

>A. Diarmuid has excellent Master backup (Prana supply amount), so in terms of a pure battle of firepower (this is probably referring to Prana output to stats, not NP strength), so the battle should go to Diarmuid. In Japan, both of them get zero bonuses from terrain effect (recognition factor), but if they were fighting in Ireland.......probably Cu Chulainn.

>> No.1599441

>terrain effect (recognition factor)

No wonder Sasaki was so fucking strong.

>> No.1599453

Aionian Hetairoi: Army of the King
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Army

Wait, his army is Anti-Army?

>> No.1599458

Yeah, the moment they are deployed they will start killing each other.

>> No.1599464

Cu Chulainn was under orders to go easy on everyone the first time he fought them. The only people he really fought full out in FSN was Gil in Fate and Archer during UBW, and he got screwed in both due to Enkidu (because of his high divinity) and Rho Aius (basically one of the great defensive NPs against projectiles)

>> No.1599469

Nope, not even against Gil. That was the first time Lancer fought him.

>> No.1599474


>> No.1599476

Only against Archer, And if I recall Lancer left that face without any injuries while Archer left it beaten up.

>> No.1599479

Only against Archer, And if I recall Lancer left that fight without any injuries while Archer left it beaten up.

>> No.1599486


>> No.1599488

Also, considering that Gae Bolg is one of the most economical NPs there is and it takes Archer 3 times the mana to make non-sword items, Lancer could've easily outlasted him had the fight kept going.

>> No.1599492

This is a proper battle with both of their masters though, might've been a different result if Chulainn had an equal master to Diarmuids.

>> No.1599506

Like Bazett?

>> No.1599519


>> No.1599521

>Cu Chulainn was under orders to go easy on everyone the first time he fought them.
Was that a spell command order?
Because these guys>>1599469 >>1599479 are implying he didn't go full out against gil...
