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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1596726 No.1596726 [Reply] [Original]

It's my 29th birthday, 4chan.
It's been 8 years since I've dropped out of college and I have no future or friends to speak of.
I'm terrified to go outside and I've finally run out of food.
To top it all, the pathetic cake I made myself ended up tasting like dog food and shit.
What should I do?
Can anyone help me?

>> No.1596053

what would happen if Chihaya hugged Akiha?

>> No.1596086


>> No.1596735

You should've realized that you were cooking with dog shit when it didn't rise in the oven.

>> No.1596740

Kill yourself.

>> No.1596743
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Avoid that stupid owl.

>> No.1596746

I don't know how to cook. If you can't ask your mom to order pizza, then there's nothing in my limited personal experience that can help you.

>> No.1596753


>> No.1596758

Call your parents and ask for help.

>> No.1596762

I've read this word for word before.
It still makes me feel better about myself.
24, made it through college, unemployed due to economy.

>> No.1596772

Keep that in /ck/ where it belongs.

>> No.1596824

Uh, how did you survive until age 29?

Actually, forget that.

What you should do is go and finish college. I'm 28 and in grad school solely for the sake of collecting can't-deny-me-nah-nah federal student loans to sit around playing games all day. I imagine you could do the same thing at the undergraduate level if you have no particular goals in life.

If you feel that your behavior is the result of a mental illness, however, you should see a psychologist. At the very least, it's someone to talk to and to help you straighten out your life.

>> No.1596859

Watch teletubbies.

>> No.1596867

Not OP, but my mom won't order me a pizza. No one in my family will.

They think it is ridiculous that I hate talking on the phone, so they force me to do it myself. I usually need about 1 minute to psych myself up enough to order it. I rehearse saying my phone number and my order. I get flustered if they ask me any questions I hadn't considered beforehand.


>> No.1596883

I don't like talking on the phone either. I don't mind talking to people face-to-face, or at least don't mind it as much, but phones disturb me.

Solution? I order online.

>> No.1596879

Fuck off and take the pasta with you.

>> No.1596882

I think it's about time you get a dakimakura. After getting renewed confidence from hugging your pillow/waifu, I'm sure you can pick up a productive hobby, like playing the piano.

>> No.1596894


You can also get groceries online, minimum human contact that way.

>> No.1596897

have yourself cryogenically frozen until cheap lifelike moe maid robots are widely available

>> No.1596898


Sometimes I get so scared of the phone that I put my hands over my ears, close my eyes and wait until my parents tell whoever that I'm not there, or until they pretend to be me.

I'm pathetic.

>> No.1596903
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He already has one.

>> No.1596905


Me too, even if it's something stupid like "do you want breadsticks" I freeze up and have to think about it for a minute.

>> No.1596913

I just get pizza from a local place, so they don't have anything like that. I don't like talking face-to-face much either, but it is 100x better than talking on the phone.

My family generally does all the grocery shopping, because I don't have a license and can't drive there, but I don't really mind walking in and getting stuff. The self-checkout is nice too, if the store has it, except I don't like the person who sits there watching you.

>> No.1596916

I don't mind the phone

I am much worse face-to-face

I am the worst conversationalist ever

I literally forget words when speaking

>> No.1596926

Well, if you let yourself build up an ever-increasing fear of using the phone, it's just going to be harder to do so. So maybe you should make the effort. Even for an irrational phone-hater like me, when I actually have to get stuck on the phone with somebody for a while, it--like most things we build up fears to avoid--really isn't that bad, even if we'd rather not be doing it.

And if you can do it once, you find that you can do it a little easier the next time, and so on.

>> No.1596922


I think my mom finds it ridiculous too, but she's a big pushover so she indulges me and all my abnormal bullshit. Plus her dad beat the shit out of her when she was a kid so I can always lay a huge psyche-crumbling guilt trip on her about that one time she smacked me.


Unfortunately you can't order from local pizzerias online, and I'd rather starve than ever eat big chain garbage. Even frozen pizza would be better than that.

>> No.1596929

I almost have a panic attack everytime the phone rings, because I'm afraid it might be for me. I refuse to answer the phone unless I recognize the caller ID and even then sometimes I wait for the answering machine come on to see who it is.

You aren't alone. And this thread makes me glad that I am not alone.

>> No.1596938

I order locally through campusfood.com. As far as I know, it's national, and (contrary to the name) you don't actually have to live on a campus or be a student to use it--though it naturally has more options near college campuses.

>> No.1596947


I remember the one time I went to use the self-checkout with my dad and this girl that I had a crush on in high school was using it before I got there, and the last person I wanted to be seen with was my dad especially since I was already long out of high school by then so I made up some excuse that I forgot to buy something to I could waste enough time wandering around the store until she was gone.

>> No.1596950

Astronomy anonymous here, I live for the sole purpose of sifting through space in hoping that my animu wife is really out there somewhere.

>> No.1596953

Heh. And I thought I was the only person with an irrational dislike of phones.

>> No.1596960

An irrational fear of phones is actually one of the common expressions of social anxiety disorder

I fuckin' hate phones too

>> No.1596962

Wait, no one's said it yet?

Happy Birthday.

Uh, hopefully.

>> No.1596965

/jp/ - make shit up/fit in with an uncool group



>> No.1596967


I'll check it out. If it works for my local places then I can start leaving a note on the door for them to leave the pizza on the welcome mat and I'll slip the money under the door. One step closer to quasi-independence!


I don't mind the phone ringing since it's never for me. What gets me is the doorbell. It's this horrible jolt and then my heart is pounding and I'm like oh god what if it's some kind of emergency and I actually have to answer the door oh dear god please don't let there be a fire I'm naked how am I going to save all my cats asdfsdgsg

God I hate when the doorbell rings.

>> No.1596968
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OP here, you guise made me cry. Sorry for trolling you with this pasta, I'm ok. Love you.

>> No.1596969


My parents screen our calls, so I'm never under any obligation to answer the phone. Which is good, because I'd sooner smash it against the wall then answer it. I hate the fucking threads.

>> No.1596970
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>irrational dislike of phones
Maybe something occurred in your past that made you hate phones.

>> No.1596971

OP do you recognize me? I respect you for surviving that long but if you recognize me, do you remember my theories on roneriness and stuff? What do you think of them?

>> No.1596974

All I can give is a clichéd bit of advice, but one that's actually worked for me: when I have to do something I don't feel I can do, I pretend that I'm the sort of person who can do it, and then I can.

Now, that doesn't mean I do it perfectly, but it gets me through the things I have to get through with a minimum of embarrassment.

>> No.1596975

I'm always embarrassed when I am walking around with my family, but I really can't think of a reason why.

I have always kept my school life completely separate from my home life. I only had a friend over to my house once in my entire life. I even have different names depending on where I am. Everyone in my family and anyone I know outside of school calls me one name, and everyone associated with school calls me another. It is easy to keep them separate this way. I just never want these 2 worlds to collide. It's like George in that one episode of Seinfeld.

>> No.1596977

I think you're fucking insane and should seek professional help.

>> No.1596979

Hey fuck you! I wasn't rude to you!

>> No.1596981


>> No.1596984

Ditto. To some extent it might be because someone my age shouldn't be hanging around with their parents, but people of all ages take their parents out to dinner or help them run errands and whatnot.

It's more likely due to the fact that my parents and I are so little alike--they're good, honest, simple, salt-of-the-earth working class people. Based on the way that I present myself, people tend to assume my parents are college professors or professionals or what-have-you.

>> No.1596985

But you're the clone.

>> No.1596986

Your existence is annoying but admirable in a pathetic persistent sort of way.

>> No.1596987


I'm embarrassed around my dad because he dresses like a slob. The one time there was a massive hole in his shorts and he didn't realize it and his huge dick was hanging out in the middle of Wal-Mart. Fortunately it was at Wal-Mart so that's not so out of the ordinary there. I don't mind being with my mom because she's pretty cool and I usually have a fun time with her.

>> No.1596993

Don't be rude.

>> No.1596991


No. They just represent an unwelcome and unwanted path into my private life. Anyone can just call me up, anytime they like, and disturb me while I'm trying to take it easy. Fucking horrible.

>> No.1596992

Reading all your posts makes me want to care for you socially frightened people like little broken-winged birds. I'll cook for you, I'll teach you how to talk on the phone and not be scared of having conversations with girls and I'd be perfectly happy if all you did in return was show me your nice picture collections and smile to show me you feel a little bit better. ;_;

>> No.1596996

I don't think he was being rude; I don't think it was said as an insult, but as an honest opinion. I think EVERYONE here would greatly appreciate it if you would, at the very least, get evaluated by a psychologist.

>> No.1597001


I do that too, but online since that's the only time I do anything that could ever be considered socializing. Like there's one whole group of people that knows me on one screenname that goes back quite a few years, and then others on a more recent one, and I absolutely cannot let those worlds collide even if it meant having more people for StarCraft.

>> No.1597003

Same thing with the names. My grandfather went by a certain nickname and a few years after he died i started going by it. My family never took to calling me by it because I guess they weren't comfortable with the concept.

The worst part is that I feel like it's a title that I've tarnished by being a fucking failure.

>> No.1597012

Perhaps you have a future as a mental health professional, anon.

>> No.1597006

But they won't accept your efforts if you don't do it while wearing a maid outfit. Still interested?

>> No.1597009

I live a couple hundred feet from a college campus, but unfortunately it only has 2 restaurants and neither are the one I use. I'll have to stick with calling I guess.

>> No.1597013

Since when does this crap belong in /jp/? All you faggots take your shit and get the fuck out back to /r9k/.

>> No.1597014

I'm not going to listen to a bunch of women telling me to go to a psychologist.

And then go and screw an alpha male.

>> No.1597016


>> No.1597017

Only if you're moe and go ara ara when we do something odd.

>> No.1597022
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Phones aren't much of a big deal for me though. All of my family members have mobile phones except me, and if the landline's ringing, the calls are always certain to be not meant for me.

>> No.1597030


/jp/ communal house. We all share our goods and be lonely together.

>> No.1597026


>> No.1597038


>> No.1597039


If you're not trolling, then you seriously have some severe paranoia problems. It's not right to be so distrustful of people like that, unless you've been raped or something. It's different from hating telephones and pizza, and you should really go to a doctor. Or at least get off /jp/.

>> No.1597040

All living as one.

The loneliest number. ;_;

>> No.1597046

I don't know why people would assume >>1596992 is a chick. I got the sense it was just a sensitive, caring guy (or someone trolling in the guise of one).

I've often felt tenderness and sympathy towards the unfortunates of the world and a desire to help them, too. Because I know what it feels to be there.

>> No.1597048


Does the way you present yourself to others end at home, or is it in all parts of your life?

>> No.1597050
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Go see a doctor.

>> No.1597051

Don't try and draw an arbitrary line of demarcation, I don't call you NEETs worthless scum because you don't have as good an education as I do, or that you are unproductive do I?

I could very easily tell you that you are more pathetic than me because of my successes in terms of educational attainment as compared to your own, but I dont, because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.1597055

Sometimes I think I probably have social anxiety disorder, but I don't want to be one of those self-diagnosed "I have assburgers, that's why I'm like this ^_^" faggots. Also, I've been making fun of psychologist all my life, and I feel like seeing one would be admitting defeat.

>> No.1597063

we assume it because it makes for the best fantasy

>> No.1597073



Please derp, kill yourself. You're an insult to people with real educations. Not all of us immediately become psychopaths upon receiving our degrees.

>> No.1597077


I know how you feel anon, i know how you feel ;_;

>> No.1597082


I can't leave my apartment to go to wherever you might be, but I'm desperately going to need someone to provide for me and take care of me when my mom croaks. My contingency plan is currently suicide. Always looking for a nice plan C.

I can't promise any gratitude or anything else, though. I'm a horrible human being and my hate for myself is only sometimes trumped by my hatred for others. I don't understand why my mother hasn't cast me out to die in the gutter. It takes something more than unconditional love to put up with me.

>> No.1597089

のヮの Thanks for the laughs bro!

>> No.1597094

You are completely missing the point.

/jp/ is home to a wide variety of people, we even have real pedophiles here. As a result, singling someone out for claiming by and large women are not as ronery as men and telling him to go and see a psychologist is absurd to an extreme.

>> No.1597110

quit trolling athens, it's too late for me to deal with your crap

>> No.1597114

Wrong thread?

In any case, let me know what you find...or at the very least, lie to me so I can be happy (if only for a short while).

>> No.1597120

I've sometimes worried that I might have a serious mental illness. But absent hallucinations or anything reflective of a serious chemical imbalance, it seems that defining mental illness is largely a matter of declaring certain ways of thinking and acting incompatible with living a "normal" life and therefore bad. But I've never thought that my preference for calmness, tranquility, peace, solitude and a slow pace of life to be bad at all. While I recognize that they inhibit may inhibit the sort of life that we're indoctrinated into thinking is appropriate, I hate to see them medicalized and stigmatized--and I wouldn't want to be drugged up or convinced by a therapist that I should behave otherwise. Rather, I'll just hold out hope that I can find somewhere to make a passable but imperfect fit. (Difficulty level: too old to get a degree in CS.)

>> No.1597128


But the pedophiles are actually better people than you. They know exactly what they want (naked children) and they don't delude themselves about it. They're honest to a point. You're worse than a pedophile, you know?

>> No.1597131

I hate talking on the phone in part because I can't focus on the person I'm talking to. Normally I focus completely on them because I'm bad at noticing signals and the like so I have to try harder to do it, a downside however is that unlike most people I can't think of what to say while the other person is talking so unless there is some obvious followup there is usually some delay before I answer, if I can't do this it makes me really uncomfortable. Hell, even on the internet I tend to add emoticons to make more certain that my comments are taken the way they are intended much like I consciously use various facial expressions irl to accomplish the same effect.

>> No.1597140

When have I been 'delusional' in 'what i want' exactly? Care to point it out or is this the part when you start to clutch at straws?

>> No.1597144


That's pretty much the exact same way I feel about it. Goddamn assburgers faggots ruined it for the rest of us. I can self-diagnose bronchitis with unerring accuracy and no sense of shame, but I have to leave mental health alone.

>> No.1597146

my phone fears started in junior high school when i felt like calling someone from school on the phone was akin to to a mystical ceremony for achieving some higher level of intimacy than i was ready for

>> No.1597149

I feel the same way. It's difficult for me to get a sense of a person's meaning from vocal intonations alone--I need to be able to evaluate their physical language as they speak, and also to express mine to make sure that I'm getting my point across.

To a certain extent, I think all people have this difficulty. Many just either overlook it or don't care if they're only getting part of the "message." But it really bugs me.

>> No.1597155

It's not really their fault, it's the fault of professionals ignoring guidelines.

>> No.1597160

>too old
What are you, 50?

>> No.1597165

Although you'd have to be diagnosed as mentally ill beforehand, the state isn't going to let you flounder completely if you're incapable of taking care of yourself. At the very least, if you can't work, they'll provide you with a stipend. One of my only-communicates-via-the-Internet acquaintances is in such a situation.

>> No.1597169

Yeah, there's just something about psychologists that annoys me to no end.

>> No.1597170

Well, I guess I'm more too massively in debt than I am too old. Took me 6 years to get my BA and I've already wasted 4 years in grad school.

>> No.1597200


I don't think I'm crazy enough for that. I'm at that certain point where I'm too fucked up to function in society but not fucked up enough for anyone to be mandated to care for me. It doesn't help that I'm not expressive at all so it would require a lot of faking and exaggerating to display the distress I feel to another person. Plus I'd have to meet with some kind of psychologist or something and that would be really hard even if they sent them out to my apartment.

I'm pretty sure I'm stuck with suicide, unfortunately.

>> No.1597216

I always add emoticons when I talk to people online (except 4chan obviously, unless I'm trolling) because I want them when I am just messing around or being sarcastic. Like "You're a faggot :P"

This is one of the reasons I don't like email, because you never know how the other person will read it. I got an email from a professor once that I thought sounded angry, but out of curiousity, I asked her about it, and she said she never meant it to sound like that.

So, in summary, I hate phone, face-to-face, and email. I'm fucked.

>> No.1597228

or fortunately. at least that's how i'm looking at the prospect of it. i'm not enjoying life too much as it is. another 5 years? maybe. 50? no way.

>> No.1597260


Unfortunately for me. I'm pretty content, if not happy, as long as neither the entertainment nor the money dries up. But as soon as I have to go outside or interact with another human being it'll be suicide time.

>> No.1597263

You have to do whatever you think best, but from what I've been told, you don't have to present yourself as being lost to reason in order to get state assistance. You just need a psychologist willing to testify that you have a recognized mental illness and some sort of history of not being able to function--if you've graduated college and/or you're holding down a job, that probably won't work in your favor.

>> No.1597306


I dropped out of high school and have only left my home two or three times in the 7-8 years since.

I just don't think I can convince someone I'm crazy. I'm sure they'll just think I'm some lazy asshole who refuses to work, and there certainly is an aspect of that, but the more fundamental problem is that I can't function around human beings. If they put a morgue in my apartment building I could probably work there, though. I always liked corpses. Tried to climb in the casket with my grandpa at his funeral.

>> No.1597351

>Tried to climb in the casket with my grandpa at his funeral.

>> No.1597359

Well, I enjoyed this thread, but I have to go so sleep now, and I expect it will be gone by the time I get back up.

>> No.1597362

eat dick. youll thank me later.

>> No.1597436

Uh.. if it wasn't a slutty maid outfit, sure?

Maybe. The ones who need my help the most might not even be able to bring themselves to a professional though.

I think you're a troll, but no matter, in case someone else is thinking the same thing: I know you won't believe me, but I'm not attracted to arrogance at all.

I am a girl (sorry /jp/!! I've never said it before, please don't be harsh!). Empathy is much more motvating than sympathy, to a small degree I've felt what these people must and it's horrible.

I can't help you much on /jp/ so I think you should look up a number to call anonymously for advice. I hope all goes well for you anon.
