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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15867044 No.15867044 [Reply] [Original]

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq
Old thread: >>15768028

>> No.15868092
File: 34 KB, 600x450, chaekyoung_pretty_rhythm-img600x450-14743140381474314038.4127322031a18mu32203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got unblocked. So many good discussions I missed out on... Fucking mobile.

>> No.15868806

waiting on a wig when you have a bald girl is suffering for both of us.

>> No.15868880

What wig? And what girl? How long do you have to wait?

>> No.15869100
File: 1.29 MB, 2223x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I name her /jp/.

And no I will not name her Onani

>> No.15869184


>> No.15869336


>> No.15869518

Cute hoodie. I need a new one to replace the bear ears too.

>> No.15869969


>> No.15870000

Rozalyn Honeydew

>> No.15870774


>> No.15871031

I feel bad for not saying a name but I am really bad is at it. So here goes.


>> No.15871069

Seconding Chikako, one of my fave names.

>> No.15871745
File: 41 KB, 480x480, 16200649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked about this in the previous thread, but hair clips for your girls? I picked up a pair of these clips by this company, and got an even smaller micro choking hazard set that would be more in line with a 1/3 scale. And they work surprisingly fine, considering the larger for more of the moe aesthetic. I must ask, is there any direct source for the accessories for girls. The clips look great, but as far as glasses and such go. Any suggestions. I'm Toromi dad, and I'll get some pictures here with adequate lighting here soon. I do suggest them, and at a dollar a pop for a set, why not.

>> No.15872360
File: 1.19 MB, 2346x2353, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got my girls glasses off eBay. They are different colours of the same style. I found them useing "1/3 scale glasses" seems there is none up now. But searching "1/3 scale" can also bring up some interesting items.

>> No.15872634
File: 98 KB, 693x1039, CsjoibeVIAEL9x4.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15873719

oh look it's the thread personalities

>> No.15873941
File: 210 KB, 1366x2048, CsKW9Y1UMAA40x_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glad to be here.

In other news, my dolls have been sitting in their cabinet staring at me for a month without being touched. So have a photo of someone elses.

>> No.15874217

What is it about Dolls unboxing Dolls that I find so irresistibly cute.

>> No.15875299

It is a cute idea. But I shooed them away and stuck miku in a safe place. (Read closet)
I just really don't care about her until the fluffy coat arives. Then my love will flow freely. It's just I feel less attached becuse she is miku and not special snowflake with food name.

>> No.15875312

I'd love this girl a lot more if she wasn't kirika. What a shame.

>> No.15876187
File: 1.14 MB, 2420x3473, IMG_5180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my new 7+ Will take me to new levels of lazy when it comes to photos now.

>> No.15876909

yep, you've accurately described what you've done here.

why even bother taking this photo, let alone posting it, if you haven't tried in any way to make it look nice??

>> No.15877063

Jesus christ. He just means he won't need to go through lengthy import/development/postprocessing steps anymore now that he has a good automatic camera.

>> No.15877237

Buyer's remorse

>> No.15877269
File: 284 KB, 1280x960, my_kurisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What percentage of your life does this hobby consume? Is it as drawing and consuming as you make it look, or is it more of a passive hobby?

I've always been interested and I want to buy in but I'm afraid of falling into a black hole of money and time consumption.

Plus when I got my figmas I just kind of posed them and moved on and never really touched them again except for when I moved the furniture, and it'd be a shame if that happened again but with a much more expensive hobby.

>> No.15877450

Well >>15877063 has a better idea of what I mean.
But yah she does look less then ideal. I have like no images of her because I can't make her look right ever. I have the most mixed feelings on her. I just kinda think a MDD is not for me I just don't know. Until I saw one in the witch outfit in Japan I had no interest in a MDD, but that outfit is better looking on my Obitsu50/DD head girl. I mean I really like her head and wig she looks like a cheakey trouble maker. But I can't pose her as well as the other girls and everything I put her in she looks off.

>> No.15877477

I guess it depends on what kinda person you are. I know I spent the last 2 years with it consuming a fair chunk of time and money. Now I have really pivoted into warhammer mostly trying to get one of my old army's ready. But I still have been interacting with and buying clothes for my girls. I also bought some figures long before dolls and they don't see a lot of action like yours don't. But I find there is something different with dolls. Maybe it's there size or the fact there eyes are not painted on but they feel more important then figures.

>> No.15877594

Have you tried putting her in cuter, and/or frillier clothes? Not including the witch costume. I don't think she really suits the look you want her to, but maybe that's just me.

Also, just keep posing her until you think she doesn't look awkward and eventually you'll get good at it. Don't just pose blindly if that's not working for you, though. Look at cute 2D girls and use them as references. It can even help if you perform the desired pose yourself and look in a mirror. I know you aren't a loli, but that doesn't matter much.

>> No.15878435
File: 54 KB, 612x816, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't make her look right ever

This girl is one of the better dressed of your collection and aside from maybe the belt being the wrong size and scale (??) she looks just fine.

I don't know if the belt is part of the jacket but you don't normally wear a belt with a skirt.


When I first started it consumed my entire life and every cent that I had to spare and a bunch that I really didn't thanks to me being an adult and having the right to make bad financial decisions.

But once I had managed to assemble the collection I wanted I reached a plateau and now spend, relatively speaking, very little on my collection. An occasional new outfit or replacement body part. I don't foresee any more cases of just dumping 1k out of my tax account for a limited doll, and hoping nobody noticed, any more, as I have all that I wanted.

>> No.15878816

Maybe I don't super know how I want her to look. I guess that's part of the problem.

I was thinking she doesn't have a belt. But I know what you are talking about now, that is part of the jacket.

>> No.15878956

I refuse to visit tinyurl links, can anyone put the full links in a pastebin instead please?

>> No.15879554


>> No.15879699

I really would rather not click a tinyurl link. It's 2016 and this is not some filthy web 2.0 site.

>> No.15879741

I spend way more time shopping for clothes and shoes now than I did before, but any increase off of zero is infinitely more really. I don't really spend that much time though, maybe 5-10% of my non-working waking hours excluding the time I just glance over and admire them.


>> No.15880170
File: 51 KB, 612x816, 20150920_144413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The autism is real

Our tinyurl links have been there and the same for a very long time. Possibly years.

Have a little girl's belly.

>> No.15883235
File: 73 KB, 600x900, CjdES4nUoAAtmhB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me what kind of doll this is?

Is the head a Dollfie dream just put onto a different body?

>> No.15883274

DD with Peach Pai.

>> No.15883426

Where does one buy a peach pai are they up on YAJ?

>> No.15883738

If they're listed at YJA then they're usually marked up, if you find one that's not then that's the easiest place to get them for sure. You can also can try to order one directly from Rajikaru at http://rajikaruyo.cart.fc2.com/?ca=all

>> No.15883790

are the breasts squishy?

>> No.15883825
File: 812 KB, 1936x2592, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toro-chan got to get out for a bit tonight. Her dad needs to buy another outfit for her.

>> No.15884144

they're squishy, and a pain to maintain because they get dirty easily.

>> No.15884286

Her hair is all fluffy at the bottom. This adds a +2 when rolling for demands. Combine this with her normal 5 she has in adorable stats means she only fails on a roll of 1. You will probably be buying her many clothes.

>> No.15884369

these numbers don't make sense

>> No.15884513

you're right. anon should think about their autistic roleplaying jokes more carefully in the future.

>> No.15884525
File: 224 KB, 1228x836, IMG_5209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's warhammer 40k shooting.
So when shooting the ballistic skill and die roll must =7.
BS3 = 4+
BS4 = 3+
BS5 = 5+

Now there are things that modify this. Giveing +/- to hit. Thing is a roll of 1 always fails. And the lowest BS is 1 (hits on a roll of 6) So if the BS is 0 or less due to modifiers it can't shoot as a roll of 7 is not possible.

So my example above gives Dolls an Adorable score (AS).
This is the chance you will buy something for her because she is cute.

I give Toro-chan a AS of 5. So on a roll of 2+ her owner will buy her something. But she had fluffy hair and I love that so I give That +2 to her AS. But a roll of 1 would still always fail. But wait you say An AS of 5 or 7 both pass on a 2 plus anyway! No worry dear reader will will cover that in a second.

First a Example. Now let's say the doll is a Saber. I give saber a AS of 3 (Not a super fan of her.) so on a roll of 4+ I would buy her a new thing. But give her fluffy hair and now she only fails on a 1 also.

Now let's go deeper.
Toto-Chan has a AS of 5 But like how fluffy hair brings that up other things can drop it. One thing that drops it is what she is wearing. In this case it's just striped underwear. As I think outfits are cuter I have to give -1 AS because of underwear only. This would mean Toto-Chan could only get me to buy her something on a Roll of 3+. But the fluffy hair negates this -1 because of the +2.
Now these Numbers are all my opinion.

Now let's look at Cherry and score her on what you people said. She has a AS of 4 normally. Her new eyes are a real +1 but her old eyes were definitely a -2. Her outfit is not liked that much. So let's give it a -3 with striped socks and white shirt and a -2 with new socks and shirt. This gives old Cherry a AS of -1 so she is not so adorable and can't get her own way.
New Cherry would get a AS of 4 so she has a 3+ chance of getting things done.

Now that's just what I think you people would score her I score old Cherry a AS of 0 and New an AS of 5 I really like her now old her is hard to look at.

In case you were wondering yes I am Balls deep into 40k right now. Old army's are getting brushed off and finished and I wanna start Deathwatch that shit looks so cool!! I will have to take some pics of my girls playing sadly it will only be Cake and Maple as they are the gamer grils of the group.

>> No.15884536 [DELETED] 

Bring her to the store and ask your opponent with a straight face if you would mind if you proxied her as a Warlord Titan.

>> No.15884546

Bring her to the store and ask your opponent with a straight face if he would mind if you proxied her as a Warlord Titan.

>> No.15884637

he could pull it off if he's running slaneshi chaos

>> No.15884674

I would have liked to continue hobbies like that but my aversion to other people (especially autists and neckbeards) won out...

>> No.15884677
File: 1.29 MB, 2313x3705, IMG_5210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or go full crazy take both Sisters. Strawberry can be a Warhound Titan. Cherry th Warlord.

No let's not do that after all.

>> No.15884799

I hate you too.

>> No.15886044
File: 214 KB, 1364x2048, Cs90xLpUMAQWDFW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that's adorable


This is also adorable


Can we play DnD some time please all this talk about rolling has made me miss my old neko shota trap archer character I had tacked on to a team of mages and aliens. He got killed by NiggaBot9000 and I am still saddened to this day.

>> No.15886133
File: 171 KB, 1364x2048, CtNG0MfVYAAUlMB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But neckbeards are an easy source of sex if you're like me and enjoy the feel of another man's beard in your pubic hair. They're always virgins so there is no chance of catching anything.

>> No.15886391

Thanks I think I finally captured Strawberry's personality.
As for DnD I have never played but always wanted too.

>> No.15887783

>aversion to other people (especially autists and neckbeards)
That's pretty autistic dude

Either way I don't see how it would stop you from pursuing a doll hobby since it's not a very social one, you can get pretty much everything you need out of it without interacting with other owners

>> No.15887841

i think they were talking about warhammer and such

>> No.15888397

So looks like Volks is ending a number of wigs. I was dragging my feet and almost missed out on a wig I wanted. Thankfully it is still in stock. If there is something you were wanting you had best check its status and if discontinued if it still has stock.

>> No.15888411

>wanting a volks wig
their fibre quality is a bit shit desu. at least their styles are consistent, though.

>> No.15888561

What wig is this? It's so cute, I love it.

>> No.15889006

You clearly never bought a Leekeworld wig.

>> No.15889553


I'd take Leeke over Volks any time, volks has too much breakage over time. I have a wig from 2003 from Leeke that still looks nicer than my 2013 Volks wig- which has seen less wear. I also prefer Leeke (and wingwigs) to FormyDoll, which has a somewhat dry feeling fiber.

>> No.15889754

W-157D-M33/12. Direct from Volks site.

>> No.15890082

I would love to know what kind of body that is, she seems really flexible.

>> No.15890430

Probably just DD3.

>> No.15890725

So, I've been getting familiar with the DD line through the Volks site, the faq and some threads on DoA. As far as I can tell, the DDIII and DDS bodies are based on the same structure. Does this mean it is possible to mix and match parts from both lines? Volks page says you can't, and I could see why between DDIII and DDdy and MDD, but not on the other ones. Does anyone have experience with this? It'd be nice so as to selectively tailor doll height for example.

>> No.15890753

You can't. DDS is shorter than DDIII and MDD shorter than that, that's all the height difference you get right now because they're also changing in height AND body proportions, the pieces don't fit together. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.15890852

Technically you can mix the parts, due to sharing the same internal skeleton. However, like anon says, the vinyl pieces aren't designed to fit together. Their posing ability may be affected, and it could put the parts at risk for damage. There's also no real point in doing this. A DD3 with DDS legs will be the same height as a DDS, but will have strange proportions.

>> No.15890871

Thanks, It just seemed kind of obvious that the parts would fit since the sockets are the same.
Also, I did find the measurements and curiously the DDS has a longer lower torso than the DDIII, which is interesting, so I figured somebody had tried it already.
Also, forum threads in DoA say the Obitsu body is noticeably less attractive than the DDII, does this still hold for the newer models vs DDIII? I'm aware that this is, like, their opinion, but I wanna know anon's too.

>> No.15890876

Technically, but if you put a huge DDIII bust piece on a little MDD body, you'll have a huge gap between the bust and waist pieces because the waist is so much smaller. If you put a DDdy bust on a DDIII body, you'll have a doll with a really stubby torso since DDdy's point of articulation is right under the bust rather than under the ribcage. You'd be creating a weird Frankenstein's monster nonetheless no matter what.

>> No.15890884

Considering DDII is uglier than DDIII, I'd say yes.

>> No.15891120

I think Obitsu 50s look too slim, but Parabox's 47, 46, and 40 bodies are very cute. I wish they'd update the 60cm body.

>> No.15891591

I had a DD3 body with DDS legs for the longest time since I wanted to replace a DD2 body without having to shop for one. Worked well with her just being posed standing up, no problems.

>> No.15891849

>not knowing the source
it's a custom skeleton with a flexible vertebrae

>> No.15892535

pics of DDS and DD3 swapping thigh parts

personally I put a DD3 SS bust on my DD2 body just this weekend, it was a little tight fitting it over the DD2 internal mechanism but that's pretty much the same for regular DD2 bust pieces as well (I didn't have a hairdryer to heat it up and make the process easier). Like others have said, MDD parts would be a little dicier but to some extent the SD-scale pieces will work, just compare pics and use common sense

>> No.15893021
File: 874 KB, 1426x950, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /jp/

>> No.15893073

Goodnight, Kohaku. I love you.

>> No.15893383

what is best doll for beginner?

>> No.15893449


>> No.15893580

She is so adorable

>> No.15894903
File: 288 KB, 533x800, IMG_0410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.15894971
File: 402 KB, 900x723, IMG_0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra picture, low light with terrible noise. Slightly awkward posing.

Ended up a little interesting even since my neighbor decided to turn around in my drive way.

Car Headlights made a warm light on her hair which ended up looking a little dramatic.

Hopefully, I am not bothering anyone by posting 3 images in a short amount of time.

>> No.15894981

All are kinda the same, maintenance is the same either way unless you also consider buying resins
Regular DD gives you most clothing options out of anime dolls but that's it
You should just buy what you like

>> No.15894991

She looks like the chilliest girl.

>> No.15895050

Can confirm, started with barbies and moved up to BJDs.

>> No.15895176

>Hopefully, I am not bothering anyone by posting 3 images in a short amount of time.
Of course not. She's really pretty.

>> No.15895199
File: 577 KB, 1067x1600, _RIP8135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15897716


>> No.15900906

Woohoo, won both Rin and Len!

>> No.15900930

>getting excited over a boy
disgusting desu

>> No.15900942

Felix best girl, should have won

>> No.15900950

Well congratulations on your win.
And my condolences to your wallet.

>> No.15900955

Thanks, my wallet did have a moment of despair when I had to start shifting my budget, didn't actually count on winning both.

>> No.15901096


won both also.
already selling random shit to make up money for it and going out less.

>> No.15906072
File: 233 KB, 800x531, dd186b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui is one of the very few headsculpts Volks actually attempted to make similar to the original character. It's instantly recognizable, even with different wigs and eyes.

I wish there was a more appropriate body though. The huge DD body doesn't suit her. DDS might be a bit better, but still lacking some chub in the middle.
What are the chances of Volks ever releasing a chubby smaller body (like DDPretty or DDS at least) without abnormally huge knockers like the DDdy...

>> No.15907537

So still no word from volks. Normally they are so fast but I guess they really are swamped. But my girl needs hair so bad so she can be named.

>> No.15907937
File: 3.22 MB, 3268x2181, 15868956310_9bb1f60fbd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bud it isnt happening
just put her on a dds/ddp body and call it a day

i want to see yui with a closer faceup to her art

>> No.15913278
File: 334 KB, 1376x2048, Ctqy-Q6UMAAKaKU.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, this thread is a bit neglected.

>> No.15914742
File: 3.42 MB, 1125x1500, Hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some posing practice with DeadMaster and April, let me know what yall think

>> No.15914750
File: 3.31 MB, 1125x1500, ComeHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15914753
File: 3.38 MB, 1125x1500, Behave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15914759
File: 3.28 MB, 1125x1500, PacifiedDM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15915112

I think there all quite good except the last one. There she seems to just stare blankly.

>> No.15915146

kinda flat. spend more time with your doll

>> No.15916476

I really like the first and second poses, but the third and fourth ones feel a bit awkward and unnatural.

>> No.15917309
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_8780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished painting my DDH-10 girl.

I was very scared of messing up.

>> No.15917663

Hmmm not so sure on the DDH-10. But you did a good job.

>> No.15918352

i could do better

>> No.15918369

do it and post results

>> No.15918444

I think you did a good job.

I would really like a DD-10

>> No.15919429
File: 5 KB, 118x214, jhgjhgjhghjghjgjhgjhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's an MDD body, right? Don't think I've seen a DDH-10 on an MDD before. It makes a change from DDH-01 which is refreshing to see. She's quite cute.

While we're on the topic of cute things... MDD Len.

>> No.15919433
File: 48 KB, 528x960, jhgjhgjhgjhgjhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saved the thumbnail like a retard.

>> No.15919620
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she's on an MDD body. The head is a little bit on the small side, so it works really well on MDD. Theres no gapping on the neck either.

>> No.15919808

Smartdoll has the worst looking clothes.

>> No.15919931
File: 839 KB, 950x1267, IMG_001456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask you what paints you use?
I have a DDH-10 and a DDH-03 to paint still
I've been using high pigment acrylics. i've seen other people use paint like tamiya and mr.color but i'm scared to paint with them

>> No.15920136

I just use cheap water based acrylic that you find in the bargain bin at any local craft store. Just make sure to water them down and work in layers...

I'm too nervous to work with the highly pigmented stuff because it can sometimes leech through the sealant and stain the vinyl.

>> No.15920450
File: 1.66 MB, 960x930, CGDDS_sb_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she worth it?

>> No.15921235

Well that's up to you really. Personally i think she is quite lovely. But I won't be getting her.

>> No.15921451

Why not? Is there someone else in your heart?

>> No.15921515

Yah my 9 other girls.

>> No.15921915

fucking this.

Have 10 DD already.
It gets to the point where;
>yeah, its lovely
>I have 10 DD already
>Eh, spare my wallet for a Selvaria DD if they ever make one

>> No.15924223
File: 131 KB, 491x651, iori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to jump on the preorder. I plan to add Iori as well.

>> No.15925224
File: 82 KB, 693x1039, CtzKpnTVIAETsXi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am weak to girls with long black hair. Please help me overcome my weakness by exposing me to large amounts of girls with long black hair so that I may build up a tolerance.

>> No.15926919
File: 683 KB, 1656x2949, IMG_3769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well no one else is posting so I have this.

>> No.15928681

you must have an awful lot of money

>> No.15929079
File: 444 KB, 1440x2160, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15929896

Volks has shipped my stuff. Soon the Wig will arrive and she can get a name!

>> No.15929972
File: 77 KB, 693x1039, Ct2M3CBUMAIHsIw.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks guys

>> No.15930742

She's quite cute

>> No.15931874

Who doesn't here?

>> No.15932107
File: 89 KB, 819x1024, CsAn0kHUAAAbNDL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't. I squeeze every penny to be able to afford what I do. Working weekends, public holidays, and so forth. Haven't had a holiday in years because why take time off when I could afford doll stuff instead?

I'm getting old and tired, but there's still so much I need to buy. I wonder what's going to happen first; I buy all the things, or my body breaks down and dies?

>> No.15932118

I don't know whats more sad, the fact that this is a doll and I want to fuck it, or the fact that I can't.

>> No.15932163
File: 266 KB, 1184x1418, Cr--aaTUkAALsjK.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well you can at least take solace in the fact you're not the only one in your position.

>> No.15933108


you can fug em.
there's already some out there and they're not the best, but they're getting there (dollhos and 65cm silicone dolls. just swap the heads).

>> No.15934527
File: 575 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you fuckers gonna be at NYCC today?

Can't wait for visual confirmation on the lotto dolls. It looks like Rin, Ranko, and Uzuki, but that might be an unrelated poster.

>> No.15934559

I don't want to leave my house for anything, especially if it means going to another state for a convention full of people I probably hate.

>> No.15934642

I wish.

>> No.15934771
File: 289 KB, 680x1024, 1295915962089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay healthy. It's clear you forego being social if you don't take time off and afford nothing for yourself but dolls. Don't be a victim of kodokushi.

Set up a will or leave a note so your dolls are OK. Maybe we should set up a registry for /jp/

>> No.15935139

Ribbon Girl set acquired. Lotto girls confirmed. Not sure if I want any of them. I was hoping for a more vivacious girl. Then again, Rin is sorta cute...

>> No.15935161

Looks like they're lottering Ribbon Girl again.
This brings back AX2016 memories.
I was one number off.

>> No.15935774

its actually first come first serve

>> No.15936195
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>> No.15937061
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I have my cat, that's all I need. When the heart attack/stroke invariably takes me, she can use my corpse for sustenance until someone finds and adopts her. She's cute so she'll find a new home easily even if she becomes a man-eater.

>> No.15938446


>> No.15938468
File: 1.45 MB, 2409x3420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sold out. I bought the last one.

>> No.15938587

Looks nice, anon. Can I ask what the eyes you're using for her are? I bought an identical pair in a different color and the seller didn't know what they were. Would really like to get some more of them if I can.

>> No.15938810


I'm jelly thanks.

>> No.15938839

Preorders are now open. Just put mine in, a long wait is ahead of me.

>> No.15938864

Just preordered my Anya and Iori. Hopefully I can pick them up from the Fukuoka showroom.

>> No.15938886

But that is in Japan. How are you going to get there?

>> No.15938887

Military orders to Sasebo

>> No.15938890

Thank you for your service.

>> No.15938895

Your welcome. Thank you for paying your taxes so I can buy dollfies.

>> No.15939880
File: 577 KB, 1333x1778, miku-ruby-twilight-18mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lizanna's Twilight series in Ruby 18mm.

>> No.15940404

Thanks, man. Damn, did I score a deal then. Got mine for $10. I really didn't think they were a $40 pair like Lizanna's, so I didn't really look there.

Time to buy another pair then. The things I put my wallet through for these dolls...

>> No.15940824
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought her some friends.

>> No.15940953

>forcing your daughter to be friends with boys

>> No.15941283
File: 101 KB, 1039x693, CuPn4kBUAAA0M7N.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking at the face the toy is making, I don't think that's "friendship". More like "plaything".

>> No.15941660
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15941734

Man she is super cute.

>> No.15942051

not gonna lie, I thought BJD stood for "blow job doll" for a while

>> No.15942064

it secretly stands for "big joy doll"

>> No.15942114

you can still put your dick on them. buy one and join us

>> No.15942266
File: 1.32 MB, 4096x2730, CtSE0glUsAQq22I.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it meant 'big japanese doll'

>> No.15943480

I did too. I'm super excited, she'll be my second. Did you end up picking up the alternate outfit as well?

>> No.15943628

Congrats! I did order the casual outfit, I'm not entirely sold on the shorts but the rest of it looks super cute!

>> No.15944320

I got two more shipping notifications from Volks. As that makes three I assume one is the Fluffy Coat preorder from forever ago. So any people waiting on the Fluffy Coat get hype!

>> No.15944344

It's funny because most of them are korean

>> No.15944682

Would ddh-07 look too weird on mdd body?

>> No.15945039

no it actually looks really good

>> No.15945587
File: 215 KB, 570x570, mdl_DDPIori_Yayoi_p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide which one to preorder...
I like Iori's face a bit more. But Yayoi has the better outfit and cuter wig. Then again, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even have them wear the original sets anyway, so it shouldn't matter. It still bothers me though.
Also, is there any particular reason why Iori is over 2000 yet cheaper? She even comes with the stuffed bunny.
I'm also not 100% happy with the DDP body yet (thighs appear as thin as or even thinner than MDDs, so it looks a bit lanky on the taller body) but I still want to have all DD sizes and check out their new inner frame. This is torture.

Also, are there any news on the DDS boy release? Volks replied to someone that they first need to see how Len sales would go. But I'm getting impatient and considering all the announcements lately it seems like they have way too much on their hands as is...

>> No.15945639

>I can't decide which one to preorder

>> No.15945724
File: 68 KB, 400x600, 275040-image0-400x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would get both if they were a bit more distinguishable, like one having SW skin or larger bust size or actually expressive face sculpts, but they're way too similar to warrant dropping that kind of money. Plus I have 7 other DDs to care for and 3 floating heads on top. It's already more than I ever wanted or needed to have.

If there was a release date set for the DDP body alone I doubt I'd want either.

>> No.15945931

i think their sculpts look pretty different but maybe i'm just special

>> No.15947190

Their sculpts are very similar, the makeup is different

>> No.15947348

Which head is this?

>> No.15947520

Smart Doll Mirai

>> No.15948174
File: 944 KB, 1716x3024, IMG_4917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two hours in this dress. Two hours and she already has black marks around her arm sockets.

>> No.15948537
File: 900 KB, 477x1000, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In progress, Ranka Lee as Rise Kujikawa. I decided which model on an impulse but it turns out Ranka is cute as fuck

>> No.15948544

Her other outfit is just as bad

>> No.15950133
File: 1.22 MB, 874x654, snowmiku2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, I just got this outfit for my Snow Miku in the mail today. They took off some of the cute pom poms which is a let down but otherwise it's gorgeous and I love it. Apologies for bad lighting, it's night here and I can't into photography.

>> No.15950176

Awww man mine should arrive soon too! I can't wait.

>> No.15953945

Where can I find these dollhos?

>> No.15954444

I'm looking into getting my first dollfie, so is building it from parts really the cheapest option? Do I have to buy a frame or is the frame made up of of the separate parts?
I have no idea what I'm doing, I just know what I want the final result to be.

>> No.15954488


Buying a base model is cheaper iirc.

>> No.15954533

Yes, a base body is the cheapest if it's in stock. If it's not and you're impatient then you can certainly build your own from parts, it's not hard to do.

You'll also need a head which are only available unpainted unless you buy a standard model, a limited doll, or one of the previously pre-painted heads but they're not currently available from Volks unless you buy a full D'coord doll directly from their physical store in Akihabara.

>> No.15954590

If your looking for a cheap route try looking around on Yahoo auction japan. They sometimes have pretty good prices and they also have prepainted heads.

>> No.15954705
File: 834 KB, 1936x2592, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toromi should've had a new outfit for a studio photoshoot come in today, but due to the post workers incompetence on Saturday, by repeatedly mixing up 4201 with 4301, and today being stupid ass Columbus day, no outfit. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.15954723

not trying to rush you into spending more money immediately or anything, but will you ever give her a mature girlfriend?

>> No.15954788

In a simulation of my life so far, yes. I struggled between Mirai and Mayu for awhile, But Mayu model felt closest to what my heart desired, so I went with that.

Realistically. I don't think I could afford to maintain or care for a second girl at the moment. Car tunes and maintenance, life, and yeah. She'd be neglected. So I couldn't do that in good faith. One day maybe.

>> No.15955341


This doll is really really cute.

>> No.15955521

I've seen people mention D'coord before but I can't find a straight answer on what that means. Is it another event like Dollpa or something?

>> No.15955529

How difficult is it to paint the head for someone who has painted a few scale models?
I've got a couple of small brushes and an airbrush.

>> No.15955757

you'll need pastels and sealant, it's not too hard if you have good references and you can redo it as many times as you want or work in layers to get everything perfect

>> No.15955811

Serious answer? >>>/jp/onahole
If you can afford to shop in person, check out M's where they have the Libidoll stuff.

>> No.15955931


It's "ball joint doll".

>> No.15956203

It's a service at the Dollpoint store where you get to buy a doll with a prepainted DDH head, eyes, wig and an outfit.

I have no experience in the matter but I've been told that if you seal the head before painting then you can wipe it and try again if you're not happy with the result. So maybe give it a shot? The blank heads aren't that expensive.

>> No.15956306

Are there only for libidoll or is there compatible parts for others?

>> No.15956433

Your future girl needs clothes and head pats. Not your cock.

>> No.15956562

is it hard to get a doll with permanent/painted-on underwear?

>> No.15956565

She needs both

>> No.15956568

to gift your mormon granny?

>> No.15956815

I don't want any form of lewd, even accidental lewd.

>> No.15956935
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>> No.15957114

I intend to make her look like my waifu, of course I want to get physical.

>> No.15957281

I feel like if you attempt to force yourself sexually on something that is 1/6th the size of a grown adult human being you might in fact be a baby fucker.

>> No.15957290

what if I'm going for a 1/3 and I'm an extreme manlet

>> No.15957305

Toddler fetishist.

>> No.15957319
File: 34 KB, 354x282, 1428826931194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But a full scale is so expensive and harder to find room for.

>> No.15957335

So you'd rather cheap out and fuck a toddler than spend a bit more on an ADULT?

>> No.15957349 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 251x231, 1476229461236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I'll stop with this nonsense.

>> No.15957422

I was never expecting this thread to hate on dollfuckers. The way I see it, the dolls represent developed adults and the size difference is so vast it's almost like reverse vore. Seeing the dick go in is like watching a woman give birth. The anime style is childish, yeah, but the doll bodies are definitely modelled after a woman who has hit puberty.

>> No.15957425
File: 550 KB, 900x600, IMG_0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys now that I'm back from my trip, I've decided to name my new MDD "Basil".

>> No.15957537
File: 510 KB, 900x600, IMG_0477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15957554

>Seeing the dick go in is like watching a woman give birth

how in the HECK is that even mildly appealing!?

>> No.15957751


only libidoll is plug and play. the rest of the japs do surgery on similarly sized onaholes to fit doll parts on them (often recycling the plastic mounting parts from the libidoll + solid 14~ gauge copper wiring for spine). still looks good if you're crafty, and some onaholes have pronounced tits so that's a bonus instead of having to get a peach pai.

until full size dolls get the proportions, faces, eyes (important) and low maintenance (in comparison) of 1/3 bjds, they're irrelevant.
even so full size wigs are still a huge fucking pain in the ass to style and maintain.

>> No.15957765

My issue is I don't see how the two are remotely comparable.

>> No.15958369

How open to boy doll posting are you all?
/toy/ is mostly resin dolls and female heavy.
I feel like I'm in a odd limbo of where I can post/ask questions.

>> No.15958707
File: 671 KB, 2048x1366, 29286518223_a1d867ee74_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys is it okay for me to post my Len

He's basically a girl anyway which is our favourite kind of boy here so he is most welcome.

On the off chance you have a boy who isn't Len then still by all means share with us. We generally prefer vinyl here and are more knowledgeable but I don't think anyone would oppose having a resinbro here.

>> No.15959644

Are Dollfies the most popular type of dolls?
I'm looking for something that will have the biggest variety

>> No.15959726


>> No.15959759
File: 106 KB, 480x640, 5727649c2fbc86ac2f57b5adda4e582f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, most mainstream I would think, that goes for Super Dollfies and Dollfie Dreams. In all their years of being market leaders, Volks hasn't become accessible enough and most of their dolls - both vinyl and resin - are usually overpriced imo. Regarding the popularity, the answer may vary depending on who you ask.

As a company they probably offer the most variety solely based on the years they've been active and their different lines. But they usually stay in the vanilla spectrum of sculpt and character design.

>> No.15959791
File: 244 KB, 450x450, f2edbf10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By all means, post as much boy doll stuff as you like. There's so little going on here that nobody should have a reason to complain.

I'm one of the anons eagerly awaiting DDS boy body to be finally released separately. I could use the distraction/fuel to my flame.

>> No.15959902

Speaking of sculpt and design, is there a maker that has a line of slightly chubbier bodies? I don't want fat I just want something that looks more huggable to my taste.

>> No.15959951
File: 96 KB, 519x778, 12043894043_9b2251d868_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's DDdy, a bit curvier in the hips and legs than regular DDs... but has huge breasts.
Or pic related?

>> No.15960037

That's not bad, do those have a more Anime styled faces though?

>> No.15960326
File: 61 KB, 400x600, img_dddy_miko03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollpam style needs some getting used to, and as far as I know they don't make more Animu heads so you'd have to hybrid.

The DDdy body is the other option if you really insist on the Anime look. But if the big boobs are too much for you, then you can always customize a DD3 M chest piece.

>> No.15960329

He would be vinyl and isn't a Len. He would be an obitsu I would be altering/working on.
Once I get a resin boy I'll head back to /toy/.

That's exciting that they will eventually release a DDS boy.

>> No.15960420

Damn I knew Len would look cute as a girl just didn't know how cute.

>> No.15960490
File: 276 KB, 800x1072, len.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15960564

The bodies and hair on these are really cute but those faces are just terrible, and not just because they aren't anime-styled.

>> No.15960624

The faces aren't cute at all.

>> No.15960635

You could take a pair of nice simple conservative underwear and use water based craft glue/tacky glue around the waist and leg holes. No damage to doll, can probably even wash it out of the panties if ever needed, but will keep her securely covered.

>> No.15960712

Whats gonna happen if lewd happens?

Your mom or gf going to call you out on it? Your manly hormones will rage out of control forcing you to do unspeakable acts?

Learn from >>15957114
>of course I want to get physical

>> No.15961361
File: 123 KB, 450x679, 1608095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name suits her very well! Post more pictures anon

>> No.15962050

Uh, yes?

>> No.15962268

I have seen people hybrid them with other doll companies before, so that's an option. I'm not sure if the skintones would match, but there are some resin heads around the same size (their site says 6"-6.5") that are anime styled. From what I'm reading, SQ Lab chibi heads might work as they're just shrunk down versions of their regular ones and are about the same size. Dollpamm is a weird one because they are between scale and have such odd proportions.

>> No.15962402

So how many of you have dollhos, and how are they? I've tried the onahole thread but they don't have anything about them in the paste links and every time I've asked in the threads no one has replied.

>> No.15962930
File: 985 KB, 1936x2592, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to share some shots of Toromi with you guys.

>> No.15962938
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>> No.15962944
File: 781 KB, 1936x2592, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I became a bit partial to this wig with this outfit combo.

>> No.15962951
File: 961 KB, 1936x2592, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats all for now. Hope I didn't spam too much.

>> No.15963027

She's a cutie.

>Hope I didn't spam too much.
Not at all, we don't get enough owner photos.

>> No.15963037

looks best with the brown hair, nix the hair clip
do make sure to put it on straight next time

>> No.15963055

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm having a bit of a nervous breakdown. I took her to work and stayed after trying to steady out. Guess that shows in her presentation.

>> No.15963198

i hope you feel better soon, friend.

>> No.15963384
File: 37 KB, 615x409, basil is a male name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15963508


dollho fag here. ask me anything in /ona/.

>> No.15964131

>we don't get enough owner photos
We definitely need more of that, and less randomly taken from other sources.

>> No.15964139

>we don't get enough owner photos.
Don't know why that would be.

>> No.15964174
File: 148 KB, 900x1200, ...fuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15964226

that thumbnail scared me

>> No.15964239

Anon this is a blue board!!!!

>> No.15964538

>get new doll clothes
>dress doll
>put old clothes in packaging the new clothes came in
>toss packaging into crate/pile of even older clothes packed in the same manner
>repeat when you get new clothes

I'll never break this cycle, will I

>> No.15964623

I thought anon has some kinda dick disease

>> No.15964801
File: 107 KB, 450x600, o0450060010763341728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also prone to this bad behavior. The best you can do is mix and match old sets if they're at least somewhat compatible. It also helps if you have season appropriate sets, then you can always rotate.
If you have any sort of creative tendencies and enough time, you could try make accessories to go with some older outfits to freshen them up a bit.

>> No.15964828

I haven't, except for the original outfits my girls came in. I always go back to those.

>> No.15964935

I'm new to dolls, is that a dollfie? what face is that?

>> No.15964947
File: 267 KB, 1280x960, 092f8df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Mirai Sma--
No no, sorry. I couldn't help myself.
It is a Dollfie Dream. Yui Hirasawa from the distant year of 2010.

>> No.15964971

That's a really cute face, so is it only for that doll or is there a standard one similar to it?

>> No.15964986

she doesn't look retarded enough to be Yui t b h

>> No.15964992

She has a unique sculpt, like all licensed character Dollfie Dreams. DDH-04 is probably the most similar standard head, but it's pretty different. Toromi is a DDH-04 >>15962930

>> No.15965017
File: 28 KB, 355x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one of the standard heads that might be similar to it is the DDH-04, pic related.

If you want Yui's head, you have to hunt it down separately. There are some on Mandarake.

- Just the head but with color stains:
- The whole doll (old DD2 body) with minor staining:
- Or get the budget Azone version in 1/6 scale (I have it and it's absolutely adorable, affordable, and easy to handle as a first doll):

>> No.15965042


Thank you, I guess I better start saving up.

>> No.15965112

I'm just as bad except I use zip-loc bags for the old outfits so now I have tons of empty original bags.

>> No.15965346
File: 295 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_1295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15965494
File: 595 KB, 667x1000, IMG_0489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for posting so much Basil.

I'll get around to editing some pictures of Kohaku but I don't know if I have time.

>> No.15965822

She's adorable.

>> No.15965859

This reminds me that I need to get a better hoodie to replace the bear one too.

>> No.15965863

Ugh the fluffy coat is all blue inside, the skirt has a black strip inside and the mits are dark blue stains waiting to happen.

>> No.15965872

cool beans friend

>> No.15965985
File: 1.42 MB, 2502x4022, IMG_5338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right.
Seems they changed the design or I am missing a pompom.

>> No.15966031
File: 220 KB, 1000x667, IMG_9068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the bear hoodie is cute and all but i want my girl to look different.

The skirt and shirt are cute and versatile. Though the skirt stains like a mofo being jeans and all... I ended up washing it way more than 3 times before letting Basil wear it.

>> No.15966062

email them about it

>> No.15966146

i thought she has huge pigtails

>> No.15966186

Which head does the girl in OP have? If it's from a limited doll, which default head has the closest mold? Sorry for dumb questions.

>> No.15966545

>which default head has the closest mold
don't shortchange yourself. get it or don't.

>> No.15966589

pls no bully. I like the facial shape but would have changed the makeup.

>> No.15967230

This is something that you can only change by getting the same face sculpt, dumbass.

>> No.15967241

Gotta say, Kohaku is much more demure and sweet than Basil. She's just not that cute.

>> No.15967422

Oooooh, so sweet and cute! Where did you find those hair clips?

>> No.15967599

I like Kohaku more, but don't bully basil. She's a nice girl.

>> No.15967830

Where did you find her eyes?

>> No.15968003
File: 341 KB, 1184x1776, 29683119884_b745f83795_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy or girl?

>> No.15968055

That's definitely a boy.

>> No.15968320

You know. On a DD dynamite and a suit you could get a busty OL with that head

>> No.15968721

those are exactly my plans once he gets here.

>> No.15968755
File: 1.81 MB, 860x1274, tumblr_obyaz88QFY1qhxpvuo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is DD Asuna with Ronronshuka faceup.
But I think DDH-06 (or even DDH-09 if you don't mind the alien-like bulge on the forehead/between the eyes) is similar enough and way more affordable than getting Asuna.

>> No.15968873


I made the eyes myself. Not acrylic, since those are lame. I used Urethane.

Basil is kind of a loud brat, and Kohaku tends to just be more watchful. I think she makes a good oneechan.

>> No.15968901

I wish I had doll-applicable skills like you.

>> No.15968924 [DELETED] 

For future reference, it's fine to just say "I don't know".

>> No.15968926


>> No.15968938

Yeah, but I think her face doesn't look right. Her mature faceup on a pudgy face is odd and DDH-10 doesn't quite fit the MDD aesthetic as well as I'd like either. Kohaku is fucking beautiful though.

>> No.15969727
File: 233 KB, 480x640, f6a2ff48a28d2457afcdbb67fce12404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough dicks on the dance floor.

While we're on Len. Does anyone have comparison shots of the regular DDS and DDS boy body? I'm asking for a friend...

>> No.15969749

You then need to post that here when you are done!

>> No.15969772
File: 255 KB, 480x640, ac047827c457b14c9372a1d985e38ae8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did a marvelous job on both faceup and eyes. The wig also really suits her.

I like that there are more head choices for MDD now, but I still haven't warmed up to the DDH-10's mouth shape. In some pictures it looks cute, but then in others it looks puffed together in a weird way that doesn't suit the DD Anime aesthetic and reminds me more of classic BJDs.

>> No.15971038
File: 142 KB, 802x1200, out of play area.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With PSVR out it seems japan has MEMES.

You say it's lame so have you seen marked differences between acrylic and urethane resins? Is there better clarity, viscosity, bubbles, etc?

>> No.15971074
File: 1.32 MB, 2752x3670, IMG_5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost bought a PSVR today. But I need more then Eve valkyrie and Job Simulator.

In other news Pumpkin lords her freedom over Snow Miku who's escape has been delayed due to Fluffy Coat problems. It's odd but I just don't feel as attached to Miku because she is Miku and not a Poorly Dressed Foodstuff like my other girls. And I don't want to just name her like Blueberry or something and just dress her like Miku because she is still Miku.

>> No.15971100
File: 47 KB, 480x640, out of rape area.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moe memes, moe problems

If you can't tell, this image has a cute play on character order from the first.

Even if it's a Miku you could, like, just treat it as a custom and use only the head and body. Give it new eyes, a new face-up, a new wig...

Although I totally understand the desire not to do so considering that wasn't cheap.

>> No.15971123

Thing is I like and want Fluffy Coat Snow Miku. It's just she feels less like one of my girls and more like a over sized Figma. I guess it's because it feels like I have no input on what she looks like.

>> No.15971311
File: 1.90 MB, 2638x4008, IMG_4970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set Miku free.

>> No.15971503

If it's any consolation, she looks less like miku and more like a doll cosplaying as her. Then again that can probably said about any licensed DD.

>> No.15971530

>delayed due to Fluffy Coat problems
that's what old stained bodies are for. test that shit.

so did volks say anything about the missing pom pom?

>> No.15971571
File: 213 KB, 1296x864, vd200024145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she feels less like one of my girls and more like a over sized Figma
That's how I feel about dolls made in high numbers, it dilutes their personality. When Danny was pimping Aois and Sabers I felt like those girls lost their charm every time the "me too's" were posted.

>I have no input on what she looks like
split the clothes, wig, and eyes and reface. It's the only escape from monotony

>> No.15971589

True but she is not one of a kind like my other girls.

Not going to lie. I doubt I will bother with the effort to talk to Volks JP I would sooner buy 3 new pom poms.

Thing is I like her coat, wig, eyes and face. That said I should totally stick Tofu in that standard Snow Miku outfit that could be fun as she has become the cosplayer of the group.

>> No.15971608

What I mean is, those dumb acrylic bases that people aways jew people out with.

For resins, the clarity and uv resistence of the urethane I'm using now is better than the polyester or epoxy that I was using before.

>> No.15971619

I'm confused when you say Aoi and Saber.. Did he make Smart Dolls of them?

Wonder why he picked competition with Volks... and also why make Aikatsu?

>> No.15971626

I just treat my limited doll like she's any other doll. I always forget that she even has elf ears until I take her wig off.

Choo just owns a DD Aoi and DD Saber. He's posted pictures and such over the years.

>and also why make Aikatsu?

>> No.15971793

>I'm confused when you say Aoi and Saber.. Did he make Smart Dolls of them?

No he just featured them heavily when he switched from figfaggotry to dollfaggotry.

>Wonder why he picked competition with Volks

Danny prioritizes international customers. He's basically doing for the international consumer what Volks does not unless they have a lot of excess and the licensing allows for it. Volks created a market gap by being exclusive and limited and Danny found a way to fill it.

>> No.15971998
File: 315 KB, 2048x1627, CuyWXfuUEAAXnMR.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15972122

Hmmmm that's odd

>> No.15972260

Hmmm. They look flawless and sugary cute. Care to share your production method for eyes?

>> No.15973883

im glad you finally got into making eyes
they look very nice

>> No.15974989
File: 1.38 MB, 2214x945, IMG_000333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a difference eyes can make!
obviously changed her eyes, but also touched up her face up. more blush on the cheeks & lips etc
waiting to seal her head, but the weather is too shitty
Also fluffy coat is too cute!

>> No.15975695


The dollfiedreams forum has at least one photo thread full of nude/semi nude Len that you can rub out to. But personally whilst the flat chest was appealing, I found the absence of a cute little shota bulge somewhat disappointing.

>> No.15976080

>Len is endowed like Ken

>> No.15976267

Weird question, but how well does barbie stuff fare for 1/6 dolls like pure neemos? Are the proportions too off for like clothes to be cross compatible? I kinda want to just use the dress off some sorta disney princess doll as a halloween costume for a pure neemo or something.

>> No.15976343
File: 174 KB, 1067x1600, CsJqoMAUkAEfM1W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of doll is this?
My limited knowledge makes me think it's a DD but I don't see the leg sockets.
Is it a custom body?

>> No.15976360

Good to know, I'll put urethane up higher in consideration for materials then. I still don't know how it compares to a liquid acylic, but I might find something with some research.

>> No.15976366

No idea, would have guessed a silicone seamless but I don't see a parting line.

>> No.15976396

I have a 25cm Obitsu, and I bought her a couple Barbie shirts that were cute. They fit fairly well, if sometimes a little baggy. I haven't tried any bottoms yet. I also tried putting her in the clothes that came with my Dal and Pullip, but they were a bit small.

>> No.15977568
File: 70 KB, 440x613, 6c9e570cgw1f3xiy6om74j20i80petbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The head's most likely DD Ryomou Shimei with custom faceup (and maybe some light modding). So parts of the body are likely to be DD as well.
The soft torso/legs can be a well polished peachpai or some lesser known Chinese soft body maker, considering the source of the uploaded pictures.

>> No.15977591
File: 140 KB, 550x826, 8211288228_70e5460887_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not overly well for the most part. The hit and miss ratio speaks against it in my experience. Some stuff like short dresses can fit. But usually the Babrie torso is way longer so it tends to bunch up and not close too well at the back on Azone bodies. In other cases it's too large and long in the legs/arms. I'd suggest you rather save up and stick to original Azone clothes with the certainty they'll fit perfectly than gamble with Barbie or other 1/6 scale doll clothes with frustrating and dissatisfying results.

>> No.15977820

What exactly are the differences between DDS and DDIII? I've been trying to look it up but I'm not finding anything clear cut.

>> No.15977881
File: 252 KB, 768x1024, 6127026329_396652b1ed_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDIII is the base model. DDS is a bit shorter and has a very slightly slimmer torso. They pose just as well as each other.

Pic related is DDS-DDII-DDIII left to right.

>> No.15977887
File: 124 KB, 427x640, 11077228954_eac76a1cba_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The biggest difference is the smaller/softer sculpted hips and shorter upper thighs on the DDS. Everything else is pretty much the same or the difference is insignificant enough to only be noticeable upon very close inspection.

>> No.15977895
File: 92 KB, 500x430, 7007455656_560f2ea86e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the measurements of DDS

>> No.15977898
File: 92 KB, 500x398, 8123412291_ef881b5dc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these are measurements for the DD3
Oddly enough, the DDS has the longer torso of the two.

>> No.15977939

Thanks. It seems like the DDS is intended as a more slim form, while the 2/3 models are more of an hourglass form.

>> No.15980138
File: 630 KB, 2048x1880, CcOYnIgVAAAOKd0.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15980261

Who is this guy and how did I end up subscribing to him on twitter? Actually I have like 4 or 5 subscriptions and my feed quickly became almost all dollposting.

>> No.15980300

It's not that weird when sexy is often considered to be long legs short torso. With a higher torso/leg ratio the DDS is more towards "cute" rather than "sexy".

Having said that apparently the DDdy also has a torso/leg ration higher than the DDIII in terms of parts but it looks like the waist takes up a lot more of the torso making it more leggy. It also has that fat chest.

>> No.15980389

I'm debating on if I should pull the trigger and get Iori. Right now I just have 1 doll, a custom I put together of my waifu. I only have one waifu, but Iori is a character I have a thing for. This is a crossroads though, there's no going back. I will officially go from a doll owner to a doll collector. This is going to lead to me wanting more dolls, and picking up a snow miku before the price gets too insane. Then I've spent like $1500 on plastic anime girls.

>> No.15980454

that's nice

>> No.15980552

Do it faggot.

>> No.15980569

Trying to pick out eyes right now, but Volks' store shows the same image for the normal and metallic versions of their eyes, and I can't find any comparisons. What's the difference?

>> No.15980726

The irises of metallic eyes reflect a little bit of light, highlighting them. It generally looks very nice. I think would be difficult to make comparison pictures.

>> No.15980748

So the non-metallic ones are just flat? Metallic definitely sounds better then, thanks.
