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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 158 KB, 342x500, chaoshead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1594681 No.1594681 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of hugging pillows/dakimakura?

>> No.1594686

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

I own two

>> No.1594698

I want one, but I live with my parents and don't have any money.

>> No.1594700

I watched a movie while snuggling with mine.

>> No.1594706

High res?

>> No.1594709

Don't want one. I don't find them that appealing

>> No.1594710

sugoi sugoi

And yeah this thread just happened.

>> No.1594721

That's my waifu you're talking about, faggot.

>> No.1594723

No shut up fagsalt.

>> No.1594788

I get bored with them too fast, and they're actually kind of conter-productive in interfering with my imagination.
I have one on my bed just kind of for decoration at this point.

>> No.1594799

i've been hugging my pillow to sleep way before i became one of you

>> No.1594820
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1216314914305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're a ridiculous waste of money and owning one would likely be only a few steps lower than having the word "Failure" tattooed on your forehead.

....but what does this one Anonymous's opinion matter?

>> No.1594845

I'd buy one if they somehow automatically warmed themselves.

My waifu should share her warmth with me ;_;

>> No.1594848

For what you're getting, they're pretty damn expensive. But falling asleep with Yuno or Rei in my arms makes it worthwhile.

>> No.1594850

want one, but
1. living at home
2. 16 year old gf
I'm a creeper. ;_;

>> No.1594854

What? 16 isn't loli enough for you?

>> No.1594865

You could take the pillowcase and put it next to a heater and put it pack on the pillow.
The heat would most likely go away before you actually got it back on the pillow though ;_;

>> No.1594873

I think they're overpriced, but I'd totally get one if I could do it without anyone ever knowing about it. I'm sure my filth would ruin it, though. You should see the color of my sheets, it's horrifying.

>> No.1594875

waste of money.

>> No.1594891

Why don't you just wash your sheets?

>> No.1594904


For one, I'm a guy. Secondly, I post on /jp/. I barely wash myself.

Besides, the sheets are forever tainted. You can't wash the horrible discoloration out of them. At least they're not damp and slimy anymore. Good enough for me.

>> No.1594912

>For one, I'm a guy.
because there is nothing more manly than not washing your sheets

>> No.1594926


It's not about manliness, it's about being a guy. Go be metrosexual somewhere else, you're not going to impress the shut-in by smelling like flowers.

>> No.1594929

I have a few but I live at home and am too afraid to use them when other people are in the house (they are the x-rated loli kind)

>> No.1594938

You're a female, so why don't you just wash his sheets for him?

>> No.1594984

female? in a dakimakura thread?

>> No.1594988


>> No.1595008

im not a female ;_;

>> No.1595018


sup ralph wiggum

>> No.1595031

I want a FES dakimakura. Why won't they make a FES dakimakura? ;_;

>> No.1595037


I really don't think sweaty sheets are going to give me a lung infection, but then I'm not a doctor.

>> No.1595043

im not a yellow semi-retard ;_;

>> No.1595047


Indeed, so you'd better be safe than sorry.

>> No.1595062

I have one of Tama-nee, but it just hangs on my wall. I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of snuggling with the image of an anime character I like, as it's impossible to determine whether or not she would mind said cuddling. So yeah, it feels like I'm being a creeper if I just stuff a representation of one into my bed. I don't generally find it particularly creepy if others own them though, as long as it isn't a character I feel particularly protective of.

>> No.1595195


Not the fag in question, but that's bullshit.

I've got bad OCD and have to keep things clean and organized.

There's nothing UNMANLY about keeping your things clean.

>> No.1595214

I have one, but I don't hug it often because I only shower in the morning. Will it start to smell even if I shower every morning?

>> No.1595220


Exactly, when was the last time you saw a dirty gentleman's home?

>> No.1595225

If you have pride in something you'll have a urge to keep it clean simple as that

>> No.1595243


God, fuck, stop being so sensitive you little faggots. I never said it was manly to live in squalor, all I said is I am a fucking guy. Which is not only unequivocally true, but is also a perfectly valid excuse for being a slob. Not to mention that I'm a fucking shut-in so it's completely irrelevant since there's no one to be bothered by it but me.

Goddamn, I guess I have to be more careful with my words from now on if I want to avoid a lot of hurt feelings. What is /jp/ coming to? Next someone's going to get up my ass about reinforcing gender stereotypes or some bullshit like that.

>> No.1595256

I used to gather up a bit of my comforter and hug it, pretending it was Kari (the only character with a dub VA that will never have to use different voices for me to like her), back when I was 14 or 15, at least four years ago. I got some good nights of sleep out of that. I wager a dakimakura would work as well or better. The only thing stopping me from getting one is the price. I don't understand why they haven't realized that desperate people are poor.

>> No.1595258

I swear I made this post in this thread not an hour ago, but:

"As long as people on 4chan keep talking about them, I'm sure I'll buy one eventually."

>> No.1595283

You seem kind of mad, Anon. Did something bad happen today you want to talk about?

>> No.1595308


I was raped by a dustpan once. Now I'm obsessed with them.

>> No.1595320

Damn I want one.

>> No.1595363

Enough of these threads. If you're a real otaku you already have at least one, if you don't have any, then gtfo. Discussion about different ones would be welcome, but asking if anyone has thought about owning one is basically just an invitation to all the gaiafags. I'm sure maybe Hongfire would love to hear all about how you're too proud to own one, and maybe Dannychoo cares whether or not your parents would approve.

>> No.1595404

I guess I'm the only one in /jp/ who thinks people who own dakimakura's are pathetic. Seriously, is it so hard to find a girlfriend? And don't give me any of this ronry bullshit, dakimakuras only promote even more ronryness. Enjoying bliss thats conjured up by false feelings of companionship and having an pillow to accept your ronry feelings is just plain pathetic and you all know it.

What happens when you meet a girl who totally digs you but doesn't understand the whole anime/japanese obsession? Could you stand being around a normal girl with a monstrous Yaoi collection? Don't dig yourself into a deeper hole, don't turn your hobby into a disgusting obsession.

Hugging your pillow is fine, but putting a face and blatant unsubtle sexualized body on your pillow so that you can feel better about yourself is not.

Burn all dakimakuras I say. It's one of the reasons why people who own them won't know the touch of a girls body in their bed and the joys and happiness that comes with having a girlfriend.

You all know that I'm all saying this for you own good.

>> No.1595407


>> No.1595417

>What happens when you meet a girl who totally digs you but doesn't understand the whole anime/japanese obsession

Why would she dig me then? If she doesn't like my hobbies, then why would I have anything to do with her.

>> No.1595418
File: 19 KB, 158x183, 1226459851756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating. Any other advice you'd like to share with us?

>> No.1595423


I don't want anything to do with any 3D girl, normalfag. Pillows, on the other hand, I do like. Don't want to fuck them, but they're nice to have. Go back to /b/ or /r9k/.

>> No.1595429

You act like I care

>> No.1595434

I agree.

>> No.1595446

because you might not be right about everything ever, dipshit

>> No.1595449

Awwwwww <3

>> No.1595455

Okay, what he said about 3D girls was bullshit, but owning a hug pillow is still fucking pathetic and pointless.

>> No.1595457

I stopped reading at ronryness.

>> No.1595458


This man is right, a normal girlfriend saw my pillows and figures once and said they were frightening. She dumped me the next day and I haven't had a girlfriend since it really is very creepy to them.

I own 6 pillows now. I don't regret a single one of my choices.

>> No.1595469


Why? It's ornamentation. You don't need a picture to pretend, and you don't have to pretend just because it has a picture. I'd love to get pillow cases with giant robots on them just because I love giant robots. You can think that's pathetic if you want, I really don't care. Why not have things I like on things I own? Not like anyone else is looking at them anyway.

>> No.1595472
File: 145 KB, 600x1206, 1226460760452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much of a pussy to own one, much like figurines of little girls.

>> No.1595481


I'd buy that pillow.

>> No.1595517


Really not trolling here, I don't understand why anyone would rather choose 2D instead of REAL companionship.

People who LOVE certain anime characters are forgetting that they've been created to emulate real emotions and feelings. Their whole existence is credited to a group of people (artist/writer/voice actor) trying to simulate the real thing, but are unfortunately imaginative characters who can never interact with real people.

2D characters's feelings are toward another character. Everyone spouting 'MAI WIFU' or people who are only interested in 2D girls, seriously, are deranged. Those 'feelings' that they'ved watched were never meant for them but for another character the anime.

Its a perversion, analogous to liking someone who treated someone you know very well and had all the quirks/looks that you find desirable. Then photoshoping her face onto a bathing suit model, and sticking it on your pillow so you don't feel lonely at night.

>I don't want anything to do with any 3D girl, normalfag. Pillows, on the other hand, I do like. Don't want to fuck them, but they're nice to have. Go back to /b/ or /r9k/.

It's depressing, and you're depressing. What exactly are you expecting from your pillow? Something to spoon as you fall asleep while thinking happy thoughts? Having a sexuality charged image next to you as you fall asleep certainly isn't good for yourself. Why are they nice to have? So you don't feel lonely at night?


>> No.1595528


You expect us to read all those words

>> No.1595531

>herp derp

>> No.1595532
File: 782 KB, 2944x2195, 1226461776386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pussy. You aren't a man unless you have figurines of little girls. Here's an old picture of only one of my figs.

>> No.1595536

It's quite simple my dear ワトスンクン. I am a fucking nerd. As such, I have no fucking idea how to talk to a girl and as a result I have not talked to a real girl except my three cousins at my uncles 50th a couple of weeks ago in years.

>> No.1595539

Short answer? You're a faggot. Stop posting. If it bothers you that much to see people talk about pillows then go back to /b/ /r9k/ /whogivesafuck/.

>> No.1595543


>Really not trolling here, I don't understand why anyone would rather choose 2D instead of REAL companionship.

Then leave. Taking your statement at face value, if you're not trolling, and you don't understand, there's no reason for you to be here. Go back to facebook or /b/ or where the fuck ever.

I don't have any kind of pillow or pillow case other than normal ones, by the way. I don't need any kind of substitute. I don't want any 3D girl, not because I have some sort of pathetic substitute that I've convinced my sad, sad self is good enough, but because I really just don't want any 3D girl. Period.

>> No.1595551

Wrong picture?

>> No.1595552


>Why? It's ornamentation. You don't need a picture to pretend, and you don't have to pretend just because it has a picture. I'd love to get pillow cases with giant robots on them just because I love giant robots. You can think that's pathetic if you want, I really don't care. Why not have things I like on things I own? Not like anyone else is looking at them anyway.

If they really are just ornamentations then how do you explain all the preserve tension in this thread? They may be ornaments to you but I find that highly unlikely, unless you've never ever hugged one to satisfy some sort of loneliness, or regard them as nothing more than pillow cases. Having a robot on your pillow is more suited to being decoration as opposed to a half nude character displaying sexual tension

>> No.1595555

>I'm typing this to deter anyone else from thinking about buying a dakimakura for their own good.
Thanks to you I'm considering buying one just to spite fucktards. Congratulations, Shinji.

>> No.1595562
File: 424 KB, 3072x2304, 1226462156215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking no. Wrong picture. Bollocks.

>> No.1595564

Because we've been fucked over by 3D too many times already. Real females are genetically programmed to be cheating whores. There is no way you can trust them. There is no such thing as a female "moralfag", because females are literally incapable of understanding morality. The only reason to tolerate females was to marry a traditional wife and raise a family, but feminism ruined that.

>> No.1595566


>Why? It's ornamentation. You don't need a picture to pretend, and you don't have to pretend just because it has a picture. I'd love to get pillow cases with giant robots on them just because I love giant robots. You can think that's pathetic if you want, I really don't care. Why not have things I like on things I own? Not like anyone else is looking at them anyway.

If they really are just ornamentations then how do you explain all the preserve tension in this thread? They may be ornaments to you but I find that highly unlikely, unless you've never ever hugged one to satisfy some sort of loneliness, or regard them as nothing more than pillow cases. Having a robot on your pillow is more suited to being decoration as opposed to a half nude character displaying sexual tension.

You can buy whatever you want with your money, and sure no one will see it. Literally. What you should care about is why you have one in the first place and why anything of the like would be considered a normal buy.

>> No.1595574

>Because we've been fucked over by 3D too many times already. Real females are genetically programmed to be cheating whores.
Haha. I've never even kissed a girl let alone been cheated on.

>> No.1595589


>If they really are just ornamentations then how do you explain all the preserve tension in this thread

It's very simple, and I'll refer you to what I said in my earlier post: You don't need a picture to pretend, and you don't have to pretend just because it has a picture.

If you read up in the thread, there was a guy who pretended his blanket was a girl. And there are plenty of people who just hang their dakimakura on the wall or use it as a normal pillow or whatever.

And don't you fucking question my love for robots. You don't have the slightest clue what I would love to do to a VF-1 Valkyrie. A normalfag like you would never understand our love. She's beautiful and sexy just the way she is, she doesn't need to display her engines and wiring like some kind of skanky Gundam.

>> No.1595585

>People who LOVE certain anime characters are forgetting that they've been created to emulate real emotions and feelings.
Actually, I think it'd make more sense if the anime characters were made to emulate something beyond our reach. Ideals are not modeled after reality. They are a model for reality. The problem is that reality is too hardheaded to change.

>> No.1595601


They've cheated on you in their minds.

>> No.1595636


>> No.1595644

enjoying your psychology degree there, bud?

>> No.1595646


And a pillow will satisfy as a good enough substitution? I'm a huge nerd myself but I don't take it as the limiting factor when it comes to interacting with other people. If video games and anime is ALL you can talk about, then of course you wouldn't know how to talk to a girl except those found at cons. Think about movies/books/musicians/places basically anything else that you enjoy that's more mainstream and easier to talk about. Finiding something to talk about and keeping the conversation going is something everyone has to learn. If speaking isn't for you then learn how to be a good listener and add in whenever you feel appropriate.

With this kind of mindset, how else could I change your opinion? If you stay down then why would you expect anyone's opinion of you to be any good? If thats what you honestly think then you can keep your pillow, I wouldn't want any women near you any how considering your last statement. The feminism movement only affected people like you who treat women as objects.

>> No.1595652

forgot my sage.

>> No.1595659

I'm not interested in talking about movies/book/musicians. I like movies, I read manga and I listen to animu/jpop music.

>> No.1595670
File: 79 KB, 637x650, 1226463652657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 'bout now? She made flan~

>> No.1595674

Why talk about something I'm not interested in because it's mainstream? If the girl I'm talking to has no interest in my hobbies, I'm not going to pretend to be interested in hers.

>> No.1595672
File: 242 KB, 878x933, 1226463677376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to keep contributing but I don't want to look at that terrible OP pic.

>> No.1595673
File: 44 KB, 450x638, 1226463677548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sometimes a penis is a penis, ja?

>> No.1595679


>> No.1595684
File: 124 KB, 668x900, 1226463819295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your "random" picture has doomed this thread to my eternal hatred.

My ire consumes me.

>> No.1595685
File: 41 KB, 800x600, 1226463823290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore the OP

>> No.1595686
File: 235 KB, 600x800, 1226463837168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1595689

This is a hilarious thread.

>> No.1595687

>What does /jp/ think of hugging pillows/dakimakura?

I'm typing about what I think about dakimakuras and I'm typing about what I think about people who have them. Well within this thread's topic. You expect everyone to agree with the majority and have fun talking about pillows, making each other feel better about buying them?

To anyone who already has one, keep your pillows. Its not exactly something you should be proud of defending.

>> No.1595690

OP here



>> No.1595694

One of the threads is for talking about hugging pillows/posting pics of yours. This one is for hating on them and breaking into roneryness.

>> No.1595699

What kind of a horrible warrior would allow their sword to touch the dirt?

>> No.1595703
File: 21 KB, 450x450, 1226464222651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't you just accept her the way she was?

>> No.1595705

For a long time I bought into the whole equal rights thing, but the female brain just doesn't work that way. No feminist really wants equality, they want complete control over men. "Equality" is a male concept, and females cannot understand it. I don't treat females as objects because I avoid all interaction with them, but they really are objects, in that they are not sentient in the same way as men. Their existence is only that of emotional reaction, like lower animals. For this reason I am very optimistic about the possibilities of replacing females with AI.

>> No.1595708

>Why talk about something I'm not interested in because it's mainstream? If the girl I'm talking to has no interest in my hobbies, I'm not going to pretend to be interested in hers.

You sound as if you'd be able to find a girl who IS interested in your hobbies or dakimakuras. How many girls have you met with an obsession in anime/manga/ero games?

>> No.1595713
File: 44 KB, 320x240, 1226464424372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would have been awesome if ZUN did this instead of current Youmu

>> No.1595717
File: 338 KB, 800x600, 1226464488175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a diaper fetish, which is why I had that image, but it wasn't really part of the plan to post it. My fetish hounds me day and night ;_;

>> No.1595719

None, which I guess is part of the problem.

>> No.1595730

One actually. I'm still working on it.

>> No.1595729


What does */jp/* think. No one asked /r9k/.

>> No.1595732


Thus your reason for buying a dakimakura? What kind of woman are you looking for? A mindless body who places servitude high on the priority list? Like I said, its your mindset thats exactly the reason why the feminist movement hit you so hard. I can't change that, enjoy your pillow.

>> No.1595743

western 3d pigs.

>> No.1595754
File: 39 KB, 1230x125, 1226465151324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, do you think women can be ronery? Or do you think true loneliness is a male condition? I'm serious. Sometimes I think women can be ronery and I sympathize with them but then I read posts like this.

>> No.1595759
File: 234 KB, 1024x1285, 1226465248060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminazi in /jp/?
Unlimited Sage Works

>> No.1595760

>A mindless body who places servitude high on the priority list?

But that's what Japanese men look for. IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY JAPANESE.

>> No.1595762


I've been on /jp/ before it even existed, back when it used to be /a/. What now? You want me to defend why Hisui's True end is my favorite ending in Tsukihime to prove my existence on /jp/?

You don't want to read anything I say because you think I'm from another board. Truth is, you're desperately trying to find ways to avoid my words.

>> No.1595769
File: 70 KB, 800x600, 1226465384067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1595771

athens athens, you don't need to bring this up in every thread ;_;

>> No.1595772

This thread seems to have taken a turn for the /r9k/.

I'd like one of these, but it was a Comic Market thing so I'd have to spend over $200 on YAJ for one now.

>> No.1595775


She has the same mindset as any of the guys here.

>> No.1595785

Are you female?

I just want a civil, fair discussion on the matter.

>> No.1595787

>Its a perversion, analogous to liking someone who treated someone you know very well and had all the quirks/looks that you find desirable. Then photoshoping her face onto a bathing suit model, and sticking it on your pillow so you don't feel lonely at night.

Wow. I can't look at my pillow anymore ;_;

>> No.1595788
File: 62 KB, 640x428, 1226465759057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1595789


Yes he does, because he got massively trolled and doesn't even realize it.

>> No.1595790

Dakimakura covers (the ones worth getting at least) are very often limited edition art works from high profile artists. Tony has done several, Amazuyu Tatsuki did a couple eye-popping for Leaf, and I just got one drawn by Happoubi Jin for a game I know almost nothing about. These are all larger-than-poster sized illustrations that are often made in limited quantity. From a collector's standpoint many covers are worth getting. $100 isn't that much if you have a decent job. I'm a total whore for Happoubi art so I don't regret my purchase at all.

>> No.1595793


Except she's actually complaining about being 'ronery' after having had relationships.

>> No.1595798
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>> No.1595800
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>> No.1595804

That's fine, but it doesn't seem to be 'allowed' every on /jp/ when the discussion goes that way.

>> No.1595807
File: 112 KB, 1241x685, 1226466118895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I don't want to make /jp/ rage or anything. But I think you should take a look at this picture.

>> No.1595810
File: 16 KB, 634x571, 1226466226885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hurr durr derp derp

>> No.1595812

I only chatted in this thread because it had veered into a more general line of inquiry though.

>> No.1595816

What's the rage for? That person mentioned good-looking in their OP and brought it up again later as a reason they can't find someone. It might be their fault, but nothing to rage over.

>> No.1595828
File: 38 KB, 1230x131, 1226466591217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that, it's nothing to do with her standards. It's the fact she is complaining about being ronery after dating lots of 'jerks'.

Here is another rage-worthy post.

>> No.1595829


>Hey /jp/, do you think women can be ronery? Or do you think true loneliness is a male condition?

Sure. I don't really understand loneliness first-hand since it's not an emotion I've ever felt so maybe I'm not the best person to answer, but I think what keeps most of us 'ronery' is standards. If I was willing to settle low enough, even someone as fucked up and hideous as me could get laid and get a girlfriend. It's not that hard. Standards are what makes it hard. Girls certainly have an easier time, but any girl with my kind of standards would be just as doomed to isolation as a dude.

It might actually be worse for girls, since they're such fragile and emotional creatures. I dunno, this loneliness shit just makes me appreciate my emotional independence all the more. My happiness doesn't depend on anything but myself. I have an uncapped internet connection, an imagination, a penis, and two perfectly good hands. What more does a man need?

Also, a beard. I think that's important. I like to stroke it.

>> No.1595830

I think he's raging because they claim to be ronery, yet have guys asking them out, ect. Which I guess is understandable.

>> No.1595836

Someone explain where these otaku women exist.

>> No.1595833


Not exactly rage worthy. So shes dated around, but that doesn't mean EVERY girl is like that. All the nice girls have had at most 2-3 different boyfriends, 2 of which might have been during high school.

I'm not female, but I have a lot of friends who are girls. None of them share my enthusiasm for anime or manga but I don't oppress them with conversations only dealing with anime. I've met a few girls who are obsessed with anime and I avoid them because they usually have the same mindset as any of the guys here. Unkempt and always deviating toward anime/manga during conversations. Completely unattractive.

>> No.1595838

This thread is the reason why /jp/ is going to turn into Psuedo /R9K/ and /a/, time to sage bomb it to hell.

>> No.1595842

athens what the hell does this have to do with pillows?

>> No.1595849


Anime conventions. You'll have to learn to recognize them by their doughy texture as you'll immediately be struck temporarily blind by the rolls of fat being strangled by the disturbingly skimpy outfits they're wearing.

>> No.1595850

That might be worse, though. Just because you feel lonely doesn't mean you should just date any and everyone who presents the opportunity. Having the wrong people constantly ask you might make you feel even worse, actually.

>> No.1595854

I wasn't the one who pushed this OT.


>Arrogant assholes
>even gone out with a few of those types
>not rage worthy

>> No.1595856


She may have lots of guys asking her out but doesn't mean she can't feel lonely. All the guys just aren't her type, or people she just arn't interested in at the least bit. Think about being asked out by lots of overweight/overly annoying girls. Sure you have attention but its not the kind attention you want at all.

Relationships are for people you want to be with, and she hasn't found that person yet.

>> No.1595859

I'm not going to an anime convention. Thats where you get the YAOWI fangirls and such. Fuck those bitches.

>> No.1595862

If she declines then fair enough. But she went out with them, so she cannot claim to be ronery.

>> No.1595863

To be fair, a lot of nice guys are a pain in the ass.

Sage bombing never works. There's no point in it especially when it's on a slow board like /jp/.

>> No.1595865


Discussions? Woah, I didn't know it was so bad to actually talk about things. I also think hugging pillows are pretty sad. I mean seriously.

>> No.1595869

>Relationships are for people you want to be with

Why the fuck did she say she hated 'dated' so called 'arrogant assholes' then? Why do you women do this? Why can't you just accept that that isn't loneliness? You are just projecting your own experiences here because you want to be seen as 'ronery' too.

No, sorry, she clearly stated she had dated them.

>> No.1595870


Shit, man, I was just answering your question, what more do you want from me? I don't have the power to alter reality. You asked where to find them, well, that's where.

>> No.1595871

Sup similar idea anonymous

I guess in a literal sense not, but she could just be dating some guy she likes and still feel bad. I've seen people for a couple of weeks at a time before and ended it realizing I didn't really like them, but I still went along with it for a short while because it was a nice temporary relief from not having someone.

>> No.1595884

Let me explain the point again. Regardless of your own personal tastes in 'jerks' or whatever because to be honest I have no interest in the dichotomy.

My annoyance is caused by the fact that women act like they are ronery when they have had multiple boyfriends, multiple people asking them out and so on. I mean, this is a pretty simple concept.

>> No.1595878
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>> No.1595880
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>> No.1595882
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So, how you been Anonymous? I realized that feelings such as "love" are merely caused by the chemical messages produced by our brains. If you think about it logically, it's just nature's way of getting us to find a partner so we can mate. It's just a means to an end. You don't need "love" to live. In fact, by not "loving" you are defying nature, going against animal instinct! Therefore, cry no more, Anonymous! We have evolved! We have become superior beings! We are no longer controlled by nature and its propaganda messages of "love"!!





>> No.1595887


Its that kind of mindset that makes people like you on this board attractive. I'm a girl and hugging pillows label their owners as failures. People bitch about girls turning them down, well no shit. I wouldn't want to go out with anyone who has one of these things.

>> No.1595889

Well, personally... I'd like YOU to go out with me, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

>> No.1595891

There must be other locations though, cons aren't every day.

>> No.1595892


>Why the fuck did she say she hated 'dated' so called 'arrogant assholes' then? Why do you women do this?

Severe emotional dependence? I mean, shit, what if they feel the same way we do, but because they are weak, inferior, emotionally-driven women, they can't live in self-imposed isolation like we do and are forced to bounce from miserable relationship to miserable relationship, becoming increasingly depressed and unstable? Sounds pretty sad to me, but I dunno how they feel, that's just one theory. I just know they do dumb things for dumb reasons.

>> No.1595898

I was actually thinking about this earlier today because of the thread last night (or was it a few days ago? Can't remember) I don't think it's necessarily fair to exclude people (not just women) from being ronery just because they've had past relationships, unless you know their current circumstances. Take INfinity for example. He's had a girlfriend in the past, but who can say he's not lonely now? He's a hikki for god's sake. It should really be judged on a case by case basis.

>> No.1595896

>nice temporary relief from not having someone.

This is the key distinction. You have that. You can have someone to be intimate with, to have sex with on a pick and choose basis even if they don't satisfy your own criteria fully. Anonymous and most tripfags do not even have that.

I mean, be fair now. It's all we have. You have taken everything else. Leave us with the ability to suffer alone for far longer than any of you without having post-breakup girls and others claiming they know 'just how it feels'.

>> No.1595897

I think they've almost given up at this point.

>> No.1595899


I have intimacy issues and I'm not gay, though. You can try breaking into my apartment and waiting for Stockholm syndrome to set in, but I'm pretty sure I'd just make both of us miserable. Like I've said so many times to my parents: I'm sorry for being me, but I really just can't help it.

>> No.1595902
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Athens gb2/kitchen/ and make me sandwich.

>> No.1595904
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>> No.1595908

My personal situations happened accidentally anyway. And it's not like I constantly seek out temporarily breaks from not dating anyone. Anytime someone comes along that I like I kind of wonder if I actually like them or if i'm just going along with things because it's convenient for myself to not be alone for a while.

Most couples aren't two gorgeous and amazingly nice people. You could be a terrible ugly /jp/ nerd and still find someone who isn't your type at all and who isn't remotely attractive to "have a break" from being lonely, not that I suggest it.

>> No.1595909


Me too, but even if they were a nice guy they always wanted to take me to parties and shit. I don't like drinking, I don't like going to parties, wow I must be a leper then. I hate it when people don't recognize that being lonely isn't having no one to talk to, it's having no one to connect with.

>> No.1595906

>they can't live in self-imposed isolation like we do

Then they aren't fucking ronery by definition if they even have that option, not to mention take it!

INfinity is a massive exception though. Given what he has become now.

>> No.1595911

So you're saying there's a chance...? YEAH!!!

>> No.1595914
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>> No.1595920


And we're telling you that girls do feel lonely even if they've been with other people. Sure not the lonely feeling of never experiencing sex (Or some cases where they'll break up with guys because they're too forceful and only have ambitions for sex) but I'd feel lonely if I couldn't find that one person.

Give it a rest, sure she's dated other people but they've all ended up the same. How would you feel if you kept meeting girls who you're totally interested in but after a week or so find yourself disgusted by their quirks or personality. I'd be one heartbreak after another, building yourself up and ultimately falling every time. And then this one girl comes up who brightens up your day. You dream about her, she dreams about you, both have the same interests and you could talk on the phone for hours on end. Then after a week had pasted as you began going out, you feel deep in your heart that she isn't the one at all, and you have to break her heart when you break up.

Its an accumulation into a big heavy sadness inbetween quick bouts of happiness. Could you handle that?

>> No.1595922


You're just making me feel even more miserable. You have no idea how easy you have it. Intimacy, sex, serious dating - It's like turning on a tap. There really is no comparison. Please at least acknowledge this.


You've dated guys, you are not lonely. See above. Please stop this.

>> No.1595921
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>> No.1595923

Yeah exactly.

The bad part is, the last thing I had was like a year ago and it was the kind of situation we're talking about. I sort of enjoying it, but ended it after a short while because it wasn't really working out. I felt so bad after though, but I couldn't tell if it was because I actually liked the person or because I knew I just chose to end something nice that I wouldn't have again for a while.

>> No.1595924

Yeah, his situation is extreme, but who's to say some of these women aren't crying themselves to sleep wondering why they can't find a man? I'm excluding the ones who are asked out by guys constantly, but not all of them are in that situation so it seems reasonable. I'm playing devil's advocate anyway.

>> No.1595928
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>> No.1595934

>Could you handle that?

I've handled 21 years of continual solitude. Don't posture and pretend like your bullshit 'is he tall enough' 'are his eyes pretty enough' 'is he muscular' enough bullshit that constitutes metaphorical roadblocks in your life is somehow 'character building'.

Enough with the posturing. You all have had relationships. That's all I needed to know. The stereotype is perfectly correct and true.

>> No.1595931
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>> No.1595933

Intimacy / sex with one person. Serious dating maybe once with said person, but it wasn't even dating really. Once total for each - with one person - and i'm turning 22 in December. It might be slightly better than 0, but it's a lie to say I can just choose when and when not to be alone.

>> No.1595940


But no one, or at least very few people, are truly doomed to be alone. Even you, if you lowered your standards enough, could find girls to go out with and fuck. I don't recommend it because they would be fat and disgusting and hideous and desperate and crazy and boring and venal and so on, but you have that option. If you are strong enough to choose isolation over those horrors but women are not, then aren't they the ones in more pitiable straits? I know I pity any man whose weakness drives him to take that route.

>> No.1595946

>but who's to say some of these women aren't crying themselves to sleep wondering why they can't find a man?

Both our arguments rest on anecdotal evidence, and the anecdotal evidence on /a/ and /jp/ clearly shows that socially reclusive women are more likely to have/had boyfriends than socially reclusive men, far, far more likely, because of nature, and ergo they aren't ronery.

I mean, look in this thread. There is no comparison, stop lying to yourself. No offence or anything, you're a pretty decent guy on /a/.


Alright, maybe not at this present moment in time. But you've had all manner of experiences throughout your life in regards to dating, sex, intimacy, shared experiences.

>> No.1595947


I suppose there's always a chance, Anonymous. I won't tell you to give up your dreams, but I do think you could set your sights a little higher.

>> No.1595950

I'm agorophobic. I go to work because I HAVE to. If I didn't, I'd have nothing. I'd much prefer to work at home.

So aside from going to work, I have no chance to meet girls. And while outside, I panic about being outside and enjoy pain and such as a result. So talking to people doesn't help make that go away. So I cannot meet girls.

Tell me how I should find a girl then.

>> No.1595952


I shouldn't have to even contemplate taking that fucking route. The only thing wrong with me is that I 'lack confidence' and am socially inept at times. Every other girl on here has that but has had relationships. The punishment must fit the crime. I'm going to have a cigarette anyway, you've all stressed me out again. Be back in a minute.

>> No.1595955

Be home at the right moment. Surely one would come knocking on your door.

>> No.1595956

Hey athens. You will never understand true loneliness because you have never been stranded on a deserted island.

>> No.1595957

That hasn't happened yet.

>> No.1595959

Oh please. That can hardly compare to true loneliness. At least you've experienced the affection of another human being.

On topic, I would consider getting a hug pillow if I actually thought it would help my loneliness, but I really don't think it would offer me any consolation. They're also way too expensive.

>> No.1595962


See, you can fix that by going outside and lowering your standards so low that anyone would want you.

No one is stopping you from feeling lonely except yourself. That girl on the other hand has tried EVERYTHING she could so she doesn't feel lonely and it still hasn't helped.

You say you can't be lonely if you've had
>Intimacy, sex, serious dating

Well once you've experienced an honest to god relationship for a few years and have it crashing down, you don't know just how much you'd miss all of those things with someone you want to be with.

Your lonely is imagining what it's like to do all those things and how nice it would be. The lonely we're describing is how you feel when you've lost/can't achieve any of it no matter how hard you try. It hurts a lot more when you lose something because you REALLY understand how it feels like and you're no longer able to get it anymore.

>> No.1595963


I know what you mean. I always feel terrible when I break it off because it's not like he cheated on me or abused me or anything, he always had the best of intentions. But after the warm glow of LOL I HAVE A DATE TONIGHT wears off, I always realize that we never connect on more than a surface level. I don't want to end up like my parents who are nice to each other's face but complain about each other constantly to me. Maybe I'm too picky but I guess that's better than trying to force myself to love someone. I just wish sometimes that guys would stop approaching me for a change, because whenever they do I feel obligated to talk to them because they chose me out of everyone else or something. I'm too shy to just say "no". When I was a teenager, I just got done with a messy stupid teenage relationship and I tried to cut my face up so I'd be less attractive, but thankfully my older sister stopped me.

>> No.1595967

Bed and tea and posts on /jp/

Who needs -someone-? Maybe those pillows are a good idea. Let's date, >>1595909

Work, maybe? In transit? No one can tell you how you're -supposed- to find someone. Things just happen. If you feel like you can't step outside, then maybe you just won't be able to find someone. I and plenty of others here can certainly go outside, but not initiate conversations with people. How should we find someone, then?

Things present themselves.

>> No.1595964


Sometimes I watch through the peephole while the woman in the apartment across the hall is coming home or going out. I don't know her name or anything at all other than what she and parts of her kitchen look like, but it's something, I guess. It's not really meeting, but it passes for some kind of connection... right?

>> No.1595965

I should have clairifed, I meant to say "crying themselves to sleep because they can't find the right man" after having past relationships that is.

>socially reclusive women are more likely to have/had boyfriends than socially reclusive men...I mean, look in this thread.There is no comparison, stop lying to yourself.

That is certainly true, and I can't deny it. I'm just trying to say that these definitions aren't neat, there are always exceptions. But you know that.

Anyway, back to Heaven's Feel. Nice talking to you, as always.

>> No.1595966

They're actually pretty cheap and quite cool at night. It's just the girly covers that are expensive.

Stop that! Smoking is bad for you.

>> No.1595972

I know... I don't like the fact that athens-san smokes... I worry about him.

>> No.1595973

Holy smokes, twins. Let's talk more. Damnit I feel bad for essentially flooding /jp/ with these ronery posts, but it's hard to avoid given the population here.

And aside from the parents things, I understand completely. It's so nice at first, but even still in the back of my mind I have such a bad feeling about the situation all the time, and then I end up ending things even if it's apparently going well. Then I feel bad after, but since ending it is my fault, I just assume the person hates me - and they have every right too, I think. It would be selfish of me to start talking to them again just because I'm lonely again, huh?

>> No.1595975

I suppose I can go outside if the need arises, I'm not a total shut in. But it has to be for a damn good reason, such as buying a new game or getting some supplies otherwise I'll die of starvation. I usually order things via interweb. And I'm the same with the conversationing. I'm a shitty cleaner of offices and if people are in their offices, I just can't go in to clean them, never mind start a conversation with someone on the street or in transit, since that's the only place I meet people.

>> No.1595976

every badass anime character smokes, why not follow them?

>> No.1595979


Does this apply to guys too? I'm just wondering, I'm not someone who feels lonely, but I do live in complete and utter isolation. I'm among the top tier for social recluses, but when I was very young I DID kiss a girl and have a girlfriend. It was little league, she was bossy, I was pliable, could've happened to anyone. It really wasn't my fault. Am I forever excluded from the club even though I'm so much more alone than the ronery Anons who can function in society despite being plagued by their loneliness?

>> No.1595989

> you don't know just how much you'd miss all of those things with someone you want to be with.


>Stop that! Smoking is bad for you.

How about no? I'll do as I please. Now I've fucking run out anyway. Godammit I need to wait another whole hour until the shop opens to buy another 20 pack.


Tried to cut your face eh? Don't you realise how retarded your problems sound in comparison to others problems? It's pitiful how you say you are the same as us. It's like you want to be in our situations or something. Why must you do this to us? Don't you realise how miserable it feels, how it's equateable to rubbing salt in one's wounds? That's what it feels like with you and your chums shooting the shit about how bad your previous dates were.


>> No.1595990

Wait, I don't understand your posts really. When you say you meet people in transit or on the street do you mean you've met people this way, or this is the only time you see people that you could talk to if you were able to?

Anyway, no one here can offer a solution for you. If you're fine being alone and working and buying video games and posting on /jp/ then just be fine with it. If meeting someone is really important to you, i'm sure that one day you'll make something happen. You might not spontaneous start talking to strangers, but maybe you'll just start to go outside more for no reason and open up some possibilities. Who knowwsssss.

>> No.1595997

The occasional smoke is nice, huh?

Anyway, ignoring what some girls post in /jp/, I really think you should separate yourself from the idea that one can't feel as lonely as another simply because one is a girl and one is a guy. If something comes along in your life, this idea could seriously be the reason it doesn't work out.

>> No.1596003

It's the only time I can see people. I don't actually speak to anybody.

>> No.1596004


How do you manage that if you're really agoraphobic? Because I'm not, and I can't. The only time I've left my apartment (well building, I've snuck onto the roof a few times but I live on the top floor and do it in the dead of night while masking myself from the peepholes) in the last bunch of years is to go to the doctor after months of watching my toe turn black and almost fall off.

Maybe I could force myself out if I HAD to, after all I did eventually go to the doctor. But I'm not even agoraphobic, I'm just a crazy shut-in. How do you get by?

>> No.1596006

Well you aren't the same because you are a shut-in now, most of these girls have had many dates, not just one, and moreso, they use men to satiate their emotional/physical needs not to feel lonely. And they have all mentioned that they could go out on a date if needs be.

I mean, I'm actually laughing while I write this, that's not exagerration for effect, it's the truth - I am laughing while I write this because of the idea that you can equate the two situations. Seriously, if girls felt this ronery then the suicide rate would go up tenfold.

>> No.1596008

You are an amazing human being athens; something in your brain is really goddamn broken.

>> No.1596010

Maybe I'm not the textbook definition of agorophobic then. But I get all sort of crazy pains and tiredness when I go outside, but when I'm inside, I feel fine.

>> No.1596011

Do you have a problem talking to people? If so, it's not like simply venturing into the outside world will help much anyway.

>> No.1596013

>simply because one is a girl and one is a guy.

I don't say this. I operate on the law of averages and correlations. I have explained my theoretical reasoning, sans hyperbole, in the past. About passivity and proactivity in biological terms and how they relate to gender.

Now, there is a clear disparity. Any honest person will admit to this.

There is also the tendency for girls to call themselves ronery despite all this and despite the fact they have experienced it all and could experience it whenever they wanted to, which is what makes me fucking pissed off.

>> No.1596018

athens, i agree with you, but why are you so damn persistent with this stuff? what's your obsession with everyone adopting your definition of roneriness?

>> No.1596019

I see we have now descended to ad-hominem. How about you just accept you aren't ronery and move on?

>> No.1596021

ok athens.
Do you understand that part of the reason it's easier for a pathetic girl to get a date is because many guys are more willing to settle?

>> No.1596022

don't you know any ronery females who you feel have the right to call themselves ronery, athens?

>> No.1596025

Athens, your points are irrelevant!

I mean, as a guy I've never even touched a girl for more than 5 seconds, let alone kissing one. But I'm sure the fellow femanons are just like us... except the fact they did have boyfriends and hugged them, and spent a lot of time with them, had love talks, held hands, walked together to school, went on dates, kisses, had sex, and so on, but I'm sure that doesn't matter! They are ronery just like us!

>> No.1596026

Your opinions are your own, but trust me

>they have experienced it all and could experience it whenever they wanted to

This isn't true for everyone. It's true for some guys and some girls.

>> No.1596027

Actually I just joined the thread. I don't claim to be ronery either. I'm just continually amazed at how differently your mind functions.

>> No.1596031
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who the fuck turned /jp/ into /r9k/?

>> No.1596036


Me or the agoraphobic dude? Me, yes. It's living humans that give me problems, not being outside or away from my safe place or anything like that. If I could make every other person on the planet disappear, I'd go hang out at a park in the middle of the night right now. But I can't, and even the possibility that some stranger might see me from the peephole in their apartment door or their window or anything like that makes me feel all fucked up and I can't take it. I can't even order my own pizza over the phone or pay the delivery guy myself. Well, maybe I could if it was that or starve, but as of right now I can't.

I don't mind, though. I like being alone. I wish I was less crazy and could go to a park or a movie by myself if I wanted, but I don't want a relationship or anything.

>> No.1596038

>Let's date

lol, wouldn't be the first time I thought about going out with a girl. Sometimes I think the grass might be greener on the other side, but I've never really had a deep relationship with another girl; most of my friends in high school were boys. My best friend in high school was a guy who liked me because of who I was, but I never asked him out or anything because he already had a girlfriend by the time I was becoming more aware of myself I guess. I was never particularly fond of his girlfriend and I always thought he deserved better than her, certainly better than me. So I went out with a mutual friend instead, a guy who I thought understood me but I later found out he cheated on me with some girl from another school at a party. I wasn't sure what to do because I figured I should feel lucky to have someone to call a boyfriend at all but my sister told me to break it off, which I did loudly and in public with a lot of crying and generally making an idiot out of myself. Turns out that was a good choice, as he got her pregnant while going out with another girl. I tore my best pair of pantyhose that day, too. Shit still makes me rage.

>> No.1596039

Not a single one actually.

What the fuck is your point? And that's not the main reason, it's easier because women are passive.

They are asking permission in a non-straightforward way to stand alongside the other ronery anonymous/tripfags. The thing is, the mass majority of anon/tripfags are at rock bottom.

Their vapid discussions of how easily they get men, intimacy and sex denies them this place. But they keep ranting as if they know about it, and it is irritating.

tl;dr Annoying hypocrites won't shut up.

>> No.1596040

a troll did, if you'd take the time to notice. but why did you bump this abortion? no matter i guess, 15 or so posts to autosage

>> No.1596042

Terrible word, yes. I'm trying to keep it saged so it doesn't bother the rest of /jp/ but these threads seem hard to avoid with the nature of /jp/'s posters.

>> No.1596046

Haven't checked this thread all evening but


>> No.1596047

i forgot my sage, sorry bro.

>> No.1596050

>Not a single one actually.

not even here?

>> No.1596051

I get more and more like this the more I stay inside.
It's also worse in the Winter.
If I continually go outside, it's not as difficult as going out once in a while.

>> No.1596056
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Only a few more posts to auto sage!

>> No.1596057

Actually it's true for a higher proportion of girls than guys.

Stop your fucking incessent bullshit, the inanity of it tires me. You have it so much better than anyone else.

>> No.1596059

Twins twins. But still, email this temporary mailnator email in the mail field above and let's talk.

And anyone else who wants to as well. I'm all up for this, but even I think it's been a little much in /jp/ the last while.

>> No.1596061

Look through the thread dolt, do you really want me to give you a running commentary? It's clear they aren't one of us.

>> No.1596063
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Don't mind me, just sagin'

>> No.1596064

I'll help. My apologies to the hugging pillow users.

>> No.1596073

I am the troll of my board.
Sage is my body, and rage is my blood.
I have created over a thousand copypasta.
Unknown to b&.
Nor known to v&.
Have withstood newfags to create many lulz.
Yet, those retards will never lurk anything.
So, as I pray, Unlimited Shitpost Works.

>> No.1596070


I guess if something like a fire ever gets me outside I'll try to keep going outside and see if it gets better, then.

>> No.1596072

no, i mean on 4chan?

>> No.1596080

someone kill this cow please

>> No.1596074

that's 200 folks, thanks for playing!

>> No.1596082

Ok, can you tell me why girls might be more 'passive' as you put it? (Also, let's not tread into 'biological' arguments for the moment, ok?) Or rather, why might guys be pursuing girls?

>> No.1596083

Did I deny the existence of outliers? We are talking about GENERAL TRENDS here.

You aren't ronery.

>> No.1596084

I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice. Anyways, I began to play Touhou about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the series, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the latest installment. Then I played the series again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Reisen every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Reisen. I eventually had thousands of pictures and some doujins of Reisen. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Reisen everywhere. I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Reisen dolls. Reisen is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave. I'm in love with Reisen. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Reisen. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place. So this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Reisen break free from behind her glass prison. Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her!

>> No.1596087

Jesus, are you serious, athens? Do you have a MSN or something? I'd be happy to tell you just how ronery I am.

>> No.1596093


The only problem I see is that you're moving in on my waifu. Pick a single girl, Anonymous. You're not going to wreck our happy home. Only 50 years of lies can do that.

>> No.1596090

I don't know the underlying evolutionary origins. All I know is that it's been a feature of the human race for some time. So women can't really be ronery biologically speaking, because they don't have to exert effort to find a mate.

>> No.1596095

athens, watching a small beethoven documentary right now

"Only a man who's alone - that he would always be alone - could write such music"

Not a message for you, but we talked about music and stuff before so I though i'd share

>> No.1596099

I'm not interested because you've all made me fucking miserable this morning. You are _not_ ronery because even if you stay in your rooms all day only to go out to lectures you will still have guys asking you out.

>> No.1596103

I asked specifically that we not tread into 'biological' arguments for the moment; it's too easy to make up whatever you want. I want to hear you to come up with something psychological. Why are women 'passive' and why is it that men pursue them?

>> No.1596106


You're playing right into his hands, you know. The whole point of his shtick is to rile up all the most desperate girls and get them to prove their loneliness to him. He's a sophisticated sexual predator with a very specific type. You're going to wind up in various pieces all over Jersey.

>> No.1596107

Oh come on...

>> No.1596111

R-really? And I posted an anti-spam mailinator email too ;_;

Check male field above. All serial killers welcome.

>> No.1596112

I have no compositional skill so I don't know why you are telling me this. I work words, prose, not musical notation. And regardless, what use is it to be even a great historian if even a drug addict can lead a happier love life than you?

>> No.1596113

I'm starting to think he's a psycho too.

>> No.1596116

Well, like I said, it wasn't a message for you. But the post about creation in winter made me think you might be interested in this just generally, not in terms of this thread.

>> No.1596118


If I could send mail from a mailinator account I'd take you up on that. I need a stepping stone to jumpstart my career.

>> No.1596124

I'm not interested in contacting any of you, that's not a pejorative spiteful comment, just a realistic comment. What would we talk about? How you people aren't ronery and I am? Or about how the one exception to the rule is and I am? Maybe one day when I'm a bit happier we can discuss something more substantive.

Come on what? This thread is misery incarnate.

>> No.1596131


>This thread is misery incarnate.

Maybe for you, I've derived great amusement from participating in it, though. You need to learn to take it easy.

>> No.1596133

Make a fake hotmail or something.

Actually never mind. Killing me is fine, but being killed by a serial killer sounds like it contains too much torture or something.

>> No.1596134

Guys, is he insane or an elaborate troll?

>> No.1596140

Well I don't see what relevance it has regardless. It's a shame that a great man like Beethoven had to die alone, guess he wasn't 'confident' enough though eh?

>> No.1596141

I'm still waiting for you to give me a reason, athens. I'm actually curious as to what you think.

>> No.1596148

I'm voting for insane.

>> No.1596150


Well, yes, that is part of my planned MO. I'm going for both variety and creativity and I also want to see how long I can keep a target alive through it all.

Well fine, forget you then. I'll just let it fall by the wayside like all my other dreams and aspirations. Here's to another 23 years of laying on my bed playing video games.

>> No.1596158

For women being passive? As I said, it's innate, it's biological. But that's not really the point, the point is what it entails. And what it entails is that women can't be ronery.

Now, can we at least conclude from this thread that they can't? I mean, even the ancedotal evidence in this thread leans to my side of the argument.

>> No.1596160

>What would we talk about?
About our marvelous day obviously and we can even continue on from there!

>> No.1596161


>> No.1596165

Aren't you that same bitch who cut her face because her boyfriend broke up with her? Some cheek you've got.

>> No.1596170

What is he then, he seems pretty normal sometimes.

>> No.1596172

hey ponponpokolin? where did you get the images of those fig shelves? the ones that you said the owner said he made himself (or at least the lighting)...?

>> No.1596179

Look, all I want from you is an agreement that you can't be as ronery as men. That's it. I just want the satisfaction of knowing you've admitted it.

>> No.1596182

i'll never admit it.

>> No.1596188

Does he go around every board like this?

>> No.1596194
File: 41 KB, 1241x163, women-not-ronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? Please, just admit it. Look at the pic.

>> No.1596195

No athens.

Would you agree if I said that 'getting' a woman would be a high priority on the list of many men? Getting a woman is an accomplishment in and of itself? Getting laid is an accomplishment?

>> No.1596203

Yes, I would actually. I'm not intelligent or stoical enough to handle being on my own forever. Some people are, kudos to them for sticking two fingers up to the 'confidence' bitches like that. I can't do that. I'm not strong enough, but I'm still stronger than any woman because of how far I've come in perpetual solitude.

>> No.1596204

no. looked at it, now what?

>> No.1596208


oh you

>> No.1596216

Sorry I don't remember the exact entry, but it belongs to / was features on one of the posts of this blogger.


>> No.1596217


Don't give up. You can become strong enough. I can do it, and I can't even leave my apartment, so it can't be that hard.

>> No.1596222

So you're saying that the ultimate in loneliness is being denied that which you desire most?
You want a woman, and are unable to get one, and therefore are experiencing the ultimate loneliness?
Is that what you're saying?
You wouldn't be lonely anymore if you had a woman? Any woman?

>> No.1596223

That's just athens. Everyone has something they're highly spirited about.

>> No.1596230


I don't think I do. Maybe robots. I guess I'm spirited about robots. I don't argue on the internet about whether or not they can feel lonely, but they do arouse special feelings in me and I get all excited and... well no one wants to hear about that anyway.

>> No.1596237

Thank you!
I am stubborn and am a passable moon-reader, so I am sure I will find the entry eventually.

>> No.1596242

I have standards you know. I may be pathetic but I have standards. And you know very well what those standards are, and they include not sleeping with 4 or more men.

So all of you don't qualify.

No, I have a short temper, I can't deny that. My father has a short temper, and his father before him, and his father before him....

I don't think I can. I desperately want it.

You're ten times more crazy than me for doing that you know.

How about you admit that women can't be ronery? You have had boyfriends, you cannot complain for god sake.

>> No.1596245

It was on the first page when I made that post (so, as of a few days ago) so it should still be one of those many, many links.

Also someone emailed my mailinator but hasn't responded back. How...ronery, right.

>> No.1596247

You're athens, arent you. Trying to cover up for yourself.
I'm actually scared of him he seems so nice sometimes.

>> No.1596255

You should find a robot-themed website to talk then. There's no reason to keep it in. There's a great sense of pleasure in finding the appropriate words to put your thoughts into.

>> No.1596258

If you had an offer from a woman who didn't meet your standards, would it eliminate you from the category of "ronery"?

>> No.1596263

I went out to get cigarettes so no, it's not me.

>> No.1596264

>You have had boyfriends, you cannot complain for god sake.

i have never had a boyfriend.

>> No.1596273

Yeah right. Ill never take to you seriously again, you psycho.

>> No.1596279


You can control your loneliness. And wow, your standards are looser than mine. It only takes one cock to forever ruin a girl in my book. Not that I care, misanthropy forever! Being alone is awesome when you focus on all the awesome things you do have instead of worrying about what you don't.

>> No.1596283

No, I've already said that if women turn down advances then they are ronery too. But none do. As has been seen from this thread.

Pattern of this thread after it became OT discussion:

1) I assert women cannot be ronery.

2) Women challenge assertion.

3) I counter-rebut.

4) Women start talking about how they are ronery because of breaking up with boyfriends, or how they have had to have one night stands and so on to satiate their so called 'loneliness'.

Effectively they prove the point in their defence against it.

>> No.1596285

Ah, that helps narrow it down. Thanks!

>> No.1596288

Will you ever give up? What are you trying to do here?

>> No.1596292


Oh sorry, it went into my spam box for some reason.

>> No.1596293

What are any of us trying to do here? And giving up is for losers.

>> No.1596294

Then you must be ugly and/or fat.

As I said, threatening to cut your face, as you said you would, is far crazier than anything I have ever done.

>> No.1596296

The gender ratio in /jp/ is probably around 95-5 so it's not really a good sample population.

Regardless, your argument is apparently that doing anything with anyone once eliminates any feeling of loneliness you can have for the rest of your life. If someone had a month long relationship 3 years ago and nothing since, does that mean they can't feel loneliness whatsoever?

>> No.1596303

I want the satisfaction of you admitting you can't be ronery. Call it petty. But I refuse to entertain the notion that girls who have slept with many different men and had dates with many more are somehow 'ronery'.

>> No.1596306

So, if a woman turns down advances, she is also ronery?

>> No.1596307

Better reply, stranger.

>> No.1596309

Does it get lonely? You've successfully trolled most of 4chan into thinking you're serious.

>> No.1596310

No it doesn't, it just means they are a retard for getting into a relationship with such flimsy foundations in the first place, or in the worst case scenario, a slut.

>> No.1596318

Anyway, I'm listening to Allegri's Miserere and it makes me wish I was an ascetic. Have there ever been any female ascetics (outside of christian tradition)?

>> No.1596321

>Then you must be ugly and/or fat.

i say i'm not. now what?

>> No.1596324

Well then call them retards or sluts, don't claim they are incapable of being lonely.

Dear dear athens. Late night smokes are nice.

>> No.1596332


It's always lonely, but I will soldier on. It reminds me of a passage from Kazantzakis, to me it's what being a man is all about:

>My prayer is not the whimpering of a beggar nor a confession of love. Nor is it the petty reckoning of a small tradesman: Give me and I shall give you.

>My prayer is the report of a soldier to his general: This is what I did today, this is how I fought to save the entire battle in my own sector, these are the obstacles I encountered, this is how I plan to fight tomorrow.

>> No.1596340

Is he this bad on other boards?

>> No.1596341


Is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all?

Personally, I think probably loved and lost. Based on the fact that then you know what you're missing and I'm perfectly content in my absolutely loveless life.

>> No.1596346

I'd claim anhedonia. I'm also sitting in bed with tea, Chopin and Goethe. I love winter.

>> No.1596348


Er, my bad, I think it's WORSE to have loved and lost. Probably. I'm no expert on feelings anyway.

>> No.1596349


Now, for curiosity's sake; how do you go about finding out how many men a woman has slept with, in order to discover her date-ability according to your standards?

>> No.1596355

Then I'm not sure. Maybe you have recieved advances and turned them down for whatever reason, which makes you pretty admirable in my book.

You said one month relationship 3 years ago, but we, in this thread, were clearly privy to a discussion of many relationships recounted by a few different girls over the course of the past 2 years.

>> No.1596364

have you been drinking by any chance?

>> No.1596368

What do you mean, anhedonia is the compulsion for ascetism? Perhaps you should read the Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe. That's an interesting insight into how only men can be truly ronery.

I don't know about that. I'm able to gauge from the way she talks about past relationships, for example if she uses the term 'just a phase' to describe one relationship then it's pretty clear she's had many relationships.

>> No.1596370
File: 291 KB, 999x1546, John_Kerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you go from calling her ugly to calling her admirable?

>> No.1596371

No, read through the thread again.

>> No.1596372

I've already read it. Disagreeing with your synopsis, but great work. Reading other things now. I have some Buckner to read after, and I'll look into buying some Grillparzer.

>> No.1596376

>Disagreeing with your synopsis

Why, you didn't sympathize with Werther? Have you read White Nights by any chance?

Because I recieved more information.

>> No.1596379

and you see nothing wrong with your arguments?

>> No.1596388

I sympathize with the young man, though I don't think it tries to convey the message that such feelings can only be felt by men. White nights, yes.

>> No.1596389

Ah. I think I understand.
What if, rather than number of partners, something more like the compatibility between your personalities was what you judged a woman by?
Hypothetically, if that were the number one thing you were looking for in a partner, how would you go about gauging something like that?

>> No.1596391

No, I don't. If you have a specific problem then highlight it and make it known. It just makes me feel miserable when you all complain about how 'ronery' you are on account of failed relationships, bad sex with ex's, nasty breakups... You don't understand how fucking miserable this makes the rest of us feel. Why can't you have more moral fiber not to have to absolve yourself of so called 'loneliness' by fucking random guys?

>> No.1596405

i just told you, i've never had a boyfriend.
this thread is great for laughs by the way.

>> No.1596407


Why do you think that every relationship involves sex?

>> No.1596409

But have you ever heard of a similar story to those of Werther and the narrator in White Nights with a woman instead of a man? Also, what were your thoughts on the narrator of white nights? And what Chopin are you listening to? I don't like his symphonies but his piano concertos are great. Second inparticular (third movement especially).

>> No.1596418

Whoever 'saber' is is so slow at emailing ;_;

Also this thread is sort of angry now, hum. Back to Grillparzer.

>> No.1596419

Damn, the figure racks appear to only available from a particular seller on Rakuten ;_;. So much for that. Thank you anyways!

>> No.1596423

Because I'm paranoid about that kind of thing. Dichotomy between purity and violated is quite poignant in my mind.

Well what do you see wrong with my arguments?

>> No.1596425


Because all women are totally sluts, except for my entire maternal lineage. All the rest, though, fucking sluts.

>> No.1596433

Sorry. Even the lights? That's a shame, but the build is a good idea. Maybe you could find similar ikea things?

>> No.1596449

Can't say I've read the book (I'm terribly uncultured), but if the summary is correct I know a whole demographic of women who have suffered a similar plight.

>> No.1596466

But they have had boyfriends. No?

>> No.1596473

Well the lights are quite similar to an Ikea product, so I'm not too concerned about them.

A friend and I actually did go to Ikea today to try and figure out a way to construct something similar. We settled upon a feasible plan, but ran into a hitch with the shelves; which is why I wanted to get a better idea of how they looked. I guess we'll just have to follow our original plan then.

Thanks again!

>> No.1596475


>> No.1596478

I can't admit that I have, no. But you do hear stories of maids not being able to love their masters and such. A rare thing in popular literature, though. Good female classic writers, as well. But like I said in the other post, I enjoy reading a lot of older classics which are usually male centric.

Chopin's Mazurka's right now. It's not very popular, but his Mazurka 51 in A minor (a posth. "Émile Gaillard" title) is probably my favourite short piano work. It's only around 3 minutes, but I can listen to it for a week straight.

>> No.1596504

What demographic of women is this?

Not the biggest fan of the Mazurka's myself. Anyway. What do you think of the end of White Nights? When the narrator breaks down in tears because of the letter Nastenka has given him.

I mean, you can't say you have experienced anything that heart-rending before.

And I just want to know why it is so hard for you to accept that maybe men are more ronery than women?

>> No.1596522

I'm starting to think you're the woman, athens.

>> No.1596523

The ending is great. I'm not sure about it's place in feelings ever elicited from me by a work, though.

And i'm usually just into the sonata, but this one work has something. Excuse the quality

>> No.1596525


Are you changing your position from "women can't be lonely" to "women can't be as lonely as men"?

>> No.1596529

Lesbians who fall in love with a heterosexual woman.
Unless I've horribly misunderstood the summary.

>> No.1596538

>And I just want to know why it is so hard for you to accept that maybe men are more ronery than women?

I forgot this part. I've no problem with agreeing with you on that - it might be, and is probably true. I just can't agree with your oft expressed notion that girls -can't- be lonely.

>> No.1596539

You have,but it's no worries.

Yes, but don't you feel any sympathy for the narrator? I don't get why you ignore me either. I'm not being contrarian for the sake of it.

>> No.1596541

Thanks for uploading that Chopin piece by the way. I could upload Miserere if you want, but I don't know whether it's your thing.

>> No.1596548

Where do you come up with this stuff?

There are outliers, but generally speaking women cant be ronery.

Why do you think there is this disparity?

>> No.1596549

My minds wandering, it's late. Also sure, upload.

>> No.1596555

So you won't elaborate?
How would you summarize it then? I'm curious.

>> No.1596564

They're both short and good, go read.

Also bed time for me, I guess.

>> No.1596568


>> No.1596572

Alright, will do.

>> No.1596647

I liked the Miserere. Link the Chopin if you're still around, please.

>> No.1596673

What Chopin do you want?

>> No.1596702


Any I guess, but specifically what you mentioned the other tripfag had uploaded. I like classical but I'm bad at finding the shit myself. The names of the various pieces tend to blend together in my mind and I never remember the ones I've heard and liked.

>> No.1596709


>> No.1596715


Thanks. You're not so bad for a persistent troll and/or guy who's been driven insane by loneliness.

>> No.1596719

No probs.

>> No.1596723

I like how you never deny being a troll.

>> No.1596741

I'm not a troll. I only engage in hyperbole sometimes. But I know you are a woman.

>> No.1596751

Sadly I must get up early tomorrow, so it seems I won't be finishing this tonight. Oh well, some other time /jp/.

>> No.1596754

I know you're a woman.

>> No.1596760

Just read the summaries on some literary page.

>> No.1596767

No, you are the woman.

>> No.1596783

No, you are.

>> No.1596821

>Well what do you see wrong with my arguments?

New person here. The problem with your arguments is that you don't validate anyone else's feelings of loneliness if they've ever been in a relationship. Comparing the loneliness of never being in a relationship to the loneliness found after a relationship is like pulling at strings. The emotions people experience is the same as anyone elses. Sure the loneliness of never being with someone is great, but you can't say it's more or any less than that of a widower. To be honest I pity your point of view when it comes to loneliness. Its like you want validation or a badge of honor showing just how lonely you guys are and that nothing compares to your sadness.

A lot of us have lived at least 13-14 years without a girlfriend and we survived. If being lonely bothers you that much, learn how to man up and just talk to a girl already.

>> No.1596829

in b4 athens calls you a woman

>> No.1596831

No YOU are.

>man the fuck up

Eat shit and die you fucking /r9k/ faggot.

>> No.1596832

I did! But apparently I didn't glean what I should have from the summaries, so. I must consult the original text.

Besides, now that I've started I am enjoying it.

>> No.1596837

No no, dear athens, you are the woman.

>> No.1596844

Then what's this reproductive organ hanging around my pelvic area?

>> No.1596852


I pose the solution to your problem and you blow up on me? Posing a counterpoint, and solution to your problem suddenly reduces you to /b/ quality responses?

>> No.1596855

Your labia?

>> No.1596865

the discussion ended a long time ago, and you are from /r9k/ so there isn't really a point.

It's so amazing how you can actually spot an /r9k/ poster on any other board. The supercilious impertubability when proven wrong is a dead give away. But the giveaway here was the feigned nonchalance and the textbook 'alpha male advice' shit.

>> No.1596876

What kind of advice would you like then?

>> No.1596891

I don't recall ever asking for advice. Now, be gone, generic relationship thread #2095828 needs you on /r9k/!


>suddenly reduces you to /b/ quality responses?

Don't pretend there's any actual difference between /r9k/ and /b/. You guys and your elitism and posturing at being 'oldfags', it really is fucking hilarious.

>> No.1596901


Wrong again lonely sir. I frequent only /v/ /a/ and /jp/ because I play VNs. Using big words when confronted with a simple none aggressive reply shows how you're an internet tough guy by the way. You can call yourself the loneliest person ever but thats never something to worth defending.

>> No.1596910

>Using big words when confronted with a simple none aggressive reply shows how you're an internet tough guy by the way.

Funniest non-sequitur I've ever heard on 4chan, and that's saying something.

>> No.1596912

Why are you so angry? What happened to you?

>> No.1596920

I'm not angry at the moment, I'm pretty good.

>> No.1596925

>Don't pretend there's any actual difference between /r9k/ and /b/. You guys and your elitism and posturing at being 'oldfags', it really is fucking hilarious.

It's obvious that you've been to /r9k/ more than I have. Of course I started out on /b/ but no where did I ever bring any form of elitism up. When someone's agreeing with you, you're civil and upbeat when you type. When faced with real counterpoints with no hint of aggression, you resort to name calling unlike those found on /b/. Did I clear that up for you?

>> No.1596952

No, what pissed me off about your post was the utterly banal:

>learn how to man up

Nonsense. I mean, seriously. How fucking deluded have you got to be to post such a generic fucking response? Do you honestly think this entire board hasn't heard some variant of the 'man up' post from your kind in their time here or on /a/?

>> No.1596964


Stop with the straw man argument then. Women can't feel lonely because they have a higher chance of being in a relationship? Please, your definition of lonely is your own opinion and could never be used as a gauge to compare other's emotions.

And the advice bit was obvious after seeing your need to post your own personal situation.

>> No.1596982


Generic as it may be, it was only a casual statement.

If I had typed 'LEARN HOW TO MAN THE FUCK UP' I would have understood your attack but I didn't because I already assumed you know exactly what you have to do if you want to end your loneliness.

>> No.1596994

>And the advice bit was obvious after seeing your need to post your own personal situation.

It was your perogative then, don't act like I asked for your advice.

>Women can't feel lonely because they have a higher chance of being in a relationship?

In general, yes. There are outliers, but the fact that the majority of girls in threads like these mentions boyfriends past or present, anecdotal though it may be, is proof that women don't need to be assertive.

>> No.1597010

I want to give you a hug. ;_;

>> No.1597034

I've never been in greater need of one.

>> No.1597043

Stop it, I don't know what to think anymore. I kind of know you're trolling but I still like you.

>> No.1597049


I never said that it was harder for girls to get boyfriends, in fact I agree that they have an easier time. I do however, frown on your arguments as a whole. Rage worthy because they don't understand /jp/'s consensus on loneliness? You were arguing with the wrong term, as what you've been describing the whole time was being [alone]. Sure females may not ever know the true feeling of whats its like to be alone, but I've been telling you that you can't differentiate loneliness as you've been doing.

>> No.1597065


And also telling you to stop wearing your loneliness as a badge of honor. You seriously want people to remember you by that?

>> No.1597072

That's why I mostly use the 4chan neologism 'ronery' as opposed to loneliness.

Why don't you know what to think?

>> No.1597093

>I kind of know you're trolling but I still like you.

>> No.1597113

Well look I engage in hyperbole for comedic effect sometimes, but I'm not really trolling.

>> No.1597122

Hope so, I feel like an idiot most of the time.
