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15931933 No.15931933 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15931938

What's the foot platform for?

>> No.15931945

you just stand on it, it doesnt serve a functional purpose

>> No.15931952

For IIDX, is it better to have certain fingers for certain keys, or no?

I'm still at the 3-4 level, but I'm just wondering which is ideal for the higher level difficulties.

>> No.15931988

I see. I've only played DDR, and the only one I've played consistently is DDR A, which I played for two days.

>> No.15931990

It shakes IIRC.

>> No.15932009

>tfw you'll never see a IIDX cab because you live in a 3rd world shithole

>> No.15932034

random is cheating

>> No.15932080

Yeah, I'm lucky enough to be in SoCal where there's a R1 like 20 minutes away by car and they have a lot of these. Other than like DDR and dancing games if they have a pad like that its usually just for standing on.

>> No.15932113

not really true, museca, beatmania III, and ez2dj have foot pedals

>> No.15932123

hmm, good to know, they don't really have those at the R1 near me

>> No.15932128

bm3 and ez2dj are really rare but there's no way your R1 doesnt have museca

>> No.15932216

So I sat out the last thread. Could anyone notice it was any less shitposty?

>> No.15932342
File: 958 KB, 800x688, 57123287_p40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xth for dragon partners

>> No.15932358

I get really jittery and nervous whenever I get high combos on Taiko. So much so that I actually end up losing the combo due to my heartbeat accelerating (adrenaline?).

Anyone else know this feeling?

>> No.15932391

I dunno what happened lads but I finally broke the 16 barrier in DDR. Normally I struggle to pass most of the 15s but something just suddenly clicked and all of a sudden I was passing shit like Mei Expert, Illegal Function Call, Astrogazer, and Possession EDP.

Super pumped, now it is time to go after the 17s. Failed in the last 10 seconds of AETHER so hopefully I can nail it within the week.

>> No.15932395

>get really high combo
>[heavy breathing intensifies]

This also happens when I try a higher skill analyzer. I remembered my hands were shaking when I first attempted SL10.

>> No.15932399

I used to feel the exact same way in IIDX. You just gotta keep pushing through it; the more full combos you get the less special it becomes and the less your nerves will exact its toll on you.

>> No.15932768

someone post that video about handstyles

The most accepted fingerings are (assuming 1P)

S: L5,L4
1: L3
2: L2
3: L1
4: R2
5: R1
6: R3
7: R4, R5

Or alternatively
1: L1
2: L3
3: L2

Where 1 is the thumb, 5 pinky, etc. This doesn't meant that you can't do very well with other playstyles. Plenty of people do.

>> No.15932774

I'm a southpaw actually. Would that change the setup, or would I just mirror it?

>> No.15932785

Try out both 2P and 1P and see which one you like more.

I'm left-handed and play 1P. Your results may vary, but if you play 2P it'd just be a mirror of what I've posted.

>> No.15933308

>play song
>turn on random

Random is cheating confirmed

>> No.15933332

made for japanese manlets

>> No.15933480

post arcade stories

>at arcade playing oITG
>two regulars and I use cards to form line
>finish credit
>three girls in light cosplay appear
>two are 7/10
>third is cute, solid 8-8.5
>obviously here for OMG JAPAN STUFFZ
>next regular plays 8/9s
>they shadow her
>all fail INT checks, can't put card in line
>other regular lets them play first
>they suck
>we fuck off while they play animu songs

>30 minutes later

>my turn, start with a 9
>they're clapping
>I go full attention whore
>play 10 from a cancerous kids show
>no effect
>play 10 with hands, brackets
>they go apeshit
>grab bar after hands
>one of them is holding the bar
>she's stroking my fucking hand
>play next part no bar
>always cheated so lose balance
>DEX save, grab bar
>she's still fucking holding it
>end with streamy 11
>they get hype
>130 BPM streams
>mid stream, she strokes hand again
>she finally fucking gets it
>legs go spastic
>barf in mouth on last stream
>can't fucking breathe as I clear
>all shitty scores
>fuck off before legs collapse
>don't know which girl was stroking hand
>80% sure wasn't the 8

TL;DR don't attention whore, it attracts retards

>> No.15933563

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15933695

that sounds awesome wtf you probably could have banged her

>> No.15933717
File: 61 KB, 960x540, dolce style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether you're lefty or righty does not really affect which feels more comfortable to you.

The alternative listed by the previous poster is 1048 and is very popular especially amongst a lot of top rankers.

That said, that doesn't mean you HAVE to do 1048 to git gud. You can get really far doing some pretty stupid fucking hand positions. You can also do most anything using most hand positions as well.

The main thing to note is:
1.) Your thumbs are incredibly useful, if your hand position does not use your thumb in any way, reconsider.

2.) If you use your ring finger, consider using your pinky ESPECIALLY if you also use your middle finger. Your ring finger shares a tendon with your middle finger which makes doing patterns that involve those two more difficult.

3.) For most players, the right hand is completely static (they occupy one button and that is it) with maybe the exception of the thumb that regularly hits 3.

Some examples of common playstyle (mostly concerning the hand that scratches):

thumb - 1, 3
index - 2

for 1+3 rolls it's common to bring your right thumb over to hit 3 but you could also be M!tsuba and just slide your thumb between them and still hit P.Greats. M!tsuba is a fiend.

M!tsuba's channel also literally means thumb.

thumb - 1
middle - 2
index - 3

again almost everyone plays it and personally I think it looks incredibly unintuitive but if it works, it works. It has to be good because people hit bms kaiden and can do some overjoy charts with it.

pinky/ring - 1
middle - 2
thumb - 3

I can't think of any top ranker that plays like this off the top of my head so have a random ass person I found by searching 対称固定

Dolce style
middle - 1
index - 2
thumb - 3


I never understood the name. Dolce doesn't actually play like this, if he used to I cannot find any footage of him playing like this. Speaking of Dolce

Just do whatever you want nigga

A few toprankers get away with just hitting whatever they think is good for the situation or have completely specific hand position for specific songs. What dolce does and if you look closely you can see some pretty hilarious hand positions. In theory free form is the best for timing and really anything but even dolce uses a static hand position for incredibly dense shit.

>turn on random
>butterfly pattern

random is literally impossible confirmed

>> No.15933832

Holy fuck I think I'm going to have to have you arrested for murdering my brain cells.

>> No.15933835

That story could've been easily shorten down to like 5 lines.

>> No.15933907
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, 1401824275530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a haiku?

Anon does a dance
Women stare at his body
Spaghetti spills out

>> No.15933964

I just want to state it's entirely possible to play with ring finger and middle finger. Rag plays with ring and middle and he has FC'd every iidx 12 and has the most FCs on the insane1 scale for BMS with a high lead for first place at that.

Also as a high level player myself (I play high double digit insanes and can clear every song other then mendes black in iidx) the hardest roll is 4+5 and not 6+7 rag and other top players who play 6middle finger+7ring finger have said the same

>> No.15933975

I still think it's better to use your pinky over ring but like you said you can do well regardless.

Though I might not be in position to talk since I'm still breaking into insane 3-6.

>> No.15933979

Anyone who can play level1 insanes or 12s in IIDX has a right to talk and give advice. I just wanted to state for the sake other people who already play with 6middle 7ring so they don't get discouraged or mind blocked thinking that is why they can't get better.

>> No.15934186

It's called a bass platform. The name alone should give you an idea of the purpose.

>> No.15934272

>tfw I scared off a couple by playing Invitation from Mr. C on Museca

>> No.15934287

Some charts are absolute ass on certain conditions. Contract [a] on 2P comes to mind.

>> No.15934314


Good. Normies need to leave.

This is not a world for them. Not a world for those with hope, or dreams, or love.

>> No.15934324
File: 35 KB, 360x714, rhythmgaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would SDVX look like in this chart?

>> No.15934349


MaiMai but with all guys.

>> No.15934374

What's the game at the bottom? I can't make it out.

>> No.15934416

I've always been kind of tempted to get really good at DDR but it seems like the kind of thing you have to play more and more dedicatedly in order to keep your groove once you start getting into 10+ feet songs. It's also seems like a real problem if you're an adult and work a full-time job, I'd imagine it'd be difficult to be able to factor in the time and energy to keep playing.

>> No.15934451

Dance evo ac

>> No.15934452


Most of the grind to get good is reading charts and pattern recognition. I haven't played in years and can watch 18s and 19s and know exactly what I would do with my feet if I were playing.

Beyond that it's simply stamina.

>> No.15935444

2 guys or 4 guys depending on the arcade

>> No.15935547

2 guys.

>> No.15935954


>> No.15935985
File: 305 KB, 1311x752, Tiny Pink Pop'n Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I painted it pink because it's cute.

That ebay Zero Delay board with LED support does not work like I thought it did. Instead of lighting up when pressed, they are all just illuminated at all times, which is fine. Looks cool at night.

I had to swap out the switches these buttons came with though. Shit was waaay too heavy. I believe they were 200g springs and 200g switches. With buttons you're supposed to press with a single finger. Put in 25g Zippy switches instead and kept the 200g springs. Pretty playable now.

It's pretty fun to play with. A completely different game. Also gives me an excuse to go back and fill in scores for songs I had have no business playing on a full sized controller (mid 20s - low 30s).

>> No.15936051
File: 514 KB, 1300x962, 57123287_p41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15936601

>The alternative listed by the previous poster is 1048 and is very popular especially amongst a lot of top rankers.

>Thumb on 3

nah thats taka s. bro

>> No.15936623

I read
1: L1
2: L3
3: L2

1 - thumb
2 - middle
3 - index

>> No.15936777

The buttons not being aligned triggers me.

>> No.15936901


Fuck. I never noticed that. No idea how that went so wrong. Embarrassing.

I know I'm a better craftsman than that. Oh well. Doesn't affect gameplay. Nothing I can do about it now.

>> No.15936982


Where did you order these buttons from?

>> No.15937011


Ebay. Just search "45mm Arcade Button" and you see them.

>> No.15937023

What's the problem? What's not aligned?

>> No.15937046


The left White/Green are like 2mm too high. I don't know how I didn't see this before.

>> No.15937200

What's the Valkyrie Dimension of PIU?

>> No.15937354
File: 125 KB, 720x1280, 57842475_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep getting rekt by Neo Gravity
>Try End to End from a friend
>Sightread cleared it

Fucking lasers

>> No.15937361

paradoxx d28

>> No.15937410

Meh. An hour or two a week can help you maintain your current level but you will progress really slowly at that rate. The difficult part is understanding how you place your feet for certain patterns and how to not pass out on stamina-destroying songs like EGOISM 440 or Paranoia Revolution.

>> No.15937461

if you have lots of fitness/physical stamina you can completely lack skill, accuracy and technique and still clear 18s

>> No.15937649

How hard is it to install copals or AC knobs on a SVSE5? Thinking of buying the controller and replacing the Alps myself when they break.

>> No.15937673

does anyone know if we will be able to generate pcbids when the new programmed sun launches?

>> No.15937722
File: 2.51 MB, 239x480, Rasiswin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDVX 3 version when

>> No.15937800
File: 3.71 MB, 1652x8264, AC knob install.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly this hard (Not very).

>> No.15938315


right now

>> No.15938784

I mean the pop'n character

>> No.15939467

is jhlee the best keyboard bms player?

>> No.15939691

>Random in SDVX
>For the buttons only


>> No.15939761

no that's stupid

>> No.15939808

Might be weird with FX buttons, as there's only two of them and they're needed to get the sound effects.

Otherwise I don't see why not. Well, I would hope it wouldn't cause problems, I haven't played voltex but the controller seems a lot bigger and moving your hands around more seems required. So, example, if random were to somehow turn a white into an FX while you were doing dual lasers, that seems like it could be problematic. Maybe even white B/C, but I think an actual voltex player would be better able to point out what's possible than I.

>> No.15939888

If it makes the chart only have 1 laser at a time, maybe. Could be interesting for 1-hand practice. On the other hand, you would have to resort to cheese strats by holding the knob and pressing 1/4 at the same time with 1 hand, which is awkward as fuck.

Check out Flower Dragon on Youtube. Should give you a decent idea of how it would be like. His charts are usually focused on heavy 1-handing and he has played some of them with random on.

>> No.15940283

>tfw almost reaching 425 dellars for the first time

Fuck yeah.

>> No.15940655


It's not all that exciting.

Now when you're seeding all sorts of HDD Data and a freeleech comes along and you watch your shit shoot up 10, 20 GB in a day, now that's exciting.

>> No.15940838

Same. My laptop has outlived much usefulness so I'm using it purely to seed 24/7 while my new PC is my main rig.

>> No.15941143

Will we be able to download the upcoming release over bemanigirl data to save ratio?

>> No.15941205


>> No.15941228


>> No.15941407

For lasers only would be good.

>> No.15941483

Using one hand is cheating.


>> No.15941504

that's absolutely nutty

>> No.15941511

>Firestorm EXH with randomized lasers


>> No.15941800

Are the graphics of SDVX2/3 rippable? Really wanna know how those fucking UIs work

>> No.15942026


Good job on your Bs, I guess.

You'll never truly be good at the game though.

>> No.15942065

>want to preorder rock band rivals on amazon
>you can only get either the guitar bundle or the band bundle
>i really want 3 am

god dammit why

>> No.15942093
File: 68 KB, 900x900, 1462169267640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just cleared kaiden with one hand
>"you'll never git gud!!!"

>> No.15942126

>yfw I was a relative newb on sows and happened to be around for the 10th anniversary with a week of freeleech
>500 gigs of AC data and 270 gigs of up.

That was some time and effort, but worth it.

>> No.15942167


Did you just download literally everything data?

>> No.15942233

Watching Mei there was really tense.

>> No.15942342


>kaiden one hand... pssh.. nothin personnel

>> No.15942346
File: 114 KB, 750x537, 14192778_10206283990972734_21411162951682681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got A or ~30 points from A on every song

>nice Bs dude hahahaha

>> No.15942378


A two handed AAA is far more impressive than a one handed clear. Which by the way, with the exception of Beach Side Bunny, he would never have passed any of those songs NC anyways.

Impossibly strict timing is probably 40-50% of why IIDX is so brutally hard. If you don't give a fuck about timing, simply clearing becomes almost trivial.

>> No.15942382

i'll be happily awaiting your one-handed kaiden clear to prove that its so easy then.

>> No.15942453

If he can clear kaiden with one hand, he can probably AAA kaiden with two hands you fucking retard

>> No.15942559

>go to local anime convention
>only thing closer to an actual rhythm game is Just Dance

>> No.15942626
File: 67 KB, 1013x523, sows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek, it was even more than I remember. But yeah, I pretty much downloaded an absolute fuckton of shit. Not as much up as I thought it was also, but w/e.

Funny thing is I don't even seed that much really, seeding that many torrents is seriously wtf on my computer. I could reduce the amount, but eh. It's easier to be lazy and I have 200 gigs of up anyway.

>> No.15943027

why can't i get my stupid usb drive to work with pump it up prime it works just fine with infinity reeeeeeeeeee

i set up a profile on the site and downloaded prime.bin and everything

>> No.15943064
File: 57 KB, 327x337, 1470348536010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good job on your Bs, I guess.
>Numerous videos of him AAAing level 12s and Hard Clearing a Leggendaria on the same channel

>> No.15943170

Does anyone a saved page on the guide to building a SDVX controller with a Leonardo? It was
but I think pancake.io, the host, died.

>> No.15943607


Link does look to be dead, but that guy on the bottom looks like he knows a thing or two about them, maybe he even made that guide(since the same link was posted earlier in the thread). Try shooting him a message, see if he has any links or anything.

>> No.15943632

this happens to me in literally every rhythm game

especially osu

>> No.15943695

To be fair, Osu!'s lifebar can be a little stricter than some games. You can't afford to fuck up too much when HP is high and it gets harder the higher the difficulty goes.

I just play on nofail most of the time, I don't give a fuck about ranking, I just want to play and improve without having to worry about that annoying shitter of a lifebar.

>> No.15943764

>all fail INT checks

holy shit is there one (1) other person on the internet who likes both bemani games and tabletop RPGs

be my friend

>> No.15943769

1048 is way comfier than it looks

>> No.15943797

Wait, I derped. For some reason I thought you were talking about lifebars.

But, I used to know what you mean. Eventually I just stopped caring and resigned myself to the fact that I would lose my combo when I lose it. As a result I stopped getting nervous/jittery and would keep my combo for longer.

Funny enough, I've noticed that the times I perform the best is when I'm thinking about things while playing. It's weird, like, seems like the less I think about the game itself directly, the more my brain smoothly automates the process of playing.

>> No.15943821

Whoops wrote this before your 2nd post but

It's not that I'm ever worried about failing; this specifically happens when I'm trying to FC even really easy songs. I notice that I'm near the end and haven't broken combo and I get so nervous that I can't see straight and my arms feel like lead, which obviously usually results in me breaking combo.

I guess this is way more of a problem for me in osu than in IIDX because of the dumb combo-based scoring thing. I don't care about getting FCs in IIDX, because I know it's possible to miss a few notes and still get an AAA. In osu, though, you *have* to FC to get decent scores. You literally can't even get an S if you miss a single note, which really puts a ridiculous amount of pressure on players.

Despite the fact that I still play it, I definitely understand people's criticisms of osu. It kinda is more of a mouse aiming game than a rhythm game, because the scoring system conditions you to care way less about rhythm than about just hitting all the notes at any cost-- even if it's way early or way late. I'm not gonna stop playing anytime soon, because I find it fun and I discover a lot of cool music on there. But I wish I could stop being a competitive retard and stop caring about my scores, because it's a dumb system in the first place.


>> No.15943838

>at arcade to play stepmania
>cab got ITG installed for whatever reason now
>proceed to select a 10 like i usually do for warmup
>forget its ITG and my legs are fucking gone after 1 clear
>2 people in the background who probably were going to the cinema start clapping

On the other hand i found the DDR song folders like 2 rounds in and cleared some 14s on doubles.

>> No.15943856

Ha, I understand. My idea is generally to just ignore it and play while challenging yourself somewhat. Given Osu's nature I kind of came to the conclusion that getting FC's and such are good benchmarks and nothing more; they don't help you improve that much, just give you ranks. Only playing things that will challenge you a bit will help you actually get better. I already know when I've improved and I don't need the ranking system to tell me that.

I understand the criticisms of Osu! too, but like you I still find it fun so I play it anyway. If it weren't I doubt I'd play it. If being competitive is draining the fun out of the game for you, then you could always just stop. You could try adopting a mentality more like mine or something.

I don't regret becoming like this one bit. The moment I decided to stop caring about ranking I've had so much more fun playing the game.

>> No.15944236

Yeah, seems to be dead. Here's another tutorial, if you're having problems with the arduino in general:
Also, if you want the basic layout of the controller, it can be downloaded here:
password is sdvx
Though the button dimensions might not be correct at least I seem to remember them being a bit bigger, you might have to file the holes a bit to make them fit. The placement should be fine, though.
For the actual building of the box, if you're not familiar with woodworking, I recommend this:
And of course, here's the jap buildlog:
And here's the code I use in my controller, it's pretty self-explanatory:

Is there anything else you'd like to know? What tools do you have access to? I made my controller using a bench drill, some clamps, different drill bits and a few files, so it's definitely possible to do it with only a few tools.

>> No.15944408

Same used to happened to me while playing Osu.
First when I used to have like 1kk points, later with 400~800 combos but now it only happens when I'm about to FC or SS a map, or if someone is spectating me for a long time.

>> No.15944474

We know that the 4th difficulty in some SDVX songs have a name that depends on the version that it's added.

What would it be for SDVX IV?

>> No.15944489

Well, it derives from the name/theme.
SDVX 2 was infinite infection, thus infinity
SDVX 3 was graviy wars, thus gravity
We already had infinity and gravity, so the next might be something related to time or space? Really depends on the theme for the game.
The pictures we've seen have lots of colors. Maybe something related to the color spectrum?

>> No.15944505

Haaa... how about Voltage? That seems to align with the kind of themes they've been going with so far.

>> No.15944842
File: 1.62 MB, 2712x904, XDcrWM6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Grace

>> No.15944928


I don't like Grace. She's evil and she scares me.

>> No.15945201

>plays game not based on accuracy
>complains about accuracy
Never understood this, especially when you can just edit the maps to have overall difficulty 10 and use hard rock. YOU control the difficulty.
You should be using the smallest circle size too, since aim just is another form of accuracy. But that would mean... it's actually based on accuracy after all!
In other words, this >>15943856

A game is as hardcore as its player, and you're obviously not since you're wiling to give up fc for aaa instead of trying to get both at once.

>> No.15945912

Grace songs are scary indeed. All of them are high tier 15s (EXH)


>> No.15946003

I live in the Mexico of Asia and we still somehow managed to get an official Copula cab (2 more to follow, according to an arcade manager) so hey, there's still hope.

>> No.15946021

I didn't know the Philippines had eAmusement.

>> No.15946150

Grace is a slut.

>> No.15946317

I will play SDVX again once she becomes the main character

>> No.15946440

Which Omrons should I get for the SVSE? What does AC use?

>> No.15946462


If I stick my dick in her, will I get shocked?

>> No.15946500



Better question: Anyone ever use actual Cherry brand microswitches instead of Omron?

I've been thinking about using them on a controller.

>> No.15946577

it would be extremely painful

>> No.15946702
File: 41 KB, 640x250, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone jubeat/ubeat/jukebeat?


>> No.15946726

One of the most memorization-heavy bemani games.

>> No.15946734
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1412, 57084426_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably get corrupted like Tsumabuki Left did

>> No.15946753

Probably the lowest skill ceiling of all the Bemani games.

Normies flock to it for some reason, then they get scared off when I play 10s.

>> No.15946769

jubeat is gay, it's impossible to sightread

all games with non-scrolling notes have the same issue (cxb, rerave, etc.)

>> No.15946776

At least ReRave has notes colored according to rhythm. If jubeat had something similar, it'd instantly become more readable, to the point of ruining the game since the skill ceiling is already so slow.

>> No.15946813

To make things worse there's no way to perform jacks on jubeat thanks to the way notes are displayed.

>> No.15946850


Reminds me of when my friend quit Museca because of Bioslaves


>> No.15946858


Do you either hit it or you don't, like Guitar Hero? It looks like there aren't timing judgements.

>> No.15946872

Jubeat has timing judgements. Early/late hits will show up as green/blue, and perfect hits will leave a flash on the screen.

They're about the size of SDVX's windows.

>> No.15946890

Depends on the marker. Lots of people like shutter or the flower one. I use Yubiko.

There's even an Umaru marker now.


>> No.15946903

I hate jewbeat but does there really have to be fucking umaru in rhythm games? ugh

>> No.15946912

they're just pandering to the market who gives them tons of money in japan

otakus who love moeshit and touhou remixes

>> No.15946913
File: 61 KB, 530x620, 13607039_10206537823353166_2879490902772289882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an event with her back in July. Don't ask my why, ask Konmai instead.

>> No.15946927

Also, there's Umaru in pop'n too. Complete with her character.


>> No.15946946


I want to play this so bad. God damn. Eclale data when?!

I don't even want card support.

I just want to play this song.

>> No.15946947


Are you sure timing judgements depend on the marker?


There was also an event for NEW GAme that added a new announcer (a high-pitched loli voice).

>> No.15946951


fucking konmai

this makes the pepsi/fanta art look good...

>> No.15946960

>Are you sure timing judgements depend on the marker?

Each marker displays a perfect, great, good, or way off judgement differently. Most jubeat videos on youtube shows people EXCing stuff so you only see the perfect.

>> No.15946971

I saved it just in case it died.

>> No.15947021

Btw, there is a great code for Leonardo/Due at https://github.com/4yn/iivx, it acts as a game device and even has HID light support for bemanitools.

>> No.15947027


I was asking about the timing windows, not the appearence of the markers

>> No.15947043

I guess there are some differences. Some markers feel a bit faster to me. As in they start to show up closer to the music or something.

Still, as the other anon said, the timing is pretty wide.

>> No.15947063

I used to play with the orange shutter one, the flower and blue wavey-thing markers felt pretty weird when I tried them. The japanese-door one is also strange.

>> No.15947079

People just stick with the marker they're most comfortable with. The orange shutter and flower is pretty common among players.

>> No.15947129

is there anything worse than Pump It Up players who genuinely believe their game is better than DDR or ITG?

>> No.15947134

itg players who believe their game is better than ddr

>> No.15947140

true, good point

at least itg players aren't banya-cocksucking mexicans though

>> No.15947217 [DELETED] 

Thanks for all the replies you beautiful people, saved my project for sure. Yeah, I do have some tools at hand to build this.
The things I'm concerned about the most are trying to get artwork on the controller with some plexi glass on top, and making sure the cuts are perfect so no buttons are misaligned.
Looks pretty interesting, if I get into IIDX in the future I might just follow this guide.

>> No.15947221


Fuck you it is. DDR's been the same game since Max.

>> No.15947239

Thanks for all the replies you beautiful people, saved my project for sure.
Yeah, I do have some tools at hand to build this.
The things I'm concerned about the most are trying to get artwork on the controller with some plexi glass on top, and making sure the cuts are perfect so no buttons are misaligned.
I think I'll save this just in case I get into IIDX in the future.

Seems that the only proper place to talk about (jap) rhythm games with an active community is here. (Unless you're in sows)

>> No.15947329

that's definitely not true

if you said supernova you'd have an argument, that's when all the boss songs got totally retarded

>> No.15947347


I'm not even talking about songs. Just mechanically, it's the same game. With the exception of minor tweaks to the scoring system, and the roll out of the 1-20 scale, DDR has been the same game since Max.

I'm not going to argue though, I don't care. Believe what you want.

>> No.15947356

>minor tweaks to the scoring system
aka entirely replacing money score with a percentage based score system (exactly like your favorite game, ITG)

don't forget the addition of marvelous timing, the most difficult 4-panel charts to ever appear in an official/non-fanmade game, constant online updates with new songs and worldwide leaderboards, the introduction of new options like .25x speed mods and alternate lifebars

>> No.15947359

DDR X saw the introduction of shitty shock arrows. DDR A has new timing. Also, what does not changing have to do with the quality of the game. pop'n has never changed (until just now), and IIDX only saw the introduction of CNs in Sirius and HCNs in Copula.

What changed between ITG and ITG2.

>> No.15947363

blue -> red, you fucking retard

>> No.15947366
File: 405 KB, 490x360, 1415742021772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throwing a fit because a rhythm game doesn't get new gimmicks with each release

>> No.15947394

i bet he plays reflec lamo

>> No.15947426

Bait, but you're objectively wrong.

There's only so much you can do with four panels. Once you've laid out all the patterns, the only way to make things harder is to continuously hike up the speed (autists go here), or add more panels aka make a new game. More panels = more patterns = more ways to fuck up = harder without autism = better game.
More proof: ddr and itg have separate single and doubles modes, while in piu you progress TO doubles FROM single.
No k-pop in ddr either

>> No.15947445

Did a big bad pump it up player bullied you?

Did he made fun of your lack of a fifth arrow?
Did he made fun of your skirt not matching the pink from the arrows?

>> No.15947456


They add depth to the game you mongoloid.

And if anything is a gimmick it's anything rated higher than 17 in DDR. It's all shit.

>> No.15947462

>egoism, anti-matter, elemental creation are gimmicky/shit

how to spot a troll who has never even played the games

>> No.15947534


Anti-matter Challenge is literally a dead ringer for Monolith Expert. You can't shit on ITG for "stream charts" then turn around and herald that as a good chart. Same with Elemental Creation.

Egoism I'll give you is the only non-meme 19

I'll say this one last fucking time then be done with it.

INDEPENDENT OF SONGS, ITG is still a better game.

Take DDR and ITG and swap the songs, ITG (with DDR songs) will still be a better game than DDR (with ITG songs). The options, the timings, the UI. It's simply a superior experience.

Both songs and charts (though less so) are subjective and can't really be argued.

>> No.15947551

>The options, the timings, the UI
again, how to spot a troll has not played the games. you're genuinely fucking retarded

>> No.15947563

>lowest skill ceiling of all the Bemani games.

That's drummania. Then Beatstream.

>> No.15947573
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 14520612_1101214786594101_5699392082437296349_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easiest bemani game

what the FUCK are you talking about LMAO it's one of the hardest

reflec beat, jubeat, beatstream, museca are the easiest bemani games

>> No.15947589

I never played it sorry. I'm just used to play drums irl so I think dm should be as easy too.

>> No.15947593
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1463446442653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can never escape ddr/itg fags arguing even when i just play iidx

>> No.15947600


>His opinion is different so he's dumb

Literally kill yourself. Hopeless fucking mentally challenged weeb who believes anything Japanese is superior.

I get that it's all jokes and memes in that regard on these boards, but to actually be that way it's kind of sad.

>> No.15947601


90% of ITG players have moved on with the release of DDR A, I'm pretty sure this is Kyle Ward himself shilling in this thread

>> No.15947608


EZ2AC is better.

>> No.15947616


Now that's just silly

>> No.15947621


how ugly are these sad fucks that they always blur out their faces
or is there another reason

>> No.15947623


Legit, DM is harder than actual drumming. I mean, it's all the same motions and is literally IS drumming, but it'd be so much easier to just memorize the patterns rather than have your motions constrained by on screen instruction.

Lost a lot of respect for drummers after playing DM. Not a hard instrument.

>> No.15947628
File: 18 KB, 626x551, 1336333202579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's comparing DDR Max to ITG 2 and clearly knows nothing about the modern state of DDR

or are you just the same person pretending to be someone else

>> No.15947632

i think they just have a really high cultural value on privacy, if you watch top ranker IIDX videos they'll always blur out the local scoreboard on the side

>> No.15947641



>> No.15947647

That's the point.

>> No.15947653
File: 1.91 MB, 1294x1338, 1466642711553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you can't unironically state that the ITG2 UI is better than the DDR A UI with the grid songwheel that makes it much quicker to find songs, all of the options anyone would ever reasonably use (besides cmod because cmod is literally cheating), and consistent, tight timing windows

lots of ITG players disable decent and way off on their cabs so you can't use that as an argument against DDR

>> No.15947663

>Not a hard instrument.

That's why they are drummers.

That said, there's the stamina factor in big songs though.

>> No.15947721


Modern =/= Most recent.

I've played 2013 and 2014 and I hate those UIs. Although looking at videos, DDR As song select isn't anything to write home about. Looks needlessly complicated.

I miss my song wheel. There was nothing wrong with it. It was perfectly fine.

And UI was not simply the song select menu, it was everything. In game, seeing the song progress meter, like other Bemani has, where the life gauge is where the score is. The very nice touch of combos being a certain color until you get a misstep.

And although Neither game has this, but others do, current BPM readouts are always nice. Pop'n has that. Real nice.

>besides cmod because cmod is literally cheating

Y'know what else is cheating is paying 2 credits so you can have one side of the screen on 1x and the other side on 4x so you can read shit like Over the Period by quickly changing which side you're looking at.

>> No.15947726

>Y'know what else is cheating is paying 2 credits so you can have one side of the screen on 1x and the other side on 4x so you can read shit like Over the Period by quickly changing which side you're looking at.

no one has ever done this in a non-ironic manner

>> No.15947738


I never see videos of clears without this.

I don't care either way. Whatever cunt posted >>15947134 went fishing for autism and caught himself a lunker.

I'm done.

>> No.15947752

>I never see videos of clears without this.

You have to be trolling. There's just no way. Everything you say is so easily refutable. It's clear that your knowledge of DDR is outdated at best, yet you still speak of it like you're completely in-the-know.

>> No.15947923


Nobody has refuted anything I've said. Just insisted I'm dumb or trolling.

And your little video doesn't refute shit either as I never claimed they don't exist, merely I've never seen them. I don't really look that hard as Over the Period is a joke chart anyways.

I have opinions based in fact and objectively weighing two options. Everyone else's opinions are merely based in blind fanboyism. It's pathetic.

ITG was made by people who actually love the game. There is no such love in DDR. Doesn't make it bad, just makes it not-as-good. And when a game has had 10 years to play catch up to a competitor that was unjustly put out of business and still hasn't, there's no way to defend it.

>> No.15947944

>That theatrhythm thread on sows
>retards going "DQ theatrhtym who gives a fuck lol"/"people care about DQ music?"
>Want to call out their shit taste super hard but don't want to get banned

I can't believe that thread managed to get me more mad than /v/ ever did. That's an amazing display of shit taste in music if I ever saw one,

>> No.15947962

who gives a fuck about the game it looks stupid and boring

r1 is wasting their time and money importing this garbage when we still don't have chunithm, maimai, pop'n, or taiko

>> No.15948496

Fuck, my IIDX 6th style disc is scratched. It'll freeze if I try to play certain songs.

>> No.15948510

it's probably your playstation 2's disc laser failing to read the whole disc, actually

i had the same issue but i tried it in a different ps2 and it works

>> No.15948557

I guess I could see about getting a new laser. Are they easy to replace and do the Japanese models use the same laser as the American models?

>> No.15948591

that's the same place that thinks copula had good music after all

>> No.15948607
File: 59 KB, 256x256, Mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it like playing this in 2005?

>> No.15948614

It was like waiting for BEATFREE since nobody could unlock it.

>> No.15948862

>Over the Period is a joke chart anyways
>I can't do it so it's a joke

Or maybe it was just, you know, actually designed to be hard as fuck?

Go snort some more baby powder you fucking dipshit.

>> No.15948978
File: 388 KB, 600x600, faf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help I am bad at rhythm games.

>> No.15949009

have no fear, just play any of these games instead:
Groove Coaster
Project Diva
Reflec Beat

>> No.15949031

I remembered it took a few years for someone to AAA that

>> No.15949589

Is Osu! mostly Drum and Bass?

>> No.15949601

osu music is all stolen anyways so it's whatever you want it to be, i think the majority is bemani songs and anime openings though

>> No.15950190

Play pump if you don't want to worry about timing and just want to have fun

>> No.15950329

Wew, lesson learned. Never order from Gamo2 near the end of September.

He might not ship out your shit before October 1st and then you'll have to wait til the 8th. Fuckin' Chinese Golden Week.

>> No.15950608

Arcana is good tho

>> No.15950717

Maybe that's why my DOA DAO part hasn't made it out of China yet.

>> No.15950898

I liked FF theatrhythm, is the gameplay for the DQ one the same and also does it have any Dlc songs for non DQ games?

>> No.15951218

Where am i supposed to get high quality song packs for stepmaina?

>> No.15951461

I once heard Ace of Hearts packs were good.
Don't know if that's true, though.

>> No.15951560
File: 755 KB, 600x600, 600px-Gekkou_ranbu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw keep getting rekt by pic related

>> No.15951891

For you.

>> No.15951913

>implying ITG fags aren't literally destroying the DDR A leader boards
4 out of the Top 8 in Project IDOLA are American ITG players and almost every song above a 17 has Chris4Life as the #1 worldwide. Former ITG players have earned the right to talk shit when they demolish a game they don't even play within a month of release.

>> No.15952526


Any Project Diva except Future Tone / Arcade. If you're shit at timing, Future Tone / Arcade requires much stricter timings than any of the console / handheld stuff.

>> No.15952560

download everything charted by:
Renard (Mungyodance, Step Step Revival)

as well as the Speedcore packs 1-4

>> No.15952570

>no one has even PFCed a 19 yet

i know chris is close but still there's a lot of challenges undone

>> No.15952666

What's the most popular bemani game in this community? Seems like SDVX judging by how often it's mentioned.

>> No.15952672


>> No.15952674


>> No.15952675

IIDX or DDR, almost guaranteed. Nearly everybody plays one or both of these and most people got into music games through DDR.

>> No.15952712

So is ITG the IIDX of leg games?

>> No.15952741


>talk about not being able to escape 4panel faggotry
>responds shit talking ddr a

like poetry

>> No.15952746


in this community, iidx
everywhere else, probably maimai or chuunithm honestly

>> No.15952753

more like sdvx

>> No.15952803



>> No.15953023

Just tried OSU and i think im getting addicted to it... What are some must have beatmap packs?

>> No.15953036

the packs are all outdated, just use the search on the website and find what you like

>> No.15953145

you can actually recreate the osu experience without beatmaps by finding a song you like on youtube and tapping out 16ths on your keyboard while moving your other hand in an "S" shape

>> No.15953156

excellent post. upvoted.

>> No.15953248

You're talking abot the original songs or the added songs?

>> No.15953257

But it's not the same thing without the score numbers rolling.

>> No.15953265


Be sure to restart the song a few times to recreate the experience of missing a note, rage quitting, then trying again.

>> No.15953302

>Former ITG players have earned the right to talk shit when they demolish a game they don't even play within a month of release.
To be fair, DDR A is the most ITG-like DDR that has ever been released.

DDR is to ITG as IIDX is to BMS.

>> No.15953308

Also, iamchris4life, ICNH, etc. never stopped being DDR players.

>> No.15953321

remember when chris was best known for playing guitar hero?

>> No.15953353

get the yolomanias

>> No.15953529
File: 45 KB, 100x127, c246b2ba-3fbc-4d99-a978-17db5f212017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15953595

Congrats, you've invalidated anything you ever have or ever will say.

>EZ2AC is better.
My 黒人

>demolish a game they don't even play within a month of release
If you weren't shit at rhythm games, you'd know how common that is. "$game players" is a stupid term anyway since people play various similar games or sims.

It's too bad sim devs aren't smart enough to use osu as a base to create the first true hardcore rhythm game.

>> No.15953684


Congrats. You can't even read.

>> No.15953719

chunithm is better than sdvx

>> No.15953723

anything is better than sdvx

>> No.15953740

sdvx is better than project diva

>> No.15953836

anything is better than project diva

>> No.15953856

I dont play anymore but I got most of the songs I like through playing multiplayer

>> No.15953876

How the fuck can I git gud at Crossbeats.
Master and Unlimited is kicking my ass.

>> No.15953881

What are good keybinds for keyboard LR2?

>> No.15953885

its literally just memorization

>> No.15954001

the original songs
i'll give it alice, distancia, dps, oversleep and divolt
arcana is good but forgettable

some license songs and crossovers are surprisingly ok

>> No.15954004

Default if you want to continue with bm
ASDF (SPACE)JKL if you don't

>> No.15954008

stepmania 3.95 owns

>> No.15954053

EZ2AC is the culmination of reasons why beatmania NEEDED to move onto IIDX to survive. If we were still in 5K era people should be Godly at 16th jackhammers since that's what half the charts would be like. You know, like EZ2AC but without a fucking ugly rataids UI.

>> No.15954141

Dynamite is unironically really good

>> No.15954145


>> No.15954150

the ez2 noteskin is really, really awful

>> No.15954211


I can't keep track of all theses "EZ2Blahbidybloo" titles.

EZ2AC is the one that's 5K, with two extra start/select buttons in the corner, right? Then a peddle?

That looks like it could be fun. Wish I could play it.

>> No.15954385

project diva is better than osu

>> No.15954387

pls help what are some easy 7s in 2dx

I want to clear a 7

for reference I've come really close on mind mapping (h) and element of spada (h)

>> No.15954401

anything from the newer styles

>> No.15954409

as an osu player i admit this is a 10/10 post

>> No.15954433

Osu is not a rhythm game and doesn't count.

>> No.15954504

>herp durr

>> No.15954511

Love Can Save You or however its spelled

also shakunetsu bros and checking you out normal (mind the speedup in checking you out though, i like to lower my hispeed during the breaks in the second chorus)

>> No.15954711

how do i git gud at scratching

>> No.15954820
File: 15 KB, 126x186, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my favorite genesis card from the latest set. Mainly because it shows Maxima and Riot (that guy from Blasitx Riotz) fighting each other.

>> No.15954889

Is bemaniso.ws down for anyone else? The IRC, website, torrents, everything seems down.

>> No.15954908

i can't get the website to come up and my torrents are all error

so maybe it is

>> No.15955029

Just cleared my first 11 boyz

>> No.15955044

in DDR? or was it Pop'n? or SDVX?

>> No.15955100

IIDX, Marie Antoinette SPA

>> No.15955104

i figured you were talking about IIDX because 11s in any of the games i listed are very easy and not an accomplishment

it was a joke

congrats on breaking a wall though

>> No.15955192

Difficulty is subjective.

>> No.15955206

Ive come to realise that taiko is too easy.

>> No.15955236

Wow, everything you say is objectively shit. Congratulations.

>> No.15955251

Why the fuck does decreasing the timing window in StepMania suddenly turn my A-AAA's into C's at best? I've been a musician for 14 years, so I know damn well that I am hitting the keys exactly on beat so why is it giving me fucking Decents and Misses all the time? Hell I can barely get any Fantastics anymore and it is driving me insane.

>> No.15955260

your decreasing the +-% to an inhumane point

>> No.15955286

Nevermind, I'm retarded. Looked it up and my timing window was something retarded like -.050 offset. Changed it to -.012 and now I'm getting B's on 50% timing window.

>> No.15955350

>play more accurately but slower on adderall
>play less accurately but faster without
why is life so rough
why am i so incompetent
why is it so fucking cold

>> No.15955359

What fun is clearing 11s and 12s if I can only get Bs? The game constantly reminds me I'm not good.

>> No.15955360

same but with 10s

>> No.15955395

Muscle memory

>> No.15955397

Mine was new sensation SPA

Try rock da house or erosion mark. Both are entry level 11s

>> No.15955421

We should make a chart of entry-level songs for each difficulty to help people better advance.

>> No.15955474

just go on clickagain

>> No.15955479
File: 268 KB, 1600x1212, IMG_0962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Round 1 is opening 30 minutes away from home next year

>Going to be stuck at college though

>Kill me

>> No.15955711
File: 763 KB, 1136x640, IMG_1343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw stuck in Poland till next June

Derusting is gonna make me kill myself

>> No.15955876


>tfw only now starting to clear the 11 wall in Pop'n


>> No.15955896

I'm happy for you but Marie Antoinette is kinda easy for an 11.

Don't attempt something like Flower or Critical Crystal unless you want to cry.

>> No.15955912


Fuckin' 11.5 wall. The difference between and 11.3 and an 11.6 is probably greater than the difference between an 8 and a 10.

>> No.15955958

>quasar is a 11.5

Now I know why some people consider themselves broken through the 11 wall after they clear that.

>tfw cleared many high tier 11s including critical crystal
>still fucked up the end of scorpion fire SPH

>> No.15956097

When is 1-50 scale in IIDX

>> No.15956167


Hopefully never. Cause then I'll realize the hardest thing I've cleared is a 39 or 40 and that I'm better at Pop'n than IIDX when I play a shitload more IIDX.

>> No.15956193
File: 25 KB, 1152x648, screw_choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, all the controller builders here, I have a question where I'd like your opinion!
I'm changing the way I attach my chinese 600ppr encoders to my sdvx controller. Now I'm torn between the type of screw I'll use. What do you think, should I countersink the screw to my acrylic top board, or use a screw with a flat top.
Here's a list of pros and cons:
+ Is completely invisible, as the screw is covered by a paper with pretty pictures and a transparent top sheet
- Can cause catastrophic structural damage
- Encoders won't be changeable without removing the transparent acrylic sheet on top

Flat screw
+ Is more structurally sound
+ Even though the screws are exposed, they're not as high as the transparent acrylic sheet covering the controller, so they shouldn't bother playing
+Makes changing encoders without taking top acrylic sheet away possible
-The screws are visible

Right now I think I'll not do the countersinking, just because I don't want to waste a fuckload of money on new acrylic top sheets.

also, pic very much related.

>> No.15956202

i'd just go with the easier option if visible screws dont bother you/dont hinder gameplay

>> No.15956287

You didn't clear them.

>> No.15956304


>> No.15956547


Just like all the people who didn't clear songs using Hard Clear?

>> No.15956609

Happens to me in any rhythm game - whether it's in an arcade, or something like PDF.

>Get high combo
>Get anxious about losing combos
>Lose combos because I worried

>> No.15956648

My favorite rhythym game, but I'm a filthy casual who otherwise plays Project Diva and whatnot.

I can't do dancing games and other Bemani confound me, but boy do I love me some Jubeat. It's a ton of fun

>> No.15956662

in sdvx everything from 1-9 is pretty much the same, just like 10-11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 are the only unique difficulties

pop'n numbers don't matter that much until you get past newscale 30 or so, before that it's just like 2-3 levels of beginner shit

ddr new 11s are about equivalent with old 6s or 7s, which are the easiest songs on heavy/maniac in older games besides a few exceptions. playing ddr 11s is only an accomplishment if you have been playing for less than a year

>> No.15956746

10/10 I genuinely chuckled.

I can't even be mad at this.

>> No.15956829


>> No.15956837

>DDR 11s in one year is an accomplishment
Really? I've been playing for 7 months now and I've just started clearing 17s with Bs. That can't be right.

>> No.15956840

that's a really generous estimate it's probably closer to 6 months for someone with no rhythm game experience to clear 11s

although unlike the iidx poster over there, clearing songs with Bs in DDR A really doesn't mean anything you can just mash like shit

>> No.15956899

I wish that were the case. I always maintain a nice PFC halfway through the song until my stamina tanks and then I struggle through the next half.

>> No.15956911
File: 4 KB, 411x118, notme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually not me this time. And that was merely salty shitposting.

Except the part about two handed AAAs being more impressive than one handed clears. That I do actually believe.

>> No.15956968

As long as you place your screws in smart locations, rounded tops are perfectly fine and easier for maintenance.

>> No.15957015

>playing ddr 11s is only an accomplishment if you have been playing for less than a year
I was playing the equivalent of that back in Max 2/Extreme in less than 2 months

>> No.15957294

>PIU Tuesday
>People got impressed with me playing 7's


>> No.15957366

Is that on the Pro or standard scale? Cause either way that is embarrassing.

>> No.15957373

I don't know, probably standard. That said the cab here is basicaly broken so it's almost a miracle play at all.

>> No.15957604

Why are the 19's in DDR so retarded? I can pass all the 18s with a pretty decent score but can't even fucking pass the 19s. The patterns are straight up retarded sometimes.

>> No.15957677

It's not cleared until you get at least a AA.

It's bait anyway since anyone not a newfag knows that anyone can mash through dan mode.

Git gud so they can hurry up and release the 20s.

>> No.15957693

>Git gud so they can hurry up and release the 20s.
I am actually scared to see what Konami comes up with for a 20.

>> No.15957697

My wish for 20s that will never happen are 19s with hands and mines for the trolling factor.

>> No.15957725

All spins and jackhammers at 240 BPM. Streams will look like ITG speed shit on shuffle.

>> No.15957793

Nonstop footswitches and laterals at 320 BPM.

>> No.15957802

Should I get a SDVX controller or a better IIDX controller? I can only get one and already have a uscock

>> No.15957805

Forced visual gimmick mods + autofail on combo break.

>> No.15957809

Voltex isn't voltex without the knabs.

>> No.15957855

Absolutely disgusting. I'm gonna have nightmares tonight just thinking about this.

>> No.15957861

afronova walk at 400 bpm

>> No.15957873


Shit like this.


>> No.15957910

So what parts are needed to read eAmusement cards for arcade data?

>> No.15957925

FEFEMZ/Brosoni/Chris would still have it flagged within less than a week

>> No.15958024

Somebody really likes vertex.

>> No.15958050

I have both a Japanese and US PS2. Which system should I collect the DDR games on? Are any important tracks or titles missing in the US releases?

>> No.15958053

DDR X US is missing Koko Soko which is the only reason to play that mix in the first place

>> No.15958055

well kyhz just play more iidx and git gud

>> No.15958056

Extreme JP is an arcade rip. After that they're pretty much the same.

>> No.15958067

English is fine except for JP Extreme and JP X. Skip X2 or find a save with all of it preunlocked.

>> No.15958069


JP for DDR Str!ke. I forget why though. I think Max. (Period).

>> No.15958071

Max Period is in Extreme JP CS.

>> No.15958083

>Skip X2
What are you talking about? X2's mission mode is amazing.

D-34: ||||||.... UNLOCK: D-32 *HANDICAP*
Song: My My My
Diff.: HVY (7)
Options: Arrow Type 2 (Solo), Freeze Arrow Off
Challenge: Don't step on red arrows, but all others with PERFECT or GREAT.

D-26: ||||||.... UNLOCK: X-23
Diff.: HVY (7)
Challenge: Get more than 65 each of PERFECTs and GREATs.
SECRET CHALLENGE: Get at least 65 each of PERFECTs, GREATs, and GOODs.

E-06: ||||||||.. UNLOCK: E-03
Diff.: HVY (9)
Options: Reverse
Challenge: Get 8.5 million points or more.
SECRET CHALLENGE: Do not get more than 8.6 million points.

Why would you pass this up?

>> No.15958419

Play DJ Mass songs with random on.

>> No.15958522
File: 704 KB, 720x404, SDVX difficulty curve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15958729

For those of you using the Leonardo approach to their SDVX controller, have you experienced any input lag at all?

>> No.15958771


>> No.15958779

ac data seems to misread very fast knob movement for me (maybe because 600ppr?).
Kshoot works perfect.

>> No.15958917

Which game do you like the most?

>> No.15958926

Though I mostly play k shoot

>> No.15959060
File: 286 KB, 1000x943, 58255289_p26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rasis is the slut! Not me!

>> No.15959628

That fucking death roll at the end of bad maniacs sph gets me every time

>> No.15959645
File: 112 KB, 316x314, 1466248574942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insane techniques spa
>hand gets too slippery to scratch
>miss every one of them in the very last part

>> No.15959679

Anyone else experience this with AC data? (Leonardo controller)

>> No.15959752

>ac data seems to misread very fast knob movement
Could be because of sensitivity being too high. I don't use a Leonardo or anything, but if I bump the sensitivity up I start missing slams left and right.

>> No.15959757

Is there a koc equivalent of a sdvx controller?

>> No.15959784

There's no home sdvx release, why would there be an official controller

>> No.15959800

I didn't mean like that, I just meant like a cheap beginner controller that isn't self-made.

>> No.15959803

Svse 5 from dao is the cheapest prebuilt iirc

>> No.15959830

Someone on Sows is working on a portable one for $50.

>> No.15959839

These are all from Extreme 2.

>> No.15959846
File: 291 KB, 466x411, 1476114268438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone on Sows

>> No.15959885

To be fair it's not AC sized.

Then again, neither is the KOC, so I guess that's alright.

>> No.15959904

Don't seem to have these problems, at least not when using with about 50% accuracy in the input settings. Tried only sdvx III, though.
I have 400 ppr encoders.

>> No.15959925

I'll probably never have the pleasure of playing in an arcade anyways

>> No.15959949

Can I still send a Cindy drawing to an admin on irc to get in sows?

>> No.15959980

Japanese Cindy cooking spaghetti.

>> No.15960567

Why is lapix so good?


>> No.15960840

>Ultra Hitech
Mi negro.

>> No.15960976

>those spins
>those BPM changes
>those fucking crossovers
>those mines

What the actual fuck.

>> No.15960984

I spit out my drink from laughter you son of a bitch.

>> No.15960990

It's kors k. Everything he puts out is amazing.

>> No.15961051

The original is good, this remix is amazing.

>> No.15961147

Get on it, faggot.

>> No.15961277
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 11286-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly how do I attach the leads from the encoders to the sockets of this board?

Do I jam them in, solder it, solder n some form of pin connection?

>> No.15961286

the image you showed has header pins, which are typically temporary connections.

Strip a small length of wire and jam it in.

If you want a semi-permanent connection you can use those large binder/paper clips to secure the wires in place, but if you actually want a serious solution you'll desolder the header pins then solder in your own wires there.

>> No.15961299

>those spins
There's only one at the very beginning and there's more than one way to get around it with a single double step, unless you're one of those "doublestepping is cheating" people.

>> No.15961338


I literally got a 78% on that yesterday nonran, so bad at rolls

>> No.15961355

Here's what I did:
solder a jumper wire with a dupont connector on the other end to the encoder wire. That way, the encoder wire stays in the arduino (if you don't expose your controller to high-g accelerations), but you can still remove the encoder if it breaks or something.
I wouldn't solder the encoder directly to the board, just because I think the encoders are going to break before the board, and desoldering the connections every time you change something will drive you nuts.
Rather, get a connector, attach it to the encoder wire and plug it in the arduino.

>> No.15965727
File: 938 KB, 750x1052, 59114572_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is more ded than usual

>> No.15965792
File: 317 KB, 500x500, 52767831_p67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that one guy doing an experiment to see if the threads are better if he isn't shitposting constantly.

>> No.15965812

Got a C on my first 6 in IIDX on "Love is Orange". (No clear because of the very end) I feel like I'm improving every day now.

>> No.15965828

nice! when i first started playing iidx felt most fun since i improved so much. now that im just hitting my head against the 10/11 wall its taking me a lot more perserverance to play a lot now.

>> No.15965880


That was last thread. I was asking you guys if you noticed, but no one said anything.

I happen to have shitposted quite heavily this thread.

>> No.15966035

Fool, now you shall witness the power of my superior shitposting technique!

>> No.15966068

dao is a jew
tau did 9/11
konami did nothing wrong

>> No.15966080

Ahh, I remember when I was trying to clear the end of Love is Orange.

The trick is to (assuming 1P) bring your right hand over so that you're always alternating hands.

>> No.15966089

Needs to die faster so I can start osuposting from the beginning.

>> No.15966101


rhythm games are ded, what do you expect

>> No.15966104


They died just in the course of this one thread?

>> No.15966117


they've been dead for years

>> No.15966162


Yeah, ever since Activision's Guitar Hero and DJ Hero series went under there's just been slim pickin's.

>> No.15966181

24h freeleech. Go grab some shit.

>> No.15966199

>tfw terabytes of buffer and dont need freeleech

>> No.15966350



God damn, man. I wish I had a SSD dedicated to torrent intake. My hard drive can't write to disk as fast I need to download shit to get it all in within 24 hours.

>> No.15966367

can't grab ac data though? i'm not power user anymore cause my ratio is like .8 but i thought FL got around that.

>> No.15966375


You seeding something? I'll try to download it over and over so you can get up to 1.05.

The fewer seeders the better.

>> No.15966385

i think i'm literally the only seeder on smile.dk - party around the world v0

>> No.15966391
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1470593333198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw already have all AC data and just watching my upload shoot up.

>> No.15966395

>i thought FL got around that.
They changed it for this one due to abuse or something.

>> No.15966409

Yeah, it doesn't seem like non-power users can't get AC data during this freeleech. Which is different to what it's usually been in the past.

>> No.15966418

Maybe people are working more now to pay for they DAOs. Wait a month.

>> No.15966431

Why I need to buy an arduino and code to do things? There's nothing cheaper and easier?

>> No.15966479


I can't seem to connect since you're the only seeder.

I've downloaded the next 4 fewest seeded things of yours and I don't think it's doing much.

Plus, I'd have to download that album like 200 times if I could connect to you, which I would, but I doubt there's time.

>> No.15966483

Choose one and only one.
You can always use money and buy a dao, you know.
But buying an arduino and "coding" is not that bad. Literally order one from china to your doorstep, install one program, and copypaste text. Cost for arduino: literally under 5€. Time to set things up: 1-4 hours, depending on your skill. How cheap or easy do you need to get?
If you lived near me I could set up your shit for free if you had all the components ready, but I doubt you live near me.

>> No.15966486


just buy a controller

>> No.15966494

yeah my ratio is pretty far away from 1.05

it doesn't really matter, i'm getting some ps2 games to round out my collection, i just wanted to snatch pop'n so i could be ready if i ended up getting a controller

with dellar i'll probably be ready to get copula when that comes out

>> No.15966615


>> No.15966616

That's kinda what I was figuring. I've had to do that with some of the song with more scratching.

>> No.15966627

With no Power User status it's just frustrating. At least I'll have a bunch of music to listen to.

>> No.15966727

For creating the box of a controller, is one supposed to cut the size of the entire button (60x60mm) or smaller (~55x55mm) so it doesn't just fall through the top?

>> No.15966739

You just answered your own question.

>> No.15966750

smaller. The part that is supposed to stay on top of the controller is about 61 mm per side, inner was about 56-58mm?
I suggest testing with cardboard first.
Also, if you measure the button, report it here, I'd like to find out the dimensions.

>> No.15966893

Thank you for replying properly unlike the person above.

>> No.15966895
File: 19 KB, 999x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get a button, there's two dimensions - the outer "lip" dimension and a smaller cutout.

You take the smaller size.

For an example with bullshit dimensions, see the attached image.

>> No.15967029

>tfw only play sdvx but still grabbing all data
I didn't even have enough money for a proper controller, why am I doing this?

>> No.15967051

>Freeleech when I'm not power user yet

Haha fuck me!

>> No.15967131


Dreams, anon. Dreams.

>> No.15967160

Memes, anon. Memes.

>> No.15967249
File: 78 KB, 444x460, 1466218828046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download pendual after a year of not playing
>network errors that have no solution
>monitor check fps drops to 10
>cant wait till copula hdd because pcbids will be deleted if they have no recent activity
Fuck everything

>> No.15967274


Send it this way. I'll keep your PCBID warm for ya, anon. ;-)

>> No.15967311

Ah, I see.

>> No.15967691

>pcbids will be deleted if they have no recent activity
what the FUCK?

>> No.15967696

Yup. Go read the latest psun update thread

>> No.15967723

How do I get into psun? Do I need to use AC data from sows or can I use data from other sources?

>> No.15967731

psun is closed right now since they are making a new service which should be up sometime in november. if you aren't on sows make sure you are.

>> No.15967786
File: 111 KB, 960x544, 2016-10-13-220012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I just did this and boy was it crazy! Who's excited for DJ Max Respect?!?! No one? Oh...

>> No.15967816

>DJ Max Respect
If it were a pc game that I could play with my Virgoo IIDX controller I would be super hyped but I'm not gonna buy a PS4

>> No.15967851

so if i have a 7 to 1 ratio of fast:slow, how should i set my iidx offset? early, or late?
