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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.25 MB, 1538x1600, wZdTYMr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15935002 No.15935002 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

Things you probably shouldn't say to an Apophis.

>> No.15935052

I don't remember that pic. Is it new or too old?

>> No.15935082
File: 389 KB, 595x842, 59313225_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That I'm into legs.

>> No.15935089

99% sure it's a new one. I've been rused before with reuploads.

>> No.15935101 [DELETED] 

Remimder that your waifu is great, and you are a awesome husbando, Anon!

>> No.15935196

Lich Holst making a diabolical milkshake never.

>> No.15935301 [DELETED] 

>The last thread hasn't even died yet
For what purpose? it's just dividing us.

>> No.15935396 [DELETED] 

300 image cap was reached, which allowed a new thread to be made. People in the other thread are still riding it to the depths for whatever stubborn reason.

>> No.15935565
File: 637 KB, 1193x784, 5f01410211279cfff051f9aede7b858fd7372213a0d90187e3f91e77068e9109-monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting it when it comes out on the 25th?

>> No.15935662

>For mature monster girls fans only
Shotas beware!

>> No.15935676

That Pharaoh looks really cute! I'm gonna ask her out!

>> No.15935680 [DELETED] 

That's Apophis, you dumpass.

>> No.15935695
File: 441 KB, 500x852, c6f3c08a822c49fe0fee71ed50025698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how exactly would a elven vampire work? i dont imagine plenty of changes appearance wise

>> No.15935718

Yetis in big wooly sweaters for autumn

>> No.15935727

Pre-ordered it earlier this week

KC might take his western audience more into consideration if it sells well

Too bad my waifu isn't in it

>> No.15935766
File: 81 KB, 500x544, ohohohoho~.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increased lewdness, less vulnerability to the sun, double the haughtiness

>> No.15935813

Probably waiting until the brave people buying on release day can let everyone know what the translation quality is like, expecting it to be shit.

>> No.15935814 [DELETED] 

>for whatever stubborn reason.
Don't try to spin it to make the people who give a damn about the thread look like morons.

You're the cunt contributing to the cancer.

>> No.15935895
File: 79 KB, 600x781, 918f4f6bf76835a88aa990cd2b7afea9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double haughtiness

welp,sounds like she wont leave me alone, ever

>> No.15935983 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, does it not meet your posting standards?

>> No.15935986

Sure, why not? I wonder how much stuff they removed. Also what about porn illustrations

>> No.15936007 [DELETED] 

>Trying to spin it as if you're not a cancerous piece of garbage
You're worse than the liberal media.

>> No.15936010 [DELETED] 

Don't try to relate this to a retarded argument about something completely different to try and undermine it.

You know the damage you cause. You've been told so many times. If anyone's stubborn, it's you. Arrogantly posting new threads against the words and wishes of everyone else because you just don't give a shit about other people.

You're scum, simply put.

>> No.15936016

Hey Anon, guess what? Your waifu is a nice girl.

>> No.15936017 [DELETED] 

If we just slow down on images then shit like this can be avoided

>> No.15936021 [DELETED] 

>posting standards
Nigga that method of thread making has been used even before we came to the jay, and now you're shitting that up by being an impatient mong.

>> No.15936022 [DELETED] 

>everyone else
Speak for yourself

>> No.15936024 [DELETED] 

>against everyone's words and wishes
Not even the guy who made this thread, but you must be pretty arogant to thinkbyou speak for everyone.

>> No.15936027

Even if she's a rape train? I wouldn't call that "nice".

>> No.15936029

Update line 447. Some talking, some killing, some walking and some more talking. More walking next time with some more talking.

Hope you guys enjoy. Comments and criticisms are more than welcome. Sorry if some lines come across as infodump. This is my first foray into the more northern lands beyond the borders of what I know and some of the finer details are still hazy in my mind.

>> No.15936032 [DELETED] 

He does. For everyone who isn't newfag cancer, atleast.

>> No.15936034

Nope, not even being a rape train will stop her from being that.

>> No.15936035 [DELETED] 


Not him but I think the fact that this thread stayed dead until right now when the last one actually archived speaks plenty loud.

>> No.15936040

I pre-ordered it yesterday. I'm just surprised that it was brought over.

>> No.15936046 [DELETED] 

Yes, damage. Splitting up the thread, killing discussion, creating shitty OPs, encouraging people to create even shittier OPs like the recent edition faggotry, and turning the thread into a magnet for shitposters who detest us just because we're a general.

I'm speaking up because a certain one or two individuals in a position of power seem to have cowed a lot of people with fear of bans for trying to defend thread tradition.
And the fact that this thread was fucking dead before the last one archived speaks volumes about just how many supported the decision to prematurely make a new one.

You have no argument at all. People will come here now because making a new, better thread will still be disrespectful to the natives. There's no choice there. Don't think for a second it means you're in the right.

>> No.15936056

Yandere ryu when

>> No.15936060 [DELETED] 

Until the recent insane and counterproductive position stance by the moderation, the retards and shitposters were kept at bay. Now that their premature shit threads aren't deleted, it further encourages people to spam threads, spam images so they can cap the thread to post their troll or epik meme OPs, etc.

>> No.15936061 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, you just need to look at the reaction in the last thread when people realised this one got made, it's obviously unwelcome to most people outside of the janitor and OP who may or may not be the same person.

>> No.15936063

A fine update, Peny.

>> No.15936072

MGK has gone out of control with Lich's latest experiment. Yuki is a CC with a mind of a child, Yeti is a shortstack, you're a bearmode war veteran, and Lich is now a floating head.
Lich needs help mixing up a cure, but you cannot help because everything is crushed in your hands like sparrow egg. Who do you get to help fix this shit?

Pharaoh, who is now a regular and boring human girl?
Anubis, who is now a talking Lego block?
CC Yuki and shortstack Yeti?
Wendigo, who evolved into a Cleric Beast?
Ophy, who is now physically as old as her mother but looks 300% hotter than her?
6th grade oppai loli Jabberwock and A-cup Lilim?
Albino Lamia, who became deadpool due to her cancer?
Wurm, who is now twi stories tall?
Sandworm, who is now small enough to fit in your hands?
The Echidna teacher, who is now an old woman?
Crybaby Wyvern, who now has a mind of steel and a thousand yard stare?
Or Elf-Wight, because she knows alchemy and shit but nobody seems to remember about that?

>> No.15936073 [DELETED] 

What really gets me is that even posts asking people to get rid of shitty meme posts and reaction images are deleted.
Until relatively recently, these threads were kept clean of that, but it's been cropping up more and more, and it'll get you a mandatory vacation if you try to raise a voice against it.

>> No.15936075 [DELETED] 

I don't expect this to stay up, but yes. you are 100% correct.

>> No.15936076

Just report and move on.

>> No.15936078


>> No.15936100

>talking lego block
>not an animate anubis minifigure

>> No.15936104

She grew into what she loved most, anon.

>> No.15936113 [DELETED] 

Or you know, not being a faggot who starts a new thread as soon as image limit is hit helps. Where in the Global Rules does it state this?

>> No.15936116


>She grew into what she loved most, anon.

So if she had a husband she would turn into him?

Wait what

>> No.15936122 [DELETED] 

But hey, we got to do what a bunch of vocal assholes want because a small number of posts means everyone was against something.

>> No.15936124

But a single brick just seems too much.
If she loves Lego, a minifigure transformation is still an accurate representation of what she loves.
Plus a minifigure is slightly easier to sexualise than a brick. Slightly.

>> No.15936125

At the time.
She loves legos, sugar cookies, and her mother in that order.

>> No.15936128

Don't sexualize the Anupup.

>> No.15936130 [DELETED] 

If you don't understand why it's important to avoid generalcancer like starting a new thread the moment you hit autosage or image cap or whatever the fuck, you have to go back where you came from.

>> No.15936134

Anupups are for cuddling and headpats.
Not sexual.
That's what their mother's for.

>> No.15936136 [DELETED] 

Or you know, you could just fuck off. Legitimately. We don't care if we don't have images to use, or we can use imgur to link images.

You have to go back.

>> No.15936139 [DELETED] 

>what a bunch of vocal assholes want because a small number of posts means everyone was against something.

You're conveniently forgetting how the threads worked and how people agreed to do things for over two years. Multiple threads has always been detested for reasons already stated.

>> No.15936144

That's like saying not to lick the cake batter from the spoon and bowl.
In both cases, people say not to do it, but it's always delicious and fulfilling, and only has negative consequences if you really overindulge.

>> No.15936145 [DELETED] 

And a Mod said otherwise.
And last I checked, a Mod had much more authority than a bunch of /jp/ natives still angry over us being here.

>> No.15936146
File: 244 KB, 568x1000, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xMzI3MzI4MjMxMjY4MDI0MzIvMjMzODA4MTg3NjE3MTgxNjk4L0lNR18xMDc0LkpQRyJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15936147


Shortstacks sure have their advantages.

>> No.15936155 [DELETED] 

>a bunch of vocal assholes
You mean a vast majority of regular threadgoers that aren't fond of your bullshit?

>> No.15936156 [DELETED] 


I don't post or read the monster girl general, just caught wind of this drama from the first page, but posting new threads like really pisses the rest of the boards population.

This shit really doesn't win you any friends when the meta threads crop up, which you need if you want to avoid being dumped into another board.

>> No.15936158

Houtengeki should be arrested for drawing such a lusciously lewd booty.

>> No.15936161 [DELETED] 

>a bunch of vocal assholes want
People who don't speak don't deserve their opinion to be taken into account if they don't make it known, that's the flaw the "muh silent minority" fags like you always forget.

>> No.15936162

Don't worry guys, just be like the AKB threads and have 4 threads in the catalog because you image spam and make new threads immediately at limit.

>> No.15936165

>still not Dark Elf facesitting stuff
What gives? MGE Dark Elves are especially perfect for that sort of thing.

>> No.15936166

no, he should be given a nobel prize

>> No.15936167 [DELETED] 

And the people complaining don't get the right to act as if people stayibg out of the retarded arguement are on their side.
It works both ways.

>> No.15936168

What is Ophy?

>> No.15936172 [DELETED] 

A mod didn't say otherwise.
He said we "could", not we have to.
We "could" also technically post yuri, as it's not against the rules of the board. Or post nothing but Touhous, as that's also perfectly in line with the rules.

Do you see where I'm going with this?
And moderation acts for the users, not the other way around. If their decision is objectively negative for the users, then it shouldn't be followed.
Making new threads before limit doesn't benefit anyone or anything in the long run. It's just a solution to a problem we solved ages ago, which causes even more problems.

>> No.15936173 [DELETED] 

Literally everyone here except a couple of idiots who are either falseflaggers or retarded newfags hates it when people post a new thread before the previous one falls off the board.

>> No.15936175

>Or Elf-Wight, because she knows alchemy and shit but nobody seems to remember about that?
Well, that seams a bit obvious. I'll go with her.

>> No.15936176

An Apophis.

>> No.15936178

Little cows are lovely.

>> No.15936181

But that ruins the fun.

>> No.15936184 [DELETED] 

So you're going to continue to spam images just so you can churn out another shoddily made thread like this one?

>> No.15936186

Only if you don't like Elf-Wight I guess. I'll be having my fun either way.

>> No.15936190 [DELETED] 

Nice strawman, but no.

>> No.15936193

What kind of fun? Tickling her ears?

>> No.15936198

Get one of the teachers because everyone needs an adult.

>> No.15936202

Since we're in a new thread, should I post that Ojou-sama rolling game or should I just wait?

>> No.15936208

Do it, we need something other than this argument.

>> No.15936210

Do it.

>> No.15936211

Which one?
1st grade teacher Elf?
2nd grade teacher Shog?
3rd grade teacher Cheshire?
4th grade teacher Holst?
5th grade teacher Demon?
Or 6th grade teacher Hakutaku?

>> No.15936213

Yes! She'll be trying to focus on making the potions and I'll be molesting her ears. Everybody wins!

>> No.15936214

Go for it.
MGK is only doing so much within this stupid fucking arguement.

>> No.15936215

Pre-Ordered it a while back, along with a ton of other shit on Amazon. Not sure when I'll get it even.

After "Itsy-Bitsy" I expect nothing from Seven Seas.

>> No.15936219

I'd say hold it back.

>> No.15936220

They've been cropping up way too frequently in recent times, but if it's right at the start of a thread, I'm down for it.

Do it, but make it interesting.

>> No.15936222

The teacher is/was a Hakutaku who turned into a talking, floating, and very comprehensive magical encyclopedia on monstergirls.

>> No.15936224

Except for you, cause that counts as rape for Elves.
And everyone knows what follows after that...

>> No.15936225

Echidna or Hakutaku, both if possible. The others aren't suited to handle the situation.

>> No.15936226

>Dark Elf sitting on your face to imprint her womanly smell on you
>Does it so often that you get an erection as soon as she takes off her undergarments
>Acts maximum tsun at first, calling you human garbage as she sits upon your face and gives you footjobs
>But when she finally fucks you, she bucks against your hips like a bronco being broken for the saddle
>Not stopping until she's knocked up with your daughter

>> No.15936229


>She turns into a sugar cookie
>She has to stop herself from eating herself

That's some Pizza the Hutt leveled shit

>> No.15936232

More rape?

>> No.15936233

No, she was a CC Echidna who is now an old woman that's still appealing like that old fox.

But I find the idea of a Hakutaku monster index being better at explaining monsters than the MGE to be hilarious.

>> No.15936234

What would Undead Dark Elves look like?

>> No.15936238

This is rather more worrisome than the lego transformation. I don't want her to dissolve from mere contact with a small amount of liquid.

>> No.15936243

She is more in danger of Wurm than herself.

Rape followed by shotgun wedding followed by more rape.

>> No.15936247


Anon, you're in the back of a limo right now on your way to go meet a monstergirl Ojou-sama whose servants found you and hired you to "spend time" with her because you fit her tastes.
Roll monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/special:randomincategory/Mamono to decide what the Ojou-sama will be.
Then use https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or https://www.random.org/ to roll in the four following categoreies.
Body Type: d10
1: Busty
2: Thin
3: Hourglass shaped
4: Oppai Loli (or Shortstack if you prefer)
5: Chubby
6: Gym Bunny
7: Loli (or Pettanko if you prefer)
8: Pear Shaped
9: Species Norm
10: Choose one

Quirk: d10
1: Genki (Super energetic and playful. Prone to surprise hugs and eskimo kisses.)
2: Chimera (Roll another species and fuse it with hers.)
3: Undead (Died and was brought back to life as a cuddlebug zombie. If her species is undead already, then reroll.)
4: Himedere (Puts on a front of seeing you as a simple sex toy, but is actually a very sweet and loving girl with issues about showing "weakness".)
5: Love Freak (In love with love and romance, and will constantly make romantic gestures like making you breakfast in bed or serenading you. The most likely girl to wear a naked apron.)
6: Semen Demon (She's a sex maniac that knows how to milk just about everything out of you. Very much enjoys post sex cuddling.)
7: Bottom heavy (Her ass is twice as big as the average ass for her species.)
8: Twins (Roll another body type for her sister and roll another quirk for both of them. Be ready for twice the cuddling.)
9: Bakunyuu (Her breasts are three cup sizes bigger than the average for her species)
10: Choose two.

Her Fetish: 1d6
1: Paizuri/Naizuri (Depends on her body type)
2: Tantric Sex (Slow, intimate, sensual, and loving. You lucky bastard.)
3: Shotacon (You'll have to take a potion for this one that makes you look like a kid again. Don't worry, it's temporary.)
4: Rape Roleplay (Not like the usual kind either. Aggressive rape. Tears, begging for help and plenty of cumshots with no cooldown. You get paid a little extra as compensation.)
5: Handholding Cuddlesex (What a sick fuck.)
6 Choose Two

Age: 1d4
1: Two years younger than you.
2: Two years older than you.
3: Your Age
4: Ten years older than you.
How do things go anon? Does she want you to be her husband? Does she want to see you again? Would you come back to her?

>> No.15936250

>Rape followed by shotgun wedding followed by more rape.
So it's a happy ending then? Hurray!

>> No.15936252

There's always the third option of her growing up and looking exactly like her mother.

>> No.15936254
File: 109 KB, 850x478, metzenphrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.

>> No.15936271

>Choose one (Pear-Shaped)
>Choose two (Shotacon and Rape Roleplay)
>10 years older than me
This all bodes well to my fetishes. I wish 1d4 had a femdom option to go along with the /ss/.

>> No.15936273

>One pear shaped Elf
>One busty Elf
>10 years my senior
I need it!

>> No.15936275

Old hag snake? Ew.

I'd rather make hakubook-sensei's pages all sticky.

>> No.15936277

>Dark Priest
So far so good.

Getting better...

>Genki (Super energetic and playful. Prone to surprise hugs and eskimo kisses.)
That's fine. I love her too.

>Genki (Super energetic and playful. Prone to surprise hugs and eskimo kisses.)

>Choose Two
This is great!

>Ten years older than you.
eh, that's fine.

>How do things go anon?
>Does she want you to be her husband? Does she want to see you again? Would you come back to her?
Yes, yes and YES! This is all amazing!

>> No.15936281
File: 187 KB, 718x756, REBEL ONE, FIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When two Elves go after the same round-ear, nobody's safe!

>> No.15936285 [DELETED] 

Look at this newfag

>> No.15936286

Yeah, I guess it's a choice between Lego minifigure and having her grow up into a beautiful, busty older anubis who's kind of clumsy due to still having the motor control of her original self.
One the one hand, lovely soft motherly anubis.
But on the other, I kind of want to see what this "hotglue" business is all about.

>> No.15936288


>Gym Bunny

>Choose Two ---> Twin (Oppai Loli) + Chimera --- > Arch Imp
> Twin Quirk --- > Bakunyuu
Holy fucking shit I don't know if my boner can comprehend the magnitude of this bullfuckery.

>Rape Roleplay
They'd have to beat me to an unconscious pulp and drop me in a dumpster if they wanted me to leave.

>Ten Years Older
Godamnit. Well this is still pretty fuckin amazing. NOICE ROLLS ALL AROUND

I'd try my best to make things go well because holy shit I know I'd wanna see her and her sister again.

>> No.15936290

>that chapter where the blonde Elf jerks off another dude while her mate fucks her from behind
This artist is shit.

>> No.15936310

>Dark Mage again
This is a sign.

I am okay with this. I like big, beautiful sex hair after all.

Oh god, twins and sex demon.
Is this what love feels like?

>5/1 for one, 2/1 for the other
I can't see anything wrong here.

>two yeats younger
I like older women, damn it.

Damn right I am marrying them.

>> No.15936315
File: 615 KB, 1306x1849, 1475707317218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my birthday and I demand (politely request) you to post your cutest images.

>> No.15936320

>species norm
>fetish for slow and intimate sex
>two years younger than me
I'd start by trying not to laugh at a Jinko with a build that huge in cute ojou-sama clothes before going along with things and being nice to her.

Sex would be nice and gentle, switching who takes the lead every so often with lots of kissing. Being a proper lady she would likely insist on taking me as her husband after that and I'd be over the moon, Jinkos are great.

>> No.15936323


>> No.15936332
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x1836, 0829161127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15936333

Sorry mate, it's too early in the thread to blow images.

>> No.15936345

>Man saved after raijin forced ino
It gets me everytime.

>> No.15936346

Don't forget that other series he done where the guy found a nice elf waifu and he ran off leaving her before selling her off at auction to get fucked by an old man in the sequel.

Japanese fans were pissed which lead to him dropping it and starting the series with the shit you described in it, he just doesn't learn.

>> No.15936349

I will make an album just for you. Any preference for monstergirl type? In the meantime, tell me about all the awesome presents you got.

>> No.15936350
File: 57 KB, 491x356, 4441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oppai loli
>Rape Roleplay
>two years younger than me


>> No.15936365

>where the blonde Elf jerks off another dude
For what fucking reason

>> No.15936366

I don't know, they gave me Dark Mage twins.

>> No.15936369

Japan is a paradox of godly creations and taste in one moment, and complete shit taste with vile weaves of NTR stories in the next.

>> No.15936378

>any preference
No elves. That's it.
>In the meantime, tell me about all the awesome presents you got.
Oh man, you're a funny guy...

>> No.15936379

Because the artist is a faggot.
To think that I actually had a fair erection up until he pulled that shit.

>> No.15936386

>White horn
>Handholding cuddlesex
>My age

Oh wow. Just how big are her breasts?

>> No.15936393

Holy shit I got some retarded rolls on this one
>Dragon twin, roll the first one and the other twin has a twin that has another twin that has another twin.
>5 Dragons man, 5 Fucking dragons

1º Dragons is mixed with an Amazoness, she likes paizuri and is my age. She is a love freak and constantly plays a song and sings to me.

2º Dragon is a gym bunny who is also a love freak that loves slow sex. This one attracts me a lot with everything she does. Chance of getting her impregnated are really big. She is two years older than me.

3º Dragon is the youngest of the batch. She is a genki loli that loves flying around and playing with me. I treat her more like a little sister (not for dicking) than a woman. That is until she raped me to the point where I lost conciousness

4º One is a chubby Zombie Dragon. Poor girl went the NEET route and kept eating junk food. She loves using those HUEG bazoongas to make me cum on condoms that she uses for breakfast. She is two years older than me.

5º And last one is, just like the first sister, a Chimera Dragon. She is part soldier bettle so her scales are stupid hard and so is her head. She likes handholding cuddle slow sex in which most of the time the thing is so lovely both of us end up saying how much we love each other and kissing so deeply that she could get pregnant. She is also my age.

I'm not exactly sure how everything is going to go with those 5 big lizards around me. But I will definitely do my best to make everysingle one of them happy ,even the rape loli. That is, if they want me.

>> No.15936394

Alright let's see here.
>Dark Valkyrie.
Even though I don't care about pandemonium mamono, this is the least shit girl I've ever rolled on one of these. I'll take it.
>Rolled 6. Gym Bunny.
Gym Bunny, eh? Pretty fitting for a Valkyrie.
Rolled 8. Twins.
Not into polygamy but since her 'twin' is a genki oppai loli, which is god damn perfect, I am SO game.
>Rolled 6. Choose two.
My choice, eh? Totally going for tantric handholding cuddlesex for maximum depravity. It also implies she would be gentle, perfectly complementing the genki-ness of her sister.
>Rolled 3. She's my age.
I wouldn't care what age she was anyway.

She's actually a really good one. Definitely a keeper. I'd do everything to serve my gentle Ojou-sama mistress and her genki sister.

>> No.15936396
File: 208 KB, 1000x1000, Anubis Spa Day2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15936398

I find curious that some of the best artists around have some kind of shit taste fetish that ruins the whole thing.

Usually, the normal ones have average skills at best, i don't understand it.

>> No.15936403

>Hakutaku sensei teaching you Sex Ed, mano e mano
>Starts the curriculum with all the stuff such as the structures of genitalia, the sperm, etc, you feel like you're going to fall asleep in class, nodding off
>There's a loud *thump* as a magazine or a book of some kind is dropped in front of you
"Well? Open it"
>Flip through the pages, they're all images of Hakutaku-sensei... In the nude
>In various poses, exposing herself, to include one shot of her spreading her pussy lips
"Ara ara~ Didn't you know this is part of the special lesson?"
>She notices your erection, pulling the desk out from in front of you
"Now it's time for your... hands on instruction, no pun intended. Take your trousers off."
>She pulls up a seperate chair and sits across from you, completely bottomless with her legs crossed
>"You know how to masturbate, don't you? Show me. Just use the book as... How do I put it, study help."
>Start stroking up and down, getting your pace set the metronome that sensei brings out, she's imitating you to show you proper technique
>You're too busy looking at the images of her pussy in the book to pay attention to her soft moans
>Look up briefly, back to the book, look up again
>She's fingering and groping herself, eyeing your rock hard cock
"K-Keep going."
>Manage to jerk yourself off, splattering white into the pages. Close the book and look back at Hakutaku-sensei.
>Her face is completely flushed and she's letting out soft 'moo's as she brings herself to her own orgasm, her hips jerking outward as she manages to squirt a little clear fluid
>Settles back into her chair, panting and mooing still, then she notices your fresh erection
>Picks you up with preternatural strength and tosses you onto the cot mattress in the room, drawing the privacy curtain closed
>Rocks you world, teaching you the most important life skill, sex.
>Finishes with a personal curriculum she likes to call "The Practicum of Fertilization"
>You marry her after you graduate, nearly bringing her CC self to tears in the process

>> No.15936408

4 is the best of the batch.

>> No.15936412

I'll just take that as a 'no'.

>> No.15936423
File: 328 KB, 700x700, Tinny cat 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some mini chuff for you. And don't worry, I'm sure a monster girl will give you a big and nice present.

>> No.15936432

Handholding Cuddlesex
Two years older than you.

>> No.15936440
File: 1.47 MB, 3571x3508, 535b470e3bd422d133605345770adedb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gym bunny 2nd time in a row
>hand holding
>my age
>cute crab

she's going to make me squeaky clean

>> No.15936443

I don't get the butthurt about that elf story. As I remember MC was a traveling mercenary who just came across and accidently saved elf from something, fucked her and went back doing his business. He never waifud or even cared about her. Besides I think he already had childhood friend as his real waifu

>> No.15936448

Seriously? Eh, personally stopped reading it after they introduced the second elf anyway.

To be fair, in the end, he decided he wanted to keep her after all...I think.
Never bothered to see if there was a translation.

At any rate, the guy's more recent work featuring sister succubi and later their mother is much better.

>> No.15936464
File: 227 KB, 850x1114, 6232e33c961082afcfd06939410bdfe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason why you like certain monster girls over the other? its their design/lore/fanbase/waifu material(?)

>> No.15936472

Any girl that is confident, powerful, dominant, ara ara or a combination of thesefour.

Designs also help, yes.

>> No.15936486

For me it's probably because i know what to expect from the ones i like, it's when it gets random like having to live in the ocean or getting your mind altered when i start to distance myself from them.

Vanilla situations are best situations.

>> No.15936502

So, deciding that just a dragon is meh I decided to roll for their color too.

1º Is a Blue dragon.
2º Is Yellow.
3º Is pink.
4º Is a really dark green.
5º Is a light shade of green.

>> No.15936504
File: 36 KB, 854x480, feeblealpedone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soldier Beetle
>Tantric Sex
>My age
Welp, I scored.

>> No.15936507

Dominant personalities, unusual skin colours and more monstrous appearances are all great ways to get me to fall for a girl.

It's no coincidence I'm a slut for Hellhounds, Apophis, Ushis and the like.

>> No.15936512

What manga is that?

>> No.15936513
File: 145 KB, 673x922, Lamia extra art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-ordered it and its supposed to arrive at my house on release day (not sure how that works).

Hoping the lamia is one of the lucky girls to get her art redone.

>> No.15936519

will his ribs survive the mating?

>> No.15936523
File: 71 KB, 599x1200, 201603260030106d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to university's foodcourt
>Grab some appealing looking sushi
>Realize it's fried tofu
>"Inari sushi"

You guys are eating official Monster Girl branded food all the time, right?

>> No.15936531

No, especially not sushi.

>> No.15936532

Their appearance and personality is one thing, but those things tend to vary on an individual level.

At the end of the day, it's a matter of personal taste/fetishes. The reason why I like Gremlins and Liches would be because they are implied to be studious and capable. It's easy to imagine a situation where you both work together to accomplish something cool, and I like that shit. Other people might like Khepri because it they get to be kings. They might like Hellhounds because getting dommed is their fetish and we all know 3DPD women don't have the backbone to be dominant in a relationship. They might like slimes because... I dunno, they like the goopyness?

It's just what makes them still monster-like that differentiates them.

>> No.15936534

I'm pretty sure he is mistaking it with fue's succubi manga. Not a big fan of it desu. I'm okay with blowjobs or whatever but not when it takes literally 90% of lewd, leaning only 2-3 pages on actual sex

>> No.15936537

No presents? Come on, there's gotta be something. Isn't there anyone in your life who cares about you who isn't always on the other side of a computer screen?

Here's some pictures from A to F from my folders.

>> No.15936541

>you will never EVER milk a busty fox

>> No.15936542

I forget the title.

Just search Fue on SadPanda, it should be one of the more recent uploads. 3 chapters, I think?

Sadly the succubi are on the more human-girl end of designs...but if you like fellatio, it can't be beat. And the plot is basically one of this thread's "You're down on your luck in MGC so you're hired as a cumpump for some succubi" greentexts.

>> No.15936553

I mistake nothing, I'm just talking about 3 different manga in my post.

>> No.15936564

>Hoping the lamia is one of the lucky girls to get her art redone.
Oh shit I forgot some girls are being redone.

Hope we get scans soon.

>> No.15936565

I want to "eat" an Unagi Joro sushi roll.

>> No.15936579

I want to see Crow Tengu redone, but she's not quite as bad as the other old ones.

>> No.15936584
File: 409 KB, 750x1000, 3b63325651ff91e2638639c79a3c9a02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we take some time to admire the beauty of a onee-Demons fat butt? They clearly put Jabberwock butts to shame.

>> No.15936592

Of course they will anon, lamia wouldn't keep husbands long if they broke them like that.

She'll just squeeze right to the edge of what he can take.

>> No.15936594

Of course there is. I like haughty and/or assertive girls, the ones that are cheerful and confident in things they do. Being possessive is wonderful too, just imagining a monster girl pulling me into her embrace, pouting and saying "He's mine!" makes me hhnng.

My favorites in no particular order are: All the dragons sea horse not included, Wight, Griffon, Salamander, and all the wolfys. There are some that I like not included and there os also a certain vanilla dragon that has a special place in my heart.

>> No.15936595

You do though
Succubi manga and that elf manga drawn by different artists. Fue and fuetakishi

>> No.15936596 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 768x90, 1475869934313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should we make one

>> No.15936602 [DELETED] 


>> No.15936607

what a gross looking lower body

>> No.15936610

Wock butts are the Powerman of butts, no matter what they'll always be better.

I don't even like Wocks but I know that much.

>> No.15936611

Well this is going to be interesting.
>Two-years younger

Time to pack my bags, I've found the promised land.

>> No.15936612 [DELETED] 

Hell no.

>> No.15936614

La Croix tea.

>> No.15936617 [DELETED] 

Fuck no.

>> No.15936619
File: 303 KB, 1300x932, 5570879_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw every time I post with an idea or something neato I secretly hope Latenight does something with it

One day it will happen, just you wait!

>> No.15936620

Not sure, I like spoky and powerful girls, but I like ones that aren't as well.

>> No.15936626
File: 2.72 MB, 2992x4000, IMG_20161007_145205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.15936627 [DELETED] 

We have three options

>Fuck no
>Spank that fhat Kakuen ass

Choose wisely

>> No.15936628

I wish Latenight did "It's Autumn", or a guy swarmed by Weresheep and napping in a big pile.

>> No.15936629

Yeah, the likes of harpy, black harpy, lamia and devil bug probably need to be redone the most.

>> No.15936634

Spank the monkey butt!

>> No.15936638

That baby Catgirl looks like a bean, it's fucking adorable.

>> No.15936639

I've managed to bait him one or two times and it made me feel extra proud for some reason.
The rest was just luck I guess.

>> No.15936642

Is slap a lich ass an option?

>> No.15936644 [DELETED] 

Fuck no. Someone already did that on /jp/ before, and it was as shit as you might expect.

Now delete your whole post.

>> No.15936648

I meant to ask, what's the title of the elf manga in this post >>15936281

>> No.15936653

Don't slap the Lich. you'll regret it.

>> No.15936654
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x1836, 1007161250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it wouldn't feel right not posting it here too

>> No.15936656

I drink Hobgoblin beer all the time, it's pretty damn good and Hobgoblin is one of my favourite girls so it works out nicely.

>> No.15936658
File: 645 KB, 715x897, 1443750513783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requesting a PoV pic of an anon trying to tempt a fox with some shitty supermarket sushi

>> No.15936660

Artist is fuetakishi

>> No.15936661

I'm gonna do it and you can't stop me!
What's going to happen to me?

>> No.15936662

Only it is fat.

>> No.15936663
File: 188 KB, 894x1000, charon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when we where still on /a/ and captain still updated his stories.

>> No.15936674

I remember when Bromont still did stories about a jojo posing man who razzle dazzled monster who didn't respect his shine and was raped to death by a zombie.

>> No.15936676
File: 151 KB, 700x688, Vampire Holding Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nice feeling when it happens.

>> No.15936695

She'll just turn to look at you and the next thing you'll know you'll be in her lab being used as her test subject and bench to sit on.

>> No.15936698

pffff i can make great sushi.
i tried making it once to learn it.
i fucking hate eating sushi.
My sushi tastes so great i need to make it for every birthday of every family member.

If only i could lure in some mg's with it, even some cute vermin would work

>> No.15936699

I remember when I had hopes and dreams before succumbing to employment and becoming too tired to do anything of value.

>> No.15936707

She'll turn you into a creepy animate doll, with levitation, invisibility, and mild telekinesis powers to scare away people who get too close to her house.

>> No.15936708

That's not that bad.

>> No.15936718

She wants it Anon. Do it.

>> No.15936720

>Metallic tasting pussy
Lewd. Always good to see more stories from you.

>> No.15936727

Damn right I'll do it!

>> No.15936729

I know that feel anon.

One day White Horn will get Latenighted.

One day we'll all get to enjoy a yuge fluffy deer in a cute frilly coat.

>> No.15936740

Or a Whitehorn in a summer dress next to a disgruntled man innawoods, laying her head on his shoulder as he tries to fish.

>> No.15936744

Hope you like Bondage and Facesitting anon.

>> No.15936758

White Horn shopping for fashionable winter clothes with a Yeti

>> No.15936768

Whitehorn and Wendigo wearing matching coats.

>> No.15936775

Cheers, glad you enjoy it. Though this story is pretty old. Only recently picked it back up

>> No.15936778
File: 45 KB, 600x620, 99120213009_StonehornNEW02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep reading whitehorn as stonehorn

>> No.15936783 [DELETED] 

Make sure to delete unrelated images.

>> No.15936795

will she take my soul? i love that blushing face, any more of her?

>> No.15936799

>going christmas shopping
>see a whitehorn standing by a mall santa in matching outfit
>[bad ideas intensify]
>buy a bundle of mistletoe and hang it from a stick
>stand in line with a bunch of other monsterlolis
>your turn comes up
>"Ho ho ho, my man, what would you like for christmas?"
>dangle the mistletoe between you and the whitehorn

>> No.15936802

You just make me want to do it even more now!
Of course I like it!

>> No.15936805

But it's terrible. You'll be locked in that dungeon so she can force you to be a guinea pig for whatever horrible concoction or experiment she cooked so she can watch the foul creations of her mind ravage your body and mind as she sits back with only the slightest hint of interest in her face as she mumbles ad takes notes. When she needs male essence for her work, she'll just grab her gloves and a bottle a milk it from you. When she newly corrupts or raises an undead, guess who is going to be used to teach them how to use their bodies s she stands back and coaches them on how to make you scream in pleasure? Even when she's quietly researching or working she might go bottomless and use your face or cock as her stool. It'll be nothing but torment, even if she grants you more freedom as her butler and assistant.

>> No.15936807

>any more of her?

>> No.15936813

>Even when she's quietly researching or working she might go bottomless and use your face or cock as her stool.
Anon, stop. My dick can only get so hard.

>> No.15936814

Hope you enjoy being her chair then.
Don't forget to lick when she tells you to.

>> No.15936819

MGC rules that this plot has a 99.99% chance of scoring you a hot Christmas date.

>> No.15936826

Or a likely chance Santa will sock you for hanging a mistletoe over his wife.

>> No.15936836

>Don't forget to lick when she tells you to.
Do I have to wait for her to say it or can I just do it at any time I'd like?

>> No.15936838

the kicker is the mall santa's wife is the yeti taking pictures of the whitehorn blushing

>> No.15936843
File: 83 KB, 1280x1001, 1345879543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to stay out of zones that are too high level for you, get some experience first!

Unless you're into that kind of thing.

>> No.15936847

>no kunoichi network to control the city from the shadows

>> No.15936854

You have to wait until she tells you, but you can't stop until she has an orgasm.
She's got a lot of endurance, so she can last a long time.

>> No.15936858

I'd be the one to be severely underlevelled, but use a bullshit gimmick strategy to get through battles anyway.

It'll be a gamble of seeing if or when I finally lose because one monstergirl has a really obscure hard counter to my skills.

>> No.15936859

How would a monster feel about a guy who literally can't feel anything?

>> No.15936862

I beat Ozma at 1.
I can go wherever the fuck I want.

>> No.15936873

>red head with abs
I want to become her pet.

>> No.15936874

So sort of a "Focus Sash then Quick Attack" strategy or something like that?
Because a Queen Slime could probably counter that easily.

>> No.15936880

Holy .jpeg artifacts Batman.

>> No.15936886

He would literally be mad and physically unable to think, function or perceive as a human being.

>> No.15936891

That's the .01.

>> No.15936900

Fucking Ozma.

Fucking idiot raiders who can't figure out how to drop a meteor on the left.

>> No.15936905

Exactly. Perfect, frustrating bullshit which works until it doesn't, and lands me with girls like queen slimes.

>> No.15936914

Back to Maus Hills to grind on Cheese Bandits I guess.

>> No.15936920

The reason it wouldn't work is Queen Slimes would likely count as a swarm enemy.
You can take down one but there are about twenty or so more and now you're down to one hit point.
Enjoy getting bound up and subjected the the Queen's suction tendril hell.

>> No.15936922

Take a hike bollocks

>> No.15936925

No don't want this. She'll restrain you as she she deices what part of you she'll use today. I she decides to use your cock, she'll only move to reach for her books for other items on her desk or to shift her position. You might be constantly feeling her walls wrap around you, but your orgasm will be slow to come with how passive she'll be. Facesitting would be a different matter altogether. She'll just park her fat Lich butt on your face with her puffy lips right near your moth. If you're not licking enough for her, she'll give your hair little tug to goad you. She's very greedy when to comes to facesitting, so expect her to slicken your face with orgasm after orgasm, only letting you take a break when you need air.

Why would anybody want to be treated like that?

>> No.15936938
File: 437 KB, 572x420, Queenslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soloing a Queen Slime would be incredibly difficult.

She can summon a party of Slime Adventurers with ease.

>> No.15936940

I see a lot of typos.

>> No.15936946

I'll just go and find myself a fat bottom Lich now.
... for complementary unrated reasons...
It'll be like haven.

>> No.15936948


You're making me like Liches now.

Stop it.

Actually don't

>> No.15936965

>mall Santa wrestles anon to the ground
>Yeti dressed as Santa elf pulls out a camera
>"Nice desu ne"
>She sends you a happy holidays Christmas card with a photo of Santa giving you a Stone Cold Stunner

>> No.15936977

Watch out for their "Slime Kingdom Orgasm Parade" attack.
It's exactly what you'd think it is.

>> No.15936979

You know I don't think we actually have a picture of a Yeti dressed as Santa.

Maybe with a shota on her lap too.

>> No.15936988

I'm picturing an entire parade recreated by Slimes created by the Queen.

While she mounts him on a Slime parade float, flanked by Slime guards, to the cheering of Slime spectators.

A dangerous finishing move indeed.

>> No.15936993

its already to old ?? wtf

>> No.15936995
File: 130 KB, 884x1000, You'll never have a kitsune famiry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you the same guy who keeps guessing which anon is which and getting it wrong?

>> No.15937000

he likes to think he's special

>> No.15937003

What monster girl would truly appreciate jerky?

>> No.15937010

God, you type like a fag. And you're a newfag. You're a doublefag, at least.

It's a half hour limit on getting rid of images.

>> No.15937014

Jesus christ, Newfags need to be purged entirely.

>> No.15937016
File: 770 KB, 800x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Did you say "jerky," or "jerk off?"
>I'm down with either.

>> No.15937022

I want to feed a Hellhound spicy jerky.

Seeing her tail wag as she chews it, then I can move in for the headpat.

>> No.15937026


>> No.15937028

You can't let them win your minds. You should be getting jobs, making friends, wring on hobbies, going on dates! You shouldn't be locked up in some dusty old laboratory as a wicked corpse decades, if not centuries old tampers with what should be left alone and warps your soul so your want it.

>> No.15937029

Jerky, the spicy kind.

>> No.15937033

I'm on my way to meet a 31 year old undead cuddlebug Cupid with a Shotacon fetish. This is going to be a hell of a ride.

>> No.15937035

I want a spicy handjob from a Lava Golem or maybe a Habanero alarune.

>> No.15937036

Wendigo or any other cold climate girl.

>> No.15937038
File: 651 KB, 1262x869, 1468982858425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna go down on Officer Hound.

>> No.15937042

It's kinda like that but every slime gets a turn or five.
And running out of HP doesn't stop the move. You have to go with it to completion.

>> No.15937045

>warps your soul so your want it.
But anon I already want it.

>> No.15937049

Her proportions are perfect for vaginal + breast sucking.

>> No.15937050
File: 251 KB, 736x928, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to give monster girls like Manticores or Hellhounds ear scratches and head pats.

I want them to fall in love with me running my fingers through their hair and scratching their ears. They would say that they hate it and it's demeaning, but they wouldn't tell me to stop.

Then I would stop cold turkey. They wouldn't do much the first few days, but after a week or so they'd start to get antsy. They would leave their heads and ears within arms reach, and rub their faces against me more than normal. Eventually they would pin me to the wall or ground, grab my hand, and put it on their heads and demand that I pet them.

Then after a week or so they would go back to saying how much they hate it and the cycle repeats.

>> No.15937055

>"Haahhnn!~ Officer down! Need backup!~"
>Several more Monster Girl Cop cars begin to show up.
>They all rush out of their cars while taking off their clothes.

>> No.15937065

Made for clothed paizuri.

>> No.15937077

More like the same guy who knows the one furshit poster.

>> No.15937083

Ahh, I wanna fuck a Gremlin.

>> No.15937085

Then all is lost. Your willpower is so weak, the second you see a Lich open her legs and invite you between them, you'd be hers forever

>> No.15937092

I want her to play the bad cop with me

>> No.15937094

Are you crazy man?

>> No.15937096


So who would be the good cop?

>> No.15937101

I don't see how that's a bad thing. I'd gladly give my mind and free will to a lich, and let her fill my head with whatever she wanted.

>> No.15937104

As it should be. What kind of experiments would she do to improve it?

>> No.15937106

That's when I want to hear her say "There isn't one"

Oh man, I'm geting hard.

>> No.15937108

You know what position is best for fucking a gremlin? Over a desk built for regular sized people.

Fuck her from behind and lift her in the air, leaving her to support herself on the desk with her hands. It would probably just make her even more smug knowing that her size is perfect for it.

>> No.15937116
File: 515 KB, 844x1045, 1475466405399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that one Kashima image?

Also, shortstack Desert Gremlins when? I just want an excuse to see not-Egypt themed Automatons and the busty brown little ladies that develop them.

>> No.15937123
File: 529 KB, 1653x3779, gazer daki censor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife daki finally is finished.

>> No.15937124


So would she be interrogating you at the police station?

Hand cuffing you to your chair so you couldn't run away. Taking off your pants to have it tested for evidence in the lab. Undoing the top few bottoms of her shirt because fuck you those things are hard to breathe in.

Would she leave scratches or bite marks if you did t give her an answer she wanted? Would she smack your ass if you talked back to her? Would the rest of the department be watching in the next room through the one way window?

>> No.15937128

>Tantric Sex and Handholding Cuddlesex
>Two years younger than me

Yes. Just yes.

>> No.15937129

That censor is starting to grind my gears.

>> No.15937131
File: 423 KB, 2182x2800, gremlin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15937132

It wasn't funny the first time, and it's certainly not going to be funny the next umpteen times.

>> No.15937134

The best position to fuck Gremlins in is When they get stuck in something while working on it and their plump butts are open for molesting.
Just imagine the smug smirk fading off her face when her ass gets stuck in one of the ports of the mech she's working on and she hears your pants unzip and feels you pull down her spats.

I'd imagine them being Gremlins that undertook the Pharaoh's blessing and started working for an Anubis.
Do you think they'd want free access to a slaveboy for "stress relief"?

>> No.15937139

Might as well use it before the meme dies, if you're going to censor something.

>> No.15937141

No back image?

>> No.15937142

Why do you want to throw your life away?

Minor touches to make your stays between her thighs more enjoyable. Improvements to taste and liquid output, minor additive secretions. Stuff like that.

>> No.15937144


That tummy deserves to get raspberries

>Captcha: Anal The Vale


>> No.15937145

That's nice and all, but where's the real image?

>> No.15937151

>The limo took me to a graveyard out of nowhere
>It has a mausoleum so I headed there for cover as it starts to rain
>Suddenly someone hugs me from behind
>"Anon! It's really you!"
>She's pretty much naked except for her large cape. I can see her underboobs. Also, she is carrying a large cross on her back for some reaon.
>Her skin is pale too
>"You're thirsty from your trip aren't ya? Here you go!"
>She hands me a water bottle
>Then again, she seemed innocent so I took a sip
>Oh shit my body is burning AAAAAAAA
>Did she get bigger?
>No, it was me that got smaller, my voice got squeaky too
>"Don't worry, it'll wear off! But before that, I have an experiment to do and you'll be my assistant!"
>"I don't really age so we have all the time in the world! Isn't that awesome anon?"

Since liches are immortal age doesn't really apply to them right?

>> No.15937152

>The best position to fuck Gremlins in is When they get stuck in something while working on it and their plump butts are open for molesting.
They might also build machines that give you access to their fat jiggly Gremlin asses.

>> No.15937155

It's not throwing my life away. It's donating it to science, and simultaneously placing it in the hands of a beautiful, enchanting lich.
Plus, I wouldn't mind being a mindless slave to pleasure for a girl like her.

>> No.15937157

>Like that one Kashima image?
Exactly like that, or like this http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1945102

I'm still mad there's not that much art of that position.
Okay that's a great option too, gremlins are just perfect for all kinds of fun.

>> No.15937159

>Shotacon Lich

>> No.15937163

Yes to everything. I want her to treat me roughly as hell. I want her to show the whole prison what she is doing to me and many more things.

>> No.15937164

Nope, this one was just one side, cheap. The more elaborate ideas are for January.
The artist is doing a bit of an edit.
They'll probably finish and upload it to their gallery while I'm busy at a convention tomorrow.

>> No.15937165

Who's the artist? Looks familiar.

>> No.15937168

Same guy who did the bust shot and the daughterus image.

>> No.15937171

I just want a smug shortstack Gremlin who teases me by wearing skimpy clothing.
And then one day she gets stuck while working on a project.
I want to fuck her until her smug grin melts into an ahegao and then go around to the other side and fuck her face so she's dripping with my cum from both sides, her legs twitching.
And then come back the next day only for her to get "stuck" again and bemoan that there'd be nothing she could do if I were to take advantage of her.

>> No.15937179

dominant girls deserve the best cuddles

>> No.15937194

>gremlins are perfect for all kinds of fun.

Spend all day working on an RC robot arm. Then use it to tease her from behind while she sucks you off, competing to see who comes first.

>> No.15937199

Friendly reminder that KC should be releasing another profile in around 15 to 16 hours. Hopefully it'll be the Gremlin so I can finally start to really flesh out my waifu.

>> No.15937205

>Hopefully it'll be the Gremlin so I can finally start to really flesh out my waifu.
That's not how waifu works.

>> No.15937207

>"Ah, Anon, there you are. I was just working on a device to hold you in place while I had my way with you when it activated on its own and restrained me. Make yourself useful in a way other than being my simpleminded cum-pump and get me out of this. Don't worry, I'll explain the process in a way that even a dummy like you can understand."
>then she became an ahegaoing mess

>> No.15937210

In the Gremlin's and Automaton's case it can make a difference. There's a lot we don't know about how MGE handles Magitek or whatever KC's calling it.

>> No.15937215

She at least provided a Raging Mushroom and Manticore venom I hope, because I want to make her look pregnant by time I'm done with her.

>> No.15937217

I bet it will be about sex, I just have a feeling.

>> No.15937219

Hopefully it's one of the four girls I'm waiting for.

>> No.15937221

I'd like to understand the intricacies of my waifu's monster-behavior and general capabilities in advance, rather than just making wild assumptions and pretending it doesn't matter.

>> No.15937225

You can develop the intricacies yourself, though. Makes it more personal.

Otherwise, it's kind of a second-hand girl KC gives to you.

>> No.15937227
File: 535 KB, 1801x998, 1473131990915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gremlin builds a D.Va-esque mecha suit
>The release mechanism gets stuck
>Fat Gremlin fanny left hanging out of the walker
>Ripe and plump for the hotdogging

>> No.15937229

It's gonna be Gryphon

>> No.15937230
File: 187 KB, 900x820, [Sants Claus is Coming to Town softly hummed].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better not run, you better not cry, you better not freeze I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming for hugs

>> No.15937231

>Expecing much from an anon who claims a girl who just came out is already his waifu

>> No.15937234

So rather the having a normal fulfilling life, you'd rather get endlessly raped?

>> No.15937235

I want to put a collar on a wolfu


>> No.15937238

It'd be even better if she devolved into begging for more with every thrust and every jiggle of her fat ass.
>"Anon, that's not the release lever, that's my shorts. I can understand if your feeb- what was that zipping sound? Anon, why can I feel something hard on my ass?"
>"W-wait anon, maybe I was a bit rude calling you a "simpleminded cum-pump". There's no need for anything drastic just please let me out and we can - Ooooooh!"
>"Anon please! Please stop! I'm going to go crazy!"
>"Fuck that! Anon, don't stop! Don't ever stop!"
>"Mooore~ I need mooore~"
And that's before I go around to the other side and ravage her face.

>> No.15937243

But anon that's a marriage proposal!

>> No.15937247

She's full of energy unlike normal liches too


>"Anon, this is your sixth ejaculation! Wow your semen is still thick!"
>Thanks to the combination of her magical tattoos and the aphrodisiac mist she casted right after I became a kid (temporarily), I can't even say a word
>Getting sleepy now
>"Anon! Don't fall asleep! I need 4 more ejaculations to establish the mean of your semen's consistency!"
>This is gonna be a long night
>Finally the potion wore off and I became normal again
>"Anon! I cooked breakfast for you!"
>It's a sandwich
>Thanks to last night I could eat an entire coffin
>My body feels hot
>I'm a kid now, I'm a squid now
>"It worked!" She said while jumping around like a little girl
>Guess I'll be a literal sex toy for her today

>> No.15937249

yfw it never stops

>> No.15937252

Kunoichi 3, 10 (2,4) Dark Elf, 5, 4

>Hourglass shaped Dark Elf Kunoichi milf with a sweet and loving personality but a fear of appearing weak in front of her subordinates, and an overwhelming secret desire for someone to lay her down and embrace her as gently as she had wished when she was still a young princess

>Does she want you to come back for her?
Bitch, would I ever leave?

>> No.15937253

thats the idea

>> No.15937258

>as you're trying to get her down from the machine, you notice a tank unoriginally labeled "The Toxin."
>raging shroom, manticore venom, dark matter, etc.
>before you can ask her what that is, the contraption jabs you with a needle on a tube connected to the tank
>when your mind finally clears, its 2 days later, and the gremlin looks like she's carrying twins

>> No.15937261
File: 1.03 MB, 3508x2480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be a big, tough Monstergirl
>Not afraid of anything
>People are all afraid of you
>They don't want anything to do with you and try to avoid you at all costs

They do indeed

>> No.15937263

>Genki Shotacon Lich
Most intriguing.

And what, did she consult a Mindflayer for tips?

>> No.15937268

Anons, halp, I need a picture that an anon was posting in /twg/ it was meme cat from the manga smiling and with her tongue out with closed eyes.

>> No.15937271

Even for a greentext, the writing's really poor and vague. You do a bad job of distinguishing focus and who's actually talking, or thinking.
And it's kind of infantile, with the Splatoon reference.

>> No.15937272
File: 18 KB, 273x278, 1473329121750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.15937273

Why do you think I can't flesh out the details until the profile comes out?

I already have developed the personal stuff. I want to know standard Gremlin behavior, too. I know from most other settings that Gremlins tend to be communal, are MGE Gremlins communal or solitary? Do they actually build gundams or is that kind of thing a group effort? Are they secretive about it? Do they control half the world with ridiculous technology? Do they even build stuff at all or did they just discover some long lost ancient technology?

>> No.15937274

I bet if she got a boy she'd be really gently dominant with him.

>> No.15937276

I love you, yes, /twg/ bullied me and are no longer my friends.

>> No.15937290

>Loli Centaur
This guy has some real nice stuff. http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=gulp

>> No.15937292

I get the feeling she would be a little disappointed
>"Anon, what are you doing?! Keep fucking my ass! I need it bad!"
>readjust her to crotch level
>"Didn't you hear me, you big lug? Go back to pounding my sopping we- mmmphmphm!!"
>her throat bulges slightly with every thrust to accommodate your girth and when your release a thick load down into her stomach
>both her initial muffed protests and subsequent moans of pleasure turn her mouth into a vibrating onahole

>> No.15937302

Are you a bad enough dude to bully a dragon?

>> No.15937304


>Her original plan was to smugly rape you
>She ends up gently dominating you and making sure you enjoy it as much as she does

Big girls being softies is my fetish. or at least one of them

>> No.15937308


>> No.15937321

Gremlin being Dexter when?


>> No.15937324

>>her throat bulges slightly with every thrust
Upside-down irrumatio a fucking best.

>> No.15937329
File: 3.58 MB, 360x270, 1469889620806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, bullying Dragons is practically my schtick. From giving Red Dragons baths in molten gold to giving a resurrected frost wyrm blue ovaries by never letting her rape through magic, I'm practically a prime target from Tiamat to have my pelvis decimated in retaliation.


>> No.15937337

That centaur cuddling is pretty good.

Just another reason why loli centaurs are the only valid centaurs. You can hold them in much more intimate positions like that.

>> No.15937338

In Gremlin's laboratory
Lives the lewdest girl you ever seen
Though Anon blows her experiments to smithereens
There's lots of ass and tits and sexy bits
In Gremlin's lab!

>> No.15937339

And after that's done.
I'll let her out of the machine for suspended congress until she's pregnant.

>> No.15937344

I want to bully all the dragon flights so they each have to come after me.

>> No.15937345

I'm more of a teasing guy, kind of like a cheshire.

>> No.15937346

Anons, anyone have the link to the cheshire doujin?

>> No.15937360

Search for it on Exhentai.

>> No.15937363
File: 635 KB, 810x1080, 211d17063d53c5176359f62abc9a73cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.15937372

I prefer nHentai, myself. Besides, the english translation isn't even on exhentai. At least, I can't seem to find it there.


>> No.15937380

>Besides, the english translation isn't even on exhentai. At least, I can't seem to find it there.

"Kenkou Cross English"

>> No.15937384

I am not going to fuck my car Anon.

>> No.15937387

I would be insanely smug when around dragons. I would go straight to her face when she is in her lair and show a shir eating grin. I've read the wiki, I know they wouldn't hurt me. That's why I would nuzzle without their consent, those fucking lovable lizards.

Ahhh I love them so much.

>> No.15937392

Thanks for the critique.

>> No.15937394

You wouldn't fuck a car?

>> No.15937398

I stand corrected.

>> No.15937400
File: 250 KB, 1000x1000, chibiapophis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a shame no colored chibi Apophis exists

>> No.15937404

I had a cute Apophis with a sword. Too bad I'm in my phone.

>> No.15937409
File: 232 KB, 1000x1000, The scariest Wurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally Wurms are the cutest MG's in existence.

>> No.15937411 [DELETED] 

False. Cait Sith is a thing, and yet I can assure you that the furries are still not welcome.

Yes, it's the same, shut up.

>> No.15937412

Wurms are purely sexual. Wyverns are the one for cutes.

>> No.15937413

Remember that even greentexts need to adhere to some structure. Have a standard people can discern so they know when a new person is speaking, or when an action is being performed.

And read nigga, read.

>> No.15937419
File: 604 KB, 789x1039, 1420932187396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No regal vampire wife to satisfy on a daily basis with your blood and cuddling

what is the best way to attract vampires? just go to a dark corner with several bloodbags i assume?

>> No.15937421


>> No.15937422

But anon that's a bike.

>> No.15937423

I want to call a loli wyvern who hasn't yet learned to fly a crag crawler!

>> No.15937442
File: 1.20 MB, 868x1228, Sari's Teen Form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15937464

I want a loli of all dragons species so I can take of them as daughters.
Carrying the Wyvern in my head, the dragon in my back, the wurm in my feet, the wock in my chest, ryu and otohime Yes, even her in my hands. Oh, and a dragon zombie in my face.

>> No.15937477

That would be lovely.
Of course you'd need to get their mothers....

>> No.15937484

>The Echidna teacher, who is now an old woman?
So, no change?

>> No.15937485

>DragonZombie Loli
Dont be fooled. She isnt a daughteru shes a seven hundred year old pervert who drank a sabbath potion!

>> No.15937487 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 180x157, 1475720908253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's all you have to do to Bollocks-tier shitposters with the robot and furfaggotry anon, it's a very simple secret passed down for generations through the Himalayas.

Report and ignore. That's all you gotta do, if there's a rule violation, it'll get taken care of when the janitor or mod looks at it. Otherwise you can just do the smart thing like with Bolly boy and ostracize him and his shit taste.

>> No.15937496

Well, I like vanilla better, but maybe getting a different mother for each is better.
I'm doing it. I'm going to take care of 14 dragon ladies.

Oh. having her in my face is really bad huh? But even so, I'm going to treat her like my daughteru.

>> No.15937504

Thanks Peny, I need more yandere cutlery in my life.
Dont worry about exposition since you gave us lewds first, GoT style.

>> No.15937506


Just be prepared for the mothers to demand as much attention as the daughters

>> No.15937510 [DELETED] 

Okay what's the line between robot and automoton? The line between furry and MG is clear but what about this?

>> No.15937513

>Red Oni
Not expected, but alright.
>Species norm
Cute I guess.
>Tantric sex fetish
O-oh my.
>Same age
Alright then.

We spend a week getting drunk and having slow sex, she keeps me around as her 'personal servant' afterwards, and I accept the job since it seems pretty great. Feelings can develop from there.

>> No.15937514

I have a ph.d in dragons, you don't need to worry about me.

>> No.15937517 [DELETED] 

>implying there is one

>> No.15937522

Tuesday is the day!

>> No.15937523 [DELETED] 

Speaking of ostracizing: I'd appreciate it if you didn't waste images on off-topic reactionary bullshit like that.

>> No.15937528 [DELETED] 

I dunno I mean the guys above said that robots are on the same level of furries and I was just wondering what was their logic.

A more logical line of thought would be Transformers is western and western franchises are not allowed on here.

>> No.15937539

When does she develop her venom? Puberty?

>> No.15937545 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter how many tits you put on a piece of metal, it's still metal garbage.

>> No.15937549 [DELETED] 

Okay so Automatons are not allowed here?

>> No.15937559 [DELETED] 

>A western franchise
Incorrect. It's a joint franchise between America and Japan.

The same difference between a cyborg and a robot. It'd be safe to believe that Automatons, similar to Golems, at least have some form of organic matter to them outside of being clank-clank better use a straight edge screwdriver to "screw" her.

It's like trying to rationalize a Cait Sith or Cu Sith being fine for this thread because while furry, they're part of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia canon. The same rules apply to actual robots like the Transformers, so fuck off. Allowing that shit would be the gateway drug to enabling futa and other /d/ fetishes that were already purged from this place.

The bleeding eyes was my closest equivalent to retards thinking robots are MGs, not /d/.

>> No.15937560 [DELETED] 

I never said that. I'm just saying it's junk.

>> No.15937572 [DELETED] 

>The same difference between a cyborg and a robot. It'd be safe to believe that Automatons, similar to Golems, at least have some form of organic matter to them outside of being clank-clank better use a straight edge screwdriver to "screw" her.

We'll have to wait for her profile.

>> No.15937573

Me senpai

>> No.15937586 [DELETED] 

>Allowing that shit would be the gateway drug to enabling futa and other /d/ fetishes that were already purged from this place.
It's because robots aren't monstergirls and that is completely off-topic for this thread.

>The bleeding eyes was my closest equivalent to retards thinking robots are MGs, not /d/.
His point is that if you post off topic images like reactions or some shit, you should delete them afterwards. So fucking get to it, 30 minutes haven't passed yet.

>> No.15937593

>Mantis twins who are ten years older than me (they will never admit that)
>one chubby the other gym bunny
>they want tantric sex and hand holding followed by cuddlefucking and handholding

Dear Diary,

>> No.15937597
File: 45 KB, 590x331, picture-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cursed Sword
>Pear Shaped
> Paizuri/Naizuri
>Ten years older than you

>> No.15937598 [DELETED] 

>The bleeding eyes was my closest equivalent to retards thinking robots are MGs, not /d/
It's still just another reaction image. We've had enough shitstorms over the image cap these past few threads that you you shouldn't be posting anything that unnecessary. You've still got a few minutes to delete it so hop to it.

>> No.15937609

What kind of monster girl would Ryuuko be?

>> No.15937613

Living armor or cursed sword?

>> No.15937618

My fetish.

>> No.15937621

Either sounds good to me.

>> No.15937623
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 702391-kill_la_kill___06___large_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15937629

>combined cursed sword and living armor
>edgy but cute tomboy

Oh yes.

>> No.15937632
File: 127 KB, 336x600, Weresheep_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gym Bunny
>Your Age

>> No.15937633

Oh no! A cluster of several Dark Matters was sighted floating on the horizon only a few villages over from your own, generating panic in your small rural farming community!

Since the arrival of a couple of messengers from those villages, all contact has been lost. This is because the approaching arrival of the Dark Matters itself, and the transformation of your land into a demon realm notwithstanding, an even greater disaster is apparent; the presence of dark matters is an omen of an oncoming monster girl invasion force!

As a quiet collection of fairly isolated cottages that barely qualifies as a village, let alone a town, you have nothing and no one to defend yourselves with, no hope of getting a warning to the nearest population center, let alone receiving support in time from one of them, and no chance of outrunning or escaping them at your pace.

What do you do? Race traitors that willingly submit themselves and assist in the subjugation of their fellows to the monster girl invasion force get signifigant leniency in choosing their fate.

>> No.15937648
File: 82 KB, 362x500, 14010481893_89990f464e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>edgy but cute tomboy
So yeah, Ryuko.

>> No.15937651

Confess my love to the plain, flat chested and timid girl who I've always had a crush on.

Monsters won't get me if I'm already married.

>> No.15937654 [DELETED] 

>He didn't delete it
>Someone else posts not one, not two, but three non-MG Kill-la-Kill images
It's starting to smell like a conspiracy in here.

>> No.15937657

Wouldn't those MGs corrupt your wife instead?

>> No.15937659

Run in the direction of the dark matters, try to intercept as many as I can with my own body. My sole motivation is scoring a harem of dark matters and becoming the best incubus possible.

>> No.15937667

Ryuko isn't edgy though.

>> No.15937669 [DELETED] 

To clarify, I was getting dinner so of course I wasn't able to delete it.

>> No.15937671

Exactly. It's perfect.

>> No.15937679

But I'll be safe from them and with my wife.

>> No.15937682 [DELETED] 

You better delete these images

>> No.15937683

Try to sell my properties, consolidate my money/supplies and get the fuck out of there as fast as i can.

If that's not an option then i join the local militia/paladin order and pray that my life was not a waste.

>> No.15937685

Your sacrifice for the good of humanity is greatly appreciated. I feel like 'becoming the best incubus possible' is a pretty weird concern to place so much weight in, but if that's what you go for.

>> No.15937691 [DELETED] 

So, you're saying you just happened to go get dinner in the seven minute gap between your post taking part in a heated argument, and people calling you out on your faggotry and telling you to delete your reaction image?

Sure, I'll totally believe that. Now fuck off and stop posting off-topic shit and spamming images.

>> No.15937696

I'll pull the batteries from my farming robots so they don't have to witness the horror that will ensue.
I will then surround myself with them and curl up into the fetal position and wait for my impending doom.

>> No.15937704

I hide in the cellar and drink until I pass out, hopefully they'll think I'm dead and leave me alone

>> No.15937709
File: 29 KB, 299x312, 179aa0813af775da88e08eac0e80ad05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politely ask them to leave and take their invading somewhere else.

>> No.15937714 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one posting Kill-La-Kill you nigger.

>> No.15937715

>yfw this actually works.

>> No.15937735

For the first option, you'd invariably be caught several days after the invasion force hits the village by monster girls sweeping through the countryside looking for stragglers. Be glad, you got caught by an adorable cupid, I hope you can find happiness and satisfaction in your married life together.

>> No.15937741

>Convince everyone in town that I put awesome magical wards around the biggest house, and that they should all hide in there so the monsters will think it's a ghost town
>They totally believe it because I totally do have weird magical powers and stuff. Totally
>Say I'm going to pretend to be a looter and lead the monsters away when they ask me why I'm not hiding with them
>Wait outside the front door
>Tell the invasion force that everyone in town is inside the house, thinking they're hidden.
>Fraternize with monsters as the villagers are being raped
Just another day in the radical faction.

>> No.15937753
File: 296 KB, 344x502, Deruella_sticker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok. I wouldn't want a girl that would try and change other people's perspectives through force, like Mrs. Sluttypants thinks it's ok to do.

>> No.15937757
File: 193 KB, 1000x921, tumblr_oc819xOYVG1uxwulgo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all members of the same specie share the same personality? like for example, are all jabberwock sex crazed females? or there is a shy/nice one every now and them?

>> No.15937758

I want to call a bunch of P'Orc Cops a bunch of 'Facist Pigs' and run away really fast.

>> No.15937766

>Non delicious brown Jabberwock

>> No.15937769

>Chrimera (Dark Valkyrie)
>Rape Roleplay
>10 years older
all my yes

>> No.15937778

You're really, REALLY new aren't you?
I have a strong feeling that you're also >>15936993

>> No.15937786 [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 713x742, 1469320219128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a ten minute gap you sped mongoloid

>> No.15937795

You have the eye of pretty much any random monster in the invasion force and basically have your choice of monster waifu, with the possibility of a harem, or the attention one of a number of more prominent figures, such as the local head of Sabbath. Have fun, and remember that you got here because you're a filthy traitor.

>> No.15937801

The stance of the MGE in general is one affected by the viewer's observation.

Which is a fancy way of saying its a mess of contradictions to equally support the preferences of anyone partaking in its lewdness, barring those views completely opposed to its creator (ie. NTR, wanton murder, etc.).

The text, with regards to both looks and personalities, states essentially that the norm depicted in the profile is equally as common and uncommon as depictions which differ from that norm.

tl;dr: As normal, whatever you want.

>> No.15937816

No. Appearances and personality will vary on an individual level. Some personality types and quirks may just be more common for certain kinds of MGs. But there's nothing stopping a Wock from being shy. It's just really unlikely given their nature as super sex fiends and all that.

>> No.15937832 [DELETED] 

>more offtopic reaction images
You aren't even trying to hide it at this point. I'd tell you to delete your images, but you should just cut out the middleman and delete yourself from life instead.

>> No.15937849
File: 184 KB, 746x710, db8aef43ee31496c088473e6fb3430c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long has it been since the thread's Image Limit has been reached before the thread died?

>> No.15937850

yes i am new, and no, not that poster

informative response, appreciated anon

>> No.15937852

Starfish-chan is scary.

>> No.15937861

big girls > small girls > average girls.

>> No.15937866

The last 5 or so threads have done exactly that (sans one of them).

>> No.15937869

Pull a Dirk

>> No.15937880

I'd rather pull a Kirk

>> No.15937882 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 672x1100, 275_cait_sith_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reply was at 19:43, you idiot.

>> No.15937891 [DELETED] 

Stupid smug kitty cat

>> No.15937897 [DELETED] 

Caits are cute.
I wanna pet them and brush their hair.

>> No.15937910 [DELETED] 

Can we just report this guy already? It's clear he's starting shit and posting random garbage at this point.

>> No.15937920 [DELETED] 

It's not my fault you obviously lack reading comprehension.

>> No.15937934

Automatons are cute.

>> No.15937938

I want to sexual harass a succubus in the work place.

>> No.15937946

But Anon they have no emotions

And sometimes that makes them very sad

>> No.15937966

But that makes them even cuter!

Watching emotionless girls try to show just how much they love the man they like is absolutely adorable.

>> No.15937984

I had this idea of a female boss going werewolf, turning one of her female collegues and threesoming her male assistant

>> No.15937993

It could work. Maybe you should combine it with the headcannon idea that wetewolfs can polymorph but are unable to hold it during full moons

>> No.15937997 [DELETED] 

I'm only responding to you to show everyone else how full of shit you are.

>posted at 19:20:32
>original reaction image garbage

>original reply telling you to not spam off-topic images

>posted at 19:36:48
>purposefully misinterpreting why you're being told off for using a reaction image and dodging the issue, even though anyone here would know what the problem is

>posted at 19:43:42
>first reply to tell you to delete your image

>another reply telling you to delete your image
>at this point the time limit for deleting your images still hasn't passed

>making an incredibly unlikely excuse of just happening to be "getting dinner" when people were telling you to stop being a fucktard and to delete your reaction images

>trying to further shit the spotlight from your cancerous retarded faggotry into arguing about how the difference between 19:36:48 and 19:43:42 is according to you 10 minutes
>posting more off topic trash including furshit

>> No.15938001

That's what emotion programs are for.

>> No.15938006

Just make sure you get the actual program and not the cheap ones that are just emoticons on sticky notes

>> No.15938010

>When you misclick and accidentally toggle Yandere instead of Genki


>> No.15938033

>vagina comes out of her body

>> No.15938045

How can they be sad if they don't have emotions?

>> No.15938053

That's an Elder Thing, Anon.

>> No.15938060 [DELETED] 

To be fair, I don't think >>15937487 and >>15937786 are the same person. There was really nothing that hard to believe about getting dinner, especially since I got dinner around the same time.

I think the shitposter and the kill-la-kill spammer are the same person, intentionally shitting up the thread for a rise or as some kind of ploy to fuck over /jp/, as usual.

>> No.15938065

reminds me of this, dont fuck up the programming
also is it just me or ex started to load images very very slowly?

>> No.15938067

Which Monster girl would distract me from the fact that i will never have a monster girl waifu in my life.

>> No.15938069

Ghost demon

>> No.15938088

I ride on the head of the Wurm while she plays Godzilla!

>> No.15938092

What if someone tells her there's an insect on her head?

>> No.15938107

>when there are muh honourfag monster girls that will look down on you for betraying your village/country/species

Do you nerds want to be virgins forever?

>> No.15938108

Nothing, giant loli Wurm wouldn't even hurt a fly (on purpose)

>> No.15938122

Name a few, because I'm pretty sure there aren't many, especially in comparison to monster girls that would appreciate your cooperation.

>> No.15938131
File: 2.10 MB, 2333x2869, 1453397529305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medusa. That way you won't know how much time has passed since you last cried about not having a waifu.

>> No.15938155

Haughty Lilim.

>> No.15938182

Those probably aren't going to be part of a monster girl invasion force


>Haughty Lilim
That's just assuming.

As for the lizards, that's two I'll give you. That said, take any random monster girl and odds are they'll be one that doesn't give a shit about honor.

>> No.15938187





Dark Valkyries/Valkyries


>> No.15938195

I desire a hinezumi that practices Sumo

>> No.15938204
File: 231 KB, 836x1200, __anubis_original_drawn_by_houtengeki__b74ae245ee85e755e8b7c95c43cc8c53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say THICC

>> No.15938206

This would be more strongfat if anything.

>> No.15938232

Dig a hole in the ground and hide myself in it.

>> No.15938248

How do you catch a Polar Bear girl?

>> No.15938250

An anubis would die from embarassment if she had to wear something like that in public.

>> No.15938256

Cover yourself in a Selkie's coat and lie down on the ice and snow.

>> No.15938263

If I cared about what honorfag MGs thought of me than I would be an honorfag. I would trick a whole damn city into locking themselves into a corner, not just a defenseless little village. Hell, I'd even throw sand in their eyes too, for good measure. All for the glorious purpose of minimizing Order resistance and maximizing happy MGs. No matter how pissed Salamanders might be for being denied a good fight.

>> No.15938274

Micro-Bikini is obviously FHEO.

>> No.15938276

What's your current favorite monster girl fantasy?

Mine is being at the mercy of an augmented Ushi-Oni because my Lich waifu wants to collect data on the exact parameters of what makes sex with them good. In truth, it's just because she picked up a weird fetish after studying and adopting Bicorn proclivities.

>> No.15938279
File: 391 KB, 814x830, anon can you hand me the screw---ooooooohhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15938285

The things being done to her fat ass must be grand if she achieves that expression.

>> No.15938288

Trash fetish. Shit waifu.

>> No.15938292
File: 351 KB, 933x1000, space-anubis_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuck Queen Lich
This is not kosher.

As for my own favorite fantasy...

>> No.15938293

Do not screw the Gremlin!

>> No.15938299

I know what's going on behind that wall.
And it's still really cute.

>> No.15938307

Having the full brunt of a Shoggoth/The Thing showing me just how well they can replicate other parts of monsters, leading to freaky chimeric sex.

>> No.15938312

Morning blowjob, preferably by a Monster maid.

>> No.15938316

Muh fetish. More Gremlin is ALWAYS appreciated.

>> No.15938317

Living exactly halfway between the fox shrine and the shirohebi shrine

>> No.15938319

Intense flirting with waifu.

>> No.15938320

Waking up on a lazy winter weekend under warm blankets cuddling with a Hellhound and a Cheshire and just deciding to stay there and cuddle all day.
Maybe watch some movies too while we're there.

>> No.15938325 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1276x1748, 1475895026132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"W-why would I be embarrassed to wear the clothes of my people?"
"Come Anon, let us show the multitude the glory of old Egypt!"
>you get halfway down the street before she makes you take her home

Blue-wigged prostitute Anubis.

>> No.15938330

Being cuddled up to in a sleeping bag by a huge Werewolf, preferably during a rainstorm.

>> No.15938331
File: 312 KB, 800x1000, Anubis Maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Blowjob is always nice.

>Blue-wigged prostitute Anubis.

>> No.15938332

A dragon going all out telling me how much I'm worth to her and how much she loves me. All of this while we are cuddling in bed and she is nuzzling my face.

Also having her puff a heart-shaped smoke at me.

>> No.15938333

From the Amazoness entry:
>Since their society consists mainly of women, their views of gender roles are the opposite of those of humans, so women take up arms and fight as warriors, while men are regarded as frail, and responsible for watching over the house and young children. Their duty is also to heal women who return exhausted from hunting or battle by having sex with them and providing spirit energy.

So... if sex is capable of healing injuries, what good is being a medic or white mage? It's a little depressing to think that years of studying medicine and magic can be trumped by any monstergirl's husband...

>> No.15938337
File: 571 KB, 800x800, Dragon Love'splosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're alright anon.

>> No.15938339

My greatest fantasy of all time is waking up and seeing my waifu beside me every single morning for the rest of eternity.

>> No.15938345

And then there's this faggot.

>> No.15938346

Ancient Egyptian prostitutes wore blue wigs so you could follow them back to the brothel. Of course they still had their real hair under there.

All this ancient stuff is pretty sexy. It just makes me like Anubises even more.

>> No.15938351

Have a very stacked, shortstack hinezumi sleep on my chest when I wake up on a cool saturday morning.

>> No.15938354

So you just want an Anubis with a wig or blue highlights?

>> No.15938362

Fantasy is getting kidnapped by a gang of filthy rats and being forced to be their lover in the trash filled underbelly of a city, continuously mating with them for years until it gets to the point where I can't tell if I'm dicking my daughters or my daughter's daughters

>> No.15938367
File: 265 KB, 918x983, horiya_by_akairiot-d8zg2lx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue hair is fine too.

>> No.15938368
File: 60 KB, 680x1200, F4gtqWd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maid is made for bullying

>> No.15938375

>TFW you will never be a hero of the Roman Empire, saving your country and occasionally the whole of the known world time and time again from cataclysmic events and actual, honest-to-god world-ending monsters and villains with nothing but your sword, shield and wits all while being stalked by an ancient magnificently ojou-sama Pharaoh because your very existence is the single most entertaining thing she's seen in millennia.

>> No.15938376

Thanks. And of course I would pay her back the double in praises, to the point where she slowly gets on top of me and stares deep into my eyes, making me lost on hers. You can guess what happens next.

>> No.15938386

>stalked by an ancient magnificently ojou-sama Pharaoh

Mark Anthony pls go

>> No.15938388
File: 337 KB, 713x1000, wurms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurms are nice

>> No.15938389

>wanting to be a Latin barbarian
>not fighting for the glory that was Greece

It's 404BC my friend. Enjoy getting raped by Gaulic Cait Siths while I enjoy my Medusa, Sphinx and Satyr harem.

>> No.15938392

I would be in my bed, completely unable to sleep thanks to various severe flu symptoms and persistent coughing. The latter would attract the attention of a Dark Slime who would proceed to silently break into my home. I'd only notice her when she's right next to me, but I'd be too weak to do anything about it. She'd then slip a bit of her slime into my throat, which causes all of my ailments to magically vanish.
"Rest now. The fun times can come tomorrow."

>> No.15938394


You get alps

>> No.15938407

Cheshire Cat
>Semon demon
>Two years older than you

How do things go?
>Great! I nearly died when she wouldn't let off my dick. Kept going at it, even after I passed out

Does she want you to be her husband?
>When I did wake up, she wouldn't let go. So, I'll take that as a yes.

Does she want to see you again
>See previous answer.

Would you come back to her?
>Of course

>> No.15938408

>Did you drop a silver wurm into the lake? Or a gold one?

>> No.15938410

>talking shit about the greeks when Julius Caesar was literally the king of Bythnia's fuckboi

>> No.15938413

>t. alp

>> No.15938417

Note it says they are healing those who are "exhausted" not those who are "injured." Though I would bet sex is still helpful for healing thanks simply to it providing extra energy, actual healing magic for serious injuries is still useful (as with the unicorn).

>> No.15938441

If i say neither do I get both and a prize?

>> No.15938445

I read an interesting article the other day that said Ancient Egyptian prostitutes, or an approximation by our understanding, wore fishnet dresses.

No idea if it was bullshit or not, but just imagine an Anubis or a Pharaoh in such a getup.

>> No.15938455


>> No.15938459

Hey Anons, guess what? Goodnight to you and your monsterfriend.

>> No.15938461

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please accept one (1) shortstack elf for personal use.

They make excellent cooks, maids, and guards.

>> No.15938465

There's a 50/50 chance you'll get sent into the manticore pits for both trying to game the system and for not considering the wurms prize enough.

>> No.15938466

But I didn't drop either of them.
I couldn't carry either to begin with.

>> No.15938470

Ahh there we go. I knew we went to sleep at the same time so I was trying to time it correctly to say goodnight together. Looks like I got it.

>> No.15938482

>Fighting the revived Queen Dido, an actual, old-school Lich intent on boiling the whole of the Mediterranean in vengeance for the destruction of her kingdom in a crypt beneath the ruins of Carthage, alongside the local Auxilia while the Legions wage epic battle with revived armies of Hannibal above you to buy you time.
>She shows up on a massive golden throne carried by the buffest mummies you've ever seen, causing all involved to just stop and stare until her Anubis servant unfurls a long piece of papyrus and loudly reads out; "HER MAJESTY, NEFERTARI AKHEN-RA, QUEEN OF DESHRET, KUSH, PUNT AND ALL LANDS THAT KNOW THE NILE'S WATERS, QUEEN OF QUEENS AND THE DAUGHTER OF RA DEMANDS YOU DISREGARD HER AUGUST PRESENCE AND CONTINUE YOUR CONTEST".
>Get involved in some time travel fucked where you're suddenly fighting alongside Alexander of fucking Macedon against massive, flesh-eating elephantine beasts that suddenly swarmed from beyond the Indus River.
>She's there too, somehow, riding around spectating, guffawing and eating dates on a golden chariot with her younger self piloted by the distant ancestor of the previously mentioned Anubis servant who bears the stoney, emotionless face of a person who hates their job.
>Return home to Britainia to visit your family and maybe get some rest for a change.
>Have to explain to your mother who doesn't speak a lick of Latin or Egyptian why there's a strange, brown, gibberish-speaking woman who is absolutely GIDDY to meet her.
>While your there, wind up going on a quest into Caledonia to slay the dreaded Cath Palug.
>She's spectating the whole way, cracking jokes about how you're going to 'Beat that pussy'... Which you then have to translate for your mom, who actually starts laughing as she strings her longbow, leaving you with the horrifying realization that A) You're never hearing the end of this, and B) They're actually BONDING.

>> No.15938497

>You will never be the bodyguard to a lilim
>Not that she needs it, its more for showing you off as her husband than anything.

>> No.15938502


It'd end up being butler in all but name, assuming they end up having to do what the lilim isn't interested in.

The question is what type of lilim you end up being the bodyguard of.

>> No.15938506

One that likes combat and isn't afraid to do things personally

>> No.15938508

Soo... you're her pupil, then?

>> No.15938511

I wonder what expression she would have when you do actually take a fatal attack to protect her.

>> No.15938516

I would prefer sparring parnter

>> No.15938521

>not only being married to a lilim but also being having a teacher-student relationship with her

Absolute madman

>> No.15938524

>being having

this is what I get for not thoroughly deleting stuff when changing the sentence

I want a lilim to teach me proofreading

>> No.15938527

I mean, isn't that really every hakutaku's husband? seems doable.

>> No.15938528


>> No.15938534

I'm reminded of a story from the forums where monsters entered the real world and actually made peace with human till something happen that pissed of druella and made her full invasion happy

>> No.15938540

She holds a 9/10 sign she pulled out of her pocket dimension while calling the lich she has on speed-dial because anon keeps trying his hardest to defend her all the time with predictable results

>> No.15938541

A shy Lilim who has an hard time keeping her charm powers in check
Every unmarried man she comes across get seduced by her aura and try to have sex with her
My job would be keeping those guys away because whenever she tries to do it, she let's them fondle her too much since she is afraid of hurting them

No clue how I would resist her charm powers myself though

>> No.15938542

>reminding me of that half RP trash from TMM

>> No.15938546

both my waifu and i waking up next to each other one morning and freaking out never in either of our dreams could we imagine actually waking up next to each other and finding out we're real

my waifu walking up to me one night and pointing out the full moon and then giving me a 30 second head start
before rough hunter-sex with foreplay happens with "I love you so much's" and "you belong only to me's"

>> No.15938550

Thats the one with the guy-turned alp-turned pseudo lilim right?

>> No.15938563

Working with the monstergirls when they come t our world so they don't get stabbed in the back by humanity.

>> No.15938574

Entering a creepy cave in the middle of nowhere and finding an Atlach-Nacha who is too busy spinning a huge web to mind me
I'd then rape her and leave her twitching on the ground, pussy leaking out cum as she learns the pleasures of sex

Raping an elder god is probably a bad idea but my dick says otherwise

>> No.15938580

What happens if two or more Basilisks decided to gaze at you?

Do their eye venom (whatever that is) stack?

>> No.15938585

Yeah thats the one

>> No.15938596

They shoot sex lasers from their eyes.

>> No.15938598
File: 145 KB, 674x847, 1475902198283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like your foxes?

>> No.15938603

Lolis and tied up tight.

>> No.15938614

Curvy and genki

>> No.15938620

That's one thick fox

>> No.15938621

Slightly chubby nintailes with a submissive streak

>> No.15938623

tall, fit, full of ara, and a proper amount of tails to make a rape ball

>> No.15938626
File: 97 KB, 823x1000, 1456482254700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a lazy old hag Kitsune that never married and just chilled out in her shrine sleeping and eating fried tofu for several centuries.

Or better yet, a situation similar to that that involves a lonely old hag Apophis.

>> No.15938627

Damn that is vanilla I can get behind. She should become even prettier once she changes.

Then again I would think the MG would encourage non resisting 'boy maker' couples to carry on if they have any foresight.

>> No.15938629

>How do you like your foxes?


>> No.15938632

You"d get instantly incubized and you'd have both their mana imprinted on you

>You will never be childhood friend with twin Basilisks
>They will never ask to see you as their 18th birthday
>You will never have a full week of sex with them afterwards

Why live?

>> No.15938633
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x1024, 1467065185485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to fuck a shikigami.

>> No.15938637 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 702x886, deusvult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put on my smiting hat.

>> No.15938650 [DELETED] 

You post this image every thread.

>> No.15938651

Her ears are next!

>> No.15938659 [DELETED] 

Same thing with the guys that have the slowpoke, the fish eating sahugin and the salamander with the flag and you don't complain about those.

>> No.15938660 [DELETED] 

Somebody has to stand up for what's right and just.

>> No.15938662
File: 539 KB, 832x1088, da68a6039221684c012d5888fbcfd8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


soft and doting

>> No.15938666 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 494x337, TR8R1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, some kind of traitor?

>> No.15938669 [DELETED] 

So letting the monsters win?

>> No.15938687

Get in line.

>> No.15938688 [DELETED] 
File: 983 KB, 1920x816, kingdom-of-heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon. We make our final stand. Stand by my side brother, and we'll push back the darkness.

>> No.15938692 [DELETED] 

Man, after looking over a monster girl thread on another site, I basically have absolutely no tolerance for paladin/HFY in any capacity. That shit is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15938693 [DELETED] 

I just want my monstergirl wife.

>> No.15938696 [DELETED] 

>Being this retarded
You're reaching Chris-chan levels of autistic.

>> No.15938698 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 546x512, 1454114798323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn lead the charge against the monster hordes
>no one will ever tell tales of your strength and courage
life is suffering

>> No.15938699

Probably this >>15938632

Getting blasted by two (2) basilisks I've known since childhood

>> No.15938700 [DELETED] 

You're a waste in more ways than one.
Now go RP on an actual forum or some shit.

>> No.15938702 [DELETED] 

The shitposter is back. And it started with triple 6s. How very fitting.

>> No.15938704 [DELETED] 

Spare some details?

>> No.15938708 [DELETED] 

It's not like he ever shows up when it's busy. If anything, it usually gets some life back here. Stop whining and post some real content.

>> No.15938712 [DELETED] 

You can't honestly tell me that conquering some defenseless village is a good thing?

>> No.15938715 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 881x905, 1475905739572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go on a crusade with your Human waifu

>> No.15938718 [DELETED] 

It is when it was previously under the thumb of a tyrannical dictator.

>> No.15938720 [DELETED] 

RP has never been tolerated in these threads or on this site in general, faggot.

>> No.15938723 [DELETED] 

Don't reply. He's obviously fishing for you's

>> No.15938726 [DELETED] 

When does she get corrupted?

>> No.15938728 [DELETED] 

So the single men and women get raped and mindbroken, the couples watch their lovers lose everything that made them special, and the daughters get turned into lolis to be taken by some deviant.

Such a change for the better.

>> No.15938732
File: 613 KB, 1407x1346, 1463336088597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy London morning people!

I would like to join up with the them and learn all the different ways of getting drunk.

Writing inbound!

>> No.15938733 [DELETED] 

Why does everything have to be about corruption? Why can't he just love his human waifu?

>> No.15938734 [DELETED] 

Basically, it was a thread on spacebattles full of the edgy faggots that infest that site doing as you'd expect them to and nonstop talking about genocide or mass suicide and how it's totally the only and best possible solution to avoid the horrific fate having to get laid with incredibly attractive women.

>> No.15938740 [DELETED] 

If you hate it so much, why don't you just castrate yourself?

>> No.15938741 [DELETED] 

Because monster girls would think "she'll be happier than ever if she's turned into one of us!" or something

>> No.15938742 [DELETED] 

No. We are not going to start tolerating image-wasting rule-breaking off-topic role-playing pieces of fucking trash just because you want more 'perty pictchaz' to look at.

>> No.15938752

But (you)'s don't mean anything, Anon.

Well sure, that's exactly what happens when the humans invade. But we're talking about monster invasions here; pay attention.

>> No.15938756

you think we could get a colour of this?

>> No.15938762

Meant to reply to >>15938708

>> No.15938767

What else would you expect from a verses forum that loves to wank about power levels and other stupid shit?

>> No.15938771
File: 411 KB, 611x900, 1448933112306-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"H-Hero! Would you like to form a party?"

>> No.15938772

Hide in a basement with my effeminate best bro in his basement with enough snacks to keep us fed for months.

>> No.15938777
File: 705 KB, 824x1200, 71da4b5b8b687c514361af5fd578b1ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only with a fat-bottomed Shirohebi.

>> No.15938779
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1200, mature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have loving sex with your monstergirl wife!

>> No.15938783

Oops, replied to the wrong person.

>> No.15938799

Grab the extra-special whiskey that I've saved for just this occasion. Savor it's rich flavor and how the bitter undertones of the special ingredient compliment it. Then I'll lay down and let oblivion take me. It will be like going to sleep.

>> No.15938801

Well, some crazy things appear to be happening to the thread behind the scenes, but just to get things moderately back on track:

Friendly reminder that the next profile is released in roughly 8 hours.

>> No.15938804

I am probably going to regret this but any idea where to find that story I keep hearing people reference it.

>> No.15938806

Are you mentally prepared to fuck an alp? For months on end, progressing them all the way from stage 1 to stage 3? Because that's what's going to happen.

>> No.15938807

This is why we need traitors.

>> No.15938819

If memory severs right its in TMM, so don't bother unless you want to sign up.

If you do care, I believe its under a guy called Kmon13, keep in mind that I could be wrong

>> No.15938822

you mean COULD be released in 8 hours

>> No.15938826

Yeah, I suppose I should've mentioned that it wasn't a guarantee. Although it IS still extremely likely given that he hasn't missed the schedule so far.

>> No.15938834


>> No.15938844

That's a fat tail!

>> No.15938850

I hope it's Atlach-Nacha, I fapped to her roughly 10 times since MGE2 was released

I already have a waifu but if her profile is right I might become a bigamous degenerate

>> No.15938853
File: 688 KB, 1000x1400, 1471877963888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like more succubi corruption

>> No.15938857

Ghoul daki commission.

>> No.15938874

I wish there were more stories about human girls who actually want to become monsters

>> No.15938876 [DELETED] 

Fucking delete this.

>> No.15938900

I thought imgur links were so people didn't have to shit up the thread with non monster pics

>> No.15938908
File: 47 KB, 393x500, 1475687676389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my waifu?

>> No.15938911

But how may women would actually want to become monstergirls?

>> No.15938913

That's like throwing away the life you knew for the unknown so I don't think many would do it.

>> No.15938919

My experience with hentai tells me women will do anything for their highschool crushes.
All you have to do is drop a phone full of monster girl porn and the next day your new waifu will be waiting for you in your homeroom.

>> No.15938921

What's the best type of girl to become a Succubus?

Slut? Pure? Shy?

Depending on the reason why she wants to transform and her personality you can end up with great plots

>> No.15938923

But it wouldn't necessarily be unknown for long. There will be some people unhappy enough with their lives to take a chance with the unknown. Then they'll tell all their friends about the experience. Some people like Spherica might document the whole thing and eventually everyone will know how totally awesome it is.

>> No.15938925

Doesn't know how to approach anon so she asks her friendly neighborhood succubus for some help?

>> No.15938926
File: 178 KB, 1125x1575, CuNzmD3WYAAMBko.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15938927

Nice, Ghoul is a underappreciated girl.

>> No.15938937

I suppose that could happen.

>Someone posts the entire experience of turning into a succubus on social media
>More and more girls go out and get corrupted

>> No.15938942


>> No.15938946

But wouldn't that be stepping down the social ladder, depending on the setting?

>> No.15938952

>human girls
>anywhere on the social ladder

>> No.15938960

You're better off being human in Order lands, and even though Monsters are always in positions of power in modern settings like MGC, you can't help but feel most people look down on them. Either way, most people are fucking human girls, regardless of the setting.

>> No.15938964

t. insecure human girl

>> No.15938968

>go from average, unnoticed, or worse to being a showstopper
I'd bet a surprising number.

>> No.15938970

That's because human women are so far at the bottom of the social ladder that they don't even have a presence. You're either a monster girl or you're a human boy, there's no place for women.

>> No.15938976

Human boys don't grow themselves. The fact remains that in MGE, MGQ, and most greens there are more humans than monster girls. That means that the majority of people are fucking human women.

>> No.15938980

But many people would hate monstergirls, and comparably few hate human women. Then there's the many issues a monstergirl would have living in a human designed world.

>> No.15938983
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Hey guys, good news, I fixed your Sylvanas. No need to thank me.

>> No.15938987

>No gone-nuts Lilim to discourage and belittle you as you run through corridors of her pocket dimension

>> No.15938991

>wearing bit and saddle
>holding a whip

What the fucking are we going to be doing on the bed?

>> No.15939011

Who either become monster girls or...there is no alternative.

>> No.15939012

You're going to ride her

>> No.15939014

And everyone wished they'd become monster girls already.

>> No.15939015
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Operator as fuck

>> No.15939022

She looks so vanilla without all the blood and the bones sticking out
Still a great daki, hope you have some great nights of sleep with your waifu

>> No.15939034

Meh. KC's corruption fantasy is his own thing. I like coexistence.

>> No.15939036


>> No.15939043

>reload page
>deleted paladinposting disappears

>> No.15939045

Even then, monster girls would be at the top of the social ladder because they're top tier waifus and on top of basically having greater than human capabilities. I mean, is there any 3dpd that could hope to hold a candle to a Hakutaku, or a Wight, or anything like that?

>> No.15939049

I'd rather live in a world with only human males and monster girls just like the Demon Lord plans to make

Human women are trash and needs to be all corrupted

>> No.15939050

Somewhere around her puberty, they never really notice their glands develop untill they accidently bite their own cheeks or tongue and inject themselves with their own venom.

It is an experience most Apophis in puberty go through. They often do not even realize what the feeling their own venom gives them is.

>> No.15939057

Uhhhhh is this it? "Kmon was waking up on a Saturday morning for his evening class when after drawling images in 7x5 rectangles on Bristol papers the night before. However when he was attempting to get up he found our was tied down to the bed…" Gonna read it now for the lulz

>> No.15939061

Wouldn't most modern societies just defang them?

>> No.15939067

Monster girls have their share of garbage too though, in the form of Cait Sith and Cu Sith.

>> No.15939070

Scratch that I found it for you anon.
The Beastly Rebel's Rebellion against Deruella's Occupation Continues

>> No.15939075

He tries so hard to save us. May his noble spirit rest in peace.

>> No.15939076

But that's genital mutilation.

>> No.15939079

Even a fucking Cait Sith wouldn't leave their new husband for a slightly wealthier man and still take child support. That's something only 3DPD bitches can do.

>> No.15939082

Looks like I have a lot of reading ahead of me.

>> No.15939085

It's a ...TRIP....to read gl F A M

>> No.15939087


>> No.15939088

>genital mutilation
>Monster girls rioting to put an end to circumcision

>> No.15939091

I hope there's a few gems among the shit. I'm just tired of the MGFY. I need a change of pace.

>> No.15939095

>wanting to have an uncircumcised dick inside you

Fucking gross.

>> No.15939098

Not really. Why would most people be fine with huge snake ladies slithering around with assault fangs filled with corruptive venom?

>> No.15939100

What do you mean by MGFY? Haven't heard that term before

>> No.15939102

There's hardly any MGFY. What are you talking about?

>> No.15939104

Why don't you hang out in any place that discusses monster girls besides this one then? You'll quickly realize why this place is so aggressively against HFY/paladinposting.

>> No.15939105

Americans are fine about walking around with assault rifles. At least venom doesn't kill you.

>> No.15939109

Doesn't matter what the fuck they're fine with. Mutilation is mutilation.

>> No.15939115

But plenty of people don't like that and these aren't humans. Double standards and all that.

>> No.15939123

Because it's literally crippling them of one of their inborn sexual characteristics. That venom is probably a major part of their sex life.

>> No.15939126

But from a human's point of view, they're horrible monsters capable of ruining your life with one bite.

>> No.15939129

By that logic though, why would the stop at defanging it?

>> No.15939130

>implying humans would be in a position to tell monster girls they're not living their lives correctly

Know your place.

>> No.15939136

No one in the states ever walks around with assault rifles. At least not legally. And I assure you, no one is fucking "fine" about it.

>> No.15939138

To seem like they're doing it for safety reasons and not to oppress them.

>> No.15939142

I mean, I'm happy enough. Why don't we tone down the misanthropy?

>> No.15939143

No because their attention is more pointed towards the insane power worn by Baphomets, the incredible hard to resist charm magic succubus posses and the ability to bring put random souls in corpses a Lich has.

Having a set of fangs really isn't a big deal, their fantastic spellcasting ability would be much bigger of a deal. Wasn't it illusion they were good at?

>> No.15939145

Correction: "From an ignorant moron's point of view".

We know what happens when you listen to the ramblings of ignorant morons.

>> No.15939150
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Need a hug?

>> No.15939168

So all of them would be hated and be under strict laws. Your pint?

>> No.15939184
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Here you go people:

that took longer for me to writ than it should off, if anything feels off, let me know

>> No.15939187


I tell ya what dude, you may not be the best writer we got but it's always a good day whenever you post one of your shorts. Thanks for the read!

>> No.15939191

Oh shit, it's Beast with another MG-Roulette! I fuckin' love these; reading it now.

>> No.15939193

More like, all of them would either be in positions of power and authority, or effectively run things anyway because they can leverage their abilities to influence society regardless. Like, are you seriously going to tell anyone and everyone with super human abilities that they have to submit to those without and reduce themselves to the level of the average human? Because that's a really good way to kick your own ass.

>> No.15939205

Depends on how much control humans have. If it's a modern day earth scenario or something close to it where humans control almost everything, they could just refuse to supply them with support and humans so they either submit, go rouge and get take down, or die out.

>> No.15939209
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Hated no, disliked yes by every government agency in the world yes. They wouldn't be put under strict laws either. The opposite really, they would receive high positions instead.

Imagine you are a human government and a baphomet walks around in your lands, being an essential invincible one man army. You cannot supress her or force her to obey. So instead you ensure that she remains pleased and give her a puppet position, attempting to control her from behind the scenes.

On a side note, your train of thought is what often causes allot of conflict in the world. It is often far better to be clever than to openly oppres what you dislike. If you are interrested, you could take a look at the ending results of WWI and WWII. A vastly different tactic was used by the victors at the end of both wars, and the difference in results were staggering.

>> No.15939218

Again, are you retarded? What idiot sees monster girls, many of which effectively have superpowers, and not only thinks that they can be regulated and suppressed without super powers of your own, but that they should be?

Seriously, why would you look at a Succubi and think, 'this person shouldn't ever be put in a position to use her innate charm and charisma' instead of 'this person should be put in a position of authority where she can use her innate charm and charisma to its maximum effect'?

>> No.15939220

Why would governments give them power and undermine themselves? They could give support to lolis that endorse pedophilia and corpses that raise the dead, or supernaturally beautiful and charismatic Pharaohs, but it would up-heave society. That's the last thing they want.

>> No.15939229
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Yeah, why would a government want to ally with an MG who can give commands that cannot be refused? That's just silly talk.

>> No.15939230
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Why are creepy girls so good?
I want to marry a yandere ghost so bad.

>> No.15939236

What's stopping her from taking over if she doesn't like the way it's run then?

>> No.15939240

You're making the mistake of assuming that human governments and monster girls could coexist. If the French wipe out 1000 years of monarchy and a few hundred thousand armed militia men destroyed Syria, it would be all too easy for any high powered monster girl to overthrow any government.

>> No.15939241

Understand what it means to be in a puppet position. Governments or essentially anyone in power will want to control you in one way or another.
The best way to gain control over somoene is when they themselves either do not notice, or are in such a position that they simply do not care.

The use of oppression and restrictive laws can potentially work, but only if your target is either weak or can be made believe that your actions are the right ones. The issue with Monstergirls however is that they are in no sense weak, the average monstergirl already overpowers a human, and the top tier monstergirls can topple countries.

Worse than that, most Monstergirls are highly idealistic, they follow a very rigid set of norms and values. Understand that CHANGING ones values is a nearly impossible task to perform, you will not convince those monstergirls to drop what they love and care for. In addition most Monstergirls are far from stupid, the more powerfull ones are clever enough not to restrict them in laws.

So how can you possibly control them? You give them positions of 'power' and please them. However these positions open up possiblities for you to properly manipulate them. Essentially you have to do what a Tanuki would do if she got into politics. On that note, Tanuki's would have to be kept away from politics at all costs.

>> No.15939243

And it's the last thing they'll ever do as the Sabbath tells the government to fuck off because they have bullshit magic and there's nothing you can do to oppose it.

They're either on your side or they aren't and they do whatever the hell they want basically unopposed, in which case the state collapses overnight because they're completely unable to enforce their own authority.

Either the MGs are in charge because they're the most suitable for the positions, or they leverage their abilities and are in charge of shit anyway, as stated earlier.

>> No.15939251

Because fighting allies is a terrible political move that just causes a fuckload of problems.

The other situation is when they're the ENEMY and are commanding your own people. Take your pick.

>> No.15939257

On another note, Druella for President!

>> No.15939258

She has my vote.

>> No.15939259

Dragon for President!

>> No.15939260
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12/10 Tastes my friend. Yanderes are already great, and ghosts are the stack of cherries on top! Though I think certain beholders are also great yans as well.

>> No.15939264

/vp/ pls go. It's not even a monster girl

>> No.15939270

Maybe they've got a kitsune-tsuki thing going on.

>> No.15939271

Most are still mortal. A well placed shot to the heart or a bomb is all it'll take.

The problem is the likelihood of the puppet escaping their strings and fucking things up. Better to nip it in the bud or give them the tiniest scraps and make them think it's a feat.

Not if she commands them so nobody notices. Making them endorse her or trip up on scandals, minor stuff like that.

>> No.15939273

Do you really want a radical left winger in office though?

>> No.15939275

Hex Maniac is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.15939281

>Most are still mortal.
Most also "have extremely durable bodies and high physical abilities compared to humans."
They also get life after death.
Pharaoh are already undead too.

>> No.15939282

You just have to make the ghost haunt you instead of the house, so she can cling to you 24/7. Imagine feeling those ice-cold medium breast prints on your back while an icy wind blows in your ear all day. Then, after being teased all day, you come home and jump on the bed to plunge yourself deep inside her freezing ectopussy for hours. You'd watch your dick pump inside her ethereal pussy and see your semen slowly swim up through her cervix and towards her dead eggs.

>> No.15939283

Honestly you could say she is a monster girl and no one would really be all that surprised.

"Hex Maniac" is only one letter away from "Sex Maniac", after all.

>> No.15939284

>There's literally nothing I can do if this group of people decides to oppose my regime
>the only logical course of action is to piss in their cereal and tell them the aren't allowed to do anything about it because if they did then we would have absolutely no recourse.
>this isn't totally a bad idea
If fuck ups like you are in charge, all the more reason to replace you wit a Hakutaku or other monster girl.

>> No.15939290

The thing he fails to realize is that the only way to really beat bullshit monster power without letting them take over completely is by allying with some monsters that are opposed to other ones and playing them off one another.

In something like KC where they're all basically on the same side, just with slightly different views, this is impossible.

>> No.15939292

A moot point in a world with really big guns and air strikes and all sorts of deadly weapons.

So it would be best for humans to invent some reason to strip back their powers and keep it that way forever.

>> No.15939295

Are you a troll of just stupid?

>> No.15939298

Which is better for corruption, 1st person from the girl's POV or 2nd person from Anon's?

>> No.15939300

What if we cut off your dick instead

>> No.15939301

>Sex Maniac
Literally made for the most depraved sex imaginable. I'd break her mind for good by whispering I love you into her ear as I came inside.

>> No.15939302

I prefer the 2nd person myself

>> No.15939303

I'm saying that between a choice of preventing MGs for gaining any control at all or just letting them do whatever they want and hoping it doesn't backfire, they'll chose the former.

>> No.15939304

You're just going to wave your magic wand and remove their charm abilities?
Good luck. Humanity's biggest weakness is their dicks.

>> No.15939305

>A moot point in a world with really big guns and air strikes and all sorts of deadly weapons
A moot point against an army that wins wars by recruiting the enemy rather than killing them. Newsflash: they also have big guns and air strikes. They have yours, in fact. And also magic on top of that.

>> No.15939306

There's the one who pretty much everyone draws as a cow girl?

I saw a whole thread dedicated to this concept on /h/ earlier.
Granted it was a "What's your fetish that you wish got more love?" thread or some such, but it pretty quickly devolved into being dedicated to that.

>> No.15939310

1st person is much harder to write and you need a really likeable and/or interesting girl to make it work

Play it safe and do 3rd or 2nd

>> No.15939312

Which puts you right back in the corner with the dunce hat on.
>pick a fight you have literally 0% chance of winning as your own forces turn against you
>don't pick a fight, buddy up and shit all over anyone who opposes your combined powers
You may not get complete control, but it's either giving up some power or giving up all of it.
Real tough choice.

>> No.15939314

The first isn't even an option though. You literally are incapable of doing that, and any attempt will end in immediate and colossal failure in such a capacity as to be outright comical.

>> No.15939316

He might just be a newfag. For those of us that have had this conversation a million times, we know that all this tech vs magic stuff boils down to answers to a very few questions.

1.How does their magic work? We talking unbeatable mamanobama? Standard fantasy magic? Does magic even work on earth?
2.How many top tier monsters are there and what is their power level exactly? i.e. can a lilim take a nuke to the face?

We all know that GI Joe can shoot an elf with the same effect as if he was shooting a regular soldier. It's the superweapons of ether side that determine the outcome. Because if the top tier magic girls can be killed by modern tech then the overwhelming industrialization advantage of earth steamrolls monsters. But if lilims are literal gods who can do whatever they want, then mankind never stood a chance.

That's why there's never really an even fight. It's a complete landslide one way or the other.

>> No.15939321

Personally, 1st person is far more interesting as it gives an idea of what the girl may be feeling and how she may react to it all. But as >>15939310 points out, it is much more difficult and requires a good explanation of what monsterization might actually feel like. Not to mention an understanding of how a woman might think in such a scenario.

Anon perspective is much more relatable, and thus easier to write.

>> No.15939323

The advantage of nukes shaped like people in the case of Lilim though is that they can be used multiple times and probably have really good mobility/evasive abilities as well as defensive abilities.

The question isn't 'can they take a nuke', it's 'can we even fucking land a nuke?'

>> No.15939329

>Does magic even work on earth?
No. and anyone who pulls the "oh, anything spitting in the face of fundamentals laws of the universe is just a science we don't understand yet!" card is a retarded.

>> No.15939330

Anon, when your hammer is twenty miles across and you have half a million of them, then that shit honestly doesn't matter.

>> No.15939332

If a magical portal opens up on earth and monster girls start spewing out of it: there's a pretty good chance magic works.

>> No.15939333

Would a kinky Automaton ever want her husband to disconnect her arms and legs, leaving herself nothing but a helpless torso for him to have his way with for the night?

>> No.15939336

Nukes are actually remarkably poor weapons for most conflicts, especially if you're targeting individuals and not large areas that you also never want to use again in the foreseeable future.
If a few cities get turned, what do you do then? Nuke your own citizenry? Not like that'll help either since there's a lot more not-city land out there.

The strength of the MGs isn't their attacking capabilities, it's their conversion abilities. They turn enemies into allies. Once you suffer some "losses" it's already over.


>> No.15939337

This would be hilarious.

Smug Cheshire unable to teleport away.

Anubis is just a spoiled Wolf.

Liches get upset and start tearing pages out of their necronomicon in frustration.

>> No.15939338

If there's charm magic, there's probably wards against it. Just make the girls wear them 24/7 because "it fosters goodwill and trust between the races"

The enemy army that hates bloodshed vs the one that'll be gunning down the disgusting inhuman invaders? The MGs will be playing softball even with their mot powerful weapons and soldiers. Humans won't. Monstergirls would just surrender to stop humans from dying.

Again, what's stopping the monstergirls from taking shit over from the inside if they won't like how things are run?

You do know many monstergirls run on magic, right? If there's no magic, they would just stop working.

>> No.15939341

Hey, that's generally how I like it BUT you only have to look at that one KC sidestory about a rogue succubus who brings the insanity mamano mana to regular Japan to see how plenty of settings say otherwise.

>> No.15939344

The former sounds alptastic, daddy-o.

>> No.15939346

>We have all our shit but they don't have theirs
Whatever you say

>> No.15939348

>Again, what's stopping the monstergirls from taking shit over from the inside if they won't like how things are run?
Shh, that's the sound of the point flying right over your head.

>> No.15939350

Rather than the fantasy interpretation of Clarke's 3rd Law, I'd instead cite the possibility of an entity from another dimension with its own physical laws to continue functioning under them, even when transmitted to a new dimension with differing ones.

>> No.15939357

People bomb the shit out of civilians and even their own cities in tons of wars right up to today. And that's against just regular old humans. You can bet your ass they wouldn't shirk from doing the same in a war against interdimensional invaders.

Plus again, you're assuming corruption, which is a pure mamano mana thing. Like I said. All this stuff depends on the answers to the questions I listed.

>> No.15939366

Gonna say 2nd.

Having the reader in a position where he's almost personally witnessing a girl's corruption sounds nice.

Kind of spooky actually.

>> No.15939367

I'm talking almost complete, if not complete takeover here. Why hand over the keys when they could be finding ways to fuck the over instead?

>> No.15939370

>Because if the top tier magic girls can be killed by modern tech then the overwhelming industrialization advantage of earth steamrolls monsters. But if lilims are literal gods who can do whatever they want, then mankind never stood a chance.

Or maybe, another valid question would be if MGs would actually be willing to fight (at least, directly) if they knew that we were willing to crank the edge up to 11 and burn our own planet to the ground to win, or if they'd rather just leave us to our own devices while occasionally popping in to see if anyone'd care to partake in some monster-pussy.

>> No.15939372

If you're not assuming corruption, you're not talking about monster girls and should take the discussion to /tg/.

>> No.15939376

>we were willing to crank the edge up to 11 and burn our own planet to the ground to win
I get the feeling that the majority of people would not be willing to die to not have sex.
Just sayin'

>> No.15939379

90% of writefags here throw mamano mana and corruption out the window, largely because of how broken and silly it is.

>> No.15939382

If they know that they only want sex and love. Even then they could hate monsterpussy and fight to protect their homes.

>> No.15939383

>the one that'll be gunning down the disgusting inhuman invaders
Are the humans in our world seriously such horribly bloodthirsty fucking savages that they would gun down people that don't even want to hurt them? You seem to be making some seriously unhealthy and frankly fucked up assumptions, here. If that is normal human nature then I'll be the first to take over the silos and nuke the fuck out of the humans instead.

>> No.15939384

Kinda why I like my second point better.

Mostly because I'm now imagining door-to-door interdimensional missionaries who'd quite like to offer you some fucking.

>> No.15939393

MGs generally don't give a fuck and are content to let live unless you give them reason to.
For example, the demon army kinda just sits in the DL's realm and fucks instead of going out and conquering human lands, UNLESS something gives them a serious reason to care.

>> No.15939396

I would be concerned to wake up one morning to find a Kakuen lying on my couch and eating all my chips.

>> No.15939400

This post is dumb and full to brim with internal contradictions. You realize that the entire point is that the worlds governments literally can't do anything to enforce those monster girl oppressive policies right? That trying will result in monster girls simply leveraging their abilities to do whatever they want anyway?

You can't stop the Sabbath from encouraging little girl fucking, and if you try, you will fail. The only choice is to let them do what ever the fuck they want, or they do whatever the fuck they want regardless of any attempt to prevent them from doing so.

To return this line of discussion to it's original topic, if you just give them normal people rights, they will invariably end up in charge of society because among their number are monster girls with inhuman levels of charisma, intelligence, and physical acumen. This is why monster girls are naturally at the top of any social hierarchy, regardless of what most of the still human population feels about them.

>> No.15939407

I mean, if they were seriously pressed all it would take would be for them to hijack a national news network (thanks Gremlins) long enough for a Pharaoh to deliver a message.
Whoops, there went your everything.

>> No.15939413

I, for one, welcome our new Monster Girl overlords.

Pharaoh's going to be pissed about what's been going on in Egypt and Syria though.

>> No.15939420

It's simple really. Mostergirls invade and rape and corrupt. Armies get sent out to deal with the evil invaders, having grown up on movies and games with plots just like this. They gun them down, hostilities grow and the irrelevant detail about them not wanting war is drowned out ad the monstergirls take the role as the perfect villains.

I don't think they would be happy with how the governments are run today.

There's lots of things you could do to stop them. Deny them a foothold everywhere they go, turn the media against them, abuse their naivety and take advantage of that, spy on them ad blackmail them, arrange accidents to happen to them. Make it so they're scared of stepping out of line even if they don't have the power to back it up.

>> No.15939431

So any bets on tomorrow's new profile?

>> No.15939437

And you fail at literally every juncture, and your entire society collapses into anarchy for even trying because you're attempting to bully a foreign polity more powerful then yourself. None of those things will result in anything besides a few monster girls getting new husbands and entrenching themselves further into human society regardless of your hopeless attempts at resistence.

>> No.15939439

>They gun them down
Except for where the armies begin to fall upon themselves as the tiniest cracks turn into full blown revolts.
There's more than a few girls where you can't tell anything is off until it's too late. Same for Incubi.
Monsters aren't stupid (Wurms notwithstanding).

>> No.15939448

That might work against humans, but even thinking of trying any of that shit against monster girls is straight up laughable.

>> No.15939449

I bet it's going to be another mouse. Another delicious mouse.

>> No.15939452

>UNLESS something gives them a serious reason to care
I'll have a bake sale! Snickerdoodles and delicious cakes! Will that bring them?

>> No.15939457

It's old. It goes together with a Pharaoh that's mirroring the same pose.

>> No.15939459

The Booty Clan must be stopped!

>> No.15939460

>Deny them a foothold everywhere they go
They'll push you aside and take the foothold anyway.
>turn the media against them
Right, because feminism has been so successful on that front. Should I even mention Tanukis? Sirens, maybe?
>abuse their naivety and take advantage of that
I'm willing to bet that the majority of them are smarter then the majority of us. Only things like slimes are ever naive.
>spy on them and blackmail them
Blackmail... monster girls? You understand how dumb that sounds, right?
>arrange accidents to happen to them
Right, that warhead was an accident. were you maybe hoping to cut the brakes on a lamia's car? Maybe pump the wrong kind of jet fuel into a succubus's wings? Dump a bunch of steel girders onto that influential queen slime, perhaps?

>> No.15939463
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>> No.15939464

Tomorrow? Bro, it should be in about 4 hours.

>> No.15939471

Huh you're right, thought the last few were on Sundays for some reason.

Hope it's Griffon.

>> No.15939476

Why does your sarcasm towards accidents sound like semi-amusing slapstick gags?

>> No.15939479

Sure, A Pharaoh could run for public office and use her charisma but it could only help her so much. The news would be running stories but her using her powers to control people, maybe even accuse her of rape or something. She would have tons of red tape thrown at her, and there's not much she can abut that. All the fuss would get people t hate monstergirls even more. Similarly, a Lich would be denied funding or publishing and necromancy would be banned. If she attempts to go around this and is found out, the entire world will hear abut the twisted morality her experiments and there's more hate for the average monstergirl. The rest of monstergirls that aren't top tier would be easier to control by gun or law.

Most humans wouldn't be to willing to fuck a monstergirl without some serious mindbreak or seduction. Also you can't seduce a missle or drone.

Who's going to let them into media or governments? They don't have the connections for it. Blackmail could be achieved as "You be a good little girl and stay put, or hubby dies" They could freak out and be put down, or they fall into line.

>> No.15939480

I don't know but I want to drop anvils on Slimes an see them splash!

>> No.15939490

>stay put or hubby dies
I mean if you wanted to get every major city on earth Dark Matter'd in short order that's one way to motivate the hell out of them.

>> No.15939495

>threatening a monster girl's husband

If there's a surefire way to piss them off, this is it.

>> No.15939500

And none of it sticks, because any attempt is undermined by the fact that monster girls have every single advantage you can possibly name and then some. Like, you keep pushing this retarded idea that any of this will actually work. Let me see you try to bully a dragon into kowtowing to your bullshit. Try it, let's see what happens.

>> No.15939501

I honestly don't know, but I somehow feel immense pride in that fact. Maybe one too many episodes of Three Stooges or Wile E. Coyote or something.

>Who's going to let them into media or governments? They don't have the connections for it.
So what you're saying is... that I SHOULD have mentioned Tanukis. Alrighty then. Tanukis are the only beings alive that can probably out-jew an actual jew. Not to mention they have the greatest ability to disguise among any monster to exist.
>stay put, or hubby dies
BRO. You do NOT want to trip the only flag that monster girls will ACTUALLY kill for.

>> No.15939505

What kind of thought process do you go through when you make these?

>> No.15939508

>"You be a good little girl and stay put, or hubby dies"

>> No.15939509

Here's a question, what if, in some strange, peaceful timeline where a portal does open but no truly edgy shit happens, MGs realize that as we actually evolved on this Earth instead of being created by the Chief God, we aren't ENTIRELY the same.

>Apophis laments over facebook the fact that her magic-eternal-sexytimes venom didn't quite work the way she wanted on the object of her desires; instead of fucking her brains out, he's currently high-as-balls talking to the potted plant in the living room.
>Salamander chimes in with her sympathies, sharing how embarrassed she was when she found out her monster silver sword is just a sharpened piece of metal to Earth-folk, instead of the magic, boner-inducing, non-lethal implement it is on the boys back home. Specifically, when the police showed up and explained it to her. After she'd been chasing cute boys around with it all day.
>Hellhound admits she has mixed feelings about how she's treated; on the one hand, people in this world are, by and large, extraordinarily nice to her, feeding her, spending time with her, inviting her into their homes and generally not running away screaming in terror. On the other, this is largely because no one sees her as a GUARDIAN OF FUCKING HELL, but as a big, fuzzy dog that can use a toilet and play video games.
>Kobold tells her to "Just shaddup and take the belly-rubs, you Slut."

>> No.15939512

>beast posts a new short when the monsters entering our world thing starts up again

>> No.15939513

they don't want to take the chance for hubby to be carted off in a black van and killed in some dusty corner of the world and his body mulched. Even if they lash out and start rampaging, it's the perfect excuse to put them down and appear blameless.

>> No.15939516

>Right, because feminism has been so successful on that front
I don't understand. Is this sarcasm? The feminine cock is one of the only cocks mainstream media sucks these days. The other being black

>> No.15939518

Again, you don't seem to realize that none of that matters, because you can't do anything to stop them if they want to do literally anything. You are helpless and any attempt to resist what they want doesn't even slow them down from achieving their goals.

Either you admit that they can do your job better than you and be happy you can be their house hubby or they take you against your will anyway after trying to prevent it.

>> No.15939521

What, MGs entering our world with no grimderp HFY butchery? Not in this thread, sonny!

>> No.15939523

Dude, how are you going to "put down" a lilim? Nuke your own cities when they show up? How quickly do you think humanity will turn on you? How are you going to "put down" a dark matter? You have no idea how broken these things are.

How are you going to wipe EVERY single montergirl off the face of the planet? Where there is one, more will come. Science has no means of combating mamono mana

>> No.15939524

I know the media royally slurps up every ounce of the vile excrement known as feminism. But despite this fact: men are still free and not being lobotomized into emasculate slave-bitches for their child-support demanding overlords. So clearly they haven't succeeded!

>> No.15939529

>Kobold tells her to "Just shaddup and take the belly-rubs, you Slut."
I love that kobold

>> No.15939531

Taking you literally, well, no but it's not media that gets these things done, it's governemnt. Media just makes it so that every one is eagerly awaiting the day.

And taking you less literally,
>men are still free and not being lobotomized into emasculate slave-bitches for their child-support demanding overlords
Aren't most of the feminist backbone actually dudes precisely like this? There's a pretty huge number of them mang.

>> No.15939536

Yes, this Kobold seems like a gruff old bitch who's been around the block a few times in her time and seen it all.

>> No.15939543

There's lots of ways for humanity to get the upper hand. Are you seriously saying controlling almost the entirety of the planet isn't a huge advantage?

Well those are the ones you couldn't fully control unless you got them to fuck off somehow.

>> No.15939544

>In a bizarre twist of fate hellhounds come to earth and are met with instant love an affection
>She's huge and fluffy and great around kids. Her eyes even glow, and she's always warm for a cuddle on a cold day.
>Telling themselves that they could reel against this at any time, hellhounds begin to domesticate
>And the domesticated Kobolds, are more and more pushed out as strays, left to roam the streets or comfort homeless men, because they aren't as warm, aren't as huge and fluffy and their eyes don't glow
>Hellhounds become domesticated and soft, happy puppers
>Kobolds roam the streets as packs of ferals, growing delinquent and only really caring for homeless men and men down on their luck, just like them

>> No.15939547

And the elusive Werewolf, so easily forgotten.

>> No.15939548

And those are the ones who will convert and subvert your cities and populations. And unless you axe the internet, their love will spread. Not to mention there's no saying that their mamono mana won't create literal succuviruses that fuck with your systems.

>> No.15939551

A pack of delinquent Kobolds sounds terrifying.

>> No.15939554

Werewolves aren't forgotten, they just went rural and are chilling with farmers and hunters, protecting their fields, livestock and hunting down deer.

Werewolves don't care about the huge cities and it makes their nose feel funny. When they aren't tied down to a land they roam in nomadic packs, protecting hitchhikers and travellers

>> No.15939555

Most of the Lilims are reasonable. Just draft a treaty saying that their presence and the presence of dark matters cause harm to monster-human relations and that they need to stay off earth otherwise the love will die.

>> No.15939557

How about 'no'. Because 'no'. You lose.

>> No.15939559

And then the ambasadors you sent are incubized and your city is nuked in dark matter.

None of the lilim are "reasonable" when it comes to men. I mean enjoy watching earth go the way of the tentacle forest.

>> No.15939561

They'd probably believe if it they were told the appearance of demigods would scare the humans and worsen relations. They tend to be hands-off anyways.

>> No.15939563

I still love how the reaction was "burn this fucker to the ground"

>> No.15939565

>They tend to be hands-off anyways.
Lescatie wants a word, hahaha. And every one knows that a demigod no matter how fearful will only invite worship.

You got no cards pal

>Fear of monsters on a genetic level whipped the forest into a placid bitch for all eternity
It was pretty great.

>> No.15939572


>Earth-men are regarded as THAT fetish in the MG-World.
>"You're into men who evolved from apes and can't be turned into Incubi? DOHOHO, THAT'S ADORABLE!"
>The only Lilim to ever come over and stay took one look around and immediately applied for and received NEET-bux from a very confused United Nations who had just found out that such a creature exists and were in the middle of deliberating what the hell they'd do if one suddenly showed up looking for a fight.
>She now has a condo in some undisclosed location where she spends her time binge-watching anime, playing vidya and occasionally writing sarcastic reviews for dildos on Amazon.
>For this reason and this reason alone, Earth has never really had a problem with the world on the other side of the hole.

>> No.15939574

>Wurms aren't allowed inside of the city due to potential damages
>Spidergirls drive up the price of coffee single handedly
>Undead basically won't be left alone by the ill and the elderly seeking unlife
>Human churches are... actually pretty cool with new additions to their locations of they're willing to dedicate themselves to the cause. No holy war ensues, deus vault fags are taken out as terrorists

no, don't turn this into real life. it's less disappointingly normal in my mind.

>> No.15939575
File: 221 KB, 1000x1000, Anubis Spa Day3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Anubi still live as Princesses. The most prized and worshiped of all Wolfus.

>> No.15939577

They only invaded Lescatie directly because it was a problem with all the heroes. If the humans don't attract to much attention they'll be fine. Sure, their would be some worship, but what about earning the ire of major religions for being living demigods and being feared by the common folk for their power?

>> No.15939579

Depressing. A monstergirl being that disappointed by reality just hurts me. It's almost like someone from /jp/ visiting japan.

>> No.15939581

Damn... Now I just want to gather a bunch of homeless koblods, take them in and cuddle them all.

>> No.15939585

Okay let me rephrase that:
>Men are still relatively free, even if they spend that freedom being brown-nosing cunt-muffins to their one and only god: Vagina
And I'll leave it there.

>> No.15939586

That's the beauty of a mundane world, anon.

Everyone can be equally disappointed.

>> No.15939587

They only invaded America directly because it was a problem with all the nukes.
>but what about earning the ire of major religions for being living demigods and being feared by the common folk for their power?
That's jut as big a threat as lescatie was. Invade the higher echelons of religion effortlessly and have them accept monstergirls an begin a slow process of MG promotion and integration into MG culture.

>Your home becomes a defacto shelter with men and women passing through constantly
>Kobold gangs mark your place as a safe place that no one will ever fuck with
>You're given the utmost respect similar to what an alpha would see.
>Constant donations from Kobolds that made it big go toward building more rooms and getting more food
would be pretty neat if you're into the whole "helping people" thing

>> No.15939588

Let's take this opportunity to turn this into a more palatable topic along the same lines.

What if, when monster girls appear, they show up mamanobamana and all, even with the ability to have male children, but only within the confines of Australia, because it's actually been one big demon realm all along, which is why it's always been so awful?

To follow through on this, to make the integration of monster girls into human society go more smoothly, the first through are large families with lots of unmarried monster girl children. But, all of them are Mind Flayers or other 'ambassador' types, with vanilla and 'cosplay' varieties only coming alongside the rape engines and the deviant fetishes like the Sabbath coming through as soon as monster girls sexual proclivities start to become normalized.

What happens? What do you do?

>> No.15939591
File: 44 KB, 429x750, 1468017071556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be locked in an endless loop of brushing an Anubis' himecut, sniffing her hair, giving her braids, sniffing it again, opening the braids to rub it all over my face and brushing it again.

>> No.15939593

I swear its a coincidence. I have nothing to d with it.

>> No.15939594

I probably get raped while human relations are still shaky, thanks for throwing me under the buss, faggot.

>> No.15939597

That is...a fascinating lotus eater.

>> No.15939601

First off, Demon Realms are paradise in the eyes of those that live there, and in no way will i believe Superjail can be seen as such.

Secondly, were the monstergirls trying to be insidious they would have sent elves and succubi in ahead of time to worm into important positions and change human ideals to suit their purposes before revealing themselves. Tanuki would be shareholders in the world's largest industries before even crossing over.

Honestly, it's like this is your first coup.

>> No.15939602

>but only within the confines of Australia, because it's actually been one big demon realm all along
Why does this seem like such a natural conclusion?

>> No.15939603

Like the religions will accept some interdimensional cocksucking demon into their ranks.

>> No.15939607

Aussie here, our landscape on the eastern coast is beautiful. Especially the south coast of NSW.
They will if the suck the right cocks, and if they do't there's nothing a mindflayer won't fix

>> No.15939610

They aren't even trying to be insidious, this was totally just a coincidence and not in the least bit planned ahead of time. Yeah.

>> No.15939613

Wouldn't that create huge scandals?

>> No.15939614

Settle down with my roo waifu and make lots of joeys.
It's a good day to be an ausfag.
>our landscape on the eastern coast is beautiful
Too bad most of the people are such poofs.

>> No.15939616

>Mindflayers are employed in palliative care
>"It's gonna be ok anon, leave it to me"

>> No.15939622

I wouldn't want to live in Australia, even with monstergirls.

>> No.15939627

You're forgetting one major thing. Monsters are lazy as fuck. All they care about as a society is sex and husbands. So if they can have boys and thus generate their own husbands, they'd never bother making a portal here in the first place.

>> No.15939629

I should probably just make an Anubis plushie to sniff and cuddle.

>> No.15939635

I'm pretty sure an image set for that exists. Wonder if memories taste different to them? Childhood fun is sweet like candy, anger bitter like dark coffee, romance or lust rich or thick, saddness salty. I wonder what apathy tastes like. Almost bland, but with a low unpleasant aftertaste maybe.

>> No.15939637

>First Contact was, of all things, the result of a Dwarf and a Gremlin being drunk and dicking around in their shop after hours.
>And of all places for them to show up, it had to be Akihabara.
>When the police finally respond to some crazy call about a 'Hole in the Sky', they're more than a little confused and a bit weirded-out when the only thing they find are a pair of young girls, passed-out and laying in pools of their own femcum and drool with looks of pure bliss frozen onto their faces.

>> No.15939638

If it's found out. Humans don't have mind readers so how will they find out. You don't do anything stupid huge, that's not how subterfuge works. It's sow and insidious like mamono mana itself.

All HYF wankery relies on MGs acting like incompetent and cartoonishly stupid villains.

>Too bad most of the people are such poofs.
They'll get rooted out. Geddit?

>> No.15939643

As long as Melbourne gets Dark Matter bombed it should be salvageable.

>> No.15939649

Yeah, I saw a mindflayer nurse with a terminally ill old man. This is probably what they'll do if nothing edgy happens.

I'd agree with apathy being bland

>> No.15939651

>"H-hey Emri."
>"Yeah Lina?"
>"Those giant posters, the ones on the buildings. You see them right?"
>"Yeah, I see them Lina. They're drawings of human girls exposing their underwear."
>"I think we've done it, Emri. I think we found a world where gender roles are reversed, and men seek the fun times."
>"But how would that work? It's not like they could beat us in a fight!"
>"Don't question it. We've gotta alert the DL- maybe after a week of careful investigation. You know, to ensure our finds are sound, over and over again."

>> No.15939653

i like the hollow men idea better

>> No.15939655

Who would trust them to be nurses?

>> No.15939656

Hopefully Melbourne will be to darkmatters what Nevada Test Site was to america.

>> No.15939658

Nah, you see, that's because in our world 'demon realm' still means 'hell on earth'. It isn't until after mamanobamana subjugates the wasteland that it becomes an MGE style sex paradise.

>> No.15939660

>a world where gender roles are reversed
Literally the best doujin series in the world.

>> No.15939661

That was always a stupid idea.

>> No.15939668

I would. Honestly.

>> No.15939669


>> No.15939670

You and a small minority.

>> No.15939671

>Their tale is made into a biopic about a decade afterward.
>"Emri and Lina's Excellent Adventure"

>> No.15939674

I would.

>> No.15939675

The girl with the double braids is the best.

>> No.15939680

I remember playing an indie game a while back called To The Moon. In it, a pair of specialists enter an old man's memories to 'correct' a few things and allow him to relive his best moments before moving on. I'm not going to argue the moral rightness of tricking someone to give them comfort in their last moments, but I think mindflayers who live off of memory and emotion would know well what suffering is. I wouldn't judge anyone for wanting to clear that.

>> No.15939682

They better ride through space and time in a big red phone booth or so help me.

>> No.15939689

I feel like MGE has always been and is continuing to head in a direction that, rather than 'everything nonsexual disappearing completely', instead it's turning into 'everything nonsexual is gaining a sexual bent, so you can have your cake and fuck it too'.

>> No.15939692

Not him but I would too. It's be the ultimate expression of trust and no mindflayer in her right mind would ever fuck with it. She probably has nightmares of losing that kind of trust, and actively witchhunt her own sisters who may potentially flay some one for their own benefit.

It would be shaky at first until you could convince her to calm down and jut focus on making the mental happy.

>> No.15939693

>Human couple gives birth to a son
>Such families are afforded certain privileges in Monster Girl City seeing as how men are considered valuable
>Privileges such as living expenses covered, as well as the couple's choice of help in the home, ranging from wet nurses, to maids, to simple errand chasers
>The couple decides on a maid for their son, choosing a nice human woman
>She shows up for her interview and knocks the couple's socks off, getting the job right then and there
>The ask her to start that day, thinking that it's a perfect time for them to head down to city hall and finish up all of their residency paperwork
>The cheery yet plain looking maid waves them off with a bright smile, closing the door behind them and assuring them that everything will be taken care of
>As the door latches, the polymorph spells is released, revealing a Kikimora with a crazed smile
>As she heads up the stairs towards the young boy's room, she begins muttering
>"Master. My Master. Don't worry, Master, I'll make sure you grow into the man you're meant to be. Oh I'm getting wet just thinking about the day you finally make me yours. Masterrrrrrrrr."

>> No.15939707


>> No.15939711

You have to wonder how areas that have been under the control for the DL for many years get boys. Maybe there are ranches outside of the city. Non demon realm areas where demon energy is restricted and human societies are raised and harvested.

Wonder what it would be like as a shota 'bred' the specifications of a rich, long lived monstergirl.

>> No.15939720

>genetically modified boys so they they stop aging right before puberty

not sure if want

>> No.15939727

>You have to wonder how areas that have been under the control for the DL for many years get boys
They go out of town and get some. There are six boys in KC Land for every single monster girl.

>> No.15939728

Certainly, many monstergirls probably prefer making their own wild catch. The fight and the struggle make for good memories and build up a strong relationship to last. However, there is something to be said about the idea of a waifu that selected your appearance, likes, dislikes, talents, traits, level of education, hometown, and generally everything about you before 'collecting' you. Very literally being 'meant' for someone has a certain appeal.

>> No.15939729

The thing about demon realms that people tend to forget is that they're actually fairly stable due to the fact that having children at all for monster girls is difficult and takes a lot more than human pregnancies, and that Incubi can live a nigh infinite amount of time depending on certain factors. They could theoretically maintain themselves for hundreds of years on nothing but the odd wanderer or tourist.

Or a particularly diplomatic monster girl could convince the odd human village out in the countryside, that everyone agreed were to be collected on another day, to follow her back to the demon realm if there's ever a glut of pregnancies all of a sudden.

>> No.15939734

>>genetically modified boys so they they stop aging right before puberty everywhere except for your cock and balls, which would put a horse's to shame
Fixed. Those monsters are a deviant lot

>> No.15939740

Why even bother? Stuff like that can be modified with magic.

>> No.15939756

You have to get to them early, anon. What if some whore got her mitts on him? Or worse, a human girl?

>> No.15939757

Is there ever a reason to not science. And if you pay some one to make a perfect human shota for you , you don't have to do it with magic.

>Or worse, a human girl?
Enjoy one less potential human boy making couple.

>> No.15939764

Literally just stalling the demon lord's eventual fixing the problem with monster girl boy makers.

>> No.15939768

I will.
Monster girl daughters are better than human sons anyway.

>> No.15939770

Or you could just use magic to turn any random fuck into your perfect shota husbando and avoid the convoluted eugenics breeding program bullshit that won't even start producing viable results for hundreds of fucking years. You know. The logical and straight forward solution.

>> No.15939775


>> No.15939786

Mm, not necessarily. Magic + science with a few decent samples and anything is within reach. Recall that we are speaking of beings that corrupt entire towns as a matter of fun for an afternoon- a longer project, say for undead or for great minds seeking long term stability solutions, is entirely possible.

>> No.15939788
File: 81 KB, 600x656, 1467232205713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your son's babysitter for the evening

>> No.15939796

I don't trust her.

>> No.15939797


>> No.15939802

I'd leave her money to order pizza and expect she could have my kid asleep by nine.

>> No.15939818

The only babysitter my son is getting is his new mother in law's daughter

>> No.15939820

Would she mind also being his new mother?

>> No.15939821

I don't have a son, my wife is a monster girl.

>> No.15939841

Does she wants to be his mom? He is adopted.

>> No.15939848

Sorry but we already hired the neighbours' daughter, an Apophis.

>> No.15939852

She wants to treat him right and promises to cook a nice dinner for him
She'll use the pizza money to order a new scarf for herself and cuddle your terrified son until he stops resisting and sleeps
She will tuck your son in on time and give you the biggest hug as soon as you get back home in hopes you get hard and make her yours
Then why is she forcing her way in? Why is there white fur shed all over the house? Who left a big hunk of cooked elk meat with a heart drawn on it sitting on your dinner table?

>> No.15939855

Wait, that doesn't make any sense. Let me rephrase that.

The only babysitter my son is getting is his mother's new mother-daughter

>> No.15939862

Catfight between Monster babysitter and Human motheru when?

>> No.15939871

>She wants to treat him right and promises to cook a nice dinner for him

No I won't trust any monsters with my son.

>> No.15939879

That's not a fight the mother can win.

>> No.15939886
File: 93 KB, 495x600, 1385826590299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she'll order his favorite fast food and rent a scary movie to watch together and hug him and pet him and squeeze him and love him and hug him and call him George

>> No.15939887

Mothers are powerful beings.

>> No.15939896

Not powerful enough.

>> No.15939898

Biased much?

>> No.15939901

No, human women are just less powerful then monsters.

>> No.15939922

I don't know, Anon. I think a mother protecting her son can take a monster girl face to face.

>> No.15939931

It's more likely that the kid will be getting a new mommy.

>> No.15939947

Can I just come out and say that I've come to really like human shaped monster girls with those adorable big fluffy paws?

>> No.15939953
File: 3.85 MB, 1085x1239, 1450645173289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fluffy paws a best

>> No.15939959
File: 592 KB, 800x979, 488c1999b80084a730f5b9dec4b93a43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I don't believe I've seen any MGs wearing hard dark sun glasses / shades.

I mean there's the ones wearing them resting on their head but never actually covering their eyes.

Aviators, lightly shaded or hard dark, don't even seem to exist with MGs either.

Ms. Smith is the closest thing to MGs that wears any shades too...

>> No.15939961

Those paws are too big to handle delicate cleaning tools, how did this sweet little yeti pass the rigorous and challenging Kiki University tests?

>> No.15939963

>This man has never seen "Tunnel Snakes Rule"

Also, your attempt at getting a drawfag to draw a girl with shades is painfully transparent.

>> No.15939982


>> No.15940017

>no 80s movie about a Yeti trying to make it through maid school
>she overcomes adversity and becomes friends with the top Kiki in her class that bullied her for having huge paws
>Token dog high fives her because every 80s movie needs a supportive dog
>with original music by John Parr and Jefferson Starship

>> No.15940024

>Pear Shaped
>Love Freak
>Choose Two (Handholding and Tantric Sex; going with the Love Freak here after all)
>My Age

Went pretty well, She really was all over me, couldn't even go to the bathroom until she was asleep though. I do hope she tones it down though.

>> No.15940034

You from /clang/ from 8ch or /m/ from here?

>> No.15940059

Am I supposed to reroll since it's a character?
>Gyoubu Danuki
>Gym bunny
>10 years older
Spending time with me involves trying to sell me all sorts of weird shit to use in bed, or trying to sell her wares to others.
>does she want to see you again/be her husband?
Fuck if I know, probably depends on how much I buy/sell her shit.
>do I want to go back to her?
Raccoon tails are rather bushy instead of fluffy right? I like it, bushy fur/hair is pretty fun to play with too. She'll also probably teach me how to outjew jews and cheat the goyim, which is pretty fucking useful. So yes.

>> No.15940064

>Loli Will o' Wisp with a gigantic rear with a fetish for tantric sex.
>Two years younger than me

I'm game.

>> No.15940068

Jeez, I sure hope griffon is released next

>> No.15940072

Griffon, Gremlin and Automaton are the ones I want the most.

It'll probably be the dumb weasels though.

>> No.15940078

I'm expecting either Atlantis Nacho or Smokehobo. Personally I really want that Gremlin though. Or at least the Automaton for SOME exposition on the magitek stuff.

>> No.15940081

I'd be fine with a White Horn.

>> No.15940086

Smokehobo is probably be likely to be last, out of all of them she looks most fitting for 200.

>> No.15940087
File: 1.99 MB, 1500x2122, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! Looks like while you were away some unknown loli sneaked into your house and wrecked yo shit!
Wat do?

>> No.15940092

Over the line.

>> No.15940094


>> No.15940098

I really want to see Nastacha nacho she looks pretty scary.

I'm wondering about Zombie dragon though. Isn't she just a normal drfon but dead? I hope they give us more info on how mamono magic affects the dragon during her life.

Yeah, I'm also okay with her. I wonder if she would be a rival to wendigos

>> No.15940100

Wreck her shit. Tenderly but relentlessly.

>> No.15940103


>> No.15940112

>Atlantis Nacho
My nickname for her is spreading...

>> No.15940128

Atlantis Nacho and Hakutaco.

Also mexican Ushi-Onis.

>> No.15940134

Might as well open up a food van at this rate with the food nicknames.

>> No.15940142

We need rattle snakes for the maracas.

>> No.15940144

You know, that one scenario mentioned a thread or two ago about my shitty story's hyper tall knight having a young Wendigo wrapping herself up in his cape and then declaring to be his wife has been invading my thoughts recently.
I need to see it drawn out.

>> No.15940165

So that I can have a nice beat while enjoying my 40 Hakutacos?

>> No.15940172

Of course! You need some of those nice, mexican beats to fill your ears as you fill your belly.

>> No.15940181

>How do you like your foxes?
Eight years old and not mixed up with anything

>> No.15940184

Gettin' real antsy, KC. Currently midnight in japan and I haven't even seen the power-up tweet yet. And I've been watching his twitter like a deranged fucking hawk on meth. I need muh fix, KC. Don't make me shank a bitch.

>> No.15940190

Likely going to be tomorrow, it's been on sundays sometimes.

>> No.15940196

It's going to be Ice queen just because no one cares for her, you'll see.

>> No.15940220
File: 992 KB, 2988x5312, M5W3psi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she cares for you anon, she cares for you.

>> No.15940224

The last year or so, KC average one MG profile every three weeks. It's been only two weeks since the last release, so calm your tits.

>> No.15940227

Lactating mojyo Goddesses are simply sublime.

>> No.15940240

The thing is for a while now he's been releasing one profile every two weeks, hence why people are expecting one today. He has at least 12 unreleased from MGE volume 2 after all, so he can afford a more set schedule for a while.

>> No.15940241

That's cute and all of that, but I want the bird.

>> No.15940250


>> No.15940252
File: 3.74 MB, 4758x3453, 1471834000336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want muh goddamn Automaton.

>> No.15940279

>KC releases new grill
>it's completely new grill like redcap
Who would it be?

>> No.15940285


>> No.15940295

What does the IHJ[heart]L mean?

>> No.15940298

I want to fight Kaijus in a giant mecha Automaton!

>> No.15940299

I am calm, bro. So calm, in fact, that you could say I haven't slept at all in anticipation for a profile I literally couldn't wait for and am on the verge of passing out. But hey that's neither here nor toothpastebanana.

Pls no. I just want my Gremlin, dammit. Some asshole anon dangled the forbidden fruits of leaked images in my face and now I hunger for the sweet succulent juicy flavor of those delectable fruits.

>> No.15940307

That's a mystery until the profile comes out.
However, I do bet that it might be a bar-code or model number a la Gundam.

>> No.15940325

In before next profile is a new girl that's a literal brain.

>> No.15940331

>You don't want to date a qt brain girl
Do you only care about looks? intelligent girls are the best.

>> No.15940339

So she's yours one on the lose?

>> No.15940343

But she'll look like a Winter Lantern.

>> No.15940346

>montage of strict Kiki getting Yeti maid better at cleaning
>Yeti gets the guy in the end
>Maid Of Honor, coming November 9, the 191 year of the Demon Lord

>> No.15940352

>TFW a character I had married to an Apophis was directly based on Marc Antony
Like pottery, if you know the history between him and Cleopatra

>> No.15940382
File: 830 KB, 1977x2800, Cheshire Heart Attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kocchi wo miro!

>> No.15940386

are you fucking insane

>> No.15940390

She wouldn't dare.

>> No.15940403

I'm sure that being a seahorse's boyslut wouldn't be so bad, right?

>> No.15940408

Not at all

>> No.15940413

I wanna dick her right between those thicc lobes.

>> No.15940418

Art fairy, is this still a work in progress?

>> No.15940443


>> No.15940481

This is now one of my favorite crossover scenarios.

>> No.15940494

Very preferable to the slappyfights between insufferable HFY edgelords and equally insufferable MFY bootlickers.

>> No.15940509



>> No.15940520

>That nose

>> No.15940529

>A blind monster girl will never cling to your arm because she can't see where are you going
I feel bad for wanting crippled girls.

>> No.15940535

Life would be so convinient with a yandere stalker

>wake up
>all your dirty clothes are cleaned up, your room is perfectly organized and cleaned
>your trashcan is completely empty and sparkling in the sunlight
>go to the kitchen
>a warm delicious plate of food is prepared for you
>your laundry is already done and dried
>clothes are all wrinkle free
>go to work
>no monsters sexually harassing you on the way
>a bag of lunch somehow got into your backpack
>arrive at work
>turn on computer
>your files are so neat and organized
>though some seem to be missing
>finish work
>go to the bar
>get shitfaced drunk
>wake up the next day in your bed, your clothes magically replaced by a bedgown

>> No.15940547

This makes me remember about Boogiemom, seeing how you always get taken care of but you never see who does it.

>> No.15940552

>>turn on computer
>>your files are so neat and organized

If it wasn't my work computer I'd start panicking

>> No.15940554

Do you ever get to see her?

>> No.15940556

At that point I would just tell her to stop being a stalker and start being a waifu already.

inb4 boogieman is next MG profile.

>> No.15940563

I want to offer my services to a blind Wendigo and lead her around town as she clings to me

>> No.15940565

Oh Anon, the SURPRISE is that your home computer is organized too! Free of all those unpure things that corrupted your computer, all neat and tidy organized by her!
Of course! She always rapes you by sneaking into your airducts every full moon!

>> No.15940566

>Neighbours start talking to you, saying that they're worried about your sleeping and asking how you're doing
>You tell them that you're fine and ask what's the deal
>They say they sometimes hear things when you're not home. And one time a neighbour saw a figure move past the curtains inside
>And one time a neighbour saw a FIGURE IN THE WINDOW
>They start telling you that you should get a priest to come to your house
>You start to chuckle to yourself and tell them everything is daijoubu
>They look at you as if you're fucking crazy for not believing that your house is "haunted"

>> No.15940581

Would Automatons, for Halloween, go as mechas or would they want to be said mechas' pilots?

>> No.15940583

>That one night when your neighbours freak the fuck out when you decide to watch an horror movie.
That must be quite the tale to tell.

>> No.15940588

>your home computer is organized too!
>Panic over the paranoia of not knowing whether the yandere stalker is gonna go full 'I'm the only one you need', attempt to aid you in whatever you're into, or god knows what else

This is another level of fear

>> No.15940590

They would probably modify themselves to look like their favorite robot.

>> No.15940596

>Talking with your MG friend you don't know is the stalker
>She comments that you seem pretty content and relax, almost as if you were a completely different person
>Tell them that apparently you've been granted some form of cleaning goddess
>They ask if you know what they look like, aimlessly twirling their hair
>You tell them no but they must be nice and caring to care about you
>Even go on to say that they must be beautiful and you wish that you could meet with them face to face so you could say thank you
>She's practically blushing and you ask her if she's coming up with a fever

>> No.15940605

>Neighbours ask why you seem 110% unfazed by this obvious haunting
>You tell them that this so called "ghost" has done nothing but nice things for you
>Go on and on about how they clean your house and help you out in the morning making you breakfast and making sure you wake up early for work
>And how there's always food in your fridge and a freshly made dinner when you get home
>They look at your strangely
>They ask if you're just taking advantage of this ghost because it's pretty much free maid service and you don't have to do shit
>Sweating Intensifies

>> No.15940622

And then from that day forward, Anon leaves gifts/money for his stalker to not feel bad about it.

>> No.15940626
File: 393 KB, 1200x1024, 1473122450049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about Mothman before going to bed last night
>Get into work
>There's a moth immediately in the warehouse
>MFW there's moths and spiders all over the place
What have I done

>> No.15940641

Next mamono profiles, in order:
1. White Horn
2. Ice Queen
3. Griffin
4. Trumpart
5. Atlach Nacha
6. Dark Mage
7. Zombie Dragon
8. Gremlin
9. Automaton
10. Kamaitachi
11. Ochimusha
12. Nurarihyon

Deduced from the list on KC's kurobine page.

>> No.15940651

You've manage to break space and time and manifest a thought you've had into the physical realm
With practice, you can manifest your dreams into reality

>> No.15940656

the what now

>> No.15940664
File: 343 KB, 1080x1920, 1471156299197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15940665

Are you just counting question marks, or do you actually have a copy of the MGE2?

>> No.15940667

>3. Griffin
>6. Dark Mage
>11. Ochimusha
>12. Nurarihyon


>> No.15940675

Both question marks and page numbers (some leaked photos have them).

>> No.15940693

Completely forgot about the card.

But hey, at least Griffon is close and White Horn is soon. I really want to see how much we can play with her.

>> No.15940716

This is false. This is the order that they are in the book. This is not KCs release order. If it was Otohime and Turtle would have been released much later. This also doesn't account for MGE Three girls.

>> No.15940728

Um, no. That is not at all the order they are in the book. That's the order given on his website. The Griffon is on page 44 whereas the WhiteHorn is on page 70. So wouldn't that make the Griffon next if they were by the book?

>> No.15940730

what if a group of automatons all configure themselves together to form a giant super robot
like voltron or devastator

>tfw 5 automatons will never come together and devastate your pelvis

>> No.15940731

No, page numbers in that list go out of order (70, 74, 40, 140, etc.) so it's not their in-book order.

>> No.15940733

Looks like the imgur album was uploaded by page order, then. Unfortunately, as much as it pisses me off to say it, you mixed up the Automaton and the Gremlin, here. The Automaton is supposed to be #8. The Gremlin is after.

I hope KC just rolls a fucking dice or something instead since, really, now all the suspense is gone. And I also really want the Gremlin dammit. If the next thing I see tomorrow is a White Horn profile, I'll be taking a break from MGE until roughly December 3rd. Maybe two weeks before that since the Automaton is cool, too.

>> No.15940734

>WH next
are you lady?

>> No.15940740
File: 602 KB, 2000x2500, 1471590594915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I also really want the Gremlin dammit.
Gremlin best newmusu.

>> No.15940747

Right so I've retooled this thing with a new idea I've had. the thing also has a title now.
If you care enough, I would like you to read it and tall me what you think of the lilim as I might have her feature in more things.


>> No.15940758

Gonna tickle and blow into her ears while she's hard at work in the shop! And when she gets angry I'll just give her the smuggest smile I can manage!

>> No.15940760

>More lilims


>> No.15940767

My Lilim is better than your Lilim!

>> No.15940768

Would you let her wire up your brain so she can radio hugs straight into your mind when you're away?

>> No.15940772

No, because what if she radios something lewd into my head instead?

>> No.15940773

My lilim can beat up your lilim!

>> No.15940774

Pshaw. My Lilim is obviously the most SUPERIOR Lilim

>> No.15940779

Oh yeah? Well, I have TWO Lilims!

>> No.15940780

>what if she radios something lewd into my head instead?
Yes, and...?
Don't you want to see and feel her riding you while you're at work?

>> No.15940782

Gee bill

>> No.15940783


>> No.15940784

You guys look like shotas fighting each other trying to see which Lillim action figure™ is the best one.

I personally like Lillim Ranger, but Lillim Bandit has more charm.

>> No.15940787

Only if I get to punish her fat gremlin butt at home

>> No.15940788

My Lilim has infinite power +1

>> No.15940791

Do some Gremlins have droopy ears like Kikis and Kobolds do?

>> No.15940793

My lilim is stronger than an ant! If an ant was... THIS big!

>> No.15940795

>Lilim Ranger
Psh. I bet you don't even have the rare Lilim Ranger set that came with her Lilim power armour which there's only 100 of after the manufacturing factory was burned down by accident

>> No.15940797

Only the shy, quiet onee-san types.

>> No.15940798

>I personally like Lillim Ranger, but Lillim Bandit has more charm.
CRUSHER's figure is the best! I even have one with her signature and a kiss mark!

>> No.15940801

My Lilim can punch your Lilim TO THE MOON

>> No.15940804

I wonder how these kids would react to a kid who actually has a Lilim Onee-san?

>> No.15940805

B-but my mom made her an awesome bow! Now she can hunt like a proper ranger!

>> No.15940813

>More Lilims
>The generic merc and a pain in the ass
I just don't know

>> No.15940815

You think she is strong? My Lilim can throw the sun at yours!

>> No.15940817

Thanks alot asshole. Now I've got another story to check

>> No.15940818

>Lilim Onee-san dropping her little brother at school
>Gets swarmed by kids asking her if she can fly to Pluto and if she can punch people to the moon and if she can see through walls and if she can fly around the world so fast she can go back in time and if she can jump over the tallest buildings with ease and if she can shoot laser beams out of her eyes and if she can carry the world on her shoulders and

>> No.15940823

Putting a bow on a Lilim. These are ACTION figures, Anon, not dolls
What are you, an Alp? ALP ALP ALP ALP ALP

>> No.15940829

For whatever reason, I see her going into doting mother mode and humoring the kids for a bit.

Anon, you realize he meant "Bow" like "Bow and Arrow" right?
The signature weapon of any good ranger?

>> No.15940830

Shut up! my sister works for the demon lord, she can kick your butt!

>> No.15940833

Well okay.
Could have used Kayneth. You blew it!
>Merc and pain in the ass
Old, but a classic and easy to work with.
Ah, so another Lilim for the collage.
>large braid
Guess I have to make my own Lilim's a Charon Braid when it is braided.

I must ask though: Why was a Lilim napping in the woods instead of some overly fancy cabin conjured with magic?

>> No.15940835

So do I.
And one's a shortstack mayadere!

>> No.15940841

Is the charater flat or is the fact that he's a mercinary overdone?

>> No.15940843

The fact that he's a mercenary that's escorting a pain in the ass female is a trope that's been overdone to hell and back. The execution's fine, I'm just ambivalent.

>> No.15940844

Lilims are dumb

>> No.15940845

I bet your Lilim onees don't even kiss you on the lips or sleep with you!

>> No.15940847

He's at leadt not a complete doormat about miss whiny.

>> No.15940848

Your face is dumb

>> No.15940849

I bet you're only saying that because you don't have one. You Lilimness Anon!

>> No.15940850

>Why was a Lilim napping in the woods instead of some overly fancy cabin conjured with magic?
Any high-enough level spellcaster worth their salt would be camping with ample abuse of the "rope trick" spell. A big mansion is just a magnet for needless random encounters and random scrying.

>> No.15940851

You're just mad because you don't have a Lilim action figure

>> No.15940852

Maybe she likes roughing it? We never did see where she came from.

>> No.15940857

Lilim onee gives plenty of kisses!
Wock does the sleepibg since flaty is too bashful though.

>> No.15940859

Lilims have dumber faces.

Lilims can never compare to a Wolfu!

>> No.15940863

Needs some heavy proofreading m8

>> No.15940864

The best type of Gremlin, especially when they're bound to be shortstacked.

>> No.15940867

>There is now at least 10000 Lilims running around DL's house
>Everytime you blink a new one is born

>> No.15940868

But I can't imagine them without their butlers, maids, tea, stuffed knights, or two-way communication crystal where they constantly listen to their dad be dad in a luxurious manor.

>> No.15940873

I hear the DL has been trying for triplets after the shiny Lilim and perfect IV Lilim.

Wouldn't she have a campsite then, with an obvious to see campfire? Or does she sleep during the day like an old hoot?

>> No.15940874

>they're bound to be shortstacked
You got that right. The sadistic ones just have to be flat both upstairs and downstairs, and the gentle ones feel awkward about their flabby body.

>> No.15940875

Im pretty sure I checked it for grammar. Ill have to check in the morning

>> No.15940876

No, because Lilim is just my Lilim, not my onee-san.

She fights my waifu too.

>> No.15940882

I want to wake up with a loli Gremlin sleeping soundly on my chest.

I want to nibble on an ear while she sleeps.

>> No.15940883

I don't know man, a sadistic shortstack Gremlin sounds amazing.
Just imagine the facesitting 69/Paizuri she could pull off.

>> No.15940884

>his lilim isn't his waifu

wow faggot

>> No.15940885

Grammar and spelling are a tad bit off, but its readable.

Any reason why you donut steelim has a sword?

>> No.15940888
File: 655 KB, 800x800, 1454113152443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To have a night of rough sex with a hellhound on top with lots of love bites, followed by cuddling with me as the little spoon, feeling her natural body warmth as she whispers sweet nothings into my ear and plants little kisses on me.

>> No.15940890

>Any reason why you donut steelim has a sword?
This. Everyone knows rapiers are better.

>> No.15940896


>> No.15940897

>sadistic paizuri
Vigorously and without lube?

>> No.15940899

Seeing as Beast left it open, I like to think that she had that magic shit going on nearby and just ported back when she was done.

>> No.15940901

No, with lots of lube so she can go faster.

>> No.15940902

Maybe for DaS nitwits who haven't seen an actual sword fight and think backstabs are the norm.

>> No.15940907

>Not Zweihander

>> No.15940908

Zweihander or get the fuck out of my face.
If you've got super strength why not wield something that would normally be impractical?

>> No.15940910

I bet she'd just build a thrusting machine and strap you into it to make you pump into her plump bust much faster than she could rub them on you. For extra sadism she can keep it running even after you cum.

>> No.15940911

I built her with a intrest in fighting and a prefrance for swinging a sword over using magic.

>> No.15940913

Maybe she was sleeping on magical mushrooms?

Either way, I would like to know more about Lilim S in our ever growing Lilim Alphabet Soup.

>> No.15940916

At least my Lilim isn't dumb. You fag with a dumb lilim.

>> No.15940917

My brother.

I see. Is she one of those "honorfags", or someone who can appreciate foul play in fights?

>> No.15940922

She'd be grinning all the way.
It'd only get smugger with every load splattered all over her tits.
The aftercare would be amazing though.

>> No.15940924

see >>15940848

>> No.15940925

Fully powered Lilim wakes up a grumpy man who didn't get much sleep last night from his nap.

Who wins?

>> No.15940928

Unless it's a grump off, Lilim. No contest.

>> No.15940929
File: 85 KB, 1024x1024, vidya with elf waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What modern vidya would you play with your waifu? What would she like or dislike and why?

>> No.15940930

Depends, how much alcohol did the grumpy man have last night and is he blueballed?
Because everyone knows the best way to beat a Lilim is to furiously mating press them.

>> No.15940932

Would you use jerky to bully the yeti's Native American cousin?

>> No.15940934

And your has a dumber face than me.

>> No.15940936

The entire Mass Effect trilogy.
Bad ending or not, they're still nostalgic for me.
That and the Paper Mario RPGs and Persona 4: Golden.

>> No.15940940

Oh man, I wonder what they're playing.

Boy, it sure is difficult to tell.

>> No.15940944
File: 335 KB, 1080x1920, White Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Horn


I hope is has something neat in it, like how in Winter they are turbo cuties dressed to kill and in Summer are supreme sultry hot mamas who'd rush to the beach in a sling bikini like a Succubus on spring break.

>> No.15940946

Don't bully her, she's already depressed that she can't take photos of herself without showing up blurry

>> No.15940947

Just got around to reading that an hour or so ago, was cute how he went from treating her like shit to realising she was too cute to think of purely as a fuck toy.

>> No.15940948

She doest mind foul play. Seeing as she likes to enjoy the fights it she considers it unfair for the average joe to not be able to pull out all the stops

>> No.15940950

Monster Hunter. I bet my waifu would snap after killing a few lizard. She would hunt me and after she's taken me down she is going to "carve" my precious "drop".

>> No.15940952

5. Atlach Nacha
6. Dark Mage
7. Zombie Dragon
8. Gremlin
9. Automaton

All the most wanted girls in a row, and this should be around the winter holiday
KC knows exactly what he is doing

>> No.15940958


>> No.15940960

I barely play one or two new games a year. I still haven't even gotten off my ass to finish DaS III from this year. Like, I just started it up for the first time in months yesterday and got to Lothric Castle.

Honestly, what I liked playing with physical people and what is now kind of dead is good old split screen co-op.

>> No.15940962

My lilim is literally the weakest lilim. She's so shit she's got a complex over it. She's so garbage I didn't even do anything with her. Checkmate, mother fuckers.

>> No.15940963

>Modern Vidya

>> No.15940964

How many letters do you have?

>> No.15940965

Good then. Chivalry is too damn overdone with sword users.
I can understand connecting with your combatant or even showing an iota of respect, but not baiting them or using pocket sand is just plain stupid.

>> No.15940970

I only have L atm, with my villain shortstack unnamed.

We have D, M, I, L, Q, V, and S now.

>> No.15940971

My Lilim is pretty basic, but I love her nonetheless.

>> No.15940972

Who the hell is Q?

>> No.15940975
File: 895 KB, 300x225, Q checkmate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original faggot lilim

>> No.15940977

Must resist urge to reference Star Trek.

>> No.15940978

The story is great and all but it still left me with a bad aftertaste.

It's not that it is badly written or something it's just that it reminds you of how fucking OP Lillims actually are and that you can't have something nice because one of them can sweep down on it at any time and easily take it away from you.

It makes you think what that guy Kenneth might have felt in that moment, the impotence he must have felt when she just toyed with him and attacked the person he was supposed to protect, how angry he will be if that Lillim decides she will keep toying with him for the rest of the journey and he will be unable to avoid it, and how miserable he will feel when he realizes he wasn't actually able to keep his word because in the end he was not able to protect her.

I know i'm thinking about this way too much but fuck, i didn't need these feels today, i wish i could drown my sorrows in Oni sake right now.

>> No.15940980

Queen of Hearts because we don't know her actual names. Or was she the Red Queen?
Bloody hell, what IS that fucking loon's name?

>> No.15940981

Ive kept my chivaly in scale bound and even then it wont play a big role in the fights more for keeping peoples word.

>> No.15940982

You're too late >>15940975

>> No.15940984

My Lilim can beat yours!

>> No.15940985

God dammit.

>> No.15940988

>The current trend of everyone having a badly thought out OC lilim is dumb
Fixed for you.

>> No.15940995
File: 156 KB, 840x1200, 1469350592389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Undead Wyvern would be nice to have.

>> No.15940999

You think Selene is another one for the pile?

>> No.15941000

Keeping people's word?

Other than that you at least got me interested. I would like to read up on stories instead of write my shitty saga or draw.
I am at least almost at the point where my MC will face someone he is genuinely afraid of, but I still have to get past the part with a drinking contest with an Oni and the aftereffects of drinking too much.

>> No.15941007

I think we'll know if Mari has Vietnam fladhbacks over the name Selene.

>> No.15941009

No it wouldn't. Stop wishing for undead dragons, did you know they have to DIE first? Think about it.
Do you really want a lonely dragon sitting alone in a corner of the world, sobbing herself to death? No you don't. So stop wishing for undead dragons and heal a lonely one before her time is up.

>> No.15941013

Not him but whenever that one faggot starts with this "we" and "a lilim for every letter" crap I just roll my eyes.

>> No.15941019

In scalebound most of the humans are knights and on top of that, dragons are not fond of liars

Ill try to keep the honour faggotry to ma minimum

>> No.15941029

Well it is an obvious trend at this point.
If you don't like it then break it or mentally block it.

>> No.15941031

Honestly? I haven't read Beast's story. I'm not going to judge that one because I know nothing about her, but most of the others so far are just bad. Mari is the only OC lilim so far that doesn't suck, and that's because the artist took so much time on her and has the actual skill to make her work. Illassa isn't too bad, but her neutral attitude isn't the kind of mindset lilims are supposed to have.

>> No.15941033

Watcher 3 probably? Never heard of it, probably some voyeuristic porn game judging from the title

>> No.15941036

>a lilim for every letter
>just realized that Druella is the 4th and D is the 4th letter
>The only other lilim I can think of who matches the first letter with her daughter number is Victoria, nobody else

What a shame

>> No.15941040

Lilims do have their own personalities and such, and aren't carbon copies of what is written in the profile.
Either way, all of the oc donuts are bad, even mine.

>> No.15941041

>and has the actual skill to make her work
Mari has a story?

>> No.15941044

If we went by letter and nummber, lani would be 11th, Mari would be 12th, Illassa would be Cirno, and Crusher would be 3rd.

>> No.15941046

It's worse than most threadcanon, you're taking a rare species that are supposed to be demi-gods in the setting and we're just smashing together these shit characters for it.
It wouldn't matter if they were just for a quick laugh but some of these guys are being serious about it.

>> No.15941048

Turn off your computer, go sit in a corner and think about what you just typed you little shit.

>> No.15941052

Not really. She has art, but other than that she is like the other oc Lilims in that "She's DL daughteru, she has X personality, she achieves her mother's dream in Y fashion, and like U type of men".

>> No.15941056

>rare species
They're just the DL's many daughters, not some seperate thing.

>> No.15941057 [SPOILER] 
File: 552 KB, 1024x1447, 1475954802624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Hellhounds like it ultraviolent.

>> No.15941063

I bet monstergirl DooM MC would be an Oni or something. A huge, muscled brute who rapes and tears through everything.

>> No.15941070
File: 228 KB, 640x879, 1467335585208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody knows rapiers are better
Swords that are better than a rapier:

>An actual fucking saber
>Japanese Katana
>Estoc (Primarily when used for their fucking purpose and stabbing in the armpits and knee joints)
>Chinese Gim
>German Grosse Messer

I could go into more depth about how wrong you are and how even a fucking wheel like this is a better weapon than a rapier, but you probably think lagstabbing is the norm.

Face it, rapiers, much like the more effective Estoc are the weapons of pussies and Frenchmen.

>> No.15941074

So people should stop having fun and doing stuff in a community because it triggers your autism?

>> No.15941076

This. And I'll make another one right now.

Dulcinea, a lilim obsessed with human culture. She preserves all the recorded history and traditions of corrupted towns and cities she can rescue in her grand underground collection. With all the monsterized people not caring about any of those things anymore, who would even remember a generation or two from now what the ancient festivals and celebrations were? Her collection contains such prizes as rare surviving holy relics from the churches of Lescatie.

Now there's another D, a double D if you will. So we can stop the singular letter crap.

>> No.15941077

Would going to the arcades count?

>> No.15941079

Rapiers were also a status symbol at one point.

Still, you are very right.

>> No.15941081

Not until you wtite a story about her.

Do it.

>> No.15941083

I want a lilim to laugh at my tiny penis!
I want her to use her powers to laugh at my disappointing dick from all possible points in time and space!

>> No.15941085

I would watch the shit out of this.

>> No.15941086

>better for anything except fighting in narrow spaces

>> No.15941089

What does this thread think of HDoom?

>> No.15941091

There is now a Lilim whose sole purpose is to laugh at Anon's tiny penis.

Do you think KDF has a Lilim too? Maybe she is friends with his daughteru.

>> No.15941095

>being annoyed with anons because they're trying to force shit threadcanon is being autistic
Which donut steel did you make then?

>> No.15941096

Needs to be updated more for fucks sake.

>> No.15941102

The only WAD I would bother installing. I like the idea of modding games, but I can't into computers. I was trying to fix a genderswap mod for Stardew Valley before giving up, I guess I'll just have to accept that my sexy tomboy biker chick will sometimes get referred to as a man. I'll just have to headcanon that the speakers are being assholes towards her or something.

>> No.15941103
File: 90 KB, 303x371, imp-tan smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish KC's imp-tan was Hdoom's imp-tan

>> No.15941104

Anon, Not him but I think you're confusing short swords with rapiers. Rapiers can slash and thrust.

>Lists a bunch of slashing swords made for killing light infantry
>Two handed cavalry sword for killing light infantry
>An overgrown rondel daggar

Jesus fuck man. Come on. At least give them credit as the last surviving Renaissance sword in the age of gunpowder. Also, rapiers were loved by the Spanish, back when they were the most powerful empire in the world.

>> No.15941107

If i ivoked lilim threadcannon the lilim would be a giggle cuddlebug that wouldnt corrupt anything

>> No.15941112

I thought KDF and small dick fag were the same anon, but in case they aren't then why the fuck not?

>> No.15941114

I'll eat my left foot before I do that. Not really, but I can't because I'm already working on something about a demon lord. Not the MGE one though.

>> No.15941118

Only works with Khepri.

It's not forced just because people like it while you don't.

>> No.15941122

>A bunch of slashing swords for killing light infantry
>Implying Claymores and Zweihanders weren't used predominantly for killing other knights and horses

>> No.15941126

Proofread your posts newfag. You still stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.15941128

Tell me more. I could use inspiration and ideas about my own setting's DL.

>> No.15941132
File: 47 KB, 490x406, 1463452577195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn smug Imps.

>> No.15941134

>people like it
I'm yet to see proof of this. So far the main two new ones are a story character and a donut steel one anon never shuts up about.

>> No.15941136

Hdoom's mancubus is the greatest thing ever

>> No.15941137

Its one part phone posting and one part im going to sleep soon and refuse to give a shit

>> No.15941145


Not that Anon but I can relate to any and all pains you feel when it comes to that shit, godamn.

>> No.15941149

>Are you seriously saying controlling almost the entirety of the planet isn't a huge advantage?
In this case it's actually a terrible disadvantage, you simply do not have the time to stop the monsters when there's shit going on everywhere else.

>> No.15941152

There are people who like them if you bother to actually look for them.

>never shuts up
I do more than gas on about my shitty OC, but you won't be seeing any of my stories until I can get a computer, so all I CAN really do is gas on about her. Feel free to shit all over that as you wish.

>> No.15941155

Thanks man

>> No.15941156


>> No.15941162

>Implying Claymores and Zweihanders weren't used predominantly for killing other knights and horses

They were used against levied pikemen on the ground or like super long cavalry sabers when mounted. Because that's what slashing weapons are good for. Even then, they faded while the rapier survived that same era and then lasted another two hundred years.

>> No.15941168

They control all the armies, the media, the economy, everything. They'd be outnumbered and outgunned.

>> No.15941172

>I like the idea of modding games, but I can't into computers
WADS are the simplest fucking things to install, how are you that dumb?

>> No.15941182

I wasn't talking about installing WADs, I was talking about modding in general. I can understand why you thought I was though, I did trail off in that post about an unrelated game.

>> No.15941189
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 1867345543453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gangs of delinquent Imps!

>> No.15941196

Fucking the smug right out of them!

Waking up the next morning surrounded by Imps, each one smugger than the last!

>> No.15941199

>imagining trying to get packed snow and ice out of her fur after coming indoors from the snow

>> No.15941204

Jesus Christ, are you alright?

>> No.15941207

>i want olivia pierce to release demons from their holding cells
>i want all sorts of demons rushing to my quaters only to fight eachother over who gets my dick
>i want imp-tan to sneak inside while everyone else is busy and have her way with me!

>> No.15941208

Go easy on them Anon! They're good girls, they were just brought up in a rough neighborhood!

>> No.15941209

But you can't actually turn the weapons against them. There's literally no casus belli to fight them, they're physically attractive and any men near them more or less immediately want to stick it in, not least because they're begging you for it. If you try to massacre them before they have a strong foothold you'd immediately be shouted down by 90% of your citizenry if even one video of it got online. You also have Tanuki, who could probably convince /pol/ that they're not jewish then proceed to outjew the juden, and people like Vampires who are basically human.

Even if your citizenry were somehow completely in a RACE WAR NOW mindset, it's questionable if you could win. There's plenty of monsters (like all spiritual types or slime types) who simply do not care about getting shot. You also have things like Shoggoths who are going to shrug off anything short of a nuclear weapon, and using a nuke is not smart when these are single targets and not some field army. Lilims are just incredibly fucking bullshit, not even bringing in the DL into the equation. Lilim are biblical angel or NGNL Flugel tier.
It's not them who are outgunned. It's you. For monsters like Lichs it's questionable if you can even hit them or if they can just teleport out of the way and cast PWK on whoever fired a nuke on them.

>> No.15941211

>imagine fucking her while she's still covered in snow and ice as you are assaulted by moist heat and frigid cold at the same time

>> No.15941214

I have a large long-haired dog. This is the shit of nightmares.
It's just awful for everyone involved.

>> No.15941216

Hell is not just some "rough neighborhood", anon!

It's Hell!

>> No.15941217

It's based more more around a traditional feudal system. All the lesser lords are demons and they all trace their lineage directly back to the original demon lord, because daughters only means you never get a clean break from the family and no intermarrying means no branch is any purer than any other. So after thousands of years, their system evolved to where the closer you are related to the sitting Demon Lord, the higher rank your family. When it stretches past fourth cousin or so, you're pretty much a noble in name only. The one in my story is recently coronated after her mother stepped down. That changing of the guard shakes everything up, as well as her radically different policies.

>> No.15941221

What is PWK?

>> No.15941229

Power Word Kill.
A really annoying instant death spell notable for having NO SAVING THROW

>> No.15941231

But most humans would either hate monstergirls or distrust them. It doesn't have to be straight up warfare anyway. You could just break their spirits by exposing them to 21st century war.

>> No.15941230

Interesting. Better than my idea of the DL and how things are.

>> No.15941232

Just need to show them some kindness. They might be demons from hell, but deep down they just want to be loved.

>> No.15941235

It's still the weapon of faggots and women.

>> No.15941238
File: 969 KB, 992x1403, 1456684284069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Barbariank, right?

>> No.15941242

No, that's a Salamander.

>> No.15941245

>either hate the monster girls
Corruption. A single dark matter which goes boom could turn France into a demon realm.

>break their spirits
I really doubt it'd work that way. I imagine Tanuki would pretty easily worm their way into government and it's all downhill from there. Also don't forget that in this case, '21st century warfare' would likely be majorly disrupted as the new big topic of contention stops being 'radical islam' and 'middle east' and becomes 'literal fucking aliens'. It's with them or against them and being against them is basically impossible.

>> No.15941249

No that's a Salamander who thinks she's Kotomine Kirei

>> No.15941250

No anon. That's all swords in general. Firearms are the weapons of men.

>> No.15941253

Then I shall do just that.

But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on them if they act like smug little shits.

>> No.15941255

>not magic
A true man values efficiency, not looking good. That sort of vanity is for women.

>> No.15941256

That's a Salamander who is based off that Senran Kagura slut.

>> No.15941257

A lot of Imp bottoms will need to be spanked.

And we haven't even started on the Cacodemons, Baronesses of Hell and Pinkys.

>> No.15941259

You're pretending, right?

>> No.15941260
File: 1.17 MB, 992x1403, 1450550987797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's his style.

>> No.15941264

>Implying caster guns aren't still firearms
I need to watch outlaw star again.

>> No.15941266

No, this is Patrick.

>> No.15941269

>Forgetting Hell Knights and the Cyberdemoness

>> No.15941270


>> No.15941271

>Ah, found the source of those earthquakes plaguing our village.
>Excuse me miss, can you please stop that?

>> No.15941274

I want to make her cum by fucking her ass.

>> No.15941276


>> No.15941277

The creature demands hugs, only then will she stop the attacks.

>> No.15941278

Tossing dark matters around is sure to make the monstergirls hated even more which will mean harder fighting. Monstergirls would be all but forced to kill thousands of young men in self defense. Many men would rather blow their brains out then be raped and married off.

>> No.15941284

Sound like the problem solves itself.

>> No.15941286

>you will never have a kikimora greet you after a long hard day at work
>she will never gently lead you to the bathroom
>you will never be given a relaxing, hot bath as she slides her delicate fingers all over your tense body, massaging you all over
>you'll never get progrssively harder as her generous breasts press against your back, her perky nipples and hard cock lightly digging into you from behind
>you'll never lose control and grapple her, forcefully fucking her in the mating press as the bath water sloshes everywhere, your kiki whimpering that she needs to clear up the mess as you mercilessly fuck her.
>you'll never stare into her shocked eyes as you cum relentlessly insider of her
>she'll never bite her lip so hard it bleeds, desperate not to cause a fuss with any orgasmic screaming

Why live?

>> No.15941288

I can't believe I never noticed this while scrolling.

Fine taste friend.

>> No.15941290

No man could survive a hug from that beast!

>> No.15941293
File: 893 KB, 1200x849, 80eaa9219a7d0a50d53da53f2aa2ce9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line 982
>Loli-Oni Bites a Dick [arc end]

In which Mina can no longer live with the guilt of cheating on her husband with all those guro doujins and films.

>> No.15941294

>hated even more
I imagine roughly...20? 30? Dark Matters is enough to cover all of Eurasia. Another 5-8 should work for North America, another one for Aussieland
Not even 40 dark matters and that's it for most places of (development-wise) value. Now all they have to do is fight off niggers with sticks and hues, and shit like Sirens or whatever should solve that readily.

>> No.15941296

No it doesn't. Monstergirls either keep on fighting and let young men die, or they surrender.

>> No.15941299

To have an excuse to drink when even your waifu jumps on the Lilim oc bandwagon?

>> No.15941300

Hey now, hold on a second...

>> No.15941304

You have to try!

>> No.15941307

>Daughteru has an OC lilim


>> No.15941312

>OC Lilim has an OC Lilim


>> No.15941318

Dude, we all know that if mamanobama exists AT ALL, then the monsters win. You don't have to go full retard and pretend that a creature that can instantly corrupt a city of a few tens of thousands in KC canon, is suddenly capable of converting millions over an exponentially larger area. That's just complete monsterwank.

Lilims are more powerful than a dark matter anyway and can functionally do the same thing. Or have you forgotten the giant gob of DE stuck to them too?

>> No.15941319

Chuuni OC lilim trying to be like her OC lilim

>> No.15941322

>4th line
Wait, what?

>> No.15941323

That was very peculiar.

>> No.15941326
File: 560 KB, 496x702, 1436875554582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create an OC Lilim
>Remember that in some variations, deities gain power by having the faith from their worshippers
>Give the OC Lilim your real name without giving it to others, using a faux human name
>Start to spread that she has her own OC Lilim that she uses to gain faith by preaching to a non-existent fictional populace
>The OC Lilim's OC's OC does the exact same thing
>DL's face when you're playing 18th dimensional chess and not having to lift a goddamned finger to accomplish anything

>> No.15941328

Chuuni DL who is crazy and treats all her OCs as daughters so strongly that they actually materialize in reality.

>> No.15941329
File: 174 KB, 1000x1414, b48aca22beacb94b897a1e97bd1b8df6b9628f8b8c75f83524f48843086963bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an elf in my house. wat do?

>> No.15941332

The monster girl invasion scenario is inevitably an apocalyptic one.

Either they corrupt all central command structures and take over causing human civilization to cease existing the way we know it, or leave the central command no choice but to use WMDs. From the point of view from the human leaders, you basically have alien invaders, some of them basically unstoppable by convetional weapons with near godlike powers. And in addition something that looks like an incurable, massively virulent contagion that either brainwashes everyone to the invaders' side or seemingly kills them and turns them into puppets and terraforms even the land to the invaders' natural habitat.

From the human leader's point of view, there would be no other choice than to use the most powerful weapons possible or anything that works. Nuke every city or town that is lost to prevent it from spreading, bomb the enemies on a wide scale to cause as many casualties as possible because the most powerful ones can't be everywhere to protect their whole territory. If all emcampments/cities/whatever are protected even from the most destructive weapons by magic, just scorched earth everything that isn't protected, spread nuclear waste across wide areas and anywhere unprotected in enemy territory to slow them down at any cost, etc.

>> No.15941333
File: 335 KB, 700x859, 135689564564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jeez.

Gonna feel this in the morning.

>> No.15941335


>> No.15941341

>No it wouldn't
I disagree
>Did you know they have to DIE first?
Yes, captain obvious
>Do you really want a lonely dragon sitting alone in a corner of the world, sobbing herself to death?
But she doesn't need to fret, she has all eternity to find a man now that she's dead. And she's infinitely better than her living counterparts in every single conceivable way.

I'd take a dead dragon over a live one every day

>> No.15941342

Escape from the Elf Planet before it's too late.

>> No.15941343

There's no escape from the Elf Planet.

>> No.15941344
File: 184 KB, 394x395, 1454060999349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her perky nipples and hard cock lightly digging into you from behind

>> No.15941345

Once the elves wrap their tentacles around and inside you, they'll never let go.

>> No.15941346

Tzeentch plz.

>> No.15941347

Tell her random lies like that there is a ear flondling toll in your house and she has to fill her quota or that there is a custom in your household that dictates that she has to perform embarrassing dances every time you say "pancakes" inside of your home.

Fill her mind with random things and see how she reacts.

>> No.15941349

wait a sec are u trying to cheat me again

>> No.15941350

>The sound of a car wreck zooms by as your Wurm daughteru passes by like a blur before doing a U-turn and coming at you
>She flashes a piece of paper with crudely done crayon stick figures
>"I made my own OC Lilim and I plan on using her in a story!"
>You pat her on the head and tell her to put it on the fridge
>She zooms off at light speed, leaving you alone
>You pull out a crumpled and old piece of paper with a shitty doodle of a girl on it, remembering all the time you put into making her and the stories you wrote exceeding 2000 pages
>"Like father like daughter, huh?"

>> No.15941352

Ask how she broke in and punish her for it.

>> No.15941353
File: 804 KB, 1200x1350, 6df3a3586bfcb9a395d0410405e921c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squeeze her breast milk into your coffee.

>> No.15941354

What if DE is much weaker then it is in KC canon and only works on direct contact, with nuke spells costing a lot of buildup to even change a small town? Humans are sure to win.

>> No.15941356

Wait a ticket, something isn't right here

>> No.15941359

What if she's made you a delicious breakfast?

>> No.15941362

Whoa there.
What the hell?

>> No.15941363

God damn Dark Elves.

Why are they so lewd?

>> No.15941364

I wouldn't punish her any longer but I wouldn't be happy. She would have to do more to make up for it.

>> No.15941365

Sneaky Kiki.

>> No.15941366

Or the human leaders might just not do that because who the fuck wants to be the king of the ashes? Also you're forgetting that if a succubus manages to suck off the nuclear powers they wouldn't want to do that.

There's plenty of monsters you basically have to nuke though and you'd catch humans in the collateral no matter what you'd do.

>> No.15941367

>Planet of the Elves
>A human astronaut goes through a wormhole only to land on a planet of Elves; We're talking High, Wood, Moon, Night, Blood, Dark, the works.
>Wakes up in a house with a THICC Dark Elf in a naked apron
>Goes outside
>The call goes across the entire village
>Nay, the entire country
>Knife ears gathering to see the round eared man, only to reveal that there's no males, they've had to use magic to sustain their population.
>HFW he gets stuck under a pile of 30+ Elves in the mood, their bodily fluids acting as aphrodisiac as he fucks them full of children
>TFW you will never breed ALL THE ELVES

>> No.15941368

Great to see more Oni material.

>> No.15941370 [DELETED] 
File: 906 KB, 219x252, 1457212112703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will delete this soon

>> No.15941371

They aren't, that one elf is genetically modified propaganda to lure unsuspecting men into their BDSM cages.

Around elves watch yourselves.

>> No.15941375
File: 254 KB, 800x710, 1446670750224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we've all found the superior maid this day.

>> No.15941379

>TFW you will never breed ALL THE ELVES
A man can dream dammit.

>> No.15941382

The Wurm maid? Nobody can handle those tough stains like her.

>> No.15941383

>Tossing dark matters around is sure to make the monstergirls hated
It's the literall opposite though. It's the sure way to make VAST swathes of people horny and new-blood additions to the demon army.

What I think a lot of people forget is that a dark matter isn't really analogous to a nuke. It's a giant ball of WOLOLO that takes number from your own sides and puts them in the enemies side.

Then there's poisoning the dams with ushi oni blood, making water undrinkable for humans, gassing cities with matango spores, etc etc.

>Many men would rather blow their brains out then be raped and married off.
Leaving aside your hit grammar and the undead implications, let me fix your sentence

>Many men would rather blow their balls out and be raped and married off.

>> No.15941386
File: 369 KB, 1991x1850, 1459389050852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream is to marry a Night Elf. Swiggity swoogity coming for that grape flavored booty.

>> No.15941390

>gassing cities with matango spores
We apocalyptic now

>> No.15941391

>matango spores
Alright buddy that's crossing the line.

>> No.15941395

I know some people here get triggered over the idea of harems. But I would kill for a full on Elf harem, a waifu from every race of elf just sounds amazing.

>> No.15941396

>All this happens, the humans nuking everything they own just for one more patch of scorched earth
>While monsters work to protect both themselves and the humans who have been abandoned by their leaders and should have dies in the nuke blasts if not for intervention
>Leaders go the way of hitler and monster history basically shits ALL over everything they ever stood for or held dear, labeling them as the most evil, stupid and incompetent men to have ever exited
>Magic wipes the radioactive fallout and hand in hand monsters and humans begin to rebuild

I can actually see people being this hateful

>> No.15941399

>Or the human leaders might just not do that because who the fuck wants to be the king of the ashes?
Because there's no reason they would assume they'll exist to be a king of even ashes if they give in, either. It's basically a nothing to lose last stand scenario.

>Also you're forgetting that if a succubus manages to suck off the nuclear powers they wouldn't want to do that.
Hence the "power structures corrupted" option.

>> No.15941400

I'd watch Elf Keijo.

>> No.15941402

You're a lot more right than you think you are.
>making water undrinkable for humans
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

>> No.15941406
File: 85 KB, 752x1062, 1451023986377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last stand
But they have literally nothing to lose, they'd just become an incubus version of themselves.
Are you an HFY? I thought you were but it doesn't sound like it at this point.

>> No.15941409

Real question
Nazarick invades the real world; who wins?

>> No.15941412

Really only Lilims and Dark Matters would be that powerful to need nukes. The rest could be dealt with with more common firepower.

Sure, the people in that city would turn, but what about the rest if the world when they see the city descend into a chaotic orgy as the citizens become no longer human? It'll be the new 9/11. As for the men killing themselves, They'll see MGs as inhuman invaders that rape men and turn women. Many wouldn't want to take their chances.

>> No.15941413

Dude that shit is fucking SCARY. Even if I was a devout christian and I thought that succubus pussy would literally devour my soul, one look at a city gassed with matango spores would make me crawl up to the nearest demon and give her the head of a life time.

>They have a peculiar, parasitic reproductive cycle, whereby the spores they produce infect humans with external mushroom growths. An infected male will find himself compelled to go into the forest and have sex with the matango, whereupon she produces many more spores. If they are inhaled by a human woman, the fungal infection will gradually begin to transform her into a matango from the inside out. This often leads to chain reactions as one infected woman begins to spore and infects others, transforming whole villages into mycological colonies.

Undrinkable for humans only, mind you. It won't kill you, but after you drink it, you'll either be a spidercow or you'll be an incubus

>> No.15941415

>Elves doing ass sumo to try and woo you
>That one fucking Dark Elf with a voluptuous, plump ass that absorbs any and all impacts
>The mightiest of asses

>> No.15941418

do not bully the monster girls

>> No.15941419

What if a single father was cooking with an apron?
Would it be the same as a milf for guys?

>> No.15941421

>go from tolerable lilim ocs to more HFY war bullshit
Can we just go back to stupid oc talk or at least change the subject to Wendigo hugs?

>> No.15941423


>> No.15941425

>TFW you will never breed ALL THE ELVES
Why must you hurt me like this? It' my dream to do it anon, let me hope damn it!

>> No.15941424

>Really only Lilims and Dark Matters would be that powerful to need nukes. The rest could be dealt with with more common firepower.
Shoggoths are notoriously annoying to kill while I'm not sure even a nuke works against higher-tiered ghosts, since those need magic to harm and actual normal fire isn't magical.
And magic is REALLY scary. Runes of Explosion can kill anyone who reads a letter with it while something like mass charm species does exactly what it says on the tin.

>> No.15941427

But what about the breasts?

>> No.15941428

I want to hug a lilim!

>> No.15941429
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>> No.15941430

I imagined myself cooking with a naked apron for my waifu. She would probably lose her shit and die of laughter.

>> No.15941435

But is your ass attractive

>> No.15941438

Alp detected

>> No.15941443

Uhh, how do I respond to this?

>> No.15941445

Matango are literally just a nasty fungal infection. Monsters wouldn't spread that on purpose, not least of all because it means they don't get a single man out of it for themselves. They'd all be fucking the braindead human women.

>> No.15941450

Shogs and ghosts are nonissues. They can only corrupt one at a time. Better to focus on the stronger, more physical monstergirls.

>> No.15941451

Girls have tastes in male asses too or so I'm told.

>> No.15941452

Yeah but like
They aren't, you literally don't have a way of dealing with them.

>> No.15941453

I know you guys are going to have an autistic stroke, but what happens to gay guys in monstergirl world? Girls get turned to monsters, guys get used as fucktoys, but what about guys who are gay to begin with? Are they just immune?

What about trans? Do girl -> guys start wanting to fuck guys again? Guy -> girl kill themselves because they have no cock with witch to fuck?
What about eunuchs, which I guess are the same thing?
Intersex? (not futa, real world type hermaphrodites or people who, say, look female externally but have xy chromosomes due to being immune to androgens)

Or are they just assumed to not exist/there's nothing said about them?

As a tangent, what happens to little boys? There are pedo girl monsters, but do shotas get raped by monsters too?

Another tangent, but say a tru-/jp/-doesn't-like-3d-women type fell into the world, would there be something that got to him? What about those with other extreme fetishes like those that couldn't get off unless someone was being cut apart or something?

>> No.15941455

How about a Lilim Wendigo?

>> No.15941458

Greetings newfriend.
Please read http://monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Alp..

>> No.15941460

Mamonobama is the answer
To be serious, Alps are a thing, shotas are probably a thing, and I bet there's painting-monsters.

>> No.15941463

>"Hi, I'm Jim. I was on the front lines of the monster invasion. See this large scar here?"
>Jim parts his hair to show a rather gnarly scar
>"I was so scared and ignorant that I took my own life. Took my own gun and turned it on myself"
>"But then, I woke up. To my loving wife." A woman clad in robes steps into the frame, smiling shyly and waving, "She picked me up, put my skull back together, patched it up and gave me life, or should I say un-life, where I had thought all was lost."
>"And I just want to say to all the men out there, even if you are afraid of change, don't take that ultimate step."
>Jim grins,
>"Not all girls are as cool as my wife and you might just find that you don't come back."
>*This message was sponsored by TanukiTv*

Try making a convincing case to your men that they hould end their lives when propaganda like this begins to spread. Remember, the vast majority of men just want some one to love.

Also, the world doesn't see things like it does 9/11 anymore. If it did, the constant terror attacks wouldn't be met with messages of "deal with it". Now, an attack that doesn't leave behind nothing but corpses and destruction, but cumstains and happy couples?

>They'd all be fucking the braindead human women.
No they'd all be matango, can't you read?

>> No.15941464


>> No.15941465

While I don't know how to help you, I would certainly molest the shit out of those ears.
God, they're so irresistible.

>> No.15941466

Threadcanon: all gays turn into alps.

MGEcanon:gay incubi turn into alps.

SettingXcanon: gays are actually a secret undercover group of spies sent to gather info on the monster lord.

>> No.15941471

>What are alps

>> No.15941473
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Dragons are for ab licking

>> No.15941474

Whenever I see this pic, I always think she's eating her own tit at first.

>> No.15941478

Dire wyverns a best.

I want to drink hot cider with her.

>> No.15941479

>No they'd all be matango, can't you read?

Matango are human women infected by matango mushroom. They're not honest monsters, they're just horribly diseased.

>> No.15941481

Dragons are for giving marriage rings.

>> No.15941486
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>*This message was sponsored by TanukiTv*
They wouldn't be this direct, if anything they'd falseflag as some other obscure television or HUMAN activist group.

>> No.15941487
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>> No.15941489

Uh, you wanna cite that baseless claim?

>> No.15941497

>Wisp haunting the site of the battle where she died looking for her childhood friend brother in arms
>He survived the battle and ended up as a general
>After 50 years there's another battle in the same place
>They meet each other just at the critical moment
Do you think she would let him win the battle before pouncing on him and finally pulling him with her to the other side?

>> No.15941498


>> No.15941499

I'm sure you could find intelligence on how to deal with them as the war goes on.

Not even getting into the taboo of undeath, but most people would truat those commercials as much as they do political ads or ISIS. You're forgetting that ground zero of a DE bomb must be terrifying to normal humans. With people's mothers, sisters and daughter tackling men down and raping them as their bodies twist and change into a new monstrous form. Do you think your average human would want that?

>> No.15941500

I honestly think she'd join him.

>> No.15941502

Can Lillim birth more lillims?

I remembered Maritan going to ask KC himself about this

>> No.15941503
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Turn me on with your electric feel~

>> No.15941506

Read the profile. They're just infected. Then read the World Guide entry on Matango Mushroom for extra measure about how it's the same thing but without the ability to root in human flesh.

>> No.15941507

But anon, Wisps can't return to life.

>> No.15941508

Gonna lick them, stroke them, and take her out to a nice dinner.

>> No.15941513

I think so, but we best stop talking lest we upset ol' grumpy pants again.

>> No.15941516

>humans just see a brainwashed mindless husk on live TV
It's going to be propaganda alright.

>> No.15941517

We got an answer for that I think. Maybe you should check the archives, it should be too hard if you just look for Maritan's name.

>> No.15941518

>I'm sure you could find intelligence on how to deal with them as the war goes on.
You uh
You can't unless the pope suddenly gains the ability to cast holy magic. That's just how shit like ghosts and wraiths work.

>most people would trust those commercials...
That's untrue. Propaganda and ads actually have a huge effect on the population, it's the reason companies are willing to sink millions and millions into getting that billboard spot or that 30 second slot during primetime for someone to say something cheesy about sprite and why propaganda is itself a huge sector of government. Individually speaking some people are going to be relatively unmoved but that's okay because the point of these ads isn't to actually convert you, it's to plant the seed of doubt or that nudging thought in your mind, like how when a preacher is shouting about the grace of god every day you might think him stupid but watch as the passerby slowly think maybe he's onto something.

>> No.15941520

Will do.

>> No.15941523

>Not even getting into the taboo of undeath
The taboo of undeath doesn't hold that much power to your scared every day man who sees a chance to meet his family and friends again even after they die without any negative effects.

>but most people would truat those commercials as much as they do political ads or ISIS
No, try hoaky social media trends like Kony 2012. People trust this kind of shit a LOT

>bodies twist and change into a new monstrous form
You keep saying this like they are growing slaneeshi style mutations. Are cute paws and fluffy ears really that frightening to a common man? their faces are still entirely human and the first monster a man meets is going to be more attractive in person than ANY human woman he'd seen ever including photoshoped images and movies. With great tits and a great ass. That said woman is BEGGING him to touch and play with
>Do you think your average human would want that?
Step out of your bias, take an outside perspective, re-read what I just said, and ask yourself.

>> No.15941524

>Playing Kingmaker campaign with some buddies.
>Have a 20 year time skip coming up.
>A good quarter of that is spent dealing with the plague and constant bandits/slaver raids.

Seriously, how many little goblin girls are stealing men?

>> No.15941529

>A monster mushroom shaped like a woman that lives in the damp places in the forest.
>The mushroom, having grabbed a part of the woman’s mind, will drastically increase her sexual desires, making them attack men and absorb their semen. This makes the mushroom grow rapidly, and it soon changes the woman into a matango.

Now post why you think matangos aren't monstergirls but at just infected humans

Good luck trying to convince people that the articulate and emotional man on TV is actually a brainless zombie.

>> No.15941532



>> No.15941538

You could spin it your way, but it's so fucking easy for me to spin it the other way.
We're shooting '''monsters''' who are only attacking in self-defense, whose 'victims' are simply getting prime ass every day and healthier and smarter than ever (and probably have instant eight packs), and who seem to mean humanity as a whole no harm in fact they seem to love us and tend to protect us. They're useful in many ways and they're generally benevolent (Tanuki need not apply but Tanuki are already in charge of the world)
Who do you think your average person is going to think is wrong here? Who's the real monster?

>> No.15941547

But those are girls. I meant guys who only liked big huge bara men. Not guys who wanted to be girls or would take it like a girl or who would fuck anything that looked as girlish as that.

They couldn't become incubi to begin with if they don't fuck womanly things right?

>> No.15941553

>everyone who comes into contact with the monsters instantly becomes 100% pro-monster regardless of previous opinion and changes into one too when it comes to women
>sure partner everything is fine, I hated the invaders so much I killed myself but I've been totally brought back to life just like that without any ill effects and now I just fuck my wife all day, everything is fine here
People would never believe it. There would be no proof that the monsterized and incubized humans aren't brainwashed or possesed by ayy lmaos, or if they're even the same people they used to be at all and not replaced with pod people or body snatchers or something.

>> No.15941555

You mean the type who wanted to fuck other big men in the ass but wouldn't suck their partner off?
They all died out I guess
Natural selection at its finest.

>> No.15941584

Most people don't think very fucking hard about these sort of things, they see it on television and go 'oh damn'. The problem is that as soon as you have a significant group of people who believe this they literally start coming up with claims and justifications on their own with no Tanuki involvement, and the Tanuki WILL get involved, they'll keep releasing these videos, etc, every single one of these will become more evidence for the believers, and the only evidence that detractors will have is, ironically, the one that conspiracy theorists use - "well OF COURSE they're covering it up so you don't see anything wrong". You'd also have third party and """"third party"""" videos showing up, showing that their daily life is blissful and not necessarily nothing but sex. It'd be impossible to deny, any denier would become a conspiracy theorist because the only evidence they have on their side is the total fucking absence of it.

>> No.15941587

>He doesn't realize that the fungus burrowing into the brain and changing the behavior is based on cordyceps
>Just ignoring the whole part about how they go basically brain dead from the mushroom growing bigger and feeding on their body
>Ignoring the whole part about how the mushroom everything is a separate organism

You are a dim one, you know that? Oh, wait, you're the guy who has been MGFY'ing all over the place and saying eight darkmatters can instantly convert half a billion people over a whole continent. So that's no surprise really.

>> No.15941588

Here's how it works:
>Have you been exposed to DE AND you would never ever fuck a girl?
>If so, you unconsciously use that DE to Alp yourself

>> No.15941595

>you're the guy who has been MGFY'ing all over the place
There's pretty obviously at least two people who don't agree with the HFY guy. Who's probably you.

>> No.15941601


You don't need to fuck at all to be exposed to DE.

>> No.15941602
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You guys got any plans for Halloween yet?

>> No.15941603

Cute Wendigo at a neighborhood BBQ.

>> No.15941604

You could just find a Lich's lair, deal with her and steal her books on magic. You could find a way to magic away ghosts and similar monsters then. Again, monsters are bit humans. Humans truat humans, not monsters.

The taboo of letting the death rest is a old one. If someone you knew died only to come back as a busty corpse hungry for cock, would you be happy? Also, it's not just women turning into docile vanilla catgirls. What would an average person think if they saw a video if a girl-next-door having her bottom half turn into a spider or melt into some as she corners a scared man and rapes him?

They're inhuman rapists that turn women into more of them. That's enough to get most people to hate them.

>> No.15941607


>> No.15941612

>You could just find a Lich's lair, deal with her and steal her books on magic. You could find a way to magic away ghosts and similar monsters then. Again, monsters are bit humans. Humans truat humans, not monsters.
>with a Lich
>without magic
Boy mate I hope you have protection against instant death and giant fucking fireballs and a way to stop her from teleporting away
Then you best hope humans from this world can actually cast magic.

>> No.15941614
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Sit in camper in woods.
Eat Sterno heated meal.
Drink self to sleep after writing a paragraph or doodling. Whitehorn.

Assuming I even get the day off! If not, I'll be working 18 hours of hard manual labor!
Kill me.

>> No.15941615

Alping occurs in homosexuals first and foremost, regardless of their preferences.

In real life, there is an obvious distinction between homosexuality and transsexuality. Not so in MGE.

>> No.15941620

Nobody agrees with that rabble rouser. He's talking nonsense. You can't beat DE. It's that fucking broken. But that other guy saying everyone would happily bend over is just as retarded.

>Who's probably you.
I reiterate what I said before, you're a real dim one.

>> No.15941623

>>sure partner everything is fine, I hated the invaders so much I killed myself but I've been totally brought back to life just like that without any ill effects and now I just fuck my wife all day, everything is fine here
But all of that is completely true.
>There would be no proof that the monsterized and incubized humans aren't brainwashed or possesed by ayy lmaos, or if they're even the same people they used to be at all and not replaced with pod people or body snatchers or something.
There is no proof that they are either. It's non issue. Ask an incubus something only his human self could know and he'd answer you all the same.

>everyone who comes into contact with the monsters instantly becomes 100% pro-monster regardless of previous opinion and changes into one too when it comes to women
>Young single men will froth at the mouth with Space marine tier rage at the beautiful monster lady who is asking him to touch her boobs and will sooner murder the pretty lady who isn't posing a threat in cold blood
Yeah, sure. Because that's a human reaction.

You still haven't linked to the part in the profile where it says that matango aren't actually monstergirls but are just infected human women. Wanna quit talking out of your ass sometime soon?
>I'll make you seem less credible if I say you're this other guy because only one guy could disagree with me
I mean you might as well have just called me a samefag. It's less words you have to waste.

>> No.15941625

>In real life, there is an obvious distinction between homosexuality and transsexuality.
Yeah, one of them is just people with shit taste and the other ones aren't real

>> No.15941628

What does HFY mean?

>> No.15941633
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>> No.15941636

>He doesn't know

I'll give you a hint. The H stands for holstaur.

>> No.15941638

Why does she have tits growing from her stomach?

>> No.15941640

>The taboo of letting the death rest is a old one. If someone you knew died only to come back as a busty corpse hungry for cock, would you be happy
I have literally no reason to not want my grandfather to come back to life if he wasn't cancer ridden again, the taboo of letting the dead rest is only a thing because the alternative will never happen and it's both pointless and painful to fantasize about what could have been. Aesops and fables tend to shy away from these things.

>books on magic
I really doubt the reason we can't use magic is because we haven't figured out how and am convinced it's because we literally can't use it because it doesn't exist in our worldsystem.

>inhuman rapists
Who can charm people by talking (which may or may not transfer through television, fancy that) and a good percentage of which literally make people hot and horny by existing in close proximity.

It's more that both homos and transsexuals become alps, not that homos literally are transsexuals.

Nobody's saying they'd happily bend over but I don't think it's literally all of humanity united against tits. I'm not the dim one, by the way, even though I'm pretty sure you called two different people dim ones. Watch it become three.

>> No.15941642

You were given the sources from the beginning you lazy bum

>Additionally, this is concerning the reason why it resembles matango. There are a lot of them growing in the places where matangos live.
>They may be matango spores that were unable to achieve their objective of reaching a human man or woman to be inhaled,

>> No.15941643
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Huge Fucking Yandere

>> No.15941644

They're large and saggy.

>> No.15941647

Send a disposable schmuck to seduce her. When she's busy away on a date you break in and rob the place. Or you could kick her in the you-know-what and shotgun her head, giving you time to grab what you need and run before she reforms.

>> No.15941648


>> No.15941652

High Five Yetis.
They just want to know that you appreciate them anon.

>> No.15941657

Boy yeah because the local Tanuki don't have a camera there just waiting for it to happen

>> No.15941658

We're talking about matango, not pseudo-matango so I fail to see how this is relevant to the discussion on whether or not matango are montergirls or just infected human women.

>> No.15941662

>you break in and rob the place
Alarm Magic and traps that summon oh I don't fucking know black puddings.

>> No.15941663

Why are yanderes so perfect in every way?
Is it because their love is more pure and powerful than other girls'?

>> No.15941665

It's not like she'd be rolling around in it like a dog anon...

>> No.15941666

Stop promoting yourself

>> No.15941667

I can see it already
>Humanist terrorist breaks into an innocent Lich's home and abuses her before blowing her head off with a shotgun

>> No.15941674

>We're talking about matango, not pseudo-matango
They're the same thing. The mushroom goes through its whole life cycle whether its inside a person or not. The spores are no different between them. Even human men get infected by the same spores. It's just an infection any way you slice it. She's not some new creature.

>> No.15941677
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It's Holstaurs Fucking Yankees.
They'll make the South rise again by depopulating the North.

>> No.15941679

I wouldn't want my family that passed away to come back to the land of living to ride dick. It would just be wrong to me. Also, most people wouldn't care if they were charming, just that she's half snake or seven feet half or has any other freaky features.

It could be easy to justify by the government.

>> No.15941682

>the government.
The Tanuki are already there.

>> No.15941687
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Peasant dragons. Not all of them can be royalty, after all.

>> No.15941688

They'd be outjewed before they could get positions.

>> No.15941692

Poor little Lesser Dragons.

>> No.15941699

Half their shtick is that you can't outjew them.
Especially because you don't even know they're Tanuki to begin with.

>> No.15941700

She's got a lesser bust as well. Poor thing.

>> No.15941701

No, matango release spores constantly. Those inhaled by human women turn the human woman into a matango like them. Those inhaled by a human man inspires them to go out and bang some squishy shroom pussy. Those which are not inhaled grow as an off shoot species of pseudo-matango.

It's literally in both profiles learn to read. I guess you don't think that vampires are real either, they are just human women infected with vampire blood

>> No.15941702

I laugh at the people who likes dragons just because they are rich, strong and big.

>> No.15941706

>peasant dragons
>They're still richer than all other peasants and a few nobles.

I can dig it.

>> No.15941709

I want to play Gears of War 4 with my Hellhound best friend and watch her react to the chainsaw bayonet!

>> No.15941711

>It could be easy to justify by the government.
Not if the Tanuki release their video first.

>> No.15941716

I want to clean her scales, polish her horns and give her a nice massage after a day of hard work.

>> No.15941719

>They'd be outjewed before they could get positions.
>outjewing a tanuki
David himself would have massive issues outjewing even a novice tanuki, that's part of their profile.

>> No.15941721

But they don't know how our world works. The people they're up against have many years of experience.

Then it would be a fake video released to turn people ago against their government.

>> No.15941723

The man literally grows a mushroom out of his head too. Try reading the Q&A's sometime.

>> No.15941726

She's going to be very dusty after a long August day spent farming. She might lie there like a dead fish while you tend to her. Would you also molest her?

>> No.15941729

>It's more that both homos and transsexuals become alps, not that homos literally are transsexuals.
Yes? Not arguing that, just point out there's no real distinction or nuance made between them in the MGE. They both Alp.

Though going back to the original question raised, it gives me pause, making me wonder to what extent the input male might affect the output female.

>> No.15941730

What does that have to do with women who inhale matango not turning into matango themselves? It's literally the only way they reproduce.

>> No.15941732

>Then it would be a fake video released to turn people ago against their government.
That doesn't work you literal 0/10 propagandist. One of the most important things in trying to get people on your side is releasing your version first, because a first impression is a lasting one.
The problem is that the events in question happened and that any bit of prodding will reveal that it happened, so what is important is that you find an excuse for it. What could the excuse be? Perhaps plant something and say 'she was le evil', but that's hard to get done with the Monsters who are many times more observant and can use fucking >magic to make shit work.

>> No.15941738

What are some Whitehorn approved activities? Or things thry would do?

>> No.15941740

Your only argument every single time is "nuh uh it doesn't work."
It'd be comical had you not been doing this for almost an entire day.

>> No.15941745

>But they don't know how our world works. The people they're up against have many years of experience.
They're literally king juden, they'd figure it out and you wouldn't realize they're Tanuki anyway
They also have unlimited fucking funds via sucking off some CEO somewhere.

>> No.15941750
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>> No.15941754

What a lewd, big butt.

>> No.15941755

Ayy fanart already

>> No.15941757

I don't follow.

>> No.15941768

But who are people going to trust? Their own people or alien Jewish raccoons? Again, people distrust anything an "enemy" says anyway.

Economics are complex when they spend the entire globe very the more local economy tanukis know, and you would think CEOs could just play it safe and be sucked off by human whores.

>> No.15941774

Best outer goddess.

>> No.15941775

>women who inhale matango not turning into matango themselves

Literally nobody has argued that. The point is the matango is a parasitic fungus. It needs a host to breed but it will grow in damn near anything, and it does. It doesn't differentiate by design between men or dirt. It grows everywhere. It just happens to only have the right conditions to reproduce in a human woman. In the end it's just a bunch of stuff growing on a human girl. She's not transformed into a mushroom. You don't think cordyceps is the ant and the mushroom do you?

>> No.15941776

Exactly. She worked really hard, so as a reward I would attend to every little dirty spot in her scales, making it's she's more clean and shiny than a rich dragon's hoard.
Not really molesting, but I would definitely tease her with the massage. Slowly drifting my fingers near her sensitive spots and making sure I put some real nice pressure on her tired muscles. I want to hear her little moans as she feels my touch and feel her getting hotter and hotter as time goes on.

>> No.15941780

What was she from again? That one hentai?

>> No.15941782

>Their own people or alien Jewish raccoons?
Are you retarded? Do you know a single thing about the Tanuki profile?
Why are you here?

>> No.15941791

>But who are people going to trust? Their own people or alien Jewish raccoons? Again, people distrust anything an "enemy" says anyway.
You wouldn't know they're alien jewish raccoons. Did you actually read the profile? They're the perfect king juden, the boyim will LITERALLY never find out.

>economics are complex when they spend the entire globe very the more local economy tanukis know
You literally fucking wot

>you think CEOs would just play it safe and be sucked off by human whores
Instead of really really really hot and really really really skilled ones that are Tanuki in disguise you mean

>> No.15941792

So if some random girl appeared out off thin air and tried to get people to go all in with the MGs, she would be trusted without any suspicion?

>> No.15941796

Yep, also non-H series with the same artist, characters and story.

>> No.15941798

What is its name?

>> No.15941803

They're not stupid, they know how to be subtle. That's why they're successful.
Given your willful ignorance of MGs capabilities and how you continue to dismiss their specialties and abilities as inconsequential, I think I'm done arguing. Have one last (You).

>> No.15941806

Ane Narumono is the hentai
http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Ane-Naru-Mono is the manga
Spoonfeeding is OK because we're not on /a/ anymore.

They're literally canonically bullshit jewish and subtle as fuck.
>They can use various spells to deceive people, including spells of transformation, and illusionary spells. Their “spell of anthropomorphosis” is especially tricky. They can change not only their shape, but also their scent and the aura given off by their magical energy into those of humans. It’s so effective that heroes or monsters with only scant knowledge of the magical arts wouldn’t be able to catch on to their true nature.
End your fucking life, it's like you didn't even bother to read the profiles of the monster you're talking about.

>> No.15941808

>in the you know what
What are we fucking twelve.

>> No.15941810

>But who are people going to trust? Their own people
>>>>People trust their government
Not him, but shit dude what fucking rock do you live under. The common populace will LEAP at an opportunity to out THE MAN, the PATRIARCHY as the bad guy that they always knew they were

>Literally nobody has argued that.
That's what you were saying this whole time. That their parasitic nature means that human girls who inhale it aren't actually becoming monstergirls.

>> No.15941814

>Only one person hates the OC lilim thing
Chowder, don't turn into Commercial, you're better than this.

>> No.15941821

Seeing as he thinks you can just kick and shoot lichs as a level 4 soldier with a shotgun, probably.

>> No.15941823

I want to find the chubby NEET lilim and tell her that her taste in vidya is shit.

>> No.15941824

Tanukis might do well, but all the other girls would have a might harder time. Which is all that matters

Not if it's flawed human governments vs alien invaders.

>> No.15941825

Matango holocaust when.

>> No.15941834

Four months.

>> No.15941840

>Flawed and corrupt self serving human governments who want your freedom and money vs Sexy, humanoid, relateable alien invaders who only want love and dicks.
Gee I wonder

>> No.15941845

Not to mention we're in a thread dedicated to the fetish of relentlessly fucking monstrous women for all eternity

>> No.15941848

>Tanukis might do well, but all the other girls would have a might harder time. Which is all that matters
>he literally gave up
Yeah no
The problem with this logic is that the Tanuki, now pillars of the human society and basically the entire government filled with them, is no longer going to promote violence against monster girls.
You never really addressed how the hell you'd deal with them anyway. The average monster girl can't be overpowered by the average human and using weapons and such only makes the humans look worse since humans tend to feel soft for the underdog and whatever.

>flawed human governments vs. alien invaders
These human governments tend to be blamed for literally everything that goes wrong, meanwhile the ''alien invaders'' are showing their titties.

>> No.15941849

I never explicitly stated that, but I guess I should stop poking fun.
And never bring up commercial anon.

By the way, who are you?

>> No.15941850

You know what? I like my Lilim and I want to spend a lot of time with her.

>> No.15941863

>gave up
There was never anything for him to give up to begin with. This entire argument is
Side 1: Well here is some actual reasoning and what ifs that make sense
Side 2: Nuh uh humans are edgy and hate being happy because I say so

>> No.15941865

No. I was saying that Matango full stop are just diseased humans. It's like putting a leper in the encyclopedia. But that inconsistency is KC's own fault with backing off the full old horror movie Matango route in their origin.

>> No.15941869

>Matango aren't montergirls
Whatever dude

>> No.15941876

To be fair, I'd just want to irritate a lilim enough to see if I could get her to hate fuck me.

>> No.15941879

Just another random anon, friend.

>> No.15941885

>Matango are a whole profile about an infection when it could have been shoved in with all the other demon realm slut diseases
>Alps are a needless whole profile about regular succubi who happen to be made from faggots even when they were already talked about in background material
>Undead aren't actually undead. They're fully alive, have babies, and age
>Incubi are totally just humans dude, except for the giant spider, the squid, the slime, and the furry mascot

Welcome to KC land. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.15941886

You're forgetting the in-group preference many humans have. There's a reason us vs them is so widespread, especially if the enemy is hard to identify with, like not being human.

Have you forgotten tanukis are not human and would be easy to pick out if you knew what to question them? Like asking what cartoons they liked as kids? As for what humans could do to overpower them, you do know what guns did you balance the power of humans, right? Most monstergirls are flesh and blood. One shot to the brain and it's over, taunki or human.

>> No.15941896

I want to tease a Lilim until she can't take it anymore!
I want to cuddle with her after she ravages me and feel her warm breath against my neck as I fall asleep in her embrace.

>> No.15941901

> what cartoons you like as a kid determine if you're human
Because two minutes of research is impossible. You can't debate worth a damn, so give it a rest.

>> No.15941902

>Incubi are totally just humans dude, except for with the chaos girl, the chaos girl, the chaos girl, or the sanity-blasting horror
Noticing a trend there?

>> No.15941907

I want to hear from a Lilim her stories of traveling and corruption, her feats and the times where she lost. I want to hear everything she has to say.

>> No.15941909

Please, you gotta have her fall asleep in your embace.

Lilim aren't big enough to have something like that happen.

>> No.15941913

>Undead aren't actually undead. They're fully alive, have babies, and age
Where does it say this? Isn't it just some things like reproductive abilities magically regenerating by spirit energy over time?

>> No.15941917

No I think you're just both retarded and incorrect. Matango are montergirls. Monstergirls that reproduce like a fungal infection bust are monstergirls none the less.

>There's a reason us vs them is so widespread, especially if the enemy is hard to identify with, like not being human.
You're so wrong it's funny. Firstly, their inhumanity doesn't count for shit. Human faces, human tits, human bodies. Human emotions. Literally MORE than what you would need to identify with it. The minimum required to identify is human emotion.

And it is far easier for a human to hate something similar to them than it is to hate something different. Look at the hate muslims have towards muslims that are only slightly different in X way. Or protestants and catholics

You're also not taking into account just how flexible the ingroup outgroup mentality is. It can just as easily be changed into pro-monster vs anti-monster

>Like asking what cartoons they liked as kids?
>Tanuki don't do their research

>> No.15941918

>Have you forgotten tanukis are not human and would be easy to pick out if you knew what to question them?
As a journalist would you randomly fucking ask what cartoons Donald Trump watched as a kid? Do you randomly fucking just interrogate people you meet?
Tanuki will figure this shit out really fucking fast. I managed to pretend I was an avid comic book fan to someone >in real life thanks to lurking /co/ for a few weeks and basically parroting the shit I heard there. Tanuki could go on 4chan and facebook for about 5 days and know Spongebob and Avatar the Last Airbender exists (for Young Adults) and I love lucy exists (for old people).
They could also easily go >I didn't really watch much I liked playing football as a kid haha or something.

The fun thing about guns is that they take very little time to learn how to use. Say hello to Elves with sniper rifles that fire seduction shots or something.
Also many monster girls are likely to be immune to guns and such. Dragons for example, or any of the undead, or phantom-types, or slimes. Magic casters get shit like Wall of Force too.
Also are you implying just randomly fucking shooting a succubus who's kissing up to you is going to reflect well? Maybe locally, yeah, but it's going to be INCREDIBLY fucking easy for activists to make you look like literally Hitler. You just shot someone talking you up.

>> No.15941922

Anon, think it through. If they can have babies, are those babies going to stay newborns forever?

>> No.15941931
File: 624 KB, 1200x1738, The Ultimate MILF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's from a doujin and she's Shub-Niggurath.

>> No.15941932

>6. Dark Mage
its half way down the list
Im a little disgruntled but if it was farther i would be full on pissed so i guess this is fine

>> No.15941933

You're arguing with the guy who effectively said that people wouldn't listen to a Pharaoh.

>> No.15941937

>us vs them
You're right. Humanity loves us vs. them, it's actually hardwired into our minds, that's why we create divisions among groups larger than about 100 maximum to break them into 'manageable' sizes. For the most part we don't necessarily break along these lines, but when it comes down to it we will say 'you're not one of 'us''.
The weird thing about the concept of divisions existing but not being active so to speak is that you can actually create new divisions whereever the hell a division exists. For example - people who would turn a gun on a waifu vs. people would refuse.

>> No.15941938

Imagine how quickly #monsterlivesmatter would spread

>> No.15941941

The first poster is t. anuki.

>> No.15941944

>You will never escape to a demon realm with your human gf
>you will never stumble onto a field of couples fruit and eat them and have consensual sex all day until she's a succubus.

>> No.15941951

I thought the profiles were from the POV of a non impartial narrator.

>> No.15941955

How many people hate succubi?

>> No.15941956

This guy gets it. Matango legitimately terrify me.

>> No.15941958

Yeah but it's like, factually said, that they can shapeshift and become indistinguishable from a human. It is literally impossible to tell a tanuki master race from a boyim unless you're an experienced mage and real life humans can't use magic.

>> No.15941960

Anuki is a good girl who dindu nuffin

>> No.15941966

"Impartial" in that not hating/fearing MGs is outside the norm in human lands.
If you're saying that the profiles are outright lies then you need to go sober up.

>> No.15941970

Thinking on it, "Death" is the state of the body's functions shutting down entirely. The process of "Dying" begins immediately after the body has fully developed, usually occurring somewhere around the 30s in human ages.

Thus you could make the argument that the body cannot become "Undead" until it has begun to die. So you could reason "Undead Children" are in fact alive until they are fully grown, at which point their bodies naturally enter a state of undead stasis.

Of course this line of logic goes completely out the window if, say, they were to partake of Sabbath Products prior to adulthood. Having achievement immortality by these means prior to their bodies' natural stasis, they would by this metric not be considered undead at all.

Ultimately it's probably best not to think about it too hard.

>> No.15941972

Maybe, but all the old tanuki myths line up with that too. The non impartial part is how he says stuff like how even though they'll ruin you financially and destroy your life's work, it's okay because they're doing it out of love and because you make their vagina all wet and sloppy.

>> No.15941973

>POV of a non impartial narrator.
Man fuck KC that stupid cunt. I guess he's just trying to weasel his way into
>You can just imagine your waifu doing whateeeeeverer tehehe
But all the stupid cunt did was making concrete arguments based on profiles literally impossible.

>> No.15941978

I want to play Quake with Shub-Niggurath!

>> No.15941985

That is the entire point you realize.

The MGE was made to inspire lewdness in the vein of a D&D manual inspiring a TT Campaign.
Not be used a concrete evidence to support arguments over headcanon.

>> No.15941987

What happens if I'm the same height as her?
Would that be even more comfy?

>> No.15941988
File: 1.31 MB, 2021x1334, Needs more hoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right lads, it's time for some real talk.

How do we convince the Latenight to draw more lewd?

Also it's cold and I really miss swimsuit weather.

>> No.15941989

Which one?

>> No.15941993

I get it but the wanker should just stick to pretty pictures.

>> No.15941994
File: 1.92 MB, 550x309, 1442971405295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Challenging a horny outer god to running at max speed and double jumping

>> No.15941995


>> No.15941997
File: 2.40 MB, 1800x2250, White Lingere, Runes, Censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think >>15938292 sums it up pretty well, but I like to gush.

My fantasy would revolve around me and my anubis waifu living on a spacecraft together. Either our own little ship, travelling from star to star for whatever reason, maybe exploring, searching, or running.

Or working as engineers on an interstellar cruise liner. An opulent, colossal marvel of technology and beautiful architechture, carrying passengers on spectacular voyages to stars, planets, nebulae, and all kind of celestial sightseeing attactions. Where you could stand on the promenade deck, look up, and see all the infinite universe above, competing with the festive lights of the ship to take one's breath away.

And where the two of us would be living practically a world away from all that. Our living quarters somewhere deep down in the ship's bowels, hidden in a maze of grey walls and dull, tangled pipework. Two little cupboards barely large enough to qualify as a space a single human could reasonably be expected to survive in. And where we'd spend most of our free time together in one of those rooms anyway. In stifling intimacy that'd be uncomfortable under any other circumstance, getting to know each other. Outside of that, we'd pretty much never have any time to soak up the spectacle or the luxury of the liner. While the passengers would be having parties and dances, experiencing the facilities like the spas, zero-g swimming "pools", malls and so on, we'd be crawling through utility tunnels keeping the whole operation from grinding to a catastrophic halt. Overworked, mostly underappreciated, and laughing with each other as we toil against faulty wiring, outdated computers, choking engines, quenching reactors, and the kind of problems that would probably scare the average person away from ever getting on the cruise liner if they knew about them.
I can't even list here all the situations I could imagine us getting into. Or describe what it'd be like to just enjoy her warm, confident, occasionally snarky company in an otherwise cold, sterile environment. It's an idea I've poured so much into, it probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch to adapt it into a story, given the freedom of time.

The highlight of either fantasy would definitely be long after we've got to know each other, and fall for each other. When she calls me into one of the unused observation rooms, a huge, empty space with just one massive screen window peeking out into the vastness of space. Walking through the door, and seeing her perfect lithe figure sillhouetted against all those stars, wearing nothing but a completely transparent piece of long, open, airy white and pink negligee. Maybe even with white lace, open-footed stockings, and white matching lace arm-gloves.
My fantasy would be seeing her smile as I walk in, watching as she takes a few sinuous, hip-swinging steps forwards before pressing a button on a device in her paw, causing the room's gravity to lower with every step she takes.

Three more slow steps closer, and her long hair, for once not tied into a messy ponytail, starting to drift and bounce a little more with every movement. Again more, and her negligee starting to slowly curl upwards, crawling up her belly and exposing even more of her dark skin. Halfway across the room, and it's like she's walking in slow motion, or underwater, each step leaves her suspended in the air for a whole second before she lands, bouncing like a balloon slowly filling with helium.
Even closer, her breasts buoyant and free from any downward force, so soft and so much plumper, pulling up the white and pink silk even more as they wobble slowly. Her paws are out by her sides to balance her as each step takes her two feet into the air, two and a half, three feet, four seconds to land, then five, then six, toes pointed like a ballerina, leaving a trail of pearl-like droplets that slowly wobble and descend to the floor between her legs.
Then, with her final step, and push off from the ground, she doesn't land at all. Exhilaratingly free from gravity, her hair curtaining, her negligee hanging loosely from her shoulders, and both of them framing her like light and dark wings, shimmering and shining in the low, ambient light.
Her paws reaching out, green eyes sparkling with lust and the stomach-dropping thrill of weightlessness, face flushed and just looking like an angel in general. She'd wrap her arms around me and use her momentum to carry us both back and up, up, up into our own little bubble of floaty love and twirling, entwining embrace. Then we'd paint the room with sweat and sex.

>> No.15941998

The way undeath works in many settings, more or less, is that you're 'more than dead' so to speak.
In D&D it's basically that, just as the living have 'positive energy' and when they exhaust this energy they die, the undead have 'negative energy' and when this energy his zero they die. More or less Death is the state of having nothing. Anything that isn't nothing isn't death, so you're 'alive'. Undeath is just being 'alive' in the other direction.

>But all the stupid cunt did was making concrete arguments based on profiles literally impossible.
But it isn't because you can actually tell when it becomes partial. The impartial parts are parts like
>Tanuki have a natural talent for working with money
>Tanuki can shapeshift and you can't tell the difference

>> No.15942002

Holy fucking shit you what

>> No.15942003

Maybe ask him nicely?

>> No.15942004

>Tanuki can infiltrate and jew humans
You're forgetting there are still some things no amount of pro-monster propaganda will overcome.

One matango infestation and nobody will ever trust the monsters again after seeing the results. One "THINK OF DA CHILLUMNZ" argument regarding sabbath or just normal monster lolifucking will turn the masses of normalfags into ISIS-tier edgelords. And the monsters would never turn on a species of their own ranks, or backpedal on their ideals of love.

>> No.15942006

I'll forgive you for this if it fucks off the weenies.

>> No.15942011

Love is getting out of hand.

>> No.15942012

>one matango infestation
And the world endeth.

>> No.15942013

Can you fuck off already?

>> No.15942016

Just let the man draw whatever he feels like.

>> No.15942018

I really don't like how common the cuck posting is becoming.

>> No.15942024

>One "THINK OF DA CHILLUMNZ" argument regarding sabbath or just normal monster lolifucking will turn the masses of normalfags into ISIS-tier edgelords
This is the only good argument you've come up with

>> No.15942025

But I want to be facing her.

>> No.15942034

See >>15942012
If matangos get loose then whether or not you should fuck the succubus is the least of your concerns, the world is over.

>> No.15942042

Then other stuff. What city did she grow up in? What news did she remeber as a kid? What childhood friends did she have? Stuff that would be hard to make up on the fly if they're acting fishy. On guns only a few would be immune. The rest would die easily.


>> No.15942048
File: 292 KB, 1015x1185, Winter Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also it's cold and I really miss swimsuit weather.
It's started snowing here.
I hate it.
I wish my waifu was here to cuddle with.

Holy shit senpai. That's pretty fantastic all said.
>It's an idea I've poured so much into, it probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch to adapt it into a story, given the freedom of time.
I should hope you get that time, so I'd be able to read it someday.
Also just to go off a tangent from the "interstellar cruise liner" bit, I'm rather looking forward to that upcoming film "Passengers".

>> No.15942058

I want to take a matango and genetically and magically modify her! My new breed will be over 7ft tall, with legs and ripped with muscles. She'll be hyper agressive and so rapey she'll make a Ushi-Oni blush, and she'll be genetically programmed to not want to remain in one place for too long!

>> No.15942063

Best girl when she has the opposite of her species normal personality?

>> No.15942067

> hard to come up with on the fly
What is improv, never heard of it

>> No.15942068

Actually I do recall this being stated somewhere. Something along the lines of 'undead' essentially being magic used to put and maintain a new life in a body.

Now we could say that this is an awkward way to pronounce undead, but due to the way it was described like this in the first place kind of shows that undead is not really undead. It's just a body that used to be a corse, having a new soul put into and being kept in shape by the same magic.

>> No.15942069

Are our world vs mg world /mgg/'s version of my dad can kick your dads ass?

>> No.15942071

>literally the end of the fucking world is needed for the monsters to lose
Great argument.

>Then other stuff. What city did she grow up in? What news did she remeber as a kid? What childhood friends did she have? Stuff that would be hard to make up on the fly if they're acting fishy.
Actually, you're the one who's acting fishy. This is a TRUSTED and HONORABLE member of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS, a RISING STAR female senator who is expected to be a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE for 2032.
No literally - why the fuck would you start interrogating someone when you have LITERALLY NO REASON to believe they're anything but human, and remember only non-humans can fail this.
>what city did she grow up in
>what news did she remember as a kid
All of these are incredibly trivial given that they'd have to come up with a false identity with a false ID anyway meaning they're probably plumbing the deepweb.

>> No.15942076

It'll just be the purge by nuclear fire -option again. If something so apocalyptic is detected, people will try to stop it at any cost.

I remember hearing that the murican military for example has a plan for a zombie apocalypse as ridiculous as that sounds, so they probably have a plan for the worst case scenario of an out of control parasite contagion, too.

>> No.15942077

Why would mantangos be a world ending scenario?

>> No.15942079

A rare bipedal bicorn would be a strong runner.
>Just as lewd as the lewdest of demons
>But as fiercely monogamous as a unicorn to the point of yandere
She only has horsepussy against her at that point, but a bipedal one wuld be 10/10

>> No.15942082


We have that in the form of "My daughteru can bully your daughteru".

>> No.15942087
File: 49 KB, 476x509, Kiki_watches_the_scene_no_one_somehow_managed_to_spoil_her_for_thirty_years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What movie would you want to watch with your Kiki maid?

A movie with your favorite Monstergirl is fine too.

>> No.15942088

>Matango infestation
Mac, get the flamethrower.

>> No.15942089

So the literal fucking end of the world, yes? You do realize that the total collapse of human civilization to the point where we've been nuked into the neolithic age is far more advantageous to the monsters, who are more durable than humans and can use >fucking magic? You've just negated the only advantage humans held, good job.

Because look at their profile. With how fast people move around the world these days the spread would be absolutely ungodly fast, it might be global before you realize anything is wrong with anyone.

>> No.15942090
File: 189 KB, 800x800, d264f250dea9e5d1206052e46016aee7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are dark elves so superior to vanilla?

>> No.15942097

Daughteru fighting club time?

>> No.15942100

The waifu and I enjoy horror, even if it's B movie tier horror. I'd like to sit down and watch The Devil's Rejects with her.

>> No.15942103


Generic cuddling.

>> No.15942106

Because delicious brown.

Vanilla elves may as well give up and just eat a bunch of holst ice cream because they have nothing else to do.

>> No.15942113

>literally the end of the fucking world is needed for the monsters to lose
Technically a monster victory is the end of the world too.

>This is a TRUSTED and HONORABLE member of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS, a RISING STAR female senator who is expected to be a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE for 2032.
Have you seen the clapistanian elections? They'll dig up all the possible dirt on candidates and throw that shit around, grill them for everything that happened in the past and so on. And even if everything looks to be clear, a number of people will believe the politicians are reptilians in disguise or atleast corrupt as fuck(and lets be honest they probably are corrupt as fuck).

And that's just what's happening now, imagine if the reptilians were without any doubts real and you could see them on live TV every day, and some politicians would appear who were pushing aggressively pro-reptilian policies. It would be witch hunts at best and a full-blown civil war at worst.

>> No.15942116

So if some woman came up with a platform of giving monsters more freedom nobody would check her allegiance with a few simple questions if shapeshifting was known?

>> No.15942120

Brown is amazing when not on 3d.

>> No.15942121

>Technically a monster victory is the end of the world too.
No it isn't, because we're not literally mindless drones.

>Have you seen the clapistanian elections? They'll dig up all the possible dirt on candidates and throw that shit around, grill them for everything that happened in the past and so on. And even if everything looks to be clear, a number of people will believe the politicians are reptilians in disguise or atleast corrupt as fuck(and lets be honest they probably are corrupt as fuck).
And you think the Tanuki wouldn't be able to pull this shit on everyone else when they are canonically the master juden?

>> No.15942123

Because you can paint them white.

>> No.15942125

They might, and it's not hard to make shit up on the spot. I said already, they'd have to come up with fake IDs and all that, which you need deepweb for anyway

>> No.15942130

And is there something wrong with that?

>> No.15942133

Kinda depends on the context for me. I'm not a huge fan of MGE's dark elves because of the BDSM shenanigans. In that case, regular elves are higher ranked for me.
But in nearly every other setting, it's because of that delicious, delicious brown.

>> No.15942134

Not if you aren't looking for something unique.

>> No.15942135

You need advanced cuddling

>> No.15942142

It's harder to make up stuff that would be believable but most people can recall easily. Like stuff you got for Christmas, or websites you looked up, or trouble you got into as a kid.

>> No.15942147

>it's harder
I visited reddit a bunch and used myspace back when it was still cool
I got into trouble for eating my mom's estrogen chocolates because they were milk chocolate
I got a toy thomas train for christmas once and I really liked it, when we moved my dad threw my giant stuffed pikachu out because it was 'dirty' and I didn't get over it for literal years
That wasn't hard at all and none of the above are true.

>> No.15942148

But I want to be able to look at her face while I fall asleep and have the first thing I see when I wake up be her face.


>> No.15942149

But for all her refined looks she's quite gross when sleeping!
Her mouth is open and she even drools a little bit.

>> No.15942151

isnt the inverse also possible?

>> No.15942157

It's easy because you spent decades living in this world and can make lies off what you heard from others and your own experiences. It'll be much harder for someone with little knowledge of our world.

>> No.15942160

You could probably take a regular elf down to the beach. I'll bet they tan easily.

>> No.15942164

It's really not that hard. As I said, I've convinced someone I'm an avid comic book fan by lurking /co/ for a few weeks.
Also this is getting really off topic.

>> No.15942168

Shh, dark elves are better.

>> No.15942173
File: 547 KB, 500x257, 1444827804822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple really.

High Elves are pretty high-maintenance tarts who'll look down at you disdainfully just because you're a filthy round ear. They're the typical tsundere who over time will grow to have feelings for you and then maybe consider having your Half-Elf daughter for you to ostracize and make into a pariah if she gets pregnant before monsterization. Now, granted you think that's a bad thing, but High Elves are pretty much the most vanilla of vanilla when it comes to romance. They're essentially a vanilla sponge cake.

Then you have the Dark Elves. Outcasts from birth that were forced out by their High Elven brethren because they 'fell to darkness', you'd think they'd be just as bitchy as their vanilla counterparts. But here's the fun bit, if say for instance you told a Dark Elf you came to her second because the High Elf rejected you, she wouldn't get angry. Rather, the Dark Elf would do the most perverse and heretical thing a High Elf would think of on a first meeting.

Bend you over her desk and absolutely rape your mouth with her tongue. We're talking legs into jelly tier tongue wrestling while she keeps the High Elf in her gaze the entire time. Then, after sufficiently flustering her 'cousin', you can bet the Dark Elf will either take you back to her place or a suitable hiding area in the public place you're at and FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT LIKE AN ANIMAL. All for the sake of getting you addicted to Dark Elf pussy. Keep in mind that they are BDSM queens as well but holy shit, indulging in dark fantasies while plowing a delicious Dark Elf and painting her insides white is pretty much why their chocolate crumble is better.

TL;DR: Dark Elves are simply the best.

>> No.15942175


>> No.15942178

Pudgy dark elf or muscled vanilla elf?

>> No.15942179

Please remember to delete your off topic images and gifs.

>> No.15942180

What about Wood Elves and Blood Elves?

>> No.15942181

Break what he said down, will ya faggot?
>I enoyed X and Y before they were really popular
>I got into trouble because I ate X when I wasn't supposed to
>My dad threw away X because it was broken/dirty and I didn't get over it for years
This is universal shit, dude. the sentiment is the same no matter what reality all you have to do is replace X with something relevant with some research and there is literally no difference.

Instead of a shoggoth having her toy figure of Cthula broken, it was a gundam. Boom instant cover story.

>> No.15942183

But her hair sticks every which way and she only speaks in mumbles for the first hour she's up!

>> No.15942185

Oh yeah and Night Elves?

>> No.15942186

Blood elves are the best hands down. The treehumping hippie are cool, but there's nothing like a feisty junkie that gets high off cum trying to practically summon it out of you

>> No.15942190

From hundreds of years of them being soul damning demons? Plenty.

>> No.15942192
File: 151 KB, 1233x841, Wood Elves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wood Elves

>> No.15942194

Anon, you're going to give me a heart attack with all this cute.

>> No.15942196

No one actually hates succubi because they don't exist.

>> No.15942200

Sounds like a sweet girl.

>> No.15942201

Pudgy Dark Elves are better for facesitting.

>> No.15942203

And thats not even factoring that she doesn't get up until late morning, wrapping up in her blankets and groaning whenever the sun gets on her face until she's hidden beneath the blankets.

That they are.
They also are better ojous.

>> No.15942204

Advanced cuddling techniques can only be learned from Yeti monks high up in the Himalayas, but rumor is no man has ever come back after reaching cuddle nirvana, spending the rest of his days in the mountains teaching the secretive art

>> No.15942207

>/v/ tier Elves
Go and stay go

>> No.15942209

There was this one Borimor-looking guy...

>> No.15942212

>/v/ boogeyman

>> No.15942217

Hocus Pocus

I want to see her face when the fat witch flies off on a vacuum.

>> No.15942221

Why not both?

>> No.15942227

Because I never said you couldn't
You win the prize.

>> No.15942230

15/10 would make pancakes and bacon for in the morning.
I'd even mix vanilla into the pancake batter.

But I only want to cuddle my Lilim waifu.

>> No.15942239
File: 277 KB, 1280x1670, 1461044593158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still fucking furious over how bad the Microsoft Store is. I have slow internet, and it failed to download twice, after getting to about 70gbs complete over the course of downloading for 3 days. I just wound up getting a refund and pre ordered myself the xbox version just so I wouldn't have to deal with Microsoft's shitty store.

>> No.15942243

Well, get ready for her to have a giant look of surprise on her face when she sees such a wonderful spread.

>> No.15942250

Then you'll have to take the average cuddling class down at the strip mall taught by a usually drunk Oni wearing a blue scarf trying to pass as a Yeti

>> No.15942278

I apologise for absolutely nothing. This is how I wind down after a long day of work.
And it's been at least a good while since I wrote an obscenely long, completely unwarranted and embarrassingly passionate post/series of posts about my waifu.

I've had a few different ideas for a spacenubis story. A proper story, novel-length, not just a one-shot with sweetness and lewdness. At the moment, this cruise liner setting feels like it'd be the easiest to work with for that sort of thing. It allows for a large, dynamic narrative world, a wide array of varied and interesting characters, and lots of possible events to spice things up. Especially when you compare it to a setting of just the MC and the anubis alone on a smaller ship. Much more personal, maybe, but harder to write and keep it interesting.

Either way, the spacenubis story is something I've put off for a while. I have that thing where I feel the idea deserves better writing than I'm currently capable of, and the prospect of writing a novel is like looking up at a mountain you're thinking about climbing.
It's procrastination, I know, but it won't last forever.

Passengers, in which Chris Pratt builds cute robots to fill the hole in his heart left by the death of his cute raptors. It does look pretty interesting. Too bad the damn trailer gave away literally the whole premise of the movie, but that's not the film's fault. Obviously, I'm a huge sucker for the setting.

>> No.15942281

> Oni wearing a blue scarf trying to pass as a Yeti
That sounds depressing

>> No.15942283

>Most humans wouldn't be to willing to fuck a monstergirl without some serious mindbreak or seduction
Speak for yourself loser

>> No.15942285

What kind of plots would mess with your Kiki's head?

>Watching a movie with her about a serial prankster that messes with tidy places and leaves graffitis
>Futuristic scenarios where all the cleaning is done with roomba-like artifacts
>Movies depicting Maids/service ladies not doing their jobs properly
>A drama where the master of a household has a messed up family and only finds peace in the arms of his maid
i wish i could see her reactions.

>> No.15942293

And then after we eat we'll cuddle up on the couch, play video games and watch movies together.
All while in a blanket cocoon.

>> No.15942294

>two country bumpkins try to clean their home Ineffectively on to be attacked by a suicide cult that trashes the place

>> No.15942298

You're in the monstergirl thread. You'd fuck them, most humans wouldn't expect for the most vanilla.

>> No.15942299

Nah Anon, you're right. You shouldn't apologize.
All of us need a way to release some of our love for our waifus in one way or the other. I normally throw out bits of information about her and how much I love her, but you just went all out with that text.

I hope you keep loving that Nubis till the end of times.

>> No.15942301

Solving the correct usage of the 3 shells from demolition man might keep her up at night

>> No.15942306

The more sake she has the better she is at cuddling, drunken master style

>> No.15942307

I'm pretty sure that's what he's been doing. All goddamn thread, without getting the hint or understanding why he still isn't gaining any ground in this stupid argument we've had hundreds of times before, and also wondering why it's reaching the exact same conclusion it's reached in all those prior discussions on the topic.

>> No.15942310
File: 352 KB, 547x700, 1473781397377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the hell are you still here
I go to sleep wake up and it looks like you've been at it for the entire time, do you have nothing else of value to commit your time to?

>> No.15942311

The comfiest

>> No.15942315

Hah. I wish I could claim to have such a daunting issue with my own procrastination. But no, rather I just can never seem to get into the mindset of putting myself to a task, and sticking with it for any considerable length of time. Just one of many reasons I'd love an Anubis to help keep me on track; to want to stay on-track for...

Yeah, the ship design looks fantastic. And also agreed, the trailer does give away a bit much. I think just the idea of two people trying to maintain their sanity together in such an isolated setting would've been enough of a hook, without revealing all the other shit that's going to be thrown at them.

>> No.15942321

What would a Kiki think of the Toxic Avenger, a janitor dealing out justice.

>> No.15942322

Man, I need to watch Tucker and Dale again. That movie is fantastic. Sock from Reaper and Alan "Twodick" Tudyk is a winning combination.

Pinch and scrap, Anon. Pinch and scrape.

>> No.15942327

>Night Elves and Blood Elves aren't /v/ material

>> No.15942338

No. Are you really having such a hard time believing that interdimensional rape beats would be disliked if real?

>> No.15942344

It's been pointed out before and I'll point it out again, there is no recourse if you refuse to accept the MGs into human society. We can either let them do as they please and they naturally become pillars of human society due to the beneficial value of their abilities, or we try to resist and they leverage their strengths to rape us into submission like they would their husbands, and just like their husbands, we will like it afterwards.

>> No.15942347

Well i mean there are plenty of monster girls who are vanilla. Im pretty sure not to many people would have problems fucking a really hot girl who is amazing at sex just because she has horns a tail and wings

>> No.15942352
File: 119 KB, 715x993, 1462680232368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I didn't argue with your stupid shit go into the archive we've done this a hundred thousand times.

>> No.15942353

>The MGs will be playing softball even with their mot powerful weapons and soldiers.
Recall that they have magic bullshit metal that they can fight all out with without seriously hurting anyone.

>> No.15942359

>If there's charm magic, there's probably wards against it.
Yeah. Magic wards, that we don't have.

>> No.15942362
File: 237 KB, 1201x665, A_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. If monster girls came to earth, the first reaction for the average human would be 'I hope I can marry/become a dragon or something'. Not, 'Attractive aliens that want my dick? We must kill ourselves and leave the world behind a nuclear wasteland.' like you seem so convinced anyone besides you would go along with.

>> No.15942364

>He's still at it

>> No.15942371

>You'll never have an elemental Harem and all the power and pleasure that comes with it.
Damn it.

>> No.15942372

We'd probably go 'holy shit what the fuck' but we wouldn't go fucking nuclear holocaust to the point of preferring to holocaust ourselves than to live peacefully with them.

>> No.15942374

Nah the first reaction would be to ask are they out to get us? And if they are too good to be true.

>> No.15942375

Whether they are or are not is neither here nor there, shitposter-kun. Your boogeymanning is. Plenty of /v/ shit gets posted here all the time. Like the granblue shortstacks and elin. I don't see your shitposts then

>> No.15942380

Reminder that blue dragons are magic obsessed losers.

>> No.15942381

Okay I think I see the problem
This guy is different from the other HFY who, despite arguing for humanity, certainly liked monster girls and acknowledged their power and their ability.
This guy just flat out actually just doesn't like monster girls to the point he doesn't even know half their abilities.
Why the fuck are you here, guy? This thread is about fucking monster girls senseless and getting wrung dry by them, not your edgy holocaust shit that doesn't make sense as the ENTIRE FUCKING THREAD has shown you but alas your eyes are blind.

>> No.15942383

Those are the vanilla types. all the rest would be hated or ignored.

With swords. Humans have guns and planes and bombs.

No reason people couldn't learn.

So most humans would ignore them as the ones that hate them fuck them up.

>> No.15942386
File: 322 KB, 600x650, YOUR MAGIC BETRAYS YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15942390

They are magic obsessed cuties.

>> No.15942393

not sure if its just me for being a newfag but this general seems abit hostile sometimes

>> No.15942394

This, people nowadays already have the pessimistic belief that sometimes things are too good to be true.

First thing they would think when they see a monster girl trying to seduce them is that it must certainly be a trick.

>> No.15942395

>Why the fuck are you here, guy?
I can only assume it's the same basic concept as to why kids rebel against their parents or why HLF exists

>> No.15942397

the sad thing is that you can do that now.

At max level she could be solo'd.

Yeah, that they are.

>> No.15942399

But they're rapists anon! They really want the D, so bad they're willing to take it by force if necessary! And they even have magic energy that make you like it afterwards, which also has the side effect of basically fixing or preventing every problem including natural disasters and death itself! They even use that to convert regular women into their own number, making them super attractive and giving them super powers in exchange for making them super horny and loving! Isn't that terrible?! Wouldn't most people be absolutely terrified and hateful towards these disgusting invaders?

>> No.15942402

>No reason people couldn't learn.
Magic doesn't exist in our worldsystem. We can't learn.

>With swords. Humans have guns and planes and bombs.
So you believe we will happily bomb our own citizenry along with everyone else.
Guns are nigh useless against many monsters and there is no fucking 'war' to speak of. You've been blown the fuck out over and over and over and over and over again and still you don't admit defeat.
Ghosts, immune to literally everything because we don't have magic.
Their own magic. Mass Charm Species, PWK, Greater Teleport, whatever.
What's your answer to this?

>> No.15942404

But that's boring.

>> No.15942405

>if its just me for being a newfag
It actually does have to do with the fact you're a newfag, no either lurk and keep your mouth shut or leave.

>> No.15942406

Okay here's a very weird idea I had.

Fairy Godmother Monster girl. She works to set up a monster girl with her "destined one"

Then blah blah blah meets a human boy, blah blah blah dick melting blah blah.

>> No.15942410

Charm magic is strong enough that even if it is a trick you'd just think 'I'll fuck her and think about the consequences later'.

You know what else is boring
Poorly thought out HFY.

>> No.15942412

Isn't that cupid already?

>> No.15942413

now either*

>> No.15942414

Humanity kills itself because it would sooner welcome total oblivion then coexist with hot MGs.

>> No.15942415

I agree, either way having one side curb stomp the other is just dull.

>> No.15942417

That's basically Cupid.

>> No.15942419

I wanna fuck a monster girl!

>> No.15942420

Also why the fuck would they invade? It would be much easier to just invite sad lonely men over.

>> No.15942421

But would you take responsibility and marry her?
Because you know she won't let you pull out.

>> No.15942422

Fuck, disregard that then.

>> No.15942424

It doesn't make an engaging story but is often the most peaceful solution.

>> No.15942425

But the entire point of monster girls is that they don't want conflict. That conflict is pointless because we all just want to get laid and be loved.

>> No.15942426

That's why a well-thought out HFY scenario in this case I'd think is simply redefining human. Make it some transhumanism shit.
The MGs won't curbstomp anyone. All they want is hugs and kisses.

>> No.15942428

What about a tooth fairy? do we have those already?

>> No.15942431

How would that work though?

>> No.15942434

I don't know, you guys are the degenerates, i'm just giving ideas.

>> No.15942435

Random fairy in dire need of mental help?

>> No.15942436

I'd think that monster girls showing up would literally be a beta uprising since MGs tend to not 'steal' men that are already taken.

>> No.15942440

Cum underneath your pillow?

>> No.15942446

Takes teeth and then has sex with you?
/r9k/ is going to get devil bugs and Beelzebubs.

>> No.15942450

Instead of coins it's sex. Sure, it works fine like that.

>> No.15942452

Well it's really fucking good, so be excited for Tuesday

>> No.15942456

Sex get kinkier the more teeth you lose, starting with single oral sessions ending with you impregnating her.

She then comes back with her daughter and asks you to take responsibility.

>> No.15942458

Yeah that could work. You put a tooth under your pillow, wake up and find a fairy on your dick.

I imagine them to have Titania proportions because that's my jam.

>> No.15942460

No I was thinking more of a fairy dentist that needed healing.

>> No.15942461

>anything good

>> No.15942467

Except the thread has even stated in the past that Warcraft related shit doesn't belong in writefaggotry, and by extension, the thread.

>> No.15942470

>So you believe we will happily bomb our own citizenry along with everyone else.
Not only would demonic energy be seen as a hostile bioweapon that turns our own citizenry into their troops and disease carriers, but a lot of countries and world leaders would happily to bomb their own citizenry for a number of reasons to begin with.

>> No.15942474

I know, but that's not what I'm taking issue with.

>> No.15942481


I wonder what happens if you give your your wisdom tooth.

I can actually hear her saying "Aahh~ Anon, it's so big and hard!"

>> No.15942488

I feel like the actual biggest effect monster girls showing up would be their presence and involvement in the greater culture. People talk about MGC, but monster girls would have really weird effects on stuff like entertainment media. I mean, how the fuck would just elves showing up all of a sudden, relate to all their representations in movies and video games, let alone actual catgirls and shit showing up in japan.

>> No.15942489

My god it would take that salamander with the flag if it meant changing the subject

>> No.15942499

Let's talk about monster girl roomates!

>> No.15942506

Going by my intuition, I'll say your waifu is either a dragon or a kejourou.

And I guess I did go all out writing that.
But my love for my anubifu is like an active volcano building up pressure inside me. And a volcano can't just half-ass its eruption.

You keep loving yours, too.

It's all about discipline. I hope you do overcome your hurdles, at any rate. I'd like to see you write another story.
Until then, have warm dreams in the face of that snowy weather. Like being at the center of a cuddle-pile of anubi of all shapes, sizes and ages inside the Weresheep Wool Blanket Dimension.

>> No.15942507

I find it fucking hilarious how they want to show off her ass while she's sucking his dick, and the only way to do that is by posing her in a freakish, bone breaking fashion.

>> No.15942510

Howl does some good stuff.

>> No.15942512

A succubus doing that to me would be a welcome distraction

>> No.15942513

im okay with it because in game she bends in all sorts of impossible ways

>> No.15942517

Imagine if elves, in actuality, were only offended at how stuck up in general they're portrayed, and in reality were more laid-back and friendly in general?

>Cuddling with Anubis in a weresheep wool blanket dimension
That sounds like a warm and wonderful dream indeed...

>> No.15942518
File: 981 KB, 2000x1335, 1472011658918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Undead Cheshire with orange and black fur and hair would be grand this time of year.

>> No.15942524
File: 133 KB, 485x721, bzHU01u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be roomies with a tall and intimidating hellhound who likes to walk around the house naked!

>> No.15942525

>You'll never get fucked senseless by your Genki Cheshire roommate and her smug twin sister.
God damn it.

>> No.15942526

That she would probably be chubby due to all the sweets.

>> No.15942529

So what monstergirl would do that to me if she was my roommate?

>> No.15942531

>That moment when your feline/canine MG roommate reaches her estrus cycle and the place becomes a warzone with you trying to avoid being wildly fucked dry
Imagine that kind of shit happening while you have to study for an important test. what would you choose, good grades or wild sex?

>> No.15942532

> I'll say your waifu is either a dragon or a kejourou

Yep, my waifu is a big flying lizard who I hold very dear to my heart. Let's both give our best in loving our waifus.

>> No.15942533

Wild sex, I never studied anyway

>> No.15942538

Lots of them. Dark elves, manticores, hellhounds, succubi, basically any type of aggressive monster. Or really any monster if you ignore them long enough.
In fact, weird thread stuff aside, im pretty sure thats exactly what hellhounds are supposed to be like going off the profile.

>> No.15942540

That's when you get the water bottle and spray her bitch ass.

>> No.15942541

I wouldn't exactly choose wild sex, I let her "choose" for me and have her take responsibility

>> No.15942545
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x1440, 1465060734413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a given for any monstergirl that's fond of Halloween.

>> No.15942547

I choose chaining her to a wall, putting a desk between us, and forcing her to study with me.
Her reward for a successful study session is the key to her bindings. The result is so much better if you let it build up a bit.

>> No.15942548


>> No.15942551

And for me, that would be fantastic.
I may even buy some candy just for her so she doesn't eat the candy set aside for the lolis.

>> No.15942554

What would you do if she breaks down midsession and just begs you to dick her?

>> No.15942555

Well pornstars would go out of business
Like really fast

>> No.15942558

Yeah well I try to ignore the shit more times than not but I'm tired of Night and Blood Elves being brought up every time as if that gives them any validity. But whatever, I'm tired, alone, and there's a spider staring at me like it wants to lay its eggs in my cheeks.

>> No.15942563

I suppose that would depend upon the sort of display/argument/begging she did.

>> No.15942569

Nah, they'd just become monster girls and pioneer the 'married life with MGs' porn genre.

>> No.15942571

>/v/ memes
This is off topic anyways but take your parroting back there

>> No.15942572

How do you punish a monster girl

>> No.15942573

She only gets half the satisfaction

>> No.15942574

You wave your dick in front of her before fucking your childhood friend in missionary holding hands.

>> No.15942575

Yeah. Wish he would update more.

>> No.15942577

No rational arguments, the urge is way too strong for her to concentrate.

Guess your roommate doesn't exactly have good willpower.

>> No.15942578

I would totally watch porn of an ushi oni raping the ever living shit out her hubby.

>> No.15942582

I want a harem with a red, blue, green, black, gold, and white dragon! A dragon rainbow!

>> No.15942583
File: 777 KB, 1576x2000, Horse Pussy Undead Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Halloween is coming and we need to sort out some girls based on candy.

Because, yes, I would in fact factor in waifu potential based on whether they have good taste in sweets or shit taste in them.

Which MG would love Reese's the most?

Which MG would love York Peppermint Patties the most?

>> No.15942585

>I'm tired of Night and Blood Elves being brought up every time
Oh come on, they hardly get brought up every time an elf is brought up.

>> No.15942586

Say that you hate her.

>> No.15942588

Given my preferences, I can't help but imagine the girl from that one "Schoolgirl Wolfus in Heat" comic series. The particular one who the day before is like "I have done everything to prepare mentally and physically to resist the effects of this affliction, and see it through without much difficulty."

Then the next day she's panting and begging her teacher for the D like the rest of them.

>> No.15942594

Too far.

>> No.15942595

Great now I'm imagining having a Hellhound roommate who works through her stress through sex.
>Just got back from classes.
>Sit down on the couch and start playing vidya.
>Suddenly feel hot and heavy breathing on the back of your neck.
>"Hey anon~ School tough on you too?"
>Oh god you can feel her hands creeping beneath your shirt
>Tell her that you're really not up for this and that you just want to relax
>"Not up for it huh? But what's this~?"
>And now her hands are groping below the belt and your boner is betraying you.
>"Not bad anon. Nice and hard as always~"
>Please god no you just wanted to play video games.
>Desperately try to ignore her as she slides down onto the couch so her head is next to your crotch.
>Why were you cursed with such a busty flexible roommate?
>"Haaah~? Your little friend seems very happy to see me anon. Maybe I should say hello back?"
>And now she's pulling down your pants and sucking your dick while you desperately try to ignore her and hope she gets bored.
>Alas your hopes are for nothing as she ceases sucking and shoves you down on your back, pulling the controller from your hands and setting it down on the ground.
>"Anon. Give it to me now."
>The moment those words leave her lips you knew that there was no stopping her.
>An hour later, you're twitching on the couch as she stands up with your cum splattered between her gorgeous thighs.
>"Ahh~ that was a fun little snack anon. Come to my room if you want the full course~"
Would you?

>> No.15942597

They'd actually get significantly less satisfaction then even half. Especially since the pleasure of being cummed inside is a real thing in MGE land.

>> No.15942599

I just find myself thinking "I wonder if the Overwatch girls will get MG-type costume skins for Halloween?" as the holiday approaches.

>> No.15942601
File: 179 KB, 800x800, 1446738717628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you hate a cutie like her?

>> No.15942605

Well, we might get decent femdom rape porn that isn't genital mutilation and pegging, so I'd be totally on board with this idea.
Especially if it was POV.

>> No.15942606
File: 598 KB, 727x527, 1457059200412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it'll be shit like cat ears or bunny ears and that's it
There's basically zero chance of them actually getting MG costumes because for one that'd change their hitbox.

>> No.15942608

Of course not. Gotta play them video games.

>> No.15942612

>no monster to sneak around and destroy you condoms

>> No.15942614

Would a suitable punishment just be not cumming inside then?

>> No.15942618

>Wanting meme characters in a meme game to get shit

>> No.15942619

Maybe she did something bad and in the spur of the moment a really mad "I hate you" got out.

>> No.15942620

>the pleasure of being cummed inside is a real thing
I actually thought it was a real thing irl too until some girl told me that was retarded.

>> No.15942621

Anon it's too early in the night to get hard

>> No.15942627

>Making meme posts about meme characters in a meme game

>> No.15942629

This somehow hurts more than it should.

>> No.15942633

Well she said basically that you could tell when a guy finished, but only because they slow down or outright stop. The girl can't actually feel you come.
which is sad.

>> No.15942634

It's kinda sad.

>> No.15942640

It depends actually depending on their sensitivity/muscle control whether they can feel you twitching, but that doesn't equal it feeling good for them.

>> No.15942643

She'd come out five minutes later with big puppy dog eyes anon.
Are you happy? You made her think you don't like her.

It might be early, but that just gives her more time to fuck you.

>> No.15942644

>The memes, Anon

>> No.15942645

>no shoggoth suspiciosly chewing something

>> No.15942646

That's pretty specific
Are you a girl

>> No.15942650
File: 826 KB, 1985x2806, Butter T - oh fuck oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Come to my room if you want the full course~"
>not "I'm still hungry, Anon."
>not having her dragging you but your ankles to her room
>not "Now for the main course."
>not having her reverse mating press you into her mattress until you're a sweating, panting, twitching mess just barely on the brink of consciousness

it's almost like you don't want to be fuck senseless by a hellwan

>> No.15942652

What if you ask your Shoggoth maid to make you some condoms? would she refuse to do something so outrageous, would she simply make them pierced or would she simply make them so they magically disappear when you put it in?

>> No.15942653

>I can't handle this without raging mushrooms and you know that.
Man, drug culture in MGC is strange.

>> No.15942657

But she's not real, none of this is. It's just escapism and we'll never get our waifus

>> No.15942658

But seductress hellwan is amazing too.

>> No.15942659

>Schoolgirl Wolfus in Heat
Wait, I don't remember this. Do you mean the catgirl one?

>> No.15942661
File: 694 KB, 1175x1022, Jinko maid 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm with >>15942608 I'd need some vidya in my life to survive.

I didn't ask for that 1 hero 1 map every 4 month shenanigans.

I need information! Information about monsterous girls and delicious CANDY!


>> No.15942662

She'd probably eat them while you fucked her.

>> No.15942666

She can reintegrate the condoms later, so there's no need to directly sabotage them.

>> No.15942668

I know I'm late but anyone who talks shit about rapiers should get shot.

>> No.15942669

I was going for what >>15942499 linked but with a Hellhound.
Sort of a seductive "I want you to beg for more" thing.
She would 100% reverse mating press you all night long if you took her offer. Her hips would be a big jiggly charcoal black blur.

>> No.15942671

I know about those puppy hellhound eyes, she can't trick me.

She is going to give me those to make me show my softy side, then when I start cuddling and saying that I like her no matter what she is going to take advantage and either ask for sex as a way to prove it or rape me because of what I said. I know Hellhounds, I know them very well and I always end up falling dor it.

>> No.15942674

If the condoms are meant to be a punisment then asking the shog herself to make them would be foolish

>> No.15942676

>should get shot
What, like you, you rapier faggot?
Halberds are better anyway.

>> No.15942679

It'd literally be her. You'd be fucking her while wearing her on your dick. You've literally made your maid into a cocksleeve.

>> No.15942680

It seems that I need to do some teamwork exercises with Jinko maid and Kiki maid.

First test will involve me suspended over a small pool of loli piranha saughaun.

They have fifteen minutes to make it through a room of traps and other girls to rescue me before I'm dropped in.

>> No.15942681

But what if she gave you the quivering lip and asked you if you just don't like her?

>> No.15942695

I bet she would pout at the irony of using her to prevent her from feeling you.

>> No.15942699

You realize that a shog can feel everything she makes right?

>> No.15942704

That is really hot

>> No.15942706

Well, unless the condom itself is moving i don't think that she would feel you that much.

>> No.15942719

It would literally be no different. Though it would be fun.
>Condom milks your cock in one direction
>Her walls milk you in the other
>Twice the squeezing friction

>> No.15942725

>reverse mating press
This will never stop sounding fucking stupid to me, especially when the Amazon position exists.

>> No.15942730

>in a slime

>> No.15942734

Yeah well, I prefer ox-tail swords and flanged maces to begin with you saracen scum.

>> No.15942742

No! I need to resist the wolf, I can't lose to her. But those normally agitated flamelashses slowly withering away and the room temparature dropping... fuck I would be able to resist it. I would open my arms and invite her to show how I feel. Fucking hellhounds, they are the only wans who do this to me.

>> No.15942743

rmp is basically the amazon position but she gets to kiss you or shove your face in between her boobs

>> No.15942749

Reverse mating press is on the back, Amazon Position requires you to arch your back.
Simple really.
Reverse Mating Press sounds better than "Really fucking aggressive cowgirl" anyway.

>> No.15942750

horse archers

>> No.15942753

She'd make them. How else would she be tight and pleasant to fuck if you're just sticking your dick in some formless, pressure-less goop? Go make some sloppy jelly and fuck it. It apparently doesn't work

>> No.15942762

Anon, you're about to get carried to her bed and tenderly loved all night long.
There will be kisses, and they will be all over your face.

>> No.15942771

Reverse mating press is basically folded over cowgirl.

>> No.15942774

Well yeah but I don't know if sticking it in someone's tits really has 'walls

>> No.15942775

It's stupid. Really stupid.

You're all stupid.

>> No.15942778

You'll learn to live with it.

>> No.15942790

If you're talking about paizuri, then that's literally wht skin is. Walls.

>> No.15942793

I'll make that Dog feel so loved that she'll never need to ask if don't like her.

And of course, I'll pout and get a little mad at her for making me do such lewd things with her. I was just supposed to play vidya afterall.

>> No.15942795

No I'm talking about literally shoving it into a shoggoth's tits.

>> No.15942796

I thought they were wolves? Lupines of some sort or another at least...

Huh. Well, I stand mistaken.

>> No.15942797
File: 400 KB, 1536x2048, OniTengu - i smell hubris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not under estimate my love for hellwans
i would sooner jump into a pit full of horny hellhounds than play vidya

>> No.15942803

Well, she'd make some for the purpose of lewd. Like seriously, go fuck some jelly. That's what it'd be like if she didn't have something to grip and stroke you

>> No.15942808

Yeah but like
Her entire body is something to grip and stroke with

>> No.15942810

Hellhounds are talked about so much in this damn thread that I worry there wouldn't even be enough Hellhounds to go around when the collapse happens.

>> No.15942813

Right, but if they grip and stroke they form walls of tension

>> No.15942816

Don't worry, I personally really don't give a second shit about hellhounds.

Also what is calle? I get this word in my captcha at a worrying frequency

>> No.15942817

Tell me Mr. Anon, would you pickup and learn the mighty Ocarina if it helped seduce the MG of your choice?

Keep in mind you'd look like a huge bitch and Elves would likely be stalking you at every turn.

>> No.15942818

shut up autist and enjoy your maid's bodyjob

>> No.15942820

>Keep in mind you'd look like a huge bitch and Elves would likely be stalking you at every turn.
Sounds perfect


>> No.15942822

Ehh, I know how to play another instruments so I'm fine.

>> No.15942825

Anon, when you wake up the next morning sore and with your Hellhound roommate clinging to you muttering your name in her sleep it'll all be worth it.

The moment you walk into her room, she'll shut the door behind you and shove you onto her bed before kissing you and making you swallow a generous helping of an endurance potion.
The last thing you'll hear before your world becomes consumed by the sensations she brings will be "Good boy~ Now relax and let me do all the work~"
You'll wake up the next morning to see her standing in the doorframe beckoning you to join her in the shower.
And then she'll make a nice protein rich breakfast for you to help you recover your energy.

>> No.15942826

All that human cooking's done a number on this elf's figuire. She needs to go on a diet or it's back through the portal with you!

>> No.15942827

I like hellhounds, but that doesn't mean they're my absolute favorites

>> No.15942828

I'm agreeing with you the terminology is stupid.

>> No.15942833
File: 1.51 MB, 1152x1436, 1471922181760-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not doing this just for some Elf pussy

>> No.15942840

Anon, if everyone went for the top tier MGs, of course there wouldn't be enough to go around. I mean seriously, something that isn't talked about too often but fairly relevant, how would you plan to get the monster girl waifu that you want when they show up? With all the competition in the world against you for the likes of dragons or elemental harems?

>> No.15942842

Don't forget that the majority of Elves have fantasies about being raped by a barbarous human in some secluded alleyway somewhere.
Because elves are lewd as hell.

>> No.15942845

>there wouldn't even be enough Hellhounds to go around

>> No.15942846

I don't imagine they come here, I imagine they take us there.

>Wanting monstergirls in the 3DPD world

>> No.15942847

Gonna kiss her forehead and nuzzle her cheeks a bit. But I hope she wouldn't wake up, or else she would be all smug about me being all lovey-dovey.

I guess I could just say how she was saying my name in her sleep though if that were the case.

>> No.15942850

But I'm hearty, hairy and have a huge bushy beard. I probably look too much like a dwarf for all those elves. I'd even talk like one for kicks.

>Oh Anon, that instrument is just so-
>Alright, listen to me ye knife-eared piece o' shit...

>> No.15942851
File: 1.38 MB, 1700x1158, 1468376792006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because elves are lewd as hell.
Yes they are. It's like they're genetically modified so that a man will go crazy with lust around them and pump them full of daughterus.

>> No.15942856

This is my fetish. It was my fetish before shogs, too.

>> No.15942857

The dream is that they'll somehow be just as attractive and perfect as 2d because of mamanobamana.

>> No.15942858

>See Dark Elf giving you the bedroom eyes
>You don't know if it's a hidden fetish or some form of magic
>Throw her against the class table
>Bite her ears, fuck her full of a daughter
>Hakutaku just chides you for not waiting until next semester with sex ed

>> No.15942861

If you bring that up her smug will dissolve in an instant and be replaced by a blush and stammered excuses.
She's surprisingly bad at being honest with herself.

What happens when you unleash a tidal wave of insults on an Elf and she responds by clinging to you and saying "YES! MORE!"

>> No.15942862

Ehh, I'm sure the amout of Monster girls is at least 5 times bigger than the amount of Anons in these threads.
Plus, we could always make some more. But it would still be pretty weird seeing an Anon date my daughteru.

>> No.15942866

the true meaning of fear

>> No.15942869

That's cool because mai waifu is Kraken.

>> No.15942870

What happens if they're still 3dpd

>> No.15942874

3D can't be as good as 2D, ever.

Best thing you could get is some uncanny valley shit.

>> No.15942879

>You see that one? That's Sirus, the dog star.
>You probably knew that already

Your autism will never be forgotten my anonymous friend.

>> No.15942884

Well, most MGs tend to rape first and compare potential mates never. The only thing you can really do is run around like an idiot looking for that one type and be honest with her about it. Even if all you can say is "You're my fetish", some Mamono would probably still dig that shit anyway.

>> No.15942888

Imagine the sexiest, most beautiful girl on earth, then each MG is atleast that, usually more. I think they'd be fine.

>> No.15942892
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breastfed by a holstaurus you never will

>> No.15942893
File: 656 KB, 2852x1436, open new file exe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound we'll make will serve as attraction for the electronic young women and their flexibility.

>> No.15942894

That's cute, I guess I also have the same problem.
It's time to stop talking about hellhounds. I like them too much and I just want to do so many things with one, it makes me sad.

>> No.15942895

Fuck off Beardy

>> No.15942899

does she have a command line

>> No.15942900

That would be a neat story idea that I don't think has actually been done yet. One anon's quest to find and marry the MG of his dreams, which leads to adventures and shenanigans with a bunch of different MG along the way. The irony being that he eventually falls in love with and settles down with a bunch of girls he initially rejected in the search for his ideal waifu.

>> No.15942905
File: 537 KB, 850x751, she's making that laugh again I wonder what she has planned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH YES most certainly

>> No.15942907

I want to construct a daughter unit with that automaton!

>> No.15942914
File: 120 KB, 700x673, Ea537c4cec7bbae48425fd24acc59091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see plenty of hellhounds,slimes and elves posts. do i am the only person who likes vampires here?

>> No.15942916

Yeah, I wonder what would happen if they become real.
How many of us like dragons?
How many dragons exist?

And the thing is, if they were MGE dragons they wouldn't even go looking for husbands or anything like that most of the time and with all the things to take care of I wouldn't have time to go look for one either. Even when we are so close, we are still so far.

>> No.15942917

>you'll never fuck anon's monster daughter

>> No.15942919

>"I am ready to construct!"
She wants one with you too anon.

>> No.15942924

It's even weirder when you put it like that too. I'm not sure I want an Anon going out with my little girl.

>> No.15942925
File: 193 KB, 600x848, 46457330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all

>> No.15942931
File: 198 KB, 1280x1007, thiccpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a slut for bites! I want to my haughty vampire mistress to pin my to a wall and drain me dry in front of all her servants and guests during a masquerade ball!

>> No.15942934

>Anon can't find his perfect waifu because there aren't enough to go around
>decides to steal multiple girls from all the other Anons looking for their perfect waifu

Think about what you've done.

They're pretty popular, and the Undead are hella popular.

>Maido Rapists
>Undying Love

Then it trails out in windigos, elves, slimes, moths and flavour of the month.

>> No.15942935

Then I home she's ready for a whole run of little Zakus.

>> No.15942939

now i know where all the blood they suck goes into

>> No.15942941

>They're pretty popular
Not really, I think they just have the same people talking about them every time. Not him by the way.

>> No.15942945

>Little Loli Zaku Automatons
You have the finest of aesthetic tastes anon.

>> No.15942946

Actually, I think hellhounds are lumped in with smug squad girls in terms of popularity.

>> No.15942950

There are a few vampire fanatics around.
There was bloodposting in the last thread I think and there are at least 4 anons that always post about them, which end up making a little chain of posts.

>> No.15942951

I like bloodplay

>> No.15942956

Yep, a Zaku 1 daughteru, A Zaku 2, Daughteru, a desert zaku daughteru, a zaku 3 daughteru, and thats before we even get into the subspecs of the daughterus or even the sister suits!
Little Gouf girls may be on the way.

>> No.15942959

>Gouf Daughteru
Even better, in my personal opinion.

Truly yours shall be a merry band. Sieg Zeon!

>> No.15942962

Smug as in Meme Cats or Lilim levels of smug?

>> No.15942966
File: 404 KB, 600x800, 39550290_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15942967

I'd rather have one of you bastards go out with my daughteru than some normalfag piece of shit.
You're all the only ones I can trust.

>> No.15942969

Anon, I don't know if its possible to make an Automaton into a breeding factory but I'd make her come close.

I'll do the entire zeonic line with her.
Maybe even the titans so I can get a High-zak daughter

>> No.15942972
File: 825 KB, 408x512, kero kero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to how I feel as a guy who actually likes MGs that people forget exist/hate.

>> No.15942973

That エジプト神話 tag on pixiv amirite

>> No.15942978

Really now. How do you feel if I say that I'll do my best to make sure that your daughteru has a smile on her face at all times, that I'll help her and her family however I can whenever they need, and I'll become a man that she can be proud of?

>> No.15942979
File: 1.20 MB, 1723x607, 5787999+_060427773963efca17999778a3f0101b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manticore smug.

>> No.15942986

I want to get cornered in an alleyway by these girls and wind up getting dragged to their house for a fivesome.

>> No.15942990

>letting someone control your life because they put their dick into the monster girl who pushed out your waifu

>> No.15942991

Waifu Senses, tingling.

Like the skull theme she's got going on.

>> No.15942998

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion anon.

>> No.15943006

Would the athletic daughteru be red?

>> No.15943009
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, 1420084821935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also what >>15942650 said.

Hellhounds are love.

>> No.15943017

Yep, although there'd be a few of them.

They'd look a lot like there sisters in fact.

>> No.15943024

>Implying top-tier girls haven't been bred into population dominance with other girls fulfilling niche fetishes
There will be enough for everyone.

>> No.15943035

The world needs more roo girls

>> No.15943038

If you think that's wierd, don't forget that monsters start doing it young too.

>> No.15943042

>tfw no /fit/ kangaroo girl to call you a cheeky cunt

>> No.15943043

only in your shit headcanon

>> No.15943049

Yanderes are olev, so this is fine.

>> No.15943053

girl + random animal =/= monster girl

On top of that Kangaroos are ugly as fuck and have an attitude to match.

>> No.15943061

It's actual KC canon, though.

>> No.15943063

> not wanting to be the first male a pack of young rats find after setting out on their own and being husbando'd by girls who are barely 6th graders

Christ anon it's like your not even a lolicon

>> No.15943077

Careful anon. Down this road lies straight shota of middle school aged MGs bullying the still grade school student you into coming home with them.

>> No.15943090

>not blackmailing the oomukade highschoolers by threating to blow your rape whistle if she doesn't hand over the cash

>> No.15943092

OC lilim levels of smug.

>> No.15943094
File: 950 KB, 992x1403, 1470322448809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a Lich and Gremlin pair of shortstacks constantly fight over you
>Kuudere Lich thinks magic is logically the best way to please you
>Genki Gremlin, however, shouts that super cool machines are the way to go
>your room is between their "labs," so you can hear all the perverted experiments through the walls
>they could probably make amazing magitek if they just worked together

>> No.15943103

>genki oppai loli pandagirl who is 10 years older than me and enjoys handholding cuddlesex
oh FUCK yes

>> No.15943119

If by 'amazing magitek' you mean 'automaton chimera with all the unique advantages of dozens of monster girls compounded several times over'. Such a machine would would make an ushi oni blush with envy at all the rape it can put out.

>> No.15943123
File: 920 KB, 500x207, 500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like vampires
Lolis only though

>> No.15943125

>“You fight quite well. Most people would have been taken down by now. Then again, most people are not me.”

Your lilim belongs in a fighting game.

>> No.15943133

But what if all it wants to do is cuddle?

>> No.15943142
File: 2.97 MB, 2148x3124, Rachel eating strawberries and cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli Vampires a best.
Blonde not necessary, but a plus.

>> No.15943145

That would be due to the yeti personality module influencing the decision making process. No need to worry, we accounted for that in the design stages, the automaton will rae while cuddling.

>> No.15943168
File: 164 KB, 800x1050, 1458180448656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think that canidae is the best biological family, that's all.

>> No.15943178

>not tachyglossidae

>> No.15943183

Chubby, loli vampires that are himideres.

>> No.15943192

Please no, fighting games have enough smug bastards as it is.

>> No.15943193
File: 167 KB, 433x600, 1436925372627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would her wing-cape look?

>> No.15943200

It would be larger than normal so that it covers her almost entirely.

it would really just look like it comes up to her neck.

You could poke fun at her by saying that it makes her look like a sausage.

>> No.15943226

This is the image that got me into mgs almost a year ago. Nice to see it circulating around.

>> No.15943232

Call me when the new girl is out.

>> No.15943255

Anon wake up, the new girl is here.

>> No.15943268

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure that you don't spoil a himedere too much, they may get used to it and become even more smug.

>> No.15943274

>they may get used to it and become even more smug
I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.15943277

What if I want them to become more smug?

>> No.15943286
File: 176 KB, 1023x1023, 011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're browsing and this ad suddenly pops up, Wat Do?

>> No.15943291
File: 1.73 MB, 960x540, shinobu pantyhose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder where did that "blonde loli vampire" trope came from. I like it

>> No.15943292

Well the price is cut off, so idk if I have the money or not.

>> No.15943293

Ask the guy if he has anything coming in from the cat kingdom. Maybe he deals in other species as well?

>> No.15943297

Then she never stops bossing you around.

But she won't have a title to match that level of smug!
It'll be chaos!

>> No.15943298

Probably Monogatari.

>> No.15943300

I suspect lonely elves are behind this.
And then order a High Elf and a Dark Elf. Both busty and with big asses.

>> No.15943306

cheeky cunt

>> No.15943316
File: 334 KB, 457x753, 1466082859813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like my Elves thick.

>> No.15943319

I want to make my Holstayr waifu do the titty dance.

>> No.15943320

Maybe it's a "Do it yourself" thing were they come slim and you manually thicken them to your liking?

>> No.15943333

>"Alright girls, an order came in for a thick High Elf with green hair. Who wants to get Holst Milk enhancement?"

>> No.15943337

Guards, arrest this man.

>> No.15943343
File: 91 KB, 700x989, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding m8? It's way older that monogatari. I'm pretty sure it's older than negima as well

>> No.15943347

I think blond loli vampires just mesh well to begin with
>vampires = literal nobles of the undead next to liches who are more like that one noble who's too busy actually working to have fun
>blond = foreign + noble
>loli + noble = ohohohoho
>loli + vampire + blond = ohohoho foreign noble superman

>> No.15943348
File: 179 KB, 850x1201, Robot-In-A-Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably thinking of Automata.

>> No.15943357
File: 611 KB, 848x1438, __original_drawn_by_harahachibu_ajinosuke__21ddc09f716a9aa3439822ad47c6bcfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to look like a sleazy meatball piece of shit while purchasing an elf slave.

Only to be the nicest piece of shit she's ever known.

>> No.15943358 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 1475989240125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought it was monogatari, but...

>> No.15943359

>comes with a toy

>> No.15943361
File: 485 KB, 1200x848, 1474616509946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15943362

Hey you know what
Fuck you

>> No.15943371

Haha, I too post on /v/

>> No.15943375

Dio has become the new Chuck Testa.
Think about what you have done.

>> No.15943377

Even robit girls need security blankets anon

>> No.15943379

Dio Brando isn't a /v/ meme though
It's an /a/ meme

>> No.15943380

I wipe my cookies and browsing history.
Binging elf porn finally caught up with me.

>> No.15943382

What is this, IKEA?

>> No.15943384

Sorry mate but that shit was hilarious.

>> No.15943386

>So little love for Lich and Gremlin
As an aside, that Lich art makes me feel funny.

>> No.15943395

Lich and Gremlin get plenty of love. You're just not around for it all.

>> No.15943400

How 90's
>Pear shaped
Well, that wasn't what I wanted at all. I'm just not an ass man, not my thing.
>Slow, intimate sex
That brings it up a little.
>2 years older

If she's into a person who draws and learns japanese on his off time while trying to keep his chronic depression at bay, I don't know what to say.

>> No.15943402

It was cute the first couple times.

It was annoying once I realize it had gone full-out verbal tic, ending every single last one of her sentences.

>> No.15943408
File: 739 KB, 800x1159, 1469595725710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking a MG to take responsibility for stealing your heart

>> No.15943416
File: 452 KB, 1800x2250, 1459582210309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just not an ass man, not my thing.

>> No.15943417
File: 204 KB, 451x503, knock-knock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey. I know you're in there. You're a virgin, aren't you? Your scent is wonderful. I wonder what you taste like?

Hey, hey. You can hear me, right? If you don't open this door, I'll find another way in. If you run away, you'll only make things harder for yourself.

Hey, hey. Actually, go ahead and run. I'll give you a twenty minute head start. Be sure to put on the most sickly and helpless face you can muster when I catch you.

Hey, hey. Time is ticking, Anon.

>> No.15943430

For the last time, I don't want any damn girl scout cookies!

>> No.15943432

I'll just sit down in front of her and not give her the thrill of the hunt.

>> No.15943433

I'll just ask HFY anon to protect me without telling him that the reason I want protection is to save myself for my waifu

>> No.15943438

Yay something vanilla
>Hourglass shaped
Oh we are off to a good start
I thought I got a mermaid, instead I got Murmaider
>Violent rape fantasy
Uh I need an adult.
>Ten years older
She is an adult

>Pushed into water without air, only kisses of life when she feels like I earned the right to breathe
>Not even going to shore is going to help when her pleasure runes give her legs to chase me down
>On bright side she would be into spear fishing giant sea monsters for sport
>Not to mention the fact that she would most likely know everything about the seas in her estate

I didn't know that this was what I wanted, but I kind of actually want it.

>> No.15943441

But then you'll be branded as a slut for not trying to protect your virginity
Or worse, she might even get the idea that you're willingly giving yourself to her and claim you as her husband because of it

>> No.15943443

Jokes on her I'd let her in. She can't rape the willing and consenting.

>> No.15943449

I want a that Cheshire to sit on my dick and pretend she doesn't notice her pussy milking me dry.

>> No.15943473
File: 115 KB, 390x600, Undine_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't any brought up the fact that undine's go apeshit rapemode at hearing verbal abuse?

that sounds a little high strung.

>> No.15943483

>twenty minute head start
>climb on top of fridge
>she's too small and can't catch me

One day she'll be big enough like the CC next door who heard the ruckus and came to save me.

>> No.15943489

Be careful, anon. Next thing you know, the CC is giving the redcap a piggyback ride to reach you.

>> No.15943491

>Violently reacting to verbal abuse is high-strung
Wife-beaters aren't welcome here.

>> No.15943496

>Thank Goodness I had that friendly tanuki install this panic bunker under my house.
>Now, I'm sure the lightswitch was behind this big, bushy... featherduster?

>> No.15943500

I want to beat my wife's butt!

>> No.15943502

Go home kid. I'm not interested in lolis.
Might as well hide in my bunker just to be safe.
If worst comes to worst, I'll summon a Hellhound to get rid of the Redcap.

>> No.15943503

>Step ladder
>Climb ladder
>Acquire fuck toy

You underestimate the craftiness of children.

>> No.15943504

Why the hell would she do that? I'll say that I hate her if she tries anything funny.

>> No.15943507

>order yourself a loli
>because of elf age difference you get literal toddler
>now you have either to go AWWRIGGHT or wait dozens of year to fuck
Can I get a refund?

>> No.15943508

CCs are the natural predators of lolis

>> No.15943510

I want to fall on hard times, get fired from my job, and have to apply as a professional tail brusher for mofu monstergirls.

>> No.15943511

>"Good news anon, you're about to be off limits~"

>> No.15943521

>Try to climb step ladder
>I start to shake it and she falls off

You underestimate my skills.

>> No.15943522

So a whore then.

>> No.15943525
File: 143 KB, 419x600, Lilim_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy London morning people!
So about the following.
Apparently in my eagerness to post it here, I didn't grammarly fully load and as a result only got a fraction of the grammar mistakes It had to show me, that should be fixed now.

Also thanks for the reception on selene

>> No.15943528

Is it weird that part of me wants to be a male prostitute working for a cruel monstergirl pimp who whores me out and makes me fuck her before going home?
Is it wrong that I want to look at my meager paycheck, settle down in an uncomfortable mattress and cry about how my life's gone so wrong and how I can't get married anymore?
I want to end up getting saved and healed by a himedere Ojou-sama monstergirl who immediately shifts to "dere" and gets horrified when she sees what a broken obedient mess I've become.

>> No.15943532

It does mention that the slightest hint of it triggers them, so I wonder what counts for verbal abuse in her mind.

>> No.15943547


>> No.15943578

While I didn't think on it that far, I wanted her i the story to be a entity of power and corruption when compared to the norm. I like to think that lilims are a monster that should be respected for the damage they can do.

I want to do more stories of her corrupting women too.

>> No.15943583

So is it wrong that I want a haughty Ojou-sama to cling to me and ask me who hurt me so badly with barely veiled fury in her voice?

>> No.15943586


>> No.15943590
File: 553 KB, 688x650, 31458428_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tail brushing is a perfectly respectable job!
There comes a point where the task simply cannot be handled by themselves alone.

>> No.15943592

I don't think you understand my "being healed" fetish anon.

>> No.15943593

I thing it depen'ts on how unstable the undine is
>Having to walk on eggshells on scolding your undine as to prevent it ending in rape..

>> No.15943594

>overpowered Ojou-sama hunting down everyone that hurt Anon Only God Forgives style, ending with your pimp getting her hand cut off

Who is the Ryan Gosling of Monster Girls?

>> No.15943597

That doesn't have to involve prostitution, though.

>> No.15943599

>I think it depends*

>> No.15943600

But that's the quickest way for me to get broken.

>> No.15943602

It's a job for Mofu sluts to touch the tails of rich older ladies before they get violated by said ladies..

>> No.15943604

I don't know, but I was imagining a Dragon with drill hair.
And after her rampage she'd carry me to her bed and cuddle me while telling me that no-one is ever going to hurt me again.
Not while she's alive.

>> No.15943606

Fucking a monster girl and not cuddling afterwards

>> No.15943618
File: 144 KB, 1201x665, 1456610294436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in a house opposite a spooky graveyard.
>Every night at every full moon, at least one Monster Girl leaves it to try and rape you before daybreak.
>Each time it's different species.
>First night was a horde of hundreds of Zombie Girls.
>Luckily they were slow-witted and with some DIY handywork you barricaded your home successfully.
>The next full moon was punctuated with Wolf howls, the morning after that you would find scratch marks on your door.
>Now it's this shit.
>A gang of shark-teethed goblin creatures trying to decapitate you.


>> No.15943620

Salt on the windowsill, Sign of Scorpio on the doors and a ghost waifu in your bed will keep you safe.

>> No.15943624

I feel like I already read a doujin like this.

>> No.15943627

How long have you had that Ghost waifu Anon? You sure that doesn't seem a bit suspicious that you have a Ghost wife all of a sudden?

>> No.15943656


>> No.15943677

You're just trying to spook me!

>> No.15943692

Anon, if there's a doujin about an Ojou-sama healing a man with a broken spirit I'd fucking love to read it.

>> No.15943705
File: 111 KB, 405x882, maid for bullying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you console your kiki after she broke that precious thing you were keeping in your room?

>> No.15943712

I don't, Kikis are made for punishing.

>> No.15943713

What about mofu addiction, Anon?! The industry has a serious problem with that. We need the unions to consider solutions to it.

>> No.15943716

There's a reason the positions are typically held for life.

>> No.15943718

It doesn't help that Mofu Parlors of all kinds make sure to get their workers addicted to Mofu.
It's honestly disgusting. Mofu is something to be enjoyed, not to be forced on someone.

>> No.15943721

Bring home a shog.

>> No.15943729

>Kiki breaks my old watch
I'd tell her that she has to reimburse me with her body

As a side note, do shortstack kikis make good maids? Wouldn't their proportions make their tasks harder?

>> No.15943736

I wanna be given the Sabbath's 'Onii-chan of the month award'!

>> No.15943739
File: 91 KB, 800x509, 1447974381760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15943746

Shortstacks are the most common type of maid in the country. Have you seen Mexican women?

>> No.15943754

They'd be able to get those hard-to-reach areas, surely.
By which I mean messes which may or may not have been intentionally made under the bed for the sole purpose of flipping up her skirt.

>> No.15943760

But it shouldn't be a requirement! A lot of these men were good men, they were just down on their luck is all! They need unions and precautions against this stuff.

Truly it's disgusting, they take people who are just desperate for some coin and make sure they can never leave the industry because of their addiction to the soft feeling of Mofu. The simple fact that people can go on with their lives knowing that people are being forced to enjoy mofu, to rely on it against their will. It's enough to make one wretch.

>> No.15943766

Kikis don't wear anything underneath you pervert

>> No.15943768


>> No.15943774

That might be a bit much, maybe only less headpats?

>> No.15943776

None for a month.

>> No.15943777

Thats how you get yourself a Yan kiki, who'se willing to go to any means necessary to keep you from saying that again.

>> No.15943789

Man it would take a lot of effort to break the stuff in my room I consider "Precious". It would have to be pretty deliberate for her to break the guns under my bed or my knife or any of my dumb plastic video game collectibles.

>> No.15943861 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1476003213207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampires are for _______.

>> No.15943865

Loving. Especially that one, I want to sit under the moon and listen to her sing. Then hold hands and cuddle.

>> No.15943869


>> No.15943871


>> No.15943877

This >>15943871

>> No.15943893


>> No.15943902
File: 104 KB, 557x715, 1434055762860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farmer vampire
Yes please.

>> No.15943905

He was talking about Shiki probably

Pink vampire did nothing wrong.

>> No.15943922

Monk did literally nothing wrong.
Okabe and the villagers did literally nothing right.

>> No.15943959

>KC is gathering power

Deer pussy incoming?

>> No.15944001

If that is the case I'm happy but it also means the next one will be ice tits and she's boring.

>> No.15944013

Take that back about my queen

>> No.15944020

Where's your mother? Or your older sister? You should probably come inside and wait for them here.

>> No.15944045

Ice Queen is great looking and her profile will most likely be equally as great if not better
You need to reconsider your opinion on her

>> No.15944063

Next door. Jackass.

>> No.15944091

She freezes stuff, you melt her heart, she commands glacies to do figure skating shows for her own amusement. I don't think there is much more than that and probably either a choice between cuddledom or submissive queen.

>> No.15944114

Oh, no, YOU are the one who's going to come inside!

>> No.15944137

But I'm already inside my house. She should get in, because it's cold out. If she knows her mother's phone I'll call her, if not I'll call the cops and let them take her back

>> No.15944139
File: 881 KB, 1280x1139, tumblr_oergktNNKx1stljsho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15944142

I wanna cum inside a Red Cap until she can't stand. Then I want to bully and tease her by taking her hat and holding it out where she can't reach.

>> No.15944147

Can I cuddle that jubjub?

>> No.15944173

It's all fun and games until you realize that bullying her makes her go back to rape-mode faster

>> No.15944184

You could try but she might be expecting more.

>> No.15944186


>> No.15944188

I want to cum inside a Red Cap every day and keep her as a friendly, docile cuddledump.

>> No.15944195

If I mating press her, would she let me cuddle her then?

>> No.15944207

As long as you stay inside her then yes

Otherwise she'll just keep asking for "one more" before you can move on to cuddles

>> No.15944223

I'm guessing that she always want "one more"?
I guess I can just stay inside her while I cuddle, Cuddle-fucking is good anyway.

>> No.15944227

She's lewd to a terrifying degree. Just make sure your dick is still inside her as the other anon said and she should be fine with hugs she's hugging you with her walls after all.

>> No.15944229
File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, Sahu fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since nobody likes her, I'm never posting this again!

>> No.15944232

>I'm never posting this again!
Alright then. Seams good to me.

>> No.15944239

I like her. She's not in my top, but I like her.

>> No.15944243
File: 392 KB, 680x736, 1425230344557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is giving me ads in my own language now. The Tanukis are becoming more powerful.

>> No.15944244
File: 359 KB, 700x1002, 482a64b8992e942a250f6fc24ce63623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've liked her for a long time now.

>> No.15944248

>I'm guessing that she always want "one more"?

Yup, that's how Jubjubs work

She's just a kuudere aquatic girl, her design is good and all but she doesn't have much going on for her
I just noticed in her profile that her swimsuit is actually made of herself, that's kinda lewd

>> No.15944251

>I'm never posting this again!
Thank you.

>> No.15944254
File: 419 KB, 736x1000, 25101008_p33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frosted Flakes cereal!
>They're grrrrrrrreat!
Would you buy cereal of minichuffs were selling it?

>> No.15944259
File: 177 KB, 800x800, 1445752815901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get gang-dryhumped by the loli Piranha Sahuagins!
Intercrural! Naizuri! Armpit jobs! All their sick fetishes played out on my helpless, throbbing body!

>> No.15944262

>Yup, that's how Jubjubs work
I do love jubjubs.

>> No.15944271

>Intercrural! Naizuri! Armpit jobs! All their sick fetishes played out on my helpless, throbbing body!
What cruel monsters.

>> No.15944276

>I just noticed in her profile that her swimsuit is actually made of herself, that's kinda lewd
What? Where?

>> No.15944278

>Would you buy cereal of minichuffs were selling it?
Hell yeah I would.

>> No.15944281

>What looks like clothing that they are wearing is actually a part of their scales. These scales can be taken off or moved aside to make it convenient for having sex with a man. Occasionally, they molt, removing and discarding these scales. The shed scales can be worn as clothing, and there is a demand for them even among other monsters

Last 2 paragraphs of her profile

>> No.15944284

They'll even start rubbing their bodies together when they can't wait! There's two dozen of them, and I can only get dryhumped by one at a time. They'll start rubbing their flats and butts and armpits together to share the sensation of human semen on their bodies with the girls who'd otherwise have to wait for hours!

>> No.15944290

So she has an extended profile? Thanks, didn't notice that before.

>> No.15944297

There are ads on 4chan?

>> No.15944302
File: 2.07 MB, 1414x2000, Succuvirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get pop-ups every time you click on something?

>> No.15944308

No. What pop-ups?

>> No.15944310

What if all automatons are just succuviruses operating using kuudere hardware?

>> No.15944311

Why would a succuvirus make pop-up adds?

>> No.15944315

Then they obviously need updates.
FLASHING pop-up ads!

>> No.15944319
File: 149 KB, 675x810, 1af16e6d7b5e487d4e9af1d46fd560c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you have some unrelated malware problems, otherwise why are you not using adblock? This ojou-snake is gonna laugh at you if you aren't using adblock.

>> No.15944324


>> No.15944325

On an unrelated note, you should totally save that image of the Succuvirus. Because, you know. She's so pretty.

>> No.15944328


>> No.15944332

>combined Automaton and Succuvirus
>you have to take a lap pillow from the Automaton to use the computer that she holds above your head
>all your porn is changed to you and the Automaton
>if you try to fap to it, the Automaton gives you a handjob while you read doujins of you and her
>your ringtone is changed to the Automaton singing the song in monotone

>> No.15944338

That's a cute snek.

>> No.15944345

im running 2 different kinds of ad block

>> No.15944351 [SPOILER] 
File: 738 KB, 1000x936, 1476013738815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone foul temptress! You'll not bait me into infidelity!

>> No.15944353
File: 467 KB, 1200x800, 1427184837571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use noscript.

>> No.15944368

Why are hime cuts so great?

>> No.15944369

Smart man. Same here.

>> No.15944370

Just running ublock origin alone should be enough, any more than that and you're just using resources you don't need to be.

>> No.15944373
File: 95 KB, 775x632, None of them will know what I am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because Mini-Wheats are better and healthier.

>> No.15944374
File: 141 KB, 850x654, It's how they choose their mates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get kicked into the weights by a 'roo after you flex at her, calls you a cheeky cunt afterwards

Imfuckingplying. What do you think a Cheshire Cat is? A woman with cat parts.

>> No.15944377

It's a combined bobcut and long hair. Bobcut is the most beautiful haircut and long hair shows you she's been healthy for years.

>> No.15944378
File: 2.04 MB, 1500x2627, 1471449143865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gremlin? Check.
After-midnight snacks? Check.
Super Soaker full of water? Check.

>> No.15944380

I'd usually write a lengthy post about what I liked and disliked but I feel that I haven't read enough to judge this story yet, so all I'll say is that I enjoyed it and that I look forward to the next chapter

I also spotted some mistakes here and there, I'll let you find/correct them yourself
lines 77, 81, 85, 95, 101, 135, 153 x2

>> No.15944381

>FLASHING pop-up ads!
That's still not answering my question...

>> No.15944382

She's a goofball, that's why.

>> No.15944384

I want a Holst with a hime cut.

>> No.15944387

I want to spray a gremlin in a white shirt with a super soaker.

>> No.15944395
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 1410781110332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest I have. It's got straight bangs and hair shorter in the front than back.

>> No.15944404

>Sir your writing is an abomination ie. your abominations are adorable AF . Keep it up man.

>> No.15944423

Why are succuviruses so silly?

>> No.15944425

Their only frame of reference for reality is the internet, which means porn and cat videos.

>> No.15944428

Succuvirus possessing an Automaton's empty shell

>> No.15944438

I want this.

>> No.15944444

>loli oni
Anon pls, it's just deep love.

>> No.15944448

He must speak the truth.

>> No.15944452
File: 493 KB, 595x842, Cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd waifu a Unicorn if she was The Last Unicorn right?


>> No.15944457

I'd waifu a Unicorn if I was honestly in love with her.

>> No.15944458

Fuck you I didn't ask for these feels at 0823

>> No.15944462

I'm more of a Dragon layer, actually. I'll lay the last Dragon because our hearts are one.

>> No.15944475
File: 352 KB, 606x777, 1465849932267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm imagining one of those "totally radical" 90s cereal commercials with a jumbo chuff mom and her mini chuff kids.

>> No.15944477
File: 177 KB, 1200x736, CuUrmPMUMAAQJ5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the top tier waifus according to jap community.

>> No.15944479

>Siths are in the top
God damn i all.

>> No.15944485

I want to watch a jumbo chuff mommy chuff together with her mini chuff kids! With two daughters there's plenty of space for everyone to rub cheeks together while they chuff in synch.

>> No.15944488

Here is the original tweet: https://twitter.com/PonmokyuGames/status/785081778960601088?lang=en

Bing translates gives: Image summary example making Monster girl encyclopedia secondary creative play is implemented some races, so I put #魔物娘図鑑二次

Nothing about top girls in this tweet, and besides you can more or less accurately see what girl Japan loves the most by the story count on KC's website
Last time I checked Succubus was their favorite by quite a bit

>> No.15944492

Not even one of those is part of my top10

Succubus, kitsune and vanilla lamia are alright though.

>> No.15944501

>March Hare tries to take some cereal

>"Silly rabbit tricks are for kids!"

>> No.15944509

>bunny lolis turning tricks

>> No.15944516

All fixed from what I could see

>> No.15944528

>Be Paladin/Crusader guarding the forest of the Last
>Bicorn comes upon you with her horde of harlots and requests you to move, only to stand your ground with the massive shield and mace of your forefathers
>Asks you why you won't let her see her 'sister'
>Reply with
"Have you ever seen a flower die? Watched as something that was once beautiful and full of life wither away and die? I will save her from that fate, at all costs."

>> No.15944532

Which monstergirls are the most likely to play The Most Dangerous Game with you as their target?

>> No.15944536

>Kiki is in there
>Shogoth isn't
Abominations BTFO.

>> No.15944537

>But sir knight, until The Last is with child, your valiant defence will not save her, but merely delay the end.

>> No.15944542

A Russian Jinko.

>> No.15944545
File: 248 KB, 654x1000, Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have any stories with devil? Devil is the best loli

>> No.15944547

>not just using adblock software
Yeah, I know some places depend on ad revenue, but I've been subjected to some nasty malware in the past thanks to bad ads.
Ever since I started using adblocks I've had a single minor piece of malware that couldn't even work properly because the adblockers kept telling its pop ups to fuck off before they even loaded.

>> No.15944551

Friendly reminder that Imgur has been hosting malicious ads recently despite complaints from users.
Be careful what you click when using that site.

>> No.15944552
File: 147 KB, 630x894, CuUwcvhUIAAhr21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by google translate, this is probably either a doujin or artbook on the way.

>> No.15944557

>Kiki and Sandworm
And together they fight crime!

>> No.15944559

>Siths the top two

Veronica's a Devil but that story'll never see the light of day.

>> No.15944561

Is it by that vorefag MGQ artist? Setouchi, I think. Art looks similar

>> No.15944568


>> No.15944572

That's sad
Devil is top cutie

>> No.15944573

That Kikimora is going to need more than a broom after that Sandworm has passed by.

>> No.15944575

of course MGQ's MR.nope would use sandworm

>> No.15944577

>top two are the Siths
>Harpies and Devils are there
>I could guess Werecats would be there because Japan, but I'm pleasantly surprised that Werewolves are also up there
>Succubi are okay I suppose, a bit boring but if they were the only MGs to come through a portal I wouldn't say no.

Otherwise thats a very underwhelming list, Japs have shit taste, especially with their furry love.

>> No.15944578

No idea since I tend to avoid MGQ, the twitter that posted it was twelveth_moon though.

>> No.15944579

It's mostly because it'd be yet another oyakodon with her mom being a Demon who can shift into a doppleganger of her for legal loli action

>> No.15944600

That sounds great to me.

>> No.15944605
File: 386 KB, 695x1200, 312_white_horn_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15944610
File: 414 KB, 800x1244, 5414549_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talking shit about Setouchi

He's literally our guy.

Draws great titties, loves horror films, and likes MGs.

I'll be damned if he hasn't improved a lot since his old MGQ work though.

Also the nasty artist you're looking for is Delphinous and sometimes kind of but not usually Xelvy.

>> No.15944613

>that one anon was right

Is gooooood day! Now we simply play the waiting game.

>> No.15944622

Doe pussy. Hopefully translator anon is around when the profile is up.

>> No.15944623

Setouchi has sameface issues.
That's one of the issues I had with him.

>> No.15944626

I wasn't shit talking him, I just don't like MGQ so tried to avoid his work based on that.

>> No.15944627

>Pandering to shit

>> No.15944630

She's pretty cute. I don't even care about the taur pussy never had a problem with horse pussy anyway

>> No.15944644


>> No.15944645

White Horn

Centaur family, Beastman type

Habitat: Snow fields, snowy mountains
Disposition: Gentle, passionate
Diet: Omnivorous, mainly grasses and vegetables

A species of Centaur living in cold climates, characterized by large horns with snow white tips.
Compared to other monsters of the centaur family, their bodies are covered in a large amount of hair, and despite their large half-human half-horse bodies, they're adept at traversing snow.

They can raise their body temperature to protect themselves against the cold. For this reason their bodies and faces are always flushed, and they have the charm of a girl come down with a slight fever.
They have a quiet disposition, and perhaps because of their rather high intelligence, even when their bodies are feeling hot, because this is a normal state for them, they generally don't attack human men.
They're friendly and kind towards humans, and when they encounter a man struggling to traverse snowy roads and mountaintops, they will let him ride on their backs to ensure his safety.
In regions where relations between humans and monsters are friendly, they may serve to help humans safely cross perilous snowy areas.


>> No.15944646

She's beautiful and very stylish, hope her profile lives up to expectations

I'll try to set aside my dislike for horse pussy, especially since front pussy is a thing

>> No.15944655

Kind girls as expected.
>They can raise their body temperature to protect themselves against the cold
I like where this is going.

>> No.15944657

Keeping lost shotas warm in a snowstorm when?

>> No.15944660

I want an oppai loli white horn now.

>> No.15944661

I was thinking more of heating their own vaginas.

>> No.15944664

Many monsters living in snowy regions wear revealing clothing despite the low temperatures, but contrary to that, White Horns are often seen wearing thick winter clothing. In fact, due to their natural ability to control their body temperature, they could easily bear the cold half naked, but they overdress as to suppress the heat inside them, as else they would have some trouble controlling themselves around a man they like otherwise.
Nevertheless, if for example they are struck by a sudden snowstorm, to protect not just their own lives but also the lives of those they're carrying, they may have to raise their body temperature further than usual, which will also raise their lust.
Furthermore, when riding on them, to protect yourself from the cold, it's recommended to maximize close contact with their body, and a man may misinterpret their deep, agitated breaths and rub against them more than necessary, or fondle their bodies, which will raise their temperature just like the cold would, as if they were entering heat.
Even then, despite their swelling lust, they won't just assault the man in the middle of the snowy roads. But as soon as they arrive at the target station, which generally also function as inns, the White Horn's flushed body will desire intercourse.


>> No.15944668

>as else they would have some trouble controlling themselves around a man they like otherwise
>Class trip to a tropical island ends with uncontrollable White Horns assaulting their crushes

>> No.15944669

>they could easily bear the cold half naked, but they overdress as to suppress the heat inside them, as else they would have some trouble controlling themselves around a man they like otherwise
Great, now I just want to rip off a White Horn's clothes and start molesting her to see how quickly it takes her to lose control.

>> No.15944672


>> No.15944676

>Breathing loudly
>Quietly begging you to stop
>You keep on molesting her
>She suddenly screams in pleasure
>You made her cum from fondling her so much
>She looks at you with teary eyes

You would stop your assault then and there right?

>> No.15944677

Their bodies, breath and gaze, and even the words they direct at the man, will all be dripping with lustful heat, and they will become passionate, and not dissimilar to a girl in a delirious fever.
They will begin by gently embracing them in a warm hug, as if the man's body was frozen on the icy roads and they had to heat him up, and deeply kiss the man to the extent where their lips will feel like they're melting together, and their tongues will dance together, and the man will feel his body warm up from the inside.
Their vaginas are no less warm than their mouths. The heat and pleasure will make one feel like they're melting from the moment of insertion, and intercourse with them, rather than just being simple pleasure of the flesh, one feels like they're almost being enveloped by the White Horn, and the warmth provides intense pleasure.
Like this, they will make you completely forget the biting cold, but many men who spend a melty hot night with a White Horn will never forget the experience, and will often choose to become their husbands.

And that's all on her.

>> No.15944681

Sounds comfy.

>> No.15944683

Only after finishing it with a kiss.

>> No.15944684

So if they love cuddlefucking, does that mean they never use the rear pussy?
Would be nice.

>> No.15944686

Man, why are most centaurs such good girls caught in bad bodies? It's not right.

>> No.15944687

I now desire to find a kingdom of oppai loli centaurs.

>> No.15944689

So annoying. If you're going to be a shitter, at least quote the wc3 unit.

>> No.15944690

Threadcanon white horns are bipedal anyway. Which makes way more sense for a monster all about cuddle sex to begin with.

>> No.15944691

I can see Yetis and White Horns being best friends, travelling across the mountains together and often marrying the same man.

>> No.15944693

Yeti has some serious competition.
Sure sounds like it, didn't KC say that centaur types prefer using the front anyway?

>> No.15944695

>does that mean they never use the rear pussy?
>Would be nice.
Jesus I keep forgetting that frontpussy is a thing.

Whitehorn is about the only horsepussy I'd fuck, assuming I only have to fuck frontpussy

>> No.15944697

Ah, the great outdoors!

>> No.15944699

>didn't KC say that centaur types prefer using the front anyway
He did, the rear pussy is only there so degenerates don't complain. But they won't use it unless you specifically want them to.
Just like any other monster part in MGE.

>> No.15944701

Marginally better.

>> No.15944707
File: 223 KB, 1100x587, [angry wendigo noises].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they'll fight over who found the man first as he lays in the cold snow

>> No.15944708

I'm not in season? I don't remember any more, I was never into playing as Night Elves.

>> No.15944709

Thanks for the translation, chief god bless you

That profile didn't disappoint, she's a good girl with a clear personality and that whole heat thing is great

I thought she'd be a friendzone-tier girl but she is definitely waifu-tier

Now the question remains, is she the best centaur?

>> No.15944712

>Yeti has some serious competition.
You got that right. A bipedal White Horn would be the ultimate cuddlefuck girl.

>> No.15944715

There's "Now I'll attract the enemy with my human call: 'I'm so wasted, I'm so wasted!'"

>> No.15944719

>is she the best centaur?


>> No.15944720

What if Centaurs ONLY had front pussy, and the horse body was just there for looks and to ride on?

>> No.15944722

>is she the best centaur?
For now, yes.

White Horn > Unicorn > Vanilla Centaur > Nightmare >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bicorn

>> No.15944724

>A bipedal White Horn would be the ultimate cuddlefuck girl.
Yeah, I honestly think Barb's white horn blows yeti out of the water. White horn should share her /fa/ tips with yeti.

>> No.15944725

If you ran a monstergirl school/college, it'd probably be a smart idea to keep human students separated from monstergirl students during class time, especially trips.

Imagine trying to work on an exam review with a Yeti or Weresheep glued to your arm.

>> No.15944727

I've been reading Sandman recently and I've found a new appreciation for Nightmares.

>> No.15944728

He didn't say anything like that, he just said that Centaurs developed the front pussy because they wanted to also be able to have cuddly sex facing each other in addition to the positions they could already do.
They'll use both pussies equally, and monster girls generally want you to enjoy every part of them, not just the human bits.

>> No.15944729

It would be way better if not infinitely more stupid

>> No.15944733

Ski trips would be out of the question of the school had any Yetis, White Horns, or Weresheep

>> No.15944734

It's retarded, just like front pussy.

If you like centaurs you should be able to accept their normal genitalia.

>> No.15944735

Source for him saying this? I only recall him saying that front pussy exists because centaurs and men would want to be able to embrace and look at each other easily while having sex. I guess that does imply that front pussy is superior, as it literally developed in centaurs for the sake of better sex, but it doesn't indicate a explicit preference.

>> No.15944738

>Yeti and White Horn find a man passed out in the cold
>They have a polite arguement over who is going to save him
>They end up agreeing on White Horn carrying him
>They then will take turn warming the man up until he comes back to his senses, starting with the Yeti
>White Horn can't contain herself and cuddles him during the Yeti's turn anyway
>5 hours later the man wakes up sandwiched between a naked White Horn and Yeti, both staring at him intensively

>> No.15944739

That's exactly how it is, KC gives his "sure the back one is there but why would you want to use it?" style answers, just in a slightly more polite way so he doesn't piss off the /mlp/ crowd.
Nightmare = Whitehorn > Bicorn > Unicorn > Vanilla.

I'd be happy with any of them though, they're all good girls.

>> No.15944740

The human parts on monster girls are generally meant to be superior to their monster ones, so.

>> No.15944742


>> No.15944743

>Better than anything

>> No.15944745

Careful not to bite.

>> No.15944749

>They'll use both pussies equally
Where does he say this? I know that if I was mamono mana'd my way into waifuing a horsepussy, I'd select frontpussy literally every single time.

>that does imply that front pussy is superior
>but it doesn't indicate a explicit preference.
I guess even monstergirls could have shit taste.

>> No.15944751

>Nightmare = Whitehorn = Unicorn = Vanilla >>>>>> shit >>>>> Bicorn

>> No.15944753

I don't think he wants that one since it's only loli for a fraction of the lewds

>> No.15944754

Who wouldn't pick a human pussy over a non human one every time?
Or any non human orifice vs a human one.
Who would want anything non human anywhere near their dicks ever?

>> No.15944756
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, Wheredoyouthinkyouare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who would want anything non human anywhere near their dicks ever?

>> No.15944757
File: 476 KB, 188x174, sweatinguu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rip off a White Horn's dress, exposing her chest and front to the world, she covers her front with a hand, the folds of her vulva framed by the thick, shaggy doe hair
"W-What're ya doin' thar b'hay!?"
>Start groping her breasts, her face flushing as she stammers out more Canadiabonics, huffing and moaning as you make her inverted nipples pop out
>Keeps begging you as you knead her breasts and flick her nips, Jesus Christ is it getting hot in here or is it just you?
>Take off your jacket, she begins to molest you a bit in return, removing her hand from her now drenched vulva
>Her arousal smells like apples as her front legs go hobknee'd and she lets out a sonic scream in orgasm
>She's panting and huffing, staring at you with teary eyes. Look around you, what the hell the snow's melted around your feet by an inch or two
"Y' dummy..."
>You can see her form shifting, her equine hindquarters seeming to vanish into her front half, giving her the height to tower over you, at least 7'2
>Ask her what the fuck's goingg on
"Wha', y' thought I'd fuck ya wit' tha' big b'dy, thar b'hay? Pride'll get ya killed, eh."
>Grabs you with lightning speed, collapsing on top of you. Her body's blisteringly hot, and her vagina batters you with waves of intense heat and pleasure as she cuddlefucks you
>When they find you in the morning, they see you collapsed and naked in a crater of green grass, surrounded by a once-again tauric White Horn in the nude
>Yeti's laughing her ass off at how big the crater is, the size of fucking Shaq's bed, and how ol' Whitey showed you 'something special'
>Yuki-Onna just Ara aras and goes "It's Winter, alright."

>> No.15944759

Eh. At least we're definitely getting a decent one next time, now that all the meh ones are finally done with.

>> No.15944760
File: 583 KB, 968x1000, 1437330557879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night is dark and full of terrors, stay by my side sweet sleeper!

>> No.15944761

I don't know how to answer that without causing a huge shitstorm, because horsefuckers get SUUPER defensive when you say they're just into bestiality. All I can say is prepare for the all the same weak pawjob arguments where they conveniently forgetting that they are advocating for fucking horses, and on a scale it's far further along than just rubbing your dick on some fur

>> No.15944764

Yeah, like human girl in overalls, or human girl in a witch outfit, or human girl in a kimono with a pipe, or human girl in a kimono with hypothermia.
MGE II was seriously shit.

>> No.15944765

This is not a meh one.

>> No.15944766

Their design is 10/10 for a centaur and I'm not opposed to harems.
>Who would want anything non human anywhere near their dicks ever?
Still trying this?
Don't make me list the other examples again.

>> No.15944770

>KC has shit taste
What a surprise.
Now tell me who actually likes the idea of getting blown by those weird tentacles, rather than her own mouth?
Monster parts are a nice extra but I honestly believe that anyone who would pick them over human ones for sex is either into some kind of weird bestiality or just gay in denial and doesn't like girl features.

>> No.15944771

>now that all the meh ones are finally done with.
Trumpart, Atlach Nacha and Kamaitachi weren't released yet

>> No.15944772

Woo discount glacies, I'm so excited.

Seriously, it's just a dumb rehash with a worse design than the original.

>> No.15944776

>KC has shit taste
Says you

>Wants monstergirls but no monster parts involved
I mean, I'm a huge vanillafag and I think you're a fag

>> No.15944777

I beg to differ.

>> No.15944778

Beggars, choosers, etc.

>> No.15944780

So is Canadian Centaur, but people seem to like it.

>> No.15944781

>Says you
Not him, but
>Defending KC's shit taste
Dude. Just stop.

>> No.15944785

KC's taste is better than most of this thread, given the amount of retarded discussions and threadcanon I've seen.

Now keep crying because your waifu's scales accidentally touched your dick.

>> No.15944788


>> No.15944789

Bicorn = Being able to have multiple high tier girls, though.

>> No.15944790

Remember to your delete reaction images before the deletion timer runs out.

>> No.15944793

>defending KC
Kill yourself.
Yeah sure keep defending the animal fuckers

>> No.15944794

>implying any high tier girl wants a husband who fucks other women nightly
Try convincing a baphomet to be a cuck I dare you

>> No.15944795

>White Horn is Canadian
Since fucking when

>> No.15944797


I smell samefagging

>> No.15944799

>Monster parts are a nice extra but I honestly believe that anyone who would pick them over human ones for sex is either into some kind of weird bestiality or just gay in denial and doesn't like girl features.

What about using them to enhance the girl features? Its like sex toys, the monster parts make the girl parts more pleasurable, its not like one is saying the sex toys are better than the human parts, they just make the overall experience better.

>> No.15944800

I'll certainly agree that threadcanon is trash, but the rest of this conversation makes me wish the weekend was over already.
Just look at this guy >>15944764, so if it doesn't have the lower half of an animal it's just a normal human? Then what the fuck are succubi?

>> No.15944803
File: 277 KB, 849x478, 1412246450496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of arguing here. Stop! The Black Orc commands you!

>> No.15944805
File: 71 KB, 548x175, White horn bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed white horn has a bell.

>White horn jingles everywhere she goes. Can't sneak up on her husband at all, but doesn't want to get rid of her signature bell.

>> No.15944806

And why would you settle for a fleshlight when you have the real thing right before you? The monster parts are there for the exotic factor, and that's it.

>> No.15944807

>Only one person could laugh at my blatant idiocy
Your sense of smell is astoundingly off then, but I won't bother screencapping this because you'll jut accuse me of photoshop or something.

>> No.15944810

>so if it doesn't have the lower half of an animal it's just a normal human?
Not at all, just like having your waifu use a monster part for intimacy doesn't make you an animal fucker like retards say.

>> No.15944811

>Black Orc
You'd do better to not indulge in Shoggy's stupidity

>> No.15944812

Succubi at least have horns, wings and a tail.
Rather than just being literal humans in costumes.
Hell, the Umi Osho is actual, literal cosplay.

>> No.15944813

You seem to have ignored that my whole point was about how they can be used together to enhance the experience, hence the sex toys comparison. You still seem stuck on an either/or comparison.

>> No.15944815

>All these faggots front pussy posting like it's a good thing
Jesus Christ. This is like coming in here and seeing a love fest over siths talking about how a furry girl is comfy to snuggle.
>And then there's that biped whithorn faggot whining about bestiality again

Welp, I'm out. Maybe this insanity will burn out when the weekend is over.

>> No.15944817

Fine, Snow Centaur.
It doesn't stop this statement being ironic as fuck:
>Seriously, it's just a dumb rehash with a worse design than the original.

>> No.15944819

Sure man, now you can go back to your elves.

>> No.15944821

>Glacies' Mom

>> No.15944825

>Angry horsefucker can't handle other ideas
Typical. I personally find it stranger to have this wanker come in here, shit on bipedal girls and advocate for how much better literal horse pussy is.

How has this place not run you off to /d/ yet?

>> No.15944826

I'm not arguing against a lamia wrapping her tail around you or anything like that.
I just don't get the appeal of shit like tailjobs.

>> No.15944827

Tell me about it, I wonder how the current thread would deal with cait sith.

>> No.15944828


>> No.15944829

Not getting the appeal does not make it shit just like some of you like to say.

Just because I don't like a girl that means she's shit.

>> No.15944831

If I was lost in a snow storm and heard a bell I'd be so happy
I'd run towards her and give her a hug of gratitude

She'd hug me back, warm me up and tell me everything will be ok in her smooth, gentle voice

>> No.15944833

Front pussy is great, it's turning them bipedal that's the shit part.

>> No.15944836

that doesn't mean*

>> No.15944837

Any -taur monster girl would be better bipedal.
This includes spider girls too.

>> No.15944839

>Yeti has some serious competition.
White Horns have the lower body of a horse, a Yeti does not. They also dress very conservatively for a monstergirl, I don't think Yetis have much to worry about.

>> No.15944843

Shoggy's stupidity?

>> No.15944845

And Yetis have giant hairy tumors for hands and feet, what's your point?

>> No.15944846

Both are shit. There was a time when even mentioning frontpussy got you run out of the thread. Of course there was a time when alp posting would too. Kinda wish it still did to be honest.

>> No.15944848

One that likes Anubi to the point of bankruptcy, or the one who liked Dragon Milfs like he had a fever and the only thing thst could cure him was more Dragon milf?

>> No.15944849
File: 544 KB, 722x1100, 1451960700411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kick, punch, it's all in the mind!

I would like a rapping fire mouse.

>> No.15944851

>White Horns have the lower body of a horse, a Yeti does not
And? I'm all for having more diversity on designs.

>They also dress very conservatively for a monstergirl
And? She's /fa/ as fuck and I love her clothes. Not all monstergirls have to dress like succubi.

>> No.15944853

>what's your point?
You seem to have missed it entirely, so I don't know how to help you.

>> No.15944854

If you started posting about cait sith I'd advise you take your shit to >>>/trash/, just like these fags should take their horsefucking to >>>/mlp/

>Any -taur monster girl would be better bipedal.
Now this I agree with
>This includes spider girls too.
This I don't. Frontpussy on a spider girl makes perfect sense, and there's nothing to dick back there, so it's no different from a tail

Frontpussy on a centaur is stupid but I guess if that's all they had it would be fine too. Better bipedal, but fine too.

>> No.15944858

There was a time where mentioning horsepussy would too. Kinda wish it still did to be honest

>> No.15944859

>All these faggots front pussy posting like it's a good thing
Except it is a good thing in the context that it allows more intimacy than slapping your pelvis into a horse's hindquarters.

>Jesus Christ. This is like coming in here and seeing a love fest over siths talking about how a furry girl is comfy to snuggle.
Except there's nothing wrong with the Siths, at least to me, if you don't lewd them while they're furries. The whole thing with human on furry makes me imagine a guy fucking a teddy bear that happens to be alive.

>And then there's that biped whithorn faggot whining about bestiality again
Biped Whitehorn is actually one of the better threadcanons we have after Alp's stupidity with the Stinky Oomukades and annoying shit like Nerdhound. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean other people don't. Face it, nobody but zoophiles legitimately think about fucking a horse's vagina, which KC has alleviated with essentially giving Centaurs a human vagina on her hindquarters OR the frontal vagina for more intimacy.

>Welp, I'm out. Maybe this insanity will burn out when the weekend is over.
Go and stay gone, you won't be missed. If I wanted to be hyperbolic I'd say you're probably mad because White Horn doesn't have stomach teats like a real horse, as well.

TL;DR: Opinions vary, my man. Get used to it.

I personally don't care so long as you don't furrypost like Shoggocks does with the fucking sanzo shit.

>> No.15944860

Way the fuck off. Just because I can tell certain anons apart doesn't mean I'm one of those obsessive waifu guys. I'm not knocking them, they produce a lot of lovely content for the thread.

>> No.15944861

I want to get grapple by a sumo mouse whose had too much cheese.

>> No.15944862
File: 211 KB, 634x800, 1450111421522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strength comes from within, from the belly. Move your whole body with your attacks, not just your limbs.

>> No.15944865

>There was a time where mentioning horsepussy would too. Kinda wish it still did to be honest

I'll take Things That Aren't True for five hundred Alex.

>> No.15944866

Same, but from the looks of things ice centaur is popular. This is how the thread is now, I guess we should just roll with it. Then again, it could just the the weekend.

>> No.15944867

I agree with your post, but
>Except there's nothing wrong with the Siths, at least to me, if you don't lewd them while they're furries
They can not be furries? News to me.

>> No.15944868

My point is that Yetis and White Horns are both shit, while you were presenting Yetis as not having any major disadvantages compared to them.

>> No.15944871

I distinctly remember back on /a/ before the move countless times posting a centaur was men with a SWATHE of >horsepussy that basically chased the fuckers back to /mlp/

shit was cash.

>> No.15944873

>They also dress very conservatively for a monstergirl
This is actually one of the most attractive features they have.

>> No.15944874

They're always furries. He's wrong about the other shit too. Just because you think a centaur should be a centaur, like a vampire should drink blood, doesn't have anything to do with liking or disliking the girl itself. It's about what she should be.

>> No.15944875

Most monsters can polymorph, I'd hope the Siths are no different, but knowing KC they're there to pander to the kemono community irregardless.

>> No.15944881

Oh okay, I can live with that.

>> No.15944882

>doesn't have anything to do with liking or disliking the girl itself. It's about what she should be

>> No.15944884

>This I don't. Frontpussy on a spider girl makes perfect sense, and there's nothing to dick back there, so it's no different from a tail
This, the spider part is only there to look spooky, you're not supposed to interact with it. So that makes it way less troublesome than a Centaur's horse half.
I'd still prefer if it wasn't there though. Atlach-Nacha is the best spider in MGE.

>> No.15944886

You don't remember anything. People would joke about horsepussy in the same way people would meme about elf rape. Cerea for example was always a popular girl back then.

>> No.15944887

So what ecactly do you have planned for your donut steelim?

>> No.15944889

That was EMGfags pushing their EMG memes, notice when they stayed on /a/ that shit stopped?

>> No.15944895

Yeap, >>15944753 is right
Trash. Just call it demon and don't make shit up

>> No.15944897

My nigger.

>> No.15944899

>This, the spider part is only there to look spooky, you're not supposed to interact with it.

It should be noted KC has mentioned one can ride on an arachne or ushi-oni's spider abdomen like a horse (though it will lead to sex games later).

>> No.15944900

So is Ice Queen going to be next?

>> No.15944901

Now we need a Wendigo and a Yeti mounted on a White Horn searching for lost wanderers.

>> No.15944902

>They're always furries
Thought so
>He's wrong about the other shit too
You're pretty wrong about that though

And I agree that centaur should be a centaur. Because it's a fucking centaur. Greek myth. Constellations, etc etc.

I see no reason why White Horn, an otherwise 10/10 design should be horsepussy shit though.

>This, the spider part is only there to look spooky, you're not supposed to interact with it
I agree but on it being there or not there at all I guess we'll have to agree to disagree

>That was EMGfags pushing their EMG memes
Well it's a meme I'd gladly take back.

>> No.15944903

>The new girl is the horse pussy: winter edition one
Oh well, at least she's more interesting than random-piece-of-cloth-caught-in-an-updraft girl. Anyone remember that one? No?

>> No.15944906

>the spider part is only there to look spooky, you're not supposed to interact with it
>He doesn't want to cuddle with a spider girl, with all her legs around him, forcing him to get closer to her

>> No.15944907

Logic would dictate so, possibly along with some info on the Snowy Region and Ice Palace (mentioned with the glacies profile).

>> No.15944911

Seconding this.

>> No.15944913

>I see no reason why White Horn, an otherwise 10/10 design should be horsepussy shit though.

Because that's what he decided it should be. You want a cute girl with antlers and a little tail, there's a wendigo just right over there.

>> No.15944916

>I'd still prefer if it wasn't there though. Atlach-Nacha is the best spider in MGE
I'm not going to post an image reaction, but seriously?

>I prefer a human with a monsterboy over a classic monstergirl
I like vanilla girls like Titanias and Elves too, but this is another level.

>> No.15944917

That was written before demon was even a thing.

>> No.15944920

Well I plan to do more stories involving her either corrupting women or fighting, probably both.

>> No.15944922

I choose to ignore the transformation shit. I only care about the cute loli.

>> No.15944926

>Fondling white horn, the only sounds being her heavy breathed moans and the rhythmic ringing of her bell.

>> No.15944927

>Because that's what he decided it should be
And that's why people were saying KC had shit taste. Now we're back full circle, you going to asset that KC has better taste than all of us again?

>You want a cute girl with antlers and a little tail, there's a wendigo just right over there.
This is beside the point because wendigo are better for a VAST majority of reasons not just their design. And Wendigo don't have fluffy ZR.

Though I wonder if dire wendigo do. Now that's a nice thought.

>> No.15944932

My point is that if you're getting flustered over people not wanting to fuck a horse's vagina, then you need to re-evaluate your priorities. Of course a Centaur should be a tauric creature, but that doesn't inherently make frontpussy bad because I actually enjoy the idea of being able to look into her eyes while shagging.

Not being stuck 24/7 watching horsepussy and anus wink at me and wondering how to create a better catsup and mustard dispenser.

>> No.15944936

I don't understand, are people complaining about the horse pussy itself or about all monstergirls without human legs?

>> No.15944937

Also there's a lot of canon ways to manipulate one's body, so "making shit up" is a pretty inaccurate way of describing it.

>> No.15944938

Look man, I agree KC has shit taste. His dwarves alone are proof of that. I think that there were already too many horsepussies too. Bicorn was totally unneeded. But another snow girl with antlers wasn't needed in any variety either.

>> No.15944939

>Now we're back full circle, you going to asset that KC has better taste than all of us again?

"All of us"? Its not like its just KC on one side and everyone in the thread on the other.

>> No.15944940

Horse pussy, but any monster girl without human legs is shit.
Fuck paws and fuck claws. Half of KC's designs are just a desecration of the female form and it disgusts me.

>> No.15944942

Just checking.

Now to work on a Whitehorn.

>> No.15944944

>but any monster girl without human legs is shit
You are shit.

>> No.15944945

>I don't understand, are people complaining about the horse pussy itself
This, but to make their argument easier, they often conflate
>all monstergirls without human legs
in with it a well

>> No.15944948

This is why monsters without the lower body are better.

>> No.15944950

>all of us

>> No.15944952

>But another snow girl with antlers wasn't needed in any variety either.
I agree but in a sense this only makes it wose. We already had wendigo, so the least you could do is give us something on par with a different flavor. Not something vastly shitter.

>> No.15944953

What are some of the worst examples of shit taste from KC?
Oversized paws and claws?
The entire Chaos faction?
The hugbox garbage?
Blatant pandering girls like Tentacle?

>> No.15944956
File: 325 KB, 800x1100, 292_vamp_mosquito_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horse pussy, but any monster girl without human legs is shit.
>Fuck paws and fuck claws.

How are you defining human legs anon? Do these not count?

And what's wrong with claws? They're fitting on fierce girls.

>> No.15944957

Like corrupting a cheating woman into a slug because she 120% deserves it?

>> No.15944962

To me it sounds like those are just things you don't like.

>> No.15944964

>A fetish setting is a hugbox
Oh boy here we go again.

>> No.15944965

No, those don't count. Even if KC is trying really hard to make them look like long socks.
Human legs with human skin only.

>> No.15944969

You disgust me
You probably should go to /a/ catgirl threads or something. Perfect "monster" girls with cat earbands and tail buttplugs await you

>> No.15944970

>Half of KC's designs are just a desecration of the female form and it disgusts me.
Then why are you here?

>> No.15944971

We as in he and I. All of us, because that one dude claimed Kc had better taste than the thread. So, yes.

>Cait sith
>Cu sith
>wonerland tea that turns you into a dog
>male elves and dwarves
>non negotiable harems
That's just off the top of my head. See the thing is with shit taste is that I go out of my way to ignore it, so it's often hard to recall immediately

>> No.15944972
File: 320 KB, 900x720, 1428854494352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lu-lu-lu I've got some apples~

>> No.15944975

Because this is the monster girl thread, not the MGE thread. And MGE still has a few nice designs.

>> No.15944976

>Then why are you here?
Probably to falseflag and make the people who aren't into fucking horses look like the absurd ones

>> No.15944977

Because the argument sounds like it's coming from a triggered femnazi who thinks shouting at people does something.

>> No.15944981

At this point I think he's just looking for more (You)'s

>> No.15944982

>all of us
Ayy, I'm not with you fag.

>> No.15944984

possibly, I mean I already got a few Ideas regarding the corruption half.
like saving girls via monsterisation and other things

>> No.15944988

The only wrong thing I see there is the chaos faction because of the monsterboy shit.

The rest is just you saying you don't like X or Y, which isn't KC's fault.

>> No.15944989

Anyone who uses this word unironically about a porn setting deserves laughed out of the thread.

>> No.15944991
File: 2.25 MB, 3507x4600, 1452547813506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the fact that some people hate any remotely monstrous design while others hate the "cosplay girls" should just make us all happy that KC caters to both sides tastes fairly equally.

>> No.15944992

>people not wanting to fuck a horse's vagina
Then don't fuck a centaur. There's two hundred other girls to choose from. Sticking a fist sized hole in the middle of a solid bone plate isn't going to make anything better. You think that's going to be like fucking a human front? It's just fucking a horse's chest instead of the back.

By all means, call centaurs shit or don't like them. But don't defend those retarded half measures.

>> No.15944996

>"Don't worry, Marione, I'll save you from your 9 cancers!"
>Lilim does fabulously gay looking sparkle magic on dieing girl
>She turns into a Lilim!Wurm
>"L is for Lilim!"

>> No.15945000

The former are a vast majority of MGE's audience though, and the more monstrous designs are generally despised. Not to mention KC hasn't really produced a remotely monstrous looking girl in years.

>> No.15945001
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, Pocket Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to use the "Idle Workers" button regularly to make sure nobody's slacking off!

>> No.15945003

>It's fucking a horse's chest instead of the back
>Implying the real-world rules of anatomy apply to monstergirls
Here's your (You)

>> No.15945004

What about a monster girl that gets off on being bullied and makes herself look more bulliable for this purpose?

>> No.15945006

>and the more monstrous designs are generally despised
Citation needed

>> No.15945008

>Then don't fuck a centaur.
Not him, but I find it funny that when MGE is ALL about having your cake and eating it, people get so mad that you want to make your cake bipedal and eat it too.

>> No.15945011

What, like a Cyclops or an Alp?

>> No.15945012

White Horn was a mistake

>> No.15945015
File: 418 KB, 1525x1831, 1469713911676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this assblasted over frontpussy

>> No.15945016

Seems like it.
Probably some butthurt native trying to stir shit and remove the thread
Nobody can be that retarded

>> No.15945018

So she has the bully beam like that one kid from that one hentai who causes a female teacher to bully his dick? Before it turns to rape beam, of course.

>> No.15945020

>Implying you can't see the exact anatomy referenced in the profile picture

>> No.15945023

Could be any girl.

No glasses?
Get a few falsies so people can take them off while she pretends not to see.

She thin?
Maybe eat a few too many sweets so people can call her a fatty.

Sure, why not?

>> No.15945024

I want a hot blooded and assertive Kikimora who's also a hopeless romantic that believes almost anything I do is a proclamation of love towards her.

>> No.15945025

You don't understand, Anon. If I dislike horses then they shouldn't exist, and if you disagree you are just as shit.

>> No.15945026

Cosplayfags were a mistake

>> No.15945030

I was thinking more along the lines of would-be fatal wounds, If i did go that route, it would be considerably less retarded then that.

>> No.15945033

Is she Nero levels of hammy?

>> No.15945034
File: 781 KB, 1316x1421, 1425274724408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best.

>> No.15945035

It's gonna take eons for KC to reveal the Automaton.

>> No.15945036

Oh I would the fuck out of monoeye with glasses.

>> No.15945037

Anything other than hellhound and dragon tiers of monstrosity designs were a mistake

>this assblasted over frontpussy
I never actually understood this. Yes, anatomically it's stupid. But so are lots of things in MGE. Surely it's vastly preferable to fucking horsepussy

>> No.15945041

COuld be nice.

What if she was chubby?

>> No.15945042

So the whole "saving you at the last second but it costs you greatly" shebang?

And don't insult Wurm-chan or else the Washington-association will get you.

>> No.15945044
File: 484 KB, 803x1200, 300_basilisk_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention KC hasn't really produced a remotely monstrous looking girl in years.

You have to be kidding, since when is a design like the basilisk not "remotely monstrous"? There's also mucus toad and soldier beetle. I could go on if you like.

>> No.15945043
File: 239 KB, 403x880, fujoclops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.15945045

Hellhound and dragon are shit too.
Surely you can't defend those ridiculous looking hands and feet.

>> No.15945050

I really like that KC is drawing non human hands human sized now.
Beats the absurdly huge BIG MEATY CLAWS from before.

>> No.15945055

I find it funny these 'Hey KC FUCK YOU!' shitstorms almost -always- (I mean, I've paid attention) strike the hardest right after new updates, e.i precisely when the guy actually delivers (and it's not like the place is flooded with unrequited content).

>> No.15945054

>hellhound and dragon
Yep. You are shitposting. I think frobtpussy is fucking retarded, but fuck you.

>> No.15945060

I was thinking more along the lines of a certain pirate queen.

>> No.15945062

>Surely you can't defend those ridiculous looking hands and feet.
I can't. Bad choice. Werewolf, wyvern and nekomata then.

>> No.15945063

I agree. The only good monster girl KC has ever done was the normal succubus. Everything else is complete trash.

>> No.15945064

The things I would do to Wurm-chan..

>> No.15945071

Holy shit kill yourself already

>> No.15945072

>Sticking a fist sized hole in the middle of a solid bone plate isn't going to make anything better. You think that's going to be like fucking a human front? It's just fucking a horse's chest instead of the back.

That kind of assumes that the front of a centaur's inner anatomy is the same as a real horse's though, which seems unlikely. It'd have to be pretty different to begin with simply to support the humanoid portion of the body.

But of course it wouldn't be like fucking a human, like any monster the vagina would be superior in its feel and abilities.

>> No.15945073

Pirate Queen? Like, Boa Hancock? Sandersonia is better

>> No.15945076

So you think someone is intentionally sparking conflict every update? What a super deduction, Nancy Druella.

>> No.15945077

pretty much, though I might also do the voluntary corruption think as well. I really what to push that aspect of the lilim, as others justifiably wont.

>> No.15945079

Who? Boa?

>> No.15945081

Do those things involve urinating on her?

>> No.15945085

>I never actually understood this. Yes, anatomically it's stupid. But so are lots of things in MGE. Surely it's vastly preferable to fucking horsepussy
As I've stated before shitposter-kun kept getting his feathers ruffled, I rather enjoy the enhanced intimacy. Horse's hindquarters aren't exactly soft. If you like horsepussy or frontpussy, it doesn't really matter to me at this point so long as you don't act like it's Word of God they only have one option available.

The only person I've known explicitly to use the word pandering after they begged Harblador to write Hounds of Tindalos is fucking Bollocks. So that'd probably explain all the shitposting.

>> No.15945086

Like what?

>> No.15945087

>they keep replying

>> No.15945089

>as others justifiably wont.
What do you mean?

>> No.15945090

Don't forget putting her in a cage.

>> No.15945091
File: 378 KB, 1349x1632, 1472963496252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a very special type of faggot aren't you?

>> No.15945092


>> No.15945096

It doesn't assume anything when you can actually see the muscles over the bone in KC's profiles. You need a sternum to anchor the front leg muscles anyway.

>> No.15945099
File: 303 KB, 1240x1754, 1475108789561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red Dragon

>> No.15945100

Of course not, I'm not a degenerate. I just want mindbreak her.

>> No.15945101

Succubus? Are you for real? Have you seen those disgusting tails and horns? What is she? A cow? Fucking animal fuckers
Witches and dark mages are the only good girls in that MGE furryfest

>> No.15945103

Red and blonde dragon is best.

>> No.15945105

So, pushing corruption, because there is a lack of Lilims corrupting women?
I don't know how that will go for you, but good luck there. I thought about doing at least one Lilim corruption as a whole "Stop fucking bothering me! I just want to drink my cocoa in peace! I'll change you if you leave me alone!" sort of deal.

>> No.15945107

C'mon, son.

>> No.15945112

No clue who that is.

>> No.15945115

>The only person I've known explicitly to use the word pandering after they begged Harblador to write Hounds of Tindalos is fucking Bollocks
He likes half the girls that guy shat on though, unless he's going full shitpost mode and trashing girls he likes to piss people off.

>> No.15945122

>The only person I've known explicitly to use the word pandering after they begged Harblador to write Hounds of Tindalos is fucking Bollocks.
But that doesn't make any sense. Why would Bollocks bitch at Harb after getting his wish granted?

>> No.15945123
File: 336 KB, 1000x1414, 7cfbaf45f3c25fc8287b5b1fdeef25ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the paladin elf the perfect rape bait?

>> No.15945131

She's up there, but the priestess healer Elf in her white dress with no underwear and with flowers in her hair is even more delicious.

>> No.15945132

>Is the paladin elf the perfect?
Yes. She is the perfect.

>> No.15945133


>> No.15945134

Yes. I'd violate her without even taking the armor off.

>> No.15945137

Regardless of how significant it is in MGE and the occasional paladin joke, corruption is mostly disliked in the thread. its not hated like the /d tiers, but few people will want it and fewer will write stories about it.

Thanks man. all i need to do is avoid writing about it in a grim way and it should be good.

might also do some other stories as well. it won't be all corruption with her.

>> No.15945139


Please do not rape the Paladins

>> No.15945140

>Witches and dark mages are the only good girls in that MGE furryfest
Nah, they don't remind me enough of animals to really get my motor running

>> No.15945142

Made for tender rape while acting treating her nicely to make her let her guard down then full throttle jackhammering when she least expects it.

>> No.15945145

it is really that hard to ask for a raven haired or redhead vampfu? blonde lolis are clogging most of the vampie art

>> No.15945146

Well meme'd

>> No.15945149

A redheaded vampire? Police Girl should be up your alley.

>> No.15945150

Right, just off them.

>> No.15945153

Prate Queen Lukkage.
Or Rackage.
Or Yukkage, depending on your source/subs.

>> No.15945155

>A redheaded vampire? Police Girl should be up your alley.
Dude seras is blonde

>> No.15945156

Nigga wut

>> No.15945157

Given the dude flip-flops more than a politician I wouldn't be surprised. As for the second point, autism and hating the thread as usual. I can guarantee at least 75% of the posts about writing and not doing it because "muh name" are either him or a faggot like Negawalker.

>> No.15945158

>Confirmation that my numbered hardback anniversary collection is shipped just came a few hours ago

I'm pretty fucking stoked.

>> No.15945159
File: 471 KB, 1148x800, 1f41d5c341ab38fcbdb92edc31c18570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even this one? Come on just look at that armor, even her fellow Paladins would probably think she got what was coming if she got turned into a succubus.

>> No.15945163

Wasn't her hair orange in the original anime?

>> No.15945164

Try and do stories showing other aspects of character.

For example: a bloodknight with a hobby for cooking and an onee-san type of character when not killing things and drenched in blood like Zero or a Bloodborne character.
Or an old paladin who is high ranking and loyal to his order, but is starting to show doubts after years and years with his ideals clashing against the methods of the order.

>> No.15945166

You've got a real axe to grind on bollocks don't you?

>> No.15945170

That bust is a honeytrap for incubi. They push her down to forcibly paizuri without actually incapacitating her and then bam it's holy beam right up the bunghole!

>> No.15945171

I have an intense hatred of unabashed shitheels, yes

>> No.15945174
File: 1.11 MB, 738x983, Centaur extra art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you point it out to me? Because it looks like the front pussy is located on the humanoid portion, above the horse bones.

There's a reason KC gives the humanoid portion pseudo "hips" to help signify where the front pussy is.

>> No.15945176

I think your hte i making you see him where he isn't. I mean is that nigga even relevant anymore?

>> No.15945177

Gee willikers!

>> No.15945179
File: 163 KB, 1000x1414, b50f37d36b057acfd1efa341efd97483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15945188

Gonna cuddle that cat!

>> No.15945190
File: 58 KB, 600x400, 1474454020794-jp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather travel the lands as a merchant with a jew tanuki or a jew wolfgirl?

>> No.15945191

Talking of shitheads, notice all that "they would just get shot anyway" and talking about how monster girls would get slaughtered in a modern setting that's popped up lately?

Father Grigori posts here these days, just thought it's a good time to mention it since it's shitstorm central anyway.

>> No.15945192

I probably going to spend my whole monday brainstorming

>> No.15945193


>> No.15945194
File: 88 KB, 512x810, 1475344676712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium Chuff

>> No.15945195

I'm a strong independent man who need no monstergirl!

>> No.15945196

I don't think goblin merchants get enough credit

>> No.15945199

They pop up every time merging settings are discussed

>> No.15945200

Except she's rather misguided then, as incubi don't find humans to be good targets for their lust, they just can't get any satisfaction out of doing a human.

Most likely an incubus would turn up his nose at a bust like that and go to the better breasts of monsters. At least they can keep up with him.

>> No.15945202

>goblin merchants
Goblins don't do things like that, they just raid and rob!
Ho-ho my lad!

>> No.15945205

Instead of work? Good god man.

>> No.15945206

Unless the incubus was a human guy in love with a human girl, then he probably came back for her.

Just like human girls turned into monstergirls do.

>> No.15945208

I had forgotten they even existed until I read her profile in one of those dumb rool games.

>> No.15945209
File: 160 KB, 446x700, Early kikimora sketch 1460212541797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How admirable, but no man is an island anon. You may not need a monster girl, but what if one wants to support you anyway and help you be the best you can be?

>> No.15945210

He's relevant since he always posts those stupid fucking furry dragon comics

>> No.15945212

>they just can't get any satisfaction out of doing a human
Yandere Paladin-chan raping her childhood friend-turned-incubus and getting angrier and sadder as he just won't cum when?

>> No.15945214

>stupid fucking furry dragon comics
Yeah, that's annoying

>> No.15945216
File: 215 KB, 800x1053, 8c8e89a1806eb5e870a3d9d79e23bed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have of those too!

>> No.15945221

Sorry but I'm into more assertive girls, I like to be a rapebait with an extremely good luck who somehow never gets raped

>> No.15945222

From the waist up, she's perfect.
She needs to be bigger from the waist down, though.

>> No.15945223

More often lately, not a coincidence I can tell you for a fact.

>> No.15945224

Happy ending when she eventually becomes a monster girl from raping him though (he would just have to cum a little). Then he cums buckets.

>> No.15945227

Spoilerd for blogshit
I have no job, most of my time is looking for one or gaming/anime/writing, My family wants me to write as its "being constructive" I plan one day to publish a story of my own
I have more free time then what to do with it. the time between my posting is mostly procrastination

>> No.15945234

I guess you love Elins then.

>> No.15945240
File: 135 KB, 900x1168, 1475404888736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, actually, I do.

>> No.15945244

I also do, and I'm not even that much into lolis.

>> No.15945251
File: 571 KB, 1530x1141, 1446050997474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pears are physical perfection.

>> No.15945255

Pettan, pettan tsurupettan~

>> No.15945261

Look out anon, it seems like you misspelled "hourglass".

>> No.15945264

Are you referring to this thread? if so, I can tell you it was a single guy, first he started paladin posting and when it was deleted he when to the "most humans would hate them". I don't know why people just wouldn't stop replying to him, we need to chase these HFY fuckers out, especially if it's this father edgefag (which i dont think he is).

>> No.15945270

Pear >= Hourglass > Perflat >>>>> Top-heavy

>> No.15945274
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x720, spoopy ghost gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your waifu know any cool magic tricks?

>> No.15945276
File: 224 KB, 1381x978, 1465790076921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more.

>> No.15945277

Hourglass is definitely the best body type by far, they make the best mothers too

>Large hips to bear children with
>Large breasts to feed said children

I would never trust a pear shaped girl with my children, I might fuck and dump one but even then I'd cum outside

>> No.15945280

How'd she do that?

>> No.15945281

Ah, vietman flashbacks of taking care of my mother while she was mentally ill and dying of cancer are coming back now. Oh, I miss her as well as still having a genuine roof over my head.

Get a job, though, even if you'll lose all your freetime in the process in order to work at a job to have a life, but in a twist of irony, you have no life because of your job.
Even MGK Lich has a job, for the love of Hathor.

>> No.15945282

Hourglass > Assmonster = Tittymonster >>>> Sadness and shattered dreams >>> Perflat

>> No.15945287

>especially if it's this father edgefag (which i dont think he is).
The reason I'm so sure is because one of the group chats I'm in has that faggot in it, he was whining.

>> No.15945289

Wait, where's the trick, what does she pull out of her mouth?

>> No.15945290
File: 1.03 MB, 1684x1200, 4562462474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hourglass the one Titanias, Demons, Dark Mages and Ice Queens have? If so, that's the best one, yes.

>> No.15945291


>> No.15945294
File: 542 KB, 832x1200, 1426691598266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I just give up on life, would she really want a loser like me?

>> No.15945295

Yeah, that's hourglass

>> No.15945296

Father edgefag though?

>> No.15945297

Why boner

>> No.15945302

No. Charon would jump you though.

>> No.15945307

Whining about what exactly?

>> No.15945309

I want them both as my Onee-san.

>> No.15945311

>Charon, why do you want me?
>You're well hung

>> No.15945318

She's cute,

>> No.15945320

trust me when I say its easier said then done.

but enough blogshit, how do you feel about kakuens?

>> No.15945321

People disagreeing with his view, he doesn't take disagreements well.

>> No.15945322

No shit it's annoying, which is why I report him every time they're posted or do bummer, man to his whiny self-loathing bullshit

>> No.15945325

She knows you won't leave her hanging.

>> No.15945326

>Sit down on your lounge play, some vidya
>Your two oneesans are sitting on the back of the lounge with a leg draped over a shoulder each
>Offer conflicting advice on how to play.
Would be pretty great

>> No.15945331
File: 1.62 MB, 1659x2400, 1476010643213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more pics with monstergirls wearing lingerie

>> No.15945338

I think I'm just going to hang around for a while, see if she drops the floor from under me when I get all stiff.

>> No.15945344

Well, did he mentioned this site? Tell me the name of this chat group.

>> No.15945348

>enough blogshit
Yes. I still have ptsd over fried egg sandwiches, so let's change topics.

I don't really like them or hate them, but they're meh. I prefer Dragons, Undead, Demons, Wolfus, UNDA-DA-SEA ctitters, etc over monkeys.

>> No.15945353

Large breasts to bear children, and large hips to feed said children.

>> No.15945354

Why not go to the beach with her and hang-10? Or are you just a limp deadbeat?

>> No.15945357


looks painful

>> No.15945358

Dunno, never played that game

>> No.15945359

Who is this fertility goddess?

>> No.15945362

>You play a game with good/evil options
>Demons tries to make you play evil, Titania wants you to play good
>Eventually they end up whispering advice in your ear and offering you things if you do what they say

>> No.15945371

The trick is that she's showing you how she has no gag reflex

>New captcha that makes you select shit like the pen tool in photoshop

I'm scared of what they'll come up with next

>> No.15945374

Man, That spoopy form is pretty hot Would take dick enlargement potions and irrumate.

>> No.15945379

She wants to go to some STRETCH of beach when she's got a job to do? What a pain in the neck!

>> No.15945382

fair enough, I've been rolling on a kakuen story for some time now, i just need to find the right spark

>> No.15945384

>tfw no spooky gf who crawls out of your tv

>> No.15945391

The Ice Queen probably being next reminded me of a fantasy movie based on the fairy tale I saw as a kid. I was really surpised to see the whole movie on youtube.

Have some obscure 80s fantasykino, I haven't seen the movie in like 20 years so I don't actually remember if it's good though. I do remember the Snow Queen is pretty spooky in it.


>> No.15945392
File: 220 KB, 1000x707, 1401305981524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15945393

You'd need a LOT of dick enlargement potions to take advantage of that dislocated jaw.

>> No.15945400

>An hour in and the whole game is you being SUPER distracted and barely being able to play it, an onee-san sitting on either side of you, hooking a leg over each of yours, their lips to an ear each, a set of breats pressing against each arm, both with a hand over yours holding the controller and a free hand stroking your chest/cock/wherever they like
I-I... whew. I wish I saved that pick of the dude wiping sweat with like fifty different arms because that is me right now.

I am okay with that.

>> No.15945411

Would kissing the ghost stop her from killing you?

>> No.15945413

It's worth a shot. A moneyshot.

>> No.15945414

artist looks like Uo Denim, thats all i can muster though

>> No.15945415

Does a vampire who randomly bites and corrupts human women exist? Or they're all too stuck up for that

>> No.15945419

She would kill your virginity that's for sure.

>> No.15945421

The profile says they corrupt human women, if I remember correctly.

No yuri though, just biting and such.

>> No.15945422

Not randomly, but a suitable woman who would be a noble addition to the vamp masterrace, sure.

>> No.15945423

I don't know, but I'd still assault the spooky ghosu just because I want to.

>> No.15945426

>I wish I saved that pick of the dude wiping sweat with like fifty different arms because that is me right now.

You and be both Anon.

>> No.15945428

Seriously, looking at the responses, just imagine a horror movie with people from this thread. Instead of running in the opposite direction they would all run into hers.

>> No.15945429

>sitting at computer desk waiting for pizza
>there's a KNOCKAKNOCKAKNOCKA at my door
>get up to grab dinner
>open door
>a tall White Horn is outside, wearing a large coat and smiling at me while blushing
>"Here's your order, That'll be $14.67," she says with grace before shifting the coat on her 'taur half to show two pizzas strapped to her back
>I hand her the fee, plus a tip, before grabbing my delicious Piestrong pies from her....back....or whatever....
>they're still hot
>god fucking damn shitcunts, it actually burns!
>the Withe Horn counts the fee before returning my tip, ignoring my panic and 2nd degree burns
>"No tip, sir"
>she waves before quickly galloping away
>what a nice-
>the lawngnomes, my prized possessions, look like somethibg with hooves destroyed them

>> No.15945432

>Hey, let's split up
>Oh, so you can hog all the booty? Fuck you!

>> No.15945435

Okay, I'm gonna try it.

>> No.15945436
File: 569 KB, 1096x1600, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. That's why you should hit first and fuck later

>> No.15945439

How hot can a White Horn get?

>> No.15945440

>no ancient city populated by Automaton hybrids

>> No.15945445

I was more talking about anons in a group of "normal" people, all scared but he would try to waifu'd her.

But yeah, that would happen as well.

>> No.15945449

Well she just wants a break! Work is so tedious that it kills you, you know?

I see. Why not a cheeky monkey who is adept at fighting with her feet, or one who is a drunk that likes getting close?

>> No.15945451

>"I heard a noise from the basement, I'll go check it out."
>"Oh no you don't faggot. We're all going."

>> No.15945453

Enough to cook on.

>> No.15945454

>what, you want to have male orgy?
>eeeh.. I guess not. Ok, let's split up and the first who finds ghost calls dibs on her!

>> No.15945456


>> No.15945457

If that one anon is still writing Until Dawn: Awawawa Edition, take this into account please.

>> No.15945462

Fuck, Raita really outdone himself with shouten. He should do more lolis, his recent girls started to look like shitty skeletons anyway

>> No.15945464

>Anons stand in front of the ghost
>"Alright, you have to choose one, we're totally not sharing, we're not fucking faggots"

>That's how one lucky anon got a wife and the rest moved to the next haunted house

>> No.15945466

If she wants to kick back a bucket list seems like the right poison.

>> No.15945470

>"Let's split up in this dangerous, zombie infested mansion everyone."
>"Wesker, how about I put a fucking bullet in your head and leave you as bait for the Zombie girls?!"

>> No.15945472

The ghost would get too sad. How can she spook the Anons if they are always together?

>> No.15945477

Yes, a list is best, no matter how you cut it.

>> No.15945478

This is a really weird episode of Ghost Hunters.

>> No.15945479

I like the thought of drunk monkey.

>> No.15945481

>"Shut up, manwhore. I'm way more vulnerable anyway, you're clearly just aking for it."

>> No.15945482

Then it's settled. The situation doesn't seem quite so grave anymore, so there's no need to cry me a river. Styx and stones may break my bones, but puns will never harm me!

>> No.15945484

Instead of being startled and soiling themselves, they're trying to get laid.

Alcohol makes everything better.
Except Liches. They can't get drunk.

>> No.15945487

His best skeltal tittymonster will always be Selvaria.

>> No.15945490
File: 615 KB, 1107x1600, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Tetsuna] Two Dimensions Girlfriend

>> No.15945491

I'd totally watch that program though. Half of the episode would be about summoning/finding the ghost and the other half about having her choose.

The group is composed by volunteers and the hosts of the program are a man and his ghost wife.

>> No.15945499

That was a great shot at being brave, but don't overdose on courage before you jump at being punny.

>> No.15945503
File: 529 KB, 1280x959, Dat Yao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That "Fuck you!"

I don't know why but the way I imagined anon yelling that is cracking me up.

God I wish I had the "If anons were all transported to MGQ" image handy, it would sum up that situation perfectly.

>> No.15945505


>> No.15945506

Umi Osho, the profile says that outright.

>> No.15945511

Feeble turtles.

>> No.15945513

Spooky girls are the best, there is nothing quite like a girl you know truly loves you but still makes you fear for your life on a weekly basis

Don't mess with spooky yanderes, that's bound to end in a disaster

>> No.15945519

It's like Ghost Hunters meet those Dating shows.
I think it'd be fun

>Kakuen: What the fuck? What are they singing? What's a "Coconut gun"?
>Ogre: You should have seen what happened when I said they won't stop cumming.

>> No.15945525
File: 26 KB, 740x580, 23576484_big_p14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Onryo-chan crawls out of the TV straight into the victim's lips
>Gets pulled out and pinned to the floor
>Arm wraps around her waist
>Lips tease her face and neck
>The other hand starts climbing under her nightgown
>It's rubbing her wet, clammy thighs
>Suddenly fingers slip inside her
>A hot, living tongue is still inside her mouth
>Suddenly he pulls away and lifts her legs
>One hand opens up her hair while she can feel something digging at her labia
>The flustered victim looks her in the creepy black eyes as something warm enters her
>He kisses her again
>She can't decide what to do before he's jizzed all the way inside her
>He pulls out but there's still something living inside her
>The arms wrap around her again and hold her tight
>Those living things seem to be going deeper and deeper
>Still confused
>It felt sort of nice, though

>> No.15945550
File: 362 KB, 980x550, hRbk6jy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we already turned the council from Seitokai Yakuindomo into monstergirls. We aren't we doing the same with the council from Kangoku Gakuen? What monstergirls can you see them being?

The manga looks infinitely better, but I couldn't find a pic with all three of them

>> No.15945552

Anons would throw the world into chaos. Can you imagine a legion made to find monster girls like the Order, but instead of "purifying" them we turn them into our wives?

>> No.15945553
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Just in time for Halloween.

>> No.15945563

Hana is best girl. She'd be a Hinezumi, because martial arts. President would be a kuudere Wight, Meiko is an Ogre or Oni.

>> No.15945566


>> No.15945571
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Especially don't try to hit on 3DPD

>> No.15945586

I don't see it

>> No.15945595

I just put up a girl who's got authority. Could just as well be Vampire, Pharaoh or Apophis.

>> No.15945599

I would go for a light skinned Pharaoh

>> No.15945601

Nither, president is a cunt. She's more likely to be an anubis

>> No.15945627

>light skinned pharaoh
Ew. Why.


>> No.15945634
File: 198 KB, 1104x1316, WOOPS CAN'T SHOW THESE ON A BLUE BOARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.15945649 [SPOILER] 
File: 338 KB, 639x2097, 1476034664509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to lurk moar in this general, there are some spaces i must fill

>> No.15945655

/a/ top right a shit.

>> No.15945659

A top right best girl, the fuck are you smoking? It's the pink retard thats a shit

>> No.15945661

didnt wanted to fill /a/ with smug blonde lolis, 1 is enough

>> No.15945662

Ones a Succubus though

>> No.15945663

They're both shit.

Yuki-onna best girl.

>> No.15945664

Vampires in general are shit

>> No.15945666

Before she cut her hair.

>> No.15945669

Thank you for spoiling your shit taste so that you may inflict it only on the curious.

>> No.15945672

no way, dumb horse

>> No.15945674
File: 154 KB, 487x535, Vanp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back!

>> No.15945675

ban this sick filth

>> No.15945679

Her hair was always good, Satan.

>> No.15945682

Not him, but vampires and the people that like them are the kind of shits you find in a truckstop gloryhole bathroom.

>> No.15945687

Don't bully shy horse

>> No.15945690

>Lancer of Black Vlad

>> No.15945694

Some one is salty. Did your shit tier blood get laughed out of a blood drive?

>> No.15945696

Isn't Morrigan a succubus?

>> No.15945697

It was better long.

>> No.15945699

I've never seen that MGE Vamp picture before.

>> No.15945700

Long hair is fine, but short hair is cute.

>> No.15945702

Short hair is shit and belongs to boys and dykes.

>> No.15945706

It's extremely cute.

>> No.15945712

Long hair is best.
Medium is great.
Short is good if done right.
Pixie cuts make them look like dykes.

>> No.15945715

Long hair is objectively the best.
Though I can understand the appeal of short hair.

>> No.15945717

That's pretty rude, anon.

Mizore was adorable with short hair.

>> No.15945718

She bullies me in my dreams, it's only fitting that I bully in real life

>> No.15945722

Meing negro

>> No.15945739
File: 244 KB, 850x635, sample_48ae24e29aee42b741425a183940212c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow brothers of proper taste!

>> No.15945741

>Kej-Wight will never be drawn

>> No.15945747

>Morrigan Aensland
Is a Succubus

>Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes (Alucard)
Is a Dhampir

>Vladislaus Tepes III (Lancer of Black)
Isn't a vampire

>MGE Dhampirs
Still not a vampire

>Yoshika Miyako
Acts more like your stereotypical zombie than an actual, vampiric Jiangshi.

Honestly some changes I'd recommend are as follows:

- MGE's Dhampir
- Adrian Tepes
- Morrigan Aensland
+ Walter Bernhardt (Lament of Innocence)
+ Kain (Legacy of Kain)
+ MGE Jiangshi

>No Saya from Blood
>No D from Vampire Hunter D, if we're keeping Dhampirs
>No Seras Victoria
>No fucking Raziel or Vorador

I reject your list, you're dead to me.

>> No.15945748

You are a general shit

>> No.15945754

Why don't we have a Great Pumpkin Alraune? I believe in her.

>> No.15945763

What the world record for how long someones been able to resist hugging back a yeti?

>> No.15945765

Because Wurm smashed them all thinking Jack couldn't haunt her without a pumpkin host body to possess.

>> No.15945766

Should Yoshika even be on that list? I know Jiang-Shi are sometimes called hopping vampires but it's still odd for them to be on a list together with more traditional vampires.

>> No.15945769

King Grump Alp managed it for 12 hours and 39 minutes.

>> No.15945773

Wurms are nefarious. They would choose peaceful sleep over presents?

>> No.15945774
File: 646 KB, 1055x1512, 194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you
Vampires are CUUUTE
Especially loli ones

>no Evangeline from negima
I don't think you are much better than him desu senpai

>> No.15945775

>Great Pumpkin Alraune

Does she have great Pumpkins?

>> No.15945777

Great, now I'm imagining a long haired Vampire Ojou-sama and her more tomboyish short haired sister.
I want to cuddle them so bad.

>> No.15945780

Evangeline can't be quantified on a shitty grid list like Shinobu. She's that pure of a waifu.

>> No.15945784

but seras is there?

i already got shinobu, i dont need to put a second smug loli, will think about the rest

>> No.15945789

Is that guy bitching about how monster girls are too monstrous gone now?

>> No.15945795
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>> No.15945799

No. Wurms nap for 10 minutes before being full of energy again, like cats/kittens.
God help us when Wurm finds that bag of sugar.

>> No.15945801

I'm gonna bully her mom.

>> No.15945805

I'm going to teach Wurmlings how to make coffee. Introduce a little anarchy.

>> No.15945808
File: 554 KB, 700x872, c5WRtjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully for a good while.

If I was spiteful I'd start the next thread with sandworm just to piss him off but that probably wouldn't go down too well.

>> No.15945809


>> No.15945811

>it's too cold to draw or doodle
I swear that one Ryu is playing hardball now.

>> No.15945812

Dhampirs are just as cute too. They look so soft and hugable.

>> No.15945815

Why not just give them cocaine too while you're at it or meth? You want apocalyptic Wurmlings? Cause that's how you get apocalyptic Wurmlings.

>> No.15945816

I love Sandworms, everybody loves Sandworms. Sandworms make spice. Spice expands dong.

>> No.15945820

I don't love Sandworms.

>> No.15945822

Well you're probably some fat guy who fucks Alps.

>> No.15945824

You're half right.

>> No.15945826

Go back to the Khepri pits you chud.

>> No.15945827

I want to bully the Dhampir by being extra lovey-dovey with her mother when she has friends over.

>> No.15945828
File: 183 KB, 500x456, 1461734968360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right you know... Manticore is best girl.

>> No.15945830

I want to raise and not do lewd things to her!

>> No.15945831

So you do fuck Alps!

>> No.15945832

I will fuck alps if no one else takes them.

>> No.15945833

I would love to go into the Khepri pits, better than being with a Sandworm.


>> No.15945838

Baron Harkonnen pls go and stay go.

>> No.15945840

That's been dead for hours, so don't bring it up again faggot.

>> No.15945843

>/a/ has male and female vamps
>/v/ has male and female vamps
>/jp/ only has female vamps

>> No.15945848

>No Manticore childhood friend ever.
>Her predatory instincts will never kick in when the two of you hit puberty and her figure starts filling out.
>She'll never tease you for years until raping you on your 16th birthday.
>You'll never make her take responsibility by making you her boyfriend.

>> No.15945850
File: 404 KB, 647x1200, Jiang-Shi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His list needs a lot of adjusting.

>> No.15945852
File: 775 KB, 1500x2000, Hathor be praised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's possible to use Monster Girls to tell a profound story?

>> No.15945854

What if the Khepri pit was inside a Sandworm?

>> No.15945860

She needs to lose the poofy leggings and she would be perfection.
>hair over eye
>long braid
>blue skin
>no panties
>sexy dress
>fit looking legs

>> No.15945862
File: 65 KB, 750x434, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15945863

Funny thing is I'm writing something about that very subject. It doesn't end very well for the person holding out, but ends very well for the Yeti.

>> No.15945864

What if there was a planet of super sized Sandworms like in Demonbane?

>> No.15945865


Breeding sex with the wolves in heat!

>> No.15945866

Maybe. But I honestly prefer the smut.
What do I have to to do to become Hathor's consort? Because I'd mating press that Goddess every single day when I'm not cuddling her.

>> No.15945870

Has anyone ever done it?
>super sized Sandworms
I don't remember Demonbane much, but aren't regular ones like a mile long to begin with?

>> No.15945871

Anon you are a mere mortal. Most you'll get is a one night stand unless you become a god or Gilgamesh tier hero.

>> No.15945873

Yes, from this site, very low, quality writing but still recognizable as similar to KC's stuff, I'll get back to you on that.

>> No.15945874

The ones in Demonbane during the ultimate battle across time and space with LL were big enough to blot out the sky with just their mouth iirc.

>> No.15945878

But Hathor's one of the nicest goddesses. Surely she'd want to fall for something attainable since all the legendary heroes end up in the clutches of the Demon Lord's faction.

>> No.15945879

I find this sentence very difficult to decipher.

>> No.15945887

daughterus aren't for lewds

>> No.15945890

Something cute? KC's setting is fine
Something lewd? KC's setting is perfect for it
Something serious with a message or attempting to be deep/gritty/nuanced? No.

If you want to write a serious story use a different setting and different girls from the existing ones. MGE isn't meant for serious stories and attempting to build one from it always feels like piggy backing off an existing idea to get the writer's work noticed rather than writing out of love of the source material.

>> No.15945892

I didn't say anything about MGE, I just said Monster Girls.

>> No.15945895

I tried for the longest time to do this, I think it's possible but as >>15945866 said, it's much more enjoyable to read a simple story with some smut it's also more enjoyable to write

>> No.15945899

It is if you're a good writer. I once tried, then gave up because I knew I couldn't pull it off.

>> No.15945900

Most die before even fathering a kid. Unless there are Liches cherrypicking every battle for their corpses I doubt most end up on the monster side.

>> No.15945902

What exactly defines 'profound' here?

>> No.15945904

I'm going to give my daughteru a piggyback ride and no one can stop me

>> No.15945906
File: 694 KB, 1000x1000, 1471503859258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15945907

It's not different here from what it says in the dictionary.

>> No.15945910

Taking responsibility when you knock them up!

>> No.15945914

Anubis nerds are made for ear sniffing while sitting in my lap.

>> No.15945916

Would she go to the arcade and play IIDX with me?

>> No.15945918

I meant here as in what the post was talking about. What a person might consider profound might not be for another person, after all. Surely he had something in mind.

I'm not trying to be a smartass here, mind you.

>> No.15945920

You didn't but it's something that's been on my chest for a while so it was a good point to mention it since 99% of these threads are MGE stuff.

It's my main problem with a lot of the long and ongoing stories here. The writer obvious wants to do something serious and make their own story but they haven't got the creativity to make their own setting and monster girls. So they take elements of KC's world along with the girls and make a story that goes against everything it's meant for. It's not that the kind of story they're trying to tell is bad but they chose the wrong way to do it.

With a bit of creativity they could make their own truly original work and be free of the flaws.

>> No.15945921

>she likes Star Wars
That better refer to KOTOR or else.
I mean a story that's about something more than just the smut and cuteness and action, you know?

>> No.15945925

That is quite fucking pretentious.

>> No.15945926

You realise that those poofy leggings are clothes yeah?

>> No.15945927

How would one go about creating their own setting without triggering people who go "that's not what the profile says, REEEE"?

>> No.15945928

So drama, comedy, things you'd see in Shakespeare?

>> No.15945930

>they take elements of KC's world
Do they, really? Sounds pretty dumb.

>> No.15945932

Stupid looking ones. Did she get fashion advice from an Anubis?

>> No.15945933

I find this statement hilarious when KC himself is just monstergirlifying the old DnD monster manual. Using a Gazer in a story shouldn't be any different than using an elf. It's what it's for. Heck, the original DnD has what? 7 or 8 different official universes and setting based on the same group of creatures and gods?

Using KC monsters the same way is basically what they are meant for.

>> No.15945935

We have drama and comedy. I mean like themes that go beyond the surface. Like, stories that tell us things about ourselves.

>> No.15945936

I use certain elements of MGE as a skeleton for my setting and add on the "muscle", "organs", and "skin" as I see fit so it isn't a carbon copy of MGE.
It's a Frakenstein setting basically.

>> No.15945937

You're giving her demerits on something she could change at a whim. She was probably bullied into wearing them by her peers because she had to make an exotic impact on the wandering scholar for the interview

>> No.15945938

That is literally what every writefag does, except the ones that just do smut shorts who don't have to worry about any wider setting.

>> No.15945939

My fuckin' brother.

>> No.15945941

It's not really. KC's setting was never meant for the kind of stories they're writing, they're bastardizations of it rather than a true fanwork.
I'd enjoy them as stories if they didn't take the easy way of using a template that doesn't fit the story they want to tell.
There's a difference between taking the idea of something and copy/pasting the exact same thing into your own work.

>> No.15945942

Introspective and deep stories that have copious amounts of symbolism everywhere and are more concerned over said symbolism than a proper fucking story?

>> No.15945943

>stories that tell us things about ourselves
Like that we will gleefully fap to the Thing?

>> No.15945944

>The writer obvious wants to do something serious and make their own story but they haven't got the creativity to make their own setting and monster girls. So they take elements of KC's world along with the girls and make a story that goes against everything it's meant for
You have examples of this, yes?

>> No.15945945

Among other things, yes.
Well if you're going to twist my words just to be an asshole, fine. That's totally what I wanted, man. I fucking love Batman v Superman by the way, isn't Zack Snyder just the best director ever?

>> No.15945947

>but they haven't got the creativity to make their own setting and monster girls

Or perhaps for some their ideal setting is so similar to MGE that if they were to make a new setting it'd pretty much be ripping it off

>and make a story that goes against everything it's meant for

Maybe you should stop looking at HLF

>> No.15945948

Still stupid. She needs thigh highs.

Yep. Of course it's understandable since making a solid new setting from scratch is a monstrous task.

>> No.15945950

>There's a difference between taking the idea of something and copy/pasting the exact same thing into your own work.

Copypasting the creatures is exactly that. Elves, dwarves, vampires, zombies, werewolves. All sorts of creatures in modern media are copied the same way.

KC's profiles are just a bestiary of monstergirls. You just have to look at Crabman for the application of that line of thought.

>> No.15945951

I didn't mean to offend, I am just sick of everything needing to be deep or symbolic. Nothing is ever what you see, and it's boring.

>> No.15945952

So what do you count as "using elements of MGE"? Just using the girls? Locations, whatever-energy, corruption of humans into monsters?

>> No.15945954

>Maybe you should stop looking at HLF
I'm talking about ones that are popular in these threads. Again I'm not saying they're bad stories, just personally not enjoyable to me due to the circumstances.

>> No.15945958
File: 187 KB, 746x800, 1399576035525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgive you.

>> No.15945960

>just personally not enjoyable to me due to the circumstances

I don't want to be that one guy that says 'If you don't like it don't read it' but come the fuck on

>> No.15945961

Favorite album and favorite monster girl


>> No.15945965

Rainbow's Rising, Salamander.

>> No.15945968

The girls, the manabanana, some parallels to certain events like Druella's big takeover of WhiteCastle/Ordercastle.

Though you can tweak some things to make it slightly different;
>Dragons are SO prideful that most refuse to acknowledge that you beat them and will run away to come back another day
>Mamanobama will only really change women after prolonged exposure, like a few hours, and some even have a natural resistance to it
>Druella sued Whitecastle after getting food poisoning and later bought said food joint

>> No.15945969

With that description, all I can think of is Lanternon's story and in that both sides suck ass. The monsters are slightly shittier than humanity here, but humans aren't exactly saints either. Especially those who literally have sainthoods.

>> No.15945971

"Shinazu no Himegimi | Undead Princess"

>> No.15945972

Selected Ambient Works Volume II, Scylla.

>> No.15945973

More just the profiles, stuff like the Order or the Demon Lord, realms like Wonderland. Named cities and people fall directly into fanfiction which is far less common.

But I want to emphasize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the first part. Look at Greyhawk vs Forgotten Realms vs Dragonlance. They're vastly different universes all built on the same identical skeleton. How many LN's have demon lords even? Saying that someone needs to pull completely new monsters and behaviors out of a hat to be decent or creative is just silly. I mean, look at how much even Tolkein pulled from other places.

>> No.15945974

KC's girls don't look or behave the same way as the originals though. Any work can have a Vampire, Cheshire Cat or Hellhound but when it's an exact 1:1 of the one in the original work and in a story that doesn't fit them that's the issue for me.
Did I say I do? I read far enough into them to realise I'm not going to enjoy them and move on. Unfortunetly that means I can only enjoy the writers who do short smut or cute stories for most the part but that's just the way it goes I guess.

I didn't intend for this to become a big of a thing as it did so I'll drop it here, no point dragging it out till the thread dies.

>> No.15945977

>A lilim getting food poisoning
Holy shit, what did they serve, radioactive waste?

>> No.15945981
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Tetra ; It's a tie between Large mouse & Humpty Egg

>> No.15945983
File: 473 KB, 762x794, 1471775267137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a young prince protected by a tough as nails amazoness
>she'll never deny your request to escort you to a fancy nobles' ball, telling you you'd be better off finding someone more "womanly"
>you'll never tell her she's the only woman you want before nervously stuttering that you didn't mean it like "that'
>she'll never accept, blushing slightly for the very first time

>> No.15945986
File: 268 KB, 770x1100, 158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Mochi] Undead Princess
It's not on panda though because it's Wani
Also featuring MC's brown amazon sister, loli vampire's mother and blonde vampire loli rival

>> No.15945987

Blowfish slider.

>> No.15945991

Even the world's best car won't work if there's something wrong with the fuel.

>> No.15945992

Who the fuck listens to albums these days?
Whoever your waifu is, I'm fapping to it.

>> No.15945996

That, and it was most likely cooked by inept idiots.

>> No.15945997

Billy Tallent II, Lich.

>> No.15945998

You're favorite is Humpty? That's a rare one.

>> No.15946001

>KC's girls don't look or behave the same way as the originals though.

They are super similar. It just has the same generic "Make this sexy" painted over it.
>Garlic kills? No. Now it makes them horny!
>Eats your brain? No silly! Now your thoughts make them horny!

You can run it right on down the list. You just turn every classic bad thing or weakness into sexy or horny. And that's fine. But if you don't slam KC for doing that to make monster girls, then you can't slam other people for doing the exact same thing.

>> No.15946002

The humans did nothing wrong.

>> No.15946008

Yeah, after browsing this thread I realized my tastes are kinda off compared to most who go here.

[Spoiler] Wanna guess what MGs I hate the most? [/spoiler]

>> No.15946009

Dude, MGE doesn't own the Order of the Demon Lord.

The big bad religious inquisition/paladins is a vastly common trait, and the demon lord is about as generic as you can get.

Literally the only leg you have to stand on is named cities and people. And really how often is that a thing?

>The rest of your post
So for what reason have you listed it as a gripe? Nonetheless a grip that stems from a writer's lack of creativity?

Really, the both of you, unless you can point to specific examples of this you're just talking out of your ass

>> No.15946011

Get to Heaven, Manticore

>> No.15946015

>Order or** the Demon Lord.

>> No.15946019

>the manabanana
I've only seen this in the most vague sense imaginable, as in demons corrupting people they almost kill much like a vampire would.
>some parallels to certain events like Druella's big takeover of WhiteCastle/Ordercastle.
>the Order or the Demon Lord
>realms like Wonderland
Never seen any of these. I guess I don't read the same stories as you two at all.

>> No.15946022


>> No.15946023

>Implying I have a complaint
>When I just listed stuff that is commonly referenced and refuted the guy calling it a lack of creativity

Please anon, I'm begging you, actually read the posts before you reply.

>> No.15946025


>> No.15946027

Hmm... dragon?

>> No.15946029
File: 591 KB, 1280x1836, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the yandere snakes!

>> No.15946034

Those are merely examples for the most part.
The only person who is even working on a BEEG setting and story besides me is Moose, as far as I know. Mari is trying to do something I hear.

>> No.15946036
File: 94 KB, 850x473, 1472095828781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know what writefags should do? Go away and write their own settings!

Has the guy who hates writefags changed his angle already?

>> No.15946038
File: 57 KB, 396x396, 1424823648795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I write, I get so caught up in the human characters and the world they live in I neglect the girls, making it pointless to post the stuff here.
We are talking about writing now, right?

>> No.15946040


Those are some of them. DESU I don't like most of the girls the thread talks about all the time. Anubis, Dragons, any kind of wans, liches and all that shit. But that's probably because I'm just tired of hearing about them. Maybe you could consider it a type of sensory overload?

Not that my tastes could be considered too great either, but ya know. Kinda just get tired of reading about certain MGs every thread for most of the thread.

>> No.15946041

Writing original settings is pretty fun though. There's basically no downsides to it.

>> No.15946042

I don't think that word means what you think it means.


>besides me
Oh, so you're just jerking yourself by making up things about other people. Got it.

>> No.15946045

Assuming you're the second dude who said
>but when it's an exact 1:1 of the one in the original work and in a story that doesn't fit them that's the issue for me.
I'd like you to give an example of when this has ever happened

>> No.15946046
File: 524 KB, 1000x953, 1464954038934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck if I know. Let's just ignore it and talk about nice, sexy hair.

>> No.15946049

I want to braid a Kej' hair. I bet it's like bondage for them!

>> No.15946052

I know what you mean. Three or four years ago, I was completely neutral towards the maid fetish and head-patting.

Because of how frequently they come up here though, I've grown to hate them both, and outright make sure I never write to include either.

>> No.15946056

I saw one or two posts saying that Anubis was dumb, was that you? Also, which one do you absolutely hate?
I'm interested to see your top five or ten

>> No.15946058

That'd imply writefags hate fun, though.

Fun should be outlawed.
t. writefag

>> No.15946060


Nightfall in Middle Earth


Balrog Girl never

>> No.15946062

Doom 2016 ost, hellhound

>> No.15946065

Shut up, Pastel poster. At least post Full Kalar instead of that sow.
Also there's little wrong.

>> No.15946068
File: 54 KB, 1512x164, herc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no profound story of the demi-God son of Hathor trying to woo God-Mom only to be undone by his own hubris

>> No.15946071

>Also there's little wrong
Wrong with what?

>> No.15946072

Oh Kiyo, do cute.

Just got Jalter off a ticket

>> No.15946073

Don't assume that at all. Like I said, I argued AGAINST the guy complaining. I don't even know how you could read the posts from either of us and conflate the two.

My entire point was that using KC's girls does not magically make something NOT an original setting. They're just generic creature templates for monstergirls the same one those things exist for regular fantasy creatures.

>> No.15946074

Hypothetical examples are still examples, anon.

BEEG is a distorted way of saying big.

Don't even know what you're trying to insinuate there.

>> No.15946075

I haven't read this one yet.

>> No.15946082


>> No.15946085


>> No.15946089


>> No.15946090

Given this is monstergirls, the "undone by his own hubris" bit would probably be him vastly underestimating the libido of a goddess and being unable to keep control.
He got what he wanted. Just far more of it than he expected.

>> No.15946091

In Wurm speak: It's not the ingredients that matter, but what you do with them.

>> No.15946095

Better pat down Kiki for weapons.

>> No.15946097

I feel you m8. When i write i only include Mgs i don't like if i want a character for people to dislike.

I don't talk much on the threads, only occasionally post shitty stories and participate in rolling games. Though I do dislike them, i usually ain't advocating my opinions like I am now. And you really wanna know my top ten?

Humpty Egg/ Large Mous > Flow Kelp > Arch Imp > Dwarves > Wererabbits > Beelzebub > Bicorn > Redcap > Titania > Satyros

As for the MG i hate most It's Anubis, very very quickly followed by Hellhound

>> No.15946102

what about just tying them up with their hair? I imagine that struggling to untie their hair would only cause it to dig into their body even more

>> No.15946104

Wait, you're that one mouse obsessed writefag.

>> No.15946107


How does it feel to have such shit taste?

>> No.15946110

So do you actually hate the girls or do you just hate the people who spam them? Because if a fanbase makes you hate something rather than the thing itself, it makes you a hipster contrarian whose opinion is automatically invalid.

>> No.15946112

>dat list
I can't tell if this much contrarianism is a joke or not. I mean, I get fucking tired of queen of the meme monsters like Hellhound but that is just insane.

>> No.15946114

Same, the head pat thing especially. It started off alright, just something I didn't get, but now its given me the impression that half the thread sees monstergirls as weird anthropomorphized pets instead of sex demons and its just stupid.

>> No.15946117

Sure sounds like a hipster, upon looking back.

>> No.15946118
File: 285 KB, 826x630, 1435506524361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washed up writefag here. I've been meaning to do Diablo-chan/Butcher/Balrog/Hellhound for a while now. You have no idea how much it hurts to not have the drive to show how I love the kinky shadow demon especially since the MC of the story would be a chuuni virgin 30-year-old who thinks he actually has magic from that.

Only for her to take a dive in a very theatrics sort of way and fire whip him into her smoldering. White hot. Flashlight vagina.

>> No.15946119

Wow thats a shit list

>> No.15946121

I want to sniff braids.

Also braiding her up would let us do weird play in public without anyone realizing we're being lewd.

>> No.15946122

Thanks for the indirect recommendation, Anon; this stuff's amazing.

>> No.15946126

I see. I saw someone talking shit about Anubis and you don't see that very often, so I thought it was you.

That's a quite unique list right there. It shows that no every girl has someone that loves them. Keep loving them like no one else would, I guess.

>> No.15946129

I want to bully vampires.

>> No.15946133

>liking drifting weed girl
You complain about two of the most popular girls yet think a potential disinterested brainfart is top tier?

>> No.15946134
File: 255 KB, 500x489, 1466011582514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and work on the girls too, as they are also a part of the world.

>> No.15946135
File: 106 KB, 295x500, 38282817e8575d23f23f2b4a390f7f3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arch Imp
Oh hey, someone else does like them.
>As for the MG i hate most It's Anubis, very very quickly followed by Hellhound
This part I don't agree with though.

>> No.15946137

It was me bullying the Anubi.

>> No.15946139

Now this is hipster.

>> No.15946141


My biggest problem is how to make them different from a Succubus set on fire with the sadism of a Manticore and the fighting prowess of a Minotaur.

I'd totally read your story though

>> No.15946142

I'd love to, but the thing is, the girls are extraordinary, and for them to have any impact on anything, there will have to be something ordinary for them to contrast against, and if I spend tens of thousands of words to establish that and set everything up, there's no way in hell I can expect anyone here to bother actually read it, so fuck it. I'll just write for myself.

>> No.15946143

As someone in similar circumstances to your MC, I'd also assume I had powers on entering such a world. I can only imagine my disappointment if it turns out I didn't.

>> No.15946144

I don't think i've actually written a story with a mouse in it. I def plan on doing it soon, but haven't written one yet.

Feels outcast man.

It's a little bit of both, I used to love hellhounds myself desu but after constantly reading about them every thread I'm just tired of seeing content related to them. You feel me? It's like being forced to eat ice cream every day, you can't keep liking shit if its the only thing you ever experience.

>> No.15946151

>Yell out YOU SHALL NOT PASS to Balrog-chan
>She just leans forward, putting her eyes level with yours, and steps forward
"What now, fucktoy?"

>> No.15946154
File: 38 KB, 848x480, tired slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't talk shit about seaweed girls.

>> No.15946158

I'd read it. I read through Moose and my own abortion of a story, so I doubt you'd be terrible.
Just try it out. Who knows, you might learn a lot of things from it?

>> No.15946161

No, that's nyanon who is shit for different reasons.

>> No.15946162
File: 50 KB, 285x427, 1457822073832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually let the thread dictate his taste

>> No.15946163

speaking of being lewd with a kej, would they think hair pulling is hot, or is that a turn off?

>> No.15946164

Fuck off. She's more lich than anything else.

>> No.15946172


>> No.15946173

Whoa whoa whoa.
Flow Kelp is cute anon, don't go dissing her.

>> No.15946174

You sure? He referred to them like he does. It's his bag, like self deprecating is for me, being a bully slut for Alp, or Beast fucking up grammar and spelling.

>> No.15946175

I'm supposed to have a favourite album? Fuck!

>> No.15946176

I didn't mean I was chuuni. Just that my lack of experience and age would grant me actual wizardry in a monstergirl world. I'd obviously try and learn a spell or two before going up against a boss level monster.

>> No.15946180

Sounds like nipple biting or something for them. Maybe a masochist one would enjoy it.

>> No.15946182

Maybe M ones would love it.

>> No.15946183

I ain't nyanon, whoever that is. I'm Geenymous

>> No.15946186

I want a masochistic yandere fox.

>> No.15946188

Greenymous? Who?

>> No.15946190

>"What now, fucktoy?"
I think it'd be far more cute and sorta refreshing if the monster girls weren't rapists and the MC could fluster them by kissing and molesting them.

>> No.15946196

>there will have to be something ordinary for them to contrast against
Well, look at it this way: Most people are already familiar with the ordinary, so you don't need to go into TOO much detail there. Make the setting clear, give the MC a bit of motive/setup, and get running. You can explain further stuff later on; you don't need to frontload all the backstory.

>> No.15946197

He certainly started that shit meme, but he didn't post in spoiler tags pointlessly for totally not attention seeking or fuck up a CYOA along the way. Yes I was just being facetious with that last one.

>> No.15946199

For you

>> No.15946202
File: 47 KB, 550x223, Flow kelp 1453947605670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, love for her may not be spammed like some but I thought flow kelp was one of the more well-received recent girls.

>> No.15946203

What's this?

>> No.15946204

>MC gives her a pech on the nose
>she gets flustered and loses her footing, falling into the abyss below
>her whip wraps around your leg and drags you with her
>the little hobbit girl who just sat around doing fuck all just sneers
>"Why didn't he just run as she fell?"

>> No.15946207

I'm not intentionally being an asshole when I ask "literally who?", but literally who?

>> No.15946209

It's a yandere dragon snake.

>> No.15946210

>>MC gives her a pech on the nose
>>she gets flustered and loses her footing, falling into the abyss below
Literally this.

>> No.15946211

Make her more of a Fire Elemental than a Succubus. Her body obfuscated by swirling smoke that smells of charcoal and dry roasted peanuts. Huge wings, ungulagrade legs instead of the furry digitigrade style.

Horns, of course, and hair made of fire that much like a Salamander shows her mood. Blue and low for calm and content, raging inferno for rape train and snu-snu.

That's about all I got.

>> No.15946215
File: 222 KB, 469x558, 1437580915782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't feel I'd be comfortable with doing something like that. Besides, the stuff that I have posted hasn't exactly rocked anyone's world so it's not like you're losing out on anything.
I just wanted to share in on the general misery-wallowing-in. Everything's going to be daijobu.

>> No.15946218

It's how I plan on things.

>> No.15946219

Just Imagine gently floating on a river with her on a lazy summer day.

>> No.15946220

And where is she from?

>> No.15946221

Im just a really shitty writefag my nigga, if you're really that curious some of my stories should still be on the wordpress.

>> No.15946224

She doesn't even do anything, she just lazily floats about doing fuck all. I know we all have different tastes and she's hardly Sith levels of trash, but she doesn't have anything worth noting. She's like a minor improvement on the flying bit of trash girl.

>> No.15946226

Great, now I'm imagining a blushing Balrog girl soaring out of the abyss with a human boy flying straight for her lair for cuddles.

>> No.15946229

Which writer are you again? I can read your crap and give my opinion of it.

>> No.15946236

Hey, you are the one who did yandere twin daughters, dwarf and trio kelps stories? They were pretty good
You should do imp, beelze or humpty stories. I don't think they have any

>> No.15946241

He's tiny penis anon. Probably.

>> No.15946242 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't have asked that, now this is 100% unacceptable attentionwhoring on my part.

>> No.15946245

You used to love Hellhounds, and yet they're basically #1 on your shitlist now? Isn't that a bit extreme?
I mean, I kinda see where you're coming from. Even if you like something, if people keep talking about them than of course you'll always be thinking about them, and if you think too deep on it you might just come to the realization that 'maybe they aren't that good after all'. Tastes change, after all.

It just strikes me as incredibly radical to go from liking something to hating it just because people don't shut up about it. Then again, I've never understood why people with arachnophobia hate spiders when they can't really help being spiders. Hate and fear aren't the same thing, people.

>> No.15946248


I agree with >>15946236 I'm interested to see something about Humpty and Beelzes.

>> No.15946257

Oh, and the things I was lamenting really only apply to the two newest stories on there. The older stuff is just smut and pulp with nothing going for it so the characters and world were never developed.

>> No.15946260

I plan on doin some of that shit soon, but you might not wanna get your hopes up. Next up on the list is a Queen HE story after I make another dumb short for loud house.

Also, im you guys remember my stories! That means a bunch to me. Thank you

>> No.15946264
File: 253 KB, 826x630, balrog-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15946266

glad you guys*

jesus christ. But still, thanks!

>> No.15946267

Oh, I have been meaning to get to your stories. Hopefully soon.

Unrelated note:
>log in my pastebin
>it's two years old and has 17k views on stories, or whatever
Feels nostalgic.

>> No.15946270

As a word of warning, the Oomukade thingie is long and doesn't go anywhere because it was never finished.

>> No.15946275

Considering who he turned out to be, I wouldn't advise giving any criticism.

>> No.15946276

Who are you senpai?

>> No.15946283

>Huge Balrog girl forced into a corner by an aggressive Anon
>She's shuddering from all the kisses she's taken
>There's nowhere to run
>The Anon climbs onto her and starts bringing his lips closer to hers
>He's actually kissing her
>How gross
>That's like bestiality or something
>A human is kissing her...
>But it feels good
>She starts getting dazed
>She cautiously gives him a kiss back
>The Anon just gets more aggressive
>He's touching her all over
>Even in her secret place
>Terror spreads all over her face
>That thing is going to mate with her
>She whimpers as a human dick goes inside her
>It feels so gross
>It just keeps going in and out
>The human is trying to breed her
>Why does it feel so good?
>It's even licking her horns
>Her mind begins to irreversibly break as the Anon cums inside her
>She's afraid she'll get addicted to human dick
>She's right

>> No.15946284


>> No.15946285

Well, this was also back when I was just entering this 'fandom' and when most of what would be my favorite MGs weren't out yet or I never looked at them because i used to skim over the girls with the shittier/older art and shorter profiles. And idk, i'm just tired of hearing about them.

>> No.15946289

Well fuck it.

>> No.15946290

Anon, you just got in at MGC university. Congratulations! Especially considering how few men go to university in MGC. Now, you have to decide what room you want to stay in. every room have two people in them You get to the hallway and see 6 doors.

Door #1: You can hear shouts from inside. You can’t quite tell, but it sounds like the people inside are playing video games.

Door #2: You hear fighting, things are being tossed. The people inside don’t seams to get along… to say the very least.

Door #3: You don’t hear any voices inside. But a sign that says “Only cool people allowed inside”

Door #4: You hear an explosion from inside and there is a sign on the door that says “Careful, experiments in progress”

Door #5: You don’t hear any voices but you do smell something. Kind of smells like spring, in a weird sort of way.

Door #6: Nobody seems to be home, But on your way here, you remember some guy warning you about this room. Saying it was “better just to stay as far away from those girls as you could”

So anon, What room do you choose? Also, once you’ve chosen a room you’re stuck with it.
I’ll post the answers in about 45 minutes

>> No.15946293

>Turning a Balrog of Morgoth into a simpering whelp

>> No.15946296


>> No.15946297

I'm only good at criticizing myself, anon.

I see.

Just someone with a stupid name.

>> No.15946302

Why, exactly? I am curious?

>> No.15946307

6 6 6 6 6

>> No.15946308


>> No.15946312

I can't tell if there's an undead door that isn't the lich in room 4, so I'll go spooky and walk into room six three times.

>> No.15946313

Door 3 of course

>> No.15946316

>The only person who is even working on a BEEG setting and story besides me is Moose

Losenis is working on one, though it's just built around MGQ. I think. He did post it here one time but can't remember.

>> No.15946323

Because last time he completely sperged out and went on a sarcastic rant that went on way longer than any sane person would have allowed for. He's also just brushed aside minor criticism before too, he's like Alp if he could write more competent dialogue

>> No.15946324

>Door #4: You hear an explosion from inside and there is a sign on the door that says “Careful, experiments in progress”
This could be either a Lich or a Gremlin. I like both of those things so I'm taking this door. Besides, even if it's neither, I'm still into girls that make things explode.

>> No.15946325

When you see a page like that from a translated doujin its pretty easy to just go to exhentai and type in "lamia." Voila, chances are that doujin will be one of the top results.

>> No.15946327

Gotta go with #4. Guaranteed fun times

>> No.15946330

Being raped and bred by ravenous Anons is the worst fear of even the most powerful creatures.

>> No.15946331

Door three.

>> No.15946335

>Door #3: You don’t hear any voices inside. But a sign that says “Only cool people allowed inside”

Just have this as my BGM as I go in.


>> No.15946336

>Anon, you just got in at MGC university.

I didn't drop out of high school for this shit.

I pick 3, I want to be with the cool kids

I swear to God if I end up with ice themed mosters I'm bringing in a lava lamp specifically to bully them

>> No.15946338

Either three or two.

At one time I want to see those girls fighting and maybe try to stop them, but at the same time being cool does sound nice. I'm going with 3 I swear to god if there are nerds inside I will rape them so much.

>> No.15946340

Or it could even be both.

>> No.15946343

>I'm still into girls that make things explode

You get 72 houris

>> No.15946344

Vidya time

>> No.15946346

4 sounds cool to me, lets go with that.

>> No.15946348

I forgot him.

Oh, I thought it was the whole "you're a shitty writefag who has no right to criticize anything".

>> No.15946353

Her not doing much is part of her charm though, especially since she likes to ride around on her husband's back or in his arms.

Not to mention having her around means one always has a delicious snack ready to be nibbled and sucked on.

>> No.15946356

Maybe to japs and weeaboos.

>> No.15946361

I just realized I linked the fucking gilvasunner version.

>> No.15946362

>No one remembers your setting
Guess I need to get better at having my smaller stories interconnect.

>> No.15946363

Content is great, but don't these games happen a little too often now fox?

>> No.15946367

Who are you?

>> No.15946368

>I'm still into girls that make things explode.


>> No.15946370

Don't worry anon, few remember Moose's setting favorably. They see it more as a wasted potential thing.

>> No.15946372

You tricked yourself and you didn't even realise it.

>> No.15946373

>Smaller stories interconnect

The thing is moose and losenis have a single fuckhuge story that goes past half a million words

>> No.15946374

I'm torn between Door #1, Door #4 and Door #6!
But I guess I'll go with Door #1.
The siren song of Vidya is strong.

>> No.15946377

Unless you are a diehard Anubis fan.

>> No.15946381


>> No.15946384

Nothing will be more wasted potential than that 'Schwarzwulf' furry pandering shit.

>> No.15946385

I also remember Captain setting though I think it was MGE setting with smt "gods and devils are fags, let's kill them" stuff

>> No.15946386

Being in a room that always smells like a spring season sounds nice. Book me in room 5

>> No.15946387

>one fuckhuge one
I plan on a fuckhuge one too, with other stories in the same setting covering side characters or other things like Paladins training before you-know-who ruins shit, or an old priest who secretly raises orphaned monsters in his church.

>> No.15946392

I'm concerned that I'll regret choosing any door. So I just won't choose any.

>> No.15946394


>> No.15946395

I'm sorry, but I do not remember anything of yours.

>> No.15946398

Megumin a best.

>> No.15946399

Congrats anon, they're all laughing now. You'll forever be a dork to them.
their dork.

>> No.15946400

We have much better anubis than Susan these days. Mooses characters are all overpowered and have inconsistent personalities, which is a shame because he made a good setting before he let Laven and his harem of sues shit all over it.

>> No.15946405

You're not dead?

>> No.15946406
File: 158 KB, 1366x768, 1469031682117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but it pleases me to see that you're still alive and not-dead as I thought you were.

>> No.15946407

I think it had something to do with Nazi wolfus. Which sounds appealing, but apparently was shit. I don't know, I never checked it out myself.

>> No.15946409

I've deliberately tried to avoid making everything interconnected in my stories. They all happen in the same world, but in different places and time periods. I've been on the edge a couple of times over if connecting certain stories is overdoing it.

>> No.15946414

I know none of the good Anubi are mine, like the loli-but-really-24 one who hits people in the gnads using her staff, or MGK Anubis and her sugar cookie addiction.

>> No.15946416

Oh well, I just hope they're girls I like.

>> No.15946418

What named anubi can you think of? I haven't exactly read every writefag story, so I don't have a huge selection pool to pick from.

>> No.15946421

I sort of make my stories connected, but only through little references. I don't think anyone has noticed, and I'm perfectly ok with it.

>> No.15946425

Can I name my top 5 instead? It's so hard to name just one amazing album.
>Touche Amore - Stage Four
>Lagwagon - Let's Talk About Feelings
>Alkaline Trio - From Here To Infirmary
>Millencolin - Pennybridge Pioneers
>Kool and the Gang - Light Of The World

I just wanna go to a punk show with my Hellhound wife

>> No.15946431

Same here. Or I did, back when I actually wrote.

>> No.15946433
File: 2.50 MB, 1493x2108, 1445222979292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mooses characters are all overpowered and have inconsistent personalities
>Losenis' characters are all dead or about to die

There's just no winning anywhere.

>> No.15946436

>The thing is moose and losenis have a single fuckhuge story that goes past half a million words
Well, fair enough. So far my singly fuckhuge thing is only just under 200k.

Well same here, so far there have only been loose connections in the form of places and events.

>> No.15946437

It was a contrived, barely proofread load of hogwash that had a furry Werewolf transformation. It was that gay.

>> No.15946442

I remember reading huge story about wizard traveling through the MGE world looking for a new magic pc to shitpost on magicchan. The wizard was following imageboard rules like no lewd and stuff. He was in a party of a manwhore hero leader and his harem. That story was long as fuck but pretty fun

>> No.15946444

I assume my own is at leadt around 100k, or whatever can be fit into 310 pages.

>> No.15946449

Can I just drop out and be passed around by all six rooms?

>> No.15946452
File: 829 KB, 1600x1452, Chris%20(Nen).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a surprise. I myself eagerly await each new chapter. Its far from a fully accurate portrayal of KC's setting, but the girls are mostly accurate, and its a engaging story with entertaining characters. And given KC himself endorses people making their own settings with his girls (so long as they don't make it out to be canon), I see no problem with the ways it diverges from KC's world.

>> No.15946464

I've got a group of characters who live in the same town and have overlapping social circles. I think that's a "safe" level for inter-story connections. Something that I felt less certain about was revealing the couple from a story set in the past to be ancestors of a character in the present.

>> No.15946466

Someone was writing that? Oh man I'm ready

>> No.15946469

What are some good yeti stories to read?

>> No.15946471

It was Gauf iirc

>> No.15946482

>10 fucking weeks until dark mage
fuck this

>> No.15946483

I think the latter is fine, so long as MC doesn't get overpowered sword only he can use, or some shit.
Bonus points if there is a man wearing an awesome beard disguise that is 90% beard.

>> No.15946486

The one where she has to be stopped before she kills again.

>> No.15946488

I thought Beasts thing was being the resident salamander fag?

>> No.15946489

I only know of one, and its a greentext. I was writing one, but while I have the whole plot in my head I have no idea how to pull it off. I'm certain I will though, its just a question of when.

>> No.15946494

>>Mooses characters are all overpowered and have inconsistent personalities

I never go the impression the personalities were inconsistent, but yeah they did seem overpowered at first. But more lately it seems like that was a false impression, and that they simply had the good fortune to not usually encounter humans or other monsters that were high tier, and that there are in fact a good number of humans/monsters as powerful or more powerful than them.

They're still quite powerful of course, its an accepted trope that a big magical adventure story should have above-average powers as main characters.

>> No.15946496


>> No.15946501

Nope, it really is his difficulty with spelling and grammar. It isn't his fault, he's dyslexic.

>> No.15946509

I've got like 65k of sidestory in the same setting that could have gone into my main story and another 100k on settings unrelated to my main.

That's nearly as much as I put into my longer story so if I could just write one thing it'd be twice its size by now. Funny that.

>> No.15946512

Do it for her.

>> No.15946523

Are the order still evil for the hell of it even though it makes no sense? Does humanity have anyone useful on their side yet? Has Laven seen that monsters aren't necessarily good in this world? (I mean monstergirls in his setting seem to enjoy mass-slaughtering men more than marrying them)
Most importantly, has the plot gone ANYWHERE?

>> No.15946524

>MC doesn't get overpowered sword only he can use
How chuuni.

>> No.15946533
File: 225 KB, 750x1000, Who needs friends when you're a hot angel scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Seaweed?

>> No.15946535

Oh. I just thought he had a deep thing for flame lizards

>> No.15946538

The only side of this complaint that makes sense is that since MGE is basically set up for just porn and happy endings, getting any type of real conflict in there usually requires some moving things around.

>> No.15946541

If I wrote consistently for the past year I may have reached a couple thousand pages by now. So much times wasted.

In the end it doesn't matter, and that I still have a long way to go with the MC and his story, before doing a spinoff with a cute Dragongrill with the mouth of a sailor.

>> No.15946542

>Star of david

but why

>> No.15946547

>waifus species
>what kind of porn they watch

>> No.15946548

Is that a star of david on her nipple?

>> No.15946555

Dreadfully so.

>> No.15946556

I gotta wait 16 for Gremlin. And anyone that actually wants Smokehobo is probably banging their head against a wall. Especially since triple weasel combo deluxe will be sooner.

And this is assuming he sticks to the release schedule and doesn't release another newbie like the Redcap...

>> No.15946558


>> No.15946562

Not every hexagram is the merchant's symbol of avarice, you rube.

>> No.15946569
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>> No.15946571

A "How Its Made" episode where they examine the manufacturing of alchemy bottles.

>> No.15946573


>> No.15946578

Heliocentric, Hellhound

>> No.15946582

Workers work.

>> No.15946583

Food porn/literally the cooking network.

>> No.15946585

>Door #2
best door

>> No.15946586

>POV Hardcore rape porn.
>POV Handholding cuddleporn when she's absolutely sure no-one could walk in on her.

>> No.15946589

>symbol of avarice
I still wanna piggyback a mimic

>> No.15946593


>> No.15946598

>the dog whisperer
>she really likes to be dommed

>> No.15946601

>Door #3: You don’t hear any voices inside. But a sign that says “Only cool people allowed inside”
INB4 it's Yuki-onna and Glacies.

>> No.15946606

I'll take the Mystery Box and or Mystery Door please.

>> No.15946609

He's in the hyperbolic timechamber.

>> No.15946610

would you be surprised if it turned out to be undead girls?

>> No.15946611

>Anything with princess carry and knights

>> No.15946612


>> No.15946615 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1476046220477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are your new room mates. Hope you have fun.
Oh and one more piece of information:
Room #1: When you started to live with them, they started playing a new game. It's called "Who can fuck anon the hardest and still play video games?". They play this game a lot.

Room #2: They decided that you would decide who is better. They are constantly trying to out do one another by "helping" in any way they can.

Room #3: They may try to hide it, but they are both constantly trying to get a glimpse of you undressing or taking a shower.

Room #4: They are currently building a automaton. You may be subject of "testing" it.

Room #5: On the bight side, you'll always have fresh fruits and vegetables for free. On the other side The elf might rape you if you don't recycle.

Room #6: They get back just to see the you are already here. They lock the door behind them and... I guess I don't have to tell you the rest.

You decide to sleep in the hallway instead. A kobold comes by and takes pity on you and takes you into her room. She cuddles up to you every chance she gets.

You decide to drop out and become the dorms boyslut. They inject you with a ton of aphrodisiac and other sex enhancing drugs. You even get your own room where anyone can go if they need a quick fix.

Yezz, I'm sorry MOM.

>> No.15946616

Run to door two.

>> No.15946622


What if she gets flustered easily when she's getting hit on or touch lewdly?

Granted you have to get past all the fire and shit to touch her, and you'll probably be screaming or about to piss yourself if you meet her.

>> No.15946623

Stuff like this:

>> No.15946626

>Gazer and Cheshire
>Sex competitions

>> No.15946627
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>> No.15946630 [DELETED] 

>Ended up with the fucking alp


>> No.15946631

I suspected #3 to contain an alp, but it was too late to take it back
I hate being right

>> No.15946632


>torn between 1, 2, and 6

Why must you torment me so?

>> No.15946633

Yeah, Room 1 is kinda a winner here.
Feels good man.

>> No.15946635

>room 4 is lich, gremlin, and automaton
those girls are graduating pregnant including the automaton

>> No.15946639

>Ended up with the fucking alp


>> No.15946642

>Room #4
A Lich, Gremlin AND Automaton?

Fucking paradise. No regrets. Best decision.

>> No.15946643

>None of them are good
I fucking knew it. Oh well, at least 6 will keep me too doped up to care.

>> No.15946644

I said that I was reaping them if they were nerd. That Alp is going to hit stage 4 and that Dhampir isn't going to be walking anytime soon.

>> No.15946645

>testing an automaton
Sounds like the perfect way to spend time.

>> No.15946649
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, mystery box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide to take another room on the cellar floor.
You get a room there with the two Cleaning ladies... They don't like one another so mush.

>> No.15946657

Anon getting involved in the so-called "dust wars" when?

>> No.15946661

Do you think they'd be against post sex cuddling?
Because I'm making them my wives and they'll need to get used to that.

>> No.15946662

I get the room three losers. I'm leaving.

>> No.15946672

>Crow Tengu
No clue. Bad ends and roleplaying maybe?

>> No.15946675

>gazer and cheshire
I've been had!

>> No.15946676

Looks like I'm the winner with the Mystery Door once again.

I feel bad for the rest of you anons.

>> No.15946680

He could just cover himself in grime so they work together to clean him.

>> No.15946681


>> No.15946683
File: 140 KB, 873x725, Making Models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made efforts. They've not amounted to much.

>> No.15946686


>> No.15946688

>crow tengu porn

>> No.15946691

i wanna live in a comfy small sized home with my vampfu!

castles are too big and a chore to clean

>> No.15946692

That dragon looks so fucking lovely that I on't even have words to describe it.

>> No.15946699

It is your destiny.

>> No.15946700

>Are the order still evil for the hell of it even though it makes no sense?

The upper echelon seem to be fairly corrupt, but overall we haven't seen enough to know if the Order here can be called evil overall or not. One might say they simply have different priorities, namely doing what they can to maintain an empire that is fast eroding around them.

>Does humanity have anyone useful on their side yet?

Do you mean powerful? If so then yes a few have appeared, and references to others exist. They haven't gotten a lot of detail yet as the story isn't about them though.

>Has Laven seen that monsters aren't necessarily good in this world? (I mean monstergirls in his setting seem to enjoy mass-slaughtering men more than marrying them)

Given his group has fought against and even killed other monsters I would say Laven is pretty aware monsters aren't all good. There seems to even be a organization of monsters acting independently of the monster lord that are basically as opposed to Laven as the Order is.

>Most importantly, has the plot gone ANYWHERE?

Well the current arc is nearing its climax, which seems to involve reactivating a ruin from a ancient civilization that knew about the world Laven came from. Laven also knows where he needs to go to get even more answers, its just a long way away. A lilim apparently involved in or aware of how he came to their world has also started to move behind the scenes.

>> No.15946704

They both have absolutely sublime bodies in all the interations of that picture.

>> No.15946707

>Mochi's Undead Princess
Fuuuuuuck do I love that manga. So glad I have a copy. Still kind of regret not buying the Native figure.

I was so terribly confused when his sister seemed to turn into a loli like one or two chapters after her introduction. For like, no discernible reason.

>> No.15946708

Crows are too good for sounding and the other roles they play in stories.

>> No.15946717

Holstaur, and probably farm documentaries or something involving milking cows.

>> No.15946722

Door #4 Best Door.

Door #2 gets points for the possibility of meeting up with an Anubis friend of theirs.

>> No.15946724

What about the other kind of milking?

>> No.15946732

>White Horn gets posted
>Almost immediately devolves into the usual centaur-based shitposting
I don't know why I ever expect anything of you people.

>> No.15946738

But that Dragon Anon. Look at her! Look at that cute expression and those beautiful scales combined with those seductive but comfortable clothes.

I want her.

>> No.15946740

>Crows are too good for sounding and the other roles they play in stories.
Are there still any other Crow Tengu stories?

>> No.15946758

There's a very short one where anon is working for her and she goes yandere and rapes him, and another that's a few paragraphs where she's a body guard and rapes her boss. There's one on the wiki as well. Other then that, they had a few minor roles in stories.

>> No.15946761
File: 432 KB, 700x990, AngryWyvern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems I missed the writefag discussion by a bit.

Anyhow, here's a pulp detective/crime buddy cop story I've been working on, featuring a grim wyvern, her flamboyant and pretentious boyfriend, and a perpetually confused Valkyrie third wheel. Also a bunch of jobber cops and criminals.

I suppose as a content warning, I should say that there is mild violence against monsters, violence against humans, and gratuitous violence against the English language.

So yeah, hope you enjoy.

>> No.15946777

But that anubis too! Those perfectly shaped paws, her hair like a waterfall of silk, and a tail so bushy one could just sink right into it.

>> No.15946784

>I'm the only one that chose room 2
I already know whose better and that's the Pharaoh.

>> No.15946790

>pulp detective
But that's my shtick!

>> No.15946794

You'll make the snake sad.

>> No.15946821

Maybe if she stops being bad I'll let her join.

>> No.15946823

>I already know whose better and that's the Pharaoh.
Don't you like grape snake? Why must you make her sad like that anon?

>> No.15946824

I know where you are coming from, it's just that I'm more of a scales person.
Those two are really good though. I would love to spend time with my waifu, Anon and his Anubis.

>> No.15946834

But it's the Pharaoh that's evil.

>> No.15946838

I'm surprised apophis gets so much hate. Pharaoh is just a rich human girl. Is your gold digging so blatant?

>> No.15946840

>They build in a pregnancy function just so that you can impregnate it

>> No.15946852
File: 406 KB, 1488x2105, Jabberwock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Hurricane Matthew completely ruined by town's Electricity, and the Power Company jews refuse to fix it until Tuesday/Wednesday since its a small country town and several "Free Wifi" places in town are both crowded and block everything fun. So that sucks.

Still, at least a commission came in. Artist is OrangeBull (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=276621).). His email is listed on his Patreon page if you'd like to commission him.

>> No.15946857

No I don't like grape snake, not at all. If she gets sad because I immediately chose the Pharaoh over her then there's not really anything I can do about that.
But that's wrong.
>apophis gets so much hate
Sure anon, sure.

>> No.15946859

>Those lusty eyes

>> No.15946861
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1597, 1442803007063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharaoh shill please.

>> No.15946866

>no link to the uncensored version

>> No.15946867

You can't mention an apophis without some pharoah shill hating on her

>> No.15946875

Good to see you're still fine even if you can't jabberpost as much.

>> No.15946885

Apophis shill please.
And you can't mention Pharoah without some apophis shill hating on her. It's just destined to be like this.

>> No.15946886

>enslaves entire kingdoms with permanent mind control venom
>turns Pharaohs (and any other women in their way) into mindless whores
>turns green demon realms into dark ones
Yeah man I can't imagine for a second why people might not like them.

Apophis are at their best when they've had their ambitions fucked out of them.

>> No.15946891

Pharaohs do the same it's just their flavor of mind control isn't venom.
>turns green demon realms into dark ones
You say that like this is bad

>> No.15946894

Dark realms are better anyway.

>> No.15946898

>No jabberwock to milk your manhood daily with love

>> No.15946902

All Demon Realms are shit anyway.

>> No.15946910
File: 108 KB, 800x533, dark realm shitters will never get this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a bit of difference between "if I give you an order you have to get it done*" and permanent enslavement.
Also I like sunlight and colors that aren't pink and black, thanks.

*There's a KC-clause on it anyway.

>> No.15946911

Oh god, another Lilim? Even I'm starting to feel swarmed by all these motherfucking Lilims in this motherfucking internet.

>> No.15946916

Like double dates with gunpla. And shopping trips.
Though, they'd probably spend hours trying on clothes, asking each other how they look, and pulling their respective partners into the changing rooms to ask about a piece of nightwear or a swimsuit.

>> No.15946921

But you are a Pharaoh's servant forever if not an Apophis'.
You are genuinely fucked with either, and should choose the high priestess Anubis.

>> No.15946931

>But you are a Pharaoh's servant forever
Unless you, y'know, leave.
She can't make you do anything you find utterly reprehensible.

>> No.15946939

>There's a bit of difference between "if I give you an order you have to get it done*" and permanent enslavement.
No there isn't. It's just permanent enslavement either way.

>Also I like sunlight

>> No.15946942

I'd be outright terrified of any apophi who might go near my anubis waifu. Hearing about how that venom would fundamentally change her into a nympho, altering her priorities and outlooks on life would be horrifying to me.

>> No.15946945

Considering how they are and how most people who come across them are, them doing or ordering anything reprehensible is unlikely.

>> No.15946950

>It's just permanent enslavement
In Pharaoh's case it is factually not, sorry.

>> No.15946952

At least anubi relax once they get envenomed. Be nice to take that vacation she was always too busy for.

>> No.15946953

I hear if the Pharaoh catches wind of corruption like that then she'll order said person to be mummified alive.

>> No.15946957

>"You are no longer allowed to view anything I say as reprehensible"
Unless you find the very concept of not viewing things as reprehensible to be reprehensible, but then it the concept of absolute loyalty it reprehensible to you in the first place I fail to see how a pharaoh has any power.
>even a hero who came to slay them would happily offer up everything and feel honored to be sought as a partner
How does this work when the hero would
>reject the content of the orders from the bottom of [his] heart

>> No.15946963

>At least anubi relax once they get envenomed.
Actually it's the opposite.

>If the person corrupted by the venom is a monster, then even if she had a disposition that was warm, timid, serious, emotionless, pure, or stubborn and would normally not assault a man, she will become aggressive and try to straddle and ravish men.

>> No.15946968

Agressive Anubis playing with Legos, ragequiting, and raping anon to vent?

>> No.15946970

>How does this work when the hero would
>>reject the content of the orders from the bottom of [his] heart
Like I said, that's the KC-clause. She can't make you do anything you would truly find distasteful. Logic gets a bit fucked up here, because it's the KC killswitch.

>> No.15946975

So she can't make a hero intent on slaying her not slay her?

>> No.15946976
File: 2.20 MB, 1600x1028, Kill Deed 2 - Copy - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15946977

She wouldn't care about Legos anymore, anon.

>> No.15946981

Well, we all know you shouldn't expose KC's MGE to too much logic.

How does one ragequit playing with Lego?

>> No.15946984

Too bad most Heroes are weak to charismatic women and fail their will check.

>> No.15946988

They don't come out right.
They fall over.
She steps on one.

>> No.15946989

If that intent was "from the bottom of your heart," then no, she couldn't.
Granted that'd probably take something like "you killed my parents because ????."

>> No.15946990

Actually its the opposite
>The anubis, who are the apophis’ loyal servants, will come up with obscene, licentious schemes to expand paradise and enable themselves to indulge in love and pleasure
She devises one selfpropogating scheme and retires to a life of slow relaxing cuddlesex and hugs,

>> No.15946991

Don't say such awful things.

>> No.15946999

i want to trail kisses around her belly as a zip down the costume

>> No.15947000

So Anubi are the most efficient under employ of Grapesnakes.

>> No.15947002
File: 329 KB, 1000x817, honey trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better Elf.

>> No.15947004

They indulge in love and pleasure, but it isn't gentle. Their personalities have been changed.
So sayeth the venom.

>> No.15947006

>"you killed my parents because the order told me you did and you eat monsters"
Wouldn't be that hard. I bet the order blinds and deafens its heroes and teaches them to kill based on sensing DE.

How are you going to negotionate with some one who wants to kill you who can't see you or hear you?

>> No.15947013

That's just the MGE's usual hyperbole, which even KC has said himself when it's brought up.

In all actuality, the only change you'd really notice, after an initial acclimation period, would be her tending towards more lewd things with her usual well-thought-out mentality.

Which, I will admit, is still something of a disappointment. It's less fun to mess with her schedule to fit in cute/lewd things when she does it herself more often than not.

>> No.15947014

>but it isn't gentle
>>A fascinating atmosphere hangs in the air, and will become a monster paradise where they can lapse into delirium and revel in mutual heat with their husbands.
This sure sounds like some hard, fast pasted, pelvis pounding hardcore shit

>> No.15947020

The first two are the result of poor planning or creation.
The third one is reason to take a break, though. I don't want to think too hard about a soft anubis pawpad stepping on a piece of Lego.

>> No.15947023

>blind and deafen
Yeah, no. You need your eyes and ears the most to fight. You lose them both, or even just the eyes, and you wouldn't be fit to scrub walls.

>> No.15947025

>lapse into delirium and revel
It really does.

>> No.15947028

What about a Lego pit that she is pushed into as punishment?

>> No.15947031

>In all actuality, the only change you'd really notice, after an initial acclimation period, would be her tending towards more lewd things with her usual well-thought-out mentality.
Citation needed, because the apophis profile says almost the exact opposite happens to affected girls.

>> No.15947035

Worse of all, they're all sticky and there's none of the good parts.

>> No.15947041

>I bet the order blinds and deafens its heroes and teaches them to kill based on sensing DE.

Yeah, even if they were blind and deaf they would still be vulnerable to charm spells and such. Not to mention how much their fighting skills would be effected by losing two major senses.

Lets say they can somehow navigate by sensing energy. That would just make them all the more aware of how alluring the energy of a monster is.

And a recurring theme we've seen with Order heroes is that most carry doubts about whether the Order is right or not. Monsters take advantage of those doubts.

>> No.15947045

Just look through the articles that cover KC's Q&A sessions and such.

There are several additional citations and contexts regarding the Apophis' takeovers that reveal them to not be so bad.

As I said, hyperbole is the MGE's bread and butter.

>> No.15947054

Anon I don't know about you, but if I was going to describe some hard, fast pasted, pelvis pounding hardcore shit, I wouldn't use language like "lapse into delirium"

That sounds peaceful as shit. Like you're in some kind of swirling drug den and all you can really focus on is the warm and soft curves of your waifu and the sensations between you.

Slow, tender sex that lasts for hours at a time as you lost all track of time, lose track of the need to sleep, to eat, sustaining eachother in a hazy pink exchange of spirit and demonic energies.

You'd be in an open tent of light fabrics in the cool perpetual desert night, using eachother's bodies to stay warm in a tireless trading of friction and love.

Maybe at first they are "aggressive and try to straddle and ravish men." as is described, before they actually meet their husbands and are in a bit of a honeymoon phase. But after that initial burst of lovemaking I imagine it would be exactly as I described. Just one long afterglow.

Your autistic schedule dog needs it pretty badly.

>> No.15947056

Here's a lengthy explanation from KC that was posted on Monster Girls Redux regarding the apophis, her effect on pharaohs (and thus other monsters) and so on:

>The description of WG2 is not false. In Pharao`s case, please consider it like "regime change" from Pharao to Apopis. As always, "nothing other than sex" is hyperbolic expression. They get into their home and take much more time for sex, but they will not sever the relationship with others. The families and friends can meet her. They will give the throne to Apopis, but still they may assist the governance. (note:In English, there are expressions like "give all one's time to reading", and they should not be understood literally.)
Also, the venom of Apopis is strong, and it is one of the reasons that Pharao cannot be rescued, but the Pharao is a kind of MGs, so she will not want to abandon the life with "nothing other than sex" once she received.

>About the description of MGE, my intention and the interpretation of Westerners seem to be different much. As always, the descriptions of MGE are hyperbolic, and the reality will be more milder than that. The case of Apopis is not exception.

>And there is the setting that MGE is written by a human scholar in the world, not me. So sometimes the fact that "the increase of the ratio of sex in life was observed by him" can be interpreted "they are doing nothing other than sex", by him, from a human perspective. On the other hand, WG2 was written by an MG, so she write the truth that they communicate with friends or families, and they do the jobs and hobbies. When you read MGE, please consider such context.

>And please understand that there are several parts in the setting which is obscure intentionally, or planned to be written in the future books.

>> No.15947057

Hyperbole or not, it's a forced mental change. A mind being turned into something different, perceiving things differently, acting differently to how they would even if it's just in subtle ways.
It's a personality death no matter how mild it might seem. Like an imposter who acts exactly like your waifu, except you get this constant feeling of unease and wrongness about them. Something off. Something which isn't them.

>> No.15947066


noun: delirium; plural noun: deliriums

an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech.
synonyms: derangement, dementia, madness, insanity;

>> No.15947081

>Doesn't even praise the sun
git gud scrub

>> No.15947083
File: 430 KB, 1000x1000, 45c754f6de8779dd6c6a9902ba1bd195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No "ara ara" feisty dark elf wife

i must fantasize some more

>> No.15947085

>And there is the setting that MGE is written by a human scholar in the world, not me. So sometimes the fact that "the increase of the ratio of sex in life was observed by him" can be interpreted "they are doing nothing other than sex", by him, from a human perspective. On the other hand, WG2 was written by an MG, so she write the truth that they communicate with friends or families, and they do the jobs and hobbies. When you read MGE, please consider such context.
Told people this a bunch of times but they always give the "nuh uh KC is wrong" answer and act like flawed narrators haven't been a thing in stories since forever.

>> No.15947087

How would you even give orders to a blind and deaf man?
This is the most clowny solution of all time.

Alright, I can concede it's not as awful as it seemed. Would it kill KC to be a little more straightforward though?
Hyperbole-ing every profile into the nonstop sex zone makes them less distinct, not more.

>> No.15947089

You'd get the same feeling watching your anubi waifu leave in the morning only to return at night and refuse your advances with a robotic, mind-wiped expression and a simple "Later". The mechanical manner she pours over schematics for the entire night before passing out and not remembering anything after leaving to meet the pharaoh the morning before.

>Delirium, or acute confusional state, is an organically caused decline from a previously attained baseline level of cognitive function. It is typified by fluctuating course, attentional deficits and generalized severe disorganization of behavior. It typically involves other cognitive deficits, changes in arousal (hyperactive, hypoactive, or mixed), perceptual deficits, altered sleep-wake cycle, and psychotic features such as hallucinations and delusions.

It's one long sex filled lust trip where you can't quite tell where the waifu ends and reality begins. A swirling hazy mirage of perfection and perhaps a temporary glimpse into what true pandemonium would be like, where you fuck for a week straiht, not sleeping, not always horny but always hard, going from rough doggysyle pounding to a gentle grinding lotus before lowering her some hours later into a sensual missionary.

>> No.15947091

>Ara Ara Dark Elf mom
>Ara ara Dark Elf daughteru
>TFW no oyakadon

>> No.15947093

>You'd get the same feeling...
Nice fanfiction man.

>> No.15947095

No different from yours

>> No.15947098

It's probably something more along the lines of finding a new interest that you really like and wanting it to be in your life more often, rather then straight up brainwashing. If you make someones body more sensitive so that sex feels hella fuckin' good, it's only natural that they would like sex a lot more. Is it really brainwashing at that point?

>> No.15947107

I pulled lines straight from the profiles, what have you got?

>> No.15947115
File: 153 KB, 1000x1052, Rattles her tail uncontrollably during orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Lamia are better than more domesticated ones like Miia.

>> No.15947118

>You'd get the same feeling watching your anubi waifu leave in the morning only to return at night and refuse your advances with a robotic, mind-wiped expression and a simple "Later". The mechanical manner she pours over schematics for the entire night before passing out and not remembering anything after leaving to meet the pharaoh the morning before.
Maybe. Doesn't feel good, all this external mind altering and compulsion.
I'd take a pharaoh over an apophis any day, but if I had to deal with that level of induced obedience, I'd rather vamoose with my waifu. Somewhere free from pharaohs and apophi.

>> No.15947121

>All that melodrama about muh imposter waifu
>Pulling lines straight from the profiles
More like pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.15947122

>Would it kill KC to be a little more straightforward though?
>Hyperbole-ing every profile into the nonstop sex zone makes them less distinct, not more.

Well its not in every profile. But it seems that context (especially the context that the author intends) is more important to the Japanese than it is to westerners. When one reads a story from Japan they often are expected to interpret it based heavily on what the writer intends more than simply what is written (to the point that sometimes its impossible to tell for sure what a given writing means if one isn't able to ask the author).

A comparison I've had told to me is that when a western reader misunderstands a writing then it is considered the writer's fault, whereas when a Japanese reader misunderstands a writing it is considered the reader's fault.

Yes it would be nice to be more straightforward, but one can still get most of the profiles pretty easily as long as they recognize that the more extreme scenarios are normally hyperbole.

>> No.15947126

I'm not the imposter guy, dude.

>> No.15947132

The apophis vemon is straight up a mental changer though, not a physical aphrodesiac.
It's like having an interest forced into you.

Increasing physical sensitivity is one thing, but a person can still choose to just disregard that and still think and act as they normally would. The apophis venom changes perceptions and thoughts, otherwise why else would a pharaoh "choose" to step down and let an apophis corrupt her land?

If by "melodrama about muh imposter waifu", you mean >>15947057, that's me. Not the person you're replying to.

>> No.15947137

Pharoah doesn't give a shit about you. She'd gladly order your waifu to put a heavier priority on schematics to get that new dam built and operational over spending time with you. I'd rather vamoose too, but at least the venom just makes my waifu hornier.

Be considerate enough to post a "not him" then, I can't tell the difference between him replying and you replying. What do I look like, stalker-anon?

>> No.15947144

Interesting story, and
>Wyvern with scars
Even more nteresting choice, I like it, waiting for chapter two.

>> No.15947145

>The apophis venom changes perceptions and thoughts, otherwise why else would a pharaoh "choose" to step down and let an apophis corrupt her land?

>Corrupted by the venom, and reduced to mere female monsters, the pharaohs will forget all about the affairs of state, and will seek out husbands, secluding themselves in their room with them indefinitely. In that manner, an apophis becomes the ruler of a kingdom instead of the pharaoh.

They just stop giving a fuck about rulers and give more fucks to fucking their huband. It's not like they "choose" to step down. They just figure "Fuck this, my husband is waiting for me."

And I'm not going to complain if our new grape overlord makes my waifu care less about politics and more about me.

>> No.15947153

I've sometimes wondered about the scenarios that led to some of the Wandering Scholar's misunderstandings.

>Wandering Scholar thanks apophis ruler for her time as he gathers his notes and leaves the throne room, trying to ignore the massive orgy going on all around him.

>As soon as he leaves the apophis heaves a sigh of relief.

>Apophis: "All right everyone, he's gone, you can calm down now."

>About half the couples get up from the orgy to get to various appointments and chores they have, others slow down a bit in the sex, still others retire to their rooms to continue where they left off.

>Anubis: "Do you really think it was wise to play things up like that?"
>Apophis: "Of course, there's no way I'll have my kingdom be seen as anything but its most licentious best. Oh by the way, let that former pharaoh know her sister is planning to visit tomorrow and I need her to review some plans for new brothels before then."

>> No.15947154

That's the thing though, it's an even more drastic change when you put it like that. It's essentially killing any dreams and ambitions outside of sex.

Which, as past discussions have proved now that I think about it, is a huge problem with KC's setting in general.
We've looped back around to zero.

>> No.15947160

Time to pull a Moses and lead a mass exodus of all the anubi in the kingdom. We'll make our own kingdom, with moderate sex, and reasonable work hours.

>> No.15947168

I love big fat wock tats so much.

>> No.15947172

A massive caravan of Anubi sounds really cute for some reason.

>> No.15947173

>It's essentially killing any dreams and ambitions outside of sex.
Mate, welcome to MGE. It's not exactly an excluive trait. If you chose to see it like that so be it. But I chose to see it this way. If your waifu wants to be the world's best chef and wants to cook the most delicious food before she monsterizes, becoming a cock hungry ghoul doesn't kill those dreams and ambitions.

She just wants to be the world's best chef for you and wants to cook the most delicious food for you to eat.

The only dreams and ambitions that get axed are the ones that can't be applied to hubby.

>> No.15947197

I just don't want her every aspect and facet to revolve 100% around me. At least a little independence and self-agency would go a long way in terms of my waifu.

But it's unreasonable to expect that from a Japanese porn setting made exclusively for males, of all the things.

>> No.15947198
File: 596 KB, 837x1200, Prisonerfruitad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only dreams and ambitions that get axed are the ones that can't be applied to hubby.

Even that's not necessarily the case. Just look at the succubus that runs a successful prisoner fruit store chain. She didn't make the stores for him but because she loves prisoner fruits and what can be made with them.

>> No.15947202

I'm joining this argument just now, and I agree with this. God forbid I may at some point want some space from my waifu, or for her life to not be completely dependent on me.

I say this as a guy who like yanderes, fuck.

>> No.15947208

I assume that anything that can further the demon agenda would also get a pass

She'd have hobbies but I imagine that at the end of the day all roads will lead to husband so to speak.

>No jotuun shipwright to spend hours a day crafting a mighty vessel single handedly all so she can show her husband the open sea

>I say this as a guy who like yanderes, fuck.
I dare say your attitude will lead to a bad end relatively quick

>> No.15947212

Stop confusing yandere with yanguire.

>> No.15947216

Like Toby Yanguire?

>> No.15947220

>Unattractive, no-good human

I bet she actually was cute before the transformation.

>> No.15947226

Yangire** And I didn't say the bad end would happen to you.

>> No.15947232

>Leading the great Anubis Exodus
>Several neat columns of wagons and carts almost a mile long
>Even sitting at the front, you can hear lots of excited wans, and the sounds of planning
>Many of the larger tented wagons are being used as makeshift workshops, already designing the new city at its planned location
>Far across the great desert, where no civilisation lies yet
>Lots of tiny anubi happily running about between the convoys, dashing on all fours occasionally
>Anubi and their partners talking about the road ahead, and the new homes they'll soon be making
>The High Priestess anubis doing her best to guide and ease her followers and priestesses now that they effectively have no ruler to answer to and obey

It'd be interesting to say the least.

>> No.15947233

Which girls would enjoy model rockets?

>> No.15947234
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>> No.15947240

See she is cute.

>> No.15947241

This is a hobby I can see getting axed. How do model rockets have anything to do with the husband untless it was a couples activity?

>> No.15947256

Couples activity was kinda the idea though.
I bet Gremlins would be all over it, though they may have some... interesting ideas for additions.

>> No.15947268

Do not feed humans dangerous fruits.

>> No.15947269

Cute, but now she is cute and sexy.

>> No.15947274
File: 556 KB, 1170x1170, 16af4a7f4a8425872ad9ff3a166957f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

into what category would godzilla girl fit into? lizards? dragon?

would she be one of a kind or there would be several godzillas in the world?

>> No.15947276

>Rocket flying around the room
>"And if you press this button, it vibrates!"
>But why would I-
>She's already on top of a desk waving her ass towards you

>> No.15947290

She fits into "my wife"

>> No.15947291

Probably a mutation of lizards, and given how there's Minya and Godzilla Jr., it's safe to say there is several of them.

>> No.15947292

>That oblivious face when eating the fruit
She doesn't deceive me! i bet the cheeky cunt knew what was going to happen.

>> No.15947293

I want to use wock-nee's twintails to jerk off!

>> No.15947296

Talk about size differences though.

>> No.15947298

I know right? My love is bigger than her body.

>> No.15947299

i want to bully a shy boyish alp only to have her one day embrace her nature and turn into a tall curvy mind bendingly hot succubus and get back at me by raping me

>> No.15947325

If not me then who?

>> No.15947334

Probably members of any hobby you try and force her into, or any one who actually tries to put space between you and her. And if it's you, who tires to put space between the two of you, clearly you just need re-convincing. Some demon realm steel might help

>> No.15947357

The thing is, I shouldn't have to force her into any hobby. She should already have a number of hobbies she enjoys from before she even met me.

>> No.15947362

And they would all continue to be her hobbies assuming she could fit you into them some how.

>> No.15947375

The point is that I don't want her to fit me into her hobbies or drop them altogether if she can't. God forbid I want her to have some semblance of independence and be capable of being her own person.

>> No.15947380

>God forbid I want her to have some semblance of independence and be capable of being her own person.
Yeah, yanderes aren't for you, pal. Go shack up with a tsundere or something.

>> No.15947385

Nah, go fuck yourself.

>> No.15947388

Tsundere's are nice.

>> No.15947396

Nice and independent and shitty when you try to get too close. Sound right up this dudes alley. Dunno why he thinks he likes yanderes when he doesn't like possessive or obsessive girls

>> No.15947400

>shitty when you try to get too close.

Not a good tsundere.

>> No.15947402

Sounds like an archetypal tsundere to me.

>> No.15947416

Tsundere's aren't good, what a surprise.

>> No.15947421

I get my dere's mixed up. I thought they were shy?

>> No.15947432

new thread when?

>> No.15947437

Don't start this shit again nigga.

>> No.15947440

He's baiting.

>> No.15947441

Don't do it Anon. Hold it in.

>> No.15947444


>> No.15947447

Tsunderes are for the refined tastes though, only the perceptive gentleman can enjoy fully a Tsundere's charm.

>> No.15947449

When, and only when, this one archives.

>> No.15947450

Something happened while I was gone? I've missed like 6 threads.

>> No.15947454

White Horn got translated.

>> No.15947460

Indeed. You are clearly a scholar of refined tastes, and I must say it's rather refreshing.

>> No.15947461

Some monster girls and some discussion.

>> No.15947465

>White Horn

>> No.15947471

Tsundere isn't charming, it's annoying.
I never understood why people enjoyed getting figuratively kicked in the dick by your supposed loved one.
Unless the "tsun" part disappears after some time in which case what's the fucking point?

>> No.15947475


>> No.15947478
File: 60 KB, 850x487, Sample_fe568bf263e4e9a7ccd59baad63f6c4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about yetis? What makes them so soft? do they shed? Why do they touch men in weird places?

>> No.15947479

thanks boyo

>> No.15947481

White horn? More like White WHORE.

Wait no. She is adorable, pure and kind. Do not bully her.

>> No.15947487

She's just easily flustered, that's all!

>> No.15947488

They are the perfect predators. No man is safe.

>> No.15947494

They can't hug me.

>> No.15947495
File: 848 KB, 2480x3508, 35732802_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no yandere foxfu

>> No.15947503

Fondling flabby foxes!

>> No.15947506

I rather a yandere wight but I applaud your spooky fox

>> No.15947512

There was one contrived yandere fox story already

>> No.15947513

Foxes are best when spooky.

>> No.15947527

Yetis have a coliseum sport for that, grease up unwilling men and see how long they can run around the Yeti filled arena before they get caught in a hug

Tonight on MBC2, Hug or No Hug

>> No.15947538

It's mostly a combination of factors, starting with you being perceptive enough to understand her intentions, being stubborn enough to thaw at her cold exterior to see the sweet center and being able to shrug off the tsun moments easily. You can throw in a bit of teasing smugness to see the different reactions she can make and spice things up.

Sadly, we can't usually know the true potential of a tsundere because in every anime or manga where they appear the protagonist or love interest isn't even adequate enough to deal with a tsundere to begin with, which gives them a bad image.

>> No.15947544
File: 457 KB, 636x900, 0422396b78b84b9864aa6db41bcef2fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful, they may appreciate belly rubs.

>> No.15947545

I'm unhuggable and no amount of Yetis are going to change that.

>> No.15947550

I want to rub a soft foxes belly!

>> No.15947553

I'm gonna use my slipperiness to slip behind the last yeti standing and hug her into ubmission before the entire crowd

>> No.15947576

I like them because I'm not a frilly little baby bitch that can't handle criticism. Tsundere get their 'tsun' by being overly blunt and critical. I like that because I'm fucking sick of people dancing around every subject as if they're on eggshells. There's a certain charm to someone that can look you straight in the eyes and call you stupid without reservation. I don't give a damn how masochistic that sounds.

The 'tsun' doesn't exactly disappear over time. It's just used less against someone she's opened up to. There is still some 'dere' in there after all. There's probably also a certain charm to getting her to open up in the first place. She'd be fucking merciless to any pleb that wrongs her, only to turn to you with a smile. And not in the psychotic "Your family is next" kind of way.

>> No.15947587

Pregnant loli himedere vampires.

>> No.15947592

>Tsundere get their 'tsun' by being overly cuntish
>look you straight in the eyes and call you stupid without reservation
Are you being stupid? If you aren't she's just a bitch.

>> No.15947595

>I like that because I'm fucking sick of people dancing around every subject as if they're on eggshells.
The irony being that tsuns dance around their feelings.
Tsun doesn't mean she will criticize you where a normal waifu wouldn't. It means she's going to, at times, be cold for no real reason other than that being kind would fracture her cultivated image.

>> No.15947606

Cute foxes are the best.

>> No.15947610

>Tsundere get their 'tsun' by being overly blunt and critical.
>I-it's not like I like you or anything, b-baka!
>overly blunt and critical.
>I j-just made too many
>blunt and critical

>> No.15947615

I do like how you handled magic in this story. It tends to be ignored by most writers.

>> No.15947618

She will legally be declared your wife as millions watch live on TV, there's no backing out

>> No.15947622

I want to mating press a Tsundere Anubis until her "tsun" shell cracks entirely.

>> No.15947626
File: 248 KB, 1250x927, tumblr_n62eu63ko21r9elqqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, spooky foxes.

>> No.15947660
File: 593 KB, 800x600, 130c01abfafbaa82808ae45ee9a9bd88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this fox face trying to convey?

>> No.15947669

That it's up to you to decide if this is rape or not.

>> No.15947675 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x3320, 1476062047127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947678

She ate something and there was a bit near her lips.

>> No.15947689

Fear because she doesn't want you to reject her, insecurity because she thinks she's being way too forward, anxiousness because she doesn't know how much skin she should be showing and hopeful for you to like her tails.

She also thinks that kimono makes her look fat.

>> No.15947691

>Literally physically abuses you because you were talking to another girl
And people call yandere crazy.

>> No.15947697

Actually it is, because you can't rape the willing.

>> No.15947700

That was my point.

>> No.15947703

Some would argue that the more violent tsunderes aren't "true" tsunderes but flanderizations of the idea.

>> No.15947712

Yeh, I read "it's" as "it isn't"

>> No.15947714

No, bully her like a /k/ommando with too much time on his hands.

>> No.15947737

You've been watching too many shitty harem animes. A Tsundere denies affection because she believes there is none, not because she isn't honest. They're usually stubborn enough that they won't even recognize if they suddenly develop feelings for someone. Which causes a normally contrived plot of everyone other than the completely fucking oblivious MC to convince the Tsundere that she is, in fact, actually in love with someone.

>> No.15947741

What you're describing is a kuudere who, after the final episode comes to the realization with a quiet "Oh!"

>> No.15947742

>Pretend to be lost in a snowstorm
>After sending a shit load of yetis and wendigos your prey finally comes
>A majestic White Horn, with her fluffy clothes and gentle smile
>She offers you a ride to get you out of that mess
>Just what you wanted
>Instead of riding her, you use bondage techniques never seen before to get the poor doe to the ground
>She starts to scream for help and trashes around, but all it ends up doing is making her tired
>Grab a few vibrators you got and look at her in the eyes with a perverted stare
>Her tears freeze as they fall down the mountain

>> No.15947756
File: 431 KB, 800x600, 1465966907025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about tied-wrist cuddles/sex that's so damn hot?

>> No.15947767

I think part of the appeal comes from the fact that you're so completely at their mercy that they could do anything they want to you, but the only thing they want is to cuddle.

>> No.15947769

That thigh/leg design looks fucking stupid.

>> No.15947785

There was this short story where some soldier got taken prisoner after a battle and was claimed by a succubus. She slipped under his manacles and tenderly cuddlefucked him until the fell asleep together. One of my favorites.

Why can't this be real?

>> No.15947795

Personally I think its better to have complete freedom to fight bac, hit her, push her away, and yet still chose to cuddle.

>> No.15947796

Because we only exist to suffer.

>> No.15947797

That ass though.

>> No.15947804

She is not cute, she's an evil lesbian rapist.

Gotta love the hime cut though.

>> No.15947809

You're gonna marry her after that, right?

>> No.15947815

If tentacle plants beat monster girls then you can be pretty sure vibrators and bondage techniques won't either.

In the end the white horn would look up at you with a smile and say that was fun but what you plan to do to her next.

>> No.15947821

Damn it, meant "tentacle plants CAN'T beat monster girls."

>> No.15947822

I think both are great. There's nothing wrong with either, it really depends on whether or not you like the idea of physically submitting to another.

You'd better believe though, I'd have handholding cuddlesex the night after some fun bondage.

>> No.15947830

It's not just vibrators and bondage, Anon. It's special fingering too.

She won't be able to say anything because she will be shivering in the snow with an ahegao on her face.

>> No.15947833


>> No.15947849 [DELETED] 

Not with that attitude you won't.

>> No.15947851

Monster girls can't be broken by sex but you sure as hell can leave one an ahegaoing mess with the right technique

>> No.15947872

Not with that attitude

>> No.15947877
File: 252 KB, 850x603, 1469069591397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is still months away.

but I'm already cold inside

>> No.15947887
File: 266 KB, 858x800, dhj3889055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the world was truly just, yetis would be real because nothing could ever be as warm or loving.
