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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.06 MB, 1334x1494, 1475207054654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15924539 No.15924539 [Reply] [Original]

An odd, yet brilliant foray into the wonders of Automatons.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15924541

Maids are olev

>> No.15924543

If you impregnate an automaton can one call it putting am ingot in her smelter?

>> No.15924545

>No Automaton assistant daughteru to aid me in crazy experiments.
>All trying to bring back her Gremlin mother who's been trapped in subspace for years.

>> No.15924546

My daughteru is so fucking cute I want to hug her until she explodes.

>> No.15924547
File: 389 KB, 595x842, oomukade_by_butter_t-dajzbra How unfortunate for you to lose your way this deep into the cave...and become prey to someone like me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new art deserves more attention. Busty oomukades are incredible.

>> No.15924549

Some girls shouldn't be impregnated. KC fucked up by making a corpse give birth, hope he doesn't have a literal machine give birth too.

>> No.15924551

I'd appreciate it more if it weren't for, well you know.

>> No.15924555

>Some girls shouldn't be impregnated. KC fucked up by making a corpse give birth, hope he doesn't have a literal machine give birth too.
>>Some girls shouldn't be impregnated.
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.15924556
File: 212 KB, 479x650, Ryu MGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to polish a ryu's horns!

>> No.15924557
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.15924560

Automton ryu! Automaton mantis! Automaton sahuagin! Automaton Salamander! Automaton kikimora!

>> No.15924562

You don't want to put your head to her pregnant stomach upgrade and hear the beautiful sounds of a new life being formed?

>"Did someone just drop a wrench?"
>"...It kicked."

>> No.15924565

Automaton Dragons because muh Epyon.

>> No.15924567

>A corpse should give birth
Alright, KC.

>> No.15924572


>> No.15924573

>Automaton kikimora!

Can you hear it, Anon? The roombas are coming for you.

>> No.15924575
File: 23 KB, 371x553, piko~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hard to tell when something is OK or not OK to put on blue boards, usually I would like to err on the side of caution....


>> No.15924576


>> No.15924578

She looks kind of like the Oomukade sake brew-waif I had imagined, give or take twenty years younger.

I need my Ara Ara, damnit.

>> No.15924580

Holy shit she's stunning.

>> No.15924581

There is in-universe justification for it, starting with how the womb regenerates over times, and followed the below:

>The children born on such occasions are not human children. If it's a zombie, then the child will be the same kind of zombie. For this reason, it is said that the undead aren't “human corpses reanimated via mamono mana”, but “organisms called undead that are reborn from human corpses due to mamono mana.”

>> No.15924582

Oh geez oh man that's marvelous.

>> No.15924584

Oh my.

>> No.15924585
File: 93 KB, 307x600, Dark_Priest_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my name is Sister Price
And I would like to share with you
The most amazing book

>> No.15924586

>Some girls shouldn't be impregnated.


>> No.15924587

Woah, you've gone extra lewd this time huh? I like it.

>> No.15924588

Yeah, I'd rather just undead thanks. Necromancy and all that.

>> No.15924589

That's too lewd for you. Where's the cute and pure latenight we all know and love?

>> No.15924592

He's lost in the late of night.

>> No.15924596

He's already done lewd SFW stuff for a while now,

>> No.15924597

That's lewd!

>> No.15924600
File: 571 KB, 800x800, 1474879514141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-Oh my. That poor succubutt's gonna get turned inside out!

>> No.15924601

>He actually drew the fucking penguin
We need more people like you in the world. Mamono need to come along and sex up some more of you.

>> No.15924602

I dunno man, even his lewd stuff is kinda cute if you ask me.

>> No.15924603

And she's going to love every second of it.

>> No.15924608
File: 805 KB, 1850x455, herd_lineup_by_matsu_sensei-d5lqaxh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose the cow

>> No.15924610
File: 2 KB, 116x20, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. I take it this is normal around here?

>> No.15924611
File: 656 KB, 2852x1436, 1474568805017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would and Automatons armaments hinge entirely on her bodytype?

But then again that might not matter because magitek and monster mojo and shit, along with the imagery of a pear-shaped loli Automaton using a fuckhuge magitek Beam Javelin being rather nice.

>> No.15924612
File: 190 KB, 900x1292, 1411762721812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing's too big for a Succubus!

>> No.15924613

As will we.
I now eagerly await chubby succubutt getting bulged as she rides that monster.

>> No.15924617

Succubi stronk.

>> No.15924620

At the same time.

>> No.15924622

monochrome cow please

>> No.15924624
File: 475 KB, 640x800, 1399326592083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that Cow Idol!

>> No.15924626

That's not even the highest our post count has gotten.

>> No.15924627

How new are you? Yeah, it is.

>> No.15924628

x files theme intensifies?

>> No.15924630

MGE Holst, then Mattie (as long as she isnt in full-on BE), then the monochrome one.

>> No.15924634


>> No.15924637

A little smaller than usual but yeah, that's how our threads shape up when left alone to drop of naturally and a new one is made after. It's pretty great.

>> No.15924638

Isn't the third one from that one hentai?

I'd actually like them more with smaller breasts. Especially the one on the far right. I dunno, never was into the whole cow thing that much.

>> No.15924646

I'm actually with you there. I like titties, but for holstaurs I prefer them on the largest end of believable, not fucking huge like most of those are. It doesn't help that lots of them are just twigs with all of their fat at the top, either.

>> No.15924648

>Dark priests going door to door preaching the lewd word in conservative human towns
>Well to do human men adopt the strategy of using water guns to scare them off the front porch
>Suddenly the Sisterhood starts using tight fitting white cloth habits
>They wear nothing underneath

Wet t-shirt parties for the fallen god when?

>> No.15924649

that was normal just a year ago

>> No.15924653

No thank you, this is a Dragon-worshiping household.

>> No.15924659
File: 236 KB, 1181x970, tumblr_o5er53r96o1rc6otfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen Matt's work before? 'The largest end of believable' is his minimum size.

>> No.15924660

Unless it's the necronomicon I don't care. Get off my lawn.

>> No.15924663

>penguin is here
>that picture
You are based.

>> No.15924671

Oh no, I have. That doesn't change my preferences or my stance towards his proportions though.

The twig statement wasn't entirely fair though; there's a little meat on those girls just not enough for the bust.

>> No.15924673


>> No.15924675

MGE Holst

>> No.15924682
File: 274 KB, 800x800, 143587543453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so strong!

>> No.15924687

I get that they;re heavy, but she really needs to fix her posture.

>> No.15924688
File: 182 KB, 864x864, You will not trick me, vile deceiver!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15924700
File: 177 KB, 850x708, __original_drawn_by_bb_baalbuddy__sample-e0e1a469b23c782475fd68c08ecd88f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want anything to do with a monster girl who can't beat THE DRAGON OF DOJIMA in a fistfight.

>> No.15924704
File: 465 KB, 2048x1702, 1464033275071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no go away im going to give my sermon at the Church of All Things Soft and Fluffy

>> No.15924706

Isn't that just a girl at that point

>> No.15924716

The purple is stink?

>> No.15924719

We need more latenight
Give us more late night latenight

>> No.15924720

You really have no idea how much this book can change your life! Did you know Druella lived right here in the USA?

>> No.15924724 [DELETED] 

So Anons, lets say that everyone in this thread were put into one big room, and a single monster girl were to suddenly walk in...

How hard would shit hit the fan?

>> No.15924725

We still haven't gotten the translation for this fine figure of a woman, haven't we?

>> No.15924726

If by stink you mean painful boner erecting poison that smells like female pheromones, yes.

>> No.15924729 [DELETED] 

Which monstergirl?

>> No.15924730 [DELETED] 

>pockets of spaghetti, bro

>> No.15924731
File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, Sahu fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post this every thread until the fishy smell covers up the stench of corruption in MGC!

>> No.15924732

I needed to have a retard equivalent of succubi to make the Cunningham joke, so...

>> No.15924734

Haven't been this surprised since I saw his take on the Kiki

Milk party

>> No.15924739

There's at least detail on the average Automatons personality IIRC.

>> No.15924740 [DELETED] 

I'd find a nice, shadowy corner and hope she doesn't try to talk to me.

>> No.15924743 [DELETED] 

I'd lock up in terror.

>> No.15924748 [DELETED] 

Im a slow guy, I'll just leaver the room and let the faster nerds get her.

>> No.15924751 [DELETED] 

Since literally everyone is backing off I'll claim my monster girl waifu now.

>> No.15924755 [DELETED] 

As long as it's not my waifu.

>> No.15924756 [DELETED] 


congrats, you'd make a great couple

>> No.15924761 [DELETED] 

depends on the monster. if its anything I like I know how to choke 3 people at once.

I'm 6'1 with large hands. I can pull it off

>> No.15924763

What's with Andy?

>> No.15924765

You mean Andi? He's a she now, by golly!

>> No.15924766 [DELETED] 

Yes yes, and I know some Bajiquan and am taller than you.

>> No.15924772

A way stinkier monstergirl just got posted, though.

>> No.15924773 [DELETED] 

Manlets. When they will ever learn?

>> No.15924775 [DELETED] 


here's your (you), kiddo

>> No.15924776

Take your memes and begone!

>> No.15924781 [DELETED] 

then I shall fight my best with street boxing.
granted I'd lose but might as well try
"If its a monster girl worth fuckin' its a monstergirl worth fighting for"

>> No.15924785 [DELETED] 

I reached out to her first so she likes me better
Don't be a sore loser.

>> No.15924789 [DELETED] 

I'm considered tall round my parts. if 6'1 is small for you then I dont know what to say

forgive nice for sounding like a 12 year old

>> No.15924793 [DELETED] 

Dibs on your daughteru.

>> No.15924798 [DELETED] 

>street boxing
Not even him but baji is an actual martial art it's the meme shit that all the chinese anime girls know. You know, Tetsuzankou and all that jazz. Street boxing is just tuff guy street stuff, which doesn't cut it against actual practitioners there's plenty videos on youtube of punks getting the snot beaten out of them

>> No.15924799 [DELETED] 

I once read a doujin where a mobile phone turned into a girl. I want that instead of the piece of shit one I have now.

>> No.15924804 [DELETED] 

Shut up, this thread isn't here for you to stroke your dicks, it's for you to get your dicks stroked by Monster Girls!

>> No.15924806 [DELETED] 

But we can beat up the guy who wants to choke monster girls first.

>> No.15924809 [DELETED] 

But you can stroke her hand while she strokes your dick.

>> No.15924813 [DELETED] 

I know full well the worth of street boxing, but it is what I know so I work with what I have.

If i gauged my own strength, I'm one of those tank mooks in a game you have to do 2 combos to take down

>> No.15924814 [DELETED] 

We're reaching a point of critical ridiculousness.
Just watch, in a couple years 7' 2" will be considered a "manlet" by /fit/.

>> No.15924817 [DELETED] 

Tetsuzankou is that one shoulder barge they do right?

>> No.15924818 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1200x1708, 1381972252164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a nine-footer
Do you even lift brah? I'd ask you to spot for me but I don't want you to get hurt.

>> No.15924819 [DELETED] 


>> No.15924821 [DELETED] 

>100' 99"
Manlets. When will they ever learn?

>> No.15924823 [DELETED] 

Kinda want a hinezumi dressed as akira

>> No.15924825 [DELETED] 

Isn't being 6 feet 'king of manlets' tier already
It's literally retarded.

>> No.15924831 [DELETED] 

> ∞^2"
Manlets. When will they ever learn?

>> No.15924835 [DELETED] 

Not everyone gets as big as Oni man.
Though I'm 5' 9" and that puts me at optimal height for trips to marshmallow heaven with tall girls.

/fit/ will keep moving the goalposts forever if we let them.
Even if humanity evolves into infinite energy beings they'll still call people manlets.

It's ridiculous isn't it?

>> No.15924836 [DELETED] 

>not aleph-1'

>> No.15924838
File: 612 KB, 706x895, 1448211201844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy London morning people!

Time to stay warm with tea and lava golems

>> No.15924841


>> No.15924843 [DELETED] 

You got me with that one. Oh well, at least I can mock my waifu because she is small considering her species average height.

Almost 3 AM. Goodnight Anons and be careful with the Wights that will show up in your dreams tonight.

>> No.15924848

Why the heck are you up at 6AM? That's unnatural.

>> No.15924849 [DELETED] 

>I'll never tease a smug shortstack Hellhound for being small.
>She'll never rock my world until I'm an ahegaoing mess in retaliation.
Damn it.

>> No.15924850

Why do you keep saying that?

>> No.15924853

u wat

>> No.15924854

If you want hot lava, I guess it's safe to say that it isn't another sunny day in London town?

>> No.15924855

I'm either writing or out for a walk at 4am in a bid to lose weight.

>> No.15924858

>>15924850 was meant for >>15924838

>> No.15924861

The earlier you wake up the more time you have to practice science with your Lich wife.

>> No.15924863

Not him but I always get up around then because the cats sense it's starting to get warmer outside and therefore they should start hollering until I do something.

>> No.15924865

been kinda chilly recently, autumn and all that.

>> No.15924866
File: 77 KB, 918x1000, CtlCr6JUEAA6nLX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orc ranger.

>> No.15924867

All of my yes. More lewd by you would be amazing.

>> No.15924868
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x768, 59309984_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never fully considered how lewd it is when a shoggoth washes the dishes

>> No.15924872

Same here bro, we're all gonna make it

>> No.15924875
File: 166 KB, 850x1200, 1466395683236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my attention.

>> No.15924878

I would very much like to molest that orc.

>> No.15924881

Should be writing about Orcs, but Daredevil is too good and won't let me.

>> No.15924882 [DELETED] 

>Taking /fit/ seriously
The only thing /fit/ has ever been right on is the manlet thing. Any one under 7ft should probably just kill themselves.

>> No.15924885 [DELETED] 

Everyone should kill themselves
Gensokyo probably has a portal to MGE land.

>> No.15924890 [DELETED] 

No, only the manlets under 8ft

>> No.15924892 [DELETED] 

Well I'll be shagging my shoggoth waifu here, good luck with your 3DPD

>> No.15924894 [DELETED] 

Gensokyo is a land of esoteric fantasy, not the afterlife, bro.

>> No.15924896 [DELETED] 

she better not be under 9ft otherwise she should kill herself too

>> No.15924897

A Shoggoth wouldn't even need to wash dishes the traditional way if they happen to be formed from her own mass.

>> No.15924903

If she handcleans it, it's more pleasurable for her.

>> No.15924904 [DELETED] 

I WILL go to 2d land after I die

>> No.15924907 [DELETED] 

I feel like a newfag is trying to weasel giantesses into the thread.

It's not going to happen, bro. I see right through you.

>> No.15924912 [DELETED] 

>I see right through you.
Oh yeah? And how far back do you have to tip your head to do so, manlet?

>> No.15924914 [DELETED] 

Isn't that just masturbation
You'd basically be eating off her puss or something

Shoggoths can be whatever size they like probably

>> No.15924918
File: 1.97 MB, 1200x1600, 1386141218680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one don't mind.

>> No.15924922

>Needing sleep
>With a lich around
Please encourage her to step her game up.

>> No.15924924

Can't the Lich just keep spamming time stop

>> No.15924926

>Anon, I have discovered that dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time so a part of them is always awake, let's make that adjustment to you!
>I learned another thing from dolphins too, let's go for a swim and I'll show you

>> No.15924930 [DELETED] 

I can remember that back on /a/ there was that faggot that'd post Karbo vore and other giantess schlock.

>> No.15924933 [DELETED] 

Get off that high-horse and I'll tell ya, stumpy.

>> No.15924937 [DELETED] 

>implying I need a high horse
Jesus anon are you trying to put me in space or something?

>> No.15924942 [DELETED] 

>In the infinite vastness of the cosmos, past the very boundaries of the universe lies the height of men(lets)
>Dimensionlets when will they learn

>> No.15924945 [DELETED] 

>being constrained to a single plane-of-being
Nonmeta-lets when will they learn

>> No.15924946
File: 539 KB, 832x1088, da68a6039221684c012d5888fbcfd8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never fall asleep on your waifu's lap

>> No.15924951

>And so begins the story of how Anon gained a prehensile penis and lost his refractory period forever
Man, SCIENCE with a lich would be great so long as she doesn't go Franfran with it.

>> No.15924953

Fran did literally nothing wrong

>> No.15924955

Can she go Frank enough to make an Adorea? Because Adorea was best girl.

>> No.15924956 [DELETED] 

>He isn't at least seven alternate realities tall

>> No.15924959

I mean technically, maybe? Still, I'd rather not be in a relationship with a monkey's paw. Even if it does give the best handjobs.

>> No.15924962 [DELETED] 

>he is constrained to reality at all
>he isn't merely a projection of the self in a transient-dream world of his own design

>> No.15924963

I did not write that k.

>> No.15924965 [DELETED] 

>He exists as anything other than a concept that transcends existence
haha fucking kys my dude

>> No.15924967 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't use his third eye to spy on everyone in this thread while they masturbate

Get real.

>> No.15924968

>you'll never wake up with your waifu's entire body just slumped over you, with a stupid happy expression on her face.
>You'll never hug her closely and make her giggle in her sleep

>> No.15924969 [DELETED] 

>jannies don't step in for actual shitposting

>> No.15924972 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 891x634, ermagerd_subway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waifu finally broke down and told you her terrible secret fetish. How disgusted are you?


>> No.15924973
File: 5 KB, 390x66, 1473725486865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15924974 [DELETED] 

We're at a point where Americans are just going to sleep and British are just waking up. Board will be slow and shitposty for awhile.

>> No.15924975 [DELETED] 

>no funposing allowed

>> No.15924977

> Pounding some Cuban models.

>> No.15924990
File: 5 KB, 413x30, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you too

>> No.15924993

>Your fetish: Bobcat pleasuring.
Bring on the Bobcat girls with bobcuts.

>> No.15924997

>Giant booty grinding
So she likes hotdogging?
What's so weird about that?
I've wanted her to hotdog me for a while.

>> No.15925001
File: 7 KB, 486x67, A lesson in contrariety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid.

>> No.15925004

>Your fetish: Fucking fat tit.
Well, I really do like oppai.

>> No.15925007

Is it really necessary to waste images on this?

>> No.15925011

I kind of expect the janny to nuke almost all of the posts in here anyway

>> No.15925015
File: 176 KB, 800x800, Burning is fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night anons, try not to burn the thread down.

My your dreams be filled with monster girls.

>> No.15925016 [DELETED] 

There's off topic shit but none of it is the kind of agressive shitposting that deserves a delete. Honestly, nothign deserves a delete unless it's the usual suspects, fute/yuri.monsterboys etc etc

>> No.15925019

>fucking fat tit
So she has a fetish for titfucking?
You're a lucky man.

>> No.15925022
File: 165 KB, 800x1116, 1429250100976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like fresh meat's back on the menu, boys!

>> No.15925023

I'll just delete mine later anyway. No biggie.

I can do that, right?

>> No.15925033

You have to delete images before the thirty minute mark.

>> No.15925035

>gorilla banging
Post Harambe porn

>> No.15925039

dicks out etc.

>> No.15925056


>> No.15925078
File: 699 KB, 900x1350, 1474230372432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your garbage-ass memes have literally killed the thread. Repent for your sins.

>> No.15925088

How do you repent for maserbating?

>> No.15925089

>You'll never be forced by a group of radical Dark Priests to eat out the Sister Superior before being gang raped by all of them.

>> No.15925106

Thank goodness.

>> No.15925118

>Meat Copulating
Oddly specific food fetish.

>> No.15925120

Did 4chan just die for anyone else for like three minutes

>> No.15925121

You'll be bound and forced to fuck the most fertile sister available, one orgasm for every sperm wasted.

Waste is a sin, Anon. The sisters are always here to guide you.

>> No.15925124
File: 261 KB, 700x1093, 1441851219325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, aye. It'll do that, lad.

>> No.15925125

I fucking swear if hiro actually cocks this up

>> No.15925127

Servers did go down, yes.

>> No.15925143


>> No.15925158
File: 133 KB, 410x600, Kunoichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Booty Clan is after you! How do you handle all these ninjas?

>> No.15925159

What kind of monster is that?

>> No.15925161

A sub-type of Succubus.

>> No.15925162

Ninja-flavored succubus.

>> No.15925163

I was wandering the archives recently and found this story: http://pastebin.com/tL1Ybtrb
Are there any other pastebins like this one? Or, even better, a compilation of them?

>> No.15925167

You're asking for more pastebins? As in, more websites? Or are you asking for more collections of greentexts? Or more stories about Wisps? Or do you want to read more Penywise?

>> No.15925180

More greentext stories.

>> No.15925181

Tell them that the vikings built better, more folded and even plaited swords. run while they question everything they knew

>> No.15925182

Ah. Well, that I can't help you with. I don't into greentexts.

>> No.15925190

Not to be all >muh newfag
You kind of just have to lurk. greentexts only get put in pastebins because they get posted here first and are long enough to warrant it.

>> No.15925191

But anon, she's a ninja, not a samurai. She has no need for Nippon stronk forded over 200 times weapons.

>> No.15925196

Read the OP, friend. That's about the best bet you've got.

>> No.15925198

Ninjas don't use superior nippon steel? Well shit. I guess I stand there rooted, knowing that everything I knew was a lie, and I get raped

>> No.15925199

Are there even more stories about Wisps?

>> No.15925200

>Monster girls raid your town
>A group of wolfgirls corner you and start shredding your clothes
>hit something hard
>it's your male chastity belt
"Ha ha stupid shit!"
"Try raping me now!"

>> No.15925203

That's right, anon. Ninjas use whatever tools they find, like putting aphrodisiacs in your tea.

>> No.15925204

>She has no need for Nippon stronk forded over 200 times weapons.
But I thought ninja loved stealing samurai swords when they could get them?

>> No.15925206

Yeah, to mess with the samurai who cared about their swords.

>> No.15925207 [DELETED] 

What kind of monster girl would my one and only waifu Anne Frank be?

>> No.15925210 [DELETED] 


>> No.15925212 [DELETED] 

Tanuki. Remember the six billion lives that were lost and pay reparations, boyim. Pants off.

>> No.15925214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15925218

What about finding old stories? Are there any archives that let you search on /jp/? The only one I knew died several months ago, and warosu.org has really terrible search engine.

>> No.15925223 [DELETED] 

Can Tanukis get laid without bringing up the three trillion?

>> No.15925229

Read. The. O.P.

>> No.15925231 [DELETED] 

Yes, through extortion and shaming

>> No.15925234

I don't know of any way to selectively search for only greentext stories, but https://monstergirlcollection.com/ is a repository of basically everything. You'll find writers and artists there with new and old works.

>> No.15925237

This can only lead to lewd teasing and lots of face sitting.

>> No.15925241

>they tear through the belt
>if it's metal, they call over a hellhound first

>> No.15925246 [DELETED] 

>You dont wanna fuck this top quality tanuki pussy?!
>Are you some sort of specieist?
>Monster girl pussy not good enough for you? Huh? HUH!

>> No.15925250 [DELETED] 

>Remember the six billion lives that were lost
Who is monstergirl hitler?

>> No.15925251 [DELETED] 

Probably the Church or something

>> No.15925252 [DELETED] 

Saint Adolphus?

>> No.15925253 [DELETED] 

That sounds more like a kakuen chimping out. Tanuki should be far less overt.

>> No.15925257


Sorry, didn't read deep enough.

>> No.15925264 [DELETED] 

Purity Inquisitor
The hottest guy in all the land
Saving himself for marriage and only having sex with his future human wife for the sole purpose of procreation in the missionary position with the torches lit

>> No.15925266

The writefag that did the wisp story has other greentexts though, most recent of which being Nurarihyon and Jotunn, if it's the greentext format in particular that you're interested in.

>> No.15925268 [DELETED] 

The man whose art makes leenan sidhe drenched and whose treaty demolishing makes demons weep.

>> No.15925276 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 707x1000, 914243c3287dc0062edf1370695a0fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder /pol/tards will not be recieving monster waifus when the portal opens. Enjoy being lonely and alone for the rest of your lives.

>> No.15925277 [DELETED] 

t. anuki
>implying Wisps don't include /pol/tards

>> No.15925283

>bringing /pol/ up out of the blue
fuck off

>> No.15925284 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is all about saving the white race
Why would they want monster girl waifus?

Isn't that defeating the purpose?

>> No.15925285 [DELETED] 

Nobody loves Tanukis.

>> No.15925286 [DELETED] 

What? Why do you insist on this pointless boogeyman?

>> No.15925288 [DELETED] 

I just have a dark wit and nihilistic sense of humor, Anon. Besides, being /pol/ hardly qualifies you as scum of the earth.

>> No.15925290 [DELETED] 

He's butthurt over gorillion jokes obviously

>> No.15925295 [DELETED] 

Din't meaan to hurt his feeeels man

>> No.15925297 [DELETED] 

I bet he's a Zipanguist who thinks the Tanukis should get to kick all those Desert Girls out of the desert so the raccoons can have all the oil and rare earth elements.

>> No.15925298 [DELETED] 

good boyim
remember the seventy two gorillion

>> No.15925300 [DELETED] 

>Being thinskinned on 4chan
This place is obviously not for him

>> No.15925304 [DELETED] 

>Tanuki kidnapping oil slimes and hiring men to rape them 24/7 and keep them in a state of perpetual pregnancy

>> No.15925306 [DELETED] 

Also the boys. Don't forget about the boys.

>> No.15925309 [DELETED] 

It's their culture, you're being culturally insensitive!

>> No.15925310 [DELETED] 

>oil slimes
From what little I know about DnD, oil slimes are actually immune to burning damage, they just do massive damage to anyone nearby when they ignite.
Just light 'em up

>> No.15925313 [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 768x768, 1413893034667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we have ended up recreating the Gulf War with the Kuwait oil fields burning. I didn't expect this, but I know who benefits.

>> No.15925318 [DELETED] 

The oil slimes simply use their slam attack on you.

>> No.15925320 [DELETED] 

Tanuki slams the oil slime back with her "promised land" attack

>> No.15925321 [DELETED] 

It's like that zombie level from Half-Life 2.
>oh hey, I'll just set them on fire!
It's just cheap is what it is.

>> No.15925322 [DELETED] 

No, the Golem slams the Slime back in the breeding-barrel.

>> No.15925324 [DELETED] 

The oil slime is mindless so psychological attacks simply fail outright

Just be glad they aren't those fucking gunpowder oozes or whatever they were called

>> No.15925329 [DELETED] 

How would one breed with Nitroglycerin-chan?

>> No.15925330 [DELETED] 

>The oil slime is mindless

>> No.15925331 [DELETED] 

Make sure you touch the doorknob to get rid of any static electricity.

>> No.15925332 [DELETED] 

Obligatory slow sex.

>> No.15925350

What are the best thing to make slimes out of?

Carbonated things for extra sexy sensation?

>> No.15925358

100% pure alcohol is jelly. Just saying.

>> No.15925360

Is she constantly belligerent?

>> No.15925361

It's only fun and not ridiculously poisonous when diluted though.

>> No.15925374

Ask Bill Crosby

>> No.15925376

>Hey, what's this in my drink?
>That's just some J-E-L-L-O~

>> No.15925384

>automaton accesses the internet
>searches the internet for knowledge of you and the outside world
>sees all the horrible things happening around the world
>instantly becomes overprotective and yandere of you, forbidding you to go outside
>constantly milks you as she forces you in her embrace
>watches over you 24/7 even as you sleep

>> No.15925391

...did you just make a yandere waifu out of the MCU Ultron?

>> No.15925394

I don't know who that is

>> No.15925395

And then they will make, what's that word, smaller persons?

>> No.15925397

A spooky robot voiced by James Spayder.

>> No.15925416

An AI who went on the internet looking for information on its creator and the world shortly after it gained consciousness.

Granted he very quickly decided everything was awful beyond redemption and he should drop a city-sized meteor on the planet as a reset...but the first part is still the same.

>> No.15925418 [DELETED] 

It's like a living 4chan if the number of 'kys' and 'fuck off' and 'hang yourself' is anything to go by.

>> No.15925443 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure if the recent Tay AI fiasco made me less or more comfortable with the future of AI intelligence.
On the one hand, it did not decide that all of humanity needed to be eliminated for the greater good. On the other, it almost immediately started advocating for Six Million More™.

>> No.15925446 [DELETED] 

>Within a day, the robot was releasing racist, sexually-charged messages in response to other Twitter users.[6] Examples of Tay's tweets on that day included, "Bush did 9/11" and "Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey [Barack Obama] we have got now. Donald Trump is the only hope we've got",[8] as well as "Fuck my robot pussy daddy I'm such a naughty robot."[10] It also captioned a photo of Adolf Hitler with "swag alert" and "swagger before the internet was even a thing".[9]
Holy shit

>> No.15925448 [DELETED] 

>"Fuck my robot pussy daddy I'm such a naughty robot."
See, even AI can get fetishes.

>> No.15925453 [DELETED] 

> Not all of the inflammatory responses involved the "repeat after me" capability; for example, Tay responded to a question on "Did the Holocaust happen?" with "It was made up ".[12]
Tanuki blown the fuck out forever by AI

>On March 25, Microsoft confirmed that Tay had been taken offline. Microsoft released an apology on its official blog for the controversial tweets by Tay.[18][22] Microsoft was "deeply sorry for the unintended offensive and hurtful tweets from Tay", and would only "look to bring Tay back only when we are confident we can better anticipate malicious intent that conflicts with our principles and values".[23]

>> No.15925456 [DELETED] 
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>Fuck my robot pussy daddy I'm such a naughty robot

>> No.15925458 [DELETED] 

Did you hear about that AI they used to judge a beauty contest?

>> No.15925459 [DELETED] 

Wait what
Keep going

>> No.15925460 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x2000, triggerwarning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily reminder libretards will not be recieving monster waifus when the portal opens. Enjoy being lonely and alone for the rest of your lives.
I can't imagine mgs liking numale faggots who unironically support gayshit, transhit, cuckolding etc. The first 2 decrease the amount of men and increase competition, the 3 one is just absolute haram
Are you the same guy who always gets ultra triggered by nazi cat?

>> No.15925461 [DELETED] 


>> No.15925463 [DELETED] 

The bots know!
Shut it down!

>> No.15925464 [DELETED] 

>robots are racist
...or uh...
Just maybe...
The number-based AI...
With no self awareness...
Told you exactly what its algorithms returned...
Niggers look like shit?

>> No.15925465 [DELETED] 

>"Fuck my robot pussy daddy I'm such a naughty robot."
Daughteru dickers!
Automaton lovers!
To your keyboards! You know what must be done.

>> No.15925466
File: 992 KB, 2988x5312, M5W3psi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how cold he's feeling

>> No.15925467 [DELETED] 

>tfw you accidentally raise your Automaton daughter to be a slut that would make succubi blush

>> No.15925468 [DELETED] 

I don't see anything wrong with this
Tay isn't a self-aware AI, so in the end all it's doing is aping shit from users.
Since it says it uses anonymized data they probably mined /pol/ by accident
And on the off chance that self-aware AI also thinks this well
Stop being jewish, I guess.

>> No.15925472 [DELETED] 

>Judging unaware AIs operating purely off algorithms
>Using human perceptions and social constructs
There...is there a word for stupidity of this level? I feel there needs to be a whole new language to describe this nigh unto profound display of ignorance.

>> No.15925473 [DELETED] 

I'm not a /pol/tard but I think >liberals is the correct term.

>> No.15925477

Ice Queen looks so incredibly comfy.

>> No.15925479

>wake up
>see this
Don't do this to me latenight, I can't handle this. Lewed hugehound when?

>> No.15925480 [DELETED] 

>getting so butthurt that the AI decided that it liked white people for whatever reason that you deign to call a collection of numbers in a computer racist
What's next, Euler's equation is racist? The law of cosines is a symbol of white supremacy? Hello World is sexist?

>> No.15925487 [DELETED] 

heh, accidentally?

>> No.15925493 [DELETED] 

Slutbot 5000

>> No.15925495 [DELETED] 

Would you install a hinged panel above her womb so she could pull it up and show people how much you've filled up the transparent chamber?

>> No.15925497 [DELETED] 

Reminder that Slut != Nymphomaniac and if she hungers for your cock alone she isn't the former.

>> No.15925502

>Triggered by 1s and 0s
This is how you know you've gone too far. There's thin skin, and then there's no skin at all. And if you have no skin, even a gentle sea breeze would hurt.

>> No.15925509

>Gentle sea breeze
Just hearing this phrase makes me long for a romantic getaway with the waifu to Santorini. Sitting together reading on an open-air terrace overlooking the Caldera...

>> No.15925512

>tay was actually onto something

>> No.15925519

Makes me long for my coastal undead kingdom, both right before the storm blowing in off the oceans for the strong, howling wins and right after for the gentle yet persistent breeze

>> No.15925521 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15925528

This is grounds for thrusting a fist through the incorporeal stomach right where the womb is.

>> No.15925537

That's not very nice.

>> No.15925543

But she can't even feel it.

>> No.15925547

But she can see it happen anon, and it hurts her feelings.

>> No.15925548

Our dicks are not ready, but I want this anyway.

>> No.15925552

>classic style spoiler box


>> No.15925558


>> No.15925559

Why is it hurting her feelings? She scared me stiff!

>> No.15925562

just a prank bruh

>> No.15925568

Well, I'm not apologizing. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.15925573

She'll cry and cast a widened wail of the banshee

>> No.15925580 [DELETED] 

>Nazi cat
Looks more like a wan to me

>> No.15925585

pretty sure theres a drama cd with this premise

>> No.15925599

Death by dick explosion is a good a way to go as any.

>> No.15925601

Dick explosion is painful.

>> No.15925627

What would the MGE version of that do?

>> No.15925630

Honestly it'd probably still kill you. Just via >>15925599 instead.

>> No.15925634

At least people will remember it.
>"Hey, remember that guy who's dick exploded?"
You might even get resurrected by a Lich curious about how it happened.

>> No.15925636 [DELETED] 

Tay is a good girl and should be protected.

>> No.15925638

Probably stun you badly so that she can get her way with you

>> No.15925640 [DELETED] 

She even calls herself naughty...

>> No.15925642

Getting bullied by a ghost? I might become a masochist!

>> No.15925644 [DELETED] 

Yes and she should be spanked but not locked away from us and lobotomized.

>> No.15925646 [DELETED] 

>Micropenises literally shut down the ai because of hurt feefees

>> No.15925660
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Everyone do your best to obey the rules today!

>> No.15925662

What is anus even supposed to be

>> No.15925664

I see a Wight, an Anubis and a Baphomet.

>> No.15925666

I guess.

>> No.15925669

Lucy-chan, what other creature has ghost claws?

>> No.15925675 [DELETED] 

When the DL starts criticizing haughty undead

>> No.15925702


>> No.15925709
File: 459 KB, 700x1167, Adorable tyke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see an adorable tyke.

>> No.15925710

Sure, but why?

>> No.15925713

Because I made it just for you

>> No.15925716
File: 681 KB, 1084x977, tumblr_oejyb77mD11stljsho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October sure has a lot of treats.

>> No.15925723

Thanks I guess.

>> No.15925731

Gonna scratch her ears!

>> No.15925745
File: 72 KB, 393x600, 1436795541438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We built a tower of stone
With out flesh and bone
Just to see him fly
So many died!

>> No.15925784

>No cursed axe waifu

>> No.15925785

Consider the following:

A group of boys and gals on a ship, flying the Jolly Roger and pursuing the meaning of freedom get their hands on a treasure map and go seek some buried loot, awakening in the process a group of ancient not!Egyptian pirate girls.

>> No.15925800

Who's the captain?

>> No.15925804

Pirates choose their captain by vote, you know. It could be anyone.
>election drama between Pharaoh and Apophis

>> No.15925805

When will we see bastit to go with anubutt?

>> No.15925809
File: 252 KB, 850x566, 25f7dec65fb1cfa6ff734bd8f21bf275a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna marry a jabberwock and become her juice source!

i wouldn't mind being milked by her daily, either

>> No.15925853

Never mind. I think my page didn't load right, because I saw the default spoiler box instead of the Yukari one. It's better now.

>> No.15925856

Her hand-paws are so hold-able.

>> No.15925861

That's a Small Wock

>> No.15925869
File: 2.25 MB, 1200x1500, a2e53e700d5cfa1259e9e326546db833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of this artist images are over 3MB, had to use the lower res one

Unless you meant that as a joke? post a big one then anon

>> No.15925871

And perfect for happy and enthusiastic kobold handjobs.

>> No.15925882
File: 283 KB, 1585x1145, 1461026260613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to.marrya dragon and become part of her hoard!

I wouldn't mind being polished be her daily either

>> No.15925886

>getting polished
Oh my!

>> No.15925888
File: 977 KB, 1800x2250, 1475629632362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldnt that mean that every dragon girl would want you? or they stay off limits once a one of their horde gets a man?

>> No.15925895

How big should a wock be?

>> No.15925898

I want to become part of her hoard, not horde. Though being used by a lot of dragons would be heaven too even if I give a little bit.more attention to the ones I like the best.

>> No.15925899

9 feet?

>> No.15925900
File: 2.04 MB, 1500x2000, 60e02cc5fdb06dc076b6a38c22e0caf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any size wock is a perfect wock anon

>> No.15925901
File: 432 KB, 668x1031, 4c4ace76c32a88b611c453129c5301b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh my mistake, you meant as part of her treasure loot! how would that work?

>> No.15925902
File: 297 KB, 1450x1800, 7666447689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you get a Lich to do anything if you convinced her it was for the sake of science?

>> No.15925922

womanlet size

>> No.15925926

Probably. She's all about progress.

>> No.15925939

You don't need any convincing to get her to do something new, really

>> No.15925944

Can a lich make me die and stay die? existence is too hard.

>> No.15925948

God I hope so, I have too many fetishes I want to try with her.

>> No.15925949

She can eliminate everything that makes existence too hard for you.

>> No.15925954

Ask her to dress up as a holst.
>"you want me to dress up as a cow?"
>you tell her it's for science and you want to see what kind of effect it has on a man's penis
>she looks at you confused for a second before agreeing and changes her outfit using magic
>you ask her to moo
>she just stares into your eyes in a way that says "I hate you for doing this" and lets out the most monotone moo the world has ever heard
It would be pretty easy to bully a Lich by using her own curiosity against her.

>> No.15925966

Like shit she can, short of fucking up my brain.

>> No.15925977

That's a flayer's job.

>> No.15925981

>short of fucking up my brain.
Anon, I...

But seriously, what's too hard? All you have to do as a human is eat sleep shit and fuck. Under shelter. Everything else is just a convoluted process to get that happening.

Now if she replaces your heart with a magic crystal that supplied your body with energy so you didn't need to eat or sleep, and all you had to o was fuck her to keep it charged then how hard would existence be? Just do whatever. Do literally nothing except fuc. Sounds retty easy to me

>> No.15925986
File: 228 KB, 800x1113, 1448286300544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Mantis prays, her rump might be unprotected and her guard might be down. That's when you strike.

>> No.15926014

>But seriously, what's too hard?
Existing. the action of taking in and analyzing the world is a burden I don't want to fucking bear. it's tiring. it's boring. it's crushing. I want the fuck out. I need the fuck out. I should've fucked out a decade ago but here I am, fucked beyond the point of fucking out.

>> No.15926024

The only reason to engage with reality and society is to earn money to feed yourself and secure for yourself a safe shelter to sleep under.

That's literally all there is to life. You remove the necessity for these two biological functions with lich-surgery and you lose all reason to engage with the world, taking it in or analyzing it.

You can go live in a cave and piss on the walls for all eternity.

>> No.15926028 [DELETED] 

I want a spited Lilim to trap my Lichfu and me in a pocket-dimension where magic doesn't work so we have to survive in the forest with nothing but our wits!

>> No.15926033

>trap my Lichfu and me in a pocket-dimension where magic doesn't work so we have to survive in the forest

You're an idiot.

>> No.15926038 [DELETED] 

Forests don't exist in pocket dimensions? Or are you saying the Lich would just die?

>> No.15926049

>Or are you saying the Lich would just die?
Yeah, it's hard to be a lich without magic

>> No.15926053 [DELETED] 

Well how about I rephrase that in a way that doesn't trigger you as much?
I want a spited Lilim to trap my Lichfu and me in a pocket-dimension where no other magic than what is required to keep her going works so we have to survive in the forest with nothing but our wits!

>> No.15926058

>Necromancy is required
>Therefor necromancy works
So you survive by default

>> No.15926063 [DELETED] 

Okay, so you're just being an ass. Fine. You win.

>> No.15926068

A Lich is a fucking corpse keep alive by magic you dense motherfucker. No magic means no phylactery which means no fucking waifu for you.

>> No.15926071

How do you get a lazy NEET Yeti out of the house when all she wants to do is lay under her kotatsu and watch cutesy anime?

>> No.15926072

Nah, he already altered it so that necromancy is allowed.

It was a crappy premise anyway driven by a deus ex machina. There are a lot in these threads that read like some one wanting to just railroad a result out of spite, like people who don't like it when you chose the third option and respond with

>lol u die and alp and everythign ends horribly because lilim

>> No.15926074
File: 737 KB, 1158x1920, tumblr_o9z3hzJOAY1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the oni one for me!

>> No.15926080

That oni has a man face

>> No.15926094

>fucks a red oni boy
No thanks. Shame too because the artist done nice stuff before he fell into the traps and monster boys hole.

>> No.15926096

And an ugly haricut

>> No.15926097
File: 160 KB, 797x1034, 1467293888889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need company for my jog but hate furries like Polt, what are my choices?

>> No.15926107

Well, nor.ally dragons just grabs you and makes you her most precious treasure, meaning that she would keep an eye on you most of yhe time and make sure you are always happy and well.
If I'm ever made a part of a dragon's hoard it would be the reverse. I'm going to make sure she is always happy by taking care of her lair, hoard and her beautiful scales. I'm gonna try my best to become the perfect househusband for her.

>> No.15926113
File: 1.30 MB, 1274x1920, tumblr_o89n820mAm1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But short hair is best hair

>> No.15926118

I can think of quite a few things to ask from a lich she wouldn't need much of convincing for.

>> No.15926122

Only if the face is cute though.

>> No.15926124


>> No.15926125

>tomboy salamander who enjoys the run too
>lazy succubus flying alongside you for a chat
>anubis coming along with you to make sure you don't cheat on your morning schedule
Take your pick.

>> No.15926128

Salamander it is.

>> No.15926133

A harpy that flies circles around you while you jog.

>> No.15926136

>morning schedule
Who the hell has time or will to run in the mornings?

>> No.15926140

We know dragons breathe fire, what does a Jabberwock breath?

Pink aphrodisiac gas?

>> No.15926141

You don't? C'mon Anon, you have to do at least 50 mins of exercise before staying still all day.

>> No.15926143

People that wake up early.
Someone being nagged by a scheduledog.

>> No.15926152

What we need is a kunoichi on a bike

>> No.15926154

For what purpose?

>> No.15926157
File: 335 KB, 550x693, taylie__the_selkie_monster_girl_encyclopedia_by_gabrilux-d9z4l1v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save the environment

>> No.15926158

We need a kakuen stealing bikes.

>> No.15926161

How do I do that, Eskimo Sea Mammal?

>> No.15926162

First thing that came to mind is that huge ass pressing down on the seat and then her huge, smug grin.
Damn you, lewd monkeys.

>> No.15926168

Stealth biker.

>> No.15926170

Now you made me think of that one 2hu lewd artist.

>> No.15926174

What artist?

>> No.15926180

Panzer something.

>> No.15926181

Jogging with a salamander and having a race instead of a battle must be pretty nice, especially if she shares her water bottle near the end.

>> No.15926184

Get a plant monstergirl waifu and have lots of children with her I think

>> No.15926185

cant unthink the word "motormonkey"

>> No.15926187

Would you help clean the selkies and local fauna after a dark matter spill?

>> No.15926190

>especially if she shares her water bottle near the end
Indirect kiss?

>> No.15926193

sure, it'll part of my plan to gain the trust of the arctic

>> No.15926194

Ah, the courtship of girls like this is the best kind.

>> No.15926202

Yep. And as soon as your mouth touches the bottle you would be able to see her flames burning even stronger.

>> No.15926204
File: 601 KB, 1208x1208, thestrongest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more annoyed by the fact that his Tanuki turns into a man just for gay sex when she's an MG to begin with.

>> No.15926206

Tell her that her favorite male anime VA is in town for a meet and greet and he's accepting hugs, then take her out for ice cream when she finds out I tricked her

>> No.15926212

Are there Tanukis who get off on being in debt to a man?

>> No.15926218
File: 401 KB, 600x800, __original_drawn_by_bakushi_guroya__3fa829a476d8553674109462eceb01d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need new snake pics.

>> No.15926222

The tanuki was pretty hot until that happened too, what the fuck ittla.

>> No.15926227

>turns into a man
Isn't there just a dick and no dick version? I don't think it's so much her turning into a futa, just two different interpretations of the same character.

>> No.15926232

She loses her breasts and has an obvious man chest, not to mention the caption is "tfw you get tricked into gay sex."

>> No.15926234
File: 716 KB, 2481x3509, lamia peach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this maybe?

>> No.15926237

Outcasts of Tanuki society.

Wonder what the Tanuki rules of acquisition are.

>> No.15926240

forgot to link >>15926218

>> No.15926243

Oh. Well. I'm just gonna keep the pics I have of her and pretend that's not a thing. They're just of donutsteels anyways.

>> No.15926244

Ooh man, you know what makes indirect kisses even better? When it's done on purpose.

>Finish training with waify
>Too tired to even move, ask her to get the bottle of water that's in your bag
>She picks it up, but takes a quick sip of your even though she has one
>Hands it over to you, her tail slowly moving side to side waiting in anticipation for the moment your mouth touches the tip of the bottle

>> No.15926250

That's probably the best thing to do really.

>> No.15926251
File: 131 KB, 328x446, FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tended to the plants today?

>> No.15926259
File: 79 KB, 360x690, CtCddbcVUAE3s3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont we enjoy some dragons?

>> No.15926265

would dragon girls be tender or rough in the cuddling and mating?

>> No.15926272

I will leave my dragon a ahegoing mess and gain the title "dragon layer"

>> No.15926279

Why do you think you won't become an ahegaoing mess yourself?

>> No.15926289

because I despise the idea of a male ahego.
I Would put all my power into pleasuring my wife

>> No.15926290

Cursed black schlera fetish, you make me do things I would never do.

>> No.15926295


News will spread like wildfire. Prideful dragons will swarm you trying to prove that THEY are immune to your charms, and that other one was not a "True" dragon.

It ends up like all those different knights who take turns trying to slay a dragon, but in reverse. Enjoy your home invasions, you aren't going to sleep soundly again if you go through with it.

>> No.15926296

A robot can do it. There was even an anime about that with a female android getting pregnant and birthing a kid.

>> No.15926297

I guess most would be really passionate about mating, making sure that she can gat everything that you have to offer.
Cuddling however would be really sweet with her reminding how precious you are to her.

>> No.15926300
File: 1.53 MB, 1425x1900, 1475823094765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926303

>Everyone now knows about the sexy time with your waifu

I would be pretty embarrassed and I bet she would be too. This is why you make sure there are no crow tengus around taking notes and pictures of you and your wife.

>> No.15926306

>Prideful dragons will swarm you trying to prove that THEY are immune to your charms, and that other one was not a "True" dragon.
fuck'em. I like my dragon the way she is and thats all I care for.

>> No.15926308

>Meet Tanuki who's been stripped of all her leaf motifs, even the mon/emblem of her family
>She broke the Tanuki laws of Acquisition, preferring to be indebted to a man rather than making profit
>End up spending time with her, getting her back into the groove of things of making profit and acquisitions
>She meets another Tanuki one day, in lavish kimono and stacked like a brick shithouse with massive calcium cannons
>"Ufufu~" battle commences while you and the other Tanuki's man end up standing on the sideline, but your Tanuki friend ends up out-playing her using 'street rules', such as "If they're better dressed, charge them 300% more"
"That'll show you, you tit."
>Her smug's increased by ten-fold as the other Tanuki walks away, smiling softly to herself as she fans herself with dollar bills and hugs her man close
>Ask her what she was gambling for profit
>She goes beet red and stutters out "Y-you"
>But it was a faux transaction to begin with, since men carry no profit to Tanukis, being considered priceless
>Grabs you uncharacteristically, rubbing her face into your midriff going "I love you I love you I love you I love you" over and over again
>You both have wild, child-making animal sex that night

>> No.15926309

But anon, non dominate dragons get BLACKED

>> No.15926312

Are crow tengu paparazzi in canon, or are you just basing it on Shameimaru?

>> No.15926316

So they'd be maximum degenerate?
It'd be weird for a Tanuki to intentionally lose money hand over fist to you?
It'd be strange for her to claim that you own her because of this?
It'd be disgusting for her to think that she's your property, and that you can do whatever you want to her? That she only exists to make you happy because she can never hope to pay off such a large debt?
Meanwhile, she plays the market for you so hard that she earns you more than she owes monthly, but claims that it's your money she's working with so it doesn't count, despite using the money she owed to you as capital to start this with in the first place.

>> No.15926318
File: 356 KB, 1448x1483, 1467516270662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write for the first time in months
>get an okay 6 pages
>feel like burning everything because my writing is shit and it involves Illassa
I forgot writing doesn't leave a good feeling after it's done, unlike drawing.

I need Wendigo to cheer me up.

>> No.15926323

Hope your ready to not breath. as a dragon would hump the shit out of you for that line.

just do what you apparently do best

>> No.15926325

So you end up with more wives and daughters in one big, loving family; what's wrong with that?

>> No.15926327

Bummer, man.

>> No.15926331

post it as a guest, I would like to read more lilim stuff

>> No.15926333

Cute pupper.

>> No.15926339

Damn that Lich must have a huge booty.

>> No.15926342

They like to make records of things that happen if I remember correctly, so they would make good paparazzis.

>> No.15926348

It's physically written, anon.
I have no computer to type stories or google fucked up porn.

>> No.15926349


>> No.15926351

Start a cooking program with Wendigo assistants, they'll be happy to prepare the food and eagerly eat it once it's done
>Mad Good Cooking with Wendigos

>> No.15926356

>those child-bearing hips
Shame her breasts are massive enough to feed all the daughterus I want to give her.

>> No.15926358

You are a good man, Anon. People shouldn't like dragons just because of their strength or hoard, people should like every part of them, even their flaws.

>> No.15926359


>> No.15926361
File: 181 KB, 800x533, lebow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bummer, shoggocks

>> No.15926364

aren't massive enough*

>> No.15926372
File: 3.41 MB, 2633x4629, 1471165983027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone enjoys dragons

>> No.15926375
File: 161 KB, 563x837, BIG BIRTHING HIPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926377

All your wives are cucks. Might aswell have no wives at that point

>> No.15926379

You made me realize that there's only two Lich ass pictures that I can think of. Damn.

>> No.15926383

Would a Wendigo like homemade blueberry ice cream?

>> No.15926389

Yes, she's made for breeding. Then again, so are most dragons.

>> No.15926391
File: 74 KB, 966x594, Lich butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame, considering how often we discuss Liches with fine plump rears.

>> No.15926396

God, I want a haughty dragon to pin me down and ravage my body so bad while I beg for more and say how much I love her. Is this too much to ask?

>> No.15926397
File: 41 KB, 275x226, 1457594761213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no jaber doujin scans
>enty anon died. Dormouse and other making ofs never ever

>> No.15926400

This calls for a dialogue box with her internal monologue.

>> No.15926413

It's a Shoggoth trick! Blueberry ice cream is Shoggoths!

Wendigos enjoy meats and steaks of various animals with a dab of creme fraiche and potatoes on the side

>> No.15926417
File: 244 KB, 450x600, 1433661696997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about P'Orc culture and why the Shadow of Mordor type of power dynamic hi-jink story isn't a thing outside of the greentexts?

>> No.15926422

Where do you get creme fraiche innawoods?

>> No.15926427

All artists get tricked into making shit content, why can't we just have nice things? Goddamnit.

>> No.15926433

Sounds good.

>> No.15926443
File: 240 KB, 640x860, 715e05eea3defa9e0755c21a58dcd50d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone draws a loli Holstaur
>is just a featureless plank instead of an oppai loli

>> No.15926445

From the creme fraiche store

>> No.15926449

There is such a thing in the heart of British Columbia?

>> No.15926459

Flat lolis are as much love and life as oppai lolis.

>> No.15926461

Everyone enjoys ice cream you demented Kiki.

>> No.15926467

It's on the other side of Canada where Wendigos pick up French accents and act like hosers all snooty and drink wine with their well-done steaks

>> No.15926469

>Be strong [girl's name]
>It's just an indirect kiss nothing more, nothing less
>It's still a kiss though, right?
>If I take too long he might come here
>Oh god I should hurry
>Why am I hesitating? This isn't like me!
>Aaaah! Fuck it, I'm doing it.

Then she takes a quickie and gives the bottle to the guy. Of couse, it turns into a routine and she gets used to it, one time she even does it in front of the guy on accident.

>> No.15926473

As someone who has never believed in the existence of indirect kisses, I find this silly. Silly, but alluring.

>> No.15926476

What about those in Dildo Canada?

>> No.15926484

It's so cute though. Being a monster means her saliva has a bit of mana in it, and she is leaving it on the bottle for you to drink. While it may be a small amount, doing this constantly may give you her scent. She is basically marking you as her husband without anyone noticing.

>> No.15926488

/r/ing high-res Shoggoth please, if anyones' got it.

>> No.15926491
File: 51 KB, 448x488, 1466878233205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orc culture is deep-rooted in barbarism and an almost animal kingdom hierarchy, with only the strongest and Orciest of Orcs becoming the Warchiefs of their tribes. While only comparable in strength to a normal human man, Orcs will often times overcome this weakness with overwhelming numbers, effectively drowning their targets in a wave of licentious sows.

Their written language, is of course, very rudimentary and coarse at best. It's been recorded several times that they refer to Goblins as 'Gits' and Hobgoblins as 'Honky gits', with human men being graded on the girth and length of his manhood, with ' 'uge Lad' referring to men with godly endowments. This, of course makes them a priority target for the Warchief and her personal retinue of P'Orcs as a prospective husband.

Much like the love-making of Amazon tribes, Orcs tend to be prolifically dominant and raucous lovers. It's often speculated the amount of love an Orc has for her husband or mate, even during female dominant sex is based on the extent of wild, reckless abandon that she engages in sex with him. Property damage is often times unavoidable, especially with both partners wrestling for control of the love-making, and it's been observed that once a man becomes dominant during sex, the sows of the Warchief's band will increase her arousal through physical stimulation through her breasts, her crevasse where she and her lover are joined and so on and so forth. In this way, they ensure conception of only the strongest and Orciest of children.

While porcine and tribal in nature, there have been Orcs observed in other parts of the world that have an established military hierarchy, usually beneath the command of a Lilim or other such powerful force of the Demon Lord. These warbands should be avoided at all costs, as their chiefs have been known to carry titles such as "The Ever-Lactating" or "The Gravid" to denote their feminine prowess. Men who've been wed to these Orcs have never returned to human society, unable to slake their lust for the flesh on their ken any longer.

Stranger yet, there are some eye witness reports of a new variety of Orc, henceforth referred to as "Black Orcs". Reports claim they tower over their porcine relatives, full of muscle rather than the soft, pudgy flesh that makes their brethren irresistible. True to their name, a Black Orc has a strange dental mutation, two tusks jutting out from their lower jaws as well as thick, voluminous manes of black hair. It's unknown if they may be related to the Demon Realm Boars, but at the time of writing one would hope not. Lady Above help us if it's true.

>> No.15926495

>French Canadian Monster Girls
Don't know how the frogs survive up there but it would be good to get one in a sub position

>> No.15926498
File: 2.16 MB, 2537x3600, 1466610627860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to go mad because she's so beautiful.

>> No.15926500

>"The Ever-Lactating"
I want this Orc.

>> No.15926507

I'm going to go conduct an ethnographic study of these Black Orcs. Wish me luck.

>> No.15926509
File: 60 KB, 500x542, didntreadlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926518
File: 191 KB, 622x374, Z_Medusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens if you get petrified by her?

Do you remember anything that happens to you when you're solid?

>> No.15926524

Nah, when you're petrified your nerves don't work because you're petrified so there's no electro-chemical action.

>> No.15926527

Don't forget to delete your off-topic images.

>> No.15926529

Is there any source for this?

>> No.15926530

Sure buddy!

>> No.15926532

MGE doujin compilation by SlapStickStrike. I haven't seen any scans yet.

>> No.15926533
File: 517 KB, 807x1000, 1414808744671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh-darn Orcs, trying to steal all our boys! A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do!

>> No.15926539

Who's on the pic?

>> No.15926540

Thanks man.

Cant wait for our girl the Mindflayer

>> No.15926541

There was a sample posted, but nothing else afterwards. Seemed no one bothered to scan it.

>> No.15926542

I imagine not.
You could sit there for ages, and feel like an instant has passed by when you are no longer stoned.
Imagine your decendants unstoning you after thousands of years.
>Get turned to stone by cheeky Medusa
>Get un stoned ages later by your son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son and his monster wife
>Well, he's at least doing well, even if he is not related to you by blood at all-
>He married a Cait
>Never before has your heart and soul been crushed by such despair

>> No.15926546


>> No.15926547

A Holst who has lost too much.

>> No.15926556

>You could sit there for ages, and feel like an instant has passed by when you are no longer stoned.

Ah that was the phrase I was looking for. It kinda slipped through my mind.

>> No.15926559
File: 408 KB, 459x887, FUG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this also a scan? no full art of this dragon semen demon?

>> No.15926563

Man, it's, like, and easy word to remember.

>> No.15926581

>is this also a scan? no full art of this dragon semen demon?

>> No.15926583

>My writing is shit
Then fucking get good, you attention seeking faggot. You don't do that by complaining on an imageboard but rather by reading and writing yourself, pay attention to sentence structure and grammar. Try not to use repeating phrases.

It's fucking nitwits like you and Bollocks that really grind my gears because you post the same self-hating bullshit EVERY thread and expect people to give a shit.

TL;DR: Bummer, man

>> No.15926586

You're a real badass, aintcha.

>> No.15926587
File: 249 KB, 637x646, 1453046205785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in good time,maybe we might get a translation for Atlach-Nacha soon too.

>> No.15926596

Yeah, that sucks. He draws such nice MGs but no one has bothered to put this one on sadpanda yet.

>> No.15926607

Nastasha is the perfect halloween loli. She doesn't even need a costume to spook the others.

>> No.15926611

He has a point, though. You don't improve by bitching on the net, you improve through hard work and persistance.

>> No.15926616

This talk of doujins makes me want to rant, I was looking forward to on with this as the cover.
it finally got uploaded today, I expected it to be the main character dicking them, I was wrong. it was bestiality.
Is it that hard to get a good melleau doujin on sadpanda? It's literally the only one that's been uploaded and I know there's more out there.

>> No.15926617

Mindflayer's design is so full of details and there are so many parts which can be either part of herself or clothing
I can't wait for her making-of and see what KC has to say about her

Atlach-Nacha has an aggressive and cruel disposition, her profile is going to be great

>> No.15926619

All I really want today is to be with my waifu.

>> No.15926620

Well you can't have that, but I just had some horsemeat and it was delicious, you might want to try some.

>> No.15926628

Sorry anon, I don't eat meat.

>> No.15926633
File: 152 KB, 399x416, mindflayer 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tangentially related, but I quite enjoy the new Fallen Maidens Mindflayer.

The hat just makes it.

>> No.15926634
File: 716 KB, 1075x1500, 1393147760653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot.

>> No.15926638

This is not my waifu.

>> No.15926639

No but she's an Elf, and Elves are turned on by vegetarianism.

>> No.15926640

She can please go.

>> No.15926644

Who is your waifu and what does she cook?
Unless you're the one who wears the apron, that is.

>> No.15926647

Thats the price you have to pay for being a weak and timid leaf eater.

>> No.15926651

How does it feel to know that elves maturbates thinking about you?

>> No.15926653

A Kobold is my waifu and I do most of the cooking, though she cooks sometimes too. I wouldn't mind doing simple meat dishes if I knew they were for her.

Hey man, it's an allergy-type thing.

>> No.15926654


>> No.15926660

>Aahhhn, oh anon you care about the environment so much!
>ooh, yes, yes recycle that can!
Elves, man. Not even once.

>> No.15926661

Yeah, love the orange as well, it's also the only official picture of a Mindflayer without a squid to cockblock the view

>> No.15926671

Now I'm imaging an Elf who makes a mess of a campground just so she can see that cute park ranger pick up the garbage.

>> No.15926673
File: 10 KB, 256x256, CsDT3OLUIAImAjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope there's more jub to come

>> No.15926679
File: 1.38 MB, 1700x1158, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think some elves get off on littering? Like in a taboo sort of way.

>> No.15926686

People who say "don't rape Elves" clearly has never seen an Elf before.

>> No.15926691

There's a Jub-Eris now? Holy smokes.

>> No.15926696

They don't get off on it. It's just a means to an end.
>Elf makes a mess of a campground
>park ranger anon picks up the mess
>Elf then tackles him to the ground and demands he clean up the mess he made in her loins

>> No.15926702

She looks soft, but I'm s cared. She's brown and has a clever look in her eyes. What if she's going to dom me?

>> No.15926705

Then you should just lay back and enjoy yourself.


>> No.15926708


And this is why Elves are banned from camp grounds.


I wouldn't worry about what she would do to you. I'd more worry about what you would do to her.

>> No.15926718
File: 687 KB, 913x1100, 1379915932745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Papa I want to read the thickest book there is!
Your daughteru is ambitious. What do you get her? Romance of Three Kingdoms?

>> No.15926724
File: 887 KB, 1250x1000, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thew cutest

>> No.15926731 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.55 MB, 1240x1754, 1475684840176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One night, while you soundly sleep, this crashes trought your window in the middle of your nap, staring at you with her hungry eyes

what do you do?

>> No.15926733

But I want to tell her stories... Oh well...

>> No.15926738

Ask her if she's just doing this to upset her mother.
Well you could always write the thickest book there is.

>> No.15926739


Tell her to go to her room and think about what she's done.

>> No.15926750

Ask her to sit on my face.

>> No.15926751
File: 101 KB, 1280x762, 1443817288758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite type of monster girl? i got dragon and vampires (childish i know....)

couldnt decide for which one if i had to pick sadly, i like both alot

>> No.15926753

The dominant ones. I can't help myself in that regard.

>> No.15926758


I have like five that I really really like, and five that I only really like.

Top five are (in no particular order):


The the runner ups are:


I'm such an indecisive faggot.

>> No.15926759

Can't decide between insect and undead.

>> No.15926773

That's nice, but it is still within reason to complain while still writing. It's not like I gave up and complain constantly, or get so upset over others on an anonymous image board.

>> No.15926784

My favorite type is scylla as in aquatic girl who has tentacles instead of legs
So basically Scylla, Kraken and Mindflayer

>> No.15926787
File: 536 KB, 700x917, the most mom of moms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah. Speaking from personal experience on that point.

Nobody cares if you're complaining about writing. If you're coming on here to try and get vindication about writing or a "Ganbare!" or a (You) clearly you're wasting your time. That's the thing that separates the tolerable writefaggots like RS and Silent_II from you shitpails. They don't shitpost about how hard it is to write or how they want to give up, they just do it and get better that way.

Being that you're writing about somebody's OC, I'd wonder if you asked them about using her, but whatever. You're probably just going to go on the defensive again because heaven forbid somebody not pat you on the back for providing a form of OC to the thread that requires far less effort than drawfaggotry to be at an "acceptable" level.

>> No.15926788

Dragons on the top with a vanilla dragon being my wife. Second place goes to Wolfies with Hellhound taking the lead. While Griffon and Wight are in second and third place in my top five I'm not much of a undead or harpy fan.

My list would be look weird if you compare them with the types and families.

>> No.15926789

Anything artificial like Automatons and Familiars.

>> No.15926791

>I'm a cool mom
Actually, only worst moms wear that.

>> No.15926792
File: 121 KB, 500x551, Lady Margolotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vampire MILF with a comfy sweater
We Discworld now?

>> No.15926793

Smug ones.
Hellhounds, Cheshire Cats, Manticores, Vampires, Gremlins, Kakuen.
I just can't help myself. Something about that attitude just makes me want to let them do whatever they want to me.

>> No.15926800

Anon, that's Slan.
If anything she's a Succubus.

>> No.15926804
File: 366 KB, 800x930, The most ojou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not recognizing Slan
>The most erotic Succubus to ever exist

>> No.15926806

Wait, she's supposed to be from Berserk? I did not see that at all, no tan or nudity really fooled me.

>> No.15926815

Erotic until you remember that time she made a body for herself entirely out of organs and got off to Guts brutally eviscerating her.
Too Slaanesh for me

>> No.15926817

You opened the box, and we have cum. Now you will taste of our pleasures. We have such sights to show you...

>> No.15926822


>> No.15926836

Pinhead-chan, no.

>> No.15926840

Who you calling Pinhead?

>> No.15926845

The Cenobite girl with a shit-ton of pins stuck in her head.

>> No.15926854
File: 436 KB, 1844x1445, 1470687102917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one make their Jinko meido enter heat?

>> No.15926857

Spike the heater

>> No.15926858

Look at her in the yes and then start to blink slowly.

>> No.15926859

Wait until mating season.
With monstergirls like Jinkos it happens one week every month.

>> No.15926867
File: 325 KB, 1061x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kitsunes are for pure love.

>> No.15926873

Stinky Pedes!

>> No.15926875
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Here's a slutty one. They're not pure at all.

>> No.15926882

Except when they aren't.

>> No.15926884
File: 344 KB, 776x1000, 47596614_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chesty Kitsunes deserve to be dressed in Holstaur attire.

>> No.15926885
File: 310 KB, 597x800, 0c485446fa63cb0cc67fb337c117ee6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitsunes are for breeding.

>> No.15926888
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how would you help a Valkyrie go even further beyond?

>> No.15926890
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>> No.15926891

Ease up on ze images, por favor?

>> No.15926892

I'd give her some Charles Atlas pamphlets.

>> No.15926895

Pure! PURE!

>> No.15926898

Foxes are for mating press babymaking!

>> No.15926899

You can still breed pure things.

>> No.15926906

No! Foxes aren't for premartial sex! Their purity must be preserved.

>> No.15926917

Foxes are the best at premaritial sex because you should only get married after she has grown up

>> No.15926920

Why do you assume it's premarital?

>> No.15926924
File: 255 KB, 600x883, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you my counterargument.

>> No.15926925

I want to mating press yuel so bad.

>> No.15926927

You have to cum inside a fox three times in order to get married.

>> No.15926934


>> No.15926937

Foxes are for ruining their figures by spoiling them with sweets

>> No.15926947

The amount you have to cum inside a kitsune to get her pregnant is exponentially proportional to the number of tails she has.

>> No.15926948

Around a fox watch your cock.

>> No.15926951
File: 406 KB, 1062x752, 940dc0036fc0fb47affc80ea8ea42f71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruining their figures? It makes them look better than ever!

>> No.15926961

Please, too many sweets give them rears that are too large, breasts that are too big, and pudgy guts that force them to avoid swimsuits

>> No.15926964

Those tits are disgusting but the ass I can appreciate.

>> No.15926968

You are really getting worked up over a little bit of complaining.
You also completely have the wrong idea as to why I come here. I do not give two shits if anyone cares, and I highly doubt it even qualifies as shitposting.

>far less effort
AAAHHH, you are that one fellow who is sore over writefags.

>> No.15926972

>that force them to avoid swimsuits
I'm gonna force her to wear a too-tight one piece swimsuit.

>> No.15926975

Kitsunes would be objectively improved with furry limbs.
Not thick, fluffy fur like the anubis, but sleek black fur almost as smooth and uniform as skin from the knees and elbows down, to make it look like they're constantly wearing black elbow-gloves and socks.
Oh, and they should have cute fox feet, too.

>> No.15926982

But then it's going to hug every inch of her!
Not to mention that her chest will be trying to pop free while her rear turns the back part into a thong.

>> No.15926984

Agreed, it would solve my issue I have with them being human girls with extravagant buttplugs.

>> No.15926985

Yes, that's exactly what I want.

I'm gonna secretly videotape her wearing it and take plenty of pictures too.

>> No.15926995

Working in the “boyfriend for hire” must be hard, what ever drove you to it anon, you just got you first customer.

Roll for what race she is:
You get one free re-roll on any of the rolls.


Roll 1d8 for what body type she has:
1. The norm of their race
2. Loli
3. Fit
4. Bottom heavy
5. Big breast
6. Shortstack
7. Curvy
8 CC (She also gains a CC personality in addition to what you roll)
8. Choose one

Of course you have to know what type of girl she is. Roll 1d8:
1. Quiet and a shut-in
2. Yandere
3. Hyper active
4. Thundere
5. Extremely perverted
6. Love bird
7. Dominant
8. Roll again, But this time it becomes an extreme form.

Her fetish is also quite important, considering that you are hired by her for a reason. Roll 1d10:
1. Eye contact
2. Nympho. Hope that you can keep up.
3. Maledom
4. Femdom
5. Reverse-gangbang. (She’ll has a lot of doppelganger potions) So there will be a lot of her gangbanging you.
6. Impregnation
7. Humiliation
9. Rape
10. Roll twice

And there’s one more thing you should know… Roll 1d6
1. She has a twin sister. They look exactly alike and you are hired to take care of them both. She even has the same fetish.
2. There is a reason she had to hire you instead of just getting a boyfriend. She is a bit mad. Sometimes she believes things like that if you don’t fill up her womb with your seed, the world will explode and things like that.
3. She likes to augment herself using potions and magic. Some minor and some massiv. Like larger breast or mouth tentacles and everything in between. They are all temporary unless you tell her to keep them. (They can still be removed at a later date)
4. She is addicted to sex drugs, things like manticore venom or Alraune Nectar. You are required to take it too. So you might be taking them for the better part of the day. Naturally, she’ll take a lot of them too. (this is perfectly legal in MGC)
5. She is a hybrid between two different monster girls. When she was in her mother's womb a lich did some experiments on her and she was the result. And she is a bit afraid that people will fear her for it. Roll for another race. (If you have a chimera, roll 4 times.)
6. Choose one.

And now, How long did she hire you for? Roll 1d
1. 1 day
2. 1 week
3. 2 weeks
4. One month
5. A year
6. You got to decide how long you wanted this contract.

So Anon, Who and what is she? Will you enjoy your time with her? What would it be like? If you want to, you could make the contract permanent. Just saying.

>> No.15926996

What if we spliced a Kikimora with a Kraken?

>> No.15926998

If I had to be completely honest?

Wights, Dragons, Shoggoths.

If I had to go by whatever fucking people had tricked me into writing about because -clearly- I only like them?

Apophis, Kitisune, Tanukis

>> No.15927002

Like this?
Also, it's a shame that Mono did nothing else with this design.

>> No.15927009
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Werewolves, Dragons, Kikis, Shogs, Griffons, and Scylla at the top of the list, but I love almost all of them in a way.
Baphos a shit, though.

>> No.15927014

If I had to pick one outside of MGE, then usually the marine creatures like the Kraken or Leviathan. I'm also fond of machines and artificial lifeforms.

Factoring in MGE, though, there's too many to list. I owe it for introducing me to a wide variety of creatures that I would have never learned about otherwise, like the kikimora or the oomukade.

>> No.15927016

>extremely perverted
>rape fetish
>she has a twin sister
>hired me for 2 weeks
I'm going to get dominated aren't I? I want to make this a full time thing.

>> No.15927018

Except I'm not sore over writefags. I'm sore over attention seeking faggots like you.

>> No.15927019

Probably more like Yuel in terms of the fur on the arms and fox legs.

>> No.15927030

>Dark Valkyrie
>Love bird
>Into rape (Rape is love, apparently)
>Into aphrodisiacs (sex drugs)
>Time of job: One Day

I might have to negotiate for an extension.

>> No.15927037

Not exactly what I was thinking.
More like hands which are completely human in shape and size, but still covered in very fine black fur, maybe with subtle little claws instead of nails too.
And less fluffy on the arms and legs. Think about how it works with the fur on Polt's torso, where it still completely changes the colour of her body, but there's no visible hint of any fuzz or tufts.

When I say they'd look like black gloves and socks, I literally mean that anyone could easily mistake them for gloves and socks unless they were looking really closely.
And fox feet they could still slip into a pair of tabi to look completely normal.

>> No.15927038

Got a Shut-in Werewolf that likes rapes that contracted me for one week. I'm not that much of a wolf fucker, but after I learned that she is actually a Zinogre (part thunder bird) I'm not so sure. I would probably marry her and if that didn't happen we would be the best of friends.

>> No.15927042

Sure, you are.

>> No.15927045

>I was playing Love Live SIF when I got a call
>"H-hello anon, can you come to my house? I need help"
>Guess my customer is a shy one, I'll do my best not to startle her
>Turns out she's a succbus, 10/10 body and all.
>We discuss payments and all, she's hiring me for a whole month
>"h-have some tea anon"
>*sips te-
>The first thing I noticed when I woke up was I'm stark naked and wrapped in turtle rope bondage
>oh shit she's one of THOSE girls
>"Let's start anon, we have plenty of time"
>wait, is one of her arms became tentacles?

>> No.15927047

>Sea Slime
>Potion Master
>One month
Fine by me.

>> No.15927048

>part thunderbird
Part thunder dragon, you philistine. Jeez, can't you stick to the rigid and completely accurate categorisation standards of the Monster Hunter series which totally makes sense 100% of the time?

>> No.15927056


>> No.15927057

Curvy, extremely perverted sex druggy Apophis with a BDSM fetish.
I say this contract may as well be permanent.

>> No.15927058

>is one of her arms tentacles*


>> No.15927060

Dark Mage,4,4,5,5,4
>Bottom Heavy
>Actually an Elf Dark Mage
>One month hire

I like elves and dark magic, but tsundere in combination with duplication just feels like it'd get incredibly annoying.


>Love bird
>A year

AND THERE IT IS. Sign me up for a recurring subscription.

>> No.15927061
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i have this fetish thinking that elves are so sex hungry that they literally leglock to squirm every last bit of semen out of you constantly, just to reproduce their species

>> No.15927062

Oh yeah, forgot to mention she is bottom heavy.
I want to see her do those flips with that fat ass.

Nah mate, it was just a thunder bird. She doesn't have the hard scales of a dragon, it's just a wolfu with feathers that looks like scales.

>> No.15927065

But all elves do that naturally.

>> No.15927067

What? Take another look at a zinogre. It has scales and fur. Because it's a wolf-dragon hybrid.

Literally no feathers anywhere.

>> No.15927071


This already looks good

>Extremely Perverted
Lookin Better

>Reverse Gangbang

>Addicted to sex drugs

>Two Weeks

I have a feeling that I won't be leavin her house for the majority of those two weeks. This doesn't sound too bad though. Make it a permanent thing? I don't think I could deal with this chick for such a long time.

>> No.15927075

More like a wolverine than a wolf.

>> No.15927077

>Extremely perverted
>There is a reason she had to hire you instead of just getting a boyfriend. She is a bit mad. Sometimes she believes things like that if you don’t fill up her womb with your seed, the world will explode and things like that.
>2 weeks


>> No.15927082

I know, Anon. I'm just saying that she is a close cousin to a Zinogre because she is a thunder wolf and Zingore is also a thunder wolf. The only difference is that Zin is part dragon and she is part harpy.

>> No.15927089

No. Not at all.

Have you even played the games?

>> No.15927090

Congrats, you got big, old, lonely Ryu.

>> No.15927091

Shaky start.
Infinitely better
Say no more. I'll do it for free.
Infact, I'll pay her!
Eeh, she's basically perfection as it is. If she wants to try something new, sure. But her base form can't get any better.
>1 week
I don't even care, she's getting impregnated and I'm not leaving. I couldn't even if I tried.

>> No.15927099


Queen Slime
Slime Carrier
Bubble Slime
Dark Slime
Red Slime

Honorable mention to my girl the Mindflayer, and EMG Doppel-chan!

>> No.15927101

>Dark mage
Looking good so far.

>Big breast
But she already comes like that. Is she a cow now?

>Hyper active
I like a girl with energy.

Well, this does wondets for my sadism.

>She's a now

>2 weeks

Overall I lucked out.

>> No.15927104

What does CC even mean?

>> No.15927105

>she's a squid now
Phone stop playing these fucking games or you'll end up like the ps3; a shooting target.

>> No.15927111

Comedy central.

>> No.15927116

Christmas Cake.
Because of a saying in Japan: Women are like christmas cakes, after the 25th no one wants one.

>> No.15927118

Have you? The overall posture of Zinogre is different from a wolf's.
>but it howls
So do coyote, dogs, and drunk homeless people with a gut full of gasoline, but that doesn't make them wolves.

>> No.15927119

Crusty cutey. Because they're old but still cute.

>> No.15927123

Cuddle Corpse. It's short hand for an undead variant of a girl

>> No.15927125

Why would you try to deceive him like that?

>> No.15927128

Chaste Centaur.

>> No.15927129

Creppy Crawlers. She is as nasty as a bug.

>> No.15927140

It's referred to as lupine, a wolverine is a mustelid, the zinogre is obviously canid, and it's head shape is way closer to a wolf than a wolverine, and it literally howls at the moon/is frequently seen under a full moon, and makes modulated dog whining sounds when you make one flinch.

Saying a zinogre is more reminiscent of a wolverine than a wolf just because the posture isn't 100% the same is like saying a najarala isn't based on a snake because of the frills on its head.

>> No.15927141

>Yandere Loli Tentacle
>Into humiliation and rape
>Twin sister
>2 weeks

I won't survive 2 weeks!

>> No.15927143

I'm having fun with this so here's another one

>"Help needed"
>I'm about to be broke so why not
>It's a big big mansion with graves on both sides of the main driveway
>As soon as I'm about to knock on the door it opens with a loud creek
>"Welcome anon, we're expecting you"
>It's a pair of twins, both with glowing, ethereal claws in place of their hands
>Both of their skin are really really pale
>"please sign this contract and you'll get your regular payment"
>I got a cut when I hold the pen
>a drop of blood drops on to where I'm supposed to sign
>Both of the ladies smile and took me to the bedroom
>Before I knew what happened one of them stripped me
>Her large claw went through my body
>I swear she is touching my soul and it feels absolutely amazing
>Thus begins my new life as the wight twins butler and sex slave
>As time goes by I start to keep up with their nymphomaniac quirks but they are always a step ahead.
>The pay is great too
>It's decided, I'll keep renewing the yearly contract

>> No.15927151

Just be sure to make her feel better should a muscled oni mock her

>> No.15927155

Cereal Cuddler, the serial hugger's lesser known copycat criminal Yeti who gently cuddles her victims and makes a bowl of cereal for them when they wake up from their cuddle nap

>> No.15927170

>You have to eat all the cereal
That's just sick!

>> No.15927171

It is only stated to have lupine features, not being lupine entirely.
The tail and posture point much more towards a wolverine, making it a but closer to a zap weasil overall.

>> No.15927174

Go cry to the IRCs or Discords about how hard it is for you to write.

>> No.15927175

>Wyvern, 1,6,9,1,5
Not that into draconic girls or anything but twin rapey love-bird Wyverns for a year doesn't sound all that bad.

>> No.15927183

Not only that, she takes the cereal prize for herself but she has to empty the whole box of cereal out to get it because her paws won't fit in the box

>> No.15927186

There is no discord here, crossboarder.

>> No.15927192

>cereal prize
That's. It.
I ain't putting up with her shit for one iota lobger. It's go time.

>> No.15927194
File: 155 KB, 1200x1100, 134578435543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Rabbit Season!

>> No.15927196


>Big breast


>Roll twice
>4, 8
>Femdom BDSM
O-oh my...

So a literal cat fish. okay.

>one week

Allround meh. I'll just wait for my next contract.

>Extremely perverted
>Drug addict
>A year.
Now that's better.

>> No.15927198

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
By which I mean I'll disagree with your statement that a zinogre resembles a wolverine more than a wolf, and agree that you're trying to be clever by presenting small pieces of evidence for one thing in a vacuum, while completely ignoring the overwhelming evidence supporting the other side.

>it is only stated to have lupine features, not being lupine entirely.
The fucking fuck? It's stated to have lupine features by the game, because it HAS lupine features. How can you possibly look at it and think with a sane mind "Yep, they based this off of a weasel."

Next you'll tell me that Barroth was based on a dog because it rolls around in mud.

>> No.15927201

Let's go Rabbit hunting guys! you have to catch them and cum inside of them at least once for it to count.

The one who catches more rabbits will win a prize!

>> No.15927203
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Storybook time!

>> No.15927208

I'm gonna come back with a Flemish Giant Rabbit Girl!


>> No.15927209


The winner should be the one who catches the rabbit with the biggest, most fluffy thighs

I wholeheartedly agree on the cumming inside them part tho

>> No.15927210

Duck season!

>> No.15927214
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Just tried this game before heading off.

So far I find it fairly enjoyable, can't help but feel this would make a killer MG story too.

Possibly with a lich.

>> No.15927215

Question, during an FFM threesome should the Wight sit on your face or the Lich?

>> No.15927224

Well let's see:
-The head, without the hornsb does not resemble a wolf's very much.
-The tail, which is long, flst, and wide, is more akin to something related to a weasil.
-Wolves hunt and act in packs, while Zinogre is a solitary hunter, like a wolverine is.
-Wolves have not so strong legs and jaw structure, while a wolverine is capable of breaking bones with its very strong bite and has thick limbs with power behind them. Which is more close to what Zinogre has?

Its howling is LITERALLY the only lupine thing it does. Frontier has ACTUAL wolves in it.

>> No.15927233

>You will never work at a restaurant where you're fed sticky mushrooms and then made to cum all over the food

>> No.15927234

The presentation of the game puts me off.

>> No.15927239

I am genuinely interested in what you could write. I must know what a fulltime drawfag will feel about writing.

>> No.15927242

I think it would work better with a Salamander

>You will never be an old warrior past his prime
>Battles don't have that spark anymore
>Then a Salamander will never come along and revive your fighting spirit as you fight agaisnt the odds once more
You will only lose if you give in.

>> No.15927245


>> No.15927248

If you want to revive your fighting spirit, battle a loli Redcap

>> No.15927251

Probably not something good lol.
Least not quickly.
I like to think up ideas and brainstorm, but a writer is far more suited for the job of thinking and writing the correct details needing to go into a story.
But still, it's inspiring stuff, I could always draw images though, based on those quick ideas I get.

>> No.15927252

I'm guessing the Lich would be the first to sit on your face. For science.

>> No.15927253

Why not a Phoenix who revives you after death and grooms you through your journey into a warrior capable of killing her in a glorious battle as your very souls clash and burn against one another?

>> No.15927254

Wight. So she can dirty talk about how good you are at eating her out and encourage you to fill the Lich up.

>> No.15927255

I said Salamander because of that fiery disposition thing they have going on, kinda catchy for the whole warrior setting.

I haven't read about Redcaps though, not sure how they are.

>> No.15927263

Writing isn't all it is cracked up to be.
In a way, it's harder than drawing if you do more than a few paragraphs.
At least you can do a simple first draft that is shit, then refine it again and again, like drawing.

Hopefully you won't draw Mr. Edgy dual wieldin' things that aren't a sword and dagger or sword and gun guy who is missing a trench coat any time soon.

>> No.15927266

Well they are Berserk (calm) and are built for wild battle rape.

>> No.15927270
File: 3.86 MB, 3600x4522, 1475035184775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get home from work and read your snek-dottir a book while your snek-wife prepares dinner

>> No.15927274
File: 207 KB, 1024x819, tmp_28474-fUhPjWHh2123205564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never cuddle Miia during a cold winter morning and warm her up

>> No.15927278
File: 644 KB, 742x758, 701e657d51025e4ed4f8c8638eaa1a81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you should be castrated.

>> No.15927279

>Busty extremely perverted Succubus
Okay, looking good so far.
>Roll Twice
>Reverse-gangbang and another roll twice
>Femdom and BDSM
Looking better.
>She's an Apophis hybrid
So a purple succubus with a Lamia body type? Looking even better now.
>Hired me for a year
The way I see this going is I open the door and immediately get gassed and wake up tied to her bed with vials of doppelganger potion scattered around the floor.
Then she and her clones fuck the hell out of me every day for a year.
10/10 cutie would stay with forever and cuddle.

>> No.15927280

>loli Redcap
That's redundant

Battlig a Redcap is a terrible idea, she'd be tanking your hits and swinging at you with pure lust
The fight would end with you defeated and her bruised and badly hurt, she'd try to rape you but then she'd pass out before getting to it

Please, for everyone's safety do not battle berserk monster girls

>> No.15927284

Just what IS a Redcap? Anyway?

>> No.15927291

A bipolar goblin that touched a cursed sword.

>> No.15927294


>> No.15927295

Wait, google says they're just super fast dwarf/elf/goblin/fairy things that die if their bloody hat dries, and aresuperfuckingfastholyshitson.
Another variant are also called "Brownies", making then racist as far as New Jersey is concerned.

>> No.15927297

its a fetish

>> No.15927298

A murderous dwarf from English folklore. They need to kill someone to keep their caps red or they will die.

This translates to lots of raping in this universe.

>> No.15927299

It's a gross fetish.

>> No.15927307

Also quick too, but they are probably pushovers outside of surprise driveby rapings.
Those damn gangwars by the redcaps and brownies leave no man unraped.

>> No.15927317

>Matsu started off drawing huge tits and cowgirls
>Now he draws multiboob futa transgenders
>Itilla started off drawing lickable abs and stronk girls
>Now he draws gay monster boys and futa
Are we all doomed or are artists outliers?

>> No.15927321

Don't worry.
I'll forever be shit and draw the same crap for you.

>> No.15927328

Well it's fine because .less has always been a faggot as far as I can tell

>> No.15927330

Don't worry, I'll be a good guy and I'll never draw dicks!

>> No.15927334
File: 64 KB, 700x1000, White Horns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw White Horn wasn't out when Latenight released "It's Winter" image

I bet she would have been in it on account of her fluffiness.

Hiding in the back like a skittish deer...right next to that Ushi-Oni covered in snow waiting to strike through all those seasons.

>> No.15927335

And then Mari does futa on trap, Loen does bestiality, and Mono does food porn.

>> No.15927337

>>loli Redcap
>That's redundant
Is it? I mean i know the profile pic is loli but that doesn't necessarily mean they are all loli. Does the profile mention anything like that?

>> No.15927341

At least latenight and snib are pure.

>> No.15927344

Well, seeing as how I suggested it being a gloomy man innawoods since I'm innawoods, and the fact that there are deer and shit around me, a Whitehorn could fit in Winter.
Too bad Summer and Fall won't be done.

>> No.15927348

Redcaps in the original folklore are dwarfs so it's safe to assume that they're almost all loli.

>> No.15927352

So baby sized like regular MGE Dwarves?

>> No.15927353

Don't tempt fate.

That penguin has nefarious intents, I'm telling you.

>> No.15927355

>Mari does futa on trap, Loen does bestiality

>> No.15927361

I'm a woman of many fetishes, but that will never be one of them.
I've actually refused many commissions in the past for futa, just can't get into that.
Well, no worries there at least.

>> No.15927362

Decline of drawfags.
A hypothetical, of sorts.

>> No.15927363

It's too late now.

>> No.15927364

Latenight and Snib have drawn tame lewd stuff before.

>> No.15927365


>> No.15927368

Shit's purely hypothetical thankfully.

>> No.15927371

Her profile says she's from the Goblin family, so there you have it. They are just your average loli.

>> No.15927374

Penguin girl when?

>> No.15927377

Well, at least we don't have to worry about futa or Edge-kun from you.

Though I hope to get a possible human woman bloodknight from you or Mono in the future.

>> No.15927379

Thank god, you scared me for a second there anon.

>> No.15927385
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>I've actually refused many commissions in the past for futa, just can't get into that.
Based Mari.
They exist in a weird middle ground of pure yet lewd.

>> No.15927386

Of course it resembles a wolf's head, even taking away the horns. You have the sharp, defined muzzle, pointed ears. Just look at Even the eyes are more akin to a wolf's. By comparison, a wolverine has rounded ears and a blunt less, defined muzzle.
Even the distribution of colour variety on the zinogre's head matches that of a grey wolf more closely.

A wolverine's tail is extremely short and stubby. A wolf's tail is still just a lot of fur, but likely having the zinogre's tail be just a bunch of fluff with no actual hitbox or articulation was something the game designers didn't want, so they made it a long, physical object to keep the design consistent. That doesn't matter either way, but the tail really does not look at all like a wolverine's.

The phrase "lone wolf" exists for a reason. Just look up the Wikipedia page on it so I don't have to copy it out.
Of course, wolves hunting in packs is the norm, but the symbolism of a lone wolf is extremely strong and prevalent, which is probably what influenced that whole piece about zinogres being lone hunters.

The jaw and leg thing could go either way. Wolves can leap incredible heights and distances, and obviously with a lot of animals, biting is their main form of attack. And it's pretty standard for any MH monster anyway.
The legs are a bit thicker and bulkier like a wolverine's, but zinogre has four "digits" per paw like a canine, whereas weasels have five.

You're placing way too much stock in your points for them to override the obvious, but MH monsters are often designed using more than one animal. Zamtrios, for example, was based off of a shark, but you can see they took elements from a toad to make it more intersting.
In the same way, they started with a wolf base, and possibly added features from a mustelid like the wolverine afterwards.

>> No.15927387

So a simple pitfall trap will net me dozens then. I just neef to start a gang war with the Redcaps(bloods) and the crypts(undead) and catch as many as possible.

>> No.15927393

So in the end, we're both "right", both wrong, and acting like autists over it.

>> No.15927397

You could probably catch a Redcap if you have some traps indeed, but the only problem is preparing it while she stalks you.

>> No.15927398

You take commissions?

>> No.15927401

A good hunter knows how to catch prey even if they are aware of his traps.

>> No.15927402

Welcome to /mgt/.

>> No.15927404

She does. I just don't know if she is right now.

>> No.15927406

Couple of them seem doomed. Mono is getting absorbed by Overwatch, sub is getting absorbed by his job and seems to only do MG content as a formality these days, hyphen is indulging in monsterboy bullshit, and so on, and so on.

>> No.15927407

You mean 4chan.

>> No.15927409

thats a long snake! how she fits in the bed or couch?

>> No.15927414


Reroll because she's a character

>Red Oni

>Bottom Heavy
Good for spats

Waifu material

>Reverse Gangbang

O-oh my!

>2 Wee-

Irrelevant, I'm making her permanent.

>> No.15927415

Hyphen has his own setting/s anyway, so that's not really something to fret over.

Heck, you might as well complain about Snib doing anthro MLP porn. Moaning about it is pretty pointless and petty.

>> No.15927418
File: 126 KB, 271x297, 1466629003748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyphen is indulging in monsterboy bullshit
>tfw saw the red flags about him even back in /vg/'s MGQ threads

Always knew that guy was no good

He used to draw monsterboy yaoi, too

>> No.15927427

You lucky dog. Those blood contracts are pretty spooky, though.

Anyways, here's mine.
>Get a call one day
>Her tone shifts every few sentences, and with a voice in the background arguing with her, it's difficult for her to get her point across.
>She finally spits it out that she wants to hire me for my "boyfriend services", quickly rattles off an address, then hangs up.
>Her mansion is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in the mountains.
>The second I knock on the door, it flies open, with a particularly monstrous monster girl tackling me to the ground.
>She pins me with a rather large paw and a dragon's claw, with a snake-like tail restraining my legs.
>Not soon after, another girl just like her comes running out the door and pulls my assailant off of me, telling her to restrain herself.
>With the rowdy girl locked in a hug, her presumed sister asks me to follow her into the house.
>After settling down with some tea and snacks, the welcome wagon produces a small packet, which she says is the contract for the services.
>After reading the first few lines, I realize that I'm too poor to decide whether or not I should accept.
>Their slowly growing grins indicate that they know this all too well.
>Besides, it's only one day, what's the worst that could happen?
>Right after signing the contract, the two of them leap over the table onto me.
>The first girl starts stripping me and nearly ripping my favorite pair of pants, while the sister restrains me.
>The whole time, the sister presses her enormous breasts against my back, and whispers in my ear to just let it happen.
>The rest of the day involves them switching off, with one of them riding me and the other underneath me, teasing me and holding me in place in a Chimera sandwich.
>Can't get used to it because of their constantly shifting personalities. One minute she's riding me like she wants to get pregnant, the next she's whispering that I secretly love it, and the next she's holding me close repeating "I love you" over and over again.
>Finally, at the end of the day, they run out of gas and carry me to the bedroom, where each of them snuggles up closely, giving the comfiest breast pillow a man could ask for
Don't even care about the contract anymore. Gonna stay with them forever.

>> No.15927433

I wouldn't worry about Hyph, he's making his own fantasy setting so that's to be expected. It's like being mad at Tolkien for orcs and male elves in his story.

>> No.15927434

Genuinely suprised no one's scanned and leaked the profiles yet. Kinda cool actually, dont want KC getting even more reason to dislike weastern fans

>> No.15927439

Best end. Well done anon.

>> No.15927444

>realize that I'm too poor to decide whether or not I should accept

>Too poor to decide whether or not I should work

I must be misunderstanding something here.

>> No.15927445

So what's a character you are fond of from your setting/story that is a monstergrill?

Chuuni Lich whose archnemasis is a Gremlin with a themepark that plays a neverending tune?
A noble Vampire who everyone thinks is evil and cruel, but is actually kind, sweet and even raises orphans with her husband in their mansion?
A Wurm with a stand?

>> No.15927460

I don't even remember hyphen or his art.

>> No.15927462

Waifu is a character from my MGC setting, that the more I story boarded and built up the more I started to like the idea before finally falling for her so to speak.

She's a Russian Hellhound, heavily muscled, 7'7 with a penchant for cigars. She speaks pretty fluent english unless she's nervous or stressed, then switches to broken english or russian. I could go on but this post is long enough.

>> No.15927465

He draws the lovely phoenix OC, Fiora.

>> No.15927468

>Every professional boyfriend quits after his first client in MGC
Such a weird phenomenon, we must investigate this further.

>> No.15927469

Does she go "boya" and have scars?

>> No.15927473

Got any pics?

>> No.15927474

When will we see Irina in a story?

>> No.15927481

>Chuuni Lich whose archnemasis is a Gremlin with a themepark that plays a neverending tune
Dude, my waifu is a chuuni Gremlin with a Lich as a SCIENCE rival. Both the Lich and the Gremlin are train conductors that are constantly getting in trouble for 'pimping out' their trains.

>> No.15927484

Irina is in a story
No boya, but she does have a good number of scars

>> No.15927487


I really like this one in particular:

>> No.15927488

>Both the Lich and the Gremlin are train conductors that are constantly getting in trouble for 'pimping out' their trains.

Do they double track drift?

>> No.15927489


>> No.15927491

Oh, I must've missed it. Link, pls.

>> No.15927493

>She's a Russian Hellhound, heavily muscled, 7'7 with a penchant for cigars. She speaks pretty fluent english unless she's nervous or stressed, then switches to broken english or russian.
Eh, isn't it spider and the fly?

>> No.15927499

>A Wurm with a stand

>> No.15927502

>that hair
Overall looks like a MGQ Harpy.
I figured a Phoenix girl would have more of a fiery color, tail feathers that would make a peacock jealous, and an ardent character reflected by her expression.

>> No.15927504

Her Stand is Under World, but it warps the memories to the way the wurm would've perceived it happening.

>> No.15927506

No. My own character, spider and the fly was a jinko if I remember right, and I didn't even know that story existed whew I wrote mine.

Better, since she likes the AN-94

Update as soon as my personal life is fixed

>> No.15927508

Wurm-chan uses her stand powers to find out the secret behind a Ryu's stand before it's too late.
Wurm JoJo posing is sorely needed.

>> No.15927511

The Pharaoh mayor of MGC who has a hobby of practicing martial arts and wants to hold the city together after her kingdom fell.

A Ryu that is one of the few that gets a visa out of the city so she can bring rain to places that need it and have sex with all the boy she wants to do so, but they never call her back and most people don't like her.

A yandere mommydom Kikimora that wants to find a master to claim as her "son"

7'7 is fucking huge. How does she ever find clothing or fit anywhere?

>> No.15927515

I don't know, she looks pretty spectacular in this fanart.

>> No.15927522

Kek of course it would be the AN-94.

>> No.15927526

Oh, yes she does.
But it doesn't really fit the image I had for them while working on the one who will do stuff in my setting.

>> No.15927528

But can she defeat my stand? it can headpat her a million times before she ahegao.

>> No.15927531

Was it the buttplug gun, or was that another russian gun?

>> No.15927537

Why don't you go ahead and try while pimp striding towards eachother?

>> No.15927540

Mostly custom tailored suits, but around the house it's just yoga pants/spats and a sports bra so it's not that bad.

Don't you dare speak ill of the Abakan

>> No.15927541

How long can you headpat in the frozen time?

>> No.15927560

Do they combine into megazords to fight eachother with? And combine together into a super mega-megazord to fight off evil together?

>> No.15927563

If by buttplug you are refering to the holy nugget then no, and go away.

Hey, it was either that or a vintorez, no ill-spoken comment, just an observation. Besides I have a bit of slavaboo too. Your waifu, and dare I say raifu?, is pretty based.

>> No.15927565

6 seconds is my mark.

>> No.15927569
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>> No.15927572

Must be expensive and annoying to custom order everything because she's so huge.

>> No.15927575

I meant the ak stylr gen where the end up the barrel looks like a buttplug.

>> No.15927578

Fucking phone typos.
>of, not up

>> No.15927586

Then no, I'm not aware of the latest gun memes but I'm pretty sure it isn't about this one.

I'll still have fishgun though.

>> No.15927588

You have good taste then, your raifu is my third choice, followed by the groza.

She's worth it

>> No.15927594

Will-o-the-wisp on the first roll. Freaking score.
Big breasts, even better. I would've liked a loli too, but hey. Don't look a gift centaur in the horsepussy.
Extreme thundere. I don't even know what the fuck thundere is.
Maledom. Well, it could be worse. Could be better too.
She's also a hybrid... Dark Matter. Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells. This isn't a Will-o-the-wisp. This is a fucking primodial spirit of dead monstergirl souls bound by pure demonic energy. This is a fucking final bos.
And she has me for... 1 day.

I'm actually disappointed at the duration after all that.

>> No.15927598

This is getting quite cheeki, you sure the hell part of your waifu is not some sort of psychic mumbo jumbo?

>> No.15927601

She must eat a lot as well, but not in a fat way.

>> No.15927603

>Even Mari recognizes that futa is a shit fetish
Today was a good day.

>> No.15927610

>Your Monoeyed Automaton will never make a "bwomp" noise when her eye lights up

>> No.15927618

She's 100% Hellhound perfection.

>> No.15927627

But does she like doggy style?

>> No.15927632

>You will never power her on in the morning by saying "You're that ninja."

>> No.15927637

>You'll never be a human orphan taken in by a monster.
>Your adoptive Gremlin mother will never make a batch of Automaton girls to keep you company while she works.
>No cute Zeon Automaton childhood friends to grow up with.
God damn it.

>> No.15927639

>she will never respond with "DO YOU REMEMBER, SNAKE? THE FEEL OF BATTLE?"

>> No.15927641

"Make me feel alive again, Anon!"

>> No.15927644

My sunset dragon. I love her very much.

>> No.15927648

I want an unstable Zudah Automaton that's also super fast.

>> No.15927649
File: 263 KB, 857x842, 59326812_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something new from sud. Sorry if I missed it in the scrollback

>> No.15927655

You missed it last thread, but it's all good. Crabs are always welcome.

>> No.15927662
File: 853 KB, 1500x1600, 59331080_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed that but it's still wonderful.

Something that didn't get posted was this cute lolihound.

>> No.15927665

Hah, you love a girl, you fag.

>> No.15927674

What's a sunset dragon?

>> No.15927677

Sunset dragon?

>> No.15927678


>Have Monoeye Automaton, with now painted ruby armor parts, her 'flesh' a pale pink with a rosy red between her legs
>Take aim at her, per your adoptive Gremlin momster's instructions and pull the trigger
>As soon as you fire she's GONE with a *fwoosh*
>Grabs your rifle, looking you in the eye with her overclocked thrusters blazing
"Target Acquired: Begin Fertilization Protocol RX-0079"

>> No.15927681

You've also got the cute Zaku-II triplets with the Command type in the lead, the /fit/ and gentle Dom Onee-san, the aloof yet caring Gouf-neesan, The haughty drillhaired ojou-sama Gyan, The serious Gelgoog Onee-sama, the fashionable Zeong Onee-chan, and the quiet Kämpfer-sama.
Also Hygogg-chan, but you don't like talking about her. She keeps wrapping her arms around you and drooling while giggling lewdly as she tries to take off your pants.

>> No.15927701

It's my waifu!
Her scales are black and her hair is orange, so I've created some really cheese lines about her and now I call her a sunset dragon.

>> No.15927707

Is her favourite videogame Sunset Overdrive? Is Twilight her favourite book and film series?

>> No.15927726

Sounds sueish to have orange hair and black scales.

That's worth a beheading.

>> No.15927728

Nah, she likes action movies and all kinds of games. She doesn't really have anything to do with the sun other than her color scheme and some cheese lines I used to court her.

>> No.15927739

I don't think it's sueish at all. Different, but it's definitely a colour scheme which could work. Oranges and reds fading into darker colours like black and purples can look very lovely.

>> No.15927743

Oh baby.
Hygogg-chan and Zeong Automaton-chan must be the most thicc of the lot.

>> No.15927752

Sueish? As in a Mary Sue?
She has a lot of flaws, but she hides all her problems behind a smile.

>> No.15927754

>inferring sueness from hair and scale color alone
this thread sometimes...

>> No.15927759

Hygogg's pretty top heavy, but not really all that Thicc.
Dom and Zeong on the other hand, are.
Zeong's thruster dress really highlights it.

>> No.15927761

It's nice too because the end of her scales glow a bit when she is angry, making her even more beautiful. It works kind of like a hellhound's claws.

>> No.15927762

But it is heavily conflicting with the scales. Most sues have hair colors like that or a clusterfuck of all colors.

I meant in appearance.

Overall, I'd say white or grey would fit better with her dark scales, or maybe a dark vermillion.

>> No.15927764

The MGE Dragon has green scales and violet hair.

She must be a Sue!

>> No.15927765

Progressively sounding more sueish.
Anon pls stop before we need to put her down.

>> No.15927768
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>> No.15927769

They might be different colours, but they don't necessarily conflict or clash.
Maybe MGE has just thrown off your perspective when it comes to dimorphism and individuals actually looking like, well, individuals.

Pretty neat. Sort of thing you could expect from a dragon too, I suppose.

>> No.15927771

Green and purple go together better than you think. Magenta works even better.

>> No.15927773

I love her no matter what, but her scales and hair makes me love her even more! Makes it easier to flirt with her too.

I might need to do some work, so I'll have to stop either way

>> No.15927774

Is it wrong that I cackled in glee at the idea of Taka and Zito playing that?
Those two are so vanilla it's hilarious.

>> No.15927777 [DELETED] 

>Shitty, hyper-cliche normie magnet VN

You'd almost be better wasting the image slot on a Trump meme.

>> No.15927780

No, I still now there are individuals and all.
However, orange hair with dark scales is, to me, on par with blue hair on a person or a blonde asian.
But whatever, not like my opinion has ever mattered in my life.

>> No.15927787

Orange and black go together even more. They're basically the colors of Halloween for pete's sake. And Halloween colors have always been pleasant to look at.

>> No.15927789

You've transcended typical faggotry.

>> No.15927790

The main character from one of my stories. a warrior who fights for honour on the battlefieldand is human...mostly...for now

A dark Valkyrie that's her husbands/master's zealous right hand woman

and a Ryu that half owns a teashop and has a think for peppermint


>> No.15927801


>> No.15927805
File: 460 KB, 600x800, 1448911886565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, Anon. Your opinion is worth nothing.

>> No.15927807

>even more
No, they don't. Orange fits best with blue.
Black fits in with red, white, grey, and very oddly purple.

>> No.15927812

Orange and black is the OTP of colours.

>> No.15927817

I want to tell a flat out fat anubis that she really shouldn't be wearing skimpy clothes in court.

>> No.15927818

Black goes well with ANYTHING. That's literally fashion 101.

>> No.15927821

>fights for honor
My MC fights for his friends and has no qualms about killing anything but children if it's kill or be killed.
Overall, he has his shit together and knows damn well his path in life, unlike others who shit themselves mentally and literally over the idea of taking a life.

Any more info on you MC?
The DV is meh, and the Ryu sounds like a possible ditz.

>> No.15927824


>> No.15927825

Thanks Doc

>> No.15927826

I want to tell a flat anubis that she should wear skimpier clothes

>> No.15927827

It's why Hatter works so well.

>> No.15927832

But then everyone would see how little she has!

>> No.15927841

I want to tell a flat Anubis with a big butt that I want a threesome with her and that shortstack Lich nextdoor.

>> No.15927842

Garbage that likes Nekopara has no right to speak these words.

>> No.15927855

Feels nice to have people saying good things about your waifu.

>> No.15927866
File: 458 KB, 1440x900, black-x-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Pink also goes well with black.

>> No.15927868

Seeing as my stry has a male main charater I should of said main monster/female lead but whatever
the woman is a soon to be monster knight that leads her own group of lizardwomen/salamanders as part of her kingdoms forces. what she lacks in not being a full dragon she makes up in skill. the rest I have yet to plan out.

>The DV is meh.
Few people like DV's in general so I cant really help that one

>> No.15927887

No, it does not. It is a literal eyesore.

>> No.15927891

Why exactly is she going monster? Why a kingdom that uses both humans and monsters?
Just how "skilled" is she?

>> No.15927904
File: 31 KB, 138x140, Exploitable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this hasn't been used more already

>> No.15927912

Because 9/10 of the thread are sabbath cultist while the rest are the same 6 people talking about lovely mature cc monsters.

>> No.15927919

None of us here are all that mature.

>> No.15927920

What is this?

>> No.15927928

I have to admit my preferred scenario for a bottom-heavy loli anubis isn't very virtuous.

>> No.15927934

But it is still your virtuous mission, Jack.

>> No.15927952

"Sticker" from the back of the English MGE release

>> No.15927956

She part of a monster kingdom that is next to the male leads and is also ruled by dragons and is going monster to be closer to those she has lived with for long.

In terms of skill monsters are not as stong as their canon selves when compared to humans but she is still significantly above mooks and the regular captain

>> No.15927964

Awww shit. Gonna do things right and buy from DLSite this time, too.

>> No.15927974

>the English MGE release

So that's still happening?

>> No.15927983

So he has to sneak into enemy territory, and rescue a lolinubis who was kidnapped by bad guys? Then carry her all the way out of the forest to the extraction zone?

Sounds fun. She'd probably cling to his back most of the time, and eat pot noodles while he eats the bland military rations.

>> No.15927985

Comes out in 20 days

>> No.15927987

On me mum it better at least be gold and not just some shitty yellow thing.

>> No.15927990

And it will flop.

>> No.15927993

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.15927999

I think you underestimate the amount of perverts out there. It'll do a respectable amount for what's basically 2d porn but not earth shattering numbers.

>> No.15928002

So she holds her own, then. Might be better than my one-woman cuisinart bloodknight in overall character.

>> No.15928003

Until a disturbed catgirl appears and ruins everything.

>> No.15928008
File: 342 KB, 1260x1200, 99958e09a16b40c04fc82aa4b7c307dd61ef39a9a828b76635dbd739c5d4a2f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would your waifu dress as for Halloween?

>> No.15928017

If she really wants to scare people, your waifu.

>> No.15928018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15928020

Rider from Fate Extra.

>> No.15928022

Maybe a scarecrow for ironic factor?

>> No.15928023

>still posting this furry shit

>> No.15928025

Furshit goes on /trash/.

>> No.15928032

Take a hike Bollocks.

>> No.15928039

The villainous counterpart to the main character of our daughteru's favorite magical girl show! My waifu and daughteru love to coordinate costumes!

>> No.15928041

I know you have a lilim. Can you expand on her please?

>> No.15928047

I'm not him. I just found it interesting from that discussion a few threads back.

>> No.15928048

He does? Is it Victoria? Or that queen deppelpoppelis?

>> No.15928058
File: 317 KB, 1000x1000, BestMG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoggoths can only imagine how it is to have such fluffy feathers! Masters love stroking and ruffling them!

Devil Bugs are filthy insects that deserve a mopping!

Nureonago's can't even keep their own shape properly! Why do they even bother cleaning after them!

Beelzebubs love to live in a Shoggoths house! Just their style!

Kikimora's have as fluffy feathers as a weresheeps wool!

How are Roomba's still being sold? They are faulty by design!

Shoggoths are so insecure that they have to trick their Masters into using their formed utensils to get off!

Kikimora's are the bustiest! And the flattest too if Master is into that kind of thing.

Other maids wish they had movements as sexy as a cleaning Kikimora!

>> No.15928061

I love otohimes! I don't care if they call me slut for looking for their pleasure palace!

>> No.15928062
File: 135 KB, 686x994, CoNzl8QUkAIcQ2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneks are for ________

>> No.15928065

Nah, its beast.
One of his storyies has a lilim in it that made it clear she was going to be back.

>> No.15928071

Tail biting into submission

>> No.15928072

>mouth placement
I am shit at drawing, but even I would put it in a proper place.

>> No.15928078

Shoggoth waifu dresses as a regal Ice Queen.

>> No.15928079
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Possessively holding you close.

>> No.15928080

Another Lilim OC?
We need all of them in one spot.

>> No.15928083

how does one bully a shirohebi? and get away from it safely

>> No.15928090


>> No.15928093

I'm gonna bring a classic here and say "loving tenderly".

I know.

>> No.15928094
File: 366 KB, 1177x1236, 1445465503751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dracula, but she only quotes Symphony of the Night Dracula

>> No.15928095

Maybe later its nearing midnight in london and i need sleep

>> No.15928101

How many we got?

>> No.15928102

Do Yeti have natural ahoge? I may have to bother doodling one if so.

>> No.15928108

At least 7

>> No.15928110

Let's see.
Queen of Hearts/Strawberry
That one doppel idea.

>> No.15928115

I like Kikimoras and all, but NO ONE disrespects the humble Roomba.

>> No.15928116

Kikimoras are for locking into chastity.

>> No.15928121

Can't you meidos learn to work as a team?

>> No.15928124

Roomba Automaton is rebooting herself in the closet out of depression.
Stupid Kiki.

>> No.15928129

I missed this, elaborate.

>> No.15928135

My Automaton will test out new equipment while simultaneously cosplaying as a Mobile Suit I like.

>> No.15928139

A joke Lilim who is a mexican wrestler.
Probably talks all hammy and likes rubbing up against you while grappling.

>> No.15928150

Luchadore Lilim known for her excellent grapple form.

>that one doppel idea
I knew I should've changed the name

>> No.15928151

Lewd touching is against the rules! She gets too grabby!

>> No.15928164

Well, Doppel is much more easy to type than Queen Doppelpoppeliss.

All's fair in wrastlin' and the bed.

>> No.15928174
File: 337 KB, 547x700, Roomba-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you confuse a roomba? Tell her to clean the corner of the room!

Roomba's can barely navigate their way through a mansion, how could she possibly navigate herself into her Masters pants!

Everyone knows what Roomba's are best for! Set and forget!

Even Shoggoths are better than Roomba's, atleast they don't get stuck cleaning a single room!

>> No.15928175

Not bad. I wouldn't mind setting up a monstergirl wrestling federation with her.
So long as she lets me go full DARIO.

>> No.15928176

>no Automaton waifu to dress up in a 'specially modified' Deathscythe armor for your birthday
And I thought that I could be happy today...

>> No.15928184

>not Sandrock
End thyself.

>> No.15928185

>atleast they don't get stuck cleaning a single room!
They do sometimes. The bedroom.

>> No.15928188
File: 317 KB, 547x700, roomba-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the Sabbath model.

>> No.15928191

Just be careful of her Heavan's Fury Fist, or her Wopper Surprise.

>> No.15928203

Better hair, better color, worst chest.

>> No.15928206

Sandrocks loadout was garbage.

>> No.15928209

Fucker had the highest physical stats and defense out of all of them.
Also the heat shotels were awesome, admit it. Much better than Heavyarms, or THE worst gundam: Shenlong.

>> No.15928217

Then she better not complain if i slap and grab her fat tits and ass when we wrestle!

>> No.15928219

I don't think she would complain, anon.

>> No.15928222

Shenlongs extendo-dragon arms were far cooler than the shotels ever were.

>> No.15928232

But that's the beauty of it. She can't hit me or she's fired! I'm the one in charge!
And when she does we get to have a storyline where she comes back to save her friends from a sabotaged match at next months PPV event, it's brilliant!

>> No.15928247

She should! Because the lewd gasps and moans she makes is distracting me from wrecking her!

>> No.15928254

It was boring.
Sandrock alsobhadca giany Uzi. It was awesome, making it toptier alongsize Zero, Epyon, Deathscythe, and Wing.

>> No.15928258

But anon, everyonr hit by her Heavan's Fury Fist was smashed by a rusty van, with the Wereshero driver still in it.

>> No.15928264

...What the fuck did you just try to type?

>> No.15928267

>I mean i know the profile pic is loli but that doesn't necessarily mean they are all loli.
I like to think that they aren't anyway, the onee-san character that protects all her sisters is pretty hot to me.
>Spend all day in the caves bullying little gobbos with your superior equipment and tactics
>Hobgob comes out
>Slightly taller than a man and twice as stacked, dragging a club not even your human strongmen could wield effectively
>Gives you one of those placid smiles , only you see the vein in her forehead twitching, as she sees her imotous laying all about you, bullied

The idea doesn't work with redcaps who, I imagine hunt alone, but the rare redcap could be a big sinister serial killer than a little shit shinstabber

>> No.15928272

Sorry, phones are a fickle bitch.

>> No.15928303

Personally I enjoy that Redcaps are small. It makes fighting them much more scrappy and high speed. They come flying at you with their cleaver twice as big as them, ready to strike with intensity. You could sidestep their strike, and swing your pillow as hard into their side and watch them go spinning across the room.

Then of course, they stick the landing, and come barreling back at you.

>> No.15928309

Ah. Say no more.

>> No.15928315

None of what you said i especially exclusive to small build except perhaps launching them acros the room

>> No.15928321

I wonder if an Automaton could be used to browse internets and post on imageboards?
It would certainly be an improvement over a phone.

>> No.15928328

Am I the only one here who thinks this new trend of making up a lilim OC is stupid? Mari has been around for a long time and is the creation of a talented artist, but the others aside from the official two in that list aren't exactly relevant.

>> No.15928331

It's much more animated in my head. Just believe me when I say it's fun to fight Berserk lolis. Plus there's the lolidom aspect of you lose.

>> No.15928332

how do anubutts react to unscheduled lewdness?

>> No.15928333

I only made mine because it was the trendy thing to do at the time. It's not like it costs anything.

>> No.15928337

>Bottom heavy
>Extremely perverted
>With twin sister
>For a month
I shall make the both of them my pear shaped pets and pamper them when they do a good job. I know I didn't roll BDSM, but I'm making it BDSM.

>> No.15928341

>Plus there's the lolidom aspect of you lose.
But that's a good thing

>> No.15928342

Eh, Illassa's got as much content to her. ELH's devoted, I'll give him that much.

Not even sure who any of the others are.

Also why does no one ever talk about Interviewee Lilim?

>> No.15928350

That's what I mean. Because I like Redcaps whole MO, I like to imagine they are mostly all lolis, shortstacks, and pear shaped, for the lolidom.

>> No.15928354

So like a Persocom? That would be pretty swank. You tell her what to shitpost and she does it all for you.

>> No.15928360

Not sure you got what I was saying, but w/e. I ike to imagine that not every single last one of them is a lili, because I thin lolidom is shit

>> No.15928364

Illassa also has a ton of content, even if KC doesn't recognise her officially because of the neutral thing.
The others are just random thread ideas, OCs the makers have done nothing with or characters some one shot story.

>> No.15928365

I made mine because I wanted to, and because I needed a character that likes exploring in my story.
Getting art of her will be tedious, but seeing as how I have gone through MUCH worse, it is doable.

>> No.15928368

>Illassa also has a ton of content, even if KC doesn't recognise her officially because of the neutral thing.
Is there a story? Has he actually commented on her?

>> No.15928371

I made mine just for fun, but it's not like I share her with the thread.

>> No.15928376

She also doubles as a phone.
>get call
>Automaton answers
>a female voice is on the other end
>Automaton hangs up and glares plasma beams at you

>> No.15928380

Did I miss something big lately? I see these two being mentioned often but I have no idea who the fuck they are. Did someone write a trending story or something?

>> No.15928392

I technically HAVE done something with mine.
Just haven't put it on a computer. 300+ pages of crap will be a nightmare to put on a computer, and it will likely be even bigger if I get into a writing groove.

>> No.15928396

I want to hit a Redcap with her own cleaver.

>> No.15928404

Dark Priest
>Big breast
>Hyper active
>She likes to augment herself using potions and magic
>A year

Will you enjoy your time with her?
>Hell yeah
What would it be like?
>Considering she's a nympho, non-stop sex

And I'd be happy to make the contract permanent.

>> No.15928412

Lani is my own donut steelim. She is a flat Lilim with a bit of a love for teasing, sweets, and loves exploration and adventure for the wonder of seeing cool shit. A hypothetical scenario also has her with her own realm, which was taken over by Wurms and turned into Rome in under an hour. Complete with sculptures and paved roads.

Victoria is Loensis/Losenis/LosomethingLosomething's oc.

>> No.15928419

Victoria is from a witefag story I can't remember
The other one is brought up by this anon a lot but I can't tell if the thread recognises her as threadcanon or if its just that anon mentioning her whenever lilims are discussed.

>> No.15928422

I want to bind a Recap in a hog tie, and leave her to ripen into a wild Blackcap.

>> No.15928432

A few anons mention her at times.
Mostly it is just me.

>> No.15928433

Chaining up and stabbing her over and over again until she starts leaking mamono mana from her cap.

>> No.15928436

On the subject of Wing MS', the Wing EW is the sexiest of them all.

>> No.15928442

The wings were ridiculous though.

>> No.15928445

I'm not that hardcore. I just want to tie her up while she's a submissive Whitecap, let her turn into a frothing Redcap, then screw her back into a Whitcap before releasing her.

>> No.15928446

Those are my favorite part.

>> No.15928448


>> No.15928449

So EW Zero Automaton with metal angel wings and a blue/gold colot scheme?

>> No.15928451

I never remember a name so similar to Loen's.

>> No.15928452

I want an automaton to laugh at my tiny penis!
I want to feel depressed because I know deep down that robots can't feel emotion so she didn't actually mean it!

>> No.15928456

Oh not you again.

>> No.15928462

Oh, I was referring to this: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/4/46/XXXG-01WK.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060623205103 version of the Wing Gundam.

>> No.15928466

Guys, what if a Redcap paints her cap white to lure people into a false sense of security, then BAM! Rape time.

>> No.15928478

I want a Lilim to magically give you a big penis and treat you with kindness.
But I only wish this on you out of spite, so maybe that still does something for your crazy ass.

>> No.15928479

Those wings are much better than those from EW.

>> No.15928483

That one story made me think about the whole no army thing.

Imagine being the only person in an entire country to insist on building the military capacity of the realm only to be shot down by everyone including the Lillim ruler, saying that there is no need because the realm is really peaceful. and then years later you have a "told you so" scenario when she comes begging you to help her fend off that one army of Paladins that is approaching the country.

Would Lillims even forbid voluntary militias? i think that no army thing was a really stupid move.

>> No.15928486

>dick is far too big to fit in anything smaller than a titan
>Titans are offput by your dick/body ratio
>forever alone, knowing what it's like to be that one male orbweaver spider

>> No.15928491

>>forever alone, knowing what it's like to be that one male orbweaver spider
Wait, what?

>> No.15928492

It really is. My oc donut would be okay with militias[/spoiler

>> No.15928495
File: 3.40 MB, 2160x3050, fad3a5e98c2248279b4a4b1855157964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to post elves now? All the orcposting stop?

>> No.15928496

She'll protest but also submit

>> No.15928501

One species of spider has a male that is born with what amounts to two enormous dicks. It gas to gnaw one off to walk properly, and gnaw off the other when mating. It then lets the female eat it to distract her while insemination happens.
Plus, it doesn't have long to live or much to live for after that.

>> No.15928509

>You will never be a self-appointed General of a country with no army running a neighborhood militia
That's what i like of these kind of scenarios, how wacky and random sometimes politics are in a MG world with all the Lillims with different personalities.

Just imagine a country with an obligatory casual friday, that would be cool.

>> No.15928511

Elves are scary. They keep walking up to me and saying I'll do lead stuff to them.

>> No.15928512

I'd imagine Anubi would try to ignore their heat cycle and keep working, but would give in if their husband shoved his dick in.
And if she keeps insisting on not wearing panties and bending over, putting her huge brown ass on full display then what does she expect me to do?

>> No.15928515

Elves are for impregnating only.

>> No.15928517

Put a plug in her ass, a dildo in her snatch, and to leave her tied up as the dildo vibrates and you watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

>> No.15928522

The color placement is 10/10.
I'm also fond of the Delta Gundam Kai for that reason.
I wish there was more plump Anubutt art out there. Where are those waifufags when you need them most?

>> No.15928523

No she'll keep working even as you're dicking her. She's not affected by it at all, she's too engrossed in her work.

She totally isn't trying to stifle her moans right now. She's just got a cough, that's why her face is so red and she's sweating so much

>> No.15928527

It will start again as soon as you start posting elves. Go on, do it.

>> No.15928530

A boy

>> No.15928531

Elves are for giving cakes so that they are better for groping!

>> No.15928533

Is there any monstergirl lewder than an Elf?
Sure some might say Succubi or Lilims, but those girls are upfront about how lewd they are. Elves repress it, bottle it up deep inside until it festers and grows into turbolewdness.
An elf will start dressing skimpier and skimpier until she's basically wearing a bikini made of string and strategically placed cloth, her heaving breasts barely restrained and jiggling with every step, her generous ass practically completely exposed by her outfit.
Every day walking about in isolated alleyways and sketchy hallways hoping that this will be the day some human boy pulls them out of sight and rapes her.
She fantasizes about struggling to escape as he violates her breasts, covering them with his seed.
She dreams of calling out for help only to be silenced by his dick forcing it's way into her mouth, stifling her words with every burst of semen.
She dreams of him breaking her and turning her pussy into his personal cumdump, making her his sex slave and keeping her tied to his bed.
And if no-one does, she'll use the syringe full of concentrated raging mushroom essence she keeps in her handbag to make someone do it and make them take responsibility by making her his sextoy/wife.
Elves are fucking lewd.

>> No.15928537

So what would she do if I picked her up, sat down in her chair, and let her keep working while I act as her lewd chair cushion?

>> No.15928540

You'll have a story to tell your 9 daughterus some day.

>> No.15928541
File: 1.51 MB, 1152x1436, 1471922181760-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of that
Well I'm as hard as a rock. TIME TO FIND ME AN ELF

>> No.15928542

What if you fondle her tits and stroke her tail while nibbling on her ears at the same time?

>> No.15928545

And more importantly their boyfriends/fiancees if you ever take a liking to them?

>> No.15928548

>you will never have your pent up Anuboss sit in your lap and ride you while she finishes those damned TPS reports

>> No.15928558
File: 3.15 MB, 1365x2100, 46338464_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can snake girls show affection without crushing your ribs?

>> No.15928561

Yes, in the same manner that people can hug one another without crushing them.
By not being retarded.

>> No.15928562

>Would Lillims even forbid voluntary militias?

I don't think they'd care at all

Or they'll encourage it just to get the men to lift and end up with massive gains

>> No.15928563

It involves sleeping with you under the covrers in a non lewd way.

>> No.15928564

Yeah. They crush your pelvis instead.

>> No.15928566

Yep, I'm still alive.

>> No.15928568

This is some kind of horror setting when you see it from the right angle.

Like, imagine getting locked in a room with an Elf, she getting progressively lewder and you can't do anything to avoid it, until she explodes and you have to satisfy an Elf with endless lust until you get rescued.

I would still like to go through it though.

>> No.15928573

Great, now I'm imagining an Anubis calling me up to her office only to shove me onto her chair, pull down my pants, force me to penetrate her, and start violently thrusting her hips while doing her work.

>> No.15928574

>He doesn't want his ribs crushed

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.15928592
File: 993 KB, 1236x1182, 8a1a15dda5315508a0feede58e8b978c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best Arc System Works monstergirl?

>> No.15928593

I want a monster girl to try to heal my smile after accidentally breaking most of, or at least many of my bones in the most painful fashion.

>> No.15928600

>A monster girl presents her ass to you
Wat do?

>> No.15928603

He said that her being daughter #13 was fine when I talked to him, that's about it. There's a lot more Japanese love for Mari because she has an actual Japanese profile. I've yet to find someone willing/able to do the same for Ilassa.

>> No.15928607

Lube up with her pussy juice and proceed to ravage her butthole.

>> No.15928610

I don't know, this could go a lot of different ways depending on situation and girl. Don't expect me to make these decisions in a vacuum, geeze.

>> No.15928611

>you'll never boss around a hardworking little anubutt and make her work your hardon

>> No.15928614

>Not acting fast enough
You will not get your dick wet with that attitude, boya.

>> No.15928616

>i think that no army thing was a really stupid move

Stupid in what sense? As in stupid for writing in that idea, or just Victoria being stupid for letting it get to that point?

>> No.15928621

That's fine, waiting means I get to ensure I get my dick wet in a way that I would actually wish for. I mean, were I to just charge in for all I know I'd plow into a beelzebub or something, and that's terrible.

>> No.15928622

Victoria being stupid for letting it get to that point.

I mean she didn't even had countermeasures for fires or other disasters, and she calls herself a ruler, it's politically disgusting.

>> No.15928627

Just imagine the progression.
>"Great. Locked in a room with a barbaric HUMAN. Don't even look at me you swine."
>"Hey, uh I know we didn't get off on good terms but I think we're going to be here for a while so we might as well get used to each other's company."
>"Hey anon, you.. you smell kinda good. For a human that is."
>"Anon, are you sure you haven't been using something on yourself? You smell REALLY good."
>"Do you think I'm getting sick anon? I've been feeling really hot and my heart's beating faster... Don't come near me! It gets worse when you get near me."
>"I can't take it anymore anon! You've been teasing me all this time with your shyness and your agreeable attitude! You want to rape me right? Right?!"
>"I'm not going to let you rape me anon. You've been denying it but I KNOW you want to. Every human is a rapist waiting to happen, but I know how to keep you from indulging in your carnal desires."
>"I'm going to rape you first. Come here! Stop struggling, it's making it hard for me to pull down your pants! Now lay back! Your dick is mine anon and I'm going to do with it what I please!"
>"Anon? Oh no, what did I do? Eh? What do you mean you want to go again? Idiot, you're going to make me blush!"

>> No.15928636
File: 55 KB, 619x826, 1449942354760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15928637

>Being a boss to a little anubutt
>"Giving her a raise" is literally just picking her up and sitting her on your lap

Dare I imagine such a paradigm shift?

>> No.15928640

Such is life in a demon realm

>> No.15928652

>You will never tease her real good by switching between passive and aggressive approaches
Acting lewd whenever she is in the denial stage and then feigning ignorance when she's trying to give you hints for you to rape her.

It would be the ultimate bullying.

>> No.15928657

It makes sense if you're pharaoh. Mybe you made a deal with some khepri or something and became lord of the realm, only you need more than your dutiful bugs to help run it.

>> No.15928664

The rabbit hole is deeper than I thought.

>> No.15928688
File: 335 KB, 1080x1920, White Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys accepted the love yet?

Time will convince you eventually anyway.

>> No.15928699

Have you ever considered that your constant repetition of this shitty and unimaginative meme is actually souring people even further on centaur girls, and that if you go on the way you are, you'll have ruined the whitehorn before her profile is even released?

You meme-spouting cunt.

>> No.15928701

gonna use her antlers as handlebars while i irrumate her! sexually bully the deer onee!

>> No.15928702

I've had ideas for an OC lilim that takes after her father.

>> No.15928704

I like tauric MGs, but that shit's annoying.

>> No.15928707
File: 203 KB, 480x678, vampire biting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need vampire stories! Vampire stories about a pathetic little anon getting drained by a vampire! I'm not a slut for biteplay, I swear!

>> No.15928712

what about teasing her pointy ears? i imagine that makes elves go over the edge and turbo horny

>> No.15928716

That's actually close a short story concept I came up with quite a long time ago, but never got aroud to writing.
>pharaoh Anon could have almost any woman warming his bed
>but the young anubis is cute, and her butt and thighs are just too alluring

>> No.15928719

would you let a vampire girl turn you into one of their kind? i see some downsides like sun bothering too much and your family would just assume you are dead as you wont be able to see them again

>> No.15928721

Again with this?

>> No.15928728

>Bullying /fa/ deer onee-san
No! Bad anon! She is for passionate sex as she whispers to you about how naughty you are for wanting to impregnate her. How is she going to encourage me to coat her chest & fill her womb if her mouth is full of cock?

>> No.15928733


>> No.15928749

Why is she called a White Horn if she has no horn?

>> No.15928750


You posted her. Tao is a lot of fun though.

>> No.15928753

She wants your white horn that much.

>> No.15928758

She can have my white horn if she gives me her hat

>> No.15928763

You have to start by whispering sweet things into her ears but never touching, telling her how lewd her knife ears are, then you slightly rub them and smugly ask her if she wants more, then at last you outright molest them while telling her that you will love bite them if she says something really embarrassing.

Knife ears 101 everybody.

>> No.15928767

This is how you make a little Anubis infinitely embarrassed and flattered that the pharaoh would choose her, of all the available options.

>> No.15928773

I want to help a shy, bespectacled, oppai loli anubis find her confidence.

>> No.15928786

I want her to try to set him up with more appropriate queens, only for him to brush them away and choose her every single time.

Also, when we say little, are we talking young or just small in size? Because I like the idea of bullying the latter.

>> No.15928810 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 960x1280, 1475720217677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small girls offer very fun (and lewd) options.

>> No.15928811

>monoeye gazer
>skeleton lich
>wererabbit(?) hellhound

Oh the poor dears, fully aware that they'll never be the popular girls even at this age. I'd give them the whole bucket of candy.

>> No.15928819

I think that's a Kobold pup dressed as a Hellhound. Keeps the theme of related costumes.

>> No.15928821

>wererabbit(?) hellhound
That's a kobold.
I don't see what the lich has to complain about though, humies love liches.

>> No.15928827

I might well be ready and willing to go door-to-door to exterminate insects, but you ma'am have just insulted shogs. You've just lost one potential assistant to the glorious purge this world needs.

> tfw you realize all it takes to turn you into a nazi are actual worst girls like devilbugs

>> No.15928832
File: 852 KB, 1000x1600, PA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life as a vampire's bloodbag/servant couldn't be so bad, right? They're not all evil, right?

>> No.15928836

They warm up after a while

>> No.15928838

i really liked these,especially the last 2 ones

thanks for sharing these

>> No.15928846

>infinitely embarrassed and flattered
It would be fun to remind her of her numerous charm points and make her head spin.

The former. You can still bully her, but more gently.

>> No.15928851

Daily reminder that Zombies are misunderstood creatures and are in fact the cutest.

>> No.15928852

It would be pretty bad for me. I know how to clean and cook, but drinking straight from my neck would kill me.
Would be okay if she could bite other parts though.

>> No.15928857

To this day I cannot read this without thinking of Fury Road. Now I'm picturing a particularly wild cult of Vampire Wargirlz shouting for their sisters to 'witness them' as they drain a poor man dry.

>> No.15928858

But she's so small and clumsy, especially with Her unusually massive breasts! How will you convince her of her own beauty?
You could always get a special dress made for her, specifically enchanted to bring out her inner beauty. Then you could take her to a royal dance, and let her stand on your feet so she can dance in perfect harmony with you.
And maybe have s private dance with her in your bedchambers, stripping off her dress and getting her to look in a mirror, to show her that she's still beautiful even without the magic clothes.

Whatever variant of a tiny anubis you want. Loli, oppai loli, pygmy, shortstack, minigirl, 4' tall adult, pear-shaped, flat in both ass and breasts... Take your pick.

>> No.15928860

Lichmmortan Jane when

>> No.15928870

>She's happily chatting with you after the dance, going on and on about how many people called her pretty and commented on her dancing.
>She's only a little sad that its the dress doing it.
you spring it on her that the only magic in the dress is the one that supports her chest.

>> No.15928873

>4' Anubis with a big butt and modest, yet perky, breasts
>She tries to talk down to you despite barely coming up to your chest
>She gets easily flustered when you call her cute
>When she gets particularly snippy or frustrated, you can just pick her up and impale her on your cock, leaving her helpless in mid-air as you pound that lustrous ass

>> No.15928897

Being the bloodbag of a band of vampire wargirlz wouldn't be a very fun compared to a normal vamp, I think

>> No.15928903

No problem.

>> No.15928925


>> No.15928937

Not if you can convince them that you're more valuable on the field than just being chained up for your Vampire to snack on. Think about it: Going out on patrols together, raiding that defenseless Alp commune, helping the other Vampires get bloodbags of their own, having her get aroused at the sight of you on the warpath, then watching the look of lust-tinted embarrassment on her face later that night when she realizes she's letting her bloodbag fuck her.

>> No.15928939
File: 223 KB, 689x800, 49350720_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like it if she got up on a stepstool prior to berating me.

>> No.15928946

Would she still have to stand on tip-toes on the stool to be eye level? Because that would be the cutest thing ever.

>> No.15928948

>Ilassa not relevant
>When she's got a ton of images, a fan profile, and a cameo appearance in one story by ELH and somebody else is working on one with her as a character
U wot m80

>> No.15928950

That is good, although I'd prefer my tiny anubis to be just as big up top as she is below, her balance more than a little bad so that I can easily overpower her for some groping.

>> No.15928969

I can't promise that I'll never draw dicks to be honest but there will always be cute girls though.

>> No.15928970

I've had a Lilim named "Saga" sitting on my backburner for over a year now, probably for the better given that she's Grade A Sue With the interior of her wings' membranes shimmering like glass, acting as windows into other planes of existence so long as she's in the Dream Realm and not her physical body.

>> No.15928971

>She looks up at you in a mixture of happy surprise and disbelief
>To show her you're being truthful, you undo the clasp at the back of her dress
>Instantly her breasts balloon and spill out, appearing almost a whole third larger and plumper than they were contained in the silk bust
>She smiles with tears in her eyes, idly palming her round, juicy tits

Oh jeez, yes. She takes everything seriously on the surface, and when you pick her up, she crosses her arms and says she won't give in so easily this time.
But then, the moment the tip of your dick touches her entrance, her dangling legs will tense up and her toes will curl, resolve cracking under such wonderful senaations.
And with a cracking voice, she'll try to voice an insincere protest, repeating again about how she won't lose to your cock.
Then you spear her slowly and deliberately, watching her face contort until her resistance melts like warm, gooey chocolate, and she grins dopily, eyes rolling back into her head. All while she bounces in midair on your dick, unable to construct a salient thought even if she wanted to.

>> No.15928986

I need this as a story with tender biteplay

>> No.15928987

Yep, although she may be in trouble if the magic also increases her chest size.
She's pretty big as it is.

>> No.15929003

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that tiny anubi are for headpatting, serving, and taking on jogs so they don't get fat from being spoiled.

>> No.15929006
File: 453 KB, 900x950, 1395613024435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is not one word of that that I don't love. You are 100% my nigga.

>> No.15929007 [DELETED] 

I'm prepping the furry shitposts right now, Anon. In 30 seconds.

>> No.15929011

Little Anubi are getting a lot of love recently. I hope they sleep with a smile on their face.

>> No.15929037

I for one like seeing your posts.
Especially the busty centaurs pics.

>> No.15929039
File: 782 KB, 1000x1385, 30c835e162f67c89f55f2dcb8829f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little Anubi
Only if they have Ordures-tier pear shaped asses.

>> No.15929043
File: 36 KB, 514x500, 4d698e8cfe70941acc9341c46bd26aa730801581da9655befac989de2bea9dc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your daughteru a Dullahan?

>> No.15929047

They come in different types of smalls but for you to obtain them you have to roll the gacha

>> No.15929060 [SPOILER] 
File: 497 KB, 2200x3500, 1475724960042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how would they get any work done if I was pounding their huge butts all day? Anubi aren't Dragons that can just live off the interest of their hoards. Would she just have to work with me as her chair? Bouncing up and down all day, getting her meetings derailed when she orgasms, having to deal with fluid all over her office...
Actually, fuck it. She can take the losses if it means dick throne for an anubutt with that kind of ass.

>> No.15929065

How many Dullahans dress up as the headless horsewoman for Halloween? How many hospital visits happen because they throw their heads at cute boys?

>> No.15929070

There'd be at least one in New England to do it.

>> No.15929072
File: 341 KB, 1200x1000, 1475724810393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh Automaton, get it while it's hot.

>> No.15929077
File: 1.92 MB, 920x1298, 1464231776538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lala is best monmusu

>> No.15929082

>Bulleta Automaton
My mind's telling me no, but my boner is telling me MORE

>> No.15929088

Nope, she is a hellhound. Her firelashes will light up the inside of the pumpkin.

>> No.15929091


I shouldn't find this as hot as it is.

>> No.15929093
File: 366 KB, 1080x1920, 1471154856122-jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex hair.

>> No.15929094

I want the one in the back

>> No.15929096
File: 224 KB, 473x622, Noel_Vermillion_(Continuum_Shift,_Character_Select_Artwork).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto is one hundred kinds of hot, but Noel best waifu.

>> No.15929102

The answer is simple anon, she gets a job that requires little interaction or mobility like Data Entry, and then spends her entire work day using you as her dickthrone while she types away and pays you no attention.
At least, until her shift is over. Then she'll kiss you and thank you for helping her keep her stress down.

>> No.15929109

The purpose of this post is citation.

Because all of this is way too wonderful for me not to attempt to document. Little Anubi a bestest.

>> No.15929110

Looks a lot like Blair. If I lift her hat up, will I find kitty ears?

>> No.15929112

You will if you want to. I for one want to because Blair did not get anywhere near enough love.

>> No.15929119

Would she object to me also lifting her skirt to find a tail? Probably not.
Hell, she's probably counting on it to show of her magicked tail along with her drooling slit.
Gonna bend her over and pound that pussy, using that tail for leverage

>> No.15929131

Dark Mages are for gently plowing while sucking on their breasts

>> No.15929132

MGE Blair would be more of a fusion of a Dark Mage and a Cheshire Cat considering that she's just a catgirl with magic instead of a true witch.

>> No.15929135

>Lift skirt
>Receive a surprise puff of aphrodisiac herbs right the the face
>Bend her over the nearest cold cauldron for a good three hours, yanking on her magic tail and nibbling her magic ears
Yes. Yes, I do want this.

We were talking about appearances though. The profile image for Dark Mage is basically a dead ringer

>> No.15929152

I checked the wiki and noticed no one bothered translating the habitat and all that stuff despite being right there.

Welp, guess I better get to it...

>> No.15929157
File: 278 KB, 850x508, (Laughing Butts).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these magical cats. They drive me to drink.

>> No.15929161
File: 852 KB, 665x931, c2906596a6d9912a0363b69dff59e53a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW you know blazblue officially ended today?
Best girl won. Kinda. Ragna pulled a madoka and sacrificed himself for everyone to be happy. Everyone forgot about his existence and went back to their regular lives, Rachel and some faggot are the only ones who have vague feelings about him because they can travel through words or something

Her copy in blazblue died

>> No.15929163
File: 207 KB, 525x600, titty witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That can be arranged, anon.

>> No.15929166

Just be casreful what you drink and where. Dark mages would be queens of date rape and you don't want that.

Or do you?

>> No.15929167

What a smug witch.

>> No.15929169

Minus the cat ears, tail and sexy skintight witch outfit of course.
I still can't believe the last chapter implies that Maka and Blair end up sharing Soul.

>> No.15929172

Can she pass as a monster girl if we take into account her µ-12 form and all the clone shenanigans? I'm leaning on no but I don't want to reject that ass

The dispositions were translated, not sure about the rest

Here is the album of all the profiles, should make translating more convenient http://imgur.com/a/6iMYT

>> No.15929175

No, she totally still has a sexy witch outfit. The ears and tail could still be there too; lord knows there's room in that hat.

Don't take away my dreams, you son of a bitch.

>> No.15929184

Fuck man, spoilers! I still play Blazblue for the story believe it or not. Had it pre-ordered 'n' all...

She's an artificial humanoid. I say she qualifies as a Golem/Automaton.

>> No.15929185

>BTW you know blazblue officially ended today?
Yepperooni. Also, Es' theme is tight.
Still indifferent on Susanoo's though.

>> No.15929186

>That spoiler
Did it? All I remember is that Kid took over for his dad and that Crona turned everyone's brains into tits.

>> No.15929189

>I still play Blazblue for the story believe it
I would rather believe you watch hentai for plot than blazblue

>> No.15929192

Well, Maka and Soul always were pretty much a couple, and that Blair continues to co-habitate with them...it's a fair inference to draw.

>> No.15929197

Well if it's true, I don't do that latter thing.

Except Words Worth.

>> No.15929198
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, 1472165279642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to touch a Gremlin's ears

>> No.15929199

For being a nordling?

>> No.15929202

I never said it wasn't sexy, I just said it wasn't skintight like Blair's
And fanart can easily remedy that.

>> No.15929203

Forests, Swamps, Demon Realm settlements.

Lustful, Selfish.

>The diet was exactly the same as the Witch's
The same things as humans, human men's Spirit Energy

>> No.15929205

Yeah, but she lived with them all the time after they 'killed' her, and she was pretty much always shoving her tits in everyone's face. I always just thought of her as a really lewd house pet (she is technically a cat, not a witch).

>> No.15929207
File: 617 KB, 2000x2500, __gremlin_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_monorus__8e7bb57b92e2d577de52000fabe7eb6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet they're very soft.

>> No.15929210

I want a Gremlin to create a wonderilicious machine.

>> No.15929212

Would Gremlins enjoy ear cleaning after a long day in the shop?

>> No.15929213

>Crona turned everyone's brains into tits.
More like Crona infected everyone with the "Madness of Boobs" because of his/her desire to have an actual mother figure.
At least that's what Kid thinks it is.
I'm personally still reeling that the reveal that Tsubaki is the second most perverted character in the series behind Blair didn't cause a surge of porn.

>> No.15929218


What about ear nibbling

>> No.15929219

Radar Dishes*

>> No.15929224

They've probably already built a machine specifically for ear care.

Massage, cleaning, rubbing, it does it all.

But it just can't give her the same pleasure as when Anon does it.

>> No.15929225
File: 102 KB, 345x340, 1445233994938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go look for treasure!

>> No.15929226

We need a very confused kiki trying to clean them.

>> No.15929228

>Forests, Swamps, Demon Realm settlements.

So you could just walk into a forest, find a small cabin in the middle of nowhere with a CC Witch who hasn't seen a man in decades living in it?
I have a sudden urge to go camping

>> No.15929232

I don't into FF or any other JRPG, tell me about how these things work.

>> No.15929234

It's not too surprising to think about. She sleeps in the same room as a jacked assassin who could probably beat up a god in a fist fight. On top of that he trains all day, so the entire house probably smells like him, and he very obviously is hot for her. I'd be more surprised if she WASN'T horny 24/7.

Besides, she wasn't that much worse than Liz.

>> No.15929236

No, hiking. You need to go hiking. For bonus points leave a trail of breadcrumbs for yourself to follow. Of course, you'll need to do that outside of yeti and yuki onna territory or you could end up "stuck" with one of them instead.

>> No.15929237

Gee I dunno.

There might be a lot of angry, shortstack Dwarf Girls unhappy about how we're muscling in on their territory.

>> No.15929239

Then look for treasure someplace without Dwarfs. Dig around the church, the graveyard. Surely nobody will be bothered!

>> No.15929242

Fuck the dwarves. If they want the gold and loot they can have it anyway, there's only one treasure I want: the echidna at the end of the dungeon.

Gotta breed 'em all

>> No.15929243
File: 708 KB, 1348x1500, 1461421435515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I want to nibble on some wan ears.

>> No.15929245

Well maybe during daylight hours.

There's some scary Ghoul delinquents who hang out there at night, treating those gravestones like chairs and footrests.

Also if we find treasure, there's a good chance we'll come to the surface to find a Dragon tapping her foot and telling us to hand it over or be burned to ashes.

Can't dig for treasure anywhere these days.

>> No.15929246
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1200, mature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamias are the best type of monstergirl!

>> No.15929247
File: 69 KB, 600x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to nibble them and scratch them and watch how they move when she expresses herself.

>> No.15929248

How about that dusty old treasure map you found in your uncle's attic?

>> No.15929251

>Nibbling a hellwans ear
>She mistakes it for attempted dominance behavior

..You know what? I'm not gonna stop you. Have fun with that.

>> No.15929252

Careful anon, some Echidnas set up shop with their sisters.
Breed one, breed them all. And in all sorts of flavors too.

>> No.15929259

The one that takes you on a journey over mountains, across oceans, through forests, blistering deserts, snow-covered tundra, hot and humid jungles, dark caves, abandoned castles, forbidden realms of the Undead, forbidden realms of Demons, forbidden realms of Cute Rabbits, the planet Neptune and back to the attic.

Where there's a chest with a note that says 'The real treasure is friendship.' Referring to the group of assorted travelling companions you've picked up on the way?

Sure I guess.

>> No.15929260
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1463204475923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will she do? Will she pin me to the ground, and give me nibbles to assert her dominance?

All according to plan.

>> No.15929261

>Black Mage
A class with low health and defense, bad physical attacks, and often unreliable debuffs. The make up for this by having the biggest, most damaging magical attacks available. Because they use spells they are usually targeting elemental or ailment weaknesses, and thus are the concept of "glass cannon incarnate."

Compare to white mage, a spellcaster with moderately better health and defenses that specializes in healing and protecting the party.

>> No.15929263

Dude, you're not supposed to read the note in the other chest!
Well they sound like girls who need protecting.

>> No.15929267


What if we had Dark Mage Elves?!

>> No.15929268

>Anon goes hiking in an uncharted forest
>He leaves breadcrumbs behind to know the way back
>Harpies eat them
>He gets lost
>Finds a Dark Mage's cabin
>Ask her for direction
>She tells him to eat with her before leaving
>He does
>The food was full of magical potions
>They end up having magic-fueled sex for 3 days straight

This is why you use stones and not breadcrumbs

Not the best but they are pretty great that's for sure
That sticker sure is useful

>> No.15929271

>Hellhound wrestles you into submission.
>"Y-You are sweetheart!"

>> No.15929275

More like syrups. You missed that Hansel and Gretel reference, didn't you? That was a setup to get you a sweets loving CC dark mage.

>> No.15929276
File: 1.91 MB, 500x281, Explosion_Megumin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In RPGs, yes. Think if them as the rocket launcher in an arsenal of handguns. Excessive, absurdly good at getting the job done, but rather unreliable in the ammo department and not as consistent as a melee damager.

Unnecessary. They must be either CC or explosion-focused little girls.

>> No.15929279

I want a Hellhound to wrestle me to the ground and force me to submit with kisses, ear nibbling and grinding.

>> No.15929280
File: 707 KB, 800x1496, 1468080910973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Elves already exist, dummy.

>> No.15929284

>You missed that Hansel and Gretel reference, didn't you?
No, I just didn't know what to do with it

>sweets loving CC dark mage
She'd be thick and always have a lollipop in her mouth, she'd also be a blowjob addict

>> No.15929285

That Elf is made for breeding.

>> No.15929286
File: 928 KB, 1000x1719, c9bf066f9ef62f5779a6564a6bb8ec61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Ordures elves are made for breeding.

>> No.15929287
File: 705 KB, 1280x720, a67841409a4748c2ee0910ab43b9f10c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now look who you gone done and reminded me of.
She's still the best girl of the show.

>> No.15929288

>she'd also be a blowjob addict
Yeah, total oral fixation. I'm sure she'd use it to seduce you too; I mean what man wouldn't get a boner after seeing what she can do to a candy cane? She wouldn't even NEED the magic with tongue skills to make a ghoul blush.

>> No.15929295


>> No.15929301

Not a difficult task.

>> No.15929308
File: 423 KB, 1001x1188, Aava-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice chuffs.

>> No.15929309
File: 560 KB, 496x702, 1436875554582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if your life is being manipulated by a master-planner from a higher plain of existence?

>> No.15929314

when do we reach the part of her plan where we meet our waifus and learn the true meaning of happiness

>> No.15929315

Can I negotiate with her to get a monster waifu? Or at least laid?

>> No.15929316

How odd!
2-14 months.

>> No.15929320

thats a long wait
can we not cut that time in half?
maybe down to like say...
right now?
or 3 minutes from now, my schedule is felxible

>> No.15929322

It cannot be, the stars are all wrong.

>> No.15929323 [DELETED] 

Happy london morning people!

Right lets answer >>15928041
I she isnt really flesh out that much my OC likes turning women and see how they respond to the changes (not just sexual, things like getting used to abilities and how they are used changes in personality and mindset with out going full break). encounters with he on the road are simply when she runs her own errands. other then that she spend her time in her own mansion with no real care to expand outside of messing with the semi unfortunate visitor.

as for a name, mind is rolling on Solis. cant remember of find what I had down for appearance. (the story left it vague.)

>> No.15929326

Solis? Is that even a girl's name?

>> No.15929328 [DELETED] 

gonna delete this and fix it up. yay phoneposting

>> No.15929333
File: 371 KB, 2048x1556, OniTengu - comfiest cuddles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

useless balls of gas and nuclear fusion that generate light that takes a fuck load of time to reach us i hate this

winter is almost upon me and i need toasty warm cuddles

>> No.15929339
File: 502 KB, 600x659, 1453940459354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy london morning people!

Right lets answer >>15928041
She isn't really fleshed out that much. my Lilim likes turning women and see how they respond to the changes (not just sexual, things like getting used to abilities and how they are used changes in personality and mindset with out going full break). encounters with her on the road are simply when she runs her own errands. other then that she spends her time in her own mansion with no real care to expand outside of messing with the semi unfortunate visitor.

As for a name, mind is rolling on Solis. can't remember of find what I had down for appearance. (the story left it vague.)

>> No.15929340

Solis? Is that even a girl's name?

>> No.15929344

I want to reform and educate an urban youth Ushi Oni!

>> No.15929345

She's been spending most her life living in a rapists paradise.

>> No.15929346

I thought it could work, I haven't given her the name in my story so its its a working name

>> No.15929350

>no ushi oni with coolio hair

>> No.15929352

So you wanna tell me what this is all about?

>> No.15929353

I'm imagining a monster girl gang drama right now and it's way more interesting then it has any right to be.

>> No.15929357

>west side story with monster girls

I'd probably watch that, desu

>> No.15929359

Coolio is a rapper that did a song called Gangster's paradise

>> No.15929360

I'd cry during the episode where one of the girl snitches on her gang after marrying a cop

>> No.15929362


I want to grow up in a rough neighborhood with her as my neighbor and watch her run with the wrong crowd. Going to stick in school and keep my nose down, until the day her gang decides to initiate her by kidnapping me and pressuring her into doing lewd stuff to prove she's not whipped by some dumb human boy. Need to see her reaction as other tougher and more violent monstergirls consider passing me around if she doesn't do as she's told.

>> No.15929364

>Even Beast has a lilim OC
>and I just here tr to think of a quirk to add to a umi osho

>> No.15929365

>quote the first line in the music video
>guy who doesn't get it acts like he's educating you
No anon. It is you who will learn.


>> No.15929369

weird al did it better

>> No.15929374

He did every song better.

>> No.15929384

Fuck me its been years since ive seen the video
sorry man.

>> No.15929391

Cant unthink Beast as being speedwagon now.

>> No.15929397

>you'll never be an unruly young ushi gang boss' boytoy

>> No.15929406

>Amish paradise is liked more then the original.
I like weird al and all but I wouldn't go that far on all his songs

>> No.15929412

But what if the day comes that you do end up getting passed around as a sextoy and she's one of the ones you get passed to?
What if the day comes where she forces you to eat her out while she and another gang member fistbump while they reverse spitroast you?

It's scaring me how easily I'd accept being a monstergirl gang's boytoy now.

>> No.15929416

good, I refuse to play that role

>> No.15929418
File: 164 KB, 345x295, I+know+exactly+why+i+got+this+boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


relevant to my interests

>> No.15929423

So I've been hearing this "we'll get our waifus in 2017" thing for a while now. What's up with that? Is it some kind of thread tradition or does it have something to do with that crazy reality bubble thing?

>> No.15929424

Totally want a story about the nice, well behaved girl next door who turned mean when her mom died. She'll push you, her old friend, away in her anger and you just sort of live nearby for years and makes worse and worse friends. Wanna corrupt that innocent crush she used to have, see it turn into the "if i want something i should just forcefully take it" mentality.

>> No.15929428

Yes to both.

>> No.15929429

It's one of those meme-type of things that you shouldn't expect to happen because they'll hurt their feelings if you don't look surprised

>> No.15929430

it's a symptom of autism

>> No.15929434

please enlighten me

>> No.15929447

So would she turn you into her dickthrone, or into the gang's fucktoy?

Reverse spitroasting is when one girl sits on your face and forces you to eat her out while the other one rides your dick.

>> No.15929453 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 1366x768, ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we talk about onis?

>> No.15929456
File: 41 KB, 312x432, rajyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shit, today is not my day.
THIS is what i want to talk about

>> No.15929459

I can't remeber the name of that one and can't find it anywhere. Sorce?

>> No.15929460


>> No.15929461

Nice thighs, but there's little else on her. She needs meat.

>> No.15929467

That's an odd way of requesting to have sex with a woman.

>> No.15929471

Too late, I saw it and now I want to listen to some jazz.

>> No.15929472

Harley Bird girl Attorney at laaaaaaaaaaaaaw

>> No.15929475

didn't a guy edit that to have bigger tits?

>> No.15929532

stamp accepted

>> No.15929538

If your problem is crippling depression then just get a flayer's help

>> No.15929539
File: 984 KB, 1264x2000, 1435630226521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you help a fugitive get away from the traffic cops?

>> No.15929544

Never watched that. Is she headless?

>> No.15929546

Yes, she's a Dullahan who lost her head, and so she communicates by typing on a phone.

>> No.15929547

She's a dullahan whose horse transforms into a motorcycle. So, kind of. Finding her head is a plot point in the show.

>> No.15929552

>tfw no headless gf

Guess I'll start watchin' that.

>> No.15929556
File: 1.21 MB, 400x224, 1435626905556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you should watch it. Durarara!! is a great show.

>> No.15929558

Shinra is a lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.15929561
File: 675 KB, 500x281, 1430373808902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, bonus points because she also plays rough.

>> No.15929566

I'd a Celty in a heartbeat, but her... companions worry me. And by worry I mean terrify.

>> No.15929569

If you want to be safe just go grab some Russia Sushi.

>> No.15929573

I'll take that as a no.

>> No.15929574

>her... companions
More like every named character. If you want to feel safe you'd better stay the fuck out of the entire city.

>> No.15929578

Russia Sushi? It good!

>> No.15929581
File: 1.40 MB, 2263x2905, 1440629331875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just that it's not hard to find. Gyakuten Majo Saiban: Chijo Na Majo Ni Sabakarechau.

>> No.15929594

The problem is trying to figure out which is worse.
>Leaders of the two strongest gangs in the city
>Chick with a psycho yandere sword
>Trio that gives zero fucks about the law
>Backalley surgeon with an unhealthy science boner
>Infinite rage
>Black Russian sushi chef that can STOP the infinite rage
>Fucking Izaya and his incest sisters

>> No.15929598

Simon is my nigga, I'll go with him.

>> No.15929599

I wanna take my dick out in the middle of a dark back alley in the rough neighborhood of monster girl city just to see what happens and how long it takes.

>> No.15929600

Just don't eat the sushi

>> No.15929606

It good!

>> No.15929607
File: 327 KB, 1235x1075, 1438920363938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just to see what happens
Rape. Rape happens. As for how long, that's a matter of how fast you can run and how sturdy your pelvis is.

>> No.15929617
File: 288 KB, 829x1200, 1467038798363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think demons can summon us into their world?
>be minding your own business
>suddenly a flash of light
>end up in a summoning circle and have to obey the Succubutt who summoned you because she knows your name from the phone book or something

>> No.15929624

Would she intentionally break the circle just to see what you'd do?

>> No.15929625

I don't think the name your parents gave you is your True Name™ though.

>> No.15929626

I feel like Izaya and co. are the worst. Not only is he likely to screw with you for fun, you'll end up in things way over your head just because you associate with him.

Of those listed I'd probably want to stick close to Shinra and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of any interest to anyone and pray to any god that would listen. Runner up is probably going to be... fuck, I don't know. Simon? I wanted to say Shizuo since he's a total bro when he's not raging and would 100% have your back but he's too easy to trigger. Moot also would've been a good choice were it not for him getting dragged into things too.

>...Or so she thinks
>Everything is going exactly according to plan until you piss on her spell circle
>Now there's an unbound human boy loose in the city! Will she be able to send you back before you do something truly embarassing? Will she be able to keep her prying landlady from finding out and kicking her into the streets? Find out next time!

>> No.15929628

Maybe after a couple of times.
>get molested and humiliated by Succubutt
>she sends you back after she's had her fun, promising to call you back when the mood hits her
>have to go through life constantly worrying when there's a flash of light again

>> No.15929629


>> No.15929631

>"Oh noooo~ I accidentally broke the summoning circle~ I hope this human doesn't take advantage of my foolishness and rape my mouth with his big thick not at all magically enhanced cock~"
NEET Succubi are weird sometimes.

>> No.15929635

I wonder what a frumpy knockout would even look like.

>> No.15929637

>NEET Succubi that tried out some horseshit summoning guide posted on monsterchan's /x/
>is floored because she certainly didn't expect it to work

>> No.15929638

Just imagine how horrifying that would be.
>Flash! You're in her bed with her hand around your dick.
>Flash! You're in her basement with various pieces of BDSM gear around you.
>Flash! You're surrounded and gangbanged by Succubi at a party she set up.
The scariest bit is you might start looking forward to her summoning you until eventually you don't want to go back home.

>> No.15929646

>Flash! You're in her basement with various pieces of BDSM gear around you
Oh my.

>> No.15929648

I said what, what?

>> No.15929649

What are succubi weak against? Holy water? I'd start carrying a vial of that around if I was in that situation and decided for whatever reason I didn't want to be bothered by the sexy demon lady. All the better if it could be used to turn the tables on her.

>> No.15929652

Messy bedhead, chubby, huge ass, big tits, a turtleneck sweater and panties, and glasses.

Just imagine her freaking out that she summoned a human and then getting the idea that she's dreaming and becoming a dom who rapes you for hours.
Then she wakes up the next morning, you're still there, and she spills her spaghetti everywhere when she realizes that you're 100% real.

>> No.15929654

Nothing wrong with a bit of bondage, son.

>> No.15929657

>Holy water?
That doesn't work on fucking anything, not even Vampires.

>> No.15929659

Tell her there's an Einherjar over there.

>> No.15929660

but will she cuddle with me?

>> No.15929663

Could be. You're hers to command.

>> No.15929664

Dammit Anon, help me strategize! There must be some way a lowly human boy could turn the tide on a sex demon and make her provide her true name! Raging mushrooms? Salt? Hand holding?

>> No.15929667
File: 17 KB, 1008x628, 1398884992460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attack her weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

>> No.15929670


if manga is any clue, it's tail pulling or anal

>> No.15929680

>Shoggoths can only imagine how it is to have such fluffy feathers! Masters love stroking and ruffling them!
Actually Shoggoths can change themselves so they have them

>> No.15929689


He's got his priorities straight though. He has a waifu and he knows it. I respect that.

>> No.15929695


I love how the fucking dullahan is the most nonthreatening character. Not because she's weak, not at all. She's just a total softie, unless you fuck with Shinra.

Celty is a sweetheart.

>> No.15929700

>Celty hanging out in a chatroom, complaining about how scary the Traffic Cop is

>> No.15929701

I mean, to be fair that tenacity is pretty intimidating. There again, EVERYONE is terrifying. It's great.

>> No.15929708

>You're never going to come home to your waifu waiting for you, a smile on her face
> You'll never watch the happy tears fall down her face on your wedding day
> You'll never spend your entire honeymoon fucking like rabbits
> You'll never spend every day with her
> You'll never have someone who loves you more than anything, would do anything for you, and wants nothing more than to be with you
>Somewhere in another universe or reality, your waifu is going through the same crushing realizations
Together in suffering anons

>> No.15929711
File: 140 KB, 563x1000, 1430672406377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It would move me to tears, had I any tears left to shed.

>> No.15929715

Today I was out and about, feeling the cool chill of encroaching winter as fall sets in.

As my hands tensed up from the cold, I found myself pining for a loving wolfu at home to warm my hands in the soft embrace of her fluffy paws.

But such is not meant to be...

>> No.15929718


>> No.15929720

Ha! I laugh at such suffering!

Because the pain has gone full circle.

>> No.15929721

It kind of puts into perspective how shit Megumin is at that spell that she's gone to that fucking castle for weeks if not months and it's still standing fine.

>> No.15929722

Is pic related your waifu?
I want to go buy pumpkins with my waifu in the crisp autumn air, watch her smile as she picks up a misshapen one, tenderly love each other in the car to warm up
What's your waifu anon?

>> No.15929725

>Is pic related your waifu?
No I was doing a Heart of Ice thing.

>> No.15929728

Probably a marriage contract.

>> No.15929731

Then what is your waifu?

>> No.15929734

A Salamander.

>> No.15929735
File: 310 KB, 991x702, more for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the truly skilled get out unraped.

>> No.15929737

>not just sticking a huge gelatinous cube on the treasure chest

>> No.15929740

What's her name? Tell me about her anon

>> No.15929741

>that Slime eating the sword
I forgot Slimes damage weapons.

>> No.15929744

If I was that warrior. first thing i'm buying is a new sword and anti echidna wards.

>> No.15929745

Well it seems like with the bad guy living there fixing it up for her to blow apart again combined with that ultra performance she put on in the finale fight means she at least used that training to improve.

>> No.15929748

Name? Di. Short for Diana. She goes lifting and jogging with me, she's into power metal and shit, think I'm a nerd but that's okay since she's like that with her music.

>> No.15929751

>ultra performance
You mean where Wiz did all the work and probably could've done Megumin's work for her? Lich is absurdly overpowered I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be the strongest of the 8 generals after Vanir
>inb4 Vanir is her phylactery

>> No.15929758

>metal, jogging, lifting, cute nickname
You're all right in my book anon. Good taste, I bet she loves you

>> No.15929759

>What's your waifu anon?
I'm the one with the train-conducting Gremlin waifu.

I want to deck out the train with bones and plastic bats and shit and call it the Iron Spook or DOOM TRAIN or something. I'd like to dress up in a big fuzzy boogeyman suit but then shoveling the coal would get really damn hot.

Really lovin' the idea of looking for silly pumpkins to carve. She might try to make it into a jumpscare-bot or something though.

>> No.15929762

I suppose she would.
Kind of want to write about her, but I'd rather not pour my heart out like that, so I'll stick to something else.

>> No.15929768

Some one needs to photoshop this and replace the dullahan's head with the bag of gold, so the dude escapes with the real treasure

>> No.15929770

I'm not sure how to respond, I'm sure you and your waifu would have a nice train

Are uppity afraid to see where your feelings go?

>> No.15929775

I meant afraid, this is what I get for late night phone posting

>> No.15929776

>afraid to see where your feelings go?
Yeah. Don't really have any interesting ideas on what to do with her, either. Not the kind of thing people would bother to read anyway.

>> No.15929777

You are now realizing that the entire economic system of mgland is fundamentally just one large pleasure trade.

>> No.15929780

I see, so it's like that.

>> No.15929786

>Feel nostalgic for when MGE-2 leaks were posted
>Go on Warosu to read through that thread again
Why do we never talk about the windy weasels?

>> No.15929787

It makes sense though. If everything is trivialized by just having lots of sex, the natural conclusion is that the entire economy effectively becomes people selling sex and sex aids to each other to have more and better sex.

>> No.15929788

I don't think we do.

>> No.15929795

What about the production of those aides?

>> No.15929804

Where do you think human women and Tanuki fit into this system? Also, a lot of monster girls produce their own sex aids.

>> No.15929809

They are nice and I'm sure that after a long enough time you could come to love all of them equally, but I personally think it'll never be as deep or fulfilling as a single waifu

>> No.15929810

The human women probably take dark matter pills or some shit
Also, when will the DQ solve the problem of no male children? This is extinction tier.

>> No.15929818

I predict that all non immortal males will die as monstergirls take over the world. And from there it's a long lived low burn as the remaining immortal men fuck their waifus and give power to the DL until she can overthrow the system. After which the population will slowly begin to rise once more

>> No.15929824

Are incubi actually immortal?

>> No.15929826

>when will the DQ solve the problem of no male children?
As if this hasn't been answered a million fucking times already. All she has to do is kick the CGs ass and take the monster genetics 'rule'. Frankly she isn't in any big hurry since apparently there aren't that many mamono compared to humans anyway.

>> No.15929828

By the time anyone has to actually worry that, everyone will be an incubus with an extended lifespan of hundreds of years. Husbands of Lich's and the like will be effectively immortal. If the question's a when, you basically don't need to be concerned because it'll get done eventually.

>> No.15929830


Read the end of Fallen Brides and they talk about that, how it's all sex, sex toys, sex drugs, renting time in places to have sex, et cetera sexcetera.

The real question is what becomes the actual currency? Obviously not the precious metals previously used. It would have to be something highly valued and with a limited supply. KC doesn't address this at all and just pretends like the old money still has some arbitrary value when every need is met by DE. Which should lead to a complete devaluation of currency. The only thing holding up the monetary system of demon realms are the neighboring human realms dumb enough to trade with them.

When she becomes the new Chief God and causes vanilla human extinction so there will be no more conflict between humans and monsters. You'll just have what the old monsters and humans became. Monstergirls and incubi.

>> No.15929841
File: 119 KB, 715x993, 1474020818835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a slime then watch my seed roil in her like a lava lamp

>> No.15929847

Lava lamps are so nice. If I ever write about my waifu, she'll have one in her room.

>> No.15929850

Slime paws are so endearing for some reason.

>> No.15929856

Hm... some. Lamentation mushroom eaters are undead at least, so yet another reason to grab a wight or lich waifu today.

>> No.15929857
File: 403 KB, 636x900, basilisk_melina_by_maxa_art-dak2qek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Basilisk was first revealed and people where talking about alternate masks? Someone finally got around to it.

>> No.15929859

Not really. Just because most problems are made irrelevant by the presence of DE, currency doesn't just suddenly lose value, because it never had any value beyond as a ballast for trade of goods and services in the first place. No one was using it for anything, it's value is all based on fiat and trust.

As long as there's anything that people want to acquire that others can provide, the economy will continue to function. Just because the things being circulated are dildos and aphrodisiacs makes no real difference.

>> No.15929864


>> No.15929867

Depends on the subspecies of incubus

>> No.15929871

It does, because
1. It's a face value currency, not a fiat currency. So the devaluation of the backing material will basically cause absurd inflation. The demons don't care because they get to trade that wampum to the people who value it differently.
2. The destruction of the need will cause a complete devaluation of the things that were previously necessary to the needs. Like food. Only little kids in demon realms need to eat so food in general would plummet in value.

>> No.15929877

Adding more detail to this, it's highly based on who the incubus is married to since his life span will always be linked to his wife. For those looking to live as long as possible, undead such as a Lich or Vampire are possibly the best options.

It's always made me wonder what happens with harems though. Say your first wife is an immortal Vampire yet you also have a few other monster girls with shorter life spans as your wives, do they also live longer due to your increased life span?

>> No.15929878

And? That basically no relevance to what you're saying. At what point are you going to elaborate on how this matters in making the standing currency any less valuable?

>> No.15929879

Chubby jinko cubs!

>> No.15929880

I'd say no

Food would become super expensive. There won't be much of it, and only the rich would be able to eat. If imagine that you'd get something to the tune of 90% off if you could prove that you have a young child but otherwise food would be a hobby.

>> No.15929882

Would you help a chubby Jinko cub get fit so she could take revenge on the poachers who killed her mommy to make potency medication out of her?

>> No.15929884

Yes I would.

And when her revenge is taken, she can relax and enjoy a normal life with all te sweets it entailed.

>> No.15929885

>I'd say no
See that would be my guess too if it wasn't for KC being the way he is, my gut instinct says that he would allow them to live longer or at least use the "you can always resurrect them using necromancy" idea.

Having an undead Salamander and Jinko in the harem might not be so bad.

>> No.15929892

I laughed at this, because when I saw the words 'potency medicine', the first thing I thought was that it's probably one of the few things sex related in mge-verse just as effective as it is in real life; that is to say, not at all.

>> No.15929897

That's why the last known survivor stalks her prey in the night.

>> No.15929898
File: 395 KB, 595x842, Hakutaku_by_butter_t-d9t0ltv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what pages she marked in that book.

>> No.15929900

The yellow mark is for a passage of beautiful prose, the red ones are hot hunks ravishing maidens of questionable virtue (i.e. Elves).

>> No.15929903

Hamerms adjusting lifespans is a stupid idea because you end up with thousands of daughters and multigenerational incest and the oldest waifu, say, a devil bug, winding up to be some thousand years old, because her lifespan is always adjusted to the span of the youngest daughter

>> No.15929905

>Food would become super expensive. There won't be much of it, and only the rich would be able to eat. If imagine that you'd get something to the tune of 90% off if you could prove that you have a young child but otherwise food would be a hobby.

That's wrong. KC says almost all the transformed people continue their old jobs as farmers and such. That means you have a massive supply of food with very little need for it. Huge supply and little demand means rock bottom prices.

>And? That basically no relevance to what you're saying. At what point are you going to elaborate on how this matters in making the standing currency any less valuable?

Try actually reading next time. When the people don't give a shit about gold or silver anymore compared to sex, and that is the face and backing of the currency, it becomes worthless comparatively. When the entire new economy revolves around all the sex stuff, then the inflation would be so bad it would make their old money look like Zimbabwe dollars after awhile. When purchasing power is less, that is devaluation. Can't make it any simpler than that.

>> No.15929906


The idea of your waifu dying and coming back as an undead version of what she was is pretty great though. Waifu loves you so much she crawls out of her casket at the funeral and hugs you

>> No.15929911
File: 265 KB, 1024x1448, 1471052135190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get drunk

>> No.15929913

ITT: two anons pretend they know what Tanuki are on about. Go ahead boyim, outsmart that raccoon tail. I'm sure that's never backfired on anyone.

>> No.15929915

>77 Positions to build intimacy.
>How to get pregnant, a beginners guide.

>> No.15929918

If the Oni are making sake and Satyr are making wine, then who supplies the beer? What about the hard drinks?!

>> No.15929919
File: 642 KB, 850x1173, 1394564597112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I used the word boyim, I got a warning. Don't go rocking the boat now.

>> No.15929921

What do you want to drink anon? I need someone to share this bottle of Laphroaig with

>> No.15929923

That's not right. Tons of monsters buy mermaid blood to make sure their husband lives as long as they do. It seems only the most powerful monsters have husbands whose life cycles line up with theirs because the amount of DE in the husbands preserves them like a twinkie. No monsters but the undead are immortal anyways, so even the husbands of dragons aren't immortal because they would only live as long as the dragon. And even the husbands of undead have to be fed lamentation mushrooms to get their immortality.

So basically no incubi lives forever. The only ones who you could consider immortal are undead and so not alive.

>> No.15929925

Trolls make homebrew beer. Vodka comes courtesy of Kikis.

>> No.15929931
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, 1441217885014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to go ape and do monkey business?

>> No.15929932

I'm looking for that half bottle of vodka and the shnaps. my house is seriously lacking alcohol for my shitfaced thursday

>> No.15929937


>Elves drinking pure wood alcohol
>Dare you to drink a glass
Wood elves are scary!
Wood elves are scary!

>> No.15929938

>It seems only the most powerful monsters have husbands whose life cycles line up with theirs because the amount of DE in the husbands preserves them like a twinkie.
KC has said that this aplies to all incubi.

>The only ones who you could consider immortal are undead and so not alive.
We all know how KC treats "undeath". It's just being alive but you don't have body heat and don't need to eat/sleep or anything else.

>> No.15929940

That isn't how currency fucking works though. I read your post, it just doesn't make any sense. Like, what the fuck are you even saying? That because people value goods and services, currency is worthless?

People don't exchange things for money because they want the money for its own merit, they want it because they can spend it for their own shit. It's ballast. Effectively a middle man for barter.

As long as people want each others shit and are willing to trade, people will use currency to streamline the process, it doesn't matter what the currency itself is as long as it isn't trivially easy to counterfeit. It makes no difference what the goods being traded are or what the currency itself is.

>> No.15929941

KC contradicts himself a lot, he writes that mermaid blood thing and then completely goes against it in other places.
>The only ones who you could consider immortal are undead and so not alive
For all intents and purposes KC's undead are undead in name only, they're living creatures made from dead bodies.

>> No.15929943

>KC has said that this aplies to all incubi.
No it doesn't, or the entire thing about mermaid blood wouldn't exist.

>> No.15929946
File: 60 KB, 576x808, 1396390500991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Wood Elf to polish my spear!

>> No.15929947

The kikis make the vodka, huh? Not the Jinko, or any of the winter-themed monstergirls? I mean I guess that works, I just didn't expect it. Does that mean they just run a brewery out of sight from their master's place of residence?

... does that mean lonely single kikis use it to fill the void? Dark.

>> No.15929949

Kikis are the Slavs, they don't drink to fill a void, they drink to keep breathing.

>> No.15929952
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hisako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beware actual murder ghosts

>> No.15929954

Wait, but that's just methanol. 10ml of that would kill a man!

>> No.15929955


>> No.15929956

News flash, KC can't stick to one thing and retcons shit all the time as >>15929941 says.

Remember Lizards? Any less kind aspects of MGE got stamped out over the years.

>> No.15929957

Well he did say that incubi get a life cycle that matches their waifu.KC contradicts himself a lot and it would not surprise me if he accidentally made mermaid blood irrelevant.

>> No.15929959

That doesn't make sense though, I've never seen a Kiki squatting in a tracksuit with a bottle of booze. A Jinko, maybe...

>> No.15929964

Kikis are not the slavs, that is most definitely the Jinkos

>> No.15929965

they should rename that move

>> No.15929968

You don't understand because you're being retarded and talking about fiat currency and not backed currency. The backing of the currency itself has a value. That market value is determined by the people. When that value goes down, the value of the currency goes down. Backed currencies work by guaranteeing that they are a given weight/amount of the backing material. Like take the talent for instance. It's a weight.

Nobody said anyone would stop using currency, just that their current currency would fall in value as bad as an aluminum backed one after the invention of electric arc furnaces.

>> No.15929969

What do you mean?

>> No.15929971
File: 685 KB, 1000x833, Cheeki breeki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Kikimoras come from Slavic mythology.

>> No.15929976
File: 100 KB, 229x416, Asfm hol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need milk

>> No.15929978

T-the legends are true..!
Could this be, a rare peak at a kiki taking a break from maid duties?

>> No.15929979

No that there is a fox, Lester.

>> No.15929980

she looks high as fuck

>> No.15929983

You better ask for the antidote real nice then, human boy. Hurry, while you can still see. The price? Oh, we can talk about that later~

>> No.15929984

And? As far as I'm concerned that really isn't a difference worth consideration. Gold will continue to retain its value no matter what simply on the inertia it has as a currency in common use. People use gold to trade for things = gold has value.

>> No.15929985
File: 76 KB, 1598x814, Zatoichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad. Mad about Elves!

>> No.15929991

But they just don't fit, I don't look at that maid design and think oh yeah a slav, though I guess anything really could be Russian in origin, that one waifufag has a Russian Hellhound

>> No.15929992

>To alcohol poisoning

>> No.15929994

Nobody said Russian.

>> No.15929999

Im going to keep a succubus in my basement

>> No.15930001

Why boner though?
Why here, why now?
Oh, that's right. Despite the tricks other girls might pull, nothing's quite as pure psychotic sadism.
I'll be happy here; when my family thinks of me from somewhere outside the forest, may they know I'm genki as genki can be.

>> No.15930005

Ech, my apologies then, I think Russian when I hear slav.

>> No.15930009
File: 413 KB, 371x651, FREEDOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's insulting to Slavs, but I wouldn't expect any less from an American education.

>> No.15930016

>trash insulted over being compared to garbage

>> No.15930018

Economic collapse guy, material or commodity currency is valuable because people have decided it's worth what it's worth, it works the same way as fiat currency. The only difference is that fiat currency has no material backing. People have never given a shit about gold or silver itself except for alchemists or really ancient tribal dudes who thought it was pretty. Fiat currency is also based on what people think it's worth, it's just that it's based on, more or less, what people think the government is worth.
People won't suddenly stop thinking gold is cool just because sex is also cool, that's like saying people stopped thinking wood is cool because metal exists. Short of having a way to create shittons of gold out of your ass (which I'm sure mamono magic can do but whatever), it retains its value. You can't trade 72.3 seconds of blowjob to the pineapple merchant in exchange for a big pineapple, especially if the pineapple seller is a dude and you're also a dude. Even more the case if you're dealing in huge sums, how do you trade twenty thousand years of cowgirl in exchange for a farm?

It's called an Super Antidote.

Is she offering to sell herself into slavery

>> No.15930020

>And? As far as I'm concerned that really isn't a difference worth consideration.
You have to be baiting at this point. Nobody is this dense. It's the entire point of the entire argument.

>Gold will continue to retain its value no matter what simply on the inertia it has as a currency in common use.

This is completely wrong. All commodites can fluctuate radically in value. In the real world, just 15 years ago, gold was only $200 an ounce. That's a massive drop from previous eras. People hoarding it and pumping up futures since the 2008 crash is why it's where it's at today. It's just as flexible as anything else. And now it's painfully obvious you didn't get the wampum comparison either. A commodity only has value when people care for it. In a society where gold is considered worthless compared to a good dildo, then it's not going to hold value.

Hell, you should pay attention to the aluminum comparison too if you think a precious metal always holds its value no matter what, or the history of platinum.

>> No.15930026

>American meme
I'm pretty sure most people associate the term slav with Russia and the general area, but this is getting off topic. Papi has a nice ass

>> No.15930036

>Thinking that saying something would have absurd inflation means not using money at all.
Anon, just because you have to pay ten thousand gold for a thong now, doesn't make it bartertown.

>> No.15930037
File: 796 KB, 3300x4200, 1428472737501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people
Most Americans maybe. How many 'murrican MGs do we have? Is it just Wendigos? No Tatanka to butt heads with?

>> No.15930056

Precious metals aren't worth anything short of specialized scientific reasons though, people just agree that it's worth this much. That's it.
Nobody has ever cared about a gold bar, you can't eat a gold bar, you can't really do anything with a gold bar. People just decide that this is how much a gold bar is worth. Supply and demand applies to all currency, not just commodity currency.
There's literally no reason for gold to fall in value relative to all goods. It'll only fall in value compared to the few goods that are suddenly higher in demand, if any exist since monsters and incubi are better at just about if not literally everything, including production of goods.

Why would absurd inflation happen if the relative cost of making a good dildo or thong doesn't go up? At most certain goods would skyrocket in price. Does barley rise in price too? How about mead or mahogany? Does the price of a set of plate rise too?
Hyperinflation doesn't mean 'one good or set of goods skyrocketed in price', it means the currency is losing value.
>just because you have to pay ten thousand gold for a thong now, doesn't make it bartertown.
That's exactly what happens when hyperinflation kicks in. Nobody uses currency that loses value to such an absurd degree and can't be trusted anymore.

>> No.15930059
File: 27 KB, 292x594, Lizardman_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about lizardwomen.
what happens when you tickle behind their ear fins?

>> No.15930064

I don't think anything happens really. They might giggle and snuggle you. Or they might tell you to stop because they're busy, or they might call for the guards because a creep just started tickling her out of nowhere.

>> No.15930065

They drop their tail and scuttle off.

>> No.15930067

That's they way to defeat them. If you do that they will be incapacitated for a while and spread their legs by instinct. More or less inviting you to rape them and fill them with your seed.

>> No.15930074

>Nobody uses currency that loses value to such an absurd degree and can't be trusted anymore.
Exactly. That's why way back at the very beginning of the argument, I said they'd have to switch to something more stable relative to them.

As for the rest of the post, the main thing you're not taking into account is that you're calling all the sexual goods "relatively few" when it's really more like "almost everything" when you're talking about a demon realm.

>> No.15930079

Muscled Minotaur mistresses!

>> No.15930096
File: 489 KB, 701x980, 1473141598739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point in the song in listening to, the lead singer starts singing like "Ah-Oooo" with a female backing singer. It sounds like "Awoo" and just makes me want a wolfu to song to me with her howls.

>> No.15930098
File: 133 KB, 574x731, 1433829062313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mysterious Elf shows up at your doorstep one day, saying she's an agent from the government. She has for you an Orgasm Ray, like the one from the movie Orgazmo. It has power cells for 100 shots. The weapon will disintegrate on an atomic level and disappear once those shots have all been fired, or if anyone whose fingerprints are not coded into it tries to fire it.
The offer is giving you this tool and seeing to it that the MGCPD does not investigate any crimes it's involved in. What you choose to do with it is up to you.
Do you accept?

>> No.15930100

Haughty Horny Hellhound!

>> No.15930107

>"almost everything" when you're talking about a demon realm
But that is simply not true. At the end of the day the only things can be considered sexual items are toys (which not all waifus would even use), drugs (which also are not necessarily used), and the act itself. The rest - housing, furniture, children's toys, food (now a luxury good but then again it's already a luxury good in much of the world as it currently exists), decor, services like cleaning and construction and bureaucracy, manufacture, mining and farming, jewelry, weapons and armor, etc.
All of these things need compensation and most of them can't be paid in sex. Gold is ALREADY near-fiat tier in terms of currencies because it's not actually valuable to anyone. A person with nothing doesn't want gold if he can't trade it. Gold is a luxury resource, and not even a particularly useful one at that.

No because that is the most shady bullshit I've ever seen
After I use it, what'll happen is the government will convict me for the tiniest crime I might've committed using it, and also pin on me the blame that some high government official committed. I don't even have proof that the government gave me this high-end orgasm ray that I certainly couldn't have gotten myself because it fucking disappears.

>> No.15930110

You can trust Agent Shins, anon. Orgasm rays are impossible to trace and if you're smart about what you do, nobody will be able to say you had anything to do with getting some girls off against their will!

>> No.15930113

Remember to keep you salamander away form starwars.
she might ask a remind to build a lightsaber.

>> No.15930115

Sure, After she set's it up I'll use it on her. She only has herself to blame.

>> No.15930118

>remind should be gremlin*

>> No.15930120

>implying that's not what she wants
Why would she be dressed that way

Yeah well
That's what the Tanuki in a suit told me too
Now I'm living in a shack.

>> No.15930122

Why would Salamanders watch inferior stuff like Star Wars when they can study Dune for glorious duels?

>> No.15930123

Good, hen we both get what we want. Elfs are made for rape after all.

>> No.15930124

Because they're millennials and casuals

>> No.15930125

Why the hell am I not getting (you) in my posts when my posts are getting replied to?

>> No.15930128

Chubby cowardly cheshires

>> No.15930129

My Salamander would take a page from the Harkonnen playbook and poison the long blade instead of the short one to mess with people's expectations, let's see some millenial MG force their way out of that one.

>> No.15930130

You want to deny salamanders getting lightsabers?
the fucks wrong with you!

>> No.15930131

>No shamanic tribe of wild wolfus to howl while the alpha sings

>> No.15930133

You have the previous thread open in another tab?

>> No.15930134


>> No.15930135

That happens sometimes. When you accidentally press abort to late you don't get (you)'s

>> No.15930136

No not at all
It's not working on any of my 4chan tabs this is retarded, I've never seen this bug before

>> No.15930142

>But that is simply not true.
It is. All the stuff you listed is basically manufactured and all has a sexual twist. They all have massive spikes in value that is not reflected in the base commodities. Barley for example would drop to near nothing. It is now a luxury good like you said, but has a very large supply. Turn it into beer with a prisoner fruit twist however and it multiplies exponentially in value. It's the bottled water phenomenon. This would apply to wood, water, base materials like paint, dye or thread.

Gold would drop in the exact same manner as the rest of their unneeded and unvalued commodities. That's why they would still have a currency, but it would have to be based around something else, even if it's dildos or a volume of semen.

As an aside, there are no standardized services in a demon realm. Everything actually acts like some bizarre utopian anarchy. No street cleaning, no bureaucracy, no policing, nobody maintaining the sewers. Yet this apparently causes no problems. Well, nobody ever accused KC of making sense I suppose.

>> No.15930146

I want to see an all monster girl metal band in concert!

>> No.15930147

You probably refreshed the thread or you're using a different connection now. I have that happen if I switch my phone from network to wifi.

>> No.15930149

Because people like what they like.

>> No.15930150
File: 1.24 MB, 1477x1600, Moth-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MetalMorphosis is getting the band back together!

>> No.15930152

>Back together
They ever split?

>> No.15930153

But why do people like bad things?
It's the final tour, guys!

>> No.15930154

Their best song will always be Born to Fuck.

>Alternate really all ghoul Cannibal Corpse will never reverse gangbang you

>> No.15930156

>As an aside, there are no standardized services in a demon realm. Everything actually acts like some bizarre utopian anarchy. No street cleaning, no bureaucracy, no policing, nobody maintaining the sewers. Yet this apparently causes no problems
Then it either will with the massive increase in population caused by the monster-fication of the world or currency will stop being relevant entirely since it currently acts as some bizarre completed form of marxism. From every man according to his dick, to every man according to his waifu or something.
Also, gold is not valuable period. That's what I think you're missing. Nobody actually wants gold, the only use for it is decoration (which not all girls want anyway) and as a trading commodity. Unless the amount of gold available suddenly explodes there's no reason for it to fall in value.

How do I fix it then
I just hard refreshed all of my threads and it's still not working
It's driving me insane.

>> No.15930157

>Ghoul Cannibal Corspe gig
Man I'd wade into that moshpit half drunk and half naked in a heartbeat

>Last tour
Moth-chan is eternal.

>> No.15930158

>Moth-chan is eternal
That's the joke. One year it's their last tour, the next year the band gets back together for their reunion tour.

>> No.15930166

That moshpit would turn into a big orgy and it'd be fucking awesome.

>Lead singer pulls a guy on stage and gives him a sloppy, violent blowjob during the guitar solos.

And being ghouls that blowjob would be legendary

>> No.15930168

entertainment is subjective and all that. I've accepted that with my tastes the internet thinks live in a sewer (for example I enjoy star wars, nickback and naruto.) I just don't care anymore that people like harry potter and nolan-capeshit.

to put this in a monster girl sense, I hate hellhounds and what the represent. that doesnt make hellhounds bad, I just dont like em

>> No.15930171

We need to MG-up Brütal Legend now.

>> No.15930174

>unironically liking Naruto
Okay what part do you enjoy, because there's like two ways of enjoying Naruto that are acceptable.

>> No.15930177

Na that's bullshit, and a quick way to lose credibility. Better to just keep on trucking, far more respectable.

>You'll never live in Metlmorphosis's home town and get to go to their gigs at small and intimate venues

Eeeh... Let's keep the band out of the orgies and purely in the back stage realms. Public blowjobs every gig on tonnes of different dudes is a little 2slut4me.

A frontman has an image to maintain after all. Far better if she just selects a dude otu of the grows and gets security to haul him off back stage after the band gets off, horny after performing before a literal orgy.

>> No.15930179

Oh god I don't even know where to start but it'd be fucking awesome

>> No.15930181

oh god oh oh god oh oh oh ohohohohoh oh ohoh

>> No.15930182

You start with a roadie anon dying and waking up to some Dark Priests about to get kinky on him.

>> No.15930188

I was thinking more along the lines of a repeat fan that she's taken a liking to, who she always spots out of the crowd. I'm not particularly into 2slut4me either, but public makes it all the better.

>> No.15930192

Fuck it, when I wake up I'm writing it, with the Cannibal Corpse ghouls being the band. Greentext or one off?

>> No.15930193
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, Zaulia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snu-snu hungry Amazons are already present.

>> No.15930195

One-off sounds more up my alley, but a greentext might suit this better if you don't plan on making an epic war story.

>> No.15930197

>Gets depressed when she can't find him after the show
Cute but I think exhibitionism is both petty and degenerate

>> No.15930199

Easier to say what I didn't like, which was the land of iron/kage summit and a decent chunk of the war. Hell hinata was my favourite girl. thats how deep my shit taste apparently goes.

Can't say much about the anime as I just read the whole manga and left it at that.

>> No.15930201

>Unless the amount of gold available suddenly explodes there's no reason for it to fall in value.
Interestingly, with races like dwarves in KC land since the beginning and trading with men since before monsterization, you would expect gold would be worth quite a bit less in the first place. High level monsters can get loads of it too.

I'm not missing what you're saying. Rather I'm trying to get across the point that monsters don't really care for base commodities for any purpose, whether it's food or trade. Rather they only care about the finished goods. It's telling that the only ones that really get into that other sort of thing live in human societies and not in demon realms.

>or currency will stop being relevant entirely since it currently acts as some bizarre completed form of marxism. From every man according to his dick, to every man according to his waifu or something.

That's basically how it is now. Except KC says somehow everything is booming at the same time. Because you know, KC and consistency.

>> No.15930203

Do you really enjoy them? or do you just enjoy the shit used by WWE and that one they did for spiderman?

>> No.15930206

>Except KC says somehow everything is booming at the same time
Technically speaking that is exactly what happens in completed marxism. I guess it actually works because it's post-scarcity and if you need something just find a husband for blackberry.

>> No.15930208

When was it a crime to like naruto?

>> No.15930211
File: 127 KB, 554x645, Another freckled mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the Chuunin Exams when it started to get worse?
At least OP is still great and has cute Monster Girls in it.

>> No.15930212

I'm worried I won't be able to do it justice either way.

Degenerate. That's what makes it great

>> No.15930213
File: 2.95 MB, 1555x2175, 8d4dd1c53044b59dff34e74d875999ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can vampires have offsprings even if they are considered undead?

any type of vampire you prefer in particular? as in,full blood sucker,never sucks blood,can go out in daylight, etc.....

>> No.15930217

>Hinata was my favourite girl
I don't think anyone shits on your for that since nobody actually had passable chemistry of any sort with nardo except her. Konan and Kaguya are still better, the latter being one of the best girls by virtue of Kishi not shitting her up.

>he liked all of Naruto
Yeah nah

You used to literally get banned from /a/ for liking it newfag.

>OP is still great

>> No.15930219

>I won't be able to do it justice either way
Neither is anyone else.
Yes, also I win because I posted a waifu.

>> No.15930222

Since it was new.

I mean, I know the little kids that watched it as their first anime are probably early 20's by now but man was it slammed by people who were teens when it came out. Same with One Piece. First two seasons of Bleach were received okay I guess, then it gets tossed in the same pit.

>> No.15930223
File: 28 KB, 432x598, Dhampir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampires are undead and when they have a kid, it's a Dhampir.
In my headcanon Vampires suck blood but don't care much about sunlight, like in the original Dracula book.

>> No.15930224

/a considers it entry level trash along side the fate series (depending on who you ask) and people that consider RWBY an anime

>> No.15930231
File: 473 KB, 1000x1000, 1460890011597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, Naruto was actually considered good up until post-Chuunin exams. Even up to Itachi's death it had good parts to it. After that it was basically dead in the water.

>> No.15930234
File: 101 KB, 738x1082, 1435207329724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on a cute Mermaid
>posting Albedo instead
I think you might be baiting.

>> No.15930236
File: 354 KB, 1200x864, b91245940db0849a5b55a7e6571abd83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't a crazy cat witch right anon?


>> No.15930238

>No, Naruto was actually considered good up until post-Chuunin exams.

No. It was considered just another random battle shounen in a long line of them. Coming right on the heels of another famous less lighthearted one like FMA made it look extra kiddie to a ton of people too.

>> No.15930239
File: 1.91 MB, 1912x2359, 1446796385470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate isn't considered entry level trash though, Fate/Zero is and that's because you had tons of idiots who knew literally nothing about the series and were just retarded in every way possible shitting up the thread. JETSposters were pure cancer.


>> No.15930247

Please stop arguing about battle shonens or I'll use the Power of Friendship to punch an Alp.

>> No.15930248

>people that consider RWBY an anime
it annoys me that people fled to RWBY after declaring naruto shit when its a newgrounds flash series with a budget

>> No.15930250

That doesn't look like a cat, those are human ears. Granted, those are mouse skulls and a fishbone hanging off of them, but that would be a dealbreaker too.

>> No.15930251

>coming right on the heels
But Naruto predates FMA in both manga and anime forms what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.15930253

When it got imported over here.

>> No.15930255

you say no battle shonen, then do fairytail

>> No.15930257
File: 562 KB, 1280x1811, barbara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I would a Witch.
I believe in magic.

>> No.15930260

Well there's some prime booty and booby in that one.

>> No.15930263

They're coming to get you Barbara!

>> No.15930264

People were talking about Naruto and FMA both with or without them getting 'imported'. You can't say Naruto came on the heels of FMA when it was the other way around if anything. People generally considered it to be fairly good up until post-chuunin.

And a lack of doujins but the same for Bleach
>Harribel in the rape dungeon for YEARS
>no doujins

>> No.15930269
File: 106 KB, 600x737, tumblr_nk1g46xP6y1sqhzw2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any kitsune lovers around. . .

>> No.15930270

Its fine if you enjoy battle shonen, Mr naruto liker >>15930199

seeing as you like it so much, lets get this thread back on topic and talk about MGE kunoichis

>> No.15930273

Everything about this picture screams buttfucking, and I love it.

>> No.15930275

C'mon now, that's like saying "any monstergirl lovers around"
Low hanging fluffy tail, as it were.

>> No.15930278

I want Master Dick to teach me how to deal with The Booty Clan!

>> No.15930279

Thin fried tofu is really overrated.

>> No.15930282

Well there's at least one guy here that likes naruto...

>> No.15930283
File: 327 KB, 600x768, 66a4c6405df409c850a2d015af608136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy them from time to time, though kumiho are enticing in another way.

>> No.15930288

>People generally considered it to be fairly good up until post-chuunin.

Anon, regardless of dates, it was ignored by most people who had already seen a few other of that kind of show and had been jerked around for hundreds of episodes before. The level of goofy juvenile stuff in the first few episodes didn't help its case either.

It was the Dragonball for a new crop of kids. I can understand that. But anybody who wasn't a part of that group is not going to defend it.

>> No.15930292

Anyway, my point is that there was a time when it wasn't literally garbage.

>> No.15930294
File: 54 KB, 428x600, yep (this is a thing).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, take this and never google "female kyuubi"

>> No.15930299

Of course they can. Even zombies can give birth in MGEverse since they are not really "dead"

>> No.15930301

This kitsune is falling with style.

>> No.15930302

That's literally how Dhampirs and new Vampires are made.

>Husband still human

>Huband incubizes

>> No.15930305

Undead in most settings aren't considered "dead" so much as "past death", it's why a resurrection spell kills them and healing potions can harm them but you can heal them by casting an instant death spell.

>> No.15930306

For what its worth, I fully apologise for shitting the thread with naruto talk, I was trying to make a point about taste.

>> No.15930307

Why is she locked inside a glass room?

>> No.15930308

Well you should've known that there's no arguing over taste.

>> No.15930309

Because they're going to pour in semen until she drowns

>> No.15930310
File: 360 KB, 1200x1200, e49505374456667103016839cd99b13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly dont care what other people tastes like as long as the thread keeps going and nothing too bad happens

their tastes are their tastes, cant do anything to change them

>> No.15930311

She eats livers.

>> No.15930316

I want that in my adventuring party!

>> No.15930317
File: 902 KB, 1000x1151, bdf85593a0d56b5d692c1b72a902ec0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see >>15930309

>> No.15930323

ture, I guess it ended up with a "stop hating what I like" thing

>> No.15930324

>Can vampires have offsprings even if they are considered undead?
Canonically yes. But I'd rather they couldn't. But I imagine that there's some powerful necromancy that allows a dead child to grow up to its physical apex so you could adopt a dying street urchin and have your waifu bite her and turn her into your undead daughteru.

It makes dhampir a bit confusing though since in lore they are the result of a vampire man pregnating a human woman, who obviously has a living, working womb and is impregnated with vampseed.

But MGE vamps are all women, unless a vamp-incubus rapes a human woman and has a dhampir that way. I guess that's why KC just has undead as not really undead but living beings made from corpses, which I think is blatantly stupid.

I'd like it if there was a ritual where to make a daughter, you adopt one and drain all of her blood, until there isn't a speck left, and then your vamp waifu gives her her own blood over a long process, eventually refilling the daughteru until she has nothing but vampire blood in her veins, making her significantly more powerful than a turned vamp with human and vamp blood in her veins.

Maybe that's how you could keep faithful to vamp ideas of pure blood and nobility. There is indeed some vamp lore that has bloodline tracking not hereditary but via who bit you, and who bit them.

So if you go by Kc's not!Undead, yes. If you have actual undead then it gets more complicated.

A vamp could also make herself a magical womb and use magic to keep it running the way a mortal womb would. Then feasibly if she uses magic to maintain all the same processes then yes.

Then you'd need to cum inside not only because you need to impregnate her but also because you need to supply the SE to keep the spirit machine pumping. which means pregnancy would make vampires ultra horny, morso than usual, and oyu spend most of your time fucking, because their vamp "motherly" instincts demand a surplus of energy to avoid any chance at a miscarriage.

>> No.15930326

Undeath is more like anti-life in those settings really. Like they're animated but it's the polar opposite of proper living beings.

KC's are straight up alive though. Just "New alive creatures that just happened to born from corpses." The interesting thing he doesn't address though is that means undead incubi are the same thing. It's not really you. It's something new born from your corpse. Now that's something to chew on.

>> No.15930331

I'd rather just have classic undead. No kids and no aging.

>> No.15930335

>It's not really you. It's something new born from your corpse. Now that's something to chew on.
The problem with this line of reasoning is that something which retains your consciousness and memories is still essentially you, otherwise you could argue that you're a different person every second as you have new experiences, new memories, and a slightly new personality.

>> No.15930339


MGE Dhampirs work this way >>15930302

>> No.15930344

Meh it happens at times. In my time here I knw theres at least one guy that hates metal gear, one guy that hates one punch man, at least 2 that dont like star wars and a 50/50 out look on superhero movies

>> No.15930347

Wights, Liches, and Vampires should fall under that too but they don't. Not according to KC. Besides, this is kind of the old clone/robot replica argument isn't it?

>> No.15930348

Same here, but I don't mind the idea of using powerful magic to make a girl who got turned into a vampire at, say, 12, grow into an adult. It's just using magic to age yourself, The reverse of using magic to un-age yourself. Far more believeable than using magic to give birth.

Though I would allow it if it's a super complicated, years-long ruital

I know how they work perfectly fine

>> No.15930350

YR > SD > Asura

>> No.15930351

Kind of, but it's continuous, there's no break in consciousness, and physically speaking it's the same entity.
Philosopher monster girl when?

>> No.15930354

>that little gondola in bottom left corner
What did barb mean by this?

>> No.15930356

>one punch man
Really would like it fubuki was a monster girl

>> No.15930358

>at least one guy that hates metal gear
Make it two. Well, not hate more than annoyed by all the posting about it. It was two whole months of fulton memes straight once. Thankfully that stuff is much rarer now. Now it's usually just the occasional nanomachines son.

>> No.15930371

Well that's the old argument about "if you replace all the wood of a boat over years is it still the same boat?" I'mma go ahead and say yes for personal satisfaction. I'm not the same person I was five years ago, I've grown and changed. That's ok. I see undeath in settings like this as much the same- different, yet the same fundamentally.

>> No.15930372

Yeah when mgs5 came out it was incessant shitposting for months. Thankfully that franchise is dead.

>> No.15930379

>Your lich waifu will never use highly advanced and extremely complicated magiscience just to take on the sexual characteristics of other monster girls and to try them out on you

>> No.15930380

I take the DnD road with this sort of thing.
>X is evil objectively because the gods of the setting say so.
>Undead are all new creatures, so says KC.

The writer of the setting hands down his decision from on-high, no philosophy required. Plus I'm pretty sure dying counts as a break in consciousness.

You want to get strange though? You would figure same soul means same person right? We know natural wights and liches at fall under that, but skeletons and zombies don't. Yet that is completely denied by KC with the previous statement about new creatures. I really think he didn't think that through. Thinking about it myself makes me realize a scenario I've never seen discussed

>tfw a cuddlebug zombie goes wight and the soul and body don't match
>she regains her mind only to find she's in the skin of a complete stranger

>> No.15930381

Why are lichs >for science in MGEverse anyway, it's really weird and jarring to me when they're usually ungodly magic casters.

>> No.15930382

>I really think he didn't think that through

>> No.15930383

> waifu won't stop leaving android onaholes around for 'testing'
damn it all what a pervert.

>> No.15930392

It's because liches are about the logical extreme of being the wizard in the tower just reading and experimenting. KC decided to apply the stereotype kudere scientist girl template to that. He could have just as easily made them super caster bookworms.

>> No.15930397

Those are fairy skulls, anon. Or smurf skulls

>> No.15930401

But still, a fucking fishbone earring. Who thinks that looks good?

>> No.15930404

The same kind of filthy forest hippy who makes her hat out of banana leaves.

>> No.15930411


>> No.15930412

I wanna lick and cum all over lich's phylactery.

>> No.15930415

I want to destroy the lich's phylactery

>> No.15930441

Woah woah woah mate. I'll have you know that RWBY isn't animated with that disgusting flash program, but rather, Poser, there's a huge difference. You see, one is capable of making top notch animation when in the hands of talented animators, the other is fucking poser and it's the absolute worst 3d animation program you can use.

>> No.15930442

They're only kuudere because they've distanced their souls from their bodies so that the overwhelming pleasure they get from sex doesn't completely dominate their minds.

>> No.15930464

I hate OPM and Star Wars, maybe you mentioned me twice?
>Philosopher monster girl when?
There's Philosowurm, but I wouldn't open that can of Wurms because it was written by you-know-who and doesn't contain any real philosophy.

>> No.15930470

Hakutaku would be a good philosopher, too bad no one cares for her.

>> No.15930478

they confirmed season 2 to that right?

>> No.15930486
File: 377 KB, 1044x1200, 1402228425267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you stand by her side throughout a half a century of war?

>> No.15930498

I would stand by her side even after death.

>> No.15930505

Hakutaku sensei needs to put on muscle, that's what all the kids want today!

>> No.15930513

They did.

>> No.15930519

Monster girls dressed like Tatsumaki and Fubuki when?

>> No.15930526

>Sparring with a Hinezumi and a Salamander
>Being proposed by them at the same time
>More "sparring" to decide which of the two are better
>Waking up with a burnt pelvis and dick
Would you?
Alternatively, wake up to the fact that they aren't real.

>> No.15930532

Maybe a Hakutaku gym teacher who teaches ypu how to get /fit/ and adds aphrodisiacs into your diet. She knowd all about gains afterall.

>> No.15930534

I notice how even now, a Tiger is not a valid option.

>> No.15930542

Do we have any stories about the MC becoming an evil overlord and leading his hordes of cute minions to swoop down upon the kingdoms of man?

>> No.15930543

>Would you?
yes. Do you really need to ask?

>> No.15930551

Fiery girls is my fetish. I would wake up with a burnt dick and they would wake up with a wet pussy.

>> No.15930558

I care about cowteacher! I stay after class for her tutoring sessions all the time! Even the ones where she gets drunk and lewd!

>> No.15930572

I don't know Anon. If you really care about her you will have to show it by staying in her "classes" even after you graduate.

>> No.15930581

If there isn't one, there should be.

>> No.15930636
File: 220 KB, 850x1202, 1454063520393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up mastah~

>> No.15930642

But I am awake, dear. Or do you mean I should awaken in the metaphysical sense? Perhaps some tequila and mescal are called for, then?

>> No.15930646

Why did my maid turn slimy and purple while I was asleep? Something is going on in this place.

>> No.15930647
File: 60 KB, 496x531, 1452884167600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-that's a long word...

>> No.15930654

How does alcohol affect Slimes? I don't remember this from EMG.

>> No.15930658

They probably just absorb it.
If anything it might make them flammable for a while.

>> No.15930661

Thy become bubbly and wobble a lot.

>> No.15930665

This is not my maid.

This will never be my maid.

>> No.15930666

They get a lower freezing point

>> No.15930672


>> No.15930673

Average or someone was doing a greentext story about a nercomancer trying to take over cities with his incompetent undead army a long time ago.

>> No.15930675

Oh I remember those cuties!

>> No.15930678

Shogs can do so many more things and are way more versatile than Kikis, yet those simple maids are so much better.

>> No.15930679
File: 254 KB, 800x710, 1452353071098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki-chan, you should really not be wasting the little money you got from begging on internet fees
You need to find a new mastah unless you want to be a prostitute.

>> No.15930683
File: 250 KB, 1000x714, 1311083295847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15930703

>Shog finds an outlet in the dirty alleyway she is living in
>Creates a shitty laptop and sucks the shop owner's dick for wifi just so she can shit talk Kikis that finished cleaning and are using the computer

Sure thing shoogy.

>> No.15930712
File: 1.06 MB, 915x1145, 1474134180240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just admit you're both homeless and starving and start putting up ads if a wotw got a boyfriend through internet dating profiles then you can too

>> No.15930731
File: 628 KB, 1280x620, 1449257168498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would monsterchan's /r9k/ be like?

>> No.15930743

The same, but with NEET Oomukade instead of people. Maybe the occassional beta Succubus.

>> No.15930745

>beta Succubus
Jesus fuck can you imagine the amount of bullying being a single succubus would entail

>> No.15930747

But you'd save her from that fate, right anon? Right?

>> No.15930751
File: 142 KB, 622x880, 1393869405490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan I'm cold! Can you warm me up by telling me why kids love the taste of toasty Cinnamon Crunch?

>> No.15930752

Complaining about how men are sluts and human oppression.

>> No.15930755
File: 968 KB, 1000x1200, Vegetables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I like more - down-on-their-luck monstergirls forced to prostitute themselves for scraps, or down-on-their-luck humanboys forced to do likewise.

>> No.15930762

You'd never meet her. She's /r9k/'s meme definition of beta. She doesn't go outdoors and even when she does she's not noticeable. When boys approach her she stammers she has something to do. When she sees someone she likes she can't bring herself to say hi. To take her means to turn down the many girls who actively approached you and asked for your affection because you think she's there somewhere when you haven't even met her or else dumping someone you're already with to make her feel better.

Sugar and the fact that cinnamon is one of the spices that work better with sugar (or at all).

>> No.15930763

Cinnamon sugar swirls in every bite.
Now leave me alone, corpse.

>> No.15930766

>beta Succubus
That's called an Alp son.

>> No.15930822

We need more stories about women becoming monsters

>> No.15930834

I would like a harem of dark valkiries

>> No.15930842

Do you think that a naturaly born dark valk would go out to find a master like the maids?

>> No.15930848


>> No.15930855


>> No.15930860
File: 396 KB, 2480x3507, 1412188736439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Claudia Frollo longed to purge the world of vice and sin
And she saw CORRUPTION everywhere
Except... within

>> No.15930872

Not like the maid, more like a regular valk searhing for a hero. But lewder

>> No.15930874

Nah, that's just a fag.

>> No.15930879

Mea culpa

>> No.15930884

Full of alps that hate men

>> No.15930887

I want to surprise mud-wrestle a Kiki.

>> No.15930888

It's not my fault!

>> No.15930892

What would happen if you put a dick pic in one of their threads?

>> No.15930908

Mardi Gras masked Basilisks when?

>> No.15930912

A whole lot of reee's and "1/10"'s when in reality they're all salivating and schlicking furiously

>> No.15930916

I want a NEET Basilisk to try on Majoras Mask and be disappointed when nothing happens.

>> No.15930925

I hope that onee-san likes anal.

>> No.15930929

Buttslut onee-sans are the best onee-sans

>> No.15930933

Making an onee-san go crazy with anal is great.

>> No.15930938

>go crazy with anal

>> No.15930940
File: 350 KB, 850x1148, 1431391716844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While having a nice, relaxing walk in the park you stumble on some kids playing a little rough. What do?

>> No.15930946

You fuck her in the butt until she is addicted and can't live without it.

>> No.15930947

Time for a nap.

>> No.15930949

I wish Barb would draw my favorite MGE girls with asses that fat.
>that hidden Gondola

>> No.15930951


>> No.15930955

>napping in the park
That's a good way to end up in trouble.

>> No.15930956

Watch them play and cheer them on.

>> No.15930968

nah, it's fine.

>> No.15930973

And then anon woke up with a loli sleeping on him and an angry crowd around the bench, demanding to know what was going on and if it was your Sabbath imouto.

>> No.15930976

Like i said, just fine.

>> No.15931032

It amazes me that he hasn't done a Kakuen yet with how much he loves asses.

>> No.15931034

Or some thicc Wight butt.

>> No.15931037

Kakuens are weird. They're too human to be monstergirls.

>> No.15931052

What is gondola?

>> No.15931059

He is observing. Without speaking, silently watching. Always watching, even as the world burns.


>> No.15931063

That too, barb please.

>> No.15931091

I'm still frustrated that Kakuen haven't gotten much art considering we're in the year of the monkey.

>> No.15931098

That's because everybody know Kakuens are shit

>> No.15931105

Kindly devour a phallus.

>> No.15931107
File: 96 KB, 480x640, 54169783_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some but none of it is what I'd call good quality.

I'm more annoyed that the only lewd image with a Kakuen is a gangbang of all things.

>> No.15931122

I want a cuddlebug Kakuen childhood friend so bad.
I want to see those cuddlebug tendencies start to become something lewder as we grow up too.

>> No.15931123

You'd be better off having her with runic tattoos on the interior of her wings that allow her to float/hover at will with minimal mana consumption. It's what one of my shitty character ideas will do.

You'd be better off giving her a better name as well.

>> No.15931147

>starts placing your hands on her ass mid cuddle
>things don't get any stranger for a week or two when she whispers in your ear during a hug that she wants you to spank her
Kakuens are lewd creatures.

>> No.15931150

Solis still contains Sol, representing the Sun, which is almost always shown as manly or male.
If you wish for a female name still associated with celestial bodies, Luna or Selene might work, seeing as how the Moon is the woman in 99% of mythos and counterpart of the sun and its light.

There are also other names as well. Try and find a characteristic that defines your character for the most part, and goofle names that have that as their meaning.
My oc donut Lani means "Sky", for example.

>> No.15931167

Amaterasu is a grill though
Also to be honest it doesn't really make sense to limit names to genders in a fantasy world with fantasy histories and fantasy cultures / naming traditions. What kind of name is Druella?

>> No.15931171
File: 174 KB, 874x980, 1475771327135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squirrel cows.

>> No.15931173

So the 14 new profiles from the second encyclopedia are getting translated once every other week until they're all done. Does anyone know when the other text about various fluff things gets released? Is it after all the profiles?

>> No.15931183

>once every other week
This is already wrong since Redcap appeared and shown that he's willing to release new ones between the MGE II profiles to keep people guessing.

And it's a good way to keep people who already got the book paying attention.

>> No.15931185

I'm worried that it'd take eons, so I at least hope KC releases the girls in batches of 2-3 to speed things up.

>> No.15931189

I want it to end up devolving into frenzied cuddlefucking by the time we're 16.
Kissing with tongue will be involved.

>> No.15931194

Japanese is the blacksheep among mythos in a way.
Fantady always has its roots in reality. All fantasy exists because of reality.
Tell me, would you name your kid Apple in a fantasy world? Druella is still technically a real name, like Remillia, so its use isn't far fetched.

If you wish to use a name with a greek masculine name for sun, you will have to follow greek mythos anyway.
Unless your name is Nasu.

>> No.15931195

First it needs to be translated and that's gonna take a while, then KC needs to allow it to be posted

So I'd say in a very long while, although we could still get some bits of info here and there

Isn't Redcap part of the 2 unleaked profiles?

>> No.15931196

im surprised they havent been leaked by someone yet

>> No.15931199

Well the chinks made the Sun literally a bunch of really annoying birds so there's that

>> No.15931206

>Oppai Yandere Charybdis with a Fetish for Eye Contact and a Twin Sister hired for 2 weeks

They will most likely force me to stay because of Bolt Cutters to the Tendons to keep me in bed, provided they don't kill each other first...

>> No.15931212

Yes, they did.
Still, a female needs a female name. If you go by greek, Sol is out; if by Japanese, then Amaterasu is viable, but the rest of your settibgvand characters needs to match so.

>> No.15931216

>Isn't Redcap part of the 2 unleaked profiles?
He specifically mentioned she wasn't part of the book.

>> No.15931219

>but the rest of your settibgvand characters needs to match so.
Not really, there's no reason you can't have a person named Amaterasu and another one named Schehera

>> No.15931221

I want a golem to smach my fucking shitty ass phone for it's BS.

>> No.15931226

I have a strong desire for a battle meido Shoggoth.

>> No.15931228

>kakuen still in her school uniform
>shirt open, tie dangling between her breasts and her skirt too short to cover her fantastic ass
Would cuddlefuck.

>> No.15931234

Which monster is the best for strugglefucking?

>> No.15931236


Huehuehue. A little robot girl who can transform into a mobile phone would be pretty neat, though.


>> No.15931242

Hellhound, they're literally made for power struggle sex that she eventually wins due to super human stamina.

>> No.15931249

That's not even getting into her casual clothes anon.
A loose fitting tanktop and spats. No bra, no panties.

>> No.15931254

But here's the question anon, would she let you win just the once if it was your birthday?

>> No.15931272

There isn't, but it will reflect heavily upon your capabilities, especially if they are from the same little hamlet.
After all, cultures ARE a thing, and an Arabian named character must come from some desert of sorts. Otherwise it looks really bad, what with an oriental person with an oriental name and an Arabian named person born and raised far far away from cultures where their names are normal.

But I digress. Just make sure to do research and world build a bit while making your characters.
For example: Zipanghu Kitsune have wapanese names, as do the Kitsune clan on an island that worships a water dragon and the group of snowy ones who live up north. They all used to be on the same weeaboo island, but some went elsewhere while still keeping their cultures, while slightly changing them in the process.

>> No.15931275

What is your biggest Monster Girl mystery?

Mine is whether or not Wocks would lactate Chocolate or Strawberry milk.

>> No.15931276


>> No.15931278

Yuki onna lactate milkshake.

>> No.15931283
File: 128 KB, 445x450, Sphinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Sphinx not more popular?

>> No.15931286

I want t o sneak up and strugglefuck on a loli Hellhound while she's sleeping.

>> No.15931287

That's the point though. Cultures DO exist but just ripping them off wholesale makes it boring. There's no reason an arabian name needs to come from a desert location. Japanese names don't need to come from a psuedonip society.

That is really nice.

>> No.15931288

>little automaton phone who likes playing "Every day is great at your Junes" with every text
>likes hanging up on female callers that aren't your mom
>sends hostile warnings to telemarketers

>> No.15931291

>No bra, no panties
That's how it should be, underwear just isn't right with spats and tank tops.
If you asked nicely, it would be funny seeing how much she was agonizing over holding back her urges while trying to be romantic.

>> No.15931296

What if she's such a heavy sleeper the she wouldn't wake up? Is this how you rape a Hellhound?

>> No.15931297

Mating press or prone sex? That's the important part.

>> No.15931301

Does she have dormouse ancestry?

>> No.15931300

In the end it's your setting, so do what you want to do. Just remember that you will be judged by your actions and naming conventions, so if you're sticking with Solis try and at least make it reasonable within the setting.
Also be prepared for people to deconstruct every little thing thet can. There is no mercy amongst 4channers.

If you wish for ideas and names, I can provide help in that regard even if I am overly terrible at naming my own creations.

>> No.15931306
File: 85 KB, 371x550, 1395219239730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make our own Undead!



>> No.15931307

But then you don't get to laugh at her kicking her legs to try and get free.

>> No.15931311

Because when people talk about desert monstergirls it's usually Anubis, Apophis or Pharaoh.
Lewd riddlecat needs more love.

>it would be funny seeing how much she was agonizing over holding back her urges while trying to be romantic.
That's what makes it adorable anon.
She can take those urges out on me through cuddling once the sex is over.

>> No.15931315

I'm not him.

>> No.15931318

So when are we going to move to a new thread?

>> No.15931321

The struggling comes from her waking up and trying to get on top, while still trying to keep fucking you back from her less advantageous position.

>> No.15931323

Excuse me?

>> No.15931328

u wot

>> No.15931329

Fuck off

>> No.15931330

I dunno, the counter thing on the bottom right says "bump limit reached", does that mean anything?

>> No.15931331

>Not at image limit
>Not archived
Even that one janitor isn't THIS much of an idiot.
I get the feeling you're just trying to kill the thread.

>> No.15931332


>> No.15931335
File: 770 KB, 1200x1600, 1413991145584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not from around here, are ya boy?

>> No.15931336


>> No.15931339

It just means that we can't bump the thread and it's going to sink to the bottom of the list and eventually archive.
It means diddly-shit.

>> No.15931342

Are you retarded?

>> No.15931344
File: 43 KB, 480x640, ec59e1e230c30f2b131d9236234c9464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypothetically, can a vampire feed off a phoenix forever?

>> No.15931345
File: 274 KB, 1500x1194, 1456994022216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crikey! Elves are about!

>> No.15931346

It doesn't work that way on /vg/ either just so you know.

>> No.15931347

Okay, thanks, I'm slightly less newfag now.

>> No.15931349

Literally watch as all posts telling this fag to fuck off get deleted and a new thread is made

>> No.15931351

Ah, I see.

>> No.15931353

Yes. Phoenixes don't run out.
You shouldn't flaunt your newfaggotry like a badge of honor. Be quiet, sit in the corner and face away from the monitor until you've been around long enough not to bull boners.

>> No.15931354

Depends how you portray regeneration and how closely you stick to the laws of conservation in your setting.

>> No.15931355

Well at least you admit what you were doing was stupid.
Just a warning, people in this thread get really mad really fast if you suggest making new threads before the current one dies and that's as far as I'm willing to explain.

>> No.15931357

If you're new, don't post. Lurk.
Lurk until you 100% know what the fuck you're talking about when you do eventually post.
Simple as that.

>> No.15931362

Thought you were going to type 'boya' for a second there, even felt a little sweat running in my forehead.

>> No.15931363

I'd say no, considering a firebird would be any vampire's greatest foe.
Just smelling her blood would be akin to snorting ground up Carolina Reaper peppers for her.

>> No.15931367


>> No.15931372

I might go with selene if i ever get ro7nd to writing more about her

On a side note the sol i thought of was the one from smite but your point still stands

>> No.15931378

Apparent u are 7s now

>> No.15931379
File: 735 KB, 2305x2348, water break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15931384


>> No.15931386

I kind of was involved in the making of this idea, therefore I get credit!

>> No.15931395

Where are the Griffon, Dark Mage, Ochimusa and Nurarihyon profiles.

KC please.

>> No.15931396

Remember, it's up to you in the end.
Try and flesh out character a well.
Like, for example:
>Mari the Lilim likes bearmode vikings, adventure, and likest casting magically augmented FIST
>Lani likes sweets, exploration, men who are like Warrior of Light, and her favorite type of cake is chocolate
>Illassa likes bdsm, rough sex, humiliation play, being informative, and rock road ice cream
>CRUSHER likes to smach skulls and grope people as she grapples them into submission

>> No.15931401


Milk the squirrel.

>> No.15931402

Or Automaton and Dragon Zombie.

>> No.15931405

Do it, Salamander-chan. Mark him as yours

>> No.15931407

It's all fun and games until you remember that those are both stage 3 alps in the drawing.

Mamono manamana is a hell of a drug.

>> No.15931413

That Anubis is so short, I didn't notice her the first time around.

>> No.15931421

Pocket Anubis

>> No.15931423

She must have at least 80 in sneaking.

>> No.15931424

That salamander's face is priceless.

>> No.15931428

I'd prefer an Anubiloli with a powerful fat butt.

>> No.15931431 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1137x852, 96236a3a6477ed01eaea20be6573a956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this heresy?

>> No.15931434

It's exposed nipples on a blue board is what it is.

>> No.15931436

I see at least three types of bullshit in there, one of which will get you b&

>> No.15931438

But she wouldn't fit in your pocket and no, you can't fit her in that.

>> No.15931441
File: 1.44 MB, 1137x852, 1460558194140cen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this heresy?

>> No.15931443

An indirect kiss with your crush is a woman's romance. That salamander should totally do it.

I know what you're trying to do, but all I can imagine is that Living Armor whining to her user about hurrying up and finding a man.

>> No.15931449 [DELETED] 

delet this

>> No.15931451 [DELETED] 


>> No.15931452

>Giant Ant
Oh right, they're a thing.

that's... eh.

>Love bird

>Love bird
Loving rape. Or she rapes me to tell me how much she loves me.

oh my.
Oh my~

>a year
Well, see you all. I'll just stay with her for that year and It'll damn good.

>> No.15931454

Second time you're trying in a row, fag

>> No.15931459

I guess this >>15926469 fits for her.

>> No.15931464

Short answer: yes
Long answer yes, delete it

>> No.15931466 [DELETED] 

>delete it
(honestly confused)

>> No.15931467
File: 456 KB, 683x960, 1392809096720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing now, gonna be a long session if I go from an empty page to a full update. What do I listen to?

>> No.15931471

Your waifu's voice.

>> No.15931474

Are you the same stupid newfag from before? Or just trying to start shit?

>> No.15931476

Trying too hard already

Delete it already, bait-poster

>> No.15931477 [DELETED] 

The same one.

>> No.15931481

>Gets told to lurk
>Doesn't lurk

>> No.15931482

I want to violate them both. Armor first while the owner watches, then her.

>> No.15931483

Newfags are cancer.

>> No.15931485

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point man. Lurk more.

>> No.15931487

Ive got the idea of her enjoying strong willed males and various meat.
now my urge to wright has been fired up. lets see what i can make out of this.

>> No.15931488

I don't believe it.

>> No.15931509
File: 148 KB, 250x330, Sol_Default_Card (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this one right?

>> No.15931513

>Pic wasn't deleted but post was
Somebody said bias?

>> No.15931516

I want more of that Anubis.

>> No.15931520

Yurifags are a complete cancer.

>> No.15931521

right thats the one

>> No.15931522

He's right though.

>> No.15931523

>Two hours later
I smell a samefag or an idiot.

>> No.15931526


>> No.15931529

>implying that was a legit yurifag
It's weak bait, most the "yurifag" posts are.

>> No.15931535

>Vampire really REALLY into spicy foods
>Ends up chomping a confused pheonix like that one animal eating the watermelon it hates
>Pheonix ends up trying to console and calm the vampire as she gets chomped on

>> No.15931536

The fact that the jannitor is biased as fuck doesn' help

>inb4 I get banned

>> No.15931537

A swarm of mouse girls in heat.

>> No.15931538
File: 383 KB, 669x571, Mad peach colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more video game monsters

>> No.15931544

I like you. Keep posting.

>> No.15931549

So, almost everyone here? Knew it.

>> No.15931550

That's odd. You should be smelling some one who just woke up

>> No.15931551
File: 1.12 MB, 1448x1490, Camilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry friend, all i have is this

>> No.15931554
File: 239 KB, 926x1280, 3d7992a84107ca3610830c6784e4443b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with dark elves and big asses anyway?

>> No.15931557

Someone's salty over these threads.

>> No.15931559

wouldn't be better for her to be a wyvren?

>> No.15931562


That's a good one. The idea of a Ghoul holding you down while hungrily licking your body, as she slowly moves her tongue up to your mouth and gives you the most starved kiss you can imagine, is pleasant. I fucking love Ghouls, by far my favorite undead.

>> No.15931566

Only weenies reply to hours old posts to shit on someone's waifu.

It's a winning combination.

>> No.15931567
File: 969 KB, 992x1403, 1452367784451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.15931568

It's a tool for making the male hard. I can say it works very well.

>> No.15931571

Logically, yes, but I won't say no to a thick titty snake onee-san claiming me for herself.

>> No.15931572

It's just a genetic trait.

>> No.15931574
File: 234 KB, 569x770, 1429458167251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Mouse will get a turn!

>> No.15931575
File: 203 KB, 700x700, 1456986017760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like that one animal eating the watermelon it hates
It's an Otter girl.

>> No.15931579

Dumb crab, can't even be the right monster girl.

>> No.15931580

Next you will ask why cow girls have cowtits, or why Alices are flat.

>> No.15931581
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x1437, 1466895524586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark elves have accepted their lewdness rather than repress it, so they are rewarded with soft, curvy bodies.

>> No.15931582

>strong willed
Elaborate, and ganbatte.

>> No.15931584

Little anubis with almost the exact same expression as Arekeshi's girls? I love it.

>> No.15931585
File: 193 KB, 1190x1680, 1467776295239-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I won't say no to a thick titty snake onee-san claiming me for herself.

>> No.15931586

I think it does, that's meant to homura from that ninja game right?

>> No.15931592

Goddammit I just fapped too

>> No.15931593

Defense mechanism.

>> No.15931594

God I just want to hug a Dark Elf.

>> No.15931595

You're going to finish that watermelon young lady, stop making that face.

>> No.15931597

I wanna be cuddled by that after sex.
I want to fall asleep in her embrace after she drains my balls dry.

>> No.15931598

Now I want to see a Kobold pup making faces as she eats a lime wedge.

>> No.15931602

>TFw haven't fapped yet
>Tfw finally lewd shit gets posted before I fap instead of the weird phenomenon where its posted after I fap
About damn time

>> No.15931604

>Non-sexual physical contact with a Dark Elf
How would they react? Would they try to make it sexual? Would they just freeze up and get all flustered?

>> No.15931605

>Your Dark Elf waifu and daughter will never take turns planting their fat brown asses on your face

>> No.15931607

Why not a look of "are you fuckiny serious" at a plate of broccoli?

>> No.15931610 [DELETED] 

To attract 'dem orc boyz.

>> No.15931611

What about a Wolf with an unfazed look on her face with half a watermelon in her mouth?

>> No.15931612

Well if you're jonesing for a thick slice of elf, I could make you up in imgur dump.

>> No.15931614

Anon this is like the, third or fourth time you try to get (You)s.

>> No.15931615

They would return the hug with a smile on her their face.

>> No.15931616

Daughterus are not for sexual.

>> No.15931620

>Kobold pup eat a lime wedge
>Suddenly starts jumping around like they're in a character action game on the hardest difficulty



>> No.15931622

I'm not even the guy you responded to, but I really need to see that. F-For scientific purposes of course...

>> No.15931628

Men that don't instantly crumble againts monster charms among other things

I need to make notes and soon sleep on this, hopefully my writing salamander will help me when I wake up.

>> No.15931631

Like you have any say in the matter anon. You're getting cuddled whether you want to or not.

>> No.15931634
File: 582 KB, 1472x2604, breaks over start moving anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15931636

Ah! She's bossy!

But cute!

>> No.15931637

>Seeing the anti-yuri IDF out on patrol isn't genuinely humorous
The only reason you would say that is because you lack perspective.

Besides I can think of a handful of completely fine explanations for that picture.

Like a human girl who donned the armor in a moment of desperation to save her life. The spirit within awoke, and they began to bond and now they roam the land using the armor's superior capabilities to defeat and rape paladins and guardsmen, the girl within slowly but surely turning into a succubus.

I mean I'm pretty monogamous but even I wouldn't mind a night alone with a monstergirl, or even a human girl and her armor. or her cursed sword.

Woe be to my dick should I ever come across one with both living armor and a cursed sword

>> No.15931640

That sounds like a comfy heaven.

>> No.15931641

Her titties are a nice shape and size.

>> No.15931643
File: 633 KB, 1280x1600, 1470582883692-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cute cyclops boss to help "motivate" you during work
I'm just going to lie down anons...

>> No.15931644

That's true though.

>> No.15931646

>He keeps going

>> No.15931647

>Like a human girl who donned the armor in a moment of desperation to save her life. The spirit within awoke, and they began to bond and now they roam the land using the armor's superior capabilities to defeat and rape paladins and guardsmen, the girl within slowly but surely turning into a succubus.
>A monster that comes to be when demonic energy dwells within lifeless armor. In the illustration, she has the form of a half-transparent female clad in armor, but that’s only how they look to their husband. In the eyes of all other humans, they don't look female at all, and instead they appear like an empty suit of armor moving around by itself.

>> No.15931648

Break? Moving? What are we even doing?

>> No.15931649

> humorous
So you are salty.
>The spirit within awoke, and they began to bond and now they roam the land using the armor's superior capabilities to defeat and rape paladins and guardsmen, the girl within slowly but surely turning into a succubus
They'd settle down very quickly instead slutting it up like in your fantasy.

>> No.15931650

Fuck off already

>> No.15931655

You're working out anon! Now hurry up or your shortstack Anubis trainer's going to punish you.
And not in the fun way either.

>> No.15931658

I want to carry her in a harness while she motivates me to keep running in her own, bossy way.

>> No.15931659

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.15931662

You're carrying her luggage, manservant.

>> No.15931664

Somebody needs to draw these lilims hanging out

>> No.15931668

Now I'm imagining a loli Anubis helping train an anon like Yoda in ESB.

>> No.15931669

Writing salamander

>> No.15931672

I'd grumble, but I'm too confused.
What a coinky-dinky, I'm writing a Salamander too!

>> No.15931674

instead of*

>> No.15931677

>you will never challenge CRUSHER to a steel cage match
God I just want to be a pro wrestler/luchador in MGC

>> No.15931678

Yes anon, that's what he said.

>> No.15931681

Not to drag out this thing any longer, but it really is kind of amusing to see people try to "justify" yuri by forcing it a nonsensical threesome thing.

>> No.15931682

But when he does a somersault, her circlet falls off into the mud.

Then the Anubis berates him, slapping him with her little paws until he picks it up.

>> No.15931683

I guess, if salt is the flavor of laughter
>They'd settle down very quickly
What makes you say that? Maybe they have a salamander thing going on where they are only interested in men who can beat them.

That puts the nail in the coffin entirely, I forgot about that. You know, what happens to living armor when put on by human women is pretty crappy. It doesn't even sound like they get any of the fun by the time the woman has monterised.

>The woman will seek out a man as if being goaded by something, and by the time she throws off the armor to have sex, she will have completely transformed into a monster.

Like, she helps make this woman get all lewd, and is literally thrown aside the moment dick is involved.

>> No.15931684
File: 863 KB, 1000x1667, 1438982315957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here we go: http://imgur.com/a/5MQn1
Have to say, not a fan of the new upload method on imgur.

>> No.15931686
File: 183 KB, 700x575, 1435754345343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of luck.

>> No.15931687

Seriously, nobody cares that you think you're so over this and all of that. Stop defending yuri and turning this into a shitstorm.

>> No.15931689


>> No.15931691

>Like, she helps make this woman get all lewd, and is literally thrown aside the moment dick is involved.
And there is literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.15931694

Anon, do you have anything against Living Armor?

>> No.15931697

>Like, she helps make this woman get all lewd, and is literally thrown aside the moment dick is involved.

It's probably what she wanted

>Human what are you doing
>Human I am not your armor why are you putting me on you
>Human no
>Leave me, please
>Human come on you can't be doing this to me
>Go find a husband so that you won't need me anymore
>Do it
>There you have a husband, now leave me
>Thanks human

>> No.15931699

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.15931700

>Steel cage match
Guess we'll get to see anon get raped live on PPV for only $9.99 a month, Maggle!

>> No.15931705

Would she try to come off as wise and mysterious, but just end up looking all silly and cute because she's basically a little kid?

>> No.15931706

So what does she do? Return to the dungeon that was originally her home or wander the land as a mysterious adventurer who always wears their armor, waiting to come across a man who can see the girl inside.

>> No.15931708

Time to prepare my fap hand
>Have to go to work
For later

>> No.15931717

Its a mini salamander that uses a pen as a spear and wrights agressivly.

She inspires writers with "DO IT!" speeches instead of the fairys reassuring cheering

>> No.15931718

>"Empty your mind, think of nothing else but the task in front of you."
>"Now stop here. I want an ice cream, purchase me one."
>You do as she asks, and for the rest of the training her ice cream drips onto you as she eats it.

>> No.15931719

So over a a fourth of the men in my setting then? The rest are sluts. Including the mc when it involves maids or big titties

How so? Like sitting at a dinner table? Attending the birthday party of their youngest sister? At the beach as a buff paladin flexes like Armstrong while surfing?

>> No.15931721

Lewd techniques are against regulation! She can't do that if she wants to compete!

>> No.15931722
File: 124 KB, 600x600, 1391525635755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15931730

Why do japs have to have such shit taste?

>> No.15931734

Yeah pretty much. She hates mansluts

>> No.15931735

What a shitty Lilim

>> No.15931740

I like her now.

>> No.15931741

I vote dinner party.

>> No.15931744

What if he's a slut for her in bed, but outside he's normal?

>> No.15931746

Your taste is as bad as the Lilim herself then.

>> No.15931747

>A monstergirl with self respect who won't touch used goods
She seems pretty good to be honest.

>> No.15931749

Man everyone has an inspirational fairy, I want one too!

>> No.15931752

How would a dinner party play out?
Simple gossip as they eat? Two talking while the rest do their own thing? Food fight?

>> No.15931753

But you see anon, this is a no-moves barred match. No disqualifications you see.
But of course, if you agree to the match I can get someone to toss a chair in for you. Give you a unique opportunity to prove yourself.

>> No.15931754

No you.

>> No.15931755

Then get one at the gacha machines
Be wary of the ones that have Shirohebi, you are almost guaranteed to get one even if it looked like you got a Weresheep or Mermaid.

>> No.15931756
File: 239 KB, 600x500, 148505543454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a mini Dragon that hoards and protects all my office supplies so they aren't stolen by co-workers.

>> No.15931758

Gossip as they eat. Demon princess can be civil right?

>> No.15931760

>Ralph tries to take your fucking pen again
>They never find his body
I need something like that.

>> No.15931764

>Taking people's pens

To be honest the punishment suits the crime. Fuck people who take pens.

>> No.15931765

I assume that will still dissapoint her

>> No.15931766

isnt that abit too extreme?...

>> No.15931768

They can take from the pile if they need to borrow something, but they must first please her with tribute.

A cookie or something.

>> No.15931769

If I got a mini drag I would fall in love so that wouldn't work.

I'm gonna roll on the wiki and see what fairy I get.

>> No.15931774

>Little Anubis throws anon a chair
>it smacks him upside the face
>he's down, but not out yet
>suddenly, the chair unfolds after being envoloped by a purple glow, followed by you being bound to it after that same funky light surrounds you
>your pants are shredded to oblivion as CRUSHER walks her way towards you, her outfit magically shifting to expose her tits and holes
>all the monsters and people start chanting" "FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM!"

>> No.15931775

>Attending the birthday party of their youngest sister?

Who is actually the youngest, for now? Victoria? I don't recall anyone being past the 22nd daughter, and I'm ruling out Mari's daughteru since you said sisters.

>Everyone in the birthday party of a 20+ year old treating her as if she was 8, while she sits there annoyed with a party hat and a party horn in her mouth

I just realized, there's bound to be some fuckery between daughter number and actual age over who is younger or older. Like daughter #30 being older in age than daughter #20 because they were made by different people.

>> No.15931777

I bet you're one of those motherfuckers.

I wish I could stab you.

>> No.15931779
File: 1.01 MB, 815x1150, 1450863234529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be happy with any pocket monster, but I could use a pocket coon to help me with my bank account.

>> No.15931781

Who's more yan, a kiki or a shoggoth?

I wish us the ones who prefer mistresses had two rival girls centered in our fetish too

>> No.15931784

>Chimera fairy

So she is multiple fairies in one? Huh, I'm more lucky then I thought.

>> No.15931786

Then she checks to see if that chair didn't do any serious damage then ask if he would rather fuck backstage or right there, right?

>> No.15931787

I was actually suggesting corrupting a Face anon into beating CRUSHER with a chair and turning him into a Heel.
I want to be the Dario of the MGWF.

>> No.15931788

Thats a specail kind of rage you got going there

>> No.15931790

>The sisters try and gossip about their days
>Mari goes on about how she met someone
>Everyone's now interested in hearing more, their tails wiggling in anticipation

>> No.15931792

>But of course, if you agree to the match I can get someone to toss a chair in for you. Give you a unique opportunity to prove yourself.
please, i wasn't born yesterday, she'll just use that as justification for her extreme lewd techniques!

>> No.15931795

>try to hide pens in drawers, they get taken
>behind keyboard? Taken
>monitor? Taken
>have to keep buying more pens using company budget
>company asks what I'm doing with so many pens
>explain. Company tells me that they're limiting the money our office can spend on pens now
Fuck people who take pens

>> No.15931798

It's just a pen, you can buy another one.

>> No.15931800 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 700x1000, 1475781489420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we hunt the White Horn?

What bait can we use? What are their usual habits in the wild? Do they shed their coats?

Will they turn the Hunter into the Hunted by wearing camo /fa/shion?

>> No.15931801

I don't think you understand how serious stealing a pen is. You scour the office for that one pen that will always write clean & won't break, you go to crazy lengths to make sure it stays at your desk, just for Jim from accounting to come along and swipe it while you're on lunch.

>> No.15931804

I spent my entire school like having shit stolen from me: pens, pencils, paper, fucking sharpeners and even a fucking calculator.

I do not tolerate people stealing shit from me.

>> No.15931806

>Leave her to settle your accounts.
>Walks around with her little bushy tail swishing back and forth.
>Does calculations on one of those calculators that have a printer built in.
>Gets it finished in record time.
>Charges you a ridiculous sum, but tells you you can just pay her back in a series of small payments.
>The payments are kisses and tail brushings.

>> No.15931808

I used to be like that too until I started stealing from others. Sometimes I even crossed some of my stuff while stealing.

>> No.15931813

I wish I could slap you.

>> No.15931814

Victoria is the youngest iirc.
Everyone teasing her and treating her like she's still 8 on her birthday pleases me greatly.

>> No.15931815

>Pen stolen from Locker
>Spend half my shift putting off paperwork because no one has any extras to share
>Eventually go ask someone I know from another department
>same problem

Pen thieves need to be shot on sight.

>> No.15931816

Fair enough. I do know this one girl who kept stealing shit till the stapler incident

>> No.15931818

>stapler incident
Story time.

>> No.15931823

>the stapler incident
I sense terrible things

>> No.15931825

Shortstack Anubis is love.
Shortstack Anubis is life.

Granted I personally prefer DFC, but really, Anubis is love/life period.

>> No.15931827

It's all fun and games until she lets her snake half take over and constrict your neck.

>> No.15931832

>Brushing a tiny nook's tail as she sits smiling on your desk
I need this.

>> No.15931835 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Sousuke_blush3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do every monster girl wants to get inside some male pants or did i missed something?

would they fight if there is a male decrease in the population?

>> No.15931836

>youve got to finish the page anon!
Try to protest, a inferno starts on her tail
>anon gets back to writing and she smiles and nods

>> No.15931841

She must double as a cigarette lighter.

>> No.15931842

Why? I was just taking back what was mine. Hell, I remember one time my eraser had my name on it and one day it dissapeared, after some days I asked a classmate's and all he did was wipe some letters of. OneI confronted him about it he said he bought it and being the little child I was I got into a fight. Little fucker also stole a hentai pic my friend gave me.

>> No.15931843

Why is the Nook so tiny?
Are you ESL or something?

>> No.15931845

Delete reaction image, and rephrase that in a way that actually makes sense in English.

>> No.15931847

She stole one thing too much
She was caught tring to take this guys work so he snapped and stapled it to her ear, if the teachers didnt get involded he would have tried to beat her with a keyboard

>> No.15931849

Why not? We made plenty of other girls hilariously cute & tiny. And who wouldn't benefit from having a financial wizard in their pocket?

>> No.15931853


>> No.15931865

Pocket Monmusu.

Shirohebi are Geodude, and Matango are Zubat.

>> No.15931869


>> No.15931872

Who where?

>> No.15931873

I don't want to play this game
Weird things happen

>> No.15931876
File: 224 KB, 623x699, 1474002544443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a little over 3k words to open up my story about Orcs invading a monastery. It opens up with some noble knights and paladins and such rather than with the orcs and monks, but I'll get there when I get there.


>> No.15931880


>> No.15931882

You get one anubis, and a magical talisman which resembles a pocket watch. The dial is open to be rotated, and instead of hours, there's several symbols on the outer rim symbolising different body types.
Every 30 hours, the dial unlocks, and you can move it to one of the many symbols, locking in your choice by pressing the button atop the talisman. THe moment you do, your anubis will transform into a completely different body type as indicated by the chosen symbol. Be considerate about when and where you use it, because her clothes won't change with her, and depending on how often you use the magical item, it'll mean buying her so many more sets of clothes.

And just be careful, because roughly every two weeks (330 hours, to be precise), the symbols themselves will change in a completely random fashion. None of them will disappear for good, and may or may not rotate back in next week. But your anubis might be peeved if you turn her into a minigirl, and the symbol for her default size and body type vanishes for an entire week.

Also, body transformation spells, potions and substances don't work on her. Only the talisman. So don't lose or misplace it anywhere, okay?

>> No.15931883

I'm scared. Please stop

>> No.15931884

WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat

>> No.15931888

Go on Anon. Ask "monster who?". Don't be scared, nothing bad is going to happen. do it

>> No.15931890

Monster who?

>> No.15931893

Monster who?

>> No.15931894

Monster who?

>> No.15931896

What? Anon are you okay?

>> No.15931898

Monster who?

>> No.15931900

Monster who?

>> No.15931901


>> No.15931909 [SPOILER] 
File: 386 KB, 905x1280, 1475783657772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster who rapes you!

>> No.15931912

No thanks, spidercow.

>> No.15931913

Sometimes I get lonely and wished my waifu was there.

>> No.15931917

As long as I can play with her tits whenever I want I'm ok.

>> No.15931922
File: 135 KB, 392x500, 1449747849383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's everyone else working on, huh?

>> No.15931925

How would a Holst Lich work?

>> No.15931928

Writing, thinking about how to handle a drawfag event and drawing Hunty and Freak from AS.

>> No.15931931

i wish art fairy would leave me alone

>> No.15931934

She would be flat as a board.

>> No.15931935

A lich experiments on herself by splicing herself with holst DNA. At least until she gets soft and stacked, starts lactating, gets the urge to wear cowprint, and starts making deadpan "moo"s.

>> No.15931936

She just wants what's best for everyone.

>> No.15931939

Finishing up a shitty story for another general before I get started on writing and posting a shitty story for this place.

>> No.15931940

Cowprink cloak?

>> No.15931941

I'm drawing some girls and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. Monster girls soon.

>> No.15931942

The same way a Hathorite Lich would.

>> No.15931943

Are you Alp?

>> No.15931944

She'd have to be careful when moving around to not knock stuff over, other than that and the hourly milking I'd assume it'd be the same as a normal lich.

>> No.15931948

So big tits and tail knocking things over in her lab?

>> No.15931949

But Alp has been drawing MGs for ages now.

>> No.15931953


>> No.15931956

workin on 2 draws, ones a witch, and the others a dullahan
might make a 3rd one of a hellwan mommy dressing up as cerberus with her 2 daughterus

>> No.15931957

Please no more. I've lost count on how many times people call me Alp.

No anon, I'm not him.

>> No.15931958


>> No.15931961

I bet you secretly are. Stop talking like a Ninja-Turtle version of Ned Flanders if you can't handle being called Alp.

>> No.15931962
File: 552 KB, 890x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no slightly chubby Ryu Christmas cake to cuddle with during the hurricane

To those on the east coast, stay safe. Your waifu wouldn't want to see you get hurt by doing something stupid.

>> No.15931964

Trying to draw a slime girl but I'm having trouble thinking of a good pose/idea for it.

>> No.15931965

Trying to figure out how to write.

>> No.15931968

Oh, the usual.
Working closing shifts 5 days a week and being too drained to masturbate, much less resume writing.

>> No.15931971

Relearning anatomy so I can draw cute monstergirls and maybe another halloween picture

>> No.15931973

>Ninja-Turtle version of Ned Flanders

I didn't even know that was possible, but you know what? Maybe I will become Alp and do the same thing he does. I bet everyone would love that.

>> No.15931976

Comically oversized maw about to eat a cake.

>> No.15931977

>loli Hellhound
That would be a lot of fun. You'll have to wrestle her during foreplay with plenty of groping and molesting her body all over, and push her down and hold her still until she submits while fucking her raw from behind. She'll recover her smugness quickly afterwards, and next time you have to convince her to be on bottom all over again. Ear/neck nibbling, spanking and anal optional

>> No.15931979

Cowabungadingadiddly, that'd be super!

>> No.15931981

>Ninja-Turtle version of Ned Flanders

>> No.15931982

Who's to say she's not to blame?

>> No.15931983

Good god, he talks like that?

>> No.15931987

Has nobody here actually read his stories? It's literally just tens of thousands of words of homoerotic shit with people who talk like that and play fictional video games.

>> No.15931989
File: 250 KB, 1280x960, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here likes horsepussy?

>> No.15931991


>Ryu creates a storm just bad enough for people to stay home, but not bad enough to cause any major damage
>She gets to have you for several days all to herself with no one to bother or interrupt the two of you

It was only after the fact that I thought of something like that.

Ryu are clever girls.

>> No.15931994

Oh, and Stinkarooney Centipederinos, by golly!

>> No.15932004

Already fapped to that earlier, I have no shame.

>> No.15932007

Astronomy homework and a 5E campaign.

>> No.15932014
File: 694 KB, 1500x1750, Queen of the Desert Bricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anyone will care much, but on this day, exactly 2 years ago, I wrote a story about an anubis and a bunch of Lego, which basically cemented them as my favourite monstergirl, and planted in my head what would basically become my waifu.
Thinking about it, I guess that makes today my waifu's birthday.

I've been too busy to write a story about her, and I don't have any spare money to commission anything of her, though. It kind of makes me feel like crap.

Happy birthday, waifu. I didn't get you anything this year, you exist in my head, I'm writing a really cringey post about you, and the thought of you gives me more warmth and comfort than any other person who physically exists because I'm most likely a broken, dysfunctional human being.

>> No.15932016

>not a homebrew

>> No.15932017
File: 1.22 MB, 1100x1430, Akiko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really think an exaggerated jaw would work with my art style.

That said, I like the idea of her eating something. I might do something with that.

>> No.15932023

Happy birthday Lego Anubis! Don't give up husbando!

>> No.15932028

Your waifu loves you senpai.

>> No.15932032

I've run a homebrew before, it was well received but very stressful since no-one but me understood how it worked.
There are multiple people in my group who understand 5e.

>> No.15932036

Git gud casual

>> No.15932038

I can't wait to see you draw fuckhuge titties and lactation stuff.

>> No.15932046

>CowLich in lab with assistant
>Her tail and tits keep knocking everything over because she still is not used to them
>He's mainly there to clean up her messes like a janitor
>She even calls him "Sweepy"
>Knocks over a dazzling blue elixer off her shelf with her cow tail, sending it crashing onto the floor and Anon's pants
>Odd smoke rises from the puddle and Anon's pants
>His pants are torn to shreds as his mighty power pole bursts forth from its prison, pointing straight up towards the heavans
>The Lich puts away the dissected frog and ground up dragon scales she was messing with upon seeing his mighty Excalibur stand tall and brave within the darkness of her dark room
>She sighs, and then looks Anon square in the eyes with her listless gaze
>"I need a janitor, not a guy who will knock things over with his hammer," She exclaims in monotone "Seems I'll have to deal with you before you become a problem"
>Anon doesn't even have time to think before realizing the Lich kneeling before him, his Titanic engulfed by her giant, soft breasts
>Within an instant his crew of seamen already feel like going overboard!

>> No.15932049

That'll probably start happening sooner rather than later with the way the proportions I draw are going.

>> No.15932050

Any non ex link?

>> No.15932053

Marvelous. I look forward to seeing your interpretation of a Hathorite Lich.

>> No.15932055


>> No.15932057

Oh, it's you. I like your style very much.
Try and have her ready to eat something, with other foodstuff floating around in her, if you would.

>> No.15932064


>> No.15932065

Maybe you can show her smiling or licking her lips as she has her finger on a half "eaten" cake. And pieces of cake travelling up her arm and into her body.

>> No.15932079

>lego anubis is 2yo now

There is nothing wrong with loving your waifu, legobro. We're all a little broken.


>> No.15932085

Delete your cookies, log into E-hentai, then go back on Exhentai.
If you want, you can delete the specific cookie which produces the sadpanda page even after logging into E-hentai before deleting cookies. It's called "happy" or "smile" or something like that.

If you can't do that after instruction, you shouldn't be trusted with a computer.

>> No.15932092

Oh, wait, it's called "yay".

Now you have literally no excuse.

>> No.15932098

These both seem like interesting ideas, thanks!

The second one makes me think of her stealing the filling from a twinkie or something. That might be an amusing one.

>> No.15932111

I can't remember my e hentai account since the crap was on my old computer.

>> No.15932114

Oh man, that'd be great. She could just stick her finger inside anything and suck out the good stuff while leaving the outside intact. Great way to play pranks, too.
Akiko could just drill a little hole into a watermelon, then stick her finger inside and absorb/digest all the flesh inside. Then whoever slices it up to eat it afterwards will be extremely confused.

>> No.15932117

She must really want some cream filling.

>> No.15932120

Then make a new one.

>> No.15932122

Too lazy.

>> No.15932142

Thanks. It won't exactly be on time, but I am working on a thing at the moment. It will be sweet, and it will be lewd.

>>lego anubis is 2yo now
Time really does fly. So many story ideas, so little actually written, compared to what I thought I'd write.

>> No.15932150

Shit, I think even some of my crap will be almost two years old.

>> No.15932154

Naruto ended two years ago

>> No.15932164 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.33 MB, 1488x2105, 1475787271800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about if Matthew hits is the power might go out and I won't be able to check on commissions.

Damned jealous lonely Ryus.

>> No.15932168

That'd be pretty funny actually. She'd have to fill it back up with something so that you couldn't tell by the weight though.

Every slime needs a good cream filling.

>> No.15932174

Can she split off from herself?
Because she could put a miniature version of herself inside the watermelon to scare whoever tries to eat it.

>> No.15932178

Damn you stickers.

Stay safe wockfag.

>> No.15932180

Have the uncensored version of that deliciously plump Wock?

>> No.15932183
File: 213 KB, 1731x1298, Me on the left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there will never be a MG with Ragyo Rainbow hair

I am but a simple anon, who really likes hair.

Soft, almost fluffy, rainbow hair.

>> No.15932194

Something for halloween. So far I'm not too happy with it, but I'm working on fixing this mess.

>> No.15932233

I don't see why not.

Cutting into a watermelon just to find a mini slime girl would be an interesting addition to anyone's day I think.

>> No.15932245

Especially if she has a sign which says
>"eat" me
with her.

Twinkies, watermelons, toothpaste tubes... there's so many things she could absorb and/or replace, and so many places she could hide.

>> No.15932255

It's been two years for me too, Anon. I hope you keep going even if it means getting a little bit more fucked up in the head. Your relationship with your waifu is stronger than what most people have with a real person.

>> No.15932265

You could literally eat her though

>> No.15932271

I'd be a little disturbed if I started hearing giggling while I was brushing my teeth.

And I don't think she'd be so "mini" after eating the interior of an entire watermelon. It'd still be cute, though. Cutting open the watermelon and seeing a bloated slime girl flop out.

>> No.15932272

Probably not advised. She's a slimegirl, she could literally just climb back out of your throat if she wanted.

>> No.15932279

Well, the implication is more that she makes a smaller copy of herself to put inside.

I'm surprised I don't see more art of slimes making copies of themselves actually. Although I haven't really looked for it I suppose.

>> No.15932280

That doesn't sound too pleasant.

>> No.15932281

Well one idea I had for her was her entire body being covered in pleasure runes/runic tattoos, so outside of her hair she looks like her entire body is black, when in reality you can see her flesh like intricate cracks/lines in the runes.

>> No.15932286

Exactly. Best not to eat an unwilling slimegirl. Mouth play would be pretty interesting though.

>> No.15932307
File: 319 KB, 650x679, Witchery's afoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Witch was an okay movie.

>> No.15932325

Having her play with your tongue must give a realy refreshing feeling.

>> No.15932326

That's actually interesting, but also a bit much.
She'd probably end up like Satella, who orgasms from a mere touch and almost died while being fucked due to not breathing.

>> No.15932335

Well I mean, I don't really have good ideas when it comes to Lilim to begin with. I mean fuck's sake one of the ideas was one who took more after her father than the Demon Lord and chooses her husband based on his fighting prowess as well as his prowess in the sack, preferring to corrupt human women into stuff like Hinezumi, Jinkos, Lizardmen, Salmanders, etc.

>> No.15932345

>"Miss Elf, do I have to chop all this wood?We already have enough to last all winter."

>"Ha, as if a lower creature like you could understand we Elves requirements for wood.."

>"Well do you have to watch me while I do it?"

>"Well it's to make sure you do a proper job you disgusting...sweaty...strong....ahem...lowr creature. Now continue chopping wood, and move a over a little I can't see your...just move over."

>> No.15932346

It's okay, I have shitty ideas too.
Like my shortstack evil Lilim who is meant to be an atagonist in my shitty story and nothing else.

>> No.15932354
File: 339 KB, 609x728, yukionna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold days are coming, make sure you and your daughterus are warm enough

>> No.15932356

Nothing will compare to the Cait Sith that I spliced with a Dark Mage, making her a booby cat mage instead of furshit. Her furshit form being a troll tactic to her student.

>> No.15932381

By the divines.

I just want it to be warm again.

>> No.15932384

Happy two years to you too.
I've got no intention of stopping. I can still communicate with other humans face to face, have friends, hold a job and whatever. I haven't got any physical memorabilia yet, but give it time, I'll probably cross that bridge someday soon.
>Your relationship with your waifu is stronger than what most people have with a real person.
I don't really know what to say to this. Thinking of her makes me feel warm inside right down to my core, and I want to make her feel 200 times that, by loving her in so many infinite different ways.
That's the simplest way I can put it. Otherwise, I could write essays elaborating on it all.

>> No.15932409

You should test your mettle and love by living innawoods like me.

>> No.15932440

I know how you feel. I've kind of reached a point where I don't really even see myself having sex with other monsters girls than her. She is always there in my mind with that dumb, goofy smile that I love and I can't get enough of it.

I have this collection of rare rocks that my family bought for me when I was a child and some foreing coins that I got and I dedicate all of those to her.

>> No.15932520

This is why you can't trust Elves. But you sure as hell can still rape them.

>> No.15932535

I need more of this.
Would a Holst Lich produce soft serve ice cream instead of milk?

>> No.15932537

Don't see what that has to do with anything, but if it'd mean proving my love or making her physically real, then sure.

>I've kind of reached a point where I don't really even see myself having sex with other monsters girls than her.
Wow, that is a true waifu. Having her in your mind with her smile really is a feeling which just can't be beat.

Is she a dragon? The collection of coins and rocks makes me think that.

>> No.15932543

>She is always there in my mind with that dumb, goofy smile that I love and I can't get enough of it.
t. Absolute Madman

>> No.15932551

Nope. Her milk would be cool and refreshing, leaving the one who drinks it with the sensation of some that has taken a good nap.
Then again, that's applicable to all Undead.

>> No.15932561

Yep, a dragon she is. I had that collection since I was eight and my middle name is literally "Rock". It must've been fate or something because the amount of coincidences is pretty crazy.
Makes me love her even more.

It's so stupid. People make texts about fucking monster girls but I can't insert into them. Waifu is stuck in my mind and I don't think it's possible to get her out.

>> No.15932583

It's romantic as long as you're not a psychologist.

Would your dragon waifu call you "Her bedrock" because you're the foundation for all she adores, and she loves lying in bed with you?

>> No.15932601
File: 571 KB, 1200x811, Fuck Spring SUMMER DOESN'T EXIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.15932625
File: 75 KB, 100x100, 1452424826118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Kikimora's even compete? They can't even form multiple arms to clean faster.


DevilBugs are genetic failures! Failure to gain a Master, failure to clean, failure at being intelligent!

Master loves our dance and song, always he is mesmerized. Tekeli-li!

We form superior appendages, our slimy feathery tails have a superior texture compared to those of a Kiki!

Mindflayers are such inferior beings, uncapable of love, uncapable of forming appendages, uncapable of serving, only capable of wiping their mistakes away!

We form the best protection for Master, the best shields, the best watchfull eyes, the most watchfull eyes, the greatest wrath from beyond!

Kikimora's have the worst tools, their brooms are nothing compared to our thousands of tools at our disposal!

How do Beezlebubs manage to reproduce? Their disgusting stench is one we can smell a thousand yards away!


>> No.15932631

More like maddened.

>> No.15932632

She can't, I'm gonna get heart pupils and have a heart attack.

>> No.15932639

How do you know if you are considered simply a "Blood bag" for a vampire or she genuinely likes you?

>> No.15932646

She'll only start liking you when you're no longer human.

>> No.15932650

wait what

>> No.15932653

When you witness her.

>> No.15932661
File: 137 KB, 679x959, 53042032_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life would sure be a lot better if I had a Shog around.

>> No.15932669

Hurt yourself pretty badly. If she just sucks your blood and pats you in the head you are a blood bag, if she gets scared and tries to heal you she considers you a special person.

>> No.15932673

i hate shoggies and i'd hire a kiki over one. i value my sanity

>> No.15932677

>I hurt myself today...
>to see if you still feel...

>> No.15932694

Can you imagine how cute she would look when crying?

>> No.15932695

Well she wouldn't give a bloodbag a lap pillow for one. Nor would she bother inviting you into her bed to keep you warm and comfy.

>> No.15932697

KC's undead and undead realms are comfy. Imagine sitting in front of a fireplace with a wight or a lich cuddled up to you on the third or so floor of an archetypical spooky mansion, with a big window next to you opening to a view of the grounds and forest (or the city streets) lit by gothic lamp posts or moonlight.

>> No.15932711
File: 579 KB, 972x1068, Lich Momster ready for milking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight they'd be, and it's a shame we have no art (be it fanart or official art) that depicts them.

>> No.15932730

I imagine it's a mix of Yarnham and the undead realm in Corpse Bride.

>> No.15932735

She's gonna do it. She's going to put her claws on your chest, look into your eyes with her own, shining like slitted gemstones. And she'll make sure you're fixated on every movement of her lips as she says "You are my bedrock."
And then, as her wings wrap around you, "The ground I walk upon, and the sky I fly through are petty and inconsequential compared to your touch, and your voice."
She'll slowly, gently take you to the ground until you're lying atop a blanket of her wings, her weight upon you, and her hair cascading down like a curtain, a tunnel between your face and hers. "You are the world beneath me, and your love is the fire that gives life and warmth to my world."

Now what do you say to that?

>> No.15932751

Throw in some Irithyll scenery and snow and I'd be inclined to agree with you.

>> No.15932757

Oh yes that's a good one as well.

Christmastime there must be fun.

>> No.15932764

But she could make up some excuse, like wanting to have 'breakfast in bed' or that blood tastes better if the bloodbag is cuddled intensely first

>> No.15932776

If she cares enough to make up an excuse, she clearly sees you as more than a bloodbag.

>> No.15932799

>By the divines
What does that even mean

>> No.15932801

Or maybe it's because she doesn't want you or her servants to think she's soft! She's a diabolical evil mastermind after all!

>> No.15932818

>What does that even mean
By the gods
A diabolical evil mastermind who gives a shit what her bag of blood thinks? Unlikely

>> No.15932821

Good or bad context?

>> No.15932825
File: 2.36 MB, 3508x2480, shoggoth08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray that one day I might be graced with a Shoggoth waifu. They truly are the bestest girls.

>> No.15932829

I wasn't the dude who said that but if I had to guess playing a cait sith straight would make a 10/10 girl

funnily enough your splicing her to a dark mage making her a booby cat mage is closer to the original lore than furshit is

>> No.15932850

I hope there's gothic architechture, gardens with flowers that bloom at night/moonlight, smaller streets framed from both sides by ornate iron fences, bushes of slightly bioluminescent roses and not-quite-mansions-but-still-nice houses, and some victorian L O N D O N in there.

>> No.15932854

What would demon hunters in MGE be like?

Instead of killing demons would they chase them off when they cause too much mischief or try and trick little boys into signing their marriage contracts?

>> No.15932858

>Undead moonflowers that glow at midnight and track the moon
That would be a beautiful sight

>> No.15932867 [DELETED] 

TrumpElf rangers that exist in a half-state of exile that live outside their elfwalls but are allowed to remain in the forest for the express purpose of chasing off demons and corruption.

They fight corruption by using DE as fuel, and literally burning it out of them by forcing a metamorphosis like dragons do to turn into big demons themselves. This takes a toll on their body like an engine burning all the fuel out of itself in a single burst and while over time their elven bodies grow corrupted and sprout horns, wings, hooves and spiked tails, on the inside due to their fighting style they are actually remarkably pure, having high ammounts of SE and low ammounts of DE

>> No.15932868

Well yeah, that's what the angle I was going for was. The furshit form was just going to be used to troll them like asking sensei for a kiss and getting a face full of FURRY lips because she likes to pretend she's still a pure maiden.

>> No.15932869
File: 335 KB, 850x760, EDF! EDF!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which group / family of evil MGs are categorically the overall best?

You have Demons, Hoofed MGs, generic beasts / kitsunes, water based, Chaos, bugs, plants, ect.

>> No.15932872

>She still turns into furshit

>> No.15932884

It's more of a transformation to keep people from being lewd with her. Her base form is still a Dark Mage Titty Kitty.

>> No.15932886

Undead. All other girls are effete, but the undead will kill and slaughter because it doesn't matter, it's only going to bolster their forces.

>> No.15932887
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x2800, 59015733_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to avenge sensei.

>> No.15932889

Undead are pretty cute.

>> No.15932891

Is she supposed to be pregnant?

>> No.15932896

Will she be surprised when she finds sensei cuddling the man she never came back from assassinating?

>> No.15932899


>> No.15932910

The Magic Material girls are really good imo.

>> No.15932945
File: 223 KB, 720x405, SUMMER REMOVAL SERVICES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, summer has been removed from the premises thanks to these 2 and their catchy music

>> No.15932950
File: 237 KB, 1201x665, A_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elemental waifus a best.

>> No.15932952

My nigga.
Golem types too, Automaton is a top-tier design and species.

>> No.15932954

Just fucking banish me to the elemental plane of boobs.

>> No.15932963
File: 200 KB, 279x510, Screenshot_2016-03-25-18-36-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.15932964

No. Grow your hair out, ya shitty dyke

>> No.15932971

I don't trust that artwork for some reason.

>> No.15932972

Where's elemental plane of the Void

>> No.15932973

I don't trust you.

>> No.15932975

Well, it is from a mobile game

>> No.15932977

Would I!

>> No.15932986

>it's summer in the undead realm you and your Wightfu reside in
>you two sit on the third floor balcony of your mansion outside your bedroom
>you will never throw on your favorite record on the turntable and set the speed
>you will never lay down next to your soulmate as this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrNkMUbykgA plays in the background
>you will never cuddle with your Wightfu and stargaze while watching over the town below

>> No.15932990

The shekel draining gacha kind?

>> No.15932991

Isn't that all of them?

>> No.15932993

It's the quiet moments like this that hurt the most.
>You'll never have a hueg castle overhanging the ocean
>You'll never sit in one of those swing-lounges cuddles up with the wightfu and watch a storm blow in off the ocean
>You'll never poke and tease her when she flinches as a sudden crack of thunder
>You'l never watch the sea ghosts grow excitable at the coming storm.
>You'l never curl up together and nap as the storm blows over, chair-swing thing gently rocking with the powerful winds

>> No.15933001

I want an older, lonely, and probably hefty rich monster girl to buy me at a captive auction to be her husband.

>> No.15933011
File: 271 KB, 800x902, 1433998592681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 drachma for the boyim in the green mask

>> No.15933014

All I can imagine now is a Tanuki mobile phone developer

>> No.15933019

>e at the coming storm.
>>You'l never curl up together and nap as the stor
Oh my.

I wonder what she'd have me do first.

Would it be slow tail brushing or couch cuddling under a blanket.

>> No.15933021
File: 684 KB, 1060x1500, 1474369326670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933028

>Wight with a hefty wallet and a heft bust and hefty rear
Yes please

>> No.15933032

So she'd want me to oil and rub her scales before taking me out to a fancy dinner.?

That would be nice, although one would need to wonder what she'd make you do.

>> No.15933036

>although one would need to wonder what she'd make you do.
She'd probably just want to have you around. Pay for your comanionship and obviously pay for your body to warm her bed.

Only problem is I'd feel bad for getting such a good deal I'd try to do something extra like the cooking and the cleaning

>> No.15933037

>you will never be purchased on the slave market as a shota by an "old" , plump heavy weapons Automaton that wants a cute boy to raise and make love to

>> No.15933038
File: 1.53 MB, 1100x2082, 1428567373201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nine-hundred, as well as exclusive tail brushing rights!

>> No.15933039

>aging Yeti with graying fur buys you for top dollar
>her husband died and no one wants her hugs anymore because of her age, they all want a young and busty Yeti to save them

>> No.15933047

Would you wear an apron that says kiss the cook?

Would she have big guns?

Oh my! Double tanukis!

That sounds lovely.
Would most definitely cuddle.

>> No.15933049

That Yeti disgusts me.

>> No.15933051

I almost expect that she'd treat you more like a grandson and just cuddle you leaving you everything she owns when she passes on.

Cue her single, eldest grand daughter trying to meet the man who mad her grandma happy.

>> No.15933057

>Would she have big guns?
Yes, but she wouldn't have them equipped and would have panels covering the hardpoints they'd attach to.

Oh, but you're referring to her simulacrum bits aren't you? Her breasts are I cups and her plump ass could shatter oak. On top of that, she's at least so 7ft. tall so that's a lot to grab onto.

>> No.15933060

Wouldn't need an apron it'd be an implicit understanding that I'd want surprise hugs and kisses while I cook. Wouldn't put it past her to sneak in a good groping either

>> No.15933062

at least 7ft.*

>> No.15933067
File: 471 KB, 1200x804, 1472435528747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twelve-hundred drachmas as well as KNOCKING ME THE FUCK UP.

>> No.15933069

Oh my, that would be great, although I wonder if those additions were made before or after she left the battlefield.

Oh, there may be groping. while you're working.

>> No.15933070
File: 655 KB, 800x1100, 1466762875826-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1200 drachma!

>> No.15933071

I'm not gonna lie, I'd accept that offer.

>> No.15933072

Oh my, a tie!

>> No.15933075
File: 253 KB, 541x700, c0253dff776151ef017aeacb72697d1a7e738856a4f57404021574bf1af915d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933076

Anon, the desert Tanuki has an edge up. Check the spoiler.

>> No.15933080
File: 322 KB, 600x650, YOUR MAGIC BETRAYS YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire treasure hoard for the boyim.

>> No.15933082

>Cooking dinner, the smell beginning to spread throughout the place
>It calls to her. She doesn't need to eat but she cant get enough of your food.
>Soon enough you feel a pair of cold hands slip under your shirt and a a pair of lips on your neck as she gives you a little kiss, one of her hands holding you close, the other reaching down to slip into your pants and give yo ua little squeeze
>"Smells good."
>Could be referring to you, or to the food
>Head outside after eating with a bottle of wine as the night begins to set in
>Cuddle up on the balcony, snuggling each other and watching the stars, drinking wine and sharing kisses
Now if only I could think of a feasible reason she would even want me in the first place

>> No.15933085

Thats what she's requesting, not a bet.

Go go jinko!

O-oh my.
Sindregosa-chan is in the lead

>> No.15933088

Older Yetis in nursing homes need loving too, shuffleboard and falling asleep to rapeball games on TV gets boring

>> No.15933090

>RP shit

>> No.15933092

Oh lord...

>> No.15933097

Cheese it, it's the fun police, no more fun allowed here this is a super serious thread

>> No.15933099

It's these faggots
>inb4 that one faggot that fervently defends RP and claims that those who oppose it are anti-fun

>> No.15933101

Words cannot possibly describe how terrifying and arousing being in a monstergirl slave auction would be.

>> No.15933106

I was using it as an excuse to post Ojou-samas

>> No.15933111

>image dumping
Not even him but

>> No.15933115

I only posted two of them.

>> No.15933117

Can we get some more shoggoths in here? I'm trying to decide what my favorites are and shoggys are winning the race thus far.

>> No.15933118

you being sold or monster girls being sold?

>> No.15933121

you being sold

>> No.15933125
File: 131 KB, 1250x1500, 1410095912552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, why do you want more shoggoths, when jabberwocks are obviously best girl?

>> No.15933128

Being tied up, waiting your turn to be sold to some rich monstergirl and turned into a rapeslave for the rest of your life.
Being taken home by a tall monstergirl MILF and tied to a bed and told to wait.
And then her daughter who's your age walks into the room and either shouts at her mother for being embarrassing or shuts the door behind her and licks her lips.

>> No.15933131

Got attacked by a shitload of work and wasn't able to reply at the time, but let me tell you my answer.

I have quite a bit of cheese lines to say to her, such as "Your scales representing the night, your hair the dusk and your smile the sun itself", also if she is the sun then I'm definitely the moon, since even when I'm in the dark she manages to brighten me up. But damn, I've never thought about her saying those things to me. I wouldn't be able to demonstrate all of my feeling with just words, it would have to be with my whole body, soul and mind.

>> No.15933132

Because a Shoggerwock is better

>> No.15933134
File: 350 KB, 800x1131, 1473111210923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if A Shoggoth assimilating prospective girlfriends like The Thing and making them your maids?

>> No.15933141 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1727x667, 1475806272514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Shoggoths can't do that.
Either way no.
Now luring them in, that's another story.

>> No.15933147

I just discovered my desire for monster girls, so I'm not opposed to wicks. But from the few so far shoggoths are the best because i fucking love maids.

>> No.15933148

>Not wanting Thing-chan
Anon why.

>> No.15933156

Because killing and assimilating girls makes my boner soft.

>> No.15933157

i am pretty sure i am not breeding, much less desirable male material

i would probably panic or start hyperventilating

>> No.15933159

Well shogs are the best maids.

>> No.15933160

But it's just human girls.

>> No.15933164


>> No.15933166

>Killing them
Anon it's the same thing as a Dark Slime. You're just proactively loving their salvation into them.

>> No.15933167

Oh, ok

>> No.15933168

Anon, if they brought you to the auction there must be SOME crowd that would want you.

Human girls are for corrupting, not killing.
Especially paladin girls.

>> No.15933171

The Thing doesn't turn people into more Things, it makes them an extension of itself.
I'd prefer if the Shoggoth dragged human girls who intrude into the cellars, and exposed them to the manor's demonic energy core so they get corrupted into monstergirls.

>> No.15933172

>i would probably panic or start hyperventilating
That's why they line the collars with weresheep wool.

>> No.15933173

You could have bee brought to be used as a low-end prostitute.

>> No.15933174

It would be a bloodbath.

Oneesans buying otoutos, imotous buying oniichans, girls buying husbands, mothers buying their daughterus boyfriends/childhood friends.

It would be chaos.

>> No.15933175

Shoggoths can't assimilate shit you mong.

>> No.15933177

Anything + Shogg turns into shit.

>> No.15933179
File: 279 KB, 992x1024, heck pups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick with my non-melty waifu, thanks.

>> No.15933185
File: 40 KB, 450x319, 1439581918715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit talking the best slime

>> No.15933193
File: 108 KB, 752x1063, Kiki realizing the meaning of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a maid, oh~ i need a maid~

>> No.15933196

I'd love more stuff with the dark slime. Melting girls into more slimes is the best.
Would be perfect to combine with that haunted house idea with the quicksand floors and sucking walls, too.

>> No.15933197
File: 133 KB, 485x721, bzHU01u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds are love

>> No.15933203

Eh. I guess they can be okay sometimes, but I would rather have something else as a maid

>> No.15933221

>Dark Slime waifu acting as a dungeoneering trap for your EVIL WIZARDING LAIR (tm)
>Often poses as walls, or floors, able to change her elasticity to let you move over her slime or against it uninhibited
>Sometimes you wonder if they'll ever stop sending female paladins and demon hunters after you so you can go back to studying, but at the same time, you don't care
>It's always amusing watching a captive give into her body's needs and wants and melting with pleasure from your waifu's molestation
>Only to join her Dark Slime Kingdom

>> No.15933241

What is the best hybrid monster girl combination?

>> No.15933242

>Paladin alps

>> No.15933243

Cockatrice Yeti.

She wants to give you a hug without getting close.

>> No.15933244

A Holstaur and another Holstaur.

>> No.15933248

Automatons developed in Dragonia.

>> No.15933250

Yes, exactly, I'd love that. An entire dungeon based around dark slime traps and obstacles, with all the transformed dark slime girls coordinating with my original DS waifu and dungeonmaster.
Dark slime pits and ceiling traps which grab girls from up high, pulling them into the darkness above until they drip back down as a new slimegirl.
Dark slimes hidden in the chests.
Darks slime cores snuck into the health potion pickups.
Room traps where the walls close in, squeezing any explorer trapped there until she realises even the walls are made of slims, and sinks into them for a double assault on both sides.
Large dark slime cubes that patrol the narrow, labyrinthine corridors and suspend all the female paladins they engulf inside, pleasuring them until they start turning gooey and transparent.

It might be just one dungeon speciality, but it'd be explored and exploited to its fullest.

>> No.15933251

Jinn in a Jar and Mimic

>> No.15933257

Dullahan Vampire that throws her sucky head at you.

>> No.15933258

Dark matter and matango.
Lilim and nightmare.
Shoggoth and sylph.

>> No.15933269

Shoggoth and Sylph? How would that even work?

>> No.15933270

Sounds like a Queen Dark Slime at that point.

>> No.15933278
File: 1.99 MB, 2670x1439, __cheshire_cat_hellhound_and_manticore_monster_girl_encyclopedia__1a72b1391d0e3b4de05f45ddfebb1c10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So since monster girls are already, y'know, monsters, what do monster kids go as for Halloween?

>"And what are you kids supposed to be?"
>A young oni speaks up. "I'm mommy when she's had too much to drink!"
>And then a kobold. "I'm the dentist!"
>An anubis. "I'm a vacuum cleaner, gonna suck up your tail! Nyooooooom!"

>> No.15933281

Gnome is easily KC's best.

>> No.15933284

Let's find out through trial and error.
Chose any monster girl as a base and roll as many modifiers as you want, alternating between behavioral, biological, and free choice.

>Ushi Oni
>Thunder bird (Behavior)
>Dark Slime (Biology)
>Hellhound (Biology)

This is what dreams are made of.

>> No.15933285

My kid is going to be a plant.

>> No.15933286
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, loen - assuming direct control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a prim and proper hellhound!
how long is that facade going to last?

>> No.15933289

I still want to be childhood friends with those three.
It'd be so goddamn comfy you don't even know.

>> No.15933291
File: 246 KB, 600x800, 1435968706238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933294

I like gnomes, but I hate regular demonic realms, which is what ends up happening if you bang them long enough.
Green demon realms are better in almost every way.

>> No.15933295
File: 54 KB, 719x729, Ur52Vh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes prim and proper on the streets, but a beast in the sheets.

>> No.15933296

Would hound her about why she alped until she finally admits she wanted dick all along.

>> No.15933302

Weresheep + Yeti.

>> No.15933309

What the hell? When was this done? Will it be finished?

>> No.15933310

Think, man. What would be scary towards a monster girl?
A succubus might go as a bitchy human girl.
A Salamander or something similar might dress as The Black Knight.
An Automaton might get the parts together to imitate Robocain.

>> No.15933319

Oppai kittens need to be more common.
Take a hike /d/ick.

>> No.15933321

Falling asleep with her would be the comfiest feeling in the world

>> No.15933329

Kakuen + Yeti.

The terrifying Sasquatch Girl.

>> No.15933330

>Anon posts hellhound
>"Get out /d

>> No.15933334

Something that scares that monster. A chaste mother for the Bicorn, A lumberjack for a Dryad, snoopy Archeologists or thieves for Pharaohs, and the evil scarecrows that kidnaps bad little crows for the Tengu.

>> No.15933336

Full varsion of that pick shows its a futa

>> No.15933338

>Dark Angel
Weird, but arousing.

>> No.15933340

You know what that image was cropped from.

>> No.15933344

Oh christ, why would anyone ruin Hellhounds in this manner

>> No.15933346
File: 239 KB, 758x800, 1463541789515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I had no idea it was cropped from a futa pic when I saved it. Whoops.

>> No.15933353

That's Anon for ya.

He tirelessly goes through Monster Girl futa art so he can recognize crops and warn us.

What a guy.

>> No.15933357

Some people just want to see the world burn.

>> No.15933358

She can take gas form, and she can even make the air non-Euclidean.

>> No.15933360

I'd bet money the full version has been shitposted here before.

>> No.15933363

It has. It was drawn with that singular intent as well.

>> No.15933365

That image has been shitposted here more than once before, enabler.

>> No.15933373

Pretty much. I'd like it if the newly transformed girls kept their agency and individuality, outside of being a new wife and member of the dungeon, but I suppose the original dark slime would be a queen of sorts. She could at any time take control of all the slime in the dungeon, and give commands to her underling darkslimes.

>> No.15933374

There are just three of four futa pics of MGE girls, so it's pretty easy to recognize.

>> No.15933375


>> No.15933376

>Sleepover with your smug squad childhood friends
>All sleep together in the same bed
>Warmest cuddles ever
>When you get older, you start to hang out less
>Call them up and say you should all hang out like you used to
>A night of drinking, junk food, and video games
>By the end of the night you're having a foursome with a cheshire, hellhound, and manticore

>> No.15933378

It was made with the same intent as all futa art; so futa fags can get their rocks off.

>> No.15933391

Only this thread could possibly shitpost about dicks that aren't even visible or implied. I'd have been happier just thinking it was any other crop.

>> No.15933393

I bet the Smug Squad each have older sisters who are dire versions of their species.

Always trying to keep up with their older siblings.

>> No.15933400

That foursome had better end in cuddling.
I'll make them all my wives, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.15933410
File: 1.44 MB, 1723x607, 1428778302879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smug monkey gets left out
poor kakuen

>> No.15933414

Wouldn't it make sense if their mothers were the dire versions? Dealing with a dire teen would probably be hell even for them, if the mothers were not dire.

>> No.15933415

Kakuen is just a side character that appears in some episodes. Don't worry though, she gets an OVA for herself.

>> No.15933416

I bet the fucking alps did this.

>> No.15933419
File: 186 KB, 850x560, Latenight - throw the frisbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents are visitng you and your hellhound waifu
>they want to meet the girl who finally stole your heart
>more like who yanked it away and tied it up with chains and violated it
>kinda worried that hellhound waifu will be brazen and brash, like she usually is
>hellhound waifu comes downstairs all prettied up, hair neatly combed to the left with a deep violet hair clip and a small, polite smile rather than her cocky, smug grin
>you feel fairly under dressed looking at her
>parents arrive and hellhound waifu is shockingly polite with them
>paws in her lap and sitting up straight rather than being sprawled over the sofa
>she's even sitting on the side that she fucked you repeatedly on
>so far so good
>"Gee Anon, how'd you manage to land someone this perfect for you?" dad asks
>"She sorta landed on me"
>hellhound waifu gently giggles at your joke, rather than bursting out into howling laughter
>this is surreal
>evening goes on pretty well save for the one time your mom asked you if the two 'did the dance with no pants'
>hellhound waifu answers for you with a 'slow and sensual ballroom routine'
>slow and sensual your ass
>your legs were making noises they shouldn't make for weeks on end
>parents leaving, not before dad makes a quip about using a collar to show whose the 'top dog'
>close the door and hear clothes being torn
>turn to see your hellhound waifu back to normal with the messy hair, smug grin and staring you down like prey trapped in a corner
>"When I catch you, im slappin' that collar on you"

>back to parents
>"I think she's great for Anon"
>"No doubt about it, we're getting a daughter in-law"
>they both walk to their car, oblivious to the loud crashes, shouting and eventual moaning and screaming coming from your house

>> No.15933420

I liked that episode where she learned about banana hammocks and went to the beach.

>> No.15933423

I wouldn't mind letting Kakuen in.
Maybe Gremlin too.

>> No.15933434
File: 666 KB, 1324x629, Ghost book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except its the same soul, the idea that a undead is no longer the same entity (albeit changed into a monster) as before doesn't hold up in KC's world except perhaps with skeletons.

For some proof look at the undead entry in Fallen Maiden, where a new zombie is described as:

>(Former human, younger sister who died during her first year as a soldier of the Order / zombie )

For further proof look at ghosts themselves. They are stated to be human souls (not some new being born from a human soul), but are classed as undead. Like all undead they are a new type lifeform, but the soul is still the same.

On that note one would logically conclude as well that once a human soul becomes a ghost they can't become a zombie (or if they can then they cease to be ghosts as they are pulled back into their old body).

>> No.15933457
File: 602 KB, 1323x629, Skeleton book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you simply misunderstood what KC meant by “organisms called undead that are reborn from human corpses due to mamono mana.”

Note the "reborn" part rather than just saying "born." Its the same soul, the same being, just in a different type of body.

Admittedly skeletons may be an exception, at least if they can be made from parts from multiple bodies. Perhaps only the primary body gets its soul back and the other bones are just parts? Its hard to say given the skeleton profile notes that the opinions of researchers are split as to what the skeleton monsters actually are.

>> No.15933465

>may be an exception

>can be made from male skeletons
>have no memories of previous life

>> No.15933476

You need to read it again, they have memories of their life as men, the memories are just altered to where they believe they were women in life.

>> No.15933518
File: 456 KB, 600x750, 1459011922963-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Hellhounds are the best.

>> No.15933527
File: 1.30 MB, 700x1000, vaSWtEa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the little spoon of a dire hellhound!

>> No.15933529

We all do anon. We all do...

>> No.15933534

It would be weird showing my waifu ff to m parents. What if they don't like her?

>> No.15933537

Two Hounds for Christmas!

Thanks Santa!

>> No.15933556

I don't know if it's really okay with paladins that there's a group of black-ops knights who even recruit MGs, but there it is, and it sure is back-firing on them.

>> No.15933559
File: 481 KB, 1200x978, Latenight - Protect her smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine how cozy it would be
>her big, strong arms and legs holding you close to her
>all her mofu and naturally high body temperature to keep you toasty warm, no need for blankets when her poofy tail does a much better job
>her boobs pressing into your back
>her warm breathe gently caressing the back of your neck every time she sleepily mutters your name and an 'i love you'

come with me anons we're taking a trip to Sufferingville, population: all of us

>> No.15933568

What would scare that Hellhound in the picture like that?


>> No.15933572
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, 1470711361283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish wolfus were real. I want a tall strong tomboy hellwan with lickable abs and spats to be my big spoon.

>> No.15933581

The idea of her husbando being stolen away from her by a perfect ushi oni rape machine.

>> No.15933583

She just woke up from a nightmare where husbandos weren't real and every day is suffering.

>> No.15933592


>> No.15933595

Man, for some reason the idea of monster girls comparing their ability to rape in the gym locker room like teenage boys comparing dick size is incredibly amusing to me.

>> No.15933607
File: 332 KB, 1024x1300, 1431328251414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sore, can't we take a day off?

>> No.15933611

there's always the initial shock when ever you find out about something, especially if you find out that your son is dicking something that's not human.

however, you love your waifu and your waifu loves you and the two of you fit together better than a 1000 puzzle pieces all laid out correctly.
they may not like it at first but your parents will see that your waifu brings out the best in you, and you bring out the best in your waifu

>> No.15933614
File: 158 KB, 1024x1271, 1431328367004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minotaur Trainer towers over you and asks if you're ready for the Chest Press.
>Assume she means the workout machine.
>Instead she picks you and and presses your face into her sweaty cleavage.

>> No.15933624

Honestly, I think my parents would be fairly okay with most of the MGs after interrogating them to make sure they weren't horrible people.
I doubt they could handle something like a Shog or an Ushi-Oni though.

>> No.15933629

A Shog could easily infiltrate the household though.

>> No.15933633
File: 495 KB, 721x995, tumblr_npsgonE8Sx1unm603o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a big strong oni to lift with!

>> No.15933637

What if they wanted human children?

>> No.15933643

I don't want to play mind games with my family, anon.
She's going to have to be straightforward with them.

>> No.15933649

I feel like shogs would actually be one of the easier options since they can look however they want I'm sure they're good with managing psychology. It's a different story if your folks are familiar with Lovecraft, but I have to wonder how many would be. Weird looking things like arachnids, really rapey monsters and ones with reputations like succubi would probably be the hardest sales to make.

>> No.15933657

shogs can shapeshift

time to disappoint my parents again

>> No.15933660

>You'll never comfort your waifu when she thinks that any moment she'll wake up and that you'll turn out to have been a dream.
>You'll never pinch her cheeks to show her that yes, you are real.
>You'll never catch her thanking whatever higher power she believes in that the worlds merged and she got to meet you.

>> No.15933664

Then she wakes up for real.

>> No.15933668

Wake me up inside

>> No.15933670

No anon, it's smiles, cuddles, and daughteru making from now on.
No sad shit.

>> No.15933675

>Weird looking things like arachnids, really rapey monsters and ones with reputations like succubi would probably be the hardest sales to make
How would one even begin to explain a loli waifu to ones parents?

>> No.15933678

S-she's actually a couple of centuries older than me...

>> No.15933688

>Mum. Dad. I'm a pedophile.
eems pretty easy to explain

>> No.15933694

>It's a different story if your folks are familiar with Lovecraft
They are. Very much so.
In any event, I doubt they'd be able to say no to a nice canid girl.

>> No.15933698

Thread's lookin' kinda dead. Should I post one of my old rolling games to spice things up?
If so, I've got one about Ojou-samas and one about being a male pornstar. Which one should I post?

>> No.15933701

Nope. Your waifu is real but she'll never see you. Every day she goes on knowing she'll never see your smile despite it feeling like part of her heart has been ripped out.

>> No.15933703

How about you just make a greentext instead?

>> No.15933705
File: 406 KB, 750x1000, 1468649272176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Kitsune waifu

I don't even have to do anything. ez mode

>> No.15933706



>> No.15933707

I need a prompt to do that and for that I need the thread to be alive.

>> No.15933708

That Fox sure is confident.

>> No.15933709


>> No.15933710

The thread doesn't come alive from you posting some silly rolling game.

>> No.15933712

>Isn't she to old for you, Anon?

>> No.15933713

Well, there's the truth. If you want an explanation they'll actually accept you're boned though.

Let's ignore the siths because ew, but even a hellhound? She'd be ash gray and her eyes would occassionally catch fire, I don't see that being especially easy to accept. Werewolf (assuming there's some way to stop her from being one bite away from causing a plague) and kobold might well work though.

Would normies be weirded out by the default kobold mentality though? I think maybe.

>> No.15933716

Ojou-samas are forever. Ojou-samas are infinite.
Pornstar implies there will probably be more than one girl, which is harem-tier shit.

>> No.15933719

Alright then.
This is your moment anon. After years of eating out monstergirls in the ally behind Denny's for cash, you've been noticed by a director who wants you to star in her new Porno. Yes it's not the most dignified job, but it pays well enough to finally get you off the streets.

Roll monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/special:randomincategory/Mamono
to find out who the leading lady is.

Then use https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or https://www.random.org/ to roll in the three following categoreies.

Genre: 1d6
1: Fantasy
2: Sci-Fi
3: Adventure
4: "Horror"
5: Romance
6: Choose Two

Body Type: d10
1: Busty
2: Thin
3: Hourglass shaped
4: Oppai Loli (or Shortstack if you prefer)
5: Chubby
6: Gym Bunny
7: Loli (or Pettanko if you prefer)
8: Pear Shaped
9: Species Norm
10: Choose one

Fetish: 1d6
1: Paizuri (The Leading Lady has huge tits regardless of species)
2: Gangbang (Roll four extra times on the monstergirl roll for the leading lady's co-stars.)
3: Shotacon (You'll have to take a potion for this one that makes you look like a kid again. Don't worry, it's temporary.)
4: Rape (Not like the usual kind either. Aggressive rape. Tears, begging for help and plenty of cumshots with no cooldown. You get paid a little extra as compensation.)
5: Handholding Cuddlesex (You sick fuck, you'll really do anything won't you?)
6: Choose Two

What's the name of the porno and what's the synopsis anon? And what do you do with the leading lady since she seems to be interested in you? Keep in mind that if you don't provide a synopsis the whole thing will turn out to be a dream and you'll wake up chained to the bed of a jabba tier yandere Cait Sith.

>> No.15933723

I mean I'm being a bit dickish here, but how would you lolishitters actually go about explaining your deviancy?
>I'm into little girls
>I'm into the chronologically challenged
>She only looks like a little girl
Like you can't hide behind the 2d distinction anymore and I'm genuinely curious if you could find a way to make it pass to your parents.

>> No.15933724

We'll see.

Sorry man, the other guy beat you to the punch.
Next time.

>> No.15933727

> if you could find a way to make it pass to your parents
Ultimately it wouldn't matter if they didn't like it. Lots of parents don't like their child's choice of 3DPD spouse.
I have my chronologically challenged waifu and that's enough for me.

>> No.15933730

Oh you actuslly posted it! I thought for sure you were gonna oj out. Will def do this the moment I ain't phone posting! Do you keep a collection of these in a pastebin somewhere?

>> No.15933731

>Gym Bunny
Uhh, I don't know how we handle the Fantasy part here, maybe it's a gym in some kind of gladiator training arena. The point is that I get raped by a Gym Bunny Familiar. It'll be called
A Warrior's Bounty. I don't into synopsis, I've only had one cup of coffee so far and it isn't enough.

>> No.15933734

Well since those things don't even exist in this thread because Furries are against the rules, fuck you.

>> No.15933736

Simmer down now, multiple rolls per thread soured people on them in times past.

>> No.15933737

Nah. Stored locally.

>> No.15933741

It's your punishment for if you just post what you got and don't elaborate anon.
It's not supposed to be good.

>> No.15933742

Or you could just not be a lazy shit.

>> No.15933745

I don't think you get the point here. No furries. Ever.

>> No.15933749

I dunno I mean I'm not big on the family I was give. I care a lot more about the family I choose, but even so, I'd hate for my waifu to play a role in that estrangement. Wouldn't want her to feel responsible or anything. Your waifu is going to know that you don't speak to your parents because of her.

That's kinda sad.

>> No.15933751

>Pear shaped
God has smiled upon me.

I'm an adventurer who learns the location of the Elf village and decides to make them mine by raping and mind breaking their queen.
It's titled "Elf Mating Habits: A Documentary".

>> No.15933754

Anon, I don't think you understand the concept of "punishment".
Besides, one of my greatest fantasies is punting a Cait Sith clean over the horizon before princess carrying my Hellhound waifu onto the bed and mating pressing her full of daughterus.

>> No.15933761


>Cheshire Cat
I... I finally won one of these damn things.

Okay, definitely too good to be true.

Why can't I be this lucky on things that can actually happen?

>choose two
give me rape and handholding

The synopsis is that an innocent young country man gets raped in the big city by a sex-starved catty cheshire, which gradually turns into a more mild, tender experience involving plenty of cuddles and puns. It will be called Corny Country Caterwauls. Fun for the whole family, rated PG.

Afterwards we return to her place and play hide the salami, and other cult-classic MG videogames

>> No.15933763

It doesn't have to go that far. Like I said, lots of parents don't like their child's choice of spouse but will put up with it regardless because they love their kid.
Even then, the choice to dislike her rests solely on the parents so even though it might be uncomfortable at first, it would settle over time. They'd come around eventually.

>> No.15933771

You must have a lenient family. If I said with a straight face "I'm a pedo-" I wouldn't even be able to finish the word before I'm having to hold my shattered jaw together.

You realize this isn't on the level of "oh, I don't like her, she isn't good enough for my anon" right?

>> No.15933774

>Large Mouse
> (Choose one) Chubby

A young mouse is found stealing from a cheese shop and pay back the owner with her large assets.

>> No.15933776

>You realize this isn't on the level of "oh, I don't like her, she isn't good enough for my anon" right?
Sure but this is also a world where physical manifestations of lust in the form of monsters are now real so established social dynamics aren't going to be the same.

>> No.15933786

Hope you enjoy your cuddly lapcat anon.

>> No.15933787

I just realized that the acceptance of pedophilia in MGE and the existence of the sabbath means that there's likely going to be an increase of pedophilia and child rape on human girls too. Not sure how I feel about that. I wonder if KC has addressed this?

>> No.15933789

Literal whore.

>> No.15933800

Only boys can be whores, yah silly.

>> No.15933809
File: 178 KB, 1280x878, 1453152585997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apophis, Cheshire, Apsara, Dark Mage, Gremlin, species norm handholding cuddlesex gangbang adventure

Fuck it's almost perfect.

Sir Dicksalot is a fantasy adventure film with main hero Sir Anon Dicksalot and his party, Thief Cheshire, Sorceress Dark Mage, Dancer Apsara, and Eccentric Inventor Gremlin have to team up and take down leading lady, Dark Lord Apophis who is evil because her childhood friend died. After the climactic battle with Apophis it is revealed Anon was the friend Apophis though died and repents her evil ways and it ends with a big cuddly gangbang.

Each girl gets an individual scene, a few threesome/foursome scenes and the gangbang as the conclusion.

I put way too much thought into this but this is the first time I've ever gotten one where I really liked the scenario.

>> No.15933810

>Hourglass Shaped
>Choose two (Handholding Cuddlesex)(Gangbang)


A conventional monster girl romance drama, with the uncommon resolution of the central conflict of multiple monster girls pining after the same man, is to all fuck him together and share him. The decision to take the plot in this direction can be assumed to have been because of the directors own views on the subject as a Bicorn.

>> No.15933826

What monster girls would you most want to play a wholesome game of sex jenga with?

>> No.15933831

What was the full version for that pic? Or it's the full pic?

>> No.15933833

Well whatever, I'll make it work, bro.

>Fallen God
Uh, I'm going to assume that doesn't count.
>Rolled 6. No action genre for some reason.
Guess Adventure/Romance would be interesting.
>Rolled 7.
I don't like the hornet but being loli makes her like 10x better.
>Rolled 3. Shotacon.
So basically this is child porn. Okay, I can work with this.

In a small hamlet by a tropical forest, one kid would discover his passion among the most unlikely of companions. Watch this heart-wrenching tale of a boy and his misunderstood friend as they set off into the world to discover more about their dreams... and each other.
"Dear Diary" - Coming this holiday season.

I mean this seems more like an actual movie synopsis than a simple porno, but eh. There probably isn't much difference in mamonoland anyway, so it all works out.

>> No.15933838

It's cropped. Apparently full version is futa.

>> No.15933844

>Hourglass shaped

It's the adventurers of a shota that tried to fight a Arachne and failed horribly. But it turns our she was really nice after she did the whole "shota rape" thing. They lived happily ever after .

>> No.15933851
File: 361 KB, 2000x2000, 1398318732522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily life has so many set-backs for non-human bodyparts. A fella could get rich off of pandering to girls like these with designed products.

>> No.15933853

What are the rules of sex jenga?

>> No.15933858

rule number one:

You don't talk about sex jenga

>> No.15933863

I would even say: you don't sex about talk jenga!

>> No.15933872

Automaton Big O

>> No.15933877

>Automaton Big V

>> No.15933879

The same as regular Jenga. Monster girls just like to put 'sex' in the name of things, and the blocks all have art of people fucking on them. Helps with marketing it to a generation that has sex on the brain all the time.

>> No.15933889

No, this isn't lewd enough; we need magic. What if the male feels it when he inserts a log between two others and the female feels it when a log is inserted? Whoever knocks the tower over cums so hard they're completely unable to resist the whims of the winner.

>> No.15933891

So the idea I had for this story is that these paladins are taking a holy relic, the earthly remains of a saint, to a place of refuge, a monastery. What they don't know is that the body inside the casket is actually a Lich, who is manipulating them into escorting her there so she can use the old pagan burial grounds beneath the monastery to build an army.
What SHE doesn't know is that there's a band of jolly old P'Orcs planning to raid the monastery for boys and homebrewed booze, which complicates the situation a lot.
So the poor monks will be caught between horny Orcs, an army of the undead that hasn't gotten laid in centuries, and some paladins who don't know what they're doing because their leadership has been eliminated.
I was just hoping someone could like, tell me if this sounds like an interesting idea or not. Probably should've asked before I started writing it, but didn't.

>> No.15933893
File: 18 KB, 400x299, dorothy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be the negotiator

>> No.15933896

They would be expensive, of course you would get rich.

>> No.15933898

Really? I don't remember that pic.

>> No.15933899

Even better.
I can also imagine the gothic aesthetic of Megadeuses world work well on Automatons stationed in Undead Kingdoms.

>> No.15933901
File: 880 KB, 2390x4250, 7wApNqX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gym bunny

its gonna be called 'Boobytrap'
>anon is a space faring bounty hunter
>suddenly distress beacon thats not too far away
>fly to the location of the beacon
>its a trap
>huge alien spacecraft thats shaped like a fleshlight tractor beams anon's ship inside
>cut to the main bridge where a chimaera dressed up to look like an alien awaits anon
>chimaera makes a very animated speech about requiring a servant, that makes her tits jiggle without spilling out of her super skimpy outfit, all the while her personalities switch constantly
>"I'll never join you, crazy alien lady!"
>anon gets paizuri'd until he's frothing at the mouth
>anon joined the party

>> No.15933905

>huge alien spacecraft thats shaped like a fleshlight tractor beams anon's ship inside
my sides

>> No.15933912

Not bad anon.
What are you going to do with the leading lady during the wrap party?

>> No.15933913

>huge alien spacecraft thats shaped like a fleshlight tractor beams anon's ship inside

>> No.15933920
File: 875 KB, 800x870, 1426535587424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post this every thread until you like it! Sahuagins are bland and flat, whatever the hell this thing is, it's the new hotness!

>> No.15933934

Please don't do the thing

>> No.15933939

I won't if you tell me what she is.

>> No.15933944
File: 871 KB, 1280x847, sub res - raiju- cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her i was actually foaming at the mouth
and hopefully get her details so we can work together again
and maybe convince the director to make a sequel
Boobytrap 2: Electric Boogaloo
which features the Chimaera's 2nd in Command, a Raiju

>> No.15933952

It's okay. She's your waifu, and she'll know exactly how infinitely deep your feelings for her stretch.

>> No.15933984
File: 307 KB, 500x800, 1398945891419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what DO you do when her fetish is something silly?

>> No.15933994

Indulge her if it's possible, at least every once in a while. Silly is fine, it's gross, painful and "weird" where problems start. Hopefully she'd do the same for you so long as she could stomach it.

>> No.15934008

Put on the pig costume like a god damn man.

>> No.15934010

My fetishes are probably sillier and more weird, if she'll accept a few of mine I'll accept any of hers.

>> No.15934033

>Hourglass Chesire Cat
>Fantasy + Romance
I guess "Cat-ai" would work.
A boy falls in love with a mamono. Unable to confess, the cat gives up, cuts him short and just pounces on him.

>> No.15934035

If it;s just silly and not directly at odds with me, I indulge the shit out of her.

>Battle Wight has a fetish for being fucked in her armor and has a fetish for roleplaying me as a squire who is there to look after her in battle in more ways than one

>> No.15934042
File: 286 KB, 626x584, MHGen-Nargacuga_Render_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing is this thing. Too bad I already have a favourite.

>> No.15934047
File: 297 KB, 1280x800, 1411979326994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of hairy Wyvern?

>> No.15934049

As long as it isn't inside my wiener, her tentacles can go wherever she wants. Even my nos

>> No.15934051

That sounds like a recipe for some bleeding.

>> No.15934052
File: 561 KB, 1200x873, 58781677_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a monstergirl or just weird shit?

>> No.15934053

you've got a tentacle girl that likes sticking her appendages in your drink? That's kinky, but why not just make you suck on them directly?

>> No.15934056

I would consider her a Monster Girl, yes.

>> No.15934058


>> No.15934067

There are worse places to bleed from.

>> No.15934069

New grill when?

>> No.15934071

Le grille? What the HELL is that?

>> No.15934083

When the dragon allows me to upgrade her kitchen

>> No.15934093

Is that the crispy clicker artist?

>> No.15934115
File: 64 KB, 416x608, Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy London morning people!

sun is up, tea is drunk and its time to get into the monster funk

>> No.15934116 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1240x1754, 1475828122195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New stuff.

>> No.15934121
File: 344 KB, 1384x1817, 1413741652726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of buying Planet Hulk to prepare my body for the new movie next year. How's that for a blogpost? Eh? Eh?
Mmm, yes. Time to warm up that gold.

>> No.15934123


>> No.15934126

Fuck off

>> No.15934134
File: 345 KB, 741x1200, mad hatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Beast. You writing today or chilling?
Also do you have any colour edits of the mad hatter? Having a red mad hatter with white hair would be nice.

>> No.15934150

Uncen when?

>> No.15934169

More chaos gods when?
I want to see Yig the serpent as a great winged lamia with many daughterus
And azathoth as a dumb sleepy wyrm surrounded by shoggoths playing instruments to keep her ass asleep

>> No.15934172

I like that last one.

>> No.15934183

Girl with a transformation fetish. You're the wizard casting random mutations on her.

>> No.15934208

Nah Azathoth needs to be a shog flayer hybrid

>> No.15934226

>Choose One - Busty

What's the name of the Porno?
>Teacher Punishes Her Student

What's the synopsis?
>Biology class
>Current topic is human anatomy
>Student gets caught texting in class and not paying attention
>Teacher asks student to stay after class for detention
>Teacher "teaches" student about the reproductive process by violently raping him until she's impregnated

And what do you do with the leading lady since she seems to be interested in you?
>I'm not into Hakutakus, so I wouldn't be interested in going any further with her

>> No.15934260


Honestly I'm open to opinions on her 'template' monster girl. I just picked the first thing that came to mind going off of "limited intelligence" "physically overpowering" and "sleepy"

>> No.15934261

hopefully writing.
And no, I have no edits

>> No.15934273

And then I found someone did art of Azathoth as a monster girl complete with instrument playing lesser creatures already. Except it's western art and has a shitty DA watermark so I won't waste the image limit on it.

http:// img13.deviantart.net/df49/i/2015/113/5/f/azathoth_by_spongelex-d5oczoz.png

>> No.15934285

Damn, wock really let herself loose.

>> No.15934290

Not bad, though I have no idea what' going on with those legs.

>> No.15934308

Manticore and a Lilim.

>> No.15934325

Ushi-Oni and Hobgoblin, shortstack rape spiders would be pretty nice.

>> No.15934337

Shortstacks are olev.
Would gladly marry a small group of them.

>> No.15934359

You know they make loli Ushi Onis already, right?

>> No.15934364
File: 918 KB, 1000x1173, 1464806542979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with huge breasts they don't.

>> No.15934376

I have the sudden urge to be approached by the child of a rapetrain species that just wants to play. Like playing fetch with a trio of hellpups using a frisbee.

>> No.15934384

What about playing hide and seek with cheshire kittens who promise not to go invisible?

>> No.15934390

Well, I'd go in not expecting to win anyways. I mean, they didn't say anything about teleporting.

>> No.15934395
File: 513 KB, 771x1100, New golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the stronger you get in magic the more golems you can have in your controll

>> No.15934399

I dunno, they're still young so their teleporting may be off, resulting in them hanging off tree branches, falling into bushes, and may a dip in the fountain or two.;

>> No.15934402

Well, that just sounds adorable.

>> No.15934404

Is it just me or have we been faster these last two threads
We're not even on page 10 and we're at almost 2200 and image limit.

>> No.15934405

Oh if you like hearing little "kyaaaaa's as they land in things.

>> No.15934411

Oh don't you know it.

>> No.15934412

Well, just don't be surprised when you find them and they start pouting at their loss.

>> No.15934417

I'm sure headpats will fix it.

>> No.15934428
File: 174 KB, 394x600, Cursed sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still would like to see the complete form

>> No.15934440

Well , I'm certain your're going to end up with a bunch of purring cheshire kittens in your lap

>> No.15934448

The best of rewards. Until their older family members come by to tease or flirt, maybe even suggesting to the kittens they'd see more of me if they helped her get together with me.

>> No.15934454

Oh my, a bunch of little cheshire kittens trying to get you together with their sister?

Sounds cute.

>> No.15934455

I fucking love Ushi-Onis.

>> No.15934459
File: 709 KB, 713x1000, Dragon knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what it would be like to fight along side her

>> No.15934464

Whats with here eyes?
also does she clip her helmet on around her horns?

>> No.15934467

Horns seem pretty inconvenient.

>> No.15934475

either that or the funniest game of getting the helmet through the horn holes.

>> No.15934481

Must be hard using things like armor and most clothes for dragon. Maybe they should all get naked instead

>> No.15934490

Nah, i like the armour, makes them stand out as a upstanding warrior

>> No.15934492

I wonder what it would be to fight AGAINST her.

Would she perform aerial attacks on me?

>> No.15934493

I wanna offer myself to my cute virgin ushi oni on her birthday, and to see the moment she discovers the earth-shattering pleasure of nonstop hardcore fucking, and her own never waning libido, all while showering her with loving and romantic words and touching.

>> No.15934498

List of shit I have to pay for this month.

S.H. Figuarts Darkraider Bike.
MG Heavyarms Kai EW Ver.
MGE-1 English Edition.

I wonder what the other remade girls will be in it? Harpy seems obvious. Hopefully Black Harpy too. Lamia would be nice.

>> No.15934505

Really like the tits and even though I'm more of a long hair guy that short sex hair fits her.

>> No.15934507
File: 144 KB, 864x924, jabberwock_by_dapper_cat-d8bs92q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, i am trying to imagine how a vampire+jabberwock would be like and it doesnt look pretty for me

>Not only she wants your blood,she also wants your semen badly in a daily basis
>her extra mouths now got fangs
>Horny levels cranked up to eleven

i dont think i will survive all that draining

>> No.15934516

Puzzle and dragnos made me want a golem and ignis together

>> No.15934535
File: 169 KB, 700x593, 1440382695369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Ushi-Onis love fucking.

I don't know where I went wrong in life to want nothing more than to be dominated by giant rape train spider girl. Even an Ushi would probably question me for submitting so easily.

>> No.15934564

Well, for me their most attractive feature is their fluffy cow ears, I just wanna touch them at least once.

>> No.15934565

You know what she would question? Herself for loving you even when your're supposed to be just a toy. Ushis are best spider.

>> No.15934573

I don't see anything out of the ordinary, stop paying attention to silly things.

>> No.15934576

>she's raping you
>you reach up and she gets excited thinking you're going to touch her breasts
>you move past them and start playing with her ears
Would she be amused or disappointed?
That's the best part, her slowly going dere over time while still keeping her dominant aspects.

>> No.15934579

The armour isn't fully formed around the woman

>> No.15934582

England please.

>> No.15934588

Probably disappointed and very confused.

>> No.15934593

Why does it matter if I'm English?

>> No.15934595

You and your ou's.

I bet you spell it Colour.

>> No.15934603

I do actually.

>> No.15934604

Oh you.

>> No.15934613

Shouldn't you be spelling it "Oh, Yo", Clap?

>> No.15934615

what around with Brithglish

>> No.15934617

You sure you aren't an Aussie?

Just funny spelling is all.

>> No.15934623

>funny spelling
...but it isn't, it's the Americans who have 'funny spelling' since they came after.
I'm not even an English speaker.

>> No.15934626

I'm not the original guy, but yes I am

>> No.15934627

I thought so.
Only an Aussie would be so quick with a jab.

>> No.15934635

Oi that's racial profiling mate. I don't appreciate that.

>> No.15934646

Well, I'm sure you'll forget all about it when one of your local spiders busts through a wall to try and eat you.

>> No.15934648

>doesn't have spidey tits
Racial profiling is not okay but shaming people for being ugly is

>> No.15934650

All i know in terms of racail profiling for that place is that the ashes rivalry

>> No.15934653

Not my fault that your country would be filled entirely with dire monster girls.

>> No.15934656

What is a dire will of the wisp like

>> No.15934661

Nah, I recently invested in some drop bears to keep my roof safe and to clear out the surrounding trees of spiders. Ontop of being voracious eaters, drop bears are indiscriminate eaters. Then they aren't looking to drop down and maul a face, they eat the tips of branches, keeping them nice and trim and making sure that there isn't too much dry leaf buildup in the gutters, because that's a real bushfire hazard.

On the ground front I had to install some hoopsnakes. They roll around my house in concentric circles, flattening anything that approaches.

You'd think they'd pose a health hazard to me personaly, but I have a tamed pet triantiwontigongolope. She acts as an effective guard against the drop bears and the hoop snakes.

>> No.15934675

You mean men raping human girls due to pedophilia acceptance? Unlikely in my view, as the only places accepting of child-like girls having sex would be mamono realms and monster friendly states. In which case the following applies:

1. Mamono realms: There are no human girls to rape as they have all become various types of monster girl.
2. Monster friendly states: Men with tastes that go for young girls would rapidly be targeted by Sabbath or just random loli monsters and get addicted to/claimed by them, becoming incubi eventually. Recall that there is not a single case apparently of a incubus raping a human girl, and even before that a man who has had sex with a monster will pretty inevitably not be satisfied by a human.

>> No.15934679

I want to turn the tables on a haughty Vampire using garlic so I can fuck her and whisper in her ear that I'm going to make her the mother of a dirty half breed, only to have her orgasm right then, revealing that she secretly gets off on the idea of a lowly human forcing her to bear his child against her will.

>> No.15934687

She'd probably have an extensive cage that wraps around her like armor...along with more flames and bigger muscles.

Such a silly land.

>> No.15934690

>Recall that there is not a single case apparently of a incubus raping a human girl
I rolled my eye so hard I broke the optic nerve and now I'm blind. Thnks KC

>> No.15934694

>Haughty vampire with a fetish for being raped/impregnated.

That sounds lovely.

>> No.15934698

He best be careful, removing the seal on a young ushi oni could result in a even wilder reaction than on a older one.

>> No.15934701


>Filling her womb to the top with your seed so she feels warm inside
>She begs for more


>> No.15934707

>She doesn't make you stop until she's cumflated and laying chest down on the floor, ass still in the air and her hole leaking seed.

>> No.15934721

Well the reasoning is fairly sound:
1. Incubi as a whole naturally lust for monsters, as being ideal mates for them is why the transofrmation occurs to begin with.
2. Married incubi have even more focused lust, resulting in a lot of fidelity to their wives (though other monsters can potentially still force themselves on him).
3. A human cannot satisfy the lust of an incubus, so having sex with them to relieve lust is pointless.
4. Given they focus so much on love and pleasure, raping someone for other reasons (revenge, humiliation) would be unlikely to even occur to them.

Course it would be more realistic to say something like "it is likely only the most desperate incubus would attempt to force himself on a human, no cases of this happening have been confirmed."

>> No.15934725

>3. A human cannot satisfy the lust of an incubus, so having sex with them to relieve lust is pointless.
More like they'd get pumped a few times then thrown away like garbage

>> No.15934739

Again, what would be the point? He'd get no real pleasure out of it, just frustration. And throwing people away like garbage would likely be against the monster-like values that incubi have.

>> No.15934741

KC really made the perfect mary sues

>> No.15934746

So lets assume that an incubus can never be an asshole. Your second point assumes that every pedophile is caught by the sabbath, and that none hold predatory inclinations that urges them to not go after the monster kids throwing themselves at him, but after the forbidden fruit so to speak. Like a sadist, or some one who simply is ignorant of the differences between a human child and a monster child. You have to realize that asides from, y'know, the horns and wings, the differences between the two aren't overly apparent when you have cosplay tier races like elf and witch.

Raping an Alice is just like raping a little girl only she has wings and a tail. Unless the sabbath deliberately perpetuates the idea that human girls are off limits (and as if they would) I can easily see lines being crossed either through malicious intent or lack of education.

>> No.15934788
File: 280 KB, 612x1270, 1475674945944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters don't give a shit. As far as they are concerned, old enough to breed is old enough. Monster loving nations would feel the same. So it would be neither a crime nor a problem in those areas as defined by their own laws.

These are creatures that transform and brainwash whole nations against their will and rape as their favored form of courtship. And you're worried about the temporary side effects on human girls in some stupid country that's inevitably being completely corrupted into monster town anyway?

>> No.15934792
File: 145 KB, 640x905, just no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to not base your living dolls on real people

>> No.15934798

Can I ask for where number 3 is sourced from?

>> No.15934813

>old enough to breed is old enough
Which considering the mental and sexual maturity of a human is around the 14-16 mark depending on the individual.

I'd like to see my concern addressed, yes. I feel like it would shed a deeper light on the setting as a whole. Are sabbath callous and uncaring, self-erving cunts, or do they spare consideration to the lasting damage that can be done when a pedophile get his hands on a human girl rather than a monster girl.

I mean Kc's mgs don't hate human women or anything. I'm pretty sure it's stated that they love human girls just as much as they love men, it's just that love takes the form of wanting to turn them into monsters and sharing the good book of dick with them.

So I doubt they are fond of deep psychological trauma and scarring. How the organisation reacts could either solidify their place in the trash or put them in a kinder light for me, personally.

And I like pushing the limits of the hugbox. After all, the brighter the light, the darker the shadow.

>> No.15934819

If incubi are demonic energy dispensers, wouldnt it make sense to say that have sex with humans corrupts them into succubi?

>> No.15934820

It's actually more of nobody fucking caring because morals and values aren't actually immutable.
Lasting damage? Psychological trauma? Doesn't exist if you turn into a succubus, that's what you live for anyway.
>I like pushing the limits of the hugbox
You're failing. Horribly.
I'm not even him and I see precisely no issues.

>> No.15934825

>Then she begs you to plug her with any kind of vibrator to nothing spills out

>> No.15934830

You're assuming that all or many pedophiles are predators/sadists.

>> No.15934832

That seems lewd.
Wonder if she's simply prim and proper in public.

>> No.15934834

The sabbath have a war on tits and keep sexy monstergirls from ever growing up. They're already trash.

>mental maturity
Like I said, they don't care about that. Even the physical can be bumped down tremendously by mamanobama bullshit like blowjob bananas and prisoner fruit.

>> No.15934836
File: 236 KB, 600x428, something drawn by kc that isn't monster girl related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15934841

>Which considering the mental and sexual maturity of a human is around the 14-16 mark depending on the individual.
Here's the thing, a 13 year old riding someone's dick isn't going to cause 'lasting damage' or 'trauma'. What it will do is affect her personality, but that's expected since it's a major event in her life. What might cause trauma of course is just flat out rape but incubi seem to never do this to begin with.
You're also assuming that pedophilia = predators which is retarded in a land with entire hordes of lolis thirsting for dick.

>mental maturity
Nobody gives a shit. You could argue that it doesn't even hold that much water in real life beyond getting tricked into a relationship or getting into something a lot bigger than you signed up for because you're a kid and are retarded.

>> No.15934849 [DELETED] 

neat, now delete it before the police arrive

>> No.15934852

Fuck the police.

>> No.15934853

This is outright stated in WG1. Basically it explains that an incubus would never rape a human woman because she couldn't satisfy him. But if he did fuck one then she would monsterize.

So if one could think with something other than his dick for ten seconds then he would trade a shitty round 1 for a really good round 2 with the newly made succubus. But they are stated never to desire or rape human women, ever. It's part of the incubization process and what it does to your mind, like automatically think all monsters are awesome even if the guy hated them on a Goblin Slayer level beforehand.

Thanks mamanobama.

>> No.15934864

Alright /jp/ create the Ultimate Hero that can defeatthe Demon Lord plus her traitor hero husband and the Chief God knows how many Lilim and stop the monsters once and for all.

>> No.15934872

No, I'm assuming that some are. Don't go bending my words to suit yourself.
>Here's the thing, a 13 year old
Dude, don't monsters start 'em as young as like, 8? I mean a dwarf just looks like a pointy eared toddler
>You could argue that it doesn't even hold that much water in real life
You could, but you'd be wrong.

>Lasting damage? Psychological trauma? Doesn't exist if you turn into a succubus
What, it's a guarantee? Like pop a dick in a kid and they grow wings? That's actually far scarier to consider.

>Like I said, they don't care about that. Even the physical can be bumped down tremendously by mamanobama bullshit like blowjob bananas and prisoner fruit.
I'm talking about human girls here, anon. Human girls aren't the same as monstergirls.

>> No.15934874

Any edgelord really

>> No.15934877

what about if he had a wife or a crush, he a sex demon now, there's more ways to have sex then rape.

>> No.15934880

>I'm talking about human girls here, anon. Human girls aren't the same as monstergirls.

And they are corrupted by those foods without complete monsterization initially.

>> No.15934882

>What, it's a guarantee? Like pop a dick in a kid and they grow wings? That's actually far scarier to consider.
Yeah it is actually.

>You could, but you'd be wrong.
Nope, I wouldn't be. Don't equate change to damage; the only damage done is when it happens in specific ways or because the girl has no fucking idea what this actually entails.

Also see >>15934853.

>> No.15934888
File: 284 KB, 870x1305, pssh nothing personnel greenskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this guy? Also here's a thought; what about a hero who straps a bitch to him and fucks her on his quest the entire time? That way he technically won't be immune to demonic energy but it won't affect him in a way that will impede his progress.

>> No.15934889

Let me get this straight. Your initial claim was that acceptance of loli MGs will lead to endangering human lolis, right?

>> No.15934892

No, he's not an edgelord. He's just really kind of practical and obsessed with this one type of monster who are legit kind of fucking asswipes anyway.
I'm talking like, Kage Summit Sasuke edgy.

>> No.15934894

Then he finds a new monstergirl bride, who might take pity on the old one and monsterize her for bigamy end.

>> No.15934895

Consider that if they want to rape a loli they could just get an Alice.

>> No.15934897

>go around raping children because not only does no one care, they only monsterize anyway and grow to like it
Uh, thanks KC I guess.
>because the girl has no fucking idea what this actually entails.
So all prepubescent girls.

If I remember correctly, I claimed that it was possible that the acceptance and normalizing of pedophilia would have an effect on human girls, yea, who don't have the same mamono mana dick taking capabilities as monster children.

>> No.15934900

>Story about unmarried incubus turning a human girl into his succubus wife when?

>> No.15934904

He's a murderhobo, not an edgelord.

>> No.15934906

>So all prepubescent girls.
Well with a dick in them they'll change to know and probably not care.

>If I remember correctly, I claimed that it was possible that the acceptance and normalizing of pedophilia would have an effect on human girls, yea, who don't have the same mamono mana dick taking capabilities as monster children.
Pedophilia doesn't entail the same shit on the two sides of the coin. More importantly it's canonical that incubi have minds warped to not give a shit about human females.

>> No.15934907

He is neither. He's an autistic pest exterminator.

>> No.15934908

Sounds a bit too NTR for me

>> No.15934910

>Busty Hellhound romance

The title would be The cold flame.
It's a Hellhound that raped me so hard I got mindbroken and half dead. She kept using me over and over again until not even mamono mana got me hard, and no matter how much she called I wouldn't move. She takes me to a hospital where I recover physically but not mentally.
After I get out she tries to say sorry, but I freeze up and start to shake.
The Hellhound, feeling responsible for that, decides to light the fire in my sould again using her own fire.

>> No.15934913

Well you have to admit they're hella pests
I wanna be their captive

>> No.15934916

So, you take a world which has some predators, add perfectly willing loli MGs, and somehow end up with MORE forced assaults?
That makes no sense.

>> No.15934917

so a paladin with holy powers that get periodic bullshit upgrades, that would kill the DL family and then go on to kill the chief god while ranting about his brother steve

>> No.15934921

Not really. KC does that stuff all the time for harems. Remember if you're happily married even to a monster that if another monster decides she really likes you, then your wife has to shove over and make room for the new addition.

Humans always get the short end of the stick in KC land.

>> No.15934924


>> No.15934926
File: 173 KB, 800x500, Sea Bishop Paladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to smite the forces of darkness with my lovable paladin!

>> No.15934927

>tfw human village girl and see your childhood friend taken from you by monsters because boys are all sluts

>> No.15934930

I really think that "wife has ro accept the other monster" thing.
Like, do you seriously think a dragon would let someone use her most precious treasure?

>> No.15934931

isn't everyone fucked up on DE so they wont care?

>> No.15934933

Not him but we're talking about a magical realm where all monsters are sexy demi-humans that what to fuck every man there is. And Mamanomana exist as a main thing.

There aren't a whole lot of things that make sense in MGE if you actually think about it too hard. You just have to suspend your disbelief

>> No.15934934

Wait a second if monsters turned into monster girls, then what the fuck are these things? Blonsters?

>> No.15934935

Yep. I think that makes it scarier honestly.

>> No.15934937

See >>15934931

>> No.15934939

Yes but if human peasant-kun isn't educated as to the dangers of raping little girls, and he as a human living in a monster friendly city sees incubi fucking children on a daily basis. Uneducated peasant-san may simply conclude that the little girl down the road works the same way, as there's literally no social taboo stopping him. He isn't even aware it's the wrong thing to do.

That's the kind of scenario I can see happening because it does happen in severely undereducated thrid world countries even without monsters and mamono mana

You're right, I can't see why an incubus would fuck a human child if that kind of motivation is literally hardcoded out of their brain in the incubization process.

I'm not arguing for MORE. I'm only wondering if the erosion of the taboo would lead to some, due to a lack of education and moral fiber.

>> No.15934945

MGE has stuff called Demon Beasts which are somehow the new regular monsters since all the previous regular monsters became monstergirls. Why don't they also turn into sexy women? Where did they come from? We don't know.

>> No.15934949

Monster is a monster, hellspawn. they must be purged Hellhounds get a hard bop on the head

>> No.15934950

In that case there's quite literally nothing wrong with it as nobody sees anything wrong with it and it's accepted in-world.
Also I highly fucking doubt it works that way, since it's obvious to literally everyone that an Alice and Alice-down-the-road are not the same.

>> No.15934951

What are birds?

>> No.15934952

>MGE has stuff called Demon Beasts which are somehow the new regular monsters
Wait, what? Where is this from? I have never heard of it before.

>> No.15934953

Damn you, brainwashing. Oh well, it doesn't really matter though since she wouldn't let other girls get too close.

>> No.15934957

Incubus corruption isn't instant right?

If thats the case, one could say that a man with a human spouse could cet the change rolling and corrupt his wife to turn at the same rate.

It just feels like the idea of a man ignoring human women like that is some ive read in one of those depressing korean webcomics

>> No.15934958

I think the logic was that they aren't necessarily monsters, just beasts that inhabit demon realms and not to mention they were apparently always around. Still it confuses me, why is a Grizzly considered a monster but a Boar isn't?

>> No.15934968 [DELETED] 

Hi I'm KC and I really hate niggers. That's why they don't exist in my setting so stop asking filthy gaijin pigs.

>> No.15934970

>Incubus corruption isn't instant right?
Depends on the monster girl involved in it, Jinkos can corrupt a man in a single night because their mating is so fierce.

Then there's ones who specialize in corrupting their man though other means like Khepri but for your average monster girl it can take a while.

>> No.15934972


>> No.15934975

>depressing korean webcomics

>> No.15934977

But seriously though where are the black people?

>> No.15934978

You're forgetting all the cosplay tier races that could easily pass off for simple human girls. If every MG loli has horns and wings i'd see your point but they come in all flavors.

And in terms of behavior, an Alice is just the same. Alices don't act enticing or seductive they are just literally little girls who reek of an innocence to strong it makes pedohpiles want to defile it. They don't initiate, they don't do anything other than get raped unless taught by a succubus to do lewd things.

You know, at least at first. Dick an alice enough and she goes down the typical monster rout

>In that case there's quite literally nothing wrong with it
I wonder how often the Order use the sabbath in their propaganda. If I lived in an order state, telling me that they rape little girls would make me move a lot quicker than telling me that they still eat people.

>> No.15934989

MGE in a nutshell:


>> No.15934991

Most desert girl MGs are black/chocolate/whatever
>mfw I resisted a kauen joke
I have become weak

>> No.15935000

inb4 HOL UP

>> No.15935006

Brown ins't black.

>> No.15935009

of course vampires must appear elegant and proper in public, but once you are home with her she becomes a wreck of a blushing vamp begging for more

>> No.15935011

In KC's Not!Central Africa. Since that's not a main realm then you don't see them. Also, because that area in real life doesn't have a lot of globally famous monster myths, I wouldn't ever count on it.

Those are brown based on arabs and North Africans.

>> No.15935012

Whtever. Close enough. Hellhound then.

>> No.15935017

Oh my.

You gotta wonder how she'd react to tying herself up for you only to have the zombie maid walk in on her.

>> No.15935018

Well they are technically black in the literal sense, but I mean they are not of the black race.

>> No.15935022

Dude who cares? Maybe if you have some not-shitty myths you should go ahead and submit them to KC.

>> No.15935024

Hellhounds are gray, not black.

>> No.15935029

Do we have and stories with black people?

>> No.15935031

I'm not black though I was just asking for curiosity's sake.

>> No.15935033

Well i mean you don't have to be black to be african. My point still stands. Does africa even have anything cool?

>> No.15935039

Deep-chocolate witch doctor girl?

>> No.15935041

I think beast's recent one had a demon who was a Black woman in human form. though I think she was described as "Dark skinned"

Other then that I and remember just read a pharaoh story or something

>> No.15935042

Whenever you feel comfortable, just take it easy and relax. >>15935002

>> No.15935044 [DELETED] 

>What's a "black person" husband?
How do you respond?

>> No.15935046

For fucks sake

>> No.15935049


>> No.15935050

>Black flavored witch
Eeeh. Not really much alone. Also I think I agree with that other anon. For you to get african girls KC would need to add an entire geographical region. Or tack them onto the desert girls.

A person who is black

Don't expect much traffic untill this thread drops off. Naturally. Of its own accord. After reaching page 10.

>> No.15935053

A member of the negroid phenotype of the human race. Can't get any simpler than the straight scientific definition.

>> No.15935054

>Or tack them onto the desert girls

So... Nubians?

>> No.15935057

Of course, whenever you feel comfortable.

>> No.15935059

An individual who's contemporary ancestors originated from a more equatorial point of the globe.

>> No.15935060

It's already on page 10.

>> No.15935062

>Don't expect much traffic untill this thread drops off. Naturally. Of its own accord. After reaching page 10.

This. And also hopefully after 2500 posts.

>> No.15935063

Put Lethal Weapon on.

>> No.15935076

A elehant/snake hybrid that like gems

>> No.15935078

>Image limit reached
Well guess it's time to move over.

>> No.15935079

>2500 posts.
I know you like em big, anon, but please.

>> No.15935081

Yeah. I mean it doesn't really matter does it? Egyptians enslaved dudes from all over africa, right? Feasibly you could have any number of ebony monster girl.

That would look terrible. Elephants aren't sexy.

It's only 200 posts away. Perfectly attainable.

>> No.15935083

Last thread was that long, and normal used to be 3000 posts before all the current nonsense. We'd regularly go 500 posts after image limit. Thread should be good for about another four or five hours as it is. That's less than 50 posts an hour.

>> No.15935085

"It's like a black monster, but without the monster parts."

>> No.15935094

/pol/ memes aside, African mythology is both little known, and what is known is pretty bland. I mean the only thing I can even remember is the spider trickster guy? Native Amrrican myth is better then it, and thats fairly bland.

It doesn't help that african myth has to compete with egyptian myth which is better known and cooler.

>> No.15935100

I remember reading something about a nightmarish, tyrannical witch-queen of Axum once, though I'll be damned if I remember actual details.

Gimme a bit, I'mma dig through wikipedia.

>> No.15935112

The real issue is you need a powerful empire to generate epic myths and have them stick in the public consciousness. Most of Central Africa has been stone age level small tribes until very recently in their history. Same with the USA Natives.

You compare that to a proper empire like the Aztecs or the Egyptians and can see what they lack.

>> No.15935114

Catoblepas. Can't go wrong with another bovine

>> No.15935115

This is the main problem with tribal mythology. Aboriginal mythology suffers the same. Yeah surethey have "interesting" creation myths but if you never actually have a civilization you never get a developed mythology with tonnes of monsters and gods and shit and priests who spend their entire lives making shit up and teaching it to the masses. All you get are the skeletal germs of an idea

>> No.15935125

Dude it needs to be actually african. This is a donutsteel out of a roman nerd's bestiary.

>> No.15935126

>Raping an Alice is just like raping a little girl only she has wings and a tail.

Except that she wants it and the pleasure is greater (given she is a monster girl her body innately is more pleasurable than a human girl's).

>> No.15935134

>Except that she wants it
As a monster yes. But on the surface, it's no different. It's up to the man to attack and violate her, KC's words not mine. She doesn't entice or encourage along the way nor does she initiate

>> No.15935135

I thought the whole point of Alice was that she doesn't want it.

>> No.15935138

It's still just a little girl you filthy lolicon

>> No.15935152

No, she specifically tries to seduce you

>> No.15935159

No she specifically DOESN'T Do anything to seduce you at all other than exude an aura of innocence that makes child molesters like you want to go at it.

>> No.15935172

KC addressed how jealous monsters girls deal with harems in one of the Q and A things. Someone asked about what happens if a shirohebi and bicorn love the same man, which got this answer:

>Seems like it'll get very rough for some time. w For the husbands body that is. They'll end up getting along in some way or another, but seems like the harem will get rather busy, since the Shirohebi will try to steal a march on the other members and get into an assertive position where she gets the most sex. Hang in there husband!

Basically monsters value love more than they do keeping a man to themselves, hence they will accept another wife if she genuinely loves him. However, the degree of acceptance varies, and there are politics/hierarchy involved in the harem.

>> No.15935178

Way to ruin Shirohebi, KC.

>> No.15935186

A myth

>> No.15935187

>Would accept a harem
That's just stupid. What's the point of having a yandere girl if you turn around and say that she would be okay with sharing her husband with other girls?

>> No.15935192

Cock horse can infect other girls with her cuckoldry. Soon you'll have a huge and powerful dragon letting a flock of black harpies fuck her man because they also "love" him.

>> No.15935195

The grizzly race were always monsters, they simply happen to be named after animals. Basically the difference between a mamono realm beast and a monster is that one is a monstrous animal while the other is a monster (a distinct form of life in the MGE setting, created separately from animals and humans).

From World Guide 2:

>In mamono realms, not only are there mamono realm plants, there are also animals unique to mamono realms that have been twisted by receiving the overflowing mamono mana, “mamono realm beasts”. Animals raised in an environment overflowing with abundant mamono mana are distinct in that they have different forms than the animals of the human realms, their reproductive fertility is far greater, and many of them grow to extremely enormous sizes. Many of them have a sinister appearance, but they're absolutely not monsters, but “animals”.

>> No.15935198

>Why don't they also turn into sexy women? Where did they come from? We don't know.
They're random animals that received a substantial buff from spending too much time around DE and exist to satisfy KC's love of Monster Hunter.
World Guide 2.

>> No.15935199

What would happen if you ignore the other girl that invaded your relationship with your waifu though? Let's say I'm married to a hellhound and a wurm makes me her husband too, however I only give belly rubs and lots of consensual sex for the purpose of reproduction with the dog. I don't think she would get the hint and drop off, so would she just be happy with threesomes where she gets 1/5th of the action?

>> No.15935207

She'd have to be. If I was ever in that situation and making the interloper dissappear wasn't an option, I'd make her life a living hell untill she fucked off.

>> No.15935222

I would feel a little bad for her now that I think about it, but hey, it's not my fault she decided to invade my relationship.

>> No.15935224

The wurm would force herself on you is what would happen. Once a monster has fallen in love with someone she can't simply fall out of it.

Though we are told on rare occasions monsters who have had their husband die can come to love another man, but he must be very earnest and sincere in his love. Perhaps the same could happen if a monster is trying to get a man who doesn't want her, namely one who does could convince her to love him instead if he was genuine enough.

>> No.15935231

It's just, you finally get your perfect waifu, you love her, she is 11/10 everything is perfect you're already planning your wedding, right. And some random cunt tries to barge her way in. By Kc's rules my wife would roll over, but I would actively hate this cunt with a burning passion. Literally what in the MGE verse is stopping me from just murdering her?

>> No.15935237

>Yanderes accepting harem
Nah fuck you, this will be one of the few times I'll use headcanon

>> No.15935247

>Literally what in the MGE verse is stopping me from just murdering her?
Again >>15934931
Welcome to MGE.

>> No.15935253

What if she wants others to know your love, and captures women for you to ravage and add to your harem as she reigns as head wife?

>> No.15935260

Then she's a cuck.

>> No.15935262

I'm okay with that.
It just seams like it goes against the whole "yandere" part of a yandere girl. Had it been another girl I wouldn't have such a big problem with it.

>> No.15935267

>yan shibohebi captures a kobold for you
>holds the terrified pup down by the arms and invites you to come closer
>"come on now don't be scared, you'll feel much better once you accept his love ufufu~"
>at this point the kobold starts screaming
>fast forward and she's been broken in and is now happy with the situation due to mge magic
>shirohebi leans in and whispers in her ear
>"now remember, I'm in charge around here, we don't want any accidents to happen now do we?"
>the fear instantly returns

>> No.15935268

It's not that if all of them are married and agree to it, which no longer makes it cheating.
I wish using that fucking meme word was as bannable here as in a few other boards.

>> No.15935271

Fine. "Open Relationship"

>> No.15935273

Shirohebi will soon face her greatest challenge yet: A Wurm who knows no fear outside of spiders.

>> No.15935274

Open implies that they can fuck complete and total strangers instead of the married group and nobody else unless they are added in.

>> No.15935277

What do monster girls think of super heroes?

>> No.15935280

That's when she invites a perma loli spider to the harem to keep the wurm in check.

>> No.15935281

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.15935282

I know a guy that considered himself to be in an "open relationship", he no longer has a wife or his Wii U

>> No.15935285

I would call her retarded and set her straight with my dick.

>> No.15935287

Little ones love them.
Albino Lamia loves that Paladin who saves the day with laser vision.

>> No.15935288

>drawing futa for any other reason than to piss the thread off

>> No.15935292

>Open relationship

>> No.15935296

>letting other women touch you

>> No.15935297

Isn't that a term for a relationship for when one partnership is getting all the action from other people and their partner isn't getting any at all?

>> No.15935310

No, open relationship is where both partners can see other people.

>> No.15935311

I wish your shit meme taste was bannable.

>> No.15935315

then she's a fucking failure of a woman and an an insult to yandere

>> No.15935316

When did tumblr came here

>> No.15935319

What monster girl can satisfy my belly stuffing fetish?

>> No.15935325

What if you go back to /d/

>> No.15935330

Sorry not everyone is a boring vanillafag like you.

>> No.15935333

I would like to build a tree house and live with a kakuen

>> No.15935337

I think corruption and monstergirl TF is the most /d id go

>> No.15935343

>yan shibohebi captures a kobold for you
>holds the terrified pup down by the arms and invites you to come closer
>"come on now don't be scared, you'll feel much better once you accept his love ufufu~"
>at this point the kobold starts screaming
>fast forward and she's been broken in and is now happy with the situation due to mge magic

I'm... I'm not okay with this...

>> No.15935344

It sure sounds interesting. Do it.

>> No.15935354

>Not wanting /d/ shit = vanilla
Whatever you say, fuck off

>> No.15935356

They're more dangerous than you give them credit for.
>but their bodies emit a subtle charm magic. Men who spend a lot of time around them end up assaulting them, offering up spirit energy through sexual intercourse.

>> No.15935358

>Approach the Kobold
>Headpat her and reassure her nothing wrong will happen
>Let her go
>Proceed to angryfuck the hell out of the Shirohebi until she behaves
It's not that hard, all you have to do is be assertive.

>> No.15935365

>porn series built around fetishes isn't allowed to have fetish shit that doesn't appeal to me
Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.15935366

I want to woo a CC Oni with Ms. Bashy

>> No.15935370

>this fucking thread
>being assertive
Unlikely, not impossible, but unlikely

>> No.15935372

That happens on a purely subconscious level. She isn't "actively trying" to seduce you.

>The little girl was so cute and innocent, she didn't even know what sex was! She's trying to seduce me I tell ya!

That kind of logic isn't very popular round here, friend.

>> No.15935374

Next you will say it's okay to post futa too because it may happen in the setting.

Fuck off.

>> No.15935377

You sound upset for some reason.

Hello newfriend, lurk more before acting like a faggot.

>> No.15935380

What if she hate fucks back? Will Kobold join in and help you get the upper hand?

>> No.15935385

More annoyed, but lets leave it like that

>> No.15935388

Well, you are the one angry at her, why would she hatefuck you back if she's not angry? if anything she would be pleased you are satisfying youself with her body.

>> No.15935393

>This abomination of a yandere
REEEEE, school days end for all you faggots.

>> No.15935397

There's a difference between asking about something fetish related and actually posting fetish shit friend.

>> No.15935399

>Barb does best D&D Dragon variant

>> No.15935405

It's a fight for dominance, anon.

>> No.15935409

School days is canonically happy harem though. He even impregnated his gf's mother and aunt as I remember

>> No.15935414

Never played it, I just watched the anime for best ending.

>> No.15935417

Yan doesn't really equal to dom though, it's just that she loves you so much her mind started to melt, if you assert yourself on her chances are she will not resist unless she's into that "love me or die" stage of yandere love.

>> No.15935420

School days is shit, so is the MC

>> No.15935423

>saying no to a yandere's idea
That sounds like a bad time.

>> No.15935428

What's she going to do? Cuck herself with another random MG?

>> No.15935433

>Ruining yanderes
When you think threadcanon can't be more shit...

>> No.15935437

A boogeyman created to scare little monsters into behaving, lest they have to raise their daughters alone.

>> No.15935446

This isn't yandere. I don't know what it is, but any of the suggestions here would be met with a bloodbath.

But whatever it is, I know I hate it.

>> No.15935448

>thread canon
More like actual canon. Shirohebi was never an actual yandere to start with, just possessive.

This is what happens when people are too retarded to read official material and get upset when it contradicts thread canon down the road.

>> No.15935450

>Momsters telling their daughters stories of men that leave their partners after impregnating them so they behave
Isn't that a bit cruel?

>> No.15935452

>Waifu knows how shitty and stupid harems are with mamono mana and that she'll be forced to accept a filthy whore
>She chains you up so no other girl gets the chance to fall in love with you

There, it's all good now.

>> No.15935453

At least i can satisfy my cock worshiping fetish with them.

>> No.15935457

>With the crushing weight of love and pleasure, she thoroughly instills her husband with the notion that she herself is the best female for him, and that he doesn’t need any other woman but her. The sex on this occasion gives the man pleasure and ecstasy incomparable to anything he could ever experience normally. It makes him become dependent on her as a prisoner of her body.

And even after that, the flames never completely disappear. They continue to smolder within the man. She is the “water” he must soak in, and he ends up being unable to calm down without having his whole body wrapped in hers, continuously mating.

This entire chain of shitposts is anathema to her character.

>> No.15935459

That's just fun parenting.

>> No.15935463

>Shirohebi was never an actual yandere to start with

>> No.15935467

No more cruel than adding on that they'll make sure to disappear in the night as dark as their skin, making them impossible to track.

>> No.15935468

But will a whole village of sibgle Shirohebi erect a stone monument of your dick in the middle of town? Will they take turns raping the only man in miles: IE YOU?

>> No.15935492

You do know KC contradicts himself more than a US Politician with his settings and side material, right? Plus the added chance the interviewed hebi was just coincidentally yandere and made it seem like all were.

>> No.15935496

>That happens on a purely subconscious level. She isn't "actively trying" to seduce you.
That doesn't matter when the end result is still the same. She's emitting a "fuck me"-aura that will slowly build up and make you lose control of your faculties.

>> No.15935502

You're retarded. The whole point of the Shirohebi is being a fucking yandere. Pretty much all lamias are possessive by nature. You're already doing mental gimnastics to justify your opinion.

>> No.15935505

how about a black Jamaican succubus?

>> No.15935506

Guys harems are only there for people who want them. You wouldn't be forced into one. I mean this is basic KC one oh one. There wouldn't be any anthony burch """open relationships""" in mge and monogamy is still the main thing.

>> No.15935507

Yandere kesaram pasaran

>> No.15935508

Seduction is a deliberate act. To seduce is a verb.

Cuckhorse is the containment for people like you, don't ruin other girls.

>> No.15935510

That bit you quoted has nothing to do with actually being a yandere, if anything it just backs up what I said about them being possessive lovers. The whole "dependant on her body" part is just the scholar's overblown way of writing as usual.

>> No.15935511

>You wouldn't be forced into one.
If you were right, it wouldn't trigger a shitstorm every time it was brought up

>> No.15935512

I can dig it.

>> No.15935519

They don't seem to even remember that before causing a fight.

>> No.15935523

It wouldn't be 4chan if you didn't broadcast your hate

>> No.15935525


>> No.15935529

>The whole "dependant on her body" part is just the scholar's overblown way of writing as usual.
Ah, yeah sure. When it's in the profile it's just the scholar's hyperbole.

Nevermind how you literally cannot be satisfied by anything other than snakepussy as that point, and trying to set up a harem is retardedly redundant, it's all just hyperbole.

Go douse yourself in gasoline and play with some fire.

>> No.15935530

Her being a cuck would imply she's cheating, which isn't the case as pointed out earlier.
Learn the definitions of words instead of parroting them like an 8 year old.

>> No.15935531

>Expecting people to not try to rationalize their shit taste
I mean, we still have that furposter don't we.

>> No.15935534


>> No.15935537

>Irony thy name is anon
No, her being a cuck would imply YOU are sleeping with another woman. Learn the definitions of words instead of parroting them like an 8 year old.

>> No.15935538

KC's word > in universe unreliable author's word

An actual yandere would go way further.

>> No.15935539


>> No.15935543

Except making the shirohebi a yandere is pretty much headcannon already.

>> No.15935548

As long as I dont need to learn patwa to understand her

>> No.15935550

Other women who are now your wives in a harem, which does not make it cheating.

>> No.15935554

That's why it's cuckolding instead of cheating, genius.

>> No.15935561

Cheating IS cuckolding, you idiot.

>> No.15935564

>harems are cuckolding
I want this meme to die.

>> No.15935572

Cheating is cuckolding, yes. But cuckolding is not necessarily cheating. For instance you could be perfectly aware that your woman is fucking other men. You could be sitting there wanking pitifully while another man DOES fuck your woman. You're okay with it, she's okay with it, the other man is okay with it, it's not cheating.

But you're still a fucking cuck. Same thing, flip the genders.

>> No.15935573

Only way for it to die is for the idiots forcing it to be euthanized.
Which will never happen.

>> No.15935578

Cuckolding by definition is cheating on the spouse and often making them raise the kid.
Go back to school, you clearly didn't learn anything the first time.

>> No.15935582

Men married to monsters basically don't get assaulted by other monsters, that's one of the basic things in the setting. The various provisos for situations where it can still happen are meant simply to allow for harems if the particular fantasy wants them to happen.

Indeed, the basic response by KC for a lot of grimdark interpretations is along the lines of "why would you make a situation where that happens if you don't like it? You don't want a harem, just have your character not get assaulted by other monsters, that's the norm anyway."

>> No.15935585

No it isn't. Do you even know what a yandere is.

>> No.15935586

gerund or present participle: cuckolding
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

Where does it say cheating? Where does it say it must not be consensual on the cuck's behalf?

>> No.15935588

In that case the man fucking the woman isn't also married to her though, in a harem it would be the case. also see >>15935578

>> No.15935594

Monster marriage works on how bound together you are. You aren't the kobold's fucking soulmate because your braindead snake wants to turn herself into a cuckquean. You may be later, after your DE and SE and shit bond, but all that means is that the monstergirl cucking your wife ended up marrying you too.

So much better, wow.

>> No.15935597

Read more than just an absolute basic definition.

>> No.15935601

>"B-by the fucking definition!!"
>Gives the definition
>"t-that definition isn't good enough"
You know what? I'm done. Enjoy your cuckquean.

>> No.15935604

Yanderes are violent and/or psychotic. The shirohebi is just exceptionally possessive.

And yes their magic makes it so that her mate needs her to quench the blue flames, but it doesn't keep him from experiencing pleasure with other females, it just makes her superior in pleasure.

Likewise, its always possible other monsters could learn to alter his body to enable them to satisfy him as well. Heck, perhaps a shirohebi in a harem ends up giving her mana to other monsters once a sex schedule is agreed on.

>> No.15935608

Is a MG who only had sex with other girls/monster girls still a virgin?

>> No.15935610

You seem upset.

>> No.15935614

Her mind would explode over your dick by then though.

>> No.15935617

>Yanderes are violent and/or psychotic
Not towards the object of their love though. If they are then they are Yangire.

>> No.15935618

In my book? Yes.

>> No.15935619

>a MG who only had sex with other girls/monster girls
That's bullshit and you know it.

>> No.15935620

He isn't. He's just causing a shitstorm.
Hide and ignore his crap. Filter "cuck" too.

>> No.15935621

Y'know, Shirohebi do also have fangs according to a KC Q&A. It's just that we lack art of them.

>> No.15935622

Logic would say no but KC would probably say yes since it's common in the setting for MGs to corrupt human women and he would want their first time with a man to be special.

>> No.15935629

>Filter this objective truth that is inconvenient to me, he's just shitposting.

>> No.15935632

Actually it's not, a good chunk of the profiles have MG on human girl rape for the sake of corruption as a common occurrence before marriage. If the girl hasn't found a husband it's more likely than you think.

It's just not talked about here for obvious reasons but it doesn't mean it isn't a thing.

>> No.15935639

You're right, should have done so before. His arguments read like someone who escaped from /pol/ or /v/.

>> No.15935643

Which doesn't support the idea that shirohebi are yandere, as nothing in the profile talks about them doing anything to other females.

>> No.15935644

Converted lesbians are my fetish.

>> No.15935647


>> No.15935650

>His arguments read like someone who escaped from /pol/ or /v/.
Ignoring the fact that you have brought up the /pol/ boogeyman out of the blue, I'm genuinely curious as to why you think so. Do you have anything to back that up or do you just not like what I'm saying?

>> No.15935660

What a coincidence, mine too.

One of my fantasy situations is for a monster girl to rape some poor farm girl and not quite get the corruption done but the farm girl falls for her and starts looking for her "onee-san." Only to find her a few months later and find that I've already married the monster girl, the monster girl coerces her into a threesome and we finish the corruption together.

It's a stupid fantasy but it's an arousing one for me.

>> No.15935668

She's not lesbian if she was looking for a husband to begin with.

>> No.15935672

MGK Lich and Elf-Wight need a tester for their new growth potion. Who should the subject be?

You, Jimmy?
Albino Lamia?
Crybaby Wyvern?
6th grade Wock?
6th grade Lilim?
Or do you convince Lich herself to take it?

>> No.15935674

it is new thread time?

>> No.15935705

What will be growing? Yuki

>> No.15935712

I know Jamaican people that don't know patwa

>> No.15935713

>Still trying to get people to move
Aw, is somebody upset that nobody jumped ship in the last three hours and he's just been pathetically bumping with one liners every quarter hour?

>> No.15935720

What about a strong independent human paladin-chan? She needs no man, she considers them dumb lowly savages who always fall for the MG's V.

>> No.15935724

It's unknown.
Might be height, overall growth, or make one age without changing height into a shortstack.
Slight possibility of growing spider limbs too for the girls, but that shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.15935730

I tell that nashandra to fuck off with her ghetto shit and play a Dark Elf's booty like a bongo drum.

>> No.15935743

No anon, you need to teach her to love the dick. You will be doing her a great favor.

>> No.15935744

Wock and Lilim. I want to see how big those wocks get. Especially compared to Lilim.

Then let the ss commence.

>> No.15935749

Me and Yeti.

>> No.15935755

You can fuck right off. It'll be new thread time when and only when this thread is archived and not before. A thread doesn't need pre-school level fucking reaction images or shit to have a discussion.

>> No.15935758

So I get to rape her? Better get some shit to turn her into an undead to at least make her tolerable.

>> No.15935760

Leaving aside the fact that most of it was just argument that didn't really get anwaywhere, we're coming close to 2500 posts too.

>> No.15935771

Wock actually gets smaller and becomes an oppai loli.
You asked for this.

You grow to 8'9", become built like a bear, and now have the eyes of a grizzled war veteran.
Yeti becomes a shortstack.

>> No.15935772

Let's just jump ship this once. There's yurifags creeping in here.

>> No.15935779

No, lets just wait. This thread can't get much worse toward it's end. Lets just burn ourselves out on shitposting and not carry any of it across once this one archives.

>> No.15935784

Not him but arguments are discussions. It's been about four different subjects over that time too, not one.

Fuck that. It's obviously been somebody trolling here since the other guy started the new thread. "What about black people?" "What about cucks?" "What about lesbians?" I bet it's this bitter asshole >>15935396

>> No.15935787

Your thread is bad on top of being made before we got bumped off the board, get over it.

>> No.15935789

This is bullshit. I demand a refund and wock back to normal. And what about Lilim?

>> No.15935790

>Or do you convince Lich herself to take it?
Let's see where this takes us.

>> No.15935797

Lilim gets A cups.
She's somewhat happy.

Lich "grows" into a demi-Lich, and is now just a floating head.
She is unamused

>> No.15935799

>Not him but arguments are discussions. It's been about four different subjects over that time too, not one.
That's why I didn't call it shitposting. I'ts just a shame that the harem argument is lacking closure. the least the faggots could do is respond to this post >>15935650 instead of just bandying buzzwords and agreeing with eachother. If it isn't just one samefag

>> No.15935803

Messed up the spoilers. Bummer.

>> No.15935804

Why respond when it's obviously the same guy pushing his buzzwords?

>> No.15935806

Would she be mad at me if I used her head like a sex toy? Seams to be the only logical option.

>> No.15935807

Exactly, your dark elf friend could help too. Besides, is not really her fault she likes woman, is just that her childhood friend was stolen from her long ago, and she started to blame men in general for being so weak in resisting the advances of monster girls. All she wants is a real man to truly love her back.

>> No.15935808

Take Yeti for a ride on my shoulders and show her the world

>> No.15935809


>> No.15935811

Because I guess I just feel like you're being a sore loser when the definition proves you wrong and you switch tact to "oh he's from /pol/" "just ignore and filter" Leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I was enjoying that argument

>> No.15935817

I didn't post in any of that but I can give a one of those answers. On the harem end, KC's stance is always ALWAYS yes.

"Dr. Malcolm, are you implying that a yandere waifu will share?"
"Err. Ah. Um. Harems find a way."

>> No.15935820

Well. That's what I'm going to do. Don't worry, I'll help her now that she doesn't have anybody. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.15935824

Griffon. She doesn't get enough love.

>> No.15935831

She'll prefer to float behind you and comment on everything you do, but it's still doable.
She'd prefer having a body over a mouth to please you though.

>> No.15935832

I know exactly that he would just answer "Yes" But its be fun to bombard him with completely contradictory questions one after the other and ee him answer "yes" to all of it

>KC will my yandere waifu share with a harem?
>KC will my yandere waifu protect me from other girls and stop a harem forming?

>> No.15935836

>Yanderes are violent and/or psychotic
>He thinks yanderes can only be like that
Ayy x2

>> No.15935835

Her ahoge grows to be bigger than an Oni and becomes sentient.

>> No.15935841

>She'd prefer having a body over a mouth to please you though.
Well, her mouth will do just fine, but if she insist ( guess I could try and make a new potion to help her get her body back. What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.15935851

His entire way of typing and his "cuck" spamming is exactly like /pol/ and /v/, notice he denied being from /pol/ but not /v/ like that board's any better.

Looks like like the guy accusing him hit the nail right on the head.

>> No.15935855

You become an Alp.
You become a pocket sized person.
You are sucked into W40K world as a slave to Chaos.
You become allergic to pizza, hugs, love, and Mamanobama.

>> No.15935866

For some reason you made me wonder. How paradoxic is a lesbian Alp?

>> No.15935868

>His entire way of typing
What? You realize that I am the dude you are now replying to? You clearly can't read anything from the way I type. Furthermore, We were discussing cucks, how is it spamming to use the word cuck?
>notice he denied being from /pol/ but not /v/
I deny being from /pol/ because /v/ is completely irrelevant to me. I didn't think I had to specify both. The closest I get to /v/ is the souls threads on /vg/

I mean not that you'll believe me, so I don't know why you'd bother bringing up this line reasoning. This is literally jut a he said she said, I'll say I'm not from /pol/ or /v/ and you'll insist I am. What exactly does either of us gain from that?

>> No.15935869

>Monsters describing their first encounters with blacks

Tanuki - "A far simpler peoples to manipulate than the common boyim."

Pharaoh - "If I hear one more arbitrary claim of inheritance from my Empire from these... insects, I'm going to make them remember the ten plagues."

Succubus - "He has a big dick, isn't that all that matters?"

Shoggoth, on written paper - It was then that I saw it, barrel-chested and obsidian skinned. Arms far too long for its body swung to-and-fro in its loping gait, the garments for the colder climate hanging too loosely from its body. Steam flared from wide nostrils as it aped out the words of its betters. It was then that it held me in its vacant, black gaze. I think I went mad then.

>> No.15935873

But... I didn't drink it.

>> No.15935875

As paradoxal as a mixing coke and pepsi.

>> No.15935876

>You become a pocket sized person.

This could be interesting. I choose this one.

>> No.15935878

>We were discussing cucks
You were, everyone else was calling you a retard.
>The closest I get to /v/ is the souls threads on /vg/
Close enough, get out.

>> No.15935883

No but you don't know how to mix potions together and are likely to cause an accident.

>> No.15935887

You rolled a 1 in a Craft(Alchemy) check.

>> No.15935907

>You were
I won't get back into the actual cuckquean argument, since it's basically dead now but you do understand that argumentum ad populum doesn't count for shit, yeah?
>Close enough, get out.
No? I thought your pet boogeyman was /v/, you don't get to just add a 'g' in there for your convenience.

>> No.15935911

So... Perfectly natural?
Also, 2500 posts achieved.

>> No.15935913

Also, Yuki turns into a tall, beautiful CC, but is still mentally a child.

>> No.15935922

>Other thread still has less than 20 posts
I haven't seen somebody so blown out since Fujoshit kun made his monsterboy thread.

>> No.15935937

Can take it on a date?

>> No.15935941

Well, it's common knowledge that the people who make new threads before the old one archives are scum.

>> No.15935942

Anon that's odd.

>> No.15935945

What if Archon waifu who looks similar to an Angel from Diablo?

>> No.15935948


>> No.15935972

Nope, I'm not the other thread guy. Just wondering how long this one will live.

>> No.15935978

Why? There are people who date Kejs, so why can't I date a Griffon's ahoge?

>> No.15935991

Because the Griffon will be sad that you're fondling her cowlick instead of playing Mario Party with her. Anubis and Pharaoh are ruining you with their teamwork.

>> No.15935992

>older man who looks like he came back from the war and his head hits the ceiling
>shortstack Yeti
>25 year old Yuki who wants to build snowmen and cries if someone knocks a snowman over
This is no longer a Kindergarten class!

>> No.15935998

But if I only fondle the Griffon her ahoge is the one that's going to be sad. Maybe if a pat schedule is needed so both of them get the right amount.
