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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 600x455, torosicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15916858 No.15916858 [Reply] [Original]

Denpa song English guide:

Music downloads:

Denpa song bot (new songs every day):


Denpunk bot:

Japanese guy who makes denpa and moe songs mixes:

>> No.15916888

thank you for your hard work

>> No.15916915


>> No.15916935

Anybody can cut around that torosicks cover and rotate the square so that it sits straight..I can have that to tag my mp3s with and feel tight about it.

>> No.15917222
File: 183 KB, 344x338, torosicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Alternatively, you could also use this as a cover: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Co5iTeYVUAAP021.jpg

>> No.15917230

Hey, nice job!
I knew anybody could do this..just not me

That other graphic is good, I see everybody on youtube using that and I have it sitting in my folder though it just don't make it tight like having the actual cover does. Thanks!

>> No.15917281

I would like to watch Toromi draw.


>> No.15917412

do you have anything in common?

>> No.15917424

That's a weird question to ask.

I would assume this person just has an energy they'd like to share and the most obvious thing in common would be the love for denpa.

>> No.15918350


Add me friends
Let's talk denpa

>> No.15920448

oh baby


>> No.15920716

Help I'm in love with 木下いちご

>> No.15920735 [DELETED] 

oishi ichigo

>> No.15920750
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1440015430130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept berry into your heart.

>> No.15920755

Which are some dark/creepy dempa song essentials?

>> No.15920765
File: 536 KB, 1023x1024, 02b8e5c5-ec43-418f-9323-63e08249e80a_base_resized[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the moment, I'm sort of dying for somebody to buy and share this so I don't have to.

>> No.15920797
File: 170 KB, 618x618, e1891efa-c738-45c2-b6f9-050369a927e0_base_resized[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems pretty cute too, but I can't get a sample of more than just one song.

>> No.15920865

I've been obsessing over Orphe Knights + 木下いちご's voice lately. There's something very subtle in that combination of sounds that feels to me a little spooky or "off" compared to typical sugary forms. I love it! I would scrobble right along with >>15918350
but I don't have a last.fm

>> No.15920955


I don't know if people will agree with me on this but imo millirobo.beta is as close to "creepy" denpa as you'll get, IMO

>> No.15920991

Such an album cover tells me I'm missing out on so much by not understanding the language, and usually I don't mind not knowing the lyrics. But this looks kind of crazy...

"If you confess that I love many times, would you understand?"

Does it appear to have the content of sister-brother incest?!

>> No.15921127

Only one song is on that and the rest is all voice drama.

>> No.15921205

Her style is so weird! I like it! What's her deal though?

>> No.15921208

The new song from がきコ×すずしろ(ぉこランチ!)

>> No.15921402

How does everyone feel here, more so mentally than anything else.
I'm OP for the past few threads. I just wanna gather a general consensus on the emotive level of everyone here, if there's anything that brought you to denpa songs and what not. I feel terribly depressed. Sickeningly at that to where I don't even wanna go home. I wear Earplugs at home. It dampens the reality of what I live in. And when I take those out I immediately have to play denpa song to drown out the feeling. But it... It hits a feeling of hope, as well as a feeling of a band-aid, a sugary injection of sweetness to mask the feeling of the world around me. I'm just curious to hear of the impacts of denpa on your lives.

If there's anything I can add to the OP that you guys as a community have found, lemme know, and I'll work some page ten wonders for us all. Thanks again.

>> No.15922591


I'm sorry OP, I hope you feel better. Denpa has actually made an extremely positive impact on myself as a person and how I interact with the world. Without spouting some MUSIC SAVED MY LIFE bullshit It's actually made me more outgoing since I'm hearing so many sweet and cute messages all the time. I'm very grateful I found it.

>> No.15922620

A couple of years ago when I had a really stressful job that I hated. I used to listen to denpa on my way to work or while I was on break. So I can kind of relate to what you're writing.
I listen to music because I want to feel something and I guess a lot of denpa makes me feel happy and carefree.

I hope you feel better and your life gets better than any denpa song :)

>> No.15923228

I used to listen to a lot of あべにゅうぷろじぇくと songs when I needed cheering up in my life, so I kind of understand what you're talking about. I don't think that should be the defining characteristic of denpa song though, so I'm wary to highlight that too strongly.

There are denpa songs that are just using simple pop music structures and songs that are very complicated, technically, thematically, instrumentally, or harmonically, like a sensual overload. I like to fall asleep to the complicated crazy denpa. It distracts my brain enough to drown out the distracting thoughts, while still being catchy enough to not get boring. I think the mix of being catchy, and complicated at the same time, is a feature that's pretty unique to denpa song, at least a subset of it.

>> No.15923350

I can't listen to denpa when I'm really depressed, because it sounds too fake-happy.

>> No.15923364

Cool tune and lyrics.
Thanks a lot dude.

>> No.15923853

>I just wanna gather a general consensus
Then I guess I'll just mention that I wrote out my experience in the previous thread >>15892684
You probably already saw it though if you're making all the threads.

>> No.15923948

I'm depressed too, but... UGH... I don't want to relate OP to a person. It's like having a doorman: one can appreciate you holding it open every time, but in the same action choosing to air your personal problems, I get a little perturbed because it's like you're asking for thanks as well sympathy, and that is a bit too much for me to wonder about all at once. (I've been studying ego honesty in people around me recently, it's pretty sick.)

But, I realize we're all quite sick... And much of our energy unfortunately goes into feeding that, hence we tend to be self-consumed and only looking for someone to relate our own sickness to... UGH... I'M GETTING PRETTY SICK OF IT LOL

>> No.15923964

Denpa is great for enabling a pretty cute perspective on all the madness, I feel. We can use that power in various ways. For instance, has anyone ever experienced a situation where the essence of moe has bubbled out from your soul and actually conquered a feeling of sadness or hate? I need this to happen for me!

>> No.15923992

>really depressed
You mean, like, after a death in the family?

>> No.15923999

I would really appreciate it if you never posted again. At the very least not on this board.

>> No.15924003

What happened, why??

>> No.15924006

Was this really necessary?

>> No.15924095

UGH... (yes, that's part of my "emotive level" at this point)

>I'm OP for the past few threads.
>you guys
>Thanks again.

Getting to know the new OP, greaaaaat

>> No.15924154

I would appreciate an impersonal OP, if I am going to continue posting any of my own purchases to this thread.

>> No.15924199

Simply, the number of times you referred to yourself in this post tells a lot about your motives and overall self-absorption.

>Thanks again.
I'm not even sure what to make of this. You didn't give thanks prior, so I'm confused as to why you would indicate that you're repeating it. Actually, something about that just makes me feel like you want people to thank you instead...for being OP.

This is crazy. Exactly why did you 'take over' a few threads back and begin making new threads before the old ones die?

>> No.15924206
File: 305 KB, 1418x1416, ANCD-1016_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this album, I want to marry this album, I want to fuck this album

>> No.15924218

What have you been listening to lately?
I quite like MOSAIC.WAV's Sokujitsu Hasso Galaxy Messenger. It's about a post worker who does her best to deliver packages around the galaxy!

>> No.15924287
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1453835396273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, his entire post gave me a very /vg/-like vibe

He seems to want people to acknowledge him as being the op of the denpa threads, otherwise why even mention it as it's completely irrelevant to the rest of his post about the emotions of denpa music. He also mentions working "some page ten wonders", suggesting that it's already a certainty in his mind that he will be making the next one, aka general threads mentality.
And then there's the suggestion to add new things to the OP. Why do we even need all these shitty links in the first place? We don't. Why does every thread need to be a continuation of the previous one? Why can't each new thread be its own thing? There's no need to turn this into a general, god knows there's enough of this shit around on /jp/ already. The only things I see as being truly useful are the url to RTL and the Komike/M3 blogs, the rest is absolute garbage.

I personally just want denpa threads to be chill. Not threads that always begin with a fixed format or delegating the role of "official op that makes these threads" to one person, and him only. I don't know how this /vg/-like shit got started but it disgusts me every time

>> No.15924496


I agree with everything you said except for the links, the links should be there every thread so new people can find denpa.

But I think OP is too full of themselves. OP, you're just like the rest of us, someone who loves denpa. Don't act like this just because you made the threads.

>> No.15924574

My immediate impression was that he's just echoing something I had posted in the last thread, and to this point, someone had even re-posted their response from the old thread to here... I imagine that's how similar it must have felt to >>15923853 anyway. Then, as one proceeds outward from this sort of processed "filling" of his post and toward both ends, it becomes clear that he's got it all encased in a pretty hefty, shit-ego sandwich. And people should really want to vomit after ingesting that sort of crap. "I just wanna gather a general consensus" OH MY GOD I WANT TO DIE NOW OK it's very difficult to remain positive amid such an overactive ego that it feels the need to generate topics for everyone to talk about GO KILL YOUR EGO SELF FUCK, but I love this music and communing with others who do as well. My love and commendations to all those >>15924496 who are also speaking up, and I hope the OP gets well.

>> No.15924686

>OP is too full of themselves
Nothing to be full of... That's a lack of confidence that drives them ;)

>> No.15924832

Several threads ago (going back at least a few months, I would say) there was a post by the OP sort of like this, in response to someone who was trying to tell another poster to leave. Difference was it was actually to say "I'd rather see him stay, and you leave". Well, that person got very angry and saying, "just bc you're OP doesn't give you the right to say who can make posts" haha just like really butthurt from taking it so literally.

Well, anyway, what's your problem?

>> No.15924923
File: 24 KB, 300x296, 61xNiu1nt-L._SX300_QL70_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I listen to Toromi I feel an almost sad nostalgia, I love her music very much but it always takes me to more peaceful, better days, around when I first found denpa, especially album related. Even when I was listening to her more recent Kancolle album, it seems that all of her music has this really dreamy, warm, nostalgic vibe that makes me feel like everything is okay. Haven't really found a denpa artist that makes me feel the way she does.

>> No.15924949

This is personal. I don't even know you. What are your days like now? Why aren't they so peaceful as before? Toromi is very dreamy and warm, I agree. The past is sometimes sad, because you've already lived it. The future can be scary, if you're sad. Tell us more. Are you the OP?

>> No.15924971

I'm not OP. Sorry for sharing so many personal details. Was just listening to Toromi and feeling nostalgic.
Odenpa Studio's first album also has a real "nostalgic" feel, I think there's something about the production quality that makes it that way.

>> No.15924992

I didn't mind your personal details. You just left me wanting more to go on. Now that I have that OS album going, I'm sort of sensing your mood a little better, minus any added details.

>> No.15925031


Basically, I found denpa in my Sophomore year of college, when I had a set schedule, knew what the coming days would be like, etc. Now that that's long past, I listen to those albums and remember when I had a little more control over my life.
It's funny because I listened to a lot of different genres but all the denpa I listened to stuck with me the most. It's extremely memorable.

>> No.15925077

I understand the feeling, anon. It's like a wistful melancholy. The harmonies are bubbly but also a little sad and when her voice gets strained it pulls on my heart strings. I've teared up listening to her music multiple times. I love it. And yes, I think a part of it comes from the rough-around-the-edges production quality, not "amateurish" necessarily but it has an "underproduced" and thus understated, nuanced feeling.

>> No.15925109

That is very nice. This will be my first year of ever hearing denpa! I've been so excited, because first of all I heard Toromi. Not that album, but I don't think it would've mattered. Her voice probably hits the deepest of all for me.
Looking forward to waxing nostalgic on my denpa sometime in the future, in the way you've described. Really feels like memories in the making somehow now that you've mentioned it. Thanks for your sharing your thoughts.

>> No.15925128 [DELETED] 


>> No.15925150

So i take that denpa is in fact music for depressed people based on all these blog posts? Now the Pururin song in Welcome to the NHK makes more sense.

>> No.15925154


There's no better antidepressant than denpa.

>> No.15925431 [DELETED] 

I would just like to say that you have really made quite a hasty generalization. Of course not all people who listen to denpa are depressed. Where is the sense in taking that for fact, if you're just basing it on these blog posts? You only wanted to use that in order to make some other point, which I don't get. One song makes more sense now that everybody's depressed? I'm very tired now.

(I call next OP)

>> No.15926894

I think you might need to invest in a mirror, ego-kun

>> No.15927074
File: 160 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C90) ぽんたすてぃっく! :

>> No.15927222

Love waking up to a new release. Thank you dearest anon.

>> No.15927741

>dearest anon

>> No.15927782
File: 70 KB, 400x403, 2900062700031_0_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also fuck me this album is so good. 未来のエネルギー for the uninformed.

>> No.15927833 [DELETED] 

Wow, what is going on in your life right now... I truly wonder about it.


>> No.15927885


I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15927968

Do you think this variation matches up closely 木下いちご - むすんでひらいて いちごのために手をうって ?


>> No.15928528

how can you post this shamelessly autotuned rock music to the denpa thread

>> No.15928553

I failed to make the connection as well.
Do some people just think that if the cover looks a certain way then it automatically goes to denpa?

Very strange.

>> No.15928619 [DELETED] 


Oh I love this album! And the entirety of ave;new project in general.

>> No.15928623

I like a lot of what you've been scrobbling. How cool would it be if users could listen in real time what the other is scrobbling. I would definitely sign up for that. That's not possible, right?

>> No.15928703

I thought it would be easy to find the composition on which this song is based, because it is very catchy and seems like it would be something popular. But, maybe I was wrong. The composer is credited as Jean Jacques Rousseau. I am not at all familiar with his works.

>> No.15928798

I'm just listening to the entirety of the RTL folder on shuffle. Good times.

>> No.15928868

>Kancolle album
What do you speak of?

I'm just now finding out about this: https://youtu.be/Ij6BCuU-XTA

>> No.15928913

Waiiit nevermind... I think I got it (not at all familiar with kancolle).

Funny if it's the 2014 Pneuma record, I uploaded that.

>> No.15929041

It's called 艦これ やりました。
Is that it? It's in RTL.
The first track is fucking dope.

>> No.15929073

Yup, that was my first ever denpa purchase.

My own little Toro-memory :)

>> No.15929085

Here's the album this is from

Has a nice inoue miyu track too.

>> No.15929098

Shit... didn't even have to ask.

Denpa signals at work

>> No.15929104

I have yet to get a physical copy of a denpa album. Love being poor.
As soon as I have disposable funds, I want to get a copy of ぱんださんようちえん or きりんさん女子大生, two of my all time favorite albums.

>> No.15929123
File: 6 KB, 130x100, pandasan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15929126

Thank you for this. Yes it is mostly not denpa but すーぱーぬこになりたい and to a lesser extent ミルククラウン・オン・ソーネチカ have a denpa flair to them. I wanted to hear those two tracks badly but was too meh on the rest to buy it. So thanks!

>> No.15929133

I found this dude's mix, fucking wild. There's some Pandasan in there, 33.turbo...


>> No.15929174

This totally sounds like you thanking yourself for posting it here LOL forgive me if I am wrong.

Regardless, maybe you should direct your appreciation over to 9tensu, where it actually belongs.

>> No.15929336 [DELETED] 

Just dumped all of my denpa into one playlist. Didn't realize how much I had. Life is fucking good.

>> No.15929343
File: 803 B, 220x30, denpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumped all of my denpa into one playlist. Didn't realize how much I had. Life's fucking good...

>> No.15929366
File: 190 KB, 890x700, Japanese-Macaque-Macaca-Fuscata-copia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please just stop using up all the hot water

>> No.15929595

Is that what the entirety of RTL amounts to?

>> No.15931055


I didn't put some albums that I personally don't care for, I think it's actually around ~7 hours

>> No.15931839 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 200x200, CSjh7Q3WUAAa_Ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they're old, but does anyone here like the Petit Rhythm albums? I do, and my favorite is Petit Rhythm Go!.

>> No.15931846 [DELETED] 

Four days worth of denpa? Heck yeah!

>> No.15932375

>I know they're old
As if anyone cares about whether denpa is "old" lol.
They are kind of hit and miss for me, my favorite is プチリズムふぉお///,
とっとこPARADE and えくすとりーむもふもふ are two of my favorite denpa songs ever.

>> No.15932712

And did you remove all the karaoke tracks?

>> No.15932749


Oh yeah, I did. Except for the ones I really liked.

>> No.15932756
File: 21 KB, 258x134, pr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you help me find any ones that I don't have?

>> No.15932788


Also, are you not the same person as >>15928798

>> No.15932800



>> No.15932808 [DELETED] 

I understand that you are saying "yes, you are not". If that is correct, PLEASE PRESS 1...

>> No.15932811
File: 152 KB, 290x289, wakako1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15932813 [DELETED] 


>> No.15932835 [DELETED] 

I love Tottoko Parade! It's my favorite song by Momobako.

>> No.15933086
File: 123 KB, 875x913, kushieda_minori___toradora_by_azuyuu-d4hfdod[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many girls love denpa?

>> No.15933130

Thanks for recommending a new favorite off that album. I haven't gotten into ココ very much yet, so this is a good plus.

>> No.15933153

is it the generic anisong structure or the karaoke-style vocals that you like more?

>> No.15933202

I wouldn't mind listening to a Country & Western denpa album.

>> No.15933367


I personally know five. I think more girls should be into denpa, girls love cute things and denpa is cute.

>> No.15933390

Girl I know has a rabid hatred for Denpa.

>> No.15933402

AKA my gf ╯︿╰

>> No.15933456

Holy shit, you know 5 girls?

>> No.15933467

Is this a serious question

>> No.15933486

Answer the question motherfucker

>> No.15933488 [DELETED] 

I like you. I know it's silly to say. I'm such an idiot.

>> No.15933493

I've been on the internet for a decade I'm obviously going to find female friends.

>> No.15933502

Dude I've been on the internet for almost twice that long and I don't have a single internet friend at all (unless you count the 10 or so people in my steam friends list)

>> No.15933504

That's really sad, anon. I'll be your interner friend.

>> No.15933509

Are you a girl?

>> No.15933864
File: 126 KB, 208x292, 1474788766817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could be

>> No.15933965

I'm sick of being rotten to the core. I want to let the moe fill me and shape me into a very strong denpa man. Then...I want to unleash my love upon the world.

>> No.15933985

Dude, I can't stop playing South Tale tonight. Mirawi's stuff so silky :)

>> No.15934004

I've been going nuts with this track - the guitar is so cute! And the funny rhythms


>> No.15934031

Have you been a rotten denpa boy?

>> No.15934295

You just did, with this post.

>> No.15935238

is there a torrent for the bulk downloads in the OP? i dont want to click each file on mediafire

>> No.15935970

I've also been meaning to ask, can somebody with a mediafire account please do this? I'll also help with a seedbox

>> No.15936041

A lot of MOSAIC.WAV stuff is creepy and has weird double entendres

>> No.15936293
File: 95 KB, 500x500, miko&amp;momobako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You took the words right out of my mouth but you used the wrong album cover!

>> No.15936319
File: 86 KB, 800x450, 1454245749511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15938089 [DELETED] 

Girl here. I loooove denpa.

>> No.15938096 [DELETED] 

I like everything about the song.

>> No.15938188

Me too, let's get married and play team dmp's marimite parody song at the wedding.

>> No.15938343 [DELETED] 

Hmm...I wonder if there are denpa songs sung by men?

>> No.15938359

I know one whom I share the things I rip with, and she seems to like it. It's not her favorite genre though, and she doesn't know Japanese so she can only enjoy the "cute" side of it.

I've also caught the attention of a couple little girls when listening to it in the car. Cute, but kind of awkward.

>> No.15938412

There are no Official Denpa Male Artists but there are some songs featuring men.

This is actually one of my favorite MOSAIC.WAV songs, which is primarily sung by a dude. It's good stuff lol


>> No.15938436 [DELETED] 


Mildly interesting. I like the singer. I need to know more songs he sings in.

But I also like MOSAIC.WAV and my favorite song from them is "Futsuu no Uta".

>> No.15938451


>I've also caught the attention of a couple little girls when listening to it in the car. Cute, but kind of awkward.

Lol, thats super cute. How did they react? I bet lots of kids would really enjoy denpa music, as long as they didn't understand the lyrics/there were no lewd noises

>> No.15939455

I am pretty sure all the labelled songs by 33 turbo is sung by a dude

>> No.15939955

Can you upload this song? I downloaded most of MOSAIC.WAV's albums but this song is missing for some reason.

>> No.15940244

You dont have it on We Love Akiba Pop?

>> No.15940385


>> No.15940580

Did someone already upload this ?
Thanks before.

>> No.15940701

Denpawave's channel on youtube is nice. 3x6 is cool.

>> No.15940736 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 664x1204, magiqute___by_asahigirl-daj9kcj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew the character on the MagiQute!! album for no reason.

>> No.15941772

Wow, that's pretty disturbing dude. Good job.

>> No.15941807

lol ave;new project is infinitely better that's not even a contest

>> No.15942055

The mmbk+miko album has more than one song on it.

Fuck off.

>> No.15942140

K I'm listening to it.
This is where I started.
So far I'm not impressed though.
Ok I lost interest and now I'm listening to this.

ikr I really prefer lmao.

Dude nice one!

>> No.15942433

"The character" thats more than just a character. Thats Nanahira. Learn more about denpa before posting your shitty art.

>> No.15942610 [DELETED] 

Oh, thanks.

>> No.15942617 [DELETED] 

You should see my older art. It's a lot more shittier than this. :P

>> No.15942872

You focused so much on the small details of her dress but went completely sloppy on the anatomy. Focus on that before putting so much effort into clothes. Good luck, and when you improve I expect a decent drawing of Team DMP.

>> No.15942977 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 268x268, graffe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15943121 [DELETED] 

Yeah I know, I'm pretty bad at anatomy. Thank you for the constructive criticism!

>> No.15943221 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 200x200, Odenpa_gakuen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here like Odenpa Studio? No? Okay.

>> No.15943237

Just use JDownloader

>> No.15943257

Who the hell is this cringy retard and can he please fuck off?

>> No.15943259

Does anyone have 吟遊PlanetAKIBA-POP?

>> No.15943264

How is denpa effected by solar flares?

>> No.15943271

Of course we like Odenpa Studio, can you stop tripping and just act like a normal fucking user? You're not special.

>> No.15943273


>> No.15943295

thanks babe

>> No.15943299 [DELETED] 

I love that concept.

>> No.15943312

I got you senpai 10 minutes too late


>> No.15943321
File: 229 KB, 503x425, val.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15943324

>500mb, no account required, no bullshit captchas
It's a good site.

>> No.15943460

So I actually decided to try and translate some MOSAIC.WAV songs I would like to know what the fuck they are smoking.

>> No.15943482

Probably the magic fumes released from home soldering projects.

>> No.15943512
File: 35 KB, 300x400, e07955b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, this vintage pic of MOSAIC.WAV is killing me

>> No.15944562 [DELETED] 

So, are there any non-denpa songs that you guys listen to, that can be classified as denpa?

>> No.15945637

Then they wouldn't be non-denpa now would they...

>> No.15945668

That ave;new track is one of my favs and even though Mosaic is easily my favorite of any denpa group, the fuck are you doing listening to a "Maximum Bass Extreme" edit?

you trippin.

>> No.15945728

It's the nature of denpa to be "out there." Moe-kei denpa stuff I don't find to be that "denpa" at heart as it follows a now pretty tired pattern of either being excessively cutesy or that with some dirty lyrics/themes tossed in. Not saying it's not denpa, but that it's like an off-shoot of which you should not use as a gold standard. Not trying to get into definition arguments, but stuff I consider "trudenpa" evokes a conflicted sadness/loneliness despite sounding so bright and exuberant. MOSAIC is pretty much godly at creating this tonal instability and why they're one of the few groups I still frequently listen to.

If you don't mind, would you post some of your translations somewhere? I've tried poorly translating some for my own ends, but I'm really no good.

>> No.15946033

> I consider "trudenpa" evokes a conflicted sadness/loneliness despite sounding so bright and exuberant

Nailed it. My favorite denpa is denpa that makes me feel warm but also lonely.

>> No.15946249

What if we started our own english translated lyrics page?
Maybe the owner of denpa.omaera would host it?

My Japanese is probably only good enough to try understanding lyrics, I don't really know if I could put together a decent sounding translation yet. Maybe I could if the song is particularly simple though.

>> No.15946319

I am nowhere near good enough to translate Japanese enough to share it with other people. They're shoddy translations just so I can grasp the concept of the song.

>> No.15946491

There's got to be a lot of people in here studying Japanese. Maybe in 5 years we can start working on it?
Something to look forward to I guess, what a life.

>> No.15946664

I plan to try and reach fluency in Japanese by the time I finalize my French translation degree. Can't wait to be trilingual.

>> No.15947332

Yukimame's 'Snow Flower" on her Zero-Shaft Princess Vocal album is the most "wintery" denpa song I can think of. I love listening it to the cold seasons, especially when it's raining. You should all give it a try.

>> No.15947383

I'm probably no better than either of you. I can only translate bits and pieces to get a general idea. Songs (loli ones) with simpler language I can handle better.

>> No.15947570

Dude I love the bass. I use an equalizer (very bass heavy) to listen to most everything.

>> No.15947574

Bassy denpa is pure eargasm!

>> No.15947844

I hate when denpa artists share the name with other artists on last fm, I want to see a picture of the denpa Twinkle in my charts, not some irrelevant singer-songwriter :(

>> No.15953858

Future Fiction Akiba Pop > We Love Akiba Pop > SPACE AKIBA-POP > Astronomical Φ AKIBA-POP!! > 吟遊PlanetAKIBA-POP > Superluminal Ж AKIBA-POP

>> No.15953892

>We Love
>not the best

I'm quoting my superior opinion

>> No.15954045

We Love is god tier but Future Fiction has like 6 of my top 10 Mosaic songs. My favorite being 20世紀ヒューマノイド

>> No.15954245

Superluminal is better than astronomical or ginyuu planet

>> No.15957541 [DELETED] 

I love Akiba Pop.

>> No.15961358

Does this classify as Denpa? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VATqBNpXBeA

Or is Denpa all about taking a darker subject and making it sound sweet with cutesy voices and music?

>> No.15961752

I can't listen to the song right now, but not all denpa is about "dark subjects." It's mostly zany, wacky, silly lyrics with lots of weird words and themes.

>> No.15961903

There's never going to be a black and white way to tell what is and what isn't denpa any more than there can be a classification to tell what is and what isn't "happy music".
So everyone might have some songs in their collection that they consider to be denpa which others might not.

>> No.15961933
File: 94 KB, 500x500, 132348618322968483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would probably be classified under moe denpa by some people. To me it just sounds like a nice and catchy J-pop song with cuter than usual voices. The lyrics or composition aren't crazy in any sense. I liked it anyway though.

>Or is Denpa all about taking a darker subject and making it sound sweet with cutesy voices and music?
Denpa doesn't have to be dark. A lot of MOSAIC.WAV's lyrics reference subjects like science or programming. Another example is ave;new project; their songs are so happy-go-lucky and cute it can actually be unnerving to most normal people who listen to them.

>> No.15963822
File: 177 KB, 1186x850, Screen Shot 2016-10-13 at 13.59.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, does anyone have a link for Toromi's Etology ? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.15965257

Anybody know anything about albums that's going to be released at the upcoming M3?

So far the only thing I can tell, is that most of the usual circles is going to show up, but no albums, afaik.

>> No.15965436

Why is everything sung by ちょこ so good?

>> No.15966081

I found it on Soulseek, do you have that installed?

>> No.15966087

Check DS, there's a thread with upcoming releases that we know of.

>> No.15966670

Yes, I searched for it on Soulseek a few times already but nothing came out of it

>> No.15966677

Could you say... you're a ちょこれーとほりっく!?


It's in the RTL dump you big dummy! http://www.mediafire.com/file/f156g266ofcuy3p/%E3%82%A8%E3%83%88%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A3+-+%E3%81%A8%E3%82%8D%E7%BE%8E.zip

>> No.15966686

Thank you so much, this is very nice of you ! I can't find anything on RTL, I never know in which folder I'm supposed to search

>> No.15966716
File: 100 KB, 768x768, CsyfgknWIAAeIde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yunomi & nicamoq - ゆのみっくにお茶して EP

ripped from his soundcloud so only 128Kbps until someone uploads a cdrip

>> No.15967150

Does anyone have the album STARLIGHT DROPS by StarDrops?

From 2013, sold out everywhere, uploaded nowhere, so I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks!

>> No.15967386 [DELETED] 

Oh, I searched for "toromi etology" right before asking you that and there was one guy with it. I guess you just need to try at a different time of day.

>> No.15967615


>> No.15968135

Does anyone else double or triple check their ear phones to make sure no music leaks when listening to denpa in public? I'm always suspicious that the person next to me can listen to my cute loli music.

>> No.15968228

No because I'm not embarrassed by taste in music. That said I try not to be obnoxious about it.

>> No.15968351

I want to marry Nanahira!

>> No.15968491

I had people laugh at me for singing to it while driving at a stop light. Then I really ham it up and serenade them. I might end up on youtube one of these days...

>> No.15968862

I happen to be one of those people, especially in the event of listening to said kinds of songs while riding out of town, considering that whoever companions I am with might also listen.

>> No.15969231

Nope, but then I like to listening to denpa loudly while driving, I do keep volumes down if I'm on public transport just so i don't piss people off.

>> No.15970390 [DELETED] 


I listen to denpa when I do the dishes with Bluetooth speakers not giving a crap.

>> No.15970986

Any one have these CDs? or can I find them anywhere?

RieMeloParfait - Pellucid
RieMeloParfait - airy fairy
RieMeloParfait - Crying Bunny and Me

Thank you

>> No.15971451

Yes I'm like this with everything too not just music. I check every 5 seconds to make sure nobody can see my screen if I'm using a laptop or even my phone in public.

I blame my social anxiety. I don't care what opinion people have of me as long as I'm not around when it happens. But I think it's just that moment when people are staring at you, freaks me the fuck out (I can't even make normal eye contact when talking to people) so I do whatever I can to avoid that sort of thing.

>> No.15971491

Is there any other Millirobo.beta songs translated aside from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkFjyMfAR9o ?

On a related note, I know someone asked earlier for more dark denpa songs, but are there any more that at least bring in the topic of hallucination / drug use? I feel like I remember one that wasn't millirobo.beta but I can't remember what the hell the name was.

>> No.15971890

Just get some good IEMs

>> No.15971908

Have you shown denpa to anyone close to you like family or close friends? I showed my mom Toromi and U and she thought they were cute.

>> No.15971935

>but are there any more that at least bring in the topic of hallucination / drug use?

Was it Fushigi na Kusuri?
(Full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxI5rpPj6eI))

The whole album is great by the way. This one is about antidepressants.

I wish SATOE made more music.

>> No.15972104

I'm too embarrassed to listen denpa in public

>> No.15972118

My younger sister likes koko's and nanahira's songs very much, she discovered it herself, but shes more into touhou music and edm rather than pure denpa

>> No.15972881 [DELETED] 

I'm a younger sister. I like Koko. I like Nanahira. I want to meet her!

>> No.15976421

That's what I was thinking about when I first read the definition of denpa, not those generic other things I've been hearing so far (no offense but I find most denpa artist to be boring after one song. I only like Denpagumi because it's very well done).
Any other denpa artists actually trying to do something different?

>> No.15976435

There is no difference between the shit music I listen to and the shit music anyone else listens to.

>> No.15976441

Except for the fact that one is socially acceptable and maybe even trendy, and the other is considered weird.

>> No.15976466

No. I'm sorry to inform you of the obvious but it doesn't matter what you do or who you are, being confident and mindful of your actions will result in others wanting to be your friend. Being self-conscious and having an internal monologue about your perceived flaws will result in others rejecting or avoiding you.

>> No.15976556

I don't see what any of this shit you wrote have to do with my post. How did you even get to the subject of people wanting to be my friend?
All I'm saying is there absolutely is a massive difference between say, pop music and denpa. You can choose to ignore those differences, but that's just a lack of self-awareness on your part rather than a sign of mental fortitude as you seem to be bragging about. Openly blasting music you know isn't suited to the tastes of the masses while in public is one of the most autistic things you can do and is very obnoxious behavior.

>> No.15976660
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 1472897320144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approval of others is the bigger picture regarding 'worrying about whether your earphones don't leak at all in order to hide your power level' from the original post and has nothing to do with what you've gone into regarding carelessly being loud and imposing upon others' ears in which I agree with you on that matter, although the particular brand of unsolicited sound still doesn't matter there.
You could go lecture the people that think it's okay to blast ghetto rap music where other people will hear it but they won't care what you have to say.
We aren't disagreeing as much as we are talking about different things. And that's fine.

>> No.15976959

>Approval of others is the bigger picture regarding 'worrying about whether your earphones don't leak at all in order to hide your power level' from the original post
Not him but that's bullshit. You obviously don't know what social anxiety is
>inb4 you wouldn't have social anxiety if you didn't care what other people thought of you
Also bullshit.

>> No.15977019
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1450777173021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have everything you need to be immensely successful socially. If you aren't it is because you don't want to do what has to be done to be there. You're just being a baby about it like you haven't made your choice on your own, but you have.

>> No.15977034

What the fuck are you talking about?
What makes you think I even give a fuck about being socially successful?

>> No.15977070

These have nothing to do with not wanting people to hear the music you're playing. Your mistake is to assume everyone who wishes to hide their power level is some kind of loser, while being confident about it means you're "successful socially". Not only is that wrong, but it also shows you have a hilariously childish understanding of social interactions and as such, your opinions on the subject are completely worthless.

Nobody even asked for your advice on how to be successful or make friends in the first place. This isn't /adv/

>> No.15977111

I was going to ask you that but I didn't want to be rude because you probably meant something so I posted that instead.
That's not really what I meant to convey. I haven't really been responding to the words in the posts I've just been responding with tangents I find more interesting. I think that caused the disconnect.
It's not important though, and is pretty off topic.
My bad.

>> No.15977115

>talks about social success
>posts a cute-lewd picture of Shana
Never change, 4chan.
Or actually a/jp.

>> No.15977141

You still don't understand at all.
Honestly you almost sound like a normalfag to me, and people like you who are able to let information about yourself flow to other people so freely without even giving it a moments thought are extremely lucky.

Listen carefully. When I have one on one conversations everything is fine, but I still have a tendency to build a model in my head of what the other person might be thinking of everything that goes on. In fact I often even get a visual image in my head of myself sitting there talking to them from their point of view.
Add another person to the conversation and I start to do the same for both of them including information they provide to each other. It gets more and more complex the more people and unknowns that are involved and it's like a mental overload.

I can already hear you saying "well you're only overactively processing what other people might be thinking because you care soooo much about their opinion of you"
But like I told you that's bullshit. I'm like that because I don't understand things like body language, facial expressions, or intonation very well ever since I was a little kid. When that happens you develop other means of understanding social situations out of habit. It's a part of who I am now and I can't turn it off, do you understand?

It's so ingrained into everything I do that even around my family I cannot relax and not constantly be getting a mental picture of them viewing my computer screen over my shoulder and what possible conclusions they might be coming to. It's not paranoia or fear or anything negative either. Say I just happen to open up an image that has a pair of shoes in it, does the person looking over my shoulder think "oh I guess he likes that sort of thing, maybe I'll get him some for christmas"?
I avoid letting people see what I'm doing, or accidentally hearing the kind of music I'm listening to, or my voice will even unintentionally get quiet when I know someone is in the other room that might overhear a conversation not because I care about what people think, it's because of ME, I can't turn that part of my brain off and I can't relax unless I eliminate those distractions.

You know how I know it's not because I care what people think? Because if you take a room full of those same people that I don't want my music leaking to and send them to me one-by-one I'll gladly show them and let them form whatever fucking opinion of me they want. I just can't handle it otherwise and I definitely can't enjoy the music that way.

>> No.15977202

I'm not a normalfag it's even better then that!
It's interesting because you are the polar opposite of me actually.
Here's the spectrum.


This isn't my opinion mind you, this comes from a man with a handful of PhD's that got to know me.
Basically I have the equivalent of a third eye for this kind of stuff that you don't see at all, which for me can become overwhelming in its own way.
While you've substituted what you don't see with a very stressful alternative, I have the real deal in SUPER WOW HD TRANSDIMENSIONAL CLARITY.
It's actually really terrifying to realize and I've spent a great amount of my life suppressing it because I'm afraid of success. The more success and attention I breed and attract, the more stimulated I get, and if I get overstimulated, well I'm like a carefree little kid at that point, exuding happiness from what seems to be an infinite source.
Which is fine but then people tend to come to expect that and then I feel like I have to perform for them and it gets messy, especially with people who have addicting personalities because the love I produce can be super addicting to those susceptible to it. And of course I'm incredibly vulnerable to toxic individuals who wish to abuse me.
Have you ever heard of an indigo or crystal child? I think I may be something like that.

>> No.15978129

I have an addictive personality and am a somewhat toxic individual if I'm not careful, can I abuse you?

>> No.15978185
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1470295692137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15978393

Aww, that's mean, I'm a nice person once you get past the drugs and mental health problems, I promise!

>> No.15978660

>Come to Denpa thread
>People are arguing over stupid shit

Looks like it's another day ending in Y.
Anyway, I need new releases, I'm withering away.

>> No.15978693
File: 1008 KB, 912x905, chrome_2016-10-17_02-25-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this will be a good one.

>> No.15978832

Hnnng more choco, can't wait

>> No.15980234 [DELETED] 

Today I played some ave;new songs in the car. My mom described it as chipmunks that can rap.

>> No.15980475


You should have told her right then and there that the power of moe has taken root deeply within your heart and that eventually it will grow and explode into infinitely radiating beams of pure love and light that are going to overtake a universal wickedness in the world that serves to sicken and imprison every human to non-magical lives of bad emotion and insensitive thought.

>> No.15980501

Guess denpa in general is just a gimmick...

>> No.15980659

That's because most people in this thread have shit taste. Try Side Protea's old albums or Milirobo.beta

>> No.15980821
File: 1008 KB, 500x276, tumblr_mk1ij5JnHJ1rtagfbo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15981400

Nu-denpa is not denpa just like nu-metal is not metal.

>> No.15981456

Dempagumi's music is created by a variety of people. You should probably list your favorite songs, look at the composers, and go from there. You will probably find more idol music you like that way.

If you have listened to a variety of denpa music and find most boring as you say, it may not be for you. However its a little hard to recommend just based on that you like Dempagumi without any specific songs, especially when many of their songs aren't denpa in the first place, but to people who like Dempagumi, maybe they tend to like other idols like バンドじゃないもん, 苺りなはむ, ももいろクローバー, or KOTO.

>> No.15983107

Why are we discussing Denpagumi Inc., Momoclo and IDOL GROUPS THAT AREN'T DENPA in here

>> No.15983751

Yeah this.

Also I went to /b/ and downloaded something they considered to be "loli music". I was reminded that schizophrenic 11 year olds exist and some of them make loli threads on /b/.

>> No.15984350


>> No.15984424
File: 51 KB, 512x505, 21731616[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15984460
File: 944 KB, 1000x1000, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanahira singing normally on a couple of tracks.


>> No.15984469

Thank you!

>> No.15984536
File: 24 KB, 383x384, 18394497[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I was into Drama CDs.

>> No.15984727 [DELETED] 

I love this song now.

>> No.15984731 [DELETED] 


>> No.15984747

I'm glad now that you do!

>> No.15985214
File: 116 KB, 500x500, artworks-000100293117-bmddic-t500x500[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what a good album ... maybe Poyatchio's best?

>> No.15985231

My man.

>> No.15986723

Anybody has the booklet of these albums on C90?

confetto - すりーぷ!
confetto - Wonder Trick
ポヤッチオ - ピコロニーノーツ 3

Just cam picture is OK. I'm just not able to figure out the lyrics.
You know, when it comes to the lyrics, there are lots of fun but unrecognizable words and unique expressions. :P

>> No.15987626 [DELETED] 

I guess you decided to steal my 4chan identity. Time for me to change it! >:D

>> No.15987636 [DELETED] 

I love SLEEP!. Mostly because of "Looking For a New Adventure" but I can't believe I completely ignored the songs existence when I first heard the album.

The Petit Rhythm series is really good. I'm building a wiki based around it.

>> No.15988148

There is no C90 in the folder of medirefire...
Please tell me where it is

>> No.15988420

Stop. You're fucking embarrasing.

>> No.15988475 [DELETED] 

What do you need? I probably have it somewhere in my folder.

>> No.15988497
File: 247 KB, 600x600, 12182704[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you happen to have this reprint album?

>> No.15988502 [DELETED] 

Oh alright. XD

>> No.15988506 [DELETED] 

I actually don't, but it's the next page I'm going to work on on the wiki. Right now I have Petit Rhythm, Petit Rhythm CHU, and Petit Rhythm-san! with pages. The one I'm excited to work on the most is Petit Rhythm Go! because it's my favorite.

>> No.15988517

I'm an idiot with baidu. Can anyone download this?


Ok, then. You've got me wanting to give Go! a listen now.

>> No.15988532 [DELETED] 

The songs I recommend in the album are L o v e & K i s s, GiMiGiMiMoAMoA!! and GO MY WAY!

>> No.15988541

Oh yeah I was going nuts over きまぐれスフレa few days ago. Cutest guitar solo and wacky country western beats I love so much!

>> No.15988573 [DELETED] 

Beautiful. My favorite non-Go! Petit Rhythm songs are Fukkura Fuwa Amake-ki!, AngelicSensation, Sutekina Honey Time, Heart KyunttoTELEPATHYYYYY!!, Seki Kae Amatriciana, and a lot more.

>> No.15988714

Looks nice!

I switched the h to t in all my "Poyatchio" mediafire files just yesterday lol. Because somewhere I think I saw it written like that (on an album cover maybe?) ... I do this in some of the other folder names in my denpa, too, since I'm not very familiar with the kanji of some of the circle names. It's getting to where I can recognize them better now though. But, does it really matter how you spell it? Poyatchio>_<Poyahchio

>> No.15988990

It's spelled in roman letters(or romaji).

"Looking For a New Adventure" is really nice!
Futurebass with chiptune sounds,fascinating.

>> No.15989319

Wherever I see this, it is quite expensive. Too much for my consideration anyway. I haven't been able to find a link for the first release either. That was confusing to search for because of the recurring title, so I relented rather quick.

>> No.15989474

Any songs you want in particular? I have the first two.

>> No.15989494

Here's the scans for sleep:

>> No.15989638

It is spelled with an H in most of the cd booklets and doujinshi that I've seen. I have even seen it spelled "POYACHIO" on one of the discs though that may just be a typo.

>> No.15989927

Thx bro! Very nice of you!

ベースライン少女はハイエンド彼氏の夢を見るか? and 物凄い討論するななひらが物凄いうた of wonder trick,particularly.

>> No.15989948

And also,I just found this for all you nice guys

復刻版プチリズム おまけつき - ポヤッチオ
But I didn't find the booklet...


First petit, early "Denpa". Wow :O


And I would never knew this if you guys didn't post it...

>> No.15989961

People like you make me love posting faint little hopes in this thread, which then get returned by little internet miracles. Thank you very much yes, wow!

>> No.15990017


>> No.15990106

Not the version from the album, but I like the vocal better in this one. Sounds so different. I'm actually confused about it... Is Nanahira singing here with a voiceroid?

>> No.15990144

Very adorable!

>> No.15990208

If you have even one in this, thank you to upload

VerAll おしごとつらいむ
おでんぱスタジオ さんさんハッピーセット
RieMeloParfait LIGHT GATE
Innocent Key イノキーザベスト3

>> No.15991431


>> No.15991651

this album is 夢中

>> No.15991826

Shitty cam pics inbound: https://a.pomf.cat/dahtdi.zip

>> No.15992033 [DELETED] 

I always thought it was A La Mode 2.

>> No.15992717 [DELETED] 


>> No.15993016

I know denpa/moepop characters usually revolve around cute, moe, loli characters, but are there any songs that feature a gyaru? I need it for reasons.

>> No.15993041

I'm dumb and was just scrolling through my likes, this is a better Ibuki song, and a little more denpa with the help of MeuMeu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8cKO43HH8o

>> No.15993142
File: 40 KB, 360x316, CgT4BtAVAAAs0cK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the subject of hinabita, does anybody have this?


>> No.15993297 [DELETED] 


>> No.15993414


>> No.15993444
File: 455 KB, 1000x1000, 2394715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, friend

>> No.15993473

I would like to hear that :)

>> No.15993821
File: 412 KB, 990x1024, 93ffcd96-09ae-47dd-90b5-d6cdfedc75e1_base_resized[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 tracks to be released on this

>> No.15994318

Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0IG-8WZZLM

>> No.15994421

Where is the link to the info? I can't find any on twitter.

>> No.15994477

link doesn't work dude

>> No.15994738

Thank you,it's very nice of you! Cam pic not that bad. :D

>> No.15995511

bit ly 2dsPA6A
Seems like some taiwanese shop jumped the gun.

>> No.15996601 [DELETED] 


I hope you enjoy it. :)

>> No.15996774

Please don't post url shorteners.

>> No.15997020

Guess I could retrieve it and put it up temporarily for you to get tonight or whenever; just affirm if you still need. Or check 9T to see if they've fixed the link yet.

>> No.15997229

I did, and Thank You for positively affecting me with that.

>> No.15997623

honeyhoney Description




(So, maybe 3 songs after all?)

Are there any lists for M3 yet?

>> No.15997775

I hate them too, but the spam filter was being a total ass with the original URL.

>> No.15997796




>> No.15998091
File: 23 KB, 326x95, or just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15998177
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1:55 sounds so much like リューセイ-マリアージュ off the シルクパラソル release.

>> No.15999451
File: 374 KB, 330x700, illust-nonoka-small2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out these nerds' quirky music


>> No.15999578

I can't stop laughing. This is the most embarrassing shit I've heard in a while.

>> No.15999583

Nice, pretty fun to listen to.

>> No.15999617

Are there any good denpa-esque songs on English?

>> No.15999873

it's a kid doing something they enjoy
I try to refrain from bullying hobbyists

>> No.15999912
File: 83 KB, 500x496, ruriruhalloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruriru denpabu
Hallo,Win Magic

Nonomiya Mepu, Caramel, Cinnamon Sugar

with xfd

>> No.15999970

first song sounds great, the other 2 not so much

>> No.16000757
File: 338 KB, 600x616, 1474922593741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tumblr: ohayo-hannah-chan
>16 year old

An underage autist. Color me surprised!

>> No.16001016 [DELETED] 

You're a good person.

I support you.

>> No.16001019

More importantly, are you still 16 years old?

>> No.16001032 [DELETED] 

I only came to this thread to talk about denpa songs, but if you really want me to leave, I will. I won't argue.

>> No.16001054
File: 481 KB, 1920x1040, 1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16001058

There are reasons why that rule is there. You'll understand when you're older.

>> No.16001069 [DELETED] 

Alright, I'll see you guys in two years!

>> No.16001846

>low-key meme
>intent to ridicule, disparage
>negative sarcasm
>actual human of Earth

You should be surprised.


>> No.16001905

Who are you even quoting? kindly go back to >>>/x/ with your retarded fantasies.

>> No.16002051

I get that @ra^^el|7 is code for "Caramel" but can anyone tell what the |7 at the end means?

Totally stumped on whatever track 3 title represents, if anything.

>> No.16002928
File: 200 KB, 600x600, 21794322[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st album
Based explicitly on classical tunes

>> No.16002943

It's Koharu's witty way of writing "banana".
"Bar" (|) + "Nana" (7)

>> No.16002950

Track 3 says "Whisky:bonbon"

>> No.16002959

Cleverly done, thanks!

Any idea what a Puripuri Supplement is? *~*

>> No.16002963

Amazing you got that.

>> No.16003007

Sounds like some dietary supplement for improving your skin.

>> No.16003113

Oh...Duh...it's in the lyrics.

>> No.16003136

Caramel has the sweetest voice. I will instantly adore whatever song she sings, as soon as I hear it.

>> No.16003190
File: 197 KB, 731x741, CvSpVVTUMAA99vX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yamamoto Momiji, Cool&Create, Nanahira, Koko, Momobako, miko, Oosera Ai, tl;dr: all the usual suspects


>> No.16003198
File: 309 KB, 500x500, tumblr_static_dwl934u2934040s4g88g4g4w8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This time with an animal/zoo theme

>> No.16004127

Sounds great, looking forward to ear more

My dick. ARM always delivers, I know this won't dissapoint

>> No.16004193

ARM, Yamamoto Momiji, and Hyadain? My dick is exploding.

>> No.16004618

mmh... nice.

Can't wait

>> No.16005002
File: 347 KB, 500x500, katte_jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No crossfade yet, but that first track's title

>> No.16005355
File: 227 KB, 600x780, 20161022_4651748[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dick

>> No.16005396
File: 690 KB, 1372x1364, 1468331648938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not sexualize the denpa covers

>> No.16005459
File: 29 KB, 909x687, Deformation_Fig1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16005465

also @intro of all the discussion videos from 松栄山了法寺 youtube

>> No.16005531


>> No.16005663

Feeling cautiously optimistic at present but I'm a lifelong sufferer of depression. Denpa definitely gets me out of my head for a while.

I really hope you feel better, OP.

>> No.16006048

New Teekyu OPs



>> No.16007488

So mmbk bacame a regular member of iosys? I'm looking forward to it

>> No.16007514

No she is not. She has her own circle, (MMBK.COM), even though she does countless collaborations.

Maron (the composer) on the other hand, recently became an official member of IOSYS.

>> No.16008752

If only, then she would actually have someone competent composing her songs.

>> No.16009045

Her albums with Miko are good tough. Is that the same composer as her solo albums? I didn't really listen to old MMBK stuff but vanilla miu miu felt so bland compared to the miko collab albums.

>> No.16010831 [DELETED] 

On the cover, are they being buried by the surplus of cds that was accidentally ordered? Funny concept, if I understand it correctly. I wonder how true it is.

>> No.16010836 [DELETED] 

Btw, it now has a crossfade.

>> No.16010998


>> No.16011214

Another wild and fruitful Denpa thread...

Hope all is well. I'll be looking forward to the next. :)

>> No.16011741

Have you paid respects to the mother of denpa music today?

>> No.16011758

I'm adopted, tell me whooo

>> No.16011765

The image won't post.

It's Momoi Halko.

>> No.16011771 [DELETED] 

Love Slave to Momoi<3

>> No.16011778

Love Slave to Halko!<333

>> No.16012919

In some sad news, Zero Shaft is going on hiatus, with hope of returning in about 1 year, for unspecified personal reasons. Meanwhile, task of 2-dimension is also on hiatus due to issues with his hearing. He hopes to return if his hearing improves. Hope we see the return of these great circles soon.

>> No.16016275

Ouch, those are two of my favorites. Doesn't mean anything here but I hope whatever is going on works out better for them.

>> No.16016463


More new releases.

>> No.16016568
File: 465 KB, 1359x1269, 20160830_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless みずは.

>> No.16016692

A recurring melody that I've noticed


1. Lovelicot - Primary*Step XFD
2. とろ美 - 飯テロ警察24時
3. さとうみるく - 初恋あかずきんちゃん ~幼い心にずきんと響くアブナイ恋愛事情!?~
4. さとうみるく - 探偵少女と不思議な恋の行方~事件編~

>> No.16016737

I forgot to add the chorus from とろ美 - やんロリラグナろく~幼女の黄昏~ (Torosicks)wwwww

>> No.16016997

>Group Import : No going to M3 this time
Well, I guess I'll be making a Toranoana or MelonBooks order this time around.

>> No.16017076

Will it cost more in total shipping that way?

Or maybe not all will be available through those outlets?

>> No.16017129

I wanted to try Group Import for the first time, but I don't have enough money for the 6 CDs I want anyway. All my hopes are once again on the people who are kind to share.

>> No.16021073

Not the shipping but the cost of each disc. Generally circles will have an event price and then a higher price from the consignment stores after the event.

Also yes, some might not be available at any of them, or only at one each so it ends up being more expensive to purchase from 2-3 different stores too.

>> No.16021161

Yeah, the worst is when they are spread out among many stores. diverse.direct is the best as they do direct shipping in qt boxes, but the selection is smallest. Others like toranoana are more complete, but also expensive and slow due to the proxy.

>> No.16021268

Do you mean they will go to events and fill requests? I'm trying to find any denpa-type stuff on this site and having no success.

>> No.16021477

No, they act like toranoana or the like (though affiliated with a circle, and no physical store). They are still filling the M3 catalog, so stuff like Lovelicot should show up soon. They also have most nanahira albums. But yes, overall their selection is worse.

>> No.16021490

