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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 960x540, ZUN_thenetstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15911179 No.15911179 [Reply] [Original]

How? How does this man drink so much? I usually drink 14 cans of lager and that gets me minced. To the point I'm calling mental health help lines and listening to Simply Red. And that's only on weekends. Noit does he do this everyday, but he also manages to have a wife, do work and keep a normal life. How. I'm an Englishman, a fucking Jap shouldn't bve able to not only outdrink me, but tay perfectly healthy while doing it. What is he, a beer vampire?

>> No.15911196

He's been at it for a while.

>> No.15911220

Why would an Englishman be better than a jap?

>> No.15911224
File: 47 KB, 613x486, 1445186831325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How. I'm an Englishman, a fucking Jap shouldn't bve able to not only outdrink me

>> No.15911244

beer is literally kids tier,

I wonder if he has tried to drink Tequila.

>> No.15911261

He's like Bender from Futurama, needs alcohol to function

>> No.15911272
File: 166 KB, 857x960, isis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We've evolved to drink alcohol because its how we got around diseased drinking water. Also, we have higher density than Japs, which means the alcohol content needed to saturate your blood is higher.


Spirits get you drunk but they also make you violent, which is not good.

>> No.15911282

>We've evolved to drink alcohol because its how we got around diseased drinking water.
Do you actually believe this?
People are mostly the same as they were like 2000 years ago.

>> No.15911293

I would buy it.

>> No.15911296


The average peron in Britain used to drink alcohol because not only did it substitute water, but it contain plenty of calories.

>> No.15911311

This? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_flush_reaction#Genetics

>> No.15911320


>> No.15911333

He's not only a jap but also very skinny. He should be terrible at handling alcohol, it really makes no sense.

>> No.15911337


Maybe, but there's a precedent that the English are up there with the best drinkers. The Dutch are supposedly the best.

>> No.15911343


Yeah. Maybe its because he eats a lot while he does it?

>> No.15911418

Is there like a good word for this? like Broscience, but instead of bro-ism it's racism.

You don't change your DNA by doing things, this isn't pokemanz. Unless you're an epigeneticist that knows otherwise.

Seeing stupid shit like this

>Spirits get you drunk but they also make you violent, which is not good.

prob no one is.

percentages of asian descents have this, which means percentages of them DON'T have it. Not probably doesn't mean not possible.

Also extreme cases do happen, that's why these people get on tv and shit. I mean it's fair to say Asians have smaller builds than white people, but Yao Ming does exist. If anything the fact that it's such a big deal shows how uncommon it is.

>> No.15911463

>You don't change your DNA by doing things

Nobody is suggesting Lysenkoism. When that guy says

>We've evolved to drink alcohol because it's how we got around drinking diseased water

he means

>We used to drink alcohol because it was better than drinking water which was often diseased. Therefore alcohol tolerance became a trait positively correlated with survival, therefore through natural selection, the population as a whole, over time, became more tolerant of alcohol.

He said the former instead of the latter for the same reason you said

>prob no one is.

despite the fact that, TECHNICALLY, that's nonsense and not even a fucking sentence: in both cases, there's the assumption that readers are intelligent enough to put the pieces together.

If you really want to be the guy who butts in and says "ACSHULLY", you might as well be good at it.

>> No.15911477


Its not racism, its racial realism.

>Seeing stupid shit like this

Have you ever drank a litre of bacardi in 5 hours? It fucks you up. Sends you loopy. Last time I did that I went running at midnight, hit on a girl and pissed my pants.

The Japense typically get pissed off 2 cans of beer while British people need over 10. ZUN is superhuman.

>> No.15911704


<span class="pu-lbl"><span class="pu-img">[/spoiler]4chan Pass user since June 2013.[/spoiler]

>> No.15911767

We evolved to create the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase so we could consume fruit and shit that had started to ferment. I dunno what happens if you consume alcohol and can't process it but I am positive that alcohol has a calorie density of 7 calories/gram. Thus early man (or whatever they were) were getting fucked up on old fruit and then fucking all the bitches because they were better fed.

>> No.15911773
File: 2 KB, 342x112, FireShot Screen Capture #040 - &#039;(0) _jp_ - How_ How does this man drink so much_ I usually dr - Otaku Culture - 4chan&#039; - boards_4chan_org_jp_thread_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the only one seeing this, am I?

>> No.15911796

It's a new feature I believe. Also I didn't realize passes have been around for so long.

>> No.15911810

Yup, quick trip to /qa/ gave me my answers.

Kind of a random thing to add, but I guess that's Hiro for you.

>> No.15911914
File: 20 KB, 500x400, 1283571996998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psh, newfags can't triforce.

<span class="pu-lbl"><span class="pu-img">[/spoiler]4chan Pass user since December 2012.[/spoiler]

>> No.15911920

>Spirits get you drunk but they also make you violent, which is not good.

no being an asshole makes you violent. blaming the alcohol is just your excuse for beating your wife you shitlord.

>> No.15911967


Nah lets be serious, if you drink a litre of spirits in less than 3 hours its going to make you do crazy shit. I drank a litre of bacardi in that tim eand I wasn't violent but I was running arousd with no shoes on and crying to older women that my mum didn't treat me well enough.

>> No.15912681

Source on how much he drinks.

Underage, female, faggot or lightweight, take your pick.
Lidl has some good deals on Rachmaninoff and Ouzo right now, both around £10. Drinking spirits also means you get drunk with less calories. Ideal for the neet set on losing weight but still struggling with life.

>> No.15912717

I don't see what it matters that it's bacardi. Isn't the % of alcohol the most important part?

Sure, you can try masking the taste with lots of sugar or something like that, but anyone who drinks a lot knows what a shitty idea that is. It only makes the hangovers you get a lot worse... assuming you still get them.

>> No.15912729

>percentages of asian descents have this, which means percentages of them DON'T have it.
Usually not all X is a little more subtle than that.

>> No.15912792

IIRC it's weak as fuck barcardi.

>> No.15912801


Englishmen think they can drink and they can't. You assholes like to act like you can drink hard but you don't stay up until 6am drinking and then go to work and keep doing it.
If you had that spirit in your heritage you could do it but you can't.

>> No.15913068

Is this really a /jp/ original thread? Anons are not taking it easy.

>> No.15913160
File: 557 KB, 1440x900, 1473436182513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is a serious business here on /jp/.

>> No.15913187
File: 152 KB, 1180x712, DSC_8065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck em out

>> No.15913280
File: 3.37 MB, 5000x4500, 1469319754820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I request the larger version of this zun picture since we have the 3mb lute here?

>> No.15913284

Fucking secondary casualfags....

>> No.15913285


I'm having difficulty finding all the porn in the image. Seconding larger image /r/.

>> No.15913492

>I'm an Englishman, a fucking Jap shouldn't be able to not only outdrink me...
Implying that a Britain has drinkable beer that dont taste like a piss
Germatn/Czech beer masterrace

i am curious what type of beer ZUN prefers, i heard he only drinnks jap beer

>> No.15916421
File: 377 KB, 400x1200, 1460646647983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15916484

I wonder how much shit would be thrown if Hiro added a VIP board?

Not that I want it, but again, seems like something he would do.

>> No.15916936

He had like half a dozen beers just during his panel at Anime Expo this year and I didn't see him eat anything (obviously).
