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15885094 No.15885094 [Reply] [Original]

What shrine should I give my faith to and why, the Hakurei Shrine or the Moriya Shrine?

>> No.15885117

Reimu is cuter but Sanae has bigger tits, if the LoLK art is anything to go by.

It's a tough choice.

>> No.15885124

i never had that question, but personally i'll give my faith to the Hakurei Shrine

>> No.15885139
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>> No.15885313
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Obviously the Moriya Shrine. They're a friendly and dynamic team, rooted in traditional Shinto values but focused on progress and always with an eye to the future. They get shit done, and what's more, you can actually meet the gods there.

The Hakurei Shrine is a bankrupt relic of an institution, coasting along on the reputation and history of its name, and held up solely by its lazy, unpersonable miko's uncanny innate abilities. There's nothing to worship but a donation box.

Not even a real Buddhist. And as a human, if you want something different, the Taoists are the ones who will look out for your interests.

>> No.15885380

The Hakurei Shrine because the one who runs it actually matters to Gensokyo.
Moriya Shrine is just a shameless business style shrine.

>> No.15885417

If Reimu's god gets enough faith it can physically manifest. It would be another qt for the series. Other options dont increase the population of cute girls.

>> No.15885499

>What shrine should I give my faith to and why

>> No.15885539

>Other options dont increase the population of cute girls.
Maybe if you are enough of a fervent worshiper, Suwako will let you knock her up

>> No.15885616
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Hakurei. Unlike Kanako, the Hakurei god isn't a pathetic entity that goes around panhandling for scraps of faith.

The Hakurei shrine has also been instrumental in resolving nearly every crisis that Gensokyo has ever faced. This includes cleaning up messes created by the incompetent Moriya.

Not a bad choice for youkai or misanthropists I suppose.

>> No.15885640

Reimu's done plenty of good, but I can't promote her shrine at all. She's a jerk, doesn't care about her worshipers at all, constantly has youkai hanging around the shrine, and most importantly of all, the Hakurei god is a complete non-factor. You get nothing out of giving your faith to that shrine.
Moriya, on the other hand, cares plenty about their worshipers, and the gods actively need faith to live, so they'll give you benefits to keep you. Also Sanae's better than Reimu.
It's a pretty clear choice.

>> No.15885707
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>You get nothing out of giving your faith to that shrine.

I'm sure the Hakurei god has little interest in the "faith" of worshipers who are only looking for personal gain.

I suppose deciding what gods are worthy of reverence in the same fashion that one might choose what brand of rice-crackers to purchase is the sort of behavior that should be expected from Moriya adherents.

>> No.15885822

Mortals have faith, gods need faith. Mortals need or want divine favors, gods have those aplenty. That's how the god/worshipers dynamic works.

>> No.15885834
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>as a human, if you want something different, the Taoists are the ones who will look out for your interests
This one speaks truly. Join Tao today.

>> No.15885915

>I'm sure the Hakurei god has little interest in the "faith" of worshipers who are only looking for personal gain.
That's not how pagan religions work

>> No.15885936

Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't. Way too many belief structures are put under that label to make any sort of generalities about it.

>> No.15886040

The Hakurei god provides the continued existence of Gensokyo and the safety of humanity there, largely by empowering Reimu.

I suppose that doesn't provide the immediate satisfaction of a better harvest or good business deal, though.

>> No.15886052

Just who IS the Hakurei God?

>> No.15886499

The barrier itself.

>> No.15886515

ZUN, he watches over all Touhous

>> No.15888601

Moriya because Sanae is a good girl

>> No.15888608

Be an atheist while sleeping under bean baddy's roof!

>> No.15888611



>> No.15888624
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Your excessive euphoria has caused the bean baddie to mutate!

>> No.15888712


Moriya of course. Kanako and to a lesser extent Suwako are actually very active in the enhancement of Gensokyo's living conditions and scientific advancement. The Hakurei god is content to just sit behind his veil and watch.

>> No.15888740

Give your faith to the Aki Sisters.

>> No.15888749
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>> No.15888754
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Praise the Yatagarasu

She'll give us the atomic power to guide us to the future.

>> No.15888786 [SPOILER] 
File: 448 KB, 777x583, 1474902232198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moriya Shrine, I download my dankhous there.

>> No.15888787

>Praise the Yatagarasu
>She'll give us cancer and death

Fixed that for you

>> No.15888822


>> No.15888825

The knowledge of how to produce safe almost limitless power of atomic fusion?

She possesses such sacred knowledge

>> No.15888839
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>not practising Tao-Buddhist syncretism

Do you even 念佛?

>> No.15889024

This to be honest. It's much easier to put my faith in someone I can actually see.

>> No.15890831

how is she a good girl?

>> No.15892048

But the radioactivity of it will kill us

>> No.15893390

Please do. Autumn is here, and they need help!

>> No.15893630

It's been bothering me, but is this based on a FSN image or something?

>> No.15894905

Whichever lets me have lots of sweaty creampie sex with their mikos.

>> No.15894952
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Don't be afraid! Participate!

Join Moriya Shrine today!

>> No.15895716

The fuck is wrong with suwako's head.

>> No.15900991

Suwako's head is making me afraid though

>> No.15901913

Hakurei, don't support attempted usurpers of faith.

>> No.15901932

A old boot

>> No.15902447

So it's not faith

>> No.15902504

Yukari, reimu even trained divination with a god of borders, instructed by yukari

>> No.15906432

Doesn't sanae also says something about boundaries? I think it's more related to them being mikos

>> No.15906476
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So what you're saying we should let the invisible hand of the faith market decide things for us?

>> No.15913682

Ad finem temporum.

>> No.15915819

Moriya Shrine as well.
I like the goddesses there, while I don't even know who the Hakurei god is.
