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15750908 No.15750908 [Reply] [Original]

/jprg/ - Rhythm Games General

Linka Edition

Previous Thread >>15721806

>What are you playan?

>What scores are you workan on?

>Playan at home or at R1/DnB?

>Hopes & Dreams for future songs on your game of choice?

>Will the US ever get Chunithim or MaiMai?

>> No.15750915
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Adopt me and you'll PUC Daiuchuu stage consistently!

>> No.15750916

reminder that:
speed mods
using the bar
and wrist scratching are all cheating

>> No.15750952

I've played pop'n music like once in the past month
think I've played ITG about as much in the past month
and i just deleted like 10gb of keyboard stepmania stuff

If I start getting back into pop'n It'll just be spent trying to get my skill level back to where it was a month ago (~around 41)
at home, and ITG at a small kind of shitty arcade with an upgrade cab
I would like it being torn the sky made it's way into pop'n
probably not

>> No.15750966

muscle memory anon,the climb won't be anywhere nearly as steep if you were able to do 41's comfortably at some point

just keep on truckin' and you'll be back in the swing of things real fast

>> No.15750980


Is wearing gloves when playing Pop'n cheating?

>> No.15750983

This. I beat Copula's 9dan around new years and haven't played it in 6 months. Took me a week to come back to where I was.

>> No.15750986
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>That fabulous Tsumabuki Left

>> No.15750991

I bought a Pop'n PS1 controller and a bunch of CS releases in Japan and I'm having fun with it but I know none of this skill will carry over to arcade. That's OK. There's no machines anywhere near me anyway.

>> No.15751029

yes but not for maimai

>> No.15751049

did you really have to format this op like a shitty /vg/ thread

>> No.15751052

to be fair your sight reading skill will carry over to arcade though. have fun anon

>> No.15751075

So I'm fucking retarded and I've long since forgot all the rules on permutation and combination math.

Can someone tell me how many possible randoms there are? Is it 7P6-7? I really have no clue. I'm not even sure it's a permutation and not combination.

>> No.15751088

Hi. last month I broke the only working DDR cab in the entire cuntry.

>> No.15751091

what mix was it and which country?

>> No.15751092

how did you do that?

>> No.15751148

It's just 7P6. 5040.

>> No.15751173


Good lord though. 5040 unique charts? It just doesn't sound right.

You'd almost never see the same chart twice .

>> No.15751187

Just think about pop'n. 362880 different randoms.

>> No.15751195


It would be interesting to 1) Develop a way to objectively rate difficulty of charts and 2) See these 5040 charts mapped on a distribution curve of difficulty.

My guess is it would look like an inverse bell graph. Random either makes a chart way harder or way easier, very rarely is it about the same.

>> No.15751200

DDR extreme cab running DDR 2014. somewhere in asia

>> No.15751214

shitting is cheating

>> No.15751233

how/why did you break it? is it fixed? can it be fixed?

>> No.15751254


I so badly want him to say he played Possession a little too fervently and he blasted his feet right through the panels or something.

It'll probably be some minor aesthetic damage though.

>> No.15751309 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15751392

I made chucky play jubeat.
it was fun.

>> No.15751435

Any ausfags here in Melbourne know any good quality machines for any rhythm game? Galactic Circus is closed until November so all that's left are really broken and old games near cinemas and bowling alleys. Can't find anything that doesn't have super-low volume or has responsive pads / controls.

>> No.15751465

you forgot "using short beam" on IIDX

>> No.15751599

Last month I broke the only Prime machine in the entire city.

>> No.15752083

you did everyone a favor anon

did you short circuit the pcb or something?

were you playing in heels and cracked the panels?

>> No.15752103

What ps1 emulator runs beatmania the best
epsxe runs it like shite

>> No.15752126

>unlocked Revolver ADV
>play it
>Maxima's ass is in the middle of the screen


>> No.15752137

I have no idea where any good machines are, and I've been looking for years.
I'm on phillip island and half the time I'll drive for two hours to find some derelict machine that barely works or find out that it isn't actually there anymore.
There's a passable DDR Extreme machine in the phillip island bowling alley, but it's quite a while away from you, 1P down button doesn't work and it crashes sometimes on song load. Stay away from tunzafun knox, they only have an ITG machine that lags to unplayability.
There's an IIDX machine up in Brisbane if you're game.

>> No.15752360

Passing shakunetsu (both) sph.
At home.
Passing shakunetsu spa.

>> No.15752422

>What are you playan?
Beatmania IIDX, Pop'n Music, Jubeat, ITG, IA/VT, and DJMax Fever
>What scores are you workan on?
All of them but I'm especially shitty at IIDX and DJMAX
>Playan at home or at R1/DnB?
I'm playing the home releases at home and the rest at this grungy arcade aimed at college students.

>> No.15752458
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Grace can dress decently too

>> No.15752512

Nothing serious, just the 1P up-left arrow that is not working 100%. Next Tuesday I will there, I'll ask when they will fix it.

>> No.15752519

Why Beach Side Bunny is so hard to play on keyboard?

>> No.15752530

The scratches become jackhammers when you play it that way.

t. 10dan on keyboard, 9dan on AC

>> No.15752537

16th jacks are never fun

>> No.15752542

wait,that's the only problem with it?

just open that bitch up yourself and readjust the sensors.The only way I can see you break it is if you were stomping like a chimp and you somehow managed to loosen the L brackets inside and caused them to fall

>> No.15752574
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this is a tragedy

>> No.15752968

Well, what is it? Can't just leave us hanging.

>> No.15753071

I just got my USKOC in the mail a couple days ago and I have a few questions

1) is there a correct fingering? I'm already kinda doing the thing where I don't use my thumbs at all and I've heard that's bad

2) despite knowing theoretically how to do it, I never, ever hit the 2nd note of a backspin scratch. Are they particularly difficult on this controller or is it just me?

3) I'll get to actually play on a cab for the first time at Youmacon this year. What differences should I expect between the USKOC and actual arcade controls? (And as a side question, does anyone know what style they'll have at Youma this year so I can practice?)

>> No.15753110

1) There are several styles, but yes, you should absolutely use your thumbs. Chances are you'll also need more varied styles for playing on AC compared to USKOC due to the turntable distance.

2) I hear there are issues with the way the USKOC does turntable input that might make backspins not work correctly, but I don't know anything about it personally.

3) Turntable distance and latency are both greater. Keys will feel very different. Monitor size might throw you off. You'll probably have to adjust the offset on AC to match whatever you're comfortable with.

Play the PS2 games on a CRT TV if you want a good, consistent experience. If you're just starting, the song selection will last you years before you get tired of it, and you'll probably end up with better timing like many of the "CS warriors" of the past.

>> No.15753126

>is there a correct fingering
you can play with whatever you like, people have been successful one-handing the thing, laying their palms flat against 1357, doing whatever.

However, the most "standard" fingerings (assuming 1P) are:

S: LPinky, LRing 1: LMid 2: LIndex 3: LThumb 4: RIndex 5: RThumb 6: RMid 7: RPinky

with variations being 6: RRing or 7: RRing

This results in a non-static playstyle, meaning that you'll have to move your left hand to hit S+1, or:

S: LWrist (aka cheating) or LPinky, 1: LThumb 2: LMid 3: LIndex

with the rest being the same. This results in a static playstyle, where you don't have to move to hit certain combos.


TT distance is further, so if you're used to just hitting the scratch right there with a static playstyle, you're probably going to miss.

Additionally, latency is higher for both keysounds and TT inputs, so increase your offset a little bit.

>> No.15753198

Ahhh, thank both of you

I'd love to play on PS2 but I don't have one, and I wouldn't know how to make it run Japanese games even if I did..

I'll try to fix my fingering ASAP. Yeah, I'm new. At the moment I can consistently pass 3's and some 4's, and I almost passed one 5 from Pendual but the last 10 seconds throws me off every time.

Also, when you say I should adjust my offset on a cab, in which direction? And how would I even do that?

>> No.15753206

Hold Start, press VEFX if you're on the menu with "Pacemaker A, AA, AAA, etc" on the left, then in the other options menu you're currently in, use the turntable to move over to the offset slider (it goes from -5 to +5) then hit the white keys to move down, and black keys to move up.

Moving the slider down makes your hits register as "early" (which you probably want to do) and moving the slider up makes your hits register as "late".

>> No.15753267

Everything these friendly anons have said is correct. Here's some more information on the subject.
Here you are friend.
The KOC was designed and made before Sirius was released, which is what introduced long notes and backspins. And therefore isn't designed for backspin scratches. You're just shit outta luck there, sorry. At worst though, you'll lose a few notes per song.
Are you playing AC data, out of curiosity?

>> No.15753360

Are there any decent music rhythm games for phones? Mobage or otherwise

>> No.15753430

How do you guys deal with hand, arm and wrist fatigue from slapping buttons too much?

>> No.15753610


Please watch this before you get stuck in an unsustainable fingering.

>> No.15753733

I'm playing SDVX but I'm still struggling to clear 13s so I'm just going down the 13 list everyday trying to clear a few songs.

>> No.15753748


1048 is retarded. There's no way you can do anything accurately with it except maybe a 1+3 or a 1+2+3 chord.

>> No.15753775

How come so many highrankers use it then?

>> No.15753788


They don't, they have a dynamic left hand style. It goes where it needs to. I'm trying to force myself to play like that right now. It's tough.

>> No.15753804

For stamina and dexterity I've found that if I just keep playing I'll improve naturally

For not fucking up my wrists or arms I try to do basic stretches whenever I stop playing. Already had a scare where I got tendonitis in my wrists that lasted for two weeks and made me unable to play anything.
Thought I had got carpal tunnel and that they were fucked for good, not going through that anxiety again.

>> No.15753810


I don't understand 1048 either, it looks like such a pain to turn you hand that much and scratch.
Most people who use it are fags who wrist scratch anyways, taka.s is way cooler

>> No.15753813

I'm mostly noticing that I get sore fingers near the end of longer play sessions - Eventually it gets to the point where hitting a key/button makes my finger sting a bit. I'm guessing the only real answer to this is "play less".

>> No.15753820

Gotcha, thanks!

Hmmm I will watch those videos for sure

That sucks about backspin scratches but at least I know I'm not just retarded.

And as of now I'm just running LR2 but I'll look into AC data once I can "afford" it

>> No.15753822


How long are we talking here

>> No.15753824

Yesterday I spent around 8 hours at the arcade. Some of that was spent waiting in lines, or playing dance games, but still.

>> No.15753835

So does that SDVX infinite songs hex edit work well? I saw it mentioned a few threads ago.

How do you stop playing? Just Alt+F4?

>> No.15753899

>What are you playan?
PJD with the new mini controller.
It's crazy how much more fun it is than the crappy DS4

>> No.15753984
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Update: I DID IT! I PASSED A 5!

It was with a D, but still

Having played for less than 2 weeks total it's not bad

>> No.15754089

Is the controller worth picking up then?

I've been thinking about making a custom cab for it and rearranging and modifying controllers could be a fun challenge

>> No.15754102


What the hell is PJD?

>> No.15754127

You mean like taking the components out and reconfiguring it into assign arcade style layout? I think you could achieve the same thing using a $40 fight stick from Amazon. You could pick up some 100mm buttons or something, too.

>> No.15754147


I work on clears more so than scores. Working on scores requires grinding replays on a single song, and doing that makes me hate playing the game.

LR2 for home, R1SSM for Copula. Having a diverse song library is more important to me than arcade data. LR2 also has all notes mode, which just means that I have more songs to fail at playing, which is more beneficial to development. I find the whole notion of LR2 being a completely different animal from proper IIDX as odd. No, the scores in either aren't directly comparable to the other. No, there aren't a lot of honestly great fanmade songs in the sea of BMS. But acknowledging these facts doesn't hinder my enjoyment of playing LR2 at home.

All I hope is that IIDX is alive as long as Konami is alive or I am alive. I really don't care about anything else. Songs, just stay as it has been. Keep recent and diverse.

I doubt it. Chunithm I could see being in the US before Maimai, but if the inactivity to date isn't a signal enough, my own anecdotal sight of how Miku is the second least played rhythm game at R1 SSM (what's first? Rerave, of course) would make me believe that Sega doesn't see the US market as viable. Who knows, though.

>> No.15754184

>Miku is the second least played rhythm game

I wouldn't expect this kind of logic from nipponese game devs but miku is way more niche than chunithm

>> No.15754278

I want Copula so I can finally be 9th Dan. That course is so much easier than Pendual's.

>> No.15754294


Speaking of Pop'n random, does it have the same benefit as with IIDX, or is it more a just "Fuck My Shit Up" Mode?

I accidentally put on random and it indeed fucked my shit just right on up.

>> No.15754384

I'm not sure who added me to this group without my consent but this is the largest cesspool of retards I've ever seen in the dance game community
Really glad to see a group with nearly 2k people that semi-represents the music game community isn't even remotely toxic and absolutely does not condone persistent cyberbullying of someone who already deals with crippling depression enough as is

>> No.15754389


>stale facebook meme


>> No.15754404
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pls help

trying to upload torrent to you know where but every time I try my browser refreshes and gives me an error message after it's 3% uploaded

this has happened on two separate browsers now

I really need to upload this

>> No.15754441

Those old charts can be deceptively hard. Level 10s on 5th style fuck me up and I can clear lower 11s.

It's like it's a different style of gameplay since the charts don't flow as nicely ony your fingers as they do on the newer versions..

>> No.15754482

>tfw still can't pass the OG 10, 5.1.1

There are probably less than 20 10s I can't pass and that's fuckin' one of 'em.

>> No.15754508

disable all your extensions

>> No.15754514

make sure to use sran

>> No.15754615

did it, still not working

>> No.15754635


The general rule is everything pre-GOLD bump up a level in terms of considering their difficulty by current standards so consider it a 11. and use sran ps you're fucked if you don't know your green number

>> No.15754669

is there a resource to learn about kinda specific stuff in iidx? namely floating green number, and like the different lane covers and dressing up your avatar? thanks in advance

>> No.15754832

5.1.1. another is kind of bitchy at first but when you get the hang of the scratches it becomes piss easy.

Using random in pop'n makes charts significantly harder way more often than not unless the normal chart is already fucking retarded (ie. every Classic chart).

>> No.15754927


pay for eamuse premium and go on konami's website to change your customizations

green number is how fast notes scroll down, just use effect button while holding startt to switch to floating hispeed

>> No.15755011

thanks for the info! i thought that it was free since a majority of people i see at r1 playing iidx have their fancy pants cosmetics.

>> No.15755047

Qpro customization is one of the very few things which are free. It just takes a lot of Step Up mode and spending in-game points to get clothing items which you will actually want to use.

>> No.15755080

>spending in-game points

how do you do this? where's the store? is it online? i've never noticed it in-game, i just get songwheel, results screen, and thank you for playing/saving eamu info

>> No.15755084

You know what's more fun that IIDX? Literally anything. I'd rather attend my child's funeral that play this fucking game. But it's all I've got.

>> No.15755111

(You) don't have to play a video game. Really. It's not a law.

Konami's emause site, you sign up and make a Konami ID there, link your card to the account, then you can go to the game's individual page and poke around on a store of sorts to pick out parts to purchase.

>> No.15755153

for real does someone know how I can fix this

>> No.15755172

What the fuck did I activate in Pop's? I was randomly hitting buttons before the options screen and suddenly the background goes all fuck up, the noteskins keep changing mid song, they disappear and reappear whenever. I couldn't read shit.

I had no idea what was going on. What the hell did I do and how do I do that so I know how not to in the future?

>> No.15755248

wooo nevermind I fixed it!

>> No.15755291

Playing 2dx mostly now, working on 10s
Had a run with sdvx for a little bit but grinding 15s got boring, might get back into pop'n once lapistoria gets card support
All at home, no arcades in Michigan is suffering

>> No.15755386

Also in Michigan and I can confirm it is suffering

Can we both send emails to the R1 CEO asking them to open a location here

>> No.15755393



This should have everything you're looking for

>nvm fixed it

You're going to make some anon going through archives in the future very upset

>> No.15755399


Please go for Traverse City. I vacation close to their occasionally and would love another reason to go.

Mall there used to have a Supernova machine.

>> No.15755400

>tfw two R1s in DFW
They're really overhyped. Unless the ones on the coasts are way better, there's no good games. I went but got bored looking for something to do.

>> No.15755415

What kinds of hand warmers/ exercises do you guys do before playing?

>> No.15755428

>Unless the ones on the coasts are way better
every single one in california is a massive shithole with terrible machines and packed with undesirables
the seattle one is a little better than arlington
grapevine is probably the best one in the entire country right now

>> No.15755433

I just play a set of easier songs.

>> No.15755440


i meant more like physical stretches with your fingers or something, if that's a thing people do

>> No.15755445


I have a CoC 1.5 I keep by my controllers to squeeze in an attempt to burn off anger.

It has limited efficacy though

Seems to help with forearm endurance though.

>> No.15755491

>You're going to make some anon going through archives in the future very upset

sorry future guy but if I explain what I was doing wrong I'll sound retarded and my anonymous internet integrity is important to me

>Traverse City

rip I'm in Ann Arbor dude

that's kind of a ways

You guys don't know how privileged you are

>> No.15755493

I've been doing the ones from a video called "wrist exercises for gamers" for months now

too lazy to look up the video

>> No.15755625

What's the best way to spin the knobs in hyena EXH? Do you use your thumb+ fingers or just your fingers?

>> No.15755667


>> No.15755679

>there's no good games.
>latest 2dix
>latest sdvx
>latest DDR
>latest Pump
what the hell do you play if you think all of these games are crap, do you just play osu and ITG or something?

>> No.15755681

I use me willy

>> No.15755691

Maybe he means aside from the bemani/rhythm games

>> No.15755728

>tfw a pump player takes the only ddr a machine to freestyle to beginner songs

>> No.15755730
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>mfw about to clear a new skill analyzer/dan course

>> No.15755740


I like calling the SDVX levels dan. Do we call the highest level Mugen Dan?

>> No.15755746

The 6-10 skill names references a character

6 - Tsumabuki Left
7 - Tsumabuki Right
8 - Rasis
9 - Maxima
10 - Gorilla

11 is a fancy way of saying Ultimate while infinity (12) is Voltex (ボルテ)

I see nothing wrong with calling them dans though

>> No.15755791
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Rasis cosplaying Maxima?

>> No.15755810


>tfw Rasis Dan

I don't even want to get better now.

>> No.15755814

Christ no, osu is garbage.
SDVX is fun but I'm not very good at it. I know this is sacrilege for /jp/ but bemani is really boring. I like SDVX because it's more, I guess you'd say "technically difficult"? Obviously IIDX is harder but after a point it's just how fast can I push the same 7 buttons. Not my cup of tea. I don't get it.

>> No.15755841

It does admittedly take a certain level of autism to really enjoy these games. Congratulations on your mental health, anon

>> No.15755849

what DO you play then? I'm drawing a blank at non-button based music games that aren't like osu.

>> No.15755854


He plays Dance Evolution Arcade like the sexy little up and coming idol he is.

>> No.15755862

At a point I'd just rather learn to actually play piano. I think that would be more fun, at least there's more buttons.

>> No.15755892

Have 2 JKOCs, need to open em up and clean em out. Saw an arcade machine earlier today, and got the urge to play again, but struggled to clear a 6, so i am rusty. I don't have anything since Tricoro omnimix. What is the IIDX everyone is playing at home?

>> No.15755898

Followup post: should I just use LR2 and forget about any newer IIDX than Tricoro?

>> No.15755933

I would say most players use the pendual data from pigsite.

>> No.15755936

Arcade techs/anyone who works at a round 1:

Any idea why an e-amuse connected Museca cab would boot without updating to Museca 1+1/2?

>> No.15755948


Why are you even here? what game do you play

>> No.15755967 [DELETED] 

Greentexting, making new threads for no reason, using expressions like >playan
Why are you here?

>> No.15755969 [DELETED] 


end yourself

>> No.15755975 [DELETED] 

Using /v/ expressions is not going to help about this whole thread looking like a giant shitpost.

>> No.15755981 [DELETED] 


> bragging about not playing rhythm games and shitting up a small niche thread on /jp/ for no reason

wow you're so cool

>> No.15755987 [DELETED] 

This thread doesn't belong on /jp/ but on /vg/, that's the point.
tfw was used 4 times already.

>> No.15755994 [DELETED] 


If you weren't a complete fucking newfag you'd know that these threads have been tried multiple times on /vg/ and don't belong there at all.

>> No.15756011 [DELETED] 

just close the tab you fucking cocklord

>> No.15756045

Any good rhythm games for android?

>> No.15756054

Not really.

>> No.15756123

technika q, cytus, and voez are decent

>> No.15756382

>I find the whole notion of LR2 being a completely different animal from proper IIDX as odd.

It's not really so much the scoring as it is the charts themselves. Not even talking about joke charts and such, a lot of patterns in BMS you won't really find in IIDX.

>> No.15756389

>technika q
>always online drm
>crazy amounts of microtransactions
>songs cost a fuckton

i love technika don't get me wrong, but technika q is garbage

>> No.15756404

am I the only one who enjoys LR2/BMS more than actual IIDX

>> No.15756553

Ojamas. Basically silly modifiers in pop'n.

You can avoid them by not being a stupid idiot.

>> No.15756716

I thought if I played enough I could actually get songs without paying a cent, but I was wrong.

>> No.15756719

>someone's using my reaction image I cropped

feels good

>> No.15756833

You said that last time somebody posted this, anon...
Somebody's starved for attention

>> No.15756838

i have short term memeory loss

>> No.15756917
File: 20 KB, 480x465, 13879307_1631653813815885_8023146770703765525_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how i can get SDVX HDD rips?
been searching everywhere cant find shit

>> No.15756920

have you tried sows

>> No.15756941

Merely having them ain't enough. I have the 2nd edition rip and it doesn't run for some reason even though all my other data do.

>> No.15756952

well i would need an inv for that

>> No.15756966

still better than having no rip

>> No.15756976
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>mfw sightreading a new 15

>> No.15756985

have you tried doing the standard invite things

like oh i don't know lurking on IRC

>> No.15757093

ye they said id need to send som kinda art to them fck that

>> No.15757154
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>mfw getting BTFO by said 15

>> No.15757163

What's the sows irc channel?

>> No.15757170

Oh sorry, I thought this was the Rhythm Games thread, not the Beatmania thread.

>> No.15757177

You still didn't answer us
What games do you play?
All you did in your post was shit on other games

>> No.15757197

I didn't shit on anything. I said I don't like Beatmania. What I play or don't play doesn't matter, and since I've already expressed an opinion that goes against the /jp/ hivemind, anything I said I played would become the new punching bag.
We've had this same conversation several times before over the years.

>> No.15757208

the 1st one

>> No.15757218

You're right, the only game you disliked was IIDX, but you did disregard sdvx, DDR and Pump.
You still haven't really told us what you like. It's anonymous here, what do you have to lose?

>> No.15757270


>You can avoid them by not being a stupid idiot

In your mind, what part of this was acceptable or warranted to you?

>> No.15757273

I like the concept of SDVX but I'm no good at it. It looks like fun if I had a few dozen hours to spend practicing.

>> No.15757281

oi write if u manage to get an inv

>> No.15757322

have you tried google, then? I heard google is very good at searching.

>> No.15757324

SDVX is fun. I remembered playing it 7 credits in a row on my first day.

t. 9dan IIDX player.

>> No.15757409

Currently building a SDVX controller, but I accidentally got a Uno instead of a Leonardo. How SOL am I?

>> No.15757458

why didnt eamuse go down yesterday? i just realized i way playing from 1-5 yesterday and eamuse was up the whole time

>> No.15757493

Ur fucked boi

If you know enough about arduino, it is possible to reprogram the usb chip in your arduino, but then you'll need to load the programs without using your usb port, which is a pain in the ass. The easiest way out of this is buying a cheap chinese leonardo clone, and that's what I did after a similar fuckup (though with a nano, not uno).
Though this is only what this link had to say, I have no experience in this: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=112329.0

Tl;dr buy a leonardo clone, they're like 5$ off of ebay and won't have to spend countless hours fucking with the board.

>> No.15757667

Same thing happened to me when I went to Round 1 for the first time a couple weeks ago.

>> No.15757919

not a tech,but are you from Concord?

All that needs to happen is a reboot,if you're sneaky enough,you can always just flip the switch off and on yourself

>> No.15758139

>oh no I need to actually do something to get an invite
drawing some shitty fanart really isn't that much to ask, all things considered

>> No.15758149

If your spelling is shit and you can't draw, we don't even want you

>> No.15758291

Best/fastest way to raise ratio?

>> No.15758292

>30 minutes spent drawing to get free games is too much
Good lord. You put my laziness to shame.

>> No.15758294

fill requests
save the world

>> No.15758376

>plays ddr
>is fat

>> No.15758385

I just completely fixed my ratio yesterday by buying an album someone was requesting and uploading it

Album was actually great, too, so all in all it was an excellent decision

>> No.15758533

Any sows users that can hook me up with some acdata? I mean, can't possibly be that no one has ever distributed them outside of sows

>> No.15758564


You're right. Get to findin'.

>> No.15758620

>just open that bitch up yourself and readjust the sensors.

I don't know how to do this or even if I can do this.

>> No.15758629

Cytus? Never played but looks very fun. And Deemo have very good music too.

>> No.15758644

>using old koc controller for lr2
>can't play at night because the buttons wake everybody up

please kill me and/or loan me $400 to buy an fp7 please

>> No.15758714

>buttons wake everyone up at night
>want an fp7


>> No.15758756

>Not knowing about our goddess Bemanigirl

>> No.15758779

resident GITADORAfag here

have you tried GITADORA guitar/drums yet?

What about Cross Beats?

Groove Coaster?

>> No.15758801

Play with a blanket or something.

>> No.15758811

here you go senpai
for SDVXii

>> No.15758813

Ah, yeah, I guess there is that much. I just sort of see it in entirety as one massive challenge set.
No, I think that's perfectly reasonable. There's plenty of OK-tier and a few honestly great BMS songs out there, and having access to the entire song roster of all IIDX and not-IIDX songs is what I would want most. LR2 having true nonstop expert courses is a very nice plus. Also, I mentioned all notes mode earlier and I hope other LR2 players take advantage of it. I discovered it by accident and haven't looked back since. I don't even care about trying to play AC data at home, and that's been my mentality for years before I had the fortune of a R1 opening near me.

>> No.15758878

What's the KFC code for gravity wars?

>> No.15758923

probably 2016whatever00

>> No.15759024

there are tons of videos on Youtube that tell you exactly how to do it

here's one for you anon

I'm not Dr.D's biggest fan,but this video covers everything that you'll need for pad repair and maintenance

>> No.15759332


I feel like I'll start appreciating BMS once i'm much better at iidx, at least 10dan

I don't see any point playing it right now at my level

>> No.15759346


>wants to be quiet
>i want to buy an fp7


>> No.15759366
File: 51 KB, 436x436, Cushion_of_Reducing_Noise436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better get a gross or two of these when you do get that controller.

>> No.15759383

I found the most autstic rhythm game related video on youtube.

I can't believe I've never seen this before.


Autism starts at 3:20

>> No.15759422

I swear that I've seen every episode of X-Play,but I don't remember them tackling rhythm games,MAYBE amplitude,but christ...that wasn't a review at all

and they couldn't even get footage from the higher difficulties

>> No.15759430


considering that speech impediment and the guy getting angry at a 5 year old review, he's probably on the spectrum

Also to be fair, I'd rather play guitar hero than beatmania US

>> No.15759577

are there any fun bms for a 7-level iidx player? i've got a standing setup with a controller and pendual data but i wouldn't mind giving LR2 a try if there's stuff available for my skill level

>> No.15759596

>All that needs to happen is a reboot,if you're sneaky enough,you can always just flip the switch off and on yourself
i actually asked one of the techs to reboot it because it should have been updated, and i watched it boot right past the update check into normal old Museca

>> No.15759605

Filling requests
having all of the popular freeleech torrents seeding (especially the AC datas and PS2 games in the freeleech section)
save the world every day
grab fresh albums within 5 minutes of posting in MP3 320

>> No.15759617

There's plenty of level 7+ (IIDX scale) BMS songs. Check out the Genoside pack and the various BMS of Fighters packs.

>> No.15759618


at least for season 1 data

>> No.15759822

Are the songs labeled with the same difficulty scale in mind as IIDX? I get really frustrated when I try a song and it seems miles above my skill level, so I want to avoid that.

>> No.15759836

tfw you get a boner while playing ddr

>> No.15759844


just get the recommended starter packs and you should be good

But that's kinda how bms is, because of insane scale

>> No.15759856


>> No.15759913

>tfw you get boners playing DDR
>Boner jumps around on your loose shorts while you move through the board

Only a matter of time until the police comes.

>> No.15759923

What game is the hardest to read (by default of course, not with mods) but not necessarily the hardest to play?

>> No.15759945

reflec beat

>> No.15759974

>failed 5-dan on my 3rd retry on the last notes of the last song
>jump up and down and stomp and skap the keys
>realize theres a guy playing next to me and he starts teasing me

time for suicide...

>> No.15760010

Good luck. Tell us how it went.

>> No.15760268
File: 247 KB, 642x482, 1446012689687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't know Lincle had a splash screen logo for American release despite no location test or anything since Gold

>> No.15760285

That’s resort anthem.

>> No.15760288

i cant even pass that butterfly song on hardest difficulty in ddr

my feet are just not in the right places

>> No.15760306

On challenge/oni (blue) or heavy (green)? It's like a 5 on heavy but a 9 on oni. IIRC the oni chart for butterfly has tons of spins and crossovers so it's not gonna be very friendly if you aren't comfortable with that kind of stuff, you'll have to double step a lot.

If it's available on the cab/home console/stepmania install you play DDR with, you should try to learn Spin the Disc heavy to the point where you can do it without double stepping. It'll teach you a lot about crossovers and foot placement.

>> No.15760411

>South America

I fucking wish.

>> No.15760471

>using the bar
*bar raping

>> No.15760683

how do I actually play iidx or sound voltex on pc? I have been practicing on 7k osumania (yea im a scrub) and wanted to maybe move into the real games.

>> No.15760691


Lunatic Rave 2

>> No.15760713


>> No.15760761
File: 283 KB, 714x574, 1466248632894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mission failed at 99% in Museca 1+1/2

It was the one with 絶対零度 too

>> No.15760827

how uh.. do you move the knobs with a keyboard

>> No.15760841

Or just build a controller, man, it's not hard and there are lots of guides in the internet. The controllers generally emulate mouse x and y axis with the knobs, so in theory you could use knobs with a mouse. In reality, it would be horrible.

>> No.15760867


>so in theory you could use knobs with a mouse

I did that before I had a controller. Could easily do up to 10s and 11s.

>> No.15760898

Would be cool if you could change the two knobs to x-y shapes, so it would be more intuitive. Kinda like the osu sliders.
But then again, that's not the point of the game.

>> No.15760936

what graficas were you using?

>> No.15760985

Haruka (putting her first will give you a stat boost)
The girl from Paradission
The kung fu guy

All of them are maxed out too. The only solution left is to git gud.

>> No.15761011

just die

>> No.15761086

I find 5.1.1 another much easier on mirror (im 2p though)

>> No.15761104

get the official IIDX for PC. you need to pay a monthly subscription though


>> No.15761235

K-shoot supports keyboard input for knobs. Actual SDVX doesn't and requires analog input, which means you're buying a controller or using 1-2 mice.

>> No.15761241

Legit question: Will any of my Sound Voltex skills make learning piano easier?

>> No.15761247

Piano is incomparable to music games for the most part
Piano however makes a lot of music games easier

>> No.15761248

>finally clear 2 more 11s after a weeks long dry spell
>internet was down when I decided to quit playing
>nothing I accomplished was saved

Wew, that was the last straw, I'm ending it all.

>> No.15761256



>> No.15761263

Off topic but you seem to know a bit. What's the best way to learn piano withou shelling out my shekels for lessons?

>> No.15761269

Find an old theory book and learn through that
Then find another
Then another
Just make sure you listen to how the music you're playing is supposed to sound at the same time

>> No.15761310

Anyone put a brooks pcb in a project diva controller?

>> No.15761386

The safari was a great song when it was 132 bpm
Actually felt like a safari
What is this new bullshit

>> No.15761527

Just getting into these things after a few R1 trips, are SDVX 1 and 2 rips playable still or did the online thing die?

I have a chinese clone uno sitting on my desk right now. I plan to give it a test tomorrow and see if I can make it pretend to be a mouse even if I don't have buttons and dials yet.

I'm kinda surprised that SDVX is going to be cheaper than taiko no tatsujin to get a decent controller for. I could probably build a decent controller for a bit less than a virgoo which is still quite a bit cheaper than a nice drumset for the wii(u). the original taiko wii(u) set is awful and no amount of opening it up and messing with it has helped get it closer to arcade controller.

>> No.15761538

>are SDVX 1 and 2 rips playable still or did the online thing die

sows holds the answers to all your questions

>> No.15761592

Well yeah, but I'm not there. Mostly asking if I should be stepping up my effort to get in.

>> No.15761607

If your goal is to play SDVX on your PC, yes, you should absolutely try to get into sows.

they actually have Gravity Wars data, not just infinite infection

>> No.15761613

oh fugg
can I use my actual profile data?

>> No.15761619

from konami e-amuse? no. if your PC has a wavepass reader you can use a real card though

>> No.15761663

What's the fastest way to get memebucks in IIDX Copula? I just got E-amuse basic subscription and I want to unlock a bunch of gay cosmetic shit.

>> No.15761684
File: 28 KB, 100x127, imagebinary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best appeal card

>> No.15761950

No, but as someone who played piano before playing SDVX/IIDX it certainly helps with the timing and finger dexterity.

acquire pdf of john thompsons or some similar ez theory book

lrn10read moosic

Then everything after that is practice for dexterity, doing scales, arpeggios, etc, and just keep playing songs

i'ts actualy similar to gitting gud at iidx

>> No.15762053 [DELETED] 

Spending a lot of money and going after medals.

The silver medals associated with FCing and AAAing songs of every difficult from 1 to 12 is probably a good start, assuming you don't suck.


>> No.15762071

Spending a lot of money and going after medals.

The silver medals associated with FCing and AAAing songs of every level from 1 to 12 are probably a good start, assuming you don't suck. You can multitask and take out bronze medals for playing songs of various difficulties in different styles too.


>> No.15762133
File: 25 KB, 140x220, vega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you have the best lanecover too

>> No.15762378

at least link the latest version, which has much more songs and is better made http://bbr.eucaly.net/bbr3rd/bbr3rd/x1.html
I spent an entire day playing this, it's actually pretty fun

>> No.15762411

there's a ton of charts for all skill levels, not just the gorilla stuff

however, difficulty ratings for insane charts often make no sense, so if you grab a pack that includes a lot of those (most notably the genoside Append pack or the 70GB BMS torrent), you'll need to use something like GLAssist to figure out which charts are around what level. Looking at notecount can help a lot too. Packs without those like any BMS of Fighters pack are generally rated decently accurate though.

Overall, it's pretty much the same difficulty scale as IIDX, but toned down a bit. A BMS 11 is more comparable to a IIDX 10 in my experience.

>> No.15762523

>tfw use that exact lane cover and make it so the bulge pokes out

>> No.15762540
File: 10 KB, 140x220, img_shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use this one actually

>> No.15762810

How do LR2 difficulties compare with IIDX difficulties?

>> No.15762829
File: 89 KB, 1072x445, 74f1d2b3359db544f86f7aeb4665617d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck anon

just look up

>> No.15762963

card support for lapistoria



>> No.15762966

I know, I saw that and I knew I'd get this response. I don't know what I was thinking. I just wanted to know if there was some standard conversion.

>> No.15763349

Is anybody here looking to sell a USKOC perchance? If so how much?

>> No.15763425

ask here

(face book) /groups/487629124643497/

>> No.15763446

I don't have facebook.

>> No.15763682

I'd be more generous with Sows invites if they're policy wasn't so strict about unknowingly inviting undesirables. Sows is extremely important to me so I'm not going to risk it on inviting people who are more than likely going to grab arcade data first chance they get then bail.

They should have a three strike rule for this instead of a "you fuck up once, you're gone" rule.

>> No.15763749
File: 20 KB, 640x435, don ramon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i got an invite from leddit.

>> No.15763754

I promise I'll be good
I already have ac data anyway

>> No.15763767

what would it take to show restraint though?

>> No.15763844
File: 112 KB, 640x960, soil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the three people I've invited from here have been good

>> No.15763930


I'm probably one of them. I was invited from here too

>> No.15764091

How do you guys play MUSECA? Or you still need to live in Japan to play it?

>> No.15764120

Round 1 in America has it.

>> No.15764122

MUSECA 1+1/2 is at most R1's in the US right now.I'm not sure which R1's have it and which don't,but being a So.Calfag means that I'll always play the newest shit in the US since PHM is the testing grounds for all of their newest games.

>> No.15764892

>tfw I invited one guy for cumming on Mayumi and he doesn't even use the site

I don't know why someone would do that.

>> No.15764923


Did he not download even anything?

Maybe he was just obsessed with the thought of exclusion and hated it.

>> No.15764938

I invited a guy who just wanted to read the forums
There's a surprising amount of diy/general bemani knowledge locked away in them

>> No.15764992
File: 3.05 MB, 5376x3024, IMAG1114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i worked for so long and feel like i havent done anything

>> No.15765043

clean your room

>> No.15765083

At least you don't have to surface treat it
T. 6 layers of paint/lacquer takes a long time

>> No.15765164

How about inviting another dude, pretty guy?

>> No.15765170

sent ;)

>> No.15765180

Sry no invites left
If there's anything you'd wanna know that doesn't pertain to ac data maintenance I'm sure you could ask in one of the irc channels

>> No.15765186

Yes finally I'm so happy!

Yeah I guess I'll just hang out there.

>> No.15765311

that is going to flex like a bitch when you play

source:used a cardboard box

>> No.15765318

Last seen 3 weeks after I invited (so 4 months ago), 1.25GB Up, 0 Down.

>> No.15765329

i'll probably prop up the buttons with makeshift pillars or something so they're not just hanging in the box

>> No.15765378

Over the 10 years at sows I've invited 3 people. 2 got banned for shit ratio after a month. Only the 3rd is doing well.

This is also why I don't invite people anymore.

>> No.15765841
File: 33 KB, 100x127, cdn58.atwikiimg.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one. dat laser Christmas tree

>> No.15765870

I got in through fanart a week ago and I already have a 1.6 ratio so

not all of us are bad

>> No.15765880

Maybe he offed himself knowing how slow gaining ratio is.

>> No.15765948

what do i do if i dont have an ipad but i really wanna play jubeat and theres no cabinets near me

>> No.15766059
File: 209 KB, 570x552, 58641830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15766103
File: 166 KB, 900x1200, U1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15766161


>> No.15766169



>> No.15766172
File: 286 KB, 1000x943, 58255289_p26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15766173


I wanna twist her knobs while she sleeps.

>> No.15766179


I still think that's Rasis.

>> No.15766292
File: 128 KB, 600x460, 58644286_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully

>> No.15766318
File: 419 KB, 608x379, lilgrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Rasis finds the purified loli Grace to be cute she took her home with her.

>> No.15766766

can US R1s please get online support for GS3 thx

>> No.15766784

also can we have chunithm, maimai, nostalgia, otoiroha, and popn?

>> No.15766805


>I have more than most AND I WANT MORE

I hate you. Just letting you know that. I genuinely do.

>> No.15766866

>gee i sure would like to play all these cool games that aren't available in my country


>> No.15766899


>missing the point

You're ungrateful. Quite bitching about not having enough when you have more than almost any poster in these threads.

>> No.15766934

Get a seedbox, dl every HDD while freeleech

Fill requests

>> No.15766940


Just bought a CD for a way-too-generous bounty.

I really hope I can get it, rip it, and upload it before someone else does.

>> No.15766950

I hope you guys don't mind some newb questions. I moved to Japan recently and I want to acquire the cards needed to play some of the games (mostly Aime and whatever SDVX uses).

What is the best way to go about it? Should I try that Osaifu Keitai thing?

>> No.15766958

sdvx and all other konmai games use e-amusement passes. you should be able to buy them at any arcade.

also on the topic of aime, bana passport cards are interchangeable with aime if one ends up being easier for you to get.

>> No.15766967


Alright, I'll check at the arcade close to my workplace later, it's pretty big so they should have it. My survival Japanese wasn't good enough to know if they sold it or not and the lady just looked confused. It should be fine now that I actually know the name of the cards.

>> No.15767214

Actually, that song's name is Hyena.

>> No.15767226

Fucked up?

>> No.15767444

Probably Forget a Scenery

>> No.15767462

why is every song in empress rated 1-2 difficulties lower than it actually is?

>> No.15767521

it's the style for girls :3c

>> No.15767538

Even 3y3s and himiko?

Because both are for gorillas

>> No.15767552

3y3s normal should be an 8 or 9

>> No.15767563

If you're using random, sure

>> No.15767713

I misread it as higher

That's what 7 hours in an arcade will do to you.

>> No.15767803

>tfw I noticed all my 15 clears that aren't babby tier are all note heavy ones

How do I git gud with knobs?

>> No.15767916

play firestorm 27 times in a row

>> No.15767917

Hey, so after not playing for like 2 month I plugged my DAO (FP7 bought two years ago) but unfortunately windows didn't recognize the analog input at all and the LED on the buttons didn't work. The buttons and all works fine in game, juste the turntable.
Is there a way to fix it without buying a new controller? I tried to flash the thing to the latest firmware but it didn't help.

>> No.15768127

Did you look inside for loose wires/other clear reasons for it failing to work?

>> No.15768158

play all the uno # songs

check wire connections, all of them

>> No.15768177
File: 3.16 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_1761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes everything seemed fine, nothing unplug or damaged. First time I opened it too.

>> No.15768202

Nah I meant check wire connections like actively pull and push all of them

>> No.15768362

I tried that and somehow it seem to work again. I kinda feel stupid right now but I didn't want to risk damaging anything by opening it up and screwing arround. Thanks a lot.

>> No.15768542


No. That shit cannot be obtained. Pure and simple. Most of those bounties are nigh impossible.

Not even measly 10GB bounties are easy. I always just figure these people have so much ratio that they basically "sell" it for goods.

Nope, this shit is just not out there.

If you can buy the thing they want, it's a piss easy bounty and you should jump on it.

>> No.15768572


Been a long time since I've beheld the innards of a pristine Dao.

Almost makes me sad.

But then I realize that shit's made of condensed tissue paper and I feel better.

>> No.15769440

Dynamix, it looks like this:

>> No.15769963

Fuck the 16th notes in Critical Crystal

They're the only thing stopping me from clearing that goddamn song

>> No.15769978

>tfw played 5.1.1 perfectly till the end
Just fuck my stuff up

>> No.15769987

i swear this just happened to you like a few days ago

>> No.15770098

>my credit card limit soared

Guess I can safely buy my FP7 now. Can't wait for my 250 dollar shipping!

>> No.15770306

No I beat my first ten yesterday

>> No.15770604

Fuck women
Fuck children
Fuck books
Fuck animals
Fuck rain forests

I don't give a shit about any of this garbage except maybe free food, but only if it's to me, but it's not. So fuck free food, too!

I just want upload. I'd rather just pay for it.

>> No.15770664

how 2 pay for upload:

buy an album on the request list. Upload it. Bam.

>> No.15770789
File: 89 KB, 600x600, 14192118_1152398508166614_3594243731996789044_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miku in Museca

Not what I've expecting but I'll take it

>> No.15770802

I remembered requesting an album that wasn't there on sows once. Putting something like 3GB as the bounty.

Then someone came in and dumped 200GB on top of that. Whoever got that is one lucky guy.

>> No.15770812

why wouldn't you want the best Vocaloid?

although Gumi is a very close 2nd

>> No.15770990

Finally ordered my FP7 with everything default. I plan on upgrading anything that bothers me when I have more money to drop. What am I in for?

>> No.15771004

>everything default
>what am i in for

another period of time spent waiting for your omron microswitches and sanwa buttons to show up

>> No.15771064


Can second this, but i haven't had the extra dosh to order them yet

>> No.15771068

How annoying are the light switches and what's bad about the DAO buttons?

>> No.15771141

>sanwa buttons
Are they actually worth getting for a 2dx controller? I could understand getting them for the white Voltex buttons since they're so big and clunky, but the FX buttons feel really nice and clicky. Or do they use different ones for 2dx?

>> No.15771281

Honeywells on a 2dx controller are fucking unplayable at higher levels, sanwas just make the game 500% more fun, not necessary

>> No.15771287

too bad the only person who can make gumi sound passable is sasakure.uk and he's not in museca/sdvx

>> No.15771354

Honeywells are microswitches, not buttons.

>> No.15771362

I had asked about the light switches so his response makes sense.

>> No.15771371

Ah, you're right. Sorry, my bad.

>> No.15771526
File: 125 KB, 1599x654, 1466664843493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not necessarily, some people like lighter setups, also depends on your springs

>> No.15771545

What are the default dao springs?

>> No.15771553

O2jam U: is it pay to play?

>> No.15771573


I have a double dao and only upgraded one side with sanwa buttons due to not wanting to spend all my money + more.

I bought new switches and springs for the whole controller because it was so cheap to with the rest of the buttons and did not affect shipping weight at all.

Anyway, i play 1p side, so i replaced all those, and all the dao buttons are on the 2p side. new springs and switches were installed on both sides to eliminate those variables.

The sanwa side certainly feels more like an arcade cabinet and might not be noticable unless you spent a lot of time playing on real machines, and a lot of time playing on a DAO controller until the buttons got really old and worn in for years and tons of play.

the sanwa buttons are ever so slightly smoother and more accurately push linearly down whereas the dao buttons can rumble going down. Please don't think dao buttons are trash and sanwas are the only thing that will make you happy, it's only true if you do and continue to play on arcade machines as well as your DAO and you're that damn picky about ease of firing the switch.

I did not really notice the difference in button quality until I tried to play doubles, probably because of the position of my hands being differnt than they might be normally.

Sorry for the wall of text

>> No.15771622

I just realized that Dynamix is essentially a mobile SDVX

>> No.15771626

5.1.1 makes me really tired, i can't alternate scratch direction when i play it for some reason.

>> No.15771836

Down to only one 14 I can clear.

And it goes without saying it's the impossible one (Tu-Ma-Mi All Nighter)

>> No.15771846


CAN'T, Fuck!

>> No.15772607

form what i hear sasakure charges more than others for licenses/commissions and such and konami probably isn't willing to deal out the cash rip atropos ;_;

>> No.15772684

Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know.

>> No.15772685

Okay so FP7 with DAO buttons and omrons + shipping is about 450 dollars

If I go with sanwas applied I'll surpass 500 bucks which has different tax rules which scares me so I'd rather not risk it.

Separetely ordering 4 white and 3 black sanwas +shipping is an extra 150 dollars. Is there a cheaper place to get my sanwas?

>> No.15772731

so like with 4th style did they just bring in unpaid 5 year olds to make the notecharts or was it satan himself

>> No.15772868

>What are you playan?
Osu scrub here. You guys got any tips on how to train yourself to tap faster? I slowly been getting better over time but I reached a point where the bpm is just too fast for me to keep up and my fingers tend to lock up.

>> No.15772904

play a good game

>> No.15772905
File: 203 KB, 1200x1600, Trash_Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home

>> No.15772944

The second you take that game seriously, is the second you lose.

>> No.15772972

I enjoy shit games.

>> No.15773004

As long as you're honest about it.

>> No.15773010

so play jubeat or reflec beat or something

>> No.15773023

Where do you live? Can you use the US storehouse prebuilt FP7 ($249) controller with free shipping? http://www.gamo2.com/en/index.php?dispatch=categories.view&category_id=281
Then get omrons, springs, and sanwas from the sanwa Rakuten store At the same price as japan without 3rd party markup.

>> No.15773055

Underrated post

>> No.15773092

5 year olds could write a better chart than GOBBLE dph

>> No.15773270

When is the next free leech I want omnimix

>> No.15773297

South America, the american storehouse won't sell it to me.

Rakuten it is then.

>> No.15773338
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>play IIDX AC
>2P side has light springs
>sigsig [a]
>keys getting stuck as I play

>> No.15773429

I'm using default chink QMSRON microswitches hand-stretched to about .98N and no springs because the default springs are like 1000g.

It's okay. I really should pick up proper switches and springs but I don't feel like dropping the money and I'm not good enough to notice the difference anyway.

>> No.15773437

Have you tried Reflec Beat?

>> No.15773455

4-8 was a tough time for every Bemani game

>> No.15773473

>ddr's prime

>> No.15773571

IIDX player who still shamefully plays osu here

To learn to tap faster I just listened to songs on my phone wherever I was and started tapping on a table or something first in time to the beat, then double time, then triplets, and then quadruple time (16th notes) if I could manage it. Do this with faster and faster songs, both single tapping and alternating, and you'll git gud soon enough. This is the exact same way my flute teacher in high school taught me to tongue notes faster.

>> No.15773577

DDR's "Prime"?

you mean when it had it's biggest playerbase or when it was relevant in gaming?

The only time it was relevant to gaming was 3rd Mix - 5th Mix

The second that Max dropped,the playerbase diminished

if you're talking about song selection,variety,and chart quality

You could argue 4th Mix+,Extreme,Supernova 2,or A as it's prime.Probably A right now as it has actual fucking e-Amusement support.

Everyone here thought that the US would never get official support,nigga that's revolutionary for us

>> No.15773650

>sanwas are more fun

I've heard this a lot but can someone explain

never played on a cab personally

>> No.15773655
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>round 1 near me only has 1 iidx cab and the p2 side turntable is all loose and wobbly so you can't hit it multiple times in the same direction and it's actually level with/below the metal edge of the assembly

>fail songs with normal gauge that i can ex hard clear at home

>> No.15773675

Have you played Beat MP3 2.0 though

>> No.15773683

2014 was the best mix but a bunch of the good songs have been removed in favor of more gay toho and denpa shit

>> No.15773725

2014 was shit because it stayed in Japan,PHM only had a few weeks for a location test,it was great until the second day where the pads got busted

A is infinitely better than 2014

>> No.15773740

>2014 was shit because it stayed in Japan
but that doesn't have anything to do with its quality as a game...

>> No.15773779

fuck yeah it does

with arcade games,part of the quality comes directly from mechanics that are able to keep a game up and stable

also 2014 didn't wow me with it's song choices either,all of that shit was on other Bemani games,mainly GITADORA

and on top of that,the UI was garbage,not that A's is any better,but I'm very very very happy with legitimate US support of E-Amusement

feels good to have a profile on DDR and place some high scores

>> No.15773780

Is there an equivalent of hard mode in LR2?

>> No.15773785

where the fuck can I play paraparaparadise? am I going to have to buy my own cabinet to play regularly?

>> No.15773790



>> No.15773798

That's gay.

>> No.15773804

fuck. how do I even buy something like that? go to japan find people? the us market is kinda shit

>> No.15773808

know a guy who who lives in japan and deals in arcade shit

>> No.15773809

sure but it's pretty fucking fun

>> No.15773920


>> No.15773941

How do you play LR2 like Pop'n? Is there some mode I'm missing?

>> No.15773960

literally just download pop'n charts and play them. LR2 will switch to the correct game mode for you.

>> No.15773961



>> No.15773968

wait no i'm an idiot. There's a play style button on song select you have to toggle to get the pop'n files to appear

>> No.15774102

If it's what I'm thinking of, it works more or less fine.
It just goes on forever, and you have to kill the game (not hard, Esc will crash it) to stop.

Should you be on some sort of service, scores work but not much else until you revert.

>> No.15774129


Make two separate purchases then shoot Dao an email saying you want them preinstalled.

Swapping in Sanwas is a bigger pain in the ass than you'd think.

>> No.15774326

I guess it'd be easier to just include the sanwas and ask him if he can omit the shipping price on the receipt and pretend the shipping's included in the final price of the FP7.so I don't get taxed up the butt.

The problem is I don't know if he can do that with EMS which is the only shipping option.

>> No.15774418
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>tfw i get the most FCs when I play songs for the first time because afterwards, I'm playing them expecting to get FCs and i become a nervous wreck and choke at some point

>> No.15774467

just don't think about it as much anon

>> No.15774481

Never go for FCs and you'll lead a happy life.

>> No.15774526


Bro, I'm telling you, have them installed by him.

Also, when you buy the sanwas you'll have two choices, either forgo the Dao buttons or have him put the Dao buttons physically inside the controller. This is the only way to not increase shipping.

The box they are shipped in is exactly as big as it needs to be with foam surrounding the controller to exact measurements. There is no extra space ion this box whatsoever.

Or, you could just give up on having Sanwas entirely as they are a luxury and really won't make a difference until you are very high level.

>> No.15774552


>tfw never gotten a FC ever and I never will.

>> No.15774750

this is like 45% of the reason I stopped playing osu

>> No.15774775

Good advice.

>> No.15774791

I never FC a song, ever.

Closest I ever got was Close the World H with a single mistake.

>> No.15774943

sanwas click other buttons clack

>> No.15774958

If you stop trying to FC and instead aim for AAA then your life will suddenly become a lot less frustrating

>> No.15775077


Can't do either no matter what.

>> No.15775083

i can' AAA either but aiming for it is far less frustrating than aiming for FC.

Besides, FC is meaningless in IIDX.

>> No.15775133

Freedom Dive is the Flower of user-generated maps

>> No.15775145

but freedom dive is good

>> No.15775150

both songs are good

unless you hate happy hardcore

which I don't

>> No.15775163
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it's kinda like a turntable?

>> No.15775216

I get it. I buy it with all the good stuff installed and ask him to bill it as the standard 199 dollars FP7. This way taxes don't get too high, DAO get his money and the people in customs can't really find out about the buttons since they know nothing about it. There's really no noticeable visual cue to tell.

And if they look at my credit card bill somehow I can contest that the extra 100 dollars were service for installing extra parts and not really part of the package.

Gotta send emails to see if he's fine with it. If I have to make two separate purchases I'll forgo the DAO buttons like you suggested.

>> No.15775706

anon you replied to here, i'm more likely to fc songs than aaa them, my accuracy is bad. i have a single aaa ever on a 1 and it was just over the threshold.

>> No.15775732

>tfw the highest aa I've gotten is a sph 8

>> No.15775835

is omfgkirby the biggest faggot on sows?

>> No.15775868


>> No.15775869


He gave me my PCBIDs. But yeah. He's a fuck. Wants people to wait around for a YEAR TO PLAY A GAME!

>> No.15775877

he just memes everywhere hes aight otherwise

>> No.15776021

faggot maybe, but he probably isn't autistic so who cares

>> No.15776046

I haven't been on for a year and he gave me one, I don't think he was being serious

>> No.15776104

Is it against the rules to buy/sell PCBIDs?

Seriously thinking about offering cash for one.

>> No.15776108

Better give money to Konami than some pirate faggot.

>> No.15776111

holy shit git gud and read the fucking forum topic about getting PCBIDs

or just hex edit your shit to unlock everything. Unless you're a top tier player there's no point dick wagging about your scores.

>> No.15776142


>I have no idea why anyone who's not Kaiden would want to keep track of which songs they've cleared or not.

I already have one. I just want more. As insurance. I'm one drunken fuckup away from being fucked forever.

>> No.15776192

>No point of wanting to save your score and tell others about it if you're not the absolute best of the best

This logic is retarded.

>> No.15776490

Oh boy, there go my bruises again.

>> No.15776573

Honestly having rivals makes the game way more enjoyable
I played for months without adding any but after I added some it helped me go back and further improve shitty scores

>> No.15776674


New thread boys and girls, move on over

>> No.15776732


>> No.15776947



>> No.15776986

for what purpose

>> No.15776995

Fuck off

>> No.15777706
File: 218 KB, 600x568, pout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider suicide

>> No.15777711


Literally, jump into a wood chipper feet first, you colossal homosexual.
