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15701842 No.15701842 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>15657796

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and location are important in determining your next best course of action!

Use the chat for small questions and try to extend the life of the thread.

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

Onahole Chat:

>> No.15701886

The creator of RealDoll did a thing on Reddit earlier

>> No.15702575
File: 95 KB, 1268x597, bags are packed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So begins the dawn of day 5. Hopes are high from the last thread, but was always told to be prepared as a kid, from parents, to family, to every saturday morning cartoon.

Now we play the super waiting game.

>> No.15702826

got the prone masturbation style meiki / floor sex mate, https://en-nls.com/pict1-43569?c2=9999 from queencat

huge fan of cocolo and premium chastity, and recently adopted fetish of 種付けプレス(mating press)

premium chasity has some pretty significant tears, its a bit small for being fucked so vigorously in mating press position by an above average dick

sticking my finger into floor sex mate i immediately noticed how "loose" it was. i could stick my finger in and wiggle it arond without hitting every corner. the "fake" entrance is also stupid and starts before the canal, i hope it tears because it serves no real purpose and just makes going balls deep slightly harder. going balls deep in mating press position is no difficulty though.

the canal is godlike, its so interesting and feels great. this is a medium stimulation hole, very soft, very comforatble, yet at the same time the mateiral feels very firm and durable. and tightness is NOT an issue, it is plenty tight on a dick, however i am 7 inches average girth i guess

after fucking its pussy to the god damn shadow realm and cumming twice (holy grail supplements) i see no tears or foreseable tears, i bought this thing so i could go apeshit on something and it is holding up just fine

tl;dr buy floor sex mate if you enjoy mating press, would recommend for slightly above average guys, but anyone can use it, it is a japanese toy after all

>> No.15702866

>mating press
Isn't mating press just missionary?

>> No.15702874

basically but its more vertical and mating press just sounds way hotter

>> No.15703303

the time will come
and when the wait is over
you'll love it all the more

>> No.15703316

Now that I know its shipped because of the charge on my card I decided to nofap until it is here. fairly sure I can last maybe.. or do I want to last?

>> No.15703380
File: 21 KB, 989x794, T-Thanks Merkel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any German in here ever gotten pic related?
I asked them to remove the packaging but now I'm kinda scared I wont be able to get my holes.
And fuck customs

>> No.15704192

>another anon last thread linked to a german manufacturer of love dolls
>but apparently you cannot import outside sex toys into germany

>> No.15704539

Is Otona decent store? Will they 100% remove the packaging or their engrish is too bad and they'll just ignore my comment?
I don't want to risk getting van'd.
What are your experiences with it?
I would have used some Yuro site, but the prices are rather horrible and even with that huge Otona's shipping, I'm gonna save some money because it's going to be a large order.

>> No.15704674

No one would buy from them if they ignored comments. These stores know that some countries have retarded laws.

AFAIK, all European stores are shit, indeed.

>> No.15704841

I was more curious about rare cases when they've forgot to remove the packaging. Or if anon ordered Loli Hole Deluxe Extreme Big Soft and requested removal of box, but he didn't knew that the package contains loli manga sample that they did not removed.

>> No.15704902

If you ask them to remove all packaging, they remove all packaging. You could try asking them to only remove loli stuff, but they would most likely just throw out everything.

>> No.15704947

Yeah, I was considering stating that, but I don't want to get meme'd on and get empty plastic case, because they threw away the ona as a joke.

>> No.15705000
File: 87 KB, 700x477, DSC_0305_20160817111928816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is the power of Rich Soft.

>> No.15705284

Yeah. The packaging won't be the problem, they just want the EuMWst. You'll need to get an invoice and bring that to the "Zollamt" where you have to open the package. Then you'll pay your 19% on the price and you get to keep your stuff.

>> No.15705333

That's also why it's usually a good idea to use DHL when shipping to germany. You'll always have to pay the taxes, but you pay them to the guy who delivers the package. With cheaper shipping methods, you can get lucky and not pay anything, but if they do stop it, you'll have to open the package in front of them, and explain which item belongs to which position on the invoice.

>> No.15705431

>tfw r20 stuck in customs for 2 fucking weeks now.
It took 5 days for it to reach tacoland. WTF im sure its stuck there because of onatsuyo lotion being liquid and shit.

>> No.15705658
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would you stick penis in?

>> No.15705757

>no teeth
It looks like cavity heading right through her skull.

>> No.15705823
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worst parents or best parents?

>> No.15705850
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Holy fuck that's hilarious.
>buying a sex doll for 8 (EIGHT) year old. Holy fucking shit. That has to be a ruse. Maybe if they have upped age. If it's real then their autistic son is pretty lucky I guess.
>takes care for him

>> No.15705895

>complaining about the lack of teeth
like, silicone painted white or actual.. plastic teeth? I remember someone here a thread or two back got an onahole with actual hard teeth that kinda creeped me out

>> No.15705904

You probably mean the Mouth of Truth? https://en-nls.com/pict1-39305

It's a good hole. Some people like the teeth, some don't.

>> No.15705906

Who the fuck are you quoting you /v/ermin

>> No.15705918

Is it possible to clean an Onahole that can't be turned inside out?

>> No.15705919

I dunno man. One hard orgasm, one sneeze, your girdle breaking and your belly comes crashing down and ya bit your own dick hard.

scary scary

>> No.15705929

rinse it out?
taking a paper towel and folding it a few times and jamming it through?
saying fuck it and ignore cleaning it and risk getting stabbed with a solidified semensickle?

>> No.15705933

It's not that tough.

>> No.15705935

Okay. Well I'm thinking about getting the WAZ Daruma from ToyDemon with some Onatsuyu lotion and this will be the first onahole I buy and it said I couldn't turn it inside out to clean it.

>> No.15705952
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>> No.15705964

I dunno what the size of the hole is or your fingers, but I take a paper towel, fold it a few times and punch through it with my finger and pull it out the other end.

warning, high chance of touching your own essence.

>> No.15705969

Masturbating generally isn't very clean to begin with.

>> No.15706092

I'm going to be moving out of my moms house in a couple of weeks, for a couple of months.
Knowing my mom, she'll go through my shit while I'm gone.
How do I take my shit with me without it looking suspicious?

>> No.15706242

What is the point of dual layered holes? They seem to sacrifice durability for no benefit whatsoever.

>> No.15706400

won't you be carrying a backpack or something? unless you have a vast trove of lewd shit, that should be enough and you can easily make sure you're the one who unpacks it

>> No.15706471

Welp, here is my advice
>go to a flea market
>look for a treasure chest or some kinda wooden box you can lock
>lock the box but put it in an easy to find place
>put a few locks on it
>hide keys
>create note on chest/box "adventure at your own risk"
>create riddles or crudely drawn maps to the keys
>note inside the chest should read something like "sorry mom, I masturbate, and thought this would be the best way to let you know"

>> No.15706483

In my opinion they feel better. But yes they tend to split and break faster.

>> No.15706661

Seconding this.

>> No.15706794

Put them in a drawer under a 40lb bag of oregano. There's no way she's putting her fingerprints on that.

>> No.15707055

What.. the fuck.

>> No.15707101

Get a bank lockbox/locker or stow at a friends house. Personally I would bring it in my backpack to work and hide it until my family left, I can lock my cabinet drawer.

>> No.15707343

>leave your masturbatory aid at your friends house
Ya know this kinda came up last thread with the Miku doll..

How would you all react to your friend/roommate/brother or something like that who used your toy/doll/sleeve?

>> No.15707364

They might be less likely to break into your locked bag than your mother I'm saying

>> No.15707686

Shit, did Magic Eyes increase the quality of the material they use recently?

I just got a now Rina to replace the first Rina I got a year ago and she feels a whole lot less fragile than the first one. She's even super soft after washing, almost as if she's already been powdered.

>> No.15707705

link for curiosity?

>> No.15707937

Based on your experience which company provides the worst complimentary lube with their holes?

I'd vote Magic Eye. That gelatin sludge is awful.

>> No.15708033

Slow thread after the dollfags got banned

>> No.15708056

Why do you think they got banned?

Threads have been slower all year.

>> No.15708111

day 6, nothing new to report, but not banned.

I wouldnt mind hearing from possible-miku-doll-anon from last thread to see what he picked

>> No.15708130
File: 10 KB, 661x295, whatdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i contact Otonajp ? or wait for another month.

>> No.15708208

Maybe contact your local mail people? They'd probably be more likely to know what's going on.

>> No.15708289

In Akiba right now to purchase a hip onahole.

How do I bring something that size back to my house?

>> No.15708304

hips vary in size, if its a little bit larder than a sleeve a backpack wont hurt.. or if its 20 pounds of pussy and ass then you might .. wanna do something different

>> No.15708328

I'd be okay with it, I have few onas that I have no intention on using and would gladly give away. If you mean borrowing my favorite onas, I'd probably think about it if I was 100% that the guy would clean it thoroughly.

>> No.15708331

What's the difference between Bordeaux and Bordeaux soft ? Thinking about getting them both just to see what the difference between them are. Also is it a good idea to use the warmer on dual layers ??

>> No.15708385

Have my eyes on Puni Hole DX Hard, never owned a hip before.

>> No.15708538

Did your onahole help with phimosis at all?

I'm a little tight, and the first time I had sex was a little painful. I can [pull back all the way, but it's not super comfortable for sex and things of the like. Think if i just masturbate a fuckton with one it'll help out?

>> No.15708557

minor phimosis is generally cured by masturbation. keep at it and let it stretch

>> No.15708595

When I was a kiddo I've used to have a phimosis, I suppose maturity or masturbation fixed it for me, but I still have unusually thick / stretched foreskin, at least I think I do, it feels really thick, it's not covering my whole head naturally, but if I try I can just wrap my whole head in it.

>> No.15708806

Try stretching while you've been in the shower for a few minutes. Put your index fingers (if possible) into your foreskin and pull apart. don't pull hard but just enough to get a bit of a stretch. Hold for a few seconds and release. Treat it like an exercise and do a few reps

>> No.15708904

everyone always talks about how good onaholes are but I already bought a fleshlight a while ago

I like it a lot so is there any point to me even looking into one? I'd rather not buy multiple dick insertable thingamajiggers

>> No.15709003 [DELETED] 



>> No.15709129

yes, I have never turned any of my onaholes inside out to clean them

I usually just rinse it with water, stick a finger in there and dig up the waste while squeezing the outside to flush. Depending on the onahole and its material, the time can wary.

the seducing witch and its safeskin material is the easiest fucking thing to clean in the world, while mouth of truth for example takes a bit longer.

for drying I just whirl paper towel into a spear and insert it for a while to soak water up.

>> No.15709301


If you're happy with your fleshlight, you can always just stick with that. Just know that a fleshlight is far from the be all, end all of sensations that your dick can feel. Variety is the spice of life, chief.

>> No.15709798
File: 52 KB, 600x600, rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best loli holes? I had a Lolinco, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I'm thinking of getting a Rina or a VA: A next. Is the Vacuum Witch any good?

Also, I should remove the packaging when importing to the UK, right? I noticed that Rina comes with a postcard of a half-naked loli, so would NLS also remove that along with the box?

>> No.15709824

How tight is the Student Council President?

>> No.15709879

Witch is one of my favorites, it's not nearly a Loli hole but the suction is really nice, the spiral clamps down tight with it and the womb hits the glans just right when the vacuum is at its max.

The base is pretty nice and tight, the inside is not and is real fuckin low stim, would not recommend. Only hole I've thrown away.

>> No.15709956

anyone got this, or the other versions that can provide some input:


>> No.15710167

It left japan already anon, i dont think they can do anything now.
Its most likely customs being a bitch.

>> No.15710182

It removed to pain for me. I can pull it down and reveal head whereas I couldn't before I got my first ona some months ago.

>> No.15710891

I had not seen my full glans for maybe 17 years before I started using lube and onaholes. What a miracle!

>> No.15710911

I wouldn't say they cured me, but I went from being nearly unable to pull it back while soft to being able to pull it back while hard, though I have to lube up underneath first.

Mainly concerned about my frenulum, because it's very much pulled taut when I do. Worth, though. Going from fapping with foreskin to fapping with glans exposed has been mind blowing.

>> No.15711153

Any good transparent onaholes with a noticable womb? I have a cross-section/x-ray fetish and wonder if there was something that could satisfy it.

>> No.15711580

Alright folks. I have been using the same hole for a year now, so I really want a new one. The hole I have is the Lilith Soft Spiral Wave. This is hands down the best hole I have owned. The last 4 all felt only OK and didn't last very long. So, I am thinking of getting another Lilith, just not the spiral wave. But I don't know what Lilith would be best. If you guy could suggest some things, that would be awesome. Also, feel free the suggest a hole other than a Lilith if it is comparable.

I actually wouldn't mind a new loli hole, but I have had only bad luck with them.

>> No.15711682

Holy shit almost three days without masturbation and I feel fucking weird. my sleeping is erratic, I cant stop getting boners and my mind cant stop thinking about fapping and my heart rate is up.

this doll cannot get here fast enough

>> No.15711700

I'm waiting on a Puni Ana Dx Hard. I know that feel.

>> No.15711768

You might have an addiction

>> No.15711823

Damn, I go that long all the time and feel completely normal.

>> No.15711828

It's more that he bought something and he is anticipating the first use more than anything. It creates a sense of urgency.

>> No.15711845

Ah. Well I hope for his sake that's all it is.

>> No.15712265
File: 47 KB, 700x700, cyberskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I saw a gif of one of these toys in /gif/ and now I suddenly really badly want one and spent like 12 hours going down the rabbit hole of sex toys. At first I was just like, yeah any will do, but now I've got all these requirements that I just can't fill.

I absolutely adore this thing because of the high quality mold and the realistic looking pussy and asshole. But it's like just a flat thing, and I want something big, a full hip like the Meiki Pure Hip, which is practically perfect but I hate the shoddy pussy mold and the perfectly circular, constantly gaping holes it has. The Big Samanda hip from Kokos is almost perfect too, the spread pose is even better than the Pure hip except it has a flat back rather than being a full 3D model.

God I can't find anything that ticks all my boxes.

Anyone know of a full 3D, large hip, spread eagle toy with realistic looking pussy/asshole?

>> No.15712312

A friend of mine has a particularly large donger (about 8.5 to 9 inches fully erect). He wants to get an onahole, but given that most are small even for average american dicks, it's looking like a lost cause. Can anyone recommend anything for someone well endowed? Bonus points if it's a loli hole?

>> No.15712329

most of the stimulation is in the head of the penis anyways. I mean if you really want to.. tell him to buy two, one for the hilt, the other for the head

>> No.15712382

Can't believe someone could possible like this.

>> No.15712401

Why? The sculpting work is fucking fantastic, the pussy is so bloody realistic and the asshole doesn't have that stupid, fake looking circular hole these toys usually have. Whats not to like about it?

>> No.15712412


It's butt, you're not Japanese.

>> No.15712413

If he is that long, he'll probably end up having to get a fleshlight or something, I can't think of anything from asia that would be that large, a R20 might stretch that far, but probably won't last long.

>> No.15712436

okay? im just using the terminology i see on these sites.

>> No.15712557


Ignore >>15712412, hip is a fine term for what you're looking for.

>> No.15712916

Man, I always thought I was around average until I finally measured it myself. I'm only a 4. Feels so bad man.

>> No.15713051

How many rounds do you go in a session?

>> No.15713073

Don't worry, at least you know you can go balls deep in any onahole.

It's hugely dissatisfying bottoming out.

>> No.15713078

Every time I've tried for more than once I regretted it. Bad combination of no longer horny and physically too sensitive. Does anybody actually enjoy that?

>> No.15713083

>go once
>start cleaning up
>get a boner
>don't want to reclean

>> No.15713085


One. By time time I've recovered my cum already smells too rancid inside and too viscous so it ends up just being a smelly ass mess since my dick just pumps and sucks the older cum out.

>> No.15713095

To me the second one is much easier to get out, once you train yourself to go past the super sensitivity it feels amazing. The second one however kinda drains me for a day.

>> No.15713178

Depends how fast I finish. I'm new to onaholes so sometimes they get me off ridiculously fast, so I go another round to make it worth the effort of heating it up and cleaning afterward.

>> No.15713391

I edge for 1 or 2 hours and try not to cum, then your next sessions feel amazing.

>> No.15713437
File: 72 KB, 181x198, SAO menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually one, but sometimes two.

How I do two rounds:

>Bring up porn
>Fuck hole
>Pull out
>Cum on rag
>Keep on reading or watching porn
>3 minutes later back up to full hardness
>Sensitivity has reset
>Fuck hole
>Cum in hole
>Clean up
>Either finally go to sleep, or I finally get out of bed and stat the day.

>> No.15713459

I got an anus and vagina based onahole, petan hip DX or something, all soft as fuck with little feet to rest my nuts on last year, they share the same exit hole so..
>plug up the exit with folded over tissues, 5 squares folded into 1 square, then fold once, then lengthwise, roll up, plug exit
>plug up the anus with 3 squares of tissue only to stop the sucking sound
>cum in vag
>remove anus plug and put in vag
>fuck the anus with the super sensitivity and just go nuts
>oh god stimulating the gland like this as well as having my nuts tap the hip onahole with every thrust is glorious
>i still dont understand the testicle sensitivity to this day but holy fuck it feels good having them tapped near, during and right after cumming
>cum in ass hole
>take onahole and hold it over trash
>take out exit plug and watch my semen flow
>good shake
>3 paper towels
>fold them
>push one paper towel through anus, vag and one for the outside/place onahole was
>pat the used areas dry with third towel
>lightly powder
>all dried inside and outside
>store until next use
It took like two weeks to get my body to keep moving after cumming with daily attempts but I am glad I did it

>> No.15713566

To anybody who bought or is thinking of getting a doll I emailed Doll Sweet and they said that the amazon seller Sweet-Doll isn't their store so I would strongly recommend staying away from it. It looks like KingMansion has good reviews all around though so I guess that's your safest bet.
So whoever was looking at this doll from earlier do not buy it.

>> No.15713598
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>2ft high

>> No.15713612
File: 134 KB, 800x800, 3cd9387fd9c7283bf695d549d50626b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used the wrong reaction image, whups.
>2ft high
>5 in deep insert

>> No.15713617 [DELETED] 


>> No.15713624

Is anyone getting this on Otonajp checkout page? I can't seem to fix this

>> No.15713630
File: 150 KB, 1919x927, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, I'm getting something like this in the picture

>> No.15713646

>knee high socks
is this a brand name or actual stockings?

>> No.15713659

Its the name of the product from Tama Toys

>> No.15713672

ah nvm I fixed it

>> No.15714111

Bought this one today as my first ona. I was such a fool for not getting into it earlier - that is such an awesome fap. My only problem with this hole - it is incredibly soft, i think a bit rougher one would be great.
Also as lube i bought "G Project X Pepee Bottle Lotion" which is mentol-flavored, and Im not sure I like this cold feeling on my dick.

>> No.15714178

so i live in NZ and its expensive as fuck to get anything sent here. am i doomed?

>> No.15714541

So I've come to the conclusion that I like Moisty over Onatsuyu. Onatsuyu dries too fast even with using a little water with it like i've seen recommended.

With Moisty, it doesn't dry anywhere near as fast.

>> No.15714575

Just put your hole in the freezer and pretend it's cirno

>> No.15714599
File: 15 KB, 400x400, fc6dd22d-9940-4791-8d9c-76faa7078e66_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this be used to fix tears on the inside of onaholes? It dries into a flexible rubbery material, which sounds good, but I don't know if constant contact with my penis will have health affects and it also dries by absorbing moisture and I don't want my onahole to become dry and crumbly like old rubber bands. It's Loctite Go2 glue.

>> No.15714618

I don't frequent this thread, but i've used this for various hobbies and the way it dries leaves sharp hard edges, nothing i'd want my penis anywhere near.

>> No.15714644

The glue itself turned hard or the material you used it on turned hard? I've used it before and the glue itself had no hard edges. That was on paper and non rubbery plastic though.

>> No.15714658

Used it for my soft pvc dolls, which was a huge mistake. Luckily she was a cheap stain test doll.

Edges sort of look like they melted a bit and lightened, but the glue dried clear like I hoped at least. Whole area looks and feels like a really hard scar, i'll try to get a photo later.

>> No.15715078

are hips worth it?

>> No.15715162

hips are a gateway hole. stick with onaholes

I bought a hip a year ago or so now I have like 5 full blown silicone dolls. im constantly taking care of them, always buying outfits and underwear for them. one day I put black spandex and black sports bras on all of them and tried to talk with them about not making fun of my penis so much

started hitting one

things got out of control

so much baby powder

>> No.15715444

Out of curiosity, does anyone know who does the artwork for Magic Eyes product (Lolinco, Cocolo, etc)?

>> No.15715978
File: 161 KB, 1890x1417, e55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon wearing a wife-beater bursts through the doors
>his eyes lock on the nearest doll
>starts screaming at the inanimate object that she forgot to make the dinner again
>proceeds to beat her with her belt and orders her to tell the other dolls that she just fell down the stairs if they'd ask her what happened

>> No.15716002

Once, but I usually go at it for about hour or two, sometimes even five or more. I love it when I fap for so long that my nuts literally start to hurt as if they wanted to shrivel up screaming that they are all drained now. I prefer quality over quantity, I usually fap once two days in a row, have a break and then repeat.
Once in a while I go two or three times in a single session, but that's rare.

>> No.15716219

>I don't want my onahole to become dry and crumbly like old rubber bands
Can this happen? I've started keeping my onaholes in a drawer filled with a bunch of desiccant packets as I'm paranoid about moisture. Will this damage them?

>> No.15716240


>> No.15716317

Anyone got a good suggestion of a decent sub-$40 prostate massager?

>> No.15716348

I just used an onahole for the first time and it felt fucking incredible, but I didn't cum for two hours until I gave up and finished off with my hand instead. Is that normal? I don't jerk off often and usually finish in ten or twenty minutes, so it seems weird that this was so different.

>> No.15716462

What's the hole?

>> No.15716481
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that was my last 90 buck
time to commit Sudoku now
i was planning to get 2 hole before hanging myself
everything does not going according to my plan

>> No.15716501

Is edging really worth it? I don't go as fast as I can but delaying the inevitable doesn't sound fun

>> No.15716517
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>> No.15716526

Hang in there.

Yes. The point of edging is that you get pretty close to orgasm every time, which feels pretty nice.

Don't know that one, but maybe it's just too soft or maybe you're too big (or small) for it?
Also make sure you don't use too much lube, but I guess that shouldn't be a problem if you were going for two hours.

>> No.15716555

Yes and no.
I think I ruined my dick by edging too much. I can barely keep hard now unless I'm edging because now anything less than riding the wave of almost cumming just feels like nothing.

>> No.15716561

It's the hardest type they make, and I guess I don't have enough experience to know if it's the best size for me, but it seemed like a good enough fit.

>> No.15717239

>Go traveling
>take onahole with ypu
>get bag inspected
>start feeling nervous
>checking what is in the yellow toybag
>after they finish inspecting walk away fast as possible.

>> No.15717271

>fedex does not deliver on the weekends
>have to wait until monday for an update on my doll

>> No.15717347

this looks cool

>> No.15717350
File: 73 KB, 925x460, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been nearly 4 years since I had to throw out my first and last hole due to a move ruining it and I have a spare 100 bucks to throw at my penis.

How's this look for a 2nd purchase?

>> No.15717357

link to thread?

>> No.15717486

I just tried Onatsuyu lotion for the first time and you're right. It dries ridiculously fast, like before I can even stick my cock in the onahole I'm already having to wet it up.

What's with all the hype around Onatsuyu?

>> No.15717511


i saw that real sumata thing, which led me down this path to here. at first i thought it was amazing and perfect. now i think its complete garbage and want something better.

https://www.toydemon.com/love-doll-valentina-masturbator why does this shit have to be so insanely expensive? its like 500 dollars including the shipping.

>> No.15717593

>check thread out
>lots of sexdolls
>a few of them look like the ones from the last threads

>> No.15717926

for real? Fuck I cant bring it with me if I ever go abroad.

>> No.15718401


>> No.15718457

Enjoy getting detained and put into a reeducation camp.

>> No.15718501

>live alone
>dog and cat for pets
>acquire new torso onahole
>yeah the one with the cumming nipples from last thread
>store it in closet
>cat and dog scratch the closet door trying to get in there even after washing and powdering it
This has never happened before, what do you all do to keep pets from chewing up your onas?

>> No.15718627

>cumming nipples

>> No.15718647

by not having pets

>> No.15718763

Why would you need pets when you have 2D girls?

>> No.15718781

No? Do you live in a communistic country or something?

>> No.15718833

Actually he has 3d torso now.

>> No.15718880
File: 191 KB, 883x1914, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to make a first order from Otona, I might remove Vaacum Witch and Rina just to be 100% sure that they will remove package next time even though Witch is apparently amazing and I want new replacement Rina after my current one being almost torn apart at this point.
I've done my research, but still want personal opinions of anons on some of these holes.

>> No.15718933

they will remove packaging. I just said they needed to be removed in the comment section when I ordered lolinco/virgin age admission.
not sure where in EU you live, but they can also undervalue to ease customs tax

they came without the packaging box and was wrapped in bubble wrap.

seducing witch is one of, if not my favorite hole, so I'd advise against removing it.

>> No.15718948

Do I just state that I want them to undervalue it in the comment part?
Yeah, I really want the witch, I'm just really paranoid.

>> No.15718959

yeah you can, I write them the value I want on the invoice, I don't know what they do if you just simply write 'undervalue pls'

again I don't know how your country customs acts so it'll depend how much you can logically undervalue

perhaps this can help you:

>> No.15718999

Otona undervalue by default, as far as I know, and definitely declare as a gift by default.

>> No.15719136

Damn, I was convinced NLS was the best shop, but otonaJP is looking really good lately.

I just wish they had some more products (baby powder, Lovely Girl's Drool is Sweet, pillow hugger, etc.). Is there any way to request them?

>> No.15719140

>Contact us & Product Request

>> No.15719154

Thanks, contacted them.

>> No.15719229

pics with timestamp or it didn't happen

>> No.15719300

why did you believe that in the first place?

>> No.15719304

>baby powder
Can't get that locally or is there some magical japanese powder i'm not aware of?

>> No.15719324

Well you are paying more for onas buying overseas when you can buy an murrican fleshlight. might as well get that magical japanese dust imported as well

>> No.15719329

There is only one local brand and it sucks, so I have to import some anyway.

>> No.15719371

Can you get corn starch?

>> No.15719373

Sure, but I prefer talcum.

>> No.15719757
File: 56 KB, 540x475, kuu-pillow-hug-dakimakura-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if I should post this in the daki thread or here since it's a daki, but it's made for an onahole apparently.

Anybody have experience with this Kuu Pillow?
I just found out about it. It sounds like a cool thing but looking at it - it's just a blow up "pillow"? It doesn't sound quite comfortable at all. But it's pretty inexpensive so I'm tempted to buy it. I don't read Jap but the reviews on Amazon seem super mixed.

Any ideas?

>> No.15719764
File: 2.95 MB, 420x272, 1458444014089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just imagine its like an inflatable bed with a hole in it. leave a little air out and it can possibly get comfortable and such. But, pic related was the first thing that came to mind.

>> No.15719777

>anons making love to his waifu blowup pillow
>mommy has chicken tendys on the way upstairs
>loud audible pop fills the house causing mom to go into motherbear mode
>chicken tendys dropped
>you broke your dick from the 6 inch fall while laying on your bed with plastic shreds everywhere
I say go for it

>> No.15719792
File: 484 KB, 1278x1052, 1463852146109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's horrifying

I'm gonna buy it anyway.
Pray for my penis anons.

>> No.15719808


>> No.15719978

So I'm way too small for an onahole to actually work on me. 1.5 in.

What do I do?

>> No.15719991

buy virgin age admission hard

>> No.15720123

Any opinions on GitB Hard? Read some reviews but am interested in hearing yor opinions too.

>> No.15720222
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1_1418179234_m_HI74o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that. Try this.


They're less than two inches deep, tight, and made of hard material for extra stimulation.

>> No.15720237


>> No.15720382

Find a /jp/sie who likes to suck cute little cocks for free.

Like me.

>> No.15721013
File: 36 KB, 347x464, ritsu_straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a big package from Japan arrives on my doorstep, what should I tell my parents if they ask? I'm thinking of just saying "it's private", but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

>> No.15721052

Tell them that you'll find a job and get an apartment soon so they don't have to support you anymore.

>> No.15721106

If you have any hobbies then say it relates to that.
If you live at home I don't know why you wouldn't get it delivered to a postal locker or pick it up from the post office.

>> No.15721109
File: 155 KB, 300x468, 1471049619003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just hopping they won't open mine when it arrives, but they'll probably respect my privacy. They understand just a little bit of English so even if it'll say: "lewd rubber cooters" they won't be any wiser until they'll jump through some hoops to figure it out.
I'll just tell them that it's a surprise or parts for my computer or that it's just videogames.
I'm honestly more worried about VAT, customs, delivery time, having my delivery lost in abyss and whatnot.
Shit, even if my family will find out that I've ordered over two hundred yuros of rubber cooters and they will try to hold it against me I'll just remind them that my sister has drawer full of sex toys.

>> No.15721148

Tell me a hole that'll stimulate a flacid penis without it flopping out. Basically, some good stimulation even at the three inch mark, but also stimulation all the way through. I guess VA:A? Lolinco?

>> No.15721151

>I'll just remind them that my sister has drawer full of sex toys
Why do any of you know this?

>> No.15721160

Is there such a thing as an interactive/reactive onahole? One that will twitch and leak wetness when you stimulate it

>> No.15721172

She asked me over phone to find something inside of some drawer in her and her bf's bedroom.
Instructions were unclear and I've stumbled upon drawer full of sex toys.

>> No.15721177

Every good story starts with "instructions were unclear".

>> No.15721197

And then told your parents? Fuckin snitch

>> No.15721244

>Why do any of you know this?
I might have been misleading, it's not like it's common knowledge that she has such drawer, I wouldn't remind anyone that she has it, I'd just make a remark that she shouldn't make fun of me with that shit laying in her drawer if she ever tried anything.
I'm not an asshole, when we were little we've used to be fucking vile to eachother, but as time progressed we kinda grew out of it and at this point people keep saying that we have like the nicest siblings relationships they have ever seen and they might be right because we get along just that well.
So yeah, I'm not that afraid of anyone opening my package without my content and they sure as heck shouldn't browse my drawers, because as a blessing in disguise, they have stumbled upon my fap drawer already ages ago when I haven't owned any onahole and it was just packed with lube bottles and condom. Which is great, they know that I keep my masturbatory tools there so they steer clear of opening it, but they just don't know how much I've expanded at this point. The perfect crime.

>> No.15721505

This joke never gets old

>> No.15721827

Just say it's electronics or something.

>> No.15721917

what is the difference between virgin age admission and virgin age graduate?

>> No.15721964

About six years.

>> No.15722008
File: 347 KB, 550x361, 1409266014776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15722039

so whats with the Muses lineup?
any good, or stick with Venus / Lilith?

>> No.15722087
File: 302 KB, 800x600, 文字有り.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll only do this once, as I don't want to be too much of an annoyance, but I really would like some suggestions.

>> No.15722190

Is it normal to have trouble keeping my dick at full mast with my onahole? It's not too tight or anything, but even as I'm warming up when I plan to fuck it, I have trouble keeping myself from going down to a chubby. With my hand I can keep it at full hardness the whole time, no problems. I think today was the first time I've kept it completely hard long enough to actually get inside.

>> No.15722231
File: 19 KB, 540x275, nfdjngvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm this shitter from the last threads >>15658930

I ended up ordering the Innocent Younger Sister and R20 Puni, so far the IYS is the only one that came in.

I like it, it's low stim but in a good way while still managing to hit the glans consistently. The makeup of it is kind of like a generic onahole, with some nice ribs and bumps in various places, except this one has two ridges along its length. One constantly attacking the frenulum and the underdong, the other the top of the head and the upperdong. The ridge also has ribs and bumps because onahole. It also has a womb for a light vacuum and some stimulation at the end, but really I think it'd be better is the main hole just continued to the end, even if I do like the vacuum.

I think the best way to describe the sensation is if you've ever watched some tease/denial videos and followed along with the parts where the woman is just stroking up and down the shaft and/or frenulum with a single finger, causing the guy to squirm. It's like that except she's putting some force into it, inside a warm, tight hole already enveloping your member and she's hitting the top too, with her other hand or some shit, fuck, I don't know, it's weird, we're getting into some handjob through the ass while you're in the puss territory. But it's GOOD.

tl;dr: Innocent Younger Sister is like having your dick in a nice hole but at the same time it's being assaulted by fingers on the top and bottom somehow. It's neat, maybe try it.

>> No.15722310

I guess you have some hangups about using one or some shit.

>> No.15722347

I'm not bothered by the idea, I wanted one for a long time. Getting performance anxiety with a chunk of rubber or something.

>> No.15722406

Probably not, try porn in the backround.

I dunno about you when I get bored but not particularly horny I just set my hip onahole down on my chair and slowly get hard with my dick resting on the cheeks

>> No.15722442

I usually use h-manga when I'm masturbating, but it just does soft faster than I can get it hard most of the time. I have to like ambush myself with the thing. Keep my dick guessing until I'm inside, and then race to finish before I get soft enough I pop out.

>> No.15722453

Yeah, that was my first one. Really enjoyed it, but had to throw it out because

>> No.15722682
File: 53 KB, 648x668, 1450960080623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your family respects yours privacy when it comes to mail
When it comes to mail at least.
I'm marginally paranoid about people entering my room when I'm not home. I don't think there's much helping that though beyond just getting a doorknob with a lock, but if I left it locked while I was out that'd just be weird I'm sure.

>> No.15722713

Can normal onas be heard through doors or walls when you're using them, or is that only the ones people talk about being especially loud? Mine doesn't fart or make loud noises like I know some do, but it does make some squishy sounds and it makes me paranoid because I rarely have the house to myself.

>> No.15722717

Cries of onas being fucked by /jp/sies can be heard throughout the universe.

>> No.15722880

the rhythmic patterns of your fapping will cause the house to shake ever so slightly letting everyone in the house know someone somewhere is masturbating as they turn up the TV, their music or concentrate harder to not see hanging lights, framed wall pictures and so on sway with the rhythm.

God fucking help you if you are on a second or third floor where its more apparent

>> No.15722925

Buy something around size/weight of the package like pack of yerba or some other shit, take packege to your room, hide holes, put shit inside and leave on the open so they'll see what's inside

>> No.15722945

I knew it...

>> No.15722947
File: 89 KB, 499x498, baby_mouth_car_vagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys, everyone at /csg/ on /g/ is raving about the 'Baby Mouth Car Vagina'.

Anybody here ever use one one of these?


>> No.15722980

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.15722981
File: 114 KB, 400x400, 60194584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thought.

Hopefully every time you use that particular toy you will hear his voice.

>> No.15723031

I once told them I ordered computer parts and if the messed with the package and fucked the parts they would pay me for them, and they didn't do anything to it, just left it on my bed

The second time I told them my friend needed some parts delivered and I ordered for him, so if they opened the package he was going to get mad, same results. I even remember taking the empty package and while going to visit my friend I dropped in a trash can on the way there

You just gotta be creative with your stories

>> No.15723100
File: 107 KB, 646x1305, e6OoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Car Vagina

>> No.15723165



>> No.15723313

How would they know it's locked unless they try to enter?

>> No.15723837

Guys, turns out I'm allergic to the material of the $200 hip I've bought from amazon. Got a rash on my hands and inner thighs (where there was direct contact) that disappeared after a couple of days of not fucking it. What do?

>> No.15723877

Buy some high strength allegra

>> No.15723886

Huh, never had allergies before so completely forgot that there were drugs for that. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.15723948

Are there any /jp/ approved holes that can be used or even are designed for use by 2 people at once? I'm sure there must be something...

>> No.15723954

did you wash it?

>> No.15724015

Day 9 of waiting for my sexdoll
It has not moved from its location since friday evening. Either fedex does not deliver on the weekends or it is detained.
Currently stuck in some flyover state, it made it past customs.
Fedex is not clear on its delivery times because of so many tiers of service and shit

>> No.15724099

That sounds pretty gay anon.

>> No.15724102

your dicks 3"?

damn, some people have no luck in this world.

>> No.15724159

it wouldn't be gay if we were both wearing skirts!

>> No.15724192
File: 106 KB, 576x647, 1467705581628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two boys using the same onahole at the same time
dude holy shit
i've never thought about this before but suddenly I'm very interested

>> No.15724209

I can understand two skinny beta anons who were longtime friends sharing a silicone sex doll so they can say they were in a threesome

but sharing the same onahole? how do you decide who gets the detailed end? what happens if glands touch? who cleans up the mess? and most of all who nigga thats gay

>> No.15724287

On that day, we decided to not be anonymous anymore and attempted to get together, working shit jobs, eating ramen and running to work to save money to buy a sex doll for us to enjoy.

Later, we would invite other anons to come join in the fray.

Even if someone had an STD, no one would mind because it takes all of 15 seconds to clean out a hole, or move onto the next hole.

Soon, our cadre of burger flippers and shelf stockers saved up enough money.. not for more dolls, or vehicles.. but a house. And more dolls. Not long after that, there was two or three dolls in every room, more cosplay outfits than actual going outdoor clothes. So many stained touhou outfits

Eventually, the neighbors started to complain about the smell of baby powder and the roudyness of nighttime as an entire house of /jp/sies were sharing fuckdolls, all night and day long.

And with that, everyone lived nigga still gay

>> No.15724357
File: 25 KB, 494x800, calne_ca_onahole_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone used this onahole before? Its called the Calne Ca and is on sale for over 75% of its price

>> No.15724402

It's clearly a baby's mouth.

>> No.15724415

Hips work nicely for that kind of stuff, ones with two holes are preferred. Open ended onaholes are also good.

Don't try tight onaholes or you'll just tear them.

>> No.15724423

Why does it look like that?
It looks pretty scary.

>> No.15724425

Well my mum just leaves it on the table and tells me my delivery came

>> No.15724440

You need to wash>dry>powder onaholes and shit like that before using them. Please keep in mind these things were made in a factory and sealed afterwards.

Like washing a new bedsheet or towel before using them to get rid of the excess lint that would otherwise stick to you/your hair

>> No.15724444

Infernal monkey did.
He's my favorite ona reviewer, he's funny and did reviews on dozens of onas so I would recommend him.

>> No.15724445

Meant to reply to >>15724357

sorry my dude

>> No.15724458

robot fetishestses?

>> No.15724491

Best lolicon holes for a 7.5 inch dick? I wanna get a few but I don't want to break them

>> No.15724503

I live in the UK so is Otona Sekai a good place to order from? Also how good are Toys Heart and Toys demon if you've experienced them before?

>> No.15724661

So melon pan is advertising otonaJP?

>> No.15724790
File: 40 KB, 600x600, sujiman-kupa-_rina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite as large as you, but check out Big Rina. It's pretty large, the quality is good, feels great, and is very cute and loli-looking.

>> No.15725069

welp, there goes 12 days of no fap.

fucking miku..

>> No.15725302

What did she do?

>> No.15725309

She was just fucking there man. scrolling by, seen her and bam, came out.

>> No.15725335

What an asshole. Some people have a lot of nerve, all being places and shit.

>> No.15725493

Can I use lotion as lube or no? Other ideas for lube?
Only ever bought from Toydemon, they're pretty good if you ask me.

>> No.15725512

Lotion would almost definitely ruin it, just buy regular water-based lube.

>> No.15725592

store your cum then later on use it as lube, matter of fact, you produce lube

>> No.15725611

Graphite is an excellent lubricant. Cover your dick in graphite shavings and go to town.

>> No.15725616

Cum turns watery after staying there for a while.

>> No.15725658

Is EMS the only shipping service that can tax you at your doorstep?
I'm thinking of getting fast delivery alternative and my only choice next to EMS is UPS express saver, is it any good or does it also tax you after payment?

>> No.15725803
File: 15 KB, 312x326, 1432431521409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at those kingmansion dolls through Amazon

It's very tempting those under 4"5 feet Loli dolls

>> No.15726093

Yeah, several times and with soap. Dried and powdered it too.

>> No.15726095


>> No.15726309

Any reviews or did anyone here buy the Muses line up yet and see how it compares to Venus?

>> No.15726335

When I order from Otonajp what shipping options is the least likly to be inspected by customs? I've used Airmail Small Packet (10 to 21 days) with Tracking 2 times and they didn't get checked, So how about the others?

>> No.15726407

Not this shit again, please.

>> No.15726533
File: 81 KB, 591x851, Secure_Checkout_-_2016-08-21_17.37.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to pull the trigger on this, any suggestions or comments? In Canada.

>> No.15726571

Just assume everything needs to have it's cover removed because your country is retarded.

>> No.15726586

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't see anything related to him on this Twitter page. Also..

>Using Twitter

Kill yourself.

>> No.15726591

Only huge faggots own cats and dogs.

>> No.15726608
File: 33 KB, 1512x628, Screenshot 2016-08-21 18.07.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, now when i go to ToyDemon i get pic related. Anyone else having this problem?

>> No.15726610

>Basically felt like it was pinching and twisting the tip of my dick between two broken fingernails. Can’t say I’ve ever experienced that before – but I have now and it’s an express trip to Flaccidville

>> No.15726644

>Anyone else having this problem?
Yep. Their certificate expired yesterday and they haven't renewed it yet.

>> No.15726665
File: 514 KB, 1920x1080, 1446980433799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do you go at it per day?
I used to go at it around twice but lately I've been edging for so long that I can't find it in me to do it anymore than once.

It exhausts me so much.

>> No.15726687

I used to go at it four times a day. About once an hour four times a day

Then I went to 3 times

Slowly went to two times

Now I do it once a day.

>> No.15726705
File: 880 KB, 2000x1818, IMG_20160822_033813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to my newest creation: The Vanus!

>> No.15726733

If a Lolinco hole on Amazon.ca says it's "Sold by Magic Japan and Fulfilled by Amazon." and has a delivery date of only two business days, does this mean it's already domestic and won't be going through any customs?

>> No.15726774

How would I use my onahole hands-free without buying a doll/hip holder?
I remember seeing a guide about using a pillow and a belt or something similar

>> No.15726795

dam she thicc

>> No.15727020

What are some good otokonoko holes?

>> No.15727032

I''ve wrapped mine in a towel and set it down on a counter while my hands were there to pull the ends of said towel tight.

If you don't want your hands involved at all you need the thing weighed down.

>> No.15727117

Funny thing is that I wanked it constantly before I got an onahole.

Ever since I got my rubbers, I only go at it every three days since I like seeing my spunk drip out in large quantities.

>> No.15727119

put the tracking number into your local post's tracking site
ordered from otonajp myself a while back (I'm in the US) and didn't see any status updates once it entered the country until I checked the tracking number in on the USPS website (took like a week and a half after that for me IIRC)

>> No.15727157

occasionally, I'll have a second go, but it's not that great
if it's not the cheapest garbage in the world (like, package padding tier), it shouldn't just pop like that
thrift store inflatable pool toys are more durable than you're probably thinking
that can't be right

>> No.15727523

Can you forego cleaning your onahole if you use a condom?

>> No.15727573

nope, because the lube will remain

>> No.15727576

>Talk out of my ass
Assuming the condom is safe for the hole, you'd still need to clean up the lube eventually, but you wait longer.

>> No.15727583

I'll be going on a cruise trip for two weeks (hawaii). Would there be any problems bringing an onahole along?

>> No.15727615
File: 139 KB, 640x480, DSCF0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr wash and powder your shit
The onahole itself will become sticky and start developing germs and shit eventually. I left one of my old ass fleshlights out and uncleaned for a few months and discoloration starts setting in to test what you were thinking of doing.

My fingers itch now trying to take this shot.

>> No.15727617

I feel that I should have mentioned that I turned it inside out for that shot

>> No.15727830

Damn. You don't have to powder the inside, though, right? That's just from being unwashed?

>> No.15727893

You do not have to powder inside, just rinse it out.

>> No.15727895

I didn't powder mines insides for the year I had it. No problems, it was my dingus ripping it to shreds that ruined it. If you towel the insides dry and powder the outside you'll be fine. The powder helps absorb the moisture where you store it.

>> No.15728131

>have the same hip
>love it to death
>die a little inside at what you have done
unless you needed it from having a cheese wheel circumference dick

>> No.15728152

anyone try any of the tamatoy fragrances? i got 2 and they were both disappointing

>> No.15728223

its me that guy,
so my package was send back to japan
can i request a refund ?

>> No.15728488
File: 17 KB, 593x472, 25490ce847598265ec6d5657fb4ec395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15728761

Why did I expect some electric hookup with a car's head unit and getting sucked by the onahole whilst driving?
Should have known better.
Ona scientists, make it happen!

>> No.15728856

>tamatoy fragrances
Which did you get? I'm interested in some, so it would be handy to know which to avoid.

>> No.15729096
File: 74 KB, 600x730, Zoll_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here, just got my OtonaJp Package from Customs and they didn't fucking remove the packaging even though I asked them to and even send me a wrong tracking number.
I'm glad I didn't order a loli hole because it was akward enough with the normal ones.
I think next time I'll bite the bullet and buy from a european distributor.

>> No.15729254
File: 103 KB, 769x250, tooeuropoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a highway robbery but what you can do

>> No.15729361

So I bought some soy lecithin granules because I've seen people claiming that it increases ejaculate volume and makes your precum leak rather nicely. To anyone who has experience with it, how long does it take to start seeing this effect? Do you just take the recommended daily amount, or do you take more? Is there anything else to keep in mind while taking it?

>> No.15729435

TMT-437 and TMT-694
437 is just a random nice smell, maybe i'm being a bit harsh on 694 but if i could go back in time i would probably look for what people think is the best instead of taking my chances. i was looking for something a bit pungent

>> No.15729439

meant for

>> No.15729495

So i just bought the puni ana. But im freaking out now because i dont know if customs will ping me for it in nz

>> No.15729506
File: 47 KB, 156x156, fafafdsfasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cummed into my onahole about four times today alone
>tfw i can already feel the urge to go at it again rising
somebody restrain me before it's too late
i am going to literally kill my penis

>> No.15729535

GERBro answering, according to http://www.buyfags.moe/Undervalue#Germany (last line) loli is considered somewhat legal. But i didn't order anything loli yet so i don't how the Zoll actually handles loli material.

>> No.15729544
File: 45 KB, 1200x600, sucking_tentacles_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is the Sucking Tentacles onahole? I can't find any reviews of it.

>> No.15729598

>How good is the Sucking Tentacles onahole?
well anon, it sucks

>> No.15729600

>cannibalized old onahole to use as a plug for another onahole
>works great for suction
>going hard
>pull out
>go back in for some of that super sensitivity
>jam it in
>plug pops out because my cum loosened it
>shot like 5 feet out taking some semen with it

>> No.15729633

In other words no one actually used this before? Imma try it out

>> No.15729733
File: 59 KB, 683x462, 1449732869347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15729743

I started noticing the effects after about a week.
I took 3600mg per day (three 1200mg capsules spread out over the day).

>> No.15729772
File: 730 KB, 681x911, 2016-08-22_12-08-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon here
ask somebody who just spent 20 minutes blowing up this motherfucker with my mouth anything
my cheeks are exhausted

but all in all though I like it
it's actually comfier than I thought it'd be
plus if I want to I can take it with me when I go swimming as a pool toy so yay

>> No.15729777

I live in the UK, where and what power should I buy for my onahole? Since its sticky

>> No.15729788

what if the hole comes out mid-hump?

>> No.15729801

It'd be extremely painful

>> No.15729825

I use regular fleshlight renewing powder and it works fine

I hear cornstarch gets the job done too

>> No.15729842

How long does it take for the package to leave japan? Normally it takes one day to leave but its been almost three days since the "Arrival at outward office of exchange" update (using SAL if it matters).

>> No.15729847

how do you apply the corn starch?

>> No.15729854

impulse bought a lolinco, small buttplug and some lube from nls on impulse. fuck paypal onetouch payments -_-

the lolinco seems to be pretty well regarded, so it wont be THAT bad of a first ona, will it? to the pelvic bone, 5.5 inch...

20 minutes? no stamina much? o is it THAT big?

>> No.15729865


I'm still not entirely convinced that this isn't meant to be used while driving.

The 'baby mouth' part makes sense, but 'car vagina'? What the fuck?

>> No.15729876

You can fap while driving.

>> No.15729885

that's a big hole

>> No.15729886


Car mount when?

>> No.15729889

Just normal baby powder (Johnson's). It smells good and it feels way nicer than corn starch. The bottle is also a plus.

Good choice.

>> No.15729892

Pretty sure that's a safety hazard.

>> No.15729902


Why the hell do you pull out? The best thing about a hole is that you can just come inside, balls-deep.

>> No.15729932


This. I don't get people. I fap, come in it, give myself a second, go to the bathroom, wash it throughly and soap it, use towel to dry, leave it out for 15 minutes to air-dry, and then turn it inside out again, and re-towel dry (for some reason water permeates through it). Then store it away.

If multiple fap session, just use it after i wash it, lubing it up.

Never powdered, had for a year. Even the old fleshlight kept up for two years before moving on to a Tenga Prism.

>> No.15729933
File: 191 KB, 1919x786, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of the powder should I get?

>> No.15729940

They're probably all the same, but mine looks like the first one.

>> No.15729952

can I use it on myself too so I have smooth and soft skin? Since I'm into crossdressing

>> No.15729982

The outer material of some onaholes can get rather sticky/oily, while some other holes don't get sticky or oily at all.

Most holes get damaged if you turn them inside out, especially ones with more than one layer and loli holes.

Sure, that's what I do too. It makes your skin very soft, but its effectiveness depends on the type of skin (e.g. butt skin != foot skin).

It also smells pretty nice. Make sure you don't use too much if you don't want people to know about it, the smell is noticeable if you use a lot.

>> No.15729997

Any reviews or did anyone here buy the Muses line up yet and see how it compares to Venus?

>> No.15730014

I remember the time my mum used to cover me with that baby powder after bath time when I was little, good times

>> No.15730198
File: 294 KB, 1121x1600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i buy transparent ona holes like they use in my doujinshis?

>> No.15730230

Post update when you get it, I've been curious too.

>> No.15730285

Omochadreams sells the Lolinco and other loli holes (Rina/Roa, Cocolo), and they're operating from germany, so it's probably not illegal

>> No.15730297

They're all bad, don't bother

>> No.15730332

but they do exist? do you have any names or links?

>> No.15730356

don't say we didn't warn you


>> No.15730395
File: 173 KB, 800x600, 1460432353151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys which onahole feels better: Muses Arkhe or Venus real, My dick is like 6 inch.

>> No.15730416
File: 93 KB, 369x271, bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like a rubber bicycle handle.

>> No.15730574

Not that guy, but why are they all so terrible? The Aura has 5 stars from 97 reviews.

>> No.15730602

Puni Ana DX Hard came in, fuck i'm excited to finally use it once I get a goddamn chance. Suddenly all the things I need to tend to need tending all at the same time.

>> No.15730699

Both, they are different but both really good IMO.
the Real isn't as tight but hugs your dick better and has more apparent texture.

The Arkhe has less texture but is tighter and it feels amazing poking the head of your dick in and out of the uterus. Its like having the tip of your dick sucked when you go balls deep in the thing and at 6 inches you are the perfect length for that

>> No.15730778

Its been almost a year since I got my VA:A. i was a reallu good experience most of this year, but lately the sensation has been getting worse and worse. Imagine my surprise when today I checked the inside with more detail and I found that most of the folds in the walls are gone, like if my dick was made of cheese grater. RIP, you glorious bastard, I will never forget how you obliterated my phymosis
I realize that onaholes obviously deteriorate with time, but ar there any factors which I can regulate that affect this process? I´m not the best at drying it, so that might be it
requesting also interesting and harmful (for the Ona structure of course) experiments I can apply to this one, because I will be getting my hands on puni DX hard in a few weeks. Goddamn I am going to give it good use

>> No.15730865

>Just normal baby powder (Johnson's). It smells good
Babies (and that powder) smell horrible though.

>> No.15730901

The tighter the hole and the more layers it has the faster it will die.
All my dual layer toys end up ripping after a few months of use and I've got a pretty average dick (6" long 4.5" circ) but I've got a 1 + year old venus real that is still in one piece after daily usage for over half of the time I've owned it.

>> No.15731115
File: 49 KB, 512x512, tumblr_o1melf5pBv1rvep16o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those trash deals on otona

>> No.15731460

Can anybody advise me some decently thick lube? I've been going in dry and I need to buy some more.

>> No.15731596
File: 10 KB, 233x188, 1464239843099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking at onaholes
>They're all around $20
>"hey that's pretty cheap"
>Put one in cart and choose shipping
>Shipping is around $40 though
my poor wallet

>> No.15731661

So did you end up buying it? $30 shipping (not including taxes and customs) to canada for 10-20 days :l

>> No.15731665

How's the dual layer Bordeaux Soft?

>> No.15731684
File: 8 KB, 449x440, 1464919781328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in an apartment complex
>Not in the best area
>Lots of ghetto trash mammas with 20 children that don't pay their rent and are currently in court with the management
>tfw sometimes when I order something, the delivery guy doesn't bring my package to my apartment door number and knock my door
>No no, you know what he does?
>He leaves it by the front door to the fucking apartment complex so anybody could very easily just snag my package and I would never know
>Have an onahole coming soon
>tfw I've never been more paranoid in my entire life

>> No.15731689

Living in Canada sounds terrible anon.
Yeah I bought it. Good old DHL shipping.

>> No.15731770

Any reviews or did anyone here buy the Muses line up yet and see how it compares to Venus?

>> No.15731893

anyone got tips for drying hips without a drain hole?

thanks. now i can't look at a bike handle without getting hard.

>> No.15732033

Microfiber cloth, like a cleaning cloth for glasses size. Put some hand soap in there, stir it with your finger and rinse it out. Shake as much water out as you can and dry up the rest with the cloth.

>> No.15732058

>Put some hand soap in there
I thought soap ruined the material

>> No.15732089

Anything in prolonged contact will, fluid or not. Generally they don't affect the material at all. You're not leaving it in soapy water for weeks on end, so you will be fine.

>> No.15732214

i'm more having problems with drying, specifically the last bits of water stuck deep inside after shaking/inserting a cloth. any other tips?

>> No.15732240

I've been using hand soap for ages. I don't think it ruins the material. Maybe if you leave it in for a long time or use warm water.

>> No.15732245

You git gud at wriggling the cloth in there and avoiding getting it crumpled inside to avoid water getting squished out. Store in a closed container with desiccants. Stuff the hole with a teeny tiny pc fan. Alternatively, never stop using it so you never have to dry it.

>> No.15732714

GitB Hard vs Lolinco?

>> No.15733007

Get talc from Boots or Superdrug. I use Imperial Leather but you could get any own-brand one. brand doesn't matter.

>> No.15733078

Why not use SAL/airmail/small packet/whatever the fuck?

I only use EMS when forced to by ordering big/heavy stuff.

>> No.15733141

Can't you organise to pick it up from the post office? Or have it delivered to a parcel locker?

I wouldn't trust any packages being delivered to me if I was in your situation.

>> No.15733165
File: 69 KB, 600x600, puni_ana_spdx_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bored and had some money to burn. just bought puni ana spdx. i know experiences on it are mixed but i wanna try it myself.
thanks toydemon for letting me ship it to a fedex retail storefront and picking up a oddly shaky box from the unknowing front desk lady. saves me the trouble of having to explain what it is at home.

meanwhile i saw talk of supplements to increase ejaculate (>>15729361).
anything i can pick up locally and start taking to prepare for it's arrival on friday besides not fapping? i live in the US, so i got walmart and shit. this might be a good hole to pull out and cum on.

also shame toy demon trashes the retail box. it's all shiny/chrome and huge, i reckon it'd look good on a shelf, or a nice prank box for a secret santa.

>> No.15733180

Lecithin and zinc should be easy enough to find locally.

>> No.15733184

So the middle slot is for weights and that slit beneath it is for holes?

>> No.15733239
File: 10 KB, 868x136, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take for Otonajp Proccessing to take? Its been 3 days already

>> No.15733477

What kanji is used to indicate something is extra tight? I've been just looking at the images on the boxes but I bought something that is painfully tight and there is no indication on the box that I could make out saying so. I've had no problem with a few other random purchases so far.

>> No.15733500

Thanks anon; 437 is more like what I was planning on

>> No.15733521
File: 112 KB, 750x1125, 61i0YjoQqZL._SL1125_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been browsing dolls on amazon
>kinda affordable if I life off ramen for a month or two
>start thinking to myself
Is this the face of something that would fit someone who is into SPH?

>> No.15733717

Tfw my slur announcer has been sitting in a hot truck in the south inside a box for nearly 3 months alongside her toucan lube

>> No.15733824
File: 75 KB, 600x600, fuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related few days ago and I'm already seeing tearing from the blue side.
It started as just a tiny line, but now it's a deep 'cut' on next to the hole entrance.

Did I fuck something up? I thought these things are more durable.

>> No.15733985
File: 158 KB, 465x633, 27929e634ef48096a2251953eb1a2d28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k yen for all of this, not too bad but im buying from otona-sekai. Prices are way too cheap and im too skeptical to buy from a new shop. What do senpai?

>> No.15734039

Probably just a shit quality hole.

Just go for it. I don't think it's really too cheap.

>> No.15734061

So i have bought rina big about 2 months ago, and it feels nice and everything but a lot of the times i just can't be arsed to use it and i prefer my hand typically, I did some research beforehand and rina big was recommended by a lot of people, seemed like an obvious choice. Is there anything wrong with me or did i just buy a wrong onahole for myself ?

>> No.15734170

I happened to have that same feeling when I first got my onahole. The reason being was the effort needed to actually use the hole.
>get from drawer
>add lube to ona
>use warmer
>wait 14mins
>go ballsdeep
>wash and clean
This also the time needed on when to use the onahole. I have family that come home at random times. You just need to set a daily schedule to masturbate and you will get back into using the hole.

>> No.15734224

Remember to make a new thread this time...

>> No.15734238
File: 46 KB, 333x500, 51NCtvlWH1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I got this thing as my first onahole recently; problem is it's stimulating my head a bit too much. Is there anyway to make it focus less on my head or is this how it's supposed to feel?
I've had phimosis up until only a few months ago, so I suspect my head is still overly sensitive.

>> No.15734281

more/thicker lube I guess

>> No.15734335

Yeah, the slicker it is the less it'll stimulate in general. Funny enough it's one of my favourites because of how much it stimulates the head, but I'm a cutfag. Maybe not going all the way on the vacuum would help too.

>> No.15734349

>order miku sex doll few days ago
>start point: Hong Kong
>its already in fucking Cincinnati OH
>destination is new hampshire
jesus christ these chinese folks dont mess around.

oh shit wait it is in customs. how fucked am I?

>> No.15734355

nm im retarded and didnt see the little "details" dropdown window saying it already has a clear

>> No.15734384

2 to 5 days according to my precedents orders.

>> No.15734399

>miku sex doll

>> No.15734407

yeah not 100% accurate, but id fuck it.

>> No.15734421


>> No.15734432

German website.

>> No.15734466

Cost more than my computer

>> No.15734507

I'd like the face to be more... less real.

>> No.15735174

Tsuyu is rather thick. Pepe or peaces if you like it thiccccccc. Magic Eyes honkijiru is thicker than tsuyu and I like it.

SAL and slower shipping methods don't update for many countries from the experiences of many buyfags and many of my previous orders. The farther you are around the globe, the longer it'll take. Just let it ride out.

They're bros. I can't remember which clause it is, but the banned importation list contains "obscene" material, and that covers a lot of the shit many have already ordered. Not once have they opened any of my lewd packages.

>> No.15735310

Has anyone tried the KABEJIRI onahole?
It it the size of an actual hip ona, or is it just modeled like one?
Because 3300 Yen for a hip is really cheap and seems like a good deal if it doesn't suck

>> No.15735341

You can see the dimensions in its photos. It seems like it is half the size and weight of my Puni Ana DX which is already smaller than a full hip. So it is a slightly bigger run of the mill onahole.

>> No.15735349

Promo shots say it's 1.5kg though so unless it's super dense, it's got to be more than just a bit bigger, right?

>> No.15735371

Take out a ruler and compare the listed dimensions to it. If it seems like a size you are okay with go for it.

>> No.15735393

I feel like a shill for making you order her.
Especially from this german site.
You could have gotten her on aliexpress for maybe 1600-1700$.
Only considering her from this site because i wont have to deal with customs this way.
But i love to hear about your first impression when she arrives.

>> No.15735428

Oh wait it's just the plastic piece of shit in the middle
Well that's upsetting

>> No.15735654

Had mine for a few months, still works fine, haven't been using lube either, just my spit.

>> No.15735724

Is getting a dick infection your fetish?

>> No.15735732


>> No.15735941

>Had mine for a few months, still works fine

Maybe I used it too hard.

>> No.15736052
File: 32 KB, 500x334, uyrLZpB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otona or NLS?
Otona looks somewhat more user-friendly, but that anon saying that they didn't remove the package kinda worries me.

>> No.15736056

Probably so, but I use mine pretty aggressively.

>> No.15736079

You get fucked by shipping no matter what. They preform similarly. Each have certain employees that don't give a shit.

>> No.15736083

NLS is slowly removing old discontinued stock and has a lot of stuff in stock, meaning less waiting time until it ships. NLS has some monopoly on prices, especially Rends and their own goods - they've increased the price on torsos and on the puni dx. Otona is basically a forwarding service with a 3 bedroom house as a warehouse. Otona has a product request service, but while NLS also has it, you must email them about availability. NLS has DHL. NLS has timely shipping and straightforward customer processing, and items will not ship unless staff has cleared your requests and messages. Both stores have many products that require them to get it, such as certain lubes and not so popular holes.

>> No.15736102

is it better to use paypal or just CC to pay for the stuff?

>> No.15736142

If you are doing the smart thing and paying in JPY then go with whatever has better currency conversion rates. Most banks and Paypal have reasonable customer protection.

>> No.15736158

by paying in JPY you mean going into japanese verison of the site and ordering?

>> No.15736180

English version. Select yen.

>> No.15736234

oh thanks. I've only bought stuff from japan while on a trip there so this is somethin new

>> No.15736317
File: 818 KB, 475x265, tumblr_n49js8XPKl1stfs28o8_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15736368

I've noticed alot of holes have a big and expensive version of it. Is it worth the price difference?

>> No.15736389

If you're going for a Lolinco Virgo, be warned that the motherfucker is a dick strangler so is only really useful for fucking like a person, less for stroking. Normal Lolinco is amazing for just stroking, but I found GitB normal to be better than that, so I imagine the Hard edition will be even better from stimulation. However, I've only ever owned three holes (Lolinco, Lolinco Virgo, and GitB)

>> No.15736432

You gotta give examples.

>> No.15736496

what's the general consensus on puni virgin? It's the only hole I've tried and I I enjoyed it quite a bit until it tore. The only problems I had were how short it is. It was absolutely amazing for the first few times I used it which is before it loosened up. It's been quite a while since I've bought a hole and I'm thinking of getting lolinco which seems a good start.

>> No.15736660

>You could have gotten her on aliexpress for maybe 1600-1700$.
No, you would have gotten scammed for a piece of garbage like everything on that scam site.

>> No.15736693

new thread when

>> No.15736701

When this one becomes the last thread on /jp/. It's too rude to have more than one thread at once. We're not even that image hungry unlike idol threads. Sit back and relax.

>> No.15736735

>Sit back and relax
like the last couple of ona threads and dies off before a new one gets posted.

>> No.15736754

Best starter hole? Thinking of going with the Lilith uterus

>> No.15736758

The one that calls to you most.

>> No.15736764

>last couple
You mean the last one and only the last one within the past month? There isn't a high demand for posting where people MUST POST NOW, CAN'T CONTROL URGE TO POST. Sit tight, anon. The inline archive is here, and people can check. Sure they might be lazy, but people can repost questions should they be unanswered.

Dick specs, compare to chart/holes. If in the US, tomax and amazon prime. if you have a .edu account, you can get prime trials. Other than that, the rec list.

A few other anons may be good as a starter hole. The only issue is maintenance and cleaning. Many come with added warmth and a temperature control function, but abused and ill maintained ones tend to lose that temp control and start becoming rigid and stinky.

>> No.15736768

>A few other anons may be good as a starter hole

>> No.15736901

This may sound like a weird request, but would anybody here be willing to fap on cam for me? I really want to see a real /jp/ boy pleasure himself and cum a load. You don't have to show your face if you don't want to.

>> No.15736919

Thanks anon.

Ordered GitB hard a few days ago, guess I'll give it a go and see if I want lolinco.

Looking for something stimulating and teviews of GitB didn't seem to imply that, using terms like "nothing special" and stuff.

Virgo seems like a step up from the normal one, but the hole is also longer, isn't it? I'm about 5.5inches to the bone and measurements on Toy Demon say something like 6 or 7 inches deep.

>> No.15737150
File: 102 KB, 2478x1006, Screenshot_2016-08-24-07-25-08~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered Gokusai Monster onahole. I liked the Magic Eyes Lust Gimmick on a home, hopefully this doesn't disappoint either.

>> No.15737170 [DELETED] 

only if you are qt girl
dickgirls also apply

>> No.15737206

post a throwaway

>> No.15737479

How dangerous is it to leave an onahole with jizz overnight?
I don't want to clean it up right now because I fear someone may wake up.

>> No.15737497

Clean it or throw it out. You can leave it, I have fallen asleep without cleaning many times but you just risk growing things inside there you may not want to

>> No.15737499

Just make sure you clean it well tomorrow.

>> No.15737513

>>use warmer
>>wait 14mins
This is why I stopped using a warmer. Just running some warm water into it takes a couple of seconds and does the job just as well.

>> No.15737514

Not the same anon, but shit.
I'm pretty lazy, so I clean my holes like every 4-5 days. How fucked am I?

Also, I only just starting to powder my holes with corn starch. Do I leave them to sit for a day or something, or can I wash off the corn starch right away? That powdery feeling on my hole is like touching and scratching on Styrofoam.

>> No.15737520

>I'm pretty lazy, so I clean my holes like every 4-5 days. How fucked am I?
Very. You should clean them right after using them.

>Also, I only just starting to powder my holes with corn starch. Do I leave them to sit for a day or something, or can I wash off the corn starch right away? That powdery feeling on my hole is like touching and scratching on Styrofoam.
Use less and keep it on.

>> No.15737535

I hope there is a misunderstanding here. I hope you don't mean you use for 4-5 days then wash it. You don't have to clean it if you don't use it. I can't imagine anyone not washing it after each use.
Just get some baby power and rub some on and put it away. Anything the hole doesnt want on it wont stay on it.

>> No.15737563

Oh no, I put my used holes aside after each use. Then, I use up all my hole collection after 4-5 days, in which case I go on a washing spree on all my holes. I hope I don't get an infection from this.

>> No.15737648

you will

>> No.15737725

I saw a blog japanese sales ranking for holes. Are the ones on that list generally safe to buy?

>> No.15737727
File: 1.19 MB, 390x317, 1461307491232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to hold myself off from fapping until my new onahole arrives tomorrow
>tfw it's only been two days and I already feel like killing myself
I don't usually ever go this long without fapping.
Everything excites me and my heartrate won't settle down.

Somebody please kill me.

>> No.15737783

Look up some gory and disgusting shit to scare your boner away.

>> No.15737808

Anon pls that's not a solution that's just being edgy.

>> No.15737817

Just fap you faggot, you're gona blow your load the second you stick it in anyway.

>> No.15737834

think about your grandparents

>> No.15737963

Get a hobby. You obviously aren't busy enough if you can think about fapping that much.

>> No.15738699
File: 39 KB, 670x670, lovelycation2_wakoto_izumi_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look appealing at all with the internal structure. I probably will get it since it's cheap

>> No.15738776

Sounds like a bitch to clean. enjoy getting speared by a semensickle

>> No.15738811

Nobody's come out and said it's a scam, I think they're genuine. Just ordered two air pillows, a cover (already have one but it got a puncture; don't try and do missionary with it, even if you're a manlet) and a VA:A. Ordered Friday, shipped today which is reasonable. Now we wait.

>> No.15738891

Currently considering buying kupa lolinco as first onahole. A bit concerned about longevity, as one review said she wore out quickly, as well as how long I'll last considering a few reviews say she is a "dick bully" - can she be caressed slowly for hours at a time? Also, would virgo be a better choice for durability, given there is more material surrounding the hole?

>> No.15738905
File: 38 KB, 513x576, 1469556985334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Air pillows
Why don't they just make regular pillows but with holes in them?

>> No.15738913
File: 7 KB, 380x380, g-mode_hole_big_boobs_2_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking at g-mode boobs, I love groping and fucking tits and I want to be able to do it whenever. Anyone know if these are alright? Are there better ones?

>> No.15738984

Fuck you akarin, I'm gonna rape you.

>> No.15739013
File: 31 KB, 695x363, 13731338_1805182576394301_1717130641_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15739019

>day 12 of waiting for my sexdoll
>item was submitted for an adhoc exam
>2 days later
>out for delivery
... someone fucked my doll on their break, didnt they

>> No.15739024

Yes, even with dolls they still cheat on you.

>> No.15739029

even if you paid for it and got it from overseas, you still wont be the first.

feels bad

>> No.15739088

I'm gonna bully your little loli cunt bitch.

>> No.15739235
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, 3ft tall bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debating on if I still would accept it if someone else has been inside it
I dunno how to feel bout this

>> No.15739304

I have them and several other oppai. G-mode are only good for fitting into bras for dolls or cross dressing or whatever since they have no base. I recommend Tits of Utea Grace. They're bigger, made of the same material, and cost 25% less.

>> No.15739331

How often should you powder your onahole?
After every use?
Once a week?

>> No.15739370

Every minute of every day.

>> No.15739378

Depends on the material. If it gets sticky or dirty a lot, powder after every use. If it doesn't, just powder when it does get sticky or dirty, or when it isn't soft enough anymore.
Personally I just powder after every use, because I don't want them to get dirty and it's not like baby powder is that expensive.

>> No.15739410

when it starts feeling sticky

>> No.15739481

What if I find the sticky feeling enjoyable?

>> No.15739496

enjoy your silicone aids

>> No.15739673

>doesn't look appealing, but I'll get it anyway

Ee, give all your kane to Ginyama-san, ii gaijin.

>> No.15739683
File: 11 KB, 128x152, 1471203818659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just got my first onahole, the Lolinco
>tfw my cock is literally the exact same size of it
I wasn't expecting it to be this small.
My package isn't even that big so I'm a little surprised.

>> No.15739717

>Use my Puni Ana DX once
>there are already air bubbles coming to the surface along the waist area
How long is this thing going to last? I'm fucking meticulous in my maintenance.

>> No.15739717,1 [INTERNAL] 

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