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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.85 MB, 1286x725, kdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15680747 No.15680747 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>15655756

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.15680765 [DELETED] 

>>What are you playing?
>playing visual novels

>> No.15680894

Last I finished was senren banka, even if I read only Murasame and Lena.
Murasame was cute, but her route drama dragged on and on and was pretty so so overall.
Len's was really nice, definitely better and feels like a true end, helps that she was my favourite girl.

>> No.15681024

Playing that chi-chan game. Really sweet story, didn't expect it at all.

>> No.15683124

Murasame's route is shit because there's no ghost blowjob.
I want a refund.

>> No.15684268

Can't access EGS. What recent games got high EGS ratings?

>> No.15684276

Use google translate as a proxy

>> No.15685029

Anyone else lose interest on things that have an English translation?

Like I was kind of excited for Sona nyl but now I somewhat don't care about it anymore. I guess it's a dumb thing to get fussy about..

>> No.15685041

No, if anything a announcement of a title being translated makes me motivated to play the original before the English version is released

>> No.15685050

This. I finally found willpower to play Baldr series.

>> No.15685068

So is First Beat separated into episodes or chapters or anything like that, or is it just routes?

>> No.15685075

That's a stupid thing to do. Recognize how stupid it is and stop doing it. Or at least do the smart version of it, this >>15685041

>> No.15685081

Hm, why? Do you like to discuss it with those people? I thought about that before, but I don't think anyone reading a game like that in English will be able to talk about the cool memorable lines and writing in it, and instead just talks about the "plot" (and well, apparently everyone thinks Gahkthun is shit over there because of this).
I guess it matters less for a title like Baldr like >>15685050 says though.

>> No.15685090

Not that anon but I enjoy being more primary than others.

>> No.15685095

>Do you like to discuss it with those people?
No, except Rance and Majikoi. I just like to know the stuff in the game just in case somebody brings up a reference or uses it as a comparison for something

>> No.15685107
File: 1006 KB, 1280x721, chuusotsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15685223

To vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters

>> No.15685319


Wow, lucky you. Mind uploading this? Doesn't seem like Hiruou selling it digitally yet and my boner can't wait.

>> No.15685335

Perhaps after I return home in little over two weeks.

>> No.15685597
File: 255 KB, 1280x1024, uragitta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Chaos;Child. So far so good. The MC is annoying sometimes though with his superiority-inferiority complexes. And I'm saying it while I actually liked Takumi.
The only problem is I can't consistently read unhookable parts like @chan browsing. Oh well...

Can't wait for SteinsGate0.

>> No.15686013

Why is Mei Mei so good at fellatio sounds how does she do it

>> No.15686180

is that from the fandisk? I don't remember camping in the main game.

>> No.15686271

Finished Rain route of Baldr Sky. How many flashbacks this game have?

>> No.15686270

don't hate on takumi, he's just suffering from real autism.

>> No.15686276
File: 2.21 MB, 1600x900, 1471180808149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a tweest.

>> No.15686352

Does anyone have any info on VN text extraction/analysis? I have only read a few VNs so far, and what always makes me feel uneasy is that I don't know how much longer I have to go. For future ones it would be nice to have the scripts all laid out so I can see just how long they are, compare them to what I have already read, make estimates as to how long completion will take, etc.

>> No.15686376

Use a active window time tracker and just use that as estimate in combination with the EGS times. You first need a sample game to play through, then you can compare how much time you needed vs the data on EGS. Then you can use this to guess how far you are into future games.

>> No.15686413

Unless there are openly available tools for particular VN, getting plaintext scenario requires deep knowledge of reverse-engineering and programming.

>> No.15686447

Wait, I'm saying that Takumi was great and I could relate. Takuru is a whiny bitch with inferiority complex.
According to script files from BSD1, 28 for Rain, 24 for Chinatsu, 15 for Nanoha. There are about 20 i think for Aki and Makoto in 2nd Dive. I don't remember and I don't have time to examine scripts, sorry.

>> No.15686504
File: 136 KB, 1024x768, mk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it were that simple you would see game scripts everywhere and there wouldn't be any TL projects looking for hackers. that said, even if you can extract text sometimes there's garbage mixed in like code and such which can make accurate line counts difficult

>> No.15686535


If you really really want this, there is a way. Get a text-hooker, i.e. ITH. Get a walkthrough, i.e. from seiya saiga. Get a text-editor that allows you to count characters and/or save files in sjis, i.e. jwpce.

The rest should be obvious. Basically skip through a route with the walkthrough. For easyness you can disable "only skip read text". The texthooker will hook most text. Images and such are exceptions, and there may be more, but it'll do for estimations.

It's not ideal, and it's especially wonky with games that don't have completely separated routes, as you can't easily filter duplicated text, but that can give you an idea.
Now, I wouldn't really recommend doing that as I feel that the ending of a game may in itself be a spoiler (i.e. hidden routes to unlock or whatever), but well.. you gotta know yourself when/if to do such things. I do this stuff myself sometimes once I'm done to get an idea of how long it was.

>> No.15686557

Well, mind sharing your data for the VNs you did this with?

>> No.15686571

Are the EGS play times actually reliable? I've been looking at a few and they seem way too low, even considering my slow reading speed.

>> No.15686579

I've never found them reliable myself, they are either too short or way too long

>> No.15686597

I mean, most people here probably know Japanese for 5 years or so on average. Not really comparable to natives who were born there and were around it for 20+ years.

But yeah there's probably gonna be lots of people who vote a game finished after only playing a single route etc. That's why you should record your time playing a game, then compare the difference to the EGS time to be more precise. Of course, the more games you do this for, the more accurate your guesses will become.

>> No.15686603


Good idea, thanks. I already have ProcrastiTracker installed, I am pretty sure it has that functionality. Sadly I installed it partway through my last VN so I won't have data until next time, but that's smart, thanks for the idea.


Hm. That's a shame then. Upon searching the archive I did stumble upon this (it's down, but if you google the link you can access it through google cache):


But if it's not on there you've got a problem.


I did consider this - it's not as if you even have to read it yourself, to do this, either. Assuming it text hooked properly, you could just set the VN to auto-mode then minimize and mute it, tabbing back occasionally to pick the correct choice from a 攻略 guide. A bit of a pain and as you said it's not a perfect method, but better than nothing if you want a good estimate.

Thanks for the responses, everyone.

>> No.15686619

Spoken too soon it seems.

>> No.15686648

why is your text so fucked in this screenshot?

>> No.15686653

Half width font

>> No.15686660

Also it's in Japanese.

>> No.15686665

You don't read VN on expert mode?

>> No.15686671

Speaking of tlwiki, am I banned from tlwiki or something? Every time I try to connect to their website it doesn't work. Yet, when I checked on twitter the staff seem to be unconcerned. Is it really down or is it just me?

>> No.15686680
File: 40 KB, 1201x754, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Website is down on my end

>> No.15686682

Yeah I specifically banned you from it. Think twice about trolling our IRC next time.

>> No.15686687

I still listen to the soundtrack every now and then. Combined with the colourless and slightly dull art it creates a really depressing atmosphere. I have never experienced anything like it.

>> No.15686694


Ah, at least it's not just me, thanks. I wanted to use that script size wiki page they had - the information was there but since I was using a cached page I couldn't click on the buttons to resort it by column. Anyway thanks again.

>> No.15686697

tlwiki in a fucking nutshell. goes down for weeks/months at a time and no one says a damn thing about it.

>> No.15686699

just use an older version from web archive or google cache

>> No.15686708

It's quite nice. I've read that it's not as gory as the title suggests, but I don't even care, the atmosphere alone is more than worth it.

>> No.15686734

does anyone have the dmm download edition of doukyuusei 1? can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.15686744

There is some gore in it, but not very much and it's not what the game is about. If I remember correctly there is even filter in the settings.

>> No.15686892

I've tried looking around and haven't found any answers so I suppose I may as well ask here: how good should I be at Japanese before I attempt to read Subahibi? I don't want to go at it too soon since I've only just started learning, but I am eager to read it.

>> No.15686911

It's fairly simply written. If you finished a full length VN or three before you should be good (as in, real VNs, not that Hanahira and Yotsuba manga shit that people tend to start with).

>> No.15686915

Pick up a moege or something. Try and read it. Think about how much you're not understanding and struggling with. Multiply it by about 2. That's how much you'll misunderstand and struggle with subahibi. If you're OK with misunderstanding and struggling that much with a work you're eager to read, then read it at that time. If you're not OK, then keep reading until you're good enough to be OK with it.

>> No.15686939

I see, that gives me a good idea of how to approach it. Thanks anons.

>> No.15687453

The English translation will probably come out before you can read it to be honest. Keep learning to read Sakura no Uta though, it's on Subahibi level.

>> No.15687470

>The English translation will probably come out before you can read

>> No.15687676


>> No.15687719
File: 10 KB, 223x225, 1470548564403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping it would. But then recently I realized that if I had just started learning back when the English translation's official release was announced I would have been able to read it already. Seems better to stop being lazy at this point.

>> No.15687871

Stop deluding him with your fucking memes. SakuraNaruta is shit.

>> No.15687893
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, 73305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even an inferior version Kazusa rips to shreds your moeblob.

>> No.15687904

I wish Kazusa half had the dere and good and pleasant personality Rika has.

>> No.15687956

Rika is a much better person and girlfriend than Kazusa.

>> No.15688143

>before you can read
From screens i saw it doesn't have complicated grammar. What's the difficulty? I think I could have read it as my 2nd-3rd untranslated VN if I started reading them now(with a texthooker ofc)
Or is it the reference whoring that makes it difficult?

>> No.15688152
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, moetatsubeshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can stop that meme. From what I see here the place is infested with moelovers.... Sigh...

>> No.15688258
File: 150 KB, 804x603, subahibi27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing difficult language-wise in SubaHibi and if you can't understand ScaJi's easy explanations you're probably beyond help.

>> No.15688358

I sure hope Baldr Heart won't be a kusoge.

>> No.15688389

>What's the difficulty?
I don't want to come off as pretentious, but the themes it deals with "require" you to analyze the story on a higher level than simply what's happening or being said on screen.
You can understand perfectly the single sentences themselves but fail to see the bigger picture because you might be too focused on getting the literal meaning of the text without digesting it properly, while this is a story that has a lot to say even on higher levels.
This is basically the reason people like Ixrec said it isn't a deep game at all and were disappointed by it, they just stopped at "getting" the text.
Kind of like sometimes you can understand a book perfectly but still read good analysis about its themes and the way it's just built rather than just the prose itself.

>> No.15688412

Clearly this isn't a language barrier issue but rather just people being dumb/dense.

Some guy who has read hundreds of books / philosophy before with 1~ year of experience will probably get it more than someone with 3+ years who has only read porn games.

>> No.15688522

Yes, but it's just another layer of complexity. You'll miss bits and pieces as you read due to poor language skills even if you have the philo know-how to follow the story and conversations on a intellectual level in your native tongue.

>> No.15688525

>Clearly this isn't a language barrier issue
In my opinion it sort of is, in the sense that when your language skills aren't that high yet you find yourself in a situation where your entire focus is on understanding grammar, words and all that stuff rather than thinking about characterization, themes and story structure. When you have mastered the language focusing on the big picture comes easier because you aren't dragged down as much, you can see the story as a whole more easily.
With that said, I agree that subahibi isn't that hard language-wise and I'm not trying to sell it as deep masterpiece or anything, just giving my two cents on the characteristics of the game.

>> No.15688651 [DELETED] 

reminder that anyone who cares about difficulty or uses text hookers should fuck off to DJT

>> No.15688903

Speaking of subahibi, does anyone have suggestions for "mentally weak" heroines, like those from subahibi or cross channel?

>> No.15688917

I suppose I should add that weak not in the sense of brain-damaged

>> No.15689455

>I don't want to come off as pretentious
Too bad.

>> No.15689592

>Subahibi is for smart people like me
Even though your main point is correct, I'm always amazed by how you guys always manage to exactly reproduce your pretentiousness in the way you express your ideas. It's pretty much a special skill at this point, I'll give you that.

>> No.15689600 [DELETED] 

Projecting much? I guess you wanted to tell use you never ever read any books on philosophy?

You're probably some braindead American that think reading any books other than Hunger Games is pretentious.

>> No.15689658
File: 268 KB, 560x420, j237ptgb4may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who pic related here?

>> No.15689667

>bottom right

>> No.15689697 [DELETED] 

You do realise that this word doesn't mean anything anymore?

>> No.15689698

Breasts that huge ruin the whole form. Makes it look like they have small, boyish hips

>> No.15689728 [DELETED] 

You do realize the irony of using that word right?

>> No.15689740 [DELETED] 

>You're probably some braindead American that think reading any books other than Hunger Games is pretentious
You realize you aren't helping your point here right?

>> No.15689830 [DELETED] 

Deep Subahibi reference?

>> No.15689990 [DELETED] 

I think it's more of a deep useless word usage reference/meme your post is deep and pretentious by the way

>> No.15690035 [DELETED] 

>you will never read Subahibi for the first time again
Why even live?

>> No.15690044 [DELETED] 

but that's very overrated and pretentiously underrated

>> No.15690045 [DELETED] 

No reason to live indeed, might as well kill yourself.

>> No.15690055 [DELETED] 

Sure struck a nerve there huh faggot.

>> No.15690074 [DELETED] 

I think this post is severely underrated in the community

>> No.15690097 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you really showed how much of a retard you are by crying about pretentiousness first >>15689592

>> No.15690098 [DELETED] 

That's not my post though

>> No.15690112 [DELETED] 

Calm your ass down, nerd.

>> No.15690150 [DELETED] 

/jp/ = just pretentious

>> No.15690157 [DELETED] 

yeah i find it to be quite pretentious and semi-deep at the same time all the while being an underrated community

>> No.15690272 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15690557

It's been 6 years since Subahibi was release. People with a life (like Ixrec) let it go after finishing, while you still cocksuck it, like a bride in her wedding night.

>> No.15690648

How does let go of a work? Eroge or anything. You just stop talking about it? I mean, it's not surprising some people find their way to it even years after it came out, and if they ask about it, you might as well answer.

>> No.15690798

reddit.com is a better website for you

>> No.15691169 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.49 MB, 1600x900, 1471247901498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, that was something I guess, アマツツミ Kyouko story.
>You gotta let her go, she's not real
>No, she's real enough for me
>but you're going to die
>I don't care
>You gotta let me go, cause I'm not real
>lol jk I'm real after all, but goodbye anyway
Also did Hotaru actually suggest that it's fine if Kyouko died for Suzuka because that's what she wanted? Or did I just misunderstood it?

>> No.15691175

sorry for being a retard, but if someone could point out the steps to take to delete baidu downloader i'll be eternally grateful

>> No.15691178

That's exactly what she suggested, and it makes a lot of sense given her character.

>> No.15691185

Delete its files from %appdata% and %localappdata%. And registry keys from registry.

>> No.15691192

>with an opinion based on hearsay, people going apeshit over stuff they never played.

>> No.15691202


>> No.15691304

I didn't understand your post. Could you perhaps use more simple and unenlightened language?

>> No.15691309

How's Floral Flowlove?

>> No.15691328 [DELETED] 


>> No.15691333

Why did one of the > disappear on each one?

>> No.15691335
File: 1.99 MB, 1616x938, 2016-08-10 19_24_07-アマツツミ - 響子3 -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Still, the fact that she said it with such straight face threw me off.

>inb4 Hotaru is 言霊 tulpa herself.

>> No.15691375
File: 85 KB, 479x651, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too.
it will be my first Baldr-Game, though.

>> No.15691516
File: 945 KB, 1280x720, SiglusEngine 2016-08-15 12-40-55-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is she talking about OPM?

>> No.15691522

More like One Piece.

>> No.15691527

But she said Wanpan not Wanpisu

>> No.15691539

ス su
ン n

Don't worry, the lesson is free.

>> No.15691542
File: 29 KB, 280x248, tan_suika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15691552


Ah dammit, I jumped the gun

She said it Wanpan-su but the spelling was wrong

Nips need to learn to pronounciate their i's

>> No.15691557

She was never meant to say One Piece.

>> No.15691583

Get ready for pokemon and youkai watch references. Pikayan is cute and shouldn't be evolved

>> No.15691957 [DELETED] 


Most relevant games are on here.

>> No.15692006

"One pass" Maybe?

>> No.15692012

Why was this deleted?

>> No.15692047

Because of tlwiki shenanigans.

>> No.15692307

Did anyone else here play キミトユメミシ? Despite being a bit unpolished and predictable I really enjoyed Nanoha's route. I had only planned to play her route, but I guess I will keep reading.

>> No.15692317

I'm actually in the middle of reading it, almost onto Mikoto's route. I like the fast pacing and the stupid raunchy sex jokes are amusing. The routes and the relationships between the MC and the heroines could use a bit more work, and if there was more focus on the dreams as a more serious connection between the two it would work.

From EGS, the final route is supposed to be good and bring everything together, so hopefully it can finish strong.

>> No.15692874
File: 185 KB, 320x427, 私の犬になれ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone know where i can find this nukige? I`ve searched in every fucking place possible but couldn't even find the CG gallery...

>> No.15692890

Never publicly uploaded

I actually have it on my hard drive

>> No.15692906

It's in a list of missing games.

>> No.15693091 [DELETED] 

Help me /jp/
Chiitrans isn't properly parsing Rewrite+ (only manages to read the kanji, not the hiragana)

Is there anything I can do to fix it :/ ?

>> No.15693143

Find a H-code or learn Japanese ffs.

>> No.15693156 [DELETED] 

Tried a Rewrite H-code, but didn't work
Can't find any for Rewrite+

>> No.15693168

Not using chiitrans, for one.

>> No.15693195

Can i ask you to upload it here, anon? My inner pig is like buhibuhi for this game.

>> No.15693244

Yes, but it's going to take a while to upload

>> No.15693276

Any better tools out there?

Or are you implying I shouldn't need colorcoding/furigana to read it

>> No.15693294

Both. Texthooking is one thing, relying on furigana crutch another thing entirely which will massively stunt your learning process.

>> No.15693413

Furigana crutch is quite useful during a first year or two of learning.

>> No.15693421

Not at all, it objectively slows you down.

>> No.15693446

It allows to enjoy reading to some extent while at the same time drilling associations of words with readings. After a year or two you'll memorize enough to enjoy reading with out it. And that's a time to turn it off.

>> No.15694327

ITHVNR + TA all the way.

>> No.15695087

This. People don't seem to understand that fun really matters in motivating what is a difficult, tedious, and slow learning process. Even if it's not optimal from a learning perspective, some progress is better than no progress

>> No.15695331 [DELETED] 

So there are two DJT generals now?

>> No.15695414

I actually got banned from the tlwiki irc once for correcting someone and asking why herkz left mahoyo as 100% tled when there was no intention of releasing it.

>> No.15695446

Every week we get more and more /djt/ and mtl fags. It was only a matter of time.

>> No.15695691

Welcome to two years ago guys.

>> No.15695729 [DELETED] 

i'm a newfag. what does djt mean I see it all over these threads and googling isn't much help.

>> No.15695737

Anyone know how long into Rain's route in Baldr Sky you get the first ero scene? I'm in Chapter 7 and haven't seen any yet.

>> No.15695779

You're almost to the first one.

>> No.15695908 [DELETED] 

Civil war against the DJT fag faction when?

>> No.15695918
File: 83 KB, 752x715, 1395877373740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I just finished Ch.7 and it seems like Kou and Rain are getting closer so I guess you're right. I can feel it coming up soon.

>> No.15696025

>wanting an untranslated visual novel thread without anyone discussing learning the language

If you take a thing that's originally written in [language x], and make a series of threads on a forum that doesn't speak [x] dedicated to untranslated editions of that thing, you're inevitably going to draw people who are using it to study [x]. If you want to get away from the language learners, your best bet is to head over to communities within the [x] web, where the natives and the already-fluent hang out.

Is your Japanese perhaps not good enough to relax on the Japanese web?

>> No.15696034 [DELETED] 

>Is your Japanese perhaps not good enough to relax on the Japanese web?
That's it. And that's why I visit DJT on an hourly basis and try to bring their deep meme culture over here. Lol you can't learn Japanese xD

>> No.15696061

Maybe some people's production skills just aren't up to par so they stick to English sites? It's entirely possible that most people here and on /a/ who learned Japanese learned it mostly for reading and listening purposes and probably did very little in terms of being able to produce meaningful sentences suitable for discussion.

They probably feel like they'll be laughed off a jap site similar to how ESLs are laughed off here.

>> No.15696073

It's still offtopic man. Even if it's "inevitable", it's offtopic and breaking the rules, fundamentally. None of your arguments change that.

>> No.15696212 [DELETED] 


Growing pains can be a bitch. That's life sometimes.

Try to develop your production skills in learning communities if you're that insecure. People tend to be much less harsh towards people who are speaking rather than typing, too. Once you're passable, no one but a handful of insufferable autists will care, and these people can be safely ignored.


No, because it's a direct part of the experience of a non-fluent person reading VNs.

>I don't talk about what kind of coffee I drink while reading VNs/[some other retarded argument that doesn't share the same relationship at all]

Drinking coffee is not reading VNs, and reading VNs is not drinking coffee, even if you read VNs and drink coffee at the same time. These are different activities. For language learners who read VNs to learn Japanese, learning Japanese is reading VNs, and reading VNs is learning Japanese.

>You have to use a computer to read VNs, so should we turn into /g/?

If the scope falls firmly under problems directly related to reading untranslated VNs, rather than more general topics, like blue screening or some shit. Is troubleshooting a VN off topic? Certainly not. What about text hookers? Again, not really.

By the same token, talking about hanging out with Japanese people at the park is about as tertiary as talking about routers. It's all about where the focus is.

Consider how mods described the problem of off topic when /v/ was completely overrun by off topic a few years ago-

Primary topic: What do you think of [videogame]?
Secondary topic: Here's a news article about videogames! (the news isn't videogames, but it's not completely unrelated, either)
Tertiary topic: I'm drinking this coffee to stay awake while playing videogames! Let's talk about coffee!

Tertiary topics are the ones that are off-topic, because they completely move the theme away from the topic. The topic here is staying on VNs, it's just moving to a particular facet of it that's experienced by language learners.

>> No.15696216 [DELETED] 

Man, why are eop so defensive when they get called out? Don't you have two or three threads as well as reddit?

>> No.15696221 [DELETED] 

I don't go to the vegetable section to buy chocolate. I could go to a store that only sells vegetables, but I'm been going to this grocery store for a long time and I'd rather there be no chocolate in the vegetable section. But every fucking day there is chocolate there and it's pissing me off. There is a place for chocolate in the same store, it is ridiculous to have it here. People will call me old, that this is progress, but it's fucking annoying and it shouldn't be this way.

>> No.15696227 [DELETED] 

Why not just ignore it?
/jp/ used to be so good at this but I guess nothing lasts.

>> No.15696235 [DELETED] 

Hard to ignore them when they hijack the threads with walls of text like that, but I'll try.

>> No.15696247 [DELETED] 


Expressing disagreement isn't being defensive.


You might look for a potato peeler and a steamer there, though. Those are complimentary goods, just like Japanese and untranslated VNs.

>> No.15696283 [DELETED] 

It would be much more convenient and useful for everyone involved if the utensils were located in the utensils aisle, by which I mean you should make your own thread for things that aren't of general interest to most people in the thread.

>> No.15696345 [DELETED] 

I smell human anal secretions in this thread. Are we getting raided by djt fags?

>> No.15696349 [DELETED] 

I'm eating dinner right now
I'm sorry for the inconvenience

>> No.15696382 [DELETED] 

I would agree that talking about language AND vns at the same time is ok, but a lot of the posts here don't have any VN discussion. For example, the discussion about texthookers above had 0 VN discussion, it was completely unrelated. It was like discussing Windows 8 vs Windows 10 in a Call of Duty thread. Not relevant enough to be on topic.

>> No.15696393 [DELETED] 

>can read effortlessly Mareni and such
>continues to use TA, because default font in most vns make you screw up your eyes
Am I the one here who still don't wear glasses inside your cum-stained sanctity?

>> No.15696395
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, 1446754958358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from >>15692317 here. Finished キミトユメミシ.

I enjoyed parts of the game, but overall it felt a little rough around the edges both story and production wise. The pacing went at a fairly good pace throughout the common route and the stupid sex humor kept it interesting, but once it reaches the character routes, it tends to really slow down and fall into usual eroge plotlines. I really just can't get interested in the volleyball competition, or the piano contest. It's just so removed from the characters and the qualities of them I liked.

The dream ideas and concepts were interesting, I like the mechanism that the protagonist used to get the heroines to dream of him and enter their dreams, it was really clever. Unfortunately the dreams and communicating within the dreams itself felt underutilized; while I didn't hate the absurdity of Shigure Dictionary, it just felt like it could have been used for actual heart to heart communication. Yui's true route probably was the main plot reveal route, but the whole circumstance behind Mikoto just felt stupid and underwhelming.

All that being said, I felt that the extra route with Mikoto solved a lot of the problems. It chose not to focus on the drama points, and even fixed some of the causes for them early on. This allowed the story to more focus on the characters and especially their growth over the story. Seeing the more matured versions after having completed the individual routes really makes you appreciate the change more. While it wasn't that long and you don't see that much, it was still a really good experience as a closer to the game.

My general opinion of the game is that it's not bad for a first time product and has potential, but potential doesn't help the flaws. It has its strengths in the humor and silliness, but they don't quite hold out all the way through. If the writer can improve and maybe maintain focus on a central theme or plot throughout I think their games can be something to look forward to.

Also, why did it need to be with the Unity engine? Thing makes my shitty laptop overheat while running it.

>> No.15696404 [DELETED] 

I'm drinking some milk right now if you catch my drift

>> No.15696598

Where do you find downloads for old untranslated games?

>> No.15696600

all the ero scenes in baldr suck and some ruin the pacing and i've skipped them all

a large reason to why they suck is because there is barely any romance / hints of romance leading up and all of a sudden boom ero scene.

>> No.15696611

> there is barely any romance / hints of romance leading up
Did we read same game? Every heroine is constantly making advances on protag with tons of flashbacks showing she loved him forever and sometimes even confessed and tried to have sex with him several times (like Chinatsu).

>> No.15696692
File: 1.73 MB, 1286x749, 20160816160920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15696701

Nanao is adorable

>> No.15696748

Oh wow... I have never seen.... an anime girl... utter this phrase....before........

>> No.15696764

>thinks, a girl really needs any pretext to crave for the dick of a cool meha pilot...

>> No.15696846

Hi, Dovac.

>> No.15696942

Oh, so that's why my computer overheated yesterday. I accidentally left the game on for a few hours, but I didn't think anime powerpoint presentations could do that.

>> No.15697156

Convince me that this isn't the most forgettable moe pure love shit ever.

>> No.15697190

Well, it's not made by Yuzusoft for one thing

>> No.15697195

He isn't a hotdogger for nothing.

>> No.15697281 [DELETED] 

saga planet is just a worse kind of yuzusoft

>> No.15697288

Nah they're several levels above.

>> No.15697324

What's the easiest VN to read in Japanese?

>> No.15697328


>> No.15697336
File: 103 KB, 650x365, 時を紡ぐ約束.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the consensus on this game?

>> No.15697340

Ask DJT.

>> No.15697350

I heard Leyline was pretty easy.

>> No.15697352

>Non-blood-related Father

>> No.15697466

How far in is the second H-scene in Shiei no Sona-nyl, after the one right at the beginning?

>> No.15697484

It was my post. I deleted it when I saw someone already posted the link.

>> No.15697491

There's maybe one per chapter, iirc.

>> No.15697499

I see. Thanks.

>> No.15697919
File: 72 KB, 540x311, 047b60412b8f102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does すぴぱら mean's?

>> No.15697932

Spring Paradise, I'm guessing.

>> No.15697952


Smile, Peace, Passion, and Love.

You could just google or smth.

>> No.15698005 [DELETED] 

Maybe I just have high standards b/c I study literature, but the prose in F/SN is really inexcusably bad.
Some parts are the result of the translation, but others (like the godawful repetitiveness) cannot be.
I think the sexual violence is actually falsely represented as the only misogynist stuff in F/SN. Even w/o it, that series is sexist.
Nasu has stated in interviews that his idea for the Fate route was Saber "discovering her femininity" through bangin' Shirou, which is, um-
-kindaaaaa a super sexist proposition. Man writing about WHAT IS FEMININITY. Turns out badass King Arthur is a sad little girl inside. ):
It's not just the sex scenes, it's bad attitudes about women & sex implicit from the game's worldview.
"No ideological bias" is really just code for "conforms with the dominant ideological bias." We live in air so it's invisible.
Review "without ideological bias" is the new "objective" review.

>> No.15698030 [DELETED] 

Been a quite since I saw that pasta.

>> No.15698046 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 602x437, 1467399204390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half this thread is deleted posts
>let's keep shitposting

>> No.15698056 [DELETED] 

I'm not shitposting; you're blind if you don't see how outrageously sexist F/SN is.

>> No.15698064 [DELETED] 

>Some parts are the result of the translation
We don't talk about translated content here regardless

>> No.15698093 [DELETED] 

i know right. like, ugh, guys. can you not??

>> No.15698109

The first part does not fit.
And in
so, the second  part must be something with "l".

I tried, but did not find any explanation in japanese.

Thanks everyone for help!

>> No.15698110 [DELETED] 

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

>> No.15698138 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 126x121, 1433951034560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15698324


>> No.15698516

Just read the common route + the main girl route that get unlocked when finishing the other heroines with a save data file.

>> No.15698679

Anything with interesting plot and twists come out recently? ISLAND was pretty good, though way too slow paced in middle parts so I'd be more interested in something that gets to the main meat of the story sooner rather than later.

>> No.15698701

Try 祝姫

>> No.15698737 [DELETED] 


>> No.15698847

Are you trying to joke around? Because omg rape ad nauseam despite being an all ages game doesn't make a good plot, everything about the plot is stupid
This game pretty clearly show that Ryuukishi is just a retarded pervert with a bullying fetish

>> No.15698879

Oh here comes the triggered anti-R07 autist again.

>> No.15698886

Or maybe it shows you're a little SJW who can't handle his rape. The game has pretty decent ratings and reviews everywhere.

>> No.15698888








>> No.15698908

It's the first time I post about 祝姫
I was asking if you were joking around? Because I'd like to know what you found interesting about its plot.
Seriously enlighten me.

Why should I care about the taste of other people? I actually did read it, unlike you it seems since you care so much about them.
It's not even a question of rape, it's just that he keeps doing it again and again and again in the same boring one note

If you do know japanese, which is doubtful based on your post go read it and form your own opinion rather being a retarded fanboy

>> No.15698916


>> No.15698920


>> No.15698958

thank you based anon

though you should have put it in a mega folder because i'm lazy

>> No.15698974

Thanks a lot.

>> No.15698980

Gonna grab this out of curiosity, danke

>> No.15700117

Thank you.

>> No.15700120

So when's the next eroge coming out that isn't shit?

>> No.15700128

There's Barf Fart this month

>> No.15700141

It's coming next month in Gensokyo but you have to kill yourself first

>> No.15700175

There better be

>> No.15700243

7 months ago I was sure Akikuru would get a September release but it seems like even that was way too optimistic.

>> No.15700326

Sen no Hatou next month.

>> No.15700396

that got delayed again

>> No.15700422
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, my eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only things I'm looking forward to right now are Hanahime Absolute and Baldr Heart. I'm a bit worried for the former since gameplay wise it seemed like a downgrade to Twinkle Crusaders and I'm not really expecting another Pricchi when it comes to plot either, while I haven't really been following the latter since Zero didn't manage to hook me story or gameplay wise so I'm probably waiting for other anons' impressions first.

Assuming those two don't manage to hook me and some unexpected stellar FotM doesn't show up it's probably back to procrastination and figuring out which game from backlog to pick.

>> No.15700448

What about Gin'iro Haruka? I think tone work's last game -Hoshiori- was pretty decent and this time they'll add the middle school as well so probably it'll be better than average at least.

>> No.15700465

They master-uped it already. Unless there is something like an uncensored image that they missed, there is no way they'll delay it.

>> No.15700479

I'm looking forward to it even if it's nbr which makes sense. Hoshiori is still one of my favorites

>> No.15700498


>> No.15700520

Did anyone tried アリスティア・リメイン yet? Seems like its getting somewhat positive comments but I didnt see a single post about it here.

>> No.15700589


>> No.15700715

Wow that sprite is insane

>> No.15701401

please suggest a great game with a megadere heroine for insecure people like me

>> No.15701413
File: 535 KB, 1280x720, 星織ユメミライ_美砂_School 7月12日-2015-12-31_23-24-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know like all moege/charage are made for you, right?

>> No.15701433

my dick having shitty taste is the main problem... i'll try hoshiori though, thanks

>> No.15701441

Amakano, it's right there in the title

>> No.15701461
File: 23 KB, 278x80, cs2_2016-07-13_00-23-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding Amakano.

>> No.15701463

This looks diabetes inducing.

>> No.15701525

>What's he talking about?
>I guess it's actually been an acronym the whole time? uhh...
Damn it was right before my eyes the whole time

>> No.15701603
File: 956 KB, 797x598, 777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make it so that when you go fullscreen in a visual novel it maintains the game's normal resolution? I'm playing Saihate No Ima right now, and when I go fullscreen the font starts looking awkward. I took a screencap, but it shows the game in normal 480p, even though I see it all stretched out. Is there a way to put those black bars on the side?

>> No.15701617

change the resolution of your monitor.
But why would you play eroge in fullscreen?

>> No.15701620

You mean aspect-ratio right? Because there's no point in playing full screen if you want to maintain the resolution.

You have to set your monitor to maintain the aspect ratio.

>> No.15701651

It's much more immersive having the game be the whole screen than having a small window in the middle.

>> No.15701657

Try wndpatch.exe, works for almost all games

>> No.15701672

I had a similar problem with Asairo, but I can't remember how I fixed it. I didn't need to change the resolution or anything, but I guess it could be a last resort. And I just prefer fullscreen.

Yeah, I meant aspect ratio, my bad. Where was that setting? I was looking at the properties of the game's executable file since I thought I saw it there before for Asairo

>> No.15701692

There should be an option when you press setting button on your monitor, depends on the model.

>> No.15701748

you have to change your graphics card or display adapter settings, not the game itself.

>> No.15701778

>But why would you play eroge in fullscreen?
To reduce how often I stop reading in order to go shitpost.

>> No.15701917

What do you do when you just stopped caring about everything and can't even bring yourself to play moege, the one enjoyment left in your life.

>> No.15701964

Seek help.
Commit suicide.
Just pretend everything is fine and force yourself to continue on.

>> No.15702056

Your ordering is fucked up. I don't think you can pretend everything is okay after committing suicide.

>> No.15702066

Maybe you can't, nerdo.
But that didn't stop me.

>> No.15702082

Huh? I'm pretty sure you can't recover from a perfectly executed suicide. How did you accomplish that?

>> No.15702091
File: 320 KB, 806x628, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rain's route really the worst route? Because if it is, the rest of the route must be ridiculously amazing because this is already pretty good.

>> No.15702107

Rain > Nanoha > Chinatsu for BSD1

>> No.15702130

To be fair, the route was a bit lacking because it's the first route and nothing is explained/there are some infodump. It's only best because Rain best girl. Maybe with kuu.

>> No.15702182

It's honestly rather boring because it has the most flashbacks and least action of the bunch.
Also infodumps and stuff, it's long as fuck too which doesn't help.

>> No.15702203

Never thought I'd ever get my hands on this game. Thanks anon.

>> No.15702210

How much shorter are the rest of the routes? Half as long?

>> No.15702219

Play story-driven visual novels instead.

>> No.15702232

Or less, the BS2 routes are longer than the rest of the Bs1 routes, but Rain's is probably between 1/4-1/3 of the game in text.

>> No.15702248

What if you had that phase before even playing moege?

>> No.15702296


Take a nap.

>> No.15702329

I became a vengeful ghost of shitposting and masturbating of course.

>> No.15702458

Neah some people don't like the flashbacks but the flashbacks were great.
Baldr Sky is pure gold start to finish with the exception of the parts you are rereading stuff you've already read

>> No.15702491
File: 332 KB, 720x633, 1459790810666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702516
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 11498-1325386536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gin'iro Haruka

Is there any vanilla loli/shota action? I just want to see two adolescents loving each other for the rest of their life. There's something about long-lasting love that warms me inside.

>> No.15702548

They said no actual sexual stuff in middle school.
It would be cool, but I'm not expecting 14 year old kids to fuck in a game like this.

>> No.15702623


>no actual sexual stuff in middle school.

Oh well. I'll be okay with it as long as the romance actually starts at middle school and not get friendzoned until highschool. They better add something like kissing, hugging, or at least hand holding.

>> No.15702671


>> No.15702683

So I think I speak for everyone when I say it's pretty clear this will be GOTY.

>> No.15702783

Too obviously a masterpiece.

Hotori-chan <3

>> No.15702903

So it's imperial Japan, but with an idol.

>> No.15702989

For me it was Chinatsu > Rain > Nanoha.
Chinatsu first because it was the longest had the most dramatic shit happen and she had a decent character. It was the finale of part 1 anyway and a shitload of new info was revealed.
I didn't like Rain as a character since I don't really like her archetype but the first round flashbacks throughout were nice for me.
Nanoha was too much of an annoying crybaby and generic meddlesome childhood friend and had randomly placed h scenes.
Her endings were more creative than the others though.

>> No.15703004

I fucking hate Chinatsu route for how retarded everything goes past reaching arcology.
Especially how protag easily betrays his father and then kills every friend including Rain, and then fucking betrays GOAT too and kills their soldiers and fucks up everything and makes even his sister die and then just goes living happily with Chinatsu like fucking nothing happened and nobody from GOAT and united government even tries to arrest him for treason and mutiny.

>> No.15703039

You guys don't make it easy for me to pick up Baldr at some point again. I wasn't especially liking Rains route too much (too black and white story-telling with a bunch of shitty plot devices added for good measure) and quit once I hit repeated unskipable text in the second route. Honestly, what the fuck. Who thought that was a good idea...

>> No.15703057

It kinda reminded me of terra in rewrite.
I feel like there were sufficient reasons for him to betray fenrir since Isao's arguments made sense and he wanted to stay with Chinatsu. He didn't have enough evidence from ArK to not switch sides but later was convinced by Aki-nee in the end after he saw how destructive Tranquilizer was.
Also I thought it said that he wasnt sure if his friends survived or not.

>> No.15703070

Change the settings and set it to skip all text? and then pause when you reach unseen parts?
There are some new added parts/differences in the lines but they aren't really that signifigant I think so if you accidently skip something new it won't be much of a loss.

The beginnings of every route is slow but they get faster and change more the further you progress.

>> No.15703112

I think you should see it as setting exploration rather than retarded development.
At that point of time Kou isn't really sure about what's going on and the route explores one of many possibilities, giving you a much needed point of view of the opposite faction.
As much as Chinatsu can be irritating as a character I feel like she fullfills her role well in the juxtaposition of the "everyone is friends" school flashbacks and "everyone is out for himself" present time

>> No.15703242

its not Baldr Heart though

>> No.15703354

It doesn't change.

I felt the same at that point but kept playing to the end and I regret it.

I think that the scenario simply doesn't have enough happening to justify the 100 hour length (which is why there is a huge amount of repetition through it).

It is not for everyone despite all the praise your keep hearing about it everywhere.

Still really liked the game-play which is mostly why I kept playing.
I admit that I'm in a minority that doesn't like the game so you should try it again though.

>> No.15703367

Skipping basically everything repeated the game is still about 60-70 hours, fully justified.

>> No.15703368

I didn't like Baldr Sky too, and just cannot comprehend why someone would claim its masterpiece story-wise. Very mediocre as far as plotge goes.

>> No.15703435


I may just try the new one once it comes out and maybe at some point zero. That said I did enjoy the gameplay quite a bit as well. I just don't know yet.


I'd need more than that I think. When there's gameplay I usually get invested into it if it's fun and that also happened with Baldr Sky. Which.. takes time. You know, building combos, testing stuff, grinding levels of weapons... it adds up. I also spent like a good 80 hours with my "100%" Kami no Rhapsody playthrough. No NG+ though.

>> No.15703508


Is this torrent, uh, legit? I tried it but some error message keeps popping up during the extraction ("this security id may not be assigned as the owner of this object") after entering the password and also some kind of malware alert. I'm guessing just a false positive as it has 12k downloads but I'm not getting the continuous error pop up. It's still extracting normally right now but I'm afraid in the end there'll be missing files.

>> No.15703520

More importantly it's the version with pre-applied Chinese patch. See 汉化硬盘版.

So perhaps consider downloading elsewhere, unless you know Chink. Or, God forbid, are one.

>> No.15703533

Why don't you just use our Russian tracker?

>> No.15703547

Oh, what the hell I didn't know that.

I always go to nyaa first for some reason, guess I'll grab these.
>Recordare 9.6GB
Why is it so big though? The one on nyaa is 6.8

>> No.15703567

>Oh, what the hell I didn't know that.
That's what you get for being a machine translation reader and not machine translating the torrent name.

>> No.15703571

Those russian trackers are known to have all kinds of malware in their torrents.
It's better to stay away from them.

>> No.15703572

Will it be about taking Japan back from the globalist invaders and making it great again?

>> No.15703597

Bullshit. Unlike nyaa, rutracker is moderated, each torrent there is validated by mod before going public. We never had instance of malware-infected VN.
t. rutracker mod

>> No.15703607

Bundled with the soundtrack in FLAC. Don't forget to grab the latest patches from the GIGA website, it's really crucial.

>> No.15703664

I liked Dive 1 a lot and the game really picked up in Nanoha's route in my opinion. Perfect treatment if you have a white knight itch in need of scratching, plus the main plot finally gets properly going after the slower-paced introductory Rain route. Chinatsu's was also great. However Dive 2 really felt like the game was overstaying its welcome.

Aki's route was almost a retread of Chinatsu's, didn't add that much apart from some foreshadowing for true route and the compulsory complete school flashback replay after it includes all the scenes you've already seen previously. It probably wouldn't have been so dreary if you played Dive 1 near its release and thus needed a refresher of old events, but for someone playing through both parts in succession it's very bad. It also made me dislike Kou and Sora's relationship due to how fucking forced it felt like.

Makoto's route had its moments, but the final route's first twist was pretty much a foregone conclusion due to the fact they practically did everything to spoil it beforehand while also dragging the actual reveal at the same time, battles wise you were just fighting shitloads of old enemies in meaningless situations and switching from a more interesting setting of multiple factions with different goals to an objectively evil non-character Neunzehn who everyone opposes felt really silly. Killing practically all the characters off and then conveniently resurrecting only good guys for everyone lives happily ever after ending was also extremely cheap. Don't even get me started on how contrived letting Gilbert live and almost ruin everything for everyone was.

>> No.15703683
File: 180 KB, 1026x642, 2016-08-17_162908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what do I care, if Dies Irae was written better? Other than being a wordsmith, Masada sucks at everything else. This VN is awesome.

>> No.15703715

Can you be even more pathetic? No need to resort to namecalling to justify your taste you know.

>> No.15703727

I'm glad you found something fit for your 10 year old esque mental capacity. Now let the adults play real games in peace, alright?

>> No.15703751

Being a wordsmith is pretty important for writing novels dude

>> No.15703813

When your motivation for liking something starts with insulting other things you know it's time to take a break from the internet.

>> No.15703894

Those moderators are controlled by the russian government and they are part of the russian hacking activity supported by said government. You should check the news sometimes.

>> No.15703908

Rutracker was banned by russian government in Russia.

>> No.15703928

So what? It doesn't stop them from using it to distribute malware and spyware to the rest of the world.

>> No.15703940

Except there's not even single case of malware originating from rutracker.

>> No.15704034 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1864x957, 1466621231227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm... I wonder how the /vg/ EOP thread is doing...

>> No.15704094

Then why not stay there?

>> No.15704333

Do you think eroge devs are going to embrace the streaming model? It's doable from the technical point of view.

>> No.15704352

please elaborate.

>> No.15704360

Because cloud gaming model are so successful right?

See OnLive and Gaikai.

>> No.15704362

Won't fly because eroge devs are disappearing too fast. They certainly have no resources to maintain streaming servers for years. It will be just too costly for them.

>> No.15704582

>both torrents on nyaa and rutracker dead for Sona-Nyl
Shit. Anyone got me?

>> No.15704589

Nevermind, just as I sent this some ruski friend started seeding.

>> No.15704821
File: 6 KB, 804x46, 2slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere else that has amekano besides AB? This is painful.

>> No.15704901

I feel like it's not wise to complain about a 200~kb/s speed when a lot of people here suffer from games simply being dead. Anyway, girlcelly has it, so yeah. BTW it's Amakano not Amekano.

>> No.15704946

Yeah it was a typo, thanks

>> No.15705214

I mean running eroge completely in the browser, all scripts and assets streamed as you progress.

Apples and oranges, eroge aren't as resource intensive as video games and they contain static content for the most part. Latency and video quality won't be a problem.

Seeing as some use online activation DRM, they don't care about their content being available in the future. Besides, they don't have to maintain the infrastructure themselves, it can be done through some platform that takes care of all that stuff.

>> No.15705221

You don't know what real pain is until you download a 4GB game from clubbox at 10kb/s.

>> No.15705232

What game raped you that badly?

>> No.15705262

Online DRM is quite different. It's not resource-intensive on the server side. And some companies have made DRM-removal patches after some years since release or when things started looking shady for them.

>> No.15705265

>I mean running eroge completely in the browser
No please no, we don't need more web shit

>> No.15705320

I don't remember, but it took a few days (at least the speed was stable).

The popularity of web bullshit made me wonder why nobody has done a web engine for eroge yet.

>> No.15705335

>The popularity of web bullshit made me wonder why nobody has done a web engine for eroge yet.
They have made web-capable engines and used them for trials and such, but no one has been insane enough to make people pay for a web-based eroge yet. Expect Mimasu to try it eventually, though.

>> No.15705423

My internet connection is slower than that.

>> No.15706192

I'm pretty sure DMM has some web based eroge there: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/game/-/list/
Of course their payment systems are a bit more exploitative than just a flat rate for a whole game.

>> No.15706223
File: 106 KB, 411x560, koi x shin ai kanojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the infamous downer ending, how is this VN?

>> No.15706227

Cute enough, but don't overlook the ending, it really dampens the rest of the ride.

>> No.15706256

Music slut's routes were the only things I really liked about the game. I kind of wish other companies had the balls to put shit like that into other generic looking titles.

>> No.15706442
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, ley_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Leyline 2. More of the same for the most part, just ~50% longer than the first one. First few chapters are relatively stand-alone, but all quite fun. Even the little side-routes aren't too bad this time I feel. It kinda feels they generally improved things and it's the same good stuff you know from the first game. Still not much of a plot though.

Once you hit past those chapters it gets.. complicated. The first Leyline already had quite a mood swing during its final part, but it was still comparably short. This time you get a whole big "shounen style" final part, which quite frankly isn't like Leyline at all. There are quite a few problems here as well. After a while they also decide to throw a dozen or so twists in rapid succession onto you. Not like these are all bad or anything, but with so many.. it just feels underwhelming. You get into the "okay, which twist will come next...." state. Sometimes less is more. This really made me think, they should've slowly revealed things over the course of the first chapters. It felt also a bit forced with them trying to give characters "important roles". Again, Leyline 1 wasn't as bad there.

So all in all, while Leyline 2 starts better than Leyline 1, in the end I don't think there's a massive quality difference. Leyline 1 is more constant, Leyline 2 fluctuates more. Quite worth reading though if you ask me.

That said, I got myself the best, worst and B-rank. I think that's enough. Skipping so much isn't the most fun, as much as I like Rito. Also Sumi-chan is probably best girl for now.

>> No.15706576

You seem to have an entirely opposite opinion than others since Dive 2 is typically considered one of the best VNs ever.

>> No.15706663

I recall there being a chart giving reading difficulty on various VNs. Can someone repost it, or direct me to something else that has catalog of reading difficulty?

>> No.15706669

Let me save you time.
95% of games about cute girls - normal Japanese, roughly equivalent difficulty
4.5% of the other games - may be harder than normal, may be not.
0.5% of the other games - obviously difficult before you even play them, just look at screenshots.

>> No.15706688

There's no such thing as "reading difficulty" in VNs. None of VNs were written for foreigners learning language (so called "adapted texts"), all of them presume you have Japanese capability of 18 year old native Japanese.

>> No.15706696

Don't you dare forget about 5% of loli-games which have elementary school level difficulty.

>> No.15706703

Don't be obtuse, man. There's obviously a difference in difficulty between Mareni and Moege Dude #57.
I've played some lolige and they're not really easier than an average game, given that the MC tends to be an adult and thus narrates at normal difficulty.

>> No.15706711

But in reality different authors use vastly different vocabulary or grammar and it does very much affect the difficulty of reading itself.

>> No.15706749
File: 191 KB, 500x641, 1394629691833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15706793

> vastly different vocabulary
No, they don't.
There's more than 70% match between Senshinkan and Loverable in used vocabulary, and difference isn't because Senshinkan is """harder""" but because different setting and genre.
You still need to know way over 20000 words and 2500 kanji to read either of them, and if you think moege is somehow "easy" for someone who doesn't know enough Japanese to read VNs, you are deluding yourself with thought that "glossing over lines while checking random words in vocabulary" is same as "reading and comprehending". Stuff like Mareni is just more explicit in making you realize that you actually don't understand anything you "read".

>> No.15706801

So, do any resources for reading difficulty rating exist? I just want a quick reference so I don't have to bother people every time I want to play something to know if it'd be a waste of time for me to even try.

>> No.15706806

You mean like a wiki for each VN's difficulty? No, lol, but you pick it up pretty quick. There are only a few authors that are notoriously difficult to read.

Sounds like you should stick to moege for the time being to be honest. Not even trying to be rude, but they're good practice.

>> No.15706807

The common route was ok, I personally enjoy games that have estranged relationships being rekindled. Rinka's route is pretty run of the mill I feel you wont be disappointed if you want an average moege route. Ayane's is probably the best but that isnt saying much, shes an endearing character that you cant help but want to route for.

Also, the MC is kind of an idiot and found myself getting annoyed at times.

>> No.15706808

What do the extra quotes mean?

>> No.15706833

I am >>15706663 >>15706801

I heard that Aiyoku no Eustia and Baldr Sky was easy, and I did find they were easy to understand and pickup with little difficulty and enjoyable to go through. When I tried playing SRW OG Gaiden though, I was completely floored on the non-battle text. A lot of people had their own verbal tics, dialects, and what not, and the vocab seemed to be a far greater scope than the above two games. I dropped it quickly, being unable understand every other sentence, or being forced to consult a dictionary very, very frequently.

>> No.15706945

Why are you so mean to Redditors and their "reading" methods?

>> No.15707032 [DELETED] 

I think his keyboard broken

>> No.15707069 [DELETED] 

I fucking hope I can fuck 女王.

>> No.15707087 [DELETED] 

They're killing themselves by not replacing that JAV slut. Their fandisc will be a mess because the slut will refuse to do the current role for the sequel, just like seiiki and astralair.

>> No.15707111

dude, why don't you just watch videos of the games you are interested in and see for yourself? There are always eroge trials uploaded in niconico or YouTube. Just check them out and judge their difficultly by yourself.

>> No.15707134
File: 1.12 MB, 1220x1700, 2c57aa3948a3c950a5ac8f5faab3b73e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.15707184

It's an epic /v/ meme.

>> No.15707214

I'd say it's an epic // meme

>> No.15707481

Japanese even idiots can understand: Your favorite eroge
Infinite difficulty, most people who say they understand it are lying, only to be faced after several hundred eroge and novels read: My favorite eroge

>> No.15707513 [DELETED] 

Someone please translate this post.
Thank you in advance.

>> No.15707526

The language of shitposting is universal, anon. No explanation is needed.

>> No.15707549

Do you want it in Esperanto or Gaelic?

>> No.15707661

Any of you guys play nitro;s yaoi games

The look interesting but not into that gay stuff

>> No.15707664

like togai no chi

some of these have pretty decent plots

>> No.15707698
File: 28 KB, 497x368, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are pretty tricky in those list though it did have hatsuyuki sakura which is my fav eroge

I guess Hanahira would be theeasiest but then again they use some odd kanji

Just try moege or watch a letsplay in english while you play in jap, or text hook

>> No.15707742
File: 25 KB, 239x248, 1439018212251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing playx3 3

First 20min

Protag's birthday, he has a heart condition but tells his osanajimi he likes her, she likes him too.
Found out a day ago his heart won't survive for long from osnajimi's private convo with sister who's a doctor, so he confessed.

She refuses his confession he gets mad and plans to leave his mark in the world.

She refused because if they went out he would suffer with his heart if they 'do it'.

tfw she didn't tell him.

>> No.15707746

So yeah its a whole misunderstanding thet gets tons of girls raped

>> No.15707794 [DELETED] 

OK, I'm off to bbspink to escape this DJT bullshit. Have fun guys

>> No.15707819

But pinkchannel is also pretty slow.

>> No.15707903


>> No.15707918

Good luck anon

>> No.15707923

are there still dating sims or are they all eroge now?

>> No.15707938

>plot focus
>Akatsuki no goei
Maybe the second one

>> No.15707940 [DELETED] 

Report DJT posts.
Hide DJT posts.
Ignore DJT posts.

>> No.15707948 [DELETED] 

Every dating sims I've played are eroge.

>> No.15707949

It's much quicker considering they have 3 boards and separate threads for each game and company.

>> No.15707968

I guess I mean stuff like handing presents going on dates, picking right choices and stuff

>> No.15707970

There is a dating sim tag on vndb

>> No.15708004

Hells bbspink? Just looked at it and it seems like a futaba clone.

>> No.15708015

You seem kinda new.

>> No.15708055

Pretty late to the party but it's entertaining enough if you like one of the girls. For example, I really liked Yui from your pic, so I played her route. It was nothing special but I managed to enjoy it due to her. I might go back and play the innkeeper's daughter's route (forgot her name), because I thought she was cute. In short, if you don't like the girls it isn't anything special, but if you do it can be an entertaining and chill game.

>> No.15708135

Oh, you're right, I was thinking per thread basis (some none fotm get only like 1-2 posts per day). Counting the whole board then it's hella quick.

>> No.15708245

Damn I played the trial when it came out and got pretty hyped but the hype soon faded. Now I see this and I can't wait till it comes out.

>> No.15708580

Can anyone recommend some VN game which features mass killing of commies?

>> No.15708614
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1445528320977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't access EGS.
Used the Google "translate" option and cache option, can't access EGS that way either.
Successfully set up Tor Browser for with a Japanese exit node (even Google thinks I'm Japanese), still can't access EGS.

>> No.15708617

Just use a proxy mate that's all it takes for me

>> No.15708619

what do you want to check

>> No.15708620

Try Hola, slow as molasses but eh.

>> No.15708651
File: 162 KB, 1220x955, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be a problem on your end then.

>> No.15708969
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, capture_037_09042016_150019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking hope I can fuck 女王.
You could fuck the final bosses in Twinkle Crusaders so that's a definite possibility. I wouldn't be surprised if she'll end up being the most main heroine of the bunch, kind of like how Twinkle Crusader's Azel route was initially locked before clearing any other heroine route first. Eve, who is supposedly 女王, is also the very first heroine you encounter in the trial.

>> No.15709082

Very rarely doesn't work.

>> No.15709224


The genre is basically dead.

>> No.15709306

Every year, Visual Novel fans wonder why Japanese VNs aren't being taken more seriously by critics. I get it; just look at the blend of history and tradition in Clannad, Katawa Shoujo, or Lucid 9 to glimpse the versatility and sophistication Visual Novels have to offer. Why then are Visual Novels not taken seriously?

And then the otaku shrug their shoulders and go back to conversations about who the best girl is, whose waifu is trash, and how irrational anyone must be to playing a VN as soon as female characters show some T&A.

Here’s a thought: maybe critics would be more enthusiastic if the face of Visual Novels weren’t pro-Gamergate, anti-Ghostbusters trolls. I wonder how many people who were once neutral towards Visual Novels have developed an instinctive aversion to it, associating Visual Novel girls with anonymous entitlement?

Here’s another thought: maybe that’s not unfair. Maybe becoming the visual of choice for misogynistic harassers is the unsurprising result of a fandom that has spent years normalizing the objectification of women.

>> No.15709322

Quite frankly, I don't need a critic to tell me how to enjoy my eroge nor do I look to eroge for high quality writing and characterization.

>> No.15709355

Some guy in the IRC posted an EGS proxy the other day I think.

>> No.15709366

Those pretentious critics should just shove their opinions up their ass.
I'm more interested in cute girls doing cute and perverted things with protagonist than in some dude's opinion about what should be taken seriously, what should be considered true literature and quality, and about other totally useless, mundane, and uninteresting shit.

>> No.15709368
File: 15 KB, 611x131, 1452657638906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15709414
File: 382 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Rise of the Valkyries out of fucking nowhere.

>> No.15709482
File: 341 KB, 1024x641, capture_017_30032013_160711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15709520

Is it good? I remember people were pretty cold on it on launch, but vndb scores seem to be nice.

>> No.15709549

As you can see I'm still in the prologue.

>I remember people were pretty cold on it on launch
I was the one that went on a rant about the waste of a setting and my view on that has not changed.

>> No.15709663

If I'm understanding your post correctly, you ranted about it being a waste of a setting before reading the game?

>> No.15709679

Have you even read the setting?

>> No.15709692

That's Traveling Stars, right? Has pretty much the same kind of setting as World Election if I recall. Seems pretty standard to me.

>> No.15709693

A story should always focus on the most interesting part of a persons life. A child getting sent a foreign world by his family and having to grow up there is much more interesting than a story about when he gets sent back.

I ranted because it's a waste of a good Isekai setting. To put it even more simply using VNDB because you brought it up

>Souma is your average guy living a very ordinary life in peaceful Japan, however one day he was chosen for an extremely important role. As the world’s ambassador to the newly linked "other world" Sansarune, he was tasked with taking in their magic culture there. He despaired at having no friends, TV nor games in this world, but how could one not be excited about being in a fantasy world that everyone dreams of? It was a world of elves, vampires, angels and demons, not to mention girls with animal ears.

This is good, very good

>Ten years later, Souma returned to the human world to the jointly-created floating city Arteal, and enrolled into the newly-founded magic school there. As someone who had experienced both cultures, he was relied upon, looked up to, and adored by everyone. It was a unique new beginning for someone who used to be just a normal boy.

No, No, No don't waste the entire other world for no fucking reason

>> No.15709698

I think the mistake you're making (from my perspective) is assuming a fantasy world will be interesting or valuable simply by being fantasy. To me, a fantasy world with generic stereotypical races and what have you is no more interesting or valuable than a plain school setting. There's no more reason to lament Travelling Star's for wasting a setting than there is to lament at any game ever being school sol.

>> No.15709701

It's certainly not a mistake in my eyes as fantasy is one of my favorite settings and I'm sick to death of the plain school setting.

>> No.15709702

If you're a fan of fantasy, surely you've seen a thousand dull fantasy worlds? Honestly I would expect someone who's NOT a fan of fantasy to be excited about a fantasy setting like that. Someone well read in fantasy isn't going to get excited about Tolkein Ripoff #16459

>> No.15709704

Even if they have both been done to hell and back, Fantasy is still more interesting than your plain school setting.

>> No.15709707

It's not just fantasy it's also 異世界

>> No.15709720

I have, but I'm always open to reading a new one and hoping to enjoy it.

>> No.15709721

I've had this exact discussion here before, so I won't go into too much detail, but I'll just leave it this: a plain, unimaginative, tolkein rip-off fantasy setting is not more interesting than a plain school setting. Everything matters with what's done with the world. A fantasy world with nothing imaginative and fresh will be as boring as a school that's got nothing imaginative and fresh. School festival is just as boring as going to beat a generic demon king. School clubs are just as boring as shallow guilds. Etc.

>> No.15709728

He ain't lyin'.

>> No.15709729

Well there's your problem, you're being optimistic. Ha.

>> No.15709731

I hope you're enjoying your stay in the botnet.

>> No.15709740

Nothing wrong with being optimistic about something you enjoy.

>a plain, unimaginative, tolkein rip-off fantasy setting is not more interesting than a plain school setting
and I completely disagree. I'd read a tolkein rip-off fantasy over a school setting game any day. Well when it comes to eroge at least

>Everything matters with what's done with the world.
Exactly, but I tend to enjoy what a fantasy setting does with it's story over what happens with your standard school title.

You might say it's a dime a dozen but I love reading the whole "Hero fights the Demon King" setting or person falls into another world due to "insert reason".

>> No.15709748

>Nothing wrong with being optimistic about something you enjoy.
Yeah, that's why I said "ha". I can see him being disappointed if he expected anything from a moege setting.

As for the rest of your post, I think the "mistake" you're making is that, you think just because you enjoy fantasy more that it's not as boring an uninteresting as a school setting. As far as I can tell, you say you enjoy it more, but that doesn't much mean it's more imaginative, interesting, etc. If you can find fun in something boring and unimaginative, all the more power to you.

>> No.15709749

Maybe if you've only read eroge all your life. Most people who read books have gotten sick of generic fantasy after the Tolkien boom and a massive amount of copycats showed up.

>> No.15709755

You'd have a lot of fun with almost any light novel series released in the last 5 years, then, instead of eroge. Personally I think most of us are fed up with the model already.

e.g. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2016-06-30/short-story-contest-bans-traveling-to-an-alternate-world-fantasy/.103755

>> No.15709760

>If you can find fun in something boring and unimaginative, all the more power to you.
You say that but I don't consider what I'm reading to boring or uninteresting

I hate the light novel format, I don't want to wait years in order to be able to finish a simple story.

>> No.15709770

It's a decent enough moege.
Chloe was cute. Her most erotic scene wasn't even an H-scene too.

>> No.15709774

That was a slight slip of the tongue on my part. I said "boring" when I meant "insipid".

>> No.15709784

It's pretty clear that's he's not reading it just for the setting or he would have gotten bored of it a while, it's probably a combination of the setting and something else maybe it's a fetish about non-human girls? that game has elves and a vampire right?

>I said "boring" when I meant "insipid".
That would be more accurate, I don't claim to have the best tastes in the world. I just like what I like

>> No.15709804

It's not like it's a problem with in that title anyway, Traveling Stars drags enough stuff from the other world that it comes off a off-worldly anyway.

Is Warosu not working for anybody else?

>> No.15709864
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, Rewrite+ 10月20日(水).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some kind of recommended route order for Rewrite?
Is it fine to go with Shizuru first?

>> No.15709876

Do Kotori first and Akane last, other than that up to you. Shizuru spoils Chihayas route IIRC

>> No.15709892

You read Kotori and Akane and hold Ctrl through the other characters.
Is what's popular right now.

>> No.15710010

Thanks. I don't really like Kotori enough to go with her first. Akane last is kinda OK because she is at the bottom of my priority list.
I guess I'll have to go with somewhat non-optimal route order.

>> No.15710020

>ask question
>get answer
>no thanks I'll do it my way
Every time.

>> No.15710051

At least I now know that I'm doing it wrong and I know what to expect. It's still quite valuable information for me.

>> No.15710189

I really liked Traveling Stars due to the different races setting, will I like World Election?

>> No.15710192

World Election was so plain bad I winced while reading pretty much constantly. Awful characters, awful dialogue, etc. But, I haven't read TS so I dunno if you can enjoy that kind of thing.

>> No.15710198

I enjoyed Traveling Stars enough to finish a route.
I couldn't even force myself through World Election's common route despite it having most of my favorite VAs, and my absolute favorite VA as a character almost perfectly to my tastes design and archetype wise.

>> No.15710217
File: 1.06 MB, 1234x693, くたばれ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with Otome Domain. Very cute game, especially since they didn't try to overdo the obrigatory drama. Happy that it was well received.

>> No.15710241

Is it fun at least? I'm in need for something fun.

>> No.15710263

Depends on how you feel about moege. It has nothing original or really engaging writing or anything, but I definitely laughed a lot and liked the characters.

>> No.15710270

Meant in that if it had actual comedy or is just moe moe and that's it, seems like it's the former.

>> No.15710286

Of course it has comedy. Where would you even find a trap game that doesn't use its trap setting for a lot of comical situations?

>> No.15710288

It is mainly comedy, yes, but is all wacky character humor.

>> No.15710599

You're a lifesaver, thanks.

>> No.15710638

What's the, uh, catch with this link? Can't compare to normal EGS because it doesn't work but it looks like the normal page?

>> No.15710731

It's a proxy so if you'll try to login then you'll get your password stolen by some prick who hosts that thing.
He could also look at the history of pages that you viewed on EGS.

>> No.15710738

Ah ok. What's the benefit of an EGS account anyways, just writing reviews?

>> No.15710785

Amagami, Photo Kano, Reco Love, LxC2.

>> No.15710947

You can't login into your account. Otherwise there's no catch.

Yeah, and having a list of your favorite writers/voice actors/staff, notifications and whatnot.

>> No.15710999

Looks like it's impossible to use sql-functions too. That's quite a disappointment because sql-access is one of the most awesome functions on EGS.

>> No.15711020

I still play Love Plus.
New Love Plus+ that is.

>> No.15711814 [DELETED] 

I'm still amazed how people can endure this shit.
Not only the CG/sprite but the UI is horrendous as well.

>> No.15712030
File: 58 KB, 600x338, CBHMktZUIAAZdaY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15712051
File: 329 KB, 1280x722, 16c7b871_1344751636827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

Honestly I felt lost on her route

>> No.15712066

pick one dude

>> No.15712081

kiritani hana best va

>> No.15712144

There's a scene where she goes balistic with hatsuyuki in the store and I sort of gave up

In all honesty does it mean anything cause it sounds like gibberish


>> No.15712202
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit end
I know nijima can do fight scenes why did she not even resist when just holds up her sword.

Also best girl

>> No.15712250
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, otomedomain_2016-07-13_03-11-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15712253

Cute boy.

>> No.15712256

Do I need to play Chocolat ~Maid Cafe "Curio"~ before Parfait Second Brew?

>> No.15712261
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, t8dy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15712356

UI is fine. It's not as bad as it seems at the first glance.

>> No.15712367

So what is データ数 on EGS? I'm not exactly sure what unit they use or whatever.

>> No.15712371 [DELETED] 

it means you're dumb

>> No.15712375

Are you for real?

>> No.15712377

Not at all.

>> No.15712561

How come when Chrono Clock was released with H-scenes separate from the in-game routes the Japanese audience raised hell about it, but when Maitetsu did the same almost nobody in Japan gave a shit?

>> No.15712568

Loli fans are okay as long as you throw them a bone?

>> No.15712605 [DELETED] 

considering they like fatless bones so much i guess yeah

>> No.15712630
File: 28 KB, 326x451, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15712695


I can't imagine them being votes because the numbers are way too small.

>> No.15712703

>the numbers are way too small
Welcome to EGS?

>> No.15712706 [DELETED] 

>The female breast is mostly made up of a collection of fat cells called adipose tissue. This tissue extends from the collarbone down to the underarm and across to the middle of the ribcage.

>> No.15712709

What do you think it means then, Mr. genius?

>> No.15712752

Because it wasn't that different than Monobeno. A majority of the H-scenes in Monobeno weren't included in the story, so it wasn't really as significant as a change. Also, the unlock all scenes button is a good compromise. Still indicates a shitty trend either way, though.

I actually felt this for some reason on Maitetsu's release and got to reading it straight away, which is something I rarely do with eroge. I still never finished it though, only did Hachiroku's / Paulette's route because it was disappointingly average as I could best describe it. I mean it wasn't bad, I was just expecting more because I enthusiastically enjoyed Monobeno whereas Maitetsu was just kinda boring.

>> No.15712756

The ero was good, there was a reasonable amount of it, and it was somewhat spread out. Very different situation from Chrono Clock where it was all unlocked at the end, felt half-assed and tacked on, and there wasn't enough of it.

>> No.15713211

What do you even care about these subhumans?

>> No.15713295

Will they ever make a game this good ever again?

>> No.15713296

Also you have great taste. I admittedly haven't talked to many people on here about this game, but it seems the few that I have all agree that Aya is best.

>> No.15713309

That's pretty much entirely because of Fuurin. Too bad she doesn't seem to do eroge anymore.

>> No.15713591

Wow how did you read my mind? I had the exact doubt a few hours ago and was about to ask here, I'm impressed.

>> No.15713706

Chrono Clock had like two short H-scenes per herione. That's quite different from Maitetsu where there was an abundance of H-scenes with different situations, different heroines, and all the other things.
Two H-scenes per heroine for a full-price game is in itself quite a blasphemy to be honest.

>> No.15713718

I miss the time where it was common.

>> No.15714043
File: 2.69 MB, 1602x902, 2016-08-19 21_16_12-アマツツミ - 愛2 -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't you appear more often Hotaru?

>> No.15714302

Trial for the new liarsoft game is up.

>> No.15714372

>pretentious shit

Who cares..

>> No.15714394

Alright, please deliver your reports punctually in one hour regarding whether it's kusoge or kamige.

>> No.15714432

Mareni is exclusivly writing kamige.

>> No.15714441

The question is how much of it is actually written by Mareni.

>> No.15714444


>> No.15714454

its deep

>> No.15714550 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 625x223, CqPFcn_VYAA0nw7.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15714650

New thread is old thread? What a recursion!

>> No.15714990

So it's been 3 hours.

How is it?

>> No.15715021

It brings a whole new meaning to partially voiced. I'm kind of impressed.

>> No.15715025

I'm pretty deep into it by now and I have to say it's pretty deep

>> No.15715039

i can't read jap yet........

>> No.15715058

then fuck off

>> No.15715070

why? i'm learning to read muramasa

>> No.15715085

I'd give it a Mareni/10.

>> No.15715119

wow nwo that's deep

>> No.15715301

this is not a learning thread.

>> No.15715317

It's okay anon. Just wait till you get to her route. You'll get all the Hotaru you want and it will be glorious.

>> No.15715320

Now it's been 4 hours.

How is it?

>> No.15715334


>> No.15715375
File: 1.59 MB, 1282x752, quintuple splash nude filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Quintuple Splash solely because it comes with a nude filter for the sprites. It's cute enough to hold my interest.

>> No.15715397

That's kinda perverted.

>> No.15715431

As a 露出 enthusiast, this pleases me.

>> No.15715442

Is it really the same if they're completely unaware?

>> No.15715445


Which games have online DRM this month? You probably won't see them outside mikocon.

>> No.15715464

I never knew such a thing existed. This is intriguing. The girl on the left is a cutie.

>> No.15715510
File: 33 KB, 250x300, 44788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the tag approved a few months ago. There aren't very many titles or people haven't started tagging them yet.

I'm trying to get 'Sprite Filter' approved because Imouto Style

Isn't a true clothing filter (It's an underwear patch) but since a couple of the girls wear so little (bondage ropes or crotchless panties) I put it in.

And it would include games like https://vndb.org/v11624 which doesn't have a nude filter, it has a sprite filter that turns the girls into things like Succubi, Mermaids, or Vampires

>> No.15715534

I knew many title that weren't added so I went ahead and started adding them

>> No.15715600
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, 大迷宮&大迷惑_体験版_2016-08-19_17-03-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're pretty happy right now

>> No.15715634

fuck off quof

>> No.15715640 [DELETED] 

>tfw can't read that yet
could you post it in text format?

>> No.15715660

I need the uncensored version so I can check out the nipples before downloading the game.

>> No.15715677 [DELETED] 

Instead of begging to be spoonfed you should use any of the many available methods to do it yourself.
Fuck off.

>> No.15715680

You are way awesome!

>> No.15715692

It's mainly that 1 prolific company has it in all their games so that's like 10 off the bat or something

>> No.15715800

So apparently Dies Irae is being translated?

>> No.15715810

Do people still care about that game? I thought senshinkan was the hot new naruto porn game.

>> No.15715817 [DELETED] 

Yay! I can read it now. So when is it coming out :)

>> No.15715838

Of course it isn't.

>> No.15715848


>> No.15715946

Reading Amakano 1. Is it supposed to be good? That sounds odd but it's close to 80 on EGS and I've seen it discussed here before so I expected something above average but I'm not impressed so far. Kind of like Aozora stripe but with the amai meter or whatever it is, which is to say pretty good art but not very interesting characters or... anything.

>> No.15715969

>trusting jap opinions
Yeah buddy, that's where you made a mistake

>> No.15715976

Amakano is pretty good if you just want a game where you date a girl, otherwise it's painfully boring.

>> No.15715981 [DELETED] 

wording this tbqh
i get all my information from people fapping to galleries and my fellow djt texthooking friends

>> No.15715989

I don't associate with those kind of people if you can even call them that but I guess that's better than trusting japs

>> No.15715996

That's what I'm reading it for. I had a lot of fun in games where you do nothing but date like Tonakoi and Melty Lovers.

>> No.15716013

The difference between those and this is that there is actually a story and drama happening, there's none of that in Amakano. It's just dating and hanging out with a girl

>> No.15716022

Even that's a step up

>> No.15716023

Tonakoi had pretty much no drama or story as I recall, no more so than Amakano so far, and while Seikishi Melty Lovers had a superficial plot I still quite enjoyed the length sections of nothing but dating.

>> No.15716027

No fucking way

>> No.15716046

Well I dunno, Amakano is just boring then. I couldn't even make it through Ruika's route in the sequel even though she's voiced by my favorite seiyuu.

>> No.15716096
File: 809 KB, 1024x768, 1447334077278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonakoi definitely had a story compared to Amakano. I personally loved it since its one of the few "realistic" sol if that even makes sense. It's probably just not for you anon.

>> No.15716122
File: 601 KB, 1024x768, capture_018_25122015_022415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't really get into Amakano either. I love my share of pure love games, but every single previously unacquainted girl being on the protagonist's dick from the get-go due to 優しい personality and his classmates fellating his popularity with the 高嶺の花 girls who've rejected every single love advance so far really stretched my suspension of disbelief too much. Pretty much everything I personally dislike about pure love games turned up to eleven.

>> No.15716175

>Tonakoi definitely had a story compared to Amakano
I think that's setting the bar pretty low if you're being serious... Tonakoi was like, "get married" "ok girls are living with me" "also I run". Hardly much of a story.

>> No.15716188

You are being racist don't use that word

>> No.15716203

I'm pretty sure I can't be racist towards animals. Speciest perhaps, but not racist.

>> No.15716221

I'm getting paid Tuesday. This is the first time I've had a job in over 3 years. I was really looking forward to buying Koikishi Purely Kiss but the price went back up.


Now I don't know what moege to get.

>> No.15716228

Were you going to buy based on the art? Because that's a mediocre game.

>> No.15716230


>> No.15716238

A lot of games do that. It's really not that rare. Wagamama High Spec and Koikishi to name a couple.

That game is pretty much objectively ass, just to give you a heads up. I don't recommend buying it at all.

>> No.15716247

Care to explain any further?

>> No.15716250

I liked the 2 episode anime. It was also half off for the summer sale. That's literally all I was getting it for. If I dodged a bullet, fine. I don't know what I should get now though.

The new 20% off sale is a heaping helping of nukige. None of it looks good at all.

>> No.15716311

It's just boring, no two ways around it.

>> No.15716330

The only problem I had with the game was that the common route was too long and drawn out, otherwise I rather enjoyed the title. Juukishi is the one you should avoid with a 10 foot pole

>> No.15716608 [DELETED] 

you either not buy the game or buy the yuu themed notebook

>> No.15716634

Tonakoi definitely had more comedy. Amakano is pure icha icha.

>> No.15716675

I'm not trying to hate on it in particular, just saying that a lot of people have been enticed to the game on its great art (myself included) but very few people actually enjoy it because art is pretty much all it had going for it; it was disappointing even if you expected nothing.

>> No.15716967


Although I wonder if there's a point. Lately these threads have been so bad. Some people act like they're 15. Just please be more reasonable and post about eroge, not random bullshit tabgentially related to it.

>> No.15717503

I actually liked purely kiss, but I have a thing for girls. Mana best girl, incest was very well done. Not sure why people are calling it boring when it had a lot of action. I will admit it was predictable.
