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15667082 No.15667082 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is hyped as fuck?




>> No.15669111

When can I watch it?

>> No.15669184

Right now in theaters across Japan.

>> No.15669227


>> No.15669299

That's outdated. Funimation has it for late 2016. It's not even still called Resurgence.'

>> No.15670039
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I can't wait.

>> No.15670091

who is this qt

>> No.15670109

I can't wait to watch this. The soundtrack sounds amazing and the directing has been praised all over Japan. There have also been lots of genuine comparisons to EVA which sounds promising.

>> No.15670153


>> No.15670305
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>> No.15670315
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>> No.15670598

Based Sagisu

>> No.15670645

A godzilla film comaparing to eva? Really curious as to how that works. Look forward to seeing it.

>> No.15671527

It's tail is too fucking large

>> No.15672524

As expected of Anno.

>> No.15672936

>Every single movie is a reboot
>gritty grimdark edge Godzilla
>Anno directing
wow I can't wait to witness anno's childish introspection smotheted all over the most fucking hideous incarnation of Godzilla ever
Seriously what's up with that design, looks like a middle schools kid drawing that came to life
And if you hyped for this, you fucking suck.
fuck you hideshit anus

>> No.15673317

"Get into the fucking cockpit, Gojira!".

>> No.15673424

>evangelion becomes an empty shell of "epic" battles and special effects
>godzilla becomes a mass of garble filled with needlessly intimist allegories
All hail king Hideaki, whose touch turns everything into shit

>> No.15673819

Final Wars was better still.


>> No.15674528

Final wars is the best

>> No.15675019




Never change, JGSDF, never change.


>> No.15675027
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So what Godzilla is this? A super duper hell clone space DNA devil replica forces Godzilla?

Pic never related.

>> No.15675803

An international special agency funded by illuminati(onu) cloned the g-cells found in antartic mixed togheter with human dna to protect Tokyo from the attack of monsters, but could be just a facade to hide the motives of the shady director of the agency.

>> No.15676458
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I hope senpai will notice me today!

>> No.15676523

Saw it the other week. It's really good.

Radioactive breath scene is fucking amazing.

>> No.15676526

going to watch this today. what Japanese snacks should I bring into the theater?

>> No.15676647

Any idea yet how wide the distribution will be in NA? It's Funimation so I'm guessing fuck all outside of major cities.

>> No.15676653


When Pacific Rim premiered. Proto1 and some raid/m cats snuck a dude with a wheelchair in the theater and used his chair as a rolling barroom filled with whiskey and gin and vodka.

Go forth and do as well.

>> No.15677312

Bottled water without the label.

>> No.15682300

Funimation changed it back to Shin Godzilla, thank god.

>> No.15683147 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 2448x3264, 1471140489354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty spooky, but as expected of the Master Anno.

>> No.15684127

The fact the Japs havent gotten a torrent up for it yet is making me asspained.

If its cause theyre dedicated to their country I hope they get nuked again in the future

>> No.15685072 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 334x92, 1471126956471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah . they actually had a cyber patrol agency that is part of the police force that looks for illegal uploads (違法アップロード). they have caught a lot of people and put the arrests on the news (as well as getting a huge fine). so people there are afraid to take a risk at getting arrested.

>> No.15685085
File: 8 KB, 334x92, 1471126956471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah . they actually have a cyber patrol agency that is part of the police force that looks for illegal uploads (違法アップロード). they have caught a lot of people and put the arrests on the news (as well as getting a huge fine). so people there are afraid to take a risk at getting arrested.

>> No.15685314

A Pretty good Movie. Of course there's nationalistic propaganda and America is painted as a puppet master with Japan as it's puppet trying to get free.

>> No.15688192

Yeah dude, I'm pretty a movie portraying Japanese politicians and bumbling fools and foreign forces as competent is right wing propaganda. Idiot.

>> No.15688673
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, japan-japanese_00247391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the entire godzilla character isnt one giant metaphor for gotterdamurung: japanese edition as the japanese valiantly stood defiant in the face of impossible odds in 1945 against the evil allied forces that had been gunning for their destruction since the 30s

Watch the greatest story never told

>> No.15689175

>implying there's anything wrong with nationalism.

>> No.15689194


But that's the truth.

>> No.15695441

Philippines Trailer

new footage


>> No.15695740
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lolz that was fast

>> No.15695905

being the complaining faggot that you are before even seeing the movie, I'm now going to drop a spoiler: its tail is another monster, Godzilla goes through multiple forms in this movie

>> No.15696065

You stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.15696155

that sounds pretty stupid

>> No.15696188

Jesus Christ these guys are like 1000 usd a piece.

>> No.15701833

guess i'll wait til it hits another asian country then

>> No.15713856

It will be shit

>> No.15716781

Who Biollante here?

>> No.15717093

I, anon, am indeed hyped as fuck. Godzilla has been a favorite of mine since I was little.

>> No.15723799

Just came back from theaters.

I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
It's basically an extended episode 1 of the original Eva series, but without Nerv and replacing Sachiel with Godzilla and a more realistic/political look at how things would have unfolded.

You might need a strong grasp of Japanese to enjoy it to it's maximum potential, though. The dialogue is lightning fast, especially >>15670305.

>> No.15732917

I'm more of a Space Godzilla guy myself.

>> No.15741808

I didn't realize the composer was sagisu as well, I knew who the director was but this is phenomenal.


>> No.15741855

This actually looks amazing for a Japanese film. Those things usually have shit production quality.

>> No.15741888

The last Godzilla film was such a complete embarrassment that this was the only possible outcome.

>> No.15747542
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hype as shit. The reviews I've seen so far only gave me more hype.
Only shit I don't like is that you never see toadpool Godzilla but that's eh, it's ok.

This begs the question if he will return for the monster mash in 2018. Oh god please let it be real.

>> No.15747554

Considering Godzilla is asexual he was probably ready to give birth before they killed it.

>> No.15751313

>This film is the reason why we STILL don't have Evangelion 3.0+1.0
It better be good.
