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File: 766 KB, 734x1000, 55198637_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15661706 No.15661706 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>15647415

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15661709

Could a magical girl anime produced by monster girls ever avoid devolving into porn?

>> No.15661710

>Nipples in the OP
See you soon.

>> No.15661713

People post monstergirl's bare asses and get away unscathed. Those nipples have about as much detail as if the girl was wearing a bodysuit over them.

>> No.15661719

I'd reccomend deleting that pic OP.

>> No.15661724

It's not that bad but maybe a bit too much for the OP.

>> No.15661728

Everyone agrees dude, but you are pushing obvious boundaries so nobody is going to be sympathetic when you get busted for crossing the line, you knew it was there.

>> No.15661729
File: 217 KB, 500x707, 49f3baf214831eb8d49fe51d7a032a76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how about them mice.

>> No.15661733
File: 269 KB, 716x800, 1465025401914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have a little game of "Cat and Mouse" with a cat girl and a mouse girl!

>> No.15661734

Good for tying up.

>> No.15661741

Kind of wish elder scrolls was handled by japan. Don't the Kahjeet have like, a shit tin of variance in their sub-species?
>Hueg buff cat grill warriors
>Short sneaky cat grill merchants/politicians
Could be fun

>> No.15661752

no it couldn't

>> No.15661776

It's not like furries don't exist in japan.

Elder Scrolls is hardly the best source for monstergirls, especially if they're using Oblivion's faces.

>> No.15661782
File: 266 KB, 858x800, killing_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.”

>> No.15661783

Why not?

Yeah but the odds of them being furry are far lower I would think. Could have had a nation of tanned, ripped desert dwelling cat amazons, and soft sneaky little shits that traipse around in political circles.

>> No.15661793

Had to tweak things here and there.

do you guys want me to continue this?

>> No.15661795
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x1836, 0809161942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let's begin with the first of 3.

>> No.15661798
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x1836, 0809161941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the next one. Fucking Salamander hair.

>> No.15661805
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x1836, 0809161940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally the last one. I could do Anubis more often do to how simple they are.

>> No.15661807

Hard to do It may be, but id say you did a awesome job with the hair

>> No.15661828

What a cute mouse.

>> No.15661835

If you say so.

Her hero is Chris Farley and is wraring pajamas themed after him.

>> No.15661847

We must be wary of these vicious beasts!

>> No.15661853

A young Basilisk appears before you and demands upsies. What do you do.

>> No.15661855

Is there even a choice? She goes as up as my arms can take her.

>> No.15661858

Tell her to go fuck herself and walk away

>> No.15661863

drop-kick the snek

>> No.15661864

Woah there, edgemeister!

>> No.15661867

Drop kick of shame!

>> No.15661868

I don't need no sabbath shithead demanding things from me.

>> No.15661870


>> No.15661877

Precisely why I told her to go fuck herself.

>> No.15661878
File: 176 KB, 702x886, purge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish the job.

>> No.15661879

Because all little girls are from Sabbath, right?

>> No.15661880

I'd tell her to remove her mask even though her mother told her to absolutely never do that

Of course I'd take responsibility afterwards

>> No.15661881

Way to kill the thread autists.

>> No.15661883

tg in a nutshell.

>> No.15661885

you asked the question

>> No.15661886

Poor Dormouse looking so grumpy because she has no husband to cuddle-sleep with

As >>15661807 said, you drew Salamander's hair nicely

>Elementary school nurse arrested
>Druella streaking outside a kindergarten

We need to teach monsters that shotas are not ready for their lewdness

>> No.15661887

You ask me about children, you'll get the same response out of me every time, appropriate or not

>> No.15661888

Reminds me I need to get to work on a kindergarden teacher short-story. Bless the reminder m8

>> No.15661889

There's some major gramatical mistakes you need to fix up first. I'd also consider changing the wording of a few sentences.
>As far as he can tell, the battle was even...
sounds better than
>The battle was even as far he he could tell
because it introduces the reader to the fact the MC is their point of reference for how the battle is going instead of just making a general statement with his POV as a footnote.
Try reading it aloud next time.

Very cute.

Will it have Japanese kindergarden uniforms?

>> No.15661892

She's just tired.

I guess I did an okay job then.


>> No.15661898

Tell me more.

>> No.15661899

Good to know, I'll get to fixing them.

>> No.15661902

Not much to say, still workin on Dwarf short while drowning myself in NMS footage.

>> No.15661904

was meant for >>15661889

>> No.15661905


>> No.15661908

No Man's Sky. 3d Starbound with 17 Quintadoplutonium planets to explore, which will all eventually end up feeling almost exactly the same after a couple days of gameplay.

>> No.15661912

Necromancer Mahou Shoujou. Your kokoro will go twice as doki doki for her sake!

>> No.15661916

As long as it isn't a man

>> No.15661919

Magical Lich-chan is a cutie

>> No.15661937 [DELETED] 

Little Basilisk now wants to cuddle and eat pizza with you while marathoning Breaking Bad!
Do you oblige?

>> No.15661947 [DELETED] 

Little Basilisk needs to give it a fucking rest.

>> No.15661951 [DELETED] 

Little Basilisk can go back to the cold street.

>> No.15661952

>3d Starbound
If only.
At least Starbound has functioning multiplayer and lets you build.

>> No.15661954 [DELETED] 
File: 3.03 MB, 3000x2000, 1450718788509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I had her taken care of. Either I need to be more thorough or we have an infestation.

>> No.15661957 [DELETED] 

Please stop.

>> No.15661958 [DELETED] 

Can we keep the "what do you do"s and the role-playing over on the wiki? Please don't keep forcing this here because it's going to back fire on you.

>> No.15661961 [DELETED] 

Samefag much? You need to quite sperging already.

>> No.15661964

Man I've been fucking hooked on that game. I pre ordered way back in Alpha, played for like 2 hours, got frustrated at how poorly it ran and how the devs didn't seem to know what they were doing, now that it's out I've put like 40 hours into it, despite it still having many flaws.

>lets you build.
Devs are adding base building at some point.

>> No.15661968 [DELETED] 

Who let captain No Fun of the SS Jerkass in here?

>> No.15661969 [DELETED] 

You're seriously going to throw the same-fagging card? These kinds of posts always annoy people.
Is right. If you're incapable of believing that more than one person here doesn't like your wiki posts, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.15661971
File: 442 KB, 504x800, 50776388_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely refused to touch SB until the recent release, and it's been pretty damn fun.
Significantly better than the caterwauling in its threads would lead me to believe.

>> No.15661972

Alright managed to get it screen using a free grammar site, It should be better now.

>> No.15661977 [DELETED] 

When a post is literally 1 minute to 1 minute +1 second away from another post and happens to share the same opinion as the other it shows obvious traits of samefagging.
You also keep claiming that it's wiki shit, but you only say that NOW, after ignoring HOW FUCKING MUCH OF YHE PREVIOUS THREAD?

>> No.15661983 [DELETED] 

He was wrong to let you get away with it for this long, yes.
But better late than never. Please stop with the wiki-tier bullshit. It's bad enough that it exists there without bringing it here too.

>> No.15661987 [DELETED] 

If I was going to same-fag, I would be more subtle. I won't speak for the other anon, but I don't care enough to try that hard.

As for:
It's hilarious that you use that as support for your argument. Did it ever even cross your mind that I may not have even seen the other thread? FYI, I just got back from vacation. Please just calm down and go to bed or something because this is just sad.

>> No.15661990 [DELETED] 

>wiki tier
Yeah. Uh huh. Sure.
Whatever you say.

>> No.15661991 [DELETED] 

How exactly does that make it okay now?

>> No.15661992 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 516x501, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can always got and fetch some actual wiki material if you'd like to get some perspective.

>> No.15661996

Remove her mask and stare at her eyes

>> No.15661998

Would a man be unaffected by his daughter's eyes?

>> No.15661999
File: 393 KB, 623x1200, 299_Hakutaku_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would wonder how would a young adult hakutaku would be like.

>> No.15662001 [DELETED] 

Why bother with the obvious samefagging shitposter? Just ignore him and he'll either go back to tg or lose interest in the thread by the 200th post.

>> No.15662002


>> No.15662004


>> No.15662005

Charon, I swear to Hades, the whole arm up your ass.

>> No.15662006 [DELETED] 

We barely hit 50 posts and he forced the basilisk thing twice (within like 15 posts) including a word for word "what do you do" which is the definition of wiki material. Just because worse wiki stuff exists doesn't make this acceptable.

>> No.15662009
File: 310 KB, 991x702, more for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that dungeons are not for the faint of heart

>> No.15662013

Probably a nice girl that's a little shy and unsure about spreading her knowledge.

>> No.15662014 [DELETED] 

You REALLY have zero idea what this thread does, do you?
Several of those at once is an average Sunday, but yoy wouldn't know from mot reading the last thread from your "vacation".

>> No.15662016 [DELETED] 

Seriously people throw around "wiki tier" without knowing just how bad the wiki can be. A large amount of their content manages to make Alp look like a respected scholar.

>> No.15662018

Fire the batgirl, she's sleeping on the job

>> No.15662020 [DELETED] 

Shows how he isn't from around here.

>> No.15662023

>Someone commissioned this
>It's basically the pose in her profile and by a furry artist

>> No.15662027

Who cares? It's nice.

>> No.15662034

Not hi, but theres no way that is worth money.

>> No.15662036
File: 395 KB, 1000x883, 1401655679828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not terrible but why? It's basically paying for something that already exists by a much better artist.

>> No.15662040

That person was comissioned to do a Hellhound too.

Why am I not surprised.

>> No.15662041

Why not? It (presumably) made someone happy.

>> No.15662042

Yeah, it's not worth money, and itcs practically the same pose, but hey it's not 100% the same and not a tracing.

>> No.15662043

Stupidity is stupidity regardless of whether or not it makes some one happy.

>> No.15662046

You really need to take that stick out your ass and enjoy things.

>> No.15662048

The way I see it, someone had their day made and here we are arguing about it.

Doesn't seem so dumb to me.

>> No.15662052

Some people probably enjoy Sukiru Ikeda's writing but he doesn't get a free pass.

>> No.15662053

You don't really pay to get your day made. Making your day is when unexpected shit happen. Like he just send the dude a request and happened to get a drawing for free.

>> No.15662054 [DELETED] 

>day 420: they still seem to be thinking they're better than the wiki

>> No.15662055
File: 60 KB, 850x487, Sample_fe568bf263e4e9a7ccd59baad63f6c4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be an unhappy person. Have a Yeti.

>> No.15662057 [DELETED] 


>I'm unhappy because I think paying money for a sub par knockoff a freely available thing is silly

>> No.15662058

That's funny. All the waifu anons seem to be really happy when their commissions finish.

>> No.15662059 [DELETED] 

It's their money. Shut the bloody fuck up already you autistic twaty jizz rag and stop being so bothered by others doing what they want with their money.

>> No.15662060

Maybe I just associate pleasant surprises with having your day made more than just general good things.

>> No.15662061 [DELETED] 

>stop being so bothered

>> No.15662063

Some anons here just can't stand when other people are happy.

And that's fair, but some of my favorite days involve the sequel book I bought from Amazon finally arriving at my house.

>> No.15662065 [DELETED] 

>Shut the bloody fuck up already you autistic twaty jizz rag and stop being so bothered
The self awareness here is amusing.

>> No.15662067

>And that's fair, but some of my favorite days involve the sequel book I bought from Amazon finally arriving at my house.
Yeah, but see, there's an element of pleasant surprise there. Unless you knew precisely when it would arrive.

>> No.15662070 [DELETED] 

I, however, am not amused.

>> No.15662071
File: 789 KB, 1114x1600, 1470750789871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss the kubikajiri
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15662074

Other than one manchild bitching about RPing? A nice tonguejob baring any accidental biting.

>> No.15662077

He wouldn't know exactly when it would be done. It would be nearly identical to the all but mandatory estimated delivery. It wouldn't change the elation from actually receiving the product in hand.

>> No.15662079

Anon just give up. He seems incapable of seeing it from your point of view.

>> No.15662080

Never commissioned anything. Don't artists say when they'll probably be done?
Eat a dick

>> No.15662084
File: 146 KB, 760x734, Korbo in a Timber Wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to burn down the thread?

>> No.15662085
File: 534 KB, 1280x847, tumblr_obo97agGvq1qh9xwzo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No harm in posting the image in question.
On one side I understand why you'd dislike the same pose. But on the other hand I really don't see the issue.

It's a piece of art made in a different artstyle that shares the same pose. It made somoene who paid for it happy and it gives us more Cheshire art. Sure perhaps the art quality isnt top notch, but it certainly isnt bad and its a nice addition to the art Cheshire has.

>> No.15662088

Yes. Just like more retailers provide you with an estimated delivery time.

Again, it comes down to the knock on the door, package in the mailbox, or file in an email. It's that moment that gives the rush.

>> No.15662089

I just realized that I want to see a Basilisk cosplaying as a demon hunter from WoW.

>> No.15662090

It's a decent 7/10 in my opinion.

>> No.15662092

This is true. You can't argue with the fact that it's style is different. It's not worthy of a huge commission but I could imagine a Cheshire fan being happy giving out a few bucks.

>> No.15662093

I never said there was anything wrong with the picture. As another anon said, it wasn't traced or anything and its a nice picture if a little simple looking. It just isn't worth money.

Gotta wonder who the defensive dude jumping down my neck is though. The dude who paid for it, or the dude who drew it?

>> No.15662094

I want to see one dressed up as a Bluemage. Complete with beret.

>> No.15662098

Any suggestions for what to doodle next? Preferably no girls with hamfists.

>> No.15662102

Ara ara Baphomet acting classy

>> No.15662104

A cute Kiki

>> No.15662107

I think a different drawfag is going to have to do that one, like Latenight or Loen.

I'm listening.

>> No.15662108

Really not a fan of the art style, the face especially.
If 5 is average then 7/10 is an insult to all the good artists out there.

>> No.15662114

I dunno. The face seems suitably shit-eaty for a cheshire

>> No.15662120

Who cares? Aside from just you?

>> No.15662122

I give Beethoven a 3/10 because I hate classical.

It's in no way a masterpiece but I think 7/10 is not objectively unfair for the style it's going for. I don't see any glaring flaws and the proportions seem better than a lot of what comes through here.

>> No.15662127

It doesn't meet his standards so it doesn't deserve a 7 lest it insult all the worthwhile artists somehow.

>> No.15662132

Why are you white knighting so hard?

>> No.15662139

I didn't know busting someone's chops was whiteknighting these days. Learn a more proper term to use in this situation; asshole, dick, Bob, jerk, etc.

>> No.15662144

Well, you're kinda busting chops of the people busting chops. That reactionary manner is closer to white knighting.

>> No.15662147

The expression isn't the main problem, something just looks really off about the face in general.
It's not about standards, it's about an objective scale. If 10 is professional art designer with a strong following, 9 is a freelance who gets a lot of work and 8 is the kind of guy who can sell commissions for a 100+ dollars then there's no way that Cheshire is a 7.

>> No.15662148

That is not whiteknighting, as it is not in response to someone in need of help, or out of desire to be thanked for it.
It's called being an ass to another ass.

>> No.15662151

The world needs more cute Kiki's. It needs happy young fluffy Kiki's running around the playground, playing around with their brooms with all the energy in the world and guided by their smiling older sisters. Slowly growing up, ready to face the world.

A cute Kiki who watches over her childhood friend, helping him up whenever he falls down. Protecting him fiercely if needed and tenderly caring for him when he gets sick. Growing up together, ready to face the world and tackle any problem it throws at them.

A gothic Kiki, in a black gothic maid dress. With a tough act which drops as soon as a boy gives her more than a little attention or suprises her in her act.

Kiki's are the wonder of the world.

>> No.15662155

There's no way that Butters can be an 8 according to that scale either, and yet look at what is.
Nobody will use the same scaling as you, so don't go getting your panties in a knot over people using their own scaling and standards, M'kay?

>> No.15662161

Scale plays a factor. Just because it's small and simple doesn't mean the objective quality of the art is any less. Sure, he could have gone with a background and original pose and it would be worth more, but that's not what we're talking about.

>> No.15662162

Kikifag I am touched.
I'll see what I can scribble up tomorrow.

>> No.15662165

White knights don't really act in 'response' per se. They preempt the call for help. And you're acting in defense of a content creator and the dude who paid for said content. Regardless of whether or not you wanted to be thanked.

Or is a thankless white knight oxymoronic?

>> No.15662174

I think you are merely seeing it as whiteknighting, even if I say otherwise.
I am not doing it in defense of the content creator, nor am I doing it for the person who paid for it.
Really, this is a pointless and silly arguement. Want to agree to disagree?

>> No.15662176

>acting in defense
He's acting in defense of a particular side of an argument. By your logic any opinion other than your own would be white knighting. What part of this is difficult for you?

>> No.15662178

>There's no way that Butters can be an 8 according to that scale either, and yet look at what is.
He overcharges and gets away with it because he does niche work, same reason furries get away with it. Both are exceptions.
And stop speaking like a faggot.

>> No.15662184

>speaking like a faggot
And yet Buttets still rates an 8 according to your scale regardless. Clearly you must show bias towards the artist or something.

>> No.15662189

I just said in the post you responded to that he's an exception from the scale due to the nature of the audience he targets.

Has your desire to defend a literal furry artist rendered you incapable of reading?

>> No.15662190

Well, not really. If some one started shit talking a particular individual and I decided to defend them on their behalf, I'd be whiteknighting, yeah? So its not just any opinion other than my own.

>Really, this is a pointless and silly arguement. Want to agree to disagree?
If you like. I don't mind arguing more though.

>> No.15662192

>bias towards the artist
I thought hating on Butter was the popular thing to do around here

>> No.15662194

And he's an exception for an entirely stupid reason.
Has your hateboner for furries made you assume everyone not against them is for them?
Looks like we rooted out the problem already.

>> No.15662195

>defend a literal furry artist
That's funny, I though he was arguing about the art? Are we arguing about something else now?

>> No.15662196

I am talking about the other one. All the hip and cool cats rip on ButterT.

>> No.15662197

Award winning "I was only kidding/trolling" quote in 3...

>> No.15662200

>Timber Wolf
That mech will always be MAD CAT. I don't care what clanners say, I don't care what Sarna says. It's MAD CAT.

>> No.15662201


You do realise we're furries with a thing for smooth tits and ass?

>> No.15662203
File: 297 KB, 341x988, donkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donkey finally returns
>she is now Kaiba

>> No.15662204

Pudgy shortstack hellhounds

>> No.15662207

Then by that logic liking humans is the same because they're upright hairless monkeys.

>> No.15662208

>I'd be whiteknighting
You would be if your purpose was to defend that individual. But the individual doesn't factor into an objective analysis on the quality of a piece or art.

>> No.15662211

Meme figuire of the year. Go tall or go home.

>> No.15662214

So, they're both jackasses?

>> No.15662219

What does that have to do with anything? I'm genuinely confused about what's being argued now.

>> No.15662220

Yeah that was pretty much argument suicide.

>> No.15662221

Well when the majority of this was
>he can do whatever he wants with his money u r just mad
It seems more like whiteknighting. We haven't even discussed the quality of the art. This isn't even about an analysis of the art, really. It's whether or not it was worth paying for. Which is closer related to the individual than the art piece.

>> No.15662224

>We haven't even discussed the quality of the art.
I'm not sure where you've been but we moved past that a long time ago and on to >>15662090

>> No.15662225

>And he's an exception for an entirely stupid reason.
I don't see why. It's a known fact that people who target a niche with their art can get away with charging much, much more than someone who has a more general approach and mainly draws human characters.
He doesn't fall into an 8 for that reason.
We are arguing about the art, I was questioning his need to ignore everything presented to him.

>> No.15662226
File: 279 KB, 441x643, donkaiba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662227

We did talk about quality and analyzed it.
One guy is just in complete "It was done by a furry artist so it's awful and ranks lower to real artists like NutterButterT!" and is currently going full retard.

>> No.15662230

He still draws decently enough to get them to pay either way, which only doesn't qualify because of your tantrum.

>> No.15662233

Right you are. I got confused.

>> No.15662236

It is overall decent and above average, but I would not personally pay for it.
Autistismo Steve on the other hand thinks it doesn't even deserve a 6, because his standards are too much for is plebians to understand. It must be why we love Holsts so much!

>> No.15662239

Eh, some tall, flat girls with large rears would be nice

>> No.15662240
File: 412 KB, 850x1145, 1408330071354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haahn? What do you mean I can't cook?

Oh no, your Dragon wife insists on cooking tonight. How are you going to persuade her to let you do the cooking so everything isn't burned to a crisp?

>> No.15662241

>I was questioning his need
You were strawmanning. Not only is the artist is utterly irrelevant to the art itself, you have no idea what the motivations of the poster are.

>> No.15662242

My waifu runs a bakery. She doesn't need no instructions to know how to rock.

>> No.15662244

I don't have a dragon wife.

>> No.15662245

>White knights don't really act in 'response' per se. They preempt the call for help.
You sound like you have some knowledge on the matter. Does it happen to be personal?

>> No.15662246

Don't talk to him anymore and let him flounder about. We need to get back on track.

>> No.15662251

Because of the target audience being limited for artists.

Slugbox of all people manages to charge over 250 for his stuff because he does furry.

>> No.15662252

But I've had a bad day and it's fun winning.

>> No.15662253

>you have no idea what the motivations of the poster are
It was obvious he didn't want to read what was presented to him that's for sure.

>> No.15662254

Yes, of course. How else would I know what a white knight was, if I wasn't one myself? I also know what a tree is. And by that I obviously mean that I am, in fact a tree. And as a tree, I have quite the bit of authority when I say you should leaf.

>> No.15662255

I know it's fun having a actual idiot to mock instead of Alp, but we're here to molest Kikis and stop shotas from being smuggled across thr border.

>> No.15662256

Perhaps, but that doesn't make the rest of your post any more useful/relevant/correct as an argument.

Tell you what, give me a warm scenario with a Yeti to think about and I'll call it quits.

>> No.15662258
File: 91 KB, 376x536, 1450015483350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

August has been kinda cold, i need her to fix the weather

>> No.15662260

Yeti pouring strong alcohol down her tummy for you to drink while waiting for your dinner, soup, to finish cooking.

>> No.15662262

What a fucking train wreck from post zero.

>> No.15662265

That Ryu looks quite strict.

Doesn't look like she changes the weather on a whim, probably follows a schedule.

>> No.15662267

I know right? I went from complaining about wiki posts to defending art. What a night.

But I got a Yeti thing out of it so it's all good.

>> No.15662268

Blame tg.

>> No.15662270

>complaining about wiki posts
You're that guy?

>> No.15662271

I blame you

>> No.15662272

I am not tg though

>> No.15662273

>I know right? I went from complaining about wiki posts to defending art. What a night.
Explains a lot.

>> No.15662274

Remember that Kiki tails wag when they are getting praised

>> No.15662275

They also flap their ears too.

>> No.15662276 [DELETED] 

All me

I'm not a shitposter, I just have different opinions and values on different subjects.

>> No.15662278 [DELETED] 

And your values and opinions seem to call things that happen almost hourly something wiki-tier.

>> No.15662279 [DELETED] 

Not him, but lazy and short "wut do" posts are pretty wiki tier

>> No.15662280 [DELETED] 

>that happen almost hourly
Yes, I do have an issue with repetitive, low-quality posts. I'm glad you picked up on this.

>> No.15662282 [DELETED] 

>laughing cheshires
I may not agree with you, but that post was 10/10.

>> No.15662283 [DELETED] 

Careful not to invoke the posting chikas boogeyman

>> No.15662284 [DELETED] 

>I just have different opinions and values on different subjects
Which goes into the trash when you say this >>15662280
Since you just defended low quality art which repeats what someone else already did.

>> No.15662285

What is best?
A tiny Kiki built for cuddling that one can sit in their lap or a tall, muscled one that isn't cute?

>> No.15662286 [DELETED] 

Not everything is supposed to be a 39 volume essay that goes into long soliloquies about what one would do in such a scenario if they happened to be in those shoes.
Sometimes a simple thing is all that is needed to at least spark discussion and breath life into the thread. Just let things be and don't sweat it when it happens because it's pretty much a thread staple.

>> No.15662288

Why don't we talk about spirits
what would you do to get a elemental monster? and what element wold it be?

>> No.15662292

Muscle Kikis are pointless due to their maid outfit covering their bodies.

>> No.15662293 [DELETED] 

>brat demands you pick her up
How does this spark discussion and breathe life into the thread?

>> No.15662297 [DELETED] 

How so? The posts and art are two entirely separate things that I can have very different opinions on.

Not him but it wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't immediately posted the second attempt at "young basilisk" after the first one got shitposted. i used the word "forced" and I think that's valid. I'm all for starting discussion and stuff but if something doesn't take you don't keep pushing the same thing down the thread's throat in an attempt to force it.

>> No.15662302 [DELETED] 

I meant to ask: what does this mean?

>> No.15662304

Oh, you meant that literally.

>> No.15662305

Not if their uniform is spats and a sports bra with an apron over it

>> No.15662308 [DELETED] 

Thats so the can conceal their strength until, treats arrive...or sex

>> No.15662310


>yokels and bandits see a new mech on the periphery
>Musta slapped a Marauder and a Catapult together!
Freebirth Inner Sphere scum go and stay go.

>> No.15662312

You guys in the mood for some MGK?
You're Jimmy.
Do you help Anubis finish off over 5 pounds of Pixie Sticks?
Do you play Mariokart with Pharaoh and get introduced to her aunt?
Do you go to the local playground now that it's free from the tyranny of Ex-Nurse Weresheep and clog the slide with Ophy, Ushi Oni, Lich and her Elf-Wight nee-san, and Wyvern?
Do you play in Ryu's family's pool with her and Albino Lamia?
Do you eat pizza with Wurm?
Do you learn how to give a sick indian burn from 2nd grader Salamander and Hellhound?
Do you watch 6th grade Jabberwock and Lilim play basketball?
Do you play with the drunken Junko's tail?
Or do you deal with your Vampire aunt trying to play matchmaker between you and her Dhampir daughter?

>> No.15662315

That's so they can conceal their strength until, threats arrive...or sex

>> No.15662318


>> No.15662321

Gotta go with that pool, Ryu can teach me to swim even if she's utterly embarrassed to be doing it and doesn't know how legs work.

>> No.15662323 [DELETED] 

You seem to be harshly treating it over everything else. Other ideas go on for longer with people doing the same for over 10+ posts and yet you only gice this one shit?

>> No.15662324


>> No.15662329

>"Mommy said legs are like arms. But the 'third leg is special'! I asked daddy what a 'third leg' is, but he freaked out and said he would tell me when I'm 90!"

>> No.15662332

Apparently I can type for shit

>> No.15662334

Yes you can

>> No.15662335

Apparently so.

Even if she locks you in a room with her daughter and says you won't be let out until "you make her yours"? Would you one up her by holding a fake wedding and playing house with your cousin?

>> No.15662336

Well, that will lead to a hilarious if silent comedy scene when she finally turns 90 and he actually tells her, her own granddaughter old enough to understand what it is already. But he's got a serious look on his face, and the sound of the bamboo fountain clacking against stone outside is the only sound and movement.

It's still adorable in the moment.

>> No.15662338 [DELETED] 

A) It was the first example in this thread

B) Why do you assume that I don't comment on it at other times? As I said, I haven't hung out here in a few days.

C) See: "not as bad as" argument fallacy

>> No.15662340

>single MG mothers sending out their kids to snare husbands this way

>> No.15662341
File: 162 KB, 818x1157, blacksmith dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like swords.
I like dragons that can make swords.
What would you have a dragon make for you?

>> No.15662342

a butt plug

>> No.15662343 [DELETED] 

If you have not been here for only a few days you still would have seen the last thread, and the one before that, and the one before that, and so on. You only seem to really be talkative right now.
And quoting argumental fallacies doesn't automatically make you correct.

>> No.15662347

Wedding ring.

>> No.15662350

Jewel studded greatsword

>> No.15662351

It works unless they find irritable men.

>> No.15662352 [DELETED] 

>you still would have seen the last thread
How? I just said I wasn't here for it. Now you're assuming that I go back and reread them. Even if I did, how exactly do you expect me to comment on an archived thread? I don't mean to be an ass, but you could have thought this part through a little better.

>And quoting argumental fallacies doesn't automatically make you correct
But it does refute a part of yours. You just told me that because there are topics of questionable quality that extend "for over 10+ posts", that I should be less annoyed over a similar topic of only two.

>> No.15662360 [DELETED] 

What, posting chaikas?

>> No.15662361

No, me and my cousin would go on an adventure!

It's obviously time to escape from the dungeon of the vampire queen!

Much glory and treasure shall be earned this day!

>> No.15662364 [DELETED] 

So you may have missed the last thread. How about the 200+ ones before those consisting of the same things on a different day? Is this litetally your first day here?

By logical standards you shoyld be less annoyed by the lesser eyet, yet you get annoyed by it while being completely uncaring or opinionated towards their big brothers. At least be consistant.

>> No.15662365 [DELETED] 


>> No.15662366

Whatever she thinks suits me best for the price I can pay. A dragon would know better than me.

>> No.15662369

A hammer, so I could work alongside her.

>> No.15662370

Truly you are a shining beacon.

>> No.15662376

>implying I'm not going to be the most tryhard hero ever in order to become captain planet

>> No.15662378


>> No.15662380 [DELETED] 

But now we've come back to the assumption that I've never commented on this sort of thing in earlier threads. I do. Believe it or not, it usually doesn't turn into anything like this. I say something like>>15661957 to which they reply >>15661968, and that's the end of it. As I said earlier, I don't typically shitpost. If I can't make a good argument for something I don't resort to childish tantrums. I'm also usually good about not starting/lengthening things that derail the thread.

>> No.15662385

So you like the water Wurm?

>> No.15662388

Nope, just a man who loves adventure, although I don't know how the aunt will take it.

Regardless, my cousin can adventure with me any time!

>> No.15662389
File: 1.02 MB, 3508x2480, 1458300225413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's time for cute stuff.

>> No.15662390

Sounds like an indirect marriage proposal.

>> No.15662393

>can control the weather for maximum comfy
>suicide switch
What's not to love?

>> No.15662396

>>suicide switch
wait, what?

>> No.15662398

Their weather manipulation is pretty weak compared to a third rate mage. A drunken Lich could do better in less time and not need the long love making session in order to do it.

>> No.15662401
File: 843 KB, 1000x1000, 1438059359176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a time that's not for cute stuff? This is news to me.

>> No.15662402

How do you figure?

>> No.15662404

What you talking about?

There's no way my genki, adventurous damphir cousin would be interested in me.

You're crazy!

>> No.15662405

Reverse scale.

>> No.15662406
File: 353 KB, 491x800, 1449681938603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was enjoying winning.

>> No.15662408

They need like 3 days of built up energy to change the weather IIRC. Anyone with basic elemental magic can change the weather almost instantly if they're not stupid.
Yuki Onna also have potential to turn any area into a winter wonderland, excluding volcanoes.

>> No.15662412

I heard she digs you man! She even put on a dress!

>> No.15662415

>the width of that underboob indicating massive mammaries
>we don't get to see, profile art girl chest is pretty modest

>> No.15662416

Only to get passed the guards that one time, it's why I wore a suit and danced with her!

She was surprisingly good at it

>> No.15662417

>Anyone with basic elemental magic can change the weather almost instantly if they're not stupid
Ugh, I'm not sure which fictional magic system you're using, but generally necromancy and weather manipulation are two very different schools of magic. Nevermind that elemental does not equal weather.

>> No.15662419

The tits look a bit off unless they're actually fried egg shaped.

>> No.15662420

Personally I'm not a fan of unrealistic proportions.

>> No.15662422

Liches are usually considered high class magic usersb so limitoling them to just necromancy is silly.

>> No.15662425

>words words words
>worts wards wulks in the post afterwards
Spellcheck what is wrong with you today?

>> No.15662433

Remember to cuddle your Kikis before bed. OR ELSE.

>> No.15662434

Which is why nearly every magical setting divides magic users into specialized schools that require decades to even approach mastery. Then there's the fairly common idea that magic is often "flavoured" with greater ability in one type meaning less in another.

Very rarely is there mastery of multiple forms of magic in any setting. I personally would imagine lichs to be skilled in necromancy and other magics associated with the body/spirit but little else.

>> No.15662436

>They need like 3 days of built up energy to change the weather IIRC.

According to their entry this is only if they call rain for several days in a row

>> No.15662437
File: 1.23 MB, 1485x1122, 1446074384432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mister I don't care to hear about your homosexual problems.

>> No.15662439


>> No.15662440

Or else what?

It's not like giving my Kiki a diet of pure mino milk will increase aggression

>> No.15662443
File: 481 KB, 1200x771, 41311347_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer something more like this.

>> No.15662445

I would like her to make me happy. Or maybe a nice sword for my hoard.

>> No.15662447

Considering time matters little for something that will exist long after the heat death of the universe, I think a Lich can and likely would have mastery over most schools of magic.
Nature magic and Elemental magic are very close, almost glued together, so both being able to do things frombthe other isn't much of a stretch.

>> No.15662449

Or else what?

>> No.15662450

Really? So she needs it to turn an area into the northwestern Americas for a duration?

>> No.15662451


>> No.15662453

THAT will happen.

>> No.15662456

But the Kiki is my maid and maids are only for pats and praising.

>> No.15662464

What will happen?
Come on, I'm a busy man who has things to do, I can do something with the Kiki later

>> No.15662468

Nature and life are the polar opposite of death. You literally can't get any further from necromancy/spirit. Who's to even say that something that exists solely in a spirit/undead form can even influence life energy/magic?

Narratively, this sort of thing is done for a reason. If you were to write lichs as being this powerful, where does that leave lilims or true elementals? You're giving them far too much ability which cheapens true power/mastery.

>> No.15662474

Gay gay go away
Come again no other day
Would be alps don't get to play
Gay gay go away

>> No.15662501

>You'll never sign a contract with a Demon that says you need to eat her ass twice a day

>> No.15662508

Yeah, I'm not really into that even if it is sparkling clean since demons don't poop.

>> No.15662510

>You'll never break the contract by eating her ass five times

>> No.15662517

Why would you want to eat her ass? She won't be able to sit down if you're taking chunks out of it to eat.

>> No.15662532

I'll take the stage 2+ if no one wants them

>> No.15662534


>> No.15662537

>demons don't poop
I haven't decided how I stand on MGs bodily functions. I think I'm in the boat that if it eats (normal food) it shits.

>> No.15662538

>You'll never be a not!Roman soldier patrolling borders up the northern reaches of your empire
>You'll never come into contact with an amazon hunter whose range takes her close to your walls
>You'll never begin a mutual relationship of observation as she hunts prey and watches your walls for weaknesses.
>You'll never range outside the wall on a small hunting trip and come across a lone buck, ripe to take back to your garrison for a treat
>You'll never watch as the beast shudders from a twin impact of two arrows digging deep into its flesh from opposite sides.
>You'll never have a mini standoff over the disputed prey
>In following with local custom, you'll never settle the dispute by her tribe's way of domination
>Thing is, domination between men and women for her comes in the form of sex
>You'll never head back later that night sore, with half the kill and a hope to convince your commander to let you go hunting more often

>> No.15662540

What a pussy.

>> No.15662543

If he was a pussy, he'd head back very sore with no kill.

>> No.15662545

Amazons don't settle anything, just dominate.

>> No.15662548

>only half
>after getting manhandled

>> No.15662559

Well when an unstoppable force meets an unstoppable force, it has to settle, no?

I am actually confused. Wanna expand on your view more? An amazon is at least three times stronger and faster and more enduring than the fittest of human men. How is a tie anything short of herculean?

>> No.15662560


She just gave him half to be nice.

>> No.15662564

>An amazon is at least three times stronger and faster and more enduring than the fittest of human men
Nice generic headcanon.

>> No.15662566

It's an amazon. What exactly are you trying to do?

>> No.15662568

>desperate maledomfags think they'd ever beat or tie with an amazon

>> No.15662570

>amazons have extraordinary strength and speed
>but a random male soldier could easily beat an amazon in a hunting contest
here's your (you)

>> No.15662573

It is, isn't it. You know what else is a part of my nice headcanon? Undead being cold. Mermaids living in the ocean. Harpies flying. Niiice headcanon.

>> No.15662580

Unless you take levels in fighter or are supremely lucky, it would be a hard fight.

Using poisons or magic would be a better way to get them.

Then again, I'd be equally happy with her as the Dom as I would mindbreaking her in the cuddle dungeon

>> No.15662584

I disagree, how difficult is that to understand?

>three times stronger than a man
We don't have measurements of MG stats so saying "she's this strong" is pretty headcanony. Same with the YUGE fags.

>> No.15662587

>be incubus
>beat monstergirl
Get fucked.

>> No.15662588

I know for a fact that I could beat an ogre in a fight.

>> No.15662595

The figure doesn't really matter. The point was she is at least twice as strong as your average soldier. That's why walking back with half was something of a trophy. I mean, that was plainly obvious.

>> No.15662598

>she is at least twice as strong
Says you
>as your average soldier
That's acceptable, but the greentext doesn't bank on that. Just saying.

>> No.15662602

Anyone got that amazon greentext about turning the aggressive uppity husband into a happy househusband?

>> No.15662609

>not!roman soldier
>Patrolling a wall on the borders
How does this scenario not bank on the dude being average? Roman military was the definition of average. Barely any one there was exceptional.

>> No.15662611

>you will never be locked in a camel clutch by a Bulgarian Oni

>> No.15662612

It's just one mad guy. Although your post sounds as falseflagging as well.

>> No.15662620

>How does this scenario not bank on the dude being average
Everyone is unique. Why would you have a weakling patrolling your borders instead of someone capable so they can inform of a threat or take it on?
>Roman military was the definition of average
I'm not a historyfag, but you're writing something fictitious anyway.

>> No.15662621

So anons, what terrible, terrible things would you do if you were the strongest hero in MGE?

Personally I would probably go about, nabbing high level, muscled monster girls breaking them into lovey dovy, soft girls that are almost always pregnant.

Would also try and create a race of super muscled goblins too but that would be more of a hobby if anything

>> No.15662622

>Do 100 Push Up, Squats, Sit Ups and 10km run everyday for 3 years with no A/C
>Beat Amazon
>Beat Dragons
>Beat Demon Lord
Any questions?

>> No.15662623

Saitama pls go

>> No.15662626

I would travel around the world and defeat all the smug monster girls that try to rape me.

>> No.15662628

You want people to shitpost that bad?

>> No.15662631

>I'm not a historyfag
It's painfully obvious.

>> No.15662640

Whatever the fuck I want, that's the dream. I'd hunt and tomb raid., maybe blacksmith on the side.

>> No.15662641

Only the smug ones?
What about the meek ones?

>> No.15662649

Doesn't invalidate what I said.

>> No.15662652

Do you plunder the tombs of pharoahs along with their 'coffins' or are you going to have a bunch of pouty undead camping on your lawn and demanding you 'return the X or duff my curse!"

>> No.15662653

shitpost on the internet

>> No.15662654

There is no judgement in my dojo, no spoken judgement at least

>> No.15662658

I would say that I will wait for the day they can defeat me and make me their husband. But they should hurry or someone might get to me first.

>> No.15662660

Willingly become a living sex toy for a Hellhound with a fetish for dominating strong guys.

>> No.15662664

Maybe it's just myself being paranoid after so many threads and shitstorms, but the fact that you posted that when another dom vs sub discussion was starting is suspicious.

>> No.15662667

God damn it anon.

Seriously, I'd raid for relics from the former age and sell them for obscenely high process to fund my travels. It's just a job, I just want to see everything that world has to offer, who'd leave this world just to do the same shit in another?

>> No.15662669

Spread my genes so new monstergirls will be even stronger.

>> No.15662670

Probably what you want without the pregnancy thing and more battle harem of loyal warrior wives

>> No.15662677

as long as you dont shit on the other side and dont bring up domming/breaking hellhounds and amazons you can bring up maledom without a shitstorm

>> No.15662679

So your going to have a bunch of meek, muscled monster girls vying to get you?
Sounds nice

Huh, that could be nice.

That would be pretty nice.
Good way to get yourself some rivals as well

>> No.15662687

You're asking for too much.

>> No.15662688

That's fair

So creating a race of monster girl super soldiers?

Could be cool.
Harem of muscled, scarred women is good too

I'm good with either side

>> No.15662690

'Course it does.
>Every one is unique
Yeah, nah. You train a fit dude with average to decent genetics, take a hundred of them and all of them will lift roughly the same amount. There won't be enough disparity between them to make one uniquely capable of taking on, say, a dragon, or even an amazon.
>Why would you have a weakling patrolling your borders instead of someone capable so they can inform of a threat or take it on?
Do you think this is some kind of lone hero holding an entire border alone with nothing more than his military prowess? "Weakling" Weak compared to what?

>> No.15662691

Crack nearest rocks with my head until it's the head that cracks.

>> No.15662695

So you want a monster girl with healing powers to find you dying and take you to her house in order to heal you, then you repay her with sex and marriage?

>> No.15662697

>There won't be enough disparity between them to make one uniquely capable of taking on, say, a dragon, or even an amazon.
Word of god already clarified you can get strong enough to beat any monstergirl, try to keep up, and before this gets any more boring I'll end it clearly here and now: I think your greentext is shit. Good day.

>> No.15662698

Who mentioned KC? I wrote it. I am the word of god.

>> No.15662699

So you want to roll a barbarian?

>> No.15662707

>So anons, what terrible, terrible things would you do if you were the strongest hero in MGE?
Probably remove monsters from premises on a large scale because that would be my job
After that's done and I've gone insane doing it, the order and the chief god would be next

Crashing this world with no survivors

>> No.15662708

Err no, I just wanna crack my head and that's it.

>> No.15662711

Are you going after the demon lord next?

>> No.15662717

For what reason?

>> No.15662718

Oh you incorrigible scamp

>> No.15662719

What pic was op and why is it [File Deleted]?

>> No.15662723

>Do you watch 6th grade Jabberwock and Lilim play basketball?
This sounds hot

Definitely doing that

>> No.15662726

Does the Dhampir act like a vampire? If so, I pick that one.

>> No.15662727

Do you not know about archives?

>> No.15662733

I'd get a posse composed of asparas, gardavhas, sirens and other artistically inclined MGs. Then I'd go about the land fighting every willing monster while they play


>> No.15662741

Bold and brave Sir Anon.

>> No.15662745

I round up any one else who thinks that they are strong and watch them break on the yoke of monster supremacy.

>> No.15662747
File: 338 KB, 803x786, 1451927173560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope MGEII expands on Familiars more.

>> No.15662752

Yes, it'll say if you like one you're a pedo.

>> No.15662754

So you basically are the guy who finds the 'fight me in real life' people and makes the actually fight?

>> No.15662756

I hope to expand familiars!

>> No.15662758

Whatever happened to pantyquest, does he still update, even if he doesn't post here?

>> No.15662759

Yeah, only fair fights are boring, so I pit them against beings far superior to them.

>> No.15662767

Could be good for a laugh or two, although the monsters may get mad at you constantly tossing them weaklings

>> No.15662783

Maybe my overwhelming strength is fostering a need to be dominated and its all a ploy to piss off some one strong enough to actually beat me. Absolute power and corruption and all that

>> No.15662794 [SPOILER] 
File: 766 KB, 734x1000, 1470838602379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, and a little risqué for the op image I guess.

>> No.15662799

>you will never get raped by a thick toad

>> No.15662802

>you will never get raped

>> No.15662816
File: 636 KB, 900x1200, Anubis_silent_fly-d7uqqvk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, indeed, this is much too "outstanding" for the OP image, but I see what OP meant about the detail "censoring".

Although it would've been fairly easy to photoshop some of the green marks onto other places for censorship, or just use simple hearts and such. But that's my way; I prepare my OPs in advance

Not sure if you're the OP, but since we're talking of butts...

>> No.15662819

It likely will, book profiles last time added a fair bit of extra info.

>> No.15662821

Gosh darn spoiler glitch. I had two sets of spoiler markings in the right places butt it over-extended.

>> No.15662891

I'd fight her. Every picture of mucus toad is terrifying, except the breast envy one.

>> No.15662948

Guys, I really want to fuck a Demon.

>> No.15662956 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.93 MB, 577x418, 1470842116918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662963

Which position? This is important.

>> No.15662990
File: 44 KB, 736x441, electric pus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662997
File: 213 KB, 407x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything with her on top

>> No.15663019

Good taste

>> No.15663021

So smug.

>> No.15663024

Boysluts like you are good boys.

>> No.15663033
File: 526 KB, 1424x2040, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a boyslut.

I just enjoy being with women who prefer to be the dominate one.

>> No.15663055

Good answer. Lotus technically counts too which is nice.

Talking of demons, did anyone ever post the non-tanuki version of this? http://i.imgur.com/D3jeQFD.jpg

>> No.15663070

What other shades of blue can Demons come in?
What other kinds of haircolors and bodytypes can they have?

>> No.15663089

With what?

>> No.15663118

Magic of course.

>> No.15663122

I want one that's black.
Not black person black, ink black. With white hair.

>> No.15663137

>Ooga Booga where da white bois at
I want a delicious brown Monster Girls who fetishizes pale skin!

>> No.15663138

>Two Demon sisters
>One with pure white skin similar to abyssals and bright blonde hair neatly tied in a ponytail
>The other pitch black like a hellhound with long and wavy red hair
The double paizuri would be heavenly.

>> No.15663145

He wasn't talking about that type of black.

>> No.15663147
File: 108 KB, 1016x1313, 8d1fcec0407e2a86a19c98f76d560803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this or a Hellhound?
>One with pure white skin similar to abyssals and bright blonde hair neatly tied in a ponytail
>The other pitch black like a hellhound with long and wavy red hair
Mmm, good taste.

>> No.15663171

What would happen if you summon a yandere arch angel and a yandere lilim at the same time?

>> No.15663173

I am going to learn a breast transfer spell and swap those tits onto an Angel!

>> No.15663177

They Wh0ReS for each other and you end up with your childhood friend.

>> No.15663180

She had planned it all along, making you see the dangers of those FiLthy sLuts.

>> No.15663181

You mean they kill each other?

>> No.15663187

You know what we need?

Monster Girl Breast Envy

>> No.15663193

With docking and the bigger breasted girl looking smug?

>> No.15663196

Have fun

You too (not much in the way of white skin and blonde hair for demons though)

>> No.15663220

They can't. Yanderes can't die, so they are stuck stalking and sharpening kitchen knifes to kill each other for the rest of eternity.

>> No.15663295

This one is the right flavor of black, just slap those colors onto a Demon.

>> No.15663299

We need milky Arachne, Demons, and Liches.

>> No.15663301
File: 479 KB, 510x880, 1468475835531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15663321

Well she better if she wants donations to her shrine!

>> No.15663335
File: 249 KB, 665x900, __selkie_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__54d6dbc769cae6db48e44b0773439628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to go clubbing with her

>> No.15663337

I'm sure she enjoys a good pounding

>> No.15663339


>> No.15663341
File: 118 KB, 509x580, Alp_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take her out for shots in Orlando.

>> No.15663343

The look on her face and her hair make me extra hard.

>> No.15663352
File: 447 KB, 1500x989, 1429886050091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take her out for shots in Orlando

>> No.15663361

I still love the idea of a Selkie with a cosplay hobby.

>> No.15663370


>> No.15663381

Wouldn't they just look like Elves (Provided Selkies have pointy ears in the first place) without the seal outfit?

>> No.15663386

Sort of. But it could be fun if she kept it secret from her friends who always teased her about being a cosplayer due to her seal costume.

>> No.15663451

Canada plz

>> No.15663464
File: 818 KB, 836x1258, 58361977_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15663490

The perfect onee-san.

>> No.15663502

There are two types of perfect onee-sans actually.

>> No.15663504

I want to fuck the holes in between her horns

>> No.15663515

Would you care to name them? I'm always interested in more onee-sans.

>> No.15663516

religion of love

>> No.15663517


>> No.15663545
File: 135 KB, 884x1200, 1466296249138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but there are muscle onee-sans, soft onee-sans, and onee-sans in between.

>> No.15663555

After they're lubed with her juices because she squirted after having you go down on her like this? http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1821071

>> No.15663569

I want one of every flavor.

>> No.15663584

Seeing this just reminds me I had a dream last night about a lich who was a headmaster at some boarding school I was at.

>> No.15663585

But will you be able to handle all the nee-sans?

>> No.15663589

I want the softest neesan!

>> No.15663593

I'll try my very hardest!

>> No.15663600
File: 555 KB, 1010x987, bc3dea31c2dce8d4c03715760e0fd17b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you have the

>gentle, doting, soft and motherly onee-sans

>big, strong, rapey and protective onee-sans

The former will seduce you to have sex and make you her bf
The later will directly molest and rape (gently) you, and make you her bf

>> No.15663608

You're wrong Anon. You won't try your hardest, you will DO your best!

Now hurry up and go to the nee-sans.

>> No.15663616
File: 142 KB, 768x900, 1467776295239-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.15663620

They both sound wonderful.
I'll do it! I'll do it for them!

>> No.15663642


>> No.15663662
File: 487 KB, 1200x1693, image_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15663672
File: 384 KB, 582x827, 1470253444656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two? Even four isn't enough, there's a perfect onee-san for everyone.

>> No.15663674

I'd rather a soft neesan dragon then a mofu.

>> No.15663676


>> No.15663686

I would love to polish my dragon nee-san horns and scales

>> No.15663687

>Implying the mix of the two on the bottom and the two on the top don't give you the two ultimate nee-sans

>> No.15663696

I want to get my dragon neesan snacks!

Best dragon neesan is obviously jabberwock right?

>> No.15663702

Yes, exactly. The grooved surfaces of her horns probably feels fucking amazing on the dick.

>> No.15663704
File: 447 KB, 846x1200, shoggoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a dream, and now have questions.

Can you wear a Shoggoth as clothing? Can a Shoggoth increase their density to be about bowling ball size?

Can Doppel from EMG become twins or triplets as long as they are connected by the hair?

>> No.15663717

>Can you wear a Shoggoth as clothing?
Part of her, possibly. Herself entirely probably not.

>Can Doppel from EMG become twins or triplets as long as they are connected by the hair?

>> No.15663719

Of course Wocky is the best dragon nee-san, if not the best neesan overall. I just want to touch every inch of her body and hug all day long.

>> No.15663724

>if not the best neesan overall
She's not even on the nee-san top.

>> No.15663729

I want my wock oneesan to touch me everywhere! I want her to bully me with her tentacles!


>> No.15663733

I guess i will never wear a shoggoth as an environmental suit while deep sea diving then. Damn.

>> No.15663736

I'm not saying she's a bad onee-san, but there are better onee-sans.

Try with slimes.

>> No.15663758
File: 590 KB, 1200x1300, 1470704404298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing your Shoggoth daughteru as a jackets
>not wearing your Shoggoth waifu as your underwear

>> No.15663759

Gonna cuddle the lewd fox.

>> No.15663765

Wow, where's my cute average bust onee-san that has to try her hardest to make up for her minimally onee-san tits? This list isn't comprehensive at all.

>Can you wear a Shoggoth as clothing?
Part of her certainly, all of her maybe. Just prepare to be covered in madness inducing eyes.

>Can a Shoggoth increase their density to be about bowling ball size?
I want to say no, but they hardly follow the laws of Euclidean physics, so maybe. Headcanon all you want though, that's what the MGE is there for.

>> No.15663769

This is like cwc tier

>> No.15663776

Only one that got the joke

>> No.15663781
File: 999 KB, 1280x1708, 1456071390966-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.15663782

That's false equivalence is I've ever seen it. What do you have against Nuke anyways?

>> No.15663790

>wear a top made of shog
>constantly feeling like something caressing your chest
>when you feel down, the top grows tight and tries to stretch up toward your cheek

>> No.15663791

You again? Newfags and their shit taste as usual.

>> No.15663796

>Wow, where's my cute average bust onee-san that has to try her hardest to make up for her minimally onee-san tits? This list isn't comprehensive at all.
That's what the "four isn't enough disclaimer was for. There's also the tiny onee-san who could pass as an imouto due to her height.

>> No.15663800

I I had to start
Eyes are weirdly spaced and her chin is like an arrow

>> No.15663804


>> No.15663810
File: 812 KB, 1867x1352, 1463811039248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on nuke

>> No.15663817

I wasn't disagreeing with you.

And yeah, tiny/legal loli imoutos can also be pretty great.

>> No.15663824

Pudgy dragons a best!
Wanna spoil a built red dragon till she's soft and cuddly!

>> No.15663825

>no oppai permaloli onee-san lich who always wants to cuddle when she's not in her lab

>> No.15663826

I actually agree with the guy here, it's legitimately amatuer. Are the threads so desperate for content they'll settle for that now?

>> No.15663836
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, Coconut_NEKOPARA_Vol_1_Artwork_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally finished volume 1 of this. What are your thoughts on BEEG AMERICAN CAT BREEDS?

>> No.15663841

Last time some Crit art of a lich was posted here, he piped out against it too.

>> No.15663842

>Wants to give you head pats but has to stand on a chair to do it

>> No.15663843

I would happily insert my dick in all her holes.

>> No.15663848

This. Are we going to start pretending that Alp's stickmen are good too? It's one thing to encourage an artist to get better, but saying the rough looking shit is good is going too far.

>> No.15663855

Tell me you didn't play the censored version.

>> No.15663856
File: 207 KB, 1434x1464, 1465254162053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15663858

Comparing Nuke to CWC is really unfair, but I agree he has a very long way to go. He's hardly Mono or Loen, but he's trying.

>> No.15663859

And only because I'm Canadian.

>> No.15663861
File: 2.69 MB, 1867x1352, 1463876716371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, use the finished and coloured version instead.

>> No.15663868

Speaking of is there a place to download volumes two and three?

>> No.15663869

Nice reaction image, but my opinion hasn't changed.

>> No.15663872

I need to know the shittiest writers so I have a reason to kill my liver!

>> No.15663881

Howdy, I'm completely open to criticism if you want to give it to me. I know that picture is one of my weaker ones, but let me know what looks wrong to you and I'll do my best to keep an eye on it when I can.

I know some of my bigger problems are hands, eye placement and proportions, but feel free to point out anything else. I'll listen.

>> No.15663888

Play? No. Buy? Yes. I'll be grabbing the next one from DLsite though.

Three isn't even out yet, unless you're counting zero as volume one. And yes, you can torrent them per usual.

>> No.15663889

Sukeru whatever his name is (He truly is the ultimate shit writefag)

but if you're looking for something so bad it's just terrible, to the point where even the above look like wordsmiths, then look no further than this masterpiece of shite:

It's the fucking Citizen Kane of god awful monstergirl writing.

>> No.15663890

inb4 crickets.

>> No.15663896

The faces are just really off. I'm sure you'll improve with time, though.

>> No.15663898

This deserves an audiobook.

>> No.15663903


voiced by Gilbert Gottfried

>> No.15663905

3 is not out yet
Any existing torrent?

>> No.15663908

I would honestly pay to hear that. But I'd pay to hear him read most of our shitty stories.

>> No.15663922

I hate Japan, I think I'm confused on my numbers, I've only played the very first part where its just Chocola and Vanilla, I'm assuming that's zero.

>> No.15663933
File: 169 KB, 694x1628, MGQ Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a Universe not far from here...

What if...Human Boys cosplaying as monster girls?

You should come to the Steppesall the human boys look like Fabio and they love rich girls!

I bet Alps know what guys like since they used to be them! Hahahhaha But really what do they like, any tips?

Blond Boy Kingdom is the best, filthy dark hairs need to go!

Last Thread Recap:
Crazy story about yandere boy coming after Grizzly-chan
Human boy masquerading as Bane, ran around and shot a porn movie with a Cheshire (of course)
Degenerate Monster Boy enabler writer was banned, much joy was had
Failed OP who posted a flat human girl was shamed for thinking it was a boy
Story about human boys mistaking peacock girls with turkeys

God damn it I accidentally reminded myself that recap anon is dead

>> No.15663940

Prequel is a not jap invention anon
You probably played 1 game. Did they have the cafe running? If they did, it's the first one

>> No.15663942


>> No.15663943

I wish he came back.
And not The Greens threatening to return like a few threads ago. He had no idea how to do the things and was too arrogant to fix the issue.

>> No.15663952
File: 562 KB, 1248x3360, The Heroes humanity needs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.15663954

Yeah they did, it ended with all the other cat girls coming to work at the cafe.

>> No.15663956

The fuck did I just read

>>>/mental asylum/

>> No.15663958

Reread what you posted and think real hard about whether or not you're a faggot.

>> No.15663959

Stop, no more recaps.

>> No.15663965

Whoops, meant to reply to >>15663933 first

>> No.15663970


>> No.15663976

You have to give something more to go on than just "faces look off". Actually say what's wrong, either in terms of features and their relation to each other, or how they're placed on the face, or size/angle/perspective issues.
Redlining a solution you think would work better would probable help the artist too.

Otherwise, you're just saying "I don't like it, but I don't have a substantial reason as to why."

>> No.15663981

Is this just a humurous summation of all the awful memes we have in these threads?
Because you missed a few.

>> No.15663986

It's the first one, then
Play 0 and 2

>> No.15663997

Well I got the "Human Boy General" meme as an overall layout.

Then I laid on a few, got to recap, and gave up.

But feel free to add them to the list.

>> No.15664004
File: 1.18 MB, 1218x1274, 1470178800095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZapWeasels are cute! I bet they're very flexible too.

>> No.15664021

The slowpoke meme, the maids are good meme, the "x is best girl, no z is better" shite, paladin-posting as a whole, "I want to [do thing]!", headpats and Headpat-kun, to name a few extras.

But hey, yours was pretty solid by itself, and I'll give top marks to anything which shines a light on how obnoxious and hateworthy the guy pushing the Steppes and Horsefucker kingdom meme is.

>> No.15664027

Would paladin posting be monster supremacy posting?

>> No.15664029
File: 134 KB, 720x1119, 20160525_135607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paladin-posters can't even get it right to begin with

>> No.15664033

How flexible are we talking?

>> No.15664056

So flexible she could do a standing split, holding her leg up to her head like this:

Also, because she's a weasel-girl, she'd be able to do that thing where she's light enough to clamber around your whole body like it's a dymanic gym, rolling around your arms and legs.
I remember some video showing a gymnast girl doing it to a guy, where she was just able to spin and climb all around him with ease. Sucks that I can't find it, though.

>> No.15664092
File: 762 KB, 1000x1200, 1451714692355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monk monks

>> No.15664103


>> No.15664104

I want that ass on my face.

>> No.15664107
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, 1464473498490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning the art of spanking from monkey monks.

>> No.15664108

Kakuens are meant for facesitting and no one can tell me otherwise.
They're also meant for cuddling, but that's my opinion on just about every monstergirl.

>> No.15664119
File: 85 KB, 566x793, Zoboomafoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15664122
File: 156 KB, 956x1200, CoW-4dnVUAAESre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kakuens are meant for facesitting and no one can tell me otherwise.
Cheshires have that in spades, which is ironic since spades are part of their design motif.

>> No.15664124
File: 237 KB, 1079x1300, ec76a4a132ce77904e373372d530c13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer monkeytits.

>> No.15664125

Here's Sukiru's Tumblr.

>Coming soon, something with an anubis in it.
Well, fuck.

If you want more, you can always search around on the Wiki. Find people who comment on bad stories giving them praise, and see if they've written anything themselves.

>> No.15664127

I wanna give that kitty a litter of kittens!

>> No.15664137

You can say it's an exaggeration ,
But to use "false equivalency" in such a superfalous manner makes you look a fool trying to act smart.

>> No.15664139

Those are some big Monkeytits.

>> No.15664143
File: 215 KB, 917x1300, ddc3cace7923617469f513f61b160f2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge monkeytits are best monkeytits.

>> No.15664148
File: 162 KB, 917x1062, Wurm Psychologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd trust a wurm psychologist just fine right?


>> No.15664154
File: 133 KB, 1000x1000, 1458082868985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll find the term is "superfluous" mate. Best not to misspell it, else you wind up looking like a fool trying to act smart.

>> No.15664158

She's dumb

>> No.15664167

I wouldn't go because I'd expect quick, in-depth solutions. I'd go because she'd probably listen with more care than most other "professionals", if only because Wurms are the least likely to be jaded by their experiences in the line of work (not that they realize).

Additionally, I think their more far-out, fun-loving selves would be good for breaking people out of their shells. When it backfires at times, since it's not an act, they wouldn't have their feelings hurt easily either.

Plus their simple-minded side probably produces solutions that just wouldn't be considered otherwise. Like so simple you can't believe how much sense it makes. So, yes, I would.

>> No.15664168
File: 742 KB, 826x1800, Shoggoth maidkini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously need a Shoggoth five piece suit now. The Jacket would always have a pen and a lighter, and the glowing eyes would be a fashion statement at any event.

>> No.15664169

So smug. Rightly so.

>> No.15664170

That poor young boy.

>> No.15664173

I want a psychadelic 60's Wurm

>> No.15664177

It would just suck you off in public.

>> No.15664181

And nobody would know. It would be great.

>> No.15664182

Lucky, you mean.

>> No.15664183

The thing about that is she could easily wrap you in a membrane stemming from the inside of the pants to do it and absorb the aftermath out of sight. The only tell-tale sign would be their partner if they couldn't put up a proper front.

>> No.15664188

But he has to deal with a lewd nee-san!

>> No.15664201

I'd rather have this Xuanzang next to Wukong http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=xuanzang_%28fate%2Fgrand_order%29

>> No.15664202

He just needs to go with the flow.

>> No.15664213

But she'll show him off to her friends!

>> No.15664216

Thats a whole new type of internal cumshot, and now Shoggoth wearing is a new fetish. Crap.

Can Ittan-Momen be things other than simple cloths? Could an Ittan be born as a comfy hoody, or elegant ball gown?

>> No.15664217

How is that bad?

>> No.15664219

>tfw your MG waifu could be a shoggoth in disguise and you'd never know
>even if you found out she'd just call in a favor from the mind flayer neighbor to make you forget
>or worse make you love shoggoths above all else

Is there anything good that can't be infinitely abused from Chaos monster girls?

The answer is no, they are all evil.

>> No.15664230

>Can Ittan-Momen be things other than simple cloths? Could an Ittan be born as a comfy hoody, or elegant ball gown?

I've always said the potential to ittans is as wide and varied as the types of clothes and shapes they can be woven into.

Just consider the one rule about ittans that would potential enhance that idea, though. That at all times, their spectral body must be connected to the inside face of their cloth.
So you could take an ittan and turn her into a shirt, and her spirit body would flexibly adjust to it, constantly on the inside like she's wearing it. And when you wear it, it'd be like slipping her on. Her shoulders where yours are maybe, her head also coming out of the neck-hole. Or maybe she can swirl her hands and face around the inside of the shirt to caress and lick all over you wherever your body touches her fabric.

>> No.15664234

They'll tease him and call him cute.

>> No.15664237

They are the only girls who don't want to turn you into slaves for the demon lord though. In fact, chaos is a celebration of freedom. As far as infinitely abused, dating a Shoggoth pretty much means you have MacGyver at your finger tips. If they could create things with moving parts, they would be unstoppable.

>Implying I don't naturally love Shoggoths above all else.

>> No.15664241

I'm failing to see the problem, the worst that can happen is your monkey onee-san molesting you in front of her friends to show them you're hers.

>> No.15664265

Yup, I think its hard to hate anything about that idea. I think a nice school uniform IttanMomen would be heaven.

As long as they could somehow fill out other clothing, though im not saying it wouldn't be great to have a Momen trapped in just a miniskirt.

>> No.15664268
File: 99 KB, 850x1206, Pharaoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had four powerful Onee-sans to do lewd things with me. Being a powerslut is suffering.

>> No.15664276

>anon's mind is in shambles as the shoggoth he caught in his room quickly takes the appearance of his wife and tries to greet him
>everything about her is the same, her pet name for you, her smell, that smile
>you know it's her
>she's been a filthy shoggoth this whole time
>her forced smile quickly turns to a look of despair as her skin becomes blue again and her tail just becomes one of her tentacles
>obviously panicking, her tentacles shoot out and restrain you
>she rushes to the phone to make a call
>"i need you to come out, it happened again............yes, i know, i'll be more careful this time, i'll see you soon"
>she gets off the phone, crying
>she just keeps saying sorry as her tentacles start squeezing harder and you can feel yourself slip into unconsciousness

>you wake up feeling refreshed and happy, your arm around your lamia wife
>you look over at the clock
>it's noon
>you gently shake your wife awake, telling her that you can't believe you both slept in so late
>tears are running down her face and she looks like she's about to start sobbing
>you hug her close and ask her what's wrong
>"I-I just had a bad dream is all" she says

>> No.15664279

mouse i dont have time for this i need to do my CS 121 homework

>> No.15664284

Ittan-momen are only limited by the amount of material on hand. This can extend to becoming a fabric-based copy of nearly any other monster.
You can also ride on one through the air or be dragged off into the unknown by a hungry Ittan

>> No.15664285

Oh damn, themed ittans, that's something I didn't even think about. Yeah, a school uniform one would be a great idea, and one bound to a miniskirt is all kinds of sexy and appealing.

Maybe a ritual can be performed with specially made clothes to move an ittan spirit from one fabric vessel to another.
That way you'd have a bit of freedom in the clothes she can adopt.

>> No.15664288

So what day does the thing happen where encyclopedia 2 is released?

>> No.15664307

Comiket starts on Friday, doujins and such are usually released on the third day.

>> No.15664311

Lichs would know something like that.

Im imagining a scenario, In which Ittan Momen attached to clothing have found a way to wear other clothes on top. However, they are still bound to that original piece of clothing, so they have to base their entire wardrobe around that one piece.

>> No.15664324

So an ittan bonded to, say, nought but a piece of lingerie is going to have a heck of am interesting time dressing up in clothes that still make her publicly presentable, while fitting the look of the lingerie.

>> No.15664325

So you could sew an Ittan into a a ragdoll version of anything then? Thats great. Why wouldn't Ittan all become seamstresses, and make themselves copies of human women to steal their husbands?

>> No.15664331 [DELETED] 

Because NTR and cuckshit is bad, and you thought this out really poorly. How the fuck is a guy going to confuse a sewn replica for his actual wife? We can tell the difference between skin and fabric, dumbass.

That aside, the idea of an ittan bound to a ragdoll so she has more physical ability sounds amazing. Works pretty well with the idea of a living plush doll in general.

>> No.15664342

I like how all their tits are huge. Reliable a best.

>> No.15664343
File: 1.73 MB, 2000x2500, bullet 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.15664347

I was more talking about from the thread/TFT

>> No.15664349

It's a mix of a Hellhound and Bulllet. It doesn't matter if I want or not; she's gonna get me anyway.

>> No.15664357

How difficult would it be to get all four smug girls to sit on my face at the same time?

>> No.15664358

Fugly as hell.

>> No.15664359

If a Shoggoth picked up a cursed sword, would she get hard and spiky or would the sword get soft and gooey?

>> No.15664362

>Bullet as a beastman type MG
This will never not be ironic.

>> No.15664364

A bit of both.

>> No.15664365

I think she'd corrupt the sword and not the other way around.
Then when some poor human girl finds it and picks it up it turns her lazy and slimy instead of bloodthirsty and spiky.

>> No.15664371

I don't know anon, maybe Bullet's dream of being swept off her feet might cancel out her Hellhound instincts?

They won't, but at least you'll get a Hellhound that loves being carried around by you.

>> No.15664372

don't you >:3
me missy

>> No.15664373 [DELETED] 

Exactly. So an Ittan bound by an eye patch would have to be a pirate, biker, or whatever else they could make work with the look. Passive compulsion, sort of.

Lets imagine a grimderp setting. An IttanMomen has gone full yandere for some guy who fancies the local barmaid. She captures the barmaid, and kills her, and skins her. She then sews herself into the other womans skin, and uses a glamor to smooth out the edges. Would this have a chance of success, in that sort of dark setting?

>> No.15664375

Go away.

>> No.15664380
File: 763 KB, 1280x1182, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what if I want to be carried around by a spicy puppy?

>> No.15664381 [DELETED] 

That's just dumb.

>> No.15664383 [DELETED] 

>corrupted Momen are the first skinwalkers.

>> No.15664384

Her human self. Not all things can be improved by monsterizing.

>> No.15664386
File: 264 KB, 700x700, 1454465635696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat girls don't get enough love

>> No.15664390

Name one.

>> No.15664391

Well you're going to have to find a different Hellhound then.

>> No.15664392 [DELETED] 

If someone wants to write that, they can make whatever damn rules they want and give it however large a chance of success they like.

And of course, the writer can also take all the consequences for putting out something like that.

>> No.15664393

too vanilla

>> No.15664394

I salute your good taste! Would that we each had our Shoggoth waifus in this dreary mundane world.

>> No.15664395

My waifu.

>> No.15664400

Vanilla as fuck also I'm not interested in lazy subs.

They're really cute though

>> No.15664401
File: 590 KB, 951x1638, 0d57352cdf175a76d5cc21cf5b74bce1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big purring cat tits pressed up against you. Feel the good vibrations.

>> No.15664403 [DELETED] 

Not in these threads. Try an kemonomimi thread in /c/ or something.

>> No.15664406


That cat girl in particular is one you don't want to mess with

>> No.15664410

Isn't she a monstergirl?

>> No.15664414 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 2420x1660, 1464031178019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but Kemonomimi gets posted every thread so complaining about it is rather pointless.

>> No.15664422 [DELETED] 

Complaining about it can get it to stop if it's done enough.

People break rules and laws all the time. Does that mean people should not even try to uphold them?
That argument is the worst one you could ever try and use in any situation.

>> No.15664423

She isn't

>> No.15664425

Ittan-momen are based off of monsters that frequently smother anyone nearby. Nothing stops one from doing it by sitting on you.

Cheshires would also be great at it.

>> No.15664428

It really says things about me that one of my greatest fantasies is being reverse gangraped by a gang of big booty monstergirls.

>> No.15664429
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1455, 1468535956120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret is that there's not nearly enough art of them. Thankfully they seem to be getting popular.

>> No.15664430

/d/ tier fetishes

>> No.15664432 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 1400x1040, 551830f7617439a249c535911305797a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, what rules is he breaking?

>> No.15664435


>> No.15664439

That's a lemur.

>> No.15664440 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 600x782, 210103f7e704dc981389b54b8bc7dca1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kemonomimi isn't against the rules.

>> No.15664444 [DELETED] 

None, but posting yuri in these threads isn't breaking any rules either. Neither is writing stories about monstergirl NTR, or posting doujins of the same. This is the Monstergirl Thread, for monstergirls, and kemos just straight up really don't fit any of the categories monstergirls do. Ears and tail, that's it. What's "monster" about that?

You can include them in the threads sure, but when people like you start playing the victim card because of people like me, making sure every response eats up an image for that shit, then we'll have a problem. A problem where monstergirls suddenly aren't the thread focus, kemos are.
Then when more monstrous monstergirls come about, vanillafags into the kemo stuff avoid or abhor them. It's not a good situation to be in.

>> No.15664448 [DELETED] 

I'm fond of torpedo tits.

>> No.15664458 [DELETED] 

They're still monstergirls. I don't see the problem and you're the first person I see in a while complaining about this.

>> No.15664459 [DELETED] 

>Comparing kemonomimi to THAT
Retard alert.

>> No.15664461

>Comparing kemonomimi to actual kemono and NTR

>> No.15664464

>What's "monster" about that?
Ears and tail don't mystically not count just because they don't meet your standards.
Also you completely neglected to mention their behavior. That's like 75% of why I even like MGs to begin with; they have an inherently inhuman mindset.
Why do you think the Majin category is not just considered "weird humans?"

>> No.15664470


>> No.15664473

You have to be 18 to use this website.

>> No.15664478

>being this new
I'm not him dumbass, simply informing you of your amateur mistake.
>hurr, girls with just ears and tails shouldn't be posted!
>falling fir that
Cut off your face, you don't deserve it.

>> No.15664483

I've been here since the /a/ days anon, try again.
If you want to tell someone they bit the bait just say don't bite the bait.

>> No.15664486

>since /a/
>and falling for that, willingly or otherwise
Kill yourself.

>> No.15664487

Barely at all. You could call them that on a technicality, I suppose.
But if you haven't seen any other complaints in recent times, you've probably been absent for them.

They're not really that different. Both fetishes with no inherent problem. But the argument for yuri is that if its posted here, it'll draw people to these threads who post even more of it.
Same thing. Kemo's not terrible by itself, but by no means shoul it be posted in the thread in any large capacity, else it twist these threads.

When did I compare to actual furries? You're misreading something there, I think.

>> No.15664490

Don't take it.

>> No.15664494

That's pretty depressing. Perhaps she could ask a Doppelganger for advice. They seem to know allot about these things and tend to be much better off.

>> No.15664498

Except I'm not any of the four guys you responded to.
Quit being such an edgy fuck.
I'm not in the mood for this shit right now. I'm in a very difficult part of my life.

>> No.15664505
File: 499 KB, 400x225, bridgeman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bummer, man.

>> No.15664507

Fuck you
No one cares

>> No.15664508

>literally for cuckolds and women
>no inherent problem

>> No.15664509

Look at it this way: the more you block out such thoughts now and spare yourself the suffering the harder you'll get hit once you actually experience it

You'll like this: http://buck-satan.tumblr.com/post/146627144284/thoughts-on-playing-with-the-cock-after-it-cums

>> No.15664510

Perhaps its a matter of taste too. I like your work myself. The way you do your faces for example here: >>15663810 indeed have a rather sharp corner like an arrow. However to me this doesnt seem to be an issue, I find it fitting with the context around it.

So take his criticism as you will. If you start hearing it much more often from different people however you ought to look into it. Perhaps its just me who's easy to please. The world is a strange place.

>> No.15664511

Don't worry, there's nothing mystical about it. They're just not monstrous enough to be called a monstergirl.
If you want to post any from a series here they have a definite inhuman personality, like Aisha from Outlaw Star, that's just fine.

>> No.15664513

>MG MacGuyver
I want to see how this would turn out. Shogs not allowed though, because that'd be too easy.

>> No.15664519

>They're just not monstrous enough
For you.

>> No.15664522

>one you don't want to mess with
"What's the femme fatale's name? I genuinely don't know," is what I was going to ask.

And then I did the smart thing and googled her. Woah. Also, it's a shame she doesn't have her "proper" feet here.

>> No.15664523

>literally for twinks and homosexuals-in-denial

I can make claims which are downright wrong and exaggerated to the point of bullshit too.

>> No.15664524

>You'll never be dominated by a Demon who tricked you into signing the contract.
>She'll never refuse to stop riding you until your balls are dry.
>She'll never cuddle you afterwards.

>> No.15664534

That's some false equivalence if I've seen it.

>> No.15664548

>>literally for twinks and homosexuals-in-denial
>downright wrong
But that's right.

>> No.15664549
File: 96 KB, 726x520, Monster on the outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thrown off for a moment. Sometimes even I forget that's basically what Oni means, wings and elegant spade-tails be damned (no pun intended).

Well, in the same vein as monster girls being so great because "the monster is on the outside" -warning!- human girls can be supremely devilish doms because they don't know the demon is on the inside

>> No.15664554

>implying yurishit isn't for cuckolds
How else do you describe the mentality of those people? No other way. It's not even a meme/buzzword here, it's the factually correct term.

>> No.15664563

No, I was talking about Demons.
The blue ones from the encyclopedia.
I want to impregnate a Demon Ojou-sama.

>> No.15664566


>> No.15664567

What mentality? Which people? Are you referring to a few people, or a specific group?

Or are you just saying literally every individual who's got some yuri doujins faved on their Exhentai accounts are all cucks?
Are you just saying literally everyone who likes lesbian porn is a cuck?

I make it a point to completely disregard the opinions of anyone who uses the word "cuck" in earnest on this site, but your level of general stupidity is simply astounding.

So congrats on that, I guess.

>> No.15664571

Maybe in 2D for that last part.

>> No.15664577

This thread seems to breed silliness. I understand that some people use MGs to cope, but it can get out of hand.

>> No.15664578

Anon, you're telling a baiter not to bite. You are aware, right?

>> No.15664582
File: 155 KB, 437x550, kt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, sometimes there may actually be a "demon" on the inside.

>> No.15664584
File: 41 KB, 512x512, CleanCleanClean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15664590
File: 681 KB, 998x1137, Wurm hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd trust a wurm psychologist just fine right?
This sums up my feelings far better. Lay it on me! Although saying it like that has me pondering:
Do MGE's Draconic races give birth as human women do or is it done through eggs? I wouldn't mind sitting one in my lap one bit.

>> No.15664601

that picture of chen is from a comic where genokyo modernizes and as money is a thing lifestyles and the balance of power changes, Chen buys out the scarlet devil mansion.
she then remembers when Ran and Yukari were still around and they were enjoying a cheap meal together. The face she makes is that of someone who knows all her wealth cannot bring that happiness back.
I wonder if a Danuki would have a similar revelation.

>> No.15664604
File: 228 KB, 442x636, YouAlsoDieWhenYouAreKilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, since the convo is just drama, how about something completely different?

Anyone else read Mini-Chuff: The Manga?

>> No.15664605

Is it wrong to want a Paladin to fall because of her lust for me?
Is it wrong that I want her to drag me to some reclusive cave, throw me on a mattress and start raping me while she starts changing into a monstergirl?
Is it wrong that I want to watch her new demonic energy start twisting her body to highlight her breasts and ass while not compromising her toned abs?
Is it wrong that I want her to wrap her new wings around me after my balls have gone dry and declare me her first and most precious treasure?

>> No.15664606

Oh, I don't think it's just this thread.
4chan is just a combination magnet and breeding ground for the kind of people who lack certain skills and traits you might otherwise see in people you have contact with in the real world.
I guess you could say this thread is also heavily dependent on the MGE, which even the creator had said is an idealistic perfect world. It's meant to cater and be a hug box, so I guess that means to people who get too into it, when something comes along which they don't like personally, they, rather than be rational or thick-skinned, do very silly things.

Who knows, it'd be interesting to get a more professional theory on the matter.

>> No.15664609

I know nothing of this is it good

>> No.15664615
File: 145 KB, 1000x1499, 1459599949406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that can be fun too.

>> No.15664616


>> No.15664617

my loneliness comes in waves, so I only use it to cope sometimes.

>> No.15664619

Seconding >>15664609

>> No.15664623

Oh. We went from Pharaohs and Onee-sans to Oni, so I wasn't sure. Your taste is more than fine, too.

Well, I figured I'd get a response like that. Thanks for keeping it mild since I was trying to tread lightly.

This is a fine point. Well referenced, Anon! I'm saddened to think that I'd forgotten about this (mostly) harmonious being.

>> No.15664624

>I'm passive-aggressively butthurt about my shitty fetish not allowed here

>> No.15664625

I want to read this. Do you have anything to aid me in my search?

>> No.15664630
File: 380 KB, 500x1786, __chen_remilia_scarlet_yakumo_ran_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_body_mahattaya_ginga__034dce6b3bab70446353ec00bb142c04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15664632

>Tanuki form a small town makes it big and starts a huge company in the city.
>Her board of directors don't want her associating with the "bumpkins" of her hometown.
>One day a stack of acquisition papers is put on her desk.
>To her horror she finds it's every business from her hometown.
>From the general store she bought her snacks from to the Inn her best friend's parents owned.
>Everyone's been evicted and her hometown's going to be bulldozed to make way for a new Megamall for MGC patrons to enjoy.

>> No.15664634

>cater and be a hug box
I don't think that has anything to do with it. The type of setting is irrelevant, it's the fact that anon takes anything that threatens his coping mechanism and treats it as a personal attack. It's like questioning anything about a narcissist.

The setting could take any form as long as the anon in question adapted his personality around it.

>> No.15664635

No. She has all the luxuries and power she would want and she can easily find love because of her riches.

>> No.15664639
File: 131 KB, 425x600, Tanuki Merc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed you for the group reply unfortunately, but then again you had a different focus. That's very insightful, I'll have to look up that comic soon.

I'd say that a Tanuki is well and capable of having such a revelation, with varying results. I'd like to think that a Tanuki Mercenary would have had such a revelation, opting to go out and see the world by escorting folk across the lands so she can still earn a lot, but actually feel fulfilled at the end of a successful job.

>> No.15664640

I'm not butthurt about anything. I think that's a pretty general statement you could apply to a lot of 4chan.

You, however, seem very butthurt about the idea that people like things you don't like.

>> No.15664641

Thanks, I thought there was going to be more and that image was cropped or something.

>> No.15664642

I think I get the message here, but please clean up this gif before the time limit runs out.

>> No.15664644

>people die when they are killed

>> No.15664649

Yes, that is what the filename says.

>> No.15664651

like the other races that would probably lay eggs, yeah probably.
it'll still be unsettling to watch just like live birth

>> No.15664655

Well, when I said I'd have to look up that comic soon, I didn't expect to literally look up after hitting "update' and seeing it. You have my thanks, Anon!

>> No.15664658
File: 320 KB, 1229x824, B-B-ButThatPlaceIsDirty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a Korean manga (whatever the term you're supposed to use instead of manga), though the art style is pretty much identical to Japanese manga. Only notable difference is the occasional use of different terms; the Korean version of Obaa-san or onee-chan are used, for example.

Guy get pre-destined marriage with minichuff. Also includes genki kobold servant, kuudere succubus maid, tender healing of magpie tengu, and a snake MILF. Also has a clan of Bears, the arch enemies of minichuffs (who, coincidentally, derive their magical power from their huge breasts and lactation), one of which is protag's childhood friend.


>> No.15664661

So how long 'till the NTR begins?

>> No.15664662


>> No.15664663

Where do the lions come in?

>> No.15664665

Is that an established precedent?

>> No.15664667 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 819x665, 1470873729270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, I thought there was going to be more
theres one more thing

>> No.15664668

Subjective, but understandable. Some can handle it, others can't. And that's fine.

Although it does raise another interesting question: would it even hurt an MG in most cases?

And regardless of the answer, since it's generally difficult for an MG to conceive would the majority want their husband around anyway because it's an even rare occurrence for them than for humans?

Well, there are a thousand ways to write the answers to these questions. I better get started brainstorming.

>> No.15664670

That's by a different artist though.

>> No.15664671

yes that is where the babies come from

>> No.15664675

It's manhwa you uneducated swine.

>> No.15664678

Or the cloaca. It's important to be inclusive.

>> No.15664679

Ooh! Good thing I signed up to Batoto earlier this week for Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya! Thanks for sourcing it, Anon!

>> No.15664681

yeah but it really is the logical conclusion.

>> No.15664685

Why'd you spoiler just the name?

And fuck Batoto for becoming a sign-up to view site. Place has been goin downhill nonstop.

>> No.15664690

I honestly didn't notice the dreadful accessory until I looked back at it again after reading your comment.

>> No.15664692

>hurt MGs
>when they can enjoy sex that would kill a human woman

>> No.15664695
File: 88 KB, 720x1119, 008b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about adult webtoon stuff, lots of which gets dumped on e-hentai. They tend to use very long, narrow, continuous pages and use a somewhat more photorealistic art style (pic related) than manga.

I'd say about a third of the webtoons are about girl abuse, rape and NTR, the other two thirds are generic male fantasy self-inserts (magical make women horny powers, or mindreading to get woo them into bed, etc).

>> No.15664698

Koreans tend to have a lot of NTR, cheating, female abuse, etc, in their manhwas

>> No.15664702

No it's not.

>> No.15664703

For some reason I felt that just leaving it there would seem like I was pushing it too hard? I don't really know.

>> No.15664706

>They tend to use very long, narrow, continuous pages
That way of formatting pisses me off.

>> No.15664707

why? is that common in korea?

>> No.15664712

i've never actually seen someone give birth before, animals giving birth is pretty funny. Watching a line of people tugging a calf out of a cow only to all fall on each other when the calf pops out will always make me giggle

>Although it does raise another interesting question: would it even hurt an MG in most cases?
They might find it enjoyable

>would the majority want their husband around

>> No.15664713

No idea.

>> No.15664714

Hey man, being tougher on the outside is one thing. Additionally, the male member can't compare in size to a whole newborn in most cases.

>> No.15664717

yeah it is

>> No.15664719

I think korea has the highest teen suicide rates, might have something to do with it.

>> No.15664720

There's also that one guy who's done basically every serialized manwha people talk about too. He doesn't help.

But you'd love it if your only form of internet access was a phone!

>> No.15664724


>> No.15664725

Reminder that DE exposure comes with dong enhancement for men.

>> No.15664726

>dreadful accessory
you mean her bling or her jacket?

>> No.15664728

>They might find it enjoyable
Remember in KC-land, everything bad is good.

Neurotoxins? Make you horny instead of dead.
Venom? Makes you horny instead of dead.
Pheremones? Makes you... okay, mostly the same.
Sword slashes? Makes you horny instead of cut.
Insurmountable debt? Make you a Tanuki husband instead of a hobo.
Kidnapping? Makes you a husbando instead of a murder victim.

>> No.15664730

>girl abuse, rape and NTR
>magical make women horny powers
I WILL fap to this.

>> No.15664735

what about dysentery? what does that turn into?

>> No.15664738

Well, that's certainly a sight to behold, I'm sure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure any pain they may feel is overshadowed by the joy of the moment. Although if you mean enjoyable in another sense, hmm.

Would even the most perverted MG really think about such a happy moment perversely?

Then again if you're built so that it doesn't cause you pain then maybe the senses would convey a very pleasant sensation at least.

>> No.15664739

Makes your cock dribble semen until you're dehydrated and easier to rape.

>> No.15664740

Magically lubed ass.

>> No.15664742

I want to pull a monstergirl into a hug after she rapes me, look her dead in the eyes and tell her to take responsibility.
And then I kiss her.

>> No.15664744

>a six inch fairy can take an 18 inch long, 5 inch wide dick thanks to MM
>all MGs partake of MM
>the demon lord wants every MG and their husband to lead pleasurable lives
>there are MGs that can have sex from the moment they are born
>believing childbirth is any sort of difficult or painful to MGs
Anon, stop posting, retards like you upset me.

>> No.15664745

True, but to that extent? That is going to require some immense lower-body strength to use effectively.

The noose that is most certainly not "on the loose".

>> No.15664748

No it's not you moron.

>> No.15664750

>liking girl abuse and NTR
Wow anon. Just wow.

>> No.15664755

>Not wanting to hold your waifu's hand while she goes through the ordeal of childbirth.
>Not wanting to see her, panting with her newborn daughter in her arms, crying her eyes out and saying "she's beautiful" over and over again.

>> No.15664758

yeah it is

>> No.15664760

Well, I already conceded that it'd probably even feel good if not just totally negligible altogether, but given the time between the posts you probably didn't see that.

I'll admit I completely forgot about Fairies though. Aside from the big one that is.

>> No.15664761
File: 300 KB, 490x422, This Pok Gai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would even the most perverted MG really think about such a happy moment perversely?

>> No.15664765

How do you tell if a slime is a virgin or not?

>> No.15664767

You niggas don't own me, I can have interests outside of this place.

>> No.15664769

Man, I wonder what porn starring fairies would be like.
How many monstergirls would have guilty masturbation sessions for stretch porn?

>> No.15664770

She's a virgin if her core is transparent.
Otherwise, the outer layer will have a slightly white haze to it.

>> No.15664774

>Man, I wonder what porn starring fairies would be like.
Two words.

Fairy. Condoms.

>> No.15664778

>being a white picket fence fag
I will embrace the 2017 meme faggotry if it means Druella comes to this world, so I can swear my fealty and feed her faggots like you.

>> No.15664784


Hey, at least the Titanias always have protection hovering around them. Just grab a fairy, slip her on, and then mating press the onee-san until she's a blissed out mess.

When your done you can pass her the used fairy to clean and drink out of like a cup.

>> No.15664787

Anon I just want to have an emotional moment with my waifu.
White picket fence, what the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.15664790

Fairy cocksock porn never seems to make it work for me, because I always thought about how the skeletal structure is completely forgotten when you jam inside a girl whose hips are less thicker than your dick.

>> No.15664792

Anon I hope you're proud of yourself cause now I have to masturbate.

>> No.15664793

What's with the place? You're still a fag outside of it.

>> No.15664795

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15664801

You can't prove it.

>> No.15664802

I figure the reality-warping sex magic handles issues like that.

>> No.15664803

Think of it like this: Fairies are plantlike and so don't have innards.
That's how I think about it.
That, or magic.

>> No.15664807

You're not American are you?

>> No.15664808

You already did it yourself.

>> No.15664809

I mean in the moment itself. Of course it's easy to think back on it - especially if the baby is asleep and it's just her and the husband - to the point of teasing each other about the various intimate details. But giving birth is a whole lot different from say sex specifically with impregnation in mind, you know?

>> No.15664813


>> No.15664814

Washington born motherfucker, please explain what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.15664815

I am and I still have no clue what you're going on about.

>> No.15664816

As the one who forgot about Fairies, I must say I don't know what this means either.

>> No.15664818


He might just be, y'know, older than an edgy 16-year old and be back from a period where it wasn't a "meme"

>> No.15664823

>a state of mind where a person blindly holds on to the idea of their perfect lifestyle, regardless of the inevitable life factors that make it impossible for it to be true.

>> No.15664825

Fuck off Marche, I'm having fun and forgetting my problems for a while.

>> No.15664826

Mindflayers make nice best friends

>> No.15664831
File: 713 KB, 930x640, I&#039;M GOING TO PUNCH YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking harem protagonists.

>> No.15664832

>regardless of the inevitable life factors that make it impossible for it to be true
>in a setting with mambojambo mana in it


>> No.15664834
File: 363 KB, 626x1200, mindflayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some supplemental information concerning the mindflayer. The husband's squid transformation is reversible, and he can return to being human or change into a squid whenever he likes.

Holy shit, I had no idea. Why does everyone say the squid thing is permanent?

>So that's what I tweeted a long time ago, but also in the case that the same thing is done using the mindflayer's ability, of course the same thing would occur. A mindflayer wouldn't do such a thing in the first place though.

>その場合は夫の不安消しにしか使わなそう。 あったとしたらだが、ここまでしてもお前の元にいくんやぞおら!みたいな
>In that case, it seems it would only be used to erase the husband's anxiety. Supposing it did happen, it would be like, “Hey, even if I have to go this far, I will reach you!”

>It kind of seems like mindflayer-san would be suited for the occupation of a marriage counselor...

These things dont sound evil at all.

>> No.15664839

You can lie to me, but not yourself, you will never have that love.

>> No.15664840

>and he can return to being human or change into a squid whenever he likes


>> No.15664841

>Why does everyone say the squid thing is permanent?
Why does anyone in this thread say any of the shit they do? No one here has any idea what the fuck they're talking about but they try really hard to convince you otherwise.

Such is life in a 4chan general thread.

>> No.15664845

I still don't trust them.

>> No.15664846

you know I found out the other day that small percentage of women do actually have orgasms when they give birth, orgasmic birth is what they call it, not common but it does happen apperently.

>> No.15664848

>that reading comprehension

>> No.15664849

You think I don't know that?
Stop being such a fucking buzzkill Marche for fucks sake.

>> No.15664852

The same reason Tanukis are evil.

Because muh headcanon and insecurity projection.

>> No.15664854

got a link to that tweet?

>> No.15664855

>Why does anyone in this thread say any of the shit they do? No one here has any idea what the fuck they're talking about but they try really hard to convince you otherwise.
This. Shit's irritating.

>> No.15664856

>Defending Monster Boys
Mindflayers, Wendigos, Incubi and the Siths are all fucking trash.

>> No.15664857

>>So that's what I tweeted a long time ago, but also in the case that the same thing is done using the mindflayer's ability, of course the same thing would occur.
Even in English this is nothing but bullshit.
KC's ability to speak paragraphs and actually say nothing as well as pander to people is on par with any politician.

>> No.15664863
File: 114 KB, 344x456, ILL NATURED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, boyim. Tanukis aren't evil, they just want love.

>> No.15664864


>> No.15664866

I want to headpat a Tanuki while she sits in my lap!
I want to cuddle her nonsexually after a stressful day at the office!

>> No.15664870

Mindflayers are love

She wants to melt your thoughts so that instead of worrying about silly things you can just enjoy sex with her, she also eats those thoughts so that's a double positive

The squid thing is a bit convoluted but you can see it any way you want, I personally believe it to be an advanced form of thought-melting and it's also convenient to have sex while doing chores or going outside

>> No.15664874

>Mindflayers and Wendigos are trash
Your opinion is noted. But take your autism elsewhere.

>> No.15664879

>Holy shit, I had no idea. Why does everyone say the squid thing is permanent?

You are retarded. Everyone says the guy IS a squid that can turn back into a humanoid form. Incubi aren't human anyway. Nobody said you're stuck as a squid forever, but it is your default form.

>> No.15664882

>I better step it up at work or our whole branch could be pruned
>mindflayer erases the thought
>go back to work feeling refreshed and worry free
>and out of sync with what you need to be doing to help everyone
>get everyone fired
>but hey, you have your waifu to chase away the guilt
I hate you.

>> No.15664889

Which is also wrong. The squid isn't the default form.

>> No.15664892

>Liking girls that turn you into monster boys
The only one that should leave is you.

>> No.15664893

I'm going to cuddle a Tubby Kakuren and no one can stop me!

>> No.15664896

>thinks squids are monsterboys

When you go to your nearest aquarium, do you also get triggered because you think you're surrounded by monsterboys?

>> No.15664898

I wouldn't mind being an alp desu

>> No.15664901

Forgetful-of-fairies here again. So, what exactly is the problem with Anon talking about his supposedly ideal childbirth scenario in a thread about a fictional realm? That's one of the reasons this exists.

That said I don't know how he took this >>15664744 to mean you couldn't appreciate the unique scene that is one's wife in the midst of giving birth. Misunderstandings abound unfortunately.

Anyway, thanks for the insight on the term. Would've googled, but who knows which of the definitions would've been yours exactly.

>> No.15664902

Yes it is. The altered state is the natural form caused by the DE. That's how all monster corruption works in KC.

>> No.15664903

I don't go to aquariums they trigger me but for different reasons

>> No.15664906

>Deflecting the argument
Typical monster boy fag.

>> No.15664907

He's right though. They are monsterboys. Monsterboys aren't just edgy bishis with demon horns, ya dope.

>> No.15664912

Fat monster girls are trash.

>> No.15664915

Are you new? You are way too fucking polite.
>what exactly is the problem with Anon talking about his supposedly ideal childbirth scenario
Nothing, he's just a faggot for being so diabetes inducing about it, especially with MGs being what they are.

>> No.15664916
File: 2.11 MB, 382x369, 1461440546935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I stay quiet more times than not when you faggots start going off about how stupid threadcanon shit like Nerdhound is great because I understand that what you may like is different from what I like.

I like the Chaos Demon girls because they're about as close to Lovecraft we're going to get. Other people like Kikimoras because they're demure maids. People with shit taste like (((You))) probably want to get rimmed by a futanari Cheshire.

So everything's relative.

>> No.15664917

Normal incubi aren't that bad, the real bad ones are the three monsterboys from the chaos monstergirls.

>> No.15664919

No, that was a rebuttal. And how would you know what a "typical monsterboy fag" is, anyway? What sort of sites are you spending your time on that you've become an expert on them?

By that logic. A straight-up female squid is also a monstergirl.

>> No.15664922

Maybe, but they are the trash I love.
Well, that and musclemotous

>> No.15664924

>people are biting an empty hook
I wish I had an ogre to beat up.

>> No.15664925

>Normal incubi aren't that bad,
No, they are.

When those faggots barge in here almost every single week you start to recognize their patterns.

>> No.15664927

How are they worse exactly? Normal Incubi are no less terrible.

>> No.15664930

not him but im into prostate stimulation which is why im into the girls with tentacles.

>> No.15664933

How are normal incubi bad?

>> No.15664935

I asked you first, you rascal.

>> No.15664937
File: 376 KB, 1221x1667, 1470876663931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat Shog tits.

>> No.15664938

They're not human.

>> No.15664944

Pretty good. Even better is that your shog or basically any other slime could look like that permanently or temporarily.

>> No.15664950

Would dropping your slime daughteru from 3 stories be considered a game?

>> No.15664951

One looks like a normal human, the other don't. Just with that they're better. Your turn.

They're humans with both DE and SP.

You look like a human but with weird iris color, you get resistance to the environment where your waifu lives, you get your waifu's lifespan, you get resistance to most diseases. How are any of these bad?

>> No.15664954

It would be called "Don't Catch the Baby."

>> No.15664956

Except they are, just upgraded.
>Ultimately, they're just humans altered by demonic energy.

>> No.15664957
File: 125 KB, 372x728, Iroha-neogeohero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically the person she's cosplaying as is also a MG. Or she's described as a "crane that can take the form of a Japanese maid"

>> No.15664961

Incubi aren't human, they're trash that should be thrown away.

>> No.15664964
File: 446 KB, 564x800, Daughtermoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you new?
No, I just honestly am here because I enjoy story concepts greatly (even more than the gameplay that accompanies them when it comes to vidya) and always find it fascinating to see how artists do human+other "hybrids" (although technically Primera is the only true hybrid MGE's rules, I think).

I'm also the type who would attempt to mitigate negative vibes in general where possible. Good example is with the whole Re: Zero 18 fiasco and trying to quell negativity, while having the patience to make rabid fans understand the true meaning without having to insult them.

>especially with MGs being what they are
True, they vary widely in terms of attitude. It's why I wondered if MGs would be perverse about the birthing in the moment or just leave that for post-birth talks with their husbands where they tease each other about all the intimate details they saw.

Motherly instincts are strong! But. I also wouldn't be surprised at an MG making lewd or at least teasing remarks to their husband during the birthing.

>> No.15664965

She really is a crane. A literal crane that can take human form. Is that bestiality?

>> No.15664969

There's virtually no physical differences between humans and incubi outside of increased sexual appetite.

>> No.15664970

You can yell "2+2=5" all you like, but that doesn't make it true.

>> No.15664972

>So what if I'm wearing my husband in public, right on my crotch?
>This white stuff you're seeing? It's certainly not my dear's lovesauce.
>It's... sweat.
>I have wipe it occasionally to keep him comfortable... Don't mind us.
>Mmm it's so tasty.

Flayers are too lewd for me.

>> No.15664973


>> No.15664976

Honestly I think the problem here is that KC named them Incubi, which we all associate to male demons. If he had called them something different people wouldn't probably complain so much about it.

That, or you're just baiting.

>> No.15664982

They're still fucking trash.

>> No.15664983

You better not be that knife meat that's always making threads on /v/

>Motherly instincts are strong!
Hoo boy.

>> No.15664984

Slime man looks human. Squidward can return to human form. Jacketmonkey is the only permanent wild change.

Incubus are beholden to the Demon Lord, and are therefore slaves. Mindflayers free your mind. Shoggoth free your body. Wendigos free your soul. It is a liberated form, and a celebration of freedom.

>> No.15664986

Incubi tend to have weird iris colors due to DE, but that's it.

>> No.15664987

Whatever (((You))) say, Schlomo.

>> No.15664989


Anon, we know better. Anything with DE is a monster. Just because incubi don't lose their SE doesn't mean they're human. KC bullshits that like he bullshits the "no brainwashing" as a bald faced lie. Incubi are monsterized the same way all other corrupted creatures that don't look much different from their base forms are monsterized like dwarves, elves, houri, the rest of the eros minions, etc.

All that old stuff got retconned when the chaos girls came out anyway, for better or worse, and put them solidly in the monster category.

Yet that's still the difference between regular previous DL monsters and monstergirls for KC.

>> No.15664990

Okay, I'm going to pitch in now. Remind me: don't you become that if you have an MG wife, or is it optional and I simply forgot?

>> No.15664991

You can stop defending real monsterboys now.

>> No.15664995

>Defending pseudo monster boys
Almost as bad as Alpfags. Kill yourself.

>> No.15664999

It's completely mandatory, it's one of the biggest deal breakers with MGE girls for me.

While KC might say otherwise, he's completely lying.

>> No.15665002

This is the only thread I visit so far. I'm sure I'll spread out eventually, but not yet. I've made a good number of OPs for this thread too. It's fun stuff.

>Hoo boy.

>> No.15665005
File: 3.58 MB, 360x270, 1469889620806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Different colored irises trigger him
I bet tumblr is a very stressful experience for you

>> No.15665010

Maybe you should go back there if you're going to defend Incubi garbage.

>> No.15665013
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x2594, yeti tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for a nice, hot cup of tea

>> No.15665016

Grimace isn't full time either. It has the same caveat as Mr. Squidward. KC had to backpeddle on that like a week after the profile came out because it actually upset the Japanese fans some.

They were like "What? I'm stuck as fucking Grape Ape in a coat for the rest of my life?" And KC was like "Whoops. Looks like all the blood went out of my brain to my corruption boner again."

>> No.15665022

Monsters are DE-exclusive beings lad.
A monster Incubus is called an Alp.

>> No.15665021

whats wrong with alps?

>> No.15665024

Monsters aren't good mothers, not by human standards anyway.

>> No.15665026

Its like there's no consequences at all anymore, between that and this >>15664834

>> No.15665027

No, I want to be angry. Angry about things.

>> No.15665029
File: 18 KB, 600x450, Char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the deep meaning is that we all become trash eventually? We took far too long to understand your message, Anon. I'm sorry.

Good thing nothing has struck me as a waifu yet

>> No.15665031

I don't like Yetis.

>> No.15665034

And humans are SE-exclusive beings, lad. Even the original WG basically says nobody knows exactly where to slot Incubi because nothing like that has ever existed before. The Wandering Scholar assures you they're human and the Order has no doubt they're monsters.

Logically, they are as separate from humans as monstergirls are from regular monsters.

>> No.15665038

>bitch when there are consequences
>bitch when there aren't

>> No.15665039

Remember to comfort your holst friend when she's down and when she finds out that she's been carrying the dire gene and, as such, is putting on muscle and height like no other.

>> No.15665040

You can be angry at elves, even yetis hate those pole-proportioned dendrophiles who complain about a little snow

>> No.15665041

Except I personally think that monsterboy settings go on /tg/. But with Incubi, in this case, you're acting like a BLM dindu and making an issue out of nothing. The whole point of a person transitioning into incubi status is to be of making more fuck with the waifu, to the point they don't even need to eat food anymore if they chose not to.

So sorry that your jimmies are this rustled, Schlomo.

>> No.15665047

Most of these waifus do the striking themselves.

>> No.15665048

Dropped for a fit yet still feminine hinezumi. I don't even like mice.

>> No.15665049

I want to see a yeti winning over a male tsundere

>> No.15665050

>This is the only thread I visit so far.
What, you mean on whole 4chan? Jesus fucking christ

>> No.15665052

Well, instincts don't count for much unless they're properly honed in most cases anyway. But that's where it falls to us to use our persuasive power to lead the family.

That's a story for another day though.

>> No.15665053

'I should probably sniff less of my special mamono mana when making profiles' - KC

>> No.15665054

I can't be angry about elves. Every one is angry about elves.

Damn elves, keeping all the anger on themselves and not sharing it with anyone else. How dare they.

>> No.15665055

So are KC's Dragons, though.

>> No.15665056

>This desperate to push your shit taste you've resorted to lying
Absolutely sad, Incubi are fucking trash and you should take that garbage somewhere that isn't here.

>> No.15665058

The consequences are that you can't just morph forever. The monsterboy is the primary form, so you need power to change back. Like regular monster need it for disguises or to change their body size like a sandworm or even the ones that can go full monster for limited time like the dragons. So you either get a short time as humanoid, or you have to be really powerful to pull it off all the time.

Which since you can make your powerlevel whatever you want in your fantasy it's not much of a distinction for the reader. It more matters when you're talking about the average joe NPC of the world or how the setting works.

>> No.15665060

She's still feminine!
She just has a lot of muscle is all!
Do you want to feel her breasts? They are still soft despite the muscle!
Don't go anon, she was planning a special night for just the two of you once her dress is fixed!

>> No.15665063

Excellent taste

>> No.15665064

I don't blame him, this place is shit since late 2007.

>> No.15665068

Especially /v/ right now. Haven't seen so many /pol/ buzzwords in quite some time.

>> No.15665069

Naw nigga you don't understand. Iroha is a crane, that is her true form, the woman is fake. Dragons can revert, but their real shape is the woman.

>> No.15665071

>so you need power to change back.
[citation needed]

>> No.15665074

>Its like there's no consequences at all anymore
Yes, that's what KC has been trying to do from the start. Being a monstergirl is supposed to be a good thing. Becoming a monstergirl one way or the other is supposed to be a good thing. Being an incubus is supposed to be a good thing. Everyone is supposed to be happy because the setting is an attempt at a utopia. The problems we run into here are thus:
1: KC kind of sucks at world building, inconsistencies like this are an example of that
2: Every utopia is a false utopia, if for no reason other than one man's heaven being another's hell
3: On the western side of things fans don't have a deep understanding of what he's even going for or supplant their own ideas even when it's clear and muddle things up

>> No.15665077

Sorry, but my cutoff for tall women Is 6'5. She'll find someone else.

>> No.15665079

You still have yet to even articulate to him why they're bad.
Probably because you're just shitposting.

>> No.15665083

Or you know, you could ignore the existence of them entirely because almost no writefag uses them at all. Or does your autism not allow it?

>> No.15665084

You are both flaming twink faggots.

>> No.15665086

Elves and humans are natural enemies, like hellhounds and elves, or jinkos and elves, or elves and other elves


>> No.15665089

You just need to see then!
She'll show you that big girls can be cute.

>> No.15665095

You elves sure are a contentious people.

>> No.15665098

Good goyim, just ignore the cancer and let it spread.

>> No.15665100 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 550x281, 1470879677867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are the true evil

>> No.15665104

A woman should be able to fit snugly against her man's chest and be cradled by him. She's a damn behemoth now.

>> No.15665105

Well said

>> No.15665106

You just made an enemy for life!

>> No.15665108

>All monstergirls need power to change forms. This is consistently stated in multiple profiles and Q&A's
>You expect that somehow incubi don't
Come on now, anon. The only argument you might have is that the baseline for turning into an incubus, period, is powerful enough to do whatever. Since that's an unknown quantity and we know that it takes either a decent amount of time or a shit ton of DE to incubize a guy.

>> No.15665109

Incubi are psuedo monster boys, that's good enough reason to completely disregard them and anyone who defends them.

>> No.15665110

>[citation needed]
my headcanon

Technically, they were originally beast dragons, that got morphed into monstergirl dragons which can turn back into beast dragons.

Also, when did KC change the entry to include undead dragons? Never knew they were a thing until I looked just now.

>> No.15665111
File: 150 KB, 625x1000, Best hugs around - Snibako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All too true. All too true. I could do with a visit from a Wurm or a Khepri personally. A cat- Sphinx is fine, too. I like lots of little things about lots of MGs.

Yes. A friend far more lewd than I invited me. I'm more here for the designs, as creative as I can be with the lewd aspect (of course writing it out is another story, but I've been drafting).

I'd also like to keep my time and sanity, so I'd rather not get sucked into the depths of 4chan, though, I'm sure I'll visit other threads out of a desire for people's thoughts on a game, a show or a figure eventually.

>> No.15665114

It's not even letting a cancer spread because the guy isn't even saying -why- Incubi are bad, he just keeps repeating a canned statement like an idiot. It's whatever, the bait's gone sour.

>> No.15665115

A behemoth of love and titties.

Snusnu is coming anon.
Snusnu is coming.

>> No.15665120

Stay there, you're not welcome here.

>> No.15665122

I wonder is she'll smell like brisket once the rat is through with her.

>> No.15665125

That's a good sign that it's time to stop biting the bait, or at least ignore his retardation.

>> No.15665130

Oh, she's prepared for that anon.

She had everything planned out until her genetics kick in.

She wants you, and no DAMn RoDENt is going to stand in her way.

>> No.15665133

>Trying this hard
When you're done pretending to speak for everyone, can you at least use quality bait?

>> No.15665136

The dire holst is going to beat that mouse into mousse!

>> No.15665138

You said you've made OPs for these thread.

You're one of the retards who've posted the extremely low quality OPs with a borderline unrelated picture and a single-sentence retarded statement, and wanted to post them before the previous thread dies, aren't you? Do you have any idea how much damage you've caused by being a newfag and not lurking?

>> No.15665142

Goddamn newfag.

>> No.15665143

>Pushing monster boys this hard
>Acting like this thread isn't completely against them
You're just embarrassing yourself now.

>> No.15665149

Fujoshit kun is that you?

>> No.15665150

There aren't supposed to be consequences to the monster side in the MGE.
>Also, when did KC change the entry to include undead dragons? Never knew they were a thing until I looked just now.
MGE 1.

>> No.15665152

Not him but incubi are bad because
>can only spread corruption
>are brainwashed by the DE to be on the monsters side all the time no matter what the subject
>have sex drives cranked up so much they're on the level of a newly turned succubus

But mostly people dislike them for the same reason so many regular humans hate mutants in something like Marvel. They see in them, their end.

>> No.15665153

Of course it is, who else would be this much of a monster boy loving faggot?

>> No.15665158
File: 68 KB, 500x342, Late Saddness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Lord, This Fucking Song And Dance Again?

And here I was hoping to Talk About that Six-Armed Anubis I had a dream about

>> No.15665161

Nope. I daresay they've all been well-received because I don't rush to make one and actually think of a topic rather than:
-"___is olev"
-"time for___"
-"BIG ___ ___"
I also try to feature girls who aren't seen or talked about all that often because again, I really do find something I'm fond of in most MGs.

But nice commentary on the importance of lurking

>> No.15665162

Actually I realized shortly after posting that I should've said the world the Demon Lord is pushing is supposed to be a utopia; the Chief God and the Order are still allowed to be little shits on occasion, but by and large even the anti-monster faction gets to live in peace.

>> No.15665167

Multiarms are shit. They ruin the silhouette and curves of a girl. Plus nobody ever draws the joints or muscle anchors for them right. There. Now we talked about it.

>> No.15665169

what happened in the dream anon?

>> No.15665171

>the Demon Lord is pushing is supposed to be a utopia
But it's not.

>> No.15665172

Talk about it to me. And describe her in vivid detail, because that sounds amazing.

>> No.15665173

Ignore them. They're just desperate to derail the thread. I'm fairly certain we're being invaded.

>> No.15665178

Nice false flag, retard.

>> No.15665185

The thread has been a shit show since the beginning. I can believe it.

>> No.15665186

Something is definitely up.

>> No.15665187

For you.

>> No.15665190

He's right in that it's what KC intends. But it's sure not the way it's written or presented.

What he's wrong about is why the Chief God and Order are largely left alone. It's because the DL is powering up to go for the throat of the problem and most of the other monstergirls are too lazy to fight. They just want to get a loving husband and have lots of children. That's the thing about a society that takes it easy and focuses purely on physical delights. You really don't have any ambition for conquest. Just the fact that somebody like Deruella exists is amazing in and of itself.

>> No.15665191

Holy fuck, you ARE the retard who has posted the long slew of shit OPs recently.

Do everyone a favour and never post a thread on 4chan again.

>> No.15665194

She only showed up towards the end of the dream.
I think she was a least a head taller than me and had short hair and maybe was weaing casual cloths, maybe a tanktop and shorts.
Possible had average breasts and green eyes

I know for a fact she had a great ass

I really cant remember much more

>> No.15665211

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

>They just want to get a loving husband and have lots of children.
I would be fine with this in most circumstances, but the girls in MGE are a little too forward and clingy for my liking.

Doesn't help that a large portion of the girls I find visually appealing horribly clash with my fetishes, but that's besides the point.

>> No.15665215
File: 3.65 MB, 853x480, 9a71e351ef363d592015bfeb9eef59d9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the girls in MGE are a little too forward and clingy for my liking

>> No.15665221
File: 2.74 MB, 5314x3543, 1454142352783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to live with my wife in the monstergirl suburbs next to some friends and drink beer with them while we let the kids play in the yard

>> No.15665222

It's not what?

It's not ACTUALLY a utopia? No, it's far too flawed to come close and mostly for the reasons listed.

It's not SUPPOSED to be a utopia? It definitely is, essentially every backstory and backpedal we've seen points to that. The intent is all there, the application just fails if you even try to think about it. Or even if you don't try with some things.

Hey now, I never said anything about reasons the anti-monsters mainly got left alone, just that they were.

>> No.15665225
File: 460 KB, 750x750, &#039;&#039;Now I am become (la petite mort)&#039;&#039;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, Anon. I want to know more. Never mind >>15665194 Green eyes shining out from that desert skin sounds beautiful. Short hair can already be nice, but in this instance allows a better view of the curious lack of side-mounted ears and of where her multiple arms stem from, even from a frontal view.

That first part is highly subjective, but you're obviously talking with that in mind.

As for the important part, I'd say this approaches capturing the right look of it, though, we can't see the actual back. Something about where the others arms begin just seems right, subjective as "seems right" is.

I. See. Well, regardless of who was responding to me, it was a pretty decent conversation. I guess I can believe it since one moment I was being questioned about being polite and the next it was about making bad OPs. In the way and voice of Jak II's Krew, "Ahhh well!"

>> No.15665226

>too forward

>> No.15665232

Wurms are my favorite because they are like dogs, all love and loyalty and can be trained if you work at it.

>> No.15665236

That's one of the reasons why I love them.

>> No.15665237

>the girls in MGE are a little too forward and clingy
Have you considered that maybe you're following the wrong setting?
Like seriously, that's one of the fundamentals.

>> No.15665240


>> No.15665244

Considering the spoiler I'd say it's possible that much like myself, he's largely drawn to this fiction by the designs. I, however, like the curious nature of most of them.

>> No.15665252
File: 1.51 MB, 1500x1060, 58377431_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15665254
File: 162 KB, 724x1024, Rare Six-armed Blue-haired Purple Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must my dreams torment me so.

Come anons! share with us your dreams that have had Monster Girls in them!

>> No.15665256

No. There are at least 2 of us who have been showing some love for Wurms here. I was going to post saying that I was happy that there were at least 3 of us so far, but your post made me think it may be less. I can only speak for myself.

>> No.15665261
File: 2.12 MB, 1870x3600, Hakutaku1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cakes are always best girls, and between them, teachers and nurses are the best of the cakes.

We already have the teacher, where's my fucking nurse, KC?

>> No.15665263

Can she fly with those? God damn.

>> No.15665267

I hope the rest of them aren't a faggot like you

>Wurms are like dogs
>be trained

>> No.15665269

>the next it was about making bad OPs
1. A while ago, we've had an influx of numerous shitty OPs.
2. A guy comes out about being an enormous newfag who literally only comes to this thread and in the same post boasts he's made numerous OPs despite being an enormous newfag.

Not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.15665272

Leone is an annoying boozing oney grubbing whore though. Cherche was best girl

>> No.15665274


>Nurse MG

Wasn't there a Steven King book about a woman who took care of a guy and kept hurting him if he gave the barest hint of leaving or something?

Cause I would imagine she would be like that.

>> No.15665275

You shouldn't drink in front of the daughterus!

>> No.15665279

>Talking shit about Leone onee-san
Don't make me go after you.

>> No.15665281

He's right though

>When they assault a man, they are extremely ferocious, and the sex is also violent, but once they’ve settled down with a husband, they think of their husband as “a male for impregnating themselves” and they think of themselves as “a female for bearing that male’s offspring.” For that reason, it’s surprisingly easy to tame them as long as one can take the lead during sex, exploit their weak points, and exhibit his power as a male. Though they possess the overwhelming power of the dragon family, because of their simple and meek personalities they can become very affectionate and obedient

>> No.15665286

Bring it on fag.

>> No.15665289

And I forgot one more thing, since you were talking about dealing with retarded Re:Zero fans before but not using /a/ at all, your regular hangout must be an anime forum, which are about 100% likely to be full of utter retards.

>> No.15665291

>This is a femdom fetish, they say.
>We don't have anything for us, they say
Yet everytime he changes a profile is from dom to sub, like with the Jorogoumo.

No need to reply to me, I was just remembering old shitstorms.

>> No.15665293

>you will never be there for your daughteru's first drunk foray
It hurts.

>> No.15665296


>> No.15665303

I doubt a girl from MGE will every hurt you physically. Maybe using drugs if anything.

But yandere nurse? Count me in.

You dead m8

>> No.15665311
File: 1.17 MB, 1447x1023, 1453255961019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your NEET Oneesan is cosplaying in an attempt to seduce you! Look out!

>> No.15665314

I'm not our m8 you lamb.

>> No.15665318

You're a dead m8.

>> No.15665320

>she wrecked the whole neighborhood for this bit
>hfw you tell her you had some things coming in the mail, important things
>hfw you walk off flipping her off, two handed

>> No.15665324

> It's completely mandatory, it's one of the biggest deal breakers with MGE girls for me

It's part of the reason I like low-power girls the best. Devil bugs, basic slime, mucus toad... ones that are just rapey, not rapey + 'your mind trickles out of you with each ejaculation' demonic energy girls.
Also I have a thing for proper Stockholm syndrome loev, which demonic energy mind control loev short-circuits past entirely.

>> No.15665325

IF there is a new MG who is very medically inclined, I hope she has the disposition of Fate/Grand Order's Florence Nightingale. That or at least the combat medic aspect, but not necessarily violent.

>> No.15665326

Loene a shit.

>> No.15665328



How does she get the money?

>> No.15665329

I'll kill you and rape the body.

>> No.15665330

I wish Florence had a better artist.

>> No.15665331

Stop picking at embers.

>> No.15665343

I don't think you've felt a breeze that wasn't fan generated in 8 years.

>> No.15665349

Gimmie a break, anon, I just got up and I'm scrolling down the thread.
If god didn't want me to respond to hours old posts he'd make /jp/ move faster so it fell off page 10. Checkmate atheists, etc.

>> No.15665353

It's not the time, it's the subject, we've had about 2 hours of shit recently and we don't need you making it pick up again you buffoon.

>> No.15665356

What a shameless pervert, I want to tease her.

>> No.15665364
File: 221 KB, 1600x1200, d9b45812d4a8c47b3694e1732725df63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They're gonna give me a shit bounty for this one"
>"My feet hurt"
>"I wish I was at home cuddling with hubbie"

>> No.15665374

>share with us your dreams that have had Monster Girls
No such fortune yet. Your dream was truly a blessing. Thanks for the never-before-seen art though, Anon.

>a faggot like you
Except I'm not the one who was talking about how they're "like dogs" or about training them. Besides, Anon's analogy was pretty accurate, if not the best because he was comparing a sentient being to an animal. And as was pointed out in another post the training aspect is (while creepily termed) accurate.

Where to begin?

I'm not sure how long you have to be here to not be a newfag, never mind actually avoid behaving like one, but my last OP was months ago. It wasn't boasting either, but reassurance that I was actually putting effort into them is all.

There are exceptions always, even if most people on anime forums were retards. It wasn't on an anime forum though.

I'm not sure what's gotten you so worked up exactly, but take this as a lesson to not assume so much. Relax, do something fun and make enjoyable posts on 4chan in a downsized window meanwhile.

>> No.15665380

Same as everyone else: mommy, daddy, auti$m bucks.

>> No.15665382

>creepily termed
tumblr pls

>> No.15665384

Fans certainly do her justice even if the in-game art doesn't cut it for you. I understand, though, since you have to stare at one version all the time in the game.

Then again, you're staring at the sprite more often than her official art so it's not that bad, right?

>> No.15665390

I want to steal that sword.

>> No.15665393

Tumblr would be another place I don't browse outside of checking artist's for MG works that they don't have elsewhere.

Forgive me for not realizing that tumblr owned that specific pairing of words. It doesn't. All of us here are older than that site, I hope.

>> No.15665394


>> No.15665406

Still makes me mad.

Anyways, good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, encourage a Leansidhe to help an artist, only you can save the future eyes of children.

>> No.15665407

You type like a faggot you know that?

>> No.15665410

Hope you brought some friends to help you carry it.

>> No.15665411

If there's one thing that concerns me about having an MG waifu it's how aggressive they'd be even if I'm dirty.

I'd happily greet this one here in this condition, but I somehow couldn't allow us to do the dirty if I so much as sat on the toilet seat without having a bath first.

I mean, unless you disinfect the seat before and after sitting on it every time, I just can't think it okay. I know "Mamono mana" and all, but dirty is dirty.

>> No.15665413

Please don't, she needs it to work.

>> No.15665414
File: 197 KB, 454x750, 1468577544261-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665417

Don't make me break out the squirt bottle.
I'll do it.

>> No.15665419

She's a monster. Meaning it's loot. Meaning it's my divine right to steal it form her, by force if need be.

>> No.15665427

This is refreshing. I've only had Hellhound art of one wearing a white dress until now. Source?

>> No.15665428

She's a monstegirl, not a monster.

>> No.15665431

I want to meet her husband and talk about our waifus while they hunt!

>> No.15665432

If you mind that level of filth you couldn't have sex even on raging mushrooms. Sex is gross. Get used to it or stay dry.

>> No.15665441
File: 67 KB, 400x268, A musical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same difference.

>> No.15665444

You're the monster here.

>> No.15665457 [DELETED] 

The fluids involved with sex are dirty in an entirely different way from what minimal residue would be on a toilet seat.

>> No.15665463

>At least a head taller and with six fluffy arms, all ending in big, soft paws and marshmallow pawpads
Literally perfect cuddling and handjob material. I want a lich to turn my anubis waifu into a multiarm for a week.

>green eyes
Also top tier taste. Brown skin with green eyes is divine. Maybe you were influenced by the art commissions where she has green eyes?

And tall with average breasts and a great ass is pretty lovely, too bad you can't remember any more of the dream, but just the idea itself is fantastic.
I want to know even more about her.

>> No.15665471
File: 416 KB, 1200x804, 1464579379809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare Anon to color this Desert Tanuki!

>> No.15665474

It wasn't said that sex was dirty. It was a matter of how dirty you'd be after sitting on a toilet seat or just using tissue to clean yourself afterwards.

>> No.15665480

This tanuki angers me.

>> No.15665482

But I can't stop thinking about it! My every waking moment is filled with the desire to be dommed by Onee-sans.

>> No.15665483

Wanna cuddle that.
Gonna cuddle that.

>> No.15665485

I did remember she was somewhat fit

>> No.15665487
File: 853 KB, 1800x2250, 1469663988309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's big! It's scary! It's purple!

>> No.15665491

But I'm color blind

>> No.15665493

The apex predator of Wonderland!

Run before she cuddles you into submission!

>> No.15665496
File: 255 KB, 800x668, Weresheep cheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why are you on 4chan. Go form bonds with Onee-san types.

>> No.15665497

But what if I want to cuddlefuck her?

>> No.15665503

Just pick colors at random and fill it in!

>> No.15665504

I've been posting about my love for Wurms in almost every thread since these threads started on /a/ as far as I remember.

>> No.15665508

>telling anon to go outside
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good times, I haven't felt hatred that sincere since.

>> No.15665510

Please tell me there's a larger version of this somewhere. It's a bit too big for the ants but too small for me.

>> No.15665511
File: 119 KB, 497x547, 1459390460064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You buy from Tanuki yes? Big strong man take advantage of little Raccoon, you fuck Raccoon good!
>You walk by my display and think 'Oh there's a cute Tanuki I think I go in and fuck her!'

>> No.15665515

I don't know why Tanukis make me mad. I think it's the tail somehow.

>> No.15665518

I applaud that commitment. It's great that they're as fun-loving as they are lewd.

>> No.15665522

It's in need of some exercise!

Does teleporting not burn any calories? You'd think it burns lots.

>> No.15665526


>> No.15665527
File: 102 KB, 500x389, 1459393168909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665530

Is it because it makes this sound when it swishes around?


>> No.15665533

>Telling me to go outside with 3DPD. No sir. Those women will rape my wallet, not me.

>> No.15665534

I laughed.

>> No.15665541

Oneesans don't exist in real life.

>> No.15665544

I didn't say his only option was going outside. There are many means to take advantage that can lead to going out to meet up.

>> No.15665545

I don't know why, but this is making me want to blue ovary a Tanuki by doing things that make her think she'll be able to get me to "pay another way".
Like being just a few dollars short of a purchase and then "realizing" that I have some cash in my other pocket.
Or "forgetting my card at home" only to realize that it was just in my backpack.
I want her to get more and more frustrated that her seduction attempts get ruined each and every time until she pulls me into the back of the store, throws me onto a bed and tells me she's going to rape me senseless for being so dense.
And then just when she's slid my dick in and is looking smug I'll whisper into her ear: "Took you long enough".

>> No.15665547

No it's something about the face, like she knows something you don't, but you do know, and she knows that you know she knows.

>> No.15665550

The thing she knows is You're staring at her tits.

>> No.15665554

Now they are just dumb.

I can deal with that dumb smile, but not her tail. It looks so solid and shitty, like it was supposed to be fluffy and warm but it got dirty and it turned hard.

>> No.15665555 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 500x574, 1470885743206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665556

This makes me want tanuki pizza delivery girls.

>> No.15665559

"Alright let me just use my debit card... Oh, declined?"
>"Fufufu~ that's a shame... I might be able to come up with another way for you to pay your debt... Mmm~, strong muscles, good shoulders... You'll do ni-"
"Oh wait, haha whoops, used my cheque account by accident, let me use savings. There we go!"
>"O-Oh. Thank you for your patronage..."

>> No.15665562

Now I'm wondering how long a monstergirl could hold out if you tied her down, stripped her and then just starting masturbating in front of her, just out of her reach.

>> No.15665565

Well if it's rape you're after that's another story.

With a lot less ara ara they do. Well, I can't speak for how it is in Japan. But older sister types who would use the psychological advantage of being very caring and older than you? Definitely. They'll even make schemes, just not ones that actually hurt or embarrass you. I'm sorry for blog

>> No.15665568

Teasing a monstergirl seems like it'd be a whole fuckton of fun.

>> No.15665570

Yes. I want cuddlerape.

>> No.15665574

Well, given how teleportation can be also called "blinking", it's safe to assume that it is not a calorie burner.

>> No.15665582

>Her tits are huge
I'll take all of them

>> No.15665590

Oh. Then just tease your wife lovingly after you find, woo and marry her. You'd have to do the same thing in MGE, only your obstacles would be non-oneesan MGs and Order folk who are probably stronger than you

>> No.15665608

I would pay a lot of money for pizza and a shortstack Tanuki to have some consensual fun with on a Friday night

>> No.15665611

I don't like Tanuki either. I think it's because I'm racist.

>> No.15665619

Honestly I'd take a shortstack pretty much anything. Why isn't there a service in real life that combines the delivery of pizza and (attractive) hookers, anyway? They'd make millions.

You are! Remember the six gorillion, you miserable goy!

>> No.15665624

I want to work for a Tanuki for free

>> No.15665625

This is why I'd prefer to date a nice German foxgirl.

>> No.15665627

I want a Tanuki to molest me with her tits!

>> No.15665629

You mean Misery? I could have sworn that was the one where she abducts and kneecaps the author of her favorite series, then alternately treats and torments him.

>> No.15665630

And you show love to the furrer?! For shame, you miserable creature!

>> No.15665632

>Working for a Tanuki

>> No.15665634

They're really sharp dressers, though.

>> No.15665638

Looks like you forgot to take your meds.

>> No.15665645


Sounds about right, though that would be pretty extreme for a Monster Girl.

Yandere Nurse was the first thing I heard when I thought of a Nurse MG. Though I hate crazy clingy girls. Dealt with one years ago and I never want to go through that he'll again.

>> No.15665646

He crashes on some snowy road, she finds him and treats his injurieas at her house and he allows her to read some novel he's working on before release as thanks. She doesn't like it and proceeds to alternate between fucking him up and healing him.
He should be so lucky, she hobbles him.

>> No.15665647

As long as I can molest her fluffy tail while she wears a barmaid outfit, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.15665651

Yeah for free, I'd do volunteer work
Medication, why would I need that?

>> No.15665653

Well that's the quickest way to get a Tanuki wet.

>> No.15665654


>> No.15665655

>To work with a Tanuki

>> No.15665658

I don't have to cash the paycheck

>> No.15665660

Remember to protect your dragon's hoard from the fat squirrels.

>> No.15665664

What would squirrels want money for?

>> No.15665668

I want to trick a Tanuki into thinking she is NTRing, when I don't even have a girlfriend

>> No.15665677

Nuts shota kind

>> No.15665678
File: 336 KB, 500x666, 1418093435983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New outfits to seduce men.

>> No.15665685

Okay I believe this one.

>> No.15665692


Bro I've never read the book. I only remembered a vague description of it that I half remembered.

I was only saying how my first thought for a nurse monster girl would be something like that.

Calm your tits

>> No.15665695
File: 248 KB, 638x750, 1444974972399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you would, have you seen Squirrel girls?

They're the lewdest girls in the world!

>> No.15665698

how do you trick her, get a friend to fake being your gf?

>> No.15665699

But what if you seduce her that way.
Tell her you're saving yourself for someone and then when she has her oni guards chain you down so she can steal your first time tell her that the someone was her.
I could start getting off to the idea of tricking a monstergirl like that.

>> No.15665702

I had forgotten what raccons are, so I just called them fat squirrels.

>> No.15665708

Squirrel girls are made for blowjobs and rough doggystyle.

>> No.15665709

I like elves so much I would never rape one

>> No.15665713

>you will never faceplant onto that ass
Perhaps we were born to suffer.jpg

>> No.15665715

I want to gently take a Dark Elf's first time while holding her close, kissing her and stroking her hair!
I want to get her addicted to kissing!

>> No.15665718

I don't really like elves, so I wouldn't rape one.

>> No.15665722

Which monster would make the best friend

>> No.15665726
File: 335 KB, 500x833, 1461772235664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget paizuri.

I would rather bury my face into her tail while fucking her like a wild beast.

>> No.15665730


>> No.15665736

Then I want to be bros with an Alp

>> No.15665739

Just be sure to say "No homo" every time you think lewd thoughts about her.

>> No.15665741

Hellhound or a Salamander. I think those fiery type would make great genki friends.

>> No.15665748

Hellhounds, Cheshire Cats, Werewolves, Kobolds, Yetis, Salamanders, Kakuen, Ryu, Shirohebis, Lamias, Holstaurs, and Weresheep.
Some of that is just my personal taste though.

God fucking damn I just want to fuck every inch of that lewd squirrel's body.

>> No.15665749

>Using 3D as an example

>> No.15665753

I like Flayers and Shogs, because they would make amazing friends

>> No.15665756

When will they learn?

>> No.15665760
File: 538 KB, 1000x1414, 1440980160006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, unfortunately she isn't real.

However, I do have this.

>> No.15665764
File: 417 KB, 1832x2152, Around elves watch yourselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665768

>Being raped by an elf
How pathetic.

>> No.15665771

This nigga gets it.

>> No.15665772

>You will never huff a squirrel's tail while pounding her doggy style and palming those fat tits

This is misery.

>> No.15665775
File: 736 KB, 939x1000, 1462127594097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It truly is.

>> No.15665779

Slow down on the images faggot.

>> No.15665782

Why don't monsters just court men?

>> No.15665783

Some of them do. Entire races, even.

>> No.15665784

Because god's directive combined with demon lord's influence compels them to rape. And anti monster territories.

>> No.15665790

I hope a sadistic wood elf makes her way to you, and when your cum and girl-juiced slicked body is cooling on the pavement and the only sign of life is the feeble rising of your chest, I'll meme arrow and call you pathetic.

>> No.15665793

Rape is more efficient.

>> No.15665795

>Being able to rape
Nice joke.

>> No.15665797

You paint quite the picture.

>> No.15665801

Rape also ruins relationships.

>> No.15665804

It's like speed dating. It's a good icebreaker and compatibility check.

>> No.15665808
File: 32 KB, 248x225, 1469615348229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how nature does things.

>> No.15665810 [DELETED] 

What would monsters think about cuckqueans?

>> No.15665812

It's nothing like speed dating.

Monster girls that rape are not worthy of marriage.

>> No.15665815 [DELETED] 

That sharing is caring

>> No.15665817 [DELETED] 

I don't think Monsters would care about Lizards

>> No.15665818

because anon's fetish gets in the way of logic and narrative sense.

>> No.15665821

Maybe those pompous high elves who live in cities surrounded magic Trump walls, but I once saw a panther get the jump on an unarmed and bathing wood elf and lets just say you don't need overly sharp teeth to rip the throat out of something.

>> No.15665828

Look, if it's a High Elf's fetish to have her legs forced open and her fertile womb filled to the brim with thick human semen I might consider it.
But I'll cuddle her afterwards.

>> No.15665836

Would you happen to have the cap of the sci-fi story about the planet with genetically made elves? It had something about "looked like you needed a hug", and some neck licking. I believe it was about two or three posts, not too long.

>> No.15665837

Then don't call it rape.
It's just assertive courtship.

>> No.15665839
File: 583 KB, 1232x540, nigga you don&#039;t understand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't deserve a magical nympho.

>> No.15665840

Yeah, and the human boys always end up liking it, the little sluts. They wouldn't cum so much if they didn't enjoy themselves!

>> No.15665841

Elves can't resist the dick, just slap their ass and pull on their ear and it will all be fine.

>> No.15665842 [DELETED] 

They would like them out of convenience most likely. I mean, you're a single MG. Haven't really found any one special yet. You see a cute guy, you know he isn't the one for you, but you kind of want to fuck him anyway. Then you find out he's taken. That's that avenue closed. But then you find out that he is taken by a cuckquean bicorn or something and suddenly he's available for quick pump and dump while his wife watches and you can go on your way having taken a little sexual relief.

>> No.15665843

The one about not hurting the pale one's feelings?

>> No.15665844

What happens when you turn down a Monster's confession

>> No.15665848

No, it's rape and it's wrong.

>> No.15665849

Yeah, that one.

>> No.15665852

>Elves can't resist the dick, just slap their ass and pull on their ear and it will all be fine.
Don't do this. This man is a liar and probably an elf. I did this once and had to spend a straight week working at the chain links binding me to her basement radiator.

>> No.15665860


>> No.15665862

And why not? I'd basically be using her as a daki after mating pressing her for hours.
I want her to know I'll never discard her.

>> No.15665863

This man is the true liar, he probably wants to cover up the weakness of all elves!

>> No.15665864
File: 245 KB, 1000x1000, BrideUshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster girls that rape are not worthy of marriage.
But they are the cutest ones in marriage.

>> No.15665866

Nah, I'm not going to fuck some rude woman who doesn't deserve marriage.

>> No.15665867

She isn't a rapist

>> No.15665871
File: 73 KB, 1659x719, 1468039964982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665874


>> No.15665879

I don't like Nymphomaniac Monsters because I don't want to have sex 24/7

>> No.15665880

Because your heart isn't corrupt enough and you sicken me.

>> No.15665888

Don't listen, it's a trap! they probably raped him and now have him spouting misinformation to lure more gullible men into groping elf hips and licking elf ears. If we let them rape any more of our en we'll be outnumbered in no time! Elves are incredibly fertile.

>> No.15665889

But I want to make a High Elf into my bride and then spend all day pampering her when she's the one who should be doing the pampering because of her higher social status!
Also I want to turn her into a total kiss slut.

>> No.15665890

Dat hairbun. Cute stuff Loen.

>> No.15665894

Thanks a lot, man. Just what I was looking for.

>> No.15665899

Enjoy rape

>> No.15665900

This shit is why we're all going to get dragged into the night screaming. Druellas was right.

>> No.15665907

The ears of Elves are incredibly sensitive! They're the biggest weak spot for them, especially Dark Elves!

>> No.15665914

I want to run a massage parlor for monsters and not offer happy endings

>> No.15665917

Enjoy bankruptcy.

>> No.15665919

>I don't want to have sex 24/7

>> No.15665923

11/10, I'd make sure that smile never went away.

>> No.15665924

I'm sure some monsters would like not having to preform and just layback and relax

>> No.15665931

I'd rather not. she can find some random boywhore if she wants sex because I wouldn't marry a nympo monster

>> No.15665933

>she can find some random boywhore if she wants sex because
She's going to make herself a boywhore, Anon.


>> No.15665942

Why go through the hard work, when there are others she could find much easier?

>> No.15665943


She probably gets more forceful, or at the very least underhanded.

>> No.15665944

Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.15665947

I want to focus on my studies instead of fuck monsters

>> No.15665949

Because the most satisfying things are the ones you make yourself.

That and pure boys are fun to corrupt.

>> No.15665950

Because she loves you and making you as addicted to her pussy as she is to your dick will only make it sweeter.
Things gained through effort are always more rewarding than things you're just given.

>> No.15665954

You act like you can't do both at the same time.
I mean a Lich would make a great teacher. She'll reward you every time you pass one of her tests with some kuudere blowjobs.

>> No.15665964

When teaching young monsters, always wear a fake wedding ring

>> No.15665981

>I don't like Nymphomaniac Monsters because I don't want to have sex 24/7
Please tell me more about those homosexual tendencies of yours

>> No.15665985

They can smell it though.
A fake ring would just draw extra attention to you, it'd be like diving with sharks while wearing a wetsuit made out of steaks.

>> No.15665986

it isn't gay to want to do something besides fuck

>> No.15665995 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.15666004

What about getting a friend to kiss the ring?

>> No.15666013

If by kiss the ring, you mean have sex with you and become your wife, then yeah that'd work.

>> No.15666015

It's you they're smelling. Or rather, what they're NOT smelling on you.
If you don't have an MG's DE on you, they're gonna know you're faking it.

>> No.15666016

No I mean just a quick peck on the stone
She is long distance and currently over seas

>> No.15666026

You'd have better success wearing no ring. Monster girls can smell when you're "marked" by another monster girl, and that's done through fucking. Unless you've been fucking, you smell like an unclaimed man.
It's not fucking laundry though, once you're marked, you're marked. It doesn't go away.

>> No.15666027

so no ring and a LDR works?

>> No.15666033

Assuming you've banged, yes. Though they'll probably be finding an excuse to move to you shortly.
Hell, there's demon realm foods especially made to help MGs cope with their husband's absence.

>> No.15666038

If you haven't had sex, then all you're doing is making up a dumb, pointless lie.
If you don't have the scent of a woman on you, then you're single. Full stop.

>> No.15666042

Are hellhounds lewd or rude

>> No.15666056

In fact it's worse than that. If you don't have the scent of a MONSTER woman on you, you're single.
If she can't smell it, it's not a relationship, and human/elf/celestial women don't leave demonic energy stank on their man.

>> No.15666063

I want to prove my faith to a yandere god by staying chaste for her

>> No.15666067

Both in roughly equal measure.

>> No.15666090

It's worse yet. Even if you do have the scant of a monster woman, another monster might not care

>> No.15666096


They're party dudes.

>> No.15666098

Remove Bicorn

>> No.15666106

How do you stop a group of monsters from forcing a harem onto you?

>> No.15666112

By not being a wizard?

>> No.15666116

A. marry one
b. go to the moon
c. get it sorted in monster court
d,get a human girl and piss off to parts unknown

>> No.15666117

Find a good yandere

>> No.15666118

Mutual chastity with your waifu.

>> No.15666126

I don't know if I want to stop them though.

>> No.15666130

a. but she also likes the harem and wants them to enjoy what she has
b. Alien harem
c. biased as hell
d. Might work

>> No.15666141

I'd hug an alp. Just sayin'.

>> No.15666145

How does that work?

>> No.15666148

Me too.

>> No.15666152

You wear a chastity cage and your waifu wears a chastity belt, and you keep each other's keys safe. For protection or solidarity, or whatever.

>> No.15666161

What happens when a monster tries to rape you but the key you have won't work?

>> No.15666166

Then you win.

>> No.15666179

How would you strip tease for a monster

>> No.15666186

I'm sure there's videos of that somewhere, just try not to focus too hard on the guy or you'll alp.

>> No.15666202

slowly tease her with taking my clothes off and dancing until she's so wound up that she pounces me and has her way with me

>> No.15666217
File: 1.02 MB, 850x1201, Sheep-Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ganbatte! Let's do our best today Anon!

>> No.15666222

They break it.

>> No.15666224

Flat Holsts drinking their own milk are adorable

>> No.15666235

But that won't help them?

>> No.15666244

The only ones that do so "involuntarily" are:
1) Inherently Group MGs (Large Mouse, Werewolf, Khepri)
2) Actually just cucks (Bicorn)

The only other situation where this happens is in situations where the additional MG has True Love™, which sounds more like a KC-preventing-broken-hearts clause.

>> No.15666247

Flat holsts need to be put out of their misery.
by dicking them until pregnancy reboots their chest and they become the milky tittymonster paizuri masters they were born to be

>> No.15666250

>the additional MG has True Love™
That is the situation I was referring to

>> No.15666268

I want to cuddle a smug group of Khepri, a Pharaoh, an Apophis, an Anubis and a Sphinx!

>> No.15666271

What would happen if you got your chastity stolen by a monster?

>> No.15666272

Given that it only happens when a monster is so far in that absolutely nobody else will do, I'm alright with that over them being eternally heartbroken.

No stringing along the childhood friends, you hear?

>> No.15666274

My goddess would protect me right?

>> No.15666275 [DELETED] 


>> No.15666277

Well in those "other" situations it's involuntary for 2/3 of the participants in the now bigamous marriage, so that's still MOSTLY involuntary.

I'm not sure what KC's motive was here; I don't buy the 'preventing broken hearts' shtick because (a) the prevailing school of thought seems to be that a harem doesn't prevent heartbreak, it just spreads it around (because, as mentioned above, now you have three people all who wanted monogamy and didn't get it, as opposed to just one that didn't get it), and (b) since MGs can go doki-doki for literally anyone other than Hitler, it's not like a defeated childhood friend monster would be sad and lonely for very long; she'd just jump some other anon and quickly get over her jilting.

Personally I think the clause is just a catch-all way of letting guys who want menagerie harems (those sick fucks) to get them, no questions asked.

>> No.15666296

I don't think you quite get what I'm getting at here.
An MG will only go after a man who already has another MG if and only if they've already recognized that man as their husband, i.e. they can't just switch.
If there's one fact about MGs, it's that they will never EVER go after another man once they've recognized one as their husband. This goes hand in hand with that.

If a guy WANTS a harem in basic KC setting then there's not really many MGs (aside from Unicorns) that would protest.

>> No.15666309

But she would punish those who try to apptoach you

>> No.15666310 [DELETED] 

I would rather some random twat be heartbroken than force my loving waifu into being a cuck. Besides there's a tonne you can do to relieve heartbreak like the literal goddess Eros and her cupids, mindflayers or simple time.

The feelings of a random slut will never compare to the convenience of my waifu

>> No.15666329 [DELETED] 

You're not going to get a "random slut" into that situation though.
It's a result of the anti-cuck rule of the setting: MGs who have a chosen mate for whatever reason will not fuck another guy, which means they will relentlessly pursue the former even if he decided in his foolishness to break it off and fuck someone else.

>> No.15666356

>You're not going to get a "random slut" into that situation though.
It can literally be some random bitch you have never seen before who on a whim decided to stalk you, and became so obsessed it became true love.

>> No.15666362

I will only marry alpha monster girls, betas can go suck a dick.

>> No.15666363 [DELETED] 

> If there's one fact about MGs, it's that they will never EVER go after another man once they've recognized one as their husband. This goes hand in hand with that.

So you're saying it's an (unintended?) side-effect of the cast-iron anti-NTR rule?
I guess I can understand it from that perspective.

I suppose my objection is with WHERE this whole "recognised you as her husbando" thing comes from. There's definately a line in the settings somewhere where it says some random girl might just do it even if you never had sex with her.
It just seems pretty much bullshit to me that you can be chilling with your waifu and suddenly some homewrecker rocks up out of nowhere with "You want monogamy? Fuck you, it's second wife time", and there's literally nothing anyone involved can do about it.

And sure, for some people the whole "Oh, no, now I have two 11/10 girls craving my cock 24/7" might sound like the stupidest complaint anyone has ever made ever, but as other anons have said, I don't particularly want to cuckqueen my waifu.

>> No.15666366

Seeing as their body becoming adapted to yours requires spirit energy exposure, no, that's not really gonna happen.

>> No.15666374

Where is gazerfag?

>> No.15666378

>WHERE this whole "recognised you as her husbando" thing comes from
95% sure it has to do with the changes they undergo.

For monsters with a husband:
>Their already alluring body changes to match with their husband's, adapting into “a body just for their husband” to suit his tastes
Further down
>If a monster feels so strongly about a man ... she's already begun to [change into a female exclusively for him,] then there's no way she’s going to be able to ignore
Emphasis mine. The changes in the first line are linked to continued exposure to their mate, and isn't something that happens until then.
The "fuck you yer getting a wife" bit says it only happens when those changes start to happen, so this is not something that happens on a whim.

>> No.15666380

Gentlemen, we need to address the elephant in the room.

Your waifu is sad because she can’t gently caress you with her claws/paws the same way a MG with human hands would. What are you going to do about that?

>> No.15666382
File: 981 KB, 854x1200, 1406252500347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gentlemen, we need to address the elephant in the room.

>> No.15666385
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1463, gazer raveant color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, why?

>> No.15666390
File: 535 KB, 700x879, 1337542811877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her her claws feels more smooth and joyful than the softest silk, and I wouldnt trade her touch for anything in the world.

Besides, I let her handle my junk with these things. I know she is nice and gentle.

>> No.15666396

Stop right there.

Do you mean that we can get every single MG out there for the prize of one if your waifu is a shoggoth?

Why aren't we funding this?

>> No.15666402

>"If a monster feels so strongly about a man that her instinct has recognized the man as her “husband”, and she's already begun to change into a female exclusively for him, then there's no way she’s going to be able to ignore her intense desire merely because of something like an implicit understanding. She'll give in to the urge, assault the man, and fuck him. After that, the monsters who share a “husband” will end up living together"

It does happen on a whim. It could entirely be the stalker situation I proposed. No where does it mention that you have to fuck or she has to be exposed to your spirit energy in any way. She just has to feel strongly. And with a race of sluts who literally fall in love at first sight and quite often, I imagine this is fairly common.

>> No.15666414

>and she's already begun to change into a female exclusively for him
You conveniently ignored this part of the line my lad.
>I imagine this is fairly common.
It sounds to me like you are actively trying to cheat your waifus.

>> No.15666422

I didn't ignore it at all, it jut isn't relevant to what I am saying. Her beginning to change doesn't mean she has to have exposure to your SE or even has to meet you. The chance is entirely driven by her mental state.

>> No.15666431

Nigga, being very, VERY carefully caressed by a wolfu's killing claws is my fetish.
I just love the idea of being the fragile, delicate, precious thing of a girl who has to be super-careful with me because she's unintentionally lethal.

It's like the perfect combination of xenophilia, attention fetish, and Tali-style "I wanna be with you so much we'll make it work even if it's legitimately quite dangerous to our health" love-conquers-all stuff.

>> No.15666435

I ask what she is talking about. Her claws are entirely intangible and will pass through me. she could even use them to tease and massage my muscles while she caresses me with her hands

>> No.15666440

The SE of a married man serves to "repel other monsters" on an instinctual level.
>or even has to meet you
How the hell would she develop feelings for you if she's never met you?

>> No.15666446

But my waifu has human hands

>> No.15666448

Do you not read?
>then there's no way she’s going to be able to ignore her intense desire merely because of something like an implicit understanding
The other monster's traces on his SE won't do a good enough job of repelling her.
>How the hell would she develop feelings for you if she's never met you?
In person, obviously. She could live down the street, and miraculously, your schedules align perfectly. She could watch you as you walk down to the convenience store late at night, every time you do it, and grow obsessive

>> No.15666453

Kind of a chicken and egg paradox though, no?
How does she develop feelings if being repelled by existing DE before the changes can begin?

>> No.15666455

Same, human hands are top tier

>> No.15666457

Think about what you are implying. You make it seem like there is just this SE radius repelling all monsters. How does a town or city function? If married men walking around makes every monster want to vacate an area? Obviously it would have to be a "I'm about to rape you - oh now I'm close enough to smell you - sorry, I'll buy you a new shirt" sort of affair. In which case, if she only ever watches you from a distance, she may not feel that instinctual repellent before she begins to develop feelings.

I mean, take this scenrio
>Go to store
>Buy shit
>Monster cashier thinks you are cute
>Smells your wife on you
>Feelings are held in check
>You leave
>She gets bored and starts thining about the cute guy she just saw
>Forgets the smell
>Develops feelings
etc etc

>> No.15666462

If the repelling nature was that useless I think it'd be stated. As it stands you're just leaping to enormous conclusions.

>> No.15666465

It's not useless. If she acted like any other monster she would have tried to rape him on sight, would have noticed his wife's smell on him, and would have been turned off.

>> No.15666476


I want you two to look at the following images:


Do you have any idea of how soft would the inside of the hands be?

And of course, she will be incredibly careful. She wants you happy, healthy and more or less scar-free.

>> No.15666485
File: 511 KB, 800x1131, 1469442110677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have rough cuddles with a Yeti!

>> No.15666487

Why has no one drawn a yeti with long hair?

>> No.15666491
File: 131 KB, 650x855, slitmouthedwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that spooky girls are olev and that fearboners are the best boners.

>> No.15666492
File: 3.81 MB, 2000x1224, 1432363077283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waif more then makes up in the cuddling department with other parts of her body

>> No.15666493

Oh fuck. Imagine a Yeti with Kaoru's sex hair from Amagami SS.

>> No.15666499

>Amagami SS.
Longer yet, like Olivier armstrong's hair complete with a frosty kuu personality and an incapability to resist the urge to cuddle.

>> No.15666517
File: 622 KB, 850x1190, 1437688158247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon knows what's up

>> No.15666518
File: 266 KB, 750x1097, 1404102145534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys ever miss crayon fag?

>> No.15666521

she looks like she needs a hug and kiss

>> No.15666529

No, cuz hes still around

>> No.15666540

No, he's always here, just posting as anon until he feels like there's something funny to make

He did those fake english MGE pages recently

>> No.15666548


How would you solve the
cold blood-warm blood problem?

From a thermodinamics point of view, cold blooded waifus will take away a lot of energy from you just by being there.

>> No.15666551

He did something more recent than that, didn't he?

>> No.15666552
File: 190 KB, 500x1000, 1470700185838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He drew this for me just recently, he's still about.

>> No.15666558

Not any more so than not touching them.
Cold blooded animals are room temperature, and not actually cold, unless the environment is.

>> No.15666576

Yeti is prime gentle femdom material.

>> No.15666577
File: 224 KB, 1000x753, 1401609045187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, when sleeping? I'm a furnace man, once i get her up to temperature we might need to take a blanket off so she doesn't overheat

it's a shame because i love sleeping with heavy blankets over me and my daki, but it's too hot for more then just a light blanket unless it's winter

>> No.15666588

> problem

Getting cuddled close on instinct to act as her hot water bottle is the opposite of a problem, anon.

Also, doing double-duty as a thermal blanket and a sex marathon competitor just gives you a great reason to drink waifu milk all day but not get fat.

>> No.15666652


Seriously guys, I don't know why nobody answered to me yet. What are the drawbacks (if any)?

>> No.15666666

Having a wife us not comfortable as herself

Loving your wife for who she can imitate instead of her

>> No.15666669

I want to make a man out of an alp.

>> No.15666679



>> No.15666692

No one answered because there are no drawbacks

>> No.15666701

Going to work off her chubby alp thighs and get her fit and muscled?
Is she going to wear flannel, cut down trees in the forest, and laugh heartily?
Will she wrestle grizzlies every day and make meat the most important meal of every day?

>> No.15666705

Such a lovely little blob of rape.

>> No.15666712

I want to protect that smile!

>> No.15666716

Are you sure it was a Wood Elf anon? Wood Elves aren't exactly capable of getting jumped, or being watched without them noticing. Are you sure you aren't being followed right now? Are you sure everything around you is truly what it seems?

>> No.15666740

Not him, but there has been a severe lack of new Gazer content lately. I'm sure People are just getting worried something happened to you.

>> No.15666751

I'm certain it was a Wood Elf but... she did seem strangely satisfied when the panther ambushed her. Muttered something about her little sister being happy when she tied the large cat to a branch and carried it back to her village.

>> No.15666832

W-What's in that hot chocolate?!

And I don't mean the marshmallows.

>> No.15666846

Just a bit of a barometz that thought she'd have a crush on you without your lovely yeti's permission. She was cranberry flavor.

>> No.15666849
File: 657 KB, 1224x1200, spadetail shenanigans clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my alp buddy to show me the neat little trick she just learned from her succubus friend

>> No.15666853 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 335x259, 1470912621085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear god.

>> No.15666965

Cold blooded waifus are extra good to cuddle.

>> No.15667046
File: 445 KB, 874x1240, 48298863_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is so dead that zombies think it's one of their own.

>> No.15667049

Cold waifus are extra good to cuddle. Undead appreciate it the most.

>> No.15667055

I wanna do lewd things to a unicorn!

>> No.15667062
File: 215 KB, 960x540, iirCRkR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But unicorns are only interested in female virgins. Are you sure?

>> No.15667066


>> No.15667079

could use sauce

>> No.15667090

err, I think it was requested by an alp quest reader in /d/ drawthread

>> No.15667095


>> No.15667107

>that is actually a place
>Cheshire Cat is smirking from the top of the catalog
all of my wuts

>> No.15667108

Yes, /u/ should have never been made and yuri should just go straight to /trash/ instead. I couldn't agree more.

>> No.15667112

I did it. I finally had another dream with monster girls.

>No cute Titania to hug strongly and watch as she panics slightly from the sudden action then calms down and just accept it.

>> No.15667120

Congratulations anon, I'm glad someone else has recenly had a dream with Monster Girls in it

>> No.15667125


>> No.15667132

I'd have her wear skimpy clothes in public, attach vibrators while she goes out and see if there exists a dildo large enough to stretch her out when she goes out in public.

>> No.15667136

Lucky, it's been so long since my last one.

>> No.15667144

Let's be honest, it's only forcing if you don't like the monsters involved. There is no man who doesn't want a harem. Fact.

>> No.15667153
File: 191 KB, 497x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never destroy her hopes and dreams with cosplay.dek

>> No.15667154

Yurifag please

>> No.15667155

t. Deruebooboolalabingbang

>> No.15667163

I wouldn't stop it, a monster girl harem is my dream.

>> No.15667164

I don't want a harem. Bigamy at most.

>> No.15667173


>> No.15667174


Why haven't you let demons into your heart yet?

>> No.15667181

You are not men so your opinion doesn't count.

>> No.15667182

Because I'm ready
My hands are steady
And my heart is made of steel.

>> No.15667186

It's full of plaque.

>> No.15667187

You're faggot and you're doing like yours does.

>> No.15667192

I don't speak gargling cock, sorry.

>> No.15667200
File: 596 KB, 706x895, magma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To whoever is having holidays with his magma waifu in the Galician region of Spain:

Please, get her out of here. Forest fires are getting out of control.

>> No.15667203

Wow. Such alpha. So awesome.

>> No.15667206

>genuine affection is akin to rape for monstergirls

>> No.15667207

Titanias are not for rape!

>> No.15667210

[Choking On Dick Noises Intensify]

>> No.15667212


>> No.15667215

Says you.

>> No.15667217

You're a galician?

>> No.15667219

[Last Word Of Dick Choking]

>> No.15667220

Says everyone with a bit of taste. They're too kind and gentle for that.

>> No.15667226



>> No.15667230

Creí que era el único español aquí

>> No.15667233

Again, says you.
>he doesn't want to teeter on the edge, lusting over his sweet, innocent oneesan only to snap and assault her like a wild animal, only for her to assure him he hasn't done anything wrong and take his first

>> No.15667240

Not okay.

>> No.15667253

>not liking teaching rape
>not liking rape in general
I think you want that thread >>>/vanillaweeniegeneral/

>> No.15667254

>you will never break into a Titania's home as she is cooking and push her against the counter
>you will never pull down her tight jeans, slap her ass and position yourself at her entrance
>you will never taunt her as she pleads for mercy and kiss her before ramming full force into her pussy
>you will never creampie her as she begs you to finish anywhere but inside
>you will never cuddle her in the afterglow while she thanks you for putting up with her rape fetish

>> No.15667257
File: 157 KB, 720x540, Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would understand it with other girls but not with Titanias.

>> No.15667265


>> No.15667266

You had to go and ruin it.

>> No.15667271

Is this maledom hour or what.

>> No.15667275

But rape roleplay and cuddling after is cute. It's probably gender flipped with the more dominant girls expecting you to play the victim.

>> No.15667277

This isn't weenie hour.

>> No.15667279

It's always rape time, if that equates maledom fine by me.

>> No.15667281


>> No.15667284

You can stop using big boy words now.

>> No.15667290

>putting the tit on a pedestal

>> No.15667299

What about raping the titania in front of her helpless fairy friends as they shout curses at you?

>> No.15667302

What's with the buzzwords lately.

>> No.15667306

But weenie doesn't qualify yet. In fact it probably won't become a buzzword but a memeword instead, like faggot.

>> No.15667309

What happens if I don't cuddle a monster girl after sex?

>> No.15667310

So how do I become maximum rapebait without being raped?

>> No.15667317
File: 3.11 MB, 512x384, 14709206193680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667319

I would rather use that one extremely cute fairy as onahole in front of a Titania. and keep eye contact at all the times

>> No.15667324

Guilt trip

>> No.15667337

I just want to make an alp flex her muscles and watch her sweat drip on to her spats.

Oh hey, somebody censored that picture for me. Thanks.

>> No.15667338

What about using doppelganger potions and make them watch each other be raped?


What about using the doppelganger potion on your target make her watch herself be raped?

>> No.15667340
File: 154 KB, 353x600, 1277524266874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't find the idea of couples acting out each other's silly fantasies cute

>> No.15667345

>doppelganger potions
The epitome of shit taste.

>> No.15667349 [DELETED] 

>What about using the doppelganger potion on your target make her watch herself be raped?
You know what's good for that? Mirrors, and that doesn't involve cuckshit like potions do.

>> No.15667353

Wow, who made this? And that manticore tail is huge, looks like a flail.

>> No.15667354

>Had to do a double take because at first glance the x-ray shot made it look like she had a penis
>Then I had to realize that half of the penis is thicker than the other half, like the faceless man has dick cancer or something

Send it back in to be fixed. A monstergirl picture shouldn't make me focus on the cock.

>> No.15667364 [DELETED] 

>not running a one man gangbang on monstergirls

Okay. What?

>> No.15667365

Friendly reminder to dick your daughteru so she grows up big and strong.

>> No.15667369


>> No.15667372 [DELETED] 

>liking anything where there's more than one male
>liking gangbangs

>> No.15667374
File: 3.25 MB, 626x469, 14709206863350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reposting, but my guess would be it's that nip guy KC sometimes retweets. Making a game or smth.
Here's the second one.

>> No.15667376 [DELETED] 

Ignore him. It's just doppelganger potion fantasy scenarios, but tards'll use any excuse they can too force their fancy new meme word to try and fit in.

>> No.15667378 [DELETED] 

>new meme word
What are you even talking about, he didn't say anything new

>> No.15667381 [DELETED] 

>every male is you
>not making girls airtight and remodeling their holes with an army of dicks
Piece of shit puritan.

>> No.15667386 [DELETED] 

What? If you like dicks so much just turn into an Alp already.

>> No.15667387 [DELETED] 

I guess you're also fine with your waifu being fucked by several dicks at the same time, before and after meeting you. Good cuck.

>> No.15667388 [DELETED] 

"cuck" isn't a new word, but if you've spent any amount of time on this site you'll know just how stupidly popular of a word it's become here over the last year or so.

>> No.15667393 [DELETED] 

>Okay. What?
Making the girl watch you fuck someone else is basically a cuckolding fantasy even if it is the same person. It's basically using the potions as a loophole to get it accepted.

>> No.15667396

She is already strong naturally, so there is no need to do that.

>> No.15667397 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't enjoy the sight of a female repeatedly skewered and repainted in white
Asexual pls

>> No.15667398 [DELETED] 

>every male is you
But it isn't. That's what you made yourself believe. You're actually the guy watching how she gets fucked by someone else.

>> No.15667399
File: 475 KB, 1000x877, 1437630000602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Anon, have you finished those reports?

>> No.15667402 [DELETED] 

>Not wanting to see a girl fucked by anyone else than yourself makes you asexual
Whatever you say, cuck.

I'm starting to think this is all bait.

>> No.15667403



>> No.15667404

No, I need data from R&D but the Wurm head of the department refuses to give me her data unless it's in person, and last time I did that she made me watch Godzilla movies with her for 3 days straight.

>> No.15667407

I had a report due to friday, but someone made it for me so I'm good. Thank god for good friends.

>> No.15667409 [DELETED] 

Oh, they're retarded ;_;

>> No.15667412 [DELETED] 

Who let /y/ in here?

>> No.15667413 [DELETED] 

Confirmed for bait. Move on, nothing to see here.

>> No.15667414 [DELETED] 


>> No.15667416 [DELETED] 

Yeah, go fuck yourself. This is obvious bait at this point.

>> No.15667417

Anon your boss doesn't p[ay you to just stand around. Now go watch those Godzilla movies

>> No.15667418 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 625x626, 4363474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15667421 [DELETED] 

Man, the stupid is real.

>> No.15667435

this is what happens when you refuse to give titanias surprise sex

>> No.15667440

This is what happens when you want to rape a titania.

>> No.15667444
File: 1.47 MB, 2163x1614, 6.5 Star Censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I tried making a depthmap for Sub-res's shortstack space anubis picture.

You can open up the image on http://depthy.me and load up the grayscale depthmap.
For the settings, I recommend turning on Hypnotize, choosing a high loop time number, and setting the movement to anything from completely vertical to not-quite-completely-horizontal. Also, put the movement type on Calm, and having the bottom slider biased towards Far. Setting it to Near produces a more noticable depth effect, but warping is also more noticable in places.

I had a bit of trouble making this, and I figure I'm never going to get it perfect, so I might as well just put it out there as it is.
The thing with Depthy is that it can't produce a good 3D effect from a depthmap with extremely contrasting colour levels right next to each other. So a black object on a white background in the depthmap will show a huge amount of warping around the edges, which is why I couldn't just set the fluid droplets to be completely black. On the white background, they would've looked awful, and they still don't look great as it is.

But anyway, hope you like it anyway. If you want to play around with editing the depthmap, go right ahead. You'll most likely be able to produce a better result than me, especially if you have any proper knowledge of Photoshop, or own a pressure-sensitive drawing tablet.
Just be warned, I'm not 100% organised when it comes to the layers.

I think I'll try Loen's spacenubis pic next.

>> No.15667448

I'll rape all the titanias with multiple dicks and no one's going to stop me!

>> No.15667450


>> No.15667457

Does hugs count as sex?

I remember that I concentrated in order to feel her warmth and keep it in my mind in my dream. I didn't know I could get that mushy.

>> No.15667458

Deal with it faggot.

>> No.15667462

I'm not the one that wants multiple dicks.

I see you're still looking for replies.

>> No.15667464

You mean real rape or that role playing bullshit?

>> No.15667473

>Does hugs count as sex?
Maybe if you're like 5.

>> No.15667474

Surprise as in suprise between titania and husband is nice.

Rape is not.

>> No.15667476

Call it bait all you like, doppelganger potions are legit, you're the one focusing on the males, which again, are all yourself, instead on giving the girl a good dicking, kuroinu style. Fuck vanilla.

>> No.15667481

Finally some one gets it!

>> No.15667483 [DELETED] 

>you're the one focusing on the males
No, you are. You're the one wanting a buch of dicks between you and her.

I actually prefer to think you're baiting because I prefer to have shitposters to cucks between us.

I don't remember any faggot like you lately, so you're either a newfag or baiting hard.

>> No.15667486

Can;t we talk about stuff like cuddling and groping waifus instead?

>> No.15667489

I've always known bro, I just try not to be a dick about it but this place, now a shadow of what it once was does not make it easy sometimes.

>> No.15667491

>between you and her
It's literally you doing the dicking. Do you not understand the concept of the doppelganger potion? Are you that new to these threads?

>> No.15667496

>doppelganger potions are legit
Guess what, so are yuri for the sake of corruption and Cu-Sith but the thread doesn't accept them. Being official doesn't automatically make it liked.

>> No.15667498

Yes, and we should be able to talk about rape as well without a lunchbox vanilla waifufags getting mad at everything, but here we are.

>> No.15667501

Oh my.
Oooooh my.

>> No.15667502

I want to talk about avoiding amazons, domming dragons and talking to golems with a weird sense of humor built into them

>> No.15667503 [DELETED] 

It isn't. As this anon says >>15667393 it just using mental gimnastics to accept your shitty fetish.

>Are you that new to these threads?
No one ever talks about those potions here, are you?

>> No.15667505

>comparing doppel p to Yuri and siths

>> No.15667506

I want to talk about cumflating an Alice, plugging her up, and having her freak out when she forgets the sex and finds a a bloated belly full of cum!

>> No.15667507
File: 750 KB, 1022x724, 1418396973973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you joined the Kuddly Kraken Klan?

>> No.15667508

I know man
it seems shitstorms kick off every 6 hours at this rate

>> No.15667509

Yeah, doppel is worse than casual yuri.

>> No.15667511

Thats a weird combination.

>> No.15667512


>> No.15667513 [DELETED] 

>No one ever talks about those potions here, are you?
>>/jp/?ghost=yes&task=search&search_text=doppelganger potion

Make sure you know what you're talking about before you speak.

>> No.15667514

As some anon said earlier in this thread or the one before, it feels like we've been raided lately.

>> No.15667515

No, I joined the Kinky Kobold Klub!

>> No.15667516

Gangbangs are more extreme than yuri by a country mile whichever way you try to spin it, any sane person can see that. It's never been accepted here either, ever seen the reactions to Maritan's Lilim?

>> No.15667522 [DELETED] 

Woah anon, a bunch of replies in a sea of thousands of posts, and half of them are to talk shit about them.

Try harder.

>> No.15667523

To hell with these guys, what were we talking about?

>> No.15667527

I'm serious, and I don't like yuri either, but If I have to choose between a bunch of dicks and two girls making out with each other (temporary) I have a clear answer.

Maybe you're just a faggot?

>> No.15667530

Yeah, some liked it, some didn't, your point? You know what don't bother explaining, cause I'll talk about gangbangs here if I want, monogamyfags and the like can kill themselves off that burns them.

>> No.15667533
File: 102 KB, 456x500, Giant_Slug_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insect girls maybe?

>> No.15667535 [DELETED] 

>The response number 11 if from May already
>Half of the ones before that are from today
You sure showed him.

>> No.15667537

>monogamyfags and the like
You're fucking retarded, aren't you.

>> No.15667539 [DELETED] 

And now you're moving the goalposts to make it seem like you still have a point.
First you said no-one ever talks about them. I proved you wrong. Now you want there to be 100s of posts about it, and you're making up numbers about "half of them are shittalk about the potions." Which is wrong, if you bothered to click through a couple of pages.

I guess stupidity really does blind one to reality.

>> No.15667543

Giant slugs don't get any of the love they deserve. I love especially the idea of being able to make them ahegao with normal paced sex. Now imagine if you gangbanged her.

>> No.15667548

Some liked it, vast majority didn't is closer. Same goes for any of the controversial topics.

>> No.15667549

>some liked it, some didn't
Some likes it, most didn't.

>> No.15667550

Boy, everyone is stupid except me.

>> No.15667553

So I guess that means you like it?
Thanks, if so.

>> No.15667554 [DELETED] 

Or you could just fuck her harder and not be a faggot.

>> No.15667556 [DELETED] 

Nah, I want to drown her in dick. Problem?

>> No.15667559 [DELETED] 

Yes, you're either gay or a cuck, which one is it?

>> No.15667560
File: 49 KB, 300x320, 1459645809689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15667568

I guess the fag has a new topic for future shitstorms.

>> No.15667569

reminder that wanting multiple dicks even temporarily is literally furfag-tier.

>> No.15667571

It's the Kraken Kuddle Klub, get it right.

>> No.15667573

Even worse, what you said is /d/ tier and shit already, what this guy wants is multiple males.

>> No.15667574
File: 344 KB, 1037x1100, soldier beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy watching beetles
the other day I saw big black ones doing stuff in the park.
I wonder if MG beetles would react to me observing?

>> No.15667577 [DELETED] 

don't deserve it but oh well.

>> No.15667578

That came out nicely.

>> No.15667580

It's pretty clear you're just forcing it at this point.

>> No.15667590 [DELETED] 

You don't deserve it either and here we are. You didn't answer by the way.

>> No.15667592

They would probably stop and jiiiiiiii

>> No.15667591

Why can't he use a dildo or a fucking machine instead?

>> No.15667594

Now this is wonderful. Almost makes me want to try it on a few pictures myself but I'd probably fuck up badly.

>> No.15667595

Yes it does.
I like it a lot

>> No.15667596

Take a hike faggot.

>> No.15667597

I find myself doing the same with the spiders in my yard. Though considering they're Widows, I probably shouldn't (in particular, the one carrying a sac)

>> No.15667600 [DELETED] 

Because he gets off watching her fucked by other men, even if he doesn't admit it. Literally a cuck, not even using the word as a meme.

>> No.15667601 [DELETED] 

More like you faggots should stop being so damn sensitive. Who are you afraid is going to come into the thread because of a gangbang fetish? If you want to see it as cuckshit or the that's a you problem cause it's clearly not. But I'm done defending myself.

>> No.15667604

I'm going with these two.

>> No.15667605 [DELETED] 

Good, now please go and stay go.

>> No.15667610 [DELETED] 

>But I'm done defending myself
Good, now leave.

>> No.15667612 [DELETED] 

You behave so much like the futafags from the /a/ days it's eerie. You're also like the diaper fetishists from a few weeks back.

>> No.15667613

>no nature documentaries showing how mg secure husbandos
>mind flayer prey looks kind of like you

>> No.15667614 [DELETED] 

>But I'm done defending myself.
Now if only you could be done with posting too.

>> No.15667615 [DELETED] 

How about fuck you I'm staying and
.I don't like it =/= not allowed in the thread. Look at alps.

>> No.15667617 [DELETED] 

>the diaper fetishists from a few weeks back.
The who?

>> No.15667619 [DELETED] 

>Waaaaah why people doesn't like my shitty fetish
We didn't accept yuri, which is somwhat better than your shit, so we're not gonna make an exception for you.

>> No.15667620

Gotta admit getting into a weird stare-down would be interesting. as long as they don't mind
Have ever watched a spider make a web with some jazz in the back? its weirdly calming.

>> No.15667625 [DELETED] 

They popped up in defense of Quicksilver's diaper JubJub story.
There was also an anon that defended scat fervently while being assblasted over the fact that yuri wasn't accepted here.

>> No.15667630 [DELETED] 

>I don't like it =/= not allowed in the thread
And you dare to talk others newfag. Lurk more of fuck off out of here.

>> No.15667633 [DELETED] 

I'm not stopping cause the 4 of you don't like it . The thread doesn't like Yuri. The thread hates monsterboys and ntr. But the thread doesn't hate gangbangs, in fact we used to talk about them plenty before vanillashit took over. Deal with it, cause I'm bringing back the stuff I like..

>> No.15667638 [DELETED] 


>> No.15667637 [DELETED] 

>in defense of Quicksilver's diaper JubJub story.
The only thing wrong with that story was the fact that he posted it incomplete.

>> No.15667640 [DELETED] 

>the 4 of you don't like it
>muh silent majority
>muh vocal minority
I think I'm having a deja vu.

>in fact we used to talk about them plenty before vanillashit took over
We used to talk about reverse gangbangs. Try harder.

>> No.15667643

You know what I like? Dragons.

Genki and confident dragons that cheer me up.

>> No.15667644

But you like to gangbang them anon? This is important.

>> No.15667649 [DELETED] 

>The thread hates monsterboys and ntr. But the thread doesn't hate gangbangs
Do you see anyone jumping to agree with you?
>we used to talk about them plenty before vanillashit took over
Been here since the /a/ days, the only thing that was ever accepted was reverse gangbangs with one guy and multiple girls. Even then there's no shortage of people who only want one girl.

>> No.15667650 [DELETED] 

And regular gangbangs,. The only reason that started becoming a problem was because of The sloppy seconds fetishist.

>> No.15667651

I want to strap a camera to a dragon and see stunt flying from her view

>> No.15667656 [DELETED] 

>And regular gangbangs
Not true, stop lying in hope of people accepts your shit.

>> No.15667658 [DELETED] 

I like how you just did answer to the part you just want to, when it's true you're crying while using the exact same logic other faggots before you did.

>> No.15667659 [DELETED] 

Whatever faggot. What are you going to do if I do talk about it, report me? Enjoy your ban for a false one.

>> No.15667663 [DELETED] 

Revisionist history, next you're going to say that people were okay with pegging until bob happened.

>> No.15667665

This guy has been at it for years now. A normal person would have given up.

>> No.15667666 [DELETED] 


>> No.15667671 [DELETED] 

>From "it's just some vocal minority" to "whatever I'm just going to post it"
As I said, same shit than always, word by word.

>> No.15667673

You just have to be stealthy

>> No.15667676 [DELETED] 

Keep it up faggots, I'm going to discuss my setting approved non rule breaking fetish and that's that. Do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.15667677

The staring would only last a short time before an impromptu tournament is organised. Winner gets you.

>> No.15667679

Yeah he's just looking for something new to shitpost about probably.

>> No.15667681 [DELETED] 

>you want to fuck this monstergirl
>you're either gay or a cuck

I'm sorry, but the thread's gotten to the point where I can't tell if this is satire or genuine idiocy. If it's the first, then well done, because that's actually pretty funny.

>> No.15667687 [DELETED] 

He doesn't. He wants her to get fucked by a bunch of guys. If he just wanted to fuck a monstergirl he would be like everyone else here.

>> No.15667691 [DELETED] 

And you'll probably reply to yourself or start shit every time you don't get any attention or positive replies. Sad.

>> No.15667695 [DELETED] 

>that being sadder than some faggot being up in arms about how someone else wants to fuck imaginary girls differently than him.

>> No.15667698 [DELETED] 

>Most people don't want me here
>Instead of talking about it somewhere else I'm going to create conflict where there isn't need to be one
Even futafags gave up eventually, I hope you're better than them.

>> No.15667704

>Anon watches beetles daily while taking notes
>one day he messes up and they notices,
>Anon and the soldier beetles stare awkwardly stare at each other until the beetles break into a battle royale.
>all too soon there is a winner,
> battle damaged but happy she simply grabs anon and pulls him away into the forest before he can react

>> No.15667708 [DELETED] 

>Some faggot
Are you looking at the replies? Are you gonna said is just one guy seriously?

Your level of delusion amazes me.

>muh vocal minority

>> No.15667710 [DELETED] 

Who are you going to discuss it with, yourself? You would have better luck talking to your mother about it than trying to push it here.

>> No.15667712 [DELETED] 


>> No.15667715

I don't understand why they'd start fighting each other if anon messes up.

>> No.15667716

Not really. I don't like sharing something so precious.

That sounds like a great idea, and I bet she would pull some risky stunts just to impress.

>> No.15667722

Hellhounds belong in cages.

>> No.15667723

thats when they see him

>> No.15667729

We have enough with one shistorm.

>> No.15667733

Messed up and got caught I assume

>> No.15667735 [DELETED] 

If I have to suffer vanillafags turning what was once an all you can rape buffet setting to hand holding cuddling /rk9/ tier ronery posting, they can stand me talking about the lewder stuff. I'm not going anywhere.

>> No.15667737

>anon staring at melted bars with a hellhound behind him

>> No.15667751 [DELETED] 

People are still okay with rape, it's pretty much the core part of the setting and monster girls in general. Bring up elves without getting a few replies about rape and maybe you might have a point.

>> No.15667753 [DELETED] 

So now you're mad because you're fetish isn't allowed here while others are. I see. Yurifag tier.

There's a difference between lewder and disgusting shit.
Femdom is not vanilla and no one has a problem with it. Rape is not vanilla and people talk about it.

Don't try to cover yourself in other fetishes to defend yours, faggot.

>> No.15667755

How do you teach your daughteru not to be lewd?

>> No.15667767

Gangbang her.

>> No.15667769 [DELETED] 

Nah, that's you at having no standing to stop me.

>> No.15667770 [DELETED] 

Meh, it's basically allowed here. No rule against discussing anything unless it's really /d/ like futa or something.
I've seen lots of people here with problems over femdom and rape in general who'd rather not talk about it, but are fine when it is discussed. Personally I hate corruption, but I can see the appeal and don't mind it being talked about.
It's all just opinions.

>> No.15667771

Tie her up.

>> No.15667772 [DELETED] 

You're really going all out.

>> No.15667774

Are you me?

>> No.15667776

Give her headpats and show her how much fun handholding is.

>> No.15667780 [DELETED] 

As long as the monstergirl is the one doing the raping, cause otherwise it's hfy Gary stu tryhard maledom shit. Don't bullshit me.

>> No.15667781

I want to tickle torture a sad, lonely Ryu to teach her how to laugh again!

>> No.15667782 [DELETED] 

So it's okay to talk about NTR and monsterboys too? No rule about it.

>> No.15667786

Dragon and wyvren stunt flying would be awesome
It'll be like the red bull air challenge

>> No.15667791 [DELETED] 

>Femdom is not vanilla and no one has a problem with it. Rape is not vanilla and people talk about it.
Exactly. It's just one whiny faggot trying to say the sky is falling because people don't accept his disgusting fetish.

The majority of lewd subjects are still find here unless they're too /d/ or /u/.
All get plenty of discussion and they're maledom targeted girls.

>> No.15667792 [DELETED] 

>it's hfy Gary stu tryhard maledom shit. Don't bullshit me
Yeah, if you try to rape a Lilim. I don't see people complaining if you want to rape an elf or a kobold.

>> No.15667794

Be a normal father and punish your waifu if she begings to teach her too many lewd things.

>> No.15667801

You haven't seen anything till you've seen a wurm hit mach 2

>> No.15667804 [DELETED] 

Neither of those is part of the setting, and MBs would be off topic, doppelganger potions come direct from mge. You want to not talk about anything that upsets you there? Okay, let's drop the and discuss mgq and getting lovelessly raped and vore'd instead.

>> No.15667808 [DELETED] 

Except even that is allowed, it's an RPG setting basically.

>> No.15667810 [DELETED] 

>doppelganger potions come direct from mge
So do futa potions, your excuses mean nothing here.

>> No.15667811 [DELETED] 

KC said there are potions that could make futa. possible Monsterboys are canon, if only a few. Yuri happens.

Yet we don't talk about them. Seriously, why are you trying so hard for one fetish?

>> No.15667819

Don't worry, it's not that hard to fuck up.
My method now is to make a seperate layer for swatches, then set up a whole pallete with grayscales at 5% brightness increments.
Then start by making a new layer for every depth level, starting with the furthest back. Make the first layer 100% white so you have a base for the static background for everything else to distinguish from, then work from there.
Typically I've been using a regular brush tool with a hardness of 40%, setting it to 3px for really fine outline work, and anywhere larger for work where more needs to be filled in. Obviously that'll change depending on image resolution.
I'm thinking of using more gradients on a single layer too. I've got this structure of 5% brightness increments per layer now, so if I vary things up within that range on a single layer, I might be able to create even more seamless depth effects.


Don't forget you can change brush opacity and layer opacity too. That latter thing is what I did with the droplets of liquid so their depthmap would always be variably darker than the tones on the layers below.
Just don't use depthy's own depthmap creator, because it's crap. Absolutely no precision or flexibility on the paint tools. If you want to test the depthmap, just save the pure grayscale layers (so remember to make the layer for the actual full-colour image nonvisible first) as a PNG and load that up into depthy.

>> No.15667820 [DELETED] 

>it's an RPG setting basically
It isn't. This is a lie that people have been saying for years. KC confirmed you HAVE to be born with power, you can't just train to get it.

Last time I said it a maledomfag got mad because he couldn't stand the truth.

I'd rather not add now a dom vs sub shitstorm to the current one, you know?

>> No.15667826 [DELETED] 

You know he said that for a fan to have at it in his setting, but it wouldn't show up officially in mge. That's a non argument.

>> No.15667827

>Supersonic wurm
sounds fun as fuck

>> No.15667831 [DELETED] 

Yuri and monsterboys have been shown. Keep trying.

>> No.15667835 [DELETED] 

I saw the Twitter cap saying you could build yourself up, no idea what you're talking about, except maybe in cases like resisting a pharaoh

>> No.15667839 [DELETED] 

Doppelganger potions aren't futa potions, obviously. Apples and oranges.

>> No.15667844 [DELETED] 

>you could build yourself up
To a limit. Heroes and such can only be born with that power, and If you have less power than a hero and say you can rape a Lilim, you're indeed a tryhard maledomfag.

>> No.15667847 [DELETED] 

>one monstergirl that does it to attract a mate, male
>reversible transformations
No by all means you try.

>> No.15667849 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 400x400, missed-the-point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being dense on purpose or just don't know what else to say?

>> No.15667851 [DELETED] 

>to a limit
And who's to say where that is?

>> No.15667854 [DELETED] 

>reversible transformations
Yes, with the monster form being the normal one, and transforming to human. Are you the faggot from the last time?

>> No.15667856 [DELETED] 

Both potions used for undesirable fetishes.
For the sake of corruption still counts and it's met with the appropriate response.

>> No.15667858 [DELETED] 

Yes, anon, you can do whatever you want because you're fucking alpha and bitches will all fall to your cock. There, happy? I don't want to start this shit again.

Fuck's sake.

>> No.15667862 [DELETED] 

>supassing limits to beat the heroes in power
unrelated, but I need to see some shonen anime for oldtimes sake now

>> No.15667864 [DELETED] 

Except that's at will ,so no reason to go Muh monsterboys ,you can be human all the time. And no I'm someone else and Don"t give a shit about monsterboys.

>> No.15667865 [DELETED] 

Undesirable to you. The function of doppel potions goes well beyond just "gangbangs". It's a shared sensation thing the waifu can use too.

They're fine. When this thread and argument is dead, they'll be discussed gladly as they always have been. You won't stop that, even if you are trying to ruin it by associating them with gangbangs.

>> No.15667868 [DELETED] 

Yeah, cause that's what the setting is, damn everyone here.

>> No.15667871 [DELETED] 

>The function of doppel potions goes well beyond just "gangbangs". It's a shared sensation thing the waifu can use too.
Delusion. Real cuck. There will be a point she only wants to be gangbanged.

>They're fine
They aren't

>they'll be discussed gladly as they always have been
They never were, keep trying

>even if you are trying to ruin it by associating them with gangbangs
But that's what they are holy shit are you retarded? And I'm not even that other guy.

>> No.15667876 [DELETED] 

Lets make it relevant!
what would your shonen team be like and what adventure would you go on?

>> No.15667877

This has to be a ruse.

>> No.15667879 [DELETED] 

I want to have a dinner of doppelganger potions with my waifu and have a whole orgy just with the two of us.

>> No.15667884 [DELETED] 

Slippery slope fallacy, no actual point except personal opinion, outright lie, and ad hominem.

Feel free to reply any time you want to speak some actual sense.

>> No.15667885 [DELETED] 


>> No.15667887 [DELETED] 

>Undesirable to you
To most
>The function of doppel potions goes well beyond just "gangbangs"
Enough with the mental gymnastics and excuses, for all intents and purposes they're similar.
>It's a shared sensation thing the waifu can use too
It's fine if she does. MFF has always been accepted while male on female gangbangs have always been treated like the garbage they are.
>You won't stop that
Alone? Sure but the majority hates it, good luck ever getting positive discussion. This isn't even the most active time of the day, you would be getting much more hostile responses if you tried this later on.

>> No.15667895 [DELETED] 

Those are some real pretty words, you just learned them?

>doppel potion are not gangbangs

>> No.15667899

It's very much not.

>> No.15667901
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1836, 0811160854a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come bearing more doodles. I would have done this earlier but a friend was offering beer and jojos to hang out with him, so I couldn't turn him down.

Let's start with an idea from last thread that was cute in thought.

>> No.15667902 [DELETED] 

Probably a salamander and a shy werewolf, well travel the world and do weird shit until the inevitable villain gives us a purpose to do serious shit

>> No.15667904

Not too loud or the yetis will hear you

>> No.15667905 [DELETED] 

>even if you are trying to ruin it by associating them with gangbangs
But that's what you have been defending the whole time. Make up your mind.

>> No.15667907

>you will never fuck cosmic wurm-chan with a quantum dildo

>> No.15667913 [DELETED] 

>male on female gangbangs have always been treated like the garbage they are
Hey dude, don't knock the slop!

>> No.15667915 [DELETED] 

What do you think is being defended?

>> No.15667920 [DELETED] 


>> No.15667921 [DELETED] 

Why the shy werewolf?

>> No.15667923
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x1836, 0811160854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next is Sandy the Golem and a Kiki.

>> No.15667926 [DELETED] 

You could go at it in every room in the house. Two of you on the kitchen counter, from behind as she wears a naked apron. Then on the couch in the living room, then a whole trio of you in the bedroom, swapping positions and experiencing them all at once.

>> No.15667930

That beard is epic

>> No.15667935 [DELETED] 

>like seven people bitching in a thread with 150 posters, currently 128
I survived meta knight, is it related kun, manga only fag, Bob, nega ,inari and all the other faggots, not just on this board, waifufags and vanillafags can't hope to topple me.

>> No.15667942

>Doppel potions have always been used in the past to discuss many iterations of a waifu surrounding one guy
>Or an orgy with equal numbers of cloned waifu and husbando
>Suddenly someone wants to reverse that first dynamic
>Autists decry doppel potions entirely, act like they were always bad

Sasuga, /mgt/. I'll write a doppelganger potion story just for you.

>> No.15667944 [DELETED] 

I'm still waiting the answer to this question. Can't you just live without it or what? Is the only fetish you have?

>> No.15667946
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1836, 0811160853a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

Next is something that fits our current situation.

>> No.15667950 [DELETED] 

Do you know how doppelganger potion work? The copies are you, not random men fu king your wife. You can't fuck yourself, unless time travel is involved or something.

>> No.15667951


>> No.15667955 [DELETED] 

Seven people bitching and how many people defending? You're exactly like the "muh silent majority people like monster boys here" fag.

Remember when a thread was started to prove it and it got 0 replies on /a/?

>> No.15667956

You're as bad as him for wanting to start more shit then.

Nice buzzword. We're the austists, but not him who have been defending it alone for hours. Right.

>> No.15667961

Make sure to put it in your main pastebin so you can join the ranks of Bob and Aftyn if you haven't already.

>> No.15667964 [DELETED] 

I'd love to do a time paradox loop where we watched our future selves having sex and got so hot that we started having the sex we just watched in front of our past selves.

>> No.15667965

You won't write shit, and if you do, you won't use a name because you're a coward faggot.

>> No.15667967 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1836, 1470932792568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally something none of you will get unless you read one specific little story.

>> No.15667969
File: 229 KB, 1200x675, gazer paintrfriend deep fried oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my birthday recently, so I've been an odd mixture of busy and lazy, but there's no shortage of new wife images.

>> No.15667972 [DELETED] 

The point is not silent majority ,the point is that it's not absolutely despised, as say NTR. I don't need any help, witness me motherfucker, I will have my way. And unlike fujoshit kun I'm not forcing anything.

>> No.15667973

I think you should have waited to later, with all of this going on people won't pay too much attention to the pics.

>> No.15667977

It was my birthday in June, and I am still looking for the drawfag from then.

>> No.15667982

If I waited until later you would be arguing about something else.

>> No.15667983 [DELETED] 

You type like a faggot. You write as you think you're some type of knight going against evil. are you from MGU.

>And unlike fujoshit kun I'm not forcing anything
You've spent hours forcing you shit, but you're not forcing anything. Okay.

>> No.15667986


>> No.15667985

I want to cum all over an Alice's food right before she eats it.

>> No.15667990 [DELETED] 

*You can't cuck yourself

>> No.15667995

do it fagget

>> No.15667999
File: 626 KB, 1240x1754, gazer daybreaks0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to commission more from-behind pictures.

>> No.15668000

Being gangbanged?

>> No.15668001
File: 241 KB, 512x509, Not lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster, I bet you would tell her it was a special type of mayo too.

>> No.15668003 [DELETED] 

>not cucking youself by fucking the real waifu as the fake and the fake waifu yourself

>> No.15668005


>> No.15668007

Why not? Are you some type of faggot? Everyone here likes gangbangs anon.

>> No.15668009 [DELETED] 

No I'm not mgu. And No I'm trying to for be anything, like A threadcanon. All I'm saying is if I get the urge to discuss that and someone wants to join me, great. Seriously, what are you afraid of? Who do you think we will attract if standard gangbangs were discussed?

>> No.15668010

Do other Gazers have assorted eye/hair/goo and skin colors?

>> No.15668017 [DELETED] 

*not trying to force anything

>> No.15668018

>California Gazer with tan skin and blonde hair/goo

>> No.15668021

Good shit. Glad to see more Gazer stuff again.

>> No.15668025

Of course. Just for flavor and all that.

>> No.15668028

You could ask KC about that. Might be true of every girl.

>> No.15668029 [DELETED] 

Does it matter? You're so blinded you will just end saying this >>15667839 while ignoring other things like this >>15667849.

Go ahead, turn every thread into a shitstorm. Looks like it is clearly worth instead of dropping a controversial topic for the sake of peace.

>> No.15668033
File: 268 KB, 328x480, charging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are lovely drawings.
Keep it up.

>> No.15668034


>> No.15668039 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, 1409546421628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who do you think we will attract if standard gangbangs were discussed?
But you said they weren't gangbangs anon.

>> No.15668041 [DELETED] 

>Who do you think we will attract if standard gangbangs were discussed?
Faggots like you who can't accept that people don't like their disgusting fetish for a start.

>> No.15668046

I don't think I'm there yet. Even if cowtits Dullham is a cutie.

>> No.15668051 [DELETED] 

>Doppel potion is canon
>Futa potion is canon
>Mine should be allowed but the other doesn't

>We allow one, the others will come back crying theirs should be too
>We don't allow any, both faggots fuck off


>> No.15668053
File: 638 KB, 1280x909, gazer zanamaoria 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting to see artists who I've asked to draw her do so again on their own later.

>> No.15668056 [DELETED] 

Still waiting.

>> No.15668059 [DELETED] 

Except of you explain it you might just sway me. You think I talk about anything and everything here? No, I don't want a shitstorm, I want to discuss a certain topic, but if it does more harm than good, great I won't. What I will not do is till over for a bunch of waifufags that don't justify shunning stuff beyond "it's shit".

>> No.15668061

Who knows if it will happen.

>> No.15668066

I wish to have a disembodied head dollarham onahole.

>> No.15668070 [DELETED] 

But futa is /d/ and against the rules here, gangbangs aren't.

>> No.15668071 [DELETED] 

>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a vanillafag and a waifufag
Keep thinking that.

>but if it does more harm than good, great I won't
So when will you stop?

>> No.15668073


>> No.15668074 [DELETED] 

You aren't going to win over idiots or trolls, so shut up and ignore it.

>> No.15668076 [DELETED] 

>futa potions
>won't show up in the setting
Shut up.

>> No.15668078 [DELETED] 

It is, just like KC said many things won't show up but they are there.

>> No.15668084 [DELETED] 

>you said they weren't gangbangs
I said it's not ntr or cuckoldry cause it's you and your copies, literally multiple You(s).

>> No.15668085

I'd rather get paizuri from a Dullahan while watching cartoons together.

>> No.15668086 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, "they're trolls and baiting, just keep posting" I remember that one from futa and yurifags too.

>> No.15668091 [DELETED] 


>> No.15668093 [DELETED] 

Alright, here you posted this

>Associating them with gangbangs
You were implying they're not gangbangs, care to explain?

>> No.15668094
File: 427 KB, 1350x2121, 50466589_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are dolljoints so good? I want to do mutual masturbation with a dolly and stain her delicate joints with my hot cum and force her to wash her hands thoroughly to prevent them from getting gummed up!

>> No.15668100 [DELETED] 

I see it's pointless to appeal to reason, so we'll just see how it goes.


>> No.15668101

If only to show that it isn't just a potion to be used for male on female gangbang. The potion can make things fun in much more agreeable ways.

>> No.15668105

I want to open a bar with a living doll called "The Doll Joint".

>> No.15668106 [DELETED] 

Monsterboys are in the setting, and not against the rules. Should monsterboyfags be able to post then?

>> No.15668107 [DELETED] 

That was someone else. There were at least two people false flagging in my wake.

>> No.15668108 [DELETED] 

>but if it does more harm than good, great I won't. What I will not do is till over for a bunch of waifufags that don't justify shunning stuff beyond "it's shit".
It's already done more harm than good and no one has attempted to discuss it seriously with you.

>> No.15668112


>> No.15668114 [DELETED] 

Sure, now it wasn't you.

Wait, now suddenly someone will start to discuss with him. You'll see.

>> No.15668123

I want to impregnate a living doll and assemble our daughter together.

>> No.15668128 [DELETED] 

And we're in the monsterGIRL thread, that would be off topic and goes against the reason of the setting and thread.

>> No.15668129

Something from a while ago. Granted, said drawfag did say it was a "maybe in a month from now" thing.

>> No.15668131

I want to steal a Living Doll's limbs, lock them in the closet and then use her body as a huggy pillow.

>> No.15668132 [DELETED] 

The reason of the setting is to do what you want as long as it isn't NTR, or know there are new rules?

>> No.15668135

Which drawfag?

>> No.15668139 [DELETED] 


>> No.15668141

>impregnate doll
>daughteru comes in the mail
>Harpy mailman smiles happily from window

>> No.15668142

Does she just birth out a mass of disconnected limbs?

>> No.15668143 [DELETED] 

Say what you will. If I took a capture you'd say "hurr nice paint skills" I don't cause I'm on my phone and don't know how.

>> No.15668148

Anonymous at the time. Might as well give up on it at this point.

>> No.15668150

It's too perverse to assemble your daugher yourself! It's a sacred duty that only the mother should undertake!

>> No.15668153 [DELETED] 

And doppel potions are to allow for multiple partners without it being a bunch of strangers fucking one girl. It's not ntr.

>> No.15668156

I want to disassemble a Loving Doll and have her watch as I rub my penis on every single one of her parts and finally use her womb as an onahole and put it back filled to the brim!

>> No.15668160 [DELETED] 

>Who do you think we will attract if standard gangbangs were discussed?

Cucks and NTRfags. I remember this guy defending that MGE gangbangs where actual gangbangs and not public sex. He was saying in them other men would have sex with your waifu and she would be okay with it.

Curiously, he also spent hours defending it alone.

>> No.15668165 [DELETED] 

No, it's one guy who agreeds to have her waifu fucked my multiple men. Maybe because he can't satisfy her alone, or because he gets off from it, I don't know.

>> No.15668168

They can probably have different eye or skin colors but I'm pretty sure the goo is supposed to be liquid demonic energy which has been black every time we've seen it.

>> No.15668169 [DELETED] 

Yet this entire thing started with you or someone talking about using them to make the girl watch "herself" getting fucked which is basically NTR play.

>> No.15668171 [DELETED] 

I will take that into consideration. One thing though, what if the I wrote some quick smut and the girls getting fucked aren't anyone's wives?

>> No.15668172 [DELETED] 

Twisting things out of context doesn't make you or your side right.

Mod you can carpet bomb this argument any time now.

>> No.15668179 [DELETED] 

Normal gangbang or doppel gangbang. I'll say both are shit but the former is way more disgusting.

>> No.15668180 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 348x301, smthsmth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the remaining 14 profiles are all topless monsterguyzz

>> No.15668181 [DELETED] 

It was a rape scenario where she would be forced to watch herself be raped. By one guy. And his copies, still one person. Truthfully I don't understand how it's ntr. She didn't belong to anyone.

>> No.15668187 [DELETED] 

But anon it will be canon, so you will just have to accept it and see how it's posted every thread.

>> No.15668193 [DELETED] 

If it was a human girl it wouldn't be an issue but we're talking about monsters here, rape is basically a marriage proposal.

>> No.15668200 [DELETED] 

Wait fuck, I posted two scenarios. In one, the girl gets raped by a guy and multiple copies. In the second, it is thechirl who is copied and watch "herself" be raped.

>> No.15668202

Would be better without the xray.

>> No.15668205 [DELETED] 

>"That me over there is being proposed to by that man over there! She's so lucky!"
> - Sally the Wurm

>> No.15668208 [DELETED] 

But you will still be you. You will have to see her being fucked for men who may look like you, but aren't you. Can't you fags see this just an excuse for KC to allow shit without breaking his non-NTR code honor.

Also personally I'm not lettin any other man touch her, even if it is a copy (which doesn't make him me).

>> No.15668210 [DELETED] 

And? We don't adhere to every rule of the setting when writing stuff, or discussing.

>> No.15668211 [DELETED] 

>Canon only matters when I say so

>> No.15668214 [DELETED] 

>may look like you, but aren't you
>implying it's not a timewarp
>implying every single instance of you isn't you sequentially

>> No.15668216 [DELETED] 

They aren't even men to begin with, and are basically hamanoid dildos made of demonic energy.
Do you get like this and scream NTR when a girl uses a regular dildo?

>> No.15668217 [DELETED] 

>B-but it's canon we have to discuss it!
>We don't have to follow the rules of canon

>> No.15668218 [DELETED] 

I don't see it that way, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

>> No.15668219 [DELETED] 

Mental gymnastics you use to delude yourself.

>Comparing a dildo to a man pounding, grouping and ravaging your wife

>> No.15668221 [DELETED] 

>scream NTR when a girl uses a regular dildo
Masturbation is cheating, anon. Every yandere knows that.

>> No.15668223 [DELETED] 


>> No.15668225 [DELETED] 

>it's one thing or the other, we can't be malleable

You say rape is a marriage proposal to monsters. So? I don't see your point.

>> No.15668228 [DELETED] 

You see the hypocrisy on your words, right?

>> No.15668229 [DELETED] 

There are many things that need to be erased.

>> No.15668232 [DELETED] 

Like you and your waifu.

>> No.15668234 [DELETED] 

We're all hypocrites here, why single me out?

>> No.15668235 [DELETED] 

Like buttercream! fuck that nasty shit

>> No.15668238 [DELETED] 

I don't have a waifu.

>> No.15668244 [DELETED] 

It's not a man. Does it have a heart? A soul? Independence and thought? No?
Then it's not a man. It's not even alive.

Quit with your shabby arguement. You have been worse for the thread than actual, REAL NTR.

Everything is your fault. Things wouldn't have escalated if you hadn't opened you manchild maw.

>> No.15668252 [DELETED] 

>Everything is your fault. Things wouldn't have escalated if you hadn't opened you manchild maw.
Whatever you say, anon. I'll be your scapegoat if you want it, but your fetish is still disgusting.

>> No.15668255 [DELETED] 

This guy doesn't want to discuss his shitty fetish, notice how he keeps chaging his IP, he just wants to derail the thread. Stop replying already.

>> No.15668258 [DELETED] 

I need bars of soap so I can be clean.

>> No.15668264 [DELETED] 

Drop the hammer, janitor.

>> No.15668265 [DELETED] 


>> No.15668268 [DELETED] 

I'm not changing anything. You see any deletions?

>> No.15668274
File: 1.43 MB, 1800x2000, 1468447178451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute Abomination will make all the nightmares go away.

>> No.15668278

Albino flayer makes you pure.

>> No.15668281

Red is such a beautiful color.

>> No.15668288
File: 1.02 MB, 992x1403, 1450303293372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how about soft and springy girls?

>> No.15668289 [DELETED] 

Oh no you just didn't

>> No.15668294
File: 150 KB, 650x590, 1459906395379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurse Flayers are a great idea.
>you will never pound some mature Metz ass as she bounces about

>> No.15668295

It's the color of your brain, after all!

>> No.15668296
File: 374 KB, 1085x1239, 1469405069878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft girls are nice

>> No.15668298

She is acute

>> No.15668299

I prefer hard and strong ones, but it's always nice to rest your head on a soft body.

>> No.15668300

No, my brain is pink. Or grey?

>> No.15668303

I bet Nurse Flayer would have to fix a lot of the male patients who fell in love with her. She can't let all those patients down by being so selfish as to marry, after all, and neither could she be so cruel as to let them pine after her!

>> No.15668305


>> No.15668308

I like mindflayers treating soldiers with PTSD.

>> No.15668309

It hurts. Barometz is without a doubt one of my favourite girls in the 100-200 range.

>> No.15668310

BarbK did draw that.

>> No.15668312
File: 855 KB, 1500x1000, 1465098016260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how quickly a Kejourou could cut someone's hair?

>> No.15668316

This picture irks the bejesus out of me for a very petty reason.

>> No.15668319

We never talk about her.

>> No.15668320

I bet she'd do it really slowly and haa-haa throughout the act.

>> No.15668322

Any ideas as to what I shoyld doodle next? I wasn't going to do Mindflayer before, but now I kind of want to.

>> No.15668323

And what this petty reason?

>> No.15668326

I wonder how quickly I can cut a Kejourou's hair.

Draw a Kejourou doing a hairstand.

>> No.15668329

Too petty to say. Latenight might know why.

>> No.15668330


>> No.15668333
File: 199 KB, 910x1200, 1429602917906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's had her moments. I wouldn't be opposed to her being more popular though.

>> No.15668334

>Winegrape 'Metz MILF
Would licking her get you drunk?

>> No.15668336

I already told you but you said no.

>> No.15668338


>> No.15668339

>I wonder how quickly I can cut a Kejourou's hair.

You wouldn't really get a chance. And why would you do that anyway?

>> No.15668340

Sounds like monster boy territory

>> No.15668345

Was it the Bapho? I genuinely don't like them for personal reasons. I won't be a dick about it for you liking them, however.

>> No.15668351

Mailman is unisex, like Sam or even Joe.

>> No.15668355

So I could make a little luck charm with her hair.

>> No.15668356

One way to find out.

She would likely ara ara and invite you to take a taste, insisting that there's no harm in trying. Before you know it you're spring back and fourth while fucking her from behind and not having the faintest idea of what's going on.

>> No.15668357

do it anyway anon reee

>> No.15668358

Little yandere, don't you think?

>> No.15668361

Nah, it was the BIG harpy with her husbando, but you said you're not good at drawing big girls or something like that.

>> No.15668378

Ah yes, YUGE Harpy and such. At most I could do tig ol' bitties, but the rest of the soft body, plus the overly difficult to draw wings compared to a Wyvern's, is a bit much for me at present. Latenight should still be supplying all your YUGE needs at reliable timed.

>> No.15668383

Not really. I think it's fine to carry something that reminds you of your wife when she is far away.

Like a little scale if she is a reptile or a feather if she is a harpy.

>> No.15668388

But hair seems a bit yandere. If your waifu was yandere as well it would be a match made in heaven.
Question is, who gets chained up in the basement for their own protection?

>> No.15668396

Now I want to see a shoghoth fighting a nightmare.

>> No.15668408
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 1439036528911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be yandere for my yandere waifu. Have a plush toy made by her out of her hair to comfort me when we're apart. I want to cum in her dinner for the day I'm away on a long business trip and make her drool on my boxed lunch for the trip.

>> No.15668413

Well neither of us are yanderes, so the only thing in our basement would be the sex dungeon.

>> No.15668415

>"You think you can just waltz in on me master's dream world and do this'n and that'n?! Hold my broom, love, cause I'm gonna give this stinking mare a right beating."

>> No.15668430


If you're going to waifu a Kej then she'll just cut you a lock of her hair anyway so you don't need to go out of your way.

>> No.15668436 [DELETED] 
File: 1008 KB, 1414x1000, __hellhound_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_ga_man__19a636eddc41de7ea1a26519609c4b51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fug the hot dog!

>> No.15668440

Her poor spine.

>> No.15668451

I'd tie it around my dick as a ribbon.

>> No.15668453

>tfw no Kejourou maid

>> No.15668460

See you in a few days anon, heard that spain is nice at this time of year.

I want to do that too, before she takes advantage after I cum and takes the lead herself.

>> No.15668462

Don't worry, She'll be fine. Mamano mana just makes you really flexible.

Hot dog is the best! Except for undead.

>> No.15668465
File: 1.99 MB, 2670x1439, __cheshire_cat_hellhound_and_manticore_monster_girl_encyclopedia__1a72b1391d0e3b4de05f45ddfebb1c10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it had to be visible reproductive organs or nipples to get bant.

>> No.15668467

Not him but:
I'd actually say that it's fine. the pic doesn't explicitly show the sex. And it’s been posted before with no consequences.

>> No.15668472

If I ever got PTSD after a deployment, the last person I'd want to fix it is a mindflayer.

>> No.15668473

I feel sad for Kakuen, she is only half a member of the smug squad.

>> No.15668474

Would be nice if that was the case, I'm not going to complain about some lewdhound but hopefully Janny doesn't come down on it.

>> No.15668476

Sure, but are you ready for the hot dog to fuck you?

>> No.15668490
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1462676631412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always ready

>> No.15668492

But what if that is what I wanted?

>> No.15668494

She's not going to be gentle!

>> No.15668495

Considering how popular Hellhound is I'm surprised there's not more porn of her.
>Reverse cowgirl
>Missionary with leg locking
All fairly obvious ones that haven't been done yet. She's popular in nip land too so with any luck KC might have made her one of the girls with bonus art.

>> No.15668498

Well that’s good. Rough sex is the best!

>> No.15668500

What if I cling to her with all my might and tell her I love her?

>> No.15668501
File: 651 KB, 1262x869, 1468982858425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 ft. Hellhound
They'd be wonderful to rest on, especially when you account for their fuckhuge tits.

>> No.15668507

I just want to be carried over a /fit/ hound's shoulder while she pats me on the ass and tells me it's going to be a long night.

>> No.15668515

Monster Girl Dakis.

>> No.15668524

comfy and toasty warm sleeps are really nice
even more so with her big muscular and fluffy arms wrapped around you and holding you close

>> No.15668529 [SPOILER] 
File: 266 KB, 500x2182, 1470940497060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about them?

>> No.15668541

I hate when I see all those pics of Hellhounds and suddenly the need to be ravaged by one shows up. I just want to love and be loved by a nice monster girl, not be a toy to a dominant one.

>> No.15668548

You know what? That's perfectly fine. Some people want to be ravaged, others want to be cuddled. At our core, we all share a common love for Hellhounds so let's not fight.

>> No.15668578

What about those that want to ravage
throw me a nice succubus to have fun with

>> No.15668590

How so?
Dakis of monstergirls?
Monstergirls turned into dakis?
Using monstergirls as dakis?
Sapient daki monstergirls?
Monstergirls using you as a daki?

Or all of the above?

>> No.15668595

>Using monstergirls as dakis?
>Monstergirls using you as a daki?
These two.

>> No.15668601
File: 216 KB, 850x1194, 1378288190329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi generally love to be ravaged indeed, but will you take responsibility anon?

You were her first after all.

>> No.15668604

I would like a closet masochist succubus

>> No.15668606

I get to ravage, I get a wife
I see no reason to dissagree

>> No.15668607

Making eye contact and touching foreheads while hugging each other in bed can make a monster girl pregnant. And I want to do it.

>> No.15668613
File: 678 KB, 1157x877, 1452049892621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that sounds nice.

>> No.15668622

I want to be a Mindflayer's daki, tentacle cuddles are the absolute best
Same goes for Kraken and Scyllas And Tentacles too

>> No.15668630

What would dakis of Monster Girls be like?

>> No.15668632

Big and extra cuddle.

>> No.15668633
File: 1.14 MB, 1050x1352, 32f6460906c97f0a62344040aab19ad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing now is, will you ravage another one and take it as your wife as well and enter into bigamy anon, or will you stay monogamous?

>> No.15668646

Tempting, but no.
I consider myself a manly man, and a real man knows when not to break limits

>> No.15668655
File: 106 KB, 706x1000, 9df924d01cc4af5ed63ebb0de19d977e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think bigamy is as good as monogamy with monstergirls, and both superior to harem.

But I'm not that much into vanilla succubi and I'm also a femdomfag, so our tastes differ.

>> No.15668666
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x1836, 0811161218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have sword I had something else in mind to draw, but oh well. Here's a Mindflayer with a disturbing face.

>> No.15668669

I leave harems to the fucked up fanfics I read.
One-two is optimal regardless of the doming fence and going past 4 is stupid.

As for subbbi, I enjoy every type that isnt alp or alice, would gun for a demon or kunoichi if I had the chance

>> No.15668672


Can you even burn it? Good work creating this world destroyer.

>> No.15668676
File: 692 KB, 1650x874, 1468458239669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if... a Monster Girl but she's a misandrist?

>> No.15668678

>One-two is optimal regardless of the doming fence and going past 4 is stupid
Agreed, optimally you should have one or two girls at most. With 4-5-6 girls you will never have the same level of intimacy you could have with mono/bigamy.

>> No.15668682

I think I have created a monster.

>> No.15668683
File: 139 KB, 434x550, Phantom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ghost: http://pastebin.com/3jpjs0qT

I'd like to ask a question, If I may speak out of line for a moment.

I've said before that I have trouble getting aroused reading my own writing. In the same vein, I've noticed that I can't react emotionally to my own writing either. What I mean to say is, my stories don't make me sad, or angry, or amused. In my eyes, I've never been able to evoke an emotional response in myself in the same way I might do when reading someone else's work. Is it just me, or is it my work itself? If it's the work, is it because of a weakness in language? A weakness in description? A weakness in character? An issue with pacing?

Since I'm not the most stellar of story tellers, I can't self-evaluate very well, and I want to tackle this issue before I think about moving on to longer stories with over-arching plots. Because, let's face it, if you can't get an emotional hook on your reader, what's the point of leading them through a story? As much as I value prose, getting a reader to care will always trump getting a reader to understand what you're saying.

A gist for the busy: I don't think my writing is evocative enough when it comes to emotion. Am I being too hard on myself or is there something important I'm missing?

>> No.15668696

>I leave harems to the fucked up fanfics I read.
I once read a naruto fic where he had a harem made out his own mother, the female cast of league of legends, a succubus from castlevainia and taki from soul calibur

bullshit harems are fun

>> No.15668701

You could've prevented this, now we are all doomed.

>> No.15668702

You're captured by gator girls in KKK robes and taken to their meeting. You are now surrounded by 9 monsters in white robes, and 1 Wurm with a flour sack mask pretending to be a ghost, and they all look at you like a piece of meet.

How do you get out of this pickle?

>> No.15668704

Well said
Still, gotta gain that muscle skill so I can get me salamander and a lizardman

>> No.15668705

What's the worst that could happe

>> No.15668713

Just like dinosaurs fucking cars
You think the internet cant get more stupid and then I read this.
This is like death panda all over again.

>> No.15668716

You fool, you doomed us a

>> No.15668725

Call them cute and look at them like the sweet girls they are.

>> No.15668731
File: 74 KB, 600x881, who u gonna holla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15668740

As always, you're the undisputed champion of one-shots in my eyes, Silent.
It was very well written, but I couldn't help but hate the phantoms for forcing all the townspeople to become horny idiots, incuding the priest.

As for your question, I don't know. I writefag occasionally, but if I write smut I normally use fantasies I've had, so the fapping actually comes before the work in my case.
>Since I'm not the most stellar of story tellers, I can't self-evaluate very well, and I want to tackle this issue before I think about moving on to longer stories with over-arching plots.
You are seriously underselling yourself. There are plenty of writefags out there who just jump straight into long stories, and the thread is happy with that. You have the advantage in that you've built up to it, and are pretty good to begin with.

>> No.15668745

Just believe in us who believe in you. You're good, far better than me.

>> No.15668746

Man every time I see your stuff I feel more and more self-conscious about posting the stories i write. Nigga you kick some serious ass. I'd try to comfort you on your worries about any mistakes in your writing, but I think that sometimes certain authors or artists struggle more getting 'involved' emotionally or otherwise in the things they make then others do.

>> No.15668749

That was cute in a way.

>> No.15668750

>Walk down the street
>See a Mindflayer
>Oh god no, I don't want to become a squid husband
>She's just here to make money by mind reading
>Try to pass by her without getting noticed
>She calls me out anyway
>Better not anger her
>Walk up to her stand
>Give her $1
>"Turn your back to me so I can start reading your mind"
>Chief God have mercy on me
>Feel her tentacles entering my ears
>"I see that you are very scared and that you want to run away"
>She giggles
>Feel weird stuff going on in my head
>She reads all my thoughts and feelings for about a minute before stopping
>Thank her and take my leave
>Look back while walking away
>See her writing down a bunch of notes
>She then hands those notes to a Tanuki

And then Anon was blackmailed into becoming the pampered husband of a shady yet caring Tanuki

I like the way you drew that Mindflayer, you should do another one sometimes

>> No.15668751

I can't imagine trying to write without tearing up or having boners while doing it. Honestly, some of my best stories have come out of themes that were relevant to my actual life at the time.

>> No.15668754

You aren't writing emotional stories in general, just really good smut pieces. That said, Honey made me feel sad at the end, but the fact you made a sequel ruined it for me. I liked the whole bittersweet goodbye and regretful memory thing the original had.

>> No.15668758

As another anon said, you're one of the best one-shot guys here. I'm actually jealous of your skill, it makes me want to up my game if I can.

>> No.15668761

I'm out of paper ATM, but I guess I could do another in the future. Although I may partake in the AS thread's possible drawing event then.

>> No.15668773

I agree with you being one of the best one shot guys we've ever had.

Also your Kobold story had plenty of emotion do it, you just tend to write lewd shorts which tend to get me excited rather than emotional. Nothing wrong with that, lewd is good.

>> No.15668774

I wish to become a Dragoon with Wurm-chan as my mount!

>> No.15668779

Wait whats the name of his Kobald one, I don't remember reading one like that and I am interested.

>> No.15668783

But how will you educate your Wurm mount? All they care about is sex and husbands!

>> No.15668788

Teach her about what it means to be a hero, and that heroes are good girls and that good girls get treats.
Also, removing the Garuda menace.

>> No.15668806

Gentlemen, I must implore you to tone it back. If I blush any harder some poor overworked migrant farmer is going to rip my head off after mistaking it for an overripe tomato. Seriously, though - thank you so much for the encouragement. For you, I shall redouble my efforts.

Writing from personal experience does seem like a tried-and-true method of injecting soul into a work. I best up my IRL game if I want personal experience to write from, however.

A fair assessment. There's only so much character you can pack into stories 'bout blunts and broads, tits and bras, ménage-à-trois, and sex in expensive cars.

As it happens, my next piece is going to another of my rare smut-free stories. Might take me a while, however. Hard times ahead.

In a way, yes.

>> No.15668825
File: 450 KB, 718x1001, 5554561e348007ffd6daf8eaae5b1b5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alien your lab is studying has fallen in love with you! But your coworkers do not approve...

How do you convince this bureaucratically-run government facility to not remove you from the team on the grounds of a possible conflict of interests?

>> No.15668828
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 1464327032751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

! !

>> No.15668836

Please, please, PLEASE do not respond to the bait. We've just been through a really bad time. Don't let the fool pull us down again.

>> No.15668838

By not posting tumblr images and yuri.

We already had our /u/ shitstorm for the day, don't start another.

>> No.15668843

>By not posting tumblr images and yuri.
Tumblr images are fine as long as it's not the ones who fall into the usual traps. Most our drawfags are from there and there's some pretty cool artists who don't drop by.

Fully agree about not needing another /u/ shitstorm though.

>> No.15668854

Adorable as always, Loen.

>> No.15668858

>I best up my IRL game if I want personal experience to write from, however.
Try emigrating. I started doing longer, non-lewd stories the first time I moved to a new country and really pumped out stories for a couple of months the second time I did it.

>> No.15668860


Don't forget the aliens. It's a triple threat of fucking stupid.

>> No.15668866
File: 488 KB, 715x997, b52489e6af69335e841c03a20d4c4c63.png?3281380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with yuri aliens are you guys nazis or something?

>> No.15668867

Anon that image has been around for months.

>> No.15668870

Good luck with that, I look forward to your next drawing

You should ask someone in an office job to get you some printer paper, you'd never run out

>> No.15668886

Ain't that alerting.

>office job
Haha. Funny. I just need to buy more and see if I can into Kamilla better than Kaylbis.

>> No.15668901

>are you guys nazis or something?
Yes, actually.

>> No.15668915

>Most our drawfags are from there
No, most of our drawfags use it as a tool to drop art on. Big difference.

>> No.15668916

Yes, but that has nothing to do with this.
While I personally don't mind it, posting yuri just makes the easily-angered rile up. Please don't do it.

>> No.15668928

Technicalities. At least half of them use it to interact with other artists which makes them full tumblr users.

Doesn't change the fact there's plenty of decent artists who aren't drawfags too. Plenty of commissions come from artists outside of these threads.

>> No.15668930

>giving a newfag any sort of inch to say "well such and such said he doesn't mind yuri so Imma gonna post it anyway"
What is wrong with you?

>> No.15668933

>Aliens are bad
Literally last bastion of hope for actual monstergirls.

>> No.15668934

Aliens aren't monstegirls. Yuri belongs on /u/. Newfags need to lurk more, and water is wet. More at eleven.

>> No.15668935

Who or what is Komodo anyway?

>> No.15668938

They're not monstergirls.

>> No.15668946

Are you one of those tolkienesque fantasy JRPG only fags?

>> No.15668947

With the average sentiment towards yuri in the threads it makes me wonder why I haven't gotten much flak. What with the fact that I have the occasional yuri in my writing and all.

>> No.15668948

Ayys aren't MGs.

>> No.15668956
File: 1.25 MB, 1231x1280, 1421093306576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual monstergirls
This is an actual monster girl.

Aliens are completely different.

>> No.15668958

No. But monsters are fantasy creatures. Aliens aren't monstergirls. Space elves and space catgirls get a pass sometimes to be talked about like we do for a number of off topic things, but aliens not being monstergirls is the reason this place isn't drowning in quarians and vulcans.

>> No.15668959

Why do Newfags always act so obvious about being a newfag? Maybe I've been here too long but it's almost second nature to tell if someone is new or not from their typing style.

>> No.15668963

Because you are like me: hard to notice or be cared about. I could litetally write about yuri ntr between futas as Dragonforce blares in the background and Cheshires spout memes, and the most I'd get is:
>those are some good cheese fries

>> No.15668964

I just told him not to post it. Can't you read?

>> No.15668969

Aliens are not monstergirls.

>> No.15668970

Probably because you're contributing original content to the community.

>> No.15668974

It's okay in pastes if just part of the story and done occasionally. Most people will quietly read it and move on.

You have to do something really objectionable to get shit on for the content of a paste. It's when it's in thread or in a green text it becomes an issue.

>> No.15668980

Why. Why won't they ever learn not to respond beyond the first post at the very least.

>> No.15668993
File: 164 KB, 960x960, 1463796956823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've said before that I have trouble getting aroused reading my own writing. In the same vein, I've noticed that I can't react emotionally to my own writing either.
>He doesn't bawl his eyes off while writing depressing segments

I don't write smut so I can't comment on the first point. On the second, I'd say that it's not about the writing itself but the idea surrounding it and the parties involved as you imagine how it plays out; the actual writing part comes when you've already exposed yourself to it to build a tolerance. Shock value, for simplicity's sake.

It also heavily depends on what you write based on how it relates to you. It's a no-brainer that writing something that heavily relates to you or your wishes will hit more than writing something completely alien to you.

So too does self-criticism play a part in it. You won't see your own work in the same light as the work of someone else, even if they're the exact same. I don't really need to explain how this can influence what you write even though if someone else wrote it you'd view it in another light.

Picture a cook making a cake, then putting it on a table where another similar cake is. The first cook will view his own cake with a critical mind, trying to find flaws or areas that could use improvement since he'd wish to improve himself and his work; the other cake, however, he'd say 'eh that's a pretty good cake', because it's not his, and the earlier doesn't apply. He's not a critic, he's not going to ignore what good things it has to focus on the negatives since, even if he found them, it's not his job to improve them, it's the other cook's job.

It's partly why a great many artists of many mediums such as drawn art, writing, video-making, etc are self-critical despite others telling them they're great. Self-criticism and the wish to improve, focusing on the negatives to iron them out. The other type, those who just want pity points and wish to be showered in compliments, are a minority.

It's also why pros have editors. They end up with someone who can view the work without the near-crippling self-criticism through a reader's lens, yet still having enough authority to iron it out.

Glancing through what you wrote, you have bretty cul prose. I don't know if my prose is shit or the crippling self-criticism is affecting me when I compare mine to yours but, fuck, every time I write I have to rethink sentences because they feel dull and then resign mysel to leave them as they are since I don't know better.

>> No.15668995

More like because nobody ever reads it, period. There's only one way to do a proper thread melting paste shitstorm. First you gotta become pretty popular doing normal stuff to where you gain a decent following. Then you make another story start out similarly and get people invested. That's when you drop the fetish bomb.

It's known as the Bob method.

>> No.15668998

Because this thread and the people in it literally only exists to circlejerk and argue with eachother because new content that isn't someone slamming on their keyboard comes in at an even slower trickle than obscure shounen scanlators.

>> No.15669013

Then there's the Harb method, where you start off with the fetish stuff and then just keep doing it and nobody seems to care.

>> No.15669019

Get ready to get slammed with new shit this weekend. I'm excited because it'll finally give us something to talk about for the first time in fucking forever.

>> No.15669025

Can't wait to see if the book will have any new MGs, and if it does I can't wait for that shit to get translated.

I'm going on record to say there is at least a 60% chance the book will contain a new girl that will recieve Alp and Sith levels of hate

>> No.15669026
File: 18 KB, 97x212, limb_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harblador just does abominations though. Which isn't really outside the norm. It's just he's the only writer that really fulfills that niche.

>> No.15669027

I can think of a few semi-popular writers who done stuff that would get people "fuck off" posts if done as a greentext but got favourable replies because it was a paste.

>> No.15669030

>Can't wait to see if the book will have any new MGs
MGEII will have 14 new girls in it to fill out the remaining for 101-200.

>> No.15669036

Weekend? As in Saturday? Odd, a faggy translator in another thread has something announced on the same day. How queer.

>> No.15669037 [SPOILER] 
File: 303 KB, 1300x932, 1470949993558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too hot out.

Fuck Summer.

>> No.15669038

13th and 14th is C90, which is bringing us 3 new MGE books and exet's MGE game.

>> No.15669042


Oh ok. Is KC gonna keep going after he reaches the 200 mark?

>> No.15669045

He hasn't indicated otherwise so yes.

>> No.15669046

Too hot here as well. Might make the upcoming pirate renaissance event unbearable.

>> No.15669049


Sweet shit.

>> No.15669050

Of course, anon. The Encyclopedias are just 100 girl milestones. I think he said originally, 3-4 MGE volumes, plus a third worldguide, plus a couple special books like an MGE Dragonomicon.

>> No.15669051

I think calling it a game is a bit much if there's no gameplay elements.

>> No.15669052

I hate neither of those. Don't like them either though.

>> No.15669054

Is the book going tie be translated outright?

>> No.15669055

Sure, it's more like a lewd visual novel made in RPGMaker.

>> No.15669062

I don't mean to sound rude to you who replied but its amazing how sometimes people can just reply and answer questions and be nice about it sometimes

Thats a fair bit of content, it'd be nice if he kept going after that as well, but thats a topic that is best saved for later.

>> No.15669064

MGEII is getting priority since it's the only one that's canon with Dragonia coming afterwards and as funds allow.

The Demon story probably won't unless someone wants to pick it up like OtherSideofSky, but that's not surprising.

The game is even less likely to be translated.

>> No.15669072

It could have been glorious if it was like Voilated Heroine.

>> No.15669085

That's it, I'm learning moon.

>> No.15669086

A great Oneesan.

>> No.15669095

She's gross.

>> No.15669098

What does she even look like? If nothing exists I shall throw it into the recycling bin and draw Wyverns crying over stupid reasons.

>> No.15669099

Tall, chubby, pale reptile girl. Big breasts and ass.

>> No.15669109

Bangs over her eyes or did I imagine that? Poor posture and baggy clothes in any case.

>> No.15669115

Probably. Her hair is described as long messy hair.

>> No.15669127

She's like a gyaru, the grossness just makes it hotter.

I always imagine her doing that thing where they push their index fingers together in front of their chest, hunched over with tomoko eyes peeking from behind her hair.

>> No.15669132

It's not even the heat itself, it's 88 degrees and 85% humidity right now, and I feel like I need to be wearing scuba gear because of how wet everything is.
A Yuki-Onna, a Yuki-Onna, my kingdom for a Yuki-Onna.

>> No.15669144

I have a lich named Emily, an anubis named Amni, and a hellhound named Sol.

Suggest some names for a baphomet and holstaurus. They can be as realistic and grounded or as fantastical as you like.

>> No.15669149

So something I can't even do. Neato burrito!

>> No.15669160

Emily is a nice name for a Lich.

Can't help you out unfortunately, I'm one of those guys who spends an hour on the name select screen in games.

>> No.15669161

Lich name is meh. Hellhound doesn't fit. Sol is manly, and more fit for something associated with the sun.

Elly for Bapho, and Sally for Holst.

>> No.15669167

Sol is masculine for one, and it's pretty odd for an underground creature to be named after a star for two.

>> No.15669174

Luna might work, but might not at the same time. More feminine at least.

>> No.15669182

a demon dog should have a name that sounds intimidating and outlandish Carnifex is the only thing im drumming up right now
throw in some double letters to really nail that fantasy vibe. Apostrophes work wonders too check it

Zzarkxis A'xuumar

>> No.15669187

Just don't use anglo names. They're horrible.

>> No.15669191
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Do you like strong holsts?

>> No.15669194

Elizabeth probably has better gravitas for the lich. Too many shortened y/i sounding names for them all in general though. The holst should have a nice short bouncy y-ending to her name like Emily or Sally. The others, not so much.

Ditch the gap moe like a dead hooker. Vulca, Etna, Santoria, Tambora, Therea. Those are good hellion names.

>> No.15669206


>> No.15669208

Please tell me you don't write

>> No.15669212

I want to touch that cow and I want to do it now

>> No.15669218
File: 508 KB, 800x1067, 1463261781206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You prefer soft holsts?

>> No.15669219

Thank you all. I'll keep the lich name for now, at least.
With the hellhound, I did want to give her a less feminine name. "Sol" was just because the setting is space-based, and it just so happens that I know of someone with a hellhound OC with a similar name. The hellhound doesn't live in the underworld, or underground.

With Elly for the bapho and Sally for the holst, there's too many names ending in "ly" going around.

I do definitely want a tougher name for her, but I don't want to go straight up for the sort of name you'd give some D&D demon with those apostrophes. I'll see about delving into some Greek myth or underworld entities to string something together.

No? I think they'd be fine for something like a lich or more easily human-integrated girl.
Remember, the lich started out her life and was named as a normal human.

>> No.15669220

90% sure he was joking. He nailed the bullshit fantasy names by terrible writers formula. The only thing he forgot is to make the first couple of syllables sound like a common anglo name so the characters can call them "common name" for short.

>> No.15669225

The strongest and the softest!

>> No.15669228

so true it hurts

>> No.15669231

Obviously. If I wanted a strong holst, I would get a minotaur.

>> No.15669235

Gimmie both.

>> No.15669241

So long as they aren't dire, that shit's for fags.

>> No.15669242

What's a good name for a Black Dragon? I thought about using a convoluted and gibberish sounding name in Dragon tongue, but I need at least one part of it sounding like an actual name.

>> No.15669246

Nefarian or maybe Neltharion

>> No.15669247

Ah well, nothing I care to read. I got enough pulp scifi by actual authors to get through as it is. Good luck though.

Kinda makes me want to back-convert Pride of Chanur into a monstergirl contact story though.

>> No.15669252

What would college life be like with monster girls? Would it be harder or easier?

>> No.15669257


>> No.15669258

What kind of milk does she yield?

>> No.15669261

Dark Flame Meister the Fallen Luciferia the IX

>> No.15669266

How so?

Higher protein concentration.

>> No.15669267

>5 notices in 7 days
Fuck off deviantFart, I'm waiting for commission updates

>> No.15669270

>Would it be harder or easier?
If you're willing to be some teacher's toyboy, easier. Much easier.

>> No.15669271

>something I can't even do.
Didn't stop me. Go for it.
Welp, it's better than Alp, at least.

>> No.15669293

It's more porn than pulp, if that matters.

I know how you feel.



>> No.15669295

Super big thanks for that comprehensive talk, bud.
My man, you don't even know. If I had a nickel for every simile I had to drop because it was getting too intrusive, I'd still be broke as a back but I'd have a nice collection of nickels at least. Often times simple just works better. Dull but practical.

>> No.15669300
File: 612 KB, 706x895, 1451803984454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava golems. What are they good for?

>> No.15669303


>> No.15669310

Not feeling it.

Far too chuuni. The gal's an evil girl, and occasionally not-so-evil, but she's not like that.
>"Hey, last time I checked, a slipper on the door handle meant 'DON'T FUCKING DISTURB" you damed monkey!"
>"How cute, you aim to slay me with your legs trembling?"
>"Your struggling amuses me to no end. I expect to see you again, though you may have trouble doing the same when you are minus an eye."
>"Hydra is pretty tasty once you build an immunity towards their venomous blood."

>> No.15669312

Having hot jello boobs, hands and feet that flow like liquid fire, and with a sensual power that's just as patient, unstoppable and potentially destructive as the flow of lava itself.

>> No.15669314

Warm cuddle baths.

>> No.15669318

Dropping like napalm on top of goblin villages

>> No.15669319
File: 985 KB, 827x1169, 1413584027166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powering radical magitek battle armor.

>> No.15669320

Tubby older sister monster girls are for

Muscular imoutos are for

>> No.15669324

I am disturbed.

Being good sisters towards the other Golems.

>> No.15669325

No yuri pls

>> No.15669327

He wants at least 500.
One volume of the encyclopedia for every 100 profiles.
A world guide on magic.
A world guide on the various divinities that govern the setting.
Maybe a few more Fallen Maidens.

>> No.15669328

I like the way you think anon.

>> No.15669330

Cuddling on a cold winter's night and letting them take the lead in a slow milking process.

>> No.15669331

Dropping like napalm on top of elf villages. Because screw elves.

>> No.15669332

i've published 69 novels and won 420 book awards all of them are new york time best sellers and stephen king wants to bear my children

>first couple of syllables sound like a common anglo name so the characters can call them "common name" for short.

that shit gets me everytime

>> No.15669335

Hot paizuri and having one flow around you for long-term cuddling.

>> No.15669338

fluffy harems are best harems

>> No.15669340
File: 45 KB, 938x184, Lava Golelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15669347

Interesting. Drop an elf into a volcano, and sometimes transformed lava golems come out.

This is a net gain.

>> No.15669351
File: 137 KB, 700x711, 1464468588249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't wake her up.

>> No.15669354


>> No.15669366

Will fucking her tits and or feet wake her up?

>> No.15669369

Yes. It's also very rude.

>> No.15669373

I guess I'll just join her in bed, then.

>> No.15669385

She doesn't need to be awake for what I have planned.


>> No.15669384

There was a pale woman with dark hair who was very lonely. All things must meet this woman, so all things shunned her.

So, she took an axe and split herself in two. So she'd always have a friend.

>> No.15669389

What is a Lava Golem's personality and disposition again? I mean, it won't matter at all and will most likely end up warped like my Golem doodles involving Sandy Mc'Hugearms, but still.

>> No.15669392

Those feet and pantyhose are downright divine.

>> No.15669395

Fiery and passionate, but collected and sensual. She could melt over your body for sex and burn a building to cinders with the same sultry smile on her face.

>> No.15669403

They look lazy and dim to me. Like they are cozy all the time.

>> No.15669412

Opposite of a glacies

>> No.15669416

Ferocious and passionate

>> No.15669418

Likable and memorable?

>> No.15669419

They can be in some situations.
>When a considerably large amount of water is poured on them, their normal ferocity temporarily fades, and they even show a clingy attitude towards men.
>Also, if it’s a volcano, sometimes they even inhabit snowy mountains. Their ferocity dims because the chilly place is hard on them, but to a man who’s freezing on a snowy mountain, their hot, soft body is warming to the body and soul, and it’ll be even more attractive than usual.

>> No.15669420

Lava never looks like it's moving fast at first. But hey, built up flows can run at over 60km/h, so you'd be surprised. Lava can be a deceptively fast and terrifying natural forces, and lava golems can incorporate that rage when they need to.

>> No.15669428

Wow that's just rude, those are qualities of a glacies. Apologize to the lava golem and glacies now.

>> No.15669438

Maybe I can work her into a girl who is dimwitted and lazy, but jumps at the chance to protect her mastah like a Shoggoth jumps at animals in a zoo at night.
I have an idea now. Thanks. Now I just have to do ideas for other Golem types another time. Wood Golems need a better look than Bender after all.

>> No.15669442

>TFW no stories focusing on elemental girls outside of that MEH style Lava Golem one
Where's Gnomefag when I need him

>> No.15669444

Meant to quote >>15669419

>> No.15669450

I like that one. She looks cute

>> No.15669457

I want to incorperate Elementals into my crappy saga, and even have side things showing off lesser known ones who are pissed that the 4 main elements get the limelight.

>> No.15669459

I'm somewhat of a gnomefag. I talked a lot about how their bodies and temporary moods would change depending on their ground environment, among other things.

>> No.15669486
File: 840 KB, 737x1200, Loyal Maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have this Kiki. Keeps your home nice and clean, cooks and keeps the devil bugs and other scamps out. Also somehow does wonders against door to door salegirls. They all seem to dissapear with her around.

Give her food and headpats three times a day, five minutes of cuddling before bedtime.

For your own sake, don't skip on either.

>> No.15669492

Belongs in the trash. Give me a real monstergirl.

>> No.15669496

I got this Kiki but she keeps getting into fights with my Golem and getting injured from it. Should I have gotten a Shog instead?

>> No.15669499

That Maid is a spah!

>> No.15669501

>five minutes of cuddling before bedtime
Just five? What if I want to fall asleep with my maid in my arms, pretending that it was accidental.

I want to get her all flustered having to make the choice of moving and waking me up since it's improper for a maid to sleep with her master or accept it and stay until morning.

>> No.15669516

Don't worry, it's merely a natural pecking order that is being established. Soon those fights will dissapear and the stronger maid will become the head maid.
However that maid in question looks like she isn't the type that will give up easily. As the Master of the home you must be prepared to intervene when things run out of hand. Say when you see your maid walk around the house with a sledgehammer, powerdrill and a few odd looking runes.

Keep in mind that adding new maids will restart the proces.

Poor anon was never heard from again.

Those are merely the minimum times anon. Keep in mind that she might start considering your longer cuddling times as normal. Soon she might even start imitating a jubjub and be permanently cuddling you. This might hamper her work.

>> No.15669524
File: 438 KB, 900x772, kiki LIMITBREAK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>headpats three times a day
But what if I want a supercharged Kiki?

>> No.15669526

Oh man, Yetis have some competition.
Imagine freezing to death on one of these mountains, but instead of getting tackled by a Yeti, you're almost entirely engulfed in a lava golem, her intense heat eliminating all traces of hypothermia.
I imagine them being similar to slimes, but more viscous and sultry, in addition to eliminating the need for heating. Hell, I probably wouldn't even use a bed with a lava golem around.

>> No.15669533

headpats four times a day

>> No.15669543

What if you were found by both and they put their differences aside to save you.
Having the Yeti embrace you with her arms while the Lava Golem uses her body to wrap the two of you in a hot blanket, using one of her hands to guide your manhood into the Yeti.

>> No.15669554

Goddammit, my apartment is too small to warrant a maid, and I'm too poor to afford one.
On top of that, I only have a single bed. Where would she sleep?

>> No.15669557

Golem seems to be more fit to be head maid, but she doesn't want to even be a maid and is content with being a gardener and bodyguard. Ice golem is content with being the fridge and speaking in bad english.

>> No.15669564

Yeti would burn up just being in the same room as one.

>> No.15669567

But unlike a yeti, she'll allow her outer layer to cool and trap your body inside a prison of gooey warmth before beginning the slow milking process.

She'll leave your face clear for breathing of course. All the better to kiss and listen to your moans.

Would you really want to spend hours of every day in such a hellish prison?

>> No.15669571

That is quite simple is it not? In your bed, sharing warmth with you. Like they did in the earlier days. I'm sure you won't mind and it will save lots of money on heating! You could even combine sleep with mandatory cuddle time!

It's a win-win situation.

>> No.15669572
File: 257 KB, 3000x4000, 13487546546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For your own sake, don't skip on either.

Oh now you tell me.

>> No.15669580

Didn't you read the damn manual man? I know nobody reads them, but you really ought to.

>> No.15669588

Instructions unclear. Surrounded by hungry kikis.

Send help.

>> No.15669592

Lucky bastard, some of us have to try to get our waifus to become yandere.

>> No.15669604

You and I have very different definitions of "hellish". I would enjoy every minute of it, being held in a full-body hug and entirely surrounded by her warmth. Her insides would probably be even warmer, and I wouldn't be able to hold myself back as a result.
My only regret is that I probably wouldn't be able to move much to reciprocate, given her full body hold on me.

>> No.15669608

What Golem type is for you? Iron? Mythril?
Stone? Sand? Wood? Spaghetti? Wurm eggshell?
Ice? Fire? Lightning? Earth? Light? Dark? Prismatic?
Or just vanilla?

>> No.15669615
File: 335 KB, 1080x1920, Professional Husband Trainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message received, help has arrived.

>> No.15669617
File: 367 KB, 1192x1100, Golem milkmaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most malleable and milky, yet very durable variety.

>> No.15669618

What if we take the Kikis and push them somewhere else!

>> No.15669624

This Kiki looks expensive, a really high-end Kiki.

Doubt I could afford a Kiki of that quality.

>> No.15669632

That's not for you to decide Anon.

>> No.15669634

Like that NEET hikkomori neighbor that lives off governmentbucks?

>> No.15669637

My Golem Sandy has nothing in common with the MGE brickhouse Golem. She needs pauldrons.

>> No.15669641

Too late anon. Your fate has been decided.

>> No.15669642

So, what happens if you can't afford to pay your kiki?

>> No.15669645
File: 1.07 MB, 736x1200, kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikiki1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Kiki's are not to be moved.

She will think of something. She got some good tips from her Tanuki co-worker.

>> No.15669649

You're milked of semen, which is sold off to pay off the debt.

>> No.15669656
File: 272 KB, 800x950, Just a spoonful of sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want one of those magical Kikis, the kind that do songs and dances!


>> No.15669658

>five minutes

Because ten is too much, and fifteen is right out.

Either way, she's in good hands.

>> No.15669663

But massa, I can dances and I can sings!

>> No.15669666

What if Kiki Azura from FE?

>> No.15669669

Couldn't I just fire her instead?

>> No.15669678

No. All transactions and contracts are final.

>> No.15669686

My Shoggoth thinks she is a chair, and my Wurm maid thinks she's a politician.

What should I do?

>> No.15669689

Get Clint Eastwood to set both of them straight.

>> No.15669695

Holy shit, nice

>> No.15669715


>> No.15669726

When you think about it an oneesan is just a maid but better.

>> No.15669734

Doesn't mean much. Literal steaming shit is better than maids.

Onee sans are great though, that is true. Strong and protective when it counts, able to be confided in about anything, always close, and soft in all the right ways. Not just physically, but emtionally receptive.

>> No.15669738

Why not an oneesan who is your maid?

>> No.15669743

>Spend 45 minutes editing an image
>Realise all the work I've done has all been on the wrong layer and will fuck up the final result


>> No.15669749

Imouto maids are superior though.

>> No.15669750

Not really. Onee-sans can be maids but not all of them are.

>> No.15669755

When you think about it Oneesans are just Mistresses but better.

>> No.15669757

Not really. Onee-sans can be mistresses but not all of them are.

Wait a moment.

>> No.15669793
File: 458 KB, 1935x800, 16ddb11d2def1e6703c6a826e218861b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you help a monstergirl who due to bad luck in life had to work as a prostitute, to be happy again?

Which one?

>> No.15669797

Only if it's a Shoggoth.

>> No.15669799
File: 70 KB, 500x700, Cute Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15669803


>> No.15669806

Centaurs are good girls! So nice!

>> No.15669807

You're asking this thread? You'd have more luck asking /lit/ to name a pulp author they like.
The mere thought that a woman could even so much as like more than a single man will drive some here to raving and hysterics.

>> No.15669809

I want the roles to be reversed.

>> No.15669820

I specialize in working with Cat Girls.

They love scratches under the chin, makes them purr like a V8 engine.

>> No.15669823

I prefer virgin girls myself but I think there's a difference between being a slut and doing it because you have no other choice.

>> No.15669828 [DELETED] 

gross fetish

>> No.15669830

I love the language here insinuating that wanting someone who engages in the most intimate act with only there lover is too puritan and picky.

Fuck standards amirite

>> No.15669847
File: 1.08 MB, 2373x2470, TARGET VERIFIED, COMMENCING HOSTILITIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15669849

If you want to create some happy fantasy in your head where a person only has sex with a single other, and that literally every person in the world is happy with that, and being with that person, go ahead.
Don't project that onto reality. People do things when they're young, they make mistakes, double back on choices, are forced into acts and situations, and so on.

Those standards are fine, for you. They don't need to be changed. But they don't reflect the world or minds of others.

>> No.15669850
File: 669 KB, 1100x742, f9257221ddf323d422d0bd2a249426cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a lewd man.

>> No.15669853

Don't make me hold hands!

>> No.15669858

Why someone would actively want someone who's fucked multiple people over someone whos saving for their lover is beyond me

>> No.15669859


>> No.15669860


>> No.15669862

Last I checked this thread was about monster girls.

>> No.15669864

They just melt in your hands, tail swishing back and forth and rubbing against you.

>> No.15669865

Because those arent the only two factors to determine when assessing a person, obviously.

Human matters are never as binary as that.

>> No.15669875

Bringing an Angel back from the such a situation would make for a great healing situation.
It'd be a lot of work bringing her back to the straight and narrow, along with providing for her needs, but it would be all worth it in the end.
Seeing the Angel literally glow again and in her former glory would be a sight to see.

>> No.15669877

Maybe not but you can tell a lot about a person. For example if you aren't the first person they fucked you probably won't be their last.

>> No.15669880

That factor does have a strong correlation with many other factors, however.
And I'm not going any further down this argument.

If you're fine with your wife having already played the condom for several other guys, that's your prerogative.

>> No.15669881

I want to cuddle a catgirl while stroking her hair.. preferably a Cheshire Cat.

>> No.15669885

>Defending whores
What a fucking faggot.

>> No.15669892

I don't give a fuck about this argument, but sometimes the cruelty of reality finds its way into your fantasies whether you want it to or not. Like how I legitimately have issues understanding why a monstergirl would actually be interested in me.

>> No.15669901

>Like how I legitimately have issues understanding why a monstergirl would actually be interested in me.
Stop being a faggot while projecting your bullshit onto the thread.

>> No.15669903

>Like how I legitimately have issues understanding why a monstergirl would actually be interested in me.
That's easy, you have a penis and can be used as a source of energy, recreation, and procreation.

>> No.15669908

>Being undesirable in even your self-fulfilment fantasy worlds

You need therapy, not 4chan.

>> No.15669910

Actually, is it.

A woman who has had a lot of lovers in the past is going to be a shitty partner. It's a fact.

>> No.15669911

I needed to provide an example so it wouldn't appear that I was endorsing the argument he was replay to.

>> No.15669912

Whats the worst she can do

>> No.15669914


>> No.15669915

She's more likely to divorce, yeah. I saw it the other day.

>> No.15669916


>> No.15669918

Maybe that would be enough for a lower-tier monstergirl, but for any of the ones I'm interested in I'm convinced they would go for someone better instead of settling.

>> No.15669920
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x2000, 1442803007064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Monster Girls, the age old rule applies

You fuck it you buy it

>> No.15669921

if any of these autists had a chance at understanding real people, they wouldn't be here

>> No.15669927

Again, thinking too simple. One or two sexual partners before one actually marries isn't unusual. At all.

>> No.15669928

Nice buzzword.

>> No.15669929

Don't take it.

>> No.15669936

The solid foundation of any good fiction or fantasy.

>> No.15669937

Too late.

>> No.15669938

It's still a pretty big red flag.

>> No.15669940

Imfuckingplying I'd want to stick my dick in a memetic monster girl who's either futa trash or a meme spouting redditor

>> No.15669942

This is not real life. You can have a virgin girl with no problem. God helps me if I know why would you prefer to believe they're all used goods.

>> No.15669944

Views which don't conform to yours aren't bait.
You really think the universe revolves around you like that?

>> No.15669947
File: 204 KB, 853x1060, 1465330409944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing stories where the guy is afraid of the monster

>> No.15669957

What one(s) are you interested in?
Just because they're not "low-tier" doesn't mean they're necessarily rare, much less picky.

>> No.15669958

We don't have those anymore. Just moeblobs. Read one, get one free.

>> No.15669964

nice buzzword

>> No.15669968

Kitsune, Angel/Valkyrie, Dragon, Dullahan.

>> No.15669972

"Buzzword" itself has become a buzzword. Lost all meaning, only used to cheaply invalidate an argument when the user can't conjure up any actual counterpoint.
Did that post upset you?

>> No.15669973

Why you gotta be such a salty nigga?

>> No.15669974

He's really trying though, isn't he?

>> No.15669977


>> No.15669978

Read rsanon.

>> No.15669979

God I want to be in that Daki's place.

>> No.15669980

I want to put a pudgy P'Orc in a micro-bikini

>> No.15669983

I'm sure he coudln't even find a story with a "moeblob" posted in this last year, but that doesnt stop him from whining.

>> No.15670001

I want to lick a chocolate elf.

>> No.15670003

Kitsune are pretty common, Zipangu is crawling with them.
Dullahan open up pretty easily if you can bonk the head off.
Dragon and Valk might actually difficult due to rarity and conditions. Valkyrie requires becoming a hero (even if just one-in-training) and Dragons are rare and in remote locales. If you can actually find them though you'd probably be good.

>> No.15670011

I want to eat out an oreo of elves.

>> No.15670018

>You'll never make a High Elf and a pair of Dark Elf Twins into sluts for your tongue.
God damn it.

>> No.15670027

Eh, maybe. However, I doubt I'd be living in not!Japland so kitsune should be pretty rare. I'm also pretty sure Dullahan only hang out in Demon Realms, and are amazing fighters so fuck me if I want to actually waifu one.

>> No.15670041

I don't know about you, but I would pack up my shit and move across the ocean if it meant getting a shot at fluffy tail.
You'd probably need to be at least that dedicated if you wanted to score something like a Dragon.

>> No.15670059

That's part of my point, I know I'm not dedicated enough to score with something I actually want. Not to mention there's going to be issues with actually being able to afford to fuck off to Zipangu, let alone be able to speak the language when I get there and have any form of marketable skill to make a living.

>> No.15670071

Offer yourself as labor in exchange for room and board at a fox shrine.
It may not be glamorous, but it works.

>> No.15670073

But I still don't speak the language!

>> No.15670083 [SPOILER] 
File: 241 KB, 792x595, 1470966923178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can selectively digest just about whatever they want
>Will be quite content eating whatever, but wil also treat your sentence like a high protein banquet
>Can change proportions at will
>Loli on a Monday, tall and busty on a Tuesday, shortstack on a Wednesday, thick in a Thursday, flat in a Friday, and so on
>And that's just by staying within the confining limits of the human form
>Could even experiment making new body shapes on weekends
>Can stick your dick in her wherever you want
>No matter where you do, the pleasure she can give you by morphing her own body will be greater than any vagina on the planet
>Can completely envelop you for stress melting full-body massages
>Which can also double as baths, as she eats away all the sweat, grime and dead skin on your body at a molecular level, leaving you cleaner than you could ever manage by yourself
>You can even sleep suspended in her, floating buoyantly for the most relaxing nights if your life
>If she has a core, you only need to touch and fondue it to make her melt into a puddle of pleasure
>Can even get her cute waterproof clothes or a full-body rubber suit to avoid getting things wet

So, why aren't slimegirls at least in your top 5 of all monstergirls?

>> No.15670089

>So, why aren't slimegirls at least in your top 5 of all monstergirls?
'Cause mine are better.

>> No.15670092

Because they're not.

>> No.15670093

If you're in or near port cities it's not unlikely you'd be able to find people who spoke the mainland language, to at least get you started.
With non-stop exposure and time you'll adapt to it anyway.

>> No.15670097

No excuse, unless you can post enough good points for your favourites that outweigh all the slimegirl's.

>> No.15670102

I'm still not convinced dropping a poor man without any knowledge of the local language and customs into an unfamiliar land is a good recipe for him to find his waifu. Suppose I can't find any work at a fox shrine, or anywhere else? I'd end up starving on the streets or worse.

I'm still fairly convinced a kitsune could better than me, even in Zipangu.

>> No.15670107

I don't like slime girls.

>> No.15670114

Your opinion is objectively wrong.

>> No.15670119

But I'm not saying slimes are bad.

I'm saying I don't like them.

>> No.15670124

If you think the shrine foxes are going to turn away someone to starve or worse you're completely delusional.
As for the latter statement, they don't really care man.

>> No.15670125

>t. desperate slime

>> No.15670129

And I'm saying you not liking them is wrong in the eyes of The Lord.

>> No.15670141
File: 195 KB, 591x624, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Japan finally gone too far?

>> No.15670143

I'm not a fan of them, I like solid girls.

>> No.15670151

The world's not ready for this.

>> No.15670155

I get the feeling Kitscylla would roll off the tongue better

>> No.15670158

This isn't by the guy that did that wasted potential Lamia Ran thing is it?

>> No.15670160


>> No.15670163

Same artist.

>> No.15670167


>> No.15670183

>creative hybrids with amazing possibilities
>used for vore doujins, of all things
It's a twisted world we live in.

>> No.15670184

Eh, maybe you're right. But I'm more of an MGC person, so this whole Zipangu idea is inherently less appealing than it might otherwise be.

>> No.15670191

Then the trip to Zipland isn't even necessary.

>> No.15670196

>"I'm a Virgin."

>> No.15670197

Exactly, because now it's impossible and there's even less to go kitsune around.

>> No.15670203

But you're also in high demand.

>> No.15670215
File: 1.11 MB, 1085x1544, 1440382848043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sorry Princess that I don't feel like writing in the foray of the guy being afraid of the monster since last time I did that people were up in a tiff over it being grimdark/edgy.

>> No.15670216

Perhaps among the common monstergirls, but surely something as rare and long lived as a kitsune knows she can afford to wait for someone better to come along.

>> No.15670221

Which story was that?

>> No.15670224

They're not that rare.
And in a place where the imbalance is so unambiguous, why would they ignore the opportunity if offered it?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

>> No.15670259
File: 270 KB, 800x913, 1466513713847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like solid and strong girls.

>> No.15670291

It was a greentext about a dragon.

>> No.15670299

Because not all of us can be as based as Niebelfader.

>> No.15670301

If you're going to use names of Black Dragons from WoW how about we start with the female dragons before listing the dudes.


>> No.15670312

Ancalagon the Black.

>> No.15670346

Onyxia did nothing wrong. Except get turned into a twenty five man raid.

>> No.15670372

Shoggoth is top 5.
Dark Slime is top 10.

>> No.15670394

They probably wouldn't like me though.

>> No.15670404

Too simplistic.

Plus, I find myself resisting the urge to wear them like fabric

>> No.15670435

Yeah. He wanted to do Arachne Ran for C90. Scrapped that concept and is now working on this.

>> No.15670447

Shoggoths and Nurenago are actually in my top five. Get at me faggot.

>> No.15670452

An Aranchne?

>> No.15670459

[x]Fuck and run

>> No.15670509
File: 120 KB, 1200x972, 1466926667970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15670528
File: 547 KB, 1200x800, no thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15670535


>> No.15670555
File: 46 KB, 620x413, Ewww.Gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15670559

I dunno, I'd try anything once for a klondike bar.

>> No.15670561

I want to be part of a monstergirl's boy harem

>> No.15670569

I want to be a monstergirl Ojou-sama's one man harem.

>> No.15670573

Druella would approve

>> No.15670574

Spiders are cute!


>> No.15670577

Faggot spotted.

>> No.15670584

Do they have to be so pointy though?

>> No.15670601

They only look pointy and scary.They're really just cuddlebugs.

>> No.15670625
File: 431 KB, 800x600, 1465966907025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be tied up and cuddled by a soft spider

>> No.15670844
File: 359 KB, 686x1000, 5b5a07351e60ef6f591eb95a14a27863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15670846

But I was just heading to bed

>> No.15670857
File: 441 KB, 950x647, 1450571628658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15670859

Who made that flesh golem? They should be ashamed! A screw through the head? Chains and locks? What kind of Necromancy amateur made her? The only thing I can compliment is the stitching and the main body!

>> No.15670866

That Scylla will grow up to have a big butt.

>> No.15670912

>I'll never get to be a young boy growing up with a monstergirl childhood friend.
>I'll never get to cuddle with them during sleepovers.
>I'll never wake up in my teenage years to find her clinging to me after sneaking into my room.
>She'll never keep up her cuddlebug habits even after we're married.
Why was I born in this reality?

>> No.15670948

robit tittuu

>> No.15670992

Fluffy Spiders > Chitinous Spiders

>> No.15670996

It's dangerous to characterise my dick's 360-degree slimesluttyness as being based, but I appreciate the sentiment anon.

>> No.15671032

>360-degree slimesluttyness
I can understand that anon.
I want to be pinned down and violated by a Dark Slime's whirlpool pussy!

>> No.15671119
File: 14 KB, 446x636, 1278346732843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yosh! Time to get out there and seduce some boys!

>> No.15671132


Reading this makes me cringe, also that drawing is ugly

>> No.15671211

I don't much care for Scylla, but one with Isma's looks and personality would actually be pretty fantastic.

>> No.15671228


>Monstergirl fusion
>Not only that, but a fusion between two perfect girls

Crit should draw more things involving liches. Every single monstergirl, fused with a lich. A hundred years lich and monstergirls.

>> No.15671256

>a lich
>that face
I have no idea how a Genki Lich would work. Is that even a thing that can happen?

>> No.15671266

I imagine she's like Tharja. All dark and brooding until hexes and spells involving lightning enter the conversation. Then she gets that smile which just makes everyone around her extremely wary and uncomfortable.

>> No.15671291

Love that raijus are getting some love.

>> No.15671400
File: 982 KB, 972x1102, dadpu1u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not post the image instead of just linking it?

I would like to see more fusions though, there are a lot of possibilities.

>> No.15671410
File: 448 KB, 725x1024, 1453059113694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want monster Paladins that are something else than Elves or Catgirls.

>> No.15671426

But paladins aren't monster girls.

>> No.15671427

I'm lazy and would rather people go straight to Crit's dA page.
Downloading from the source will always be better than downloading a picture saved and then re-uploaded to 4chan, anyway.

>> No.15671429

Nobody cares enough.

>> No.15671431

Monster girls can be Paladins, anon. They just have to work hard to reach their dreams! And then abuse their new authority to molest innocent human boys.

>> No.15671439

>"Hooooooh? What's this you've got here boy?"
>"It looks like you're carrying a rather impure weapon here."
>"And such a perverted one as well, growing so large with just this little bit of touching."
>"I haven't even touched it directly."
>"I may have to take you back and interrogate you, and then purify you."
>"Don't worry. Just leave everything to me boy~"

Something like that?

>> No.15671454
File: 198 KB, 850x971, Praise the Sunmander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just takes some jolly cooperation.

Coloured version - where? Kind of feel like I'm wasting an image, glorious of a sketch as it is

>> No.15671482

>Hoooooh? Is that the latest issue of Paladin Upskirts you boys got there?
>You know that veee~ry illegal, right?
>You'll go to prison for a long time, boys.
>Maybe you can convince me to forget all about this...?
>Make sure not to bite the bean now boys~

Something like that.

>> No.15671484

That's good too.

>> No.15671492

Maybe demand some services from boys they save from bullies or muggers, too. There's a lot of ways to get at that sweet humanboy flesh when you're a Paladin.

>> No.15671493

It's my birthday, post maids please.

>> No.15671500
File: 347 KB, 650x904, 04a2ab3d3f8e6e35de4b4b995467bc4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the one.

>> No.15671508
File: 402 KB, 850x1129, 1452224406182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kombat kiki

>> No.15671512
File: 436 KB, 1844x1445, 1470687102917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive her manners, she's still new to the job.

>> No.15671519

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

>> No.15671551

Gonna correct her and they scratch behind her ears!

Though this does raise a question.

Would a monster girl encourage her daughters to specialize in things their father likes?

Would an echidna whose husband likes maids encourage and train her daughters to be maids?
Could you handle being the oniichan to six of those maid daughters?

>> No.15671552

That's actually a LN in korea and fairly popular among the weebs who read LNs

>> No.15671566

People being people, I can only see that leading to resentment. If I did a job in line with the stuff my dad likes, I'd be a depressed, overstressed wreck within a few months.

The dad to a bunch of monstergirls has a maid fetish, so the mother wants to make all the daughters maids, regardless of their own dreams, behavorial quirks, purely for the sake of appeasing a fetish?
Recipe for disaster and shit in general.

>> No.15671589

>Six maid imoutos
>Waking you up every morning and bringing you breakfast in bed
>Helping you get washed and changed
>Straightening up your clothes as you leave the door before hurrying to get out of their maid outfits and get ready to leave themselves
>Making sure to get home before you so they can welcome you home
>Taking turns to Give you shoulder rubs while you play video games, some insist on sitting in your lap
>At night each of them insists on giving you a kiss on the forehead before you sleep
Living the dream. Not so fond of the idea of them doing it because of their dad though, that's bound to lead to all sorts of daddy issues.

It's cute if they do it because it's what their onii-chan wants though.

>> No.15671628

I imagine she'd let them do something else if they wished, although they may learn maid etiquette and get really good at chores.

The real question would be if they are the same species or is mom an echidna?

>> No.15671646

>A piece of paper reading a few too many zeroes made me lose my will to keep trying anymore. I knew my folks had been good with money and even knew they invested in some vague insurance, but they never lived like money wasn't an object to them. Thinking on it now mom and dad probably just wanted me to grow up as a prudent and reasonable human being. I'm sure I did them proud dropping out of university the week after their funeral.

>It wasn't like a law student had a fair shot in the modern day anyway. Those blue Demons understood intrinsically the kind of details that took semesters of hard study to grasp. They were individually able to loop circles around entire firms. Following dad in his line of work always seemed right growing up, but it wasn't the same world anymore.

>I could remember watching the news as a kid, the reporters saying all sorts of bad things about father's clients. He never budged an inch. To him, a person asking for his help was innocent of anything they claimed to be until the court could prove otherwise. No mudslinging from the press or pathos-based lines of slanted questioning from the opposition could prove against that. Sure there were guilty verdicts, but he never lost faith until the very end. Nowadays people looking for a competitive defender had to risk their well being with a species able to steal souls with paper contracts.

continue y/n?

>> No.15671656

You're applying human psyche to monsters, we have no idea if a monster's mind work the same as ours
That's an answer that is better left to our headcanons

I personally believe that all species have different psyches and I had some fun coming up with various traits for the girls I like

>> No.15671665

> continue y/n?
Don't do this, you attention-seeking faggot.
I regret that this gives you a (you), because I know that's all you really wanted.

>> No.15671673

> legitimately asking if an idea for a bit of writefaggotry is worth the effort
> faggot
ok then

>> No.15671688

If you want to write it, write it. If you don't, then don't.

That's all there is to it.

>> No.15671689

If you're enjoying it writing it then go for it, that should be your only criteria to decide if you want to continue a story or not, writing is a hobby after all

>Demon attorney
It sounds a bit gimmicky to build a whole story on, add a corrupt justice system and then you've got something going

>> No.15671694

No, I'm applying monstergirl psyche and behavorial traits of many MG types against an archetype which simply doesn't mesh with those psyches and traits.

>> No.15671700

>The real question would be if they are the same species or is mom an echidna?
Echidna mom is probably my ideal situation.
>An Anubis who's hard working and serious but often does things wrong due to lack of knowledge
>A mildly tsundere Hinezumi, despite her attitude she's the most clingy of the six and is the best cook
>A Shy Nightmare who needs encouragement from her sisters from time to time and will do anything for headpats
>An overconfident Hobgoblin, self proclaimed head maid and a total klutz
>A lazy Weresheep who doesn't really get the maid thing and finds it a drag but does it to please her onii-chan and sisters
>A tomboy Salamander who keeps pretending her broom is a sword and that she's slaying the evil germs, loves video games
Would protect their smiles.

>> No.15671710

I guess I read too deep into your post, my bad

I agree, the whole maid thing doesn't fit with many girls

>> No.15671713

Yep, those would be cute, although you forget the eldest echidna sister

>> No.15671717

Everybody does.

>> No.15671728

In that fantasy she wouldn't an imouto, she'd be an onee-san.

>> No.15671731

She'd be the rebel grumbling about how she doesn't want to be a maid while watching her sisters play with oniichan isn't she?

>> No.15671736

They can be imotous, it requires snake-cult shenanigans but it can be done

>> No.15671742

Alright, some actual criticism in the gimmicky part. thank you.

The idea was to have MC wander around town observing how guys aren't really necessary in the world of monstergirls, and how males were literally seen as a drained resource where they came from. He doesn't perticularly resent the relationships, but is jarred by the implication that this world would probably end up drained too, seeing as how the extra species are literally better at every part of a functioning society. It's kind of a "killed by their own success" setting until the second half, where he sees something on a small scale about to be lost and decides to fight for it, more because he is able to than because he thinks that thing will have any real permanence. It would hve an overarching theme about loss with a realization that living in the moment is actually fine, knowing that the small gifts of the present is all he can really be sure of.

demon lawyer just seemed like the best example of 'always going to be better at your job than you' that I could think of.

>> No.15671743

You could always pull some "No son of man" wordplay and say that the first girl born from an echidna must also be an echidna.
So in the event that she gives birth to a boy first, the next child will be an echidna.

>> No.15671750

That works nicely too. This is good daydream material.

>> No.15671764

I always like the idea of humans becoming obsolete because of monster girls outdoing them in every aspect

Looks like you've got a solid idea of where you are going with this, good luck

>> No.15671766

She'd be the oldest imotou and the 'head maid'.
Haughty as heck and the first to claim your lap

>> No.15671790

Less than two days to go until new MGE Girls!

Anyone got any predictions?

>> No.15671805

Not a prediction, because I'm sure the opposite will happen, but I want more monstergirls who are inhuman on the same level that the Tentacle is.

>> No.15671808

well, it's 4am and I'm just trying to get the last ideas down. I want a bunch of small, personal examples that can be shown in passing encounters that actually feel kind of dire without having the other characters unnaturally spill their life history.

> mc finds scarf and returns it to a girl, who then proceeds to get jealous glances from her older sister not over mc's attention, but their dad's heirloom. He lives on the other side and they will not see him again as he is not allowed to cross, but they needed to find mates over here.

> mc passes by drunk girl wandering home from a host club. She's only crossed over this week and has never seen a guy before in her life on the other side. This is the third place she's been thrown out of not knowing how the etiquette here for trying to force herself on the staff, but seems certain it'll work the next time.

> mc sits at a bench and holds a conversation with an old widowed kitsune. though she speaks to him as an object, she is happy to know her daughters will find someone over on this side one day, and values the transition in a very businesslike fashion. Secretly, she knows they will all outlive the men they find, and acts stone cold toward males to try and be a strong example for them.

like this.

>> No.15671811

Maybe a plant girl or an undead.

>> No.15671817

I predict a new Lovecraftian girl, I bet on Chtylla, he might even make her the 200th girl

We need more of >>15671805 too

>> No.15671835

Amanojaku, just to throw something out there.

>> No.15671847

A new abomination might bring Harblador back, too.

>> No.15671893

How do I summon a demon?

>> No.15671895

Ask /x/

>> No.15671902

The goddamn SHARKGIRL

>> No.15671915

Ah, she's one of THOSE.

>Genki Lich waifu
>Always brooding, yet also always chipper and energetic
>Occasionally brews up 'interesting' potions and pills for you to try
>Every last one of them has sparks shooting out randomly

>> No.15671919

another dog variant

>> No.15671934

Thick thighed, bottom heavy demons

>> No.15671939


>> No.15671960

I predict a week wait for scans.

>> No.15671973

Spats, jeans, or skirts?

>> No.15671985

Zashiki Warashi

>> No.15671989



>> No.15672020
File: 216 KB, 800x846, ab93d2a12c39d6ad980dfb38399e4ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a thick monoeye in jeans.

>> No.15672021
File: 265 KB, 444x840, ゑびら Barbatos MG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ore suki GUNDAM!

>> No.15672035

Hello, I'm not the anon you're looking for, but I must say that this is something I'd adore.

>> No.15672056

It's shit.

>> No.15672086

Skirt with spats. Now if only there were more dragons using this combo.

>> No.15672111

Nice tight ones that hug her rear and thighs.

Thick thighed tomboyish dragons wearing a skirt/spats combo?

>> No.15672128

>Greenland sharks are now the longest-living vertebrates known on Earth, scientists say
>Researchers used radiocarbon dating to determine the ages of 28 of the animals, and estimated that one female was about 400 years old.
>The team found that the sharks grow at just 1cm a year, and reach sexual maturity at about the age of 150.
That's it, I want an ara ara Greenland Shark waifu.

>> No.15672169

>reach sexual maturity at about the age of 150.
I bet she'd be an embarrassed virgin, and you'd technically be a pedophile.

>> No.15672195

Ancient lolis a best. I want to fugg a 100-yo Greenland Mermaid who's just started growing tits.

>> No.15672206

Shrimp Knight

>> No.15672246

Greenland sharks are usually blind, too.
Parasites eat their corneal tissue, which is a testament to their other senses considering they're still able to hunt god damn polar bears.

We can skip the parasites and just have them with regular blindness. Could make for some unsettling encounters where you know she can't see, but she's still able to not only navigate around perfectly well, but track you down from anywhere to the inch.

>> No.15672259

>more weird shit discovered about greenland sharks
god dammit

>> No.15672303

>A blind lolihag shark feeling your face to get an idea of what you look like and telling you that you're handsome
I think my heart would explode from how cute that would be.

>> No.15672424

Would you jizz in her milky blue cataract eyes? Note that she would squeal with a Kuroko-like granny voice.

>> No.15672425

The best part of waking up is love nectar in your cup!

>> No.15672448

Yes. Tomboyish dragons are a miracle of the universe and I want to marry one.

>> No.15672456

>jizz in her eyes
The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15672552

That's disgusting.

>> No.15672588


>> No.15672698

What do you do when you have a fatass dragon who won't leave your house?

>> No.15672724
File: 321 KB, 801x1294, 1466432428004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thighs
That Raiju gained the fat-bottomness of your average Lich. Lovely.

>> No.15672738
File: 352 KB, 925x694, 1458148298519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if Jinko Maid goes into heat?

>> No.15672747

Say that if she doesn't exercise and go outside for a bit she won't be getting the dick. However, if she resists and doesn't do anything, I'll be forced to go back on my word and pound her until she is in good shape.

>> No.15672772

Pray to every god under the sun.

Remember that one night with a Jinko is enough to turn a man into an Incubus due to how ferocious they are once they get going. Even the obvious rape trains like Ushis and Wurms can't do that.

>> No.15672788

Give her the pills meant to control her heat.

>> No.15672795

How hard are you willing to pound that fat dragon ass?

>> No.15672799

She gets the cone of shame and the chastity belt.

>> No.15672812
File: 227 KB, 907x1200, 1463928446286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That won't stop 7ft of aggressively affectionate muscle, stripes and fur.

>> No.15672830

No, but it'll make her look all cute and embarrassed before she goes all full rapetrain.

>> No.15672838

What about both? She'll be too drugged and docile to tear off the belt.

>> No.15672848

Why would I want her to leave?
I want to tease her about her 'dragon's pride' while giving her snacks

>> No.15672850

I want to tell a bunch of Kobolds that they're bad girls.

>> No.15672853

That's what the spray bottle and catnip are for

>> No.15672864

As hard as my dick. It doesn't matter if she's skinny or fat ,undead or alive, good or evil, tomboy or girly, dom or sub, smart or dumb, rich or poor and whatever the fuck. If it's a dragon, I'm gonna kneel in front of her, marry and grow a big family.

>> No.15672891
File: 455 KB, 1800x2250, 1463850210328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of the half-dozen pics of scylla fanart, only one of them actually focuses on her plump booty
I can't go on like this. I can't keep fapping to the same god damn picture over and over again.

>> No.15672900

>waist 1/4 the size of her butt
weird, man.

>> No.15672908

That;s Loen for you, and I hope the beautiful bastard never changes.

>> No.15672911

Well she is twisting her body

>> No.15673086

Lolis in cages!

>> No.15673121
File: 1.56 MB, 1500x1500, Not Werekittens, but close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werekittens with fat asses.

>> No.15673126


>> No.15673132

Cages anon, the metal boxes with bars that are used for slaves and punishment.

Lolis go in them.

>> No.15673139


What if we put you in there.

>> No.15673148

I'm not a loli.

>> No.15673149

But my loli goes in her room. How do I fix her?

>> No.15673157

Put a cage in your room so she can do both at once.

>> No.15673162

Put him in it, leave it by the water and let the gators teach him a lesson for a few hours.

>> No.15673171

Yeah. Lolis shouldn't be in cages. You should.

>> No.15673174

I'll only go in the cage if a loli is in there too.

>> No.15673176 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 512x1200, 1471016124664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only acceptable course for a young monster girl kept in a cage! Anything less is deserving of Alping and subsequent exposure to a host-less Roper

>> No.15673181

Normal gators or gator girls?

>> No.15673185

Why the fuck would you construct a comic like this. What is the god damn point. You're making sequential art, not a fucking board game.

>> No.15673203

Gators à la KonoSuba

>> No.15673215

I want to corrupt Aqua.

>> No.15673231

This frustration reflects the way most of us feel about lolis in cages.

And a little thinking reveals that it could easily be read from left to right or from right to left, row by row, if you don't actually know Japanese. It's to help the non-Japanese audience.

>> No.15673236

I want to dress my Kobold daughteru in layers of latex before she goes to school! First a latex bra and a pair of latex dildo panties, then a latex leotard, then a full-body latex catsuit, and then a latex school uniform!

>> No.15673240

You think his tears will purify the demon realm?

>> No.15673248

Impossible. She's already corrupt. I mean, no one could best her Purification. Not a Dullahan, nor a Lich, each commanders in the Demon Lord's army.

That's to say nothing of her fighting ability though. Sometimes it's like she's a mage Valkyrie and other times it's like she's a mere magician - talented, but merely for show.

>> No.15673252

Soiled it

>> No.15673256

I wonder what a edgy holstaur would be like?

>> No.15673258

What happens if you make her sit in a tub of cum?

>> No.15673262
File: 169 KB, 1056x594, KomachiCareScreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor jorogumo.

>> No.15673272


>> No.15673275

How does that even work

>> No.15673276

That's some thick thread I'm seeing.

>> No.15673279

She would be black with white spots and her milk would make those who drink it flat, so she wouldn't let anyone drink because no one understands her tits.

>> No.15673281

She'd take a magical supplement to turn her milk black.

>> No.15673290
File: 285 KB, 1731x1092, Plush Lich 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He's corrupt in a whole other kind of way. The scene may, however, attract a Lich who will keenly study his behavior over the course of the punishment.

First and foremost, his levels of fearousal, watching him closely while she performs all sorts of lewd acts. She might even take him as her assistant afterwards.

>> No.15673302

Like a heck cow.
If you make her? She probably cries and screams for help, aqua's fairly emotional.

If you offer her money and beer though? The slut would probably do it willingly.

>> No.15673309

I mean what would the effect of her purifying powers on semen be?

>> No.15673313
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>> No.15673320

I bet she is going to make a mix of his tears, cum and water and drink it all just for the sake of science.

>> No.15673329

What about a chuuni holstaur who pretends her milk has special mind control and ability boosting powers?

>> No.15673330
File: 185 KB, 1604x1203, 1403210327907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This succubus just confessed her love for you! What will you do, anon?

Take in mind she did a great effort by doing it the old way instead of molesting or drugging you!

>> No.15673332

Is she new? I'm only seeing one other Jorōgumo on the wiki.

I wonder if her spider limbs work through muscle, or the usual way spider-limbs do. In either case, sensual spider massage sessions are a must.

I wish I could stop being cautious of actual spiders, but I fear infection even from ones that aren't toxic

>> No.15673338

All Holstaurs are assertive by nature. It's just that they're calm as long as you give them enough sex.

>> No.15673356
File: 40 KB, 356x414, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually enjoying reading this series so far, and then this chick shows up. I have a massive boner for powerfully villainous girls.

>> No.15673360

She seems like an earnest cutie.
Heck, I'd hold her hands rest my forehead to hers while staring deep into her eyes.

>> No.15673362
File: 142 KB, 960x540, vPhOmhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's new. Name's Komachi. Slightly autistic by spending most of her time focusing on cat's cradle and kemari, and has a phobia for little kids.

She's on part 2 of that album made by an anon: http://imgur.com/a/laFAV/all

>> No.15673363

Did the confession include an explanation as to why she would love me? Seems pretty fish. I don't want to date a girl with low standards and poor taste in men.

>> No.15673364

I was going to write something about his tears being feasted upon, but at that point it wouldn't be the only thing. Yes, let's let the Lich at him instead.

That's a very interesting situation. A footjob through the bars of the cage, while she busies her hands with writing notes and using a beaker to collect the samples. All the while gators gnash at the other side of the cage.

>> No.15673371

If I say no will she force er self on Me?

>> No.15673374

Sorry I'm already married

>> No.15673375

That's also the best kind of yandere. I want to tease a Yan by edging along giving her enough attention to see her start to go nuts and then melt back to sweetness when I sneak up on her for a hug.

>> No.15673383

Her powers would probably bless the semen, making it all super potent and highly likely to impregnate.

>> No.15673384

Ask her why.

She a cutie who could easily get someone better than myself.

>> No.15673386

You're gonna make her blush.

Love tends to be irrational.


Don't lie, she knows you aren't. She's been stalk- I mean interested on you for a long time.

>> No.15673393

You have my thanks. But can she perform the string play spider baby? It'd be neat if we could help her learn that one! http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1036304

>> No.15673398

Better play hard to get and say no.

>> No.15673399

I'll give her a chance. She seams nice and not drugging me up just makes me like her more. A date or two should tell me all I need.

>> No.15673402

This. None of of that neglect nonsense as in that one Holst comic.

>> No.15673408

Wait until she manifests from a bunch of literal entrails to have sex.

Also, a later protagonist is monstergirl. Which is nice.

>> No.15673412

>A date or two should tell me all I need
But anon, she's already planning the marriage

>> No.15673430

Allright, I'll give her a chance to make me want to marry her.
Considering that she didn't just rape me I'm already willing ti consider it.

>> No.15673455

I wonder if it would be possible to tease a Yan with sick fetishes or would she just happily play along...

>> No.15673456

Gonna tease her by making lewd comments about her!

>> No.15673457


>> No.15673464

You gonna get tender raped son

>> No.15673465

> later protagonist is monstergirl.
Who? Loli witch?

>> No.15673477

Not him but a mermaid

>> No.15673484

Loli mermaid*

>> No.15673513

>that mermaid
Nah, side character at best. I doubt she can do anything useful. Unless witch will train her with some water magic

>> No.15673514

Depends on what her fetishes were exactly?

>> No.15673516

Well she's part of the main group now, isn't she.

>> No.15673542
File: 161 KB, 386x492, Superior female pain threshold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been tempted to begin this for a while now, but I'm determined to deal with my backlog first.

I caved for a series about a monster girl mom and her child though. I have my priorities.

>> No.15673550

>monster girl mom and her child though
Is it lewd?

>> No.15673567

It also has monster boys, not really thread material.

>> No.15673581

Yeah, the one with the monsterboyshit. You don't need to post it again.

>> No.15673583

Chubby Loli wurms

>> No.15673586

Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya

>Is it lewd?
I'll let you find out. Yes and no. It can be, but tastefully so.

>> No.15673594

I chuckle.

>> No.15673599

What happens if I cry after she doesso I can guilt trip her into letting me cuddle her

>> No.15673603

An exotic taste. Good luck in your search, Anon.

>> No.15673611

She will comfort and cuddle with you, while she tells you how much she loves you and how you two will be together forever AND EVER

>> No.15673621

Pie is an excellent bait for them, with a nice strawberry pie being their favorite

>> No.15673632
File: 168 KB, 1100x620, 1465588772683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be careful of loli gangs. They're extremely dangerous.

>> No.15673644

It's one boy, way too young for the lewd.

You don't need to be sensitive every time. It's not pushing the theme of monsterboys>humans. It's one single entity and I know not everyone in this thread aren't as easily alarmed as you, so I'll share it when it comes to mind.

>> No.15673646
File: 166 KB, 447x501, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15673648

Not him, but you come across as a rather uptight newfaggot.

>> No.15673649

Do they have my favorite species there?

>> No.15673653

You can fuck off already

>> No.15673655

Top cute. I yearn for a redo of that Komodo Tomoko is this style.

>> No.15673658

I love it. The extra eyes are a nice touch. Not a spec of dust will escape her notice.

>> No.15673660

Noice. Also, welcome back from the dead Figgot!

>> No.15673667

>Expecting people to be fine with monstergirls giving birth to monsterboys

>> No.15673670

They're a mix of everything.

Conspiracy theories say they're being financed by the Sabbath

>> No.15673677

Why are there so many monster boy loving newfags now?

>> No.15673679

No. It's only correcting a few misconceptions.

You in the singular sense or the plural sense? I could do with double-checking my grammar though.

>> No.15673685

I assume that they're luddites from the /a/ threads. The kind that TranslatorFag dragged in with her.

>> No.15673686

Most of them are baiting probably, with one or two newfags probably thinking it's fine to post their shit here.

>> No.15673688
File: 976 KB, 1200x1800, 1410790227742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get kidnapped by a bang of loli Cyclopes!

>> No.15673692

>fanning the flame
Leave two or three disputing it to burn out.

>> No.15673694

>It's one boy
"It's just one futa penis"

>> No.15673695

I would like a cyber dragon.

>> No.15673696

This line of thought keeps compelling me to post the red and blue Wurm daughters, but they're not chubby.

>> No.15673703

>Getting kidnapped not only by monoeyes, but by LOLI monoeyes
How depraved

I like it

>> No.15673704
File: 337 KB, 713x1000, wurms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need any dragon.

>> No.15673707

>still fanning the flame
The false equivalence is strong with you

>> No.15673710

I don't know man, loli dragons are kind of tempting.
Also, they are only little girls right? I don't think anything bad will happen.

>> No.15673711

I want a shoggoth dragon

>> No.15673714

How about being kidnapped by loli Paladins?

>> No.15673715

I second this. That or I could just become a childcare worker for a monstergirl daycare.

>> No.15673717

I need an Onee-dragon

>> No.15673721

He's right though. It's the same shit as the guy that used to spam that lizard guy from that one manga back in the /a/ days.

>> No.15673726

Replying once isn't fanning the flames.

>> No.15673727

Crossing beams is dangerous enough. Crossing monster girls - and those monster girls? You know not what you're asking for. But good luck. I'll cheer you on.

>> No.15673730
File: 2.05 MB, 1488x2105, 1469485341376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a Shog-Holst
The thickness and milk would be incredible.

>> No.15673735

I bet the loli monoeyes don't even know which hole dick goes into and put it up their butts! Losing your virginity is supposed to hurt, after all! I bet they have no idea how to suck dicks and end up sort of kissing it and rubbing their noses on it!

>> No.15673736

A gang of yandere loli paladins

>> No.15673741

If you've actually been in these threads for years, you'd know that his words don't contain an ounce of false equivalence.

>> No.15673750
File: 106 KB, 447x501, kiki duel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back, foul beast!

>> No.15673752

>implying lolis can attain the rank of paladin
Looks like the squires are lying about their station again. They're gonna get paddled by Valkyrie sensei.

>> No.15673758

What was I saying about false equivalence again?

>discussion was already going on for too long
>one anon thinks it smart to just make a question out of it
>you go back to a post even before that and reply for some reason

>> No.15673759

How can yanderes form a rape gang? Wouldn't they turn on each other immediately to get the victim all to themselves?

>> No.15673765

>false equivalence
Stop throwing around words you don't understand, you're sounding like a first year college student who thinks he's smart just because he's out of high school.

>> No.15673769

I'll let you have that. At this point the forbidden topic isn't even being talked about and it's just down to semantics.

>> No.15673771

They're lolis, I guess if they have been together long enough they can share a man.

>> No.15673773

>False equivalence
>When it was literally compared to the exact same thing that happened with an older manga that had some monstergirls and a couple monsterboys and the spam it spawned

Let me just be like the fourth person in here to call you a stupid newfag, you stupid newfag.

>> No.15673805

I want to watch that so bad. I bet Valkyrie-sensei could smell the cum spreading into my pants and paddle me at the end, too.

>> No.15673807

Yanderes are capable of forming deals. There's probably some rule that the lewd can't be done without them knowing, or better yet watching.

>> No.15673816

Anyone have demon enty's wip pics?

>> No.15673824

>Yanderes are capable of forming deals
Especially yandere sisters.

>> No.15673847

Hadn't thought of that. They'd be even more delighted to share, but even harder to take a break from.

>> No.15673864
File: 2 KB, 120x125, 1390020558711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never marry two yandere twins from your favorite species

>> No.15673868

>two yan sisters who only let you use your dick if it was both at once
Better get used to a lot of double blowjobs and sandwiching.

>> No.15673914

As much as I'd be fond of that latter part in particular, it won't take long to teach them the joy of one being filled with hot seed while the other has her gushing nectar drunk straight from the source.

So long as you are willing to match their passion, that is. Otherwise you'll just be the one being handled so as to not hurt their feelings.

>> No.15673926

They'll just JO you into a cup and use blunt syringes to insert it inside themselves.

>> No.15673928

where would different MGs go for vecation? Where would you take your wifu? Or would she rake you somewere?

>> No.15673937

I want to go to Undead Venice!

>> No.15673953

>they just keep giving you stamina potions because neither of them wants to be the second-to-last

>> No.15673954

I'm 100% sure my waifu would make me climb a mountain and then skydive.

As for me, I would like to spend time with her in a beach house, maybe even go fishing.

>> No.15673956


Anon are you ok? Are you having a stroke? Do you need us to call someone?

>> No.15673961

You're not matching their passion very well then, Anon.

Besides, in the end twins care very much for each others' happiness. So even if it was secretly or you could only overhear them while passing by in a moment when they thought themselves alone, they'd be very grateful to you for ensuring that both of them feel truly loved and wanted always.

>> No.15673968

I'm sure my waifu would want to go back to Russia some day. Being the history buff she is, I'm sure we'd visit Volgograd.

>> No.15673975

That's actually not anon, he has been kidnapped by a yandere.

>> No.15673977

Monster girls got him and the ones replying are trying to pretend everything is okay.

>> No.15673979

That's what happens when you allow squidposting.

>> No.15673980

No, I'm just drunk and dyslectic. I don't need help... Yet.

>> No.15673988

This is also simple, but I'm glad you touched on stamina. All you need to do is outlast them until one of them "can't go on" and make her give up on being the last one who gets filled. It'll switch from time to time.

>> No.15674004

[Spoiler]that was a lie. Send help. The yandere MG is going to rape me untill I die.[Spoiler\]

>> No.15674005
File: 247 KB, 1050x750, One with the ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some place that she can "stretch out" so to speak. She's got an impressive alternate form after all. Looks nice, huh?

At least I remember it as Kraken being able to change size, not just being super-strong

>> No.15674013

I guess we'd go to a convention and she'd make me dress as Sol Badguy while she dresses as Bridget.

>> No.15674019

>rake you
Well she does have claws, she might get a bit carried away at times.

>> No.15674021

Ignore them. Series is fine. Cute, mother has a pretty neat design, and I'd like to see if something more is made of it, like Bird Cafe.

>> No.15674024

Next time use Ctrl + S

>> No.15674029

E > A
_ > A
R > T
_ > H

What does it mean?

>> No.15674030

You can fuck off as well for wanting to start again

>> No.15674034

>Alp Roper

Would have one beg me not to cum inside while her powerful tentacles keep me locked in and unable to pull out.

>> No.15674040

Don't mean to start anything. Just away from the computer, got back now. Late reply is all.

>> No.15674042

"Don't post while drunk"?

>> No.15674045

Fuck off, yes you did.

Go away.

>> No.15674051

If anyone's starting, it's you. Take a breath, calm down, quit drawing things out.

>> No.15674059

I'm going to pipe up again just because it's slow and say I'm glad someone else could enjoy it. Also, I forgot I even had Bird Cafe bookmarked until I found it again under the name of Tori Kissa, so thanks for the reminder.

I would've ignored them before if such comments didn't run the risk of giving one anon who was expressing interest some misconceptions.

>> No.15674060

Maybe it means that in some other, possibly ancient language.

>> No.15674066

>Ignore them, post monsterboys

>> No.15674068


>> No.15674070

Maybe it's a code only chaos monsters knows.

>> No.15674072

I would enjoy having two chubby wurm lolis munch on pie while in my lap

>> No.15674074

Come on faggots, take your shit to /a/.

>> No.15674077

>Actively pushing monster boy cancer
>It's your fault for not accepting it!
Fuck. Off.

>> No.15674082

Is that how Ropers work? I thought the host completely gave into the desires, like the Kitsune-Bi, except with body melding instead of possession and the source being a monster rather than an already monster girl.

>> No.15674086

Best kissers?

>> No.15674092

Fuck it might as well throw more fuel onto it.

Incubi are monster boys therefore MGE has Monsterboys too.

>> No.15674097

If I remember correctly that's how it works at first. The tentacles act completely independent of the woman and molest her/grab a nearby man until she starts receiving spirit energy and gets mindbroken by pleasure, at which point they completely fuse together and the woman becomes able to control the tentacles herself.

>> No.15674099

Shitposting is bannable.
That you admit to doing it doesn't make it better.

>> No.15674103

All right. As the one who posted the image, I won't address the matter anymore. And my apologies for touching nerves.

For anyone else who comes along and enjoys the series, great! Just don't speak of it either.

>> No.15674107

>Incubi are monster boys
Nah, they're DE enhanced human men. Now take your cancer to /a/.

>> No.15674112

It's funny, I blazed through the initial Bird Cafe 4komas, but I myself keep forgetting about the rest of it too.
I've got way too many things to read and watch in general, but I'll make time for it eventually.

Don't forget there's T-Rex no Kanonjo too. Between those and Monster Mom, there's some nice, light reading there. Dungeon Menshi has a pretty cute elf protagonst too, but I'd say the main draw of that is, at least as far as I've read, the creativity of the concept and execution of cooking using fantasy monster stuff.

No other quirky little manga series' like that come to mind right now, but I'm sure I've forgotten one or two recent ones.

>> No.15674116


>> No.15674117

Not to say that it'd be strange for any MG to reject a roper, but wouldn't an Alp be willing to work with one? I guess a newly turned one wouldn't.

Hmm, still, this makes me see ropers in a whole new light, like MGs taking them as pets, cutting down on the number of people forcibly turned by them.

It defeats the purpose, I'll admit. But I like it.

>> No.15674134

Dunegon Meshi is definitely high on my list, just too much backlog right now. I enjoy T-Rex na Kanojo, but I think that has a poor reputation around here too. Oh, wait, no. It's the anthro stuff the artist does sometimes, which I understand.

>> No.15674141

Sadly, beelzebubs.

>> No.15674145

Explain. I'm not sickened, but I am curious.

>> No.15674148

Ropers are parasites so they don't work like that.

>roper egg laid in human vagina
>vagina squid hatches
>vagina squid assumes direct control

Basically the same way a parasite slime takes over. The monster takes all the memories of the host but the host is subsumed by the monster. However, unlike the parasite slime, the roper cannot exist outside of its host.

>> No.15674159

Welp shit be burning
see ya in a few hours

>> No.15674176

I don't think T-Rex Kanojo has any anthros in it itself, it's just there's one guy around here who in the past loved to post a single 99% oh-shit-nigga-what-are-you-doing female dragon.
The manga is just dandy though.

Now that's reminded me though, I completely forgot about Murenase Shiiton Gakuen. Add that to the list as well while you're at it, because that's enjoyable.
And Lanka is an absolute gem of a runty wolfgirl. I haven't caught up to it, but her fuckhuge direwolf sister showed up in some recent chapters too. So wherever you like tall or short girls, Murenase has both, and they're both wolfgirls to boot.

And we both know wolfgirls are literally perfect in every way.

>> No.15674180

It's the Mad Hatter dilemma all over again, only worse (for me).

The end result may be lovable, but there's always a wondering about whether a perfectly good or superior persona was "wiped out" in the process.

But if it's happened, it's happened. You either love the end result or you don't.

>> No.15674189

Not him, but in the past we've been having a LOT of these kind of story starts with the same question. Despite support they were never continued. So he probably has some bitter memories of that.

>> No.15674190

I believe the profile says they really like men's sweat, saliva and semen so they will "thrust their tongue in his mouth and greedily slurp his saliva". It doesn't say it's the best kiss ever, but it does sound kinda hot. If only it was another monster.

There was also another monster that really liked kissing, but I can't remember who it was. Maybe I just imagined it.

>> No.15674192
File: 581 KB, 1584x1145, 1459712573639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey they're wonderful girls who just need a bit of love.

>> No.15674195

The akamane thing, the girl with the tongue like a hosepipe?

>> No.15674199


Akaname or Ghoul?

>> No.15674203
File: 361 KB, 1244x700, Fenrir wolf - rosuuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yes, I know it's free of anthros itself. MSG is also on the list, but thanks for the reminder so I can bump it. And yes they are perfect. One kind of perfect, but perfect all the same.

>> No.15674205


That was the old profile. The new one says it's a merging of the monsterized female and the roper tentacles inside of her, which isn't really the same as the girl being "killed" by her parasite.

I still don't see ropers being popular though as long as their method of propagation is oviposition

>> No.15674209

Ropers only real distinction is to be the terrible thing they are because otherwise it's just another tentacle girl. And there's already about five of those to choose from. Doesn't bother me at all. It's nice to still have a few monstergirls that are legitimate awful creatures. If anything I get tired of the contrarian "how do we make this thing cute and not bad". I'd rather have something distinct and evil than something that just blends into the bacground.

>> No.15674212

Ropers and parasite slimes should be purged.

>> No.15674219

The merging is the parasite taking over, same as parasite slime. Merging doesn't mean some kind of goofy dragonball fusion.

>> No.15674220

>just need a bit of love
And a captive Paladin.

>> No.15674223

Of course the new profile would say that.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure we've got the odd one or two nutters in this thread who fantasise about female paladin oviposition. Not recently, but those posts do pop up every few months.

>> No.15674225

All the parasites should be purged.

>> No.15674228

As I said about wolf girls being one kind of perfect, so these 3 are perfect kissers in their own way.

Beelzebubs are greedy and relentlessness, Ghouls are passionate and take time to savor the taste, and Akamane (good memory, Anon) kisses deeply and intimately in a whole other way.

>> No.15674229

All monstergirls that corrupt and change or alter minds should be purged.

>> No.15674230

What about symbiotes?

>> No.15674239

That is absolutely adorable

>> No.15674241

Yeah, it was tongue girl.

It's really sad that she has such a nice fetish, but such a trashy girl.

>> No.15674245

That's corruption for you.

>> No.15674247

Either way, let the taming begin. I'm sure a Lich could help with that. Oh and thank you for taking the time to try and explain it thoroughly.

>> No.15674248

None of them are symbiotes as none of them are necessary for human survival. Them using humans as hosts to breed and causing them to keep humans from breeding solidly plant them into the parasite category too.

But you were probably making a Marvel reference so whatever.

>> No.15674252

I was.

>> No.15674257

Wolfgirls would be perfect kissers too. Big, messy tongue kissers, panting into your mouth, staring at you with smoldering, half-lidded eyes and letting out little whines of happiness.

>> No.15674259

So anything even slightly related to the MGE?

>> No.15674262

Stop, Anon. I can only imagine so many instances of glorious kissing to write out at once. And I still need practice before I put out anything.

>> No.15674268

Maybe things like snakes would do really well too, considering they could reach every part of your mouth and maybe even slip in some "poison" while she's at it.

>> No.15674269

>Only the Order-approved girls would be left
I am okay with this, but we have to go further. The siths must be exterminated as well. KC was some kind of braindead when he said the paladins didn't mind furries.

>> No.15674271
File: 449 KB, 1455x1908, 1fddd1646c40048e63e69bd05082e510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but elves

>> No.15674273
File: 260 KB, 888x714, Feline Daughterus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you make sons and daughterus, not war. That way corruption won't be "needed" as much.

>> No.15674279
File: 3.03 MB, 3000x2000, Get in faggot we&#039;re going to Lescatie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you think

>> No.15674282

Only 50 girls in MGE2 will get bonus art. We know Demon Kobold and Shirohebi are ones. What are the others?

>> No.15674286

I want to rape Dark Elves.

>> No.15674290

Please be Lich, please be Lich, please be Lich.

>> No.15674297

Shog Gazer, for maximum eyes.

>> No.15674299
File: 276 KB, 800x800, 1399084304971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're nice.

They're for tender loving.

>> No.15674304

They are by definition not parasites.

>> No.15674311

Remember that KC is writing from a Japanese perspective where furries are just another brand of weirdos in a very large pile of weirdos.

>> No.15674315

Of course they are, but they have to be raped first.

>> No.15674317


I hope Kejourou is one of them

>> No.15674322
File: 371 KB, 707x1000, 1450117567017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to do that when they can be seduced.

>> No.15674326

Pearls before swine.

>> No.15674327

Just imagine a wolfgirl driving you to the floor, paws on your chest, claws kneading at your shirt. All while she's kissing and nuzzling, starting at your throat, moving all around your neck until she draws up, enough that she can eskimo kiss you with wild abandon. Eyes closed, blushing, and a huge smile on her face.
Remember the signifance that two wolves touching noses together have, and think about how that carries across when it's a wolfgirl rubbing her nose to yours, flooding her head with love and elation before she licks your lips. Leaving a barrage of kisses on your mouth, until she can open it up and send her tongue into your mouth to lap against yours, drawing it out so she can lightly tease you by taking it between her teeth, and happily playing along when you switch it around, with her tongue between your teeth.
All before breaking down and losing your mind to another downright wild session of love with your kissu-crazy wolfgirl.

>> No.15674329
File: 964 KB, 720x720, Elf - madebyflou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah but elves
Butt, what?


>> No.15674331

Sssstop! I'll get too enthusiastic and put something out that could likely be written better if I draft and double-check calmly. Or I'

>> No.15674332

But rape is fun.

>> No.15674337

I remember having to hunt for the three pic sets that artist did and being so disappointed that the one you posted was the only good one. The rest were a bunch of half bald dyke cut chicks. Suck a shame.

>> No.15674338

I don't like this one. Give me a prudish but unintentionally lewd elf.

>> No.15674351

Butt rape is fun.

>> No.15674357

Rape Elf butt

>> No.15674358

Ah, I see. I hadn't actually peered any closer at this artist's works.

But Anon, look closer. Do you see that blush? This is that elf, who like many elf wives, likes to try out new things. If there's one thing such long-lived beings can appreciate it's diversity, especially if an elf-human marriage.

>> No.15674363

Well I hope you don't complain if another type of monstergirl rapes you too.

>> No.15674365

But I want one that's strict, uptight and against any and all forms of lewdness!

And also like Popsicles a little too much.

>> No.15674366
File: 744 KB, 1023x768, 1430218716949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tender love elf butt

>> No.15674367

I was maintaining self-control until you finally got to the one part I hoped you wouldn't. It's too good. But I won't lose. I will not wank away my time.

>> No.15674375

>Elves secretly foment rumors about anal rape being the most effective way to rape an Elf
>In reality, the entire race has an enormous predisposition towards anal and they wanted to turn things to their favor
If you want to rape an Elf, it has to be in the pussy. Getting her pregnant is icing on the cake.

>> No.15674385
File: 355 KB, 960x960, 472beaaab84f25c84589a3cef6501855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complain about monstergirls being aggressive and rapey with men
>When one species behave properly, they want to rape them

>> No.15674391

It's like there's multiple people who like different types of girls.

>> No.15674394

At all times? That's fair. Some do like to keep sexual acts to in their own homes and at a proper time, despite the temptation of being alone in other places or the teasing that comes with being overly fond of popsicles.

Do you ever hug her from behind in front of others and when you're sure no one's looking, caress her breasts subtly, hands hidden by her rich and flowing hair? It's nice.

>> No.15674396

Big elf bottoms!
Soft and squishy!
Gonna give them the biggest of rears!

>> No.15674397

I'm just using it as an excuse to post elves anyway.

>> No.15674398
File: 819 KB, 918x1211, 6f89805ce1b0d87c022897f02c548756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a pretty flat elf.
I prefer them busty, myself.

>> No.15674400
File: 408 KB, 960x960, 1461864202164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are just asking for it!

>> No.15674404

I have no complaints. I also do not do the rape.

I don't think that's his point. I think he finds it strange that the species that usually isn't aggressive or forcible, is the one that Anons want to be aggressive and forcible with.

Of course it's all a joke. He knows why already.

>> No.15674410
File: 410 KB, 1000x1000, 0ac57d1dc1bbaefce38ec5ff1ce951dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowtits are love. Cowtits are life.

>> No.15674412
File: 222 KB, 771x578, 1467654730292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part? The eskimo kissing part? The gentle tongue biting part? Or something else?

>> No.15674415

>He knows why already.
No I don't.

>> No.15674425

Is that the only image of this particular Elf you have? I won't post more, but I'd be happy to link you some.

This elf is, first and foremost a fine choice! Second, she looks more like she wants a "cute", aggressive battle in bed. I would prefer that over a flawless victory. A kunoichi Elf is very desirable.

I am also prepared for whatever teaching is to be done, if only as her excuse for post-sparring sex and not because she'll actually let me fight. At least not until I'm at her level.

>> No.15674427

The cutest little terror.

>> No.15674433

>Is that the only image of this particular Elf you have?

Well, I've looked around on Dan and Gelbooru, but otherwise, thats all I've got. I'll take some more links for that beautiful beastmaster, if you'd be so kind.

>> No.15674434

No, I'm letting it slowly build until it erupts.
I love big titty elves. Especially on the haughty ones.

>> No.15674439

Go kiki!

>> No.15674442

Haughty are elves are best when soft.

>> No.15674445

The second one. You'd have had me for good if you had mentioned anything about softly biting her lower lip, or anything to get between her lips again after she purses them due to me dominating in the tongue wrestling. Cute pouts, low growls and soft yelps all the while are optional.

>> No.15674455

Soft and Himedere.

And unaware of the effect their "assets" have.

>> No.15674457
File: 366 KB, 960x960, 120794bf97e65ae36009778f9de65090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they?

>> No.15674459

>slowly build until it erupts
This is also an acceptable method.

>> No.15674465

Exactly, the softer the better.

Of course!
It gives them larger assets and makes them nicer to cuddle.

Soft levels may vary.

>> No.15674466
File: 118 KB, 600x1000, 1412168551084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674470


Then it's time to cover one's self in mud and hide in the trees.

>> No.15674483

Good. Jinko's don't want to be fed they want to hunt.

>> No.15674488

>tfw no ninja assassin Elf waifu who is feared as a master of her craft, but whose appearance and actions in private are nothing but loving, doting and tender

>> No.15674506

Only pay attention to the first one.

>> No.15674512

Ah, a man of taste too I see. It was a certain little 4koma-type thing which really sold me on the whole "wolfgirl lewd tongue-biting" thing, and it's nice to see others appreciate it.

Well, I'll get you next time.
Bottom lip biting, tongue-nibbling wolfgirls having their lips softly forced apart by your tongue, among everything else I described prior. Just you wait for it.

>> No.15674519

For some reason I thought of Zed's master from ZedxSyndra

>> No.15674548

Yes, butt that aside, I really do love her shape. On one hand she's more succulent as you go down. But as you go up her smaller yet still sizable breasts naturally lead you to her beautiful face.

It's refreshing to not feel "naturally conflicted" over where to look, all love and discipline aside.

>> No.15674551

Thanks, mate.

>> No.15674553

I need

I need

I need a Wock

>> No.15674558

Challenge accepted. "No Alp." Just in case, you know?

>> No.15674564

The third is fine as well, looks like. The only dick there looks like it's in the right place, that being the elf's mouth.

>> No.15674568

Happy to be of service, sir.

What would you need your 'Wock to do?

>> No.15674577

Be a good older sister and make the bad stuff go away

>> No.15674578

That's true, it's just that it wasn't the Beast Master the (other?) Anon was requesting.

>> No.15674585

I won't ask you what said "bad stuff" is. But, I ask of you, what would you do for your Wock? This is important.

>> No.15674592

Writing smut for the thread is just so normal a thing for me now, the whole "No alp" thing is kind of implied from the get go.

People don't fap because I'm writing it.
People fap because it's writing about hot monstergirls doing hot things.

>> No.15674599

Be a cute little brother and let her do whatever she wanted to me.

>> No.15674619


I would love nothing more than to be 'raped' by one of my favorite MGs.

>> No.15674620 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.19 MB, 4341x2894, 1471032860992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Then you are approved. Go to her, Anon. She's got a great time planned for the both of you and the night is still oh so young.

Charon be praised

>> No.15674623

I'm glad my intentions were understood. Hmm.

Would your waifu schlick at the thought of you writing smut though? Or is she not that type? Only when it's not of her?

>> No.15674627


>It's nice to still have a few monstergirls that are legitimate awful creatures.

So other than Roper which ones would be considered legitimately awful?

>> No.15674634

Unequivocally? The rest of the parasites. Then there's a few others you can bodge depending on how you interpret things.

>> No.15674636

The Siths, Alps and Cheshires.

>> No.15674643

Parasite slime

>> No.15674646

And if I may add, if you truly are down in the dumps, I recommend the following piece to accompany the aforementioned artwork.


>> No.15674648

Only when it's not of her?
I think it'd be the other way round entirely. Masturbates to smut I'd write with her in it, and the thought that I get all these lewd ideas featuring her. Maybe she wouldn't be so public about it though. Most likely she'd keep it to herself as a private, slightly embarrassing little kink of hers.

>> No.15674654
File: 489 KB, 1015x1312, 1459516444194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674655


I disagree!

>> No.15674661

I was hoping for as much, yet could understand why that could also be too embarrassing as opposed to when she's reading you write about another MG just as a character.

>> No.15674667

Can robutts count as monster girls?

>> No.15674671

Watashi mo!

>> No.15674676


>> No.15674677
File: 208 KB, 2137x757, 1469626458679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674681
File: 585 KB, 733x1000, 1447822616355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree with your disagreement. A questionable fanbase doesn't make the girl shit, at least not to me. In my eyes their designs and personalities are solid.

>> No.15674684

Golems are about as close as you can get before leaving "monster" territory.

>> No.15674686

It depends on a lot of things. Full metal robots, no. If it's some bio-tech body, Golem-like, or a cybernetic MG then those count I believe.

>> No.15674688

I want my Cheshire Onee-san to ASMR me.

>> No.15674690


>> No.15674692

You cheeky blighter.

>> No.15674698

But a shitty fanbase makes shitty content with shitty Cheshires.

>> No.15674708

Anon if you let a fanbase ruin anything for you, well you're a fucking idiot. Like, even plankton has more brain power than you. You are literally the dumbest creature on earth, and you will neither go to heaven or hell when you die, but instead will be consumed by nothingness as neither want to have anything to do with you.

>> No.15674713


I mean that makes sense, I guess I just have a rather canonical view of them, and I really love the trickster types. I won't begrudge you for your stance though.

They just hit all the right spots for me. The madness, the color, the catgirl motif etc.

>> No.15674715

Cheshires are too boring.

>> No.15674726

No you silly goose. With the MGE, it's the fanbase that produces most of the content. I never really liked them in the girst place, but over two years of Laska, Futacat, Fizzshire, Smug Squad, and le memes XD made me hate them.

>> No.15674731

What if Charshire?


Less straight-up pranksters, more plotters and the type to test you for the sake of your personal growth, especially if she takes an interest in you. Say, clever like a Sphinx, except not just for the fun of riddles and thinking more long term. Also blonde, I suppose. Oh and sweet masks.

>> No.15674751

And that is why you are a moron.

>> No.15674760


>> No.15674771

Because you wanted them ruined.

You want to be mad at something.

>> No.15674772

Moron is harsh. But so is letting fan works get to you. You're not a woman falling prey to corruption here, Anon. Man up and leave aside what you don't like rather than letting the author's work be tarnished by fan works of all things.

>> No.15674803


>> No.15674815

But the author's work is just a few paragraphs and is open to interpretation. Its the fans that make the content that is shared and posted. So if a bunch of people have a stupid idea about a girl and other people spam it everywhere, does the KC entry matter at all?

>> No.15674822
File: 1.02 MB, 500x284, Mantago.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to escape?

>> No.15674828

Rise above the memes, Anon.

>> No.15674841

>does the KC entry matter at all
Why should it?

>> No.15674845

Prioritize, Anon. You're letting the memes corrupt your view, among other things. You can have a stronger constitution.

A stained-glass window that has been allowed to have dirt and grime build up on it isn't worthless. It just needs cleaning.

>> No.15674850


>> No.15674859

That's what I'm getting at. Can you really ignore fanworks and follow the entry when its ignored?

How can I ignore the memes when Chershire is just a steady stream of shitty memes?

>> No.15674868

A fan chooses. A slave obeys.

Don't be a slave to the memes.

>> No.15674870

KC's profile canon is better than most shitty headcanons

>> No.15674874

>memes on 4chan hold more weight than the source material
Thanks, needed the laugh.

>> No.15674880

So hide every post with Chershires in it and don't read any story that has them as a major character?

But it does.

>> No.15674915

>Can you really ignore fanworks and follow the entry when its ignored?
The way I see it, most anons seem to prefer the "meme version". I personally think the profile is a bit boring.

I'd argue that if the profile version has been more or less abandoned, it's KC's fault.

>> No.15674918

Nope. Choose what you like and accept it.

I don't have a single Cheshire picture that's of one wearing clothing with meme, speaking of a meme, nothing. The most prank related one? A Cheshire having their ears plays with by an Anubis to their annoyance.

This is about choosing Anon, not take it as a whole or reject it as a whole.

>> No.15674937

But I pretty much dislike every version.

>> No.15674942

MILF Cheshire best Cheshire.

>> No.15674960

>dislike every version
Well that's a whole different story
Then you don't even like KC's version?
So it's not even KC vs fanbase, but >>15674771?

That's it. You drove me to this, Anon. This was just for fun but-

At last, some sanity. But it's too late for me.

>> No.15674974

>it's too late for me
It's never too late to wake up to the delicious scent of cinnamon buns filling the house and slam your face into a MILFshire's invisible pussy perched over your face.

>> No.15674976

>A Cheshire having their ears plays with by an Anubis to their annoyance.
Which pic is that?

>> No.15674977

KC Cheshire is eh for me. Everything else is terrible. Besides they were always ruined.

>> No.15674987
File: 1010 KB, 1159x3874, Tease ears - office MG - Anubis, Cheshire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your love is inspiring, Anon. As is what your described. But I don't know if I can contain it.

Okay, fine. I'll contain it. You've given me something else to do. Here.

>> No.15674996

I see. Okay. That's fair enough that the profile isn't to your liking. I can't judge a lot of the other versions since I've not looked into them extensively.

Whew. All right. Feeling more sane.

>> No.15674999

Aha, that one. Forgot about that, thanks.

>> No.15675004

My pleasure. And knowing which Cheshire that is in particular, it's just good proof that balanced fan content can be produced of them.

>> No.15675011


>> No.15675014

She's another plague upon Cheshires.

>> No.15675018

Yes, sometimes. Everything has its time to shine.

>> No.15675021


>> No.15675034
File: 160 KB, 500x542, 1452381200237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boss is about to make a speech!

>> No.15675041
File: 3.69 MB, 3035x2150, 1470806416956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15675050

What species is the boss?

Casual nudity. Beautiful. But I like my Heles even more. I say that from an art perspective since I've not played the game/hear the character lines.

>> No.15675058

>What species is the boss?
An Anubis, but a short one. Just don't tell her that.

>> No.15675079

She's a womanlet!

>> No.15675118

A short, cuddly anubis is just perfect for treasuring and adoring.

>> No.15675126

twice as short, twice as bossy.

>> No.15675133

>He doesn't like short women

>> No.15675135

Twice as short? But that puts her under even four feet.
She'd be so small you could just pick her up with one hand, and fingerfuck her with your forefinger that feels just as big and thick as a regular dick in a taller girl.
And twice as bossy just means they're twice as sweet when you really get to their heart.

>> No.15675138

Why should I?

>> No.15675145 [SPOILER] 
File: 280 KB, 1200x1024, 1471040059229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like short women.

>> No.15675154
File: 145 KB, 1000x1245, 3cd5c815d21c854e6f0e50e7f93652bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not disturb the mikos while they're working.

>> No.15675158

Or what?

>> No.15675170
File: 480 KB, 1874x2444, 4687d0a61da22282ac2cb7a5f7dcbe31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be allowed to enter in the temple again.

>> No.15675174

Late, but I see. Sounds great! She also seems to have a rather unique hairstyle for an Anubis, even if it's technically "hood hair". Who's the artist?

>> No.15675176

That fox is CUTE

>> No.15675179

So what?

>> No.15675188

You won't see more beautiful mikos.

>> No.15675191

Is temple slang for pussy?

>> No.15675198


>> No.15675199

I think they're dumb.

>> No.15675201

They think you are too.

>> No.15675209

That depends, do any of them have pink hair?

>> No.15675214
File: 1.16 MB, 2250x1800, 1467785895937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure to short?

>> No.15675227
File: 625 KB, 868x1228, b90f563edf0ff1a7203e988892cbbd34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675250

Does she have a long tongue and sharp teeth though?

>> No.15675264

She's actually 200 years old if her tail means anything

>> No.15675271

Don't know dude, go ask her yourself.

>> No.15675273
File: 344 KB, 776x1000, 47596614_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it one of them's a CC titcow.

>> No.15675285

I want her to force me under her sweater.

>> No.15675286

Just make an offering at the shrine while thinking of her.

>> No.15675287

Older girls can still be cute!

>> No.15675300

Are you a fan of nibble foxes anon?

>> No.15675303

Where can I find full picture of that harpy?

>> No.15675304

She's young for a kitsune. Now she's gonna be angry with you because you called her old.

>> No.15675326

Older =/= old.
Besides, kitsune tend to look like however they please. You've got loli nine-tailed ones running around for heaven's sake.

>> No.15675339

This is what happens when you give a fox some milk.
wanna give her more and fill her shrine with kits.

>> No.15675358

>some milk
That fox has been raiding the storehouse!

>> No.15675367

Night, thread.

Gonna try and dream of bouncy, jiggly shortstack anubi.

>> No.15675374 [SPOILER] 
File: 1002 KB, 1134x943, 1471042667377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675377
File: 700 KB, 902x1322, 33b04abd77a74ed3bb29873d6c07e1ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn lazy cats

>> No.15675383

Then we're going to team up with the holst cult to build a joint shrine!

She'll be getting all the milk as a representative!

>> No.15675395
File: 477 KB, 1000x638, c109f0b996aec4749a8738925a7ef3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to be lazy with a cat?

>> No.15675405

Big lazy lap cats!

>> No.15675409
File: 150 KB, 800x1132, 2ed783b06b9ce5a080e773410ebf14e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit doing nothing but cuddling and sleeping with a cat sounds good.

>> No.15675427

Weresheep + cat cuddle pile.

>> No.15675433

That's silly. Men are rare, why would they refuse one from their temple?

>> No.15675439

Yao is too sexual.

>> No.15675444

Would you ever really wake up from that?

>> No.15675445
File: 256 KB, 850x1063, She&#039;s impressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to impress a Lizard?

>> No.15675447

If the temple can't do temple things that's no good either.
You may be restrained and/or trained.

>> No.15675448

Not willingly.

>> No.15675449

>Men are rare
Well maybe in your headcanon/setting.

That makes me think, what are your human male / monstergirl proportions, anons?

Mine is 1/4

>> No.15675455

Throw in a fluffy tail and you've got yourself one hell of an eternal slumber.

>> No.15675464

Same as Human female to human male ratio is in the real world.

>> No.15675474

Beat the shit out of her.

>> No.15675480

So more men than monstergirls? Boring.

>> No.15675490

I would think that they would have a hard time getting men to move to the city, even if there would be plenty of jobs available for them.

>> No.15675495

Humans in general are about 1 in 9 in my setting. Over marrying has produced too many generations of daughterus, and now its causing great controversy in the monster nations. They are thinking about a Human x Human marriage campaign.

>> No.15675510

Or they could just pay women to get knocked up.

>> No.15675524
File: 182 KB, 940x720, corney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men are rare

Yes you are right, I consider them uncommon in my headcannon. 1/5th or perhaps even 1/6th seems about right. I'd like to imagine that in an MGC situation there wouldn't be that many men around. Which is the main reason why there is so much advertising/attempts to lure men in.

>> No.15675544

Specifying further, Human women are little more than serfs after years of many demon lord rules.

They take half the men from every village, every twenty years, to distribute to monstergirls on waiting lists. The human men left behind are breeding stock for the human women.

>> No.15675558

So they get all the men they want while the nice monstergirls have to wait for decades?

>> No.15675566

>Breeding stock
>Women are pumped full of fertility boosters to keep population stable.
>Much of their life is spent pregnant.

Hello boner.

>> No.15675574

Its the only way, there aren't enough humans left to continue making husbandos.They need a serious baby boom.

>> No.15675575

Yes, but at the cost of freedom and backbreaking labor. They'd probably at least get television and internet though.

>> No.15675587

He said men are breeding stock, not women

>> No.15675594

2D girls and internet? Sign me up to be breeding stock

>> No.15675595

Oh. The men and women should be placed under a spell so every night they get dreams about them getting girls pregnant/getting impregnated so they have an uncontrollable desire to make as many kids as possible.

>> No.15675598

>Wanting to fuck human women

>> No.15675599

For the purpose of making human children, women would have to be to. Just think about it for a second. Who bears the consequences of pregnancy for nine months after the act?

>> No.15675610

and thats because the population of human women continues to increase, but the men are still being taken from and made into monster husbandos. Single human men are the rarest type of person.

>> No.15675612

But they would never be her husband's first. Think of all the kids he's had, or all the things he did with his mouth. He's no longer pure.

>> No.15675621
File: 2.27 MB, 2560x1440, Daaayuuummm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize Bi-Corn's would be important citizens of MGC

Not enough men to go around for every Monster Girl?

Boom, Bi-Corn swoops in and solves the problem by making harems no longer problematic issues but enjoyable experiences for everyone involved.

Unicorn's however get a bad rap for being "selfish" and would probably be bullied about not becoming Bi-Corn's though.

>> No.15675633

Sad but true, monstergirls have had to sacrifice purity for continued existence

>> No.15675638

No. Take your cuckquean fetish elsewhere.

>> No.15675642

I dislike bicorns and harems, but I like settings with more monstergirls than men. It's a difficult situation for me.

>> No.15675652

But anon I prefer Unicorns.

>> No.15675657

Sucks for them, knowing their husband was likely raped almost every day by dozens of women. Maybe some monster girls could disguise themselves as humans?

>> No.15675666

But not only would that ruin the whole point of the system, it would actively go against it to make sure there's less men available for MGs, so even more MGs would be sinking to desperate acts like that.

Then you can just restart the timer for humanity's extinction.

>> No.15675669

To me it's an even 50/50 split between human males and monster girls/human girls. This prevents it from becoming a stupid dystopian world and makes sure that all girls get the chance to have a guy to love(especially since I'm not like most of the thread and don't like shitting on human women because i'm not an asshole). I also make it so monster girls can give birth to guys just like human women, so everyone has the option for a family no matter where they come from.

>> No.15675691

I meant as some sneak into the villages in a human guise and wait in line for a few fucks and leave rather then spend years alone with their hand.

>> No.15675694

2D human girls aren't that bad

>> No.15675705

That's what they want you to think.

>> No.15675714

This is fine. Literally the only reason to do this whole "monstergirls can't have sons" thing is for the sake of this dystopia setting, or as KC does it: an artificial limitation set for no other reason than to get us to accept some of the other dumb bullshit he tries to push.

But in any other setting or story where life with monstegirls is just steady as it comes, a relatively even gender split (monstergirls and human girls considered together as one) and the ability for them to birth sons is just fine.

>> No.15675741

I don't know anon, until know I have no reason to not trust them.

>> No.15675743

Agreed plus personally i'm a fan of happy coexistence between monster girls and humans where both use their skills to not only help each other but also make better society for all.

>> No.15675755

They're going to hurt you.

>> No.15675759

I'm pretty sure KC does it to enforce the man-hunting nature of MGs.
However, it's stupid because it's ALREADY ESTABLISHED that it's a whole hell of a lot harder for MGs to have kids to begin with!

>> No.15675773

>it's stupid because it's ALREADY ESTABLISHED that it's a whole hell of a lot harder for MGs to have kids to begin with!
I think this is something people aren't keeping in mind.

>> No.15675778

Whatever, if you want that kind of hugbox too, that works. I'm just saying it's a really played-out cliche to generate conflict in most circumstances. Some twists and original ideas are always welcome.
Your idea for a 50/50 world where human sons can be born from monstegirls frees up a setting so you can use it to approach a much wider variety of stories.

>> No.15675783

Yeah, so there's just going be even less of a population, period. Monstegirls low, humans low and dwindling. You're right there.

>> No.15675800

Exactly. I don't want a hugbox world but the reason I go with that world is because it allows for a greater variety of stories i can do while also allowing for easy creation of whatever scenario i could want.

>> No.15675804

Half the girls go through some sort of conditioning to make them more fertile anyway

>> No.15675819

The point is that despite turbofucking you're not gonna end up with more kids than usual.
Unless you haul out some serious potions.

>> No.15675827

This is as stupid as the people who say monsterboys add more variety when it just makes it generic fantasy [insert large number here]. Monstergirls not having sons is one of the interesting things that actually makes the KC setting unique.

I can't help but feel the people who say the sort of stuff in your post are those whiners who get upset at conflict or that have zero perspective on the vast majority of settings outside MGE. Pure human sons from monsters is itself completely retarded. At least even KC has incubi for that purpose.

>> No.15675840 [SPOILER] 
File: 712 KB, 600x840, 1471047511797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the threads consensus on Frog girls?

>> No.15675845
File: 771 KB, 700x1000, Amazonian Titania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone seems to have forgotten about the glory of Amazonians in MGE.

We've become too carebear, the idea of giant amazon Jinkos and Amazonian Amazons absconding with Anon in dead of night town raids should be revived as it seems to have been forgotten.

Anon must be reminded that they can be kidnapped and raped into house husbands.

Amazonian Society that settled on an a river or near the beach having Amazon Mermaids would be amazing.

>> No.15675846

They were flavor of the month back when your pic was new. Otherwise, amphibians are pretty low on the totem pole of popularity around here.

>> No.15675847

How about species that have more kids at one time than usual? And repetitive litters?

>> No.15675855

But that's the BEST thing about ropers.

Way I see it, the roper parasite itself has no sentience/consciousness; it simply imparts monstrous behaviors and urges to it's host over time.

>> No.15675871

I love amazons. I just don't bring them too much into discussion because of some people who get triggered for the role reversal and/or shitposters, and I don't want to start a shitstorm.

>> No.15675879

They seem scary.

>> No.15675889

I've got perspective plenty, even going back to before that /tg/ mod booted this discussion topic out of the place. And I genuinely think that you can do plenty to still make a monstergirl story while still giving them that ability and allowing for that setting dynamic. Honestly, you act like it's the one deciding factor which separates an MG story from a generic fantasy, but you and I both know that isn't true.
And while on the topic of generic fantasy, you might as well add that The most generic of all genrric fantasies is the basis KC uses for MGE.

>> No.15675904

>Amazonian Amazons
Holy shit. Sounds like something that would give a Ushi-Oni a run for her money.
If the heart attack from the initial scare didn't kill me, her manhandling might. I hope they know their own strength.

>> No.15675923
File: 348 KB, 880x856, 1471044869350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miia wearing a darling hat

>> No.15675924

They know how fragile menfolk are.

>> No.15675930

It finally happened. She finally snapped, broke his neck mid-coitus, and skinned him so now she can always be with him.

>> No.15675932
File: 316 KB, 800x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What song would you want your waifu to serenade you with?

What song would you serenade your waifu with?

>> No.15675948

>you act like it's the one deciding factor which separates an MG story from a generic fantasy, but you and I both know that isn't true.

It pretty much is. Without the diaspora from sexual inequality, AT BEST you have nothing but a clash of cultures story and at worst, nothing but human expy's playing dressup and superhero. Which is usually the intent behind the people that complain about it. They want to write "look at this world that has a bunch of cute girls playing dressup in regular jobs but I don't want there to be any conflict about it"

It's not even that hard to work around the limitation, smaller monstergirl populations (twenty percent of any given gender never have kids in the real world anyway so you could still have a shit ton of raw numbers monstergirls without affecting the rest of the human population), isolated populations, difficulty breeding, any number of things. A lot of which KC actually uses.

>The most generic of all genrric fantasies is the basis KC uses for MGE.
What's truly ironic is that you say this and in the same breath you still don't realize how bad it is to erase one of the two things that separates it from the pack.

>> No.15675957




>> No.15675958

I won't sing. I don't want her to hate me.

>> No.15675997

>dat Kiki and Shog earlier
Aeons of skill behind my scribbles. Might as well post what I drew and give up.

>> No.15676002

Beyond. Alcohol yous funny.

>> No.15676004

That's the spirit!

>> No.15676013

Mr. M. O. Obama plz

>> No.15676036

All I'm getting from this is that even given all the factors, variables, and flexibilities that separate the most fundamental idea of a monstergirl from a generic fantasy story, you can't think to call upon any of them and keep coming back to relying upon this limitation as a key distinguishing point. And a sole one at that.
Break away from the MGE for a second, and that overreliance on it, and break down thup idea of the monstergirl concept to its most base level. Think back to before these general threads, before MGE or whatever, and you'll see just how much you have to work with within that monstergirl concept.
Do I really need to spell out something like that for you. All this is is a matter of perspective, where you're going back down to the fundamentals and rebuilding from there, without other series' bottlenecking inspiration.

And there's nothing ironic about that. There are no single "two things" your have to follow to make a monstergirl story "separate from the pack". Just who are you to decide these completely arbitrary limitations, anyway?

Truth is, we already have monstergirl stories where giving birth to human sons is just a normal thing.

>> No.15676045

I'd love to do an "amazonian" amazon story but this place has turned into such a hugbox with moé blobs only it isn't worth the effort

>> No.15676056

Depends on how you do it.

>> No.15676059

Underrated post.
The only thing that really bothers me about the too-few-men thing is that I want my monstergirls as smug, leering rapists; I worry that playing up the too-few-men angle would turn mgs into >tfw no bf female r9k.
So have as few men as you want; you just gotta make sure the mgs don't get all mopey about it; they just get all rapey about it.

>> No.15676075

You can see it the other way around too. More competition means more aggressiveness, which also means girls hunting and raping harder.

>> No.15676076

Hopefully she sings Katyusha

>> No.15676081

>TFW no bf female r9k
But that's hilarious.

>> No.15676082

Sorry bud. You are completely mistaken. Monstergirls aren't just strange creatures you want to put your dick in.

They're part-succubus monsters who want to fuck you because they have no men of their own.

You see the two things there in that sentence above? That's the two unique things of MGE. That's the fundamentals. Taking either away is like taking space out of 40K. What are you left with? Warhammer Fantasy, a sad generic thing slapped together by GW because Ral Partha held the DnD mini license back in 1984.

That you can't wrap your mind around that and that you insinuate I'm the one lacking in imagination because I call a shitty handwaving copout what it is, is pretty damn sad dude. It really does reek of the same nonlogic the monsterboy fags use about "variety" being greater with them.

>> No.15676085

I'd say that's even more reason to do it. At the very least you'd stand out with your story.

>> No.15676096

And I'd love you if you did one with amazons behaving like in the profile, and no shitty moeblobs.


>> No.15676099

Monstergirls are canonically only 9% of the whole population of KC land after a thousand years of DL rule. All total population problems are far in the future. What it does create, is a local shortage where monstergirls have to leave their cities and their towns to go out and get a husband. Kind of their ultimate quest.

>> No.15676109

>They're part-succubus monsters who want to fuck you because they have no men of their own.

Yeah, you just completely blew apart your own argument with this.
These are the two rules MGE follows. Nothing else, just MGE, and every other monstergirl setting or story manages to be those just fine without.
You seem to have this weird notion that the MGE is the be-all end-all of monstegirls, which is why you're using those two points of MGE as the "fundamentals". So what, every other setting which doesn't adhere to that just isn't a monstergirl setting? You're talking madness there.

And why are you brining monsterboys into the discssion? Leave the thread clean of those, please, and stop trying to use the as some nonequivalent agenda to push your own argument

>I don't like what he's saying
>I'll just compare his points to monsterboys, that'll make it look like I'm right

Don't subject the thread to that tripe, it deserves better.

>> No.15676111

>Monstergirls are canonically only 9% of the whole population of KC land after a thousand years of DL rule.

Source? Not trying to be a smartass here, mind you.

>> No.15676114

>phone giving me issues preventing me from posting pics
Oh well, thread was nearly dead and in the midst of yet another retarded MGE arguement.

>> No.15676115

The specific KC statement is that there's only one monstergirl for every ten humans. You can crunch the math from there. I can't recall the source being WG1 or a Q&A.

>> No.15676116

If we follow that anon's logic. He's basically saying Monmusu and MGQ aren't monster girl universes.

>> No.15676118

Translation: I'm a weak-ass bitch making petty excuses so I don't have to feel bad about not contributing jack shit. There's a literal list of examples in this very thread that show why you're full of bitter shit: >>15669973

>> No.15676119

You basically summed up what I was trying to say in a much more succinct manner.

>> No.15676122

Ah, alright, thank you.

What about the DL ruling for a thousand years? I've been trying to figure out when it was that she took over but surely I'm missing stuff.

>> No.15676126
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>> No.15676127

I doubt his 9% number, but it definately says "humans are the most numerous species in the world" in one of the MGE settings books.
Although this gives you scope for any number of monstergirls from "negligable numbers" to "50,000,001 humans, 50,000,000 monstergirls" with the latter meaning there's 1 human grill and 2 mgs fighting over each dick.

>> No.15676131

People exclude both those kind from stories here. You're not seriously saying either of those is okay for greentexts or pastes. Have you seen the shitstorms from caused by the Monmusu Orcs and teasers alone?

>> No.15676137

>What about the DL ruling for a thousand years?

Either WG1 or the Lilim Q&A

>> No.15676141

So suddenly the deciding facror on what makes something monstergirl content or not is wherever or not a bunch of easily triggered nutters in just this one thread freak out over something?

I really hope you don't work in any position where you can set rules.

>> No.15676143
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>Suddenly remember that one MGQ story that was over half a million words last time I checked

Damn son.

>> No.15676146

You're taking this way off context. That only means anons here don't like Monmusu and MGQ discussed here, especially when there's already boards focused for them e.g. /a/'s Monmusu thread and /vg/'s monster girl games general.

Just because Monmusu and MGQ is frowned upon when posted in an obscure isolated thread (monster girls), in an obscure isolated board (/jp/), in an obscure isolated website (4Chan), does not suddenly invalidate any of these universes (or other unmentioned monster girl universes for that matter) as not monster girls, just because there exists monster males in it.

tl;dr You need to get your brain checked because you're continuously using the No True Scotsman logical fallcy.

>> No.15676150

Moving the goalposts now. First you're talking about what makes something a monstergirl story or setting, period, Now you're backpeddling onto purely the greetexts and stories posted in this thread that won't cause individuals to flare up and derail the thread for a few hours.
Make up your mind on what you're actually arguing.

>> No.15676153

It's the deciding factor in what kind of stories we have here. Why do you think this place isn't filled with TFT and wiki level trash or literal MM fanfiction?
Oh, so you're just being a faggot.

>> No.15676159

Not him, but calling monmusu monstergirl manga is like calling any other harem a human girl manga. It's heavy focus on the girls alone doesn't make it a MG manga. It's just a fantasy manga with mgs. Take shiiton gakuen. I wouldn't call that a MG manga, even though it has monstergirls in it.

>> No.15676161

Anon, we're not talking about the sensitivities of the thread. We're talking about what makes a monstergirl story/setting a monstergirl story/setting.

You've just completely gone on a tangent to moan about monstergirl content you don't like, it looks like.

>> No.15676162

So then what the bloody fuck do you deem is monstergirl content, if you're just going to arbitrarily exlude monstergirl manga because of your own made up rules?

>> No.15676167

It's not moving the goalposts when the entire discussion started about whether human sons make sense or are appropriate in stories here. There are people who will argue stuff like just having any fuckable female monster in anything makes her a monstergirl. It's irrelevant to this discussion, and nobody will reach a consensus on it anyway.

>> No.15676168
File: 265 KB, 1024x1448, monster_girl_beastman_by_torahimemax-dadsvga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Poll?

Satyros won

Here she is!

>> No.15676171

I wouldn't call shiiton gakuen a monster girl either, for entirely different reasons.

Monmusu has mythological creatures in it. Name any folklore creature, and I can probably bring up a character for it. Shiiton isn't monster girl simply because they are not monster girls, but animal girls, animals that are personified. There are no centaurs, or clay golems, or sirens in Shiiton, but that exists in Monmusu.

>> No.15676172

I need an idea involving a Lava Golem. Quick.

>> No.15676175

I don't, but okay. Seems like a nice lady. Nice hips at least.

>> No.15676181

i'd go on a wine and cheese tasting date with her

>> No.15676182

Monstergirls is defined by the lack of monsterboys, honestly. It's literally the only thing separating it from a generic fantasy.

Splitting hairs. Is KC's grizzly not a monstergirl? Centaurs are mythological and crab has both males and females there.

It's just a modern fantasy harem marketed as monstergirls.

>> No.15676183

Very nice.

>> No.15676184

Man fi9nds out what the hot spring bath uses as a heat source.

>> No.15676185

>Anon, we're not talking about the sensitivities of the thread. We're talking about what makes a monstergirl story/setting a monstergirl story/setting.

No, we're talking about what makes a monstergirl setting for an author that posts here. That at least has some general rules and is defined by the sensitivities of the thread.

>> No.15676186

Miners on a lava planet discover some lava golems when they break into the mining facility and rape all the men.

No, wait.

>> No.15676187

Their properties change with the type of stones they ingest.

>> No.15676188

That doesn't make a lick of sense. If we have another monster girl anime that has an emphasis on mecha, but follows that anon's ultra-specific-and-nonsensical definition of what is a monster girl universe, does that make that series not a monster girl universe?

Doesn't make it not a monster girl universe.

>> No.15676189

She saves a man from freezing to death on a mountain barren of Yetis.

>> No.15676190

Would fuck and share a drink with after.

>> No.15676194

>All those Fatesluts he could've also drawn
I don't hate the Satyros, but I wanted to see more Jack booty.

>> No.15676201

Fates is the most overrated bullshit in the world. One less Fates picture makes me sleep at night.

>> No.15676205

Seems more Gnome to me.

So one either wrapped up around a man or just sitting next to him while he cooks a fish using her heat?

>> No.15676209

>trying to use a subset to invalidate a set
That does not nullify what I said at all. MGE has non-animal mythological creatures, same goes for MGQ and Monmusu. Shiiton does not, it's exclusively personified cosplay-tier animal girls.

>> No.15676212

>for an author that posts here

That was never said, and given how people are talking about other manga, I'd say you're the only one who assumed that condition.

At least now we can both, definitely agree that we've left the realm of objective argument, and are just clashing with opinions now.
There too many twisting of definitions and making up arbitrary rules to ever come to a sound agreement.

>> No.15676216

What? It's monstergirls with a mecha spin. I'm not that other anon but I don't know what his definitions are, but as long as it doesn't have monsterboys, it's a monstergirl story. If it does have monsterboys, it just becomes a generic fantasy with mecha.

>Doesn't make it not a monster girl universe.
What's the point of just saying this? Present an argument.

Well they are literally lava so it still flies in my book. And that way I get a milky marble lava golem.

>> No.15676219

>lack of monsterboys
More like lack of males, which is what this entire thing sprang from.

What's interesting about the other people replying to you is they seem to think the only thing needed for a monstergirl is for the work to focus on the girls and relationships, not anything about the setting itself. So like Re:Zero has an oni and an elf that the MC wants to bone. But since it's an adventure and not a harem story, then it doesn't get shoved in the same slot as monmusu. Curious.

>> No.15676225

Correct me if I'm thinking about the wrong poll but wasn't Demon in the lead by an insane margin?

Shit's rigged harder than a tanuki's contract

>> No.15676226

Under your definitions, MGE wouldn't be a pure monstergirl setting either. Male elves and dwarves, don't forget.

>> No.15676227

Then its genre would flip the moment the author includes some kinda mythological girl. A differentiation between animal and myth seems too rigid to define a work by because it could change pretty arbitrarily.

Do you propose that there's a subgenre of MG that is specifically animal girls?

>> No.15676234

Why not a molten iron Golem or something?

>> No.15676235

>Doesn't make it not a monster girl universe.
EMG is just fantasy with more focus on the female species, which doesn't make it a monstergirl universe.

>> No.15676236

>generic fantasy with mecha
I'm 98% confident that your "generic" is wildly different from everyone else's here.

>subgenre of MG that is specifically animal girls
Etotama, Uma Musume, previously mentioned Shiiton

>> No.15676239

>wrapped up around man or sitting next to him?
Kinda depends on the severity of the situation you decide to go with.
If he's minutes from dying from hypothermia, then wrapping around him ensures maximum heat transfer. Otherwise, the latter method would work for most other situations.
Knowing Lava Golems, however, they would probably take every opportunity to envelop potential husbands.

>> No.15676240

You mean a 99.99% focus on the monstergirls. Let's not mince words.

>> No.15676248

Not him but I've seen a number of generic fantasies with mecha. The old giant golem/magitek stuff is more prevalent than you'd think, going millennia back to the Colossus.

Escaflowne was probably my favorite though.

>> No.15676251

>yet MGE has dwarves, male elves, and incubi which are just male succubi
MGE is just fantasy with more focus on the female species, which doesn't make it a monstergirl universe.

>> No.15676253

You're that same faggot from earlier aren't you. Can't you take a hint and drag you monsterboy shit back to the /a/ threads?

>> No.15676254

It wouldn't be, but there are a handful of things KC has bullshitted out that get excluded from these threads. Like furries and the monsterboys you gave.

Though there is a game of semantics to be played there. elves are just tall, long lived humans, dwarves are just short and stock humans. They are non-human, but are they monsterboys? Are elves monsters? Are dwarves?

There might be some kind of excluion set u in kc's mind which is why he wrote them in in the first place. Going with a strictly human rule through, and I wouldn't mind male dwarves and elves not being in the canon.

And that's another thing. There's like one dwarf and a handful of elves behind huge trum walls with no door. He's written into such a position of irrelevancy that you wonder why he put them there at all?

I jut mean generic as in flat fantasy. Not high or medieval or anything, just fantasy.
>All those examples
I don't know the first two but I assume they are only animals, and I get that there are examples of this, but do you think that justifies its own sub-genre in an already niche genre? You know, assuming there were no monsterboys in the first lace and it wasn't just a fantasy?

Not him, but the level of focus is irrelevant. There are either only monster women in your setting, or there are just monsters. And if its the latter, no matter how heavily you focus on the females of that race, strictly speaking it isn't mg.

>> No.15676260
File: 27 KB, 909x110, Kill yourself retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, I'm losing in an argument
>better start using personal attacks so I can win
>ends up quoting two different anons

Seriously, kill yourself. You don't have a brain to properly debate and you're wasting precious oxygen.

>> No.15676261

>yet MGE has dwarves, male elves,
Population is dwindled to the extent that they're completely irrelevant.
>and incubi which are just male succubi
Nope. Once again Incubi are just DE enhanced human dudes.

>> No.15676262


For hot dogs I would imagine http://youtu.be/FmkHqUwa4zg would be pretty fitting.

>> No.15676263

>"I must save you, potential husband!"
>"I'm not even cold! If you want to make yourself useful them keep my pizza warm!"
And then Lava Golems became useful dor pizza deliveries.

>> No.15676267

Dwindling population != non-existant

Both MGE and MGQ have equally rare population of males and yet you're disregarding both of them?

>> No.15676269

To be fair, MGE is transitional, with the only regular monsters left being those that have escaped corruption and have essentially no effect on anything since they are completely isolated from the rest of the world.

>> No.15676271

So now it's known that there are two transparent newfags trying to push their shit here. Good to know.

>> No.15676274

So your current definition now is "it's not a monster girl setting unless it involves corruption of human girls into monstrous creatures"?

Either continue discussing or fuck off. You've contributed nothing to the discussion except to just personally attack anyone else with a differing opinion.

>> No.15676281

>9% or 1/10
I'm having a hard time finding a source for this. I'm almost positive it's true though and someone else who remembers better/knows where exactly it's at can pull it.

>(L22) Q: I heard that it's difficult for monstergirls to get pregnant, but since Deruela is the 4th princess, does that mean it's easier for the demon lord to get pregnant?
>(L23) A: It's not easy for her in particular. It's just that she already had at least 1000 years time to make out and have sex

>Question 2: Between when Maou came to power and Lescatie was invaded, was there long time gap?
>"Yes, hundreds of years have passed since when monsters had become MGs..."

>> No.15676288

>So your current definition now is "it's not a monster girl setting unless it involves corruption of human girls into monstrous creatures"?
Looks like I needed to put Not Him in front of my post for you to be able to tell the difference in who's replying. But since you asked, having monstergirls being made from old world monsters is a fun metric. It sets them apart from the regular monsters nicely. I like that in MGE. Forget the human corruption.

>> No.15676293

>Looks like I needed to put Not Him in front of my post for you to be able to tell the difference in who's replying
Not him, but I do think it is courteous.

>> No.15676298
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>> No.15676300
File: 570 KB, 1899x1466, muffled rap music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does that mean it's easier for the demon lord to get pregnant?
>sudden vietnamese flashbacks

>> No.15676302

>Full of bitter shit
>Implying RS doesn't get shit because he's not one the most mechanically efficient authors

>> No.15676306
File: 1.51 MB, 1152x1436, tumblr_o8e4f9IYUE1sx4n8go1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go big or go home

>> No.15676307

>tfw the rex reaction was my post
That was a fun thread.

>> No.15676310

I wanna work out with a wurm!

>> No.15676313
File: 114 KB, 533x541, 1426727710350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazonian amazons
God have mercy on us.

>> No.15676317

That's just encouraging shitty stories that nobody will read.

>> No.15676318

Do it nigga

>> No.15676329

People make those anyway.

>> No.15676336
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>> No.15676373

After looking at the Lava Golem's profile pic once again, I now realize it's on the overlycomplex side of detail due to being goopy and solid at the same time.
Might have to scrap my plan.

>> No.15676394

What a lovely girl.

>> No.15676404
File: 513 KB, 600x720, 55819994_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15676413

9/10 body, but the Tactis face screws with things.

>> No.15676417

She's spilling the beer.

>> No.15676418
File: 325 KB, 501x850, 1416945955251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15676426

That's just foam.

>> No.15676438
File: 2.25 MB, 2447x3150, ff039e2d41ce7716b980b00310888be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15676456

Face paint/markings are always a nice touch.

>> No.15676474
File: 702 KB, 1076x1100, c73a0acfd64a9eec45c15b6ff02bc8b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love those dresses

>> No.15676524

But if the leash gets pulled like that it will lift her bra!

>> No.15676527

Why do you think she's waiting for you to do it?

>> No.15676567

But walks on the park are supposed to be relaxing, not boner inducing. Damn you monster girl for making me want to fuck.

>> No.15676569
File: 329 KB, 2500x1598, 1466537508516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15676574

Why are these three always pictured together when there's no real correlation between them.

>> No.15676576

There will be no Yoshing.

>> No.15676579
File: 147 KB, 645x911, 58418506_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my

>> No.15676583

>Has tentacles with Mouths

>Has tentacles with Eyes

>Has tentacles with Noses

>> No.15676584

Gazer is probably 1/3rd of the Wocks height here.

>> No.15676586
File: 2.73 MB, 2693x1728, jabber_trio_full_by_kuroonehalf-d9t2nn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 3 waifufags talk to eachother in an irc or something

>> No.15676590

Now, is that a pure young shirohebi or a naughty young ryu?

>> No.15676594

If you look at >>15675214 Gazer is about the size of a Jabberwock thigh.

>> No.15676596

It's a rare albino Ryu that can only make it snow.

>> No.15676597

The horns tell me it's the latter.

>> No.15676603
File: 103 KB, 550x769, 1469654734091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiyohime snek doujin? Lovely.

>> No.15676607

Do we like our Wocks big folks?

>> No.15676614

I prefer my dragons big.

>> No.15676616


No really, you could be using perfectly good english phrases instead of typing like an obnoxious weeaboo faggot.

>> No.15676618

Well do you really want to tell a bunch of weeb Monster Girls you don't like them Yoshing?

>> No.15676620

I like my dragons BIG

>> No.15676625

He rolls his r's like a Japanese delinquent.

>> No.15676628
File: 820 KB, 480x1000, 57766066_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when your Wock is big in the wrong way?

>> No.15676630

I'll tell them it's worse than Alp-like alps and their "daddy-o"'s and their "turgid tallywhackers" and their "Yee-haws".

Just imagine being worse than that.

>> No.15676632
File: 663 KB, 900x1200, dumb lizard kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my dragons so BIG, that they become small in order to not destroy the universe.

>> No.15676636

Jesus, that is BIG

>> No.15676652

>Norio Wakamoto as a monster girl

>> No.15676656

Yep, and my love is even bigger.

>> No.15676657
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x2250, 6ENbvkh68wQHiL3aaKArIMxMKiayFsmG9o2LLfLGTvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you could sex her until she's big in the right way

>> No.15676660

That Wock looks more strongfat than anything, especially with that durable looking belly.

>> No.15676680

Get her away!

>> No.15676682

I wanna live on a cosmic wurm without ever knowing it!

>> No.15676704

You already are. Every time you cum you are doing it inside a Wurm.

>> No.15676707

What's english for "Yosh!"? "Tally-ho!"? "Up and attem!"?

>> No.15676708

Are we in....dear God.

>> No.15676715

My god, there is no way to prove you aren't right.

>> No.15676718

Anything exclamatory will do although that first one sounds kinda alpy. I would've gone with "Yes!" or "Yeah!" or "Alright!"

>> No.15676722

Just accept it and keep moving on. We are but cells in a Wurm's body. The reason we can't find monster girls here is because they are on the outside.

>> No.15676727

Why the fuck is english so cringeworthy?

>> No.15676730

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead. please remember to watch out for that new breed of dire mant-

>> No.15676735

Because you speak it as your native language and understand it like a native speaker does.
Try using "yosh" in a professional setting in Japan and see how quickly you're ostracized as "that fucking weirdo".

>> No.15676736

Thank god I have someone to protect me.

>> No.15676740

>Try using "yosh" in a professional setting in Japan and see how quickly you're ostracized as "that fucking weirdo".
I'm going to shout Yosh whenever my Anubis boss is within hearing range!

>> No.15676745

Yeah, I guess you're right.

>> No.15676753
File: 596 KB, 1087x1446, establishingperimetercontrol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a public service announcement. The Dire Mantids are conducting anti-Matango drills. Please continue your business as usual. I repeat, this is only a drill, please continue business as usual.

>> No.15676758

I'm going to pull a Mantis into my cubicle and cuddle her while I work!

>> No.15676764

She must complete the drills.

>> No.15676765

Why are Wights so sophisticated and majestic?

>> No.15676768

The drills can wait, right now I want a Mantis in my lap whispering encouragements into my ear while I work.

>> No.15676769

Grappling may result in reflexive response.
Please think of your safety and the safety of others.

>> No.15676771

>Pull dire mantis onto your lap as you work
>Rest your cheek against her muscled back and wrap your arms around her hips
>"Master. I'm 7ft tall. I highly doubt you can get any work done this way. You can't even see the desk."
>Slip one hand between her thick thighs and slide the other up to cup one of her breasts and give it a light squeeze
>"I'm on break."

>> No.15676772

The drills must be completed.

>> No.15676774

What kind of response?

>> No.15676778

They're not. They only pretend to be.

>> No.15676779

7ft ain't that much for me, she has no excuse.

>> No.15676780
File: 143 KB, 925x1110, gan~ba~tte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be patient, citizens. Our emotional support division will render emergency cuddles and encouragement shortly.

>> No.15676784

Fine, but as soon those drills are done she's mine.

>> No.15676785

Typically the kind that end with you face-down on the floor and your arms being restrained.
It is inadvisable to surprise the Mantids.

>> No.15676786

I want to fight a Wight and a Dragon at the same time

>> No.15676789

What are you, 6'6?

>> No.15676794

Close, 6'5.

>> No.15676795

What company uses Mantises as comforters?

Because I want to work for that company.

>> No.15676798

>Lose almost immediately
>Get a little hurt
>They both fawn over you
You're a sneaky man.

>> No.15676804

That's still like 17 cm between the two of you, plus the fact that she's sitting on your lap. Her shoulder probably rises to your nose or eyes or something.

>> No.15676809

I can make it work.

>> No.15676814

That's one way to end things, but I just remembered that I forgot to add Vampire to the team.

>> No.15676819


You're a large individual

>> No.15676822

Can't blame you, either.
>You'll never have a silent mantis meido who doesn't resist no matter what you do
>Gives no sign if she likes it, gives no sign if she dislikes it
>But grows progressively tense and bad at her job if you do nothing at all

>> No.15676825

I'm not fucking doing it.

>> No.15676826

Don't be greedy now, you're already getting two beautiful and powerful MGs friend.

>> No.15676835

Who aren't you doing it for?

>> No.15676837

What are you?

>> No.15676840

Almost got me there.

A man?

>> No.15676853

Kuu-ing Off Private Limited, a subsidiary of Yeti Hugs Limited of the MofuMofu Group. YHL is diversifying its operations to meet the demand for less overbearing emotional support while at the same time retaining the same quality of service the MofuMofu Group is known for.

KOPL is currently only hiring Mantids, although it is eyeing the Lich sector. Humans need not apply, except for the husbands of the in-house Mantis training services.

>> No.15676855

What is a man?

>> No.15676856

I want a threeway marriage with my Shog and Kiki meidos.

>> No.15676860

>Humans need not apply
Rude. What if I want a kuu Order mage to molest while she reads spell tomes

>> No.15676866

A miserable little pile of secrets.

>> No.15676870


>not wanting to fuse with your Shoggoth and Kiki meidos and become a single lewd creature


>> No.15676873

Eh, I guess you're right. And now that I think about it, Vampire isn't in the same level as Wight and Dragon, at least for me.
I would still like to battle all the strong MGs before settling down with my favorite one.

>> No.15676881

Thats what marriage with a Shog means anyway.


>> No.15676882

>Humans need not apply
Damn, I really wish I could work for a company like that.

>> No.15676888

You'd suck. You're already showing too much emotion.

>> No.15676894

>implying you need to work at the company to marry them
The reason behind the hiring freeze is to ensure that the employees remain single and are open to marriage proposals by long-term clients. They will then be rotated into the training division, where the husbands will provide consultancy services.

So just call our hotline at 1800KUUDERE (that's 18005883373) to employ our services, and you may find yourself a life partner and better employment opportunities.

>tfw 4chan thinks I'm spam

>> No.15676895


>> No.15676906

But if you don't hire humans, how will I find my kuu Order mage?

>> No.15676907
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An unsightly Beast.

>> No.15676919
File: 119 KB, 829x626, 1466998163814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one too.

>> No.15676937

>Manticores forced to swallow their pride and jump through hoops to try and be cute and appealing

>> No.15676940

Time to call the exterminators.

>> No.15676945
File: 176 KB, 611x721, 1463923599525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no use.

>> No.15676948
File: 141 KB, 850x965, Sample-364078896fa77d9ab43283830c3c1b40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15676956

By applying to the relevant Order departments? That's public sector work, how would I know?

>> No.15676960

Akari from Jitsu Wa as a Manticore when?

>> No.15676996

>By applying to the relevant Order departments?
The Order would never let me have one of their mages. Especially if they find out that I intend to put her in huge robes that I can slip inside of and cuddle grope her with. If they ever found out my plans to throw a huge beanbag in her library, and have her sit in my lap to read as we both lie on it, why, they'd send a paladin to my place instead. A not very kuu one with pointy swords. I need your company to smuggle a mage out for me.

>> No.15676999
File: 1.36 MB, 3999x2305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Manticores aren't already cute and appealing

>> No.15677005
File: 2.04 MB, 1771x2125, gazer kenrontoqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New picture of wife has arrived!

So I commissioned this like two hours ago and the artist was like "Oh, yeah, I'll do it on stream right now" so I'd definitely recommend them. Also this was only $25.

>> No.15677008


>> No.15677009

>Those hips
Oh baby.

>> No.15677019

That's pretty good and pretty fast.

>> No.15677023

Yooo, that's real thick.

>> No.15677024

this artist really improved by quite a bit
i should refollow them

>> No.15677029

Seriously, what happened to Lantern?
