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File: 950 KB, 992x1403, 1470319083855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15634470 No.15634470 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15634474


>> No.15634479

Why would anyone like his old faces? They were fucking terrible

>> No.15634483
File: 78 KB, 640x720, 1391975901588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorgeous, mate.

>> No.15634486

Was just about to post one with the same image.
Some guy in the last thread was whining about preferring his old ones, probably bait.

>> No.15634488 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1150x1050, 1470322682884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since OP didnt link the previous thread


They werent as bad as your making it sound

>> No.15634491

Whoops must have accidently checked Spoiler

>> No.15634493
File: 37 KB, 170x600, CpBA_Z_UAAAZsaS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gonna win the meido war?

>> No.15634497

Shoggs are evil and the people who like them are too.

>> No.15634500

Again, another sweeping generalisation with no actual point to back it up. It's the kind of claim a weeb with no actual artistic knowledge would make.
Changing from drawing an actual nose to drawing two strokes with a bit of shading isn't improvement. It's regression for the sake of appeasing a handful of people in this thread.

Just take a look at this:
Number 1 is the ideal, where you could probably say the shading on number 2 is a bit much, and number 3 is the anime nose. It clashes way too much with the rest of the face, and looks purely unnatural.

The issue with Barb in the past was never with the nose. It was with plasticity and flexibility of the faces, and how because they were only drawn in the "sexy, eyes half-closed, mouth half-open" way, they lost out on a lot of expressive range.

>> No.15634501

How rude!

>> No.15634505
File: 92 KB, 850x557, SeaBishopSunbeam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His new ones are better, although I think they're still a little on the nose.

> t. person who's never drawn anything

>> No.15634506

I don't really care, I'm all for misstresses.

>Number 1 is the ideal
For you

>> No.15634507

This. Complaints about them were the number one criticism of his work back then. It's why he does the new faces now. And the new ones are much better.

>> No.15634509
File: 82 KB, 917x871, Nightmare_Lich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dislike Kikis and Shogs
Hopefully it's pyrrhic for whoever wins

>> No.15634510

I want this made into a stained glass window for my house.

>> No.15634511

Hug your local Yuki-onna today to keep winter away

>> No.15634512

Fuck no. Overshading was also a big problem of his that he's learned to dial back on. It's a good thing. Greater complexity doesn't equal better.

>> No.15634513

But I like winter. And winter is coming.

>> No.15634518
File: 709 KB, 713x1000, Dragon knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like more info on monster weaponry, I would like there to be more than just cursed swords and demon realm silver

>> No.15634520

Try mithril.

>> No.15634523

Demonic silver is just slang for any steel weapon that's been infused with a fuckton of mamano mana. And it only cuts mana so is nonlethal. Which is the same as cursed swords because they operate on the same principle. They just happen to also be possessed on top of everything else.

It's KC land. What were you expecting, mamanobama not to be the solution? Monsters to actually spill blood on purpose? You should know better.

>> No.15634524

So is she if you hug her just right

>> No.15634526
File: 371 KB, 900x600, Mummy (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like less worldbuilding bullshit that is generally poorly received anyway MAMONOBAMA, and to just go back to a time when a wandering scholar wrote down how sexy monsters wanted to rape me.

>> No.15634528

So, say why you think Number 2 or 3 are better.
I've already said why 1 is better than 3 in terms of actual artistic skill and looking like it fits his faces and drawing style, and how number 3 is just a drawing safe spot for weebs which won't bring about any actual improvement.

>Overshading was also a big problem of his that he's learned to dial back on
Which is why that example 2 on his page doesn't work. The shading stretches too far, and the style is a compromise between types 1 and 3.
Barb's style is pretty shadow-heavy anyway, just look at the OP image.
And the issue here is with oversimplification to the point where it's pretty much the only feature that clashes, especially when you consider the individuals and styles who've influenced Barb's own art.

If he were to take what he's learnt and how he's improved now, and get out of the anime nose rut to drawing something which actually fits on his faces, you'd find that it works perfectly, especially now that he's addressed the other, actual issues which were levelled at him a while ago.

>> No.15634530

I would hope they are not at war, but more a friendly rivalry. Can't have the staff tearing the place up.

>urge to buy books intensifies.

>> No.15634533
File: 664 KB, 744x1052, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think his old faces were bad on a fundamental level, for example picture related is good. The current style is better though.

Generally anime style art is superior at decipting cuteness and/or sexiness.
Western style emulates reality, and reality tends to be ugly.
Anime style emulates ideals.

>> No.15634535

Mini milky Minotaurs!

>> No.15634541

I just found it interesting to look into is all

>> No.15634543

Not just that, you can't use an anime style eyes and skull then a normal nose. It winds up looking like that berry-shaped abomination in your example. For a normal nose to work, he'd have to completely revise the proportions of the heads he draws. As it is, the anime nose fits best. Maybe he does it a bit too pointed, but he could easily round the tip. Adding full nostrils and rostrum shading is just asking for disaster though, which is what floors me as it's what the one guy is saying.

>> No.15634544

This Lich must have a grand ass.

>> No.15634545

It ends in peace between the two when they realize they could unite under the same goal:

Love for their master.

>> No.15634551
File: 274 KB, 1280x1489, we don't get enough examples of other members of a monstergirls species.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty damn cool.
Also, Barbs artwork has made me develop an appreciation for Shogs that I never knew I had before.

>> No.15634553

Well you could always headcannon it
like what the Ilothe did with cyclops forging methods.

Though it does make me think about the salamander swords.

>> No.15634554

>They could unite
Yeah, Shoggoths do that all the time.

Remeber kids, one paladin a day keeps the shogg away.

>> No.15634557

KC childproofed everything in his world. The days of danger and the occasional sharp edge are gone. You need to get outside MGE if you want that sort of thing.

Though I did remember that there are some special effect weapons like cupid's arrows, but that sort of thing is from the other gods, not the DL.

>> No.15634558

>the teamwork is canon

>> No.15634561

>not picking up on the mirrored contrast of opposite sides

Anon, plz

>> No.15634564

"Abomination" is a stretch. Your argument might hold true for a flat anime drawing, with single tones for skin and so on, but with's Barb's depth-heavy drawings, something like a round nose isn't an issue.

>> No.15634565

Still not worth putting up with all the religious bullshit, and having someone constantly riding your ass over not having 'accepted The Order as your personal savior'

>> No.15634571

That's reading a little far into it. They can be anything we need them to be.

>> No.15634574

>It's regression for the sake of appeasing a handful of people in this thread
It's pleasing people who actually like the anime art style, which is most people into MGE. Tumblr is an awful representation of that.

Fun fact, this thread was far from the only place complaining about the old style. Even /monster/ and wikifags didn't like it.

>> No.15634575

Wrong, because the depth accentuates it far too much. That's why people disliked it in the first place. YOUR argument would hold more true with a flatter depiction.

>> No.15634576
File: 844 KB, 803x1181, 1470137875267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, do tell me more about your shit taste

>> No.15634580

>That single vote

>> No.15634581

So, one thing I don't get about the ending to Hellsing is - is Alucard basically a god now? Schrodinger's vampire? And to make this more than tangentially related, would you be okay with living inside of you waifu? Inside her shadow and mind, popping in and out of reality when you will? With her 24/7? What girl could even make that a possibility? I'm thinking Cheshire, if she makes the mind bendery internal and not external, lilim because mary sue and perhaps shoggoth if she integrates you into herself.

>> No.15634588
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, 1470107009639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alucard be like Alucard do, I dunno. Living within the waifu wouldn't be too bad, not if she was Seras.
How does sex work though?

>> No.15634590

>YOUR argument would hold more true with a flatter depiction.
So you're saying a more depth focused nose would look better with a flatter look? But that's going in the complete opposite direction to the logic established here.

>> No.15634592

Have you tried not being a heretic

>> No.15634593

Alucard isn't a god, consuming schrodinger just made him a bit more immortal.

>> No.15634594

Calling the teamwork canon when shoggs are eldritch assimilation machines is reading too much into it, especially when that assertion is based on an item with a light/dark reverse facing motif that is classic conflicting sides. It's the way you would do it with an angel/demon setup or anything similar.

>> No.15634596

Well, it wouldn't be a proper thread without everyone going on about their shit taste.

I've had to put up with devout hypocritical holy rollers all my life. Like the world feels I shouldn't go a single day without someone shoving their beliefs down my throat. And if I say anything about it, I'm the bad guy here. ANYTHING is better than having to put up with these pompous bastards, even a lifetime in the matango fields.

>> No.15634597

>It's the guy that made the poll because he still doesn't get he's the only one who likes the old bad faces
I'm dying over here.

>> No.15634601

An angel comes down from heaven.
Says she has a mission from God to you, and in completing it you will be given 3 wishes.
The only catch is said Angel will accompany you and judge your actions to make sure you are dutiful.
Also fucking her makes you lose the deal entirely and she's got quite the chest and rear
Do you do it?

>> No.15634603

But he can hardly be called a vampire anymore. Vampiric yeah, but. "I am because I am" is a pretty big game changer on the immortal scale.

Well, I kind of figure you could leave and enter at will. But for the sake of argument, I guess you could literally mindfuck her. Create a small imitation of a bedroom and drag her consciousness to it for some sexings.

>> No.15634604

So basically like Shinobu from the Monogatari series?

I wouldn't mind living in the Shadow of a Wight like that.

>> No.15634607

Depends on what this mission

>> No.15634608

Seems like too much work.

>> No.15634612

Depends on the mission

>> No.15634613

I'm not the one who made the Strawpoll.
If I did, I wouldn't have made it a choice between "old face" and "new face", because that was never the point I was making.

>> No.15634614

I'm saying a more complex nose looks worse with a deeper style than a flat one because you can't hide the geometry when there are heavy shadows. It's the elephant skin effect. The more contrast you throw on higher detail of a non-naturally-proportioned design, the more uncanny valley it appears. Rounded nose+heavy shading=bad juju.

>> No.15634616

Wear in the profile does it say shogs are like that? It actually says the opposite, which is that they escaped their eldricht masters, and have caring personalities. The transformation they perform on you over time doesn't change anything except your insides, and practically makes you invulnerable.

>> No.15634620

I'm sorry, but I don't believe in God. Maybe winged woman should go help the needy instead of bugging me?

>> No.15634623

I've something important to say

I love Jabberwock

That's all.

>> No.15634624

Kill the Demon Lord who has 5 Forms that you must defeat in 1 go.

>> No.15634625

Are you a beamish boy?

>> No.15634628

>doesn't change anything but your insides
No, it changes all of you, just like all the other chaos girls.

>Mindflayer husband becomes Sadsquid
>Wendigo husband becomes Grimace from McDonalds
>Shoggoth husband becomes Slimedude

>> No.15634629
File: 3.03 MB, 3000x2000, 1456193416473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The transformation they perform on you over time doesn't change anything except your insides
This is not the kind of sentence to inspire confidence

>> No.15634632


>Sending a guy who has no combat experience to fight the demon lord


>> No.15634635

Maybe the assumption is that the journey will MAKE A MAAAAAN~

>> No.15634636

Why would I want to kill the leader of the good faction?

>> No.15634637

It litterally says it makes no cosmetic changes, litterally

Order propoganda please go and stay go

>> No.15634640

Why would God want me to fight the demon lord? All she's doing is bringing peace.

G-man is all about the peace, outside of the occasional smiting.

I bet this is the Chief God's work!

Time to capture and lovingly mind break an angel!

>> No.15634643

>G-man is all about the peace
This is patently false, Yahweh was the Semitic god of war.

>> No.15634645

>You're still all slime
>"It doesn't count because it's not a cosmetic change"
Come on now. Even echidnas and half a dozen other monstergirls can fake being human women. Doesn't change what they are.

>> No.15634647
File: 52 KB, 325x368, 1394665332715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It litterally says it makes no cosmetic changes, litterally
That's what I'm complaining about.
Cosmetic changes, while not great, are substantially better than NONCOSMETIC changes.

>> No.15634656

Liches always do.

>> No.15634661

So you want to be a monsterboy.

>> No.15634663

Yeah, occasional smiting.

Folks don't remember all the times you help them in little ways, the only remember you flooding the world or blowing up cities because people were being idiots.

The big guy really mellowed out after having a kid

>> No.15634665

Please, read the profile before making generalizations. Your looks and mind don't change while being with a Shoggoth, only your physiology, and for the better I might add.

Seriously, read.

>> No.15634668

Not him but you're a monsterboy either way.

>> No.15634671

>Live in Monster Girl World
>Have no Combat experience.
Do you want to be raped by any ol Monster Girl

>> No.15634672

Googling this elephant skin effect doesn't bring anything up, so you might want to post an example of what you mean.

Of course, in this instance the fact that the anime nose is so mismatched to the rest of the face itself throws a huge amount of visual contrast with it. It's uncanny in its own right.
Though you might have another point. Maybe it is a problem that Barb's taking too many cues from anime drawings and their shortcoming, and it's dragging him down as a result.

>> No.15634673

... you do know what "cosmetic" means, right?

>> No.15634675
File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, 1469769049039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already wondering how the Demon Lord is if she's Druella/Alleurd's mother.

Happy go lucky airhead that embarrasses her daughter 24/7, which is partly why Druella has to go incognito nowadays?

>> No.15634677
File: 321 KB, 801x1294, 1466432428004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide hips, thick thighs, and plump rears are a good trait for a species to have.
I even suppose that Cheshires also have these traits.

>> No.15634679

Whatever faggots. Enjoy being wrapped around a telegraph pole in a car accident, and leaving your wife alone and destitute.

>> No.15634683


Even if I did have combat experience I doubt it'd be enough to beat the DL

>> No.15634684

No you aren't.

>> No.15634685
File: 78 KB, 613x734, Ammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flooding the world and killing all the little kittens is okay because you helped the one guy find his car keys in 'murrica
This is why I don't worship the Abrahamic God. Complete detachment from humanity. Gimme a nice fluffy god any day.

>> No.15634697

You're the one that needs to read it. Becoming a literal 100% walking slime with no real bones or brain or organs left is a complete assimilation whether you still look like the old you or not.

>for the better
Completely subjective, and I'd bet good money most people would rather not have to wonder if their complete slime body means that they might even just be a fake or a replacement for the guy that got assimilated.

>> No.15634701

>mellowed out
Hell was only invented after he had a kid, if anything he got infinitely worse. Infinitely in a literal sense, too.

>> No.15634703

A God, by definition, is infallible and wouldn't require any worship anyway. Just go crazy.

>> No.15634705

Perfect for groping and unenthusiastic "kyaah"s.

>> No.15634712

Yes you are. Looking human and being human are two totally different things. You seriously can't argue that something like a lich is still human. Being made out of slime certainly kicks you out of the human category.

>> No.15634717

>A God, by definition, is infallible
That's just a dumb statement. Plenty of gods are fallible.

>> No.15634721

Ammy for God-Queen of the planet.

>> No.15634726

Not abrahamic God.

>> No.15634727

>Being made out of slime certainly kicks you out of the human category
I'm not talking about the exceptions from those three profiles, I'm talking about the normal incubi.

>> No.15634729

I'm starting to get the vibe that you just hate things, and therefore any reason I type at you goes in one ear and out the other. Therefore, we are done. Enjoy your lawful good dickings from the senior Paladin, you salty choir boy.

>> No.15634735
File: 49 KB, 182x199, M'lord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how was it that in the book of Genesis he came to feel regret over ever creating man? How could he feel regret if he was infallible? My fedora is quite impressive, don't even try.

>> No.15634740

This. The term god denotes a certain degree of supernatural influence, nothing more.

Now, the Big Man of Abraham separates himself from the pack by calling himself the Living God and implying that all others are just lifeless wood and stone. That's where all the infallable and omnipotent and other stuff comes from.

>> No.15634743

I think the proper noun indicated a monotheistic God. Which are inherently infallible, infinitely powerful and infinitely corrupt.

>> No.15634754

>infinitely corrupt

Lucifer pls go

>> No.15634756

>I'm starting to get the vibe that you just hate things, and therefore any reason I type at you goes in one ear and out the other.
No, you're just too stupid to realize that you have no argument. The profile states you become slime. That's a fact. It's not a small or irrelevant change. It's a complete morphing of physiology to something completely different.

>> No.15634757

Because he's God.

>> No.15634763

Would a 7ft. tall muscleLich generate more moans due to having an even bigger ass?

>> No.15634769

You really grind my gears.

>> No.15634775

I'm talking about the concept of a real God by definition. A fifth dimensional being so wildly incomprehensible, that they are everywhere, at every time, through all possibilities. The ultimate energy that ends and begins the universe for infinity.

Human religion has nothing to do with this. Pretty sure that sort of being doesn't care if you dress up once a week for a hand holding ceremony.

>> No.15634778

I will give a solder beetle roller skates

>> No.15634781

>A fifth dimensional being so wildly incomprehensible, that they are everywhere, at every time, through all possibilities.
So, Alucard.

>> No.15634783

>I'm talking about the concept of a real God by definition
This is not a coherent sentence.
>A fifth dimensional being
That's it, I'm moving to Wurm Island.

>> No.15634784

Normal incubi are still technically monsterized humans in the same way a monsterized elf is different from regular elf. Even the world guide says only the technicality of them still having spirit energy keeps the author from classing them as straight monster. He also says that the Order ignores this technicality.

They're not really monsterboys in the old school way. They're the other half of the 3rd race.

But they're not human.

>> No.15634787

What are you even doing here? You just keep going on about hating anime and weebs like a goon.

>> No.15634788

Normal skates or shit that allows them to move like a Tachikoma?

>> No.15634791

Considering the very concept of a god has always been defined by human religion going back to the neolithic, I'm pretty sure it does.

>> No.15634792
File: 61 KB, 400x600, 1334204773274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15634797

Lucy pls show some legs.

>> No.15634798

You sound like you need a snickers

Strongfat ones make the loudest moans

>> No.15634809

>Soldier beetles/arachne type monsters with tachikoma movement
Weird fearboner you've given me.

>> No.15634810

You don't even know how far the rabbit hole goes


>> No.15634812

World guide also says they're still humans but infused with DE.

What's the difference between them and a wizard, when both look like a human, and both have magical habilities?

>> No.15634818

I've seen this already, and I think it's absolute balderdash. There's none of this on Wurm Island. There's just sex and that Crash Bandicoot music.

>> No.15634838

Not at all, but if you want to feel hated, go ahead.
I've been talking about how the anime style isn't the perfect be-all end-all infallible method for drawing, and how a lot of people are making huge generalisations or outright incorrect statements to try and defend it, because they haven't had enough wide exposure to art outside their worldview, which prove points that go against their arguments.

>> No.15634847

The DE is the difference, just like it is between a regular pre-DL monster and a monstergirl.

Incubi turn any uncorrupted monster or human girl they fuck into a monstergirl and will only father daughters. And are altered by the specific energy that corrupted them in certain ways. This might be absolutely nothing if it was a succubus, or being flameproof because of a lava golem, or going full squidward because of a mindflayer.

Just as monstergirls were the death of regular monsters, incubi are the death of humankind. It's the whole plan, to turn two completely separate factions into one.

>> No.15634871

>you will never smear habanero chili paste on your daughteru's genitals

>> No.15634874

Of course not, that stuff's too good to waste.

>> No.15634876

Fucking why?

>> No.15634887

As a victim of the toothpaste incident, dam right I wont.

>> No.15634895

Not him but plenty of us have art experience and know art history and various styles. Doesn't change the fact that you're arguing so vehemently against anime-style fanart of an anime-style source. It's plain silly. Barb's original problem was he tried to do this weird hybrid style between a soft heavy shaded almost impressionist source and a more traditional anime design. It's like putting a 3d model under really strange lightray render settings and comparing it to cell-shaded. Just strange. Technically skilled, but strange.

So it was clear he had to lean one way or the other eventually. We get that you're upset it was toward anime. But it also has to be evident why you are a minority in thinking that when you consider the subject matter.

>> No.15634909

While we're artist bitching, I wish Loen would return to realistic proportions.

>> No.15634912

His hips have gotten a little crazy, but I think he's just experimenting and feeling things out.

>> No.15634923

His heads being tiny bothers me at times.

>> No.15634926
File: 1.19 MB, 2080x1880, 1408890839345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be going through Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, and Justice League.
I need a girl who'd be willing to sit through it all.

>> No.15634930

He needs to add defined thigh gaps and draw big titties nore often.

>> No.15634932

We can only hope. Real thickness does not look like this THICC meme. Loen gave his dick the pen.

>> No.15634935

I wish I would get less shit at drawing.

Gotta keep at it.

>> No.15634942

You can do it! Your waifu will love you forever if you can draw her.

>> No.15634943

>real thickness
The last thing I want is 3D tier fat girls.

>> No.15634950

New thread already? Bloody hell, you guys went through that last one quicker than a Wight goes through shotas at a park.

>> No.15634955

Nobody wants fat girls. You can have a curvy build without being fat. its all about skeletal structure.

>> No.15634956

Most of that stuff is better to take in serially than all at once, anon. Other than the multi-parters anyway. Just take it at a couple episodes a day and you will enjoy it more, I think.

Girls actually love comic stuff if they're nerds though. I accidentally introduced my ex to them back when and because of it, she made me sit through all the old live action stuff from Adam West Batman through 90's Flash. I don't mean an episode here or there either, but four or five hours straight at a time. So uh, be careful what you wish for.

>> No.15634962

It's the board being faster than usual. We just fell off naturally. Still had scads of images left.

>> No.15634963

Wights don't go to parks! Wights have their shotas delivered.

>> No.15634967

I didn't ask for a blog, I just want to discuss nerdy MGs.

>> No.15634972

I would... But only if 2D

>> No.15634976


That's what I plan to do eventually.

>> No.15634984

Lies and slander. Some Wights raise young boys to be their husbandos.

>> No.15634990

It's comiket month, we're going to be flying through threads for a while.

>> No.15635006

My favorite kind of MG. Heaven is a Monstergirl who would play video games with me for hours at a time, in between a variety of sexual distractions and exercise.

A fine Gazer or Will o wisp seems like the type.

>> No.15635009
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 1446203699407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Courier companies delivering shotas to rich upper classed monstergirl at their very homes

>> No.15635014
File: 60 KB, 566x800, 1432535511267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dead have a lot of time for pop-culture, don't they?

>> No.15635019

You blogged first, mate. Just being honest with you that your fantasy can backfire and get scary quick.

>tfw a that zombie you asked over for pizza and a movie has been trapped you in a 240 hour straight monster movie marathon
>she doesn't sleep
>tv cranked up loud for her dead ears to hear better
>won't let you go from her ironclad cuddlelock under the blanket on the couch except for five minutes at a time between each movie
>pretty sure you've already been fired from your job
>the next movie is Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
>final destination

>> No.15635047

Too much time. Undead, having no need for sleep or food, don't really need full time jobs. Most single undead I know lock themselves in their crypts for long periods of time, lurking image boards and shit posting about immortality.

>> No.15635055

Hey, the internet is the best thing that ever happened to the undead.

>> No.15635059

I mean, you could always lick it off afterwards.

Because it's a neat idea.


>> No.15635060

So... Zombie NEETs?

>> No.15635107

By drone or van?

>> No.15635135

By harpy

>> No.15635143

But wouldn't that "damage" the product?

>> No.15635154

That's why they pay more for the deluxe service.

>> No.15635161

Delivery by wyvern?

>> No.15635175

Sure. There's also the delivery by dragon for the most special clients, if you want to be sure the "product" will be delivered untouched and undamaged.

>> No.15635187

Buttslut Shirohebi daughterus

>> No.15635203

But snakes don't have rears

>> No.15635212

They've got people buttholes that don't work, and then they've got snake cloacas. They do have rears.

>> No.15635215

MGE sneks do.

>> No.15635227

...Big booty snakes?

>> No.15635237
File: 57 KB, 500x600, Operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 is coming. Do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?

>> No.15635248

No. The monstergirls will all be killed and we'll be forced to stay in our same boring lives.

>> No.15635257

I hope so, how else can I build a prisoner harem?

>> No.15635265

Love can bloom on my bed, and that's where my waifu will be.

>> No.15635281 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.75 MB, 1950x2450, 1470331943095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15635283

Dude, give love a chance! P'orcfugees welcome!

>> No.15635304
File: 1.36 MB, 1330x1170, Gazer 76 by critnuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. She's got her sights on you

>> No.15635312

Can't wait to go full traitor and help them.

>> No.15635319
File: 10 KB, 297x334, I wonder who could be behind this post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635337

I wonder how we'll be rewarded.

>> No.15635362

Tanukis are nice girls and really cute!

>> No.15635366

Hmm, would you call that a Mime?

On a less punny and significantly more pleasurable note: an MG race with mime-like traits (if there is such a comparable myth).

To strangers they'd be cryptic, rarely speaking, yet have a certain "kinetic-aesthetic" to them that adds to their beautiful selves. For those who are close to them, however, half the time they're experiencing hilarious or moving performances, while the other half experiences a very sensual and slightly more speech-prone side to them because of how physical they are by nature for far more than just pleasure.

It'd be difficult to make work (and I'm sure mime-like entities have come up before) but it could turn out really, really nicely I think.

>> No.15635374
File: 231 KB, 640x480, Love P'orc-ing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635378


>> No.15635379

An instant girl from our favorite species, a good piece of land and a really big amount of money.

If they lose we'll get a bullet in the head though.

>> No.15635385

The war was lost, the treaty signed.
They could not find me, I crossed the line.
The war was lost, the treaty signed.
They could not find me, though many tried.
I live among you, well disguised.

>> No.15635408

Then we are in agreement. Wonderful!

>> No.15635410
File: 1.01 MB, 1548x1918, 2HcFcD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire beginning of this thread
Who let Reddit in? Would they like some delicious memes while they're here?

How many memecats would you like? We have the Mega Memie Thursday Special going on right now.

>> No.15635415

Cuddly oppai meme kittens

>> No.15635416

Fuck off with this meme cat meme

Its only slightly less irritating than futa cheshires at this point

>> No.15635424
File: 1010 KB, 1159x3874, Tease ears - office MG - Anubis, Cheshire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop propagating the memeification of Cheshires. Instead, post different content of these lovable creatures. Especially if they're the ones being played with, more or less.

>> No.15635428

It's odd that we don't have an oppai loli Cheshire yet.

>> No.15635429

>not being here long enough to know how that meme originated
oh, anon.

>> No.15635434
File: 611 KB, 2000x2400, Threadly dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memecats are popular. Memecats are purple. Therefore purple is popular. Therefore what 'mukade must do is be purple!

>> No.15635435

Well, I tried. Hope Seaslimefag finds it at least decent.

>> No.15635440

>liking catgirls

This thread is for monstergirls, not vanilla girls.

>> No.15635441

You don't like memes? You've gotta be kitten me!

>> No.15635444

It's a little... how should I put this? Unnoticeable?

>> No.15635447

How much was in that dose doc? I'm not feeling too good

>> No.15635453

The cuddliest of oppai felines

>> No.15635458
File: 227 KB, 907x1200, 1463928446286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you dude, simplicity is awesome.

>> No.15635461

You'll be right as rain after you've had a sandwich and some liquids.

>> No.15635463
File: 143 KB, 800x800, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635465
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x1836, 0804161055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I forgor the pic.

>> No.15635466

>calling Anubis a catgirl
>assuming preference off of one image
Frankly, I'm an anon who can't settle on one design as my favourite since I'm quite fond of a lot of them, especially since I thought of the story related value each time I came across a new one.

>> No.15635472

What are those curious things around her?

>> No.15635478
File: 176 KB, 500x500, our abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I've been here since the /a/ days.
An irritating meme, no matter its origin, is still an irritating meme. It was funny at first, but by now its just tiresome
I enjoy memes, Anon. I think they're the cats' pajamas
But honestly Cheshires have been memed on hard enough already. They deserve more than to be just lambasted as memecats

>> No.15635480

Tiny Seaslimes. I can't draw a Slime without doing a Hershey's Kiss version of them. You could also think off them as younglings.

>> No.15635481


>> No.15635488

I choose to think of them as the angel and devil on her shoulders, one telling her to rape that shipwrecked sailor, the other telling her to rape that shipwrecked sailor.

>> No.15635492

That's a lot of bovine.

>> No.15635495

That works too.

>> No.15635497

It's too late for them. They've already been ruined.

>> No.15635498

That was good. Charon would be proud. I want to reward you with something, but I seem to have lost the link.

>> No.15635502

Stop stalling and cough it up.

>> No.15635504
File: 291 KB, 400x567, 1409588766233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635505

Gonna feed the cow

>> No.15635506

Hello. Though it's not me you're looking for, I wanted to say this is cute. Quite cute.

>> No.15635507


>> No.15635509

Oh god that's as good as the fairy angel and fairy Succubus a few threads back.
I can hear it now:
>"Rape him! Rape him! Rape him!"
>"No. We must see if he is okay. And then we rape him!"

>> No.15635519 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.11 MB, 600x971, 1470334199935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to risk this. I will delete it in 6 minutes.

>> No.15635524

ripip anon

>> No.15635526

Pretty magnificent.

>> No.15635533
File: 1.18 MB, 1218x1274, 1470178800095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said ooh girl
Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl
You turn me on with your electric feel
I said ooh girl
Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl
Turn me on with your electric feel

>> No.15635541

I wish I knew who made this

>> No.15635545

I will rest in peace, knowing this glorious work has been passed on.

Indeed. The outfit, the body language and best of all that pose exuding confidence at the end. Truly a thing of beauty.

>> No.15635550

Missed you by a few seconds for the group reply, but same here. I'm a slut for sourcing art, too, so it pains me to pass this on without one.

>> No.15635565

What happens when a Hellhound wants to wear dresses and be a good housewife for the man of her dreams?

>> No.15635569

Is it supposed to end with her panties still on, or am I just expecting more?

>> No.15635572
File: 942 KB, 854x1200, Trans-Am Raiju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can quote nice things too:
But seriously, Monorus made something magnificent there.

>> No.15635573

And so she strikes... LIKE THUNDERBALL!

>> No.15635575

My can't believe this because she doesn't have a hand down her pants.

>> No.15635578

Yes, that's how it ends. A moment in Charon and her beloved's life that's more lovely than it is lewd.

>> No.15635585

I want to marry that Hellhound.

>> No.15635594

Are you sure that isn't a dark skinned Kobold.

>> No.15635599

So sayeth 5 guys here and one in the AS thread.

>> No.15635600
File: 547 KB, 950x1024, 1462830173631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zap weasels are great, and need more love.
I want to see a cute rave girl raiju dancing to electronic music.

>> No.15635608

Cute is cute, Anon. Take heart! And thank you for sharing.

>> No.15635610

I want to see one cosplay as Iku and strike THAT pose as lightning strikes everything nearby like an epileptic rave party on acid.

>> No.15635619

Make sure your zombie is always warm enough

>> No.15635629

No, keep your zombies in the cold so they don't start to stink!

>> No.15635631

I never correlated that image with the normal Trans-Am colorscheme until now.

>> No.15635641

Zombies don't rot you retard.

>> No.15635652

Why would people even like zombies more than wights why not just love wights because that is what inevitably happens

>> No.15635659
File: 966 KB, 1992x2440, 1464984223414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schedule dog mechanic!

>> No.15635673

Because Wights are assholes that would probably hate you for being a "commoner".

Zombies don't care about that kind of stuff and just want to be hugged by you.

>> No.15635680

I want to be underneath that dragon pile

>> No.15635681

I approve of this.

>> No.15635682

Monorous sends his regards, Anon:

Ah, I really enjoy this piece by Buck. I'm still daydreaming of the scenario in which I have a Raijuu, Hellhound and a man meet, along with the journey that forges them into a tight pack.

I also just find the idea of a Hellhound buckling under the Raijuus different from of natural power and greater finesse while competing over him to be an amusing first meeting, all lewdness aside.

I, too, took a while until an Anon made such a comment about this recolour one day. I'd love to see her display such sweet Trans-Am maneuvers.

>> No.15635686

Sure, as long as she doesn't turn into a submissive moeblob.

>> No.15635720

Oh, great concept! I know you don't take credit for it, but it's always nice to see different portrayals. Hmm, I can imagine an Anubis mechanic (or their boss) to be like Sasaki from Sidonia no Kishi. Focused, organized, but far from robotic. Quite lovable!

Reference: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/925/052/7b3.gif

On that note, it could be interesting to see an Anubis with very dark brown or dark reddish-brown fur, much like her hair is depicted at times.

>> No.15635754
File: 3.13 MB, 1400x2800, 36915692_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me, /jp/. I need your advice.

My family recently sold me to a Gyoubu Danuki so that my older brothers will receive good fortune to become successful businessmen. It hasn't been so bad so far. It's been a week now and the worst thing she's done to me is dress me up in cute dresses. She's even been teaching me accounting during the daytime. And at night she lets me rest my head in her lap to comfort me from being separated from my family.

But just half an hour ago she came into my room wearing the skimpiest lingerie I've ever seen. She handed me an animal-ears headband and a buttplug tail and told me to come into her room wearing nothing but these.

I'm scared. Please tell me what to do.

>> No.15635756
File: 598 KB, 908x842, 1466459556376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about moeblob rape train girls is the way they vigorously force you into vanilla activities. I want to be thrown onto the bed on our wedding night by a cute Ushi-Oni and have my arms pinned to the sheets while she kisses and ravishes me. When she's done she'd cuddle me like a plush toy so tight I couldn't move a muscle while she nuzzled her cheek against my head.

>> No.15635765

Be a man, make her wear them.

>> No.15635766

>Please tell me what to do.
Step one, refrain from RPing. Step two, keep refraining from RPing.

>> No.15635770

Do it

>> No.15635789
File: 486 KB, 800x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But how would she work on cars with those massive paws? It's pretty cramped in places already.

>> No.15635809

Eh, it felt nice trying to be of service. What should I do next?

>> No.15635812


>> No.15635817

Wurm Island's inhabitants.

>> No.15635843

>Wurm island
You mean how Wurms took over donutsteel Lilim's cake island and somehow established a monarchy and 500 year bloodline in less than an hour? Or just a bunch of Wurms on an island doing things?

>> No.15635850

Do wurms like gummy worms

>> No.15635852


>> No.15635858

I was thinking the latter but the former sounds more interesting.

>> No.15635860

This is where I'm at a loss for words. I didn't expect this development. Allow me to ponder this briefly. Hmm.

Feel like flexing your muscle for a cutie-crab? Feel like giving her an unda-the-sea touch? If you know what I mean.

Not asking for a genderswap, just a Cancer who's part of Sebastian's musical ensemble, or holding his director's "cane"?

>> No.15635888

Big girls for the biggest of machines! Alternatively, high-tech gloves that actually split apart to become small mechanical and/or robotic arms that she can manipulate with an even greater degree of control than a human thanks to her animal-like senses.

>> No.15635907

Wurm on a gingerbread throne with a waffle crown atop her head might be cute.

This might be difficult, but I'll see what I can do another time. Don't expect anything, though, because I may forget and end up drawing Mari throwing cats at people or something.

>> No.15635921

Is this from Barb? Based dude, this is really fucking nice.

>> No.15635967

Is there even a decent picture of Cancer, now that I think about it?

>> No.15635971

Liches would be the type for cosplay, wouldn't they?
Anything to figure out what makes their man tick and why.

>> No.15635972 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 680x869, 1470338816355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here

>> No.15635975
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x1411, 1455127220144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of pictures of Cheshires.

Oh you mean the crab? There's this one.

>> No.15635984

Liches are the best!

>> No.15635990
File: 314 KB, 1000x1194, Mate...m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will mate with this large chirp chirp and be married as demanded by the Bird Pussy Republic.

You will make no mention of the evil spiders while in her presence.

>> No.15635996
File: 384 KB, 1280x905, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't I marry this chirp chirp instead?

>> No.15635998

She looks big, that's how I like harpies. Is she also aggressive?

>> No.15636002

Doctor, Evil Scientist, variations on their robes and resurrected paladin would work best.

>> No.15636005

No, that chirp chirp is already in line to marry >>15635998

>> No.15636006

Liches are bitches

>> No.15636007

But I don't want to mate with the chirp chirp. I want to mate with the the rawr.

>> No.15636016

You're a bitch

>> No.15636017

Drawing a crab will be a pain due to that shell and those claws. They're so huge, like they cude tear a tank apart!

>> No.15636022

But I want to marry this one >>15635990 not this one >>15635996

I'm >>15635998

>> No.15636023

Could. Jesus Fuck.

>> No.15636025

Fight me, nerd.

>> No.15636027

Litches ain't shit but magic and tricks

>> No.15636036

I want to see a Lich dressed up as Cloud of Darkness from Dissidia FF.

>> No.15636058

When did this come out because godamn

>> No.15636060

You bet so.

>> No.15636061

>Tharja from Waifu Emblem
>Ayamine Kei from Muv-Luv
>Saya from Asterisk
>Origami from Date A Live
>Sanya from Strike Witches
>Erika from Pokemon
I want the Lich wife to cosplay them all and not judge me too much for my taste.

>> No.15636063
File: 1.22 MB, 778x1100, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer is cute

>> No.15636077

Too bad.

>> No.15636079

Undead are best in general, which is why they work so well in different outfits.

>> No.15636081


>> No.15636087

I want to mix a vampire and a harpy!

A vampiric harpy!

>> No.15636091

You mean a bat?

>> No.15636092
File: 122 KB, 948x600, Lycan Vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Werewolf and Vampire

>> No.15636098

No, a vampiric harpy!

>> No.15636101

So a bat.

>> No.15636102
File: 377 KB, 800x1200, 58241233_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopping vampire + harpy

>> No.15636104


>> No.15636106

Not all bats are blood suckers

>> No.15636108

Vampire Dragon/Wight Dragon!

>> No.15636118

Yeah, and not all harpies are bats.


>> No.15636119

>Not a Vampire and a Yeti

Does anyone have the image for that? Thought I had it saved.

>> No.15636123

Kejourou + Dullahan

>> No.15636124

More common than a good picture of March Hare, I'll give you that

>> No.15636127

You mean a wig?

>> No.15636153


No, I mean a Kejourou who can toss her head at someone to ensnare them in hair and them have her body walk pick them up and walk away.

Also the head can walk on its own

Alternatively Kejourou + Rokurokubi

>> No.15636156

I want to make a fruit salad for a bat

>> No.15636163

>Kejohan playing shotaman GO

Trully fearsome.

>> No.15636170 [DELETED] 

Could a Kejourou Dullahan walk he head using her hain

>> No.15636192
File: 366 KB, 1177x1236, Wryyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15636209

Vampire + Amazon

They're my two favorite girls and that hybrid is probably my wet dream.

>> No.15636212

the hug is an excuse to go in for the neck bite

>> No.15636217

Can you handle this much moth?

>> No.15636220

>Undead are best
Wights and liches are too good, how can other girls even compete.

>> No.15636222

Thanks. I'm sure she would be gentle when biting.

>> No.15636226

I can try.

>> No.15636241

Probably not but I'd kill my dick trying.

>> No.15636247
File: 369 KB, 1280x960, 1468542611134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that moth leaking milk? Niiice.

>> No.15636254

Should they just give in and join the undead?

>> No.15636259

>combining monster girls
>not loving each and every one separately for their own reasons

Plebeians. All of you.

>> No.15636269

Calling others a pleb

>> No.15636276


I don't have a harem, but all monster girls are good for their own reasons.

>> No.15636284

I like paladins because they can protect me

>> No.15636285

Monstergirls can protect you better.

>> No.15636288

You mean you don't want a harem of a Yeticore, Ushikade and Hellmantis? Weird man.

>> No.15636291
File: 228 KB, 700x879, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are a lot of Monster Girls that can do the same thing.

>> No.15636293

Another pleb

>> No.15636302
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, 1462734059911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Group of Paladins decide to beat up on the husbando of a Shoggoth or Mindflayer
>Nearly maiming him to the point of never being able to walk again
>In her anger, she turns the Eldritch from 1 to mother fucking ÍA ÍA CTHULHU FTAGHN in a heartbeat
>When they're found, one Paladin's hair is completely white, muttering about the doom of fallen R'lyeh
>Another died of fright, clawing at his eyes
>The other swears that he can hear colour and see across different dimensions, where crystalline hellhounds snigger and snap at him
>The final one is in the corner of the room, completely silent and devoid of movement
>But when they touch him, he turns into a putrid, black ichor that reeks of the ocean
>Then the eyes open, all on the walls, staring into the souls of all present

>> No.15636310

I love my Dragon waifu because she'll always protect my smile, even though I'm so much weaker and smaller then her.

>> No.15636314

I'm going to mix an Orc and a holst and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me!

>> No.15636321

I don't see the point of that mix.

>> No.15636324

Soft, sadomasochistic cows that have muscle.

>> No.15636327
File: 224 KB, 600x600, Censored Moff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can handle way more moth than that.

>> No.15636328

Oh, you meant Orc as a normal orc, not a P'Orc.

Meh, I'd rather get a big green normal orc for snu snu.

>> No.15636329

Seaslimefag is I.
And I think it's great. Love the idea of the minislimes with those pointier veils on their heads.

>> No.15636339


Why not either a fit Holstaurus or a gentle Minotaurus?

>> No.15636341
File: 264 KB, 476x682, 1463431283104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I'm the only vanillafag here who can actually admit to liking every flavor of Orc girl

>> No.15636347

Those would be good.
I just enjoy the cow.

I'd love every flavor of Orc in every position.
Goes without saying that they'd all be broodmothers after a month.

>> No.15636368

I need more momth PLEASE!! (For my folder)

>> No.15636385

Artist is Buck-Satan IIRC.

>> No.15636404

Thanks Anon

>> No.15636415
File: 577 KB, 840x947, 1456105375904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That horrible realization when no matter how chocolate crumble cake you pretend your choice in waifus is
>At your very core you are just so
>French Vanilla

>> No.15636417

Ah! Vampire hugs!

>> No.15636421

Her Tumblr page is perhaps the most Tumblry Tumblr page I've ever seen, but they're a pretty fantastic artist. I'll have to commission something from them at some point.

>> No.15636426

At my very core I'm a perfectly good flavor of cake/ice cream and a delectable flavor of candle?

>> No.15636428

I want to help a cyclops stand out in the crowd by giving her a bunch of potions to increase her bust and hip size!
I want her to keep going until they get almost too big for her frame and she's forced to repay my help by becoming a milk cow...

Impregnation would follow to improve her milk flow.

>> No.15636430

The guy lurks this place too, as I remember chatting with him after that one Kiki of his was posted.
Kejfag also commisioned from him IIRC.

>> No.15636433
File: 657 KB, 842x938, 1446575929517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ooo! A Human!

>> No.15636434

what sort of shit would a delivery boy get into in mgc?

>> No.15636436

No fox can catch the wang dangler!

>> No.15636438

>act like my taste in porn is only the most degenerate of stuff
>it's actually entirely only disgustingly sweet things

get a feeling so complicated

>> No.15636441

Aren't they a girl, though? Their "about me" page would suggest that.

>> No.15636442

Wondering how many of his boxes are dildos, how many were ordered just so a single MG could try to trap him, the occasional YEEEAAARRT.

>> No.15636443

Yes I am a Human!

Take me to your shrine! I wish to meet your mof- I mean leader!

>> No.15636444
File: 135 KB, 750x600, 1466884872857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally have no idea how much it affects me when it comes to shit like writing. I want to write extremely degenerate stuff with Shoggoths and Mindflayers and shit but at the same time, I just want to relax with a P'Orc and sweater puppies just sipping hot chocolate. Fuck my shit up.

>> No.15636445

Ooooo! A source of fox milk!

>> No.15636449
File: 74 KB, 768x1024, Yoruichi the Raiju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown Raijus best Raijus.

>> No.15636450

Have these threads ever had female fans of monsters or is that just not a thing

>> No.15636451

He/she has also been a drawfag for different boards and is aware of the threads here, seems like a decent person if you can look past the stereotypical tumblr page.

>> No.15636452

Well, that's news to me.

>> No.15636453

If there has, it probably hasn't been for long since the two ways they could enjoy it are rage on sight topics.
Unless they have a corruption fetish.

>> No.15636460

No anon you will not find a girl to cosplay as your waifu

>> No.15636461

LDR if you believe her gender. She's also into more kinky shit than most the thread.

>> No.15636463
File: 592 KB, 2000x939, 1465269262972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy's Night!

Cute boys get free drinks!

>> No.15636464

Oh, thank you anon!

I've been asking for this the last couple days, since I realized the file I thought I saved was corrupt.

>> No.15636465

Yeah, a few. LDR and TF in the past, I'm pretty sure IA lurks here every once in a while too.
Going by that, there must be at least one or two more female fans who post here without outing themselves, because, y'know, they know how to not announce themselves.

>> No.15636466

I see a girl I don't know, a whore and a nice girl.

>> No.15636469

get good at running from lonely MG's. Until they meet one that dont want to run from and accept their invitation to stay for something to eat

>> No.15636472


>That'll be $15.99 ma'am
"Oh dear, I don't have any money. Is there some other way for me to pay for it?"
>I take debit or credit.
"My credit card information was stolen and I have to wait a few more days to get a new one. Are you sure there's no other way I can pay for it?"
>We take checks.
"I uhh... lost my check book. Seriously, I'll do ANYTHING to pay for it."
>I'm sorry ma'am, but I have to take some form of payment for th-"
>"Ma'am, we have a policy of not accepting sex as a method of payment. I'm sorry, have a nice day."

Then the girl goes back inside and eats a tub of ice cream while quietly sobbing.

>> No.15636497

Oh wow Charon works here!

I'm a big fan! I hope I can get her autograph! She's ferried my ancestors for millenia!

>> No.15636499

shouldn't monstergirls realize the men would get fired for being payed with sex

>> No.15636502
File: 110 KB, 1024x724, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Want to be the fuck toy of a monster girl who is stronger than me and treated like a piece of meat
>Also want her to genuinely care about me and my well being

It's a strange feeling.

>> No.15636503

>there must be at least one or two more female fans who post here without outing themselves, because, y'know, they know how to not announce themselves
Likely is, pervy girls with femdom fetishes who would probably enjoy being Hellhound or Manticore for example.

And then there's the ones on the more submissive side of things or girls who are into degrading situations who might dream of being a Hinezumi or Kiki. Girls can be just as lewd as guys and any who have been on 4chan for more than a week know not to announce it unprovoked.

>> No.15636504

I don't think I can make a good cake metaphor for my waifu.
On the one hand, I want to tenderly love her and have the most sweet vanilla relationship with her.
But on the other, I want to do things to/with her and subject her to fetishes that would make /d/ double-take.

So I guess the cake would be sweet frosted vanilla on the outside, with an inside that is filled with stuff like vanilla-flavoured animal dicks, dark slime jam, and cake-mix that exists in five spatial dimensions.

>> No.15636505

I want to tenderly love Charon.

>> No.15636507
File: 136 KB, 919x720, 1460912961199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-But you said cute guys get free drinks...
>That's exactly right sir, they do. That'll be twelve bucks, please.

>> No.15636508

>If I put this collar on Anon there's no way he can ever leave me! Kyaa!~ I said it out loud!~

>> No.15636517

>The free drinks are vaginal fluids straight from the tap

>> No.15636520


I've never worked at a food delivery place. Is that true?

>> No.15636535
File: 103 KB, 1000x700, designated wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never gonna cuddle with a vampire while she sucks my blood

Vampires make my heart go doki-doki like no other. I blame my oral fixation.

I'm a total slut for gentle femdom, god forbid a monster ever found out I melt upon any sort of contact with my ears

>> No.15636543

It's called having taste.

>> No.15636546

Try and stop a yeti from hugging, I dare you

>> No.15636549

I'll tell my waifu

>> No.15636560

The yeti will hug her too.
She can't be stopped.

>> No.15636561

I always have a feather ready to tickle a Yeti until she releases her hug.

>> No.15636568
File: 534 KB, 700x990, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I would think about running away after she claimed me


>I'm a total slut for gentle femdom

The best

>god forbid a monster ever found out I melt upon any sort of contact with my ears

Sadly I don't know what my hyper lewd spot is. But it would be fun for a monster to figure it out.

>> No.15636571
File: 212 KB, 1250x1500, HOVyagl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Territory wars with the Delivery Wock

>> No.15636576
File: 619 KB, 1600x2000, 1455419665495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a total slut for gentle femdom
It really is the best.

>> No.15636580 [SPOILER] 
File: 240 KB, 1071x1153, 1470348896931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon will never be able to resist!

>> No.15636582


>> No.15636587

Hellhounds would be GOAT for me, but I can't stand the heat.

Maybe if I didn't live a in a desert.

>> No.15636589

I'm resisting right now, I will never like spiders!

>> No.15636591

What about a vampire scraping her fangs against your earlobe, and breathing into your ears?

Fuck, all this femdom talk has rekindled my urge to be bitten and clawed all over by a strong anubis.

>> No.15636596

But I have the stamina of a sack of potatoes.

>> No.15636597

Good, I don't have to outrun the Hellhound, I just have to outrun you.

>> No.15636602

Who could an Ushi cosplay as

>> No.15636606

>What about a vampire scraping her fangs against your earlobe

Aw man, I hadn't even considered the possibilities of fang play. Truly I have a long way to go.

>> No.15636610

>Outrunning the hellhound

For what reason? If I were there, I'd just charge towards the hellhound and tackle her to the ground anyway.

A tank.
A spidertank.
A commercial aircraft's turbofan.

>> No.15636611
File: 328 KB, 800x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all this femdom talk has rekindled my urge to be bitten and clawed all over by a strong anubis

Just give in Anon. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a cute little Schedule Dog's favorite chew toy.

>> No.15636613

I bet she could totally cosplay as that one dainty elf character from that one anime

>> No.15636615

>Strong Anubis on top of you in the cowgirl position
>Bends down to nibble your neck and breathes in your ear
>Straightens herself back up and instructs you to explore her body with your hands, right down to the pacing and locations
>Starts getting serious with the speed of her hips and sets a time for you to hold on till, if you last that long you get a kiss
>Her technique is too much and you blow your load inside her
>She gives you a stern look before breaking her act with a giggle and kisses you anyway
Gentle femdom can't be beat.

>> No.15636621

I'd be running slowly on purpose anyway, no way I could say no to getting caught by a Hellhound.

>> No.15636622

What if I don't want femdom because I'm not worth the effort

>> No.15636626

I've never had a doubt I was vanilla as fuck by 4chan standards. I don't even like femdom at all

>> No.15636627

Anon, for unknown reasons, you have found yourself hunted by a mysterious monster girl, but not just any monster girl. She is a hybrid between two different monster girls.

Roll twice for what hybrid you’ll get. If you get that same one, just roll again.

So anon, are you going to survive? Why are you being hunted? How does it end? Will you love her?

>> No.15636636

This is a weird concept, but it also means I'm completely and utterly fucked. What would this even look like?

>> No.15636638

The worst thing is I want to delete all my shit because I can't be lewd. It's physically impossible.

>> No.15636641

>first result is dormouse
well that was a challenging escape wasn't it

>> No.15636642

>Rolled Arch Imp 3 times
>Got Jinko on the 4th
I guess a stupidly strong magical Jinko loli with magic powers and a cocky attitude.

Damn right I'll love her, Arch Imp is possibly the most underused monster girl.

>> No.15636645

Well fuck

>> No.15636646

>Ghost Dryad
Can ghost trees even move? If so then I'm probably going to end up caught,

>> No.15636647
File: 405 KB, 1000x1000, Chibi Kiki Advisor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to that.
Being a wizard/mage or whatever in MGE terms means being capable of controlling and manipulating your own spirit energy to cast spells.

This also means that being incubus or human is an irrelevant in terms of being able to become a mage. Both produce spirit energy and can learn to control it. The catch here is that an incubus produces vast amounts more SE than a regular human, and therefore can become a much greater mage than a regular human.

That all is irrelevant when compared to Monstergirls however, who feed on SE, turning it into Demonic Energy (think of it like a refining proces), the power that is responsible for corrupting everyone. They dont use SE to cast spells like humans/incubi, but use DE to do so. And that simply is far more effective than using (raw) SE, which is why a trained human/incubi can never beat a Monstergirl who is capable of controlling her own DE.

Which is essentially another gaurantee by KC to ensure that humanity cannot in any form or shape win the 'war'.

>> No.15636649

>Holstaur & Girtablilu
So a busty, mellow and sadistic MG... oh...

>> No.15636651

>Your Vampire waifu is sucking your blood
>It feels so nice, so comfortable
>You drift off to sleep without even realizing it
>She cuddles up next to you when she's finished
>One of the servants bursts in shortly afterwords
>"Mistress! Th-"
>She stops dead in her tracks when you wife looks up at her, eyes full of fury
>She starts over, this time in a whisper
>"Mistress, there is a breach in the castle wall. A pair of Vampire slayers have gotten inside and are on their way to the throne room."
>Letting out a sigh, your wife responds
>"This is more important. Tell them to wait, and that if they wake my husband, I will slaughter every single person they have ever met."
>"But, Mistress, I don't believe they'll wait."
>"Fine, stay here. If he wakes up, tell him my sister came to visit. He won't ask about the noise or the screaming."

>> No.15636655

Please stop enabling my rampant, lurid fantasies of being utterly at the mercy of a delicious brown canine goddess.
My mind's still caught on the idea of wrapping up an anubis in bandages until only her eyes, nose and ears remain un-mummified, then completely domming her.
If this persists, I'll want an anubis to magically bind and restrain me with bandages like that even more, too.

>> No.15636658

Well, I won't say that its my best work but here's the Tittypire Greentexts from a couple days ago, now with 100% more paizuri.


Lewds at line 100.

>> No.15636659

>First one is my absolute favorite monster girl
I'm not going to bother combining her with anything. She's already perfect.

>> No.15636660

>Beelzebub + Sphinx
>Liliraune + Dormouse
I'll take the second hybrid thank you very much.

>> No.15636663

Thanks Kiki.

>> No.15636666
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.15636668

>A dead tree with spectral leaves that keeps you inside of it so it can feel alive and growing.

>> No.15636669

It's physically impossible for you to be lewd? How so?

It's like a dryad spirit, and the tree has ghostly branches too.

>> No.15636670


I..... I am afraid but want this.

>> No.15636671

Welcome back from being not-so-dead, and it's nice to see you do lactation stuff.

>> No.15636677

I wasn't talking about the wizards in MGE though, just comparing the average wizard from any setting with the incubus.

>> No.15636678

Well that's no fun anon...

>> No.15636679

Which one? I'll find a monstergirl to fuse her with to make her even more perfect.

>> No.15636684

No problem.
Just glad I can do something folks enjoy.

>> No.15636686

Not him, but what would you fuse a dormouse with?

>> No.15636694

>It was average all along
Nice, good to have you back.

>> No.15636698

Weresheep. A brown monstergirl. An angel with big, fluffy wings. Kesaran pasaran. Ittan momen for a nice dormouse-bedcover girl.

That's just off the top of my head.

>> No.15636700
File: 175 KB, 1117x1002, 1431489954037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one protect a shota against a group of onis/ogres?

>> No.15636704

Alice. Perma virgin Dormouse who will always have a pure mind.

>> No.15636708

>Beelzebub Mothman
I don't know how that would turn out.

>> No.15636709

You don't.

>> No.15636711

Thanks, although I never really left.
Just got quiet is all....

Well, got quiet and started playing Fate/GO again.

>> No.15636713

With determination and a dildo too thick, rough and heavy to be called a dildo.

>> No.15636715

Unagi Joro and Siren.
Fucked if i know how that works.

>> No.15636719

By ensuring he is engaged to all of them.

>> No.15636720

>Much to the surprise of no-one, your friend lifted her shirt, setting those great, milky udders of hers free.
>The skin was flawless and two rosy nipples stood out at the apex of the curves, a little trickle of her cloudy liquid leaking out from within.
>You'd never really questioned why her breasts were constantly lactating, you'd always figured it involved holst blood, but right now you weren't too terribly focused on that.
Absolutely marvelous.

>> No.15636724

>not walking into the throne room while she's trying to do her intimidating speech
>not embarrassing her while she's trying to intimidate them

Such are the Husbando's responsibilities.

>> No.15636725

>Bribing with brownies

>> No.15636726

Why would you want to do that? If I was the shota I'd gladly give myself to them.

Your pic isn't a shota I think, the girls are just tall

>> No.15636733

At that point, there's no real functional difference. It's great either way.

>> No.15636735

>more vampire stuff

aw yiss, the weather may be frightful, but it's still a good day.

>> No.15636738

An eel with wings? An eel that can sing?

>> No.15636741

Her thighs would be too big to be able jump out of the chest.

>> No.15636747

>Wererabbit Mimiru


>> No.15636749

Is that a tiny Kiki I spy?

Do you also happen to have the original file name? I enjoy collecting works with filenames intact.

>> No.15636754

>living armor dark matter
What? No that doesn't even work. How would that even make sense

>> No.15636759

>Kikimora Unicorn


I'm perfectly safe.

>> No.15636761
File: 93 KB, 307x600, Dark_Priest_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my name is Sister Price
And I would like to share with you
The most amazing book

>> No.15636766

... alright, what book?

>> No.15636768

Okay so doing pretty good so far
>dark angel
Holy shit what are the fucking odds
does she just implode? Does the dark half corrupt the regular half? Is it full chuuni with one normal wing and one dark wing?

>> No.15636770

Man i never noticed the hole in the chest piece. Must be great for slamming your dick into

>> No.15636773

Too busy for that drivel, sorry.

>> No.15636774


Not at all what I expected, but I think I would enjoy it. I'll definitely survive and just may end up coming back for her. As for why I'm being hunted: I woke her up?

>> No.15636778

Anon, you've basically just made a monstergirl version of Genesis from Preacher.

>> No.15636781

No, I bet you've sucked at least 5 dicks only today.


>> No.15636793

isnt that the ass face comic?

>> No.15636799

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.15636812

Every lonely monster of the type of your choice spontaneously becomes pregnant with a human male child. Who do you choose and why?

>> No.15636815

Even worse than vanilla, anon.

The sex come second. I just want to be good enough to be loved by someone outside of family.

>> No.15636818


Thanks, but I'm actually already a Christian. Want a class of water? That is the good book you're talking about, right?

>> No.15636830


Isn't this a hybrid already?


Good thing I'm not wearing red. That should make it easier to hide. On the other hand, she probably just needs a hand with something.

The Book of Moomins

>> No.15636835

Hotdog + Glacie

d-does that make a frost hound?
d-does that mean time-stopping bondage?

>> No.15636849

Oh my, yes. I hope you like how it feels when she fucks your timestopped body for hours, then unfreezes time so all those hours of sensation hit you in a single instant. Only for her to freeze again the instant afterwards, fuck you for a few more hours, then resume time for another mere second.

Could you withstand even two minutes of that?

>> No.15636850

>lizardman elf
I LITERALLY could not be more fucked. Also, this combo can technically actually happen.

>> No.15636875

Reminder that elf blood means they are weak to ear based attacks, forceful impregnation, and deviant fetishes.

>> No.15636876

>Werebat and Kitsune
Gentlemen behold! The infamous Mofu-Bat!

>> No.15636878

>"You'll duel me fairly, won't you anon?"
>"And when you win, you're going to abuse my body sexually, aren't you?!"
>"You'll ravage me senseless and fill me full of your children!!"
>"And maybe even deny me orgasm!! You fiend!!"

>> No.15636885

>tfw didn't save that doujin page of a guy molesting an elf's ears with the excuse of teaching english or another language with body parts

>> No.15636887

Now I want to see a Lich acting like Dr. Weird and coming up with crazy experiments.

>> No.15636892

well im screwed may as well embrace it

>> No.15636893

>Arachne Baphomet
Jesus Fucking Christ. An eight-legged mini goat who has the sadism of an Arachne and the immense power of a Baphomet.
There is no way in hell I am going to survive this. No matter where I go, she'll be hiding in the corner, whispering something creepy like "I see you~" and causing me to bolt again.
She's probably hunting me because I greatly prefer older women over younger ones. Not sure how it's gonna end, and I can't say for certain whether or not I'll love her.

>> No.15636897

>giant ant

So an ant that's possessed by a fox? That's actually pretty terrifying. The strength and work ethic of an ant combined with the magic and craftiness of a fox is a pretty effective combination. Of course a can of Raid might still save me.

>> No.15636901
File: 138 KB, 1341x746, Frosthound .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-oh goodness
can her powers be expanded upon to let things she in contact with move around too?
we could fuck in the weirdest places during her time-stop and none would be the wiser

>> No.15636905

uncensored version where?

>> No.15636943

What do sad monsters do

>> No.15636952
File: 2.50 MB, 1493x2108, 1458325107812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like us.

>> No.15636961
File: 1.06 MB, 836x1200, Gazer and Anubis Final Resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Gazerfag. Noticed it was your birthday today, so I got together with Snibako last week and chatted some commission ideas.
Long story short, I thought I'd commission a picture of a gazer with my personal favourite, because who doesn't like monstergirls doing things together, and surprise pictures of gazers on their birthday?

The basic idea was a little gazer, who can naturally levitate, supporting an equally little anubis as she casts a levitation spell on herself to fly for the first time.
You may also notice the gazer is a big fan of thematic appropriation, and giving her eyestalks neat accessories and hats.

Anyway, Snib really went all out to deliver another stunning piece of art, so a huge, huge "Thank you" to him!

And from one waifufag to another, happy birthday, Gazerfag!
Hope you like the full image!


>> No.15636962
File: 1009 KB, 2000x3500, Adorable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you accept the love of a Quetzalcoal?

>> No.15636963
File: 187 KB, 500x846, sad shoggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leak, sometimes.

>> No.15636977

Gazers fluffy tail is just the best.

>> No.15636982
File: 59 KB, 700x543, 1439867373229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build snowmen

>> No.15636987

Look for husbands.

Take special heed around these girls, gents. They're not in the right state of mind.

>> No.15636991

become Yan

>> No.15636995
File: 717 KB, 1280x435, 1455058765907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you survive mating season anon?

>> No.15637000

Once she learns to control her powers, sure.
What sort of weird places did you have in mind, though? Because on solid air and slow water are both pretty good ideas, I think.


The fact that I wrote both of these suggests that I might like the whole time stop fetish and its potential a little too much.

>> No.15637007

Asking my best friend to pretend to be my girlfriend during it

>> No.15637015

Those outfits look lovely.

>> No.15637017

Really late response, but whereas other writers seem to have no trouble thinking of turbo lewd scenarios, I end up falling into a rut and rehashing the same thing over and over like I'm a writer for Family Guy. It's kind of frustrating, and going with what makes the dick hard doesn't always work because that doesn't necessarily make it good.

It's a bummer, but eh. Can always burn the mistakes away.

>> No.15637019

Oh man, that's nice


>> No.15637024

In the end, a sex scene will always boil down to "penis in vagoo." That means that unless you're getting really freaky with it, what distinguishes the sex and the lewdness, makes it unique, is the dynamic between the participants.
Sex in made interesting by the unique interactions of the characters sharing in it, so if you think your sex scenarios are too rehashed, try this:
Make the sex itself the secondary focus to the intimacy between those having it.
It's good for a sex scene to have dialogue. It makes it mean something.

Does that help, or not?

>> No.15637026


>> No.15637033
File: 95 KB, 624x560, 1457380310617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really late response, but whereas other writers seem to have no trouble thinking of turbo lewd scenarios, I end up falling into a rut and rehashing the same thing over and over like I'm a writer for Family Guy.
>tfw never wrote smut and most likely never will
>tfw writing thousands and thousands of words of non-smut using a setting which primarily focuses on sex

If one can't be gud at something, gotta be gud at something else.

>> No.15637036

shit where did the quote go

>> No.15637038
File: 847 KB, 1024x1024, soviet_tank_crew_crab_girl_by_jay87k-d8b5kqn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am he who suggested it. Just wanted to say:
a) do it in your own time, since half the joy of seeing an artist take a request is their enjoyment after completing it
b) crab girls outfitted for war and taking on tanks is a scary, but highly exciting thought!

/pol/ please stay away

>> No.15637044

>you will never be this loved

>> No.15637056

How does one discipline the daughteru without it being lewd

>> No.15637058

They undoubtedly have a top tier fluffy tail, any kitsune or wolfgirl could be proud of.

Yeah, they do look very nice.
The general idea for the gazer was a one-piece swimsuit made with her own goo, along with it covering her forearms and lower-legs too. You can probably also see the amusing little detail on the goo-swimsuit too.

The main inspiration for the anubis' garb came from that picture of an anubis sleeping on the pile of books. I suggest something with a gold armband, and Snib went above and beyond with the gold detailing for the bands and the top. I think the little gold jewel at her throat is a perfect compliment to it, as well.

But hey, I am kind of biased towards loving the picture anway.

>> No.15637064

Tease my waifu during it.

>> No.15637083

where couldn't we fuck, the possibilities are endless
>sex in the middle of a porn shoot
>in a maximum security prison
>bank vault
>senior's center
>in front of people like the president
>kindergarten classes

the amount of pranks we could do together would be awe inspiring and shut down any and all upcoming pranking sprees by cheshires everywhere

>I might like the whole time stop fetish and its potential a little too much.

anon there's no such thing

>> No.15637119

Doing it in a senior's center seems more like a challenge than anything.
And in a kindargarten class? If that's a monstergirl kindergarten, you're just asking for some time-stop hijinks with your waifu and some monstergirl lolis.
But doing it in front of a camera recording live to national TV would be great. You could stop time, both strip down naked, get in front of the camera, and fuck for a few minutes. Then, after you make sure your faces are both hidden, your time dragon/frosthound waifu unfreezes time for a literal millisecond, just enough to make an entire country's worth of people wonder if they're fucking nuts.

>> No.15637127


No TV/vidya/books/something they enjoy for C amount of time

>> No.15637141

>people all over the world scrutinize the video and isolate that millisecond
>"It's evidence of monster loving propaganda and subliminal brainwashing!"
>The president gets impeached as a monster sympathizer

>> No.15637172

>Dark Slime
MAGIC all up in this place

Survive? Maybe? Does it count if I run straight to her? Seriously, an Undead/Slime-type combo is just unfair, two of my favorites in one.

>> No.15637186

>Dormouse and Girtablilu
I honestly don't know how this would turn out.

>> No.15637187

>Fallen God
>Large Mouse
That's some serious min/maxing going on.

>> No.15637199

So my only hope is blinding and deafening myself. Great.

>> No.15637203

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Mouse maids.
Hinezumi bodyguards, large mouse general staff, dormouse cooks.
All looking to serve you!

>> No.15637215

By mating.

>> No.15637216
File: 1.66 MB, 1700x2000, Hoof Pussy Kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will join the best kingdom right anon?


>> No.15637222

If you rolled a dormouse, I could've made a joke about some sleeping eldritch god which corrupts the dreams of everyone in the world.

>> No.15637223


>Dark Priest

I have no idea.

>> No.15637225

I want to teach that cancer the joys of capitalism!

>> No.15637226


>> No.15637235

I have already joined the migrating Visiwolfu tribe.

>> No.15637238

Damn, that's a hot combination. And incredibly magically powerful too.

But with the way the dark slime part works, would the dark lich-slime still capture and melt down girls?
Or maybe she'd absorb them, and use their minds to add to her own knowledge and intelligence. With a central phylactery for her soul, connected to many other mini-phylacteries for the absorbed souls.

>> No.15637246

The only thing I'm good at is reading shitty Forgotten Realms and Black Library books while quaffing massive amounts of alcohol that'd kill any lesser man.

Sort of.

>> No.15637250

The what?

>> No.15637251

" There's a hair in my soup! Head Maus Maid, explain this!"
> " Sir, there's several, as she hasn't gone to the barber in a while. And please don't shout, you'll wake her up. "
" Her silken jammies are soaking up the broth! "
> " It's for flavoring, sir. Just take them off and wring them out. We'll see to it that she gets them back on. "
" This roast is snoring! "
> " Well, she didn't want to get too hot and end up dehydrated. Can wake up with a nasty headache, that way. "
" My fondue is half eaten! "
> " Sorry, that was me. "

>> No.15637255

Google brings up no results for "visiwolf".
Probably some made up thing. Hopefully it won't become as forced and obnoxious as the horse pussy kingdom shit is.

>> No.15637263

Visigoths + wolfu

>> No.15637272

Well, Large Mouse kind of gets trumped by the whole Fallen God thing. Regardless of the specifics, I think I'm pretty much fucked. Over and over and over and ad nauseum. Unless she's just after me for my cheese.

>> No.15637273

All that trouble would be worth it I imagine.
Especially if your hinezumi guards follow the standard henchman lineup.

>> No.15637277

Can I molest the Wolfus?

>> No.15637279


>> No.15637281

Only if you're willing to let them sack Rome in exchange.

>> No.15637283

Fine, I don't even live in Rome.

>> No.15637285

" Twins, I need you in here. "
> " Uh oh, the boss is mad about that fondue. "
> " Don't call him boy, he's the boss! "
> " I'll call you boy! "
> " Ow! "
" Both of you, stop bickering and get over here. "
> " Yes boss. "
> " Yes boss. "
> " this is your fault. "
> "shut up. "
" Some punishment is in order. "
> " We could spank her. "
> " You could spank me, though that's not much of a punishment for anyone. "
> " Shut up! "
> " Make me! "

>> No.15637289

What's with the weird spacing on your speech marks?

>> No.15637299

I was more going with the rule of three.

You'll have one henchwomen who is strong but a bit dumb, a henchwoman whose pretty but not terribly that different in combat styles, and one who has a really out of place combat style and a few eccentricities.

>> No.15637303

I like to throw in the extra space because I think " words is more pretty then "words, probably because my eyes aren't great and it makes it easier to see. If you think it's an issue worth getting uppity about I'll change it, but I think it's just style.

>> No.15637317 [SPOILER] 
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Rule of Two is better.

>> No.15637350
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Just how varied is terrain in Undead Kingdoms?

>> No.15637365
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You've got

>Haunted Mansions
>Spooky Castles
>Eerie Canals
>Empty Schools
>Deserted Shacks

And so on

>> No.15637370

>No spoopy forests/greenhouses/arboretum or Castlevania-esque subterranean areas

>> No.15637379


"And so on," would imply that there are more than those listed.

What kinda plants would undead grow?

>> No.15637380
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Perfect for a Dhampir to dash backwards through.

>> No.15637388

And in the middle of spooky, scary, skeleton-ville there will be a 24-hour Walgreens.

>> No.15637396

>What kinda plants would undead grow?
I'd imagine that bioluminescent plants would be fairly common. Hell, there might even be bioluminescent Alraunes.

>> No.15637416

Lot's and lots of shrooms.


>> No.15637433

Probably a lot of impressive flowers that bloom in moonlight.

>> No.15637442

It's not that my sex scenes are rehashed so much as all of my scenarios sound the fucking same. Okayodon, impregnation, and other stupid shit are what I always do and I hate it because they all end up sounding like bad hentai stories.

>> No.15637451
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Stacked Jack-o-Lanterns.

>> No.15637463

The undead kingdom is actually made up of multiple layers. The top layer is at ground level, open to the sky. It's nestled away in a hidden land, concealed by mountains to the east, and a sea to the west. Just because of that, the entire land is naturally covered in mostly hardy coniferous plants and trees. The cold temperature, general lack of sunlight and exposure to the sea means that only the toughest flora can thrive there.
And despite being a kingdom, you won't see much in terms of civilisation. It'd be rare to find a clearing made for the citizenry larger than two or three acres, except for the few, loosely congregated towns and villages.
Though the entire land would be networked with paved roads between those gathering and clearings, I imagine.

But below that, there's an entire cavern large enough to fit a capital city. Because, as it turns out, there is an entire capital city inside it. Castles, mansions, houses, markets, streets, towns, all built around cave walls, stalagmites the size of buildings, subterranean lakes, and all kinds of features. And all of it linked to the land above with an utterly astounding level of infrastructure. A true kingdom, lit by an artificial, magical sun that glows more like a moon than anything else. Spiralling staircases, ramping grooves cut into the rock walls, and fixed currents of magical energy would be just a few methods of transport about the place.

And who knows, maybe there's even a layer below that one. And another below that.

>> No.15637465

Cultivating them must be very difficult.

>> No.15637468

Yandere amazons hunting their lovers and protecting them from WHORES

>> No.15637471

Is that you, undead kingdom world building anon?

>> No.15637477

The biggest mystery of all is the kinda pathways that lead into Spirit Realms such as these.

>> No.15637479 [SPOILER] 
File: 294 KB, 960x1280, 1470363195171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what this thread needs?
THICC Cyclops

>> No.15637482
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Here you go another from that set.

>> No.15637486

I didn't even know we had a guy who did that.
I just wrote that on a whim, and thought it might be a nice free idea.

Oh, yeah, that's another thing I should've maybe alluded to.
In an undead kingdom, it'd make sense that you'd have an entire infrastructure on the Other Side that undead and ethereal beings could pass between. Like the entire city is an interstice between living and dead.

>> No.15637488

>those arms
She's like a one-eyed thickasaurus rex.

>> No.15637491

That's literally just fat. I can see the flab rolls and cellulite. I can fucking see it.

>> No.15637500

This. Fucking fatfags.

>> No.15637502
File: 325 KB, 960x1280, 1470094659176-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter anon? Don't you like cheesecake?

>> No.15637511

Ah, I remember there was similar world building involving undead monsters a while back so I thought you were responsible for that as well.

I assume the lichborn sun fulfils the magical needs of most unmarried, albeit less than satisfactorily. Do they carry out agriculture on the surface? In the vestigial caves underground? Is there industry? Mining? Financial services? How are surface-metropole relations? Who are their neighbours and/or principal trading partners? Who rules from the silent palace in the Neath?

Do they trade rare minerals with the western mermaids for husband-resuscitating blood? Do encyclopedia-monoeyes journey there to delve the rich metal seams beneath the Fallen Capital? Do they have a strategic alliance with the exiled Alps in the eastern mountains?

I get slight Fallen London vibes whenever someone mentions an underground city.

>> No.15637518
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The thought that abandoned and cordoned areas in the normal world can act as pathways to Undead oriented Spirit Realms is a very appealing though.

>> No.15637527

Nothing will ever beat the cairn cities of Abarrach IMO. They were actually really well thought out. Beautiful example of undead slave labor too.

>> No.15637539

Funny you talk about cheese. You know what thrives on cheese and the level of fatshit you're posting? Fucking mould.

Now go back to /monster/ and stop tying to push your fatshit here.

>> No.15637541

Why is that Lich nervous?

>> No.15637545

Getting a myself girlfriend.

>> No.15637593

It's easier to ask how my waifu survives my rut.

>> No.15637609

Yeah, a magical sun would be required, but I think it wouldn't put out nearly enough light or UV to keep a human healthy, considering the latter is probably death to vampires.
In such a setting, industry and mining would probably be pretty strong. Especially when a lot of your worder literally lack the capacity to run out of breath or become tired.
I think the surface-metropole relations would be pretty strong. Like the subway, all you'd need to do is go down a flight of stairs and find yourself in the underground city.

Maybe over the sea to the west there's the desert continent. If so, that'd mean the pharaohs and desert kingdom rulers would get on with the undead pretty well, given their shared affinities. Or perhaps there'd be some squabbles because they both have overlapping, yet different beliefs and ideas about the afterlife. Like a spiritual turf conflict.

All of your ideas are pretty great, connecting a larger world together.
I haven't played Fallen London though, so I can't make that same connection unfortunately.

>> No.15637616

Yeah, like areas where life in general just seems to stay away, with certain emotions and vibes attached to it. Making those areas the perfect place to manifest paths to a spiritual analogue of that physical place.

>> No.15637620

Now this is how a guy who really loves his waifu answers.

Who is she?

>> No.15637628

There's no point in resisting something like this. Not that I would.

>> No.15637630

>undead slime hive-mind hunting me
>can only assume it's for 'research'

What was that one line? 'Stop, I can only get so aroused?' Although I can imagine the Dark Lich would find a way to remove that limit.

>> No.15637679

That's the closest we've gotten to a bonafide Palpatine Raiju.
Her electric discharges probably act like lightning strikes to instantly transform women who get near her.

>> No.15637684

Is that why they call it the force? It forces you to monster/incubize?

>> No.15637690
File: 201 KB, 692x1002, Cute dragon 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a tomboyish dragon. There is a lot about her that I like to talk about, but too bad I can't right now.

>> No.15637699


Akantor Anon is that you?

>> No.15637730

>Yeah, a magical sun would be required, but I think it wouldn't put out nearly enough light or UV to keep a human healthy, considering the latter is probably death to vampires.
When I was brainstorming Undead Kingdoms, I remember having an idea for miniature green spirit realms that exist within the U.Ks. to cater to human visitors and citizens.
They'd also work well in the case some Undead MGs were engaging in husbando husbandry.

>> No.15637733


>> No.15637737

What would Mice think the book "Of Mice and Men" is about?

>> No.15637741
File: 2.10 MB, 1771x2509, Fluffly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But my waifu does have almost the same hair and scale color as her.

>> No.15637742

Anal, probably.

>> No.15637743

I keep thinking he posted that in 2016, fuuuck.

>> No.15637750

Two alps.

Dumb sluts.

>> No.15637754

Don't go all Lennie on the mice

>> No.15637777

Ah, I see. Well, fucking a tomboy dragon girl until she's a sopping, ahegaoing mess seems great. What better way to show you love than by completely flooding her until she gives in to it entirely?

>> No.15637784

I think the biggest mistake is all this stuff trying to treat undead as a natural and harmonious part of the universe when their very existence is the antithesis of that. Framing it more like creatures that fit nowhere trying to carve out a niche forcefully in the world would be far more believable.

The issue of building and expansion would be tremendously important too. Because while undead can be made from almost any remains, the old and sickly would be the worst to turn for soldiers and workers and so on. Young and hale bodies would be the best. That either means super slow expansion that counts on accidents or war. War being either harvesting the battlefields of other people's wars or making war themselves. Any grand expansionist undead kingdom would likely choose the second as it's the quickest way to accrue resources, new undead population and men.

So you really either have to give up the grande scale and large number of undead or you have to make them much more warlike. Alternatively you could also have a very low number of peaceful powerful undead and the grand scale if ninety percent of the place was mindless skeletons and zombies. It would make the place feel really empty but you could do it.

>> No.15637789

>Waifu'ing Magma-Tits
Anon that's dangerous. She's a smith.

>> No.15637796

It's possible. Force mind control is basically the most OP ability on the weak minded.

>> No.15637801

Monstergirls don't read books about men suffering, it makes them sad

>> No.15637808

have there been any other writefags that have taken up the SO FUCKING CUTE MY HEART HAS STOPPED mantle since his departure?

>> No.15637809

Skeleton war tho

>> No.15637821

>2017 is coming
I mean, lets face it. No wight would look my way. I'd be lucky to hit up my local graveyard in hopes of getting raped by a zombie. And that's if a pleb tier girl like giant mouse or devil bug doesn't get me first.

>> No.15637830

You make it sound easy. She is very competitive in bed and winning against her is a matter of whether she lowers her guard or not. But even if she wins, the post battlesex cuddles are great and full of "I love you"s and smug grins coming from the winner.

Like I said, she is not magma tits, only looks a little bit like her. She also works as a security for a Tanuki's company.

>> No.15637841

That's what makes it so sweet. You're fucking a dragon, after all. By definition, a being that no human can fell or overcome.
So when you do completely sexually overwhelm her, it's because you turn into a beast. A beast made out of love and dick.

It doesn't always work, but like you say, whatever the result, it means the sweaty post-sex is going to be fantastic. Winghugs if you lose, and cradling a sexually ravaged - and very cuddled - dragon in your arms if you win.

>> No.15637845

Maybe some are into frumpy boys.

>> No.15637853

>Giant Ant
So a Giant fire ant? Hopefully dragged back to be the colony cuddleslut

>> No.15637870
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>Giant fire ant
Lord, that must be some frightfully powerful stuff, even with MAMONO BANANA changing its influence. And to have so many of them biting you at once...

>> No.15637876

Would monstergirls like sensitive and fragile cute boys who are prone to tears?

>> No.15637878

>Hobtitty Dormouse

That sleep topheavy thing will never catch me. Looks like the hunter will become the hunted.

>> No.15637880
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All of them

>> No.15637885

That IS how hobmice hunt, you fool! You won't know you're in the trap until her legs are wrapped around your waist! Though that said she may not realize she caught anything for a few days after, either.

>> No.15637887

>may not realize she caught anything for a few days after, either.

But then I will have to nurse from her tits just to survive!

>> No.15637888


>> No.15637889

Wouldn't all myself frumpy. Just... antisocial?

>> No.15637892

Some are into the gloomy types.

>> No.15637910

Low energy is more accurate. I severely lack the mentle fortitude to traipse about high court.

>No wight who uses your constitution as an excuse to allow herself to ditch out of balls and functions
>No wight to snuggle on the couch with

>> No.15637914

Only if you were fortunate enough to take her face to face. Otherwise you have to hope dehydration makes you thin enough to use your own sweat and semen as lube to slip out.

>> No.15637927

Can Zombie Childhood friends exist

>> No.15637931

I don't see why she shouldn't be able to remove those limits. After all, she can subject the human body to so much pleasure that one can literally melt into goo, to be gathered up by her and added to her fold.
Why not cast a simple spell, or put a little bit of herself in your head, to recreate that effect just on your pleasure centers? And with so many girls, so many unified minds together within her, she can subject you to bliss in so many impossible, forbidden ways.

>> No.15637951

1) Have childhood friend
2) I love you but you are died
3) Zombie childhood friend

>> No.15637952

I need stories of MGs going even further beyond

>> No.15637960


Get in here and show him some love.

>> No.15637961

Yes but she will be your Wight Girlfriend

>> No.15637990

Oh, nice. A lizard or a salamander in a dress.
I can't quite tell yet.

>> No.15638001

They all look the same.

>> No.15638017


Don't be racist man

>> No.15638031

It's the truth!

At first glance you'd never be able to tell them apart!

>> No.15638040

Scale color

>> No.15638048

>Dark Angel
Goddammit, this is Belladonna from that All Dogs Go To Heaven series, isn't it?

>> No.15638052


And also one is literally on fire

>> No.15638063

I bet Horny Toad Lizatds would look cute though the jokes about her being horny might tire her

>> No.15638067

I never watched the series, but a winged, halo-toting kobold with an extra dose of nympho sounds like literal fucking heaven in both interpretations of that phrase.
Perfect combination of a cute, lewd, fluffy and loyal loli.

>> No.15638074


>all dogs go to heaven is about a homeless orphan girl and her dead ghost dog illegally gambling and shit

don bluth is a dick

>> No.15638083

Would shota fight club allow alps?

>> No.15638090

You forgot how the dog was taking advantage of her instead of helping her find a family like he'd promised to get her to go along with it, because Charlie is a hero!

>> No.15638117
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>yfw your waifu gets sweet onion chicken like an

>> No.15638120

That's inevitably going to get lewd. Who's going to start molesting who first?

>> No.15638123

That is the face of a woman who has gone without for too long.

>> No.15638132
File: 393 KB, 1280x1873, 154378534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Bird Seed', not even once.

>> No.15638133

I'll take my posts from Anon with some English please, and a side of sense.
Also, could you pass me some of the I-have-no-idea-what-you-were-trying-communicate-there sauce?

>> No.15638140
File: 3.85 MB, 1085x1239, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think it's a matter of "who," but "how long until the shotas are molested by the girls."

>> No.15638151
File: 477 KB, 1280x1024, 1451712862640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not good at riddles

>> No.15638155

It's 3.50

>> No.15638159


How many stories have involved Monsters trying to assimilate into human life?

>> No.15638160

Oh no! That Manticore bully is going to pound me for being a nerd!

>> No.15638165

She's going to stuff her stinky meat-tube on your face and make you lick it!

>> No.15638168

All I remember is a bunch of unfinished ones on MGR & MGU

>> No.15638173

Not enough.

>> No.15638176

No! I don't wanna get Tailed!

>> No.15638178

I'm kind of doing a first-contact type of story.
>the tail-queef that travels along over a meter of stagnant meat and pussy-juices
This is what Manticores are.

>> No.15638184


I think it's a neat concept that needs to be explored more.

Like entire buildings, clothes, and electronics would have to be redone in order for monster girls to use them.

Plus it could be cool to see how they use their abilities in the work force.

>> No.15638186

Manticore tails don't have to be for lewd for instance you could hold one while walking with a manticore

>> No.15638189


>stinky meat-tube


>> No.15638194
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ok i'm done with this thread for the night

>> No.15638200
File: 93 KB, 590x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hold a core by the tail as you walk down the road
>Her quill stings you
>You now can't think straight because you're so horny

>> No.15638202

You're acting like that's the first time someone's ever up and said that phrase in this place.
That sad and hilarious truth is that that's not an entirely novel concept here, for better or for worse.

>> No.15638207

I would like a dragoon delivery service
Larger elevators for tails and insect monsters
designated giant and mining areas to prevent accidents

>> No.15638217
File: 134 KB, 800x800, r232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep well anons. May your dreams bring you many happy hours with your waifu.

>> No.15638218

How do Manticores with weak venom even survive, it must be embarrassing to borrow a quill from a friend so that her husband isn't stabbed twenty times before he is horny

>> No.15638220

But I just woke up! It's morning and there's no-one to get in bed with!

>> No.15638227

Giant ants*

>> No.15638229

Crazy. its 10pm where I am. Im hoping to have dreams of shoggoths and kikis tonight.

>> No.15638240

I just woke up to the coldest london this summer

>> No.15638263

I wish. It's just about 7AM here, and I've gone yet another night without sleep.

I just want an anubis to cuddle with. Maybe an oppai loli like that one. But maybe a little smaller in the breasts, a little softer in the hips, rear and thighs.
Wherever it's in bed, both of us sleeping, or with her sleeping on my lap when I spend a whole night awake. Just so long as I can stroke that hair, brush that tail, and hug that anubutt.

>> No.15638267

Hardly any. Which is a shame because you could do a lot with it.

Could you tell us more?

>> No.15638273

They don't. All a manticore is, is her tail and its venom. She is literally worthless without it

>> No.15638279


I'd be fine with a weak venom Manticore, wouldn't even venomcuck her

>> No.15638286

>Implying a human boy could be faithful to a mantishit without a tail or venom
It's like asking a monstergirl to stay by you when you don't have a dick.

>> No.15638305

If you sever a manticores tail, do they die, or heal with a stub?

>> No.15638309

You get poop all over you.

Then you die.

>> No.15638315

But she would have a tail? Just because she might need to prick me a little extra doesn't stop me from loving her

>> No.15638343

Oppai loli sleeping undisturbed but dreaming of paizuri, rather than dreaming of being undisturbed but getting sleep-boob-raped while unconscious?

Arekishi is playing Opposite Day.

>> No.15638353

She likes it really, even if her husband is pretty much just an uncaring asshole who only likes her for her chest beefers.

>> No.15638369

What if your manticore wife want's you to experience a real tail for once, then it isn't cheating

>> No.15638370

Anybody got a link to some Goji-monstergirl fanfic?

>> No.15638380

What we should have is a british dragon That likes cricket

>> No.15638389

But her tail is a real tail and using any other tail is still cheating

>> No.15638396

Even people that like cricket don't like cricket.

>> No.15638402

>Could you tell us more?
Well there's no Monster Girls around, but then spirits/elementals start to happen, and how that impacts things, how do they fit into a world where humans run everything.

>> No.15638404

What is happening in this picture?

>> No.15638405

Is it just spirits that exist?

>> No.15638410

For a start, yes. All possible species don't just suddenly show up out of the blue. It's just spirits that are born under very specific circumstances. The story is describing the coming of an Undine.
Though I did have long-term plans of there already being things like Vampires or Mummies or Shoggs in hiding/hybernation

>> No.15638416
File: 1.32 MB, 4000x4000, ST sal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cricket as background stuff, I've actually forgotten how exactly you win.

>> No.15638419

I'll say what could happen depends on the tech level and if the elementals corruption is still a thing. An undine has the most obvious uses with how important water is.

>> No.15638422

Well I'm not going to explain everything that's going to happen before I'm done writing it happen.

>> No.15638423


we may never know.

>> No.15638429

1. God I hate that face
2. Why is this pic relevant?

>> No.15638435

When you fight monsters see to it that you don't gain a harem

>> No.15638438

That's pretty much my late night tv when the comedy ends
Her shirt has the Logo of the Patriots, the cricket team for St.Kitts and nevis

>> No.15638439

What's that, some kind of pudding?

>> No.15638442

Nothing wrong with harems. All the greatest kings and legends of human history have had them.

>> No.15638445

>We will never see a cricket rivalry between British and Australian monsters.

>> No.15638447

Can't I just tell them no? If I beat them once then I can beat them again to stop rape

>> No.15638457

Mindflayers are utmost cute when hugged

>> No.15638463

They squish in just the cutest way, don't they #37981?

>> No.15638467

Not every man with a mindflayer wife is a thrall

>> No.15638469

Your number's up, your flay has begun, 24601!

>> No.15638471

I am not a number! I am a free man!

>> No.15638473

>God I hate that face
I'm sorry but I got it from /a. If I had money id pester bard or someone with a commission.

>> No.15638480

Look down, Look down, dont look them in the eye.

Look down, look down, we're squids until we die.

>> No.15638490

See you in a hour thread, I'm going to have a nap.

>> No.15638496

Hopefully catgirls wont sleep on your face

>> No.15638497
File: 770 KB, 1200x1600, 1413991145584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm Janet! Do not forget my name! Do not forget me! 24601...

>> No.15638501

You need to take two naps.

>> No.15638502

Oh, hey. I like Brab. He does some cool stuff. Shame about his feces though.

>> No.15638505

Kiki Kop is scary

>> No.15638506
File: 292 KB, 850x1202, __original_drawn_by_asanagi__sample-84e0e07b656d776b94320c67ecb79393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you love a chuff who's been exiled from the Jinko community for being too weak and squishy and unfit to be a warrior?

>> No.15638511

Sure and then we would train to take over the Jinko community

>> No.15638512

Yeah why not. She can play with the daughteru. That Maus can be her plushie.

>> No.15638518

She's just being forceful because she loves you.

>> No.15638521

That is a strange form of love

>> No.15638526

It's called tough love.

>> No.15638535

But I'm not breaking the law

>> No.15638540

But you're wasting your potential

>> No.15638545

It isn't against the law

>> No.15638547

But it's breaking her heart.

>> No.15638548

She is just a cop not like she is my wife

>> No.15638552
File: 167 KB, 518x622, merokeikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unrequited love?

>> No.15638553

But what if she wants to be?

>> No.15638555

What is wrong with that fishj

>> No.15638556
File: 258 KB, 799x1160, 28346979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asanagi really needs to do monster girls.

>> No.15638561

How your waifu react if she heard on the news a monster of her species raped a boy

>> No.15638562

Dammit, this meme again!

>> No.15638565
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hisako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about angry japanese ghosts?

>> No.15638566

"how is this news?"

>> No.15638568

Chronic Worst Girlitis. Its pretty common. Symptoms include :
participating in a harem
being a fish
shit parents

>> No.15638569

As big fat cat tats go, those are some mighty fine big fat cat tats

>> No.15638571

>You go girl!
>Right on, sistah!
>He was asking for it, dressing up like that!
>I could go for one of those right about now

>> No.15638577

Unorthodox. Alps usually get raped, not the other way around.

>> No.15638579

Probably no reaction unless he was raped to death then she mad

>> No.15638581

"Slimes: 1, loser mons: 0"
"Heyyyy~ anon, time to make it 2-0..."

>> No.15638583

If said monster was a agoraphobic holstuar

>> No.15638584

She doesn't look all that approachable. How about she puts the weapon down and learns to wiggle out of TVs like a certain other cutie

>> No.15638589

But that's not a Maus. That's another chuff.

>> No.15638591

this one went against the grain and raped first, what would your alp say

>> No.15638592

Let's go Wolves! Yeah!

>> No.15638594

Sorry, didn't make far enough down the image to see the tail. I was... distracted.

>> No.15638598
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I enjoy them

>> No.15638600

>How incompetent of her.
>If she had any wiles worth a damn HE'D be the one pressing the issue.

>> No.15638601

Genuine sadness and distress because she doesn't want mindflayers hated more than they already are

>> No.15638602

Uh, why do those chuffs have slit pupils like a cat? Tigers don't have slit pupils.

>> No.15638607

Yeah that's right, I don't have pants on. Now you wanna help me out while you're down there?

>> No.15638608
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It's okay, we all were.
Have a chuff daughteru.

>> No.15638611

>ywn buy a smaller tv so your ghost gf comes out as a minigirl.

>> No.15638614

"The worst thing about these monster attacks is the monsterphobic backlash! You should remember that the Order has a history of violence too! Remember the crusades!"

>> No.15638616
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That's not how it works, she'll just get her fat ass stuck.

>> No.15638620

I was trying to imply she doesn't like the rapist or rape at all

>> No.15638624

I like monsters that don't like rape

>> No.15638627

Probably be worried she would feel the backlash.

>> No.15638630


>> No.15638635


>> No.15638638

How would your waifu comfort you if your least favorite monster raped you

>> No.15638639

I keep staring at it hoping she tries to climb out, but nothing happens.

>> No.15638643

I have no idea why it's a gif.

>> No.15638645

Bathe me in goo and dissolve all the cat hair out of my pubes

>> No.15638646

Truly it was Anon's biggest ruse of the century

>> No.15638647

But I just saved it, I didn't name it a gif.

>> No.15638648

Laments for those poor starving alps that steal semen to survive.

Either that or say it's a stage 3.

>> No.15638649

Firery violent vengance

>> No.15638660

Lovingly hold me as I sob while slowly injecting loving memories into my brain with her tentacle

>> No.15638668

A small box full of monster ashes.

>> No.15638671
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You have to take proper care of your sword, anon. But using a whetstone to constantly sharpen it will shorten the blade's life-span! Just use oil and a swath of cotton.

>> No.15638674

but she might go to jail, those ashes had connections

>> No.15638677

Nobody's going to miss a matango.
Especially if it's possible the mofu mafia had something to do with it.

>> No.15638678

Beating the rapist to death while shouting "No one takes whats mine!"

>> No.15638679

>loving a mindflayer
why would you care about a second rape when you were already mind raped and if she really cared she would just remove your memories of the rape

>> No.15638683

Unicorn completely loses her shit

>> No.15638684

Then the Rapist would keep telling her how you screamed out in pleasure about how she was much better

>> No.15638691

Damn, and she'll never be able to have sex with you again without turning into a bicorn and becoming a cuckqueen.

>> No.15638697

Not all mindflayers are mind rapists and if she just erased all of it then I wouldn't actually be working through the issue and instead repress it

>> No.15638708

Swatch, anon. The word you're looking for is swatch.

>not making your squire do it

What are we, peasants?

>> No.15638710

>Wrecked Cait sith spits out blood and laughs
>"I satisfied him that night, I know it, he knows it and I think you know it too. it doesn't matter how better you get at sex, he'll always have me to compare it too.

>> No.15638716

Anon, gone is gone. There's no issue because it's all been erased. Repressed means buried. A lobotomy doesn't repress anything either.

>> No.15638721

The memory has to go somewhere and I wouldn't her to only know about it

>> No.15638723

Control herself and let the proper authorities handle it.

>> No.15638728

What kind of shitty waifu do you have?!

>> No.15638730

>The memory has to go somewhere
That's not how memory works anon. It's just a little neural path. One tiny break and it's gone.

>> No.15638731

>Not immediately going into a murder rage that will inevitability get her thrown in jail and keep her away from comforting you
wow what a shit waifu

>> No.15638736

>having competent law enforcement

You're a funny guy, anon.

>> No.15638739

still she will always know it happened

>> No.15638741

I'd still be raped, she would be in jail, ad the media would use the case to push a anti-monster message.

>> No.15638746

That's deep as fuck

>> No.15638748

Kiki Cops are no joke, rape laws are slowly actually being enforced
The second post you quoted was sarcasm

>> No.15638749

Law enforcement would be husband wife teams of strongmen and onis

>> No.15638750

Doesn't matter. That's her own memory of viewing your memory. It's not a memory that moved or got repressed or anything else. The guy is good and brainwashed squeaky clean.

>> No.15638752

They would have to be competent if they dealt with monstergirls.

>> No.15638753

Not really, she is just saying shit to get her mad

>> No.15638756

My question perhaps came off as more facetious than I meant it. I am genuinely intrigued as to what species is your waifu, that she exercises such self-control (and/or callousness)

>> No.15638760

Would watch it as a drama

>> No.15638761

But my Yandere Shoggoth would never allow me to be raped

>> No.15638764
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I guess she can polymorph a temporary pair but this still feels wrong.

>> No.15638765

Crow Tengu don't really seem like the type to fly off the handle when there's no good reason to.

>> No.15638766

Just because police exist doesn't make them effective or competent. There's dozens of countries where they're not just in the real world. You need a strong core infrastructure and government to be able to have a good police force. Monsters suck at infrastructure and rigid hierarchy. So their police would suck.

>> No.15638767

At least she can try that footjob thing she heard of

>> No.15638770

Can we stop talking about waifus being depressed because they failed to protect your smile

>> No.15638771

>that will inevitability get her thrown in jail and keep her away from comforting you
Sounds like a shitty waifu. A good waifu wouldn't get caught.

>> No.15638772

No the sadness shall flow!

>> No.15638773

But what if she disguised herself as a woman close to you and raped you to drive you away from her and into her arms?

>> No.15638776

This is true, Monsters shouldn't be cops. Monsters should be Judges.

>> No.15638779

We don't need any more Waifus being NTR'd by a fat faceless tanuki

>> No.15638783

But my waifu is a chubby tanuki so why would she ntr herself

>> No.15638784
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No, the semen must flow!

>> No.15638790

>Ten years in the cuddle cubes, creep

>> No.15638792

You'd be NTR'd by an intern or something.

>> No.15638796

Really gives a new meaning to the meat wagons.

>> No.15638797

She'd get NTR'd by her more powerful single boss threatening to leave you destitute if you don't capitulate.
And then you save the situation by turning it into bigamy with your wife having the higher rank in your harem.

>> No.15638798

so a evilly beautiful skinny monster would rape you so a subversion of the usual rapist

>> No.15638799

Don't you know how it works? You just get NTR'd by a fatter, richer tanuki.

>> No.15638801

I'd still fuck her.

>> No.15638803

Hey guys why don't Yetis and Zombies start a hugging club to talk about hugging

>> No.15638810

What happens when you marry the thickest and richest Tanuki

>> No.15638819

Her envious rivals combine in the the fatter, richer, mega Tanuki. They'll hire kunoichi and watch them rape you with their massively tight[/spoiler] cunts.

>> No.15638820

because they are too busy hugging their husbands

>> No.15638824

Then Tanukicron the Ham Planet descends on the world.

>> No.15638825

Seems ctrl+s has failed me.

>> No.15638827

But I already have a waifu and she and I agreed to no Harems

>> No.15638830

>That's no archipelago of moons, it's a bushy tail!

>> No.15638840

I like scaled tails the best, how about you guys

>> No.15638843

Fluff or bust.

>> No.15638850

>no tough girl that stutters when you molest her tail

>> No.15638855

Dead tail is best tail

>> No.15638856

I'd rather get her consent before touching tail

>> No.15638861

Haha, what? It's not like a guy can rape a girl.

>> No.15638865
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Boys love meat!

>> No.15638868

Elves are adorable and should be spoiled

>> No.15638870

Long thick spade tails.

>> No.15638871

You my friend have no plan.
With the right skill and planning, even the lilims can fall to surprise sex
its the aftermath that's the problem

>> No.15638875

>Boys love to cook meat
Fixed that for you, darling.

>> No.15638878

What happens when you rape an alp elf?

>> No.15638879

>I, ahnmnhm, r-rheal- hhghngh, lo- ahaaghaghaahh! Damn that went in deep!
Alpfags suck big black spadetails.

>> No.15638888

If she consents then she can't say she isn't feeling it

>> No.15638893

I need the fluffiest tails you have.

>> No.15638894

It's twice as super effective.

>> No.15638895

>Train and prepare for years
>Finally capture a Lilim and have your wicked way with her
>It turns out she's a total power-bottom
>She's been waiting for someone stupid enough to try this for centuries, darling
>"You don't get to ravish and run, Dear. Aftercare is one of the best parts of any relationship. I read it in a book!"
>Not as planned

>> No.15638899

How do you even tell the genders apart if they don't have a penis?
I don't think you'd notice the difference.

>> No.15638900

I like a skeleton's tailbone

>> No.15638905

Oni BBQ!

>> No.15638909

You can tell by faggotty behavior and exclamations like "gosh darnit!", "surf's up dudes and dudetterinos" and "turnwinkle by-the-shore-avon, laddies, what ho!".

>> No.15638911

still a victory

>> No.15638916

What monster is known to be kind loving and gentle but still able to protect herself

>> No.15638920

Troll? Trolls are strong and gentle.

>> No.15638924

I want to meet my succubus waifu's alp mother and see how much they are alike.

>> No.15638926

All of them.

Just kidding, mice probably can't protect anything. Least of all their small, sniffable bodies.

>> No.15638927


>> No.15638930

>Least of all their small, sniffable bodies.
Where have you been hiding mouse sniffer?

>> No.15638931

But a mouse can call in her extended family to help

>> No.15638934

Not him but I refer you to>>15635385

>> No.15638938

Id plan to get a dragon, or having sex with a fox so she gains tails without knowing how

>> No.15638941
File: 332 KB, 450x600, 6d9cbb424e881d52e998801fe7ca3d9d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to do the research or else you might not realize you're raping an alp.

>> No.15638947

Elves have the cutest noses, what did you think I'd say ears, what are you an elfist

>> No.15638948

No, I'm an elfer.

>> No.15638953

>Stealth tail boosting
Weird but interesing

>> No.15638962

How would one even get away with that?

>> No.15638963

When hugging a slime make sure you don't get stuck in her

>> No.15638964

I'm an elfologist, and I find this disagreeable.

>> No.15638974


Simple, paralysis spells and knock out stuff
by the time she gets enough tails to counter that shit, shell be addicted to your cum.

>> No.15638979

Sleep sex. Learn what nerves to press to keep her just barely under and waking up the next morning with a lasting glow and relaxed muscles. Do it often enough that she begins to stockpile energy and produce another tail. Have her bond to your spirit energy without even meeting her face to face. Watch her go an entire conversation talking about her husband like she has one before she catches herself and gets awkward.

>> No.15638988

She might snap and go yan hunting you down.

>> No.15638990

Wouldn't she end up recognizing her own DE signature on you, though?

>> No.15638994

so when she turns your way, you metal gear it out of there.
Or wear energy dampening stuff

>> No.15638995

She would never meet you.

>> No.15638996

Don't let your older sis stop you from playing with the neighbor girl

>> No.15638998
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We'll elope!

>> No.15639002

Mini mofu molestation!

>> No.15639007

No, this is wrong! Always listen to your older sis, she knows best!

>> No.15639009

I would be fun if the she was unsure and as time went on it drove her mad to the point she rapes you in public

>> No.15639019
File: 3.56 MB, 1000x7002, Sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's the long as fuck 7 meter daki for Lamias
The L-shaped daki for centaurs and the like
the experimental daki that Wockfag is going to try with wings to give him wing cocoons
That one Lala daki where her head is a separate pillow

What other interesting monstergirl dakis could be made?
It's been fun to see the impact the rise of monstergirls has had on the daki market

>> No.15639023

But she told me the neighbor family is the wrong species whatever that means

>> No.15639024

She needs a warm blanket and some hot cocoa.

>> No.15639035

Even if an alp can trick a man into impregnating her the succubus daughter should still be considered an alp

>> No.15639043
File: 83 KB, 510x640, Alp Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me now, fruit of my loins,
Into our cabal another man joins!
He who was once a man, with an eager dick,
Soon will look at her pussy and get sick!
Other men's pleasures he'll grant, fulfill their dreams,
While her belly from their seed burst at the seams!

>> No.15639045

The only way to give birth to an alp is if you could somehow get a human boy to monsterize in the womb.

>> No.15639051

Rather just play with my older sis

>> No.15639055

Human boys don't monsterize. Incubi do. And they need to be faggots to do so. Babies can't really be faggots.

>> No.15639062


Still think that ___ pussy shit is annoying but I can totally imagine alps of different species spying on all the different kingdoms, masquerading as one of them, only rarely donning black robes and converging together in a cellar somewhere to drink beer, eat nachos, and play D&D.

>> No.15639071

I bet they all play male characters that act super macho.

>> No.15639076

but your neighbor has a present for you

>> No.15639084

Incubi don't monsterize either. An Alp-to-be wouldn't make it that far.
Alps are when a human male intentionally self-destructs his spirit energy producing faculties rather than dicking MGs.

>> No.15639091

that is alpist, their daughters are as much of a succubus as one born from a succubus mother

>> No.15639118

Don't treat your alp friends any different

>> No.15639124

Ice Cold Foxcicles!

>> No.15639130

>You meet up with your best buddy one day after a while not seeing them
>They alped
>Don't even flinch, just go see that stupid movie and laugh at it with them like you planned
Could be fun.

>> No.15639153

>Continue to be friends as if nothing happened
>Alp friend asks why you're not treating them differently because they Alp'd
>Convenient wind blows your hair
>Sun convieniently shines from behind
>Turn to face them
>"Because no matter what happens, you're still my bro"
And ever since then the Alp's panties were never dry again

>> No.15639186

Kitsune give new meaning to the phrase "There's no atheists in foxholes."

>> No.15639193

Time to find the village of shortstack foxes

>> No.15639196

You go do that, Im off to the Magitec city to get my ass a golem

>> No.15639201

Who wants to share a foxhole with me?

>> No.15639204

I shall.
Can you shine such a place?
Tiny, but well endowed, kitsune going about their lives?

I may have to fondle some foxes

>> No.15639252

She would team up with me and beat that monster.

What kind of monster has the "balls" defile a dragon's hoard anyway?

>> No.15639257

Frozen foxes need warm mittens, a wool muffler, and an emergency Yeti

>> No.15639286
File: 478 KB, 1024x1448, 56508783_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's early morning


>> No.15639293

I want to wake up my waifu by pulling on her tentacles!

I'll apologize by letting her turn me into a squid for a full day

>> No.15639296

But it's time to open the store.

Damn, I wish I could still sleep for 12 hours.

>> No.15639357


>> No.15639376

Running a small store with a monster girl waifu has to be a great, cozy life

What kind of stuff would you sell?

>> No.15639387

Don't know about him, but I'd sell euthanasia potions.

>> No.15639392

Everything. Books, magazines, candy, toys, cheap ass headphones, flashlights, legos, toys, icecream, mangas, comic books, etc...

It would be pretty nice if I had a monster girl to talk while I'm over there.

>> No.15639396

What kind of herb is that?

>> No.15639405


>> No.15639407

Sounds soothing.

>> No.15639410

Feels like heaven.

>> No.15639424

>It would be pretty nice if I had a monster girl to talk while I'm over there.

You should hire an Unagi-Joro, I bet they make the best convenience store clercs

>> No.15639456

Candy, alcohol, magazines, frozen meals, news papers.

Basically a normal corner shop, would be fun to run a store like that with a cute Hobgoblin wife.

>> No.15639544

She does look like a very kind monster. I just hope she doesn't sell herself to our male customers.

>> No.15639552

Heavens, it seems your Waifu has for some reason been confused for Sun Goddess Gwen. Now you have to travel to Anor Londo and beat Smough and Ornstein get her back.
Whatever will you do?

>> No.15639555

I want to wake up a Flayer by licking my finger and shoving it inside her ear

>> No.15639558

Just make sure you go into the real Anor Londo. If you see Anor Londos appear in places where they're not supposed to be, they're probably Anor Londo mimics.

>> No.15639565

Raise from my chair and proceed to rescue her. It will take more than a dragonslayer and an executioner to stop my love. I'm going to link her flame if you know what I mean.

>> No.15639574

>Whatever will you do?
I will train until I can fight, defeat all everything in the way and then save her. And I'll be sure to link her flame~

>> No.15639584

My waifu would have a blast if that happened, within a week Anor Londo would become a sanctuary where people lose their mind and have sex in the name of the great old ones

I'd pick her up before a pesky hero tries to defeat her, she is great at corruption but not so much at direct confrontation

This is how you engage yourself in a flay-off, good luck coming out with your sanity intact

>> No.15639590

You'll want to keep a lot of undead shrooms in stock, and preferably set up near a Ghoulyard, a Zombie village or one of the general undead settlements.

In fact, why not ditch the hemlock altogether and sell undead shrooms as a superior alternative? If that won't work for your clients, use shroom as the active substance in your potion.

>> No.15639615

>Pontiff Sulyvahn got my waifu

Is this where I go full doomguy? Because it fucking feels like it.

>> No.15639623

You should say that to her. There is no way she will resist my wet finger and tickling techniques.

If you see a Mindflayer with crazy eyes and heavy breathing you know what got her.

>> No.15639628

But we live in Yarnham

>> No.15639630

Yes and eros would probably grant you ridiculous powers because if there's one thing she doesn't appreciate it's people fucking with happy couples.

>> No.15639634
File: 346 KB, 1000x985, af864e545ef0f7991be79e974ec6990f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell the DL there's an entire kingdom full of monsters that don't know about the joy of being monstergirls. Also since she's all about love when I tell her what happened to my waifu she will understand it as well.

See how she organizes an army to invade it and join.

>> No.15639635

>wanting to become undead
We serve those that are fed up with existence, not plebs with shit taste.

>> No.15639674

>all this unrelenting edge
It's too early for this shit. I'm going back to bed.

>> No.15639752

I wanna be cuddled by a big Monster Girl

>> No.15639759

I wanna be hugged roughly and given lots of smug smiles by a big monster girl because she finally catched me.

>> No.15639760
File: 1.28 MB, 1112x1443, 1fedad5ff309a24d79094ce3f53aa3ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside kikis and shoggos, there's a new maid in the mansion.

>> No.15639769

But dogs get hair everywhere.

>> No.15639777

Not if you make them wear latex gimpsuits all the time!

>> No.15639780

My weakness!

>> No.15639794

And her name is Wurmaid!

>> No.15639808

Fuck, i woke up today with a hunger for maids and you just made me snap.

I hope you are happy Anon.

>> No.15639816
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>> No.15639825
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>> No.15639828

Can a Wurm ever be a good maid?

>> No.15639835


good or effective?

because the former doesn't necessarily involve the latter.

>> No.15639841


>> No.15639854

>tfw no maid that is way more powerful than yourself.

>> No.15639864

>tfw she won't get slightly annoyed when you keep calling her mastah

>> No.15639867
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You fools cling to your maids when it is clear that imp familiars are the superior servants!

>> No.15639868

>you will never teach your daughteru the pleasures of anal sex

>> No.15639882

I prefer to serve the demons.

>> No.15639898
File: 539 KB, 832x1088, da68a6039221684c012d5888fbcfd8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your daughteru will never rub your walnut

>> No.15639900

My what?

>> No.15639914

>no group of mischievous and really lewd Arch Imp maid sisters who can't help themselves when there's a full moon
Why do I even live?

>> No.15639933

>not teaching your daughteru the wonders of motherhood
Apply yourself, anon

>> No.15639938

I've had this very basic plot for a while, but no matter how I go at it I cannot make it work

>Modern setting
>Monsters live peacefully with humans
>Some countries are still human-only
>MC is born in a human country
>Lives a shitty life
>Goes to a monster country
>Life becomes great

Is this idea doomed to fail, or am I missing something?

>> No.15639941

No anon, then you'll eventually end up fucking generations of your own daughteru descendants, that's not a road anyone should go down.

>> No.15639945

But I like my maid because of her personality, not because she cleans good.

>> No.15639948

Seems simple enough to not be doomed.

>> No.15639956

Seems fine to me.

>> No.15639957
File: 183 KB, 1158x1356, the story of a great man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. And?
Are you gay or something?

>> No.15639968

It sounds cliche as fuck, but somehow no one has ever developed fully the potential of such a plot.

>Not having the plot be just a reversed EMG plot where anon the human actually has to travel to monster girl city for scholarship/work opportunities and has to live with a monster family host

Why is this so unexplored?

>> No.15639972

No, I just don't fancy being an insufferable degenerate

>> No.15639977

How old should you be to be able to fuck that many of your descendants?

>> No.15639988

Tell me more about Monster Dakis

>> No.15640007

Still trying to figure out how to make a Kraken daki. I've drawn up at least 20 designs on how to make a pillow have pillow tentacles.

>> No.15640018

About 70-80 years old.

>> No.15640037

Well from what I've read, Tomaru isn't exactly human. More like some kind of immortal ntr demon.

>> No.15640038

Every time I see that image I feel disgusted, and more knowing how that faggot is.

>> No.15640039

I'm too poor to afford a maid.

>> No.15640043

Have you considered having the tentacles as sheets that attach and detach to the main daki via a button?

Two on the bottom and one on each side. Four sheets total.

>> No.15640053

>>Monsters live peacefully with humans


>> No.15640073

Why would you even do something like that? Even in a setting with MGs, this is really disgusting.

>> No.15640082


Because some people are just sick fucks

>> No.15640086
File: 1.18 MB, 1127x1600, Pharaoh by Monorus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or a Lich. A Lich would love an experiment like this, especially to see how the Apophis applies her techniques while in half-snake form to this body and vice-versa, especially of the sexy kind.

I could totally see an Apophis commissioning a Lich for this. Hmm, it might even make an interesting story:

Apophis and Pharaoh decide to settle their differences. BY EXPERIENCING THEM. Their lower halves reversed, they come to understand one another's perspective a bit more.

Could even take it a step further in that they try ruling each other's kingdom for a day in said forms at some point. A challenge of skill, rather than cheap tricks (Apophis) or overwhelming power (Pharaoh).

Just imagine pic-related leading into a crimson, purple-like-her-hair, golden or tanned snake-half. Heck, her snake "pet" would sure find it interesting to have their master be all the more similar to them. Cute girls and their pets!

>> No.15640087

>reversed EMG

Now that has a lot of potential, you could even make variations of it with different species of host families

Who said rape is not a peaceful activity?

>> No.15640093

>more knowing how that faggot is.
How is he? Never played the game but he looks like a cool guy

>> No.15640101
File: 205 KB, 500x280, 1370663400876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he looks like a cool guy

>> No.15640108


>Who said rape is not a peaceful activity?

Achmed please

>> No.15640118
File: 1.08 MB, 1079x1763, Expecting Elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elves are adorable and should be spoiled
I concur. Spoiled with good food, good cheer and a child to call their own. Even half-elves who may or may not look like a certain jealous witch.

>> No.15640121
File: 204 KB, 353x732, slutty-snek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do?

>> No.15640122

From the wiki

Tomaru is a cruel, selfish, and arguably sociopathic man who does everything and anything only to satisfy himself. He completely lies to Kagura, continues to have sex with other girls and even marries Tomoe despite his promise to her, simply because she was heir to the Sawagoe family. Despite the fact that he claims that his half-sister Moegi is his 'favorite', he still uses her love toward him and forces her along with Kagura, Arisu, and Hatsuka into prostitution. Even though Tomoe is his legal wife, it is implied that he doesn't treat her like one and abuses her and the Sawagoe Family's fortune.

Tomaru also failed as a father as most of his male children such as Shun and Makoto resent him, although it is said that he was fond of Ayumu, who is unique among all the offspring of it being known that he was acknowledged, and he impregnates many of his female children almost regardless of age as Hajime Inou died because her body wasn't developed enough to go through childbirth. He is shown not to care for the suffering of others, and he physically abused his son Kei up to the point that the boy suffered psychological trauma.

In summary, a scumbag.

>> No.15640126

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.15640128

Nothing, I don't like masochists.

>> No.15640129


>> No.15640130


Lingerie is one of my greatest weaknesses. Curse you, Kagerou.

>> No.15640132

aww jeez there goes muh dick

>> No.15640134

Eros is a religion of peace

>> No.15640139

I want to build a wall around the Houris.

>> No.15640155

Oww, come on

The Houris don't even rape, it's all a cultural misunderstanding

>> No.15640160
File: 368 KB, 1038x900, 1453366483067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houris can fly.

>> No.15640161


>> No.15640193

Strap paladins on kites, we're bringing the fight to their turf

>> No.15640194
File: 383 KB, 1174x1488, 1467412743564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendigos are good hunters.

>> No.15640211

I want a Wendigo to hunt one of the weird giant pig with a lot of eyes and serve it to me for dinner

>> No.15640224

I want to hunt a loli Wendigo, tie her up really tight, and then take her home and feed her stretchy anime meat while she's still tied up.

>> No.15640226

>he'd rather give it to some stranger than his daughteru(s) who love him best
That's the real disgust right there.

>> No.15640232

How tall is your favorite Monster Girl? How does she compare to you? How do each of you feel about the height difference if any?

>> No.15640237

>summon hunter Stretchy_Meat92 for boss fight
>she hides in her coat spamming R1 on the other side of the boss arena
>muffled noises coming from her mic

>> No.15640238


>> No.15640244

She's 5 feet tall which is 8 inches shorter than me. It's really comfy whenever we cuddle, except on the days she tries to be the big spoon. Then it's really cute and I keep quiet for her sake.

>> No.15640258

I'd say Mindflayers are (on average) taller than humans because of the way they stand on their tentacles

I like taller, I like smaller, I like the same size, it really doesn't matter although I do have a slight preference for the same size

>> No.15640268

>anti spider nation

>> No.15640272


Taller but since she isn't a dragon the difference wouldn't be that great.

>> No.15640275


>> No.15640297

Crow Tengu would probably be short, but I like to think of her as around my size as I'm scrawny.

>> No.15640299

I love crabs, not just to eat, I like the way they look, I find them cute. But if I came up face to face with this I would shit myself.

>> No.15640306
File: 470 KB, 1200x1200, tumblr_obfffcleVf1uaxebao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another very nice kej by Toxxxic

>> No.15640307

Taller, although I'm a manlet so it's not really that difficult.

>> No.15640312

It's called sexual emergency, anon

>> No.15640317

>don't gain a harem
John Travolta The Fuck.gif

>> No.15640318

>Hair not long enough

On the other hand, that clothing is gorgeous and those hair pins are classy as fuck

>> No.15640322

>Hair doesn't get to the floor

>> No.15640323

Why not? I'm bored and lonely and I'd like to tie little girls up, it seems like a nice idea.

>> No.15640328

Those are some really silly shoes.

>> No.15640334

Bathe me in her blood.

>> No.15640340

Can she really bleed that much?

>> No.15640343

I want to smoke Wonderland Weed with a Jubjub.

>> No.15640347

Needs sluttier maidwear.

>> No.15640349

>that hand

>> No.15640353

She will as she's rent limb from limb by the wife.

>> No.15640357

You could make her wear a latex maid dress with latex lingerie underneath, that'd be pretty lewd.

>> No.15640359

I want to report you to the Wonderland police so you'll spend the year in Wonderland jail.

>> No.15640360
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x1836, 0805161005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, you'll be disappointed to know I am 190% more selfdeprecating in my drawings compared to my writing. Here it is. I also did something else and will post it next.

>> No.15640363

Hey, it's not illegal to be around a Jubjub! That's really racist anon, you're a terrible person!

>> No.15640365
File: 137 KB, 519x520, Splat hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When hugging a slime make sure you don't get stuck in her
That just takes a little time and two people willing to work together to overcome. The REAL challenge is ensuring Slime junior doesn't splatfest themselves on you every homecoming.

>> No.15640380

Latex is nice to look at, not so much running your hands on. Then there's the squeaking if it's too tight. If she's gonna wear a long skirt like that then she can't use underwear, and and garterbelts and stockings are lost on long skirts. If she' s going to tease with that, she'd be better using fishnets. A shorter skirt with stockings never fails, just above or below the knee. That lace on the neck I could do without as well, it draws attention away from the breasts and adds an unneeded bit of extra covering, not to mention it's just losing time as you unwrap her.

>> No.15640382
File: 336 KB, 600x800, 0b6d032a97d5c464a809585fda75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slime daughterus are stronk.

>> No.15640387

>Latex is nice to look at, not so much running your hands on.
Not if it's chlorinated or well lubricated and shined.
>Then there's the squeaking if it's too tight.
That's the best part!

>> No.15640389


How happy would your favourite girl be to get her first creampie?

>> No.15640393
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x1836, 0805161004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have much to improve on.

>> No.15640396

But Slime daughters are just smaller versions of their mother born from division

>> No.15640404

>that face
Bakadere if I ever saw one.

>> No.15640406

Not when you cum in them, the mother, then she's part of you too.

>> No.15640407
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, 1420084821935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you missed all the femdom talk
I just want a Hellwan to treat me rough in bed and give me lots of love bites, and then hold me close like a teddy bear after we finish.

>> No.15640410
File: 160 KB, 797x1034, devilBug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I can kinda see the appeal (because I'm a sick fuck who likes devil bugs)
But after reading >>15640122 I feel bad about it. So disclaimer: I'd only impregnate my recursively-incestuous insect daughterus when THEY rape ME.

>> No.15640412

Are you kobold anon?

>> No.15640413

Yes, that's me.

>> No.15640416

You weaksauce piece of shit.

>> No.15640417

That moment when I realize I might have a bit of a scar fetish.

...As in being on the receiving end.

>> No.15640426

I like a woman with scars, personally.

>> No.15640427

Is it legal to catch devilbugs around your house for sexual purposes?

>> No.15640432

>Creampie your Slime waifu X number of times
>She mixes your cum and her slime to make brand new slime matter
>She then creates a Slime daughter using that new matter

Well, I know all children are born from your seed, but it doesn't feel right with Slimes
How can I get it out of my head that she used to be my cum when I kiss or hug her?

>> No.15640434

Only if you make them wear chastity belts and chastity bras. Maybe keep them tied up too, just to be safe.

>> No.15640436

>no gyaru Raiju childhood friend
>no ganguro Raiju to drag you into an back alley

>> No.15640437

You creampie your slime waifu until she has enough sperm to make a new core, which absorbs moisture and makes the new Slime slime.
You're only getting your own cum in your mouth if you put her core in your mouth.

>> No.15640447

That is the least of your worries anon, you will feel it once you realize your waifu is actuallly partially made from some random dude's cum.

>> No.15640448

Breaking my bones with a hug happy.

>> No.15640452
File: 145 KB, 885x800, 1466862570153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I get it out of my head that she used to be my cum when I kiss or hug her?

Well you're going to have to get past this if you ever want an IRL kid, anon, 'cos the same thing applies there.
Personally I got no problems with it. If she metabolises my cum to make delicious blueberry jelly, then it's delicious blueberry jelly, not cum.

And also when it looks qt3.14 like this you'd need a heart of stone to not enjoy hugging and kissing her

>> No.15640454

Is it true that bug spray actually makes them more horny?

>> No.15640458

Probably. I don't want to get raped so I've never actually tried it.

>> No.15640459

The same way you get the thought of your mother kissing you goodnight after she was blowing your dad out your head: don' t even think about it.

>> No.15640463

It makes it so that they can't think straight.

>> No.15640464

No, it kills them slowly and painfully.

>> No.15640471
File: 1.38 MB, 900x1420, 1468508358746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a man turns to devil bugs, it is the end of a long drift away from any standard of civilized law or decency. So I think your question is moot.

>> No.15640472
File: 167 KB, 800x743, 1434594842495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if: Undead Kingdom Slimes.

>> No.15640475

Put on the armor of thorns and roll into people.

>> No.15640478

Now that sounds better, but I like my Slime without cores, cores are too lewd for me

You actually triggered me Anon, plz stop

Well... I guess I can get over it

>> No.15640480

>tfw you realize that for every person in existence there was a sexual encounter with varying degrees of lust involved
It's kinda awkward when it happens while you are in a crowded area.

>> No.15640484

Nah man, my waifu just appeared out of thin air due to demonic energy. My waiting love was so powerful that it pulled something entirely new into existence.

>> No.15640489

How can a slime be undead?

>> No.15640495

By having the properties of her core altered.

>> No.15640497


First, I make sure my equip weight is under 25%, including the use of my fap ring. Then I buy a bunch of poison arrows and get the longest distance bow I can find.

>> No.15640510

Well, that's why Tsukumogami are so great

I want to teach an Ittan-momen about the world right after she came to life

>> No.15640534

By being made from liquefied corpses or rotting meat.

>> No.15640542

Would not put my dick inside.

>> No.15640559

That's not your decision to make.

>> No.15640582

ew, why?

>> No.15640588

This is why I need a strong girl to protect me.

>> No.15640610

So any ideas as to what I should doodle next?

>> No.15640613

Monster girls doing handstands or a dragon's horn in someone's mouth.

>> No.15640614


>> No.15640615

your favorite monster girl encouraging you to keep drawing and to not give up

>> No.15640618

>Anon hire a big, strong Jinko mercenary to protect him
>She is very professional and does her job to perfection
>The time comes when Anon has run out of money to pay her
>She keeps protecting him anyways
>Anon asks why is she still there
>She answers by kissing him

I'd like to see your take on a scylla girl, so your choice of a Mindflayer, a Kraken or a vanilla Scylla Bonus points for all 3

>> No.15640621

This, but in miniature form.

>> No.15640627

How do you feel about a Dwarf? Or a Soldier beetle?

>> No.15640628

So... where did all that money go? she just scammed her husband?

>> No.15640629
File: 188 KB, 850x1590, 1468387593570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Elves are for ____

>> No.15640631

An Oomukade bitch slapping an Alp.

>> No.15640635

Anon wasted his money commissioning pictures of his bodyguard.

>> No.15640637


>> No.15640650

She either put it aside for her future children, or she bought new weapons and armor to protect her husband better

>> No.15640651

Eating out.

>> No.15640652

A preggo alp

>> No.15640653


>> No.15640658

A confused solider beetlle

>> No.15640660

A golem punching a laptop

>> No.15640661

But that would mean telling everyone what my favorite is!

I have thought about them, honestly. The Kraken would be easiest to do, what with the lack of sex or tentacle hair.

The former incites Vietnam flashbacks about Dorffortress, and I don't care for the latter ebough to even read the profile.

With what? Her smelly hands or her large centipede tail?

>> No.15640668

>But that would mean telling everyone what my favorite is!

Well that's the idea. And why would that be a bad thing?

>> No.15640670
File: 312 KB, 850x1200, 1465168725993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640673

With what?

>> No.15640674

Needs more ice cream

>> No.15640680



>> No.15640682

eew, no

>> No.15640683

Pear shaped dormouse cuddles!

>> No.15640685
File: 3.82 MB, 2500x3500, Black ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now only if I could drip ice cream on a dragon's body and lick it all

>> No.15640691
File: 117 KB, 600x706, 1455168701829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure?

>> No.15640692

I'll be kicked from the Dragonslut committee if I released such information.

Golem must have a really crappy laptop.

>> No.15640700

>Enter in a random webcam site
>The 99% are naked monstergirls looking for guys

>> No.15640704

If they dont i will.

>> No.15640708

I want to go on a webcam site and just talk to monsters while I'm fully clothed

>> No.15640710

Wasn't there a story like that about an Anon getting into mmorpg guild full of lonely monster girls? maybe i'm being too hopeful but i thought there was at least one.

>> No.15640715

What a cunt-teaser.

>> No.15640718

>Smelly hands
This is why Alps need slapped.

>> No.15640726

>Not earning thousands of dollars by playing video games the beta monsters bought for you in your boxers.

>> No.15640727

there was a green text ages ago

>> No.15640732


But I'm not advertising sex just relaxing and talking


Why would they see me in my boxers if I don't face cam stream and just play the game for the monster watchers

>> No.15640737

What if the Alp is actually a dork?

Wait a minute, something serms off here.

>> No.15640738

"Alps are Incubi that deep within their heart strongly desired to become a woman, or be with a man, and used the Demonic energy taken in upon becoming an Incubus, which is normally used to boost their spirit energy generation facility, to instead destroy it. As a result, they're unable to produce spirit energy and they lose all of their spirit energy. Since they are left with only Demonic energy stored in their body, they change into a monster."

>> No.15640742

What if you don't do cams and instead make commented playthroughs?

Would your mg audience masturbate to your voice alone? would they demand a face cam?

>> No.15640748

I mean if enough of them asked for a facecam I'd try it out for them, fully dressed and professional looking of course

>> No.15640757

What if that only brings MGs with a tidy fetish?

>> No.15640758

>But I'm not advertising sex just relaxing and talking
They don't want you to talk, now start undressing slut.

>> No.15640759
File: 316 KB, 800x1000, Singingwaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Hellwan to sing to me in a sultry voice

>> No.15640761

Oh well I'd rather it bring in my subscribers instead
But there are tons of other men doing that they can just watch them

>> No.15640764

>there are tons
No there aren't, that's why they're so desperate.

>> No.15640770

A tiny Lilim breaks into your house, orders 30 pizzas, drinks all your SunnyD, and falls asleep on your computer desk after downloading 34 gigs of hentai games.
What do you do?

>> No.15640775 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 1134x1313, 1470425354536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640777

Make her pay.

>> No.15640780

Tell her mom

>> No.15640781

Look what hentai games are.

>> No.15640782

Pie, the natural diet of wurms

>> No.15640783

But they have other sites for that

>> No.15640784

Take her hostage, bring her to the sea abyss and use her to begin a war between the Old Ones and the Demon Lord

>> No.15640785

Kill self.

>> No.15640786

But i don't have SunnyD, what did she just drink?

>> No.15640787

>34 gig
was I gone for a year because that is how long it would take to download all that

>> No.15640789

Someone buy that Kiki a broom that doubles as a vibrator.

>> No.15640790

Dark Elves aren't Wurms.

>> No.15640792

So that harry potter toy broom that was pulled from the shelves?

>> No.15640793
File: 87 KB, 651x708, 1467175474185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's real good.

>> No.15640794

Maybe she bought some using your money? The little hellion is capable of such a thing.

>> No.15640795

Yes like that. I'm sure there's still a few floating around.

>> No.15640796

But I don't have money either.

>> No.15640799

Sexting while banging regular Elves.

>> No.15640803


>> No.15640808

I want to adopt an alp

>> No.15640810
File: 431 KB, 769x1095, 1469849879808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see pent up Yeti

>> No.15640811

Then she used your parents'.

>> No.15640817

What about a Wurm that was fussed to a Dark Elf through the fusion dance?

>> No.15640818

What would you do if your son introduced his alp girlfriend to you

>> No.15640820

That's dumb, you're dumb.

>> No.15640821

Stop this shit.

>> No.15640829

She should really put her clothes back on.

>> No.15640830

You mean succubus gf

>> No.15640835
File: 614 KB, 1000x1064, 1408472141268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yo daddy-o whats for grub

>> No.15640836

I'd rather my son have an alp girlfriend than my daughter

>> No.15640839

That's really rude. I'm gonna marry the little shit and steal her family's money so she can get a taste.

>> No.15640841

cock and breasts, it's chicken night

>> No.15640845

Even the siths are better than alps.
There, I said it.

>> No.15640847

At least Cu-Siths have good personalities and no mental illnesses. Same can't be said for Alps.

>> No.15640850

But both followings they have in the west are equally shitty.

>> No.15640852

>At least Cu-Siths have good personalities and no mental illnesses.
Kobolds are just like that, except they aren't furries.

>> No.15640859

Furfags leave.

>> No.15640862

Hey I never said Cu-Siths were nice to look at, Kobolds are infinitely better.

>> No.15640863

Oh Alps just want to have fun

>> No.15640864

>her mother and family are all tiny

>> No.15640869

Shit I don't know which is worse the yuri or the fact that an alp is getting fucked

>> No.15640871

They will be if you feed them enough pie.

>> No.15640879

No, they won't.

>> No.15640891

Oh yeah?
Then I'll capture a dark elf and feed her naught but pie to prove how wrong you are!

>> No.15640910

You'll just get a fat dark elf who's angry she's not the one doing the domming

>> No.15640921

Dark Elves are for dominating.

>> No.15640924

A truly pent up yeti would be locked outside of a freezer door with a window view as you suffer inside, only to have the door broken down by her intense cuddle urges to save you

>> No.15640927

What do Kobolds and Cu Sith think of each other

>> No.15640935

No they aren't.

>> No.15640936
File: 14 KB, 300x229, 1468201947838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manticores and other venomous species being made to register their venom with health care institutions so anti-venoms are readily available
>Tailpussy cozies/burqas mandatory since teenagers will eventually want to stick their dick in it
>Sandworms banned from cities
>Wurms banned from all job fields except demolitions

>> No.15640938

They growl and bark.

>> No.15640941

Guess I just haven't used enough pie yet.

I'll go until I have a wurm out of her!

>> No.15640942

This is hell

>> No.15640948

Does what a Manticore eat affect her venom?

>> No.15640951

Yes, they are.

>> No.15640963

Not gonna lie, I'd enjoy that.

>> No.15640965

You guys are all big jerks.

>> No.15640968

>any infectious/highly corruption radiating monster permanently banned from being anywhere close to human-inhabited areas
>matangos, parasites, dark matters etc. banned
>werewolves banned
>ushi-oni banned
>wights banned because they can basically instantly kill and zombiefy human women with a touch

>> No.15640971

And she's going to be a big wurm!

>> No.15640974

How am I a jerk? I just want to dominate a Dark Elf!

>> No.15640977

then what

>> No.15640978

But it would be so much fun to tease her!
She can't even dom me!

>> No.15640980

>>werewolves banned
Not my Wolfus!

>> No.15640987

I wonder what it would be like being a cemetery grounds keeper, I imagine all the undead flora and fauna would be nice to talk to

>> No.15640999
File: 124 KB, 600x800, 0e0fe86a08106fa254bed0872e258cb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Squirrels?

>> No.15641002

Dark Elves are supposed to be proud, mighty, and lithe. Do you know how hard she worked in high school to get her figure? Now she can't ever go out again or her old friends or the people she used to bully will recognize her!

>> No.15641003

I think we can fuck pretty much anything that has at least a pussy and a pair of tits.

>> No.15641010

Oh no, she's going out and I'm putting her in skimpy outfits.

Well, not if we're going out for a good dinner

>> No.15641016
File: 791 KB, 1920x1080, 1466884119909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW in the era of Fallen Rome, zombies and wights were virtually non-existent due to the pragmatic nature of the people
>With bodies either being decapitated or burned after death to prevent re-animation
>It wasn't until the Black Plague and the assimilation of the Goths that Wights became more known, often times using cremes or make up to appear more human
>With perfume hiding the smell of death that hangs around them
>TFW an Apophis bit Cleopatra

>> No.15641024
File: 612 KB, 724x1024, 1421226868423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even a lewd squirrel girl?

>> No.15641028

I'm not going to do anything to her figure, I just want to rape the Dark Elf!

>> No.15641029

I like my modest monsters

>> No.15641031

They fuck.

>> No.15641034

Your doubt offends me, when i say anything i mean ANYTHING.

>> No.15641037

Undead environments sound so awesome.

>> No.15641054

it'd be pretty spooky at first
>see things moving silently in the fog late at night
>find graves have been dug up
>hear things moving around at night
>something will tap on your window only for you to discover that its the old oak tree that stands just outside your little shack
>police still can't find anything on the grave robberies

>> No.15641055

They are the only Monster Girl who can defeat Dr. Doom.

>> No.15641056

Spooky dryads sounds cute

>> No.15641067

If you have a threesome with a jubjub and humpty dumpty egg, who cums first: the chicken or the egg?

>> No.15641068

The bigger ones are easier.
She can't even properly fight back when you take her.

>> No.15641073

would she be a weeping willow?

>> No.15641082

You think you're a clever guy?

>> No.15641091

There better be a portal to an Undead Kingdom for all that trouble.

>> No.15641097

But the fitter ones are funner.

>> No.15641102

Depends on if you like to make your own fun by bullying an overweight one.

>> No.15641124
File: 394 KB, 850x1203, IMG_0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you're just living right next to the front door of the Undead Kingdom, and you find that out when a horde of zombies break down the door to your shack after getting fed up seeing you go to sleep alone for too many nights

>> No.15641130

A wight alraune/liliraune wouldn't be a bad way to spend eternity

>> No.15641142

But I'm fine with being alone that's why I took a job around the dead

>> No.15641148

Now I'm thinking of a liliraune where one of the girls is alive, but the other in is undead. The alive half of the plant is all vibrant and green, but the undead half is pale blue, and bioluminescent, producing purple nectar rather than orange.

It makes zero sense, but it sounds visually interesting.

>> No.15641160

It could work maybe the plant is half in the shade and half in the sun

>> No.15641166

tough shit anon you're gonna get the ever living fuck cuddled out of you by these zombies who care a lot about you
they'll eventually drag you down to meet a lonely wight they've been trying to get a man for and they think you're just her type

what color is the flower and what does the love nectar taste like

>> No.15641170
File: 251 KB, 1550x1200, 1956545894543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare Anon to walk through the Kakuen Jungle without getting his camera stolen!


>> No.15641172

Would that wright sill let me trim the hedges of the cemetery

>> No.15641179

Are you saying all Kakuens steal? Racist

>> No.15641184



>> No.15641221
File: 119 KB, 497x547, 1459390460064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've found a Tanuki!
>Tanukis can buy any items you want to sell.
>Be wary! You might not get the best deal.


>> No.15641227

Sell heart

>> No.15641228

I'll leave it. Somebody will pick her up.

>> No.15641229

[x] Leave

>> No.15641230

Post the actual theme of the Tanuki


>> No.15641231

Oh, what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.15641237

Would a rich monstergirl still let me do my job after I marry her

>> No.15641241

The sound of Tanukis running around the stock market, their bushy tails standing upright and going back and forth at rapid speeds.

>> No.15641257

I was thinking that too. The liliraune plant is rooted in such a way that only one of the lilies can soak up sunlight, and the other lily becomes all wilted to the point where she eventually dies. But then, for whatever reason, comes back as an undead.

Though in reality, seeing as how they're a single unit, the one girl with access to sunlight would most likely be able to share her vitality with her other half to keep them both healthy.

Another way to do it would be with an alraune saving a woman on the verge of death by becoming a liliraune with her, so she's reborn as an undead plant-girl.
Or a single-girl liliraune taking in an undead as her other half.

>> No.15641283

maybe the Undead one had a disease and stopped it from spreading to the healthy shaded one

>> No.15641287

alright, fuck me for blogging but I need to tell this story now. So i was on a job in Cameroon, and we had some shore leave. Myself, my crew mates, and our clients company man decided to go to the bars, and then the local zoo. After we arrived at the zoo, our guide took us to the ape exhibit to show us the local smoking chimp, who was addicted to cigarettes that the handlers would give him. He even knew how to use the lighter, but thats not this story. Next to the chimp exhibit, was the Gorillas, and we where separated from them by what was practically just a chain link fence. One gorilla was sitting against the fence, and checking us out, so the company man decides somehow that it would be funny if he gave the gorilla his expensive Nikon Digital rogue camera. The gorrila reached out of the exhibit, took the camera, and immediately started chewing on it. The company man, lets call him Bob, started freaking out and tried to talk the gorilla into giving back his camera, and of course it wasn't listening. Instead, the gorilla set the camera down, and turned back to the fence and held out his hand. Bob, being a complete genius, took this as a sign of parley. He gave the Gorilla his oakley sunglasses. The gorilla took the glasses, broke them in half, and then smashed the camera with a rock. At this point, myself and my friends are losing our minds, It was like some crazy dream sequence. Bob was pissed as hell, and stormed off towards a bench to sit down. We didn't realize that the gorilla reached back out of the exhibit, and grabbed the nearest thing, my friend Abbot by the front of his belt. Abbot screamed like a girl, and the belt ripped off his belt loops as the gorrila ran off into the exhibit, swinging it over head.

Kakuens, not even once.

>> No.15641310

beautiful wall of text, anon

>> No.15641319

I know it's in Africa, but still, what fucking zoo uses a chainlink fence as the only containment for a gorilla, of all the fucking animals?
That's like trying to cage in a rhino with inch thick drywall.

>> No.15641330

There are so many holes I could pick apart with this, besides the poor grammar.
The healthy one wouldn't be the shaded one, obviously. And how the hell is an undead girl supposed to catch a disease compatible with a plant girl? Their body's already dead.

>> No.15641331

The whole place was a total shit hole. I think the animals only stuck around for the free food.
I lack punctuation

>> No.15641343
File: 1.24 MB, 880x776, 15560955645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We didn't realize that the gorilla reached back out of the exhibit, and grabbed the nearest thing, my friend Abbot by the front of his belt. Abbot screamed like a girl, and the belt ripped off his belt loops...

>Give me that dick, boy.

>> No.15641346

fuck I messed up rewrote that a few times and forgot to delete fuckup number 2. Shade=Diseased and Healthy=no disease because shade is giving up her nutrients

>> No.15641347

Guys a little shota just fell into the Kakuen's pen what do we do?

>> No.15641349

Sure, though when you're done be prepared to get carried back by a horde of her servants, she'll miss you when you're away.

>> No.15641355
File: 563 KB, 1800x2250, Spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not join the glorious Spider Pussy Union?

Hostile Chirping In The Distance.wav

>> No.15641362

Shoot the kakuen with a manticore spine.

>> No.15641364

Throw another shota, her smug nature will make her hesistate before raping, that's when we slap her butt to subdue her.

>> No.15641365

Oh well that is nice, maybe she could visit the cottage every so often

>> No.15641367

Start fliming, we'll make millions!

>> No.15641368

>Using the skills taught to you by your Tanuki stepmother, you're able to put a Vampire into ridiculous debt after she builds a mansion that blocks your scenic view
>You tell her that if she works for you as a maid for 5 years, you'll forgive her debt entirely
>You'll even throw in some blood for free while she works
>She begrudgingly agrees
>She's not very fond of you at all, at least at first
>After a year though, she realizes that she actually likes being forced to be a servant
>She tries her best to hide it though, there's no way she's revealing this level of masochism to some human
>After another year, she starts slipping
>Smiles leak out when you ask her to do things, and she almost called you master once, but caught herself
>After yet another year, she's actually asked if she can have her blood right from the source
>A year after that, she's smiling happily as she goes about her duties
>She's even called you master a few times
>5 years finally come to an end, but something unexpected happens
>She asks if she can stay with you forever

>> No.15641373

Meh. It's shit.

>> No.15641377

Unexpected? You mean just as planned!

>> No.15641383

But I have Arachnophobia, so I need an nice and gentle spider

>> No.15641393

What do I get?

>> No.15641400

Dicks out.

>> No.15641403

This is my fetish.

>> No.15641410

Living the dream.

>> No.15641423

This is not ok.

>> No.15641446

Man, if I found that a cemetery next to my home suddenly became a door to an undead realm, I'd end up reinforcing the doors and possibly boarding up the windows, along with installing more sensors for the burglar alarm.
I'd rather not find any unexpected visitors during the night.

>> No.15641454

>reinforcing the doors and possibly boarding up the windows
Reminds me of that one story with the dark matter bomb and the guy who bunkered up in his house. Anyone got a link?

>> No.15641464

Sure i'll join so long as they treat me well and don't assault/rape me. Also if one of the lovely arachne want to form a relationship with me, make sure they know that i'm old fashioned when it comes to dating and perfer to be asked out so we can see if we have good chemistry for a possible relationship based on love not lust.

>> No.15641468

zombie girls are my fetish

>> No.15641471


>> No.15641472

But then how are the mice girls living in your walls supposed to go outside?

>> No.15641479
File: 736 KB, 1318x754, 1234575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh! It's a normal night with your Monster Waifu, when suddenly, she tries to kill you! You're able to tell she's not in her right mind, and thankfully manage to evade her and hide in your safe room you usually only use for Full Moons. The morning comes after hours of hiding and apparrently on the radio a weird once-in-a-millenia space phenomena happened last night that caused Monster Girls everywhere to become feral and violent. But it's passed and everything is normal. And no one was seriously injured somehow too.

However, how does your waifu cope with the fact that she tried to kill you, even if she wasn't herself? How do you react?

>> No.15641480

Could a cancer fuck up a charybdis?

>> No.15641484
File: 322 KB, 800x725, 1454472014139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We heard there was a yeti being bullied and came as fast as we could

>> No.15641489

Tons of sadness and a need to run away from me to protect me from herself

>> No.15641490


>> No.15641491

>Lizard girl wife
What kind of fucking casual do you take me for? i will battle her until morning.

>> No.15641494
File: 351 KB, 933x1000, Spacenubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She builds a ship, squeezes her perfect ass into a spacesuit, and takes me along to hunt down and put an end to that phenomena.

>> No.15641496

Would an undead monster enjoy listening to your heart beat

>> No.15641497

Ysee, it's situations like this where I'm glad I like dormice so much. Practically harmless, and can easily be overpowered if they grab a weapon. But honestly, I think the whole event would be called the Greatest Depression since every MG in the world would end up with it.

>> No.15641501 [SPOILER] 
File: 789 KB, 1848x1944, 1470435836027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're almost thirty years old, and still single! Not because there weren't monstergirls willing to marry you, but because you used to appreciate way too much your freedom. However, paternity is growing on you way too much, to the point you realize you really want to be a father.

Since you're not ready to marry (but you are to be a father, you're strange) you decide your best bet is to adopt a girl from the orphanage so one of those little girls can also enjoy being part of a family. At the orphanage they accept your adoption request, but since they want to give all the lolis the same chances of getting a family, they won't tell you what species they are. Instead, they will give you a list of the favorite objects of every girl, and you will have to pick from there.

Here's the list:

>Two wedding rings: Yes, they're not fake, and nobody knows how she got them. She's always telling the rest of the girls one of them is for her future husband. This girl may have some yandere inclinations.

>Doll: A doll dressed like a woman from the victorian era. She tends to drop the doll everywhere, scaring some girls, especially at night.

>Recipe book: She's not allowed to cook here, but she likes to read it and fantasize about all the different meals she will make once she's married.

>Pillow: That's it. A simple pillow. She wears it with her 24/7 so she can sleep anywhere. This girl is pretty lazy.

>Bruce Lee poster: She loves fight movies, and Bruce Lee is her idol. We also think she may masturbate to the image when in private.

>Tea Service: She loves tea, and only drinks it from this one. Once again, it's pretty expensive, and we don't know how she got it.

>Glasses: Well she needs it to see correctly after all. However she tends to break at least a couple of them every month.

>Magical girl dress: She loves to wear it and play with it. The fact that she can use magic does not help.

Girls in 10 min.

>> No.15641504

That moment when she weeps that your heart beats better than hers.

>> No.15641507

Curses! It's the Pally Patrol!

>> No.15641508

>Not because there weren't monstergirls willing to marry you
But that's the truth.

>> No.15641509

The pillow.

>> No.15641510

I'd take the one with wedding rings just because she may be yandere doesn't mean she has to be and odds are she is just a normal girl

>> No.15641512

Recipe book. We're gonna become the greatest chefs this world has ever seen.

>> No.15641513

maybe if I hug her close enough it will feel like her heart is also beating

>> No.15641514
File: 415 KB, 1050x885, Both Waifus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you damn well know I'm taking that Secret Box.

>> No.15641515

I'll go with the Bruce lee poster girl.

>> No.15641518

>Still single at 30

Hitting a little close to home there.

But I'll take the Doll

>> No.15641524


Wedding Rings, just because she has them doesn't mean one is meant for me.

>> No.15641529

>Tea Set
Because it's TEA TIME.

>> No.15641530

Recipe book all the way, looks like a calm and motherly girl.

>> No.15641532

Magical girl dress, got a good feeling about this.

>> No.15641534

The tea service.

I guess she's a March Hare.

>> No.15641535

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling pally and his stupid yeti!

>> No.15641538

The magical girl dress.

>> No.15641545

Doll all the way

Nice to see an original premise

>> No.15641546

Recipe book sounds great. I'd love to teach a daughteru how to cook.

>> No.15641558


>> No.15641567
File: 1.68 MB, 2104x2747, 234623472438247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to your daughter, and take good care of her!

You get a Baphomet who was making herself pass for a little girl. She actually has the same age than you.

>> No.15641568

Wedding Rings or Recipe Book

>> No.15641569

I'll take my chances with magic girl dress.

>> No.15641572

Sorry, I'm not good enough to raise a kid.

>> No.15641573

>Unagi Joro
Looks like I've adopted a wonderful future wife.

>> No.15641575

>Arch imp
I'm fine with that.

>> No.15641579

This firemaus is getting spoiled in a responsible way.

>> No.15641583

Goddamn lazy cats.

>> No.15641586

Aside from the werecat, they're all cliche and completely uninspired. Too easy to guess.

>> No.15641587

Some of these caught me off guard.

Fortunately, I knew what I was getting into with the doll. No regerts

>> No.15641592

I want to be the best father I can be to a little monster

>> No.15641594

As I said once, I like to keep it simple so most anons get what they want. Sorry.

>> No.15641599

>spooky girls sometimes show up at your door to visit you in the middle of the night
>a lich who always makes vulgar suggestions with an expressionless face

>> No.15641600

I hope she isn't here to buy the bodies from the graves because they aren't for sale

>> No.15641602
File: 208 KB, 818x1200, 1467034130260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You baby them too much. You'll end up making them all spoilt and self-centered.

>> No.15641604
File: 275 KB, 1100x745, 1434160540579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yandere Succubus
That's niiice.

>> No.15641610

Why don't the Succubus and Angel swap species then the slut can look slutty and the pure look extremely pure?

>> No.15641629 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1300x1950, 1470437593444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Secret Box was the waifu option

Looks like I won this contest by a landslide.

>> No.15641638

>dat bulge

Riiiiiiight. Not to knock anyone's waifu or anything, but...

>> No.15641640

>Implying daughters aren't future wives, especially when there isn't a mother around

>> No.15641645

>TFW no Baphomet stories outside of Moose's autismfest

>> No.15641653

>single man adopting a monster girl
>implying it's not all the waifu option

>> No.15641655
File: 114 KB, 622x521, 1397060907199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15641659

You can't blame the writers for that. KC's made baphomets so broken, noone wants to write about them for the same reason they don't want to write about lilims.

>> No.15641670
File: 1.97 MB, 500x281, Wight-Shirohebi locks onto target.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW too shitty to start writing prose again
>TFW unable to be lewd at all or write original stories
>TFW Anna is still best Undead

>> No.15641673
File: 176 KB, 700x600, 1468559153338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked is he?

>> No.15641675

jesus KC really needs to draw more butt centric stuff.

>> No.15641679
File: 1.33 MB, 1243x1720, 29879883_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magical Girl outfit
>Arch Imp
This could not have went any better, finally someone else remembers she exists.

One of these days I'll commission something for her.

>> No.15641680

You seem able to type whiny attention-whore posts like some kind of writefag martyr.
Stop being a bitch and put that typing to use instead actually attempting to write, rather than moan about how you're not writing.

>> No.15641681

I kind of want to write a baphomet story, but it would be almost nothing but fucking

>> No.15641695

Not at all. She'll find it sweet that he actually likes her.

>> No.15641727
File: 131 KB, 1419x1000, Angry barking noises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf Butt

>> No.15641745

I want a short wolfu that has a disproportionately huge rear.

>> No.15641748

What monsters would love movie theater popcorn

>> No.15641765

I want to be an evil Dragon's husband, and I want to not embarrass her.

>> No.15641771

The fallen bride stories give me the impression that only people who are already fucked up are vulnerable to corruption.

>> No.15641776

Threesomes with normal Elven women.

>> No.15641785

>Not embarrass her

So you won't be making a batch of delicious cookies for her Dark Lizardgirl Henchwomen?

>> No.15641807

yeah but my shit is of making Alp look like the Shakespeares.

>> No.15641809

Foursomes with muscled elven triplets

>> No.15641810

Bummer, man.

>> No.15641812

How is that a limiting factor?-

>> No.15641813
File: 181 KB, 800x533, lebow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15641815 [SPOILER] 
File: 212 KB, 826x1062, 1470441770930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you waifu a Horse Pussy if she was a perfect ideal girl to whatever your tastes are or would you go after a not so ideal other wildcard MG?

>> No.15641817

I want to rape the Dark Elf queen.

>> No.15641832


>> No.15641849

Quite the opposite, I'll make sure they don't slack off just because she's not around.

>> No.15641853

Her requests would probably be strictly sexual

>> No.15641864

>oppai loli centaur pony

I could dig it.

>> No.15641876

Even if they aren't ideal, I'll always take a still loving monstergirl that's not a fucking horse.

>> No.15641886
File: 316 KB, 800x686, 1448596953260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if they were a loli centaur.

Seriously, anyone who's been around horses for any extended period of time who isn't completely nuts will tell you how unappealing horses are. They're dumb, lumbering, ugly and generally unclean animals.
Even taking away that bug-eyed head and sticking a woman's body on top wouldn't solve the problems they have.

Nah, the best centaur is a loli centaur. Small, neat, easy to clean and manage, and still cute. With their horse part about as large as a big dog, maybe a medium sized goat.

>> No.15641888
File: 1.01 MB, 1649x1290, tumblr_obgobtJLom1vxgw0io1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes .less just surprises me

>> No.15641890

What if japanese schoolgirl bees?


>> No.15641892
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x840, Dragon you say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said the other MGs would love you anon.

>> No.15641894

Occasionally you forget he can actually draw really stunning full colour stuff.

Anyway, who is this witch-type character with the floppy ears? She features in that picture with Charon and Haohi at the bar he drew, as well.

>> No.15641903

Best Girl!

>> No.15641913
File: 868 KB, 1648x2930, calliac Fixed Head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calliach, the lewd bunny bar owner, an OC of mine

This explains it

>> No.15641926

Yes, but you've already posted my perfect ideal girl.

>> No.15641948

I agree with you about real horses, but why do people always assume this stuff applies to centaurs? The same description could be use to describe cows and scarabs, yet many people get to like Holstaurus/khepri without complaints thrown at them.

>> No.15641949

Oh, bummer.

>> No.15641960

Because think about what you're dealing with when it comes to centaurs. It's still, at the end of the day, the entire body of a horse. You still get all that stink and uncleanliness and that rear which looks like a grenade blew up inside the sphincter.

With holstaurs, we're still talking about something that is basically human in structure. And the most animal feature about them is just the legs. In the end, that's only two human-sized limbs of difference, so that whole animal filthiness which we associate with farm animals isn't really there in a capacity so large that we need to worry about it.

Again with khepri, they're so far removed from dung beetles you can't really associate that whole "rolls about a ball shit and are generally dirty" thing with them. The difference in scale and anatomy is too big, their golden, plate-like chitin is too large to really be associated with an insect's on a sunconcious level.
So that same level of repulsion one might expect with the insect isn't there when looking at the monstergirl based on that insect.
Khepris roll magical energy too, so there's no worry about dung, also.

>> No.15641969

>You still get all that stink and uncleanliness
It should be noted that all animals are capable of being stink free and clean, they just don't bathe everyday like people (should) do.
The only reason dogs get the 'wet dog smell' is because they aren't washed enough. Same applies to horses and any other typical barn animal.

Can't speak to the cost of a horse shower though; don't expect it to be cheap.

>> No.15641974

>horse shower
It's called a hose and a scrub brush.

>> No.15641977

So i see your points and i can agree with them, all make sense on why it's a different situation when dealing with centaurs. Though it does make me wonder about how this all applies to things like arachne, solider beetles, and even mermaids/ lamia as they clearly have more features to them that are animal but that's another topic for another thread maybe.

>> No.15641981

>forcing your centaur wife to bathe with a hose and some shitty brush
Come on man, have some decency.

>> No.15641992

I want to hunt Kakuens!

>> No.15641999

Shoot the shit with the alp's father so I can have ammo to bully the alp with

>> No.15642012

How indeed. How does an organism that's default is to resort to sex deal with a situation where sex is not the answer?

>> No.15642015

>TFW no Cursed Sword with ice powers
>TFW Warcraft will never be this good again

>> No.15642018

Be sure to buy her lots of frilly dresses and lace panties.

>> No.15642019

Oh yeah, they all stil have the capacity to maintain their hygiene to stay healthy. Otherwise they outright just wouldn't be able to survive.
It's more that we as humans, or living in society, have developed a higher standard of hygiene, and maintaining that on a horse or centaur would be difficult to straight impossible.

With the arachnid, insect and aquatic types, I guess you don't really imagine things like chitin or scales getting as dirty as fur can. They're less fleshy than horses, less flab and rolls, less creases in general, which are all kind of unattractive.
They're still organic, but they seem less so, with their harder outer layers. They seem like they'd be easier to clean and keep clean, and therefore more hygenic and less unappealing in general.


>> No.15642020

I want nothing to do with horsepussy, so I'll take my chances elsewhere.

>> No.15642056
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You've made a mistake.

>> No.15642070
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Well, other monstergirls would want to keep themselves clean like you'd expect but depending on the MG they wouldn't have nearly as much of a bad smell as a wet feral wolfu would have dunked in cold bath water.

Hell, for all the people that rag on Undead, they'd have a pretty odorless stink because they don't sweat or decay as far as KC is concerned. If you, however wanted to go that route because you're a filthy degenerate they'd either smell like rotting fruit or spoiled cat food depending on the stage of decomposition and heat of the body. Since they can't regulate their own body's temperature obviously something like a Ghoul would smell so absolutely, abhorrently rancid that even Komodo-neesan wouldn't put her mouth on your dick after a BJ from that shit.

One thing I know for definite is that every MG would have various ways to spread their pheromones around if they so chose to so long as they weren't an Elementaland this is coming from a guy that'd huff the shit out of an Ignis to get high off the smell of burning firewood. Manticores have their manes, Wasps and Hornets have their honey-scented vaginas, Wolfus have their entire fucking bodies, and the list goes on and on.

It's kind of a fun subject to explore but not really one worth going into in a lot of detail because I'm personally so horribly autistic when it comes to smelling stuff that fucking Alp has forever triggered me with Stinkypede given that the only way she'd really smell that bad is if she had all the downsides of the bacteria breakdown that causes B.O. in humans and doesn't bathe like a fucking NEET.

But what do I know, outside of Shoggoths tasting monochrome

>> No.15642083

I just want to treat a Wurm like a queen.

>> No.15642092

Human Rach is better than Spider Rach.

>> No.15642096

I want to pat a Hellhounds head and tell her she's a good girl, then walk off.

>> No.15642112

Does she take any form of animal cock?

>> No.15642183

What girl is best if she has the reverse personality of her species norm?

>> No.15642193


>> No.15642196

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead give an office baphomet a massage, they really need it.

>> No.15642197

Would anyone like to see how my June picture is coming along?

>> No.15642202


>> No.15642205


>> No.15642211

Should I shine her hooves as well?

>> No.15642214

yes please

>> No.15642222 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15642224

Horn polishing would be a must as well.

Just be sure to watch out if she falls asleep while you pamper her.

>> No.15642232


>> No.15642235

Who is that?

>> No.15642253

Probably the most controversial lamia in existence at this point.

>> No.15642257


>> No.15642259

Shut the fuck up YBA, you traitor.

A bitch loved by bootlickers.

>> No.15642262

Her skin is grey? I never picked up on that when I read Vengeance.

Then again, I can recall how her scales change color depending on what route she goes down. Maid route included.

>> No.15642266

Fuck off.

>> No.15642284
File: 1.35 MB, 886x1280, anubis_shower2(web_res).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, who's the guy been posting top-tier monstergirls in the /a/ thread with the Granblue OP?

You're making me want to fap to hips and thighs again.

>> No.15642295


Just human cock in her bar

>> No.15642300


>> No.15642313

I'm not gonna lie, that thumbnail looks like a normal girl with a sock-on-a-cock sticking out.
I'm really glad its not.

>> No.15642337

She runs away and I go after her. She is pretty sentimental, so I will need to do some super heavy healing.

>> No.15642348

Easily achieved by out-domming her at night

>> No.15642359
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>out-domming her

>> No.15642368

Right, I misread the info.

Gotta consistently fuck her docile side for her to stay a masochist.

>> No.15642374

Which spider is the nicest and doesn't want to tie me in her webs and rape me for hours

>> No.15642377

D. None of the above

>> No.15642382

Milky ones.

>> No.15642383

Day Jurougumo

>> No.15642384


>> No.15642393

The 'Bagheera kiplingi' is a mostly herbavour spider so find one of those

>> No.15642396
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>> No.15642397

none, never trust a spider.

>> No.15642400


>> No.15642401

Cancers are nice but I don't think that they count as spiders.

>> No.15642404

I hate spider girls

I want to hit one with a broom.

>> No.15642407

I wonder she gets bullied for eating salads instead of meat

>> No.15642413

But they like you.

>> No.15642419
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>> No.15642431

I refuse to believe them! Spider girls are bad and are completely untrustworthy!

Look at >>15642419! They're awful!

>> No.15642434

Notto disu shetto agen.

>> No.15642438

She's probably just misunderstood.

>> No.15642441

Or she's a terrible person and was waiting for the right moment to kill people.

>> No.15642444

She's only angry because you said you wanted to hit her with a broom.

>> No.15642454

What? Should I have used a boot instead?

>> No.15642455 [DELETED] 

Perhaps she was speaking metaphorically. Also

Trips for truth.

>> No.15642457

That's because she's a gross, dumb spider girl!

>> No.15642465

I'd protect her from any bullies

>> No.15642471

I don't think you can be metaphorical with death threats.

>> No.15642482

I wonder if the spider guy and the anti spider guy are gay for each other.

>> No.15642484
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Winter spiders are too cold to rape

>> No.15642489

then they both would alp at the same time

>> No.15642493

We are in the alp hour, after all.

>> No.15642495

You would be completely wrong.

People that like spiders have mental problems.

>> No.15642498

So what does it mean to "Kill you with kindness" then?
Checkmate athiests

>> No.15642499

Do you have a problem with the vegetarian spider mentioned above?

>> No.15642505
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Does her voice sound divine?

>> No.15642508
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That Abdomen!

>> No.15642509

Yes, they're still fucking scary.

>> No.15642510

Why don't you go flirt in a discord or something.

>> No.15642515

Why if they have no reason to hurt you?

>> No.15642516

Spider-alp! Spider-alp!

Wait, I've done this already.

>> No.15642521

But which one would wear the strapon?

>> No.15642522

>So what does it mean to "Kill you with kindness" then?
To lull you into a false sense of security, then horribly murder you?

Just because they don't eat meat does not mean they're peaceful.

>> No.15642523

Damn, polymorphing allows for a lot of versatility doesn't it? Excellent work in that regard brofam.

>> No.15642525

Do not dick the bugs and arachnids

>> No.15642526

Undead are nice monsters to befriend

>> No.15642529

Why would I?

>> No.15642530

I am going to dick the kuu out of a mantis and there is not a single thing you can do to stop me.

>> No.15642532

I want to give Spider-alp an upside-down kiss for rescuing me, then feel really strange and awkward about it afterwards.

>> No.15642539

Better than spiders.

>> No.15642540

I hope you enjoy a broken neck

>> No.15642543

Anti-spider guy seems to be a bit more agressive so he would the "active".

>> No.15642545

I'd include undead spiders in my spooky friends

>> No.15642547

>Making a Mantis worse
No, stop.

Mantises are meant to be Kuuderes!

>> No.15642549

Nice. How does she fit her paws into those gloves? Magic?

>> No.15642551

But she'll never be the same! How would a Mantis without her kuu be like?

>> No.15642555

>dirty overalls
Good detail.

>> No.15642558

Mamano mana would have a field day with the venom.

Phoneutria fera venom already causes priapism
Atrax robustus venom has high efficacy on mammals.
Necrotic venom could link into undead nicely.

>> No.15642575


What's she singing?

>> No.15642576

Skeletons have cute tailbones

>> No.15642585
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Ushi-oni are olev.

>> No.15642599

I think she should get a yellow seal to match her eyes instead of red

>> No.15642652

They would creep the hell out of me. I'd rather not have someone who stares at me in my sleep, and has morbid solutions to any illnesses I acquire.
I'd also prefer someone who isn't waiting for/plotting my death. Undead just ain't for me.

>> No.15642662

>Mantises are meant to be Kuuderes!
Outside of the bedroom. It's okay, I've got this.

A different kind of adorable. She'd be a tittering little thing that swayed with the leaves in the hope I wouldn't notice her and make her blush.

>> No.15642666

If you sleep then you won't nice the stares so why would it matter if she is protecting you during the night? The solutions might be morbid but it shows she cares for you and just wishes you to be in good health and you will die one day so it isn't plotting

>> No.15642670

Contrast though. Yellow and gold go great together, plus red looks better with the rest of her gray.

>> No.15642676

Maybe she should go with purple because it is complimentary to yellow

>> No.15642679
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Aww c'mon. Zombies are mamono mister potato heads. Don't like her tits? Switch 'em out for a new pair! Don't like her face? I'm sure there are some extra heads around here somewhere.

>> No.15642687
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x800, totally a lich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather not have someone who stares at me in my sleep
>have night terrors and nightmares
>tfw no lich waifu that always looks over me sleeping to tell me everything's alright, while also never running the risk of waking her up since she never sleeps, so one weight on my shoulders is gone forever

>> No.15642691
File: 161 KB, 1000x800, timmies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna get some Timmies and poutine before the Leafs game, bud?

>> No.15642692

I like zombies just the way they are so no need to Frankenstein's monster them

>> No.15642700

But I don't know anything about hockey, who do I root for?

>> No.15642702

The kuu is the only thing keeping your head on your shoulders.

>> No.15642705

Yellow/gold is one of those colors that goes with everything so purple would also be good. It's really not the seal limiting her ability to bring out the color of her eyes so much as everything else, and everything else is black or gray so guess what? Yellow and maybe green are probably the only colors that wouldn't look great on her head.

>> No.15642711

Look, I already have a Canadian friend. I'm all full up on leafs.

>> No.15642713

You root for whoever is on the jersey I give you ya hoser, now get in the cur we're gonna be late

I don't know what kind of car Yetis would drive

>> No.15642721

That's what the dere is for. Hell, it'd probably be easier to keep your head around a mantis that WASN'T kuu because at least then you could tell what she was thinking.

I am now imagining a mantis silently destroying a battlefield and it's terrifying.

>> No.15642726

That's fair enough. But you have to admit that the ability to be modular is pretty handy.

Unless of course there ends up being a matter concerning the personality/memories of the previous owner being transferred over. A zombiefu with 8 different personalities could get annoying. On the bright side, it'd mean you have a low maintenance harem.

>> No.15642727

I don't like coffee, I'll take the poutine though.

She can also go fuck herself for thinking I would ever watch a Leafs game, hate the fact that I share a country with fucking Toronto.

>> No.15642728

Hate to blog, but I'm excited about this semester of college. Taking a creative writing class, so my writefagottry should be even better than it was!

>> No.15642730

What if she did weird things to you while you slept?

>> No.15642736

I like Yandere monsters that slowly become less yan as they get more love

>> No.15642743

Whoa now, I think that's going a bit too far. They are very hackable, but if you need a needle, thread and surgical skill to make things go together right we're not modular anymore.

Can't wait until you invite the professor into your magical realm.

>> No.15642752

I like sewing so which monsters also like sewing

>> No.15642753

I like when yanderes get put on their place when they try to protect someone from the Wh0ReS

>> No.15642754
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I'd be more uncomfortable about her not asking in the first place rather than her doing such things. Considering I trust her enough to watch me sleep every night, I'd assume the level of trust would also enough for her to tell me instead of keeping it secret.

>> No.15642756

>Implying I'm gonna let anyone in the real world know my absolute love for MGs.

>> No.15642769

>Becoming less yan
That's like microwaving ice cream before eating it.

>> No.15642771

Both Arachne and Jorou-Gumo have a penchant for sewing.
I hope you like spiders.

>> No.15642773

>creative writing class

>> No.15642780

Liches have good needlework.

>> No.15642784

But what if she had to test it without you knowing, or was just embarrassed?

>> No.15642788

it's like a battery if her love percent is high she won't be crazy but if she feels unloved expect the crazy to come back

>> No.15642791

Lich, kiki, >>15642771, and for some reason I see holstaurs and hakutaku enjoying it as well. Maybe because they're so comfy.

>> No.15642797

Okay, so maybe not "modular". And needle and thread would be a necessity. Surgical skill, probably not as much. A lot of surgery is keeping your patient alive to reap the benefits of said surgery. Doing it on a zombie eliminates that problem. However it does raise a question to me. If you sever certain tendons and ligaments, can you completely immobilize a MG zombie? If not and MAMANO MANA comes into play, you can throw surgical skill out the window in lieu of decent sewing skill.

>> No.15642804

Well I'm scared of spiders, but maybe our needle work will help me get over it
Would she just have me patch up her zombie minions?

>> No.15642810

>If you sever certain tendons and ligaments, can you completely immobilize a MG zombie?
Yes, but you have to accidentally kill yourself afterward for silly but plot necessary reasons.

>> No.15642817

you, darling and a few other house husbands should start a sewing circle

>> No.15642821
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>or was just embarrassed?
I'd tell her that it's a fair trade seeing as I was the one who had to suddenly get used to the idea of having someone watch me sleep every night when I sleep mostly naked.

And I'll keep poking her about it until I see her cheeks turn from undead silver to red from blushing!

>> No.15642828

>And I'll keep poking her about it until I see her cheeks turn from undead silver to red from blushing!
>"Dahring, wah are shu doin'?"
>"Trying to massage the blood back into your cheeks. Hold still, dammit!"
>"You migh nee to star' 'ower or micsh me."

>> No.15642830

>not wanting someone to be desperately in love with you
It's like you aren't even a narcissist.

>> No.15642836

What I mean by crazy is her seeing everyone as whores trying to take you from her

>> No.15642837

>Protecting me during the night
From what? And how do I know she isn't pulling any shenanigans while I'm sleeping?

>The solutions might be morbid but it shows she cares for you
>If you were dead like me, then you wouldn't have to worry about the flu!
No thanks.

>you will die one day so it isn't plotting
That is true. Some of them might want to accelerate the process, though. Also no thanks.

>> No.15642842

>not wanting to be dead

>> No.15642843

Alps that had in interest in trap cosplay but now it's just normal due to their change

>> No.15642844

If she was doing stuff to you, wouldn't you wake up?

>> No.15642850

so would she cosplay as a dude then?

>> No.15642856

>Some of them might want to accelerate the process, though. Also no thanks.
So what if you, turning into undead, had no really ill effects? If you wait to die of old age and go undead, then you end up having to look at your own withered and aged self for all eternity. Die young! Leave a pretty corpse!

>> No.15642862

Meant for

>> No.15642865

I love liches lacking large lactaters

>> No.15642867
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>Alps cosplaying super-manly characters

Sounds like a target for a charisma break.

>> No.15642881

They better have booties to compensate then.

>> No.15642882

>Watching a Leafs game
For what purpose? That said, I'm down for Timmies.

>> No.15642883

nope I'm fine with a lich having neither ass or titties

>> No.15642886

I want to ride a tremendous Wurm butt!

>> No.15642889

Then you just have a featureless loli plank.

>> No.15642897
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I want to make an undead dragon feel alive again

>> No.15642903

That doesn't mean she is a loli

>> No.15642907

Is an undead dragon just a dragon/wight combo?

>> No.15642913

That thigh gap is too big to be a gap

>> No.15642917

The point I'm trying to get across is my personal preference against undead, both the girls and being one.
When I finally kick the bucket, I'd rather move on to whatever is on the other side, be it an afterlife or nothing.
Besides, I'd want a girl with a heartbeat, since it's a reassuring sound that would remind me I'm not alone and crazy.

>> No.15642918

Zombie Dragons are horny, probably lonely berserkers (Having died sexless virgins after all) while Wight Dragons are dignified.

>> No.15642949

What happens to 30 year old virgin monsters

>> No.15642954


They become the worst monsters of all:


>> No.15642955

They get put on suicide watch

>> No.15642960

What monster is best for cuddling in bed? What about cuddling you?

>> No.15642961

They become the wizards of MG world.

>> No.15642962

They become wizard monsters

>> No.15642965

They give birth to a human boy.

>> No.15642966

Lamia is the best cuddler, by far.

>> No.15642967

Wurm and wurm

>> No.15642970

So is it immaculate conception every time? Do we have a bunch of Jesuses (Jesusii? Jesii?) running around turning water into semen or whatever befits their mood?

>> No.15642972


Your waifu

>> No.15642973

For me, it's a close tie between a lamia and a slime. Full body hugs are the best.

>> No.15642977

Probably a mofu of some kind.
For me, it's my dragon waifu. She does get a little bit sad sometimes because she doesn't have all that warm fluff, but I always reassure her that her heat is the warmest thing in the world for me.

>> No.15642978


Anything with:

A) A large tail

B) Tentacles

C) Fluff

>> No.15642981
File: 1.19 MB, 1250x1750, 40744858_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chubby fox.

>> No.15642982

Shogoth can cuddle you, as a bed

>> No.15642987

Remember, keep you blades sharp and your will strong
and ignore that lizardgirl in the corner licking her lips

>> No.15642999

I need a wurm with wide, world-shaking hips

>> No.15643012

I want a kunoichi-Cheshire tag-team

>> No.15643021

the best monster for cuddling in bed is your waifu.

I'd like a hellhound to cuddle me, her big strong, fluffy arms holding me close to her toasty warm body with my head resting on her chest mofu and her big meaty paws rubbing my head and her claws gently scratching itches i never knew were there all while telling me she loves me and wants me to stay with her 'til hell freezes over ; ~ ;

>> No.15643030

Why is her tail so small?
And why does she only have one?

>> No.15643041

Order kiddies need a fictional super-paladin to look up to

>> No.15643046
File: 185 KB, 635x903, 7fc7ee0f9318b728023e42ea62bcffd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643049

I want a white haired, tomboy Kunoichi.

>> No.15643051

Are liches like fishes and a group is a school

>> No.15643057

She's not a monster regardless of being raised by bird people

>> No.15643061

I like smart birds as opposed to birdbrains

>> No.15643074

She turned her mofu into fat.

>> No.15643085

>best for cuddling in bed
It's a tie between Scylla and Kraken, tentacles make cuddling so much better

>What about cuddling you?
My waifu

>> No.15643107
File: 419 KB, 1000x2000, Punk Crow Tengu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.15643114

I'd pump her rum

>> No.15643116

I want to watch her be edgy

>> No.15643125


This thread.

>> No.15643127

Who cares if they smart or birdbrains, the only thing that matters is how voluminous and colorful their plumage is

This is a good example of a low tier bird because of her basic black plumage
1/10 would not put on my bird watch list

>> No.15643136

>"There is nothing wrong with hurting and mind-breaking human boys! They deserve it and love it!"
>"Oh, but not you. You're one of the good ones."

What if she did a trick?

>> No.15643142

What if I ask if she really believes it?

>> No.15643149

That's what her friends online say. They totally have lots of sex, so they should know.

>> No.15643154

She should offer those friends a chance to see a real mindbreak with the bird and you

>> No.15643156

>What if she did a trick?

Well, maybe I'd watch her for an hour or two but I wouldn't bring my fancy binoculars like I usually do

>> No.15643157
File: 352 KB, 2048x1628, 1464516137891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone answering with reptiles and mofus
>no one remembers THE cuddle monster

You people don't often disappoint me, but holy shit when you do...

>> No.15643162

She can't mindbreak someone when she's being watched, there's too much pressure.

>> No.15643163

Im to great a brand name for paladin weapons and call the brand "Pal"
>wont be a paladin without a pal!

>> No.15643168

See, that's just it: we're told yetis give the best hugs, but we're never told why and it really doesn't make much sense. This is baphomet cunt all over again.

>> No.15643169

It puts into perspective how shitty yetis are when people list monsters that not only outclass it at the one thing it's "good' at, but can do a bunch of other fun stuff too, huh?

>> No.15643176

Do I need to write a description of baphpussy again? Because I'm trying to play vidya.

>> No.15643179

The way the pattern is made is interesting. Also, never knew she was grey-skinned, apparently.

>> No.15643181

All fun and games till you get a scandal when some buys a cursed sword from your store.

>> No.15643183
File: 363 KB, 2048x1442, 1470227829351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's open to interpretation.

>> No.15643186

>Do I need to write a description of baphpussy again?
That's the kind of shit you save later to copypasta, you fool. Don't waste my time if you aren't even gud enough for that.

>> No.15643188

It's not perfect yet, so I need to write a new, better description every time.

>> No.15643218

I want to let edgy monsters vent to me

>> No.15643240

Oh man, that drawing and colouring is perfect. Kudos, Latenight, she looks like an 11/10 cutie.

Either she's using polymorph magic, or those gloves and boots are from Wonderland, which is a nice idea too.
If it were me, I'd match the amount of fingers on with her gloves to how many digits she has, just for consistency's sake, but it's still lovely.

>> No.15643254

What would they vent about?

>> No.15643268

about how much they are edgy and hate goody monsters

>> No.15643339

>"I burn down villages because I hate the people."
>"I hate the people because they throw rocks at me."
>"They throw rocks at me because I burn down villages."
>"It's a vicious cycle."

>> No.15643347

This pretty much describes most aspects of this thread.

>> No.15643365

I want to help her stop burning down the villages by allowing her to let out her anger

>> No.15643374

I want to take one to a popular couples date restaurant so we can laugh at all the people in love.
Split a parfait because it's more cost effective, and if she starts to get mad when the waiter implies the two of us are a couple on a date, I kick her in the shin and tell her not to blow our cover.
Followed by increasingly intimate activities as she loses track of the original plan.

>> No.15643389

I want to listen to an edgy monster girl's monologue on what are humans, I just hope she won't throw her wine glass on the floor again

>> No.15643398
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Hellhound. All that fluff, plus a built in heater. I want to be her little spoon.

>> No.15643406

Those girls are STACKED

>> No.15643409

impeccable taste

>> No.15643462

Can Undead become unUndead

>> No.15643496
File: 1.04 MB, 777x1100, 134576543543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643503

hmmm, I hate it.

>> No.15643517

I bet she would complain about being human, until you remind her about the possibility of having a son

>> No.15643521

>She gets exited when she starts to realize she can bring him up to be a powerful necromancer.

>> No.15643522

You will never defend against monsters like in 300

>> No.15643527

>she would complain about being human
I want monsters to live 1 day as a human so see how rough it is

>> No.15643539

The ones that have used tails for balance when walking will be fall on their ass

>> No.15643542

>Smug Lilim not so smug after being turned into a bumbling Human by powerful wizard.
>More at 11, on MGC News Network!

>> No.15643551

>Former Yeti commits suicide after hugs are described as 'mediocre'
This is your fault.

>> No.15643553

>Vampires get to normaly enjoy the sun, dhampirs don't care.
>undead get their humanity back which is in some ways a cruel joke
>demon crying about not being able to use magic contracts
>tankuis plan to take advantage of this

>> No.15643587

It only lasts a day, so why would she do that
How can a Tanuki use that to scheme

>> No.15643607

Dhampires would make great friends

>> No.15643616

>How can a Tanuki use that to scheme
I would assume people are wary of tanukis right?
she can use the day to make business deals she couldn't make. as a tanuki. Human= no dectection

>> No.15643620

>Smug Cheshire can no longer poof away and without her tail has to walk slowly

>> No.15643675

I love would live to marry a monster that changes into a different species every day

>> No.15643691

Doppelganger or Chimera is for you.
Slimes, especially Queen Slime, may also be viable options.

>> No.15643738

No one was left who could remember how it had happened,
how the world had fallen under darkness.
At least no one who would do anything.
No one who would oppose the demons.
No one who would challenge their power,
or so Dr. Wililim believed...

>> No.15643753

Isn't she a demi-harpy?

>> No.15643783

Other slimes don't have the texture control of the shoggoth

>> No.15643907

I want to sneak my waifu a potion each morning that changes her into a different monstergirl/object every day.

>> No.15643980
File: 393 KB, 623x1200, 299_Hakutaku_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a apple a day makes the teacher want your dick

>> No.15643994

Good thing I'm not a fan of apples

>> No.15644002

Apples are the best fruit you don't have bend over backwards to get.
A shame, we could have talked about pie.

>> No.15644011

But what if I just want to thank her for the great things she taught me?

And besides if I was a student in the Mist Continent I'd run to the nearest graveyard and get myself a Jiangshi waifu

>> No.15644024


>> No.15644056

Would people like more stories based in MEH's Hellspace?

>> No.15644068

Will more than one apple attract multiple teachers?

>> No.15644156

The teacher/tutor angle is so lame for a creature that was a bag of cheat codes to the Emperor.
At the minimum a reference librarian. Hacker. Consultant. Public speaker. Professional matchmaker.

When a monster's gimmick is "I know everything about other monsters" you don't just make them a school marm and call it good.

Unless you have a high school or college fetish, or want to be the little boy. Then it's fine.

>> No.15644177

I enjoy educators and teaching people odd things, a monster educator is nice in my books

>> No.15644184

I envision them to live at mountain tops, in simple houses adorned with luxurious ornaments
They don't go out of their way to teach, they only teach the people who ask them to

Kind of like an hermit sage that possesses all the knowledge and doesn't meddle with the population

>> No.15644195

In the what of what?

>> No.15644199
File: 609 KB, 1004x1000, best hugs MGQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all in the hands and the mofu.

Yetis just happen to have higher body temperatures accompanying this.

>> No.15644203

Hey Canucks. My country was recently infested by your geese. Either come pick them up or turn them into hot Harpies.

>> No.15644215

I'm going to go full Zhang Fei and I'll set fire to her house so she'll teach my brother the ways of war!

>> No.15644268

Wouldn't the graveyards be regulated by the entirely canon foxgirl empire?

>> No.15644274

Well then, we're going to war with that empire

I WILL get my Jiangshi waifu, and she better have an exotic accent too

>> No.15644278

What if I write in my secret notebook about how I want to put an apple in her mouth because it reminds me of a ball-gag and she finds it?

>> No.15644282

>going to war with weaponized Youko
Son, your dick is going to get possessed in so many ways.

>> No.15644284

ManyEyedHydra's world he uses in his stories. It's an alternate dimension into which recent human excursions have been made by military and scientific parties. None of it has gone well.

I think one of his stories featured a full scale invasion from demons inhabiting it at one point, complete with succubi wings blotting out the sky and straight up city-wide demon transformation.

>> No.15644293

Well I haven't read that so I couldn't say either way, but it sounds like there'd be much suffering from such conflicts.
If you're going to write about demons, have them appear on a smaller scale after getting summoned.
Of course that's just me.

>> No.15644305

Suffering is one way of putting it. There's a reason his stories are "erotic horror", with emphasis on the "horror".
What starts with a guy having the time of his life fucking a goddess usually turns into a guy screaming in agony as his soul is sucked out, his skin pulled taut against his bones, until he's reduced to a pile of ash and regret.

And that's a welcome relief, when you consider what happens to those who survive, and are taken prisoner by the demons.

But in my personal opinion, I like having that variety of horror and bad endings, every so often.

>> No.15644306

The point of the stories is that history shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.

>> No.15644312

Well this is obviously not for me. Life's shitty enough without pointless suffering in my fantasies.

>> No.15644323

I don't know about that. You could read these stories and at least think to yourself "At least my life doesn't suck as much as this guy getting his soul vored by a slimegirl."

>> No.15644326


>> No.15644328

It's not really pointless if you were smart enough to keep it in your fuckin' pants. This is darwinism at its finest.

>> No.15644331


>> No.15644332

Love always win, even if those vixen creatures capture me and make me their sex slaves, love will find its way

Monster girls fighting other monster girls for land and men must be a spectacle to behold

>> No.15644335

I'm not reading it, and this is where I stop talking to you.

>> No.15644346

Yeah, pretty much all the protagonists in the stories are dumb as hell to miss the blatant forboding signs, or assholes in some way or another. There's a few exceptions to that, however.

But the drunk who pisses in an undine's pool and gets seen to is a pretty hilarious memory.

>> No.15644356


>> No.15644362

>Drunk pissing in an undine pool

I'm gonna need a link to this masterpiece.

>> No.15644418

If I could access it at work to link you, I would.

Try looking on his Literotica page for anything appropriately named. I'm afraid I'm not 100% certain on the title, either.

>> No.15644419


>> No.15644421

Okay, thanks for the lead.

>> No.15644433

Ah, perfect. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.15644438

You might want to avoid thanking me until after you've read it. Too late now, I guess.

>> No.15644445

Is this guy a bong?

>> No.15644455

Don't worry, I'm the one who's already read it.
I don't even need to open the link to remember how heavily saturated the main character's dialogue was with regional inflections.

Yeah, he is.
I see you've already picked up on his overuse of "Britishisms".
Trust me, as someone from England, we don't all speak like that.

>> No.15644470

>"Hey dad, this home ec list says I'll need a gallon of 'baby batter'"

>> No.15644476

Well go ask Billy next door.

>> No.15644478 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 653x477, 1470485897383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, okay.

>> No.15644485

Dammit Greg.

>> No.15644504

Haha, what the hell?

>> No.15644513

Atleast he cut back in his other stories, right?

>> No.15644516

I want to impregnate an Elf, and then take responsibility.
I also want to fuck her in the ass when she's 8 months pregnant.

>> No.15644526

Thats... Something. On that note, what is it with people being okay with eating ass? It's where poop comes from!

>> No.15644532

I would eat the ass past the expiry date. And I'd let my waifu do the same to me.

>> No.15644542 [SPOILER] 
File: 649 KB, 800x600, 1470487333551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which MGQ girl would you bring over into the MGE universe?

To MGE-ify them if you will.

>> No.15644543

Slug girl, no contest.

>> No.15644546

Now there's a man with the taste.

>> No.15644550

Yeti hugs are life saving hugs

A bunch of Wendigo ambush you while you're skiing because they smell meat on you, they assault you, rip up your warm coat, and leave you in the snow. Even in the late stages of hypothermia a Yeti can come along with a big hug and nurse you back to health, her big, fluffy paws rubbing your back as you slowly stop shaking on the way back to her cabin, resting up as the Yeti hugs you like a daki and softly snores away

>> No.15644569

I want a dire yeti.

>> No.15644615
File: 494 KB, 800x1131, 1469338028655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You poor thing, you're still shivering, how about a cup of hot chocolate?

>> No.15644621

And this is exactly why we need to bully all the Wendigos and take away all their stretchy meat.

>> No.15644628

Do you want to summon dire wendigos?
Because that's how you summon dire wendigos

>> No.15644639

How could I say no to hot chocolate?
A Yeti wouldn't spike such an innocent drink, would she?

>> No.15644640

Don't worry, we will bully those as well, all we need is to bring dire Kobolds with us.

>> No.15644662

Only with love, kindness, and a few "sleepy time helpers" so she can cuddle you all day long

>> No.15644667

This is going to escalate into a shitstorm of dire monsters isn't it?

>> No.15644679

Yes it is.

How far would a dire Chesire prank go?

>> No.15644685

Tiger traps, sneaking raging mushrooms into the food of other monster girls, and Hunting you like a well built jinko that can teleport.

>> No.15644692
File: 252 KB, 468x388, Can't show Lich tits on a shinto imageboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay who was it that requested this? Whoever it is deserves a medal.


>> No.15644703


>> No.15644707


Shellfish Girl

>> No.15644708


>> No.15644735

Whoever it is, nice and interesting taste.
Foggy is great, and a lich footjob is an idea I haven't seen mentioned around here.

>> No.15644746

I was throwing it around as an idea here a month or two back when wishing there were more Lich lewds. Guess someone else has similar tastes.

>> No.15644750

Oh, nice.

Now I'm just waiting on that lich and hellhound breast-docking. I swear I'm gonna have to commission it soon if I don't hear news about that. Maybe see if Osiimi is open for draws.

>> No.15644762

Wow. That's one of the nicest Lich pictures I've seen in a while.

>> No.15644766
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Imp was already top tier in MGQ. MGE would just make her better.

>> No.15644779
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In this world, it's bully or be bullied

>> No.15644783


>> No.15644784

Lich has gotten a lot of love in the last few days. There just needs to be a detailed picture of ass and thighs now.

>> No.15644791


>> No.15644793

I swear the guy who said he was going to commission that died or something.
Great now I'm thinking about a Lich in nothing but revealing panties with nothing on top with her hands against a wall.

>> No.15644797

It's become a unisexual term, gramps.

>> No.15644799

They're all girls. Why doesn't she say girls.

>> No.15644805
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>> No.15644811

>Liking this backstabbing piece of shit
All she deserves is a quadruple giga in the heart.

>> No.15644875
File: 75 KB, 230x300, Charon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crab girl soldier poster here again

>But if I came up face to face with this I would shit myself
That's fair enough. Heck, she's the size that can carry a rifle; imagine one that could carry around a tank's cannon like a rifle, with an ammunition store on her carapace. Actually, that would be an awesome sight to behold!

>I am 190% more selfdeprecating in my drawings compared to my writing
First and foremost, that's understandable, though, unfortunate. It's common to be harsh on oneself if one is not good at a certain skill, but better at another.

All skills are a matter of growth, though, so you really must appreciate how far you've come in both no matter how much further you wish to go. It's unfair to yourself to expect equality across the board. Everyone has their talents and you've likely dedicated different amounts of time to each.

That said, I really do quite enjoy what you've done. I'm quite fond of Wurms and Charon. The drums are a good match for her and the braid acting as a scarf, or just to keep the two close is a lovely touch.

Still I didn't expect the full band there, but it captured what I had in mind more than well enough. Those are definitely two monster girls, easily identified and they definitely being musical-meisters!

I even remembered the tiny seaslime from your earlier work. Still a cute.

>> No.15644878

Too far. Everyone would hate her and try to hunt her down.

>> No.15644882


Is it international Lich week? Not as nice as the footjob one but I can't complain.

>> No.15644906

Does the Doppelganger from that custom scenario count?

>> No.15644910

My fucking dick.

>> No.15644916

Damn, Lich is getting hella popular. I hope our little undead idol is happy.

>> No.15644926

>Whoever it is deserves a medal.
THAT is evidential enough it's likely no one from here. Pretty gorgeous regardless, footfags rejoice.

>> No.15644944
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You're far too kind.


>> No.15644950

Thanks, Michael J. Fox.

>> No.15644954

>VERY fast kraken swimming at incredible hihg speed

>> No.15644966

>undead idol

I'd totally jerk off into my hand before going to deadpan idol Lich-chan's handshake event.

>> No.15644977
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Haha. This less blurry?

>> No.15644985


Yeah. Keep it up!

>> No.15644988
File: 490 KB, 750x1062, 1437585702147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yetis and Weresheeps need to come equipped with massive milktanks to increase their huggability.

>> No.15644994

I want to happen upon a pack of titty monster kobolds.

>> No.15644996

Nice artwork, but godammit.

>> No.15644998
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Next up is "Guess which one is my favorite". Wurm-chan makes the most compelling arguement, if you can even read my Doctor level writing.

>> No.15645004

When you fight a lizard what happens when you lose

>> No.15645009

Old profile made her beat you up in the fight, then leave for another worthy opponent.

New profile makes her help you train until you beat her.

>> No.15645012

You draw Dragons a lot, what are the best dragons?

>> No.15645016
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x1836, 0806160821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally I drew Golem fixing a laptop.
By smashing it as lightly as possible.

I feel as though she needs a name...

>> No.15645019

All. Excluding Wyvern.

>> No.15645022

Poor Wyverns, they're the medusa of the dragons.

>> No.15645025

I enjoy wyverns.

>> No.15645031


whats a medusa?

>> No.15645034

Who's the best girl nobody cares about? I think Scylla.

>> No.15645035

That would imply Medusae aren't liked.

>> No.15645038

Just like with Wyverns, I don't see anyone talking about them.

I think every monstergirl group has one of these girls.

>> No.15645039

She doesn't make courting growls like when you win and leaves.

>> No.15645042


>> No.15645045

http://myanimelist.net/manga/70775/Monster_Girl Thank you for enlightening me, Anon. I will begin to read this soon.

>> No.15645047

Older Sisters are for

>> No.15645049

Like Nekomatata for cats, Scyllas, and those lesser Succubi?

>> No.15645053


>> No.15645062


>> No.15645065


>> No.15645066
File: 205 KB, 1231x952, bottom-heavy Wyvern daughterfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wyverns got a brief surge of attention the other day.

>> No.15645068

Turning into Wocks.

>> No.15645072
File: 156 KB, 840x1200, 1469350592389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15645076

Wanna ruffle the wyvern daughteru's hair.

>> No.15645077

>sleepy time helpers
A little underhanded, if you ask me. She could just ask.
Sleep is always nice, though.

>> No.15645081


don't forget black harpies and arch imps

>> No.15645087

You mean when I mentioned things about stuff that led to three Wyvern pics and discussion about adopting a Wyvern because it was the only way to make her stop crying?

>> No.15645094

What about Khepri or Girtablilu?

>> No.15645098

I want to purposely lose to a persistent Lizard

>> No.15645111

On this, I wish we had more content about human girls turning into Monster Girls. Considering how much MGE revolves around corruption, we have very little actual corruption.

>> No.15645114


Khepri are pretty well liked but Girtabllilu are forgotten

>> No.15645120

I'd rather have a near-endless fight with a Salamander.

The kind that leaves me dripping with sweat and her dripping with...well, something else

>> No.15645124

What if she's overly wapanese, uses a katana improperly, and you to marry her anyway because she misunderstood you losing on purpose and thinks you're much stronger than you are for doing so?

>> No.15645128

But you were the chosen one, how could you hang up your sword and lose all your skill

>> No.15645134

How about a girl annoying a Lilim to change her into a monster so that she can fulfill her lover's kinks?

>> No.15645140
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>> No.15645143

Would that Lilim curse her to never become a monster because she is so annoying

>> No.15645147

Good times. Still don't like the little crybabies like the others.

Now what to do next? No Scylla or Mindflayer, because tentacles.

>> No.15645149

I don't care how late I am, eat a bag of legos and have your body worked on by Rocky Balboa.

>> No.15645156

She better be delicious brown. Because milk chocolate skin with white hair (preferably in a pixie cut) is truly god tier.

>> No.15645159

That or turn her into a Slug or Bubbleslime.
>Lilim about to enjoy sandwich
>Crazy human girl presses her face against nearby window
>Lilim closes blinds and goes back to eating her smores icecream sandwich

>> No.15645162

I want to be the old sword master that trains lizards

>> No.15645172

well at least she could hang out with the mushrooms and have no fear

>> No.15645176

I want to be the poor rural farmer who asks the hero to go find my family heirloom I lost in a cave because he seems capable.

>> No.15645179

>be old swordmaster that once bested two Lilims at the same time
>in AND out of the bed
>train younger generation of warriors
>all the kids these days are idiots
>"Can you teach me how to do Omnislash?!"
>"I want to learn Lionheart!"
>"I wanna dual wield while preforming X-attack!"
>every day is another reason to get crocked and pretend to be senile
>at least the Wurm wants to learn REAL swordplay

>> No.15645180

>not going belmont on her ass and carrying her off after making her love the whip
Eh, I'll allow it.

>> No.15645188

I want to beat a lizard using cheap tricks.

>> No.15645189

Good thing nobody listen to you.

>> No.15645193

Pocket sand?

>> No.15645198

Who needs to see when you are one with the blade and use it for vision

>> No.15645199

Wyverns don't deserve anything. Shitty half dragons.

>> No.15645202

That too.

I'm going to use every trick on the the book to defeat her, and walk away because she wasn't a worthy opponent.

>> No.15645206

>that expression
>that tongue
>those boobs
>posing with horse leg

>> No.15645207

They deserve more love.

...And bigger breasts.

>> No.15645216

What kind of strange things would your waifu say

>> No.15645217

What if she's not the chivalrous type, like Archers, and likes your ruthlessness in using cheap tricks to ensure victory? You know, a warrior instead of a knight?

>> No.15645219

Bigger breasts will hinder her flying.

You might call them half dragons, but they are still dragons. They deserve a good amounts of love.

>> No.15645222

"Blue chemotherapy wig."

>> No.15645226

>"You ever donkeypunch a Wyvern during anal before? Because you're doing it. TONIGHT."

>> No.15645237

Not by much. Her carry limit is bigger because she's a mighty Dragon!
Those big luscious breasts would mean she has to take a break more often while flying.

>> No.15645238

Corrupting and helping you extend your insidious reach until all the females of the house become pole sisters

>> No.15645246

t. angry waifaggot

>> No.15645248

Then I hope she learns some tricks from a Cheshire. If she wins the trick battle, I'll marry her.

>> No.15645254

They literally deserve to be ignored in all forms of writefaggotry and artfagging

>> No.15645260

>letting yourself get old
>not still adventuring well into your 200's and slaying the pussy everywhere you go

>> No.15645261

>"I cooked your food with my fire burp today."

Then I would snap and she reveals that it was a prank bro.

>> No.15645262

Dragons need huge breasts!
It's only fitting for the strongest species.

>> No.15645268

Tiny monsters of all types have invaded your home!
Tiny Wurms eat your food.
Tiny Lamia nap in your sweaters.
Tiny Liches upgrade your computer while replacing your porn with Lich porn.
Tiny Lilims demand you watch Courage the Cowardly Dog with them.
Tiny Krakens want to hug you and never let go.
And much more.

What do you do?

>> No.15645271

Let's give up drinking for a month.

>> No.15645276

Call the paladins cause that sounds annoying as fuck.

>> No.15645277

Sounds like a challenge to write and draw more of them. You can't fool me, Wyvernfag.

>> No.15645282

How tiny are we talking?

>> No.15645287


>> No.15645289

And now tiny Paladins are waging war against tiny monsters. You would have been better off pointing them to the nearest gradeschool for shotas.

>> No.15645297

I never seem to catch your posts "on time". A pity.

>You're far too kind.
You say that, so you're not going to like where I'm about to go, I guess.

I wanted to say this earlier, but then I laid eyes on the Kraken (which you totally shouldn't give up on for when you talent develops). I really like how clean and simplistic your sketches are. The lines are good, you don't try to cram too many details in and it just fits the bill each time. Even the way you varied the tentacle spread, posture and positions is a good move.

But then I saw the Golem and lost it. Again, not cramming too many details in, even at the cost of accuracy, worked well. The scene your created, however, from her expression to her behaviour, it's a perfect little treasure of a sketch!

However I cannot condone your blasphemous disregard of Wyverns, free as you are to have your opinion. Then again, I'm the same one who often comments about it being easy to find something that shines in most MGs.

The furries aside, that is, as much as I like anthros as characters. It's one thing to love the bonds they come to share with other characters in a story, even a romantic one. It's another to just want them because one has a fetish for indecency with literal animals.[/spoilers]

>> No.15645302

Well, I can't do anything with that.

>> No.15645303

Actionfigure size to just a petite monstergirl.

>> No.15645304

But wyverns are all about speed and agility. It would be hard to do some tricks in air and go between tight spaces when fliying if she had that huge rack.

Yep, that's why Wyverns should have a smaller rack than Vanilla or Wock.

>> No.15645309

What happens when an Oni is sober

>> No.15645310

So they have a range?
They're all just short monster girls that probably have their heads at my waist?

No no no!
Wocks and vanilla need bigger breasts to accommodate the wyverns getting larger chest sizes.

>> No.15645314

>implying I won't rake In mad dosh recording everything and selling it like bumfights

>> No.15645318

"Remember how last week I was experimenting with boson field emitters? Well, I accidentally proved the existence of the Graviton and used your computer build a test rig. As a result, nothing inside your bedroom has mass anymore. Sorry."

>> No.15645322

So you liked my doodles, due to how they're not overly detailed and cute, but don't like how I dislike Wyverns? Guess I'll trigger you by saying I actually like them a lot, I just love teasing and mocking them.
Also, what did you mean by "lost it"?

>> No.15645327

>Hey anon...do you think I could go for octuplets?

>> No.15645328

If you want.

>> No.15645329

Sell them to the local gatcha shop for free plays on the minicanid gacha machines.

>> No.15645332

Tell them to please leave.

>> No.15645334

Ok, that sounds pretty fun, atlhough the arguments of who gets to sit in my lap may cause trouble.

>> No.15645336

You need to handle legal stuff before that. Luckily there is a number of tiny lawyer MGs to pick from.

>> No.15645342

>Wurm, Ryu, Wyvern, Scylla, Kraken, Hellhound, and Ogre get into fight over who gets to sit in your lap
>Lich and Mantis quietly climb onto your lap and watch the mayhem unfold

>> No.15645345

Accept my fate, except I tell the lich to fuck off if she's gonna be messing with my porn.

>> No.15645349

I want to spoil the Kuu adopted daughteru

>> No.15645350

But you'll just get Shirohebi! Those gatcha machines are rigged and filled with a surplus of those crazy snakes!

>> No.15645351

>legal stuff
>implying I'm not just going to throw a bunch of tiny monstergirls from the quarantine box at anyone who comes to start shit

>> No.15645352

I may stroke their hair while we watch and patch up the other girls after their fight has ended.

>> No.15645359

By all means progress with a more detailed style if that's your goal, let me be clear. I just find that you strike a nice balance with these sketches in terms of keeping it simple, while still fitting in key details of the girls.

Why you- All right, you got me there. And I chuckled. Fine, as long as it's in good humor then.

By "lost it" I meant my heart skipped a beat. The "doki-doki" phenomenon if you will. I truly loved that scene you painted of a Golem.

>> No.15645360

>lawyer coming to ruin your life
>toss tiny Ushi Oni at their face
It's like pocketsand, but better.

>> No.15645361

Which is why you go for the themed gatcha machines. Like the cat-type or aquatic-type machines. They cost more, but you don't get spammed with common and garden shirohebis.

>> No.15645364

Which dragon has the biggest breasts. A Wock or Ryu? Both are very thick.

>> No.15645368

Wocks, they are thicker on average and more prone to bigger sizes.

>> No.15645372


>tiny kej scaling you like you were a mountain using her hair to stick to you
>when she gets to the top of your head she ties her hair around yours and sleeps, being anchored on your head

>> No.15645373

I'll try to keep drawing, while working on improving at the same time. I was also thinking of working on more Golem-chan as I like her design. She just needs a name, and a reason for having numerous arms for numerous occasions.

>> No.15645374

Whichever you want.

>> No.15645377

>Tiny Liches upgrade your computer while replacing your porn with Lich porn.
How would they react to finding I saved a bunch of Lich porn already?

>> No.15645378

That's adorable on so many levels. I want 90.

>> No.15645381

I'm scared of snakes after someone threw a beheaded one at me, how would a Lamia help me get over my fear

>> No.15645382

A thought occurs, could you make monstergirls other than vampires infatuated with you if you fed them your blood?

>> No.15645386

They'd add more and leave contact info on your desk.

>> No.15645387

>Tiny Liches upgrade your computer while replacing your porn with Lich porn.
If they delete my gyaru and paizuri folders, there will be hell to pay!

>> No.15645390

>she finds your collection inadequate
>proceeds to download all the lich porn in existence and making some of her own with you

>> No.15645395


>> No.15645397

>get a mytha lamia
>she fucks with you by leaving her head in random places in the house
I'd watch it.

>> No.15645400

>Implying they won't become tiny gyaru liches and make paizuri porn with you

>> No.15645401

Dhampir or some bugs might. Maybe a Golem if you treat it as some sort of pact.

>> No.15645405

Perfect. Liches are love.

>> No.15645415

>gyaru liches
The thought of a kuu gyaru pleases the penis.

>> No.15645418

>Tiny liches making their own porn with you

Oh yes. I hope it involves extreme size difference insertion and dick-hugs.

>> No.15645422

Find a Dullahan snake

>> No.15645428

Theycre whatever size you want, so if you want fairy size then go for it.

>> No.15645431

>tiny lich tracing your dickhole with her tongue
>jerks you off with her legs around your shaft, mouth open waiting for the torrent of cum
>knocks her right off and she wallows in it, wet and messy style
Thank you boner.

>> No.15645432

I might cry and scream
Guys no that is spooky

>> No.15645440

that's a lot of tiny kejs

>a dozen or more so on your head
>some sitting on each shoulder
>others cling to your arms and legs, tying their hair to your arm and leg hair
>others still playing with your fingers and toes
>a few next to each ear, playing your ear lobe or whispering things to you

>> No.15645441

How about skeletons playing musical instruments and dancing during your King's Quest?

>> No.15645442

So bully the fat wocks with the slighty less fat but equally lonely ryu right?

>> No.15645443

>ghost dullahan lamia
>makes her disembodied head chase you around for woo woo

>> No.15645448

I actually like skeletons

>> No.15645449

Most will be on my chin, forming a might beard with Kej faves poking out.

>> No.15645450

I don't see the appeal of Liches.

>> No.15645451

What if, master thief/spy with dozens of tiny monstergirl helpers?

>> No.15645452

What skincolor would Undead Gyarus have? Ghouls are self-explanatory.

>> No.15645459

well better the head than the body

>> No.15645460

Yes, although a fat wock is still dangerous.

They only get that big when they don't have a husband/otouto to keep them active and, as such, will try to forcefully wed you.

>> No.15645462

Softer rape.

>> No.15645466

Darker than normal skin color, with some makeup and hair dye.

Well then, you like an underrated girl. I like you, mango.

>> No.15645468

It would be like the Zookeeper, only with tiny waifus.

>> No.15645472

>she sees you don't run as fast anymore when she does it she has her body coil around you and forces you to give her esophaningulus

>> No.15645478


or if you already had a mighty beard they'd have a field day playing with that.

>> No.15645481

To quote the Clones from SWBF2 "Yeah! Yeah! Now you got it!" (I love the delivery of that line)

More to the point, that really is the spirit. I hope I live to see you do so.

As for you Golem, oh, there are many ways you could go about it. She's a bit more like EMG's Golem, huh? In any case, there's no reason she couldn't have multiple arms since she's "built" to an extent.

You could even have it so that she has auxiliary arms made from raw energy thanks to her magical circuits, or have the reason that she has such thick forearms be that they're actually a bunch of combined, smaller arms. Maybe you can come up with something even better though.

>> No.15645484

That they would. It would be impossible to separate us at that point.
I woyldn't have it any other way, aside from Krakens all over me.

>> No.15645485

>A group of zoo animals decide to break their code of silence in order to help their lovable zoo keeper find love -- without opting to leave his current job for something more illustrious.

>> No.15645489

Smart Kuu titty corpses.

>> No.15645490

>battle armor golem with blood runes
I'm aroused.

>> No.15645496

What if a monstergirl happened upon a man raping a corpse? Not a mamonobama one either, a dead, rotting corpse. How would she react?

>> No.15645498

More like I'd rather not see a certain faggot do more of them

>> No.15645503


heck, you could have both on you

>> No.15645504
File: 131 KB, 555x1000, 1469996746548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullahans are cute!

>> No.15645508

I'd carry her head

>> No.15645511


Ted Bundy shouldn't you be dead?

>> No.15645513

I don't remember the EMG one too well.
I just thought up a genki Golem, gave her hair similar to a character I can remember off the top of my head, and went from there.

As for her arms, they're big because she uses them for many things: offense, defense, construction work, opening pickle jars, carrying her master, and more. Perhaps she has numerous different sets to choose from depending on the need, and can even go full Ashura and use 6 at once?

All in all, I've got ideas for her, as well as Lani. I jusr need a non retarded name for her.

>> No.15645525

I smirked.

>> No.15645540

I want to creampie one in the doggystyle position while her head licks our mixed juices from below.

>> No.15645546

I want to encourage a fat neet monster girl to become a lean muscular girl! Right after we marathon her favorite anime though.

>> No.15645553
File: 172 KB, 850x621, 1425380542517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Siamese dullahans

>> No.15645556

What if she wants to do a perfect game of FF12 instead?

>> No.15645561
File: 930 KB, 448x252, l5i2uWn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck one in reverse cowgirl and force her head to watch her lewd body bouncing up and down on the cock, telling her that I'm gonna be filling that hole with so much cream!

>> No.15645571

I'd rather just bring her snacks and tell her that we can begin once she finishes her Chrono Trigger run

>> No.15645584

The cutest, I want to marry both

>> No.15645588

Not to say that a character must have a name that represents one of their traits, but thinking along that course the name "Avani" came to mind. It is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning "Earth" that is often used as a name for girls.

>> No.15645593

Like that will take long with her pinky glued to the speedup button.

>> No.15645595

Just thinking about all the things I could do with her made my pants explode.

>> No.15645598

Well OK. But once she finishes she has to start exercising!

>> No.15645602

Well, you see, she's going for an all endings, max level, all ultimates run.

And after that she's going to do the same thing in the sequel...

I may need to grab a bunch of poptarts for her.

>> No.15645605

What a truly fascinating concept. I'm saddened that I hadn't ever thought of this on my own. I'm also daddened that I can't seem to discern the source of this artwork.

>> No.15645606

Avani isn't bad. Better than Hanna, G66-Y, Terra, or Sandy.

>> No.15645609

But then she's going to marathon read berserk.
You wouldn't interrupt her reading for that would you?

>> No.15645617

Wocky wants to get the faggy PC to 99 before getting past the first areas of the game. And farm Werewolves for Katanas!
It'll be a looooooong time, so grab some snacks.

>> No.15645625
File: 599 KB, 777x1100, Lich_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole range of liches. The smallest is four inches tall, and the biggest is 3 feet tall. Then as many liches as need be to fill all the niches in between.

Exactly. Just imagine her tiny, voluptuous and utterly naked pale body hugging your dick entirely. Her legs wrapped around it, elegant feet arched so the tip of her toes can hook around and rub where your shaft meets your groin. Then there's her breasts, proportionally massive, to the point where they're spilling out on either side of your dick, both as large as and even softer than marshmallows, all slick with precum and lichmilk so they glide like cool, tingling silk over your glans.
And her hands, with her tiny, gentle fingers wrapped firmly around the head of your dick, giving her perfect leverage to slide up and down and swing from side to side on your dick like an even lewder poledancer.
But no matter what, as she licks and sucks and kisses, drinking up single droplets of pre like they're entire cupfuls, she'd never stop looking at you. All throughout the act her purple, half-lidded eyes would be staring you down, with just the barest and most subtle hint of a smile in them as her little pink tongue laps up at the very tip of your dick.

All right up until you flood her pure white skin with equally white semen, dropping her down between your legs as spurts fountain out of your dick, arcing through the air and splattering on her face, breasts, crotch, legs. Every impact just making her moan and rub that boiling hot seed against her cold, undead curves. She'll cover herself in it, arch her back and write in the little puddle of it even as it sticks and gums her limbs to the surface like glue.

Fuck, now I wish there was art of this I could fap to.
At least I know the Pixiv tag for this is "全身コキ". You're welcome.

>> No.15645628

Why don't Liches dye their hair

>> No.15645631

I'm going to sneak into a NEET Monster Girl's room and do the unthinkable. I'm going to open her blinds and let the sunlight in.

>> No.15645642

She's too lewd.

>> No.15645643

Avanerra? Somehow I think you'd prefer something short and sweet though. This probably sounds more fitting for an ancestor, or perhaps it could be a last name instead.

>> No.15645648
File: 215 KB, 1343x1352, 1469212306192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Hathorite Liches use their own milk for experiments?

>> No.15645654

T-312124 sounds amusingly over complicated to me. See what I did there?

>> No.15645663

>reading Berserk together
>not capitalizing on Guts' epic feats to motivate her to get fit
You just have to apply yourself, Anon.

>> No.15645674
File: 1022 KB, 500x1500, 2d64061d93fdbe7592448cfac8987fd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know guys, I'm starting to get the impression that NEET Monster Girls take advantage of cute human boys who tolerate their NEETness.

>> No.15645684

>That cartridge of AD&D Eye of the Beholder
Every fucking time, Mono

>> No.15645688

When playing video games only offer sex if she wins

>> No.15645690

>"Are ya winnin' wife?"

>> No.15645695

But then she'd be getting constantly interrupted to lift!
That would be fair to her.

To be fair, I'd enjoy spoiling her with all the snacks and sweets she could hold.
Gonna make it so she doesn't have to lift a finger.

>> No.15645698

I will only offer sex if she loses.
Will she give up her dignity and give up so she can get my dick? Or will she be a proud woman and win both the game and my heart?

>> No.15645702

God damn Liches being so lewd.

>> No.15645705

No such thing.

They drink their own milk every morning, lunchtime, and evening. It's also a very frequent base component for their potion experiments.

Some hathorite liches are even experimenting with turning their milk into a gas form.
Then it's just a case of letting that gas into a room, and watching every single girl inside slowly and suddenly become irresistibly soft and busty, triggering them to lactate on the spot.

>> No.15645708

They probably even built a custom milking machine for themselves to get all the milk and cause all the pleasure.

>> No.15645716

>That would be fair to her
Indeed, it would be. She'd need a break from the intense emotional strain that the excitement and rage inducing moments put on her.

What better way to channel excitement or vent her ire against a certain someone's abhorrent acts than working out?

All things in proper balance, Anon. All things. Sensual moments in between both may or may not occur as well.

>> No.15645719

You're promoting her lethargic lifestyle! Do you really wanna date a weird tubby neet monster girl who always wants to cuddle?

>> No.15645722

What is that man saying to her?

>> No.15645724

Eh, I'm more a fan of specialization, we can have another girl get fit and muscled, maybe a sister, while the NEET just lazes about and watches animu

I would be fine with that.
It would make it that much nice to come home and cuddle after work.

>> No.15645730

Latenight is to blame for my love of YUGE girls.

>> No.15645743

I want to help Lich sensei create a super concentrated form of Hathor Milk!

I want to accidentally mix it up with the regular milk and serve it to her!

>> No.15645744

Anon, the subject here is a fat neet. Not big-boned, not thick, not plump, not strong-fat. FAT. You should care more about her health if nothing else. Apply yourself, please.

>> No.15645750

Mammy Bammy will take care of that for me, I just gotta get her sister strong and she can just relax for cuddling when I'm tired.

>> No.15645753

Cheshires babies should dance

>> No.15645755

Something simple will do. At least it could work as a last name or such.

No. What?

>> No.15645757
File: 560 KB, 1200x829, 8eeFhVQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15645761

How much did she pay for the boy?

>> No.15645766

That makes no sense. Howwould they dance if they can't even crawl? If you pick them up and make them dance with your hands they'll just cry for their mother or squeak loudly.

>> No.15645768

Anon just doesn't want to exercise at all.
YFW her sister gently encourages you to be healthier.
YFW you see an old photo of your unfit selves months later and realize.

>> No.15645777

3 tokens of affection and 50 romantic dates

>> No.15645780

Probably the standard $20 per hour with handholding and headpats being extra.

>> No.15645781

What you talking about?
I'd continue lifting as I normally do, I just wouldn't force the NEET to come.

If anything, her sister would allow me to get some greater gains and allow the NEET to shitpost about how she's got a decently handsome/inshape boyfriend without having to do anything.

That's a comfy looking Ryu.

>> No.15645783

Her virginity and hand in marriage.

>> No.15645793

I want to snuggle against that Ryu.

>> No.15645797

It must have taken a lot of courage and money for the guy watch some movies with a big, old, fat Ryu. She probably even paid him to cuddle down with her and say "I love you".

Just typing that sent a chill down my spine.

>> No.15645798

Needs more YUGE

>> No.15645810
File: 525 KB, 1978x1978, 1468349081501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she fit through that doorway?

>> No.15645812
File: 850 KB, 477x999, 1468785397983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YUGE Dragons are the best.

>> No.15645814

conga line

>> No.15645816

The power of memes let them dance

>> No.15645818
File: 496 KB, 1000x1200, 1455169374051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-With lickable abs?

>> No.15645820

Is she attacking that man? I didn't know Ryus were dangerous.

>> No.15645824

What's going on in that picture on the left, dancing?

>> No.15645825

That pose and look make me want to pinch her cheeks

>> No.15645826

>those hips
>that strong, yet soft looking belly
That Wock is built tough, Wockfag has great taste in that regard.

>> No.15645834

Playing with the snow.

>> No.15645842


Why is she mad at him?

>> No.15645848

He was about to leave before baby making sex occurred.

>> No.15645851


>> No.15645853
File: 95 KB, 400x567, Charon-Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's ryude, Anon.

>> No.15645872 [SPOILER] 
File: 561 KB, 955x960, 1470510956806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves just wanna put the common working man down!

Fight the power!

>> No.15645874

It's Terra turned into a serial number!
Granted, I'm experienced with fonts that make 12 look a lot like an R whereas you may not be.

>> No.15645876

Charon go and stay go.

>> No.15645881

Gonna capture an elf and turn her into a soft milk/cuddle slave

>> No.15645884

He DID change his alibi from "stroll" to "buying seeds" suddenly when asked. Hmm, such weak resolve.

>> No.15645894

sauce please?

>> No.15645895

Keep calm and Char-on, Anon.

>> No.15645900

That's really nerdy, moreso than my Chrono Trigger reference.
That's so nerdy even the timid Doppelganger thinks you're such a nerd.

>> No.15645922

That pun was almost as bad as a Ryu. Please stop.

>> No.15645923

What happens when a lich kidnaps a young boy

>> No.15645928

Theryus no need to be upset, anon.

>> No.15645930

That young boy becomes a skilled caster, and a cherished lover.

>> No.15645932


Made one of these because I'm an indecisive asshole when it comes to top 10s and figured I'd share on off chance that anyone else finds it useful.

Disregard the tumblr hosting, it was the easiest way to make one of these.

>> No.15645935

He's used for experimentation until he dies, then the lich use another one.

Never trust Liches.

>> No.15645939

R yu insane? You are going to end the world like this.

>> No.15645941

The hell is this.

>> No.15645942

What kind of crappy lich stops when they die?

>> No.15645945

Nice. Putting the Demon Lord in there is a bit iffy, though. I'd probably stick to unnamed profiles of non-individuals with profile art.

>> No.15645949

Pick the one you prefer for each round, in the end it generates a list depending on how you rank them.
Nice catch, was mindlessly copy and pasting from the wiki to save time and tried to avoid all the named ones. Slipped there it seems.

>> No.15645951

Awful. You're bad with dragon puns.

>> No.15645955

You get a job at a bakery that's owned and operated by a Dragon skilled in the arts of baking and cooking.
Do you try and woo her, or go for your Werecat coworker with the microskirt and c-string?

>> No.15645956


>> No.15645957

>battle 40
>only 5% sorted
Hell no nigga. I'm supposed to click thousand times or something?

>> No.15645961

I was also going to tell you that you put in a succubis entry twice with "succubus" and "lesser succubus", but then I realised the latter is actually a fucking independent entry.

Holy shit, we talk about how no-one remembers Pot Devils or Charybdis, but I actually don't think the lesser succubus has even been mentioned here for at least a year.

>> No.15645963

Take it easy.
The orc and elf strips have always been fine here. You're trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.15645965

Charybdis is memorable for being the most fucking disgusting MG of all

>> No.15645968
File: 49 KB, 616x651, 1437164759189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15645969

That's a pretty dumb question. Why would you go for a cat when you can go for something beautiful, precious, amazing, gentle, strong, caring, smart and much more as a dragon? Also, trying to just "woo" her is stuoid. Why not try to make her happy and comfortable around you until you confess your love and ask for her hand in marriage? That sounds better.

>> No.15645972

Sounds delicious. I'd buy one.

>> No.15645976
File: 270 KB, 426x447, Baphomet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't write it, but here you go

>> No.15645979

Take your shit taste to /tg/.

>> No.15645983

You're trying wayyy too hard to fit in. Even Jun's Orc and Elf comics were fine beforehand.

>> No.15645984

Why don't you take it easy~?

>> No.15645985

There is story by averageanon. And translated MGE book bapho story

>> No.15645995

Nice. Do you know where this persona normally writes?

They're still fine now. Nothing's changed.

>> No.15645999 [DELETED] 

>bad as a Ryu
Poor puns for poor taste, Anon.
Just joking, that pun was amazing just like Ryus

>dragon puns
Since when was this limited to dragon puns?

>R yu
Eh, now this was meh. It only works visually, not pronunciation wise. It's really, hmm, a bit of a stretch.

>> No.15646004

Probably. The KanColle and 2hu ones are similar.
I didn't even remember her till I made this thing. They really are forgettable.

>> No.15646007

Well with this new vocal autist it won't be long before they're banned just like the Siths.

>> No.15646009

I like zombies because they can appeal to my love of amputees without it being guro

>> No.15646010

Good, they're both fucking trash.

>> No.15646011

Just ignore him.

>> No.15646016

>bad as a Ryu
Poor puns for poor taste, Anon.
Just joking, that pun was amazing just like Ryus

>dragon puns
Since when was this limited to dragon puns?

>R yu
Eh, now this was meh. It only works visually, not pronunciation wise. It's really, hmm, a bit of a stretch.

>> No.15646017

>Anons still acting like there is anything wrong with monster boys
Why are these people so insecure about nothing?

>> No.15646019
File: 623 KB, 862x1200, lewdelf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying these comics weren't gold

>> No.15646020

Don't false flag either.

>> No.15646023

They weren't. They're bottom of the barrel trash.

Would have been ten times better if it was a human instead.

>> No.15646028

aha. thanks, anon

>> No.15646029
File: 61 KB, 212x252, is this nigga for real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Battle no. 205
>25% sorted


>Have to put a kitsune-bi and kitsune-tsuki against each other

This system is ill-equipped to deal with the vast bullshittery of the MGE profiles.

>> No.15646030

Not him, but you want the fucking Siths to be accepted? Good fucking riddance to those Elf Orc comics then because christ.

>> No.15646034

Now this is bait

>> No.15646037

I'm not Ryully good with puns, but I'm trying my best.

>> No.15646041

How did you possibly infer that meaning from that post? Now you're just making shit up.

>> No.15646043

Your love of Dragons and your approach is inspiring.

>> No.15646052
File: 10 KB, 810x514, Fucking rigged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking apophi. They're so awful and unlikable they have to rig a silly game on Tumblr to get people to like them.

>> No.15646054

You behave just like >>/jp/thread/15525580#p15534227
from the thread I linked earlier.

>> No.15646055

>better if it was a human
He wasn't writing for us or with MGE in mind, Anon. Check your privilege. Never mind that your typical elf often wouldn't differ from a human that much aside from lifespan and maybe magic, so sequences like in this particular comic wouldn't have been possible.

This whole debacle reminds me of a thought I had the other day. What if waifus (so it's limited to married couples) could bestow their husbands the ability to take on similar forms as them.

Less powers and abilities, but to be able to keep up with a centaur, fly with a harpy or Succubus, swim with a Kraken or Sea Bishop, feel what a Lich, Zombie or Vampire does (or the lackthereof) etc.

Exclusively enabled by her authority and through her unique spirit energy. I think it would make for great bonding activities despite the lesser functionality we'd have as "fakes".

Okay, if you were the "R yu" guy, I feel the complete opposite about this one. This one is good. It works.

>> No.15646059

There are so many boatsluts? I thought there were only like 50-70 of them. And plus 10 abyssals

>> No.15646064

There are 175 boatsluts anon.

>> No.15646066

Yeah, that one feels way better than the "R yu".

Thanks. I feel like dragons get lots of attention, but not love.

>> No.15646067

I don't know what an anubis could bestow on me. I already tan pretty easily.

I guess enhanced smell and hearing? An atunement with the souls of the dead? Magical runes on my body that let me cast unique spells?

>> No.15646069

Well, could always buy one from a trader and make it yourself.

The dark ones are a bit of a challenge but cuddle so much harder than the other ones once broken.

>> No.15646072

Fucking boatsluts

>> No.15646083

I like Monoeyes and Gazers but I wonder if they would get along

>> No.15646086

Well, I was thinking more of a polymorph, rather than special mystical traits (aside from those needed to replicate your waifus physical form).

So in terms of an Anubis it would be having paws and such like her, but maybe not as strong and not as coordinated since, well, it's all new to you at first. It wouldn't be a complete replication (unless you used hella powerful magic, even more so to replicate mystical traits) and if anything you'd gain her resistance to tanning easily and a tolerance for desert heat.

Is it more clear now?

>> No.15646092

So physical changes. No.

>> No.15646094
File: 228 KB, 451x538, 1442970240964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, you're seeing things. There's no snakes on the internet.

Another mistake ironed out.

>> No.15646097

But I don't want paws. I want to hold and rub her paws. The dynamic between my human hands, with my fingers, and her paws, with their fluff and pads and digits is what makes that contact so special.

>> No.15646100

>Do you know where this persona normally writes?
He only ever made a few posts on MGU a couple years ago. His only other works were two short stories. I can post them if you'd like.

>> No.15646105

Sure, might as well. Content's content, and it means it can be bookmarked or archived for future reading.

>> No.15646119

How do you stop the son and monster daughteru from committing incest

>> No.15646120

That average one.

>> No.15646122

Kill your son.

>> No.15646129

Yikes. So no monster elements on a male's body at all unless they're Alping, huh? You lot (I say over one person's response) are strict.

Oh well, I don't quite mind. I just thought it had potential without creating the possibility of OP protagonists for stories (which is why I left out imitating the more mystical elements).

It wasn't supposed to be a monster boy replacement, just something exclusive to a couple to allow them to understand each other better.

Besides "we" already agreed that KC's artistic talent applied to a separate monster boy setting, far less focused on lewd if at all, would be the way to go. Also we'd have to keep fujoshits away from it.

That's fair enough. It was just a husband-and-wife only experience and temporary at that. Though it was less for physical intimacy and more convenience and adventuring. That's that though.

>> No.15646132

Here they are:
The incomplete stories make me sad too.

>> No.15646133

You fuck them first.

>> No.15646134

Dick the daughteru first.

>> No.15646135

I would choose not to transform. Sure, I would get those super strong scales, but the horns would make me hit my head, the tail would leave a trail of disaster and despair behind me, the scaly hands would crush my glasses and the wings not only would rip my shirt, but also be useless since I'm scared of heights.

I bet my waifu would laugh at me.

>> No.15646140

Why stop true pure love?

>> No.15646146

I still need an heir
No Incest allowed

>> No.15646147

Apply yourselves, Anons.

You simply have to set them up with good partners. And why wouldn't you want to? Especially for your son before he's conquered rather than courted by an MG who doesn't have love and lewdness in the right balance.

This doesn't have to mean arranged marriages either. It's all about good, understanding parenting. Should be pretty easy when your laifu with the waifu is all but perfect most of the time and so much happier than life in our world would often allow.

>> No.15646151

Would you avoid buying monster-designed products for your daughter to avoid things like pacifiers that train the mouth to suck dick properly?

>> No.15646153

The REAL challenge comes if it turns out your son has shit taste in MGs.

>> No.15646154

Raise them properly.

>> No.15646164

>Your son brings home a Cait Sith

>> No.15646174

As a husband-and-wife experience, I'd be fine doing it. Honestly, there's little I wouldn't be fine doing, and my limits far exceed those of many people here. But paws, ears, tail, any of that would just be for the sake of the novelty and experience, to be able to experience the world via a part of her. It'd be a bonding experience at the end of it all, and that's that.
The thought of me fawning over my waifu's nonhuman bits like her paws, ears and tails is so strongly reinforced in my mind, that the idea of that dynamic being reversed, and of her fawning over those same parts on me, just doesn't really compute. If we're talking transformation or polymorph magic, I'd just go all in turning into a big dog for her or something, while retaining my mind, but that's probably too far beyond what you're looking for.

>> No.15646175

Kill them both, start over from zero with the waifu.

Or go to a mindflayer therapist for the son.

>> No.15646176
File: 925 KB, 1125x1600, Orcs are serious business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a pretty big difference between going "/b/ tier furries being banned for being /b/ tier furries" and "pretty harmless and lewd Elf x Orc comics being banned because autists can't keep their shit straight."

Obviously if you wanted monsterboys in a setting it'd have to be pre-Current Demon Lord MGE or on /tg/ where people don't get miffed nearly as easily.

>> No.15646178

I wonder how my waifu's father felt when she brought me home for the first time.

Just realized that I have my waifu's whole family setted up

>> No.15646180

That sounds more like a scenario in which she forced a transformation though. I'm not sure why you envisioned something so chaotic as opposed to the awesome start to a day out on the field with her showing you the joys of fighting like a dragon, or helping you lovingly overcome your fear. Although she could probably do it by flying with you in her arms, a little higher each day. Ah, how sweet!

Still. For you to imagine something so chaotic- Y- you must be a pervert, Anon!

Yes, that's right. You want to think about her forcing a transformation on you. You want her to take advantage of your now ripped clothing so she can touch your body and strip you down even more easily! You want your eyes to be unable to focus on anything except her because she's right up close to you! You want her to take advantage of your clumsiness and conquer you like a real dragon! Pervert! Pervert!

>> No.15646184

I'd find him the best alp ever

>> No.15646189

But she needs monster designed products because she can't use human ones

>> No.15646196

If that happens then it just means you didn't apply yourself as a father Anon. Come on.

>spoiler 1
Well, yes, that's the point exactly.
>spoiler 2
On one hand I don't see why she wouldn't fawn over it at least once, especially if she thought it looked cute, fitting, cool, etc. Plus it would let her see to an extent why you admire it so much on her.

Turning into a full blown pet is a cute idea, too. It'd be like being her familiar in a sense. Just, you know, no beasty of course (not that she'd condone it anyway)

>> No.15646208

Now see, you've got me thinking of a guy and his dragon wife who fight together as a single unit.
The dragon teaches the guy her animalistic fighting techniques, and the guy teaches the dragon swordplay and martial arts.

Then, they merge their styles, and form some sort of Scalebound-esque link. The dragon fights foes with her husband, lending him her magic so that he can flash polymorph his body into dragonskin granted by her.
Swipe with your hand at an enemy? It turns into a huge dragon's claw meant to tear through armour like paper, before turning back into a human hand.
Struck by a sword? Your dragon wife's magic inside you manifest by turning your skin into diamond-hard scales at the impact site, completely nullifying the blow Armstrong style, before turning back to human skin.

Basically, flash transformations which only manifest when needed.

>> No.15646211

>implying mothers wouldn't know restraint
You disgust me, Anon.

>> No.15646212

Great! Thank you very much, I've wanted one of these for a while now

It would be perfect if you added the profile picture along with the names

>> No.15646227

>flying with you in her arms, a little higher each day
I know that sounds romantic as fuck and I would probably hug her really hard so she'll be in a state of pure bliss, but even so.

I like how I look surprisingly, so no transformations for me. Even if it means becoming more strong. Also, my waifu isn't the type to take advantage of me when I'm in a pitiful state, she would be playful at first for sure, but then she would put up her teacher facade and make me get used to it. Then she'll ask sex as a test to see how I'm doing.

>> No.15646235
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>Yeah I guess I could join your party, there'll be a lot of cheese and treasure right?

>> No.15646248

Once again I must quote the SWBF2 line whose deliver I love ever so much: "Yeah! Yeah! Now you got it!"

Personally I hadn't even gone that far as to think about combat or any other scenario that involved more than the husband, wife and maybe their children.

I'm proud of the direction you took this in, Anon. Plus he still has to work hard since all that would mean a lot less if didn't know how to fight and really take advantage of the transformations.

Or even imagine someone saving their sailor friends more effectively than they could ever do on their own, because his aquatic waifu allows him her advantages in the water while she's there.

Hmm, well, good things she can help you overcome it in a romantic, loving way that doesn't involve transforming.

By the way, forced transformations weren't really part of the idea. As for her M.O. when it comes to your pitiful side, she's a real good person. Aye, that she is.

>> No.15646249

Yes, but I warn you, I might try to romance you so I can pound that mouse muff.

>> No.15646265

We're going to the moon, of course there's gonna be cheese!

>> No.15646277

>It would be perfect if you added the profile picture along with the names
I was tempted to but some of the profile pictures would probably get me banned faster than a Holst at a Sabbath meeting. Mainly Wendigo and Humpty Egg, tumblr like deleting loli stuff.

>> No.15646279 [DELETED] 

So, playing SWBF2 with your waifu, she'd pick the objectively best faction that is The Confederacy of Independent Systems right?

Roger Roger

>> No.15646284
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A small step for mice, a big step for delicious moon cheese.

>> No.15646287 [DELETED] 

Too busy playing Battlefield 1942.

>> No.15646292

See, it just feels odd to me that she'd fawn over it. If I had those features, they wouldn't be novel to her, so I don't think she'd be as crazy about them as she would be with, say, my human hands or ears.
I admire it on her because it IS her. A part of her, like her eyes or voice.

Though the appeal of it isn't lost. I have a huge weakness for ear play. So if I had those tall, arched anubis ears for a day, I'd probably be subjected to so much ear nibbling and blowing. And whispering with that hypersensitive hearing would be a pretty effective ASMR method.

And being a big familiar like that could be interesting too. Like being her own personal guardian, big enough to ride. Plus, the fluffiest dogpile cuddles, with plenty of mutual face licking.
Honestly, as long as it's absolutely consensual, I wouldn't be completely opposed to doing the naughty in that form. Not out of any actual interest in the beasty stuff, but because it's a display of sex where animal passion and wild instinct take center stage. Where love, lust, primal need and mind-hazing pheromones all mix in equal measure. I fucking detest any of that shit when it's all rapey and gross like it normally is. And it's not for this board, anyway.

>> No.15646327 [DELETED] 

She'd probably use the cheap-ass Droideka too

>> No.15646355 [DELETED] 

I see I've drawn out a fellow SWBF2 fan?
All I have to say is "Just like the simulations."
Nothing is better that a hard-earned Clone victory!

Well, it's like when your waifu would wear clothes that normally you only would, or on on days when she's feeling especially teasing puts make-up on you.

I really can't condone that stuff, but I see why it's different in that situation for obvious reasons. Although I daresay it would only ever happen as an "accident" because your minds were already hazy or you got carried away.

But, well, that just highlights why realistically, lewd affairs between mates should stay between them. Ahem. Moving on now.

Droidekas are easy life to fight though. You just have to be patient and have good spacial awareness. Even the Super Battle Droid in Republic Commando is a cinch once you figure out you just have tread the line that causes them to switch between the melee wind up and the shooting wind up, getting them stuck in an endless cycle while you melee it to death with the vibroblade and it tanks incoming fire for you

>> No.15646360 [DELETED] 

I want to see a Unicorn Jedi!

>> No.15646396

>Honestly, as long as it's absolutely consensual, I wouldn't be completely opposed to doing the naughty in that form.
Wasn't there a thing in wonderland that turned you into a dog so you could rape your waifu?

>> No.15646420

Yes. Now put that together with doppeganger potions for dog "gangrape" and Wonderland is beyond degenerate.

>> No.15646426

Yeah, that spoiler was probably an unwanted look into my fantasies too much even for here.
There's a lot of kinky stuff I'd try with my waifu at least once, but with all of it, love and consent has to be there for me to enjoy it, or even want it in the first place.

Anyway, that bit about the clothes is an interesting metaphor, I never really looked at it that way. I suppose there is a universal appeal in seeing someone you love don an article of your clothing. It's like a person gladly immersing themselves in you, bringing about another level of intimacy.
To that end, I guess she would find some fun in it. Also, watching me fumble and actually having to teach me really basic stuff like how to hold a pen.

Yes, Wonderland Tea. In the KC way though, it's really more of a roleplay rape, which I'm fine with.
It's like the sort of thing where you both decide it'd be a fun little lark, you drink the tea, and suddenly you're several feet bigger, with the lust and strength of a literal beast, and your dick's making her stomach bulge with every thrust.
Then it wears off, you transform back, and cuddle together in a pile of sweat and fluids while your waifu takes a few hours to gain her presence of mind back, and stop drooling in pleasure.

Thank god this is near the end of the thread. I feel awkward and conflicted writing these things.

>> No.15646445

Well, while we're at it, I wouldn't mind fapping to a spot of beast on mg on my travels. Not really interested in seeing myself or my waifu within a hundred miles of it though. I guess its more a voyeuristic fetish?

>> No.15646456

I want a Manticore to drink a Doppleganger potion and re-enact King Kong's worm pit with my dick in a mud bath!

>> No.15646457

It could even be kinda comedic. A small herd of centaur on the open planes trying to escape from a demon-tainted stallion with a raging hardon. The benny hill theme starts playing and you watch them run around until one is inevitably mounted.

Yanno, It's stuff precisely like this why I was always so iffy about those demon beasts. The thing that corrupted them was basically lust magic. You can't tell me that it didn't fuck with their sex drives and what they are willing to jump.

>> No.15646460

You do you, man.
That doesn't really sound like the safest thing though. I mean let's think about it here. There's a guy transformed into an animal with his senses kicked into overdrive for the sake of pleasure, and a monstergirl with the literally supernatural ability to smell a man's semen from god knows how far away
Now given that, if you start fapping from some bush watching them go at it like a pair of animals, chances are good one of them at least is going to smell it.
And the chances are also good at least one of them isn't going to like being watched very much.

I guess what I'm saying is be ready to run the moment you see the guy sniff the air and turn towards the bush you're hiding in.

>> No.15646464

>Waifu drinks doppel potion
>She beats the clones because she doesn't want to share

>> No.15646467

I'm fine with that. Despite this articular taste, I have always detested public sex. You wanna fuck out in the open deal with dudes cumming on your waifu from a foot or so away.

>> No.15646471

Hmm, unwanted, perhaps. I knew the line I was treading though and was prepared to discuss it without overextending matters.

Glad that metaphor reached you well and true though. I must be on point this weekend given all the explaining I've been doing of Re: ZERO 18's true meaning in the scene between a certain Oni and a certain human.

>within a hundred miles
Is your waifu a Harpy? Something else? Or are you just using a very clever device to be able to see that far while scanning the environment?

>> No.15646477

Huh. So, Wonderland Tea variants that don't just let one transform into a giant wolf?
I'm disturbed, yet intrigued.

I guess any fans of horsepussy would want to try that out at least once. Maybe enact some Greek myth roleplaying.

That's hypocritical. I'd let her drink the doppel potion so she can cover me in tits and breastmilk, or dom me in five different ways.

>> No.15646479

>Or are you just using a very clever device to be able to see that far while scanning the environment?
Sabbath brand binoculars. They automaticaly hone in on traces of demonic and spiritual energy mixing and project a small holographic screen of what they're sseeing,

>> No.15646491

>Rule as an Incubus king
>Have a harem of eight Khepri
>Your Apophis advisor leaves some option laying around
>The bakadere of the Khepri sisters mistakes it for cooking ingredients and uses it in the soup
>Those eight sisters each have three clones leaving you with thirty two Khepri for a day or two
Being king isn't easy.

>> No.15646496

Now that I think about it, I'm sure my waifu would drink the potion just to fight herself just to see how strong she is.

>> No.15646501
File: 180 KB, 617x438, I bet half of you fags didn't even play MGQ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15646502

Im about to lose it... Ok, there was a paladin (or something) with a pre-DL nemesis kitsune (kumiho?), paladin passes out or something, wakes up centuries later, travels around a bit (i guess), finds and settles down with the same kitsune eventually. Anyone knows this one?

>> No.15646518


>> No.15646540

Appreciate it mister.

>> No.15646560


>> No.15646582
File: 185 KB, 1200x1234, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which monster likes to playfully bully Paladins the most?

>> No.15646590
File: 292 KB, 900x975, 1333504875858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, some kind of degenerate or something?

Go play that shit anon.

>> No.15646594

A good number. Succubi, Demons, Devils

>> No.15646597

It doesn't really interest me. And there's too much out there for me to want to get into.

>> No.15646598

I want a Kraken to choke the shit out of me.

>> No.15646605

This is in dire need of a set of smaller parts. Going through all of these takes forever.

>> No.15646609

Your daughteru has a crush on a cartoon watermelon slice that is one of the mascots for a fruit cup company. What do you do?

>> No.15646610
File: 234 KB, 1033x696, Undead Sucubus Necromancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're letting us all down anon.

Next you'll be saying stuff like "I'll be too busy playing NMS to go through MGQ!" and you'll have fallen into the 9th circle, unable to escape or redeem yourself for all time.

>> No.15646612

She's too slimy to choke.

>> No.15646617

I always wondered how Monster Girls would handle sadism. On one hand, they probably love the dominance, but on the other, it must hurt a bit inside to hurt a human boy, even in pretend.

>> No.15646625

What? And MGQ is three games long and I have yet to see a character that captures my interest.

>> No.15646633

What true meaning?

>> No.15646634

Is this an elaborate joke on wolves holding melons in their mouths?

>> No.15646636

So... Would marriage counselors even exist in MGC?

>> No.15646638


>> No.15646641

Mindflayers, Lilims, The-rapists are everywhere.

>> No.15646644

Only if your daughteru is a wolf.

>> No.15646663

For human couples, yes.
The advice would always be the same though.
>"Maybe you should become a _____."
>Woman complains her husband leaves dirty dishes in the sink all the time
>He protests that he works 12 hours a day and that he doesn't have the energy to do chores when he gets home
>Marriage councilor suggests the wife become a Kikimora
>The woman angrily storms out
>Marriage councilor stops the man and presses a small bottle of pills into his hand
>"These dissolve in water. Slip her one three times a day. She should start changing by the end of the week."

>> No.15646664

Well, you wanna get me to play it so bad, post a girl that is interesting.

>> No.15646665

Give her a headpat and cheer her on.

>> No.15646668
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Cores like it, though I think it interesting to see the conflict between the monster enjoying the sadism and the girl hating it.

>> No.15646671

>don't solve the communication issues
>or the husband's problems
>just go behind the wife's back to turn her into a meek, shitty maid with no self agency as part of a lazy fix that'll just encourage the unhealthy habits

It's shit.

>> No.15646677

>Husband's problems
Look man, if a woman is a housewife and her husband works 12 hours a day, she damn well better be doing all the housework.

>> No.15646679

By becoming a Kiki she'll be enlightened on how to make her husband an alpha who puts bread on the table and fucks her great in bed

>> No.15646680

>Human girl
It was already shit. Thing is this might even have a ripple effect on the community of shitty human girls. they'll have to improve as people to contest with monsters.

>> No.15646702

>Shitty maid
Them fighting words, Anon, no maid is ever shitty.

>> No.15646717

I want to refuse all the monster's proposals and marry a human girl!

>> No.15646721

You better start making plans to escape monsterland asap, Anon.

>> No.15646731
File: 1.54 MB, 1731x1873, DAICHI NO BAKUDAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15646733

Paladins wouldn't be yandere, right?

>> No.15646734

Is anywhere safe?

>> No.15646758

I don't know how many different ways I've explained it by now, but the truth that both Rem and Subaru did the absolute best they could for each other in that scene and definitely showed their best selves by the end. It was practically perfect, sadly people who are too obsessed with "muh shipping" are effectively stepping all over what Rem accomplished and who Subaru became by the end of that scene.

>> No.15646759

Probably going innawoods as far away from monster realms as possible, and hope that when the inevitable happens you already lived a good life.

>> No.15646762

The best ones are.

>> No.15646766
File: 355 KB, 744x1052, 4607103e1f844fb851304b32c9a9e18d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kidding? They live fearing their husbands turn into monster lovers, and their countries into monster kingdoms. They're more yandere than anyone else.

>> No.15646773

>Wandering through Wonderland, dick in hand, looking for some lewd view for a quick fap
>Then, through the thicket, you hear the sounds of pleasured moans
>Walking on a bit more, you find a potion bottle discarded in the underbrush
>You see traces of a brown liquid within, and it smells of tea
>If tea made your cock throb like it was trying to grow to twice its girth, and made your mind haze over until only the borderline furious urge to find the nearest girl and fuck her doggystyle before overfilling her fertile womb with boiling seed remained
>But the senseless urge passes, even if your need to fap remains, doubled in intensity
>You close in on the moans, but hear something else as you approach the clearing

>An animal's snarls, like the kind you'd hear from some horrible predator fighting for its life claw and fang
>Hiding in a shrub and gazing into the gap between trees, you see why
>A jubjub is being fucked hard into the ground, cheek against the floor and drool seeping into the soil as her eyes roll back in mind-breaking pleasure
>Her entire body jiggles with every thrusting impact, her breasts like jello even as pressed against the gourn as they are, and her massive pink wings are splayed while her scaly legs are being lifted into the air, pulled apart to allow her husband easy access
>Except her husband is currently at least seven foot tall, muscle literally bursting out of his torn clothing, with claws that could crush a watermelon like a peach, currently looming over the jubjub on all fours, jackhammering away with a dick too big, too thick, and too rough to ever be considered human
>Fluids are flying, precum is spilling out of her at a rate of litres per minute, and she looks like she could split down the middle at any second
>But she's having the time of her life, even gratefully opening her mouth when her transformed husband leans down with his inhuman head and mad, feral eyes to give her a kiss that's more like trying to force his tongue in her mouth
>They're not even six feet away from you, and the smell of sex, of her lust makes your cum froth and seethe in your balls, even as the husband's animal pheromones hit you like a physical wall; an unmistakable musk meant to addle the mind of any girl nearby into instant and unstoppable estrus, and reduce her to a leaking cocksleeve meant only to be bred

>So you, being a voyeuristic dumbass who just wants to fap, decides it'll be a great idea to get out your dick and start masturbating away to the show right then and there
>After all, if they're doing it out in public like this, they deserve to have their privacy violated
>Minutes pass as you watch this jubjub surpass the limits of elasticity, being stretched and used like an onahole for her husband's monstrous cock
>While he relentless pounds away, every impact even shaking the trees around him
>There's naught but fury and lust in his eyes, seemingly devoid of any humanity in the meantime
>There's no doubt that in his transformed state, a single swipe of his hand or snap of his jaw could break your spine like a breadstick
>But nah, it'll be fine, gotta fap

>You end up blowing your load in the bushes right after they reach their climax
>The husband-turned-wolf tensing as if struck by a lightningbolt, before doubling down and fucking the jubjub so hard her entire body below the neck becomes a blur of movement
>Despite that, you can actually see her womb swell with each pulse of semen into it, as she makes some thoughtless, barbaric noise of absolute bliss
>You're so enraptured by the sight of semen backflooding from her and coating the soil beneath, you fail to notice where you're own spurt of semen flies
>Of course, you catch a glimpse as it arcs through the air, watching as it lands
>Directly on the jubjub's thigh

>The forest freezes instantly, the man-turned-wolf stopping dead in his tracks
>His nose wrinkles as he sniffs, then eyes the stray strand of semen
>Then slowly
>Turns to where you're hiding in the bushes, eyes alight with a level of hate no sane human could muster
>His mouth opens in a snarl, reavealing fangs that could tear through an elephant's skin like pulled pork
>And he growls
>Dick still in hand, utterly dumbfounded, you can only stare right back into the husband's eyes
>He leaps for you so fast you don't even have time to react and his claws are already tearing the bush between you to shreds, barrelling into your chest and knocking you to the ground
>Your vision goes black in a flash of pain, and you lose conciousness

>> No.15646774

Do humans who die in MGE go to the same afterlife than the monstergirls? The ones who live in human countries and have never been husbando'd, I mean.

What happens when husband and wife go to afterlife? Does she monsterize there?

>> No.15646775
File: 111 KB, 1026x1234, 1466883039134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW people hate on anal stimulation with a fervor in here when the perineum and the prostate gland are some of the quickest way to make a guy shoot his load and have a really strong erection

>> No.15646779


>When you wake up, the first thing you notice is that you're naked
>Save for your underwear, currently being used to suspend you from a pole several feet high, resulting in the mother of all wedgies
>The second thing you notice is a man, rather plain and scholarly-looking, wearing a pair of glasses, watching you
>And that same Jubjub you saw from earlier, being piggybacked by the man, dopily smiling and drooling onto his shoulder in afterglow
>"Consider this punishment for your overstepping your boundaries," the man says cheerily
>"But don't worry. I'm sure she'll let you down in a few days!" he turns and waves goodbye, vanishing back into the woods with his jubjub backpack, leaving you in the middle of an empty expanse of Wonderland, stuck on a pole
>Who did he mean by "She"?

>But as if to answer you question, a loud popping sound resounds
>You turn to your left, the source of the sound, and see a Chesire floating level with you, just beyond your reach
>She's holding a book, but you can't make out the cover
>"Hi there! I'm Jennifur, and a friend of mine told me you've been very, very bad!"
>Did she just vocalise a cat pun in her own name?
>"He told me you interrupted his Teatime with his wife, and got your stinky semen all over his purrecious wife! Nyaow he worked hard to get that Tea, and you went and ruined the whole thing!"
>"Which is why I'm here to purrnish you!" She smiles smugly at you, revealing downright sinister pointed teeth, like a shark's
>"Now, I'm going to start at page 1, and not let you go until we've gotten through this whole book!"

>Wait, what.
>She opens the first page, revealing the cover


>Confusion turns to horror
>Horror turns to panic
>Panic turns to terror
>And fear for your sanity
>After all this time
>All your cautioun and wit keeping you safe from the influences of Wonderland
>It looks like this place is finally going to break you

>"So, let's take it from the top!" Jennifur says
>"Did you hear about what happened to the player who walked in on two creepers?"
>"He was destroyed!"

>You feel a piece of your soul die.
>The End.

>> No.15646791


>> No.15646798

Thanks, I understood the episode correctly then. I'm not sure what you mean with "shipping". I don't browse /a/ or whatever, I occasionly however get coerced into following some running anime like Re:Zero right now, and i'm enjoying it so far.

>> No.15646802

This is why you need Wock neesans to protect you.

>> No.15646805

>posts meme pictures for degenerates

>> No.15646809

What about the clumsy ones that always break things?

>> No.15646822

>Getting so close
>Not leaving after you cum
>He didn't knot her

I mean its your imagination or whatever, but it's pretty hard to chase down the dude who just came on your waifu with a jubjub tied to your cock. Don't fuck in public you twot.

>> No.15646824

Maids must be loved and headpatted no matter what.

Actually, clumsy maids are my fetish.

>> No.15646829

Aren't Jubjubs always tied to your cock though?

>> No.15646830

Good man. You'd make a superb master.

>> No.15646832

Only in a more metaphoric sense

>> No.15646836

>>He didn't knot her
But the Jubjub did get the dick. She got thoroughly hollowed out by her husband's dick, and even rode it to climax with him.

>> No.15646847

Not really degenerate when it's been proven to work. The only problem is only the more human MGs could comfortably do it. But hey, different strokes for different folks.

>> No.15646850


>> No.15646851

>But the Jubjub did get the dick. She got thoroughly hollowed out by her husband's dick, and even rode it to climax with him.
Yeah and she'd be stuck on it for half an hour. If you're hanging around that long you're doing something wrong.

>> No.15646858

Oh, I don't browse /a/ yet either. Heck, I'm a KanColle fan and I don't even visit the reddit. Actually, the only subreddit I visit is Fate/Grand Order.

Anyway, kudos to you for seeing the episode in a good and more proper light than most. Also, "shipping" is another way of saying "I want those two to be together". I personally don't use "ship" myself, but it fits the bill in terms of describing the obsessive nature some of the fans have right now.

>> No.15646866
File: 110 KB, 759x719, 1466045050445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys feel about a story that ends up being half a hundred thousand words long?

>> No.15646867

Can monsters understand why a Man would prefer a human

>> No.15646871

I dunno. I don't think it'd be a problem to carry her around on your dick, especially if you're some 7 or 8 foot tall temporary wolf monster who's body is basically all muscle.

She could just wrap her legs and wings around you, and hang on for the ride as you dash at over 60mph.

>> No.15646872

What is it about


>> No.15646879

Depends how good it is, obviously.

>> No.15646880

There have been 50k word stories before.

Eh. If I were in his position I'd be a bit more careful about the waifu. don't wana drag her through the dirt

>> No.15646882

Capture my attention and I'll gladly abuse a nice time sink

>> No.15646885

Yeah, that's true. If it was just across flat ground, you wouldn't have a problem. That'd be a relatively smooth ride. Might have to put your head down to shield her from stray branches in the wild though.

>> No.15646891

>half a hundred thousand words long
Well, how long was YBAs Graystorm?

>> No.15646894
File: 246 KB, 350x450, ActivateSmugMode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your maid appears to be giving you a smug look. What is the best way of countering her offense?

>> No.15646895

If you want to take cocks up the ass so badly, go to /lgbt/ then because that's the right board for you.

>> No.15646898

I said nothing about cocks up the ass, but thanks for the inability to read.

>> No.15646899

Pluss, she's on all fours. She'd have to twist around to hold onto his belly and she'd be too out of it for there. I mean, just face it. You wanna be sluts in public, you relinquish all control of the situation.

>> No.15646904

Dropping my drink on my crotch and looking at her with a smug overload.

>> No.15646905

Tell her i feel like making dinner today.

>> No.15646911

Take her to suplex city.

>> No.15646925

Yeah, that's also true.

I guess the best place for Wonderland Tea is in the privacy of your own home, where you can fuck on a soft mattress, even if you do end up skewering it with claws.
The thing about Wonderland Tea though, I can imagine a couple who's just brought it catching a whiff of it, then succumbing to the primal lust it instills in anyone affected by it.
Only the strongest willed couples could resist just finding the nearest private corner or place behind the bushes to strip and have the husband down the potion. And from the moment he turns into a beast and starts emitting those pheromones to completely melt his wife's mind, it's a forgone conclusion.

Best make sure the Tea is sealed up nice and tight when you purchase it.

>> No.15646928

Who is mostly likely to get too nervous and fail at the rape?

>> No.15646944


>> No.15646945

>privacy of your own home
I always thought this was the best place for practically everything. Tea leaves smell pretty weak until you infuse them. It probably just enough to get you semi hard and ready for a good fuck, urging you to get home as soon as possible.

>> No.15646963

I want to lovingly bully her till she snaps!

>> No.15646965

Why would she rape me if we are busy playing mario party

>> No.15646967

An alp unless she's starving or stage 3

>> No.15646971


>> No.15646972
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>You will never play Strip Mario Party with a nerdwan

>> No.15646974

That would depend on what's making her so smug

>> No.15646981


>> No.15646982

Ah, so the leaves by themselves wouldn't be all that strong then.
I guess like you say, just smelling them would give you a permanent half boner, and maybe get you ready for the eventual transformation. Increase your muscle density a little, make your thoughts a little more wolfish and instinctual, and cause you to start exuding a small amount of enhanced pheromones to get your wife and her body ready as well.

Then, when you've actually got the leaves in water, you've grown by six inches, got slightly thicker body hair, have a raging hardon, and can think of nothing except downing the drink and making wild love to your wife.

>> No.15646991

Chubby, bottom heavy nerdhound is best

>> No.15646992 [DELETED] 
File: 933 KB, 761x1000, 1455745929713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can she beat Hitler Clinton and Make America Great Again?

>> No.15646996

I wouldn't say the effects are anything more than mental until you down the tea. I like to imagine that it has a reaction to your waifu's DE and while a wolf is the default, if your waifu has a compatible race, you turn into the base creature from that race for the duration of the tea. So centaur>stallion etc.

All this talk makes me want to load up tobihime.

>> No.15646999 [DELETED] 

This is kinda eerie, as I had that image on my mind throughout the day.

>> No.15647000 [DELETED] 

This is somehow the worst edit I have seen.

Congratulations, I guess.

>> No.15647006 [DELETED] 

>Hitler Clinton

I don't understand this joke.

>> No.15647008

How do you intimidate monsters to preemptively stop them from rape

>> No.15647009 [DELETED] 

Because Hillary has cheated the American people more times than Bill has cheated on her.

>> No.15647011
File: 266 KB, 700x900, Summer Season.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She recalled the way you recently looked at her in her summer maid oufit and brought it up in a teasing way.

>> No.15647012 [DELETED] 

Build Bridges not Walls

Because she's actually a great person and it needs to be corrected about the conservative conspiracies that hate her for being a woman.

>> No.15647015 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 819x916, 1459395244837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand why the Hitler part

>> No.15647019 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 3416x2900, 1469987251502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither, if anything it's more appropriate for Trump considering his large amount of neo-nazi/white supremacist followers.

Less /pol/, more monster girls though.

>> No.15647020

Tell them your wife is some high tier monstergirl, I don't know.

>> No.15647022 [DELETED] 

The Democratic party is the socialist party you massive rube

>> No.15647024

Dont red slimes have something about that in their profile?

>> No.15647026 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 694x500, 1465422754156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never mentioned that at all but okay.

I'm glad I live in Canada.

>> No.15647029 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 550x440, 1470078838380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it needs to be corrected
The record?

>> No.15647030 [DELETED] 

Fuck off drumpf s i pporters. Your candidate is fucking hitler and you cnat stop the first female president. This whole thread is about females anyways. Anyone here not voting dor hillary is an idiot

>> No.15647031 [DELETED] 

>I'm glad I live in Canada.
If you fuck monstergirls, they win.

>> No.15647034

Fair enough. Keeping the physical transformation seperate until the actual drinking happens does make it a more special event.

And I like that idea with the compatibility too. I was personally thinking there'd be different kinds of tea, though. Like different leaves and different flavours that trigger transformations into different creatures, so you can still try out ungodly combinations. For example, if your waifu's a lizardgirl or something and you want to try a bovine Wonderland Tea.
The idea of the waifu's magical energy guiding you through transformation into her compatible partner is still rather lovely. That there's a single, perfect form the tea will make you take, and just by being around your waifu, you'll assume that shape for her. I'm kind of torn between both ideas.

All this discussion about Wonderland Tea and that greentext is kind of making me want to write a smut story featuring the stuff now. Like an Anon and his werewolf wife looking to spice up their bedroom life after the passion's started to wane, or something. This thread is corrupting me in ways I could never predict.

>> No.15647035 [DELETED] 
File: 2.17 MB, 1678x1930, 1465475714507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Win what? My love? It's too late for that.

>> No.15647039 [DELETED] 

Nazi stands for national socialist.

>> No.15647045 [SPOILER] 
File: 350 KB, 603x600, 1470531377775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cute MG rolls up on you hard and fast before asking if you want to go out on a date!

How do you respond?

>> No.15647046
File: 212 KB, 404x800, Dungeon Meshi chapter 2 Page 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /pol/ to leave. Posting monstergirl images does not make your bullshit on-topic for this thread.

>> No.15647047
File: 155 KB, 717x1012, 1466871810481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you boyim talking about and why is it not impregnating tanukis?

>> No.15647050

what if the see through that lie

>> No.15647052

I don't date sluts.

>> No.15647061 [DELETED] 

Monster girls are an allegory for other cultures. Can't like Monster girls and vote Trump. FYI

>> No.15647062
File: 1.06 MB, 929x1300, 1455243428064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only purpose they serve is shitting up other threads. I just want to talk about wans and awoos.

I want a christmas cake office tanuki.

>> No.15647063

Look at that shitty tail.

>> No.15647065

I have to save my money for Otakon next week.

>> No.15647067

Well, I'd post it as guest if I were you, but I'd definitely read it.
>Mating ball a lamia and DP her as a huge serpent

>> No.15647075

No thanks, I already have someone in mind.

>> No.15647077 [DELETED] 

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.15647079 [DELETED] 

This thread's official political position should be to tell any and all drumpf supporters to fuck off. Racism and Monster Girls are not capatable.

>> No.15647080
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x2000, heil-wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15647083 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself and take your shit to tumblr. I don't come here to argue american politics

>> No.15647084

Wans were not meant for dictatorships.

>> No.15647086 [DELETED] 

>Racism and Monster Girls are not capatable.

You do realise that the MGE is written from the perspective that you ARE a racist anti-monster xenophobe and you're trying NOT to get raped, right?

>> No.15647087
File: 121 KB, 617x909, 1455311285944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving wrestlesex with an awoo is pretty damn appealing.

>> No.15647089 [SPOILER] 
File: 351 KB, 603x600, 1470532006530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raped to death.

Raped until balls are drained but otherwise fine.

One "quickie" for the road before she leaves.

>> No.15647090 [DELETED] 

Hey, I'm from /pol/ and I'm as tired as you are of the Trumpshit.

You get raped.

Fuck off as well.

>> No.15647092
File: 41 KB, 512x512, CleanCleanClean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15647093

Sure, where does she want to go?

>> No.15647102

B-but the girl on my mind! What a rude cunt I hope her favorite guy alps.

>> No.15647105

Kikis truly are the best thing to happen in this life.

>> No.15647106
File: 154 KB, 940x720, CookingLessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn to bake with a Kiki and an energetic Wurm!

>> No.15647109

Sure I'll go on a date with her as not only is she cute, but more importantly she asked me out rather than assaulting/raping me. This is good as asking me out gets on my good side and makes me think she want to form an actual relationship with me rather than jut sex, but also means she is more likely for me to trust. The question I have for her is where does she wish to go for our first date?

>> No.15647117

Oh god, so much coiling and intertwining hugs.

I was thinking about the reptile girls like lamias and salamanders, but I couldn't think of any decent transformation besides something like a dragon. You don't really think of snakes as being able to fuck furiously.
But I guess with constriction and coiling, that type of transformation bceomes overwhelming to the monstergirl on the receiving end in an entirely different way.

Instead of going at it like a wolf in heat, you bind them up and draw out the sex, for hours and hours, squeezing every last drop of female pleasure from them until they hit their absolute limit after a couple of days of nonstop lovemaking. It's a completely different dynamic, but it makes the Tea even more interesting.

And yeah, I probably would want to put it in a guest paste. I've written one rather outrageous story which is public on my Pastebin though, so I'm not too worried about that. I write plenty of vanilla to balance the scales.

>> No.15647123

Just stop.

>> No.15647125

Kikis are good.

Shoggs are good.

Together, they are a heavenly pair

>> No.15647128
File: 1.01 MB, 1400x990, 1469227846676-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CC office tanuki

>get a job in the warehouse under the Tanuki Corp. main office
>around 11 every day the entire Tanuki board will come down and catcall at the warehouse workers
>they call it "motivational exercises"

>> No.15647129

Well the whole two dicks thing adds another element to the fucking.

>> No.15647130
File: 398 KB, 1080x1920, 1460345448449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough cuddlefucking is where it's at

>> No.15647135

Wan wan dictatorships are the best dicktatorships

>> No.15647137

Can't they just get escorts?

>> No.15647144
File: 2.70 MB, 2400x3000, 1464904239305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'd rather impregnate a fox.

>> No.15647147
File: 268 KB, 1200x815, wait I feel like somethings wron----.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15647148

Any stories about human scorts/whores/rentboys?

Being one in a world of monstergirls is a nice dream

>> No.15647149

I completely forgot that was a thing which applied to this situation, but you're totally right. Well then, that's even double the pleasure on top of everything else.
All this Wonderland Tea stuff aside, really shines a light on how sexy lamias are.
Being able to take that Tea and make love on the same level as them is a truly alluring concept.

>> No.15647151

What I think it really highlights is how wonderland is basically just fantasy /d/

>> No.15647153

I'd rather beat a non-meme hellhound at strip games instead. And turn her into a secret sub that keeps picking games she has no chance to win, or wears so few articles of clothing that she's completely stripped after losing just a couple of times and gets "special penalties" when she keeps losing without clothes

>> No.15647155

And that's why you/they should stop talking about it here.

>> No.15647160

She's too strong!

>> No.15647164

It's entirely related though.

>> No.15647165

Is Kiki winning the Meidob Owl?

>> No.15647167

I've been bamboozled!

>> No.15647168

Wonderland is a canon part of the setting.

>> No.15647171

How do you all feel about non-monstergirl focused settings that otherwise still feature monstergirls?

>> No.15647173

...At least she's qualified to nurse him back to health after his injuries.

>> No.15647174

Yeah, I knew that was going to be the response. You want this thread being flooded with /d/ tier shit?

>> No.15647178

How often is wonderland actually discussed tho? Like the actual elements of it, and the items found within? The conversation has basically run its course anyway.

>> No.15647180

Pretty much. I think that Wonderland is just the place in the monstergirl universe where you can say: "We removed the limiters. Now what can you come up with? Because whatever it is, Wonderland probably has a day on the calendar to celebrate it."

Be it lolification or shotafication cookies, animalistic transformation tea, cakes that turn women into christmas cakes, aphrodesiac rain, whatever. Wonderland is basically the fetish sandbox for monstergirls.

>> No.15647181

Siths are canon to the MGE setting too, and both them and /d/shit like transformations attract a crowd we don't want anything to do with.

>> No.15647186

I just fear it becomes something normal, and some people you know get in here, it's not the first time I see it happening in other places.

Besides, furries and monsterboys are technically possible as well in MGE and we don't talk about them for a good reason.

>"temporary" monsterboys
>two dicks
I mean jesus christ.

>> No.15647188

Doesn't change the fact we at least ignore the humpty eggs and fucking beastshit.

>> No.15647193

I know, it would be fantastic to visit, although I wouldn't want to live there.

>> No.15647195

You know what else is canon? Furries, and we don't talk about them.

>> No.15647199

Where are you when the sith shitters are going on about wanting to pet a cait sith?

>> No.15647200

Molest the Wolfus!

Especially the Hellwans!

>> No.15647205

Not here obviously, or I'd have told them to stop as well.

>> No.15647206

Is yuri really on the same level as the rest of that? Sure, it's not vanilla, but what?

>> No.15647207

REmember not to let your monster girls dabble in super science.

It's all fun and games at first but then they're adding grafts of super strength muscles, increasing bone density, messing with their DNA and giving themselves wings.

>> No.15647210

If you molest the hellwan she will molest you as well.

>> No.15647211
File: 164 KB, 1024x873, CgtuIWFVEAE5xBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humpty eggs deserve better.

>> No.15647213

Well why don't you hang around a little more, and pipe up when they go on about sith furniture and shit and "oh maybe it's not so bad fucking one"

>> No.15647217

Because I can't be here 24/7 I wish I could

Also stop getting so defensive because people don't want your /d/ shit here.

>> No.15647218

Yeah, I think of it like the MGE Pandemonium. A great holiday destination, maybe even for a few months, where you and your waifu can go to completely let loose and satiate any deviant desire the two of you might share. Or even to develop new fetishes to take away.

You spend some time there just going wheverer your gut and sexual organs take you, have some fun, then go back home to a place where logic exists, and spacetime works the way we know it. Perhaps with a few extra potions in your suitcase for those special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

>> No.15647219

I'll have to molest her harder then.

>> No.15647220
File: 425 KB, 2048x1536, 1462640225975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the plan

>> No.15647226

What's the best monster for [/spoiler]energy drain[/spoiler]?

>> No.15647230

Vanilla succubus. They gotta be good at something.

>> No.15647232

I'm not being defensive, I just fond it funny you mentioned furries when this thread has a higher tolerance for it than you would think.

>> No.15647235

Wights with their ghost claws.

>> No.15647237


Wights and Liches.

>> No.15647239

Two dicks.
Fuck one bitch twice
Fuck two bitches at once

>> No.15647241

Fuck yourself in /d/

>> No.15647242

It's pure cancer.

>> No.15647248

One in the pink, one in the paws.
She could give you a handjob while you fucked her.

>> No.15647251

if the AI gets a star on his first roll I'm fucking done

>> No.15647252

Not him but

>I can post my shit because he's also posting his shit!

At least they don't try to change the fucking male like you faggots do.

Nah, I'm not starting this again.

>> No.15647256

>Temporary monsterboys
Absolutely haram

>> No.15647258

I don't think anyone was mentioning this in the thread.

>> No.15647276

>At least they don't try to change the fucking male like you faggots do.
>Furfag apologia
And I never stated that one batch of shit justifies another. Just pointed out a piece of irony.

>> No.15647284

Uh, ok. Must be a personal thing then.

>> No.15647288

>At least they don't try to change the fucking male like you faggots do.
This is amusing. I've been here for years thinking there was some deep and logical reason for hating monsterboys, and it boils down to "only the female should be changed".

Involuntary corruption is shit, period.

>> No.15647295
File: 204 KB, 950x877, 1469159457429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anubis number wan
apophis number 4

>> No.15647296

The voluntary one is shit as well if it involves monsterboys.

>I've been here for years thinking there was some deep and logical reason for hating monsterboys
Their fanbase, now you have at least one.

>> No.15647300

>Their fanbase
I'll give you that.

>> No.15647304

You must be either incredibly new or feigning ignorance, if you don't know why yurishit is hated.

>> No.15647312

>yurishit is hated
I have no issues with it as long as it doesn't become the norm.

>> No.15647315

Well, I kind of asked for an explanation and you just gave a generic "it's cancer" response.

>> No.15647317

At this point, the echos of resentment towards it have caused more damage than the thing itself.
But hey, let's not dwell. It's late at night and near the end of the thread. This'll all be buried when we archive and make a new thread after that.

>> No.15647318

>Implying any of us would turn down a show from two monstergirls

>> No.15647321

>echos of resentment towards it have caused more damage than the thing itself
You've pretty much described every "black-list" topic the thread has.

>> No.15647325

>I've been here for years thinking there was some deep and logical reason for hating monsterboys
These threads are about male humans and monstergirls. If you don't like it, you have other places in 4chan, along with the entire internet, to talk about them.

Yet, like with other fetishes, we've had people trying to force them in here, which is why I completely support not allowing even the minimum shit, even if that makes us look like douchebags from the outside.

Now I'm remembering that guy, how was he called? Fujoshit-kun?

>> No.15647329

It will become the norm if you allow absolutely any of it. It's literally cancer.

These threads wouldn't probably even exist anymore if those shitters wouldn't get driven out on sight.

>> No.15647335

The norm is using it to corrupt human women, or in threesomes BUT only as a minor thing, not having the guy as a third well like in one story I saw here.

>These threads wouldn't probably even exist anymore if those shitters wouldn't get driven out on sight
I agree. Or, if anything, they'd have been relocated to /d/.

>> No.15647337

How can yuri possibly become the norm when the crux and foundation of the thread is based on heterosexual relationships with monstergirls? If anything, it'll only ever become an occasional side discussion while other talk is going on.

>> No.15647341

>third well

How innocent. You know nothing about yurifags.

>> No.15647342

I don't like it. In fact, I rather hate the idea of being changed. So much so that I really wouldn't wish it on anyone, man or woman.

>> No.15647345

>So much so that I really wouldn't wish it on anyone, man or woman
I can respect that

>> No.15647348

You're not actually stating any points. Just giving really cliche "Heh, you really do know nothing, huh, kid?" comments.
I know how toxic any fanbase can get, yurifags included. You don't need to derail a thread every time the word is mentioned.

>> No.15647350

I think they're more concerned with an influx of people who don't particularly care about a local topic.

>> No.15647353

I would.

>> No.15647355

>guys you have allowed a little of yuri, why can't we have a little of futa!
>guys you have allowed a little of yuri and futa, why can't we have a little of monsterboys!

etc etc

>> No.15647359
File: 912 KB, 1200x900, 1450036117102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey choirboy, want to play a fun game?

>> No.15647360

>These threads are about male humans and monstergirls. If you don't like it, you have other places in 4chan, along with the entire internet, to talk about them.
>Yet, like with other fetishes, we've had people trying to force them in here, which is why I completely support not allowing even the minimum shit, even if that makes us look like douchebags from the outside.
I couldn't have explained it much better than this. It's all about monstergirls and human men. We don't want furries. We don't want futafags and fujoshits putting cocks where they don't belong. We don't want tumblrshit and yurifags memeing about how it's "all about the girls and stronk womyn". We don't want ocdonutsteel autists posting about how they want to be half dragon half demon half vampire half incubus.

And if they are allowed to get away with any of their shit, that'll signal more retards that it's fine to bring their garbage here.

>> No.15647364

Point is, we have had the discussion about yuri so many times I'm tired of posting why it shouldn't be here. Go to the archives and look for them for all what I care.

>> No.15647369

If they don't care about the local topic, there's no draw for them to come. They've still got their place to discuss it, so they'll stay there, where there's more focus on it. And /jp/ has yuri threads all the time anyway. Nothing really changes from it. It's just a thing which happens.

>> No.15647370
File: 1001 KB, 840x900, 33376727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't include stronk womyn on this.

>> No.15647379

Except that makes zero sense. There's no soft gradient there. You can cleanly and evenly divide up those three things into entirely seperate categories. You're trying to make a slippery slope argument, but it's not there.

The moment a futa is posted no matter what, it's going to be rejected and kept away from these threads. That'll be true regardless of how vocal induviduals feel towards whatever other topic like yuri.

>> No.15647384

If you like yuri so fucking much then why are you here and not on /u/?

You are actually doing the "just a little bit of x is fine" thing.

>> No.15647387

>so they'll stay there
Unfortunately there are several communities that prove you wrong. I've been on the internet long enough to see more than a few groups that can't keep to themselves. MLP and /pol/ come to mind.

I think the potential of things like butt-stuff or yuri to corrupt the thread is exaggerated, but I can sympathize with the desire to enforce a zero-tolerance policy. And I say this as an avid tentacle-girl fan.

>> No.15647389

Good night anon, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, get your monster girl a workout!
Can't have them getting pudgy now can we?

>> No.15647391

I never said I liked it. That's a pretty general rule you can apply to a few things, and in this case, I'm just using it to pick apart your faulty logic.

>> No.15647392

And why should your fetish be allowed but others don't when they're both shit and not welcomed here? Also they're technically both canon thanks to KC saying Yes to anything that isn't NTR.

>> No.15647395

>get your monster girl a workout
Why not go work out with them? Get warmed up for the real exercise!

>> No.15647400

But my monster girl is the one that makes me work out. Not only that, but she also makes me eat more too!

>> No.15647402

One can be posted here just fine on /jp/, the other is very cleanly-cut as a topic which only belongs on /d/.

>> No.15647403

>vocal induviduals
Oh, so now you're trying to pull this bullshit too? With fanatic stuff like yuri, futa and the utter scum that are fans of it, there's no "fallacy" in slippery slope.

>> No.15647406

She doesn't like workouts.

>> No.15647407

But once I introduce an alp to spats she'll never stop wearing them!

>> No.15647408

It's implied you're going with them.

I mean, seriously, are you going to put a kobold on a treadmill and put a steak in front of her attached to a string?

Gotta fuel them muscles somehow.

>> No.15647411

>vocal individuals
