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15586029 No.15586029 [Reply] [Original]

When will ZUN give us a real nine tailed fox?

I'm tired of this shitty fake fox.

>> No.15586041
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You don't like me?

>> No.15586073

Junko is cute!

>> No.15586097

Is this the thread where we wait for grimdark-san to regale us with his fanfiction?

>> No.15586128


You can thank ZUN for giving grimdark fuel like candies.

>> No.15586217
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It took me a couple days to decide how I feel about the new info, but in the end, I don't care anymore. I will continue to stay married to Ran. Fake or not, she is more than enough fox for me, thank you.

>> No.15586229

Honestly I'm not sure why you all got worked up in the first place given that ZUN more or less said "well she walks, talks, looks, eats tofu, kons, and everything else like a fox so you can treat her as such."

>> No.15586238


Because she's not the real owner of the body but a parasite? She's like some fucking Goa'uld or something.

>> No.15586246

And he shows up right on time.

>> No.15586251


Stop acting like it's one person. Nips are also talking about this shit like crazy.

>> No.15586256

Parasites usually don't bring immense power to their hosts.
Because then they aren't parasites by definition.

>> No.15586260


>> No.15586263
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So did everybody just kind of forget the whole "It's fine to think of Ran as the nine-tailed fox" part?

>> No.15586264
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>> No.15586265


But they do? Look at demon possessions or goa'ulds.

>> No.15586267


It's fine because ZUN said so?

>> No.15586271
File: 29 KB, 555x518, ranbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creator of the character says its fine to think of a character a specific way? UNHEARD OF. NOT CANON.

>> No.15586274

Which are oddball forms of symbiosis.

>> No.15586279
File: 29 KB, 555x518, Ran NO FUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm the artist of that image! Please, consider saving this version as well!

>> No.15586289


ZUN is a drunkard and says retarded shit all the time.

I always had problems with the whole shikigami thing, he just confirmed the worst case scenario.

>> No.15586301

So you've decided that line means nothing while the lines prior do?
Glad to see you've made yourself the arbiter of canon, you certainly know better than ZUN.

>> No.15586316


Are you retarded or something? ZUN thinks it's no big deal. Doesn't mean everybody is going to think the same way. He probably never gave a shit about Ran anyways.

George Lucas loves Jar Jar. Does than mean every SW fan should love him?

>> No.15586326


No, he's just gone with the fine theory of death of the author, and that the author's voice on the text is not the final one

Party on, you postmodernist madman, party on

>> No.15586338

I will, thank you!

>> No.15586354

When will moepigs realize that Touhou was never only about cute little girls doing cute things?

If you want bland uninspired waifu simulators, then look at KanColle instead

>> No.15586370
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I will cherish the unnamed fox youkai that always disguise herself as Marisa.

>> No.15586379 [DELETED] 

I hope Zun gives more details on the Kitsune village.

>> No.15586438
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Unnamed youkai kitsune is making a cute girl even cuter.

>> No.15586467

She just needs to visit Sakuya.
Then Sakuya ages her and boom, an actual kyubi, no fakes.

>> No.15586486

>Then Sakuya ages her
I like it when people make it really obvious that no one should listen to them

>> No.15586517

I like it when people make it really obvious their condescending behavior is not grounded in reality.

>> No.15586543

M8 it's been said before she ages shit, making plants bloom, or maturing wine.

>> No.15586563

Not a parasite, she's software.

>> No.15586728

She's a real fox with a shikigami installed

>> No.15586799

Jesus, so Yukari hijacked the brain of a youkai on the verge of apotheosis so she could order it around

>> No.15586812

The fox probably asked for it.

Beasts want power.

>> No.15586823

How often does Yukari defrag her?

>> No.15586966

And then Yukari finds her and puff, double fun.

>> No.15586989
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>> No.15587197

Maybe brushing her EXTREMELY FLUFFY TAILS serves as defragging...

>> No.15587213

Solid states should not be defragged.

>> No.15587239

Go fuck yourself Yakumo-hater!

>> No.15587253


After disbelief comes denial. And after denial anger.

>> No.15587342
File: 52 KB, 505x326, 89c22b391e4cc997351bd1a361bf723e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, installing Ran on multiple kitsune! Not stopping until all of fox-kind is simply "Ran-kind"!!

>> No.15587348

They wouldn't be Rans though, they'd all be different shikigami. There's only one Ran.

>> No.15587358

Parasite would imply the host is being hurt or weakened here when it's just the opposite.

But what exactly would you call adding another mind to one body? A hivemind?

>> No.15587469


>> No.15587800

Why do you think youkai are afraid of evil spirits?

If you're familiar with canon, you should know what I'm getting at.

>> No.15587830

The fox is still there.

>> No.15588696

You can't marry a picture anon

>> No.15589389

Good thing I'm married to Ran and not a picture of Ran!

>> No.15589404

>you will never have baby making sex with ran
why even live?

>> No.15589499

I want to hug the fox tail.
