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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 131 KB, 415x703, 1225714972502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1557625 No.1557625 [Reply] [Original]

Will the vote affect Japan?

>> No.1557627

Short answer: no

Long answer: yes.

>> No.1557628

Fuck yeah, Zero.

>> No.1557636

Obama is the Eunuch Generals.

>> No.1557637


no because Japan hates USA

yes because if McKenzie wins, there will be more cunts with guns stationed in nippon.

if ron paul wins then Ace of Spades will become isolationist and withdraw its gunraping boys off of area 11

>> No.1557674

Yes. Our elections will effect the rest of the world, whether they are big or small, I don't know. It's because the United States is a first world country and we're naturally more connected to the world. Yes. Yes. Yes.

>> No.1557691
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>> No.1557704
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Generic hogwash. The results will only effect Japan in a significant way, from our point of view, if one of them incorporates anti rorikon pressure into his relations policy with Japan.

>> No.1557770


i thought its more of a thing with removal of americunts from Okinawa?

>> No.1557789

Just take every soldier from every base in the world and dump them in Afghanistan. Problem solved. We have nuclear ballistic missile submarines in case anyone gets rowdy while we're gone.

>> No.1557796

Neither president will remove the troops from okinawa, maybe downscale them a bit, sure, but not remove. Clinton never did it and neither will Obama.

>> No.1557800
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That would have very little effect on Japan. Economic sanctions to put the screws on the rorikon industry, however, would make BIG WAVES, and suck for us.

>> No.1557829

So, will you basement dwellers be able to pull yourselves away from your waifus and do as moot commands, or is that too much to ask?

>> No.1557833

I'm going to my polling place, but my fat weeaboo, basement dwelling friend, voted absentee.

>> No.1557841

While that would suck for us, and people do (and arguably should) vote for what affects them personally, it's just not a big enough issue. Even if a candidate or one of their potential appointees cared greatly about that sort of thing, there's all that real CP that they can't get under control to worry about first.

>> No.1557845
File: 307 KB, 984x1400, 1225783617480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Obama is elected, we can expect to see him in doujins.

>> No.1557846
File: 44 KB, 400x500, 1225783618930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like all blacks, Obama will become a very kawaii animu figure

>> No.1557847

I'm not allowed to vote tomorrow because I already voted Friday.

>> No.1557853

My Felony Indecent Acts with a Child Under the Age of 8 won't allow me to vote, but I would have voted for Obama ;_;

>> No.1557858

Isn't he already in mainstream published manga?

>> No.1557859

>like all niggers, Obama will be far more kawaii as an animu figure

>> No.1557862

You know he's in favor of teaching pre-schoolers how to avoid getting abducted and raped, right?

>> No.1557864

Ah, so to most of the denizens here, the president elected is irrelevant.

>> No.1557871

We really need to form a 4chan pro-CP political action committee one of these days.

>> No.1557879

Unlike McCain/Palin, the vote of choice for the child love community.

>> No.1557890


Not YOU. Japan. fool.

>> No.1557898

If I get a little girl pregnant, I don't want her aborting the baby before I get a chance with it too.

>> No.1557899

Don't worry, Anon. You're safe from that scenario.

>> No.1557903


You'd go to jail for doing that fool.

Also pedophilia is semi-legal in every part of Asia

Includes: Japan Korea China Mongolia Hong Kong Phillipines Laos Cambodia Vietnam Myanmar Thailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia

>> No.1557914

Palin will make pedophiles classified as game with open season.

>> No.1557925

This thread stinks of retarded pedophiles

I love my little sister alot

>> No.1557940
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>> No.1557945

Palin will have an official government e-mail address if she is elected. Some member of her staff will be responsible for answering anything that gets past the spam filter. I'm considering extending her an invitation to visit /d/ to help her learn about the internet. I haven't decided how to word it yet, though.

>> No.1557952


barbarians amirite?

>> No.1557960

Do it now! Tell them you're an undecided voter from Ohio!

>> No.1557984

I'm not familiar with American politics. I can make it come from an IP in Ohio, but what do I say?

>> No.1558010


invade japan. lol

>> No.1558024


The fact that nobody pointed this out is pretty sad, /jp/.

In fact, the idea that you're not sage bombing it for the retarded CG image alone is depressing.

>> No.1558036

sage bombing is bad, and such obvious trolls can be starved by robbing them of their prey. Lurk moar.

>> No.1558066


OP probably isn't American or English anyway. Because we all know that Americans and Brits type English perfectly.

>> No.1558067

>such obvious trolls can be starved by robbing them of their prey


Sage bombing does rob them off their prey since it doesn't bump their thread and it discourages others to post in it, and a successful sage bomb generally detracts the thread itself and makes it unsalvageable.

>> No.1558070


>> No.1558074

But sage bombing is bad, so other ways are preferable.

>> No.1558078

George Wakamoto Bush?

>> No.1558093

It's not bad when it's justified, such as this thread which is nothing but an /r9k/ thread disguised as /jp/ material.

>> No.1558100
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>> No.1558106


you are not making any sense. OP asks whether the vote will affect Japan.


>> No.1558109


Since when were these two things related?

>> No.1558133

You seriously think anyone cares how the U.S.'s presidential election will effect Japan, that it will even have any noticeable effects, or that anyone in /jp/ would have the faintest idea of how it would?

This is just another "in Japan" thread, and I thought we got rid of those after all the sage bombing when /jp/ was first created.

>> No.1558137

It's bad because script kiddies who fail to lurk moar don't have the judgment to know what's justified, and do it increasingly hastily. And the more script kiddies there are, the more arise. sage bombing may destroy a few bad threads at first, but it destroys more and more good ones before they can even get started.

>> No.1558141


i just imagined wakamoto saying that

>> No.1558145

There was no sage bombing when /jp/ was first created. It was, however, heavily moderated at first.

>> No.1558146



>> No.1558150

I'm pretty sure you don't need a script to sage bomb a thread.

I mean, the forum even saves the sage in the field for your next post automatically.

>> No.1558156

>You seriously think anyone cares how the U.S.'s presidential election will effect Japan
Many of us do, yes. That's why we're discussing it anyway, despite any intention on the OP's part to do otherwise.

>> No.1558167

It saves any address other than 「noko」.

>> No.1558178

Nobody here owns this board except for moot... and his only rule is: 1. All things Japanese welcome! An argument about the de facto rules of the board or even pointing to /jp/'s creation due to an overabundance of Touhou in /a/ are all invalid. You can express your dislike of any thread if you really care that much, but you don't have any authority whatsoever.

You're not going to "get rid" of any type of thread by sage bombing. The rules are the rules, and although they are never followed, you'll have these sort of topics unless the rules become more specific to limit the range of issues that can be talked about.

>> No.1558196
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>> No.1558197


since when did moot became a weeaboo?

have you heard? you can post japanese child models now!

>> No.1558206
File: 192 KB, 1800x1150, 1225789731285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2GB of them. Don't mind if i do!

>> No.1558207

There are the globals too, is a mod feels like it, he can ban you for spamming. If its Snacks, he can ban you for the hell of it.

>> No.1558212
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>> No.1558217
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>> No.1558227

Obama will bring great fortune & glory to Obama, japan.

>> No.1558228
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>> No.1558230

Oh, alright. I'll save you some time, then.

It won't.

The only thing that will change is Obama appearing in manga when they refer to the American president.

>> No.1558231
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does that mean obama is a weeaboo>?

>> No.1558237
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>> No.1558242
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>> No.1558240

stupid op.
The only thing that might affect Japan is if titty monster will win the elections.
Which makes sense because for elevens election and eraction are spelled the same.
think about it :3

>> No.1558248
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>> No.1558249
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>> No.1558255
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>> No.1558258


>> No.1558262
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>> No.1558261


>> No.1558264
File: 239 KB, 1024x1536, 1225790819755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, saved. More like that!

>> No.1558265
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, 1225790853868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh shi-

>> No.1558271
File: 170 KB, 700x1054, 1225790971898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not wise to post CP here. Wait if its legal in my country, does that mean i can post CP?

>> No.1558274

Thread suddenly awesome.

>> No.1558278
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>> No.1558287
File: 222 KB, 1299x1862, 1225791154868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it was nice knowing you, Zun.

>> No.1558289
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>> No.1558291

Were'nt you going to bread?

>> No.1558297
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yeah you too.

>> No.1558301
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>> No.1558304
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>> No.1558306

Did you just slip up?

>> No.1558308
File: 375 KB, 1067x1600, 1225791566502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone worship me lol

>> No.1558309

Someone said junior idols were allowed and I got sidetracked. I should probably go soon, though.


>> No.1558310
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, 1225791627518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea where i got 2GB of this. oh yeah 2chan lol

>> No.1558311

I am here to worship you.

>> No.1558316
File: 28 KB, 460x345, 1225791693682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is legal in my country.

>> No.1558317

camel toe bro

>> No.1558322
File: 21 KB, 428x322, 1225791770313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


camel toe bro

>> No.1558323

I'm pretty sure >>1558197 was using that to say "even though the rules say all Japanese things welcome, junior idols are Japanese and they are clearly not welcome."

>> No.1558324

I'm voting so that my country may one day be as awesome as yours.

>> No.1558327
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>> No.1558328

So zun what country are you from.

>> No.1558331

also in b4 Hardcore CP

>> No.1558332
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Good luck with that. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.1558336
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>> No.1558339

F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

>> No.1558340

Less 15-year-olds trying to look like 10-year-olds and more actual 10-year-olds please.

>> No.1558343
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>> No.1558345

Fucking shoe on head motherfucker.

>> No.1558347
File: 184 KB, 1200x1702, 1225792135976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does not compute

>> No.1558350

Hey... Wait a minute!

>> No.1558353

you gonna git hanged

>> No.1558354
File: 157 KB, 1200x1800, 1225792226407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, mods are sleeping etc.

what time is it there?

>> No.1558357

Go to bread already. This happens everytime.

>> No.1558358


>> No.1558359

The university I went to had some sort of school in Singapore. I should have figured out something to do for them to go there.

>> No.1558364

Being two hours from the future to you is awesome.

>> No.1558365
File: 206 KB, 898x629, 1225792367737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hanging is only for murderers and drug users/dealers.

There is a case where a 17 yr old guy raped the hell outta his 8 yr old sister that she passed out. Its not shown on the news and the good thing is, he got 4 months of jail term.

>> No.1558371

going for another record? highest is 35. world record is ~2 days on /n/
dont tell me you thought they jerked off to pictures of trains?

>> No.1558375
File: 64 KB, 640x976, 1225792453549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol ausfag

>> No.1558373


>> No.1558380
File: 77 KB, 390x800, 1225792515349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that ass

>> No.1558382

What goes on in /n/?

>> No.1558384
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>> No.1558388


>> No.1558389
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>> No.1558392


>> No.1558411

brb going to singapore

>> No.1558418

i should give a visit to that sleepy board sometime

>> No.1558418,1 [INTERNAL] 

>if its legal in my country, does that mean i can post CP?
