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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1553251 No.1553251 [Reply] [Original]

I'm being forced to go see a psychologist tomorrow. I know I won't tell him anything, and if I did, I would just lie about it, but I want to get out of here.

Any fellow Anon seeing someone?

>> No.1553260

forced ?

>> No.1553261
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Yeah. My girlfriend.

Hahaha, just kidding, guys.

>> No.1553265

Not your blog. gb2/r9k/ or make it /jp/ related.

>> No.1553266


>> No.1553271

I did a year ago. It helped a lot, because I was pretty truthful. The only thing I kept to myself was anything illegal.

>> No.1553289

Man, psychologists aren't dumb. They know it's a waste of time if you're not going to talk to them or be truthful.

They're pretty trustworthy, too. Unless you tell them that you are going to do something illegal or hurt someone, they won't tell anyone anything. Not even your family, if you don't want them to.

And anyway, all psychologists really do is diagnosis and prescription. It's therapists that you go to on a weekly basis.

>> No.1553291

I've been in psychiatric institutions before. Don't lie, it will only hurt yourself. Unless you like killed someone, don't tell them that.

>> No.1553293

I know that I wouldn't be able to express myself.

I really don't want it though...

>> No.1553302

Sweet, I kept forgetting to save this pic. Thanks anon.

>> No.1553309

Be truthful. It could only help. If he gives you pills, don't take them if you don't want to.

For a while now I've had a feeling that I should see one, but they're expensive.

>> No.1553312

sage for viral marketing

>> No.1553314

They're fairly used to dealing with people that aren't good at expressing themselves. There's really no reason to lie to them, though.

Honestly, the worst you'll get is some medicine prescribed. And that's only if he thinks you have some illness.

What particular reason are you being forced to go? Acting like a hikkikomori?

He might suspect you to have clinical depression.

>> No.1553326

I wouldn't mind going to a shrink to be honest, I'm sure they deal with others who are far more fucked up than we are.

>> No.1553332

Pretty much the reason.

>> No.1553334

Hmm. When I was a kid, I saw a psychologist on pretty regular occasion. The psychologist didn't prescribe anything, just gave my parents advice on what to do with me. She did do a couple of tests, but they weren't intended to test for disorders. It wasn't until I was dragged to a hospital psychiatrist that I was diagnosed with anything.

I'm not seeing anyone at the moment, and I haven't in years. I stopped going when the things I wanted to discuss began to involve information I'd rather have my parents know first.
I'd say the one I saw when I was a kid was pretty cool though, I think she really helped my parents deal with me.

>> No.1553335

┨ this is a ┠
┨flu virus ┠
┨  copy it   ┠
┨  help it   ┠
┨  spread    ┠

>> No.1553336

Psychologists = talk/talk
Psychiatrists = talk/medicine

>> No.1553340

I went to a psychiatrist a few times then quit because it felt like all they did was feed me the same prewritten speech multiple times during a single visit and told me to take zoloft.

>> No.1553343

Learn the difference inbetween psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and counselors. The difference very much could save your life.

>> No.1553347

I'm always forgetting which is which.

I more regularly see that type of thing referred to as therapy, but I guess they're pretty much the same thing.

>> No.1553349

It takes a lot more education to become a psychologist than it does to become a therapist...

>> No.1553354

Well, that alone isn't enough to make them suspect you have depression.

I mean, unless you also tell me something like that you often find yourself with little to no interest in doing anything, even things you know you enjoy.

>> No.1553355

I've been a couple of times, I don't have any major problems, I just liked to have someone to talk to. It's not so bad.

>> No.1553359

>I would just lie about it
Be careful with that.

Psychologists expect people to not be 100% honest, and if you're constantly lying to his face, chances are he's gonna pick up on it.

Besides, lying just makes you seem even less sane/stable/whatever.

>> No.1553362

I used to visit the psychologist in the school, but then I did endend analyzing him, when your iq is far higher and plus you read that kind of books then they dont work, also those exams I already knew what to answer so I got things like "you can be anything you want, you have aptitude for anything" of course you just need to asnwer what they want to hear

>> No.1553363

I'm not well-researched on the specifics of psychiatric school. I have more experience with it from the client-side, and from that perspective they're pretty similar.

>> No.1553364


>> No.1553367

You write like you're mentally handicapped, congratulations.

>> No.1553370

should I tell to them that I sleep with big naked loli pillows?

my hot glue figurines? my haruhi dancing? and how I have a 2d girls for a waifu? and that my car haves a huuuge vinyl loli drawing?

>> No.1553380

Why not?

Also, women use psychologists more than men I have found.

>> No.1553394

It can be agonizing at times, can't it? Having absolutely no motivation, even to do things you want to do, and getting little or no enjoyment out of things?

If you're honest about it, he might be able to help.

You don't really have to worry; psychology has a golden rule: don't try to fix what the patient doesn't want fixed. They're only there to try to help, so if you don't want to change in some way, they won't make you.

>> No.1553396


>> No.1553400

That's why you're going there? Leave out the loli part if you feel really paranoid.

>> No.1553399

They won't put you in a mad house.

>> No.1553405

You're an idiot.

>> No.1553409

None of those behaviors are really abnormal except the waifu part.
And even that one's only so if you really, truly believe it.

>> No.1553413

What happens if you tell a therapist that you only like little girls?

Do they tell your parents? The police?

>> No.1553414

you see, if you live in a place full of otakus, freaks, weeabos and that, like /jp/ or /a/ then it means you arent crazy

>> No.1553420

This thread has nothing to do with Japan or it's media, you know.

>> No.1553433

It has nothing to do with women either, yet here you are with us.

>> No.1553440

don't do that.

>> No.1553444

Several years now.

It hasn't changed much because I'm a stubborn asshole and the 'net doesn't exactly reinforce their suggestions.

>> No.1553446

They can't unless they firmly believe you are going to hurt yourself or someone else or commit a crime.

So it would depend on how you state it. And how serious and immediate a threat to children they perceive you to be.

Most likely, unless you express intent to act on your desires, they'd probably just try to work out the issue with you.

>> No.1553452


I would be interested in psychologist response to the assertion that the internet (even in moderation) helps /jp/ users to communicate and gives them some sense of the outside world.

>> No.1553449

They only put people in mad-houses if they're 51-50. That is, a threat to other people or themselves(and aren't "Go directly to jail." criteria).

Plus, it's not that bad in a psychology institute. There's some overbearing atmosphere that I just love.

>> No.1553460


>> No.1553577

Dammit, it's going to be awkward as hell tomorrow.

>> No.1553581

Don't think about lolis.

>> No.1553582

Leave and never return.

>> No.1553591
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<-- ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1553604

The place I was at had dinner at lunchtime. It was the best fucking thing ever.

>> No.1553606



>> No.1553677

>It's the rapists that you go to on a weekly basis.

>> No.1553697

Therapists are useless unless you want drugs. Drugs don't really solve anything.

>> No.1553709

Therapists can't prescribe you drugs.

>> No.1553713

It only works if you want it to. So you don't tell him anything big, and nothing will happen.

>> No.1553714

Therapists can find someone who will prescribe you drugs and usually try to if you want to change.

>> No.1553715

therapist just rape you you silly fag

>> No.1553721

Some people, including my girlfriend at the time tried to make me go see a therapist a few years ago.

I didn't, mostly because shit had majorly hit the fan in my life and it had nothing to do with me. I also felt offended that the person telling me to go see someone was way more fucked up than I was.

It's easier to just drink yourself silly and if you really need to tell the stories to anyone, tell your friends. Costs nothing, and they don't try to make you do anything. You'll still have to overcome the problems all by yourself, but telling someone what you think helps.

>> No.1553735

Whose eyes are those eyes?

>> No.1553742

>>my girlfriend at the time
>>It's easier to just drink yourself silly and if you really need to tell the stories to anyone, tell your friends.

Bro, your advice is sound, but I don't think you understand just how off the deep end most people in this thread are.

>> No.1553745

My friends are /jp/!
Including you!
