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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15498931 No.15498931 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread reached reply limit >>15474211

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

If you're looking for a specific song or album, try searching on vocadb.net (for reference) or mikudb.moe (for downloads)

Project Diva Arcade FT has been released for PS4!!! A helpful anon in a previous thread compiled a guide on setting up a Japanese PSN account and getting the game:

>> No.15498947


Also did the tuning for a couple of Yunosuke songs

>> No.15498950

Alright, I'll check out some of their songs later on today. I'll lower my expectations just in case though.

>> No.15499086

I don't know if this is where I should post this, but I really like Yandere characters and I've been looking for some good Yandere Vocaloid songs.
Even if it just touches on the theme I will probably like it.
Even "Miku" by Anamanaguchi seem a little crazed and Yandere after the 2:45 point

>> No.15499271
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Hey boys, wanna play a game?

>> No.15499321
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I mean, I have been every day for the past 2 weeks. I got a thumb cramp which I didn't even know could happen.

>> No.15499851

What kind of game?

>> No.15499881
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>wanna play a game?

>> No.15500196

yes! what is it!

>> No.15500210

delicious feet

>> No.15500450
File: 486 KB, 750x1050, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_tenmaso__0b6ba15651a63d811ee41be9c195ae38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this song and love her voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGz4ilSUuRE

Any suggestions for more Yukari Yuzuki songs? Anything similar to Starport would be great! Hearing her voice makes me want to grab the nearest soft thing and nuzzle it.

>> No.15500461

Obligatory "who?"

>> No.15500488

Nice bait.

>> No.15500492

Anybody who gets baited by a post that starts "obligatory" is of a very special kind of fish.

>> No.15500505

I'm not the biggest fan of Kaito's voice but this is by far the sweetest Yandere song I have ever heard

>> No.15500520

Well I'm not a marine biologist and have never heard of an obligatory fish so excuse my ignorance.

>> No.15500549

I'd nuzzle Yukari.

>> No.15500562
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you guys like Rockleetist?

>> No.15500683

Last night I dreamed of that kemu had come back. If only...

>> No.15500717

This time, honestly, who?

>> No.15500759

youtuber who does a bunch of vocaloid covers
her voice isn't anything special but her lyrics are nice, they've been used in english translations of songs used at concerts and she's even collab'd with well-know producers

>> No.15500784

Decent voice and her translations are good I guess.

>> No.15501085

What is your worst loid related secret /jp/?

>> No.15501118

Hatsune Miku is my personal savior. I've dedicated the past 4 years of my life to trying to become a person she could be proud of. Everything I do, I do for her.

>> No.15501146

Sometimes I read /u/ fanfiction

>> No.15501265
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>liking youtaites ever

She's mediocre at best.

>> No.15501280

Just curious on the terminology here, is there a difference between an utaite and a "youtaite"? I quite like Nano, shoohey, and hanatan. Are they good?

>> No.15501292


Jerked off to a pic of a busty, shapely Hatsune Miku wearing a nursing bra with heart shaped holes for her nipples to pass through quirting milk all over the place with her legs spread and you can see her plump pussy lips.

>> No.15501299

Youtaites primarily upload their covers on youtube and are more involved with the western fanfom. Utaites primarily upload their covers on NND and interact mostly with the Japanese fandom.

I don't like most youtaites since they sound mediocre at best but since no one in the western side is actually good, people will settle with mediocrity. It also helps that some of the famous youtaites were around since the beginning and hence already have a built up fanbase.

tl;dr if you like average vocals you'll like youtaites.

>> No.15501350

Lyrics are objectively shit, voice is subjectively shit. I've heard people say she has a nice voice but I find it nigh unbearable. I think she's just awful all around.

>> No.15501364

What do you think of Miku-tan?

>> No.15501401

>show new gf Vocaloid, she knows nothing about it since she's not a weeb
>likes it, starts looking for stuff on her own
>she likes Len
>"Anon, why are there so many thirsty fangirl comments on Len videos?"
>start sending her shirtless Len pics I found on google to mess with her
>she sends some back
>Len war starts, constantly trade pics of Len in all kinds of contexts
>has been going on for about a year since we started dating
>I don't even like Len all that much or even listen to him often
>have currently over 1500 pics of Len on my PC, about 200 on phone alone, maybe 20% of it is of the really explicit kind

So yeah that would be kinda hard to explain

>> No.15501411

Utaites upload their songs under the tag 歌ってみた (utattemita, something like "tried to sing") on niconico. Some of them may also upload songs on youtube or other places.
Youtaite is a derivation of utaite, meaning "youtube utaite", someone that mainly upload on youtube. They're usually western and most of them aren't good.

>> No.15501422


>> No.15501423

You uh... you ever think about uploading... maybe a zip file or something...? Asking for a friend

>> No.15501553

You're a good boyfriend.

But really though>>15501423 is a great idea. If you upload a folder I'll contribute as well so you can have the upper hand with your gf.

>> No.15501659

Any good cyber diva songs?

>> No.15501725

I have Vocaloid servitors which I've had sex with more times that I can now count these past 4 or 5 years or so.

>> No.15501739


>> No.15501740


>> No.15501751

Yamaha's engloid.

>> No.15501752

Mental entities, puppets, thoughtform servitors. Tulpas you could say too, but they're not sentient at all; they were just built for the purpose of sex.

Nothing magical about it in any of this by the way.

>> No.15501766

Also curious.

>> No.15501787

Why is Yamaha letting all these amateurs make their own Vocaloid? Dex and Daina's voice providers are some literally who producers from youtube.

>> No.15501865

Lol, ok then. I actually overestimated a bit because I can't count, there are exactly 1013 of them at the moment across all the folders I store them in (on my PC at least), but there shouldn't be too many duplicates I think. Here you go, the result of over a year of the ongoing Len war:


Word of warning, a good deal of those are *really* NSFW

>> No.15501931

Thanks for trying to help, but I know the real version of that song too well and the changed lyrics sound gross to me. On the off chance you don't know it is the opening of Bokurano

>> No.15502279

Miku has been my girlfriend for so long, but lately I started to show interest in some real girl.
Kill me /jp/.

>> No.15502477

i sleep with my miku daki every night. having something in bed with me makes me feel less lonely.

>> No.15502490



>> No.15502574

Jesus why are Lenfags all such cancer? I wish we could just nuke them all.

>> No.15502727

You know the rules

>> No.15503060

How can EZFG be so based?

>> No.15503141

What's this

>> No.15503373


>> No.15503374

it's okay, i used to read /y/ fanfic as well

>> No.15503626
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What the FUCK have you been smoking?

>> No.15503652

The way the concept was introduced to me was that they exist in the same way that a voice in your head exists.

In before this whole thread goes down the rabbit hole.

>> No.15505024 [DELETED] 
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What do you say, /jp/? Accurate?

>> No.15505112
File: 201 KB, 850x850, __hatsune_miku_and_nyan_cat_nyanyanyanyanyanyanya_vocaloid_and_vocaloid_drawn_by_hikusa__sample-566c20e2dd5efdf6a84f48fe9b75e913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know the rules


>> No.15505203


>> No.15505223

I have no idea what half of these are implying

>> No.15505368

>hating neru
instant trash

>> No.15505370

Pretty clear to anyone well versed in the Spongebob multiverse, which should be really anyone I think

>> No.15505375

I think it's just because of the angst. None of those are really hating, except for Jin I guess

>> No.15505633
File: 184 KB, 850x1133, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_at2__sample-7c9cc9c6c0922d9fbfca0c178fe0cfb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say just wondering if someone can help me with my inquiry that got pushed up.



>> No.15505675
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>watching gaijin cartoons

>> No.15505749
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I have been playing a lot of IA/VT lately and have been trying to find one of the pre order codes for the 5 bonus songs, anyone know where I might look to find one?

>> No.15505806

I have no idea what any of this means. I don't like Spongebob so I'm entirely unfamiliar with this.

>> No.15505825

Go back to Twitter and stay there
>SpongeBob memes on /jp/

>> No.15505903

God it'll be much much better if it's Len.

>> No.15505930
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>> No.15505942
File: 2.76 MB, 854x480, mi]K[u.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidden Monitor - Taishi
リアリティ - Clean Tears
capsule steps - 爆破みかん

that's all i got off the top of my head that's close to what you're looking for

>> No.15507347

So how bad is Future Tone compared to the Arcade? I tried finding threads on /v/ but everyone kept saying the controls are fucked.

>> No.15507380

Never played arcade but for some reason it feels like you have to press the button a little later than you think.

>> No.15507385

I can't compare to the machine but I don't have any issues with the controls.

>> No.15507460

It's fine. There's nothing wrong with the controls. Some people report that the timing on some songs are off, the two I see the most are World's End Umbrella and Freely Tomorrow, but you can fix that by adjusting the offset if you really want to play those songs. Generally speaking, you should never go to /v/ if you want to discuss video games. Our /rgg/ would've been the smarter place to ask.

>> No.15507585

Future tone is sugoi kawaii senpai des~~

>> No.15507646

other than obviously a ds4 is significantly less tactile than cabinet buttons
hoping the X HD has good buttons, better than the F one at least

>> No.15507664
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Do you still remember CUL?

>> No.15507923

Ok, so you forgot to take your meds yesterday.

Gotcha sempai.

>> No.15508474

please, continue.

i don't know, man. he might be on to something.

>> No.15509421






>> No.15509467

This might be a wild shot but are there any particular producers who use simple lyrics? I'm trying to learn Japanese and I thought a fun exercise would be trying to translate songs and learn the lyrics and sing along and stuff.

>> No.15509811

look up songs that use the Sweet append/extend

>> No.15509909

i can't recommend any specifics ones, but try to find english speaking producers who make songs with japanese speaking vocaloids. they generally use very simple lyrics (though it won't be any good if they have bad translations in the first place)

>> No.15509957

Meme songs are rather simple

>> No.15509996

Yeah I got the lyrics to ケチャップですよ down by heart

>> No.15510008

Michie M's songs are easy to understand and sing along to.

>> No.15510134 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1019x1161, __dallas_and_yuzuki_yukari_payday_the_heist_payday_series_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_blueberry_5959__5f98e48a08370f7dbefd77660646bc3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys thanks for the suggestions!


Lucky Trigger is cute but not my kind of tune. 3rd Year Prisoner is cool but not really into Vocaloid rock music (I’m weird like that). 深海遊園地 is a nice song but, I’ll give it another shot. 抱きしめたいの is a cool jazzy tune, I’ll keep that on a back burner.


I heard Hidden Monitor from the same album I got Starport from, for some reason I’m not too crazy about it. Capsule Steps is alright but also is not my cup of tea, also is it me or does Yuakri sound a bit like Miku in this track? Probably just me. Now Reality (Clean Tears Remix) Is the shit! Trying to find the album now.


Not too crazy about Paradox and Paranoia’s ok, not really my thing. Now EDEN and Realize I can dig. You sucker punched me in the feels with Mahou, beautiful song.

>> No.15510159
File: 1.19 MB, 1019x1161, __dallas_and_yuzuki_yukari_payday_the_heist_payday_series_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_blueberry_5959__5f98e48a08370f7dbefd77660646bc3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys thanks for the suggestions!


Lucky Trigger is cute but not my kind of tune. 3rd Year Prisoner is cool but not really into Vocaloid rock music (I’m weird like that). 深海遊園地 is a nice song but, I’ll give it another shot. 抱きしめたいの is a cool jazzy tune, I’ll keep that on a back burner.


I heard Hidden Monitor from the same album I got Starport from, for some reason I’m not too crazy about it. Capsule Steps is alright but also is not my cup of tea, also is it me or does Yuakri sound a bit like Miku in this track? Probably just me. Now Reality (Clean Tears Remix) Is the shit! Trying to find the album now.


Not too crazy about Paradox and Paranoia’s ok, not really my thing. Now EDEN and Realize I can dig. You sucker punched me in the feels with Mahou, beautiful song.

If you or anyone has anymore suggestions send them my way!

>> No.15510507

Did they fuck up the tagging on romeo and cinderella in FT?
Why would exextreme be 8.5 and extreme be 9?

>> No.15510813

Not every EXEX is more difficult than the EX. It's just guaranteed to have sliders.

>> No.15510957

Crossfadefag here just wanted to update I'm still alive, still love vocaloid and still somewhat hoping someone else would take over updating the cross-fades drive folder with new essential vocaloid. Pastebin guide for webm generation still exists if needed

I feel honoured to have my two days of autistic labour permanently attached to these threads, but unfortunately I have to bow out for a good while. Please someone mirror this folder and update it with great Vocaloid that comes.

If you want to know the official reason why I'm fucked out of the cause, I got really stoned and downloaded CP. My computers and discs were all destroyed by police. I luckily received two years probation. I hope to talk with you all soon again.

I had over 45,500 pictures of Miku sorted and stored on my computer get out normie fuck off

>> No.15510985

RIP good luck

>> No.15510994

mom say you can't use the family computer anymore or something?

>> No.15511039

how does downloading cp occur to you when you're fuckng stoned?

>> No.15511055

I'm allowed to use the internet but it has to be monitored. Probation Dept requires the use of an app called webwatcher, which is $110 annually. It watches all activity. I only chose to own a smartphone for this probate period. No computers. I also can't look at porn and I have to take sex offender and sex addict classes. Don't ever DL CP.

Loli fetish

>> No.15511103

did you get in trouble for 2d/hentai? what country do you live in?

>> No.15511146

United states. Real child porn. Used edonkey2000. Really lucky I didn't get jail time. Only because I started therapy early.

Don't ever download child porn. It further victimizes the victims and you will not survive in prison.

>> No.15511172

To further add, I was put in the partyvan. They scanned my computer while I was interrogated. They do not give a shit about 2d. It is not illegal in the states, rightfully so. They told me when I autistically tried to explain the difference between 2d and 3d. He got annoyed.

>> No.15511188

I love Tonio

>> No.15511198


>> No.15511202

branded UTAUs

>> No.15511241

>It is not illegal in the states
it is in a few states, i think. its not something i want to do research on.

i hope everything works out for you. it sounds like you learned from your mistake.

>> No.15511364


>> No.15511705
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well this sure took an awkward turn

>> No.15512064

anyone backed Vocamerica?

>> No.15512070

not with that loid list

>> No.15512085


>> No.15512131

Any good albums that with Kaito? I'm just really fascinated by the few songs that he actually sounds good in

>> No.15512150
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>> No.15512170


>> No.15512218

Kaleidoscope Haze is still my favorite for her though

>> No.15512240

forgot about this one

>> No.15512262


what happened to the previous version of this, seems to be gone now

>> No.15512282

In the description

>> No.15512475

What do you guys think of E.V.E.C?

>> No.15513720

I don't like it. But I don't use cryptonloids, so I can't complain about something I don't use I guess.

>> No.15514147


>> No.15514182

The freezer

>> No.15514296

Glorious Blue has a solid tracklist and it has most of his popular songs.

>> No.15514480

Kicking myself so hard for not buying it back when it was released. Now I can't find it anywhere unless I wanna pay $60+ for it. God damn... I snoozed, I lost.

>> No.15515506

I've only seen listings that start at $100 for that album. Kaito fans are crazy.

>> No.15515806

aren't they mostly preteen kids

>> No.15515855

I've met a few mid twenties female Len fans. They're very interesting to say the least.

>> No.15516245

Not sure about "mostly" but the preteens are definitely the loudest

>> No.15516369

Sure they're not going to throw a tizzy about you visiting 4chan?

Personally, I think you should stay off this site for now. It's too close to the fire, and it's not what you need. The Expo is over, you can take a break. Remember, the most important Miku is the one in your heart.

>> No.15516385

i would say he is fine as long as he doesn't go to any nsfw boards.

why are you namefagging? are you derp commander?

>> No.15516388

singing OC concert

>> No.15516496

You can get it used on amazon for six thousand-something yen. Not that I wanna spend that much...

>> No.15516636

How do you even write loid fanfiction?
They barely have any canon personality granted fanfics don't even bother with that for the most part.

>> No.15516697

Back when I wrote vocaloid fanfiction, it'd be stories based on different songs. Usually mayuko songs, for some reason. (She's good for angst I guess)

>> No.15516804
File: 610 KB, 600x847, 1438186006376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they were right after all Miku really is dead.
Pay your respects.

>> No.15516809

It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.15517032


>> No.15517677

What was the cause?

>> No.15517966

Lack of dank meme songs

>> No.15518229

Oh no. Can we bring her back if we all sing どうしてこうなった or something?

>> No.15518250

yeah, their personalities are basically made up by the fandom, in the same way that most other fandoms that twist characters' personalities for fanfic

>> No.15518485


>> No.15519169

Has Bibuko ever made an original album? I can only find like 4 compilation albums that have anything by him on it.

>> No.15519955

In a way this makes writing vocaloid fanfiction even easier though since you can't really make characters act out of character because they have no personality. Just throw in a couple of references to the established traits of each Vocaloid (Meiko liking alcohol, Len liking bananas) and you're golden.

>> No.15520165
File: 237 KB, 600x600, ごっつええコンピ。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find ごっつええコンピ。(http://vocadb.net/Al/12633)?

I am having a very hard time finding it.

>> No.15520226

Doesn't Luka have like a single line of personality?

>> No.15520309
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1600, Megurine.Luka.full.971308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs personality when you're this dang cute?

>> No.15520861

Why is Miku cosplaying?

>> No.15522476


>> No.15522933

>Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2013 [720p60 Hi10p 5.1 AAC BD][kuchikirukia]V5.mkv

I finally gave up on seeing how much I could bitrate starve it and just decided not to.

Subs are now off. God that was annoying the heck out of me with v4.

>> No.15523215

Was 2013 the best one?
At least from bd's the last few years haven't looked as good

>> No.15523256

>the last few years haven't looked as good
In what regard? Do you mean recording quality? I think the projector location is best in 2015, 2013/2014 have a lot of projecting directly into the camera, which fucks the illusion up.

>> No.15523314


They fucked up the Bluray pretty good for 2015.

>> No.15523349

I hear it's hard to record a hologram

>> No.15523389

MikuExpo 2016 BD when?
Online Store for MikuExpo when?

Granted I'm broke from a sudden financial emergency but still it would be nice to get some news about this.

>> No.15523411

No excuse to darken everything and crush the blacks.
Try Brightness +34 Contrast +7 in MPC-HC.

>> No.15523422

I would estimate in no less than 6 months and no more than a year from now. Best not to think about it and let its release surprise you.

>Online Store for MikuExpo
It seems like never. I think they just said that to keep Mexicans from rioting :(

>> No.15523530


>> No.15523905

I meant overall as far as the actual event, I really liked the band and venue, and other BD's don't really give the same vibes from the crowd.
Not to say the others don't look fun but none of them besides that have made me think "this looks worth planning an expensive vacation around"

>> No.15523998

I'm hoping they make next year's the best of all time. I wanted to go to this one since it's supposed to be the biggest so far, but since next year will be the 10th anniversary, I figure that one should be the one to go to if you can only go once.

>> No.15524905

Next year is going to be one hell of a ride.

>> No.15524969

The idea of going all the way to Japan is pretty daunting, though.

>> No.15525106

How much Japanese would you need to know to go to the concert and do some basic sight seeing?

>> No.15525127

Unfortunately unless I inherit money or something I won't be able to go.

>> No.15525218

I mean, if you wanted to, probably none. If you've got the money, you could hire a guide. Or you can just use your phone to translate signs.
I figured, since it's still over a year away, one could start learning now and be able to learn at least enough to make it around town, although probably not be able to have conversations with locals, maybe enough to ask for directions and other common touristy questions.

>> No.15526831

I'm just daydreaming at this point but how much would it be to hire a guide for this purpose? Are they used to translating everything for shameless weebs?

>> No.15526948
File: 159 KB, 1400x751, what do you think her butt smells like?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most private guides will just take you on a standard tour, just a route through the city and checking out popular spots like any other tour.
I'm sure if you wanted to, you can hire a pocket translator that would just follow you around or take you wherever you wanted to go and explain shit to you, but I don't know where exactly you find someone like that. It certainly wouldn't be cheap, I'd be surprised if a professional guide/translator would run anything less than like $40/hr.
Or you could find some neet on /int/ or 2ch who would do it for like a hundred bucks, I don't know.
I'm sure someone on /jp/ has extensive knowledge about Japanese tourism, maybe make a new thread about it.

>> No.15526991

I'll translate for you. You can pay me in food and Miku merch.

When are we going? Next year's magimira right?

>> No.15527050

>going to Japan and meeting up with someone from 2ch or 4chan
This is exactly how you get your internal organs stolen. It'd probably be easier to just learn Japanese.

>> No.15527073

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.15527107

I will have you know I have never stolen organs before and have no plans to start. I will not have you libeling my newfound translation business and getting in the way of me receiving free bowls of udon and Miku T-shirts.

Seriously though, learning enough Japanese to get by isn't really as hard as you might think. And if you start now and keep at it, you will definitely be fine by next year. I'd be ready to pass the JLPT 2 exam by now if I could just make myself actually consistently practice. (If I wanted to be lazy I could just go in and pass the level 3, but what good is THAT gonna do me.)

>> No.15527277

Can I come too? I know the language and I'll let you harvest a kidney + another organ of your choice (non vital) for free.

>> No.15527502

how does one get high for a long enough period of time to create this?

>> No.15527530

I'm geussing tem flakes?

>> No.15528556
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1455414467549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you watching Luka's anime?

>> No.15528611
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>> No.15528788

It's not fair. Why can't America be as cute as Japan?

>> No.15528823
File: 1.06 MB, 1097x1751, 1451815847342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What event is happening next year? I thought all that was currently lined up was Magical Mirai later this year in September?

>> No.15528826

what is this? active raid?

>> No.15528863

Nothing's been confirmed but how could Magical Mirai on the tenth anniversary be anything other than THE most incredible live event of all time?

>> No.15529137

Apparently the next update is supposed to correct all the timing issues. Thank fucking God. Weekend Girl and Freely Tomorrow are basically unplayable

>> No.15529290


>> No.15529964 [SPOILER] 
File: 431 KB, 1920x1080, 1468389641573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you m8.

>> No.15530046

you've soiled my virgin eyes

>> No.15530050


>> No.15530111
File: 938 KB, 1280x1280, 1467512035644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, they can't unrape Miku.

>> No.15530114

Are they clipping?

>> No.15530121 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, 1468392651793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes they clip very deep into each other.

>> No.15530123


>> No.15530127

Well at least it's better than Godzilla hoverhanding Miku

>> No.15530389

Wow full penetration

>> No.15531584

>@pjd_sega: 初音ミクPJDFT:3回目以降のアップデートでは一部モジュールの修正とPV連続再生の仕様追加を予定しております。引き続き「初音ミク Project DIVA Future Tone」を宜しく御願い致します!(2号) #pjd_sega


I really hope this means what I think it means.

>> No.15531785

After update 3 one module will be ammended (guessing teddy bear)

連続再生 probably refers to being able to view multiple PV's in sucession but my Japanese is pretty weak so I could be wrong.

>> No.15531792

Did they already announce what they're planing for FT? Will we ever get Heat Haze Days and Flowery battle of Kagamines?

>> No.15531821
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 1467321315167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. Rin doesn't have nearly enough "cool" looking outfits so I end up using the Scissors outfit most of the time, but it sucks not being able to change the hair on it.

>> No.15534633

No announcements so far but I'd expect to see DLC within 4-6 weeks of X HD's release.

>> No.15535147
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1080, Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2015 [1080p60 Hi10p 5.1 AAC BDRip][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_01.04.33_[2016.07.14_04.55.44].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535149
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1080, miku 2.264_snapshot_00.35_[2016.07.14_04.56.52].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seem about right?

>> No.15535172

What are the events lined up for this year and the next, stateside and overseas? Magical Mirai this September right? Also, Did anyone do the 1stPlace survey or know anything about that? I think they saw Cryptons success this past year with the expo money wise and are planning something out.

>> No.15535193

any chance Magical Mirai will be livestreamed? don't they do that sometimes?

>> No.15535238

I'll admit I don't know much about judging video quality, so I'll say what I know.
Looks like you did better than adjust the gamma, I think I see less crushed black and artifacts in the top left. I can also appreciate the difference in the spotlights on the right.

God damn it, I just finished downloading the first encode not one day ago. You do a good job with them either way.

IIRC MM 2015 was streamable to JPN PS+ members.

>> No.15535671

Are there any other tripple notes in FT PS4 besides Triangle / Square / X and Square / X / O? Like, I've never seen one with a missing square or X.

>> No.15535741
File: 499 KB, 500x281, 1467271637552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I had a dream last night where I was checking Twitter, and saw whoo made a post saying that he officially closed the whoosrock project. I sorta jolted awake and checked, and it doesn't look like he's tweeted anything since January last year. No new music since Dec 2014 either I believe.

Guess that means he's gone, right? Ryuryu and monaca:factory still post on Twitter so I guess I could ask them what happened if I really wanted to, but I don't want to stick my nose into someone else's business.

>> No.15535787


vocaloid is dead my good sir

>> No.15535876

Hearing engrish Miku is so unnerving there is just something "off" about her voice.

>> No.15535877

I thought everyone knew this by now

>> No.15536224

It's dying for few years already because it's getting larger and larger concerts all over the world, getting more popularity, larger fanbase, more songs, more merchandise and more fanarts.

>> No.15536277

that's just its death throes

>> No.15536442


yeah, there are definitely way more songs being made than there was in 2012. 100%. the old producers are all active, and there are many new producers. there are more albums being made, they are selling more, and the songs get way more views on NND.

Vocaloid is most definitely NOT a fad that has clearly already peaked.

>> No.15536602

NND dying =/= vocaloid dying

More and more producers are using soundcloud and YouTube to upload their works since they don't have to pay to use it and it's globally accessible.

Regarding older producers yes some have retired but guess what, there's still plenty of new producers making content. I understand that it's sad when your favorites don't make music any more (or worse they only work with 3DPD now) but you should take it as an opportunity to keep searching for new music. Half the fun is discovering a new artist.

Also getting more concerts, fanart, merch, more songs, pretty much proves its still immortal. Vocaloid will be around even when most anons have already died. Instead of being dismayed that 2009 is over, how about you try and celebrate not only the past but the present and the future as well?

Sometimes I feel like some of you anons need serious mental help over your excessive negativity.

>> No.15536620


ignorance is bliss

>> No.15536666

>there's still plenty of new producers making content
I think this is actually part of the problem. There's oversaturation in the market. The Western dance music scene has been experiencing this as well. Every year it gets easier and easier to become a music producer and the result is thousands of bedroom producers that don't understand music composition. Now, new producers who actually have skill and talent are fighting against plug-in jockeys for recognition, which they will likely struggle to attain, because the vat of milk is now so big and most consumers are content with the cream that's already accumulated at the top

>> No.15536680
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>> No.15536715
File: 19 KB, 888x537, 0e24953507a279b06f59b8f9741b92bb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


embrace the recline

>> No.15536760
File: 96 KB, 1067x948, 4c093a9159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's just trend of "初音ミク" search query.
If you choose Hatsune Miku as a fictional character you get results from interest in given topic.

>> No.15536767
File: 64 KB, 900x675, 49182842_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fad that has peaked =/= dead

Why is this so hard for people to grasp? Sure it had its heyday, but it's stabilized now. It's not going to fall to its death anytime soon that I can see.

I used to daydream of the day touhou 'died', but now I can see that it's not going to happen, and I've accepted it.

It's like, instead of listening, you just shove your fingers in your ears and scream I CAN'T HEAR YOU VOCALOID IS DEAD LALALALALA. Ignorance is bliss indeed.

Here, have a Yufu.

>> No.15536985

Sega's livestreaming something about PJD and the VR project tomorrow.

>> No.15537590
File: 244 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone upload the 320 or v0 of Stir Up Club Edition V3? Mega isn't working for me at the moment (it just keeps going between 20-40%).

>> No.15538356

Damn, him making any kind of would have been enough for me. I really love his style.

>> No.15538490

>fixed timing for one song
Seems to be freely tomorrow

>> No.15538666

The update was fixed the timing for several songs. I don't know if there's a changelog or something with a list, but I tested Black Rock Shooter, Freely Tomorrow, Stay with Me, Weekender Girl, and Summer Idol, which all seem to be good now.
Sadistic Music Factory, World's End Umbrella, Negaposi, and Continuing Dream were also allegedly off, but I haven't played them so I wouldn't know if they were or not or if it's fixed or not.

>> No.15538789

I was just going by the recent updates tab from the start button, I don't have it in front of me but iirc it said 楽音一部 or something.

>> No.15539294

I'm sure after 3 weeks, you're all likely bored with Future Tone by now.
Good news is that a demo for PJD X HD just popped up for download.

>> No.15539439

Well now that the year is half over what are your favorite new songs so far?

>> No.15539497

Am I blind or is there no like, great/excellent rankings or percentage anymore? I only see clear or new next to the songs title.

>> No.15539498

Ghost Rule

>> No.15539609

I like the songs and am a little on the fence about the slew of new levelling mechanics. I do like the live thing a lot actually.

But man does this feel like such a visual downgrade from FT, down to the rush bubbles, menu organization feels a lot more sloppy too.

>> No.15539661

I don't know if like all the "not rhythm game" that they keep adding. The whole story mode thing and modules that have skills and item drops and rooms, I just see it all as more stuff and more menus standing in between me and playing the song.

>> No.15539666

The modules have skills now?
Does the Popipo outfit inject you with speed or something?

>> No.15539692

Skills do things like increase voltage gain, increase drop chance, mostly stuff that gives you more voltage.

>> No.15539723
File: 152 KB, 512x512, best girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post best vocaloid's best songs
I'll start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn-NyzCtEwk

>> No.15539764

But that's not Anagram.


>> No.15539945

>vocaloid is dead to me bc I don't feel speshul anymore liking it

>> No.15539955

>I'm sure after 3 weeks, you're all likely bored with Future Tone by now.

Not even close. Not really feeling PDX to be honest. Never liked any of the features from the F games apart from the rhythm game itself, and it looks like X is cluttered with crap like the story mode, quests and module drops and other stuff like that. I just want to press buttons while singing along to cute songs.

>> No.15540025

Well shit anon, the first run of the "story" mode is unlocking the songs basically. The regular Arcade mode has now been relegated to a sub-menu, but it's there without any new unlocks and only the traditional grading system.

I trust you either knew this, or didn't have interest in the song list.

>> No.15540059

I really enjoy the song list, might be my favorite among all the PD console games so far. I didn't know the regular arcade mode still existed without any additional clutter, but if it still does then I'm excited again. I also really like what they did with the medleys, watched some of them on youtube and it looks fun as hell.

As far as I know there's no boss song this time right? Looks like there's just one of the medleys rated 10 stars. That's kinda disappointing.

>> No.15540152

The boss song this time is just a medley of past boss songs. It was nice hearing COSMO remix them though.

>> No.15540594
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Can Luka be considered cute?

>> No.15540612
File: 213 KB, 472x667, beae54e2db164142b405daa3efed3415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but Miku will always be the cutest.

>> No.15541138
File: 2.20 MB, 2000x1985, 57919597_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Magical Mirai 2016 outfit is too cute, I can't deal.

>> No.15541159

Not if she's the #1 Queen in the World

>> No.15541166

Cowtits aren't cute.

>> No.15541182
File: 636 KB, 1500x1500, 1459983211006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Album art.

>> No.15541205
File: 262 KB, 1680x1050, 1446385348137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It screams hipster indie band but I still love it

>> No.15541523

>unironically posting edge lord producer of 2016

>> No.15541584

Any anons going to this or went to the other ones? Can gaijin even buy tickets?

>> No.15541624
File: 82 KB, 600x600, goodbye_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best album cover; best album.

>> No.15541767
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>> No.15541806


i love this album, and the album cover as well. track 3 especially.

>> No.15541847


also you can hear what sounds like someone getting a skype message in the middle of track 4. not sure what the actual sound is but it definitely doesn't belong

>> No.15542287
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>> No.15542483
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>> No.15542505
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Sister Grotesque and the Rocksonic Pop Head Mothers

>> No.15542568
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>> No.15542638

just like anything else, you can call it edgy all you want, but it doesn't make the music any less good

>> No.15542646
File: 293 KB, 460x460, The Art Of Real Sounds vol.2 -NIGHT-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15542768

I love the subtle migus

>> No.15542878
File: 856 KB, 1200x1524, 18cf4425656f45cb833d4cecf57c544d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is rin cute?

>> No.15543045

Sega PJD event is live now.

>> No.15543061

Oh boy

>> No.15543067
File: 157 KB, 1187x617, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude they got a REAL miku

>> No.15543088
File: 412 KB, 600x595, 亜.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great album. Great cover artist, it's a shame they don't do much nowadays.

>> No.15543102



>> No.15543124

>Remote Control with double bikini Rins
Get this pedo off the stream!

>> No.15543383

I finally received one of the most obscure Vocaloid albums ever. Nice handpainted CD as well, its in okay condition despite being used, but I'm lucky enough to have it, it was only printed around 50ish times in 2009

>> No.15543395
File: 191 KB, 1278x719, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the VR Project puts you at the front row of a concert. The guy in the background is "holding" the glow sticks.
This is the future I always wanted to live in.

>> No.15543424

This is an imageboard, post pictures of the album.

>> No.15543457

Ohh shit okay okay I got this. Let's see. 2009? Alright, it's gotta be a first print fullkawa EP, right?

>> No.15543503
File: 942 KB, 2203x2938, umo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the others in a sec, got a lyrics sheet, song names and the painted CD.

Fullkawa's CD's are both rare and expensive, but nowhere near obscure.

Sorry to disapoint

>> No.15543516
File: 169 KB, 907x680, umo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15543524
File: 173 KB, 907x680, umo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CD is a bit damaged due to my own raging incompetence and it is extremely hot in my apartement and my fingers were a bit humid from excitement so i smudged the paint a bit. Makes me wanna die.

I know this album is availible in CBR 320 on karenT, but the 10th song is availible nowhere, no on nico, not on youtube, any private trackers. And goddamn is it good. Its a pop/electronic rendition of the Japanese traditional lullaby, "Red Dragonfly"

>> No.15543540
File: 82 KB, 680x907, umo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the lyrics page. Im probably gonna pay some /jp/non to translate the lyrics for me one day.

>> No.15543542

>Fullkawa's CD's are both rare and expensive, but nowhere near obscure.
Ha, suppose that's true. Anyway, congrats on your find! It's such an awesome feeling obtaining that old ungettable CD you've wanted. (I assume you've been wanting this?) I stalk sites like mandarake just for this reason.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't see any smudges.
So... are you gonna rip the 10th song or

>> No.15543569

whose that bullying my senpai

>> No.15543587
File: 3.01 MB, 1920x1080, image (197).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly use suruga-ya, mandarake is awfully confusing.

And sure,

Here you go https://a.pomf.cat/twwzxl.mp3

It is probably more ambientish near the beginning. Overall, it's a wonderful Hatsune Miku song, the artist made Miku sing in unique ways, with powerful tremolo's and vibrato's, and I'm a sucker for traditional, nostalgic songs. It's a shame he disappeared. I'm sure I could've saved him had I found him earlier, but you can't save them all.

Please no re-distribution. Although, I have the feeling you're not like that.

>> No.15543621

mandarake can be confusing if I lose the url that makes sure I just look at the vocaloid CDs and nothing else. Otherwise you gotta wade through all the figures... I've recently started looking at suruga-ya too. I just spent a heap of yen on a toranoana order or else I would've tried buying some stuff from there... Do they take gaijin cards? Paypal?

And thanks for the mp3, I appreciate it.

>> No.15543631

No I use a proxy service to order from suruga. A great thing about that website is that they have nonstop flash sales (see 80-90% off) on old or used CD's. Well, at least for obscure ones.

>> No.15543678

That's fine, I'm good with proxies too. Their prices sure looked amazing when I glanced through their vocaloid selection. It'd probably be worth it to buy from them even through a proxy.

>> No.15543683

Link stuff that you find interesting

I'm currently waiting on




To "respawn" and pop up in stock.

>> No.15543700

I was actually so interested I bookmarked it, so I can post this right away.


I don't like buying CDs one at a time though, so when I get more money in I'll assemble an order and get a few all at once.

>> No.15543706

Looks cute

I think the chinks on bbs.tgbus have a MP3 320 zip, but you have to register and post in the thread. Not sure if you need points or anything.

>> No.15543711

It's mikugazer! The best vocaloid subgenre. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23325633

>> No.15543722

Aha, I've definitely heard of that then.

It's here in FLAC and MP3


But I guess you already know that, most likely. I really know how much fun it is to have physical CD's, especially for albums that one really likes.

>> No.15543772

oh wow thats so cool i didn't even notice those (I'm dumb)

>> No.15543948


>> No.15544021
File: 51 KB, 859x786, spendallthemoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your fault. You did this to me. Thanks bro.

>> No.15544025


>> No.15544440

>there are people who unironically like Ghost Rule
I bet you like Churira also.

>> No.15544512

So did anything come out of the live event?

>> No.15544561

I watched for 3 hours and it was just people playing the same 8* survival course over and over again, with occasional crowd camera footage of the VR project in the background.
Not really sure why they even bothered streaming it.

>> No.15544566

And in case anyone else is wondering, suruga-ya apparently does take gaijin cards. They SAY they don't, but looks like mine went through just fine. They also have an option for paypal listed.

>> No.15545134


>> No.15545158


>> No.15545177

What are you insinuating?

>> No.15545675

Someone says that X quest mode doesn't give rankings or anything but performances in free play mode do.
Can anyone confirm?

>> No.15546102

what are you both referring to? what live event?

>> No.15546123

Nothing at all. That is definitely a very cute... girl...

>> No.15546160

Sega announced a livestream a few days ago to cover an event that was said to have PJD FT, Project VR, and Mikudayo.
There was excitement about what kind of information they would announce regarding the VR project.
What it ended up being was just an event in a conference hall where they had PS4s setup with FT and the VR project, and a photo event with Miku-san and Mikudayo, which was livestreamed, despite 95% of the stream being crowd shots of weeaboos standing in lines, and completely average players playing FT, including one guy who insisted on using Speedo Kaito for every song he played.

>> No.15546209

Ah, I see. Thanks :D

I guess that is what >>15543067 is a picture of.

>using Speedo Kaito for every song
Couldn't have been that bad then.

>> No.15546681
File: 159 KB, 850x1202, IMG_1257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your favorite genre of music?

>> No.15546694

Shoegazer, hands down.

Mikugazer, mikigazer, UTAUgazer, it's all good as long as it's shuge.

I also really enjoy postrock.

>> No.15546722

Is "cute" a genre? I like cute music.

>> No.15546752

Probably any vocarock stuff, like neru, kairiki, maretu, etc.

>> No.15546780


>> No.15546805

Don't mind me.

>> No.15547207

this is both the best thing I have seen and heard in a long time. great find.

>> No.15547277

Anything as long as it's japanese and sung by cute hologram girls or Len

>> No.15547296

Is the VR project part of X hd or something totally different?

>> No.15547304
File: 550 KB, 601x716, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon has the right idea.

>> No.15547316
File: 161 KB, 600x600, mikgazer vol.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those specific albums you are talking about?
the only "shoegazer" album i have heard is mikgazer vol 1 (http://vocadb.net/Al/1340))
can you link me to the ones you like? i enjoy mikgazer vol. 1 a lot. its one of my favorite albums.

>> No.15547368

No, on nicodou when tagging vocaloid videos sometimes they'll do a combination of Miku + the genre (like 'Mikutronica' for example) or just replace Miku with the name of whichever character/voice it is. (It's often using Miku even if the singer isn't Miku because Miku is ubiquitous.) Mikigazer, for example, is a tag on a song from a P that up and deleted everything from everywhere and left me very sad as it was a shuge-style song using the vocaloid miki. UTAUgazer would be like bothneco's star fruit falling. It's just shoegazer with UTAU vocals, is all.

As far as looking for other albums, I haven't had a chance to listen to the whole thing yet but I just bookmarked this the other day:

postgazer was released at the most recent vomas (currently waiting on my order to arrive):

This album is tagged shoegazer (the whole reason I became interested in it).

I could probably find some more if I scrounged, but this is what I have readily available.

>> No.15547377

Yes and no.
Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live is a PSVR launch title.
However, X HD is going to have PSVR support added in sometime later this year.
I'm not really sure what either are. Future Live looks like you're at the concert with your little glowsticks in an audience, I haven't seen anything in terms of a songlist or if there are different stages or costumes or anything.
I know even less about the VR support in X HD. I would guess it's definitely going to be limited to watching PVs. I wonder if it's going to support head tracking, or if it's just the live edit mode played through the headset.

>> No.15547398

thanks, bud. i'm going to give that album you linked a listen.

i remember in the last thread someone posted a that a new mikgazer album was coming out soon. like a direct sequel to volume 1. do you remember what it was called?

>> No.15547423

That was me, that album was postgazer, and that was NOT a sequel to mikgazer vol. 1. It has a different circle of producers working on it.

I know, we all want a vol. 2. I wish I knew how to make it happen.

>> No.15547470


Had to choose between those three

>> No.15547475

One more: if you like wintermute (they're on mikgazer vol. 1), you can buy some of their stuff on karent. http://karent.jp/artist/pp000223

>> No.15547487
File: 513 KB, 992x1403, 57919475_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super eurobeat

>> No.15547492

AND ONE MORE. Yuxuki Waga is on karent too. http://karent.jp/artist/pp000294

It's been a while since I've looked at this stuff; sorry for piecemealing it out.

>> No.15547523

>tfw Miku was born to late to ever run in the 90s

>> No.15547527

What's the difference from regular eurobeat?

>> No.15547532
File: 16 KB, 120x120, taggleburr .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is postgazer not available digitally?


>> No.15547554

Huh good to know

Probably not going to invest in any vr for a while but miku might push me to it.

>> No.15547566

I'll rip it as soon as it comes in the mail, if none of the usual suspects have it by then. Which seems unlikely, but eh.

>> No.15547598

cool, thanks. i hope you get it soon.

i would be happy to by it online if i could. i have a problem buying cds though. especially foreign ones.

>> No.15547624

>not a taiko like where you must wave your glow stick in time with the song.

For fucks sake japan

>> No.15547647

Thank you sexy-thing

>> No.15548322

>play that mikuman fangame
>joylene and stone free
>I literally cannot beat Airman

I was not prepared for this

>> No.15548603
File: 652 KB, 800x1000, 1465466612759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Meiko?

>> No.15548660

We already knew she was very cute

>> No.15548759
File: 157 KB, 868x868, 1446416883170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15548914

Pick one

>> No.15548956

Old hags aren't cute

>> No.15549151
File: 140 KB, 800x800, 1445161754353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku needs a haircut!

>> No.15549163

This is how wars are started.

>> No.15549208
File: 157 KB, 1250x1000, 1449703577155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15549426

Shoegaze or breakcore

>> No.15549577

>module gets an update
>yfw they patch in shimapan

>> No.15549802


You don't want her looking like a man with short hair do you?

>> No.15550006
File: 22 KB, 318x318, i320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back. Short hair girls are JUST as pretty and cute and beautiful and sexy as long hair girls and do NOT look like boys

>> No.15550089

man, i would spend money for shimpan dlc. they really let me down. game is basically unplayable.

>> No.15550623

All I see is a boy knock off in your picture. Might as well be a trap.

>> No.15550699
File: 71 KB, 422x645, ae0e00922f5968326f60b8c3d1295dff.jpg?1611573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live that boys have rockin' bods like this?

>> No.15550707

So wait, by your stupid ass logic, does that mean dudes with long hair look like girls to you? Holy shit.

>> No.15550867
File: 702 KB, 800x800, c8294549f6d83b36b02049e332f82a84.png?1796039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dream that one day on the blue boards of 4chan, the sons of former Rinfags and the sons of former Mikufags will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day on /jp/, a board sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of friendship and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day post on an imageboard where they're waifus will not be judged by the length of their hair but by cuteness of their character.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in /a/, with its vicious shitposting, with its users having their lips dripping with the words of "cowtits" and "boobless" -- one day right there, little oppai girls will be able to join hands with little DFC girls as sisters.
I have a dream today!

>> No.15550884


>> No.15550911


>> No.15550940
File: 84 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here

>> No.15551013

Literally Gumi

>> No.15551046

Just missing the stonking big honkers and absolutely perfect singing voice

>> No.15551301

They said it has some rhythm game elements so maybe thats the case

>> No.15551346

I have an obsession with Miku so grand that my entire playlist on my phone is her music

>> No.15551759
File: 129 KB, 520x400, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocaloid is my life and if it were to die I'd be lost but that's no secret.

The fact that Kasane Teto is mai waifu but I still imagine fucking Miku, now that's a secret.

>> No.15551844

I don't even like music at all. I just listen to Miku because I've fallen in love with her.

>> No.15551877


>> No.15551910


>> No.15552508

C'mon guys, it's 2016. Monogamy is so outdated. There's nothing wrong width open relationships.

>> No.15552514

Teto deserves better than ure sorry ass

im gonna go tell her about this

>> No.15553483

>friendship and justice

>> No.15555427

aren't we friends?
I love all my friends on /jp/

>> No.15555540

New Thread!!
