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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15478051 No.15478051 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in line for the ZUN panel at AX right now, and it's fucking dead. 700 people for the normie toonami shit panel though. What went wrong?

>> No.15478058

all the less wait to get an autograph

>> No.15478062

Why would you go to a western convention and expect a large touhou presence?

>> No.15478064

Because I had hope for this disgusting world

>> No.15478082
File: 177 KB, 600x600, Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great, take it to /r9k/ or /cgl/ where your blogging about "normies" while participating in a massive social event is appreciated.

>> No.15478332

In line for the hentai panel instead.

>> No.15478372

This is a good thing.

>> No.15478461

"Why are there more people at a huge widespread popular after school anime panel than at our niche shmup limited western fanbase panel???"

Gee i dont know op

>> No.15478553

I heard there was going to be a stream of ZUN's panel. Was there?

>> No.15478653 [DELETED] 

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>> No.15478678

Somebody actually gave ZUN a bottle of beer, the absolute madman.

>> No.15478695

There hasn't been an official Zun game on steam or console.

>> No.15478750 [DELETED] 
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, 1463265936193.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maki pussy

>> No.15478862

For posterity's sake, the reason the ZUN line was dead (initially) was because of the 2hu panel before it, which had ZUN on the side being cute and distracting everyone.

After the panel ended, everyone got kicked out and had to line up again. Then the ZUN line maxed out (approx 9:10PM)

>> No.15478905

Anyone know if a ticket is needed for his autograph session?

>> No.15479285

How bad was the panel?

>> No.15479435
File: 102 KB, 640x480, __hakurei_reimu_and_zun_touhou__203b8cbd2b7fa7aca9fddbab410da121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished editing a (pretty bad, sorry, I did my best) transcription of the panel as well as I could get it down at 4am. Hopefully pastebin is an alright place to put it.


tl;dr: >>15479285 Pretty bad. Self-centered Americans ask terrible questions. Or maybe it's just because the panel was 90% secondaries.

>> No.15479479 [DELETED] 

Oh man, imagining the mood of the room after that retard made the Trump meme.

Anyway, thanks for the transcript dude!

>> No.15479500

Thank you for the transcript. Seems like a small showing for him to take a plane all the way from Japan.

>> No.15479504


thanks anon. Even if it kind of sucked i'm still bummed i couldn't make it.

>> No.15479535

Thanks dude.

>> No.15479562


>A: You're gonna ask that?!? ...soon.

>> No.15479566

Thank you, anon.

>> No.15479580

I heard Dempagumi Inc are going to be there. Any truth to that?

>> No.15479581 [DELETED] 

That really pisses me off. I hope was beaten afterwards.

>> No.15479938 [DELETED] 

There was a lot of Maga hats in the room. Chants were had. Reactions were between oh gawd to build the wall

>> No.15479956

Jesus Christ, what a bunch of faggots. Why the fuck do they have to bring that politic bullshit into everything?

>> No.15479976

I'm sorry, ZUN. You deserve better than this.
Why were they even there? They clearly don't care about Touhou- I'm sure they have plenty of "that anime wolfgirl awoo" pictures to last a lifetime- why go through the extra effort to take joy from others?

>> No.15479987 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 600x700, 1458457179133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"For those you know that I'm the strongest in all the land, but I must know: when will the border wall start?"

Mixed reactions from cringe to holy fuck

Translator didn't understand how to translate 'border wall' that since kekkai isn't translation to border but spiritual barrier

ZUN "answered" in confusion with "build the wall?"

Maga hats chants while everyone's trying to be quiet after a horrible question was asked

ZUN complemented the MAGA wearing fagot's 'swag' led flashing glasses with "hey I like your glasses!"

Maga wearing fag replies "I like your beer!" while holding an official ZUN beer cup.

Hey ZUN took that pretty well.

>> No.15480002

Fuck this shit meme, these kind of people should be banned from the con, especially when special guest such as ZUN is there. Fucking embarrassment.

>> No.15480009 [DELETED] 

A lot of the MAGA faggots there were as passionate as anyone else about the series although they are awoo ing faggots. A lot of them had a lot of Touhou swag on them so saying they don't care about the series is stupid way of thinking

"baw my niche game which hardly any westerners know was hijacked by political memers"

English is not my first language.

>> No.15480022

Jesus Christ. This is awful. You just know they're all there because of the shitty momiji memes and dony actually give a fuck about touhou too. Have some respect and decorum.

>> No.15480026 [DELETED] 

"these kinds of people should be banned"
"why is this panel not popular? "

IDK DESU SENPAI. Maybe just accept the fan base is filled with passionate people which are expressed in creative ways. Kicking out fans based on what you don't like just will shrink and it'll be nothing more than a series in which only autism can handle

>> No.15480035

>passionate people which are expressed in creative ways
>chanting "build a wall" meme and wears MAGA hat in Touhou Panel.

Does this look like creative to you?

>> No.15480038

Well I know where you've been yesterday.

>> No.15480047
File: 41 KB, 424x397, 1467443125991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these normals going to cons

Look at them and laugh.

>> No.15480057

Chanting political shit is not being passionate about touhou or celebrating ZUN's work, its being passionate about politics and inserying your agenda where its neither the time nor place.

No one other than OP cared that there was a small number of people there either.

>> No.15480072

Is there no video/audio recording of the panel?

>> No.15480073

>M: What's your favorite character?

>ZUN: "You're gonna ask me that?!? Reimu."

Cute. I always like when a creator's favorite character is also the main character. Especially when it's someone with an abrasive or flawed personality like Reimu's.

>> No.15480086

>Q: Do you have any advice on how to become a 1 man team like you ZUN?
>A: You should learn to hate working with other people.
Poor ZUN, he probably was forced to do those shitty group projects back in college

>> No.15480105

There is not, unless someone did it with a smartphone or something. The transcript is here in this thread and I think that anon did a great job.

>> No.15480113

>unless someone did it with a smartphone or something
That's what I meant. If someone thought to make a transcript, surely someone thought to record the thing.

>> No.15480130

Well, there's this: >>15479868
But it's anyone's guess if it's something that will be uploaded- or where it will be uploaded.

>> No.15480195

How would you know?
Being a retarded faggot and liking touhou aren't mutually exclusive. If anything, they're probably linked.
(don't get me wrong, though, those le ironic awoo memelords are fucking awful)

>> No.15480231

You went to an anime convention?

Seriously though just enjoy the event and don't worry people will put their time into what they can and want

You like touhou i like touhou but i have other things to worry about and thus cannot go to ax to enjoy the panel with you but that should'nt stop you from enjoying yourself

>> No.15480245

holy fucknuts all these strikeout posts. I gotta see this shit on the archive.

>> No.15480286

It was like this for Ryukishi07 at ACEN too. There were seriously like 20 people in line for him, but the random western dub star next to him had her line maxed out.

Western fans don't give a shit about the original Japanese creators of things.

>> No.15480361

Transcript is good, but it's missing the charm of the panel, like exactly how badly the PC-98 question was translated and the fact that the laptop used for the slides crashed multiple times.

>> No.15480392

I literally went to ACEN just to meet him, so I gave a shit

Conventions are for normal, social people and secondaries. Most hardcore fans will see no point in going to a con.

But a small amount of dedicated fans will make the trek like I did just to meet the person and have them sign games. And there is nothing wrong with that.

ZUN appreciates the smaller community, he doesn't care for a bunch of mainstream following faggots.

>> No.15480396

He has been asked in the past, several times. Fuck these people wasting time that could be used for worthwhile questions.
Fuck you Zun Yukari is admirable, not just because she's hot, but because she cares about Gensokyo, does whats best for it, even though she only gets hated in return. That is the purest love Gensokyo will ever see.

>> No.15480404

Quality over quantity. The fact we had political memes at the 2hu panel shows there are still too many attendees.

>> No.15480447
File: 316 KB, 850x956, 1337315530898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasty hag wwww

>> No.15480483


honestly i'd rather just save a bit more and go to one of those beer fests he hosts. From his twit pics they look super fun.

>> No.15480493

Fuck off hag apologist

>> No.15480511

Fuck ZUN for giving people more ammo against her.
If anyone is nasty it's Byakuren or Seiga.
Feet are a shit fetish.

Yukari and Eirin are still the two best people in Gensokyo, I dont give a fuck what ZUN thinks. Kasen would be third.

>> No.15480518

I'm a Yukari fan and I think it's hilarious
It truly seems like something ZUN would say about Yukari, it's a perfect comment for her

Besides, everyone knows that the girl an author bullies the most is secretly his favorite

>> No.15480545

Chill, if ZUN hated Yukari that much, I doubt she'd be one of the most prominent characters in the entire series. He made a playful joke so no need to be so offended over it.

>> No.15480557 [DELETED] 

Because Comiket with its 500,000+ visitors isn't massive at all.

>> No.15480589

Reimu is still his favourite I dont doubt it.

Sure, but fans are autists who twist everything. Thats why people STILL push the Sakuya has pads meme.

>> No.15480646

But that's why he does it, it is funny.

>> No.15480690 [DELETED] 
File: 867 KB, 500x281, 78fdf7edc824b61ee837b8ab9be12e0d59a42ab9_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody actually asked him about Trump
What the fuck

>> No.15480703 [DELETED] 

It wasn't directy about Trump, it was some question about making some wall higher, and he was wearing that dumbass hat too. Bullshit like this was not translateable so ZUN had no good answer.

>> No.15480729

>Byakuren or Seiga
Hold on hag-lover, explain your beef with these two.

>> No.15480768

It's amazing, every single point of your post is wrong on all levels

>> No.15480806 [DELETED] 

the exact wording used was "barrier wall", which NISA couldn't translate. Maybe he wasn't sure how to translate the meme, but the guy asking the question was an autist anyway so nothing lost

>> No.15480813 [DELETED] 

fuck off with your autist shaming

>> No.15480819

Maybe he doesn't like evil hags?

Seiga is uhh, known as a wicked hermit? Reviving the dead for her own ends is not that great morally.

Byakuren is a massive fucking hypocrite and she's canon dumbest among all the faction leaders.

>> No.15480830 [DELETED] 

autist detected

Don't ask questions if you aren't coherent. Play a recording into the mic if you have to

>> No.15480844 [DELETED] 

Anyone who brings up Trump memes to a Touhou panel deserves to be ashamed to for being an utter fucking retard.

>> No.15480854 [DELETED] 

Neo/pol/ memers deserve to be publicly shamed

>> No.15480856

A Yukari fan talking to others about dubious morality.
>dumbest faction leader
That's a given as an idealist
Explain further.

>> No.15480897 [DELETED] 

Whats up with all these deleted post?
One post was deleted because the poster said that comiket isn't massive

>> No.15480898

She's a hypocrite because she gives humans shit for how they treat youkai but ignores how youkai treat humans. (Think about how much Nue and Mamizou get away with and the complete lack of supervision.)

>> No.15480941

Iunno, since he wasn't here I was just trying to guess at why he would like Yukari but not like Seiga and Byakuren.

Gensokyo characters in general are all pretty morally ambiguous.

Byakuren wishes to save youkai, but she's killing them instead due to her ego and self-satisfaction.

>> No.15480992

Shitty memes aside, seeing how viciously people attack social awkwardness here makes me not want to attend any cons ever.

>> No.15481016

If you can find some friends to go with that shouldn't be much of a problem. Don't get bullied by meanies on /jp/.

Even if a lot of cons are dogshit you can still have fun at them and maybe meet important people like ZUN. Going to a convention in Japan sounds a lot better, much different from cons in America. From what I've heard it's more about buying things instead of having fun at panels though.

>> No.15481017

If youkai are but humanity's dream then can their nature be changed by a mass shift in perception?
If yes then Byakuren's actions make sense.
If no then they would be a death cult.
It's simply current youkai nature to harass, provoke and possibly kill humans. She tries to resolve this issue with her teachings in the first place.
Nue and Mamizou count as elder youkai (800+) and you would be hard pressed to stop them in any true sense without an extreme stance.

>> No.15481031

People generally tend not to attack social awkwardness. You have to realize that people on /jp/ don't go to cons; they don't know how it is.

A lot of people who attend conventions are autists with social anxiety anyway.

>> No.15481049

Self serving, a poor option for spirituality as her entire reason for converting was fear of death. A buddhist who cant follow dharma has no place teaching others. Secondly she defends youkai from criticism see SoPM for that where she ignores Marisa saying they attacked her. Lastly she is trying to stop youkai acting like youkai, this will only kill youkai. Her temple is just a large suicide cult built upon Byakuren's selfish desires. Her god is also trash who doesnt show up, I'm no fan of Kanako, but atleast she made the effort to be there for followers. Gods have no excuse for absence in Gensokyo.

Seiga is a bitch in general, add necromancy and the fact she cant even follow Taoism and you have someone who's trash. She's called wicked for a reason.
All religious factions in Gensokyo are shit, mainly due to hypocrisy, materialism, greed and sloth.

Yukari has a bad image but has other peoples interests at heart.
Byakuren is the total opposite.

Yukari's only immoral action would be her treatment of Ran. You could argue she doesnt do enough, but she may genuinely need all that sleep and hibernation.

Just to hammer this home. Ran got into a fight with humans. Yukari beat her for it.
Marisa was attacked by Byakuren's followers. Byakuren ignored it entirely, insisting they mean well.

Oh and despite being a youkai Yukari donates to Reimu. Byakuren is just religious competition for Reimu's donations. Reimu deserves more money given she solves so many incidents.

>> No.15481053

Comiket isn't massive

>> No.15481062

Dont spout memes and no one will care.
I wanted to know about Zun's brewery.

Yamabiko are dying just because humans now think they dont cause echo's. What Byakuren is doing is very dangerous.

>> No.15481162

>A buddhist who cant follow dharma has no place teaching others
I don't agree but I see your point.
>Secondly she defends youkai from criticism
As opposed to entirely ignoring and accepting it like everyone else, it's better that she speak.
>Lastly she is trying to stop youkai acting like youkai, this will only kill youkai.
A necessary evil, can the nature of youkai change? She has deemed that the gamble is worth it.
>Her god is also trash who doesnt show up
Shou is a Bishamonten avatar.
>She's called wicked for a reason.
>Ran got into a fight with humans. Yukari beat her for it.
For disobeying and nothing more.
>Yukari donates

In the end these are simply Zun's attempts at adding new religious factions with seniority, would you rather prefer modern Buddhists finding their way into Gensokyo and setting up shop?

As for Taoism it's a convoluted mess with too much effort spent on hiding it's teachings than any notable way of showing how to adhere to its principles.

>> No.15481416

This cherry picking hatewank bashing has been done to dead on countless Touhou forum. At least come up with some originality on some criticism that ain't already been debunk ad nauseam

>As her entire reason for converting was fear of death. A buddhist who cant follow dharma has no place teaching others
As that point she wasn't a Buddhist nun but posing as a fake Youkai Hunter; and was punished with thousands years of confinement. The change of heart to revert back to Buddhism was after a thousand year, people changes, get used to it

> She defends youkai from criticism, she ignores Marisa saying they attacked her
With their being hundreds of Youkais hanging around the temple, with some has been stated clearly to have no good intention. What do you want her to do? Micromanage a thousand passer-bys?

"Well, since they're still in training, try to be a bit forgiving"
Do you actually read SoPM or just like to fanwank half of your materials in to suit your agenda?

>Lastly she is trying to stop youkai acting like youkai, this will only kill youkai
Her entire followers group is still alive with her method after a thousand year. Murasa habits of following her nature greatly waned. Unless you can provide example where youkai under her path dies, then it's just pure fanwank

>Her god is also trash who doesnt show up
It's Shou time

>> No.15481848

>Fuck you Zun Yukari is admirable

It's nearly a guaranteed translation error- people were complaining about ZUN's whole panel having them.
Nasty doesn't just mean "gross", but "harsh" and that fits both her patterns as an EX boss her role in the story as the youkai parallel to Reimu.
I really like Yukari and I see nothing wrong with any of this.

>> No.15481857

Why do you call others normies when you are in a super crowded event while checking your phone and speaking like someone from /v/? I bet you brought friends with you.

>> No.15481984

Anybody here get Zun's autograph?

Post pic

>> No.15481988

I wouldn't call it a TL error so much as people being able to enjoy a joke. He obviously didn't mean Yukari is gross.

>> No.15481994

I'm going on monday.

I own Symposium of Post-mysticism, should I have him sign that?

>> No.15482094 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck some madman got ZUN to sign his MAGA hat.

>> No.15482101


What did he mean by this

>> No.15482111 [DELETED] 


>> No.15482123 [DELETED] 

The amount of MAGA hats is just disgraceful

>> No.15482125

It's pretty straight forward.

>> No.15482126 [DELETED] 

Agree, not enough

>> No.15482147 [DELETED] 

The first time I see trump hats, and its at an anime convention

>> No.15482316 [DELETED] 

We've had a bunch of retarded shit over the years, but this newest trend of mixing touhou with american politics is particularly offensive. It's one thing to be a stupid tertiary for the fun in "memes" or whatever, but another thing entirely to cynically exploit someone's hobby and passion for agendas and propaganda.
I sincerely wish death upon each and every one of the faggots who would go to a touhou panel wearing an election campaign hat. The guy who dared asking ZUN some retarded /pol/ question deserves to reach an exceptionally gruesome end. I personally suggest needles to the dick.

>> No.15482339 [DELETED] 

People wearing the Trump hat are probably not earnest Trump supporters, they're people who shop the hat onto anime characters as a form of shitposting.

>> No.15482362

Theres nothing wrong with being an autist in private.

You can do that in a con and no one will give a shit because people will mind their own business. But when you go up and ask retarded or incoherent questions that are incredibly limited you make it everybody's business by wasting panel time.

You should field questions if it is well thought out and coherent. You shouldn't if you're just going to meme.

Nobody gives a shit about anything else because nothing else you do affects them.

>> No.15482363

Yukari is actually far and away the best character for him to answer with, considering how he always goes on about her being the "most youkai-like youkai". Using those specific words is supposed to evoke a feeling that many western fans probably don't understand. She's supposed to be beyond the form of normal human comprehension. Deceitful, cunning, string-pulling, powerful, and that whole "lurking-in-the-shadows" or "moving shadow seen out of the corner of your eye" quality she has. It only makes sense that her danmaku would be particularly nasty, as her whole being is.

Also it's partially a joke and people shouldn't take it as him saying Yukari is a gross bitch. I like the character, "nasty" is a great way to describe her.

>> No.15482368

Are you so "socially awkward" that you're going to ask ZUN a question about a political meme or fucking chant bullshit during his panel?

Everyone's a little awkward at conventions. There's a difference between that, and interrupting a panel for a creator that people are passionate about with irrelevant shit.

>> No.15482373

It's not about social awkwardness. I'm about as socially awkward as they come. It's about basic fucking decorum and knowing when to keep your "hilarious" in-jokes to yourself. Basically, don't act like a shithead and you won't get treated like a shithead.

>> No.15482460 [DELETED] 

I hope ZUN remains ignorant of this, but I fear there's going to be social media postings of this- likely by the same idiots and things will get ugly.
How can anyone say they're a fan of anime or games and yet disrespect the creators so directly?
I respect and admire ZUN so much and this is how he's treated in my country. I feel myself retreating even further into hikidom.

>> No.15482889

Honestly if anything I expected even worse cringe than what we got. Western conventions always attract the worst of the worst, and Q&A's are especially cringe because of the self-selecting group of people who would attend a convention and rush to get in line to ask a question. The Trump stuff is the inevitable result of shameless retards bringing up an internet meme in a real life. And this is from someone that is voting for Trump in November.

>> No.15482910
File: 87 KB, 960x716, 13567172_10154312836709320_1466417574964698788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a ZUN

>> No.15482965
File: 15 KB, 460x276, lvjs6vMmZC1r3c1fk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to a convention a few weeks ago
>Someone wasted a question trying to push their dumb 'Cosplay is Not Consent' agenda
It was unrelated and awkward as fuck too.

>> No.15482971

I think the realization that I will never get drunk with ZUN was the first and only time I doubted my life choice of not drinking alcohol.

>> No.15482980 [DELETED] 

I had a blast hanging out with you MAGA Bros with ZUN. BUILDING A BETTER GENSOKYO

>> No.15482995

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.

>> No.15483015

Not to mention touhou is the most normie jp thing ever.

I'm tired of these NT's complaining about other NT's.

>> No.15483027

>Q: What is your favorite beer?
>M: What's your favorite character?
>*Someone made a Trump meme question here which wasn't answered. Envision your average wonderful AX con-goer here.*

Jesus fucking Christ.

>Q: Is the PC-98 series canon at all?
>A: Yes.
Can ANYONE confirm? This is one of the few actually interesting questions/answers here. The fact that ZUN would suddenly retcon his former statement is VERY weird.

>> No.15483044

His tone made it seem like he was joking. I wouldn't place too much weight in it.

>> No.15483045

The translator could not translate the question properly because he did not understand what 'canon' meant, it was rephrased, then the translator had to ask help from the other person present, and only after that ZUN got to make his reply.

It's 50% joke 50% tl fuckup.

>> No.15483054 [DELETED] 

Your mimetic tautological zeroposting is even more shitposting.

Talk to the administration on irc if you want changes instead of shitting on the table everyone uses.

>> No.15483106

He probably didn't expect the audience to be so full of shitty casuals that would ask unnecessary or uninteresting question. You can see in his answers (if the TL is to be trusted) that he started giving curt answers as if coming here had been a mistake.

>> No.15483107

>Not to mention touhou is the most normie jp thing ever.
It's competing with mobage, come the fuck on.

>> No.15483122

>I'm a bitter person who only talks to mommie.

>> No.15483166

>He probably didn't expect the audience to be so full of shitty casuals that would ask unnecessary or uninteresting question.

I sincerely doubt that. This isn't the first time he's been outside Japan, you know.

>> No.15483206

>Q: Does Aya officially have wings and does Momiji have wolf ears?
>A: I don't know!


>> No.15483309

He would never say anything but this. It's entirely expected.

>> No.15483330

If you listen to a recording, he used the term 正式 ("official") to ask; ZUN replied "Official" in english, and followed 「正式でいいの、これでいいの?」. The interpreter were confused by what was meant and they gave up, while ZUN was basically "wait why are they excited over that, is this right?".

>> No.15483375 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't you want to make America more like Japan??

>> No.15483385 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 256x256, ejwls6LF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bad part of the question was the autism and the chosen meme (build wall).

better question for ZUN would be
>Did you know that Momiji wearing a Donald Trump hat and making Woo~ sound is now a very important part of the Donald Trump fan community?

>> No.15483389 [DELETED] 

>they're people who shop the hat onto anime characters as a form of shitposting.
i love the anime girl maga hat pics.

>> No.15483611

What are Idols and JAV?

>> No.15483649

A blight on our land.

>> No.15484423

>buda as a native/heavenly god
you arguing about dharma and said that anon?

and the only god who has not appeared is the hakurei one unless was the fairy of HRtP

>> No.15484635


Is that other guy Peter?

>> No.15484825

NIS made me pay for 30 dollars more shit for the autograph ticket even though I had a receipt from the day before of shit I bought then that they told me I could bring in the next day. Fuck them.

>> No.15484972

Her god isnt Buddha, nor did I say that. Try again.

>> No.15485407

Video of panel

>> No.15485595

The Jews won, but at least I'll finally get to meet him. Has anybody gotten an autograph yet? Were you able to ask questions or talk?

>> No.15485618

I got one yesterday in the standby line
Didnt really get to chat with him or ask any questions

>> No.15485621

Is the line already forming for autographs today?

>> No.15485633

Can you keep your /pol/ shit in /pol/ for once?

>> No.15485645

do they allow pictures with him

>> No.15485653

casual racism on 4chan predates /pol/ by quite a bit, i wouldn't worry too much about it

>> No.15485664

Yeah and ponies existed before /mlp/ but now they have a place to go where nobody else has to see their shame.

>> No.15485690

i submit that people on /pol/ are extremely unlikely to care about how AX acted in a stereotypically greedy fashion towards some /jp/sie

>> No.15485744

No selfies, but someone will take a camera and take pictures for you

>> No.15485863

Thanks for the link, dudester.

>> No.15485992
File: 60 KB, 313x377, 1463769468162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That NISA corporate branding makes me sick.

>> No.15486046

I think creators of fictions all share some evil gene that loves to give mystery to mundane questions for the sole purpose of making the curious suffer even more in their canon wars.
Seriously what's the point of saying I don't know on such a simple question, he didn't ask something like a character's backstory.

And ZUN's not alone of this thing, the "I don't know! (laughs)" and simple questions is so damn common with anyone for some reason.
I'm not mad, I just find it silly.

>> No.15486062

>>Q: Is the PC-98 series canon at all?
>>A: Yes.
>Can ANYONE confirm? This is one of the few actually interesting questions/answers here. The fact that ZUN would suddenly retcon his former statement is VERY weird.
> The fact that ZUN would suddenly retcon his former statement is VERY weird.

What? The only time ZUN spoke about it he said something among the lines "PC-98 is very wacky and weird, but it should be considered canon anyway, BUT anytime Windows canon clashes with PC-98 then Windows takes the priority".

>> No.15486063

To those of you who got an autograph, what do you plan to do with it? Is it common to frame shikishi boards?

>> No.15486070

Should I get the page of FS where Reimu splits the fortune teller's head in two signed by ZUN? Because that's what I'm planning to do unless someone stops me.

>> No.15486071

Secondary crap maybe, 3 people actually care about canon.

Hi /v/, I see that mental illness that makes you read stuff that never got posted and makes you quote it still haunts you.

>> No.15486075
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Do it for him

>> No.15486083

Please post pics if you do.

>> No.15486129

I think they should take it to the 4chan servers and rub it on them. In a way it would allow some of ZUN's essence to transfer to /jp/.

>> No.15486548 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 1014x900, 1457858335981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plan to wear it at a pro American rally.

>> No.15486569
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JYUNYA (the genso wanderer guy) asked me to mark the page I wanted ZUN to sign ahead of time, and he had a hearty chuckle when he saw what it was. "Good scene!"

>> No.15486612 [DELETED] 

Jew detected

>> No.15486640

That's pretty cool.

>> No.15486649

I really hope I can get an autograph tomorrow.

How early did you go to get a ticket?

>> No.15486660

Not him, but I got mine at around 10:30. There was already a healthy line by that point.

>> No.15487115 [DELETED] 
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That's not how you spell funposting.

>> No.15487238

Revere the ZUN, expel the American

>> No.15487457

Someone needs to ask him about Renko and Yumemi one of these days. The similarities are getting scarier every album that gets released.

>> No.15487523

Has he been to oneyukkuriplace

>> No.15487845


Western fans don't care about creators of anything. Because the fact that literary theory and pretty much any artistic theory about a creator is that the intents and purpose of the creator aren't relevant to a work because it must open to others' interpretation even though they had no involvement in creating it yet their interpretation of the work should be as valid as the author's? Bullshit.

>> No.15487849
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>> No.15487875


I'm a tad sleepy so I didn't read my post over enough for it to be short and concise on my feelings regarding how much bullshit New Criticism and "Death of an Author" is but yet it's taught in almost every English and art critic class and that sentiment is just popular nowadays in general for everyone.

I hate the humanities so much.

>> No.15488234

Cool shit, Brandon

>> No.15488434

Did you wait in line for the exhibit hall? Or was it just a melee to get in at 10?

>> No.15488439

I'm glad that kind of nonsense isn't taught in my country, you can't learn literature without studying the autor's life and cultural settings and influences.
Otherwise you'd end up like those dumb people who carry their Bible and use it in the stupidiest ways possible because they find silly meanings behind its teachings.

>> No.15488558


Chill, it's ok. It's "nasty" in the sense that Yukari isn't a damned peace-loving buddhist that Jesus'd for your Christ. "Nasty" is a pretty weird word to use for the translation, I bet, and most aimed at her personality.

... I mean, she started a war, and more than likely would easily do horrible things to people trying to undermine Gensokyo's existence.

>> No.15488712

Have you seen her stuff? Fucking filthy. Her Splitter has a 9 inch drop and she's got solid movement on a high 90s fastball. Don't forget about her solid curveball.

Combine that with a sub 3 ERA it's got her likely winning a Cy Young.

>> No.15488764

I got a free shirt from the toonami panel.

>> No.15488898

>... I mean, she started a war, and more than likely would easily do horrible things to people trying to undermine Gensokyo's existence.
Would you rather a person who lets Gensokyo go to shit so they can selfishly take the moral high ground? Yukari may have hated doibg those things, but pushed on anyway for the greater good. You could even be edgy and say most of her time sleeping is experiencing nightmares and guilt in reoccurring dreams.
Plenty of soldiers went to war and suffered from doing things they didnt want to do, but had too.

Anyway her intention is pure so she's not nasty.

>> No.15489626

It doesn't look like much was said other than Zun being cheeky as usual

>> No.15489677

>go to it cosplaying nagito komaeda
>"why are you here?"
I-I didn't want zuns autograph anyway.....
6/9 2hus were male and all of them were awoo

>> No.15490077

Because it's unnecessarily restrictive to answer decisively for their own sake. It has little to do with what the fans want. It's nearly the same as why the responses to the Hifuu question and Mima question are also "maybe", although the context behind those "maybe"s are very different.

>PC-98 is very wacky and weird, but it should be considered canon anyway
kinda liberal interpretation there

>> No.15491752

I didn't get an autograph today.

Kinda disappointed, but I still had a good time with my sister. I got a cute little poster with Clownpiece in front of the American flag and Junko as a bald eagle.

God bless America. Have a happy 4th, jaypee.

>> No.15491868 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 960x528, 1467689362444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me three days, but I finally got him to sign Remilia's belly. What now?

>> No.15491949
File: 160 KB, 1200x900, CmgqXOxUIAAyVEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat ringo

>> No.15492204
File: 85 KB, 644x910, Cmks69HVMAEL3nC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He even got a fanart.

>> No.15492284


This is the cosplay I can appreciate- laid back people taking it easy. I hope you social butterflies had fun.

>> No.15492314

I got a selfie with ZUN on day 3

>> No.15492371

tfw I didn't even get to see ZUN

>> No.15492476


>> No.15492489
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>> No.15492506
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>> No.15492513
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>> No.15492516
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>> No.15492764

Damnit japs just think we're all burger fat don't they

>> No.15492827

Quite a few of them seem impressed by his dedication to the original work. A true cosplayer.

>> No.15492841
File: 75 KB, 1280x960, CmlT3nrUIAMUo_k.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's this gaijin?

>> No.15492905 [DELETED] 


>> No.15493456

Taking it easy is good

I don't know but he looks happy

>> No.15493864

I can't believe ZUN got to meet Sigourney Weaver!

>> No.15493878

The whole world thinks that, anon.

>> No.15496546

You're such a lying piece of shit OP. I was there at the exact moment the line was allowed to form.

Attention whore

>> No.15496553

no honest person ever made a sucessful thread

the road to success is paved with lies

>> No.15498600

>Cucked so hard his legs broke

>> No.15498861
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>What's a nasty character?

>> No.15498877
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>> No.15499574

So now it's confirmed from the anniversary and this panel that ZUN finds satisfaction and attraction in bullet patterns, even creating them before creating the character to match.
His favorite character is constantly mentioned as Reimu, but when you think about it, you don't see Reimu's 'patterns' all that often, just her shot type and bombs.

Someone should've asked ZUN what patterns he likes the most, to really get insight into what he finds attractive!

>> No.15499661


>> No.15499965

He keeps Reimu's pattern in his secret stash, he doesn't want anyone else to gaze upon their beauty

>> No.15508880

Nasty is used in the meaning of "bad or hard to deal with, encounter, undergo, etc.; dangerous; serious" and "formidable" power.

>> No.15508992

>I didn't understand the Japanese too well...
Diplomatic of him.

>it goes drink beer but don't get drunk by beer.
Words to live by.

>> No.15510088

No it isn't. He says 気持ち悪い, which is feeling gross or disgusted. Yukari being cunning and manipulative and generally mysterious in an ominous sort of way is what gives her this reputation in-universe, and such a description is totally accurate to how she's portrayed.

>> No.15522961 [DELETED] 

