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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15474211 No.15474211 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread reached reply limit >>15447335

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

If you're looking for a specific song or album, try searching on vocadb.net (for reference) or mikudb.moe (for downloads)

Project Diva Arcade FT has been released for PS4!!! A helpful anon in a previous thread compiled a guide on setting up a Japanese PSN account and getting the game:

>> No.15474403
File: 406 KB, 800x1140, 966f87f9d8dd7917c1ee2878906aa107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.15474405
File: 174 KB, 1000x1400, Miku V4X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15474425

I wonder why they stopped commissioning KEI for official artwork other than the PD games.

>> No.15474427

Looks too much like a generic LN design.

>> No.15474450

I always figured it was because his art is atrocious.

>> No.15474458

but it was recognizable which is something you need if you wanna stand out, even if it's for the wrong reasons. Kinda lost his uniqueness as time went by though, got a lot more moe.

>> No.15474466
File: 134 KB, 1200x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit opinion
He has the best coloring style I've seen. He could have done a really good watercolor Miku V4 if he wanted to. I think they stuck with ixima since he already did the other Crypton vocaloid boxart more recently.

>> No.15474467

Where is her hair going? At this rate Miku v5 will have 1 strand of hair for each tail.

>> No.15474483

eh... it doesn't really make sense for her hair to get more volume as it goes down.
If you really think about it all the changes done are mainly to make it easier on cosplayers and 3d modelers, her hairbands aren't ambiguous anymore, no more open sleeves, hair is consistent.
All the changes make sense but now she's just your regular animu

>> No.15474517
File: 70 KB, 500x500, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not a huge fan of the look desu

>> No.15474520

KEI art cannot get more moe than it already is

>> No.15474555
File: 143 KB, 856x571, MID-300RD_RGB_856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to plug my MIDI devices into Hatsune Miku!

>> No.15474559

>He has the best coloring style I've seen
Holy shit.

Well, I guess statistically, someone with that opinion had to exist somewhere.

>> No.15474564 [DELETED] 
File: 873 KB, 1035x1100, 1393877129140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so this. Really, her hair, arms and all looks so dried and fragile that I would be afraid I break her if I though her.
And the hairbarnds and sleeves are shit.
V3 was the best design.

Miku is the cutest of all fictional and real girls.

I never lied KEI as well. iXima makes Miku look much more cute, professional and perfect.

>> No.15474567
File: 873 KB, 1035x1100, 1393877129140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so this. Really, her hair, arms and all looks so dried and fragile that I would be afraid I break her if I touched her.
And the hairbands and sleeves are shit.
V3 was the best design.

Miku is the cutest of all fictional and real girls.

I never liked KEI as well. iXima makes Miku look much more cute, professional and perfect.

>> No.15474576
File: 1.57 MB, 900x1200, Kagamine.Len.full.1981884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an "I like iXima" episode

>> No.15474580

I don't even particularly like ixima. It's just infinitely easier to look at their art as opposed to Kei's, which literally hurts to look at. I'll take bland animu over eyesore anyday.

>> No.15474613


Arcade MV for Riria



>> No.15474629

>those dance moves on both MVs
they were definitely made for Nendos, whatever the case might be I'm glad we're getting Taion for FT eventually

>> No.15474665


is that art for a mobile game?

>> No.15474752
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>> No.15474754
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>> No.15474780
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i can tell you the name of exactly one of those characters

>> No.15475042


poor yukari, how did she hurt her spine?

>> No.15475259

Who's the tall purple girl?

>> No.15475275

That's Gakupo, who is a man. He and Len have similar outfits and don't have any attire that indicates that's a girl

>> No.15475328

I like Ixima's Len. He makes Len's hair look slightly less ridiculous.

>> No.15475384

why the twin drill? she tryin to immitate our aria Teto?

>> No.15475696


>> No.15475714

Anorexic twintails are in though.

>> No.15475722


>> No.15475735

Do her other models have plugs in the skirt?

>> No.15475745

And that chick from Senran with the power fists

>> No.15475750

The cute broke it.

>> No.15475819

I wish the PV cameraman wasn't such a perv. There's no reason for so much time being spent on tight shots of chests and butts. I just want to see cute girls dancing.

>> No.15475833

He's been with the company for years sure he's a bit of a perv but his work speaks for itself when he takes it seriously.

>> No.15475837

Then why do some of the PVs look like they were made in Garry's Mod?

>> No.15475856

The loids stole the camera and shot it on their own

>> No.15475885

>technology will eventually produce AI that can write songs and use video editing software
It never occurred to me before that we will soon be living in an age of completely SELF SUSTAINING vocaloids.
They'll fuckin outlive us all.

>> No.15476076

Who thought it was a good idea to get rid of the baggy sleeves and the Tripp strap?

>> No.15476096

show us what you think is good art anon

no really I am genuinely curious

>> No.15476144

common sense

>> No.15476160

Common sense doesn't make things uglier

>> No.15476164

i personally feel it was a shit choice.

that other anon thinks that it is to appease cosplayers, which makes sense... but i still don't agree with it being a good decision.

>> No.15476175

>appease cosplayers
>leave in the physically impossible hair bands, detached sleeves, and thigh high leather boots

>> No.15476278
File: 491 KB, 933x1400, Miku-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a solid theory.

compare >>15474567 to >>15474567

the hairbands are most certainly the hardest part. in the new version, you can see the point where they actually make physical contact

there is no point in mentioning the sleeves. people where those things all the time, even if they aren't cosplaying.

>> No.15476339

>in the new version, you can see the point where they actually make physical contact
I hadn't even noticed that. It looks fucking retarded.

>> No.15476474

newfags need to go away, or at the very least try to learn more about vocaloid. Secret Police? Gakupo voiced by Gackt?
This isn't funny anymore, your ignorance is just sad.

>> No.15476517

Imagine poor Miku-san spending years perfecting this new outfit and then when she finally shows it off, people just rag on her. So mean.

>> No.15476521


>> No.15476536

It's basic knowledge
Now if I was ragging on them because they didn't know who Vocaloid #54 was or if they didn't know about english vocaloids then yeah I can see how that's autism.

Gakupo and Secret Police were pretty well known in 2009-2010. Those anon not knowing those characters and references just shows how new they are. If I wanted to interact with newfags I'd go to Facebook.

>> No.15476547

Gakupo is about as who-tier as it gets. He's like a less popular Kaito and that's saying something.

>> No.15476582

He's who-tier now but he wasn't in 2009-2010. (And for a brief amount of time some producers used him when he got his V3 upgrade)

I know he's not popular but it's hard to not know who he is. You'd have to be purposefully ignorant, it's the equivalent of ignoring Kaito and Meiko. He was in the latest Nico Nico concert and his voice provider is well known within whatever genres he does.

He's a has been, but the fact that there are people who don't know much from 2009-2010 (one of the peak times) is just pitiful.

>> No.15476617

nonsense. new people are needed in order for vocaloid not to die.

>> No.15476680

You seriously can't tell those posts were ironic?

>> No.15476691

Anyone knows a baidu link to Project DIVA Arcade's ripped videos?

>> No.15476695

Considering the last couple of threads, these idiots seem to be blending in with anons who can't use irony properly.

>> No.15476906

Yup. Poe's law at its finest.

>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.15477313

I would let Miku cry in my arms after people have been mean to her.

>> No.15477683

>tfw I want to make good migu music but I'm not depressed and I had a average upbringing

>> No.15477705

>but I'm not depressed and I had a average upbringing
it's called dance music, faggot.

>> No.15477718

dance vocaloid songs are the worst songs

>> No.15477731

We finally found the man with literally the worst opinion.

>> No.15477735

I said good music ;^)

>> No.15477740

genre not made for vocals

>> No.15477743

Just do it the old fashioned way and get high

>> No.15477787

This has to be the work of some sort of miscommunication. I don't know what constitutes "dance music" where you're from, but as for what we call dance music here, there's no way someone who likes vocaloid could dislike it.

>> No.15477853

How I am supposed to pronounce their names?

>> No.15477861

sixteen four
four zero megapixle

>> No.15477879

No, I mean, seriously.

>> No.15477910 [DELETED] 


The real question is why would you ever have to pronounce their names?

>> No.15477919


The real question is why would you ever have to pronounce their names?

>> No.15477923

i just say "one-sixty-four" and "forty-m-p". i wouldn't be surprised if i am wrong about one or both though.

i have never said either out loud though. when i went to miku expo, that was the first time i ever even said "hatsune miku" out loud to someone.

>> No.15477946

I pronounce them "one-sixty four" and "forty meter P"

>> No.15478075
File: 156 KB, 762x1048, vocaloid_fan_art__by_nigirlemma-d54q4nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Vocaloid creations!


This is the first Vocaloid track I ever made.
Not sure why I got those few seconds of silence when exporting :/

>> No.15478150

I mean she's still Miku which means she's still gorgeous but I'm not a fan of this one.

>> No.15478287

What are the skirt ports for?

>> No.15478295

headphones, duh

>> No.15478354
File: 866 KB, 1299x598, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one (or some) are for headphones

>> No.15478374

the 3 in the middle are for tuchel connectors

>> No.15478422

I feel like this is the most generic she's ever looked.

>> No.15478426

not the ones I labeled MIDI, but the ones above those? i am 100 percent certain that those are MIDI ports.

>> No.15478506
File: 1.21 MB, 1446x1890, Hatsune.Miku.full.608355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post loids in casual wear

>> No.15478595
File: 595 KB, 1820x1300, luka 02 by okingjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post loids in casual wear

>> No.15478646

I hope her back is alright

>> No.15478650
File: 284 KB, 729x1000, moe 140382 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15478656
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>I hope her back is alright

Dunno bout her back but my pants are tight.

>> No.15478663
File: 576 KB, 718x1000, ia by fumio (kanmi).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15478708


>> No.15479271

Any good eng UTAU?
I don't want to blow my load on a vocaloid until i have a moderate understanding of what I'm doing

>> No.15479286

Am I the only one who thinks the placement of the connector ports there is absolutely stupid? The best place to put them would be on the sides of her head, just behind her ears, so the wiring could be made to look seamlessly like part of her headset or her hair.

Can Crypton really not find a robotocist in fucking Japan of all places to consult before they draw up designs for her?

>> No.15479520
File: 290 KB, 777x777, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15479558
File: 2.59 MB, 1279x706, Thrust It Bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to blow my load on a vocaloid...


>> No.15479719 [SPOILER] 
File: 516 KB, 1152x2048, 1467463418046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow

>> No.15479919

Thanks, mate.

>The real question is why would you ever have to pronounce their names?
I have this weird delusion that one day I'll find people to talk about vocaloid in real life.

Also, I understand Yonjuu metoru P, but how you go from 164 to Hiroshi? I guess Hi comes from Hyaku and Ro comes from Rokku, but I can't figure out this Shi.

>> No.15479939

I don't understand how this is complicated.

>> No.15479941
File: 78 KB, 282x300, 1450372277667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to do something productive for once and learn to make music
>start reading about music theory
>mfw I have no idea what I'm reading

Well I tried.

>> No.15480019

>making music being productive
Try getting into machining.

>> No.15480101

The first syllable of each number. Hitotsu shortened to hi, roku to ro, shi to... shi.
It's the same way 39 means Miku or 765 means Namco (nanatsu mutsu go).

>> No.15480126
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>> No.15480282

What is Miku like when there aren't any camera's around?

>> No.15480285

dance music is a broad term man you gotta be more specific.

>> No.15480299

>dance music is a broad term
That's the fucking point. Which is why I'm in disbelief that someone could dislike dance music.

>> No.15480304

She spends her free time running her Rinchan blog

>> No.15480342

I love Luka.

Give all Luka.

>> No.15480370 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 4160x2340, 20160702_121841_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give all Luka.

>> No.15480377

luka is old

>> No.15480378
File: 1.78 MB, 2340x4160, 20160702_121841_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give all Luka.

>> No.15480387

>4chan on computer
>actually posting on 4chan

>> No.15480389

She's like what 6 or 7?
She's got a lot left in the tank.

>> No.15480391
File: 1.85 MB, 2340x4160, 20160702_122339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luka is old

WHAT?! How DARE you?!

>> No.15480491

Ok, I just discovered that 4 can be both yon and shi. Sorry for being an illiterate. I should put more effort into googling before asking stupid questions.

>> No.15480496

I see now. Thanks for the kind explanation.

>> No.15480527
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, 1394383152468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.
Me on the right.

>> No.15480533

Luka is gangsta!

>> No.15480548
File: 667 KB, 900x900, 1392293147224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka butt

>> No.15480576
File: 1.83 MB, 2340x4160, 20160702_132128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luka is gangsta!

Only when provoked.


Oh man that's one juicy ass.

>> No.15480730

Luka is honestly what got me into vocaloid. I got into Miku and the others later on.

>> No.15480758
File: 47 KB, 604x604, 13406880_890539771091827_2713775855227728376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no bara vocaloid

>> No.15480915

Quick, post the last Vocaloid song you listened to. I'll start

>> No.15480961

>Quick, post the last Vocaloid song you listened to.

Hachioji P's Secret Girl


>> No.15481030
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>> No.15481064
File: 70 KB, 480x600, 3478614i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sequence Life by tom_atom

not vocaloid but eh whatever fuck you

>> No.15481066


>> No.15481082
File: 860 KB, 1280x720, LamazeP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15481134

GYARI is a Vocajazz god.

>> No.15481230
File: 75 KB, 464x752, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Len has the 3rd best Vocaloid butt

>> No.15481373

I'm just completely in love with these rolling r's. It's so good.

>> No.15481454

anyone wanna make a doujin group?

>> No.15481510



Nico Nico concert made me look it up.

>> No.15481576

Dubs for truth

>> No.15481596

So MikuDB got hacked and lost half of their catalog? That sucks :(

>> No.15481723
File: 70 KB, 640x427, IMG_0114-640x427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Miku cosplayer in my city's Canada Day parade. That was pretty unexpected.

>> No.15481733

pure bliss

>> No.15481838

Must be those new pirate hunters I've been hearing about.

>> No.15481931

Did you put a ring on it?

>> No.15481997

Did you put your dick in it?

>> No.15482009

did you tell her how gross her wig was?

>> No.15482017

You're a tree?

>> No.15482053

Is it possible to re-download Future Tone on a different PS4 if I sign in with the Japanese account?

>> No.15482056

Did she sing a song?

>> No.15482098


>> No.15482271

I can only assume so. That is how digital purchases usually work.

>> No.15482350

Like a friend's PS4? Since yours is set as the primary system, they could only play it on their system when you're not online, otherwise they'll get booted. If they try to play it with another account on their system, they can't.

>> No.15482355

She had a kid

>> No.15482377

Figured it out. Just had to sign in with the correct account.
Sorry for the alarm.

>> No.15482387


New mikugazer album! Coming out this vomas! Hype!!

>> No.15482432


nice, i was just wondering if they would make another of these

>> No.15482463

is this only the second one to be released?

this being the first:

>> No.15482477

I'm not even sure this is connected in any way to mikgazer vol. 1, although the spelling of 'mikgazer' makes me wonder. I'm honestly just happy for another shoegazer album period.

>> No.15482831


>> No.15482843

Just finished playing project mirai for the day


>> No.15482886

Aw yes, finally.

>> No.15482962


Been playing lots of IA/VT lately.

>> No.15482972


>> No.15482982
File: 606 KB, 2160x2046, 1444132251283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it take for a literally wholoid to get popular?

>> No.15483004
File: 63 KB, 640x471, yukari-beautiful-illustration-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I can tell, you have to start with a modicum of popularity first, and then you need persistence. Ps that love and are dedicated to it, using it over more popular loids, and a design that grabs fanartists so there's lots of fanart. A company that supports it, even making merch for it even if in limited quantities.

Eventually, with enough persistence, even Yukari can be considered one of the top loids.

Wait, what were we talking about again?

>> No.15483032

see >>15483004

>> No.15483069

A unique, simple and attractive design is one of the main points I see many of these new wholoids fail at.

If we take Yukari as an example, she fits perfectly with the other already existing Vocaloids : purple hair, has an animal trait (w/e you want to call it), cute, can be sexualized, mix of simple every day clothes with a little few accessories added. Here you already have a good contender, and she proved it since Yukari has been one of the most popular and liked Vocaloids for a little while now. Of course the voice matters, but it's a given so I won't go too deep on this. Same goes for a solid compilation, or at the very least a few solid songs at launch.

The wholoid you posted (flower, google tells me) already has too many red flags to even hope to become as successful as Yukari is now. The design is overdone, it's kinda of an eyesore to look at and it panders to fujoshits; with just this you're already losing the attention of many.

Pick flower and Yukari : which do you think artists will want to draw a fan arts for? Yukari takes the cake of course, I shouldn't explain why.

>> No.15483090

To add on to this post, just because a vocaloid is popular with the western fanbase doesn't guarantee popularity everywhere else. (Or else popular with the chinese fanbase, etc.)

I see lots of tumblrites praising flower as the greatest existence ever and yet outside of the Yamaha albums released, there's very few original songs made for her. Besides the crappy fanart littering tumblr once in a while and occasional youtube cover, there isn't one "defining" fanart or song for flower. Therefore, she's unpopular and who-tier.

>> No.15483316

It has to have mass appeal yet stand out.
Miku's design is centered around her being a software, she's not wearing any genre-centric clothing and her voice was very unique as the VA was faking the voice instead of using her natural voice.

Things were simpler back then, vocaloids were promoted as being little more than synthesizers but now companies are very focused on profiting from every little thing produced with their vocaloids, even going so far as saying the voice bank can't be used for profit.

Also the saturation of the market both in vocaloids and songs was pretty much what killed vocaloid, it's hard for any vocaloid to get popular or to produce a successful song without being an already established producer.

>> No.15483374

Have to disagree about the defining song for flower part: the one koyori/denpolP did was pretty boss, and has hundreds of thousands of views on nicodou. It's pretty much "the" flower song. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24237168

Still, one hit does not a popular 'loid make. You gotta run with the momentum. And since no one noteworthy picked up flower aside from the people yamaha commissioned...

Also the V3 flower design was clearly a girl as opposed to the trap V4 design. Something something flowers something something both girl and boy parts something something different designs. Still a girl though.

I think the problem with flower is her voice isn't flexible at all. When it fits, she's great-- but try using her for like, technopop. Honestly I'm impressed at the fact that she gained any traction at all (and she did, at least a little, at least at the beginning). ZOLA got a yamaha compilation too and still no one cared.

>> No.15483411

>It's pretty much "the" flower song. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24237168
this one has more views http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23348919

>> No.15483460

I'm not even going to that link and I know you're talking about haniwa. Well FUCK haniwa, they're fucking awful, and no one gives a shit about the vocaloids they use anyway, they're only popular for their manga videos rather than their shit music.

>> No.15483781

holy fuck im hype

I spoke to wintermute on this matter, and he told me that the people who worked on Mikgazer Vol.1 most likely have nothing to do with postgazer. Below is what he told me:


>> No.15483808

Being the main singer of a project that spins off into LNs/manga/anime is a good start

>> No.15483818

IA IA is learning engrish now apparently

>> No.15484124

Haniwa = HoneyWorks? If yes, they're two of the most popular producers of at last few years. Their manga videos certainly are an important factor for their big popularity, but they also have great songs, including >>15483411.

>> No.15484228

Look. I don't use the word 'hate' lightly. But I fucking HATE haniwa's music. It's awful, I loathe it.

The point though, aside from I fucking hate haniwa, is that less people remember flower -for- the haniwa song than the koyori song. Also haniwa is terrible and they suck.

>> No.15484230
File: 66 KB, 550x757, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_yamaarashi__dd8bdbce1a6aee33de955925efc67659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a fully dressed Vocaloid exude so much sexual energy?!

>> No.15484236

Why are anokano less popular than that faggot len?

>> No.15484241

Ask him when vol. 2 is coming out

>> No.15484243
File: 346 KB, 750x1000, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_at2__c150a3c1cccf2c94b99cb2e9e71a6da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean Jesus Christ man, look at her!

>> No.15484252

> less people remember flower -for- the haniwa song than the koyori song.
I don't see any logical reason to draw this conclusion.

>> No.15484264

They aren't as cute

>> No.15484274
File: 1.03 MB, 945x1390, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_hopepe__1b6505d29fe99a4d950a90b26388ccb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15484276
File: 543 KB, 840x1260, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_ryuusei_ryuuseiseikou__a88fe839fe444d81de2b6c1dfe662e77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15484293
File: 385 KB, 680x1000, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_leglus__43e52727bc3125665cf67fe64c68cf8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damndest thing is that I'm not even into flat broads, too, hell this pic has her holding that weapon and still looking rather titillating.

>> No.15484305
File: 2.29 MB, 1093x1595, __yuzuki_yukari_vocaloid_and_voiceroid_drawn_by_suisetsu_mizuna__50d3fd160fa7a9ec60308d26aae821fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15484445

>less people remember flower -for- the haniwa song than the koyori song.
nice opinion you have there, faggot

>Inokori sensei was literally flower's first song
>It reveled her character design
>and has over 5 million views on YT
>but somehow people remember flower more for a video that has less than 700000 views on nico, was released 4 months later and has a picture of a pole

>> No.15484518
File: 505 KB, 1000x1600, 56123627_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does a fully dressed Vocaloid exude so much sexual energy?!
I feel the same anon. Her thighs are just pure love.

>> No.15484521
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>> No.15484531
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>> No.15484570


>generic slut #203598

>> No.15484581
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At this point she is a skellington, just call Raita ffs.

>> No.15484661

Does anyone know what the Elevens think about this? Curious what their thoughts are on the hair.

>> No.15484733

See >>15484264

Also Len's voice is actually great and very flexible, and he fills another voice niche while Anon Kanon are more of the same qt grill vocals.

>> No.15484744

I've been listening to a lot of Yukari lately. I'm surprised with myself that I've put it off this long because I really dig her.

>> No.15484757
File: 14 KB, 732x96, exit_tunes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vocaloid is kill

>> No.15484828

It's been kill since 2013. We're just feasting on its bloated corpse. It smells sickeningly sweet, like rotting lemons.

>> No.15484860
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>> No.15485290

whats with the vocaloids are dying meme? wasn't this years miku expo the biggest it has ever been?

>> No.15485299

Yes. Vocaloid has been dying since 2007 though didn't you know?

>> No.15485315

The sky is falling and vocaloid is dying and the rivers are red with blood.

>> No.15485323
File: 216 KB, 578x568, 49525302_p53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yukari has a pretty strong dedicated following. This has historically been better than a lot of casual followers since you actually need songs being made to have any sticking power. Also, she sounds good as a voiceroid with minimal tuning, which adds to her versatility.


>> No.15485345
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>> No.15485352

You forgot to add that she's also cute!

>> No.15485355
File: 529 KB, 1024x1280, 1462056295391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the lewdest vocaloid.

>> No.15485388

engloids > japloids

>> No.15485390

I think it stems from the consumerist market thriving but the community itself becoming stagnant and beginning to deteriorate. The music in the games and concerts are almost entirely older songs, many of the producers considered to be iconic don't produce vocaloid songs as often, or at all in some cases. The community has to be self sufficient in order to for vocaloid to survive and newer content producers aren't getting the recognition they deserve, and will eventually get tired of living in the shadows of the '07-'10 producers. Take Miku Expo for example. How many songs played were made within the last 5 years? How many of the producers are even still active anymore? How long will people continue to pay to listen to songs from the now 7 year old album Supercell?

>> No.15485409

Does anyone happen to have the karaoke version of Honeyworks' さよなら両片想? The link for it in the official video doesn't work anymore.

I really don't like the vocals for this song, but I'm still deciding whether the instrumental is worth keeping, at least.

>> No.15485487

There are plenty of good new songs being released, it's crypton's fault for only playing old songs at miku expo.

>> No.15485566

Or is it the community's fault for liking the old songs more? Don't you think CFM is only playing what the people want to hear?

>> No.15485583

And how Crypton knows what the people want to hear? There are some recent hits which receive way more views monthly than some old songs that Crypton always plays.

>> No.15485640

I imagine they probably look more at KARENT numbers more than YouTube. They understand more than we could possibly know about what is and isn't popular.

>> No.15485736
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x849, 52658535_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I hear a good Luka song, I can't help but think how much better it would sound with Miku instead.

>> No.15485779

But then Luka Luka Night Fever wouldn't make any sense.

>> No.15485787

I'm the exact opposite sometimes.
That concert performance of love trial with Luka in the NND concert was really good.

>> No.15485801

It'd be yuri baity as fuck

>> No.15485813


>> No.15485872
File: 743 KB, 1729x1729, 雄之助-Yunosuke-Pathos-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have Pathos by Yunosuke? It's not on mikudb.

>> No.15485999

When I hear a good Luka song I think it's a good Luka song.

>> No.15486004

I don't know what it is but roughly 70% of the time I can't stand lens voice, same thing with meiko.

>> No.15486041


>> No.15486066

Thanks, pal.

>> No.15486111
File: 754 KB, 770x1211, 2d6b8b92c93cc841167cbc1969be3552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I hear a good Miku song, I can't help but think how much better it would sound with IA instead.

>> No.15486138

IA's the second best vocaloid and the only one who can be compared to Miku.

>> No.15486155
File: 2.01 MB, 2340x4160, 20160703_202331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whenever I hear a good Luka song, I can't help but think how much better it would sound with Miku instead.

>> No.15486156

Yukari is second best. IA can be third though.

>> No.15486180

>Who is Gumi

>> No.15486187

Don't make me choose!

>> No.15486190

>playing with action figmas
lukafags, everyone.

>> No.15486192

The general public is probably more keen on this one. Dunno about the fans though.

>> No.15486194

A trash vocaloid who only has 1 good song (and it's a duet).

>> No.15486201
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>> No.15486213

What does IA sound like again? I forget

>> No.15486215

t. someone who only listens to cfm

>> No.15486226
File: 634 KB, 900x675, ia by kurisu sai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does IA sound like again? I forget


>> No.15486240

Why are people still responding to this bait

I can't stand his awful Act 1 and 2 personally, but a well tuned song with Len Append or V4 sounds great IMO.

>> No.15486295

So is there anything else to do in PD:FT besides the songs?
PD and PM usually have extra stuff

>> No.15486305

I think extra stuff isn't really needed considering the amount of songs available

>> No.15486402
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, CmUs1F7UkAAVIOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share your favorite module combos

>> No.15486441

>is there anything to do in a rhythm game because play song charts?

>> No.15486473

I'm not asking for there to be more because I don't think all those songs are enough.
I'm just wondering if there's anything extra that I might be missing out on because I can't read moon, because every PD and PM so far has had a PV editor, being able to pose your character and take pictures, decorate your room, stuff like that.

If FT doesn't have it that's fine, but if it does I just wanted to know about it.

>> No.15486490

FT is in a different league because it's technically a port of the arcade version of the game, but with songs from the other games. But mechanically and feature wise, it is the arcade game. Since the arcade doesn't have diva rooms, FT doesn't either. I'm sure X 2nd will bring all that stuff back as well as use the console game mechanics, like longs, doubles, tech zones, etc

>> No.15486495

That Rin combo does things to me.

>> No.15486508

the fact that she's the only one wearing a headset triggers my autism

>> No.15486555

When will crypton update the models to look like they weren't made 9 years ago. Why can't they make detailed models like the fan-made TDA.

>> No.15486559

Head sets should removable on hair styles

>> No.15486599

What is she working so late? The streets?

>> No.15486608

The majority of the time when they look bad in FT it's because the PV is old and the lighting is shit, they all look good in stuff like weekender girl.
No and it will probably never happen for FT. I won't be suprised if they put out another dlc pack in several months though.

>> No.15486609

Nah dude he's right, the models are like retextured PSVITA models.

>> No.15486636

>The majority of the time when they look bad in FT it's because the PV is old and the lighting is shit, they all look good in stuff like weekender girl.
Popipo is the biggest offender of them not updating the dynamic lighting

No, I believe they have a higher polygon count and a different, more realistic physics/lighting engine.
The uncanniness of their face comes from the fact that they're adhering as much as possible to KEI's original illustrations, which works better flat.

>> No.15486680

It's precisely because of the polygons that they look bad. They're relatively low quality models. It's fine but they could've been much better.

>> No.15486709
File: 1.31 MB, 1300x642, dreamytheaterfuturetone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they've improved a lot since Dreamy Theater, I'd take the arcade modules over the F modules any day.

>> No.15486746

The model makes her look like she has fetal alcohol syndrom or something. It sucks because there are so many great 3d models of different characters from other games/fan made. The tech is there, crypton just needs to use it.

>> No.15486795
File: 632 KB, 1920x1200, Hatsune_Miku_V4X_beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The model makes her look like she has fetal alcohol syndrom or something
That's mainly because translating a 2D image into 3D is a big challenge, they are not fan-artists, SEGA can't take drastic creative liberties to make her look better because Crypton has an IP to protect.

>> No.15486799

Well that's more to do with art direction than model quality. FT has a different art style than the console games. Look at X models.

Well yeah they look better but up close it looks more like late cycle ps3 than what mid cycle ps4 should. The complete lack of shading on the skin tone makes them look like Barbie dolls. All I'm saying is, look at the theme with Marie Rose and Miku standing next to each other.

>> No.15486810

>translating a 2D image into 3D is a big challenge
Not really.
This is just one example of a 3d model that is way better than the crypton models. Also TDA miku isn't far off the V4 artwork. It can be done.

>> No.15486870

I'm pretty sure idolmaster's designs had a 3D look in mind from the beginning, they look good but like I said it's probably SEGA just trying to portray KEI's design as accurately as possible.

I don't think the TDA models are worth mentioning as they take so many creative liberties that they don't really fit with Crypton's vocaloid designs.

>All I'm saying is, look at the theme with Marie Rose and Miku standing next to each other.
The skin has shading, I think you mean the skin texture. I think they were just following the official Miku artwork, giving her a more realistic skin would really clash with her Anime look.
And yeah they do look like Barbie dolls but so do most anime characters, I think their bodies could be reworked as they look really off even for anime standards.

>> No.15486881

That second part was meant for >>15486799

>> No.15486909
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1200, crypton sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think the TDA models are worth mentioning as they take so many creative liberties that they don't really fit with Crypton's vocaloid designs.
TDA miku looks more like miku's official art than the crypton models.

>> No.15486918

but the PD Miku 3D model is based on KEI's V2 illustration

>> No.15486980

The solution is to base the models off of ixima's art.

However, KEI came first so that is very unlikely to ever happen.

>> No.15487043
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, 初音ミク Project DIVA Future Tone_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the models are fine I just wish they were higher quality. Like, look at this hair.

>> No.15487067

I think it's just really expensive to rework something to that degree specially when it's something most people don't really care about.
That's probably the reason as to why Arcade always gets outfits/songs last and why F/X have a simpler look that cuts development costs.

The models are really high quality though, the breaking you see in her hair is something that is bound to happen to anything rendered in real time in a non-super computer.

>> No.15487137
File: 219 KB, 1500x843, hatsune-miku-project-diva-x-ps4-screenshot-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude what "breaking"? It's just poorly modeled. You can see each distinct polygon. It's not even a matter of it being flat and static, since it'd look weird to have hyper realistic hair on her anime face, but it could at least have more than like single digit polygons and like 4 bones in it. The only thing I can think of is that they get the physics engine to work with her super dynamic dance moves and gigantic hair. So they're forced to intentionally leave the hair set to "2011 mode"

>> No.15487194
File: 75 KB, 1000x563, 055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can see each distinct polygon
That's because round surfaces are very taxing and won't be completely round in most cases, Miku's hair looks fine by real-time rendering standards.

>but it could at least have more than like single digit polygons and like 4 bones in it.
There's a reason why it has bones like that, look at pic related and you'll see that her pigtails also have a similar bone structure.
That all comes down to Collision Detection, in short the technology we have now isn't advanced enough to perfectly render Collision Detection in real-time, if those bones weren't there the pigtails would fly everywhere and would most likely clip like crazy, same with Marie Rose's hair.
That's the same reason as to why their hands never touch their bodies in any of the choreographies, clipping could be a become a big issue and would detract from the game's visual presentation.

>> No.15487397
File: 2.41 MB, 2150x1378, Konachan.com - 214114 2girls aliasing apron aqua_eyes aqua_hair blue_eyes dress hat hatsune_miku megurine_luka pink_hair shuzi vocaloid wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vocaloid is dying hurr

I can never take people saying this seriously. Music only dies when you stop caring about it, so it's completely subjective from a person to another. For people who are super casual about Vocaloid and only care about mainstream songs and Miku games... well ok, perhaps, but in this case it's just your own fault for having such an immature perspective on things really.

Personally I still have massive discographies I'm still listening to and constantly rediscovering them, with many artists I love who are are still making songs and fanarts as we speak. I genuinely haven't seen my interest wavered much even after so many years, I don't see myself distancing myself from Vocaloid music anytime soon.

>> No.15487409

It's the same any genre of music people who say X is dead are people to lazy to look for new shit to listen to.

>> No.15487442

You have to admit that the market has become over-saturated, that coupled with most new songs being about some random OC and not the Vocaloid singing has made people not want to listen to new songs and just stick to the oldies.

>> No.15487484

>that coupled with most new songs being about some random OC and not the Vocaloid singing has made people not want to listen to new songs and just stick to the oldies.
It's just your opinion? Why is it supposed to be bad?

As an example : 95% of the songs from my favorite artists make me completely forget who is singing, when I listen, I listen to [insert artist], I don't listen to "Miku" or "GUMI", and I love this feeling. Vocaloids are for the most part instruments to me, not idols. By only worshiping them as idols are limiting yourself; this is exactly what I was describing in my post.

>> No.15487511

I'm not saying /I/ do but a lot of Vocaloid success comes from its characters, if that wasn't the case Yamaha wouldn't be so uptight about their character designs.

And this clearly works, just look at Overwatch.

>> No.15487544

You'll always try to find a non-argument to reply with right? In this case we can just end up the conversation right there.

>> No.15487564

What do you want me to say?
I'm not saying Vocaloid is only successful because of the characters but that definitely helped and there's plenty of evidence.

Now that most illustrators want to be the next BRS and plugging their OCs into every song no one is listening to the songs anymore, because they care about Miku, Luka, Gumi, etc. Not about some random brown-haired girl in a school outfit.

The Vocaloid scene shot itself in the foot and now it's declining in popularity, you should just accept that.

>> No.15487569

We're not talking about vocaloid dying on a personal level, obviously that could never happen. There are still hardcore Elvis fans around, yeah, they can still throw his records on whenever they want, fantastic.
What the discussion was about was vocaloid reclining in a general sense, from the mainstream perspective and from a producer-based perspective, not a consumer-based one.

>> No.15487577

We're coming back to the same problem here, you keep talking about "market" and "success" where you should only care about yourself and the artists/music you like.

If you want me to say : "yes, the mainstream Vocaloid scene has changed and isn't the same as in the old days", then yes of course it's true and we agree - but once again, why should I care about this?

Yeah, alright.
>producer-based perspective
I'd recommend to dig more then. We still constantly get great releases, and even after having heavily been into Vocaloid for so long I still have many things I need to listen to.

>> No.15487589

>you keep talking about "market" and "success"
Because that's what gives us the PD games, new Vocaloids, etc. Nowadays every producer care about making a successful song, they will stop producing songs if no one will listen to them.

Yes, I should care only about what /I/ like but that's not gonna keep this hobby alive.

>> No.15487594

>you should only care about yourself and the artists/music you like.
>I still have many things I need to listen to.
You are just 100% not understanding what we're saying. No one is, or ever was, talking about vocaloid on a personal level. Stop bringing it up. Do not use "I" or "me" in your next post at all. You're arguing against a point that no one is making, which you created by your lack of reading comprehension.

>you keep talking about "market" and "success"
Because that's what we're talking about in the first place. The brand, the industry, the thing that makes games and CDs and concerts.

>> No.15487616

Let's agree to disagree considering I feel we aren't seeing Vocaloid music from the same perspective. Actually it's not necessarily about disagreeing here, we're just affected differently by changes it seems.

Get off your horse, you're showing your age. You have to realize that, although we're a minority in this general, not everyone here is an obsessed Cryton otaku.
>the thing that makes games and CDs and concerts.
i.e. on the large scale of things, games and concerts are meaningless. CDs are not market reliant per se.

>> No.15487627

>Get off your horse
I'm not on a horse, faggot. It's not even a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, you completely misunderstood the discussion (which I think was actually over by the time you entered it) and started arguing against a point no one was fucking making in the first place.
>not everyone here is an obsessed Cryton otaku.
That's cool, then maybe don't try to wedge yourself into a discussion between CFMfags discussing CFMfag shit.
>on the large scale of things, games and concerts are meaningless

>> No.15487633

I had already replied to anon here >>15487577
> "yes, the mainstream Vocaloid scene has changed and isn't the same as in the old days", then yes of course it's true and we agree
you didn't even have to come here vomiting whatever you wanted to vomit. I know depression is tough, good luck.

>> No.15487663

Sick ad hominem, great way to deflect you not having an argument.

>> No.15487672

If I enjoy Unfragment and the Song for Eternal songs, what albums/genres should i be checking out?

>> No.15487691

>muh ad hominem muh argument
Aggressively trying so hard to top another person on an anonymous board by forcing an argument where there's no need for one anymore is a sign of fragile ego.

I'll let you have the last reply since it's a matter of having a bad or a good day to you.

>> No.15487701

I dont think you realise crypton doesn't make the games, SEGA does

>> No.15487758

What's the preffered way to watch Nico videos on android? And where do you download from since mikudb is down? (I was finally getting around to getting some Yukari albums.)

>> No.15487766

nico has their own app on droid, use that. I haven't chased down albums in ages.

>> No.15487943

guys vocaloid IS dying and i am afraid. i think i am going to learn how to make music (and maybe japanese cuz the english ones suck) so i can help save it.

>> No.15487951
File: 169 KB, 682x1000, beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's dying cause the fanbase is hanging about and navelgazing about how it's dying instead of making cool shit. Go forth and make cool shit anon.

>> No.15488010

Dying in what way?
There is more larger and larger concerts, fans, fanworks, merchandise, producers every year.
There is less views on nico nico just like there is less views on all nico nico videos since the website is losing its popularity in Japan.

>> No.15488053


there are less albums being made. i don't give a shit about concerts and body pillows or other gay shit (no offense. i buy miku figures. but i wouldnt mind if they went away).

there is less music being made.

>> No.15488096

Where the hell do people upload to in japan then?

>> No.15488142

>there is less music being made.
Is there? I guess we'd need to ask Taggleburr since he's been buying albums since the start. I think at least.

>> No.15488175
File: 127 KB, 550x550, 1440278792837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are less albums being made.
Any source? As far I see, there is more and more producers making music so naturally there should be more albums made.
>i don't give a shit about concerts and body pillows or other gay shit
It doesn't matter if you care. The fact that more and more people care means it's not dying. You personally might lose interest, but it doesn't imply that everyone else lose interest or that the thing dies.
>calling concerts of music you like gay

>> No.15488216


going off the rate albums get added to mikudb, there are way less albums.

>It doesn't matter if you care. The fact that more and more people care means it's not dying. You personally might lose interest, but it doesn't imply that everyone else lose interest or that the thing dies.

But i literally do not care. if there is a miku expo in every city once a month i don't care. they don't make new music for the concerts. they play EIGHT YEAR OLD music. same with the project diva games.

there may be new producers but literally 90% of the pre-2010 producers are gone or make one song a year.

>> No.15488248

if youre comparing it to peak vocaloid, id say yes but those days arent coming back. If youre comparing it to the past few years then id say no

>> No.15488255

>going off the rate albums get added to mikudb, there are way less albums

this is a terrible way to come to the conclusion that there's less albums being made

>> No.15488274

I use the mobile site.

>> No.15488461
File: 252 KB, 457x381, 1394389330866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But i literally do not care.
It doesn't matter if you care. The fact that more and more people care means it's not dying. You personally might lose interest, but it doesn't imply that everyone else lose interest or that the thing dies.
>they don't make new music for the concerts.
>they play EIGHT YEAR OLD music
Last Magical Mirai: (2015)
01 Tell Your World 15.12.2011
02 ラズベリー*モンスター 06.06.2013
03 はじめまして地球人さん 02.07.2015
04 独りんぼエンヴィー (Hitorinbo Envy) July 24, 2014
05 恋愛裁判 (Ren'ai Saiban) Jun.10.2014
06 聖槍爆裂ボーイ (Seisou Bakuretsu Boy) Aug.29.2013
07 ロストワンの号哭 (Lost One no Goukoku) Mar.4.2013
08 リモコン (Rimokon) Feb.16.2011
09 Nostalogic Feb.09.2008
10 スノーマン (Snowman) November 28, 2013
11 エンヴィキャットウォーク (Envy Cat Walk) Oct.22.2011
12 深海少女 (Shinkai Shoujo) Sep.1.2010
13 Sweet Devil Feb.14.2010
14 二次元ドリームフィーバー (Nijigen Dream Fever) Feb.14.2012
>same with the project diva games.
>there may be new producers but literally 90% of the pre-2010 producers are gone or make one song a year.
Old goes away and new comes. It doesn't mean it's dying.

>> No.15488465


wow you guys are legit fucking delusional.

>> No.15488470

Where do you think you are?

>> No.15488516

>get rekt

>> No.15488801

I didn't know Japan liked Pingu

>> No.15489017

>It's everyone else that's delusional, not me!

>> No.15489028

MikuDB isn't down, though. Something happened, I don't know what, but I'm getting file not found for every MEGA link.

>> No.15489058

I use nicoid

>> No.15489067

They got hacked and lost a ton of albums

>> No.15489077


Did they not have a backup?

>> No.15489311

Which links? Seems to be working for me.

>> No.15489560

Is there anyway I can get a high quality version of Song For Eternal or am I really stuck listening to Youtube/Nicovideo quality?

no one ever backs up their shit.

>> No.15489661 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 900x695, 1467658027708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th of July reminder

>> No.15489670
File: 195 KB, 850x1258, __sf_a2_miki_vocaloid_drawn_by_nora_kukumaka23__sample-f5bd5f5cf2c0db88ecd44ca0eb4de429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15489689


>> No.15489704

Is there an album you would recommend as an 'introduction to Miki'?

>> No.15489794

>want to be the next BRS
>not kagepro

>> No.15489800


>> No.15489807

True, it's more along the lines of that but it's the same idea.

>> No.15489809

Jin it's okay if you feel inadequate to huke

>> No.15489839

So I got "MIKU39" as a vanity plate for my car... How pathetic am I?

>> No.15489860
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Depends on what genre you like- I really like her voice in general!
is nice and MErcy too.
aww don't be mean. She has so much potential

>> No.15489876

I was literally just thinking about this. Like, I was just trying out combinations to see what's available.
Almost every combination of "MIKU" and a are taken, though. This state is weeby.

>> No.15490026
File: 274 KB, 1435x1435, 布団.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get Futon by Ramune?

The link on MikuDB is dead and any other sites I find bring me to the same dead link.

>> No.15490116
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>albums don't exist unless i see them on mikudb

mikudb leeches from other sites and even then they are slow at uploading those releases. With that aside, if you want a better understanding of how many new albums are released then you should be looking for album crossfades/circle lists during comiket, vocaloid m@ster, vocaloid paradise, and m3 events. Producers nowadays also use soundcloud and youtube for xfades instead of just nico, so have fun with your research !

>> No.15490182

It's too hard to follow this stuff. It's easy to wait for a nice English website to just go "hey little guy click this to download"

>> No.15490235

Any of you guys make songs?

>> No.15490327

i have been messing around with the vocaloid software for the past few days. not sure what i want to do. it seems unrealistic for me to learn both how to use vocaloid AND something like FL Studio at the same time, so I might just start using other peoples background music.

>> No.15490363

I'm just starting to learn a DAW and vocaloid so hopefully one day in the far future I'll be competent enough to produce something decent.

>> No.15490415

Which vocaloid are you guys using?

>> No.15490614


>> No.15490622


>> No.15490951

I've been using IA (because she is best) but I have also tried the English V3 Miku (which is not good).

>> No.15491356


Forgot how much I liked cosMo@暴走P.

>> No.15491566

for some reason the arms seem a bit short and stubby but thats probably just me

>> No.15491595

okay i'll be honest i kinda rolled my eyes at the newbie too, but no need to be a dick about it
this is one of the reasons why people have such a negative attitude about the anime/vocaloid community in general, because it's of its rude elitist/superior attitude towards beginners
like is there really any need for that though?

>> No.15491621

what are some examples of the dance music you're talking about?

>> No.15491653

Cute overall, but what is wrong with that stiff hair? looks like the new v4 design

>> No.15491671

How did they know??

>> No.15491677

thats alright just ignore the rude

>> No.15491747

Here's your (You)

>> No.15491793
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1600, 57717285_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much farther can Miku rise?
Will I be celebrating Miku's 25th anniversary?

I fully believe Future Tone will be imported eventually.

>> No.15491844


It even has the link in the page you posted. C'mon anon.

>> No.15491847

>How much farther can Miku rise?
She already reached her peak unless we go through a Vocaloid "renaissance" of sorts, but for that there definitely needs to be a different platform, or a really big Vocaloid release.

Sucks that Yamaha got greedy and decided to update their software every few years and sell it at full price.

>> No.15491865

How do you feel about ishifuro?

>> No.15491985

Learning, but it's hard to be satisfied with vst sound quality. Can't afford real instruments atm.

>> No.15492033
File: 1.13 MB, 352x232, omo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us what you've got so far, anon

>> No.15492052

I was a punk rocker before I tried my hand at JPOP.

> Fender Bass
> Chinese knock off unbranded telecaster
> Casio XW-P1
> freeware drum machine

I run it all through an external sound box and then mix with Studio One. Sitting down and learning music theory is a shitty way to start. All you need to know to be able to compose for yourself is to be able to read sheet music (and play off of it) then realize that scale manipulation is just algorithms applied to notes that sound good together.

Definition and timbre are where it's at, not the quantity of notes played.

>> No.15492370
File: 478 KB, 720x960, 28196335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2011.09.04] 開発コードmikiり発車

>> No.15492375
File: 371 KB, 480x760, 聴こえない夜 by 東.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as all of なるて's songs.

itikura also has great remixes with her.

>> No.15492403

So basically, read sheet music and know what sounds good? Holy shit maybe I can be a producer after all.

>> No.15492418

When you read sheet music for the first time don't think "oh wow all these rests are dumb why are they necessary?" because as you're improvising them you'll be counting to be punctual. A lot of rock songs end on rests because that what makes it sound cool.

>> No.15492559

Well there's still the whole making the actual song part.

>> No.15492607

I made this demo awhile back using mostly 4 notes for the guitar section and repetitive hand patterns for the bass.


>> No.15492640


>> No.15492806

Is vocaloid anime?

>> No.15492808

No you dumb nigger

>> No.15492919

if you are one of those weirdos that says avatar is an anime, because of its style and despite its country of origin, then i could imagine you saying vocaloids are "anime".

>> No.15493980

ignore the bait

>> No.15494047

I don't know man, Miku is a pretty cute anime

>> No.15494360
File: 51 KB, 420x420, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If vocaloid isn't anime then how do you explain this?
Check mate, atheists

>> No.15494403

Japs can't into engrish

>> No.15494644

Can you buy a ticket for Magical Mirai from America if you didn't do the lottery?

>> No.15494697
File: 187 KB, 1366x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Vocaloid isn't anime then how do you explain this?

>> No.15494710

Vocaloid magic

>> No.15494735
File: 177 KB, 1520x1141, mikuonletterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15494784


>> No.15494812

wtf i hate miku now

>> No.15494880
File: 13 KB, 1113x620, songs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recorded three separate tracks on a drum machine to inspire others to write music.

Track A is 4 notes of the C scale, two bars 4/4 time.
> http://vocaroo.com/i/s1dKBjFfbokd
Track B switches the first two note pairings with the second note pairings of each bar.
> http://vocaroo.com/i/s0076QFZsmHP
Track C is then a product of constant manipulation of those 4 notes.
> http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Ofes6MrV33

>> No.15495039

Come on, Hyouka was pretty good

>> No.15495197
File: 482 KB, 1500x1276, 未完成エイトビーツ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your favorite album right now?

I only found this album a couple months ago and have been listening to it multiple times a week since.

>> No.15495205 [DELETED] 

I found this album it's pretty good it's called Supercell I'd recommend it

>> No.15495294
File: 411 KB, 667x891, 1451985962116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have real lyrics and there's a lot I still need to change (miku is too soft, bass too loud, parts don't mesh), but here's what I put together as I got used to my DAW and vocaloid4.

>> No.15495326

i like this a lot. great job. what daw do you use?

>> No.15495377

That wasn't half bad anon, I liked it.

>> No.15495504
File: 579 KB, 1022x1000, ALGORITHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to last.fm

>> No.15495599
File: 358 KB, 478x715, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song is pretty good.

>> No.15495629
File: 264 KB, 439x732, 54356233_p25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I used FLstudio 11. I can't say how it compares to others, but I got used to it.

>> No.15495859

Pretty solid, reminds me of nakano

>> No.15495880

Damn, this is catchy, anon.
What are the lyrics gonna be about?

>> No.15495952
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1276, yukari 56986712_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know. I'm still learning Japanese and can only manage extremely basic sentences. I do want to eventually have Japanese lyrics though.

Which one, several show up on vocadb.

>> No.15496078

Damn, thought you were using Miku's English voice bank.
Don't you think it'd stand out more if it was in English? Even the japs like English songs from time to time

>> No.15496105


>> No.15496151
File: 63 KB, 607x925, CgpRhPHU4AI1kuJ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not totally against it, but I don't care too much for miku's english. Plus it's harder to tune while her japanese voicebank sounds pretty good with minimal meddling. Then again, I don't know japanese. To be honest, I'm trying not to think about lyrics for now and concentrating on putting together a composition I'm actually satisfied with.

I was trying to go for more of a disco funk feel, but I can see the resemblance. In the future, I will try to steer away from electronica since the market is so saturated. However, it's difficult considering the artificial sound of VSTs.

>> No.15496178

Oh okay, well good luck, anon. Maybe you can find a Japanese lyricist online or something

>> No.15496215

Are you latino or that was a typo?

>> No.15496233

No, it's a genre and nakano was tagged as such

>> No.15496277

Yeah I didn't mean it's exactly like it.

Mostly similar vibes in the bass patterns.

>> No.15496299
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x1696, miku new year 48894798_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything it's a compliment if I sound anything like an actual producer at this point. I'm finding that it's easy to make little snippets that I like, but hard to combine it into something that sounds complete. I'll keep at it.

>> No.15496354
File: 429 KB, 560x420, 5850 - animated_gif megurine_luka the_bounce vocaloid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually get those tripe holds right the first time in FT?

>> No.15496427

Most of the time. The hard part is when you get into 8.5s and 9s, because the scroll speed on multis is like half speed compared to notes, it can be a pain to time a multi while also reading your notes.

>> No.15496711
File: 182 KB, 500x500, from Neverland ~Best of Nem~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. Spectacular tuning and well composed jazz-rock. What's not to like.

>> No.15496886

are any of the old producers still active? aside from lamaze and avtechno who shit out content like there's no tomorow

>> No.15496922

cosMo still does stuff

>> No.15496960

Are there any Western producers you guys like? Just curious if there's any decent ones.

>> No.15496964

This guy's pretty good

>> No.15496994

Porter Robinson ;^)

>> No.15497054

Steampianist is legitimately good, not just good in the lowering-the-bar-for-western-producers-because-they-need-the-handicap kinda way.

circusP is hit or miss. Some of his stuff is actually pretty good, but most of it's kinda just mediocre.

>> No.15497092

plantyP, too bad autists chased him out :^)

>> No.15497130

Nice one, anon! Gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for the pick-me-up.

>> No.15497137

How long until Deadmau5 drops his GUMI album?

>> No.15497234

Tokyo Elvis! Very cheery stuff. He has an album coming out at the end of the month that looks promising.


>> No.15497299

his mixing's pretty terrible desu

>> No.15497436

i genuinely like yzyx and yusukekira

>> No.15497444
File: 137 KB, 498x500, GHOST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top of my head is probably GHOST; aka Marz Mitzi and her other old names. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ5k-jf-8fzMGnpEy27X4DQ/videos
I like her art and her music, its not something I've really seen before and I find it rather unique.

However I must warn you that she is a massively unfunny, annoying, whiny dumblrite; so I suggest avoiding her twitter and what not if you don't want stupid shit shoved down your throat.

>> No.15497493

Yusukekira is very good. Great tuning, and their originals are also amazing. I didn't even know he/she wasn't Japanese until I looked it up.

>> No.15497850

Well he doesn't actually write the japanese lyrics, only english ones so I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually speak japanese anyway

>> No.15497916

Do you guys think Vocaloids would be more advanced by now if HAL didn't ruin talking computers for everyone?

>> No.15497926
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x688, [Daman] Bleach Movie 04- Hell Verse [1280x688_Blu_Ray_Dual_Audio][A27D6796].mkv_snapshot_01.27.49_[2013.02.17_01.03.10].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacement for Mikupa Tokyo 2011 is on AB
Replacement for Mikupa Sapporo 2011 is on Nyaa and AB

I really skimped on those originally.
I had more luck reducing the aliasing on Sapporo than Tokyo.

>> No.15498034

He could turn down the edge a bit.

>> No.15498115


>> No.15498357

what the hell happened to len?

>> No.15498365

too cheap for a wig

>> No.15498730

I only have their first release, since I don't buy from vocallective because fuck azure with a rusty glaive, but the music composition is so solid I was stunned. I didn't expect that level of competency from a westerner. And I still don't; I'm pretty sure they're an outlier.

So, I dunno if they got edgier with time or whatever, but as far as their first release, the lyrics are just kind of 'dark whimsical', like a softer kikuo almost, which I dig. It's possible they went full dark-n-edgy in later releases, though.

>> No.15498916

Those are just characters cosplaying in the anime

>> No.15498924

bait.jpg, especially with that song you picked. I honestly feel like cutting off my ears after listening to that.
Well at least this person knows how to make music.
Basically what >>15498034 has already said, this guy has gone full 3edgy. However, I really like this song. One of the few to actually have talent. https://youtu.be/8lxTj2_x9Lo


who? I'll check out their stuff since they seem to be active.

yzyx is pretty good as well.


Overall, only Porter Robinosn, 2 talented, 3 whos?, and 1 absolute shit. Not surprising at all.

>> No.15498934

New thread >>15498931

>> No.15498948

Whoops, forgot one
This guy makes Circus look talented, don't even bother unless you want super edge and the same chords over and over again.

That brings the total to 2 absolute shits.
