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15405387 No.15405387 [Reply] [Original]

What's next for Type-Moon? Mahoyo 2?

>> No.15405553
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>Mahoyo 2?

>> No.15405787

I'm a girl btw

>> No.15405832

More Fate/Grand Order.
It prints money. Why innovate?

(In order of probability) Still waiting on Tsukihime Remake, Mahoyo sequel, Girls' Work, something spearhorned by Hoshizora Meteor that's not Aprils Fools jokes or anime.

>> No.15406541

postu oppai

>> No.15419951

only the real old fags like mahoyo hh

>> No.15421356

I think they are doing a Tsukihime remake or something.

>> No.15421367
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Saber is not that tall. Not interested in fake things.

I only want the real one.

>> No.15421406

Oh god, Saber's dress and gloves! I want to cuddle her!

>> No.15421548


>> No.15435126


I want to love it. Aoko and Alice are great. Atmosphere is great.

But writing in the second half is a joke.

>> No.15435207
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Hopefully something good. The Nasuverse is bursting with potential, but it's all being pissed away on Grand Order and other boring shit.

>> No.15435459

fate/spinoff night #6643

>> No.15435485

If you had the opportunity to increase servant powerlevels, would you? NPs aside, I'm not talking about Saber swings her sword and destroys half the city, but more or less being able to pull that turbo shit she did in Hollow easily.

>> No.15435489


It's being wasted on Fateshit, literally the weakest series in T-M universe that got popular because it's legendary heroes pokemon. It's sad really.

But Nasu himself is incapable of even utilizing his setting properly. Reading that big interview about Mahoyo almost gave me cancer.

>> No.15435492


CCC and FGO already added ridiculous shit. Powerlevels will keep rising.

>> No.15435498
File: 569 KB, 1640x2318, yande.re 347425 fate_stay_night pantsu saber sakura_saber thighhighs type-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate/Stay Night remake with updated art and new additions + additional routes and characterizations that wasn't in the original.

I legitimately want this.

>> No.15435512


Not that fucking ridiculous. I'm talking small steps up the ladder.

Post it. Because from his Grand Order interview, he seems to know exactly what he's doing with his worlds. And I've yet to see anything that he's actually worked on that shows he's doing a shit job.

>> No.15435561
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>It's being wasted on Fateshit
You're pretty much right, but I still think there's a lot of mileage to be had from the Fate series. When Nasu elects to have outside talent inject their own ideas into the franchise, it's always pretty interesting at least.

I want more original series' though. For one, I'd like to see a series that explored the Clock Tower a lot more.

>> No.15435639

> Hahaha, seeming to be a weak main character, but turning out to be very strong, isn't that the golden rule cultivated by the light novel industry in the past 15 years?

Try to defend this hack.

>> No.15435693

What if instead of wasting time on all the Fate/spinoffs, Nasu just made a proper fucking Illya route?

>> No.15435739


No more fucking servants. We had enough of this shit.

Stories just about magi doing magi things are always better.

>> No.15435763


Thanks for putting into words why I think light novels are trash, Nasu

>> No.15442103
File: 758 KB, 1258x600, DLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the DLC will be real

>> No.15444073
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Kara_no_Kyoukai_-_Mirai_Fukuin_[BD][h264-720p_AAC][51F2633C].mkv_snapshot_01.02.21_[2016.06.24_03.15.17].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyways, Mahoyo 3 is supposed to happen in 2010 right? Does that mean it's going to be connected with the final Kara no Kyoukai movie? Will Mana appear?

>> No.15444167


I wouldn't dislike this.
