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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.15409840

First for Ribbon Girl sucks

>> No.15411239
File: 636 KB, 960x640, 069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Dark Cinderella the same girl as this one?

Because if so she's married and I want nothing to do with her.

>> No.15411619

>Love midriffs more than anyone
>Save every card with an exposed midriff
>There are so many that my deck is always out of space
Having your fetish catered to feels good but rip my space

>> No.15418315

>dead event
>dead thread


>> No.15418567

I've gotten 3 Arpa's in 14 kills. I wish I could always be this lucky

>> No.15420433

I got a premium summon ticket, but there's no premium summon anymore. What the hell?

>> No.15421744

i really need these arpas because I only have SR unleashers, but after around 40 kills the first time around and 24 kills this event, not a thing.

>> No.15421892

>ded gaem

>> No.15421941
File: 584 KB, 2400x1600, 3yearsofVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three years playing VC. Sometimes I think about quitting this game to play another one, but I haven't found a game that could replace it (I am playing CG SS and T7S, but they don't count)

I have played a lot of games with better art and/or gameplay, but I really like the art style of this game the best (AkkeyJin should be in more games) and the simple gameplay (nothing overcomplicated and not really an autofest, even if it kinda feels like one).

Now I am playing casually. That is enough to get to the top 1000 and get the events cards. That is more than enough for me.
Also, Mynet is adding and changing some things, but enough to keep me interested in this game.

>> No.15422707

I don't know about you but I wouldn't call top 1000 casual. But, I'm in your boat exactly right now. 3 years, top 3000, and all that jazz. Well said.

>> No.15422989

Sounds like me with White Cloth. I killed about 60 between the first two weeks and second not counting assists and got 0

Good luck nee-san

>> No.15424628

Bad thing is with these 3 arpa's is I have 2x balancer's (all ally skill unleash) UR's, though when I awaken one of these evo'd Arpa's ill try to awaken balancer I suppose.

>> No.15425550

I need more unleashers in general. Hammock Babe can only do so much before getting wrecked.

>> No.15425723

Send me an invite.

ID: awhly

>> No.15427046
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Jesus when?

>> No.15427060
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seriously, Jesus when?

>> No.15427787

I don't mind Ashikoki from this semen demon.

>> No.15428041


>> No.15432298
File: 261 KB, 571x800, VC Master Alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit around the time the 2nd kingdom you could customize was introduced, but I saw someone in another thread bring this game up so I decided to take a look at what's changed.

Since there are now URs and L/F(?) AWs in the game, have the older cards been powercreeped out?

In other words, would the better cards at the time still be good? Off the top of my head I remember really liking and using Gaia, Mammons, Liliths, and Snow White a lot.

>> No.15432457

>have the older cards been powercreeped out?

Short answer yes. Long answer.

The strongest card I had for a year was Ragnarok because she had 3 procs that were crits. About 3 months ago I was screwing around and remembered my old Ragranok with full attack and defense. So I put her into a party and went out to fight.

She was LAUGHABLY outclassed. Friend, it was painful. It's not even the same game it was way back then

You're kinda lucky though. You've got Snow White, she can be evolved to GSR which means she's not a total waste. You can give her an extra 5000 attack and defense if you can awaken her.

Honestly though, the only way you'll be competent again is send cards to your alliance/friends and have them kill them until you can collect some of the newer cards. Luckily the developers are still very good about giving away group buffers/ blockers/ and if you're lucky Arpa is available right now.

>> No.15432999

This fucking event I swear to god.

I've fought both Archwithes hundreds of times, and still haven't gotten them to drop from likeability. How the fuck are we supposed to get two of each?!

Does the FAW even drop herself or can you only get one from likeability, forcing you to amalgamate for a second?

Also, why the fuck would they give you a Premium Summon Ticket with progress point rewards when there is NO PREMIUM SUMMON ANYMORE.

God damn.

>> No.15433096

>Buhu bad RNG
Happens to all of us sometimes. FAW should drop from likeability as always.
Premium summon will be back at some point. They just removed it because there's like 5 summons without it right now. We don't really need more.

>> No.15433121

>FAW should drop from likeability as always.

I already got one from likeability. Does she drop herself as a reward outside of likeability? (in other words, is amalgamating the only way to get a second one?)

>> No.15433132

Check the event news, it says there. She should drop though.

>> No.15433445

yes she drops outside from likeability
i got one before i managed to fill the likeability up

>> No.15433531

Nice! I do not like the idea of farming the AWs just to amalgamate, seeing as how I need 2 of each and haven't even gotten 1 of either. I'll focus on grinding the FAW for now then.

If I don't get her, no biggie because Leader Zero is way better and I have her HUR. Though I would really just like to justify all the time I spent on this event by trying to GSR this FAW.

>> No.15434713


Yeah I need to make an effort to actually get her,

>> No.15435860

I have two complete HUR FAWs off the AWs and an HUR off of FAW drops and I even stopped fighting FAWs because i don't need them

>> No.15437407

Brutal event for me then.

At least I know its possible to get two FAW from her drops alone. I'll keep trying (for the next 7 days at least).

>> No.15437913

>>15433531 here

My second Dark Cinderella just dropped! Not only that, but I awakened her on my first try. She's now my first GUR! I've got two other GURs I've tried to awaken a dozen times each, but got her on the first try.

Now to level and amalgamate and I'll have my first "complete" GUR FAW, phew!

>> No.15439219

nice blog

when comes the part where you kill yourself?

>> No.15439451

once he gets to the part when for months nothing he´ll try to awake succeeds

>> No.15439461

That was my life up until today. And will continue to be for those two fucking HUR that refuse to awaken.

Why are you so assblasted about me being excited about this game? If you don't enjoy it anymore, stop playing. No need to display your jealousy and be a sourpuss. No wonder these threads are always dead, people like you probably ruined them for everyone years ago.

>> No.15439507

naja it´s not like these people weren´t here since the inception
meaning they probably didn´t ruin anything the people just got bored of the threads

>> No.15439557

Oh, ok. I lurked in these threads back when the game was new, but didn't start playing until earlier in the year. But he's the first rude dude I've seen.

>> No.15440403

So the new campaign lets us buy more Card Limit +5. How many more than before are they letting us buy?

>> No.15440420

Only 6 more, that means a maximum of 330 cards.

For collection, I am not sure since I could only buy 3 before running out of the jewels I was saving for castle lv11.

>> No.15440623

What is the best way to get those red siren areas? Is it repeatedly running 1.1? What is the fastest way? Also, what is the best or fastest way to encounter LAWs?

>> No.15441131

It's a random chance of getting a bonus area any time you complete an area. The most effective way is to repeatedly run 1-1. I have heard that defeating AW/LAW increases the chance of encountering a bonus area, but honestly I don't know if that's the truth. If you just run 1-1 regardless eventually you'll get the bonus area.

>> No.15441137

>assblasted about you being excited about the game

Not at all buddy, you can be excited all you want, its just that you need to shut the fuck up for a second, because people dont give a fuck about what you are going to farm, what the hell you are trying to awaken or what cards dropped for you and whatnot. If you are that "assblasted" about these threads being "dead", how about contributing something interesting instead of writing blogshit like "hey guys! x dropped for me today!"

Stop posting and off yourself

>> No.15441145

And what type of material are you expecting to be contributed to these threads that would be deemed worthy of your esteemed praise? Surely you must have something to contribute to this thread with a lowly 40 replies, aside from insulting people who want to discuss the game.

>> No.15441174

>And what type of material are you expecting to be contributed to these threads that would be deemed worthy of your esteemed praise?

At this rate its pretty much anything that isnt posted by you. And no, i do not have anything interesting to contribute at the moment, however, im not a ignorant piece of shit that is shitting up the thread by writing blog-like material that nobody cares about, except yourself. You know, they have a VC board on Reddit, maybe that might be a better place catered to your blogging needs. They probably wont hurt your little "feelings" over there.

>> No.15441201

you are kind of shitting up the thread anon. Most of us just ignore the blog posters.

>> No.15441319

Both of you please go.

>> No.15444009

spend jewels to heal and quit

Damn, I had to do that once I guess.

>> No.15444445

Killed over 60 White Cloths (besides assists) number I got, 0

Killed my 50th Arpa just now (besides assists) number I've gotten, 0

Seriously? Goddamn it, what the hell? What's the drop rate on these girls? Do I need to kill a thousand of them?

>> No.15444838

you must be severely lacking in luck seeing how i got an arpa after about 10 kills
>and you missed 15444444
a truly tragic occurence

>> No.15444876
File: 180 KB, 556x779, arpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I asked /wsr/ assuming a drop rate of 5% and hoping to get 2 GURs before the end of the event. Honestly though I'm hoping for even 1


>> No.15444890

>i can´t even imagine encountering over 200 laws

>> No.15444902

i wish you good luck getting that beauty

>> No.15444908

Which is why that anon with EIGHT GUR Hiragas (plus the 8 Hyper Alchemists necessary to support her) was fucking nuts.

>> No.15444924

naja maybe that anon was just really really really lucky

>> No.15445770

Is it cool if I ask a technical question? When not playing VC for several hours, do you close the application or let it run in the background?

I've read that study that showed that closing open apps when you're done doesn't save any battery life (as opposed running apps in the background), and can actually drain battery if you're always going into the phone task manager and closing things. But VC is the only bulky app I am constantly using so I've got nothing to compare it to really.

>another successful awakening today

I might be worthy of /jp/ alliance one day.

>> No.15445948
File: 88 KB, 718x388, 1456397956363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i remember correctly apps that are closed are only suspended ie no cpu cycles lost on them
and starting an app from the complete start would require the app be initialized which would most likely take more energy than keeping it suspended
>take it from me someone who uses blue stacks on pc

>> No.15446289

Did they recently change 1x RR to T2000? Mynet is enabling me to be even more lazy and just use a dozen keys to rank.

Farming HA was actually pretty easy. You could brute-force drops by just buying more EH keys. You could do the same with LAW but the results require more resources.

>> No.15446912

I think RR amount and ranking just depends on the event

>> No.15447238

For the longest time it's been 2x RR for T300 and 1x RR for T1000.

>> No.15447532

sounds like bullshit to me. or at least from my experience. I left vc on in the background one day on accident and left it charging in my car. When I came back, my phone was hot dick and only charged 2%.

>> No.15447741

No reason to shut down the app, just remember to go out of it. There should be no battery drain when it's suspended.

Gonna take a guess and say you are using an iPhone? You should stop doing that and stop blaming anything else.

>> No.15448380

>killing about 800 LAWs is easy!

yeah, no. Anyone who does that is nuts.

>> No.15449270

Not really. LAWs usually span two events. Let's say you do 50 LAWs each event for 100 overall. If you are in an active alliance with members who pull similar numbers, this is very doable.

In the end though it's all luck with RNG drops, but reaching target goals like 800 isn't difficult at all.

>> No.15449414

You only get 1 drop from alliance send LAW. Which would half your chances of getting one. Using the same math you would need twice as many from alliance members.

>> No.15449664

Are the special areas in Celestial Realm 2 worth finishing? So far i have S13-1/2 and S11 unlocked. Do you get any reward for finishing them all?

>> No.15449668

I don't know about a reward for finishing them all since I haven't gotten there yet, but you can get jewel by unlocking and clearing the extra castles, which is nice.

>> No.15450595
File: 294 KB, 640x896, Hades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get Hades. You can also get her from AW drops, so you aren't missing anything special.

>> No.15450611

My mistake. I didn't see you were talking about the special areas. So ignore this post

>> No.15452164

14 other active members in your alilance would net you the total 800 by yourself. You should probably find a decent alliance instead of complaining about your shitty situation.

>> No.15452297

How do you coordinate with your alliance to all be on at the same time?

>> No.15453456

The same way we coordinate AUB? Everyone is in JST.

>> No.15454166

Is it worth even bothering with setting up a twitter account? The only rewards I know of are friendship points. Do people need to see my posts or can I just post them on a random twitter account?

In short, connect to twitter y/n?

>> No.15454177

Yes, you get refill your BP once per day and you get 50 vit once per day as well. Not having a twitter connected is pretty dumb. I would connect a throwaway twitter account though, since you will be spamming it twice a day. It can also be used to move your account from one device to another if needed.

>> No.15454187

Is there any way to circumvent the "you look like a spambot, fuck you give us your phone number" act that twitter throws my way or is that just because I block javascript and such?

Thanks for the quick answer anon!

>> No.15455357
File: 1.71 MB, 1283x898, Arpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth to awaken Arpa, or just keep her at HUR?
People who actually tried using her GUR, do you regret it?

>> No.15456045

Not my question, sorry. How do you get everyone to agree to it?

>> No.15456095

you ask them nicely
there´s not much you can do besides talking to your fellow sisters

>> No.15456848

I think you and I have very different experience with alliances.

>> No.15457111

There's a very big difference between hardcore alliances that all log on at the same time and then spam LAWs and regular alliances where the members just play whenever they have time and just have fun. Most people don't have time to play a phone game for a couple of hours every day at a specific time.

>> No.15459949
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Granted this was my second and Oracle Chair took priority but damn, how long was it since her event?

>> No.15461301

What do you think about current ABB /jp/ ?
I keep getting empty panels and not matched numbers. Unlike the last event, it was easy to get stars and battle point. It seems the panels is rigged now.

>> No.15461511

>ABB starts at midnight my time
>Goes until 15
No normal person in my time zone would be able to participate at all, so my general perception of it is fuck you Nubee.

>> No.15462481
File: 734 KB, 933x575, 1451254677384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need two more vassago's
>get the one on my panel
>it changes to slime queen
this is truly infuriating

>> No.15463149


>> No.15463193

You realise that pretty much all of Europe uses the same timezone right?

>> No.15463655

Not really, no. Europe is that place over there that sometimes is in the news for things and nobody important cares much about

>> No.15464241

She's worth awakening if you need a single unleasher.
Why would you regret it?

>> No.15465640

She can unleash her own 2nd ability if awakened

>> No.15465854

Can unleash her own second ability. And attack only null is crap.

So all in all better to keep her HUR and dont add more RNG to RNG of unleashing. Most setups (2:2:1 + abusing null all proced unleashers) works on feededing unleashes where you want (buffer/multihiter)

>> No.15465874

Can you explain that 2:2:1 and feeding unleashes to where you want it?
Also, what's the best setup for "soloing" LAWs? Currently I have 3 unleash 1 buff 1 null all. This clears LAWs better than my 2 unleash 2 buff 1 HH...

>> No.15467236

For field LAW its
2 null all
2 unleashers
1 supper buffer

Top tier setup with 300/100 RR buffer and two cell oracles needs only 2 proc to hit damage cap on tap and burst. Thats with free cards 400/200 prem buffers hit also in 2 proc

Feeding unleashes works very simply with 2:2:1 setup, when you have 2 nulls up all unleashes will go to buffer. And then when you hit damage cap you wait till all nulls are down and have 66% chance to unleash nuller everytime. Works better than 3:1:1 which has 50% chance to unleash nuller. You get 3 less unleasher proc but they go more often to nullers.

As for MH for LAW, tried it, very random and in long run you make less. Yes there are some amazing vids of doing 2-3 MH on burst but this happens like in 20-30 fights aka not worth.

For non field law, 1 debuf 1 super buff 3 unleasher works nice, unless RNG screws you royaly you solo non field law with such setup in free fight.

>> No.15467531

Not the anon that asked the question but I appreciate your reply nonetheless. Would you mind clarifying something for me?

When you say:

>And then when you hit damage cap you wait till all nulls are down and have 66% chance to unleash nuller everytime

What do you mean by "wait till all nulls are down"

>> No.15468262
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>> No.15468271
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>> No.15468326

Not the anon YOU asked, but basically, after you hit damage cap, you wait untill both your nullers dont have their skills on standby, so when your unleasher procs, it will unleash one of the nullers with a 66% chance (2 out of 3 chances)

I found this team to do really good in LAW battles, getting around 40m per BP

1 AOE-DMG 4 Turn-skip
1 Super Buffer
3 Unleashers

>> No.15468762

Briefly looking at the new event, it looks like it's crap throughout. LAW's skill sucks and the Diva Mikas I can easily do without. RR not worth my time.

Or maybe it's just me since all my unleashers are Jeans, but still. Anyone want to convince me otherwise?

>> No.15468884

She's working well for me against LAWs. Getting 50m-60m per BP with her as an unleasher in a 2:2:1.
Attack-only null seems to take priority over null-all, so she saves my null-alls a couple procs to use against Fields.

>> No.15468912

How many shoes/keys would it take someone with no Salvo card to get get rank 1000 this event? I have maybe 30 of each and was wondering if this should be the event in try ranking in for the algamation card

>> No.15468977

Depends on what you can do in eh though

>> No.15469017

I suggest you join an active alliance too, you can get some free points from hunting law with them

>> No.15469024

60 million points will get you top 1000 generally.

Keep watch over your daily score once Elemental Hall opens to see if it's something within reach.

>> No.15469342

>looks at 2 Cel oracles
>4 normal unleasher oracles

Yeah since YOU dont have passion cards event sucks for you.

Overal free 300/300 buffer ? Awesome. Passion only but no problem.
400/400 for T1000, very generous.

I`m gona get rid of celestia and some HUR RRs from my passion EH teams.

RR is meh, LAW is horrible but great art. But FAW is top tier that is better than many premium cards.

Thing about 300% buffers and cell oracles is you hit damage/burst cap in 2 buffs.

Also good event for newbies even getting one HUR FAW will be very easy.

Oh and slots aka free gems/pst/slimes.

>> No.15469850

What Team are you using specifically? I'm interested, deciding on wether i should GUR my Arpas

>> No.15471117

I'm excited for the new event, only because this is my first idol-themed event (and I don't have that many GUR anyway, so now that I have a decent WG team I'm trying to get at least 1 GUR per event for my EH teams).

Too bad the FAW won't drop herself, but they give you plenty of ways to get Mika In Training so hopefully getting 8 won't be too hard.

>> No.15471153

Ganbatte man

>> No.15474284 [DELETED] 
File: 505 KB, 799x479, 2016-06-30-22-57-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here...

What the fuck is this bullshit??

Is this the power of RNG?

>> No.15474524

Go back to the beginner dungeon and get a 2nd griffin senpai. Free GSR

>> No.15474528

Dont enter witchgates if you are new player.

>> No.15474529

FAW does drop herself, got the SR and UR versions as drops today

>> No.15474796
File: 908 KB, 960x640, 012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, so close to perfect. Darn Jean

>> No.15475176

Huh, good to know. Doesn't say that in the News, only says that Mika In Training is a reward for the AW/FAW.

I've already got 4 Mika In Training. Don't wanna jinx myself but I feel like I'm gonna be "done" with this event quickly.

>> No.15475313

Dont worry, anon, just dont enter witch gates until you can easily beat up FAWs.

I made the same mistake when i started playing.

>> No.15475585
File: 344 KB, 960x640, 016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, confirmed.

>> No.15476334
File: 910 KB, 960x640, 020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye gods! One GSR Fortuna is awesome. Two is ridiculous.

>> No.15476367

three is even better

>> No.15477066

Whelp, just got enough Mika in Training and the SR Mika to make myself 2 Superstar Mika. This will be the quickest event GUR I've ever had. Maybe Mynet increased the drop rates to encourage more people to participate in EH for rankings to get the special amalg item?

>> No.15477377

Since when they increased limit from 300?

>> No.15477584

Trying to rank this event. I have 70 shoes and 60 swords. How many of each should I use farming keys, and how many should I save for EH?

>> No.15477712 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1030x582, 2016-07-01-23-58-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag back, so this random guy I added as a comrade came into one of my fights and helped out against an AW, do these people typically expect something back?
I have nothing to give him but my gratitude. He's probably the reason I won that fight in the first place. I visited his kingdom and gave him some friendship points.

I learned that the hard way. Anyway, I did what this anon suggested >>15474524

But, I feel like my deck is pretty shitty right now. I probably fucked it all up myself. I'm trying my best to get through the campaign before my vitality runs out (which is less than 30 minutes from now) but once I got to the Mecha Girls area I noticed I was barely doing any damage. I'm probably just gonna grind it out elsewhere for a bit and get my deck sorted ASAP. Pic related is my current main.

Can I see your guys's decks?

>> No.15477773

what rank are you aiming for?

>> No.15477855
File: 805 KB, 960x640, 024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My suggestion. Focus on your town for a week. Spend time only on 1-1 of the new event map so you have a chance at event cards.

Many of our decks are pure bananas but we have 2 1/2 years on you. Here's my Legendary Archwitch team.

It consists of Huang Long
Summer Oracle
Ballroom Hades
Hyper Alchemist
and Jean

I do not use this team for fighting campaigns, it is shit against campaigns. I have no AOE on this team.

>> No.15477881
File: 818 KB, 960x640, 025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Fantasy Archwitch team.

It consists of
Halloween Hades
Celestial Oracle
and Arpa

I also don't use it in campaigns. It is for multi hitting FAWs

>> No.15477915
File: 864 KB, 960x640, 026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My archwitch team. I use this only to level up cards and to grind friendship points. It all relies on Dark Succubus

because she gets 2x damage against archwitches. She is the simplest card to grind with archwitches because she needs absolutely no support and I don't care about points from archwitches. I also use her 'team' to clear campaigns because she taps for more damage than anything has except those rare keybats with 44,000 hp.

Her 'team' again rotates constantly between different cards I'm trying to level or fall in love. She is the only constant. I just got my second GSR Fortuna


>> No.15477949

Just rank 1000 for the GUR algamation

>> No.15477958
File: 919 KB, 960x640, 027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to rebuild my AOE team. But this is my team for Alliance Bingo Battle.

It consists of
Queen Succubus
Yuki Onna
and I just leave Jean there from my LAW team

I ALSO could use advice. I hear some people in my alliance talking about using Auto self buffers such as Speedster in their LAW teams and for the life of me I can't imagine how.

>> No.15477973

If you haven't yet, post your ID and join one of the /jp/ alliances, poking LAW and sending your AW/FAW will help you advance quickly

>> No.15478065

My recommendation then. Just use your free daily shoes every day and play 3 or 4 times each day until you run out of vitality. Focus on grinding through areas more than killing archwitches. Abandon them if you have to to get your grind finished before 11pm

Don't use shoes until EH opens. You should have about 15-20 keys by then already unless you have shitty luck. Top 1000 is usually around 60 million points. A consistent daily grind and free vitality can do that if you get 1.5-2 million points per brittle key.

If you feel you need more keys start using shoes after EH has opened. Adjust according to how many points you do on average each brittle key. You may need to use a ton of shoes but you may not. I think you should wait to find out once EH has opened.

That's my experience. Best of luck onee-chan.

>> No.15478355

Thanks, that sounds like a good idea, to just use them if I need them after EH opens

>> No.15478458

Is howling fenrir worth keeping or should I medal her?

>> No.15478614

But she's the long awaited free dark buffer :^)

>> No.15480560

Idk, SR Mika dropped 3 times for me in under 60 battles. Got an extra R Mika from the slots.

Either luck is too real right now, or they altered percentages or something.

>> No.15480654

>I hear some people in my alliance talking about using Auto self buffers such as Speedster in their LAW teams and for the life of me I can't imagine how.

What do you mean? It shouldnt be hard to figure it out? Some ideal team for a auto self-buffer would be:
Celestial Oracle x2
Any third unleasher
And the auto self-buffer

Having a team like this means you basically have 9 unleashers exclusively for your debuffer, since cards with auto self-buffer skills cannot be activated by a unleasher. If you are fighting a LAW that fields instead of using buffs, then switch the third unleasher with a nullifier. But is important to keep in mind: If you do this, then the nullifier can be "Nullify all non-attacking skills" only. Because if you take a nullifier that blocks everything, she will just eat through your procs.

The only downside with this is that you will only be able to use the awakening burst in battle with the auto-buff card, since all the other cards in your team remain unbuffed when you do this. Also, i havent tried something like this myself yet, but i guess it wouldnt be possible to 1BP a LAW with a team like this.

>> No.15481452

Ohhh, I had never considered that. Thank you so much.

>> No.15482648
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Probably altered percentages.

>> No.15483120 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1276x720, 2016-07-02-24-59-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get the hang of it. I'm spending time on 1-2 of the current event. I have an idea of how I want my deck to turn out too. I'm pretty big on Idols so I'm going for some Mikas but I've yet to get a single drop outside of my first initial one. I think after you get her a certain amount of times your percentage of getting another one lowers.

I prefer her R design/costume over her other forms. She's also probably my favorite card design out of all the ones I've seen so far. Mika is probably becoming my waifu.

OMG, that Halloween Hades looks adorable.

>Event specific card

Fucking. Kill. Me.

I haven't posted my ID. The current alliance I'm in is really nice, but they don't seem to be very active. What would the /jp/ alliance be? /jp/ 1.1?

>> No.15483130

There is also /jp/ Horizon

>> No.15483151 [DELETED] 
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I'll join in, hopefully I don't become a burden.

Also, post girls with glasses, I'm pretty big on them and I haven't run into much.

>> No.15484125

Good God, man. Are all of those FAW drops or amalgs from AW drops?

I was thinking of medaling all the extra Mika in Training's I have but maybe I'll make as many GUR as I can just to use in EH.

>> No.15484621 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 1277x720, 2016-07-03-25-60-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a regular summon.

...and I got a slime too!

>> No.15485053
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She is a cutie

>> No.15485269
File: 299 KB, 640x896, Heaven's_Gate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You were a Celestial Lord?
That's why you're in Heaven!"

>tfw we're all dead

>> No.15485622 [DELETED] 

What is a good way to get gold?

>> No.15485682

early on i´d say sell the goldgirl
i think that was her name
besides that selling n's in general i´d not recommend selling R's though except if you are really desperate

>> No.15485760


Dropped 4 times in 60 battles. Two were amalgamated.

>> No.15485775

How do you get more MIKA in training? I've only gotten 4 so far from the campaign map and progress points. Still need 4 more for a perfect HUR algamation

>> No.15485780

She's a reward from slots, a FAW and AW drop. I've gotten 7 total thus far in the event.

>> No.15485907

Should I just upgrade attack and defences for UR Caspiel? She's the first UR buffer I have. Though I know you should only upgrade once the card is HUR, I don't think I'll be getting a new one anytime soon..

>> No.15485980


I've gotten so god damn many from the slots. I need more space.

>> No.15486093

Yeah, I would.

>> No.15487538

I just downloaded rhe fame. Havent even opened it yet. What am i in for in 3 sentences or less?

>> No.15487572

The game*

>> No.15487968

Grinding witches
Grinding elemental hall
Grinding grinding grinding

>> No.15488180

Cute girls, grinding, and RNG frustration.

>> No.15488597

No need to maximize friendship before evolution right? Just level?

>> No.15488671

The only time you need to maximize friendship is before Amalgamation because the old card is lost and only if you're a collector who wants all the friendship events. It has no effect on stats.

>> No.15488682

Righty-o. Hey, cheers to you.

>> No.15489120
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is it possible to ever get a duel item girl again?
i accidentally medaled one and now i have a giant hole of sadness in my collection

>> No.15489143

Duel/Event R cards are occasionally recycled into future events/EH drops. Don't get your hopes up too much though.

>> No.15489228

Mirror Maiden R version is fairly easy to get

>> No.15489280
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Damn goes quite fast, two are perfect evo from Rs.

R drop rate is very nice.

>> No.15489281

i don´t have her anymore :(

>> No.15489289
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I want to fuck her in this position

>> No.15489365

Would it be worth it to change my team from:
GUR Eternal fortuna
GUR Celestial oracle
GUR Mika
HUR Lubu
SR Race Queen

To the same thing but replace Lu Bu with a HUR Mika? Or is 2 buffers too much?

>> No.15489392

What color panties do you think she wears?

>> No.15489445

The drop rate for Mika in Training is pretty fucking bad if you ask me. So far only 2 R drops from witches. I had to get the rest of them from slots.

>> No.15489510

She doesn't.

>> No.15489525
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>> No.15489783

What's better for points, easy or intermediate EH?

>> No.15489995

Easy for those of us who just want to spend as little time ranking as necessary. I ranked top 300 last event running easy because you can blow through 10 keys in less than an hour for 15-20 million points.

Intermediate and advanced just take too damned long.

>> No.15490080

Easy is better for points
Advanced is better for cards and awakening materials
As for intermediate, i guess i could say it is a balance between both

>> No.15490320

P-please respond guys

>> No.15490389

Use whatever you like, using Lubu will get you some more procs on your Race Queen, but i guess two Mikas should also work out pretty well. Two buffers is not too much, having three or more is.


>Has a GUR Eternal Fortuna but no UR blocker

>> No.15490716 [DELETED] 

Can I please for the love of god get a fucking Mika!!!

>> No.15491018

Wish I could send you some. I have enough to build a unit of nothing but HUR Mikas already. Between AW/FAW rewards and slots I keep getting them.

>> No.15492321
File: 355 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_2016-07-05-00-43-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Witch Hunt even noteworthy anymore? Especially in light of GSR/UR/GUR cards. Not to mention the fact that even getting multiples to upgrade is a chore involving a lot of ultimate summons.

My poor Succubus and Raphael are pretty much relegated to the "Well, that's neat to have." category of my cards.

>> No.15492366

I've been meaning to put my GSR Alien to use for months, I just haven't. I want to know if the Witch Hunt makes up for not being a GUR

Next time I have spare medals I'll look into it I swear.

>> No.15492396
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Calm your tits.

>> No.15492496
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After checking the wiki on it, the actual increase is like 50%. Which becomes noticeable if the card has a high base attack. I suppose if you have to resources to take a Witch Hunt card that can be awakened and evolve it perfectly it could become ok. It would still probably need to also have a unit element and rarity bonus to be worthwhile to have as a main attacker.

It seems like it would be less difficult to do something like with this Radiant Cinderella. +5% from an off element unit with differing rarities, +50% from a max skill level GSR High Vampire, and +16% from two level 4 Pagan Halls.

If I figure the +50% from High Vampire is the equivalent of Radiant Cinderella having Witch Hunt (granted from a second card rather than second skill) and then remove the 50% while keeping all the other bonuses, the blue attack + goes from 25467 down to 11626. A 13841 difference.

So unless I'm overlooking something in this, the Witch Hunts +50% would be noticeable and even worthwhile. But it heavily depends on the base stats that are being added to. The higher the attack, the more noticeable the gains from a percentage based increase.

>> No.15492931

Or you can use Oracle Chari (+50%) or Cel Oracle (+100% att) instead of vampires.

What is with people here always omitting good cards.

>> No.15492949
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I don't follow. Are you trying to see what Witch Hunt would be like on a GUR?

Dark Succubus. I use her on my team 3 with no support. She does 300k+ on her 300% attack, 70k on a normal tap (which is why I use her) and 999,999 on an extreme critical. She'll tap for 150k+ on awakening burst and about 450-500k on her 300% damage skills.

Too bad she's a random attacker, she's quite fun.

>> No.15493112

I wasn't intentionally omitting good cards. I was basing data simply on what I have. And I have neither of those cards you mentioned. Yes, I could still plug in the data, but I couldn't screen cap the finished product like I could with Radiant Cinderella.

>I don't follow. Are you trying to see what Witch Hunt would be like on a GUR?
No, I was simply using what I had on hand as a basis for determining if Witch Hunt was still something worthwhile to get on a card. And if it wasn't, a way to attempt to make it worthwhile. Granted this is all in theory, since I just don't have to resources , or just plain luck, to be able to do a ton of ultimate summons to properly evolve the 4 star High Succubus from an earlier post...
...to verify my findings first hand.
When I said "So unless I'm overlooking something in this, the Witch Hunts +50% would be noticeable and even worthwhile. But it heavily depends on the base stats that are being added to. The higher the attack, the more noticeable the gains from a percentage based increase." I was referring to the original SR cards with the Witch Hunt skill.

And to boil it all down. Witch Hunt on the current cards that possess the skill (all SR cards, only 13 of them, and 1 of which is a reverse evolution of one of the others), is largely pointless. EXCEPT if you actually can gather the multiples needed to properly evolve them, awaken them(considering they even have one), spend time upping their base atk with lost of forced atk cards. Even after all that you'd still have to use +% buildings and unit bonuses for element and rarity.

It's too much effort to do all that to make that extra +50% from Witch Hunt noticeable and worthwhile when there are much easier methods to achieve more damage than what a Witch Hunt card could do.

>> No.15493163
File: 669 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-07-05-11-29-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good card with which hunt is omoikane. And that`s to her beeing GSR buffer.

+50% (or 100% with role bonus from alliance) is nothing great now, since GSRs are caped at 25k attack.

Considering we have Hiragas (50% att def) and Oracles (100/50% att) that skills isnt something worth to care about.

Here two +100% cel oracles, 25% GUR unit bonus 10% passion unit bonus and two maxed shrines. This is how you stack bonuses.

>> No.15493189

You do realize that Witch Hunt skill wont show up in blue numbers since its DAMAGE increase not att+ like on vampires/hiragas/cel oracles and so on ....

>> No.15493239

Yes, I'm aware. My usage of and mention of +% atk cards was meant only as having something visibly comparable. I can take away and add the +50% by removing/adding the card with the passive and then be able to get an average on damage increased. I can't take away the Witch Hunt Skill to see the difference in amounts as easily. And I couldn't really use it against a non-witch card and then a witch card to get the numbers that way since the data would be skewed by differing defense mounts between a normal non-witch fight and an AW/FAW fight.

>> No.15493274

Hot damn, that is downright sexy.

>that skills isnt something worth to care about.

Which is the conclusion I've come to. Albeit in a rather long winded approach in an attempt to pin down some numbers to go with it.

I still think it's possibly, again with a lot of work and the right resources, to make some of the Witch Hunt cards -ok- against AWs and, it's more and more looking like a long shot, but FAW fights. But it isn't worth the time in doing so.

Essentially, the once prized 2nd skill is all but obsolete. It'd be nice though if MyNet/Nubee gave it a better increase than 50% and/or put it on some UR cards.

>> No.15493292

To add, I ended up with an Omoikane earlier out of LAW ultimate ticket drop. That's kind of what sparked the whole Witch Hunt skill in current play line of thought for me. But hell, my chances of actually getting another one to evolve with are rather depressing. Which is a shame since it has a decent active skill on top of being a cutie.

>> No.15493303

Does Mika in training also drop from FAWs? So far ive only gotten one drop from the AW.

>> No.15493379

SR mirror maiden is 600 rings from ABB
then again getting 600 rings should also give you UR for points and then 500 rings for second UR.

So yeah she is hard to get but LAWs do drop UST often enough to hope for second drop.

>> No.15493656

Yes, I believe so. She is a drop from FAW/AW according to the info about the event in the News page.

>> No.15494175
File: 557 KB, 2560x1600, kikurihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me three years to HSR Kikurihime...

Omoikane and Alien are pretty "common" for me. I got like five or six copies of them, but only one High Succubus.

>> No.15494388

My lack of good GUR cool cards suggests Alien would be well worth it for my cool EH teams. Cool just doesn't have the great cards Light and Passion do. Hell even dark got Atalanta.

But I hear you, I rarely do Cool EH. If I want rank points I'll grind another color.

>> No.15495204

So I already have a GUR AND HUR Mika, but I keep getting so many UR/SR/R versions still. Am I supposed to make more GUR/HUR or just medal them? There's SO MANY OF THEM.

>> No.15495496

If you already have 4 stable Elemental Hall teams, then you can start medalling. If you haven't, then keep a few extra in your collection. You never know when they are going to throw in some good passion UR cards in the event again. Nevertheless, you should definitely rank top 1000 to get the amalga material for a sweet 400% passion super buffer.

>> No.15496351
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I'm in love.

>> No.15498158

For 4 EH teams you are good with 8 HUR/GUR mikas. Or you going to be sorry when next good passion cards are out.
Just wait and save cards, obviously if event has something good (buffer, unleasher, multihiter) FARM HARD.

>> No.15498295

yeah, nobody does that but you.

>> No.15498325

That's like, more than half the game dude.

>tfw 2 and 1/4 Superstar Mika's
>haven't even gotten likeability drop yet

I will have at least 3 by the event's end. 4 is my prediction though.

>> No.15499532

My android just die, the game didn't save and reset, glad never use real money, well here we go again Akiba Red id: aytn3

>> No.15499957

didn´t you have it linked?
you can ask the support to get it back for you if you provide some infos

>> No.15499994

No, my bad for not using social media, even without friends should have linked for free gems

>> No.15500693

Free vit and bp everyday too

>> No.15500702

You can always make fake twitter too

>> No.15502031
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-07-07-05-05-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind Chime and Teaspoon damn my colection of FOREVER UR is growing.

>> No.15502438

>10 Tickets only got me 2 Managers
Oh well, atleast its better than 10 Rs i guess. 50% extra archwitch points also sounds alright, even though im not ranking this event.

>> No.15502934

Super start Mika found, here is no way to touch her, more if just start again playing

>> No.15506490

Well you should go for T1000 at least to get amalga item for 400/400 buffer.

Also one R short form 7th mika and 3rd perfect. Drop rate is great this event.

>> No.15508211

Eh? Isn't it 8 Mikas for 1 perfect GUR? I don't think you can make 3 with 8

>> No.15508267

If you believe hard enough, you can!

>> No.15508312

>fuck yes light day
>run through EH intermediate 4x and beginner 3x at lunch
>not one. fucking. L stone.

Passion day better not be as shit. I've got 3 Mika to awaken now.

What time during an event are you able to purchase awakening materials with maiden tickets? Is it only the last 48 hrs of an event?

>> No.15508760

Would it be a good idea to replace a herb wing (80% atk debuff) against a mildred (50% atk/def debuff) for LAW in a pure passion team? with a lubu and 2 unleashers

>> No.15508807

After 2 unleashes on my Herb Wing the LAW is done. After that she's eating procs for no reason. At that point 50% and 80% are basically the same thing. I can't see why Mildred would be a bad idea especially if your team is passion already

>> No.15510491
File: 656 KB, 960x640, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that last number for? And don't tell me it was what I made yesterday. I did not make 20 million points using 5 keys on a Cool day.

>> No.15511294

Its a VERY bad idea
Unless she buffs back and you have to kill her attack more. Not to mention you will need 3-4 proc on mildred to get into comfort zone when LAW crits stops to be dangerous.

For measly 5% attack more its NOT worth it.
80% is safer , faster to shut down LAW.

>> No.15511307
File: 873 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-07-08-15-21-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wat, obviously its 8 for perfect, but drop rate its very nice.
Here 3 perfect mikas othe 4 are mixed.

>> No.15512116

>All GUR
How many orbs?

>> No.15512233

>having that many awakening materials

Please share your secrets with us Wizard-sama

>> No.15513244

Then the person obviously did not have 7 R Mikas but 23

>> No.15513735

The person you're talking to is nuts. I'm in the top 700 and I have less than 10. They must be top 20 and likely do so every other event. I don't doubt at all they grind between 40 and 60 hours a week.

>> No.15516667
File: 844 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-07-07-15-18-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like 30 or less, still have 30 left. Easy to farm 5-10 per passion EH day, not even bothered with making orb lab. But was saving them up after doing Oracles, still have Lu Bu and Rouge waiting to get GUR but as usless they are better to save orbs for something usefull like current faw.
Grind EH on days you need orbs most, dont listen to people saying to do beginners or intermediate. AEH is where the drops are.
Reading comprehension CAN YOU DO IT MOTHERFUCKER. One short from 3rd perfect two other were done at start of event.
Was siting at 150ish whole event and just busted EH crunch to get T90 for mid. Whole 50m grind took me 4hs.
40-60h per week are YOU nuts ? 2-3h per day at max to keep around 200~~ before EH then just like 2-3 burst for 30-50m in 3-4hs and done.
On light day i do around 16-18m per hour of EH. Less on passion since overkills are bit lower. Its all about having good teams and knowing what you are doing.

20 every event, give me a break even T50 is serious dent to your resources and not worth it. Only events worth burning are the ones with good FAW/LAW like this one or Cel Oracle. Other than that just chilling in t300 without burning up stuff.

Here whole 4hs of grinding in EH for 50m.

>> No.15519009

Buh? How do you get that many Mikas just grinding 2 hours a day? I grind 2 hours a day and I just got my 8th R Mika this morning. Any more and I would just run out of shoes anyway.

How did you do it?

>> No.15520960

>top 300 is chilling
Listen we don't get that many shoes. You get that many BECAUSE YOU RANK. It is cyclical, a catch 22. We aren't stupid, we know how many shoes it takes to get the keys we need to even earn top 1000. You clearly have way more than any of us because you get them from ranking.

You are telling us to use the cards and shoes we need to rank we got from ranking. Your advice is toxic because it only applies to yourself

>> No.15521230

You dont need shoes. All you need is proper overkill team and with 1-1 walk you just need few swords. T300 is literally killing free BP and vit with throwing some extra swords. 70k FAW 28-30k AW kills do the job. With good FAW/AW team and one strong day in EH you dont need even to spam shoes for keys to get T1000.

I do love when people that never ranked think they have idea how to rank and how many resouces it takes.

PS. Only thing toxic here i see is your saltiness.

1-1 walk , 30k for AW 70k for FAW. No need to use shoes.

>> No.15521463

Dang, I have no multihitter so I only get like 13k for AW and 55k for FAW

>> No.15521745

No amalga for Oracle Ascendant?

>> No.15522132

It's a reissued FAW IIRC so why would there be?

>> No.15522149

Because the droprate in witch gates is too trashy to get anything at all, and you can forget about the thought of seeing ANY UR card in the EH panels.

>> No.15522573

But I got her in EH...medal'd that bitch

>> No.15522601

Alright I finally feel as though I have enough GUR/GSR to not be embarrassed.

May I ask for an invite to the /jp/ alliance? My ID is apf65

If you'd prefer that I request to join instead, just let me know.

>> No.15522939

So has anyone had a R mika drop from arch witches? Just wondering if it was possible because 1 1/2 weeks now and not one single drop.

>> No.15522959

i think i had one back at the start of the event

>> No.15523059

so you can get it, ok thanks anon.

>> No.15523362

Got like 3-4 from AW and rest was pp/map/slots. With like 26rs in total. Seems slots are best way to get Rs.

>> No.15523418

It's time for another fail three 35% awaken tries and get nothing but bronze chests with n cards during my whole chance time episode

>> No.15523427

I agree with you here. I am in the T300 every event with just around 2 hours of grinding per day as a free player with no point boosters. I have gone multiple events in T300 without using a single shoe and sword, so for those of you saying that you need a lot of items/resources to rank, that is simply not true.

>> No.15523517

it´s only not true if you already have the cards needed for getting a proper overkill
everyone else will struggle to stay around 1k at best

>> No.15523768

For those who T300 regularly, how do you manage to keep up during the last few days? Usually when there are 2-3 days left before the event ends i am around rank 290, but it is also at the same moment i run out of EH keys. And in the end i just slip out to 500-600 by the time the timer reaches zero. What should i do in this case? Buy more keys or just burn away lots of shoes in the hope of getting some bonus areas to farm for some more keys?

>> No.15523974

Thanks for the invite! I've added myself to the spreadsheet.

>> No.15524019

4 more Mikas in training, let's fucking go

>> No.15525011

Just get as many keys as you can through bonus areas. Once EH opens, BP tends to deplete faster, so use your remaining vit and daily castle refills to continue stocking up on keys.

>> No.15525136

Use those awakening arcana onee san

>> No.15526954

Actually I slack last few days. Its easier when you have one stronger element for EH and farm points with it. I dont even do EH on cool/dark , most keys are burned on Light (hiraga so crazy OP) and bit on passion to get orbs.

Also 260-300 is god damn danger zone prone to last day crazy HAMs. Like today its light day and people will bum rush. Its good to hover around 150-220, this range gets less point rush in last days.

You need to farm more keys before mid ranking, I noticed BA/key drops seems to get lower when EH opens. Buying keys is option but if you have shoes do BAs.

If you missed all Hiraga, HH and Heroic Gilga then you are not playing this game.

HH was so god damn easy to get and for good FAW/AW team you need just one.

>> No.15527026

it´s less about missing but more about joining to late
i joined at about the end of gilga and Hiraga plain never dropped for me
i mean since i have a proper team i´m able to get all FAWs but the only multi hitter that came since back then was Bellona

>> No.15528679

Same senpai, I joined near the end of hiraga and it's pretty hard ranking with no multihitter. I'm around 500 right now for this event but could be so much higher if I had a multihitter ;_;

>> No.15529803
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>> No.15529841

Close the game and update it

>> No.15530488

I'm getting the same error and I don't see any updates

>> No.15530812

It was fixed with an update and free 100 gems, but the error is back

>> No.15530884

I never got the error and I never got any gems. Just logged in 5 min ago. I was prompted to restart the app and install/update whatever from the load screen, but it wasn't a true version update like from a few days ago.

>> No.15531382

I kind of hope next event will be lame, because i really need a break

>> No.15532109

>event ending soon
>suddenly 4 keys

WHY does every enemy in the BA decide to drop a key now that it's crunch time?! So much for a comfy evening, I'll be grinding away tonight. Can't waste 'em if I got 'em.

>> No.15533223

whats the score near the t1000?
im sitting at 1595... Is it too late for me to burst to 1000? I got no point boosters but I HH

>> No.15533252


>> No.15533300

Are you kidding me t300 is supposedly 133m

>> No.15533772

I think that's 500, cus I'm around 600 with 80m

>> No.15533871

Welp, either way I don't think I'm getting that 400% idol which everyone said to get...
Got too lazy lol

>> No.15534769

New event is quite nice, hyper noobz is back.
New FAW and her skillset will generate lots of tears.

Looking quite solid.

>> No.15534771

It's already over but I had 75 million and was at 750

>> No.15534804

Yeah that's what I'd expected
Should've pulled an all nighter for her heart
New FAW with 250% atk/def. Power creep over all the traditional 200 buffers?

>> No.15534829

I hope that 72 million was enough for top 1000.

>> No.15534845

Bit improvement you still need 3 buffs for max burst damage. Only 300 buffers or higher with celestias do that in 2 buffs.

Also looking at shell drop rate and 5 for AW only and rare 50/400 from FAW she will be quite hard to get.

>> No.15535046
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it cool to ask for comrades here? have about 100+ vacant spots, and this event calls for sends given the split FAW spawn chance

code: aatre

>> No.15535421

Still 3 buffs?
Then, if anything, imma aim for more unleasher alchemists then. Unleasher is life.

>> No.15535426
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>No Summer Oracle in Witch Gate

>> No.15535556

>Also looking at shell drop rate and 5 for AW only

Mind if I ask you to elaborate on what this means? Also...

>and rare 50/400 from FAW she will be quite hard to get.

does this mean that the AW drop rate is 50 for every 400?

Sorry for being retarded.

>> No.15535568

n/m just realized what the shell thing meant. Would appreciate your clarification on the second point through!

>> No.15535801

>field reset
These FAWs are a bitch.

>> No.15535872

She only has a limit of 3 resurrects, also, she cant do shit if you have a debuffer. It isnt that bad.

>> No.15536000
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Art by Pooh

>> No.15536070

I don't think if using debuffer will be effective, once I got my debuff removed by the field reset on next turn. Then her minions proc null all, rip my LAW set. Crazy rng I guess.

>> No.15536083

AW drops 5 sheels
Alch Faw drops 50 and 400 shells

But overall shell drop rate is low.

Ya with maxed stats/shrines and so on. Tho its decent card to get too since she is non element based. Getting one is good idea.

And yeah I`m giving hyper noob priority need 2 more to make all my light teams cookie cuter.

>> No.15536106


Summer Alchemist is pretty tough. I was feeling good about my FAW killing team... Oh well, it's good to add more challenges to the game. I bet people who have been playing for years will appreciate it.

>> No.15536233

Ya I had to acctualy come with new strategy to kill her with my current team and thinking about changing it.

She is challenging in good way, not cheat-level challenge but just forces you to readjust and adapt to new enemy.

As for shells i did close to 6m points and only have 800 (one 400 drop two 50 and some for area completion). WG drop 5-15 at end which is sad, but it seems after few WGs that witches inside have higher shell drop rate.

>> No.15536698

Just join one of then /jp/ alliances senpai

>> No.15536728

Does anyone have any of the new FAW yet? Was wondering if the skills only heal alive cards or if it resurrects dead cards too like the lvl 500 FAW

>> No.15536744

Im in one that I'm helping level/find LAWs for atm, maybe in the near future tho

>> No.15536770

it only heals card still on the field, it doesn't have the same skill ass Summer Alch.

>> No.15537310

Horizon still has no room. Alliance 1.1 may though. I only remove people who aren't active after 10 days so we may or may not have room in a week.

>> No.15538184

how active are these alliances?

>> No.15539276

Horizon has someone on pretty much all times of the day or night. We have no requirement for activity other than logging in once every 10 days. We have typically 3-4 people rank every event.

>> No.15539587

Plenty of LAW too

>> No.15541361

Since this is a two FAW event I have a question:

If I fight the AW and Summer Oracle appears, and I choose not to fight, will the other FAW not appear until Summer Oracle is either defeated or time runs out?

I want to focus on fighting the FAW that drops based on likability, and I'm not sure how to ensure I encounter her.

The last event that had two FAW had likability ratings for both. I haven't participated in an event like this where only one has a likability rating.

>> No.15541604

If you have one faw up other wont apear.
Also you WANT to fight summer alchemist (not oracle..) since she drops 50 and 400 shells.

>> No.15547266

is she the only one who drops 400 shells?

Also what is everyone's total shell count? 3.8k here

>> No.15547628


>is she the only one who drops 400 shells?

I have 3.1k shell.

>> No.15548210

Normal AW and FAW drop 5
Alchemist drops 50 and 400.

4850 shells and about to get 200 for PP.

Going nice so far, going to wait with buying alch since you get two copies for T100. Saving 6k shells there alone.

10k for fours scrolls and rest will go into UST.

>> No.15548657

nice, I'll probably have trouble keeping up a T300 rank in the future since my FAWS aren't that active anymore probably gonna spend a few bucks on a few boots and swords until EH.

>> No.15548743

How to rank T100?

>> No.15549532

>only 5 drops for AW
>only 2 hearts on Poseidon
>only 1400 shells
>haven't encountered a single fucking bonus area

I hate this event. Hope my luck gets better towards the end like it did with the Stolas Sisters event.

>> No.15549744

Before EH: Trade FAWs, gather keys
During EH: Use all your keys

>> No.15549831

FAW trading is dead, or you mean kill sends. No one trades after 1BP FAW change.

For T100 you need both time and resources and most of all competent FAW , LAW and EH teams.

T300 is easier , T100 gets even nasty for me with HH/Hiraga teams.

Also this event its not so important to get T300 since that heal skill on alchemist isnt deal breaker. Her beeing 250/250 non element buffer is nice. Tho bit redundant if you got few copies of last event FAW (for passion teams) but for mixed teams she will be great.

>> No.15549839

What did we just download? It included card images.

>> No.15550009

You're right that there is considerably less trading ever since they made the 1 BP FAW change, but I wouldn't say that trading is dead. In fact, the majority of T100 right now are pretty good traders. You only need about 10-20 reliable traders to be flooded with sends all day, since most traders are rankers.

>> No.15550277

Rankers (100/300) from my ally just rely on senders that need stuff killed. I have few old school rankers on list and they dont trade.

Unless you are mistaking trading with sending.

Now 10-20 reiable SENDERS is nice thing to have.

>> No.15552825

How do I trade?

Also how that fuck are people getting 100 mill+ witch points jesus christ the amount of money or luck or friends to pull that much...

>> No.15554729

What's everyone gonna spend their seashells on?

For me the only goal is getting a second Fenrir. After that, I doubt I'll have enough to buy Alchemist or anything else so I might just splurge on awakening materials since I have a lot of sad HUR's and almost no L stones.

>> No.15556019
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Woah, they drop 400s

>> No.15557327

Any traders on right now? Looking for a couple new people to trade FAW with and to those of you that don't know how to >>15552825 you just hit your FAW to a certain point and press flee. Then you send it to whoever you are trading with.

I'm on most of the time so expect a nice stream of FAW as long as you do the same.

>> No.15557358
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This has to be the worst change from SR to HSR in the history of this game

>> No.15558143

I am not trading (Although I will send the occasional Alchemist that fails to die) but you may have a chance to find traders if you post your ID

mine is 5b00r
I'll send you the occasional Alchemist but I haven't been a trader since the invention of Elemental Hall

>> No.15558331

Send FAWs with full HP to other traders (attack servants for 5 turns and then flee). The traders will then send full HP FAWs back to you. You can potentially get 5 FAWs sent back to you for every FAW you send out, and this is not including ones from your alliance.

>> No.15559751
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Bullshit. BULL SHIT

I work hard for her to love me for this?

>> No.15559785
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You have to accept it
we have failed her she will never love us since we only gave her a bronze armour

>> No.15561788

am I supposed to kill the FAW they send to me? Because the trader might have sent the FAW to other people

>> No.15562052

Yes, you should kill the FAWs that get sent to you, otherwise you'd be mistaken as a sender. You can change your username to put in statuses so your comrades know when to not send you FAWs. I normally try to send back any FAWs that get sent to me whether I attack them or not. However, with EH opening today, there will be little to no trading for the remainder of the event.

>> No.15562061

What's your ID?

>> No.15563893
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this event is going quite nice just as i am thinking if i should spend my shells on fenrir or alchemist i get this

>> No.15564208

Congrats nee-san!

>> No.15564301
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Fuck yeah.

No luck with this event though, a single sr drop and that is about it for me.

>> No.15564653

They've changed EH. Servants now have an unlimited number of skill nullification. About 5 times today already I've failed to get Hiiraga off at all because it's one set of nulls after another.

Points just took a crash.

>> No.15564689

I noticed this too.

Has anyone else noticed the occurrence of BAs is really low this event? I don't know if I'm just having that much shitty luck or what. Last event I had 24 keys before EH without even trying. This event I had to stay up late playing for the last few nights just to eek out 12 keys total. Blech.

>> No.15564731

It may be your luck nee-san. I got 30 keys without hardly trying. Just normally playing and free shoes at 10:00

>> No.15564763

It feels like its on the lower side today, but not too much. I guess its just me. Aside from that, i think the rewards of LAWs have been getting worse since Fenrir has been here. I have not even been getting SRs from killing them. However, i think the occurrence of LAWs has been increased by alot. I have been getting LAWs left and right since last event. Maybe they decided to just switch things up by lowering the drop rate of LAWs and increasing the appearance by a bit.

Might be just me though, looking at >>15563893

>> No.15568860

>2600 shells
>only 9 keys

I just want another Fenrir. I feel like it's not gonna happen. My luck has been poop for this event.

Oh well, on the bright side I may be able to get enough L stones to awaken the last two Mika's.

>> No.15573884
File: 197 KB, 970x845, per encounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beginner sucks
>nobody does beginner
>you get more points with higher grade

I can't believe I listened to you guys. Think of all the points I lost because I thought you were right. I have Neptune so the points are a higher but it's irrelevant because her percentage is the same either way.

Although to be fair I am pretty stupid for not checking the numbers sooner. It was the new infinite nulls that servants get that compelled me.

Don't believe me? Pull out a spreadsheet and check for yourself. Per Encounter is not per key because you can get anywhere from 1-5 encounters per key. So go ahead and check your numbers.

>> No.15574111

>that data sample size

yeah completely legit not prone to statistical error at all

Burn 50 keys on each and we can talk.

Also beginners is NO DROPS at all.

Now light day got screwed due to inf nullers but still if you have passion teams with HH/Gil you clear in 10-15s and get solid 200-300k points per encounter without booster.

>> No.15574772

I knew that was going to be the first response. You're not making up a 28% difference in point total by increasing the sample size. Except for the 1 fight where my proc never went off for Gilgamesh my best intermediate fight was worse than my worst beginner.

Just run the numbers yourself. Show me what you get.

>> No.15574871

Pretty sure everyone has always said beginner is better for points. Intermediate and advanced is only if you want drops along with your points, which most people do.

>> No.15575013

It looks like I'm not gonna make it to 6,000 shells.

What would be the wisest thing to spend my shells on (don't need Fenrir)? Should I just buy up as many summon tix as I can?

>> No.15575231

I can agree with that

>> No.15575304

You get a free Summer Oracle for top 3000. Can you make it to top 3000? Then you only need 3000 for the second.

>> No.15576106

You do realize you run setup which includes point booster.
You get two rounds which one is boosted vs 4 rounds where ONE is boosted.

GEEE I WONDER why you get more overall points per BP in beginners.

Actually two point booster on 4 rounds would make points very close to each other.

Congratulations, you just proved that AEH gives as good points and way better drops. Good job there mate.

>> No.15576223

>having two point boosters is better than having one

Yeah no shit. If you don't have point boosters mind running the math for us? Best way to win this argument is do the math.

>> No.15577332

I'm the unlucky anon who only got 9 keys. I managed to get 5 more from grinding on Dark day but spent them all yesterday since I have Miku's to awaken. So at this point I'm out of keys and not too hopeful about ranking T3000 (was there as of yesterday....)

>> No.15577442


I can help you rank. What's your ID?

>> No.15577491

One point booster with 2 teams should give roughly 25% more points than one booster with 4 teams.

Surprise with such small data sample its 28% so all in realm of statistical error. Simply put that guy just proved that AEH gives as good points with more drops.

>> No.15578030

Thanks. ID is apf65

I'm heading out in a bit but later tonight I'll be farming keys exclusively so lots of FAW/LAW to trade while I do that.

>> No.15579536

What's the fastest way to level UR's? I have a ton of drum majors ready to defend me in Alliance battles and a shit ton of orbs to awaken them with.

>> No.15579652

Slime Queens and the 2x EXP and Guaranteed great success cards.

>> No.15581997

I'm not going to take opinions. I'm going to take numbers. Until you provide the numbers I won't believe you. Right now I have a point booster. I will not jeopardize my rank to check. That's why I asked you to check for me.

If you are right, then we've learned that if ever you get a point booster you need to do beginner for most points.

>> No.15583358

I have so many useless SR's in my present box I don't know whether to medal them or use them as exp. Has there been an event in the past where they take a random SR and updated it so that you can Amalgamate it into a new UR?

>> No.15583822
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Well it depends on your goals for playing. I like the useless STs as much as any other because I want their love.

>> No.15583853

Oh I do that as well, I have Hakutaku and a few others since I like how they look.

Which card is that?

>> No.15583856

Nubee did an election to give the 10 top cards awakening. Old SR cards like Lilim, Snow White and Yuki Onna got their "G". But people obviously voted for the event UR that didn't get awakening, like William or Jack o´Lantern.

Now all of the SR/UR get awakening, with exception of the event SR.
I don't think there will be a new election.
