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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 400x600, pamyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15359715 No.15359715 [Reply] [Original]

How did this girl accomplish so much while being still so young?

>> No.15359765

She accomplished so much because she was still so young.

>> No.15359821

By succ

>> No.15359984

Nakata is the one who had accomplished it though.
Without him, she'd be just a quirky model, not internationally famous.

>> No.15360051

she is an old hag now.

>> No.15360080
File: 78 KB, 480x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys consider Kyary pretty?

>> No.15360118

Didn't Nakata just make her songs famous? She had going some great fashion business even before.

>> No.15360580

>Didn't Nakata just make her songs famous?
She would have no songs without him,
and she was a model before him, but without the Music she would never has become as famous.

>> No.15360610

She had music before Nakata, so that is a blatant lie as she would still have her first two songs.

>> No.15360642

i would allow her to slob on my knob like corn on the cob

>> No.15362086
File: 323 KB, 2035x1273, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Hitler

>> No.15369753

I'm still trying to decide.

>> No.15370633
File: 35 KB, 629x303, ss (2016-06-09 at 11.45.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how deep does it go?

>> No.15371884


>> No.15379738

Well, it's not really recognized by mainstream media, but she did gravure as a young girl.

Very disdurbing.

There are many idols who sold out or were sold out by their parents at a young age in a promise or contract to launch future careers.

This is one reason why she is so acomplished.

Another thing is though that it seems she's an idol being used by American banking and music industry to really pushed the new age agenda for the first time in Japan's music industry.

Personally I don't see her music as influential in this whole new age music industry but the accusations have been flung at her just like they are with baby metal.

That said in Otaku magazine 2014 she had an interview where she said all of her "strength" comes from the taro cards that her "friend" often reads to her. This is occultism.
This could be a reason for her continual success; they push it and garuantee it.

I look at cult symbolizm in media and I think it's a huge stretch to call pamyupamyu an agent of the new age music industry.

>> No.15382094

>gravure as young girl
I agree, that's how things work in idol business unfortunately
>new age agenda
You just went full retard

>> No.15382145

The Virgin Mary was 12 years old when she gave birth to Jesus

>> No.15382485
File: 122 KB, 1280x960, ky867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say that

>> No.15382559


>> No.15385855

I beleive she was 14 at his birth anon.
She was 13 at conception.
It's a real moment and often talked about in many circles. I reccomend the documentary They Sold their Souls to rock and roll. It's Christian based, but honestly it is just so in your face at exposing kabalists/Stanislas in the music industry that it's undeniable that there is an agenda even if you don't have any faith base.

Just look at Baby metal. It's not a gimick. Kids are turned onto these things and explore them. Harry Potter is a prime example of kids growing up exploring dark magic.

Like it or not pamyupamyu practices occult practices. She admitted it.

>> No.15385884

What do you mean by "new age music industry"?

>> No.15386085


Go away PMRC.

>> No.15386887

Hate to break it to you, but magic isn't real.

>> No.15387144

>pon pon pon
>and forced marketing

>> No.15387313

what's wrong with occult practices?

>> No.15388065

It's paganism and you're promoting it in a Christian board.

>> No.15388121

shes pretty cute if you ask me

>> No.15388127

there's nothing wrong with paganism.

>> No.15390166

Surprised there's a thread pertaining to her seeing how most of /jp/ hates her.

have any of you bought her best album for the giant face?

>> No.15390233

yes i sleep next to it ^_^

>> No.15390431

you, I like you senpai

>> No.15390455

Hahahaha you fucking retard.

>> No.15391008

Who is going to any of her lives for her 5 year anniversary tour?

>> No.15391032

She's going on a 5 year long anniversary your? Send

>> No.15391413


>> No.15391441

I am! I get to meet her and have a picture taken!

>> No.15391609

Going to the London one

>> No.15391772

>japanese standards
>brazilian standards
6/10 at best

>> No.15393673

Oh sweet, how did you managed to earn that?

>> No.15393925

Likely more western-friendly musical acts ala her or Babymetal which then means more western interest in Japan in general. Maybe that just means Japan recognizing new markets for once or you can go full-/pol/ and say that DA JOOZ are using this to backdoor in their multicultural reforms (remember Miss Japan talking about how, god willing, the Japanese race would be extinct in a century or two replaced by a mixed-race society?).

>> No.15393995

You can't have one without the other. Kyary is unique because she's authentic.

>> No.15394058

>Miss Japan talking about how, god willing, the Japanese race would be extinct in a century or two replaced by a mixed-race society?).


>> No.15394240


I honestly don't trust this info. She claimed she was called a nigger and that she's received support from (Get this) South Korea of all places.

This sounds like more Western propaganda. Reminds me off westerners reporting on Fukushima.

>> No.15394307

I didn't see that anywhere but whoever said that is lying. Honestly I think all she said was "boy sure sucks being born here but not being considered entirely Japanese by some people" and people have been stretching it as far as they can for over a year now.

I still can't believe how blown out of proportion this shit got. The original "criticisms" were from like 4 random profile pic-less Japanese twitter accounts. Other than that, all they really had to report was that she had some run of the mill Japanese public school bullying and like 2 fucking people saying "nah, we need a 100% Japanese beauty queen!" and god knows how many people they had to ask before they were able to pull those quotes.

>> No.15394321

VIP pass!

>> No.15394324
File: 156 KB, 640x427, news_1394095808_gallery_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to her show in Chicago on in 2014 when she was doing her Nanda Collection World Tour. It was real awesome, I bought meet and greet tickets so I got to get my picture taken with her. This is the picture they took at the end of the show.

>> No.15394325 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 600x800, LCHTIst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty disturbing.

Anyway, as hard as it is to admit, I really like her music and her crazy fashion sense.

>> No.15394949

Lucky, which show are you going to? I'm going to see her at Budokan.

More disturbing when you think about the
fact that her parents had to write consent for

>> No.15394973

What's the differences between forced marketing and regular marketing?

>> No.15394989

I guess he meant guerrilla/viral/shilling marketing when he said "forced".

>> No.15395036

"Forced marking" is stealth marketing and payola to get raving reviews from easily corruptible journals, basically.

>> No.15405535

I'm really jealous of you, I should've gone and seen her when she was around as well.

>> No.15405594

Yeah, well maybe next time you won't be such a faggot, eh?

>> No.15406408

Forgive me senpai
