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File: 150 KB, 650x590, 1459906395379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15363865 No.15363865 [Reply] [Original]

Mindflayers just want to help.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15363868

But I don't need help. I'm fine. All is well.

>> No.15363871

I love Mindflayers

>> No.15363873
File: 130 KB, 707x1000, Current Thread 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15363877

Hello little Phoenix. This is your life now.

>> No.15363879

Holy shit, that last thread dragged on forever.

>> No.15363882 [DELETED] 

I hate Mindflayers.

>> No.15363884
File: 779 KB, 800x1000, 992350557dde9ba1aafd505d4f34b415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats that are neither fat or itty bitty are ________.

>> No.15363885


>> No.15363886


>> No.15363887

The best cat breasts

>> No.15363888


>> No.15363890
File: 266 KB, 1114x1450, tumblr_o16z4g9iwr1r8ououo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orcas are big and fit and will protect you from those nasty dolphins.

>> No.15363891
File: 116 KB, 476x476, 1456481847500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please take it and take it now

>> No.15363893

I'd take it, but tumblr? I dunno.

>> No.15363894

Orca-san is the coolest!

>> No.15363895 [DELETED] 


>> No.15363903 [DELETED] 

Orcas are scary and terrorize men, then blame it on poor, innocent Dolphins.

>> No.15363906

No one answered my question in the last thread, what is a Wock? Is it like that shitty French game Wock-Fu?

>> No.15363908

Trying to teach a lizardgirl and salamander how to read and write!

>> No.15363912

There's a wock right here, right now. Take one.>>15363891

>> No.15363913

Big Girls!


>> No.15363915

Find me another one and I'll use it. Until then that's all I have, and since it's from Matsu I'm willing to overlook the tumblr bit.

>> No.15363916

Thanks friend, this Wock shall be my new waifu

>> No.15363922

Stop lying and leave us lone broken dolphin lover!

>> No.15363924

That was cute

>> No.15363926

Why did you just make a new one?

>> No.15363930
File: 887 KB, 1250x1000, 1463895743249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a real Jabberwock instead

>> No.15363932

Goddammit you're a whale, not a dog.
>that beautiful singing
Aww, I can't stay mad at you.

>> No.15363937

>Proportions visibly change between panels
This annoys me

>> No.15363943

But the only want to fuck and fight

>> No.15363945 [DELETED] 

I refuse, not until you admit you're wrong!

>> No.15363953

>"Argh! Words are too hard! And I keep burning my paper! This is stupid!"

>> No.15363958

Are you saying that you would deny a big, soft Orca girl singing you the song of her people in a lovely voice?

>> No.15363960

If you burn the paper then you must write out on page from the dictionary

>> No.15363962
File: 1.74 MB, 1900x1702, 1465147039967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still damn cute

>> No.15363965

Give her a slate to work on. Can't burn chalk...r-right?

>> No.15363966

I just said it was beautiful you chowderhead!

>> No.15363968

>"Dammit Anon! I'm a warrior, not a scribe!"

>> No.15363969

Then it's time for you to give her little orca kids.
Do it now!

>> No.15363973

Orcas are better then dolphins, it is the truth! They're also cuter and smarter!

>> No.15363974

No time for that, whale songs now!


>> No.15363976

Well, you'll never be a proper warrior with pudding between your ears! Would you rather be a respected hero or are you going to be satisfied being some hired thug, taking whatever coin or half-decent fuck someone throws at you? Now open your book back up.

>> No.15363977

And I'm a doctor, not a teacher.

>> No.15363979

>Orca girls and other whale girls sing lovely songs to get mates.
>Take it easy and are soft enough to cuddle.

One of the better seaborn girls.

>> No.15363980 [DELETED] 

Orcas are stupid!

>> No.15363986
File: 70 KB, 600x525, 1445245758832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15363988


>> No.15363990

But orcas and lots of other surprisingly large things are known to be bullied by dolphins in packs. It's like that image of the Japanese schoolgirls on trikes, only in real life.

Also, goddamn the thighs on that woman.

>> No.15363992
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x1584, 1435875435433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I just want to hit people with my sword! It's your job to take care of the other stuff anyway!"

>> No.15363993

Orcas are also soft and loving unlike dolphins!

>> No.15363996
File: 586 KB, 1280x1440, 1465122054097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I invented the concept of nerdhounds

TRULY my life's work

>> No.15363998

Well better than stinkypedes at least.

>> No.15364002

She seems chill, I would love to hang out with her

>> No.15364004

And I'm pretty sure I was there to suggest that a hellhound in glasses couldn't use her eye fire.

Nerdwans a best.

>> No.15364005 [DELETED] 

Dolphins are twice as soft and loving!

>> No.15364008
File: 878 KB, 1000x1360, 1425901762599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I invented the concept of Stinkypede
TRULY my life's work

>> No.15364007

You can swing your sword all you want, but if you can't out-think your opponent you'll never beat them. You might not like it, but this might save your life one day.

>> No.15364009

I bet Nerdhound already goes to MGC College because of how much of a nerd she is.

I want to be her roommate!

>> No.15364011

At least orcas can feel love!

>> No.15364012

>so pathetic he pretends to be Alpie to get attention

>> No.15364014 [DELETED] 

Dolphins feel love all the time!

>> No.15364015

Dolphins are great at feeling love! whether you like it or not! All the better if you don't.
[clicking intensifies]

>> No.15364016

How would you know unless you're Alp?

>> No.15364020

Because I'm, uhh, Stalker Anon. Yeah. Your post is nothing like the real Alp's, you know.
>TRULY my life's work
See? No period at the end of the sentence. Alpie would never fall that low.

>> No.15364022

Clicking your tongue is what delinquents do.

Is that what Dolphins are? A bunch of no-good delinquents who hang around the beach?

>> No.15364027
File: 416 KB, 1200x804, Might you be interested in some jewelry, some water, or perhaps me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Helped invent Desert Tanukis
feels good.

>> No.15364029

I want an Orca and Dolphin pod to rape me.

>> No.15364038 [DELETED] 



>> No.15364041

We did it! We pulled it off!

>> No.15364045

That tanuki looks wonderfully soft.
She's going to get a lot of little tanuki daughterus to help her run the caravan.

>> No.15364048

I want to suck those tits.

>> No.15364055

Well you're going to have to woo her if you want those delicious brown funbags.
And that means finding some particularly useful salvage and offering it to her as a dowry.
That is, if she doesn't notice you have it and try to offer her hand in marriage before you even offer.

>> No.15364058

One customer at a time! Please!

>> No.15364062
File: 637 KB, 2128x2356, dragon boss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really think dragon boss was a true thing but hey

>> No.15364064 [DELETED] 


>> No.15364067
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1464939324302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but what if the nerdhoud, hellhound delinquent, and hellhound class-rep all went to the same school?

>> No.15364069

Children wait for no man!
Get ready you're getting a good meal and a night on the town before baby making ensues.

>> No.15364071

What if they were sisters?

>> No.15364072

triplets even?

>> No.15364073 [DELETED] 

So I just have to find an ancient piece of technology and she's mine, right?

>> No.15364076

Their father must have a lot to deal with, poor bastard.

>> No.15364090
File: 148 KB, 404x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cuddly and soft Orc waifu
Please hold me

>> No.15364096
File: 155 KB, 790x522, 1464809918412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuddle with a christmas cake Ittan-momen

>> No.15364098

No, that's gay. Think back on the life of a P'Orc and her rise from a lowly soldier to da Warchief, instead.

>> No.15364100

As long as you find something useful or something she can sell.
Though you might attract the attention of other Desert Tanukis too and that might end with a harem and the uniting of their caravans.
Better brace yourself, because Desert Tanuki sex involves you getting laid down on a bed of pillows and sheets while she strips down and applies various traditional oils to her skin.
Then she's going to rock your world all night long.

>> No.15364104

now we're getting somewhere

>> No.15364105

Bedfucker stop.

>> No.15364107

How do I find an orca onee-san so I can become her imouto

>> No.15364112

you what

>> No.15364115

>so I can become her imouto
Anon, stop for a half a second, look up "Imouto" and then realize what you just did wrong.

>> No.15364117 [DELETED] 

>while she strips down and applies various traditional oils to her skin.
I don't think I could hold myself back if they started to do stuff like that. God damn lewd Tanukis.

>> No.15364118

Alp no.

>> No.15364126

That's not even getting into the fact that Desert Tanukis are huge cuddlebugs.
After sex she'll press up against you and wrap the sheets around you two so you can drift to sleep with her in your arms and silken sheets covering your bodies.
If you have a Desert Tanuki harem, this means even more Delicious brown cuddles. A cuddlepile if you will.

>> No.15364128

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead please send help, the demons won't leave and they keep trying to get me to stop working.

Don't they understand how a job works?

>> No.15364129
File: 464 KB, 1312x1293, leanan sidhe butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art fairy butt! Also not taking requests today, sorry. Just postan this

>> No.15364132
File: 255 KB, 849x1200, Pariya about men and pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a reader of Otoyomegatari, I wish to know if there are Desert Tanuki with eyebrows?
W-what are you going to do with that penisil?

>> No.15364135

Could be a little plumper though.

>> No.15364137 [DELETED] 

>After sex she'll press up against you and wrap the sheets around you two so you can drift to sleep with her in your arms and silken sheets covering your bodies.
>this means even more Delicious brown cuddles. A cuddlepile if you will.
I need this, I need this right now.

>> No.15364141

>I wish to know if there are Desert Tanuki with eyebrows?
Why wouldn't there be?

>> No.15364144

>W-what are you going to do with that penisil?

She's lean because there's not enough drawfriends out there for her to feed on.

>> No.15364145

I just want my Pariya.

>> No.15364148

You will never sit with your nerdhound daughteru in your lap, watching obscure 80s movies with her, then watching history documentaries on a rainy day

>> No.15364149

>She's lean because there's not enough drawfriends out there for her to feed on.
She could always laze away and take commissions.

>> No.15364151
File: 831 KB, 950x1400, 00104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to play video games with Miia so bad

She would wrap around me and squeeze me tight when losing, we would stick to Co-op games and i would heal her, or vice versa

>> No.15364160
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1280, P01NTLESS (4.1) [F].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sit next to Wock and play old video games on a CRT

It'd be comfy as fuck

>> No.15364166

Sex with harem of Desert Tanuki is even lewder than regular Desert Tanuki sex.
Imagine a bunch of Delicious Brown shortstacks with their bodies covered in oil taking turns riding you.
The ones who aren't riding you are either rubbing their bodies against your sides or whispering lewd things into your ears.
And the post sex cuddles are to die for. All that soft, supple flesh pressed up against you man. And those smiles.

>> No.15364172

>A bunch of no-good delinquents who hang around the beach?
Did you not hear about the rape caves? Of course they're delinquents. I bet if they could smoke they'd do that too.

>> No.15364179

>play old video games on a CRT
Well I want to play CTR!

>> No.15364182 [DELETED] 

>riding you.
Anon, are you trying to imply that I would be able to control myself while that is happening?

>> No.15364189
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.15364190

Are you implying you'd be able to move while surrounded by that much cooing brown womanflesh? You would literally have your hands full with the rest of the harem, forget doing anything fancy unless they decide they want you to. I mean, I'm sure you could convince them, but it would be a group effort, save those times they line up with their tanuki butts out for you. Bongo playing optional.

>> No.15364191


>> No.15364199

If they're not riding you, then they can't bellydance for you during the act.

>> No.15364209 [DELETED] 

Damn, you're right. No way I would be able to move while surrounded by soft, brown Tanukis.

That sounds good, this definitely sweetens the deal.

>> No.15364217
File: 194 KB, 850x1151, caster421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15364224

I want to acquire an alp little sister from some anon that keeps screwing up his grammar!

>> No.15364225

If you think that sounds good, wait until they have sex for procreation and not just pleasure.
It involves all of them oiled up and waiting for you to pound them in the missionary position or a mating press until they're all pregnant.
The oil they use for that is a potent aphrodisiac that'll keep you all going.

>> No.15364232 [DELETED] 

That's it, I need a Desert Tanuki harem in my life.

>> No.15364250
File: 95 KB, 365x500, 180764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monstergirl version of standard moe archetype
>"I invented that!"

I mean in this case it's even worse since it's based off a specific character rather than a mere archetype.

>> No.15364257

Charon. Moth-Chan. Komodo nee-san. Dodo-chan. Chupacabra-chan. Brawny Lamia. Cammy the Chameleon.
Why do we forget all our OC, guys?

>> No.15364270
File: 321 KB, 1440x1728, Don't Scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remembering that shit Komodo
>Not Boogeywoman
For shame

>> No.15364272

We had such a thing? Do you think she can introduce me to Candlejane? Because I'd date Slenderwoman but sh

>> No.15364276

Gotta hand it to you beast. I now really want art of that tentacle form you described.

>> No.15364282

Congratulations on your marriage!

>> No.15364284

The basic idea was that Boogeywoman was a kind of monster that hid under people's beds that would either lure them underneath or just drag them under and then rape them.
/ss/ optional, she could just be stalking you if being the shota isn't your thing.
Not sure if it was ever worked out if she was a demon of some sort or a species of slime that looked like a shadow.

>> No.15364291

Shit, I don't wanna become an alp.
My mistakes are my own

>> No.15364300

Fuck you Komodo Oneechan is great

>> No.15364338
File: 62 KB, 1226x569, Komodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paint me like one of your French Wights!

>> No.15364343

I hope you're burned at the steak Alp

>> No.15364344

And that's why Komodo Oneechan is shit.

>> No.15364346

Thanks for making me imagine an alp burning their tongue on a sizzling steak fresh off the grill.

>> No.15364349
File: 187 KB, 746x800, 1399576035525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why thank you, I like my meat well done.

>> No.15364369

>Kyaah! Atsui!
How do you help the poor thing?

>> No.15364372
File: 829 KB, 700x2520, Shoggoth_comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the chair scene really.
The idea of touching separated parts of her and watching the main body react is something I didn't know I wanted

>> No.15364379

By sending the demon to the pits of hell where it belongs

>> No.15364381

Frollo, please. You just want to hurry up and go watch that 15-year-old Apsara dance.

>> No.15364387

Telling her to blow on it and cooling her tongue off with red wine

I'll figure out how to handle a drunk alp later

>> No.15364392

>getting an Alp drunk
Bacchus didn't intend wine to be wasted in such a manner.

>> No.15364393

If thought book esmarelda was 14?

>> No.15364397
File: 317 KB, 800x800, frollo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15364398

Well book Frollo was in his thirties, who cares.

>> No.15364409

Please, Bacchus delights in seeing drunken alps draw circles on your chest and slurring if you want to play a game of pretend.

>> No.15364411

>Baby I knowsh evvvrithin 'bout dicksh!

>> No.15364413

Stop this anon, you've tempted me far too much with just this!

>> No.15364445
File: 269 KB, 716x800, 1465025401914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon, what are you thinking about?

>> No.15364447


She's the monstergirlification of El Coco, which is a type of boogeyman. Specifically, the kind that lives in dark quiet places and abducts unwary children. It's its own kind of monster.

Trying to make it a demon or a slime is like taking a vampire and going "We never really decided if it was a zombie or some kind of leech" A vampire is a vampire. El Coco is El Coco.

>> No.15364449

Thinking about how cute you are. And how cute our babies are gonna be.

>> No.15364452

I'm listening to a 4-hour podcast where some guy interviews Grant Morrison. It's pretty neat. I don't know if I'm ready to get into comics on the level where I'd start buying a bunch of Morrison stuff, but it is very enlightening.

>> No.15364462

That Jubjub who sits in front of you. Think you could maybe introduce me to her?

>> No.15364508
File: 173 KB, 540x764, 1456071390966-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What are you doing up so late? It is mandatory cuddle time lil bro!"

>> No.15364529

>"Talking with the mouse maid. I don't want to cuddle, it's always sweaty and gross."

>> No.15364531

>not wanting to cuddle with chubby soft protective onee-san

I want to cuddle that.

>> No.15364537

That's fine, but I don't. I'm not into thick girls.

>> No.15364544
File: 985 KB, 1200x1696, 1454827807407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come and get it!

>> No.15364552

>I'm not into thick girls.

>> No.15364553

Scales AND feathers? Is she one of those "transitional forms" that they're always yammering about?

>> No.15364567
File: 115 KB, 476x555, 1465173900472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to the mofu shrine
>See this
What do?

>> No.15364570

I dunno

Human stuff I guess

>> No.15364581

Go to the store and get her some liver

>> No.15364623

Beef, pork, or chicken?

>> No.15364712

Why is a cat at the mofu shrine?

>> No.15364754

How are you so sure that's a cat? She just used the word kitty for the kind of cuddling she wants to do. But that raises a different question: What the hell is kitty-cuddling?

>> No.15364756

Is it when she sleeps on your chest? Because I want that.

>> No.15364771

I hope so, that sounds lovely.

>> No.15364774

Remember to properly train your gargoyles.


>> No.15364790

Can I give her own liver? I bet she wouldn't even notice.

>> No.15364798

Delightfully surprised it wasn't the one with the monk being harassed.
That sounds like a DC75 sleight of hand anon. Can you manage it?

>> No.15364817

Of course I can. I might not be that good, but she isn't that smart.

>> No.15364858

but orcas are assholes

lotta artists out there that use tumblr and aren't human garbage 2bh
matsu/graph is kinda eh though imho tbqhwy

>> No.15364870

thinkegn bout fox girls

>> No.15364887

>lotta artists out there that use tumblr and aren't human garbage
Can confirm this. There's actually a lot of pretty chill artists who don't fall under the usual "tumblr" art style and it's the site of choice for drawfags since it's less restrictive than the alternatives.

>> No.15364909

>since it's less restrictive than the alternatives.
I mostly use it since reblogs propagate you a lot. Compared to something like DA, tumblr is surprisingly fast in giving you a good following. I got around 3k on my first year of using it

>> No.15364931
File: 2.08 MB, 950x1472, 1457674345902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no. Whatever will you do to me. You fiend. Oh, woe is me.

>> No.15364932

>You'll never marry a Succubus whose mother is a Cursed Sword
>She'll never be gentle, relaxed and calm when you're around, only to slowly get more aggressive, irritable and ill mannered the longer she goes without you around
>You'll never be nicknamed "demon tamer" by people who don't know about her lineage

>> No.15364945

Not sure if ravishing and ravaging an emotionless girl is all that much fun.

>> No.15364959

Sorry babe, I'm not into twigs.

>> No.15364961

>Pin a lich down by the arms and rape her
>She doesn't scream, cry or complain
>She just stares right into your eyes without even blinking

>> No.15364963

>finish up
>"Is that all I get?"

>> No.15365345

It's a Kumiho acting like a catgirl to look more moe

>> No.15365359

Oh come on! I know it's just 3 inches but can you at least pretend that it's 5!

>> No.15365363

>"Yes now get going"
>...had better"
>"You were used goods?"
>"From my hand"

>> No.15365378


>> No.15365385

yetis ready for bed in onesy pajamas

>> No.15365389

Gonna poke her cheeks, gonna touch her mouth.

>> No.15365399

>Yeti in a Yeti onesie
There's something cute about monster girls dressing as what they're based off of. Like a Jinko in tiger pyjamas.

>> No.15365406

>Dragon in one of those dragon kiddie pjs.

Too early to give me a heart attack.

>> No.15365420

Sumo Jinko!
Sumo Wolfu!
Sumo Cyclops!

>> No.15365468

Was getting caught part of your master plan?

>> No.15365485

You're a big wolf.

>> No.15365497
File: 183 KB, 960x540, 0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hello there.

>> No.15365544
File: 255 KB, 667x800, 51718630_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furry nose
Crabman a shit.

>> No.15365595

More like he lacks the autism of westerners

>> No.15365597

I want to be squished between a Fenrir and a Hellhound so bad, the thermal shock would make my dick eternaly hard.

>> No.15365611

>not liking button nose is autism

>> No.15365619


>> No.15365636

It really is.
We're already demons.
A button noise isn't a far cry from how depraved we are

>> No.15365651

See here's the thing, it doesn't bother me when it's on something like Polt because while I'm not a huge fan of fury it suits her character. When it's on a regular looking monster girl it just looks like he couldn't decide if he wanted to draw a furry or a monster girl and it looks incredibly wrong.

>> No.15365656

New Hroz, was it posted already?


>> No.15365704
File: 174 KB, 420x700, 52583154_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365745

Are the Writers writing?
Are the drawers drawing?
Do I have to break out a Leanan Sidhe with the body of a Titania to inspire you people?

>> No.15365761

>Super insparation fairy
Now that's motivation

>> No.15365774

I'm sorry anon, but I just came back from a jog and I'm spent!
Or maybe I have just a little energy for some... activity.

>> No.15365781

"super motivation fairy" more sounds like a cheesy mascot for shitty "hang in there" posters

>> No.15365784

Oh yeah? Well you keep up that shitty attitude and you'll be sure to alienate all your friends! Ganbatte!

>> No.15365791

There was a point where I'd have considered those too big but now my only thoughts are of paizuri. I blame these threads.

>> No.15365795

Come on
When the tanuki's enslave us all, whats going to stop us from offing ourselves and continue working like a good cog in the machine should?

>> No.15365797


>> No.15365816

My own personal rage
I dont need no faggot fairy poster.

>> No.15365851
File: 725 KB, 800x1000, 1439909224052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hi anon. You must be wondering how I got up here. It's a secret~

>> No.15365866

You're not special.

>> No.15365877

That is such bullshit and you all know it won't work out for any of you.

>> No.15365922

>Are the Writers writing?
I edited my draft again last night, so yes actually.

>> No.15365924 [DELETED] 

Peat Moss chan loves her wood hard, thick, full of vitality, and [called a tree]

>> No.15365941

Gonna chop down the trees with my dick.

>> No.15365949

Do not believe ThunderBrother's lies. Brown sugar cinnamon is the best flavor of pop-tart.

>> No.15365957

vampire goths

>> No.15365961


>> No.15365965

I trusted him and bought S'mores instead of BSC for once. I feel betrayed.

>> No.15365969

I see. Well, no. I don't. I don't even know what a pop-tart is. But I'm sure this is a dastardly deed.

>> No.15365987
File: 586 KB, 900x851, 1455171588016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This spells trouble.

>> No.15365988

Smores and Strawberry are the only two I like. Cinnamon is a terrible flavor for the goo in a tart or pie anyway. Honestly, only good in cookies and cakes.

>> No.15365997

W I D E water wurm

what's in the pot?

>> No.15366001

Whatever it is, it's not something she's optimistic about.

>> No.15366004

In actual fact, yes I am for once. You will prepare for garbage and you will like it.

>> No.15366010

>Leanan Sidhe with the body of a Titania
I want the drawers to draw that.
Really now, that could inspire anyone.
I mean, all it would inspire is a violent fap session but it still sort of counts as inspiration.

>> No.15366011

She can't find a lover so she is brewing a love potion?
This can only go wrong.

>> No.15366015

An Alp Doodle is fine too, right?

>> No.15366020

As long as she is cute.

>> No.15366022

So it isn't okay. Gosh darnit.

>> No.15366035
File: 322 KB, 800x600, 1457243408383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hellhound's special curry. The same curry she made to win your heart when you first started dating, the same curry she makes every wednesday for you and your puppies, 10 years later.

>> No.15366036
File: 143 KB, 642x900, pocket kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick! Take this pocket Kiki and go!

>> No.15366045

Wait a minute, you're not trying to trick me again, are you?

>> No.15366046

Treasurer Dragon in a suit

>> No.15366049
File: 2.57 MB, 320x240, kiki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366058

Right now I would love to be in an undead realm.
>You'll never go to a bar in a city of eternal night and get hit on by well dressed Vampires and Wights
>The Ghoul barmaid will never playfully flirt with you the whole time I'm there
>You'll never get seduced and wake up with a pleasantly cool arm around you, still feeling that happy exhaustion from being fucked into the mattress all night
The lack of sunlight would bother me, but since the night sky is also pretty and I'd be surrounded by sexy undead types I doubt it would bother me much.

>> No.15366060

I was thinking more of a good drawfag, but you knock yourself out.

>> No.15366063
File: 405 KB, 1000x1000, Chibi Kiki Advisor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it seems you now have a real Kiki alright. But something seems odd about the size of your 'pocket' Kiki.

It looks like you've been tricked and given a pigmy Kiki!
Who would want such an odd Kiki? I bet she can't even properly clean a room!

>> No.15366069

I also imagine that undead realms would be nice and cool in addition to there being no sunlight which is really appealing right now, fuck this heat.

>> No.15366073

Well not like I need her to. Just the places I can't reach like behind the desk and the bookshelf.

>> No.15366080

Because pygmy kikis are big enough to safely make love too.

That and they are slightly soft so you can cuddle them.

>> No.15366097

I like to imagine an undead realm would be like Halloween town, only with big perky tits and firm ass instead of disgusting things and weird shit.
It would still be a fun and lively place though, with everyone just having fun and doing as they please, because it isn't like anyone there needs to eat or anything.

>> No.15366099
File: 1.52 MB, 1870x1024, 57202873_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right?

>> No.15366101

Something about the thumbnail has always irritated me. It didn't help that one faggot used to post it every night.

>> No.15366104

Hard decision. I'll go with right.

>> No.15366109
File: 128 KB, 1330x1224, Muse Fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this doesn't inspire you to better yourself, I don't know what will.

>> No.15366110

I'll give her a good home.

All the better to get to those hard-to-reach places...in my heart

>> No.15366116

>we're doing pocket monstergirls again
That was stupid then and it's still stupid now.
You know a fun thread meme I miss having about? The kindergarten. That one at least made a bit of sense and it was actually entertaining.

>> No.15366120

>The joke is Alp is bad at drawing
Boy, I'm glad this hasn't got old

>> No.15366121


>> No.15366122

I don't see you even trying to make anyone enjoy themselves.

>> No.15366124

Eh, it gave me a chuckle.
I still want a good artist like Loen or Mono to give the concept a shot, but I know they're busy with real world stuff and paying commissions.

>> No.15366125

Anon, if you are frustrated about a certain kind of content not showing up, why not bring it up yourself?

It doesnt even have to be complicated, a simple MG kindergarten related thing is probably enough to spark up a discussion.

>> No.15366126

Right is White and White is Right

>> No.15366128

Congratulations, you have inspired me to play video games instead.
Alp does it again.

>> No.15366134

>Doing anything to make people enjoy anything

>> No.15366135

Whacha playing?

>> No.15366138

Say what you will about Alpie, at least he's considerate.

>> No.15366140

I STILL don't see you even trying to make anyone enjoy themselves. You're trapped in the captivity of your own negativity.
I don't want to trigger anyone. This is a safe-space, after all.

>> No.15366144
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, 1445185562066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366145

Abe's Oddysee.
I've only ever played Exoddus before, and I've always wanted to try it.
It's good so far, but the lack of quicksaves and the awful checkpoint system can go to hell, especially when hidden areas are concerned.

>> No.15366147

>I STILL don't see you even trying to make anyone enjoy themselves. You're trapped in the captivity of your own negativity.
Of course you don't, I'm anonymous, like most people here. The point isn't to attention whore and tote everything you've ever done to earn brownie points. I don't see what this has to do with your schtick getting stale. Of course it can't get stale if it was never funny in the first place.

>> No.15366155

So what are these silly things?
>still whining like a little bitch
Have you considered that if you STOPPED REPLYING it would be impossible to attentionwhore? You're part of the problem.

>> No.15366163

A really good platformer/puzzle series where you're an alien who can possess other species and have to save your enslaved people. It was pretty popular back on the first playstation. It's also hard as balls and was basically the Dark Souls of platforming.

>> No.15366164

I wanna dress Caster up like a cow.

>> No.15366167

>the Dark Souls of platforming
Isn't that Lion King on the Sega?

>> No.15366175

>Alp complains about other people getting triggered and needing safe spaces
>'God if you don't like it just ignore it you're the real problem don't be mean to me"
I don't even get how my saying about the fact you suck is related to the problem that you suck.

>> No.15366178

>this guy is an attentionwhore!
>I better give him attention, that'll show him!

>> No.15366179

It also has some monsters that would make pretty great monster girls if an artist put their mind to it.
>You will never have harem of Paramite girls
>A scrab girl will never let out an ear piercing shriek before chasing you down

>> No.15366183

Sort of, but the checkpoint system in Abe and the lack of explanation generally means you're expected to die a lot as you work out how to get past each screen.
So it has a similar system to DS in that death is an educational tool.

>> No.15366184


no that'd be the Demons souls of platforming

>> No.15366186

My never called Alp an attention whore though. I just pointing out how retarded it is to say "What have YOU done for the thread?" in an anonymous imageboard.

Again, still dodging the initial point Alp. Why do you take criticism so poorly?

>> No.15366188

What's the difference? Never played Demon's Souls.
>The point isn't to attention whore and tote everything you've ever done to earn brownie points
I think I'm going to stop replying to you now.

>> No.15366190

Scrab girls would be buff as fuck. Have you seen the abs on those things? Plus their rape would just involve them spinning around you like a tornado, leaving a confused and naked victim behind.

>> No.15366193

That jackal is equipped with some nice ballistics.

>> No.15366195

Whatever she's making better be tasty.

>> No.15366197

>A muscle Kephri Harem
I'm onboard with that.

May have weekly dueling competitions to see which one gets loved first.

>> No.15366199

Sounds dangerous.

>> No.15366202

The worst curry can do is make you poo in the loo.

>> No.15366206

Judging by how they jump up and down on your corpse, they'd probably fuck you though the floor like an Ushi-Oni.
More like one of these things.
Although muscle Khepris would be amazing.

>> No.15366209
File: 278 KB, 410x396, 1464895287033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the /mon-musu/ threads on /a/ been banished?

>> No.15366211


>> No.15366216

I don't know enough about Oddworld to comment on them.
All I know is that I'd love to have a bunch of brown skinned, golden carapaced bug girls with muscles tending for my needs except for the one weekend a month I'd dedicated to pampering them for all their hard work.

>> No.15366219

>I think I'm going to stop replying to you now.
Don't post things out of context. You had said as a poor rebuttal to criticism "I STILL don't see you even trying to make anyone enjoy themselves". Which has always been a poor excuse to deflect criticism.

You can talk about /v/ shit all you want Alp but you'll never hide from the fact you're a bad writer, a shitty meme artist, and lack anything that could be constructed as a sense of humor. You'll never be able to hide the shame you are, though I bet your parents wish they could.

I don't know why out of all our writefags you had to be the one to stick around so long.

>> No.15366223

I was wondering the same thing

>> No.15366226


In spite of the constant back and forth going on, they're only purged if meta discussion takes over.

>> No.15366237
File: 365 KB, 652x950, 1439358223349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's summer. School's out, and the tough kids begin to roam the mean streets of suburbia, kicking butt and taking names!

>> No.15366239

I just trashed twelve pages and three drafts because I thought they were all shit

so no

>> No.15366240 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 779x1100, 1465402610946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another wip

Have a nice day /mgt/ o/

>> No.15366242

Friendly reminder that if your waifu isn't tied up and under supervision or living in a nice little padded room then she is unsafe and you are a bad husband.

>> No.15366244
File: 236 KB, 905x1280, 1451613887.whitemantis_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I must be a tremendous faggot or something because I cant find it

Though there is a result when I type in "dopp.."

>> No.15366246

Dibs on the Troll.

>> No.15366249

Yeah, it's awful isn't it.

Kids are the worst.

>> No.15366251

Most of the older writefags are still around. They just burned out/are busy with other things.

>> No.15366254

Wasn't Bromont here just the other day?

>> No.15366256

I usually type on just "mon" like how I do here and it usually shows up
Apparently nothing. Scoured the catalogue and everything too

>> No.15366257

It just archived a little under an hour ago, and nobody has started a new one yet.

Kinda surprising, actually.

>> No.15366265
File: 496 KB, 1000x1200, 1462246949389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the longest we've been without one?

might as well stay here

my first time here to boot

>> No.15366268

That's very pretty. The Hellhound could benefit from flamy wisps and black sclera though.

>> No.15366273

Damn Snib, I'm interested in seeing how you do this. It's neat to see you try these new things.

>> No.15366274


I'm still drawing but I haven't made anything relevant. I have alot of learning to do when it comes to the human figure and all that stuff.

>> No.15366275

>my first time here to boot
In that case; Welcome. Make yourself at home.
Don't mind the mess.

>> No.15366276

I wouldn't say that. Give it two or three more, then we'll be in remarkable territory.

>> No.15366279

It's good to care about your writing, but trashing everything like that is a bit much.
Just strive to make it better each time and progress slowly, by giving a shit about what you're putting out there you're already leagues ahead of Sukiru Ikeda.

>> No.15366283

Give it about 30mins max. Someone'll pop one
For now, get comfy. Make yourself at home

>> No.15366288
File: 286 KB, 800x805, 1431271817698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peacocks are vain creatures and love it when boys compliment them.

>> No.15366296

You're doing color now? Looking good.

>> No.15366299

reminder that only male peacocks have big flashy tails

>> No.15366301

>Peacocks pulling a Cuddlefish

>> No.15366304
File: 366 KB, 850x1133, 1451973441107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For now, get comfy. Make yourself at home

I'll grab a cup of coffee then

>> No.15366305

Then I'll bully them and call her tail lame!

>> No.15366307

So? Monster Girls, anon.

>> No.15366311

>Tfw just made some coffee
This is not yours

>> No.15366314

But why? For what purpose?

>> No.15366321

The only thing of worth I helped cultivate was a love for P'Orcs.

>> No.15366323

I want a leanan sidhe to laugh at my tiny pianist!

>> No.15366326
File: 183 KB, 1024x1000, Spooder sex hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll just make a timmies run then

>> No.15366327

i kinda get why Monster Girl peacock would have big tail, but at the same time the idea of traps amuses me more

>> No.15366331

>Someone else calls Tims Timmies
My fellow Canadian

>> No.15366333

>being proud of creating a terrible piece of threadcanon
I know Hellhounds were oversaturated but this did the opposite of fixing the problem.

>> No.15366337

It also takes a complete rape machine and turns her into a cowering moeblob. I was hoping at lease one monster could avoid that fate, but whatever.

>> No.15366339

Join da Horde, see da world!

>> No.15366345

She's got the whole 'nerdy in the streets, demon in the sheets' thing going though, y'all are faggots.

>> No.15366347

>being this salty 11 hours later

>> No.15366349
File: 384 KB, 765x1024, tumblr_o2kv4vwbLH1r5pt3ho5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beaver/Moose/Goose musume when?

I dont particularly have many other pics except for mon-musu so I apologize

>> No.15366352

>See a blue Gandharva playing her sitar, you're being an aloof distant fagmonster
"Did you not like my songs?"
>Sip your cabarnet, loosening your shirt, all the MGs are boring you
"Boring, boring I say. There isn't a single vain, gaudy monster here. O, what am I to do as an enigma of the poon?"
>She just smirks, stepping back
>Brings her tail out, flourishing it in that giant Peacock feather fan
"What now, little boy?"
>The colors, the sheer vanity of the damned thing the way her thighs and ass jiggle and gyrate as she shows you her massive fan
>It takes all of your self control to not throw yourself on her, with you winding up getting to nurse your hangover on her lap

>> No.15366354

If Nerdhounds are allowed to exist, that means I can have my dominant rich old kiki mistress?

>> No.15366358

To me it's better this way. The normal hellhounds stay the same and they get their moe shy hellhounds who are different from the normal ones.

>> No.15366359

Salt is part of a healthy diet!
Got to get that daily salt intake!

>> No.15366362

Those have been fine too, we've even had stories about that.

Stop being so silly anons, I can't take it.

>> No.15366364

No really, it's one step up from stinkypede and that's about it. I also like how the guy thinks he "invented" the tough nerdy archetype.

>> No.15366365

Here we go again...

>> No.15366366

It's in the constitution.

You could even have an Amazoness who loves handholding and would much rather have you take the lead in bed.

>> No.15366371

I don't think he was talking about inventing the archetype genius, just the application of it to a monstergirl.

>> No.15366375

>You could even have an Amazoness who loves handholding and would much rather have you take the lead in bed
Please no.

>> No.15366376

Thing is genius, it's been done before.

>> No.15366380

At least delete images to preserve the image cap.

>> No.15366382

Kikis are boring but if you want a dominant one or even a dominant Kobold then you could.

>> No.15366386

Monster Girl sports would be cool. All magical abilities allowed.

>> No.15366391

That would be the most unbalanced shit ever and you know it.

>> No.15366394

Just put them in tiers.

>> No.15366396

Nerdhounds? The meme? I don't think so.

>> No.15366398

Well Anon, it seems someone's made a thread
I guess this is goodbye

>> No.15366400

Is it really better there than here?

>> No.15366401

No, as in the tough monstergirl having a nerdy version thing. It's not like he reinvented the wheel or anything in saying hellhound instead of amazon or dragon.

>> No.15366405

Well, I mean, if he wants to stay I have nothing against it
As long as he doesn't eat all the food

>> No.15366408

Let's face it, both are shit in their own ways.
We have the
guys, and they are the EMG thread, which basically speaks for itself.

>> No.15366409
File: 252 KB, 674x689, d95c05abf80cf3fe75d1ad84e92f036d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly, I want to stay here

>> No.15366412

You're welcome to stay
Just don't eat all the food (Images)

>> No.15366414

>all the food
You mean the nachos we claimed as our bounty after beating up the Alp and kicking it out?

>> No.15366415

You like the oneesan types? We've got a few oneesan types here if you'd like.

>> No.15366417

Please avoid spamming images.

>> No.15366418

Image cap is 150 4chan wide ain't it?

I'm not autistic enough to spam, thankfully

>> No.15366419

Bot Newdhounds have become a meme, memes are different form something someone only mentions a couple of times.

>> No.15366421

You already have, my boy.

>> No.15366423

It's 300 here.

>> No.15366424

Two things:

What's your favourite type of monstergirl? I'm guessing Arachnes because you keep posting the EMG one.

Some in the thread really, really hate EMG so be prepared for hate if you insist on talking about it. Just a warning, really.

>> No.15366427

300 here. But we last for days. Basically everyone gets about 2 images a thread if you don't delete them. So we still post reaction images and shit but delete them so we can keep on doing so until 3000 posts later.

>> No.15366430

It's 250 here
Wait, no. It's 300 here
Listen, we have a strict policy in regards to images
We have nothing against you staying here. Frankly, we don't mind/care
Just don't eat all the food. Seriously

>> No.15366431

>I'm not autistic enough to spam, thankfully
But you've been doing that, especially with cheesy shit like >>15366244

>> No.15366436

You've come pretty close to it. I'm not sure if you knew but these threads often reach about 2000 posts before archiving. 300 images isn't much when you factor that into it.

>> No.15366437

4 images of different girls is a spam?

I like the onee-san types, so yes, Rachnee
I dont particularly care about talking about emg though

>everyone gets about 2 images a thread

sure, I'll go ahead and delete mine then

Like I said, I'm brand new

>> No.15366442

>often reach about 2000 posts
/jp/ has slowed down again. 3k+ is the usual lately.

>> No.15366443

>don't eat all the food
Are you trying to make a new meme or something? Please don't.

>> No.15366445

Don't be a drama queen, you don't need to delete anything.

>> No.15366449

What was our record again? 4k?

>> No.15366452
File: 244 KB, 1200x1729, Fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366453

+4900 I think

>> No.15366457

I thought it was 4100+

>> No.15366461

4765 highest confirmed. Though I swear we broke 5k once or twice, but that might have included deleted posts.

We hit 3500 just a week or two ago.

>> No.15366462

Take a hike faggot.

>> No.15366463
File: 784 KB, 1280x640, 1449455545034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Onee-san types, look into the following MGE girls:


>> No.15366464

I'm going to impregnate a tribe of pygmy amazons and you can't stop me!

>> No.15366466

Or you know, just tell him to read the wiki and lurk like most of us did.

>> No.15366467


Have fun, kiddo

>> No.15366468

I think 3000+ is now the average, what with the speed
When we first showed up /jp/ was slow, that's how we hit the 4k
Now /jp/ has kind of sped up a little that we seem to be hitting somewhere in 3k recently

>> No.15366470

I will.

>> No.15366471
File: 512 KB, 1424x2040, 1441818409669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't stop me from spreading the good word on Onee-sans.

>> No.15366473

Stop anon, your normal height genes will make the the tribe's next generation too tall and they won't be pygmies anymore!

>> No.15366479
File: 143 KB, 1614x828, 1380187612139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame you for fucking making me remember this.

>> No.15366480

What is the best way to find and marry a demon onee-san?

>> No.15366481

>Anon fucks up the gene pool and fucks over everyone else that wanted pygmy Amazones
Thanks a fucking lot, Anon. Always fucking everything up

>> No.15366482

Sort of. You're forgetting the giant speed up period in the middle from "/jp/ is my favorite board" that dropped total thread posts down to 2300-2500 average.

>> No.15366483

onee-sans are god's reminder that he has not yet given up on us

>> No.15366486

Oh yeah, I forgot about that
Then there's when I think KanColle or something got a big expansion that caused it to get as big as us which made us sink a litle faster

>> No.15366489

It'll be worth it.

I accept that blame.

>> No.15366494

Either summon her or have her summon her ideal otouto: YOU

>> No.15366500

hop in my cur, we'll get some Timmies and Mcdonalds and catch the Leaf's game in aboat 15 minutes, maybe the yeti girl will have some company in those empty seats eh

>> No.15366501

Things you should know:
Bob is a faggot
We don't have many active writefags anymore, so if you want to give it a go then please do, more content is great.
The threads go on forever, like 3000+ posts a thread because /jp/ is slow as fuck
Alp is an even bigger faggot
If we reach 300+ images, just use imgur links to show anons pictures
the thread likes to make it's own canon about most monstergirls. Honestly most of it is terrible, so feel free to ignore it.
Same for KC's official profiles
Cu and Cait Sith are furries and therefore are shit
No, really, Bob and Alp and MASSIVE faggots.

>> No.15366504

Attempt to summon a Demon, but do it as incompetently and pathetically as possible, so you'll come across as dumb moe who needs protection. Then she'll appear and help you finish the summoning ritual.

>> No.15366505


>Doing your usual stuff, pretty normal day
>Suddenly teleported into a demon's house

>> No.15366510

You forgot the storms, Anon. How can you give someone the grand tour of your comfy little town if you don't give them an umbrella because it rains a lot here

>> No.15366516 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 299x148, 1465406318133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366517

C-can we post the Waterworld edits?

>> No.15366518

The shitstorms are nowhere near as bad as they used to be. The pissed off maledom guy seems to have either been permabanned or at the very least got bored, and the other shitstorms are minor showers compared to what used to happen here.

>> No.15366519

The threads have been lasting longer lately because of, once again, mods on /a/.
One (or possibly more than one) mod on /a/ developed a hate boner for LN's and started moving all LN threads to /jp/. Where they would then be deleted because translated LN's, or those actively being translated, belong on /a/.

>> No.15366522

Need winter clothes too, a shitblizzard is coming Bubs, can see it on the shitbarometer

>> No.15366524

Stop bullying the poor faggot already.
What an ass.

>> No.15366525

Wait, is that why I've seen all those bizarre OP's for the Overlord threads lately?

>> No.15366528

And don't forget the hurricanes
Remember Hurricane Cait Sith?

>> No.15366535

So that's what was with the weird Overlord OP's. Now it makes sense
Jesus. Those poor guys

>> No.15366538

How the ENTIRE thread went up in flames the moment KC revealed that abomination? How could anyone forget that?

>> No.15366546

You forgot the part about the yurishit, futashit and rest of shit.

>> No.15366547

That was a funny thread though, not to start shit
I mean, I'm not one for chaos, but man. That was somethin' fierce

>> No.15366549

>the thread likes to make it's own canon about most monstergirls. Honestly most of it is terrible, so feel free to ignore it.
>Same for KC's official profiles
Then we're left with nothing. Really most of KC's profiles are perfectly fine with a few exceptions here and there, it's his world building that's shit.

>> No.15366555

The shitstorm that shall not be named was worse.
It lasted an entire fucking day, and I remember going to sleep and waking up to it still going on.

>> No.15366556

>Same for KC's official profiles
Speak for yourself, faggot, I like his profiles more than the shit posted here.

>> No.15366559

Say what you will but that thread was probably one of the most fun in all our time on /jp/.

Cu Sith was tame in comparison because he announced it was a thing in advance.

>> No.15366560

The doomsaying about the community turning into nothing but furries in a few months was hilarious.

True, I meant his worldbuilding. The profiles are generally fine, and honestly even the threadcanon stuff is okay just so long as it isn't treated as the official version.

>> No.15366565

What are you-
Wait, shit, I remember that. I forget what it was about but I remember going to bed and waking up and it was still going on

>> No.15366575

All those replies when the picture dropped
Man, that thread was funny. We have our ups and downs and some highlights here and there, but that thread entirely was a fucking highlight
Man. Good times

>> No.15366577

You mean that art the anubis namefag posted, even after admitting the thread would rage? That was funny and stupid.

This. KC can't write for shit, but it's better than stinkypede or wendigo always making dumb noises.

>> No.15366581

>wendigo always making dumb noises.

>> No.15366583

You mean the cuck posting? because that lasted multiple threads.

>> No.15366589

Not him, but it is obnoxious as shit.
Just because latenight drew it doesn't make it canon in any way.

>> No.15366591

It lasted I think 3, right?
Man, that was magical

>> No.15366595

I want a Big Fat Cuddle Cat

I'm gonna put a fresh apple pie on my window sill to attract one

>> No.15366596

It was so bad that anubisfucker rarely shows up anymore.
The liquid inari thread was also hilarious.

>> No.15366598
File: 223 KB, 1100x587, 1439136164759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awawawa, anon hates us!

>> No.15366600

Awawa wendigo is one of the two pieces of threadcanon I actually like. It's better than the canon one, at least.

>> No.15366601

>liquid inari
That was gold

>> No.15366603

That'll just attract little wans.

>> No.15366607

>the edit someone made of the picture
Oh man, I laughed so hard at that.

>> No.15366612

Or maybe a bear. The Park Ranger is not going to like this.

>> No.15366614

I'll shoo them away until the apex predator arrives

>> No.15366615

>When Inari had to create a trip because of it
My sides went to space

>> No.15366618

A wurm?
Because that's how you get wurms.

You attract cuddle cats by opening canned fish or grilling some good tuna.

>> No.15366619

At least we enjoy some of the writers that are are still here right?

>> No.15366621

The official one is messed up and weird, but the threadcanon one is plain annoying and you can't even try to salvage her without anons trying to enforce the shitty thread version.

>> No.15366622

Alright fine, I'll throw the pie away and get tuna.

>> No.15366623

There's, what, 10 now?
In terms of activity

>> No.15366625

>The liquid inari thread
don't think I was around for that one, care to share

>> No.15366627
File: 335 KB, 700x859, 1436863373278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The apex predator? What could be bigger than a bear?
Oh, shit!

>> No.15366629

how can they even hold pens and pencils with those big fingers

>> No.15366631

For me it was when he wrote a new paste on his bin telling the other inari to fuck off

>> No.15366632

So Inari showed up one day

>> No.15366635

That could attract a Jinko, but luckily a tiger is not a valid option.

>> No.15366638

I cant name people for shit. so when they show up is when i remember

>> No.15366639

At least give it to the little wans.
It'll help them grow up into big wans.

Exactly, you're dealing with the apex pie eater now.

>> No.15366644

3? Oh god no, it went on way longer than that. You couldn't mention either of those two girls for at least half a month without someone trying to force it again.

>> No.15366645

Technically cuddle cat is the biggest, but she'll pout if you tell her that.

I just want my cuddle cat

No, I don't want big wans, I want a big meow.

>> No.15366647

I miss when less did requests here

>> No.15366649

Inari was a big faggot and wrote t/f stories. Everyone wanted him to stop but he kept trolling the thread anyway.
Then one day he started posting more than normal, only he suddenly started arguing with himself. It turned out someone was pretending to be him and the real one found out. Then came a thread of inari arguing with inari until one of them got a trip to cut the other guy's shit out.

What killed it for me was the space dandy clip someone posted in the middle of the "I'M THE REAL INARI!" fight.

>> No.15366652

Is it still there?

>> No.15366654

>wan, Japanese
>meow, English

>> No.15366657

Well, if you can't attract one you can always just make one.
Many kittens still need an adoptive father.

You could raise your own cuddle cat!

>> No.15366660

Oh yeah
Yeah that was pretty bad. Hilarious, but bad

>> No.15366661

Cuddle Cat may be fat but she isn't a Weeb

>> No.15366663

You can't prove that.
Maybe she dresses up in illfitting cosplay!

>> No.15366665

It was so bad I haven't seen anubisfucker since. I actually feel somewhat bad for him, but he knew it would enrage the thread, I just don't think he knew by how much.

>> No.15366667

Yeah, good times.

>> No.15366668

Yeah. Poor guy
Good times though

>> No.15366670

link to the image or archive or something?

>> No.15366675
File: 458 KB, 1935x800, 16ddb11d2def1e6703c6a826e218861b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you take one of them out of the streets?

They're as good as any other monstergirl, just with a lot of bad luck in life.

>> No.15366677

The old archive's dead and the new one doesn't have /jp/
It's one of those "you had to be there" moments in history now, Jim

>> No.15366681

>You'll never fuck a Cheshire who's cosplaying as Morrigan

>> No.15366684

I would

>> No.15366685

How about we just build a brothel? That way they all get off the streets and can make money comfortably indoors.

>> No.15366687

That would be nice.
She'd have the teasing attitude down pat.
I'd cuddle the shit out of her.

>> No.15366692

Please, Cuddle Cat has higher standards then that. She'd never try to pass herself as a magical girl.

>> No.15366696

If you mean the picture itself it's on his pixiv http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=10220591

>> No.15366702

That's what you think.
She's got the purple dress and matching wand!
She's going to fight for love, cakes, and your heart.

Just don't comment on how her panties are little more than a glorified thong now.

>> No.15366703

>.Less also has a Pixiv
Seriously .Less, fucking pick a place to upload pictures and stick with it

>> No.15366704

>Poor him
He literally said that he knew the place would burn but didn't care because fuck the thread. Only after he realized he personally would be hounded about it for a long time to come did he start crying about it.

Never even said that he was sorry or anything, just "I didn't expect people to be this mean to me for being a faggot. I thought it would be funny to make people mad but it turns out being hated actually kind of sucks."

He deserved everything he got.

>> No.15366706
File: 247 KB, 283x427, Anubisfucker joins the thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'll delete the image.

>> No.15366708

I dont see anything offensive?

>> No.15366714

Like >>15366677 said, you just had to be there

>> No.15366717

Basically, it was a yuri picture between his two waifus. Anon took the picture to mean that he couldn't satisfy them and they resorted to lesbianism behind his back. There was also the group of anons who were angry about yuri being on the threads. It was hilarious.

>> No.15366723

>implying yuri is okay here

>> No.15366728

I still don't get why you'd commission and pay someone to draw images of your waifu making out with someone else. Wouldn't you rather make out with them yourself?

>> No.15366734

Thats a stupid reason to get butthurt t.bh, especially if its yuri between your 2 waifus

that being said;

yuri sucks and yaoi between shotas is superior

>> No.15366735

But that's not the point.

>> No.15366741

The mind of the Anubisfucker to this day is still under close research
Our scientists still have no idea how such a thought process came to be nor its conclusion
A collective agreement was made that "we just don't know"

>> No.15366743

He knew what was going to happen. Fuck him.

>> No.15366745

>2 waifus

>> No.15366751

>There was also the group of anons who were angry about yuri being on the threads
You make it sound like the problem is the group of anons, and not yuri.

>> No.15366756

>not going for the harem ending

>> No.15366758

It was kind of a thread collective conscious

>> No.15366768

>He wants to be a harem protag

>> No.15366769

I didn't mean to imply that, I was just stating the two reasons why the picture made everyone mad.
I fucking loved the edit version though. I think it was at that point where anubisfucker finally understood he'd properly fucked up.

>> No.15366778


I blame reality

>> No.15366781

Probably just into ffm threesomes, not that hard to understand.

>> No.15366786

Girls slobbering over each other instead of focusing on you actually makes for a pretty shit ffm scenario.

>> No.15366793

>not wanting to be a harem protag
>not wanting to be the densest there ever was
>not wanting even Cupid arrows to have no effect because your denseness affects the arrows arc to silly degrees
>not wanting to walk into room and see a naked, panting succubus with a dripping wet cunt, fondling herself desperately and whimpering "fuck meeee..." only to reply
>"I don't follow."
>Then proceeding to call her a doctor because she's short of breath, looks very hot and is producing a lot of fluid between her legs

>> No.15366794

I don't know, the Anubis and Dragon seemed pretty focused and busy with each other. If there was a guy in the scenario he'd be sitting in the corner watching them.

>> No.15366795

That's the excuse of some yurifags

>Two girls making out with each other
>No sign of male
>I-It's a threesome guys, no yuri!

>> No.15366799

That was said during that too
Didn't change anything. If anything, it made it worse

>> No.15366804

No point to insert in a ffm threesome anyway unless you think girls making out is hot. Which if you don't like yuri, you honestly don't.

>> No.15366811

*insert that situation into

>> No.15366812

>Be doing your midterm for college
>Suddenly, you're writing on a Demon's blueberry midriff instead of your desk while she kyaa~s and calls you forceful
>This isn't my sister
>This isn't my house

>Hating on Bob and Alp
But Alp is actually benign comparatively to the other cancer spouting shitmongers associated with Bob. Leave the poor snow mongol alone.

>> No.15366815

>Defending Alp and Bob

>> No.15366821

I'm defending Alp moreso than Bob. Bob is a disgusting subhuman beta who mopes that he can't get a woman so he settles for writing futa and anal.

Fucking Hobbits, man.

>> No.15366822

Not him but Alp is just an attentionwhore, no more, no less. The others are legit faggots.

And I say this as somebody that rags on Alp for being a wanton attention slut relentlessly.

>> No.15366823
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1280, 1432519870646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I personally prefer that than self inserting into some featureless character or some weird fucking purple man. Actually having myself drawn in the image would probably weird me out.

That said, I vastly prefer it when there is no guy present in the image but the girls are looking at the viewer.

>> No.15366826

If you're new, can you explain to me why is the /a/ thread a general when we ended here for being a general?

>> No.15366831

Being a lesser cancer is still being a cancer.

Who thought FNAF and MGE were good to crossover?

>> No.15366833

>Who thought FNAF and MGE were good to crossover?

>> No.15366838
File: 92 KB, 800x425, Posting standards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was a rogue mod that kicked us here back in the day, one that has since been fired. /a/ developed back into a general sometime around when the anime came out.

So without the old mod, there's nothing to mess with them.

>> No.15366840

Is it actually supposed to be the purple guy from FNAF?
I thought I was someone's self insert.

>> No.15366842

You're right. It is some weird guy's self-insert who commissioned .less.

But I would bet good money it is based on the FNAF purple guy as well.

>> No.15366845

I don't fucking know. .Less does comishes for weird fellows
For all we know it's someone self-inserting as the purple guy. If you can sexually identify as an Apache helicopter, you can with a purple guy

>> No.15366853

Out of everything these threads have produced, the Waterworld edits have been, and will always be the best.

>> No.15366862

They're a great record of the threads too

>> No.15366881

>a rogue mod that kicked us here back in the day, one that has since been fired

>> No.15366882

On what? Him being fired? Or on us ending up here?

>> No.15366885

I assume him being fired.
I knew about the rogue mod with a bone to pick with us but I didn't know about him going the way of the dodo.

>> No.15366887
File: 345 KB, 990x1400, 6e91f2254deaa1e8d40f7b472d8cfa20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when your lazy good for nothing Oni-san asks you to pick her up some beer?

>> No.15366889

on mod man, I know why we're here

>> No.15366892


Tell her to do it herself

>> No.15366893

Mod irc logs got leaked at one point, other mods were like "hey monster girls are cool I like spider girls" and stuff when he was raging about posting standards.

>> No.15366897

I'm not even the Anon so I don't know

>> No.15366899

The mod logs that leaked about four months after we got here.

>> No.15366901

Poke neesan tummy

>> No.15366908

Honesty this is the first i've heard of this but at the same time i guess its kinda funny

Not that im the guy who'd you ever ask for current events but still

>> No.15366911

All Alp is and will ever be is an attention whore from Finland. As I said he's mostly benign but I guess you must have some kind of bone to pick with him since you're saltier than the Flats.

Like shit, almost all the people on TFT can be said to be worse than Alp and it's not like BBSN have done us any favors.

>> No.15366920

Pick up it and drink it in front of her.

>> No.15366924
File: 79 KB, 562x796, 1460004013523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it something to do by making it a mom.

>> No.15366925

You'll share right?

>> No.15366935

Wurmdom is hot.

>> No.15366939
File: 113 KB, 445x525, baneneko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366942

Someone already posted that

>> No.15366944

I'm suffering from deja vu. Haven't I seen this before?

>> No.15366956
File: 358 KB, 1500x1817, 1465160449186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This is your fourth loop. Remember to be careful of the maids.

>> No.15366960

God damn it I knew something was off about that coffee she gave me

>> No.15366962

>tfw no Rem gf

>> No.15366964

Kumiho a shit.

>> No.15366967



>> No.15366972
File: 1.63 MB, 1000x912, Goa Magara - Monster Hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come and get it!
>Goa Magara monster girl
Well, Anon, in a surprise twist, I CAN!
This one isn't quite as monstrous, lacking paler skin, but...

Full gallery for those interested: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/361226

Excited ranting: I like Monster Hunter, but I feel I can't call myself a "rightful" fan of it. BUT I LOVE THIS! First of all: those expressions - especially #4!

The attention to detail with:
--the "sense of style" given to her as a Monster Girl (not a Gothic fan, but even so)
--the dual sets of horns (retracted and extended) apparently they double as "feelers")
--hair (down and flared up) to mimic a more calm (and human) nature, as well as the more monstrous and berserk nature
--the wings sprouting from her hips that also double as another pair of arms and triple as "dress" (as some sort of clever adaptation due to being a Monster Girl)!

She even feels threatening and like a boss you'd dread to fight because of:
--(again) the winged limbs (like damned how scary would it be to see a dress suddenly become an arm with claws and wings).
--the blades with a sharp and "toothed" side to them, which can be combined into a single double-ended sword, or even a bow that channels her inherent energy through it to from projectiles.
-last but not least the umbrella, which doubles as a mace and triples as another weapon capable of channeling her power in its "buster mode" (more Monster Hunter terminology)

Of course since she's part of Bandai's A.G.P. line a lot can be taken off and customized. I'm surprised they went this route of making a monster girl, rather than just the in-game female armour made from Goa Magara/Gore Magala!

I might even paint this a little to have paler looking skin, or some scales and markings on the more human parts. Heck, maybe I'll buy two.

NOTE: I'm sorry if figures aren't allowed on the board, but this is a monster girl so that's why I bothered mentioning it at all!

>> No.15366979

Get these damn gumihos out of here

>> No.15366983
File: 379 KB, 800x1131, Cait Sith cannot fool Superior Nippon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366985

Not even a drop.

>> No.15366987

The real monster here is you

>> No.15366995

Those lazy monster girls need to get up and do stuff for themselves. What if I'm not there to do it?

>> No.15366996

He is doing god's work, they need to learn to fend for themselves.

>> No.15367004

Figures are fine as long as they're thread related, we've discussed MGE figures before even while knowing they're ridiculously hard if not impossible to get hold of.

>> No.15367025
File: 434 KB, 636x900, Goa Magara empowered by Pixiv's Maxa'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good. Thanks for the clarification! Fortunately this one's not difficult to get a hold of.

I know we have enough Dragon MGs, but I'd love to see one similar in design, if not aesthetic to the figure. Wings that fold up like a dress is rather awesome.

On the other hand there's this, too...

>> No.15367032

Where's the eyes?

>> No.15367035

Well, it was.

>> No.15367036

>Armor/dress turns into weapons
I'll be honest
That's fucking cool as shit

>> No.15367040


Yeah, the figure is really cool, even if it's not entirely accurate to the game itself. I just wonder how fragile it is, though.

>> No.15367041

>Lazy Oni is letting her BMI get a little too high
>Muffintopped and thick thighs and everything
>Whines that her sake bottle and dish are too far away
>You're fed up with this shit
>Pick it up, pour the last of the sake into it
>She's got stars in her eyes, seeing that sweet rice wine
>Asks you politely, nay, begs you
>But you, being the true monster here drink it all in front of her, making her watch your Adam's Apple bob as you chug that bitter shit
>She's distressed, her shock getting replaced by anger
>Tell her she's going to have to get it out of your throat then. Wrong choice of words.
>Kiss rapes you, pins you to the floor with her massive Oni girth and weight.
>Rapes you absolutely fucking senseless for a month straight, gluttonizing herself on the copious amounts of meat available and your sweat for her new sake
>Finally lets you off the hook after she's back to being a lean, mean, /fit/ man raping machine
>Though you're getting worried
>She's been eating a helluva lot more than she used to, and wakes up in the strangest hours with stomach aches

>> No.15367046

Hidden. They appear when she matures into a Shagaru Magala.

>> No.15367047

Would a Yandere Dormouse be too tired to go crazy or would she sleep walk and do the yandere stuff

>> No.15367052

>On the other hand there's this, too...
She's probably blind and can locate you by scent or something.

>> No.15367055

Fuck off

>> No.15367057

How reasonable.

>> No.15367058

I'd rather my old thick oni back

>> No.15367062

Probably the yandere sleepwalking bit.

Bonus points if she's perfectly innocent and normal when she's awake.

>> No.15367063

Nobody cares about your opinion, yurifag.

>> No.15367064

That sounds terrifying, and you can't even tell her to stop because she isn't doing it on purpose

>> No.15367067

The Gore Magala's eyes are extremely underdeveloped, so it relies on its hearing, and also spreads a substance from its body that allows it to perceive its surroundings.
Unfortunately, that substance also infects monsters, and makes them go completely batshit insane. Humans can get infected with it too, but they have the power to resist it, and if they do so, they actually end up getting enhanced by it.

>> No.15367074

More a fact, really. The reaction of a few Anons that day ruined that thread. Has done several times, too.

>> No.15367076

Of course she is going to get stomach aches if she eats a lot. Does she need me to cook or something?

Man, what would MGs be without a guy to help her?

>> No.15367077 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 800x1131, IT WAS ME AUSTIN, IT WAS ME ALL ALONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a cat the whole time!

A big fluffy cat!

>> No.15367080

See >>15366983

>> No.15367083



>> No.15367086

Except there's a new development Anon. Apparently all that protein you gave her over that month have led to her getting thick again, she's even lactating!

>> No.15367087

And the problem is ours, not of the 3-4 faggots who want to force their fetish here.


>> No.15367088

You'd just have to make sure you give her enough love and affection when she's awake to try and satisfy her yandere side.

>> No.15367089

Is this the same artist who drew that crazy lady which paralyzed the guy for sex?

>> No.15367090

>Translated version gets posted before the non-translated version
First the same picture gets posted twice, now the reverse of the natural order
What the fuck is going on? Did I wake up on Bizarro Earth or in purgatory? Getting some deja vu here

>> No.15367092

So in other words, big fat cuddle oni?

>> No.15367093

Or sleep bondage

>> No.15367101

>muh vocal minority
>muh blameless instigators
The ironic thing is anubisfucker himself learned how much of a lie that is on that day when everything exploded in his face, but you sure didn't.

>> No.15367103

Now she doesn''t need to get up if she needs a drink and she has been eating a lot too? This Oni is really hard to handle.

>> No.15367104

>Expecting people to be self aware
Wrong place.

Although it'd be entirely possible to leave a quick "fuck off" or ">>>/u/" and not devolve into a 3k post shit storm after by replying further and having arguments. There's nothing wrong with making feelings known, it's the over the top arguments that span several hours that ruin things because people don't know when to let things drop.

>> No.15367105
File: 134 KB, 720x1119, 20160525_135607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367108

That thing has been translated for some time. This is like the fourth thread in a row it's been posted in.

>> No.15367109

You trying to start again?

>> No.15367110

Or that, that would absolutely work well too.

Fuck, why didn't I think of that.

>> No.15367114

Reminder that this is your brain on yuri.

>> No.15367116

Well, yeah. Maybe it's just because I don't get mad at things on the internet. I don't really go out of my way to post it, and I dont go on /u/, but I just see it like any other thing, like a fetish, or a certain position, or whatever.
It has people who are crazy obsessed over it like anyone else, but that's the same with anything. Can't judge a game by how fucked the fanbase is, y'know?
So I don't really see the problem if it's just an occasional picture, y'know. It's not /d/ material.
As with every aspect in this thread, it's when its overfrequent that something becomes a problem, you know what I mean?

>> No.15367119

Anon here >>15367067 said it better than I could. Although I'd like to add that those "horns" also double as feelers. They aren't always up like that though. You can see the "unempowered" version with the horns down here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=627820&type=all&p=3

Very much so. They played it well, not making it look too organic and not too mechanical, so it can be a "monster girl" as they call it, or just a new armour set for a human "monster hunter" if you want.

A.G.P. tend not to be fragile actually and are on the tougher end compared to figma despite the lesser emphasis on visual value. The only real concern is balancing, but that's a given. However, their joints aren't weak either as I've experienced.

>> No.15367126

He's a professional shitposter, no one with a brain for a second believes he's a real yurifag. Hopefully.

>> No.15367127

I'm surprised those fucking scalies dragon comics haven't been posted yet.

Big, fat MILF Oni in a few months!

>> No.15367128
File: 346 KB, 1000x667, ...(food muffled What).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any pictures of Hangry girls?

>> No.15367130

Always the same answers. Always.

>and I dont go on /u/
How's that our problem? Start doing it.

>> No.15367133

That's good to hear. Doubt I'll actually end up getting it, I'm not really that into figures, but it looks damn fine. And for balance, there's always that arm with the stand behind it.

>> No.15367134
File: 3.04 MB, 1250x1875, Foods Ready!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367135

Hungry girls? I'm not sure.

>> No.15367137

>It's the "but yuri isn't on the same level as futa or sounding or whatever else gets shunned" argument again
You're not the one to decide that. Considering how the place burns with yuri just the same way it does with the /d/ shit, it points directly at it being treated on the same level. That you can never get it through your thick skull and say "I don't understand" and "I don't see a problem" every single time when it's been explained literally dozens of times really just makes you sound either like you're trying to start a fight or are legitimately autistic.

>> No.15367139

her tongue looks like candy

>> No.15367140

This action does not have my consent!

>> No.15367144

No, Hangry girls.

>> No.15367146

I think he meant to say angry. You can see that the succubbus is clearly the daughter of a cursed sword by the way she is stabbing that potato.

>> No.15367150

What do Cursed Swords give birth to?

>> No.15367151

You know what they say about girls who are big eaters...

>> No.15367154

They eat big?

>> No.15367156

Cursed Knives.

>> No.15367157

Cursed Daggers

>> No.15367160

>Considering how the place burns with yuri just the same way it does with the /d/ shit, it points directly at it being treated on the same level
That's not really a answer though. More of a catch 22. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"This has shitstorms caused about it because we cause shitstorms are caused about it."
Do you see the whole cyclical, nonsensical nature of that?

>> No.15367164

That they're good at eating dick?


>> No.15367165

Cursed kni- Shit, someone said knives
Cursed dagg- Shit, that's been said too
Cursed, uh, sharp things?

>> No.15367171

>"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."
Is that what they say?

>> No.15367172

They give birth to little hilt babies.

>> No.15367174
File: 9 KB, 691x597, 1396970147357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Succuslut inhaling two hotdogs whole
I'd be hard-pressed to not immediately take her out back and attempt to gag her. Unlikely seeing how she's taking those dogs like a champ, but I doubt either of us would complain.

>> No.15367177
File: 381 KB, 672x1100, 275_cait_sith_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367178


>> No.15367181

I wanna stuff Genkibus's mouth with my carrot!

>> No.15367182

There's another way to not have more shitstorms, guess what is it.

>> No.15367184

To each their own! I just wanted to share an awesome design by Shimada Fumikane (apparently the Strike Witches and Girls und Panzer maker designs a lot of figures).

Anyway, I only have 2 myself and carefully considering releases has lead to no regrets! Hopefully there'll be lots of nice pictures of Goa once she's out.

And balancing itself is an art. It's a quaint feeling when you pull off a complex pose with (or even without) the stand and even shaking the surface won't knock it out of position.

>> No.15367187
File: 1.23 MB, 811x1217, 1440910233372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take an order of her.

>> No.15367188

Oh wow she's cute.

>> No.15367190

Cursed butter blades.

>> No.15367192

You mean butter knives?

>> No.15367193

At least she's cuddly.

>> No.15367194

Not get mad at things.

>> No.15367198

Cursed guns

>> No.15367200
File: 208 KB, 596x582, 1461517895388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi get a bad rep for being cumsluts, but she's a good girl who just wants a guy to treat her nice.

>> No.15367202

Shitstorms are caused by a large amount of people agreeing something shouldn't be here and a much smaller amount being too selfish to go along and get along. It's no Catch 22, especially when the only reason for any fetish monger to force what they want is "But I WAAAAAAANT it."

Well live without it. I've got fetishes and likes and dislikes that aren't popular here, but I'm not about to demand that the whole thread bends over for me.

>> No.15367204
File: 257 KB, 894x894, 1424809747571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choose the cow

>> No.15367205


Knife guns?

>> No.15367207

KC answer is regular succubutts.

>> No.15367209

Oh wow anon, it's like your kind doesn't know anything else to say

>But why are you mad
>But why is not ok
>But why don't you like it
>But why but why

I'm starting to belive you just want to start more shit, no one can be this retarded after all the discussions and shitstorms we've had about it.

>> No.15367210

All of them?

>> No.15367211
File: 164 KB, 1280x1053, tumblr_o7b7mi4T8p1r8ououo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mattie. No contest. All cows are good, but Mattie is just... Unf.

>> No.15367212

Why don't you find out if it tastes like candy too?
Holstaur forever and always.

>> No.15367213

The one from Milk Party because we all know humans can't get cows pregnant.

>> No.15367217

Have fun when she leaves you for a quad titted futa.
God why does Matsu have to be such a fucking faggot?

>> No.15367224

How much do they differ from normal succubi

>> No.15367225

how do you make cursed swords more edgy?

>> No.15367228

It's what happens to all artists that skirt the edge of /d/ for too long. Eventually they get sucked into the abyss. You can only remember the good stuff they did.

>> No.15367231

Milk Party or MGE.

That face of absolute glee on her face at the end still melts my heart.

>> No.15367234

Take away the mamanobama demonic silver effect.

>> No.15367235

Genkibus is 100% for cuddling.

>> No.15367237
File: 146 KB, 658x763, tumblr_o701hfA0uA1r8ououo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Ignore the /d/ shit and just enjoy the colossal calcium cannons.

>> No.15367239

Turn them into Yachiru Unohana mixed with a Khorne Bloodthirster. She'll kill you, heal you, and kill you again until you give her headpats or the D.

>> No.15367240

Not at all. Just like Alp or Alice children.

>> No.15367243

You sharpen them.

>> No.15367247

>pregnant Alice
please no

>> No.15367249

replace them with cursed guns or have them all be katanas

>> No.15367250

Would regular upkeep on weapon and armor girls (sharpening, polishing, repairing) be considered masturbation for them?

>> No.15367252

She's totally unfair, every girl the artist draws is but she's the most unfair of all. Wish he stopped drawing gangbang stuff but the one on one stuff is amazing.

>> No.15367256

I bet you wouldn't even show her the movie Alien after a spaghetti dinner and watch her freak out.

>> No.15367259

This fucking comic made me diamonds.

>> No.15367261

So would prudish swords and armor be in disrepair because they are waiting for their husband

>> No.15367265

It would be more like a spa day. They would get very turned on like from a very sensual massage but it's not really masturbation.

>> No.15367272

>Ignore the /d/ shit

Literally beyond the capacities of this thread. Remember that cat girl?

>> No.15367277

>Have fun when she leaves you for a quad titted futa.
Do I ask for it because it has quad tits, or shun it for having futa...

>> No.15367278

>When the thread discovered the truth of the cat girl
Ah, good times

>> No.15367284

You got tired of defending yuri and now will go with this?

>Remember that cat girl?
There were people posting her with the BULGE

>> No.15367290

>You got tired of defending yuri and now will go with this?

What? Anon, I think you're getting confused.

>> No.15367293

Don't. Lass is a self-insert OC and the worst of his girls.

>> No.15367297

Quad tits are awful anon. They ruin the silhouette of a woman and shorten her waist down to nothing.

>> No.15367302

Then we give her even more waist. So much waist she could stretch out even further than a lamia.

>> No.15367304
File: 540 KB, 1200x1315, 1463335358558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Another day delivering fresh pizzas!~"

>> No.15367307

Why not just a Lamia?

>> No.15367311

No anon, something will go horribly wrong! That's how the Oomukade were born! And they were flatties

>> No.15367314

>Have fun when she leaves you for a quad titted futa.
Wait what
He is doing NTR futa now?
That's hot tbqh

>> No.15367317

No. Distorting proportionss is a terrible idea. It never looks good and dumps you right into the uncanny valley.

>> No.15367318

Because lamias don't have long waists, they have long tails. Also a quad-titted lamia would not make much sense. I mean, have you ever seen a quad-titted snake in real life?

>> No.15367320

>Futafags also like NTR
How fitting.

>> No.15367323

Bob plz

>> No.15367325

>Those hips & thighs
I want to give her a firm spank and watch how long they jiggle & ripple

>> No.15367326

>I mean, have you ever seen a quad-titted snake in real life?
It's a strange world we live in, Anon

>> No.15367328 [DELETED] 

Monster futa NTR captions with small penis humiliation

>> No.15367331

Then we make everything else bigger to compensate.
Or even better, we make the breasts slightly smaller, so we still get plenty of delicious, normal-sized waist.

Don't bite the bait.

>> No.15367339

Wanna hug her
Wanna fuck her
Wanna cuddle her and take responsibility for impregnating her.

>> No.15367365
File: 1.71 MB, 1137x2000, 1400657724555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you make her feel alive again?

>> No.15367366

But Multi tits are so under done!

>> No.15367372

But she's dead.

>> No.15367378

Absolutely. I'd go on a date with her and take her to the movies and then treat her to a nice dinner and then walk her home gently

>> No.15367379

>Are the drawers drawing?
No motivation lately

>> No.15367382

They give birth to seemingly normal children that are naturally corrupted into another Cursed Sword some time after.
The Living Armor works the same way.

>> No.15367385

I think multi-tits definitely are something with potential, but personally, I wouldn't like it so much if it was straight up just four huge breasts. Maybe on a cowgirl, but otherwise, I'd prefer two normal sized breasts, and the pair under that to be just a little smaller. Less cumbersome that way.

>> No.15367391

Jesus fuck, that's a terryfing concept.

>> No.15367393

>normal children
You mean, humans?

>> No.15367395
File: 8 KB, 269x211, 1464841486248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that noise.

>> No.15367397

The only multi-anything that's actually any good is multi-arms. God I want a multi-arm body massage.

>> No.15367401
File: 222 KB, 800x1000, 1458074924701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /fit/ tomboy Anubutt to work on your car

>> No.15367404

>reaction image
Opinion discarded

>> No.15367408

Not really. It's like puberty.

>> No.15367414

>Puberty for Cursed Swords is basically going batshit insane

>> No.15367416

Take you /d/-tier shit elsewhere.

>> No.15367417

Losing your skin, ability to touch, and turning into a ghost surrounded by hard, inflexible parts of metal is not part of normal puberty.

Unless you had a fucking fucked up puberty, of course.

>> No.15367424

Take your /b/ shit elsewhere.

>> No.15367430

Normal puberty is already a drastic change, so it's not much worse.

>> No.15367431

>reaction images

>> No.15367440
File: 328 KB, 800x1000, 1453762952663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Sexy Anubis

>> No.15367441

I don't think you've taken the perspective and scale of change into account here.
Yes, purberty has lots of differences. But it doesn't turn you into a ghost or some inorganic, prototype-esque freakazoid with a sword fused onto your arm and growing into your CNS.

>> No.15367448

Yes. Did you delete it yet?

>> No.15367452

They'll get used to it.

>> No.15367462

>likes multi-boobs
I would, but your taste is total shit so I may just refrain from that.

>> No.15367465

Well, yes, but, you could say the same about becoming paraplegic.

>> No.15367470
File: 353 KB, 842x1000, 1464053827564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Sexy Tinny Tiger.

>> No.15367471

But being a paraplegic sucks. A Cursed Sword has upsides.

>> No.15367476

Where's my drink?

>> No.15367482
File: 409 KB, 1100x1024, 1465081238327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy Tall Tiger

>> No.15367484

You're mistaking me for another poster. I didn't say anything about multiboobs, I just replied to you because of a reaction image.
Seeing you'll intentionally shitpost the thread because of another person's "taste" is dissapointing, though. I'd expect more.

You'll do what's best for the thread, right?

>> No.15367491

>I just replied to you because of a reaction image.
A reaction image I would have inevitably deleted.

>> No.15367493

Being paraplegic has upsides too. Disabled parking, people always make room for you, you can avoid strenous labour, and so on.

What were we talking about in the first place?

>> No.15367504


>> No.15367526

>Scaring away the shittest of all the dog breeds
Based tiger cub.

I wonder how strong that cub is, though. Considering their musclature, even when young, they must be quite powerful.

>> No.15367528

Can you imagine how cute she would be doing weird sounds like that and calling it a roar?
I would laugh at her and gently give her some headpats.

>> No.15367530

how did she lose her eye?

>> No.15367531

As long as it's gone.

>> No.15367533

How the change wouldn't be that bad.

>> No.15367535

Don't ask.

>> No.15367536
File: 1.97 MB, 2500x4000, 1407018297453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute as fuck.

>> No.15367539

Why are Tigers the best and the coolest looking of the big cats?
Too bad they're going extinct

>> No.15367545

Dude Tigers will at worst go extinct in the wild. They're too big to fail in captivity.

>> No.15367546

Unless they get shot by the zookeepers.

>> No.15367549

Do Ittan-momen corrupt women into succubi, or another of their kind?

How does Ittan-momen reproduction work when they're nothing more than cloth?

>> No.15367551

Oh fuck off, I'm sick of hearing about that dumb gorilla shit. We just got through talking about that damn lion.

>> No.15367558

When you say /fit/, do you mean sexy and fit or horrible, tumourous mass of muscles bodybuilder fit?

>> No.15367571

Wow, calm down at the jokes there, friendo.

But I feel out of the loop. What lion are you talking about? Don't recall anything like that in recent news.

>> No.15367574

But I want to know! Did she lose it in an underground streetfight or something?

>> No.15367575

Their kind.

You cum in her womb cloth. The piece in which you came detaches itself from the Ittan, however, because it has mamono mana and spirit energy, it's able to live on it's own.

>> No.15367584

Anon it was a very dark time in her past that changed her forever and she doesn't like talking about it.
Just know that she did what she had to to see her family again.

>> No.15367589

>Needing to have a girl fix your car

>> No.15367607


It was the dumb petty shit that Normalfags cared about for months, like the confederate flag controversy and #Kony2012.

This is why I want to abandon this world for the Monster Girl one. Their news cycle wouldn't be dominated by stupid shit for months at a time. Well it would, but unlike here where it's stroking a moral ego over nothing, there the only motivation for stupid news stories and controversies would be because they're perverts.

>> No.15367630

That yes.

Must be quite a suprise when some childhood friend discovers the girl he likes is actually a Monstergirl that simply hasnt hit puberty yet.

and when he finds out its far too late.

>> No.15367640

Like he said, terrifying.

>> No.15367678

Spooky, scary skeletons.

>> No.15367705

Skeleton monster girl is a stupid concept and her design is dumb imo


>> No.15367713

No but seriously why are we dead in the middle of the afternoon?

>> No.15367735
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, 1435647788980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367739

Let's see here
There's no event that would cause absense
It is comic book day, but it doesn't take long to read comics. also this isn't /co/
No shows of note in terms of /a/. At least, the catalogue isn't flooded with threads because something big happened in some show
News isn't freaking out about something

I don't know honestly. Just kind of quiet today
We can go back to reminiscing the good times and the bad times?

>> No.15367752

For you

>> No.15367759

Everyone is resting with their monster waifu.

>> No.15367761
File: 538 KB, 1118x1196, 1455079042699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367766
File: 2.69 MB, 1867x1352, 57001505_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe everyone finally realised that dead is best.

>> No.15367768

There was a bunch of faggotry that occurred not too long after a MonMusufag was accepted here.

>> No.15367776

>not too long after a MonMusufag was accepted here

You're acting as if these threads didn't come from /a/, where they were the main place for talking about EMG.

>> No.15367778
File: 35 KB, 665x510, 1463923738237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so good that it's cold here. I can finally get comfy.

>> No.15367782
File: 262 KB, 750x768, 1454265644269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't always awawa, they're cute little abominations that love their dad

>> No.15367784

>Tfw wearing my comfy sweater and pyjama pants in the spring/summer
This cold is great

>> No.15367788

Of course I know that these threads come from /a/. I've been here for a few years now.
Anyways, I was referring to the current MonMusu threads and threadgoers you nincompoop.

>> No.15367795

Don't call me a nincompoop, you tiddlepee.

>> No.15367799
File: 177 KB, 694x500, Canadian MGs, Canucks, winter wear, animal wear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live there, eh? In any case I know what you mean. It's nice to not start getting hot and bothered (read:annoyed) mere minutes after walking out of the door.

>> No.15367801

Are there any monstergirl versions of the Ancient Ones from Blood C yet?
That would be fun and simultaneously horrifying.

>> No.15367803

Don't call him a picklepee you pumparum.

>> No.15367812

God the heat was unbearable. Bloody hated it

>> No.15367816

No, I don't live there.

You know what would be good now? A mofu potion for my waifu. Sure, I love her leathery wings and scaly claws, but can you imagine the heaven it would be resting in a fluffy Dragon's arms?

>> No.15367817

>Ancient Ones from Blood C

>> No.15367829

Why did you fucking remind me.
I still have night terrors about them pounding all those people to jam you asshole.

>> No.15367833
File: 216 KB, 289x639, She'sgotwood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367838

Is she a golem of some sort?

>> No.15367855

I mean, I lived on the equator until I was 4 and heat resistance seems to be the one thing I brought with me... But I can't praise the sun when it's cooking me like an egg mcmuffin.

Fluffy dragons exist, just not in MGE yet. On the bright side, scales and leather can be quite soft if you take care of them right... Get to work Anon!

Let's see if she can handle the onslaught of oil massaging and other skin & scale therapy techniques! Stay focused you two!

>> No.15367882

>He doesn't want to see hordes of huge, shapeshifting bunnygirls turn their hands into nets to capture men by the dozen, effectively raping men by the dozen and pouring the human girls into their "conversion chambers" they form to turn them into new bunnygirls
>Or a ferocious wolfgirl with horns that can change into long, spindly arms for capturing her prey with ease
>Or a spidergirl with more than twice the legs of a normal arachne, all sharp and tipped with venom to immobilise her victims, as she assaults an entire school full of students

I don't blame you. Most grusome thing I regret watching.

>> No.15367885
File: 1.59 MB, 1240x1417, d2f0da31e3df97b0f1c605745bf211a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Girls and Human Girls,
living in HAR-MO-NY

>> No.15367886

No thank you.

>> No.15367892

Huldra from Nordic mythologies.

>> No.15367893

Human girls and MG's getting along?
That'll cause mass hysteria!

>> No.15367894

The best. Monstergirls and regular girls should all be friends.

>> No.15367897

Not likely.

>> No.15367899

Why not?

>> No.15367900

My hands are kinda freezing right now, maybe if she heated them up with her fire they would be ready to have a field day on her beautiful body.
You better get ready, Waifu. Those scales of yours will be softer than any mofu and shinnier than your whole hoard!

>> No.15367905

They would be jealous of each other and see them as competition.

>> No.15367912

Would they though?

>> No.15367913

Doubtful. Not everything has to be about sex.
Do you see literally every single man you come across as "competition?" Nobody does that.

>> No.15367915

>Not everything has to be about sex

>> No.15367918

>We don't have many active writefags anymore, so if you want to give it a go then please do, more content is great.
>He still thinks this place has any hope

>> No.15367923

Doomsayer please.

>> No.15367931

The humans would be jealous of the monsters' power, and the Monstergirls jealous of how the human women are much more likes then they are.

Not just sex. Jobs, attention, things like that.

>> No.15367932

Doomsayers predict future events.
This is more like a post-apocalypse, but where the apocalypse just kind of happened over time in a long, drawn-out whimper.

>> No.15367935
File: 338 KB, 1546x2048, Ear ruffling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that petting and ruffling your Kikimora's ears help keeping her happy!

Remember that your other responsiblity is to ensure several litters of healthy young Kikimora offspring together with your Kikimora maid/wife/domatrix.

>> No.15367940
File: 451 KB, 609x706, 2497634545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father's words!

>> No.15367941

More like the apocalypse happened but we got the fuck out of dodge and bunkered up elsewhere.
Have you seen the /a/ threads?

>> No.15367942

Are Kiki's dogs or burds
Truely a mystery

>> No.15367946

They're dogbirds

>> No.15367948

No they're not
They're burd-dogs

>> No.15367951

The only babies I'm giving my Kiki is the one me and my waifu have. She is my maid, not my cumdump.

>> No.15367953

>Fluffy Kiki

So, this is what it's like being a Yukari fan in a /gup/ thread, minus the tanks.

>> No.15367958

Good man.

>> No.15367959

That's all part of the human condition though. It'd be just a normal facet of life. You compete with everyone over jobs and attention. Everyone has talents, and are better than people at certain things, and vise versa.
Some monstergirls would be better at certain things, like raiju being safer working risky electrical jobs, and many monstergirls would find difficulty in jobs. It woudn't just be a case of women getting jealous or being objects of jealously for their advantages; it would be a case of HUMANS getting jealous or beig objects of jealousy.
Gender isn't really a factor in this.

>> No.15367960

Oh god my heart.

>> No.15367964
File: 179 KB, 568x600, Kikimora_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, they fall under the wolf family.
They however in my eyes seem to be a hybrid of dogs/wolves and harpies.
Which explains their fluffy, feathery tail and the remnants of feathers on their hands, which used to be wings which were lost to better perform their duties.

>> No.15367967
File: 549 KB, 1200x1695, 1423845175215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Yukari this girl? Never got into GuP.

>> No.15367972

>Dragging wolfgirls down by associating them with KC's 4th biggest mistake, kikis

>> No.15367974

Your waifu must not be very happy with the headpat/ear ruffle and general payment arrangments with your maid then.

Unless of course you are paying money.
In which case you really should double check if the maid you have hired truly is a Kikimora.

>> No.15367976

It's not doomsaying if it's true.

>> No.15367979

>Kikimora dominatrix.
I image she'd get really into it.
And she be really fussy during aftercare.

>> No.15367980

The first 3 biggest mistakes were Cait Sith, Cu Sith, and Alps, right?

>> No.15367983
File: 470 KB, 1850x2048, Serving in any way she can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Yukari as fluffy as a Kiki?

>> No.15367984

>Not being a Rosehipfag

>> No.15367987

And in that very order too. What scarily good prediction skills.

>> No.15367994


>> No.15367996

My waifu found her on the streets, abandoned in the rain, and brought her back home.
Both of us give her headpats and a great amount of love, and I'm sure she is going to grow up and be a wonderful woman and do the same with her husband.

>> No.15367997

>Cheshire shows up at Anon's house claiming to be the maid
>"...You're the Kiki maid?'
>'Absolutely, master~'
>"You don't look like a Kiki."
>'Genetic mutation'
>"And you have big meaty claws and paws instead of, you know, bird feet"
>'From my mothers side of the family.'
>"And your feathers seem... glued on? Are they falling off?"
>'Good sir! I'll have you know that I have a rare skin disease that causes my feathers to shed uncontrollably!'
>"But they're different colo-"
>'That also causes my feathers to be different colours!'

>> No.15368013

It would be a case of some Monstergirls invalidating their achievements just by existing. Like if a Tanuki moves in and starts making more then any Female CEO out there, it makes them look bad. Or after cheering on an athlete that can compete with men an oni outmatched both of them. Or simply men getting disillusioned with women and heading to Monstergirls.

>> No.15368026
File: 427 KB, 590x700, 1465354657268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary winter bears

>> No.15368032

>Like if a Tanuki moves in and starts making more then any Female CEO out there

But that "female" bit is needless. The tanuki would make more than every CEO out there. Like I keep saying, in the case of jobs, gender isn't a factor.
In athletics, monstergirls would have their own divisions, completely seperate from men and women, and most likely seperated further to monstergirl type.
The only point which is really valid is your last one. And even then, that's not really something which makes girl and monstergirl friendships impossible.

>> No.15368033

>calling you 'sir'
>not 'master'
That's the biggest red flag right there.

>> No.15368034

Now I'm imagining a Kikimora in a latex leotard, complete with latex stockings and gloves, holding a horsewhip and grinning.
I didn't want this boner.

>> No.15368057

>"Did you just call me sir instead of master?"
>'Speech impediment.'
>"But that's not how that works."
>'Eye don't speak gooood English.'
>"What's your native tongue?'

>> No.15368061

That would be her

>> No.15368071
File: 807 KB, 1276x1920, 1465352847661[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girls and latex are a deadly combo

>> No.15368072

>The queen of hearts is still a virgin
>Every time a man fucks her, it turns out it was a cheshire all along

>> No.15368075

There's nothing wrong with the Siths.

>> No.15368083

Quicksilver is that you?

>> No.15368088

I miss Quicksilver.
He hasn't updated here in a while.

>> No.15368092

I miss him too anon. I miss him too.

>> No.15368093 [DELETED] 

You know you furfaggots are justifiably loathed here right?

>> No.15368094
File: 450 KB, 2048x1790, Heavenspillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Monstergirls our entire economy would collapse. Not to mention the massive clash with culture.

Lots of technology gets simply invalidated with the introduction of Monstergirls. Most medical treatment for example would be instantly inferior to magical treatment.

Why have a doctor treat your broken bone, when your local slightly yandere Shirohebi can fix it in seconds with a bit of magical energy?

>> No.15368099

I like women older than me, so no.

>> No.15368104

That moment when the most intense prejudice against monster girls comes from not The Order, but the healthcare industry.

>> No.15368110

It seems like everybody forgets almost half of his work, he did some great onee-san stuff too.

>> No.15368112

>Anon at work doing shit on the computer
>Cheshire co-worker leans in behind him wondering what he's doing
>Tells her to fuck off because he's working
>"Hey Anon, I couldn't help but listen to your convo with the boys at the bar last night."
>'About how I fusked the Queen of Hearts. Yeah, I was just... drunk. Kind of stumbled into Wonderland half drunk and I think I got captured by the Queen of Hearts and we had sex or something. It's a haze. Also, fuck off.'
>"Hmm. Interesting. So you don't remember at all?
>'Fuck off. Also, why?'
>"Oh, no raisin. Just that it was me, Anon. It was me all along"
>Cheshire walks off with a wink while Anon's stuck frozen in time because he stick'd his dick in his co-worker he absolutely despises

>> No.15368123

>Health industry spending billions in anti-monster propaganda
>Shows a full documentary about men becoming squids, monsters and slimes after receiving care from monsters
>Shoggoths all lose their job because of it
>Mindflayers are banned from becoming psychatrists
>Wendigos have to go back to the mountains

But for real, some of the incubisations sounds scary at first

>> No.15368128

Yeah but then he got into 5 year olds and diapers.

>> No.15368132

Every time.
>It was me, Barry! I shit your pants!

>> No.15368136

There is that, but that doesn't mean his onee-san stuff wasn't neato as fuck.

>> No.15368141 [DELETED] 

You know you little shits who get your panties in a knot over everything here are literally made fun of universally, right?

Fucking literally worse than American university students who whine and complain about safe spaces, unwilling to accept that sexuality isn't nearly as static and narrow as you believe it is.

Does that mean I condone shit like futa and yuri in this thread? No, because I know how you retards froth at the mouth at the idea of people liking what you don't like, but saying that Siths are furfaggotry tier when at most they're a regrettable drunken stupor over wives is hilarious.

Grow up.

>> No.15368147

I don't think he suddenly just spontaneously "got into" it. Just wrote about them, and in the case of the diapers, wrote about 4 lines in an otherwise hot story. Everyone, himself included, made such a big mess of it all.

>> No.15368150 [DELETED] 

What a load of Bollocks, now run along to /b/ and /trash/ and spam your furshit there.

>> No.15368152

That's making assumptions that magic even works on Earth. Various scientific laws make the entire concept unlikely to begin with, but then most monstergirls wouldn't be able to function if you use our world's science on them so who the fuck even knows?

>> No.15368157 [DELETED] 

I agree with you I guess, but please don't start. Flashing your opinion isn't worh some big derailing shitstorm. Sure this thread has it's falws, but if you treat it like a movie or a tv show or something like that it isn't so bad. You just accept and ignore the flaws so you can enjoy the good bits because jesus fucking christ what is the point of getting so upset at something that you can't change?

>> No.15368158 [DELETED] 

I fully agree with this sentiment but would advise you not stir the pot as to avoid another 3 hour block of meta-posting and doomsaying.

>> No.15368160 [DELETED] 

Siths are furfaggotry, furfaggotry doesn't go here.

Otherwise, I'd agree with your points about the whole safe space thing. This thread really is incredibly infantile and oversenstive.

Don't care about your shit with the "nonstatic sexuality" though. You want to post furshit, the siths included, go on >>>/trash/.

>> No.15368168

Are you all prepared for...Liru?

>> No.15368169

I mean yeah, i guess

>> No.15368172 [DELETED] 

>You just accept and ignore the flaws so you can enjoy the good bits because jesus fucking christ what is the point of getting so upset at something that you can't change?

Who said you can't change the threads? They're constantly fluid. If you can post, you can change it. Why accept a flaw when you can make it better with effort?

>> No.15368176 [DELETED] 

Are you actively defending furfaggotry being posted here?

>> No.15368177 [DELETED] 

>Why accept a flaw when you can make it better with effort?
Because it absolutely is not worth that effort.

>> No.15368183 [DELETED] 

No, I'm saying it's unfortunate that people are so closed-minded here but I understand it and don't want it to change because it's perfectly comfy here without.

>> No.15368186 [DELETED] 

The amount of logical fallacies and faggotry in your post is off the charts. Fuck off back to TFT if you want to jerk off to furry futa genderbending yuri that much, shitter.

>> No.15368188 [DELETED] 

All it involves is sitting at a screen and typing out words. Making a sandwich takes more effort.

>> No.15368191 [DELETED] 

>it's unfortunate that people are so closed-minded
And this is why we don't like furries.

>> No.15368193 [DELETED] 

There are elements of the thread you can't change though. Don't like doms/subs? Good luck converting the other side or chasing them off. Want yuri? All you'll achieve is a burning thread. Hate cutesy shit? We're on /jp/.

I'm not saying I'm personally for or against any of these, I'm just using examples.

>> No.15368195 [DELETED] 

I guess the gift of shitposting comes easier to some than it does to others.


>> No.15368196 [DELETED] 

Don't engage them, there's nothing good that could come out of it.

>> No.15368202
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>> No.15368203 [DELETED] 

I suppose in all those cases, you have people changing in the other direction, and kind of pushing back.
Maybe with enough subtlety over time, changes to something even like that can be made.

>> No.15368208 [DELETED] 

Can I report these furfag meta?

>> No.15368209 [DELETED] 

>this conversation right now
Are you seeing this? And furfags, /u/shits and /d/ try to say they don't try to push their garbage into this thread.

All it takes is one salty cunt to go on a copypasta-esque bait rant and they all come crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.15368210
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 1465251131750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons please relax. You need to hang out with your cat waifu more.

>> No.15368216
File: 858 KB, 1280x1024, 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368219 [DELETED] 

Don't know about some of those posts you're replying to, but that filename is right, I love this image so much. There's so many things you can apply it to in this thread.

Falseflag-kun, please.

>> No.15368220

>Remember that time you fapped under the covers and when you pulled the covers off your cum was gone?

>> No.15368222 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 707x1000, Harpy vs Lamia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This still isn't as bad as it once was

>> No.15368224 [DELETED] 

Being all accepting and shit is how the MonMusu threads degraded.

>> No.15368226

Why does this pick always make me giggle like a motherfucker

>> No.15368230 [DELETED] 

>Don't know about some of those posts you're replying to, but that filename is right, I love this image so much. There's so many things you can apply it to in this thread.

Let's see... anything with a snout (even Japanese-style "furry", drawn virtually identical to most manga/anime girls), yuri, monsterboys, futa, daughteru-riding, demonic silver, sub/dom/switch, ushi-onis, manticores, and there are probably more I can't remember right this moment.

>> No.15368235 [DELETED] 

>demonic silver
Does that cause problems here? I don't recall seeing it ever brought up but I've only been here for a few months.

>> No.15368238 [DELETED] 

>demonic silver
Demonic money causes an uproar?

>> No.15368240 [DELETED] 



>> No.15368242
File: 364 KB, 800x704, Late She heard you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some one say Ushi-oni?

>> No.15368243 [DELETED] 

Demonic silver weapons don't harm anyone. They just arouses them.

It triggers the grimdark anons who freak out about how even weapons can't hurt people. Maybe replacing demonic silver with just general nihilistic "MGE-land = dystopia/suffering/slavery" anons would be more accurate.

>> No.15368247
File: 93 KB, 500x379, Dogger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikihow lives in some weird alternate dimension where the laws of physics and causality either don't apply, or apply in ways we don't actually understand.

>> No.15368250 [DELETED] 

Except I'm not from TFT you overly sensitive man-child. I'm tired of some monsters being absolutely refused to be talked about because it breaks the narrative of this OC deprived shithole.

Is that a little hypocritical of me? Of course it is, but the more and more people deny that this place is a molly-coddled safe space the more and more it becomes apparent that it's a good thing that most of the writefags are inactive and/or gone.

>> No.15368259

Put your cat daughteru back down.
When you (or your cat daughteru) are done hanging out, put her down gently and safely

>> No.15368261 [DELETED] 


>hurr safe space
>change the threads so they accept my shit fetish pls
>I agree with your faggotry

Don't even try to pretend that other stuff is anywhere close to the level of cancer as the first four.

>> No.15368263

>The ones about self defence

>> No.15368264 [DELETED] 

Are you that upset that nobody here wants to cater to your furry fetish?

>> No.15368266 [DELETED] 

>what did he mean by this?

>> No.15368268

>h-he's fast!

>> No.15368269 [DELETED] 

I didn't say jack shit about a furry fetish, now did I?

I'm talking about girls who literally get forgotten like Mimics when they just want to hug you and maybe Tatsumaki Senpukyaku you.

My stance is, and has always been if you want to do /d/ shit keep it out of the thread because it'll trigger you mongoloids like a successful black man triggers /pol/acks.

>> No.15368270

Wait, is that the one with the gunman and the pencil? I don't remember the afterimages thing at all.

>> No.15368272 [DELETED] 

This is not a charity for causing cancer. If you want to indulge in your garbage fetishes, there are numerous places for it that aren't this thread.

This is a monster girl thread, not a futa thread, not a yuri thread, not a furry thread, not a shitting dick nipples thread. Fuck off.

>> No.15368273

What are you people talking about?

>> No.15368275


>> No.15368278

I wonder how a mindflayer's tentacle hug would feel

>> No.15368281 [DELETED] 

RIP this thread

>> No.15368283
File: 636 KB, 1100x881, Kikis in Heat Volume 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15368284

Very nice.

>> No.15368285 [DELETED] 

Heh, furfags.

>> No.15368286

Quicksilver's uncomfortable penchant for toddlercon

>> No.15368287

>protip: to defeat the bank robbers teleport behind them

>> No.15368288

What would it be like at a beach full of monstergirls?

>> No.15368289

Tittykiki a cute.

>> No.15368290

Method 2: Step 3

>> No.15368294

Why is she on my pillow, it will mess up the feathers

>> No.15368297

Holy shit, that's cute.
I love that guy's art.

>> No.15368298
File: 183 KB, 500x688, 1456095215352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiger's can be pregnant for just around 103 days, and will give birth to litters of 3 to 4 cubs.

>> No.15368300
File: 72 KB, 693x1024, 89d3e1fe3760d864823050cd98d3e008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quicksilver. Writefag who does many things. He likes loli as well. The diaper thing is that he wrote a jubjub story where she had to wear something absorbent like that because she was just constantly wet with arousal all the time.

>> No.15368303

Oh, so nothing to do with real diaper fetishes.

>> No.15368308

That was in the mass shooting one.

>> No.15368310

Not really, no. See >>15368300

>> No.15368311

>When someone breaks into your house, it's best to combo them into an Aegis Reflector

>> No.15368314

Sorry to disappoint you, anon, but this *is* /mgt/, where anything beyond extremely vanilla sex is cast out.

>> No.15368319

Oh man! Oh jeez! I gotta call my parents! The Kikimora maid they hired is starting to act strange!

>> No.15368325

Yeah, people will say "it's the diaper story", but if you read it, there's less than five lines which only just mention it. There was no focus on it as a fetish at all, and it was literally only there for the function of aborbing the jubjub's sex juices.

>> No.15368327

Oh wow, that's great. You have to wonder who they get to do the drawings for all of these.

>> No.15368329

New fallout monster girl when?

>> No.15368330

>When being chased by ninjas, it's in best practice to set yourself on fire. Ninjas can't catch you if you're on fire.

>> No.15368331

Someone who clearly isn't from this plane of existence

>> No.15368332

>Salamander Monk disarms her attacker

>> No.15368335

Would a nerdy Cheshire just use her powers to get books faster

>> No.15368337
File: 44 KB, 548x544, milky fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but this *is* /mgt/, where anything beyond extremely vanilla sex is cast out
What the fuck are you talking about? Have you ignored the breast milk oriented discussions?

>> No.15368338

>You are now imagining kikis from the olden days
>"Oh my I believe I'm coming down with the case of the vapors!"

>> No.15368340

>When you're on the run, it's best to go to a completely different dimension in space and time

>> No.15368341

>tfw that drawfag that was taking mofu requests never delivered
I'll never see that fat werewolf butt.

>> No.15368342

>She hikes up her dress so you can see her bare leg

T-Too lewd!

>> No.15368344

You know what you must do, Anon
You must go on a 25 episode quest that'll have a lewd OVA and a movie

>> No.15368350

When will you faggots fuck off with turning /v/ monsters into monster girls. It's worse than the fucking xenomorph faggot(s).

>> No.15368352

Do not hire a maid if you are dating

>> No.15368353

That's up to 12 Tigers a year!

>> No.15368358

She's just a maid.

>> No.15368359

Six seasons and a movie!

>> No.15368360

>Breast fixation
>Not vanilla

Oh anon, bless your little heart. I bet you think doggy style is exotic and taboo, too.

>> No.15368363

Oh shut up.

>> No.15368372

Which breast milk oriented discussion?

>> No.15368373

>tfw you'll never be swarmed by a group of shortstack Gecko Girls.

>> No.15368374


>> No.15368378
File: 480 KB, 590x744, Ammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you need a /v/ thing turned into a monstergirl to cheer you up, Anon!

>> No.15368381

Ammy is the cutest goddess!

>> No.15368384

Are piss and general humiliation looked down on?

>> No.15368385

Anon, I can't tell if you're joking, but do you really think that breat milk isn't vanilla?

>> No.15368389

Are there any new monsters in fallout4? I havent played it yet, and I probably wont do it.

>> No.15368393

Allowing /v/ shit is the gateway drug to even more retarded shit like Blood and Night Elves or even Necrons

>> No.15368396

And the lewdest, if the posts about her brush techniques are any indication.
Hell, she outright has a huge fixation on other girls' breasts in the actual game.

>> No.15368397

I thought lactation was regarded as /d/-tier.

>> No.15368399

Giant Mosquitoes
Cazador spin-off

That's about all there is for new enemies.

>> No.15368410
File: 49 KB, 616x651, 1437164759189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A completely natural body function is considered /d/ tier
>Especially when it's not done in massive excess like dairy ocean levels

>> No.15368415

Every time an elf is raped they win

>> No.15368417
File: 20 KB, 244x223, 1464478311875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's the reason I could request lactation stuff on /a/ with little issue.
Also, when are you gonna write some lactating jocasta complex desert Tanuki stuff?

>> No.15368418
File: 2.24 MB, 1254x1771, Elf blushs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct method to make an Elf lose is to make the Elf rape you.

>> No.15368419

Then you haven't actually been on /d/, or any of the other lewd boards like /h/ where lactation is actually posted.

>> No.15368420

Exactly that is her losing control and become a beast like she accuses others of

>> No.15368423

Loli elves should take responsibility for their lewd bodies and the way they flaunt them.

>> No.15368424

What if I'm raped by an elf? Who wins?

>> No.15368427
File: 333 KB, 1626x2048, 1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15368430

So elves a rape of attrition to see who flips first?

>> No.15368431
File: 73 KB, 1659x719, Tales from the Elf Planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. Eventually even the most dignified Elf will get desperate.

They're all 100+ year-old christmas cakes after all.

God damn.

>> No.15368433

Would you be making the same excuse if it was futa?
>The dicks only mentioned five times!

It's still in there and he knew it would piss people off, but he did it anyway.

>> No.15368434 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.82 MB, 1529x2087, 1465431970157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15368437

Except this has nothing to do at all with futa you fucking futafag.

>> No.15368441

Guys help, I think she is winning

>> No.15368443
File: 91 KB, 650x419, 1462154052250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best food to get a home delivery for?

>> No.15368444

Falling for her trap

>> No.15368448

>that feel when I'm too physically exhausted from work to tend to the Kiki.

>> No.15368451

What would milk from an alice taste like?

What would be the rarest types of monster milk?

>> No.15368452

That is kinda depressing

>> No.15368453

I'd like some Mist Continent takeout.

>> No.15368455

Alices are not for impregnating

>> No.15368457

No idea why you'd ask me something like that.

>> No.15368458

Lilim milk.

>> No.15368461

Obviously. As the best monsters, of course their milk would be top-tier.

>> No.15368463

Completely different situation, you're just playing the futa card as a thoughtless reaction. Why are you trying to bring it up, anyway? Got something you want to tell the thread?

The diaper wasn't a sexualised object of attraction. It was something which served a function, and then was removed for the actual sex to begin. At all times within the story, the focus was on the jubjub, and solely on her attraction.
If it was futa, I couldn't "make the same excuse" because it wouldn't be a background thing which could just be removed. It would be a fucking dick in the middle of sex, obviously. Even if it was mentioned five times, it would change the entire dynamic and point of the story, because it would be physically changing the focus of it, the jubjub.
Instead, it's an article of clothing which in the narrative, wasn't worn for sexual reasons, but practical ones.

I don't know how I can make this any clearer to you.

>> No.15368464

But eating out makes your jaw tired. Wouldn't you rather come inside where it's warm?

>> No.15368465
File: 154 KB, 1024x1304, 1431326922161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minotaur Milk is great as a body-building supplement.

Not exactly rare, but it would be difficult to obtain while they're in season, a lot of potential for broken bones.

>> No.15368467

That wasn't the point you retard. The point was he put /d/ shit in the story and /d/ shit is /d/ shit.

>> No.15368469 [SPOILER] 
File: 349 KB, 1707x906, 1465432507186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna cover her up in a blanket.

>> No.15368470

This is something the smug Kakuen cashier at the counter would ask as her tail brushes against your crotch.

>> No.15368474

Only a sith deals in absolutes.
Or an autist. I think I'm beginning to tell which you are.

>> No.15368475
File: 502 KB, 600x659, 1429145678190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not thick milky Lilim with demonic Holstaur-esque features and a tendency to wear cow print attire

>> No.15368476

>Got something you want to tell the thread?

Yes, /d/ stuff belongs in /d/.

>> No.15368477

I'd imagine Minotaur milk would be like Whey powder and water on anabolics cranked up to 11.

Kind of lean tasting but holy shit you'll get ripped.

>> No.15368478

Wrong thread?

>> No.15368482

Why are green skins that don't rape elves so great

>> No.15368483

No. Shall I explain the entire joke of the post to you?

>> No.15368485

>I'll just try to discredit him by calling him an autist!

>> No.15368488

Lies. Alices are for marrying, taking to wonderland on your honeymoon, cuddling them and talking to them as their memories come back, then impregnating while the residents of wonderland watch.

>> No.15368490

I kinda just want monsters not to rape me and for me to not rape monsters

>> No.15368491

Because Orcs in general are great. They're like the most cockney/bogan motherfuckers on the planet and can refuse to rape.

>> No.15368495

Can you adopt an Alice

>> No.15368496

There's nothing to discredit. Valid points have been made, and your single response is to shout "/d/", with no actual supporting argument, over and over, without pause. Such angry, persistent outbursts are common signs of autism.

>> No.15368499

I want to spoil a chubby lazy imouto alice. And never dick her.

>> No.15368502

Because it's all about contrast, subverted expectations, and showing that they're bros.

>> No.15368504
File: 3.51 MB, 3000x2000, monster-at-the-playground-of-madness3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh dick.

>> No.15368509


Then you'll have to spoil her from a very, very safe distance. Probably without hearing her or making eye contact either, depending on how her dumb "rape me" magic works.

>> No.15368513

It's OK, my Jabberwock Onee-san can cancel out the magic

>> No.15368514

>She's ecstatic to find her own otouto
>Wakes up next morning to an alp
Thats gotta suck

>> No.15368517

What about demon lord milk? Or is that strictly restricted to only being accessed by the lilim?

Alice rape magic works off the principle of "if a man's desire to protect a girl is strong enough, he will eventually rape her".

>> No.15368518

The point of the story was a jub jub with a diaper. Diapers are a /d/ fetish. Are you just ignoring this out of fanboyism for quicksilver or something? Because you seem to be more intent on laying out the insults and pretending you've made a point in doing so.

>> No.15368519

>rape+rape=not rape

Interesting. Two magical rape fields from two different sources will cancel each other out.

>> No.15368523

Liches need to study this

>> No.15368524
File: 155 KB, 600x800, 48352104_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368527

>The point of the story was a jub jub with a diaper

Except it wasn't. Did you read the story? The point of the story was sex with a jubjub. Even Quicksilver himself overstated the amount of attention the diaper thing would get, likely out of fear for how people like you would react.

>> No.15368531

Pork liver would be closest to a man's, no?

>> No.15368533


>> No.15368534

Yes. I'd know, I reasoned that for a story.

>> No.15368536

It's a practical human solution to a monster's problem of leaking 24/7, do you want to change her waterlogged panties every 30 mins? Do you want snail trails all over the floor like a damn slip n slide?

>> No.15368539

>a practical human solution
Why not a practical monster solution?

>> No.15368542

>Do you want snail trails all over the floor like a damn slip n slide?
>Anon slipping on his waifu's juices

>> No.15368543

There are some things mamonomana can't fix, for everything else there's mindflayers

>> No.15368545

The application of an applied unrape field is wide and varied indeed. People would pay by the bucket for a portable unrape device.
But how would you make the technology small and portable?

>Select all images with a store front
>Click until none are remaining
>Do so

Fuck Captcha.

>> No.15368547

I want to ride a wurm, in pretty much every way you can take that statement.

>> No.15368556
File: 95 KB, 775x632, 1458953569310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they think about? I bet they've seen some shit, being stuck to a Wock all day.

>> No.15368557

>Anon! I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. I'm starting to think you're married to an Ushi Oni!
>"Nah, Doc. JubJub"

>> No.15368558

>>Select all images with a store front
>>Click until none are remaining
>>Do so
>Fuck Captcha.

I hate the ones where you need to click until they're all gone. They're clearly broken and never accept it, or pretend to then suddenly tell you the captcha was never solved. They also waste time because they can go on for ages.

>> No.15368563

>They're not using the legacy captcha
LaughingCheshi- wait, that's been used

>> No.15368568

>Read a wock story
>One of those sucks the guy's dick
>Those teeth

>> No.15368569

Don't engage them.

>> No.15368570

>Select all images with rivers.
>Click every image that has water in it.
I don't understand how it works

>> No.15368577

Your waifu's mouth has teeth too. Don't worry, these things know what they're doing.

>> No.15368578

They don't look very feminine, do they? I can't imagine them sounding like women when they talk, I can't get the idea of them sounding like black guys out of my head for some reason.

This bizarre and involuntary headcanon makes it impossible for me to enjoy wocks, because those weird ass things look creepy and having them sound like Issac Hayes as they lick me would put me off.

>> No.15368582
File: 240 KB, 1200x1920, 56379389_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see the store one like that, I normally just give up, click wildly for a second, then fail it and go onto the next.
Adopting Eightchan's Captcha system when? Only thing about that site it has over 4chan.

I've tried. Legacy Captcha is even more broken, to the point that every Captcha I get has an absolute 100% rate of failure.

Forget stopping robots from posting, this shit can't even be beat by humans.

>> No.15368584

Anon they don't talk at all. Just think of them like pet snakes that happen to be attached to her.

>> No.15368586

All you do in legacy captcha is type numbers. What are you, mashing the dial pad?

>> No.15368589
File: 334 KB, 1000x1144, Dusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368591

>"Ay Dwayne! You see what dis crazy bitch doing now? She suckin' dis kid' dick!"
>"Ain't he like 12 an' shit?"
>"Yeah summin' like dat"

>> No.15368596

I imagine that if they do talk, they're completely unserious jokers, and talk in the sort of accent you'd expect to fit that personality. Cockney, Boston, Danny DeVito... Take your pick.

>> No.15368599
File: 503 KB, 566x731, Elf Reads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen multiple images over the past couple of threads from that artist most of which have been posted before

Its starting to get annoying

>> No.15368600

>cut his eyes out
Why doesn't he just wear a blindfold?

>> No.15368601

Pretty much this. It makes me giggle to myself like a faggot, but there's something about the way they look that makes me assume they have deep masculine voices. I think it's because they resemble a monster from some trippy cartoon I saw ages ago where they all had this deep, stoned sounding voice.

>> No.15368602

>Danny DeVito
fuck you fuck you god dammit I don't want to think about that

>> No.15368604

always imagined they sounded like some chain smoking old lady

>> No.15368606

>Tentacles that sound like Isaac Hayes
>Not making you even even harder
I'd ask if you're gay, but we've gone beyond that. Are you even human?

>> No.15368607

They probably talk like this.


>> No.15368609

I used to think a lot of things in MGE were weird and nasty, Wock tentacles were one of them. Now I just ignore them, at most I would put one on my lap an pet it while the Wock took a nap.

>> No.15368614
File: 325 KB, 960x540, 1461459664303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at dem big ole drills!

>> No.15368615

>at most I would put one on my lap an pet it while the Wock took a nap.
What if it started meowing? What if it asked you for lasagna?

>> No.15368616

What tail tip is the worst shape for a succubus

>> No.15368617
File: 40 KB, 579x639, Capture Captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I understand that usually Legacy Captchas mean you just type in a number like a house number or something. I used to get that long ago as well.
Now, all I get is pic related. Believe me when I say that these Captchas are completely unsolveable.

I've sent in numerous Feedback forms, but to no avail.

God, the 4chan Feedback feature is absolutely fucking useless too, come to think of it.

>> No.15368619


>> No.15368620

>It's our character! We're the assmen! We lick your ass; all over the ring! And then: we start eatin' your jizzum!

>> No.15368621

Those are some prime, bouncing warhorse tats.

>> No.15368622

Inverse penis.

inb4 that oglaf comic about the exact same thing

>> No.15368623


>> No.15368624

Jesus fuck, that's pretty much how I imagine they'd talk and the kind of stuff they'd say too. I was stupid and looked at some Wock art during the vid and now they really are 100% wrecked because of my weird brain.

>> No.15368625

I fucking love this guy.

>> No.15368627

>Not wanting a Succubus that can cut things with her tail

Now that we've established you're a villain, what kind of villain are you?

>> No.15368628


>> No.15368632

All Wock tentacles talk like the dragons from that Dark Holes video. This is hilarious fact.

>> No.15368634

Wocky-nee is already fat. I don't want her tentacles to be overweight too.

>> No.15368638

>Dude. Anon. Question.
>Not you, Anonymous, shut up. We couldn't help noticing that you get skittish when the Wock's around
>Yeah, what's up with that. Are you.... are you an Alp?
>Are you blind?
>He's clearly not- ugh. He's clearly not an Alp
>How would you know that? Are you an expert on Alps?
>...This conversation is ridiculous. Moving on: Anon, seriously, what's with the skitishness
>"Well, I mean... I just don't like big meaty claws t'is all"
>'Yeah, me neither'

>> No.15368639

Square shaped

>> No.15368642

wow rude Anon. Besides, her tentacles won't be fat. They're connected to Wocky-nee so it'd go to her instead.

>> No.15368654

How does that work

>> No.15368660

Oh. I know, I'll put tape around the tentacles mouth and only remove it on necessary meals, like lunch and dinner.

>> No.15368662


Here, This is the full size image, had to adjust the size earlier so 4chan would take it

here is Bonus image http://i.imgur.com/sDoYyCb.jpg

>> No.15368666
File: 96 KB, 456x651, 1459834543445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like Pharaoh's pet snake, they just want what's best for the Wock, acting like stern and protective parents. They don't want you to break her heart.

>> No.15368672

Just get them the damn lasagna before they tusken raid your fridge

>> No.15368682

Do you have to hug yetis

>> No.15368683

But Pharoah uses that snake to rape tomb robbers for her perverse viewing pleasure!

>> No.15368686
File: 777 KB, 1400x1800, 1465435310565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orc ojous getting bullied.

>> No.15368687

>Due to Wonderland radiation Wock tentacles speak in sound clips
>Anon speaking with a co-worker
>"Hey Anon. My computer's giving problems again. It won't turn on!"
>'Did you try plugging it in?'
>Laugh track
>'Jesus fuck, Carol. Can you tell your tentacles to stop.
>I can't They do this all the time after we watched Seinfeld.
>Tentacles play the Seinfeld theme
>'Well then stop watching Seinfeld. watch something else!'
>'Like... Uhh.'
>"Big Bang Theory!"
>'Shut the fuck up, Cathy'
>Laugh track
>'How about... i don't know, anything else that they won't pick off of.'
>Something boring?
>'Yes. Something boring. Anything to shut them up.'
>Boss: Have you tried duck tape?
>Cheering and clapping

>> No.15368688

She looks elegant

>> No.15368696

Help. I can't stop thinking about alices.

>> No.15368698

I don't know, Satan. I don't think they should keep pampering her, she is lazy like that because they always do her work. Guess the only way to fix her is through hard work.

I ate the original lasagna and the one on the fridge is a veggie one. I hope they enjoy the little present.

>> No.15368699

Go watch Tim Burton's shitty sequel. That should stop your symptoms for at least 48 hours.

>> No.15368702


>> No.15368703

You should be pampering her too.

>> No.15368704


>> No.15368710

She needs to learn how to take care of herself. How is she going to survive after I move away with my cute wife (when I find one).


>> No.15368713

Delicious brown onee-sans and ojou-samas are for pampering and being subservient to. Love them delicious pharaohs and wocks.

>> No.15368718

Did you finish the sequel yet?

>> No.15368725

No, still have no will to write in me. Sorry anon.

>> No.15368728

Damn. Well, whenver you feel like it.

>> No.15368731

Can you imagine a whole village of Onee-sans and Ojou-samas just waiting for you to pamper them?

>> No.15368750

You know what? I'm tired of pampering those old girls.

I want to be pampered by an Alice or Familiar. I'm going to sit at my computer all day everyday and demand them to bring me food and put me to sleep. Let's see if they like that.

>> No.15368761

Dunno about an alice, but a familiar, being a summoned and commanded being, would definitely be suited to doing that for you.
But how would you prefer a familiar to put you to sleep? Magically, traditionally, or something else?

>> No.15368769

Familiars are mischievous little shits, I wouldn't be surprised if the tables sometimes got turned.

If you want to get pampered by something little a permaloli shog would probably be the best bet though.

>> No.15368786

You speak about not wanting something mischeivious, and then suggest a loli shog?

When creating a familiar, you could basically make her however you like for the summoning. You could make her the sweetest, most innocent little thing on the planet. Just don't mess up her summoning process.

>> No.15368801

>You speak about not wanting something mischeivious, and then suggest a loli shog?
That'd be a different kind of mischievous; you'd probably still get "tricked" but in the end it'd all be for your good. From a monster perspective at least. In their profile the familiar is stated to take men for themselves when they're supposed to be helping the witches so playing by the book I can't see them being the best choice for living in the lap of spoil--uh, luxury. Headcanon is always a thing though.

>> No.15368807
File: 2.88 MB, 6475x4083, 1454522194850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go to sleep, anon. You wouldn't a Human girl like me, would you?

>> No.15368811

I want her to tuck me in and sing me a magical lullaby that makes me have sweet dreams.

>> No.15368816

Depends. You down for toe suckins?

>> No.15368819

Where is that jorogumo hiding her extra legs and abdomen? Or maybe she'd be a better shirohebi.

>> No.15368826
File: 1.35 MB, 848x1871, 51721707_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368829
File: 37 KB, 656x815, 1447967287565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about p'orc ojous?

>> No.15368839

Is that a rape trap

>> No.15368843

All the ones helping witches are the ones summoned by the Sabbath.
Learn how to summon one yourself, and you could have a lovely little assistant, who for her whole life, has only known your presence and influence.
Hell, I'd do something like that in a heartbeat if I could, I think.

Would she slip into the bed with you and keep singing lullabies until you're fully asleep, and nod off doing her best to embrace you with her tiny body?

>> No.15368856

Literally the worst sister in any piece of fictional media in human history.

>> No.15368859

Pretty sure she would, and I would also use her little body as a daki.

>> No.15368860

What a gloomy demon.

>> No.15368865

I don't think you'd get total control of how your familiar turns out like typical fantasy because there's some world-bending fuckery going on with the MGE. Your familiar is going to be a monster and it's going to be a loli. The fact that the organization run by the things that made familiars in the first place can't stop them from being man stealing brats also implies that at the very least making them otherwise is a significant challenge/not worth the effort. It's another situation where you maybe could force them to be whatever, buy why not start with better material to begin with?

She took dicks for you, onii-chan!

>> No.15368869

Would you modify her to make her body more condusive to daki-cuddling?

>> No.15368877

Who wouldn't be scared? Such a grand and strong, soft and warm embrace... would tempt you to put off all of your plans for the day, I'd say.

>> No.15368883
File: 376 KB, 758x1000, Familiar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no art of Familiar variants beyond one picture

>> No.15368888

>Literally the worst sister in any piece of fictional media in human history.
Why and who is she?

>> No.15368889

Back to /mal/, buddy.

>> No.15368890

Point me to an artist and I'll commission one dressed up as TailRed.

>> No.15368897

No, I like her little body trying her best to make me feel happy.

>> No.15368898

I'm thinking of a Familiar that isn't the one in the profile art.

>> No.15368899

in a nutshell girl who gets taken (2 and 3 not aired yet) from her family and indoctrinated as a state asset

she's a swallow and the anime paints her worst than she actually is (ie completely changes her characterization that made her human and made her a lol bond villain)

>> No.15368900

I'm going to be friends with a ryu that has a weight problem!
I'm going to take her on dates and get her in frilly dresses despite her being a tomboy

>> No.15368904

Lise from Muvluv Schwarzesmarken. She's impure, a Stazi dog, killed his friends, has cowtits, etc. She's probably not the worst sister ever but she does try really damn hard.

>> No.15368906

Ah, I see. Different coloured hair or hairstyle, different tail and paws, or even more drastic differences?
Maybe even different shapes in her eyes?

>> No.15368910

There's plenty available on the drawfag sheet

>> No.15368918

Yes yes yes, maybe, and yes.
It ticks me off a little when people stick to the profile art so often.

>> No.15368934

>Tries to escape across the border from East Germany to West Germany with her family, including her "brother" who is a distant relative who came to live with her family after his family was killed
>Get caught
>Parents are killed
>Try to escape with your onii-chan
>Get caught as well
>They rape you and film it
>Tell you they'll show your brother the tape unless you work for them
>Agree to it for some inexplicable reason
>Turned into a swallow, which means your job is to fuck countless numbers of fat, faceless old men while pretending to be a simple prostitute or woman looking for casual sex in order to get information from them
>Finally reunite with onii-chan when you're sent to infiltrate his unit, which is suspected of planning to rebel
>Can literally just steal a mech and seek asylum at this point
>Decide to go along with your mission anyways, personally kill at least one of onii-chan's squadmates and friends
>The rest are tortured for weeks
>Onii-chan, who escaped the initial capture, comes to rescue them
>He gets away again with most of his friends
>Try to kill onii-chan in a mech battle, lose hard
>Sitting in your cockpit, your body mangled, slowly dying, you demand to know why this is happening, adamant that you've done nothing wrong and don't deserve this
>He finally gives you a mercy killing

>> No.15368941
File: 278 KB, 850x508, laughingchesires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15368944

Well, she certainly sounds like she has no place among Heroes. Tis a Pity She Was a Whore.

>> No.15368945

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sticking so feverently to a single design, right down to the hair, style and eyes in every picture doesn't make all that much sense.

>> No.15368953
File: 126 KB, 456x448, 1461113982007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The owners of those plump peach shaped rears aren't going to laugh after I'm done with them.

>> No.15368954

>Try to kill onii-chan in a mech battle, lose hard

This makes zero sense. Why'd she try to kill him?

>> No.15368956

I just want pizza

>> No.15368957

She wanted him to join the dark side.

>> No.15368959 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x800, Lich Yuzuki - yukigeshou hyouka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't need this before bed. In fact I would a Lise.

I would marry a Lise if it would save her life, physically and emotionally[/spoilers]. I know she was literally fucked up and I know Theodore had to kill her to prove loyalty to those outside the squad (and likely due to not having staff just to guard her) but damn do I wish she could have just been cared for and healed in the end.

Well... supposedly... I mean I didn't read it with my own eyes, but a LN reader reported it... the country falls to the BETA entirely anyway ;_;

Lichie, please. I need your help on this one. We'll do all 48 basic baby-making techniques for you to study if you do me a favour here.

I... didn't fall in love with her character, but if love could save her, you know...? But I could learn to.

>> No.15368961

Damn straight. You can have some design variation without going into donutsteel territory.

>> No.15368962

>"Do what I tell you!"
>"No you're telling me to hurt people and do bad things."
>"You betrayed me! You can't betray me if you're dead!"

>> No.15368974
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x800, Lich Yuzuki - yukigeshou hyouka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't need this before bed. In fact I would a Lise.

I would marry a Lise if it would save her life, physically and emotionally. I know she was literally fucked up and I know Theodore had to kill her to prove loyalty to those outside the squad (and likely due to not having staff just to guard her) but damn do I wish she could have just been cared for and healed in the end.

Well... supposedly... I mean I didn't read it with my own eyes, but a LN reader reported that: the country falls to the BETA entirely anyway ;_;

Lichie, please. I need your help on this one. We'll do all 48 basic baby-making techniques for you to study if you do me a favour here.

I... didn't fall in love with her character, but if love could save her, you know...? I could learn to. I'm not a harsh viewer.

>> No.15368985

This must be a new record for the most cancer in a single post on these threads in several months. Congratulations.

>> No.15368987

I sure hope the guy before you was exaggerating, because if not, you sound like one of the pussiest of whipped mother fuckers.

>> No.15368998

Well "the road to hell..." and all that. I'll add it to my newly created wall of "failure", just opposite the wall of "success" where 4 well-received OPs are hanging.

Although I am sorry that I didn't see people already outright stated what happens, at least from the anime's perspective before I went spoiler marking

>> No.15369007
File: 365 KB, 744x1077, 54144721_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15369012
File: 384 KB, 869x1199, Lich lap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, I'm not a harsh viewer. That and the anime, as one person already wrote, had to simplify matters due to time.

I see nothing wrong with wanting to help a literally fucked up soul, much like her brother wanted to. I also see that they didn't have the resources to save her, so what her brother did was necessary.

But I can dream of a world where Liches help bring people back to life and the cruelty of their former lives is undone, right? They'd love to have such a successful experiment, too, right...?

>> No.15369018

I was also talking about the failed spoiler making, overuse of ellipses, "talking" to "lichie", and emoticons which made the whole thing read like the sort of shit you'd find in the Deviantart comments section.

>> No.15369022

Fuwa~fuwa levels more balanced than a March Hare or Wererabbit, while still pulling off the pseudo-bunny look? A masterful display.

>> No.15369026

Why is that man crying?

>> No.15369030

Oh, I know. The good intentions were not failures in and of themselves. I'm actually a great deal more composed when giving feedback on art though.

>> No.15369031

If I hold a flashlight while walking will a moth come

>> No.15369036

That artist does not know how legs work, or what they look like.

>> No.15369038 [DELETED] 

He's found the greatest pleasure of life, resting on the lap of a Lich.

>> No.15369048

Well, helping to visualize the context of my post aside... I'd say it's because when he was looking forward to a "lap-pillow" he wasn't expecting to be a literal "head-rest".

That or he just wanted to look up into her eyes, expecting her to still be holding the book or cause it to float as she had been previously.

Still, that's some amusing equality I can get behind.

>> No.15369076

How... realistic

>> No.15369081

He wanted to look at her and see some tits too. She's resting her book on his face and he gets none of that

>> No.15369084

skinny moff!

>> No.15369114

Which monster besides spider should not have coffee

>> No.15369124

Uh, a ryu or sahuagin

>> No.15369127

Anyone have the Big Fat Cuddle Ryu image latenight drew?

>> No.15369130
File: 626 KB, 819x973, Enchanted Dragon by Rif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"A- anon, are you ready for me now?"
>You've been troubled in your sleep these nights, hardly having the heart to rouse her when you jump up at night.
>"The sleeping spell... Are you sure...?"
>She's of a mixed-blood, but the properties of magically-inclined dragons stands the test of time.
>"Sleepy sesame!" you joke, a questionable attempt to allay her worries.
>She cracks a smile and your own spell is successful when she finally chuckles.
>"Then, Anon, here I go...!"
>It was super effective.
>"Oh dear! Dear?"

For those Anons that stood against the spell, have a good night and take care not to burn down the thread. Instead enjoy some source: http://rif-art.tumblr.com/post/145019215982/commission-for-ibnsane or http://rif-art.tumblr.com/ and dream of an MG dear to you later this night!

>> No.15369136

Dromouse, obviously

>> No.15369142

what happens

>> No.15369146

Enchanted Dragon anon here. Perhaps these are what you're looking for...?
Sketch: http://i.imgur.com/q6E0b4i.png
Colour: http://i.imgur.com/3ZaKTqy.png
Album: http://imgur.com/a/xL3SH

>> No.15369150

She enters her Awakened state, and her full power is unleashed. Few in the world will survive.

>> No.15369152
File: 560 KB, 1200x829, 8eeFhVQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's just a big Ryu. I meant a big fat cuddle one.

She may be an old Hag, but she's a cuddly old hag.

>> No.15369154

A paradox happens, the universe explodes.

>> No.15369156

Ah. Clearly I was thinking too much about the human being the one doing the cuddling and not the other way around.

>> No.15369159


>> No.15369161

All I want is a Kikimora who has just the right amounts of thickness, plumpness and jiggle, to crawl into bed with me and cling to me all night.
Is this really too much to ask?

>> No.15369164

Yes. Try a good monstergirl instead.

>> No.15369170
File: 286 KB, 1050x1469, CkaylnpUoAEntbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15369172

How homely are hellhounds

>> No.15369173

What exactly is a wight elf and why do I want to get captured by one?

>> No.15369174
File: 227 KB, 715x1000, 30530faac797747a48be01212e21bb8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we get porn of Shuten-Douji domming Kintoki?

>> No.15369182

Was Golem update the last KC we got?

>> No.15369186

Homely-er than a warm hearth.

>> No.15369187

We're likely getting something this friday.

>> No.15369195 [SPOILER] 
File: 851 KB, 897x1464, 1465444215800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which 2 MGs will come to save you?

They can't be the same type of MG, both must have different colors, and one has to be taller than the other or identical in height.

>> No.15369197

I was just curious because I've been out of the loop for a few days due to "STUFF" and it'd be a pain to backtrack through threads looking.

>> No.15369199

Kobold and Hellhound.

>> No.15369204

>and one has to be taller than the other or identical in height.

So, what you're saying is, there's literally no restriction in height? I don't even know why you bothered to type that in that case.

>> No.15369206 [DELETED] 

Mantis and Lich.

But the real answer is that I'd save myself.

>> No.15369209

I'll just go with my favorites of Crow Tengu and Vampire.

>> No.15369211
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>> No.15369212

Minotaur and Holstaur.

>> No.15369272

Dark elf and a blue oni

>> No.15369275
File: 846 KB, 905x1280, 1463333675348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAD has some good waifu material

>> No.15369283
File: 183 KB, 467x593, Shell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15369302

>PAD Bast is a delicious brown loli catgirl
>PAD Anubis is just a traditional Anubis dude with a jackal head


It's not fair.

>> No.15369309

nice shell

>> No.15369314

I throw my cats around all the time. They get places faster that way.

>> No.15369319

I've read Uzumaki, I'm not falling for your futa hijinks.

>> No.15369333
File: 198 KB, 1280x1007, 1438675872009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thick Vampire is pouting at you. You've really done it this time, knucklehead!

>> No.15369338

the heck you going on about?


Jingai Shunman 7, Kanemaki Thomas

>> No.15369340

triggered, thanks for reminding me of Uzumaki

>> No.15369343

Better ask why she is mad

>> No.15369344

Hey, I just said that I wouldn't mind grabbing her a second dessert if she wanted one.
Not my fault she was still hungry.

>> No.15369345

I'm going on about snails being hermaphrodites.

>> No.15369348

Oh yeah? Well just look at your fingertips

>> No.15369349

So why is so upset when she can just drain me a bit to punish me?

>> No.15369354

Sucking on boys doesn't solve everything, despite what Oral-Fixation-Wurm might say on the kids' show.

>> No.15369355

your ear has spirals in it

>> No.15369364

So does DNA. Let's see you wriggle out of that one!

>> No.15369375

As the sun grows older, it will expand until it gets large enough to consume planets. The addition of a significant amount of mass to the sun will turn the orbit of the planets into a spiral ending in the sun, increasing the pitch of the next spiral.

>> No.15369377

It'll make her less hungry and put me in my place.

>> No.15369381
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1398923632192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where da Anti-Spiral when you need it?

>> No.15369384

I wouldn't mind being Uzumaki'd if it was together with my waifu. Like those two lovers who entwined together and then went into the ocean. We could just make love, wrap around each other, and spent the rest of our lives more intimate and together than ever.

>> No.15369385
File: 803 KB, 789x903, Goddess of Power, Kali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least there's enough cute cats, snakes, cows, dragons, demons, and whatever else to fill the void.

>> No.15369394

I want Kali to dance on me!

>> No.15369397
File: 136 KB, 800x1000, 1454621381373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15369408
File: 286 KB, 481x680, 474783174195412992_35s_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't, but I'm sure you could convince Hera to do it.

>> No.15369411

Kali danced on her husband so why not me?

>> No.15369414

Blue board, anon

>> No.15369417


>> No.15369418


>> No.15369420

I like monsters that are average in every physical feature except with a flat chest

>> No.15369422

I don't know. I mainlly just wanted to post Hera-Ur. She's cute. And there's a Hera for pretty much any occasion.

>> No.15369426

I don't know who this Hera of yours is though. What's her Origin Story?

>> No.15369430

Countess please! We're working on bringing more men from the village! Please calm down!

>> No.15369433

Maybe if men didn't withhold sex, they wouldn't be carried off by harpies.

>> No.15369449

Those jub jubs tried to fly off with me and they couldn't even get airborne!
Granted, they're all younglings but the point stands.

>> No.15369451

Do Jub Jubs need rub rubs

>> No.15369454

Yes. Especially on the titties.

>> No.15369462

Always, be it the head, the breast, or the belly.
There's a secret place you can do it too but only with good friends.

>> No.15369474


>> No.15369475
File: 330 KB, 582x877, raptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yet when my pocket stones are too heavy for just one eagle to lift me, a second eagle often comes to help it, and the two eagles latch onto my penis together and fly with my flailing body into the woods. It often takes weeks for me to hitchhike my way back home."

>> No.15369486

I want my boird.

>> No.15369489

She's got a decent-sized rack for being a Crab-bird. I thought they only came in 'flat as a board'?

>> No.15369501

Yes, those are valid options.

>> No.15369525
File: 206 KB, 691x1024, 1454861285585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You come here often?

>> No.15369528

I'm in my house

>> No.15369533

Well the kinky Elf is there now and she's hitting on you.

>> No.15369538

She seems thirsty so better ask if she wants water

>> No.15369550

Nah usually inside.

>> No.15369571
File: 759 KB, 2048x1496, colored wock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a color thing as a present for wockfag and wanted to post it here as well

Don't really know how to clean images

Or redraw

Or color really

>> No.15369576

Purple is my favorite color.

>> No.15369600

Not him but I dig it.

>> No.15369602

What's that jewel between her tits?

>> No.15369618
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x1600, 1440882405441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn them.

>> No.15369622
File: 759 KB, 2048x1496, colored wock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized i forgot the hearts on Wock's wock

It's a diamond, like in as in cards, Cheshire has a spade

>> No.15369653

Looks sharp!

Wonderland girl has a card symbol jewel.


Cheshire Cat

March Hare


Now what exactly it means I don't know.

>> No.15369669

I guess Cheshire Cats have been spayed!


>> No.15369675

>Cheshire Cat

>> No.15369712

Cheshires are cute and make great childhood friends

>> No.15369716

I don't know, they'd be a bit of a bad influence as a childhood friend, dragging you into all sorts of trouble.

>> No.15369721

You have to ground her wildness

>> No.15369747
File: 86 KB, 595x842, Butter-T (2.0) [S].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot Springs seem like a nice place to bring your Onee-san to, don't you think?

Thanks again, the coloring looks really nice!

>> No.15369762

But we're almost naked if we go to the hot springs!

>> No.15369769

I want to reenact http://i.imgur.com/uJ2CXmf.png with a big tittied Jabberwock.

>> No.15369782

could you reenact that with a flat chested wock

>> No.15369810

Every Wonderland girl would turn your life into a mess

>Alices causing you to go in an adventure everyday
>Jabberwocks trying to defend you and her pride and causing catastrophes in doing so

>> No.15369821

How is that a mess to have a jabberwock defend both you and her pride? That sounds like the opposite of a mess

>> No.15369830

Probably just fits into the Queen of Hearts' card motif.

>> No.15369845

>She overhears other girls talking about how cute Anon is
>Organizes a fighting tournament to claim Anon
>No one wants to participate but she forces them to enter
>Makes all the girls cry after hitting them
>Anon and her are ordered by the principal to give apologies to everyone

And just wait until she hits puberty and her pride becomes all twisted

>> No.15369853

I want to convince my Cheshire childhood friend to not go pull mischief by promising to go over to her house for a sleepover like she's been bugging me to do.
I want to have fun playing video games with her until it's time to go to bed, start unpacking my sleeping bag, and then notice her looking at me with a pouty face.
I want to ask her what's wrong only for her to pull up her sheets and start patting the bed.
I want to cuddle her as we fall asleep.

>> No.15369875
File: 355 KB, 1000x1250, 1439961115572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the Reefer Madness!

>> No.15369886

I wanna join the Fight Club at MGC High!
Also the Breakfast Club.
And the Paranormal Studies Club.
And the Nerdalingerdinger Comics and Vidya Club.

>> No.15369897


>marijuana girl gets so high she smokes herself to death

>> No.15369902

This is why you shouldn't do drugs. Marijuana is more dangerous than heroin and meth put together! Didn't you see the old PSA where the kids smoked pot and then broke some coke bottles and drank shards of glass?

>> No.15369907

I've thought this too, too often.

>> No.15369910
File: 47 KB, 821x1021, 1458110683606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you got what it takes to join the fight club huh?

They won't go easy on you just because you're a boy you know.

>> No.15369911

>People shitposting about me when I was asleep
Pfft, now that's a hell of a thing to read going down the thread...

>> No.15369913

Bitch I'm quick as greased lightning outside the bedroom!

>> No.15369919

I like pious hellhounds

>> No.15369926

So what you're saying is that we need Hellhounds in habits?
Wearing nothing underneath.
Alternatively, shibari, BDSM gear, or lingerie.

>> No.15369936

Who here likes ahecow?

>> No.15369940
File: 640 KB, 900x1000, 1437639303198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slutty nuns in BDSM and shibari under their clothes
Would they ask you to help them pray or punish themselves?

>> No.15369947

>Implying the two aren't one and the same

>> No.15369951

Hey, they have to do penis, uhh, I mean penance, every day.

>> No.15369952

Imagine. You're just some peasant schmuck who was basically kidnapped and thrown into a suit to have dinner with the local countess. The huge table is empty except for you and her, and of all the seats, she picks the one opposite you, and spends most of the night asking you about yourself, your interests, your goal and aspirations. And then a candle flickers, and you're momentarily distracted by a curtain fluttering by an open window. Then the room descends into darkness for a split second, and before you realize it, this beauty is stroking your cheek and sitting in your lap. You're paralyzed but for the thunderous beating of your own heart, and the tide-like flow of blood coursing through your veins and gathering somewhere most immodest.

>> No.15369953

There's a difference. It all depends on who's getting off and with what.

>> No.15369963

Oh my. I'm not sure what's going to draw her attention more, my boner or my blush.

>> No.15369973

But why me?

>> No.15369978

You can't do that anon. Your innocent vulnerability versus your mortal lust will war for her attentions until her mind breaks and she decides to simply have it all. You won't see anything but flesh and bedsheets for a straight week.

>> No.15369985

Will there be cuddling?

>> No.15369987

She decided on a whim as she passed your pregnant mother that the liked the taste of your spirit. Being your shadow for decades kind of fostered an obsession

>> No.15369988

Igor doesn't really know what a good man is like so he just nabbed the loner who was an easy target.

>> No.15369990

That's really uncomfortable.

>> No.15369996

I'm pretty sure I'm not okay with that anon.
If I'm going to have a vampire stalker, I'd rather it start when I'm a shota and she's a loli.

>> No.15370000

Obsessions usually are. But does that speak of her, or you?

>> No.15370020

Her for being the stalker?

>> No.15370021

I wouldn't mind a guardian angel type setup. To feel her hand in the major decisions in my life. The only issues are the near constant wet dreams I keep having, but I'm sure that's completely unrelated.

>> No.15370023

N-Nuns shouldn't be acting that way!

>> No.15370028

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure to properly stock up on weapons and armor.
I'd be a shame to see you go hollow.

>> No.15370030

I dunno, Childhood friend romance with a Vampire heiress would be pretty good too.
The Little Vampire wasn't a great movie, but damn if it didn't give younger me a desire for aristocratic vampire girls.

>> No.15370032

I agree. She needs a week in the latex dress!

>> No.15370035

There's some beautiful girls down there. Go take a peek over the ledge...

>> No.15370037

No! Absolutely not!

What next? Imp choir girls?!

>> No.15370038
File: 611 KB, 1280x720, 1433175718542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that's bad, you should see her give thanks at meal time.

>> No.15370041

Now that I think about it, hollowing and the undead curse in general would be horrifying for monstergirls to witness.
Like a loved one getting Alzheimer's but worse.

>> No.15370044

Bawdy choirs? I'm okay with this.

>> No.15370046

>Patches tricks you into various traps with hollows
>Always has to calm you down lest you toss him to a bunch of angry hollow girls.

That it would.
The only good end is to finish your quest and die in peace.
Tonight I finished Seigwalds quest.
Shine on onion bro, shine on.

>> No.15370050

Or you for not being comfortable with that level of devotion?

>> No.15370053

I want to see a boxing match between a regular nun and a dark preist

>> No.15370057

The dark priest will just get the nun into a grapple and rape her with her tail

>> No.15370058

She's to blame for being so creepy.

>> No.15370062

Hope she takes the chain off first because that sounds painful

>> No.15370069

>Priest Anon is sent to run a church
>The nuns all have spadetails and are far too lewd
>Instead of altar boys there's shortstack girls with little horns and small spadetails
>All the church's visitors have red-skin, horns or black sclera
>Whole place smells like brimstone and depravity
>Priest Anon begins to suspect this isn't a normal church

>> No.15370073

You wouldn't even notice her. In fact, you would never realize if you didn't go out of your way to find out exactly why you were never afraid of the dark, why she seemed so familiar when you met for the first time.

>> No.15370075

Don't worry, Preist Anon is harem protag levels of dense. His obliviousness will protect him.

>> No.15370082

>Jesus appears before Priest Anon in a dream
>"Dude, seriously. Just hit it. I did. Wash their feet, y'know?"
>he wakes up wondering whatever that meant
>decides to follow The Lord's advice and was the feet of her congregation
>lots of hair and hooves down there, guvnor

>> No.15370085

God, the undead curse being unleashed on the MGE world would be tragic.
Explaining it to monstergirls would be even worse.
>"I don't get it, what do you mean he's undead? Humans can't be undead, they're not monstergirls."
>"Stop dancing around it and tell me when he's coming back!"
>"...What's Hollowing?"

>> No.15370086

>her congregation
I err umm. HIS congregation.

>> No.15370087

It just seems like too much to stalk someone for almost every moment for his life for decades for little reason then she felt like it.

>> No.15370089
File: 146 KB, 1280x1543, 1463303040066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All kinds of demons will begin to visit after they hear about how Priest Anon will do lewd things to their feet.

But he can't question Jesus. Better get to work, this is for a reason surely.

>> No.15370092

Crestfallen Monster Girls everywhere.

>> No.15370093

That it would
Which is weird because DS3 feels so comfy.
Just exploring around, comfy music in the background and the occasional baddie to paste.

>> No.15370094

An idle whim turns to curiosity to interest to obsession to love

>> No.15370097

Who is the Spider Jerusalem of Monster Girls?

>> No.15370099

She can do so much better.

>> No.15370102

It's only comfy until waifu gets got and Onionbro dies, then it's horribly depressing.

>> No.15370108

I wonder if Priest Anon will decide that since Jesus hanged out with prostitutes, he should too.
Classy Kejorou Courtesan, maybe?

>> No.15370112

Is there any one better at being you than you?

>> No.15370113

>"What do you mean he's not coming back?"

>> No.15370118

But there are better people then me.

>> No.15370122

But are they better at being you?

>> No.15370123


>> No.15370124

Then it doesn't matter.

>> No.15370125
File: 174 KB, 688x1161, 1444336892133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry, anon. I'll go ring the Bell of Awakening, and then we'll be together again!

>> No.15370129
File: 987 KB, 1131x1600, 1446678335688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus would just appear before him occasionally, wearing a nice pair of shades and offering him bro advice.

Demon Girls would be all over him because nothing is hotter, for them, than having sex with a man of the faith. It's the forbidden fruit for them.

>> No.15370137

She could still be choosing from the best of men.

>> No.15370138

>I'll go ring the Bell of Awakening, and then we'll be together again!
That poor naive girl.
There's only one way an undead's journey can end.

>> No.15370143

Who the hell do you think we are? Row, row, row FIGHT THE POWAH!

>> No.15370144

Luckily they'll be too busy fighting each other over him, so Priest Anon will remain pure!


>> No.15370146

Well to quote his predecessor, who herded this same flock before
>I tap ass for the Lord!

>> No.15370147

>Priest Anon decides to help prostitutes
>Thinks they'll by good, if misguided, girls
>They're the biggest, most violent girls immaginable
>Onis, Ushis, Goblin gangs, Succubi
>He just meets them with a smile
>Gives them some money from the collections, takes them for some hot food
>Behaves like a perfect gentleman in the face of tits and threats of rape
>Every hooker in now wants to ride him
Life is hard for a man of the cloth

>> No.15370152

Dark Souls isn't that kind of story anon, much as I wish it was.
I couldn't save Siegmeyer, I couldn't save Sif, The only person I could save is Solaire and he burned himself to death afterwards.

>> No.15370153

"You"-ness happens to be the only quality she cares about. She's a monstergirl. They roll that way.

>> No.15370155

It's all just a bad dream, waiting to end. Wake up, Good Hunter.

>> No.15370160

I'd help as many as possible, and I would waifu'd that dragon.

>> No.15370163

>His 'congregation' is just a bunch of Monster Girls who want to marry him.
>They can't bring themselves to rape him, since he's so nice and kind, instead they just try to seduce him at every turn.
>Priest Anon is 100% immune to their attempts, not dense, but he's able to keep a straight face and not lose his composure, even in the lewdest of scenarios.

>> No.15370164

>not dense
Ya blew it.

>> No.15370169

Blinded by faith then?

>> No.15370183

Priest Anon is so nice.

I bet he runs a soup kitchen for all the hundreds of starving Mouse Girls in the city.

I also bet they want to have even more Mouse Girls with him.

>> No.15370184


>> No.15370189


>> No.15370192

Church Mice are all nice and cozy and dry in the church, but what about poor Junko?

>> No.15370199

Are we back yet?

>> No.15370204


>> No.15370209
File: 1.06 MB, 2091x1994, 1406742659504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In brightest day or blackest night, no evil shall escape our sight
Let all who worship evil's might beware the Wyvern's flight!

>> No.15370222

Junko could have that too. If she stopped drinking. And she'll NEVER stop drinking.

>> No.15370235

Cute small Dragons are waking me up!

>> No.15370250

Gonna bully her.

>> No.15370253

>you will never be swarmed by piranha girls

>> No.15370275

They'd only do that in the dry season, when rivers shrink and they end up bunched together in smaller and smaller pools. They'd eventually end up accidentally rubbing up against each other without any way out of their shallow home, seething in growing lust. Those loli sahuagin bodies in their little red one piece swimming suits, frustrated and 'hungry'. Fall into that, and you won't come up without at least twelve wives.

>> No.15370308

Are we back? Have the yetis stopped hugging the servers and overheating them?

>> No.15370318

How? Do they jump up and down on you saying

>> No.15370334

Try and you'll get your ass kicked by her rider!
Unless that's you. Then I guess she's helpless. You fiend.

>> No.15370343
File: 113 KB, 960x540, 0130f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not blame the yetis.

>> No.15370362
File: 373 KB, 2034x1190, 1456112284745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be cheering for anyone special?

>> No.15370369
File: 2.17 MB, 1678x1930, 1461629359915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would probably apologize even if they weren't to blame.

>> No.15370370

Second from right, although I don't know the teams.

>> No.15370376

That one in the yellow shirt is super cute, would cheer for.

>> No.15370394

No one could post for 3 hours, I'm gonna berate the yeti until she cries!

>> No.15370395

From left to right: New Zealand, South Africa, Australia and Argentina, the Tri-Nations and the world's best amateur rugby team respectively.

They look to be a goat(?), a springbok, a kangaroo and a mountain cat, from left to right.

>> No.15370399

They are jumping up and down on me saying "mama is cooking breakfast and we should run away."
I like her food, but the kids don't.

>> No.15370402

It's probably just a bunch of foods she heard are good for your stamina thrown together randomly and cooked in grease.
In other words, the good stuff.

>> No.15370430

Every meal is a new adventure. I just hope she doesn't put raging mushrooms in my plate again.

>> No.15370454

>You will never enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a donut with your cuddly Yeti wife at Timmies

>> No.15370480

>You will never go to a Wetherspoons with a Cheshire for a few pints and some shitty pub food
The idea of taking monster girls to their regional pubs/restaurants/coffee shops is nice.

Like going out for Sushi with a girl from Zipangu or taking a Hinezumi out for Chinese.

>> No.15370517

>you'll never use a baphomet's handlebars

>> No.15370522

Watch out, you might become addicted.

>> No.15370527

>Lifting her by the handlebars and fucking her from behind against a wall while her legs dangle

>> No.15370528

>You will never take Charon to a soup kitchen

>> No.15370533

>H-hey! This isn't the movie theater!
>Here she is lads! Five cents a pop!

>> No.15370542

>What a sticky situation I've landed myself in!

>> No.15370544
File: 268 KB, 662x700, hfw she sees her greentexts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully Charon.

>> No.15370547

Hey, the way I see it I'm doing her a favor by paying 5 cents to every bum who sticks it in her.

>> No.15370550

My country has the cutest girl, shame I never really cared for the sport.

>> No.15370567

Voting exit with a Cheshire!

>> No.15370571

you talkin the EU thing?

>> No.15370583

Chatting about Cameron being a cunt over some fish and Chips with a Cheshire!

>> No.15370586

I'm having some trouble visualizing the logistics of this.

>> No.15370594

I bet Hellhounds would like anywhere that serves hot and spicy food, or pubs, Anubis will only settle for restaurants that require reservations...

>> No.15370595

Basically she's kept up in the air by a mixture of her hands against the wall, her horns being grabbed and having a guy behind her.

>> No.15370599
File: 20 KB, 700x660, How to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a handy illustration.

>> No.15370605

Oh my god

>> No.15370614

What? Should I add smiley faces?

>> No.15370617

Better than Alp.

>> No.15370625

Umm, yes. No.

>> No.15370676

No. It's perfect.

>> No.15370692
File: 871 KB, 1024x1139, 1447010667723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15370711

Why is pretty much all of the useful info on Dark Matters hidden away outside of the profile? They're actually really interesting, but the profile makes them out to be nothing but living floating nukes

>> No.15370755

>tfw the enemy army got Dark Matter.


>> No.15370760
File: 460 KB, 750x750, RVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple arms can be quite the sight! Quite the delight! Sorry, I've no source.

>> No.15370762

Gonna attack the underside of her scales while she sleeps!

>> No.15370769
File: 1.05 MB, 1488x2105, 54808545_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15370785

>Sorry, I've no source.

>> No.15370788

>Sorry, I've no source.
Got your back, it's this guy http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=943594

>> No.15370801

I'd like to say that, that applies to more than just MGs. It's not always about the best of the best and it's interesting how some don't see that.

>> No.15370811

>that applies to more than just MGs
No, it really doesn't. It's a quintessentially fantasy trait.

>> No.15370821

Be careful when you step onto a gator girl's river boat for some gambling

>> No.15370824

That cute paladindunuffin in that image set tho

>> No.15370852

Ah, many thanks, Anons! It's one of the few files I have without an artist. I even found the exact compilation it's part of: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=23777832!

>> No.15370867

My apologies. I should've explained what I meant better. Indeed, it's not the only thing we care about since we can't afford to in most instances, not for our own sake or the other person's.

What I meant is that someone being who they are does matter more to people often times than just "doing better" or being with "the best of the best".

>> No.15370896
File: 160 KB, 714x1000, All-seeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, while we're on that topic how about multi- more than two eyes? She's no Gazer, but I'd enjoy this perspective.

And since people actually seem to care about source, I took a moment to look for it: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55771951

>> No.15370905

>"I'd enjoy this perspective"
>not having to choose where to look
I mean, I'm all for time and place... but I'm all for simple solutions too.

>> No.15370926

what is the worst that can happen

>> No.15370930

>omeone being who they are does matter more to people often times than just "doing better" or being with "the best of the best".
Eeeh. Perhaps. On a very shallow level. Push comes to shove and that kind of "you"ness isn't even a thing to be considered.

>> No.15370980
File: 2.30 MB, 4000x5000, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15370981

Only good three eyes is best W101 Girl.

>> No.15370988

Weird tail. Is she a hellhound or a hellcat?

>> No.15370990

>no flamey eye wisps

>> No.15370991

that is a tiny glass

>> No.15370993

What madman thought it would be a good idea to cross a hellhound with a cheshire?

>> No.15370995

Oh it's just a lamehound

>> No.15371001

It has a bulb looking thing at the end so manticore maybe?

>> No.15371006

Like all hellhounds, she's just wonderfully big and tall.

Eh, maybe, but that tuft shape is common of big cats like lions.

>> No.15371020

Hell Manticores, and I thought there was enough rape

>> No.15371023

That's just a tuft of fur.

>> No.15371030

Looks more like a Cathound

>> No.15371038

Did someone make a Cheshire/Hellhound hybrid? I demand to know who's responsible for dooming us all.

>> No.15371043

She a cute

>> No.15371059
File: 409 KB, 666x1000, 1459521374588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tigers sure do love liver, don't they...

>> No.15371070

she needs some clothes

>> No.15371073

>Teleportation, both with a hellhound's and chesire's methods
>Power to manipulate hellfire
>Invisibility and intangibility, right down to individual body parts
>Incredibly intelligent, with the mind of a master trickster
>Strong enough to stop a speeding truck
>Can float and levitate at will

>At night, she'll scare and taunt her targets, staying completely invisble except for her eyes, leaking fire like candles in the darkness, disappearing and reappearing everywhere to disorient her prey

How do you fight such an opponent?

>> No.15371084

Ignore it

>> No.15371092

>W101 Girl.
The reference is lost on me, sadly. Enlighten me?

>> No.15371100

Immorta from Wonderful 101.

>> No.15371103
File: 325 KB, 831x1200, Tigerlaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they just like meat

>> No.15371107

I went to the zoo yesterday and all the cats went straight for the liver when they were being fed.

>> No.15371114

I don't blame them. Have you ever eaten a liver before? Shit's delicious. So tender and full of flavour, too.

>> No.15371116

Liver & onions is god-tier.

>> No.15371118

I have, but I thought it was alright.

>> No.15371119
File: 207 KB, 1000x1000, jinko hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get to see feeding time when I went to an animal sanctuary, most of the big cats were sleeping and most of the rest didn't want anything to do with people. A couple tigers were very interested in me though, which was a little disconcerting. I did hear one actually chuff once. It was cute.
Kumiho pls go

>> No.15371125

Jaguars were the cutest cats around.

>> No.15371132

Spank her since she's a cat. But then that'll give her the chance to plant her ass on my face.

>> No.15371136

Th-thanks you too...
And good looking out dude, i missed those details.

I'm glad you like man! I've been streaming somewhat regularly on picarto if you ever wanna watch o/


>> No.15371137
File: 143 KB, 640x579, 1463877606297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what you're talking about, Anon.

>> No.15371138

Throw water at her. Both the fire and the cat worst enemy.

>> No.15371140

I saw a serval and a caracal living in the same enclosure, the caracal was sleeping, and the serval hissed at us for being too close. Way too cute. Also they had a cheetah that was so old he was blind. He got around by smell, knew where everything was in his enclosure. I was hoping to see the one ocelot they had, but ocelots spend all day asleep.

>> No.15371142

Kumihos kidnapping humanboys and installing windows in their abdomens to have instant access to their delicious, juicy livers when?

>> No.15371144

>eating drugged food so I can lose my liver
the titties are rocking, but I like to be able to live.

>> No.15371146

Last time I saw a cheetah at a zoo it was a young one and probably high because it kept making these loops in the air right at the glass, like it was trying to catch its own tail by jumping behind itself.
Cheetahs in the wild do drugs, don't they? Thorn apple or whatever.

>> No.15371150

I agree, it's also pretty good for you health. I eat it once a week.

>> No.15371152

I would run from Kumihos

>> No.15371153

The liver regenerates though, just stay off the sauce.

>> No.15371156

Only speed

>> No.15371157

You liver will regenerate, anon.

>> No.15371164

No problemo Snib.

>> No.15371163

>stay off the sauce
Nope, fuck that, I drink like an Irish dockworker.

>> No.15371165

I would irrumate Kumihos.

>> No.15371166

I feel the need. The need to fill Charon with my seed!
A working Irishman? Oi, oi, oi, what's all this then?

>> No.15371169

So how about those harpies

>> No.15371173

getting the Irish to work is easy, pay them in whiskey.

>> No.15371176

I would marry a Kumiho.

And a Rusalka

At the same time

>> No.15371179

The Harpies still wage their eternal war against the P'orcs.

>> No.15371184

Which monster won the 'least likely to rape you in your sleep' award

>> No.15371190

Manticore. She wants you wide awake. She wants you to see what she does to you.

>> No.15371200


>> No.15371204

That brings up a curious question. If this really isn't the place for it then it's fine if no one answers... But does that "trope" of finding your partner "getting you ready" or stimulating you to wake you up have any decent basis in real life?

It sounds like the sort of thing you'd have to have a talk about first, which may or may not be as awkward as having "the talk" with your children later on.

>> No.15371210

Would the Rusalka gnaw at your penis while the fluffball ravages your vital organs? 'Cause that'd be hot.

>> No.15371211

What the hell is slut saying?

>> No.15371212

Kobolds are too pure to sleeprape. They'll cuddle up to you, and ask you if you want to get ready for the coming day with sex when they wake you up in the morning.

>> No.15371213

I think mindflayers are nice

>> No.15371216


>> No.15371222

All glory goes to...?

>> No.15371239
File: 87 KB, 650x446, mindlfayer fellatio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I want to do this to one and then wrap her tentacles around my dick as an onahole.

>> No.15371247

I'd love to wake up to a chubby little kobold snuggled up to me.

>> No.15371248

Paladin women are monsters

>> No.15371259

The best monsters.

>> No.15371275


>> No.15371277

The real monsters?

>> No.15371287

Undead Tier List:

Low Tier: Zombie, Mummy, Ghost, Skeleton

Mid Tier: Dullahan (not really undead but who's counting), Will-O'-The-Wisp, Ghoul

High Tier: Lich, Jiang Shi, Pharaoh

The Nature of Man Tier: Wight

>> No.15371289

And on that day Scarlet Bitch the mentally scarred Lilim was pushed too far and she spoke the words "no more Monster Girls".

>> No.15371295

Fun fact, doppel gangers are undead.

>> No.15371300

Yan Paladin when?

>> No.15371313

Bump up ghost and your list will be perfect.

>> No.15371320

Is hugging rape? Yeti or Wendigo

>> No.15371338

>Paladin onee-sama finds a neighborhood boy masturbating in an alley
>It's a Kitsune mag
>She flips out
>One day she corners the boy in that same alley
>She's wearing a fur gauntlet
>"So you like fluff, do you boy?"
>By the end of it he's got a rug burn on his dick and he's crying like he's dying
>She kicks him in the dick and walks away

>> No.15371340
File: 239 KB, 1050x825, Thunderbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rape you in your sleep
A Thunderbird would want you awake.
She'd want you drawing closer to her body than any lightning...
And the moans of you both ringing louder inside of her head, than any thunder.

>> No.15371345
File: 930 KB, 448x252, l5i2uWn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.15371351

He deserved it for NTR'ing her. Especially if he promised himself to her as childhood friends.

>> No.15371358
File: 502 KB, 694x982, W101 Immorta - tri-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After some brief research, I've come to understand somewhat...
Bonus: (you'll know which image) http://pomki.tumblr.com/post/82760935760/4chan-a-drawings-2

>> No.15371364

is her fur gauntlet real kitsune fur

>> No.15371369

The best thing about trieyes is that you can turn one eye socket into an eyeholepussy without her losing her depth perception.

>> No.15371372

Do flat chest holsts even have enough milk

>> No.15371375

Sure, it's more creepy like that. She might have attacked a Kitsune just to make that gauntlet out of her fur.

>> No.15371384

Now I'm imagining her and the Elf having a screaming match. Yan harem when

>> No.15371386
File: 120 KB, 328x578, . . .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depth perception loss(?)
>sacrificing an eye for kinky sex

I'm barely composed enough right now to say:will delete in due course.

>> No.15371393 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 1212x2048, 1465491364066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her face when chasing down monstergirls she saw you talking to

>> No.15371395

That's a very cute girl with pretty eyes.

>> No.15371403

I was just buying bread

>> No.15371404

Well I'm running away.

>> No.15371409
File: 100 KB, 246x246, 1443078755055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that drawfag, don't feel really motivated to do anything lately but I'll get to it when this passes

>> No.15371410

Why is she showing her beautiful Human body like some whore Succuslut?

>> No.15371415

she is a succubus

>> No.15371416 [SPOILER] 
File: 606 KB, 1280x1142, 1465491648064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out, Paladin

Will delete in due course

>> No.15371418

Nope and that is good because they would not get married

>> No.15371420


>> No.15371424

Succusluts can't be Paladins, or yan for that matter. They're all NTR all the time.

>> No.15371425

>TFW nobody will ever tell you ganbatte

>> No.15371428

She doesn't know she is a paladin

>> No.15371437

fek for got the period in between the two. She doesn't know she is a succubus to herself she is just a paladin

>> No.15371440
File: 507 KB, 1000x1300, 28130337_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.15371446

I wish we had more towels wrapped around Monster Girls, it's such an enticing look

>> No.15371448

She looks tiny

>> No.15371450

She probably feels tiny too

>> No.15371451

Unaware corruption could be nice, too. A nice Paladin getting corrupt but just thinking it's original sin making her lust for her childhood friend's cock, but controlling it enough to live a normal, loving life with him would be very cute. I hope she wouldn't feel bad about only making daughters.

>> No.15371452
File: 255 KB, 800x668, Weresheep cheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In spirit this makes 3 right...?

>> No.15371455
File: 2.31 MB, 1512x1805, meow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad kitty goes in the dungeon

>> No.15371457

I was more thinking born a succubus but raised in a convent so corrupt from the start, but your idea can be cuter

>> No.15371458

Thats probably the best ganbatte someone could hope to receive

>> No.15371468


Then where are her horns and tail

>> No.15371479

That cat looks fairly soft despite being in a dungeon.
Then again, a soft prisoner is one whose less likely to escape.

>> No.15371485

>a soft prisoner is one whose less likely to escape.
Exactly. I wonder what she did to get put in there?

>> No.15371486

They're just the Demon Lord taunting her with illusions.

>> No.15371487

It's also a pretty clean dungeon, as much as it's dressed up to look weathered somewhat. That can only mean it has a very specific use. So worry not! (I think)

>> No.15371490

>tfw you barely delete a reaction image in time

>> No.15371491

Eating another mans lunch most likely.

I guess.
Only similar dungeons I've heard about belong to men who sniff mice.

>> No.15371496

I want to be a barbarian conqueror and raid a Paladin convent and kidnap a cute Paladin girl to be my cuddleslave. I'd force her to give me lap pillows and headpats and cheek rubs every day after work.

>> No.15371502

>Only similar dungeons I've heard about belong to men who sniff mice.

There's also the dungeon of the guy who fucks kobolds, let's not forget that.

>> No.15371512

>Jocasta Desert Tanuki
Somebody explain

>> No.15371514
File: 2.23 MB, 672x378, Marida Cruz' firm headpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, there, Anon. Perhaps in the next day you will find it. Or not... simply find it, but summon and shape your own sense of motivation!

Attempt to give advice:
I'm not sure when your birthday is, but on my recent 21st I found that just keeping conscious of that, of the fact that I have a new personal year ahead of me, which not everyone gets to have... it CAN be inspiring and uplifting, even if I can't hinge everything upon that thought

>> No.15371515

So there's this Tanuki, right?
And she's in the desert

>> No.15371522
File: 180 KB, 1574x814, Wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15371539

Breaking News: Cartoon Network implements subliminal messages in their Cartoons with naked Cat Girls

>> No.15371544

Hidden with magic

>> No.15371546

A Desert Tanuki with a Jocasta Complex.

>> No.15371547

here ya go anon

2bh I'd like this artist better if they didn't draw the boob so incredibly saggy but eh, can't have everything.

>> No.15371550

Explain further. Why do people want it.

>> No.15371551

That explains those Gumball vids...

>> No.15371562

What if a kiki did that gif to her young master

>> No.15371570

That's forbidden. Patting Mastah's head is against reason and god.

>> No.15371572

Maids can't headpat.

>> No.15371577

A busty shortstack with fantastic monetary knowledge, a big bushy tail, and a taste for husbando husbandry.

>> No.15371583

She'd relish the moment while sniffing his hair.

>> No.15371584

What if you asked a maid to do that

>> No.15371586

She would refuse.

>> No.15371588

That is one step on the road to becoming the butler to your mistress Kikimora so beware the role reversal

>> No.15371595

Yes they can.
While you're sitting, they draw you into their bosom, drape one arm over your shoulder and around your back, rest their cheek on the top of your head and gently stroke the back of your head with their free hand.

It can only be used in limited circumstances, but it's still technically a headpat.

>> No.15371597

>young master
She's going to metamophose into an Onee-san.

She would indulge you, just as if you asked her to masturbate you.

>> No.15371602

I want a tomboy Kikmora childhood friend that wears spats with her maid outfit

>> No.15371603

>Young master is upset
>Kiki wants to be affectionate, yet appropriate
One single, whispered phrase comes to mind: "...FIRMLY GRASP IT"

>> No.15371610

Would you make mess around her to set her off?

>> No.15371611

Still wrong.

>> No.15371615

From 0 to 10 how raped is a guy who just declared himself to his childhood friend who is also a yandere.

>> No.15371619

0 it isn't rape if she loves you

>> No.15371627

Depends on her personality. If she's into vanilla he's probs about 0 raped as long as he puts it in her willingly.

>> No.15371630

I want to commit that sin. I want my maid's cheek all over my head and her fingers running through my hair.

>> No.15371636

Side hug the yetis

>> No.15371639

You're unbalancing the order.

>> No.15371640

Sandwich the Yetis on either side with a hug. It'll leave them stunned for a few moments, long enough to turn the tide. We outnumber them anons!

>> No.15371646

Welcome to the New Maid Order

>> No.15371653

Hug a Yeti on front of a Yeti

>> No.15371655

One day I shall sub for my maid, that I swear. I will beg her to headpat me after work, I will give her lap pillows and feed her ice cream, and I will make her jerk me off with an onahole and inject my semen into herself with a medicine syringe to get herself pregnant with my child!

>> No.15371660

Maids can't handle that kind of power.

You need to be reeducated.

>> No.15371661

if you hug a yeti in front of another yeti is that hug ntr

>> No.15371667

Yeah but why ask the dudebro who posted a monsterboy for it

>> No.15371668

Probably 0 since it would be built upon strong trust for each other and love made with shared likes, so when they declare it will be consensual for them both. Plus, it's likely the guy knows she has yandere tendencies so using that info, he can make it the day ever for her by telling her how he truly feels

>> No.15371669

Only if the other yeti loves you. Otherwise it's just hug exhibitionism.

>> No.15371677

I'll dress her as a princess and wash her back in the bath! I'll rub my rock-hard dick on her lower back until I explode all over her spine in a stupor of forbidden pleasure and shame!

>> No.15371678

Oh, but they can. They know they can only go so far without the ring, yet the also know the ring does not grant absolute power. Get the wedding bells ready! ...or not, I mean a Kiki doesn't have to me romantically interested to be caring.

>> No.15371681

I said the circumstances where it's acceptable are limited. I meant limited.
It's reserved for the death of a family member, close friend or long lived pet.

>> No.15371690

Really no need to go there.

Perhaps if you did it to make the other Yeti jealous, or you hugged the one who asked for a hug first, last instead (provided the one you hugged first wasn't your wife) then it would be bad.

In 90% of most other situations it would just be a coincidence... or you getting roped into a session of trying out new hug techniques.

>> No.15371693
File: 266 KB, 700x900, 1439108920274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Kiki is smug because she knows Mastah is addicted to her headpats and has become her slave, whether he knows it yet or not. She will use her power to gain more and more headpats for herself.

>> No.15371707

She's a Basilisk

>> No.15371708

As long as she puts a ring on it, she can have first claim to any and all headpats. As a proper wife she'd then not have to fear his of headpatting other ones, be they younger lasses or troubled friends of the Master and Husband.

Before marriage, yes, she'll probably be inclined to freak out a little bit, but hey! At least she's giving headpats in return for headpats. Sounds like a good deal to me, eh?

>> No.15371714

Soon their waking moments will be consumed by mutual headpatting. Their cheeks nuzzle together as their hands stroke each other's hair without end. One day they will be headpatting each other straight out of the bath, naked, and it happens. Mastah's erection finds its way inside her. They will have accidentally discovered heatpatting sex, the ultimate taboo.

>> No.15371720

I want to earn headpats from my waifu

>> No.15371721


>> No.15371724

>headpat sex

That's dangerous.

>> No.15371729

>Be 190 cm
>Get headpats from 140 cm Devil waifu
>Her subordinates' face when she has to stand on a stool to reach your head with her tippy-toes

>> No.15371738

Imagine the levels of overcharged a Kiki will get when she gets creampied during headpats.

>> No.15371760

She'll have energy to clean the entire world.

>> No.15371763

>she can't be satisfied with just Master's headpats
>bullies him into accepting a part-time employment
>gets other Masters to headpat her
>finally he demands that they all headpat her at the same time
>the original Master hangs himself after seeing his maid get quadruple-headpatted by other men

>> No.15371770

Summer is here and fat monstergirls need to get their shit together!

>> No.15371771

That sounds like the prelude to global Kiki fascism, anon. Jackbooted young Kikis patrolling the streets, ready to headpat litterbugs into submission.

>> No.15371772

NTR is shit and you should feel bed for posting that shit.

>> No.15371774

Please, they've got soda and a/c, what more do the need?

>> No.15371777

They need to be thin and fit to chase down their beloved humanboys!

>> No.15371778

Sounds fine to me.

>> No.15371779

Why not just rape their little brothers? They don't need to be chased, they're right there.

>> No.15371781

They'll just trick the human boy to enter their room and lock the door so they can't leave!

>> No.15371790

Yeah and the night is dark and full of terrors. What of it?

>> No.15371791

but thin girls aren't as cuddly!

>> No.15371798

No, the time to get their shit together was January so they'd be slimmed down by summer. If they're still fat by now, it's too late.

>> No.15371799

And fat slobs are disgusting, /d/ needs to plug that leak.

>> No.15371802

Don't underestimate the power of bullying.

>> No.15371803

Ah the old 'if it's not an anorexic runway model it's a landwhale' argument I see.

>> No.15371805

There's a difference between fat and chubby anon.

>> No.15371809

Loving sweet, loyal, and impressionable otoutos is forbidden.

>> No.15371810

Little brothers are cuddly too, and won't bully them. It's the perfect plan.

>> No.15371816

The thread has invited the fatties in and given them a place to stay all winter, but now is the time to force them to get up off the couch or you're going to ditch tubby for that musclebus down the street.

>> No.15371826

I can give my training routine with my Dragon later, if you guys want to get your waifu in shape.

>> No.15371828

Slimy, bushy, cavernous, virgin NEET chubster onee-chan pussies exist to be deflowered by their loving little brothers!

>> No.15371853
File: 790 KB, 728x1032, 1434175060604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that softness
Mmmm. I approve.

>> No.15371854

A Desert Tanuki buys a slave boy and raises him as her son
Teaches him her trade
They fuck
Live happily ever after
The End

There, OC provided.

>> No.15371857

Is that an oppai loli oni?

>> No.15371863
File: 2.07 MB, 1214x1372, 3468f20bf1a16d45c37214a35cd6e4b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a demon of some sort.

>> No.15371864
File: 713 KB, 740x1036, 65fe713e2b98ff8cb1cd18ee8681c51c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell if I know what they are. I just put them in the succubus folder and move on to the fapping.

>> No.15371873

They're from that game Nippon's raving about, I think
Gangbear? Ganbere? Ganbatte?

>> No.15371876

Granblue Fantasy.

>> No.15371878

There we go. Sankyou

>> No.15371879

>that's dangerous
Hmm, right you are.
As much as she's feeling it down there, she'd be feeling it almost as much up there, too. But if...
>she's seeing her partner's pleasured face
>she's feeling his hand, gentle across her head
>she's breathing in the scent of their freshened bodies
>she's tasting his lips, with hints of the last meal she made
what would be best for her to hear right before she gets creampied?

Would it be...
>the natural ambiance of wet thrusts, heavy breathing and skin sliding?
>the melody made as their tongues dance with one another?
>or simply "I love you" whispered deep into her ear?

>> No.15371882

That horn jewelry is very cute and seems very likely for girls with horns.

>> No.15371885

>I love you
This is always the correct answer.

>> No.15371894

The wet thrusts make a melody singing "I love you"

>> No.15371896
File: 1.02 MB, 1023x722, Socie - inayama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granblue Fantasy
Where there isn't short, horned and busty, there is often tall, tailed and animal-eared instead...Granblue butts

>> No.15371911


Two best girls have been combined.

Hello boner, my old friend.

>> No.15371948
File: 154 KB, 767x999, http___65.media.tumblr.com_2e08f23aba354658e907361f59f3db36_tumblr_nzlw7yWbnS1ucsq76o1_1280_sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that, I just don't know what exactly these semen demons are.

>> No.15371950

They're demons
Of the semen genome

>> No.15371975

So far there are 4-5 races in the game: https://granblue-wiki.com/index.php/SSR_Characters_List

Human, Harvin, Erune, Draph (which is what Narumeia/Narmaya is) and Amira (one of a king).

>> No.15371977

>one of a "king"
I meant one of a kind, but... that's technically not wrong if you watch Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis

>> No.15372002
File: 671 KB, 1200x1298, bf748569e4b70720ab30730809a496e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstack race best race. Shame my team is all humans so far except for one.

>> No.15372025
File: 1.29 MB, 960x1280, 1451762129882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, they're tiny...

Finally a good girl to live out that 'impaled on your dick in midair because she can't reach the ground' fantasy.

>> No.15372052
File: 217 KB, 700x785, kikishealingservice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to pat your head, tenderly.

>> No.15372063

Yuki onnas are eating too much ice cream to keep cool, make them go to the gym

>> No.15372066

She can't make me.

>> No.15372087

Tentacle headpats > Human hand headpats

>> No.15372117

I'll just let myself get caught by one.

The seem nice and soft

>> No.15372120
File: 189 KB, 1129x909, comminglingofassets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15372129


>> No.15372131

>Desert Tanukis
I want this meme to die in skooma

>> No.15372144

Lucky bastard.
I hope you croak in a skooma.

>> No.15372148

They look a bit tiny, do them come in the ara ara variety?
It means they get to share the cost of keeping him and save money, don't underestimate how far a Tanuki will go.

>> No.15372156

But they only get half of the benefits.

>> No.15372161

If you can live in a MG world one of the writefags created, what Would it be?

>> No.15372173

Kingfisher, meaby. I dono. I haven't read all that many huge stories. I would still go with my headcannon.

>> No.15372179

My headcanon. Or Thunderbrother's

>> No.15372183

Thunderbrother or beast

>> No.15372185

My own headcanon honestly. No offence meant to writefags but most the times their worlds aren't appealing to live in.

>> No.15372198

Penywise, it has lactating Undead.

>> No.15372210

I know nobody would use mine unless they're into satirical comedy of shoddy writing

>> No.15372216

I haven't read enough stories to give an answer.

>> No.15372217
File: 119 KB, 650x342, 1461867641426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go upstairs in MGC Bar without permission and see what's up there!

I bet it's something cool as fuark!

You nerds can stay downstairs if you want though.

>> No.15372221

big girls are best girls you flaming faggot

>> No.15372223

Such lovely girls

>> No.15372240

Just show them a cute boy
Heat makes Yukionna and Glacies lose control

>> No.15372248
File: 817 KB, 707x1000, Heles - loussier666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race describing Anon here and umm, I don't know man. Heles and her kind (Erune) are glorious as well.

Plus unlike with the boys of the Draph race, you don't feel like a dwarf when hanging out or at the weddings... THEY. ARE. TALL.

>> No.15372252
File: 1.96 MB, 7000x8000, xptmYpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we see more of the Paladin Reintegration Programme soon?

>> No.15372260

Dune 'Coons are literal threadcanon cancer and should be purged.

>> No.15372266
File: 2.27 MB, 2560x1440, Daaayuuummm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you sacrifice to the Unicorn Empire prince anon?

Do you sacrifice yourself or your little brother?

Or do you choose to sacrifice...mystery box?

>> No.15372269
File: 116 KB, 772x1080, e7d56b8f30f799f72b23d6c4679f618c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, plus Catharine is a semen demon which makes it hard to choose.

>> No.15372270

What crawled up your ass?

>> No.15372272


>> No.15372276

It's there for a practical reason. She has some sort of body-destroying curse which will progress without that keeping it in check

>> No.15372279

>Everything the thread thinks of is shit by default
What a grumpy faggot. Immigration and travelling would still exist in a fantasy land so it's within reason, it's not like stinkypedes or other garbage.

>> No.15372283

Isn't it occupied?

>> No.15372285
File: 141 KB, 391x600, Unicron Prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you choose both yourself and your little brother?

Weird choice but interesting.

>> No.15372291

I will not give anything to the horses.

>> No.15372304

My brother is already married and I don't want a centaur wife.

>> No.15372312

You seem angry

>> No.15372313
File: 63 KB, 339x204, Group of agitated Succubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a full 2nd floor? Is it just 1 room? Is there a group of Mindflayer/Weresheep hybrids hiding out?

Anon is going to find out while you hide downstairs holding his beer.

>> No.15372319
File: 461 KB, 800x1000, Spider Knight - JK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paladin Reintegration Programme
. . .I don't even
>Literally founded on "Jolly Cooperation"
I'll help with her.

>> No.15372320

>Sacrificing anything to horsefuckers
>When breaking their legs is so goddamn easy, and completely neutralizes them

>> No.15372326

So you choose yourself.

Very noble to prevent that NTR and probable Bi-Corn creation.

>> No.15372327

I think it's been abandoned.

>> No.15372329


>> No.15372338

Here began the fall of Rome.

>> No.15372346

Well, she's new to me, or just not strongly imprinted in my memory.

It's interesting how this is like her 'limit break' art (and that it even has a bath as part of the move) since- oh... Anon, she's literally pulling out her strongest power while inviting you into the bath.

You're going to have a looooong night Anon.

>> No.15372353

No I don't. I will seek political asylum in the undead kingdom.

>> No.15372361
File: 396 KB, 1273x900, Centaur soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, we'll sacrifice nothing at all. Nothing. At. All.

...But we will serve our best delicacies and show them that we won't try to hurt them for their magical horns. It's team time. Let's be civil.

>> No.15372389

The price of peace is Prince Anon or Prince Anon's little brother.

Or the mystery box.

>> No.15372391

Their vision is based on boners. Stay flaccid and you're fine

>> No.15372394

The box.

>> No.15372398

If two Yetis hug each other, you can extract an infinite amount of heat from them.
But what happens if two Basilisks take off their masks while looking at each other, the only people they've seen, for the first time?
Do their colliding "sexual death" beams negate each other, amplify each other, or distort each other?

>> No.15372411

Crossing the beams is a very dangerous thing, Anon!

>> No.15372417

I'm always angry. All the time.

>> No.15372420


>> No.15372421

I've got you in my sights

>> No.15372428

I don't play Overwatch, so I can't think of a witty quote to counter that.

>> No.15372431

Wolfu, Jinko, Wyvern, Oni, Muscleclops, and A slender Kakuken are all entered into an Elimination Chamber match for your love
Who do you root for?

>> No.15372434

Then we go to war!

>> No.15372439

troll and her gigantic hands of death

>> No.15372441

Probably Lanternon's. Yeah there are fucked up things going on, but it's an interesting place and moving to a demon realm once you're past 18 would probably make it tolerable. Fuck growing up in one though, I'm actually surprised how little rape occurred in Val's school.

>> No.15372442

None of them really.

>> No.15372444

Dammit Anon!
Think of Margret Thatcher

>> No.15372448 [DELETED] 


>> No.15372451
File: 135 KB, 580x887, Unmasked Basilisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They commence psycho-communication, their NT-M (newtype-mating) system activates and they seek out and seduce the nearest male together.

Whether they share or the one who "can't take it anymore" is given first claim depends on how much bonding time they've had while seek out said male.

Yeah, I know I really shoe-horned that Gundam Unicorn reference, but I thought about Basilisks suggestive gaze, plus their glowing bits and...

>> No.15372468

Well since we're also talking about Basiliks, Mei's phrase (or "freeze"... kill me) "Freeze! Don't move!" would be a good choice.

>> No.15372469

That only got me to start thinking about the Falklands War. FUCK.

>> No.15372480

>Your reason isn't that the rate of tech progression means Star Trek shenanigans by the time you're in your 40's
>"Set phasers to fuck!"

>> No.15372490

The Jinko. Hopefully she tiger bombs those jobbers.

>> No.15372494
File: 824 KB, 836x1000, Fenrir - junwool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the Wolfu isn't dear 'these-chains-can't-hold-me' Fenrir, I'd give it to the Wyvern. She could stay well above everyone else while they exhaust themselves.

I'd like to say that I'd threaten to walk out of there if they were actually trying to kill each other though. This ain't Killing Floor. No need to waste a life, nor a beauty.

>> No.15372499 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 209x282, lpgdbEv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give em something alright.

>> No.15372503
File: 896 KB, 1000x914, 8f3488b5d85534dad662e33a8a3c3632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abigail is majestic

>> No.15372509

Abigail is cuddles.

>> No.15372513

Abigail is THICK

>> No.15372519


>> No.15372522

Could you cook food between two yetis like a microwave?

>> No.15372526

I don't think there'd be enough heat for that, unless the Yetis got really, really squished up close together.
Maybe if they were hugging each other with great intensity.

If I wanted food cooked like that though, I'd probably go with a hellhound pair. Have to make sure they wouldn't eat it off of each other though.

>> No.15372534

I want to roast a hot dog over a hot dog and share the hot dogs with the hot dogs who cooked my hot dogs

>> No.15372537

>lactating Undead.

>You'll never drink the ectoplasmic ghost milk of a celtic banshee with your coffees in the morning

>> No.15372542

That's pretty hot, dog.

>> No.15372544

Don't bully abigail

>> No.15372548

Thought choice.
I'll go with wyvern, but I don't want to see Wolfu and Jinko suffer.

>> No.15372555

I'm not going to.
I'm just going to grope her.

>> No.15372562
File: 1.72 MB, 1800x900, 1448820230871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wolfu. She might have some tricks up her sleeves too.

>> No.15372563

What do you say to a Wolfu who says that she can break these cuffs?

>> No.15372564

All of them.
So much so that it's really just a fight to see who I bed first

>> No.15372577
File: 390 KB, 412x580, Unicron best grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the box is...The entire royal family joins the Unicorn Empire, females turned into Unicorns and men married to Unicorns.

However prince anon's kingdom will never have to sacrifice anyone ever again to keep peace.

Both nations are prosperous and happiness widespread.

>Good of the Kingdom Ending

You lose the war and the nation is annexed into the Unicorn Empire, many men are forcibly taken taken as partners and women are turned into various centaurs and nobles into Unicorns, including the entire royal family.

Though prosperity did come it was done so by unneeded force.

>Royal Failure Ending

>> No.15372578

Yandere sahuagin

>> No.15372584

"If you break those cuffs, I will let you ravish me on the spot, take you back to my place, and marry you. But I bet you won't break those cuffs."

>> No.15372585
File: 1.22 MB, 1197x1700, 8dafc46d11132a4e2128c9c04f4952d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A majestic sow maybe.

>> No.15372590

These are the most obnoxious posts in the thread.

>> No.15372591

You can't break those cuffs

>> No.15372592

P'Orcs are the most majestic of monster girls.

>> No.15372596

I need more spoder

>> No.15372597

I want a chubby, pear shaped baphomet Imotou to spoil with treats

>> No.15372599

Tomorrow's headline reads:
>Smug baphomet not so smug after being facesat on by a fat Abigail

>> No.15372611

>Walk up to one burping after she finished her bowl of leftovers

>> No.15372614

>Immediately becomes smug again after headline reads "Fat Abigail" anyway

>> No.15372616
File: 130 KB, 395x689, SPROINK THE TAIL, BULLY THE SOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Shoggocks and the TFT posters, /u/faggots, futafaggots, and /d/ faggots are worse.


>> No.15372622
File: 102 KB, 1170x750, 14356585342324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mice are not too smart

>> No.15372631

At least they're easy to spot and ignore.

>> No.15372632

Nigga I wouldn't take a single shit in a MG world one of our writefags created.

>> No.15372645

>Moon isn't made of cheese
Are you saying Wallace and Gromit are liars?

>> No.15372647

Chapter 28 of A Serpent in Zion: Fall Weiss


>> No.15372659

>Gyaru Orc

Oh yes. OH YES!

>> No.15372669

If it's made of cheese, do you think Space Mice live up there?

>> No.15372673
File: 361 KB, 1244x700, Fenrir wolf - rosuuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One anon already said it for me, but this did remind me that Fenrir also sometimes does and doesn't have a great deal of chain leftover, so she could also disable opponents with those... and use them to tie herself up for Anon later that night.

Although I won't deny that it's a cute thought for her to pretend she's forcing him to thrust into her with every tug of the chain by wrapping it around him

You know, since she WON.

>> No.15372686

I wanna take a little mousy girl!
Put her on my shoulder!
Give her a slice of cheese!
Then pet her every once in a while as I play the video games!
Then when it's bed time I put her inside a toy mansion and tuck her into her little bed!

>> No.15372704

Smart enough to land on the moon...

>> No.15372705
File: 203 KB, 960x540, YOU CAN'T BREAK THOSE CHAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15372707
File: 328 KB, 623x492, Sahuagin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop Anon. You're embarrassing her with that kind of talk. She was determined to be with you, but- Oh, you want to do some "Yandere play".

>> No.15372714

Wet slimy flatfish!

>> No.15372720

Abigail is not fat. She's just well fed.

>> No.15372733

What are the red circles highlighting?

>> No.15372734

That's funny, that's the same excuse the vampire I work for uses and she's bigger then Abigail

>> No.15372735

Too many fancy tea cakes

>> No.15372738

Big, fat, P'Orc ass.

>> No.15372739

Woah there! I was talking about chains in a decorative sense (Ha! When are they not just for decoration with Fenrir?).

Maybe actually tugging on the chains to move her to your whim, or even letting her tie one around your waist so she controls the thrusts... but full-body, full restriction? Just take it easy man.

>> No.15372747

Not well fed enough.

>> No.15372750

That Orc is perfect.

>> No.15372755

I had thought of stalking him in the water but >yandere play
I like it

>> No.15372756

I've not played the game yet, but it's where you embrace them during the 'care event'. I think the 'affection event' works just about the same.

>> No.15372766

Her name is Ruka, apparently. You can see her gallery here if you'd like: http://dailylifewithamonstergirl.wikia.com/wiki/Ruka

>> No.15372767

I bet Sahuagin get together, and ambush a lone man who might be skinny dipping in a lake.

They'd be nibbling his toes and doing other lewd stuff underwater, swimming around him while he panics and tries to get back to shore.

>> No.15372768

Ah yes, it is common knowledge that a wolfgirl's calves are a priority when administering embraces through a "care event".

>> No.15372773

Wouldn't you rather have a non-fat pear shaped baphomet? With a smooth stomach, an elegant well-defined hip curve and a girly slim back that's nice to look at

>> No.15372777

Wouldn't one work with a kelp and share him like that

>> No.15372779

Is it kosher?

>> No.15372781

I want to help the flatfish be not so flat!
I want to help them become oppaifish!

>> No.15372788

Nah, I prefer mine.
She'd be quite soft for cuddling and love to be spoiled with sweets.

>> No.15372793

Who do I have to pay blood tithes to for Desert Tanuki smut

>> No.15372796

I'd like a baphomet who's slim but pear-shaped anyway.

>> No.15372803
File: 71 KB, 1000x674, sahaguin thumb bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which means thick slick lower lips!

Hey, you could do it in the water, too. Actual play, that is. You know, some time out in the water by the river! Again, just don't tease her too much, or she'll show you the true ability of her kind to stalk their prey.

Next thing you know she'll give you this (pic related) look and it'll suddenly be a "*bomf* (grass ain't that soft) Wah! What're we gonna' do on the riverbank?" type of situation.

>> No.15372812

Woops, I replied to the wrong post. Let me reiterate: THICK. SLICK. LOWER LIPS!

>> No.15372817

It's a known fact that a swarm of tiny Piranha Sahuagin can husbando a man in under a minute.

Rubbing their tiny, brown-skinned bodies against him, nibbling his ears, thrashing around in the water with little he can do to stop them.

>> No.15372829
File: 57 KB, 400x517, Sahuachii Sahuagin - jattoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fleshy fish...?

>> No.15372831

And now their chests can be put to better use!
A win-win!

>> No.15372836

Very fleshy fish.

>> No.15372837

I want that booty

>> No.15372838

Heh that's fucking perfect
What other MGs would be great yandere? I want to say Sea Bishop or mantis.

>> No.15372857

Disgusting and gross!

>> No.15372861
File: 257 KB, 600x650, Sweater Surprise Sahuagin by paundo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist has a few more pieces, if you'd like.

Chests, you say? Try this on for size! Because, err, it's a little big for her. Just the right size in all the important places though!

>> No.15372867

Would toss a net over her/10

>> No.15372871

Don't worry, we can help her fit it.

>> No.15372874
File: 370 KB, 700x841, Sea Bishop by tthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea Bishops would be something else entirely. They'd be Yand-ara-ara!

>> No.15372882

>Anon, Poseidon says we should marry
>You wouldn't defy the will of Poseidon herself, would you?
>WoULd yOu ANoN?!

>> No.15372885

I hope you know that's an instant turn-on for them. To them it's a form of bondage which they violently cut through the net and your clothes, before pouncing on you... and putting you in slowly.

>> No.15372889

You're all great people. It brings a tear to my eye... That might just be the saltwater actually.

>> No.15372890
File: 2.56 MB, 2304x1800, scary kejoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done! Thanks .less!

>> No.15372892

I would noodle her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.15372895

>go deep inland, far away from the oceans
get fucked posideon

>> No.15372897


>> No.15372905

Wow, she's spook. .less does good commissions.

>> No.15372906

Hoooly shit.

>> No.15372912

Poseidon is also god of earthquakes, your bed gonna be shakin senpai.

>> No.15372920

Monster girls sure are scary.

>> No.15372929

The full moon helps.

>> No.15372935
File: 24 KB, 496x496, 1424884584772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not afraid of a few earthquakes, I'd rather take a few shakes rather than have to fuck a mermaid

>> No.15372951

Poseidon is also the God of UNLEASH THE KRAKEN

>> No.15372952

Thank goodness Paladin girls exist!

>> No.15372957

I'm going to marry a rich, overweight monster girl and treat her like a princess and spoil her

>> No.15372964

>a baphomet who's slim but pear-shaped anyway
Yeah, exactly. A dainty loligoat with nice ass and thighs.

>> No.15372978

>turn down a daughter of poseidon
>she cries to daddy
>he summons the hunter kraken to drag you down to marry her
>it does not stop, it does not sleep, it does not eat
>only hunt

>> No.15372981

She's not scary, yanderes just need a little love.

>> No.15372983

That's not very nice. All she wants is for you to cum on her clutch of eggs and raise the tiny merdaughters with her.

>> No.15372985

>turn down a daughter of poseidon
But I love centaurs!

>> No.15372986

" A daughter of Poseidon " is a broad term, the guy fucked a lot of stuff.

>> No.15372987

Can I have the overworked kraken instead of the spoiled mermaid?

>> No.15372988

Greek mythology is weird. I like Norse mythology better.

>> No.15372989

Poseidon is a chick.

>> No.15372993

And Norse mythology isn't? You're probably just biased because Norse mythology makes for good album covers.

>> No.15372996

Only the dumb version.

>> No.15372998

Can you handle it when she comes home and plops down on the couch after a long day?
You realize that you're gong ot have to give her a neckrub and a beer while she complains about her day, and that she'll be happiest if you agree with her.
You might even suggest that she come home earlier while pulling her head into your lap and stroking her hair!

>> No.15373004

Now that you mention it, Loki was a fucked up sexual deviant just as bad as the greeks.
Fenrir is still best wolfu. Tied with Ammy.

>> No.15373006

>Not a big flagon of wine
Do you even Greek, anon?

>> No.15373014
File: 265 KB, 490x900, c46110392351eb9bfff2e9c36e92d52a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on your current location, what kind of Monster Girls would you expect to find?

I bet there would be lots of Yetis and Bear girls up here in Canada, eh.

>> No.15373024

>Turn down an Ojou Sea Bishop
>She cries to Dad, he's sitting there on Olympus with his brothers and extended family
"Brother, you know what to do."
>Walks into a shimmering pool in the center of their throne room, meditating, slams a palm into the water, sending out reverberations

>Be on your boat in the middle of the ocean, near the coastal port of your birth
>Poseidon is the patron deity, and from his wealth your family has reaped bounty in fish for generations
>You even offered prayers to him for a good catch today, and your faith has been rewarded
>That is, until you hear it.
>A distant rumbling like thunder, growing louder and louder as the sea swells
>Tentacles of ivory explode out of the ocean, all the other fishermen are yelling "KRAKEEEN!", their screams drowned out by the impact of the waves
>She sees you, one eye narrowing
>The blood runs cold in your veins as you try to paddle away, but she easily scoops you out of the water
>Notice bags under her eyes
>Would you like some tea, or wine?
>Her expression softens, shrinking down to normal size, dropping you back off into your boat
>Spend hours drinking and talking to the Kraken
>She doesn't get much sleep since Poseidon is always Kraken This, Kraken That, Zeus knocked off his dad's balls with a wiffle ball bat
>The fuck's a wiffle ball bat
"You'll understand in a few hundred years."
>The sun starts to set, she stretches after lounging in your boat
"Oh! I forgot!"
>Gives you a slap across the face with one of her tentacles' underside, the suckers sticking to your face
"I have to at least smite you just a little bit. You know, for appearances sake."
>Watch her walk back into the sea on her tentacles, drinking your flagon of wine
>She has a nice ass, you'll give her that
>You end up making it a habit of getting on Poseidon's bad side just to spend time with the Kraken

>> No.15373030

Are you the guy that sperged about Ares being a cute girl in the MGE a while back?

>> No.15373036
File: 40 KB, 512x512, 1433825320552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fetish for huge tits & milk
>Live in Cheesehead Land
The gods are kind sometimes

>> No.15373051

Just the common ones. Harpies, Arachne, stray werewolf/cats. The downnsides of life in an industrial area/drought zone.

Though now is the time of year where we get a sudden influx of devil bugs and hornets

>> No.15373053

No. I understand why the MGE has every version of its gods as girls. The whole "Poseidon is a chick" comment was just very "No you can't have this fun thing." Yeah, we know she's a girl in MGE. There's also people who just don't care about that anyway.

>> No.15373056

Mostly amazoness I guess.

Oh well, at least we have colorful harpies in february.

>> No.15373060
File: 94 KB, 540x720, rum_kra3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Kraken-chan be a thing?
Can she hold her alcohol and drink this?

>> No.15373067

>Amazons & colorful birds
You Brazil or something?

>> No.15373079

I live in England, so there's not really any notable monstergirls I'd have in my area. Maybe a few badgergirls, but lots and lots of kitsunes. I see huge numbers of foxes in the yard sometimes.

Come to think of it, there's a pair of parakeets I see nearly every other day in a tree outside as well. Considering how close I live to the area, they must be Kingston Rose-ringed parakeets. So you could get a pair of exceptionally colourful harpies out of that.

>> No.15373089
File: 69 KB, 650x889, 1437328970921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what would running of the bulls be like in MGC?
I know it would be running of Minotaur or cows or whatever but how would it play out?
also would amazon be run by Amazons?

>> No.15373092

>Asks for neck rubs
>Vents to me about complaints
She's practically family already.

>> No.15373093


>> No.15373101


>> No.15373105

The girls will be sex starved for a few weeks, huddled in the dark, then the doors open to reveal several available men wearing nothing but red speedos

>> No.15373108
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>> No.15373120
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>> No.15373129

I live in a landlocked state. Good luck.

>> No.15373149

I really want to be dropped in an AU earth and travel like some kinda harem MC
>You'll never traverse the united kingdoms with a fae
>Never wander the germanic woodlands with an ancient vargr
>Never spend months navigating the courts as you lavish in the hospitality of a european vampire countess
>Never wander the east with a oomukade ronin
>Or traverse the sweltering sands with a girtablilu assassin.

>> No.15373153
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>> No.15373154

It's a little rural so probably a decent number of centaurs and weresheep, maybe a cockatrice here and there. No holsts, sadly. But most of all, black harpies. Seriously, these birds are assholes, and they're everywhere.

>> No.15373171

I wonder how well those things work as floatation devices.
If she's an abyssal who spends a lot of time underwater, do you think her breasts are just constantly buoyant and pushing up?

>> No.15373186


>> No.15373189

Ireland would have the fae though.

>> No.15373199
File: 411 KB, 953x700, Thegoodlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All. The. Holstaurs.

>> No.15373205

But ballast is something you use to increase stability through a dense material or liquid.
Natural breasts float in the water, so she'd always be pulled up by them. Doesn't really help with her stability.

>> No.15373224

When she needs to sink, she produces heavy milk. When she needs to rise, she milks herself and has floats up by filling her breasts with air.

>> No.15373225

Whole lotta aquatic girls due to the Great Lakes with generic forest girls growing with increasing frequency as you head up north

>> No.15373253

>Breasts swell up as she sinks to the sea floor
>Milks herself, moaning and biting her lip as she releases thick white clouds of warm milk into the water around her, feet leaving the floor and being pulled up by her breasts while leaving behind milky trails as she rises

Boner stop

>> No.15373256

If a Holst can drink milk, then a Kraken can drink Kraken rum. And besides, she can just get bigger to counteract the alcohol.

>> No.15373268
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Take them please, they're ruining my garden.

>> No.15373287

furries get out reeeee

>> No.15373295

It isn't as though holsts love White Russians

>> No.15373296

Do you have the version where Green Eyes has the traumatic pirate flashbacks?

>> No.15373299
File: 203 KB, 1124x919, lUnYDum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a trade?

>> No.15373304

Dump the whole box in the river.

>> No.15373309

No. But now I want it, because that sounds too fucking hilarious.

>> No.15373312

Burn them in a napalm bath.

>> No.15373327

What does this thing eat? If it gets sick, should I take it to the vet?

>> No.15373346
File: 567 KB, 893x674, bullied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to bully monoeyes.

>> No.15373352

>What does this thing eat?

>> No.15373359

Sorry, gWOCKamole.

aaaaahahahahaha i'm hilarious.

>> No.15373362

No one knows. They just... exist

You have to take it

>> No.15373365

To death?

>> No.15373373

kobold and werewolf
hopefully some fit Bobcat or Cougar girls
Personally, I'd just drive to the animal sanctuary and make lewd eyes at all the jinkos.

>> No.15373375

Please clap

>> No.15373384

Damn you, wonderland resident

But what if she gets sick? Should I shake her if she starts crying?

So many questions, so little time.

>> No.15373385

No, until they bully you back

>> No.15373387

I'd be surrounded by Cait Siths. Send help.

>> No.15373391

Can't I just be mildly indifferent to monoeyes?

>> No.15373392

What's she going to do?

>> No.15373397

>Go to sanctuary
>Loli jinko is out playing while her big sisters watch
>Suddenly get noticed by the imouto and she's looking at you through the glass, a ball in he hands as she looks at you expectantly
>Ara Ara occurs in the distance

>> No.15373409

I say this every night, every day, every afternoon and it's so true

Wocks are a MESS

>> No.15373415

the sanctuary doesn't have glass, it's a bunch of big caged enclosures
white tigers, bengals, siberians, ocelots, lions, cheetahs, bears, cougars, leopards, caracals, servals, everything. I want to pet them all.
Also a capybara, a lemur and some very shy wolves.

>> No.15373416

Pay the delinquents to drag you into an alley and rape you, while she sells the video online

>> No.15373419

Just put her in a cage. She might give you puppy eyes though.

>> No.15373420

Seagull Harpies, Mermaids of various types, a decent sized tribe of Amazons, Ryus and by proxy Shirohebis.
Not sure what else, but I'd probably try to hook up with a Ryu. Ryus are cute.

>> No.15373422
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"You have won the battle, young Knight, now claim your prize!"
Please be gentle though...

>> No.15373427
File: 309 KB, 1640x1848, Xenoslove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.15373429

Like they'll take her smelly nerd no at and rape someone like me.

>> No.15373430
File: 907 KB, 1600x2000, 78a280febd18c5bdcb77fcabd1aebe69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't the mofu shrine...

>> No.15373433

She has a lot of cool things she could be doing right now

She could wear her hoodie

>> No.15373434

Wrong thread.

>> No.15373439

We're in a strip club, doofus. Dance on the pole some more.

>> No.15373440
File: 51 KB, 650x458, 1440986826112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're damn right it's not.
This is the loneliest shrine.

>> No.15373441

Depends on how tall air caste-chan is
But yes, I'd all of them, especially earth-caste and fire-caste

>> No.15373442

>Shy wolves
>Werewolf pack starts stuttering and stammering pickup lines with their tails between their legs


>> No.15373445

The only thing worth calling it a prize it's that pole behind her.

>> No.15373446

I mean, if you want me to...

>> No.15373451

Have there ever been any greentexts or stories related to this kind of stuff?

>> No.15373452

alrunes, trolls,and holsts everywhere mostly just domestic mgs that you would find on a farm or living in the woods alarunes would be like venus flytraps though

>> No.15373458

Poor lonely Ryu-chan barely even has a shrine, that's just a little pagoda.

Sad life for poor lonely Ryu-chan.

>> No.15373459
File: 127 KB, 731x1000, 1439242018288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squeeze the Anubutt!

>> No.15373460

They'd just gotten to the sanctuary when I visited so they weren't used to people.
>be at old Mau the blind cheetah's enclosure as he sniffs his way around
>turn around and see the eyes and ears of a gray wolf peeking at me from another enclosure
>head disappears
hnnnnnggggg it was soooo cute

>> No.15373464

Are they from something?

>> No.15373470

They don't get sick. They just have that same expression on their face all the time, unless they're asleep.

They just walk and hop around.

>> No.15373471

They're female Tau from Warhammer 40K iirc

>> No.15373475

She should hire some cute, homely Shirohebi to draw more men to the shrine

>> No.15373478

Tonguefuck the anubutt!

>> No.15373482

Every time I see a snippet of a sketch, I always want to scream, "What are all those other drawings at the edge of the picture?! Does Lawyerkun secretly have a ton more art than he actually shows us?"

>> No.15373492
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Daring Wock of mystery, champion of right

>> No.15373497
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>> No.15373507
File: 486 KB, 800x1000, 1453761181484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anubutts are the prettiest wolfus.

>> No.15373523

Should I at least play with it? The face might be tha same, but the feelings change, right?

>> No.15373525

>You'll never discover a buried tomb during a trip to Africa.
>You'll never be caught by mummies and dragged to the throne room of a Pharaoh, flanked by her Anubis and Sphinx advisers and a group of Khepri.
>She'll never suspect you of being a spy sent by her Apophis rival only to learn that it's been over a thousand years since she was sealed away beneath the sands.
>She'll never come to the realization that her kingdom is gone and her rival is very likely long dead.
>You'll never take pity on her and let her and her servants move in with you.
>You'll never introduce them to the modern world through the shelter of your home.
>You'll never take the Khepris to a fast food place and watch them devour their food eagerly.
>You'll never help the Anubis unwind by giving her a massage.
>You'll never help set up the Mummies sarcophagi in the basement so they have a nice place to sleep.
>You'll never buy the Sphinx puzzle magazines when you go to the store and see her eagerly solving them while you stock the groceries.
>You'll never comfort the Pharaoh at night as she deals with the culture shock.
>She'll never wake you up on the night of the full moon with the rest of her servants so they can all "thank" you for what you've done for them.
>You'll never wake up at 2:00 P.M the next day being cuddled from all sides by affectionate desert girls.
It hurts so bad.

>> No.15373532 [DELETED] 

What a cute elf.

>> No.15373533

I'd rather put her in the shed

>> No.15373534
File: 129 KB, 1861x1213, Anubis Proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfus are 10/10, but Anubnubs are even higher than that. They are the prettiest, and the loveliest, and the most marriable.

>> No.15373538

I'm dying here without D. Tanuki stories mang.

>> No.15373542 [DELETED] 

It wasn't shy, it was waiting for a chance to murder you.

>> No.15373549

Anon, I helped create Desert Tanukis and even I'm not as thirsty for them as you.

>> No.15373551

Not hating on them, but I really don't understand why anubuses are so popular

>> No.15373555

I have a thirst like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.15373564


>> No.15373566

They're basically secretaries.
Some people are into secretaries.
Also delicious brown and fat butts.

>> No.15373570


They get you from one bus stop to the next, and they are VERY efficient. Always on time. And fluffy. Like the catbus.

>> No.15373573

Spent some time scavenging to piece together what I could of the current Enty material: Includes all high-res and partial making of.
Inside is a text file listing everything I couldn't find, mainly because all the archives have a massive gap back in Jan-Feb.
If you happen to have that stuff on hand or have access to it on Enty, post it and I'll pack it. Will take JP text too, just copy it to pastebin or something.

password is sneaky_tanuki

>> No.15373575

Weigher of scales, keeper of burial secrets, enforcer of curses. I like a lady with epithets

>> No.15373577 [DELETED] 

No, the wolf was not being cute, it was waiting to kill.

>> No.15373580


>> No.15373586
File: 679 KB, 944x1280, 48273446_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love her paws and ears and tail. They're really pretty.

>> No.15373587

I adore them, but not because of that. Never liked the whole secretary or maid thing.

>> No.15373588

Woops, sent that a bit early.
Sketches + text for Cancer and Lich, text for Jabberwock and Hakutaku.

>> No.15373596


>> No.15373615

So pretty you'd kiss them?

>> No.15373624

Yes. Followed by gently holding her hand!

>> No.15373654

Gross. I bet you'd cradle one of her fluffy paws in both hands, and kiss each neatly filed claw before turning her paw palm up and kissing her marshmallowy central pad. Then I bet you'd do the same to her other paw.


>> No.15373667

>Monorus drew a lewd Necrololi from EO5

Why did nobody tell me this?

>> No.15373682

Me neither, to each their own though. The faggots that like em aren't quite obnoxious (they're getting there) but have yet to persuade me Anubi are worthy of praise.

>> No.15373692

Thanks for this.

>> No.15373704

I'm fairly close to the Rockies. Mayhap some Dragons might find them a suitable nesting ground? I can hope.

>> No.15373712

Both are exemplary.

They are indeed at that, and ever so much more.

>> No.15373714

The next time I see a Ryu I'm going to yell RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU at her!

>> No.15373718

Maybe I would. Maybe I'm into that. And then I would walk her home gently!

>> No.15373720

Eyes on the skies, always.

>> No.15373723


The frozen north? I'm sorry, all your getting is King Grumpleaffugus.

>> No.15373727


>> No.15373729

>let the dragon consume you
Anon no, that's like stripping while you rub their reverse scale!

>> No.15373740

Are you going to unleash your dragon upon her?

>> No.15373747

For me, it's a combination of two primary factors.
First off, their very organized nature appeals to me, as someone who is godawful at managing their time well. It's fairly common to be attracted to traits you find yourself lacking in.

Second is just the opposite, in that their description as supervisors for infrastructure projects in their Not!Egypt setting makes it easy to imagine them finding a place in Engineering Disciplines in a more contemporary setting. So, as someone who has an interest in such fields, I also find this attractive as well.

>> No.15373755

I'd say it's like going up to her and asking for a blowjob.

What would you do if she suddenly grants this request, without another word?

>> No.15373787

Take responsibility, of course!

>> No.15373808

Make her my wife.

>> No.15373849
File: 3.01 MB, 3500x2187, b0e41a50fa7dd30fbd27802467142597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senpais are for ___

>> No.15373856

I want an aristocratic haughty loli vamp to cuddle and play with until she assumes her original form as a tall ara ara titty monster and rapes me only to wake up with the loli in my arms the next morning, feigning a perverted kind of innocence

>> No.15373859

Loving, cuddling, impregnating, StuFFing, and holding hands with

>> No.15373871

shitposting about, especially if they're chubby

>> No.15373874

Bad kohai, she'll never ace the gym test if you do that

>> No.15373875

handholding, lewd cuddling, being raped by, being held close by and handholding cuddle sex.

>> No.15373876

I guess it's because of exotic brown wolfgirl + personality gimmics that can be taken into different directions. They're popular because of possibly appealing to a larger amount of people than many others, it's statistics and probability.

>> No.15373909

Saying goodbye because she will have to move when she graduates.

>> No.15373910

A full stomach and a baby bump will do wonders for her!
They keep her from getting hungry and prevent her from having to worry about finding a husband

>> No.15373930

>The Liru game is finally out.
How does this make you feel?

>> No.15373941
File: 398 KB, 1080x1920, 1460345448449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anubutts are great. But Hellhounds are better.

>> No.15373949

Like laughing at that guy who kept going "NEVER EVER" even when the release was confirmed.

>> No.15373957

Is a Hellhound's firelashes hot enough to make her tears evaporate?

>> No.15373973

I want to pound that fat ass from behind while she pants and tells me to go faster!

>> No.15373975

>go to DLsite
>Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

Oh. Good job on your webcode there, Japan.

>> No.15374035

She promises that she'll never let you cry as long as you're looking into her eyes.

>> No.15374072

What about her? I want to see a Hellhound crying. I actually want to see all monster girls crying.

>> No.15374089

Hellhounds cry tears of liquid fire. Imagine teardrops that are a brilliant, translucent red and orange, warm and glowing like an actual flame. They're like fluid gemstones that leave embers in the air as they fall, and sizzle when they land.

Some even say that helhound tears have magical properties too, like phoenix tears.

>> No.15374137

Sounds pretty beautiful.

Oh god. Can you imagine how a Hellhound crying while the sun is setting? The setting sun's reflection on her tears would just make her even more beautiful than she already is!

My love for hellhound just got deeper. Looks like I'm sleeping thinking about her tonight.

>> No.15374154
File: 17 KB, 426x240, Headcanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headcanon there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No Demon Realm below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the species
Loving for today... Woo-oo...

Headcanon there's no factions
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or rape for
And no cults too
Imagine all the species
Living life in love...


You may say I'm a hugboxer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Headcanon no abuse
I wonder if you can
No need for corruption or mindbreak
Coexistence that will always stand
Imagine all the species
Sharing this wonderful world...


You may say I'm a hugboxer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

>> No.15374157

Yeah, except I say you are an autist

>> No.15374164
File: 350 KB, 1372x1218, A Holst in need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OR. Or... it could be a bunch of wives enacting "deprivation play" and the running is them chasing after their husband.

For one thing they'd definitely know sex and so could be depraved, or would feel the deprivation even more than an MG who hits it now and then (by MG standards) or an MG who hasn't had a taste of the relations as yet.

Making it so that they have to catch their husband (not that they'd want it otherwise) is a show of faithfulness on their part, but also ups the challenge since they can't just go for the closest one and marriage mates are sure to have developed (and still be developing) tricks to work on each other during the race.

Sounds like a grand time! No...?

>> No.15374166

And everyone wonders why he was shot

>> No.15374175

I'd honestly prefer it being a rite of passage for getting husbands. Men who make it to the finish line are free to go.
Any man who's made it before is a prime target for next year.
Don't even get me started on the ones who can escape multiple years in a row.

>> No.15374176

That was nice.

>> No.15374179

Anyone have the Robot Master Pharaoh? Pharaoh cosplaying as Pharaoh man?

>> No.15374188

>Have a Shoggoth maid
>She takes things a little far sometimes, and you've had to smooth things over with people once or twice because of it
>Got a letter for jury duty one day that told you to call a number between noon and 3 on Wednesday
>Call it and it's busy
>Oh well
>A week later, a sheriff's deputy shows up at your home
>You were feeling under the weather and went to bed right after dinner that day
>As he's walking up towards your front door, your maid appears from around a corner
>"My master is not to be disturbed. Please leave."
>He identifies himself and continues towards your door
>She gets in his way
>"I told you that my master is not to be disturbed. If you do not leave, I will remove you by force."
>He puts his hand on his gun
>You awake at the crack of dawn to find a miniature version of your maid standing in front of your bedroom door
>"Master, I must ask you to remain in bed until our uninvited guests leave."
>Peek out the window
>There's a million cop cars and news vans outside

>> No.15374190

John Lennon was a philandering egotistical cunt

>> No.15374193
File: 31 KB, 714x652, 1433131420405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15374203

How would you bully a hellhound?

>> No.15374205

Supporting despite the magic club having only her as a member for the longest while. Ah~ Tejina-senpai! How I admire her determination!

>> No.15374208

Yeah, fiery amber tears like that would reflect the sun's light perfectly. You could be sitting at her side, looking at the profile of her face as she smiles and looks at the sunset. Like that, there's no way you'd miss the way her tears catch the light, glinting more than any gemstone every could, and making her skin glow orange with heat where they trail down her face, scorching the grass below.

Hellhounds are definitly beautiful.

>> No.15374218

You can't outpower them so you've gotta go with non-physical.
Bully Hellhounds with magic.
Pleasure magic.

>> No.15374231

But not all cowgirls are that aggressive or passionate. While many of them will smooth over any awkwardness of their first encounter with tender love-making, some other may not get that far due to one or both parties... and this is with the man they wanted to make their husband... you can't take responsibility for that!

Well, I suppose it could be a requirement that the girl knows the guy she's chasing after quite well (and so this is like a "give me a chance" scenario), or that they've already been in a relationship for a while (in which case the rite of marriage is stressed all the more)!

Yeah, I take it back. It could be just dandy with unmarried pairs as well! Good thinking, Anon.

>> No.15374233

Tenser's immovable pleasure rod centaur sized

>> No.15374238
File: 178 KB, 662x1047, 36734420_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374246

I'm going to a Monster Girl anime convention and asking for the thickest weeb monster girls there

Then I'll tell them first one to climb to the 20th story via the stairs gets a cute human boy

Then I'll turn on the security cameras and laugh/watch the NEETs try to climb all those stairs, and laugh knowing tonight I shall sleep a virgin.

>> No.15374248


>> No.15374250

Hellhounds can't chase you if they can't touch anything. Just cast a levitation spell on them, followed by a spell of ghostly groping hands, so she can't fight through the pleasure and eventual orgasm either.

>> No.15374259

That's a thick fox.

>> No.15374286
File: 80 KB, 746x1054, Liru 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bring news! It has finally Happened!

check the /h/ Thread

>> No.15374298

Thick foxes are best foxes.

>> No.15374312
File: 292 KB, 1100x1000, 1465025562825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want it but not enough to drop $20 dollarydoos on it
Is it well optimized? I'd be sticking it on my laptop. I'm sure as hell not gonna play it in the fucking living room where my roommates can see.

>> No.15374319

Everyone's known for like a week now dude, and yes, I know it hasn't been out that long. I'm using hyperbole to demonstrate just how late to the party you are.

>> No.15374331

There's already a pirate link in the thread if you want to test optimization, and aren't willing to spend even that much on it.

>> No.15374332 [DELETED] 

God damn, I want that brown Wolfu.

>> No.15374338

Left and right are best girls.

>> No.15374348

I want her more than you.

>> No.15374371

Right looks the best there
Right is right.

>> No.15374377 [DELETED] 

No, I want her more.

>> No.15374379
File: 483 KB, 800x1000, Black Sun alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for my late reply. I myself didn't name my file well enough to find the artist again in an instant.

For one thing their tag is actually "J.K."
Here's their pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=4290651
Blog (most up-to-date gallery): http://blog.naver.com/jdotkdot5

The only other gallery I've found is on Touch Fluffy Tail. It's just a gallery. It doesn't even have things the thread fears, so please let's not flip out at its mention

For the sake of reference (and variety) he's also the one who drew (but not coloured, I don't think) pic related, as well as the long-and-purple-haired Jiangshi with the cute hips and bountiful bust: http://touchfluffytail.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/26.png

>> No.15374380

No, I do. I love her more.

>> No.15374385 [DELETED] 

No, I love her more.

>> No.15374387

Is it actually a legit pirate link? I'm not that concerned about frying my laptop, but it would be a bit irritating.

>> No.15374392
File: 2.43 MB, 300x225, 75ce0170984d38d8dcd0cd47c66c9115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angels are cute!

>> No.15374395

Violence is not the answer!

>> No.15374399


It seems we'll have to have a fight to the death
Who will fight by your side?

>> No.15374400

No idea. I can't vouch either way. You'd have to take a look in the thread itself and see what people are saying, and even then exercise caution for obvious reasons.

>> No.15374402

Mega link is good, playing it now.

>> No.15374408
File: 901 KB, 512x384, Chemical reaction of love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love>want. Sorry Anon 4377, I've got to give this "verbal" victory to Anon 4380.

This gif displays what the emotion of love translates into as chemicals for our body, by the way. It's literally based on this song "Koi no Kagaku Hannou (Chemical Reaction of Love)" by Tatami-P

>> No.15374415 [DELETED] 

You can go fuck yourself, I'm gonna get that brown Wolfu and nobody can stop that.

>> No.15374417

I'll fight for the privilege to make her the happiest, blushiest wolfu on the planet.

And I got a doppelganger. If she can assume any combat forms, then that'd be neat to help me get the wolfgirl.

>> No.15374430 [DELETED] 

Then I'll fight you for the privilege of making that brown Wolfu the happiest Wolfu in the multiverse.

>Dark Valkyrie.

>> No.15374432
File: 164 KB, 800x1050, 1458180448656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That brown Wolfu is mine, all mine!

>> No.15374436

>leash is a crotch rope

>> No.15374437
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x1200, Flora Valkyrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, now. This just won't do.

As an angel yourself I understand you have great power, but it is not meant for this. As an angel imbued with greater power, understand that I do not abuse it as such... But you lack my training.

Come little one, let me guide you. Come Anon, I shall heal you.

I saw a blessed chance to post Valkyrie and I took it. I'm not looking to make an RP chain here. Although an MGE story focusing on the various ones of the Angel-family would be interesting!

>> No.15374443
File: 469 KB, 600x800, 45921200_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374448 [DELETED] 


>> No.15374470
File: 1.14 MB, 500x280, Miko Wolfu headrub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll happily romp about with the miss in the middle!

*a few hours later*

She's a lot more comfortable at home. She even took off the contacts she usually wears... Something about thinking red eyes and whitish fur looking intimidating? It's really rather splendid though.

Oh and she's got one heck of a culture! Just look at that custom Miko outfit, though, she says she's "got one for every occasion".

>> No.15374475 [DELETED] 

>*a few hours later*
Die, die right fucking now.

>> No.15374478

You're welcome, Anon. It helped me, too. The link to their blog has a lot of pieces I've not see before, from MGE and other series. Enjoy it as I did!

>> No.15374482

>*a few hours later*
>overt outright roleplay

Leave and don't come back.

>> No.15374485

Well, I didn't want to write a rushed greentext. Besides, I love the voice actor for that Spongebob line.

>> No.15374490

It's okay. My personal failures on this board don't outweigh my personal successes, nor my love for sourcing art and artists.

>> No.15374498

>nor my love for sourcing art and artists.

What are you even talking about right now.
If you don't know why what you did was wrong, then you're better off going to some site like Deviantart or Gaia Online. They'll be better suited for you.

>> No.15374507

>For those who enjoy: Modern Fantasy, Thrillers, The Dresden Files, Twin Peaks, Horror, and Myth. This story includes depictions of mental illness, abuse as a child, and many other terrible things, and a fair number of wonderful things
This seems like a rather curious setting.

>> No.15374515

No I know what it was, I was simply saying I have too much fun on this board to leave it.

That said, this is the second night I've messed up like this. I suppose that's what I get for staying up 2 hours longer than I'm used to, I don't edit as much.

>> No.15374519

Cute massage, but you have bigger balls than I do for actually posting it.

>> No.15374526

I bought it.

Anyone else?

>> No.15374530

Yeah, they're not wrong. You messed up pretty bad. Laugh it off like the bad joke it is and don't do it again.

On a positive note (no pun intended) this excellent piece by The Heavy comes to mind for moments like these - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctVg85F5lp4

For those from the/vg/ boards lets not get crazy now. I know they've done great work for Borderlands, Sleeping Dogs, etc

>> No.15374532
File: 13 KB, 642x593, 10,000 BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An archaeological dig has discovered proof of man and Monster encountering one another long before the reputed Collision of Worlds.

>> No.15374537

I hope they had a good life together.

>> No.15374538

Looks pretty modern to me.

>> No.15374544

This is a European cave painting, not an African graffiti.

>> No.15374548

Well then explain what happened to the monstergirls then.

>> No.15374554
File: 40 KB, 450x503, Haohi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angels are cute!

>> No.15374556

I'm going to bop her on the head!

>> No.15374564

Did less ever make that haohi foot image he talked about?

>> No.15374570
File: 1.52 MB, 862x1200, Exalted Valkyrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that one. This one is, though.

>> No.15374574 [DELETED] 

The new Thor movie is going to have a black woman as a Valkyrie.
What I'm saying is, I want a delicious brown Valkyrie.

>> No.15374577

An owl girl wearing a Hooters shirt, but it's just a picture of an orange owl.
Is there a monster girl Hooters? Who'd work there and who would you like? Personally, a holstaurus would be excellent since she seems like she'd have wardrobe malfunction, but the pure, innocent ryu makes for a delicious context.

>> No.15374580


>> No.15374586

There's P'orcers but I don't have the edit.

>> No.15374595

Nope. He tends to lie about doing stuff like that a lot, intentionally or not.

>> No.15374598 [DELETED] 

Tessa Thompson? Yeah, I guess she could play one.

That aside, I think there is a delicious brown colour edit of the valkyrie somewhere.

>> No.15374600
File: 24 KB, 300x446, 1411098597375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, here it is!

>> No.15374601

What is this Fox saying?

Does she want fried tofu?

>> No.15374603

I want to be married off to the pudgy, short, sixth princess of a pharoah so that our families can form an alliance!

>> No.15374607

>marrying for political reasons
Well I'm marrying that winged black Salamander girl who can breathe fire and acid! She's super special as Salamanders go, and she keeps calling me her pwecious widdle gemboy!

>> No.15374608

>Does she want fried tofu?
Yes, but that's like a universal kitsune constant.

>> No.15374612 [DELETED] 

>The new Thor movie is going to have a black woman as a Valkyrie.
Fuck off, no way.

>> No.15374617 [DELETED] 

Yes, and she's Thor's love interest. But on the other hand Jeff Goldblum is in it as a villain, so I'll still go see it.

>> No.15374619 [DELETED] 

Actually it's about ethics in hammer weilding

>> No.15374622

Hey, I wouldn't mind her and a few daughters running around would be nice.

>> No.15374624

I thought that was a tree for a while.

>> No.15374628

Trees don't have gazongas.

>> No.15374629 [DELETED] 

>she's Thor's love interest.
What? The fuck happened to the last chick?

>> No.15374633 [DELETED] 

Natalie Portman thinks she's too good for these movies so she's out.
Wish they'd have hooked Thor up with Sif instead but there you go.

>> No.15374636 [DELETED] 

Plain Jane? I think the actor doesn't want to be in the movies any more, so they'll probably have some reason for it.

>> No.15374638 [DELETED] 

>Natalie Portman thinks she's too good for these movies so she's out.
I thought Natalie Portman was blacklisted from movies these days

>> No.15374639 [DELETED] 

Sif even had eyes for Thor in the first movie.
Man, she's getting a raw deal.

>> No.15374641

Yeah they do.

>> No.15374643 [DELETED] 

She was barely in them to begin with.
Same thing happened with Gwyneth Paltrow.

>Wish they'd have hooked Thor up with Sif instead

>> No.15374644 [DELETED] 

Alright, still a little confused as to why there's a black Valkyrie but whatever.

>> No.15374645 [DELETED] 

Well the important thing is that this new movie will have none of the bad parts of the old Thor movies (Natalie & Earth) and instead it'll have Jeff Goldblum and Hulk in it.
I'm sorry, Sif.

>> No.15374647 [DELETED] 

Same reason there's a black Heimdall.

>> No.15374649 [DELETED] 

>that this new movie will have none of the bad parts of the old Thor movies
So you're saying it's not a capeshit movie? Seriously go to /co/, you guys spring up every week in here.

>> No.15374650 [DELETED] 

Well, what reason is that?

>> No.15374653 [DELETED] 

An impressive audition? I would imagine so. Marvel's really been putting a lot on these films, and consistently having them pay off thanks to the excellent casting...

With a couple exceptions like aforementioned Natalie Portman and Gwyneth Paltrow.

It's just cause fucking everyone watches these movies nowadays anon. When everyone does something, it becomes harder to isolate discussion of it.

The crux of this topic right now was that a black woman was cast as a valkyrie. One anon tried to keep us on-topic with words of "Delicious brown valkyrie", so lets pull away from the "Capeshit" and focus on that instead, if it pleases you?

>> No.15374654 [DELETED] 

But this is a /tv/ topic. Also no, I won't go. Not until someone posts that brown Valkyrie edit I was told exists.
Diversity quotas.

>> No.15374658 [DELETED] 

Idris as Heimdall is still pretty goddamn great though.

>> No.15374664 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 869x705, Dark Valkyrie Metatron by Zutta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown Skin Valkyrie
Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40580818

Sensual bonus: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51765899

Alternate forms and artwork on the P&D wiki: http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/search.asp?q=metatron&searchoption=1

You'll find a lot more art of her if you click on the "meta pie" and "metatron" tags (after translating the page)

Enjoy! This should be enough that even Thor himself would not utter: "ANOTHER!"

>> No.15374666 [DELETED] 

A book? Man, this is one lame NEEEERD!
Though I'd gladly have her sit on my face as she read.

>> No.15374669 [DELETED] 

Say what you will about whoever' playing the Valkyrie, I'm just glad one will be in the movie. It'll definitely give some nice ideas to think about for valkyries in general.
Like when playing Doom and I think to myself, "a Hellhound doing this would be pretty damn cool".

>> No.15374671
File: 799 KB, 794x1200, dark lady of war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want too see her fight

>> No.15374673

I'd chain her Fenrir if you catch my drift.

>> No.15374675 [DELETED] 

Don't be deceived, Metatron isn't really that thick.

>> No.15374686 [DELETED] 

He won't be with all the various artstyle and official art. That said, she's looks less thick-thighed and more like she has a wide thigh-gap when I examine the lines.

>> No.15374689 [DELETED] 

>Playing Nu-Doom
>Defending a black person being in the holy lands from a religion practiced only by white people.

>> No.15374691 [DELETED] 

Hey, vikings never said you have to be white to get in. Die in battle and you get to go to Valhalla like a good boy.

>> No.15374693 [DELETED] 

Only if you practiced the religion, which black people didn't since they never set foot in the nordic nations until modern immigration happened.

>> No.15374694 [DELETED] 

What about Antonio Banderas in the 13th Warrior? Are you saying he's not worthy?
Why are we even talking about this again? Let's stop. It's silly. Most silly indeed.

>> No.15374698 [DELETED] 

You seem pretty mad over nothing.

>> No.15374705 [DELETED] 

Sure /co/, whatever you say.

>> No.15374711

I wonder what the Porkers menu is like.

BBQ Ribs
Large BBQ Ribs
Massive BBQ Ribs
150 ounce steak
250 ounce steak
Whole Chicken
Whole Horse

>> No.15374713 [DELETED] 

Anon we're talking about the Thor movies. Movies about space aliens who came to earth and got worshipped by us years ago.
Of all the nitpicks you could have chosen, of all the departures from accuracy, you chose this one a singular fault in logic?

>> No.15374715 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1414x1526, 1424485280669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to stop hating before it consumes you.
If you order the salad, do you get laughed at?

>> No.15374719

>No meat buns
>No rump roast
>No Double Melon Delight

It's like you've never been to a MGC restaurant.

>> No.15374720 [DELETED] 

>If you order the salad, do you get laughed at?

Yep, you get bullied by the P'Orcs for being a 'Wimpy Elf'.

>> No.15374721 [DELETED] 

What? Now you're just linking to random boards for no reason. That's now how an argument works.

Though you were the one complaining because I was playing a video game. Maybe I should direct you to /v/? You can be angry over there.

>> No.15374723

>150 ounce steak
>250 ounce steak
Who the fuck is that for, Wurms?
Because shit, that's a cute mental image.

>> No.15374732

>yfw a little loli Wurm devours a whole 250 ounce steak
>asks for seconds
>still has room for the pie they bring her as dessert

>> No.15374733
File: 94 KB, 805x1192, 1464683238795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go hat shopping with Miia

Sadly i have a overly large head and the only hats that ever fit me are beanies and novelty hats that are bigger then normal

Even normal baseball caps that are extended all the way don't fit usually

>> No.15374735

For hungry Wurms, Scary Ogres and very brave men.

>> No.15374740 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.03 MB, 3000x2000, 1465537487106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to remind you all that the best part of MGE is the humans successfully purging the monsters

>> No.15374742

I haven't.


>> No.15374744 [DELETED] 

Fuck off /co/, blacks shouldn't be part of a religion from a place they never fucking knew about until a decade or two ago.

>> No.15374746
File: 176 KB, 702x886, Glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a man of class and fine taste

>> No.15374747

The best part is when the monstergirls win.

>> No.15374758

Slowly encroaching on a sprawling Human Empire?

Where towns and villages on the outskirts are lost each day and the politicians in the capital are too busy squabbling among themselves and the military is spread out too much for them to put up a decent resistance?

>> No.15374766


>> No.15374770

Yes, get assfucked paladincuck.

>> No.15374772 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why you keep using /co/ as an insult. I don't even go there. Is this something you argue about a lot over there. In that case, please don't bring it into these threads. Nobody wants to deal with your autism.

Besides, what even is the Valkyrie in the Thor movie? Is she an ascended human? An asgardian?

>blacks shouldn't be part of a religion from a place they never fucking knew about until a decade or two ago.
What's this about, too? Are you saying black people didn't know about Northern Europe until a decade or two ago?

Because if you're saying that, you're ute doing amazing satire of a racist guy who doesn't actually know anything. So, good job. You made me smile.

>> No.15374776 [DELETED] 


Niggers have no place in Asgard.

>> No.15374778
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1597, 1450095058047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ talk abotu Monster Girls not why minorities need to be in super hero movvies or whatever you guys are talking about. Go to /co/ or /tv/ or whatever.

What do you guys think of Abossphises?

>> No.15374779 [DELETED] 

>I don't understand why you keep using /co/ as an insult. I don't even go there. Is this something you argue about a lot over there.

Don't engage him. He's one of those autists who can't grasp the difference between boards, which is why he's dragging /pol/ and /co/ into the thread. He's going to get vacation'd soon anyway for violating global rule #3 anyway.

>> No.15374780 [DELETED] 

Can this kind of thing be reported?

>> No.15374781

I think I'll stick with 5, maybe 7 ounce.
How good is the steak at Porkers anyway?
If they can't make a decent medium rare then where can I get better steak in MGC?

>> No.15374782

It's ok, the traitors like to pretend that humanity would just roll over and die.

>> No.15374783

Alp please, we're on to your wily ways.

>> No.15374785 [DELETED] 

I don't like them, Pharaohs are much better.

>> No.15374786

>What do you guys think of Abossphises?
Good for taking naps on.

>> No.15374787

Mean old and fat.

>> No.15374788 [DELETED] 

You do know that MCU Asgard is actually an alternate dimension of sorts and that it's inhabitants aren't actually Norse right?

>> No.15374789 [DELETED] 

Global Rule #3. That's how you can tell he's from /pol/, since it's the main board that is exempt from it (and thus they forget they're not allowed to drag it into other boards where Rule 3 applies).

>> No.15374792 [DELETED] 

Go back to your hugbox already, /co/.

>> No.15374796

If we were nuked to extinction, maybe
but outside of instant annihilation. our deaths will be slow and meaningful

>> No.15374799 [DELETED] 

Yes, the moderation will delete this hilariously racist stuff without question, based on previous observation.

>> No.15374800 [DELETED] 


>> No.15374801

But the monstergirls winning would be the best thing for humanity.

>> No.15374809

>If they can't make a decent medium rare then where can I get better steak in MGC?

Oni BBQ is also popular, but their dishes are either infused with or go with alcohol.

>> No.15374814

Do they have hard root beer though? I can only stomach hard root beer.

>> No.15374815

>Boss Apophis
>Powersuit is way too tight for her chest
>Blatant sexual harassment
>Abnormally hand-on disciplinary actions
>Keeps slipping potions into my coffee
>Gives me a raise & position she knows I can't handle just so she can 'punish' me
>Picks on the young Anubis intern from accounting
>Keeps trying to sweet-talk me outside of work
She's lucky that pussy game is incredible, otherwise I probably would have walked

>> No.15374817

You're right, we totally need more rape, corruption, and genocide. We'll call the mindbreak a happy bonus.

>> No.15374825
File: 96 KB, 809x1000, 1456481847200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be Alp to not like it when /co/ comes in this thread. I'm sick of Super Hero movies in here.

Don't bully them, they aren't fat. All her suits are just small. Probably because of that jerk Yeti drycleaner who's always so nice.

Enjoy your bitchy mean loser. Grape is best.

>> No.15374826

Better then what we have now.

>> No.15374828

That reminds me of that one Eastern-style comic about a modern guy who gets teleported to a pristine, elven utopia and starts introducing new concepts like greed, ownership, and killing to them.

Always makes me think about how fucked up we could make any MGE utopia.

>> No.15374830

That's fine, just don't order soy beans.

The Oni chef will come out and threaten to kick your ass.

>> No.15374834 [DELETED] 

>Grape is best.
But that's wrong.

>> No.15374840

Don't bait the grimderp.

>> No.15374841

>MGE utopia

>> No.15374842

One last thing.
How are the fries?

>> No.15374848

They're all of those things. No excuses.

>> No.15374860


>> No.15374864

Do they have an option for non beer battered?

>> No.15374874

Probably not.

It's like telling an Italian chef he can't cook with pasta.

>> No.15374885

I want grape snek to rape me!

>> No.15374906

You want her to grape you?


>> No.15374922


only if we go to the strip club after

>> No.15374935
File: 517 KB, 763x955, liru.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case some of you weren't already aware.

It happened. >>>/h/4295000

>> No.15374944

>Two years in development hell
>One poor nip working himself to death
>People holding eternal vigil for it
>Anons send him support
>One guy dies on the ride
>Finally happens
>Artist come by to say hello/thank you
Seems like a pretty cool dude

>> No.15374994

Anyone else fapping to wolfgirls?

>> No.15374995
File: 60 KB, 732x1090, 1449644327327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is lonely in here.

>> No.15375007

The dinner scenes are cute.
We need more stuff with cute domestic shit like that.

>> No.15375010

it is

>> No.15375012

We're all busy.

>> No.15375014

Nah, I'm fapping to alps.

>> No.15375018

Eww, fucking gross.

>> No.15375033

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember not to take advantage of fluffy dragons.
They may be tall, powerful creatures but they're none to wise in the ways of the world and, as such, are quite easy to trick.

>> No.15375036

Fluffy Dragons who are naive and innocent? None knowest whence they cometh, nor whence they goeth, or where they lieth inbytween.

>> No.15375041

Indeed, they are rare creatures who only look for companionship with kind people.
Some like to be hidden away from the outside world while others enjoy playing as a knight of justice...even if they aren't particularly good at it.

>> No.15375056
File: 340 KB, 607x900, Priscilla's Prissy Princess Feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must protect their virtue while hoping they'll allow me to lay hands upon their tails.

>> No.15375061

I would like to be a warrior with a succubus swordswoman as a wife.
So she can prove herself a fighter and not some "Cheap demonic whore"

>> No.15375065
File: 185 KB, 600x800, 1402335040020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs swords?

>> No.15375066

Indeed, you must protect their virtue by fighting off potential men who would abuse their trust or by marrying them and not asking why so many black harpies are showing up at the wedding.

>> No.15375075

I prefer swords, but if fists are the go-to I would at least like some fancy gauntlets

>> No.15375077

Cestus is the word you're looking for.

>> No.15375080

How impractical do you like your swords?

>> No.15375082

A reminder. Dragons.

>> No.15375086

Well hello.

>> No.15375089

I would be if Paypal wasn't a little bitch.

>> No.15375095

I'm a fan of machine swords
I had this idea for a weapon that was basically the bastard child of a monster hunter charge blade and the Micheal 13 from ga-rei zero

Magician if that shit was cursed?

>> No.15375098


>> No.15375102

That's got me thinking.

A curse sword holder that could "infect" other weapons so other wielders become like her

>> No.15375121

Cupid with a cursed bow.

>> No.15375124
File: 679 KB, 980x860, Melfis - pixiv's ※喰い.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'll allow chainsaws, I think Melfis would take you up on that offer.
Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36240740

Sensual extras:


>> No.15375190

>Comiket Catalog is out?
>Artists are announcing their slots and spaces
>KC is silent
MGE-2 confirmed for not this summer.

>> No.15375198

He's silent because there holding their tongues before they announce the co-op raffle on Kurobinega.
MGE-2 still on for summer with other MGE related works coming along with it.

>> No.15375217

>co-op raffle on Kurobinega.

>> No.15375232

Content creators sign up to the raffle and a random draw picks one to joint publish under Kurobinega with KC's chain gang.

>> No.15375266

Oh? Is that how what stories are published as light novels is decided?

>> No.15375269
File: 306 KB, 750x1079, 0032-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Miia makes a really good shrine maiden, never really thought of her being one before this chapter but now i can't get it our of my head, probably gonna commission more after my next Loen picture

I'm hoping for a reprint of this http://imgur.com/a/ld5m5

All we have is the sample that the artist put on pixiv

or maybe get lucky and a digital version just going on DLsite, would even just buy it myself

It looks way better then the other ones put out so far

>> No.15375302 [DELETED] 

I think it's important to remember that the best place for MGs is on the pointy end of a spear.

>> No.15375305

"a spear" being code for "my dick".

>> No.15375306

I think it's important to remember that the best place for MGs is in the arms of their loving and loyal husbands

>> No.15375307

The main point is that the raffle winner gets the benefit of both exposure through an established circle and joint participation from existing circle members on whatever his 'thing' was.
So in this case, our raffle guy's MGE fan-work is getting the official Kurobinega stamp and he'll be co-operating with existing circle members (KC, etc.) to further develop his idea. Then they sell it at the circle's Comiket booth.

>> No.15375309

"loving and loyal husbands" being code for "fat, faceless men".

>> No.15375316

"fat, faceless men" being code for "lonely anons who would literally die for them and treat them right"

>> No.15375330 [DELETED] 

You mean brainwashed slaves, right?

>> No.15375335

I mean, everyone in this threads know what they're getting into

Is it brainwashing if it's what you wanted to start out with?

>> No.15375341 [DELETED] 

Not all of us have terrible taste

>> No.15375347

but why are you here if you don't want to marry and love a cute monstergirl?

>> No.15375355 [DELETED] 

I'd link you back to the post but apparently its not hugbox enough to be allowed to exist.

>> No.15375363

No i saw the post, but i think it was deleted too fast to be don't by jannet, i figured it was the anon that posted it

>> No.15375417
File: 266 KB, 858x800, CUDDLES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yetis are cute

>> No.15375427
File: 207 KB, 393x600, Black scale salamanher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to rock out while fighting a salamander!

>> No.15375429

Picked up volume 8 of Otoyomegatari today. We need more girls dressed up in fancy Turkish dresses.

>> No.15375432

freakin beutiful

>> No.15375437


>> No.15375508

He actually fucking did it, the absolute madman actually went and fucking did it.

>> No.15375515

That seems uncomfortable though.

>> No.15375575
File: 1.89 MB, 1380x1580, 1449644424147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm actually kinda, you know. Scared of heights?
Well she's not getting down from here on her own, anon.

>> No.15375613

Oh hey. Think I found confirmation of KC @Comiket at last.

...fuck now this means I'll have to start planning a trip to Japan, and start brushing up on my nip.
Still kinda worried cause it's been ages since he actually said anything about the MGE-2. Usually he has a cover sketch up as a teaser by now.

>> No.15375665
File: 1.02 MB, 3508x2480, 1458300225413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's late out. Here, take this.

>> No.15375693

>in another dimension, monster waifu virgins living in their parent's basements are shitposting about their favourite anons in 2hi/4hito

>> No.15375760

>That one kobold won't shut up about putting her son in bondage and fucking him
Yknow, when I write it like this it's pretty creepy.

>> No.15375768

But i can actually like this version.

>> No.15375779

What would she want me to do about it? She's up there with wings, and I'm down here without wings.

>> No.15375780

>>That one kobold won't shut up about putting her son in bondage and fucking him
>Y'know, when I write it like this it's pretty creepy.
If you're not into /ss/ maybe...

>> No.15375793

I'm not, but eh. To each their own.
As long as it isn't furry cancer.

>> No.15375800

>a dragon girl flaming other mamono anons for their shit taste in nigger anons

>> No.15375845

Ah, I'm glad that you came to appreciate her! Perhaps in more sense than one.

She'd contrast nicely with her cousin here: http://imgur.com/a/IP6g5#2

>> No.15375847

Yetis are NEETs who hug daki pillows at night when they have no one else to hug

>> No.15375861
File: 1.23 MB, 1864x1826, 1461535467717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yetis are fun, outgoing girls who wear their hearts on their sleeves!

>> No.15375876

Yay, KC finally made his announcement...

Also seems like his neighbour will be selling something involving that one OC Wyvern.

>> No.15375889
File: 47 KB, 465x510, Tsu whaaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My delicious dark-skinned Valkryie post was deleted... Why?

Literally the only visible connection it had to that whole new Thor movie discussion was a one-word line by him. Did it turn into something toxic while I was away...?

Will delete cute froggy art in due course

>> No.15375896

I can't understand why Dragons are so good. I now a lot of good points about them, but the feelings when I see her is not supposed to be this strong.

Fuck you Dragon, why did you have to steal my heart?

>> No.15375898
File: 340 KB, 1135x1079, 38755999_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh anon, turns out that cute kitsune was actually a kumiho all along! How could you make such a deadly mistake?

>> No.15375903
File: 220 KB, 1566x1384, Tsuyu crouching, licking her lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will delete cute froggy art in due course
But why?

>> No.15375926

Kero kero!

>> No.15375929

BTW isn't anime a super failure having the worst ratings ever in that time slot?
How shit is it?

>> No.15375937


>> No.15375940

But we met at a barbeque. Why would a kumiho try to pick someone up there, around all those delicious smelling meats that add such good flavor to our livers? Are you perhaps a racist?

>> No.15375948

I'm interested in this too. Haven't started it, but it's in my backlog waiting for it to finish. Would rather avoid it if it's not worth watching.

>> No.15375955

>that moment when open office destroys your story files but you dont know whats on them to be mad.

>> No.15375958

>reaction image
I mean, that and my post doesn't actually contribute to MG fandom, but I'd like to get some idea of why my Valkryie was banished for seemingly little or no reason. I'm generally thankful for the "clean-up crew", but right now I seek an answer from them... Although I'm sure it'll be fine if I re-post that beauty.

>> No.15375961
File: 375 KB, 700x742, cute alien29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has extremely bad pacing. First episode covers half of the first chapter.
At least best girl has gotten more art.

>> No.15375978

As a new fan to the series, I'm honestly enjoying it and am just barely resisting delving into the manga.

Let's perhaps not go any further with this before our posts are smote like the Thor conversation earlier (even though it was centered around Valkyries)

>> No.15375985

I'd say continue the roulette, it's a good format.

>> No.15376020

>no 'poo poo pee pee' option

>> No.15376028

Some autist got all /pol/ about it, shitposting and telling people to fuck off to /co/ if they didn't agree with his blind racism.
Janitor deleted that, but I guess they deleted literally every post replying to it too, for some bizzare reason.

>> No.15376054

I dont get it

>> No.15376068

Probably to save time, easier to delete a whole reply chain from the offense down than spend a bit sorting through a shitstorm.

Now then, to get back on topic. Why are tigers so love?

>> No.15376196
File: 1.20 MB, 1866x1869, XBuhMmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who draws the fluffiest mofu?

>> No.15376207
File: 3.67 MB, 3812x2470, Sub Floof with sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Obviously Sub

>> No.15376214

Ice cold winter floof

>> No.15376238

I could spend all day brushing that tail.

Partly because I want to and partly because it would take that long since it's so huge.

>> No.15376243
File: 285 KB, 869x705, Dark Valkyrie Metatron by Zutta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious dark-skinned Valkyries rise! (Although the dark-olive-skinned Dark Valkyrie recolour from earlier was lovely as well)

Source (including a close up on that beautiful face):

Steamy extra:

Useful tags (as she has multiple forms):
メタトロン, メタぱい, 闇メタ, 執行者・メタトロン, 神魔の執行者・メタトロン, 神罰の審理者・メタトロン

To the anon(s) who asked for this earlier, I hope you enjoy!

Heroes never die!

>> No.15376272

I live next to the mountain, next to the forest and next to the sea. Almost anything probably.

>> No.15376280

It occurred to me recently to add him to my list of anime-MGE crossovers... I think he could pull of Machi from Kumamiko as a Ren Xiaomong or a Grizzly, still wearing her unique Miko outfit, rather fantastically! But before that I want to commission a proper piece out of a sketch he was inspired enough to do.

That is the Deus Ex inspired 'Madam M. Jensen', hopefully in time for Mankind Divided's launch I've even thought up a (hopefully) fascinating (OP) topic I'm hoping to post with it!

>> No.15376296
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, druella incognito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15376297
File: 2.93 MB, 2480x2590, 7489364892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that would take a while to brush then imagine having to take care of this

>> No.15376299

>Machi from Kumamiko as a Ren Xiaomong or a Grizzly
I've never felt so bad for a girl in a slice of life show before. Honestly it's painful to watch at times.

>> No.15376304

I wonder how she'd react if someone yelled "hey druella!" across the road and waved at her totally blowing her cover.

>> No.15376339
File: 3.90 MB, 4160x3120, onebigmess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but some are unrelated so I usually crop it out into smaller pictures answering to specific posts.

>> No.15376344

I know what you mean. I feel for the poor, but persevering girl. She's getting there. She's getting there... and I appreciate that it really does point out that people suffer in surprising ways.

>> No.15376353

You could hide an auto-combing device inside tails this many, this thick.

>> No.15376363

>Those Girls Crammed into that small space
Some one help those poor girls

>> No.15376378
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, druella incognito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15376392

Why would she use a disguise? It's not like anyone is going to care.
Druella is such a dum-dum.

>> No.15376412

Not that whore.

>> No.15376413

Hah what a dork.
Sometimes famous people need a break from things.

>> No.15376429

What would a "famous" monster girl like her even do in the city?

>> No.15376437
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, druella incognito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"i think you guys have mistaken me for someone else hhehahaa"

>> No.15376447

Don't quote me, I would never call Druella a whore. I was doing it with your other OC.

>> No.15376456
File: 193 KB, 823x1463, atleastletmeclosemytab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15376466
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, escape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15376486

Thank you for the whole Druella series .less.

>> No.15376509

Too late, everyone took pictures and everyone is going to put them on the internet.

>> No.15376515

RIP Anon and Anon's friend
The bar is a wonderful place

>> No.15376519

Amateur, she forgot her shades and face mask so of course this was bound to happen.

>> No.15376527

Does the bar have a kill count or something? It looks like a lot of people "die" there.

>> No.15376537

And that's why I will keep to myself in a bar

>> No.15376542

I don't remember anyone dying but the wurmbreaker guy and the dude who tried to outdo him

>> No.15376543

Thank you for gifting this thread with such a wonderful blessing. Don't tell Aqua I said that!

>> No.15376550

By dying I mean raped or husbando'ed

>> No.15376718

>Don't tell Aqua I said that!


>> No.15376729

>Jinko rubs your cheeks with her paw pad to show you she can be cuddly
How do you react?

>> No.15376748
File: 630 KB, 900x1200, Dumb lizard kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small strong Dragons are cute and should get lots of love.

>> No.15376761

Pinch her cheeks and tell her that I already know that, then give her a big hug since she is a big girl.

>> No.15376786

Hug her and bury my face between her breasts.

>> No.15376807

KO-NO-SU-BA! She barely tolerates the Lich known as Wiz as it is.

>> No.15376846

Oh, lame useless goddess Aqua. Got it.
I just finished watching the episode with the Dullahan and the flood magic.

>> No.15376854 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 367x600, 1465569200168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they so perfect?
No other girl in MGE comes close.

>> No.15376884

>Plump mushroom butt
>Squishy mushroom boobs
>Sensitive frilly lamellae under their caps
>Cute and innocent
>Their rooted and isolated nature means they grow up knowing little of the world outside the forest they live in, including its sins and prejudices
>Will get closer and more intimate with you than any other monstergirl
>Will hug you forever

I'd look after a potted matango and show her photos and videos of the world she can never go out to explore for herself. Maybe bring her souveniers for her to touch, soil samples from different places for her to taste as well.

>> No.15376908

Would you protect your Matango from the angry Anons that tell her she is shit?

>> No.15376929

It'd make me just as bad as them if I didn't.
I'd protect her from them all, and afterwrd pick her up, hold her against me, kiss the top of her cap and tell her that she's a beautiful being.

>> No.15376934
File: 1.13 MB, 862x1200, Pearl Valkyrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're enjoying the series greatly, despite its quirks, which are also part of its charm! On a more related note, I want to commission Darkness as a Valkyrie! Something similar to this, but with more amber elements and the signature pauldron.

>> No.15376952

Just keep them away from me, and those jellyfishes too!

I'll keep the abominations, I can get behind that.

>> No.15376958

>Get hired as the IT manager at some downtown office
>It comes with a secretary for some reason
>She's a delicious brown Succubus
>She spends most of the day under your desk with your dick in her mouth
>Get paid great money to get your cock sucked and turn things off and back on occasionally
>Life is pretty good

>> No.15376968

>>Get hired as the IT manager at some downtown office
>>It comes with a secretary for some reason
>>She's a delicious brown Succubus
>Maybe you'll be lucky like that IT guy with the delicious brown Succubi story you heard on the internet
>She's a complete fucking snarky hardass that hates your guts who laughs at the mere concept of fornicating with you
>Life is not good

>> No.15376971
File: 2.00 MB, 2000x1000, sea_slime_by_phanaxial-da03ben.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't like sea slime either

Oh wow, get a load of this poor taste.

>> No.15376991

Yeah, it's a fun series. I'm usually pretty unreasonably fussy over what anime I actually get into, but when hearing about how people were so pleasantly surprised with it, I thought it must have something going for it. Turns out it does.

That Darkness (wow, I really don't like her name though) as a Valk is a pretty neat idea though.

>> No.15377003

>>>Get hired as the IT manager at some downtown office
>>>It comes with a secretary for some reason
>>>She's a delicious brown Succubus
>>Maybe you'll be lucky like that IT guy with the delicious brown Succubi story you heard on the internet
>Or maybe unlucky like that guy who got a snaky hardass that laughed at him
>She is neutral towards you, you both work everyday and there is no sexual advances
>Life is the same

>> No.15377019

>>>>Get hired as the IT manager at some downtown office
>>>>It comes with a secretary for some reason
>>>>She's a delicious brown Succubus
>>>Maybe you'll be lucky like that IT guy with the delicious brown Succubi story you heard on the internet
>>Or maybe unlucky like that guy who got a snaky hardass that laughed at him
>Or maybe neutral like that guy who had a very passive Succubi
>Turns out it wasn't a Succubus, but a human woman who decided to cosplay a Succubus for Halloween
>Life sucks

>> No.15377135

>all that paladinfaggotry from earlier
I can see why they get all the shit they get.

>> No.15377214

>Get hired by company
>Have to spend most of the day under the desk belonging to the delicious brown Succubus boss.
>Get paid well at least.

>> No.15377230

How much do they pay you for eating random men's cum?

>> No.15377233

Succubi are olev.
Take a hike faggot.

>> No.15377251

Also, this picture will get a NSFW version. I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.15377254

I agree. APBE
all paladins' butts egglayed

>> No.15377261

I don't see much wrong with that

>eat out delicious brown succubos boss while she takes calls
>luckily no-one can see her wrapping her legs around your head, and stroking your back with her toes
>she's wearing enchanted pantyhose just for you
>perform well, and she gives her breaktime so you can lay her down on her desk and make love to her

>> No.15377264
File: 447 KB, 595x842, Butter-T (2.1) [S].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops, that wasn't the right version.

>> No.15377272

You're also cancerous.

>> No.15377283

I saw it, Anon. You can't stop the dick now.

>> No.15377288
File: 307 KB, 862x1200, Brown Valkyrie recolour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those censors

Ha, that's pretty good. Your joke isn't lost on me.
Also, on the topic of that, here's that brown valkyrie edit someone earlier wanted.

>> No.15377320

Don't knock it 'till you try it.

>> No.15377360

Garbage as always, now stop pushing your fetish here.

>> No.15377373

nice meme

>> No.15377375

It's 200% monstergirl related.

>> No.15377384

Chubby woflus in spats trying to beat the heat!

>> No.15377391
File: 1.28 MB, 540x335, Coveted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[I]t must have something going for it. Turns out it does.
That's great! And, yes, I'm also glad you like the idea. Wait till you find out her real name though. It's quite fitting. At least part of it is.

A thousand thank yous, O, chronicler of recolours! (pic related)

>> No.15377396
File: 392 KB, 680x890, 47083635_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15377410

All the konosubas are supremely rapeable.

>> No.15377413

They are scary, but less scary than your taste.
