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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15342681 No.15342681 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>15310753

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and location are important in determining your next best course of action!

Use the chat for small questions and try to extend the life of the thread.

Please restrain from creating new threads till page 10.

Onahole Chat:

>> No.15342835

So I pulled out one my holes that I haven't used in almost a year only to find some small darker patches on it. Is this mold or just something that happens to the material?

>> No.15342850

mold accumulating in some micro tears

>> No.15342875

I guess I might as well experiment with it and dunk it in some hydrogen peroxide.
I'll post results later.

>> No.15342964

I just got my Lilith Spiral Wave Soft

Holy shit this is the best onahole I've ever had and I own both the Lilith Uterus and the Venus Real

You HAVE to mix your lube with water though to thin it out

It's soft as fuck and still feels like a cloud, but you can actually feel the waves / ripples through the thin lube

I actually regret buying a venus and uterus now

>> No.15343051

is there a recommended way to clean the miku plush?

I thought there was, but I can't find it on the pastebin atm.

>> No.15343093

Got an R-20 a couple of days ago.

Got pretty bad buyer's remorse. It's very unpleasant compared to the Mouth of Truth which I had previously. I get that it's a "bully", but this is insane. It squeezes so hard I don't really feel anything, and the ribs at the end are painful, even with generous amounts of lube.

It's also much harder to clean and dry. Its combination of length and stiffness makes getting at the back very difficult, doubly so with a piece of cloth around your finger. The material seems to be somewhat hydrophobic though, so not a lot of water is left over after shaking it out.

Only upside is that it's a lot better for use with a pillow as its stiffness makes it more stable, and even without a hand's grip it's definitely tight enough.

>> No.15343105

Same here, felt massive buyers remorse. About those hurting ribs:

The one I got was somewhat dried out, the material felt almost like sand and was really unpleasant

Use a towel to rub the upper dried out sandy layer of the hole down so it at least isn't painful anymore, but it's still a shitty hole imo

>> No.15343271

I just bought a Mouth of Truth, yesterday, and took it out for a spin about an hour ago. While I like the way the teeth and the hole itself feels, and how the lips look when I put the tip in, the build quality is absolutely shit. There were rips on the side of the lips after just one use, and the teeth were slightly slanted and looked ready to fall out of their sockets with noticeable gaps around the teeth themselves. Don't get me wrong, its a nice feeling hole, but the build quality really lets it down. I really liked how it felt when I kissed it first, though.

>> No.15343311


My very soft spiral wave is for sure one of my favorites. I like the regular venus real a lot as well. I'm not a big fan of my soft uterus, but maybe I just haven't found the right lube amount or consistency.

I have six total Tomax holes. I have a problem.

>> No.15343321

Do you happen to have the spiral dots? How does it compare to the wave?

>> No.15343335

The teeth may look like that, but they stayed in for the 3 months I had it, and it was still fine by the time I had to get rid of it.

The small tears didn't grow with time in my case, so I was happy. Mine did have the cavity made at an angle, so one side was much thinner than the other, and there was a small leak in the end, so they do have some quality control issues. Probably not not going to last more than 6 months with regular use.

>> No.15343358

Otonajp gas a hole named Coron.
Really tempted to get it, looks like a puffy ponut sorta

>> No.15343575

I have that one in regular. I prefer that dot texture in softer material, and still prefer the little ridges over dots in any softness level, but maybe that's just me. The spiral section is cool though, since it's tighter just in that one place.

For my background info: 6" long, not sure about girth measurement but just under toilet paper tube ID, cut, and embarrassingly low stamina.

>> No.15344142

>when they call it the miku plush

The meiki plush is hand wash only. Warm soap and water.

also you guys can keep calling it the miku plush

>> No.15344161
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>> No.15344791
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hey there /ona/, it's been a while. Anyone have any experience with electric stuff like the Pulse II, HEPS Fantastic or the Vorze? I've already heard quite a bit about the Vorze, but I was thinking of getting the HEPS since it's decently priced.

I found a couple of reviews on the internet but reading them I get the weird feeling that it's either shillery or the reviewer's experience won't translate into my experience. I feel like I can trust /ona/ though. I'm probably gonna buy the HEPS anyway, so I'm just wondering if I should get a backup hole in case it ends up being a lemon.

Fuck, what kind of backup hole should I get? I feel like I'm never going to decide, lol

>> No.15345108

Stick a warmer in for an 30-60 minutes on 5V 0.5A or usb 2.0 specs, that should loosen her up. It had the same effect on me on my first go, and so did another long hole. Cleaning should be a breeze since it is rather straight, but hey, whatever you do is gonna be different from mine. The tunnel length is a bit long and you may need chopsticks to get to the end. Don't turn it into a waste of money and at least try to salvage what's left.

We weren't kidding when we say it's a paper towel tube with sandpaper in it. May be too firm for many and definitely too harsh of ribbing and whatnot.

>> No.15345186

Might be useful to put this stuff in the guide. Maybe a beware list of holes with mixed/bad reviews?

>> No.15345769


>> No.15345979

How does the Lolinco Virgo compare to the regular Lolinco?

>> No.15346024

Would you guys ABSOLUTELY recommend manually drying up your hole's insides?

I recently got Campus Life (Tidy Type) and I dry the insides by covering my index finger with one of those little cloths you normally use to clean glasses with and going all the way into de hole.

I've noticed a vertical tear right at the hole's entrance and it keeps getting larger after each time I dry it this way. (I managed to close it by heating the tear up and pushing it together so it melts and dries together)

Is it safe to let the inside dry by itself or am I fucking up by using one of those cloths to clean the inside? I tested using normal paper towels/toilet paper on the outside but it disintegrates and leaves little pieces of paper all over it, don't want that to happen inside the hole.

Usual climate around here is warm (think of central Mexico, not tropical jungle tier)

>> No.15346060

I have the campus life athlete, and I have the same problem with tearing near the entrance. I also read a reviewer who managed to rip it as well.
I'm devastated by it being torn too.
Those series of hole seems to have a problem with tearing.

I also have difficulty with drying and just let it sit and air dry after cleaning? Not sure if my dick will fall off from that though...

Can you explain your heating method to remedy the tear?

>> No.15346083

25 inch Fantasia or Miracle Angel Body Mao Doll, which one should I get? I don't really want to spend $2,000 on both.

>> No.15346104

It's on the pastebin. They recommend using a soldering iron but I went full ghetto and heated up a small flat screw driver's tip with a candle/lighter whatevs. You basically heat up the inner walls of the tear and quickly push them together so they dry and seal the tear.

I'm thinking on getting Little Virgin Devil as my second hole, any personal reviews on that one

>> No.15346225

I got some shitty thing off Amazon for like $6 and it works. Would it really be worth $50 for something like this?

>> No.15346522

you really just pay for variety
and we can't tell you if the 50$ is worth it over the 5$ one, only your dick can

>> No.15346596

I can't very well test one out before I buy it though

>> No.15346622

Don't think HEPS is electric powered.

>> No.15346681
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I know that trips me out sometimes. People say they've tried onas.... Im like did you borrow a friends or someshit? And then i start thinking about how gross it would be to share an onahole with someone. Like, they sell old shit off of amazon, so are the onas preused?
I usually do it manually just cause im cautious and paranoid. I've said it before but most of my holes are loose so im comfortable with a microfiber towel and rubbing it out (no pun intended). Sometimes i even powder the inside. This whole tearing thing is getting me stressed out a little.
This McGuyver ass nigga.
What are the chances a 50 dollar burger is better then a 5 dollar burger? Sure they both get you full but are you in it for quality or just to get the job done? If you dont mind paying the money its worth it as long as you do your research and get a good one.

>> No.15346964

anon here who bought the venus cross and the 10$ random one giving my review.

I'm 90% sure that i used too much lube on the cross and didn't get a good feeling for it when i was using it so I'm gonna give it another go later today.

That 10$ random one was one of the best holes i've used in a long time. The thing is so fucken tight and soft it's insane. It also had a bunch of medium sized nubs on the inside that is extremely stimulating. Fuck I wished i knew what the actual name was..

>> No.15346996

one issue that i do have with the 10$ one is that a lot more air bubble holes started to appear after using it. It's doesn't bother me but just makes me worried about how long it will actually last.

>> No.15347007


You mind taking a picture of it and showing us? (the $10 one)

>> No.15347018

>not buying second hand onaholes off ebay

>> No.15347033
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sure 1/2

>> No.15347038
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Those air bubbles were not there before i used it. The whole outside body of the hole is extremely rough and i'm sure that it's a tiny layer of material that is covering the massive amount of air bubbles underneath.

>> No.15347048


dang, I thought I would know what this one was called. Oh well, maybe someone else will.

>> No.15347427

What did it come in? Like as opposed to the venus case? Was it just like wrapped in a beat up cheerios box? It looks like I'd wake from a wet dream on an alien space ship with that on my dick.

>> No.15347476

Has anybody tried filling up a bath with that slime stuff and then tried fucking their onahole under water?
I need to know for a friend

>> No.15347487

I've seen it and feel that it would turn into some once every 6 months shit. It'd be a prep and clean time of at least 2-3 hours. The time for you to prepare your bath, fap in secret whether you have roomates or parents, make sure that shit doesn't clog your sewage system in any form or fashion, shower afterward, and clean onahole as well as tub doesn't sound too worth it feasibly.

>> No.15348179

>Those series of hole seems to have a problem with tearing.
Fug. Just bought one. I'll just have to be extra-careful with it.

>> No.15349272

so from my experience, getting my first onahole was great. Definitely better than using my hand but after 3-4 uses I thought the hole (VA:A) was too tight but that wasn't the case it was the motion of how I used it. I used it with my hand like what most people would do but I tried the pillow method and it was better than ever. The stimulation and experience of it was amazing.
>Plain hand
>Ona with pillow method
In the future I'll try to get more onas along with better lube and a usb warmer.

>> No.15349304

>pillow method
whats this? did you put it in a pillow?

>> No.15349459
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It's in the guide and it's used for a hands free experience

>> No.15350215

Seriously tho, should I change the cloth I'm using or is it safe to let the inside dry by it's own? Haven't used my hole since the improvised fx so I don't know if it will tear again if I manually dry it inside.

>> No.15351354

well /jp/ it is that time when you pitch ideas to onahole companies.

assuming they would actually listen what ideas would you throw their way?

>> No.15351394

a onahole that can be hooked up to a industrial vacuum

>> No.15351456


>> No.15351505

I still can't get this to work well, the hole just slides around and positioning becomes incredibly awkward

>> No.15351515

Anyone here recommend the puni ana spdx?
New to onaholes and I feel like I would NEED an ass.
Biggest worry is something worth 200 dollars breaking after a few months of usage.

>> No.15351525
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A proper zombie/necrophilia onahole

It's an onahole made of a special material to keep it cold. It comes with a mold trhat you use to make ice sticks. You use the ice sticks as an onahole chiller. Part of the texture simulates maggots. There will be a cute zombie girl on the box

>> No.15351551

Should I bother with "disposable" holes? How are the Tenga line? I've never used an ona before and want to use a disposable to try them out. Also which of them is best for 5.5" L x 4" G?

>> No.15351554


>> No.15351560

Tenga are nothing compared to ona.
Just buy one of the $10 ones from queencat.

>> No.15351685

A onahole with a special built in reservoir for lube. This way, it self lubricates with use, like a real pussy, and you squeeze it to simulate squirting... Too bad it would be a bitch to clean and dry.

>> No.15351798

If we're going there lets just add haptic feedback to it as well.

>> No.15351807
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Dear god yes. I've totally never set my phone to vibrate and pressed it against my balls or anything like that. Only a weirdo would do that.

>> No.15352289

If they can make a dildo that cums, surely a squirting or self-lubing ona wouldn't be out of the question.

>> No.15352636 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 670x447, puni_ashi_dx_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that makes you balls feel good while you use it. The Puni Ashi DX is the closest thing I can find that does something like that.

>> No.15352687
File: 19 KB, 670x447, puni_ashi_dx_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that makes your balls feel good while you use it. The Puni Ashi DX is the closest thing I can find that does something like that.

>> No.15352866

it just came in a clear plastic bag like the one all holes come in, no box.

after using the Venus hole again, it seems not that stimulating for me. I really wouldn't recommend it for anyone. Just buy the real or something else.

>> No.15353060


Damn i got pretty good value for a 10 dollar purchase.Im recommending this hole 100%. Like holy shit it is so fucken good with all the ridges and bumps inside.

>> No.15353082 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 432x891, 1465203011582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it already exists:
(dat price)

If we could really wish for a creation then get on with something totally new like >>15351525 and going along the guro-ish part, we have onaholes with built in ribs, yet we can't fuck the ribs in any of them,
there exists a mini head, http://en-nls.com/pict2-44271-9999?c2=9999 whose throat you can fuck but can't pierce through her mouth,
or we could have an onahole with built in estim,
or a minigirl to go all the way through, kind of like in the picture here, just with a full tunnel,
or an armpit/kneepit onahole,
or a special material where you can stimulate pregnancy by inflating the boobs/belly to your liking with air for a longer period or with your cum temporarily,
or god forbid more than just the 1 existing futa onahole, but with a bigger penis. Imagine that loli club prez from Futabu! made into an onahole. Just for show or even with a hole for better docking/possibility to make that part cum seperately on its own or with your cum oozing out similar to the boobs of Disgraceful Oppai Body.

Okay, I admit they wouldn't cater to the rarer fetishes, but futa should be popular.

>> No.15353515

>a minigirl to go all the way through
I would like that. Problem is just, it would have to be pretty short, otherwise only big guys get to enjoy all the way through-action. And by that point, it would already get torn to pieces when you use it, since the material would have to be super thin, or it would look really disproportionate.

>> No.15354102

quick questions :

how long do your maturbation sessions last? do you cum multiple times? does "edging" translate to actual sexual stamina?

im a one-pump chump but at the same time i can edge for almost an hour or so, some times i even fully stop do stuff around the house and come back like nothing happened, but when i do i feel really lightheaded when i finally do cum

>> No.15354123

A onahole like the Futanarikko Double Hole but one we can actually put our dicks into. No point in having a hole in the dick if I can't fit my dick in it. The product pictures showing a dildo inside it are misleading af.

>> No.15354137

Hinestly, when I got my first onahole (Temptation Witch) I hadn't masturbated in a while. So, lasted maybe 2 minutes. Once refractory period ended. I lasted 4. Witch was a new experience.

Tried another hole few days later. Same thing.

Tried another a few days later (I have 3 atm). Lasted roughly 5 minutes and then 12 the next with edging.

I bought a hole warmer which is due in today, so i'll see how long i can last with a warm hole as opposed to cold.

>> No.15354175

15min-an hour with Lilith Uterus regular, so far my only one hole. I need to buy a bully just to see what it's like. Usually after first orgasm I'm spent for the day. If it's a "shorter" session I can go for the second one, 10 minutes later.

>> No.15354817

There is only one pregnancy hole I've found and it looks silly.
I'm thinking of ways I could rig the spdx to be kind of like it.

>> No.15355043

>order off of otonajp
>your order has shipped
>tracking number - no results found

when should I be worried /jp/?

>> No.15355052

IIRC it says on EMS it takes 12-24 hours for the tracking number to be available, and in my experience sometimes a little longer.
This is applied to EMS in general, doesn't depend on the site.

>> No.15355054


relax, takes a day or two for tracking to update

>> No.15355353
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Can someone please purge the heresy that is
>Q: How are the Bad Dragon Holes?
>A: Reports say they lack texture, suction, and are overpriced.
I have owned the sharkgirl one for a few months now and it is incredible. An absolute dick bully. Well worth the price. They absolutely have suction, all you have to do is block the hole at the top and whammo, suction.
The textures are more realistic than those dick ticklers that make you cum in 2 minutes. A quality orgasm can only be achieved by lengthy sessions which these holes can easily allow.

Are they more expensive than they should be?
Eh. It's debatable. I got a Frankenstein one for 110 and sure it looks ugly as sin but it's incredible.
I get that we're all depraved weeaboos who hate furries because they're a degenerate cancer on 4chan but don't BASELESSLLY worship japan just because it's japan. inb4 scrubs "where do you think we are"

>> No.15355527 [DELETED] 

Last night on /a/ some baka started a thread about "reusing onaholes". It was really creepy, and degenerated into a straight up pedophilia greentext thread, before the mods nuked it.

Please tell me none of you had anything to do with that.

>> No.15355866

How do I get this onahole to not smell like nasty fucking rubber?

>> No.15355948

Stuff it with those hanging tree air fresheners. If that is not fragrant enough, grind them in a food processor and pour inside.

>> No.15355973

That sounds dumb

>> No.15356105

Or just wash them repeatedly.

>> No.15356238

La bocca just came in the mail. I'm super excited

>> No.15356253

any SPDX owners here?

>> No.15356349
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kill meeeeeeee

>> No.15356380

First time onahole owner here. Just bought Virgin Age Admission. Waiting warmly.

Speaking of warm, do I put the USB warmer thingy inside of it during the heating process or after? Any advice? Tips?

>> No.15356444

There is a stupid small amount of info online about the SPDX, and it's so expensive (200 bucks) that hardly anyone wants to risk it.
My question would be about the durability, and if people think it's worth it over the DX.

>> No.15356528

Some better quality onas don't smell.

I have the ubu virgin, and it has a sweet scent that doesn't remind rubber at all.

>> No.15356570


This is sometimes even true with things shipped within a country. They most likely print out the shipping label from their offices and it doesn't get scanned until they take it to the post office.

>> No.15356602

I personally feel the warmer is a waste of time. If you REALLY need it warm, you can use warm water to heat it up (fill it or soak it). I used to use a smooth metal handle for a knife sharpener to warm mine when I first got 'em (leave handle in hot water, when warm insert in hole for a bit, then gogogo). Thing is, once you start getting used to them and using them for extended periods, they'll warm up from your body heat, I don't really mind sticking it in cold anymore myself. Too much work, too little pay-out. The other thing is, they don't retain the excess heat for a really long time, so eventually it will mellow out to your body heat anyway, unless you bother to heat it up again.

>> No.15356624

Sessions often last 45 minutes to an hour for me. Mostly edging and sorting through material till I find something I want to finish to.

>> No.15356636

New here, I still don't own an onahole, I was wondering if some of some tried to use a comdom with their Onas ?

>> No.15356644

it really depends on how much i want to cum at the time. I usually go for a 20 - 30 minutes but I have often gone around 40 minutes to an hour if i want to take my time.

>> No.15356668

Tried it a few times before. Pretty disappointed with the results. Condom broke twice, and the third time it just didn't feel very good. I could feel the pressure from the how squeezing, but that was it (used venus real regular firmness). Definitely not with the marginally easier clean up.

>> No.15356675

How = hole

>> No.15356674

i really dont see the point considering you still need to clean out the lube after using it even if you use a condom.

>> No.15356708

I just plug in the heater and instantly put it in the ona with some lube, takes around 10-15 min to reach my desired temp.

haven't been a problem for me so far

>> No.15356711

the durability sucks, inner lining of the vagina separated from the body and is a loose floppy tunnel. this is after 2 months of moderate use. my main issue is the lack of anything resembling breasts. I got the tokimeki delusion reality seven thinking the breasts would be fuller and nicer but they feel off as well.

>> No.15356736

Are you the other anon that has complained about the durability in other threads?
Asking just so I know if it is isolated or not.
Can I ask what your experiences with hips are anon?

>> No.15356741
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AHAHAHA really who would buy something smelling of shit

>> No.15356756

I also think that it's disgusting, but I'm sure that fucking rubber vaginas is also seem as disgusting by tons of people.

I want to get the scent of a schoolgirl uniform with the next ona I buy though.

>> No.15356779
File: 51 KB, 450x299, 14435233453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the results just came back from the scientists after years of studying this enigma, and it would seem the result is something called 'sexual fetish'

>> No.15358103

You realize that there is JAV with girls who shit or get shit involved while fucking right? I'm not into that shit and hopefully no one else in here is but it's a thing in Japan. That's what inspired this to exist. I wonder who'll order this for shits and giggles though.

>> No.15358343

are those holes with tons of crazy as fuck textures worth it?

>> No.15358387

Any of you anons tried out the new Muses line yet? I'd love to get my hands on an Arkhe and/or try out the "rich soft" versions.

>> No.15358441

anyone ever tried smells for dakis?

>> No.15358794

I just rub my sweaty ass over mine though.

>> No.15358802

a-are you for real?
I was talking about actually qt girl smell, not shit.

>> No.15358835

All of your statements are relative. While I thank you for your input regarding these holes, you should know that your dick is different from everyone else's. You should know that experiences, yours and others, will differ due to a lot of factors. The only thing worth noting is that, yes, you can indeed plug the end, but many simply do not know how well the plug reacts to use, the availability of such plugs(sharpies, glue sticks, whatever) and readiness of use.

>dick bully
>dick ticklers that make you cum in 2 minutes

>A quality orgasm can only be achieved by lengthy sessions which these holes can easily allow.
So do other holes. Dick dependent.


There is a reason why we have put that word there on the basis of multiple anons ordering and getting disappointed with such holes compared to other holes in the market - which just happens to be Japanese ones. If you could give a qualitative comparison, it would be great, and hell we'd put it in if it's good enough. Price tags will always be debatable due to markups, price, shipping, availability and all other market factors.

The price point is one with the most contribution as a factor, as many simply do not want to spend so much on a single purchase, without the variety. Sure, there will be differences in ease of cleaning/use, versatility, durability and all other things regarding the item that can be considered.

Although here we are, discussing sex toys, the same kind of reviews and opinions can be said for any average homeowner buying Harbor Freight tools being "well worth the price" without much knowledge of the broader market. Much like ebay seller reviews, you may as well say "AAAA++++ gr8". As much as transactions cannot be compared to product use, many TD reviews are exactly like this, providing very little usable detail except the euphoria and afterglow of use, and he regret and disdain after breaking a toy on the first few uses.

If there's anything you can state, at least have a comparison something else you have used extensively. I'd include your opinion in the guide if you gave a solid, well based answer.

>> No.15359207

Is it possible to use a condom and not use lube? Also, aren't most condoms packaged with silicone based lube?

>> No.15359245

I, uh, well then. Yeah, you're right. No idea what I was thinking.

>> No.15359877
File: 53 KB, 540x400, ninpu-musume-pregnant-daughter-onahole-japanese-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was it the Ninpu no Susume Pregnant Onahole by Tamatoys?

>> No.15359974
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Threesome anyone?

I would love to find an English site that sells this one...

>> No.15360113
File: 1.92 MB, 3142x4190, IMG_20160608_244808241_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I got today. I feel like I fell for the gay gimmick here but whatevs. Anyone else got one?

>> No.15360499

Yes, I have no experience with it but not only is the stomach bulge too small for me but the entire thing is too small.
Designs on normal sized onaholes are not my thing, it just looks weird to me.

>> No.15360570


Bad Dragon Holes are the Desktop Macbooks of masturbators.

They can work, sure, but they are usually not worth it due to the price range and for the most part you can do better and cheaper.

>> No.15361350

I've seen JAV of 60+ yr/old women receiving enemas and taking massive shits. This is relatively tame over there.

>> No.15361664

their shop kinda sucks, lost shopping cart several times and always failed to register while checking out, so had to do it separately.
changing the currency also has zero effect as it will always be billed in JPY and their displayed exchange rate is too optimistic.
as always don't use paypal's conversion service as their rates are bad.

otonajp didn't reply to any of my mails about my order.
first email sent 2 weeks ago, second 1 week ago.
ordered 1 day before their 10% off campaign started. so mail was about wanting those percents or cancelling since it wasn't packaged yet and wouldn't be for another 2 days after first mail was sent.

order packaged in 3 days.
shipped as Airmail Small Packet in 8 days to Germany. mail about that just gives you a tracking number but no site to put it to use. however http://otonajp.com/ has some 'track your order' entry in their sidebar.
passed German customs w/o incident even tho it was marked as gift and undervalued. so no import duties (free till 150€ for merchandise) or taxes (19% levied starting at 22€ for merchandise, so basically always considering that shipping costs counts towards this).
ordered lube, so description said 'skin cream no alc'.

>> No.15361667

code pls

>> No.15361728

As we speak, I'm trying out the hole warmer in the guide. So far; 2 minutes and it's barely warm at all. 4 minutes, it's still barely warm. Trying 8 minutes now; almost warm but dissipates quickly. Going for 12 now. Still not warm enough. Going for 16. Same as 12.

Though if you want to go in warm, 15 minutes seems to be a good spot to do so. Tested on a Fleshlight.

>> No.15361758

Does anyone else get turned on by the smell of their (clean) onaholes? The combination of the silicone, soap, and cum turns me on so much, if I put my nose up to the opening and inhale deeply, I pop a boner instantly.

>> No.15361770

Can't say it does.

>> No.15361944

>Tested on a Fleshlight.
fleshlight does their own warmer which is prolly better suited:

rends' warmer is at least too small: only 15cm long when a normal fleshlight is 23cm.

>> No.15361961

I've been tempted to get that warmer to try since the rends one sucks pretty bad and I never use it, but I am honestly not sure if I would bother to use the fleshlight one anymore often. It also seems like it might drip lube since its a stand.

>> No.15362017

that reviewer didn't mention any dripping lube, just that he had to clean the warmer when he pre-lubed the fleshlight.
not sure which lube he used but fleshlube water isn't any thicker than onatsuyu. otoh most other lubes are.

>> No.15362043

Help me choose. I can only pick one:

>> No.15362048

Youve officially rewired your brain. Kinda like Pavlov's dog, except instead of ringing bells and getting treats you're using onaholes and boners.
Yea a bit but youre only supposed to use water based lube on holes. And i doubt theres enough of it to supply a full session without drying out.
>dat rich soft doh
If you tighten the opening around your base and kind of just pull on the back slowly, the suction is pretty cash.
Say what you want about sensitivity but these holes are curing my death grip. I dont even like using my hand anymore.
Typically how long does it take to warm up by just using it regularly?

I got three new FL sleeves. That bi hive is a bully... Not sure how i feel about it yet. I also got mini lotus and the tornado. I think im gonna be done for at least six months or so. I got about ten toys since april.

>> No.15362110

>Say what you want about sensitivity but these holes are curing my death grip. I dont even like using my hand anymore.
or you just replaced one death grip with another kind. tried an actual vagina?
>Typically how long does it take to warm up by just using it regularly?
you mean w/o a warmer? i'd say 20 mins till it reaches body temperature, but depends on room temperature.
but isn't the same when you have to penetrate a cold hole at first.

>> No.15362197

Student Council President

>> No.15362242

Planning on buying my first onahole (probably Seventeen Bordeaux) but I'm woried about the noise
How noisy are yours ?

>> No.15362248

about the queencat "adult toy inside" thing
it is still inside the amazon box, right?

>> No.15362254

just got the mouth of truth, it's a really unique feeling compared to the dangerously fast 5 minute sessions of the vacuum witch
only problem I got with it is that drying it is a real bitch to do, it's got a complex interior and theres some spots where I feel mold is inevitably going to grow in (namely the loose 'gums' where the teeth are)
anyone else have any drying tips for it?

>> No.15362278

seventeen evolution is kinda eh, I would avoid that as a first

>> No.15362294


Alright so it's either:
+Student Council President
Taimanin Asagi 3

I've read good reviews of some earlier versions of the 2nd one (?), but can't find anything regarding student council. How's the ring system? Any other holes that have this?

>> No.15362308

>Tried an actual vagina?
Yea, im just talking about as far as cranking down goes.

>> No.15362324 [DELETED] 

I say we need prostate toys in OP's guide.

>> No.15362453
File: 333 KB, 1100x1100, 29278076_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck I've had two of the Rends onahole warmers fail on me.

Might as well try this unless someone else has a better quality option.

>> No.15362537

Get student council president senpai
t. satisfied customer

>> No.15362693

Yes. I ordered a Venus Real from amazon a few months back and that's how it arrived.

>> No.15362738

Yes it is. But everyone inside the Amazon warehouse will see the package with the giant red "QUEEN CAT ADULT TOYS" taped on it and know that you're a pervert.

t. Amazon Fulfillment center associate

>> No.15362849

Anything similar with ass and tits to the Himekano Onahole under $50? Thoughts on it. I know julia+ is similar but it's more on amazon.

>> No.15362882

I know, but that shit is dreadfully $$$. So I went with cheaper. I'll have to test it on an onahole next time.

If it matters, I used Onatsuyu

When using my Fleshlight in the past, it warmed up after a good 10 minutes. Take your dick out and it's body temp.

>> No.15362902

Just order from queencat. You can contact them and arrange whatever packaging you want. I ordered and didnt do a thing and it was fine. Some random address and name and a reuglar box. Its worth to go through QC instead of amazon if thats what youre worried about. Thats some fucked up shit tho. I wonder if the do that for female toys.

>> No.15363248

I have a scat fetish.

It's more because the girl is doing something extremely degrading for money, and I've become pretty misogynistic over the years.

>> No.15363396


About to pull the trigger on this baby, y/n?

>> No.15363400

Don't be a pussy, buy the hard version

>> No.15363401

best hip for its price on the market

>> No.15363406

Whats the difference?

>> No.15363434

It's harder

>> No.15363507
File: 1.60 MB, 600x335, 1393999415702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn seems I ordered this at just the right time, got it for 89$ and it went up to 149$ after I ordered. Now the long boring wait for it too come.

>> No.15363567
File: 1.73 MB, 540x304, 90d144c119251889319ebc533f7ba0bb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got three new FL sleeves
Wow you're actually autistic, and you bought three.
Enjoy your cancer faggot.

>> No.15363586

This is a christian board, anon.

No space for degenerates here.

>> No.15363591

Just browse the onaholes page on otona and you will find them whether you want it or not.

>> No.15363592

How dare you defile the mems of takuya the great? what R U Straight?

>> No.15363667 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 500x383, 1243145134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add Fleshlights to that list.
What did you expect if you order from a "we have to do everything cheaper to sell shit and save workes while doing so" shop
Do your parents wake up while you move your computer mouse 2 rooms next to their bedroom?
Or maybe you want to go fully social suicide and masturbate next to your college roommate.
Points for considering a plastic vagina tho.
I say we stick to /jp/ rule #1, yet now and then people post western toys which is clealy violating the rule, but faggot janies are always asleep except they have to report random people to retain their janitor role.

>> No.15363883

Anyone tried both the temptation witch and stuco pres yet? Already have the witch, highly considering the stuco pres next

>> No.15363911

Is it normal to come ridiculously fast if all you do is focus on your head

I have never been able to tell if I suffer from pre-ejac or if my technique is just flawed to the point where I just make myself cum too fast by not focusing enough on the entire tool

>> No.15363923

Should I go with the Lolinco Virgo or the Open My Pussy! -BIG Rina-? Is the Virgo as much of a dick bully as the smaller Lolinco?

>> No.15363929

There are more nerve endings in your head, making it more sensitive, though it probably wouldn't hurt to change your technique.

>> No.15363944

Which will be more stimulation, lilith spiral dot or spiral wave.

I want a hole that will suck me dry

>> No.15363972

Scat fetish is when the girl likes shit involved? I thought it was just called a shit fetish.

I wouldn't let her do that but then again that's just me. I don't even like girls to squirt. I just want the creaminess from her pussy to come out naturally by fucking her. And vice versa or by fellatio.

>> No.15364252

Amazon packers work far too quickly and in shit conditions; nobody has the time or inclination to give a fuck.

t. Another ex-Amazon Employee

>> No.15364297


Stick it in front of a fan.

>> No.15364427

Hi /ona/,

I have a predicament. I'm going to be moving overseas temporarily and won't be able to bring my onaholes with me. All my belongings will be going to my parents house while I'm abroad, but I really don't trust my mom and sister to not go through my things while I'm gone, and I'm deathly afraid of them finding all my toys. Should I just throw them all out? I've spent around $400 on them, and feel like it'd be such a huge waste, but just the thought of them finding my imagines makes me break out into a sweat... It's my number 1 fear.

What do you guys think I should do?

>> No.15364431

>>TL;DR Should I throw away all my onaholes instead of "entrusting" them to my family?

>> No.15364446

Couldn't you rent a storage locker while you're overseas?

>> No.15364457

Get a lockable box, problem solved.

If you family resorts to picking/breaking locks in order to look through your shit, you probably shouldn't be treating them as family.

>> No.15364477
File: 843 KB, 1501x1252, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried these?

>> No.15364668

One of the holes I haven't used in a while ended up with a large patch of tiny holes (not exactly holes but more like craters) on one side. Should I be concerned?

>> No.15364707

that's normal

>> No.15364743

is there an approved list of ebay sellers out there? Can't find much using the default search engine on that site.

>> No.15364772

Would have purchased Arkhe, I like my womb gimmicks.
It's sold out though, shame, would have purchased instantly had I known.

>> No.15364808

Not yet. I've been waiting for something new from tomax actually.

>> No.15364810

I was about to order from nls, had the paypal payment window open for some time and accidentally closed it.
Now my nls order status is red because of lacking payment, and there's no link to re-do or cancel it. What do I do? Should I resign my (new) profile and do the order again?

>> No.15364904

Write in the comment box that you want a new paypal link.

>> No.15365319
File: 65 KB, 501x334, muses-arkhe-male-masturbator-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this picture of the Arkhe. Wow.

>> No.15365398

How do I last longer? When I first got my hole I was lasting about 5 minutes, but now I can only manage about 2-3 for some reason.

>> No.15365478

>Just order from queencat.
that's more obv.
everyone gets amazon packages and it could be anything inside.
but if someone googles what that queencat package is, they will know that it's adult toys.

>> No.15365500

probably doing it too often so just stop doing it for a while

>> No.15365515

>no 5th hole inbetween them
what a waste

>> No.15365526

onahoudoga.com rates lilith spiral wave as a 2 on a 1-5 scale for stimulation. lilith spiral dot is a 4.

onahoudoga tested medium firmness and onaho.net never liked the hard firmness from tomax much, so would get medium.

beware that lilith spiral dot is still far from a bully like some fleshlight stu and it's like 30mins sessions:
those are the real bullies:

>> No.15365614

learn kegels, edging, multiple orgasms:

>> No.15366204
File: 266 KB, 960x652, Bordeaux_City_Map_-_Sixt_Car_Hire_Euros_Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a 17 Bordeaux and R-20 a week ago. They finally arrived !
So far I did not have the time to enjoy the R-20 yet but did test the 17 Bordeaux.
I like the gentle stimulation allthough I probably have to get used to it first. (30+ minutes session at first use)
It feels really nice but it seems to be very tight. It is constantly pushing me out and entering the toy is hard.
I can not confirm that the toy does a lot of noise. It seems to be rather silent. Theres a slightly louder sound when penetrating deep but I do not think that noise is an issue with the toy.
Cleaning was no problem too. I just hope that it does not collect too much lint on its outside.

I'll try the R-20 later this evening and post results.

>> No.15366580
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, what have i done.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After buying two dual-layered onaholes known for being hard/tight, I learned my lesson.

Not gonna buy them again, I just got the Lolinco and it's painful to use. It's so tight and the inside is so scratchy, no matter how much lube is used, that it causes pain/discomfort. I'm pretty average size, but maybe If I had a skinnier penis maybe I could enjoy it.

Hopefully it loosens up or something. I am sad.

>> No.15366651

>average size
that's nondescript. please be specific.

>> No.15366690

16cm length, don't know my girth but I don't think it's abnormally skinny or thick relative to my length.

>> No.15366707

Bill doesn't look as good as he used to back in the days.

>> No.15367048

No fucking shit, he's been out of the WH for 18 years. People get old.

That being said, he hasn't exactly been taking the best care of himself, either. I'm surprised he's still alive after that many surgeries.

>> No.15367075

Unfortunately, I'm a poorfag. Definitely no money to rent a box to store them.

I have them stored inside an inconspicuous book bag and I've rigged so that it can be locked, but it's rather heavy because of all the holes and lube. I'm not sure how I'll be able to transport it back to my parent's place without them noticing it or asking about it. It'd be kind of strange if I say it's filled with old text books, and they open it to see that whatever's in there is locked up.

>> No.15367097

If you can't rent a locker, then either lock up the bag or see if you can't keep your holes with someone else.

>> No.15367363

yeah, I need this asap.
Gonna keep a close eye on daimaoh and queencat.
and here of course (more likely),please be kind and alert people when restocks are in, anons!

>> No.15367447

I made comments at the end of last thread on the one I just got in hard.

I need to give it another go, but so far its decent and the womb is nice, but its not quite what I expected. The womb and hole to it are very small so at hard you push it more than you enter it. Which is potentially nicer in some ways, but not quite poking fantasy.

>> No.15367581

The USB warmer is pretty much a gimmick. It felt great for the first 5 seconds but then it completely wore off. If they could make onaholes continuously that heated it would feel way better.

Only legitimate use I see is if you store onaholes in a freezing cold room and want to bring them up to room temperature, or if you don't mind the tradeoff of the hassle of using and cleaning the thing for the 5 seconds of warmth.

>> No.15367621

damn, have two onaholes and waiting on a usb warmer. was hoping it would be awesome

>> No.15367625

My kana just arrived...now I'll never be able to fap with my hand anymore

>> No.15367643 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 800x687, 1465420737109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367805


fleshlight shills pls go

>> No.15367836

...so what if they find out? Dont make big deal nigger

>> No.15367860


Hey, don't call people niggers you fucking spook.

>> No.15367968

Which other holes have an uterus gimmick? Other than Lilith Uterus

>> No.15367998


Couldnt they just make like a thermic cloth for the holes? It would eventually warm it inside just like when you warm the hole with your thigs

>> No.15368124

I got the hard one in the middle recently, not as stimulating as I imagined, still pretty nice.

>> No.15368180


>> No.15368201

I just removed the teeth from my MoT
I feel like I just re-enacted some kinda guro hentai
but it's nice not having the teeth scrape and redden my donger anymore
does anyone still have that strawpoll of people who have/haven't removed the teeth from their MoTs?

>> No.15368254

Alright /jp/ I am pretty trn on what to get for my first Onahole. I was thinking either the R20 or the Venus Real.
I couldn't really find any others that can fit a 16.5cm dick though so if any of you know of a different on I'm all ears.

>> No.15368313


check out the spreadsheet


you can have it filtered to only show holes with a tunnel length that will show 16cm or larger for example. With some onaholes, you can deduct a cm or two depending on their build. Sadly, for use more well endowed, we're more limited when it comes to onaholes.

BTW with the onaholes mentioned, R20 may be too daunting for a first onahole as its much tighter than the Venus.

>> No.15368403

Oh neat. The golden Moetan looks fun but when I read the guide it was said that TOMAX was pretty much god tier in quality.

>> No.15368466

I got the arkhe in soft and the kokalo in very soft.
I should have gotten them in normal and soft respectively.

the soft arkhe's uterus is easy to penetrate, but lacks stimulation other than being a tight opening with a nice bit of suction. its fucking amazing to cum in but takes forever to get there if I'm just thrusting my tip in and out of the uterus. the"main shaft" section is quite tight and decently stimulating though, but you have to take full strokes to really get much sensation out of that area.

the kokalo in very soft is just a bit too soft, with its design and softness, it just feels too loose inside, and this is with it being used inside a plush doll. the texture is decent, I just bought it a step too soft as with the way it looked, I expected it to be about as stimulating as my venus cross in very soft, but the lack of internal tightness makes it hard to notice the ribbed bits.

>> No.15368484

Thats pretty much the effect you get with a plush doll and a preheated hole, thing is pretty much insulated all the way around by the doll's stuffing.

>> No.15368587 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 700x700, 1465434179127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I've seen in my brief search:
Innocent CQ
CQ Roll
Nurse's Uterus
Lilith Uterus
Muses Arkhe
Korezo Shikyukan Harama Sex (rough translation, pic related)
Ubu Real/Virgin
Seventeen holes
Some meiki and hips, dont know which ones off the top of my head.
Open My Pussy holes (Rina, Roa, Virgo)

The quest continues for more.

>> No.15369165
File: 107 KB, 646x1305, e6OoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if this was real

>> No.15369613

Is it better to start off with a harder hole if I'm inexperienced with them, or should I err on the side of caution and get a softer hole?

>> No.15369661

theres no right or wrong answer
just roll with what feels right

>> No.15369682

>tfw no bullet hole ona yet

>> No.15369739

>got it in hard
Should have gone for medium bruh, never go hard. It's like ordering a steak well done ffs

>> No.15369773
File: 2 KB, 60x20, ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I might be behind a bit but I never realized until now that squeezing the air out of your toy, then holding it out while you insert yourself into it gives it great suction and eliminates most of the noise.

>> No.15369909
File: 330 KB, 800x680, 1249610690370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me here again.

I tore a hole in the top of the Lolinco after only the 4th use... I kept mushrooming out the top, and eventually it formed an air bubble, then a rip...

Now the contents (lube/cum) go out the top if I squeeze it. I'm still gonna use it though. Does anyone here have an onahole with a rip in the top but they keep using it? Will the rip get bigger even if I try not to hit it too hard?

>> No.15369946

Any sort of damage will only get worse with use. If possible you should try to repair it.

Or you could look at it as a port for easy cleaning.

>> No.15370327

>The place i buy holes from now has Virgin Age Admission and Onatsuyu

Should i go for it?

>> No.15370331

Anyone try shipping from Amazon through BiJ with Fedex?

>> No.15370351 [SPOILER] 
File: 910 KB, 1405x2133, 1465475409190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on a sissy fetish subreddit. dont ask.

is this in any way accurate?

>mfw im on sissy tier

>> No.15370386

Post dick.

>> No.15370637

Is buying onaholes from aliexpress a bad idea?

>> No.15370714


>> No.15370940
File: 218 KB, 1280x905, utea_charm_body_onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried the Utea Charm Hip yet? Or know of a website that shows pictures of the internal structure?

It looks identical to Puni Ana DX, but I have yet to find a website that shows what the internals look like. I can't even find out if this is a through-hole design like Puni Ana DX...

On a side note, I think Titis of Utea Grace will be my next Paizuri toy. Damn thing looks magnificent: https://www.otonajp.com/titis-of-utea-grace

>> No.15370962

My onahole and I just lost our virginity together. What should I do to make sure she stays STD free?

>> No.15370974

>I think Titis of Utea Grace will be my next Paizuri toy

looks like it'll be my best option too since I doubt I'll get a hold of this:

>> No.15371128

Nice find. They look way softer than the Utea Grace tits.

I like how they are comparing it to other paizuri toys and ironically I already own 2 of them: Milqueen and Half-Mature Succubus Tits.

You could always try buying it via mail proxy order depending on what country you live in, but of course it will cost way more.

>> No.15371193

I'm getting the Grace tomorrow or today. I'll weigh in on it when I can.

>> No.15371228

Scrub and wash each other with soap.

>> No.15371301

She seems so soft and fragile though. How much punishment can they really take?

>> No.15371352

What hole did you buy?

>> No.15371527

Anyone happen to use J-Lube and know how to get it to a good onahole consistency? Searched a few threads in the archive and found some users, but no advice.

I know its meant for butt-stuff but I'd like to extend its value. It works for a bit, then dries out everywhere except the middle of the insert and around the tip.

>> No.15372610

I have had a few onaholes before (Lolinco, Rina, Mouth of Truth) and it's time to get a new one.

Are hips really worth the price?
I am also concerned about cleaning.

I was thinking about either getting Cocolo:

Or skip on hips and finally try Virgin Age Admission:

Maybe something else?

>> No.15372658

Whoops, fell asleep after I was spent and never responded. Virgin Age Admission.

>> No.15372925 [DELETED] 

Is buying an onahole bag really necessary? What good does it do exactly?

>> No.15372938

Hey guys, i`ve decided to buy Virgo and Wet Meiki Shin, any advice on the third one to buy in a 20-40 bucks range? Also what do you think about http://en-nls.com/pict1-45163?c2=1111 ?

>> No.15372977

>You could always try buying it via mail proxy order depending on what country you live in, but of course it will cost way more.
It's not that simple. They are almost never in stock and local nippon shoppers will get them way faster than a non nippon who orders through a proxy. There is a waiting list, but there is no proxy service in the right mind that would put in for the many many months of waiting it would take for the waiting list.


>> No.15373217

haven't browsed these boards in a year or so. is venus real in soft still best?

>> No.15373290

just like last year, and the years before that, best is still subjective.

>> No.15373815

I just got my onahole. I bought a bottle of J-lube and an usb warmer, but I forgot to buy some fucking poweder jesus fuck. how long can I keep it without powedering? I'm crazy to test it.

>> No.15373832

Forever? You don't really need powder.

>> No.15373977

Take pics, use a can, a ruler and whatnot and get as many measurements as you can. Hell, take a video of you poking it. That would be great. I hope you enjoy it, anon.

>> No.15374021
File: 13 KB, 540x400, 1465525177409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it. This is my first oppai.

It's big. Bigger than I thought going off sizing up the dimensions. The whole thing is big, and just the breasts itself are big. I did buy a piece of clothing to dress it up, it appears the larger base helps fit it easier. The clothes should help it absorb the oil too, it gives off a good amount. Moving the whole thing can be troublesome, because it'll flop around quite a bit. Going off the Hotpowers comparison, as well as just looking at the thing itself, I would bet that it's the largest, or second largest oppai on the market.

The base is flabby of course. The only thing I can compare the feel of the breasts to is an onahole. Smooth and the softness feels like an average, medium softness/hardness onahole. Your hands don't melt into it. It's soft at first, and as you grasp it more, it quickly feels harder. I would say it's a bit disappointing it's not softer so you can grope it harder and deeper consider the size of them. So yeah, there is a degree of firmness to them. I suspect there are a good deal of softer feeling oppais.

Of course, I tried a titfuck. I got a good amount of stroking room, and it easily envelops my dick (It doesn't completely cover it from top to bottom though, a bit of my dick sticks out). Should satisfy anyone except people with extremely small or large dicks. I'm 16cm length and 13cm girth for reference, plenty of leeway if you're bigger or smaller. The larger base helps keep all your cum on the oppai, if you care.

There are 2 spots at where the breast connects with the base, in the cleavage on mine where there's a bit of the cut up. Looks similar to what you would imagine if you had a somewhat long nail, and scraped it over the oppai with intent to scar and damage it.

So, you probably can't just pull this out whenever you want and fiddle with it cause of the size. If I'm not completely wowed by the feeling of it as a first timer, veterans probably won't be either. The appeal of this is definitely the size, I love that. I'd say it's worth the buy if you like tits. BIG ones. I don't think this has much to offer for veterans. It'll be easier to dress up than your other oppais, and it's bigger I guess. I'll post about the durability of it as I use it.

>> No.15374074

damn lads, I thought it would feel better than real pussy. the warmth dissipated quite quickly and I couldn't feel the texture very well. very nice, but I think I still need pussy in my life. should I change the lube or get one with a harder texture? I want to be a slave of 3DPD no more.

b-but the guide

>> No.15374098

You never mentioned what onahole you have?

>> No.15374125

it's a lilith uterus regular firmness with this warmer https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/418GOft7bTL.jpg

>> No.15374492

I don't have that one so i wouldn't know. I've been fucking my Rina a lot and i have washed it really good with soap and no damage yet. There are video previews for some holes and i believe there is one from Virgin Age Admission. The video usually shows a demonstration how how stretched out a hole can be.

>> No.15374583
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I bought perfume for mine on valentines day and I fucking love it. I-it's like she's really there ;_;

>> No.15374588
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>> No.15374703

Onaholes are all about the interior for me. I use the pillow trick anyway so there's really no point in powdering the exterior. Yes it picks up dirt more easily when I'm using it, but it washes off easily after.

The only time when powdering is worth the effort would be hips.

>> No.15374949
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Guys gotta question about heating my venus real soft

I use a heating pad and I just slide the ona in there and let it warm up, I've also found a new use for something I had abandoned ages ago, a "fleshwarmer" which is basically a skinny dildo used to heat fleshlights, it doesnt do shit on its own but when combined with the heating pad it speeds up the process

Had no problems, makes it nice and warm, good shit

But its still taking ages and the warmth is only mild, it feels good but it could be so much better but it would just take fucking forever

Could I turn the ona inside out and warm it that way so that the heat is being directly applied to the inside?

I'm wary of doing it though because I know it will warp the material at least a little bit, the outside of the ona already has all these weird little mini dents but since its so thick it doesn't impact the interior at all

What do?

>> No.15374961
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Look faglord I payed 150$ for a sugar star and the damn thing is literally so hard and so tight that it actually squeezes the blood out of my dick and forces it to go limp

And even before its gone limp its so tight that it makes it numb

Its a piece of shit and my fleshlights beat the shit out of it and my new venus real soft beats the fleshlight I have which is an stu

>tl;dr bad dragon is shit 0/10 money wasted

>> No.15374966

**my new venus real soft beats the best fleshlight I have which is an stu

>> No.15375001
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Pics. I might make a webm later, but unlikely.

>> No.15375011
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>> No.15375013

No. It's designed to make you feel insecure about your size, that's the entire point of the image.

The average is somewhere around 5", no matter what porn/shittily drawn comics tell you.

>> No.15375015
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>> No.15375049

Neat, thanks, anon. Good pictures, too. They do look big, and I may just get them someday in the future. They've got a very nice depth to them, and that is the most appealing part for me. But I am very disappointed because Utea has much, much larger breasts - large enough to engulf a head. Not sure how to feel about that firmness as well. Do try them with the second pillow trick.

Unfortunately, this is as big as these will go without using a firmer and firmer material, so I guess we are stuck with this sort for a while. Enjoy, anon.

>> No.15375136

The only way you are really going to speed up the heating process is to soak the thing in warm/kinda hot water as if you turn that electric blanket up too high you'll probably melt the outside of your venus.

>> No.15375312

>The average is somewhere around 5"
I have heard from several different sources in the past, that the global average is between 5.5-6 inches. I say this as a dude rocking about 5.5", so this isn't ego talking. Also many dudes here in /ona/ also make note of dick girth measurements, witch is highly important, but mostly ignored by popular metrics.

Overall moral of the story is that dicks are all unique snowflakes, and you shouldn't really rely on any one measurement to judge them.

>> No.15375431

I'd buy it but it probably smells like chocolate black tea or similar that has nothing to do with the real deal like the other scents.

>> No.15375448

Honestly, I'm kinda in the exact same boat as you. I have a lolinco, a Rina, and some non-name brand shit.

I have been kinda on the fence about getting a VAA, or a hip for a while now. But as far as hips far as hips go, I have been leaning towards the Puni Ana DX, because it is not only cheaper than the Cocolo, but it also seems like it would be easier to clean.

But still, it seems like the biggest difference between the items you are thinking about is price range.I mean, VAA is dirt cheap compared to any hip. I mean, for the same price as a Cocolo OR a Puni Ana DX, you can get BOTH a VAA and a Venus Real/Clone in whatever hardness you want.

>> No.15376333

Ordered me some Onatsuyu lube after I ran out. However, it has been a month and it still hasn't arrived. It may not get here until the end of the month. Seems like it got held up in customs. I have been a month without using my hole and I (my dick) am tired of waiting.

So, what is a good lube to get? Going grocery shopping tonight and I want to pick something up while I am out.

>> No.15376361

>Same guy.
Looking for something cheap like 8 or 9 bucks. Just need enough to last a month. Fuck tho, american lube prices are high.

>> No.15376399
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17 Bordeaux Soft and La vie en Roses just came in the mailbox.

rip deek

>> No.15376505

Just received Virgin Age Admission yesterday and I'm already loving it. Granted, I'm a virgin and its my first onahole so I don't really have anything to compare it with, its pretty great.

>> No.15376525

I think there might be mold in/on my hold. Could just be dirt as it seemed to wash away, but i want to be safe. I am going to use some hydrogen peroxide on it, but how should I go about doing that? Just let it soak in a bowl of it? Use a rag or q-tip? If I soak it how long should I leave it on there? I'd just get a new one (as that is the safest thing to do) , but I won't have money until tomorrow and then I'll have to wait a while for it to arrive..

>> No.15376529

Shibari isn't too bad. Its like 12 bucks on amazon.

>> No.15376541

VAA is great for everyone. I actually just received my second one last week and used it yesterday. It is definately tighter and nicer than my other that is a year or two old. It got probably 3-4 uses a month atleast since I got it so its loosened up over time.

It's good enough I got another one and am happy I did. That says alot.

>> No.15376556

I want to get it while I am bout and about tho. Don't want to wait.

>> No.15376579

Could check your local pharmacy / drug store / whatever. Pretty sure they carry stuff like that.

>> No.15376771

Whats the deal with Onatsuyu? Why does everyone like it so much?

Anyways, to answer your question, i guess Nature is a pretty good lube. It's thin and doesnt get sticky too quickly.

>> No.15376813

I don't know? It was the first lube I got and it was great. That was before I even knew about these threads. Then when I saw people here loving it I knew just to stick with it since I already liked it. There was this rose scented one I got from nls and it was pretty good. It seemed pretty much the same, but rose scented. However, after that was gone and I switched back to Onatsuyu I could tell that it was slightly better. Like, it lets your dick glide more but you still keep all the feeling. The Rose scented one had very minor feeling loss, and my masturbation wasn't as smooth.

>> No.15377229

Anything, as long as it's water based and NOT oil or silicon based.

>> No.15377485

>Whats the deal with Onatsuyu? Why does everyone like it so much?

"Realistic" feel that lets you feel the hole, doesn't dry too quickly, cheap, large bottles, available on Amazon. If you want a thin lube it's the whole package.

>> No.15377655
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why indeed

>> No.15377676

Anyone? Bueller?

>> No.15377783

Can I get a legit suggestion for an oppai?
I'm afraid Ai-chan might be too small for my tastes. I want something bigger than that but with a somewhat moderate level of firmness rather than two huge gel balloons that give no sensation for paizuri.
For ref i'm 8in L 5.3in G so really I just want something that stands 'out' more for a complete wrap without looking like boltons

>> No.15377786

mold is superficial usually unless its a spongey hole. Dont soak it in hydy p. spot treat the affected areas. Check back in 12 hrs to see if its gone

>> No.15377828

Alright, thank you.

>> No.15377967

How do you buy the Venus series in Australia, does Queen cat do international shipping if I message them?

>> No.15378060

See >>15374021 Utea Grace is literally what you just described.

Source: own Ai's and G-Mode 2 (and used to have Hestia's tits) and have looked at nearly every Oppai on market.

>> No.15378069

Also I'm 7.7inL 5.2inG for ref, so I have a good idea of what works for you.

>> No.15378084

o, how did i miss that

>> No.15378385

I fapped and thought about it right after.

My non-sexcrazed mind isn't willing to spend so much money on a hip, so I bought a VAA.

>> No.15379035

Anyone in an apartment ever have their package stolen or otherwise taken by a neighbor?

I am considering getting a USPS box or something so I don't need to worry about anyone opening something thinking it is theirs.

>> No.15379386
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>> No.15379553 [SPOILER] 
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Since these give a good idea of how big Utea's are, here's Chichifueta in comaprison for oppai science.

>> No.15379554

How can I achieve ahegeo endless orgasms?

>> No.15379558 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15379570 [SPOILER] 
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>last science pic

Edge for a week, then edge before blowing a load for what will feel like an eternity while you ahegeo.

>> No.15379623

Hey /ona/,

Just wanted to write my first post here. Half of this is probably just the afterglow but I wanted to thank you in guiding me to these wonderful experiences.

An anon a few threads back said he had came so hard he lost hearing for a second. I thought that was an exaggeration, given though I used to stroke at least twice a day with my own hand and mostly that wasn't doing it for me.

I got a tenga which works wonderfully and used a fap hero. The experience was phenominal and I legitimately felt lightning in my arms before the big climax as well as loss of hearing. It feels like I pulled a muscle down there but in a good way, and feel satisfied masturbating for once in my life.

I'm a virgin still, but hopefully real sex at least feels as good as I do now if that ever comes to pass.

>> No.15379657

You'll feel even better when you actually use a real onahole then.
Personally I've been able to lose hearing AND sight with just my hand, takes over 2 hours of edging though.

>> No.15379759

Last call for any other SPDX owners out there, I REALLY don't want to spend all that money on something that might break after a few uses but I'm about to order.

>> No.15379999

I don't own one, but I remember someone saying the inner layer from the vaginal hole came loose after a few uses. That seems to be an issue from dual-layer holes in general, though.

>> No.15380009

Yeah, I'm pretty excited.

My goal is to be able to finish a 40 minute fap hero. I've been only able to make it to about 11-15 minutes far until I can't. I wanted to get the lolicono but I'm worried about it's endurance and mine.

I can finish a 40 minute fap hero with my hand no problem. I wan't to be able to do so with a hole though.

>> No.15380129


>Try out Venus Real Soft, finally have all measures, some libido.

>Think I overdid it with the lube, feel nothing inside.

>Stimulated, but "unsatisfied".

Damn. Might have made a wrong purchase if this spiral wave is serious business.

>> No.15380340

From what I gather there are at least 2 people on here who have had trouble.
Sadly there is not enough users yet to know if it's a serious issue, personally I like a hole being able to be used 6+ months with 3 or more uses a week, I masturbate a lot and don't like having a lot of holes.
The hole is so damn expensive though and not worth it if it can't last me an entire semester of uni.

Yeah endurance with an onahole is completely different.
Can I ask what tenga you have?
And yeah, lolicono don't last long and IMO not worth it, but some seem to be able to make it last longer than most.

Also if you haven't tried get toward the point of cumming, where you feel that urge to go faster and harder, and completely stop.
Resume after a few minutes and go slowly and build up, this is at least how I learned to edge and go for hours.

>> No.15380581

It's my first excursion into jp holes. I've owned a fleshlight for the longest time but heard great things about onaholes and eastern products in general. Used the tenga vacuum cup. Usually on more intense sections I'd hold the vacuum hole for extra stimulation.

I'll have to read through the guide then and pick another hole that's maybe more general, but exotically stimulating.

>> No.15380614

It depends on which hole I use. But I usually try to average 20 to 30 minutes while masturbating. I have to stop for about 20 seconds sometimes, but it's great when I finally let myself orgasm. I wouldn't know if it translates to sex though because I'm a virgin

>> No.15381601

Just got my VAA, my only other hole is R20. It's like I'm reliving the first days with my R20, too stimulating to move it up and down much after entry.

R20 will stay in use though, sometimes I want a longer fap than one minute and VAA also doesn't really seem usable hands-free.

A drawback I noticed is that the much tighter tunnel can leak a bit at the end, R20 is big enough that semen and lube easily stay in until I take it to the sink.

Pretty happy with my purchase, not that that's any news since everyone seems to love VAA around here.

>> No.15381871

>does anyone still have that strawpoll of people who have/haven't removed the teeth from their MoTs?

>How do you buy the Venus series in Australia
This question gets asked from time to time and there are no good answers, other than to buy from Daimaoh via proxy - as per the guide. The main issue is that they are basically never in stock, since the factory can't keep up with demand.
I run the numbers on buying from Queencat and using a US-based forwarder but the cost became ridiculous. I don't believe anyone has asked Queencat if they'll ship to AU but please report back if you do.

>> No.15381961


I expect mine to arrive next week but, of course, it's not possible to give a proper opinion on it that fast to be any helpful.

>> No.15382081

Does anyone else here have some ride japan holes made out of their clear material?
I noticed both of the ones I own have picked up a slight yellow tint like if they were in a smoker's house, I was wondering if it happens to that material or I should just throw them out.

>> No.15382372

Do you all guys order through jss?

>> No.15382380

I'm about to make a stupid-big NLS order to the USA, including a couple loli holes, scents, and lubes. Do I need to worry about getting through customs?

>> No.15382747

VAA or Lolinco?

>> No.15382957

Different anon from the one you answered
I have a busty ai-chan, it's amazing etc etc, but on somedays wished it was slightly bigger. I don't do paizuri with it, it's mostly just fondeling and using it as pillow at night (such comfy). So it's the texture and feel that concern me and about tricking my brain into thinking I'm touching real breasts rather than simulating jamming my dick inbetween a pair.
So my question: are there any oppai that are nearly as good as Ai-chan in feel/texture, but larger, that are recommendable?

>> No.15383014

I'm thinking about doing away with my wet meiki, I bought it as a replacement for my several year old venus clone, based on it being listed under longevity in the guide. But I barely find myself using it and usually just end up going back to the old trusty venus half way.

It's kind of comfortable at the half way point, and I find the sensation it gives kind of hard and unpleasant on the dick, no matter how much lube gets poured into it. And turning it so it can be entered from a different angle doesn't really make a difference.
It's also kind of a pain to clean because that weird turn in the half way point even makes inserting a finger with cloth a harder task than you'd expect.

It just seems kind of a waste to throw away a decently expensive hole after using it so little. Especially when compared to the value the venus has given. What a shame.

>> No.15383195
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After seeing this a few times in NLS I decided to give it a go.
This thing is somewhat of a cock strangler, I'd say that it's probably just slightly below VAA in terms of tightness. The material is pretty firm so even though the inside is just a bunch of bumps it's decently stimulating.
My two cons are that the hole itself isn't very deep (maybe around 4.5-5 in.) and the vagina has a hole that's probably 3/4 inch deep which basically just serves to collect moisture since I doubt even someone on the smaller side could fit in there.
That being said if you're into anal, tight holes, have a monster girl or large insertion fetish I recommend it.

>> No.15383283


Unless it weighs a couple thousand pounds or values somewhere in the tens of thousands of dollars, no.

>> No.15383347

If you mean using JSS online shopping service, then no. You want a forwarding service where you purchase the item yourself but tell the shop to ship the item to the forwarder's address and not a Buy For Me service.

Someone suggested Big In Japan, it is supposed to be cheaper than JSS, they charge a flat fee of 1000 yen if you need repackaging and 500 yen just for forwarding.


I recently shipped a package of 7 items with a combined weight of 2500g and they charged me 2k yen in commission fees.

>> No.15384011

So would you recommend the rich soft over the others?
Also which Muse did you get?

>> No.15384233

Impulse bought Virgin age admission, what am i in for lads?

>> No.15384319

I'm probably going to be safe and just buy a tomax hole (for whatever reason never got one).
Looking forward to your thoughts though anon, the only real reviews I could find were japanese and they were very mixed on if it was durable or not.

>> No.15384336

Regular I assume?

I bought it a month ago. I'm 6.7x3.4 uncut. I do wish it was longer but hey. The tightness near the end is very stimulating as long as you don't over do it on the lube. I used some Onatsuyu and after it dried up a little; that's when i felt every damn slide on my dick. I didn't last long.

It also makes a quagging type sound when thrusting into it.

Needs a bit more attention when cleaning though. The small passage holds your cum somewhat while rinsing it out. Clean it a bit longer than you would inside when finished.

>> No.15384730
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so, i got monstrous 9" american style fleshlight

is it okay to cut in in half? western style masturbators also have this trait of always having holes go all the way through the thing, any idea how i can cover up the whole so i can give it some semblance of suction? right now ive been plugging it with either a finger or a wad of wet tissue paper

>> No.15385170

If you had the case you wouldn't need to plug anything as it can be made to provide suction using that. If you really feel the need to, cutting it down as you have it won't affect much, but there's really no point in doing so. As for plugging, either buy the case you mongoloid or plug the thing with a cheap bullet vibrator or the like.

>> No.15385842

I've seen a video review of this before, apparently it just smell like vanilla.

>> No.15386509
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Shit like this is why I don't think anyone will ever take scents seriously. I've read other scent reviews about pussy scents smelling like strawberry, and urine scents smelling like perfume. It really seems like the people who design these scents just slap some random artificial smells together, and throw a fetish label on it. I really don't understand why either. The types of people who buy scents would probably buy all kinds of scents if they were at all realistic. Hell, I would buy a bottle or two of scents if they were realistic. but I aint spending 10 bucks plus international shipping for some generic ass perfume I can buy off the shelf at any fucking walmart for literally 2 dollars.

>> No.15386539

Fucking hell, I was seriously on the fence about buying one when it was only $90. That shit is now $5 more expensive than the new version.
>price of the Cocolo on amazon also went up from $130 to $180
JESUS FUCKING FUCK. Is the rubber market crashing or some shit?

>> No.15386821

I'd buy it, but I have anal/butt fetish & I don't think the smell of girl poop would bother me

>> No.15386913 [SPOILER] 
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Made in...

Guys, GUYS! ... Why don't we simply make our own onaholes, right from there?

>> No.15387344

You can make your onahole in my boypussy.

>> No.15388153



oh god I really like how those look far more than Utea. How do they feel though?

>> No.15388354 [SPOILER] 
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>gel filled to an extent
So soft, like Ai's.

They're so good that they're in stock for a few hours whenever they decide to make some, and the reservation waitlist will put you sometime in 2017.

>> No.15388448

>few hours
Last stock sold out in 4 minutes or so.

>> No.15388455

I haven't tried myself, only guessed based on heresay. Thanks for the info though.

>> No.15388663

When your done with your hole do you clean it out in the sink? I did last night and a bunch of cum and lube came out and it made me worry, if i keep doing it, it could clog the drain.

Has anyone had issue with this or am I just over-worrying?

>> No.15388732

Nothing will happen. Drain clog stories have far more crap in the drain than their own fluids.

>> No.15389388
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Is there anywhere I can buy onatsuyu lube that ships through UPS that doesn't take ages to get to me with standard shipping?

From toy demon its fast and cheap but they only ship through fed ex and I can't pick it up so it has to go straight to my house

From amazon it will take a fucking month via free shipping and 26 dollars for expedited for it to get here this week, only advantage it has is I can smuggle it in easier because it goes through UPS and I can tell them to hold it at their facility

I need something that wont break the bank, wont take forever to get here, and that won't be "conveniently delivered =')" right to my fucking door step when my entire family is eating dinner

>> No.15389483

Put your name on the shipping address, your parents surely won't open up your box (if they haven't done this don't assume they will, most people don't open others packages, even if they're your parents).
Worst case scenario they see lube and you either
1) Lie and say you have a gf, make parents proud
2) Be embarrassed for a short while

I come from a religious family and I still live with them since I'm going to a local uni, doesn't mean I don't have a shipment of onatsuyu coming in as we speak.
Seriously, take the adult route and don't act ashamed of your behavior.

>> No.15389599

No I can't let them know I've ordered anything or they will hound the shit out of me

Gotta be totally incognito

>> No.15389604

and they definitely wont believe the gf route

>> No.15389858

First time ona-hole buyer here, and I'm trying to find two good holes to fit two niches in fapping:
A "rich" texture, organic and varied, medium tightness, realisticly soft. Something for slow and tender faps. Wet Meiki? One of the Muses?
Tight, clean outside, semi smooth, firm hardness. For fast and hard faps. R-20? 17 EVO?
I'm paralyzed by choice here, looking around I see so many tempting options d want to buy them all but I seriously don't have the space for it right now (Think 4-1/2 tatami apartment here)
What's an otaku to do?

>> No.15390124

I'd recommend acquiring either:
1. Balls
2. A PO box
3. A friend who will receive packages for you
4. A strategy to get your nosy parents off your back. It's easier than it sounds.

Any one of the four will work.

>> No.15390193

I love Tomax for that first category. Soft plus or minus a softness level. Venus Real is a good texture. There's a reason the guide (and everyone else) suggests soft Venus Real.

>> No.15390873

Thanks, how durable is it?

>> No.15390969

It's only downhill from here.

>> No.15390974

If you like crushing your dick and not in a good way.

>> No.15391097
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I ordered an R-20 and used it several time to great success.
Today I decided to press all of the air out of the toy, before inserting myself, to maximize suction.
I was kind of successfull... The session had been amazing but the suction was so strong that it caused microdamaged to the bloodvessels in my tip. ('The same stuff you'd get as a kid when you would suck the air out of a glass with your mouth while pressing it on your chin.) English is not my first language and I lack the words to describe it better...

tl;dr Be carefull with your R-20!

>> No.15391175
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>> No.15391389

I just have to tell you that I hate and love you guys. Because of these threads I've gotten myself 3 onaholes, 1 8" dildo, a g.spot (p-spot for me) vibrator and set of 3 different size penisrings. Any ideas what to buy next? On my trip to Japan I bough PEPEEs 320ml lube since my old Peace's was running out also got myself the Mouth of Truth. Wish I had bought some of those pee/sweat/aieki scent spray bottles.

>> No.15391503

>Any ideas what to buy next?
VR setups, fucking machines, and a full sized doll. Don't you dare go cheap on the doll and buy the shitty premade ones that have the hundred yard stare. If you're in a fun time, get gallons of J lube powder and dump it at your local pool. Hell, get your own pool/tub and fill it up with lube. Just be damn careful.

If you have a bit of money and time, mix your own lubes. Buy a few hundred small containers, measure/weigh powder and additives(scent, moisturizer, etc) and sell them with a small label for the amount of water required.

>> No.15391588

I always worry I'm going to do this with vacuum witch

>> No.15391623


Alright, here's my review on La vie en Roses. Infernal Monkey already published a review on his blog (http://infernalmonkey.com/2016/06/12/la-vie-en-roses/)) so I'm gonna complete with my own experience. My size: 14.6cm.

First thing, it's from Magic Eyes, so it's gonna stink chemical plastic. Just wash it with a scented mild soap (I use Pivoine scented, mostly because I'm conditioned to this smell, thus making me horny, try it the smell is damn erotic).

About the petal lips, well... Like it or not, imo it's pretty neat to rub your stick between those before entering the ona.

The butthole is damn small, coupled with the fact that's it's located "in the back", it's kinda difficult to access, I like it this way. The entrance is prone to rip someday (there's already a very small rip on mine day1, not so major though). Also, anal hole is meh, can do better.

Texture side, if you like the Lolinco then you'll like it. The inside is the same, however the outside is less sticky compared to Lolinco which is a plus. If you never had a Magic Eyes (Lolinco, Rina, Mouth of Thruth), imo it's damn good for it's price.

InfermalMonkey already said it, but the stimulation come from the weight. It's heavy at the bottom, so each thrust, coupled with the texture will stimulate you pretty good. Note: It have little to no succion.

Contrary to IM, I didn't had problem with lube distribution, or making a mess with any juice (used Onatsuyu). Didn't have either problem with noise (I'm sure it's about which lube you use)

I think there's a hymen gimmick (meaning 1use only, then it's ripped), located at the point where's vago and anal hole meet. Didn't feel anything.

Remember it has 2 holes? You can put a rotor in the secondary hole, which add more stimulation.

I can't really say anything about cleaning, because I have pencil finger, so I don't have any problem cleaning this onahole.

For 30€ (Otonajp), I think it's a good quality/price ratio, especially for a 700g onahole.

>> No.15391629

It's not bad. I actually really enjoyed it.
I'm just telling those people who worry about it to be carefull.

>> No.15391737

>Remember it has 2 holes? You can put a rotor in the secondary hole, which add more stimulation.

huh, I never thought about that. Think I'll try it with my puni ana dx

>> No.15391809
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>> No.15392259


pls no bully

>> No.15392487
File: 605 KB, 900x900, 1464397994798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking bullshit toydemon is out of onatsuyu lube
how the fuck do you run out of lube

>> No.15392532
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1459926703268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from onaholes and dildos, what are some other fun toys I could indulge myself in? Mastirbation has become incredibly stale and I hardly enjoy it anymore.

>> No.15392535


>> No.15392632
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>> No.15392771

Whoa man, I'm not into that shit

>> No.15393070

Are there any more of the /ona/ girls of X charts besides the vocaloid and pokemon ones? Pretty sure this thread is auto sageing but would anyone be interested in succeeding and/or voting on a nasuverse girls chart?

>> No.15393103
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There's a nice K-ON chart that has tempted me to buy a couple different onaholes. I'd like to see one for magical girls. Mahou shoujo in general, not isolated to one series.

>> No.15393111

Also, a girls und panzer chart.

>> No.15393458
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Anyone here have any experience with pic related? My ponut needs crave this thing ever since it popped up on otona

>> No.15393496

Anon, let me stick my dick in your dick.

>> No.15393506

Madoka girls

>> No.15393546
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If that were at all possible I would let you.

>> No.15393586

looks like something furries would like

>> No.15393868

just googled what "ponut" is, I was right

>> No.15393917
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>> No.15394211

But anon, that's an anime girl's (six) fingers, not a horse anus.
