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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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153282 No.153282 [Reply] [Original]

Any girls in /jp/ then?

Nothing fills me with more rage than a female weeaboo.

>> No.153284
File: 269 KB, 633x540, 1204787888701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl here, what's up?

>> No.153288


>> No.153289

Loose the armpit hair and we'll talk.

>> No.153292


not bad, but your figure collection is complete weaksauce

>> No.153293
File: 29 KB, 500x533, 1204788054092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai waifu

>> No.153295

Ronery thread starting already?

>> No.153311

figures are pretty dumb anyway.

>> No.153320


>> No.153329

Girl Anons are lame. No, females in general are lame. Fixed.

There's something about the female design that makes them contrast us. If men had vaginas I'd never talk to a female again in my life.

>> No.153331
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>> No.153347

girls can be pretty to look at, touch and maybe smell, but that's where the appeal stops. Most of the them just aren't cool and have paper-thin personality, not to mention no means of reasoning or logic.

>> No.153351


j/k, but you could stand to lose about 15 pounds.

>> No.153359

God created female to troll mankind. But getting back to the op's opening topic. Female weeaboos are too stereotypical. Ask any female otaku what their favorite animu is and I guarantee you they'll say Ouran high school host club, Fruits Baskets, or Kare Kano.

>> No.153362


Imagine having intercourse with this girl.

>> No.153368

What? They don't have any purpose. Then again, I don't even hang posters.

I'm just here for the touhou and visual novels and music and everything else.

>> No.153364


Or Prince of Tennis.

>> No.153380

Hey now, Kare Kano is a really good show. For 18 episodes.

Actually I know a girl whose all-time favorite manga ever is Akira and really fucking hates shoujo.

She's a fatty, though.

>> No.153377

anonymous tells the truth.

>> No.153383

>>Imagine having intercourse with this girl.

Imagine having intercourse with any girl.

>> No.153384

Perhaps the same could be said of all humans.

>> No.153388

I'd tap that~

>> No.153392


It would be nice...

>> No.153398



>> No.153404


>Most of the them just aren't cool and have paper-thin personality, not to mention no means of reasoning or logic.

Just like every generic 2D girl.

>> No.153418
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Good job, safeguards!

>> No.153419

Thing is it's hard to find any female that's an exception to what >>153347 said. Take a look at >>153284, never thinking twice before whoring themselves is why anon rages at female weeaboos.

>> No.153420

Samus would a word with you.

>> No.153421

whoa whoa whoa...

you can't just say things like that man

think before you speak

>> No.153426

Oh my god, has 4chan really fallen this far? NOBODY gets that reference anymore?

>> No.153429

It's a reference yes, but it's not like he/she wasn't making a point.

>> No.153434

But the aren't so threatening.

>> No.153438

I meant the post he was seriously responding to is a very famous old 4chan meme.

>> No.153441


Because they aren't real. DUUURRRrrrr

>> No.153447

fair enough...

>> No.153452
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>> No.153464


>> No.153465

Example of typical attitude of a woman.

>> No.153467



>> No.153476

i understood it perfectly - but things change, newfags become oldfags, oldfags fade into obscurity - only the rampant misogyny and ignorance remains consistant.

>> No.153482

>rampany misogyny

Who cares?

Oldfags were misogynists, oldfags are the most abnormal people here. The newfags are the ones who have sex and are normal.

>> No.153486


>> No.153487

ya like the faggots in this thread, yeah right.

>> No.153493
File: 41 KB, 228x248, 1204790993917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods (sometimes) remind me of females whenever they contrast our beliefs and opinions. Some times when I come to 4chan all I want to do is hangout with the guys. But a mod sees my fun as a violation of the great laws (A.K.A the Internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS) and decides to go Judge Dred on my ass. My sister for example will always be second to my brother because her taste is too different from mines. When it comes to games, all she wants to play is Animal crossing. When it comes to animu, all she wants to watch is Ouran high school /y/ club.

>> No.153507


Get off bitch. Leave this place if you dont like it.

>> No.153508

No girls on the internet. moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.153510

I'm just kinda sad that my reference wasn't immediately followed with the rest of the dialog.

I am starting to realize how much of 4chan is newfags.

>> No.153519


I thought this would be the first thread where nobody went ZOMG "USER WAS BANNED" but you ruined it.

Oh well....

>> No.153523

or people who don't think it's funny to say the same thing over and over again just for the sake of saying it

>> No.153525

Get the fuck out and cry more faggot.

>> No.153538


>> No.153544

How come I'm getting the feeling that we're having two different conversations?

>> No.153547

That would only be a valid excuse if it hadn't been over a year since anyone used it.

It was just for nostalgia.

>> No.153558

Thread = Bawwwwwwww

>> No.153559

i once knew a female weeaboo.
she was fat, covered in pimples, autistic, a macfag, a pain in the ass and a whole bunch of other stuff.

>> No.153580

Why can't females be kept in pods till they are put to good use?

>> No.153582

all your whine are belong to sage

>> No.153586

Where are all the female weeaboos at? Do they stay at home, go to cons, or do they lurk the normal places?

>> No.153588

>put to good use?

Define good use?

>> No.153590

You're just using anger to try to hide the fact that you're too new to know the meme we're talking about.

>> No.153593

cooking, washing dishes ...am I forgetting anything else?

>> No.153597

What's this bawww you're talking about. What meme, also how did this whole thing start?

>> No.153599

Nope. Nothing.

>> No.153604


I heard moot is pretty good at felation so I don't think it should be a girl-only thing.

>> No.153612

Bawwww more.


Everybody knows about your leet memes. ^Link related.

>> No.153621


>> No.153626


Not bad but I've seen better.

>> No.153627

There's this girl in my home-room that loves Cowboy Bebop,plays MMO's, hates naruto, and thinks most "highschool" anime/manga's are boring. She's decent looking too.

too bad I lack self-esteem and have hardly any friends, or I'd ask her out in an instant.

she likes Elfen Lied too, don't know if thats a bad or good thing though.

>> No.153628

I'm man, but I still can't understand this hate against women. I understand if you hate yaoi, but in IRL it's different.

>> No.153630

Who the fuck would actually read the entirety of the section on 4chan memes?
I mean, back when I first came to 4chan I read about the history of the ones I actually saw, and a couple others that looked interesting. And I'd imagine it to be 2-3x the length it was nearly 2 years ago.

>> No.153631

Elfen Lied is awful and its only redeeming factor is in shock value.

>> No.153633

>I'm man
no you're not

>> No.153634

The same reason everyone acts racist? It's not so much that we're actually racist, we just pretend for fun.

That or we're just bitter because we're afraid of women and they won't talk to us.

>> No.153635

Let me guess, the following is true for you:

1.You don't have a sister.
2.You've never talked to a girl in the meatspace.
3.Your mother died while giving birth to you.

>> No.153637

I think this is a first in the history of 4chan.

>> No.153638

hmm ...she's a dyke

>> No.153640
File: 15 KB, 699x482, 1204792931246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls > AIDS > Women

graph related

>> No.153641

only the self hating jews here are pretending. the rest of us are serious like a dead nigger.

>> No.153643

making jokes with outdated bigotry that the rest of the populace is too shamed to even mention gives lulz.

>> No.153647


That's a good thing.

Grow a spine and go hang out with her already, anon.

>> No.153648

I don't know about you guys, but I can't stand anyone IRL who even has the slightest interest in animu/mango/nippon

>> No.153652

it's because saying FUCK or PENIS doesn't get a rise out of people anymore. but saying NIGGER sets them off. go back 40 years and it's the opposite. everyone said NIGGER but nobody dared to say FUCK

>> No.153655

you're missing out on the fun of being in an animu club where people have learned to suppress their powerlevel.

>> No.153658

I sometimes get women physically attacking me if I use the word cunt. Even today.

Even on forums and shit, women are sensitive to that word like no other word. Call a woman a cunt and they basically act like you raped their baby (even if you didn't)

>> No.153660

Not really, I might pretend to be a racist but my opinions about females is true. Until a female appears in my life to prove me wrong, I'll continue to believe in these things. If females had male thinking patterns all would be good with the world.

>> No.153673

Same here. I took Japanese partly for manga and shit, but now that I'm serious about it I get really irritated by these kids talking about all the "great shows" on Cartoon Network.

All the white girls are fat, too.

>> No.153678

That's what my second statement was for.

>> No.153684

Most people are like that.

Hell, I used to have a few anime-related T-shirts that I'd wear in past years (though only old stuff) but I've completely stopped wearing them.

Except for that one Astroboy T-shirt I got at the Osamu Tezuka exhibit at the Museum of Asian Arts in San Francisco last summer. Because nobody can make fun of Astroboy.

>> No.153686

>If females had male thinking patterns

1.Sex would be a thing of friendship. Instead of being an evil and/or vulgar thing.
2.World poverty and violence would end because we would all be talking about random guy shit.

>> No.153705

>violence would end because we would all be talking about random guy shit.

lol no, manliness contests.

>> No.153712

When do those happen?
I see men only get their ass kicked when they're acting like assholes and deserve it or to impress their girlfriends.

With the latter out of the picture I imagine that as a pretty peaceful planet.

>> No.153727

a perfect gay utopia!

>> No.153728

I'm pretty sure that people don't kill people over just girlfriends. Also, let's say some guy says LOL THAT GUY IS A FAG, and to protect your honor, you fight him

>> No.153735

YOU... YOU...

>> No.153736

The terrorist apparently enjoy blowing themselves up to receive 30 virgins. The only problem with that is that there are probably a lot of virgins around them, but because the women over there wear those mask, the terrorist cant find them.

>> No.153739

Don't say it.

>> No.153742

Well, I'm pretty anti-semitic, but it's like what the fuck am I gonna do about it?

>> No.153823

Dunno whether she browses /jp/ (at least she hangs around in some boards), but I know at least one girl who enjoys reading Tsukihime and other visual novels, watches good animu, isn't a yaoi fangirl and is decent looking.

>> No.153829

Place Jews in a ditch and shoot them all.

>> No.153859

Oh fuck you.
This is true for the majority of fangirls though.
That shit was cool when I was in junior high, but got old quick.

Never liked fruits basket...was more into DBZ and random hentai. (Angel blade lol )

>> No.153864

If you want to know what girls want, just check out /cm/.

You could prolly find a good one there.


>> No.153867

Weeaboo women are retarded.

I've given up on finding one who shares my tastes (seinen, suppressing power level) and decided I would have more like finding a sane, semi attractive, intelligent female and then showing her some mango.

>> No.153868
File: 401 KB, 1284x1868, 1204799503555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should clear things up.

>> No.153869

Newfag alert. GB2/a/nimesuki

>> No.153870


>> No.153874

you must be female #8

>> No.153877


>> No.153879

No girls on the internet.

>> No.153889

so ronery ;_;

>> No.153890

This shit was made by the newfag population that has left /a/ as the smoking pile of utter shit it is today. Get it the fuck out of here.

>> No.153893

I'm all what you said, except for the semi attractive part. I've heard some people say I was hot, and some say "You're not pretty, but you sure as hell ain't sexy"

>> No.153894

Switch 'pretty' to 'ugly'.

Don't ask how I made that mistake.

>> No.153897

I find it amusing.

Then again, /a/ has always been moe pedo shit in my book.

>> No.153899

lol, let us speak if you are infact intelligent.

However, the fact that you're already on /jp/ is kind of against my "find a non weeaboo".

>> No.153901

that left /a/ and came here amirite

>> No.153914

Oh shi-
You're right. My mistake.

Ah well. I gave up looking a long time ago, but ever now and then there is a glimmer of hope.

>> No.153911

Ive met a few female weeaboo, always seem to be vietnamese or from some shitty backward asian country

>> No.153918

I'm willing to open negotiations as long as you don't cosplay or draw your own yaoi.

>> No.153916

and japan isn't ass backwards?

>> No.153922

protip: you're talking to a man

>> No.153924

Protip: traps are hot.

>> No.153926
File: 77 KB, 479x391, 1204801175670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female weeaboo


>> No.153930


...Oh fuck you. ;_;
Does it help that I also draw yuri, loli and futa?
Probably not.

>> No.153932

Depends, do you draw lolifuta? It would be nice to have my own source.

>> No.153933

Some HOT FUCK female weeaboos


*who can't act worth of shit

>> No.153935

>bacca mono....being cute is part of the nihon no bunka(culture); so when you know their culture then you can make a decent comment!

>> No.153936


yeah but it is wealth, and seems to get more respect than any south east asian country

>> No.153938

WooooW! She's gorgeous!

>> No.153942

Little brown girls are apparently not best.

>> No.153945

more like yellowish-brown

>> No.153950

uguuu~ so ronery ;__;

>> No.153953

Never tried it, but I could.

So much for working on the male anatomy...

>> No.153958


Send me a message on aim, I wish to fap to your loli.

>> No.153962

you can work on my male anatomy baby!

>> No.153963

Oh god fuck you did not just link this
I hate you so much

>> No.153964

There best be repost of this shit on /h/ or your gonna get raped

>> No.153965


>> No.153965,1 [INTERNAL] 

btw im a girl

>> No.153965,2 [INTERNAL] 

uwaaaaaaaaa I remember this

>> No.153965,3 [INTERNAL] 


Thumbs up if you're watching in 4012!

>> No.153965,4 [INTERNAL] 

