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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1530942 No.1530942 [Reply] [Original]

Just think, your dakimakura is probably twice as heavy now as it was when you first got it due to dust mite feces.

>> No.1531090
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or Hazuki...

>> No.1530946

Yeah.... dust mite feces...

Of course.

>> No.1530954

I don't dirty my friends.

>> No.1530950

Dust mites shit semen?

>> No.1530962

Y-yeah, not a corpse....

>> No.1530956

No wonder it feels like it has so much weight and resistance when I hump it.

>> No.1530961

I haven't got a penny to my name but so I can fap to the idea, where could I buy that one?

>> No.1530967

Add about 2000 yen for shipping.

>> No.1530995

/jp/ers have more to worry about.. like the fungus growing on our bodies.

>> No.1531004

Why won't they make a FES dakimakura? ;_;

>> No.1531019

>Why won't they make a Daichin dakimakura? ;_;


>> No.1531095

dust mite corpses not feces

>> No.1531130

Whew I was pretty worried for a second.

>> No.1531421
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Clean pillow that was made overseas.

>> No.1531379

If you cover it up with your bed sheets it'll be more likely to get dust mites.

>> No.1531382

just use a vacuum cleaner goddamn

>> No.1531407



>> No.1531414



It's worth it, trust me.

>> No.1531429

Hi, Ross Perot.
I dun geddit.
Am I too young to appreciate the joke here?

>> No.1531433

You're too young to appreciate anything, you fetus.

I remember back in my day we'd walk fifteen miles just to get the numbers on our keyboard so that we could even think about typing a tripcode on our names. Times were tough back then, but we managed to get by.

>> No.1531443

Well excuuuuuse me, grandpa

>> No.1532018
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Mmm.... Doesn't ring a bell.

>> No.1531834

haven't you guys ever heard of a washing machine?

>> No.1532067
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I'd like to be a fujoshi's dakimakura. Then she'd rub me against her crotch. But she'd probably get grease and ice cream all over me, too.

>> No.1532026


>> No.1532050

oh boy, a body pillow for a shitty eroge. Who didn't see that coming?

>> No.1532057

Okay, I admit, I smiled.

>> No.1532059

Sometimes I wonder what it would like to be a dakimakura. Random guys would tell me they loved me every night as they humped me...

>> No.1532070


>> No.1532074

Why she does have guns?
That is against the law!
She freak out me much.

>> No.1532085


She needs to protect herself against the roving rapists in Japan. Remember, if you're assaulted on a train, no one will help you in Japan.

>> No.1533212

I wash my Reimu and Marisa pillowcases once every 2 weeks. I'm good to go.

>> No.1534408
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I haven't washed Yuyuko yet. Every two weeks when I change the sheets and flip the mattress, I hang her out on the back line to air out for about five hours.

>> No.1534242

>Pillow case bodies

>> No.1534374



>> No.1534396

how much did you get them for?

>> No.1534398

I can't fucking believe you people actually buy this

>> No.1534402

you have to buy the pillow separately

>> No.1534405

Ask your parents to get you one for christmas.

>> No.1534411

>>1534408 here

I already did, they bought me a fate/nanoha one.

>> No.1534415

My friends (and I) are too embarrassed to buy this shit ourselves, so we give dirty gifts on birthdays as "jokes".

>> No.1534461

Why would I put my waifu in a washing machine?

>> No.1534689

That's...... kinda gay.

>> No.1534692

Because you love her, you faggot
Now get in
